#anyways i love you all i hope you’re great and counting to have great taste
casirosa · 8 months
0 notes
obae-me · 9 months
The Reunion We Deserved
I said I would do it and so I did, all in one night, one sitting, fueled by nothing but determination, random inspiration, and spite. I re-wrote and created my version of what I would've liked to see at the end of Nightbringer Season 2. Is this a bit dramatic? Yes? Is this the kind of thing I wanted anyway? Yes. I want sobbing, I want people being pathetic, I want emotion, I want it all. So, if that's what you were hoping to see for lesson 40, I hope this can ease some of that anger we had.
Spoilers ahead for Nightbringer since this is quite literally my "remaking" of the ending, which includes in-game references to later lessons!
TW: Blood mention, injury, angst.
Word Count: 4,391
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Tears pricked your eyes as you looked upon the several smiling faces of the demons you had come to care for. At the beginning, all you could think of was returning to your home, your time-line, your brothers. You had coped thus far by constantly reminding yourself that these were not the same people you had come to know. But now… after delving into their souls, reforging the pacts, fleeing down the different circles of hell to save one only to nearly lose them all… they’d found their way into your heart once more. How could you? How could you leave them so easily? And tell them to their faces that you’d meet again soon when you knew it was a lie. It might be soon for you, but it would be nearly an eternity for them. Not to mention that the way Solomon and Barbatos described it, this was almost like another universe… Would another version of you show up for them? Or would you leave these particular brothers for good?…
Feet frozen in sorrow and anxiousness, you could only look at them and cry. What were you feeling in this very second, now that you were on the cusp of what you had worked so hard for? The way back home was right above you, the air and magic inches away from sucking you up into it’s mystical vacuum. Your precious family, your home was one step away. So why did it also feel like your heart was being torn from you? “I—“ Your words choked up in your throat. You were tempted to tell them everything right there and then, spill the burden you had been carrying on your shoulder this entire time.
“It’ll be alright,” Lucifer spoke up, seeing your worry, but exuding nothing but confidence himself. “I gave you my blessing after all.”
“Plus, with the Great Mammon’s pact, you’re hella lucky! You’ll get home with no problems, I’d bet on it! S-So you better not make me lose, got it? Get home safe…and happy.”
Levi shook his head a little. “You’d bet on anything wouldn’t you…” But then he turned his head back towards you, nearly just as bold as Lucifer in this one moment. “If someone like me can have courage, you can too. Don’t worry! You’re just like a Main Character! You have indestructible plot armor!”
“Did everyone already forget the white dragon I helped summon?” Satan scoffed. “Their safety and success is guaranteed. So don’t give us that face,” he addressed you.
“Besides!” Asmo perked up. “If anything happened we’d all come rushing to save you! Just like we did for Lucifer. If we can do that, we can do anything! Oo, I just said something real dashing just now! You better take that to heart, hun!”
Beel nodded several times. “You have Luke’s wish egg too. I also made wishes over my eggs at breakfast this morning. I wished for you to always feel healthy and full and loved. And that we’d get to see each other again soon.”
“Those eggs might’ve tasted magical Beel, but they weren’t really…” Belphie looked up his twin as he shook his head, but then he shrugged, coming to the conclusion that it wasn’t worth explaining. “Hey,” he stared at you. “Don’t waste your energy crying now. You’ll need all your strength for your journey. I won’t forgive you if you leave too sad.”
All their words ended up making you laugh, the smile across your face twitching as you worked to force out trembling words. “You all better be kind to one another.” Someone behind you was tugging on your arm. “And make sure you don’t tease Luke too hard.”
“Come on,” Solomon whispered softly to you, tugging you a little harder, making you take a few steps back. The rift in space-time started to roar, attempting to drown out your voice as you struggled for these last few seconds.
“And make sure you all remember to eat and sleep properly. A-and, tell the others at the ceremony that I love them. I… love you all so much.”
“We have to go…” Solomon’s voice sounded tense, like he was nearly ready to cry himself, only keeping himself strong for you. Wrapping an arm around your waist, he nearly hoisted you back himself. Before you left, you reached into the pocket of your pants, fishing out the letter that you had written alone in your old room, what seemed like forever ago now, the one still stained with old tears. You tossed it to the ground in front of you, hoping they would read it, hoping it would help…them live without you.
The last thing you heard was a chorus of cracking voices, getting cut off before they could tell you they loved you too…
And then you were gone. A harsh and forceful wind seemed to suck all the air from your breath. It was almost as if you were being plunged underwater, several forces of pressure from the thousands of years you were swirling past was threatening to crush you. The only sensation you were aware of was Solomon’s. His arms were holding onto you tightly, continuing to mutter spells over and over and over again to keep you safe, expending all of his waining power to push you both through the folds of reality and out on the other side.
Gravity. Disorientation. Falling. A heavy weight slammed against your chest so hard, you wondered if your ribs cracked. The back of your head hit something firm. Everything went black for a while.
After who knows how long, your eyes opened again, staring straight up into the Devildom sky, the shifted stars more familiar to you. Your head was splitting with pain, your breath a wheeze as you glanced down to see Solomon’s limp body keeping you pinned against the ground.
“S-Solomon?” It took a short while for the panic to settle in. “Solomon!” After a moment of struggling, you managed to get him off of you, setting him on his back in the grassy plane you had been spat back out onto. His face looked drained. A chant left the base of your throat, using the last scrap of magic you had to give him a spell to reinvigorate his body. His eyes shot open, coughing as he rolled over onto his side, pushing himself up onto his arms before he fell down again. “Take it easy!” Together, using each other as support, you both got back up to your feet.
“I’m sorry…I had meant to deliver us right in front of the House of Lamentation, but…”
“You did alright,” you assured him, rubbing his back to keep his dizzy mind conscious. “A bit of a rough landing, but we’re alive…” But then, the better question was… “Are we—“
“There you are.” A calm voice manifested itself as a demon in front of you. Barbatos stepped out of a portal, his expression nearly as neutral as ever, except there was something in his eyes that was shining, a strange tremor to his hand that was completely unnatural for someone as him. Then he frowned as he took in the state of both of you, his nostrils flaring as he took the both of you with him, each with one gloved hand. You were pulled into a much less chaotic rift this time. Although the jolt was still enough to nearly cause both you and the sorcerer to fall back to your knees. Before that could happen though, you were shoved into a bed.
The guest rooms of the castle appeared the same as always, but something in particular felt nostalgic, like you’d just returned to a childhood home. Solomon appeared to be ushered into a bed right by your side, both your minds too rattled to resist, as the butler threw open the guest room door from the inside and summoned nearly every Little D in the entire building. “I need human medication, bandages, two sets of pajamas, the herbal tea I set aside in the kitchen. I need the oven preheated, the counter prepared, two trays set, and need them all done within the next two minutes.” There was a very subtle raise to his voice, the seriousness of his tone sending a chill down your spine and sending every Little D scattering for their lives. Barbatos spent one second observing them flee before he dissipated once more, getting wisked away through another portal of his own making.
This all felt…so surreal. Perhaps it was the pain that you were in that was making it feel like a dream. Like you’d wake up in Cocytus Hall and be right back at square one. And yet, something in you was missing that place… that house that you had just started to get used to. The furniture and things both you and Solomon had bought to make it your shared home. But your real home was here. Well, hopefully here.
You wouldn’t get your hopes up over anything yet. Not until you got to see them.
Barbatos returned before you could even begin to ask Solomon about any of this. A whirl of varying shades of green caused your vision to do somersaults as you were quickly fretted over. Salves and bandages were wrapped around your torso and a damp cloth gently touched the back of your head. That splitting pain resurfaced, joining forces with an added stinging. Maybe it was your body going into shock, but you could’ve sworn you heard a shaky shush coming from your current caretaker as you were cleaned and patched up quickly. Luckily, it wasn’t too much longer after that till the aches went mostly away, your head clearing up again as a set of your own pajamas were settled at the foot of the bed, a silver tray stretched over your lap and propped up on two stands. A small plate with a single pastry sat in front of you, along with a bitter smelling dark-green tea that you could tell you’d rather avoid imbibing.
Swiveling your head to the side, you saw Solomon leaning back against the headrest and a few pillows, a bit more vibrancy in his eyes, although those intense dark circles were hard to miss. He was okay. Thank…everything.
“Eat. Drink. Both of you.” The butler stood between the beds, realizing he’d spoken quite against his normal demeanor, he cleared his throat, his palm pressed between his collarbones. “Phoenix’s Breath Tea. You’ll both need it to recover. I apologize for making you both consume something so distasteful, but I’ve found it goes down a bit smoother paired with something sweet.”
A single whiff of the hot beverage in your hand was enough to make you cough, some sense burning in your nose. You settled the cup back down, taking a deep breath, trying to get your head on straight. “Barbatos… Are we…?”
The butler’s eyelids fluttered slowly. “You are,” he stated, his voice quiet, almost in awe. “You’re home. Back in the world you belong.”
A lump immediately formed in your throat, pushing the tray forward and turning to get out of bed. “I need to go. I need to see them, I—“ Before you could get one foot touching the ground, you were wrangled back into bed.
“I’ll fetch them. I swear you won’t have to wait too much longer. But you must drink the tea and you must take a moment to recover. If the others were to know the state you both were in right now, the castle would be torn—“
A banging sound ripped through the room like a gunshot. The guest room door was busted completely off it’s hinges, the wood of the frame splintering, the door soaring across to the left and fully embedding itself into the wall like a dart stuck in a board. If it weren’t for Barbatos’ inhuman skills, you’ve spilled the tea and dessert all over yourself. The royal attendant audibly sighed, sweeping himself to his feet and holding his arms out, his demon form manifesting, wrestling back a writhing and screaming black mass.
Your eyes went wide.
The mass stopped fighting, going rigid, stepping back to form seven different individuals. Three more non-hostile forms stood back in the wrecked doorway, two white, one red.
The bottom of your lip trembled as an overwhelming surge of joy and despair and relief and guilt all flooded out of you in tears. Your fears were pushed away. Your soul seemed to click back into place, like you’d been the last puzzle piece just waiting to finish the picture. “I’m home…”
Chaos erupted in the castle guest room. A few cracking wails nearly burst your eardrums. Asmo’s arms were the first to wrap around you, mascara running down his cheeks in large inky trails, but he didn’t seemed concerned in the least. Kisses lined your face with each sharp intake of breath, too shaken to even speak, he could only address you in his cries as he clutched onto you, trembling. His hand stroked your head, his breathing stopping for a moment when he saw the damage the landing had caused. This only caused him to whimper and cry harder, his thumb running over the outline of your features, running the back of his fingernails over your cheeks.
Levi was stuttering incomprehensibly. As he fell to his knees, he clutched at his head, going through an entire panic attack. He clawed at his chest, tearing gashes into the front of his clothes, looking up at you behind large welling tears as his tail wrapped around his entire torso. Mist filled the entire room as he continued to shake and cry so fervently he couldn’t even stand.
Luke was quite a ways away, holding onto Simeon’s clothing as he screeched out painful genuine child-like cries. The Angel curled over him, shushing him, getting to his own knees to hold the fledgling to his chest, assuring both the little angel and himself that you were okay. You were alright. Miracles had brought you together again. They didn’t have to worry any longer. The sleepless nights, the endless nightmares, the never-ending cold grip of sorrow could go away. He spoke this mantra- this prayer- over and over again, taking deep breaths between the words, blinking rapidly as he had to sway him and his charge back and forth to keep themselves both at ease. The older angel took the occasional glance over Luke’s shoulder, muttering a thankful blessing on repeat every-time he locked with your eyes.
Satan was thrashing around the room, screaming wildly, out of control, ready to beat Barbatos and Solomon for making you arrive in this condition, for not bringing you sooner, for not telling them sooner, for— Eventually, after getting thrown around the room a little, he ran out of things to be angry for. All it took was one look at your face to calm him down. He approached carefully, angry at himself, angry at whoever it was that took you away, but trying to keep himself together. Satan gingerly pulled Asmo off of you, turning Lust over to Solomon. Clearly, he’d been worried about his other pact-mate, hugging the sorcerer and crying a little more softly into his shoulder. Meanwhile, Satan reached a hand out hesitantly, like you were a feral cat he was trying to pet, worried you’d run away. His hand brushed through your hair and settled at the side of your face. Once he realized you weren’t going anywhere, his arms pulled you to him, pressing your face against his shoulder. “You’re here. You’re here again. You’re—“ His voice went hoarse, like he was losing it, like he’d been doing nothing but screaming for the entirely of your absence. Soon his words were nothing but faded squeaks, trying to portray his words but unable to. He simply held you instead. Then he tore himself away from you, heading over to the back wall and punching holes into the structure till his knuckles turned bloody.
Someone crawled onto the bed. Belphegor peered at you with an almost blank expression. His hand reached out, touching your knee, flinching as soon as he made contact, like the very act of him doing so would hurt you further. You could tell that maybe he felt like some of this was his fault, like he’d deserved the pain of having you be sent away from him, like if he did anything wrong again, you’d vanish for real this time, How many times could you come back from the dead? How close was he to losing you entirely? For good? As soon as his warmth mixed with yours, he collapsed on the mattress, curling up at your feet. He gathered the blanket towards his face, the end of his tail twitching erratically. His sobs were silent but violent, the entire bed shifting and bouncing as his body convulsed, his chest pounding as he broke down. Every once and a while, he would become extremely frightened, needing to gasp and look up to ensure you were real. You weren’t a dream. He pinched himself, shook his head, even almost bit at his hands to snap him out of this vision. But you were really here. He would curl back up and continue to cry.
White hair bobbed in front of your vision, two hands going to your shoulders and shaking you, pinning you against the headboard, fingernails careful not to dig themselves into your skin as they gripped your body. “What the hell is wrong with you?! Huh? Huh?! Do you have any idea what you put us through?! What you put me through?!” Mammon growls and screams shocked you.
“Mammon.” Lucifer’s voice settled as a stern warning, but something about it seemed weaker than usual.
Greed ignored him, continuing his rant. “You were just gone. Gone! You know that?!” He shook you again, careful not to rattle you too much. “And what am I supposed to do about that, huh?! What did I say?! I said—“ His voice cracked, trails of moisture streaming from his eyes and over his lips. “I said,” he repeated, “if you’re ever in trouble, you have to let me save you. What part of that didn’t you understand?! How dare you get taken somewhere where I can’t reach you?! How dare you?! How dare you?!” His voice continued to raise in pitch, sounding more and more unstable with each accusing question. Then he slumped, his forehead pressing against your chest as his hands held onto your shoulders tighter, almost bruising them, fearful of letting you go. He began shaking you a few times more, each shake meeker than the last. “How dare you. How dare you… How… W- What was I supposed to do if you didn’t come back?… The world is nothin’… I’m nothin’…”
Beel came over and helped his older brother to his feet, allowing him to sit on the side of your bed as Mammon furiously used the back of his wrist to rub at his cheeks. Gluttony stood over you, looking down with a wide close-lipped smile. “Welcome back.” He leaned down, pressing his cheek against yours as his large arms wrapped around the back of your neck. He took in the scent of you, burying his face into the crook of your neck for a moment. His body didn’t shutter, didn’t make noise, but you felt a few warm tears of his drip onto your skin. He silently and secretly teared up for just a few moments before he stood back up straight, gesturing to the tray with your items on it. “Eat, please. It’ll make you feel better.” The sixth-born took a few steps back to let you breathe, and as he moved back, someone else moved forward.
Lucifer stood at your bedside for quite some time in silence, looking down on you with a rather unreadable expression. He had a frown, eyes squinting like he was upset at you. He scanned you over, his brows furrowing, his jaw clenching. He refused to move, refused to say anything, refused to look you directly in the eyes. You moved forward a little, grabbing his hand, holding it in yours. All the sudden, the tension released. His eyes widened before his eyelids lowered, glancing at you past the vulnerable shimmer past his irises. Wrinkles of stress deepened in his forehead as his whole face contorted in agony. He held your hand tightly, bringing the back of it up to his lips. After that, he pulled you against him, his forehead pressed up against yours, his wings in his demon form acting as some sort of visual blocker, as if he couldn’t stand to have the rest of the room see how he was acting right now. He rubbed his face against yours back and forth, one small touch away from cooing, his hands caressing the sides of your neck, feeling your pulse, hearing your breath, taking in every detail and confirming to himself that you were indeed in his arms again, alive and mostly well. “You’ve come back to us,” he whispered, the end of his nose touching yours as one of his hands cradled the back of your neck. “Back to me.” His breath was hot as he panted for a moment, taking a deep breath and speaking in a hushed tone. “I had nearly begun to entertain the thought that…”
You pulled him closer to you, letting his head rest on your chest as you reached around to his back, grasping the cloth of his clothes in your hands. “You know I would fight through all the layers of hell to get to you.”
That seemed to resonate with him, but you weren’t quite sure he remembered that you were speaking quite literally. All those adventures…the things you’d all learned. How lost were they?…
However, Lucifer simply smiled, laughing a little, squeezing you before laughing again. “Yes, if anyone would do such a thing, it would be you. I shouldn’t have doubted you.” He straighted, fixed his clothing, lowered his wings, and moved further back into the room, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and forefinger as he paced towards a back corner.
Levi had finally soothed himself enough to move, walking on his knees towards the bed. His hands were fidgeting with every part of his outfit. Eyes puffy from crying, throat raw from his collapse earlier, he kept himself from speaking. You managed to smile down at him and wipe away the last few of his tears. His lips shook again before he lowered his head into your lap. Face-down in the fabric of the blanket, he kept shaking his head. He didn’t stop until your fingers ran through his hair. With a forced gulp, he eventually vocalized words. “I missed you… I was- was- was so scared I would…”
“Lose you.” Belphie sat up in bed, ignoring the fact that his face was now a mess. He scooted closer towards your side on the bed. “We thought we lost you.”
The youngest was able to say what none of the others could. Full silence washed over the room as the reality of the situation fully seemed to hit them, their shock slowly starting to fade.
Diavolo strode in, everyone moving out of the way to allow him to have his own time with you. The corners of his eyes crunched in happiness. His tight and broad shoulders sagged. Both of his large hands scooped up one of yours, bringing your touch to the side of his face. He closed his eyes, almost appearing as if he might purr any second. As he opened his sight back at you, a fire of positivity and excitement lit within him. “A party! We must throw a party! A welcome home celebration! This is…this is… a joyous day.”
At first, the others seemed confused. Then, one-by-one, small determined smiles spread across their faces. The sorrow melted and gave way to pure uncontrollable elation. People hugged each other, danced around the room, cheered, bounced, came back to kiss you, came back to hug you, nearly passing you around the room till Barbatos barged back in and took your hand, bringing you back to bed.
For a while, you assumed he would shut the idea down entirely. But then, the butler grinned. “I figured you would all say as much. Some preparations are already being made. In the meantime, we should let these two rest. They’ve had all too much excitement today.” Barbatos pulled the blanket back over your legs, readjusting the tray and giving you a biting glare that told you you wouldn’t be able to get out of drinking that god-forsaken tea. “But after that, we will celebrate. We will take every day and night to cherish you, and make up for the time we lost.”
Most of the brothers tried clinging to you, demanding they get to stay, but Diavolo, Barbatos, Lucifer, and Simeon managed to corral the desperate demons and one small angel out of the room.
But before they all left, you shouted. “Wait!” They all turned, worried that something was wrong. However, you smiled, happy tears running down your face this time. “I love you all. So very much.”
“I cherish you with every fibre of my being.”
“There ain’t nothing more priceless than you.”
“E-Everything is so much more fun with you here with m-m- us…”
“I…don’t want to even try to imagine a world without you in it.”
“Nothing, and I mean nothing, hun, is as charming as you.”
“Our family isn’t complete without you in it.”
“You belong with us. End of story.”
“You are one of the most precious beings the three realms has ever known.”
“I find myself discovering new things to enjoy every moment I spend with you.”
“Listen, you are a shining beacon in the night. Know how special you are.”
“You teach me so much! If it weren’t for you, I might still be scare— I mean, dislike demons!”
“My dear apprentice… We couldn’t have gotten home without you. You deserve the world. I will stick by you no matter where you go. And you deserve to know—“
“How much we love you too.”
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cupidysm · 10 months
Vegan Pizza
Just a fic I wrote to practice my fluff writing! edit: I’m so happy so many people enjoyed it!
Steven Grant x gn!shy!reader || masterlist ||
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summary: (I gotta practice fluff writing) As Steven makes his way back to his flat after being stood up, he runs into his neighbor who helps him find comfort in a warm meal.
content: fluff, making out, awkwardness (but like in an endearing way? I hope)
word count: 1,218
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Steven Grant naturally thought bad luck was simply drawn to him. However, the day he landed a date with his co-worker, Dylan, he thought his luck has finally turned around.
Until she didn’t show up.
Steven was a good neighbor. Always greeting you with a smile or a quick “Good morning.” No matter how late he was for work. Now that you were thinking about it, he was kind of cute.
Alright fine, you were enamored.
His big brown eyes, his tooth aching smile, and it didn’t matter how loose fitting his clothes were you could see the traces of muscle through his wide necked shirts. But looks didn’t matter anyways. It was simply being himself that drew you in.
You found yourself returning home later than usual from a busy day at work, and just as you’re about to enter the door to your flat you hear the steps of someone heading up the stairs.
“Bloody chocolates.” Steven mumbled as he slumped up the steps to his floor.
You didn’t mean to be eavesdropping, but earlier that week you had heard him bragging to another neighbor about a date he landed. You’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t say you were the slightest bit jealous, but Steven had a love life too and it wasn’t like he’d wait forever for you to get over your worries and ask him out.
You turned to Steven with a smile. “Hey Steven! How was your date?”
Steven doesn’t recall ever mentioning it to you, but then again he doesn’t remember much now days between his life and his dreams.
“Oh, hi. Yeah…it didn’t go well. She stood me up.” He mumbled as he rubbed the back of his neck.
Your heart twinged with excitement, but was quickly replaced with sympathy at his downcast expression. “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that Steven.”
“All I wanted was a bloody dinner with someone to spend time with.” He sighs. “Not get stood up.”
The words slip from your mouth before you can even go over them in your head.
