#anyways they just sent another update so. bye :-)
sstormyskyess · 9 months
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author's note: very self-indulgent content alert!! anyway i wanted to put something out there since i haven't updated in a hot second [my fall semester just ended and i am truly exhausted, but most requests will be done by the end of the year!] please enjoy some roommate headcanons for these two
author's note 2: also i have a lot of thoughts about them so this is probably gonna be my first series [there's gonna be a separate category on my masterlist for them] and also also don't hesitate to send little thoughts in about them i'm so open to spitballing with you guys 💜
cw: nothing, just fluff!
word count: 1600+
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John "Soap" Mactavish / GN!Reader / Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
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John “Soap” MacTavish
♡ If you’re touch-starved, Soap has you absolutely covered. If you two are sitting on the couch, or at your dinner table, or you just need someone to be by your side, he’ll be ready and willing to have an arm around your shoulders to hold you close.
You frown as you look down at your phone, the screen bright in the darkness of the living room. The person you made plans with tonight was now completely ghosting you, so you were just here, sitting on your couch alone in the middle of the night.
Your phone plops down on the couch when you toss it away, a weird sense of relief coming to you when it disappears in the sea of blankets to your side. You didn’t want to wake Johnny or Kyle with the TV, but you end up flipping the screen on to put on something to drone out the feeling of being left on ‘sent.’
A good fifteen or twenty minutes pass before you’re finally starting to wind down just a smidge, but little did you know, a certain blue-eyed scot had been watching you quietly from the hallway. You jump when his hands meet your shoulders and massage them gently. “What’re you doin’ up, bonnie?” He asks, smiling when you look up to meet his eyes.
“No reason, really.” You pout, your gaze darting to your phone. It doesn’t go unnoticed, but he doesn’t mention it when he sits down between you and the source of your worries. He wraps an arm around you and squeezes your shoulder, turning toward the TV. “You mentioned this show a few days ago, right?” He hums when you nod. “You wanna tell me about it?” You smile and nod again, settling into his side and you start to explain the premise to him.
♡ He’s the type of friend that makes all the plans for nights out (or in, depending on your preference), so expect him to be throwing out ideas for little get-togethers. He also knows your schedule very well because of this, which initially caught you off-guard when it first started happening.
♡ He is constantly doing the weirdest things around the apartment and there have been a number of times where you’ve walked in on him “trying out a new hobby,” one which would probably get all three of you evicted because of how needlessly dangerous it was. The one that you can very distinctly remember was his fascination with fire eating, which you quickly stopped for many, many reasons.
♡ Soap refuses to leave for a deployment without seeing you right before he leaves. He has to get his goodbye hug in, after all! Even with Gaz trying to drag him out so they’re not late, he’s gonna be sitting right there at the door until you get back home because it wouldn’t be fair to just leave without seeing them one more time before they were gone for a few weeks, if not more.
Kyle rubs a hand over his face and stares at Johnny, who’s leaning against the back of the couch and staring at the door expectantly. “Soap, we have to get to the station. The next train comes by in twenty minutes and it’s a fifteen minute walk,” he reminds Johnny for what felt like the thirtieth time.
“We’ll make it! Stop worrying so much,” Johnny says with a smile. “Plus, you know how I feel about leaving without saying ‘bye,’ Garrick.” Kyle rolls his eyes and takes another peek at the time on his phone screen.
After a few more minutes of waiting, the sound of the front door unlocking has Johnny perking up and standing up fully. The moment you enter the door, he’s already on you, pulling you into a big, tight hug. Your confused noise is muffled by his chest and you have to force yourself away a bit just to get a look at him. “Are you guys leaving?”
Johnny gives you an affirmative hum and pulls away, still holding your shoulders. “We’ll be back soon, though. Price said it would only be a couple weeks this time around, yeah?” He looks to Kyle who nods and walks over with his bag slung over his shoulder.
You smile as you look between the two of them, scooting to the side to set your things down and pull them both into a firm group hug. “You’d both better come back safe. I don’t want to get a call from your captain like last time, John.” You give him a scolding tone and he looks a little sheepish, but you cap your words off with a laugh, letting him bury his face into your shoulder with a grin. “We will, promise.”
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Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
♡ Gaz stays at your flat more than Soap does because he has less family obligations. So, more often than not, he’ll be coming back to you. That’s not to say he has no family, but he’s definitely not as close to them compared to Soap and his family.
You groan at the sound of your sweet little kitty, Albright, meowing up a storm in the living room. You turn over to his bedside table, picking up your phone. It was still three hours until Albright was supposed to be fed and you were supposed to get up and ready for work. Why the hell was he being so insanely loud?
You roll out of bed with a huff, pulling on your sleep shirt: a painfully oversized t-shirt you stole from Johnny a couple years ago. You don’t even bother putting any socks on before stepping onto the practically freezing hardwood floor, grimacing at the chill that traveled up your legs. Shaking your head, you leave your room and turn on the hallway light.
“Shit—did we wake you up?” The sound of Kyle’s voice made you jump right out of your skin, a yelp leaving your lips that was probably loud enough for your neighbors to hear. “Kyle, what is wrong with you?! You couldn’t have let me know you were gonna be back tonight?” You hiss. You roll your eyes when Kyle just shrugs and walks over to you with Albright purring in his arms. It was hard to be mad at a sight like that, with Kyle’s handsome face sporting a little guilty smile and the orange tabby cat making biscuits on his chest. “Sorry, love. I hope you’ll forgive us.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you mutter with a poorly suppressed smile on your face. “Is Johnny with you?” Kyle shakes his head and lets Albright jump down from his hold. “He’s back in Scotland with his family.” You frown at that, crossing your arms. “That bastard.”
Kyle couldn’t help but laugh at that. He puts his hand on your shoulder and rubs it up and down a few times. “Next time, I’ll force him to come back. Don’t you worry.”
♡ He's an absolute menace when it comes to doing chores around the house. You and Soap insist that you want to help but he shuts you both down every time simply because he just likes cleaning and organizing and everything in between.
♡ Gaz is the type to stay on his military schedule even off-base, so he’s often awake before both you and Soap. He definitely takes advantage of it, too; you get up and ready for work and he’ll already have all your things together and a quick, healthy breakfast to take with you. All the while, he’s sitting on the couch invested in the little show he’s been meaning to catch up on, as though he hadn’t done anything at all.
♡ Even before moving in with Gaz, you would swear he had some kind of sixth sense for knowing when you or Soap weren’t feeling great. The both of you could think that you were hiding it decently well but Gaz would be there to prove you wrong 99% of the time, the other 1% being when he wasn’t around at all. He’ll always be doing the little things to make sure you know he’s there for you, and you would be lying if you said it didn’t work.
The first thing you notice when you get into your bedroom is the mass of folded laundry on your bed, the laundry that you had been planning on taking care of for a few days now but never got around to. Your various life obligations had been getting tiresome, so you were coming home exhausted every day and immediately going to bed after Kyle and Johnny basically forced you to get some food in your system.
The second thing you notice is your thermos sitting neatly on your desk with a post-it note attached to the lid. You look at it, confused, and pick it up with a tilt of your head. You smile gleefully when you read, in Kyle’s handwriting, ‘Made your favorite, drink up!’ with a little smiley face and a heart next to the words.
With a happy sigh, you open it up and take a sip of your favorite warm drink, perfectly made just to your liking. A couple knocks on your door snap you back to reality. “Come in!” You call, you smile widening when Kyle’s face greets you on the other side. You meet him halfway and he gives you a short but sweet side hug, his head resting on top of yours.
“How was work, love?” He pulls away to get a good look at you. You look a bit disheveled to be frank, but at least your smile was reaching your eyes, a wonderful sight to be sure. You give him a non-committal hum, and he nods, taking hold of your wrist. “C’mon, let’s get food. We’re ordering out tonight, what do you want to get?” You let him pull you to the living room and he lets you rattle off the food you were looking forward to.
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farfromstrange · 10 months
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Okay, now that I've got your attention. Listen up.
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Just kidding. (Not really.) I have some actual updates that you might want to read.
Good news for all of my fellow Michael Kinsella lovers: I finished rewriting and editing the next chapter of Chaos Theory! It has been a while since I watched the show, so I need a bit more time to reread it once more and check how it sounds. I don't want to disappoint. If all goes well, I can post it later tonight. Thank you for being so patient with me!
Also good news for all of my Foreigner's God readers: I have scrapped the first draft of chapter 55, which is a very good thing because that means I have finally identified why I hated it so much in the first place, and I'm currently in the process of writing it again. It's already flowing so much better, so I think I might be able to finish it by the end of tomorrow or, at the latest, Saturday!
Not so good news for my Total Eclipse Of The Heart readers: I have not come around to writing for that series, and I'm still trying to find a way to reign the plot back in before it can run away from me. I'm also trying everything to get some vampire inspiration, so that might take another week, but I promise, I'm rereading and I'm trying to give you what you've been waiting for. This series has turned out to be quite a beast, so I need to figure stuff out a bit more before I can put new chapters out for this one. But I promise, it won't be too long.
