#april d. parker
wdillustration · 2 months
El Pranco's List of Victimful Pranks
Here's the list of pranks that El Pranco/Walton have pulled off so far... mostly involved with pies too;
Greg = diaper cladded up to a tree
Sofia = exploding glitter bomb
James = giant fly swatter
Amber = covered her head to toe with honey & feathers
Connor= sucker punched by a retractable boxing glove
Amaya = stepped on a loaded spring
Izzy = switching her Pixie dust with Actual Dust
Cubby = getting hit from a Pie-in-a-box & shorts pulled down
Captain Barnacles = having his face covered in markers as well getting hit by pies
Kwazii & Jake = getting pelted by multiple pies, electrocuted by Kwazii's Electric Powers & pinning both of them a classic "kick me" sign behind they're backs
Having everyone's Calendar a day forward
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Leo gives off massive Peter Quill vibes
look me in the eyes and tell me he wouldn’t do a dance off to save the world
man already did a slapstick comedy routine to save New York this is the only logical next step
but also?? goofy smirky guys that would die for their family no hesitation?? feels a bit like a normie compared to the others??
Leo would totally be a dumbass space pirate that all the other space pirates think is too soft
also donnie absolutely gives off the feral genius energy that Rocket possesses
kinda lost the parallel after that bc while Raph could Technically (??) be groot, there really isn’t anything for April and Mikey. Gamora just doesn’t give off April vibes at all (nor Mikey, for that matter) and Drax just doesn’t fit either
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latinotiktok · 8 months
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Peter Parker
-Spiderman. ya sabés
-Spiderman (Peter Parker). Por vibes y porque en cada maldita esquina de Latinoamérica hay un tipo vestido de spiderman. Qué sería de nosotres sin él
-El hombre araña, literal no hay trencito de la alegría o pelotero donde no aparezca, no importa la edad si le preguntas a alguien por un superhéroe te lo van mencionar. Es básicamente como Goku pero de cómics, hay publicidades y graffitis de él por todos lados, vas a una parrilla y lo tenés ahí pintado al spiderman en un pared preparando unos choris. Tenemos canónicamente? nuestro propio hombre araña (Julián 💙) y tengo fotos de un hombre araña con la camiseta de la selección festejando sobre un camión. (Disclaimer soy argentina 😅)
-homem-aranha, tem forte presença no carnaval de rua brasilero e claramente sabe dançar funk
Tortugas Ninja
-Miguel Ángel la tortuga ninja versión 2003 / es argentino pq yo lo digo (m identifico mucho con él es irreal) (also hizo una canción en español)
-Leonardo Hamato (si, la tortuga ninja) ESPECÍFICAMENTE de la serie de 2012 mi evidencia es que se llama leo como messi y es la tortuga azul boludo obviamente es argentino es LA TORTUGA AZUL aparte ese insano tiene banda de cuchillos escondidos eso es re argentino a mi parecer, aparte es gay (delusion mia) y tiene psicosis (sorprendentemente canon, alucina a su viejo muerto a veces) aparte tiene 15 y mide 1.54 lol esta chiquito
-Michelangelo the ninja turtle. (any iteration tbh) SPECIFICALLY THE 2012 ONE THO. HE IS PERUVIAN. HE JUST IS
-Miguel Ángel, de las tortugas ninjas 2012. Ese pana es peruano.
-Las tortugas Ninja pero la nueva pelicula Mutant Mayhem pq hacen referencias a shakira y pura pendejada y media, tambien usan frases mexicanas te amo tanto toblaje de las tortugas ninja, tambien le dicen rafita a rafa MWAH
-Las tortugas ninja, son Japoneses y tambien son Latinos. Acaso necesito decir más???
-Las tortugas ninja. Porque si probaran la pizza de acá en comparación con la de NYC emigrarían de inmediato
-Casey Jones. Ya fue. Cual? El que parezca mas latino(EhemehemARGENTOehem), busquen en sus corazones... el de 2012 ya es mexicano asi que no cuenta pero necesito mas personajes de tmnt latinos
-Yo digo las tortugas ninja, que aunque yo preferiría que sean los 4 porque son gemelos/hermanos. Ya que la gente dicen específicamente a Miguel Ángel yo digo Leonardo porque si, y también porque en la nueva película "Caos Mutante" el actor de voz de el en el doblaje original, tiene raíces Mexicanas.
-eu también pongamos a raphael la tortuga ninja (serie 2003 y 2012) / es argento (<- proyectando). m da risa mi headcanon d q si se enoja t lanza 90 insultos como el meme ese "escuchame una cosa hijo d remil-" (no sé cómo era pero le habían hecho mod d friday night funkin AJDHIAAJAJ)
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hooked-on-elvis · 4 months
ELVIS interviewed during filming of 'Change of Habit'
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Filmed on location in the Los Angeles area and at Universal Studios during March and April 1969, Change of Habit was released in the United States on November 10, 1969.
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Elvis Presley On Set: You Won’t ask Elvis Anything Too Deep?
Elvis talks, but he doesn't say much
BY WILLIAM OTTERBURN-HALL HOLLYWOOD – The notice outside the big grey double-doors was simple and to the point. SET CLOSED, ABSOLUTELY NO ADMITTANCE. You find notices like this outside a lot of film studios, and they tend to have a certain elasticity. This one, outside what looked like an aircraft hangar but was actually Stage D at Universal Studios, meant it. Inside, Elvis Presley was filming. And where Elvis goes, the barriers go up as if some sinister germ warfare experiment were being carried on within. Like a suckling infant, he is swathed and coddled against the realities of the world outside, as if he were made of rare porcelain rather than hewn from good old-fashioned Tennessee stock. But this day he was on show. I had been given the magic formula. The secret open-sesame known only by its brand name of “Colonel Parker’s Okay” had been handed me. The doors swung wide, and I was in. They say Colonel Parker is the man who built Elvis from the erotic gyrating days of the swiveling Pelvis through 14 long and fruitful summers to his present status, by pushing and pulling his protege through the tricky cross-currents of pop music taste. I wouldn’t know. I had asked to see him, this onetime Texas fairground barker, to thank him for the green light. But he was always somewhere else. In his office at Universal, over at Metro, down in Palm Springs, in Las Vegas to lay the trail for the next live show... always somewhere else. No matter. Who needed Colonel Parker when Elvis himself was alive and well and filming? The Publicity Man who escorted me as close as if he were handcuffed said proudly: “I’d like to work with him again, he’s so sweet and uncomplicated. I was surprised you got through – no one’s talked to him yet, you know. There must have been a good breeze blowing.” The good breeze continued to blow as far as the set. A mauve-walled pad with kitchen adjacent and a king-size bed visible through half-drawn yellow curtains. Elvis sat at a table, staring at his hands, while three mini-skirted girls, Mary Tyler Moore, Barbara McNair and Jane Elliott, scurried around with trays of food.
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L-R: Mary Tyler Moore, Jane Elliott and Barbara McNair.
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The film is about three nuns who pose as nurses to “identify with the people” in a Negro ghetto in New York. The title is Change of Habit (yes, it is) and stars Elvis as a medic who falls for one of the nuns. Elvis is wearing a paint-stained blue denim shirt and tight blue jeans. He looks relaxed and affable and rather meatier around the jaw-line than one remembers from previous films. Marriage (back in May 1967 to Priscilla Beaulieu) is obviously agreeing with him. His eyes have that smoky slow-burn of the old-time movie vamp. He seizes a guitar and strums a few chords. It’s the last week of shooting, and like the good days between exams and the end of term.
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The atmosphere on the set is hip and loose, full of leather-clad youth and clever in-talk. The director is thin and intense, wears a check shirt and gym shoes, and is called Billy Graham, which is going to look interesting on the posters of a swinging nun. Elvis produces some dialogue. He is never likely to win an award as an actor, but he knows what the kids want and he gives it to them. The girls are talking about a party. The cameras turn. Elvis says: “You get a lot of people down here on a Saturday night, and all the old hates come out. Before you know it they’re bombed out of their skulls and you’ve got World War III on your hands.”
