#are we done yet with this fucking fight I wanna go home I wanna have a nap
lovebugism · 4 months
❛ if you die, i'll kill you. ❜“i cant live without you” “don’t die on me, we haven’t even gotten to the good part yet” “i lied i never hated you”
eddie x reader enemies to lovers 🥹🥹
pls enjoy this absolute heartache of a fic :D — you and eddie hate each other until he almost dies (angst, enemies to lovers, cw for mentions of gore, 1.1k)
“Wanna make out?” Eddie had asked you, some hours ago now, when you first arrived at the Upside Down version of Skull Rock. You’d just narrowly survived a gang of demobats, and the stale air smelled distinctly of copper pennies. He managed a smug smile anyway. “I mean, we might as well. Looks like we’re gonna die out here, anyway.”
You scoffed and rolled your tired eyes. The annoyance you felt for him then momentarily distracted you from the fear swirling in the pit of your stomach. “I’d rather,” you’d quipped.
You feel a little like you’ve prophesized something now.
Eddie bleeds out in your arms with a hundred little bites on his stomach that were supposed to be yours. He’d distracted the circling demobats when you twisted your ankle, too hurt to run away. And now he’s dying. And it’s all your goddamn fault.
You sit with him while Dustin rushes into the Creel House, in search of help from the older crew. You watch him attentively over your shoulder until he disappears behind the rotted front door. When you turn back to Eddie, you find his eyes have fluttered shut.
“Eddie—” you call for him, clearing your throat when it comes out garbled. “Eddie! Hey!”
“Hm…” he hums tiredly in response, eyes still shut.
You sigh with the subtle relief that he’s not dead. The breath catches in your chest. You try to fight away the panic attack clawing behind your ribcage, even though it makes everything around you seem more and more distant. You try to stay as present as you can despite the horrors swimming all around you — for Eddie The Freak Munson.
“You have to stay awake,” you tell him, voice thick with emotion. “Open your eyes.”
“I’m just… I feel a little tired right now,” he mumbles, slurring slightly. 
Your chest wrenches. He’s getting paler and paler by the minute. The tourniquet you made from the bottom half of your shirt is now soaked with deep red blood. Panic burns a wildfire in your chest because you’ve done everything you could think to do. 
You can’t lose him. That’s all you’re telling yourself now. You can’t lose him, you can’t lose him, you can’t lose him.
“I don’t care. Keep your eyes open, alright?”  Your heart wrenches again, with something short of hope this time, when Eddie’s eyes flutter open. They’re glassy and dilated, but the deep chocolate of them hasn’t changed. You muster a small smile. “There you go, Eds. There you go— Now, just keep talking to me, okay? Keep talking.”
“I’m tired,” he mutters under his breath, too weak to do anything more.
Your face screws together as you choke back a sob. You swallow down every instinct to cry. You’ll cry when this is over, you tell yourself, when Eddie’s safe and back in Hawkins.
“I know, Eddie. I know,” you babble through stinging tears. “But you gotta— you gotta keep talking, alright? It’ll help you stay awake. And I need you to… I need you to stay awake for me, okay?”
He nods. At least, you think he’s nodding, because the movement is terribly faint. 
His eyes fall shut again. You feel the loss of his melted chocolate gaze like a stab in the chest. Your hand grips his jaw, a little less than gentle.
“Eddie,” you bite through gritted teeth.
“If you die, I swear to god, I will fucking kill you.”
The familiarity of your aggression reminds him of home. He opens his eyes and cracks a small, barely-there smile. Blood glistens on his mouth. “I thought you hated me?” he slurs in an inaudible mumble.
“I do,” you tell him without thinking twice, laughing through the sob in your throat. “But I’ll love the shit outta you if we make it out of here together.”
Together, you say, because either both of you make it out or neither of you do. 
His grin widens softly, chapped and lopsided. “Metal,” he murmurs.
A whimper sounds in your throat when his eyes flutter shut again. “Eddie…”
“‘M sorry, sweetheart,” he whispers, breathing sharply through his nose. 
It’s getting harder and harder for him to breathe. You can tell by the harsh rise and fall of his chest. There’s little oxygen getting to his brain, accompanied by the weeping bites on his stomach— where the fuck is Dustin Henderson?
“I don’t know if I…. If I’m gonna make it outta here, babe…”
Your chest tightens. He only ever called you babe to piss you off. You wonder if he’s still being the annoying asshole you knew back home or if the term of endearment is too engrained in his head.
“Don’t say that.”
“If I don’t—”
“If I don’t make it out,” he repeats, sterner this time. He drags a sharp breath in and opens his eyes, just barely. “I want you to know that I never… I never hated you… ‘M just a liar… And a total fucking coward…”
“You can make it up to me when we get back home, okay? You just gotta stay awake.”
His lip quirks into a faint, crooked smile. “I’ve been dyin’ to kiss you since ninth grade… Did you know that?”
“I know,” you nod with an emotional laugh.
“I did make it kinda obvious, didn’t I?”
“You can kiss me when you get better. I swear.”
Eddie nods. You feel him grow heavier and heavier in your arms. His smug smile starts to fade, and you panic. “Eddie? Eddie, don’t— don’t die on me, okay? Please. We haven’t— We haven’t gotten to the good part yet, asshole. You have to stay awake.”
You shift him in your arms, trying to sit him up more when he slumps. He does little to fight you. He doesn’t have the strength to anymore.
“‘M sorry, babe,” you hear him whisper.
“No— No, don’t— Don’t fucking say that,” you scold bitterly, less angry at him and more at the rest of the world. It should’ve been you lying here, after all, not him. You’d trade places in a heartbeat if you could. “You can’t die, you asshole! How am I supposed to— fucking— keep going without you annoying the living shit outta me?”
“Henderson’ll annoy you for the both of us,” he manages to joke as life spills from the weeping wounds on his stomach.
“Fuck that. It’s not the same— I need you, Eddie. I need you, okay? I can’t— I can’t fucking live without you,” you cry over his pale, bloodied body.
You hear yelling and a set of rushed footsteps. “Eddie!” Dustin calls as he dashes down the decrepit porch steps of the old home — with Steve, Nancy, and Robin following close behind.
The sight of them makes you sigh. Your chest starts to sparkle with a hope you’d thought you lost — damn near aching when Eddie’s glassy eyes flutter open once more. 
The fucker grins weakly up at you. “I knew you had a crush on me, babe.”
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lizardaggro · 7 months
on the flip side
part 2 is out! part 3! part 4!
whaddya know, i already have my first piece of writing that's not for an rp. it's a mess, but that's okay, because i admit i have no clue what i'm doing! i welcome all feedback as long as it's not just plain mean. when i asked for writing ideas, i was suggested to try my spin on the twst bully!au, and so i present: reader/yuu is done with their bs. no beta we die like my sleep schedule. genre: gn reader, angst trigger warnings: bullying, slight yandere that hasn't escalated yet word count:896
You’d had enough, thank you very much. The constant jeers, “misplaced” textbooks, and shoves in the hallway were only the beginning. Before long, you were beaten and bruised, and all for what? Just because you didn’t have magic? According to your research, the majority of the population here didn’t either! But alas, such was your plight. The professors turned a blind eye, and Crowley couldn’t care less.
So, when someone “accidentally” dislocated your shoulder during PE, you decided enough was enough. The students you’d never bothered to learn the names of were one thing; you were going to call your former friends out on their bullshit. Despite Grim’s protests, you dragged him all the way back to Ramshackle the moment you had a break in between classes. Why that timing? Because the model student prefect would never cut class, of course!
You locked the door not once, not twice, but three times, thanks to the padlocks you’d had placed on your stuff in the past. Then you took your time creating the Junk Tower. Your materials were all the scraps people had thrown in your yard in the past. You had quite the collection. The windows? They’d been boarded for years, according to the ghosts. Back door? Kalim had it removed. Something about first years sneaking in. You figure it’s better not to ask how he managed to have a door seamlessly replaced with walls in one afternoon.
About twenty minutes after the last class of the day ended, you had your first knock on the door. “Oi, prefect, open up!” Ace demanded. Because of course it was Ace. He was the first student you met here, so it was only fitting that he’d be the first to know you weren’t fucking around anymore. You ignored him.
The knocking stopped “Oi Ace, maybe they’re not home?” Deuce, ever the voice of reason, pondered. You weren’t sure whether to love or hate him. He’d stop others from picking on you, sure, but the moment you disobeyed him, he went back to his old delinquent ways.
“Well, they weren’t in class, and there’s no way my prefect’s with someone else, so they’ve gotta be inside!” Ace insisted. His prefect? Since when were you his? Did Ace eat something funny while you were gone? Because the last you checked, he couldn’t stand the sight of you.
Deuce’s voice dropped an octave, or maybe two. You weren’t too sure how that applied to speaking voices. “Oi, Ace, what the fuck do you mean your prefect? They don’t belong to you!” Yes, thank you for the reality check. Deuce must’ve had the brain cell today. “Obviously I’m way closer to them than you are!”
Scratch that. Deuce did not have the brain cell today. Really though, what was with them? Why in the world were they fighting over who was closer to you when all they’d done lately was make it clear how much they hated you? Oh, wait. They thought you could hear them. This must be some sort of trick. Trey and Cater must’ve put them up to it, since they were far too dumb to think of anything this elaborate on their own. You decided to ignore everything they said from here on out.
All was well, until Adeuce simultaneously let out an ungodly screech. Now that was troublesome. What could possibly scare those two like that? Surely nothing good for you. With luck, it’d be Riddle come to behead them for not wearing fluorescent pink or some other dumb rule, but you wouldn’t bet on it.
You soon had your answer. “Ne, where’s Shrimpy? I wanna squeeze ‘em!” Suddenly you didn’t blame those two for being scared. Floyd Leech in a bad mood was always a force to be reckoned with. You could never tell if he was in a good or bad mood when he was “squeezing” you, and quite frankly, you’d rather not know. The sick fucker probably took pleasure in hearing your bones pop and crack under the extreme pressure.
“Floyd-senpai! The prefect is, uh, we’re not actually sure where they are,” Ace volunteered. You almost pitied him, having to put up with the more rambunctious Leech during basketball practice. Almost.
“Hah? What do you mean you don’t know? Crabby is always crowding around Shrimpy like a little parasite,” Floyd whined. Um, what? Is Floyd in on the joke too? Is the whole school conspiring against you? You wouldn’t put it past them.
A cloud of dust blew up from the floor where you swung your foot back and forth, making you sneeze. You froze. Did they hear that? Wait, what were you acting so scared for? What were they gonna do anyway, break the door down and hit you? All within your expectations when you’d formed this plan. The point was to prove that you wouldn’t just sit and take it anymore. You’d seen all their dirty little secrets, especially during the Overblots; you could hit them where it hurt if you felt like it. No one would ever think the perfect little prefect would tell someone else what they’d confided in them! So when Floyd broke the door down with a display of monstrous strength, you were prepared. You greeted them with a smile. “Ne, you guys,” you began, “would you believe me if I told you I’m done with your bullshit?”
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sanguineterrain · 9 months
hii i love your work and wanted to send a request in :)
can you do “you’re just going to leave me here?!” and “i’m gonna come back for you , do you hear me?” for jason and reader? 💛
maybe they’re on a date and there’s a robbery nearby or a villain crashes a gala they are attending? also maybe the reader knows he’s red hood? or it’s early in their relationship that he hasn’t told them yet? idk if that makes sense, but if you pick this up i can’t wait to see where you take it! 💛
OH IT'S EMOTIONAL ANGST TIME! hurt no comfort 😈 thanks for requesting nonnie 🥰
jason todd x gn!reader | tw: angst, reader feels hurt, lying to protect a superhero identity (is red hood a hero? he is to ME.) i may write a pt 2 to this if there's interest 😎
Jason checks his phone for the fourth time tonight. You haven't even received your entrees yet.
"Everything okay?" you ask lightly.
Jason looks up, eyes wide. "Oh. Yes. Sorry, baby. Sorry."
You nod, trying to smile. "It's okay."
He puts his phone in his pocket. You try to relax and focus on your date. This place is upscale, much pricier than you're used to, but Jason had insisted. He'd said he hadn't been doing his due diligence of being your boyfriend and should take you out on more "proper" dates. You'd told him that was silly, of course; you'd be content to go anywhere with him.
But he's been acutely distracted these past few weeks, and you're starting to form terrible explanations in your head for why that might be.
You try to ignore it. You just want to spend time with your boyfriend; it's been so long.
"Oh my God, guess what happened at work today," you say.
Jason leans in, smiling. "Tell me. Was it Peggy from Marketing again?"
"Yes!" You laugh, shaking your head. "She's such a pain. I was in my cubicle when—"
Jason's watch starts to blare, the beep shrill and insistent. He curses and quickly taps at the screen. You slump back in your chair.
"Shit," he says and looks up at you.
You suddenly feel exhausted.
"Baby, I'm so sorry," Jason begins, rising from his chair. "God, fuck—you have no idea how sorry I am. It's my family, they—something's happened with my brother. He needs my help, unfortunately."
"So you're just going to leave me here?" you ask, mouth dropping open in shock. "Jay, we planned tonight two weeks ago!"
He winces. "I know. Fuck, I know, sweetheart. I'm so, so sorry. I'm gonna come back for you, okay? It'll be an hour, tops. Look, order anything you want. I'll leave my card, it's on me—"
You shake your head and stand. "No, Jason. I'm—look, I know your family is important to you, but you've done this a lot this past month, and it's not just hurtful, but it's starting to feel a little intentional. I don't know if I'm some kind of placeholder or, or—"
"Hey, no, no. You're not a placeholder. Please don't say that," Jason begs, reaching for your hand.
You keep your hand out of reach, eyes beginning to heat up.
"I'm going home," you say. "I hope your brother's okay."
"Sweetheart, please, come on. I don't wanna fight."
"Me neither," you say tiredly. "So we won't. Good night, Jason."
His watch beeps again, this time with a phone call. You walk out. It's a nicer part of Gotham, so getting a cab here isn't a problem.
Jason catches up to you instantly. He looks terrified, and it breaks your heart, but you don't have the energy tonight.
"Can I–can I call you tonight?" he asks, voice cracking.
A cab pulls up to the curb. The valet opens the door for you. Jason takes a step forward.
"I'd rather you didn't," you say quietly. "I need some time to myself, Jay."
Jason takes a step back.
"I'm sorry," he says again, desperate.
You sigh. "I know you are."
You get into the car. The valet closes the door. Jason watches you through the window, tugging at his curls like he does when he's stressed.
That night, your bed feels cold. You toss and turn for hours, trying to shake the feeling of a phantom arm snaked around your waist.
Jason doesn't call, like you'd requested. You cry anyway.
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chocochipsushi · 9 months
𝑮𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝒔𝒐 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒚, 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒄𝒐𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒊𝒏 𝑼𝒏𝒄𝒍𝒆 𝑻𝒐𝒋𝒊’𝒔 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆
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NSFW! minors do not interact! 18+ only!
🌸Word count: 5.3K
🌸AU: Toji as your father’s best friend, consoling you with his cock after a fight with your dad
🌸CW: cockwarming, toji calling reader all sorts of pretty names, fucking while reader's dad is around, unprotected sex, fluff
🌸A/N: Hello... I am here to clarify some things. I found out recently that I got a pretty established and amazing fanartist on Twitter into a situation where they received backlash for recreating one of my Uncle Toji scenes. I felt so bad because antis were giving the artist shit for something I wrote. So I am here to let all of you know that:
1) reader's age was never specifically spelled out bc I wanted everyone to be able to relate to the reader's age and not be restrained by a number in the story. If I knew that there was a rule where we had to indicate ages of every character in stories, I would have done so... Anyway, if I were to be asked what the OC's age was, I would say she is within the age range of 26-28yo.
2) It will be clear in the last chapter as I tried to give a short back story (before I even saw those mean tweets) but I will let you all know now - Toji was out of the reader's life from age 9 to 24, reader's dad had her at 21, and Toji is a few years younger than the dad. So the math is that the age gap between Toji and the reader is ~18 years.
3) Reader hardly calls Toji by his name because she feels awkward doing that since she's always known him as Uncle Toji. but if you notice, she has been getting braver through the chapters. And she calls him 'Uncle Toji' during sex most of the time coz they like to roleplay??
Anyway, I am only explaining bc I really do not wish to hurt anyone, and I hope the fanartist know that the hate should be directed at me, not at them.
Next chapter will be the last. thank you all for supporting my Uncle Toji series.
<< Part 1 🔞, Part 2 🔞, Part 3 🔞 || Epilogue 🔞 >>
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I am surprised when Toji’s hand on the small of my back gently guides me to the side, away from guests trying to lure us into their conversations. I look up at him in confusion and worry, only to be met with a concerned look on his face. 
He dips his head so that I can hear him when he murmurs, “You alright, baby? Wanna go home?”
I’d had a fight with my dad before coming to the gala dinner. Toji was caught in the crossfire when he came to pick me up. I was initially supposed to meet him at the dinner with my parents, where I would be handed over to Toji since each guest could only bring a Plus One. However, once my dad and I started raising our voices at each other, my mother called Toji right away and got him to come over to take me.
I was glad for it, and I’m sure my parents were, too. I haven’t been in the best of moods since then and Toji knows me way too well to have me engage in any conversation. I am still a good guest in the way I politely respond to questions asked, yet at the same time cutting the conversation short. But Toji understands that I am being civil only for the sake of it. 
I give Toji a small smile and shake my head. “No, I’m fine.”
He observes me for a few seconds. Finally, he rubs his thumb on my back and nods. “Okay. But I’ll bring you home early. Let me just talk to Dr. Hung.”
I have no objection to that, so Toji slides his engulfing hand down to take hold of mine and starts walking towards Dr. Hung. I try to listen politely and take mental notes of their conversation, since I am also here to make connections that might benefit my father’s company when I eventually take over. Toji, being my father’s best friend and longest business partner, knows of this and even tries to bring up our company’s name. 
By the time they were done talking business, I had Dr. Hung’s name card and a promise to have a business lunch, all thanks to Toji. And finally, when it is just us again, Toji rests a comforting hand on my back and leans down so that his lips are by my ear. 
“Let’s bring you home now, shall we?”
I look up and nod my head, to which he returns a nod at. Before we leave, however, Toji looks around to locate my parents, who are engaged in a conversation with a few other notable people in the industry. Not wanting to interrupt them, Toji guides me straight out of the ballroom and walks me to his car where his driver is already waiting. 
“Careful,” he murmurs with his big palm resting on top of my head as I get into the car. 
He gets his driver to bring me back and only when he has walked me back to my room, I face him and hold onto his calloused hand with both of mine. 
“Stay for a bit, Toji?” 
He stares at me for a long moment, not saying anything. I know that he is debating whether he should, since my parents might come home and see him here. But I give him a small pout that I know he can never resist, and he eventually squeezes my fingers — his non-verbal way of saying yes. 
When I let go of his hand, Toji undoes the knot on his tie, ready to get comfortable. By the time I am out of the shower, I find Toji already laying on my bed, tie off and blazer-less. He has the top few buttons of his shirt undone, his arm resting behind his head widening the plackets of his top and allowing me to see more skin. He is on his phone, probably going through some soccer news. 
Cuddling up to him seems so inviting that I rush through my nightly routine just to jump into bed with him. Toji fully expects it, having experienced this too many times for him not to be ready for it. He spreads his arm out just in time for me to burrow into his side. 
“Ugh, what a terrible day,” I groan into his armpit. 
Toji pats my crown and rests his palm on the swell of my hips. “Your dad only means well, you know that, baby.”
I lift myself up on my elbow, my hand on his chest to keep me steady, as I glare at him. Toji returns a levelled gaze. “He thinks that I’m not focused and that I am not trying hard enough to learn about taking over the company!”
Toji locks his phone and puts it aside just so he can give me more attention. But when I hear his response, I suddenly wish he didn’t give me any at all, or that I even asked him to stay. 
“Well, do you think you really have been giving your all in the handover?” I simply gape at him, in disbelief that he would say something like that. Toji taps my hip. “Look at it this way, Princess, from your father’s point of view. You complain when you have business meetings, when they are actually good for your business. You hate the small talk and show an attitude, which I can’t say gives off a good impression. You hang back and passively stand there and look pretty at the networking events your father brings you to, that are really for you to broaden your connections.” 
Toji could probably see the look of incredulity and betrayal on my face, because he sighs and strokes my chin with his free hand. Being the petty me that I am, I turn my head away with a pout. 
“You know that I am always fair and logical, Princess. I’m not just taking your dad’s side because he is my best friend,” Toji murmurs.
I stay quiet, trying to rationalise his explanation. But the longer I do, the more heated I get. So, instead of answering him, I get up, tear the sheets off my bed to get under it, and reach out to turn the lights off, plunging us into darkness. I lie on my side, facing away from Toji even though he can’t see me in the darkness anyway. He doesn’t move or say anything for a while but a few seconds later, I hear movement and in the next few seconds, the nightlight next to my bed turns on. I feel Toji getting under the blanket behind me where he rests his heavy hand on my hip. He comes closer until his lips are hovering over my ear. 
“Although…” he murmurs huskily, quietly. “Of course I will be there to help you. How can Uncle Toji leave his baby girl to be eaten by the wolves?” While my heart flutters at his words, I make sure not to react. Toji rubs his rough palm up and down the side of thigh now. “Together, we’ll dominate the playing field. I’ll guide and bring success to you.”
I know that he always keeps his promises and he never promises anything he can’t do. But I still won’t respond, so Toji nudges my earlobe with his lips. I can feel the scruff on his chin that is already growing. 
“It’s all for your own good, Princess. Your dad just doesn’t want you to fail. Neither do I.”
I turn my head slightly and grumble, “I thought you said you’d help me succeed.”
The tip of Toji’s nose now brushes my cheek. He rubs my side gently, at the same time causing my night dress to ride up. “Oh, that’s not negotiable, baby. Of course I will. But you’ve got to try and make it out on your own too.” 
“But I am trying,” I whine, now twisting my body a little more so that I am facing him. 
He is staring down at me with the softest gaze — one that he only reserves for me. “Of course you are,” Toji almost coos. This only makes me pout instinctively. He leans down to press his scarred lips to mine. “But try harder.”
Immediately, I pull away with a loud whine and slap his broad shoulder. Toji’s chuckle is low and husky, so warm and familiar that I am already melting before he kisses me again. This time, he nips on my bottom lip, his palm on my hip now moving in sensual strokes. Little moans and mewls escape me as some sort of resistance, not wanting to be played into his hands like that. But we both know that I am enjoying this, especially when I clench my fist on the material of his shirt, pulling him closer. Toji hooks his fingers under the hem of my night dress and drags them up along my thigh, pulling my dress up. 
He is toying with the band of my panties when he breaks the kiss and murmurs against my lips, “Still mad at Uncle Toji?” My teeth pull on my bottom lip as I nod my head. The corners of Toji’s lips turn down. “Can’t have that now, can we?” he hums before burying his face into my nape. He trails the faintest of kisses along my neck, his fingers now tugging and flicking at the thin elastic of my underwear. “You’re not tired, are you, baby? I don’t think you’ll be getting any sleep yet.”
And with that, Toji lifts himself up on his elbow as he pulls my g-string down as far as he can. He kisses me on the shoulder just as he hovers his hand over my crotch, the tip of his finger drawing shapes on my sensitive skin, making my hair stand on ends. I hold my breath as he gets closer to my clit, dipping his finger between my thighs so that the length of his digit rubs on my pussy lips. 
I can feel his erection growing hard against my ass, especially when he starts thrusting his hips slowly in tandem with the rhythm of his finger sliding between my labia. The tip of his finger teases my entrance. Pushing just an inch of his digit into my hole, he slides out and spreads my slick along my lips. I swallow and turn my head so that I could at least see him a little. Almost at once, Toji leans in to kiss the corner of my lips. 
His lips are still on me when he mumbles, “You’re so cute when you act like you’re mad at me.”
