#as animal he is more of a jackal
lelanida · 10 months
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I think I know who's Fox from the Starlight Desert truly is.
I just thought about how TLP season played out the entire book, but not friendship with Fox. Firstly, I thought that our skykid was supposed to replace him in the story, but no, Litle Prince mentioned Fox in one of the quests. So they already met. And that must've happened after Prince met grown-ups. In Starlight Desert. Who could it possibly have been? Does Sky have a wise philosophical talking fox who can turn Little Prine to the right path? Sky doesn't. I do.
Miru is Fox.
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blackbackedjackal · 11 months
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I just wanted macdondaled...
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wes-laye · 2 years
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Desert adventure
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ageless-aislynn · 1 year
I would watch an entire series about these three, ZOMG! I love how you can get the gist of what they’re saying even without the captions (but turn the CC on to read the English translation anyway, lol). As people were saying in the comments, in the game cutscenes, you get the feeling that the various species just barely tolerate each other but here, I think you see something more “realistic.” The Jackal being all casually “Hello!” and then sprawling over backwards to see the Elite’s shot, plus the Grunt just plopping down and swinging his feet, asking what they’re looking at...
I love it! 😍👍💖
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miqojak · 9 months
Random question but what are the main differences you'd say there are between the way you describe your character and the way she'd describe herself?
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Here's a lil snip of a somewhat similar question from 2020, but it was limited to 3 words each! Gosh, this is still hard, though. I think we'd agree on a lot of descriptors - she's ambitious, goal-oriented, acerbic, incisive, often impatient... but capable of immense patience when she must be. But she's honest, above all. She can twist her honesty when she feels like it, but she's direct and to the point... and doesn't really care about how that honesty might feel to the other person, as she doesn't have a lot of empathy for others she's not emotionally connected to (most of the time)... and getting to that point tends to take a concerted effort and a lot of patience from the other person. Gotta prove you really want her in your life!
From my meta perspective, I'd call her a wounded/abused alley cat - she's mistrustful, and for good reason. I'd call her a broken person... but she's also admitted that before, as well - she knows she's not 'normal', and functions differently than others. As incisive as she is with others... she's equally as honest (if not moreso) with herself. Ketsuchi once called her 'lonely' and she denied it at first, because of her perception of that word - she didn't want people around her! But... at the end of the day, she is - she lost her whole family. If any of her tribe survived, she doesn't know about it. They're all dead. She fought Garlemald... she suffered for those she loved, she fought for her home... and in the end, it doesn't matter, because there's no one to share the victory with. But I think you'd be hard-pressed to hear her call herself lonely, all the same, even now that she's cognizant of the fact that loneliness can have different connotations for different people.
It's hard to come up with differences in how we'd describe her, but... I don't agree with her calling herself a 'Beast', like the Garleans did. She kinda had to become just that to get away from them - had to lean into their expectations and become something hateful... because she was effectively a child soldier in a concentration camp, and... the tales of the Jackal taught her to be more clever. To play along, if she must, to escape the 'trap'. She became the very thing they expected her to be, and used it against them - but what they did to her broke her mentally. What she witnessed changed her. Their ideology, even, was baked into her: The Strong Survive. So... deep down, she feels ugly. She hates thinking about J'kesri - she has tattoos (each with meaning/insight into who she is), and piercings in part because she wanted to distance herself from who she saw in the mirror - under all the ego, is a broken little girl who lost her whole family - her whole reason for living. And...she'd hate me saying that, because SHE hates that about herself.
And deep, deep down? She is capable of immense care and loyalty to the right people; to those who demonstrate to her that they're worth that part of her, worthy of the risk she's taking - there's not a lot of that left to give, but she gives it wholeheartedly once it has been earned. She believes in actions speaking louder than words, and has gone above and beyond for the man who became her lover, over the course of about 2 years - she cooks him homecooked meals, lavishes physical affection on him... even likes to take baths with him, and wash him (among other things >_>). The problem is when people come at her seeking this side of her, and she's insistent that this part of her doesn't exist - because not everyone deserves this part of her! She's deeply wounded and mistrustful, and it takes enduring a lot of venom from her, and proving you'll still be there in the end (among other 'requirements' on her part), for her to finally deem someone worthy to be considered a friend. And even then... she can be a handful because she cares so much! Now, you're subject to the high standards she has for herself, as well! She'll push you to be a better version of yourself, as well - because that's what she believes in! Constant betterment!
At the end of the day, Jak is uniquely honest with everyone, but like I said...especially with herself. She's cognizant of her strengths and weaknesses and admits most of them, because... only a fool denies the truth of a thing.
She and Ketsuchi were both quite heroic - and rather naive in their heroism - in their youth... and they both became quite cold, and distant, and mistrusting of people with time and heartbreak and hurt and loss... but finding each other, and seeing someone just like themselves in their adult lives really helped them both, I think - but that might be one more thing I don't think either of them would admit to... having been 'heroic'... and even when she does small kindnesses now for homeless refugees, or goes to spend time with those in Little Ala Mhigo? She still doesn't want to be acknowledged for it. She doesn't want people to notice it, or thank her, or consider her a hero of the people, or anything of the sort. It makes her uncomfortable in her own skin... and that's hard for me to put a finger on the 'why' for, myself... maybe it just reminds her of all those she lost, and can't do these things for, now. Maybe she just feels too 'broken' to be seen as anyone 'heroic' or kind. But I'd say she is, deep down, still as capable of being a loving person as she once was, under the right circumstances - that part of her isn't as dead and gone as she thinks/wishes... and maybe that's the big one we differ on.
I got rambly, since this was a tough one to find differences on, so thanks for reading - and for asking!!
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r1elle · 30 days
atsumu who just gets so annoyed at that stupid plushie on your bed.
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at first, he denies it. he denies it because the whole matter is just so above and beyond him.
to be genuinely pissed at some stuffed animal? please. he’s THE MSBY Black Jackals’ Setter. a PRO volleyball player. and most importantly, a GROWN man. being jealous over some sewn up cotton? goodness.
but the nights you had abandoned and turned your back towards him just to unconsciously reach for that plushie and cuddle with it instead began to frequent more than atsumu could tolerate.
hes definitely death threatening that stuffed beast (his own choice of words) the morning after.
is this what those scientists in shows felt like when their own experiments went against them? because seeing that white teddy bear he had prided himself in buying as a gift for your anniversary come and replace him during the hours of your slumber wasn’t really the nicest feelings ever.
so, if you find a rather jolly and humming atsumu sipping his coffee at 8:30 am in the morning, just know that he’s feeling really accomplished and expecting your figure to be the only thing he’s holding from the moment you close your eyes, and up for when you open them once again.
“mornin’, baby. whats up with the upset brows?
oh, but don’t look at how the attic just so happened to have its entrance slightly ajar. unfortunately, doing a clean job wasn’t really in atsumu’s blood that day.
“atsumu, have you seen the bear you got me for our anniversary? i’m worried… i cant seem to find it. it’s just.. gone?”
“eh? that big thing? how would it even get lost in the first place?”
“i know.. it’s so weird..”
“maybe yer’ just not looking hard enough, sweet.”
“but how—?……also, why’s the attic open?”
“ya look beautiful, by the way.”
“just woke up too. so gorgeous. wouldn’t expect less from ya. c’mon, let’s go on a walk.”
“but atsumu, the att—
“i think the tulips you planted finally bloomed. let’s check, hm?”
“i just planted them three days ago—?? hey! atsumu! ats—!!”
well. taking an unexpected walk around the neighbourhood on an empty stomach definitely didn’t make things any better that morning.
though, if it alleviates anything within you, perhaps do take note at the horror on atsumu’s face upon the sight of your child dusting off that same white teddy bear she had “found while treasure hunting in the attic!” six years later.
as you make a snide comment (totally not directed at your awfully tense husband), and lead your daughter to washing the now roughed up plush, atsumu couldn’t help but feel as if that bear had been plotting against him, making sure to come back with even more malice for their inevitable reunion. (what a poetic mind, atsumu.)
and so, with no you to hold and to feel, and with no daughter to keep close by,
the bed surely felt colder that night.
stupid bear.
shameless plug but if u want more atsumu then.. heheh —> loser tsumu ;3
but yeah i don’t think the atsumu hyperfixation is ever gonna end
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kenjisatos · 3 months
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second part of this series! i love to see more of this team <3
[sakusa version]
this fic features…
haikyuu timeskip!spoilers, highly suggestive content (as the title entails), inappropriate language, atsumu keeps getting violated by his teammates, i headcanon sakusa to be fluent in english (argue with the wall), genre: crack, some of these are actual tweets i found lol.
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The videos begins with multiple flash shots of Atsumu screaming, Hinata and Bokuto bursting into laughter, and a clip of the camera zooming in on Sakusa’s disgusted face.
- cut scene -
“Hi, we’re the MSBY Black Jackals, and we’re here with Buzzfeed to read your thirst tweets.” The 4 of them say together.
Hinata drums on his chair, “Miyaaaaa Atsumuuuu edition!”
Atsumu smirks at the camera, “I know you’ve all been waiting for this.”
The cameraman speaks up, “Are you excited?”
Atsumu nods enthusiastically, “Hell yeah! I can take this like a champ, unlike Omi-Omi…”. He side eyes the outside hitter, who, in return, flips off the setter—but the video pixelates it for censorship.
Bokuto snorts, “That’s what she said…”
Atsumu chuckles and claps his hands together. “Let’s get started!”
- cut scene -
The crew tosses a phone to Atsumu. He catches it and clears his throat. “Alright, first one…”
“How can I transform into one of those cameras used for volleyball games? Oh to get that view of Miya Atsumu’s dick all up in front of me when he does his sexy low set.”
Atsumu chuckles, “I can practically see you drooling from here, user.”
Hinata wiggles his eyebrows and pretends to hit a spike, “It is a sexy set, Miya.”
Bokuto fakes an animalistic growling noise, “When you get down low and—“
“Oh please, why are we praising Miya for flashing the camera?” Sakusa cuts in.
Atsumu huffs, “I’m not flashing them on purpose!” He then turns to the camera and winks, “Unless you want me to…”
“Shut yer trap, Omi-Omi!”
Hinata snickers, “Miya, your accent is slipping in…”
His voice is high pitched and whiny as he replies, “No, it’s n—!”, he clears his throat, his voice now two octaves deeper, “No, it’s not.”
Bokuto chuckles, slapping the setter on the back. Atsumu simply passes the phone to him to read the next tweet.
“Funny how I want to throw hands at Inarizaki Miya Atsumu, but at the same time, I want to throw my panties off for MSBY Miya Atsumu.”
Sakusa laughs, actually laughs, for the first time since they started the shoot. His rowdy companions slowly turn to him, eyes blown wide at the rare sight of their stoic teammate showing an ounce of amusement.
Sakusa’s laugh trails off, “Yeah…you were a piece of shit in high school.”
“No, I wasn’t!”
“Yes, you were. Still are.”
Hinata tries to reassure the blond, “Don’t worry, Miya, I thought you were cool.”
Bokuto quips, “Hinata, I thought you couldn’t tell the difference between him and Osamu.”
Hinata’s eyes widen and Atsumu glares at the orange-head, “Seriously, Shoyo?”
Hinata waves his hands dismissively, “I-I-I…”
Atsumu sighs, “You guys keep distracting me! I’m supposed to be replying to these thirst tweets.”
Bokuto holds a hand to his heart, “We are sorry, your highness.”
Atsumu looks at the camera and smirks, “Keep your panties on, ladies. I like to do it with them on.”
Sakusa stares at Atsumu in disgust, the beginning scene of the video making its’ debut as the cameraman zooms in on Sakusa’s revolted expression.
“How do you do it with it on?” Bokuto thinks out loud.
Hinata responds, “I think he means it’s pulled to the side?”
Bokuto’s mouth turns into an animated ‘o’ shape, “Ohhh, or or or he—“
Their pr manager coughs loudly off screen. Sakusa gives their manager a grateful look, mouthing a ‘thank you’.
The other three pout as their conversation is cut short. Bokuto hands the phone to Hinata; he squints his eyes at the screen as he tries to make out the words. He begins to read:
“Have y’all seen Miya Atsumu? If that dick slap his thigh when he walk, I shall listen when he talk.”
Hinata laughs but continues, “The Twitter user reposted themselves saying ‘Sheesh.’ with 18 fucking android emojis.”
Bokuto leans closer to Hinata, “Ooh! Lemme see, lemme see.”
Atsumu grins smugly with his eyes closed in satisfaction, his hand coming up to run through his platinum hair.
Sakusa speaks up, “Stop posing for the edits.”
Atsumu seems to ignore Sakusa’s comment as he faces the camera. “Well in that case, I guess you’ll all be listening to me.”
Hinata snorts, “Proof?”
Bokuto guffaws while Hinata holds his laughter in behind a cheeky smile.
Atsumu’s cheeks flush red at his words, “I ain’t showing you nothin’!”
Sakusa rolls his eyes, “Trust me, we’ve seen enough in the locker room.”
Bokuto hides behind Atsumu and holds his hands up a certain distance to insinuate the length of Atsumu’s…commodity.
Atsumu continues, practically flirting with the camera, “But trust me y’all, it does, indeed, slap.”
Hinata leans his elbow over Atsumu’s shoulder, “Yeah and so does he!”
The sound effect of a turntable skidding plays.
Atsumu flinches away from Hinata, “WHAT???”
Their pr manager stands up quickly from their seat, a horrified expression on their face; the threat of losing their job rushing in their head.
Bokuto is holding a hand over his mouth, the Buzzfeed crew members are exchanging nervous looks, even Sakusa has his eyes wide open.
Hinata realizes his mistake and freezes for a moment before he’s jumping and scuttling around in a panic.
Sakusa snorts and covers his face with his hands, Bokuto has tears in his eyes from how hard he’s holding in his laughter, the MSBY pr manager sits back down, their pale face slowly regaining its color. Atsumu is left with what can only be described as a sea-sick expression, almost constipated. After a few seconds, he remembers how to speak and says:
“Shoyo…what the fuck.”
Sakusa opens his palm up, he’s biting his lip to not let a chuckle escape. “Give me the phone, Hinata.”
Hinata wordlessly hands the phone over as Bokuto giggles and places both his hands on Hinata’s shoulders and jumps in place to brighten up the mood.
Atsumu finally laughs a little, rubbing the back of his neck. “Almost caught myself a scandal there.”
“Wouldn’t be the first,” Sakusa mutters as he scrolls to the next tweet he has to read.
“Miya is so fucking hot, I want that man to turn my legs into jello.”
Atsumu grins, “Well well well—“
Sakusa continues reading the tweet, “I’m talking about Miya Osamu btw, aka the better twin.”
Atsumu opens his eyes, “Huh??”
Sakusa snickers, “Finally a tweet I agree with.”
Bokuto raises his hand to cup around his lips and whispers to Hinata, “Here come the SakuSamu shippers…”
Hinata whispers back, “I thought they were called Omigiris…”
The camera crew turns to a very confused Atsumu, “We thought it would be funny to add an Osamu tweet” one of them says.
Atsumu scowls like a petulant child.
Hinata perks up, “Osamu is pretty sexy, ey? In his Onigiri Miya compression shirt too…”
Bokuto nods in agreement, “And that cap? Smash.”
Atsumu whines, “Guyssss, this is supposed to be about meeee!”
“Womp womp.”
“Omiii :(“
Sakusa gives the phone back to Atsumu, who pouts and sticks his tongue out before he grumbles, “Y’all love to bully me, huh? And here I thought we would have deep team bonding conversations.”
Sakusa quirks an eyebrow up, “…at a thirst tweets shoot?”
“It’s personal and vulnerable,” Hinata replies.
“The only vulnerable thing at risk here is my wellbeing,” Sakusa retorts.
Atsumu sighs as he grabs the phone from Sakusa. “I hope the next tweet makes me feel better…”, he mutters.
“I just know that if Miya Atsumu called me a real good boy, it would awaken something in me.”
Bokuto starts barking at that, “Yeah, it awakens that inner dog in me.”
“We are the Black Jackals.” Sakusa comments, matter-a-factly.
“Are they talking about that time you and Kageyama were at that youth camp?” Hinata asks.
Atsumu nods, “I believe so.”
“Then how do they know you said that…?”
Sakusa responds amusedly, “Knowing Tobio, he probably tweeted about it. That man hates Miya.”
Atsumu defends himself, “Hey now, hate is a strong word. Tobio-kun is just jealous that I’m Shoyo’s setter.”
