#ao3 comment fuckery
shanastoryteller · 8 months
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this ask pissed me off so much that i answered it publicly without realizing it wasn't an anon. my bad
on the plus side, they're blocked! so now they don't have to worry about keeping up with my prompts at all!
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fanby-fckry · 4 months
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Hey, don’t… don’t do this?
I tagged this fic as both smut and angst for a reason. There are multiple scenes dedicated to domdrop and subdrop, as well as one specifically dedicated to angsty pining. There’s just as much angst as there is smut, and again, I tagged both.
Please heed the tags and don’t make demands of fic writers like this. It’s really discouraging. I tagged this fic correctly. If you want to read something different, then go read that instead. There’s no need to leave comments like this.
I might be misinterpreting the tone on this, but yeah… I’m not approving this comment. I don’t wanna see this when I’m rereading comments.
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lifblogs · 5 days
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by: @just-here-with-my-thoughts (I feel so honored, thank you! And I really am dying to read Welcome to the Outpost.)
These answers will probably involve a range of fandoms.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily The Bad Batch now, maybe Clone Wars here and there. My fandom writing migrates. Used to be Doctor Who, then Supernatural, then The Clone Wars, and Rebels.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Apparently my top 5 are fics I don’t even care about anymore. *sigh* Not providing links because of how meh I am about these.
1. Morningstar (Chilling Adventures of Sabrina),
2. Take Me Home (I actually didn’t realize this was in my top 5), it’s a Supernatural fic),
3. Take Me to Church (Supernatural),
4. Deal (I believe this is an Avatar: The Last Airbender crack fic based off of incorrect quotes), and
5. Ineffable (Good Omens).
5. Do you respond to comments?
Most definitely!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely either Bleeding Reality, or In the Dark.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Definitely May I Have This Dance? Oh, how I adore that fic. I wrote it based on art I love so much, and the artist even let me put their art in the fic!!
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Used to years ago, so now I still feel dread in the pit of my stomach when I get an AO3 comment email. The dread thankfully doesn’t show up all the time now.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh, hell yeah, I do! Not sure about what kind. It’s just, I don’t know, smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I do not.
11. Which fic are you proud of but wish had gotten a bigger response from your readers?
Maybe The World Goes Cold? But I am maybe releasing chapters too slowly, so I guess it makes sense the response isn’t as big.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think I’ve had a couple translated into Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I tried to do so with my brother a couple of times, but we never finished them. I don’t think either of us really understand how the co-writing process works.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Tbh, I always feel the most when I think about or see anything involving Whoufflé/Whouffaldi from Doctor Who. They were my OTP from 2013 to 2016. Might still be the case!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
You know, I had ones I did want to finish, but now, I’m not even sure I want to.
Still, I guess Blackout, and Three Birds, One Stone held a lot of my attention for a few years. But with the fic content now being triggering for me, and with a brain injury, I feel as if I may have moved on.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I have been told my descriptions are incredibly visceral, and I might agree. I’ve been on the edge of my seat or emotional more than a few times during my editing process. I also like to consider the fact that I’m writing at all a strength given I have a brain injury that gives me memory problems and aphasia.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Well, I’d say say the memory problems and aphasia cause some weaknesses. I have caught a couple weirdly-worded errors and it’s slightly embarrassing. Does Omega shredding my outline multiple times count as a weakness? lol I suppose another weakess is spelling and forgetting words and struggling to find the right words. I often have to look things up. But as far as things like description, dialogue… I’m not sure I struggle there.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
I’d take a crack at French! I used to be able to read and write in French very easily.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The Lord of the Rings. I was 8.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Probably Brother, Hold Me Up, and it’s still going!
Tagging: @evilwriter37, @envydean, @cascigarette, and @clownery-and-fuckery
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arinrowan · 2 years
deadcatwithaflamethrower and fundraising
Recently, I have seen deadcatwithaflamethrower commenting on a lot of posts (I have her blocked but her reblogs still show up on my dash). Her contributions have been casual, positive statements, vague comments, just general stuff that makes it seem like she’s a nice and interesting person you might want to follow. Here’s why that’s a problem.  
In July she was temporarily suspended from AO3 for multiple counts of violating the no monetization policy. She handled this with quiet dignity and – who am I kidding, she threw a massive temper tantrum, threatened to delete all her work, and claimed all of this was part of a conspiracy targeting her and triggering medical grade shock. Some abuse allegations from deadcatwithaflamethrower were disclosed at about the same time, which resulted in further spiraling (documentation below).  
Thanksgiving weekend, she posted to her blog saying she’s planning to sue OTW. There have also been indirect comments about getting a restraining order against the person who made the abuse allegations. As that person lives in a different state than deadcatwithaflamethrower and has not spoken to her in four years, wishing her the best of luck with that.  
The most obvious reason deadcatwithaflamethrower is posting about her plans for legal action is she’s going to be doing fundraising. She’s raised over $90,000 via Ko-fi in the past (documentation below), and I suspect having her AO3 account temporarily suspended and the fallout from her behaviour in July has been impacting her cash flow. She’s likely setting things up to rehabilitate her image on tumblr before posting about how expensive legal funds ended up being, how unfair this is, and asking for contributions.  
Don’t give this person money. Don’t give this person attention. Don’t reblog posts from her that might get more people involved with her. This isn’t cancel culture, or bullying, this is actions having consequences.  
Following blog for more comprehensive documentation on her behaviour with dates and names: 
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kawaiikenna · 2 years
@leap-ing @elithemiar-blog @halfblackwolfdemon @winged-scaly-attic-dweller @spideypools @redfoxtail26 @manapeer @8000fangirl @antagonistly @all-eyes-no-dragon @mysticalcomputerdetective @01101010-01100001-01111001 @stealingyourbones
Hopefully that’s everyone. Anyways, here’s chapter two! Drop a kudos and comment over on ao3: Under the Earth; Far from Home. Angst, panic attacks, being buried alive, ptsd flashbacks, as well as depictions of a severely malnourished and emancipated Danny ahead. If any of this triggers you please be careful!
