#anyways. this has felt even more like. disconnected than usual
sunnnfish · 1 year
Tbhk chapter 100 rambling you know how it is.
Tbhk chapter 100 and wanting to die and wanting to live and wanting purpose and making plans and wanting connection. Mitsuba who says he has no connections no reason to want to stay around the near shore but Kou is right there and he’s selfish and he’s making mitsuba stay. And mitsuba doesn’t want anyone else to be his end. Do you get it. Fake challenges and fake promises because kou never promised to exorcise mitsuba and he never planned to. Mitsuba says he wants to die but he just. Doesn’t want to exist like this. But there is an acceptance and an understanding that wasn’t there before between them. The same light playfulness and teasing but a knowing of that odd awful truth. Parts of mitsuba he thought he could never bear to anyone, acknowledged with that innocuous “hey. i’m hungry.” Do you understand. And it’s achingly normal. Inviting your friend to the school festival. A festival sousuke probably never got to see. Having nights out and giving each other keychains and having silly competitions. Mitsuba wants to be normal. To be human. And in that pursuit it’s like he already is. Mitsuba wants so much. He wants to be—
And kou knows. He’s known every wish of mitsuba and sousuke and he’s had to reconcile it all every time. He wants to take a picture. He wants a friend. He wants to be human. He wants to be understood. He wants to die. He wants kou to exorcise him. He wants. Kou also wants. And it’s a competition of desire that’s constantly at a stalemate. So they just exist. And make plans. And live. However unfortunate that may feel. The school festival is right around the corner.
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unluckilyimnot · 4 months
lazy day with bllk boys
characters: sae, rin, nagi, karasu, reo
m.list || rules || requests are open :)
note: i had more ideas but i got lazy lmao, feel free to ask for more
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Sae + beach day
it’s better when it’s sunny but honestly he just needs it
he goes whenever he has a day off
you two usually eat around the harbor, take cute pictures, visit a little if you can
Sae loves beach more than anything in life but if you ask him he’ll never admit it. Yet that’s where he find himself naturally going when he needs some fresh air and needs to clear his mind. It happened to be rather cloudy today, but it means less people outside so he’s not complaining. He didn’t felt like dealing with people trying to talk to him. Beside you.
You always tag along since you’re a sea lover as well – and that you love collecting rocks.
“Sae, Sae look at this one !” you cheered while getting up and rushing to him. Showing off your really cute, red rock to him with a smile, he can’t help but nod with a little smile in return before offering his hand. You leave it to him so he could clean it up before giving it back to you. It’s an habit now, because you hate it when you have stuff on your hands.
You took his other hand and started walking around the beach again, admiring the view even without sun or boats. It was calm, just like you like as well.
“There.” He gave the rock back to you as he secretly promised and he couldn’t wait to see where you’re going to put it in his apartment.
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Nagi + gaming
understand : usual day off
he’s always gaming anyway but that’s the rare occasion you play with him
“Ah… Ah! Aaah!!” you whined, almost throwing the controller across the room. You fell on your back, laying down with open arms. “I think I’m gonna die now. It’s fine, I can’t face the shame.”
“You did great.” Nagi added quietly, already getting ready for the next game. You two were playing Mario Party together, one of the only game you play in fact. “Come on, I choose the next one.”
No answer.
“Come onnnnn.” It was his time to whine but when you still didn’t answer him, he had to use his special technique : laying flat on top of you. A strangle oof left your lips before you tried to pus him. It’s your tall, heavy boyfriend against your limited strength.
“Move !!” you command but it fell into deaf ear. You cry even more, not really in the mood to receive the treatment you gave.
“Okay,I’m sorry ! I’m ready now move please ! I can’t breath !”
“You’re a liar,” he started, pulling himself up on one arm. “You’re still breathing.” You roll your eyes at his statement.
“No shit.” you scoffed before pushing him for good. “I’m gonna win this time.”
Nagi only nod, knowing dawn well you won’t but still loving your enthusiasm.
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Reo + bath and skin care
he likes to take care of you and himself
his day off are dedicated to that
+ funny picture to decorate your wall
A mask now setting on you face, your whole body was immersed in hot, bubbly water and all your muscles were finally able to relax. Your back resting against Reo, you look up to catch him looking at his phone, with a mask on his face as well.
You two just had the best skin care routine hour and Reo had the wonderful idea to run a bath. That’s how you ended up with both you hair up and you blowing bubbles around like a child. It’s been a while, you missed it.
“Babe, hear this,” and then he goes on about some news about one of Mikage corporation’s partner and their research. You don’t get about everything about business but you still into it as well, but you weren’t really in the mood. Kissing his jaw, you answered.
“What about I don’t and you try to disconnect a little ?” You took his phone off his hand after whipping your hand. Reo sighs behind you but you didn’t mind. His head laid on your shoulder, waiting for you to come back in the water. After putting a soft, lofi background music you were back in the hot water and in your lover’s arms. Reo slowly stroking your arm while talking about some book he’d like to read, finally leaving work behind. You couldn’t ask for more.
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Karasu + reading together
he likes some quality time on his resting day
some tea, a good book and you reading by his side
Karasu couldn’t ask for more when you asked him to make another tea pot. You already have finish it when he only drank 2 cup, but it also mean that you’re really into your book and he loved that sight. You gasping from time to time, holding your month or even when it shows that it takes you everything to not get up to run laps around the house.
You know he likes to have close while reading session but sometimes it just physically hurt you. And he makes fun of you every times. His laughter filling the whole place, light and so annoying but you can’t help but tag along after a few second.
You can’t even give it back because he doesn’t react at all, annoying you a lot, but you accepted it in the end.
All of that with the tea he kindly makes every single time you two sat down in his living room to read.
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Rin + him reading for you or vice versa
depends on who’s tired
but he reads better than you
still find it calming when it’s you
“ “I’m just going to do it. Imagining the future is a kind of nostalgia.” “Huh ?” I asked –” you quoted, reading one of your favorite book to Rin. He was laying his head in your lap, kind of falling asleep from time to time but still catching up when something bothered him in your tone or the story.
“She’s annoying with her maze.” he noted.
“I think he is to not get it.” she answered, sounding a little offended. “He’s annoying all the time in fact. I get her, but I don’t get him.” she added before going on. Rin knew that, he heard about it enough, yet he never once read it and the last time you said you felt like reading it again, he asked you to read it to him.
You two don’t really share any tastes in books, but you still kind of enjoy it when the other is reading it for you. You usually get fed up by his reading and Rin found yours comforting, but maybe it’s just your voice. He likes the fact that you try, maybe a little too hard, to show the emotions. It’s deep too, in some kind, and he knows you’re especially close, if he may say, to the things you read. It’s like discovering you again.
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i hope you liked it !
it's me, i collect rocks. the book y/n's reading in rin's one is Looking for Alaska by John Green.
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heartsforhavik · 6 months
yandere kung lao I’m begginf,,,,
self aware! yandere kung lao x reader pt.1
warnings: mk1 story mode spoilers, obsessiveness, gender neutral reader, ooc kung lao, self aware kung lao
summary: kung lao is aware he is in a video game, and he just loves you so much. he just wishes he didn’t have to be behind a screen.
a/n: anon im so sorry it took me a bit to get to this, anyways i decided to mix it up and make kung lao self aware bc i thought my yandere hcs were getting too repetitive and i am also a diehard SAGAU fan. (also sorry for my mini break, finals week is crazy man.)
part 2
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- kung lao *hated* being stuck behind a screen. behind a stupid wall. away from you.
- you were just a regular mortal kombat fan. when mortal kombat 1 was announced, you were just so excited to get your hands on the game.
- you watched playthroughs before you could buy the game, and you were so happy when you found out that you could play as kung lao in the first chapter of story mode.
- when you got your hands on the game, you noticed that every time he had a funny one-liner in the story mode, he would look at the camera and wink. that’s weird… he didn’t do that in the playthroughs you watched… but oh well, it’s probably nothing.
- in the final battle you even chose to play as kung lao out of all the fighters. he was surprisingly easy to use, and his moves seemed to hit even harder than usual and the fights would be over in a blink of an eye. maybe he was buffed just for the fights?
- and when you finished the story mode and checked out all the skins and rewards you got, you noticed that you somehow had all of kung lao’s stuff unlocked. all of his palettes, skins, brutalities, etc. everything. you owned all of it. even the ones that weren’t out yet.
- you thought it was just a glitch, so you shut your device down and restarted it. but when you opened it again, his stuff was still there.
- and it got even weirder. when you tried to practice, the game only let you use kung lao. for some reason, you couldn’t use any other fighter. you couldn’t even use any kameo other than kung lao.
- he was still your favorite character and all, but that was weird. you tried to exit out of the game and restart it again, but it wouldn’t shut down. the game stayed on. it was frozen on kung lao. and he seemed to just stare at you. as if he knew you were there.
- you were starting to get creeped out, so you completely powered off your device and decided to leave it disconnected overnight.
- but over that little period of time, even though it was only a few hours to you, it felt like an eternity for kung lao.
- he felt hurt. a bit betrayed, even. did you not like him anymore? was he not enough for you? he gave you everything he could. he did everything he could to show his love for you, since he cannot communicate any other way.
- without you playing the game, he felt nothing. he couldn’t feel your warmth. it was nothing but a cold, dark space. he needed you. he needed you to always be with him. even if he couldn’t communicate with you, he’d figure something out.
- that’s why he was changing the coding of the game. he had to always be on your screen, or at least give you hints that he was self aware. he wouldn’t know what to do with himself if you weren’t looking at him. if you weren’t using him all the time.
- what do you mean you want to main johnny cage? or raiden? or even syzoth? what do they have that kung lao doesn’t?
- you liked the powerful fighters? no worries, he can just nerf everyone else and completely manipulate the coding of the game so he has the best damage.
- you thought the other fighters were more attractive than him? he’ll change the game so their designs were ruined and less pleasing to your eye.
- he would mend himself to your liking. he just needed you to use him. please make him feel important and useful. make him feel worthy of being your main. your favorite.
- if anyone became your favorite instead of him, he would go ballistic. he would rethink his entire existence. he’s so strong, and funny, and easy to use. so why would you choose anyone else? what’s wrong with him? is he not enough for you?
- if kung lao found out you wanted to start using a different fighter, he would erase them from the game. they would be nowhere to be found. their image in the game would be warped into a bunch of blurry pixels.
- if he has to erase the entire kast of fighters, he will. he needs your love. he needs your attention. if he isn’t your favorite, then what is the point of his existence in the game?
- kung lao needs you. and you need him too. why can’t you see that? he’s done everything he could to gain your approval. he was already so great, but he changed himself for you. accept him. please.
- the last thing he would resort to is bringing you in the game with him. what better way to stay by your side, than force you into the world of mortal kombat?
- at first, he didn’t exactly like the thought of taking away your freedom, but the more he thought about it the more he craved your company. why stay behind your screen when he can just bring you with him? now, you don’t have to turn your device on and off! he’s not going anywhere. and you aren’t either.
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oncewhenalongtimeago · 8 months
Hiccup x reader where Hiccup is stressed over being the chief of Berk and is extra clingy to reader?
Better Left Unsaid
Pairing: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III x Reader
Words: 14,022
You wondered if you would ever be able to touch the sky again. You don’t talk about it.
Tags: Httyd 2, Comfort, reconnection, resolution, suggestive content, Gender Neutral reader, reclusive reader (ish), reserved reader (ish), disappointment, rebound, oneshot, ambiguous ending
“It-It’s just too much,” Hiccup stuttered angrily, hushed. He shifted his arms, gesturing lightly but frustratedly with the mug in his shand, leaning against the wall. The water inside sloshed back and forth as he settled the mug down on the table with a thin clacking noise, pushing off against the wall.
It was silent, the empty dark of night all-consuming in a way that blocked everything else out. Even with passion in your voice, you probably still couldn’t speak louder than a gritty whisper.
The Haddock house was empty and dark, the fireplace in the center of the hut untouched as it has been for many nights since the passing of Stoick the Vast. Your basket sat abandoned by the door, washed over by a sheet of blue shadow.
“Maybe you need a system,” You suggested awkwardly, caught off guard as hiccup paced, too taken by his own trouble to care for much else. This wasn’t how you’d imagined any conversation between the two of you to go.
You saw each other around, of course, but events like those usually consisted of turned cheeks. It had been so long since you last talked, and it hadn’t quite ended on good terms.
“My Dad didn’t-” Limbre fingers struggled against the straps and buckles of his armor, inelegant and terse with frustration, Hiccup’s cinched brows and an angry grimace conveying everything you needed to know.
Usually nothing short of a stupid idea from his own head would get him out of it. Or a hard hit. You did your best to give him counsel anyways, despite your unsurety. He’d probably just been swept away by it all, falling back into old habits quickly. 
He would snap out of it soon enough, though if he decided just as you did that you’d rather not address anything at all, you would certainly not complain.
“Your Dad didn’t have to deal with so many trappers or dragons.” You shook your head. You had to admit that you were somewhat disconnected from the matter. The two of you hadn’t been close for years, and you kept to yourself pretty closely. This whole situation was an accident, more of a wrong place, wrong time then anything done on purpose, per se.
You moved around the table, nearly stumbling as you went, suppressing a shiver as you shifted through the cold room, like an empty void. You wondered how Hiccup dealt with it.
You snorted. 
Helping him out felt like crossing some sort of invisible boundary you usually avoided like the plague. But, you had pity on him and the dark circles underlining his eyes. You didn’t think he’d notice. It wasn’t something you worried much about, anyways, not since you were in your teens. That was a sore spot you’d rather not touch on.
“Isn’t a Chief supposed to be able to handle everything on his own? If I do that, then wouldn’t…” Hiccup trailed off into a contemplative, moody silence, glaring off to the side as you did your best to pull his straps free. You weren’t much better with them than he was now, but it was workable, “I’m supposed to be- Wouldn’t that prove that I’m not-…”
He looked somewhat like his father, with that expression, though the skinny frame and his wild, scruffy hair offset it somewhat.
His father was large and tough, but something you noticed about Stoick, even from a distance, was that he was stressed. And angry, all the time. He knew what to do and when to do it but couldn’t handle a lot. Not always. You could imagine the veins bulging from his forehead now, even from beyond the grave. 
You weren’t sure Hiccup was ever supposed to be like him. If he was supposed to even try. Him being Chief wasn’t ever something you imagined even as kids, just as he probably never imagined it for himself, but you were sure if he pulled something together it might be manageable. 
“You’ve always been enough for whatever you wanted,” You muttered, “You’ve been enough since before the dragons and you are enough now as Chief. Coming up with some sort of system isn’t... bad. You Dad had a system,” You winced, watching his expression carefully as you brought up his Dad, though you were sure that not much would reach him when he was in this state, “Your father had a second-in-command for a reason, you know.”
“My inventions, they’re not-” Hiccup groaned. You heard the unsaid question. But wouldn’t that be cheating?
“They’re just as a part of you as anything else.” You repeated the age-old adage, “It doesn’t have to be in invention, though, if you don’t want it to be. Just… Establish a chain of command, or something.”
Hiccup threw his head back, scrubbing his face with his hands. Then he looked back at you, as if he was just then realizing who he was talking to.
“The island probably won’t implode without you. They’re Vikings, they need a little lead, just trust me.”
Sometimes you were fine, and sometimes your disappointment followed you like a sheet over your eyes, something buzzing constantly around the periphery of your vision, bits stuck to the back of your boots like poorly spun wool.
You crunched through the grass on the far end of the bridge leading up to the village, nerves coiling in your guts briefly before you brushed them away. 
Such was the life of a recluse.
You squinted as you marched across large wooden planks, confident in the sturdiness of the bring just as you were unconfident in what lay before you, a figure sitting with their head down on one of the large logs that made up the railing. 
It was a common sight for people to sit by the edge, usually teens, usually with friends, a stolen jug of mead or two in hand on dark nights. It was also a good spot for contemplation. You’d use it many times, especially on rainy, foggy days. It made quite the atmosphere.
However, during the broad daylight, people usually tended to just come and go. They didn’t spend much longer there than they had to. To be honest, most people had dragons. There were many more interesting places up in the sky. You didn’t get that. You dragon, it left a long time ago. 
You shifted your basket of foraged berries and sticks and bits under your arm and grimaced confusedly as you neared the figure, closely examining dark gray armor and a worn, untucked green undershirt. 
“Hello, Chief,” You said plaintively, after you’d spent a few seconds stopped being him, looking down on hunched shoulders and frazzled flyaways.
He groaned, “Please don’t call me that.”
You snorted, gently resting your basket on the ground, making sure all the latches were secured tight over the lid. It got pretty windy up there, wouldn’t do you any good to lose all of your day’s hard work, “What brings you over to my small neck of the woods?”
You shrugged at his silence, relaxing the the hand on your hip before swinging your legs over the same log and planting yourself firmly to his left
“I can’t do this,” Hiccup mumbled exhaustively, without looking up.
You stuck out your tongue, leaning back onto your hands, which pressed against the warm surface of the wood pleasantly. It took you a moment to remember that you should probably come up with a follow-up question, “Why?”
You were a bit rusty.
“I can’t do this,” Hiccup turned briefly to give you a sour look. You stuck your tongue out at him.
“Okay,” You shrugged your shoulders, ever the loyal confidant.
So you were going the whole ‘ignore the Gronkle in the room,’ route. You could deal with that.
You wondered where Toothless was. He’d taken to his Alpha statues pretty well, as in, he did nothing to enforce it at all, so there was nothing for him to worry about. Come to think about it, it really was just Hiccup, managing both Vikings and Dragons.
Hiccup shot a look at you again, perhaps asking himself what was wrong with you. Below you, the sea rushed and lulled, storming over the jagged rocks below. You watched it like a snake on a mouse, hypnotic in its movements.
