#apparently i can't have fun like a normal person
yaeggravate · 3 days
hi i'm back with more crack theories about kaeya and everyone's favorite purple crystal 🥰
warning: this is just for fun, something to keep us entertained during another kaeya lore drought
a while back, before we knew who the sinner was, i suggested he was a fallen angel who gave kaeya his vision. kaeya's vision is pointedly missing two wings which may symbolize his clipped wings.
since there are some parallels between vision givers (archons) and vision bearers i assumed that the circumstances around kaeya's vision (fighting his brother after a betrayal) might hint towards the sinner also having gone through a sibling fallout.
fast forward, and while i was off about a few things, vedrfolnir does indeed have a sibling, one he betrayed pretty badly 🤭
Dainsleif: The Sinner you wish to know about... His situation is different. He and his fellow sinners have long betrayed me, and long betrayed their nation. Dainsleif: His name is Vedrfolnir, "The Visionary." Dainsleif: I'm loath to admit it, but... He is also my kin. My older brother.
who knows, maybe vedrfolnir witnessed the fight between the two brothers and saw himself in kaeya. (there's also something deeply funny about vedr losing his little brother dainsleif and replacing him with a cooler younger brother who also wants nothing to do with him).
Since that day, Kaeya and Diluc have gone their separate ways. But he never discusses it, just as he never discusses the origin of his Vision.
alternatively, perhaps vedr had to keep kaeya alive at all costs and hastily gave him a vision. he just so happens to be a Visionary, a powerful prophet who can divine the fate of the world and apparently see through time itself. ...like some kind of all seeing eye.
you know where this is going.
whether kaeya is a seer or not remains unclear. but there are enough oddities to suggest he knows and sees more than is normal. just look at his hangout! i'm not going to list all the instances but bennett even called him an "omniscient big brother" in an old official blog post. turns out, vedrfolnir is quite literally an omniscient big brother lol.
Kaeya: My dear audience, I ask you this: Do you believe in fate? If fate decreed that your life was to end in tragedy, what would you do?
Kaeya: Fate means to send the machinations of war to every corner of the land, to fan the flames of conflict till they engulf the entire world... Fate would see my sword tainted with the blood of innocents, that the bright banner of my homeland might fly in every nation known to mankind.
Kaeya: Perhaps there's an inept god out there deciding everyone's fates... much like the Akademiya student drafting Darbil's scripts.
how does he know this? is someone dropping spoilers in his ear or does he really have the gift of prophecy?
so imagine for a second kaeya's vision is from vedrfolnir. maybe this created a connection between them which allowed kaeya to catch glimpses of vedr's divinations... this might explain why kaeya was there during the caribert quest. kaeya waited every day for the traveler to show up which to me suggests he was desperate to talk to them. maybe he knew what was going to happen and wanted to warn them. (and then vedr's brother showed up which put a dent in those plans.)
another fun coincidence is that vedrfolnir means "storm pale", "wind bleached", or "wind-witherer". kaeya has many references to storms and wind. (frostwind swordsman, glacial whirlwind, he even came to mondstadt during a storm etc etc). no, this does not mean kaeya is vedr, but hey if child can inherit surtalogi's legacy why can't kaeya inherit vedrfolnir's, who has a history of "helping" the alberichs.
foul legacy is "demon king armament (魔王武装)" in CN, and in fischl's cn voiceline about kaeya, she questions if kaeya has the "demon eye (魔眼)".
About Kaeya (CN) Fischl: The reality that cannot be seen through, the karma that cannot be discerned, the mad interweavings of reality and illusion... Perhaps that person and I are alike, shouldering the fate of the "demon eye"...
the sinners are using a power they acquired from the abyss. if the power comes from a demon, who are fallen angels, then it does not kill the fallen angel theory. moreover, the traveler specifically compares venti's upside down statue to the sinner. i think the abyss order are trying to create a mechanical angel; because who else can weave and control ley lines if not the descendants of fate itself? the mecha god might even be used to house vedr himself...
this is not without precedent. i recently found out deshret's mechanical triangle boss, abbreviated as ASIMON, is a reference to the aasimon in dnd, who are angels.... these mechas are imbued with jinn fragments, who are the descendants of the seelie. so essentially, deshret used angel juice to power up his machines.
remus also used the golden seelie bees to weave his symphony. ....sensing a worrying trend here.
i won't lie, it's not looking good for kaeya.
but it gets better
"sinners" and "fishers" in french are almost identical: pécheurs and pêcheurs. this is important because kaeya's ancestor anfortas is named after the fisher king from arthurian legends which was originally written in old french. he's the sinner AND fisher king.
Amfortas is a character from the Grail Romances: the Fisher King (le roi pêcheur) and the Sinner King (le roi pecheur).
kaeya's connections to fishers has been foreshadowed from the beginning; his birthday falls on november 30, which is the feast day of st andrew, a fisherman. his eyepatch in official art has a trident, which was used for spearfishing. (there's also fischl's entire existence aka fischer.)
he even has a hangout pic where he catches a fish. in that same route he went by the alias of albert rich, which might also be a reference to the fisher king being a "rich fisher". it's a double pun!
if kaeya is the new "fisher" or "sinner king", what would he be the king of? khaenri'ah seems like the most logical route. yes, khaenri'ah is gone but it's possible the kingdom can "grow back" just like fischl's immernachtreich.
Oz: "Really? So how do we make your homeland grow back again? Oh, pwease tell me, pweeease, pweeeeease!" Fischl: "Since you inquire so earnestly... give unto me a tranquil haven, promise me eternal admiration, lend me both time and wind, and one shall revive one's homeworld."
...or perhaps kaeya's future "kingdom" is simply mondstadt, which may be a pun on monsalvat, the fisher king's realm.
OR, even crazier, sinner king is literal, and the power the sinners are using belongs to a branch of kaeya's mysterious family... (not necessarily the alberichs).
we don't know yet if anfortas was born an alberich; for all we know he might have been adopted or married into the family. if this is the case, anfortas's lineage could be anything... we also can't forget kaeya's mother, who is an even bigger mystery than kaeya's father.
About Fischl (CN) What? You're saying that Fischl hiding one eye is very fitting for her image as "Prinzessin der Verurteilung"? Haha, by this logic, I should be a descendant of a last generation of royals, right?
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catgirlneomatrix · 3 months
I just Wana let you guys know I had a full booping strategy today (it's a tiny bit long so I put a split)
First of all I was double screening it. I could boop faster on my phone, but you can only see the fun faces or whatever on desktop.
I was pretty hyper focused on this, but my focus isn't infi, so I had to give it structure and make it a bit of a game
I found people to boop by going to the notes of one of those "reblog if you don't mind being spammed with boops" posts
I played a fun playlist with a medium-high bpm to keep me entertained. The One I picked was mostly girly pop music circa 2010.
When I new song started I clicked on a person and would boop them to the beat. After every song I would reload my laptop tab and look at the number of boops, then start the next song and pick a new person
The frequent change in people was able to keep me interested enough to keep going
I was able to boop at a rate of 100-150 boops per song
I was also able to reach a rate of 1k boops per 25-35 minutes With this method.
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bugsbenefit · 5 months
scary that there's still Will bowlcut haters around. like... that's his core character design, it looks nice too. sorry to all the different hairstyle enjoyers out there but Will without a bowlcut simply wouldn't be Will to me. that's the side effect of them doubling down on that one single hairstyle for 8 years. they can style it different or make it messier sure, but he needs Some version of a bowlcut otherwise who is that
#Duffers did it to themselves#if they'd change the haircut Now i'll call the s5 hair department a flop no hesitation#not because it would look bad but simply because That's Not My Will that's just noah schnapp with a wig#also unrelated side tangent ik this is just about silly hcs but anytime i talk about Will's hair i get annoyed about how the#bowlcut became the minion meme equivalent of the fandom#i simply refuse to believe people actually hate bowlcuts that much that has to be some kind of moist phenomenon#i've never in my life seen someone irl make fun of bowlcuts or personally even noticed one as 'strange'#but go online and there's apparently consensus that bowlcuts are cringe or something? lmao?#you can probably imagine how surprised i was when i found the st fandom for the first time and everyone just kept talking about Will's hair#when it's literally a normal ass haircut#and meanwhile no one realized that Mike also had a bowlcut for 3 seasons. i swear 'Will bowlcut lmaoo' just became a meme#i'm convinced half of these people don't even know what a bowlcut looks like since they apparently can't recognize one#side tangent over this had nothing to do with what people are talking about actually 😭#my furstration about the way a fucking haircut out of all things became the funny stinger of the show apparently never goes away#and comes back out any time i type the word hair.... oh well#ignore the tags i was having a moment (flashback having nothing to say after a show besides 'the hairrr 😭')
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emdotcom · 1 month
*remembers what they did to Vanny* 500 FUCKING PIPEBOMB ATTACK.
#em.txt#WHY#how can you see the fucking absolute fire that is building up & go. 'yeah douse it. now bring back peepaw AGAIN'#BUILD HER UP 2 GAMES EARLY --- & THEN DO NOTHING!!!!!!!!? FUCK#WE CAN'T HAVE WOMEN DO THINGS IN FNAF I GUESS#the company's scop was too big & they developed the game seperately from the environment & made the environment above the game#cut playable vanessa sections. cut vanny appearances.#remove all the plot make vanessa a bitch throw in some invisible walls call it done. 30 dollars now please#security breach isn't just bad. it's not fucking done.#the thing normally with cut content is i can usually agree like 'okay this game cut this but that was a smart choice'#it can be better for time or budget & it can make for better writing.#for instance all the cut content in ahit is neat & as much as i like moonie it's smart to cut his character to build up other ones#& makes for a tighter story & less convoluted area that's more fun to play#when i look at the cut content for security breach their are obvious issues.#it's obvious the company's scope went too far. you built too big an environment. you built the environment before your game.#you prioritized a cool area to the point you expanded the mall from 1 story to 3. do you think that time could have been speant elsewhere#& the other problem is the insane fucking crunch that scott cawthon as a dev placed on himself & others to maintain relevancy#a single person locking themselves ina room for months to stay relevant is fucked. a game studio physically cannot do that.#you see shit in the prerelease like they wanted a bowling minigame a kart minigame a freeroam minigame etc#what about vanny? what did you want with this character? you clearly had something in mind#but we needed to cut it so we can fit in mazercise i fucking guess or chica's bakery or trash heap#here's what we have: less than 1 minute screentime. the 2 vanessa ending comic. that's it#oh wait i forgot. 'vanny. sounds like vanessa & bunny. this cabnot be a coincidence ' & THEN IT NEVER COMES UP AGAIN#princess quest used to be about that bitch in golden freddy you retconned it to be about vanessa SO DO SOMETHING WITH THAT#her whole shit is apparently in service to william afton. why isn't she in the afton fight at all#does she not know he's down there? is he unrelated? does she know she's working for the mimic? is she not working for him?#is she at all related to the fucking bunny from ruin or like what#what about the rainbow hair. what about her tech prowess. what about the cut missing kids only referenced in duffle bag messages now.#fuck you & fuck me as well why can't i be passionate about hvac systems#why's it gotta be this shittass gsme.
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coffeeworldsasaki · 8 months
Once again chanting in my mind "graphic card" to avoid snapping at my mother saying dumb shit
#how do you always get to the wrong conclusion of everything oh my godddddd#yeah yeah a lot is wrong with doctors like a fucking lot I'm well aware I've suffered huge amount of pains for years for that#but she says it from a novax point of view so she's still wrong by saying the right thing and it annoys me so much!#obviously she's too fucking fatphobic to see how that is one of the biggest issues in medicine#fun fact my father is not taking meds to heal from something that could actually kill him because it stops him from eating#that's apparently okay but vaccines aren't#someone should study their brains under a microscope#also my father problem was probably caused by the extreme diet he did that was mostly starvation#at least i feel better about myself#sometimes i get very depressed about all the things I'll never be able to do because i fucked my wrist at 18 but at least i did that#crocheting#he completely destroyed his health to lose weight#also even more fun thing he wanted to lose weight for reasons that didn't have anything to do with the weight he probably just can't eat#grains#he got better as soon as he stopped eating normal pasta and switched to the fake ones made with rice and stuff#they didn't connect the dot#but the second i thin person started to have issues breathing#that are definitely side effects of covid btw#grains were immediately blamed#god i shouldn't get into these rants because i just get mad at their stupidity AND I NEED TO STAY CALM FOR THE GRAPHIC CARD#and especially not build enough represed rage about it to risk trying to choke my mother the next time she says it's fine i lost all that#weight#sure it's fine losing weight because of illness and depression is fucking wonderful#i have to fight with myself most days to eat enough but sure that's fine I'm staying thin!