“Wellifyou’restillhungrymaybeyou’dwanttocomeoverandhavesomethingtoeat…” you realize how fast you’re speaking and are able to slow your brain down. “I’m making a pizza..? It’s vegan.”
The first time Steven had mentioned he was vegan you immediately bought a vegan pizza, that way when you did have the excuse to ask him on a date you’d be prepared. Apparently now was that time.
His face lights up slightly at the mention of a meal. “That sounds great! Yeah…I’d like that.” He smiles.
He follows you into your flat and sits down while you take out the frozen pizza.
“I’m surprised you actually had something vegan. Most people think vegan food tastes strange.”
You laughed. “Not me.”
That was a lie. You made one a while back and weren’t entirely fond of it, but if this ended well you’d be happy to eat as many vegan pizzas if it meant you’d get to have more times like this one.
“I remember you mentioned you being vegan a while back so I thought I’d buy it.” You immediately winced at your words. You don’t know how long back he had mentioned this, but you think it was pretty far back. He was definitely gonna think you were weird for remembering something as minuscule as that.
“Yeah, that’s right, I… I am. You remember that?” He asked clearly shocked.
Shit. He did think you were weird.
“Thanks, I… no one really takes the time to listen… or care.”
You’re lucky your turned away from him as you load the pizza in the oven so he won’t see your blush.
“It’s no biggie.” You smile.
The rest of the night you chat between each other. Steven’s once dismal night took a flip from simply spending time with someone as lovely as you. When the pizza is ready, the both of you eat your pizza happily.
“This is good. I still can’t believe you remembered I was vegan.” He smiles.
“It’s really not that big of a deal.” Your face is definitely visibly red.
“It’s big to me. No one really remembers something like that about me.” He chuckles as he looks up at you with his big eyes.
You could’ve kissed him right there with the way he was looking at you. His mouth full of pizza making his cheeks puff out in such an adorable way.
“Bloody hell. must sound desperate, don’t I?” He looks off embarrassed. This time he’s the one blushing.
“No, no ‘course not.” You smile with a giggle.
He flushed again slightly before speaking out.
“You’re… you’re very pretty.” His voice trails off as he looks down at his plate embarrassed.
Your jaw practically falls off. “What?”
“You are very pretty.” His eyes glance up at you before staring locked on your eyes. “Really… beautiful.” His voice trails off.
“Did I say that out loud?” He picks his head up in a panic, his face turning beet red.
You stand up quickly. “I, uh… bathroom-“ You sprint in the direction of your bathroom before shutting the door.
You lean yourself against the wall, your beating so fast you think it might fly out of your chest. You eventually realize you just left him alone and put yourself in an even more awkward situation, so you decide to open the door.
You jump back in surprise and see Steven standing there awkwardly.
“I… er,” he fiddles with his hands. “Did I say something wrong? I- I mean you really are beautiful, and oh bollocks, I ruined it didn’t I.” He stammers out quickly.
You quickly cover his mouth with your hands in order to shut him up.
“Steven, stop it. Stop that.”
His eyes widened when you covered his mouth, a bit shocked.
“What— did I say something wrong?” He asked, his voice muffled.
“No- no of course not.” You squeeze your eyes shut to overwhelmed.
“God, if you keep saying stuff like that I won’t be able to stop myself from kissing you and I like you way too much for me to ruin it.”
He was utterly gobsmacked, his eyes wide as you spoke.
Finally, he managed to respond.
He lifts your hands from his mouth.
“Are you saying you… want to kiss me right now?”
You quickly cover your face.
"And it's such terrible timing too! I- I mean your date just stood you up!" You stammer out.
"I don't care if you kiss me right now. I— uh, I wouldn’t mind…" He said, almost breathless. "This— we, I…"
He couldn't find words— so instead he showed it.
His lips pressed against yours softly, just enough so I’d you were uncomfortable you had the space to pull away, but there was no way you were going to now.
A soft whimper left his lips as you pressed yourself further into him. He slid his hands around your waist, until he eventually pulled back to let the two of you breath.
“That was good.” Is all he manages. “That was very good.”
You can’t help but giggle and eventually he can’t either. He laughs alongside you, arms still entangled in eachother.
“…Could I take you on a date. A real one. No getting stood up?” His eyes sparkling with hope.
“Yeah, that would be nice.”
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crazyunsexycool · 3 months
My little love
Chapter 36
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!Reader
Word count: 3.0K
Warnings: Fluff city, wedding planning, pregnancy announcement, Lottie's growing up.
A/N: I am so excited about this chapter. It's just a bunch of fluff and fun. I also had the idea with Steve in mind for a while now. I'd love to know what you think about it!!
Series Masterlist
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“A dance m’lady?” 
“Of couwse.” Lottie takes Henry’s hands and they start to twirl around. She’s giggling as they dance around.
The ballroom you were looking at for a potential venue was huge. A bit too big for the small wedding you wanted to have but it was beautiful. 
“Thoughts?” The wedding planner you’d hired, Olivia, asked. 
“It’s beautiful.” 
“It’s maybe too big?” Bucky says as he looks around before looking at you.
“Yes, this looks like we could fit 3 or 400 people. Our wedding is going to be so much smaller. And we’d like to have the ceremony outside.” 
“The ceremony space is why I picked this one out. Let me show you what I had in mind.” Olivia waves for you to follow her through long hallways. It’s almost a maze to get from the ballroom to the other side of the venue. 
“What do you think?” Olivia says as she opens the door.
It’s a huge greenhouse and while the flowers and foliage are beautiful, it’s not what you wanted. 
“Mama.” Lottie tugs at your shirt. 
“Yes, sweet Angel?”
“Not this one. I no see it.” 
That reassured you that this in fact was not the place where you would marry Bucky. You hadn’t really liked it to begin with but it was spacious.
“I agree. Buck?” 
“We’d like something different.” 
“Ok.” Olivia says. “I have three more venues we can look at today. What do you say?” 
“Of course.”
You drive all around looking at some possible venues but none of them seem to fit what you want for the wedding. This is the last one and if it doesn’t work you’ll have to go into the city which you don’t want to do. Henry and Lottie are also getting a bit restless.
“We’ll look at one more place and then we can do something fun.” You say as you unbuckle Charlotte and help her out of the car. 
She gasps as you set her down. “Oh mama, is so pwetty.” She says as she takes in the mansion in front of you. 
“It is so pretty.”
“This place looks great.” Bucky stands beside you, his hand coming to rest on your lower back. “It’s really nice.” He smiles.
Suddenly you’re starting to feel really hopeful that this place could be it. Olivia steps out of her car and calls you to follow her. 
“You know, most couples don’t bring their kids to these kinds of things. Are you wanting to make them part of the whole process?” She asks as you head up the front steps. 
“Yes, we would love for them to be involved anyway they can be.” 
“I’m sure we can find some other things they can be a part of, maybe cake tasting?” Olivia turns to watch Henry and Lottie nod eagerly.  
The five of you walk around the large home as Olivia points out areas that she would use and how. 
“Now, I know you want an outdoor ceremony but in case of bad weather we could use this space. What do you think?” 
She says as she leads you to a large living room. It’s free of furniture so Olivia explains the seating arrangement, where the aisle would go. 
“It’s a nice space if we had to do the ceremony inside.” Bucky murmured as he looked around.
 The room, while simple in color, was a great canvas to decorate however you wanted. A huge chandelier was the main feature of the room. Bucky takes your hand and pulls you to the front of the room. 
“This is where we would be standing as we say our vows. What do you think?” He asks with a loving smile.
“I really really like it.” 
“Well this is only the backup space. I’d like to show you the outdoor option.” Olivia chimes in. “It’s being updated but it will be ready way before your wedding date. Follow me.” 
“Mama.” Lottie gasps, wide eyed as she stops in the hallway.
“What is it, sweet Angel?” 
“I see it mama, is this one.”  She says bouncing on the ball of her feet. 
You beam at her and then Bucky who’s also sporting an excited smile. He takes your hand and the four of you walk out to the most beautiful garden you’d ever seen.
Your breath hitches as you step out to the garden. While some maintenance was being done, the garden was in full bloom with a variety of white flowers. The hedges were trimmed to perfection. It looked heavenly.
“I absolutely love this space.” Olivia says excitedly. “They only keep white flowers so we can bring in flowers in the color scheme you gave me to fill in the area. We could have an arch at the end with flowers and fabric draped down. The chairs would obviously go here.” Olivia explains with a smile. “Some rooms are also included in the contract so you could get ready here.”
“That would be great.” You turn to Bucky. “It would be less hassle getting the kids ready here too.” 
“So far this seems like the best option.” 
“Good because I want to show you where you’ll have the reception.” 
“Daddy, what's a reception?” Henry asks as you follow Olivia. 
“It’s like a dinner and a party to celebrate that your mama and I got married.” 
“Oh, can I go to the reception with baby?” 
“Of course bubs. You’re going to have a really important job at the wedding.” 
“Really?” Henry looks up, eyes wide with excitement. 
“Yup. You’re going to be the ring bearer. That means you will hold the ring mama puts on my finger and the one I put on hers.” 
“What about baby? Is she a ring bearer too?” 
“I take wings?” Lottie asks.
“No sweet Angel, you’re going to be the flower girl.”
“Sounds so pwetty. Can be flowe-uh girl.” 
Olivia shows you the huge ballroom. Like the rest of the venue, it’s perfect. 
“Now we have to test it out. Are you ready?” Bucky asks as he walks you back to the French doors that lead to the garden. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Just picture it. I’m in my tux, the room is decorated beautifully. You’re standing there as beautiful as ever, especially in your dress. Ladies and gentleman,” Bucky announces. “I’d like to present for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Barnes.” 
Olivia has the kids clapping and cheering so that you can get the full effect. Then Bucky leads you back toward the center of the room and pulls you into his chest. Butterflies took flight in your belly listening to Bucky calling you Mrs. Barnes.
“Now this would be our first dance.” He murmurs before he starts humming a slow tune. 
You’re looking at each other lovingly as you sway from side to side. Two sets of arms wrap around you and Bucky. When you look down Lottie and Henry are swaying with you. It couldn’t be more perfect. 
You both agree that this is the place you want. Olivia smiles again and heads out to make a few calls to get a contract for you to sign. 
“I can’t wait to marry you.” You look up at Bucky. 
“Neither can I.” 
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In between planning the wedding there was regular family life and work. The shifts at the medbay and Bucky going on missions weren’t slowing down just yet. Lottie's birthday was coming up. This time she requested a tea party which you and Bucky happily agreed too. 
The truth was Charlotte was growing up so fast. Just a year before she was learning how to walk and talk. Now she’s more popular throughout the compound than even the Avengers. And just as a growing child does she changes all the time. From mannerisms to vocabulary, some of the latter really showing how much she’s grown. 
“I’m weady.” Lottie calls out from the top of the stairs. She’d chosen a pretty pink dress for her tea party. “Wook at my dwess daddy.” 
You and Bucky had been talking about the wedding when Lottie had called out and both your heads snapped in her direction. 
“What did you say, doll?” Bucky was in disbelief. 
“I said am weady.” 
“After that.” 
“Oh I says wook at my dwess daddy.” She says as she stops in front of the two of you and does a little twirl. 
When you look at Bucky you see tears in his eyes. 
“You can’t call me that.” He whispers.
“But you is my daddy.” 
“I’m your dada. You always call me dada.” Bucky says. 
“But am a big girl an big girls says daddy. An bubba says daddy too.” She defends herself. 
“I know doll.” Bucky picks her up and presses a few kisses to her temple and cheek. “But you’re my baby, you can’t be a big girl.”
“Daddy, I wanna be a big girl.” 
You chuckle as Lottie wrapped her arms loosely around Bucky’s neck. She gives him a beaming smile and Bucky’s too weak to say no. 
“Alright, I guess you can be a big girl and call me daddy.” He relents. “You look beautiful in your dress, doll.” 
“Tank you daddy.” 
Bucky puts Lottie down so that she can find Henry and show him the dress she has on. You hug Bucky as soon as you can. 
“I hate that so much. She’s growing up way too fast.” He says with a pout. 
“Next thing you know, she’s gonna come home from school talking about a boyfriend.” 
“That’s not funny.” 
You laugh at his scowl. “Let’s go celebrate our not so little girl’s birthday.” 
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“This turned out great.” Molly compliments as she sits next to you on the couch. 
“Thanks. Charlotte is very into tea parties now. It just made sense to make her birthday this.” 
“Well you’re turning into a whole party planner, between this and the wedding. How is that going?” 
“It’s going well. We found the venue not long ago. Oh, now that we’re talking about it. How would you feel about being a bridesmaid?” 
“I would love to.” Molly gives you a half smile, half grimace. 
“We haven’t told anyone yet but it’s only fair you know. I’m pregnant.” She says in a whisper. 
“Molly, oh my god.” You exclaim. 
“Sshhh. You can’t tell anyone.” 
“I can’t believe this. I’m so excited. But why can’t you be a bridesmaid?” 
“My doctor wants me to be as stress free as possible.” She frowns a bit. “I would have loved to be up there with you.” 
“And weddings can be very stressful. Don’t worry about it. As long as you’re there and taking care of yourself.” You lean in and give her a quick hug. “Is there anything you need?” 
“No, I'm good right now.”
“Ok, I’m going to check in on the kids.” You smile.
“You’re going to tell Luke that you know?” 
“Maybe.” You giggle. 
“Go, it was his idea for us to tell you first.” 
You’re beaming as you get up and check in on how the others are doing. Eddie is playing a card game with Sam and Henry. Sophie and Josh are hanging out with Nat and Clint. You walked by and saw Charlotte with Olivia and Steve, talking to Duckie. 
“She started calling me daddy today instead of dada and I don’t think I’ll ever get over that.” You hear Bucky say. 
“Wait until she starts calling you by your first name. That was a fun stage with Liv.” 
“No way. I couldn’t handle that.” 
Luke chuckles. “Just imagine, ‘Luke, can I have a popsicle?’ Or ‘Luke read me a bedtime story.’” 
Bucky chuckles and shakes his head.
“Hey you two.” You walk up beside Bucky, letting him pull you into his side. “So…” 
“So?” Luke is looking at you amusedly.
You couldn’t help the excited smile on your face. Luke chuckles. 
“She told you.” 
“Who told what?” Bucky looks between both of you. 
“Molly’s pregnant.” 
“I’m so excited for you guys. Congratulations.” You pull your big brother in for a hug. 
“Thank you. We’re really excited too. Liv is over the moon knowing she’s going to be a big sister.” 
“Congrats man.” Bucky shakes Luke’s hand. 
“Hopefully you’ll be giving us the same news soon.” 
“Maybe after the wedding.” You say. 
The party continues for a while. You and Bucky both go around and make sure everyone is doing ok and have whatever they need before cutting the cake. 
Everyone gathers around the beautiful birthday cake Henry made for his sister. The room erupts in a loud rendition of happy birthday before Lottie blows out her candles. There’s clapping and cheering and Charlotte giggling at the attention. 
“Have another bite.” Bucky holds up the spoon for Charlotte. 
“Mmm, so yummy.” She murmurs before she walks away to where Olivia is playing. She goes back and forth until the cake is all gone. 
After gifts and some more games the party dies down. It happens just in time since Charlotte was losing her fight to sleep. You take her from Duckie, who Charlotte was sitting with, and start heading back to the house. Olivia comes with you since you had promised the girls a sleepover. 
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Bucky had just slipped under the sheets of your shared bed and gotten comfortable. He was flipping through the pages of the book he was currently reading while you were thinking over the bridal party. 
“Did you ask any of the guys to be your groomsmen yet?” You turned to look at him.
“Not yet. I was going to do it tomorrow, why?” 
“Well Molly isn’t going to be a bridesmaid so now I have three bridesmaids to your four groomsmen.” You sigh. “I don’t know what to do.”
“What if I just ask three of the guys instead of the four I had planned?” 
Bucky shakes his head. “We aren’t having this conversation again.” 
“Please let me have Steve on my side.” 
“He’s my best friend.” Bucky replied. “I’ve known him the longest. He’s literally my best man.” 
“But I’m his favorite best friend. It only makes sense if you think about it.” 
Bucky laughs. “It’s not happening. The only way it will work is if we cut him down the middle and share.” 
You huff a laugh before you get an idea. Bucky can see it with the way your eyes light up. 
“What are you thinking?” 
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You had invited Steve over for coffee. The day was beautiful so you were out in the backyard watching the kids play. You and Bucky were working on the seating chart when Steve showed up. 
“So how’s the wedding planning going?” He asked as he took a seat. 
“It’s good. We have a lot figured out already.”
“Especially the wedding party.” You say with a smile. “But we need your opinion.” 
“Sure, whatever I can help with.” 
“I decided to pick Nat as my maid of honor with Wanda and Sophia as my two other bridesmaids. It was hard though, I wanted to pick both Nat and Wanda as maids of honor.” 
“I knew it.” Steve chuckles. “I knew you’d have a hard time choosing between them.” 
“Well I picked Clint and Josh as groomsmen but the best man was between you and Sam.” 
“Oh.” Steve’s smile falters a little.
You feel kind of bad for doing this to Steve but in the end it will be better. 
“After talking about it with Y/N I’m going to ask Sam to be my best man.”
“Yeah we kept arguing over who’s side you would stand on.” You start to explain.
“No, I get it.” Steve looks a bit dejected. 
“So we thought that you could stand between us instead.” 
“What?” Steve’s face scrunched up in confusion.
“You’re one of the big reasons we’re together.” You start to explain. 
“Since the moment you realized I was still alive you did everything possible to save me. And because of that I met the love of my life.” Bucky looks at you with a loving gaze.
“You’re our best friend and biggest supporter. We wouldn’t be here without you.” You add. “So we thought that instead of you being the best man, you could officiate the wedding instead. What do you think?” 
“You want me to marry you?”
“Yes. I think you’re the perfect choice. You know both of us so well and you’ve always been there to support us. We want you to have a special role on our wedding day.” Bucky says with a smile. 
“How would I even do that?” Steve asks. 
“I already looked it up and you can become an officiant online. So what do you say? Please say yes. It would mean so much to us.” 
“I would love to.” 
You jump out of your seat in order to hug Steve. There’s a delighted giggle that bubbles up as the two of you embrace. 
“Thank you, thank you, thank you. The wedding is going to be so perfect.” 
“I’m just happy to be part of it and help you guys celebrate. After everything you’ve been through, this past year alone.” 
“I don’t think we could get married without you, punk.” Bucky is the next to hug Steve. “Seriously, this means a lot to us. Once Y/N said it, it made so much sense. Having you just as my best man wasn’t enough. You’re an important part of both our lives and having you officiate the wedding feels right.”
“Ok you’ve got to stop.” Steve blushes. 
“Just accept the compliments, Rogers. Now c’mon I’m gonna help you register and then we can go over a few things for the ceremony.” 
You sat back down at the table with Steve by your side. The three of you went over ideas and how the ceremony should go. The more you got done for the wedding the more excited you got. There were still a few things left to do of course but you were so happy at that moment. When you looked over at Bucky you could tell he shared your feelings. 
You were getting ready to marry your best friend and the love of your life. Nothing could be better than that. 
Ch. 37
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aloneinthehellfire · 5 months
Chapter Seventeen: Don't Forget Me
Gates Of Hell
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Word Count: 9.2k
Warnings: mentions of death, violence, claustrophobia, lotsssssss of angst - i am the real monster, gun use,
steve is adorable as usual and y/n is... she needs help, my girl is going through it
[A/N: It's 3am and I thought it was a great time to rewrite the ending so if it's bad, that's why. In all seriousness, I am so thankful to everyone who has an insane amount of patience. I am currently on my last few months of uni so it's been hectic but I do still love writing this fic, I just haven't had time :( I hope the weeks of waiting were worth it?
To sum up this chapter... I have officially decided I am incapable of happiness... anyways, enjoy!]
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Don't Forget Me
The pattern is me. The pattern is me. The pattern is me. The pattern is me. The pattern is me. The pattern is me. The pattern is me. The pattern is me. The pattern is me. The pattern is me. The pattern is me. The pattern is me. The pattern is me. The pattern is me. The pattern is me. The pattern is me.
Ever since those words slipped from your mouth, the realisation was striking the remaining tethers to your sanity.
The radio had cut out a while ago, leaving a long strand of frustrating static in the air. You couldn’t find yourself to care about that right now. Something wants you here. Why?
As it turns out, you weren’t the only one wondering.
“This monster is running around making gates, and following you? Why you?” Steve had attempted to reclaim the radio signal once it had blared incomprehensible static, but he had no such luck. Instead, he turned back to you, feeling sick at the haunted look on your face.
“I don’t know.” You say quietly, staring down at the damp map lying on the rocky floor in front of you.
“It doesn’t make sense.” Steve states, squinting at the small building your finger currently rested on.
“I’m aware of that.” You sigh, rubbing your temple.
“But you still think you’re the pattern we can’t quite figure out?”
“I don’t know, Steve!” You suddenly snap before the colour drains from your face. You didn't mean to do that. “Sorry. It’s just… it’s too specific to only be a coincidence. I just don’t know why.”
Steve slowly nods, cautious of the way you were tucking your hands into your sleeves, obviously trying to hide their uncontrollable shaking.
“Is it to do with the virus?” He asks, the question tasting like poison on his tongue.
The virus is almost covering you now, creeping up your jaw. You couldn’t hide it if you tried, and Steve had already seen it. Already the venom was influencing you more than you had expected.
“I don’t think so.” You shake your head, mindlessly flexing your fingers.
“Then what’s different?” He looks at you with a soft frown, a look you’ve seen more in the past few days. “If not the virus, what else could it possibly want with you?”
You start to shrug, conditioned to feel like you were in the dark. Since finding the others in the lab, it had become increasingly clear that you were an outsider to their heroic group. You weren’t there when El was first discovered, completely unaware that the small girl adopted into your family was a superhero in her own right. You didn’t fight a demogorgon, or protect the kids from danger, and you especially didn’t save the world.
But this wasn’t about them anymore. This was about you. Your connection. And with all you’ve been through in the last month, you’re the only one who could solve this mystery.
Your breath catches in your throat and Steve finds your eyes, questioning.
“The dust…”
The giant shadow of a monster you had seen before was looming over what used to be the police station. It didn’t have eyes, nor even a face, but you knew it was looking directly at you.
