#apparently he was like a super strong boss?
aychama · 9 months
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I killed Kallamar in like 2 seconds, skipping his dialog and everything because 3 of my cult members died and I just wanted to get back as soon as possible lmao-
What even is consistent art style?
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chaoticace2005 · 7 months
The list of regrets I totally have and am not just writing because Charlie is making me, Vagina Vaggie is glaring at me, and I want the free rent:
By Angel Dust, 3 time X-X-X award winner.
(Warning, there is some victim blaming in this. The abuse Angel faces from Val is not his fault, but given that I’m writing this from his perspective I figured it would be something he’d add.)
1. Writing this list
2. Verbally complaining about writing this list cause now Vagina wants to stab me.
3. Only taking half my usual hit before starting today.
4. Complaining about not being high enough.
5. Not hiding my drugs better
6. Not having more stashes of drugs
7. Calling TV superior to radio.
8. Not killing that snake before he had a chance to go to the hotel.
9. Not “trying hard enough” at this shitty hotel.
10. Being too close to roof so the CRAZY BITCH COULD THROW ME OFF OF IT.
11. Walking up the stairs with Pentious only to have to go IMMEDIATELY BACK DOWN.
12. Signing my deal with fucking Valentino. Seriously I’m a fucking idiot.
13. Even suggesting the idea that Charlie should come to the studio. She’s just going to get hurt.
14. Mouthing off to Val.
15. Not getting Charlie out of the hotel sooner
16. Being such a pathetic, dick sucking ho who isn’t good at anything beyond sex.
17. Not being able to take all of this.
18. Not acting well enough cause some this bitchass cat is seeing through me.
19. Ever offering that bitchass cat my services.
20. Pushing Husk’s boundaries
21. Not being my true self.
22. Acting for so long I don’t even really know who my true self is
23. Being a dick to Charlie
24. Being a dick to Husk
25. Being a dick to everyone
26. Putting my dick in a vacuum cleaner.
27. Calling Smiles a creepy dommy daddy.
28. Letting Niffty know about some of my more kinky films. She’s getting ideas…
29. Trying to play poker with Husk (and not even strip poker!)
30. Testing if my venom works on myself (it doesn’t and now I have pink bite marks)
31. Leaving what I used to clean my bites out because somehow Alastor found them and is now TEMPORARILY PARALYZED AND I DONT WANT HIM TO KILL ME WHEN HE CAN MOVE AGAIN.
32. Not answering Val’s texts.
33. Wearing boots. Seriously these things hurt sometimes.
34. Having ugly feet so I can’t NOT wear boots.
35. Tracking mud into the hotel
36. Mentioning sex around the Egg Bois because now I have to explain what it is.
37. Describing sex as something their boss “has never had,” it got back to Pentious and I’m scared.
38. Mentioning “Vox” anywhere in Alastor’s vicinity.
39. Agreeing to play Monopoly with Niffty. In general Monopoly sucks but Niffty likes to get knives involved?!?!
40. Getting addicted to drugs.
41. Getting caught in that alleyway by my BITCHASS brother.
42. Not trying harder for Molly.
43. Not saying goodbye.
44. Fucking overdosing.
45. Doing literally fucking nothing with my life and nothing with my death.
46. Taking the easy was out and doing whatever pops told me to
47. Yelling “FUCK” loudly in church that one time
48. Not teaching these people at the hotel how to FUCKING MAKE SPAGHETTI RIGHT?!
49. Getting high with Cherri.
50. Telling Val to “fuck off”
51. Flirting with that one cannibal guy because now they all seem to want to EAT ME (and not in the sexy way)
52. Leaving those pot brownies out. High cannibals, Egg Boiz, and Nifftys are terrifying.
53. Letting myself be named “Angel” because this makes shit too damn confusing plus I think Niffty wants to KILL ME?!
54. Not spending more time with these losers
55. Not opening myself up to Husk sooner.
56. Being too much of a coward to tell him how I feel.
57. Mentioning Pent has two dicks to Cherri cause she won’t stop asking about it.
58. Not doing enough to save Pentious.
59. Not telling him how much he means to me.
60. Trying to lift way more than I should have. Apparently six arms doesn’t mean I’m super strong.
61. Calling Niss a short motherfucker who nobody likes. I’m sorry, I’ll be better (and call him something even worse next time.)
62. Still being too much of a coward to tell Husk how I feel.
63. Flirting with Husk in Italian when he UNDERSTOOD ME THIS WHOLE DAMN TIME?!
64. Getting a room on the same side of the building as Alastor’s because he keeps laughing at 3 in the morning???
65. Kissing Husk in public. Val is mad.
66. Trying to even have a boyfriend with Val around. It’s stupid.
67. Calling yourself stupid for wanting to have a boyfriend.
68. Giving my boyfriend access to this list.
69. No regrets. Only 69. :D (Jesus Christ you’re a child.)
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the-pigeon-queen · 19 days
Collection of things from my Antichrist Copia AU
Hey, so I've never posted anything like this before, but here we go! I'm actually currently typing a proper fanfic for this AU , so if spoilers for an eventual fic don’t bother you, feel free to keep reading!
Under the read more since this'll probably be long:
Copia is still Sister Imperator’s and Nihil’s biological son – but she conceived him under some fun satanic circumstances (I imagine a scenario like the one in the Dance Macabre music video lol human sacrifice, but throw in some music and an orgy for fun).
So, while Copia isn’t the biological son of the Devil From the Bible, he was still involved in the conception, maybe through Nihil.
Copia grew up in the Clergy – it’s all he’s known, but honestly, he can’t complain! Though he was raised, technically as an orphan, he still got everything he wanted!
Except friends, because those were sort of hard to make…
But still! He’s risen through the ranks with minimal difficulty, and has never really struggled! He genuinely works hard – and he’s proud of himself for it. He’s just unaware of how fixed his path actually is. Since he’s only known success, he does have a bit of an ego.
He’s a nepobaby but he does have genuine talent, and he does work for it.
Ghost is still a band, owned and operated by the Clergy, for the purpose of spreading it’s influence and finances.
Copia, as Cardinal, still takes over as frontman, and becomes Papa when Nihil passes
And he finds out that Sister Imperator is his mom! She’s always been a good boss, how neat is it that she’s his mother, too? It makes all those times he’s accidentally called her mom funny, now, instead of embarrassing.
She had to give him up, you see – but she never let him out of her sight. Even if she never changed any diapers, she was always right there! Always proud of him! That makes it alright, right?
Life goes on at the Ministry after that tour, he grows closer to his Ghouls, he enjoys his success –
But what’s that? There’s one more special ritual that he has to complete in order to officially become Papa? Of course he’ll do it, Sister! Anything you say!
After all, the Clergy gave him a home, and a job, and a life – what’s one more little ritual?
That one little ritual turned out to be rather unpleasant
We’re talking blood sacrifices, immense pain, a forced transformation that wreaks havoc on the body, and the awakening of something, from somewhere deep within him.
He doesn’t adapt well.
As the antichrist/devil warped thing he is, now, he’s a lot more… testy. He’s quicker to anger. He’s moody. He’s horny. All the time. It’s like a second puberty – except he’s in his forties and becoming a demon.
The mental aspect, dealing with new, strong temptations and urges, is hard enough, but there’s also an emotional struggle, too.
The Clergy that raised him did this to him. His mother lied to him. And why? No one will give him straight answers.
There’s the physical side, too – he feels like a freak. He feels wrong in his own skin. His wings hurt his back, he can’t hide his horns, he keeps stepping on his own tail.
He was supposed to have been born with all his demonic features, and grow into them, but he was apparently a late bloomer. And it took a blood sacrifice to crack him open and let out his infernal side.
His Ghouls comfort him and he finds comfort with them.
Eventually he cheers up. He starts making demands of the Clergy, demanding more, demanding better – he’s the antichrist, after all. The Clergy made him, and now it should serve him!
He tries flying! He breaks his legs, but he heals super fast now. So he tries flying again! And this time the only thing he breaks is a window!
He’s starting to feel more comfortable. More right. His urges are easier to handle. He’s singing again. He starts to feel happy again.
The Clergy doesn't like that he's gaining a backbone, so they attempt a binding ritual to force him further under their control.
Said ritual involves crucifying his three brothers.
The Clergy is thwarted, and Copia takes off with his Ghouls and brothers to go do their own thing
And that's the outline I have so far :'] if you have any questions feel free to ask! I'd love to talk about it more lol
Right now the fic is Copia x poly ghouls just cause
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yuri-is-online · 4 months
Yo I just found your old dnd yuurollfellgrimgiddle post and here's how I imagine the dynamics:
Rollo and Yuu are in the "will they won't they" stage where they're clearly in love but something is holding them back and giddle is trying so hard to get them together. Fellow is also trying because he want giddle to be happy but honestly he just finds this whole thing funny if not slightly inconvenient.
Here's the thing though: they're already together. Rollo is just super private with his relationships and Yuu just thinks that everyone already knows about their relationship status and just thinks giddle is trying to get them some alone time to go on a date or something like a good little partner in crime.