Jason had been ignoring the signs. The itch to go riding that would inevitably end at the cemetery where he had been buried. The feeling like he had something to do there. Some kind of unfinished business that he couldn’t remember. The amount of trauma that was linked with the place made it…difficult, for Jason to even think about going past the cemetery gates.
Both Dick and Tim had gone in to see if they could find anything. They didn’t and Jason tried to put the whole thing behind him. To forget about the whole ordeal. But something kept pulling him back. Now two weeks after he initially started feeling the strange pulling, Jason is standing before the gates. He stares at the wrought iron with a slight distain.
He takes a deep breath and pushes past the gates and into the cemetery. His burial plot was in the southeast corner. So he made his way over to it, hoping that it would make these feelings finally settle. As he passed row upon row of headstones, the feelings did not settle. If anything, something stirred in his chest. Something fearful and desperate. Jason was about to turn around and give up when something caught his eye.
Tucked away in an unkempt corner was a very recent grave. Initially he thought it was unmarked but upon a closer look Jason found a wooden plaque sunken into the muddy ground. It had hastily carved words; ‘To our beloved son. We wish we had known sooner.’
Jason picked up and turned the plaque over to see if there was a name. There was none. Only the words he had seen before. He neatly places the plaque back at the head of the grave.
“Your parents must have loved you a lot buddy.” Jason says, his emotions settling just a bit in his chest. “I hope you rest in peace.”
And as he was turning to leave, something happened. It was like the barest of whispers spoken directly into his mind. Quiet but desperate all the same.
Jason turns back towards the fresh grave. He doesn’t know why he did it, but he responded. Not really in words, more of a wave of morbid curiosity. The answering response he got nearly knocked him off his feet.
Help, help, buried, not dead, alive, alive, ALIVE.
An instant wave of panic took over his senses. Suddenly Jason was back in his own casket. Buried underground with no hope of help or rescue. Left alone to suffocate and die a second time.
He was on his knees clawing at the dirt before he knew what he was doing.
Alive, help, coming, safe?
He waited on baited breath. Hoping for a response. Anything that would tell him that the boy buried there was still clinging to life. The further he dug into the dirt the more desperate he became. It had rained recently, just the night prior, so the dirt had become heavy and sloppy. Even with it being freshly turned, the rain had packed it down some. Making it much more difficult to dig through.
No, no, hurt, alive, hurt.
Jason screams into the empty cemetery. He roughly shucks off his motorcycle jacket and his shirt. Leaving him in his boots, jeans, and white tank top. Tiny rocks and dirt shove themselves under his fingernails as he shovels and scoops dirt, throwing it haphazardly, only caring about hopefully, possibly saving the boy.
Jason continued to send mental waves of help and safety through whatever mind fuckery this was. With every desperate cry for help, he became more frenzied and desperate himself. Soon, far too soon, he hadn’t dug even two feet into the ground, he made first contact with the casket. What he wasn’t expecting was to be shocked and for green sparks to shoot out from the box in the ground. Jason pushes past it though. It wasn’t too painful, more of like the kind of static shock you would get as a kid playing on the trampoline. Slowly, too slowly, he uncovered more and more of the box. He had finally uncovered most of it when he noticed a sliding hatch closer to the head of the coffin-like box.
He was not prepared for what he saw on the other side of this tiny window. Blue eyes with a green shine stared up at him. Tear tracks running down his face, glowing a strange green. Black hair limp and lifeless, flopped to one side of the kid’s face. Skeletal hands and fingers pressed up against the mockery of a window as green sparks flitted about. A gaunt, skeletal frame shaking from the constant shock.
Jason hesitated for only a moment before nearly ripping the lid off of the coffin. Hydraulic hinges squealing in protest as stale air flooded out of the box. There was soft sobbing coming from the teen. Jason gently picked him up and pulled him out of the tiny prison. The teen shook in his arms but held tightly to Jason as if his very being depended on it. He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans with only socks on his feet. Everything was far too baggy on the boy, only testifying further that he was severely dehydrated and malnourished.
Jason whispered consoling words. What they meant he didn’t know, because at that moment the panic had finally swept him up. Flashbacks and anxiety threatened to swallow him up completely but was staved off by the quivering teen in his arms. It grounded him enough to keep a tight hold on the teen.
Jason wasn’t sure how long they had stayed down in the dug out grave. Long enough that the sky had turned from an almost dusky color to the city lightened smog of the night. The black haired teen had passed out into a deep sleep a while ago. When he had first fallen asleep Jason panicked, thinking that he had died. But a quick check showed that the teen was still breathing lightly and an impossibly slow heartbeat still thrummed in his chest.
Jason finally pulled them out of the somewhat shallow grave. He laid the teen in the grass and gathered up his clothing. Before he put his shirt back on, Jason chipped away all of the dried dirt on his arms. Anything that was still wet was scraped off and flicked into the grass. With his shirt back on he picks up his jacket and the teen, making their way back to his motorcycle by the gates.
He situated the teen to sit behind him on his bike. He used his jacket to secure the tiny, skeletal body to himself. Settling it over the sleeping teens shoulders then tying the sleeves around his own torso. Once Jason secured the teen as best he could, he took off into the night, phone ringing in his ear.
“Master Jason.” A prim and proper voice answered. “How can I help you this evening?”
“Hi Alfred. I’m going to need medical help.” Jason’s voice is gruff and water from the amount of screaming and tears he’s experienced in such a short time.
Alfred sighs. “What have you gotten yourself into that requires you to visit the Manor instead of your apartment?”
“I don’t need it. I found a boy buried alive in the same cemetery that I was buried in. He’s really weak, most likely severely dehydrated and malnourished. I-I’m not equipped to take care of something like this.” His voice is breaking slightly.
