#apparently there's also a magic 8 ball movie?
i still do not understand the concept of making an UNO movie. what do they want to do? find the actors with the flattest asses and make them play UNO cards?
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watchmorecinema · 1 year
Spooky season is almost upon us so I've been thinking about horror films. I've got my list curated for Hooptober (yearly film scavenger hunt, named after director Tobe Hooper) and I just love how versatile the genre is.
You can have comedies, family drama, gorefest, giallo (like a mix between slasher and mystery), really dumb bad movies, "elevated" horror, high art, psychological thrillers, romantic horror, and more! This is a genre that has over 60 movies just about Santa Claus killing people. You can order your slasher with or without one liners. You get crap from people that couldn't get anything else produced, but also established directors trying to branch out in interesting ways, or debuts from directors that couldn't get established any other way.
You can't tell if it's going to be good or bad just from the concept or even the attached talent alone. Two Australian youtubers with awful, immature content made a movie about "what if Ouija boards were hands" and Talk To Me ended up being great. Oz Perkins starred in a movie where Gary Busey is a talking dog and then goes off to direct The Blackcoat's Daughter. John Carpenter makes the most iconic horror movies of all time and then somehow made Ghosts of Mars, the worst film he's ever done.
It's just rolling the dice every time. Apparently Mattel is making a horror movie about a magic 8 ball that can tell the future. I can't tell if this is going to be a good movie or not, it's impossible without actually seeing it.
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panlight · 2 years
There's something about the whole tell, not showing us thing that Twilight has going and it bothers me with the Cullens. Because Bella is apparently spending a lot of time there and we hardly ever see that.
I think something that would've helped a little bit is Bella teasing and having fun with the Cullens and them also doing it back? I know from my family we always have inside jokes and weird nicknames for eachother, so why not that here?
I know I wouldn't be able to resist coming up with some personal nicknames if say I was really good freinds with the Cullens and slways hanging out there. They would definitely be a lot of movie and video game references though.
I think some off the top of my head would be Van Helsing, The Witcher or Paarthurnaux for Carlisle. Dexter Morgan or The Lion King for Edward. Arthur Morgan or Clint Eastwood for Jasper (or just any cowboy western reference I can make.) Magic 8 ball, Back to the Future or any reference I can make to time travel/the future for Alice.
Sorry for the very long comment. ^^' Anyways say if you were great friends with the Cullens what would you nickname them or banter with them about?
100% agree here. There's a lot of "you're already part of the family!" and "you're a daughter/sister to me!" but that's telling. As far as showing, it's only Alice and maybe Emmett that seem to have any sort of close, friendly relationship with Bella. Carlisle and Esme are generally supportive but we never seem them really interact in a way that shows any depth; particularly from Bella's side of things. It's all about how they can love and support Bella and nothing of the reverse. And yes, I get there's a huge power dynamic difference here--they're adults, she's a teen; they're vampires, she's human; they're rich, she's middle class. But still. I'm just asking for some indication she cares about them as people, some curiosity about them and their lives, that just doesn't seem to exist on the page.
Rosalie and Jasper are more distant, for different reasons, but even Jasper has the "you're worth it" moment, so again, it's about supporting and reassuring Bella vs the two characters actually have a relationship. In BD when Jasper's upset at Bella's Perfect Newborn Control Bella's response is like "is he mad at me?" and it's Carlisle who says it's not fair to judge Jasper's struggles by Bella's success because everyone is different; Bella just kind of sits there in her "best newborn ever" glow.
As for nicknames, I love the Van Helsing joke. I think that's something that would naturally be really tragically funny to Bella (and the other Cullens, and even the shapeshifters I think would find that darkly hilarious--"wait, Dr. Fang was a vampire hunter?" "A really shitty one, obviously!"), and like if we wanted actual depth here, maybe a conversation eventually about how different Bella and Carlisle's newborn experience really was. How he thought the worst thing possible had happened to him, while she felt like all her dreams had come true. I think also references to medical dramas like "Dr. McDreamy" or whatever might crop up.
Tons of jokes about when Esme is going to get her on HGTV house renovation show. "Save a horse, ride a cowboy" jokes with Jasper and Alice. Bear, jock, and just generally meat-head muscle dude jokes with Emmett.
And just like . . . basic indications that she knows these people and cares about them. When's their birthday, Bella? What's their favorite color? Their favorite movies? What kind of music do they like? What's their favorite time period they lived through?
Bella tells us she loves them all, but the show is lacking. I've seen some suggest this is just a character trait of Bella's, that she has a hard time connecting with people, that she doesn't seem to know Edward's birthday etc either. And that's fair. But to me it just reads as this family largely exists to be part of Bella's perfect vampire life and not as individual characters.
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takiisieju · 1 year
tagged by: @roofgeese (Thank you, I love such things)
tagging: @spacestephh (no pressure hun) @melonbitter @mistalintu
1. are you named after anyone?
Not really.
2. when was the last time you cried?
Last week. At home, sitting across from my boyfriend, silently, face unmoving.
3. do you have kids?
No. I'd like to, maybe later, maybe adopt.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
I clown loud and proud. No sarcasm, only stupid jokes.
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
Pioneerball, at school. It's basically volleyball, but you can catch the ball instead of immediately hitting it. I was mediocre but very passionate. And mocked for it, because apparently joy is forbidden.
6. what’s the first thing you notice about other people?
Their style and aesthetic. Their eyes and expression. And whether they smile back at me.
7. eye colour?
Dark brown, almost black.
8. scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings, I hate horrors.
9. any special talents?
I don't consider my skills talents. I can draw, write, sing, write songs, cook (bake mostly), do magic and fortune telling. But my real talent is I can screech like a nazgul. And move my ears.
10. where were you born?
Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia.
11. what are your hobbies?
Music, daydreaming, makeup and watching video essays and educational and political videos on YouTube.
12. do you have any pets?
A cat named Cat. Technically, I also still have my old cat named Peach, but he doesn't live with me. In a year or two I might also co-parent Theo, my partner's cat.
13. how tall are you?
5'2''. Hobbits forever.
14. favourite subject in school?
English literature. It was so interesting and so relaxing. I also learned Hamlet's monologue there. Read it with the most passion.
15. dream job?
Independent comics author. It's literally the only thing I dream of, getting that job. And I intend to get it. I won't fucking stop.
But if I lose this passion as I grow older, maybe at the end of my life, I'd like to open a cafe. Just a nice family place with my favorite meals and neurodivergent-safe atmosphere.
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arbitrarygreay · 2 years
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Food is the primary love language in Demon Girl Next Door. Momo and Shamiko feed each other in almost every single episode. Note: these posts will note those moments of particularly Momo and Shamiko feeding each other, but the photosets will focus on the more glamorous food shots (and cooking tidbits) in the series. Hence why the fruit plate is featured for ep 12 instead of the popsicles. Season 1, episodes 6 through 12 Episode 7: Shamiko took boxes of their leftovers to Momo's (bunch of smaller side dishes, pork/bean sprout/egg stew, and chicken hamburger steak). The two of them also ate mochi balls together (thin mochi layer stuffed with red adzuki paste, cream, and a large strawberry inside), and drank cold tea. Episode 8: Extremely low-key, but Momo offers Shamiko some Momo-fied magic drank during their physical training session (possibly the same drink featured in episode 10?). Mikan also offered Momo some Mikan jam wafer cakes to stay at her place. Episode 9: Shamiko, Mikan, and Lilith shared a bucket of popcorn at the cinema. No wonder Momo got completely jealous! Back at Momo's place, Shamiko starts making a tofu/cabbage/bean sprout hotpot for the three of them, but peaces out in the face of the drama awkwardness before her. Also mentioned: Zombie Shark vs. Sushi Shark, and some kind of "ricemaker head sentai" movie that shows a yakisoba pan in the background. In addition, at the end of the cinema outing, Mikan's curse caused the popcorn machine to go berserk, and Shamiko got to take all of that extra popcorn home and apparently "happily ate it for days after". NO WONDER MOMO IS SO JEALOUS OF THE TWO OF THEM. Episode 10: Momo makes Shamiko a special protein drink ("broccoli, protein powder, a variety of mysterious pills, strips of chicken meat warmed up by a magical girl until they turn a strange color"). Shamiko makes a chow mein for Momo at her place ("Microwave frozen udon to defrost. Substitute tuna for meat. Season mentsuyu with oyster sauce, sugar, and sake. Use sesame oil and some ginger paste."). Mikan brings orange ice cream to share. Episode 11: Shamiko brings a bento into Momo's dreamscape as a bribe, but Momo has them share it instead. They share barley tea with Yoshida Mom. Episode 12: Mikan tries to have Shamiko eat an orange to fortify her Vitamin C. Shamiko and Momo share popsicles on the hill. Mikan makes a fruit plate (orange and kiwi, probably mint) at Momo's place.
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
RuneDate (Belphie x GN!Reader)
3.1K Words
(Went all in on the runescape fic... Whoops!)
“I can’t believe you decided to go visit your family right before a fucking pandemic hit.” Belphie groaned into his phone. It had only been a week then since it had started and he was already complaining. You could only laugh in response, reiterating what the news reporters and the doctors on the tv had said.
“Only one more week. Fourteen days tops, and then I’ll be back down there with you.” You said cheerfully, your feet swinging back and forth in the air. You always acted this way when you talked to him, and he talked to you on the phone every night since you had been up in the human world, so this is how you spent most of your evenings. You loved the sound of his voice, it always made you smile, and you’d find yourself getting flustered, even if he wasn’t trying to get you that way.
“It better only be one more week. I… I mi-.... My bed is really empty, okay. So just, hurry up.” He grumbled, and you were sure that if you could see him his cheeks would be a bright shade of red, his face now buried in his pillow to hide his embarrassment as if you could actually see him through the phone.
“Mmhm… I’ll see you by the end of next week, alright. Get some sleep. Goodnight.” You hadn’t been able to hide the fact that you were laughing. He tried so hard to cover up just how cute he could be, but he wasn’t very good at doing it. He mumbled a quiet goodnight before hanging up the phone. You couldn’t wait to see him again, and this next week couldn’t go fast enough so you could finally be in his arms again.
Morning came, the same as it always did. The birds outside singing and dogs in the distance barking at whatever passed by. You groaned quietly, grabbing your pillow from underneath your head and holding it over your face, trying to block out the sunlight that streamed through, but the buzzing of your phone beside you had your eyes opening slightly, reaching out to grab it and answer the call.
“It’s too early, Belphie.” You were exhausted even though you hadn’t really done much the day before, but your sleep schedule was a wreck and waking up at 8 in the morning meant that you had only gotten four hours of sleep and you desperately wanted more.
“Hmph. You’re not going to bed at a good time. Plus, I haven’t been able to sleep either.” It was a constant complaint of his, one that’s become expected, not that it was your fault, and he didn’t blame you for it… But you did hear about it a lot. “Let me guess… Just one more week, right?” He mocked the words that you had said over a year ago. You could hear the annoyance in his voice, and you’ve explained to him multiple times that it wasn’t your fault, humans were just selfish and stupid, and he didn’t disagree with you at all.
“I wish. I miss you… Maybe I can’t sleep because I’m not with you.” You heard him scoff on his end of the phone, and then the rustling of his sheets as he got out of bed. It’s like you could almost see him if you closed your eyes and listened close enough. He was on his way to the bathroom to brush his teeth, the sound of the floorboards that creaked beneath his feet were distinct and made it clear that that’s where he was going.
“Oh please…” He mumbled around his toothbrush, and while most would be annoyed with him talking while doing it, to you it just made things seem a little bit more normal. He would always try to talk to you from the bathroom while he brushed his teeth, and you could see it now, the toothpaste dripping from the corners of his mouth that you’d roll your eyes at but quickly throw him a rag for before it got on his clothes. “You never went to bed at a decent time down here either. You always wanted to stay up and watch horror movies, I had to practically put your ass to sleep.” He let out a low chuckle before spitting into the sink and then rinsing his toothbrush off. “I have an idea.”
“Oh? What is it?” You sat up in bed, intrigued by whatever his idea could possibly be. You knew that he wasn’t going to sneak up and spend the night with you, as much as you wanted him to. Diavolo was put off by the idea of anyone coming or going from the Devildom, he didn’t know if demons could catch the virus, and he wasn’t going to risk catching it himself.
“You ever play runescape? I know it’s an old game… but… It can be like a date… or something…” He quickly swigged the mouthwash, definitely trying to hide the fact that, again, he was flustered by his own words. God, if he got any cuter your heart wouldn’t be able to handle it.
“A runescape date. Yeah… that sounds really fun. Tonight then?” You were already pushing yourself off your bed and going over to your computer, quickly signing up and downloading the game for later. It had been so long since you’ve actually played it, and even if it was slightly confusing and you were, on a stat level, an absolute fucking nooby… it would be fun, because you were playing it with him.