I let out a whine and reach out to thump my fist on his shoulder. Toji merely chuckles against my lips. He gives me one last kiss and pulls away, now moving to lay on his back. I turn my head to take a look at what he’s doing and see that he is undoing his pants. Knowing that he is actually going to finish what he started, I return to face the front. 
His strong arm snakes around my waist again and this time, I can feel his member poking my ass, excited and hard. The expensive material of his pants brush against the back of my thigh, adjusting my position so that my legs are scissored. Scooching closer to me, Toji holds his cock in his hand just for him to rub it against my flaps. I bite my bottom lip in an effort to try not to stick my ass out. But it is useless because my hips start to move and grind against his cockhead, allowing him to spread his precum and my wetness along my slit. 
Toji wraps his arm across my chest and brings me inevitably closer so that his lips are pressing against my ear. As he continues to thrust his hips, letting the length of his cock slide along my pussy lips, he lets out the sexiest grunts and the lowest of moans. At this point, I just want him to put it in me already. And he knows, because I arch my back to the point I am pressing my ass against his hips. 
Reaching his hand down, Toji tactically spreads my cheeks apart and positions his cockhead at the entrance of my wet pussy. Thrusting his hips forward, he stretches out my hole, making me whine and moan in pain and pleasure. Once he has his tip in, he returns to hugging me tight against his body. Toji’s nose is at the back of my ear, his lips on my earlobe. I can hear his shaky breathing as he enters me deeper. 
“Fuck…” he groans quietly. “You feel so good, baby.” 
Toji is slow as he sheathes himself inside of me, trying to savour the moment he first slides into me. Only when he is balls deep inside of me, he pauses and groans into my ear while he enjoys the pulsing, warm cocksleeve around his meat. My jaw goes slack when he finally pulls out several seconds later, only to thrust back into me again. His strokes start out slow before building up to a passionate rhythm of fucking. 
Toji growls into my ear and I just know that he isn’t going to last very long tonight. Especially when he brings his hand to wrap around my throat, his thick fingers lightly gripping the sides of my neck. My pussy is getting wetter. The sounds of Toji’s hips slamming against my ass and the squelching of my sopping pussy are almost too loud in my quiet room. It doesn’t help that Toji releases the chokehold around my neck, only to bring his hand down to my clit, his fingers already rubbing the nub in circles. 
“Ah, Daddy…” I mewl breathily, my body already trembling at his ministrations. 
Toji grunts. “God. You’re so tight and warm around me, Princess.” He lets out a long groan. “Daddy’s going to cum.”
By the sound of his irregular breathing, I just know that he is so close. Just a few more thrusts and he is going to explode inside of me. 
Which is why I have to be the one to stop him with my hand against his hips, giving him a squeeze in warning, when I hear the door creaking open. My heart is racing with fear and anxiety. Toji curses under his breath but immediately ceases his movements. He tries very hard to regulate his breathing quietly. He taps my thigh and I just know what he wants me to do. I shut my eyes and pretend to sleep. 
Someone takes a few steps into the room. Toji twists his body so that he appears to be lying on his back. I hear him groan, like how a tired person would. 
“Oh, you’re with her.” 
I really hope the thumping of my heart against my chest is not as loud as it sounds like to me. Because my father is here, speaking quietly to Toji.
“We had a little talk before she fell asleep,” Toji mumbles. I am impressed that he doesn’t sound at all out of breath.
My father lets out a loud sigh. Instinctively, my entire body clenches with anxiety, even down to my pussy walls squeezing Toji’s swollen cock. Toji chokes on a grunt and reactively moves his hand that is under the blanket to squeeze my arm lightly in warning. 
“Yeah, I might have been too harsh on her,” my father reflects. He sounds a little regretful. 
Toji clears his throat. He knows that I am listening and will very well treat him according to his reply. He pauses for a second before saying, “Good you know that. She really is trying, you know. She’s a good girl.”
As a reward for Toji sticking up for me, I pretend to shift in my sleep so that I press my ass against his hips, fully taking in his cock. Toji lets out a short hiss, which he covers up by clearing his throat. 
“She can be a brat,” he comments, making sure that I hear the edge in his tone. The corner of my lip lifts slightly. “But she is a good kid.”
“I know.” My father sighs. “I feel terrible. We never have fights.”
Toji scoffs. “Obviously. You’re a sucker for your daughter.” 
I could almost hear my father rolling his eyes. “You’re not one to talk. I’ve never seen you fuss over anyone like you do with her. She can’t even meet boys with the way you’re always hovering around her.”
Toji shifts his leg, at the same time angling his cock and driving his meat deeper inside of me. I bite down on my bottom lip to stop myself from moaning. He is almost growling when he answers, “Boys can’t take care of her.”
“You know, I agree with you. But then who will?” 
I wish I had my eyes open to watch the non-verbal interaction between my father and Toji. Because the tension in the air intensifies and my dad almost sounds interrogative now. 
“You? You want to take care of my daughter?” 
“Just ‘cause she’s a brat and a princess, you think I can’t handle her?” Toji may sound like he is joking but I just know that he is being defensive. 
The tension breaks when my father laughs. “Oh, I know for sure you can handle her, Toji. I’m just not confident she can take care of you, ya grumpy old geezer.”
Toji’s body relaxes behind me. He scoffs and says, “Like I need anyone taking care of me.”
“Hmm. True.” A moment of silence passes, putting an end to the short distraction from their original conversation. My father sighs and asks, “Are you staying?” Without waiting for Toji to answer though, he quickly changes his question to an instruction, “Stay the night and talk to her in the morning before breakfast. She listens to you better. Then we’ll go for brunch at Fordeux.”
Toji chuckles under his breath. “Bribing me with a meal at my favourite place, huh?” My father doesn’t answer but I know he must be grinning. Toji flips to the side and pats my hip over the blanket. “Alright. I’ll make sure she’s talking to you again tomorrow.”
“Good ni—”
“But,” Toji stops him in his tracks. My father pauses. “You need to cut her some slack too. Let her do things at her pace.”
It takes a while for my father to respond but when he does, my heart lightens so much that I feel like I might float. “Fine.” I can almost hear him roll his eyes. “Can’t say shit about me when you’re as big of a sucker for her.” 
“Shut up, dickhead.”
My father’s laughter is getting further and further until I hear the door open again. The moment it closes behind him and we are back in the silence of my room, I open my eyes. I wait a couple more seconds before turning my head around to face Toji. He turns to look at me. I keep staring at him, not saying anything, probably scaring him because he opens his mouth to say something. Before he could even get a word out though, I reach my arm behind me and grab his neck, pulling him close. Toji’s fingers tighten around my hip when my lips touch his, so possessive and full of yearning that I can only respond in a sensual swirl of my hips. 
Hearing him moan into my mouth, I am motivated to give him more. Arching my back to press my ass against his groin, I rock my hips at a steady pace, sliding his cock in and out of my tight hole. Toji kisses me back sloppily, his jaw slack at the pleasure my wet pussy is giving him. 
I pull away from his lips, which only makes Toji’s eyes flutter open as he stares at me in a lovestruck daze. It makes me grin. I am usually the one with that expression. Circling my fingers around his wrist, I pull his hand away from my hip and move away from him. His brows draw together for a moment before he realises what I am about to do as I push him back and climb on top of him, straddling his hips. 
Toji licks his lips and bites down on the bottom one as he watches me steady myself with a hand on his chest and my hand wrapped around his dick. I lift myself up so that I am hovering over his thick cock. Sliding his cockhead up and down my wet lips, I glance up at him, finding him already in position with his arms behind his head, ready to watch me ride him. 
Lowering myself as I rub his mushroom head along my slit, the wet smacking of my pussy lips becomes louder and almost more elaborate. Toji’s teeth are tugging on his bottom lip and I can just tell that his restraint is almost breaking at my teasing. He is probably just two seconds away from flipping us around and completely obliterating me when I finally sink down on his dick, slowly letting his wide girth stretch me out. 
Toji’s hip spasms at the immense pleasure my sopping cunt is giving him and his face contorts into one of agony and bliss, all at the same time. Placing both hands on his chest now, I hold myself stable as I continue taking in his cock, all the way down until he is balls deep inside of me. I let out the breath I had been holding in and lift my head to find Toji with his eyes barely open. He always enjoys the first time his cock slides into my pussy. 
As I slide my palm up his smooth chest, I tease, “You alright there, Uncle Toji?” 
It takes him a few seconds but Toji finally blinks the haze away. He is already glaring at me. Taking a hand away from the back of his head, his palm meets my ass with a resounding smack. “What’s gotten into you, huh? Thought you were mad at Uncle Toji?”
As I lean forward with a grin, I lift my ass so that his cock slides out of my tight snatch. “How could I stay mad at you?” Toji flickers his eyes down to my lips, looking so mesmerised by the way my bottom lip is caught between my teeth. “You stood up for me.”
Toji’s hand cups my chin and pulls me closer. “If I don’t, who will?” 
My heart flutters at his words, sending a ripple down south that massages his meat. Toji’s warm breath hits my lips in a soft moan before taking my mouth in his. He kisses me deep and slow. Readjusting my hands to hold myself up on the bed beside him, I slowly start to move again, sliding my wet cunt up and down his hard dick. He could still kiss me until I started going faster, slapping my ass down to meet the base of his cock each time. Letting out a low, deep moan, Toji breaks the kiss and tilts his head up slightly, trying to get more air into his lungs. 
I stop for a moment, only to change my position so that I have my palms flat on my headboard, completely hovering above him now. I move my hips again, fast and powerful that I have the bed rocking slightly, my tits swinging in Toji’s face, my perked nipples just grazing his stubble and his sharp nose. The man below me lets rip a growl and grabs a handful of my breast, latching his mouth on my tit. I throw my head back at the sensation of his tongue flicking over my stiff bud. My pussy is only getting wetter, making me glide up and down his thick cock easily. 
Toji’s other hand slides down to my body, finding my ass. I mewl when he slaps my mound before giving it a squeeze, his grunts only letting me know that he enjoys my reaction. I know that Toji is enjoying this, but he always wants to finish with him on top. And I am slowly losing my strength as I start to slow down. He gives me one last slap and squeeze to my ass before unlatching from my breast. With his hands on my hips, he stops me from moving, holding me up with his hands now cupping my ass. 
“Oh, fuck, Daddy…” I whine when he starts rutting his hips, impaling me over and over with his thick meat. 
“Mm…” he groans. “Baby.” He cannot stop himself from giving my flesh another squeeze. “Princess.” At that petname, I fall forward and melt into his chest completely, letting him hold me up with pure brute strength. Toji’s grunt in my ear is low and guttural. “My pretty girl,” he moans. My cunt grips tighter around his cock. He knows what this does to me. 
Sliding a hand up to my head, he pushes my hair away from my face so that I can feel his warm murmur on my cheek when he says, “My darling little kitten.” I shut my eyes and let out a mewl. “Daddy made you so wet, pretty baby.” Toji squeezes a handful of my ass. “Gonna cum for Daddy, sweetheart?” I can only whine and nod my head dumbly. stops with his cock entirely sheathed inside of me and circles his hips, enjoying the sticky sound of our juices mixing together. He groans at my pussy pulsing around him. 
He tilts his head so that his cheek is resting on my temple and murmurs, “Daddy’s going to cum, baby doll. And I’m going to ruin your pretty little body when I do.” I can only mewl in response, my walls fluttering around his sheathed cock. My head is buzzing from my unexpected orgasm, my body already reacting involuntarily at his words. Toji nudges my temple as he moves to whisper in my ear, still gyrating his hips with his cock inside of me, “My cum all over your stomach and your tits, baby. Gonna look so pretty, all covered in Uncle Toji’s love.”
I gasp when he flips us around suddenly, his dick slipping out of me at the movement. I am lying on the bed staring up at him now. He cages me under his big, strong build, his eyes dark and lustful as he watches me. Licking his fingers, he reaches between us and gives my sopping wet  pussy a slap, causing me to jerk in surprise. A corner of his lip pulls up. He does this again, and this time I whine. 
Toji takes hold of his cock now, positioning it at the entrance of my parted pussy. He lets out a deep exhale as he slides into me again. I like being in this position where I am able to watch Toji’s expression as he fucks me. His eyebrows would be furrowed, his dark, green eyes would be piercing mine, the ends of his hair just slightly wet from the physical exertion. I smile and reach up to give him a peck on his lips. 
It is meant to be a sweet gesture, but Toji lets out a low growl. He drops his head to kiss me hard while he speeds up his pace. I move in tandem with his fucking, meeting the base of his cock with every hip thrust. I make a conscious effort to squeeze my walls, my pussy gripping so tightly onto his cock that Toji quickly pulls out like he has been burnt, just to keep stroking his meat furiously. He cums on me like he said he would, the white liquid painting my stomach with some droplets staining my night dress. 
He takes a while to recover from his heaving but when he does, he gets up slowly and starts unbuttoning his shirt. He keeps his eyes entirely on me the whole time he strips from his clothes. The moment he is done, he scoops me up carefully and walks me to the bathroom where he brings me to the shower stall with him once he takes the dress off me. 
“I’m going to do something stupid tomorrow,” Toji suddenly announces in the middle of our clean-up. 
My heart stops for a second. I look up at him shampooing his hair. “What?” When he only stares at me, not saying anything, I laugh and joke, “Gonna have another cheat day and eat all the carbs you want?”
Toji rolls his eyes. “Everyday is a cheat day when your girlfriend always leaves you with her unfinished food.”
I click my tongue and reach out to land a wet slap on his bicep. He grins at me and closes his eyes to wash out the shampoo on his hair. Finishing up my rinse, I get out of the shower before him and dry myself. I have to change into a new set of nightwear and when I am dressed, I snuggle back into bed, waiting for Toji. 
He takes a while so I try to stay up. But when I hear the hairdryer going off, I decide that I can always spend time with him in the morning before the brunch, since he is staying over. 
I am already half-asleep when Toji finally crawls into bed and cuddles me, bringing me closer to him. I wonder if I had been dreaming when he murmured in my ear, “I’m going to talk to your dad about us, baby.”
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At brunch the next day, I am sat next to Toji, both of us across the table from my parents. He takes care of me the entire time like he always does, even going to the extent of cutting up my waffles for me while he talks to my father. 
“You’re spoiling her, Toji,” my dad finally comments as he watches his best friend cutting up my food for me. “She’s not a baby, you know.”
My father glances at me but I merely shrug at him and grin up at Toji. “I like being spoiled.”
“Of course you do,” my father quips. 
Toji makes one last cut of my waffle and sets the cutlery down. I thank him and start eating. As he reaches out to have a sip of his wine, he leans back in his chair comfortably to address my father. 
“Do you think it’s weird that I spoil her?”
My dad laughs as he reaches for his wine glass too. “Not weird. But definitely bad.”
But Toji is serious as he continues, “Then do you think it’s weird if I say I want to take care of her?” 
My father pauses for a moment. He looks at me looking lost and uncomfortable at where this conversation is headed, then glances at his similarly confused wife, and finally back at Toji. 
“No… You’ve always been taking care of her even when she was younger.”
“I mean as a man.” 
The man across him frowns and leans forward to put his wine down. “You mean… like…” My father is at a loss for words. 
Even I am, too. All of us are just gaping stupidly at Toji now, waiting for some sort of explanation, or even him laughing to tell us he is joking. But he only clears his throat and sits with his elbows on his arm rests, his hands resting on his torso with his fingers interlocked. 
“Like I want to commit my life to her.” 
<< Part 1 🔞, Part 2 🔞, Part 3 🔞 || Epilogue 🔞 >>
© chocochipsushi 2023 all works are mine, please do not rewrite/plagiarise
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ailithnight · 1 year
*Whoops. Forgot to title and link previous chapters. Fight me, I just woke up.
A King in Arkham
Chapter 3
Chapter 1 Chapter 2
"Tim. Tim you have to get me copies of this footage." Tim is not surprised by the request. In fact, the 'Sure' is already on his tongue when he pauses, a thought creeping into his head, seeded by the notification Tim really hopes Jason isn't paying attention to in the bottom corner of the computer.
"One condition."
"Fuck you, I knew you'd want something. What? You want my cookies? Coffee? For Red Hood to go on camera singing praises for Red Robin? I'll fuckin do it. Just send me the god damn clips."
"Nope, nope, and tempting, but no."
"Name your price, Replacement. I'll pay it."
"Swear you aren't going to go rush in and extract the kid until we're done investigating him."
"What!? Fuck that! I told you was pulling him out next chance I get!" Tim lets himself groan in annoyance.
"Look, anyone that could do that-" Tim gestures to the part of the screen where they'd pulled up The Joker's medical reports following the incidents, showing pictures and descriptions of just how thoroughly Daniel had beat his ass 3 weeks in a row, "without getting so much as a scratch or fucking bruise in return, has got something going on. There may well be a reason they sent him to Arkham!"
Jason's eyes narrow at Tim as he all but growls, "No reason is good enough to put-"
"A fifteen year old in Arkham. I fucking know that, Hood. But we still need to know exactly who we're dealing with when we get him out. What his deal is. If his dangerous. What the hell was so wrong with him that someone thought it was a good idea to stick him in there to begin with."
"He could get hurt while we're sitting on our asses trying to satisfy fuckin Bat paranoia!"
"He took down the Joker! Clearly he can take care of himself."
"Then who has been hurting him!?"
"Maybe him fucking self!" Tim knew he was pushing it. The green growing stronger in Jason's eyes was proof. But he needed to buy them some time before Jason made thing exponentially harder by storming the castle. Still, now he needed to calm Jason down before he went into a full rage. So Tim held up his hands placatingly.
"A few days, Jay. Just give us a few more days. I'm already almost through the Arkham reports, and there are only a handful from Chicago and Oracle is probably going to announce any minute now that she got through the communications blackout around his home town. We just need a bit more time to sort out intel so that we actually know how to help him once we get him out."
Finally, after a tense 34 seconds, green fades back into blue and Jason let's out a heavy sigh.
"Fine. But I get to tell the Bat about Daniel's discipline slips. Wanna see his fuckin face when I do."
"Deal." Tim hurriedly puts a comm in as Jason watches with narrowed eyes.
Red Robin. Ready to fill me in?
Not yet, you're about to be busy. I isolated a pattern earlier. Exactly 15 minutes before the locks malfunction, there's been a strange power surge. Always written off. But the surge doesn't seem to be coming from the grid. And like I said, exactly 15 minutes later is when the locks malfunction.
Jason huffs as he catches on. Apparently he hadn't thought to question why Tim was so desperate to buy time before.
Robin responds, since he's on stakeout with Bruce. Mostly because Bruce won't let him watch the asylum alone. Much as the kid hates it, the rest of the family agrees. It's only a matter of time before someone in max security manages to take advantage of theses malfunctions. So far Croc is the only one who had, though thankfully he's not one to start shit on his own. But with Joker, Scarecrow, and TwoFace all inside; any one of them, or god forbid all three, could make for a real bad situation.
Tt. So you can tell before a malfunction happens.
Think so. Last power surge was 8 minutes ago.
And you are only telling us now, why Drake?
Cause he spent those 8 convincing me not to go get our kid out yet.
6 minutes. See if you can stop things before they start.
I'm not far out. Want me to join you?
Tt. I doubt we'll need your assistance, Signal. We shall be done before you get here.
No wait. Signal, head in. See if you can get a read on 26B.
You think he might be meta?
Jason glares at Tim betrayed.
"I wanted to see his fuckin face."
Tim just waves him off.
"They need to know. You tell them or I do."
Jason scowls, but relents.
He put the Joker in the infirmary on his 1st, 7th, and 15th days there. All 3 times took no damage himself. Feral child had to be pulled off and still didn't stop struggling till the clown was out of sight.
All 3 assaults followed by panic attacks, though whether about the Joker himself or what Daniel had done to him, we don't know yet.
The comms were silent for a moment.
A 15 year old...
Did what you've never had the balls to old man.
...I've fought the Joker.
Daniel hits first.
I will admit, it is impressive that he can take the Joker down alone. Perhaps he will make for a worthy brother after all.
4 minutes.
We're moving in. Thank you Red Robin, Hood.
The fuck are you thanking me for?
For helping. And giving us time to work this out.
ETA 7 minutes out. Be with you shortly.
The advanced warning proved invaluable for Batman and Robin. After alerting the chief of security of their supposed pattern, he had guards already in motion when the doors swung open. Batman took a perch to watch for max security escapees while Robin assisted the guards in keeping inmates corralled. Many didn't even bother to leave their designated areas, having already seen the Bats in the building.
No sign of any max security inmates. Normally, Batman would find this concerning. And while he did file it away to ponder later why no one from max security ever seemed to make it out of that wing, for today he counted the blessing that he would not have to try to keep Robin safe while dealing with someone like the Joker.
Batman tracked motion through the crowds, watching as a black mop of hair moved, seemingly otherwise unnoticed, through the sea of people. He thought to move in to direct the person back towards where people were being herded to, but the small figure merely walked towards the B wing and entered one of the far cells. That gave Bruce a sneaking suspicion of which patient that was. He moved to get a closer look as Signal swooped in.
"Where is he?"
"I believe he just went into his cell. This way." Batman led Signal to the cell he'd seen that tiny person enter. It was indeed 26B and there was indeed a small, too small, frail looking boy lying on the bed there. A red blotch had appeared under his left eye even though Bruce was certain there had been no injury there as the boy had crossed the hall.
Signal froze beside him, breath stuttering. The boy briefly glanced at them through the corner of his eye, mouth twitching into a brief frown. Then his eyes turned back to the ceiling and his face smoothed out. Bruce couldn't help but reach out.
"Hello." The boy said nothing. Signal opened and closed his mouth, seeming to try to say something, but unable to get words out. Batman wondered what he must be seeing. "You seem hurt. Do you need help?" Eyes flickered back to him and away just as quickly.
"Nothing you can help with Mr. Batman." And oh, how Bruce hated the kid's voice. So quiet and so so hollow. Bruce's mind flashed to his children, imagining any them speaking with such emptiness. His heart clenched, wondering what could have happened to this boy to have snuffed the life out of him so young.
Duke found his voice again, just as the doors buzzed and swung shut again.
"What are you?" Bruce frowned, looking at his latest. Who was looking, as Bruce tracked his gaze, not at Daniel but at the space just above him. Daniel himself seemed to take interest all of a sudden, breaking away his upward gaze to roll his head and look at them. Confusion plain on his face, the first hint of life shining dimly in his eyes.
"Signal? Signal, what do you see?" Batman asked. Robin materialized beside them. The daytime hero stepped forward, then back, light sparking and fizzling around his fingertips.
"There's something in there with him."
Daniel looked back up, where Signal still had his gazed trained on something Batman couldn't see. Even Robin seemed confused, though he no doubt trusted Signal's meta sight.
"Don't worry," Daniel murmured, "S'just a ghost. She can't hurt you."
This 'ghost' seemed unhappy either with the teen's words or this turn of events. Daniel's head snapped back to the side again, causing Batman and Signal to wince while Robin watched stoically. 4 red scratches appeared on Daniel's right cheek, as though he had been backhanded by someone with clawlike nails. A light chill brushed through him and Signal tensed, then relaxed, his gaze finally turning from the emptiness above Daniel to the boy himself. Batman took that as a sign that the... entity, was gone.
Daniel did not react to the obvious abuse from an invisible assailant. He mechanically turned his head back, once more dead and glazed eyes returning to the cracks in the ceiling of his cell. "You should go now. The guards will come around soon to make sure I'm still here."
Bruce wanted so badly to say 'Don't worry, we'll get you out of here.' But Batman was more restrained than that. He would get the child out. But he would have a plan first. For now, Bruce placed a hand each on the shoulders of Duke and Damien, guiding them away. Only when they were back outside did Bruce let them go. Only when they were perched on a rooftop half a block away did Batman pause.
"Robin, report."
"No escaped inmates and no sign of any from maximum security."
"Good. Signal, any information on what you saw in there." Duke rubbed at his eyes.
"A ghost, I guess? I don't know. It was weird. She didn't really have an aura. It was more like, an absence of aura. Like she was a black hole, drawing all the light in."
Even behind the domino, Bruce could tell Damien rolled his eyes.
