#i just really like the idea of these two travelling the desert HAHA
wes-laye · 2 years
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Desert adventure
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aichi-division · 1 month
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Issey's Memoirs
Narrated by Issey Nishizawa
Hello, Mr. Reader. I am Issey Nishizawa, your faithful writer. I have a lot of ideas and a lot to tell, but Eiji told me not to go too far because, you know, it would take forever.
What do you want to know about me? My hobbies? My childhood? My travels? I don't know where to start. My family is from here, Aichi prefecture. I have two younger brothers and an older brother, who went to live in Switzerland. My father has a small business and my mother is a homeowner.
My relationship with my family is nice, well, I can't really complain. Even though I don't see them very often, I know they love me and I love them back.
But let's not talk about that, huh? Let's talk about MY FRIENDS !!!!
My best friend is Eiji. He is my soulmate. I met him three years ago. The guy HAS A VIBE! As soon as I saw him, I said: HE'S PERFECT! I don't know, it was a heart thing, you know? I saw him and I knew he would have a great talent. It was a hope, an oasis in the desert, because I had been wanting to put together a team for a while. Have you seen his eyes? They glow as if they were from a toxic chemical. It's mesmerizing. Well, I think I went off topic, but, shit, I had to chase him for a whole afternoon to get him to say something other than "fuck you".
I can make you a list of why I think Eiji is the COOLEST guy to ever walk this earth (along with Tetsuya).
Dresses great
Speaks perfect English
He is a very good composer
When he laughs, it seems as if the world stands still
He is loyal, sarcastic and quite observant.
I like spending time with him. We always talk about music, USA stuff, and many other topics. Well, he's really more of a listening guy, you know? I really like his voice, it's very calm.
Shouta is also my best friend. Yes, he's quite a bit older than me, but his mind is like a teenager's sometimes. Have you ever seen his graffiti? I think it's something he hasn't openly shown but they ARE AMAZING. He has something with art that is much deeper and higher than any other connection he has.
He is very talented and even though he has drug problems, since joining our team, he has worked very hard to rehabilitate himself. I don't think he sees it, but he really has an incredible talent in music.
I also like that he's a jerk, I mean, in a good way. He makes stupid jokes just like me. Have you seen Gravity Falls? He has more or less Stanley's personality haha I like that show, my favorite character is Mabel. I think I'm like her in many ways. Ah but I went off topic again, sorry-
Shouta is a person I can really rely on for everything. He always tries to give us his wisdom and help us, even when he needs more help than us. He is like a father…
Ujum… but hey. Did I ever tell you about the time Shouta took Eiji and I out for ice cream and ran into his ex? HIS EX WAS THE SALESMAN. It was very awkward and funny, because the guy looked really angry and Shouta was so nervous that he looked like he was going to faint.
Ah, I don't know if I told you that Shouta really likes k-pop. Sometimes I catch him dancing to some choreos alone, when he thinks no one is watching. It's very funny, he does it horribly. Although sometimes he gets it really good, especially the hip steps or something like that.
(He really likes Taemin or something like that)
And I don't know if I told you about his brother, who is the opposite of him. We met him once, he looked like an idol, he was extremely handsome and very good in-
I think I'm going too far again.
Well, Shouta has a lot of positive things, that's why I made him the leader. Sometimes I feel guilty, like, he really tries to do the best he can and I think he feels pressured. I don't like that.
I have another friend, who we usually talk online. His name is Marco, he is a CEO, he works in Sumida. We met because we played Call of Duty together. He is very talented. And he has a great voice. I like that guy.
I'm running out of space so I'll make a list of things that I like:
My favorite rappers are the Wu Tang Clan, Dr Dre and EMINEM.
My fav icecream is Vainilla and Strawberry.
I like meeting new people
I like to play a lot of video games
Tetsuya is a really cool guy, he looks like he's going to break everyone's nose: COOL
Puppies are my favorite animals
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definitelynotshouting · 9 months
I actually had the BEST luck on the plane- no babies and NOBODY WAS COUGHING. I still wore a mask but that was the first time I've ever been able to sleep on a plane it was revolutionary. Never had a plane so quiet.
LOL Queen Jellie :3 She's exactly like my cat: spoiled and damn pleased about it. It's okay though because she's cute.
Also the "it's Scar's point, now,". Desert duo try and communicate normally challenge. These two CANNOT hold a conversation without trying to one-up each other or committing to some bit and thats why we love them <3 silly (affectionately)❤️
YOURE A CHEESE PERSON AS WELL?!?? Red dragon is SO good, excellent choice. The espresso one sounds interesting! I've never had coffee flavoured cheese-- im fond of one and not the other-- but if you you recommend it i might have to give it a go :o. My own favourites arent anything exciting; i just like a good gouda or smoked cheddar (i love smoked cheeses)
Anyway, ty for indulging my airport boredom haha :D. Im back home in Malaysia (where i grew up) for a couple of weeks before going back to Australia. Thoroughly ready to gorge myself on malaysian food and fruits AND ENJOY CONSISTENT WEATHER BECAUSE MELBOURNE CAN AND HAS HAILED!! AT 24+ DEGREES CELSIUS (75 F)!!!! NOT OKAY HADKDBSJSJ
HI SUN ANON I HOPE MALAYSIA IS TREATING U WELL!!!!!! I was gonna respond sooner but holidays went and knocked me on my ass dkdbdjdnf. Also WIN THE TRAVEL BLESSING WORKED /SILLY 😌😌😌😌😌 glad u had a good flight king 🫡🫡🫡
I am indeed a cheese person!!!! Huge cheese fan, also i think you're the first person ive ever spoken to who has any idea what Red Dragon is right off the bat 😂😂😂😂😂 but yeah i love cheese so fucking much-- for xmas we had the aforementioned espresso, as well as several other bellavitano cheeses including a merlot, a bourbon, and garlic and herb. Plus a very nice and very soft, crumbly bleu. It wasnt Stilton, which is my personal fave, but it honestly held up really well when i made my traditional christmas snacks (petite toasts with bleu cheese, blackberry jam, and a walnut on top :] )
And yeah scarian truly cant communicate without making it a competition and its KILLING MEEEEEE DDJEHFKNFDKFNN im so obsessed with them and their dynamic, im glad you liked that moment!!! I was planning to post the fic the day after xmas but alas the holiday stress/burnout got to me before i could 😭😭😭 SOON THO!!!! Mayhaps even for the new year, we shall see!!!!
Hope ur having fun, sun anon!!! :D i'd love to hear more about the food ur having over there (also ur SO valid for the consistent weather comment, i grew up in Texas which can sometimes have crazy weather patterns so o7 about the hail in 75°F weather 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭) thanks for dropping by!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
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oathkeeperoxas · 2 years
AO3 wrapped!
Respond to this with what you would call the top 5 fanfics you’ve read in 2022. Any genre! Any ship! (Bonus points: if you’re a creator, make this a 5+1 and include your favorite fic you wrote in 2022!)
Then leave this in your friends’ asks too. Let’s give creators one more spotlight before the year ends, and share some of what we’ve enjoyed along the way!
You sending this: haha it'll be a fun way to wrap up the year!
Me for the past 2 weeks thinking about this nonstop every time I have a spare second: what WERE my top fics of 2022??
I've carefully picked out the below, but there are many, many, MANY fics that I enjoyed this year, so picking just 5 was so hard okay 😭 that being said, all of these are codywan recs except one (besides codywan and TOA fic I don't think I read anything else this year... Well, besides The Desert Storm which is an ongoing series, but which I recommend to every person, whether you like Star Wars and whether you like time travel or not). I've posted the below fics in the order I read them so no favouritism in the order they're listed!
this road is meant for two [10.2k] by @skatzaa
“Cody,” came a voice from behind him. The Jedi. The traitor. “Run. Use your jet pack.” “Shut up,” CC-2224 snarled. He could barely see through the pain, but he leveled his blaster rifle again. “I’m not leaving you behind again, General—”
This was my gift for FFFX and let me say I seriously won the jackpot with this one!! It really has so so much tailored for me, like time travel of codywan from tatooine into a clone wars fix it, the angst of purge trooper Cody and him struggling with what he did, trans Obi-Wan, hurt/comfort, established relationship, it was funny, and most importantly, Palps got killed 😊
Good Soldiers [7.2k] by @elwenyere
“Have I ever commended you on the vast array of sentiments you manage to convey with your ‘sirs’?” Obi-Wan asked wryly. “Someday I will persuade you to drop the appearance of formality - at least when you’re telling me I’m full of shit.” “You’re welcome to keep believing that, sir,” Cody allowed. “Everyone needs something to look forward to.” The rest of Obi-Wan’s smile faded, his expression growing thoughtful. “Yes,” he murmured, “I suppose they do.” ----- Or, 5 Times Cody and Obi-Wan Followed Orders + 1 Time They Followed Each Other
I just remember reading this summary, and even before I clicked it I was like YES!!!! This person understands the characters and their dynamic and the prose is excellent, this fic is going to be freaking awesome. And I was right! It balances character growth and plot brilliantly, and the construction of each section is so thoughtful and combines into an incredibly crunchy whole. I was so disappointed when I checked the author's profile to find that this was their only codywan fic, but elwen has since graced us with many excellent works, and I recommend anything that she has written!
Thirty-One Sons, Thirteen Moons [32.7k] by sual
“This can’t keep happening,” Jango says despairingly. He’s said this almost every year for the past twenty-five of them. “Well,” Cody slowly replies, looking down at the squalling baby the witch has left on their doorstep, “what’s one more mouth to feed when you’re already feeding thirty?" - In Cody's latest attempt to sacrifice himself for his family, he finally learns how to want something for himself. Modern AU with magic.
Urban fantasy is my favourite genre, and this fic captures everything I adore about it - the inclusion of magic into the setting is so natural and informs the plot deliciously. I usually am a very hard sell on modern AUs and on relationships of convenience, but the excellent writing and Obi-Wan's gender fuckery got me hooked, and I'm so very glad I gave this one a chance. It's such a great idea, executed super awesomely and the smut throughout is sooo hot augh
Meg & Apollo's Highly Limited Roadtrip Playlist [3.2k] by Curioser [and the prequel as a bonus!]
Fourteen hundred miles. Four radio stations. Two friends trying hard not to kill each other, or to acknowledge the fact that in less than a week, they may never see each other again. And Lizzo. So much Lizzo.
Reading this immediately after finishing the TOA books made me sooooooo emo like you have NO idea!!! Meg and Apollo's relationship was the core part of TOA that I enjoyed the most, and this fic made me see that relationship in a different light, gave me a different view as this is from Meg's POV instead of Apollo's like the books are, and introduced me to a whole bunch of new music too. It feels far too short for the amount of gutpunches contained within - the comparisons between their fathers, their situations and lives, and how they're coping with that, all made me sooo overwhelmed like aaaaaa *insert screaming cat meme* they're best friends. They're best friends!!!!
shelter from the storm [3.1k] by @inkformyblood
A sandstorm means that Cody and Obi-Wan have to spend days inside. They find ways to pass the time. - Obi-Wan’s voice is low and Cody can almost picture his expression despite not quite being able to pick out his features; the incline to his head is almost hungry, his eyes half-lidded and thoughtful. “I’m sure you have several suggestions already.” “Only several?” Cody punctuates the question with a kiss, drawing Obi-Wan’s hand to his mouth rather than chance finding his mouth in the semi-shadows. The split lip hadn’t been worth it with the benefit of hindsight, regardless of how attractive the gesture had seemed at the time. Cody’s lips brush against the rough edge of a bacta patch, an old one worn and reused until it is more placebo than curative, but Cody still skirts around the edge of it, kissing the seams of Obi-Wan’s fingers and tasting salt.
This was another gift for me and it is just so so so good 🥺 I love how magpie writes codywan as the flow between them, their characters, their banter and their relationship is so lovely and amazing! Codywan on tatooine are my favourite version of codywan, and it is nailed here - the yearning and the grief and the closeness that comes from being the only two people in the galaxy. Plus trans Obi-Wan has my whole heart, which was the cherry on top of the rest of this excellent fic
Plus 1 - the favourite fic you wrote in 2022
Whaaaat a question, oof. This was hard, but I've picked the one that I enjoyed writing the most, as well as one I've reread a dozen times or so this year since I think I did a good job in it!
Stand By Me [34.7k] by Serie11
Cody and Obi-Wan renovate a house together out in the Dune Sea. Along the way, they discover something else worth keeping.