And to everyone else following me and my writing, I also have some news: There is an announcement for something I've been working on also coming later tonight! (Hint: It's a Matt Murdock fic). Plus, I have finally managed to agree on a vague idea for a Spencer Reid fic, but that will still take some time to plan. But I do have a plot and I do have a backstory, so that is also (kind of) good news for those of you who are curious about my jump back into Criminal Minds.
For those of you who have sent in requests back when they were still open: I'm trying to finish them. I'm so sorry for the long wait, but life tends to get in the way.
I have also gotten requests long after I closed them, and to those who have sent in requests anyway, I will still try to work through them, but you will have to wait until those who have requested while my inbox was still open have got their fics. It's only fair. I hope you understand.
Anyway, that was all (I think). I love you guys, and take care.
Thanks for reading this. You can scramble now. Bye!
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havocspiral · 5 months
do you have any evidence about shittyclive being a groomer? genuine question
im glad you asked because he literally groomed me!
note for all of this i am going to be using he/him, i don't keep up with him enough to know exactly what pronouns he uses, if its anything different please tell me and ill update this post. he may be a groomer but im not a twat. also please be patient because my chronological memory is Horrible so i may not remember things in the correct order, but i have all of this written down and i Know that all of this happened
this all happened bc of a server i made called DAAC in ~May 2020 - that's where i met neil and also his friend K (not gonna name em but iykyk), along w a few other people. most of the ppl in that server were obsessed w sexualising me, especially neil. im not abt to put my age on the internet but it was. yknow. not fun, and everyone in that server knew my age btw because i trusted them and did not think that all This would happen (he also drew nsfw stuff and showed it to me)
anyway to cut a very long and unimportant story short, dated a guy, he was crazy, broke up w him and he stalked me march 2021 to ~july 2021, in that time neil attempted to pose as a sort of "protector" and in his OWN WORDS a father figure. side note my stepdad died in feb 2021 and i grieved too much and he dropped a frankly quite ass song abt it but i digress. yeah we got really close knit we were a "father-son" duo and when i tell you the ONLY THING HE TALKED ABOUT WAS SEX i wish i was kidding but our only topics were him telling me abt what he wants to do to his man of the month or how hes suicidal and AGAIN, absolutely inappropriate at the age i was. this lasted for so long that i began to break down entirely and becoming suicidal, also resorting to drinking and hurting myself, even going to crisis teams along with missing a LOT of school because i had become entirely dependent on him. basically he had me on a leash and was using me as a crisis hotline AND a sex hotline. i tried to cut him off multiple times in an emotional state and this obviously wasn't the best thing i couldve done but i literally saw no other choice. oh also during this time he suggested i have DID and i had a counselor for my stepdads death and. god damn he may be a weirdo but he was correct there ill give him that (he did also try to recount my trauma to work out how i worked as a system which. i shouldnt even have to explain how thats just odd)
(another thing i just remembered he sent inappropriate pictures to me and my friend, ill put her recount of it at the end of this)
one day i spoke to K, realised that was i was doing was wrong and attempted to talk about the situation with neil to which he was like. oh yeah i cant do this anymore bye and when i went to tell K he did the same. this was when i was in school which was rare, i just entirely broke down (also worth mentioning every time he told me about being suicidal i mentioned getting a therapist but he said he couldn't and i would also get all shaky and sob uncontrollably and basically be unable to function THATS HOW BAD THE DEPENDENCY WAS) and i had to be picked up bc it was that bad
i texted his instagram begging for at least and explanation and that i loved him and wanted to talk to him again (<- so manipulated it was insane) and he was like yeah but only on weekends and i felt such STRONG RELIEF and then when i went to sleep he went sike lol bye
remember the bf from earlier? yeah he faked his identity multiple times so i (at the time) was used to keeping tabs on people since. stalking. and i didn't want the guy to get the jump on me. so i kept tabs on neil for a bit, which i do regret and am sorry for, and one day he just disappeared? and honestly? i celebrated. also the ex from earlier faked his death multiple times so neils attempt at faking it this way was a dig at that specific incident. it didnt really work because i think about a day ish later he admitted to my friend (the same one from earlier, ill call her V) that he did it and wasnt dead
then he "apologised" to me and while i may not have screenshots for the most part he mentions what he did in the apology which is just. outright admission FROM HIM about what he did. he also admitted the apology was a total lie on his blog which i find funny because he frames it as a "gotcha" when i didnt even accept the apology?
also found out from an anonymous person who knew neil that apparently hes meeting up w people and also is violent w his friends which. ew
ok heres the evidence
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(censored parts are for my own safety)
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samobservessonic · 3 months
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To start us off, Lew Stringer brings us The Unbeatable Foe. And oh look, they’ve even treated me with an “Oh look, it’s Sally Acorn!” moment right off the bat. I kind of thought those fizzled out earlier than this, but I guess not? While Kitching was known not to use Sally, I guess Stringer wasn’t so bothered about letting her show up until she eventually disappears into the background. We also probably didn’t need that shot of Porker from behind to be quite that detailed, but after seeing some of the art from that recent Lara-Su Chronicles release, this is tame. It is a bit jarring to see the old designs for Porker and Johnny now that the updated versions have appears as part of the regular Freedom Fighters in other stories, but I guess these transition periods always take a while
Anyway, mysterious floating guy!
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Okay, this joke slaps! I legit gave a chuckle here
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Sonic and Tails arrive, only to be immediately offered a gift by the stranger. Given some of Robotnik’s past tricks, I can’t blame Sonic for being cautious here, but Tails on the other hand, seems to have been caught up in the sales pitch
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Noooo, Tails! His intentions are good!
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Not the Misery Zone! Anything but that! I also love that this series has established they have a separate dimension for all this high fantasy stuff, so they could easily have been like “The magic TV sent Tails to another dimension”, but nope, this is apparently part of Mobius
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Oh well, that’s the whole plan explained. Seems pretty straight forward. I’m not sure why this particular monster is the most powerful of all the creatures in the Misery Zone, but seeing it next to the fleeing small animals, it’s definitely going to be a big problem
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The issue then flips between Tails having a bad time in the Misery Zone and Sonic fighting the monster. It’s okay Tails, I’m uncool as well and it’s not so bad
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The fight scene is pretty standard, but I’m just showing these panels because Sally is there and I like to document the rare StC Sally appearances
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Therapy with StC Sonic
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Sonic realises that the reason this guy wanted to send him away instead of Tails might not be because he can beat the monster, but because he’s smart enough to figure out how to stop it. Taking the monitor, Sonic sends the creature back just as it’s about to launch his deadly Apocalypse Blast
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Uh, bye I guess! That’s a sick burn at the end there. Y’know, I kinda feel bad for these creatures? They might’ve been called evil, but they were just living their lives up until the mysterious stranger decided to use them in this plan…
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And Tails is safely back, too! Even if Sonic is being his usual self about it. Not gonna pretend “Not when I think about it, no” isn’t a little funny. Anyway, the villain of the day heads off and according to the wiki we never see him again, so I can only assume Robotnik did indeed see to him. I even got one last Sally cameo for my troubles This was a solid one-shot and I’m admittedly a little relieved to ease back into my StC blogging with a standalone story like this. It was fun, Stringer’s jokes are punchy and genuinely made me laugh, plus Sally was there. Really, that’s all I can ask for
Oh, but that next issue teaser is quite a big one, isn’t it? While Knuckles has appeared in a special that I covered just before going on hiatus, this will be his first actual appearance in StC itself, after all the build-up Sonic 3 has been getting in the reviews and stuff. Very excited for that!
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I wasn’t originally going to make this but I’m still kinda pissed about it so-
If you value your time, energy and money I’d recommend not commissioning Churro.guts. My experience with them was honestly pretty bad.