“It’s not. There’s so much to keep track of and,” Hiccup started, continuing on, shaking his head, “Everyone’s always got something- this isn’t like- it’s not like my Dad’s just on a vacation. He’s dead. I’ve never taken care of something this long-term. And Astrid-... I’m not so great at the whole ‘commanding’ thing.”
The split with Astrid was rough on him, you knew. He didn’t talk about it much at all, but everyone could tell it was weighing down on him. People talked, and you didn’t necessarily have to be a part of the conversation to overhear.
You hummed sympathetically, as a group of people started to gather on one end of the bridge. You weren’t sure if Hiccup had noticed it yet, though you were sure if he had he was ignoring it for the time being. 
“You don’t have to command. You just have to be able to direct,” Most people sort of expected Astrid to be there for the whole commanding thing, but honestly you resented the idea, despite the accuracy of it in practice, “I know a guy who would be willing to handle the stables for a day. Johannes, you remember him, right?”
 They, meaning Hiccup and Astrid, were both busy with their own responsibilities, so you didn’t think they had a lot of time to talk it out. It was strange. For the longest time, second to Toothless, of course, she’d been his best friend. The thought sent a sharp, bitter jab up your spine.
You rolled your eyes anyways. A lot of Vikings would give a lot to be able to be in charge of something. As you grew older, you started to realize that Stoick the Vast had a hand in everything. Maybe too much of a hand- that man was stretched thin, “The whole commanding, intimidating bit is Toothless’s job now.”
“Yeah,” Hiccup choked out.
From the corner of your eye, you noticed a pack of Vikings already halfway to you, encroaching from the Berk side of the bridge, arms waving in the air. You looked away for a moment with furrowed brows, beginning to scoot back with high caution, trying your hardest to not make any sudden moves.
“When’s the last time you did something for yourself?” You asked, “Gone to the forge, or flown out?”
“I have no idea,” Hiccup wheezed.
“When’s your next lull? It’s a lot easier for me to say it than for you to do it, but you should probably, you know, take a step back,” You suggested.
“Never,” Hiccup gestured with his hand, other arm pressed against his back, “This is it, for the rest of my life.”
You grimaced, shrugging pityingly as you heard the distant shout of his name, and watched Hiccup crumple in on himself again as the two of you met eyes.
You were a bit surprised by how easy conversation flowed between you, though you were sure whether you wanted to run or just shy away from it. You weren’t sure if you felt anything for it at all.
You shook your head, deciding very astutely on the running bit, swinging back onto solid ground and gently lifting up your shoulders. You hooked your fingers under the edge of your basket and pulled it into your arms, settling it smoothly in hand.
“Well, when your life’s over, I’ll be here. We’ll, ah, figure it out then, I guess.”
You lifted your tunic from your back, tugging until you were able to twist it over your head.
As you did, you eyed the portraits of the wives taken off and replaced, hung lower on the wall and decorated with each of their assets. You’d found them lying around and it felt wrong not to return them to their original owners somehow. They were usually separated from the rest of your dwelling by a thin, old moth-eaten curtain.
You were sure the wives were all just as ugly and unpleasant as Mildew himself, but there was something off about taking them down especially when you kept everything else close to the same.
You patched the hole in the roof with old ship’s sails and mismatched tiles, just enough to keep your cabin barely above freezing in the wintertime.
You shook your clothes onto the floor as you changed, mindful not to look down at any of the scars in the darkness of your hut. 
You were probably supposed to feel proud. They were trophies of battle. Most other Vikings would wear them proudly, displayed like an honor bestowed onto them. They didn’t particularly bother you, though it never bode well to linger on reminders of things long since finished.
If only they knew how you’d gotten them.
You didn’t earn them through bravery or anything else of the sort and you weren’t anywhere near one of the worst when it came to scarring. First place probably went to Phegma, who had a huge burn scar just barely covered by her day wear.
 You got yours because you weren’t fast enough to dodge the blow of an axe, to jump out the way of a trap sprung on the group without taking some serious damage. 
You were a great planner, an architect and an infrastructural thinker. But that didn’t often come in handy on the Edge, especially not when all the buts of your knowledge that could be applied were better covered by the other Riders’ areas of expertise. 
So where everyone else excelled, you stumbled. Where everyone else tumbled with the blows, you fell hard onto the ground, and you hadn’t anyone to confide your hurts in. 
Eventually trying to keep up got to be too much. When you saw the rest of them, able to come together so easily and shake off all their cuts and injuries, you hurt.
There was nothing quite as terrible as watching everyone, especially Hiccup, walk forwards while you strayed behind, struggling your hardest and failing to even to keep to their heels.
You blinked at the scratching of something sharp against wooden walls, muffled though still clearly audible, coming from the outside. You paid it no mind, ignoring it just as you ignored the tiny shafts of sunlight seeping through the cracks between wooden planks and crumbling walls, illuminating tiny particles of floating dust.
It was just the branches pestering the framework of your salvaged home, one of the half-dead bushes lining the front, nearing the height of a tree, mimicking the sound of a dragon you’d long since pushed from your mind. Yours.
You sighed. It was just another thing weighing on your mind back then, when you’d been at your lowest. You were tired of it, now. But a blank kind of tired.
Like a flat, fresh water ocean. Waveless, shallow. Eerie.
It was a much calmer tired than the kind you felt then; Violent waves slamming you into the sand, rubbing fragile lungs raw with grit and silt. Of the bruised ribs, the fighting, the cuts and hurt no one seemed to notice and the friend you didn’t seem good enough to have anymore.
You reached down to pull your tunic off the ground, tossing it onto a nearby table, covered in dust, made frail through disuse. You coughed at the fine grime tossed into the air, flapping your hand in front of your nose in an effort to disperse it.
You wondered if the sealights would be lit tonight.
“-He has five dragons. Five. And he wants me to come up with a whole set of dragon towers for him how?-”
You trod through the dewey morning leaves, back straighter than necessary, trying not to sweat too much or to look back at the armorless, green-tunic-ed guest at your back.
You couldn’t say you weren’t a little tired of the whole running Berk it yourself. Sure, you weren’t necessarily responsible for it but it was a pastime of a lot of the Vikings around town to talk about it, the mindless gossips, and once or twice while you were in town trading for what you needed. 
There were also the sailors, who had a mind, when down by the docks, to share the business of everyone regardless of the tribe. Even as the village recluse, you got roped into it, listening around corners with rap ears
“-Even with dragons it’s not easy to-” Hiccup waved his hands around, journaling under one arm and eyes glued, glaring onto the ground. It turns out he had taken you at your word. Sort of. He was still very much alive. He must have found some time off, or figured out something, because here he was.
You squinted at the paper in your hand, staring at messily done blueprints. There was a house sketched lifted above the ground by a pole and another sketch of a bunch of regular huts stacked on top of each other. You held the same basket from before under your arm, woven bits frayed and flexible and worn.
You recognized the beginning stages of a bunch of these sorts of huts being built all around Berk. It was getting fuller, especially with all of the ex-trappers and Vikings migrating in from the other tribes. And then there were relations outside of the interpersonal to manage. So of course there needed to be a few changes.
“This isn’t safe,” You said drily, “Remember the windmill? These are all going to fall down with the next devastating winter. And where are we going to find logs large and long enough to keep all these houses up? There aren’t nearly enough trees on all of Berk to get this done for everyone.”
“I know!” Hiccup pausing, turning to shake his head quickly, before bending over to scrub the hair on his head, “It’s insane! Everyone wants me to go with it!”
“You shouldn’t,” You deadpanned.
“I might,” Hiccup pursed his lips, “If it gets them to leave me alone. I can’t be builder, Rider and Chief.”
“Well- no, you can’t be. But why don’t you just come up with a few sturdy designs and make him choose one. Same for everyone else. Then just,” You paused, grimacing as you had to grab a branch, pushing it out of the way, “Put someone in charge of building all of them. And making sure they don’t go build in all the wrong spots.”
“I don’t know,” Hiccup shrugged his shoulders, letting his arms fall back to his sides, turning his head up and allowing the light filtering through the thick wooded area to fall onto his face, “Everyone wants something unique. You think they’ll settle?”
You turned around, branch still in hand, “They’ll have to. Same way they have been for three hundred years.”
You rolled your eyes and set forth again, letting go of the branch, which swung back quickly. You didn’t quite see what happened any more than you heard Hiccup’s yelp and the subsequent step back.
“Ow, ow, ow ow, Gods, curse it-”
You turned back around startled, turning back into the branch which followed its inertia, snapping back into your face. 
You brought your hand back up to your eye so quickly you smacked, dropping your trusty basket right out from under your arm and falling roughly onto your butt. The berries on the inside poured out of your basket onto the forest floor and you cursed, bemoaning it and yourself and laying the rest of the way down onto your back.
Head against the roots of a tree, smelling the earth and staring up at the dappled sunlight through waving tree leaves, you couldn't help the laughter that bubbled up through your throat.
It was better than getting mad, or crying. Still, you stifled it, shaking your head clear, pushing yourself back up, ignoring the stickiness of the berries stuck to your back and the juice dripping down the side of your hand.
Hiccup looked down on you skeptically, lips quirked in a way you read as confused. You remembered a time when he might have fallen down with you. It seems though that as the two of you got older, he became much surer of yourself. 
Still, it was a world of difference from the Hiccup you knew a moment ago, stressed and weighted and tired with all the burdens of everyone else on Berk and the loss of his father on his back. 
You wanted to see more of this Hiccup, who was snippy and sarcastic and who you might have loved once upon a time. Who wasn’t stuck in mournful contemplation about identities and relationships and other such sad things.
And maybe you wanted to take back some of him for yourself, as if it might bring back to you the part of yourself you lost, at least for just this little while. Though if this was where it ended, for you, this moment would be more than enough.
He needed reprieve. You decided you would be that reprieve, for as long as he would take you.
“Why don’t we do something besides talk about Berk?” You smiled wryly to yourself, rubbing your hands off on your smock, shrugging your shoulders loose once you got back onto your feet. 
You did your best to put on a happier facade, different from the insecure, hunched-shouldered version of you from way back in the past, and different from the apathetic lone figure you were now.
“I…” Hiccup blinked at you for a moment. He looked a tad thrown off by you now with your shoulders high, hands on your waist and back straight, much different from any sort of behavior you’d exhibited since long before.
The wide smirk on your face faltered, and you toned it down a little, slumping a bit. You knew you hadn’t had the ability to make Hiccup smile in a long time, but this was just terrible. Sometimes you wondered if you ever had, or if he was just faking it. It didn’t matter much to you now.
“Or, you can come with me and wait outside while I go find a change of clothes,” You said blankly, letting your hands fall to your sides, “Your pick.”
Hiccup grimaced, probably thinking of the greeting he’d get once he got back. You weren’t quite sure how he made it out here in the first place, and in his casual wear no less. You hadn’t seen him in anything less than a full set of leather armor for a very long time.
Of course, he’d chosen the latter. Sort of.
You let the water from the stream run over the toes of your boots, waterproofed by tar and oil as you pulled up your smock, scrubbed until it was worn and back to the same colorless dull hue you had gotten it in. It was to your benefit that you had worn something under, though the berries were much too pigmented for you to leave your smock on its lonesome.
“You didn’t have to wait for me,” You sighed, picking yourself up and away from the beck, slinging your water heavy clothing over a low-hanging branch. 
You turned to look at Hiccup who had decided to wait by the treeline, back to one of the large pines lining the whole island. He had found himself a terror along the way and was minding it with amusement, waving a thin branch above its head and watching and it leapt and curled after.
“It’s alright,” He said almost bashfully, without looking up, as the Terror flipped onto its belly, wriggling after the branch Hiccup waved over its stomach like a fish to a worm, “I, ah, I got Johannes to handle the stables.”
Hiccup rubbed the back of his neck as you pulled down your sleeves, picking at the loose threads and checking for any unpleasant damp spots, of which, for once, thankfully, there were few. 
“You took my advice, then,” You noted absentmindedly that this was the tunic you’d worn on the Edge, its color washed out and much thinner, but still very recognizable.
“Yeah,” Hiccup weighed the stick in his hand almost contemplatively before tossing it to the side, watching as the terror scurried after.
“So,” You said, sweeping your foot almost carelessly across the carpeted forest floor, pulling your basket into your arms again, “How have you been?”
“How have I been?” Hiccup asked astoundedly even as he eyed your smock, reluctantly pulling his gaze from it in order to follow as you led your way back up to the forest path, “I think you know the answer to that.”
“Yes, well, no- I mean, from before that,” You scoffed, looking down darkly into your nearly empty basket.
You meant after you left.
You felt the familiar pulling of tides, tugging at something deep and light in your gut. 
The air was still between you. It was hard not to feel when there was nothing between you but air and your own memory of some hastily forgotten hurts.
“That was a stupid question,” You shrugged, kicking aside a stick, protruding from just off the path.
You were sure Hiccup had been too stressed earlier to care or notice but it was easily felt now. Your quarters were much too close for you to put on the same old facade and pretend that nothing had ever happened and that the two of you weren’t ever more than strangers, your bond closely resembling something you might have once called friendship.
“I… Well, if you don’t mind tagging along still, I won’t make you do much,” You pushed down thoughts of beating storms, rain so thick you couldn’t see five feet in front of you, “You caught me off guard.”
You blinked away memories of rushing, towering waves and a bone-deep chill only made worse by the pressing winds and the water soaked deep through your clothes and to your bones, causing you to shiver and shake and pull closer to the neck of your dragon. 
Pressing deeper into leathery skin and scales, closer than you ever thought possible, praying to the Gods that you might be spared the indignity of living to see another day past your shame, past your desertion.
“Alright,” Hiccup decided finally, eyeing you oddly.
You pretended you didn’t feel the phantom shivers clawing up and down your spine or the echoes of a deep burning hurt you were certain had gone long since unnoticed by all the wrong people.
You made sure your breathing was steady as you marched forward, carefully putting one foot in front of the other. 
You listened to the occasional wingbeat of a dragon from up above and the unburdened twittering of small animals in the foliage surrounding you. 
You heard Hiccup stifle a yawn from back behind you. You wondered what you could do to make this trip worth it for him. To be honest, you weren’t quite expecting him to take you up on your offer. It was more of a snipe, really. 
You’d never been good at those, though. People always took you much too seriously.
There was a clearing up further ahead to your left, one you neared as the trees grew thicker and larger, where you could hopefully make up for some of your lost boon. The berries, you were sure they were gone, but perhaps you could make up for it by finding some other things.
The loudest noise between the two of you was the sound of your footsteps.
You inhaled the misty air of the forest and, eventually, you began to relax.
“Here we are,” You hummed, as the path grew lighter, sunlight filtering between the trees and the foliage.
You examined the crown with care, looking over each leaf and link, turning it around gently in your hands. What began as a task born from boredom became something you invested yourself into with brief interest.
The atmosphere was bright and the sun warm against your shoulder blades, laying like a heavy furred blanket across them as you leaned down, splitting small holes in the ends with your fingernails and threading grasses through until you had some approximation of a flower crown, minus the flowers. 
It was the kind of warmth that made you sentimental, bringing up a feeling that felt like something flowering, which you pursued vaguely as if this might have been the last time you ever felt it. 
By the time you two had been teenagers, Hiccup had been long since uninterested in that kind of thing. In teenage boy fashion, he avoided things such as flower crowns and playing in the sand down by the beach, much too focused on killing a Dragon and trying to seem tough enough to meet standard. 
Then he got Toothless, and from there on after he hadn’t time for anything but Dragons and the Riders. He was too absorbed in his inventions to pay any mind to other things.
You’d deeply wanted to do it, though maybe not always specifically to him, but you’d never found the purpose. You had it now.
You turned to Hiccup with a lopsided smile, watching his chest rise and fall gently for a few moments. Your lips twitched, falling into a small crown as you held out the crown, deciding whether or not you should drop it.
 Hiccup blinked drowsily awake at the sudden movement, to which you startled and before you realized it, the crown had gently slipped from your fingers and fell over the crown of his head. Because of the angle, though, it looked to be resting more on his forehead than anything. 
You held your breath as his eyes unfocused and fluttered shut again, unregistering, and you backed up on all fours with quiet ease, pushing yourself to your feet, attempting to flee the scene and pretend nothing had quiet happened at all.
You shuffled to the other side of the clearing, craving distance, walking a path around it like you were attempting to trace the edges with your feet. You balanced on it, placing your heel to the other foot’s toe and then again with the opposite foot, arms out in front of you, taking note of all the shrubbery around you.
Eventually the shifting ferns drew back your attention and you glanced back towards Hiccup, who’d sat up groggily, slowly examining the crown that had probably, most likely just fallen from his head.
He looked a complete and utter mess. You hid an ugly grin.
“I hope you like it,” You smiled down at the stem connecting a nice wad of berries to the bush. It was too quiet for him to hear and you were much too far away, but it was more of a musing to yourself anyways.
You leaned back onto your heels, sore for all the walking you’d done. You wondered if they were the right kind, enough to replace the bushel you’d lost earlier. You weren’t completely sure they were edible, anyways.
The two of you had broken out into a clearing, one covered in grass and ferns, and this was where you had decided to set midday camp. 
You lounged there in the waning sun, Hiccup more so than you, not so much watching the world turn to oranges and reds as witnessing it in your periphery. You’d lived it too many times for it to be any sort of novel. 
You were sure it was different on dragonback, but alas. You didn’t have that option.
After you came back to Berk, taking to the ground like you’d developed a phobia of everything else, it spent a lot of time flying around on its own, going who-knows-where on most days. One day, when you’d had the mind to look for it, you’d found that it had flown off for what was most likely good. 
You traced the leaf veins below your thumb, lost in mindless remembrance, ambiguously aware as Hiccup got up.