I wrote this in like 4 weeks as a gift for Emi, and the process came together to really deliver what I wanted, and Emi really enjoyed it, so it was just a really enjoyable process the whole way through!
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cafeinnewdelsta · 10 months
2, 3, 5, 9, 12, and 16 for octopath 2 pls :D
Let's see....
2.a headcanon you weren't sure about at first but have come to like!
I think one headcanon that might apply is the "Temenos is a Kal" one.
It somewhat would make sense if say Kaldena escaped with a baby that happened to be a newborn Temenos. Plus, I believe the massacre of the Kal people was approximately 30 years ago (I believe Kaldena is in her 30's???), and Temenos was an orphan taken in by the Pontiff.
I really do like this headcanon, but I feel like there would need to be an explanation as to why Kaldena would just suddenly abandon this baby Temenos (or perhaps it's not too out there, given their history of just... not liking each other?) It's an idea I'd love to explore more in the future, only because I actually do like Kaldena and think she's interesting, but the writer's did her dirty.
3. A character that fandom has helped you appreciate
This is a difficult one to answer if I'm going to be honest, mostly because I like mostly everyone in this game haha
Though there was a tumblr user who made me really appreciate Kaldena more - she already has a badass design and is an interesting gal with a tragic backstory. I wish she was more built upon, though. I feel the writers did her dirty :(
Alright enough about Kaldena, haha
5. Something you see in fics a lot and love
I haven't read a lot of fics regarding Octopath 2 that aren't Temehika related (there is a ParCas one I love though), so I think I'll list what I liked about those fics :3
Wake Up & Desert Nights: Temenos visiting Hikari in Ku is my all time fave
"Wake Up" especially has a moment were Temenos just struggling with chopsticks and calling Hikari "sensei" as Hikari tries to teach him how to use them. I also love that Temenos favours Hikari's letters over the other travelers
Solstice: Hikari is just finding himself sleeping on Temenos' thigh and is all apologetic about it only to find Temenos is pretty chill about it.
Boiling Under: "My, Hikari" - that's it. That's all that needs to be said. It's a short one, but it speaks volumes.
Northen Nights: The combining of Temenos's Stormhail Chapter and Hikari's Chapter 4 is just *chef's kiss*
Also in a ParCas one I read called "Knit Two Together", there was slight background Temehika where Hikari finds himself enjoying Temenos's paper plays
9. A ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy
Knightlight - I love the ship and enjoy Crick and Temenos' dynamic. I love Temenos' teasing of Crick, but also how he genuienly cares about him. I love the lengths they go for each other during the course of the story.
I love seeing it as the prelude to Temehika too - the idea that Temenos is a magnet to these swordsmen who are good lads and honourable, trustworthy and naive is just a thought I love too much.
More of a crack ship, that I think I'm the only shipper of (lol), but I enjoy Parteme (Partitio and Temenos). I just think the idea of these two getting together in secret would be hilarious, plus it has been shown that Temenos loves to tease Partitio.
Throné and Agnea is a pair I've been thinking of lately, too thanks to satsuha, haha
I also love the thought of Throné becoming Agnea's bodyguard
12. Compliment someone in your fandom
Aaaa, I think your art is super cute and I love the animations you do :D
Also I think @beantothemax is really sweet, and I love seeing the AUs and fics that their mutuals send in their askbox
Meansary - I love their Hikari art sm, their work is just so good
There are also some artists on Twitter that I like such as @QSz6h1 and @dxmnwatxr_ who do some cute Temehika art (they call it Hikateme over there) :3
16. A tiny detail in canon that you want more people to appreciate
I'm sure I've said it before, but the fact that Temenos is actually really nice to Hikari and seems quite gentle with him in his travel banters
Like in Hikari's Chapter 4, Temenos, though seemingly doubtful about the situation, still supports Hikari's decision to meet with Rai Mei, even giving him a warning to be cautious.
Sorry if I went on an unrelated tangent with these, but I had fun answering these :D
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year
1 2 3 6 7 11 10 13 17 20 24
i had to remeber all of them lmao, also you can make one of our boys ^^
i let you choose ^
i think i already know question 16 btw XD
I tried to do both wherever I could; I put it under a read more because it became a tad on the long side ^-^
1. My first impression of them
My first brush with the Sonic franchise was with the Mario & Sonic at the London 2012 Olympic Games 3DS, specifically the plot with the fog and stuff. And thus this was my very first encounter with Silver:
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And let me tell you, I had NO IDEA which one was which, lmao. Should I have been able to tell? Probably, but my English was quite garbage back in 2014 still, and so I didn't know. But once they appear in full, I thought Silver looked quite cool!
For Espio I sadly don't remember, but my first encounter with him was in that game as well. But Silver definitely endeared himself to me more quickly than Espio did, I do recall that!
2. When I think I truly started to like them (or dislike them, if you've sent me a character I don't like)
Silver I began to like quite quickly in my early stages of being part of the Sonic fandom; Blaze used to be my absolute favourite, but I threw myself right into the cutscenes from '06 because she and Silver were in the thumbnail (also halfway through the story, so I had no idea what was going on and stuff lol). And from then onwards, Silver quickly became my favourite instead. I did always like Espio somewhat, but I began to like him lots more once I began working on New Beginnings with him in a central role.
3. A song that reminds me of them
For Silver that is most of Owl City's repertoire, since I just get Silver Vibes from that. For Espio I don't have one right now, but for the two of them together it's One Way Dream by Jay Cosmic and DESERT STAR.
6. My least favorite ship of them
Ships with characters neither have ever really interacted with tend to be ships that I don't particularly like. But I don't have an Absolute Least Favourite Ship for either of them.
7. A quote of them that you remember
"Come here, little fella! Where are your friends?" from Silver in Rivals 2 (because it's just so unexpectedly cute in a game wherein he otherwise is quite serious <3). For Espio I can recall quite a few quotes, but not really anything that stands out as particularly intriguing, I must be honest.
10. Describe the character in one sentence
Silver is a blunt and rash but optimistic and kind-hearted time traveller from the future, who travels back to the past to protect the world from destruction with use of his psychic powers.
Espio is a stoic ninja detective who concerns himself greatly with training and improving, but who means well and has a caring and sometimes silly spirit inside him.
11. What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
Silver: brave psychic time traveller, Espio: serious but kind ninja detective. And both together: my bois!!
13. Your favorite friendship they have
Each other aside, I like Silver and Blaze as friends; after everything they have been through in '06, they found each other again, and both of them are shown to care greatly for each other. And for Espio, I like his friendship with the other two Chaotix! They drive him insane at times, but it is clear that he would do anything for them, and he is not above engaging in the silliness they bring with them at times.
17. What do you think their first word was?
For Silver I figure it is something like "fire" or "monster", since that seems quite relevant to his living situation. And for Espio I once imagined that he spent a long time being entirely silent as a young child, but then one day he began busting out complete, grammatically correct sentences like it was nothing, and that stuck ever since! It suits Espio to only begin doing something once he was certain he could do it perfectly immediately, in my opinion, haha.
20. A weird headcanon
Not sure if it's weird, but Silver is left-handed in my stories. I tried to look into the games if there is any canon basis for it, but there does not seem to be. But my parents apparently thought I (as toddler learning to write) was going to be left-handed, until I made myself be right-handed because that was what everyone else did. So that is why I like the idea that Silver, who lives alone in the future, is left-handed instead.
For Espio, I can imagine he's got quite a bit of ninja weaponry tucked away around the house, just in case of an attack wherein he needs to act quickly. Since he is the only one who cleans, he is also the only one who knows where all of his weaponry is hidden.
24. What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?
Both of them never delve into their pasts, also not with each other. They don't like thinking back about how things used to be, not if they got each other in the present and their future instead. I imagine neither had a particularly nice life leading up to the things that changed everything, namely Silver travelling to the past the first time and Espio joining the Chaotix, so that is one topic they leave entirely untalked about.
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hypmic-writings · 3 years
i feel like this year has been ungodly long and horribly stressful.
i was wondering if you would be willing to do vacation headcanons with sasara, ramuda, and one character of your choice!
thank you so much! much love 💞
━━ ∘◦ ☆ ◦∘ ━━
Pairing: Ramuda Amemura x reader; Doppo Kannonzaka x reader; Sasara Nurude x reader 
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
A/N: Honestly yes, this past year has been so demanding on all of us and it’s been really hard to keep moving forward. But for now, let’s all imagine a time where we can travel to far away lands with out favorite characters! I chose Doppo as the third because he could use a vacation haha I’ve done a Ramuda at the beach scenario here as well which is kind of similar. Hope you enjoy~
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Ramuda Amemura
I headcanon that Ramuda absolutely loves travelling
the idea that there’s more out there than just his little world in Shibuya is terrifying because he knows that he has no control over it, but that’s also what makes it so appealing to him
whether it’s travelling to another city or going to the ocean or the desert or the forests, Ramuda wants to see it all
he’s always worried about leaving his shop before the two of you leave, but once he’s at the airport, his mind is turned to vacation mode
he was scared of airplanes at first, and still kind of is, so he doesn’t really like sitting near the window
definitely the type to pack a ton of candy and have five different luggage bags with all of his clothes ‘just in case’
“What if it rains one day? Or what if there’s a freak accident and it gets super cold?”
Ramuda doesn’t understand the concept of relaxing on vacations
as soon as you get to wherever you’re going, he’s pulling you towards the brochures of all the different activities you could do
if it’s a beach vacation, he wants to go on a boat
if it’s a mountain vacation, he wants to go on a certain trail to a cool site
if it’s a city vacation, he wants to go shopping and see how all of their stores match up to his
he strikes me as the type to stay out late and then want to sleep in just a little bit
and if you don’t let him sleep in, he’s going to be crabby for the rest of the day with his dark persona out, so just wake him up at 9 or 10 with a warm cup of coffee and he’ll be fine
that’s the only real ‘relaxing’ thing Ramuda will do during vacation
he always buys really silly souvenirs for Dice and Gentaro like matching t-shirts or a keychain with their names on them
Ramuda just wants to spend time with you whenever you’re on vacation together, though, which is why he wants to do so many things
and he loves experiencing new things with you, so it’s honestly a win-win situation for him
so while he doesn’t take vacations often, when he does, they’ll be jam-packed with fun adventures for the two of you
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Doppo Kannonzaka
Doppo rarely ever takes vacation - like he couldn’t tell you the last time he had a proper vacation away from Shinjuku 
he’s a home body and likes being where his routine is, so vacations don’t really appeal to him all that much
so when you finally convince him to go, you’ll have to be the one preparing all the flights and hotels, since Doppo will just say to stay if the slightest thing goes wrong during planning
he’s sleeping at all times before getting there and on the way back - on the train to the airport, at the airport, and especially on the plane
once you actually get to your destination though, he’s perked up and a little bit more excited to get out and do things
obviously, his favorite part of the vacation is being able to have a massive king-sized bed for the two of you to sit and cuddle and eat food in without having to worry about cleaning up the mess or making the bed afterwards
although Doppo still freaks out about making sure house-keeping doesn’t have too big of a job otherwise he would feel too guilty
you definitely spend at least one whole day just lying in the hotel room watching movies and reading and playing games with each other
Doppo likes the way it makes him feel like you two are the only people in the world and that hotel room just stands still in time
I can imagine Doppo enjoying a beach vacation where he can relax on the beach and read a book or nap in the shade
he doesn’t like high-intensity vacations because they cause him too much stress, but something like a lazy city or maybe even a cruise could be nice
he never wants to hold you back from doing something you want, though, so if there’s an activity you really want to do, Doppo will go along with it
and even though he might be terrified and anxious the whole time, he would actually quite like it in the end
one time you took him to a beach resort and there was a dolphin sanctuary and he got to pet the dolphins and the trainer said that the dolphin really liked Doppo
and the smile Doppo made was just the cutest thing you had ever seen so you went back multiple times after that 
overall, Doppo doesn’t vacation often, but when he does, he’s happy to travel with you to rest and give himself some mental time off
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Sasara Nurude
Sasara loves a good vacation here and there
I feel like he travels a lot with his job so it’s not really the travelling that makes it a vacation for him, it’s more about the relaxing part
he works hard, so when he asks you to go on vacation with him, you’re not surprised that he just wants to relax somewhere off the grid
the farther away he goes from Osaka or Japan itself, the less likely he is to be recognized and he likes that 
he especially loves taking you on vacation with him because he always likes to pretend its your honeymoon
“Could we please get a round of free drinks? This one and I just got married earlier today!” 