I bought a com from churro back in may of last year. I was pretty excited cuz I liked their work a lot, it was a blink animation. Things wer going well, I sent them the money and not too long after they sent me the first wip, it was a sketched animation. I was like cool this is great! After that last wip I would not receive another. I think I let like a month or two go by, honestly it might even be more. I’m pretty patient with the artists I com since I know life happens and whatnot. I hit up churro asking for an update and well, they had nothing to show for it which was fine, I understood. So I waited and waited and waited, occasionally asking for updates and getting met with no progress. I ended up waiting a total of seven whole months + another month for my refund. During these seven months Churro would continue to open up commissions and even complete commissions that came way after me. I was getting pretty damn frustrated so last month I finally had enough and asked for the refund. Churro agreed and said they’d get back to me soon. Here I am writing this today because It had been a month and I asked them if they had my refund. They said they could only give me $10 back. I accepted it even though they didn’t even get 50% of the commission done. At that point I was fed up and just wanted something and I wasn’t about to wait another 4 months to get my shit. Honestly the entire experience is horrible and from what I saw on their wall there’s quite a few people asking for updates and for them to answer dms. I really just think Churro stopped giving a shit about my com a while ago, hell they didn’t even apologize for their poor services I probably wouldn’t be so salty if they would’ve just apologized. Anyway that’s it,bye
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taenys · 6 months
two guys making me cry today. we love to see it!!!
guy 1 ghosting me for a week, ignoring all my “i miss you” texts and random daily update texts, lovey dovey “hope you’re okay” texts because i was worried something happened to him, just straight up silent treatment to my constant begging of attention lol and then seeing his ex posting a story with him on a hike today really sent me over the edge.
and then he had the audacity to finally text me back like nothing happened. not an ounce of affection in said texts. when i made an offhand, joking (slightly bitter, i suppose) comment that he should add the selfie he sent me (from said hike with his ex) to his dating profile because it’s really good, he threw a fit. asking if i was friendzoning him and why I would say that, why i would be encouraging him to get more dates 💀 MY GUY!!!! you’ve ignored every single romantic text and selfie i’ve sent all week, have made zero indication that you even want to see me or like me at all, and chose to hangout with your ex instead of IDK??? ME?????
it was a huge fucking reality check to realize, damn, this dude really ain’t into me at all. he doesn’t text me back ever, and would rather spend his weekends with his ex and not me, cool. if anyone has friendzoned me it’s fucking YOU!!! i didn’t say all that, but i wanted to. instead i just apologized for making him feel weird with my joke comment and he never replied. back to being ghosted. well, good news is this time i’ll let him ghost me. i won’t fight it lmao bye you dick!!!
and then we have guy number 2. last weekend he texted me at 2 am and asked if he could come over because he was already in my town visiting a friend earlier! how coincidental! my town which is an hour away from portland where he lives, and the middle of nowhere! i realize now how silly it was that i didn’t question who this “friend” was that he has in my town that he’s never mentioned before (not once did he ever say “oh, i have a friend who lives there! i go there all the time!” when we matched…oof). anyway, i let him come over and smash for the first time. and spend the night. and we had a super lovey day date in my little town the next morning. i even took him to my library. it was so nice. i couldn’t wait to do it again.
cue tonight. i’m already sad and upset from the mini fight with guy 1 (who i’ve already decided i don’t want to continue seeing) so when i got a 1am text from this guy saying “surprise! i’m in your town again!” idk what compelled me to jokingly ask if he had another girl he was dating in my town lol. but i did. and he answered honestly. yeah, he does. he just got done with a date. and it “didn’t go well.” i just made a joke about how he’s attracting girls from my tiny town, wow! shrug emoji from him. i then wonder if he’s going to dare ask to come over now that i know he was with another girl.
“i was gonna ask if i could come over but i don’t feel good about it. like i don’t want you to feel like i’m using you” WELL I’M GLAD YOU REALIZE HOW SHITTY THAT WOULD BE FOR ME. jesus. if i’d known that last time i would not have let him come over, fuck. i tell him plainly that i don’t feel great about being his fucking 1am post-date booty call to be fucking honest. he tells me that my feelings are valid and that “i didn’t wanna have sex, just thought it’d be nice to see you” but that he understands why i would think that. at this point im crying in my bed lol. i tell him that as much as i would love his company because it’s been a rough weekend (with cats being sick), knowing that he didn’t drive all this way just to see me, but to see another girl, and that i’m just a second stop, will make me feel sad. he says he’s sorry. i say it’s fine. whatever.
now i’m crying again. this shit with guy 2 hurts worse. i WAS used that first time. even if unintentionally. he’d come all this way to see another girl. he’d never offered to come see me in the month we’ve been talking. he drove the distance for her though. and then was like “i guess i can fuck krystal while i’m here”
i don’t deserve this shit. jesus fucking christ. i’m a hopeless romantic stuck in this hellish modern dating world. and i want OUT!!!!!
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thepixelelf · 1 year
Hi there! Sorry if you're getting two asks from me, I'm not sure the first one was really sent.
Anyways, I wanted to tell you that I just stumbled upon "Oh Baby, You" and I absolutely loved it!! Seriously, your characters are being developed so well, all at the same time - but they're all still distinct from one another - I'm amazed.
I was also wondering if you could perhaps add me to the tag list for it? If not, then no worries.
I hope you have a nice day, bye!!
Thanks so much darling!! It's really awesome to hear what you think about the character development in oby because it's something I personally struggle with every single update!
You're in luck! After adding you, there are only 3 slots left on the taglist
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loudlyunladylike · 1 year
Hi!!!!! Just realized I don't think I've sent an ask in a while, and rlly how can I be an anon if I don't send anonymous messages? General life update for the askbox ig, got broken up with a week ago, but on the bright side my sister's partner felt bad for me and drew me some butterfly and moth doodles so that was pretty sick and I got a 33 on the ACT (highest possible score is a 36) which made me really excited, so far spring where I live has been pretty funky and can't decide whether it wants to be nice or snow, also saw a pretty butterfly the other day but haven't seen a moth yet this year, so yeah that's how I've been lol :), now I'm gonna go not send another ask for a couple of months cause nowadays I just use the gc bcuz it is much much easier, love u!!!!!! Bye!!-Moth anon
Oh my god funky little anon messages from my friend smiles!! Yes yes oh my god hi ^-^
:(( oh Moth I'm so sorry that can really suck, look after yourself buddy, here if you need anything <33 on the plus side those doodles sound very thoughtful and sweet, that's lovely <3 Here these are for you: 🦋🦋🦋🪻💐🌻🌺🌹✨💖🌼
But also yo!!! I'm so proud of you, that's sick as hell, you're doing amazing let's go!!!! It's funny you say that actually cause I saw some pretty butterflies today and thought of you!! It's like when people on the opposite sides of the world look at the moon or something, butterfly connections let's go!!! We love them. AND we've similarly had quirky as hell weather but rather than snow/sun it's been rain/sun, it makes it so difficult to dress for the weather dammit!!!
But anyways, such a good moth newsletter update thank you friend, love you too, hope you are soso well, I am metaphysically giving you the biggest hug rn, buh byeeeee <333
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sellieellie · 2 years
another update!
classes are awful. i’ve never felt to burned out in my life. can’t get shit done to save my goddamn life. but it’s finally spring break!
connor texted me this weekend (which he never does) and i was super excited until i found out bella told him to. we had a little conversation but that kinda ruined it for me. i just wish he would think about me first.
he told me he’s thinking about transferring to my college. i’m excited but at the same time i’m scared. i’m not sure if we’ll even be close enough to be hanging out when he gets here. idk. i don’t want to get me hopes up again. i just can’t deal with the disappointment right now.
work is fine. nothing special at all.
bella is going through a depressive episode and will is also going through something and i’ve been trying so damn hard to support them and i’m doing my very best and telling them that i’m always there for them but i’m also going through it right now too. but i can’t tell them because i don’t want to add the extra pressure to their lives. idk.
i sent bella a care package and i told her it was delivered to her building but she completely ignored the text. and i know she saw it because she texted me about something else right after. idk. i just wish she’d even try. but whatever.
i had a conversation with my dad about getting back on medication and he said he’d start advocating for me. i’m glad but i don’t know if he’ll actually pull through.
anyways. there’s probably more that i missed but i’m tired and needed to get this out. i’m really sad. going through a phoebe bridgers phase. it sucks. bye
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pepprs · 7 years
hey u guys it’s ya girl Pepe Pepprs here 2 let u all kno i just woke up and we have no fucking water pressure in our bathroom so i can’t shower or brush our teeth and im uhhhhhh Suffering So Guess i’ll Die!!!!! :~)
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ye0ncore · 3 years
it’ll always be you - yang jungwon
hello loves! i’ve really been missing writing so here i am trying to get more fics up for you guys. i have school, work and a sport to juggle so updates may be a lil slow but just bear with me lol. also, this fic took way too long to get together, my tumblr is fucking high. anyways, love you guys <33
>> pairing: jungwon x female reader
>> synopsis: you and jungwon have always been best friends. and that’s all you saw each other as. or so you thought. that was until you got an outside perspective.
>> rating and genre: pg, fluff
>> warnings: kissing scene, a few curse words,
>> word count: 1834
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“so y/n, is there any special boy in your life right now,” your new friend daeji asked, a mischievous smile on her face. you giggled and shook your head at the question, the smile staying on your face. you had only met daeji a few days ago but you already loved her. she was a transfer student from another district and the both of you had gotten very close, very quickly.
both of you are still in the process of getting to know each other, hence why the question was asked in the first place. “what?! how is there not, i’ve never seen anyone as pretty as you. is there anyone you’re into, though,” she continued, making you smile once more at her kindness.
“no there’s not,” you confirmed, making her slump in her seat. you laughed once more, and as if on cue, jungwon walked up. daeji perked up at someone of the opposite gender walking up to you, a small smirk on her face. you had mentioned jungwon once, but only as a close friend. she had never actually met him, and she was not disappointed. you’re pretty, he’s pretty so why weren’t you dating?