And you felt paralysed.
You watched as it held out an arm… or was it a leg? Whichever, it pointed at you, something fluttered around its shape. Some kind of dust. Black dust.
Everything in you told you to run, but you couldn’t move even if you wanted to. The dust approached closer, slithering along the ground like vines. And you stared, heart jumping into your throat…
Wisps of wind trailed past your ears, unheard from the heartbeat thrumming against your eardrums until it became louder. It wasn’t just wind… it was voices. Incomprehensible murmurs swirling around you.
Until it wasn’t so incomprehensible any more.
“Tell her”
“Dust?” Steve frowns, tensing his shoulders. “You mean the Mind Flayer?”
“That night the shapeshifter separated us.” You start nodding, absent-mindedly moving closer to him. “I remember escaping the arcade and then…”
“Then?” He prompts, a hushed tone to both of your voices despite the privacy of the rocky ledge.
“I saw the Mind Flayer.” You say and he feels a chill run down his spine. “It- I couldn’t move. And these, like, scary images were in my head before I had this really intense nightmare. The next thing I knew, you were there and I wasn’t stuck anymore.”
“You were in some kind of trance. It took me a while to get you out of it.” He recalls, nodding slowly. Even the memory made his stomach clench. “What did you see? The images?”
“Hawkins.” You lower your eyes, slumping back against the hard rock, “It was… it was like it was on fire. Nothing looked the same. There was this giant gap and-and so many monsters. People… bodies.”
“An apocalypse.” Steve finishes for you and you nod your head, eyes squeezed shut.
“If we don't stop whatever it is opening these gates, Hawkins is going to burn.”
Your words struck a chill down his spine, the fear in your eyes evident even as you try and avoid looking towards him. There was a scared determination in the way you started down at the map. It was almost as if Steve could feel the waves in your brain radiating with an idea.
That's cute, Steve thought as you bit your lip in concentration. Adoring you felt better than the dread of an apocalypse.
“I'm going to the motel.”
Steve’s head almost snapped off his neck in the miniscule amount of time it took him to react, staring at you like you were crazy. You are crazy.
“Are you crazy?!”
He expected some sort of retort, or an ounce of an amused grin on your lips. But you only nodded.
“We know this thing is there. If I can catch it, kill it, whatever, I can save whoever is left. This is my chance to stop it.”
You were being reasonable, offering a calm take on the situation with a decision you were ready to face. Steve, on the other hand, took your proclamation as an act of war.
“If you think for one second I’m gonna let you get yourself killed, you’re outta your mind.” He says with a stern face, prompting your brows to scrunch together.
“Funny, I don’t remember asking for your opinion.” You shot back and he shakes head in disbelief.
“Y/n, this isn’t just some fun little holiday where you can do whatever you want. You’re gonna walk into a literal death trap!” He didn’t mean to raise his voice, but the panic was already settling in and taking control.
“There is something there that’s been following me, following us! Don’t you want to figure it out? End all of this?!”
“Whatever it is has been managing to rip a gap between worlds with its mind! It’s mind, Y/n!” He stressed, expressing himself with his hands, “I don’t want to be on the receiving end of that and neither do you!”
“What does it matter? I’m dead either way!”
You can see him pale in front of you, sucking in a breath.
“Don’t say that.” He whispers out, a quiver in his bottom lip and you hate yourself. Why did you have to hurt the people you loved?
“It’s true, Steve. I’m already out of time.” You tilt your head, a clash of lightning above illuminating the veins that slithered along your jaw. “I want to find whatever it is poisoning our town and I want to destroy it before…”
“Before what? It spreads to other towns?” He frowns, running a hand through his hair. “It’s made it pretty clear it only wants Hawkins-”
“Before it gets you.” You finish, staring up at him. If you looked in his eyes any longer, you would see your reflection, a reminder of what he was scared to lose, but that you were willing to sacrifice.
“We know there’s a pattern. And now we know it’s me. And… and I don’t know why, but it wants me. This virus is barely hours away from reaching my brain and honestly now is the perfect time to finally figure all this shit out and face it.”
“And if you get killed?” His voice cracks and you bite your lip, pretending like you didn’t know the answer when all you could think about for the past three weeks was the inevitable.
“Like I said,” You gulp, forcing yourself to hold eye contact. “I’m already out of time.”
“What about your dad? Robin? All of those little shitheads who clearly adore you-”
“They don’t need me, Steve.”
“I do.”
“No you don’t.” You shake your head, tears pooling in your eyes. “You’ve been doing this shit long before I was ever in the picture. If anything, I’ve just ruined it-”
“Why do you do that?” He cuts you off, flickering between your eyes with a look of concern. “Act like you aren’t someone important, when you most definitely are.”
“No, I wouldn’t have survived this thing without you here. Neither of us would have survived...”
When his voice trails off, you watch him scrunch his face and take a deep breath. He walks away from you, running a hand through his hair. He was thinking, struggling to make a decision. But he always did, and it was always the right one.
“You’re not going to listen to a word I say, are you?” He asks, glancing over his shoulder. You silently shake your head, seeing no reason to prolong this fight. “Fine.”
“Fine?” You repeat, unsure you heard him right.
“I can’t stop you.” He shrugs, sniffing back the emotions lingering at the back of his throat. If he couldn’t convince you, he would just have to make sure you knew you weren’t alone. “But I can help.”
“Wait, no-”
“What? You want me to just sit around on this rock wondering if my girlfriend’s gonna make it back alive or if that’s the last time I’ll ever see her?” Steve lets out a breathy laugh, clicking his tongue. “No, I’m going with you. We do this together or there’s no point doing it at all.”
A flash of surprise hits your face as Steve breathes heavy, not giving you another second to try and convince him to let you go. You had to understand that he couldn’t. He couldn’t let you go. No matter how many times he lived through that scenario in his head, replaying the scene as if you disappearing would leave his heart intact, he just couldn’t do it. Steve knew it was foolish to expect a different ending, but surely he was allowed to have hope.
Was it hope?
Or was it something he refused to see for what it truly was?
A delusion.
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“If this thing is really opening the gates, why don’t we, like, make it open another one?”
Steve’s question hangs in the air when he shakes the thought away, realising the obvious answer before the last word even left his lips.
The ground coughed out a soft crunch beneath your footsteps, trailing beside Steve through the twisted crops of Merril’s farm. Even in the Upside Down, the field didn’t differ visually from the real thing. You remember when the crops started to degrade, Merrill grumbling about his neighbour poisoning them. The dispute had been entertaining to you. But now you knew the truth, it didn’t seem so funny anymore.
“Shit.” You curse under your breath as you trip over a vine, managing to regain your balance.
“What’s wrong?” Steve is by your side at an instant, brown eyes laced with worry scanning you.
“Nothing, just tripped.” You dismiss, frowning at the vine behind you. A shudder rolls down your back when you think you can see it moving, but the clash of lightning above was probably playing tricks with the light.
As you go to take another step, your vision blurs. You try and blink it away, rubbing at your eyes. There’s an unsettling rush of heat beneath your skin, scorching your nerves. It should be cause for panic. But you’ve been through this before. Your only fear was knowing you weren’t hiding it anymore.
“Woah, woah, woah.” Steve quickly grabs onto your shoulders and you blink as he catches you before gravity took you victim. You didn’t even realise you were falling. “Hey, you okay?”
No. Steve already knew that. How could you possibly be okay when the virus was slowly closing in on you?
“Just… give me a minute.” You catch your breath, trying every technique to stabilise your heart rate as you fall into a squatted position. You hated that this thing was slowing you down, and you hated being out in the open like this, knowing that because of you, the both of you were going to be in more danger than necessary.
Steve stands by your side, slowly sliding the bag from his shoulder to fish out his bat, hand wavering over the metal weapon resting below. No. That was for emergencies. This was just his paranoia setting in.
“Nice day, huh?” Steve offers when the silence became unbearable, making you laugh. He smiles. He loved making you laugh.
“I’ve seen worse.” You reply, standing back up and taking another breath, slow and easy. “Okay, I think I’m good.”
“You sure?”
“M-hm.” You nod, a small smile gracing your face as you adjusted your bag and found rhythm between your footsteps once again.
It was getting scarier, the time between your virus lapses decreasing more and more. You weren’t ready to turn into one of those things. No one could be.
How would I stop myself from killing?
Your eyes drift over to the boy next to you, his admirable determination guiding you both through the farm like it was his life’s mission.
What if you took his life?
You snap your head away, focusing on your breaths. One breath in. Hold. One breath out.
Will I have to watch myself murder innocent people?
One breath in. One breath out. One breath in-
Sometimes the dim light of the Upside Down was a blessing. The low exposure shielded you from seeing the way he looked at you; with concern, sadness, pity. You found it hard to be so vulnerable like this. You didn’t want anyone’s sympathy. You barely allowed yourself to be perceived unless it was for all the wrong reasons.
It was a stupid stupid habit to bear such hatred towards yourself for feeling. But this is how you been for years now. You weren’t sure how to be any other way.
“You’re suspiciously quiet.” Steve comments, attempting to lighten the dreary mood. “Not that I’m complaining. Finally, some peace.”
“Rude.” You reply almost instantly, unable to resist the smile pulling at your lips.
Steve hated how dark it was in the Upside Down. Without much light, he was unable to study your features in times like this, to watch the joy return to your eyes after weeks of torment.
But even in the dark, he knew exactly how much hurt you were hiding beneath that worn-out mask of yours.
“Seriously. What’s on your mind?” Steve asks you as he scrunches his face in disgust as the tip of his shoe brushes against the pile of inedible black mush that once was a pumpkin.
“Other than monsters, the apocalypse, and my general state of being?” You smirk at him, but he already sensed your hesitancy.
“Yeah, the important stuff.” He shrugs with a chuckle.
I’m scared if you don’t run away, I might hurt you.
You shake your head free of intruding thoughts, focusing on the ones that sparked unusual butterflies in your stomach.
“What? You want me to just sit around on this rock wondering if my girlfriend’s gonna make it back alive or if that’s the last time I’ll ever see her?” Steve lets out a breathy laugh, clicking his tongue. “No, I’m going with you. We do this together or there’s no point doing it at all.”
“Um, you said something earlier. Back at the quarry.” You force yourself to keep walking, trying to hide the smile in your voice.
“Like what?” He blinks innocently. A jolt of anxiety rushes through your brain.
Oh god, what if he didn’t mean it? He could have just gotten confused, or caught up in the intensity of it all and you were about to embarrass yourself for ever thinking differently.
As painful as it is, that option was probably the best one. Maybe then it’ll make it easier when the virus destroys you.
“You, um… you called me your… girlfriend.” You almost cringe trying to finish what you started.
Steve almost trips, looking like a deer in headlights.
“Oh. That.” Steve lets out a nervous laugh, running a hand through his hair. “I, uh… you know, it was just, uh…”
“Heat of the moment?” You offer quietly and he clears his throat.
“Yeah, right. Heat of the moment.”
“Yeah, of course. That’s- that’s what I thought it was.” You shake your head, wanting to move on from this subject as quickly as you could. “Just wanted to be sure.”
“Would it… would it be so bad if it wasn’t just the, uh, heat of the moment?” Steve suddenly asks.
You go quiet. Too quiet. And Steve clicks his tongue.
“No, I didn’t mean-” You scrunch your eyes shut, footsteps slowing to a complete stop. “It just doesn’t feel right to say it.”
“Doesn’t it?”
Of course it does. Nothing has ever felt more right in my entire life, you want to scream, seal it in stained ink. But you had to look at the reality. You were going to die. You just wanted to make it as emotionally painless as you could.
“We’re not… we aren’t meant to be together, Steve.” You lie straight through your teeth, avoiding his eyes.
Steve scoffs, a hand on his hips as he looks at you in disbelief. “Yes, we are.”
“No. We’re not.” You say with a little more conviction, shaking your head. “This. Us. It’s not… how do we even know it’s real?”
When you avoided his eyes for a little too long, his hands find your face, cupping your cheeks to gently tilt your head to look at him. You just softly take them away, but he never lets go of your hands.
“If the gates hadn’t opened that day in detention… we never would have even looked at each other again.” You say, sadness coating your voice.
“But it did happen. And I’m looking at you right now. We got through it. Together.”
“We survived together. We- we relied on each other because we literally had no one else to.” You frown, shrugging it away as if your own words weren’t hurting you. “We went through literal hell and that’s what we bonded over. We don’t- How can you say this is real when we’ve been faking it all since day one? Let’s just be honest, it’s not gonna go any further so let’s save us both some time-”
“You’re doing it again.” He interrupts, his gaze on you unwavering.
“I’m not doing anything-”
“You’re pretending like you don’t care.”
You don’t respond.
“I care. A lot. Probably too much for it to just be a- a survival bond or whatever you said. And it’s definitely not fake.” He lets out a soft laugh, heart racing faster. “Actually… I’m pretty sure I’ve never felt something so real with someone before. It’s like- like breathing. You know? I can’t breathe without your stupid cute little face in my head or your annoying voice making me feel calm, or-or even this right here, your delusional belief that someone can’t possibly be in love with you which makes me want to just shake it out of you because it’s true, Y/n. It’s real. I’m in love with you, okay?”
Your mouth parts in silence, just looking at him, stunned. You were only trying to convince some excuses, to try and make it easier when it all inevitably ends. But you hadn’t really taken into account how much you both felt. And now everything was going to be so much harder.
“So, uh, yeah.” He clears his throat, releasing you from his hold and shrugging. “Just accept it.”
You both stand there for a moment, reliving his words. I’m in love with you. Steve doesn’t regret it, but he starts to feel nervous the longer you don’t say something.
“Can you… can you promise me something?”
Steve holds his breath. He knows what you’re going to ask. And he knows that no matter how many times he runs through that scenario in his head, he never pulls the trigger. He won’t take your-
“Don’t forget me.”
It wasn’t the promise he was expecting, brows furrowing with the intention of your words. He just wants to hold you, yell at you until you understood he couldn’t leave you behind, he wouldn’t let the virus take you. He’d find a cure, make one if he had to.
But he didn’t have time to figure out where to start because he was suddenly very aware you were both out in the open. And something was rustling the leaves, watching.
He quickly raises his bat, eyes focused. He can just make out a shadow, making him squint. Probably just another demodog, nothing he hadn’t dealt with before.
Except it’s taller. Almost… human?
And then he sees the glowing eyes, the gaping mouth. It was the screaming monster from the Radio Shack.
“Steve?” You frown once you catch it too, looking at him, waiting for his call.
“Once it screams, we run. Every monster and their mother is gonna hear it, and we need to get out of the open, fast.” He hisses between his teeth as he watches the creature weave its way through the trees, drawing closer.
“And lead them all straight to the motel?” You whisper back at him, and his face pales. There goes that plan.
“What about that house?” You suddenly ask, tilting your head to your left. “The huge one on that hill? It’s the opposite direction from the motel and the closest thing-”
“Oh, god, no.” Steve breathes out, shaking his head with determination. “Remember what Robin called it? You do not enter a house called the murder house. Especially when you’re being chased by murderous flesh-eating monsters!”
“It’s pretty much our only choice right now.” You stress, the small hairs on your arm prickling the closer the creature gets. “We run through, slip out the back, and tail it to the motel before it’s-”
If Steve had any objections, you never heard them. All you heard was the terrifying scream rippling from the unhinged jaw of a ghostly woman.
“Run, run!” You yell, already feeling the effects of an ear-splitting pitch.
Steve immediately grabs your hand and you run, blindly trusting the boy you had assumed your enemy for 4 years of your life.
He wasn’t sure if you’d both be able to get inside in time, fully away of the hoard of monsters emerging from the shadows and chasing you down. It was a risky bet, this house. But you were right. It was the only option.
If Steve wasn’t so adamant on moving fast, he might have felt the soft tug of your arm as your body struggles to keep up, the stretch of the hill proving the laws of physics were never your friend. As long as your hand was in his, you were going to be fine.
The harsh creak of rotten floorboards as Steve barrelled into the room echoed menacingly in his ear. He quickly dropped your hand, pulling you behind him and making haste of tugging a tall and heavy cabinet down so it blocked the entrance. It wouldn’t hold forever, but it would give you both enough time to slip out unnoticed.
“That should keep them back, we gotta-”
Steve expected to find your hand as he reached back for you, but the space was bare. He spins around, stomach lurching when he finds you’re already sat against the wall, looking worse every second.
“No.” He drops to his knees and cups your head in his hands when you struggle to keep it up, swallowing his anxiety, “No, hey, sweetheart, hey. Look at me.”
Your weary eyes meet his and his breath hitches. The black veins were now creeping up your cheeks, spreading quicker in the past few hours than they ever had before.
A sudden chorus of thumping snapped his attention, the barricade against the front door almost shattering under the weight of its attackers. It wouldn’t hold much longer. He knew you weren’t in any state to run to the motel, and he had to think fast.
Steve loops his arm around you and pulls you to your feet, muttering a string of apologies as you wince. His eyes catch the bleeding moonlight from above, enticing an idea.
It felt like your whole body was on fire, any movement contracting your muscles to pain until you could nearly faint. But you had to try, you had to move. For him.
He could sense your determination as he moved you both up the staircase, your legs wobbling but making it to the top in a timely fashion. His admiration would have to come later. Right now, he needed you both safe.
The hallway was long and dusty, Steve’s eyes barely adjusting to the darkness. He’s unsure where to go next, a lengthy display of doors scattered either side of him as he helps you walk further into the house. Maybe there was another-
A giant crash echoed out in splintered waves, dread flooding his body.
They were here.
Picking the closest door, he drags you both inside and takes care to shut it as quietly as possible, knowing one loud sound could be the end. His nerves were on high alert, struggling to make the life-saving decisions his friends usually expected from him. But the stakes were different this time. There was no one to bail him out if he makes the wrong move, no Nancy or Jonathan to come save the day. It was just him, protecting you.
The door had apparently led to a bedroom, his eyes scanning for a chair or a dresser to block- No. No. That would just make more noise- But what if they got in?
Hide. You need to hide.
Pulling you close to him, he spots a large closet on the other side of the bedroom. That would have to do.
It omitted a soft creak, making him grimace. He carefully lowers you down, noting how you were forcing yourself to breathe in even intervals. You were fighting it as best as you could, and that was all he could ask for.
As he joins you, he manoeuvres you so you were situated between his legs, knowing this would be the only way to ensure you both fit in the small space. His bat is digging into his side as his arms are wrapped around you, his back pressed against the side of the closet as he watches the bedroom door through the crack of light, holding his breath.
He couldn’t hear anything, but that was the scary part. He had hoped to hear the creatures crash through the ground floor and somehow be tricked back outside, relieving his mind with the knowledge he made the right decision.
The space was becoming all too small, even with the door cracked open. And that’s when the fear came creeping in.
What if a demogorgon found you?
What if it tracks your scent, follows the trail up the staircase, opens the third door on the left?
What if it stalks into the room and starts listening closely, hearing his quickened breaths of panic?
What if the last thing Steve saw was the thing ripping open the closet doors, a set of giant claws caging you in, knowing there was no escape?
What if you both died in here?
He exhales a long breath, fading back into reality when he feels something gently squeeze his hand. Your hand. You had intertwined your fingers with his, head laying back against hisshoulder, sensing his anxiety.
Steve had known he was claustrophobic for a while now. As a little kid, he remembers when he and his friends would play in the woods, a hollowed tree trunk on the ground marking the final destination of their adventure. That was the first time he felt fear, he thinks, curled up halfway through the tight space as his shirt was caught on protruding bark. He remembers his friends laughing and leaving to go find his parents when it became all too serious, assuming they had abandoned him there.
The tunnels were far worse than his 7 year old self’s nightmares. When the demodogs came barrelling towards them, his sudden realisation that he would be dragged back into those tunnels and left for dead, he had never felt so hopeless. He couldn’t even fight, not really. He could only attempt to shield Dustin with his body, and pray they made his death quick.
He never really knew how to get himself out of these situations. His parents had enticed him out with harsh words and false promises, eventually dragging him out by his arms when his mind couldn’t stop imagining the tree collapsing in on him. The demodogs hadn’t attacked in the end, sparing them with pure luck and giving him no time to reflect on his darker thoughts, the kids needing him more than he needed closure from himself.
But one single touch of your hand changed everything. No words, no rush. Just a reminder he was still here. And you were here with him.
He felt your body tense the moment the floorboards out on the hallway creak, just quiet enough to let him know the creature was trying to be silent. Something was looking for you.
The virus had taken its toll on you, the past few minutes of your life flashing by in a blur. You don’t even remember climbing into the closet, waiting in suspenseful agony for a sign that the coast was clear. But all of a sudden, you had finally returned to reality, feeling Steve’s erratic heartbeat on your back.
You almost flinched when you heard something bang against the bedroom door. It was sudden, ricocheting an echo of vibration through the floor. And then it was complete and utter silence.
You must have been shaking because Steve holds you closer, forcing you to take a few quiet breaths. You’d be okay. It will be okay.
Another sharp crash blares out, but it’s further this time. Whatever it was outside of that door was leaving, finally. But that didn’t stop you both from sitting there for a little while longer, afraid to move from the safety of the wooden walls.
It was you who made the first move to leave, shifting in his arms and pointing to the door. You had caught your breath now, shaking away the virus’ side effects with strength Steve could only respect.
Steve pushes the closet door open and you are finally back on your feet, offering a hand to pull him up with you.
“That was close.” He breathes out with a nervous chuckle, running a hand through his hair. He retrieves his bat from the wardrobe and turns around to see you’re stood still with a guilty expression on your face.
“I’m so sorry.” You whisper out, shaking your head. “We could’ve- it’s my fault.”
“What? No.” He crosses the room and pulls you into a hug, one you definitely needed. “No, it’s not your fault. None of this is.”
After a moment, he pulls away, sucking in a breath. “Now let’s get the hell out of here because this place is giving me the creeps.”
You nodded to his words, shivering as you observed the room you stood in. It looked like a master bedroom, possibly decorated for a couple to reside in. Everything was either covered in dust or cobwebs, a pang of sadness hitting your chest.
You knew the rumours of this place; a man going crazy and killing his entire family, their ghosts now haunting the place ready to collect more victims. But right now, you didn’t feel haunted.