“Tonight. And uh… maybe I can teach you how to fish… I’m really good at fishing. I just reached level 98.” And honestly, that was the hottest fucking thing you’ve heard him say in a while. Like… level 98 fishing in runescape. Fuck! You really just wanted to see him fish at this point, but you’d have to wait until later.
“You’re gonna have to teach me a lot of things… It’s been a while.” You were talking about the game, and you knew that he knew you were talking about the game, and you were pretty sure that you hadn’t sounded seductive or hinted at anything sexual, but Belphie was… well… Belphie, and he knew how to turn things in that direction quite easily, and he knew that it would have you stuttering a little and it was like he lived just to fluster you at the most random moments.
“It’s been too long, but I’ll teach you a lot of new things once I have you back here.” You hated him… you adored him but you hated him. You both knew that you couldn’t do anything about the feelings that he had purposely made you feel right now, but he loved teasing you, just to get you back for all the times you teased him over text. He cleared his throat, and you could hear him walking back out into the bedroom. “Alright well, I’ll call you later. Can’t wait for our date tonight.” He chuckled softly, knowing that he was basically blue balling you at this point, but you’d also get him back for it, you just needed to think of how. He quickly hung up before you could say anything else, and you knew that he was laughing his way all the way back to his bed where he’d lay back down and probably pass out for the next hour or so. At least it gave you time to finish the tutorial and try to get the hang of the basics.
You didn’t know what the hell you were doing, and that was an understatement. You spent hours wandering around the map, accidentally starting fights with random NPC’s and big ass rats which you’d run away from immediately because you weren’t about to die, you wouldn’t let that happen to yourself. You tried to get the hang of fishing, which… props to Belphie… you didn’t understand it. You weren’t catching shit, and the couple times that you did, it was nothing but shrimp. An entire ocean full of bottom feeders, which wasn’t a problem, aside from the fact that your pockets were filled to the brim with shrimp… that you tried to cook but you aren’t very good at that… so then it just became filled with burnt shrimp that you couldn’t eat and you didn’t know how to drop either.
By the time the date rolled around… you weren’t any better off than you were when you first started. You only went up like one level in fishing and you weren’t even sure how that happened, but it took about five hours. Your stats were a solid 0 on everything else, and you were still stacked with burnt shrimp… so all in all things were going great in the game and you hadn’t died yet.
“Alright so… you have to add me first…” He said, and he honestly had the patience of a saint because, like everything else in the game, you didn’t know what the fuck you were doing. “Do you know how to do that?” He asked after a couple seconds in which you were staring at the screen and trying to figure out what to push to add him.
“Nope…” And as much as you tried to laugh it off, you felt like a freaking idiot. He chuckled lightly, guiding you through what should have been the easiest task. Once you had added him, man you felt so cool. You did that… with help… but you did that.
“Okay, now… you have to do the spell to get you to the castle. It’s like the teleport thing… it was in the tutorial.” The tutorial, that you had already almost completely forgotten about… except the part where you made bread. For some reason that really stuck with you. “The spell book, it should be on the left side… do you see it?”
“Oh… OH! Yeah I see it!” Finding the spell book was simple, but figuring out how to actually teleport was so confusing for some reason. You realized that triple clicking was, in fact, not helping at all. You only needed to click once and then your character would go through the motions and then they’d teleport. “OH I got it! Okay… coming to the castle… okay… Oh I’m here!”
“There you are! You’re doing great. Okay… now just… first we’re gonna go to the bank and you can put all your stuff in there. So just… follow me. Do you know how to do that?” No, no you did not… but you said that you did because you didn’t want to seem like more of an idiot than you already felt. He already knew that you didn’t though, apparently the fact that you didn’t know how to use your magic or how to add a friend made it pretty clear that you wouldn’t know how to follow his character, so he quickly ran down how to do that too, which was such a big help, he doesn’t even know. “Alright, and when you get to the stairs, you’re gonna have to click that you want to go up.”
“Right… the stairs… got it!” The fact that you wanted to clap for yourself when you successfully went up the stairs just goes to show how much you don’t understand about the game. “Okay… I’m at the top… Oh wait, I have to follow you again… Okay… Okay I got it.” The fact that he wasn’t annoyed yet was shocking, and you constantly felt the need to apologize for being so clueless about what to do. You were glad to know that he couldn’t hear the constant clicking of your mouse as you tried to figure out where exactly to click to actually do something. “Alright… my bag is empty… now what….”
“You have to keep your sword and your shield… just those two… the sword and the shield. And then I’m gonna trade with you… You’re gonna need a lot of food, and I need to get rid of these lobsters.” You nodded to yourself, quickly putting the sword and shield back before closing the window and facing his character again. You didn’t know how trading worked at all, you didn’t know if a window was supposed to show up or what… but you waited, and even if you felt like a complete fool, just being able to spend with him like this, it made you happy and even if he couldn’t see you, you were smiling the entire time.
Once you finally figured out how to trade and you were stocked with lobsters, that’s when the real fun began. “Okay… now you’re ready. Do you want to fight the goblins or the cows?” You paused for a second, and you really had to think about it for a second. Cows or goblins…? You didn’t want to fight the goblins because you just assumed that they would be stronger (even though after playing for a bit and raising your own level you realized that they were the same strength as a fucking cow… weak ass goblins), but you really didn’t want to fight the cows… for obvious reasons, but you just assumed they’d be weaker, so you chose them anyway.
“So I just… I just click on the cow?” You asked after he led you to the little gated off area with the cows, and he hummed in agreement, standing back a little as you found the “right” cow to start fighting. “And this’ll raise my strength?”
“Yeah, but you should probably work at your shield first so… try changing your attack…” And there it was again… something you didn’t know how to do, which, again, he knew very well that you didn’t know how to do it. “Alright, you see the swords on the left side of the screen? The little button with the swords? Click that… and then change your attack mode to the one for shielding….” As if you’d know which one that is, but you were gonna wing it and hope that you picked the right one. You knew that he wouldn’t judge you for not knowing, at least not to your face.
The amount of damage that these cows delivered almost made you not feel bad for absolutely beating the shit out of them with the weak ass beginners sword that you had. “Oh my… fuck… do you hear my button clicking?” You asked while rapidly smashing the button on your mouse. You hoped he didn’t, but god, even to you it sounded loud and you had earphones on. “It just keeps doing damage to me but I can’t fucking hit it?!”
“Your stats aren’t high enough yet.” He said in between his laughter. If Levi was there he’d definitely be judging you right now. You were getting your ass handed to you by a fucking level 2 cow, how ridiculous is that?! “Just raise your shield more and then you can choose another attack method to raise your strength. You should at least get them all to five.” Five was a pretty high number to aim for considering you were only getting like 2xp everytime you even hit the cow, but, even if it took forever, you’d have him there with you.
It turned into the both of you just shooting the shit while you went around and murdered every single cow, occasionally being prompted by Belphie to eat a lobster before you die… and you probably should have used the wicked sweet one liner of “wouldn’t be the first time I’ve gotten killed by a cow”, but you were too busy to think of it while killing the cows yourself. You were too busy talking and rapidly clicking at the cow to realize that your health was low, and before you knew it you were dealing with death, who is legitimately the most annoying, talkative fucking character in the game.
“Oh shit… you died?”
“Yeah and Death won’t shut up. He just… oh my god… shut up.” You whined softly, much to Belphies amusement. Every time you tried to leave Deaths weird ass portal cave he kept calling you back to tell you more which only annoyed you further, which in turn had Belphie laughing which was your favorite sound aside from his actual talking… so maybe it wasn’t so bad after all.
“I told you to eat the lobsters. That’s why I gave them to you.” He was still laughing as he told you the reasoning behind the lobster trade, and you couldn’t help but laugh with him. You hadn’t had this much fun since you were actually down in the Devildom with him.
“I'm gonna fuck these cows up.”
“And eat the lobsters while doing it.” He added, which made you snort quietly… even though he heard it and proceeded to laugh even more. You had never heard him laugh so much, and as much as you hated the fact that you couldn’t be there with him in person to see him, you still got to hear him laugh, which was the most you could ask for at this point.
Neither of you had realized how long you had been playing until you heard Beel come in the room through Belphies mic, clearly scaring him because you could hear the sharp gasp and then the quiet mumble of “fucking Beel…” before he actually acknowledged his twin.
“Ah shit… Hey, Beel wants to go get some Akudonalds…” Belphie said, and while you knew that you couldn’t stay in a call or play the game forever, it was always hard whenever the calls ended for the night. “Keep playing though… level up more…”
“Yeah, maybe I’ll get on your level.” You teased, and you heard him scoff again and you were pretty sure he rolled his eyes. He and you both knew that even making it halfway to his level would take forever, but if it meant being able to play with him again, you’d do your best to get halfway to halfway there. “I’ll talk to you later…”
“Well duh… I’m not leaving forever, dork. I’m going to get some chicken nuggets. I’ll text you when I get back.” He sighed softly. “We’ll have to do this again though… And try to go to bed at a decent hour. Please. I’ll visit you in your dreams if you do-”
“I’m hanging up now and going to bed! I’ll be asleep by the time you get back with your nuggets! Goodnight!” You quickly hung up, and just as you were about to close everything out on your computer and actually go to bed, you saw him typing.
“You’re such a dork… I’ll be there soon. Goodnight 💙”
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rachelbethhines · 4 years
Vintage Shows to Watch While You Wait for the Next Episode of WandaVision - The 60s
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So the 60s is the era that Wandavision pulls most heavily from for it’s inspiration. So much so that one could make the argument that each of the first three episodes are all set in the 1960s. Episode one pulls from the early 60s with multiple Dick Van Dyke refences, episode two is very Bewitched inspired, and episode three is aesthetically very similar to The Brady Bunch which started in ‘69. As such it was hard to narrow down the list for this decade and I had to get creative in some ways. 
1. The Andy Griffith Show (1960 - 1968)
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The Andy Griffith Show gets kind of a bad rap now a days for being, supposedly, a conservative’s wet dream. People claiming it as such have apparently never actually seen the series. Oh yes, it’s very much set in white rural 60s America and will occasionally present the obliviously outdated joke, but the story of a widowed sheriff being the only sane man in a small town full of lovable lunatics, who prefers to solve his and others problems with negotiation and hair brained schemes as opposed to violence has far more in common with modern day Steven Universe than whatever genocidal fantasy fake rednecks have in their heads.  
As the gif above shows Andy Griffith was very subtlety progressive for its time. Andy was a stanch pacifist, pro-gun control, treated drug addicts and prisoners with respect, and all the women he would date had careers, ect. and so on. It’s not a satire making any sort of grand political statements but the series had a moral center that was far more left than many realize. 
But if it’s not a satire, then what type of comedy is it? 
The Andy Griffith Show excels in what I like to call, ‘awkward comedy’. See everyone in Mayberry is far too nice to just come out and tell a character they’re making an ass of themselves, so therefore whoever is the idiot punching bag of the episode’s focus must slowly unravel as everyone looks on in helpless pity until said character realizes the folly of their ways and the townsfolk come together to make them feel happy and accepted once more. Wandavision takes this polite idyllic awkwardness and plays it up for horror instead of laughs.  
2. The Dick Van Dyke Show (1961 - 1966)
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The creators of Wandavision actually met with Dick Van Dyke himself to pick his brain and learn how sitcoms were made back then. Paul Bentley also took inspiration from Van Dyke in his performance of the sitcom version of Vision, while Olsen stated Mary Tylor Moore had a heavy influence on her character of Wanda. But more than just being a point of homage, The Dick Van Dyke Show was hugely influential in modernizing the family sitcom and breaking a lot of the unspoken traditions and ‘rules’ of the 50s television era. It’s also just really, really funny.  
3.The Alfred Hitchcock Hour (1962 - 1965) 
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Bit of a cheat here. Alfred Hitchcock Presents actually started in 1955 as a half hour anthology show, but in ‘62 the show got a revamp and was extended into a full hour tv series. I knew I wanted The Twilight Zone to be covered in my episode one recap, but ‘The Master of Suspense’ couldn’t be forgotten. While The Twilight Zone reveled in the surreal and supernatural, Alfred Hitchcock pioneered the thriller genre and made real life seem dangerous, horrifying, and other worldly.   
4. Doctor Who (1963 - present day) vs Star Trek (1966 - present day) 
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Just like how westerns dominated the air waves during the 50s, science fiction was the center of the cultural zeitgeist of the 60s. From Lost in Space to My Favorite Martian, space aliens and robots were everywhere. So naturally I had to name drop the two sci-fi juggernauts that still air to this today. If you thought that the rivalry between Star Wars and Star Trek was bad then you’ve never seen a chat full of Whovians and Trekkies duking it out over who is the better monster, the Borg or the Cyberman. But which one has the more influence over Wandavision?