“hey y/n,” he said, his eyes bright and his smile wide. you greeted him back and motioned for him to sit down, which he immediately did. he set his backpack down and his eyes landed on daeji. “who’s this, y/n?”
“oh, jungwon, this is daeji. she’s a transfer student and one of my new friends. daeji, this is jungwon, my closest friend at this school,” you said with a smile, it widening when you turned to jungwon. daeji smiled and waved, and glanced at you, noticing how close you and jungwon were sitting. ‘there’s no way they aren’t dating,’ she thought.
the three of you sat there for a while, speaking about anything that came to your heads. that was until jungwon had to go and meet up with jay. apparently they were partners for a project and needed to work on it. “alright, it was really nice to meet you, daeji. bye y/n,” he said, leaning down to give you a hug. you two hugged the same way you always did, your arms around his neck, his arms wrapping around your waist. he gave you a small smile before rushing off to find jay, leaving daeji awestruck.
you looked at her and laughed at the shocked look on her face. “what,” you asked, still giggling.
she looked at you like you were insane. “y/n who the fuck is that, and why aren’t you dating him?” now it was your turn to give her a weird look.
“jungwon? no no we’re not like that. he’s my best friend,” you assured her, but she clearly didn’t believe you. which was understandable.
“best friend my ass, y/n. you’re in love with each other and i can see it! the way you looked at each other… holy shit i’ve only ever seen that in movies.” did he really look at you like that? “and you look at him the same way! a few other guys have come up and talked to you within the past few days and you didn’t look at them anywhere near the same way you looked at jungwon.”
“i told you daeji, he’s my best friend. we’re not like that,” you said once more, but that doesn’t mean the thought didn’t creep into your brain. all she did was laugh and call you crazy once more, saying her final goodbyes to you for the day. you made your way home and you couldn’t help the fact that what daeji said was stuck in your head.
she had a point. you and jungwon were always close. you had been best friends since you were little, so he always had a special place in your heart. did jungwon really look at you the way she said he did? and did you look at him the same? you tried to shake off the thought. there’s no way it would work. but you still felt that little bit of hope.
the next day at school, you met up with jungwon like you always did. every morning, without fail, you and him always met up by your car so you could walk into the school together. when he walked up to you, you took notice of the way he looked. really took notice. he was wearing a black and white striped sweater, and black sweatpants, his hair a perfect mess atop his head. your breath got caught in your throat. he looked amazing. how have you never noticed this before?
oh who are you kidding. of course you noticed. you always noticed, you just never wanted to admit it. he walked up to you, a big smile on his face. you greeted each other the same way you always did, a hug and a small ‘hello.’ except, this hug was different. you hugged the same type of way, but it just felt different. he lightly squeezed you, making you laugh and the only thing going through your head was how badly you didn’t want to let go.
unfortunately, he did let go, and led the both of you into the school. you two walked in with huge smiles on your faces, daeji giving you two a smirk when she saw you. you walked up to daeji, jungwon glued to your side, daeji immediately taking notice. ‘the only people who don’t know how they feel about each other is each other, this is just sad,’ was exactly what was going through daeji’s head.
so when the first bell rang and you went off to your class, hugging jungwon goodbye, she decided she needed to do something. after you walked off, jungwon continued to watch you for a moment, not turning back until daeji pretended to clear her throat. after she did, he whipped his head back to her, acting like nothing had happened. all she did was give him a knowing look, and he visibly deflated. “why are you looking at me like that,” he asked, still playing dumb.
daeji simply scoffed. “you like her.” jungwon froze in his spot, immediately tried to deny it. “don’t even try to give me the whole ‘she’s my best friend’ thing, i hear it enough from her when she tries to deny her feelings for you.” jungwon’s heart dropped to the floor, as did his jaw. did he hear her right?
“i’m sorry, one more time. what???” daeji laughed at his reaction.
“you both are so oblivious. everyone can see the feelings you both have for each other, except the two of you,” she explained, jungwon still looking like a deer in headlights. he simply couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
daeji was right. jungwon had developed feelings for you a very long time ago. he had seen you at your best, when you turned 16 and got your drivers license. and he had seen you at your worst, when your first boyfriend broke your heart. he stuck with you through all of it because he loved you and he never wanted to be without you. did you really feel the same?
“go find her, jungwon. i’m tired of seeing the both of you pine after each other. even if i’ve only known you for a day.” jungwon only nodded, running in the direction you left in, frantically searching around to find you. then he remembered exactly where you would be. the art room. that was the class you had just gone too, and he knew the teacher. they were cool with each other and you and the teacher were also very close.
he rushed to the art room as fast as his feet would carry him, the only thing on his mind being you. when he finally arrived he pulled the door open and his eyes immediately locked with yours. you smiled softly at the sight of him, stopped what you were doing and walked up to him. “hey. what are you doing here, aren’t you supposed to be in chemistry,” you asked, your tone soft and playful.
“uh….yeah i am supposed to be in chemistry… mrs. fleming might kill me, but there’s something i need to tell you, and i don’t know how much longer i was going to be able to wait,” he explained, his nerves building every second. you simply nodded, grabbed his hand and pulled you into the empty hallway. the small touch sent waves of electricity through you, bringing a wide smile to the both of your faces. if only you two knew what was about to go down.
“alright, here goes nothing. i was just talking to daeji and she called me out for staring at you…” his tone was soft and comforting, calming your nerves immediately. but as soon as the words left his mouth about daeji, you knew she had said something.
‘great, now he knows. he’s just gonna tell me he doesn’t see me like that. oh god let’s just get the rejection over with,’ was the only thing spinning through your mind. your mind didn’t even process that he said he got caught staring at you.
he seemed to notice your hesitation, but he knew he had to get this out in the open. “y/n i know this may be overwhelming and a lot to take in but i really need you to know how i feel.” he took a deep breath, and relaxed when you took his hand in yours.
“you can tell me anything, jungwon.” your calming voice was enough to give him the confidence to finally get the words out.
“alright so… y/n i really really really fucking like you. you’ve been there for me through absolutely everything and you’re genuinely the most beautiful girl i’ve ever seen. you make me so damn happy and i’m so thankful to have you in my life. whether that’s you as my friend or something more. i just wanted -”
you cut off his rambling by pressing your lips against his. you supposed he wasn’t expecting it because it took him a second to respond, but eventually he was kissing you back. one hand found it’s way to your waist and the other cupped your cheek. both of your arms were wrapped around his neck, pulling the both of you closer to one another. the kiss was soft and passionate, making it clear the both of you had been wanting this for a while.
when you finally pulled away, both of you were breathing heavier, but there were wide smiles on your faces. his hands stayed on your waist as he pulled you into a hug, you nuzzling your face into the crook of his neck. “the feeling is mutual, jungwon.” you felt like you could hear him smile, him pulling you even closer if that even possible. “it’s always been you. it’ll always be you.”
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courageous-she · 4 years
Extracurricular- Charlie Gillespie
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Teacher!Reader x MusicTeacher!Charlie
Word Count: 2707
Author’s Note: Hi everyone! Just wanted to say thank you for all the love on “Needing You”! I wrote this up, a little self-indulgently, but hope that some of you will find some enjoyment from it!
It had always been your dream to be an elementary school teacher. For as long as you could remember, you would play school with your American Girl Dolls or stuffed animals as your students. When the time came for college, you’d picked a program that would allow you to get your Master’s quickly. After student teaching and some substituting, you finally had your own fourth grade classroom.
You hadn’t been at your school long, seeing as it was only October, but you’d been there long enough to meet some of the other teachers. You got along well with your team teachers, and even made a few teacher friends you could hang out outside of school with.
It was a Wednesday and for some reason your students had more energy than normal, and it was taking a toll on you. Luckily, they had Music in a few minutes, so you decided to end the lesson early and have them start getting ready for the special. They were quiet in the hallway, giving you a quick break before dropping them off at the music room.
“Hey, fourth grade!” the music teacher, Mr. G said with enthusiasm as your class approached. You students began to file into the classroom, high-fiving or fist bumping Mr. G as they passed. “Hey Ms. Y/L/N.” Mr. G said more softly to you.
“Hi Mr. G. They’re a little more energetic than normal today.” You said, providing a well needed update on the class. Mr. G smiled, chuckling lightly at the statement.
“Nothing I can’t handle I’m sure.” There was a short pause before he continued, “Got any plans this weekend?” he asked you. This weekend was Halloween and you wanted nothing more than to spend it on your couch with a bottle of wine.
“I was just going to drink some wine and watch a movie.” You replied honestly, “Why? Have something in mind?” It wasn’t unusual for Mr. G, or you could probably call him Charlie, to ask you about your plans. A little harmless flirting was normal between the two of you seeing as you were the only two 20 something teachers in the school.
“I had about the same idea in mind. Would you maybe want to drink wine and watch a movie together?” He asked, a smirk playing on his face. As you were about to respond, one of your students came over and grabbed Charlie by the hand, tugging him into the classroom. You smiled and let him know that you would text him before letting him go to teach the class.