There was a moment of silence. The only sounds Jason could hear were the wind screaming in his ears and the muffled sounds of traffic. The panic he had shoved into the furthest darkest corner of his mind was starting to creep into his thoughts again.
“Alright. Bring him straight into the cave. I’ll have a bed ready for him and I’ll call Dr. Leslie in. I may be able to do many things, this however seems like a situation we need a professional opinion on.”
“Kay. I’ll see you then.”
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ejunkiet · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Game
tagged by the wonderful @autisticempathydaemon (chrissy my beloved <33 also you HAVE to let me know if you start writing for castleaudios >:3)
tagging - you, reading this!! also (no pressure!): @dominimoonbeam @glassbearclock @taelonsamada @romirola @lovelylonerliterature @genginger @ninzied @evilbunnyking @nerdierholler @commander-krios @chroniclesinlacuna @kesla @mordinette @garglyswoof @nagia-pronounced-neijia
1 - How many works do you have on AO3?
oh god, 128! but this is an underestimate, because i've anon'd some older fics/fandoms hehehe. i've been 'round ao3 since 2012!
2 - What's your total AO3 word count?
498,649... now this is actually accurate. 300k of that is from 2020 until now. basically the pandemic got me on a writing kick.
3 - What fandoms do you write for?
SO MANY. 19 according to ao3, but right now? baldurs gate & redacted audios >:3 there is another halsin fic in the works...
4 - What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
oh god. okay. you'll get some older fics here: 1. got me on my best (bad) behaviour 2. Call me scent o' mental, but I'm crazy about you (teen wolf....) 3. all bark, no bite 4. devils and ghosts (frank castle / karen page!! love this one heh) 5. sweeter than honey (ofc halsin makes it ahaha)
5 - Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
YES. there are only a few exceptions, when I've written something that touches close to home / a sensitive topic.
6 - What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmm...bittersweet endings were my wheelhouse for a long time. OKAY. let's do this one: too little, too late. caroline forbes and klaus mikaelson, set at the end of the originals. yeah.
7 -What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
....nowadays, I mostly write happier endings sadhfjk lets go with: bioluminescence, which follows on from the events of blood moon (@/barbwrites) and takes marco on a roadtrip to see luminescent algae up close and personal. (it's a loveletter to a summer I spent in california during a really difficult period of my life, and this fic means a lot to me <3)
8 - Do you get hate on fics?
I've not gotten hate, but I've definitely had some interesting comments over the years, for a variety of reasons, usually to do with the person's personal views. (one story had the main character smoking pot to calm their anxiety, and someone was not happy with that)
9 - Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
YEP. Smut with feelings is my FAVOURITE thing. I prefer sensual descriptions, because it is all about feelings and sensations with me. as an ace writer, I also like kink and monster fuckery heheheh.
10 - Do you write crossovers?
Not at all ahahahaha. Have I ever written a crossover? I don't think so. I love AUs though, and pacific rim AUs are one of my favourite concepts in fandom.
11 - Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, and it was teen wolf, and honestly not one of my best. it was a hatchet job, they took random paragraphs and spliced it / wrote around it? someone flagged it to me in a comment, and it was taken down. all in all, a very weird experience.
12 - Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but gosh, that'd be cool! <- stealing from lexi, agreed, would be awesome <3
13 - Have you ever co-written a fic before?
YES. It was FUN. It was a series of conversations between an estranged father and son, Colm and Milo Greer, with the incredibly talented @frenchiefitzhere (also tagging you for this meme!!). it's still one of my favourite things: An Honest Man Like Yourself
14 - What's your all time favorite ship?
ALL TIME FAVOURITE? How dare you. I love all my ships afjkdsfg Shakarian is pretty high up there. Kastle (karen page/ frank castle). All the werewolves from redacted. <3
15 - What's a WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
ahhhh. okay. 'wander. wonder.' my poly longfic. don't hate me, but honestly, I've just not got the space for a longfic at the moment. never say never, but I've caught up with the chapters I had worked up, everything else is a vague outline. <3
16 - What are your writing strengths?
oof. I want to say character. most of the fun for me when writing is getting inside a characters head and figuring out their voice >:3
17 - What are your writing weaknesses?
Structuring longer, multi-chaptered stories - basically figuring out the pacing of it. I'm working on an original project, and I love it, but the first series of major edits will be breaking up my alternating POV sections into proper chapter breaks and letting myself linger more in moments instead of pushing forward (habits of a oneshot writer fdsds)
18 - Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I've been meaning to have my estonian friend critique my estonian, but I'm pretty positive the 'bond' I referred to is actually the money kind, and not the emotional attachment I'd been hoping to refer to hfjdkssfdg. I do as much research as I can, but it's best to run it past someone who speaks the language!
19 - First fandom you wrote for?
hehehehe naruto. yep. I was a naruto kid. first posted online in 2007......
20 - Favorite fic you've written?
WHAT A QUESTION. honestly, I love what I have been writing the last three years. I've really let myself just write what I want to read, and it's been great. i'm going to cheat, and say the original project I'm working on that I won't let anyone see heheheh. <3 it's got werewolves, kink and explicit consent, and spun out a whole verse for me to play with (and a fun MMF sidestory that I also need to finish...)
gods this got LONG. Thank you for making it this far!! <3
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padfootastic · 10 months
hi! i've no idea how i came to your page but i realised i'd read two of your one-shots in ao3 before and had adored them (you'll probably get comments from me in future, btw) and i just wanted to say thank you for your writing and thank you for your prongsfoot<3
i've been very critical of this sort of new, cool and aloof and martyred version of remus lupin for quite a while now (honestly, where did all those traits come from?!) and gosh, you're so eloquent when talking about him!!!