you shake your head but he’s surprisingly good at getting the two of you free things by pretending to propose to you or that you’re newlyweds
the whole trip is just filled with puns and bad jokes regarding anything and everything you do
the two of you have a phrase or inside joke that just gets used too much but by the end of the trip it’s your new favorite saying
Sasara is really good at being able to find all the good restaurants around town and all of the best shops
he really enjoys going to different cities and seeing the vibes and all the have to offer, but he’s not opposed to a good hiking or beach trip either
although if you go on a hiking or camping trip, I can imagine him just saying he’s tired and just sitting down wherever he is, regardless of how far into the hike you two are
the airport always manages to lose his luggage and you’re shocked that it happens almost every time, and although Sasara gets annoyed by it, he’s never overly bothered
sometimes he steals your sweaters, but more often than not, he just buys a bunch of cheesy t-shirts and pants from the kiosks at the airport
and he’ll end up un-ironically wearing the huge, neon sunglasses he bought, even after his clothes get returned to him
of course he’s just doing it to impress you though...and even if it doesn’t work, you still love him
overall, Sasara loves all different types of vacations and is always happy to try something new as long as he gets to have you by his side
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wickednerdery · 3 years
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Title: Save a Mobius, Ride a Loki Author: @wickednerdery Fandom: Loki, Rick & Morty Pairing/character: Loki & Mobius, Rick & Morty Rating: FRM Summary: “Mobius, no!!” Notes: This is a continuation of The Great Loki and something that’s been stuck in my head since before Loki premiered I’ve been dying to write, so I have. Knowledge of Rick & Morty is helpful, but not required. This story has adult content, language, and violence. For length, etc, there’s a Read More:
Loki scans the desert, wary he’s ended up where he began; where the TVA first collected him. The whinnying of horses on the wind and outline of an American frontier town in the distance indicates this is unlikely, which is a relief. He takes a few steps, then stops and turns back. “What are you doing?”
Mobius sighs as he fusses with the TemPad. “Trying to figure out when and where we are.” He stumbles through the sand as he attempts to keep up with the god’s long strides. “There’s something wrong with the specs, the settings maybe…” Then a thought blooms in the back of his mind, compels him to ask. “You didn’t do anything to it, right?”
“Of course not.”
“Loki…” It’s gentle warning, reminder. The TVA isn’t done with him, he’ll not simply let Loki wander off.
The tone, implication of it, offends. “I didn’t do anything to your blasted device!” He storms off with his own suspicion and settles under a Joshua tree to examine the gun he lifted from the old man. 
Mobius plops beside him, undoing tie as the god shifts to share the shade. “I’m sorry I accused, it’s just…” He’s Loki.
Loki ignores in favor of moving on. “I think the portal gun moves across time and space. We’re in another dimension entirely, see?” He shows the tiny dials, settings, on the device. “Your TemPad won’t work, because it doesn’t exist here.”
If the TemPad doesn’t exist, then reason stands that the TVA doesn’t either and the thought is mind-blowing - terrifying and exciting both. Mobius lived his life with the understanding that the TVA, the Time-Keepers, existed everywhere and (in a way) at every time, and yet...He examines the gun for himself, then hands it back. “I suppose that makes sense.”
“Enough exposition for the readers then?”
“I guess so, I mean, we don’t want to bog them down in the...”
“Talky talky talky.” They say in unison. 
“So...how do we figure out where we are then?”
“I’ve a thought.” Loki gets up, starts in the direction of the town, with Mobius quick to catch up. As they carry on he waves hand to change their clothing according to what he suspects will be most appropriate.
“Did you just change my clothes?”
“Of course, how else did you expect us to fit in?”
“No, it’s nice…” The agent looks over the dark shirt, cowboy boots, before taking off the hat to examine. “Impressive...Just...why am I all in black?”
“Because I’m in white.”
“Yeah...But why are you in white and then, you know, I’m in black?”
“Maybe I want to change things up? Think that’s possible? ” It’s said sarcastically, but Loki himself isn’t sure it’s not true. 
Mobius smiles. “If anyone could do it, it’d be you.” 
When they arrive the god scans the rough wood buildings, the rougher looking citizens that stroll and spit in the streets, with growing smile. This is a place he can enjoy, regardless of where or when it is. Eyes follow a woman in threadbare silk, breasts nearly out, before they find the double-gun holster of her companion.
"What you grinnin’ at, Saddle-Bum?” When Loki laughs the man grows enraged, pulls his gun.
Mobius curses and scrambles as chaos breaks out, just managing to push the woman out of the way of the gunfire. He tucks them behind a pile of barrels that spill liquor as bullets fly. “Stay down.” As the dust settles he glances out. “Loki?” He’s not cross, only worried.
The god only smiles, triumphant over the local bleeding out on his back. “Ah, there you are, Mobius!” That’s a relief.
The woman begins to scream. “Oh my god! You shot the sheriff!!”
“But I did not shoot the deputy.” Loki tips his hat with a grin.
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He should be angry, scared, but Mobius isn’t. Heart pounds not with fear, but at the possibilities. It’s one thing to study Loki, to interview and interact with him under controlled circumstances, but this is something entirely different. They’re off the proverbial reservation. This is a wild Loki and it’s thrilling. “This is crazy…” The corners of his lips lift in spite of himself as men drag the body away. “Lucky no one liked that sheriff.”
“Funny how often that happens.” Loki chuckles. “Shall we find a room then?”
“Mobius, really, I thought you would know better. If two beings are in this sort of scenario, there will only be one room and one bed available.”
"Come on, you really think the...powers that be are gonna pull that old trope out?”
Loki only chuckles as he swings saloon doors wide and cheers. “Your new sheriff is here!” The gunslingers, prospectors, and whores all turn and stare. Just stare. The god drops hands to hips, but smile remains. “Tough crowd.” He huffs his laugh, carries on to the bar. “May we have two glasses of your finest and two rooms please?”
“Sorry, just got the one available.”
“On, come on, really?” The agent is incredulous. “Did Loki put you up to this?”
The bartend and proprietor smirks. “You want the room or not?”
“The one room will do just fine, thank you,” Loki smiles out before grabbing the whole bottle rather than poured glass and heading towards a cards game. “Are you coming or not?”
It takes a moment to realize the saloon owner had no expectation of getting paid now, that Mobius was free to go to the table if he wished. He did and he did, settling beside Loki. “You know how to play this game?”
“I know how to play many games, from many different lands. Do you know how to play?”
“I’m sure I’ll get the hang of it.” Not more than a few hands later he’s nearly all the pot to himself.
The god is thoroughly impressed. “You lied.” He smiles.
“Ahhh, what is a lie, anyway?” Mobius smiles back. “Just a...” He shrugs. “Reinterpretation of the truth.”
“You get that from your space lizard employers?”
“Nope.” He sets another winning hand on the table. “I got that from you.”
“Yer a cheat,” a player grumbles. “A liar and a cheat.” Mobius prepares to defend himself when the player turns to Loki. “And a lousy sheriff.” The god only laughs before the man grabs his wrist, digs into Loki’s jacket pocket, and pulls out an ace.
Guns cock in the men’s direction; one sighs, the other grins madly. 
“Loki, you weren’t even winning!” Mobius decries.
“Well I would have been, if you weren’t so good!” 
“Oh, so this is my fault?”
“Not completely.”
“Not remotely!”  The two men begin to devolve themselves into a shouting match, talking over each other as they plot an escape. “Are you ready?!”
“As I’ll ever be!”
Loki blasts the poker player holding his wrist along with two other gunslingers while Mobius socks the man beside him in the nose. It quickly escalates, spreads across the saloon like a tornado that draws in all manner of people around it. Chairs and bullets and glasses fly through the air. Mirrors and tables shatter, people scream, and through it all the god revels...and so does the agent. Until, that is, another gun fires from outside...Fast, futuristic, and deadly so both man and god hit the floor lest they get hit.
“I know you’re in there you portal gun stealing fuckers!” Rick rages from within his ship. It isn’t simply that they took his gun - they weren’t the first and he’d many - it was that he hadn’t discovered the theft soon enough. It was the hit to his ego. “Come out here now and maybe, maybe, I won’t squanch your ass!”
“Jesus, Rick, relax.” Morty doesn’t know why he bothers as his grandfather turns to berate him instead.
Loki pops up, begins to pull magic into his hands as Mobius braces on overturned table to stand. “Hide in the rafters” 
“The rafters?” Mobius looks up as Loki forms him an armored vest as precaution. “Are you kidding me? What in our history together makes you think I’m capable of something like that?”
“Then hide elsewhere, just let me handle the old man.” Loki gives overconfident wink.
Mobius sighs...This is it, this is how he dies… “I’ve a better idea.” He storms past Loki, strolls out into the street where the other two are still arguing in their ship.
“Mobius no!” Loki gives chase.
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As you can see, Loki’s got no trouble slipping into new, chaotic, worlds and having a blast while Mobius takes a bit longer to find his footing - this may change as Mobius continues to travel and finds his own way of making things work. Because the rascals couldn’t manage to finish their cowboy tale in one go, there will be at least one more piece in this Wild West world...Hope y’all don’t mind, haha! (”Saddle-Bum” is an old west phrase meaning drifter.)
All gifs made found on Google, combined by me, credit goes to whoever their OG makers are!
Those who may read: @holykryptonitekitten @lady-crowned-with-stars @ultrarebelheart @chibiyanai @dreamsofapiratelife @biiskuitx @delightfulheartdream @antoniostarshadow13 @mobiusbmobius​@zippythewondersquirrel ...If you wish to be tagged in future pieces, please let me know!
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jgvfhl · 3 years
Number Lads!!
GUYS I hit 700 followers today?? Amazing. So, I worked extra hard to get this part up and finished for ya!
Part 2/??? Read Part 1 here :) Words: about 4k, no warnings
So I remembered the Battle of Kamino is a thing. And I had just put Sevenset in Rancor battalion. Whoops! But, if you know anything about me, you know nothing really bad happens.
CT-2222 = Do-si-do = Double Trouble
CT-3333 = Trees = Green Bean
CC-6666 = Sixes = DEATH
ARC-7777 = Sevenset = ARCBoiiiii
CT-8888 = Loops = Loopy
Reading the inventory lists from the datapad in his hands was increasingly difficult. Loops rubbed his eyes and shook his head roughly, trying to refocus, to put the overwhelming feeling of helplessness behind him. The whole Wolfpack felt similarly. Every announcement over the PA system made them jump. General Koon was using his limited free time to gather with groups of troopers to help ease their minds, and it was helping, but the general had chosen an uphill battle.
Kamino was under attack. The closest thing any clone had to a home, and the Separatists were trying to destroy it. The Wolfpack hadn’t been called to the front, as was their normal position. When the battle cleared, and the dust settled, they would be there to help pick up the pieces, until another assignment called them away.
So they waited.
Worse for Loops, he knew Sevenset was in the thick of things, following the ARC commanders at the helm of the defensive actions. He knew the ARCs were the best soldiers on Kamino, and he knew the 501st and 212th had boots on the ground as well, and Generals Ti, Skywalker, and Kenobi would be there with them. He knew this. But it barely helped ease his worries.
Technically, the next Numbers meeting wouldn’t be for another three weeks, but Do-si-do had commed everyone to ask if they wanted to move up the date because of the battle. Obviously, they hadn’t heard much from Sevenset. Or from Commander Sixes, but that wasn’t as much of a worry. He was a commander, he had a whole Star Fighter wing to lead into battle. Still, the radio silence only made Loops more uneasy. But Trees and Loops had agreed to meet with Do-si-do, at least, and that would start in about ten minutes.
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Loops tried to put aside the gnawing worry in his mind to finish this inventory before the meeting. It wouldn’t be fair to hand over a half-finished inventory to the next guy on shift. So he slogged through it, walking around the denoted section of the Lightbolt’s cargo hold, reading the crates, scrolling through his datapad, until he was finally done. As he left the hold, he handed off the device to Tanner, one of the officers overseeing inventory at the moment.
“All set, sir.”
“Thanks, Loops. Get some rest.”
“Will do.”
He didn’t rest, not really. When he got to his bunk, he propped himself up against his pillow at the head of his bunk, waiting the last few minutes until Do-si-do sent the transmission to start the meeting.