You: 7:00 my place?
You sent the text to Charlie, having had his number from staff meetings. The two of you liked to text during the meetings instead of actually paying attention. You didn’t expect a response right away anyway considering he was teaching your students. You took the 40 minutes your kids were at music to sit in the quiet and grade some classwork.
When you went to pick your class up, Charlie was waiting by the door, your class lined up behind him.
“7:00 sounds perfect. I’ll bring the refreshments” he said quiet enough so the class didn’t hear.
“I’ll text you my address” you said, smiling, “Alright friends, what do you say to Mr. G?” you asked, addressing your class.
“Thank you, Mr. G!” rang out in unison by your students.
“Bye guys! See you later!” Charlie waved, again high-fiving some kids on their way out. You turned around as your class walked to the end of the hall and Charlie shot you a quick wink before heading back into his classroom. Friday night couldn’t come soon enough.
When Friday night finally did come, Charlie texted you around dismissal to make sure your plans were still on.
You: Definitely! But I hope you know I will be in my baggiest of sweatpants
Charlie: Glad we’re on the same page, I don’t wear real clothes outside of school, its sacrilegious
You chuckled at the text, making sure to send Charlie your address and apartment number. Your students filed out one-by-one until it was only you left in the classroom. You made sure to shut down everything and turn off the lights before making the quick trip to your car.
Once home, you threw your work clothes into your hamper and got into your designated sweatpants. Knowing that you were having company later encouraged you to give your apartment a good clean, something you hadn’t been motivated to do recently. You lived alone, but you preferred it that way. Sometimes after a long day of school it was just easier to come home and not have to talk to anyone about your day.
Soon enough, the buzzer in your apartment was ringing signaling that Charlie was downstairs waiting to be let up. You pressed the button to unlock the main door and waited by your front door for his knock. When it came, you opened the door to see Charlie carrying a large pizza, a bottle of wine, and bag of Halloween candy.
“You came prepared Gillespie” you said, taking some of the items from his hands. He kicked his shoes off by the door before following you into the small living room. You set the items down on the coffee table before getting comfortable on the couch, Charlie following suit next to you.
“I told you I’d bring the refreshments, didn’t I?” He asked, pulling a corner of your blanket over his legs. You laughed, grabbing the remote and turning the tv on. Once the Netflix screen showed, you passed the remote to Charlie who gave you a confused look.
“I can’t decide on movies for the life of me, so this one’s on you” you said, opening the pizza box and grabbing a slice. You ate and watched as Charlie flipped through the movies, settling on a horror film. “Should have guessed you’d try to kill me tonight” you laughed.
“Hey, when you put me in charge of the movie, you can’t complain about what I pick” Charlie laughed, opening the bottle of wine.
“Oh! Let me get us some glasses,” you said, starting to remove the blanket from your lap. Charlie’s hand stopped you from getting any further.
“I’m fine with drinking out of the bottle if you are…” he suggested. You shrugged, not really caring about sharing the bottle with him. The two of you settled into the couch, eating pizza and sharing the bottle of wine. You definitely jumped at some parts in the movie and Charlie laughed at you each time.
About halfway through the movie, the both of you had finished eating and were now resting comfortably on the couch. However, the movie only began to get scarier as a really gory part showed on the screen. You jolted with surprise and shoved your face into Charlie’s neck, hand gripping the shirt material on his chest. 
“You can’t really be scared of this!” Charlie laughed.
“Of course, I’m scared!” you replied, voice muffled by his skin. Charlie only chuckled and wrapped his arms around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him.
“Don’t go in there!” you shouted a few moments later to the girl in the movie.
“Of course, she’s going to go in there!” Charlie retorted, “it’d be no fun if she didn’t”
“Who said any of this was fun” you replied, getting ready to hide your face against Charlie again, “I can’t watch.” Again, Charlie pulled you closer, protecting you from the demons on the screen.
As the movie ended, you let out a sigh of relief. You quickly stood and made your way over to your fridge, pulling out another bottle of wine. 
“After that movie, I need more of this, and a new movie to forget that one”
“I’m down for another movie. But you’re choosing it this time” Charlie said, grabbing the bottle from you and taking a sip. As you scrolled through the choices, you landed on one that had made you cry the first time you watched it.
“Okay, Gillespie.” You said, selecting the movie and hitting play, “Time to see you cry”
“Oh, I don’t cry” Charlie said, a smirk on his face. You made a “let’s see about that” face and the two of you settled in to watch the movie.
As the sad part began to get more intense, you stole a glance over at Charlie. You could see tears slowly cascading down his cheeks. 
“I thought you said you didn’t cry” you joked, pushing on his shoulder with your own. Taken aback by the fact that you’d noticed him, Charlie quickly began to wipe the tears from his face.
“I’m not crying, my eyes are sweating.” He replied.
“Sure, tough guy. Don’t worry about it, crying is manly” you said, leaning into his side. He chuckled at you before pulling you closer to finish the movie.
Two movies and two bottles of wine later, you stood to throw out the empty pizza box and candy wrappers.
“Shit, I didn’t realize how late it was. I should get going” Charlie said, looking at the time on his phone.
“You’ve been drinking, Charlie, probably not the best idea to drive right now” you said, holding up the two empty wine bottles. Charlie gave you a knowing look.
“Let me see if my roommate is still awake, maybe he can come grab me” But before you could even let Charlie unlock his phone to text his roommate, you blurted out a proposition.
“Or you could just spend the night here” You stared at Charlie, shocked the sentence even left your mouth. It was probably the alcohol that helped. Charlie looked at you, making sure he heard correctly.
“I mean, if you’re cool with me crashing on your couch…” he spoke slowly.
“Oh no, you can’t sleep on that. It may be good for sitting but if you sleep on it, you’ll wake up with a broken back. My bed is big enough, we can share…. If you’re okay with that” you quickly added. Charlie mumbled a quiet ‘yeah’ before helping you clean up the rest of the mess. As you made your way into your room, you turned on your bathroom light. “I have an extra toothbrush you can use,” you said, handing Charlie the blue toothbrush.
The two of you stood side by side in the bathroom, looking at each other in the mirror while brushing your teeth. As Charlie finished, he made his way back into your room while you took a moment to wash your face. When you walked back into your room, Charlie was sitting on the edge of your bed scrolling through his phone.
“You didn’t have to wait for me to get in bed” you laughed. Charlie sheepishly looked up at you, locking his phone and putting in on the end table.
“Wasn’t sure what side of the bed you normally slept on” he replied. You went over to your side of the bed and got under the covers. Charlie followed suit on the opposite side of the bed. You clicked off your side lamp and turned to face Charlie.
“Sorry in advance if I kick you in my sleep” you said.
“If you kick me, we’re going to have a problem” Charlie laughed. It wasn’t long before the two of you dozed off comfortably facing each other.
You woke up the next morning to your head resting on Charlie’s chest and his arms wrapped tightly around you. You laughed at the sleeping boy, noticing that he was no longer wearing a shirt. You tried to get out of bed without waking him, failing as his arm only wrapped tighter around you and a low groan came from the boy.
“Where’re you going?” he asked, voice low and eyes still closed.
“I was going to go make us some breakfast” you said. Charlie turned so his body was now facing yours, eyes still closed, and arms remaining around you.
“Five more minutes” he grumbled. “If you leave, I’ll be cold” he whined. You could only laugh.
“If I don’t get up, then you won’t have anything to eat in five minutes”
“I’ll buy us breakfast if you promise not to move” he said, voice low and soft. You replied with a quiet ‘okay’ and began to get comfortable.
“One thing though” you said, Charlie hummed in response, “When did you take your shirt off?”
“’mm like 2? Not sure, does it matter?” he asked. You mumbled a small ‘no’ not wanting to admit that you liked the feel of his warm skin against yours. You snuggled into him, hands reaching around and lightly dragging up and down his back. When you thought he’d fallen asleep, you let your hands stop, but when Charlie’s hand reached around to grab yours, mimicking your earlier motion, you continued.
You hadn’t realized that you’d fallen asleep, but you woke up in the same position, only this time Charlie’s fingers were lightly grazing up and down your back.
“Mornin’” he hummed, “Didn’t think you’d fall back asleep, did ya?” he teased. You lifted your eyes to meet his, taking in his bed head as well.
“Well, if you’d have let me get up the first time, I could have had breakfast ready for you” you mumbled, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
“Breakfast is ten minutes away” Charlie said, brushing your hair away from your face. You looked up at him, a little shocked he’d woken up and ordered breakfast. Your eyes met his and you watched as his fell to your lips. Your breath hitched and before you knew it, Charlie’s soft lips were on yours. 
It was gentle and quick, too quick if you were honest. But having kissed him once already now, you worked up the courage to kiss him again, this time taking the lead. You moved so that you were straddling him, his hands quickly finding a home on your hips, rubbing small circles on the skin under your shirt.