"And what of the patient, Thomas? Was he not the one you were sent to look at?" Batman bit back the reprimand for codenames, more interested in Signal's response. Signal seemed to think for a moment, then shook his head.
"He definitely had a pretty distinct aura. It... felt powerful. But it looked weak. Dim. When the ghost... struck him, it flared up a bit, but died back down almost instantly. I... I get the feeling he was holding it back. Almost like he was afraid of it. Of himself."
"Hnn. Good job Signal. Robin. You two are welcome to head back to the cave. I'll take the rest of this Arkham shift."
At that moment, the comms crackled to life.
Actually B, you may want to come in, also. Arkham should be fine. And I found why they sent the kid there.
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nyancrimew · 1 year
fucked up sorta intoxicated long vent
cw: uuh mental health, drugs, suicide mentions, very much is just an existential crisis put into post form
this is not a suicide note or anything, im about to go cuddle up with my wife and go to sleep i just had to get my fucked up thoughts out, i might delete this tomorrow
it's so hard to find meaning in life anymore. i live for those around me, for those i love, those who love me back. yet i keep hurting them, everything keeps falling apart. i live out of spite, i cant let authority win. yet im slowly giving up my cause. i live to prove a point. ive long forgotten what point it even is anymore.
there hasnt really been any new compelling reason to keep going in over 10 years now. i honestly wonder how much it even really takes anymore to drive me to suicide. it can't be that much, im already always living on edge.
i just barely know who i even am anymore, ive largely forgotten the first 20 years of my life, and the last 3 are mostly just fog as well. forced to live in the moment, carrying all the baggage of all the previous moments i dont even have memories of anymore.
how are people just like able to keep living, regularly finding joy. how are people able to deal with bad times without immediately pondering all the ways in which they could kill themselves in?
god i need therapy so fucking bad. i keep dragging down everyone around me. how can i fix all the damage ive done, a sorry won't do. how can i fix all the damage done to me, no sorry will ever do.
why are the only options to just keep going, ignoring all the pain, or ending it all forever. where is the restart button, where can i reset, rewind, apply what ive learned to the situations where i fucked up. how do i go back and undo all the trauma. the trauma i experienced myself and the trauma i put on others.
we're all just lost children in a world not made for us. where is our world. where is the place in which we can find solace. your arms make me feel safe, and at home. but i know you feel the same way i do.
it pains me to know we're in this together, god if only i could bear your pain, if only i could bear everyone elses pain. it hurts me to know you feel this way too. no one should have to know how this feels. i wanna take on all the pain in this world so i can leave and turn the world around.
am i just failing at being a part of this society or is society failing me. i am like one bureaucratic fuck up away from dying alone on the street with no roof over my head. i cannot be self dependent, why does this society fully expect such a thing of me.
is this all worth it for the few moments of bliss, for sparing the people around me from the pain of losing me. would the pain of losing me be greater than the pain i cause every day?
i am lost. i dont know anymore. fuck i need therapy. or just anything that can fix me. the drugs certainly haven't yet, but at least i also have dependency to fight with now i guess.
yea fuck man idk
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Merry Christmas
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Pairing: Dean x Reader Word count: 2,061 Warnings: Slight angst
Read on AO3
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“Screw you, Dean!” You yelled over your shoulder as you stormed through the bunker. You had a bag in hand, stuffed with your clothes. A smaller back was on top of it with your shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and a few other miscellaneous things. “Stupid Winchester.” You grumbled as you heard him following you. 
Sam raised an eyebrow at the commotion, getting up to go see what was going on. “Y/N?” He asked. “What’s up? You okay?” You were a close friend, and he didn’t want you upset. 
You stopped and let your head hang back for a moment before looking at him. “You’re brother is an ass, that’s all.” You said, sounding a bit bored, like it was old news. “So, I’m leaving.” You shrugged. 
“Come on, babe.” Dean half whined as he came in. “Can we just we just talk about this?” He asked, giving you the puppy dog eyes that you were sure Sam learned from him. 
“Do I want to know?” Sam asked, a bit unsure about what the pair of you were fighting about. 
Sighing, you thought before speaking. “We’d been fighting over whether or not we were going to celebrate Christmas. I wanted to. We’ve been together for four years, and I wanted something simple. Nothing like a full on Christmas in the movies or anything. He wouldn’t budge. Nothing I said made him change his mind.” You explained, making Sam nod that he understood. You both knew that Dean was stubborn as all hell. “So, I woke up before him this morning, and I tried waking him up. I was rubbing his back. You wanna know what he said?” 
He made a face. “I’m not sure.” 
“Merry Christmas, Lisa.” You shot Dean a look. “Fucking Lisa. Won’t celebrate Christmas with me, but dreams about it with her.” You spat. “Out of all the things he could have said.” 
Sam’s eyebrows shot up at that. He hadn’t heard that name in ages. “What the hell, Dean?!” He asked, crossing his arms, angry for you. Sure, they hadn’t really done Christmas since the whole pagan Gods thing, but he would have agreed for you. How hard was it to just have a little holiday joy for someone you cared about? Especially in the life that they led.
Dean sagged. “I said I’m sorry.” He said softly, swallowing. 
“I’ll be in touch, Sam.” You sighed. “I’m not saying I’m going forever, but I can’t sleep next to him right now.” Which hurt, a lot. Rarely did the pair of you sleep apart. “I’ll text you to let you know I’m safe, okay?” You added, knowing that would be the next question out of his mouth. 
He gave you a sad smile and a quick hug. “I hope you have a Merry Christmas, Y/N.” He said softly. 
You glanced at Dean, hurt in your eyes. “See you, Dean. I do love you. Even if you are an ass.” You told him, your anger softening to more hurt than anything. Would you never live up to her? 
Dean’s heart ached at the look in your eyes, knowing that he was the cause. “Come home soon?” He asked, his voice full of emotion. “Please?” He added, wanting to rush over and pull you into his arms. 
Nodding, you licked your lips. “I just need time to think.” You said honestly before heading towards the door. You willed your tears to not fall. Not yet. Not while you were still so close to the man you loved. He was your home, and he was who you ran to when you hurt. Having him be the reason your stomach churned and you felt like crying was one of the hardest things you’d dealt with.
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As soon as you were out the door, Sam crossed his arms over his chest and stared at Dean. “Really? Lisa?” He asked. “Out of anyone? She knows that’s the closest you’ve ever come to an apple pie life, and she can’t even get a tiny Christmas with you?!” He was pissed. 
Dean sighed. “I know. I know.” He groaned. “I don’t even know how to start fixing this. I don’t want to lose her because I’m an idiot who, for some reason, dreamt of Lisa. I don’t even remember the dream!” He tried to defend himself. “One minute I’m asleep, the next I’m being hit with a pillow.” 
“I don’t blame her.” He shook his head. “Does some part of you miss Lisa and Ben? Do you miss being out of the life?” Sam asked, trying to work through what was going on in his brother’s mind. “Do you want that back?” His voice was softer, like he was afraid to speak it into existence. 
“No.” He said easily. “I don’t. I haven’t even thought about them until she mentioned her name.” He ran a hand through his disheveled hair. “I know that life isn’t in the cards for us, so why would I want it? It wouldn’t last.” They both knew that was true. They’d both had first hand experience with that. “I don’t know why I had a dream of telling Lisa that. I have no idea why she would be in my dream to begin with. Now, can we not focus on that and focus on getting Y/N home?!” He pleaded. “Seriously, if I were to ask for anything for Christmas, it would be that.” 
“Which is funny because you not wanting Christmas with her is a big reason we’re in this mess.” Sam muttered as he passed Dean. “I’ll wait to hear from her before I try to think of anything.” 
Dean let out a sigh as he was left alone. “Shit.” 
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It was a few days before you told Sam you were settled in for the holidays. Christmas was two days away, and you just wanted to spend the day relaxing. You’d found a little rustic cabin, and enjoyed how it was covered in snow. On the way through town, you’d stopped to get enough food for the next few days, a book, and some wrapping paper. 
Even if they were late getting them, you still wanted to give the boys their gifts.And they would look as perfect as you could get them. You’d gotten Dean a personalized knife, a cool science kit where he could build his own radio, a cookbook, the Lord of the Rings trilogy on Blu-Ray, and a new bag for his weapons. For Sam, you’d gotten him a new laptop bag, a few books you had seen him eyeing, a new jacket, and a pair of nice headphones. You had literally shopped all year for this. Sometimes you’d order things online, sometimes you’d grab things after a hunt. Either way, you got what you needed. 
Thankfully, wrapping presents gave you a much needed distraction. You’d been pushing everything down since that morning. It was going to catch up to you, and you knew it. Once you’d finished wrapping, you set them all on the table in front of the window. Snapping a picture, you sent it to both of them. Merry Christmas. You sighed, watching the snow fall outside. Slowly, your walls came down, too. Sniffing, you wiped your nose. 
Everything hit you at once. You were feeling insecure for the first time in your entire relationship. Sitting on the floor, your back was against the side of the bed as you cried. You’d be spending the ‘happiest’ time of the year alone, and ringing in the New Year alone for the first time in years.
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Dean quickly looked at his phone, hoping you were saying you were on your way home. However, he saw it was a stack of presents and sighed. Even with everything, you’d gone to all that trouble. There was no tell tale signs of where you were. All he knew was that you were somewhere cold. Getting up, he shuffled through the halls to find Sam. “Hey, Sammy?” He asked, leaning his head into his room. 
“You get the same picture?” He asked, glancing at him. 
“Yeah, I did.” He sighed. “Anyway you can track her phone? I want to drive out and surprise her. Get her some stuff along the way, got some stuff in mind, actually.” He admitted. “Please, Sammy?” 
Sam looked unsure. “She made it clear she wants to be alone, Dean.” He pointed out. “What if we get there and she tells us to get the hell out?” It wasn’t like he was saying ‘no’ outright, but he wanted to be sure that Dean thought this through. 
“Okay, I’m sure she wouldn’t tell you to get the hell out.” Dean started. “Just me.” He shrugged, leaning on the doorframe. “And, if she does, then I guess I’d find a nearby motel.” What else could he have done? “I have to at least try.” He added softly. 
“Fine.” He sighed, caving. “You do realize that tomorrow is Christmas Eve, right? And that stores are going to be hell?” He got out of bed. 
He nodded. “She’s worth it. Oh, and find out if the animal shelter is open!” He beamed, glad that Sam agreed. He was honestly hoping having Sam go with him would up his chances of you letting him stay. 
It took a moment for Sam to realize what his brother had said, making him follow him out into the hall. “Animal shelter?!” He furrowed his brows. “What the hell are you getting her?!” He called out, not getting an answer. Now he was very curious.
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Your hair was up in a messy bun as you relaxed with the book you had grabbed. You had your feet on the coffee table (that had seen better days), and a cup of cocoa on the end table next to you. You furrowed your brows and looked towards the window when you could have sworn you heard Baby. It seemed to fade after a moment, so you shook your head and went back to the book. Not even two minutes later, however, it was louder. “What the hell?” You muttered, putting in a piece of paper as a bookmark and getting up. Your eyebrows went up when you saw the Impala parking in front of the cabin. Moving to the door, you shivered as you opened it. The snow was coming down harder now, making the boys a tad hard to see as they got out of the beautiful black car. 
They both rushed towards the door, arms full. You stepped aside to let them in. Hearing a small bark, you stared at Dean. He gave you a bashful smile as he set some things down and uncovered the small dog in his other arm. “Merry Christmas.” He said lovingly. “You’ve been wanting a dog. So, I got you a dog.” His heart soared as you took the puppy and instantly melted. “His name is Bailey. That’s the name the shelter gave him.” He reached out to scratch behind his ear. 
“You let a dog in Baby?” You asked, giggling as Bailey licked your cheek. “Just because I wanted one? You always said no ‘dirty’ dogs in Baby, and that you didn’t want a ‘damn dog’.” You teased. 
He rubbed the back of his neck. “Well, I was hoping this shows how sorry I am.” He shrugged. “I mean, Sammy’s been wanting a dog for years and I’ve never caved for him.” He chuckled. 
Sam shook his head. “I won’t argue. He’s cute.” He motioned to Bailey. “He’s a French Bulldog, and they said they don’t bark excessively.” He watched as you set him down. Instantly he was sniffing around, his entire backside moving as his very small tail ‘wagged’. “We got other presents for you, too.” He motioned to what Dean had set on the bed. 
“I didn’t need anything, guys. I just wanted a nice Christmas with you two.” You pulled them both into a hug. “Please tell me you brought food. I only bought enough for myself.” You laughed. 
“Of course.” Dean nodded, kissing your cheek. “Now, let’s exchange presents!” He beamed, honestly a bit more excited about the entire thing now. 
“Let’s.” You nodded. “I’ve been buying all year for you two.” You admitted with a light blush. “So, I’m hoping you guys like everything.” 
Dean grinned. “I know we will, babe.” 
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its-time-to-write · 1 year
Hi love! Im obsessed with your writing. They actually make my whole day!!
I was wondering if you could do something with like protective!Jamie? Like maybe they’re out at a club and some guy won’t leave her alone!
Whatever you like? Thank you!
I did it! I didn’t know what gif to put with this. Wasn’t sure I’d finish it this weekend, but I got it done! I have finals next week, which either means I’m going to have a bunch of time or none at all. And again, thank you for being so kind. Many anonymous requests are not. 💚🍊
don’t go yet
Roy only lets Jamie go to the club when Richmond has won, which is why you’re both dressed up tonight. 
“You can have two drinks. Not fucking four, not fucking three, two. And if you fucking go over, your girlfriend will fucking tell me,” Roy had said.
Jamie had relayed this to you, more than a tad scandalized, but you just shrugged and said, “Roy’s not wrong.”
So now you’re at the club and Jamie’s had one drink that he’s been making last way too long, but he’s finally downed it and you’ve offered to grab him another one. Dani’s in the middle of some hilarious story about his old team, involving shaving cream, an unsuspecting coach, and… snails? Anyway, Jamie’s deeply invested in whatever it is which is why you’re at the bar waiting for your drinks and he’s sitting down. 
You’re contemplating what you want to do to Jamie once you get home, when an unfamiliar body sidles up to the space next to you.
You half-turn away to give him more space, but he just moves closer so you give him a look. The man, oblivious, says, “Hello gorgeous, name’s Max. What’s a sexy little thing like you doing out here all alone?”
Any distaste you had been stifling out of politeness ends. “I’m not alone, I’m here with my boyfriend,” you reply shortly. 
Max makes a show of surveying the room. “Don’t see him,” he says, “so I suppose you’re fair game.”
Your drinks appear, and you grab them. “I’ve got to go.”
“Hey now, I’m only trying to be fucking friendly. Your boyfriend doesn’t let you have friends?” He’s now blocking your path back to Jamie. You try to dodge around him, but he won’t let you. 
Max does not like that, and he snarls, “Don’t be such a bitch, I’m sure your boyfriend wouldn’t mind me having a turn, especially if he lets you out of the house looking like that.”
Your words catch in your throat, and before you can look around for help, there’s a tap on Max’s shoulder. 
“Oi mate,” says Jamie, voice calm but eyes simmering with rage, “pretty sure she wants to be left alone.”
Max turns to assess Jamie and you dart past him, behind your boyfriend. “And what’s it to you, shithead?”
Oh god. The last thing Jamie needs is to get into a fight tonight. You know that Nate would love nothing more than to bench Jamie whenever an opportunity presents itself. 
“Jamie,” you whisper, “let it go.”
Jamie doesn’t even look at you. “I’m her boyfriend, shithead.”
Max’s eyes betray a hint of surprise, then before you or Jamie can do anything he moves to shove Jamie. Jamie tenses up for a push that never happens, because Isaac has shown up from out of nowhere and has grabbed Max from behind. 
“Time to go, bruv,” Isaac says as he and Dani haul Max away.
Jamie fists are still clenched as he turns to you. Despite the anger on his face, his voice is gentle. “You alright, love?” 
You nod wordlessly and hand Jamie his drink. He takes both of them and puts them down. Your brain is playing catch-up because everything happened so fast.
“You wanna go?” he asks.
You nod again then shake your head. “No!” you protest, “This is your night out!”
Jamie’s hands are on your waist now, and you’re a little grateful because it’s grounding. You’re still reeling a bit.
“Babe,” he says, “I’m fucking exhausted, and you are too. And don’t fuckin’ lie, it ain’t gonna work. You’ve got little circles under your eyes. Let’s go home.”
You shut your mouth and sigh. That boy. He knows you too well. 
On your way out he says, “Can we do face masks? Can feel me face losing its sexy glow.”
You smile and squeeze his hand. Only Jamie can make a shit night into something good.
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calisaalutforchriss · 21 days
⋆.˚✮you make me lose my self control✮˚.⋆
summary: y/n went over to a friend, Gage's house. she was there for awhile. chris texted and asked where she was, she admitted and chris got jealous. very jealous.
a/n: first person pov? second? thrid? shit..i dont know. im so bad at writing smut. smuttttttttt. name calling, pretty girl, sweet girl, babe, etc. SOFTDOM!CHRIS SUB!READER. a bit of aftercare. fluff, p in v, no condom (bad chris, bad), dry humping...slight praise kink if you squint. little itty witty tiny bit of angst. all lowercase oopsies are on purpose
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i walked into gages house, smiling. i had on a baggy tee and a pair of chris's, (my bofriend) fresh love sweatpants. i put my bag on the ground, along with my nike dunks.
g: hey y/n!
i looked up to see gage making pasta
y: oh hey! whats up?
i walk over to gage and smile, greeting him
g: how ya doin?
y: great! you makin pasta?
i look down at the creamy Alfredo
g: yup! you ready? its done!
i nod my head and sit at the table. gage comes by and sets my plate down in front of me. and shit, it smells amazingggg. i take a bite and smile up at gage.
y: shit this is good.
g: thanks, its my mom recipe.
y: damn, slide me that shit.
me and gage laugh.
y: hey, thanks for inviting me and letting me eat with you. wanna take a photo?
gage nods his head, putting his fork down on his plate. i take out my phone and put it in 0.5x and smile, we both are touching heads. not in a weird way, in a friendly way.
g: good?
y: yup! can i post it to the gram?
g: sure, just tag me if you can, okay?
i noded my head. i posted it, a few hours later, we're playing a card game. we were laughing and having fun until i got a text from chris.
c: where tf are you?
i was a bit surprised, chris never acted like this.
y: at gages...
c: why? come home now.
what?...i was just having fun. dammit.
y: 10 more minutes?
c: home. now.
shit. i fucked the fuckity fuck up.
y: sorry, ill be there soon...
i looked up at gage
g: what happened?
y: i-i...my mom...i need to u-uh...goo...home! yeah! home!...
i immediately packed up my shit. no goodbyes were necessary, i was in deep shit with my man. i timidly opened the front door.
y: babe?...
i walked upstairs, into our bedroom, seeing chris on our bed, watching tiktok on his phone.
y: babe? what are you doing?
i put my bag down in the loveseat and take off my shoes.
c: where were you?
y: gage's
c: cool...
cool? what did he mean, "cool"?
y: yeah! it was a lot of fun! he made us alfredo and we played board games!
chris nodded his head, not even looking at me.
y: oh! did you see my insta post? doesnt he look so diffrent? i rember when we were in like 6th grade, we were so young and cute an-
c: cool.
i hate it when people interrupt me. chris knows that...whats his deal? is he...jealous?
y: whats your deal?
i asked, laying down next to him and pushing hair behind his ear.
c: it makes me so fucking pissed when youre always with gage.
what is he yaping about?...
y: im not always at gages house.
chris rolled his eyes at me
c: whatever. i dont wanna fight with you, baby. did you shower?
i smiled. even though chris was pissed, he was still a gentleman and a nice boyfriend.
y: not yet.
c: go shower.
i nodded my head and gave him a quick peck before getting out of bed and walking into our walk-in closet. i grabbed my silk pj dress. i never slept in it before, but...chris bought it for me a while back. might as well wear it. i shrugged and walked into the bathroom
i hopped out the shower and wrapped a towel around my body. then my hair. i did my skincare routine, put on my deodorant, my pjs, and chapstick. i smiled then walked out. i saw chris, asleep. no matter how pissed he was, he was still my baby. i slowly got into bed, trying not to wake him. he turned around, looking at me. his hair a mess and his eyes droopy.
y: sorry, my love.
i smiled and kissed his temple before spooning him.
c: no, i wanna be big spoon.
he whined
y: mhp...fine...
i turned over, i felt chris spoon me...wait...that felt...weird...im praying that was the remote on my back.
y: baby? do me a favor, and move that remote?
chris smirked
c: the remote is on the nightstand, sweet girl.
y: i-is that your phone?...
c: on the charger.
y: why are you so...bricked?
chris grabbed my hips and my curves, caressing them and peppering my neck in kisses.
c: you. that dress. mhh..fuck...
i felt him thrust his hard clothed cock on my ass
y: fuck...babe! whatre you doing?...
c: let me fuck you.
oh shit, that made my pussy throb
y: fuck, babe. i just showered, though.
c: then you can shower again.
he wouldnt stop pounding his hips into me. i started to lift up my dress, revealing my lace panties...soaked
c: fuck, ma. so wet for me already, havent even touched you.
y: mhh...baby...please fuck me.
c: okay, baby. stay still.
chris slowly pulled down his boxers. he didnt have anything else on, besides boxers. now...they were at his ankles. he grabbed my ass and pulled my panties down to my knees and pulled me close to him.
c: fuck, baby. youre gorgeous.
i whined, needy for his dick.
c: fine, fine, baby.
chris pushed himself into me
y: mh fuck!
i whined. no matter how much we fucked, i had to get used to how long and thick he was.
c: mmh..fuck..youre so tight, ma. keep singing for me.
he slowly thrusted into me. i kept moaning, he kissed my shoulder as he thrusted.
c: fuck...so tight. this is what happens when you leave me for gage. fuck. so tight.
chris makes me moan, moan moan moan moan.
c: so
c: fucking
c: tight...so good for me, ma.
i moaned too loud. it was too much, i couldnt do it.
y: youre so fucki-
i moaned, i couldnt finish my sentence.
c: hm? im what? i need words, sweet girl.
chris asked, not stopping the hard thrusts.
y: BIG!
i felt the knot in my stomach tense
y: im gonna cum!
this made chris groan, and his thrusts harder and harder.
c: me too...fuck! mmmmhhhh
the knot snapped
y: FUCK!
i came all over chris, he didnt stop, his thrusts getting sloppy and he pulls out for a few seconds before groaning, he came all over my ass.
c: mmm...fuck...so hot.
i was panting, on my side, tired and out of breath. i went down and pulled my panties up.
c: good job, sweet girl. you did so well for me. i love you.
i was fast asleep. he chuckled and cleaned me up. he laid next to me, spooning me and falling fast asleep. our snoring making symphony.
i guess chris just lost his self control.
@livialifesblog thanks for the request. sorry its so bad.
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tomssexdoll · 2 months
hi baba gril
so we are like tom's gf and he takes us out for a night of clubbing and we get a lil too drunk, and he has to take us home, and take care of us
hmu if more deets are needed 🤯
Never listen to me
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2012 x Female reader CONTENT: FLUFF SYPNOSIS: Tom takes y/n out for a night of clubbing but she gets way too drunk and he has to take her home, despite her refusals, and take care of her. A/N: ily alaiah WARNINGS: drinking, being drunk, vomiting
Tom groaned, "are you ready yet? it's been like an hour how do you take SO long" he came up behind me, kissing my head softly and wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Just wait liebe, girls take longer to get dressed, all you have to do is put an outfit on and you're done" I groaned, rolling my eyes. "Fineee" he crossed his arms and pouted like a child, "stop acting like a child Tom you can wait a bit longer" I chuckled, he smirked back "whatever."
As I finished getting ready Tom let out a sigh of relief, grabbing my hand and leading me to the car. We drove to the club and once we got there, stared at all the drunken bodies out the front either fighting or kissing. "Oh god.." I fake gagged, he chuckled and we got out of the car, entering the club.
