#art criticsm
pinkish29 · 2 months
If you have the time and would like, please give me constructive criticism on my art, my style and what could be improved.
I’ll put some art here but there’s more on my profile, thank you!
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octobertooctober · 2 years
Boston Letter 1 ((February 15, 1964), 8(1))
As dated, Rosalind Krauss' first officially published work was for Art International, Volume 8, Issue 1. She covered nine exhibitions in the area.
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Canberra Times axing specialist arts reviewers
More evidence of the disregard and poor esteem given to the arts in Australia by the media During the last week I received news from Limelight Media about the axing of arts critics and journalists in the Canberra Times. Writer Jason Blake noted on 22 June 2023, that “Canberra’s daily newspaper The Canberra Times has ceased to commission reviews of classical music, theatre, dance and the visual…
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shesnake · 4 months
i dont think any of the challengers trio r "worse" than any other - those are silly conversations. but art is definitely not getting the criticsm the others are. which is hilarious, bc the things he did "wrong" are pretty obvious. he (unintentionally or not) drove an emotional wedge between patrick & tashi, & dropped his childhood best friend for a decade for kind of no real reason? if tashi did that she there would be essay upon essay abt how evil & wicked she is, but he's a white boy who used to be in musicals, so he gets off easy.
and people ARE writing essays about tashi like this 😭😭 it's the misogynoir
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hatsampixie · 3 months
These people need to be deplatformed - Message for Staff/Support.
@staff @support
I am dealing with harassment from these users: pamithebunterfly2007, rhyliethecaterfly, gamerhyena33, emo-gals-4life, nicky-toony
These people are harassing, stalking me, and threatening me over my Helluva boss art/criticsm. They are also suicide baiting in a poor attempt to gain sympathy. I have screenshots of them harassing me and saying I deserved to be assaulted. (unless they deleted it, but I got the evidence.)
screenshot 1, screenshot 2, screenshot 3 screenshot 4
I caught wind of a post of one of the people harassing me, and they're lying through their teeth. The post basically boils down to "OH WOE IS ME We dIdnt do anthyding wong! we're innocent, she's evil! waaahhh1!1!" Bull. freakin. shit.
There's also this info which an anon sent me.
Do not listen to any excuses these psychopathic people have to say. They should not be allowed to get away with such vile, disgusting, and downright childish behavior. They need to be deplatformed.
I hope you get back to me regarding this issue. -HatSamPixie
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kcokaine · 9 days
to come into a creator's ask box to say "the writing is not good" must be one of the most braindead crazy things i've seen in a long time lmaooo like what do they expect you to do? apologize? will never understand why some people can't just stop reading and shut up of they don't like smth
No i think criticizm is good. But there is difference between blatant jealousy and hating.
Criticsm to my art and writing is welcome same as compliments as long as it is constructive and actually explain to me what is wrong or could be improved :)
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keehlmyself · 9 months
practicing art! : today's poor victim is near / nate river.
(please note that i am not a professional artist, nor am i any good. i haven't drawn in awhile and this is me experimenting.)
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i am accepting criticsm! if you're willing to give advice, please dm me :)
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faggot-billcipher · 3 months
i haven't seen anyone else say it so i'll say it. expecting a creator to confirm your headcanons exactly as you want is also very parasocial. i don't think being parasocial is just thinking a creator of a media you like is your friend. it's also expecting them to know your opinions on art they make like they're psychic and expecting your interpretations to be 100% confirmed. and acting like you've been terribly and purposely betrayed when they don't. and dare to take the media in a direction you never wanted.
to me that's no better than the parasocial epidemic of acting like a creator is your friend because you like the media they make. it's on a similar level but in regards to how you view their work and them as a person. it's still expecting special treatment from them that you are not owed. it's still very entitled behavior. it's still expevting them to somehow be telepathic enough to know your every thought on their work which is an toxic and unreasonable demand. chill.