Bokuto, once again, leans in closer to Hinata to whisper, “Here come the KageHina and AtsuHina shippers…”
Atsumu stares right at the camera with a smoldering expression, “User, you’re being a real good boy…”
Bokuto barks again. The video adds a sound effect that makes it sound like a chorus of Bokutos are barking all around.
Atsumu laughs and passes the phone to Bokuto.
“Someone on here said the English equivalent to Miya Atsumu’s Kansai dialect is a country accent. Well then, call me a cowboy the way I’d be riding that man till the break of dawn. #SaveAHorseRideACowboy”
The video adds a cowboy hat and lasso to Atsumu, who pretends to be on a horse. His voice is much deeper as he says, “Yeehaw~”
“Oooh we have international fans!” Hinata speaks excitedly.
Bokuto’s eyes light up at Hinata’s comment, “Oooh, Omi-kun, say something to them!”
Sakusa squints his eyes and raises an eyebrow, “What do you want me to say?”
Atsumu jumps in, “Tell them I’d be happy to let them have a go at this rodeo ride.” He clicks his tongue with a wink.
Sakusa sighs then looks directly at the camera, and says the following in perfect English: “I hope your taste in men improves from what it is now. My condolences.”
Atsumu smiles, completely oblivious to the insult. “Thanks, Omi-Omi.”
Sakusa smiles, an evil little smile. “My pleasure.”
- cut scene -
Atsumu tosses the phone back to the crew, “And that was it! I thoroughly enjoyed the ego boost, minus the parts when the team bullied me.”
“You were a good sport, Miya.” Hinata tells him.
“Thanks, Shoyo. And you’re a horrible speaker.”
Hinata’s face burns scarlet again at the reminder of his misfortunate wording earlier.
“2 out of 4 completed!”, Bokuto exclaims.
“Yes, we’re so close to being done.” Sakusa says, though he looks way too happy and relieved.
“More coming your way!” Hinata adds.
“Stay tuned~” Atsumu points at the camera.
“We’re the MSBY Black Jackals, goodbye!”
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🏷️ @dervngedgf
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shroomi1e · 2 years
❝ realistic courting ❞
cyno + tighnari (separately)
summary: how they court you/act around you based off of the research i did on their animal counterparts
cw: none, mostly fluff, g/n reader
a/n: ik i could’ve added gorou and yae but dogs and foxes don’t rly have courting behaviors other than humping each other and I WANNA KEEP THIS PG 13🤬 and yes ik cyno rly isn’t a jackal but he’s based off of an egyptian god who’s a jackal, i also just wanted an excuse to write for the sumeru characters lol
cyno: the jackal
jackals are exclusively monogamous and live in pairs. they hunt, rest, and forage together and spend nearly all their time together. male jackals will urinate on their territory to ensure that other male jackals will not invade their environment or their female counterparts. once jackals are done mating, the male jackal will bring food to the female jackal and take care of them.
the moment cyno and you become official, he will never leave you alone.
the two of you are attached by the hip, and cyno will always be making sure that people know that you’re his, despite not being too fond of pda.
he’ll give you subtle touches here and there, whether it be putting a hand on your lower back to steer you away from the crowd, gently holding your hand before asking you a question, or resting his hand on your knee when the two of you are sitting together.
he’s also a lot clingier than he’d like to let on. he thinks he’s being subtle but it’s so painfully obvious when he grips the edge of your sleeve, his usually hardened eyes just a tad softer.
“i have to go run some errands, cyno…” you shake your arm a little in hopes of cyno’s hand releasing his death grip on your sleeve
his lips pout ever so slightly, his eyes falling to the ground in disappointment
you giggle at the thought of his subordinates seeing their boss like this, clinging onto you and pouting like a kicked puppy. “i’ll help with your errands then. please?”
you sigh in defeat and let your boyfriend accompany you as you do mundane tasks like grocery shopping and whatnot. but to cyno, being able to spend time with you is something to cherish, as he’s usually so busy dealing with affairs at the akademiya.
cyno is also very protective/possessive, glaring down at anyone who dares to even glance in your direction while you obliviously run your errands.
he won’t be super open about his possessiveness, but will instead show it once you two are alone. the moment the two of you are in private, he’ll give you a bone-crushing hug, refusing to let go until he’s done processing his emotions.
but if someone were to ever make you uncomfortable, he wouldn’t hesitate to summon his polearm, one arm extended to push you behind him as he watches your unwanted suitor crumple up in fear. 
and later when you two arrive home, he’ll just sit there and stare at you in silence, his brain muddled with thoughts.  
“is everything okay…?” you ask.
your boyfriend sighs. “it’s just… i didn’t like that he touched you that way.” he then lowers his voice before saying, “only i’m allowed to do that.” 
tighnari: the fennec fox
male fennec foxes mark their territory with urine and become incredibly aggressive toward one another, particularly when competing for females during the mating season. once they have found a mate, they mate for life with couples inhabiting the same part of the den for the whole year round.
it took a while for tighnari to decide whether or not to make things official. not because he didn’t like you, but because choosing a partner as a fennec fox-hybrid held a lot of weight for his kind.
but the more and more time he spent with you, the more difficult it became to be apart from you. sleeping at night became unbearable, and so did his day-to-day tasks. 
and though tighnari can be quite possessive, he tries to suppress those feelings since the two of you aren’t exactly official yet. but his patience wears thin after a while, especially when someone attempts to court you right in front of him
you can tell when he becomes agitated by the way his ears flick and twitch and the way his tail slowly sways side to side
won’t show the jealousy right in front of you but instead take it out in other passive-aggressive ways. like sending them to patrols as far away from you as possible, or making sure their assignments are as long as possible in order to occupy them and keep them away from you
he knows it’s petty, he knows it’s probably not a healthy way to process his feelings, but he just can’t help it. not when a potential partner-for-life is right there in front of him. 
but when tighnari finally gets the courage to confess, he makes sure you know the weight that this decision holds. you still remember how stern and serious he was when he first told you.
“I just want to make sure you know one more time: fennec foxes are partners for life. I don’t doubt our relationship, but in case you want to leave, I wouldn’t be able to let you. are you sure you’re willing to commit?”
when he hears you say yes, his pointed ears relax and his tail wags softly. he hugs you right there and then, burying his face in your neck and tickling your cheeks with the tips of his ears.
a few days later, he shyly approaches you to tell you that he’s moved your bunker right next to his
“back in my hometown, couples usually live together as soon as they make a relationship official. I… I know doing that may seem too forward, so I decided to just move your bunker next to mine instead… is that okay with you?”
he will respect your boundaries until you’re ready to join the traditions of his kind, but when you finally decide to move in with him, he is over the moon
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karlachismylife · 7 days
Tough Spot || The Queen of the Clan pt.2
CW: fem!chubby!reader, mentions of animal marking/spraying/urinating
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When you took a break in trying to get your behaviorist degree and took off to partake in this documentary on a whim, you certainly were prepared that it won't meet the highest expectations - life isn't a movie, after all, so perhaps you weren't hoping to find the purpose of life magically after you somewhat lost the direction, or to make an earth-shattering discovery that would turn behaviorist world upside down and earn you a place among scientific hall of fame. A distraction from an all-consuming apathy that creeped up in your life, perhaps, some useful experience close to your field of interest. Some connections and friendships, if nothing else - these were your (pretty reasonable) expectations.
Definitely not having to share a tent with a man you barely knew, because a huge hyena sprayed its stink all over your things, making it impossible to stay near your posessions for a long period of time.
Sure, lucky you - most of your stuff inside the backpack was very salvageable, your clothes and food intact. But everything that got under a direct attack - your little tent, sleeping bag, your favourite thermos and a little sitting mat, all that was most definitely due for a deep clean with some heavy scent remover, and your crew was in for a filming trip for the next several days without returning to your main dislocation at a sanctuary just next to the nature reserve you were filming in. So no cleaning and washing for you in aproximately a week. In short - you would've been fucked, sleeping in a smelly tent and sleeping bag or completely unprotected in a roofless vehicle, if not for Kir.
As you stand there with an apologetic expression on your face, hands clenched guiltily, he just laughs all your muttered thanks and apologies off, flashing you the friendliest of smiles as he sets up his own tent. A true knight in shining armor (some cargo pants and a blank, tight-fitting T-shirt in his case), Kir doesn't even let you help, telling you that your chatting is more than help enough as he prepares your new sleeping arrangements. Out of everyone on the crew he was the first to offer you to share his tent, and the fact that he had a backup sleeping bag only nailed the decision in.
"Don't worry, it's not a bother at all. If I was a newbie and something like this happened to me, you'd help me out too, I'm sure," he makes it hard to argue and feel like you're being a burden. Already a veteran of these filmings, Kir disctracts you from your upset mood with similar stories - about some scientist guy walking straight into a buffalo shitpile, a bunch of monkeys ravaging crew's backpacks and pulling out some poor girl's vibrator to play hot potato with it, a jackal finding one of the timelapse night cameras and flooding it generously... "They're animals, they just have a sense of humor like that. No one blames you for that guy taking a liking to you."
Kir's bright smile and cheerful words reassure you. He's being a gentleman about everything else too - allows you to take the higher ground to sleep there since the spot where his - and your now too - tent stands has a bit of an angle to it, lets you choose which sleeping bag you want, stays outside as you change for sleep even though you were perfectly fine doing it in the sleeping bag itself. The only un-gentlemanly thing Kir does is stay up with you until deep into the loud wild night, telling you more stories, already from his job at the sanctuary. As you whisper to each other and try to muffle your giggles, you hear rustling outside, someone walking around on soft paws, stopping several times at your tent and even sniffing loudly - you left your backpack nearby, unwilling to put the stinky thing into the tent. But the smell seems to work for you this time, since whatever it was, it leaves soon after.
In the morning you barely get out, a bit tired after your late night talkshow with Kir, only to learn that there were two hyenas in the camp - a bunch of the crew are crowded around a patch where the parprints are especially visible, getting the footage just in case it'll make into the final cut. One of the scientists measures the prints and estimates the sizes of both hyenas: both could be up to 1,8 meters in length judging from how wide apart their footprints lay. In other words - fucking huge, even for spotted hyenas.
"You think your friend from yesterday came with a buddy to spread some more perfume?" You scrunch your nose at Kir's joke and rush to check on your backpack, but it doesn't seem to be chewed on or reek worse than yesterday. Great news, honestly, since you'll be driving with that thing tucked into the back of a Land Rover while you follow the path of the lion pride you should be filming.
The sun is alredy high up and pretty ruthless by the time you come across any significant wildlife - and it's not lions, but something equally good for the documentary: a big herd of zebras. Once again, you are mesmerized, majestic striped horses so close to you that it doesn't seem real. They are aware of your crew's presence, but stay chill, perhaps seeing people and their weird appliances not for the first time.
Following your instructions, you carefully tread the tall grass to move a bit further from the parked vehicles and take some shots of the herd; you choose your favourite zebra - a mother with a little baby waving it's puny tail and constantly shoving its adorable snout under mother's belly for milk - and zoom in on her, setting quite a neat shot. After you settle the videocamera, you take out your personal one to take some photos, but suddenly the zebras perk up, ears twitching and chewing coming to an end. You lower your camera at first, confused by their reactions - you didn't hear anything? - but then lift it up againt to search for the source of zebras' worries through zoom.
And source of worries you find.
Two hunched silouettes, out in the open, dark manes fluffed up and tails in a clearly aggresive stance - a couple of enormous, compared to the zebras, hyenas are creeping up to them, hind legs tucked up under their bulky bodies, ready to pounce... and then one of them, a smaller one with darker fur, darts forward.
A hunting hyena is an impressive view, their speed exceeding what one might expect just looking at their burly, asymmetrical builds - but exactly that legs length difference allows them to speed so fast that your camera struggles to capture them. But what's impressive onscreen, is fucking terrifying in real life.
Because a herd of zebras is panicking at the sight of a predator closing in on one of them, and in panic they start to run.
You're in their way.
The sound of dozens of hooves hitting dry, solid ground mixes with your own blood pumping in your ears. In an act of brain malfunction, you somehow find yourself more worried about the expensive camera (it's not even yours) being trampled than yourself, and try to pick it up with the tripod - seconds dragging on like molten resin boiling under the cruel noon sun. The ground is trembling under the scared animals, dust and dry grass up in the air.
A high-pitched sound breaks you out of stupor. Loud cackling with an undertone of alarm gets closer too, and as you stumble backwards, a big dark form zooms past you, rushing fearlessly towards the fear-crazed zebras. It's reckless even for a carnivoure they're afraid of: nothing can guarantee that the herd will stop or turn away as the hyena approaches them head-on, and you prepare yourself to witness a gruesome scene of a hunter falling by the hooves of hunted.
But it somehow works. Last moment, the zebras notice the hyena flying at them with a scary laugh and change the direction of their fleeing route, less lucky among them falling and getting pushed over, but hyenas - more of them now, four, it seems? - don't bother pouncing the fallen ones, putting all their efforts into... simply chasing their prey away?
Confused and still stunned into a frozen mode, you watch the little baby zebra buck its tiny legs at a hyena barking at it lazily and clamping its huge maw, capable of crushing huge bones, on thin air. Trotting for a few more meters, the predator stalls and then simply turns away, casting you a glance before slowly treading back to its buddy. The one whose disheveled mane and wide stance you recognize immediately.
Blinking, you finally find yourself able to collect your equipment, although with trembling hands - your shoulders are still tense in a protective manner, and you flinch, when Kir rushes to you to help with the heavy camera.
"Oh my god, are you okay? I thought I'd shit myself when I saw them running at us," he looks sickly, you're probably no better. You dump the tripod and the camera into his arms happily, clutching your own, and walk on stumbling legs back to the rover.
You're met with a pair of bit wet eyes when you finally get to the car.
Somehow a single hyena - where did its buddies go? - doesn't seem all that scary after you nearly avoided being stomped by a hundred zebras, so you take a few more steps before finally remembering to be cautious. Kir is just a few meters away, loading the camera into the car, so it means he walked past the hyena unharmed, right?
You don't get to ask that question or shoo the animal away: just like yesterday, it appears up next to you in a gracious pounce, nuzzling your hip again. The noise that leaves its throat is absolutely horrid, an annoying screeching, sightly hoarse and just as high-pitched as its laugh. Wagging its tail, the hyena circles you several time, bumping into your legs - each time you don't respond or move, the screech gets only louder, until you give up.
"Stop it! Hush! S-stop yelling, shut up!" Bold of you to try and order a wild animal around. Maybe that's exactly why it works - the noise cuts off abruptly, the hyena taking a step back to plop its chonky ass on the ground. It looks at you just like a tamed dog would - mouth slightly agape in a toothy smile, head tilted and ears fluttering, as if it's eager to hear what else you have to say.
You're not made of steel to stay indifferent an wary at this sight.
"Huh. So you do listen sometimes. I guess you just hated my backpack that much," you still grumble at the hyena, and it flattens its round ears with guilt, slowly dipping down to the ground. Aren't they supposed to be like cats? But this one looks at you with the definition of puppy eyes. "You could've done worse... and I guess you saved me today. Thank you, Stinky."
The hyena lights up and sits back up with its chest puffed out as it hears you acknowledge the way it steered the scared herd away from you and your crew, but all its pride fizzles out as soon as you give it a name. You get a disapproving look and a loud giggle, clearly mocking your sense of humor in naming the hyena.
"Don't look at me like that, I can't sleep in my own sleeping bag now because of you. Have to share a tent with Kir," you nod at the young man sitting in the driver's sit with an amused expression, and the hyena turns to look at him too. Judging by the way Kir's smile fades, the look he recieved from the animal wasn't a kind one.
"Come on, we have to get a move on, still about fifty kilometers to cover today," he mutters, and you try to move past Stinky (oh yes, you're keeping the name) to the car, but it suddenly jumps to its feet and barrels at you again, rubbing at your legs and nuzzling your thighs. It even shoves its snout into your crotch, tail flailng up high, but the loud sound of an engine starting right behind it finally scares the weird animal away. It trots to the side, stops to look at you again, as if checking if you're still stumbling after being scared half to death by the herd, then resumes its leisurely pace, waving its tail.
You huff, getting into your seat, and dust your pants of some coarse fur the rascal left.
"Weird fucking guy," you mutter about the hyena more to yourself than yo Kir, who already jokes about you being a hyena whisperer. "And stinky, too."
You'll just have to hope his buddies won't try to follow into his pawsteps.