Well Star Trek owes it’s existence to sitcoms. As with The Twilight Zone before it, Star Trek was produced by Desilu Productions and it’s co-founder and CEO, Lucille Ball, was the series biggest supporter behind the scenes, lobbying for it when it faced early cancelation. As with all things sitcomy, everything ties back to I Love Lucy in the end. However despite that little backstory, it would seem that the series has very little to do with Wandavision itself beyond being quintessentially American. 
I would argue that Wandavision owes much to Doctor Who though. Arguably more so than any show mentioned in this retrospective. Time travel, alternate realities, trouble in quite suburbia, brainwashing, people coming back from the dead, ect... just about every trope you can find in Wandavision has also appeared in Doctor Who at some point. As a series that can go anywhere and do anything, Doctor Who was a pioneer of marrying genres in new and interesting ways. 
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5. Bewitched (1964 - 1972) and I Dream of Jeannie (1965 - 1970)
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It’s hard to pick one series over another because they’re essentially the same show. A mortal man falls in love with a magical girl who upends their lives with magic filled hijinks as they try their best not to have their secret discovered by the rest of the world. And both have their fingerprints all over the DNA of Wandavision. 
There’s only two core differences; Samantha and Jeannie have completely different personalities, with Sam being confident and knowledgeable and Jeannie being naïve and oblivious, along with their relationships with their respective men, Sam and Darrin being married and in love at the start of the series and Jeannie chasing after Tony in the beginning in a will they/won’t they affair, finally only getting together in the last season. 
6. The Munsters (1964 - 1966) vs The Adams Family (1964 - 1966)
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Fans of these two shows are forever sadden that there never was a crossover between them. Because they’d fit perfectly together. Both shows are about a surreal and macabre family living in American suburbia and disrupting the lives of their neighbors with their otherworldly hijinks. Sound familiar?     
The main difference between the two shows is the way the characters viewed their placement in the world they inhabit. 
The Munsters were always oblivious to the fact that didn’t fit in. They just automatically assumed everyone had the same personal tastes as them. Whenever they encountered anyone who behaved strangely around them they would write that person off as being the odd one rather than questioning themselves. As such the main cast was structured like a stereotypical sitcom family who just happened to be classic movie monsters. 
The Addams were well aware that they were abnormal and they loved it! They lived life with in their own little world and didn’t care what anyone thought of them. As such the characters were far more colorful and quirky as individuals but there was little in the way of refences to other horror franchises beyond just a general love of the twisted and strange. 
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7. Green Acres (1965 - 1971) and the Rual-verse (1962 - 1971)
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So the MCU is not the first franchise to bring viewers an interconnected universe to the small screen. Far from it, as sitcoms had been doing this for decades, starting with the ‘rualverse’. Beverly Hillbillies, Petticoat Junction, and Green Acres were all produced by the same company and were treated as spinoffs of each other, complete with crossovers and shared characters and sets. 
Of the three, the last show, Green Acres, has the most in common with Wandavision. A well to do businessman and his lovely socialite wife settle down in small town America on a farm in order to get away from the stresses of city life, only to find new stresses in the country. Eva Gabor, herself a natural Hungarian, plays the character of Lisa as Hungarian making her one of the few non-native born Americans on tv screens during the cold war. Despite her posh nature and original protests to the move, Lisa assimilates to the rural life far easier than her husband, Oliver. Who, as the main comedic thread, can’t comprehend his new quirky neighbors’ odd and often illogical behavior.  
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8. Hogan’s Heroes (1965 - 1971) and Get Smart (1965 - 1969)
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So as comic fans have been quick to point out, it’s looking like both A.I.M. (Hydra) and Sword (Shield) will be players in the story of Wandavision. To commemorate that here’s two shows to represent those opposing sides. Although in truth, neither series has anything else in common with each other but I need to condense things down someway. 
In Hydra’s corner we got Hogan’s Heroes. A show all about taking down Nazis from within. 
I love, love, love, ‘robin hood’ comedies where a group of con artists try week after to week to pull one over the establishment. The Phil Silvers Show, Mchale's Navy, and Top Cat, just to name a few examples are all childhood favorites of mine. However while those shows had a lot of morally ambiguous characters, Hogan’s Heroes has very clear cut good guys and bad guys, cause the bad guys are Nazis and the show relentless makes fun of the third reich as should we all. In fact I was watching Hogan’s Heroes while waiting for the GA run off election results. Fortunately my home state decided to kick out our own brand of Nazis this year. 
For Shield, we got the ultimate spy spoof, Get Smart. Starring, Inspector Gadget himself, Don Adams, as the bumbling Maxwell Smart. Get Smart, is a hilarious send up of Cold War espionage but the real selling point of the show, imho, is Max and his co-worker 99′s relationship. You can cut the sexual tension in the air with a knife all while laughing your ass off. 
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9. Batman (1966 - 1968)
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First was Superman and then came Batman. Yet while Superman was a serious action show, Batman was a straight up comedy. Showcasing that superheroes could indeed be funny. 
Also shout out for Batman being the only show on this list to have an actual crossover with it’s competitor, The Green Hornet. 
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10. Julia (1968 - 1971)
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Since episode two features the first appearances of Herb and Monica, let’s highlight the first black led sitcom since the cancelation of Amos ‘n Andy over a decade earlier. The show focuses on single mother and military nurse, Julia, as she tries to live her life without her recently decease husband, who was killed in Vietnam, as she tries to raise their six year old son on her own.  
The series is cute. It’s more of a throw back to earlier family sitcoms where there’s no fantasy and life lessons are the name of the game. It’s the fact that the main character is a single black woman is what made the show so subversive and important at the time. 
Runner Ups
There’s much good stuff in the 60s, so here’s some others that didn’t make the cut but I would recommend anyways. 
Car 54, Where Are You? (1961 - 1963)
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I call this the Brooklynn 99 of the 1960s. Bumbling but well meaning Officer Toody longs to do good in the world and help anyone in need, but often screws things up with his ill thought out schemes. He often drags his best friend and partner, the competent but anxiety riddled, Muldoon into his escapades. 
Mr. Ed (1961 - 1966)
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The grandfather of the sarcastic talking pet trope. 
The Jetsons (1962 - 1963 and 1985 - 1987)
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Hanna-Barbera often took popular sitcoms and just repackaged them as cartoons with a fantasy theme to them. The Jetsons has no singular show that it rips-off but is rather more a grab bag of sitcom tropes that feature, robots, computers, and flying cars. 
The Outer Limits (1963 - 1965) 
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The Outer Limits was The Twilight Zone’s biggest competitor in terms of being a sic-fi/horror anthology series. 
Gillian’s Island (1964 - 1967) 
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The only comparison to WandaVision I could think of was that this is a sitcom about people being trapped in one place. But by that point I was running out of room on the list. Still it’s one of the funniest shows on here. 
So yeah, this took longer than expected cause there’s a lot, here. Hopefully the 70s will be easier. Which I’ll post on Friday. 
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missfitz · 3 years
I just gave in to advertising and watched Amazon Prime's Cinderella, starring Camilla Cabello, and you may have some thoughts on it because halfway through the movie I remembered I put the last third of a bottle of wine in a glass so I could use the bottle as a rolling pin, and then I drank it.
1. I'm so glad they start this movie with a musical number so then EVERY OTHER TIME they randomly break into song, you're not like 'what the heck is happening' you're just like oh it's okay, they're the ~rhythm nation~
2. I couldn't decide which time period this movie is set in??? Like, Cinderella spends a decent amount of her time in a rendition of a corset type thing? But also there is so much tulle and chiffon being used as the main dress material for so much, and that feels wrong???
3. Prince Charming was hella cute, but also he had his sleeves rolled up above his elbow the whole time? He had a leather/beaded bracelet that I can only describe as a flat boy bracelet? He had an earring?????
4. Prince Charming (Robert) has a sister whose whole job is to be way more competent at being future ruler than he is, but also absolutely zero social graces? She spends enormous parts of the film very obviously spying on people from behind paintings? Every time she's in a conversation that doesn't seem to be going anywhere she'll be like "is this a good time to talk about my plan for using wind power instead of burning coal?" And just ??? That doesn't fit with any of my thoughts on the time period of the movie???
5. There are so many famous people in this movie? But it's not good??? Pierce Brosnan of Bond fame is the king. Idina Menzel of Broadway Musical Fame is the stepmother. James Corden is one of the mice. James Acaster, also a comedian, is another mouse. Apparently John Mulaney is in it??? I did not see John Mulaney???
6. They need to stop making movies about girls who want to be fashion designers where I hate all the dresses they make. This is a personal one but I didn't look at any dress she designed and think "cool." There were other costumes I thought were awesome. Hers weren't one of them.
7. I appreciate that everything the stepmother does is very clearly to emphasise to her daughters how important it is they find husbands. The other sisters are hanging out washing and she's like this is an important lesson.
8. I feel like they desperately wanted what the Lily James live-action remake had, where he fell in love because he'd met her before and she challenged all his preconceived notions about what the world looks like. But they didn't get that because instead they got "is being forced into marriage, sees a girl climb a statue and kinda sass his dad, finds her in a marketplace and parrots all her ideals back to her in a desperate and shallow attempt to connect with her."
9. It was a musical, but like... not with songs written for them... with pop songs. Like there was 'Material Girls.' There was 'Let's Get Loud.' There was 'Find Me Somebody to Love.' (Theh wanted to be Ella Enchanted too). I had to skip through the ballroom scene where they were singing Ed Sheeran's Perfect. I just couldn't.
10. The Fabulous Godparent is like "you saved my life when I was a caterpillar and looked after me as I turned into a butterfly so I will magically help you get to the ball" like ???? What if she hadn't pulled you out of the spiderweb??? What your plan then??? Die?????
Would not watch again, I am tired but I cackled and cringed alternately. If you will watch any of it watch the Material Girls scene.
Goodnight friends.
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starlit-dreaming · 4 years
[WMMAP] Lucathy Ideas (3/?)
i thought that “it was only one night” would end up taking over my life as a lucathy fan but surprisingly it didnt. maybe it took up a page’s worth of writing/notes since i wrote most of this before i started posting wip tidbits lmao
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Talk About OOC -- Actor AU
• Okay so. WMMAP started off as a heartwarming movie about a father and daughter learning to get along, and Claude learning to overcome him grief for losing his lover, which is also the movie Athanasia started her debut as a child actress. Diana and Claude are actually Athanasia’s parents and they’re happily together (and Diana’s still alive) -- they both ended up with the lead role in a movie and the rest of their relationship was history.
• WMMAP is announced to be part of a trilogy, which is where Jennette, Ezekiel, and Lucas actually get introduced in the second movie. Lucas is the son of a director, and Ezekiel is the son of an actor. Jennette is a huge fan of the WMMAP book/movie and auditioned to play the role of, well, Jennette. Might need to give the show characters different names to avoid confusion. It deals with the debutante ball and Claude getting amnesia, Lucas returns, and more or less showing the message that people can still be a family even without their memories.
• The third movie would be dealing with the future bullshit that Anastacius and Roger does, and Lucas whacking Claude with a stick I guess. Or stab. I don’t know Korean, so all I know what happens after season 2 of the webtoon is what’s been translated to English for the novel so far and the comments about it.
• Basically what I’m picturing is. Diana making her appearances (in flashbacks of the movie) with a pregnant belly and for weeks after the movie gets released, people are going crazy with theories -- is she pregnant? Yes, some will shout; No, others will scream; Maybe? people might question. Diana will cackle as she posts a selfie of her and Athy, with Claude holding a newborn baby boy onto twitter with the caption “baby Areum is finally here!”
• Also behind the scene shenanigans. Kiel and Athy accidentally started a twitter ship war, but it’s not in the way you would imagine a WMMAP ship war to be. Felix/Claude vs Diana/Lillian -- which is gayer. Lucas essentially went “but wouldn’t Athy/Jenn be gayer than Diana/Lillian?” and ended up fanning the ship war flames which pretty much dragged everyone else into the shipping side of fandom. Diana wouldn’t stop laughing about it for days, tbh.
• In the second movie everyone pretty much already knew that Lucathy was endgame, but Lucas and Athy were both, more or less “nah we’re not actually going to be together-together” but then the cheek kiss happens and Lucas does the Thing and kisses her hand??? Yeah. Athanasia was shot by an arrow from that one.