Fellow has somehow been roped into the strangest qpr with rollyuu you've ever seen. You would swear he hates being in this party from the way he acts around his partner's but then you see Rollo and yuu sitting on a couch holding hands and fellows just. On Yuus lap. Just counting his madol and squinting at it like it will someone be more if he counts it again. He is the pathetic skrunkly straight man to Rollo and yuus comedy act and he's also secretly an entire circus right along with them.
Grim swears he's the boss. Apparently they are under poor management because the boss is easily swayed by tuna.
Giddle is the menace child and the actual boss because he's the only one everyone actually listens to. He knows this very well.
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S.LKEUJBG;KDUTBHG the magic pipe... I Barbarian Yuu can have the ability to make anything a weapon just like Lancelot Beserker.
RolloYuu being already together but not mentioning it is cute but not exactly what I had in mind? Rollo is a Law Domain Cleric, and he worships Erathis the goddess of civilization, she isn't the biggest fan of barbarians who tend to live in the wilds as nomads. Rollo's attraction to and desire for Yuu is something he feels great shame for, but he finds their rage towards those who hurt the party to be holy and purifying. His goddess values community and the desire to protect it, does that not make Yuu pure? Are they not the very image of holiness when they're covered in filth and blood, voice cracked with their screams as they reach to check him over as if he isn't the healer and armored with more than some scrappy cloth. And don't even get him started on Fellow, he's little more than a common thief and huckster but there's a gentleness to the way he cares for Gidel and now Grim. He'd be a genuinely good father, and is a strong family unit, found or otherwise no matter how it looks, not also sacred to Erathis?
Fellow doesn't so much find this inconvenient as he does sad. He and Yuu are both very worried about Rollo, Yuu always has been but the longer Fellow stays with this party he "hates" the more he's able to pick up on the little things troubling his "friends." Fellow and Yuu have long talks about how best to help Rollo, what they'd like to do if they ever make it big (Fellow does the accounting, he's got a little cottage picked out that he wants to move Gidel before it's too late for him to actually go to school), and debating over strategy for the next job they agreed to take on. He doesn't fully realize when that little house he keeps thinking about has Rollo, Yuu, and Grim in it too but he sort of just rolls with it and doesn't fully think to complain about it. I'm not the biggest fan of poly stuff so I'm not the greatest with thinking about dynamics??? But in my mind they all sort of dance around each other until Rollo accepts his feelings and brings them all together. It's not a super noticeable difference to outsiders, but Gidel and Grim both see that you are more relaxed and less tense now. They immediately start playing you guys off each other when trying to get what they want.
Gidel and Grim have a secret alliance. Grim thinks he's the boss. Gidel knows that he's the boss. No critiques there.
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heavyteddy25 · 16 days
Bad batch pt1
TURBO ENERGY!! The greatest new energy drink on the market! Zero sugar, zero caffeine, and great taste thanks to our super secret formula! Now in over 10 delicious flavors!!!!!!
Factory worker 1: alright newbie your stations right over here.
The worker was giving the new employee a tour of turbo energy factory and showing him his post. He would be in charge of dispensing the secret formula into batches of energy drink, before they’re separated into their individual flavors and carbonated.
Worker 1: here’s how it works you press this button here and hold it till the first beep and not a second longer. None of us know what’s in this stuff but they say if too much goes in, it has… side effects.
The newbie was distracted by all the machines and giant tubs of energy drink there’s piping and tubing going everywhere even the machine he’s in charge of was big and shiny and new
Newbie: how does this stuff work? It’s an energy drink but there’s no caffeine? That doesn’t make any sense.
Worker 1: I don’t know what’s in it but apparently it’s simple science. Our bodies get their energy from calories that we end up burning, this formula is supposed to create a steady flow of calories in our bodies for it to continuously burn and give our bodies energy. But not too much that our bodies store it as excess fat or whatever.
Newbie: that’s wild it sounds like something from a movie.
Worker 1: yeah yeah get to work I’ll check up on you in a bit.
The manager left the newbie to himself and started working. he waited for the batch of drink to roll up he pressed the button like his boss said and held it then the machine beeped. And beeped again, and again, and again, the newbie wasn’t sure how long he was supposed to hold it. He let the button go and took a peek at the tub of unflavored drink it looked fine, so he let it roll away as he went to ask his boss for confirmation.
The tub of unflavored drink rolled thru the factory onto its next destination the flavoring department. The tub of drink was funneled into 4 smaller tubs and off they went to finish their manufacturing journey.
1 week later
Johnny was getting ready for the gym and waiting for his partner Ethan to get home. He slipped on his baggy tank top and basketball shorts and went to check himself in the mirror. He looked at himself and smiled even with his baggy workout outfit he could see his thick muscular build, shoulders almost as wide as a doorframe, arms that could beat a grizzly in arm wrestling, a thick powerful chest that puffed up the straps of his tank top. His trim waist hidden under the top but he knew what was under there, not abs but a smooth stomach and a V line heading right to what his partner considers his favorite work out tool.
Tree trunk thighs with an ass you could bounce a quarter off of. While he was distracted admiring himself Ethan arrived home.
Ethan: I’m home! (He unloaded groceries onto the counter and walked to the bedroom) oooo look who’s ready for the gym?you look so good I might actually join you this time.
Ethan was not the type to go to the gym although he wasn’t fat he was nowhere near the physique of his partner. He honestly wasn’t sure what Johnny saw in him, he could have anyone he’s just grateful he chose him.
Johnny: haha very funny. We both know you’d rather make dinner and play video games than workout with me.
Ethan scoffed pretending to look offended.
Ethan: that’s not true there is one workout I love doing with you.
Johnny grinned knowing exactly what he meant Ethan’s sex drive was crazy and he loved it. And Johnny was glad Ethan never picked up any of Johnnys gym habits, he hasn’t been sure how to tell Ethan this but he likes a “softer figure” and wouldn’t mind Ethan putting on some weight. Johnny grabbed Ethan and pulled him into his thick fuzzy chest and held him with his big strong arms. He kissed Ethan passionately and went to grab his bag.
Johnny: I’m heading out I’ll see you in an hour.
Johnny headed to the front door and passed by the kitchen when he noticed two cans of a drink he recognized immediately.
Johnny: you got the turbo drinks!?!? I’ve been wanting to try these so badly!!
Ethan: Yupp I sure did! And they even had your favorite flavor!
Johnny grabbed the can it read “blueberry flavor” it also had a warning label “might cause temporary bloating”. which he wasn’t afraid of, even premium pre workouts caused bloating. Ethan had grabbed the “classic” flavor, they opened them up clinked their cans and downed them together.
Ethan: these are pretty good but a little too carbonated for my liking.
Johnny: it was delicious I love blueberry stuff and this did not disappoint. Although it does have an odd after taste.
Ethan: I didn’t get any aftertaste. Maybe because it’s artificial flavoring. Well have a great workout but don’t burn too much energy hehe.
Ethan winked at his hunky boyfriend and off Johnny went to the gym while Ethan played video games. Johnnys workout was amazing he pumped iron till he could swear he saw his muscle swelling up. Half way thru the workout he took a look at his figure in the mirror, his hunk body all glistening with sweat. His muscles swollen from his pumping and his belly sticking out under his tank top he picked up his shirt and saw his belly rounded out. The can did say to expect temporary bloating I guess I wasn’t the exception Johnny thought to himself. And almost like a switch was flipped inside Johnny, he was suddenly incredibly horny. He had half a mind to leave the gym early and head home to his cutie of a boyfriend, who would love to put this energy to good use. But Johnny just used his urges as motivation to finish his workout as usual and speed right home. Johnny arrived home to the apartment and basically broke the door down he was so ready to see Ethan. He walked inside panting and he turned to see his sexy boyfriend gaming shirtless on the couch which was driving Johnny crazy.
Johnny: babe. Bedroom. Now.
Ethan: woah babe you definitely don’t need to tell me twice but what has you so excited tonight huh?
Ethan got up from the couch smirking at his sweaty hot boyfriend, he was ready for whatever Johnny wanted. But something felt off, he looked at Johnny and noticed the bulge in his crotch thick and long. But then noticed another bulge under Johnnys shirt.