i was wondering what your thoughts were on regulus black? because i think he's getting the same sort of royalty treatment as remus does by making him sort of-- er, perfect? i mean. i've seen so much recently of him basically saving the world single-handedly and i-- ugh. and james is always just there, like a useless idiot? it makes me irrationally angry, and this is coming from someone who enjoys jegulus quite a bit. my problem is that i don't know if this rejection i feel against those two comes from a place of genuine dislike of them or from a place of wishing sirius and james were not done so dirty.
anyway, again, thank you for your writing. it's truly beautiful. hope you have a great day!
omg hello 🥺 i’ve periodically opened tumblr, giggling like a loon, and logging off multiple times just to see this ask,,,,thank u sm , ur way too kind <3 and ur comment on ao3!!! i was just,,,,yeah,,,no words. thank u.
ooooooh i remember being asked something similar a while ago and i took the safe route and basically went ‘remus lupin-ification of regulus’ iirc. that still stands. but but. i’ve also got another answer here! all hail tumblr’s search system today!
i still basically stand by all of it, but adding onto the jegulus + sirius bits of it:
annoys tf outta me when regulus is turned into a victim and like sirius damned him to hell when he left . i have thoughts about the way both of them were treated (which,,,another time,,,this post is already getting too long lol) but i imagine the day sirius left to be a Good One for reg bc he thinks he’ll have his parents undivided attention now. i also think regulus is severely defanged in a lot of characterisations, as if he wasn’t a baby DE, as if he wasn’t a slytherin from the house of black, as if he wasn’t walmart sirius black. like man i’m almost offended on his behalf. i’m sure his shaking his lil fist up at us from wherever he is.
with jegulus…okay, i’ve only read a couple oneshots but that doesn’t mean i haven’t tried. i genuinely went thru so many fics trying to get something, anything to stick and i think the problem is me. fully. completely. without doubt. i just can’t deal with a situation where j&s aren’t each others no.1, or at the very least, equivalent to that. that’s where my issues w wolfstar started, same w this. jegulus also has the added horror of ‘james and reg sneaking behind sirius’ back’ which is just,,,,gosh,,,,i have So Many Thoughts ab that. all personal opinions, but still. they’re strong. it fucks me up just thinking about it. i also think the ship tries wayyyy too hard to fit the ‘best friend’s brother’ trope and ends up sacrificing characterisation for it. which,,,again,,,that’s fine but it’s all the ‘oh this is how it was!’ that gets to me. and then james :/// he gives off such weird energy lol. jegulus gives me drarry vibes, and james is treated almost exactly as harry is in a lot of those. reg also gets the saviour treatment, like draco, and both of their fuckery is toned down until they’re almost normal, like they never did any reprehensible shit. j&r, and d&h are placed on the same moral equivalence and it’s just a bit. hmm. okay. (my issue with this is how it leaks into the writing and suddenly i’m made to sympathise with draco bc harry slashed him w sectumsempra, but we conveniently forget he was gonna use an unforgivable, ykno?) so overall it just feels…pushing reg up and pulling james down to get them on equal footing. very similar to wolfstar lbr.
anyway. that’s a ramble and a half lmao.
also!! ‘a place of genuine dislike of them or from a place of wishing sirius and james were not done so dirty’ in my mind, both of these occupy a similar plane of existence. so very valid. for me, personally, hating remrem started as the latter and i eventually realised it’s also the former lol i was just mad a how sirius is bastardised to justify his ~deification and it eventually moved on to ‘wow i just. do not like him’. damn.
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catcucumber-salad · 5 days
Everyone, I regret to announce I have officially lost access to my AO3 account
I don't know how or WHY, but I just can't log back in, so I can no longer update works or reply to comments on there.
However, today I've sent an invitation request for another account, so I should be back to posting on June 8th.
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90stvqueen · 5 months
I was tagged by @tunemyart in 20 Questions for Fic Writers like a week ago and I just now saw it so THANK YOU FRIEND
How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Xena: Warrior Princess (14 works)
Abbott Elementary (10 works)
The X-Files (2 works)
Stranger Things (1 work, is an outlier adn should not be counted bc I wrote it to meditate on internalized homophobia and not bc I ship it)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
say it again (Stranger Things LOL)
remind me tomorrow (Xena)
succ (Xena)
Fritole (Abbott)
No Matter What (Xena)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to! It depends on how swamped I am with life stuff, but I like responding to comments because for me, writing is about starting a conversation and building community and connecting.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Depends on how you define angst but probably the fic with the angstiest throughline (like, it starts angsty, stays angsty, ends angsty) is glory glory glory to the night that shows me what i am (Abbott Elementary). But I think the best angst I've written is probably After (also Abbott) because it's a smutty slow-motion trainwreck.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
take these years of mine (Abbott) is probably the happiest thing I've ever written, period. remind me tomorrow has the happiest ending (and is the most lighthearted) of all my Xena fic.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, but sometimes I get demands for more or for specific plotlines. I worry that if (and WHEN) I don't follow those requested/expected plotlines, there might be some pushback.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Almost exclusively. Although I've been branching out a little more. But yeah. Mostly F/F, some F/F/M and F/F/F, also a decent amount of gender fuckery in various configurations. I would say my smut leans more vanilla, but I've written some kink, and there are definitely elements of kink in some of the vanilla stuff, too.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I do not write crossovers. Maybe someday. But probably not, unless it's purely for the lols
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
God I hope not! Not that I'm aware of!!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Somebody asked me if they could translate my fic once, but I don't remember what the fic was, and I don't think it ever actually happened. Would love that, though!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Lots and lots. My first big foray into cowriting was with @angelsarenamederika, with whom I wrote a massive amount of trans!Mulder X-Files fic that we never posted anywhere but was an absolute blast to work on. I'm also working on a 5+1 piece for the Work Wives (Abbott) fandom with @the-frankenman-writes, @this-barbie, @katiehoughton, @wolf-government, and @vanillabeanwrites. OH AND! @deirdresart adapted Eromenas into a comic and it's AMAZING.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I refuse to answer this question. I WILL FINISH ALL MY WIPS SO HELP ME GOD
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and interpersonal dynamics and internal reflection (or, in unreliable narrators, lack thereof)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Stealing @tunemyart's response word for word here: Action, movement, and description of setting. I'm really trying to get better about grounding the characters in the world around them instead of some nebulous room. Also writing action without getting bogged down in unnecessary details. It's hard!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Maybe if you know the language and it serves the story or the way the story is being told. Never say never, but it's not something I usually do, because I don't ever really have a reason for it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter lol
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Right now, it's After. I worked so hard on it and I learned a lot writing it and I found a community (partially) because of it! I think it's just a really satisfying, angsty/bittersweet read, start to finish. Honorable mention to Eromenas (again plugging the comic here) and five times it was quiet and once it was loud.