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thethingything · 9 months
apparently sometimes I will just fall asleep for 2 hours, have a dream that consists entirely of having a lovely conversation with someone I really want to talk to more, then wake up, realise the conversation never happened, also remember how much I struggle with starting conversations sometimes, then just end up getting frustrated and upset about it
#personal#thoughts#🍬 post#vent post#dream posting#I'm trying to get myself to be better at approaching people I want to talk to#and I'm trying to internalise the whole ''if you want to do it but you're scared then do it scared'' thing#but I also am just better at starting a conversation if I have a specific thing I can send someone or ask about or whatever#trying to send completely normal stuff like ''hey! how's it going'' feels so painfully scripted we start panicking about it sounding weird#which I've just realised probably came from some specific experiences as a teenager... fuck 🙃#apparently sometimes you get to randomly make a fun little connection between struggling to start conversations now#and being bullied by family members for any part of your speech that sounded ''scripted''#despite being the ones that taught you to use those scripts to start conversations in the first place#''you should open conversations like this and ask these questions'' and then we'd do exactly that and get made fun of in front of everyone#I fucking hate this. oh yay we were bullied for saying things like ''how's it going?'' and ''how are you today?''#and ''what have you been up to lately?'' and pretty much any other basic conversation opener#and now we can't start a fucking conversation the normal way because we feel too stiff and awkward and like we'll be judged for it#because we'd ask how someone was doing and be laughed at in front of everyone for sounding ''scripted'' and ''fake''#awesome. now I need to process all of that bullshit too#I'm realising how much we got bullied for our speech patterns in general and oh my fucking god
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tj-crochets · 2 years
Yesterday I thought I was having alarming new health symptoms while running some errands, got home, and realized that I was just having an allergic reaction to something and apparently sitting in a car in the dark with a whole bunch of bright lights going by everywhere (headlights, street lamps, signs, etc) makes the light sensitive part of the migraine hit a lot harder and a lot faster lol I am pretty much okay now but idk if I will be making anything today 
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nanaslutt · 5 months
Never leave your girlfriend unattended with Suguru Geto
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ʚ cont: fem reader, established relationship (you&Gojo), cheating, dubcon (they both want it but r! is hesitant to cheat), dirty talk, praise, sexual tension, teasing, oral(f!r), multiple orgasms, breeding kink, guilt, rough sex, manhandling, mutual pining, possessiveness, jealousy, getting caught // WC: 8k
A soft kiss was pressed to the top of your head, to which you closed your eyes in response, happily accepting it. Gojo pulled away and looked at you before ruffling his hand on your hair, making flyaways stick up. "See you in a couple of weeks, baby, be good to Suguru while I'm away." He said, smiling as you nodded before he gave you one last kiss on the lips and shut the door.
"You guys are just the cutest, aren't you?" Suguru said amused, standing against the entrance to the main room with his arms crossed, head tipped against the wall. You turned around and scoffed at him, "Were you watching us? Perv." You spat at your long-time roommate and friend, making him giggle and uncross his arms as he made his way into the room you were in, walking toward the kitchen. "If you don't want me to watch, kiss somewhere a little less public." Geto teased, grabbing a glass from the cabinet before walking over to the sink and filling it up.
"Like us being in our room has stopped you from being nosy." You tsked, walking towards him. You bumped your shoulder into him as you walked past him and copied his actions, getting a glass before placing it under the stream of tap water he had running. Geto shut the tap off and smirked at you, making you look up at him in annoyance, your eyes locking onto his. "If the neighbors can hear you, what makes you think I can't, hm?" Geto asked, leaning into your personal space, making you pull your head back a bit, trying to gain some distance.
Your jaw fell open in astonishment as your words failed to find your tongue from his words exposing your intimate moments with Satoru. You were about to respond when a large hand pat down on the top of your head, effectively shutting you up. "No talking back, Satoru said not to be nice to me didn't he?" Geto asked, a teasing lilt in his voice as he questioned you. You sucked your teeth, staying silent as you turned the tap back on, ignoring his presence.
Geto smirked in victory, his hand leaving your head as he bumped into your body while he walked past you. "Good girl." He praised before walking out of the kitchen and back into his bedroom. Your heart was racing as you stood in front of the sink. His words echo over and over in your head, 'Good girl.' You and Geto were no strangers to teasing each other and poking fun at the other, but lately, things have felt more tense than they should be, especially when Gojo wasn't around.
You hoped you were the only one who felt it, so this could be your dirty little secret that neither Satoru nor Suguru had to find out about. You were jolted back into your body and out of your head when you felt water caress your fingertips as it fell over the rim of your glass. You had been so lost in thought you had overfilled your cup, jeez, you needed to get it together.
Disregarding the water altogether, you set down the glass and shut off the tap as you rounded your way to the sofa, deciding a movie could be good to take your mind off things for a while. You laid sideways down on the couch, stuffing one of the decorative pillows under your head for comfort as you scrolled through a movie sight, waiting for something to catch your eye. You stopped the curser on a movie your friends had been raving about all week, some new romance movie featuring two very attractive love interests, and apparently it was supposed to be pretty steamy.
Normally, you would watch something like this in your own room, but unfortunately, your laptop had been ruined by Satoru himself just last week, forcing you to spend more time out of your room.
Gojo had finally, finally gotten inside you after being away for a week, per usual. You had been feeling so worked up while he was away, your fingers not bringing you any relief throughout your time separated, so when he was back the two of you latched onto each other like glue and wasted no time in connecting in the ways you really wanted to. You gasped against Gojo's lips as he penetrated you fully, him staying still against you as he gave your neglected cunt some time to adjust around him while he whispered dirty praises against the shell of your ear.
Just when you were about to tell him to move, Geto busts into your room without so much as a knock, ready to welcome his best friend home from a week's absence, only to be met with both of your sweaty and red bodies, flush against one another. Suguru raised his eyebrows in surprise as he raked his eyes over your body, or at least, the parts of your body he could see from Gojo's body laying on top of yours, an action you did not miss, causing a new wave of heat to course through your veins.
This wasn't the first time Geto had 'accidentally' walked in or interrupted something between you two, and normally Gojo was more teasing and lenient about it, but not this night. Gojo was so depraved of your pussy had his sights set on fucking you into the mattress all night long, and Geto was clearly preventing that. In an effort to get your shared roommate to leave so he didn't spoil the mood, Gojo reached over to your desk and threw a bottle of lube at the door, which he missed, horribly.
Because of his awkward angle and his arm having to outstretch backward towards the door, instead of hitting his target, he hit a glass half full of water which was conveniently placed right next to your laptop, which it spilled on, and ruined in an instant. Geto left the room with tears in his eyes from how hard he was laughing, and you and Gojo didn't exactly get up to much fucking that night.
Although, Gojo of course made it up to you by buying you the latest laptop on the market. Or to be more clear, one so new it wasn't even on the market yet, which is why a week later it still wasn't in your possession. It was supposed to arrive sometime within the month, so you could be patient. You knew it was a mistake and after his little show of how sorry he was, you made sure to thank him properly in bed, with his cock shoved down your throat.
You were starting to like being out of your room so much though, not like you would ever tell Satoru that, even though what he did had been an accident, you knew he would find a way to be smug about it and expect you to be grateful for what he'd done, claiming it was all apart of his 'master plan'.
Geto didn't leave his room much during gloomy days like today, so you figured you would have the main room to yourself as well, which just made you feel all the more comfortable, considering the weird feelings you've been having about him lately. Just when you clicked on the movie and the opening started to roll, you heard Geto's door screech open, making every hair of your body stand on edge as you prayed he was just going to the bathroom instead of joining you for a movie night.
Alas, lady luck was not on your side as Geto's heavy footsteps grew closer and closer, indicating that he was not in fact going to the bathroom and was heading in your direction. You forced your body to relax, laying as natural as you could for how on edge you felt with him around, you stared nonchalantly at the TV as he walked into the room, heading for the kitchen.
Geto looked in your direction, catching a glimpse of you sprawled on the couch before he stopped in his tracks, deciding his dinner could wait. "What's up?" He asked, his voice growing closer as he walked toward you. You bit your lip between your teeth and shut your eyes for a moment, cursing your luck before you opened your eyes and spoke, "Not much, jus' watchin' a movie my friend recommended." You said dryly, keeping your eyes on the screen as the movie starts to play.
"Yeah? What's it about?" Geto asks, making his way around the couch. You're internally screaming now, praying he'll get a call or something from someone that will make him go away. You could feel your heart beat out of your chest as Geto sat down by your ankles and picked them up, scooting a bit towards you as he placed them on his lap, dangerously close to his…
You decided to entertain his small talk, trying to distract yourself from the seemingly normal situation, and for your sake, you really hoped he thought it was. "Uh, I'm not sure, just some romance movie. Shoko said the girl who stars in it is cute, said the guy might be my type too." You responded, swallowing all the saliva left in your impossibly dry mouth.
"Oh? Satoru might be jealous if he heard you say that." Geto joked, his hand resting on your ankle, sending a heat racing through your body. You clicked your tongue, "I'm able to recognize when people are attractive, I'm sure Satoru does the same." You respond, biting the inside of your cheek. "Is that so?" Geto responded, a mischievous lilt to his voice as he spoke.
You opted not to respond, letting your attention fall solely on the movie. Only when you finally started to calm down and the conversation between the two of you had died down, something that made you want to bang your head against a metal wall showed up on the screen, in 4k quality. A sex scene.
The guy's head was between the woman's legs, and any intimate parts of the two people were strategically covered by other objects in the room with the help of the angle of the camera, but you could still see their facial expressions and hear their noises loud and clear. A whistle coming from Geto made you swallow hard as you watched the scene unfold in front of you, unable to look away.
"Shoko was right, she's hot as fuck." Geto praised, raising his hips as bit as he scooted forward, spreading his legs. You peeked over at Geto, and you noticed the man licking his lips at the scene, not like you could blame him. You ignored his comment, instead pressing your thighs subtly together as you watched them go at it, their noises going straight to your cunt. You prayed it would be over soon.
You thought you had gotten through it, when the sex scene ended and Geto said something that made your heart skip a beat. "She kinda looks like you." You wanted the couch to open up and swallow you whole. How could he say that after he just said how hot the actress was? Did he do that on purpose? Were you reading into things? The thought that Geto found you attractive made you press your thighs together harder, your feet moving a bit against his legs.
The movement made Geto start petting at the skin, his fingers teasing the dimple on the side of your ankle. You took a deep breath, trying to be subtle about it as he touched you. This wasn't uncommon, Geto was always touchy like this, even with Gojo around, you were reading too much into it, you were reading too much into it, you were- "You alright?" Geto's voice jolted you from your thoughts your eyes finding his.
His other arm was sprawled out behind you on the couch as he tipped his head against the cushions, looking at you with raised eyebrows and a suspicious look on his face like he knew something you didn't. "I'm fine." You stopped yourself short when you were about to ask why, nervous to hear his answer. Geto snorted, a quick, 'alright' leaving his lips that didn't sound all that convinced at your answer.
You were acting weird, he had to have picked up on it by now. You were acting as you did with Satoru when he teased you. Fuck, Satoru. Your boyfriend, Geto's best friend. You briefly closed your eyes and shook your head against the pillow, trying to make all thoughts of Surugu go away, you could absolutely not think about him in that way.
While you were trying to calm your racing heart, Geto's fingers slid higher up your leg, teasing the skin of your shin nonchalantly as he kept his eyes glued to the screen. You focused on your breathing, the words emanating from the TV speaker sounding clouded and muddled into gibberish as your arousal steadily grew.
You peeked at Geto through the side of your eye, trying to gauge if he was feeling anything either. Once again, lady luck was rooting for your downfall. The second you looked over at Geto to study his face, you were met with his dark eyes already looking at you instead of the TV. Thinking fast despite your heart picking up in your chest once more, you spat out, "What are you looking at me for?" Your words came out more suppressed and soft than you would've liked.
Suguru ran his hands in longer strokes along your leg, testing his luck as he dragged his fingertips from the ankle to the back of your knee, ever so slowly. "Just checking to see if you were enjoying yourself," Geto said vaguely, his words making your body heat up. Clearing your throat, you averted your eyes back onto the TV and away from his scrutinizing eyes, which seemed to look right through you. "I am, it's a good movie." You responded, trying to get the topic of conversation off of you, "How about you?" You added, trying to seem unaware of the growing tension in the room.
"Right." Geto said, a hint of all-knowing in his tone, "It's a good movie." He repeated, obviously aware that you were hiding something from him judging from your defensive tone you weren't even aware of yourself.
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence once more, Geto's hand slowing his caressing of your thigh, allowing you to breathe more normally and relax your body again, save for the steady pulsing you felt in your cunt that wouldn't cease. Just when you were about to excuse yourself to get the water you previously abandoned earlier, another intimate scene occurred on the TV, making your entire body clench up.
You couldn't very well leave now, Geto would without a doubt think you were affected by the movie if you did that, even though you were. Figuring in your spot on the couch, your feet unknowingly scooted closer to Geto's crotch, making his eyebrows raise in surprise at your subtle movement. "You're getting squirmy again." Geto teased, outting your discomfort.
You could feel your heart beating loudly in your ears, your eyes staying locked on the couple who was making passionate love on the screen in front of you. You stayed quiet, hoping if you pretended like you didn't hear him, he would shut up for good, only that didn't happen. His hands caressed past the back of your knee, his fingertips teasing the start of the underside of your sensitive thighs before he spoke again.
"Does this movie make you miss Satoru? 'S that why you're getting all fidgety?" Geto continued, looking at you from the corner of his eye. Your breath picked up, coming out louder than you realized, as your heavy breaths reached Geto's ears loud and clear. You pressed your legs together again, trying to gain some relief as your roommate teased you.
Suguru grinned when you stayed quiet again, your expression telling him all he needed to know. Something was affecting you, something was making you aroused. He decided to test his luck and see just how far he could push this. "Sounds just like you guys, huh?" He persisted, licking his bottom lip as he watched his fingers tease the back of your thigh.
You released a shaky breath, your eyes fluttering for a brief second as you struggled to gain ahold of your reactions. "I have to listen to that every night y'know? You getting fucked by my best friend." His words were affecting you too much, you couldn't let this go any further. "Suguru." You whispered as sternly as you could manage, his name leaving your lips a little too breathily and needy.
Suguru looked away, his gaze falling back onto the TV, but his hand did not stop teasing your leg. You were now positive that this encounter and his touch was not friendly and had other intentions like you first believed. "You sound so pretty too, it's hard not to listen," Suguru exposed, causing you to bite your lip. The sex scene was long over now and the movie was coming to a close, and still, you and Geto lay there, staring at the screen, neither of you actually watching the movie.
"Suguru, stop," You warned, worried this was going to lead to something neither of you could take back. "You know I wanted you first?" Suguru said, making you squeeze your eyes shut hard, trying to ignore his words. "Talked about it with Satoru too. Who knew a year later he was gonna be dating you." Biting your lip hard enough to draw blood, you cast your gaze on Suguru, your expression silently begging him to stop talking.
"I should've-" "Suguru stop, please, please stop. I don't know what you're trying to do but we can't do this." You cut him off, pulling back your leg from his grasp as you sat up, your legs curled by your body as you held your body weight up with one hand behind you. You stared at him pleadingly, knowing you weren't going strong enough if he made a move.