The booming music was just what I needed, I held onto Toms hand as we got to the bar, I ordered 5 rounds of shots of tequila for myself, Tom looking at me worried "are you sure you'll be able to handle ALL of that? You know how strong the tequila in this club is.." he placed a hand on my thigh, rubbing the skin softly. "Yeah yeah, I'll be fine, it's just tequila what could go wrong?"
After 2 hours and 7 shots, 4 cocktails and 1 beer I was hammered, I was so drunk that my vision was super blurry, I could barely even walk. I had lost Tom an hour ago and was just ordering drinks and dancing on the dance floor, having the time of my life.
I was dancing when I stumbled and fell on the floor, groaning as I hit my head "fuckk..." rubbing the wound slightly. I tried to get up but it miserably failed, leaving me on the floor once again. I looked up, everyone was dancing, their sweaty, horny bodies pressed up against one another, the song blasting at severley high volumes. I covered my ears, the music piercing my ears. "Why is it so fucking loud.." I said to myself.
"Oh my god Y/N!" I heard in the distance, I saw Toms panicked face, rushing over to me and picking me up from the floor, brushing the hair from my face. "Where the hell were you?! I was looking for you for ages!" he panted, relief washing over his eyes.
"I don't knowww..been partying.." I slurred my words and he groaned softly, "cmon we're going home, you're way to drunk to be here" he grabbed my arm but I pulled away, "nooo!" I whined. He rubbed his temples in frustration "verdammte hölle" he muttered under his breath.
"Cmon, I said we're going home" he again pulled on my arm to no avail. "Alright, you give me no choice then" he grabbed me by my waist and slung me over his shoulder, making me unable to fight back physically, all I could do is use my words. "Tom nooo! I'm having fun!" I cried out, kicking my legs against his chest.
He stopped me with a harsh smack to my ass "I said we are going home, I'm not going to repeat myself" he said sternly. "Fine.." I sighed dramatically.
As we got home he carried me in, plopping me onto the bed "wanna go clubbing so bad...you ruined it..." I groaned, tossing and turning on the bed. "Too bad, you should've drunk less" he sighed, sitting me up.
I felt something come up my throat, a weird pressure, realising it was vomit, before it could reach my mouth I blurted out "gonna throw up!" Toms eyes widened and he ran to the bathroom, getting a bucket and holding it under my mouth.
I let go of my mouth and threw up in the bucket. It went on for 10 minutes straight, non stop vomit. I coughed a bit as it stopped, Tom picking me up and bringing me to the bathroom to wash my mouth out.
"You never listen to what I say hm?" he chuckled, kissing the top of my head. He grabbed a hair tie and brushed my hair slowly, pulling it into a ponytail, away from my face.
I started to sob uncontrollably "im so sorry Tom.." clinging onto his arm and nuzzling my face into his neck. "For what honey?" he smirked, "not listening..im sorry" I continued to sob, him kissing me softly to ease my worries "it's fine baby, I know you waned to have fun and I guess you did" he chuckled, pulling me into his lap and rubbing my back gently. "Shh..stop crying baby it's ok.." he whispered in my ear, my tears staining his t shirt.
Eventually my cries came to an end, I stayed on his lap, holding onto him tightly "so warm and cuddly.." I muttered out, my eyes half shut.
He laughed softly, "cmon baby let's get you into bed, you need some sleep" I whined "noo..wanna stay with you.." he smiled "you will be with me, I'll be right beside you ok?" he stroked my hair lovingly, I nodded and got into bed, Tom following behind me as promised, holding me close.
"Goodnight prinzessin, I love you so much" he kissed my neck softly, stroking my hair to help me fall asleep.
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archangeldyke-all · 5 months
I thought of this and just need somewhere to keep it you can share if you want:
Sevika with a nail tech gf
Sevika letting her paint her nails on her human hand from time to time
Sevika eventually letting her do acrylics on her (nothing too long or two flashy)
Sevika only fighting with her mech hand whenever her nails are done
Sevika being more expressive with her hands when she does get a bit of a fancier set
Sevika getting her nails to match yours whenever you do them
Sevika getting your initial on her nail once and asking for it every time after that
Sevika beaming to let any and everyone know that her girlfriend did her nails, and yes, that's her inital on there
Yeah, I wanna do her nails for her omfg
men and minors dni
at first, she doesn't let you anywhere near her hands. she's horrified of all the little drills and scissors, and she's never been the type of person to do anything to her fingers.
but... you look so sad practicing on your little plastic fingers, so she gives in pretty fast.
it starts with just a clear top coat on top of her natural nails, that have been all cleaned up and trimmed.
and... she absolutely loves it. she can't stop looking down at her shiny, healthy looking nails all week.
so... when you ask the next week if you can add some color, she says yes.
she starts with blacks and dark purples and reds. the colors in her pallets.
but as time goes on, and you gain more and more products, she starts letting her restrictions go, lets you paint her nails whatever color you want.
sparkles in the summer, pride nails in june, french tips in winter, sometimes even fancy nail designs when you're feeling fancy.
she doesn't love all your outcomes, but she loves you so much. and she loves the hour or two the two of you set aside every weekend, her hand in yours, as you gently clip and buff and oil her fingers. she loves the sweet concentrated look you get, the pride in you eyes when you're all done, and more than everything-- she loves the kisses you press to her fingers when they're dry.
when you start learning how to do acrylics, she refuses to let you near her human hand with them. she needs her hand to fight and write and work, and she can't do anything with the extensions on.
but her mech hand? she'll let you do whatever you want to it.
can you imagine her with 2 inch acrylics hanging off her gold fingers? painted gold and copper to match her arm?
they'd make her feel sooooo fucking hot. especially when she's fighting people and she can claw the fuck outta them with her new fingernails.
she'd insist that you match her short human nails to whatever design you do on her acrylics.
half the time, she can be found gently gazing down at her fingernails, a small smile on her face.
she becomes so high maintenance about them. the second she gets a chip or looses an acrylic, she's coming home to you with a big pout, begging you to fix them up, or better yet, give her a fresh new set.
she'll start coming home with crazy ideas about her nails she wants you to try. "do you think you could encapsulate some glitter so it can move around freely inside the nail?" or "you should drill a hole through the tip so we can add some charms dangling off." she's adorable.
she starts making you do her toes too. she keeps those more simple, just black or white or a basic color matching the base of whatever design you'd done on her fingers.
she talks with her hands now, all the fucking time. she was never that expressive when she spoke, but now she emphasizes everything with a wave of her pretty nails. people can tell when she's pissed because she starts drumming her acrylics on the nearest flat surface-- many goons have pissed themselves at the sound of the acrylics slowly tapping a table as they try to explain their latest mistake to her.
and every single time someone compliments her nails, sevika grins and starts gushing about her incredibly talented girlfriend, pulling your card out of her back pocket and forcing it on the poor person who was just trying to give her a compliment.
also the initial thing?? yeah, she never considers a manicure complete until she's got your initial or signature carefully painted on her pinkies.
i am so in love with her
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki
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screamforyani · 1 year
r u mine?
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pairing ↠ jj maybank x (f) reader x ethan landry
genre .. warnings ↠ smut, angst, unprotected sex, best friend!jj, panty thief!jj, violence, murder, mentions of blood, character death
summary ↠ jj doesn’t like your old best friend and it shows. it’s not like he even tries to hide it. you don’t know if it’s possible to keep him both happy and safe in the fight for survival.
wc ↠ 5.7k
author’s note ↠ pt. 2/4 of the still friends, not lovers series. feedback is appreciated!
“He had you hurt.”
Nothing but silence filled the patio. Matter of fact, apart from the hisses you smothered with a lip bite, it had been off-puttingly silent until now. Whether or not you preferred it over the fussing was a good question. 
Your parents (obviously) weren’t home. Given the news of the recent attacks, they were locking up the shop before the newly implemented curfew arrived. No sooner had you made sure Ethan was alive and okay than you drove back home and called JJ over. 
Naturally, calling your best friend was your first move. Save for the burden of feelings flush against your chest, you never kept anything from him. 
“We were both caught off guard. There was nothing he could do,” you mumbled under your breath, feeble. 
He hadn’t been there to see the things that you saw or hear the things that you heard. Ethan told you that he loved you. He sacrificed his life to protect you from a literal killer. He was willing to have something way worse than a slice to the shoulder happen to him for your own survival. 
JJ shook his head, declaring, “I would have never let anything happen to you.”
“You don’t know that.”
“Yes, I do,” JJ insisted, wrapping a sterile bandage around your arm. 
You sighed. “Why do you hate him? He hasn’t done anything wrong.”
“Hate is a strong word,” he replied distractedly, wiping your blood off. “I don’t know. I just hate the guy.”
You wanted to roll your eyes. This boy was impossible. But you loved him and that was why you were trying to hear him out. “So, you hate him for no reason?”
“No, no - there’s a reason for everything. I just don’t know what it is yet,” JJ said, sounding like his typical self. “I just have a gut feeling.”
Sitting up on the lounge chair, you cocked him a look. “Let me get this straight. You hate him because you got a vibe.”
“Not a vibe. A gut feeling,” JJ corrected. Like there was a discernible difference. 
Your two best friends’ dislike of each other made you feel cornered. Ethan was significantly less obvious and unabashed about his feelings, but you noticed the way he’d stiffen a little at the mention of your current best friend. Maybe if they tried to like each other, things would be easier on your end, but you knew that would never happen. 
You really needed a new plan.
For whatever reason, JJ felt the need to continue, “I’m just saying what are the odds that as soon as those guys show up, bodies start dropping like flies.”
“It’s summertime and we live on an island. I’m sure they’re not our only visitors,” you reminded monotonously, as if you were bored of this conversation. 
You were.
Like none of that mattered, JJ suggested, “Or B, he’s a serial killer.”
Irritated, you shot, “Jesus fucking Christ, Jayj. When are you going to be honest with yourself and admit you’re just jealous?”
If you wanted to go the whole mile, JJ was willing to race you there. “Me - jealous? You think I care that much?”
“Obviously, you do,” you hissed. 
JJ’s first instinct was to run. He couldn’t let you be right. “You know what, if you wanna run all over the island with him, cool. Just don’t call me when shit hits the fan.”
“JJ,” you shouted after him. 
There was no point. JJ was already hopping over your back fence, coming out the way he had come in. His motorbike was parked behind your house just in case he needed to make a quick escape. Your mother would have a heart attack if they found out he was in their house alone with you and your father would kill him. 
JJ mounted his bike and started to leave. You gawked. Leave it to him to disappear. Any sudden moves and you would scare him away. 
Shaking your head in reproach, you turned to sit back on the lounge chair. Unbelievable, you wanted to scoff under your breath. Given your nature, you’d gotten into your fair share of arguments with JJ throughout the years, but this felt like the stupidest. And there were many, many stupid fights. 
Accusing Ethan of being a serial killer was the last straw for you. You were sick of him making assumptions about somebody he knew nothing about. That was JJ, though. He acted like he knew everything. 
Still, you weren’t really mad at him. Just frustrated. There was so much happening. Way too soon. And when he blew up like that you got scared to tell him how you felt. 
You decided that you would be keeping your feelings to yourself. Not telling him things didn’t feel right, but it was for his own good. What good would it do to tell him that you slept with your old best friend but you thought you still liked him?
None whatsoever. He would rage. 
You heaved a breath. Just when you thought that you had it all figured out, shit got complicated all over again. Before Ethan came, you were certain about your feelings. You planned to confess to JJ sometime this summer. 
Now, you were torn. Was it possible to be in love with two people at once? Not to mention your best friend was totally off-limits. 
Your phone pinged. Your heart raced at the thought that it was JJ, or maybe even Ethan, but you were slightly disappointed when you saw that it was Sarah. 
sarah: i know you’re in the middle of boy drama but don’t forget that there’s a party tomorrow night 
you: me? boy drama? pfft
sarah: right haha so funny 
sarah: bring a date?
you: you’re my date duh
sarah: not sure if john b will like that 
you: i’ll fight him
sarah: i’ll be holding the camera 
You giggled. Fuck, you definitely needed it. 
A party with all of your good friends to take your mind off your boy drama (as she had aptly named) didn’t sound like the worst thing ever. There was just one thing. A literal killer was on the loose. Granted, it was before curfew, but that wouldn’t prevent a strike. 
The police couldn’t have the event canceled, but you heard that they would be supervising the event. As far as you were concerned, Shoupe was still convinced your friends were behind the attacks and was probably hoping to use a gathering to bait you out. 
Nonetheless, when five o’clock the following came, you were at Topper’s clad in a turtleneck and your favorite mini skirt. To be honest, you were a little antsy about partying on the kooks’ turf. Specifically because whenever kooks or pogues were on the wrong side of the island everything took a wild turn.
Every time without fail. 
“I don’t want no trouble from you tonight, young lady,” Shoupe said when you made the misfortunate mistake of passing his car. 
You pivoted on your heels, forcing the sweetest smile. “I’ll be on my best behavior, sir, but I really hope you’re giving them a similar speech.”
You cocked your head at Topper, Rafe, and Kelce, who were currently huddled together cracking jokes by the drink bar. 
Shoupe had some jokes to get off of his own and asked, “Ain’t that your boyfriend?”
Wrong former kook, you thought irritably. “I believe you’re thinking of Sarah. No, either way,” you said sharply. You left out the part that you’d hooked up with Topper some years back. Though that was before he decided that Sarah was the love of his life. 
“If you say so, kid. Have fun.”
“I’ll try,” you muttered, darting away from him quickly. 
You decided to hide by the snack stand which, in hindsight, wasn’t a favorable hiding spot. Heaving a relieved breath, you reached for a fruit. Finally free.
“Hey, princess,” came a familiar voice behind you. 
Ever so slowly, you turned around, forcing a smile when you locked eyes with Rafe. God fucking dammit. “Hi, Rafe,” you greeted. “Still on a mission to fuck all of your sister’s friends?”
“If you’ll let me,” Rafe said, more than a little flirty. 
Straight to the point. You almost respected it. This, unfortunately, was a recurring series of events that you had learned to deal with. Apparently Rafe, Kelce, and Topper were trying to pass you around, because though Topper was all eyes for Sarah, Kelce had directed more than a couple of flirty comments towards you.  
You, on the other hand, were highly disinterested. Rafe was the same dude who hated your friends and made your lives a living hell every spare chance he got. You just happened to be a pretty girl with kook money that Rafe made it a point to remind that she was too good for hanging out with pogues. 
“I’m kind of dating someone,” you lied through your teeth. Maybe it wasn’t a lie. You didn’t know what to make out of what happened with Ethan yesterday. 
Rafe obviously didn’t believe you, leaning onto the table. “Oh yeah? Who?”
“Me,” came another voice beside you. 
Your knight in shining armor was no other than JJ, the last person you wanted to see right now, but you decided that being with him was a whole lot better than having to tell Rafe to fuck off. 
Rafe shook his head, laughing. “You can do better than that.”
JJ was visibly upset, but rather than bite back, he grabbed your arm and said sternly, “Let’s go.”
There was no arguing with that tone. You let JJ drag you through Topper’s house as if he knew his way around and you ultimately found yourselves in a bathroom instead of a closet or something. Thank god. At least there was distance between your bodies and breathing room.
For a second, the two of you stood there in silence, sizing each other up for whatever reason. It was silent for at least thirty seconds before JJ had enough. 
JJ looked frantic, as if he had been searching his brain for what to say and had come short of adequate answers. “I’m sorry.”
“You’re sorry,” you repeated, looking at him with folded arms and complete disinterest. It was only a facade, of course. 
JJ ran a hand through his hair. He had been beating himself over this for a whole day. When you two weren’t speaking, all his hours felt longer. “Look, I’m not good at this. I don’t know how to fix things. I just make shit worse.”
You held back a snort. To say the least. 
“You were right,” JJ confessed quietly. 
Playing clueless, you chirped, “About?”
JJ exhaled a breath before admitting, “I was jealous. I don’t wanna lose you to some guy.”
“I don’t wanna lose you to a killer,” you whispered, approaching him a little. “That’s what’s important to me right now. I want you to see that.”
JJ purchased his hands on your shoulders and replied, “I do see that. But I’m trying to tell you that I love you. That’s what’s important to me right now.”
Your reaction made JJ recoil in regret. He backed away, getting cold feet, and said, “You know what, forget it.”
Before he could run like he always tried to, you rose on your toes and kissed him until you couldn’t think straight. JJ didn’t hesitate to pounce, smothering you with kisses as he returned your energy tenfold. 
His distracted hands were out of his hair and in your own for a second, just before slipping downwards. He couldn’t decide where to put them. Touching your bare skin, his fingertips found purchase at your very exposed waist, cursing at how beautiful you looked in this damn mini skirt.
You gasped into his mouth when he had the strange idea to hoist you into the air like you weighed sheets of paper and set you on the sink. Your fingers wildly got lost in his mane, legs locking around his hips, and the kiss deepened.  
Funnily enough, it wasn’t the first time that you’d kissed your best friend, much less in a bathroom. You had made out more than a few times growing up and hooked up once. Maybe twice.
None of it was supposed to mean anything. You were just trying to figure yourselves out while experimenting on each other. After a while, though, JJ told you it had to be the last time. You figured it was because he didn’t need you to experiment on anymore, because that was when he started to make his way around the island. 
That was the day you realized you had feelings for the one person you were forbidden from having feelings for. When it was too late. You tried undoing the damage, but you were past the point of no return. 
And you had been ever since. 
Warmth made itself known in your chest, your heart skipping a beat. She was singing a tune and calling out his name. You were so dizzy with love. 
“I love you, too,” you told him with a wild grin, breaking away. 
JJ playfully groaned, “What took you so long?”
In your head, you were wondering the same thing. “I’ve loved you for so many years,” you sighed. 
“Why didn’t you just say that?”
You retaliated sharply, “Why didn’t you?”
JJ threw up his hands. “Alright, alright. Good point. Great point, even.”
You giggled, pecking his lips.
JJ nipped behind your ear, grinning slyly when you sighed contentedly. If memory served, that was always the spot for you. He purred into your ear, “I want you more than anything right now.”
Your eyes flickered. “You want to hook up in Topper Thorton’s bathroom?”
JJ chuckled at the mere thought. “Sounds like perfect revenge, huh?”
You mulled it over. The asshole probably did deserve it, but that wasn’t what you were worried about right now. You were thinking about that day when JJ called it quits. 
Hands bracing the counter, you mentioned, “I thought you said we weren’t doing this anymore?”
“I say a lot of shit,” JJ responded, his body so close to yours that you could feel his heart racing. “And I only said that because I was scared. I felt myself getting attached to you in the wrong way and I just… fuck, I panicked.”
You appreciated the vulnerability that was being put into this conversation. Everything was on the table right now. His cards were flat. You were smiling like an idiot when you said, “You, JJ Maybank, are the biggest coward ever.”
JJ imitated your smile. “Only when it comes to you.”
For the longest time, you two just stared at each other’s lips. Then, JJ smashed his lips against yours again and you could feel the butterflies hyperactive in your gut. 
Well, you could always feel them when you were around him. But now they were being extra drama queens. 
The bathroom started to feel hotter, heat clouding the air. You were wholeheartedly expecting the mirror to get foggy and the windows too, had they (thankfully) not been covered by curtains. JJ’s hands were gripping your thighs and all you could think about was how you wanted to feel them everywhere. 
“Fuck me,” you whispered seductively. 
JJ had every intention of doing exactly that. “Whatever my girl wants, she’s gonna get.”
Your thighs tensed at those words. “You’re going to be the death of me,” you mumbled under your breath. 
Given the lack of space, it wasn’t much of a leap to make that he’d heard you. His breathy chuckle only confirmed your suspicions. 
Your heart was louder than ever when JJ peeled off your damp underwear and you didn’t even notice him adroitly stuffing them into his back pockets when they slipped by your ankles. If needed, he would follow you like a lost puppy the whole night just to make sure any creeps didn’t peek. 
Not to mention they were his favorite color. JJ almost growled. You were absolutely never getting those back. 
His hand slipped under your turtleneck, pinching your nipples none too roughly. You cried out in shock, finding his eyes, but all he did was chuckle. He always did do stupid shit like that. 
Then, JJ slipped two fingers into your pussy all while his other hand was still on your boob, and you moaned. You were internally thanking god that you’d decided to wear that turtleneck. JJ always had a thing for sucking marks onto your throat and you knew he would go ballistic if he saw those bruises. 
His fingers were so long and nimble, way too easy to fall apart on. The two times in a row that you’d had sex, he made you unravel either on his tongue or on his fingers. 
One day, you were hoping for both. 
You braced your hands on the counter, shifting left to right. Your whole body was unstill and it did things to JJ that had his cock twitching in his pants. His fingers attacked your sensitive bundle of nerves, knowing the perfect way to make you lose control. 
“Jay,” you said weakly, choking out your words. 
JJ audaciously invited a third finger to join the original pair and stroked them between your slick walls, simultaneously thumbing your clit. You tensed with sensitivity and braced your fingers on his shoulders, sighing while he taunted your sweet spot. JJ swore to himself, wishing he could mark up your throat, but seeing it was covered, settled for your thighs. 
Fire consumed your whole body. You couldn’t even think right now. His fingers were merciless, fucking you with a vengeance. Like they had something to prove. 
Much to your chagrin, your phone started to vibrate in your purse that you had hooked on the doorknob halfway through the first kiss.
Since he was the closest, JJ grabbed your phone from your purse and told you, “Answer it.”
Your eyes went wide. “What?”
“Hurry up before it ends,” he said, just before immediately returning to fingering you. 
You glanced at the caller ID then pressed the phone to your ear, chirping, “Hello?”
Sarah said your name and exhaled a sigh of relief before huffing, “I’ve texted you like twenty times! I’ve been looking for you everywhere and Kie said the last time she saw you was with Rafe. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
With JJ coaxing those dreadfully long fingers in and out of you over and over again, you were salivating, mouth too dry to speak. “Um, I’m okay. I went to, uh, clear my head,” you quickly lied through your teeth. 
“You don’t sound okay.”
“I promise everything is peachy. I was just running all over Topper’s house looking for the bathroom a minute ago,” you said shakily, narrowing your eyes at JJ from above.
Your best friend was sporting the most shit-eating grin you’d ever seen in your life. Fuck, you were tight and gushing around his fingers, and he couldn’t wait to get his cock in you. 
“Good one,” JJ said none too quietly. 
Sarah asked, “Is that JJ?”
Apparently the bathroom was quiet enough for JJ to overhear her, because instead of shutting up when you shot him a icy glare, he raised his voice a couple of pitches and said, “Um, no, it’s actually not JJ. I’m… Jayla.”
“Jayla,” Sarah repeated skeptically. 
You were burning in a lethal combination of arousal and embarrassment. “Okay, so I might’ve fibbed. JJ and I are reconciling.”
JJ scoffed. That was one way to put it. 
“Well, I wouldn’t want to interrupt,” Sarah said, evidently more than a little confused. “Have fun with that, I guess.”
Your toes were clenching in your knee-high boots and your features tensed with mind-numbing pleasure, your phone nearly slipping onto the floor tiles. You stifled your moan with the back of your palm and squeezed your fingers around your phone, losing your mind a little. You bit your bottom lip, somehow managing a, “Bye,” in the midst of your muffled cries. 
You were quick to hang up the phone, sliding it to the very back of the counter, and finally let out a noise.
Now you could focus on what was important. Your impending orgasm prepared to sweep you under its current. JJ was intent on getting you there like he knew he could, strumming you to climax. 
You took a deep breath, which did absolutely nothing to stabilize you, and whimpered, “JJ.”
“I know, baby. You’re close,” he said, thinking back on the memories of you falling apart at his mercy. He knew what you at your peak looked like and this sight was familiar. 
He remembered being dumb and young with you, doing things you shouldn’t’ve but nothing that he regretted. He remembered drawing your body to the edge of the bed by dragging your legs and hoisting them over his shoulders, fucking you for hours while your parents were away. 
Every day he wished he would’ve never given that up. But he was a self-sabotager and he ruined things before shit could go wrong on its own. 