This was fun! I'm tagging the people I've already tagged in this (my dear friends and collaborators) and anyone else who might want to do this <3
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ghuleh-recs · 5 months
I dunno if you help find lost fics but I am totally blanking on this one and thought I’d ask. I must’ve read it on tumblr because it’s not in my ao3 history. It was this kind of mind-fuckery fire dew x water dew? It made me cry? Like water dew appeared in a dream (or was it) and helped fire dew with his self-hatred? I was thinking about it again lol and thought I’d ask you because it’s driving me crazy lol thanks in advance 🩵
Ooohhoho I’ve so got you, anon. Don’t you worry. You’re thinking of Terrors of the Night by the iconic @st-danger. That fic changed me at a cellular level. I’m so normal about it that I’m actually chipping away at some fanart for it as we speak! 😅 Now go forth and bookmark/leave kudos & comments, my friend ♡
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
got someone complaining about the Dumbledore / Nicolas Flamel relationship bc Nic met him as a teenager even though their romantic relationship didn't begin until he was 34
Putting this on the shelf next to "McGonagall/Tom Riddle is problematic because of the age gap"
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hugogetsrawed · 4 months
TVA archive anon again yes that is what I meant thank you! Sorry I wasn't clear enough in my first ask, I'm just a bit intrigued by the local fandom cryptid and don't know where to do research
No worries!! I can give you a quick overview of what happened (to the best of my knowledge) and places you can look for remnants of the Tall Varian anon.
The Tall Varian anon started posting under NSFW fics on ao3 that featured bottom Varian. (It's important to note that the Tall Varian anon and the Top Varian anon are the same person btw!)
They hit up a few top Varian fics, praising them for having that and begging for more material. These are mostly under "Anon Guest" users, but I think DAVIDOFF and Sararar were the pseudonyms they transitioned into using.
I'm pretty sure if you search Varigo on ao3 and filter it out to Explicit fics, you'll find a comment under one of those two names about it, so I would start there. It's mostly smaller comments like "this is actually good" or "why won't people write Top Varian?" until beloved fandom author PornOnTheCob declared open season on them in their comment section on I THINK their valentine's day fic in 2022 (?). After that it migrated to Tumblr and became way more hostile.
There was an incident where they posted under EVERY SINGLE Varigo authors' works (including non tts/vat7k fics) about how Varigo was a cult (these might be deleted, but I still have screenshots somewhere).
It's harder to search on Tumblr bc the search system is stupid and broken, but there were a million incidents on my main (@whothefuckisknives), and I'm pretty sure other blogs got hit up too (I wouldn't know tho bc I only knew a couple of ppl in the fandom at the time and we were in a Discord groupchat, not really on Tumblr).
Currently, they do have a Tumblr blog, but they have most ppl in the fandom blocked which is awesome for us tbh. I think they interact with 3 ppl tops.
One note to add, you'll probably find a lot of Tall Varian/Top Varian comments under Cheerio, HOWEVER you'll also find nice comments too. That's bc Cheerio was actually someone else, but Tall Varian anon started impersonating them to cause drama (I know this btw bc I knew who the original Cheerio was and they ended up making an AO3 account). So if you see Cheerio in the comment section during the Porn0nTheCob fights, that's not Tall Varian anon.
There's a bunch of other pseudonymous they used too, like Anali, Dan, Duchess de L'ciel, Rioteer, gds, and Lady [something?? i don't remember it but I think it began with an "A"]. They've gone through a couple of Tumblr blogs too that got deleted or banned too. The only one's I can remember is @imapervertedtangledfan (deleted, but you might be able to find it via archieve/waybackmachine fuckery), @/aliciasinferno (this one is still a little bit active).
Actually here's a really funny call out post that THEY POSTED ABOUT THEMSELVES to try and throw ppl off their trail (didn't work):
It has the names of all the blogs and some of the AO3 names they've used which is. Really really funny.
Anyway, those are some places where you can start looking! Its a really weird deep dive fr one you get into it. They're also still active on their current Tumblr, but I'm not comfortable with naming them outside of DMS bc I don't want them up my ass again.
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sweetsweetjellybean · 2 years
In The Cold November Rain Part 9 *18+ MDNI*
Eddie Munson/FemReader Steve Harrington/FemReader
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TW: Story runs congruent to events in the show. If you know what happens in season 4, then you'll know how this will end *Be warned.* 18+ Eventually Smut, Angst, High School Fuckery, Drinking, Drugs Let me know if I miss any. NSFW Lots-o-smut
Can you have two great loves in a lifetime? 
You've had the ideal childhood in Hawkins with your best friend & protector Steve Harrington. When it's ripped away, can you pick up the pieces? Eddie Munson may be able to help.
A story about the pain of growing up, unrequited love, and loss.
Part 9/13 Masterlist Ao3
AN: This is a short one but my favorite part. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I am beyond grateful to everyone who has read. Your comments, reblogs, and likes mean more than I could express in writing.