• Ngl this was not what I originally thought about for an Actor AU but it does make sense than it being a TV series tbh
Apparently I’m the Princess of Faes -- Fantasy / Magic AU
• For all of Athanasia’s years of life, she always thought that she was just a regular human incapable of using magic. She's a villager who lives on the outskirts of town, in the forest, and all she knows is her mother’s name and that her mother was a medical witch. And ever since she turned 14, she decided to follow in her mother’s footsteps with potion making and making medicine for a living. • One day, at age 18, she finds an injured wolf with black fur and red eyes in the woods, brings him home, and accidentally manages to heal him with magic. I like to imagine that it’s kind of like a Rapunzel from Tangled situation in the fact that Athanasia sings, her hair glows, and bam, healing magic, except her hair has always been blonde. It’s just that it glows when she uses her magic. • And Lucas, who is in his wolf form trying to find a long lost princess who might not even be alive, is basically “oh shit I found the princess of faes and she’s gorgeous what the fuck” but he more or less keeps that to himself in order to learn more about the situation (such as finding out that her mother’s a witch, meaning that Athanasia isn’t pure fae, meaning that it’s safer for her to live outside of the palace walls). • Athanasia finding out that she actually has magic? Believable -- she probably just needed to figure out how to use it after all. Finding out that her new wolf friend is actually the guy in charge of keeping a long lost princess of the fae kingdom company? Okay... a bit startling, but that definitely sounds possible. Learning that she’s the long lost princess? Well, fuck.
maybe Don’t catch ‘em all? -- Pokémon AU
• Athanasia is primary Fairy-type trainer who becomes a Fairy Gym Leader. Her six teammates are Primarina (picked popplio as a starter), Togekiss (togepi was her first pkmn from an egg), Sylveon, Hatterene, Klefki (a downright prankster), and Ninetales (gifted to her as a vulpix from Lucas). Because she only uses four in a gym battle, she tends to switch her team on a regular basis to be unpredictable. • Lucas is a primary Dragon-type trainer that became a Dragon Gym Leader around the same time as Athanasia. At his gym, he only uses four Pokémon in battles -- Dragalge, Hydreigon, Kommo-o, and Duraludon. He has Appletun (given to him by Athy as an applin) and Garchomp as his remaining team, but he doesn’t use them often in battle. • Originally, it was intended to Athanasia and Jennette to be rivals in their family (as Claude and Anastacius seemed to have a blatant neverending rivalry), but Jennette was interested in pokemon contests due to her admiration for Diana. Athanasia found the competition of battling to be enjoyable and felt that it established a common ground between her and Claude. • Athanasia occasionally participates in contests from time to time, but it stopped being fun when she was constantly compared to Diana.
it was only one night -- ONS + Unplanned Pregnancy AU
(x) the overall rating is E. I’ve posted a bunch of wip’s for this au that you can start reading from here or you can wait for when i post it on ao3 on my NotSafeForWyn account //winkwonks (it’ll definitely happen, i just don’t know when)
• Diana doesn’t die at childbirth, and instead dies when Athanasia is only 4 years old. After Diana dies, Claude’s relationship with Athanasia sours for a bit with Claude deliberately distancing himself from her by focusing on his business [Obelia Enterprises] and Athanasia works hard to be the best heiress she could be so that Claude would actually look at her.
• If you read my idea for the Student Council AU (in my lucathy ideas 2) and thought “huh, this kinda feels a lot like a LP version of your Student Council AU, Wyn, except Diana died and (blahblahblah)” then yes you would be absolutely correct. Also, Lucas’s parents did divorce instead of staying together, which is one of the reasons that causes the both of them to grow up without the other.
• Also, when Jennette’s aunt dies, she’s 14 and she ends up in Claude’s custody, not the Alpheus Fam. Similar to LP, Claude pays more attention to Jennette and ends up declaring her to be the heiress of the company instead of Athanasia. The reason for this isn’t because he loves Jennette, though, and Athanasia doesn’t end up getting kicked out or anything, she just chose to leave home and never went back for several years because she couldn’t stand how bitter she feels about Claude and Jennette.
• Basically follows similarities to the Anastacius/Penelope/Claude/Diana dynamic (which is 100% intentional and was Not something decided an hour after posting one of the wip tidbits). Athanasia and Ezekiel dated for a few years until Ezekiel slept with Jennette, and while the difference is that Athy forgives him because she believed in him and genuinely wanted to believe that he wouldn’t cheat on her, Jennette claims that she’s pregnant, they breakup, and Jennkiel announce their engagement (spoilers, Jennette had a “miscarriage” after the announcement). They eventually got married, but they don’t have children.
• After Athanasia graduates from law school, she starts working at <The Lovely Success> which is a famous and international law firm (and yes, the law firm was intentionally named that as a nod to The Lovely Princess and it amuses me immensely because it sounds like it could be a title of a cheesy romcom), she meets Lucas who she ends up befriending. Everyone at the law firm thinks they’re dating, but they don’t bother clearing up those rumours because they’re both married to their jobs. It’s a strong commitment, really.
• Lucas and Athanasia both get tipsy from champagne and they end up sleeping together (they weren’t necessarily drunk-drunk, but they both agreed to blame it on the alcohol). And although she took the Plan B pill, she still ends up pregnant. Thankfully for her, she’s not going to handle this alone.
• If you ever listened to the Waitress soundtrack, it’s basically “The Negative” except combined with “Bad Idea” minus the whole cheating situation cause they’re both single in the beginning. Plus, I had to have gotten that “it was only one night” title name from somewhere (The Negative, for those who were curious, which is basically a song about taking a pregnancy test).
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i told myself only 3 lucathy ideas per ideas post. did i listen? no.
thanks for coming to my lucathy tedtalk again im here everyday crying for lucathy
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inknerdblog · 4 years
Is Spinel 4 Dimensional?
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Finally, after hours of research, analysis, and a ridiculous amount of editing all with only 5 hours of sleep I have completed my masterpiece! The idea I found in the two previous posts was interesting, to say the least. So, I just had to run this idea into the ground with the power of the Internet!
Side effects of content consumption may include second-hand knowledge on physics and geometry, rant-induced headaches, accidental consumption of glorified nerd spaghetti, and unintentional theory crafting.
Definition of 4th Dimension:
Before determining if Spinel is 4 dimensional, we need to define the 4th dimension. From a math perspective, it’s just another coordinate. Just like the x-, y-, and z-coordinates or length, height, and width on a 3-dimensional coordinate plane, adding a fourth coordinate gives you a fourth dimension to move along. 
Of course, that doesn’t exactly explain what the 4th-dimension IS. In simplest terms, a 4D shape is just a bunch of 3D shapes fused together (which is very fitting for Steven Universe). Take a cube for example. 
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https://www.transparentpng.com/cats/lines-1247.html (edited)
A 1-dimensional cube is just a line. 
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https://www.vexels.com/png-svg/preview/139342/basic-square-outline (edited)
Fuse 4 lines and you make a 2D cube or a square. 
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https://www.vexels.com/png-svg/preview/155839/stroke-cube-icon (edited)
Fuse 6 squares and you make a 3D cube which is obviously just a cube.
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http://centerofmathematics.blogspot.com/2015/03/throwback-fact-magic-squares.html (edited)
By this logic, a 4D cube, known a tesseract, is a fusion of 8 cubes. These are many ways to draw a tesseract including a view from one of its axes like seen above.
A full view of a tesseract can be very hard to see in a diagram. A fusion of 8 cubes means there are...a square has 4 lines...multiply by 6 squares per cube...times 8 cubes per tesseract… THAT’S LIKE ALMOST 200 LINES (192 to be exact). Luckily there’s a way to kind of see what a 4D cube would look like.
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https://www.pitt.edu/~jdnorton/teaching/HPS_0410/chapters/four_dimensions/index.html (edited)
You essentially just have to cross your eyes to “fuse” these figures together. If you have trouble, just try to look slightly over it.
Another way to interpret the tesseract is with a “beach ball” cube.
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This is just a cube that has been printed along the sides of a sphere to give it a bloated appearance.
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When shining a light on its north pole, the cube creates a 2D plane.
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This can then be converted into a 3D object and connected with circular faces.
4 Dimensional Being Abilities:
The easiest way to explain the abilities of a being that is 4-dimensional is to consider how a 2-dimensional being would interpret us as 3-dimensional beings. In a 2-dimensional world, 3D beings would only be cross-sections. This would make us appear to only be blobs of shapes floating in mid-air.
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Moving into the 3rd dimension (i.e. a different z-coordinate than the one the 2D world is in) would make us “disappear.”
With this in mind, a 4D being would essentially be extremely powerful. They would be able to see everything in the 3rd dimension at once. They could “disappear” by moving into the 4th dimension. Heck, they could remove your heart without cutting you open, much like a 3D being could remove a dot from a circle without cutting it.
So Could Spinel Be 4-Dimensional?
Short answer: no. With what we’ve seen from the Movie and Future, Spinel could not be 4-dimensional.
Spinel would be super OP. She would have no problem defeating all the Diamonds AT ONCE let alone Steven without any of his powers except the power to stick to smooth surfaces, apparently...
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https://makutas-chronicle.tumblr.com/post/187538461056/spinel-garnet-and-true-kinda-love (You should check out this post. It brings up some really good points about the song “True Kind of Love”.)
Her whole reason for attacking Earth would be completely pointless! As a 4D being, she would have SEEN what happened to Pink Diamond and left the Garden before the show even started.
Even if gems had the technology and the massive amount of resources to create a being beyond their comprehension, what would be the point? Spinel was only meant to be a playmate. If they wanted Spinel to also have surveillance on Pink that could MAYBE justify creating a gem as complex as her. However, that still gives Spinel enough power to overthrow the Diamond Authority BY HERSELF. 
The only way the events of the movie could take place AND Spinel could be this powerful is if she spent her time in the Garden suppressing her ability to avoid peaking while playing the “game” with Pink.
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Maybe after thousands of years of suppressing her power, she lost the ability to use it? But then how did she get the Injector if not by walking into the 4th dimension? When she reset, wouldn’t she regain the ability without the memory of suppressing it? Wouldn’t she constantly morph and contort whenever she moved as her ability becomes goes haywire!?
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I think it’s more likely that she can only infer the 4th dimension. Kind of like how we infer the 3rd dimension. 
Yeah, apparently humans can’t actually see into the 3rd dimension. We only see the 2nd projections of 3D shapes and use light, shadows, and our position relative to objects around us to interpret depth.
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Maybe Spinel just has advanced retinas. Maybe she can see into the 3rd dimension and infer the 4th.
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Yes, she wouldn’t be able to flatten her gem or be the next dictator of all gem-kind, but it could explain what we see her do. She could walk around without half her head being gone one second and her leg the next.  She could have seen where the Injector and the Rejuvenator were through the 4th dimension. She maybe could have even navigated into the 4th dimension with her advanced vision and some effort.
The only thing this theory can’t explain is where that Rejuvenator came from and why it was so close to the Garden...Did Pink have a backup plan in case Spinel tried to follow her!?
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And that’s it! If you made it this far, you’re just as hopelessly nerdy as I am! Only you didn’t spend hours of your life writing a 10-page paper on whether a fictional character could take over the universe...
Special thanks to  a-second-chance-su-au for inspiration. I never would have made this nerd spaghetti if you hadn’t handed me the ingredients! Check them out if you like SU AUs featuring CG Spinel.
Do you have any suggestions? Criticisms? Ideas you want me to obsess over explore? Did I miss something? Do you have a counter-theory? Then just send in an ask! I’ll try my best to respond. Have a nice day and drink your energy beans! 
References (Order of Appearance I think... I may have messed up the order):
http://eusebeia.dyndns.org/4d/vis/01-intro (Humans Only See in 2D)
https://plus.maths.org/content/richard-elwes (4D math perspective)
https://www.pitt.edu/~jdnorton/teaching/HPS_0410/chapters/four_dimensions/index.html (Shape Fusion)
https://researchblog.duke.edu/2017/04/26/visualizing-the-fourth-dimension/ (“Beach Ball” Tesseract)
http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/pickover/fourth.html (3D Beings to 2D Beings = 4D Beings to 3D Beings)
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Ok, so recently I reread Harry Potter (the last time being around five years ago), and when I got to the fifth book, I really couldnt get past the argument betwenn Molly and Sirius. Sirius being my favourite character both times, I wonder how I managed not to care about what Molly said the first time I read the saga. Somehow this time her words made me dislike her immensely. And then a lot of other things that she did in the previous books started to really annoy me.
While I do believe she cares about Harry there are a few things I realize that does not make her a good character in my eyes. So I guess I'll just list what I find disturbing/annoying about her.
1) Shouting about muggles in a train station full of muggles. (Could also add asking out loud about the platform, but I see that more as a plot device to make Harry find the way to the train)
2) Sending a jumper to a child she barely knows (problem being its better than her own children, and she never sent Lee a jumper)
3)Gives Ron a sandwich he hates, and later a Jumper in a color he has always hated.