The scene is this one below. NO, it was not cut out during the editing of this movie.
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Earth-quaking stuff. But this simple homespun philosophy is off-key. “Bombed out of their skulls” wasn’t in the script. And the director isn’t too happy about it. “It’s a good line,” says Elvis. “Okay, okay,” says Billy Graham. The line stays. Maybe it will come out in the cutting room, but it’s there for now. “The whole thing is downhill,” says a technician. “He don’t talk to anyone, except his own friends.” There is no sign of tension, but then Elvis has nothing to be tense about. He can go on churning out the same thing for another decade, and they’ll still queue to see it. If he’s over the top, as some unkindly souls occasionally try to make out, he doesn’t seem bothered. He is 34 . . . Raised in Memphis . . . Once a truck-driver, stumbled into records, took the world by storm as the original snake-hips . . . Now lives in cloistered seclusion in a colonial mansion near Nashville, with a Rolls, a solid gold Cadillac, a wife, a daughter (Lisa Marie, aged one) and several bodyguards for company . . . Has made 29 films, grossing 220 million dollars at the box office, and sold more than 200 million records.
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Elvis Presley and director William A. Graham on the set of Change Of Habit (Universal 1969) between takes.
Elvis heads for his trailer in the far corner. A group of friends (known in some quarters as the Memphis Mafia) close around him like a football scrum after a loose ball. The code-word is given. I am beckoned over. The good breeze was still blowing. “You won’t probe too deep, will you?” The Publicity Man asks anxiously. “This is just an informal chat, that’s the deal. So keep it light and airy, okay?” Well . . . okay. I checked my notes. Does Elvis fly high on acid trips? Does he see himself as a prophet for the new generation? Does he think his style is too square? Does he have any sexual hang-ups? His marriage altered his attitude to life in any way? Does he kick his cat? Does he have a cat to kick? What are his views on pop, religion, hippies, demonstrators, Vietnam? Stuff like that. No, I wasn’t going to probe too deep. In the dressing room Elvis shakes hands in a firm grip. “This is Charlie, this is Doc.” Two small, burly men light leather jackets and open-neck shirts rise and shine briefly and subside again. The trailer feels a bit crowded.
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Elvis Presley on the set of Change Of Habit (Universal 1969). Mary Tyler Moore, Elvis and director William A. Graham share a joke between takes.
Elvis talks. He speaks slowly and carefully, and puts a lot of space between his words. “The film? Uh, well . . . it’s a change of pace for me, yeah. It’s more serious than my usual movies, but it don’t mean I’m aiming for a big dramatic acting scene, no sir. The way I’m headed, I want to try something different now, but not too different. I did this film because the script was good, and I guess I know by now what the public goes for." “Most of the scripts that come my way are all the same. They’ve all got a load of songs in them, but I just did a Western called 'Charro', which hasn’t any songs ‘cepting the title tune. It did have a couple of nude scenes, but they’ve been cut. Anyhow, can you imagine a dramatic Western where the hero breaks out into song all the time?” He has said plenty, and now he leaps to his feet, hands flashing to imaginary holsters, and sings in a deep drawl: “Go for your guns . . . you’ve got ’til sundown to get outa town . . . ” It could be the start of a promising sketch. The others follow suit, singing, clowning, all on their feet. If this is the Memphis Mafia, they’re a friendly bunch.
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Elvis on set of 'Change of Habit' (Universal 1969) talking to fans.
Elvis sits down, and everyone stops singing. He eyes himself in the dressing room mirror. “I don’t plan too far ahead, but I’m real busy for a while now. I’ve got a date in Vegas, and maybe another film after that. Then I’m going to try to get to Europe, because I’ve always promised I would and I’ve got some good, faithful fans over there.” Slow-talking Elvis may be. But he certainly isn’t the slow-witted hick from the backwoods his detractors make out. If he is, then he’s a better actor than they give him credit for. Get through to him, and you find a pleasant, honest, not-too-articulate hometown boy who has been protected for his own good from the hysterical periphery of his present world. The party was warming up. Elvis cracked a gag. Charlie cracked a gag. There was a call from the door. Elvis was wanted, and the good breeze was still blowing as he made for the set, one hand on my shoulder. Charlie and Doc were all smiles.
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Elvis and his manager, Colonel Parker, on set of 'Change of Habit' (Universal 1969).
“Okay?” said the P.M. “You did real fine.” "Well . . . not quite." I said. "This Colonel Parker, would he be around for a word later?" Elvis stopped in his tracks. The P.M. went a whiter shade of pale, and whispered something to a friend. The friend nodded in sympathy. “I must tell you about an experience I had like that once,” he said, eyeing me as if I’d just crawled out of the woodwork. Elvis said: “I think he’s in Palm Springs. I’m not sure...” He hurried off. The P.M. said: “Don’t let’s push our luck any more. We never trouble him for too long a time. You should be very happy. You had more than anyone’s had in years.” Somewhere along the line, unaccountably, the good breeze had dropped. This story is from the July 12th, 1969 issue of Rolling Stone.
Source: www.rollingstone.com
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boxofbonesfic · 1 year
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𝒪𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝒰𝓅𝑜𝓃 𝒜 𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒…
I’m Bones, and I’m celebrating a huge milestone—10k followers! I am so honored that so many people enjoy my work, and I am so grateful for the friends and relationships I have cultivated here, and what better way to celebrate those things than with a challenge? I think we all know that the sanitized, kid-friendly version of most fairytales are nowhere near their grim, grisly original tellings. For this challenge, I would like to return to those bleak, terrifying roots, and come up with something darkly fantastical! 
For this challenge, I would like to both pay homage to my own roots, and the theme of my blog. Participants will pick one of the following 10 fairytales (or, to be fancy, you can use the spinner I made!) and then turn out the lights. This is a dark challenge, and, more than their originals, your entries should have a dark twist. Use your imaginations! Maybe Cinderella doesn’t get what she hoped for in her Prince Charming, or perhaps the story of Rapunzel that we know is not how things truly happened—it’s up to you! But your story must be dark—whether that is explicit, or revealed slowly through the events of your story, is, again, completely up to you! You can use the Roster of Accepted Characters to choose your fighter (lol)! Now, onto the rules!
18+ ONLY. This is a dark challenge, and while smut is not a requirement, I think the general subject matter, as well as the themes, will be inappropriate for minors. Smut is not necessary, but it is encouraged. 😏
Challenge opens 4/01/23, and will continue until the end of summer! September 1st! end on my birthday! 06/09/23! (The first of April to the ninth of June for my folks who do D/M/Y instead of M/D/Y lol)
YOUR WORK MUST MEET THE CHALLENGE BRIEF. If your work does not meet the challenge brief (A DARK retelling of a classic fairytale) I will not be reblogging it, and it will not be included in the challenge masterlist. I will not be making exceptions ❤️
You must place your work under a cut at 350 words. 
There is a 10k word limit. Go crazy!
You ARE allowed to use fairytales not included on this list, please just let me know in my inbox! 
Tag and warn appropriately. It is exceedingly important that we tag and warn our works to best of our ability, so that readers know what they are getting into. (Obviously don’t tag to the point where you spoil your plot, but, you know. Use your best judgement.)
Please, no: DD/LG, RPF, Toilet-play, Bestiality (but monsterfucking is a-okay), and no minors in sexual situations.
This must be new and original work. You may not submit previously written work, or work written for other challenges. It’s fine if this is part of a pre-existing series, but this specific piece must be a stand-alone, able to be read and understood without reading any previous work.
Three entries per person. You can submit three separate entries, or a mini-series with three chapters, but each piece must be beneath the 10k word limit.
Please use the roster to select an MMC. It’s okay if you want to use a character who isn’t listed, but please just check in to make sure it’s a fandom I’m actually into 😅
We are all working underneath the same constraints. It is not plagiarism for another author to use the same fairytale, or similar tropes as you. I will not tolerate false accusations, and will block anyone who makes them. 