A family had died here, the home clearly decorated with care and love from the people who never got a chance to live in it. And it has just been left like this, to wither and rot away.
Steve poked his head out of the door and listened out, making sure you weren’t just walking into a trap. He did the same as he leaned over the banister, clocking the wide open front door, now adorned in malicious claw marks.
“Fastest route?” He asks as you join him at the back of the house, squinting into the horizon.
There were only two options; along the road and out in the open, or through the woods with little to no light. You tried to think back to when you originally thought of the plan, retracing your steps.
“I’m thinking, uh…” Your voice suddenly cuts off and you turn to stare at him, a hint of a smirk on your lips. Steve frowns. “Do I remember you calling me sweetheart earlier?”
Heat rushes to Steve’s cheeks. “What? No. That would be weird. I don’t have a pet name for you. Or any name, actually. Other than your actual name. Maybe ‘asshole’. Not- not sweetheart- right, we’re cutting through the woods this way.”
He marches off before he becomes any more of a mess than he already is, hearing your laughter as it trails behind him.
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“So… where the hell is this mysterious gate maker gonna be?”
You were both stood in the parking lot of Motel 6, eyes scanning each room as if a source of light would illuminate the monster you were hunting. If your theory was right, and it was all originating from here… how long has it been right under your noses?
“Maybe it’s like the gates.” You offer, shrugging. “What did Dustin say? In the heart, or something. The middle.”
“I hope not.” Steve states and you turn to where he was suggesting.
The heart of the hotel wouldn’t be one of the rooms, nor the office. And you had a suspicion Steve had thought correctly.
The basement.
Staring down at those two daunting metal doors, you feel your skin prickle. You take a glance over your shoulder, frowning.
In all three weeks you’ve been down here, you’ve never encountered a single monster at the motel. It had been a last minute resort for safety, ensuring you weren’t followed, picking room 303 as if it mattered. You were pretty good at sneaking around the place, but you never realised how truly odd it was that no monster ever followed you.
Maybe that answer was waiting for you behind those basement doors.
“Wait,” Steve gently places a hand on your waist as you move towards it, staring down with brown eyes of deep concern. “Are we sure we really wanna do this?”
“There isn’t another choice.” You say, yet you were still hesitant as you walked up to the doors, forcing each step you took.
No locks, no obstacles. Just a pair of metallic blocks on hinges. That felt worse somehow.
“If I had a nickel for every time I had to go down into a cellar to look for a monster…” Steve sighs to himself, catching your curious look. “Uh, I’d only have, like, two. But still. That’s two more than I should have.”
You can only nod in agreement, your breath caught in your throat.
Are we sure we really wanna do this?
The unsatisfying creak of metal echoes across the parking lot, Steve letting out a low whistle as he stares down into darkness.
“I’m sure this won’t be creepy at all.” He comments, taking the first step down before you had the chance. You’ve noticed that about him, always the first to enter an unknown room. A protector.
Light bleeds through a small window on the other side of the cellar. There was more space than you were expecting, but the strangest part was the fact there was nothing in here. Like it had never been used to store anything.
“It’s empty.” You announce, stood dumbfounded in the middle of the room.
“Maybe the landlord kicked it out.” Steve shrugs, silently relieved. He catches your fallen expression and places a hand on your shoulder. “Look, we’ll find another way.”
And then the basement doors swing shut, the sound rattling through the dark cellar at an alarming pitch.
Steve drops his bat and rushes back up the steps to push against the metal doors. Nothing. He drives his shoulder into it. It doesn’t budge.
“How is it locked?!” He grunts, giving it one last try before backing away, shaking his head. “There wasn’t any lock on it!”
Your stomach drops.
You both freeze, turning once again to the singular door at the end of the hallway, a snarl vibrating through the wood of it.
The door you had walked through swung itself closed with a loud bang.
Spinning around with no intention of being here any longer, you reach out and pull the handle towards you.
It didn’t budge.
You grab the other handle in your spare hand and pull harder, the doors rattling under your force, but never opening.
“Billy!” You yell, but he’s already pushing against the doors, eyes wide. “It’s locked! How is it locked?!”
“Shit!” He hisses, turning to ram his shoulder against it for extra strength, but he couldn’t keep it up forever.
It was all happening again.
You had just walked into another trap.
“It’s here.”
As soon as the words leave your mouth, Steve is on high alert, frantically looking around the basement. But it’s still empty.
“Nothing is here, Y/n.” He frowns.
“Not on this side.” You gasp when something suddenly echoes in your ear. You look at Steve, startled, but he doesn’t share the same expression.
“You didn’t hear that?”
“Hear what?”
You start moving around, trying to find a spot to make the incomprehensible whispers clearer. Steve’s heart is pounding louder.
“It’s that voice again.” You mutter to yourself.
“Voice? Y/n, you’re scaring me.” Steve manages to catch you for a split second, and you meet his eyes. His face drops.
The veins were creeping up your face, laying just beneath your eyes. He places a hand on your forehead. You’re burning up.
“Y/n, you don’t look so good.”
“It has to be here.” You shake your head out of his hold, stepping back. “The map- it has to be here!”
And then you hear it again, the voice. Except, this time, it’s so much clearer.
“Tell her”
You suddenly stop, letting out a gasp and Steve’s anxiety is sky-rocketing. You were both trapped inside this basement with something he couldn’t see.
He tries the doors again, thumping his fist against it like it would dislodge something. Nothing. Glancing over his shoulder, he clocks the window. Maybe…
Steve sprints over, dropping the bag off his shoulder and onto the floor beside him as he fumbles around for some kind of latch. Something rattles and he smiles. Bingo.
“Hey, we can get out through the window. Wasn’t rocket science, but I’m still a genius.”
He turns back to look at you over his shoulder, smiling. You’re currently near the far corner, your back facing him. You don’t seem to have heard him, breathing in odd intervals as you stare down at your hands.
“Y/n.” He tries again, louder. Your head twitches. Steve releases the latch on the window, fear flooding his entire body.
That same familiar feeling starts twisting in his gut, the same he always had when something is really really wrong. He never ignored it, never wanted to, because it was always right. But he didn’t want to believe it this time.
He slowly steps away from the window, his eyes permanently glued to the back of your head, feeling like he couldn’t breathe.
Trying again, his voice cracks under the pressure of speaking your name like it would warp the vicious reality he was living in.
You snap your head to him, and the colour drains from his face.
He lost you.
The world bled to grey as tears start trailing from his eyes, staring into yours. Except, they weren’t yours. They were darker, soulless. Black blood was dripping from your chin, staining your lips.
Lips he had once kissed.
Lips he would never kiss again.
“Don’t do this.” He begs, unable to find the force to speak louder than a whisper. “Y/n, please. It’s not- I can’t hurt you. You know I can’t hurt you. Y/n...”
You snarled at him this time, your mannerisms unnerving. It wasn’t you anymore.
His eyes slowly drift to his bat, making him clench his jaw. It was closer to you than it was to him. He wouldn’t be able to reach it in time.
But he knew he wasn’t completely defenceless. He just wasn’t sure if he had the strength to use it.
You suddenly lunge at him and he instinctively dives for his bag, rolling away from your attack in the last second. He unzips it, staring down. He couldn’t do this.
Snarls and hisses spit from your mouth as you scramble up from the floor, blinking rapidly as you search in the dark.
Your whole body snaps to him in one sharp movement.
With a shaking hand, he stares directly into your eyes.
“Y/n, please.” He sobs, “Please, you have to be in there.”
Not even the mournful pressure against his chest felt as heavy as the gun in his hand, tears rolling down his face.
It was your idea to take a pistol from the cabin, knowing you couldn’t use it unless it was in moments of emergency, afraid the rippling sound of the bullet would alert every monster in the town. You both swore you’d never have to use it.
And here he was, pointing it directly at your head.
“Steve?” Your small voice prickles his hearing and he moves his gaze from your hands to your eyes, darting between the pupils in silent study. “If I… if it-”
“No.” He immediately shakes his head and you could almost sob. For what felt like days, you’ve been trying to have this conversation with him, but he always shuts it down, pretending like it wasn’t needed.
“You need to listen-”
“I am not killing you.” He says with conviction, and he feels your fingers slip out of his reach. “That’s not happening, Y/n, you can’t expect me to-”
“And what then?” You cry, standing taller, making his head crane to look up at you as you wrap your arms around your torso. “You’re just gonna watch me turn into a monster and let me stay that way?!”
“This isn’t just some sort of favour you’re asking for!” He frowns, shaking his head. “You want me to kill you. To end your life!”
He knew this was coming. You knew this was coming. You’ve been trying to warn him for weeks now, pleading to him. And he never listened. He never wanted to.
Three weeks ago, Steve would have shot you in that school hallway if you had turned after the bite, the memory bitter but his heart still intact.
Three weeks later, Steve would rather shoot himself then live with the memory of putting a bullet between the eyes of the girl he was in love with.
It can’t end like this. It can’t.
“It’s me.” He tries again, hoping his voice could break you free from the virus. “It’s me. Steve. Remember?”
He should have known hope was never his friend.
A voice completely alien to you rips out a screech from your throat, and hell comes to bludgeon him with the worst it had to offer.
Steve watches in horror as the skin starts peeling from your face, tearing it into pieces like a flower and its petals.
Like a demogorgon.
It was too late. You weren’t coming back to him.
You run at him, sharp teeth bared, mind forever gone.
Steve’s eyes shut…
… and he pulls the trigger.
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Your throat was sore from relentless screaming, sobbing with your entire chest.
Steve had rushed over to the window just after you heard that voice. You had turned your back on him, distracted by what you thought was a shadow hiding in the walls.
You heard him call your name. But when you turned around…
His eyes were rolled back, stood deathly still.
“Steve! Wake up!” You keep trying to shake him out of his trance, watching as a trail of red bleeds from his nose. “No! No, wake up! Steve!”
More and more whispers echo around you, building up until all you heard were the same repeated words.
“What do you want?!” You scream into the dark, cheeks stained with relentless tears. Steve was dying, and you couldn’t do anything about it.
In a desperate attempt for help, you crouch down by the window and start rifling through his bag, batting the gun to the side to grab the radio.
“Hello?! Is anyone there?! Please!!”
You cry out in frustration when all that responds is the piercing static.
“That won’t help you.”
The radio slips from your hand in shock, clattering against the concrete as your wide eyes fixate on the image in the corner.
Something was forming from the shadows, pulling together pieces of the dark like it was dust. Your body floods with ice. The basement had never been dark. You were just surrounded by the same black dust that haunted every single nightmare.
Your shaking hands swipe the bat from the ground and grip it tight, shielding Steve’s body with your own. You hear his breaths become shallower.
“You were never meant to find me.” It spoke in a dark voice, fading in and out like a weak connection.
A gasp slips from your mouth when the particles build its final form. A silhouette of a man, featureless yet distinctive. Of all the creations you had envisioned, you didn’t expect the monster to be so… human.
A man.
“What do you want?!” You yell at it, raising the bat like it would scare it away.
“I tried time and time again to get you to understand.” He spoke, drifting closer to you. “I gave you the future. Visions. A simple task.”
Something like a sob escapes Steve’s lips and you whip your head to him, feeling completely and utterly helpless. You weren’t going to defeat the monster like you said you would. And now you were going to watch him die, knowing you were the only reason he was down here with you.
“It was the only way to make sure you listened.”
You turn back to the monster, a scowl twisting onto your face.
“Let him go.” You warn, but you knew your threat was meaningless.
“You have no power here.” He states, and you could almost feel the shadow smiling at you with malicious intent. “I make the rules.”
Goosebumps return to their path along your skin, trailing up your arms and prickling at your neck, making you shiver.
“I will let him go… Once you carry out one important task.” He nods, closer once again. You shift your body protectively in front of Steve, holding your breath.
“What…” You blink away tears, feeling suffocated by his presence.
You understood why the other monsters were so afraid of the dark.
Your arms didn’t feel attached to your body when they suddenly start to lower themselves, a shadowed hand reaching for your face.
“Bring me the girl.”
You frown, shaking your head. Girl?
As if he heard your thoughts, he leans close to you, speaking one word.
“El?” You gasp, and he steps away from you, observing. “Why- what do you want with her?”
“Bring her to me, and I will let him go.” The figure doesn’t answer your question, tilting its head. “Once you leave this place, you’ll find her, and you’ll bring her to me. That is all I want.”
“And if I don’t?” You raise your chin, regaining the feeling in your arms.
He slowly raises his hand, pointing it to the boy behind you. At first, nothing happened. And then you watch in despair as Steve’s body starts to slowly lift from the ground, a strained yell of pain.
“Stop!” You beg, and the shadow obeys, Steve’s feet touching the ground.
One little action and it was so simple it was terrifying. If you don’t bring El to him, he’ll kill Steve.
This monster knew you. It had been following you around since the dust you encountered, observing the things that made you tick, the things you loved, hated, needed. He knew exactly what would make you listen to him.
He was the Voice that had been haunting you for weeks.
You look back at Steve, almost crying out when you notice he’s lost more blood in the time you’ve taken to decide. You couldn’t do that to El.
But you also couldn’t watch Steve die.
“Fine.” You sob, nodding. “Just let him go.”
“You’ll know where to find me”
And then the shadow is thrown back into the darkness, hitting a wall and sinking back into it, dispersing the dust in scattered patterns on the surface.
Steve gasps behind you, and you spin around to catch him as he stumbles forward.
“Steve!” You cry in relief, wrapping your arms around him as he struggles to catch his breath.
“Y/n?” He sounds surprised, almost sad, observing every little detail of you as if he couldn’t decide if you were real. “Wait, you’re… what happened?”
You try to reply when a loud hum starts building behind you, your attention needed elsewhere.
The middle of the wall starts to burn away, splitting apart and blackening at the edges. The humming only became louder, a dark red hue casting your shadows.
The Voice was creating a gate. For you. To pawn your sister’s life for Steve’s. Once you stepped through it, you’d be signing a death warrant.
If you stepped through it.
“What the fuck is happening…” Steve blinks at the gate, aware of the tightened grip your hand had on his.
In his vision, he had shot you. He had committed the most unspeakable act he had time and time again refused. The worst part of it, was he thought it was real. He made that decision.
But it was all a lie, and you were here, holding his hand with a look on your face he couldn’t decipher.
“You have to go.” You say to him, your words hazy to his ears. He still wasn’t entirely sure he was back in reality, struggling to make sense of the walls around him. “Steve, listen to me. You have to go.”
“No.” He shakes his head, trying to focus. “What about… what about you?”
A booming chorus of thumps against metal suddenly arose from the basement doors. Your stomach dropped.
The creatures weren’t afraid of the dark anymore.
When the gate had spread into a human-sized portal, you start pushing Steve towards it. His sneakers were just touching the edge before he realised what was happening.
“Hey, hey! No!” He stops, and you’re not strong enough to overpower him.
“Steve, you have to go! They’re gonna break through any minute!” You cry, watching the ever-growing dents in the metal above the staircase. “Please, you have to go!”
“I’m not leaving you, Y/n!”
“It’s already too late.” You sob, wiping away your tears. Tears that felt hot, burning against your skin.
The skin littered with black veins.
“I’m gonna turn any minute now.” You place your hands on his cheeks, making sure he was listening to your every word. “And I don’t want my last memory to be crossing back into our home knowing I won’t make it 5 steps before the virus kills me. Okay? So, you’re gonna go through the gate and you’re not ever gonna look back. Please. Don’t come back for me.”
“I can’t-” He cries and you bring his forehead down to rest on yours, nodding.
“I know.” You whisper, leaning forward to leave a feather-light kiss on his lips.
His eyes are still closed when you pull back, studying him one last time.
“Which is why I’m sorry.”
Steve’s eyes snap open just in time to watch your hands find his chest and shove him as hard as you can, his body ripping through the gate faster than he can experience.
His back hits solid concrete, making him groan. It takes a second for him to blink away the dots in his vision, slowly sitting up. He can see your figure clearly, your sad eyes, the smile gracing your lips.
And then the gate starts to sew itself shut.
Steve scrambles to his feet, tugging at the dangling pieces of membrane to try and stop the process.
“Y/n!” He yells at you, the unwelcome fear striking his nerves when he hears a loud crash from the other side.
Judging by the look on your face, it was exactly what he thought it was.
“No! No! Y/n!”
The gate is getting smaller, but his screams are only getting louder, fingers desperately trying to pry it open like a set of doors. But it was useless.
He can just make out a rush of silhouettes, your retreating form.
And then he was clawing at a concrete wall, body shaking with the intensity of his tears.
“No, no, no, no!” He yells in rage, his fingers scraped and bloodied.
For the last three weeks, all he wanted was to be on the other side. And now he was here, without you, it felt worse than hell.
He barely heard the creak of metal doors open behind him, or even saw his shadow suddenly cast onto the space he lost you forever.
Steve didn’t notice anything until a voice calls out behind him, causing him to turn and squint against the beaming light.
“Steve?” Hopper frowns, squinting. “Steve.”
He rushes down those steps and drops the flashlight, both hands on the boy’s shoulders.
“Hey, kid, you alright?” He asks, but Steve can barely speak. “Kid, look at me.”
Steve looked at him, a torn and broken version of the boy Hopper had seen last. He can feel Hopper’s hands tighten, a look of horror clouding his eyes.
“Where’s Y/n?”
Don’t forget me, you had said to him. A bittersweet promise of a memory.
Steve wasn’t ready to make you a memory.
“She’s still back there.” He finally said, swallowing the bitter lie that was about to coat his tongue. “We got separated.”
He lowered his eyes, unable to look at him, trying to ignore the guilt eating away at his chest. It was cruel, to lie to a father so desperate to get his daughter back. But he was afraid the truth would show you were like your father in more ways than one.
Steve needed to do this. No matter the consequences.
“She wants us to find her.” He finally says, nodding. “She wants us to bring her back.”
To be continued...
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[A/N: GOH will return for yet another installment! I'm separating the story into parts so I can trick my stupid brain that only gives me writers block into thinking it's only a short story. I honestly plan for this to last forever. Or at least until I run out of ideas lmao.]
@toomanyfandomsimfanvergent . @sheisjoeschateau . @kthomps914 . @curled-hair-red-lips . @nix-rose .
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 4 months
May the Fourth Be with You
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Casey Novak x fem!reader Warnings: explicit language (maybe?), implied sex (maybe?), fluffy times, Star Wars V spoilers (I guess?), idk let me know if I've missed anything Word count: 1.7k
Summary: You and Casey are watching the twins so your parents can go on vacation and, unbeknownst to Casey, you fully plan on celebrating Star Wars day. But you end up celebrating something else entirely.
Casey jerked awake as the Star Wars theme song blared to life around her.
“What the hell?!” she muttered, stretching and blinking to find you, Winnie, and Eli standing at the foot of the bed with lightsabers. Winnie had on a Darth Vader mask.
You grinned, giggling, and counted your siblings off. “Okay, guys, one… two… three… May the Fourth be with you!”
Casey groaned and tried to put on a good face for Eli and Winnie as she sat up. “Oh, wow. Happy… what are we celebrating?”
“The breakfast tray, young padawans,” you prompted, bowing slightly. Eli and Winnie grabbed either side of a tray and set it over Casey’s lap. Of course, she thought as she looked over the hash brown patty decorated as Chewbacca, with little bacon arms and legs. The avocado toast that somehow had the face of Yoda. Star Wars day. May the Fourth be with you. She shook her head. This is what she got for dating a huge nerd. Even the orange juice was in a little Star Wars glass that looked like it had come straight out of the ‘70s. For all she knew, it might have. Your dad was a huge nerd, too.
“Okay, guys,” you said, giving them a small salute. “You can go eat your breakfasts. Casey and I will come down in a little bit and we can start A New Hope.”
The kids cheered and thundered downstairs, leaving just you in your Han Solo t-shirt sitting at the edge of the bed. “Sorry to wake you,” you apologized, running a hand through her messy morning hair. “I put them off as long as I could.”
“I don’t know how your parents do this all the time.” Casey yawned, making a squished sandwich of the avocado toast, the hash brown and the bacon. She bit into and moaned. “God, it’s worth it for your breakfast, though.”
You smiled and leaned forward to kiss her on the forehead. You and Casey were watching your siblings, Winnie and Eli–who were both sixteen and both had Down syndrome–for two weeks, so your parents could go on vacation. They were great kids. You loved them with your whole heart. And you loved that Casey loved them, too. That she was willing to use her vacation time to help you take care of them.
“I think we’re gonna start with A New Hope,” you told her. “It’s the only one they’ve seen besides the kid shows, and the original trilogy’s the best anyway.”
“I’ve never seen Star Wars,” Casey mused, taking another bite of her mishmashed sandwich.
Your jaw dropped. “Casey, what!? None of them!?”
She shook her head, wiping crumbs off the corner of her mouth.
“How come I didn’t know this?! You never told me…”
Casey looked almost guilty as she shrugged. “I don’t really have any desire to see Star Wars…”
You gasped. “And this from the love of my life!?” You clutched your hands to your chest dramatically.
“Calm down,” she scoffed, ruffling your hair as she finished the breakfast sandwich and drained the juice, setting the tray aside so she could wrap her arms around you. “I love that you love Star Wars. I love it when you talk nerdy to me.” She placed a kiss on your neck.
“Oh, yeah?” You smirked, raising your eyebrows.
“Mmhm,” Casey confirmed, pressing her lips to yours. She tasted citrusy from the orange juice, and your brain momentarily blacked out.
You smiled into her, lips brushing against hers. “Did you know the Millennium Falcon is a YT-1300 Corellian light freighter?”
Casey kissed you again, placing both hands on the sides of your face to deepen it.
“And it made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs?”
“You’re such a nerd,” she chuckled, pushing you back into the headboard and straddling your lap.
You moaned slightly, your hands slipping under her t-shirt, as she slid her tongue into your mouth.
“Hey!” a voice called, and you and Casey shot apart as if you were teenagers caught by your parents. It was Winnie, in all her 4’10” glory, standing arms crossed, Darth Vader mask on, in the doorway. “You two,” she ranted, pointing at you, “need to stop all this kissing. Get your butts downstairs. It’s May the Fourth Be with You! Not Kissing Be with You!”
“Get out of here, Winnie!” you yelled playfully, throwing a pillow out of her. “We’ll be down in a second.”