“Hey, Loops.”
He looked up at the face looking upside down at him from the top bunk. “Hey, Racket.” Loops was always grateful his bunkmate never complained about some of the late-night Numbers Meetings.
“How you holding up?”
“Okay, I guess.”
“I know you’ve got a buddy in Rancor, just wanted to check in.”
The knot of worry in his gut tightened. “Yeah.” His voice felt hollow. “Thanks, Racket.”
“Haven’t heard anything yet, huh?”
Loops shook his head. “Two and Three and I are having a call soon to talk it out.”
“Ah,” Racket said, “I’ll give you some space.”
“Thanks,” Loops said, although his brother’s head had already retreated to his own bunk. Right on cue, his comm blinked its light. He hadn’t had the chance to get a holoprojector today. But he would be able to hear the others.
“Hey, Trees,” Do-di-do’s voice had a smile in it. “Loops?”
“Couldn’t get a projector today, sorry,” Loops said. “I can still hear you.”
“Oh, good.”
“Hi, Loops,” Trees said.
“Hey, Trees.”
“How’s the Pack?” Do-si-do asked.
Loops shrugged, before remembering they couldn’t see him. “It’s… well, you know. Everyone’s on edge. The general’s been helping though.”
Trees agreed. “Yeah, General Unduli and Commander Offee have been holding group mediations for the ones who want it.”
“I’ve heard General Windu’s working on that too, but…. He’s busy as all hell.”
“Yeah, High Generals usually are,” Loops said.
“Anyone else… find it kinda weird, though?” Do-si-do furthered.
“What do you mean?”
“Like… I dunno. I didn’t expect the Jedi to care this much.”
“Oh,” Trees said flatly.
“I mean--obviously, they care if Kamino is attacked,” he went on. “Because it’s producing the whole damn army, but I never thought they’d… do all this.”
It was a fair reaction. Most clones, upon encountering their generals, were a little unsettled at how… human they were. Loops had certainly had a learning curve when he’d joined the 104th. General Koon was… amazing. So, honestly, Loops hadn’t been surprised when he had offered to help his troopers through the stress of the Kamino attack. But, Do-si-do had always been a bit skeptical of the Jedi, even though, from what Loops had heard of General Windu, he would regularly go out of his way to defend his men.
“I’m not complaining,” Loops said.
There was a longer than normal pause afterwards. He eyed the blinking light on his wrist comm, wondering. It wasn’t uncommon for the signal to get interrupted by space travel.
“What are you boys gossiping about now?” Ah. Not space travel. Just Commander Sixes. His brain did a mental double take as that thought formed. Just Commander Sixes.
“Oh, uh…” Do-si-do searched for words. Trees was probably frozen again. “Just… thought some of us could use the conversation. With Kamino under attack. And all.”
There was a gruff, nonverbal reply from the commander.
“Don’t suppose you got any updates we laymen didn’t, sir?” Do-si-do asked cautiously. Loops couldn’t help leaning towards his comm. Even a little news would help…
“None any of you have clearance for.”
Loops rolled his eyes, falling back against his pillow. He should have expected it. But that didn’t make it any less disappointing.
“Sir, you know the point of this call was to ease stress, not make it worse?” Do-si-do replied.
“Armor up, shiny, we’re at war.”
ARCBoiiiii: Guess who’s not dead!!!!
Loopy: kriff is it over???
ARCBoiiiii: Yep! Sent the clankers running and the Hairless Harpy and Evil Spider Legs too
Green Bean: did you just nickname… Grievous and Ventress?
ARCBoiiiii: what’s it to ya?
Loopy: are you okay sevens?
ARCBoiiii: aw loopy were you worried?
Loopy: get karked
Loopy: ...but yeah
ARCBoiiiii: where’s do-si-do?
Green Bean: dunno. might be on the wing.
Loopy: sevenset. are. you. okay.
ARCBoiiiii: ah okay. and yes! i am okay, loops. little sore, but i’m not hurt. Rancor’s casualties weren’t bad.
ARCBoiiiii: Do-si-do!!!!!! im okay :D
ARCBoiiiii: Cmdrs havoc + colt in medical tho… colt had a run-in with ventress i guess
Loopy: oh kriff--
DEATH: he’s alive after that?
DEATH: … really, boys? the name?
Double Trouble: Sevenset’s idea sir
ARCBoiiiii: Do-si-dos idea
ARCBoiiiii: kark dammit
Double Trouble: beat u haha
Loopy: lol
Green Bean: How ironic. He survives Kamino only to be reaped by Death later
Double Trouble: 0.0
ARCBoiiiii: i feel unsafe
Loopy: trees where has that biting wit been hiding my friend
Double Trouble: ??????
Loopy: Yay!! He was the one in 501st right?
ARCBoiiiii: yeah! pretty damn good sniper too from what i heard. AND GUESS WHAT ELSE
Green Bean: There’s more?
ARCBoiiiii: He and his batcher got promoted to ARCs so THEY’RE STUCK WITH MEEEEE
DEATH: I almost pity them.
Green Bean: ha
Loopy: wait what’s his name??
ARCBoiiiii: fives
Double Trouble: oof unoriginal
DEATH: Oh really, Do-si-do?
Double Trouble: wait no
Loopy: do-si-do it’s been nice knowing you
Double Trouble: nO WAIT it’s hardly fair, you’ve got Death as a name too
DEATH: Sure thing. Anyway, Fives and his batcher are Rex’s freaks, and he always takes his ARCs with him. They’ll be gone after graduation.
ARCBoiiiii: aw shucks :(
Double Trouble: that’s still like… almost three months tho
ARCBoiiiii: yessssss i’ll drag em into the next couple holos
Green Bean: But… it’s just Fives that has the repeating number, right?
ARCBoiiiii: well yeah but they’re practically inseparable, i’d feel bad
DEATH: that’s pathetic
ARCBoiiiii: one of these days we’ll find a recruit you actually like
Double Trouble: speaking of, did you find number nine? Isn’t he in the 212th?
ARCBoiiiii: no… I’ll ask around, the orangios are still planetside for a bit. and i’m still on the lookout for a cadet 1111!
Loopy: glad you’re alive
ARCBoiiiii: *mwah*
Loopy: aaaaand now I’m not
For the second time in about two minutes, Fives once again lagged a step so he could reach back and tug Echo along by the sleeve. “Keep up, will you?”
“I don’t want to hear it, Echo, I told you already.”
His batchmate wasn’t going quiet without debate. “But we’re supposed--”
“--to be doing something very boring, now quit complaining.”
“It’s ARC training, Fives,” Echo hissed, yanking his sleeve away, but keeping pace with him behind Sevenset. “It’s all important, even if it’s boring.”
Their leader turned around, walking backwards as he said, “Well… I mean, I’ll be honest, I’ve never used the desert field training once, so…” He shrugged.
“Yeah, because you live on an ocean planet,” Echo pointed out.
“Pays off,” the ARC trooper grinned.
“Doesn’t it get kinda boring, though?” Fives asked. “The same planet over and over?”
“Boring?” Sevenset turned briefly to avoid a squad of junior cadets being led by medic. “Nah, not boring. Maybe the scenery leaves something to be desired, but hey--so did Coruscant. But helping to train brothers like you two? Never boring.”
“I think Fives would have to try to be boring.”
“I’m boring when I sleep.”
Echo turned a skeptical look on him.
“What do you mean ‘what?’ you snore like a rancor--”
Remembering who was walking with them, they both looked at Sevenset to add, “No offense.”
And then Fives cut right back in with a rebuttal. “Well maybe I wouldn’t snore if I didn’t have your entire weight on top of me?”
Echo waved a hand dismissively. “Oh, no no no, don’t you pull that argument--”
Fives scoffed. “I am absolutely pulling that argument--”
“You snored on Rishi, and we all used our own bunks.”
That was true. They hadn’t had a reason to share until after…. “Okay, but how do you know that wasn’t Cutup?”
“Cutup--!” Echo’s incredulous tone was somewhat marred by the smile creeping onto his face. Their arguments could never keep a serious face for too long. “You don’t snore in a kriffing accent, Fives!”
Fives could no longer keep the smile off his face either, and he gave Echo a gentle shove with his shoulder. “Okay, you got me.” The gesture was returned a little more violently. Then they noticed Sevenset had come to a stop by a door, and they pulled themselves together to face him.
“You guys were on Rishi Moon?” Sevenset asked, passing his vambrace in front of the control panel to open the door. He gestured them in.
It was a small meeting room--very small, from the others Fives had seen. The holotable jutting out from the far wall probably left room for about seven people. He and Echo stood to one side of the door, hands behind their backs. Fives decided against asking why Sevenset had access to to this place.
“Yessir, we were the last men stationed there.” Echo’s answer was curt, almost blunt, but kept carefully under the veneer of professionalism he managed so much better than Fives did. It had become their standard answer for Rishi questions.
Sevenset glanced over at them from where he was typing at the holotable. “Echo, buddy, I just commandeered you from under your CO’s nose. You can drop the ‘sir.’” He looked back to the blue holograms in front of him. “So were you the ones who blew up the all-clear signal? Saved us a hell of a lot of trouble around here, I’ll tell you that. Should be thanking you.”
“There’s… no need for that.” Echo’s voice shrank slightly, his eyes dropping towards the floor. Fives sighed as quietly as he could, silently bracing for the unpleasant exchange that was sure to follow that deflection.
“Really? I hope you got medals or something, though,” Sevenset replied. He finished typing and stepped back from the table, facing them. “How’d you do it, anyway? Not easy to blow a base like that.”
“No…” Fives agreed hollowly, hoping the ARC would eventually get the karking hint and change the subject. There were already a half dozen scenes of memory playing through the back of his mind as he did his best to pointedly ignore them.
“Liquid tibana.”
He turned to look at Echo, who caught the unasked question in his eyes.
“He asked,” his batchmate shrugged helplessly, now looking anywhere except at their faces.
Sevenset’s eyebrows rose, crinkling the tattoos on his scalp, and he nodded. “Yeah, I guess LT would do the trick, wouldn’t it?”
Nope. Not getting the hint. And Echo--Maker bless him--would keep answering his questions even if it gave him a panic attack. Maybe ARC training could help him kick that habit.
“Did they really send commando droids--”
Fives didn’t let him finish. “Look, Sevenset, we don’t really like talking about Rishi.” Next to him, he noticed some of the tension leave Echo’s shoulders. “Our whole batch was stationed there, and, aside from Commander Cody and Captain Rex, we’re the only ones who survived that attack.”
Sevenset blinked, realization hitting like a splash of cold water. “Oh. Yeah, of course,” he looked down, scuffing one of his boots on the floor without much enthusiasm. “Sorry about  that. Should’ve realized.”
Fives dipped his head, acknowledging the apology. He knew Sevenset hadn’t meant any harm by asking, but at least he’d apologized. The holotable made a noise, and Sevenset practically flew to answer the incoming transmission. Fives couldn’t blame him for wanting to dissipate the uncomfortable silence that had followed his apology. He nudged Echo with his elbow, and they moved closer, still shoulder-to-shoulder, as the first two holograms appeared.
The first clone they saw sat in what looked like a cockpit, although “sitting” was a generous term. More like lounging. His head was shaved on the right side, and the long curls left were bleached and dyed a cold white. His face lit up upon recognizing Sevenset.
“You are alive!”
“Of course I’m alive, Do-si-do,” the ARC replied, once again all smiles. “I am almost offended you thought my first fight with Rancor would finish me.”
The second clone--in recognizably 104th gear--gave a tiny smile. “Here I am surprised Do-si-do hasn’t gotten a surprise visit from Death after his remarks about originality in the chat.”
The pilot, Do-si-do, made a show of looking under and behind his seat. “Nope, all clear. Sorry to disappoint, Loopy.”
“My name’s not Loopy.” He turned to look at Fives and Echo. “My name’s not Loopy, it’s just Loops.” Kind of a fun name, really. Fives wondered what his number was. Eight, probably?
“And for once you beat Trees here,” Sevenset remarked. Another hologram appeared. “Ooh, but not by much.”
Trees, by the looks of his armor, was in the 41st. But, unlike the others, he looked downright regulation, like Echo. “Sorry, I got stuck behind a gonk droid in the hall.” Catching sight of Fives and Echo, he added, “Oh, are these the new guys?”
“Yep!” Sevenset looked to them.