this is also why at this point i support the concept of death to the audience. instead of always going death of the author.with how it's used i'm getting tired of the term death of the author nowadays as it just enables people to do confirmation bias. even when the source material blatantly proves their views on the media wrong. it's pretty much going "i'm always right even when i'm wrong" about media anlaysis. and i shouldn't have to spell out how that's not a healthy or mature way of coping when canon turns out to be the opposite of what you theorized. it's both parasocial and terminally online behavior at its finest. and yes tbh i am lowkey thinking of this surge of communities trying to be the next su critical phenomenon while writing this. y'all aren't exempt from this behavior and are the worst ones about it honestly. and yes btw this includes groups like toh critical, amphibia critical, hazbin hotel critical, helluva boss critical etc. whatever else you're thinking of. and this is coming from someone who legit borderline hates amphibia. and the ableist messages it has about marcy's neurodivergency coded narrative. but i still don't wanna associate with those of y'all who try to go "oh but the su critical mindseet is valid and healthy THIS TIME uwu!" at the next media that comes out.
it borders on digital self harm, how far y'all tend to go with this shit most of the time.
also a lot of your communties like this are full of hypocrites just as bad or worse than the creator of the media you're criticizing. it happened with su critical. and it quickly happened with hazbin hotel critical too. it's almost like it takes more than being obssessively hypercritical of largely new queer media coming out to be a non bigoted and non abusive person. who knew!
and on that note of these communities being full of coddled abusers and bigots, y'all refuse to do anything about it. outside of the mess that was the callout against genderfluidlucifer. but lily orchard has done worse and is doing worse STILL. and you're excusing every shitty thing she does because she was a major influencer in this form of media criticsm subculture. which still proves my point i made that y'all refuse to hold genuinely bad people in these communities acocuntable if they get really popular first. especially when they hit a certain level of popularity arbitrarily like lily did. (and this applied to bismuthspartnerincrime until he left the scene altogether but that's it's own can of worms.) because you think anyone agreeing with your media criticisms in the right pandering way is allowed automatic social and legal immunity. when that's literally not how anything works.
in general these days i do not trust someone who thinks they can do no harm because they parrot the right criticisms against the media i'm referring to. also on a slight side note i still remember how a lot of people in the su critical community claimed wearing glassess wasn't a disability. what was that all about??
like that side note just shows my point of how these communities were full of bigots and abusers but not much was being done about them. and i'm tired of it being allowed to happen and this problem being repeated. because no one wants to learn and repeatedlyputs callouts full of exclus/anti rhetoric on a pedestal for no reason. like we don't have to put these subcultures on a pedestal but it keeps happening. why do we keep letting it happen?? and btw before anyone claims anything this is not an anti leftism post. i am a leftist at heart. i just hate seeing new leftists acting like they have to get themselves roped into these commuities to be real leftists. when there's way more pressing forms of activism to focus more energy on than getting mad about blorbo from your show THIS MUCH.
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milkinmoose · 1 year
Your comments being turned off really shows how much of a snowflake you are to criticsm. 😊
Having your entire blog based on M/rston really shows the kind of person you are, I sure hope you don’t have siblings lol. I’m tired of seeing you freaks on Tumblr, on Pinterest, every. Fucking. Were,. And then you all acting fucking oppressed when you’re confronted???
I blockes you, I still see your art. I came for fucking Charthur and your freaky asses show up on my feed. For a while I thought you all stopped but no???? More show up. More. Not only do I have to deal with the fucking M*rballs and V*ndermusty shippers crawling out of the walls, but I come back and see M*rton shippers back at it. Fucking kys tf????
one, my comments aren't off honey bunches get your fucking facts right before talking to me 😊 also get educated with your yee yee ass typing and spelling. like fr you type like you're at gunpoint and shaking like a little woosey crybaby shitting your silly little clown pants
anyways, getting cereal.