Have fun! This rule is non-negotiable. If this challenge is not sparking joy, it’s okay to sit it out, there will be more!
𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐹𝒶𝒾𝓇𝓎𝓉𝒶𝓁𝑒𝓈
✨Rapunzel ✨Little Red Riding Hood ✨Beauty and the Beast ✨The Little Mermaid ✨Peter Pan ✨Sleeping Beauty ✨Cinderella ✨Rumplestiltskin ✨Goldilocks ✨Snow White
𝑅𝑜𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇:  (Or spin the wheel here)
Steve Rogers
Joel Miller
Ari Levinson
Eddie Munson
Bucky Barnes
Peter Parker
Eddie Brock
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Dennis Baker
Ransom Drysdale
Lloyd Hansen
Andy Barber
Steve Kemp
Nick Fowler
Lee Bodecker
Arvin Russel
Clark Kent
Geralt of Rivia
Have fun everyone!
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breaniebree · 6 months
Kismet Characters & Family Trees Part Fourteen:
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Harry Potter (31 July 1980) GRYFFINDOR m. Ginevra Weasley (11 August 1981) GRYFFINDOR (2000):
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1. James “Jamie” Sirius Potter GRYFFINDOR (5 April 2004) m. Hadley Grace Pritchard (2005) RAVENCLAW (2029): a) Rhysand James Potter (28 May 2032) GRYFFINDOR b) Emerson Fleamont Potter (11 March 2035) GRYFFINDOR c) Flynn Harry Potter (2 July 2037) GRYFFINDOR d) Grace Ginevra Potter (18 December 2040) GRYFFINDOR
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2. Albus “Alby” Fleamont Potter (1 June 2006) SLYTHERIN m. Scorpius Malfoy (6 January 2006) SLYTHERIN (2031): a) Lyra Astoria Malfoy (1 June 2037) RAVENCLAW b) Celeste Ginevra Malfoy (5 March 2039) RAVENCLAW c) Archer Kai Malfoy (6 July 2044) SLYTHERIN
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3) Lily Luna Potter (3 November 2007) GRYFFINDOR m. Oakley Wood (8 January 2007) GRYFFINDOR (2028): a) Nash Oliver Wood (31 July 2030) GRYFFINDOR m. Nixie Sparks (2032) RAVENCLAW (2058): aa) Sirius Harry Wood (25 December 2061) GRYFFINDOR bb) Remus Oakley Wood (25 December 2061) GRYFFINDOR b) Noah Harry Wood (31 July 2030) GRYFFINDOR  c) Magnolia “Lia” Katherine Wood (2 May 2033) RAVENCLAW d) Zinnia “Zin” Ginevra Wood (11 August 2035) HUFFLEPUFF  e) Zahira “Zee” Sorcha Wood (11 August 2035) HUFFLEPUFF
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4) Cedrella “Ella” Theodora Potter (21 October 2010) SLYTHERIN m. Spencer Kane-Nott (3 July 2010) SLYTHERIN (2036): a) Logan Theodore Kane-Nott (23 March 2040) GRYFFINDOR b) Zeke Harry Kane-Nott (21 January 2042) SLYTHERIN  c) Nolan Everett Kane-Nott (11 November 2044) RAVENCLAW d) Westley Sebastian Kane-Nott (9 December 2046) GRYFFINDOR
5) Everett Arthur Potter (21 October 2010) RAVENCLAW m. Xara Scamander (13 September 2016) RAVENCLAW (2039): a) Hazel Ella Potter (2 September 2040) HUFFLEPUFF  b) Galina Xara Potter (28 April 2042) RAVENCLAW  c) Landon Everett Potter (19 June 2044) GRYFFINDOR d) Waverly Luna Potter (7 February 2046) RAVENCLAW
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6) Genevieve “Evie” Zahira Potter (9 May 2012) HUFFLEPUFF m. Christian Lyon (2008) RAVENCLAW (2033): a) Leif Christian Lyon (1 October 2035) GRYFFINDOR b) Autumn Ella Lyon (21 September 2038) HUFFLEPUFF c) Winter Willow Lyon (21 December 2041) RAVENCLAW d) Summer Lily Lyon (21 June 2043) GRYFFINDOR e) Spring Rose Lyon (21 March 2047) HUFFLEPUFF
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7) Henry Remus Potter (31 July 2020) GRYFFINDOR m. Daniella Zabini (7 July 2018) RAVENCLAW (2049): a) Cameron Blaise Potter (1 January 2052) GRYFFINDOR b) Aidan Hunter Potter (23 July 2055) GRYFFINDOR  c) Jameson Henry Potter (14 March 2058) GRYFFINDOR  d) Emilia Ginevra Potter (17 August 2060) RAVENCLAW
8) Hunter Colten Potter (31 July 2020) GRYFFINDOR m. Sloane Hart (2023) GRYFFINDOR (2046): a) Simon Hunter Potter (14 February 2049) RAVENCLAW b) Shay Cedrella Potter (14 February 2049) HUFFLEPUFF  c) Colin Fleamont Potter (7 March 2053) GRYFFINDOR  d) Beckett James Potter (19 June 2055) HUFFLEPUFF  e) Parker Harry Potter (24 September 2059) SLYTHERIN f) Noelle Ginevra Potter (25 December 2061) GRYFFINDOR
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Thanks to @ellieoryan7447 for taking the time and effort to make these!
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pwlanier · 1 year
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"Monuments Men" – Frank P. Albright, Everett Parker Lesley, Joe D. Espinosa – and Polish liaison officer Karol
Estreicher pose with the painting upon its return to Poland in April 1946.
Leonardo da Vinci, Lady with the Ermine, 1489–90. Oil on wood panel
Courtesy Alain Truong
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miles-is-so-gay · 6 months
i have also neglected to post the time i just binge created resi characters as ponies in ponytown. notes about these under the cut bc im gay idk
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weskers mark is the umbrella logo bc its hard to fit a snake in a 5x5 grid (5x5 grid will be a reoccurring character throughout this post btw). also the black on his tail, wings, and horn is uroboros and the red/orange bits are supposed to be reminiscent of the weak points of his transformation in his final re5 fight
chris' mark is a star bc i cant reasonably the bsaa logo in a 5x5 grid. also as you can see he even has his goofy ahhh leg holsters
claire's mark is an extremely simplified version of the terrasave logo :D
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leon gets the alcoholic cutie mark bc i cant fit a motorcycle onto 5x5 grid also EMO HORSE EMO HORSE
jill's mark is a lesbian flag heart bc i couldn't think of anything else that would work in a 5x5 grid for her
parker's cutiemark is an anchor bc in canon he has a tattoo of an anchor on one of his arms
and finally jessica who's cutiemark is a pair of lips bc she's a whore (/pos). also her tail is a shark/whale tail bc back in april/may i started a resi mermaid au and in it jessica is an orca :3 also also i just had to give her her whole fit bc that whole ass leg out is so iconic but also GIRL WHAT ARE DOING YOU ARE ON A MISSION IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN DO YOU WANT HYPOTHERMIA!?!!??!?!? also she doesn't have a braid in-game but i think she would rock one so
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sciderman · 2 years
Is there a way to read your fics chronologically-?! I’m having a tough time trying to get on track with that..
oh, you’re so valid anon! okay, chronologically... chronologically... first, lore fics
I Love You, Wade Wilson (Wade Wilson x Vanessa Carlysle) 
Soft Serve (Wade Wilson x Nathan Summers) 
Nobody Does It Better (Wade Wilson x Nathan Summers) 
You Make Me Feel (Wade Wilson x Nathan Summers) 
Breakfast Buffet (Wade Wilson x Nathan Summers) 
The Other Woman (Wade Wilson x Bob) 
Easy (Wade Wilson x Nathan Summers) 
Boys Night (Peter Parker x Harry Osborn) 
It Came From Outer-Space! (Peter Parker x Existential Crisis – also, Black Cat and also an alien loogie) 
Full Of It (Wade Wilson x Shiklah)
now onto the spideypool... 