"We?" He repeated, making your heart sink into your stomach. You fucked up, you hadn't meant to say that. "So you feel it too, don't you? And you've been feeling it for a while, haven't you?" Suguru asked bluntly, bringing everything out in the open. He was too far gone to play coy now. "I don't know what you're talking about. Slip of the tongue." You said, looking away as you began to get up from the couch.
Suguru's hand gripping your wrist made you stop in your tracks, when did he get so close? "Suguru let go." You said sternly, a hint of softness in your voice. "You want this, I know you do." He pushed, pulling you towards him. You winced, turning your head dramatically away from him. "I… I think I should go stay with Shoko till Satoru gets back. I'll pretend I didn't hear any of that." You said, adamant to keep your foot down, not allowing either of you to cross this line that could ruin everything.
Suddenly, you were under Suguru, and he was on top of you. Your legs spread around his knee that was placed between your legs, dangerously closed to where you had been needing attention all night. He held both your hands above your head, pinning your wrists down on the couch, immobilizing you, forcing you to face the situation. "Suguru don't do this." You begged, trying to keep your eyes off of his lips.
"I won't tell him, he never has to find out." Suguru breathed, his eyes solely focused on your lips, the complete opposite of yours. "How… how could you say that? He's your best friend." You said, defending your boyfriend. Geto's next word caught you off guard, rendering you speechless. "You were mine first."
You stared up at him desperately, your fate in his hands as you breathed heavily, not knowing how to respond, not even sure if you wanted to respond. Geto leaned down to the crook of your neck, his hot breath tickling your skin teasingly before he spoke, "You hear me? You were mine first," He repeated, followed by a kiss to your sweet skin.
A gasp left your lips when you felt him make contact with your neck. "S-suguru-" You gasped before trying to struggle against his hold, knowing this was wrong. "Been wanting to hear you say my name like that for a long time," Suguru whispered before peppering his kisses up to your ear, sucking your earlobe into his mouth. You whined, wincing at the sensitive and unfamiliar feeling of Geto's lips. It all felt so wrong but so good. Geto clearly had experience.
"Suguru haah-" You gasped, your attempts to escape his hold growing weaker and weaker the more time he spent sucking your ear. His lips traced back down to your neck before he found your sensitive spot and sucked. You whined, tipping your head to the side so he had more access to the skin there. You felt a blossom of warmth spread in your lower tummy, making you wiggle around, trying to get friction somehow.
"Suguru we- we shouldn't do this." You whined, your words coming out stuttered and breathily. He pulled away from your neck, admiring the little red hickey that was starting to form before his eyes drifted to your disheveled face, the face of a person who craved release. Your chest was rising and falling heavily and your mouth was slightly agape, your eyes lidded and cloudy to match your expression.
You thought Geto had ignored your words before he leaned down and hovered his lips above yours, a hair's length away from touching. He licked his own before speaking, his eyes flitting between your lips and your eyes, which did the same. "Tell me to stop," Geto said, giving you an out. Something in the way he said those words made you think he really would stop if you said so.
You'd been telling him to stop just fine only moments prior, only when this seemed to be a true out, an escape to leave to the sanctity of Shoko and forget this encounter ever happened, you couldn't find it in yourself to speak those words again. Breathing shakily against his lips, you whispered back the words that sealed your fate. "I can't"
In an instant, Geto's lips were latched onto yours, to which you hastily reciprocated his need. Moaning desperately against him, he finally gave you what you needed most, and pressed his knee against your cunt. He swallowed up your sounds of pleasure, griding his throbbing cock against your leg, matching your need. Geto had no idea how he was able to hold back for so long, he felt like he was about to explode.
He had been hard in his pants since your encounter in the kitchen a few hours ago, his baggy hoody stealthily concealing his arousal, making him seem like he had been calm and collected, when in reality, he was losing his mind. "The bedroom, take me to your bedroom." You gasped hastily against his lips, needing more relief than what his knee could bring.
Without a word from the man, he scooped you up in his arms and made a beeline for his bedroom. His hard cock rubbed against your ass with each step he took as you had your legs wrapped around his waist, giving both of you the much-needed friction you needed to stall yourselves as he brought you to the bedroom.
Geto through you down on the bed before he removed his hoodie and shirt in one fell swoop, leaving him clad in his boxers and sweats. You raked your eyes over his body while you followed suit, removing the oversized T-shirt you were wearing, which coincidentally, happened to be Geto's. He pounced on you before you were even done removing your shirt, his arms reaching up to help you remove your shirt quickly.
As you worked on your bra, Geto pushed you down and slid his legs under your hips, placing his hands on your thighs as he hoised you towards him, your body sliding down against the sheets. Everything was a blur, you two were moving quickly and silently, save for both of your gasps and heavy breathing, a tell of just how badly you really needed each other.
Geto made quick work of your shorts and panties, practically ripping them off your legs before you could even register what was going on. Geto pushed your legs back by the underside of your thighs, folding your body into a mating press as he started dropping his face down to your dripping cunt. Your hands stopped him as you covered your pussy with both hands, embarrassed at how open and exposed you were.
"W-wait I- I didn't shave-" You whined, your face hot as you tried to keep your eyes on his. Geto's eyes found your own, annoyed that you were stopping him from the thing he wanted most. "Move your fucking hands." He groaned sternly, having no patience for your insecurity over such a minuscule thing. You think he gave a fuck if you were shaved? He knew he was dealing with a woman, he knew what to expect, and he loved it.
You kept them firmly over your cunt, your wetness coating your fingers as you kept your pussy obstructed from him. Geto groaned before he leaned forward and licked at your hands, presumably where your clit was. "S-suguru-" You gasped, shocked at the shameless display of his need. He sucked one of your fingers into his mouth, successfully getting a small taste of you from where your wetness had gotten on your hands.
His eyes rolled back in his head from such a small taste, now needing to have more. His cock twitched in his pants, threatening to cum already despite barely having been touched. "I don't care, move your hands," Geto repeated, reassuring you it didn't bother him in the slightest. Letting your arousal guide you, you reluctantly removed your hands, exposing your pussy to his eyes.
Immediately, a long groan left Suguru's lips as he stared at your pussy, taking in the beautiful sight in front of him. "Oh fuck, you're even more beautiful than I thought." He said, biting his bottom lip between his teeth. His cock twitched harshly behind the confines of his boxers, spilling pre-cum against them as his eyes were blessed with the sight of you.
"D-don't say stuff like that," you whined, gripping his hair for support as you looked away from him, too embarrassed to face him and his dirty words. "Get used to it." He said sternly before he dove in, his tongue licking hastily against your folds.
Your nails scratched against his scalp as your head fell back against the sheets, your eyes rolling in your head. "Ffff-uck!" You cried as Geto moaned against your pussy. His tongue was darting quickly back and forth against your clit, his rough and sloppy movements making you see stars. "Ohmygod-" Geto groaned against you, his words sending vibrations through your cunt, causing your body to jerk inward.
Pulling back briefly Geto released one of your legs to slap your bare cunt, resulting in a loud cry from you before he dove back into sooth your pussy, his hand grabbing your thigh firmly once more, keeping you in the mating press. "I-inside, S-suguru p-put your tongue inside-" You gasped, needing to feel something inside you. Suguru wasted no time in acting on your words, his tongue diving penetrating you with ease.
You moaned lewdly feeling his tongue thrust in and out of you, just short of where you needed to feel him most, but the stimulation still felt amazing. His face was pressed so firmly against your cunt that his sharp nose was digging into your clit, stimulating it each time he shook his head back and forth against you, slurping loudly.
"Fuck- fuck I'm gonna cum- S-suguru I'm gonna cum-" Geto couldn't help but feel proud at the cry he's heard so many times replaced with his name instead of your boyfriends. The declaration made his cock twitch, his hips canting into the air against nothing. You tried to squeeze your thighs against his head as your orgasm crept closer and closer, your mouth falling open in a silent scream until-
Geto pulled away, leaving you just short of your orgasm. "Need to feel you cum around my cock." Geto said desperately, placing your legs over his thighs as he sat back, uniting the knot in his sweats. "S-suguru…" You pouted, reaching your hand between your legs you started rubbing your clit in small, slow circles, keeping yourself right on the edge as you waited for him to get his cock out.
Geto watched with a slacked jaw as you played with yourself shamelessly in front of him, your fingers teasing the entrance of your tight cunt before rubbing back up to your swollen clit, making his mouth water. The bottom half of his face was coated in your wetness, and his flyaways had stuck to his face by your slick, making him look so needy and sloppy, it was cute.
Geto groaned when he pulled his cock out of his boxers. He pulled the sweats down a couple of inches, just under his balls as he started slowly jerking himself off, spreading his wetness over the length of his cock as he watched you. "Spread yourself open." He demanded, his eyes focused on the opening of your cunt where his fat dick was about to be.
You were a bit shocked when you finally saw his unobstructed cock, so it took you a minute to register his words. He looked pretty big judging from his bulge, but nothing could've prepared you for the sheer girth and length he had, which far surpassed Gojo's. Sure Gojo's cock was impressive, but a side-by-side would've made your boyfriend's look pathetic. "Baby, let me see your pussy." Geto repeated, his hand rubbing on top of your thigh, jolting you out of your own head.
With a meek nod, you spread your folds apart for him, looking away as you did so. Geto groaned, you could hear the squelches get louder and more frequent as he started jerking himself off faster while staring at your little hole. "Fuck… you think you can take me?" He asked, leaning over you, keeping his hand jerking himself off, the other planting by the side of your head.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, scratching your nails on his nape, making him groan. You looked between the two of you, watching as Geto touched himself while hovering his tip just above your pussy. "It's so big, isn't it?" Geto teased, reading your mind as his eyes scanned over your face, watching you watch him. You looked back up to him, your chest rising and falling quickly with anxiety and arousal as you nodded.
"But you can take it, can't you?" He asked, nodding at you, basically telling you the answer he wanted to hear. You nodded back, not really comprehending what he was saying, you just wanted him to fuck you. "Beg me for it. Tell me how bad you want this dick." Geto whispered, rubbing his tip against your clit as he leaned into your neck, pressing kisses against the skin there. You gasped, your legs instinctually wrapping around his waist as he teased you, making out with your neck.
"Tell me how bad you want me inside you, c'mon.." Geto begged, sucking hard against your skin. If you had half a mind, you would yell at him for trying to mark you up. You didn't even let Gojo give you hickeys. Instead, you pressed his head harder against you, welcoming the feeling. A nudge against your wet entrance from his fat tip made your words find your tongue, your cunt throbbing and begging him to get inside you already.
"I want it so bad Suguru." You whispered, your face growing hot at your words. "Want you to fill me up, ruin me, wanna feel you in my fucking guts." You blabbed, letting your pussy do the talking as he frotted his dick between your folds, his dripping cockhead hitting your clit just right with each thrust, making you feel like you were going to cum again.
Geto groaned at your words, drip after drip of pre leaking from his slit, rubbing all over your pussy. "You're on birth control right?" He whispered against your neck. He knew it was a little too late for that, seeing as he had been rubbing his cum all over your pussy for a while now, but he figured he would ask before he said his next few words.
"Y-yeah, you can fuck me raw." Geto wasn't expecting for you to say that. His teeth sunk into your neck at the declaration, making you whine out and can't your hips up against his. "You let Satoru fuck you raw?" He asked, clearly getting jealous and feeling a little competitive. You cringed at the mention of your boyfriend, not wanting to think about him right now, you could regret this later if you so chose.
Begrudgingly you answered him with a small nod that he wouldn't miss for anything. "Just me? Am I the first one to fuck this pussy raw?" He asked, beginning to line up his cockhead with your entrance, pushing his hips against you lightly, teasing you. You felt the guilt start to creep over you, you had no plans to ever let Gojo fuck you raw unless you were trying for a baby, which he knew, and yet here you were abandoning all that for your boyfriend's best friend.
"Y-yes" You whined, feeling embarrassed. "Goddd-" Geto groaned, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. Geto didn't really have a fetish for virgins or being anyone's first, but when it came to you he was particularly possessive. He hated the idea of anyone touching you before him and has had to deal with it for over a year now. So the fact there was a part of you that Satoru hadn't got to feel yet made him ecstatic.
"Gonna let me be the first one to cum inside you too?" He asked, lifting his head from the crook of your neck, smirking at you mischievously. At that moment, you forgot you were cheating on your boyfriend, all guilt washed out of your head as your eyes met with Geto's. You admired his handsome, pleasure, and lust-filled face before you pulled his down against you, crashing your lips together.
"Do you want that? You wanna cum inside me?" You teased, pulling away from the kiss to whisper against his lips. "So bad." He answered, staring into your eyes, pressing his tip harder against you, threatening to penetrate you. "Suguru-" You whined against his lips, making him reply with a cry of your name, keeping his gaze solely on yours as he pushed against you until his fat tip slid inside you with a pop.
You jolted against him, both of your jaws falling open in tandem as he finally breached your walls, just his tip stretching you open. "Oh fuck- oh fuck-" You cried, unconsciously squeezing tighter around him. Geto leaned forward and started kissing you passionately, trying to distract you from such a big stretch. Tears started welling up behind your lids as he pushed himself in deeper, at least a few inches now.
"It's okay, relax, loosen up for me, I got you," Geto whispered between kisses. You kept your arms firmly around his neck, needing all the comfort you could get as he nearly ripped you open. You did your best to take deep breaths through your nose, trying to relax your cunt around him. Your nails scratched harshly along the skin of his back each time he fed you another inch, making him groan in pleasured pain against your lips.
Geto broke the kiss to look down at where the two of you were connected, noticing he was almost fully inside you. Fat tears rolled down your cheeks from the stretch, but it was undeniable that it felt good. Geto was completely filling you up, leaving no room for him to miss rubbing against any sensitive spots inside you.