Without warning, Echo’s hand appeared, grabbing Fives by the jaw and turning his head to the left. “And you’ll never guess which one of us is named Fives.”
Fives swatted his hand away, Echo ducking the half-hearted attempt to put him in a headlock. “I am going to kill you,” he growled at his batchmate’s stupidly smug expression. So he liked the number; he had a good reason to like the number!
“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with it, come on,” Sevenset smiled. “You and Loops can match.”
Loops turned his face so the tattoo on his right cheek was visible. An infinity symbol? Stylized number eight? “First thing I did when I got the chance.”
“How’s ARC training treating you two, then?” Do-si-do asked with a smile.
Fives glanced at Echo. “Not too bad,” he answered with a shrug.
“Yet,” Echo added.
Sevenset smirked and nodded knowingly. “Emphasis on ‘yet,’” he agreed. “Right about the three- or four-week mark, you’ll really start regretting some life choices.”
“You survived, though,” Trees pointed out. “Can’t be that bad if they managed to drag you over the finish line.”
“I do have more than one personality trait, you know.”
“Whaaat?” Do-si-do shook his head. “Can’t believe you’re more than your carefree facade. Actually upset now.”
Sevenset raised an eyebrow at him, but Do-si-do ignored the silent challenge and just blew him a kiss through the screen. Sevenset had mentioned he and “number two” had started this group, and now Fives could indeed understand they knew each other pretty well.
“Wait,” Loops spoke up. “What’s your name?” He gestured a little vaguely towards the two batchmates.
“Oh.” Echo straightened up a bit. “I’m Echo.”
Loops waved at him.
“Is this everyone?” Fives asked, looking to Sevenset. He had mentioned the group wasn’t “complete” yet, but he hadn’t expected it to be this small.
The other four shook their heads. Sevenset answered. “No, there’s still the commander, but we don’t pretend to know when or if he’s gonna show. The others--number one, number nine, number four, and zero--we haven’t found yet.”
“And Commander Fox wants nothing to do with us, thanks to Sevenset,” Do-si-do added.
“Also true.”
Echo’s confused expression matched the questions Fives had in mind. He didn’t know Commander Fox’s number off the top of his head. Echo probably did. He’d known the captain’s and Commander Cody’s like that. But… there was another commander? They turned to look at Sevenset together, although two different questions came out of their mouths.
“What commander?” Fives asked.
“You asked Commander Fox?” Echo said at the same time.
They didn’t get answers. Well. Not explicitly. A fourth hologram appeared beside Loops, Trees, and Do-si-do. The single pauldron denoted rank. The full kit of black armor, helmet included, didn’t give many other details. So. That commander. Whoever that commander was…
Next to him, Echo tensed, just barely, but Fives could read him too well to miss it. He looked over. Fives recalled his batchmate’s reaction to meeting the captain and Commander Cody for the first time. They had reputations, they had stories, and Fives had been right with him in that sense of awe--aside from the whole… being invaded by commando droids… thing that had been happening at the same time. And right now Echo kind of looked like that. But his expression had none of the subtle reverence Fives remembered. More… fear? Not quite. He’d seen Echo scared. Who was this guy? And why couldn’t Fives place him?
“Hey, Commander,” Do-si-do greeted, like there was nothing strange about a commander in all-black armor appearing on their holotable. None of them had even gone to attention. That was a little odd.
The commander folded his arms across his chest and grunting a nonverbal reply. His visor landed on Fives and Echo. Again, Fives saw Echo’s whole body stiffen in his periphery. “New guys?” the commander eventually asked, his voice sounding an awful lot like Alpha-17’s gruff speech.
“Yep,” Sevenset nodded, not even addressing him as sir. “This is Fives, that’s his batcher Echo, and you have magically chosen to appear right when they started asking questions about you.”
“These the inseparable ones?” This man had absolutely no variation in tone, and it was going to get creepy.
“Looks like it,” Loops replied.
The commander stared at them for a few more seconds, before giving another wordless huff and looking away. “No one’s inseparable.”
Fives did not like the chill that sent down his spine, despite the words having, as before, no discernible emotional tone. Behind his back, his hand tightened around the opposite wrist, the dull pain momentarily distracting his mind from the commander’s implication. Glancing to Echo, he saw his brother’s jaw clench, his mouth pressed into a line as he stared down the holograms. Fives shuffled closer until their shoulders and arms touched, feeling his brother lean into him.
Sevenset looked between them and the holotable before taking half a step sideways towards them. “Okay, Commander Dark and Angsty, maybe don’t scare away the new guys? Thanks.”
The commander’s helmet tilted up ever so slightly--probably rolling his eyes--but he stayed quiet.
“And that,” Sevenset went on, turning to Fives and Echo, “is Commander Sixes, AKA Commander Death, and yes, he is always like that.”
Finally, it clicked in Fives’ mind. He knew about Commander Death, he just hadn’t seen any images of him. Sithspit, no wonder Echo had reacted like that. The Death Wings were downright terrifying by word-of-mouth, and that--that was their commander.
And these guys were just… chatting with him. They chatted with him… regularly. Sevenset didn’t even call him sir. What in the nine hells…?
The commander’s visor went to Sevenset. “How are Colt and Havoc? Haven’t had a chance to comm them.”
“Mm? Oh. Commander Colt’s just got out of medical. Commander Havoc got out a couple rotations ago.” Sevenset shrugged. “That’s all I’ve got.”
Fives had seen Commander Havoc during training yesterday. He’d walked a little stiffly, but from what he’d heard about his injuries, walking at all was pretty damn good.
“Did you ever find number nine?” Loops asked. “In the two-twelfth?”
“Eh…” Sevenset held up a hand palm-down and tilted it back and forth. “Sort of. I got confirmation he is in with Commander Cody’s boys, and that his name is Nines, but that’s all. Never got eyes on him or a frequency, or I would’ve patched him in.”
Echo opened his mouth, then closed it. Fives nudged him to speak. He’d already drawn attention from Loops, Trees, and Do-si-do anyway. “Well, just--Torrent works with Commander Cody’s men more often than most. We could keep an eye out for him.”
“Once we’re back with the company,” Fives added.
“Oh yeah,” Sevenset nodded. “Totally. Thanks.”
“Any word on the others we’re looking for?” Trees asked.
Sevenset shook his head. “No luck with number one over here. Still haven’t found any cadet with that number.”
Do-si-do added, “The ninety-first has leave in three weeks. My company will be on Coruscant for about a ten-day. Anyone else?”
“I’ll check,” the commander said, reaching out of frame for something.
While he was silent, Loops put in, “Well, the Wolfpack won’t be off for another month and a bit.”
Trees nodded. “The forty-first is still on for another two months.”
“And obviously the three of us aren’t going anywhere,” Sevenset said, tilting his head towards Fives and Echo. “Gotta say, that is one thing I miss about being in the Guard. Can’t see everyone when they’re on leave.”
“The one-eighteenth has leave in about a month,” the commander finally reported. “Should overlap with the ninety-first for a few days. Maybe you can find zero in there. My fighters have a mission with the Nova Corps coming up, too. I’ll see if I can find number four.”
A smug smile appeared on Sevenset’s face. “I thought you once said you weren’t our recruiter, Commander.”
The commander stared at him for half a moment, then answered, “The Marines won’t have leave for another six months. You want to find number four? This is how you do it.”
The ARC nodded, his smile never changing. “Okay, alright, I get it. We won’t tell anyone you like us.”
The commander huffed quietly, then muttered, “I’m still surprised Alpha-17 didn’t beat that attitude out of you over there.”
Echo smirked. “Well, at least that means there’s hope for Fives.”
Fives shouldered him. “Hey, I haven’t done anything.”
Sevenset grinned at Fives, who found himself returning a small smile. Trees pinched the bridge of his nose. “Maker help us, there’s two of them.”
“Something wrong with that, Trees?” the ARC replied with mock severity. Fives would admit, he did like Sevenset. He liked seeing a higher ranking soldier maintain a lighter sense of humor. Most of the Teth survivors in Torrent had a dark streak--Coric might have it the worst, actually, and it was rubbing off on Kix.
“Nothing wrong, just means I’ll have to explain to my medics why my blood pressure’s so high.”
Do-si-do and Sevenset laughed, and Loops smiled. The commander just shook his head. Yeah, Fives could get used to this.
Edit: I FORGOT TAGS @nl13 @darth-void @glubtheflyingfish (sorry i missed you in part 1) @blsmjoon @23-bears @theultimatesandwich @peacefulwizardfox @alamogirl80
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iamanartichoke · 4 years
In which I react to the trailer, bit by bit, because why not? 
This post is long and image-heavy; sorry, dashboard. 
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So first of all, the line that keeps running through my head is a line from a fic AU - Have Tesseract, Will Travel by WinterDusk - wherein Alternate Timeline Loki catches up with Post-Endgame Thor. It’s a glorious series and everyone should go read it right now.
“The Tesseract skids to a stop at Loki’s feet. Loki, not being entirely stupid, picks it up.”
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It’s such a good line that it should be, like, a narrative voiceover or something. But anyway. 
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I have to say, I love seeing Loki’s “old” armour again, as opposed to what he was wearing in Ragnarok/IW (and what he died in, sorry, what?). His hair is definitely doing something inconsistent, but I’m not terribly bothered by it. (I’m glad his hair looks natural and a bit chaotic, as opposed to the stiff, awkward wigs.) And he’s landed in a desert - so, where has he ended up? On Earth? On another planet? Another galaxy? I guess we’ll find out. 
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“You’re taking me somewhere to kill me.” 
I think it’s interesting that Loki assumes that they’re going to try to kill him. He doesn’t look afraid, he doesn’t look surprised, just resigned: You’re going to kill me. I think it makes sense that this would be his reaction, in that he can’t fucking catch a break and he knows it. I’m interested to see how they managed to overpower him enough to get that collar around his neck, which I’m assuming is something that suppresses his magic. A fight scene? 
Another note: the scar on his forehead has already healed up; depending on how quickly he heals, this could be a few days or a few weeks after the opening shot. Either he wasn’t captured right away, or he’s been sitting in a cell for awhile before they deign to bring him elsewhere. 
Also, I didn’t recognize Owen Wilson right away. He looks like a kinda weird combination of Howard Stark and General Ross, lmao. 
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Idk about the “you love to talk” line bc Loki doesn’t really like to talk - but, it’s also fair to say that the assumption could be made if one was basing his understanding of Loki on what we saw in Avengers (similar to how Tony says Loki’s a “full-tilt diva,” it doesn’t make it true, just makes it someone else’s perception).
I really like Loki’s “wtf” expression when he looks at Owen Wilson, though. 
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Friendly reminder that Loki is the protagonist in his series, which means he’s probably going to going up against whatever big bad this is. Which means we get to see him in the context of being the one the audience is rooting for, instead of the villain. 
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I think Loki looks the most beautiful here. Look at that face, that tiny little smirk, that luscious hair. Aw yisss. More of this Loki please (for aesthetic purposes). 
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I like his expression here; reminds me a bit of when he’s brought in front of Odin in TDW, but a bit more uncertain - as if he’s thinking, I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I’m not going to let you know that I’m concerned. If that makes sense. 
I also dig the music. 
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I wonder if they’re showing Loki possible futures (considering he’s now created a new timeline) or if it’s strictly Loki-Prime’s life, and if it’s the latter, I am super curious to see how he reacts to the loss of Asgard and the subsequent run-in with Thanos. I hope he does not get shown his death because, butter-knife-stupidity aside, it was so brutal that showing it to him would just be cruel, I would think. 
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This shot is interesting to me bc it’s from Loki’s POV - it’s what Loki sees when he realizes he’s surrounded. So where are these images coming from, anyway? Maybe the collar isn’t a magic thing, maybe it gives them the ability to see inside of Loki’s mind - or, to at least pull images from it. Idk. I like how Loki is still not showing much emotion, though; he’s just sitting there, arms folded, like okay, sure. 
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Until here. What does Loki see that makes him close his eyes and turn away? He looks annoyed, he looks exhausted, he looks fed up. My first thought was that he was turning away at the shot of the Avengers - the reminder that he lost, or that he failed. Maybe Owen Wilson was saying something taunting about it. But really, it could be anything. It’s a really interesting moment, though, because it’s a genuine reaction from Loki and I’m hoping that it implies he feels some kind of way about New York and perhaps will talk about it - like that he lost on purpose, or he’ll mention Thanos, or something. Again, Loki being the protagonist means that there’s a ton of potential for really getting Loki’s side of things, and if they’re going through his memories, then we might get to see Loki talk about those memories. 