Marvel’s Finest 
So Fine You Blow My Mind 
Seeing Red 
That’s a Mouthful 
Menace (+ the Follow-Up) 
Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini 
Amazing Fantasy 
With A Bow 
In Stitches 
New Years in Mid-April 
fics that don’t particularly fit into the timeline quite yet or are set somewhere in the future: 
Telephone Line 
Couch Pepperoni 
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wdillustration · 3 months
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Coming Soon... Hahahahahhaahahaa...
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an-anonimous-writer · 2 years
Grocery shopping
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GIF credit not mine
Summary: Your relationship with Peter isn't the best right now, maybe if Peter cooks you dinner it could improve or maybe not.
TASM! Peter Parker x GN! Reader (not use of any pronouns)
Warnings: implied sex, angst, cheating, crying, mentions of food. (Let me know if I forgot anything)
Words: 1764
A/N: Well, I'm back after a big hiatus, school was stressing me out (since it was my last year of high school) and I decided to enjoy summer and spending time on myself. I also had quite a writer block and the only thing that came out was a TASM! Peter Parker fic, so here it is. As always, let me know if I made any grammar or/and spelling mistakes for English is not my first language and any constructive criticism will be well receive. So with no further do… Hope you enjoy it!
mcu masterlist
Earbuds in, you were walking down the streets of New York, it was so cold that it felt as if you were in the middle of December, even though it was almost April. With your bare hands you pulled your coat tighter to protect yourself from the winter-like cold weather.
That afternoon your boyfriend, Peter, asked you if you could go and buy some groceries, since the pantry was almost empty and he decided to be a chef for you and cook that one meal he showed you a few months ago and you obliged, now cursing him for the coldness your body felt.
The store was just a few streets away from your apartment. You prayed not to run into anyone, because you knew they would love to catch up with you, even in this invernal cold. But thankfully, you arrived at the shop without any encounters. There you took the shopping list Peter crafted with the ingredients for his recipe and with a few more basic things, such as milk.
You knew why he was doing it. These last few weeks hadn’t been the best for your relationship, college and his vigilante work made him skip some important dates, like your second year anniversary. Both of you decided to go out for dinner, to the fancy restaurant right besides Aunt May’s house. You arrived dressed beautifully, a blue dress that accentuated your eyes and your free hair that fell like a cascade.
Peter made sure he didn’t have to work as Spider-Man that night, moving and rescheduling, but nevertheless, you were stood up. Three hours sitting in that chair made you think you weren’t a priority to him and you could feel as you shrinked in that cahir, making yourself feel tiny.
The waiter, that was serving you, came by the table for the 15th time asking if you had decided yet, you smiled at him with a tight-lipped smile and shook your head, standing up and giving him the restaurant’s menu. One hour later you received a text from Peter:
im srry 11:56 pm
smthg came up :(( 11:56 pm
ill make it up 2 u, promise x 12:03 am
You felt disappointed in him, you both planned the night so he didn’t have to dress up as Spider-Man and had to watch over the city, but as always, he had to, not even for a night, an important one (at least for you), he could not leave it alone.
For the next weeks all that could be heard in your apartment was shouting, screaming and reproaches thrown to one and other. They were filled with venom. Each word thrown was like a dagger in your hearts, it hurt you.
“You know damn well, I can’t leave the city for an anniversary!” he would shout. “As if it was so important, we will celebrate plenty of them! Ugh, God!”
But today, he decided to compensate for it, he wanted you to feel fancy and special, as you should have felt on your anniversary, or so you thought as you picked up some tomatoes he asked for. Peter always regretted standing you up because he knew, deep down, you would never stand him up, not even for an emergency and he knew that always hurt you.
You were on the queue revising everything you were about to buy when you realized you didn’t put cheese on the cart, so, quickly, you stepped out of the line and went to the dairy aisle, cursing yourself because you only wanted to arrive home, eat that delicious dinner Peter was about to make and get drunk on some cheap wine. But the universe had other plans, apparently.
Suddenly, you heard your name being called from down the aisle, you turned your head and saw one of Peter’s friends. It was Gwen, a beautiful, not to say gorgeous girl. He was Peter’s ex, but they decided to remain friends since they knew each other since preschool. Gwen was one of the only people who also knew about Peter's secret identity, so of course you always went to her for advice or just to feel heard. She was so very nice and you could always count on her, even if you weren’t as close as she was with Peter.
‘‘Oh my God!’’ she started approaching you so she could hug you. ‘‘How are you? It’s been ages since we’ve last seen each other!’’ 
Her embraces were comforting and safe ans that's how you fell between her arms as you reciprocated her hug.
‘‘Yeah, it’s been’’ you said. ‘‘How have you been?’’
‘‘Well, I’m fine, but you must’ve been feeling horrible these past months’’ she responded feeling sorry for you, a knowing look on her face.
You were confused, you’ve been perfectly fine, with your highs and lows, but like every other person and of course Peter and yours relationship wasn't having its best time, but you wouldn’t complain, nor say you were feeling horrible because of it.
‘‘I know about you and Peter, so don’t worry, you don’t have to act all confused’’ she assured you, squeezing your forearm, as if she wanted to comfort you. You were even more confused now.
‘‘What about Peter and I?’’ you looked at her, now with your arms crossed. Everything was fine. Were there any rumors? ‘‘We are fine’’ you added with a nervous laugh.
Gwen was the one with the puzzled look on her face now. She removed her hand off your forearm and smile just as confused as you.
‘‘I thought you guys broke up, you know since he…’’ she laugh, she then stopped, her smile dropped and gasped aa she realized. ‘‘Oh no! I’m so sorry, sweetheart. Peter is an awful idiot.’’
You placed the cheese on the cart and let out a nervous chuckle followed by a trembling what, why? Gwen only gave you a tight hug and whispered:
‘‘I’m here for you, it is all going to pass, ok?’’
You remove yourself from Gwen embrace and went to the line, thoufhts running wild all over your brain.
You just wanted to go home and ask Peter about it. Why did his friend think you broke up? You didn’t want to jump to conclusions and think bad about Peter, but what if he was... No, he would never do that, right?
You paid for your things and went speed walking, almost running, down the street to your apartment. You opened the door and sprinted up the stairs with two bags full of food and miscellaneous stuff on them. You needed an explanation, why did his friends think you guys were over?
In your head, you imagine yourself as a jealous partner. Sick by the idea of it, you tried not to second guess yourself, but your gut knew what was going on, you juat wanted to deny it.
As you arrived at your door, your heart was pounding against your chest at such speed you could feel it coming put your chest. One hand on the knob and the other one turning the keys, while the plastics bag was hanging on your forearms. You were deciding whether or not to open the door, whatever the trith was, you know that it behind that door your heart would ache.
You finally enter your shared apartment with your boyfriend Peter. He was in the kitchen preparing the pots he was going to use. You welcome yourself by saying ‘Hi’, Peter didn’t see you at first.
When you arrived ar the kitchen, Peter went and gave you a peck, instead of butterflies, you felt sick in your stomach, how would you even think so lowly of him?
‘‘You are freezing, my my’’ he broke the silence and you were so relieved he was the one to do it. He put his hands on either side of you and start running them up and down to make you warmer.
Maybe Gwen was wrong, maybe he told her about one of their fights and so she thought the broke up.
‘‘Yeah, well, it is as if we were in winter and not at the end of March’’ you laughed it off. You left the bags on the counter and put off your coat, hanging it. ‘‘You know, I’ve run into Gwen at the store’’ you added, while you were in the hall.
He only hummed picking up the ingredients he needed. you took a deep breath as you reentered the kitchen. Peter looked so handsome while cooking under the dim light of the room. You didn’t want to do this, but your brain reminded you that you deserved an explanation.
‘‘She told me, she thought we broke up’’ you said, chuckling nervously. Peter looked up to you immediately, he had guilt written over his features. ‘‘She started, like, oh you must be feeling horrible, y’know Peter, you, relationship over, blah, blah, blah’’ you added, also chuckling. 