I've seen your sorry lazy fat fucking ass copying and pasting towards other Morston creators, how unoriginal. i bet your response to that though would be "oH i HaVE nO tImE tO BE OrIGInAl wITh yOU" like every other person who supports Charthur 😋 most of you lot are snobby, defensive and extremely fucking racist whether you like it or not. get. your. facts. right. some of you complain about people drawing him skinny and fit? ffs he's canonically fit.
most people also draw him taller than Arthur? and larger? he's not. check his height comparison to Arthur. in game, they're around the same height, and the discussion is still on for his EXACT height, but i think he's between 5/11 to 6/1. all of you who make him a fucking mammoth are the racists stereotyping him for this massive black Indian man. disrespectfully, fuck you for massacring that beautiful man. 😊
idk what else to say anyways im losing brain joos soooo ima start getting silly teheheh
also crawling through walls is my favourite pass time, and it's where i have all my adventures with Barry, the paraplegic rat, and Sally, the overweight snail
FYI, for you snowflakes, the last half was just shit post. please don't take it personally and cry
thank you for reading whoever actually did read this far without shitting yourself from being offended. whoever is actually a chill Charthur shipper though, this is not directed at you. it's directed at the assholes who make Arthur hyperfeminine or Charles transgender 😊
have a good day to the nice people in the world i love you all <3
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brsb4hls · 1 year
I think one of the main issues with not only s2 but some of s1 as well as that only neil was involved with the creation of both of them because terry unfortunately passed away. It lost something vital in that moment. In s1, they still had the book and I think s1 did a good job as far as adaptations go with some grievances, but now in s2, it's whatever neil is going to do and with how active he is on tumblr and how the fans are and how he's reacting to them, it's losing the spirit of the original even further. Not BECAUSE the ship is canon, but everything else surrounding the ship and how we got there and how the writers and the actors are changing the characters more as they progress from one season to the next. I watched s2 feeling giddy for more good omens and very quickly that giddiness turned sort of confused and disappointed. I didn't want disjointed filler fanfic with a loose plot. It didn't fit. It didn't feel right. Overall, I didn't hate the season, but I didn't quite like it either. The handful of you good omens critical blogs have summed it up very well for me and I'm surprised it's not a more popular opinion. I've just seen a couple people talking about how book fans are complaining which is the most dismissive way to put it. I'm not sure if people are blinded by their theories and canon ship or they just don't care that this season felt almost fanmade, but I'm sad that the book and tv show versions are now miles apart rather than cousins.
That's a long ask, thank you for sharing!
I actually did like season 1, too. The book is very hard to transfer to tv imo and choices had to be made.
Technically, Adam is the main character, but putting more focus on him would either mean a) a kid show with a lot of stuff about the them or b) more Anathema and conspiracy theories discussion.
That probs wouldn't have worked that well, so Gaiman made the two most colourfull characters the protagonists and in order to flesh them out added to their relationship.
Other stuff was added for comedic reasons or drama. Which I get.
So season one was a fair interpretation with necessary (to appeal to a mainstream audience) changes.
And both actors were doing an amazing job, so that helps.
Another plus is that a lot of new fans had so much fun with the material and created a ton of art/fics and revived the fandom.
And then it went off the rails somehow.
The thing is, Good Omens isn't a drama. A lot of dramatic events happen, but they feel understated, it's mainly weird, quirky and funny.
It also isn't a love story. In the romantic sense.
There is a lot of love in the book.
And I truely do not know what exactly happened, that turned such a unique little thing into the most bland, generic romance.
Probably capitalism.
I mean, just watching Crowley and Aziraphale trying to weather everyday life without having their jobs anymore would have been hilarious, but probs to niche.
And I would love to know what made Gaiman change his tune in regards to the nature of their relationship.
He does not really answer stuff, though, he's good at circumventing.
I hope at least it wasn't tumblr that influenced him. In most cases a creative process suffers from too much social media interaction. (Season 3 could get even worse).
The fandom dynamics regarding criticsm are always complicated.
I do speculate that most hyper positive fans are fairly new, just in it for the ship and going with the flow.
Also critcism is kinda a four letter word these days.
I mean it can be fun and relieving to went or pick apart or even ridicule and as long as it's tagged correctly nobody gets hurt by it.
Maybe 'Good Omens' also is a sore subject, because after years of being vague, Crowley/Aziraphale actually got canonized, and no matter what they represent as, they do look like a gay couple to the general audience, and people might be afraid criticsm might reflect badly on the representation they finally got.
Who knows.
In the end, one can always cherry pick. I do like some scenes, I do ship Crowley/Aziraphale, but I'm disappointed that their characters went full on angel/demon cliche contrary to the appealing, nuanced book versions.