He groaned like he was a decades older man than he was, audible across the clearing, while putting his hands to the small of his back and leaning backwards mad before he made his way over. 
“What’s this?” Hiccup asked, holding what you were sure was the crown in his hand. You weren’t looking and ignored it, not necessarily expecting him to call you out on it any more than you’d expected to make the crown itself.
“Not sure,” You said, before looking over, and glancing up and down at ruffled clothes, messy hair and the sleeve that came up to wipe off the corner of his mouth, “Have a nice nap?”
“I’m just fine, thanks… “
You rolled your eyes, “That wasn’t my question.”
“Does it matter?” He asked, straightening out his shoulders.
“You were out for a while,” You said in lieu of an answer, “Was worried you needed me to drag you back to the village. Tuck you into bed.”
“No,” Hiccup said exorbitantly, “Never.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” You shot back.
“Definitely…” Hiccup started, “An exaggeration.” 
“Not at all.”
“Are you sure?” 
“Everyone’s had their share of it,” You stated, lifting your shoulders exaggeratedly, bringing both hands up by your head with your shrug, while kicking out your foot, turning to trot off in the opposite direction.
“You do a lot of really-need-to-be-dragged-back-after activities.”
“Hey, well, I’ve done a lot of that for you, too.”
“Pick one, name something.”
“I mean, I’ve kept you from falling down off cliffs a lot,” Hiccup ran a hand through his hair.
“I have since not stopped falling off cliffs,” You squinted at him, “And neither have you, I’m pretty sure. Also, that jumping off dragons thing? Serious disqualifier. That counts as at least half a cliff jump every time. Negative helping-me-out points. Honest.”
“What?” Hiccup shook his head, gesturing towards himself, “Doesn’t count. Never met a dragon that didn’t have my back. Natural Dragon Master. No danger.”
A natural if by natural he meant through fifteen years of absolute failure in any sort of interaction with an animal more sentient than a frog.
“Sure…” You remembered all the time he spent as kids, half with you and sometimes without, running across rooftops for his dad. Because you were being chased. By dragons. 
“Okay, call me a dragon, right now.” You said, with finality.
“Right now?”
“Right now.” 
You spent a little while staring at him.
“What, now?”
You nodded.
You were slightly surprised when he played along, even though you knew you had been egging him on to do it. You watched him cup his hands and chitter oddly into them, in a mimicry of what you understood as a Terror call.
You looked down on him with fake skepticism. Usually, with the call, it was a hit or miss whether a dragon would respond. The dragons with Riders tended to ignore you completely unless you were their rider. 
Both of you knew this, though you counted it on being a miss.
“They’re coming, you’ll see,” Hiccup said, waving his left hand as if he was clearing smoke out of the air.
“I hope it blows up in your face. Like that catapult, from when we were kids,” You blew a raspberry at him.
“What, which one?” Hiccup asked.
“The one you tried to roll up to your house, kept rolling down the hill, went straight through Burthair’s cart and smashed through his fence,” You grinned, “Your dad made you round up all his sheep after, remember?”
You remembered trying to help him quietly in secret, gathering a few sheep on a lead before you were caught and sent home to be scolded.
“No, hey, You blew that one up,” Hiccup said incredulously, “That one was all you.”
“Yeah, it was.” You admitted guiltlessly.
“You are the worst,” He said, as the sound of flapping and the rustling of trees grew slightly louder. You ignored it, thinking it was just another random group of dragons lost over Berk. There had been a lot of those as of late.
“The worst,” You agreed. You had a foot already up, halfway into a turn before a bright yellow, spiny body slammed quickly into your face.
You yelped, falling to the side, tumbling slightly as what must have been a Terrible terror scrambled for purchase and left off your face and into the tree line. You blinked, half-shaded under low-hanging branches.
You braced yourself against your arm, bringing your other hand down from your face to see red in the shape of a smeared line across your face. By the look and size of it, it wasn’t too bad.
You opened and closed your jaw with annoyance, realizing quickly that the Terror must have scratched your face. 
Henceforth, though, you were much more easily capable of dodging around the sudden appearance of more Terrors, catching a tiny green one just before it face planted into the dirt. 
“Woah, woah, woah,” You caught Hiccup, too, doing his best to dodge around them, jumping back as a feisty blue clawed its way up his back as he made his way towards you.
It was a difficult effort to make as by the time you had found solid ground, the dragons began to jump on top of him, covering his arms and legs so that he looked like a pile of very large and colorful bees standing on two legs.
You could help but laugh, wobbling over to help. You slipped your hand under the leg of a terror just before Hiccup fell over with a shout, falling forwards and nearly dragging you with him as he tumbled into the shade of the treeline. 
And as if following a command, terrors scuttled away, as if chasing after your peals of laughter, echoing around the clearing.
There wasn’t nearly enough time between Hiccup’s call and the appearance of the dragons for any, or at least most of them to have come in from Berk, nor any guarantee that any of the Terrors heard him, but these gathered quick enough for you to be seriously impressed.
“Yeah… I wasn’t expecting that either.” You stared down at Hiccup as he stared back, the two of you looking at each other with startled eyes, you bent half over and Hiccup propper up on his elbows on the ground before the two of you broke out into breathy laughter.
The flowers and plants around you were heady, filling the breathless airheadedness in between your eyes with even more cotton.
Your voices mixed and quieted in equal fashion, the two of you ignoring the mutterings of the forest until, eventually, they grew into something you could hear. 
You froze, a wince stuck on your face.
“Hiccup!” This shout was much more drawn than the last. 
It was Astrid. 
You saw the shadows of her and Stormfly drift smoothly over the face of the clearing. You wondered if she had followed some of the Terrors out or if she had gotten Stormfly to track Hiccup’s scent.
You were about to look back at Hiccup for some sort of direction before he tugged you after him. Tugged until the two of you were huddled under the alcove you had missed, made by two thick roots of a ginormous tree, waiting.
You weren’t sure how far above she was, she hoped she didn’t see your basket, sitting plainly across the way.
You could tell Hiccup was holding his breath, staring out deep into the forest, where trees went from towering to the sole consumers of light, protecting a misty undergrowth beneath a dark, leafy roof. There was a log to the left of the entrance to the narrow space, half-rotted and sprouting mushrooms out of its side.
You recalled that there had been a notable instance around when the two of you had been just about twelve, sneaking around in the Great Hall for the leftovers post meal. You’d been trapped in a closet, when they’d had those, removed after you and Hiccup had accidentally burned them down at fourteen, with nothing but a loaf of bread between you.
The air wasn’t nearly as musty or stale, and of course it was much darker then, with not the whiff of a fresh plant in sight, but the principal was still the same.
You held very little stake in it all, but you kept close and stiff anyways, the joyful atmosphere from before mixing into something fun and scurrilous, electrifying the space behind your eyes and sending ticklish bolts of lightning down your spine.
It remained there until the heavy wing beats of the Dragons above you faded long into the distance.
The field, littered with scented flowers and bushes, must have muddled Stormfly’s scent. Or she really was just following the Terrors. One thing was sure, though. Where there was one Rider, there were more.
“I thought you said you got people to cover it?” You asked.
“I did. They should have been able to, but something must have happened,” Hiccup leaned back against the tree bark, hitting the back of his head against it lightly, grunting lightly as it did. 
You wondered if he had grown a few inchest still since you had last been close to him on the Edge.
You raised your eyebrow, asking the silent question. Are you going to go back?
Hiccup said nothing, looking away, though you couldn’t miss the soft clench of his jaw and the gentle slouch, or the agitated twiddling of his fingers by his waist.
You rolled your eyes. Privately, you almost felt bad that you weren’t able to give him a better time out. But also, there would be many other times for him to make up for it with other people. You wondered if he would ever choose to come back to you.
“They should be able to handle it. They’re not children. But it’s no burden on me whether you stay or go,” You inclined your head forwards.
You placed one foot in front of the other across the uneven wooden planks. You just needed to get down to the fields.
You strode past the bright red hut that marked the Jorgenon Clan, avoiding haphazardly placed construction materials.
You paused where you stood and turned back as Hiccup called your name, standing right in the middle of the walkway. It never ceased to surprise you whenever he showed up. 
It wasn’t much. But it still surprised you every time he came with greetings.
You smiled.
He quickened his pace, pulling himself up onto the path and stopping in front of you, prosthetic clicking against wood.
“Hiccup,” You greeted, “What brings you to me?”
“Where do you live, now?” He asked, “I was planning on stopping by, but…”
“Up behind the spire on the way to Gothi’s,” You hummed.
“But that’s… You live in Mildew’s old hut?” Hiccup asked, surprised. 
“Yeah,” You nodded, rifling through the satchel clipped to your waist, flicking through rows of herbs with delicately placed fingertips, “So what have you been up to?”
You realized you needed to go off-island soon. The idea filled you with dread.
“Do you really want to ask that?” Hiccup questioned, “because there’s been a lot…”
“Why not?” You shrugged.
“Some rouge dragons have been eating holes into the earth- and with all the dragons underwater, coupled with the Scauldrons-” Hiccup rubbed his forehead, “Basically, they’ve been drilling new hot springs, which has been nice, but no one’s gotten to any of them yet. They always seem to dry up before anyone can get there and back and I keep getting complaints about people’s water getting stolen, or something.”
“Ouch,” You said sympathetically, as Hiccup continued on.
“I wish they’d give it up, honestly. There are more important things for me to get to, but I haven’t even been able to get to all the trading issues with all the other tribes… Anyways, are you busy?” Hiccup asked quickly, looking back and forth.
“Busy?” You asked. 
“I kinda want to get out of here before anyone else…” Hiccup shrugged his shoulders, cringing.
“Notices?” You finished, “Let’s go.”
“A hot spring?” You asked aloud, both your and Hiccup grasping the edge of the pool on your knees, watching the water bubble slightly. 
Hiccup extended a hand hesitantly, grazing it over the bubbling surface. You watched as the foam fizzled underneath his palms and when he didn't flinch, you sat back and pulled off your boots, rolling up the legs of your trousers, revealing a long scar on the leg furthest Hiccup.
“It’s alright to wash in?” You asked, Hiccup nodding an affirmative. 
You rested a bare foot onto the bubbling water, testing it out with your toes, before sinking your legs in with a breathy sigh. 
“It’s one of the ones you were talking about, right?” You asked
“Yeah,” Hiccup confirmed, watching you closely.
You let out a soft, disappointed sound at the idea that it might be gone soon.
The spring looked to be about waist-deep, though that might be something you needed to test out before dipping into the pool. It was pressed up and partially embedded in the side of a rocky cliff, spearing into the ground at a sideways angle. 
All around, the two of you were packed in by large, lush fauna. Huge ferns, even larger trees and a great deal of mist.
Very, very private.
It was extremely tempting.
“We could… It would be nice, but…” Hiccup reasoned. He didn’t seem into the idea, which was fine. Honestly, you didn’t mind having this spot all to yourself. 
There wasn’t much of a practical way to sink into the waters without stripping nearly bare anyways. Hiccup’s armor would most definitely be damaged by the water, and you didn’t like the idea of marching back to Berk in sopping wet furs.
Your undergarments certainly weren’t up to scratch for the kind of soak you were looking for.
“We don’t have a change of clothes.” You said, meeting his eyes head on. The two of you looked at each other for a moment. 
Hiccup must have followed the same line of thought, looking at you like he’d caught something odd and he didn’t know what to do with it. There was an odd feeling curling in your stomach, and an awkwardness that hadn’t been so palmable between you since before… Before.
Did it really matter if he saw you naked? Or at least clothed only partially? It wasn’t as if you’d never seen him the same during all your years of semi-sturdy friendship.
You spent a moment feeling the skin on your face begin to warm, brows crinkling with a remembrance that sort of killed the mood before you glanced away with as much casualness as you could muster.
“Do you think we could get back in time?” You asked instead. 
“Well, there’s not much hope, but I guess it’s worth a try,” Hiccup started hesitantly.
You and Hiccup stared down at the small bubbling hole at the base of an empty basin. It had been an awkward walk back to the Village. Still, you seemed incapable of suggesting anything else. Hiccup, too. 
“Gods damn it,” Hiccup said. 
You shrugged, the roll of cloth under your hands shifting only slightly. Besides the tarp strapped to your back and the towels to Hiccup’s, the both of you were carrying a set of undergarments you found which should have covered just enough to remain modest in the springs.
Toothless, behind the two of you, basket in mouth, grumbled as he dropped it to the tall grass floor. You’d brought him along in order to help carry the bulk of your things.
“Well,” You started, puzzling to yourself, hand under your chin, “I mean, we could try what you did last time? With the Terrors?”
“But with a Scauldron, right?”
You nodded, “Honestly, it’s that or head back.”
Hiccup winced, immediately backing away to settle down onto one knee. He was turned to face your right, so that he was looking out towards the forest. 
He opened his mouth and cupped his hands, then paused. Then he tried again. But no sound game out. The whole time Toothless looked peeved, eyes shifting between the two of you as he snorted.
You stared blankly, waiting, which was probably the first time you and Toothless ever felt the same sort of emotion, though you most likely meant it in a much more joking fashion than he did.
“I can’t do it with you watching,” Hiccup said, finally.
You squinted at him, wondering what was up with the sudden-onset stage fright, just as Toothless rolled his eyes, shaking his torso like a wet dog, causing a hastily-clipped basket to fall off his saddle. 
“Oh,” You said, turning around and grinning to yourself, “Alright. Howl away.”
You hoped he hadn’t figured out how to get to the fish basket yet. It would be a pain to walk back to Berk with everything in hand, and it would be very easy for Toothless to leave without his incentive to follow the hostage on his back.
“It’s not howling.” Hiccup deadpanned.
You knew that. You were actually pretty decent at it, back when you were still involved in the dragon business. 
You stared out at a heavy wall of fauna, a large leaf and a towering set of two trees consuming the vast majority of your vision. You watched a bug crawl up the exterior of one and noted to yourself silently that you would have to watch where you rested your things while you were in the spring, if what Hiccup was trying was to work.
You listened to him shift and shuffle, moving around until Toothless must have gotten tired of waiting and he himself let out a loud, echoing roar.
You jumped back, caught off guard, jerking towards the pair with your ears covered by your hands, undergarments, falling to the grass below.
“How long do you think it will take to fill up?” You asked from the floor, hips sinking into the grass as you pushed yourself up, shrugging the straps holding the large cloth tarp in place off your shoulders.
“Not sure,” Hiccup said, shifting from foot to foot, “We should get changed first.”
“Yeah,” You agreed, tossing it over to him. He weighed it in his hands, examining it before pulling it free and letting it unravel onto the floor. 
“Hey, do you have any idea where we packed the blanket?” You asked. It was a bit overkill, but… You bit your lip.
“In the saddle, I think.”
You inhaled touchily as Hiccup gripped onto the edge of the tarp, turning from you to throw the other end out, watching it unfurl as it caught air, “Ah, do you think you could get it?”
Swiftly though not without ungain, Hiccup slung the tarp over one of the low-hanging branches, the ends of the fabric falling horizontally over the thick grasses and bushes around you. 
You supposed that meant the tarp was unnecessary, the forest here enough to bless you with cover and privacy. You noted that down.
“What? He’s harmless,” Hiccup said, letting the curtain fall closed behind him.
You squinted into the sky, up through a very small window, shafting light down through the trees. You would have worried that no other dragons would heed Toothless’ call, knowing that you yourself wouldn’t, had you not already heard the hurried beating of wings from up above. 
You stuck your tongue out at Hiccup, then turned it towards his dragon.
Honestly, it was still unimaginable to you that Toothless had developed the ability to become Alpha. It was insane, and insanely lucky. For Hiccup, that is.
The two of you, meaning you and Toothless, had never been left alone in the same room together for a reason, though most people just thought it was your fault. The reason being that Toothless didn’t like you, and you didn’t like him as a result of that. 
Harmless… Right. You scoffed.
You knew you knew better and you reassured yourself of that fact, as Toothless grumbled at you from across the small space.
Hiccup shook his head at you, quirking the corner of his mouth to the side as it formed a fondly exasperated line, unclipping various satchels and baskets from Toothless’ back.
You grimaced and scooted further away from the dragon, nudging the basket of fish closer to him with your foot, hoping that he might take more of an interest in that instead.
You kept your eyes trained on the dragon even as Hiccup walked to his side with his clothes under his arm shuffling through the treeline and behind the curtain. 
“You have enough room?” You squinted at Toothless, resting your arms against your knees, and he narrowed them back.
It had been a tricky job to get his things without anyone else noticing, a lot of careful pressing around corners and tricky, calculated jabs from Toothless, many of which you were still bitter about. 
“It’s enough,” Hiccup responded, voice trained. 
The scaly thing was still grumpy; the chances of him soldering a grudge were high, especially where you were involved. The two of you called him away from a tussle with some other dragons from around the bend, which he seemed to be enjoying by at least some measure.
If only he’d put some of that energy into being a more attentive Alpha. You wrinkled your nose, judging the dragon like a temperamental parent.
You listened to the shifting of leaves, fabric and leather before deciding you’d been waiting too long, much too used to doing things on your own time.
“I’m just going to change over here,” You called through the curtain, “Turn around, will you?” You asked Toothless, who grumbled at you disgruntledly, the ridges of his brows as furrowed as he could make them.
“Turn around, Toothless,” Hiccup confirmed from behind the curtain.
He shifted with a grumble, lumbering sideways and around, though not without whacking you in the calf with his tail, first.
You finished changing just as the first few dragons began to settle down.
You shuffled to the side once you were ready, letting Hiccup through to order and direct, gentle-parenting the dragons into doing what you needed. 