Ethan: I see you were victim to the drinks bloating huh? Me too good thing it’s supposed to be temporary
Johnny forgot all about out how the drink made him bloated, but he looked down at Ethan’s belly and realized his belly was rounding out too but it didn’t look right. It wasn’t just his belly his whole body somehow looked… softer. And Jonny loved it. Johnny practically grabbed and carried Ethan to the bedroom and threw him on the bed. Ethan was so turned on by how forceful his partner was being tonight it made him feel all hot and bothered, but for some reason that heat centered in his belly. He was unable to focus on the strange feeling in his belly as he watched Johnny strip in front of him. Johnny practically tearing his sweat soaked clothes off his swole body as he looked at Ethan laying there already naked on the bed. Something was off he could swear Ethan was looking different, cuter somehow and then he saw it. Ethan’s belly was bigger even than when they were in the living room. Was Ethan gaining weight? Right in front of him? Why? How? And why did it make Johnny that much hornier! Johnny got into the bed his hard on swinging side to side as he did so. He grabbed and flipped Ethan over and just like his belly Ethan’s butt was bigger too, fuller and juicier. He grabbed onto his man’s ass and spread him. Ethan now on all fours felt Johnny grab onto his ass ready for what was coming but something felt off it felt like there was more for Johnny to grab than he remembered. But before he could focus on the feeling it happened, Johnny entered him with little resistance he forgets every-time how big Johnny is. He could feel Johnny reaching inside him almost into his belly, and the thrusting began. Johnny pulled and thrusted into Ethan over and over again both of them panting and moaning. Johnny felt his body crashing into Ethan’s soft ass, with every thrust watching the impacts go through Ethan in waves. Then Johnny noticed the waves being more distinct as if there’s more of Ethan then before and that’s because there was. Johnny thrusted and thrusted into Ethan as he watched Ethan grow from behind. Ethan’s love handles started to blossom, his arms were getting thicker but not with muscle. His thighs were starting to take up more space as they started spreading apart, then they stopped. Johnny almost felt disappointed to see the growth paused but through all of Johnnys pants and moans and Ethan’s gasps of pleasure, Johnny could hear a groan coming from inside Ethan. And then Johnny could see it something bulging out from Ethan’s sides starting to consume his love handles, Ethan’s belly was becoming big and round pulling on the weight Ethan had gained moments ago. Johnny could see it pulling down on Ethan’s side rolls and smoothing them out even, watching as a crease started forming just atop Ethan’s love handles and meeting in the middle of Ethan’s back. Johnny stopped thrusting and leaned over Ethan’s back to grab the sides of this giant gut from behind.
Ethan wasn’t sure what was happening to him. He was having the hottest time with Johnny when all of a sudden he felt his body beginning to jiggle more and more, and he was feeling so heavy he realized he could feel his chest starting to sway as Johnny was thrusting into him. His moans and gasps were just as much from concern as they were from pleasure. Soon he felt the same thing from his belly swaying back and forth bouncing into his own crotch is they grew bigger. The growing didn’t stop he belly kept bulging outward as it descended towards the bed taking up more space and getting heavier. Then he felt Johnny stop thrusting and suddenly he laid on top of Ethan’s wide back and grabbed onto Ethan’s now gargantuan belly’s sides. Just when he felt like he couldn’t keep himself up anymore his belly hit the bed, but it didn’t stop he could feel his weight adding up and being held up not by his arms anymore but his belly. It started spreading out to the sides and pushing Ethan higher in the air. Ethan began to panic and Johnny could tell, he got off Ethan’s back and tried to roll Ethan over and sit him up. But only the rolling over happened on account of the brand new weight. With Ethan now on his back he was much more aware of his new size his soft chest starting to get pushed up to his chin as his belly kept growing up and out in all directions.
Ethan: what’s happening to me!? Babe please help it won’t stop!
Ethan pleaded with his strong and sweaty boyfriend but Johnny could only stare at his formerly thin partner now a giant rotund blob. And he was the hottest thing Johnny had ever seen.
Ethan: babe please something’s wrong I feel like I’m going to explode.
Ethans body up until this point was filling with soft fat but something changed it’s as if his body simply couldn’t accommodate all the extra weight and his belly started smoothing out. He’s belly swelling and swallowing his limbs his chest combining with his belly becoming one big dome with hands and feet and Ethan’s face no longer being able to see anything other than belly. Johnny knew Ethan didn’t have much time so he took advantage, unable to get to Ethan’s ass anymore he climbed up to the only other hole besides Ethan’s mouth, his belly button. When he reached the top he could see Ethan’s face and he began to explain.
Johnny: babe I don’t know what’s going on but I’m so horny, I need to finish and you are so hot like this!
Ethan didn’t understand what does he mean he thinks he was hot like this he was a blob fixing to blow and the pressure was building. Johnny inserted himself into Ethan’s belly button with “pop” sound, both Ethan and Johnny gasped in absolute pleasure. Johnny began to thrust again only this time bouncing on Ethan’s mattress of a belly he couldn’t even see their bed anymore from on top of Ethan a groan and gurgle could be heard from inside Ethan and Johnny hurried. Ethan was growing and growing, he could feel his skin tighten as Johnny bounced and bounced into him. but god it felt so good, so tight. He could feel himself stretching his skin began to creak and turn pink. Ethan began panting and groaning in unison with Johnnys thrusting he was going to blow any second. He was reaching his limit it was coming and coming. Ethan began to yell when he felt his limit was hit and so did Johnny as he erupted into Ethan’s belly button. Having the biggest orgasm of his life he laid there soaking in the pure ecstasy he endured. And the he could hear more panting below him and he realized he was still laying on top of Ethan, he slid down Ethan’s smooth pink dome of a belly. And came around to where his face was.
Johnny: babe I need to tell you a secret I don’t know what did this but I’ve always wanted you bigger.
Ethan laid there completely immobile looking up at his gorgeous man having also finished somewhere under his igloo sized belly.
Ethan: I think I noticed…
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kuromispamton2000 · 20 days
Welcome to my blog (i guess)
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the name's Crystal, code-name: kuromispamton2000 and i'm...an amateur (?) artist not the best but i like to art actually, i love roleplay as well, i am a Mr. Puzzles simp and i love him so much fr, fr....apart there's Kuromi and Spamton...oh! and here's my sona reference
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i am an weird mix of aesthetic and pastel goth girl lover
i am 24, my birthday being on June 22
errr i'm mexican
I AM TAKEN (errr hasn't edit this post twice, no no)
i have many fandoms which are: Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Kirby, Animal Crossing, Bendy and The Ink Machine, Pikmin, Sanrio, Steven Universe, Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss, Undertale/Deltarune, SMG4, Star vs the forces of evil, Gravity Falls, Five Nights at Freddy's and a big etc
actually jobless
i have various mental issues, between these, that i get sad randomly and i feel unmotivated to do shit of time by time, be warned by that
my favorite holiday is Christmas uwu
i love cats and chocolate hehe
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my main focus is SMG4 and would...rarely (until the SMG4 Hype goes down that gonna be when Mr. Puzzles disappear) draw of other fandoms, mostly i focus on my OC's only, not much on do canon art, my OCS are all based from Mr. Puzzles
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my Mr. Puzzles ocs that had gave recognization to this blog:
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SMGP (Super Meme Guardian Puzzles) the least Popular of the 4, belongs to #swap au, he is just simply a swap between SMG4 and Mr. Puzzles, Mr. 4's reference can be find on my profile, if you're in mobile just click my profile and search: "swap au" in tags, with a plot twist, he decapitated, no was born with a tv head already
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🔥Trickster Mr. Puzzles🔥 the most popular of the blog, he is simply Mr. Puzzles but he engaged Trickster mode! (Trickster Mode from Homestuck) the first one on engage the Trickster Mode on SMG4 universe, he wants spread the Trickster Mode around the mushroom kingdom, and create the reborn of "Puzzlevision" but under the name of "Trickstervision"
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Guardian of Popstar Mr. Puzzles, the 3rd popular of the blog, he is an Mr. Puzzles that had swallowed his pride and apologized and asked a second opportunity to SMG4 after had a strong fight with "the entity" . . .SMG4 just for get rid of him sent him to Popstar/Dreamland and now he is a father to Kirby, Kirby got very used and is happy to have a dad
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🔥Mr. Puzzles: Trivia🔥 the second most popular of the blog, being the first transexual character i ever made, he is transexual female to male, Trivia is shy, nerd, aesthetic babygirl/boy (he is called babygirl by the fans XD), his apparence takes after Mr. Puzzles and Spamton G. Spamton, he is a dealmaker but very amateur, he lives on a very futuristic mushroom kingdom thanks to a strange group of scientists that came from future to stay, his ratings are stars and likes, he is a very slow working villain, but more of his story later (writen only i no feel like draw)
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suggestive is good as long as you no start a sexual shit on time line, if u want a +18 thing (of course being an adult) send me a dm
no ask for donations, please, real life subjects make me so nervous, and this is a art blog, i no want be rude, i just no want mix my art/vent blog with real life things of wars and etc
not be annoying or not use to sarcasm with me unless you do /joke, /silly OR XD at the end of a sarcasm, if you don't you'll have 5 strikes, you'll be blocked, i am very sensitive, i'll try do the same, even if my humor seems i am mad or something-
i am spanish, english isn't my main language, please don't judge my english grammar, or if you gonna do, do it respectfully
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it's all you need to see my blog and follow if you want and decide stay by my side! thanks you for read, and hope you enjoy your stay!
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celestialholz · 2 years
Treasures, Ruined (or 'Are the Elite Four the Treasures of Ruin?')
My fellow thought-experimentee @serene-hatterene mentioned a little while ago that the Treasures of Ruin bear a passing resemblance to our Paldean Elite Four, and I agree... though I don't think it means a heel turn is coming. None of them are evil - there's been literally zero foreshadowing of any form, and I personally refuse to believe that there is a single shred of evil in Hassel specifically. This man is sunshine incarnate - he even goddamn looks like the sun, and is painted as such in Surrendering Sunflora.