He was about to praise you for how well you were taking it when he felt extra pressure be applied to his cock. Adjusting his gaze up a bit, he noticed you were pressing down on the small budge on your stomach, a gasp leaving your lips each time you did so. Geto decided to just watch, despite the intense throbbing he felt watching you cry over his cock splitting you open. "H-ah, I-it's so deep." You whined before looking back up at him, pleasure written all over your face.
Geto grit his teeth and started up a brutal pace inside you, knocking the wind out of your lungs. "Filthy fucking mouth- H-ahhh" He groaned, pulling his cock in and out of your tight cunt. He couldn't believe how warm and soft you felt, he never wanted to pull out. "S-suguruuu-uu" You whined helplessly against the sheets, letting him handle your body like a ragdoll as he mercilessly fucked you.
"I knoww I know~" He cooed, shaking his head at you, his free hand wiping your tears away. "You'll get used to it soon I promise, just let me take care of you, let me make you feel good." Any response you might've had was cut off by Geto's fingers rubbing quick circles against your clit. Your hands shot down from pressing on your tummy to grabbing his wrist, trying to get him to let up.
"I didn't know you were such a crybaby in bed." Geto teased, angling his hips just right to massage your sweet spot, making you dizzy. He cooed at you as your eyes rolled back in your head, your nails digging against his wrist harder. "Do you cry like this for Satoru? Huh?" Geto asked, to which you just whined and shook against the sheets, trying to let him know you were close, but your words failed to find you.
The only warning Geto got before you came was your back arching off the sheets and you cried turning to silent gasps before your cunt squeezed tightly around him, trying to milk his cock as you came. A choked moan left his lips as you orgasmed around him suddenly, making him lose his rhythm a bit. Once he realized you were cumming, he found his pace once again, fucking you through your high and keeping his fingers rubbing against your clit.
He leaned down to connect your lips, kissing you sloppily. He sucked on your tongue lewdly as your mouth hung open while you came, moan after moan being fucked out of you. Your eyes were fuzzy and all out of focus once you came down. You tried to blink away the cloudiness to get a better view of Geto as he pulled away to study your disheveled face, but you were still feeling the aftershocks, not allowing you to fully focus yet.
"You came so hard, felt so fucking good when you squeezed around my cock like that." He praised, placing his hand on your waist and away from your clit as he slowed his thrusting, giving you a second to catch your breath. "S-suguru-" You cried, your body shaking and jerking each time his tip brushed against your g-spot, sending bolts of overstimulation to shake you. "I'm a bit jealous you came after I mentioned Satoru though." He said pouting, clearly annoyed but fabricating most of it so you would feel bad.
"N-no it w-wasn't that-" You tried to reassure, worried that if you didn't clear things up now he wouldn't go so easy on you in the future, as if he was going so easy on you now. "No? What was it then? What made you cum so hard?" Geto asked, slowly picking up his speed again once he realized you were coming back down fully. You gasped and winced as he started fucking you again, trying to find your words before he fucked them out of your head.
"W-was you, y-you're so big 'n you're hitting all the r-right spots." You revealed, pulling him against you, burying your head in the crook of his neck, embarrassed at your own words. Clearly, this confession made Geto feel a whole lot better though, as he started fucking into you faster than before. "Oh fuck, yeah? I do hit all the right spots don't I?" He cooed, working himself up.
You nodded against him, more tears falling down your cheeks and getting in his hair. Geto grinned, biting the shell of your ear, "'Ur fuckin' me in all the right spots too baby." He praised, feeling a warmth start to form in his belly, his balls tightening. "Huggin' my sensitive tip so good, massaging my dick with your warm pussy. It feels so fucking good. Wish you could feel what I feel." He told you, nearly whimpering into your ear as he worked you over, his pelvis rubbing against your clit from how close he was.
His trimmed dark hairs near the base of his cock tickled your tummy as he rubbed his hips back and forth against you, quickening his pace before slowing down, throwing you off with the change in rhythm."I-I'm glad. W-wanna made you feel good Sugu-" You whined, squeezing your arms around him harder, feeling extra sensitive from how he was completely smothering you.
"Yeah, baby? You like making me feel good? That's so sweet. You're so sweet." He praised, closing his eyes as he mumbled the words into your neck. He tried not to think about what was going to happen when this was over, but it was hard not to as he approached his orgasm quickly while he felt your walls start to pulse and squeeze around him, a telltale sign of your orgasm.
"I t-think I'm gonna cum again," You cried, biting down on his shoulder. Geto groaned, his eyes rolling back into his head as he welcomed the feeling. His body was yours to use and dispose of, he was entirely at your mercy and would do and take anything as long as it meant he made you feel good. "I'm gonna cum to princess, still want it inside you?" He checked, his words coming out breathy and quick, he wasn't going to last much longer like this.
"Please Geto, please c-cum inside me-" You begged, repeating his name like a mantra as he fucked your cunt harder, loud squelches emanating from between you. A thick ring of your cum was pooled at the base of Geto's cock, a sight he would jerk off to for years if he got the chance to see it. "Good girl, gonna fill you up so fucking full with my cum." He groaned, "'nd you're gonna take it all right? Gonna keep it deep inside you all fucking day?" Geto was babbling nonsense at this point as his balls tightened, ready to release his load inside you.
You nodded vigorously against him, gripping onto his hair for dear life, keeping him pressed into the crook of your neck. Your back arched against Geto just as his thrusts started losing rhythm, both of your jaws falling slack and moans going quiet as he did his best to fuck you through it. Both of you jerked forward and groaned, you cum being forced out around him as he came.
Geto's seed shot deep inside you, his cum filling you up to the brim. He laid his weight on top of you as his orgasm was wracked through his body, wave after wave of his high hitting him like a train wreck as your pussy milked his balls. You came down first, your hands petting the skin of Geto's back as he groaned and occasionally jerked against you, making sure he was as deep as possible until all of his seed was released into you.
When he came down, he stayed sill. Neither of you dared to move, dared to speak, as you basked in the afterglow of your orgasms. You were the one to break the silence when you whispered for Geto to pull out because his cock was making you sore. With a hushed apology, he sat up and pulled his cock slowly out of you, making you wince in discomfort.
"There's so much…" You whispered, once again holding your hand on top of your stomach as you felt how deep his cum was inside you. Geto blushed before he smiled, raking his sweaty hair out of his face. "Sorry, is it uncomfortable?" He asked, rubbing his fingers along your thighs, trying to soothe your muscles. You shook your head, although when a glob of his cum dripped out of you, it sure felt uncomfortable, but you didn't want to bother him with such a small thing.
Geto leaned in, pressing a kiss to your lips softly before pulling back and looking into your eyes. You wrapped your arms around his neck, looking at him with softness and uncertainty of what you were to do now. "You did so good, that was amazing." Geto praised, easing some of the nervousness you felt. "Yeah, it was." You agreed, nodding before you pressed your lips back on his, kissing him slowly.
After a few more minutes of kissing and winding down from such an intense interaction, Geto picked you up in a princess carry and started for his door to take you to the bathroom to make sure you didn't get a UTI from this. Only when he opened his door, what he saw was the last thing he was expecting.
Gojo Satoru, briefcase and all, was standing crossarmed outside his room agaisnt the wall, an unreadable expression on his face. You felt like throwing up and you got out of Geto's hold, standing on the ground in front of him on shaky legs, clad in only Geto's shirt with dark purple hickeys littering your neck.
Your heart was racing out of your chest, and judging from Geto's expression, his was too. Gojo sniffed before he spoke, uncrossing his arms and stuffing them in his pocket when you started to walk towards him. "Guess there's a blizzard so my flight got canceled. No work for a week." He said, answering your unspoken question of why he was back. "Welcome home Satoru!" He said dramatically, an unreadable expression on his face as he held his arms up in mach excitement.
He was smiling but his eyes said something completely different. Besides the quick glance at your neck, Gojo's gaze was focused solely on Geto. The two men refused to break their sights on one another, the air around you thick enough to cut with a knife. Yeah, you were really going to be sick.
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Danny accidentally becomes the Ghost king, The president and the BIGGEST threat to Bruce's social status.
Pt 1 Danny becomes the Ghost king
"Fenton's were never allowed to have a "normal" life, we are either extremely successful or extremely unsuccessful, there is no in between. Maybe a spirit cursed us back in the days, but who knows, but one things for sure, all Fenton's will definitely make the news."
-Grandma Fenton from whatever generation
Danny's starting to believe that now. He used to think that it wasn't true, but now? He used to wish to have a normal life, be a good normal son with good grades an be an astronaut one day.
Instead of a normal life he turned a half ghost teen superhero. But oh well, the Fenton's were also known for their ability to go with the flow
But how in the world did the flow get him here???
In Danny's defense, he wasn't really expecting this. The only thing in his mind at the moment was keeping his town and his people safe from pariah. He just wanted to get rid of the rotten fruitloop. He was EXTREMELY SUCCESSFUL, so successful in fact that he ended up becoming Ghost king.
The fudge????
But okay, sure, he didn't wanna become king but if he also didn't want to give up the crown for others to take, what if an evil person becomes king and attacks amity again?? Fine, he'll be king, he'll figure it out. Just go with the flow.
Surprisingly, not only did he get the crown, he also got THE MONEY. as in literal gold and silver bars, coins and jewelry. Appearantly, one the kings a long long time ago, before at least two generations before pariah had an obsession with MONEY. So the king made a Permanent Royal Degree (a law that cannot be changed by any future kings) that when someone dies and becomes a ghost, 20% of the MONEY that they've acquired in their entire life. (The money turns into an equivalent of ghost currency in the realms but is still physically in the living. Kind of like how the soul is in the realms but the body is the earth. Also, the only reason money exists in the realms is for convenience and a sense of normalcy, it doesn't really have that much value unless the ghosts brings it to the living) would belong to the ghost king.
Basically, it's ghost taxes that only have to be paid once for the entire afterlife. (Or is it more of an entrance fee???)
But anyways, hes got the MONEY.
He's rich now and he thinks, "I have so much money it's disgusting"
So first things first, getting rid of some of it.
By this point, his parents know he's phantom and have changed their opinions on ghosts, instead of attacking they are now looking at ghost like they're equals and try and help them as an apology for hurting them.
They are also looking for a new project to spend time on. A new purpose
So Danny thought, why not give them the money then? Danny proposed to his mom a project to make things that can benefit both ghosts and humans.
Next thing he knows is that he's appearantly funding, building and making:
A ghost job agency
A human job agency
Ghost proof buildings (ghost can't pass through walls, it won't hurt them, just keep em out.)
Ghost proof clothes (overshadowing proof!)
A practical fashion line for ghost and humans (Bullet proof, blast proof etch. Borderline vigilante clothes that look like a civilians day to day outfit)
Homes for ghost and humans
A ghost obsession help center where they can ask humans to help with their obsession.
A school for both ghost and humans.
Liminal 101 because apparently because of the whole, pariah dark and, living in the ghosts kings haunt situation, everyone is liminal now
An entire line of technology that can be used by both ghosts and humans.
A fight arena where ghost and humans can fight for fun.
And so many other things , he can't remember
HIS NAME IS EVERYWHERE . His parents didn't even bother hiding the fact that their son somehow has enough money to fund these projects, everyone knows him now.
He ends up basically owning most of amity park.
And here he thought he wouldn't be the kind of king that expands their territory.
He was extremely UNSUCCESSFUL in that.
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alastors-antlers · 5 months
a brief take on the whole "Alastor's smile is permanent" discussion
hello all!
I've seen a lot of people theorizing lately that Alastor actually smiles all the time because his smile is magically, physically fixed onto his face. All of this seems to come from the fact that he's practically grimacing rather than smiling during the scene where he breaks down in ep8:
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As well as this frame of his deal with Charlie: (lower res sorry)
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I will say, I do like some of the implications of this theory. The sheer spite of his creditor forcing him to smile as an addition to their deal, almost like a sort of forced silence, is a neat concept. It's fun and dramatic. Plus, of all things, of course Alastor would claim the "smile at all times" policy and make it his own to pretend that it was his decision all along lol.
To be fair, though, I don't think we even need any magical compulsion to explain why he's smiling while he's having a mental breakdown. Actually, if we assume magical compulsion, I think we lose a bit of dimension from Alastor's character. (No judgement to anyone's take though, of course -- I just think this works in the direction of his established characterization, but obviously all personal takes <3)
Hear me out:
Alastor's persona is not just for others to see.
"A smile is a valuable tool, my dear. It inspires your friends; keeps your enemies guessing; and ensures that whatever comes your way, you're the one in control."
That makes sense given what we know about him. If he's always smiling, he seems like he has it together. You can't read him very well, especially not when he's actively trying to keep up appearances.
Now consider that when you think about ep8's fight with Heaven, we see that he's already been through so much in this one day.
He fights an army of angels, presumably not even at his own whim (if we go by his blurb about freedom in the Finale song); he loses to Adam, who he considers sloppy and mediocre; his staff, which we can assume holds some part of his power, is snapped; he comes close to being Angelic-power-killed; and to top it all off, he knows that others watched him get injured and then apparently die or flee, all of which would ruin the public image that he's trying to maintain. It wouldn't even be unreasonable for us to assume that he knows Vox was watching, given that Vox kind of has eyes everywhere.
In a moment like this, in the finale, you could say that Alastor has lost (at least on some level) everything that we know matters to him. He doesn't have access to all of his magic, and it's limiting him. He's reminded that he doesn't have freedom or control over his own destiny. He certainly has taken massive hits to his powerful, composed persona. But he's desperate, and furious, and terrified, and clinging on.
That's why he's smiling.
It's not that he can't stop because he physically can't. It's that he can't stop because to him, the smile is the last thing that is still within his power. When there are so many moving parts that he can't predict what happens to him next, he can control how he responds to it. In these last fragments of autonomy, there is solace.
He needs to keep telling himself that he has it together and that he'll eventually scheme his way free, that there's a solution, that he won't be in chains forever; because letting his pretense slip would be admitting that it's all starting to actually get to him. That maybe this time, he doesn't have an escape plan.