You watched him. He was shirtless, legs bare, though his left ankle remained wrapped to his prosthetic. You wondered if it hurt, sometimes, though you hadn’t the courage to ask.
He was slim as always, muscled but not quite muscly, more soft than not. It went unsaid that he was not nearly as built or wide as any of the other Viking men, so you tried not to ogle.
You sat, legs crossed on the ground as Hiccup directed the Scauldrons and Gronkle in turn, slowly patching and filling up the pool.
“How long do you think it will take to cool down?” You asked as he sent them off and he came over to stand by you, settling himself onto the small stretch of grass you were laid in.
“Not sure,” He answered.
At one point Toothless turned towards the trees, shaking himself off before beginning to march through the underbrush.
“Hey, don’t go too far, bud,” Hiccup called after him.
The two of you sat there, just you, watching steam rise from the pool
“He’s been really independent lately,” Hiccup stiffened slightly, picking at the wooden end of his prosthetic, “Yeah…”
You moved back to give him space as he unraveled the leather wraps keeping his prosthetic secure to his leg, revealing a stump and a good amount of pinched scar tissue.
You spent a moment longer looking at it than you probably should’ve before looking away. You’d never seen it before
You wondered if Astrid had. You couldn’t imagine a world where she hadn’t.
Hiccup sunk into the water first.
Sweat beaded on your forehead as you hovered above it, hands lightly gripping the edge of the pool. 
You dipped your toes in before all at once you sunk into the water, drifting down until your feet touched ground, sighing as you felt the heat rise up to your hips.
The ground was made up of small pebbles and smooth stone, and much nicer on the bottoms of your feet than you’d expected.
There was a ledge underneath, just the right height and length going around the inner edge of the pool on most sides to make a nice enough bench. You waded towards it, settling over the concave surface, ignoring the slight unevenness of it.
You relaxed, going boneless underwater, feeling your face redden as the heat from the water floated up into it, causing a line of sweat to run down your cheek.
With nothing else to you, your eyes drifted over towards Hiccup. He was much the same, though he was a little more out of it.
He really needed it, you supposed. 
You blinked at him as he tilted his head back, exposing freckled skin, much more faded than when you were younger but visible just the same. 
You eyed a multitude of cuts, long and light against his tan, following them down to a long vertical cut by the right side of his chest.
 “What’s on your mind?” Hiccup’s voice brought you back to alertness, breaking the spell the spring seemed to put you under.
You tilted your head back and forth, debating whether or not you should answer.
He followed your eyesight instead, answering the silent question in your eyes.
“That… Axe. Training accident,” He answered, shrugging. You marveled at the casualness of it all.
“...And that one?” 
“Dragon racing. Caught in the side by one of the spikes over Hofferson house,” You nodded. You hadn’t been in town for that one.
“And, I’m guessing, that’s why you guys use more of a track, now?”
Hiccup rubbed his neck sheepishly.
“Where’d you get yours?” He asked
Being able to talk and converse with him like this was great and all, but you were afraid that behind all the mindless platitudes and play-warmth he would finally, finally see you. See deeper than the scars like cracks on your surface, seep right into line lines and stare into your core to somehow find you wanting.
You hunched slightly inwards self consciously.
“Hey, it’s… it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it,”
Hiccup drifted towards you, resting his hand on the side of your shoulder. 
You kept your eyes trained downwards, staring at  large groups of bubbles as they rose to the surface, coloring the water an opaque white.
Your exhale blew hotly back into your face, rising up with the steam.
You nodded.
Hiccup hummed under his breath, voice tinted with a hint of confusion.
You pressed your thumbs into his shoulder blades in the dark of your hut, moving with his muscles as he groaned and flexed them backwards.
You felt the outline of lightning scars under his shirt and followed them down lazily, rubbing a path around them, pushing deep into weary muscle through his thick tunic.
Hiccup leaned into it. Again, you moved to accommodate him.
You shifted over your hastily done bed, dull fabric shifting below you.
Afternoon light trickled in through the blinds.
You counted every scar visible above the line of his collar, each cut and scab that formed alabaster marks against peachy-tan skin.
You worked through knots, strains and strains and stresses, watching with a careful eye as Hiccup softened, letting them melt off and away.
You worked your way back up, and down, leaning maybe a bit closer than necessary, feeling your breath on your face as you exhaled into the nape of his neck, lifting your elbow higher in order to get a hard spot a few lengths away from his spine. 
Hiccup let out a breathy sigh. 
You flushed.
You sifted through the assortment of ripe berries in the cart, humming thoughtfully. 
You weren’t quite sure what to buy. Honestly, you didn’t need to buy any at all. You had a large enough stock at home to guarantee you’d not need to buy or forage anything until the next year.
 You would never say it out loud but you were actually out to take inventory. A whole lot of the other Vikings would be displeased to hear about it, you were sure. It was a good way for you to keep stock of what was in store and what you would need to search for on your own. It was how you made your coin. 
It was quite easy, especially when you took advantage of your close proximity to Gothi. Though a tough and harried healer, she was still an elder and it was much more convenient to have the shops travel up towards her. 
Some might have called it ‘taking advantage of the elderly,’ but you were loath to the idea. You didn't upcharge her by too much. Whenever you did up the price, it was much deserved payback for dumping her waste down your side of the mountain. Somehow it always landed on your roof.
You brought your finger to your chin and moved to accommodate a newcomer you sensed by the corner of your eye, careful not to look up at the stall keeper, who was squinting down at you suspiciously. You were afraid he might have been catching on. 
You walked over to a wide array of scales, most likely scavenged from the dropped and shed skins of the dragons who enjoyed roaming around town.
You enjoyed the fresh air, the wind as it flowed over your scalp. You felt light and pleased, one hand held to your back as you pursued the displayed wares.
 There was a nice arranged pyramid of orangish-reddish scales and a set of electric yellow and purple sat above a wrinkled, dull green cloth, and a line of iridescent scales by your right hand.
“You see something you like?” You startled as you heard a voice murmur by your ear. It seemed to be that you were so engrossed in pretending to be invested that you hadn’t noticed as your fellow shoppe leaned into your space. 
You walked to the side, turning so that you were leaning away from her. 
It was a woman, brown hair nearing red, the brightest auburn you’d ever seen in the light, dressed in a thin layer of furs with both hands on her hips. You recognized this woman.
“These came from me,” She exclaimed calmly, voice running off her tongue like thick, gooey honey. 
The stall keeper rolled his eyes, “You’ll get your cut, don’t worry.”
The question must have been obvious in your eyes because Valka smiled, “Oh, yes, I collected those myself, you see.”
You smiled uncomfortably as Valka laughed to herself, finally backing up a tad. 
You straightened your back and your shoulders, exhaling deeply.
Though she was unbalanced from her time away from general society, she was confident and it served her well.
Her swell mood was contagious. You quirked your lips with the urge to join in, though to your chagrin, your own laughter came out more as a breathy uncomfortable chuckle than anything. You were also very much out of practice.
She didn’t seem to notice, though you knew that was most likely a calculated effort. You were glad for it.
“Hello,” You managed an honest smile, “Trying to push sales?”
“I’ve a bit of a vested interest in this shop, I should say,” She said, examining you as if you were a sort of creature from a land she’d never seen before, “Who are you?”
Valka paused, blinking to herself. Before you could respond again, she asked, “What’s your name? What’s your story?”
She didn’t know, you realized with a pang. There was no reason for her to, of course, Hiccup being your only link to each other and the two of you hadn’t been nearly as close as you had been before, as of late, but it still hurt a little. Definitely put a damper on your mood.
You kept up your smile anyways, mimicking her pose.
“I’ve not much of a story to tell, I’m sad to say,” You inclined your head.
“Everyone’s got a story,” Valka insisted, “Even-Oh, it should be-...”
You hummed your question.
“It’s probably wandered off somewhere, the frightful thing… There-! This one’s been pretty helpful,” Valka pointed out behind you, “A bashful thing, helped me bring down some of the wares. He showed up a few months before, well…”
Her eyes unfocused and her stance fell just the smallest bit. You winced with sympathy, remembering how Drago had smothered the island in ice before nearly killing off all of its inhabitants. She was very open about it, especially in the hall, and word spread faster than fire on Berk. It must have been difficult to lose her husband and her Alpha Dragon all in one day.
You shifted, turning following her direction after a moment of solidarity, and froze. 
With its head bowed down, looking guiltily away from across the clearing was a dragon. Your dragon. 
She leaned forwards against you conspiratorially, though this time you didn’t react, even as she whispered loudly in your ear with false secrecy, “It doesn’t hurt to have a bit of extra change on hand, you see. That’s why I’m here.”
“I do see,” You nodded along, though something about your voice was off as you spoke, still staring at your old dragon. Your voice was much too sharp and flat and cracked in all the wrong places.
You blinked away a light burning in your eye, refusing to meet your dragon by the eyes. 
Your heart twinged, ruffled and upset as you were all at once confronted with the reality that you really had been abandoned, though it wasn't as bitter a fruit knowing that it had been, in part, your fault.
“So, you said these scales are on sale?” You cleared your throat, turning back towards the stall with the full intent to ignore the thing as you would a stranger, which it might have very well been. 
“Which would you recommend?” Your eyes refused to focus as you blocked it out of your mind, refusing to acknowledge the faces or manners of any of the people around you. 
It was because of that that you just nearly missed him, approaching down the path to your left, once again clad in dark gray and brown leather.
“Oh, hello, Hiccup!” You called.
“You’re trembling,” Hiccup noted with surprise in his voice as you approached.
“It’s been a while since I rode a dragon,” You admitted balefully, as the two of you strode towards Toothless’ saddle. 
Even before, when you had just gotten yours, you’d had a hard time learning to love being up in the sky. But you pushed through it, because it was what Hiccup loved, and because it was getting to a point where you needed a dragon in order to keep up with everyone else.
You never did talk to anyone about how much it terrified you. 
“Will you be alright?” 
You nodded hesitantly, though privately you weren’t so sure, your heart beating like a drum. 
Hiccup sighed, “We’re just headed to the sea stacks, right?”
“Yeah,” You took a few hesitant, shaking breaths before swinging yourself up on the saddle behind Hiccup, who looked back at you, securing his helmet as if he thought it might be better that he leave you behind, as if you might shatter at the slightest breeze. 
“Thanks for taking me,” You looked away, ears burning shamefully. The things you could forage for on Berk weren’t cutting it. You needed the extra coin.
You jolted suddenly as you took off, alarm racing up and down your spine as you pressed yourself flush to Hiccup. You kept your eyes as straight ahead as possible, knowing that looking down, at the disappearing dow of Berk in the distance, would be your downfall.
You noticed Hiccup kept close to the ocean floor, guiding Toothless only just high enough to cleanly avoid the ocean waves below.
Past the wind rushing through your hair, the pressure plugging your eardrums and the sound of Toothless’ wings beating through the air, you realized that this wasn’t so bad.
Eventually your breathing evened and you were able to loosen up to some degree.
You leaned your head against his neck, arms relaxing slightly around your torso though your front stayed no less melded to his back.
You noticed the two of you had wandered all the way down, strolling the boundary between grazing fields, dotted by sheep, and the closer line of houses to your right.
You were still a slight bit shaken, though you’d made it back with all of your things intact plus extra, which was alright enough.
Hiccup looked back and forth, at where your hut ended just beyond the Great Hall, probably wondering if he should have been the one to walk you back instead.
“I don’t eat down at the hall much,” You looked back, keeping the silent ‘or ever’ to yourself.
“Well, I can understand why,” Hiccup looked to the side, voice sardonic, as the two of you, from a distance, watched Tuffnut and Snotlout wrestling for a plated chicken leg. You weren’t sure how they got so far out from the Great Hall so quickly. As far as you were aware, they didn’t serve food this early.
“Would you?” He asked.
Snotlout was able to pin Tuffnut to the ground, about to take a bit from the leg in his meaty grasp before Tuffnut basked him over the back of his head with the empty plate.
The other Riders were sat around him at the high table.
Hiccup seemed uncomfortable sitting up on the elevated platform reserved for the Chief and company by the forefront of the Great Hall. Out of place. Not quite like he was in shoes he hadn’t grown into yet, as was the saying, but more as if he was standing in front of a pair of shoes that did not belong to him at all.
You asked yourself if he might be more comfortable down with the common folk. 
You sent him a small wave just as the two of you met eyes, Hiccup at once sending a complimentary quirk of the lips back.
You came.
It took you a few days to get there, but eventually you worked up the courage to make it down and to sidle around the heavily concentrated group of Vikings in the open floor of the hall.
Just as I promised. 
You gave him a half-smile, lifting a spoon of stew to your mouth. It had been a while since you had tasted something from the hall. You had to admit it was a taste that you couldn’t replicate, not that you tried. You weren’t sure whether or not it was something you liked.
A crowd of Vikings obscured your vision as they walked past, large mugs and plates in hand.
You stared down at your bowl of stew and the thin slice of bread on the place beside it, wondering if all of this was worth it.
You were surprised when Hiccup settled down in front of you, startling you out of your own musings, plate of his own in hand. 
You peered round him, back at the table to see the rest of the Riders and Gobber back up on the podium. They seemed just as equally confused.
“What brings you down here?” You got the vague idea that it was expected, though not a requirement of the Chief, for Hiccup to sit up by the front table. Something about establishing authority and basking in the attention or something before it wore off, you didn’t care.
It didn’t seem like something Hiccup was interested in, anyways. 
“What, no ‘hello?’”
“Nope,” You popped the ‘p’ as Hiccup pulled out his journal from under his arm, settling it on the table to his side. You stared at brown leather and at all the small bits of parchment sticking out the sides.
“Let me see,” You said, 
“You sure?” Hiccup asked with a crooked smile.
You nodded, beckoning him over to your side of the table, craning your neck as he laid the book out in front of you and settled down besides.
“What’s that?” You pointed downwards, as he began flipping through the pages.
“What, this?”
You hummed, “No, go back.”
Hiccup blinked, and you saw the minor realization wash over his face before he flipped back the page almost reluctantly, revealing a messily sketched out crack in the earth and a crude map of the archipelago with a bunch of x-es littering random regions over the sea. 
“Do you mind if I…?” 
He shook his head no, handing over his notebook as you pushed aside your stew.
You read over some of the notes to the side, furrowing your brow.
“The Caldera,” You said, remembering the old wives tale.
“Yeah,” Hiccup rubbed his neck, “I didn’t mean for you to see it, but what do you think?”
“There’s something about it, I don’t know,” You said, shrugging, “It would be really nice.”
Hiccup scrubbed his neck embarrassedly, “It’s just a fantasy I have sometimes.”
“Is that why you spent so much time wandering?” You nodded your head, taking a sip from the large mug in front of you with hunched shoulders, “It would make a great discovery.”
Hiccup nodded.
You got it. It was unbelievably unrealistic, but that was probably the point. It was something for him to chase after even after everything else became unfamiliar. There was something charming about its unattainability, in a way.
Mead. Maybe it was a comfort you yourself craved.
You barely paid attention as you filled your mug and his, watching as, across the hall and through warm and bustling bodies, Hiccup and Astrid spoke. 
It was with all of the passion of a newly split couple. Though you couldn’t hear everything, you could see the meaningful tilt of Hiccup’s brown, the way his shoulders only moved when he spoke about something worthwhile, and the emotive movement of his hands. 
They were leaning close together by a gaggle of the others, speaking in whispers. It was probably nothing of consequence to you. She was, still, his right hand woman. 
But he looked at her like she hung the stars and wove this very Earth, hanging on to her every word, no matter the severity or banality.
You downed a mug, mead dripping down the corner of your chin. You wiped it off with your chin, lamenting and then going after another. It would take quite a great deal for you to get drunk.
You watched as Astrid walked away, back turned to Hiccup, her side exposed to you, and took note of the way, mouth open as if to speak, he reached out slightly, like he might be able to pull her back by some invisible string.
Your heart beat against itself, rhythm as loud and violent to your ears as the crashing waves outside down by the coast. You ignored it, tucking it away like a book under your pillow in the dark of night. 
You furrowed your brows, picking up another mug and filling it to the brim. It was only considerate, if you were going to drink. 
Your arms were full of mugs by the time you thought to wander back, balanced unevenly in your arms. He might need it just as bad as you did. 
You’d stumbled back to Hiccup’s hut in the dark, chuckling and laughing like a pair who didn’t want to do much besides forget the world around you. 
There was something tense in the air between the two of you despite the physical closeness. You weren’t quite sure when or how the two of you had fallen into each other, or why you thought this was a good idea. 
You gasped through the press of lips and the taste of ale on tongue, backed up against a wooden wall, head pressed back against the hard, uneven surface.
You pulled apart, and Hiccup leaned forwards to rest his forehead against the wall by your head, panting in your ear.
You weren’t sure who you’d slept with and who you hadn’t. Many drunk nights at the Hall, sneaking large mugs of ale and mead into your small, lonely corner meant many mornings slung over beds in houses you weren’t familiar with. Being so disconnected meant it was easy for you to slip out and away without anyone noticing.
But you knew you were here, and you were here now.
You slipped your knee between his legs. He ground down on it.
Your undergarments were up to scratch this time, though you weren’t sure if you needed them.
You felt the rise and quell of feeling and emotion and dead conversation. You searched for something to say, something to soothe, to matter or to not in a way that mattered the way someone did when they knew they weren't great, but wanted to be.
He looked exhausted. Tired from hours on his feet, time he wasn’t allowed to spend alone and a while too long throwing ideas on building, automatic tailfins and infrastructure between the two of you.
Guilt curled around like a tiny worm in your stomach. It was the same feeling you got falling from a high place, the same kind you avoided every time you saw a dragon take off into the air.
You pondered if you should ask, wondering if it was fair to want him to take the first step or back away, hands drifting back and forth underwater. 