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Tagging: @elaineiswithyou-blog
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struwberrii · 2 months
where haikyuu!! guys like to kiss you ⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖࣪
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here’s my cut little headcanons on where i think the haikyuu guys like to kiss you :3 (also idk if i have to clarify but this is all time skip)
characters: suna, iwaizumi, atsumu, semi, kuroo
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crook of your neck ♡
you were sitting in the passenger seat of sunas car while he drove you to your suprise date. r&b music played on his speaker while you looked out the window at the late night sky.
after a few minutes of driving, the two of you pulled into a grassy field that sat infront of a fenced off cliff, giving the two of you a perfect view of the city below you and the starry sky above you. he invited you to climb onto the hood of his car and watch the stars with him, the music playing loud enough for the two of you to hear from outside the car.
after a few minutes you felt a heavy arm wrap around your shoulder and pull you closer, your nose flooded by the smell of his cologne.
“how’d you get to be so pretty, huh?”
he brought his head down to your neck and gave you a light kiss while rubbing circles into your side with his fingers
“let’s stay like this for a little longer”
before you knew it, suna fell asleep, his warm breath tickling the crook of your neck, how peaceful ദ്ദി(ᵔᗜᵔ)
top of your head
you were running around the city with iwa and decided to stop by a small arcade, since one of the crane games prizes caught you eye in the window of the building.
after 4 or 5 attempts and -$25 to your game card you decided to give up on winning the stuffed bunny.
“come on let’s just go”
you sighed in defeat as you made your way to the exit of the arcade
“hold on let me try”
iwa said swiping the game card. effortlessly he won you the stuffed bunny on his first try, leaving you shocked and a little embarrassed by your previous attempts. he bent down to grab the stuffed animal from the machine and handed it to you smiling.
“it kind of looks like you”
he said laughing a little before slinging an arm around your shoulder and leaving a peck on the top of your head.
“thank you iwa”
“no problem, love”
on the lips <3
you sat courtside at your boyfriend, atsumus volleyball game. it was pretty close the entire time so you watched closely at the edge of your seat. well, you mainly watched atsumu though, the way he hit the ball so effortlessly was mesmerizing.
eventually, atsumu scored the final point for his team, securing the victory for the black jackals. he briefly celebrated with his team before looking over in your direction, blowing you a kiss before following his teammates to the locker rooms.
you gathered your belongings before making your way to the front of the stadium to wait for atsumu.
after a few minutes he found you, now he was wearing a nike tracksuit with his gym bag slung over his shoulder.
“hey doll, you looked real cute cheerin’ for me like that”
he smirked before tilting your chin up and pulling you in for a kiss
“you should show up more often, don’t think i’ve ever played that good before”
he said before pulling away and shooting you a sweet smile.
on the cheek !!
you were backstage making a cup of tea for semi while you listened to him warm up. he had to be on stage in about 5 minutes so he was just killing time, playing short little songs on his guitar.
you handed him his cup of tea and sat next to him listening.
“you wanna know something? i wrote this song for you”
he said smiling at you as he took a sip of his tea. it was an older song he was playing, a song he wrote before the two of you even started dating. just thinking about the fact that he felt so passionately about you before you guys were even a couple left you a blushing mess.
“come on semi! we’re on!”
one of his bandmates shouted from the curtain, getting ready to go out.
semi jumped off the sofa and took one final look in the mirror behind him, adjusting his hair before making his way back over to you.
he grabs your chin and tilts your head up, giving you a light kiss on the cheek before pulling back and staring into your eyes for a second. ‘how’d i get so luck’ he thinks to himself
“how about one back, for good luck y’know?”
he says blushing while pointing to his cheek
you leaned in, kissing him like he asked for, accidentally leaving your lipgloss on his cheek. you giggled a bit and decided to let him go out on stage with the kiss on his cheek. it’s his good luck charm after all.
your knuckles :o
kuroo loved to tease you, any chance he gets to leave you flustered he takes with a smirk on his face.
so when you were walking home from the store with him, he takes the opportunity.
“are you really gonna eat all those snacks by yourself? how about i help ya out?”
he said smirking and reaching for your bag. you swiftly swatted his hand away, but you ended up hitting him to hard. you sighed a bit before rubbing your hand to ease the stinging.
“woah, don’t hurt yourself now dear”
he said looking down at you laughing a bit. he grabbed your hand and brought it up to his lips, planting a light kiss on your knuckles, laughing a little more at you.
“be more careful, ok?”
he says before swiftly snatching one of your snacks, you’re still too flustered to notice him munching on one of your pastry sticks.
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boxofbonesfic · 2 months
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Title: Blood and Sand (2 of 2)
Pairing: Werewolf!Moon Knight x Reader
Wordcount: 8,594
Summary: You are selected to accompany your mentor on a dig, but what you find in the desert instead makes you wish you had never come at all.
Warnings: Horror, Canon-Typical Violence, Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Murder, Kidnapping, Cults, Implied Torture, AU, Smut, Monsterfucking, Lycanthropy, Cannibalism
A/N: honestly, thank you for reading part one because this is just… porn and violence luckily for me, those are some of my favorite things to write, LMAO. we knew this was going to be self indulgent, so i hope it’s your kind of self-indulgent too. to be clear: this part has all the fuckin’; human, monster and otherwise. 😂❤️ spanish translations provided by the amazing @negronispagliato❤️ bottom divider by @firefly-graphics!
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“Oh thank fucking Christ.” 
You wake with your head pillowed in Steven’s lap, his eyes dark with concern. You shift, moving to get up—but your skull erupts with pain. Sharp tendrils of it that strike at the nerves behind your watering eyes. Even talking is too much, your jaw aching as you attempt to open your mouth. 
“No, Love, don’t.” He holds you still, large palms cradling your face on either side as you whimper. Steven’s eyes harden with anger. “Prick made you read too much.” The hard edge in his voice is unfamiliar—unsettling, even. You aren’t used to seeing anger on Steven’s face. No, that emotion is much more reserved for Marc or Jake—but he’s nearly trembling with it, his lips pressed into a thin line. 
“I’ll fucking kill him.” The words are so low you barely hear them—hell, you half wonder if you’ve imagined them. For a moment, a shaft of the setting sun sinking beneath the frame of the narrow window, and his chocolate eyes turn a molten, animal yellow. 
“I will eat his fucking heart.”
Steven has the patience of a saint, laying there unmoving until the pain subsides enough for you to crawl out of his lap. Your whole body feels exhausted, wrung out and limp. The water he offers you is tinny, but you’re used to it—every drink of water you’ve had in recent memory tastes like this, it’s almost all you know. 
“What happened?” You croak, fingers struggling to hold onto the chipped mug you both share. Steven looks angry—and then ashamed. 
“You read,” he says slowly. Reluctantly, he brings his sorrowful gaze to yours.
“And we ate.” 
They do not come for him again that night, and you’re grateful for it, burying your face against his chest, clinging to Steven beneath the threadbare blanket—the only one you have. You suppose at least that you are grateful that there are no rats, no spiders or insects. They keep the the corners, skittering away whenever he comes close. 
They can sense it, you think, the thing beneath his skin. You can too. 
Marc kisses you hungrily, his fingers tangling in the curls at the nape of your neck as he tugs your head back. With his other arm he pulls you hard against his chest. You go willingly, easily, arching your back against him. He’s not back yet—not fully, not really. 
The other priests can’t read the Word like you can, don’t feel it the way you do—so it takes longer for Marc to come back to himself from the jackal-thing, the moon-drunk thing, and sometimes when they bring him back to you, it’s still worming around inside his head. 
Like tonight. 
Claws prick at your skin, stroking the line of your throat. Marc’s too-sharp teeth pull at the lobe of your ear before he kisses you again, sloppily. 
He tastes like copper.  
“Make me forget.” It’s a demand, not a request, but it’s one you’re happy to oblige. 
“He’s hard behind you, the fat length of him pressing insistently between the cheeks of your ass. One hand slithers beneath the tattered hem of your tank top, trailing the pads of his fingers across your nipples. The other squeezes the curve of your hip. He doesn’t pull your pants down all the way—full nudity is a privilege you cannot afford anymore. Not with the guards doing random checks now, now that they know.
Mikhail especially seemed to take great pride in discovering you, often standing at the observation window when he had no reason to—the weight of his cold gaze heavy on you every time. 
Marc boxes you in with his body—you suspect both because he enjoys the feel of you pressed against him with nowhere else to go, and because from this angle, they can only see his back. Marc kicks your legs open a little wider, humming as he spreads the thick beads of precum leaking from his tip across his head, and you shudder as he slides against you with a lewd squelch. Your breath catches as he traces your pulse with one sharp claw. 
“Are you afraid of me?” There are two voices in his throat, twining around one another like vines. One is Marc’s, the one you know, the one that growls your name hungry and low—
And the other one, the one that knows you. 
“No.” You aren’t. You should be, should always have been, but for some reason, you never are. There’s so much fear here, running in your veins, oozing out of the fucking walls, you don’t want to feel it with Marc, too. You reach behind yourself to palm his cock with slow, sure passes until he moans into your hair, hips bucking into your hand. You clench around nothing, and Marc chuckles darkly into your hair like he knows it. 
“I can smell it, you know?” He breathes, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear. “How wet you are,” his hand snakes around to your front, sliding down beneath your loose waistband to cup your cunt, fingers slipping eagerly through your folds. He bites down hard enough to bruise, and you whine his name pathetically. 
“See?” He circles your entrance with deft fingers, the rough stubble on his face rasping against your cheek. “So ready.” Your eyelids go slack, your head lolling back against Marc’s shoulder as he presses two thick fingers into you, moaning low. “Soft and sweet and ready…” You don’t even think he’s talking to you, now, mumbling to himself—no, to Jake and Steven, probably—about his enjoyment of your body, how good you feel, how much he wants you. Marc scoffs at a comment you didn’t make, confirming your theory. 
“Made for us, huh?” Marc draws a line with the tip of his claw over your nipple, and you feel his lips curve against your throat. “Maybe so.” He grips the back of your head with one hand, the other still buried in your cunt as he kisses you again, hungrily swallowing the whimpering moan you try and fail to contain. He sucks on your tongue, running the sharp points of his canines along it before releasing you.
“Steven says you’re made for us.” He watches your face with pale yellow eyes, enjoying the look of dizzy bliss you know is there. You whine when he thumbs at your clit, your eyes rolling as you clamp down around his fingers. He grins.
“I think he might be onto something.” Everything you know is turned on its head now—everything is real, because how do you know it’s not? Gods and Monsters, the veil is open, forever torn for you now, and you see them all. 
“Maybe so,” you run your tongue across your lips and he follows the movement with rapt attention. “Or maybe you were made for me.” 
He laughs.
Marc scissors his fingers inside you as you go to pieces. Happy, it seems, to shoulder your weight because your trembling legs will not do so on their own. He alternates between sucking at your pulse point, and mumbling heated, possessive promises into the curve of your jaw. You feel each word as he says it, maybe even a little before, his lips moving against your skin. 
“You feel so good, Baby, m’gonna feel you on my cock next,” You’re too gone to be embarrassed by the wet sucking noise your cunt makes when he pulls his fingers out, watching as he lifts them to his mouth, deftly cleaning each one with long strokes of his tongue. It’s almost enough to make you forget where you are, what you’ve done.
What you’ve become.
You aren’t like him, but you aren’t like you anymore, either. You see the words in your minds eye even when Loki’s book isn’t before you, feel the weight of them on your tongue days before you speak them. No, you are changed. 
It’s why you need this as much as Marc does—it’s the only thing you can control. 
“Hands on the wall, Baby.” You brace your palms against the wall as he nudges your thighs wide with his knee, pulling the waistband of your pants down to your thighs. You can’t help but arch back a little as he slides his cock through the soaked and swollen folds of your cunt, moaning your name. The low, guttural appreciative sound he makes as he sinks in is almost as good as the burning stretch of his entry. You arch, pushing back against him until he’s seated all the way inside, his hips pressing tight against the curve of your ass. 
You’re blissfully full, stars dancing behind your closed eyes and then—Christ—he starts to move. Marc grips your waist with both hands, holding you good and still. Your fingers scrabble against the concrete wall, teeth sinking into your lip as he drives into you, pulling nearly all the way out before filling you completely again. 
Maybe Steven’s right, you think, as Marc wraps one hand around your throat, pulling you flush against his chest. Maybe I was made for them. It certainly lends credence to his theory, the way your body fits perfectly into the hollow of his like this, his cock filling you so completely that there’s barely even room for breath. The hand on your hip drifts to your belly, pressing down as he slides back in. His lips curve against your ear. 
“Think I can feel me in there?” He asks, before pressing down harder. You writhe against him, your body hot. “Maybe if I press harder…”  Marc holds you like that for a while, pressing down on your belly with one hand as he ruts into you, growling. You’re practically a mess by the time he begins to work at your clit with his thumb, circling it softly.
“M-Marc, fuck,” You grit his name out as you cum again, twitching pathetically in his arms. Marc’s head falls back, his eyes closed as he revels in the feel of it, you clenching around his cock like a vise. He presses in deeper, a and fuck, you hadn’t even known he could. And you feel his teeth—blunt now—press hard into your neck as he spills inside of you, the warmth of it making you shudder. 
He stays like that, his teeth buried in your throat while he pants, fingers flexing on your hips. 
Marc cleans you up, sacrificing a portion of what little water you are allotted to clean the mess he’s left between your thighs, and you return the favor, before laying down heavily on the cot. Marc curls around you, placing his body between you and the door. 
“She’s not going.” Jake has placed himself between you and Mikhail, his arms crossed. “She’s not well.” You aren’t. You’ve been… wrong since your reading the night before, your head swimming with symbols, and a man with a bird skull for his head; bleached white like it had been baked in the unforgiving desert sun, tall enough to move the moon across the sky. Your nose is still bleeding sluggishly, too, you taste copper when you lick your lips. No, not a man—a God. 
Why do you know his name? 
“This is not a debate.” Mikhail sneers. He’d come alone today, unlike every other time he had been sent to fetch you. Loki didn’t take chances when it came to security, you’d learned that by now. So why was he here? Alone?
“Loki wants her.” He jerks his head at you, blue eyes dark over Jake’s shoulder when he meets your gaze. “Move, freak.” Perhaps he doesn’t know the difference between the three, or maybe he just doesn’t care, but a lump forms in your throat when Jake squares his posture, fingers curling into tight fists. 
“What, you going to fight me in chains?” He mocks. “I said move.”
You’re expecting more of Mikhail’s smug condescension—not for him to ball his meaty fingers into a fist and punch Jake. His head snaps to the side, and you watch a satisfied smirk spreads across Mikhail’s face in response. He tries to shoulder past in that moment, using Jake’s surprise as an avenue around him. 
You hear the sick sound of bone crunching as your brain struggles to understand what you’re seeing. Mikhail’s arm is broken, hanging limply at his side, while Jake stands over him, his lip curling. 
“I see how you look at her.” He kicks him, and Mikhail looses a pathetic whine as the breath is driven from his lungs. “Patético.” He squats down, gripping Mikhail’s short, blond hair. 
“Let go—fucking stop!” He shouts, and finally, you hear the guards clamoring at the end of the hall. 
“The fuck is going on down there?!”
“You hear that?”
It doesn’t deter Jake though, as he cocks back and drives his fist into the other man’s face hard. His eyes are dark, jaw set tight. The muscles in his back tense and flex as he draws back again, and the spray of blood that coats his face as Mikhail’s nose breaks this time coats Jake’s face, flecking his skin with thick drops of red. He licks his lips before bringing a sputtering, gagging Mikhail’s  head level with his own. His eyes are red and crossed with burst vessels, nose smashed in and lips burst open.
“Fuck you!” He screams, his voice cracking with pain. “You and your fucking whore—”
“You think I don’t know what you were planning? What you were going to do?” Jake asks, cocking his head like he really wants to know the answer. “March her out of here, take her someplace nice and quiet,” Jake pauses, spitting on the ground beside Mikhail. “Asqueroso de mierda.” Fucking pig.
“Quiero que sepas que eres un muerto viviente. Entiendes? You’re done.” You’re a dead man. I want you to know now, understand? So when it comes later, it isn’t a surprise.  Jake doesn’t let go, not even as the sound of frantic footfall grows closer, only seconds away, now. “So when it comes, it isn’t a fucking surprise.” 
The guards storm into the room, shouting, weapons drawn. There’s so much blood, Mikhail’s bones are sticking up through the ruined meat of his arm, not to mention his face. Loki follows, his face contorting with anger.