In addition, if you read his interactions throughout the series, we also see something else: Alastor's reputation is of paramount importance to him. At multiple points throughout the series, when others disrespect him by discounting his power or presence, he gets visibly annoyed. And in the battle, we see a glimpse of the part of his personality he seems to be trying to leave behind - a normal Alastor, who's just some guy from Louisiana. No transatlantic accent; no unflappable malice; no sharp wit waiting at the ready. Maybe even unremarkable.
Dropping his smile - arguably the most prominent part of his brand - would be admitting that in reality, he's not the Radio Demon of legend that he aspires to project. And if he doesn't have that... where would he be?
883 notes · View notes
angelshimaa · 8 months
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✧ cw :: gn!reader, angsty (heh), there is arguing and yelling here, reader is called 'clingy'
✧ a/n :: fun fact, this started out as a kirishima piece, but the dialogue said 'bakugou' so i changed it :D haven't written arguments before methinks, but i hope this is good !!
part 2 !
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you knew how abrasive of a person he was, but you'd never felt it for yourself. every sentence felt like the sting of scraping your skin, and he just wouldn't stop.
the person standing in front of you looks like him. the same eyes, the same blond hair, the same voice that once never said anything to you with such poisonous intent.
but the bitterness in his words? the volume in them— a volume you dared to match with your own voice— it wasn't the loudness you knew.
and, as katsuki goes on and on, you wonder when the last time was that you could claim to know him.
you fall silent, eyes glassy and you stare. he notices the shift in the air, the shift in your face, and he snaps out of it.
"what are we doing here, katsuki?"
it's barely above a whisper and you're thankful your voice remains steady. you hope he can see how the hurt looks, draped across your face, and you wonder if he can feel it too.
"the hell do you mean, y/n?"
"what are we doing here, katsuki? how much more are we going to yell at each other like this? half the time i— i don't even remember why we're arguing. do you enjoy it?"
katsuki's face is unreadable. "enjoy it? you think i enjoy being like this? that i want to come home to endless problems, that i want to have every little thing psychoanalysed because you just can't leave me alone?"
it's a red-hot slap across the face, but not one hard enough to render you speechless.
"coming home? you want to talk about coming home, when you're never here? you're never here, katsuki!"
you clap your hands with each word of the last sentence, and it only escalates the situation.
his eyebrows are permanently creased and he scowls— it's ugly and malicious. you've never known him to be so ugly. "it's no wonder when you act like this all the damn time! always yapping away with your clingy ass— home isn't home when i know i have this to come back to," he gestures at you.
silence stabs, but it doesn't compare to the sharp, dagger-shaped words you've hurled at each other. you feel cemented to the floor with how heavy your body seems, and all you can do is look at him.
"i see."
in that moment, it becomes apparent to you just how close the end of everything is. the lump in your throat is as heavy as you feel, and as much of an invader as you are to his home and his peace, apparently.
there isn't much else to be said.
when you try to swallow the ache in your throat, and make to move to the door, katsuki understands just how harshly he's stomped on your heart. he watches you through glasses of fading anger, and as red becomes normal he understands the gravity of it all.
"i— i've overstayed my welcome, it seems. i'll go." you throw over your shoulder as you leave.
"enjoy your home, bakugou."
you don't slam the door— but he wishes you had. he wishes there was rage in how you left— rage was what he could deal with. instead, he hears the soft click of the door— he hears the hopelessness and the surrender in your departure— and along with it, the end of your relationship.
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✧ — thank you for reading !! rbs and feedback are greatly appreciated &lt;3
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2K notes · View notes
cupid-styles · 6 months
new year's stranger
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in which harry and y/n only see each other on new year's and he tries to convince her it's fate.
word count: 5.5k
content warnings: cheating (not on y/n or harry), drinking, drug use
masterlist | talk to me
. . .
New Year's Eve, 2020
Y/N hates New Year's. 
If it were up to her, she'd sleep right through it, but Alice would never let her do that. It's why she's at this party to begin with. The owner of the house is a friend of Alice's who Y/N has never met, and isn't expecting to be introduced to tonight. The second they walked in, it was pure chaos, and it set off blaring alarms of anxiety throughout her entire body. She'd lost Alice somewhere around 10:30, but she was grateful that despite having a less than fun time, time still ticked steadily to midnight. 
The sooner 2021 arrives, the sooner she can leave.
Harry, on the other hand, doesn't mind New Year's, but he hates this party.
Gemma forced him out with her and her boyfriend after finding out his planned accompaniment for the evening was a bottle of red wine and his favorite Elton John records. She said she hated to see him having a hard time with the breakup (that made Harry want to throw up on the spot) and demanded that he at least try to have a nice time tonight. 
However, she failed to loop him in on the details of this party, which was apparently a proper rager that had him feeling like he was 17 again, but only in the worst ways. 
He wasn't snooty by any means, but if one more drunk person comes up to him and asks if he's the Harry Styles, Gemma and her boyfriend can try to find an Uber home. 
(He would actually never do that, knowing it would be impossible to locate one that wasn't three times the normal price given the holiday, but he can't help imagining cozying up in his bed, clutching one of his ex-girlfriend's tee-shirts, soaking it with tears, and falling asleep.)
It's why he's taken to sitting outside in this stranger's backyard, enjoying their wooden patio set. He doesn't typically smoke but he's chain smoking cigarettes tonight; he asked to bum one off of some guy inside, and he gave him the entire pack because he's — you guessed it — that lad from One Direction! So now it's sitting prettily next to a half-gone bottle of Cabernet, and Harry really, truly thinks this may be the worst New Year's he's had in a very long time.
He's grateful no one's discovered his little hiding spot yet, but perhaps he's spoken too soon as he takes a draw from the lit cigarette in his right hand. His shoulders tense when he hears the patio door slide open, desperately hoping Gemma found him and wants to go home. 
"Oh, fuck, I'm sorry." The voice says, making Harry crane his neck slightly to see its owner. He can't really tell if he recognizes them, but it's clearly a female figure dressed in a black mini skirt, tights, and an oversized vintage sweater. "I didn't know anyone was out here, sorry."
"'s fine," Harry mutters, stubbing his cigarette out in the grass and toeing it out with his slip-on Vans, "It's all yours."
He goes to stand up, reaching over to grab the neck of the bottle of wine, when he accidentally bumps into the small table and knocks it over. He curses loudly as he watches the deep red hue stain the concrete floor, the puddle growing larger with each passing second.
"That's unfortunate." she points out and he scoffs. If he wasn't in such a piss poor mood, he may have contemplated cleaning it up, but he's decided that he doesn't like the owners of the house, especially because of their tiny little patio table. 
"I think the hosts of this party are dicks, so I wouldn't worry about wiping that up," she says, almost as if she's reading his mind, "Sorry if you're friends with them."
"I'm not." Harry says curtly, leaning down to at least pick up the shattered pieces of glass.
"That's good. They're letting people do blow and ketamine off their dining room table. I think breakfast tomorrow will be interesting."
He snorts as he gathers broken chunks. He thinks that she's left him alone when he doesn't hear her ramble on anymore, but she returns a moment or two later with a garbage bag. She gets down on her knees and nudges the opening in his direction, wordlessly encouraging him to drop the pieces in it.
"Thanks." he mumbles through a sigh. 
"Sure," she nods, "Having a bad night?"
"Yeah. Don't really feel like talking about it, to be honest."
Harry knows better than to discuss personal matters with strangers at parties (he learned that lesson years ago), regardless of how down he's feeling. She shuts up after that and continues helping him clean up the shards, tying off the bag when all that's left is a dark purple mess.
"I'll toss it." he says, stretching his arm out to take the garbage bag. She nods and gives it to him. "Thank you for helping."
He hopes she takes the hint as he ambles through the darkness of this unfamiliar backyard, attempting to locate the garbage bins. Eventually, he finds one (he knew they were shitty people, they don't even have a separate one for recycling!), and breathes a sigh of relief when he turns and sees that she's gone. He was starting to worry that she would ask for a picture or an autograph. 
He sits back in his original seat and pulls his phone from his pants pocket, scrolling through drunken New Year's texts from people he barely knows. Really, he's only looking for two names (Gemma looking for him, or his ex-girlfriend magically deciding she needs to be with him going into the new year), but neither appear. He grumbles and reaches over to grab the pack of cigarettes, jumping in surprise when he realizes the girl is standing there with another bottle of wine. 
He clutches his chest dramatically, "Were you trying to scare me or something?"
"Oh! No, I'm sorry, you just looked busy so I was waiting," she replies, placing the unopened bottle on the table. "Here. Um, is it okay if I sit out here? We don't have to talk. I know you said you don't want to."
His night can't get much worse, so why not split some wine that suspiciously appeared with a stranger that refuses to leave him alone? 
"Sure." he mutters.
As promised, it's silent for awhile. She doesn't say anything but he notices her pick at her tights, then her nails, clearly antsy from the lack of discussion. The steady thumping from the music inside is the only relief. 
He doesn't know if it's been five or 10 or maybe even 15 minutes, but finally, he breaks. He holds in a sigh as he turns his head to look at her. 
"Are you having a bad night, too?"
She shrugs. "Kind of. I just don't really like New Year's."
He nods in understanding, "It is a bit overhyped."
"I lost my friend awhile ago," she adds, biting her lip. "I feel like I'll end up just going home a little after midnight."
"Yeah, my sister and her boyfriend dragged me here but I haven't seen them in hours."
She chuckles humorlessly. "Maybe I'll just try to get a cab now." 
Harry glances at the time on his phone screen. It's 11:04 and he knows it would be stupid to do the thing he's thinking about, but he can't help it — maybe it's the strange connection he's feeling to his fellow sad stranger, or maybe he just really wants to go home and needs a good excuse. The words are leaving his mouth before he even truly contemplates it.
"That's crazy, you'll never be able to get an Uber at this time. If you don't live too far, I can give you a ride."
Y/N is quick to bat him off, easily rejecting his offer. "Thank you, but you don't have to do that. I'm sure you have tons of plans tonight."
A wrinkle forms between Harry's brows. "No, actually. This was it. And if I'm being honest, I'm dying to get out of here, too."
He watches as she contemplates it, gnawing on her bottom lip and wringing her hands in her lap like a child. Finally, he speaks up.
"I'm leaving with or without you, so really, it's your choice."
Her eyes glance over to him and she quickly nods, gathering her purse to her side. "Okay, yeah. I'll take the ride, please."
"Sure," he says with a nod, rising from his seat. "Do you live far from here?"
She gives him her address, surprised to find out that she only lives a few streets over from his own apartment. He sends off a text to Gemma, claiming that he ran into someone and needed to take them home (it wasn't a complete lie, even if he knows he was being pushy about leaving), and they silently walk in the dark, one in front of the other, quiet footsteps sounding against the stone pathway of the backyard. Eventually, they approach his sleek black Range Rover, Harry mumbling out a "this is me" and unlocking the doors so she can get in the passenger's seat. 
"Thank you again for this," she says as he cranks the heat up. He had noticed that her teeth were chattering on the short walk back to his car. 
"'s fine."
Harry doesn't play music or say anything else on the short drive to her place. Exhaustion is hitting hard and he's ready to go home and curl up in a sad ball. When he pulls up to her apartment, she's already clicking her seatbelt off and pulling her keys out of her bag. He wonders if he was being that standoffish, to the point where she's all but jumping out of his moving car.
"Well, happy New Year." she murmurs with a small smile, glimpsing over at his tight expression. He nods curtly, hands gripping the steering wheel.
"Happy New Year." he returns tersely. 
"I hope 2021 is better for you," she says, her tone almost so genuine it makes his heart thump wildly in his chest, but just for a moment. "I'm sorry you had a shitty night."
He swallows harshly, willing away the lump of tears forming in his throat just from a stranger's kindness. 
"Same to you." 
She pauses, as if she wants to say more, but instead pushes the door open and gets out. With one last smile, she waves goodbye to Harry. 
He waits to make sure she gets in safely before driving away.
. . .
New Year's Eve, 2021
"I'm not going out to a karaoke bar on New Year's Eve."
Y/N rolls her eyes at Mike, her boyfriend of six months. She had told him weeks ago that this was the plan for the night — her friends wanted to have a fun time out, and after last year's disaster of an evening, she was more than willing to put some cash in to rent out a room at a karaoke bar in downtown LA. But of course, a mere hour before they were due to all meet up for dinner, Mike was trying to bail. 
"You agreed to this forever ago," Y/N replies with a sigh, lowering her eye shadow brush. She swivels in her seat to face him with a slight pout. "It'll be fun, I promise."
"What's so fun about people singing shitty cover songs all night?" he sneers, crossing his arms over his chest childishly. "I think it would be better if I just went to Reese's place tonight. He's having a party, you should go there instead, too."
"I already put money down and told my friends I was doing this with them, Mike."
He scoffs. "But I'm your boyfriend."
"And they're my friends."
"So you're seriously gonna ditch me, then?" he asks snidely, a pang of guilt firing through Y/N's chest.
"I mean, maybe I can meet up with you later? I can try to come to Reese's after dinner or something."
He rolls his eyes, making him look like an angsty teenager. 
"Whatever. Don't bother, I'll just see you tomorrow or something."
Mike doesn't even send her off with a kiss or wish her a happy New Year before he's out the door. Y/N sighs, resisting the urge to bury her head in her hands and mess up the makeup she's applied to her face. Mike was great at the beginning — she thought she'd really gotten lucky with him, but around two months ago, he started acting like everything she asked him to do was a chore. From date nights to attending family dinners at her parents' place, he always made her feel dumb for requesting his presence. 
She tries to ignore the anxiety brewing in her stomach when she meets her friends for dinner. They all ask where he is, and when she has to say that he would rather go play video games with his friends all night, they're quick to jump on what an awful boyfriend he is. She knows that — she really, truly knows that, and she doesn't know why she hasn't ended things yet.
When they get to the karaoke bar around 10 pm, Y/N's already tired, even if she's attempting to press on and make the most of her night. She giggles as she watches her friends scream the lyrics to songs by Queen and Fleetwood Mac, and she's particularly impressed by Nina's cover of "good 4 u" by Olivia Rodrigo, which she of course dedicates to Y/N.