“I’m… I’m sorry,” He said, and you weren’t sure why.
You tilted your head, sitting across from Hiccup in the same spring from before. His calf was pressed between your ankles, brushing over scar tissue as Hiccup sandwiched your left ankle between that and his other leg. 
“Me too.” You were sorry, for taking up his time and his space, when all he wanted was something else. You thought he might rather be alone. If that was the case, you knew you would go.
Calves and ankles pressed together, shifting against each other under the water testingly. 
Your face was red, heated by steam. Hiccup looked the same.
You scooted closer. Hiccup shifted forwards on his arms, leaning nearer to you.
You weren’t sure where you stood, since the night you spent together. You didn’t know if it meant anything or not, if it was a tryst born from your interest or Hiccup’s want to forget Astrid. You couldn’t remember.
“Is it…?” He asked, eyes half-lidded.
You drifted forwards, standing up in the spring and met him the rest of the way, thighs slotted together.
Your arms were braced on either side of him underwater, palms resting on the smooth ledge surface.
Hiccup rested his hand on your arm, the other by your waist.
There were too many things between the two of you that went left unsaid. You hoped that one day you’d be able to say them. 
“A-ash…” He breathed into your mouth.
You half-slid, half-climbed down the rocky cliffside, grinning to yourself as Hiccup jogged after, falling slightly behind your enthusiasm.
To be honest, you weren’t so sure about sharing this secret with Hiccup. It felt weighty, like you were putting it to bed somehow and you weren’t sure you liked that, not ready to give up your reprieve.
It was private to you, but also, maybe it would be worth it, to share something so nice with someone else. There was a low chance he hadn’t seen it yet anyways. Soon, the others would find out and all the other Vikings would start funneling in, you were sure.
You slid to a stop just barely in time, backtracking with your arms out, stumbling back-first into Hiccup.
The two of you fell backwards, Hiccup falling into a set of bushes stationed behind you.
“Oh, ow,”
“Are you alright?” You asked him, as you separated, quickly scooting over and peering down at him as he pulled himself from the fanning ferns. 
The two of you were surrounded by rocks and fauna, world dark and blue in a way that felt fresh and new and freeing. 
This ledge was one that was difficult to get to unless you knew the way, which you won through hard-earned practice and exploration. 
The grass under you was cold, and wet from dew, But that was one of the many things you ceased to notice once you peered over the edge, at the beginning of a beautiful flickering.
“I’m alright,” Hiccup smiled, rubbing his head. You tried to look around him as if you might be able to see the back of it from the angle you were sitting.
“Look,” You pointed forwards with a breathy grin, as Hiccup settled himself beside you, your legs hanging limply over the side of the clifface.
He followed your direction, and he breathed. You could see the exact moment he looked down into the waters, calmer than they should be, always seeming flat and unassuming in this area.
You watched him focus, taken in by the mesmerizing sight.
Tiny dragons lit up the sea below, blinking pale pinks and greens and blues under the shifting water, looking very much like small, twinkling gems by the sand.
It was what you assumed was a mix between the glowing algae left over from the Flightmare’s time in the archipelago and the new, different kinds of dragons flooding Berk.
The two of you relaxed into the scene, calming in a way you were hard pressed to calm anywhere else. Maybe you had made the right call. 
It was a while before either of you would break the silence
“I…” Hiccup started, he looked at you with open eyes, “I…”
You perked up slightly, turning your head by the most minute degree, watching him from the corner of your eye. You waited, giving him time to articulate himself.
“...I miss…” 
His eyes twinkled, lights dancing in the shine of them, moving back and forth with the lights below. You softened in them, twisting so you were looking at him directly. 
You wondered what he missed. You wondered if it was something to quell or nurture the beating blooming jittering feeling growing in your chest.
“Them,” Hiccup said finally, lamely, before stopping, leaning against your shoulder. 
At the last moment, he looked away, pulling his hands off the ground and you read something a little like shame on his face as he said it, or on as much face as you could see, carefully tilted away from you.
You were sure you knew who, or whom he meant. 
You remembered how he looked at Astrid the other night as she walked away. How something in his eyes just seemed to storm. 
You remember how glum he was, still was, after the passing of his father, tall and mighty in a way that seemed to make him immortal.
You were glad. Just glad, and disappointed, in equal measure. But also you also couldn’t help but be a little disappointed that he hadn’t said something else.
You leaned back with equal weight onto his shoulder, though instead of feeling any sort of the warmth or amity you should have felt- or peace, like you usually did, staring down at the swirling lights, dancing with the currents- you just felt empty.
You took in the rustling of leaves behind you, the chittering and splashing of small dragons as they leapt out of the water, filling the air below with a colorful, glowing spray. Anything but the man besides you. The Chief, now.
“I know.”
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heavcnslyre · 11 months
chapter one - j.f. ( masterlist )
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“ocean blue eyes looking in mine,
i feel like i might sink and drown and die”
the air outside was cold, which was shocking for a mid-june morning. you were awake early, as you often were since you preferred to be productive in the mornings, but today it was for a different reason. you had barely slept all night. this morning, you were returning to susannah’s beach house in cousins. you looked forward to this day every year, and it was always just as special every time it came around.
“you all ready?” a voice breaks your silence as laurel peaks her head out the front door, watching you sit on the porch swing. you smile at her.
“definitely,” you say. “coffee on the counter, did you see it?”
she walks over to you and gives you a kiss on the forehead. “i did. thank you. now get your bag in the car, we’ll leave in twenty.”
“can i drive?” you ask, following her inside. she shakes her head.
“already told steven he could.”
as she says it, steven comes down the stairs and ruffles your hair as he walks past you. “sorry!”
“no you’re not,” you grumble, turning away to grab your bags. you had just gotten your license less than a month ago but steven has had his for months, so he usually got first dibs on driving. you usually didn’t mind, but the drive to cousins was special to you, and you would have loved to be able to make the drive yourself. not driving, you thought, would at least give you more time to prepare. although, you would have appreciated the distraction. this year felt different. you felt different. you weren’t really sure if it was a good different or not.
part of you was terrified, for some reason. most summers, you went to cousins completely disconnected from the world back at home. cousins was it’s own world, in your mind. the people, the house, the entire atmosphere, it was magical. it absolutely transported you, and you let it. this year, you had a connection to back home. your boyfriend, peter. you and him started dating two months ago after your best friend cassie introduced you to him, and things have been incredible ever since. if you were honest, you had never really committed to a guy before him, but it seemed to be working out well so far. the reason why you were terrified, you figured, was because this trip to cousins could change that. jeremiah fisher could change that.
you had talked to plenty of guys, even dated a few for a couple weeks or so, but as soon as jeremiah fisher comes around, you lose sight of everything — and everyone — around you. he somehow has that effect on you, and he has your whole life. but you do really like peter, so you told yourself you wouldn’t ruin something good for yourself again, just because you’ve always been waiting for jeremiah. you’ve made a fool of yourself enough over the years, attempting to get closer to him as he flirts with everyone in the world, that you know it was time to change something.
you just hope that you’ll be able to stick to it.
“(y/n),” you’re woken up by your sister belly poking your side, “(y/n), you’re drooling on me.”
you groggily open your eyes and stretch, moving away from her, “sorry bells.”
“s’kay,” she yawns. “we’re almost there, anyways. and your phones been blowing up. all from peter,” she says the last part teasingly, pushing your phone towards you. you laugh as you unlock your phone, seeing that she was right, and peter had texted you seven times.
peter: good morning!!
peter: sorry ik you’ve probably been up for hours
peter: omg and youre probably almost to the beach already
peter: miss u already
peter: there’s a party tomorrow night i was thinking about going to if that’s okay with you
peter: cassie’s gonna be there and stuff and you know i’ll be thinking about you forever so you’d have nothing to worry about
peter: just let me know if you’re comfortable with it okay?
you: oh my peter
you: you don’t need my permission to go have fun!!! of course you can go to the party :)
you: just text me and keep me updated okay? and make sure there’s a DD
peter: of course. you’re the best!
you: 🤍🤍
you smile at your phone and as soon you look back up, you were entering cousins. you didn’t realize how long you had slept for, but as soon as you saw the sign, your heart skipped a beat. you were back. you were back, and everything was good, including your lovely boyfriend back home. this summer was going to be perfect, you just knew it. your fears from this morning were fading and you decided that no matter what happens, you’re going to be okay. you’re going to have a great summer.
“did susannah get a new car?” steven asks as he pulls the car into the driveway of the house. laurel nods, a small smile forming on her face as the house comes into few. the same smile was present on everyone’s faces in the car. this place was so special to all of you.
“yeah, she gets bored with her cars easily,” laurel finally says, a hint of distaste in her voice. “she just likes to change things often.”
steven was barely listening and was halfway out of the car by the time laurel was done talking. his eyes were set on susannah, who was standing at the doorway, watching your car pull in. she looked as beautiful and radiant as ever, and even more so, especially since it was obvious that she was healthier now than she was last summer. her hair got longer and the glow on her face was back, lighting up her eyes and giving her the most approachable demeanor possible. she was perfect.
you get out of the car shortly after steven, and follow him up the steps to hug susannah tightly. she rubs your back as she hugs you. “oh sweet (y/n), you beautiful girl. i’m so happy to see you.”
“i’ve missed you so much,” you say back, and she gives you another squeeze before letting you go and hugging laurel. you look down by the car at steven, who was now talking to jeremiah, who had his back to you. your breath caught in your throat when you saw him, but you shook it off. that was not what this was going to be. he was one of your best friends, your family. that was all. that didn’t stop your heart rate from speeding up the second that he turned around and your eyes met his beautiful, bright blue ones. his face softened as soon as he saw you, but his smile remained just as wide. you move towards him and he watches you, his eyes never leaving yours as you approach him.
“(y/n),” he says, looking you up and down and grinning. “you look different.”
you knit your eyebrows and look down at yourself. “good different?”
jeremiah laughs. “always good.”
you giggle and wrap your arms around his neck and he pulls you into a close hug. you take in his scent, a mix of saltwater and his vanilla cologne, the one that conrad and steven have always made fun of him for. they always say it makes him smell too girly. you have always thought he smelled perfect.
“i have so much to tell you,” jeremiah says as you pull away from the hug. “this summer is going to be amazing!”
“i can’t wait,” you grin. the two of you always spent the first night sitting on the beach after dinner, talking all night. he would fill you in on his school year, and you would fill him in on yours. it usually ended with both of you in the ocean and sandy, but it was always one of your favorite traditions.
as you turn away from jeremiah, belly rushes out of the car and pulls him into a hug and he spins her around. your eyes catch on conrad, who had just rounded the corner of the house, and was staring at them. he meets your eye and smiles sheepishly, knowing that you had caught him. you smile and go pull him into a tight hug. “hey connie.”
“hey (y/n). it’s good to see you,” he says. as you pull apart, his eyes are caught on belly again, who is staring at him this time, too. you smile at the sight and push conrad towards her gently. the corner of his mouth slightly turns up and he walks to her as you walk back over to jeremiah and steven, who were giggling to themselves. when jeremiah sees you walking towards them, he waves you over quickly.
“belly flop time,” he says, a wide grin on his face. you laugh.
“yes!” the three of you walk towards conrad and belly, who were laughing with each other, seemingly in their own world.
“hey, i don’t know about you guys but…” steven pretends to check his nonexistent watch on his wrist. “i think it’s time…for a…belly flop!”
belly squeals as the boys grab her, conrad carrying her by her armpits and the other two grabbing her feet. you giggle and lead the way, opening the gate to the pool and letting them pass through. you and the boys count down from three and they throw belly in the water. you all laugh as she flails around, her clothes completely soaked. your smile fades as the boys turn to you, mischievous smiles on their faces. “no.”
“it’s not fair to only throw belly in there, is it?” steven says innocently. you shake your head and attempt to run away, but before you can, jeremiah has his arms wrapped around your waist and lifts you effortlessly in the air. steven and conrad help him and grab your legs, counting down from three just like they did with belly. she dove out of the way as the boys throw you into the water. luckily, the water was warm, and while the feeling of your wet clothes was uncomfortable on your skin, the water was quite refreshing. belly giggles as you swim towards her and pull her into a hug, but in the hug, you whisper in her ear. “let’s get back at them?”
she nods as if she read your mind, and when you pull apart and begin to approach the edge, she’s suddenly struggling. “wait, wait guys, my ankle.”
“what’s wrong belly?” conrad asks. she continues struggling in staying afloat.
“i…i hurt my ankle i think. i cant walk on it,” she reaches her arm out to conrad. “help me out.”
he reaches out, and as their hands connect she pulls him into the water and the other boys burst out in laughter, jeremiah doubling over in laughter with his hands on his knees. taking advantage of this moment, you grab his hands and pull him into the water too, completely catching him off guard as he falls into the water next to you. now steven is standing on the edge, struggling to breathe from laughing so hard. “no way they got both of you!”
jeremiah flips his hair out of his face and looks up at steven. “c’mon steven, waters nice! you don’t wanna be left out, do you?”
steven shakes his head, still laughing. “i think i’ll survive being left out today. these shoes were expensive.”
“lame!” jeremiah calls out as steven walks towards the house, his laughter still echoing in the air. jeremiah turns his attention to you and swims over to you, grabbing your waist and spinning you around. “i’ll get you back for pulling me in here.”
you laugh. “sure you will. c’mon, let’s go dry off for dinner.”
he hops out of the side of the pool and offers an arm to help you out. he pulls you out of the pool with ease. “race you upstairs?”
“that sounds dangerous,” you say. “wet feet on tile and hardwood floor? with your clumsiness?”
he mocks offense. “you think i’m clumsy? ridiculous.”
“jere, you tripped over a penny on the beach last summer,” you say. “and i don’t think we’ve had a summer here where we haven’t had to bring you to the e.r. from some injury.”
“the sand is trippy!” he claims. “and i just live an adventurous lifestyle. which is why i’m totally beating you upstairs.”
“better catch me first!” you say and immediately take off sprinting, up the stairs to the porch and through the sliding glass doors, which you attempt to close in front of jeremiah, who caught up with you quickly. carefully, you run through the house but the slippery floors really did make it difficult. soon, you’re halfway up the stairs and jeremiah is right behind you, laughing. “you’re such a cheater!”
“i’m just smarter than you!” you yell as you approach your bedroom, which was right next to his. he shakes his head.
“no way. just a cheater,” he grins at you one more time as he enters his bedroom, closing the door behind him. you walk into yours as well, your head spinning from the first thirty minutes you had spent here. jeremiah made everything around you feel insignificant and you felt like you were floating when he touched you. and for the first time in your life, you hated the feeling. you were with peter now. you had to focus on peter, not jeremiah.
it was hard to do that when you were spending the next two months living with him, your rooms right next to each other, and the walls thin enough that you could hear everything in each others rooms. whenever he played music, you heard every word. every conversation, every ounce of laughter, every time either of you cried. it was good, having a close connection to him, but you knew it was just going to make things so much harder.
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luvyunjinxo · 11 months
my boss || g1p!kcw x fem!reader ★
smut just for her birthday, love you kim chaewon <3. (please im still stuck in july I'm not in august yet 💀) & not proofread.
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I have a job interview, you thought to yourself while getting dressed. you sprayed your strawberry shortcake perfume on and you smelled like a goddess, you were ready. As soon as you walked through the halls of the company it felt like a breath of fresh air really. you made your way to none other than the CEO's room, Kim Chaewon. you were put into some sort of line? It was basically a line of people who applied too. you were nervous, you could hear throughout the room "NEXT, you weren't good enough" and sobs of people crying.
She was tough and you knew it. you had to show her the best you could be. You were next in line, and you were nervous as hell, sweat beads dripping down your neck every two seconds, but made sure to wipe it.
"Next, Y/n?" Her assistant asked
"Yes ma'am."
"So, what do you usually do for a living?" Her assistant asked all the questions while chaewon was eyeing you from the middle of the room observing your every move.
"Schedule her for the next round, she is now apart of our team. Get her to the training room now." Chaewon suddenly spoke, leaving you frozen in your spot. you didn't even know why she accepted you so fast, only one question was asked..
You were escorted to chaewon's main office, which I guess was the training room? all the current employees were giving you weird looks and saying "fighting!" to you as you walked by, treating you as if you were special. was going to her room something big? you kept wondering, but shook it off once you got to her room.
"Ms. Kim will be here in a few minutes please wait patiently. You may watch on the TV for now, just be comfortable." You gave her a smile smile and nod as she walked off into the distance. now sitting on her couch, you decided to watch your favorite k-dramas. A few minutes my ass, she took a whole hour so you decided to get comfy.
Suddenly chaewon barges in without knocking, making her way to sit at her desk and you fix yourself immediately and bowed at her. "No need to greet me, just come towards me." She signaled to come her way with her index finger, as you went closer you could smell her aroma. it was sweet like a dessert, you wanted to smell more.
"You're now hired as my assistant, I see potential in you and don't fuck it up. I fired my last one just for you, I'm telling you don't mess up."
you were now working for chaewon and it has been a month. she has gotten more strict with you but also friendly in a way. she would ask you on dates professionally as business, but nothing else.
anyways, you got called up to her office like you always did but it was something different. chaewon was on her desk chair, no top on and only in her bra, typing on her computer innocently.
"s-should I come back later?"
"no, stay. I have a task for you do you think you can handle it?"
"yes ma'am."
"I need you y/n." that sentence hit your ears and echoed throughout it too. you couldn't believe her words.
"what d-do you mean by needing me ms?"