4) when Ron and the twins bring Harry back from the Dursleys, they tell her he was starved and had bars on his windows. Her reaction? Threatening to put bar on Ron's windows.
5) I might be nitpicking, but she could have avoided roasting them in front of Harry.
6) Apparently Ginny can have a brand new wand, but Ron is still stuck with his brother's. (Which is worn and has its core sticking out...)
7) The Howler. Roasting your son in front of his friend is bad enough. No need to do it in front of the whole school.
8)When Harry AND Ron rescue Ginny, she only thanks Harry.
9) Its unknow if she helped Ginny get over the whole diary story.
10) She became extremely cold towards Hermione because of a article written by a journalist know to be deforming the truth (she said so herself)
11) Offers her daughter a new dress for the Yule ball, but doesnt bother to fix the old one she sent Ron.
12) Her argument with Sirius. She kept attacking him personally (bringing up James, Azkaban, him being rash, basically calling him irresponsible, his instructions from Dumbledore). It felt to me as if she wanted to discredit him in front of Harry.
13) She made everyone clean withour magic. Great idea in house full of dark magic.
14)She followed Dumbledore blindly.
15) If Harry's like a son to her, what did she do upon learning about the abuse he suffered? What did she do to help him about seeing Cedric die, being tortured, seeing Voldemort rising? What about the lies the Prophet was spreading? Was she there for him after Sirius' death? After Dumbledore's death? Was she there for here own children when they faced they own traumas (ie: Ron facing the spiders, discovering his rat actually a transformed wizard).
16) Her treatment of Fleur is atrocious. Worse, she allows Ginny to treat her the same way. She also tries to push Bill towards Tonks. Later she is cold to Remus for something that is none of her business.
17) When never see Arthur and her interact as a couple. She is often seen berating him, dismissing his passion about muggles. She only calls out to him when she needs his support (A.K.A. the row with Sirius).
18) Besides the yelling and berating, we dont see her interact with her children.
19) I feel like this is always forgotten. She not only disapprove of Fred and George's ideal job, she also sabotages there business by destroying there products.
20) I'd say there's a reason most of the boys are eager to get their own jobs and lifes.
21) She also tried to prevent them from going on the Horcruxe hunt. This one I can more or less admit it was because she was worried they would get killed, but in the end, her sabotaging their preparation could have been the reason they died.
22) The duel against Bellatrix. Hermione, Harry and Neville had more reason to kill her. While the movie did make a good job at making Molly rather badass in that scene, I think I would much rather have McGonagall kill Bellatrix.
23) She often compared her children to one another. Telling the twins they should be more like Percy, or when Ron becomes Prefect, saying "it's everyone in the family". Basically telling him it's not extraordinary.
24) It's sad to notice she doesnt react when the twin say "What are we?Neighbors next door?".
25) In Ootp, I feel she is treating Harry more like a 12 year old than a 15 year old.
26) There is a difference between considering a child is 'as your own' wich is really nice, and pretty much deciding for the child when someone who has that actual autority is in the room.
This ended up being a pretty long list and I might have forgotten things. There are only four popular characters I would tend to criticize : Molly, Remus, Snape and Dumbledore.
I wont do a list for Snape here but basically, for Remus its more because of his fanon representation. If not for that I dont like nor dislike him. Dumbledore I think relies too much on the prophecy, but he does care for Harry.
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What kinds of morphing do the kids use for fun when they're not trying to fight yeerks, other than the flying around as birds we see in canon?
I actually LOVE how much morphing for fun we get to see out of the kids in canon.  Yes, it fades away somewhat later on in the series as they get more serious and the war eats more of their lives, but a non-exhaustive list off the top of my head:
Cassie joins the dolphins at the Gardens for one of their dolphin-ball games (#4) 
All the kids take Ax to the movies because they want his opinion of the new Star Trek film (#8)
Cassie elaborately rationalizes that she’s morphing fly to spy on controllers, while also admitting to herself that she’s morphing fly because it’s the most fun morph she has and she’s bored out of her mind waiting for news of Rachel (MM1)
Cassie and Rachel do Cassie’s science homework by becoming rats (#9)
Marco and Jake attend an open-air Alanis Morissette concert as dogs, “because Alanis might be a controller” (#10)
Tobias reads books over people’s shoulders while they’re at the beach, and occasionally does Rachel’s homework for her, because he’s a giant nerd (#13, MM3)
Everyone gatecrashes the opening ceremony of a new Planet Hollywood location in bird morph (#17)
Jake apparently spent a while hopping around on suburban rooftops in tiger morph for shits and giggles after first getting the morph, an incident I’m still sad we didn’t get to see in canon (#21)
Ax can be found at the food court, eating an ill-advised number of cinnamon buns, pretty much any time Tobias leaves him unsupervised for more than 10 minutes at a time (#28)
Over half of Rachel and Tobias’s dates involve flying around for the hell of it (#27, #33)
Don’t know if this counts, but Tobias and Ax only show up to various social events in human morph because it’s entertaining for everyone (#13, #29, #33, #35)
Marco briefly attempts to pitch a new Star Trek series to the NBC producers in the guise of a magical psychic poodle, before Rachel talks him out of that idea (#35)
Tobias is in the habit of flying around gradually accumulating enough dropped money for him and Ax to morph human and splurge at Taco Bell (#38)
As Jake points out, Marco wouldn’t be morphing lobster just to get his car keys out of his swimming pool if he wasn’t seriously in need of a hobby (#54)
I’m probably missing a bunch.  Anyway, a big part of why I love that motif is that it feels so realistic.  Like, it feels like what ordinary middle schoolers would do if they had the power to change into animals.  Only Jake is somewhat responsible with the morphing, and he’s not that responsible either.
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liya4kar · 3 years
Liyada’s Fics Masterpost
It was time I wrote a Fic Masterpost.
So for everyone who is interested by my fics, firstly I invit you on my AO3 where you can litteraly find everythng, especially since I don’t post the fics directly on Tumblr. 
And if you want the details, here we go!
Also here the plan, because the post is really long lmao-
I/ Pokespe
1. Multi-chap fics
a) Three Years
b) The Magical Dexholders
2. AUs
a) Yorozuya no Lack-chan
b) Legendary Dexholders
c) Blonde Family
d) Yokai AU
3. Stand-alone OS and Drabbles
a) OS
b) Drabbles
II/ Other fandoms
a) Champion (Marvel)
I/ Pokespe
1. Multi-Chap Fics
a) Three Years
This one is my baby, the one I had been working on for 2 years and a half, the one I progressed the more in, and also the one I haven’t updated in a year even if I have 6 chapters ready to post, cause I’m lazy af. Also the ones where you can very easily see how much my writing progressed since I started writing for Pokéspe.
Warning: Graphic Description of Violence, Major Character Death (though this one is complicate and don’t fully apply)
Genre: Angst, Adventure.
Words Count: 69,567
Statut: In Progress
Characters: The whole Spe cast up to SM.
Relationship: Background Frantic, Entourage, Agency and Laverree, a lot of other friendships.
Summary: Some secrets should never be revealed. Or should they?
After a strange explosion, X and Y fear the apparition if a new threat for Kalos, and decide to get themselves implicate. But things are not as simple as they look, and nothing will go the way they want. And as those attacks take bigger scales and start to involve a large number of people, they would have no choice but to find the motive behind them to stop them; even if it means getting back on some bitter memories from three years ago they all would have preferred to forget...
List of chapters: Part I: Kalos
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1. The Explosion
2. The Lumiose Badlands
3. Shalour City
4. The Attack
5. Next Action
6. Lumiose City
7. Blackout
8. Chase in Lumiose City
9. The Next Day
10. Couriway Town
11. Sunrise
12. Tic Tac
13. Terminus
Part II: Unova
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14. A Day in Driftveil City I
14.5. A Day in Driftveil City II
15. Welcome to Unova I
15.5. Welcome to Unova II
16. The Twist Mountain I
16.5. The Twist Mountain II
b) The Magical Dexholders
This one is purely self-indulgent fic, where I basically write the dumbest thing that get in my mind. Aka some Dexholders become Magical Girls or Boys, but they’re dumb, but it’s okay because the bad guys, their friends and their world in general is dumb.
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Parody, Humor, Friendship
Words Count; 27,944
Statut: In progress
Characters: The whole Spe cast up to SM, and some OCs
Relationship: Diamond & Silver, Blue & Yellow & Gold & Platinum, Green & Crystal & Pearl
It’s an emergency! The Darkness Power Of The Terrible Evil has invading the Pokespe world and take over the region of Kanto! Some magical fluffy creatures needs help in order to stop the Darkness Power Of The Terrible Evil!
The day Dia met a strange professor fan of Magical Boy and a strange pink creature, he knew his life would never be the same...
In the meantime, Blue and Yellow have to face a terrible threat to get back their home, but get new abilities in exchange.
List of chapters:
1.  A story is not interesting if nothing go wrong in it
2.  If you are a Magical Boy, don't forget to take an insurance for building destruction!
3.  If the authorities say that a radioactive cloud did magically stop at the border, you can totally trust them!
4.  You can’t be a protagonist if you don’t have an ultimate move, a dark past or a secret identity!
5.  No matter how good it looks on TV, sh*t stay sh*t!
6.  An homage to a work becomes a fanfiction when it becomes an important part of the plot, you moron!
7. If you update on the 1st April everyone's gonna believe it's a joke, even if it isn't, so update on the 31st March!
2. AUs
Those fics are not multi-chap fics, but more like OS and drabbles that are related between each others.
a) Yorozuya no Lack-chan
Heavily inspired by Gintama, AU where Lack did not get back in Interpol and started doing odd jobs instead. Serie of Drabbles.
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Parody, Humor, Friendship
Characters: Lack-Two, Whi-Two, X, Sun
Relationship: Lack-Two & Whi-Two, Lack-Two & X, Lack-Two & Sun
When Whi-Two bumped into Lack-Two after months, she was not expecting him to went from Interpol officer to dog walker. And neither that he’d get her, and this guy from Kalos, to join he’s odd jobs agency.
List of chapters:
Dogwalker Lack-Two in action!
The Blazing Begining of Odd Jobs Yorozuya no Lack-Chan! 
b) Legendary Dexholders
In a world where being a legendary Pokémons can be boring, the legendary Pokémons decides to have a little bit of funs. Shenanigans ensue.
Aka the legendary Pokémons decides to become humans, and of course they happen to be our favorite DHs.
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Friendship, Family, Supposed to be comic at first but also goes on the character study sometimes
Characters: Silver, Giratina, others for next OS.
Relationship: Implied Preciousmetal, Blue & Silver
When Whi-Two bumped into Lack-Two after months, she was not expecting him to went from Interpol officer to dog walker. And neither that he’d get her, and this guy from Kalos, to join he’s odd jobs agency.
List of chapters: Giratina
c) Blonde Family
In which Yellow, Pearl, Bianca and Y are all cousins. Shenanigans enssue.
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Family, Comedy, Crime
Characters: Yellow, Pearl, Bianca, Y
Relationship: Yellow & Pearl & Bianca & Y
Family reunions are rarely all peace and calm. But when, out of four cousins, you have three Dexholders and a clumsy professor assistant, things are bond to be messy.
List of chapters: To be a cousin, Don't listen others confessions or you'll end as responsible as them
d) Yokai AU
What if yokai existed in the Spe universe? 
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Supernatural, Friendship, Adventures
Characters: Pearl, Schilly
Relationship: Pearl & Schilly
Pearl had first seen them when he was four years old. And he had learned to live with this world only he could see, to maintain his balance of a normal life.
He had just not expected one of his junior to also see them.
List of chapters: Chilling Party
3. Stand alone OS and drabbles
a) OS
Here you can find the 1K+ words stand-alone OS. Links are in the tittles!
A Good Christmas Movie is Made of Hot Chocolate and a Fire-Breathing Cat
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Horror, Parody, Christmas, Hallmark Movie, Specord Winter Writing Event 2020
Words count: 4093
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Y, Sun
Relationship: Implied Laverree and Delivery shipping, Y & Sun
Everything is perfect in Y's life. Too perfect, like in a Christmas Hallmark movie. Now, with a fire-breathing cat name Sun, it's up to her to find a way out of this Christmas hell.
One-shot wrote for the Winter Writing Event on the Specord, with the prompt X & Sun, Horror and Parody, My Life is a Hallmark Movie and PMD, and Chuck E Cheese's Ball Pit.
Celebi-rities in Distress
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: Parody, Friendship, TV Show
Words Count: 5017
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Sapphire, Lisia, Ruby, Emerald.
Relation Ship: Background Franticshipping, Sapphire & Lisia, Ruby & Emerald
Sometimes, it only takes a silly TV show, weird games and arrogant prissy boys to make a new friends.