Peter directed his gaze to the pots as swiftly as he looked up at you before. You tried to calm yourself, a small smile appeared on your face, maybe your suppositions were wrong, how could you not trust him? He had heart of gold.
‘‘I obviously denied it all, because we are great, with some rough weeks and some fighting, but, we are great, no?’’ you asked, pushing Peter to confess something you expected him to, but he only shook his head while gulping. ‘‘She also apologized and told me she was there for me, which was so weird by the way.’’ 
Peter pretended he didn’t listen to that. His jaw was clenched, however you didn’t notice it and you started talking again.
‘‘I was so dumb because it really seemed as if you would cheat on me!’’ you then laughed, loud, so loud you swore the neighbors could hear you. ‘‘But you would never cheat on me, right?’’ 
The only thing that was making some sound was the boiling water, but nothing more. There was silence.
You fear for the worst. The truth you didn’t even want to believe. Your heart sank. No, this couldn’t be happening. Not your golden heart boy.
‘‘Right?’’ your voice was cracked this time, the smile you had dissapering from your face. Peter looked at you, eyes read and tears whealing in his eyes.
You couldn’t take it anymore as tears began to flow down your cheeks and anger mixed with sadness was controlling and consuming your body.
Peter opened his mouth, he needed to explain himself, but you had enough.
‘‘Baby, I-’’
‘‘Don’t baby me, Peter. Don’t you even dare to look me in the eye!’’ you shouted, interrupting his explanation. ‘‘How could you even…? WHAT DID I DO? WAS I NOT WORTH IT?’’ 
Peter was shaking his head, nervously, while tears streamed down his face, you were more than worth it, you were so much better for him. He was trying to form an explanation, but he could only form sobs. He was now regretting everything he did that led up to this moment. Meeting that girl, taking her to bed, continueto hook up with her… His heart broke as you were breaking down in front of him and he couldn’t do anything, because he was the one to fuck it up.
‘‘Was it her?’’ you sobbed, trying to even out your breath and looking up tearing your gaze off the floor.
Peter looked at you confused.
‘‘Was it her what came up in our anniversary?’’ you asked again, praying to whoever was up there it wasn’t, that it was Spider-Man.
He just nodded. Your whole world collapsed. So it was true, you weren’t important, not to him at least. You nodded, as well, containing your cries by biting your lips, he didn’t deserve seeing you like this. He didn’t deserve you, not at all. 
‘‘For how long? I just want to know that’’ you lied, you wanted to know it all. You wanted to know the juiciest details, how many times he had fucked her or how many times he had lied to you and his friends. You deserved to know it all, but if you stayed in the same room for more than five minutes you would burst into tears.
“Three months before our anniversary’’ he admitted. It had been going on for over five months now. ‘‘But, I… I never loved her, not like I love you, baby, please. You have to believe me.’’ he added, crying.
That was the final straw. 
‘‘If you would have loved me, you would never look out for another girl’’ you sentenced as you put on your coat and left the apartment. Peter followed you right behind, but stopped once you were out on the hallway. If he loved you he would go right behind you, running up to you. He never did.
The crude reality settling down. You wanted to shout, cry your heart out, and curse Peter Parker's name, but that’s the thing about you, you wouldn’t do it because you couldn’t. Even after the revelation, you still love him, even when you were this hurt, even if he kissed her right in front of you, even if he disappears from your life, you will forever love him. You gave him your heart, he took it, played with it, kept it and left you out there in the cold street of New York City crying.
Earbuds in, you were walking down the streets of New York, this time crying for a boy with a heart of gold for others, just not for you.
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sahsalart · 10 months
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The fraternal twins have a finalized design after months of pulling shit out my ass lol. Sometimes I get lazy sorry.
I feel like out of all the characters from the Resident Evil franchise, Leon having fraternal boy and girl twins just makes so much sense. I just know this man wouldn’t be ready to have a baby but ends up getting Eunjoo (my OC) pregnant and she wants to keep it, and after panicking for long while Leon’s just like “oh well it’s 1 baby it can’t be that bad—“ BOOM 2 BABIES!! I love it. And not just for my OC, I think fraternal twins suits Leon in general for any other characters he’s shipped with. That being said, I did my best to replicate both genes of the parents. Binna being darker-skinned but has Leon’s hair color and eyes. Her facial structure represents more of her mother by having a wider nose and rounded face. Then Parker having fairer skin but with his mother’s textured hair and eyes. His facial structure definitely takes on more of Leon with his slender nose and sharp features.
The twins were born on April 2nd, 2008. Making Eunjoo just under 25 and Leon 31. Parker is older by 2 minutes, Binna is the baby. Leon named Parker, Eunjoo named Binna. Then they it switched for their middle names. Binna (빛나) is a Korean name, meaning “to shine”. Aury is a Latin name commonly used around the Caribbean and means “Gold”. Joon (준) is also a korean name, meaning “ruler, talented, handsome”. Around the age they are in the illustration, they are in recruitment for training to be agents like their parents. Although both parents are against them going towards the line of field they work with.
I’ll eventually put out a lot more info for them when I do their individual character sheets, but feel free to ask questions or just tell me what you think about them!
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ncisfranchise-source · 3 months
NCIS is gearing up to ring in a special milestone with the April 15th episode as the franchise reaches 1,000 episodes overall. But how does it all break down? Below, we’re revealing how each of the current and former spinoffs contributed to the flagship’s upcoming installment.
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Eddy Chen/CBS
Airdates: September 23, 2003–present
The Brief: “What makes NCIS so damn special?” That question is furiously put to Director Leon Vance (Rocky Carroll) by his estranged son, Jared (Spence D. Moore II), in the NCIS franchise’s 1,000th episode. Launched in 2003, NCIS has four spinoffs and two highly anticipated shows coming — NCIS: Origins and a Michael Weatherly–Cote de Pablo project nicknamed NCIS: Europe.
The younger Vance makes his query when the two cross paths at his mom’s gravesite. Vance’s wife was killed by terrorists in 2013, and Jared can’t comprehend why his dad is so dedicated to a job that put their family in danger.
Make that puts: Vance is soon in peril and the team under attack by an enemy from the past. “We’ve heard this baddie’s name before,” exec producer Steven D. Binder told us at a celebration on the set. “As in some of our better episodes, our people risk their lives for each other. We pay homage to the O.G. NCIS and the other series.”
Guest star alert: Assisting via satellite feed are Los Angeles agent Kensi Blye (Daniela Ruah) and Hawai‘i boss Jane Tennant (Vanessa Lachey). The cavalry also includes a longtime NCIS ally, former FBI agent Tobias Fornell (Joe Spano).
In a scene we observed, forensic scientist Kasie (Diona Reasonover) reviews evidence with Torres (Wilmer Valderrama). Jared, desperate to help, has slept there overnight. “Kasie connects with Jared and becomes a mentor in a way,” Reasonover says.
Valderrama hints it all gets explosive, promising “a big, big set piece; all of us are involved.” And one agent does something new: “We see McGee in a position you’ve never seen him in in 20 years,” spills Sean Murray. Says Gary Cole, who plays team leader Alden Parker, “We witness some fragility of what this job entails, the obstacles that could pop up unexpectedly.”
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Skip Bolen/CBS
NCIS: New Orleans (155 EPISODES)
Airdates: September 23, 2014–May 23, 2021
The Brief: The Big Easy’s brassy, buoyant spirit infused the franchise’s third title, shot memorably on location. In fact, lead Scott Bakula once told TV Guide Magazine about a great only-in-NOLA moment: “being in the middle of the Mississippi River, captaining a tugboat!” His honest boss Dwayne Pride was based on a real New Orleans lawman, retired naval investigator D’Wayne Swear, who served as a consultant.