A moment later, you found yourself lying on your back, Charlie hovering over you. He only pulled away when his phone buzzed from next to you. He quickly checked his phone, looked at you, and placed a quick kiss on your cheek before getting up and pulling his sweatshirt on. Just as quickly as Charlie had gotten on top of you, he was off and out the door. 
Sliding out of bed, you threw on your sweatshirt and padded out to the kitchen. The front door opened and Charlie came in carrying two bags of food.
“What the hell did you order, Char?” you asked, grabbing a bag and beginning to open it. All kinds of breakfast foods laid out in front of you. Two arms landed their way on either side of you, locking you between him and the counter.
“Char?” he asked, voice low in your ear. Your face was warm as you turned around in the small space you had, noticing the smirk on the boy’s face. You weren’t sure how to respond, the nickname just kind of slipped out. But before you could respond, Charlie’s hand gently held your chin and his lips met yours once again. “Don’t worry” he said against your lips, “I like it”
He quickly lifted you onto the counter, slipping in between your legs and placing another kiss against your lips. The two of you stayed like that for a bit, tasting each of the foods that Charlie had ordered.
As the two of you cleaned up the kitchen a little while later you asked, “So, am I going to have to compete for your attention at school?” Charlie gave you a confused look, not sure what you meant by that statement. “Considering how all the fourth and fifth grade girls have the biggest crushes on you?” you asked, a smile playing at your lips.
Charlie chuckled, coming over to rest his hands on your hips, forehead resting against your own. “You’re the only one who gets this kind of attention” he quietly said before placing a kiss on your lips. You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in for more.
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boldlyanxious · 3 years
Part of meet cute Mondays
All fic masterlist
Marinette hadn't even realized when she left with the outfit that it had been damaged. But once she pulled it out, it was very obvious. She immediately started apologizing. Jagged loved it though. He thought the chewed parts gave it a very authentic edge. That worked great. He couldn't stop grinning about it and telling Her she didn't need to worry about it.
But that wasn't her concern. She knew that her dog would still need to go. This wasn't the first incident. Jagged may like the rough edges and authentic metal look but he was the only of her clients that would. Her landlord has sent a letter reminding her that dogs were not allowed and threatening fines for any damage.
Luckily the apartment didn't have any damage even though it was far too small for Nacho. Her work supplies were not so lucky. He had managed to pull down a pile of fabrics and made his own bed. He chewed her favorite shoes and several spatulas. She spent an entire evening reorganizing paperwork because he knocked over the small desk her files were on.
She probably should have left him at the shelter. She had gone looking for a hamster. A rescued one had babies but they were all adopted, as well as the mother, by the time she made it there. She knew she didn't have the time or energy for a dog but he looked so sad. She heard them talking and he was on his way to be put down because no one wanted to adopt him. She couldn't just leave him there.
He didn't even have a name. He had been brought in after being found where he had been dumped by whatever heartless person attempted to harm him instead of finding a shelter. He immediately perked up when Marinette brought him outside. He dragged her all over as he excitedly sniffed everything. She was happy to let him. He was such a sweet pup. Most everyone was giving him pats as he approached. One man was likely more interested in talking to Marinette so that didn't interest the dog, but Marinette was distracted being polite when he lunged for a table with a startled looking teen couple. He jumped into their table and helped himself to their nachos.
So he had a name.
Marinette stopped at the same place to get him some nachos before she guided him back to the shelter. She could feel the tears coming so she turned down a side street and sat on the curb rather than at a table. She already had tears streaming down her face by the time she sat. Nacho hesitated before scarfing down the treat, enjoying her arms around him.
"Pretty sure that isn't a good thing for a dog."
Marinette looked up at the voice. She hadn't even been paying attention. No one else was around and there wasn't really any place to run. Even if she could. He was already standing over her, tall and muscled. She was at a disadvantage sitting down and curled over her dog.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
His voice was soft and had lost the teasing edge it had before he saw her face. Rather than standing over her he sat on the other side of Nacho in an obviously relaxed pose in response to her tense reaction. Nacho wasted no time climbing on him and licking his face.
"I don't want to bother you with my troubles. I'm sure you have worries of your own."
"I did ask. It has to be something to make a beautiful woman stop everything and cry on a nice day with such a perfect dog."
Whatever he expected from his flirty comment it wasn't for her to start crying harder. Nacho climbed on her to comfort her without knowing the source of her distress. A cautious hand touched her shoulder with a gentle squeeze before sliding to the middle of her back and patting briefly. Marinette collapsed into the stranger and held onto his arms while he awkwardly continued to pat her. It took a moment before she remembered that he was a stranger and pulled away suddenly.
She flushed brightly as she wiped away her tears and tripped over herself apologizing repeatedly before she jumped up to continue on her way. She was at the corner trying to coax Nacho along but he didn't want to turn towards the shelter.
"Clearly things aren't going well if you can't even convince the dog," he said.
"I don't really want to convince the dog, but I have no other choice."
She reached down to pet the dog before turning back to the man. She welcomed the interruption because she didn't want to keep walking.
"It can't be as bad as all that."
"I can't keep him." She bit back a sob. "I knew a dog wasn't a great idea but I couldn't leave him. He was scheduled to be put down. They told me if I brought him back they would have to do it anyway. None of the other shelters could take him either."
"That really sucks. Can't you give him to a friend?"
"I'm pretty new here. I don't have any friends here that I could ask for a favor like that."
"What about a handsome stranger?"
Marinette looked back at him in surprise. He definitely was handsome.
"You mean you would take him?"
"Did you have your eye on another handsome stranger?" She slowly shook her head no. "I rent a house with a yard. I travel sometimes but I could send him to my family's place. There is a lot of land and my little brother's dog to play with."
"You just want to adopt a random dog off the street with no warning? It's a lot of work."
"Well, I've been wanting a dog for awhile. He is friendly and seems to like me. He also has the added bonus of convincing you to give me your number so you can visit him."
"I could still see Nacho?" Marinette asked, smiling.
"He didn't have a name. I was going to think about it, but he stole nachos from some kids and it seemed to fit."
"I think it's perfect. What about your name?"
Oh. Sorry. I'm Marinette," she said, sticking out her hand.
"Jason," he took her hand as he replied. "I'll need your phone number too."
Marinette put her number into his phone and he texted so she would have his. They walked back the way they came and Marinette leaned down to tell Nacho bye. He stopped her before they walked off separate ways.
"Now it's this number just for dog updates or can I use it to ask you out too?"
@theymakeupfairies | @emjrabbitwolf | @vixen-uchiha | @trythisagainlove | @tbehartoo | @adrestar | @technicallyburninggarden | @iloontjeboontje | @certainmuffinbagelcalzone | @zynna
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scarletwinterxx · 3 years
that time you bought me albums
okay but I just love how adorable Chenle is whenever they perform Dive Into You🥺 it’s making me love the song even more💚 anyways here’s a cute scenario for our lele. Hope you enjoy!
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2020 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
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Chenle is pretty known to be a happy go luck guy himself, he brings this light in every situation he’s in. Ever since you started dating, you realized just how much his happiness rubs up on you and it was one of the main reasons you’re very much in love with the boy. 
Much like he is with you, if he’s very doting with his members you were on a whole another level. You were his baby, his little sunshine, his happiness, his everything and all. There isn’t a day that passes by without him saying just how much you mean to him. 
Which is why he immediately turned the protective mode when he saw you all sad and pout when he visited your place, 
“Why are you sad? Did something happen?” he worriedly asked, kneeling infront where you were sitting
“No” you shook your head
“Then why are you all sad? You know you can tell me” he said, reaching out to hold your hands in his
“You’re going to laugh at me when I tell you” that confused him for a second, why would he laugh at you?
“Why? I wouldn’t know if you don’t tell me”
“Ididntpullyourpcinmyalbums” you grumbled, Chenle couldn’t quite understand your words
“Huh? Baby I can’t understand you”
“I said I didn’t pull any of your photocards in my albums!” you finally said loud and clear. 
At this, Chenle can’t help but smile at you. You were so adorable, being sulky like that just because you didn’t pull his photocards
“You were sad because of that?” he chuckled, making himself comfortable beside you. Immediately you turned to face him, the pout on your lips returning
“I was really excited to open my albums, I even went early to the store to get them”
Again, you were being so adorable Chenle can’t help but think about how he wanted to keep you in his pocket and bring you everywhere he went. 
“You woke up early for that?” you nodded
“Who did you get anyways?”
“Your favorite”
“Yah, that can’t be. I’ll buy more albums” you laughed when he pulled his phone out as if he was about to order then and there
“No, it’s okay. Jisung does look cute in his photocards” when you looked over at your boyfriend he had this look of disbelief on his face. 
The day after that, when you got back from studying out you didn’t expect to see the stack of boxes outside your door. Already knocking where and who it came from. 
You dialed his number, after two rings you hear his voice on the other line
“Yes, my loves?”
“Don’t my loves me right now, what the hell are these boxes outside of my apartment?” you asked back
“I don’t know anything about that” he answered, but you were already checking the shipping label, it was named to him but sent to your address
“These have your name written all over them! Are these albums?”