She crossed her arms. “You know you’re not allowed to have girlfriends or boyfriends upstairs. That’s what mom says to you and Chase.”
“I’m a full-grown adult, Winnie! I have a job! And an apartment!” you protested. “I can do whatever I want!” You launched yourself out of bed, flushed, straightening your clothes. “And Chase is married!”
Casey’s shoulders shook with laughter, her face red. You rolled your eyes, taking her hand in yours to pull her up from the bed. You followed Winnie downstairs, slapping Casey’s hand away as she squeezed your ass.
“The children, Casey!” you hissed. She smirked and kissed the side of your head.
You had more fun watching Star Wars that day than you’d had in a long time. But you loved watching Casey with your siblings more. It meant so much to you, so much more than you could ever say–and you’d said a lot–that she was so good with them, that she cared about them, even loved them. It made your heart soar when Eli asked for his daily smoothie and wanted Casey to make it, not you. It was a task reserved for whoever was his favorite at the time. You loved that these days, his favorite was Casey.
Even more exciting was getting to watch perhaps the only three people in the world who didn’t know Darth Vader was Luke’s father see the reveal.
“What!?” Casey yelled, into it despite herself, mostly because it was fun to be into something with the people around you. The kids screamed, throwing things around the room. You grinned all the way to your ears, pressing a quick kiss to the corner of Casey’s mouth. You just couldn’t help yourself. She slipped a sneaky hand underneath your shirt to caress your bare skin, making you shiver, and you shot her a look that said, “This is fine, but you’re pushing it.”
And at your favorite part–when Han Solo and Princess Leia are reunited once more at Jabba the Hutt’s lair–you cheesed and smiled and couldn’t help cooing and awwing. They were your favorite. They’d always been your favorite. When you were young, you’d convinced yourself that you had a crush on Han Solo, but really you’d wanted to be Han Solo. The crush, so obvious in hindsight, had been on Princess Leia.
“Ugh, she’s so pretty!” you squealed, and Casey smiled at you, pinching your dimpled cheek.
“Ooohhh,” Winnie teased. “You should be married with her.”
“You should be married with Princess Leia because you said you like her.”
You shrugged. “I mean, I do like her. She’s very pretty. But you know who’s prettier?” You leaned in toward Winnie and Eli, as if you were going to tell them a secret. “Casey.”
Winnie and Eli shrieked, scandalized.
You wrapped an arm around Casey’s waist, pulling her to you, and she giggled, blushing. You kissed her cheek. “Casey is the prettiest. I like her so, so much. I’m gonna be married with Casey.”
After the kids’ laughter had died down and they were distracted by the ewoks, Casey looked at you thoughtfully, running a hand through your hair. “Do you mean it?” she asked quietly.
“Mean what?”
She played with her fingers. “That you want to get married?”
Your heart melted a bit as you watched her. She was nervous to ask. And Casey was never nervous.
You cupped her face. “Of course I am! We talked about this at Chase’s wedding, didn’t we?”
“Yeah, but…” she avoided your eyes. “You didn’t bring it up again.”
“Oh, Case,” you breathed, rubbing her cheek. You laughed a little bit, and she looked at you as you pulled a small plastic bag out of the pocket of your basketball shorts. Casey gasped quietly as she realized what it was, as you held out the ring. “I was gonna make it more romantic, but...”
“Y/N,” she squealed, and planted a quick kiss on your lips, as quiet and chaste as she could manage, so as not to interrupt the kids–or prompt them to interrupt you.
You waited for her nod, then slipped the ring on her finger, smiling.
“How long have you had it,” she asked, whispering, as she turned it around and around.
You grinned at her. “I ordered it after you went to sleep the night of Chase’s wedding.”
“You didn’t,” she said, swatting your arm, sniffing aggressively and trying to avoid crying.
“I did.” And when she turned to you, you knew you’d never, ever get tired of her. Her face, her laugh, the way she kept you on your toes. You loved every single bit of her, so much it almost ached. You’d decided that very night, that very conversation at Chase's wedding reception, that If Casey wanted it, you’d do it. It would be your absolute privilege, your joy, your honor to marry her.
She kissed you a few more times, soft and quick, then leaned her body into yours, resting her head on your chest.
“We’ll celebrate more later,” she whispered, winking up at you and squeezing your hand.
“Hey,” you prompted when she turned her head back to the movie. She looked up at you, and you traced her eyebrows, her cheekbones, all the way down to her chin. “I love you.”
She grabbed your hand and kissed it. “I love you, too.” She smirked and giggled, then added. “Nerd.”
You rolled your eyes and smiled, happier than you’d ever been in your life.
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starlostseungmin · 2 years
hi kei! idk if you remember me but i'm your handholding anon from months ago <3
what lip balm flavor do you think seungmin uses? 🥺 imagine him putting on lip balm before snuggling next to you in bed, the sweet scent making you stare way too long at his pretty pouty lips. he knows you're resisting the urge to kiss him right then and there, but he teases you anyway by pressing his forehead against yours. "jagi, you're so cute but it's just lip balm," he laughs.
— it’s just lip balm, ksm.
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hi lovely! yes, i do remember you and i'm glad you're back <33 i made a short drabble for this soft seungmo thought and i got so excited when i read it. i hope to interact with you :'> so please drop by soon or be my emoji anon if you're shy ^.^ thank you for this! i enjoyed writing it. 🌷✨💕
pairing: boyfriend!seungmin x gn!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: kissing, not proofread.
word count: 996
notes: hello, i hope you’re having a great day! please reblog, leave your feedbacks and put tags alright? don't let it flop! thank you very much love ♡
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seungmin’s favorite part of the week finally arrived. it’s always the best part of his life when he could lay and take his day off, be lazy and eat his comfort food. read and watch dramas like he always does. he just got home that friday night and went to take a shower where he finds you on your shared bed, reading the book he gave you from your birthday last year. all set with pajamas and night lights. the sound of the bathroom’s sliding door opened, followed by his footsteps, then the door closed again. seungmin ruffled his hair to dry with a small towel to prevent water droplets from soaking his favorite mahagrid t-shirt. a smile tugged on his face when he got out of the bathroom. 
“enjoying the book so much?” he asked, teasing you about it. a chuckle escaped your lips as your eyes landed on him, immersed in how fluffy he looked in his pajamas with his hair getting dry. “it’s your 5th read,” 
“you can’t blame me,” you defended. “i love it so much,” 
seungmin let out a giggle before he leaned forward and kissed your forehead and proceeded to do his nightly routine. you share a vanity mirror with your favorite products aligned neatly on the flat surface. it’s a common sight every night on his day off as he ended up cuddling you after he’s done. your boyfriend misses you oftentimes when he can’t go home during his hectic schedule but he tries to give time to call or text you whenever he gets a break in between. nevertheless, you were always busy too, especially when you were in your last semester in college. but your clinginess to each other never fails to miss any time just to talk and ask how you were doing. 
he sat down as he looked at himself in the mirror doing his skincare which you always find cute. you didn’t know why but he’s the type to be all clean and comfortable before going to bed. his sweet scent helps you sleep at night and his soothing voice sounds like a lullaby, he could invite you into a pillow fight or just talk about random things until 2 am. bedtime seungmin is one of your favorite seungmin. but he promised you’d sleep together a little early after an exhausting day. 
you closed the book, setting it aside for the night as you watched him doing his finishing touch. that rosehip oil lip balm of his. you never tried that flavor before because of your consistent use of cherry or the original one of the brand. 
“you’re no fun, y/n,” he’d say and you just have to roll your eyes at his statement. but rosehip oil had you hooked. you knew he’s been using it for a while now but you don’t care. yet watching him apply that roseate wax with a curios scent made you wonder what it tastes like, especially when it’s coated all over his lips. 
“is it sweet?” you asked. 
“you want to try?” he asked, not breaking his eye contact with himself in your vanity mirror. 
“can i?” you beamed, but instead of handing you the small object, seungmin being seungmin leaned forward to kiss you. a smirk formed on his lips, a sign of triumph when he leaned away, leaving you a blushing mess. “you’re a teasing maniac, are you?” 
“at least you get to try it specially,” he said, winking at you while giggling. “relax babe, it’s just lip balm,” 
“pssh,” you hissed at him. 
“how was it?” he said, still plastering that annoying smirk on his face. 
“good,” you said. “the lip product, i mean,” you added back as he sighs in disbelief. 
“how about my lips then?” he pouted like a baby. 
“i don’t know for sure,” you said, letting out an evil chuckle as seungmin started to pout his lips even more. 
“here, kiss it,” he said, pointing his lips. 
“no,” you retorted playfully when he tried to shorten the gap between you two as he make kissing sounds. 
“one kiss!” he laughed in between. “y/n!” 
“no, back off!” you said, pushing him away but seungmin is persistent with the kiss and it is always a way to tease you because he knew that you won’t be able to resist it even if you try to avoid it. 
“my lips are waiting,” he said. 
“one kiss?” you asked as he took the same lip product again to apply. 
“just one,” he reassured. “unless you beg for more?” he added licking his lips while wiggling his brows and that’s when you burst out laughing for making a reference. 
“i love you so much,” you said in between your laughs and seungmin was proud of his sense of humor. “not just one okay?” you smiled. 
“y/n, babe, i know you can’t just have one,” he said as you rolled your eyes in response before kissing him again. 
his lips were hot as you tasted the flavored lip balm. it was bitter indeed but the sweet scent of it made it more addicting and having it on your boyfriend’s lips had it intoxicating. seungmin knows you are a sucker for his kisses and melt over it. that is one thing that you always miss when he’s not around, the thing you would always look forward to when he gets home and the thing that you always want the most when you two are alone. how can he blame you when you told him he is a good kisser? 
“you’re so cute,” he said, breaking the kiss pressing his forehead against yours. 
“and you’re annoying,” you chuckled. “in a good way of course,” you smiled. “i love you, seungmin,” 
“i love you too jagi,” he said, giving you a quick kiss before taking you inside his arms and cuddled yourselves to sleep. you can’t wait to spend your weekend with him all alone. 
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taglist : @wolfchanchan ,, @1-800-lixie ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @lix-ables ,, @zoe8stay ,, @gwynsapphire ,, @cherryhanji ,, @lixesque ,, @seungly ,, @sleepyleeji ,, @comet-falls ,, @kim-seung-mo ,, @ppiri-bahng ,, @myjisung ,, @snow-pegasus ,, @milkybonya ,, @l3visbby ,, @wilczachannn ,, @asters-abditory ,, @tangylemonade ,, @hwan-g ,, @awkwardnesshabitat ,, @chrispychans ,, @therealhyunjingf ,, @hyunverse ,, @starseungs ,, @skizzel ,, @lino-jagiyaa ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @rachabreathing — ( see navi. if you want to be added )
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bigtreefest · 7 months
From Both Ends
Pairing: Curtis Everett x reader one-shot (Modern AU)
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Summary: Work and physical stress are adding up, until they spill over. It’s a good thing your sweet, understanding boyfriend is there to help clean you up however he can
Word count: 1,804
Content/warnings: this is mostly fluff and comfort, slice of life?, bad language words, semi-graphic period and nosebleed descriptions (mostly nosebleed) (also blood and snot) (this is natural. We were all born somehow), crying, comfort, non-sexual nudity, reader is on the toilet for like half of this, but not really in gross way?, use of pet names (sweetheart, sweetie, love, darling), afab reader who has a period, no use of y/n, pronoun ‘she’ is used once
A/N: Happy International women’s day. Also, what period phase am in that I’m craving fluff rn???? Anyway, I just have it in my head that behind closed doors, Curtis is the biggest sweetheart to ever exist.
This is dedicated to all my girlies who throw their hearts into their work and don’t get enough in return. It’s also dedicated to all my girlies who love Curtis more than me (girlies is a gender-inclusive/neutral term in this case. I love you ALL).
I feel like I should also tell you guys that I’m doing a master’s in medical science while I’m applying to med school, so I think that really came out in this, if you’re fearing I mention all the types of bleeding a little too casually.
Comments, likes, reblogs, and asks are so appreciated. Thank you for reading!!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist
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Curtis was working on cooking dinner when he heard you at the the door to your shared apartment jingling keys against the lock. It was followed by a series of grumbles before you finally turned the key and passed the threshold, slamming the door, tossing your keys on the entry way table next to his beanie, and stomping toward the home office, slamming that door as well.
Once he turned off the stove after stirring one last time, Curtis washed his hands and removed his apron before he made his way down the hall. He knocked on the door tentatively. “Sweetheart? Everything okay?”
You must not have heard him, too zoned in on your work, because the next second he heard your booming voice, hardly muffled through the inch and a half of wood.
He opened the door to see you in front of your open email screen, heels of your palms rubbing your eyes.
“Hey, Sweetie, you have some time for dinner?”
You had been working late all week and you were exhausted. When it came to you, Curtis paid attention to every detail and he knew how tired you were, going to bed way past your usual time and waking up early, which is why he made your favorite for dinner tonight. In the hopes he could make a hard week even just a little bit better and maybe help the pang in his chest he felt every time he saw you like this. He cautiously approached you in your office chair and ran his hand from your shoulder down around your back to the other and pulled your head close to his chest. You turned to press your forehead against his firm pecs, and he could feel your tears wetting the front of his shirt. He stroked your hair and pulled you closer, kissing the top of your head.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. At least we know you still have great comebacks at that bitch Anabelle, even when you’re frustrated…and she can’t hear you”
You laughed slightly at that joke, followed by a sniffle as you looked up into the ever-soft eyes of your boyfriend.
“There she is.” He looked down at you, giving a winsome smile. Sometimes just a glance was enough for you to feel like your worries were melting away. He crouched down so he could bring his forehead to yours, as your eyes fluttered shut and you let out a sigh at the taste of comfort after a long day.
“Why don’t you go ahead and wash up while I make us some plates. Meet you at the table?” You nodded and sniffled again before giving him a quick peck and heading to the bathroom.
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Curtis had just finished setting the table when he faintly heard you call him from the toilet. He cracked open the bathroom door to see you had discarded all of your clothes and were aggressively blowing your nose from a fresh wave of snot and tears.
“Can you…um…get me a clean pair of underwear?” Your eyes were glued to the floor. “And some comfy clothes?”
You finally glanced up at him as he nodded and went to shut the door again “Of course, Love.”
Curtis went through his drawers, picking out your favorite sweatpants and oversized hoodie of his, as well as a comfy lounge bra and underwear for you. For good measure, he also got a pair of socks.
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He returned to see you still sitting there on the toilet, eyes red and puffy and elbows perched on your knees in defeat. You reached out your hands, thanking him for the fresh clothes that smelled so comfortingly like him, but he didn’t hand them over, opting to set them on the edge of the sink instead.
He moved to take your discarded clothes and place them into the hamper, taking note of the blood in your underwear. He knew that was likely going to be the case due to your request. Plus, the crying over the past few days you’d chastised yourself for (not to mention the app he’d downloaded on his phone months ago, but chose not to mention it to you yet. It was just so he could be prepared with the comforts he believed you deserved) and the constant body aches and tiredness you had shown.
He sat down cross-legged on the plush bath mat at your feet, peeling your hands from your face where you had placed them to cover up again. “Let me help you?”
“No Curtis, it’s really not necessary, I ca-“
“Please?” He gently cut you off with a whisper. “I’d feel better if I could take some of the weight off your shoulders.” You cared so much about your work and those around you, he wanted to be the one to care for you.
You meekly nodded as he kissed your knee and slid the new pair of underwear partially up your legs, placing a pad and preparing the sweatpants to slide on next.
You choked back a sob as Curtis looked up at you with his brows pinched together, concern deepening the blue in his eyes and painting his features. You blew your nose again, overwhelmed with the emotion you felt at Curtis’s kind, soft, touch in this intimate moment. When you pulled away, you both saw the red that painted the tissue. More blood.
Fuck. You knew this was coming. You were so prone to nosebleeds and the fact that you were stressed beyond belief, plus the four coffees you had today had definitely made it worse. You tried to keep your sobs from deepening as you nearly wailed in frustration, pinching your nostrils closed and leaning forward to keep the blood from trickling down the back of your throat.
Curtis rushed to grab more tissues, folding and twisting them into cylinders for you to quickly stuff up your nose to clog the bleeding. He’d seen his fair share of blood and nosebleeds in his day, so this was nothing to him. “Hey, hey, shhh shhh shhhhh, it’s ok, sweetie, you’re alright.”
He ran his hand down the side of your face as he blew a cool stream of air towards you, helping to dry the tears and calm you down. You could still see the admiration in his gaze, which put you at a crossroads between wanting to cry harder and lose all worries. You briefly considered leaning into his touch and turning to kiss his palm before the protrusions from your nose stopped you.
Curtis thought to himself about how you’d been burning both ends, putting in extra time at work, but still making the effort to spend a couple hours with him every night. And now, forget burning both ends, you were bleeding from both ends. Good one, Curtis, he thought to himself, but he’d keep that joke for another day when your spirits were a little lighter. He kept his eyes on you, and it felt like he could see into the farthest corners of your soul with his penetrating, yet pacifying gaze.
“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” You spoke with a nasally voice between mouth breaths, your nose officially out of commission.
“What ever could you mean, Darling?” He quipped, keeping his smile soft and small.
“You’re looking at me with love. How do you love this right now?” You gestured over your whole body before aggressively pointing towards your face. “I look like a fucking walrus with these tissue plugs hanging out of my nose.”
Curtis laughed and hung his head, shaking it before looking back up at you. “I love you for a lot of reasons, but currently, it’s because I’m thinking about how you’re the hardest worker I know. This is just a side effect of you pushing yourself a little too far. It’s okay, and I don’t mind helping you at all but I know you won’t ask for it. So I’m happy because you’re at least letting me help you right now.”
You really were grateful for the way Curtis treated you. To anyone else, he seemed like a gruff wall of muscle, which he was, but to you, he was so much more. He was the biggest softie with a bleeding heart and you couldn’t believe how lucky you were to have each other. He constantly spoke of how much he loved you, especially when you were at your worst, which felt like a lot recently. You felt like you were the lucky one to have him, despite the way he often said the opposite.
He returned to gliding the sweatpants over your feet, followed by your socks. He let you finish cleaning yourself up before you flushed the toilet and you both washed your hands, your sobs calming fully. He finally grabbed the sweatshirt and gently slid it over your head, careful to not knock the precariously stuffed tissues out of place.
Curtis stood behind you in the mirror, grabbing one of your hair ties off the sink and pulling your hair into a messy bun. You’d taught him how to do that a few weeks into your relationship and he’d become pretty good at it, practicing whenever you would let him. His large stature towered over you as he finished and tugged to adjust the large piece of sweatshirt fabric down over your hips, perfectly oversized from having to fit over his broad frame on most days. His hands snaked around your waist, turning you and pulling your stomachs together as you leaned back to look up at him.
“And for the record, you’re the cutest walrus I’ve ever seen.” Curtis was happy to see your eyes sparkling with something other than tears again, appreciation, and leaned in to give you a kiss on the lips, before realizing the tissue cylinders were blocking his path, opting for a forehead kiss instead with a small chuckle.
“Now let’s get some food in you. We can eat and then I’ll hold some ice packs to your face on the couch while you finish answering those last few emails. Sound good?”
You nodded and gave him the first bright, genuine smile he’d seen from you in days. Again, in your nasally voice, you responded. “Okay, but I have a few conditions. I get to sit in your lap while you hold your hand to my stomach like a heat pad and feed me chocolate for each email I finish.”
He scooped you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist and arms around his neck, your hands stroking the back of his soft, buzzed hair as he carried you over to the kitchen counter.
“Deal. Anything for my best girl.”
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Bonus A/N: I would probably sell a kidney to have a Curtis like this.
Thank you for reading! Likes, comments, reblogs, and asks are sooooo appreciated! Lmk if you’d like to be added to the tag lists for any of my fics!!
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prolix-yuy · 2 years
A Bearable Weight
Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x F!Reader
Summary: New Years Eve is the holiday of new beginnings, and you take a leap to see if Javi might be one of them.
Word Count: 3k
Story Warnings: T, plenty of sweetness, more ridiculousness because I can't help myself, some lightly spicy kisses. While this story is not explicit, my blog and the content shared on it is 18+ so MINORS DNI.
Notes: I had to get these two to New Years. They were just too cute to leave hanging. I hope each and every one of you reading this waves goodbye to anything that made your 2022 difficult and enters 2023 with open arms and excitement. Now let's see where the new year takes Javi and Conejita!
Cross-posted on AO3
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The restaurant is smaller than you thought it might be, unassuming in a strip of businesses. The sign for it is understated, white lettering on a black rectangle with a thin gold border - Aperitif. You’ve been studying the sign, and the door below it, for well over ten minutes, the chill night air creeping up your bare legs. The new dress you bought for the occasion - black, tasteful but a little sexy, an amount you’re comfortable with - weaves around your knees when a breeze makes you shiver. You look down at your heels again, still torn between whether the glittery gold is too loud for your personality or loving that they make you feel festive. Your hair is styled, your makeup is perfect, everything is ready for you to go inside.
And you’re still rooted on the damn spot.
Javi texted you a few times since the first voice message. Every new phone alert made your heart jump, evolving to a flutter when it actually was from him. He sent you photos of his friends’ Christmas tree, their dog plopping her head in his lap, the snow outside a fogged up window. He also asked you things about yourself, some that you expected and others that made you stop and smile. 
What food will you eat if you’re having a bad day?
Best movies adapted from books?
Did your sister like the message?
Your sister did indeed, and after catching you grinning at your phone several times throughout the long weekend finally made you confess how you got it. Her elation over the serendipitous meeting was only eclipsed by your hesitation over seeing Javi again.
“Are you serious right now? Cute, funny, probably loaded, a dork, sweet, and definitely into you? I will drive you there and drop your ass on the sidewalk if you don’t do it yourself.”
So you accepted the invitation, which was accompanied by a string of excited texts filled with details and one that made you tingle from head to toe.
Thank you for accepting. I hope you will consider what I asked you in my first message. But only if you’re comfortable. I really like talking to you, no matter what.
A beat, then…
If you’d like to be mine, this year.