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This looks like Loki’s gone from being the TVA’s prisoner to working for them, which is interesting, but not entirely unexpected, if we’re to assume that the TVA’s interests lie in defeating the hooded big bad from before and they need Loki to do it. I’m also curious if they never intended to capture him long-term at all but, in fact, sought him out because of his magic/skills/etc in order to help them. That would also make sense - that it’s more of a recruiting thing than a punishment thing - considering that Loki isn’t even the one who fucked up the timeline to begin with and that the Avengers are the ones responsible for that. 
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We love a flippy-knife Loki, don’t we? 
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Post-apocalyptic future? Potential of what could have happened if Loki (and, by extension, Thanos) had won? Or an alternate timeline altogether? I have no idea. Loki looks so smol though, all alone in the ruins. 
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I really hope this is a wig and Loki didn’t cut his hair, bc this just looks like Tom with short black hair, lmao. Like the Night Manager with a Loki smirk. It’s not bad, I just don’t care for it. I wonder how Asgard will react when Loki shows up looking like that. 
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Action shots! Loki doing stuff! Fighting! Random twirly girl! I’m here for all of the action sequences and I’m not sorry. 
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Imagine being that girl. Hoo. 
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Everyone was talking about Sam jumping out of the plane without a parachute and haha, another one like Steve, but just look at Loki’s bad ass soaring through the clouds. Also, I am a loser, but the one inconsistency in the “Loki is DB Cooper” theory - for me - is that I thought it was night time and raining when DB jumped. But, that’s just me. 
Also, has Loki always pronounced Heimdall like that? HeimDAAALL, like with a hard A? Or is that also just me? 
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And there’s the Bifrost, pulling short-haired DB Cooper Loki to Asgard. 
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(That little window for the Falcon trailer came up and I couldn’t minimize it, sorry.) 
I have no idea what is going on here, but I have to say, that gravelly come on! What did you expect? is all kinds of pleasing to me. I have always loved Tom’s deep Loki voice. I am assuming this is something from the comics or that it’s an alternate reality Loki or something like that, but again, context matters and this was really the only part of the trailer that (the first time) made me go, uh can we not? Who knows. 
And there we are. My honest opinion is that, while some of it seems questionable, it overall seems kind of promising to me? I think that if you read between the lines, so to speak, and pick up on all of Loki’s little tells and micro-expressions, what we’ll probably end up seeing is a combination of Thor 1/TDW Loki with a side of Avengers and some Ragnarok-flavored sprinkles. I also think that the trailer has probably sliced up and served the juiciest bits to appeal not just to Loki’s core fanbase but to the Ragnarok fans and to the casual MCU fans who may want to tune in for fun. 
Again, we’re getting approximately two full-length movies worth of a story in which Loki is the protagonist. And I’ll just say it: my initial overall reaction was that I liked it. I’m apprehensive, but I’m hopeful. Look at it this way: nothing in this series will be worse than what we already had to endure in Infinity War. 
So, yeah. We’ll see what happens, but I think it’ll be okay and, even if it’s not? Well, on the bright side, there’s more footage and content to inspire brilliant fanworks (fics, music vids, art, etc), which is just the new life that needs to be breathed into the Loki fandom right now. In my opinion.  
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numptypylon · 4 years
I always wanted a reason for dark magic being bad that was stronger than “oh you have to kill magical creatures” bc there’s obviously the comparison to hunting, etc. I started thinking about it in terms of resource cycles—i.e. nitrogen in soil gets replenished from decomposing organic matter. In the case of primal magic, the total supply of magic is finite and released and recycled into the life force of a new magical creature when a magical creature dies. Where dark magic becomes so bad is that it utterly consumes this magic, so it’s no longer available to newly born magical creatures, I.e. leading to droughts, miscarriages, stillborns, plague/general illness of magical creatures. I liked that your fics brought up this idea of dark magic as a sort of ecoterrorism and I really hope they do something with similar depth in the show because otherwise dark magic will seem bad in name only
Yeah, that was an interesting conundrum for me, when writing S4-5, because I wanted it to be very canon-compliant, and canon has been clear in its ‘Dark Magic = bad’ assertion. So I felt I had to work with that onset. 
I quite like my eco-terrorism idea, too! I’ve travelled in some tropical areas where deforestation has eroded the soil so almost nothing grows in what used to be fertile rainforest. If you look at the satellite map of the island that makes up Haiti and the Dominican Republic, you can SEE the border between the two countries in just the satellite images, see how decades of differing human policies alone has affected the environment. So I think of it kinda like the magically enhanced version of that, magical soil erosion, effectively permanent. The Midnight Desert seems like a topographical anomaly, and it also served to give that some additional meaning. I might have to do an actual meta post on this, haha! 
But I return to the subject in Down to Earth, so I’m glad you like that aspect of my worldbuilding :)
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sheepyships-archive · 4 years
The Lover’s Case
summary: a collection of headcanons for an au created including eli clark as a private detective and me as his badass partner, and how we work together and begin to simp for one another.
genre: fluff, light crack?? angst/comfort sprinkled in at the end
warnings: cops, gore(??)/murder scene mentions, violence and nightmares, angst/panicking but it’s fixed with comfort!
a/n: an au idea i suddenly had at like 10 pm and continued to write till 12:44 am, private detective!eli clark x rebel to-be partner!me au owns my heart so i decided to write headcanons for it because i was thinking about him and was in a shitty mood before bed, so... headcanon time!!!
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-eli’s a private detective(in his recluse outfit ofc because i am truly a simp for that fit) and works on his own or strictly with other detectives
-(he doesn’t trust the police because where it’s set in this au, they’re known for fucking with evidence when it’s fitting for them, and also fuck cops in general so he’s a mainly lone private detective)
-i’m a well-known rebellious citizen that enjoys snooping around and looking into crime that goes on, even going to the scene of the crime when no one is around to get a closer look and come up with my own theories
-listen i don’t want to go to college and have one job for the rest of my life, that applies in this au too
-even though i could get into trouble for snooping too far in and not being a certified detective, fuck you and fuck off my life my rules
-we are the bad girl x good guy aesthetic, i have a motorcycle and have a lot of grunge outfits and he looks put together and calm
-but don’t be fooled! we are both also badass of course.
-i lowkey and unofficially become his partner in the cases he takes after we bump into each other at one of the crime scenes(a m//rder scene to be exact) he was going to inspect, and he found me examining it
-when he starts to scold me for how much danger i could be getting into(with the police or the culprit) i only argue back with him, and give him my own ideas i have about what could’ve happened because i don’t let bitches scold me
-even though i can be stupid and overthink, a lot, among other things. listen i may be stupid,
-anyways! while some of the ideas i spouted are... definitely outlandish(on purpose because i’m not serious half the time), some of them make a lot of sense and he didn’t even think that they could be connected to the case
-after first he’s hesitant to work with me, but i annoy him into letting me help and he begrudgingly agrees to work with me
-“but only this once. you aren’t even a certified detective...” “HELL YEAH LET’S FUCKING GO!”
-eli talking to his owl after that interaction: “brooke rose have i made a mistake?”
-but after i help him a bit more with the case(and give a lot of my attention to brooke rose as i help him), he’s able to figure out the case and solve it, taking the right steps to have the culprit arrested!
-case complete! but something still feels... missing, at least for eli.
-he realizes the potential i have in solving cases than the whole police force in the town or any other detective he worked with
-after a few days of thinking it over, he decides to make me his partner, and he goes to my house one night and gives me the offer, which goes a little like this:
-he steps up to the door of the apartment that i live in, he was able to sneak in somehow, but that’s not important
-when he knocks on my door, he has brooke rose on his shoulder, knowing that’ll show he’s there in a more casual and calm sense
-when i open the door i’m only in a baggy sweater and shorts, and he’s like 😳 because he’s thinking, ‘oh wait she’s kinda cute..’
-and he’d only seen me in a black leather jacket, a long band t-shirt and skinny jeans, so this is new
-eli unlocked my night fit. i unlocked eli’s attraction to me. ✌️😌
-i lean against the doorframe and cross my arms, looking up at him with a smug grin,
-“aww, hey owl detective! i wasn’t expecting to see you so soon, do you need somethin’?” “you... could say that, how would you feel about being my partner, [insert my last name because fuck you i ain’t risking that]?”
-so after that, he takes me under his wing
-that’s funny haha wing joke because he still has brooke rose his owl hehe
-m’kay shut up katlin you aren’t funny just write the headcanons.
-remember when i said i have a motorcycle in this au? that’s boutta come back up now
-we definitely ride together in my motorcycle, he used to have to walk or run around everywhere, but after meeting me, not anymore!
-having him sit behind me with his arms tightly wrapped around my waist is a must since he doesn’t know how to ride a motorcycle and we don’t want him to fall off, y’know?
-“are you enjoying yourself, eli?!” “HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT I AM ALWAYS AFRAID WHENEVER I RIDE WITH YOU!?!” “...i’ll take that as your doing splendid!”
-i don’t even ride that fast, he’s just not used to it since he’s used to traveling around town by foot
-i hold my arm out for eli to grab onto so he doesn’t stumble and fall onto the ground, giggling when he “glares” at me, but we continue on with our business!
-yeah the motorcycle stuff is self-indulgent because i want this to happen
-as time goes on and we become closer by working on more cases together, or hanging out a bit outside of work, we become much closer! with us becoming closer we also begin to harbor
-well, y’know, romantic feelings towards each other
-for how we officially get together, i have it all planned out.
-it’s one night after one we are taking a vacation off of working on the cases, because of one we were working on for awhile was finally solved
-it was a longer, more draining one, with us continuously getting stuck, being stopped and questioned by the police(who repeatedly threatened to arrest us, especially me(and eli too, even though he was literally a private detective)), kept losing the culprit and getting into danger with the culprit sending their henchmen after us, etc. just very draining and stressful for the two of us.
-one night, eli has a nightmare back to one of the nights where we were being followed by the henchmen of the culprit while riding home on the motorcycle
-in real life, we were able to escape from them by going down a deserted road and losing them before heading to eli’s house to hideout at, which was closest at the time
-but in his nightmare, we heard a pop noise and one of the motorcycle’s tires deflating and we’re forced to pull over
-before we can run or hide, we are ambushed are being separated from each other when they grab me and drag me away, i struggle and yell at them and eli is pinned down onto the ground, on of the assailants elbows digging into his back while they held his arms behind him
-eli can only watch hopelessly as i’m dragged off, screaming for me, and at our captors to at least let me go and take him instead
-before more can happen in the nightmare, eli pulls himself out of it in cold sweat, shooting up off his bed and breathing in and out heavily, he sighs and stands up off his bed
-brooke rose can tell he’s uneasy and flies over to comfort him, he starts to pace around his home, fiddling with the things he owns, getting water(even if he wasn’t thirsty), etc. he was nervous, and this wasn’t like him
-then, some scary thoughts start to form in his mind, making his original nervousness increase tenfold and become full on panicking
-was katlin alright? was she sleeping peacefully at her home? what if the culprit’s henchmen were still after us? or after her specifically?
-oh fuck.
-this made him panic and he quickly flew up from whatever he was doing before to go get dressed in his usual attire, putting the bandages around his eyes before running over to my place, brooke rose flying behind him
-as he’s running, he doesn’t even realize that he’s started crying under the bandages, his focus on getting to my place and making sure i’m safe
-when he arrives, he almost runs into the door, but is able to stop in time and starts to knock on it
-the loud, obnoxious knocking wakes me up and i grumble before walking over to the door and opening it while rubbing my eyes
-“it’s four in the fucking morning, who is-“
-as i look up to see eli, and see how his panting and obviously distressed, my irritated and tired mood completely switches to a concerned one
-“wh- eli? are you okay? what’s going on?” “i just- i had- i had to make sure that..”
-he isn’t able to make a coherent response and just let’s a sob fall from his lips, nearly collapsing onto his knees in front of me
-i’m of course freaking out too, the usually calm and collected eli is now a sobbing mess at my door, and i have no clue why, so i begin to panic as well
-i place my hands on each of his shoulders and pull him closer into a firm hug, wrapping my arms around his neck and pull his head into my shoulder
-eli almost immediately accepts it, wrapping both arms around me and clinging onto my baggy pajama sweater, sobbing into my shoulder
-“let’s get you inside, okay? i can make you some hot chocolate or something to eat?”