Your heart was beating frantically and your legs were starting to go numb. Merely seconds later you were climaxing with a loud cry of his name, and you only hoped the music reverberating outside the door muffled your sounds. 
“Atta girl,” JJ growled, watching your entire body go slack as your orgasm ripped through you. “Keep cumming for me. Just like that.”
His words made the whole room spin. It was a minute before you finally stilled, panting and breathing heavy and hard. 
JJ withdrew his fingers, sucking them into his mouth. You were practically salivating. “You still cum hard?”
“When the person making me cum knows how to get me off,” you mumbled through ragged breath. 
“Now I can put my dick in you,” JJ said wryly, grinning at your words.
You barely got the chance to catch your breath before JJ yanked you off the countertop and forcefully bent you over the sink, making you cry out in surprise. He knew that you liked it a little rough. Adrenaline pumped brutally through your veins when you heard him shuffling from behind you in an endeavor to slide down his pants.
Your core tightened with impatience. Every fiber in your being wanted his dick in you like yesterday. “Hurry,” you whined desperately. 
“Patience is key, baby,” JJ teased, though you could tell he was in a hurry just from the sound of him rushing to sink his underwear around his ankles. 
At least you thought he was in a rush, though you were getting the vibe that he was attempting to draw things out when he started to rub his cock between your folds, coating himself in your arousal. Your throbbing didn’t stop there; it got worse. JJ let out a less than quiet curse-like grunt or two and felt the heat rush to his cock. 
It felt as if he was toying with you, tantalizing you with the thought of fucking your brains out. Which was all that you could think about. You had the memories of him stuffing you full of his dick on repeat in your head and they were like a nonstop spinning cycle. 
Those same memories were on his mind, too.  Muffling your moans with his palm when he heard your parents pulling into their driveway and escaping out your window after making sure you were alright. JJ threw his head back and cursed, “Fuck, you always get so wet.”
Thinking about what it felt like to be inside you shattered the last of his self-restraint and you cried out when he started to finally - fucking finally - push himself inside of your cunt. Your legs were spread apart, giving him all the room needed to fuck you like he meant it. 
JJ was slow and steady in his approach, never wanting to hurt you more than you asked for, crooning, “That’s right, baby. Take my cock.”
In that moment, you decided you would do anything for him. There was nothing you wouldn’t give for your best friend’s sake, though after this, you were hoping he’d be a little more than that. 
Not too long afterwards, every inch of him was buried deep inside of you. Though you knew you could take him, you were glad that he had stretched you out with your fingers. JJ was far from small and he was elated that you’d taken his size like a champ. “That’s my good girl,” he said proudly. “It don’t hurt, do it?”
“No, baby. Never,” you whispered distantly. Like you were already half gone. 
Only when JJ grabbed your hips like you were going to try to run away from him did he set a rhythm and that was the exact second you started to lose what was left of your mind a little. He just felt so criminally good. 
Sometimes after a couple of drinks when you were really horny (and buzzed) you would touch yourself in bed, imagining his perfect cock was stroking you to climax. Your pussy gripped him, remembering every vein. It killed you to wonder if he got off to the memories and the thought of what could have been. 
Little did you know, JJ could count on both hands how many times he’d been there on the other side of the island, fisting his cock in his hands while your cries played out in his brain. He missed the way you would choke out his name when his hand was wrapped around your throat too tight. 
Just the thought of it got you wet. Like you were back in that moment again. “Jay, fuck. Like that. Don’t stop,” you said with half of your voice.
“Shit,” JJ hissed, slapping his hips into you even harder. You gasped when he grabbed your jaw, forcing you to look at your own reflection none too gently. “Look at yourself. Wanna make you watch.”
You did as told without a second thought. Sure, it was a little awkward to watch yourself getting fucked, but you immediately simpered when you saw how JJ’s face tensed with ecstasy and caught a glimpse of the hazy look in his stare. 
Your knees were knocking into the cabinet under the sink while you anchored your fingers at the edges of the counter, desperately attempting to seek purchase. The air was stuffy and the bathroom was too hot to breathe inside of. Your lips were parted, inhaling in between soft moans. 
JJ wasn’t exactly sparing in the way that he was fucking you and you loved every second of it. His pace was hard but it wasn’t too much, just at your limits. He kept watching you, almost like he was trying to breathe you in. Something about the sight of you making a mess on his cock tickled his brain the right way. 
As if you weren’t already struggling to breathe, JJ had the bright idea to grip your throat and cut off your exhale. The way you instantly tightened around his dick was very telling and he could no longer think. “Look at you, baby. My girl,” he whispered darkly. “Mine.”
Every time he called you his girl, you wanted to melt onto the floor or possibly down the sink drain. You loved being full of him and nothing but him. You loved feeling like you belonged to him. For a moment, it was that simple. Your whole body was owned by him and submitted to his touch. 
“Yours,” you choked out, not like you would have been able to say much even if his fingers weren’t around your neck. 
That riled JJ up a little too much. You shuddered when he landed a loud, resounding smack to your ass. The noise you made never left your throat. 
To say that JJ was a little obsessed would be an understatement. The wet squelch that filled the room with every thrust drove him mad with lust and there was no coming back down from that. You were squirming in his hold and the sight was to die for. 
The pleasure was killing you softly. For lack of a better word, everything just felt so right. He fitted inside of you perfectly, almost as if he was meant to fuck you. To say nothing of how he felt pressed against you. 
Sweat layered at your skin and you didn’t even notice, courtesy of the thick turtleneck keeping your upper half concealed, though you could definitely feel the moisture gathering at your back and between your boobs. He relaxed his grip and your neck and you promptly sucked in a breath, the feeling of his hand lingering at the base of your throat. 
The heat took you in and when your body could take no more you orgasmed again, weakly hissing out your best friend’s name as all of your strength died. You shuddered and shook, trying to get away from the stimulation, but JJ was having none of it and tightened his hold on you. 
For the longest time, you couldn’t even say a word. Tears fogged your eyes and blurred your vision, making everything around you a haze. You heard JJ’s euphoric sounds from behind, still wallowing in your heat. 
You were more than willing to let him use you to get off but you could tell just from the pitch of his voice that he was nearing finish and you were craving it with an overwhelming sense of need. “Jay, cum inside of me.”
JJ’s hooded eyes snapped open, as if he had been dreaming. “Don’t play with me like that.”
“I’m serious,” you said to him, smiling at his disbelief. “I want you to fuck me full.”
Now that you had said that, he was even closer than before, dangling over the edge and falling into you. JJ groaned. You knew exactly how to make him weak. 
His pace quickened, the urge to fuck you full of cum like you wanted turning him into something that resembled a beast rather than a mere man. You whimpered, sensitive, fiending for the afterhighs of sex. 
He was more than happy to give them to you, filling you with his load with a couple more quick thrusts and a guttural sound that shook you to your core. You moaned at the feeling of him stuffing you. 
For a minute or two, neither of you moved. You just wanted to stay like that forever. Then, JJ started to smother you with kisses and said, “You’re fucking perfect.”
You grinned, kissing him back. You felt so alive. 
“Alright, let’s get you cleaned up,” JJ said with a shocking amount of enthusiasm. 
Approximately fifteen minutes later you were stammering out of the bathroom with JJ in tow, his arm wrapped possessively around your waist as he led you back outside.
The sky was a lot darker when you stepped onto Topper’s front porch, the sun being closer to setting. Thankfully, given that it was summer, you had longer nights and every intention to milk the daylight for all that it was worth. 
That was until you heard a scream. 
Naturally JJ’s first instinct was to cage you into his arms until he knew if there was a threat. Your heart fluttered at the gesture, but the very next second, you laid eyes on that familiar cloaked figure that had first taken out the flock of cops gathered outfront.  
“Not good,” JJ said, running a hand through his hair. “This is, like, really bad.”
Flinching in horror, you snapped, “No shit.”
Blood pooled around the array of police cars and you caught a glimpse of Shoupe’s brutally slaughtered body, left there for dead like an animal. The bodies of his co-workers were posed similarly and also very dead, sprawled across the asphalt. 
Rather than get his hands dirty, JJ decided to reopen Topper’s doors and grab your wrist, shuffling inside with you behind. Feet slapping against shimmering floor tiles, you tried to match his hurried steps. 
When you neared the steps, you cried out, “Jay, what about everyone else?”
“They’ll figure it out,” he shouted, almost as if he didn’t care. 
That was jarring to you. You stopped halfway up the stairway, unimpressed. “This is very unlike you!”
JJ whipped around, braced his hands on your shoulders, and said darkly, “Look, we get stabbed, we can’t do nothing for them. So come on.”
You guessed he was at least sort of right and let him lead you upstairs, checking out no less than three rooms before you finally found a bedroom and locked the door behind yourselves. Both of you scurried to the windows, watching the disaster unfold from afar. 
Fight or flight got the better of most people. Topper was playing hero and walked up to the masked maniac without a care in the world, and whether it was a brave or foolish decision was debatable. You dumbass, you chided in your brain, already seeing how this was about to play out. 
He was daring, you would give him that much. You saw him say something that you couldn’t exactly hear, but from his lips it looked like, “Hit me with your best shot, motherfucker.” 
It all happened in a blink. You winced your eyes shut when you saw the masked figure cold-heartedly stab Topper in the gut, only to withdraw the knife and stab back a number of times you weren’t willing to count. You glanced away for a second, the last thing you saw being Sarah panickedly rushing over to Topper’s body. 
Then, a second one emerged, and it was like nothing you had ever seen before. Not even in the movies. They both cornered Rafe, whose aggression quickly earned him a sawing through the arteries. 
You gasped in terror, hiding yourself in your best friend’s chest. Though you weren’t their biggest fans, that made it no less difficult to watch. There was blood spilled everywhere almost as if it was pouring down from the sky. 
“Shh, it’s gonna be fine. Don’t look,” JJ consoled, rubbing your back. “Don’t look.”
You didn’t look. Matter of fact, you kept your eyes anywhere but near that window, choosing to stare at JJ’s face instead. His features were grim, and you could tell just from looking at him that everything wasn’t going to be fine. 
But for your own sake, you filtered those dark thoughts out. It’s gonna be fine, you repeated to yourself. Whatever JJ told you, you were inclined to believe. It’s gonna be fine. 
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taglist ↠ @xyzstar @bugballer @maybankspov @sweatytriumphwhispers @alinag11 @niyahwhoreworld @tvdumarvelhpsimp @imvenqeance @ravisinghs-wife @aquarium777 @dessxoxsworld @yuimius @swiftsgirlfriend @gabbylovesreading @buckybarnesbitch00000000 @hana-1235 @knightinshiningdenim @uhhhidk9 (striked through couldn’t be tagged, sorry!!!)
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meibinnie · 1 year
selfish yeonjun
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pairing: bsf! yeonjun x virgin! afab reader ft. hwang intak
genre: porn w little plot + angst
warnings: loss of virginity, break up, mentions of alcohol, protected sex (wrap before you tap), mentions of cum shots, cunnilings, fingering, mentions of oral (male receiving), no aftercare. mm i think that's it.
word count: 3.7k
note: this is my first kpop ff, be kind. i'm black so i usually imagine the reader as a black girl but you don't have to, i keep the description vague.
you and yeonjun have been best friends since middle school. your mothers worked at the same office and you guys just happened to click. he was more open with his sexual endeavors and relationships than you were. sure you’ve dated before but, you’ve never done anything sexual with anyone. 
not because you couldn’t or didn’t think about it sometimes. guys tried to ask you out a normal amount. you were undeniably attractive but you were so busy all the time.
you had school, your job at the arcade and then a million extra curricular activities which you were a complete ace at. dancing, archery, painting, track and field, swimming and your short lived softball career. it all kept you in great shape and it’s how you landed a full ride scholarship at a top art school in california. yeonjun knew he wanted to dance so like you planned, you ended up going to uni together. 
yeonjun loved you like normal best friends should. You guys have always gotten the typical “you’re secretly in love” or “you’ve at least kissed once” but nope. It had been completely platonic until you started dating hwang intak during your sophomore year of uni. you stopped working because your mom wanted you to focus on school so all that free time was spent with intak.
yeonjun didn't want you until he couldn't have you.
what made matters worse for him was that intak was so likeable. he treated you like a princess every chance he got. when he was around, you never had to lift a finger let alone pay for anything. he was always fucking touching you and yeonjun hated it. arm around your shoulders, your waist, hands massaging your hair while sitting with your group of friends or simply hands, even pinkies intertwined always. 
this is why it came to a surprise when yeonjun found out you hadn’t slept with him yet. “sex isn’t everything you know? we do other things” you frowned. “no, i know but you guys are always all over each other so i just assumed-”. “that’s your issue, don’t assume and i don’t wanna talk about this with you” you interrupted him. the pretty boy was taken aback by your tone, his eyes widened as the gears in his brain started turning “holy fuck, you’re a virgin aren’t you?”
your hands immediately flying up to your face to cover the redness spreading but it was no use, he could still see your ears. “shut up yeonjun. shut up, get out, go home” and he bursted into a fit of laughter, coming closer to hug you. “stop, it’s okay. don’t be embarrassed”. “Get off of me” you squirmed in his hold but he wouldn’t budge. “don’t fight it bambi, you love me” 
intak took you away from yeonjun more often than you’d like to admit though, you still made the time to hang out with your best friend. yeonjun hated having to share you with a whole other person who caused you to have to “make time for him” or whatever the fuck that meant. you laid on your bed, legs dangling over yeonjun’s as he sat up on his phone. “maxxxine comes out this friday, you wanna go see it?” he spoke suddenly. “i’m sorry jun, intak is taking me out for lunch that day”. he sighed in defeat, “you can’t get lunch some other time? he sees you all the time, we haven’t hung out in forever y/n”. You giggled at the poor boy’s whiny attitude and sat up too “we’re hanging out right now, plus my birthday’s coming up then we can all hang out”. yeonjun wanted to spend your birthday with you alone, not third wheeling with you and intak so he had to come up with something quick.
talking to intak was the last thing he wanted to do but he had to remind himself that he’s doing this because you're his best friend and he loves you. okay maybe he was also selfish and jealous, but loving you was definitely part of it. “we should throw a surprise party for her this weekend. she’s never had one before and who better to do it than us?” intak was esthetic about the idea. “we can invite the whole campus, people will be talking about it for weeks” yeonjun tilted his head knowing you’d hate something that big. “i was thinking of something more lowkey at my apartment. her friends and some of ours outside of the group?” he proposed the alternative. “yeah, she’d like that. We can set up everything this week”
as the week went on, yeonjun or intak hadn’t seen you because they’d been with each other. you weren’t at all suspicious but yeonjun started to feel so bad after getting to know intak. the guy was perfect for you and he couldn’t bring himself to dislike him. He had come up with this whole party just to not be a third wheel but now his only wish for your birthday is for you to be genuinely happy. 
“happy birthday princess!” intak said kissing you with care and ease. “thank you my love” you said against his lips. the two of you had to be at yeonjun’s apartment in an hour for what you thought was a chill movie night but intak couldn’t keep his hands off you. not seeing you all week really made him miss your touch and kisses so much. your skin was so soft, jean mini skirt leaving little to the imagination and your cropped sweater displaying the silver moon that decorated your belly button. Before you knew it, you were sitting on his lap leaning into his touch and subtly grinding on him. 
he gripped onto your waist, pressing you further into his crotch. his tongue slipped into your mouth causing you to moan into his mouth. your pretty noises spurred him on, he slid a hand up your skirt. right hand toying with the lace of your panties. you began to pull away but he wasn’t letting up. “mm tak, we should ohmgoshh. baby we should stop”. “i think we should keep going” his breath fanned against your lips. 
you put your hand on his chest stopping him from kissing you “let’s stop here, please?” you licked your plump lips. he let out a big exhale and a bitter chuckle, “are you fucking serious y/n?”. you looked at him bewilderedly with his newly found choice of tone. “intak we have to be somewhere, we’re all dressed up already” you tried explaining your reasoning. “so you’re gonna fuck me when we get back?” silence filled the room. “that’s what i thought” he scoffed,  pushing you off his lap”
“i have no idea what we’re doing here, we’ve been dating for a year and there has been zero sexual intimacy. what is wrong with you?” your eyes started to water, tears threatening to fall if he raised his voice any louder. you couldn’t answer him, you didn’t know why you didn’t want to have sex with him. “answer me!” he shouted at you. you blinked and tears began falling, “intak, i don’t know. I’m sorry” and you truly were sorry, he didn’t wanna hear that though. 
“you’re standing here crying over something so fucking stupid like a child. it’s simple, do you want me or not?” you nodded yes, small hand reaching out for him on instinct. “so then get on the bed and let me fuck you” your hand retracted and you shook your head no, unable to form a sentence and afraid anything you’d say would make him more angry. 
“i’m not doing this with you. i’ve had women begging me to fuck them for months and here i am playing house with you” he looked at you with complete disgust. like all the adoration he had for you never existed. Like you were nothing to him. “enjoy your movie with yeonjun, i’m not going. we’re done, you’re nothing to me” he took his jacket and he left, letting the door slam behind him. 
you wanted this to be a big joke but the longer you stood there unmoving, the more you realized how pathetic you were to believe that he was coming back. 
pulling you out of your trance your phone rang. You looked at the display name reading ”yeonjunie” and answered. 
“hey, i called intak and he isn’t answering. are you guys on your way yet?” you fidgeted with the hem of your skirt and cleared your throat. 
“i’m leaving my place now sorry for hold up” you attempted to sound cheery. 
“don’t apologize bambi, is everything alright? you sound off” he knows you too well.
“no yeah yeah sorry, i’m just a little tired. i’ll see you in a few” 
“jesus christ, “im sorry, sorry sorry” stop that i’ll see you soon” he mocked you, making you giggle and brighten up. 
you knocked on yeonjun’s front door. “door’s open, come in” he shouted from the inside. “surprise! happy birthday y/n!” your eyes widened and a huge smile spread across your face.
you looked so beautiful he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. your skirt fit you perfectly and your sweater leaving all the right places of your skin exposed to him. 
god he felt like a fucking pervert but he couldn’t help thinking how his seed would look dripping down your torso and onto your belly button piercing. he had to stop himself before he got a hard on. besides that, you had a boyfriend who was now his friend and- your boyfriend, where the hell was intak. 
“bambi i thought you were coming with intak” he put his hand at the small of your back, guiding you further into the apartment. you gave him an unrecognizable look and before he knew it, your girlfriends were pulling you away and squealing with excitement. 
every time he tried to get you talking, he got a sentence or two in before someone was in your face giving you a gift, saying happy birthday or just sparking up conversation. 
yeonjun saw that you were having fun but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something bad happened to you. you avoided him all night, you avoided every drop of alcohol offered to you and when he finally got you alone and everyone left you burst into tears. 
“y/n, what happened?” he hugged you tightly while you shook with sadness in his arms. “he left me jun, i don’t know what i did wrong- all i did was tell him no but he-” shit, you were rambling and crying and you couldn’t even catch your breath. “shhh, it’s okay. breathe.” you started to take deep breaths and you finally broke the hug to look at your best friend.
“i didn’t wanna have sex with him, so he left” you said it as if you were the one in the wrong and it broke yeonjun’s heart to see you like this. 
“y/n it’s okay. he’s a fucking loser. you don’t owe him anything” he hugged you again, this time by the waist. You looked up at him through your wet lashes and this isn’t the time but you look so attractive right now he just wants to-
“yeonjun please kiss me” he wasn’t hearing you right. he couldn’t have been. you just got out of a relationship a few hours ago and you were completely sober. “i wanna forget him, just please”
he wanted to so bad and it was selfish of him. you didn’t want yeonjun to kiss you, you just wanted comfort from another man. you wanted to stop hurting because you weren’t used to having your heart broken like this.
who was he to deny you? with your wet full lips, knitted brows and long hair in your face, you were begging for him to please y- to comfort you. 
he connected your lips like he’d never be able to do it ever again because he probably wouldn’t. he tried to be respectful amidst this unknown territory placing his hand above your hip but you brought it down to your ass. he squeezed the flesh hard and you let out a small whimper into his mouth. 
his erection was growing with quickness and to make matters worse you let out a whine “jun, please fuck me”. it nearly had him bending you over and taking you there. like you could read his mind you spoke between kisses “be careful with me”. blinded by lust, he forgot you were a virgin. he cared about you so much, he wanted this to be special and he wanted it to feel good for the both of you.
“y/n are you sure? i think you should think about it first” he tried to reason with you. “yeonjun, i want you, i’m sure”. he wasted no time pushing against you til the back of your knees hit the edge of his bed. he hovered above you and took in every second of this view. your chest heaving, hair strands in your face and your now swollen lips. 
he continued kissing you slowly, forcing himself to be patient and careful with you. yeonjun was used to quick hookups and those girls liked it so rough. but with you, he was afraid that you’d shatter at any sudden movement. 
kissing on your neck, nibbling and biting then smoothing them over with licks. you’ve never felt this way before and you are trying to focus on controlling your breathing. “do you mind taking this off?” he questioned while holding the hem of your sweater. and you nodded your head. 
“use your words bambi” he smirked, using the innocent childhood nickname during a sinful act. “take it off jun” you breathed out. you never wore bras unless you were working out, your tits were perky and he nearly drooled at them in all their glory. yeonjun dove in, wrapping his mouth around your right nipple. tongue swirling and flicking your bud while his hand gave attention to the other. 
your breaths were getting heavier, deeper and he could tell you were holding back. he let go of your nipple with a ‘pop’ sound “y/n it’s just me and you. you always mouth off to me so stop being so shy and let me hear you” you whimpered at his filthy words, trying to press your thighs together but it was no use with him between them.
he gave the same attention with his mouth to your left nipple while you played with the hair at the nape of his neck. he sat up and took off his shirt in one swift motion. “ ‘m gonna make you cum with my fingers so it doesn’t hurt as much, you good with that?” he asked as he moved between your thighs, eyes not breaking contact with your own. “im all yours jun” you whimpered. 
he flipped up your skirt and slid your panties off while you lifted a bit to let him. “look at you, so sensitive. so wet for me already” his breath fanned your core. he rubbed his middle and ring fingers up and down your slit. your hips automatically bucking and craving more from him. slipping his middle finger in, he began to pump in and out of you. “yeonjun, i want more” you sighed. “fuck, already?” he looked up not expecting an answer. “you don’t think i’ve touched myself before? it’s gonna take more than that for me to c-” interrupted by your own moan. yeonjun stuffing both fingers in you and pumping at a faster pace, nearly getting off to the thought of you touching yourself. 
he began humping the mattress beneath him as he brought his mouth to your pussy and started sucking on your clit. “oh god, junnie yes please. don’t stop” he sucked on you and pumped his fingers faster and faster like his life depended on it. 
he had to hurry up and make you cum because between the sounds you were making, the sinful squelching of your heat and him grinding against the bed, he knew he wouldn’t last long. 
“yeonjun ‘m cumming” you panted as your back arched off the bed and your legs shook. he let you cum on his tongue and he lapped up everything that you gave him. eating you til you rode out your high, he came up and clashed his lips against yours. it was so filthy and he kept going as he unbuckled his belt. 
he broke the kiss to kick off his jeans and boxers then settled between your thighs again. you were breathtaking, sprawled out on his bed, fucked out from his mouth and about to take cock for this first time, his. 
“bambi, are you sure you want this? there's no going back after” he looked at your glossy doe eyes, your long lashes and your pretty pout. “yeonjunie, i want this. i’m sure” you reassured him. he leaned over to pull a condom from his night stand and while you did, you finally looked down. 
what did you get yourself into? not only was he excelling in length but he had a good amount of girth to him too. “i’m gonna go slow, i promise” he said, breaking you out of your thoughts. it was more of a reminder to himself, he needed to be delicate with you. he got this urge to take care of you, keep you safe from anything that could hurt him, including himself. 
the condom was rolled on and the only thing left to do was to please himsel- please you. this was all about you. so when he rubbed his tip up and down your slit, you let out a deep content sigh. “tell me if it hurts okay? if you wanna stop, we can” and to that you nodded your head. he kissed you again, deeply and slowly while his shaft entered you hoping it’d distract you from the pain. “jun it hurts” you mumbled, breaking the kiss. 