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Daniel Asher Smith/Paramount+
Airdates: November 10, 2023–present
The Brief: “In Australia, everything can kill you,” executive producer Morgan O’Neill cracked to TV Guide Magazine when the Oz-set new kid on the block arrived last year. Down Under has proved plenty perilous for tough NCIS Special Agent Captain Michelle Mackey (Olivia Swann) and her savvy partner-in-crime-fighting, Australian Federal Police Sergeant JD Dempsey (Todd Lasance). After locking horns, the American and the Aussie warmed to each other. But all may be undone thanks to JD going rogue in the finale — crikey! Good news for fans left in suspense: Sydney was just renewed!
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Karen Neal/CBS
NCIS: Hawai‘i  (50 EPISODES)
Airdates: September 20, 2021–present
The Brief: NCIS said aloha to the franchise’s third offshoot and first female special agent in charge, hardworking divorced mom Jane Tennant (Vanessa Lachey), in 2021. “I feel like I’m in a movie: Platoon meets Jurassic Park,” Lachey told TV Guide Magazine at the time. Before shooting on lush Oahu began, production held a traditional Hawaiian blessing. The island culture has defined the series, with unique cases involving paniolos (Hawaiian cowboys) and Pearl Harbor survivors. Tennant’s team, a blend of mainland transplants and locals like surfer Kai Holman (Alex Tarrant), has welcomed other NCIS franchise agents for joint ops. And now L.A.’s Sam Hanna (LL Cool J) is on the island!
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Ron P. Jaffe/CBS
NCIS: Los Angeles (323 EPISODES)
Airdates:September 22, 2009–May 21, 2023
The Brief: For a thrilling 14 seasons, the first spinoff’s Office of Special Projects hit the sunny streets of L.A. to chase down a rap sheet of baddies from Russian mobsters to psychotic serial killers — even an office mole. Under the management of no-nonsense Henrietta “Hetty” Lange (Linda Hunt), ex–Navy SEAL Sam Hanna (LL Cool J) and loner Grisha “G” Callen (Chris O’Donnell) were special agents with banter as quick as their draw. But both had endured pain: for Sam, a wife murdered by a terrorist; for G, a rocky childhood in foster care and a brutal secret program to train kids in spycraft.
Fans rooted for romance between team members Kensi Blye (Daniela Ruah) and Marty Deeks (Eric Christian Olsen), whose entertaining undercover missions included posing as cult members and suburban marrieds. The cast was equally tight. O’Donnell says, “The first day on set, the original NCIS cast came in. They were like a family. I remember looking at Dani and LL thinking, ‘Are we ever going to get as close?’ Sure enough, we did.”
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MidnightsWithDearKatyTSPB’s Recommendations '23: January
Welcome back to monthly to semi weekly fanfiction and more list recommendations. It used to be VelvetCardiganBucky’s list, but I changed my name. New Year, going through residential treatment soon, new me, new name. A lot of new here at this blog. I follow my username in hashtag form, so tag me in your fics, challenges, to be added in future list. Do not be afraid to message me I will answer back as soon as I possibly can! — Katy K.
This blog and its content is attended for mature audiences, so unless you are over the age of 18, it’s best you turn back now. I’m not in charge of your media consumption there, for you cannot come for me when you don’t like something you read. Thank you.
<< April '21
February '23 >>
My Masterlist
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Start A War by @angrythingstarlight >> Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader x Mob!Steve Rogers - Summary/Request: Another take on what could have been if the reader had decided to stay with Steve, not Bucky, in Pretty Little Liars story. | I always love reading anything written by angrythingstarlight, whether it's on here or it's on AO3. I have yet to read Pretty Little Liars, but this snippet has made me add it to my to-read list.
Looks Better On You by @navybrat817 >> Lumberjack! Stever Rogers x Reader - Steve can't stop thinking about how good you look in his shirts. | You got yourself the perfect amount of alluded smut, and you got yourself the lovey-dovey stuff. It's perfect, just perfect.
Could've Just Asked, Baby by @wndalovebot >> CEO Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader - Summary: All you wanted was, was some time with your CEO mate Bucky, but he seemed to busy for you lately. Well maybe calling attention to yourself was the best thing you ever did. | Did the room suddenly get 10 degrees hotter?
Still into You by @loverwebs >> Peter Parker x Scarlet Witch!Reader - Summary: You and Peter didn’t end things on the best terms and wind up seeing each other again at an Avengers party. | This is what I can picture as a realistic relationship with a fight between a super couple. The ending is *chefs kiss.*
The Happy Couple: Chapter 6 by @darkficsyouneveraskedfor >> Mob!Bucky Barnes x Reader - Summary: Your father makes a deal to marry you to his top capo. (mob au) | The story just really picked up, but you can't really ever go wrong with reading one of Roo's stories. They are just so good.
In The Mood by SkylarJames22//@skylarjameswrites >> Mob!Bucky Barnes x Shelby!Reader - Mob Boss doesn't take too kindly to the beautiful Skylar trying to take over his territory in America. He comes to her to make a deal and get her to back off, but a Peaky Blinder never backs down from a fight. | HOT! HOT! HOT!
And They Were Roommates by staygold483 >> Tattoo Artist!Bucky Barnes x OFC - Summary: Luka has just finished her college degree and moved back to her hometown to live with her boyfriend. She runs into some of her old high school classmates, who support her when she really needs them. One of those people, is her high school crush, Bucky Barnes. | I read this story after it was completed and loved it, the ending is okay, but the story it's self is what holds it for me.
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Sweet Nothings by @secretswiftymarvelfan >> Chris Evans x Reader - Summary: When the world is out there pushing and shoving, all you’ve ever wanted was sweet nothings. | I'm pretty sure I have to go make a dentist appointment with Robert Evans, that's how sweet this is, and I love it.
Jealousy's My Best Friend by @cockslutpadalecki >> Professor!Andy Barber x Student!Reader - Summary: You can’t help but be a little jealous when Andy pays another student some attention. | Oh, don't act like you wouldn't be jealous if someone gave Andy extra attention. I know I would be.
Trust by @worksby-d >> Chris Evans x fem!Reader - Summary: Your second first time together. | (Read Warining, then proceed if interested.) I found this one-shot to be adorable, as well as sweet in how caring Chris was. I would definitely come back to read again on my sad days.
Housewife Duties by @lilacevans >> Ari Levinson x (non-descriptive) Female!Reader - After Ari's been gone on a long grueling work trip, you want to do whatever you can to make him feel comfortable. | I need to start my Thursday mornings, or any morning in general, honestly, reading stuff like this. It would put me in a better mood.
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Closer to Me by @kiki0005 >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: After you get pregnant with Tommy's child, he is adamant that you move in with him. | If I'm honest, I would let Tommy Shelby tell me what to do any day. So this one-shot of him was up my alley because he's asking and telling. Definitely worth the read.
*I'm Yours by @sunsetbeachesandwriting >> Tommy Shelby x Reader ft. John Shelby - Summary: Your body is for Tommy and Tommy alone. | I'm a fan of possessive Tommy Shelby, and I didn't know it till I read this, or I just forgot. So good.
Dada Tommy by @quinnsbower >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Tommy is left to watch over his 6-month-old while his wife eats with his sister. What could possibly happen? | This was so adorable, funny, and just plain loving. I love Dad!Tommy, especially to baby girls. Makes my heart go pitter-patter.
The Clap by SunsetBeachesandWriting >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Jealousy never looked so good on someone like Tommy Shelby, especially when all he wants is you back. | If a man ever did this to me, I would slap them. If Tommy Shelby ever did this to me, I would swoon.
Promotion by @sunsetbeachesandwriting >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Y/N is Harry's daughter and works in the Garrison until Tommy decides to "fire" her. | This is both a mix of hot and sweet. I could picture season one or two of Tommy doing this with a massive smile on my face.
Love Is Sweeter Than Vengeance by @pherelesytsia >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Burglars break into the mansion in search of the safe and stumble upon the lady of the house. | This was so suspenseful as well as hot. Just how I like my Tommy Shelby.