Or how Sapphire became friend with Lisia to teach Ruby and Emerald a good lesson.
Bonding on the Grand Line
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: One Piece AU, Pirate
Words Count: 2948
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Pearl, Cheren, Sinnoh and Unova Gym Leaders
Relation Ship: Pearl & Cheren, Mentionned Commoner Shipping, Past Pearl & Diamond & Platinum, Mentionned Cheren & Black
In a world where Gold Roger is still an unknow name, Pearl and his crew left North Blue for the Grand Line. But are they ready for everything waiting them?
Of Swords & Of a Gun
Warning: No Warning applies
Genre: AU, Angst, 
Words count: 4209
Statut: Two-Shot, in progress
Characters: Pearl, Cheren, Sinnoh and Unova Gym Leaders
Relation Ship: Soudo & Bede, Bede & Rose, Soudo & Schilly, Schilly/Hop, Bede & Schilly & Hop
In a world where everyone has a Sword, Bede is an abnormality who has a Gun.
In a world where the Tsurugi family is the best blacksmith clan of Galar, Soudo fails to meet people's expectations.
In a world where they have to fight and find their places, will the two of them discover why they exist? Maybe the answer had been in front of their eyes since the beginning.
Pallet Association
Warning: Graphic Description of Violence, Major Character Death <3
Genre: Cyberpunk AU, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Kanto Week, Angst, Dystopia, May be a bit OOC for certain characters
Words count: 3637
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Green, Blue, Red, Yellow, Prof. Chen
Relation Ship: Green & Blue, Green & Blue & Red & Yellow, Green & Prof. Chen
In Pallet City, one of the biggest megalopolis in the world, the Pallet Association controls everything. Blue, Red, Yellow, and Green decide that it needs to change.
But Green may have forgotten to mention a few details to them.
(This OS have two alternative endings because I couldn’t picke one)
Warning: No Warning Applies 
Genre: Fluff, Domestic, Comedy,  Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Johto Week
Words count: 2843
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Silver, Gold, Crystal
Relation Ship: Silver & Crstal & Gold
Silver has apparently never heard a fairytale of his whole life, so Gold and Crystal decide to give him an express fairytale class. Turned out that it was a really bad idea.
Festival War
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Comedy, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Hoenn Week
Words count: 2843
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Emerald, Latias, Ruby, Sapphire
Relation Ship: Franticshipping, Emerald & Latias, Emerald & Ruby & Sapphire
It's the summer, it's time for festivals, but with the Hoenntrio and their love for bets and contests, it could only go wrong.
Family Business
Warning: Craphic Description of Violence, Minor Character Deaths <3
Genre: Angst, Villain AU, tw: Drugs, Weapons, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Sinnoh Week
Words count: 3596
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Platinum, Diamond, Pearl
Relation Ship: Implied Entourage
Because she was the heir of the Berlitz family, she will continue to develop their wealth and their power, no matter what it takes. No matter if the path she’ll take was full of blood and corpses and crimes.
Parent-Teacher Reunion
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Comedy, School life (but it’s still in the canon universe), Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Unova Week 1
Words count: 2638
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Cheren, Black, White, Bianca, Iris
Relation Ship: Agency Shipping, Cheren & Black & White & Bianca & Iris
Did you ever wonder how was Black's school life? Well, welcome in this parent-teacher reunion where Cheren have some things to say about his childhood friend... 
Crimes Movies are Sad Except When Everyone is Dumb
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Crime, Comedy, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Unova Week 2
Words count: 5565
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Whi-Two, Lack-Two, Hugh
Relation Ship: Whi-Two & Lack-Two & Whi-Two
It was a normal day for Whi-Two. A casting, a murder, two former classmates coming from nowhere... ... Wait, what?
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Character Study, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Kalos Week
Words count: 2198
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: (Malva’s) Delphox, Trevor, Furfrou, Floette
Relation Ship: Delphox & Trevor, Delphox & Furfrou & Floette
Delphox was strong. Malva was strong, too, but Malva's had lost, so Malva was weak.
Delphox had lost too, but she could not admit she was weak too.
No, she was strong.
It was the boy who was weak.
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Negative Spe AU, Adventure, Friendship, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Alola Week
Words count: 1649
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Sun, Moon
Relation Ship: Sun & Moon
Sun always liked helping at the soup kitchen, seeing the smile and laughs of everybody around him, but the lunch breaks were always the best moment.
Too bad that this girl decided to ruin this one.
The Child of the Outdoor
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Character study, pre-canon, Pokespe Amino Festival 2020: Galar Week
Words count: 1317
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Schilly, her Pokémons
Relation Ship: Schilly & her Pokémons
Schilly always loved outdoors. It was joy, fun and great memories. It was her Pokémons, too.
Professor Santa
Collab with @coppertrapinch for the Specord Secret Santa Event! (Check her work she’s amazing!)
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Comedy, Christmas, Specord Secret Santa Event 2021
Words count: 3623
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Prof. Oak, Prof. Birch, Prof. Samson Oak, Prof. Rowan, Prof. Juniper, Crystal, Gold, Sapphire, Trevor, Soudo, Schilly, Prof. Magnolia
Relation Ship: Prof. Oak & his need for a break
Something was bound to go wrong with Gold organizing a party... but a Secret Santa on top of that? Poor Crystal was just too stressed at work... it was time for Professor Oak to step up to the plate. Can the renowned Professor save Christmas in time without gaining another wrinkle?
...No. No he cannot.
The Christmasly Idiotic Adventures of Pearl and Lack-Two, or the time when two idiots stopped an evil organization while being on a gift hunt
Warning: No Warning Applies
Genre: Comedy, Christmas, Specord Secret Santa Event 2021, Crime (??), Adventure
Words count: 5326
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Pearl, Lack-Two
Relation Ship: Pearl & Lack-Two
Pearl liked Christmas. Really. Well, except when some (false) "Gift Fashion Specialist Journalist" disturbs all his plans and ruins his gift hunt. Why do he has to get a present for such a brat anyway? 
Screw up Secret Santa! This year, we're gonna kick some ass for Christmas!
b) Drabbles
Ok no big presentation here cause it’s only very short drabbles (>1K words)
Valentine Day 2020: Laveree Shipping
Valentine Day 2020: Entourage Shipping
X teachs incorrect French words to Gold
Crystal is scary and very powerful
Soudo and Chilly don’t like they English localized name, and Marvin is too young for this
II/ Other fandoms
a) Champions (comics)
Heat-Haze Days
Warning: Graphic Description of Violence, Major Character Death <3
Genre: Angst, inspired by the Kagepro song “Kagerou Days”, Time loop
Words count: 4213
Statut: OS, Complete
Characters: Miles Morales/Spiderman, Kamala Khan/Miss Marvel, Sam Alexander/Nova
It was a normal summer day, everything was fine... But the heat of haze had decided otherwise, and it was up to Miles to try to find a way out. 
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steve0discusses · 4 years
Yugioh Ep 34 S4: The Boys (and Mai) are Back in Town
OK, back to the writing table! It’s been a while! So I made the mistake of like...scrolling down on the playlist when I realized...
This duel is like 6 episodes long (7 even? It’s a lot) and like...yo I have no idea if we’ll finish this season in 2020! Damn you 2020. Damn you.
But wtv, what I like about this side project of mine is that I don’t have to rush things, and I can really spend the time with each episode and just...enjoy the moment. So often I watch a whole series in like half a week and then it’s like...I don’t get to enjoy it. This series I’ve enjoyed for years now. That’s kinda neat. So...we’re gonna be slow...but lets just enjoy this weird ass anime moment together. 2020 deadlines are all fake anyway. I’m not even sure if 2020 was a real thing that happened or like...an alternate universe opening a door and letting through just so many terrible ghosts. We might never know.
Last we left off, everyone has decided to hallucinate Dartz’ terrible backstory.
Unfortunately we have NO darts in the past. Was really hoping to see at least one darts reference in this entire season, just one darts board on his wall. But alas, we will not have a Season Zero death darts match with Dartz. (Man I need to get back to Season Zero. And FMA. And a lot of things)
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I feel like if I watched the original version there would have been some things different. First off...what ocean? Second off...well, we’ll get to that. There’s some things I think were changed for English TV.
Including censoring the nude people like it’s James Cameron’s Avatar.
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Fun fact did you know that James Cameron’s Avatar was supposed to be ass naked and that they were supposed to have like 8 cat nipples? Yeah.
Man, that movie was a mistake. I’m so glad we all decided to collectively forget James Cameron’s Avatar.
(read more under the cut)
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The actual locations of anything in Atlantis does not match up with it when it’s zoomed out. We have giant cities, we have sprawling wheat fields, and we have...THIS situation. This active volcano next to...pine trees?
I feel like they wanted it to feel vaguely Pompeii, since I know people like to put Atlantis in the Mediterranean. Maybe? Maybe that’s what they were going for here?
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One of my top ten favorite Yugioh plot twists ever was finding out this episode that this snake who has no limbs somehow created these...rocks...that all of our main characters have been wearing and obsessing over this entire time.
And so this is my theory, this is the thesis of my Yugioh college paper. These rocks are turds. There’s no way these rocks aren’t turds. There’s no way this snake didn’t poop out a bunch of glowy magic stones and then stuff them into a volcano.
God bless, Yugioh.
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Seto spends this entire episode groveling that he isn’t playing cards that will absolutely kill him. Like Mokuba, Seto isn’t happy until he’s cheating death.
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(I really wish we got more super past future tech. I love that type of concept art. Instead, we just got a lot of flying boats--the same boat that I think the team flew on in S1 when they went to Seto’s video game universe.
So those boats are 10,000 years old? They existed in the 10,000 year old Pangea, huh?
Anyway, lets take a gander at Princess Zelda circa Ocarina of Time.
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SUPER princess Zelda, and I know it’s not 1:1 but damn it feels so much like a late 90′s Princess Zelda outfit to me. Check out that PURPLE. That low poly circlet. The random ass sword. The thick ass belt. 
Also check out this super dead family.
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Yo so this is a 00′s thing, a period of time where we liked to tell stories like LOST, with just a bunch of random ass plot twists in flashbacks instead of just...telling a story from start to finish. And can be a great and fun way to do it--but at the sacrifice of actually making me care about these characters while they were still alive.
Like I would have maybe cared about Chris and Ironheart dying if I had known that Dartz was killing his whole family? With...lightning strikes? But alas, these dumbasses decided NOT to tell us they were royal. It’s so strange both from a logical perspective and a storytelling perspective.
Man...missed opportunity, IMO, but I can see why they did it. The wanted the ‘Gotcha!’ I feel ambivalent about it, honestly.
And who am I kidding, people are still doing unpredictable plot twists this. It’s a way to tell a story. Is it the most impactful way? No. It’s...it’s a gotcha!
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It’s at this point in the story that things start ramping up, but it’s not clear if it takes place over years or just a couple hours. People just start going a little cray and turning into Monsters.
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Straight up, though--did they turn into monsters that already existed and are modern Duel Monster cards, or are the monsters from modern Duel Monsters cards actually descendants of Atlantis who were once human?
They don’t say, actually. Maybe...maybe every card was a human once. That would be a freakin weird Yugioh twist if Kuriboh was like a 45 year old dude.
PS Dartz was married...soak that in.
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Love it every time. She was there for like...half a second, and Dartz was like throwing so much shade about how “only the people with evil in their hearts were turned” and it’s like...
...dude that’s your wife? OK then. I can see you guys got along real well.
Anyway, so long to the ship of IonaxDartz, you were here for even less than the amount of time that Seto dated Blue Eyes White Dragon in a hallucination, which kind of sets a new record for us.
This might be the shortest-lived ship in all of Yugioh and they have a 12 year old daughter and what I assume was a 12 year marriage for that entire time.
that is if they...HAD the concept of marriage 10,000 years ago on Atlantis Pangea island. Maybe?
I mean they might have not had the concept of dating and marriage yet because he gets over this like immediately. The show will never hover back to that time Dartz watched his own wife turn into a creature. We have no idea if he was like “OK honey lets uh...let just get you a haircut and maybe no one will notice?” We have no idea how long he was desperately trying to remain married to the beast that was no longer human and was also trying to eat everyone else in his court. We just don’t know.
Dartz just had a lot of other things to think about. He’s been King for like...a year...he’s only 21...he’s just doing a bad job at everything.
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(Biden opens Pres Trumps bedroom in the White House come January and it’s juts full of glowing green evil golf balls) (OK that was my last 2020 joke I swear to you) 
Anyway, Dad is here, but it’s a little too late to really do anything with the situation. Everyone is worshiping little snake turds. What can you really do about that?
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One eye golden, the other eye, the color of a glistening Leviathan turd.