“fuck i’m sorry, do you wanna stop?” he stilled. you took a few deep breaths “no, keep going”. he did as you asked, continuing to push in slowly. you were wincing, tensing up too much and making it hard for him to move. “y/n you gotta relax, it’s gonna hurt more if you keep doing that” his voice was so soothing and his look of care and concern made you feel safe. so you relaxed and let him bottom out. “tell me when to move” he breathed out, hoping you’d want him to move now before he lost all self control. 
“now please” you whined and with that he set a slow romantic pace. thrusted into you like he loved you because he did. “my pretty girl, always remembering her manners” he grunted lowly. you moaned at the praise he gave you and he liked that. actually he loved that and he didn’t want you to stop. “so fucking wet for me” “you look gorgeous stuffed with my cock” “you take me so well for your first time”. by his last sentence you were a moaning mess. high pitched breathy moans and skin slapping filled the room as yeonjun picked up the pace. 
“you close bambi?” he grunted in your ear. “mm now, right now jun, im gonna” you couldn’t even finish your sentence before coming undone. a few more strokes and yeonjun followed right after you, spilling into the condom and letting out a deep moan in your ear. 
“fuck y/n. You good?” he held himself up to look at your fucked out expression. Your mascara running and sweat dripping from your forehead. still the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen. “i’m okay” you smiled widely. He wishes this could be permanent, an everyday routine between you two but it couldn’t. you and intak had too much history for you to just move on like that, you both knew that. 
he pulled out of you, leaving you empty once again and disposing of the condom. when he came back to the room, he started picking up his clothes and putting them back on. you sat up on the bed, now feeling exposed and cold. He didn’t spare you a single glance. 
“yeonjun?” you called out to him expectantly. he finally looked at you, “i’m gonna go finish cleaning up the living room. it’s your birthday, you don’t have to help”. why was he being so weird now? “okay..” you trailed off, trying to think of something to get him talking to you without this weird tension. “next time we do this, i want your cock in my mouth” you said, voice laced with confidence. on his way out of his bedroom he stopped and turned to you “y/n you just broke up with your boyfriend. i don’t think we should be doing this again. let’s just go back to being y/n and yeonjun, like we were before intak showed up” he could see your heart break into a million pieces and yet you tried acted like it was nothing. 
smoothing your skirt out and putting your sweater back on. “sorry, you’re right. i don’t know what’s wrong with me” he gave you a tight smile and went off to the living room. as he closed the door, he let out the breath he hadn’t realized he'd been holding. 
yeonjun didn’t want to hurt you the way intak did and he’d been with so many girls he wasn’t ready to settle down with you forever. it was best to remain friends and pretend like nothing happened. he was afraid he’d be fully consumed by you and not be able to function properly. so for once he put his desires aside and did what was best for you. 
of course he wanted you, wanted to come home and fuck you after a difficult day of classes, take you on romantic dates and one day breed you and make you carry his baby but it wasn’t fair to you. it wasn’t what you wanted and you deserved genuine love, not infatuation and obsession.
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|| Star-Crossed ||
Pairing: Frank Castle x Female reader
W/c 13.3k
Tags/warnings: Romeo & Juliet style gangster forbidden love Punisher/Daredevil AU, super-protective Matt, Jack Murdock is alive and well, some pretty old fashioned chauvinistic values, violence and injury, (protected and unprotected) p in v sex, oral (f rec), *spoiler* (kids in the future).
Author's note: Aaaaah it's finally done! I started this in December 2022 and I've had to leave and come back to it several times trying to work out how I wanted it to go. Huge big massive thanks to @mindidjarin , @the-fox-den and @theradioactivespidergwen for all the beta help! 
If you enjoyed it, let me know!
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The Italians and the Irish. The Castigliones and the Murdocks. Two mob families that have been feuding for generations. One mired in dealing arms and the other in throwing deadly punches with them - running illicit underground fight clubs and loan sharking. 
Matthew Murdock was one of the best fighters in the entire city; after all he was the boxer Battlin' Jack Murdock's son. 'The Devil O' Hell's Kitchen' they called him. 
And he was your big brother.
He would certainly have some choice words for you if he knew where and who you were with right now.
"Princess, fuck, you're somethin' else y'know that?" 
Your body felt flushed with heat and bliss as you collapsed in Frank Castiglione's lap in the back seat of his car, laughing as his stubbled jaw tickles you when he kisses up and down your neck, like he's still hungry for you. 
"You say that every time Frank," you smile as you push yourself up off him, tutting as he ties up the condom and throws it out the fogged window before cleaning himself up.
Sometimes you have to pinch yourself to remind yourself that you aren’t dreaming. When the man that was so terrifying they gave him the nickname of 'The Punisher' was between your thighs, or you were between his, life felt like a fever dream. 
"I'll buy us a villa in the Lakes. You'd fuckin' love it there sweetheart, I just know it. You'll wake up and enjoy your morning coffee on the bedroom balcony overlooking the water. I'll treat you so goddamn right…"
The scene he painted with his words was so clear in your mind and yet- "Frank we can't -"
"Baby, you deserve more than what I can give you in a half hour in the back of my car."
You pretend not to hear, adjusting your dress to look a little more decent.
"Look me in the eyes and tell me this is enough for you.”
You sigh softly. You didn't need to see that puppy dog look of his to know life wasn’t fair.
"No Frankie, you know it's not, but I can't be with you like that… my father and Matty would kill you if I ran away to Italy with you!"
He tucks some of your disheveled hair behind your ear. "So you're just gonna keep leading me along like this, huh? I wanna be with you baby. I want you."
"Frankie I want you too, but they'll get suspicious if I spend any more time out and about. My da and brother think I'm taking a dance class right now."
He half snorts with laughter. "Yeah well when we 'dance' you do got some smokin' hot moves sweetheart; but I don't want you showin' them ones to anyone else."
"As if I would." You say with mock indignation. "Anyway, it's a good enough cover for why I'm always so worn out when I get home!"
Frank just smirks. "Let me at least take you dancing for real. Tell the old man you're going out with your girlfriends one night."
You roll your eyes. "Aye and if one of my da's men sees me out with you? You’ll be dead and I'll at least be locked up with a flippin' chastity belt forevermore after that!"
"Baby," He pleads and his words hit you in the heart and gut, "I've gotta be with you. We gotta find a way to make this work."
You push up off of him, frowning slightly. "The only way it could work is if you go straight. Get out of the family business and be respectable. Then maybe my da would at least listen to us instead of reaching for his gun."
He just laughs. "Me? Respectable? Well I wouldn't be able to give you trinkets like this if I was makin' a 'respectable' living now, could I?"
He produces a gold necklace from his waistcoat pocket and places it in your open palm, smiling at your surprise. It's a fine dainty sparkling chain with a little heart hanging from it. You turn the heart over and your breath catches in your throat as you read the small engraved letters 'FC' in flowing script.
You feel giddy. "Oh Frankie…" 
"Now you have my heart, sugar."
You want to scream out. Why did you have to go and fall in love with a boy from a crime family? Why did it have to be a Castiglione? It went against everything your two families stood for. Why did everything have to be so damn complicated?!
You lean forward to kiss him, fingers smoothing down his lapels. "Frank, I… I love it, but you know I can't wear it…" 
He nods, resigned. "Yeah, sure." It feels like you've just kicked a puppy. You lift up your heel and slip it into your shoe for safekeeping.
"But I'll keep it with me, always."
He at least manages a smile and you kiss him again, chiding him as he sneaks his hands in places that'd make a priest blush.
"I've gotta go…"
"Ten more minutes, five even! Please babygirl, I'll make it worth your while." He pleads so prettily for the son of one of the cities' biggest mobsters and you very nearly crumble.
You extricate yourself from his grasp, trying to stay focused. If you got home late there would be questions. Your family was very protective of you. "You always make it worth my while Frankie."
"Dancing. This Friday. Wear one of your pretty dresses… mm, and don't bother with the panties."
He hands you your coat, his lips pressed into a smile that you want to kiss off his face. "Can't blame me for tryin'. Fuck, I'm missin' you already." 
"I'll seeya. Be careful." You say opening the car door and looking around to check the coast is clear before scooching out. 
"Friday, yeah?" He calls after you hopefully.
You turn and flash him a grin as your heels clack away down the alleyway. "Friday."
"How was yer dancin'?"
You just about manage to stop yourself from jumping six feet up in the air as Matthew appeared seemingly out of nowhere as you closed the front door behind you.
"Oh excitin' and tirin', as usual." You reply, hanging up your coat and placing your keys on the sideboard.
"Where's da?" You ask, noting that his coat was missing from its usual place.
"Out. He's meetin' some new guy. One of' the big fight brokers from the other side o' town. He can fix us up with some top names, reckons we can make some real good money."
"Why aren't you with him, Matty? You bein' the best one an all…"
"Yeah I'm goin'. Wanted to make sure you got home okay first. You've been getting back later 'n later each time yer out. Da was worried. An I was too."
You laugh. "Oh Matty, you're so damn sweet,  but I'm fine as you can well see. Us girls just love to gab on after, you know that."
He didn't look convinced but he nods all the same and that's when you see the blood drip down from behind his ear.
"Matthew yer bleedin'! I didn't know you had a fight tonight?" Your hands reach for his shoulders to keep him still as you have a closer look and then guide him towards the bathroom.
He shrugs. "Wasn't somethin' I planned exactly, one of the fuckin' Castiglione lads showed up at the gym. 
"What? Who was it?" 
It couldn't have been Frank, there was no way, but that didn't stop your heart creeping up your throat.
"One o' the younguns, just shit talkin' and tryin' to stir up trouble. Managed to clip me before I booted his arse down the street. Christ, I'd love a real excuse to fuckin' kill the lot of em…"
You stay silent, focusing your attention on gently cleaning the small cut and sticking a plaster over it.
"There. It's only a wee one, thankfully."
"Sis, yer a doll. Always lookin' out fer me." He pecks you on the cheek before grabbing his own coat and heading out. "We'll be back afore eleven. Stay inside okay?"
"Alright Matty, see you later."
It felt like you had been waiting months by the time Friday finally rolled around. You met the girls, Karen, Marci and Dinah at the dancehall, trying your best to pay attention and stay engaged in conversation but you found yourself constantly scanning the bar for him.
You freeze as you feel a hand on your waist and you whip around with your fist raised, ready to clock the slimeball who had dared to touch you. 
"Woah, sweetheart!" Frank raises his hands in submission and chuckles as your expression changes from pissed to adoring in a fraction of a second.
"Frankie." You purr as he slides his arm further around your waist and takes your softening fist in his hand.
"If you're done with the fightin', may I have this dance?" He asks, leading you onto the crowded dance floor. 
You nod and flash him a smile, trying to calm your excitement and allow yourself to melt into the solid mass of him, as you drift further away from your group of friends. "Missed you Frankie…" 
He pulls you even closer and you can feel the heat of him through the thin fabric of your dress.
"Missed you more. You look so gorgeous darlin'," he says. He dances with you for a while, and oh, he's got all the moves - spinning you around and dipping you for several songs before he's guiding you towards a quiet corner away from prying eyes. You giggle as he noses your ear and kisses your neck, and when you meet his hungry mouth his fingertips dance up the outside of your bare thigh making you shiver.
"Someone might see!" You warn. You should break away, but you're eager for his touch and he knows it.
"Don't care. I need a taste baby. Been thinkin' bout you all week. Can you feel that?" He asks, and it's a dumb question because he's rock hard against you and it's driving you insane. Your mouth goes dry as he takes your hand and holds it over the front of his pants. "That's what you do to me princess, fuck… that's what you do."
You glance around, your nerves on fire with the excitement of getting caught but no-one is paying the two of you any mind. 
"What about the bathrooms?" you pant into his mouth as he kisses you breathless again.
He grins, trying to hold in his groan as you squeeze his clothed cock in your hand. "What about 'em sweet girl?" He teases, knowing full well what you're implying.
As soon as the stall door's locked you pounce and it throws him for a loop. He's usually the one to take control but he'll be damned if he won't let you get what you want. You place both of his hands underneath your skirt right on your bare ass and you swear you could get addicted to seeing the expression that appears on his face as he realises you've honoured his request and you're not wearing a shred of underwear. 
He squeezes your warm flesh as you unbuckle his belt and open his pants, taking his thick cock in your hand and giving him a few firm strokes. You slip your hand into his pocket and find what you're looking for, tearing open the packet hurriedly and rolling the condom onto him before you hike up your leg and urge him to pull you up. 
It's a struggle for you both not to moan at the sensation as he sinks inside you. He turns you both so your back's against the stall, wrapping your legs around him and bracing his own legs wider so he can fuck you the way you crave. 
You hear people coming into the toilets, laughing and chatting but it's no big deal, it's the kind of place that young lovers meet to spend some 'quality time' together, and you two were no different. You'd asked your friends to let you know, unlikely as it was, if any of your family appeared, so you felt as if this was the closest to having a relaxed intimate time with Frank as you could get.
You're at eye level with him as he thrusts into you against the stall, you love being able to see his face when he's inside you and watch him try to hold it together when he comes apart. 
"Frankie," you moan, "oh fuck… feels so good!" 
He kisses you again and it's so possessive you almost lose it, his hand reaches up to grip the top of the stall to give him more leverage to drive into you deeper and harder. 
"Princess, you're a fuckin' dream. Touch yourself baby, make it feel good, that's right baby, let me feel it too."
You do as he says, unable to curb your impassioned cries as it takes almost no time at all to near the peak of your pleasure. 
"F-fuck Frank- ohh god-!"
He curls in against you, his breath hot and heavy, letting go as he feels you spasm around him with the last few desperate thrusts. 
"Marry me." He pants, still holding you tightly up against the stall door.
It takes a few seconds for the post orgasmic fog to clear from your brain so that you can process the words you think you just heard coming out of Frank's mouth.
"Marry me darlin'.  I'm askin' you to make me an honest man. Will you?" 
"In the toilets? While you're still inside me?!" 
He chuckles. "Hell, I know it ain't Paris, I just… I love you."
You beam from ear to ear, laughing too. Suddenly it doesn't matter where you are, you're just overflowing with unfiltered glee at his words.
"Oh Frank, I love you too!" his lips meet yours over and over, raining kisses all over your face until you're both laughing so hard you have to slip out of his embrace.
"You uh, haven't given me an answer, sweetheart..."
You can't help your sigh as you press your palm to the side of his face. "I told you before baby, a miracle would have to happen for us to be married. I want to, Frankie, I really do more than anything but I just don't see how." 
He kisses you on the forehead before he cleans up and helps you fix your hair and dress. "Yeah, I know." He sighs.
You practically hop, skip and jump up the stairs when you get home, so elated with Frank's admission of love for you that the prospect of never being able to actually marry him couldn't even drag your mood down. Matt comes around the bottom of the staircase to see what all the noise was about.
"A good night then, love?" 
"Oh Matty, it was just perfect!"
He smiles wide. "Glad to hear it pet, love seein' you so happy."
You were dancing around so much that you failed to notice the necklace Frank had given you fall out of your shoe and land on one of the stairs.
But Matt noticed it. You'd disappeared into your room by the time he'd picked it up intending to give it back to you. But then he ran his thumb over the charm again and again, gritting his teeth harder each time he read the engraving. He couldn't believe it. 
He tried to stop the rage he felt rising from his gut, but this wouldn't stand, that was for sure. His little sister would not and could not ever be associated with that Castiglione scum. Matt's hands instinctively curled into fists. He was going to hunt down that son of a bitch and after he was done with him he knew he would never be going near you again.
When you come out of the shower and dress, the house is deadly quiet. You knew your dad was likely down at the gym training with the boys, but you called out for Matt, eager to hear about his next fixture. You loved your brother like no one else. After your mum was gone you were brought even closer together, most days you were never apart and even when he started fighting he'd always have the time to teach you some technique and even let you cut loose on him at the gym after school. He was so very protective of you when you started seeing boys, none of them were ever good enough for you and if he had his way you'd probably die a spinster. 
"Matty?" His jacket was still on the peg. Then a glint on the sideboard caught your eye. The necklace.
Oh no. 
Fuck, it must have fallen out earlier and he'd found it. You picked it up, brushing your thumb over Frank's initials. Your heart dropped like a stone as you knew what Matt was likely to do.
When you reach the warehouses down at the waterfront, you could already hear the commotion. A large circle of people stood near one of the huge open loading doors, mostly Castiglione men and some women, shouting and gesturing towards the center. You run up, forcing your way through the crowd to find the cause. 
Your eyes find Frank first. He'd look so fine if this was any other situation. The muscles on his chest and arms rippled as he stripped down to his vest. He was wrapping his hands with cloth as a few of his clan around him amped him up with whoops and hollers.
Opposite him stood your brother, still in his regular clothes with his shirt sleeves rolled up.
Your stomach lurched with a rioting combination of butterflies and bile. 
They were going to fight.
"No!" You shout, pushing your way past the crowd and running between them. You're not sure which one of them you were yelling at, your heart tearing itself in two with the prospect of what was about to happen.
"Go home wee girl," Matt barks, and Frank catches your eye. 
"He's right for once baby, get out of here. You don't need to watch me beat his ass."
"Frankie, no! Just let me talk to him, you don't have to do this, you don't need to fight!" You wheel around to face your brother. Your blood. 
"Please Matty, you don't understand! Stop," your eyes burn with the tears that threaten to flow. "Please don't, you can't… I love him!" 
You try pushing him back but it has little effect. He keeps on staring past you in the direction of Frank, his head tilting minutely as he listens to him tie off the last of the wrap and clap his hands together, testing them.
"I think I understand enough. An' I'll be talkin' to ya later, that's for fuckin' sure, now get on home!" Matt growls.
You shiver, feeling sick with anger and the sheer frustration that the two men you love with all your heart were going to fight because of you. It wasn't heroic, it wasn't romantic, it was raw and ugly and you wished you could do something to stop them.
"You wanna set rules?" Frank asks.
Matt almost snorts with laughter. "Rules? Rules?! Don't think ya know the meanin' o' the word seein' as you've had yer greasy mitts on my fuckin' sister!"
Frank wasn't going to publicly shame you by telling him that it was you who had come to him. No, if there was ever a hope for the two of you he'd play this clean and right by your family like you wanted.
"Fine." He nods, smacking his fists together and starting to circle his opponent. "C'mon then Murdock, if you wanna do it this way, ding-ding. Let's go."
They drew up fast to each other and it was Frank who threw the first punch. Matt easily ducked it, dodging to the side and countering with his own punch that you couldn't see land through your tears; but it hit its mark as you hear that sick sound that you would usually relish when you watched the betting fights. But not today. 
You run back home in a daze, unable to think of anything other than what if Matt kills him, and what will your father do to the two of you if he doesn't? 
Tears continue to blind you and your heart is a dull, burning weight in your chest as you reach the front door. You can hear the TV on in the living room so you run upstairs avoiding the inevitable questions. You throw yourself on your bed and cry into your pillow until you finally hear the front door slam. 
The voices of your father and Matthew are muffled at first and then your da is shouting. You cower as you expect him to come crashing through your door but it doesn't happen. A little while later there's a soft knocking at your door and Matt's voice floats through. "Little dove…  c'mon lass, it's over."
You let out a loud sob, the horror of what he might have done washing over you, he'd never killed anyone before but… 
"I hate you!" You push yourself up for long enough to scream through the door before burying your face in your bed covers again; pained heaving breaths wracking through your body as you cry your heart out.
He comes in and sits down on the edge of your bed as you turn away towards the wall. "You'll love me again soon enough. I've saved you a life o' heartbreak angel. He knows he won't be comin' near you again."
He sounds stuffed up, like his nose might be broken. Good. The words do little to stem the flood of anger you feel but now you know Frank is alive at least. "You can't stop me from seeing him, and you sure as hell can't control who I love!" 
Matt smooths his hand over your arm but you jerk away from his touch.
"Here, shush now, you want Da rippin ya a new one? I've only just managed to calm 'im down cause he's none too happy about the situation. You're a smart girl, you know this can't be. A Murdock and a Castiglione?" Matt spat the name like the taste of it in his mouth disgusted him. "It's bloody ridiculous! There's never been a time we've not been dead set against each other. And ya better not have been tellin' him any of our business… Da will go properly spare then."
"I’ve never told him anything! I don’t care about the stupid business because I'm in love with him Matty! I love Frank and none of you can change that."
Matt sighs deeply, his voice hardens. "That's enough now! You'll get over him eventually. There are plenty of better men out there that deserve ya anyways. I won't hear any more about it, an neither will Da. It's finished."
He makes you feel like a child and you can't stop your tears. You cry softly, your blanket damp and crumpled from gripping it so hard. 
Matt gets up. "We'll see ya downstairs for tea."
The door closes, and you feel more alone than ever before.
When you finally drag yourself downstairs to eat something your mouth drops open as you see Matt's face. Your earlier suspicions were correct, Frank had managed to break his nose, he had more than a couple of cuts on his brows too that Da had stitched for him, and from the way he moved around the table you could tell he was decently bruised. The fact that Frankie had gone down swinging was little comfort when it was your own kin hurt.
You ate in silence. Neither you nor your father were ready to look each other in the eye, nevermind speak. On the way to your room you looked for the necklace but it was gone. 
You cried yourself to sleep.
You spent most of the day alone in your room. Your father came in to check on you, but as soon as you opened your mouth to talk about Frank, he shook his head, slammed the door and left you angry and resentful all over again.
At night you found your bedroom window locked but that wasn’t going to put a stop to your plans. Using a hair grip and a lot of determination, you jimmied it open and climbed out and down the fire escape. Nelson's was where you were headed, they owned almost the entire meatpacking district and their main shop wasn't far from the house. Everyone went there so you knew you might be able to find out about Frank. 
The bell tinkled as you entered and Foggy was just closing up. But as soon as he saw it was you, he pulled off his apron and leapt over the counter to wrap his arms around you.
"Oh honey!"
"You heard?"
"You're surprised?" He asks as he leads you to the back of the shop so you're not seen. "It's pretty much all anyone's talking about. Actually thought your old man would have you locked in."
"Yeah well, so did he…"
Foggy laughs at that. He's Matt's best friend and practically family to you, and out of all of them he's the one that doesn't treat you like you're still a kid. You could trust him not to grass you up for sneaking out.
"Foggy, please tell me, have you heard anything about Frank, is he okay?"
"Well your bro didn't pull his punches…  He's pretty banged up from what I've heard, and uh, he’s in the infirmary. That much I do know."
Your heart feels like it's banging against your ribs and your stomach twists into a tight knot. "Oh my god, Foggy it's that bad? Wh- I need to- I need to see him!"
Foggy places his hands gently on your shoulders trying his best to calm you down. "Hey, it's okay. As far as I know it was just a precaution for concussion. Um, and for stitches, cracked ribs, and stuff. I know it's not what you wanna hear, but it coulda been a hell of a lot worse."
You swallow past the huge lump that's formed in your throat thinking about some of your brother's unluckier past opponents. "Yeah…"
He sits you down, gesturing at the makeshift bar beside him. "Tea, or…?"
"Something stronger, Fog." 
Foggy sighs and uncaps a half full bottle of scotch. He pours two glasses, and you quickly down the scotch, not caring about how rough it is or how much it burns. 
"You know I don't judge but geez, what have you gotten yourself into?"
You grip the glass tightly and wait for Foggy to give you another finger of scotch before answering. "He's so good to me, Foggy.. Nobody sees it and no one understands. They're just blinded by this fucking age old rivalry between our families. it's insane! I love him, he loves me and I don’t know why everyone can't just mind their goddamn business? Why can't we just be together?!"
He sighs again, deeper and more fraught this time. "The thing is, this is much bigger than love hon. This… it could trigger another war. You think your pop is pissed at you? I don't even wanna imagine what Don Castiglione is gonna do to his son even after what Matt's done to him over this. Your families don't cross, and when they do blood is always spilled!" 