No, no evil here. But I'll tell you what I do think.
The Treasures of Ruin are the Elite Four if they were to go down a very different and much darker path, hence the Dark typing.
That's a fun statement, isn't it? Allow me to explain...
We will start in dex order, with Wo-Chien, our Hassel counterpart.
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This is most of Wo-Chien's lore.
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Now, there are multiple things of note here:
Tablets were classically used pre-paper manufacturing to write or draw things upon - like a musician might wish to do, or an artist;
Hassel comes from a noble family, who don't agree with his life choices - whilst he doesn't seem to bear grudges in his present state of mind, it isn't a stretch at all to imagine that he could were his mind dark enough;
Plants. Wo-Chien drains plant life, and holds control over it.
... Now, imagine if you will a moment, a darker timeline: a timeline where, embittered by his family's treatment and his own musical failure, Hassel finds Brassius, and instead of healing and supporting and encouraging him as he does in our canon, leading them to a beautiful and loving companionship, he instead does the opposite: takes out his spite and his anger, leads Brassius instead to ruin and to the death he saved him from in another life.
... No, you're crying. (/j, I am also weeping, god I hate noticing things sometimes. IT'S OKAY GUYS THEY'RE HAPPY AND LOVED AND ALIVE IN OUR WORLD *ugly sobbing*)
This idea is backed up further by the fact that Wo-Chien's shrine must be opened via purple stakes - Poison, seeping into the Grass.
Oh, and as Bulbapedia points out:
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... Huh. Imagine that, the emotional guy darkened due to his own feelings - or, indeed, that of our favourite Grass gym leader...
And then there's the fact that Hass' lead Pokemon Noivern nearly always starts battle by halving your HP with Super Fang... which has exactly the same effect as Ruination, the Treasures' signature move.
Anyway, let's move on, before I sob myself to sleep...
We arrive next at Chien-Pao, or our Larry counterpart.
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Lore incoming...
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Whilst Wo-Chien is represented by grudges, Chien-Pao is represented by hatred - and we know Larry a. hates his boss, b. hates his three jobs, and c. probably hates his life, as tired and done as he seems to be.
And so, imagine a world where that hatred, rather than be channeled into exhaustion and exasperation, becomes instead active - becomes instead a very powerful man who can apparently master types on a whim tearing down all before him, telling the world that's kept him down to bow before him. He becomes the boss; he becomes the hatred of those 'slain' by the corporate structure, and he simply sits there and watches the chaos.
Now, lovely little tired sweetheart Larry would rather eat onigiri, tell you you're very good at battling and go to sleep... but then, Hass would never drain Brassius either. It's all in the possibility, the alternate universe.
Interesting supplementary points here include:
Staraptor has the same base attack as Chien-Pao... who, like the rest of the Treasures, was patch-nerfed. It did have 130 atk, ten points higher than Staraptor;
It's represented by orange stakes, the colour of the Fighting type - Larry's one major weakness on his gym team, which later he adopts Flying types for and becomes strong against;
This man is a facade. He gives you the TM for it, he lives the gimmick... and when one tears down a facade, the person beneath is revealed. Not that I'm saying the person beneath wants to watch the world burn, but... not too tricky to imagine someone snapping under Larry's level of pressure, is it?
What's mightier than the sword, so the saying goes? The pen. You know, those things people use a lot in an office...
God, let's see if Rika can cheer us up a bit, although I doubt it given the topic... we move, then, to Ting-Lu.
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The lore has this to say on the subject of Ting-Lu:
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Ting-Lu represents fear: and if any of you have also sat there like me in fear for your champion prospects (and possibly life) as Rika stares you down during the interview process, I think we know why.
Fear... and control over the earth. The translation is a little more literal here, given that they share their specialist types.
Our Rika is fun and laid-back, but in another world, well... imagine a woman motivated by the fear of those before her, intimidating all who stand before her in both words and in battle, swallowing her enemies with the power of the earth. As a fun counterpoint, the Rika we know and love even says that you shouldn't find her worrying when you meet her during your gym challenge:
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Couple of additional things:
Ting-Lu's stakes are green - Grass, life, swallowed whole by the ground;
Rika's rocking the classically evil red eyes;
Most of her Pokemon have the capacity to learn Fissure, which is referenced in Ting-Lu's bio.
We know comparatively little about Rika compared to Hassel or Larry, but the type-share kinda says it all here.
And finally, we reach everyone's favourite overachieving tiny sister, Poppy.
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Here's some lore for y'all:
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Now again, in comparison to Hassel and Larry, we know next to nothing about Poppy, but envy specifically is interesting. The kid is very clearly far too powerful for her age, and it's therefore quite simple to imagine envy-based corruption occurring - of her dominating her peers, of her envy that everyone else seems to fit in where she doesn't. Thankfully in the Elite Four she's amongst friends, but... the composition of this team, jesus. Take a look:
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Kid is made of nuclear weapons, my god. The young mind is impressionable, easy to lead astray... except she's all fine and adorable, because she has structure, and an outlet for her power. Without that... well, Chi-Yu's on fire, so... I think this about sums it up.
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Little bit more on the intrigue:
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Mmm. Lighter. Well yeah, she would be...
There's a saying in gemology, or the sculpting of gems, about jade - what Chi-Yu's bead eyes are made of. And it goes like this:
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... Like a bell? Like that one she has on her team?
Chi-Yu is represented by blue stakes, or the Water type; the tears of a lost little girl, her fieriness extinguished.
So, now we've analysed the similarities of the characters, let's take a look at the story of the Treasures.
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'The king's greed', huh...
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... Huh. Geeta, who owns a Kingambit, who is the Top Champion. Now, aside from Larry, who seems to just straight-up dislike her, we don't know how the other three feel about their 'king' here - but we do know from the gym leader rematches that multiple of those guys aren't fans of her hardline stance. She and Tulip style-clash, Katy resents her for having her go easy on challengers, and Grusha seems afraid of her power to oust him. She seems to be a divisive woman, and... well, it's irrelevant, because we're here to imagine an alternate universe, friends. In another life, Geeta greedily overworks her people, taking the desire she has to host the greatest League and turning it dark; in another life, grudges, hates, fears and envies lead to a world of destruction and rebellion instead of a united found family. What is a king there is a queen here, and what would our queen be able to do, if she was attacked by all four of her treasures at once? Very little.
Four treasures, one king, two worlds. We even have the people to 'seal them away' - us, Nemona, Penny, Arven, and all the rematch gym leaders, who at that point outlevel the Elite Four. After all, if the shoe fits... two of us have already have taken down all four of them.
Let's all be glad we live in the good timeline, folks, where our Elite Four are loved and wholesome.
... It's fascinating isn't it, that we've pulled up these stakes up, crumbled them to dust... released the Poison, the Fighting, the Grass, the Water... that we've all seeped toxicity into the earth, lost the fight, had the life sucked away, and doused youthful enthusiasm.
... Nah, can't mean anything. Can't mean anything that we're the wielders who have already defeated them. Can't mean anything that Geeta's name in Japanese is 'omodaka', which directly translates to 'heightened surface', like the high places you nearly always find these stakes on.
... Nah, guys. Just a coincidence. They're all perfectly lovely... in our world. Still, quite the AU, right? ;)
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stevenbasic · 1 year
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GITJ Post 313: The Tale of Queen Angie, p7
Her boobs are growing, and all her little friends? she seethed to herself as she marched down the sidewalk, headed to the shop she’d found online. She’s taller, she’s a fucking She-Hulk at the gym, she’s got some sort of weird-ass hypnotic perfume? she continued to rant, silently to herself, Fine. Two can play at that game.
Angie Wade was not accustomed to shopping in this part of town, the swankiest. But despite being a bit out of her element she held her head up high, strode confidently, some would say haughtily. She’d needed to make an appointment, in fact, to be let into this place she was headed to - ‘Merz Parfumerie’ - which was annoying but whatever. She’d be on time; she’d skipped out of the office an hour early to make sure.
She could feel her boobs jiggling in her too-small bra under her thin, faux-cashmere sweater as she walked. All the extra calories, along with the fenugreek, were starting to do some good, and maybe while she was downtown she’d look into a lingerie store. She’d finally gone up a cup size or two, she figured. Those fifteen pounds had to go somewhere besides my thighs. It was chilly, this early November afternoon, and her nipples were sensitive.