It takes Rumlow pressing his pistol to the back of Jake’s head to make him  stop, to make him let go so they can drag Mikhail out of the room as he wails, cursing the both of you. You can tell Loki wants to punish him—punish both of you—but he needs you. You to read the book, to be the conduit he can’t be, and Jake to partake of the sacrifice, to consume the flesh and appease the God whose power they’ve stolen. 
And Mikhail needs medical attention.
Loki settles for roughing  Jake up a little, the guard team taking turns until he’s had enough, waving his hand to call them off. To his credit, Jake looks fairly unfazed, despite the physical evidence otherwise. 
“Perhaps housing the two of you together was a mistake.” He replies, and you scowl at him. 
“Kidnapping people for your fucked up rituals was a mistake.” You reply, and he laughs. 
“How cute.” Loki’s slow smile sends a shiver down your spine. “You still think you’re people.” 
They don’t come that night—too busy with Mikhail, you expect. 
Which is good, because Jake Lockley is nothing if not an opportunist. You wake as he’s fitting your knees over his shoulders, gazing up at you hungrily from between your thighs, his black honey voice rumbling in your ears. 
“Ábrelas pa’ mi.” Open for me. There is utter silence around you, no footsteps, no quiet conversation from the end of the hall. For the first time in weeks—months—you are truly alone. 
So there is no one to hear the rising cacophony of your voice as Jake sets to work between your thighs, his tongue lashing against your clit, and fingers prodding eagerly at your entrance. Your eyes roll, a breathy moan worming out from your throat. You can’t help yourself from rocking your hips against his face, and Jake smirks, his lips curving against your cunt. 
“Te sientes bien, nena?” Feel good, Baby?
“U-uh-huh,” you nod dumbly. Your unfocused eyes stare unseeingly at the dark ceiling, one hand tangled in his messy curls just to have something to hold on to. Jake groans when you pull, his fingers pressing into the softness of your thighs as he holds you still. There’s a hunger, a desperation in his touch that is markedly different from the way Marc, or Steven does. 
Like he knows he may never get another chance. 
You arch up off the cot, and Jake’s palm cracks against your thigh in warning. 
“Still.” He cuts his eyes at you from between your thighs. “No hagas que me repita.” Don’t make me say it again.
He devours you until you’re trembling, toes curling as you cum with a wail. Jake’s fascination with your cunt is obsessive, the way he maps every inch with his tongue, checking the lines with his fingers just in case. He rolls his tongue against your clit, chuckling darkly when you convulse. When he’s finally had his fill, Jake rises from between your legs, wiping your slick from his mouth with the back of his hand. 
For a moment, he just looks at you, studying the lines of your body and committing each one to memory. You feel strangely vulnerable laying there beneath him, not because this is the first time—it isn’t, and at this point you’ve lost count—but because you realize this is the first time any of them has ever seen you fully naked since the first time, not just with your shirt rucked up beneath your chin, or your joggers pulled down around your thighs. 
You reach for Jake, kissing him and tasting yourself on his lips and tongue as he fits his hips between your thighs like a puzzle piece. The full body shudder that erupts is impossible to hide as his cock slides against you. Jake grins down at you. 
“Esto es tuyo, déjamelo darte.” That’s yours, Querida. Let me give it to you.
The thick, rigid length of him takes up every inch of available space inside you at this angle; and Jake glories in it, pressing your thighs apart and back, muttering silent curses as he throws his head back. He pulls out, quickly filling you again with a wet, vulgar noise that would’ve embarrassed you had you the capacity to consider it, but you don’t, not when Jake is looming over you. He isn’t an emotive man, not even a particularly talkative one, but like this… He practically sings.
“Shh. I want to see if I can get in any deeper. I know you’d like that.” Your cunt squeezes down around him as if in response, and Jake chuckles. He slides his hands down your thighs like he’s holding you steady as he presses in. Once he’s in as far as he can get, his hips fitted against yours almost too tightly, there isn’t room in you for breath, let alone thought. And whichever words do make it into your head simply just… come out of your mouth, even if they’re just half formed. 
“Sh-shit, Jake—what’re you—fuck—!” Luckily for you, he’s not really listening anyway, his dark eyes focused on the slick mess between your legs, but you can’t stop the train now that it’s started, whiny, needy pleas falling from your lips without your say-so. Jake cups your chin, dragging his thumb across your parted lips.
“Stick out your tongue, baby—mierda, así mismo-!” fuck, yes, like that-! Jake squeezes your cheeks between his thumb and forefinger before leaning down to suck on your tongue as he slams into you, groaning. Your head is spinning, eyes wide and glassy as your lover places his index and middle fingers on the flat of your tongue.
“Chúpame.” Suck. You obey immediately and without complaint, closing your mouth around his fingers. Jake moans so low it sounds almost like a growl, his fingers digging into the meat of your hip as his eyes roll shut. He thrusts in hard and you gag around his fingers, whimpering. They’re slick with your drool when he pulls away, thick strands of it connecting the tips of his fingers to your puffy, kiss swollen lips. It’s like the sight inspires him, and he takes them again, furiously devouring every gasp and moan you release as he continues to fuck you. 
Every single one of your nerve endings is writhing with pleasure, a veritable ocean of it overwhelming you as you’re swept away beneath it. Jake is everywhere, his hands on your face, your hips, your breasts, your cunt—in your fucking mouth—you don’t know how to process it all. 
You’re cumming before you realize it, choking out a curse as you press your face, your teeth into the side of his neck. His cock spasms inside of you only moments after, sticky warmth oozing out of the place where you’re joined as Jake presses his forehead against yours, eyes closed. After a few seconds, he collapses to the side, sliding out of you only for an instant before he pulls you against his chest. You shiver as he slips back in just as easily. 
The next words he speaks are uttered quietly into your hair. 
“Can we sleep like this, querida?”  His fingers trace patterns on your skin. “Please.” You don’t ask why—you don’t need to. 
“Yeah,” you nod against his chest, and he pulls the blankets up around your shoulders. “Okay, Jake.” He presses a kiss to the space between your shoulder blades, and as your world fades to black, you feel his lips moving against your skin, mouthing the words he won’t say out loud. 
“King of crossroads
Travelers and Thieves
Accept this offering, accept his flesh and blood as penance—”
Blood streams from your nose as you read the Word, coating your lips and dripping down your chin. You can taste it in your mouth as you form each   syllable. Your skull feels like it’s about to split open—there’s not enough room inside for infinity, after all. You see yourself spread out like a series of mirrored reflections in every direction, in every lifetime.
You read the book in every century, you worship the God of Moons and mirrors at sacred altars raised high above the chaos below and profane ones, hidden in in the deep, secret places. You are a thousand you’s who have come before, whose blood stains the pages like yours does—
As you read, he eats. 
You barely hear the screams anymore—it’s so hard to hear them, over the noise of a thousand thousand lifetimes—but in your doubled, tripled, infinite vision, sometimes you see it. 
The thing in your lovers’ skin, the jackal-thing, tears the arm from a crying man, but you cannot smell the blood. Your nostrils are still full of incense from somewhere else, but you hear the sickening sound of splintering bone, gore staining the jackal-thing’s wide maw. It turns unfocused, yellow eyes on the guards in the outer circle of the ritual room, snarling. Distantly, you suppose you are aware of the sound of straining metal, stone cracking as he, they, it, strains to reach them, it’s long arms outstretched. 
“Stop.” Loki’s voice is eons away. He shakes you—you don’t feel it. Your eyes don’t even stray from the page. “Stop, I said!”  The commands blur into insignificant background noise, you cannot hear Loki now, because He is here. You can feel him, turning his attention to you as his power flows in through your soul and out through your mouth. And when He slips in to look through your eyes, His disgust makes your own lip curl. 
Loki slaps you then, his palm cracking across your cheek, snatching the book from your hands. The last few syllables die out on your tongue as he snaps it shut. You stand there, dazed and blinking at your empty hands. Slowly, you bring your hand to your face, sweeping the tips of your trembling fingers through the sticky wetness just above your lips, and they come away dark red. 
Below you, the beast strains to reach the soldiers still. You squint at the links connecting the collar at its throat to the anchor set deep into the concrete—are they stretching? As you think it, there’s a metallic snap as it bursts, affording the creature another foot forward. It strains at the two on it’s arms, pulling with all its might. 
You know you don’t have long before he reverts, before the bones begin to crack again, turning skin to ragged meat as his body changes again—
You cannot let that happen. 
Loki doesn’t expect you to lunge for the book, to drive your shoulder into his chest as hard as you can. The air rushes out of his lungs, and he stumbles back, cursing breathlessly.
“What the fuck are you doing—”
You snatch the book from his limp fingers. Book is an exaggeration for the stack of loosely bound, frayed papyrus you hold in your hands, between two carved slabs of soapstone. It practically hums against your skin as you hold it now. You will decide which parts you read.
“You have no idea what you’re doing!” Loki snarls, staggering toward you. “Give me—”You step back just as the second chain breaks, leaving only one. Someone shoots, a bullet passing through the meat of the jackal-thing’s shoulder, but the wound closes up before your eyes, knitting back together till there’s nothing a there but short wiry fur and a few drops of blood. 
“Boss!” One of the guards calls up to Loki from below. “He’s—”
The final chain snaps, and the beast looses a triumphant snarl. “Shoot!” Loki screams. “Fucking shoot it!” You watch, horrified as the rain of bullets tear into its flesh, chunks of stinking, steaming meat littering the floor by its feet. It doesn’t seem to care, luminous yellow eyes fever bright with bloodlust. The ragged holes in its flesh close almost as instantly as they appear, bone and sinew mending back together as the soldiers scream. You watch as it tears one of their arms out of the socket, its wide jaws frothy with blood and spittle as it crunches through the raw, red meat of it. 
“Kill him!” Loki is screaming, the remaining guards flocking to him as the beast, the jackal, tears through the men in the sacrificial circle. “Fucking shoot him!” The carved stone beneath them is slick with blood, the whole room stinks of it, hot copper and fresh meat. Their boots slip against it as they struggle to escape, many of them having fired their entire clips into his unwavering chest. 
The words flow from your mouth like electrical current, bypassing your brain as your tongue forms words you’ve never heard before, words that leave your head buzzing and ringing. There’s pressure behind your eyes, in your skull, a full feeling that leaves blood leaking from both your nostrils. The text becomes one word, a single word, and you know the book has changed to meet its maker’s will, the one who speaks through you now, whose clear moonlight burns at your insides and streams out of your mouth as the words singe your tongue. 
You both feel and do not feel Loki press the cool muzzle of his pistol to the back of your head. 
“Stop. Fucking. Reading.” He seethes, pulling back the hammer. 
You wouldn’t even if the choice was still yours, but you don’t tell him that. You can’t, not with your throat full of the most ancient of magics. He pulls the trigger, and you feel the bullet burn against your skin—but it does not penetrate. Instead, it falls to the floor at your feet, rolling until it falls down into the gory mess below. He’s behind you, but you can see him anyway—the moon is a mirror, and all mirrors are your eyes—his face ashen, blinking as he fires again, and again, and the bullets all fall uselessly away like pebbles. 
“We need to go!” Rumlow is covered in blood, his face bearing the marks of the beast’s displeasure. “Fucking now!” He racks another round into his gun as he barrels up the stairs. Behind him, your monster is making short work of the three remaining guards on the lower floor. “If she wants to stay here and burn her-fucking-self to ashes, let her! There’s always another voice, ain’t that what you said?” Loki nods, casting you a dirty look. “Let’s go!”  as it stands there in the pile of steaming gore, it lifts its shaggy head up toward the moon framed in the skylight, and howls.  
“We need the fucking book!” He argues. He steps towards you, like he means to pry your fingers from its smoking pages, but he reels back, screaming. A monstrous hand the size of a butterfly net bursts through Rumlow’s bulletproof vest, and somehow you can hear the wet sound of the merc’s body trying to function around the intrusion—a wet, sucking noise—before he drops to the ground, still. 
The jackal-thing steps over him. The dark fur around its mouth is flecked with bits of meat, and it runs its tongue along its muzzle in obvious anticipation of more. But instead of advancing on your fleeing captors, it turns to you, fixing you with those terrifying eyes. 
The God steps into you as one might shrug on a too small coat, steadily and aggressively working his way into your body, filling you like a helium balloon. The same presence you’d felt when you first touched the book overwhelms you now, and more burning light pours from your eyes as he peers about the room with indisputable anger. The voice that comes from your mouth is not yours, is not human. 
It is the sound of sand, of tides, of ages and of cold fire. 
“YOU WHO HAVE ABUSED MY POWER.” White fire pours from your lips, dripping down to the floor to pool like liquid. You do not take a step forward, Khonsu does, and the stone cracks beneath your combined weight. “YOU WHO HAVE SLAIN THE INNOCENT. WHO HAVE ENSLAVED THE PRIESTS OF MY HOUSE.” They run then, making for the doors, but neither you, nor Khonsu feel the need to chase them. 
It makes no difference. 
You lift your hand, and you feel the jackal’s blood slick fur against your palm as he leaps at your command. The halls are filled with a veritable symphony of pleading and screams as his jaws find them—or you do.
Loki makes it all the way to the vehicles, dragging a broken leg behind him as the two of you follow closely behind. It is more satisfying than you can admit as you wrap your fingers around his throat, his flesh blackening and peeling away as you lift him. 
“My hand was forced,” you say, grinning as the realization dawns . “But you will never force it again.” 
He doesn’t have vocal chords left to scream with as he burns. 
You know it when Loki dies, because you feel all the power go out of you, your body crumpling like a doll. He’s gone, the God, the ancient thing wearing your skin to exact his vengeance. You feel like an empty glove, and you lay there in the sand as the garage burns behind you, smoke curling into the dark night sky. The shape of his presence remains within you, though, and your spirit rushes back in to fill the space. 
Exhilarated, giddy exhaustion fills you, hell, you feel like you might even be high. You’re flying, your blood singing with the echoes of the power of ancients, even as you lay there, your body exhausted. 
The jackal-thing approaches you, yellow eyes bright as it covers your body with its own. You’re barely clothed now, the signed remains of your tank-top and joggers easy enough to strip off. You feel magnetized, like you have to touch and be touched, like the energy thrumming in your veins needs their help to release. And by the impatient, possessive way the jackal-thing looks at you, you gather they feel much the same. 
The beast snuffles at your hair, and then licks at the space above your collarbone, huffing. You whimper when his teeth break skin, arching your back against his chest. There’s a deep rumble that sounds almost like Marc’s laughter before it looses a growl, laving at the blood-sticky skin of your throat. 
His tongue laps at the blood between your breasts, and you hiss, your nipples peaking stiffly. You aren’t afraid, not of him—of them. You don’t know that you’re really afraid of anything anymore, not when you have but to speak for the ancient power to fill you like a water balloon. 
Claws press at your soft skin, goosebumps rising in their wake as you feel his grip tighten around your waist. He wants you on your belly. You know it instinctively, like the knowledge had come from your own head, and not from elsewhere. 
You whine as he pulls away, but you roll over, your hands slipping in the sand. They don’t wait for you to position yourself fully, tugging you back against the creature’s furry hips, it’s sticky, pink cock pressing insistently against your already slick folds. It feels like fireworks are popping off beneath your skin, and you can hardly contain your joy. 
They’re dead. Not just dead but punished, and you are free. 
Your mouth opens as he slams inside, the throbbing knot at the base of his cock forces you open even further and you let out a breathy wail. You suppose you should be ashamed, afraid, you should be a lot of things—but what does that even mean, now? Now that you are this? What even are shoulds in the face of what you have weathered?
The jackal-thing looses a pleased growl, rutting into you with sharp, hungry thrusts. They soon punch not only the air from your lungs but the thoughts from your head, your eyes rolling as you fall forward onto your forearms. He bears down on you with singleminded insistence, carving space out from within you that you know you’ll feel later. 
“Oh God, oh God, Jake.” You mumble their names amidst streams of nonsense into the crook of your arm as the pleasure condenses into an aching point in your belly. “M-Marc, p-please, I need—S-Steven—” Teeth close around the meat above your collarbone, and you let out a wail that echoes across the dark sand as you cum fitfully. If not for the possessive hands at your hips holding you in place, you’d have fallen flat on your belly onto the sand. Instead, you twitch and whine in his hold as his cock throbs heavily inside your slick, spasming cunt, flooding you with sticky heat. There’s so much of it you can feel it leaking out of the place where you’re joined, dripping down the backs of your thighs. 