"don't act dumb. get on the desk now, and do as you're told."
you walked over to her desk as she cleared everything off of it shoving all her papers on the floor, as you hopped onto her desk making sure not to put all your weight on it. her lips connected with yours fighting for dominance leaving a moan every now and then, but you gave out quickly leaving you out of breath. you continued to have a heated make out session as she started unbuttoning your top revealing your embarrassing matching lace set.
her lips disconnected with yours leaving a string of saliva attached to your mouths, leaving her more aroused. she started to give you sloppy kisses down to your neck trailing down to your mounds as she started using her tongue to flick and play with your buds leaving you sensitive. "m-ms kim .." you managed to breathe out. "it's mommy for you princess."
she started to unzip your plaid skirt and undressed you fully, you were butt-naked by the time everything was off. she lead you to her couch as she sat down and started to undress herself as well and you started to go down on your knees.
"suck." she demanded while she pulled her cock out, it wasn't too big nor small, it was just right. you started sucking on her tip as you made your way lower, & she pushed your head more down causing you to gag on her, which caused her to chuckle seeing how pathetic you are. she demanded you to stop as she put you on all fours on the couch and rubbed her cock against your ass. ugh, you couldn't take it anymore.
"Please, I can't take the teasing a-anymore." you whined out but she never listened and just started to toy with your clit and nothing else.
"beg for it." you hated begging so much it hurt your pride. but it was your boss you couldn't resist.
"Gosh, I need it! I cant handle it anymore it's too much teasing!" you screamed out. she inserted it fast, not letting you have time to adjust and started to pound into you like a puppy in the heat. you were drooling at that point. she put on of your legs over the couch so she could get a wider access of you.
"I can't- please- let me c-cum .." she thrusted into you harder as she finished before you and came into you, causing you panic at first but she let you finish so you didn't care. that was the best sex you've had.
"you did so good for me baby, but I'm not even done yet. I think you should come over and we could finish this. such a good girl you are for me hm?" she said while lifting your chin up and making you open your mouth. she spit into your mouth making you swallow like the good pathetic assistant you are<3.
"let's go now shall we? we have the whole night ahead of us, its gonna be long."
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juyeonszn · 10 months
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PAIRING ju haknyeon x f!reader (gn technically since there are no gendered terms)
GENRES fluff ﹒very slight angst like blink and u miss it
WARNINGS another fic of mine that doesn’t require an 18+ warning… fawn in her tamed era 🙏, ur heart will ache from how </3 this is, mentions of divorce, reader had kind of a shitty childhood, reader also has some intimacy issues, hak is the most patient and kind person ever, throws up everywhere bc me when </3
SUMMARY he was content loving you until you were ready to love him.
MORE ANDDDDD my insanity strikes again!!!!1!1!1! aka in my dr. seuss william shakespeare edgar allan poe steven king arc 😍 my inspiration has been crazy lately, so enjoy this before juyeonszn goes into a drought deeper into the semester 😭 ANYWAYS MAE (@maessseongs) HERE U GO!! i kept it fluffier and kinda short bc it just felt right, i hope that’s okay with u! this is the last request from my 100 followers event so far ✨ prompts used are: 2, 7 >:)
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs
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Relationships were a weird concept to you. Growing up, you’d never really been shown affection. Your parents weren’t the type to pack your lunch for school in the morning and send you off with a peck on the cheek followed by an ‘I Love You’.
In fact, they never told you that they loved you very often. Maybe a handful of times in your whole life did you hear those three words uttered from them. And even less did you hear that they were proud of you. It was worse when you took a step back and watched their own crumbling marriage.
As long as they’d been together, you never heard them tell the other how much they were appreciated. They fought more than they got along. You usually fell asleep to the sound of doors slamming and loud arguing in the hallway. When they finally decided to get a divorce, you almost cried out of joy. They were draining more out of you than each other.
So, perhaps that had to do with your fucked up view of relationships as you became an adult. You could never fully comprehend what love was since you didn’t exactly have stellar role models. Boyfriends came and went, losing interest as soon as they realized how disconnected you were. Your heart was never truly in it.
And then, you met Haknyeon.
Sweet sweet Haknyeon, who only cared about your happiness and your well being. Haknyeon, who didn’t ask you for more than you could give. Who didn’t push you for answers when you shut him out. Who patiently waited on the sidelines while you rebooted yourself.
If there were a higher being out in the universe, they’d done an excellent job at putting all the best qualities into Ju Haknyeon. By some miracle or a stroke of luck, he found his way to you. You’ll always think that he deserves better than you, but you’ll also always be eternally grateful that you have him.
As summer takes its last breath and the air begins to chill, leaves wilting to the streets and crunching below the feet of passersby, your motivation to get up in the mornings has started its tumultuous decline. You don’t know what it is about the change in seasons that continues to put a damper in your mood as the years go on, but it’s become almost too much to bear. It was no longer a dull pressure in the pit of your stomach and the back of your mind. Now it was a heaviness that settled in your heart and weighed you down.
It was a Thursday evening and you were tucked into bed already, despite a peek of the sun still visible over the horizon. Your head was pounding despite the room being silent. You curl into yourself further just as your bedroom door creaks open. Haknyeon whispers an apology, going to exit the room when he sees the state you’re in.
It was standard for him to leave you alone until you were ready to talk. He knew you had a hard time opening up, considering what you’d grown up with, and he didn’t want to be the person who pestered you to tell him what was wrong. He wanted you to feel comfortable coming to him first. Haknyeon couldn’t handle being the reason you were pushed to your breaking point.
But for some reason, this time is different. You don’t want to be left alone. You want to be held. You want him to kiss your forehead and tell you he loves you, unlike what you had when you were younger.
“Hak, wait,” you call, voice slightly hoarse. “Stay. Please.”
He’s taken aback by your request, but doesn’t hesitate to follow through. He climbs into the bed behind you, wrapping his arms around your center. In spite of the fact that this wasn’t a usual occurrence, that cuddling was something you’ve only done a couple other times, he embraces you as if this was second nature for him. As if holding you in his arms was his very life source.
“Are you sure?” He asks softly, words spoken gently into your hair.
“Mhm, I want this,” you nod, nuzzling into his arm. “I have never felt this safe with anyone before.”
Haknyeon’s breathing stutters. You’ve never admitted this to him before, you’ve never ever said ‘I Love You’, but he’s always been willing to wait. He understood that this was a new territory for you. He was content loving you until you were ready to love him, even if it took months— even if it took years. That’s how much he cared for you. In his eyes, you were the reason there were stars in the sky. You were the reason why the sun rose in the morning and why the moon shone at night.
He kisses your temple. “I’ll be here to protect you.”
You turn in his arms to get a good look at his face. Because it was so rare that you were this close, you wanted to memorize his features from this distance. You trace his cheekbones and jawline with your thumb, eyes flickering down to his lips.
You lean forward, minimizing the gap between you to press your lips into a sweet kiss, almost as sweet as him. Haknyeon gasps out of surprise, but quickly reciprocates your affection, bringing up a hand to cup your face. He allows you to set the pace, to move at a speed you were comfortable with in case this was all you wanted.
When you pull back to catch your breath, he smiles, taking in how pretty you were. He could never get enough of you. He thinks that was his biggest flaw, being so greedy when it came to you. He couldn’t help but indulge himself every time you let him, though if it were a sin, he’d gladly commit it over and over again.
“However many years we have left, I wanna spend them all with you.”
You feel the tears dripping down your cheeks before you register that you’re crying. You couldn’t possibly fathom how Haknyeon came to find love in the form of you; the hollow shell of a person who’s never felt the warmth of another human in their life. You didn’t think you deserved someone like him. The only logical explanation was that you were a saint in a past life, and the higher being you mentioned earlier was rewarding you for it.
But even so, he loved you. Enough that he wasn’t afraid to spend the rest of his life with you waking up on the other side of the bed.
He swipes away some stray tears with the pad of his thumb and kisses your nose. You let out a small laugh, connecting your lips once more. It conveys all you want to say, but you know saying it out loud will make it concrete. It’ll solidify what you’ve been building up the courage to finally tell him.
“I wanna spend them all with you, too.”
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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play-rough · 1 month
Hello there!
I’m not really sure how to start this, but I’ve been in a bit of a sad mood. A few days ago, some drunk scumbags cursed me out in the street because I’m a practicing Muslim. So, I’ve just been sad; so to cheer myself up I’ve been thinking about the baby Otter. And, if it’s okay, I wanted to share some of my thoughts.
So, this one is a little sad, but I hope this is okay.
I can imagine Dazai forcibly regressing while he’s in hiding, because he’s just so sad and going through withdrawal of his suppressants. He’s curled up into a ball on a cheap motel mattress, hugging his knees to avoid having more body parts than necessary touch the scratchy sheets. His nose is red, fresh tears paint his face, and there’s dried snot everywhere. He’s hugging a bunched up towel, and trying to pretend it’s Fishie giving him a hug.
He needs Chuuya so badly; but Dazai is bad. He left without saying Bye-bye, and that wasn’t kind. He knew Chibi hated when he just left without a word. He’s a bad baby.
He doesn’t deserve to be Chibi’s baby.
Without thinking, he subconsciously dials Chibi’s number off of his most recent burner phone. He just listens to the phone ringing, and starts to drift off; but, then he hears it.
“Hello,” the sound of his Chibi’s voice wakes him from his trance. He rises up, and shouts out a greeting.
“This is Nakahara Chuuya, I’m unable to take your call, but leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.” With that, Dazai breaks down into sobs. Chibi always answered his calls, but Dazai should’ve known better. He’s not Chibi’s baby anymore. He left, and Chuuya hates him.
He sobs out apology after apology, begging Chuuya to understand why he left, and to please forgive him. Eventually, he reaches a limit to how long of a message he can leave, and Dazai drifts off into a painful slumber. When he wakes up, he doesn’t remember much of the night before. He bleaches the motel room, leaves through a window, and chucks his burner phone into a random trash can.
Unbeknownst to him, as he sits on the subway taking him away from Kobe. A very hungover Chuuya wakes up, who stayed out way to late drinking with a new recruit named Tachihara. As he slowly wakes up, and absently drinks a coffee, he checks his phone. Nothing really stands out, except for a voicemail from an unknown number. Chuuya usually just deletes those without listening, but he felt a tug to listen to it anyway.
“Ch-ib-i, it’s me,” even though it had been a year, and the voice is sob filled, Chuuya would always recognize his Baby’s voice.
Chuuya’s heart shatters as he listens to Dazai self deprecate, as he says sorry for not saying Bye-bye to Chibi and Fishie. Calling himself a bad baby, but he was trying to be good. Saying he promised Oda he would be good, and that’s why he had to leave. He sobbed and sobbed, and said how much he missed Chuu and Fishie.
Dazai’s voice his cut off as the voicemail limit has been reached. Chuuya immediately tries calling Dazai back, but the lines been disconnected. Anger fills him, as he chucks his coffee against the wall using tainted. Arahabaki is screaming in his head, that Chuuya must kill those who made their Baby cry.
Chuuya had failed. His Baby had needed him, and Chuuya didn’t pick up the call. He had spent a year thinking that Dazai didn’t want him anymore, and he felt like such an idiot for believing that. Well, no more. Chuuya was going to find his Baby no matter what. He wouldn’t fail again.
Um, I didn’t mean to basically write a whole one shot, and I’m sorry if I’m being a bother. You’re series just brings me so much joy.
I hope you’re having a wonderful day,
-Rosie 🌹
Rosie I am so sorry that happened to you 🩷 thank you so much for sharing this, it was delightful and deliciously angsty 🥺 i hope your day gets better, you’re beautiful and kind and important and people care about you 🩷🩷 fuck those drunk losers
Again this is so beautiful and I really appreciate you sending it my way 🩷
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chin-chilla-7 · 1 year
Accountable AU! Headcanons of how Mammon, Leviathan, and Asmodeus would react if reader chose to invite him to hang out after he apologized/show how he is sorry for his actions?
Thanks so much for this request! I think it’s a really cute prompt! :^)
Mammon, Leviathan, and Asmoedeus react to an MC invites them to hang out after they’ve apologized for how they’ve acted (Accountable AU).
While Mammon already spends a lot of time around you, it didn’t feel… it feels disconnected. Like, he’s around you a lot because Lucifer put him in charge of looking after you. So it feels like he’s there because he has to be, not because you want him to be.
Mammon picked up on that energy, but chose to ignore it. He didn’t really have a choice in leaving you alone, and he actually does like being around you, even if it does take a lot out of him to admit that. He still just, he doesn’t know what more he can do to show he’s sorry.
Well, other than an actual apology.
Still, you can tell he’s sorry. You’ve noticed the ways he’s changed how he acts with you. How much more protective he is. How much more attentive to you. The surprise gifts that are seemingly ‘anonymous’. You know it’s him, and you appreciate what he’s doing, even if it is a little less of what you’d prefer.
You decide to give him a better chance.
So, while the two of you are walking home from RAD, you ask about the event you heard about happening.
“Huh? Oh, the carnival? Happens every year to celebrate Lord Diavolo’s birthday. It’s a big thing, since he’s the Prince and all. I kinda think it’s stup-”
“Would you like to go together?”
Mammon stops. Both in walking and talking. He looks to you, surprised. Usually he’s the one asking you to do things, and you’re more reluctant than excited to follow through with whatever plans he has. So for you to be asking him was… unexpected.
“Oh, uh- Yeah! Sure, of course you’d want to go with the Great Mammon!”
He is very excited on the inside; may be blushing on the outside.
He takes you to the carnival and he finds himself caught up in one of those rigged carnival games almost immediately.
He’s determined to win. Cause he likes winning, not cause he wants to win you a cute toy. Totally not because he wants to win you a cute toy.
This ends with either him running out of Grimm to try or you pulling him away from it since you want to go on some of the rides while you’re here. You appreciate the gesture, though, even if he won’t admit the gesture was for you.
The rides turn out with much better luck than the game did. I think your favourite would’ve had to been the bumper cars where you like to think you beat Mammon.
“Hey! There’s no winning in bumper cars! The Great Mammon wouldn’t lose to a human, anyway.”
You definitely won at bumper cars.
You’re at the carnival late into the night, really enjoying yourself.
Mammon’s also enjoying himself. And he’s much happier that you’re the one who asked to go.
“We should do this more often,” he’d say to you. And you have to agree.
It started with him texting you about a new game he’s been wanting to try but it requires two people and none of his brothers agreed to play with him. And, at this point, even though the two of you were on better terms, he assumed asking you to play would end up in the same place it had before. Besides, he had talked to you about this kind of thing before, so he didn’t think much of it when he sent you the text.
So he was in for quite the surprise when you responded saying that you could be his player 2!
He stared at his phone for longer than he’d like to admit. Re-reading your message again and again. You wanted to play with him? Usually it was him who asked you, so there was a certain feeling he felt in his chest when he read you asking to play with him.
Once he snapped back to reality, he replied offering to meet you in the common room and that it’d be a minute to set up, but then you texted saying that you were fine to play in his room! So he asked if Mammon or Beelzebub or someone was with you, but you said no, that it would just be you two.
Now this. This really got him feeling all sorts of ways. He’s red in the face now and texts back that he still needs some time to set up before you come over, but really it’s so he can calm himself down from being excited and flustered.
You wanted to hang out with him in his room, just the two of you. It had been a couple months since the incident with the quiz, so there had been time for you to grow more comfortable being around Leviathan, but it still boggled his mind.
In all honesty, he assumed it was something that wasn’t going to ever happen. He ruined everything before there was even a chance to start something. But now it seemed that he really was given a second chance.
He starts moving fast, cleaning up his gaming space a bit, setting up a comfy corner that the two of you could play on. You’ve been in his room before, he really didn’t need to do this, but there was something special about it being just the two of you that he felt compelled to do this.
When he was ready, he sent you another text saying he was ready and you could come over now.
Then the two of you spent all evening playing and chatting. It was nice to finally have some one on one time with you. And it was nice that you weren’t all that scared of him anymore. It was definitely a mood changer for Leviathan, one even the brothers took note of during the few days after the event.
You weren’t close to Asmodeus. Not really. It seemed he was always off doing something: working on a clothing design for a fashion company, going out clubbing into the sun came up, only for him to have to catch up on his beauty sleep, or he was going off with Solomon to who knows where doing who knows what. You felt like you didn’t have much opportunity to spend with him and while at first, you hadn’t been bothered by it, ever since his apology, you felt yourself wanting to spend more time with him.
So, one day after a class you had with Asmodeus, you ask if he was interested in going shopping with you. You figured he knew the best spots, and you were still getting used to the shopping district in the Devildom.
The level of excited energy from Asmodeus after you ask is off the charts.
He squeals a little, accepting the offer immediately.
“Of course we can go shopping together! We’re gonna get all the cutest clothes and maybe we can even get matching outfits! Oh, where to start? There’s so many good stores to get to. And we don’t have all day. Oh, let’s go!”
Even if you hadn’t planned to go shopping right then and there, you’re going shopping right then and there.
Asmodeus feels really really good about the fact you asked to hang out with him. It felt so good - he’s used to getting attention from others and having others want to spend time with him. But you. You hadn’t really done that before so it was so exciting for him to be given this opportunity.
He goes to the nines during this shopping trip. Showing you all his favourite stores, some personal shopping trips. He does follow through and have you try on matching outfits with him. If you don’t end up getting them, he’s okay with that, but at least let him take a picture so he can upload it to Devilgram.
It’s a very good and successful shopping trip, and Asmodeus makes sure to make plans with you to go out again soon. This time was so much fun, he doesn’t want to miss another chance!
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helpolnix · 2 months
May 8th and 9th
My usual check in with Hermes got hijacked, as I’ve been saying. Maybe hijacked isn’t the right word but whatever. I don’t know what really passed my mind to make me think, “I should ask if I’m talking to Hermes,” but I did ask myself that, and after consulting with my pendulum…
I was not talking to Hermes.