With a few shots and two mystery cocktails under her belt, Y/N's actually having a good time. She excuses herself 10 minutes before midnight to go to the bathroom, not wanting to miss out on any of the excitement when the clock strikes 12. 
Only, when she's walking down the long hallway, her eyes on the floor as she navigates her slightly drunken steps, she bumps into a figure. A hard figure, wearing a fuzzy cardigan. 
And when she glances up, it's the last person she expects to see.
"Holy shit!" the curly haired brunette exclaims, pupils wide and breath smelling of tequila. It's clear that he's just as messed up as she is, if not a little bit more. "You're that girl from last year!"
She immediately giggles, the warmth of the alcohol in her system dismissing any embarrassment she may have felt otherwise.
"From that shitty house party, right?" she asks, thinking back to 2020. 
"Yes!" he shouts, slamming his palm against his forehead. "You helped me clean up that wine!"
"And you drove me home." she laughs.
"Oh my god, this is crazy," he declares, making Y/N laugh even harder, "Sorry, I'm kinda fucked, but this is still exciting."
"Why? We were both having awful nights last year and I could tell you wanted nothing more than to kick me out of your car."
"What are you talking about? You were the nicest person I met at that party," he replies with a slight wrinkle between his brows, "Plus, you were the best part, since you got me out of it."
Y/N snorts. A few people attempt to brush past them in the hallway and they both move to the side, leaning their shoulders against the wall. 
"I'm glad I could be of service," she says with a smirk. "What are you doing here tonight? Are you having a better New Year's?"
"I mean, I'm definitely higher and drunker this year," he cracks and it makes her roll her eyes playfully, "How about you? Feeling good?"
She allows the question to ping pong around in circumference of her brain. She was feeling good, but only because of alcohol, her friends, and the absence of her boyfriend. Taking a beat, she looks up at the green-eyed male before her, her breath catching in her throat when she realizes he's somehow gotten closer, likely because of all the traffic in the hallway. She swallows, her throat suddenly feeling dry.
"I'm feeling good," she finally answers, wringing her hands together in front of her.
"That doesn't really sound like a confident answer." he teases, crossing his arms over his chest. Her eyes flutter down to the tee-shirt he wears underneath the striped cardigan, the word sex scrawled simply across his chest. 
"I had a fight with my boyfriend before I came here," she admits, though she doesn't quite know why, "He knew about these plans for weeks and he just bailed to go play video games with his friends. I'm kind of pissed about it."
He hums and she notices that his jaw clenches slightly when he presses his lips into a line. She's not sure if it's from the drugs or something else, but she quickly glances back up at his eyes.
"Sounds like a dick move." he says decidedly. Y/N shrugs. 
"He's kind of a dick, to be honest."
That makes him bark out a laugh, shaking his head as his lips form into a half-hearted smile. 
"What do you need to turn your night around, then?" he asks, patting his pockets as he looks for something, "I have some more coke on me if you need to get inappropriately high. I'm also not against buying you shots at the bar, but given my inebriated state, I unfortunately can't be your Uber driver tonight."
"Do you always speak like a scholar when you're fucked?" Y/N mocks with a smirk.
"Maybe," he grins, "So what can I get you, New Year's stranger?"
It hits her then that they've never exchanged names. Not officially, at least. Y/N of course knew who he was — his name and face had spent the better part of 2020 being plastered across tabloids, and she recognized him back to his One Direction days — but it felt weird to just assume as much. 
Likewise, Harry wasn't above asking Gemma if she was familiar with the girl he'd met a year ago today. He hoped she may have some connection to her, given the fact that her silly little ramblings stuck around in his brain far longer than he would've anticipated. After Gemma asked around, he learned her name, but never did anything with it, instead opting for a year of distracted hookups and flings.
And even without acknowledging the fact that they each know the other's names, they're somehow more comfortable with being a New Year's stranger. 
"Can I bum a cigarette off you?" Y/N asks, remembering back to last year when he was chain smoking, somewhat pathetically, on the back porch.
"Haven't smoked for a year," he replies cheekily, "But I can ask a friend for one if you want."
She shakes her head. "I just need some air, really. Would you wanna take a breather with me?"
Harry nods and follows her out, eager to speak with her away from the crowded, loud interior of the bar. He can't help but check her out from behind, lips pressing together as he drinks in her thin slip dress, black tights, and platform heels. She looks cute. Similar to last year, just a tad more mature. It fits her, he thinks.
When they get outside, Y/N's ears are ringing, but her warm skin is enthralled by LA's sad excuse for winter weather. She instantly feels less clammy, leaning back against the brick exterior of the building and allowing it to cool her. Harry follows her lead, his mind spinning slightly as he continues to take her in.
"How've you been?" he finally asks, desperate to break the silence. She peeks an eye open and glances at him in her peripheral.
"Fine. Work's busy. Friends are good. Boyfriend's... there," she answers in short sentences, like she's checking things off. "You?"
"Just about the same, minus the boyfriend. Single as can be, actually."
Y/N hums. "Any shitty exes this year?"
"Not any official ones," he says, his nose wrinkling as he mentally runs through the year's rolodex of flings. "Can I ask why you're still with this guy if he's such a dick?"
She lets out a humorless laugh before shrugging her shoulders, a look of disarray twisting her features. 
"Your guess is as good as mine, stranger."
Harry turns to look at her, pressing his side into the cold brick building. "You don't have to torture yourself with him. If you're unhappy, you have every right to stand up for yourself and leave him behind. Life's too short."
"I know," she says, her eyes fluttering shut again, "I know."
"You deserve to be happy."
She smiles, but there's no happiness behind it. 
"You don't know me."
"You think it's a total coincidence we ended up meeting again, exactly one year later to the near hour?" Harry asks, halving the distance between them with a single stride, "This feels like fate."
"This feels like we're both fucked up on New Year's Eve." 
"Sure. But alcohol and drugs didn't get us here."
Y/N sighs. When she opens her eyes, he's right in front of her, so close she can see the lengthy wisps of his eyelashes. She swallows tightly, unsure of her next move or his intention. If she really cared about Mike, she would leave Harry here. If she didn't feel the mutual attraction to the man in front of her, she would go back to her friends. If she didn't wonder if he was onto something with this fate thing, she would forget this whole thing ever happened.
But she doesn't care about Mike, and she's attracted to Harry, and he's making her believe in fate.
"It's almost midnight, stranger," Harry breathes, and Y/N glances behind him to see people beginning the countdown from 10. "What do you wanna do about it?"
She knows what he's implying.
She's not drunk enough to view this as a mistake, but she's sober enough to want it.
"Tell me what you want."
"Kiss me," she exhales, her hands shaking at her sides, "Kiss me, please."
There's cheering and yelling and whooping from everyone around them. Cars are honking their horns, fireworks are going off in the distance, people are screaming happy new year. And with all the stimulation surrounding them, all she can focus on is Harry's lips on hers, wet and sloppy and still somehow so perfect. She kisses him back eagerly, teeth clashing annoyingly, hands exploring hips and backs and sides as they lick into each other's mouths, heavy and hot with lust.
She doesn't know how long they've been at it, clawing at one another on a public sidewalk in downtown LA. But she knows that eventually, someone stops to breathe and she takes it as an opportunity to step back. Harry's eyes flicker open, confusion and sadness radiating through the jade green, and she gives him a sorrowed smile in response.
"See you around, stranger."
She's gone before he can stop her.
. . .
New Year's Eve, 2022
"You're fucking joking, right?"
Maybe if Harry had glanced up from his phone two seconds earlier, he could've turned around and avoided this happening. But he's stupid, and he was too busy flipping through his mom's annual Christmas post on Instagram when he hears her voice, and he knows he's in for it. 
So he's not entirely surprised when the interaction ends as quickly as it began, just with a tequila soda staining his sweater from her angry drink throwing.
If he's being honest, he gets it. After last New Year's Eve, when they so intelligently decided to eat each other's faces in the middle of LA, gossip blogs and tabloids alike blew up. He felt awful — there were pictures of it everywhere and his fans were desperate to find out who she was. It wasn't a shock to him when they found her social media, job, and, worst of all, the fact that she was in a relationship with someone. 
Harry wanted to send flowers, bake her a million apology pies, and grovel on his knees to express how gross he felt about the situation. But instead, he figured it was better for him to stay away. He could only assume that continuing to bother her would make the situation worse, especially considering how cruel the internet could be.
Instead, it just seems like a sad, sick joke that they ended up at the same New Year's Eve dinner party.
When he agreed to come, he was completely unaware that his friend Lea was dating Alice, one of Y/N's oldest friends. They just moved in together a month back and decided to throw a small get together to ring in 2023. 
He wishes someone would've warned him that she would be here.
A year ago, he was in a different place. He was in deep with doing drugs and drinking to cope with stress after a busy year of nonstop work. He knows it wasn't an excuse for what he did, and while it took both of them to form that situation, his world was far more complicated than hers. Had it been any other person, it would've been a one-off hookup on New Year's Eve. 
With a sigh, his heeled boots carry him to Lea and Alice's kitchen, where he's eager to dry off some of the liquid that's sopping through the material of his sweater. Luckily, it's empty, the rest of the party meandering around the dining and living rooms as they wait for dinner to be served. He mentally curses Sarah and Mitch, who were supposed to accompany him tonight, but bailed last minute because their baby was being fussy. 
A shit excuse, if you ask him.
He's forced to rejoin the party when Alice announces it's time to eat. Harry's thankful to be friends with such excellent chefs, who have prepared an array of vegetarian, vegan, and meat dishes for every food restriction imaginable. When he sits down at his place setting, he's admiring the salad in front of him when he feels someone towering over him. 
"Alice, can I change my seat?"
Of fucking course.
He looks up to see her standing there, pinching her own name plate between her fingers with a less-than-satisfied expression painted on her features. His eyes follow her target, the brunette with a shag haircut holding Lea's hand, who sends a glare back her way.
"No. Just sit down, Y/N."
Silently, she does, though her actions seem far more petulant and childish than her lack of response. She doesn't exchange any words or throw any more drinks at Harry as she serves herself, though she also doesn't offer to pass any of the plates he's clearly reaching for, either. With a sigh, he allows her to avoid him, all the way through the toast when she refuses to clink her glass with his. 
The table settles in a baseline chatter, the sounds of multiple conversations filling Harry's ears as he scoops forkfuls of quinoa and asparagus into his mouth. 
"Can you stop chewing so loud?" she hisses at him, just loud enough for only him to hear. 
"Can you stop being so rude?" Harry fires back lowly, wiping his mouth with the cloth napkin, "I'm sorry for last year and I apologize for anything that came of it, but it's not fair for you to only blame me."
"My job fired me," she sneers and Harry's eyebrows shoot up, "And what did you get? More album sales?"
"No— no, I didn’t get anything from it, but— I’m so sorry, I had no idea—“
She rolls her eyes, suddenly standing from the table and pushing her chair in. Her heels clack against the wood floor as she steps away from the dining room and in the direction of the outdoor balcony. Immediately, Harry follows her lead, feeling Lea and Alice's eyes on him. 
Her back is to him, the doors shut, but he can tell she's exhaling smoke from the cigarette wedged between her fingers. Carefully, he twists the doorknob open and gently closes it behind him, his stomach gurgling with nerves. 
"I'm very, very sorry that your job fired you. I didn't know. I wish I did more. I thought about you constantly — I wanted to apologize but I didn't, and that's no fault but my own." he pauses to swallow but she doesn't look at him once. "It's not an explanation, but I was really drunk and high. Last year was... messy. And I should've known better, but I didn't."
She hums, as if in contemplation, as she takes another draw from her cigarette.
"You just... you took so much from me without even knowing it. I know it was both of us, but..."
"I know," Harry says, taking a step closer to her. "I can't express to you how awful I feel."
She shrugs. "It's fine, it's in the past. I just wanted… an apology, or closure or something. I didn’t know you wanted to offer that.” she takes a shaky breath. “I got a new job."
He resists the urge to say that's good, because in actuality, it isn't, and he's the reason why it happened to begin with. Instead, he bites his tongue, pinching his bottom lip between his fingers as she turns to face him.
"Are you still not smoking?"
He smiles gently. "Yes. No drugs either, this year. Maybe by the time we run into each other in 2023, I'll be totally sober."
"You don't seem like the type. Feel like every time I see you, you have a glass of wine or tequila in your hand."
He chuckles.
"To be fair, you've only seen me on New Year's Eve."
"Mm," she nods, stubbing her cigarette out with the heel of her boot, "Isn't that weird? All these years of being my New Year's stranger."
The nickname sets fire to his chest. 12 months later and he forgot that's what they'd started calling one another last year.
"It is weird," he nods, agreeing, "Almost seems like fate."
"Oh, we're not going down that road again," she snorts with a roll of her eyes, and it makes his own eyes crinkle in amusement. "If it was fate, we would've run into each other more. I think we just have mutual friends."
"That might be true. We only live 15 minutes away from one another."
She raises her eyebrows, "Really?"
"Have you moved since 2020?"
She shakes her head.
"Then yes. You live on Maple, I'm on Bleeker."
"That's three blocks over," she says, clearly bemused, "How did we seriously never see each other otherwise?"
Harry shrugs. "I mean, I guess I'm out of the city, like, 9 months of the year."
A silence blankets over them as she presses her elbows against the cool banister on the balcony, looking out to the city. Harry glances at the watch on his wrist. It's a few minutes past 10, just a few hours before the year ends.
"I'm sorry for throwing a drink at you." 
"It's okay. I deserved it."
Silence again. And then: "Would you ever want not be my stranger?"
Y/N tilts her head and looks at him with confused eyes.
"I mean," he pauses in an attempt to get his words together through his slightly buzzed brain, "Would you wanna know me outside of New Year's? Start fresh, maybe."
A gentle smile worms its way onto her face. It gives him a glimmer of hope.