-he nods and i lead him into my house, sitting him down on the couch before disappearing off to my kitchen only to return minutes later with hot chocolate and some snacks, setting them down onto the table in front of the couch
-“i know you probably expect a meal and stuff, but i live alone and don’t have many guests over, so this is all i really got.” “there’s no need for anything fancy, katlin.. thank you.”
-as he starts to slowly eat and drink, we sit there in awkward silence for awhile, neither of us super tired now
-“so, umm.. what was it that you had to make sure of, eli?”
-he freezes for a moment when he remembers the nightmare he had, he sighs and rests back on the couch fully
-“i... wanted to check on you, to make sure you were okay. i had a nightmare back to the night when we were being followed and had to hide at my house, and... and-“
-his admission makes me flush somewhat and become warm, i turn to him as he attempts to stutter out an answer, taking his hands and squeezing them
-“don’t continue if you don’t feel like you’re able to right now, i’m here and i’m safe.”
-eli turns to me, i smile even though he can’t see it and gently wipe his cheeks that were damp from his tears with my sleeve, he relaxes and scoots closer
-he feels me gently run my hand along his bandages and he tenses up as a frown forms on his features, slowly reaching up to grab my wrists, making me freeze up completely
-“m-may i?” “do it, move my bandages..”
-when i do move the bandages down to rest around his neck, i see his blank, distant, grayish blue eyes, he sighs and takes my hands into his
-“i didn’t know how you would react, but.. now is a better time than ever.” he says with a sigh, as if everything is finally being lifted from his shoulders as he continues, “i... i’m blind. it’s part of the reason why i worked alone for awhile, i didn’t want others to find out and think i’m useless, even though i’m not.”
-i’m taken aback by his confession, at first i’m angry at whoever made him feel this way, but brush it off and focus on him again, now smiling and holding his face with my hands and press my forehead into his
-“i’m glad you can recognize your own strengths, because you are so strong, and brave, eli. you’ve gone through so much bullshit with so many people in this goddamn town, and you continue to prove that you can be trusted, and are capable of doing great things! maybe those bitches will never understand my thinking, but i believe you are just.. so amazing, and inspiring, for everyone around you!”
-eli has to bite back a sob when he hears me pour my heart out to him about how i feel, biting his lip and smiling, he shuts his eyes and starts to tear up and cry again, but now out of happiness as he presses his forehead into mine in return
-“i... i love you, fuck, i love you.” he murmurs as the realization of his feelings hit him like a train, he places both hands on my sides, starting to move closer to me and pull me closer to his form
-i open my eyes wide and look up at him, seeing him crying. my gaze softens on him with love and i smile once more, gently wiping his tears away as some small tears form in my eyes, “i love you too, you have no idea..”
-eli smiles and moves his head back for a moment, he reaches up slowly and feels around my face with his fingers, making me giggle in confusion until his thumb touches my lip, and realization hits me almost immediately.
-“are you gonna..?” “i want to, but only if you’ll let me.”
-when he feels me nod, he leans closer as his eyes close, but he stops when his lips are just grazing mine and he freezes up for a second, but then he leans in further and kisses me gently, holding my chin in between his fingers now
-i close my eyes and place my hands on the back of his neck, melting into the kiss and moving my hands up behind his head to run them through his hair before we pull back after a moment, i smile.
-when i start to yawn, i look up at the clock nearby and am shocked at the fact that an hour and a half has already passed, but am nonetheless happy that i spent that time with eli.
-“it’s already five thirty? christ... eli, do you wanna just wanna stay here with me? it’s almost morning, and it’d be rude of me to kick you out after, well, y’know..” “i would enjoy that greatly.”
-we end up falling asleep in my bed, facing each other with our arms wrapped around one another, my head resting in the crook of his neck, right under his head while he rests his on top of mine
-we both sleep peacefully from then on.
-so... we’re basically detective partners but also in love, i do not do not make the rules
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hyliangrace-a · 4 years
oh, i ended up spending so much time on this, but - it’s done ! it’s far from perfect but i’m pretty satisfied that there’s a visual guide to my idea of hyrule, post-seven years war. & now, god help you all, i’m gonna talk about it lmao. click here if you want to see a full-sized version of the map, but i’m also gonna put it under the cut in this post with the original map for comparison, & go on for a bit about how hyrule has, in my interpretation, changed under zelda’s rule.
( this gets long. like, really long. like, over 4,500 words long. read at your own risk. i’d say i’m sorry, but i’m really not. & fuck drawing water features forever. )
first thing’s first - the map !
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( apologies for the giant watermark underneath it all but i’ve had my shit stolen before & i’m not enthused at the idea of having it happen again. clicking it open in a new tab should make it bigger if the link above doesn’t work. )
so, it’s slightly bigger than the original map which is featured in the game, haha. here’s a comparison of the two, actually, with my map over the top of the original so you can see what’s been changed or added & where. i’ll talk about what got added & why in a bit, i want to speak just about the actual map, first.
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i did my best to keep the main locations of hyrule as specified in the game in the same place, & i think did an okay job, tbh ! my biggest nitpick was just how many dang cliffs & rockfaces there are on the original map. i know they serve a purpose in-game, which is completely fair, but they limited worldbuilding a little by making the map so small, so i took some liberties. not with every cliff, of course - i kept some in the southwest to keep the border between gerudo valley & hyrule field intact, & kept the ridge the river runs through - partly for the sake of continuity, & partly because i’ve always loved the fact that falling into the river in the valley washes you down to the lake. expanding them into a new area was fun, too, because at least then they go somewhere, rather than just locking you in to a certain place.
my main point of contention, to be honest, was the giant rockface in south hyrule field. again, i understand why it was there, but, come on ! so i ended up just doing away with it all, letting it lead a path to two new areas i’d like to work into zelda’s canon. the map just fades out in certain places, too, particularly the gerudo desert, so i ended up expanding that a little more & having it lead into the cliffs above lake hylia - the river already runs from the valley to the lake, so why not have more of the desert lead into the mainland ? the mountains, too, got their range expanded, because they just seem so ... small, in canon, when they aren’t being used specifically as dungeon locations. i’d say the only place on the map i didn’t expand in some way is that little gap between zora’s domain & the kokiri forest - the forest is so hemmed in & the domain is literally inside a mountain, hidden behind a waterfall, so i was happy to just let that be empty space. if you manage to climb over the cliffs surrounding the domain, or break through the treetops in the forest, you get a view of the ocean, & that’s that !
it was fun to look at the maps of the games that came chronologically before this one & see how the position of things in hyrule change, but i’m kind of glad that there was only the three before ocarina of time, because the mountains alone move across the map at their leisure, good god. there was a bit of freedom in it, too, because in zelda’s canon timeline, the gods are going to flood hyrule anyway, so i could make whatever changes i wanted because it’s all gonna end up underwater & unseen in the end - plus, it meant i could add in more mountains to take up empty space on the map, because the hylians have to flee somewhere to escape the flood, & i don’t think the peak of death mountain could hold them all. most of the new locations were inspired by the minish cap, more than any other, so i’m going to start at the top of the map & move down to talk about them.
i always loved royal valley & the royal crypt in the minish cap, to be honest. it was spooky & cute, & i’m surprised it, or a concept like it, hasn’t made much of a comeback in later zelda games. the royal family’s tomb being in kakariko village never bothered me much as a kid ( other than the fact their headstone gets utterly destroyed & you get assaulted by what we can only assume are the zombies of previous hylian rulers ??? & then it’s just left open for anyone to stumble in & possibly loot slash get murdered by said zombies ??? actually, y’know what, this bothers me a lot more as an adult, what the fuck - ) but kakariko was a village founded by the sheikah, originally for the sheikah, so i did always find it a little strange that at some point, a ruler of hyrule went ❛ that’s cool, you do you, but make space for us in your graveyard. ❜ i know the history between the hylian royal family & the sheikah is implied to be murky ( thank you, shadow temple ) but that’s a meta for another day, so i’m not gonna go into too much detail, but it’s still something that sticks out as strange to me. call it the sheikah continuing to guard the royal family in death or whatever, but, hm. weird. anyway !
the point is, after the seven years war ends, zelda decides that what originally belonged to the sheikah should be given back to the sheikah. kakariko village was opened up to non-sheikah by impa prior to the rise of ganondorf, & that’s her perogative & not something zelda would ever dream of interfering with, but that applies to the living, & those who die within the village deserve to be buried in the same place. it takes time to get around to the rebuilding of hyrule castle & its’ town, but when it’s time to plan for it, zelda chooses to utilize the abandoned valley which lies behind the castle as the new home for the royal crypt, but not solely for that ! she establishes & sponsors a university on behalf of the royal family, with special consideration going to the preservation of hylian history ( a lot was lost in the hyrulean civil war prior to her birth, nevermind the seven year war following that so quickly, & we can see in other zelda games, such as twilight princess & breath of the wild, historical preservation within hyrule is ... terrible, to say the least. of course, it will all be washed away when the goddesses flood hyrule, but fuck, at least she tries. ) the university also covers a range of other subjects, but history is the one zelda takes an active interest in, & she spends a lot of time with scholars who specialize in it. the royal crypt lies at the very back of the valley, the university being closer to the castle, & then ... watch this space ! i’m likely to add more things to areas around the map in the future.
hyrule castle & hyrule castle town i’ve left in the same spots, pretty much - i imagine the castle is rebuilt to be something like the one we see at the bottom of the ocean in wind waker, but i intend to put my own spin on that, too. zelda wouldn’t be focused too much on getting a castle up agaiin ( i’ve mentioned in a thread before that two years post-ganondorf, she is still sheltering at impa’s house in kakariko village, as rebuilding for the civilians is her main priority, & whilst i haven’t figured out exactly how long that lasts for, it’s a safe bet to say a good few years ) & she definitely wouldn’t want to be living anywhere especially y’know, grandiose & opulent, if her people were still struggling day to day. the castle town bounces back better than ever, expanding a little more to the left over time, but that’s a gradual thing. no real change except a distinct lack of redeads, which is always a bonus !
death mountain & its immediate surroundings, i was happy to leave as they are - it’s marginally wonky in place compared to the original map but it’s not a severe drift from canon, so lets just pretend it sits a little more to the left, shhh. it’s a volcano built into a mountain with a network of caves both inside & adjacent to it, plus a place of worship built into the heart of it, & you can’t really go wrong with that, so i focused on all that empty space beyond them left on the map. minish cap came in clutch again, because by fuck, did they have a mountain range, so i ended up dipping in to it for the names of this one. the gorons are clustered at the forefront of the mountain because everything beyond their city has been mined to the absolute death by those who came before for its resources, & abandoned by the same in turn, but they still send patrols to make sure it’s fine. 
there’s a story of how, before the gorons settled into the mountain, a man of great strength climbed the mountain alone to make his home within it - he faced eruptions from a then-hostile death mountain, fought off the creatures who called the range home & weren’t fond of sharing, & forged on to what was said to be the edge of hyrule itself. it wasn’t, not quite, but it was far enough away from the central provinces of the kingdom that the mountains became capped with snow, contrasting the temperate mountains to the west. the story goes that the adventurer decided to call the furthest reaches of the mountain home, & singlehandedly carved out what would become the beginning of the mines, in order to gather materials for his forge. it’s been disputed whether said man was hylian or goron, as the biggoron family claim lineage from him, but the mountains he once inhabited are named for him now, & are one of the places zelda hid whilst on the run & masquerading as sheik - despite the extreme temperatures playing havoc with her & nearly killing her, it’s one of the harder to reach spots in hyrule, so it provided a measure of safety that other places could not. melari’s hold lies in the northeast, but the cold spot on the mountain travels further south than would be expected, resulting in a cold spot - the ice cavern - to the north of zora’s domain.
real quick, fuck zora’s domain. there was no way to make the water feature coming from here look decent, or properly portray the types of cliffs it’s surrounded by, so please don’t judge it too harshly. at the end of ocarina of time, zora’s domain is still said to be frozen, but recovering from the curse ganondorf placed on it, which, great ! i’m gonna say, i could be completely off here in how it works, but i wanted to change things up a little, so if i am, i don’t mind that much. i like a bit of artistic license. also, if we can have literal fish people, a genderless species made of rock, children who don’t grow up in a magical forest which horrifically warps those who don’t belong, & a giant fucking overworld field where the skeletons of what look like fucking children come out to fight you at night ? i’m okay with this reckoning being off a little.