It annoyed her that she even had to be doing this. She’d tried to use AJ, her ex- and apparently some construction-monkey crew leader working on the office expansion, to get her what she wanted. She knew that there’d been adjustments made to the air circulation system in the building, that there was some sort of aromatherapy shit going on, something based on Melissa’s perfume. She knew it had something to do with how the other girls were growing, how spellbound the stupid doctor was by Melissa and her fucking jigglebunnies. Why was it not having any effect on her?!? Why couldn’t she tell him what to do and boss him around like everyone else was doing?!? It was fucking frustrating but she wasn’t about to sit back and just watch, let all these other girls become whatever they were becoming, especially after the elections let the whole fucking world know that there’d be new bosses in town pretty soon - all of them in smart skirts and high heels. She should be the one running that place, not that overgrown bimbo. So, she’d asked AJ to get some of the pure stuff, whatever it was that they were infusing the air filters in the office with, some weird super-strong chemical that smelled like Melissa’s perfume (so fucking weird, right?)…but he proved to be useless. He can’t even do that for me. 
Finally at her destination - she’d had to park a few blocks away, where parking was cheaper - she looked in through the dusky storefront windows of this high-end perfume shop. She squinted, trying to see inside, what she’d be dealing with, but couldn’t make much out. She rang the stupid doorbell and waited. 
A moment later a man answered the door - she was hoping for that. Angie tended to have better luck getting her way with guys than women. But by the way this guy wore that scarf around his neck she wasn’t too sure her normal methods of persuasion were going to be of much help here. Fine, money talks too. The company credit card that she’d been using over these past few weeks, and then surreptitiously hiding transactions for, was in her purse. Working in accounting was helpful. 
“You must be our four o’clock customer. Welcome to Merz Parfumerie,” the thin man with the squirrely little moustache said as he stepped aside, ushered Angie into the dark little shop. He looked her up and down, took note of her cheap shoes and heavy behind as she glanced around, perused, browsing the shelves of exotic perfumes collected from around the world. “Is there anything in particular I can interest you in?”
Angie turned towards him; he’d found his way behind the glass sales counter. She stepped up to him and placed her purse on it. “Yes, thanks. I’ve heard that you can make custom perfumes, is that right?”
“Yes, yes we can,” the man smiled, “a personalized fragrance can be tailored just for you. We have a perfumologist from Grasse, perfume capital of France, who can craft whatever scent you’d like, for any occasion. It’s a wonderful idea. Would it be for you, or is this a gift?”
Perfumologist? Angie scoffed, silently, That’s a thing? “It would be for me, for sure,” she answered, “and I have a particular thing I want...”
At that, Angie unsnapped her purse and - pulling out some gum wrappers and her lipstick, putting a tampon on the counter - removed the three N-95 masks she’d squirreled away, snagged from the exam room earlier this morning. Damn, her whole purse was going to smell like Melissa, now. 
The sales guy watched with cocked brow as she presented the masks to him, placed them on the countertop. His trained nose immediately picked up the scent of them. It was strong. 
“These masks have been, like, soaked in some chemical, some perfume,” Angie began, “I want you to try to duplicate it, but make it…more like me. I want it even more intense.”
As Angie talked the man, with delicate, tentative fingers, lifted one mask from the three and passed it in an arc below his nose. It was not like anything he’d ever smelled before. Feminine, organic, beautiful in its own way. But it wasn’t a perfume, that he could tell. 
“I want to wear it,” Angie continued, “I want to smell powerful. I want people to smell my strength, I want them to gag on it.” She watched the man take another breath of the alluring scent from the surgical mask, considering. “Can you do that for me?”
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tomorrowusa · 7 months
If a candidate says he wants to be a dictator, pals around with dictators, and quotes dictators – don't be surprised when he acts like a dictator if elected.
It's not some "woke liberal" who is blowing the whistle on Trump's dictator lust but retired General John Kelly – Trump’s former chief of staff.
To Donald Trump, Hungarian strongman Viktor Orbán is “fantastic,” Chinese leader Xi Jinping is “brilliant,” North Korea’s Kim Jong Un is “an OK guy,” and, most alarmingly, he allegedly said Adolf Hitler “did some good things,” a worldview that would reverse decades-old US foreign policy in a second term should he win November’s presidential election, multiple former senior advisers told CNN. “He thought Putin was an OK guy and Kim was an OK guy — that we had pushed North Korea into a corner,” retired Gen. John Kelly, who served as Trump’s chief of staff, told me. “To him, it was like we were goading these guys. ‘If we didn’t have NATO, then Putin wouldn’t be doing these things.’” Trump’s lavish praise for Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán while hosting him at Mar-a-Lago on Friday, just days after all but sealing the Republican nomination on Super Tuesday, shows it’s a worldview he’s doubling down on. “There’s nobody that’s better, smarter or a better leader than Viktor Orbán,” Trump said, adding, “He’s the boss and he’s a great leader, fantastic leader. In Europe and around the world, they respect him.” The former president’s admiration for autocrats has been reported on before, but in comments by Trump recounted to me for my new book, “The Return of Great Powers,” out Tuesday, Kelly and others who served under Trump give new insight into why they warn that a man who consistently praises autocratic leaders opposed to US interests is ill-suited to lead the country in the Great Power clashes that could be coming, telling me they believe that the root of his admiration for these figures is that he envies their power. [ ... ] “He’s not a tough guy by any means, but in fact quite the opposite,” Kelly said. “But that’s how he envisions himself.”
Trump REALLY admires Hitler.
“It’s pretty hard to believe he missed the Holocaust, though, and pretty hard to understand how he missed the 400,000 American GIs that were killed in the European theater,” Kelly told me. “But I think it’s more, again, the tough guy thing.” Trump’s admiration for Hitler went further than the German leader’s economic policies, according to Kelly. Trump also expressed admiration for Hitler’s hold on senior Nazi officers. Trump lamented that Hitler, as Kelly recounted, maintained his senior staff’s “loyalty,” while Trump himself often did not. “He would ask about the loyalty issues and about how, when I pointed out to him the German generals as a group were not loyal to him, and in fact tried to assassinate him a few times, and he didn’t know that,” Kelly recalled. “He truly believed, when he brought us generals in, that we would be loyal — that we would do anything he wanted us to do,” Kelly told me.
Trump apparently thought being around generals would make him look strong and that his strength would ensure their loyalty to him.
But all of those generals except Mike Flynn, the QAnon nut who lasted 24 days, were more loyal to the US Constitution than many of Trump's staff with no military background.
Our senior military officers who grew up and were trained in a constitutional democracy have a radically different background from Hitler's generals who mostly were commissioned under the Kaiser and often came from Junker families.
Among other things, Trump just doesn't get constitutionalism.
Trump’s former advisers say he most consistently lavished praise on Russian President Vladimir Putin. (John) Bolton recalled a comment from Trump during the 2018 NATO summit. Following sometimes tense encounters with NATO leaders, Trump said his meeting with Putin, the leader of America’s great power adversary, “may be the easiest of them all. Who would think?” “He says to the press as he goes out to the helicopter, ‘I think the easiest meeting might be with Vladimir Putin. Who would ever think that?’” recalled Bolton. “There’s an answer to that question. Only one person. You. You are the only person who would think that. The shrinks can make of that what they will, but I think it was ‘I’m a big guy. They’re big guys. I wish I could act like they do.’” “My theory on why he likes the dictators so much is that’s who he is,” Kelly said. “Every incoming president is shocked that they actually have so little power without going to the Congress, which is a good thing. It’s Civics 101, separation of powers, three equal branches of government. But in his case, he was shocked that he didn’t have dictatorial-type powers to send US forces places or to move money around within the budget. And he looked at Putin and Xi and that nutcase in North Korea as people who were like him in terms of being a tough guy.”
Donald Trump and Joe Biden have now won enough delegates to secure their parties' nominations. But you can count only on the latter to leave office when his term is over if elected.
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bambiraptorx · 9 months
Since today's the anniversary of Minor Interference, I thought it would be fun to post the prologue that I wrote for it. It's not actually super connected to the fic itself, which is why I ended up cutting it, but it's still the first thing I wrote for Rise. So it's kinda fun.
content warning: alcohol mention
Draxum needs a drink.  
Preferably something strong enough to make him forget the bruises all over his body, the raging headache– although that should probably discourage him from drinking– and the distinct lack of a laboratory around him.
He takes a look around, thoroughly exhausted from digging himself out of the wreckage of what used to be his ceiling.  Yep, the lab is still in ruins.  The walls are partially caved in around him, his equipment destroyed, the cave roof visible above him since his actual roof has collapsed.  Another decade’s worth of work destroyed in a matter of minutes, this time by five completely untrained fighters.  
Draxum sits in the devastation.  
He looks at his hands, covered in scratches and nails blunted from scraping at the stone that had pinned him to the ground.  He wonders if whiskey would be strong enough.  It's been a few decades since he's had alcohol.
He squints in the darkness.  Where are his gargoyles?  Also, where are his mosquitoes?  There were thousands of them, surely they can't all have been destroyed.  There has to be something left this time—he can't be so unlucky as to have lost everything again.  A second time is too much.
There's a flapping sound in the darkness.  He can't tell exactly where it's coming from, his ears are ringing too much.  He doesn't remember when they started ringing.
...Something just hit him in the face.  His headache grows exponentially in a matter of seconds, now feeling like one of his seeds is growing in his skull and trying its best to break out.  The headache had just begun to recede too.  He groans, leaning forward and putting his head in his scraped-up hands, suddenly desperate to relieve the pressure behind his eyes.