“You said you wanted more”
“I never said that, you said that”
“Sorry, what was that? I haven’t heard a ‘thank you, baby’“
You rolled your eyes even though he can’t see you right now, “Thank you” you mumbled
“Where’s the baby?”
“Thank you, baby. there are you happy?”
“If you’re happy then I’m happy” that made you smile a bit, the butterflies in your stomach fluttering away.
“I am, because of you like always. But we already talked about this, you don’t have to buy me anything”
“It’s okay, I mostly did it for me. What kind of boyfriend am I if I can’t give my girlfriend my own photocards?”
“A normal one?”
“You love me” you chuckled back as a reply, indeed you do. 
“Anyways, I have to go now. Update me when you get my photocards okay? I love you. Bye”
You looked at the five boxes beside your door, it was taller than you. Hopefully one of these does have his photocards or else you might actually lose your mind, or Chenle might just buy 10 more boxes for you. 
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
With Me
Nestor Oceteva x Reader
Request by Anon:  I absolutely loved the new Nestor fics!! Can i request “(She/he/they) don’t belong with (her/him/them)!” “Than who do(es) (she/he/they) belong with?” “…..with me.” with him????
Warnings: light angst (with a happy ending), language, Nestor being ~jealous and protective~
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: Sorry my blog has been kinda dead lately. Been struggling with some work stuff and it’s given me a bit of writer’s block. I’m hoping to get back to it. Just know that if you sent me a request I am totally planning on writing for it, it just might not happen quickly. And I’m hoping to update my multi-chaps soon as well. Thanks for all your patience. Enjoy this lil Nestor one-shot! xo
General Mayans/Nestor Taglist: @mayans-sauce @thesandbeneathmytoes @paintballkid711 @tomhardydallasstarsgirl @queenbeered @sillygoose6969 @sesamepancakes @yourwonkywriter @chibsytelford @gemini0410 @multiyfandomgirl40 @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @plentyoffandoms @georgiaaintnopeach @twistnet @garbinge @amandinesblogofstuff​ @bucky-iss-bae​ @the-radical-venus​
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You were sitting on the barstool next to Nestor’s, both of you commiserating over how exhausting your weeks had been. Work was very different for the two of you, obviously, but you were both drained nonetheless.
The bar you went to was a quiet one. It was mostly business men and women doing the same thing the two of you were—blowing off steam after a long week. People didn’t pay the two of you much mind, which suited you just fine. You and Nestor had a habit of getting lost in your own little bubble anyway.
You were about to jump into your next work story when your phone started going off in your pocket. You glanced over at Nestor as if to ask if it was alright to answer. He nodded and you lifted the phone to your ear.
“Hello?” you paused, smiling, “Hey, baby. Nothing, I’m at the bar with Nestor. Do you wanna st—” you stopped, expression falling, “Oh, okay. No, I get it. I’ll talk to you later. Yea, you too. Bye.”
You hung up with a heavy sigh. Nestor sat silently for a moment before asking, “All good?”
You nodded, rolling your eyes, “Yea. Cancelled again.”
Even though he knew the answer, he still asked, “Dante?”
“Mhm,” you shook your head slightly, wondering why you were still at all surprised.
Nestor bit back the snide comments swirling around in his brain. He had never been a fan of Dante, and he let you know that. Nestor wasn’t ever rude to him, but they weren’t friends either. You knew that it didn’t help that your boyfriend was intimidated by Nestor, even if he never admitted it.
“That mean you have time for another drink?” he tried to lighten the mood.
You laughed, “Means I have time for a few more,” you immediately flagged down the bartender to order another round for both of you.
A few quickly turned into…more than that for you. Nestor tried to get you to slow down but he knew that it was a losing battle at that point. The best he could do for you was to take your keys, so he did. He knew that after an already shitty week, this was the final straw, but he still hated to see you so drained and frustrated and still trying to pretend that you were alright.
“Fuck him,” you blurted out as Nestor helped you stumble-walk to his car.
He chuckled, “I know.”
He let you rant the whole drive to your apartment about how fed up you were with your boyfriend. He wondered if you’d remember it all in the morning and finally, maybe, break up with him. Nestor knew he was biased, but you deserved better. He told you that constantly, but you always waved him off, saying it wasn’t that bad.
“Your relationship should be better than just not bad, Y/N,” trying to talk sense to you in the state that you were in was futile, but he still had to try.
“You’re so sweet, Nestor,” you cooed tiredly from the passenger seat.
He didn’t respond, not wanting to feed into words you wouldn’t remember in the morning. He glanced over at you a couple minutes later and saw that you’d fallen asleep. There was no stopping the smile that spread across his face at the sight of you.
Before he knew it, he was parking in front of your apartment building. As much as he didn’t want to wake you, he knew he had to. He got out and walked over to your side of the car, nudging you awake. You groaned in protest, but allowed him to help you out of the vehicle.
He was thankful that you only lived on the second floor of your building. With a sigh, he knocked on the door. He’d already let your roommate know that he was bringing you home. She opened the door, clearly exhausted and bundled up in her bathrobe.
“Sorry,” he offered up as he crossed the threshold into the apartment.
She shook her head, “Don’t be. Thanks for getting her home safely.”
He helped you to your room, gently lowering you onto the bed. You had no desire to change into pajamas and it wasn’t a battle that Nestor was going to pick. He pulled the blanket up over you, letting out a quiet sigh as he lightly rested his hand on your shoulder for a moment.
Not wanting to linger for too long, he turned and walked back towards your bedroom door. He heard you mumble out a quiet thank you, and he smiled to himself as he shut the door behind him.
Your roommate was still in the living room, an expectant look on her face, “Can I ask what happened to her?”
Nestor sighed and shrugged, “Shit with Dante.”
She shook her head, “Of course.”
“They have a lot of issues lately?”
She shot him a curious look, “No more than usual, I guess. Why?”
“He’s a waste of her fucking time.”
She bit back a laugh, knowing that Nestor was extra protective of you. She had a pretty good idea of why, too, “No, really, tell me how you really feel,” she smiled.
“Come on, you see it too, right? He doesn’t deserve her. She doesn’t belong with him.”
She fought back the urge to smile, “Who does she belong with, then?”
“With me,” the words came out before he could stop them. His eyes went wide, instantly realizing what he had said. Before he could try to take it back, though, she held up her hand to stop him.
“You ever gonna say anything to her about that?”
He shook his head, “What’s the point?”
She shrugged, “You might be more convincing than you think. That’s all.”
He pressed his lips into a thin line, “Mhm,” he sighed, “Anyway. Sorry for barging in so late.”
She chuckled, “Don’t worry about it.”
“I can take her to get her car tomorrow.”
She nodded, “Sounds good. Have a good night.”
“You too,” he walked out of the apartment, shutting the door quietly behind him.
He was mentally kicking himself the whole drive home. Why he wasn’t able to catch himself before he said anything was beyond him—he was usually better than that. He just hoped that your roommate wouldn’t say anything to you about it.
You woke up the next morning with a groan, and a throbbing sensation in your head. You had a vague set of memories from the night before, but it was hard to think about it through the hangover. You slowly forced yourself to sit upright, gently rubbing the sleep from your eyes. You checked your phone and saw that you had multiple missed texts from your boyfriend, and that was when it all really came rushing back. You let out a heavy sigh, making the conscious choice to ignore him for the time being. You weren’t done being upset with him.
You slowly made your way to the kitchen for coffee and aspirin. You heard your roommate chuckling from the living room and shook your head, “Don’t.”
She laughed, “What are you talking about? I didn’t say anything.”
You sighed as you poured coffee into your mug, “You don’t have to. I already know what you’re going to say.”
“Oh? And what’s that?”
You threw back a few aspirin before turning to look at your friend, “You’re going to say that he is more stress than he’s worth, and that I should’ve left him about ten cancelled dates ago.”
She nodded, “And the number will keep getting higher the longer you put it off.”
You shook your head slightly, “I know it’s shitty, Julia. I’m not an idiot.”
“I never said that you were. But you know that if the roles were reversed you would be telling me the same thing.”
You let out a dry laugh, “Since when do I ever take my own advice?”
“Maybe you should start,” she paused for a moment, “Nestor said he’d take you to go get your car, by the way.”
“Fuck,” you groaned, “My car. Didn’t even think about that.”
She shrugged, “Call him. I’m sure he’d be more than happy to come and whisk you away.”
You chuckled as you got your phone out to text him, “You make it sound so extravagant.”
“He’s a good guy, you know,” she sipped on her coffee.
You looked over at her, “Don’t.”
“What? I’m just…stating a fact.”
You took another swig of your coffee and walked away without another word on the matter, desperate to take a shower and put some more comfortable clothes on. You couldn’t remember the last time you fell asleep in your work clothes like that.