You're Everywhere, Love by @sunsetbeachesandwriting >> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: Everyone has Tommy feeling overwhelmed. He walks out in the middle of a family meeting and goes to the one place he knows he'll find some peace. | I'm definitely not crying, and I'm definitely not going to suggest you have a box of tissues on standby when you read this.
The Boy in the Window by @notyour-valentine>> Tommy Shelby x Reader - Summary: (Y/N) thinks the boy her daughter sees in the window of the neighbouring house is nothing but a childish fantasy; after all, no one has lived there for years, but when she brings that boy to lunch, she realizes that he is in fact very real and above all- the son of none other than the infamous Tommy Shelby. | While I'm only five chapters into this story, it's quickly becoming one of my favorites that I've read. We get to see more of Charlie and more of Tommy's sensitive and protective side.
*Tommy's Red Right Hand by HisRedRightHand >> Tommy Shelby x OFC - Summary: As if being left in charge of the two youngest Shelby siblings wasn't enough, Tommy decides to ask a redhead as ornery as he is and her six-year-old sister to take up residence at 6 Watery Lane. | At 115 chapters so far, I took my time to cherish this story because that is how much I thoroughly enjoy reading this. I highly recommend that you head the warnings that come in the tags in the summary that come with this before you dive in. The author does a fantastic job warning you about each chapter as well.
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A Flower Petal by @jelsasnowflakes1 >> Geralt x Fem!Reader - Summary: When being teased for still being a virgin at Kaer Morhen, geralt comes in and "comforts you" when he sees you crying. | It's fluffy and smutty, but it's the ending for me in the end.
Sleepless by @sgt-seabass >> MobBoss! PrimeAlpha!Nick Fowler x Omega!Reader- Summary: Nick wants all of you. And he will do whatever it takes to claim your soul. | Nick knows what he wants. This is sweet because he knows he will have to make an effort to change how he acts around her.
Happatance Pt. 6 by @teds-mustache-wrangler >> Henry Cavill x OFC - Summary: Henry is about to go to bed one night when he suddenly gets a text from a random number he doesn't know. What happens when you accidentally text the star actor of The Witcher? Memes apparently. Lots and lots of memes. | I was privileged to beta-read this chapter for Wren and am honored. This is a spicy one y'all so sit back and enjoy some Henry and Lizzy!
*A Twist In Time by Comet96 >> Tommy Shelby x Lupin!OFC - Summary: Romy Lupin was a walking cliche. She has her father's metamorphmagus abilities and also seems to be a seer. During her last year at Hogwarts, Tom Riddle is brought from his teenage years at Hogwarts into the year 2047, and soon after, Romy finds herself being sent back into time. Back to 1926, when Merope Gaunt was still pregnant. It's Romy's job to protect Tom Riddle Jr. from being taken into the wrong hands. It was all going to plan until Merope knocked the time turner, and they ended up in 1916, in the middle of the first world war and with no way to get back to 1926. There she meets the Shelbys and somehow manages to find her feet in dingy Small Heath with the help of Harry Fenton, Squib, and a distant family member. | At 43 chapters and hasn't been updated since the middle of September, this story is Harry Potter, pre-Fantastic Beast meets Peaky Blinders, and I'm living for it. It has everything magical-wise you could ask for and Shelby-wise as well. I just wish it would be updated, but dreamers can dream.
Legacy by cl410 or @i-like-plan-m >> Darcy Lewis x Bucky Barnes - Summary: Darcy Lewis meets the Hales from Teen Wolf. (My poor summary.) | I love Stiles from Teen Wolf, and I love this What If twist that the author has done with Darcy. The whole series is good, and I recommend everyone give it a read if you are a fan of Darcy Lewis or MCU and Teen Wolf.
Blue by galaxiejoon >> Louis Tomlinson & OFC >> Summary: Elle is a seven-year-old girl who meets Louis and asks him to describe the color blue to her. | This is adorable and made me tear up the first time I read it in years. I still tear up every time I read it.
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@peakyscillian - Looking for a masterlist to binge or just a variety of Tommy and Cillian? I would check out Laura's page and her writing.
@teds-mustache-wrangler - Are your Henry Cavill needs not getting met? Do you feel like perhaps you need to read about Henry Cavill, but haven't yet? Well go on down to Wren's blog, she has all your Henry Cavill needs met.
@gypsy-girl-08 - If you are a fan of Cillian Murphy or Peaky Blinders, then I would check this writer out. They have many Thomas Shelby series to choose from as well as Cillian Murphy
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deadguydeathmatch · 1 year
The Dead Guy Death Match Bracket Is Here!
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Round 1 will be split into 4 waves of 16 24 hour polls and each wave will be posted 24 hours after the previous. The first wave will start on Tuesday the 18th of April at 3pm BST
The matchups are listed under the readmore and will be hyperlinked to the polls when they go up.
The matchups were all randomised although I did make minor adjustments if I thought one was much too unfair.
Also tagging @tournamentdirectory as I haven't already
Wave 1:
Charles Foster Kane (Citizen Kane) Vs Gavroche Thenardier (Les Miserables)
Leif (Bug Fables) Vs Queen Serenity (Sailor Moon)
L (Death Note) Vs Jonny D'Ville (The Mechanisms)
Noah Czerny (The Raven Cycle) Vs Lee Everett (The Walking Dead)
Pat Butcher (BBC Ghosts) Vs Xerxes Break (Pandora Hearts)
Captain Orimar Vale (Skyjacks Campaign Podcast) Vs Laura Palmer (Twin Peaks)
Diallos Hoslow (Elden Ring) Vs Rachel Amber (Life Is Strange)
Andrei Grandier (Rose Of Versailles) Vs Constance Blackwood (Ride The Cyclone)
Spock (Star Trek) Vs Maria Robotnik (Sonic The Hedgehog)
Kravitz (The Adventure Zone) Vs Sal Fisher (Sally Face)
Mari (Omori) Vs Ianto Jones (Torchwood)
Nate (Leverage) Vs Max (Sam and Max)
Owen Carvour (Spies Are Forever) Vs Vylad Ro'Meave (Minecraft Diaries)
Neil Perry (Dead Poet's Society) Vs Sayaka Miki (Madoka Magica)
Flapjack (The Owl House) Vs Maes Hughes (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Loki (Marvel) Vs Adam Faulkner Stanheight (Saw)
Wave 2:
Obi Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) Vs Diggory Graves (Hello From The Hallowoods)
Hugo Oak (Kipo And The Age Of Wonderbeasts) Vs Leonardo Hamato (Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie)
Chara (Undertale) Vs Magnus Chase (Magnus Chase)
River Song (Doctor Who) Vs Micheal Afton (Five Nights At Freddy's)
Catherine Earnshaw (Wurthering Heights) Vs Tara Maclay (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)