You did. Holy hell, you did. But you were also a classically trained overthinker, and the days leading up to New Years Eve were spent Googling and riding the rollercoaster of excitement and dread. The Gutierrez family had an online presence, and not all of it was good. Luckily it seemed like Javi wasn’t in the crosshairs, but the more you learned the more convinced you became that this was going to be a shitshow. Wealthy, influential, a lover of the arts and gorgeous in every photo you find, your hopes got buried a little deeper with each word.
He told you it was going to be a party, nothing large, but the idea of being in your department store dress among the elite of society made you want to cancel. Go out for coffee instead. Let yourself down gently when you realize how different your worlds are.
But then you find a voicemail - a missed call from Javi:
“Hi conejita, I hope all the texts have not been too much. I realize that you barely know me, and I am maybe moving a little too fast. I get…ah, well, I get excited. You have made me very excited, and I want to be, you know, ‘cool’ about it, but I am not so great at that. Anyways, I am…hah, yeah, excited to see you tomorrow. It will be a lot of fun. And, um…we don’t…I only want what you want, conejita. So let’s just…see where the night takes us. I know what I feel, but I…I only want you to…to know…agh! I am messing this all up. Sorry, this message is so long now. I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m…I’m really happy to see you tomorrow. Okay, bye.”
What’s the harm, you thought after listening to the message three times. If it’s terrible you never have to see him again.
Another breeze ripples over your skin, finally making you move towards the door.
And if it’s amazing?
You smile to yourself and enter the warmth of the restaurant.
Aperitif looked small from the exterior, and the interior is about what you expected. It could maybe seat 30 fully booked, but the dining room has been cleared out in favor of buffet servers against the walls, the ivory bar lined with champagne glasses and eager bartenders shaking cocktails. The handful of people chatting inside don’t look like heiresses or oil barons. Your shoulders relax a fraction.
“Name?” the man at the door asks, a short list in his hand. You give yours and are ushered in, a drink immediately put in your hand and a string of metallic gold beads tossed over your head by a waitress.
“Happy New Year!” she says, taking your coat. You slip into the crowd looking for the only person you came here for - Javi. But his caramel curls and exuberant laugh haven’t reached you yet.
“I love what they’ve done with the decorations!” a cheery voice exclaims over your shoulder. You look around, then up to see a delicate web of black and gold streamers holding balloons precariously above you. One single streamer hangs to the floor behind the bar, which an olive-skinned hand points to. “I think at midnight they pull that.” You turn to see the woman speaking to you, and she’s...normal-looking. Peppy brunette with a sharply cut bob, sparkling brown eyes, and a glittery top with black slacks. Maybe you had nothing to worry about.
“That’s fun, I haven’t been out on New Years in ages,” you say, taking a sip of champagne. The bubbles tickle your tongue pleasantly. It’s good, much better than any champagne you’ve had at parties.
“Oh then you’ve come to the perfect place! Who invited you?” she asks, finishing off her glass and placing it on a waiter’s tray as it floats by. 
“Javi,” you say, a little shyly. He mentioned that he was hosting it, but you had no clue who the other guests were. How long could you keep up the facade?
“Of course! How do you know him? I’m a long-lost cousin myself, been out of the loop for a while, but it’s nice to see him again.” She waits expectantly, and if you didn’t feel like throwing up before you definitely do now.
“Uhhh, we met…on a flight…” you start to say, working through how the hell you were going to explain the circumstances of your meeting to a stranger, when her eyes light up.
“Oh my GOD, it’s you!” she gasps, grabbing on to both your shoulders. “Javi told me about the girl on the plane on his way here. That story, the way he tells it, it’s the cutest thing I’ve ever heard. And you’re here! Now! I have to find him, he’ll be so excited!” She squeezes your shoulders again with a little squeal before darting through the crowd, a nervous giggle smothered in your hand.
He told people about you. 
He told people about you in a way that made him sound happy.
You could burst, the light inside you is so expansive. 
You’re about to follow when a large palm circles your bicep, turning you gently around in the crowd.
“You came.”
Javi says it like a prayer, like he believed but never thought a miracle would grace him. His curls are swept back from his face in tantalizing waves. He’s in a gray blazer, a navy button-up with some abstract patterning hanging onto his broad chest for dear life. The top three buttons already gave up the fight, chest dewy with the humidity in the room. But it’s his face that melts your anxieties away. His eyes drape warmth over you, fondness in their depths that he only hinted at in his messages. His soft smile lashes your heart into a gallop, breaking into one of your own.
“Of course. How could I miss it?” you say, winking when his grin widens. He leans forward to place a chaste kiss on your cheek, hand spreading across your lower back. 
“I am so happy to see you, conejita,” he whispers, raising goosebumps along the nape of your neck. 
Oh, you’re in it deep now.
As the night continues more people file in, filling the small space with chattering conversation. You find the bubbly brunette again, who introduces herself as Julia, and get to talking about houseplant care and aggravations. She’s unpretentious, passionate, and makes you feel like you belong. Honestly, most of the people do. As the night wears on and you shake more hands and spark more conversations, it dawns on you why these people are all together tonight. This is Javi’s circle, people who understand him and bring him joy.
Bashful happiness that you might bring him joy settles in your chest.
Javi scoops you up every few minutes, guiding you to new groups or asking you if you’ve tried something. The upscale pigs in a blanket are your personal favorite, snagging a whole tray for yourself when a waiter walks by. You’re almost embarrassed, but Javi’s crinkled smile as he tries to steal one and gets his hand slapped is worth it.
A murmuring begins by the entrance, a flocking to the door. Javi comes to your elbow, leaning on one foot and placing his warm hand on your lower back. He’s been doing it to you all night, every time you stand beside him, but it’s never less thrilling.
“What’s that all about?” you ask, your third glass of champagne fizzing delightfully under your skin. He catches someone’s eye in the crowd, gesturing them over.
“Just a good friend who came to visit.”
You almost choke on your sip of bubbles.
“Nicolas. Fucking. Cage,” you scoff to Javi under your breath as the man himself emerges out of the crowd. He’s bee-lining your way but stops to shake hands and engage in polite conversation. His emerald velvet jacket contrasts the burgundy button-up underneath nicely, but the faded Dad jeans and white tennis shoes clash adorably with the ensemble. “You could have warned me!”
“Your reaction was well worth your annoyance,” Javi placates, pressing you forward as the crowd falls back.
“How are you doing Nic? How’s the family?” Javi asks, pulling the famous actor in for a hug. They give brief updates, you standing back a step awkwardly. Debating on slipping away, Javi introduces you to Nic and pulls you back into the conversation.
“The girl on the plane,” Nic says, and if you ever thought his speaking affect was fake you’re certain now it’s genuine. He takes your hand in both of his, shaking it earnestly. “I heard your sister is a big fan. I hope she liked the message, I know it was a little rushed but, last minute on the holidays, you know…” You shake your head, fighting back your sister’s scream in the back of your mind.
“She was over the moon. Thank you again for doing that, it was very kind of you,” you say, trading a secret smirk with Javi. It’s a harmless lie, but the fact that he’s perpetuating it makes you even giddier.
“Well next time you’re at one of Javi’s parties you should bring her. I love meeting fans,” Nic says, giving you a pat on the shoulder and peeling off to get himself a drink. Javi slides back to your side, the laughter you’d been suppressing squeaking out of the corners of your mouth.
“Clara’s gonna die. I’ll have to lie to her to get her in the same room as Nic,” you sputter, leaning into Javi’s side as he puts an arm around your shoulders. Frenetic energy dissipating, you savor the solid breadth of his chest, that delicious citrus bite of his scent. He holds you there, and after a moment his cheek presses against the side of your head. He inhales, your face burning when you realize he’s smelling you. 
“That’s it, you’re a wizard or something. No one can grant as many wishes as you,” you tease, twisting to look into Javi’s face. The crows feet and wrinkles smooth as he looks at you, eyes darting from your own to your lips and back again. “Thank you,” you finally say, letting him slide his arm down to pull you into his chest.
“It is I who should be thanking you, conejita. I’ve been living a full life, a better life in recent times, but it feels that much brighter when you’re close to me.” His touch is hesitant when his fingers graze your jaw, his hold loosening on your back. It’s all broadcasting only what you want. He would chase you if you let him, though if you stepped away now he’d let you. But in those touches are the longing to be more than acquaintances. And in this room you thought you’d never belong in, you feel safe, and seen.
Over the chatter and laughter swirling past, you talk. About Javi’s life, and your own. Your work and what you love to do. His love of movies, your love of old houses and national parks. Your mutual dislike of overused CGI elements and predictable jumpscares. He strokes your back, your arm, as you speak, sometimes needing to break away to say hello or answer a question, but unfailingly coming back to you. 
As the final minutes near, you voice the question burning in the back of your mind.
“Javi, you’re so…” you gesture at this posh, gorgeous man standing beside you. “You’re so far out of my league I can’t even see you. And I know I’m a catch,” you interject, gesturing at yourself now with amusement. “I’m a snack, I’m a whole meal, I don’t deny it. But I’m more like…Applebees than Wolfgang Puck.” You wave your hands, banishing the jumble away. “I guess I just don’t understand why…me. Here. Tonight.”
Javi’s brow furrows, his mouth tightening into a pout as he casts his gaze down. Waiting is torture, needing to know if this is just a little thank-you or something more. 
“One minute!” someone shouts, the excitement in the room ratcheting up another series of degrees as everyone gathers in the center of the restaurant. Javi leads you to the middle, the throng of people parting enough to give you some space inside it. Once your feet stop, he sweeps you into another embrace, this one firmer. His eyes roam your face, searching for something before he speaks. 
“As much as I love the old movies, I do not believe in love at first sight. I believe in attraction, and common interests, and support. I believe in two people finding each other in the most unusual way and taking it as a sign. And when the universe gives you another chance and it only makes you want that person more, well…” Javi trails off, one hand coming up to curl around your head, his thumb stroking the hinge of your parted jaw. Your eyes must be hopeful because he barrels on.
“Well, I am not one to overlook lightning striking twice. And you are…you are not an…apple bee?” he asks, confusion twisting the words. You shake your head and pat his chest.
“It’s a, like, chain restaurant. Sorry, doesn’t make a lot of sense if you haven’t heard of it,” you murmur, stroking a finger along his lapel. 
“But that’s just it, because I don’t agree with that. You are so much more than I wished. I feel like…not like a puzzle, but like…two rivers meeting. Both strong on their own, but together, mingled, are in harmony.”
“Okay everyone, get ready, on ten!”
“Javi, what are you…”
“I want more of this, conejita. I want more of you. If you’ll have me too.”
“I…do, but I just…it…it feels so…complicated.”
“We do not need all of the answers now. Just one.”
“Which one is that?”
“Will you let me kiss you tomorrow?”
“Yes, Javi.”
The restaurant erupts in cheers of “Happy New Year!” as people hug and kiss and celebrate. One of the waiters pulls the crepe paper cord and balloons tumble from the ceiling, packets of foil confetti dumping and exploding over the crowd. If you were paying attention you’d laugh, reach your hands up to the ceiling and try to catch handfuls of the glittering shower, but you’re preoccupied with Javi’s gentle smile before he pulls your lips to his.
If this kiss was a precursor to how your next year would go, magical might be a good descriptor. Or explosive. Swoon-worthy maybe. But perfect might be the best. Javi’s first chaste press is followed by deeper kisses, his full lips covering your own with quiet little pants. When he pulls back enough to see your kiss-drunk face his whole demeanor lights up, lacing his fingers with yours and pulling you through the crowd.
Once tucked away on a bench in the back of the restaurant, he proceeds to kiss you with more fervor, tongue slipping against yours tentatively. He only interrupts the worshipful makeout with touches to your face like he still can’t believe you’re here. Covering his hands with your own, you tilt your head to one side.
“I feel like this is going to be a very good year.”
Javi’s sweet smile turns just a fraction devilish, and your heart flutters with it.
“Better than I could have wished for."
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Part 3: A Gift of Light and Joy
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vodika-vibes · 10 months
I've been reading your Star Wars The Clone Wars stories for a long time and you're really great at what you do! I would like to ask you a little question, would you write something with Commander Colt? His love interest is close to another clone and Colt is jealous because of it. It could be fluff, slight angst, suggestive or smut. Your choice of course. I'm your fan, best regards! ❤❤❤
Pick Me
Summary: Basically what the request says, lol
Pairing: Commander Colt x Reader
Word Count: 958
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: Hihi! Thanks for the request! Sorry that it took so long to get to, but I was, like, super sick the last two days. Food poisoning is no fun. I'm glad that you enjoy my writing, and I hope you enjoy this!
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“You look like you’re having a good day,” You turn and grin at Colt as he walks over to you.
You take a moment to admire him, he really is absolutely gorgeous in his armor, but you very quickly push the thought to the side. “I am having a good day,” You say gleefully, “Spanner has been practicing his cooking and he’s making my favorite dinner tonight.”
Colt doesn’t say anything for a moment, and when you look at him, you note his smile seems pained, “You don’t say. I didn’t realize that you and Spanner were dating.”
“What? Oh, no. Not at all.” You say with a laugh, “I’m well aware that I’m going as a taste tester and nothing more.”
“Does he know that?” Colt asks wryly.
“Not my problem.” You answer with a shrug, “Anyway, was there something you needed, Colt?”
He gazes at you silently for a moment, his dark eyes scanning your face, and then his smile becomes slightly wry, “No. There was something, but it’s not important.”
“You sure? If it’s important I can give you all the time you need.”
His smile becomes a little more real, “Yeah. I’m sure. It’ll hold.”
“Well then, if you’re sure,” You grin at him and take a step back, “I have to go and change into something less covered in grease before I meet up with Spanner-”
“You look great.”
“Yeah, the grease brings out my eyes,” You joke, and Colt laughs softly, “If you change your mind, or if you just want to talk, Colt, you know where to find me.”
“I do know where you sleep,” He says with an easy smile.
You laugh, “Pick a hallway, it’ll lead you to me eventually.” You back away a little more, “I’ll see you later, Colt.”
“Yeah. Have a good night.”
Your smile is blinding, “You too, try to get some rest. The cadets won’t burn down Tipoca City if you’re not looking for one night.”
“You have more faith in the cadets than I do.” Colt says dryly.
You laugh, and wave, “Night Colt,” and then you turn and hurry down the hall. 
You hurry into your suite, and shower quickly, and by the time you’re out of the shower and have clean clothes pulled on, there’s a knock on your door.
You press the door control pad, and blink at the surprise at the man on the other side of the door, “Colt?”
“Yeah, hi.”
“Hi.” You grin at him, “You’re not Spanner.”
“Ah…no. No, I’m not. Spanner can’t make it.”
You tilt your head to the side, “Is that right?”
“There’s a problem with the food…some cadets got into it, and he’s not going to make it.” Colt explains easily. You move to the side to allow him into your home.
“And he couldn’t even comm to let me know?” You ask, offended.
“He’s probably embarrassed.” Colt replies with a shrug.
You fold your arms and sigh, “I guess this means I have to cook my own dinner. Would you like to join me?”
Colt lifts his gaze from where they were trailing over your bare arms, and a small smile crosses his face, “I’d love to.” And then his gaze drops again, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you not totally covered.”
“Yeah, well, the last thing I want is to get grease on my bare skin.” You reply as you lead him into the kitchen, “I tend to wear more clothes when I’m working, and this is casual for me.”
“You should wear casual clothes more often,” Colt notes, “You look good.”
“You would say that even if I was wearing a burlap sack, Colt.” You say with a laugh.
“And it would be true.” Colt replies.
You shake your head, “You’re impossible.” And then you focus your attention on your fridge, “Let’s see, what do I have-”
“I have a confession,” Colt says after a moment, “Spanner didn’t cancel willingly.”
You turn to look at him, surprised, “He didn’t?”
“I mean, the cadets did get to the food, but that’s because I let them.” Colt admits, “And he would have still come, but I assigned him to cadet duty-”
“Colt,” You step closer to him, “Why would you do that?”
“I couldn’t stand the idea of him here with you.” Colt says as he nervously rubs the back of his neck, “The jealousy got the better of me…I should work on that.”
“Jealous…Colt, why would you be jealous? Spanner is just a friend.”
“He doesn’t see it that way.” Colt says quietly, “And…I just…I want you to pick me. The idea of you picking anyone else, especially one of my brothers-”
“-and I know I shouldn’t have. I know this.” Colt continues.
“Colt!” You step closer to him.
“And I should probably apologize to him-”
You sigh and stand on your toes, pressing your lips against his to stop the slew of words. And then you take a step back, and you look up at him.
Colt is staring at you, his jaw slightly slack. He almost looks like he’s rebooting, you think with an amused little smile. 
“Are you back with me now?” You ask with a growing smile.
“Good.” You reach up and lightly press your hands against his cheeks, “This, Colt, is me picking you. As if there was any other option.”
He exhales slowly, and Colt doesn’t say anything as he takes a moment to process your words, and then he huffs out a quiet laugh. “Can I kiss you?”
“I’d like that very much,” You reply.
And then his lips are on yours and it’s a much, much better kiss than the one that you used to make him stop talking.
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padfootagain · 11 months
Opening Eyes
Hello ! Today, we’re answering a request for my 6k event sent by @sergeantbuckybarnes : “Hii Carole!! Congrats on 6k🎉🎉 You deserve this and more cause your writing is amazing!
There’s so many good tropes here it’s so difficult to choose…. But I’m a huge fan of “only one bed” hehe (with Ben of course 😋) I’m not sure about the AU so that’s up to you, you can choose whatever you think it fits better, I trust your judgement😊
Thank you for doing this! It’s gonna be so fun read all these stories💕”
Thank you so much for sending in a request! I hope you’ll like this little piece!
I hope you all like this story! Tell me what you think!
Pairing: Ben Barnes x reader
Warnings: so much adorableness you might throw up.
Summary: You and Ben need to attend a wedding, and are travelling together by car for 48 hours. What you didn’t expect was for the hotel you had booked to mess up with your reservation and give you… only one room for the two of you, with only one bed to be shared…
Word Count: 3405
Ben Barnes’s Masterlist – Main Masterlist
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You were growing tired. After driving for four hours straight, with only a small break a couple of hours before, your back was starting to hurt again, your brain growing foggy. You could feel yourself starting to be unfocused.
“Do you want us to switch?”
You had thought Ben asleep, but clearly he wasn’t. When you glimpsed over at him on the passenger seat, his eyes were open, although his eyelids were heavy over his dark eyes. He stared at you, expression neutral and yet there was still something benevolent in his gaze, something that was always there when he looked at you, something you didn’t really understand.
“I’m fine,” you lied, and he chuckled, sitting a little straighter in his seat, folding his arms before his chest.
“You seem tired, there’s no need to play the tough act,” he smiled, something tender lingering on his lips.
And you couldn’t control the way your expression longed to mimic his, the way your lips curved up just a little bit at the mere sight of his own smile. The way you wanted to kiss the taste of that shining smile off his lips, too…
You took a deep breath, tried to calm your nerves. Being in love with your friend was not a great idea, by any means. And being stuck with said friend in a car for 48 hours to attend a wedding was not a good idea either…
Ben had been driving for the entire morning and a part of the afternoon, it was your turn at the wheel. But Ben shook his head at your stubbornness as you didn’t answer. Or well, what he took as stubbornness. As a matter of fact you were simply still distracted by this urge of yours to press your lips to his…
“We have about an hour left before reaching the hotel. Will you be alright?” he asked, voice warm, deep, soothing…
You cleared your throat.
“Yeah, I’ll be okay. You can rest if you want.”
“Not sure I can now that I’ve noticed how focused you are while driving…”
“Very funny. I’m an excellent driver!”
“When you’re awake…”
He laughed at the way you mumbled something unintelligible under your breath.
“We’ll soon be there,” he spoke with a gentler voice again. “And tomorrow night, when we finally reach the wedding, I will kill Andy for making us travel all the way across the country for this.”
“It would have been fine had they planned it in more than three weeks and had all flights not been booked…”
Ben nodded, then yawned.
“I can’t wait to finally lie down in bed. Driving is exhausting…”
“If you get us there safely and manage not to crash the car into anything, I’ll buy you dinner. Whatever you want.”
“I want something disgustingly terrible for our health.”
“Yes, please. Extra fries!”
He laughed at that, but nodded anyway.
While you drove, the dying lights of twilight danced over your features, the trees on each side of the road painting moving shadows over yours skin. And Ben wondered how you could manage to be absolutely stunning when looking exhausted, dishevelled, after a ten-hour road-trip…
But then, perhaps it was just his infatuated brain speaking. After all, falling in love with his friend was a terrible, terrible idea, and Ben had let himself fall into this trap months ago like the bloody fool he was.
He looked away before you would notice the way he was staring at you, and tried to slow down his heart after it started dancing a salsa…
This was going to be a long… long trip…
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“What do you mean, there’s only one room left?”
Your voice was shaking with exhaustion and frustration. You were exhausted, you had a headache, you longed for nothing but a bed and a full night of sleep.
“I’m so sorry,” the employee apologised. “There must have been a mistake… But we’ve only booked one room for you, and there is none left available.”
Behind you, Ben heaved a deep sigh.
“Well, we don’t have a choice, anyway,” he mumbled, offering his open palm in a silent request to get the key to the bedroom.
“I did book two bedrooms,” you told him as you carried your luggage down the narrow corridor, towards your shared room.
“I know. They must have fucked up our reservation.”
You let Ben open the door and enter first, but he came back after just a few steps to help you with your suitcase.
As expected, there was only one bed in the room. A rather large one, that seemed comfortable and inviting, but it was still one bed for two people. Two people being friends, yes, but a man and a woman, and… both of them desperately in love with each other and idiotically oblivious of the reciprocated feelings.
This was bad. Very bad…
“I’ll take the couch,” Ben offered, but a quick look around made you frown.
“There’s no couch. You’re not going to sleep on the floor. Besides, it’s ridiculous. We’re friends, we’re adults. It’s alright.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course! I’m going to take a shower.”
Ben let you take a shower first, didn’t complain about it. He was too nervous at the idea of sharing a bed with you to banter anyway.
How could he not be nervous? Sleeping in the same bed was a highly intimate thing, especially given the fact that he was absolutely smitten with you. How could he pass the night?
His heart was beating faster than usual, he was struggling a little to breathe. He decided to unpack a part of his stuff to calm his nerves.