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After the rest of the surviving royal family was chased out of the castle, Dartz decides to just wave his hands around a lot.
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I’m not entirely sure what Kings do...never really had one...but I think they’re supposed to do more than wave their hands at a crowd like the Pope. Like...everyone’s dead right? Like everyone?
Who’s he talking to?
Meanwhile, Chris and Ironheart decide to revive some monster tablets to get some real actual duel monsters to do their bidding.
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So apparently some monsters are in the tablets, and other’s have just always been here...and...
They didn’t know violence but they did have the cards?
There’s a lot of vague stuff they didn’t feel like ever writing, because it would have probably been boring to write about. I guess we’ll just let our imagination fill in the rest and ignore all the inconsistencies. It’s a kid’s anime. well........kind of a kid’s anime. A lot of people have died this episode and I don’t even know how to add it to the death count.
How many people live in Atlantis? I dunno.
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Are the inhabitants of Atlantis even dead, or are they just turned into Monster cards? I dunno. Clearly the Great Leviathan wasn’t awoken this first battle so...did all those souls get returned? I dunno.
Either way I’m not gonna bother the death count about it because I just do not know if they died, and since it was neither an implied death or an on screen death...I dunno.
Just feels like a bit of a translation snafu--where maybe they couldn’t kill that many people on English TV, so they were like “AND IT’S A DRAW!” but also...it could be canon to both versions. The leviathan didn’t work the first time, maybe no one died? I dunno.
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In this shot, PS, Raphael just gently backs up out of this flying plane, and it looked really funny to me. I probs won’t cap it because it’s split between two other cuts, but just...they just kind of moved that sprite to the right really slowly, no animation, it was great.
Dartz decides to end the backstory hallucination, and we get introduced to a new twist--a better twist than that last one, that’s right, all our boys are cards!
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Including this asshole!
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Been a while since our boys have been cards! Man, I miss Bakura!
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Yes, I looked back to earlier episodes this season to see what was going on with Pegasus’ new look. I think what happened is that it’s always been this shade of gray purple--but when you put purple next to it’s opposing color (which is yellow colors) it looks even MORE purple. It’s just how color works. Love color theory. mm. Good stuff. Good purple hair.
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I can’t wait until Yami kills Yugi for the 3rd time in one season.
Anyway, that’s all for now, and like always, here’s a link to read these in chrono order.
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simptasia · 4 years
here are my thoughts, headcanons, about the human owners in the Cats universe. i have cats 2019 in mind with all of this, but a lot of this could easily apply to the stage musical ‘verses, if you’re so inclined. i haven’t thought about them in Great Detail but i have pictured a lot of these cats at home, so i’ve pictured their humans a little. oh side note: when i imagine humans in this universe, i operate on lady and the tramp logic where you cannae properly see them. like, from the neck down at the highest. maintaining the cats themselves as the focal characters. so yeah here are the few hcs i have about people who in my mind literally have no faces or names
munkustrap: i’ve considered the idea that his family is rich but it turns out he lives in a flat thats directly next to a junkyard. i think they’re middle class, maybe even upper middle class, because it’s not cheap to live so close to trafalgar square (that and a lot of these cats live close to each other and we see other cat’s homes that are well off). anyways, they’re a generic late 1930s family. in an idyllic way, really. i’ve based them off the human family in lady and the tramp. munkustrap being our lady. so there’s a husband, a wife and a baby. and there’s also an aunt who takes care of munku when the family is away on holiday. i gave them a baby to add even more to munku’s Paternal Instincts. they’re pleasant people and they treat munkustrap well. the lady of the household brushes him. munku has a bed in the lounge/kitchen area but sometimes they let him sleep on the foot of the bed. munku wants caviar like it’s crack so i have to assume he’s tasted it at least once. this would imply very indulgent owners. or they might have dropped some at a party, who knows. they’re not strict with munku (he can go where he wants to, get given Human Food, sleep on Human Beds) but this never led to him being spoilt because he respects his family a lot and doesn’t take advantage of their kindness (eg. many cats are known to push things off tables. munkustrap would never) oh also the baby has pulled on munku’s tail once but he doesn’t hold it against her
mr. mistoffelees: we can actually glean some things about his family from his song and the behind the scenes. first of all, laurie davidson says misto is owned by a magician, who uses misto as a helper during magic tricks. that is to say, he pulls misto out of his hat. this is delightful and i hold to this concept too. from his song we know at least two things: one lyric says “the family” and thats plural so there’s more than just a magician, who i imagine is a guy, by the way. so he gets a wife. i don’t see them having kids. the other thing we know from his song is that misto sleeps by the fire..... though sometimes he is on the roof, making a ruckus, apparently. misto’s owners are sometimes annoyed but overall fond of their kitties antics. since misto emulates his owner’s magic-ness, it stands to reason that this guy is a guy worthy of being emulated. therefore: decent and nice. concept: misto sees his owner doing magic tricks and being lovey dovey with his wife and is basically like “god i wish that was me”. i also imagine they give misto a decent amount of toys, like a jingly mouse, a ball of yarn, etc. this was partially an attempt to get misto to stop playing with forks and the man of the house’s magician doodads... it didn’t wooork~ yes, im still thinking of 2019 misto, just because he’s anxious, doesn’t mean he can’t be a silly little scamp too. he’s gotta practice his magic!
rum tum tugger: his owner is a sweet lady who adores her kitty so very much and loads him with praise. basically she’s largely responsible for tugger’s,,, High Self Esteem. she talks to him in baby talk a lot. she’s a cat enthusiast and has even entered tugger in some pet shows. she’s good natured enough but her house smells funny. she spoils tugger and will allow him to behave however way he pleases. according to tugger’s song, she sews. he jumps on her lap, throwing her off her task, and she sighs fondly and says “oh, what am i going to do with you?”. nothing. because she wuvs her pwecious widdle kitty. basically, tugger owns her
victoria: she was given to a little girl as a christmas present and what we see at the start of the movie is her being chucked away because the girl and the parents got bored of her once she reached maturity. so basically they’re fickle bastards who weren’t ready for cat ownership
mungojerrie & rumpleteazer: ohhhh boy, so i said tugger was spoilt but these two. these two! their owners are rich. the details of this family are unclear in my head but at the very least theres a middle aged couple who hate the way these cats behave but choose to tolerate it, and a younger stupid woman who ignores their shenanigans and says “they don’t know what they’re doing” (said whilst they grin mischievously). mungo and rumple’s behaviour is put up with because they’re show cats who are worth a lot of money. once in a while they’ll do a show and then the rest of the time these two are Chaos. as i said, their family is the one i’m least clear about, like how many people live here, how everybody is related, but im picturing a somewhat large rich family (like 3 generations in one house and theres a few bratty kids about) and they’re not very nice people. they’re snobby and unkind. any goodness the chaos twins have was given to them by the other jellicle cats, not their owners. oh this household also employs several maids, who have to put up with so much shit, lord
skimbleshanks: skimble has no one Owner in a traditional sense, he is beloved by the people who work at the local railway station. the drivers, the guards, the station master, the station master’s daughters who are 6 and 8. skimble does and doesn’t belong to all of these people. the train people adore skimble and literally will not start the train without him, which is canon. i picture the driver as being really burly, to juxtapose how cooey he gets over this orange kitty. they let him roam the train as he pleases, and honk the train horn, drink scotch and they always give him Human Food. and in return skimble is infallibly loyal and has amazing work ethic. i mean, considering he’s a cat... anyways everybody loves skimbleshanks
and for the sake of the story working, these owners are either ignorant that their cats are getting out or letting them free roam. twas a different time
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copias-thrall · 4 years
This is Halloween (Halloween)
Mary expands Suey's world by taking her to a crazy art party.
(Part: 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9)
It’s one of the stretches where you actually haven’t seen Mary in a few days. He’d apparently been by your apartment—dishes were done and he took out your trash—but you’d spent that day hunkered down at a coffee shop so you could have sandwiches with a friend who got a job downtown. And while Mary can be lyrical when he wants to be, his texts are usually brief and full of letters that only make sense to him in his shorthand … so you’re not ever going to get any missives from the front lines from him.
Which is fine: you’re super-busy and full of your own hobbies. Like napping. And complaining. Occasionally you’ll round that out with chip-eating. You’ve never been particularly creative—which makes Mary wince at you every now and then (you love art, you’re just not … adept, and sometimes it seems unfair that he can write music AND lyrics AND doodle great sketches)—but you are a voracious reader. You’d been shocked to find out that not only had Mary read Austen, but he also had a love of Persuasion—a novel you yourself found superior to Pride & Prejudice. He’d been similarly chuffed when he’d realized you liked Chuck Palahniuk for more than just Fight Club. 
Which is all to say that when Mary’s not around, you like to combine your hobbies—a little chip eating while you read, only to fall asleep with the book on your face. 
Tonight is no exception.
It’s nearly Halloween (it’s tomorrow actually, and you’re only slightly bummed that Mary has to work), so in honor of the holiday you’re working your way through an anthology of Lovecraft. Unexpectedly, there's a knock at your door. You check your phone, but there are no texts.
There’s another knock, so you set down the book and sprint to your bedroom to take up what Mary has dubbed your “Masher Hammer.” You make it back to your apartment door just in time for a third series of knocks. When you look out the peephole, however, it’s clear that whoever’s on the other side is blocking the viewer.
Gripping your hammer tight—ready for swing mode—you unlatch your door and open it.
You’re met with the sight of a Jack O’Lantern. 
Not a Jack O’Lantern … some guy with a carved pumpkin on his head.
“Ta-d—Jesus Christ, Suey … put Masher down,” says a muffled voice.
Mary lifts the pumpkin—a real pumpkin, not a plastic basket from the dollar store—a little off his head enough for you to make out his face. You lower your swinging arm.
“Why is there a pumpkin on your head? What are you doing here?” 
He spreads his arms out and does jazz hands. “Mischief Night!” 
When you just stand there squinting at him, he finally takes the pumpkin fully off his head. His hair is squashed, and he’s only wearing some light makeup around his eyes and on his lips.
“So, you gonna let me in, or … should I duck?”
“Oh, right,” you say as you step back.
As Mary suanters in, you can see his eyes sweep to the couch where you’ve made a nest of blankets and pillows—your book lying face down, and the open bag chips positioned at an optimal angle on the coffee table.
“That looks nice.” He sidles up to you to squeeze your tits through your hoodie. “Almost makes me want to call it a night and get cozy in those blankets … I could crush those chips and lick them off you before I eat you out.”
His hand slides down to your crotch.
You’re trying to take him seriously, but he’s holding a pumpkin under his arm. You snap at his face.
“Mary—focus. What the hell?”
He gives you a put out look, exaggeratedly pushing out his bottom lip—but it’s soon replaced with a wicked grin.
“Mischief Night! Do you wanna go to a weird-ass art party?”
“An art party?” you ask dubiously.
“No, not what you’re thinking.”
He sets down the carved pumpkin on your table and walks to your fridge, rummaging around before pulling out the pisswater beer he keeps around.
“Think of it as a teen-movie house party—but on steroids and no one there got laid in high school. With, you know: art.”
“That’s … very specific.”
He walks back over to you, cradling the beer in one hand, and puts the other on your shoulder.
“We are under no obligation to participate in the orgy.”
You don’t think he’s joking.
He gives you a once over. “It’s also a—hmm—masquerade, so we gotta get you outfitted.”
Your mind darts.
“I only have those stupid headband cat ears my friend got me as a joke.”
He gives you a vulpine smile. “You’re gonna go as me.”
It had been a fun little party of two as you’d put on a YouTube Halloween playlist from your phone. Mary’d given you a dramatic mohawk with his precious airplane glue, then fished around in the pink makeup bag with hearts (that you’d put his stash in as a joke and he’d kept) to give you his iconic look—blood and all.
There was no way you were going to fit in his skinny jeans, but you’d been able to pair one of his well-worn tees (that you hadn’t already stolen) with your favorite denim skirt. Mary had taken off one of his studded belts to wrap around you—it’d needed a couple of safety pins to act as extensions, but Mary had assured you that that just made the style more authentic. Upon Mary’s request, you’d put on your ripped fishnets, and you had your own worn Docs to complete the look.
“Do I get to be a sex-crazed jerk all night?” you’d asked as you’d admired yourself in the corroded full-length you had propped up by the bathroom.
“You say that as if that’s something new and different for you—fuck ow,” said Mary as you’d tapped his balls.
“So where is this place?” you ask as Mary and you head to the train. 
It’s in the old factory district, which means it’s a ways away, but still subway accessible.
“It’s actually in a converted co-op. I think they started out as squatters—unclear—but now it’s above board as a residence and shit. I used to know a guy who lived there for a while—they had sectioned off areas with screens—and he had a corner so he slept in a hammock. Most of the space is for their art, though. What a fucking life to live.”