When you try to move, the jackal-thing growls at you, and you resolve to stay still, at least for a little while. You can feel it’s tongue move against the wound, laving it slowly, lovingly. He pulls out of you, and there’s a sickening crack as his body begins to revert again. You sit gingerly on the remains of your joggers and close your eyes as you wait for silence. 
You hate this part—you know it hurts. 
Soon, though, there is skin pressed against your back instead of wiry fur, and when you venture a glance over your shoulder, Steven looks back at you, bloody and exhausted. 
“Hello, Love.” 
You know you’re grinding blood and viscera into the luxurious white carpet as you enter Loki’s rooms, but the mess only brings you a giddy sort of satisfaction. There is so much blood—so many bodies. You’d stopped counting Loki’s sacrifices, and you find yourself wondering if the bodies number the same—if somehow they cancel one another out. Part of you hopes they do, that the scales will at least be balanced, if not weighted in your favor. But there is another part of you, a new part—but somehow ancient at the same time—whispers dark words of reassurance that you can barely discern from the background noise of your own thoughts. 
They deserved it. Vile murderers, usurpers—
Their deaths were too merciful. 
The suite looks like something out of a magazine, like a five-star hotel come to the goddamn desert. There’s even air-conditioning. He had lived above you in luxury for months—you don’t even know how long, not really—while only floors below the two of you had been kept in terror and squalor. 
It would have been laughable if you hadn’t had to live through it yourself. 
It doesn’t occur to you that you’re destroying things until the first bottle of expensive cologne becomes victim to your cold, unthinking rage as you grab it off of the dressing table and lob it into the mirror. You watch the pieces of glass burst and shatter into uncountable fragments. For a moment, you see your own bloody face reflected back at you before it crumbles. It’s unbelievably satisfying. So much so that you pick up something else—a watch, a fucking rolex—and hurl that too. Golden springs roll away underneath the dresser as the pieces shoot off in all directions
 Steven doesn’t say anything as you grab the heavy looking table-clock too, and beat it into pieces against the table’s surface. 
You stand there, panting in the aftermath of your rage, a trail of destruction leading across the room. Steven pulls you into a tight embrace, and you sob into his chest, openmouthed and wailing. You had watched as the beast had slaughtered everyone—and and it was right to do it. As somehow, it—they?—had kept every promise made. 
Mikhail’s ruined throat, the beast feeding you warm, slick pieces of Loki’s beating heart—
So why aren’t you whole yet? Why do you still feel like a piece of you has been carved out, lost forever? Replaced with something ancient? Unknowable? You cling to Steven, terrified that if you loose grip on him, you’ll loose your tenuous hold on reality. He lets you cry, stroking your head and mumbling soft affirmations into your hair until you’re only sniffling, instead of sobbing brokenly against his skin. When you’re ready to, you pull away, and rub the back of your bloody hand across your face. 
He tucks a finger under your chin, those big, dark eyes of his swirling with emotions you cannot hope to name.
“Let’s get cleaned up, shall we?” He asks with a weak smile. “Can’t go back to civilization looking like we killed people.” 
“We did,” you say, looking down at the dried blood staining your palms. There is a soft voice that curls up like smoke from the darkness at the edges of your thoughts, sounding so much like your own that you aren’t entirely sure it isn’t you thinking it—They deserved it. They deserved justice.
Steven’s smile falters. “They would have killed us, Love.” 
“I—I know. I know. They deserved it.” Your fingers curl into righteous fists. You remember the hail of bullets at the dig-site, every screaming, pleading person Loki forced down the beast’s throat, and those thoughts curdle the self doubt sitting in your belly. The God’s booming voice echoes in your memories. 
“They deserved it.” 
You explore Loki’s bedroom, the press of a button unlocking an equally luxurious bathroom. You’re stripping before you realize it, the ragged, dirty clothes you’d been wearing discarded on the tile floor. The water is hot as soon as you turn it on, and when you step gratefully under the spray, you nearly begin to cry again. You haven’t bathed properly in months—you don’t even know how long you’ve been here. Steven steps in behind you, and the two of you stand beneath the rainfall shower head, watching red swirl down the drain. 
Steven takes such care with you, you almost worry he thinks you’ll break, shampooing your hair, detangling the thick curls with his fingers. You relax against him, the muscular planes of his chest pressed against your back. He rinses the suds from your hair and skin, cupping water over your head. You let him.
 As the ash and blood wash from your skin, you discover new scars, ones you could not even hope to notice in the dim light of your cell. It’s like you’re rediscovering yourself, relearning what you look like, who you even are. You feel like a different person now, than the one who’d been brought here, her head bagged, wrists zip-tied—
No, you are someone else now, someone else entirely. 
Steven cups water over the bite mark on your shoulder, and you hiss at the sting of it. He doesn’t stop though, pressing an apologetic kiss to the skin between your shoulder blades as he cleans your wound. 
“Made a right mess of you, he did,” Steven replies. “Eager bastard.” 
“Well, it’s not like he can kiss me,” you say, and Steven laughs. 
“I-I think I can fix that,” he says, his voice thick with sweet, eager confidence. You fear for an instant that some spark of the earlier fire still remains inside of you, but as Steven caresses the curve of your jaw lovingly, you do not feel the all consuming fire—you just feel him. 
He presses kiss after kiss to your lips until they’re parted and swollen from his attentions, his firm hand on your chin holding your head steady as he works. Steven only stops when you’re dizzy and panting, fingers scrabbling against his slick skin as you try to hold onto him. He pulls you down onto his lap on the shower bench, groaning as his cock presses against your cunt. 
“F-fuck, Steven,” the words are gasped against his throat as your fingers dig into the meat of his shoulders. “God-!” He holds your hips steady, the two of you rocking against each other. How does this feel more intimate than when he’s actually inside you, his cock sliding through your slick folds with audible noise, his other hand tangled in the curls at the nape of your neck with his face pressed to the side of your throat. You’re eager for more contact—desperate for it, even, but he keeps the pace frustratingly slow and steady.  
“Used to dream about when we’d get t’do this—patience, Love—with no one bloody watching.” Steven rocks his hips into yours, and you pressing sloppy, needy kisses of your own against the skin of his neck and shoulders, and you feel his hips buck against you as he chuckles. 
“Fuck, you little minx.” He grips your wrists behind your back with one large hand, forcing you to arch against him. He groans before leaning down to tug one of your nipples between his teeth. ”Fine pair we make.”
“Oh yeah?” You ask, fighting to keep the words even as he wraps his lips around the other nipple, and your toes curl. “And what pair is that?” Steven releases you with a pop, and then releases you so he can squeeze your breasts together, admiring your swollen, puffy nipples. 
“The voice and the vengeance, of course,” he says, pressing another kiss to the skin between your breasts. You moan and shiver as the leaking head of his cock pushes hard against your entrance, your clit rubbing deliciously against the base. He teases the both of you, pressing until his head’s almost inside, and then pulling away again until you’re panting, hips straining uselessly against his firm hold. 
“Steven please,” you whine his name pathetically. “I-I want to cum—!” Steven nods at you, his face the perfect picture of understanding. 
“I know, Sweetheart. I know you do. A-and you’re gonna, I promise. As soon as I think you’re ready, m’gonna let you cum. Can’t force things—he was rather…” He pauses, like he’s searching for the right word. “Rough with you earlier.” You know you should appreciate Steven’s consideration, his mindfulness of the fact that you’d already them lay claim to your body—your shoulder still bears the stinging bite mark the jackal had left on you. Instead, you let out a frustrated whine at his words, attempting to force yourself down onto his cock. Steven clucks his tongue at you, before pausing, and then he chuckles. 
“Marc says we should make you wait extra long for that.” He lifts your hips easily despite your efforts, moving you back and forth across his tip. He lowers you just enough that the head of his cock pops inside, and you mewl, clenching down around him. “But since you feel so fucking good inside, I’m not gonna do that.” 
Steven’s head lolls back against the tile and he thrusts shallowly, teeth sinking into his lip before he pulls you off again. This time, he guides you to the bench before sinking to his knees on the floor of the shower. Steven spreads your legs wide, tugging you to the edge before kissing you. 
“Let me make you feel good,” Steven mumbles against your mouth. “Wanna make you feel good, Love.” He trails wet, sloppy kisses down the side of your jaw and between your breasts, mumbling praises against your wet skin. “So fuckin’ beautiful,” Steven sighs, pressing another to the skin above your cunt. “So perfect.” You whine as he peels your thighs apart, tossing your legs over his shoulders. 
“You don’t have to be quiet anymore, Love,” he says, glorying in the shrill whine you loose as he drags his finger through your folds. “So let’t hear it.” Where Jake and Marc are hungry, eager, Steven is diligent. Methodical. He sucks on your clit, working his tongue against it with slow, deep strokes that leave you gasping, your thighs clenching around his curly head. 
“God, fuck, Steven,” sentences are a chore to form, so single words have to suffice as you tangle your fingers in his hair just as his own circle your entrance deliciously. Your hips undulate against his face, your eyes closed. The orgasm takes you by surprise, your thighs trembling as pleas, praise and curses all fall  from your lips in equal measure, and you aren’t sure which ones you mean. 
“Fuck, yes Steven, feels so good, fuck-fuck-fuck, please—” You’re a simpering, weak-limbed mess when he finally releases you, your legs like jelly. It takes little maneuvering to get you back into his lap again, and this time, Steven wastes no time. He positions you above his cock before dropping you down, letting gravity help him fill you. It punches the air from your lungs in a sharp exhale. 
You can barely focus on breathing though, not when he feels like this inside of you. The fullness is delicious, leaving you gasping when he repeats the motion, lifting you until his head’s almost out, and then dropping you back down again, but still desperate for more. More that Steven wants to give you, more that you don’t know you can take, but that you’re more than willing to try. Your cup runneth-the-fuck-over with pleasure, throbbing on every nerve ending, choking out every other thought. 
“Oh, Love,” he groans, rolling his hips into yours. “There it is.” Steven’s hips buck against yours; short, teasing thrusts that stimulate, but don’t fulfill. Finally, he sheathes himself in you to the hilt, his hips bucking softly against you like he’s looking for more space inside where there is none. The mark from where they’d bitten you as the jackal is still there, humming with power. Steven laves his tongue against it, moaning, savoring the coppery taste of your blood on his tongue. 
“God,” Steven gasps against your skin, holding you close and tight, curving his hips up into yours with increasingly desperate thrusts. “F-fuck, you’ve no idea—” You’re not sure if he’s sputtering out a response to Marc or Jake, but you don’t really have the spare capacity to consider it. Not when Steven is whispering feverish praise and promises into the curve of your throat, and then making good on them with every thrust. 
“Feels s-so good , fuck, want you to cum on my cock—!” He’s almost as bad as you, mumbling possessive nonsense as he slots his teeth into the marks the beast left behind. Briefly it occurs to you that he shouldn’t be able to, but then Steven grinds his thumb against your clit and the electricity of it makes you think pointedly of other things. Like the way his body feels against yours, and you’re close, so fucking close—Your knees tighten around his hips, digging into his sides but he doesn’t seem to notice, or care. 
With a whine and a shudder, you go boneless in Steven’s arms, your eyes rolling as the fireworks become bombs, become supernovas, and your cunt clamps down around his throbbing cock like a slick, wet fist. Steven kisses you, and you taste your own blood on his lips as he slams you back down, holding your hips still and in place as he cums too. 
“Mmm, yeah, mmmfuck,” his head is leaned back against the tile, curls plastered against his skull from the water. Steven stares unseeingly at the shower head above you, holding you tucked against his chest as he fills you. You rest your head against his chest, your own heaving. 
Steven finally releases his death grip on your hips in favor of drawing shapes against the skin of your back. You’re not eager to move and neither is he, keeping you caged comfortably against his chest. There are scars here too, old ones, healed over and almost gone, new ones, fresh, pink wounds you know will leave still more. 
You catalogue them, listing each one as your fingers travel across his skin. Chest. Stomach. Forearm. You don’t even realize you’re doing it, not really, not until you feel Steven’s lips curve against your hair. 
“What’re you doing, Love?” 
What am I doing?
You remain silent and thoughtful as Steven helps you off of him, murmuring assent when he asks if he can clean you off. It’s not until you’re getting out of the shower, watching him toweling off, counting the scars on his back—that you realize. 
“I’m cataloguing.” You say, laying a hand on his back. Steven jumps. 
“I’m counting them. Your scars.” You lick your lips. You know you can’t take them away, you can’t erase them—but you can avenge them. Loki’s network is vast—your lips curl into a small smile. Was vast. Now it is rudderless, a snake without a head. You will dispose of the rest of it. The dark fury in your head feels righteous, and when your eyes meet Steven’s, they are bright with the same. 
“I want to pay them back.” 
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cuppajj · 3 months
Neo Beast Head cannons?
✨Saint Vanilla Cookie
He’s the only one who goes wherever he wants. The other beasts are pretty stationary for the time being, but Saint’s on a mission and he will show up literally anywhere
Still loves animals and thinks they’re incapable of sinning, so they don’t get the purifying touch. It’s why raisin’s crows are still alive
Speaking of raisin, he does miss her but he thinks she’s in a better place. Calls her his martyr and talks about her like she’s still alive
He has tea every morning
It’s unknown where he sleeps when he’s traveling the world
He keeps Crepe’s headset extra clean for the day they meet each other again
❤️‍🔥Dragonberry Cookie
She is still the same old Hollyberry who loves drinking berry juice like there’s no tomorrow. She even brings pints to Neo beast meetings
Even though her pride has given her a massive superiority complex, she still views her family and even Pitaya rather fondly, though it doesn’t prevent the latter from being spared any sort of pain. She sees everything as playful until it’s not
Does frankly miss Tarte Tatin and Royal Margarine even though one or both of them has Snapdragon, who she’s trying to get her hands on
❄️Frigid Cacao Cookie
Rarely speaks but when he does it’s usually to give orders, and half of that time he asks for food
His incense always remains lit
Alongside the cookies left, sometimes the licorice sea monsters that now roam his halls act as his servants. He can also use the licorice ooze to do wacky things like teleport from one place to another
Sometimes he appears in the fog of the snow like an apparition, something you can barely see but know he’s there. It’s one of the rare sightings of him outside
Another thing he does when outside is stare at a frozen Cacaoian. Sometimes he touches the icy surface, maybe kneels. Who knows what he’s thinking?
☀️Celestial Cheese Cookie
A lot of her mannerisms are akin to white diamond from steven universe, she was actually one of the main references I used for her design
She can summon as many golden arms as she wants and they operate on hydra properties. Cutting one will grow two
Despite this, she doesn’t have the legit Midas touch where everything she touches turns to gold, she can be selective. Which is good when she wants to pet jackals
Her growing kingdom is full of converted desert inhabitants and travelers, maybe a handful of townships, and it’s remarkable how she’s been able to grow a lot from nothing. She does get a bit of an inferiority complex when comparing herself to the likes of Dragonberry, but it motivates her to conquer more
🥀Midnight Lily Cookie
She picked up playing the harp after she became queen, and she plays often. The silver fae like to gather around to listen to their queen perform, and her harp can be heard across the kingdom
She’s grown more accustomed to speaking like the silver fae as well at times, her voice songlike despite how neutral it sounds. She’ll sing as she plays the harp as well
Despite being a beast, she’s the least accepting of that name for lack of a better word. She doesn’t see herself as being corrupt, only staying true to her decisions and her sovereignty, what she believes is right for herself and everyone. It just so happens that it enables the bad to do worse, but it’s not her problem anyway.
Her kingdom is still strict to outsiders, probably on the same level as cacao. You might need an invitation inside or risk the silver fae being free to do whatever they wish with you
As I mentioned previously they operate similar to the fae (unseelie in aesthetic) so you don’t want to bother chaotic neutral creatures
The only one allowed without invitation is Saint Vanilla, who has a habit of showing up in her garden to lay among the flowers. Lily can only imagine what he thinks of when he sees her
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ryin-silverfish · 6 months
I understood that Fox spirits with gold and white fur are normally heavenly foxes. But Su Daji in the versions we know, killed people before the events of the story. So, will any type of fox spirit get this color when it already has its nine tails? even if they are already foxes that killed people?
I am kinda confused by the wording of this question. Correct me if I'm wrong:
-Heavenly foxes = foxes with gold/white fur and 9 tails
-Heavenly foxes are "good", or at least work for the establishment
-Su Daji of the Pinghua version is a heavenly fox, judging by her appearance
-But she kills people and isn't good
-Does that mean gold/white fur color and 9 tails is merely a signifier of power in fox spirits, and has nothing to do with their alignment or allegiance?