Sincerest Thanks To @loveshotzz who can be found most evenings & weekends in Eddie's bed.
Inspired by @loveshotzz & notes by @eddieandbird​
A letter of early acceptance to Purdue arrived one cold afternoon in January. Your mother cried, and your dad gave you one of his big bear hugs. All you could do is stare at the words in shock. You were leaving Hawkins. The Purdue campus was in West Lafayette. Roughly a hundred and eighty-six miles from Eddie. The undefined and easy relationship you shared suddenly became vastly complex. Before you got the courage to tell him, the guidance counselor posted a list of Purdue attendees on the bulletin board outside the office. Eddie was standing in front of it, his fingers skimming the names when you came out of American history. His head turned, and his eyes caught yours as other students passed between you on their way to the next class. His face remained neutral before he turned and walked in the opposite direction. He wasn't at lunch, and no one at your table knew where he was. 
The snow makes a crunching sound under your boots as you tromp through the woods behind the school. It's pretty here. Quiet. A fresh coat from the storm last night makes everything sparkle like it's covered in glitter. A short gust of cold air blows through trees as you approach the clearing. Eddie is sitting at the picnic table alone, smoking, wearing a green beanie that matches his plaid scarf. His leather jacket zipped up tight, trapping his body heat inside.
"What are you doing out here, Princess? It's too cold out for you. Be a good girl and go back inside."
"It's too cold out here for you, too," you say, enclosing his red fingers between your mittened hands. "Come inside with me, and I'll give you half my turkey sandwich. I think my mom might have packed some of those pretzels you like so much."
"I can't," he says, standing. "I have somewhere to be."
"Where are you going?" You ask, following him through the woods towards the student parking. 
"Since when do I answer to you, Your Highness?"
His black boots leave behind deep footprints, and you try stepping where he walked. 
"Are you fucking skipping class again?" He stops suddenly, and you run into his back.
Careful, Princess. You're starting to sound like a sailor." He says over his shoulder before he starts walking again. 
"So, where are you going?" You ask again, resuming your game, hoping in and out of the holes in the snow. 
"Rick got some new product. I need to stock up before the weekend."
"And that's more important than school?" 
"Yeah, it is. That's how I make money. Not all of us have Daddy's credit card." 
"If you need money I-" 
He cuts you off and spins around so quickly you almost lose your balance. 
"Don't even fucking finish that sentence, Sweetheart. I don't want a fucking thing from you. You got it! Not a fucking thing!" He yells.
"If you keep missing class, you're not going to graduate." He looks at you incredulously and steps closer, crowding into your space. 
"What do you care? You're gonna be out here so fast that your graduation cap will spin. Off to Purdue. Hawkins will be dust in the rearview, just like everyone in it. Good for you. God knows you are too good for this town."
"I thought…maybe…Can you come with me?" You look at your feet when you ask and push the snow around with the toe of your boot. He laughs in your face. "What the hell am I going to do in Lafayette?"
"People move all the time, Eddie. It's not that big of a deal."
"What reason would I have for moving?"
"I thought being with me might be enough." He starts moving again, and his van becomes visible through the trees. 
"Don't worry. I'm sure you won't have any trouble finding a roommate."
"That's not what I'm asking for, Eddie."
"Then what do you want? What the fuck do you want, Princess? I'm so fucking tired of guessing." The white puffs of his breath float in the air, and his loud voice bounces off the snow-covered trees. A few birds squawk in complaint and fly off. You stay silent. "Look, you don't need me to hold your hand, and I got shit going on here." 
"Why are you pushing me away?"
"I can't push you away if you already have one foot out the door. You're not my mother, and you're clearly not my girlfriend. The last thing I need is fucking nag." You've reached his van, and he opens his door and climbs in the driver's seat.
"I hate you right now." And you mean it. He said he wouldn't hurt you, and you're torn to pieces.
"I hate you too. You're acting like a bitch." He spits out as he slams the door and drives off. 
The rest of the day feels like you're underwater, your body fighting against the current. The voices of the people around you are muted and far away. When the last bell rings, you drive straight home. Crawling fully clothed into your bed, hiding under the covers. Oblivion is your comfort. When you don't come out for meals, your mother gets concerned. She yanks the bottom of your shade, and it springs up, flooding your room with light. Peeking out from under the comforter, you lie and say you're sick. Sleep is what you need. After she leaves, you pull the shade closed. Monday morning, you don't recognize yourself in the mirror. Matted hair and dull red-rimmed eyes reflect back at you. Eddie wasn't at school, it should have been a relief not to see him, but it just made you feel worse. After second period, you find a note in your locker.
I know I fucked up. Please come over after school. 
You don't wait that long. Grabbing your keys, you run to the parking lot. Through your half-frosted windshield, you can see Eddie sitting on the steps of his trailer like he planned to wait in the cold for you all afternoon. He rips open your door and drags you out before you can take the key out of the ignition. He pulls you to his chest, holding you tightly like he's afraid you'll float away. Clinging to him, you keep your eyes closed, absorbing his warmth, breathing him in. No words are spoken. There are no apologies, and there are none needed. You're telling each other everything you need to. It could have been ten minutes, but it felt like hours, standing together, your breaths turning to ice in the winter air. Finally, your deprived lips meet after being apart for too long. They seal in a kiss that nothing could have broken. He picks you up by the back of your thighs, and your legs wrap around his waist. Still kissing, he carries you inside.
You're on your back with your knees pushed to your ribs. He's inside you moving imperceptibly slow. Chests pressed together, hearts aligned, their rhythm changing to sync. The feel of his soft skin is hot under your fingertips, his muscles flexing and releasing while your arms hold him tight. It's impossible to be closer. Mouths open, just a fraction apart, trading kisses and swallowing each other's exhales. His gaze tethering you. Everything is heightened. The head of his cock dragging against your inner walls. Every place your slick skin touches, you're set ablaze. This feels different. He feels different, like he's cherishing you. You wonder if you're making love to him.