Cue some panic. I’m a new practitioner, kinda. I’ve been very very casual about it since I was a kid. Both working with deities and practicing witchcraft. The idea of a deity reaching out first was something I’ve heard of, but why would that happen to me of all people? I didn’t understand it in the slightest. So I haphazardly switched around what questions I asked my tarot cards, even looked up spreads online while my hands shook.
I used my pendulum to ask the gender of the deity first, and stupidly I didn’t think to ask immediately afterwards if it was one of the twelve Olympians. I only thought of that *after* a very confusing tarot spread. Been using tarot cards for years but I was never very disciplined, so I’m still awkward with them sometimes. I need a new deck, too.
So, after guessing wrong no less than 6 times, I finally found out it was Dionysus. I was incredibly befuddled, not knowing why Dionysus would reach out to someone like me. But that was actually on me. After ending the conversation and doing further research, I realized my issues, personality, and identity align very well with him. I read about how he’s helped so many people become more comfortable with themselves and just be more confident.
And I thought, fuck, that is something I want.
Plus I am a former theater kid that still yearns to be on stage sometimes. (Random, but in middle school we actually did Pandora’s box for the school play. I played Pandora. Fun time.)
I slept on it, did some more research, mulled it over all day, then sat down just about an hour ago to write a note to both Hermes and Dionysus. I find letter writing my favorite way to connect with Hermes, and I think the same (along with food offerings, as he asked me for those) will go for Dionysus. I folded the note in a unique way—I’ve been also using this as an excuse to basically learn fucking origami shit—before putting it on my altar for Hermes. Though due to limited space, it will probably have to be shared with Dionysus.
I lit my one puny candle, asked if they were both here with me(they were) and then just thanked them both sincerely while also apologizing to Dionysus for pretty much reducing him to the only surface level things I knew him for. Anyway, I talk about how once I get that job Hermes helped me find, I’ll be spending a hefty bit of it on them. But in the meantime I would be using my pocket money for more.. frivolous shit.
I like buying shit that has no purpose but makes me smile. Sue me.
So I pull two cards then, one for Hermes and one for Dionysus. And oh, they don’t agree on my plan.
It took me a while to realize what they weren’t agreeing on. Sometimes I’ll get words or sentences, and other times I won’t. At that moment the energy around me just felt like bickering. Not incredibly tense, but there was obviously some disconnect. But also for the first time, I could feel how distinctly different Hermes and Dionysus were going to be. Hermes is stern with me. It’s only been a few days, but he is, and he’s definitely going to push me hard. Meanwhile, Dionysus was a lot more.. relaxed? Bubbly, even.
I asked, just to be sure, if they disagreed on something. They did
I asked if it was related to the job. It wasn’t.
Then there was this nagging in my head that told me to ask if it was about the money. How I wanted to spend my pocket money.
He’d rather I don’t do that.
I felt torn. Because yeah the stupid shit I wanted to buy would have made me happy, but Hermes felt pretty insistent that I don’t do that, and instead focus that money on upgrading the altar. Which is something I really want to do anyway. I felt so insanely scolded by him, but not in an extremely rude manner. More like how a teacher would look at you if you’re a little too loud in class.
I asked if he’d like me to buy a statue for him I’ve been eyeing. He said yes.
I asked Dionysus the same, he said no. He’d rather food offerings for the time being.
That was about an hour or so ago. And I guess it pushed me to want to share this. Nobody may see these posts, but I think it’d still be good for me to share my experiences as they come. Maybe they’ll make other newcomers feel less silly when it comes to making mistakes or fumbling around with gods.
As Hermes said to me, “trust the process.”
No silly purchases for me.
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manysmallhands · 4 months
The Brits: Rated!
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This weekend I watched The Brit Awards for the first time in an absolute age. One thing it reminded me of is why I don’t usually watch The Brit Awards: the staging was cringe, the presenters forgettable and the winners (Jungle! Bring Me The Horizon!) often completely baffling. RAYE’s coronation as queen of UK pop was at least a satisfying moment of well deserved revenge, but also a colossal round of arse covering and buck passing from an industry that was more than happy to screw her over and has in no way faced any real reckoning over it. As such, the stellar cast who were lined up to perform were basically the only good reason for me to stick around. I rated them as follows:
Dua Lipa - Training Season 
Absolutely banging opener, lots of fancy moves - including Dua being suspended in midair by a bunch of guys with no visible means of support themselves! - and an excellent (if slightly strained) vocal, a notable improvement on her Grammys performance from last month. I like Training Season anyway but this felt like a proper event. 9
Calvin Harris and Ellie Goulding - Miracle
I’ve hitherto found Miracle a bit of a snooze but I finally started to warm to it last night and the bit at the end where it all kicked off was probably the best climax of the evening. While the choreography created an engaging sense of spectacle, Ellie was admirably low effort amongst it all and Calvin might as well have sneaked off for a fag, it was quite funny watching him stood at the back doing nothing. 8
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Tate McRae - Greedy
I so wanted this to be great cos I can't stop listening to her but sadly that really wasn’t the case. There seemed to be technical issues at times but often Tate looked swallowed up by the size of the staging, just singing the odd line here and there while doing an admittedly top-line dancing routine. Not a patch on her recent NHL show. 6 
Jungle - Back On 74
Despite it being extremely lightweight I’m rather fond of Back on 74, but quite what Jungle are doing here (and winning best band!) is something of a mystery to me. Still, the Sault we’ve got at home put on a pleasant enough show without really straining themselves performance-wise, especially considering its acrobatic video. 7
RAYE - Medley: Ice Cream Man/Prada/Escapism.
I’ll admit that RAYE’s more "authentic" genre reworkings can leave me a bit nonplussed but I thought this performance was fantastic. Ice Cream Man was predictably devastating, Prada held up surprisingly well under its choral makeover and Escapism seems to take whatever she throws at it without so much as flinching. Not much to speak of visuals-wise but she really didn’t need them. 9
Chase and Status/Becky Hill - Disconnect
Chase and Status honoured their best producer award by doing their least good song of 2023. Becky Hill dutifully belted it out but there wasn’t much to draw the eye and the teasers from Baddadan had a distinct ‘look at what you could have won’ quality. 6
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Rema - Calm Down 
In the year or more since I first heard it, I’ve gone from bored to lukewarm to kinda liking Rema’s megahit and the live setting here has finally pushed me over the top:  Calm Down is really quite good. It was helped along by a winning dance routine that played into its exotic rhythms but Rema's performance is the thing that really carried it, all understated charisma, flashing smiles and some truly iconic headgear. 8
Kylie - Hits Medley
There was a sense in which I wanted this to be amazing but in the end it was merely an alright performance, lifted by the fact that the UK loves Kylie and it was always going to feel like a bit of a triumph. The vocals were nothing to write home about, the track selection could have been better too, but by the time we got around to All The Lovers I was pretty much sold anyway. Ultimately, there are some people who are above meaningful criticism and Kylie will always be one of them. I mean, who gives a shit whether I liked it or not. 7
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noxexistant · 1 year
Hello! I’m curious if you have any thoughts on what Oscar and Morris would be like if slightly tipsy/drunk
ooh, i love this question! i definitely do. the two of them drink often, usually grab a drink together after work every day whenever they can spare the money. oscar frequently mutters “thank fuck we’re not protestant” as he takes his first swig, hunched in some seedy bar that hasn’t banned himself and his little brother yet - and doesn’t ask too many questions about morris’ age either. drinking helps them both sleep, especially oscar, and is just a good way to de-stress from everything.
i think morris is way more susceptible to drinking in excess. he dislikes alcohol, but he drinks to get drunk. downs a few drinks as fast as he can - he likes spirits, most efficient. when he’s drunk, his brain is quieter, everything feels numbed (until it all gets heightened, but he crosses that bridge when he comes to it) and he’s desperate for that feeling, desperate to not feel and experience and think as much as he does, constantly, when he’s sober. he’s also a lightweight, which helps. he would be anyway, but it’s exacerbated by the fact that he really doesn’t eat enough.
those factors combined, he’s tipsy off of one drink, and drunk off of a couple. he’ll down one and it’ll hit him like a punch and he’ll eagerly go for another. oscar always tells him to slow it down, yanking the glass of morris’ third drink out of morris’ hands hard enough to spill some of it. sometimes his warnings half-work, sometimes they don’t, but it doesn’t make all too much of a difference when morris is already gone off of what he managed to down before oscar stopped him.
he gets more talkative when he’s drunk, takes less notice of how much trouble he has speaking “properly”, and he gets very physical, leaning into oscar’s side and resting his head against his shoulder and holding his forearm. he also loses the ability to mask entirely, not that he’s able to much anyway, but he’s fidgety and looking all around and stimming, rocking, on his barstool. tapping his heels and chewing on his fingers and Talking, rapid-fire and endless, letting all his thoughts spill out rather than just rattle around in his head like they usually do. he doesn’t take any notice of oscar ignoring him, and doesn’t take any notice of what attention he might be attracting. oscar’s always far too happy to punch the teeth in of anyone who says anything, or even just looks at morris for too long.
oscar drinks like their pa did. he doesn’t go all-in like morris does, he’ll just sit down and have one. and then another. then another, and another— slowly descending into that very specific type of drunk, the slow type of drunk. drunk like their pa. he likes his drinks too, which helps, he enjoys drinking them and appreciating it, beer or whiskey or whatever he felt like that day. whatever was cheap. he doesn’t care much for spirits, and likes wine most but doesn’t often drink it.
he tends to space out when he’s drunk, feeling disconnected from the world - like he and morris are really the only things that are real, like he’s stuck in his own head and morris is the only one able to reach him - and his temper gets worse. he chainsmokes, needs one on his hand at all times or he’s just itching for violence. he’ll punch someone with minimal prompting, without saying a single word himself, especially if someone is looking at mo. they’ve gotten banned from several bars for oscar starting fights and morris joining in to finish them like he always does, but then they’ll just find another. they keep their spots inconsistent anyway, don’t like being able to be tracked or have plans made against them if someone notices them in the same bar consistently.
it’s always inconvenient to have made new enemies when neither he nor morris are in a state to really remember them, but oscar sees anyone as an enemy so it’s no shock when someone crops up to try a fight again sober, or when they show up to a bar and are told by anyone there that they ain’t welcome no more.
oscar gets vicious headaches after drinking to excess, which make him even more irritable the next day. morris gets sick like a cold when he drinks too much, and throws up. usually they’ll have to hide out in an alleyway until mo’s done chucking his guts up and oscar can drag him inside without the risk of wiesel losing his mind at them.
and, when they’re alone, tipsy/drunk oscar is a lot more physically affectionate with morris too. sleeps curled around him, isn’t having any of it if morris tries to crawl out of bed in the middle of the night. at least partially because that’s when it turns around and everything gets heightened for morris, the moments he’ll find himself curling up and crying. oscar won’t say a word - mo crying doesn’t count it he’s drunk. he’ll just hold his brother tighter and fall back asleep, before his stinging eyes can start spilling any tears too.
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marcilled · 1 year
I'd love to hear your thoughts on TOTK and what it's flaws and strengths are to you!
I had a whole response typed for this, ready to post, and my power shut off... well! I'm back now so I'll try to type my thoughts on this again.
big disclaimer here that tears of the kingdom is a HUGE game... I'm still working my way through it. I've done the equivalent of one of the divine beasts in botw for a bit of reference (they have a very direct equivalent in totk it seems).
that being said some of its strengths were the strengths botw had... truly expansive open world, that does an amazing job at rewarding you for exploring it. It never feels "empty", there's always some little surprise to find in every tiny nook and cranny you can explore- usually a korok. There's so many koroks. None of them are where they were in botw, despite using the same map (with some modifications).
this got really long, so I'm going to put a readmore (might contain some vague spoilers)
What I find especially apparent with totk, that sets it apart from the previous game, is that it does a really great job of guiding the player from point to point. It's still very much an open world game, but instead of leaving you directionless and hoping you find what you're looking for, there's always some npc mentioning that some weird ruins from the ancient zumblefuck civilization suddenly appeared in chungustown, across the suckdick river in east falumpa or whatever.
Even when you're just, you know, getting your horse out of the stable, the npcs will constantly be giving you directions to some major landmark, where you'll find a bunch of other npcs giving important quests or furthering the plot! In that way, you're never left wondering "well, this is great and all, but what is there to do in this game besides exploring", they just straight up tell you. botw ... sort of did that, but not enough.
I think that this sort of design philosophy is especially apparent in the tutorial island you begin the game at, where they very expertly crafted this island that is definitely "open world", but at the same time, directs you from point to point almost invisibly. Sure, you could visit any of the three shrines in any order you like- but there's one shrine super close to you, and it's the most visible from where you start the quest. So, may as well go there! Oh, turns out that the next shrine is way easier to get to after you have the ability from that closest shrine... Not to mention, the little robots give lots of tips for everything you're about to run into along the path you conveniently ended up taking that definitely isn't exactly where the game wants you to go! Plus, you keep running into this handsome goat man along the way who's always saying some contemplative stuff that makes you fall in love with him. Wait was that just me? Anyways, it's incredibly clever at guiding the player where they need to go without seeming like it's holding your hand either. botw wasn't really designed that way, and I appreciate that totk takes this approach.
In line with the direction that the npcs give you, I also really love to see how the world of totk feels so much more alive than in botw. In botw, humanity had nearly been wiped out by the calamity. For 100 years they toiled just to survive, and the remaining settlements felt very disconnected from one another, with how dangerous travel was. It gave this very melancholic feeling to every place you visited. However, in totk, it's clear that some time has passed since link defeated calamity ganon, and the people of hyrule have really begun to heal. There's people everywhere, and they're visiting each other more often. There's cooperation from every part of the kingdom, with everyone working together to try to find Zelda, and figure out what caused the upheaval, and what it means for the future. One particular interaction I really loved, was talking to a rito and a hylian woman at a stable near rito village, where the rito woman had come to pick up supplies for the village to deal with the intense blizzard there. The hylian woman said something like, "we're glad to help you, you've been wonderful neighbors to us!", and the rito woman was so thankful. that sort of camaraderie really sets the tone for totk, and it warmed my heart to see. There's this real sense of the world healing and supporting one another that I really enjoy.
Another thing that sets it apart, for better and worse, is the all-new abilities you get. No more magnesis or stasis or bombs, they're replaced with ultrahand, reversal, and... being able to attach bombs to literally any object you desire, as well as throw them directly, or even stick them onto contraptions you build?! Not to mention the ability that lets you travel up through ceilings. The abilities are quite different and do make a serious impact in how you play! The bizarre fucking contraptions you're able to build using ultrahand, combined with the various pieces of zonai tech, makes for some really compelling emergent gameplay! And lots of funny clips you can post online which I'm sure you've probably seen by now. It's a lot of fun.
That being said, I feel there's something lost by getting rid of the old abilities- for example, I almost never find myself using any of those abilities during combat. The most I'll do is attach items to my weapons (which is very fun!), but it's nothing compared to being able to bonk enemies with huge rocks using magnesis, or using stasis to pile on the damage onto a single enemy, or even just launch them off of cliffs. Although, the rest of the fun physics from botw is still there, like freezing enemies and making them slide around or what have you. I guess my primary complaint here is that the new abilities feel a bit underutilized, for example I pretty much never use the ability to reverse time, unless I'm doing a shrine where it's obviously required for a puzzle or something. Ah well.
I think my main complaint with totk really just boils down to the story just kind of refusing to admit that it's a sequel? even though... it is a sequel?? it's kind of weird, and just makes me sort of sad. Ancient Sheikah technology was crucial to the entire worldbuilding and story of botw, and somehow it's nowhere to be found in totk. They've just replaced all the ancient sheikah stuff with different ancient tech, which, while it's really cool in its own right, makes it feel very disconnected from the game that came before it. I get that they're trying to make the game feel welcoming to people who never played the first one, but you don't have to literally get rid of all traces of the previous game to accomplish that?!? I haven't found a SINGLE broken-down guardian anywhere in the whole game so far, much less one that's still living. There's been basically NO MENTION of the divine beasts either! The most I've seen is purah and impa having some ancient sheikah stuff/pictures relating to the calamity, but that's about it. It doesn't go beyond mentioning that the calamity happened, really. It's bizarre. They don't even talk about calamity ganon. What the hell!!! it just makes me kind of upset.
Actually, it goes deeper than this. the threat of calamity ganon was omnipresent in botw. You could always see it floating around the castle from almost anywhere on the map, at the very center. More than that, though, the remnants of an ancient war were everywhere- Guardians existed everywhere, always threatening you with that utterly terrifying music. There's not really an equivalent to that in totk. Sure, there's the zonai constructs, but... None of them are nearly as threatening as guardians were, other than the ones that are obviously boss fights. It just feels a bit sad, there's not as much "urgency" to your actions.
Then again, totk seems a bit more linear in its progression than botw- it could be possible that I'm still too early on to see the difficulty ramp up further, and introduce new threats? that'd actually be really cool if that were the case, but I have no idea. I just have to keep playing, I suppose. But as of rn, the "demon king" is just a big question mark, and his influence on the story is a bit unclear right now. it's not even immediately obvious what the endgame is, which is a lot different from botw. So perhaps I'll hold my judgement on this front until later. I just miss how the guardians were a constant threat, always reminding you of what your goal is.
And as one last quickfire of several little complaints:
The (english) voice acting in the game is very underwhelming. It's just not very good. I play ffxiv so I'm used to middling voice performances tho LOL. this was a problem in botw as well tho.
the boss fight i did (that i compared to one of the divine beasts) was too easy. i expected it to feel at least a little challenging, but i didn't feel threatened even once. the enemies i encounter in the overworld are tougher, it felt kinda underwhelming in spite of the (extremely good) boss music
the depths feels a bit samey after a while. my first impression was utter awe, i was like, "i'm completely in love with this game", but i soon realized that they used some sort of algorithm to translate the topography of the overworld onto the depths and suddenly the magic disappeared a bit. it's still really cool, and the mechanic of permanently losing hearts while you're down there makes it feel incredibly threatening, but there's simply not enough variety to feel like it's justified to take up that much space. unlike the overworld, the depths /do/ end up feeling empty after a while of exploring.