And yeah, there is no actual plot so we might as well have gotten smth like Crowley tries to earn money by becoming an uber driver or smth (there's great fanfic about that).
But that's just me, I do get why people enjoy it. Criticsm just helps to deal a bit with the disappointment, because, like you, I was initially thrilled about the second season.
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octobertooctober · 2 years
Krauss @ Art International
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Art International:  Prior to her time Harvard University, and after her time at Wellesley College, Krauss contributed essays to Art International. Art International was founded by James Fitzsimmons and  was based in Switzerland issued 10 publications per year. This publication spanned from 1956-1984, with Krauss contributing to three of the issues in 1964-65. Two of her articles were under the header "Boston Letter" and consisted of her reviews of Boston based exhibitions, and the third was on Op art.
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maxellminidisc · 1 year
Mad cause you cant draw for shit huh? Gotta justify white washing from a fucking manga where you're missing the fucking point of the page itself huh?
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Like this page is clearly talking about how that's a mistake people make and need to FIX, TO BE MADE AWARE OF. If you can't fucking work beyond that and if you cannot take critique of how your work 1) is not executing resemblance despite that very much being the intention AND worst of all part of that failure is 2) because it erases an important facet of the character or person you're drawing such a their ethnic features or in the case of most anime characters their specific or implied race, you're a fucking loser.
People, especially POC come from all kinds of different angles trying to let white people know they're whitewashing and I have yet to see a white artist respond positively and genuinely, it's always defense from them and their enablers to straight up unabashed racism. Frankly, you're not an artists worth shit if you're not willing to take that important a criticsm, especially as a white one, and grow, let alone be so dismissive when people are making you aware of a way you can fix and reduce harm.
Again I truly cannot understand how so many people online call themselves artists be it literal visual ones, writers, musicians, etc but critique is beyond so many of y'alls capabilities. Especially criticism THIS important. The fact that you can't distinguish between critique and plain hate is like very telling, y'all conflate the two so much. And frankly poc have a right to be hateful in their critique when white artist love being racist even in their art, that's pretty fucking justified on our part!!!
Also hilarious because outside the instructor talking about the possibility of drawing your own face, the whiteness vs darkness he's talking about in those panels isn't even about race, ethnic features, or skintone; it's about how he can't understand why his eyes perceive the statue as LITERALLY the color white while his drawing is heavy and dark with contrast and shading. I've literally read this fucking manga myself, ironic the lack of further interpretation here given this is this person's supposed hyperfixation sosjsidksosksk
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carmen2702 · 2 years
First of all I'd like to welcome you to my page. In whatever way, you might have found yourself on here.Whether it was just a simple coincidence while scrolling through tumblr or the whispering voices in your head. I don't judge. This is a safe place for everyone
{Introducing the Character}
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[Carmen Bennett]
Who is she and what is her role in this Universe?
Now, the first Thing you might need to know about her is that if you were to ask her this question to her Face, she would stare at you incredulously, as though you might have slapped her in the Face and will continue to have yet another (of many) existential crisis
Some facts about her
Carmen Bennett is a 18 year old Witch and a very conflicting,hypocritic character. Therefore, her characteristics will often change. It might (definitely) give you whiplash. But she has some reoccurring traits such as:
Her compassion towards nature
She has a pet bunny named kara and if anything every happend to her, she would kill everyone in the room and then herself.
She used to do ballet when she was younger, a woman in her coven teached her and she still keeps up with it.
Her love for the helpless. Even if she herself isn't always in a Place to help
She tends to romanticize everything. And when i mean everything I mean, controversially so.
Her need for control. Due to her anxiety she has a hard time letting go of that control
She adores Fashion and has an affinity for Ballett.
She daydreams. A lot. And can often make you feel like your dreaming as well when your around her (which probably has something to do with her love for dream magic)
She is the loyalist creature on this earth
She is a huge literature and art Lover
She is very soft spoken and a woman of few words
She has a constant dreamy atmosphere around her
Her role in the Diabolik lovers Universe
She was being sent to the sakamakis mansion the same Time as Yui, as her "guardian"
Her role is to make sure Yui doesn't die. Make sure she stays alive, long enough to make Karlheinz's plan succeed
The only reason she has agreed to be part of his plan was because her Family owed him a favor.