"Remember what you said about fate?"
He nods.
"Find me any other day of the year," she says softly, stretching her arm out to pat his hand lightly, "If you do, it's fate."
. . . 
Harry's having the most chaotic morning ever.
He slept through his alarm (something that rarely ever happens), got to his pilates class late, and completely forgot he has three early afternoon meetings with his record label. From the gym, he rushed over to the grocery store because he recently got home from tour and there's absolutely no food, and he has about 20 more minutes before his stomach starts growling embarrassingly loud. 
He's all but pushing old ladies out of the way with his cart, grabbing boxes of granola bars and bins of fresh fruit with no agenda in mind. Glancing down at his watch, he sees his first meeting begins in a half an hour, which means he'll definitely have to take it in the car over Bluetooth, considering traffic makes it near impossible to get places within a reasonable amount of time.
He's huffy, tired, hungry, and sweaty as he waits in line to check out. He's wearing his sunglasses inside like a douchebag, but he can't be bothered to take them off. He's also trying to be better about not distracting himself with his phone when he's in public places, so he decides to people watch and take stock of those around him: An elderly couple who are struggling to use self check-out, a woman who looks like she may be on one of the housewives shows on TV, and a girl that looks suspiciously similar to his New Year's stranger.
Only, when she turns her head, thanking the cashier with her bag of groceries in her hand as she walks out of the store, it hits him like a massive bag of bricks: It is his New Year's stranger.
Suddenly, nothing else in the world matters — not his cart full of snacks, his meetings, his empty stomach. He's jogging, damn near running to catch up to her, brushing past the morning rush of the supermarket as he tries to grab her attention. It isn't until they're out in the parking lot when he finally does it. Perhaps one of the more embarrassing things he's chosen to do in broad daylight, but he doesn't care, because it's her, and he's not letting her get away this time.
"Hey! Stranger!" he shouts, cupping his hands around his mouth to carry his voice against the parking lot. 
Almost immediately, she turns around, her eyes wide as she looks to see who the greeting came from.
And maybe it's just wishful thinking, but Harry doesn't think he's ever seen someone grin so beautifully when her eyes finally meet his.
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ventique18 · 10 months
Papa 🐉 with triplets HCs
When going overseas for official duties, he prefers not to be cooped up in that weird iron bird creature (it's an airplane, hun). So he instead flies to the country in his dragon form. Imagine people's awe when this gigantic, magnificent creature lands gracefully, lowers his head down carefully, and out of his mouth hops not one, not two, but three little dragons. They're so tiny you could swear they're cute little dogs.
He always goes to meetings clad in heavy robes. More often than not though, his mysterious cloak has a peculiar feature: it produces three sets of giggling voices every once in a while, especially when the room goes deadly silent.
Once an hour passes though, three little tykes get magicked out of the cloak like how a bunny hops out of a magician's hat. The wyrmlings like to climb on and off papa's back and munch on his horns. Everyone could only glance in amazement at how strong their Majesty's neck muscles must be to withstand the weight.
The three siblings still have very small wings but would always attempt to fly. 🌸 always almost has a heart attack when they inevitably come crashing down from their disproportionate weight, but 🐉 would save them the last second with his magic. He'd laugh loudly and hug 🌸 to reassure them none of their babies would get into accidents while he's alive.
I say accident because the three would frequently get hurt on purpose anyway. Their parents don't understand why, but one of their hobbies seem to be beating each other up in any way they could think of. 🐉🌸 would often wake up in the dead of the night because one sibling hurled another off the bed, simply because he/she was hogging 🌸's chest apparently. 🌸's chest is their favorite snuggle spot.
While 🐉 frankly doesn't have all the time in the world, he strictly employs a 8-5 work hour like a regular person. He doesn't really mind working but ever since he's started a family, he believes this is finally his god-given grace so he'll do it properly. His spouse is very capable in assisting him so they never really had problems with this arrangement.
So he likes to be closer to his babies and feeds them personally while it's still normal. He kinda just force-feeds them mashed food with a spoon in a row though. "Can't you make it more fun? Like, open wide, here comes the flying broom!" "I am simply not a sappy person." "You feed me while saying cheesy shit though..." "I cannot very well say those kinds of things to my children."
When he bathes them, he makes them line up and dunks them into a pool one by one. When they're in their dragon form, he scrubs them with a brush like he's doing laundry.
He hangs them on a clothesline to dry them on a sunny day lmao. "What are you doing to our babies??" "What? They enjoy it." Fair enough, the little gremlins are giggling.
When 🐉🌸 gets one those snazzy refrigerators with a water faucet and ice dispenser in front, the siblings like to sit on top of each other's shoulders so they could steal ice cubes for themselves. Or lap at the running water like thirsty dogs.
Grim has dedicated water bowls all over the place because he finds it hard to pour from a pitcher, and the feral siblings actually prefer lapping from those than go to the refreshments table to fetch a drink. The first time 🐉🌸 saw this, they were so shocked they kinda just stared blankly.
"Are... Are they actually dogs..." "I do not know, at this point." "Did you do this too when you were little?" "We did not have any semblance of a pet so I do not think so." Lilia reveals later though, that 🐉 drank from the damn toilet once.
He likes teaching them all manners of things. He gets a bit too intense sometimes though, what with them failing over and over again on what he thinks to be simple tasks, so 🌸 has to remind him gently that they are not him and shouldn't ever be him. He lets up and smiles. Yes, this is what children are supposed to be.
He legitimately doesn't have any ounce of experience with fatherhood and was suddenly thrust with three, so 🌸 honestly thinks he's a bit clumsy when it comes to taking care of them. Really clumsy and callous, actually.
But when 🌸 chances upon their three babies curled up against him, with him napping soundly and still holding an illustrated book on gargoyles and their history (goodness, he never changes), they thought he wasn't so bad after all.
Thinking harder about it though, what with him carrying the weight of the country while carrying the weight of three chubby babies and a feral cat, he might be the best father ever, after all.
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 10 months
Yandere! closed off! ex/boyfriend x gn! lover! reader
Ughhh I tried doing angst but failed womp womp.
As you can see, this fic is more or less fantastical, but I tried to do realism, as much as realistic a yandere fic could be.
But I failed LOL I don't know how to write angst. I tried tho.
This one is inspired by an imagine that I saw on tiktok, that's also apparently stolen? I dunno.
I think this is my longest fic so far?
Yandere! boyfriend name: Lee
TW: Unaffectionate boyfriend, neglect, love bombing
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Lee was a man of few words. He never liked showing emotions, nor affection.
He didn't grow up in a family of loving members. Only people who did the bare minimum in affection, and poured their "love" in giving him gifts.
Fortunately, he didn't grow up a materialistic and greedy man.
Well, he wished he was.
At least he still has something to fill his heart with, something to be wanting of.
All he got from that kind of upbringing is dampened emotions that pushed his friends away. If he had anyone to begin with.
He's one lonely man.
So Lee did what he thinks is the best for himself. And it's to be selfish.
If someone tried to get close with him, he pushes them off first before he becomes attached. When his family tried to be loving, he cringes and shies away with the most disgusted face ever. He shielded his heart at such a young age.
And it had tall repercussions because of it.
Now, that he's an adult and in University, with that selfish mindset out of the way due to maturing, he just realized he doesn't know how to connect anymore.
But he's a handsome man, so finding someone was easy for him.
In an "eenie, minie, mo" type of choosing, he chose you, a starry eyed, affectionate, and optimistic person. Someone who adored Lee, and wished to be his friend, maybe more.
Why? You always ask yourself that too.
But that magnetic pull meant that you became his, and him became yours.
He was stoic with it, just asking you straight up to be his lover without any emotions. And you, overwhelmed with happiness, just said yes without noticing how frigid he looks with it.
Being with Lee was fun at first, well, that's what you tell yourself.
You showered him with affection, kissing him, hugging him, holding his hands... You tried everything to give him the affection he never had.
I mean, he always receives it well, right?
So it means it was okay... Right?
But as weeks passed, he never returned the affection, only a cold recognition with his eyes and a grunt, maybe a shoulder shrug. The occasional side hug was even more than enough for you. Then there's the rare kiss (on the forehead) that you relished on.
It was the bare fucking minimum.
And as pitiful as it sounds, you were satisfied with it.
Are you really satisfied with it?
You wanted that same amount of affection back, or less. You just wanted a fair two way relationship goddamnit!
It's like Lee was a void, just sucking your affection and not returning it.
You understood him. Really you did!
But the way he was so unbothered and annoyed by your simple suggestions of maybe doing more than he does is breaking your already broken heart.
You were gaslighting yourself, thinking that why are you asking Lee for so much when he can't give affection a normal human can? Why are you pushing him to do something he can't? Why are you being so needy and clingy?
Why are you so desperate?
Lee was not having it either. He was always so annoyed whenever you ask for hugs, kisses, dates...
What does he really want from this relationship?
As you wept your heart out for hurting for the wrong man, you steeled it and decided to do the inevitable.
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You dragged Lee to the beach for a little get together.
You wanted to see if he would remember that it's your anniversary today.
"Lee! Come on! I want to swim!" You enthusiastically said, running to the sand and giggling at how the sand tickles your soles.
As usual, Lee only scoffs and annoyingly shrugged off his backpack onto the blanket.
"I told you I'm busy." Lee muttered, annoyance riddled his face.
Lee didn't even flinch when he lied smoothly. He wasn't busy at all.
Was it really a hassle to spend time with you? In your anniversary, no less?
You cleared your throat before smiling once more, a whisper of broken unspoken promises lingering in your mind and heart shattered completely.
Maybe you could salvage it?
You approached Lee and gave him a sunscreen. He grabbed it with an exasperated sigh.
"Turn around." He seethed.
Somehow, you think this was a bad idea but you persevered and turned around.
He was harsh with it, slapping and rubbing your back like he was doing such an annoying task with a heavy heart and hand. You winced every time he digs the heel of his palm to your back, like he's delivering a message.
Why can't you leave him alone?
"I think that's enough!" You said with a happy edge on your tone, trying not to show that you were hurt physically and emotionally by what he's doing. You skipped to the waters, going underwater and letting out your tears.
The saltwater stung your eyes heavily, but it hurts less than what Lee's doing to you.
After letting out your frustrations into swimming, you decided you had enough.
With a heavy heart, you trudged towards him with a solemn look in your face.
Lee, who was just scrolling through his phone, heard you out with an angry look on his face when you called his name.
Yet, it slowly fell to obscurity, his body felt numb.
You told him how hurt you were, how him not showing affection and being constantly annoyed at you squeezed your heart until it popped, only leaving a pile of hurt.
"Lee, I love you so much that it hurts. I feel so horrible whenever I ask you to return the affection I give you because I know that you're not affectionate!" You wheezed out, your voice hoarse from all the pain bubbling over your throat, vomiting words you meant and never meant, but all was for Lee. "Was I only with you for you to absorb everything? Be satisfied with you just standing there idly, and returning the affection only in the bare fucking minimum?! Answer me!"
Your eyes search desperately for a sign of regret, a sign of guilt, but nothing.
His eyes showed nothing.
"Are you done? Then it's over then."
It was your turn to be numb, your knees weak as you slumped down, with Lee standing up. He grabbed his bag and left, not even looking back at your weeping form.
Happy anniversary, and sorry for your breakup.
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Lee felt free.
After a year of tolerating your "clingy" self, he finally felt free.
Lee regretted being in a relationship. He thought that maybe, when he gets with someone, he finally won't feel lonely anymore.
But being with you suffocated him, and everything you did was annoying him to shit.
Did he feel bad?
Weeks passed, and when he pass by you in the hallways, trying to talk to him for closure, he just ignores you like a breeze.
People looked at him like he's the most cruel person on earth but he just shrugs it off. So what?
Lee felt awkward though, so he avoided you at all costs until he thinks it's the right time to talk with you.
And when it was finally time, he saw you with an another man, making you happy and making you smile.
The man brought his fingers on the corner of your lips and turned it upwards, and he smiled brightly also as you rolled your eyes and laughed at him.
Didn't you love him? So what's this?
Lee clearly remembers you crying for him in such a heartbreaking state.
He scoffed with such disbelief and looked away.
Then, he felt his heart hurt. His eyes widened.
No fucking way.
Now, every time he pass by you, his heart hurts and his head fills with anger as he saw you become happy with the company of others.
Why were you happy with them? Weren't he your ultimate happiness?
Why are you laughing with them? Why not him?
His desperation for you to look his way, to give him your sorrowful eyes, to give him affection that is only rightfully his, is getting into his head.
Rumors of you dating again got to him one day when he was sitting on his seat in Physics class, wallowing in anger and desperation.
You moved on? Just like that?
He gripped his pen and broke it in half.
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"No! Lee let go of me!"
"I love you so much y/n please come back to me!"
"You're insane!"
"No! I'm not! Can you see? I'm being affectionate now! So please love me again!"
"No! Please! Let me go! I will not tell the authorities that you killed [redacted] and kidnapped me!"
"Only look at me, and say my name."
"You love me right? I love you too. There's no need for you to be shy now."
"Shy?! But all I wa--"
"Quiet! You're not going to be away from me. Not anymore. I was stupid enough to let you go, now you're not going anywhere."
"Shh... The gag is necessary. Now, please, love me again, baby."
"I'm desperate."
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mintmatcha · 7 months
cw: cisfem reader, sex work mention, slight blood mention
“You don’t belong here.”
The man jumps, surprised, then dissolves into a chuckle as he brings his drink to his lips. There's something familiar about this face, hidden under the swollen cheekbone and bruised fat lip, but you can't place where you know him from. You apparently marvel too long, as the stranger cheeks grow redder by the second.
“Is it really that obvious?”
“Um, yeah.” You gesture up and down him, “You’re stiff as a board and you tried to order food.”
The stranger scoffs into his drink, genuinely insulted for a moment before he dissolves back into his smile. There's no airs about him - a rare occurrence for the clientele here- and that knows you a bit off guard. "What’s wrong with ordering food?"