Well...time to dive into some fox spirit lore.
In the oldest Chinese legends, nine-tailed foxes are very much divine beasts. The Girl of Tushan, for example. Nine-tailed foxes also appeared in Han dynasty grave reliefs and paintings as part of Queen Mother of the West's worship:
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They were very much auspicious beasts, like Qilins or Phoenixs. Same goes for white foxes.
The exact point in time where "Auspicious Foxes" started shifting into "Demonic Foxes" is unclear, but it probably had something to do with the change in ways people conceive of yaoguais: namely, the idea that anything that grow old enough can become a yaoguai.
Foxes seemed like a prime candidate for that kind of stuff, because unlike dragons or phoenixs, they were just too common, mundane, and eerie. Divine beasts don't sneak into your chicken coop under the cover of darkness.
By the Northern and Southern dynasty, in Ge Hong's Baopuzi, there was already the idea that animals that reached a certain age could transform into humans, and he cited foxes, wolves and jackals as an example:
"...They can live up to 800 years old, and when they reached 500 years old, these beasts transform into human shapes."
Around the same time period, Guo Pu's Xuanzhong Ji gave an even more elaborate account of fox spirits' transformation:
"Upon reaching 50 years of age, foxes can transform into women. 100 years, beautiful women, divine shaman, or men in order to charm women. They can know things from thousands of miles away, are masters of the arts of charms, able to make people lose their minds...at 1000 years old, they can commune with Heaven, and are known as heavenly foxes."
This concept of heavenly foxes had a renaissance in the Tang dynasty, where folk worship of foxes were very popular, and Daoist influences meant that many foxes in Tang folklore were practitioners of the Daoist arts.
If foxes could cultivate, it was only natural that the best cultivators among them could become immortals, just like human Daoists, and get a job in the Celestial Bureaucracy.
Curiously enough, all Tang dynasty heavenly foxes were male foxes, and the troubles they got into often stemmed from their own lust and entitlement to human women.
Heavenly fox status also offered them protection from death sentences: when they were subdued by Daoist masters or immortals, the punishments were either beating with a rod or exile.
However, only one Tang text connected heavenly foxes with nine-tailed foxes and a specific fur color: You Yang Za Zu, which I cited in a previous answer.
In a sense, this fusion of nine-tailed foxes with heavenly foxes was really going back to the roots of "Nine-tailed Foxes as Auspicious Beasts".
But it didn't last, and by the Song dynasty, nine-tailed foxes had undergone full yaoguai-fication like the rest of their kind.
This is just my speculation, but "Nine-tailed Foxes as Demonic Spirits" could perhaps be traced back as far as their more auspicious associations: the nine-tailed foxes of the Book of Mountains and Seas were just another type of man-eating fantastic beasts, after all.
Anyways, it is at this point that the idea of Daji being a nine-tailed fox first appeared, and FSYY Pinghua went a step further by merging Daji with the "heavenly nine-tailed fox" of You Yang Za Zu, turning the auspicious divine beast back into the demonic.
But, back to your question: a white/golden fox, or a nine-tailed fox, is not necessarily a heavenly fox. In the Qin-Han era, that's just an auspicious beast.
By Guo Pu's definition, a heavenly fox is just an incredibly powerful 1000 years old fox. By the Tang dynasty definition, a heavenly fox is a long-lived master of the Daoist arts who managed to get a job in the Celestial Bureaucracy.
They absolutely can be assholes (though shielded from the worst punishment). The idea that a heavenly fox is also a nine-tailed fox of unusual fur color is specific to that one passage in You Yang Za Zu and FSYY Pinghua.
Having nine tails/white or golden fur doesn't say anything about a fox's alignment or morality either. Rather, it says more about people's general conception of foxes during that specific era, and what was auspicious in one dynasty could easily become markers of the demonic in another.
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i-wanna-write · 12 days
If One’s Different, One’s Bound to be Lonely - Wolverine x Reader Fic
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Fic Synopsis: We know Wolverine and Sabertooth but the reader is known as Jackal. Just like the other two, their mutation is animalistic, lending them healing factors, enhanced physical abilities, and animal senses. This fic details their relationship with the Anchor!Wolverine and how they ended up meeting the Worst!Logan
Part 1, Part 2
Chapter Warnings: violence, language, lewd comments
Word Count: 3k+
A/N: Chapter 3!!!! Definitely moves the plot along!!
Two years have now passed since you had dinner with James and Victor in your small cabin. You’ve had a few more run-ins with them, but none as long as the last one.
You’ve taken to moving every three months, essentially whenever the seasons changed, due to the growing propaganda against mutants. You settled into a small town in British Columbia for about two weeks before some people were able to detect you were a mutant. You hightailed it out of there, not wanting to wait around to see what they would do to you.
You crossed paths with the brothers as you headed south and back into the US. You were making your way to Colorado, knowing of a cabin that has become your home base the past thirty years.
The first time you saw them, Victor was worse than he was since your last run in. He was more viscous, more animal than human, more feral. It was at a gas station by chance, the boys pumping their truck when you pulled up in a car you stole.
The man had blood on his clothes despite it being daylight, a smile showing his canines and claws out as he pumped the gas. He just watched as you walking into the store, neither of you saying anything but you felt his gaze on you.
James was inside paying, looking up the moment you entered, probably having smelt you. He flashed you a brief smile before grabbing his change off the counter. You stood behind him, waiting your turn to pay.
He moved to the side when he was finished, watching silently as you paid for your own gas. You grabbed your own change, walking away from the counter so the person behind you can pay before turning to look up at the man, gaze meeting his brown eyes.
“Guess I’m seeing you around.” James said.
“Fancy that.” you said back, smiling up at him.
He stared at you a moment, observing to see if you’ve changed since the last run in. You did the same. It’s funny that, while Victor seemed to be different, James was exactly the same. Same smoke and whiskey smell, same haircut, same amount of stubble.
James reached out, his hand on your shoulder causing goosebumps to erupt on your skin. He showed you his teeth and you found yourself enjoying his smile, it being the first time you’re blessed with a full one.
His hand traveled down, moving on the outside of your shoulder, to your elbow, on the outside of your forearm and wrist before grasping your hand. He gave it a tight squeeze.
“Still roaming around?” He asked you.
You nodded, squeezing his hand back before letting go. “Still fighting wars and mutants with crazy out there?”
You knew the man was probably eavesdropping on the conversation. You know he can’t see either of your actions, something you're grateful for as you're sure he’ll tease James about it later. Knowing he’s listening, you couldn't help but take a dig at him.
James nodded to answer your question. “Probably going to join the war in Vietnam in a few years,” he reveals.
You nodded at that, thinking back to how they already fought in two, why not add one more.
“Maybe we’ll run into each beforehand.” You stated, silently hoping for it.
“I hope so,” James smiled again, this time to see your reaction.
You blushed, laughing slightly because those are the exact words you whispered when he left last time you saw him.
“Till next time.” you said before leaving to pump your gas.
The next time you ran into them, it was bloody. You were staying in Montana again, hunting in the woods for dinner. You spotted a rabbit, in a crouched position and ready to pounce.
Only someone pounced on you.
A grunt left you as your back hit the ground, the wind being momentarily knocked out of you. You growled, teeth bared and shooting your head up to rip into your attackers throat.
“Fuck!” a familiar voice called and you immediately pushed the body off you.
You spat the chunk of flesh out of your mouth and jumped to your feet. In the dark, your eyesight was adjusted and you looked down to see none other than Victor kneeling down, hand on his neck as the wound began to heal.
“Told you not to do that.” James' voice called as the man walked over.
Victor shot him a dark look before he stood up, growling and moving towards you as if to attack. You just raised your hand up to stop him, a tired look on your face.
“Don’t make me do it again.” You said to him, as if talking to an unbehaved child.
Victor just growled before stalking away, presumably to continue his hunt.
You rolled your eyes and looked back at James, his face showing the same annoyance as yours.
“He just cost me my dinner.” You said to James.
The man shrugged. “We’ve been hunting the past two hours. I’m all out but he just keeps going. We caught your scent and he got the idea to hunt you rather than the prey. Told ‘em you’d take another chunk out of him. Thanks for proving I was right.”
You smiled, teeth still showing some blood. “I don’t think he’ll ever learn.” You told him.
James just nodded in agreement before he took a step closer to you, your breaths mixing. You felt your heartbeat pick up at the proximity, your eyesight allowing you to see the intense expression on his face.
He leaned down, his lips near your ear and breath fanning it as he spoke. “And he’ll never learn that you’re attracted to me and not him.”
Your eyes widened at that statement, not expecting him to call you out on your attraction to him. You opened your mouth to respond but no words came out.
He just smiled at you before quickly running in the direction Victor went.
Six months after that run in, you were hunkered down in a cabin in Wyoming. You’ve only been here a month, but this cabin has been your favorite so far. It was larger than what you usually found, having a separate bedroom as well as a bathroom with a tub and shower.
You were sitting on the couch, re-reading your go to book - Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Ever since you were a little girl, you enjoyed reading. Science fiction, historical nonfiction, romance, poetry, mysteries, thrillers. Whatever the genre, you would read it.
Whenever you finished the new ones you acquired, usually through stealing, you would re-read this one, learning more each time. The book has become your favorite since the first time you read it. Annotating each time and finding a new thing that stick out to you.
You were nursing a whiskey, having just finished your dinner. Lately you’ve been on a soup kick and made two cans of some you picked up the last time you were in town.
A fire flickers in the fireplace, the light illuminating the room enough so you didn’t bother turning on the lights. Besides, with your keen vision, you were able to see just fine.
You are pulled from making a note on a specific paragraph when you hear a creak through the silence and were immediately on high alert, listening for any other sound. You placed your book down and stood, listening intently for another noise. Suddenly you were pushed from behind with so much force you fell to the floor.
“Haven’t killed a female one yet. This should be fun.” A voice sounded from behind you.
You turned to see a man, blonde hair and bright blue eyes smiling down at you. He was large, easily over six feet and probably weighing at least 230. His clothes were dirty, appearing to have both blood and dirt stains on his jeans and jacket.
You immediately jumped to your feet, teeth barred and class grown. You didn’t hesitate to attack only for the man to disappear before your eyes.
Another mutant.
You crouched in a fighting stance, ready for what was to come and letting your instincts take over. You listened for another sound. Perhaps a creak or even an inhale of breath.
You heard another creak and turned, your clawed hand aiming for your attacker. You were able to make contact, feeling the slice of skin beneath your claws. The man, though still not visible, let out a grunt and the smell of blood filled the air.
You smirked slightly, satisfied you were able to get some part of him. You quickly went to attack the same place again, but of course the invisible man disappeared causing you to slice through air.
Instead, a punch was delivered to you from behind with a force you’ve never felt. It hit your head and cracked it to the side, making you stumble but not fall. Your head exploded with pain, vision blurring slightly before your healing factor kicked in and you were back to your normal senses.
You closed your eyes, allowing your sight to vanish, trying to make your sense of smell and hearing more attuned to the situation. You waited for the old cabin floor to creak to give away your attacker, getting the feeling that this predator enjoyed playing with his prey.
A creak was heard from your right and you ducked down, assuming the man was going to punch again and reached out. The man missed while you were able to grab what you assumed was his arm and sunk your sharp teeth into it, drawing blood. You ripped it from his body, spitting it onto the ground as blood filled your mouth and flesh stuck to your teeth.
“Fucking bitch!” The man exclaimed, his body once again coming into view.
You assumed correctly and saw a chunk of flesh missing from his arm.
You smiled bloody.
“You may have never killed a woman but I’ve killed plenty of misogynistic assholes.” You state, claws ready and slicing forward, aiming for his throat.
But the man seemed to be as lucky as he was invisible as he was able to jump back, your claws barely missing his jugular for the intended kill.
The man smiled. “I like playing with my victims Darling.” He then disappeared again.
He landed a punch, you landed a punch, and round and round the two of you went. Your home for the past year quickly became a war zone and all furniture destroyed as you fought.
One moment fucked everything up when the man seemed to pull a knife out of nothing and jammed a knife into your left ear. Pain exploded, you being able to feel blood rushing from the appendage white noise seeming to be heard.
The knife stayed in place, not allowing your body to heal itself and leaving you deaf on that side for the time being. You then felt a hand enclose around your throat and your back was slammed into the wall.
The man holding you revealed himself, blood seeping through his teeth as he finally had you pinned. His arm showed the chunk of flesh missing, his face bruised and bloody from where you were able to make contact with him.
You slashed and slashed at his face with your claws but it was no use - this mutant was not letting you go now that he finally had you.
He continued to grin, reaching to pull the knife from your ear, a grunt of pain leaving you as he did so. He held up the knife, smiling deviously and placing it on the side of your neck. You didn’t know what would happen if he were to kill you. Your regeneration has been tested with knife wounds, bullet holes and even strangulation before. But you never questioned about dismemberment - specially your head from your body.
But that moment never came. Because one moment you were being held against the wall, the next your body dropped, your knees collapsing under your adrenaline wore off. You didn’t even see your savior as you watched the man’s mouth start to gurgle out blood, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. His hand dropped the knife as his body was raised from the floor before being thrown to the side, finally revealing your savior.
A growl left his mouth, face snarling as he glanced to where he threw the man and sheathed his claws back into his knuckles. His breathing was heavy, as if he just ran a marathon to get here as his eyes tracked around the cabin to take in the mess. They finally landed on you and your disheveled state.
“You good sweetheart?” He asked, voice low and gravely.
Sweetheart, that one’s new. Usually you’re Bub. Probably smartass in his head if you had to guess.
You swallowed, his voice affecting not just your head this time but your body. Goosebumps rose on your skin and you had to hold yourself together to not take a greedy breath in through your nose to smell his scent. It's been months and you missed the smell of smoke, leather, and something that was solely James.
“Yeah.” You state, raising from the floor and wiping blood from your now healed ear.
You looked around the room, taking in the damage. Your couch was destroyed, slashes form your own claws causing the feathering to fall out. The kitchen table was flipped over, cabinets painted with blood - some yours and some your attackers.
“Where the hell did you come from?” You ask after taking everything in. Your eyes met deep brown and you swallowed before continuing. “I haven’t smelt you or Victor the past few months so there’s no way you’ve been in town.”
James nodded at your statement because it was true. Last you saw each other was four months ago.
“Been tracking this fucker.” James started, walking over to your fridge and helping himself to a beer. He took what you deemed his usual stance, leaning against the countertop. Taking a swig of his beer he continued. “He murdered a buncha’ other mutants and dismembered them throughout the state. Caught his scent but his vanishing didn’t help. Finally tracked him to this town and followed his scent. Lead me here.” James finished, returning to gulp down the beverage and not stopping until it was finished.
You nod, helping yourself to one as well, standing next to him to lean against the counter. You both stood in silence for a moment. It seemed James was taking in the damage like you’ve already done.
Looks like you’ll be moving again.
“No Victor?” You questioned, really hoping you wouldn’t have to deal with his attitude and bite out his throat for the third time.
James smiles, surprisingly not sarcastically. “Sorry, just me I’m afraid.”
You smile back, some reason feeling butterflies in your stomach at the sight. “I won’t complain. Thanks for the save.” You raise your beer to him before chugging it down and finishing it.
James stares at you in that moment and you wonder what he's thinking. This was the first time you’ve run into him alone, no Victor with crude remarks or sexist comments.
For you, this was the first time truly seeing James. He stood taller, if possible, wearing jeans and a brown leather jacket with what looked to be a white tank top underneath. No longer trying to blend in as he showed confidence but wasn’t cocky. As if he knew that if anyone tried to challenge him he’d win in a heartbeat.
You decided that you liked him better without Victor. He wasn’t tied down and had to take a step back from any situation. He seemed to be more relaxed and less on edge.
“What?” James asks, pulling you from your thoughts.
You blush slightly, having been caught up in your own thoughts. You decide to ask him probably the most personal question yet. “Why do you stay with Victor?”
You watch as James's eyes widen, as if not expecting you to ask that. You’ve been dying to know though. You don’t think it’s fair that he’s burdened by his brother and spends his life fighting him, war, and other mutants. Every run in you’ve seen his moral compass and it differs vastly from his feral brother.
James shrugs. “When you live this long, what else is there to do?”
“Don’t you ever want to go off on your own? Do something you want to do?” You probe.