Because of the bad relationship between Vampires and Witches, she has some prejudice towards Vampires.
{My rules!}
I am an 18+ blog so please, minors keep out <3
I will not tolerate any sort of hate or discrimination here!
I always always! appreciate criticsm and tips. I am very new and have lots to learn. (But remember sweet words are like sugar to the human soul and we could all use a little bit of sweetening <3)
Nswf and Tw asks need to be tagged as such
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zzzestforlife · 9 months
Your art work is precious and it matters too
Whatever piece of art you have to share with the world is just as awesome as the next person's, potentially even better. Please don't let fear of critiscm and getting looked down upon hold you back from putting your works out there for other people to enjoy.
Yes, a lot of people can do what you can do but not exactly as you do it, because each and everyone is unique in some way.
Also, my beautiful people, don't let fear of getting criticised stop you. To receive feedback is how we all grow and get better in whatever area of our lives.
If the criticsm is to harsh, you reserve the right to ignore it, delete it and block the hell out whoever sent it😁
The only way to conquer fear is to just go ahead and do that thing you are afraid of doing, because you'll get more comfortable in that thing and also get better at it👌
I just felt like in 2024, somebody needed to hear this.
I can't tell you how many years I wasted on being too afraid of putting my fanfiction writing out there, and even starting this blog.
My blog might not be there yet but my writing is doing great, guys. I joined AO3 back in 2017 and I have shared over a hundred stories that my dear readers love. I was moved to tears by the overwhelming support and love that my stories received and continue to receive. You know how many hate comments I've ever received? Less than 5. Do you know how many sweet comments I've received? Hundreds.
By conquering my own self doubt and fear, I found great joy and peace in writing fun stories and interacting with my readers on beloved fandoms.
Even if your new artistic venture doesn't work out;
You're lovely and strong enough to handle the failure;
You get to learn more about your skill level and identify where you need improvement
You get to see if you're actually passionate about your art
And finally, you still have a lot more to offer as a person and as an artist
Remember, success is in trying
Much love, sweethearts😘❤️
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mimmira · 11 months
cts & my learning and professional journey ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。 ˚
I would like to work with Broadcast Media, and develop an ad campaign to promote a film trilogy directed by them. Creating posters, advertisements, short comics to promote the film after the first part's release so that people will check out the remaining parts. As someone who's always preferred to develop on ideas and help expand it with my own creativity, I think I would enjoy having the freedom to promote the trilogy in a way that I deem as attractive. 
A final project idea I would like to do is a digital artbook/archive that is centered around the beauty of human life. It would incorporate the various mediums we learn in both studio and craft, and would range from abstract to forward art pieces. I would like to have a few fully drawn digital art pieces, and maybe a few pages representing a zine. I would explore typology, photography, to perhaps show how repeition in our daily life is beautiful too. The idea I want to explore is how life is beautiful from the small parts like sunsets and neighbourhood cats, and the bigger parts like love and platonic relationships. 
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I would like to work with Make-A-Wish, specifically the children under the program, as I feel out of everyone, they are the ones that miss out on the beauty of life most, and that's the final idea I have in mind for now. I want to help them see that life is worth fighting for through design, and to keep their spirits up despite the struggles they might be facing. I want to use my art to bring them hope.
CTS would help me achieve my goal in becoming an illustrator as it equips me with the neccessary growth mindset to face criticsm from superiors, to put out the best illustration needed for projects. It would help me collaborate better with others to coordinate a specific artstyle, or with storyboard artists to put out the right concept and storyline. (330 words) REFERENCES:
picture 1: @onenhillion. "how lucky we are!!!" X, 5 Aug. 2023, 06:51, https://twitter.com/onenhillion/status/1687597091403771912
picture 2: @onenhillion. "how lucky we are!!!" X, 5 Aug. 2023, 06:51, https://twitter.com/onenhillion/status/1687597091403771912
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mk-wizard · 2 years
Baymax the series: We owe it an apology
As someone who is a fan of Baymax, Big Hero 6, a comic author and most relevantly, a mother, I just have to get a few things off of my chest about the new Baymax series which I find other parents not only reacted way too harshly, but I find it was deeply misjudged and misunderstood.