"Tell me what it would be like in Lafayette," he says, kissing a slow path up your jaw. Wet and open-mouthed tasting your skin. "Daydream for the both of us." Your hand moves to his ass, trying to press him in deeper on the upstrokes.
"We'll find a tiny apartment that we can barely afford. Maybe it will be over the bar where your band plays. I'll waitress there after class, and on weekends so I can listen. We'll be tripping over each other. We'll fight and yell. It will be hard to be together but so much worse to be apart. And at night. You can spend the night inside me."
"That sounds beautiful, Princess." He moves from your jaw to your temple.
"What's your dream?" you ask, pushing the hair from his face.
"You already know it. My dream was to be with you." He retakes your mouth, and you don't discuss it again.
Part 10
Tag List @boomhauer @onlyangel-444 @breehumbles @myobmaya @arsenicred @kiki17483 @stolen-in-moonlight @sometimesamysometimesjo @ladybug0095 @sammararaven
I'm happy to add you to the list!
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adickaboutspoons · 6 months
Fanfic Masterprint
(envinoveritas over on AO3. Why settle for just one pseud?) Dearly Beloved A comedy of errors based on this exchange. 8,241 words; Rated T
Something Weird A silly little ficlet in which Ed makes a proposition & Stede makes an assumption. 303 words; Rated T
Stede Sonnets I have a problem. It’s everyone’s problem now. An ever-expanding collection of sonnets. Let's say Rated M because some of them are kind of dirty.
Beautiful and Useless Missing scene; wound care after the Stab Me scene. 6,658 words; Rated T
Your Achilles Alternative Perspective Sequel of the events of "Beautiful and Useless." Longer and hornier. 10,038 words; Rated E Hook Head Man Tale Short one-shot resulting from an ofmd-daily challenge. 1,582 words; G-rated metafiction
Put Your Kraken Arms Around Me Inspired by @wearfinethingsalltoowell: Imagine Stede not knowing bed-sharing etiquette and so he rolls over to the side to give Ed space, and then Ed is just like “nope. I’m getting a hug Stede no escape”. 1,055 words; T-rated bedsharing fluff
And Hold Me And Touch Me Inspired by @wearfinethingsalltoowell: Imagine Ed getting giggly drunk, dropping into Stede’s lap, telling him how pretty he is, kissing him, giving him the baby cow eyes, asking for snuggles.
Now imagine it’s pre-reconciliation. 1,160 words; Rated T
Advanced Maneuvers Remember that scene where Ed taught Stede the "Unhand Me or Bleed" maneuver? No? Huh. 1st chapter rated T; can be read as a stand-alone. 2nd chapter rated E; written because I believe in rewarding lovely comments with smut. 9,190 words total
Timing is Everything Alternative Perspective Sequel to "Advanced Maneuvers." Wherein Ed decides to teach Stede the "Unhand me or bleed" maneuver. For purely altruistic reasons, and not at all because he was fucking desperate for an excuse to rub up against him. Yep. 15,172 words; ALL of it rated E because I believe in rewarding lovely comments with smut AND Ed Teach is thirsty af.
Holy Fuck Pretty much what it says on the tin; E-rated priest-kink sacrelicious smutty smut. 6,119 words Under Par From @jellybeanium124: is anyone gonna write a fic where ed and stede ditch a country club party together and steal a golf cart and write around drunk?? ed in a golf cart please! And @serious-goose: i raise you flirty cartgirl!Ed. if you know you know. they basically sell drinks and snacks to old rich dudes at golf courses and ride around on golf cart drink carts. some flirt for tips... 😏 All I can say is "Por que no los dos?" Modern AU. 4,237 words; Rated T
Time Enough From @let-me-dream-with-the-stars: If the show had enough of a budget, I had the idea yesterday of a moment where Stede and Ed trapped inside a room, maybe a sinking ship the revenge and the rooms filling with waterJust the ULTIMATE drama: trapped beneath a bookshelf? They have to keep pushing even as they are now underwater? One escapes and has to pull the other out as he's slowly becoming weak????????
3,889 words; Rated T
Unbelievable A response to @ofmd-dailyquest prompt: Make Up Unbelievable Stories about The Most Fearsome Pirate. 459 words; Rated T
Footsteps in the Dark Originally posted to tumblr in response to a post from @nicnacsnonsense: "No wait, Stede, come back! Tell me more about how you have Ed’s gait memorized." This is the story of how that happened. 1,052 words; Rated T
Like I Want to be Awake Alternative Perspective Sequel (that's my brand, baby) to "Footsteps in the Dark." Response to @nicnacsnonsence comment on that fic: "also tell me more about Ed’s horny fingertips 😏" 16,310 words; Rated E
When a Good Plan Comes Together based on this prompt:
Can you imagine the first time ed and stede does a huge fuckery together? Them getting to sit together and plan it all out with there heads close together leaning over their plans. Them getting ready for it together all giggly and excited and then executing it together all in sync. And after they will be so proud of each other. So proud of them. Kissing all full of adrenaline and the rush of the action. 1,077 words; Rated T
Spin Inspired by @wearfinethingsalltoowell's Spin the Bottle prompt.
Slight canon divergence where Jack busts out Spin the Bottle instead of Whippies part 2 at the end of "We Gull Way Back". 2,544 words; Rated T
The Stede That Stayed A quick little thing I jotted out while waiting for the new eps to drop. Now in the post-drop haze, I am delighted to say it is not canon-compliant.