By the time you were done showering and getting ready, Nestor was already outside your apartment building. You said goodbye to your roommate, trying to make it was quick as possible before she could say anything else. On a couple other occasions, before Dante, she had made comments about you and Nestor. She laid off of it once you got a boyfriend, though, so you were wondering what made her pick the habit back up again.
You collapsed into the passenger seat of Nestor’s car with a sigh. He looked over at you, smiling, “Looks like you had a rough one last night.”
“Thank you so much for bringing me home. I’m so sorry.”
He shook his head, “Don’t be. Glad I could help,” he paused, “You talk to him at all?”
You sighed, “No. I don’t even want to at this point. He’s just gonna apologize and say it won’t happen again. But it will.”
“Why are you wasting your time with him, then?” he kept his tone fairly neutral considering how much the situation bothered him.
You shrugged, “Sometimes I’m not even sure, honestly. Sunk cost, maybe? I don’t know. Breakups are always so messy.”
“I can deliver the message for you,” there was a lightness to his tone but you knew that he definitely would.
“Ha, that would be a sight for sure,” you laughed, shaking your head.
The rest of the ride passed with silence between the two of you, the only noise coming from the music playing quietly from the car radio. Every now and then you’d look over at Nestor, thinking about what your roommate had said. With concentrated effort you were able to push the thoughts from your mind.
“I’m just saying,” he said out of nowhere as he pulled into the parking lot of the bar, “you deserve someone who, at minimum, fucking shows up for you.”
You smiled at him, “I appreciate it, Nestor,” you unbuckled and stepped out of the car, walking around to his side as he got out, “And I appreciate you always looking out for me. I’ve got it handled, though.”
He stood in front of you as you leaned back against the side of his car, toying idly with the keys in between your fingers. There was a small smirk on his face as he took in the sight of you, still thinking you looked beautiful hungover in your sweats, fresh out of the shower.
He shrugged, “I know I can’t tell you what to do. But you deserve more than being disappointed all the time,” he sighed, “You know I think Dante’s an asshole. But I’d be willing to look past that if he was at least good to you, but he’s not. You talk about sunk cost but why keep wasting your fucking time if he’s not even making you happy?”
You couldn’t meet his eyes, “Because it’s better than being alone.”
“He’s still making you feel that way anyway, though!”
“I know!” you snapped. You took an unsteady breath, knowing that this blowout was a long time coming. You just wished that it didn’t have to happen right in that moment, “You’re right, okay? And yea I know better than to just be with someone for the sake of being with someone but…I don’t fucking know, Nes,” you shook your head, “Sometimes I just think that it’s easier this way. I know what to expect, even if the expectations aren’t exactly good. Leaving and having to tear down all those walls again with someone new? That’s fucking exhausting and I don’t want to keep doing that over and over again.”
“So you’re just gonna stay with him and be miserable forever?”
“Forever,” you scoffed, “C’mon, don’t be dramatic.”
“Well that’s the alternative, right? You either leave him, or you stay with him forever.”
“Why is this such a fucking issue for you all of a sudden?”
“Because you were on the brink of a fucking bender last night because of him. I hate that someone out there is making you feel that way when they’re supposed to be the one making you happy.”
“It’s not your job to worry about me and keep me in check,” your eyes were glued to the tips of your shoes.
“Yea, it is,” he stepped in, gently cupping your face in his hands, forcing you to look at him, “because I care about you.”
A wave of heat washed over your entire body and you couldn’t force yourself to move, or talk. All you could do was look into his eyes and try not to let your knees buckle underneath you. You and Nestor had hugged and touched a million times but not like this, never like this. He made you feel small and safe all at once.
“I just want you to be happy,” his voice was soft.
“I know,” you finally forced the words out, barely audible.
He traced his thumb across your cheek, “I could make you so happy, Y/N.”
You didn’t know why you felt like you were about to cry, but you did. You tried to take a deep breath to calm your nerves as you rested your hands over his. You closed your eyes and leaned into his touch, “I know.”
“Will you let me do that?”
“You know I’m right. You said it yourself,” he let out a soft chuckle as his hands slid down so they were resting on your shoulders.
You smiled up at him, realizing how close he had gotten, closing what little distance was between the two of you and nearly pinning you against the side of the car. You ran your hands over your face, a smirk fighting its way onto your face despite the myriad of emotions coursing through you, “You’re not gonna let this go, huh?”
He smiled, shaking his head, “No.”
You laughed, but your expression quickly sobered as you looked him in the eye, “I can’t lose you, Nestor.”
“You won’t,” there was no hesitation in his response, “I promise. You just, you gotta give me a chance.” You took a deep breath, leaning forward so your forehead rested against his chest. You shut your eyes, reveling in the way his arms instantly wrapped around you. He gave you a light squeeze, “You deserve to be happy.”
You pulled back from him just enough so that you could look at his face. He had one of the softest smiles you’d ever seen, and you couldn’t help but to smile in return when you saw it. You rested your hands on his chest, “We’re really gonna do this?”
“Only if you want to.”
You nodded, “I do.”
He smiled, “Then yea, we’re really doing this,” he pulled you tight against his chest with a laugh, “Can I break the news to Dante?”
You laughed, shaking your head, “Absolutely not. I get to do that part.”
He let out an exaggerated sigh, “Fine. I guess that’s fair.”
The two of you stood there like that for a few moments, processing the weight of everything that had just happened. You could feel the steady beat of his heart through his shirt, and despite the chaos of the situation that you were in, you found yourself feeling calm, reassured.
“Thank you,” you finally broke the silence, “for, you know, for not giving up on me.”
He squeezed you tight for a moment, “I’ve got you, always.”
It was refreshing to be able to believe what you were being told. You let out a sigh of relief, knowing that he meant it, knowing that your days of questioning things and being filled with disappointment and uncertainty were over. He felt like a breath of fresh air, like you were coming home after being away for far too long.
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brathalo · 3 years
okay so update on that guy from yesterday tw: trauma dump, bad grammar, vulgarity, me being fabulously stupid, anxiety inducing situations + rant lmao
right before that i wanna mention that i have a fucking stalker? this dude calls my granddad's house in the late evening a few weeks ago and mentioned that he wanted to talk to me. my grandad asked who he was and he replied that he was my boyfriend 💀💀 we've moved past that now lol except all of us were genuinely freaked out that he managed to get my GRANDPARENT'S NUMBER?? THE FUC
anyways fast forward to today, i met up with that guy from yesterday,,,,,,let's call him stupid bastard or s.b for now . . . . well yeah basically i met up with him because we were resitting for the same exams together and i didn't actually even know who he was until a few weeks ago, but was friendly with him because we had multiple mutual friends apparently. (they were all girls, I have no guy friends 😬👍)
he was respectful at first, didn't talk much and just shared his notes with me and all that, until he sent me that message last night.
this morning was the last day of my exam. i walked up to him and said hey, he waved back and didn't say anything for a bit to me since he was talking really loudly and laughing to someone on a phone call. suddenly, this stupid fucking bastard turned and asked me if i knew this ****insert COMPLETELY RANDOM guy name*****??? 😃???
i was like dude. we don't even know each other. I just MET you. how the hell would I know some random guy WHO WAS IN FACT LIVING IN ANOTHER STATE?????
then he smiled and said "oh, he knows you."
complete fucking anxiety just washed over me under the thursday morning sun. i was having a flashback from that creepy stalker incident - and here's the thing, the stalkers voice sounded like a typical Indian.
he and his friend (who was on loudspeaker) were also Indians who spoke English with a noticeable slang. I was fucking panicking and told him to stop.
now this isn't even the worst part. the reason why I'm writing this down now just to rant was because of what s.b did to me for the next ten minutes.
I can understand tamil perfectly, but I can't speak the language without my own English accent ruining it so I just shut up and listen to other people talk. a lot of peeps assume that I can't understand tamil at all (even my teachers) so they would just talk shit about me right in front of my face sometimes.
this dumbass did the exact same thing to me this morning, except he wasn't talking shit about me at all.
he was talking to that creepy friend of his on his phone on loudspeaker, and that friend was asking him to do a 360° of his phone, which made me realise that he was actually on video call.
s.b did the 360° about five times for his friend, and his friend was laughing even harder every time. i was wearing a completely black TURTLENECK, so my entire body was basically covered.
his friend told him to take off that WHITE top. he kept on repeating in tamil "hey show me that white top, show me dude cmon-" and I'm just sitting there, trying to cover myself with my bag, head hot and knees trembling.
I would have shouted and told him off, but I don't know why I stupidly didn't. I feel so fucking stupid, and I seriously want to stab him multiple times for having the GALL to do that to me. I have no idea if they could possibly be my stalker or not, but the feeling is there. and it's a really strong gut sense too.
he wanted to give me someone's (I'm presuming his friend) ig and I was like 🙂 sure 🙂 was full on intended to use all six of my ig accounts + all 3 of my brothers accounts to block and report him
he changed his mind last minute and we said bye again. i blocked him on ig just now. fucking hell of a ride just for resitting two exams which i already know I'm going to fail in 💀💀
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