... I suppose as a bit of a TL;DR, my main complaints boil down to, "this is great, but it could be even better", or, "I miss some of the stuff that was in botw".
There's more thoughts I could probably share, like how I love all of the very blatant ghibli inspiration in this game (even moreso than in botw!), but I've already rambled quite a lot. thank you for the ask anon!! <3
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Gonna share a family head canon for GOS traveler Gai.
I feel like usually, Obito is very careful about where/ which family Gai is born into, as well as the dynamic. He tries to find a couple with no other kids right now, with good vibes and who will nurture Gai to be his best self. So Gai is usually born into a household where he'll either be the first born, or only son of the family with a strong father figure, related to an advantageous position if something is going on in that kingdom.
But since he botched up Gai's traveler reincarnation so badly, Gai was born into a family where he was the youngest child for once, and got to be a bit babied
Had two older brothers who were expected to take over their father's hunting roll (he was too but with two strong big bros, it was a little less pressure) but a dad who maybe lost his life when Gai was 6 on a hunting trip, and so for once it was his mom who was the primary roll model in his life he grew up with.
And maybe he and his mom were very different personalities. There was a strictness and emphasis on respect and tradition he grew up with. Where his dad taught him the basics of how to hunt, but its his brothers who really took over after he was gone. And also maybe as the youngest, he was told to help their mother with the household more, while they went and had to work to fill their father's shoes. (Traditional household of mom minds the house, dad works, but now it was the brothers who had to step up.).
Anyways while Gai and his mom were very different people and it was hard for them to connect... I like to think there was still a lot of love between them. Maybe she knew about the disconnect Gai always felt in his heart and tried to fill it but never could and felt bad because she felt her now adult baby was leaving her because. He didn't feel loved enough. And now after he leaves home, she knows she may never see him again. Any of his adult mile stones like being married or getting grand kids. He might just die in the wild and she'll never know, and she blames herself for it.
It leads to their most heartfelt conversation they ever had the night before he leaves. Where he explains he does know of her love for him. And he respects and adores her and her brothers and his late father. That she gifted him life, gave him a strong body and a happy home, but he knows he must go... and it has nothing to do with her and if the fates provide it, he promises to send word when he finds what he seeks. He can not promise he'll return, but promises to remember her every day, by keeping a tradition he always hated, the long hair. In some cultures, they don't cut their hair because its believed every part of them is a gift from their parents, so they can't cut/ alter it. So the long hair stays not because he likes it (she knows he hates it.) But because its a reminder of his mother.
She in turn, gave him a traveler's coat she had been making for years, when she noticed him always looking afar and wanting to leave. Knowing this day would come. Its all all green, and the hems are darker and are embroidered to look like swirling clouds. On the back she made a stylized lightning bolt, as she knows of his love for storms, and hopes it will keep him dry on the road.
He absolutely adores it and wears it proudly wherever he goes.
(I also like to imagine Obito and Kakashi meet the bros and mom when looking for Gai, and both take a liking to the mom, even if she does criticize their shorter hair XD. The bros offer a prized deer to Kakashi (not knowing he's a god XD) in return for word of their brother, hoping he's ok. They get a lot more than that and with such an offering, its like making sure their bro has a patron god without them even knowing!)
Obito is at least able to assure the mom and rest of the family Gai is not dead (his life would be SO much easier if that were not the case!!!). And makes a note to inform them in their dreams, should that tragically happen ... might give them a nice dream as well when he and Kakashi do find Gai, about his adventures and how well he is doing, just to put their minds at peace.
(Sorry if this was a fic upon itself 😓)
I love the bond you've created between Gai and his mom, and how we've established his older brothers do have a few problems with how different he is but that doesn't stop them from loving him. They accept their weird little brother, even if they struggled with that acceptance growing up.
Also, the brothers give Kakashi a deer (maybe they give him the meat and the fur as a coat or make use of it and give it to him as gifts in the hopes that he'll do them this little favor and keep them updated) not realizing at all that they're basically making a sacrifice
giving a gift to a god for their brother's safety and happiness.
I kinda imagine that since they're a family of hunters maybe they usually worship Kiba or Tsume, or a god/goddess that is very similar to them (since they are from a different place it wouldn't be exactly the same but could have a lot of similarities) and Kakashi and Obito get to see how someone who worships those gods does so
which is interesting because obviously they usually only see worships for themselves or the people around them (like Ibiki, Rin, Sakumo, Nakano, etc)
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jbaileyfansite · 1 year
Jonathan Bailey interview with the Evening Standard (2021)
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There are worse places to conduct an interview than a park, and at least it’s only drizzling.
The only problem is that people won’t leave Jonathan Bailey alone. Which is to be expected, of course: he’s in Bridgerton, the most-watched original Netflix series in its history, viewed on 82 million accounts in a month since it dropped on Christmas Day. Wait. Did I say people? I meant dogs. They snaffle at his heels and rub against his legs while the humans remain impervious. This is because, devoid of his mutton chops and tailcoat, the 32-year-old actor looks a world away from Viscount Anthony Bridgerton, brother of Daphne; lover of Sienna; friend and foe of Simon, Duke of Hastings.
Today he’s dressed in a nylon jacket and sporting very different hair. ‘Bit of a spoiler for season two — I’ve had a light perm,’ he smiles.
And even if Bailey had spent the past two months in full regency costume, fame would have eluded him until lockdown eased and the usual signifiers — being hassled in restaurants, endless selfie requests — were back on the table. Until then it lies in wait, preserved in aspic.
Having spent lockdown thus far on the East Sussex coast staying home like the rest of us, Bailey admits the disconnect is confusing. ‘I feel like I’m being gaslit on a global scale,’ he laughs. ‘Even today, just meeting and talking to actual people who have seen the show feels weird. To me and all the British cast, it feels like Nasa. Netflix launched this spaceship, and you get launched into space. It’s a brilliantly traumatic thing to experience. The launch only happens once, and then it’s about tethering yourself and working it out. I think that might take a while.
‘The isolation of lockdown has been incredibly hard for everyone, but the isolation of feeling like you can’t inhabit the experience that other people are experiencing around you, while being locked down and not being able to see your friends…’ he tails off. ‘Presumably all it will take to shake it off is a big dinner, or even just having a few pints and going out.’
With a slew of TV parts under his belt (Broadchurch, Crashing, Chewing Gum, W1A) and an Olivier award for his role as Jamie in Company (2018), Bailey isn’t exactly an ingénue. But Bridgerton is one of those rare TV programmes that has bestowed fame on a global scale.
Produced by Shonda Rhimes and adapted from the historical novels of Julia Quinn, Netflix’s genre-busting costume drama reached the top 10 in 189 countries, thanks to a sharp script, lavish costumes and racially diverse cast that saw actors of colour inhabit the highest echelons of 19th-century society in a way that had never been seen on screen before. That this high society is presided over by a black woman, Queen Charlotte (Golda Rosheuvel), might be diversity divorced from any historical context, but the alternative — another costume drama inhabited by white people — has never felt more wrong.
Bailey auditioned for the part in 2018 while appearing in Company, sending off a tape to Rhimes’s production company, Shondaland. ‘I got offered the job on my 31st birthday, 25 April 2019,’ he recalls. Filming started in July 2019 and ended in March 2020, narrowly avoiding any impact from the pandemic. 
‘For me it feels like a lockdown anyway when I’m working, so it’s a long time since I can remember normal life.’ Has he been he a banana bread-baking stereotype over lockdowns? ‘I made more than banana bread,’ he laughs. ‘I started with banana bread but went on to cinnamon rolls, although they looked like turds — terrible. But I made amazing hot cross buns.’
The million dollar cliché: what did he learn about himself? ‘I feel more complicated than I thought I was,’ he says. ‘And then I’ve been affirmed by certain things. I did a lot of cycling between lockdowns, in Cornwall and around Italy last summer — pure recharge, pure perspective. Nature is so important. I know everyone’s saying that, and that some people can just keep going flat out, but I know I need to recharge. And I love a bath. I’ve had weeks where I’ve had a minimum of two a day.’ He suddenly looks horrified. ‘Actually, that’s awful. Don’t put that, ’cause it’s wasting water.’
Barely has ‘what did you miss the most?’ escaped from my lips and he exclaims, ‘Theatre! Not just theatre, but the possibility of theatre. But then, I’ve been watching really brilliant theatre creatives smashing it on TV instead.’ He points out that Bridgerton cast members Rosheuvel, Ruth Gemmell, Adjoa Andoh and Luke Thompson are all regulars on the stage. ‘We should be proud in Britain that there’s a massive crossover between theatre and TV. It’s not a semi-permeable membrane: it’s all one talent pool.’ 
Could the Government be doing more to support theatre? ‘Absolutely. It’s just the people who are making the decisions; if it had been someone who loves theatre, and understood the importance of it, this would never have happened. There are certain things in life where you go, “That’s a marker”, and the [2019] government campaign about Fatima having to retrain in cyber was one. That was a wound that will take a long time to heal. And the other marker of a moment is Ruth Sheen’s performance in It’s A Sin [the veteran actress had a cameo as a hospital visitor who took Keeley Hawes’ character to task in the final episode]. The last year hasn’t been about Christmas and Easter. It’s been about markers like those.’ 
Bailey has been described online as ‘openly gay’. I point out that no actors are ever described as ‘openly straight’, and he laughs. ‘I’d say I’m not openly gay. I’m just gay.’ Although he is wary of discussing his sexuality for the sake of it. ‘Then it becomes a commodity and a currency. I knew that I wanted to be visible about my sexuality, because in all the territories that Netflix goes out in, there might be a boy somewhere that goes, “Wait, what?” Which is what I didn’t have when I was young. All I know is that I’m happy to keep working really hard and if there are opportunities for representation, and to make that point, then that’s something I’ll always strive to do.’
Like just about everyone else, he loved It’s A Sin. ‘It was an incredible way to talk about an awful pandemic, and an absolute tragedy that so many people will be triggered by it. In Ruth Sheen’s character, you have a heterosexual woman who is mother to a gay son, challenging another mother. I found that rage incredible. The gay fantasy isn’t just hanging out in bars and meeting men. The gay fantasy is to have guardian angels of allyship.’
He’s hesitant to say whether he agrees with director Russell T Davies’ assertion that gay people should play gay roles. ‘It’s a big old conversation and one I’ve spoken to Russell about, and many other actors. But it’s really hard to give a sound bite to sum up.’
I tell him I don’t want a sound bite. ‘It’s about redressing the balance of access to roles. There just aren’t that many gay roles, so when straight actors go to take that space up, it’s eliminating the chance for other [gay actors].
‘We know there has been a history of needing to be closeted to succeed and be famous, especially in acting. And the idea of not being able to believe heterosexual relations and narrative, if you know one of the actors is gay… everyone should be able to play absolutely everything. But let’s blow away all the cobwebs, and one of the hang-ups and shadows of the past is that we need to be a lot more open to the idea of sexes playing different sides. There have been amazing performances by straight people playing gay and by gay people playing straight. It’s a moment to think about that, and I think Russell’s point was that there’s a vitality and a joy to It’s A Sin because he cast gay people in gay roles. That’s completely true. It’s not a bad thing to own your narrative.”
He is glad not to have received any flack for playing a straight role such as Viscount Anthony. ‘Bearing in mind the internet is a place where anyone can say anything, there hasn’t been anyone who’s had any animosity, or challenged it, so that’s good. Yes, I’m looking forward to gay actors playing gay parts, but for me it’s so important that everyone at home can see a bit of themselves on screen, to allow them to feel heard and seen, and also allow them to have aspirations.
‘Good actors can do anything, and there’ll be amazing writers who are willing to write for everyone. If there are people who don’t have access to creating their own TV shows or telling the stories they want to tell, then absolutely, everyone has to make space for them. That’s not just to do with gender or sexuality. It’s to do with race, religion and everything else.’ He pauses. ‘The idea that someone could read that and go, “God, that’s just a woke viewpoint,” I find really funny. It’s just basic sense, isn’t it?’
Another dog — this time a cockapoo — launches itself on Bailey mid-flow. ‘We have a family cockapoo. I looked after him in Lockdown 1,’ he says. ‘That was a real baptism of fire. He ate a sock. A full sock. It was a Muji sock. Stripy. And then it came up again three days later.’ What’s he called? ‘Benson, after the village I grew up in.’
His sounds an idyllic childhood. Brought up in Oxfordshire, he eschewed drama school for an Open University degree. Neither his parents nor three older sisters have anything to do with acting, but his interest was sparked as a child after watching a production of Oliver in the village hall. He joined the local drama club and also pootled around at the back of the class while one sister did ballet. ‘I wasn’t really invited, but I remember having Velcro trainers and just squeaking in the back and trying to do some pliés. I stopped dancing aged 12 because of the inevitable narrative — peer pressure. Ballet became a euphemism for something else.’
Was he the sort of kid who always got the lead in the school play? ‘I did play Jolly Roger in Jolly Roger,’ he smiles. ‘But then I was taken down a peg or two when I played a raindrop in Noah’s Ark. You win some, you lose some.’
With Bridgerton likely to run for many more seasons, and Viscount Anthony’s storyline taking centre stage in season two (now that sister Daphne is married off, the plot will focus on his own romantic life), Bailey’s newfound fame isn’t going to dissipate any time soon. He has mixed feelings. ‘You work and strive to be an actor and you can get better at it and enjoy it. But you can’t be good at fame or enjoy it. Some people do, some people don’t. It’s a different cocktail for everyone. There are suddenly opportunities available, which is brilliant, and I’m incredibly lucky. But then I realise this is when people say it’s about saying no, because what you say no to keeps you on the path.’
What also keeps him on the right path is the role itself. ‘Bridgerton is actually delivering on changing the bar, and the standard, of representation. Because of that, I’ve had amazing messages from people who have been able to talk about their sexuality, or people who have seen themselves or their children in the Duke of Hastings [storyline]. For me that’s the thing that’s always going to ground [the experience]. It’s a candyfloss juggernaut theme park ride — like multiple sensory overload.
‘So thank God for family. Thank God for friends.’
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yukidragon · 1 year
I don't know how this site works and if this question has been asked before, but I can't stop thinking about it. After a night together with Jack, which was very significant for both of them, MC goes to open the door for Shaun and spends a lot of time with him, as if forgetting about the naked lover in the bedroom. She doesn't go to him to put him in a situation, but sits with Shaun and talks about crap. I don't know how to interpret it, but it seems sooo weird to me, What can that mean?
For this, I would like to draw attention to MC’s thoughts in the demo at a few scenes. First, here is their thoughts after Ian’s phone call when Jack goes to comfort them.
I’ve felt so bad for so long…I almost feel guilty, how he seems to make it all just disappear… How I think I… Maybe I might just… … ... No. No, something isn’t right about this. I feel for him...But something about this is too good. I won’t use him as a bandage, to cover up the feelings I don’t want to feel.
Then a little later...
After all this time… Is this. Love? Does Jack really make me feel whole, all on his own? Or…Is this just a hallucination too. Is this even real? Do I want to love…A hallucination?
MC regards being with Jack as being in a dreamy haze, as they themselves remark on in the “yes” route.
I can’t help but feel odd when I’m grounded in reality. The things I can see and hear and touch for myself. At the moment. Jack is all that I can see. He’s the most real thing there is. But after that, when anything else has my attention, I can see the utter ludicrousness of the situation. Is it intoxicating? Is that what this is? What is this dreamy haze that I find myself consumed by when it comes to him? …And I still don’t quite know what he is. No. No, I really shouldn’t be giving him this kind of power over me.
Jack’s presence in MC’s life is supernatural, and seems to feel like something out of a dream. When reality snaps us out of that dream and demands our attention, we usually tend to forget about the daydream for the most part and focus on the here and now. This could be the case whenever anything else distracts MC from Jack that he feels less real to them in the same way.
However, it could be something much more mundane than that. MC remarked that they were not quite awake and coherent when talking with Shaun. They forgot he was coming and panicked at that fact. These two things, plus their reunion, could serve as enough of a distraction to make them forget that their lover is waiting for them in the other room. Sometimes people are just awkward that way, and we’ve seen MC get distracted at times when engaging with people, as Jack, Shaun, and Ian comment on in their own ways.
Shaun Jeez. Nice to know you’re still a total space case, huh?
Ian Alice?…Are you alright? I snap out of my blissful trance. Alice Oh. Uh. Yeah! Yeah, no, I’m alright! Ian You’re totally spacing on me…Is everything okay?
Jack Alice? Are you okay? Ack. I jump as I return from the realm of warm fuzzies and back to reality.
I hope you don’t mind that I saved these quotes with my version of the MC’s name in them.
Anyway, it seems to be a plot point in the game that MC is the type of person to “space out” on people. This mild disconnect from reality could be part of why they struggle to believe Jack is even real and wonder if they’re just hallucinating his existence entirely.
If MC has this sort of habit of wandering off inside their head, only to snap back to reality when someone is asking for their attention, they could be used to just pushing everything to the side to focus on what’s immediately in front of them until they’re reminded of other things they should be focused on. This could just be something normal for them, or it could’ve been affected more strongly by their fatigue, Jack’s supernatural nature, or any combination thereof.
This tendency to disconnect from reality might also be another reason why MC is running away from nostalgia so desperately. They need to focus on what’s ahead, not what’s behind, though they can’t seem to help wandering off and getting lost inside their head, as we’ve seen in their narration in the demo.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur  
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