When you emerged from the bathroom in your pyjamas, hair still a little wet and frame wrapped in a comfy bathrobe, all his plans of calming down evaporated. Why did you have to look so adorable?
“We’re only staying for one night, why are you unpacking so much?” you asked, looking at him with a puzzled expression that made his heart skip a beat.
Damn, he really was a lovesick fool…
“Huh… I just don’t like picking up my stuff from a suitcase.”
You shrugged, deciding to leave him alone while he acted silly, and Ben was grateful for it. He hurried inside the bathroom, longing for some cool water to calm him down. And it worked. He was himself again, composed and quiet, when he walked out of the steamy room. He did not expect to find you already asleep, a book on your laps that had fallen from your hands as their hold failed, your neck crooked as it relaxed during your slumber.
Why was he so strangely touched by it? There was nothing special in this moment, nothing glamorous, nothing extraordinary.
It’s domestic. Yes, that was what, Ben realized, made the scene special, filled his heart with a warm feeling of fondness that went beyond the kind a friend should feel. He wanted to see you like this every day; in this fragile, peaceful stage you entered every night, and he longed to become the guardian of it.
Slowly, he walked to your side of the bed, picked up your book, secured the page. He put it away on the bedside table next to you, then gently cupped your face to straighten your neck a little. You shifted slightly in your sleep, but didn’t awaken. Finally, he tugged you in, bringing up the covers up to your chin, patting gently the soft material in a tender gesture, as if to say ‘take good care of her for me’.
When he looked up at your face again, your frame now secured under the blanket, it was to fall right into your eyes…
“Thank you,” you breathed, your voice tiny in the wide space of the bedroom, in its quiet, in the darkness of the night outside and the shaky light of the bedside lamps.
And Ben was back to square one, with a heart thumping against his ribs, a breath struggling to escape his lungs, an urge to lean down and kiss you until you would moan his name…
“You can go back to sleep,” he whispered, unwilling to break the quietness of the moment.
You hummed, closing your eyes once more. Ben stopped breathing altogether when you blindly reached for him, holding onto his forearm.
“Come to bed too.”
So that was what it sounded like, to be called to join you in bed late at night? For a second, he imagined you saying this phrase to him because he was working too hard, going to sleep too late at night, in a bedroom that you would be sharing.
Absolute lovesick fool…
“I’m coming,” he whispered, and couldn’t hold back his urge to reach out, brush a strand of hair away, and let his knuckles caress your cheek, travelling across the soft skin from your temple to your chin.
He heard your breathing catch in your throat, and he swore he could have died here and there.
But it was a spell that needed to be broken, that required to be torn into pieces. He wasn’t ready for this. He longed for it, yearned for it, actually, but he couldn’t take a step closer to you, couldn’t lean down to meet you. It would endanger your friendship, make everything complicated, and anyway… he was pretty certain you didn’t like him that way…
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At 4am, you were awake.
You were exhausted, and wanted to go back to sleep, but simply could not. Your eyes were closed, but your brain was fully functioning, thinking about the driving to be done the next morning, the wedding ceremony, where you would get gas on the road, Ben’s regular breathing filling up the silent room, the way his weight bent the mattress…
You turned to your side, trying to get comfortable, to quieten your mind again, to ignore the warmth Ben was spreading through the bed.
To ignore that Ben was lying in this bed, with you, within arms range, or even hands range at this point. Had you extended your fingers, releasing them from the tightness of your fist, they would have brushed his naked bicep…
“You’re alright?”
His voice was warm despite the roughness of sleep. Almost a growl. It made your heart skip a beat or two, or maybe a dozen…
“Yeah, I’m alright.”
Your voice was quiet, you tried to clear your throat to make it a little louder, but it was hard to breathe as Ben was turning on his side to face you.
From the window, a ghostly light came in from the hotel sign out there on the street. A mix of red and yellowed white that wasn’t bright enough to properly see anything, but still made shapes clear through the shadows of the room. It shone in Ben’s eyes, you couldn’t see the details of his features but could distinguish the edge of his jawline, the length of his nose, the vague curves of his lips…
“Can’t sleep?”
“Not really.”
He hummed.
“Why? You’re not the one getting married, no need to worry about it.”
“I know, it’s just… it’s not that. My brain is just busy.”
Again, a low humming.
“Have you tried counting sheep?”
“At this point I would have reached 500 of those.”
“That bad, huh?”
“Yeah… it’s okay though. I’ll end up falling asleep again. You can go back to sleep.”
He shrugged, and you thought he would listen to you. Close his eyes again, and look for the sweet quiet of slumber again. Instead, he reached blindly for you across the bed, until his fingers were wrapped around your wrist, thumb brushing against your pulse.
You took in a sharp breath, staring at his undefined form.
“You need to sleep,” he admonished, his voice still low and tender, impossibly warm…
“Easier said than done, you genius!”
He chuckled at that, low and raspy, and you felt your entire being tremble at the sound.
It shouldn’t be legal to hold so much power over someone…
“Are you uncomfortable?” he asked after a moment of silence, and his voice was even more tender, if it were possible. “Because I’m here…”
“No! No, it’s really not that. I just… I just can’t sleep. I worry about stuff, I don’t know…”
You blamed his next actions on the fact that it was late at night (or early in the morning). You blamed it on the fact that he wasn’t thinking straight, that he was barely awake at all, probably dizzy with sleep. He couldn’t truly be aware of what he was doing when he gently pulled you closer, slowly wrapping his arm around your frame, giving you all the time you wanted to push him away and break free. His hold was gentle, and you could have easily moved out of his embrace, but why would you? Why would you break free when he smelled of soap and something undefinable that was so him, almost like citrus and oud but not quite? Why would you break free when you felt so safe and warm in his arms?
You blamed the gentle kiss he dropped on your forehead as a moment of madness in his tiredness.
“Sleep. It’s late.”
“Early, rather.”
You felt him smiling against your skin, lips brushing your temple.
“I love it when you do that.”
Yes, he was definitely not himself, was he high? Could someone be high on melatonin?
“Do what?” you prompted, although you immediately regretted your question.
“When you’re being a smartass.”
You pinched him gently, right under his ribs, making him giggle and squirm away from your touch. He was back against you in a second though, as if he couldn’t help himself, couldn’t stay away…
“Sleep. Instead of pinching me…”
“I could if you were quiet.”
“Very well, I won’t say a thing now.”
But it was worse. Because talking to him brought at least a little bit of a distraction but now that silence had settled through the room again, you could do nothing but listen to the rhythmic pattern of his breathing, breathe in his scent, feel his warmth sip into your frame and his heartbeat against your palm…
“Y/N? You’re awake?”
You chose not to answer. After all, you were finally starting to doze off. You realized now that he was speaking after a long moment of silence, but time wasn’t quite right to you in that moment, lost in between consciousness and oblivion.
You heard him heaving a sigh, but your eyes remained closed and your frame motionless.
He let his fingers rest against your hair.
“You’re driving me mad, you know that?”
A breathy, quiet laugh that matched the whisper of his tone.
“No, probably not. Why would you? You don’t know how I feel about you…”
You stopped breathing, but he didn’t notice. Instead, he heaved another sigh.
“What on earth am I doing?”
He didn’t answer his own question. He merely shifted away, putting a little bit of distance and loosening his hold on you. It lasted but a moment, before he was back to square one, pressed against you.
“What are you doing to me?”
His breath on your temple was the last thing you knew before falling asleep.
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Ben hated himself.
Which was unusual. He usually didn’t display a large ego, but he never hated himself either. Except for today. Today, he was absolutely horrified by his own behaviour.
What had happened in his head when he held you like this? Against him, in a bed, in the dark, in a hotel room?
No wonder why you could barely look at him this morning. Why you averted your eyes and barely uttered a word throughout breakfast. What else could you have done?
And it broke his heart to see you like this. To push him away, and to know now for certain that you would never want him to touch you like this, to hold you, to…
He focused on the road, but the silence in the car was too heavy to bear.
What if you hated him? What if he had broken your friendship…
“I’m sorry.”
You seemed surprised by his statement, turned to him with a mild frown on your brow.
“For last night. I’m sorry.”
“Last night?”
“For holding you. I didn’t think straight, it was… I’m sorry, it was inappropriate.”
You clenched your jaw, looked away again.
“It’s alright…”
“I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”
“You didn’t.”
“It was out of line…”
“No, it was okay. We’re friends. We’ve hugged before.”
“I had never held you in my arms while we slept before.”
He noticed the trembling breath you took.
“No, I guess not…”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. It’s fine.”
“I… I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable, or unsafe. You know it was nothing sexual…”
“Ben, of course I know. It’s okay.”
“Then why are you ignoring me since we woke up?”
Since the first lights of dawn pouring in the bedroom, since this first look, this first smile that quickly turned into an agape mouth, and a gentle push on his chest to break free…
“I just… It’s…”
“I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing. I was… It was okay. I liked it. The way you held me.”
Slowly, the information sipped through Ben’s brain; although he wasn’t quite sure what to make of it.
The traffic was dense, but not too slow. His fingers on the wheel tightened their hold.
“I just… I’m sorry, I’m just tired.”
“Now, you’re the one apologizing when you shouldn’t,” he joked, and you welcomed it with a chuckle.
“Yeah, I guess so.”
But Ben wasn’t buying it. There was more to it all than mere fatigue. He had seen you exhausted before, annoyed, angry… now, you seemed afraid.
“When I held you last night, I didn’t really think this through,” he admitted. “But it was nice.”
“Yeah… yeah, it was nice.”
“I won’t do it again though, if you don’t feel comfortable being touched like that.”
But when you turned to him, he could feel the intensity of your gaze burn a hole in his head.
“I don’t really get why you held me like this though. And why you kept on holding me in your sleep.”
He struggled to swallow, shrugging.
“I don’t know… I just… I just wanted to.”
“Do you… do you remember what you said?”
He froze, the cars before him becoming blurred. Slowly, he glanced over at you, before focusing on the road once more. He shifted in his seat, uneasy.
“You said… you said something when you were holding me. What did you mean?”
“No… nothing. I was just… I don’t know.”
He bit the inside of his cheek.
“I just… I’m sorry.”
“Sorry for what now?”
“I… I didn’t think you could hear me. I thought you were asleep. Why didn’t you tell me anything?”
“I don’t know… I was… I hoped you meant it in one way, and I was worried you didn’t.”
He frowned a little at that.
“What way were you hoping for?”
You took a deep breath, he heard it. When he glanced at you, you were visibly nervous.
“Not in a friendly way.”
Despite the road before you and the moving cars around you, Ben couldn’t help but stare at you for several seconds.
Slowly, you nodded.
“Like in a… romantic way?”
His heart was beating so fast by now, and he used every bit of restrain in his body to keep his eyes on the road.
“I didn’t mean it in a friendly way. I… I kind of like you. A lot.”
“Like like me?”
“Will you hate me from now on because of that?”
He was surprised when you chuckled.
“Actually, I’d rather ask you on a date.”
It was his time to laugh, louder than you though.
“Yeah… unless you don’t want to.”
“Oh, I do! I do want to go on a date.”
He was blushing profusely now, you noticed, and it made you smile. But then he laughed. Uncontrollably, in waves, and you frowned a little at the sight.
“This hotel room really was an abominable idea,” he laughed, and you finally joined him, although, soon enough, you were shrugging.
“I don’t know… perhaps it wasn’t that bad, after all.”
Taglist : @sergeantbuckybarnes @reg-arcturus-black @wolfmoonmusic
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lcvernat · 2 years
Smile for Me | Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Request: hello! it’s my first time requesting on your blog.. is it okay if I ask for nat with reader who hides their smile because their insecure of how it looks.
feel free to take your time writing this, I don’t mind waiting :)))
thank you, have a great day!! <3
Word Count: 1.4k
Content Warnings: fluff, talks of being insecure, like two swear words, probably bad writing cause i am a bit rusty
A/N: thank you for requesting anon! i am so, so sorry this took so long but i hope you like it <3 this might not be my best work because i am very rusty and haven't wrote anything in a bit but i hope you enjoy it either way
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Smiling was natural, everyone done it, and usually no one really thought about it whilst they were doing it. You just lived in the moment, smiling at something that had brought you joy. It was whimsical, in a way. But it wasn't like that to you, though. No, it was actually the one thing you tried to avoid the most. Even in situations when you were at your most happiest, ranging from getting top grades in your exams to the day Natasha had asked you out on a date, a smile was rarely exchanged in those moments, or it was hidden behind your hand.
It was hard when something so simple was the root of your insecurities. Every time you caught yourself smiling, you covered your smile with your hand. It was an instinct at this point. Either that, or you would just avoid smiling altogether. It wasn’t as if you were trying to keep up some mysterious persona - you just really, really hated your smile. A lot.
Tiny remarks in middle school had started it. Words said by children that shouldn’t be that serious because you were all kids instead stuck with you for your entire life. Sticks and stones do break your bones, but words will still hurt. They still cause bleeding wounds, but because you can’t see them, society deems them unimportant. Which is why you’ve not told anyone about your insecurity, you just let them poke fun, because the logical part of you knows that it’s a stupid thing to be insecure about, but you can’t help it.
Natasha, of course, had noticed. But she’s never pried, thankfully. She understands having secrets that you keep under lock and key. She has them too. It’s a bit hard not to notice when someone hardly smiles, but somehow she notices that there’s something more to it. Having a spy as a girlfriend, one who is the best spy in the world no doubt, means that any of your secrets aren’t really secrets. You simultaneously love and hate it.
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“Why do you never smile?”
“Why do you always pry into people’s business? And I do smile.”
Tony shrugs halfheartedly at your jab, a tiny smirk on his face as he takes a sip of his drink. You were thrown off guard by his unprompted question, not expecting it to happen when you were just sat eating dinner with the rest of the team. The rest of the team who had, unfortunately, went silent after the words left Tony’s mouth.
You took an awkward bite of your food, trying to focus on the taste instead of the eyes boring into your soul.
“Leave them alone,” Natasha snaps, but there’s no actual bite behind it yet.
“Hey now,” Tony raises a hand placatingly, “I’m not trying to be nosey, not at all. Well, actually, I kind of am, but for good reason. They rarely smile! Have you not noticed? And if they do, I always catch them covering their mouth! Have they ever fully smiled around you, Romanoff?” - The only response he gets is a glare - “No? Christ, they’re dating you! Don’t you think it’s a bit odd? I-”
You cut him off, “Just finish your food, Stark.”
Tony, seemingly unable to realize when you’re seriously not in the mood continues on undeterred, “Listen, I get if you’re trying to be all tough and that. But you can still smile! You’re still pretty intimidating anyway. To the newbies, obviously. Not me.”
“I just don’t smile that often, Stark. Got a problem with that?” You get out through gritted teeth, setting your knife and fork down on your half-eaten plate. You aren’t very hungry anymore. The ravaging appetite you felt before dinner had quickly dissipated, and it wasn’t because you were full.
Natasha sends you a concerned glance but you ignore it. You ignore everyone’s glances. For superheroes, they were horrifically bad at pretending they weren't staring at you.
“Oh, come on,” Tony leans back in his chair, clearly exasperated, “unless you look incredibly hideous, your teeth are falling out or you have a shit ton of cavities, which I doubt, I don’t get why you hardly smile! Just smile for us this once, and don't cover it!" He urged you on, and it was your final straw.
You abruptly stood up from the table, your chair making a harsh sound across the floor as it was pushed back. Once again ignoring Natasha's glance, you walk as fast as you can out of the room and making a beeline towards your shared room with Nat. You know she'll probably follow you soon after, but you'd take a minute alone if you could.
Sitting down on the edge of the bed, you ran your hands across your face and let out a groan. You were being so stupid. Tony was right. It's not a big deal at all, you're the one making it a big deal. All over a couple comments a few kids carelessly threw your way years ago in middle school. Insecurities were so stupid, why couldn't you just stop being insecure? You were an Avenger, for Christ's sake, and the one thing that defeats you is your own goddamn smile.
After a couple of minutes had passed, there was a knock on the door. Unsurprisingly, Nat's voice filtered through, "Y/N? Can I come in?" Somehow, she managed to hear your barely coherent mumble of a response, and the door gently opened seconds later.
"Don't listen to Tony," the redhead spoke softly, "he doesn't know when to stop."
You let out a mirthless chuckle, "Yeah, I know."
Natasha didn't reply, instead slowly walking over to you and kneeling in front of you. You catch her eye before quickly glancing away.
"Look at me,"
You do, and she reaches out to take ahold of your hands that were previously lying limp in your lap, "Why do you always cover your beautiful smile?" It was a gentle question, the redhead treading lightly on what she knows is a sensitive topic for you.
"Because it's not beautiful," your voice is small. It's the first time you've ever actually spoken about your insecurity out loud.
"I bet it is. What makes you think it isn't?"
"People were saying shit 'bout it in middle school. Words hurt, you know." It sounded pathetic, you knew it did. You half expected Natasha to laugh at you, and anyone else probably would, because you were a grown adult, but of course Natasha didn't laugh. She never would.
"Well," she lets go of one of your hands to reach out and cup your cheek, her thumb brushing over your bottom lip, "those people can go fuck themselves."
A surprised giggle leaves you at the bluntness of her tone. She smirks before continuing, "My angel is gorgeous, and I know their smile is just as beautiful. Come on, you wanna let me see it? Smile for me."
Despite her words, a small part of you still didn't want to smile in front of her. Years of covering it and hiding it was obviously engrained into you, no matter how hard you wanted to try and stop it. So, you shake your head.
"Well," Natasha sighs, "I guess I'll just have to subject you to a month of Steve's cooking. Hopefully you won't die, but if you do, I'll make sure to make your funeral the best funeral ever."
That made you laugh then, and a smile made its way onto your face. The hand that Natasha wasn't holding instinctively raised to cover it, but the spy grabbed ahold of it before you could.
"See?" Natasha smiles then too, "beautiful."
That makes you smile more, and you don't move to cover it this time. You fight the insecurities that worm its way into your thoughts, you were done being insecure about your smile. You were fed up of hiding it. Natasha plants a soft kiss on your cheek then, before whispering into your ear, "If you gave me the names of those people..."
You let out a shocked laugh, hitting her arm playfully. "No. Murder is bad."
"I never said I would murder them!" She gasps, "Just a nice little talk. That's all."
Shaking your head in amusement, you pull Natasha into a hug, "I love you."
"I love you too."
God, what you would do for this woman. You would always smile for her from this day forward. No more hiding it, especially not from Natasha.
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tags: @sheneonromanoff @olicity-boo @r4nd0mgir1 @tigerlillyruiz @dj-bynum3718 @lovelyy-moonlight
dm me, send me an ask or reply to be added to my taglist!
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ghostiiess · 11 months
[NSB HEADCANONS] - making your apartment spooky with justin
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pov: title says it all!
warnings: some swears here and there, i think that’s all? Let me know if there’s more!
type: fluff
member: justin phan
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so you guys just finished shopping
this year, with your boyfriend justin, you both decided that it would be a great thing to do a halloween party in your appartment
but of course, to make a good and unforgettable halloween party, you need to decorate the place!!
otherwise, it is not really a halloween party, it’s just….well, a party
(More under the cut!)
so jp offered his help to decorate your apartment with you!
« I’m telling you babe… in 2h, this apartment will looks spooky af! »
this man was ready.
you only asked him to bring his bluetooth speaker
this man brought your favorite fall drink, and A LOT of decorations
like this man bought stuff for like $100...
you will have enough decoration, i think.
you already had some decorations in your apartment, but this man bought even more (bc he said “what if we miss any?”)
you won’t have to go out for buying some more
at least, i hope not 😂
btw, he forgot the bluetooth speaker.
“Omg, I totally forgot!”
he would put the music on your tv or something like that
he would put a halloween music playlist
“this is the best halloween song, don’t you agree baby?”
and he would vibe so much, he would not be able to stop dancing or like sing the song
this man knows how to decorate a room!!
like idk how to explain it, but he knows where things goes
he knows how to make a great ambience with the decorations and what to buy…
i hope you understand what im trying to say 😅
“more to the left…. okay, now that’s too much.. just a little bit more to the right and you’re all set”
he would try to scare you with jumpscares
then fail.
“i bought this halloween mask just for you"
yes, you heard him.
he spent $15 for a halloween mask that didnt even scared you.
also, he would put fake spider and bats on your wall, i hope you are not scared of them…
“this is starting to look great!”
he also bought fake spider web
“spiderman will come to us!”
he would be so concentrated…
like, he would not stop until your apartment look spooky
“do you think we should add this banner on this wall?”
“you look so cute when you’re all focused like that..”
he would not be able to stop smiling
“my love, you are doing such a great job!”
“sweetie? could you help me for a sec?”
he would be the type to let you decorate for a while just bc he was busy making you something sweet to eat (or to drink)
“because you worked so well, you deserve this lil’ reward”
he’s a cutie :(
he would put LED light in your bathroom, in the living room, literally everywhere he can hahaha
also, he would tease you so much
you would put a fake monster mask and he would be like 😐😐
but then, when you would take it off, he would be like 🫨🫨
"damn, your face scared me! put that thing back on!"
he is only teasing, i promise you
but he's still a lil' bastard to say that 🤪😚😇
just kidding, ily jp
after a lot of preparation, decorations, making snacks, blablablaaaa..
it was the halloween party!!
let's say everyone LOVED how your apartment was decored
i would like to say that most of your decorations were still perfectly intact after the party, but it would be a lie…
the 4h of decoration n preparation was worth it 😌
you did a party with 7 boys (and their girls) full of energy (okay 6 if we don't count ryan bc watching animes > partying) + there was some alcohol…
phan bought soju !!
if you can't drink / not in the age to drink, he would make you juice or a special drink
drinks that taste like alcohol, but that don't have any alcohol in it?
anyways! hope your enjoyed your halloween party with jp
yes idk how to end this rip
taglist! (open! send an ask if you'd like to be in it!) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0 @yawnzzznnn @ghostyycat7
bold can't be tagged.
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twilightxsun · 4 months
Maybe something cute like taking a nap with Ellis or watching Michael paint?
I love both those ideas!