“What else is there to do? Moving from cabin to cabin, alone, reading?” James shoots back at you.
You grimace. You should've seen that one coming. He’s right of course. You question his way of life when yours isn't gorgeous either. You guess that’s one thing the two of you have in common - never able to settle down in one place. Having no commitments, relying on your animalistic mutation and wanting to be alone.
“And it looks like you're gonna be moving again.” James adds on, taking a look around the room again before turning back to you.
“Thanks for the reminder.” You say sarcastically, watching as laughter dances in his eyes.
“Just trying to help.” James says back, his eyes staring into your own. His head is angled down to look at you.
You let out a chuckle at that. He said it so nonchalantly you had to.
“If you want to help, start packing my shit and maybe I'll thank you.” You shoot at him, smile on your face.
You notice how close the two of you are. How you can lighty feel his breath upon your own face. You can’t believe you’re flirting with him. But, your instinct is telling you to. That the attraction is mutual. That the two of you are compatible. That he feels the same.
“How would you thank me?” James questions, eyes glancing down at your lips before back to your face. “You’re still yet to thank me for saving your life.”
You feel your heartbeat increase and a blush raises on your face. You’re sure he can tell. Because you can tell how you’re affecting him. How his own heartbeat is increased, his breathing is rougher, and eyes are dilated
You make the first move, the animal in you taking over. You lean forward, standing on your toes to reach his lips. His are slightly chapped, rougher against your soft ones. He responds instantly, forming his around yours.
He grabs your bottom one between his sucking it. You use this moment to slip your tongue into his mouth. The moment they meet, you want to moan. He tastes way better than when you grabbed the whiskey bottle from him the last time.
You get a hint of tobacco from a cigar he had to of had earlier, as well as the beer he’s been drinking. Your tongues battle each other, neither of you wanting to lose. Your hands reach up and tangle in his hair, pulling tightly. Meanwhile his own grab your waist harshly, pulling you tight against him.
You groan at the contact, feeling James smile at the sound. Your tongues move together before you retract your own, going back to moving your lips against his.
You finally have to pull away for a breath.
“How ‘bout I pack my shit while you get rid of the body.” You propose breathlessly with a smile on your face.
James is a sight. His perfect hair is all mussed up, lips slightly swollen. He’s just as breathless, large chest moving up and down with each breath.
He snorts. “Seems like you just want to use me for my body.”
You let out a laugh. You move his hands from his hair, trailing them down his chest. “I could use your body for a lot of things.” You wink.
James shakes his head, laughing slowly. He then pushes off the counter and heads over to the body. In turn, you also push off but head to collect your bags.
Time to move again.
Tag List: @randomblogzsblog, @sebastianstanblog, @h0n3y-l3m0n05
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cure-typhoon · 6 months
what animal do u associate to each kid or troll. like u see this animal and r like yup thats [blank].
HMMM okey theres like certain animals the characters are already established as, but i dont totally agree with all of them
Beta kids and Alpha Kids:
June and Jane - Okey everyone says bunny for June and i understand why but idk I preffer a cameleon or a lizard and the bunny for Jane or maybe a bull for her, yeah i think that fits
Rose and Roxy - Yeah yeah theyre cat people and whatever but i always imagined as Roxy as a Fox and Rose as an owl lol or a black puma or like those scotish round cats
Dave and Dirk: Dave is those little birds that i see around where i live (sparrows?) and Dirk is a peacock
Jade and Jake - I dont have any creative one for Jade, i mean she is totally a dog but also a wolf or a coyote and Jake HMMMMM hyena (dont ask idk why) or like....parrot or white cockatoo
Beta Trolls and Alpha Trolls:
Karkat and Kankri: crabs, like there has never been a more crab character than karkat, he is a king crab, spiky boi. kankri is a spider crab
Aradia and Damara: Bighorn sheeps for both but also this one for Godtier Aradia
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Tavros and Rufioh: Buffalos
Sollux and Mituna: why bees, like i get it but whyy. they are this
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Nepeta and Meulin: Nepeta is a Tiger and Meulin is a Lion
Kanaya and Porrim: the fucking fluffiest moth i cant recall the name and Porrim is a moon moth
Terezi and Latula: Dragonfly for both of them
Vriska and Aranea: IM NOT LOOKING FOR SPECIFIC SPIDERS theyre both wolf to me, well Vriska is a Wolf and Aranea is a Jackal
Equius and Horuss: this fuckers
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Gamzee and Kurloz: EDIT BECAUSE I FORGOT ABOUT THEM bdkadn
They're both clownfish no i won't apologize
Eridan and Cronus: Cronus is an electric eel and Eridan is a whale or a dolphin, maybe a pelican
Feferi and Meenah: Feferi is a jellyfish and Meenah is a Mantaray
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disaster-writer · 3 months
Poison (Part 1/4)
Pairing: Alpha!Bokuto Koutarou x Beta!Reader
Summary: You loved love, but it wasn’t made for you… but maybe a certain Alpha could change your mind
Word Count: 5.8k
A/N: MSBY Black Jackals time period
AU: Omegaverse
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“I don’t care about your presentation. It shouldn’t matter whether or not you’re a Beta and I’m an Alpha— I love you for you and not because of my biology—“
”Fucking liar,” you grumbled glaring holes into your tv, “You only love her cause it’s in the fucking script,” you grumbled once more, shoving the Valentine’s chocolate you had bought for yourself into your mouth.
”Hmmm… and you say this is your favorite movie because….?”
Your eyes snapped to your laptop, wide open and displaying your younger sister.
Truthfully you were sure every single person in the world would find you to be quite the pathetic display right now. In the midst of February, crying about fake love stories while stuffing your face with heart shaped chocolates, and talking to your sister that had to make time out of her busy school schedule just to hang out with you over FaceTime. Not to mention your hair was a wreck and you looked like you had been awake for days.
But at the age of 24 you stopped caring about the optics long ago… plus no one was ever here to pity you anyway.
”Because it’s a beautiful fucking love story about a Beta finding true love,” another chocolate down the hatch.
”Isn’t the actress an Omega in real life?” She snorted.
”Yeah and you can tell no Betas worked on this film cause they got so much shit wrong. Like how would she be able to tell he was pissed off in that one scene by his scent? We can’t smell that shit,” you ranted, throwing a piece of chocolate at the tv. Out of the corner of your eye you could see your cat walking up and sniffing the chocolate before batting it away. “They also make her too submissive.”
She hummed absentmindedly, filling in one of the answers in her homework, ”Well what do you expect? You guys only make up like, what— 2 percent of the population?”
”Maybe if you Omegas and Alphas didn’t fuck like bunnies, we wouldn’t be dying out.”
”Hey!” Your sister yelped, looking up from her homework, “Mom told you not to say stuff like that anymore!”
You grumbled something to yourself, sinking further down against the foot of your bed and into the carpet, “Sorry.”
“God I can’t wait for February to be over,” she muttered going back to her homework.
”At least I don’t bother you with this year round now. If I’m destined to die alone I can take one month out of the year to be insufferable.”
”Oh sis, you need some serious help.”
”That’s what the chocolates are for,” you say through a mouthful, “Ah! Don’t eat that Mochi!”
From your sister’s perspective she sees you suddenly leap out of frame giving her a view of the dance pole you had installed in your room— a secret you made sure both your sisters would take to the grave just so your parents wouldn’t find out. And just behind that she could faintly make out the shelves upon shelves of anime figurines you collected in the dim light of your room that was only illuminated by the TV and your laptop. You returned seconds later with a cat in your arms.
She sweat dropped. She loves you with her entire heart but holy shit, you were becoming the stereotypical sad cat lady day by day.
”Tell me again why you can’t just go out with one of the million volleyball players you manage? Or what about the other guys on the other teams? I thought you said most of them don’t have mates?” She asked, putting her pencil down and finally giving you her undivided attention. “I’ve seen some of the pictures of the guys on your team too, they’re all hot.”
You groaned, throwing your head back against the foot of your bed, ”There’s so much wrong with that question I don’t even know where to start.”
”Enlighten me then,” she deadpanned.
”Okay, one, they’re like the most stereotypical Alphas you’ll ever meet— like the Alphas of Alphas, which means a Beta is probably the last person they’d ever date. Two, most of them are unmated for good reason, they’re professional athletes, they don’t have time for that. And three, they’re my co-workers, it’s not professional!” You exclaimed, throwing a fist in the air and causing Mochi to meow and squirm out of your hold.
She narrowed her eyes at your dramatics. “Is that all?” She asked sarcastically.
”There’s probably more— ah shit the movie’s over,” you said, noticing the credits beginning to roll.
”Thank God,” your little omega sister muttered, “It’s time for you to go to bed anyway.”
”Sleep is for the weak,” you grumbled, a pocky stick hanging out the corner of your mouth while searching for a new movie.
”Huh-uh sure it is. It’s 2am and don’t you have to get up at 6?”
”5. I’m going on a run to burn off all the chocolate.”
”You could just not eat it.”
She rolled her eyes, “Anyway, Ne-Chan is going to your place tomorrow right?”
”Oh yeah, that’s right,” you muttered, forgetting about your older sister’s stay.
”Thank God, she can help you through tomorrows episode instead of me.”
She started closing her textbook, ”Ok I’m gonna—“
”Y’know tomorrow will be the first time I’m seeing any of you in like a year.”
”That’s cause you never visit.”
”Well you guys could come visit me too y’know?” You scoffed, picking at your cuticle.
”Nuh uh don’t pull that, we’re all here and you’re the one that wanted to run off and isolate herself after you started making bank as a manager.”
”Yeah whatever,” you grumbled.
”I’m gonna go to bed now,” she hummed, “And you should too.”
You only grunted in response.
”Love ya, talk to you later,” she waved.
”Love you—“ she hung up, “…too,” you ended with a sigh.
You took a second, staring at the blank screen and remembering just how lonely you felt now that you were by yourself before going back to scrolling through the movies once again.
* * * *
You jolted awake to the sound of your alarm that following morning.
You turned over, registered that it was 5am, turned off the alarm, and turned back around.
What were you thinking? A 5am run? The sun wasn’t even up yet. You weren’t like the weirdos you managed on the team. You’d much rather stick to your usual workout routine.
You fell back asleep.
You would actually wake up two hours later at 7am to go to work. The guys had a 8 am practice but you couldn’t spend the practice time with them anyway as you’d be locked away in your office all day. After their last tournament they had an influx of sponsors come in and now you had your hands absolutely full with that.
However, now with the sunlight filtering in through your curtains, you forced yourself awake and to get ready for the day.
You sat up, your bed head looking worse than it did when you fell asleep. Quickly glancing around the room with bleary eyes you saw the mess you had made. Wrappers, boxes, used tissues scattered everywhere, with your tv still on.
You sighed before forcing yourself to your feet, stirring your sleeping cat on your bed. You quickly gathered the garbage together and threw it out followed by turning off the tv. 
You passed by your calendar, February 8th, only six more days until Valentine’s Day.
Your shoulders slumped as you dragged your feet over to your closet.
Truly you weren’t this desperate and pathetic all the time, it’s just this month that always seemed to get to you. 
Old habits die hard, you supposed.
Ever since you were a child you dreamed about growing up and getting married, you dreamed about falling in love and experiencing the type of love that completely electrified you and made your head dizzy, you dreamt about being held by a man that was completely crazy about you.
Maybe it was a bit naïve, but it’s what you always wanted.
But then you had to go and present as a Beta. 
You were the only Beta born to a completely traditional family. Your father was an alpha, your mother an omega, your two older brothers were both alphas, your older sister was an omega, and your younger sister was also an omega.
Turns out your great grandmother was a fucking Beta and that’s where the gene came from.
You also had no issue with being a Beta, the problem lied with the fact that Betas were so rare nowadays they were impossible to find, and other Betas would have been your dating pool. But now you were stuck feeling undesirable by both Alphas and Omegas who only wanted to mate with each other.
You slammed your closet open, a bit rougher than you intended and pulled out a pair of black slacks, a white button up, and your blazer. 
It wasn’t your typical dress attire everyday but your schedule was full of zoom meetings today with both sponsors and magazines. Any other day you would have been assisting the team during practice and dressed in one of your track suits.
You quickly stripped and dressed yourself for the day.
Now it also wasn’t as if you didn’t try within the field of love. You fought tooth and nail to experience any kind of romantic relationship but a girl could only take her confessions being rejected by Alpha after Omega after Alpha so many times. Not to mention being ditched on blind dates. For you the cumulative number that was your breaking point was thirty times. 
You loved love.
But it wasn’t made for you. 
After dressing, using the bathroom, brushing your teeth, and putting on your makeup and putting your hair in a tight bun, you headed to the kitchen to brew a cup of coffee in a to go cup before heading out the door to start your day.
The game plan for the day was to greet the team before hiding away in your office for the rest of the day. You’d meet with the CEO of Bouncing Ball on zoom followed by another sponsor you couldn’t remember but you were pretty sure it was some energy drink company. Then you’d start getting the schedule in order for the match against the Adler’s later this week. Following that you’d meet with two Sports magazines back to back to set up some interviews— speaking of interviews you also—
“Fuck,” you hissed on the train ride softly, immediately going through your bag for your agenda. The passenger next to you threw you an annoyed glance but you paid them no mind. “The press conference.”
You quickly wrote down in your agenda, that contained both your work and personal life schedules on one calendar, a reminder about that press conference that’s coming up. Then you quickly put it in your phone calendar as well.
Interviews and press conferences were a nightmare for you, between Hinata, Atsumu, and Bokuto you had your hands completely full with making sure they were in the right place at the right time because somehow they never were unless you had them all on tight leashes. 
Yeah maybe you didn’t have someone to love or love you back the way you wanted but you did have your career. And as much as they liked to drive you up a wall you did enjoy your job and your coworkers. On top of that you were still able to make a pretty decent life for yourself as you were completely independent and self sufficient, in fact you were able to send checks to help support your family now. Your apartment was basically an expensive suite that always looked immaculate due to the fact you were even able to afford a maid.
The train stopped and you got off. Now with some caffeine in your system there was more of a pep in your step. You knew that once you stepped a foot into the building you’d momentarily forget all your woes and instead act like the professional that you were as you threw yourself into your work. Your sister would be coming over later in the day and you had your Pilates class that night so you certainly had a full day ahead.
You headed straight for the gymnasium, stalking past your own office as you put a smile on your face.
Pushing the door open you headed straight towards the bench where Coach Samson and Meian were currently talking. You waved to Atsumu, Hinata, and Sakusa who were currently starting their warm ups, you assumed the rest to still be in the locker room.
You could immediately hear the squeaking of their sneakers on the flooring, the smell of salon-pas invading your nose. The ceiling was so much higher than the one of your old high school and the lights much brighter as well. 
”Good morning Samson-san, Meian-san,” you nodded towards them with a smile.
Samson returned your warm smile with one of his own, “Good morning (Y/N), you seem cheerful as always,”
”What’s not to be cheerful about?” You shrugged, “Anyways I went over your schedule yesterday, looks like you’ve got a full day of practice huh?”
”Yeah,” Meian answered, “It’s the Adlers, some of the guys are getting worked up about the upcoming match so we figured more practice wouldn’t hurt. God knows they’re gonna over practice anyway.”
”That is true,” you snorted.
”And you?” Samson asked, “You’re all dressed up again, stuck in more meetings?”
”That I am. Got some meetings with one of our sponsors and some new ones. Then I need to set up interviews with VolleyballWorld Mag and Sports Monthly— oh and we have that press conference on the 25th coming up but I’ll give you more details when that gets closer.”
Meian whistled lowly, “I’m glad I only have to do the playing, I’d lose my mind if I had your job.”
”Oh it’s not that difficult—“
”I thought we talked about not selling yourself short (Y/N),” Samson interrupted, “You’re the only manager I’ve dealt with that hasn’t lost a single sponsorship for this team. Not only that but you handle these knuckle headed Alphas so well I think they’d fall apart without you.”
You laughed at his comment and grinned, “I do appreciate the sentiment so thank you,” you nodded, “Now I only wanted to stop by and say hello, I have to prepare for the meetings now so I’ll head out. I’ll be in my office all day if you need anything.” You began turning around, waving at the two, “Good luck with practice today—“
Your shoulders immediately tensed, your eyes widening, “Oh fuck—“
Suddenly you had the air knocked out of you as you were quite literally swept off your feet by a much larger force, now being rocked side to side in the Alphas embrace as he squeezed you against his chest.