Your brows knit together, face falling at the thought of how Frank might be punished, how he'd be kept from seeing you too. "Foggy, I need to see him. I know you must have contacts, you can help us meet without anyone knowing… please? Please can you do this for me?"
Foggy paces nervously. He loves you so much, would do near anything for you but…
He runs his hand slowly down his face. "Look, you just can't be seen near Frank at all, okay? You can't risk that and neither can I. But I do know someone; a nurse actually. She's a good friend and I might be able to get a note to him for you through her. But that's it, okay?" 
He wheezes at the surprising force as you fling your arms around him and he gives you a small smile as you hug him tightly in gratitude. 
"Thank you, Foggy!"
"There's our big cock-for-brains! How're the ribs, Francesco?"
Frank winces as he shifts on the couch to sit up as Billy swaggers in and throws himself down beside him.
"Better, asshole." he grumbles back.
Billy smirks. "Oh! Last time I checked I wasn't secretly fucking a Murdock but I'm the asshole? Heh, yeah that's a good one."
Frank doesn't even dignify his comment with a response but Billy keeps going.
"So, is she nasty? I'll bet she is. Does she fuck as well as that brother of hers fights? Actually, thinkin' about it she does seem to spend a lot of time with him-".
Billy gags as Frank suddenly grabs him around the throat, ignoring the dull pain in his body as he pushes him hard into the seat, choking.
"C-christ Frankie relax, I take it back! Fuck, I don't mean it, I just needed to know how serious you are about this girl!"
Frank lets him go with a growl. "You're fuckin' lucky you got such a pretty face Bill. If you were anyone else I woulda messed it up. 'Course I'm serious."
"Yeah, yeah I can see that," he half laughs, coughing and rubbing at his throat. "Well, you better have this then." He hands Frank a folded up piece of paper.
Frank's eyes light up as they flit over your words, but then he scrubs his hand over his face shaking his head, his worries sinking in.
"What is it?"
"Shit, she thinks it's her fault that we were found out. Shouldn't have given her that damn necklace… should have been more careful… fuck!" He pushes himself up with a groan and starts pacing the room, the muscle in his jaw twitching and ticking as he thinks.
"I've fucked this up. I need to see her."
Billy's expression turns to concern. "Frankie, you love this girl, right?"
The intensity of Frank's look gives him the only answer he needs.
"Maybe you should just lay low for a while. The last thing you wanna do is potentially stir more shit up and get both of you in an even worse way. Just keep your head down, focus on the work, and then… who knows? Hell might freeze over."
Frank hates the idea of you thinking he's abandoned you, it guts him, but he knows Billy's right. He has to keep his distance for now. 
Fuck, he misses you.
A week goes by after you gave Foggy the note. And then another… and another. He can't possibly have given up on you, surely? But hope of ever seeing him again in the way that you did before starts fading quickly along with your anger at your brother. You had blamed him for everything, for perpetuating the rivalry, for telling your father, for putting Frank off you. You cried until you felt as though you had no tears left to cry.  
Matt tries his utmost to distract you from your moroseness, dragging you along to his fight fixtures that you used to love watching. But every one of his opponents that he beats just makes you think of Frank. 
There had been word of a huge arms shipment arriving at the docks later that week. Your father, uncles, and cousins spent most of their time planning on how they would get their hands on it before the Castiglione's could. It was a major job and a big risk, but if they could pull it off, it'd mean they could start selling weapons on the side and make even more money. You tried to talk your da out of it, piling up all the reasons he shouldn't get involved. But if there was anyone he was gonna take family business advice from, it was not going to be you.
"Matty I don't like this. We’ve got enough fingers in pies surely? We're doing alright, why is he so keen on going ahead with this job?"
Matt bounced gently against the ropes of the ring. "He wants to get one up on the Castiglione's, angel.  He won' let your little dalliance hold shame over us, he wants everyone to know who's boss."
Shame. The word made you grit your teeth till your jaw hurt, you were sick of this. Your father was a proud man, too proud sometimes. Nothing about it felt right but neither Matt nor your da would give your concerns the time of day. 
When the big night arrived you were ordered to stay behind, meet up with your girlfriends and go dancing or see a movie or something. Stay out of trouble.
Like hell. 
You carried on as if you were happy to stay home, but as soon as Matt and your da left to meet the others at the warehouse you followed a little way behind. You couldn't shake off the bad feeling that was slithering up your spine.
Frank smacked the cartridge back into the handgun he had just finished cleaning and laid it down on the massive table along with a gleaming array of other weapons. 
"Ragazzo, you ready?" Billy's voice drew him out of his silent brooding.
"Yeah, yeah. Gear up and we'll head to the docks. M'just itchin' for somebody to step out of line." Frank growls, slipping his gun in the back of his pants.
Billy throws him a grin and secretes his own arsenal of firearms and knives about his body. "Y'know, I kinda hope they do, I just love to watch you work, Frankie."
It was late when the boat docked. The Murdocks had intercepted it on its way in further down the river, overturned the guards and crew and steamed in ready for when the Castiglione's would inevitably be waiting for their delivery. You knew a couple of your cousins were stationed around the yard, lurking in the shadows of the huge containers just like you were. You knew how to stay hidden and move like a shadow when you needed to. Once a Murdock…
You see the Don's men arrive right on time, none the wiser as to what has happened until the gangplank is lowered and it's your da that steps out, flanked by two of his heavily armed henchmen. You couldn't see your brother.
"What the fuck is this?" Don Castiglione spits. He is every inch the gangster, tall, broad and extremely intimidating. You'd never seen him this close before but you could now see a bit of him in Frank.
"You Irish mutts think you can just take what's mine, huh? I'm insulted!  You should stay in your own little game Murdock. Take my advice, the guns do not suit you.
His men move forward and your da holds up a hand. "Now fellas, we don't wan any bloodshed tonight. If ye take a look around you'll find yer outnumbered n' outgunned. So, if ye will jist step aside we'll be loadin' these up in our trucks and'll get out of yer way and we'll hear no more about it, right?"
You see the rest of the Castigliones gradually appearing from out of the woodwork, and then you see him. Your heart sighs with relief that he's okay as far as you could make out. The glint of his piece shines in the moonlight as he moves to stand near the Don, who whispers something to him.
"Francesco, you are going to make good on your… mistake, and bring me my guns, capiche?"
They stand stock still for a long moment as Frank stares him down before they both suddenly spin on their heels as a deep voice like burnt gravel cuts the silence; effectively  interrupting the confrontation.
"Gentlemen. I believe I can resolve this rather… delicate situation that we have here…" 
It's Wilson Fisk. The fucking Kingpin. 
The metallic clack of weapons all around being raised and aimed at the newcomer echoes around the yard. However, the huge figure and his men remain unperturbed. 
"Mr Murdock," he continued calmly, "if you would please step aside, I will take what is mine."
Your blood runs cold. You knew your da would never back down. He was stubborn and tenacious and had definitely passed that trait on to you and Matt. Damn his fucking pride, you wanted to run out between them. Where the hell was Matty?
Just as you predicted your da stood his ground, finger hovering near the trigger.
"Y'think yer the fatcat around here don't ya, son? Well, I'm 'fraid to say that yer jist plain fat. Now run along an' let us men finish our business eh?"
Time slowed to a crawl. It was like everything was running through a sea of molasses. A shadow leaps over the railing of the boat onto the dock, it's running towards Fisk's men, Frank runs too as you see too late as Fisk's right-hand man raising his gun at your father. The shadow plows right into the second man who had also brought out his weapon, tackling him down to the asphalt. Several shots ring out like cracks of thunder and you scream as all you can see is your father dropping to the ground, there are more gunshots and then it's all over as quickly as it had begun. Your eyes frantically search the scene trying to understand what had just happened. 
Fisk is gone; disappeared into thin air along with one of his men. The other of Fisk’s henchmen was lying in a pool of blood at Matt's feet, one or both of the families had shot and killed him. You run out as you see your father being helped to his feet by Matt. They are alive and unhurt and you thank whatever gods would listen. 
It's then you see another body lying limp in front of them.
"No….no no no!" You hurtle across the yard towards it, Billy Russo and the Don are heading exactly the same direction. 
Towards Frank.
"Jesus Christ girl, what are you doing here?!" Matt rages at you. You fall to your knees as Billy turns Frank over onto his back, feeling for a pulse and listening for a breath; any sign that he is still alive.
Your father's voice is muddied in the background as the two families crowd around the scene. "H-He… that boy saved my life… he saved ma fuckin' life!" 
Blood seeps from Frank's stomach onto the ground.
"Frankie no, no don't die! Don't you fucking die! You hear me?!" Tears flood down your face as you grab his hand and squeeze. Billy puts pressure on the wound, slapping his face a couple of times trying to get him conscious. "C'mon bro, c'mon wake up for me! Wake up!" 
A van screeches up nearby and the Don orders his men to lift Frank and put him into the back. You climb in beside him, ignoring their protestations and grateful for Billy who snaps at them in finality. "She's coming with us.."
Matt runs up to the van after making sure your da is taken care of. "No… c'mon we need to get gone. You shouldn't even be here!"
"He saved our da, is that not worth anything?" You sob at him as Billy climbs in with you.
"Leave her be." Billy says. He slides the door shut and Matt's left standing as the van speeds off into the night.
Frank suddenly draws a wheezing breath as you hold onto his hand in the back of the van.
"Oh thank fuck. Frank! Frank, can you hear me?" Billy practically yells at him, ripping up his shirt and pressing it to the bullet wound as Frank gasps and groans in pain.
"Y-you holdin' my hand Russo?" He croaks, and you give it a squeeze, leaning over him so he can see you.
Your eyes briefly flick up to meet those of the Don, who has been silent the whole time.
"Frankie, you're okay." You tell your lover.  "They're taking you to a doctor.  You're gonna be okay." 
"Darlin'," he tries to sit up, starting to cough and you hold him down. "What you doin' he-" he coughs again and Billy helps keep him still.
"Shh, yeah I'm here, just don't move, don't move." You try not to think about how much red there is pouring out of him and onto your hands.
"Fuck… fuck it hurts- your dad, he okay?"
You stroke your fingers through his hair and try to smile. "Yes, oh god Frank, yes he's fine, he's fine! Now shh, don't speak, just hold on for me alright? You're gonna be okay, it won't be long.
You share a worried glance with Billy and hope that it's not far now.
Billy barrels through the A&E doors ahead of you and the Don's men who are carrying Frank.
"We need help here! Where's Claire? Get me Claire Temple!" he growls, taking an empty gurney from a nearby orderly and helping get Frank on it as he drifts in and out of consciousness.
A woman in scrubs very quickly appears from the triage area and immediately takes control. 
"Okay… we got a gunshot wound, anything else you wanna tell me? Was he conscious before now?" she asks you. A flash of recognition passes between you both, you had seen her patch Matt up after his fights a few times.
"No, no nothing else, yeah he was talking just a moment ago. He's lost a lot of blood on the way, can you help him, please?!" You plead.
"We'll do our best.  Please wait here."
Billy pulls you along as you both follow after the crash team taking Frank through the double doors, but Claire stops him short after she lets Frank's father go through with them.
"Hey, we're family too!" He protests.
"There's too many of you to let into the room, please, just wait here. Someone will update you as soon as we can. Right now, our main priority is to get him stabilised. Please, let us do our job."
The two of you reluctantly move over to the seating area as the other men go back outside to the van. Billy paces as you sit chewing your nails down to the quick.
"What you said…"
"What?" Billy asked.
"'We're family'." You say, catching his eye.
He stops his pacing, looking at you with sincerity. "If you're important to Frank, you're important to me. It's that simple."
You give him a small nod, returning to biting your nails and waiting with worry. 
Billy sits down beside you. "I'm sure he'll pull through. The fucker is hard to kill." he smiles and you return it, thankful that he's here.
"Yeah, he's gotta be alright."
After a few hours, Claire comes through the doors and you and Billy quickly get to your feet.
"He's stable. We were able to take the bullet out. It nicked an artery on the way in, but thankfully it missed his vital organs. We did have to give him a transfusion as he had lost a lot of blood. But, he's been stitched up and resting comfortably.”
"Oh my god," you felt the leaden weight lift off your shoulders slightly. "Claire, I can't thank you enough… Can we see him?" 
She nods. “You can. Just know that’s going to be groggy from the drugs we gave him. But I’m sure he’ll still appreciate the company.” You and Billy thank Claire before going into Frank’s room. 
He was groggy as Claire had warned you, but he returned the soft squeeze of your hand as you knelt down beside the bed. "Frankie, I'm so glad you're alright!"
"See, told you he was hard to kill." Billy said, patting Frank on the leg and smiling at him.
Frank chuckles, wincing slightly. "Yeah, you're not gettin' rid of me that easily. Baby, I'm sorry I got you into trouble. It's all my fault." He's looking into your eyes as he speaks, his hand reaching weakly for your face and you feel the bite of tears returning.
"Hey now, don't you cry over me darlin', I'll be alright. Everything's gonna be just fine, you didn't do nothin' wrong."
You sniff and laugh a little, stroking his hand that's cupping your cheek and wiping away your tears. "I'm the one that's supposed to be saying that! I missed you…"
"I missed you too. Not that I don't appreciate it, but you shouldn't be here. You should be with your family. With Fisk back on the scene it's dangerous baby, for all of us. What were you even doin' down at the docks?"
"I just had a bad feeling…" you interlace your fingers through his. "...but because of you my father is alive and well. I'm right where I need to be."
You're suddenly aware of an imposing presence as the Don entered the room. The man's even bigger than you had thought on seeing him up close. 
"Ah, so finally I get to meet the bella ragazza causing all of the trouble? The little bird that has my Francesco's heart, hm?"
Frank rolls his eyes. "Papa…"
You step forward. "I- I'm sorry Don Castiglione, I really didn't mean to-"
He takes your hand kissing the back of it briefly. "You make my boy happy, and so I am happy. So good to finally meet you, however I wish it were under better circumstances."
You swallow your nervousness down, nodding, actually surprised with how easy going he seems in private. "Thank you sir, it's great to meet you too."
"We are taking Francesco home tomorrow to recuperate, why don't you come and stay at the house with us? We have many rooms and I am certain he will recover faster if his love is nearby, hm?"
You're unsure what to say to such a generous offer, but Frank answers for you. "She'd love to papa."
You nod politely, still a little intimidated by the Don. "I would, but only if you're sure."
"It would be my pleasure, my dear."
Frank kisses the back of your hand. "Alright, I hate to say it but you better scoot, sweet thing. There's some shit we need to sort out…"
You sigh, not even being shot could stop the 'big men' from having their secret meetings. You bid the Don thanks and goodnight and catch Billy at the door. "Please will you make sure that he rests tonight and he doesn't do anything too stupid?"
Billy just chuckles, "you know that's an impossible ask, right?" He pulls you into a quick but surprisingly heartfelt hug as you stand up. "But I'll do my best bella nemica.
Frank can't help laughing softly at the nickname, groaning at the pain as it makes his stitches pull. "Oh that's a good one Bill, I'm stealin' that. You take care darlin', love you so much."
"I love you Frankie, I'll see you tomorrow!"
As you walk out into the hospital foyer you find your father waiting for you.
"Da, I…"
He pulls you into his arms, squeezing you so tight and you hug him back, relieved. "You shouldn't have been there tonight…"
You slump against him, the exhaustion from everything that happened suddenly hitting you like a truck. "I know, I'm sorry. I had to come, I was worried about you both. I'm so glad you're alright."
"Is he… okay?" 
You're surprised he cares at all about Frank but you nod. "Yeah, I've just seen him, he'll be fine. Where's Matty?"
"Out with boys patrollin', makin sure the streets are safe. Listen pet, I'm reckonin' we need to meet with the Castigliones to try an' organise some kind of truce. If Fisk is back and makin' a play to control the Kitchen we're gonna need more people an' it makes sense to join our forces."
You stare at him, your eyes wide not daring to believe. "Tell me you're serious. Please tell me you mean that da."
"That boy saved ma life, little dove. An it's war now, this changes things."
"But you've always hated them! Is Fisk really such bad news that you'd forget everything you drilled into me and ally with them?" 
"Darlin, ye have no idea…"
When you get back home you spend most of the night into the early morning talking with your father. He asks so many questions about Frank. He asks about his family and about your relationship, and you answer what you can. In turn you grill him about Fisk, and he paints a dour and terrifying picture. You understand now why he'd go back on his previous vow.
"I need ya to arrange a meetin' with the Don.  D'ya think you can talk to yer lad about it pet?"
"Uhuh, actually he offered me a room there so I could spend some time with Frank while he recovers… but I know what you're going to say so-"
He cuts you off. "Ye knew I was goin' to tell ye that ah think ye should go?" 
Your jaw almost hits the floor in disbelief. "You do?"
"Aye, you'll be safe enough there. Don's got a lotta men, an' that Russo I know is a good shot."
"Matty won't be happy." 
"No, but don't you worry 'bout that, I'll see to 'im."
You look into your father's eyes, and you can see he's asking for your help. You were scared. Kingpin had taken control of the shipment after everyone had scattered and who knew what else he had up his sleeve or when he'd choose to strike next. 
But this… this might just be the way to bring him down. If he knew anything about Hell's Kitchen, he'd never suspect an alliance like this. Fuck, even you would never had imagined it could be possible. 
The next morning you pack a bag, call a cab and go over what you're going to say to the Don when you get there. Matt must have stayed at the gym last night and you don't get a chance to speak with him. In a way you're almost glad as he'd probably chew you a new one for doing this.
The cab pulls up on the huge gravel drive and four well-armed guys in fine fitting suits give you a thorough once over and check your bag when you get out. 
"Hey! Keep your paws to yourselves, you animals. She's good." You are so relieved to hear Billy's voice, and he flashes you his charming smile while guiding you towards the imposing front door. 
"We figured Francesco would be safer here. The doc at the hospital wasn't keen on that idea, but what can they do?" He takes you straight inside. "You are here to help me look after the lil shit, aren't you?"
You follow him down the marble floored hallway, your eyes flitting around taking in the rather opulent but classic decor. "Of course, and who wouldn't rather recuperate at home if it's like this, holy crap!"
Billy smirks as he opens a door and ushers you inside the plush room.
You were so pleased to see Frank's smile. "Am I glad to see you again, sweetness." He tells you.
You bound across the floor to the huge bed that your beau is resting in. You're relieved that he looks so much better. You hold his face in your hands and are happy to see that he's back to a healthy colour. You pepper gentle kisses all over him, letting him know how happy you are that he’s better. Billy leaves you both to it and you're grateful to have some time alone with Frank. And so it seems, is he. 
"Frankie, you look good, how are you feeling today?" you ask, squealing in surprise when he pulls you into the bed to lie beside him. 
"Careful baby!" You exclaim before he's capturing your lips, not caring about the pain in the side of his gut if he gets to taste and feel you again. That wild want is there in his eyes when you break away and it's hard for you to resist giving in to it when his hands begin to roam over you.
"God I've missed you, missed having you…"
You huff at him. "Frank, you know I'd want nothing more… but you've got to rest, you've been shot for Christ's sake!!"
"Yeah, yeah I know," he says, the corner of his mouth pulling up mischievously. "but there's still some things I can do…" 
You feel the heat in your face even as you shake your head at the audacity of him. He never gives up, yet another thing you love about him.
"Just be serious for a minute.  My da’s asked if you can arrange a meeting between your father and him. He thinks our families should work together to stop Fisk."
He stops messing with you as he considers it. "Well shit, ain't the worst idea. And you agree?"
"I do. It makes sense, and it's the last thing Fisk would expect.
Frank mulls it over for a moment and then calls for Billy. "Hey man, can you get my dad in? Think we've got a proposal for him."
You're suddenly nervous for a different reason, hurriedly standing and smoothing down your clothes as the door opens. Frank reaches for your hand and gives it a gentle squeeze.
"Hey, don't you worry baby." He reassures you under his breath. "Just tell him what you told me."
When you relate your own father's thoughts to the Don you're surprised when he doesn't interrupt, instead listening intently.
"...and where might the meeting happen?" He asks with interest.
"I think I know a place."
Foggy's in good spirits when you drop in to the shop. He’s glad that you’re okay, but his pleasant mood doesn't last when he hears what you've got to ask him.
“You want me to have The Murdocks and Castigliones under the same roof? Are you kidding me?”
"But your place is neutral ground, Foggy! There won't be any trouble I promise you."
He paces around frantically. "No trouble?! You can't promise me that!"
You fiddle with the snack display by the counter. "Look, I know it's a lot to ask, but if we can stop Fisk from becoming a permanent fixture everyone will be better off. Please Foggy, for the sake of the Kitchen." He stops his frantic pacing and pins you with a worried look.
“Fine. But if anyone gets shot, remind yourself I told you this was a bad idea.”
A couple of weeks later you found that Foggy wasn't exactly wrong in what he had told you. With the heads of both families and their closest lieutenants gathered in the large space of the Nelson's back room, the air quickly grew thick with tension. Matt arrived first with your father; stopping in his tracks as soon as he sensed you. You hadn't seen each other since that night at the docks.
"Matty-" you start. "alrigh' dove." he replies, only giving you a curt nod as he makes his way to the end of the long table. You sigh. This was going to be a long night.
When Frank comes in Matt stands quickly, his chair shrieking along the floor with his fists bunched at his sides. The Castigliones bristle, fingers itching and ready to reach for weapons. The tension was ramping up fast and it felt as though the meeting was about to fail even before it could begin.
"Ahh there he is. The golden boy. Fuckin’ cunt of the hour." Matt snaps.
"'The hell…?" Frank starts.
You found yourself getting to your feet.
"Christ Matt, will you just behave? Frank saved our da's life, does that mean nothing to you?"
"Aye it goes a way, but does he think he's better than us? That you're safer with him, with them, than us? Was that why you didn't come home, pet? Was this all his fuckin' idea too?!"
You'd never seen Matt this upset and angry before. You had to calm him down before something irreversible kicked off between the families. Frank shot you a concerned look but didn't interfere; knowing that anything he said could make things even worse. You pull Matty aside, whisper-yelling at him.
"Hey, listen to me Matt. Me staying at the Don's was da's idea, and getting everyone together was his too! Did you not know that?" You hiss.
Matt huffs. "No. I just thought that…" he paces before running a hand down your arm. "we're the ones that keep ya safe, love, yer family. Not them. It just feels like-" he stops himself, unable to fully admit his jealousy.
You urge him to continue, you don't want there to be bad blood between the two of you, especially now.
"I worry about ya dove. I know ya say ya love 'im, I just don' wanna see y'get hurt. When you're wit me, you're safe, y'can't get hurt. You know I love you too."
His expression is so honest it makes your heart burn.
"Matty, I love you so much, and I know you're just looking out for me but please, you've got to let me live my life for myself. I'm a grown woman now. You don't need to keep protecting me from everything!"
He sighs with resignation and you squeeze his arm.
"I know you're not sure about Frank but he really does love me, and I don't believe that he'd ever hurt me intentionally. And this? This is the best shot we've got at Fisk, you know that. Please don't throw this away Matt, do it for the Kitchen if not for me!"
He softens as you plead, "I'll do it for both of youse."
You kiss him on the cheek and whisper a sincere thank you before returning to the table where discussion is already underway. You walk over to stand beside Frank and kiss him swiftly. He's a little surprised that you'd make your relationship so public with the current situation as it is.
"S'everythin' okay princess?" He asks nervously as you place your hand in his, and let out a thankful sigh along with a shitload of tension.
"Everything's grand, Frankie." You say with a genuine smile. "Let's get this started."
The heads of the families agreed that they needed to find out what resources Fisk had, how many men and how much firepower he possessed before they made their move. It was proposed that members from each side should scout it out, and ultimately it was decided that Matthew and Frank would go.
As you watched Frank slip his pistol into his holster and give you a wink, you were reminded of the day you had first laid eyes on him. It felt like a lifetime ago even though it had been just over a year since you'd walked to the store with Matty, and Frank and Billy had been in there.
"Well that's my day ruined. Can't breathe in this town without runnin' into a Murdock, or two." Billy had remarked, looking you up and down with dark eyes and a devilish smile.