Here's what I have for Michael :) I'll likely write Ellis when I can!
the masterpiece
Michael paints you.
word count: 984
Lounging on a loveseat, you do your best to hold still. Michael has you posed in a relaxed yet elegant position. He spent several minutes guiding you, insisting that you must set yourself so to perfectly accentuate all of your angles and curves, your natural beauty and poise. He waxed about capturing your true expression, carefully directing your limbs and using his hands to shift you into place; gently but firmly tilting your chin, bowing your arm to reveal your inner wrist, curling your fingers, and turning your shoulders. You aren’t sure exactly how you look, but he stood up with a satisfied smile and instructed you to stay still.
Michael’s face is in view from where you’re sitting. His eyes are sharp with focus, brow furrowed slightly as he glances back and forth between you and the canvas in front of him. He dips his brush in paint, mixing the colors on his palette. This is the first time you’ve let him paint you.
Of course, he implored that you remove your clothes for it. You obliged, conceding that it would be tasteful nudity. To bare your soul, he said. Any additional layering would only conceal it.
There’s not much you can do except watch him concentrate. He didn’t give you any restrictions on speaking, but you’ve been content to observe until now. The look on his handsome face is both delicate and intense, completely captivated by the process. His robe is open, exposing his immaculately sculpted chest and abs. He called his body his “greatest work of art”. You’re inclined to agree.
Careful not to move, you call out softly, “How is it?”
He looks straight at you, paintbrush hovering in the air. There’s no irritation or disturbance in his gaze, which puts you at ease about interrupting him. Instead, he gives you a dreamy sort of smile.
“You are my masterpiece,” Michael says.
You notice he isn’t only referring to the painting, but you coyly reply, “One of many, I’m sure.”
“There is none like you,” he professes. 
The compliment warms you, and you can’t help smiling. He resumes his work, applying the brush again to the canvas. His movements are both calculated and free-flowing—there’s an easy confidence that comes with centuries of practice.
You let him continue for a while. It’s been at least four hours now, and you’re beginning to feel a little antsy. He didn’t give you a frame of reference for how much time his portraits usually take to finish. It could be five minutes, or several more hours. Perhaps he expects you to sit here all day and night.
“Michael,” you say, “how much longer?”
He’s in the middle of a brushstroke, so he doesn’t look at you when you speak. “Patience, my angel. You cannot rush greatness.”
“I know,” you concede, “but can I get an estimate?”
He glances at you, considering. “At most… another hour.”
You give a quiet sigh of relief. It isn’t that you can’t stay still for… however long he needs you to—but you’re glad all the same that it won’t cut into your evening. You plan to spend the rest of it with him anyways, but you’d hoped you wouldn’t be immobile the whole time.
Content with the knowledge that it won’t be much longer, you fall quiet and let yourself drift into thought. For a while now you’ve been trying to pinpoint the emotion on Michael’s face when he looks at you, but you understand it now. Beyond adoration: reverence. He treats you like something sacred, to be honored and savored. The care with which he takes to paint you goes beyond his art—from the moment you met him, he’s treated you with the utmost delicacy. He knows you aren’t fragile, but his nature is to be attentive, to ensure that everything in his touch is kept safe. He’s never rough, even in the whirlwind of his passion. In heat and desire, he approaches you with zeal, thorough and exact in his ministrations. His love is an artistry; you only hope you make him feel as appreciated as he does you.
You didn’t notice how quickly the time went by, consumed in your thoughts. Your eyes unglaze as Michael sits back, sets his brush down, and scans the canvas one last time.
“My work is complete,” he announces.
“I can move?” you ask.
He meets your eyes. “Come look,” he tells you.
Sitting up, you stretch out, grateful that you can finally move after five hours of careful posturing. You stand up and walk towards Michael, then stop and turn to look at the painting.
What you see leaves you breathless. The portrait is beyond beautiful—you can barely comprehend it. His brushwork is flawless; every color perfectly hued; the shading immaculate. Seeing yourself on the canvas, each feature lovingly attended to, all composing into a picture that you both can’t believe but that also has never felt more right.
“Do I really look like that?” you wonder.
“I paint what I see,” he says simply.
Now you understand; to be seen through someone else’s eyes. A surge of emotion comes over you, and you don’t know what else to do with it so you pull Michael into an embrace.
“Thank you,” you say.
His arms wrap around you, and he holds you until you let go. He brings a hand to your face, cupping your cheek with his palm. “But of course, my angel.”
You smile, and lean in again for a kiss. Your lips meet with his for a few sweet seconds, and then you part. 
He gazes at you with unabashed adoration, and it makes your heart swell. You know then that you’d stay still as long as he needed if only to have him look at you like this. For now you truly realize how he really sees you: a masterpiece. 
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potionsprefect · 1 year
Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x Victoria Clarke
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: Victoria takes Ethan round her home town
Rating: General Audiences
Category: Fluff
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Victoria woke up to sunlight streaming in her room through the gap in her curtain. She felt a pair of warm arms encircling her own, Ethan smiled down at her as Victoria looked up at him.
“It wasn’t a dream?”
“No it wasn’t.” Ethan pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I’m right here.”
Victoria sat up and rubbed her eyes. “What time is it?”
“Just after eight. I think your Mom might be making breakfast. Something smells delicious up here.” Ethan laughed.
“Mom always does that. It’s a way of getting us all out of bed. Although I don’t understand how it travels all the way up here. Our house is massive.” Victoria laughed.
“Sounds like we shouldn’t keep her waiting.” Ethan said as he got out of bed.
They got dressed and headed down the stairs to the kitchen. Jane was busy plating food as Michael made drinks.
“Morning you two! I hope you’re hungry.” Jane smiled.
“Yeah so do I. There’s so much here.” Michael joked.
“It smells delicious Jane.” Ethan said as he sat down at the table.
“Thank you Ethan. At least someone appreciates my cooking.” Jane said as she looked at Michael.
“You’ll always get honestly from me.” Michael laughed.
“And there’s extra sausages for me!” Victoria laughed.
“Just how you like it. What are your plans for today?” Jane asked.
“I was thinking of showing Ethan round Westchester. If you’re up for it?” Victoria turned to Ethan.
“Sounds good.” He smiled.
“I have to say I’m surprised you got here very quickly Ethan. Boston is a bit of a distance away.” Jane said.
“Luckily the roads were very quiet.” Ethan laughed.
“Well I’m glad you’re here.” Victoria smiled as she took his hand under the table.
“There’s a great cafe not far from here. And some amazing woodland areas. You’ll have to take him Vicky.” Michael replied.
“I plan to. There’s so much I want to show you.” Victoria turned to Ethan.
Around twenty minutes later, Ethan and Victoria were walking hand in hand round the town, Victoria pointing out all the spots she knew to Ethan.
“There’s my school up there, still looks the same all these years later.” Victoria laughed as she pointed to a large building in the distance.
“Most schools do. Whilst I enjoyed it I was excited to start the journey to becoming a doctor.” Ethan said.
“Same here. I knew there was a lot of hard work to be done but it was all worth it.” Victoria smiled.
The couple continued walking down the road, coming up to a cafe on the corner.
“Is this the place your dad was talking about?” Ethan asked as they entered and sat down.
“Yeah, they do a great lunch menu.” Victoria replied as she picked up a menu.
“A high calorie one too.” Ethan chuckled as he read the menu.
“I knew you would go all Doctor on me. The food tastes great and it’s okay to indulge every now and then.” Victoria rolled her eyes with a small laugh.
“I can’t argue with that. Though I suppose there are some locals who are in here most days.” Ethan replied.
“It was a great place to study.” Victoria laughed.
It wasn’t long before there were two plates of food in front of them, Victoria going for the waffles like she always did. Ethan rolled his eyes at the amount of sugar on her plate.
“I need cheering up.” Victoria shrugged.
Ethan hesitated for a second. “I hope the waffles do the job.”
Victoria saw the look on his face. “I didn’t realise how that sounded, sorry.”
Ethan reached across and laid a gentle hand on top of hers. “It’s okay. I’ll help you in anyway that I can.”
“You already are.” Victoria smiled.
They finished their food, ready to explore the town for the rest of the day.
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Victoria led Ethan towards a bench in Rockefeller State Park Preserve. It was one of her favourite walks as a teenager and she loved coming back to show Ethan all her special spots.
“I used to love coming here for a walk. It’s a great space to clear my head.” Victoria took a deep breath, closing her eyes.
“I can see why you love it. It’s so peaceful out here.” Ethan replied
Victoria exhaled and opened her eyes. “Maybe the two of us will find somewhere like here back home.” She clapped her hand over her mouth when she realised what she had said. She hadn’t meant to be so bold. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“You didn’t?” Ethan laughed.
“No I… I just didn’t mean to say it out loud. I would be lying if it’s not something I have thought about. I didn’t want to say anything in case you weren’t ready. We’ve only been dating for a few weeks and I didn’t want to put pressure on you.”
Ethan pulled Victoria into his arms, a gentle hand running through her blonde waves. “You didn’t need to worry. I have been having the exact same thoughts, and I didn’t want to put pressure on you as well. It may have only been a few weeks but it feels so much longer than that.”
“Did we just agree to move in together?” Victoria laughed.
Ethan laughed too. “I think we did. But I want to ask you properly when back in Boston.”
“How romantic. Let me guess. Dinner for two, overlooking the river, lights dimmed, expensive wine.”
“Expensive taste more like.” Ethan chuckled.
Victoria rolled her eyes. “You’re the one who took me to that restaurant in the first place.”
“Then I suppose I should eat my words. But first I want to do this.” Ethan pulled Victoria into his arms and pressed his lips to hers.
Victoria pulled away after a few seconds. “Let’s keep exploring. I have so much more to show you.”
“Lead the way.”
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“I can’t believe you’ve dragged me to the shopping mall.” Ethan said as they put more bags in the car.
“I said I would show you around my hometown. So here we are!” Victoria laughed.
Ethan locked the car before taking Victoria’s hand. “Sometimes you are too predictable.”
“You love me for it. But you really didn’t need to give me your card. I can afford my own things.” Victoria said as they walked back to the mall.
“I know but I like treating you. And I will continue to do so for as long as you’ll have me.” Ethan smiled.
“You’re a good person. But lunch is on me. And I won’t take no for an answer.” Victoria smiled dragging Ethan to a sandwich bar.
Soon Ethan and Victoria had a plate full of food in front of them, arguably it was too much but neither seemed particularly bothered.
“It’s been great spending time like this.” Ethan said as he finished his food.
Victoria gave him a small smile. “I agree. I wish you could stay longer.”
Ethan wrapped an arm around her. “I do too. But when you come home you can come and stay with me. We’ll spend as much time together as possible.”
“I’d like that. I know it’s going to be challenging. But I’m not prepared to lose. I know I’m stronger than I think.” Victoria said.
“You are. And I’m proud of you. But please go easy on my card from now on.” Ethan chuckled.
“Impossible. You love it as much as I do.” Victoria laughed. “Now come on, I want to go and get that Louis Vuitton bag and I’m paying for it. You can’t stop me.” Victoria said standing up.
Ethan laughed. “Well who am I to stop you.”
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“I give up.” Will threw his cards on the table.
“Why do you always complain when you lose?” Erin, Will’s wife laughed.
“Because he’s a sore loser.” Sarah giggled.
“You’re not much better.” Alex, Sarah’s boyfriend chuckled.
“Yeah I’m the only Clarke with some control here!” Victoria grinned.
“I have to say I’m glad this game is over. I was never any good at it.” Ethan laughed, placing his cards on the table.
The cards were put away and Ethan and Victoria retreated to the bay window in Will and Erin’s house, the lights of NYC could just about be seen in the distance.
“I think they know to leave us to it.” Victoria chuckled when neither of her siblings or their partners followed them. “They’re very good at reading me like that.”
“I didn’t think we were that obvious.” Ethan laughed as they sat down.
Victoria snuggled herself close to Ethan as he wrapped his arms around her. “I don’t want you to go home tomorrow.”
Ethan pressed a kiss to her forehead, lingering for just a second before resting his cheek on top of her head. “I don’t either. But you’ll be home soon too. And then we can start planning our future together.”
“Better get a notepad and pen because it’s gonna be a long list. There are a few things I want to do now I’ve cheated death.” Victoria teased.
Ethan raised an eyebrow. “Normally I would question that but I don’t think I can argue with that.” He laughed.
Victoria heard footsteps behind her and turned to see Erin carrying two mugs in her hand. “I thought you’d both like a hot chocolate.” She smiled.
Victoria took the mug off her. “Thanks Erin.”
Erin nodded before heading back downstairs.
“You have the most amazing family.” Ethan smiled.
Victoria smiled back. “I do. And they’re your family too. If you want them to be that is.”
“I couldn’t think of better people I’d want to call my family.” Ethan pressed a kiss to Victoria’s lips.
“That means a lot to me.” Victoria smiled.
Whilst the scars still remained and there were still mountains to climb, Victoria knew there were so many people on her side. Spending time with Ethan this week had reminded her of that.
She had all those she needed in her life. Especially Ethan. With him, whatever she faced she would face with him.
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Remember I said I'd write Victoria and Ethan exploring her hometown? Here you go!
I’ll have more of your favourite twins coming up soon ☺️❤️
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changingplumbob · 8 months
Pancakes Household: Chapter 8, Part 2
In this part Fergus' sleepover continues then Eliza tells Bob about her pregnancy decision. It's a quick Freezer Bunny day and Iggy and Carson catch up after their scout meeting. Contains some sim spice, as usual no pixel private parts are shown.
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For clarity Bob's nickname for Eliza is Jumble, and Eliza's nickname for Bob is Sleek. I'll try to capitalise them when they're being used as names to make any translations easier.
Eliza: Kids! Come eat! Bob left waffles
Drake: Sweet
Fergus: Did Atlas just disappear
Eliza: He left, he’s not coming back
Fergus: OMW mother what did you do
Eliza: Nothing! He was coughing and his mum rang and said she tested positive for Llamaflu and thought he should get home and rest just in case
Kelly: I hope he infected us all, it’s what I would do
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Iggy: Fergus why are your friends so weird
Drake: I’m sure your friends are more weird
Ginger: *whines* just drop a corner, come on, give me a taste of waffle
Iggy: Kelly? Weren’t you just here
Kelly: It’s called a sleepover and if it goes well the watcher will count it as one of needed three gold sleepovers
Iggy: I’m not sure that’s how the watcher works
Kelly: How would you know? Had a conversation with them have you
Iggy: Just about how annoying you are
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Eliza: Ginger? Where are you?
Ginger: *barks happily* 🎵trash, oh glorious TRASH🎶
Eliza: Ginger did you come outside?
Ginger: *barks happily* 🎶Trash I love you, oh trash I do🎵
Eliza: GINGER! We do NOT play in trash! Are you a common stray? No, you are meant to be domesticated. Get your paws OUT
Ginger whines sadly, learning not to play in the trash.
Eliza: There there, it’s okay. You’re still the best girl around here
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Eliza: Lets go give you a bath before Bob decides you smell great in trash scents
Fergus: It’s called- mother, why are you here
Eliza: It is my house, I need good light
Fergus: But this is my sleepover
Eliza: Relax Fergus. I’m nearly done then I’ll leave you three in peace
Drake: Knew we should have done this at my house
Kelly: To bad you were to stupid to book this weekend first
The kids bicker and Eliza once again wonders how any of them call Kelly their friend.
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Drake: I hope Atlas will be better for school
Fergus: The family always get their vaccinations, they’ll be fine
Kelly: Unless they all die
Drake: You don’t seriously think that
Kelly: Maybe they’re getting a visit from Grim right now, he’s going to get us all
Fergus: Oh yeah? Is Grim going to get Anya then?
Kelly: Obviously, Grim means business
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Fergus: I forgot to tell you, I’ve joined the drama club
Drake: Why
Fergus: Just had a whim to try it
Kelly: Yeah I have whims to but they’re normally stuff like, make enemies
Drake: Do you actually have any enemies
Kelly: *sighs* it’s not for lack of trying, believe me
Fergus: Plus look at those two on the TV, they’re our age and they would have made money from this
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Drake: Their parents probably forced them to do it
Kelly: Parents are the worst
Fergus: Make that all adults *titters* I’m an adult and you need to do what I say
Drake: If you don’t you’ll be sent straight to bed
Kelly: With no supper to wither and starve
The three wind themselves up with their impersonations and eventually have to give up on the film after missing what was even happening.
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Fergus: Okay, story time! Come here Ginger, you can help
Drake: Why is your dog half inside your sleeping bag
Fergus: Dogs belong everywhere, don’t question it
Kelly: This better be scary
Fergus: Actually I’m going to tell the tale of a pirate
Drake cheers while Kelly boos. Fergus launches into his adventurous tale anyway. He has fun and the boys can see he’s practicing for drama club already.
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We had some minor game glitches (by minor I mean it took between 1 and 2 hours of mod testing to find the culprit) so if there’s some continuity errors we will all just roll with it.
Bob arrives home happy. He had a stern critic come by the restaurant and rather than bore them with the house staple he decided to make them some comforting mac and cheese. He didn’t lose any job performance, so he calls in a vacation day for tomorrow. He sneaks inside past the sleeping kids and goes to find his wife.
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Eliza: And that is why your only choice can be to invest in the company
Bob: I’m convinced
Eliza: You’re home, finally! Let’s get it on
Bob: Can we talk first
Eliza: Sure. What is it Sleek?
Bob: Have you thought about if we’re going to properly try for another pregnancy
Eliza: *sighs* I have thought about it
Bob: Do we have a verdict
Eliza: Lie back, get comfy, and listen
Bob climbs on the bed and Eliza begins to speak between kisses.
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Eliza: I want another kid with you. I do. But I’m proud of what I’m achieving career wise right now. This next promotion will take a lot of work. If we get pregnant, then we get pregnant and I will love our child, but for now my focus needs to be on upskilling myself
Bob: I think you’re very skilled already
Eliza: *smirks* I can hardly use these skills in the boardroom. But I’ll make you a promise
Bob: I’m listening, I am a captive audience after all
Eliza: If we don’t get pregnant by the time Fergus is a teenager, we can start properly trying again. Will you be okay with that?
Bob: I can be. I love you. I want you to be happy
Eliza: Believe me Bob, right now you are making me very happy and… *chuckles* yes it feels like I’m making you happy to
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The conversation draws to its natural conclusion, woohoo. The next day is Freezer Bunny Day and the slumber party kids wake up pretty early.
Eliza: Have you lot had breakfast already?
Fergus: Of course mother
Eliza: Are you alright Kelly? You don’t look too flash
Kelly: Bloody Atlas must have infected me before he left
Eliza: I think it’s time to head home then. You to Drake
Fergus: Mother what time is the holiday ceremony
Eliza: Not until 10, we have some time
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Bob: I wanted waffles for breakfast
Eliza: You could always make some more
Bob: No point, I’m doomed to be sad
Eliza: Have some of this trout with me, you did a great job with it
Bob: Really?
Eliza: It’s excellent, I promise
The two eat and flirt some more before Eliza gets up to wash the dishes.
Eliza: I can feel you staring at my ass Sleek
Bob: But it’s such a fine ass
Eliza: I’m glad one of us appreciates this unshifting baby weight
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Iggy enters the kitchen and Bob decides to pull Eliza aside to keep talking.
Bob: I’m sorry you’re unhappy with it, but I do love the curves
Eliza: I know you do, I just wished I loved them more. I mean looking at me, who would know I’m fit
Bob: Don’t worry about what other people think, to me you’re the most beautiful sim in the world. Remember what I told you last time you felt like this
Eliza: *sighs* That me being curvy was a sign of love? Love for the food you make and love for the lives I brought into this world
Bob: Exactly. You know I met this stunning girl in university who told me, weight doesn’t equal worth, and it helped me beyond measure
Eliza: She sounds like a catch
Bob: *chuckles* why do you think I married you before some other sim could. Now come on, or we’ll be late
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After the Freezer Bunny Day ceremony Eliza goes to practice her skills and Bob searches for Ginger. She is very dirty so Bob decides the smartest thing to do is wait until after a jog to give her a bath.
Fergus: Did you check the couches
Iggy: Yes, I found a couple. Did you look in the laundry bins
Fergus: I don’t think the Freezer Bunny would put eggs in dirty laundry
Iggy: Yet you said we needed to check the toilets
Fergus: You’ve been pranked!
Iggy: How could it be a prank if I found an egg there
Fergus: *huffs* stupid Freezer Bunny
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Bob: We did the jog, no more avoiding, it’s bath time
Ginger: *whimpers* but I don’t even know how I got dirty
Bob: I’m sorry. If it was up to me you could stay dirty forever. But we need to think of the others in the house, and they don’t enjoy dirty dog smell
Ginger: *whines* but I just had a bath yesterday, infants don’t even get bathed daily
Bob: Guess we’ll do this the hard way then
He scoops up Ginger and carries her to the bathroom, all the while she yaps in protest.
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Bob: See, if we keep the harness on we can clean it at the same time. Eliza had to get me to stop showering with my clothes on, but it saved time so it was hard to convince me not to
Bob places Ginger down and she immediately begins flinging off all the loose water. Bob tries to avoid it but a puddle appears. He decides it will dry by itself. Carrying Ginger in to the lounge he sets her down and switches her into he collar.
Bob: There, clean and fashionable
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Iggy brings Carson with him after scouts. Harvey is going to swing by for dinner and pick him up then. They do the secret scout handshake and reflect on the meeting.
Carson: I can’t believe you found that super rare badge
Iggy: I can’t believe they dropped it. I’m glad the troop leader knew who it belonged to though and was able to get it back to them
Carson: You definitely couldn’t have kept it, the leader would know you didn’t earn it
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Harvey: I saw your wife tuning up the doorbell
Bob: I knew there was probably something I forgot to do
Harvey: Are you looking forward to your birthday tomorrow Iggy?
Iggy: Yes! Though it sucks Carson can’t age up at the same time
Carson: We are technically the same age after all. Promise me you’ll still come to my birthday party when I have it
Iggy: Absolutely!
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Bob: Food everyone! Come and get it!
Iggy: It looks great dad. Mother are you... smoking?
Eliza: I’ll be fine. I just got electrocuted by the doorbell
Bob: Are you sure you’re okay? Maybe you should lie down? With soup!
Eliza: I’ll be fine Bob
Fergus: Wait… if both of you are Llamacorn scouts... why don’t you have matching uniforms?
Iggy: I don't have an answer (and neither does the watcher)
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