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The harshest claim the Baymax series, and even Big Hero 6, gets is that it is not appropriate for children, but that claim alone is flawed because the Big Hero 6 series (movie, books, shorts, cartoons, etc.) was never aimed at small children and always dealt with topics that were serious or went over a small child’s head. While the character Baymax is child friendly with his teddy bear like appearance and sweet demeanor, the series he comes from is obviously aimed for pre-teens and teenagers since the main characters are in that age group and deal with situations people of that age group can identify with. Some of these issues are not even medical, biological or even sexual. They are just social such as having to deal with loss, regret and changes you weren’t ready for. From the beginning of the story, the main character Hiro is an orphan who is initially on the wrong path until his older brother Tadashi sets him straight and even soon after that, his brother dies in a tragic accident. And all of this as well as the other serious topics are presented with class and sensitivity. There is no gore or harsh imagery aside from the funeral itself which was sad, but clean.
I must also point out that in Big Hero 6 progressivism has always been present whether it is in the form of science or social awareness. Just look at how progressively it portrays men and women or the rich and poor. It takes a huge stab (no pun intended) by making Wasabi a swordfighter who is also meek, nervous, insecure, kind of a fraidy cat and yet is still not any less of a fighter for it. Then there is Fred who is very wealthy yet has a job which he is proud of, he gets joy out of simple things, he is unconditionally kind to everyone, does things by himself, he isn’t narcissistic and isn’t concerned with the social class of his peers. Also, it is also very clear that it is a very feminist series because the women and girls of Big Hero 6 and Baymax are diverse and strong. It should come as no surprise to us that it would introduce us to some LGBT+ characters too, present the period as being a normal and natural thing, and have gender neutral bathrooms which might I add only contained stalls which gave anyone and everyone privacy when they had to go. Everything was presented with class and nothing innocence shattering was shown or done.
Not even when during the period episode, it showed men being aware of what a period is and what a girl needs for it. A man is not a pervert for being aware of how basic female biology works not even if he is transgender. And in the defense of that background character who just happened to be a transgender male, all he did was be a nice guy. It is like being aware of how breathing works. Even my husband who has no sisters and is biologically male knows what the period is and how it works. Also, suppose a kid was watching that episode of Baymax, it is alright because most of it would go over their head and nothing private is shown. Even the sight of the hygiene products isn’t so bad because we never even see them directly. We just see labels and boxes. As mentioned before, this series’ main audience consists of teenagers and pre-teens so it is natural for it to address topics like this.
And I also have to come to the defense of Mbita who is gay and openly asked his crush out on a date; there is absolutely nothing inappropriate about a consenting adult asking another consenting adult out. In the eyes of a child who doesn’t get how dating and crushes work, the kid will think Mbita and his crush are just really good friends and they would think the exact same thing if his crush was a woman. That is unless the kid has gay relatives or a gay parent, and even then, it is ok. I did not see an agenda being pushed around or rubbed harshly in the face of the viewer. I just saw a character in a situation that is relatable to anyone who has had a crush they were too nervous to talk to which tons of straight people go through too. If anything, I thought it was sweet. The only part of Mbita’s episode that a small child understands is that he suddenly became allergic to fish at this made him upset because he loves cooking fish and he was apprehensive about cooking something else. That and he clearly fears needles.
If you think the Big Hero 6 franchise is not for small children, that is fine because it admits that it isn’t, but you can’t fault it for that and you definitely should not persecute it for that. Do not make claims that it is trying to harm children or push agendas. It is not doing anything that it has not done before and none of it is evil.
Fellow parents, please stop being so angry at a series that didn’t do anything wrong. I don’t know about all of you, but I actually think that everything the Baymax series brought to the table so far was nice, well written, heartwarming and relatable to everyone.
I think you owe Baymax and its writers an apology because you said some things that weren’t very nice or true.
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