Matt stiffened, moving in front of you, jaw and fists clenched. "Y'know this is our territory Russo, so get lost or I'll help ya find your way out..."
However, your attention had been on Billy's companion, who you would later find out was the Don's son. His face was set hard, but he had warm brown eyes, and a big boxer's nose that drew your gaze. When they had left the store Frank had looked back over his shoulder, the faintest smile on his lips as he threw a wink your way and you found your face heating up.
Now they were heading into dangerous territory working together. Your heart was in your mouth as they both finished kitting up, arming themselves to the teeth just in case shit happened to go south.
"Please be careful." You say to Matt, your words somewhere between a prayer and a blessing.
"M'always careful, love." He replies before he lets Frank talk to you.
He brings your hand up to his lips and kisses the back of it as he looks into your eyes with a serious expression. "You promise me you'll go straight on home, yeah? Don't want you on these streets tonight baby."
You stroke the side of his face and bring your forehead to touch against his, breathing him in. "I promise. And promise me you'll look after each other."
Both men nod and then head for the door and you and your father head for home.
Matt stops Frank with his arm as he listens to check that the way is clear for them.
"Alrigh', we're good." He confirms after a couple of beats.
"Reckon we can get a read on em from up on that roof there, it covers most of their exits." Frank suggests, and Matt nods and follows. When they're situated, hunkered down side by side behind a low wall, Frank feels the oppression of something waiting to be said. The muscle in his jaw ticks as he clenches it and he can't stand it anymore.
"C'mon man, can we just get this over with? Say what you gotta say, I know you wanna. I can take it."
Matt swallows his pride and turns to his former foe after taking a pensive breath.
"Yeah, you're right, I have got somethin' t'say to ya. M'sorry. I was wrong about ya an I've been a right shitebag to you an ma sister all this time. But, there's a right thing to be done an' I'm hopin' tha we can move on?"
That wasn't what Frank had expected at all, a swift one-two knocking his brain around in his skull, but it felt like a dark cloud was lifting and he actually started to smile.
"I know you're just lookin' out for her Murdock, I get it, and I really appreciate you sayin' that. Might not have seemed like it but I've got a lot of respect for your family after meetin' that girl."
Matt nods. "Feelin's mutual. I shoulda just trusted her in the first place but y'know what's she's like, always gettin' hersel' into trouble."
Frank chuckles quietly. "Don't I know it."
They keep watch for a few more hours, noting the comings and goings of Fisk's men. After clocking where the weapons are stored, they manage to sneak in and get a good idea of what kind of firepower they have before reporting back.
The two long feuding families of Hell's Kitchen drive the Kingpin out of their territory in a spectacular blaze of fire and fists. He certainly didn't expect the Murdocks and Castigliones to team up and take back what was theirs; which was a huge advantage for the families. When Frank and your brother returned triumphant you leapt into Frank's arms, kissing him over and over and until he was almost begging for air.
When word spread of the victory everyone headed to Josie's to celebrate, but Frank knew his fight wasn't quite over. There was something else he had to do.
He's feeling like he knows real fear for the first time in a long while as he approaches Jack Murdock in the bar. He's got just one aim. One question.
Jack nods at him as he comes over, signaling the bartender to pour them a couple of whiskeys.
"Alright lad? We did good, eh?"
"Yeah, that we did. You, uh, know why I'm here?"
"Aye son, I know. C'mon then, out with it." Jack says to him.
Frank's mouth nervously forces a smile and he takes a deep breath before he begins.
"Sir, I'm sure by now you know just how much I care for your daughter, and if you don't, well… thing is I love her. Love her with all my soul and with your blessin', I want to ask her to spend the rest of our lives together.."
Your da raises an eyebrow. "Oh aye, is that so? An' would ya do right by her? 'Cos ya know if y'don't you'll have the whole clan comin down on ye like hellfire?"
"I know that and I will. She's my life now sir, couldn't love no one else more."
"Alright boy, but y'know we'll be watchin' ya."
He grins and raises his glass to Frank's own. "Well y'have my blessin', and I've no doubt she'll be happy wit ye."
Frank breathes out a solid sigh of relief and can't wait to tell you, to ask you to be his forever.
When he does it's a little bit more romantic than a toilet stall in the dancehall. He picks you up in his car the next evening. He's got the top down and is waiting next to the open passenger door as you step out of your house. You take his breath away every single time he sees you but tonight it's different, you no longer have to hide your love for each other. He takes your hand, takes all of you in, your dress, your hair, your beautiful smile. He knows he's a lucky man.
"Where are we going to baby?" You ask, but he only smiles and tells you to hold tight. You're curled around his arm the whole way as he drives you both to the hills outside of the city.
When he pulls up at a quiet parking spot you get out and can see the twinkle of the city lights below mirroring that of the starry sky. When you turn around to show your excitement he's pulling a hamper and blankets out of the trunk.
"Oh Frankie, this is so gorgeous! Thank you so much!" You squeal as you help lay out a blanket and he digs out some delicious treats, glasses, and a bottle of wine.
"Gorgeous spot for my gorgeous girl."
He opens the bottle then fills your glass and his own, and you raise them to clink and take a sip. He watches you looking out at the view, a mild breeze weaving through your hair. You're just sitting there and he almost can't believe how head over heels he is for you. Things could have turned out so differently but he's eternally grateful that they didn't.
When you turn to him you can't help but giggle at the insanely adoring way he's looking at you.
"What is it?" You smile, taking a bite from a plump red cherry.
Frank brings his hand up to the side of your face, his thumb passing lightly over your lips as you look up at him with your big eyes.
"God, I just…"
You tilt your head in curiosity as he reaches into the hamper for something, producing a small black box which he opens in front of you on bended knee. It's his mother's ring, a delicate and twisting precious metal band set with a small sparkling diamond glinting up at you.
"Oh Frank…" you gasp, any other words are lost in your surprise but he carries on.
"I love you baby, so goddamn much. And I know I asked you before but I'm askin' you now, proper. Your da gave me his blessing and I'm hopin' that you will too… please say yes darlin' and marry me? I've wanted to be yours since the first damn time I saw you. What do you say? Talk to me baby, don't leave me hangin' like this!"
Your hands come up to frame his face and you kiss him over and over and over as you answer an excited 'yes!' between every one. He's laughing with a smile so big as you hold out your hand for him to gently take the ring and slip it on your finger where it fits perfectly.
You kiss him again, this time it's slow and lingering on the lips and he wraps you up in his embrace as he deepens it, laying you down on the blanket underneath him. Your fingers slide into his hair and his hands squeeze the roundness of your ass eager to feel each other as your kisses become more heated and desperate.
Your eyes meet. "I'm yours forever now, Frank, make me feel like it."
He wastes no time answering your request, running his hands over your body, nipping and kissing at your earlobe and just below as he caresses your breast, and you push your hips up against his moaning with pleasure. You slip a hand down to feel his hardening cock through his pants, frantically scrabbling to loosen his belt and free him as he curls his fingers around the waistband of your panties pulling them down, his lips almost never leaving your skin.
"Baby, baby… mm, goddamn you're so perfect for me." He murmurs and you let the night sky hear just how good he makes you feel as he slides his fingers through your slick folds, teasing at your clit with light strokes.
"Yeah, you like that, huh? That what you need?"
"Frank please, I can't wait! Just- I need you…" you plead, pressing your body up against him and stroking your soft hands up and down his erection to make sure he gets the message.
"Oh shiiiit… alright sweetheart, shh-shh. I got you, I got you…" he whispers against your skin as he pushes his pants down and your silky dress up, quickly rolling on a condom. He moans along with you as he finally sheaths his thick length inside where you need him the most. both of you gasp at the feeling. You claw at his shirt, pull him as close as you can when he starts to rock into you. Every thrust of his hips has you desperate for the next, you want him so deep so that you can feel him for days after this and you tell him so, driving him crazy and making him fuck you even harder.
"Anythin' you want, I'll give you anythin' love, just wanna see your pretty face when you come for me."
He wraps a strong hand under your thigh, pulling it up making you moan out again at the new delicious angle, arching underneath him as he draws back almost all the way out and then fills you back up again, taking you so easily to the edge of an earth shattering climax. His hand comes up to cradle your face, watching you, seeing the love he feels for you reflected in your beautiful eyes.
"Frankie, you're gonna make me-" As you approach the precipice, the only thing in your mind is that he's yours and you are his.
He seals his mouth over yours, tongue teasing against your own, your whimpers muted as he does all he can to make you fall apart, to pulse and clench around him, your vision whiting out with only this blissful sensation spreading through your body and the sound of his voice in your ears while he talks you through it.
"Yeah baby, that's it my sweet girl… god I love you so fucking much-"
You cry out to the stars as you share in this intimate moment, showering each other in endless, breathless declarations of love.
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gojo-enthusiast · 5 months
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The Big Fight
Series — My Husband Toji Zenin
Part One: The Affair
Part Three: “Let’s Divorce”
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Your husband was distant, in every aspect, secretive really. You never checked his phone, because his password changed constantly and you also didn’t want to see the proof of what he had been doing, and who he was doing it with.
“Hey To—“ You quietly tap your husbands hand while he sits on the sofa watching a basketball game. “Hmm?” He hums, lifting his head to look up at you. “Um— are you hungry?” You question. “Yeah, you cooking’?” He questions, turning his attention back to the TV. “Um— well, I was thinking, maybe tonight I wouldn’t cook and maybe we can go on a date?” You smile softly. He hears eagerness in your voice, the way you are almost saying it with a sense of pleading. “You wanna go out?” He says as he mutes the tv. “Y-yeah.” You stutter out. “Aight, well go get dressed and go do whatever you women do.” He pats your ass softly. The first time he had touched you in any sort of intimate way in weeks. You missed his touch, you missed his passionate kisses, the way he held onto you, or the way he fucked you, even if it was rough and not quite what you would want, but not having any sort of touches from him, made you crave anything. “Okay!” You exclaim, running to the bedroom already having an outfit in mind.
20 minutes later, you are walking out the bathroom, with some cute mom jeans, a cropped sweater, and some Nike air forces that your husband had bought you. You had done light make up, because from what you knew of your husband, despite the women he fucked, he loved a woman with a natural looking face, nothing to drastic and fake looking. “I’m ready Toji.” You smile softly, your husband stares at you in admiration, wondering how he forgot how beautiful his wife truly is. “You look beautiful doll.” He says, kissing your forehead. “Thanks baby.” You blush. You knew you were pathetic, but you love your husband, and you knew he loves you. “Lets go.” He pulls you by your waist, guiding you out the door.
Toji was in full gentlemen mode, he opened the car door, the door of the little Mexican restaurant that you two used to go to all the time. “I missed their salsa.” You groan biting the chips and tasting the salsa. Causing a chuckle to come out of Toji. The night was perfect until—
“Hey Toji.” A ginger headed woman says, as she walks past your table with her friend. The ginger headed woman knowing he was married, and also knew he was trying to protect his wife from the heartache. Toji’s face burns in fury, clenching his fist and clearing his throat. “I’ll be right back.” He mutters out. “Please don’t leave me Toji.” You say, holding back tears that began to swell. He saw it, and heard it in your voice. Causing his grip of his fist to loosen, all he wanted to do was grab onto you, and say that no one mattered but you. Yet he couldn’t, because if that were really true he wouldn’t be fucking other women, because the only thing that mattered to him, was he having his own freedom and life, while coming home to a wife that cares for him. “I want to go.” You say wiping the tears that slipped out, your makeup that you worked hard on ruined in an instant. “Okay.” He stood up, trying to grab your hand, but you clutching onto your purse, wanting to walk on your own. “Doll—“ Toji says opening your car door. “Toji, can we go home?” You smile weakly, almost pathetically. Toji was at a loss for words, there was no fixing, no making you feel better this time. All he could do was drive home and not say anything else. “Alright.”
As you two drove, you were about to pass a Teahouse, that sold Tapioca Boba. “Can we stop there.” You point and say softly. “Yeah doll, of course.” He says, turning into the set of buildings. “Here’s my card.” He hands it to you, as you open your door. “Do you want anything?” You ask. “No.” Toji smiles softly. “Okay, I’ll be right back.” You say, getting out the car and walking into the shop.
“Fuck, you fucking piece of shit. You fucking disgusting piece of shit of a man.” Toji slams his fist on the steering wheel, yelling at himself. “You fucking shit.” He continues to mutter. When he looks up, he sees a man open the door for his wife and smiling. Toji rolls the passenger window down to hear the conversation. “Um— no thank you.” You said, “Come on pretty girl. At least give me your snapchat.” The man insisted. Stepping up to you. Toji felt his skin crawl, watching his wife getting hit on by another man. “N-no thank you.” You had said again, trying to step away from the man. Toji jumping out the car, “Y/N.” He said loudly. Your head snapping up, “My husband is waiting for me, please excuse me.” You said with your head down. Toji stood there until you were seated inside the car, making sure the other man knew his place. Toji getting back into the car and saying, “What the fuck did he want?” Almost in a hiss. “He said I was pretty, and asked for my number.” You quietly said, “I told him I am married, but men are persistent.” You nervously laughed, trying to make light of the situation. But it only made Toji’s hands tighten around the steering wheel. “I should have pounded his head into the cement.” Toji grunts out. It gave you butterflies, knowing your husband still could get jealous and it killed him to see another man possibly taking you away from him. “I feel the same way.” You muster out. Knowing your comment is about to open a whole can of worms you didn’t want to acknowledge, but after the incident tonight, there was no letting it go.
Toji froze up, and drove in silence. You both made it home, and you became angry, enraged even. You hadn’t even drank your drink, you were so angry. You walked into the house, going to your shared bedroom, and walking into the restroom. “Y/n.” Toji shouts out, trying to catch up to you. “Leave me alone Toji.” You spit out, you were not one to talk back, or spit at him, but everything hit you like a train, and there was nothing hold you back anymore. “Y/n, listen.” He pulls your wrist to him.
“NO TOJI!” You yell, tears already pouring down your cheek. “Fuck your words Toji!” You yell, slamming your fist to his chest. “You’re nothing but a liar, you’re a cheater!” You cried into his chest, your tears soaking his shirt. “Doll, please listen.” He coos at you, rubbing the back of your head, while his other arm laced around your waist. “Fuck you!” You pull away still angry. “You don’t get to just say you’re sorry, or use sweet words and all of this will just disappear!” You cry out. “I know—“ He says before you cut him off, slapping him on the face. “Shut up!!!” You yell, continuing to slap him. Toji gripped you by both of your wrist to keep you from hitting him any further, making you start to kick. “Fuck, y/n stop!” He yells. “Fuck you! Fuck you Toji! We have been married for only a year, and what-what is it. I-im not good enough for you? You fuck all these different women! You fucking disgusting excuse for a man! I fucking hate you. I hate you god damn it!” You yell, crying out. You didn’t care anymore, you expected this to be the end.
“Don’t hate me please.” Toji said as he let go of your wrist, and dropping to his knees. “Please do not hate me.” He began to sob.
Toji hated himself, more than you did. You stopped everything you were doing. Seeing your husband broken into pieces, you were thinking to yourself, “I should be on my knees crying. Why are you crying?” Angry, you slap him again, and this time he didn’t stop you. You yelled, cursed, said everything you wanted and needed to say, while he just took everything. In the end, you both were on the floor clutched onto each other sobbing. Your husband didn’t make noise when crying, just big thick tears streaming down, begging to be wiped clean of all of his sins.
“I want a divorce.” You finally say after silence for half an hour.
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deadpool15 · 8 months
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O really ?
"F-fuck, wait." I stutter out, trying to rub away from the overwhelming pleasure. I am sitting on the couch of the 1 million room, trying to cover my screams. "It's t-to much p-please. I'm sorry I'll be good." I try to get out though the words seem to be nothing but mumbling in a room full of moans. "You move again. I'll gonna make sure I spank that ass raw. Now, be quiet unless you want everyone hear to know how much of a slut you are for me." "I stare down at her sitting there in between my legs with the bottom half of her mouth soaked with my juices. I didn't even know I could get this wet. At this point, I'm willing to do anything to please her. "For y-you all for you." She smirks, coming up for a second with her finger still working on my insides, "yea, only for me, glad you finally remembered baby." I sit there in a daze trying to remember how I got here.
If you were wondering how I ended up in this position, we would have to backtrack a bit. Going back to when we were being called down to the fight zone. I was so excited holding hands with Kristen. We had both been a part of the royal family for a while, and when we heard about this opportunity, we were ecstatic. It was a Korean dance TV program, though, so I can say that unlike the rest of my team, I generally didn't expect us to win, well, the show that is. Though that didn't mean we would go easy and let people make a mockery of us. Never know what the future holds. This would be an experience.
I had learned that a certain someone would be here. By that, I entirely mean my wife Lia Kim. We had just recently got engaged 2 months ago, and even though we weren't officially married yet, Lia always referred to me as her wife. When she told me she was invited to bring her crew to SWF2, I questioned it as first, I mean, my girl had the qualifications to be a judge, but just my opinion. Though, I didn't tell her about Jam Republic being on the team, and she wouldn't know until we got there. I had a feeling she would be surprised and slightly angry at the same time.
We walked down the stairs amazed by the architecture of this place. "This is it girls we are here, so chin up and let the confidence run through you. We shall not be caught lacking." I told them, as I smiled and saw Kristen make a gesture for us to keep walking. We finally made it down, stepping into the center of the fight zone. Allowing everyone to get a good look at us. Making their little side remarks and comments. Until we heard the screen come on giving us our team evaluation. We stood there listening to all the absolute bullshit they were saying, I was already pissied with them called Kristen, a backup for Paris and Audrey, just a pretty face. What made me even more pissed was that my fiance said it with that irritating smirk on her face that I usually would love. Not this time. I then heard the comments about me.
Biggy - Didn't Amara create the choreography for Rihanna superbowl?
Halo - If there is anyone I have respect for, Amara, she started out in underground street battles. She managed to even become better than her teacher.
Lusher- It feels like she has lived multiple lives you know, like she has done so much for her age.
Redlic- She is nicknamed Hybe's princess with her being the main choreographer for them. She has created majority of there dances, I wanna see if it's true.
I smirk hearing that comment.
Lia- Jam Republic will be the first to go home, I don't see anything special.
Mina- She has amazing skills and good energy, and it looks like she is special. I'll give you that.
And just like that found my target, one thing about my wife is her ego is fucking huge. She will do anything and everything to prove she is the best. You see, I knew about her issue, and will Mina. So why not play into that? Besides, she literally said Jam Republic will be the first to go home. So payback is about to be a bitch. We sat, and the entire time, I could feel someone's eyes locked on me. I knew exactly who it was, so I leaned closer to Kristen, grabbing her arm and having us basically be hugging at this point. At first, Kristen looked at me a little confused. Now she is a touchy person and didn't mind, but she was trying to figure out why suddenly. Until she looked over and saw Lia glaring at us. Then she smiled, turning to look at me before whispering in my ear, "it seems your girl is quite possessive, huh?" I just smile laughing and nodding.
Now, to any other person, that reaction wasn't weird or considered flirting, but to Lia, it meant war. Eventually, we are told about the no-respect battles. "This will be sp fun." I tell my team while Ling sat there telling us how she is so down to battle. We all go in our respective rooms to change. While I'm on the way to the room, I could see Lia gesturing for us to talk, but I paid no mind. This is a competition, and I'm mad at her right now. We walk in and immediately start changing. I go put on my grey little tank with no bra and some baggy jeans with my thong slightly showing. Might as well leave in impression, Korean strict ass dress code and overall high ass morals be dammed.
We all make it back to the fight zone, and the battles start rolling in. I am simply sporting two stickers, waiting for my name to be called. Crazy how Kristen is a much better battler than me, yet no one thought of that because they were too busy calling her Paris number 2. Well, they will see. Every since I got down here, Lia couldn't take her eyes off me, though it seems neither could Mina. Well, this will be fun. After a while of battles, Kristen is called up with her picking Waackxxxy. I move to the sideline to get a better view of the battle and hype her up. Doing a little more than necessary to pisd off you know who. Then, when Kristen takes the win, I run up and hug her. Finally, I'm glad everyone can see her in her element.
More battles continue until I'm called by Mina. Of course, why didn't I gather she was gonna call me? That makes sense. I walk to the center, hearing Daniel ask for any words before the battle. "I just wanna share the stage with this beautiful woman." Mina states while winking at me, causing the crowd to go wild. I stare at her, giving the doe eye effect before stating, "Then I will make it worth your while." At this point, everyone is tuning into this battle. Mina starts off using a big of hip pop moves, making sure to let everyone be aware of her presence. She even got close to me multiple times, grabbing my grin. When it's my turn to battle, I hear nicki minaj blasting through the speakers. I start off my routine locking and then move into some hip-hop while hitting a split. Then, I get close to her body rolling a twerking until the battle is over, the judges vote in favor of me.
I move over to hug Mina, thanking her for battling me. She holds me close before thanking me as well. I move to put the win on our board and make my way over to Deepndapp, putting the loss sticker on there's. Not before Mina taps my butt on the way over. After I make it back to my team, they are congratulating me, with Kristen placing me on her lap and kissing my cheeks. After a while, more battles continued with me being called us to battle redlic, which was more so not a battle with the amount of hair flipping she did. I literally counted each flip. She made it to 11 before she ended her battle. We eventually make it to a break, with production calling for a commercial telling us to go gather our thoughts and prepare for the next segment. We ordered some food, more so me, because I'm the only one who can speak Korean. As I'm making my way outside to get the food I spot Lia, looking angry as shit. Starting to realize that I kinda went a bit overboard and now I'm low-key scared as fuck.
I grab the food practically trying to run into the Jam Republic room. Latrice opens the door, taking the food from me. Until she sees Lia, "you realize you can't avoid her forever, especially when you were wrong as fuck." I look at her before she tells me to go apologize. I hear Lia yelling, "Amara, get you ass over here." I try to make another run for it until she catches up with me. "Your ass is getting punished. Let's go." I try to apologize to her, hoping that would work, I know I'm far past acceptance. She gives me a look before pulling me in the towards 1 million rooms. Telling everyone to leave immediately and go to Jam Republic's room, they see the look on her face, some to scared to question their leader and others already knowing I'm in for it, and then they all file out. She pushes me on the couch and starts pacing around the room. "Don't fucking speak to me, I can't believe you. Completely walking around whoring yourself out. Knowing everyone in that room wants to be in my position but can't. Its OK, just gonna have to remind you how makes you feel like your in heaven, the only person that can make you cum. Let's get to work then, shall we?"
Well, that's how I ended up in this position. Legs are being held open pressed against my stomach, feeling extremely vulnerable in this position. Just how she likes it. I've lost count of how many times I've come. This break seems like it's been forever. My legs have cramped up so badly. "B-baby please I can't cum anymore." I try to beg her hoping she will have mercy on me. She claimed she accepted my apology after I came for the 3rd time in a row. But she just keeps going. "Yes, you can, my pretty flower. I know you can. Just one more." She says while placing 3 fingers back inside me all at once, the stretch feeling the like the first time. I start to cry and thrash around, causing her to grab my face soothing me. "Just one more time. I promise, ok? Do it for me. Make me proud."
With rhat I try my very best. Do lost in pleasing her. All I want to do is make her proud. And she knows this. She has broken me down, orgasm by orgasm to the point that all I can think about is her. She starts to move her fingers faster, moving her head back down in its previous position to suck on my abused clit. I scream out loud. "F-fuck, yes... please... right there." She hits that sweet spot inside of me again, smirking. "Right there, huh? I know baby just cum for me." My thighs clench tight around her head screaming out her name completely forgetting where we are. Though, I'm too fucked out to care. All I see is white, my limbs going slack on the couch. She stares up at me, her chin dripping with her shirt as well. I look confused until she says, "You squirted baby." She seems so happy and proud of herself. All I can do is throw my arms out, grabbing her. "My precious little flower, all mine." I hear her say will looking at me lovely. "All yours, only yours."And don't you ever forget it."
(Request brought to you by @thegayassbit-ch)
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