You ignore how the bartender shoots you a look when you slip into the seat beside your tall blonde and simply gesture to the place as if it explains itself- dim mood lighting, men in suits, women in dresses that barely cover anything. There's a woman on stage, perched on all fours and writhing ever so gracefully, arching her back as she slinks on the floor. Her quirk activates for a moment and her skin shimmers with a kaleidoscope of colors, a fairy under neon lights.
This place has the decency to call itself a gentleman's club. It has polished glasses and comfortable seats, but that doesn't change what it is. It's a strip club. Through and through. It's lacquered shine doesn't change anything underneath. It still reeks of malintent.
"What’s wrong with ordering food?" he repeats. He places his drink down and you take it before he can react, bringing it up to your lips with a playful grin. When he doesn't protest, instead just watching you with wide, wide eyes, you take a sip. It's strong enough to make your chest bloom with heat.
"I don't think they have food here."
"They do," he replies.
"Then you're going to pay six thousand yen for three bites of food." Your lipstick clings to the rim as you hand it back to him.
"Well," he sniffs, flinching at his own crinkled nose. It must be broken; there's flecks of dried blood lining his fulcrum. "Have you ever tried it?"
"Clearly not."
He takes a long chug from his drink and finished the glass. When he gestures for another, your lipstick has smudged on to his cheek. "Maybe it's worth the money then."
You laugh, and it's not your normal practiced giggle. It's real and loud enough that the bartender shoots you another look. He knows what you're supposed to be doing here, and it's not hanging with the slummiest man in the room. When you meet his eye, there's a bit of a silent conversation between you two.
I know, you try to tell him, Let me have my fun.
"What are you doing here?" You turn back to your current play thing. The man shrinks slightly, a sheepish smile creeping back onto his face.
"Long night," the stranger mumbles, "Needed a drink and, well-"
He looks towards the stage, where a mouse eared girl spins on her pole, dark braids the only thing covering her tits. She's short and thick in the places that make you look longer than you should
"Some pretty things to look at?" You finish for him.
He tears his eyes away and back to you. You don't miss how they flicker down, how they soften when you scooch closer.
"Does that make me a bad person?"
"I think it makes you a guy," you shrug. One of the better guys, in fact. The unashamed ones get grabby and mean; this one talks to you like he considers you a person.
"What's your name?" he asks suddenly. You debate giving him your real one for a second, but then you adjust your legs and feel the bite of your stiletto straps on your ankles.
"I'm Taishiro."
You regard him again, soaking in all the little details about him. He's tall- insanely so. There's a fair amount of muscle on his frame and you think maybe, under those bruises, he's pretty.
"You a boxer, Tai?"
"Y-yeah. Yeah, I am," he hesitates, "How'd you know?"
"Well, your nose is broken, so you definitely fight, but you aren't a hero," you gesture to his clothes. Oversized sweatpants, and a loose long sleeve - he looks like someone that's cut weight lately. "I know all the heroes in the area, and you aren't one of them. I would have remembered your pretty face."
The stranger draws back a bit, brow scrunched with confusion, but a smile creeping across his face. He must not get compliments much. You slyly check his finger for a ring and find it empty. Good, but that doesn't mean anything. Lots of men take off their rings.
"And you aren't a bad guy or a villain. You don't have that scent to you."
He also doesn't smell like anyone else. If he slept next to someone, there'd be lingerings of them.
"Villains have a smell now?"
"To me, they do." You nap the side of your nose, "It's a quirk thing."
Your quirk sounds more useful than it is. There's a scent to bad intentions, something that lingers
He rolls his head to his shoulder and finally relaxes fully. "You can sniff out crime? Full on McGruff the Crime Dog?"
You mirror him. Ear to your shoulder, a slight grin tugged onto your lips, you say: "A dog? Are you calling me a bitch?"
The stranger blanches. His hand flies to his face so quickly that you're worried he's going to hit himself.
"Oh, geez, I didn't-"
You lean forward with a tinkle of laughter and pat his thigh. The muscle is tight and corded through the thick fabric. Messing with him is easy. Too easy. You almost feel bad for riling him up. "I'm teasing. I'm like a bloodhound."
"How does it work?" Taishiro asks, "What do I smell like?"
He smells like home cooking, with spices and herbs you can't quite place. It's homey, it's warm, it's familiar in ways you can't quite place. There's an edge in there you can't quite place, not quite sour or sweet, but just off enough that you know he's not being 100% truthful with you. You suspect his name isn't what he says, or his boxing career isn't exactly that.
You can't judge. Your name clearly isn't Star.
But, then again, he moves so earnestly that you have a hard time assuming he's bad in anyway, especially next to some of these men. One of them, an older man you unfortunately recognize, keeps looking at you. His smell is sweet in the same way rot is.
"It's a secret," you reply, "Just keep on behaving and you won't have to worry about it."
He laughs at that, big and booming enough that a couple of the girl walking around look your way, and you can't help but join it. You think, if you had met him anywhere else, if you were someone else, you'd pursue this further, let something develop between you.
But you aren't anyone else.
"Can I buy you a drink?" he asks, suddenly, and you suddenly are hit with the guilt of reality.
"I gotta be honest with you." You peel your hand from his thigh. "I don't come to strip bars for the tits, baby."
"Do- do you work here?"
"Men buy my time." He stares at you blankly and you sigh. "My companionship for the evening. And my boss is going to get mad if I don't start schmoozing paying customers."
Taishiro furrows his brow, then widens his eyes as the realization hits him.
"Oh. Oh." He swallows and nods, clearly thinking this through. Just as you start to get up, he reaches for you, wide, wide, wide hand on your hip to keep you in place. "How much?"
Something inside you sinks. You should have expected this. "I didn't think you were interested in that."
"I'm not-- I mean, I am, but not like- well-" He staggers through his thoughts, "I just want to keep talking. Really. Maybe even split my food, if you want, but I don't- not that kind of companionship- just, like, normal companion stuff."
You sniff. He still smells the the truth, for the most part. You're not sure if you pity him.
"Two hundred thousand yen for the night," you say. "Ends at sun up- no exceptions."
"Oh," he perks up, head tilted like a puppy again, "That's it?"
"What does that mean?"
"I thought it was going to be--" he pauses and shakes his head, thinking better of it, "Yeah, that's okay."
"Do you think I'm cheap?" you gape.
"No, I just--" he laughs again, clearly embarrassed. "You just look really, really, really expensive?"
Despite yourself, with a roll of your eyes, you smile too. "Nice save."
He mum les to himself, rubbing the back of his neck. Most of your clients are experienced with this life, but the new ones are always like him. Nervous. Scared. You step closer to him, trailing your fingers down his arm. You both watch your manicured nails trace loose patterns.
"You really want to spend that kind of money to just have dinner with me?"
You'd fuck him. Of course you would. You expect him to crumble under the flirtations, just like the others did.
But he surprises you when he nods.
"Yeah, I am," Taishiro says, "Is that okay?"
You shrug. "It's your night. Anything you want is okay."
The hand on your waist squeezes tighter, but it's not sexual. It's comforting, almost normal.
"I guess I'll..." he says awkwardly, "Get cash?"
"Cash is good."
Taishiro knows this is a bad idea.
A horrible, awful, terrible idea.
Using his real name was stupid; he's lucky you incorrectly guessed his career. If he wasn't so thin right now, you might have recognized him. He'll if he's not careful, you could figure him out anyway.
If the media gets word of this, his career would be ruined. His poor interns would never meet his eye again. The headlines flash in his mind: FATGUM CAUGHT WITH PROSTITUTE. OR ESCORT. WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE?
Well, he's sure they'd be more creative than that.
He shakes it out of his head. This isn't about sex. He's just... lonely. So, unbearably lonely. It's just a dinner, just something to stop him from going hone and wallowing by himself again. Sure, you're the prettiest thing that's ever talked to him-
He shakes that out of his head too.
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lilpomelito · 11 months
“What's wrong with Pop music?”
Eddie stops mid rant and spins around. Steve is sitting upside down on the sofa, staring at the ceiling, his silky hair touching the floor.
“I mean,” Steve continues, his voice a little strained by his position, “if so many people like it, there has to be something good about it, right?”
Eddie shares a look with Jonathan, hoping to find an ally, but the man looks zonked out of his mind. Argyle really brought the good shit with him.
“That's not the point, Stevie,” Eddie explains as he sits down on the floor next to the guy's head. “It's popular because it's the only shit the big corpos are pushing on the radio. It's what everyone listens to, so everyone thinks they have to like it to be liked. To be accepted. And it's not even good music! Where's the artistic merit in cheap studio synthesizers mixed with braindead lyrics like wake me up before you go go?"”
Steve frowns. “Not all popular music is like that. Also what's wrong with wanting to be liked?”
“Do you not like Freddie Mercury?” Robin gasps, lifting her head from Steve's stomach, and she sounds heavily offended.
Eddie blinks for second, confused as to where the conversation has suddenly turned. But Steve nods, apparently following her line of reasoning.
“Yeah, man. Queen is like, the most popular band in history. Do they not have artistic merit?”
“No, of course not, that's not what I–”
“And the government is not conspiring to push pop music, Eddie, we've seen they're too busy experimenting on children and opening portals to a parallel dimension,” Robin says.
“What about Bowie?” Steve says. “You loved Labyrinth. Didn't shut up about it for like a week. He's pop!”
“The point,” Eddie insists, flustered, avoiding to watch directly Steve's upside down smirk, “is forced conformity. Queen are all nerds! Bowie is a huge nerd. Where would they be now if they had played high school football?”
Jonathan nods slowly, but doesn't comment.
“What about astronauts?” Nancy asks, from where she's sitting at Johnathan's feet. “They're nerds, yes, but they also have to be in great physical shape. I bet most of them were athletes in school.”
“Yeah, totally!” Steve nods. “Remember Casey Johnson? He was captain of the basketball team when I was a freshman. He was valedictorian, and I think he went to Standford on a sports scholarship!”
“Yeah, I remember him,” Robin says, rolling her eyes. “One of my friends had a huuuuge crush on him.”
Steve's cheeks go red. He incorporates himself, despite Robin's protests, and sits on the couch like a normal person.
“Whatever. He was a nerd and an athlete. What's conformist about that?”
Eddie stares at him, narrowing his eyes. “Nothing, I guess. Or everything. He succeeded at academia, which was designed to shape kids into exploitable workers under capitalism—”
Jonathan groans behind him.
“—and made captain in a sport that's basically throwing balls into laundry baskets and calling it strategy. Praising people for that to the point where schools are giving scholarships is a little too much.”
“You try it, then, man,” Argyle calls from where he's laying on the rug, star shape style. “I bet you ten bucks you can't win at throwing laundry into baskets against Steve. Or my boy Lucas.”
Robin laughs maniacally. “Oh, I want to see that! Steve please destroy him, his ego needs a little humbling.”
The conversation moves on after that, since everybody looks like they're already over Eddie's rant. He doesn't mind, really. It's fun to ramp up the dramatic indignation against The Man, or whatever. It always causes a reaction, and even people who agree with him somewhat eventually hit a limit. Eddie likes to stick his finger and find that limit.
But not Steve. He's looking at Eddie like he's fascinating.
“You're a hypocrite.”
Eddie falters, biting down a smirk. “How come?”
Steve scoots a little closer. “You want to be a rockstar. You don't just want to live off making music. You want to be famous. You want people to like you.”
Eddie stares at him for a second, frozen in place.
“That's not—”
But Steve smiles, gentle. “That's alright. We all do. And you want to know a secret about being popular?”
Eddie can't resist. For all he protests about popularity and conformity and being so normal everybody likes you, he does wonder what it feels like to be on the other side. So he nods.
Steve smiles sadly. “It doesn't actually change anything. You think it means more people like you, but it just means more people are aware of you. What you do, what you say. Who are your friends, who you date. Where you go, when you go there. And at some point you feel like you can't escape it. And yeah, you do start to conform to the norm. Not because you think it's what's best but because you're so aware of people's opinions of you that you always choose the path of least resistance.”
Eddie... has never considered that. He moves a little closer to Steve as his voice goes quiet.
“You think it was fun to run into a random suburban mom in the grocery store and have her be furious at me because I was dating Susan Davis? Who apparently was her daughter's cousin, and she had a crush on me, and was planning on asking me to prom? How on earth was I supposed to know that? And she was double mad that I didn't even know who her daughter was. Like there's two hundred kids in Hawkins High. I can't know everyone!”
Eddie tries not to laugh, because Steve seems upset by this, but the situation is kind of ridiculous.
“And I think they got into their heads that because they knew of me I was supposed to also know them. But they didn't actually know me. I made prom King, people were mad. I was captain of the basketball team, people were mad. I then turned down being captain of the swim team and was just co-captain, people were still mad. I took a job, and people made fun of me. I lost that job because the mall caught on fire, people also made fun of me. I took another job, and people say I'm "wasting my potential", whatever that means. I don't know man. I think you can never win with people.”
Eddie grabs Steve's hand, touching softly his palm. It seems to work, and Steve relaxes a tiny bit under his touch.
What Steve said sounded exactly like what Eddie was talking about: the pressure to be what society wants, not what you want. He can tell it's a touchy subject for Steve, who has been under the crushing spotlight of being a relatively small town's golden boy.
So Eddie doesn't push any further.
“You got me there, though,” he says.
Steve smiles again. “Yeah?”
“Yeap,” Eddie nods. “I do want to be a famous rockstar. I do want to be known and liked and admired. I've never had that. But I guess you're right. We can't have it both ways.”
Robin, who up to that point had been discussing with Argyle the difference between an oboe and a clarinet, jumps in. “It's the horrifying ordeal of being known.”
Steve laughs. Eddie can't help it, his laugh is too contagious. He can't understand how people in this hellscape of a town ever looked at this boy and thought "he's not enough." With him? He gets it. Eddie's list of failures is a mile long. But Stevie? Sunshine incarnate, puppy-eyed, bitchy beautiful and smart Steve Harrington? There's nothing to complain about.
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