Inspired by this prompt from @wearsfinethingsalltoowell:
"My favorite fic trope is Stede comes back in the middle of the night and Ed thinks it’s a dream and so they have sex. Then Stede’s still there in the morning and he is confused" 2,234 words; Rated E
The Devil’s Panties When Stede falls ill, Ed takes it upon himself to find out what he can about the strange, glowing flower that made his friend sick and to find a cure for his malady. It sounds so innocent and wholesome, doesn’t it? j/k; It’s a sex-pollen story. 14,023 words; Rated E
Microfiction (tag novels and plot bunnies): 1985 (a dream I had that maybe will one day become an AU?) “In the Closet” a tag novel “Florida Man” a CJ tag-novel “Arm’s Length” a post-reunion, pre-reconciliation tag novel “Fine” an S2 wedding tag novel “Falling into Sunlight” a different S2 wedding tag novel “It’s Easy” a pr0ny tag novel “The Very Model” a Pirates of Penzance X-over tag novel “Can’t Hardly Weight” a gym-based AU tag novel “To the Mattresses” “Stacked” a cosplay-inspired library-centric tag novel “Let Me Check You Out” a sexy librarian AU tag novel “On the Edge of A Knife” a noir-style tag novel that I swear I’m actually going to write one day
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just-antithings · 2 months
a lil late to the F/F content conversation but yeah, i don't write F/F because i'm a gay man and most of the stuff i write is sexual, and honestly, F/F doesn't get me going. but i entirely support it being made, i'll read non-NSFW of it and support it and comment positively, but i'm not into women. but when i was around antis, a lot of them would be extremely passionate about "people should write more femslash!" and then write none themselves, just using that as a way to get angry at AO3. like i love and support femslash authors, but i am clearly not the person to get angry at for not writing femslash... and using the lack of femslash to get angry at AO3 just spits on the hard work of AO3 femslash warriors. sometimes one must make the content they want themselves
Same, I don't make or read/watch femslash because I'm not a woman (like that's probably the only thing I'm not, weird gender fuckery and all) femslash makes me dysphoric. Plus, this is a hobby. You can't force people to make content you want. That's not how fandom works. Either commission or write it yourself.
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a-little-unsteddie · 9 months
not to like, hop on the fuck tumblr train that’s been going around but choo choo motherfuckers i have an idea for a social media platform that will be completely feral. if you know coding (bc i do not) and you want to actually genuinely help with this let me know!! because i think i have something fun here.
at the beginning of the most recent wave of stupid updates that tumblr has so wonderfully (/s) supplied us, and when twitter became x, i realized that there’s kind of a gap in the market of a genuinely good social media platform and i was split between two options in my head.
Orbital, a “serious” social media platform that would have a lot of themes around space and take itself seriously as a genuine competitor for the virtual black hole that x and instagram and facebook has left over the last few years.
or Foolery, a less serious social media platform that would not take itself seriously and lean into the fuckery that is tumblr and twitter and somehow combine them, with themes around the circus and other performative careers.
can you guess which one i want to do?
(Foolery, it’s Foolery. i am obsessed with this stupid idea.)
so, i have put some thought into this. like, not a lot, but more than none! here is a few of the basics that i have thought about:
The sign-in/sign-up page would have a randomized slogan from a list of however many we come up with. ‘Welcome to the show’, ‘a place for tricks and treats’, ‘a place filled with shenanigans’ etc
Home Icon - a big top circus tent, where you would end up doom scrolling content. this would have two different modes, similar to tumblr, it would default to chronological, but you could also chose to participate in an algorithm.
Profile Icon - a clown nose, on desktop every time you click on it, it honks like a clown nose does. view your account here.
Creating a post would be called ‘Create an Act’ with different forms available—text, picture, video, poll, etc. the icon for this would be a quill.
Followers would be labeled as the Audience, which would be toggle-able, by default this is set to private, which means that only the owner of the account would be able to see the number, but can be turned public. There would also be an option to just list your Troupe, which would be your mutuals.
There are three admin accounts—Tom, Foolery, and Tomfoolery. Foolery is the publicity, Tom is the cryptid user that appears randomly to comment on peoples post, and Tomfoolery is updates, polling, feedback, etc.
Tickets are notifications as a whole—how many interactions with the post there are, whether that’s likes (peanuts), reposts (unnamed, maybe just reposts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯), comments, etc.
Peanuts are likes. It means you enjoyed the Act (post). maybe feeds the algorithm.?
Golden Tickets are similar to blaze—you can use a Golden Ticket to boost an Act, whether it’s your own or another person’s, so it shows up as a recommended Act for more people in the same fandom/side of Foolery.
now onto the even less thought out ideas, but things that have been on my mind:
I want there to be a tagging system similar to tumblr, but a filtering system similar to ao3? idk if that makes sense, but my basic thoughts are: +tags are used to add to a certain tag and can be searched using that tag. -tags are used to exclude that tag, and can be used to avoid the tag itself. (ex. a post tagged with ‘+steddie’ would be able to be searched using the tag, but a post tagged ‘-steddie’ would specifically be excluded from that tag, but still used as a kind of ‘content warning’ type thing, like ‘-tw blood’ or something similar)
Tragedy/Comedy masks? idk what for, but i think they’d be fun.
Jester Hat - used to signify ‘official’ accounts? i doubt companies or celebrities would use Foolery because obviously but like. just in case, we can publicly shame them for using the literal clown app.
porn. nudity. whatever. nsfw SAFE babes. all your porn is welcome.
anti-ai sorry not really lol
and that’s all the thinking i’ve done about it. but like. i think it would be fun to create, i just don’t have the knowledge nor the resources to actually create a website or app. and if you couldn’t tell, it’s definitely slightly inspired by tumblr minus all of the bs that it’s doing lmao.
so. dm me ig? if you wanna do anything with this? i warn you now: idk what i am doing. i don’t have a discord set up or anything. and! nothing will probably come out of this. however!! it might be a fun project to fuck around with. my roommate is trying to learn coding and one of my closest online friends is in college for it, but i know nothing about it whatsoever and i think that we three people cannot do this alone.
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