Laudna (Critical Role) Vs Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy)
Mia Fey (Ace Attorney) Vs Jay Gatsby (The Great Gatsby)
Meiko 'Menma' Honma (The Flower We Saw That Day) Vs Claire Foley (Professor Layton)
Grelle Sutcliff (Black Butler) Vs Skelly (Hades)
Ethan Winters (Resident Evil) Vs Portgas D Ace (One Piece)
Polly Geist (Monster Prom) Vs Hua Cheng (Heaven's Official Blessing)
Avatar Kyoshi (Avatar The Last Airbender) Vs Galivar Kholin (Stormlight Archive)
Pink/Orchid (Animation Vs Animator/Minecraft) Vs Lewis Pepper (Mystery Skulls Animated)
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb) Vs Stoick The Vast (How To Train Your Dragon)
Evelyn Hooper (Less is Morgue) Vs Manny Calavera (Grim Fandango)
Kokichi Oma (Danganronpa) Vs Silco (Arcane)
Wave 3:
Eurydice (Greek Mythology) Vs Rosencrantz and Guildenstern (Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead)
Jack Twist (Brokeback Mountain) Vs Charles Vane (Black Sails)
Howard Hamlin (Better Call Saul) Vs Jason Grace (Riordanverse)
Nora Hildegard (The Vampire Diaries) Vs Gerard Keay (The Magnus Archives)
Manny (Swiss Army Man) Vs Matoro (Bionicle)
Wen Ning (Mo Dao Zu Shi) Vs Kikyo (Inuyasha)
Yuri Nakamura (Angel Beats) Vs Simon Kain (Pathologic)
Deep Throat (The X Files) Vs La Signora (Genshin Impact)
Esmeralda (The Hunchback Of Notre Dame Novel) Vs Ursula Zandt/Silhouette (Watchmen Comics)
Nageki Fujishiro (Hatoful Boyfriend) Vs Tuba (Infinity Train)
Beetlejuice (Beetlejuice) Vs Arthur Morgan (Red Dead Redemption)
Oda Sakunoske (Bungou Stray Dogs) Vs Rose Quartz (Steven Universe)
Duncan (Dragon Age) Vs Junpei Yoshino (Jujitsu Kaisen)
Quincey Morris (Dracula) Vs Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen)
Deadman (DC Comics) Vs Breakdown (Transformers)
Draal The Deadly (Troll Hunters) Vs Castiel (Supernatural)
Wave 4:
Matsuri Kanroji (Demon Slayer) Vs Midori (Your Turn To Die)
Kelsier (Mistborn) Vs Peter 'Parker' Yang (Malevolent Podcast)
Tadashi Hamada (Big Hero 6) Vs Noriaki Kakyoin (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Erik (The Phantom Of The Opera) Vs Matthias Helvar (Six Of Crows)
Tigerstar (Warrior Cats) Vs Boromir (The Lord Of The Rings)
Joel Miller (The Last Of Us) Vs Pedro Madrigal (Encanto)
Rufus Emeterio (They Both Die At The End) Vs King Arthur (King Arthur)
Bunny Corcoran (The Secret History) Vs Lenore (Nevermore Webtoon)
Sliver Of Straw (Rain World) Vs Bow (Inanimate Insanity)
Chidi Anagonye (The Good Place) Vs Nicholas D Wolfwood (Trigun)
Tiso (Hollow Knight) Vs Okudera (Yakuza 5)
Koki Kariya (The World Ends With You) Vs Horst Cabal (Johannes Cabal)
Mr Boddy (Clue) Vs Garret Jacob Hobbs (Hannibal)
Eddie Kaspbrak (IT) Vs Emily (Corpse Bride)
Ash Lynx (Banana Fish) Vs Ophelia (Hamlet)
Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) Vs Kili (The Hobbit)
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breaniebree · 6 months
Kismet Characters & Family Trees Part Three:
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Luna Lovegood (13 February 1981) RAVENCLAW m. Rolf Scamander (13 November 1977) HUFFLEPUFF (2009): 1. Lorcan Xenophilius Scamander (11 July 2011) HUFFLEPUFF2. Lysander Harry Scamander (11 July 2011) RAVENCLAW3. Xara Pandora Scamander (13 September 2016) RAVENCLAW m. Everett Potter (21 October 2010) RAVENCLAW (2039): a) Hazel Ella Potter (2 September 2040) HUFFLEPUFF b) Galina Xara Potter (28 April 2042) RAVENCLAW c) Landon Everett Potter (19 June 2044) GRYFFINDOR d) Waverly Luna Potter (7 February 2046) RAVENCLAW
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Harry Potter (31 July 1980) GRYFFINDOR m. Ginevra Weasley (11 August 1981) GRYFFINDOR (2000): i) James “Jamie” Sirius Potter GRYFFINDOR (5 April 2004) m. Hadley Grace Pritchard (2005) RAVENCLAW (2029): a) Rhysand James Potter (28 May 2032) GRYFFINDOR b) Emerson Fleamont Potter (11 March 2035) GRYFFINDOR c) Flynn Harry Potter (2 July 2037) GRYFFINDOR d) Grace Ginevra Potter (18 December 2040) GRYFFINDOR ii) Albus “Alby” Fleamont Potter (1 June 2006) SLYTHERIN m. Scorpius Malfoy (6 January 2006) SLYTHERIN (2031): a) Lyra Astoria Malfoy (1 June 2037) RAVENCLAW b) Celeste Ginevra Malfoy (5 March 2039) RAVENCLAW c) Archer Kai Malfoy (6 July 2044) SLYTHERIN iii) Lily Luna Potter (3 November 2007) GRYFFINDOR m. Oakley Wood (8 January 2007) GRYFFINDOR (2028): a) Nash Oliver Wood (31 July 2030) GRYFFINDOR m. Nixie Sparks (2032) RAVENCLAW (2058): aa) Sirius Harry Wood (25 December 2061) GRYFFINDOR bb) Remus Oakley Wood (25 December 2061) GRYFFINDOR b) Noah Harry Wood (31 July 2030) GRYFFINDOR  c) Magnolia “Lia” Katherine Wood (2 May 2033) RAVENCLAW d) Zinnia “Zin” Ginevra Wood (11 August 2035) HUFFLEPUFF  e) Zahira “Zee” Sorcha Wood (11 August 2035) HUFFLEPUFF iv) Cedrella “Ella” Theodora Potter (21 October 2010) SLYTHERIN m. Spencer Kane-Nott (3 July 2010) SLYTHERIN (2036): a) Logan Theodore Kane-Nott (23 March 2040) GRYFFINDOR b) Zeke Harry Kane-Nott (21 January 2042) SLYTHERIN  c) Nolan Everett Kane-Nott (11 November 2044) RAVENCLAW d) Westley Sebastian Kane-Nott (9 December 2046) GRYFFINDOR v) Everett Arthur Potter (21 October 2010) RAVENCLAW m. Xara Scamander (13 September 2016) RAVENCLAW (2039): a) Hazel Ella Potter (2 September 2040) HUFFLEPUFF b) Galina Xara Potter (28 April 2042) RAVENCLAW  c) Landon Everett Potter (19 June 2044) GRYFFINDOR d) Waverly Luna Potter (7 February 2046) RAVENCLAW vi) Genevieve “Evie” Zahira Potter (9 May 2012) HUFFLEPUFF m. Christian Lyon (2008) RAVENCLAW (2033): a) Leif Christian Lyon (1 October 2035) GRYFFINDOR b) Autumn Ella Lyon (21 September 2038) HUFFLEPUFF c) Winter Willow Lyon (21 December 2041) RAVENCLAW d) Summer Lily Lyon (21 June 2043) GRYFFINDOR e) Spring Rose Lyon (21 March 2047) HUFFLEPUFF vii) Henry Remus Potter (31 July 2020) GRYFFINDOR m. Daniella Zabini (7 July 2018) RAVENCLAW (2049): a) Cameron Blaise Potter (1 January 2052) GRYFFINDOR b) Aidan Hunter Potter (23 July 2055) GRYFFINDOR  c) Jameson Henry Potter (14 March 2058) GRYFFINDOR  d) Emilia Ginevra Potter (17 August 2060) RAVENCLAW viii) Hunter Colten Potter (31 July 2020) GRYFFINDOR m. Sloane Hart (2023) GRYFFINDOR (2046): a) Simon Hunter Potter (14 February 2049) RAVENCLAW b) Shay Cedrella Potter (14 February 2049) HUFFLEPUFF  c) Colin Fleamont Potter (7 March 2053) GRYFFINDOR  d) Beckett James Potter (19 June 2055) HUFFLEPUFF  e) Parker Harry Potter (24 September 2059) SLYTHERIN f) Noelle Ginevra Potter (25 December 2061) GRYFFINDOR
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Raymond Creevey (1955) m. Cora Benjamin (1959) (1979): 1. Colin Creevey (1981) GRYFFINDOR m. Mads Chavan (1973) RAVENCLAW (2016): a) Dennis Mads Creevey-Chavan (2026) GRYFFINDOR — adopted b) Divya Cora Creevey-Chavan (2031) HUFFLEPUFF — adopted 2. Dennis Creevey (1983) GRYFFINDOR (d. 1997)
Thanks to @ellieoryan7447 for taking the time and effort to create these.
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