"Wha- boss?  Boss!  Huginn, he's over here!"
"Quiet," Draxum hisses, more in response to the pain the noise causes than as an actual order.  Muninn appears to understand more than Draxum says, immediately going silent and settling on Draxum's shoulder.  The uneven weight grounds him somewhat.  He takes a breath, inhaling dust and the acrid scent of mutagen.  His head rings, a spell of dizziness washing over him.  He may not be entirely lucid at the moment.  That would explain a lot.
"Boss, finally!" Huginn speaks somewhere between a shout and a shriek, once again aggravating Draxum's headache.  He winces and closes his eyes, as if trying retroactively to shut out the noise.
"Shush, man! He's concussed!" whispers Muninn.  Draxum hadn't considered that possibility, but it would also explain a lot.  He probably can't get that whiskey then.  Alcohol is bad for concussions.  Not only is his lab destroyed, himself injured, and his life’s work once again completely demolished, but he can't even down a beer to deal with it.  Embarrassingly, moisture gathers in his eyes.
It's fine, really.  He's never even liked alcoholic drinks.  He'd just been looking forward to that drink.
It was the only thing he'd had left to look forward to.
Huginn settles down on Draxum's unoccupied shoulder, curling up into a ball and awkwardly pressing his head against the Baron's neck.  It's meant to be comforting, Draxum realizes.  After a moment, Muninn does the same on the other side.
The three of them sit for a while like that.
After a few minutes, Muninn stretches.  "It's too bad the turtles got away," he remarks.
Draxum starts.  The turtles.  How could he have forgotten about them?  He moves his hands to his sides, bracing himself to stand.
"Uh, boss, are you sure that's a good idea—"
Draxum gets to his feet, wobbling slightly.  Pain shoots up his left ankle.  Apparently having a ceiling fall on him has caused more than one injury.  Unimportant.  If the turtles have not only survived, but escaped, perhaps his mosquitoes did as well.
He limps towards his control panel, the gargoyles lifting off his shoulders and hovering after his first three steps.  Silently, he hopes for a force greater than himself and prays that it would allow his panel to be intact.  Its screen is cracked.  He presses the power button, and it turns on.  Small mercies.
He opens the program that visualizes the tracking spell he placed on the mosquitoes, and stares.  There, the rounded shape filled with blues and purples, shows a topographical map of the hidden city.  The miniscule red dots representing his mosquitoes are spread out over an area much larger than that, well past the walls of the city caverns.  That's only possible if the insects are on the surface.
He snorts in disbelief.  The snort gives way to a full-blown laugh, which quickly cuts itself off as Draxum discovers his bruised ribs.  He wheezes painfully, gazing with wonder at the dots on his screen.
"It worked.  It actually worked."
His people are closer to freedom now than they have been in thousands of years.  His decades of work haven't been wasted after all.  His plan might just succeed.
He collapses to the floor as his ankle suddenly gives out underneath him.  The goyles swarm around him in concern.  Draxum sighs.
"I should probably get to a hospital."
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thefreakandthehair · 1 year
Thinking up a half baked idea on this dreary humid day about a modern au with Eddie being maybe famous, maybe just mildly popular but passionate about his music. And Steve who goes to the gym to stay in shape because of his dead end office job working for his father. He enjoys the gym, enjoys the satisfaction of a good workout. He’s not a muscle head, but he’s plenty muscular and does it more for the satisfaction than for huge body changes. And he listens to rock and metal while he works out because it just spurs him on with the heavy drums and guitars. But he doesn’t know anything about the bands, he just listens to them a whole bunch and enjoys the music for getting himself pumped.
Eddie, disgruntled with his current manager, goes looking for a new one. A friend of a friend (Dustin who’s in his dnd group because why not) is apparently so dissatisfied and ‘come on Eddie, he’s good at bossing people around and getting what he wants, that’s all you need a manager for’ so Eddie reaches out. And he sends a link to his album so Steve will know what he’s getting into.
Steve, who’s been in a rut with everything, let’s Robin convince him to give it a shot, try it, see what happens.
So he does. He recognizes the music, so he’s immediately like yeah, I can do this!
So he goes during a rehearsal so he can see them in action and Eddie’s expecting a metal head, black clothes, roughish guy because that’s generally who he sees as being super enthusiastic about his music
And then Steve walks in, wearing a light pink button down, looking like he’s ready to model for a perfume add or something else light and seductive and Eddie immediately trips and falls off the stage.
Right into Steve’s arms.
He’s shocked, of course, and very smitten because Steve is so pretty and strong and Gareth has to threaten to get a spray bottle just so he stops staring
Ofc Robin also starts working with them, I refuse to think of her and Steve working apart (so she’s also been dying with him at work too all this time oops) and she seconds that suggestion.
Naturally they fall in love anyway, and the band really takes off, and there’s always a cotton candy colored beefcake who gets a shoutout at every show, he wears crop tops in the summer and looks so out of place but it helps Eddie to always be able to spot him
I just think it’d be neat
"I just think it'd be neat", says Kat, who just wrote a whole romcom AU in an ask???
I am, once again, begging you to write yet another AU, especially something like this which includes rockstar!Eddie, manager!Steve with soulmate!Robin, and Steve who doesn't change/become a caricature of himself to be with rockstar!Eddie <3333
I know you said it's half-baked but like, if you wanted to whole-bake it... 👀
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scrunkore · 9 months
Scrunkore Media "Thread" 2023: Part 6
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the scrunko core has burned out, rebooting
63) Cassette Beasts (PC, 2023)
This is a really cool monster tamer RPG, it came up with a really fun type interaction system and there are are excellent designs in it especially with the eldritch-style bosses, that's super fun. Big fan of the setting and its unique vibe too, if you've played the game you'll know what I mean about that. Great indie I enjoyed my time with, though the romance feels tacked on and I thought the ending was just Fine. [4★]
64) Doctor Who, Series 6-10 (TV, 2011-2017)
Moffat's entire tenure with the greatest TV show in Britain, knocked out within the year, and honestly I think it was quite good. Plenty of flaws, like his messy ambitions, how weird he is about women sometimes, and how some episodes just genuinely fucking suck, but you get that with every era of the show really. The highs are damn high, especially with Capaldi's Doctor in episodes like Heaven Sent and The Doctor Falls, and I think that's enough to outweigh the bad. And I feel like series 10 in particular is often overlooked more than it should be, pretty strong one that is. No rating, but I love Doctor Who when it's good.
65) Mad Rat Dead (Switch, 2020)
MAD RAT MONDAY!!!! I played this game because of the soundtrack, which totally bangs and of course you need that in a rhythm game like this one. Fun one it is too, it has options to make it less challenging and the story is unexpectedly pretty cool. I'm not very good at it, but I beat it and I had a fun time doing so. Rats rule. [4★]
66) Doctor Who: The Lonely Assassins (Switch, 2021)
This is apparently the only good Doctor Who game still officially playable, and yeah, I can see it. Immersing yourself in a mystery contained within a smartphone featuring an iconic monster and fun appearances from existing characters is pretty cool, though it can be kinda janky and there's not that much to it in the end. Certainly an alright experience though. [3★]
67) F-Zero 99 (Switch, 2023)
My only experience with F-Zero so far, the surprise announcement that jumpscared fans of the series before turning out to be a battle royale type game that's actually... kinda good? Chaotic fun with decently engaging gameplay, it's something you pick up and play for a bit before doing something else but don't play for hours once the honeymoon phase wears off. Sure helps add something to NSO, sure hope it doesn't get taken down in a year. [3.5★]
68) Sonic Superstars (PC, 2023)
A good new Sonic game! From Sonic Team! The series really has been popping off lately, and though some people complained about this one, I genuinely think it stands at least close to the classic titles it's following up from. Levels are fun and creative with the only real bullshit being in the optional postgame (which does kind of suck if you're not good), and though the soundtrack has plenty of duds it's still pretty decent overall. Cool cast of playable characters too, and it's great seeing Fang come back, with the new character Trip also being a fun addition. I don't think this is peak Sonic, but for me it was a good time that I enjoyed for the most part. [4★]
69) Super Mario Bros. Wonder (Switch, 2023)
Oh 2D Mario is so fucking back, this takes the formula that the "New" series was running with and gives it a super aggressive shake-up and an injection of creativity that it really needed. It has a really nice visual look, actually cool level design that is great to run through, fun powers, and a large roster of playable characters including Daisy finally. Not to mention it sounds good, the music is a great important part of it and the talking flowers in every level are honestly just fun. One of the best platformers on Switch right now, I like it more than Odyssey honestly. [5★]
70) Shaun the Sheep: Farmageddon (Movie, 2019)
Bit of a silly watch this was, but in all honesty I'll always be a fan of Aardman's work and this is a pretty fun movie that all ages can enjoy whether they like Shaun the Sheep or not. It's animated as well as you'd expect, does some cute stuff, and honestly I kinda like the music in it too. Just a funny little adventure with that silly sheep and his weird cute alien friend. [3.5★]
71) Suika Game (Switch, 2023)
Suika Game.
72) Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: Booster Course Pass (Switch DLC, 2022-2023)
Dropping a two-year DLC that doubles the track list and adds a bunch of new characters and balance updates to a Mario Kart game we thought was over was a fucking wild thing to do, but Nintendo did it and honestly it worked out quite well. Sure, it's clearly all Tour ports and a lot of them don't look too hot, but for the sheer quantity of it I don't think I can complain too much. They even chose pretty good tracks for the most part, with only a few favourites being left out that I can only assume will be remade in the next game and therefore end up better than ever. I think the game is actually done now, and I think it's probably the best Mario Kart at this point. Not bad at all. [4★]
73) PLUTO (Anime, 2023)
An anime that took ages to get made, and it shows all the polish that much time of production should have you expect (perhaps too much polish with all those unnecessary digital effects). It's a pretty complete adaptation of a much-praised manga about war, robots and consciousness, some strong science fiction with quite good writing based on an old arc from Tezuka's Astro Boy manga. It's pretty tragic how things turn out for most of the characters, but it's so good how it goes about things, and I think it was worth the wait. One of the best Netflix-distributed anime, I'd say. [4.5★]
74) Super Mario RPG (Switch, 2023)
Geno fans have not shut up for years, so how does his game hold up now that it's been polished up into HD? Not bad, honestly. It's a solid RPG experience with simple yet engaging battle gameplay that laid the foundations for other Mario RPG titles to come, and now it's all shiny and stuff. It's a fun journey through a whimsical Mario setting with the quirks you'd come to expect, apparently a pretty faithful remake with only a few new additions and script edits that it sort of needed. I don't think this game is really that special in 2023, but I liked it plenty. Funny that Geno is barely a character though. [4★]
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howhow326 · 1 year
Mattholomule is Gus Shadow
Oh boy! I sure do love everything about Watching & Dreaming but I have to say my favorite part is when Gustholomule became canon and that's a thing that happened actually!!! Anyway, it's neat that most of the TOH ships have a sort of opposites attract dynamic: Lumity has the shoujo rivals trope; Huntlow is crushing-watermelon-with-thighs meme; and Gustholomule has the best dressed boy with an unwashed rat-man.
But with I told you that Gus and Mattholomule are more similar than they seem? What if I told you that the two boys are so similar to each other that they are like two halves of the same person?? What if I told you... ehh, you already read the title.
What is a Shadow?
First we need to go over what a shadow is: A shadow is: "an unconscious aspect of the personality that does not correspond with the ego ideal, leading the ego to resist and project the shadow. In short, the shadow is the self's emotional blind spot..." (Wikipedia). In other words, the Shadow is the shadowed side of one's personality, the part of themselves that they don't want others (or themselves) to see. However, ignoring the shadow dosen't make it go away, it just makes it stronger, seeping into one's everyday life as flaws and bad choices. Or in the case of Persona, giant fetish monsters (this is a joke, the persona games actually do a really good job of writing psycho-analysis even without the video game bosses). So, what does any of this have to do with Gustholomule? EVERYTHING!!! Which get's clearer in the next few paragraphs :)
Gus & Mattholomule's backstories
From TOH wiki: "Augustus Porter is the son of reporter Perry Porter, who wants his son to be a master illusionist (there's a source for this but I deleted it so Tumblr dosen't hide my post). Due to his skills in illusion magic, Augustus is one of the youngest students at Hexside School of Magic and Demonics, taking high school-level classes despite being twelve years old. However, due to his young age, Gus was often overlooked and ignored, and he was gullible to the various students that took advantage of his intelligence. The only place where he felt he mattered was the club he led, the Human Appreciation Society. Besides the other members of the H.A.S, the only other student he befriended was Willow Park, who helped him calm down from an illusionary memory with a breathing exercise he remembers to this day."
In short, Gus comes from a history of people tricking him in order to advance themselves (this is in Bold because it's gonna be super duper important for my argument later). Despite that, Gus wasn't destroyed by his backstory because he had people like Willow to help him (also important).
For Matt: "Mattholomule used to attend Glandus High, where he was friends with Bria, Gavin, and Angmar. Due to Glandus's social structure favoring the strong, Mattholomule was bullied by other students, including his three "friends" who had manipulated him. Eventually, he switched out of Glandus and started to attend Hexside, but still stuck around Bria, Gavin, and Angmar due to having nobody else to be his friend."
Just like Gus, Matt comes from a history of veing bullied and used by others. Unlike Gus, Matt didn't have anyone in his corner but himself (and Steve but like apparently adults are weirdly useless at helping their kids witch school problems which is actually extremely realistic now that I think about it).
In otherwords, Gus and Matt have nearly identical backstories, but turned out differently because only Gus had a real friend. And in my next few paragraphs, we find out that the "difference" between them is a lot smaller than it seems.
Something Ventured, Someone Framed
So if you've been paying attention, you have probably come to the conclusion that Gus is "good" person. And while that definitely isn't a bad conclusion to come to, this episode is going to hit you like a truck:
Gus: L-Luz, a-about the ban, I, uh, used my H. A. S. presidential authority to pull some strings. You've been given a full pardon!
Luz: You mean...
Gus: I got the ban lifted!
[Does a little dance when she's gone lol]
Willow: You lied to our best friend and told her you got the ban lifted. That seems like a potential problem to me.
Gus: You don't understand. The members were going mad. They were bloodthirsty. They were touching objects. I had no choice!
Note: instead of saying something like "one of the members is lying to the others" or something like that, Gus "had no choice" because... they were breaking his rule of no touching?!
Now, some people did catch on to Gus behavior and were mad at him for it. I'm not one of those people, in fact, I'm the exact opposite. This episode made me LOVE Gus' character! Before SV,SF Gus was just comic relief that was attached to Willow's hip. But now, Gus has flaws! He can exist as his own character!! He's lying to and mainipulating people like the little illusionist he is!!!
... wait a minute, "...and he was gullible to the various students that took advantage..."; "...Gus comes from a history of people tricking him in order to advance themselves."; "...ignoring the shadow dosen't make it go away, it just makes it stronger, seeping into one's everyday life as flaws and bad choices." This is Gus Shadow: a hurt child that's willing to trick people the same way that other people tricked him. Heck, there's even a name for the exact shadow that Gus possesses: The Know-It-All Trickster (I swear Im not anti gus wtf). From Artofmanliness .com (That name is so much worse than it seems), "The Know-It-All Trickster knows how to charm his way out of trouble. He’s adept at deception and manipulation and will gain the trust of those around him, only to betray it when they least expect it." While this is a lot more sinister than Gus at his worst, it dose perfectly describe what happened in SV,SF: Gus became friends with Luz recently and deceives her at a time when she would never expect it. Although, that description also sounds a lot like another character that shows up this episode (Mattholomule is inside your walls).
Of course, while Gus has flaws, he isn't the same as the people that tricked him. The older kids got their homeworks worth out of Gus and left without taking any responsibility for their actions. But Gus didn't do that, he endanged himself in order to save Luz from detention, and then he took responsibility for the mess he caused. He even saved Mattholomule from detention because "no one get's left behind"! Gus has flaws, but he was able to rise above them during his first focus episode, which is highly impressive for a twelve year old.
Through The Looking Glass Ruins
This episode's plot is interesting in that, while Gus is technically lying to people again, it wasn't even his idea! Gus was the one that didn't want to hang out with the Glandus because "he's just an illusionist" (an idea that Gus Shadow, Matt literally echos) so Luz goads him into hanging out with him in order to build back his self confidence.
Unlike SV,SF where Gus creates a lie that endangers Luz, Luz starts the lie that Gus is a "super witch" and Gus only upholds it to hang out with the Kool Kidz. Basically, Gus did nothing wrong.
Anyway, Gus gets a crush on the Boneghazi girl. Weird. I don't want to spend too much time talking about Bria because she's crazy shaped, but she is the next entry in a long line of older kids that trick Gus and ruin his self confidence. Then, the most important part of the episode happens:
Mattholomule: This is exactly how it was at Glandus. Always Bria's stooge.
Gus: Better a stooge than a clown. Bria was right, illusions are nothing but high-def party tricks.
Mattholomule: Yeah, I used to think that too. [He makes a saw of rock to cut the vines trapping Gus and The Keeper.] But then I met some dork who used his powers to save me from a man-eating detention pit. All I'm saying is, if a dumb illusion can save a jerk like me, maybe it's not as useless as you think.
Replace illusion with "Gus" and this conversation is practically the same. Gus is saying he can't help anyone and Matt is telling him "you already helped me" (the perfect start for the perfect ship).
Focusing more on Matt, this moment is a bit more than just him reaching out a hand or doing the right thing. As I said before, Matt has the same history of people using him just like Gus (it even happens in this episode). But unlike Gus, Matt didn't have anyone in his corner but himself. So instead of staying the victim, Matt became "villain". He most likely joined the H. A. S. with the intention of replacing whoever was in charge by using the same methods that Bria uses, trickery. Matt wanted to be on top of the social ladder through any means nessasary, and when his plan failed in SV,SF he went crawling back to Bria so he could gain some sense of power.