You look at him, incredulous. “Mare. You live in a 2 bedroom with 4 other dudes.”
He scoffs at you. “We also have a couch. It’s a whole ‘nother level.”
You just hum at him.
When you finally get there—after a few mis-turns in this silent neighborhood full of abandoned brick factories—you’re surprised (despite Mary’s description) to see that the place is lit. There’s a guy standing at the entrance to the parking lot (that slopes dangerously toward the river) checking attendees; it becomes clear that not only is he checking for 21+, but for alcohol and toilet paper. Those without either have to “donate” $10.
“Oh—” says Mary right before it’s about to be your turn. “I’m not Mary tonight.”
“What should I call, then? The ‘Great Pumpkin’?”
“Just not Mary,” he hisses as you shore up to the “bouncer.”
The guy is not in any kind of costume—just grey sweats and a sports team hat. He’s sitting on a bar stool, and he has a little flashlight he’s using to check IDs.
“Hey, guys!” he says cheerily. “Welcome to Magical Mischief Mystery at the Factory. IDs? Ah! TP and suds? Cool, cool.”
He checks your IDs, then looks at you, then your IDs … then at Mary’s pumpkin face, then at you.
“OH MY GOD,” he starts chortling and slips off the stool to grab Mary’s arm. “Mary, you old bastard—I haven’t seen you since Dusty left to get hitched.”
You take a deep breath and—in your best screamo voice—you say, “I’m fucking Mary Goore,” (not a lie) “and he’s ‘Late for Dinner’.”
The pumpkin head turns to you. You can feel Mary’s unamused gaze.
The bouncer starts wheezing so hard that you’re afraid he might expire from laughing.
“Fuck, fuck,” gasps the dude. He shakes his head, eyes watery from mirth, and waves the two of you through.
“I hate you,” says Mary.
“I didn’t call you ‘Mary’, though,” you quip as you slip your arm through his.
“Why do I have to carry all the shit? Here. Pull your fucking weight.”
Mary hands you the toilet paper roll he heisted from your bathroom.
“Are we going to TP something?” you ask as you take the roll from him.
“Heh. No, it’s purely functional. This many people? It’s so the bathrooms don’t run out.”
The two of you enter with another mass of people, traveling through the miasma of secondhand smoke from the smokers. You cough, but Mary inhales deep, sighing. You’re not sure what you were expecting, but you gape as you look around.
You and Mary stand on an open floor—which is what 5 or so floors look out onto all the way up. The place is crowded, but not jam packed. There’s a makeshift kitchen area where a dude in a bare chest and suspenders is accepting the toilet paper and libations. Above him is a white sheet that’s stretched out, on which an Art Film is being projected. The film has no sound because in the far corner there’s a DJ spinning, and a group of people are “dancing” to his jams. Mary was right: it’s like some kind of frat party for the artsy set. Because of the theme, most everyone is in a mask of some sort, and people—or groups of people—are making out in corners in various states of undress. 
Mary grabs two beers, then leads you to a staircase—there’s a freight elevator by it, but it’s got cheesy Halloween “do not enter” tape blocking it.
“The first year too many people loaded into it, and it dropped 3 floors before the emergency brakes kicked in,” says Mary as he notices where you’re looking.
In a loft on the second floor you and Mary watch a woman—nude and covered in white paint—become the canvas to her girlfriend’s landscape painting.
In what’s clearly a shared bedroom, you and Mary peruse some really great paintings and sketches from what must be a number of the co-op residents.
“You should have told me to bring cash,” you say.
“We can always come back. I know a guy.”
You imagine Mary’s probably winking at you.
On the third floor there’s an inexplicable open-air kitchen attached to a bathroom. In it there’s a dude doling out beer from a keg.
“What’s this,” Mary asks him.
“It’s my homemade IPA, dude! Pumpkin for the season!”
He hands Mary a business card.
“We have a small space in the boonies, but we’re trying to get a brewery up and running in the city. Red tape though, man.”
“I fucking hear that.” Mary takes a sip. “Good shit, dude.”
The guy high-fives Mary.
“One for your girl?”
Mary hands you the solo cup, and you take a sip. You were expecting something grassy and hoppy—but the pumpkin actually balances it out nicely without it itself being cloyingly sweet. When you nod, Mary just lets you have his and indicates to the brewer to pump another cup.
The two of you enter what you think might usually be a studio space, but instead there’s a burlesque performance going on. There are some people making out, but Mary and you watch, rapt, praising the skill of the performers to each other.
The fourth floor has the least amount of people. Someone is doing a reading in one corner, and across the way there’s some sort of performance art going on. A woman stands in a white shift and gauze. Every time a dude who looks like a Nazgul rings a bell, she contorts herself to a different pose with a dancer’s ease.
You roll your eyes, but Mary begs your patience—watching solemnly as she continues.
“What is it?” you ask when the set is clearly over.
“Did you not feel it?”
“Uh …”
Even through the pumpkin you can feel his eyes on you.
“She’s a dancing monkey. Bound and constrained, only ever allowed to perform at the whim of her faceless master.”
“Mary …”
“No—don’t scoff. That was meant for you. It’s an allegory for the patriarchy, and I for one found it quite moving.”
You guess you can see it now that Mary’s pointed it out to you. He takes off the pumpkin, and you hold it while he goes over to talk to the woman. You shift uncomfortably as they engage, and she grabs his hands, shaking them profusely. Mary suddenly points over at you, and the woman waves and motions you over.
“Oh my god, look at you!” she squeals. She turns back to Mary. “I can’t believe I didn’t see it—she looks just like you.”
“I liked your patriarchal allegory,” you say.
Mary twists his mouth at you, but the woman just presses her hands to her chest.
“Thank you so much. I’m testing it out here as a protest piece. A bunch of us are going to travel to different cities and perform outside of big corporations.” She grabs Mary’s wrist. “Your boyfriend is wonderful. His song about—”
“—my band’s song—”
“—the nature of performative gender roles is one of my favs.”
You have no idea which song she’s talking about, but Mary looks pleased. So you’re pleased. You wrap your arm around his waist.
“He is pretty great.”
She lifts her veil to chug the glass of water Nazgul hands her.
“It was so nice to meet you person to person, Mary. I’m going to find the ladies before my next performance.”
“Love your work, Lizzy. I’ll put you on the list for our shows. Show up anytime!”
She bows and shuffles backwards as Mary leads you away.
“You have no idea what song she’s talking about do you?”
“I—” you sputter. “Uh. Dead Things?”
Mary looks at you indulgently.
“I’ll let you think about it.”
It turns out that the 5th floor is off limits to party goers, so Mary—back in his Jack O’Lantern—and you wander down to ground level to acquire more beer and to join the crowd of dancers. At some point the two of you take a break to pee, then hydrate as you add your own dialogue to the film on loop above you.
Back on the dance floor, there’s some skanking, some goth writhing, and some line dancing as the DJ spins his own set and sprinkles in some crowd requests. At this point in the night, most of the attendees have already made passes through the upper floors and are now all on the dance floor. Mary does some goth stomping (his pumpkin abandoned and now being passed around), and you do a silly skank until you slip on a slick spot and fall on your ass. After that, Mary pulls you close and grinds against you, his thigh between yours, both of you buzzed from multiple trips to the bar.
“Do you wanna find a corner?” he whispers into your ear.
In any other situation you’d probably say no … but—for all the crowd is packed—this is clearly a private party, one whose hosts don’t frown upon a little bit of lechery. You guess he wasn’t kidding about the orgy, after all.
“Yeah,” you breathe.
It takes a little investigation, but Mary and you find a room that seems to have been either designated or usurped as the makeout room. There’s a writhing mass in one corner, and the bed is covered in rolling bodies. There’re some breathy invitations—and a hand or two lightly caresses your calf as you walk by—but no one insists on participation further than that. 
Mary yanks a pillow from the bed and tosses it to the floor. He pulls you down so that you’re both on your knees, his mouth capturing yours and his hands alighting everywhere. A hand of his sneaks down your skirt, and yours slithers down his jeans—the roving fingers of you each more a prelude than anything, stoking you both up to what’s next.
“Can I fuck you?” huffs Mary.
“Kinda drunk,” you say.
“Do you want me to stop?”
“No—just not gonna be very useful,” you giggle.
Because you wore the fishnets you’re not wearing underwear, so all Mary has to do is rip a hole in the crotch area—they’re not even good fishnets, so it’s not like there’s a liner to contend with. He grunts at your wetness.
“You sure?”
“Fuck me, Mary.”
He fumbles with his dick, finally managing to sink it into you. It’s a very awkward fuck—you’re lolling all about the place, and Mary isn’t being particularly steady.
At one point a light turns on only for a Sorry! to squeal out as it turns off again.
You try to swallow your laugh, but your jiggling belly can’t hide your reaction, and soon Mary is laughing too.
“Fuck … shut up … fuck,” he giggles. “I’m trying to get off here.”
You’re just catapulted into further fits, and before long Mary’s soft cock is slipping out of you as he joins you in snickering.
“Crap. I might be too drunk for this too.”
The two of you lay like that for a bit, a feedback loop of laughter, until your belly muscles ache.
“Fuck. Take me home, Suey.”
“Yeah, ok,” you say. 
After some readjusting, you both stumble out of the room. The crowd has thinned, but that’s not to say the dance party isn’t still going strong.
“We should get a cab,” you say.
“Cash?” Mary asks as you guys shuffle out of the building.
“App,” you say as you hold up your phone to poke at your cab app. “My card s’on file.”
“S’for emergencies.”
You give him a lopsided grin. “Like staying too late at a factory party.”
There’s a comedy of errors when the cab can’t find you and cancels, and you have to rebook—only to have the same cab automatically cancel your order again. Mary calls the number for dispatch, and they direct you out to a main street. The cab that picks you up is the same cab that voided your reservation twice, and he yells at you for giving him the wrong address.
You let Mary argue with him (content to doze on his shoulder)—the conclusion seeming to be that while you put in the correct address, the app didn’t like it and spit out a close, but different, pickup address.
By the end of the trip, however, the cabbie and Mary seem to be old friends. He lingers even after the driver validates your card, talking with the guy about where he’s from, until you tug on his arm.
“Sleepy,” you grumble into him.
The cab driver laughs.
“We are beholden to our women, yes?”
“Happily,” says Mary as he wraps an arm around you.
“Have a good night,” says the cabbie, and Mary just raps on the car, waving as it pulls away.
 “What a cool dude,” he says as the two of you shuffle toward your building.
“Mhm,” you mumble.
“Jesus, you’re useless when you’re drunk.”
There’s a lot of fumbling and stumbling, but you both finally make it into your apartment. Somehow Mary gets you into the shower, which you don’t even realize until it turns on, and you shriek when the cold water smacks you in the face before it has the chance to warm up.
“Why am I still in my clothes?!” you whine.
Mary pokes his head in.
“You fucking serious? You almost bit off my fingers when I tried to undress you!”
“I’m more than just sex!” you yell.
“Just fucking wash your face.”
You fall asleep sitting in the shower, waking only when the water turns cold. It seems to have had a sobering effect, because you definitely feel more clear headed than when you entered—it’s not as funny to be slightly sober and peeling off your cold, wet clothes. Usually you give your teeth the full experience, but tonight (this morning?), you just give them a quick brush.
For all he seemed soberer of you two, Mary doesn’t seem to have fared much better. He managed to get his shirt off, but he’s lying on your bedroom floor—curled in a ball—still in his unbuckled jeans. It would be amusing—and maybe after sleep it will be—if you weren’t so wrecked. It’s a struggle tugging off his jeans, and he semi-wakes halfway through and starts to shiver.
He looks at you blearily.
“Help me get your pants off, Mare bear.”
He blinks down at his legs, then sort of squirms his legs to help you wiggle him out of the black denim. Luckily—disorientated as he is—he’s able to assist you in getting him into your bed; he conks out again the minute you trundle him under the covers. The night outside is lightening, and you know there’s no way you can work tomorrow. Today.
You shuffle into your living room and start up your laptop, blinking rapidly as it boots up. When it finally loads, you send off a missive to your supervisor about potential food poisoning you’ve contracted, but how you’ll check your email later this afternoon. You preemptively down some ibuprofen and sneak some of Mary’s Pedialyte.
Mary seems dead to the world when you climb into your bed, but he’s rolling over and wrapped around you as soon as you’re settled, huffing into your neck.
“Took the morning off,” you mumble.
He hums.
You’re in a good doze when he speaks, jarring you back awake.
“Had fun?”
“Yeah, Mare. Now, shh.”
He mumbles something into your neck, but it’s too incoherent and you’re too knackered to decipher it. You just relax into his koala embrace and let sleep take you.
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