”Bokuto-san,” you managed to wheeze out, “I thought we discussed this?”
You could instantly feel him deflate, “We did…”
”And what did we say?”
”No hugging Miss Manager.”
”And why?”
”Because it’s unprofessional.”
You waited a beat for him to react but he didn’t, “That means put me down Bokuto-san.”
A second later you were back on your feet.
You huffed, straightening out your blazer and ignoring the dejected look on Bokuto’s face. After working with him for so long it was quite easy at this point. You patted his arm.
”Thank you. Always a pleasure Bokuto-san, good luck with practice—“
”You’re not staying!?” He suddenly exclaimed.
“You do realize her job isn’t just handing out towels and water bottles right?” Meian asked.
”Yeah but… Beta-chan hasn’t been to practice in ages!”
”That’s because you guys keep doing so well. The more sponsors you get the busier I become. Now you really should get to practice, it’s almost 9 now.” You said, checking your watch, “And don’t worry, I’ll be attending practice again before you know it.”
You were just about to turn and leave before Bokuto stopped you again.
“Wait! I have something for you!”
You watched in slight annoyance as Bokuto ran off to his bag and shuffled through it. Seconds later he was pulling out a black fabric and a Tupperware and then running back to you.
At this point the entirety of the team was watching whatever shit Bokuto was onto now.
”I found your jacket!” He pushed the fabric towards you.
”Oh?” You accepted it, quite surprised, “I dunno how you found one of my things again but thank you… actually I dunno how I keep losing it,” you muttered under your breath.
”And this is for you!” He exclaimed once again, handing you the container in his hand.
”Huh… Another bento?” You asked peculiarly as you looked through the container before you sighed, “I thought we talked about this as well Bokuto-san? You can’t be giving me gifts all the time it’s not—”
”Professional! I know! But I didn’t make them for you this time! I made it for me and these are left overs!”
You sweat dropped at his explanation, “Bokuto-san that’s the same thing. I can’t accept this.” Suddenly Bokuto deflated, like he always did when you declined his gifts.
You then glanced behind him at Meian who just nodded his head towards Bokuto.
You sighed.
”Alright fine,” instantly he perked up, as you took the container, “But I’m telling you you can’t keep doing this. Now go practice, I’ll try to stop by later if I can.”
With that you were spinning around on your heel, heading out of the gymnasium with your sweater and the Tupperware in hand.
Behind you Bokuto stood proudly with his hands on his hips as if he accomplished something just now.
The rest of the team stared at the scene with quite exhausted faces. This kind of show was so typical now, it came as no surprise.
“How many days does that make now?” Atsumu scoffed, leaning back into his stretch once again.
“Fuck if I know anymore,” Sakusa grumbled back.
“At least he’s in a good mood!” Hinata chirped as Bokuto ran at full speed towards them.
”Did’ya see that!? She accepted my gift!—“
”Bokuto!” Samson suddenly snapped, “Stop talking and start stretching!”
”Right!” He held a thumbs up at his coach, causing the older man to roll his eyes, before joining his teammates on the ground to stretch as well.
”She also hesitated before accepting it and told ya to stop again,” Atsumu said.
”Yeah but I think I’m making progress,” Bokuto grinned happily, “She’ll be my mate in no time!”
”It’s been nearly a year Bokuto,” Sakusa muttered.
”And how was that any different from what usually happens anyway?” Inunaki called out to them after overhearing the conversation.
”Because! That makes the 52nd time she’s accepted one of my gifts and only the 49th time she’s rejected it! And she didn’t give me penalties for hugging her this time.”
”Only?” Sakusa sweat dropped, honestly he envied how blissfully stupid Bokuto could be at times.
”If she hasn’t done anythin’ about ya courtin’ her then she doesn’t know yer courtin’ her!” Atsumu snapped in frustration, “Ignore yer stupid instincts for once and ask her out already!” Clearly he was the most annoyed with watching this show drag on for this long already. Yeah, maybe it was funny in the beginning but now Bokuto’s stupid Alpha behavior and your own obliviousness as a Beta was becoming painful to watch.
”Maybe Bokuto’s right!” Hinata butted in, “She seems to be a lot more accepting of his hugs now!”
”That’s cause she’s used to it,” Inunaki snickered. “Also whatever happened to the idea that Bokuto is also probably not her type?”
”Whaddya mean not her type? I’m everyone’s type!”
”Yeah I’m sure she likes you for your modesty,” Sakusa muttered sarcastically under his breath.
”Why wouldn’t I be her type?” Bokuto asked, seriously looking like he was trying to rack his brain for the answer.
”Well because, she’s so…” Inunaki trailed off, “Professional. And you’re…”
”You don’t think I’m professional enough for (Y/N)-chan?”
As if on cue, everyone snorted as if he just told a joke.
”You too Hinata?”
”I mean… (Y/N)-chan she’s… very…”
”Any day now,” Sakusa grumbled.
”Serious! That’s the word! She’s very serious about her job while you’re a lot more fun!”
Bokuto frowned as if he was offended, “You don’t think (Y/N)-chan is fun?”
”And you do?” Inunaki asked surprised. “None of us know anything about her. She doesn’t even go to the celebratory dinners or team bondings— we’ve never even seen her in her casual clothes.”
“That’s a good point,” Atsumu agreed, “She’s not on any social media either and she only ever talks to any of us when it has to do with volleyball— she’s like a fuckin’ NPC. Ya know nothin’ about the Beta, how’d she even manage to get ya wrapped around her finger like this?”
Bokuto stared at the gym floor and had that look in his eyes that his teammates knew too well at this point, “You’re wrong about her—“ he looked up at his teammates, “There’s more than that to Miss Manager! I know it— it’s like in her scent! And when I find out you’ll all see you were wrong!”
”So dramatic,” Sakusa said, “You keep saying this shit but she still doesn’t even know you’re interested in her.”
”Yeah, cause he won’t just fuckin’ ask her out!” Atsumu exclaimed.
”You say that now but just wait until she realizes what I did with her jacket!”
Atsumu looked at Bokuto in horror, “The fuck did ya do with her jacket?”
“I washed it with my laundry, scented it, and slept with it in my bed for a week!” He exclaimed proudly, Atsumu’s innuendo completely going over his head, “Now she’s bound to know I’ve been scenting her!”
The others, even Hinata, stared at Bokuto dumbfounded as they watched him close his eyes with a stupid grin on his face, clearly visualizing what he thought would be the moment you realized he scented you.
”I don’t know how many more times we have to say this to you,” Sakusa said, “But Beta noses don’t work that way. If anything she’s just gonna think her jacket smells like a man, I doubt she’s familiar with your specific scent at all considering she’s always around us when she does see you.”
Bokuto deflated.
”Ya know what will get her to finally notice ya?” Atsumu asked.
Bokuto perked up again.
”If ya just asked her out already!”
* * * *
You stalked into your office, the door slamming shut behind you.
You dropped the container Bokuto gave you onto your desk, placed the coffee cup down, draped your jacket behind your chair, dropped your bag onto the ground, and finally you sank into your seat with a sigh.
A smell wafted around your nose and you immediately knew it was your jacket as you sunk deeper into your seat.
It smelled like a fucking man.
”Seriously? Was it rolling around in the locker room or something?” You grumbled to yourself.
You still had an hour before your meeting with the CEO for Bouncing Ball. 
Now you could go over some notes and brush up on anything you’ve might’ve forgotten but Kenma Kozume was probably the most laid back sponsor you’ve ever dealt with and you knew your extensive knowledge about his company and all your business dealings wasn’t as impressive as it was to most other CEO’s.
And also, you didn’t want to study anyway.
You glared daggers at the container which held the lunch Bokuto made. You already made your own lunch for the day so maybe you’d give to your sister when you got home.
You glared harder at the container. “Left overs my ass,” you grumbled. There looked to be three servings of food in there.
You didn’t know why Bokuto was so persistent when it came to giving you food but if he was this generous with you then you knew he was going to make some lucky Omega out there very happy. 
“Lucky bitch,” you muttered just thinking about this metaphorical Omega. “… I wonder what Mochi is doing now?”
Before you knew it ten o’clock had rolled around and you found yourself entering the waiting room for your meeting with Kenma.
And just as you had expected, you weren’t accepted until a half hour later.
”Sorry I’m late,” Kenma muttered, clearly looking at whatever was on his computer screen than the zoom meeting. “I lost track of my stream.”
”No worries,” you hummed, “I was able to get some other work done in the meantime.”
”I’m gonna keep this brief,” more words that didn’t surprise you, “I wanted to talk to you about giving MSBY more money.”
You blinked in shock, back straightening up as you processed his words, “You want to give more, but you already give—“
”I know how much,” he hummed, “But I want to give more.”
”Oh well— thank you. Let me just grab my books and I’ll adjust a few things,” you said, immediately reaching for one of your binders that was placed neatly in your bottom drawer. “How much do you—“
Your jaw fell open briefly, but you quickly regained your composure, “Alright well— that’s- that’s great news. Amazing even. That’ll help pay for the repairs in the gym and then some. Thank you Kenma.”
”You’re welcome,” he hummed absentmindedly, “Tell Shouyou I said ‘Hi,��”
”Of course, as always,” you nodded, “Should I tell Bokuto you said hi as well?”
You could see a slight smirk on Kenma’s lips, “No.”
“Very well,” you snickered. Kenma didn’t seem like the type but you had come to realize he liked fucking with people sometimes.
”Feel free to tell Samson you negotiated for this deal.”
”I would if I could but everyone knows you don’t give anything to anyone unless you want to.”
He shrugged, “I suppose.”
”So was that the only matter you wanted to discuss for today?”
”Yeah. You have that meeting down with my advertisement team for the fifteenth right?”
You glanced down at your large desk calendar which as opposed to your agenda in your bag and your phone calendar only had your work schedule. 
“Yup, right here. Will you be in attendance?”
”No, I trust you when it comes to dealing with them.”
You snickered once more, “Isn’t that supposed to be the other way around?”
Kenma glared sourly at his screen, “You would think but some of those guys are becoming more and more incompetent with each day.”
”Well then I’ll be looking forward to that meeting,” you joked, “But if that’s all, I’ll leave you be. And good luck with tonight’s stream.”
”Thanks. Don’t lead Bokuto on too much today—“
He hung up.
”Fucking CEO’s,” you muttered under your breath.
* * * *
The day had progressed quite smoothly. You had managed to get everything with the sponsors clarified and confirmed. You scheduled all the interviews that needed scheduling and on top of that you were even able to smooth over some of the details concerning the press conference at the end of the month.
Practice had ended hours ago now, you knew because Bokuto tried sticking his nose in your business as usual before Meian forced him to go home so you could work.
But now you were finally finished and packing up for the day. You shoved everything you needed into your bag, even your blazer since you’d much rather wear your jacket in this weather. You inspected it further and it had looked clean, it just very obviously smelled like the volleyball players. You’d just throw it in the wash when you did laundry later that week. 
You then shoved the bento in your bag as well before taking off for the night.
Your sister was already at your place. She had texted you around noon and had let herself in with the key you hid outside for her.
So really, you should have expected the impact when you were suddenly pinned to the ground the moment you stepped into your apartment.
”(Y/N)!!!” Your older sister had screeched above your face as your bag and its contents went flying across the room. The door was still wide open, letting the sunlight and cold air filter in over the two of you.
”You bitch!” You yelped back, before quickly flipping the two of you over so you had her pinned instead. She struggled under you but you had always been stronger than her. “You’re too old to still be greeting me like this!”
”I’m 26! Stop acting like I’m on my death bed!” She yelped, still struggling.
“Why haven’t you visited sooner! It’s been a year you whore!”
”Why haven’t you visited us back home! Sending checks every month to mom and dad doesn’t count as visiting!”
You glared at her. 
Her hair was longer now and she of course still looked as beautiful as ever.
You loved her dearly but growing up in her shadow, the most popular and beautiful Omega girl in your high school with a scent that had literally pushed multiple Alphas into ruts and even made one pass out once… well it was difficult.
You remember a cruel joke about you back in high school about how your sister was the one that got confessed to by all the Alphas and how you were always the one that had to do the confessing.
But you haven’t internalized this at all.
Of course not.
Her hair fanned out behind her, her skin was bright and glowy, her canines which were sharper than most (and also made her look like a cute little kitten according to most Alphas) poked out from behind her giant smile.
But her face suddenly screwed up in surprise as all the joy disappeared from her features which were now overshadowed by a seriousness you weren’t used to seeing her wear.
”You smell like Alpha.”
You blinked at her owlishly. “Yeah I was at work all day dummy.”
”No, no.” She suddenly sat up, pushing you back to sit up as well. She leaned in and took a deep whiff of your jacket, “You like, reek of Alpha.”
”I kinda lost this jacket a week ago and I’m convinced it was rolling around in the gym,” you offered as some explanation to the smell.
”No you idiot,” she flicked your forehead, making you wince, “You smell like one singular Alpha— are you hiding something from me?” She suddenly accused.
You scoffed, a sudden heat crawling up your neck and face as you stood up abruptly, shut the door, and kicked your heels off.
”I have no idea what the hell you’re insinuating,” you grumbled, walking over to your bag and shoving everything back in, besides the bento which you left out to put in the kitchen.
Throwing your bag on your couch, you stalked into the kitchen with your sister hot on your heels causing her skirt to sway behind her.
”Are you seeing someone?”
You stopped short, and abruptly spun on your heel to face her to which she almost crashed into you. “That’s— that’s a completely r-ridiculous question!” You spluttered, face now on fire. “And if I was, you know I’d never keep it to myself!”
Your sister tapped her chin and looked up in thought, contemplating your statement, “Hmmm… that is true…. But I’m telling you little sis, you seriously stink of Alpha right now. Like so much it’s kind of ridiculous.”
”And I’m telling you it’s just cause it got lost in the gym—“
”Oh please, I’m not buying that. You know my sense of smell is much sharper than yours so you should just listen to me.”
You clenched your jaw and ignored your thundering heartbeat resonating in your ears, “Like… so… what exactly does it smell like then?” You tried to question nonchalantly, crossing your arms and busying your fingers with a strand of hair. The thought that some Alpha scented you, that someone was interested in you was flustering you in a way no romance movie ever could.
She grinned knowingly, “Well whoever it is, they’re strong as hell— I must say that that’s probably one of the strongest scents I’ve smelled, like Ushiwaka levels strong—“
“I told you to never say that name again,” you suddenly snapped to which she just waved off. 
“Will you please get over that, you’re twenty fucking four now.” You clenched your jaw and pursed your lips, silently seething at your sister. “Anyways, whoever it is must have a big personality too, like I feel like his scent is giving your jacket more presence than both of ours put together— oooh what’s that!” She suddenly pointed at the bento box.
She always did have the attention span of a flee… especially when it came to food.
You looked down at the meal, “Oh, someone at work gave it to me today. You can have it if you want.” You then turned and opened your refrigerator to put it away.
”Hold up,” she grabbed your shoulder and forced you to face her again, “Someone at work? As in one of the million Alphas you work with?”
“Why do you and little sis both think I work with a million Alphas?” You rolled your eyes.
”Answer the question.”
”Yeah. It was one of them. So what? He said they were leftovers.”
”(Y/N),” she said your name seriously.
”That Alpha that gave you that. He’s courting you.”
You were pretty sure you stopped breathing at those words. You could practically hear the fax machine noises as you tried to comprehend the meaning of that statement.
”Bokuto-san… courting?” No. “Stop being stupid,” you hissed, slamming the refrigerator shut and stomping past her now.
He was just overly friendly with everyone. And someone like Bokuto with his big and shining personality, the kind of Alpha that made Omegas swoon when even getting a hint of whatever scent he had that your Beta nose couldn’t pick up (you’ve even witnessed it). Someone that strong and powerful would want an Omega. You’ve even heard from his teammates that he purely ran on instinct— why would his instinct tell him to court a Beta.
”I don’t know who this Bokuto is but I’m telling you he’s courting you.”
”He isn’t,” you hissed with finality. Your sister immediately straightened up. It was an underhanded trick but you realized long ago that Omegas would even listen to Betas with the right tone. “Drop the subject because you’re starting to piss me off. Alphas like him don’t like people like me alright? Now I’m going to get changed, we’re gonna watch movies together, and then I’m gonna drag your ass to take my Pilates class with me. Understood?”
There was a sour look on her face but she nodded, “… yeah, alright.” You walked upstairs, ignoring her when you overheard her muttering, “I don’t see why I need to take your dumb class with you though…”
* * * *
Part 2
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