So why does Mattholomule help Gus in this episode? Simple, He's not Bria. Even when Matt tried to walk the same path as his bullies, he could never fully suppress the part of himself that had morals, that wanted to help people. And by choosing to help Gus even though the odds are stacked against them, Matt finnaly accepted that he wasn't a 100% jerk.
Plot twist: Gus is Mattholomule's Shadow. Just like how Matt represents Gus's capacity to become like the people that took advantage of him, Gus represents the part of Matt that was weak enough to be taken advantage of, a good person. There's even a word of Matt's Shadow: a Golden Shadow, the positive qualities of one self that they suppress.
Gustholomule is a deep relationship between two people who are really the same person that walked to different paths. However, it's only through meeting each other and forming a tight bond with each other that these two boys were able two accept their hidden selves and complete the process of self actualization. Truly a magnificent journey of self growth indeed.
Gustholomule is best ship fight me
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Chapter 32- Part 9
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Huh. Bold claim, sir- let's see how it stands up to the entirety of Xera's team!
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Oh, he…really is only using one Pokémon. Is it PULSE Camerupt? Because the 1 HP Sturdy combo is nearly impossible to break without the right stuff.
Also, this…this piano riff…is this a remix of Cynthia's theme or Volo's theme? Hard to tell with just this intro part, but either way it's a bit spooky- fitting for battling the leader of-
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Ah…? Ah-!? AH!? AAH!?
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LV. 75!? LV. 75. 30 ENTIRE LEVELS ABOVE THE CURRENT CAP. That's…That's…aha! Ahahaha! Oh, okay, we're legally not allowed to fight that PULSE apparently, but a Lv. 75 pseudo-Legendary!? SURE! THAT'S FINE! 
The team, they're…
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Even at max level for this level cap, they're nowhere near the power level of a Lv. 75 Garchomp…what can I even do here? Am I even supposed to be able to do something, here…? No, I have to be! It's just one Pokémon, a single overleveled Garchomp- a 1v6, this has to be doable! 
If they really wanted this to be one of those impossible bosses, they would've given Solaris his whole team, or at least communicated a sense of futility better. No, there has to be something to this. And…heck! Maybe, just maybe, beating this Garchomp is exactly what Xera needs to do to save Kiki! This is her big chance to change the future, save Kiki where she failed with Corey!
But who of Xera's Pokémon has the best chance of going face-to-face with this thing? Riptide, maybe?
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His Defense isn't bad (I mean, c'mon, it's a Garchomp, I doubt it's gonna have any special attacks), so maybe with some Intimidate shenanigans…
But I'll need to get Glare in safely for that, so I need to sacrifice Crater. But maybe she'll get a lucky Quick Claw proc? And Lava Plume will Burn?
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Luck only goes so far, I suppose. Also, this is definitely a Cynthia remix, now that I'm hearing more of it. You don't deserve her music, Solaris! You hack!
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One Attack drop isn't going to be enough, I'm sure, so let's do it again with Bloom-
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And…maybe a third time? If it has Swords Dance or Dragon Dance, it's interesting that it's not using them yet…
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Is -3 Attack going to be enough? I mean…unless it knows a Grass or Electric move, it should be…? If not, we can try again and go for -5.
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Stop spamming Earthquake!! Use a different move so I can get more information about you!!
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Alright, let's see how this goes. Ice Fang isn't going to be as strong on this Field, and neither is Water Pledge, but at least Water Pledge lowers Garchomp's Accuracy, which should help matters.
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And it reduces Riptide's too, but it'll be fine.
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And of course it has Leftovers, great…
But I don't know if this is going to work like I thought it would…that Earthquake did 86 damage, so a Super Potion won't work here, at least not completely. Can I heal stall until it misses? Is that even feasible?
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I, uh…don't think I can heal stall…
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Okay, that…didn't go so well.
And now the only Pokémon I have left is…
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Coast…who has no attacking moves…
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I mean her Defense is even better than Riptide's but is that going to matter when she's 31 levels below Garchomp and can't even attack? Do I need to reset already? But her moves, they're just…
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She can't outspeed to use Curse or Recover effectively, Gastro Acid isn't gonna help here, and Counter-
…Counter. Counter, she has Counter, I just about forgot she had Counter.
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minimutty · 11 months
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Ok! I finally finished Fire Emblem Echoes! Gonna share my thoughts on the game and stuff below. Of course there might be spoilers, I played this game almost blind except the stuff spoiled to me by FEH.
Here we goooo
Art and Voice Acting: 10/10 absolutely beautiful. I particularly love Berkut's he did an absolutely great job. Fernand also. VA also gave Mae and Boey some great and funny lines, really fleshed em out.
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A lot different than I was used to. The previous game I played was FE10, which was much more similar to the other FE games I played (6, 7, 8, 9). Healing/spells use HP. One inventory slot. No durability. No item management. No rescuing. It was different but not unmanageable. I did miss rescuing though. You could heal by eating flour, though, which was neat.
I played on Normal/Classic bc I'm a filthy casual, I think I only got Mathilda killed (I legit didn't even notice. Maybe I autobattled through it? I normally rewind if some1 dies.) Most enemies do like 1dmg, biggest thing was being ganged up on.
Nothing groundbreaking but not terrible imo. Guys go north, beat up dragon, shenanigans along the way. The relationship b/n Alm & Celica felt forced, I don't think any 10yo (however old they were) act that lovey dovey, felt very fairytale predestined unrealistic. Plus the whole beginning part of "your station doesnt matter" but oh look Alm is secretly destined to be King and he has a magic mark that makes him the chosen one so yeah nvm your station totally matters, haha. If I suddenly found out I was to be king after like 17years of not, I'd be a lil more reluctant than he was. I know about the controversy of Celica giving her soul but I won't get into that. She felt pressured into it so it's whatever. The revival of Celica felt a bit contrived, but I guess they gotta get married somehow, huh.
Alm: kinda fell off mid game until I gave him the Blessed Bow. Bows felt better on him until he got the final Weapon(tm), but he wasn't very strong most game for me.
Celica: Pretty good early game for me, fell off around mid, used mostly as a healbot and Seraphim spammer for the zombie characters. Not bad but not notable imo. I didn't get her super special weapon apparently but she was just healbot and Seraphiming by end game.
Clerics/Mages/etc: Entirely healbots by the end for me, their magic wasn't strong enough (aside from Seraphim) to be useful and using HP to cast spells made them really not worth it for him.
Archers: Absolutely nuts. 5+ range on basic archers? And I thought Rolf was crazy. I had Kliff, Leon, Alm, and Python as my dedicated archers. Kliff was the best for me.
Mercenary/Myrmidons: Insane. Saber was insane. 47 consistent crit and always doubles? He could legit toe with the final boss for a bit. Crazy movement range too. I had he solo parts of the map he was so good.
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Armor: Actually not bad. I didn't use them previous games bc they had too lil move and still got nuked by mages. Here mages aren't as bad and they made good tanks. Lukas is legit the best character in the game in terms of character. Ace rep hype, haha.
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Uhh, anyway. I had a good time with the game. The dungeon crawling parts were a bit annoying and exhaustive, so I had to take breaks from those, but other than that it wasn't bad. I had a good time. The upgraded graphics and animations were definitely a step up from RD imo.
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justabeewithapen · 11 months
I’ve now finished Bendy and the Dark Revival… I have thoughts(tm) about it. Spoilers under the line.
That was literally just bioshock infinite. Why was that bioshock infinite, why did they do that??? It started so strong but then we got to the city and the atmosphere was just wrong, and after the retcon for Allison’s name I was actively trying not to cringe.
also what the hell was going on with the technicolor ink??? Am I just an idiot bc I swear I didn’t see that explained anywhere but I assume it has to be technicolor doesn’t it??? Wilson’s final boss form was cool (super anti-climatic tho. Audrey’s fighting back felt like struggling in your dreams where it’s all sluggish and weird), the ink spider, headcrab things were cool, most of the designs were super cool. But everything was wasted. God don’t even get me started on the final run at the end where all your “friends” come to help bc they somehow know you’re the ink demon.
Henry felt so trivial the entire game,,, like I know he isn’t the main character but not only is he now not the real Henry (which is fine that was a cool theory in the fandom) but he has absolutely 0 agency in his situation, isn’t real, also the ink world isn’t real bc Joey made it separate which implies those are just stinky inky figments of his co-workers, can we talk about how Audrey apparently named Allison hello stop please???? Literally I am so upset, why is Betty barely used she has such a cool design and we never see under her mask???
There was so much potential in this game gaaaah and some of it’s ideas and concepts were so cool. I loved the guided tour of animation alley and I actually ended up liking Ink Bendy’s voice a lot. Carley’s story was so good as a little side thing and Porter is a lunatic but the fun kind we needed! The lost ones were goofy as hell but I kinda enjoyed that too.
now I get to watch the new game trailer and beg on my knees it looks better.
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