so, eventually, zora’s domain unfreezes. i personally imagine, as ganondorf’s power ebbed from hyrule, that the process started slow, until one day, it wasn’t. it’s said that zora’s fountain is the source of all water in hyrule, with the domain lying under the mountain it rests on top of, & a few secret passageways here & there, which is fine, usually - the fountain never froze, just the domain beneath it. that becomes a problem, though, when the magical freeze put in place by ganondorf wears off, & the excess water from the melt ends up flooding the domain. not a problem from those who live within it, with the zora being essentially amphibian in nature, but when that excess water begins seeping out into the fountain, through cracks in the mountain, through the entrance granted to those affiliated with the royal family ? that all goes over the fountain, down the sleepless waterfall, through the river, & that river completely bursts its banks. the water level of the river rises significantly, washing away much of the path previously taken by those who wished to go to the domain on foot, causing minor flooding in hyrule field as it travels downstream, & resulting in the waters of lake hylia rising when the overflow reaches it, hence the lake being larger in my version of the map. the rebuilding of a path to zora’s domain ends up becoming one of the earliest projects zelda undertakes as queen but it’s a bit of a logistical nightmare for a while, considering that, with princess ruto ascended as a sage, zora’s domain is now in a succession crisis. does it have much bearing on zelda’s life ? not especially, but i thought it was a nice bit of worldbuilding, so here it is.
kokiri forest, the lost woods, & everything within doesn’t change much. with the dark magic vanquished from the forest, & the great deku sprout able to thrive, the forest continues to grow, & overgrow. it’s still dangerous to outsiders to go within, still dangerous for anyone to enter the lost woods without a fairy companion to guide them & save them from a grim fate, but the children of the forest do grow somewhat braver about stepping out from their home to see the rest of hyrule. it never lasts long - not all of the kokiri are as brave as link was, after all, & hyrule is so vast compared to what they’re used to - but it sparks their curiosity & their desire to explore hyrule which eventually trickles down to the wandering koroks.
the area to the south / southwest of the kokiri forest is entirely my invention. as i said, in-game, it’s just cliffs to hem you in & prevent you from breaking the boundaries of the world, but there’s none of that in roleplaying, so i just … did away with them entirely. part of this is lake hylia not being as hemmed in by these walls as it is in-game, opening up into a new river & streams which travel through the south & southeast. crossing this river leads to three paths - take middle path, & you may find yourself in what’s known as the rito village. now, i’ll say here, i know that the rito don’t technically appear in hyrule until after the great flood, when the zoras somehow sprout wings, but nintendo’s strange decisions don’t change the fact that there are many wonderful people in the zelda rpc who play rito characters with crossover verses that let them interact with those who play characters in other parts of the timeline. in order to better facilitate interactions with these roleplayers, i decided fuck it, rito village in ocarina of time. canon can be easily bent. if, however, i’m writing with someone who wants to adhere to strict canon, then it’s just other hylians who live within the village, & rito is just the name chosen for the village, with no connection to the as-of-yet-unevolved race, just a nice little coincidence. regardless of who lives in it, though, the village & its name are fixed here in a southern woodland, with the village nestled amongst the hills within.
cross the bridge to the south & take the third branch in the path, you’ll find yourself inside the bremen woods. i honestly haven’t got much to say about the bremen woods here, but it’s not because i don’t have ideas for it - i have another headcanon brewing concerning myths, fables & fairy tales within hyrule, because … i am just that type of nerd. about eighty percent of my blogs before this one involved fairy tale characters in some way. it is, as the kids say, extremely my shit, & i’d like to tie the bremen woods into that, so i’m going to save what i have to say for that headcanon, but don’t worry. it’ll probably be a lot smaller than this one. ( thank god, i hear you say. i know, i know. i’m still not sorry. )
cross the bridge, then, & take the first branch in the path, & you better have a sword with you. the castor wilds are a lawless place, which is fitting for the corner of the world where the last remnants of ganondorf’s forces lie. any that weren’t killed during the restoration of the kingdom were beaten back to the edge of the world, & it’s not a friendly place. the last of the monsters shelter in a run-down settlement known as dragmire’s hold, the last place where those who sympathize with the king of evil can speak freely, & it’s murder to get to. the entrance to the wilds is a marshy swamp, thanks to the run-off of lake hylia, but if you manage to get through the mire, the land begins to dry out until you reach the hold, where the earth struggles to bear fruit & it seems the grass refuses to grow. it is, in a few words, fucking grim, & as a result, the go-to place for banishments within the kingdom. zelda isn’t a fan of harsh punishments, but she’s no fool, not anymore, & she won’t abide those who plot to throw the kingdom back into chaos, be it in service of ganondorf, or their own selfish natures. it’s rare that anyone actually finds themselves wandering the castor wilds, unless they actively choose to adventure there, but it is a very good threat, considering its reputation as the land where the devils live.
jumping across the map entirely, we come to the cliffs of coroa to the left of lake hylia. another spot on the map which is notorious for being hard to reach, the cliffs are an inviting challenge to those who want to boast of their climbing skills & durability. if getting up the cliffs doesn’t kill you ( & there is a very real possibility that it will, especially if you fall, ‘cause this water ain’t soft ) the journey down might do it instead, & that’s if you survive your trip at the top. there has been rumours of a great treasure hidden away in the cliffs for years, though the debate on what it might be was pretty intense, if you got into it. for a time, some thought the legendary blade rested within the cliffs, & only those who could brave the rockface would be able to lay a hand on it; others argued that it contained more mundane, but still desirable, treasures, such as a great haul from a band of thieves, left behind when they were hunted down by the crown, growing only more valuable by the minute. some, with sense, said that the only thing atop the cliffs was certain doom for the morons who tried to make their way up them. the truth ? there’s nothing up there. sometimes, cliffs are just cliffs, & those who try to scale the ones facing lake hylia truly are fools. the gerudo people, however, had the right idea of how to get to them.
again, another aspect of canon i was happy to leave as it was. the gerudo desert is a vast, harsh swathe of land, continuously assailed by sandstorms, bordered to the north by what is called ❛ the great sand sea ❜ & to the south by the haunted wasteland, & it’s not hyperbole. spirit guides appear to those who seek the temple of the goddess of the sand, but very few have ever made it through the wasteland if they enter in pursuit of something else. one of the few who did was the gerudo heroine, ashai. a well respected warrior amongst them, ashai was the younger sister to the exalted rishika, the chief of the gerudo at the time, & one of the first to vow to conquer the wasteland & see what lay beyond the storm. though her sister cautioned against it, as tales of people becoming lost in the wasteland were not uncommon, ashai was a headstrong young woman, & she could not be swayed. she took with her a party of twelve, & in time, three returned to tell their story. ashai had forged a path through the ever-shifting sands & left it well enough marked that her companions were able to find their way back. it’s said that some succumbed to madness during the journey, tormented by the ghosts of the wasteland, whilst others fell ill whilst they traveled, choking on the sand which gathered in their lungs. seven of them made it through the wasteland to the valley which lay beyond, but ashai had grown sick during the crossing, & knew she would not make it back. instead, she spent the time she had left exploring the valley, & found a way through it to the peak of the cliffs of coroa. the legend says that is there she died, watching the sun rise atop the cliffs, speaking only of her sister, & her companions laid her to rest within the valley, which her sister then named in honour of her. whilst the gerudo are happy to let those who have proven themselves attempt the journey to the desert colossus, no outsiders are permitted to walk the valley of ashai, where a shrine was built for its namesake - it is considered sacred to them, & the journey to pay respects to ashai is now part of the trial given to those who wish to become chief of the gerudo, should the bloodline of the previous chief die.
that covers just about all the main areas & landmarks of hyrule, i think, so to move on to the last thing, the various settlements, villages, hamlets you see across the map. hyrule is a big place. yes, quite a few of the races are localized to certain areas, & yes, it’s entirely plausible the hyrulean civil war could have decimated the population, with the seven years war exacerbating that problem, but hyrule field just looked so … empty, once everything else was finished. so, rather than stick to a number of locales i can count on one hand, i threw a few more settlements across the map to try & make hyrule feel more like a real kingdom. not to breath of the wild’s extent, of course, but just something a little more than what was given. all those who survived the fall of hyrule castle town apparently fled to become refugees in kakariko village, which was opened to all by impa, which is fair, but i imagine as the world returned to something close to normality, & families started growing again, the village would quickly find itself overwhelmed. as queen, zelda would make it a priority to make sure none of her subjects go homeless - she knows all too well that struggle - & so she would begin a program to make sure there was enough villages or townships for every one of her subjects. those who volunteered would be given a set amount of money & plots of land across hyrule to build a home, which zelda would then personally visit to inspect, to make sure her people were thriving.
there’s little to say in detail about them all as of right now, as i’m still fleshing them out, but i have a few basic ideas. most of the settlements were named after the first to attach themselves to the project, but the names have the potential to evolve over time. they certainly won’t retain the hamlet / settlement status, that’s for sure. the offer wasn’t restricted to hylians, either - any other race in the land was free to join, though only a small number of gerudo accepted it, the others preferring to stay in their homes & travel as they need. ciela’s settlement was the one spearheaded by the gerudo who accepted zelda’s offer, hence its proximity to the valley. a lot of young men volunteered to go to this settlement, but zelda was happy to let ciela make her own call, & many were knocked back - only those with what ciela deemed viable skills were allowed in, & still, it’s very much a female dominated settlement, but it is thriving under her leadership, & blossoms into a successful village as time goes on. lon lon ranch is, well, lon lon ranch. with funding from the crown, talon was able to take on more staff & expand it at his leisure, but it is one of the very few places in hyrule which has stayed constant over time, & he was quite content to keep it that way, & zelda content with his decision. 
to the south of lon lon ranch lies damia village, the largest of all the settlements from its inception. led by a fearless young man who gave his name to the village, it is a hub of activity which could rival hyrule castle town. with damia came many like-minded people, all eager to forge their own path in the world & prove themselves as he had, as he had been part of the group which volunteered to help beat back the remnants of ganondorf’s forces. many of the families within damia village are the families of soldiers who work at the castle & it has gained a reputation for being a village full of strong, capable, trustworthy people. arborwood, which lies further to the south in a more rural location, is an outlier in that the one who volunteered to lead in this settlement didn’t wish to put their name to it - they didn’t want glory, just a place to call home where they could finally live in peace. arborwood is an agriculturally focused village, filled with farmers & those who possess green thumbs. a lot of trade is done between arborwood & all the other villages - everyone in hyrule became proficient at growing & hunting their own food in the past thirty years, as was necessary to survive, but it’s nice to have a place to get food from which specializes in high quality meat & crops. why hunt rabbits, when arborwood can provide venison ? 
last but not least, lynna’s hamlet, which settled at lake hylia at the request of the owner of the lakeside laboratory. as he was getting on in years, he wished to find someone to continue his work, & so specifically requested that any like-minded hylians settle close to the lake so that he could impart his wisdom & let them take over. he got quite a few more people volunteering than he bargained for, be they scientifically inclined, interested in cataloguing the history of lake hylia, or just desirous of a change in scenery. the smallest of the new settlements, lynna’s hamlet never truly flourished the way others did, but the buildings were never empty - as time went on & people began to move elsewhere, it became a popular spot for those who traveled the land to rest at when they came to the lake, with a very successful inn eventually being run by the lakeside, its doors open to any who wished to visit.
it’s not a lot of worldbuilding when it all comes down to it, compared to other things, but this is something that i’ve wanted to do for a long time. as i’ve mentioned in the section regarding the bremen woods, more headcanons are likely to follow regarding places on the map & how they change & evolve as time passes during zelda’s rule, but for now, there’s this ! something which makes hyrule feel less empty than what it was before, whilst still respecting canon, somewhat which was the goal all along. if you’ve made it this far, holy shit, go outside & feel the sun on your face. it’s been eighty-four years - but i can’t thank you enough for reading ! at least next time, the headcanon won’t be so long. i hope.
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socksual-innuendos · 5 years
Fallout OC Companion Meme
Ok so I’m redoing this and adding perks and personal quests. General is up top, companion quest is under cut.
Name: Emilia Vazquez
Location: Atomic Wrangler
Emilia can be hired as a companion after completing the side quest “Strangers in the Fight”
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(art by @courierspikeee��)
Companion Wheel
I think we should travel together: “Oh, you really want me to come along? No promises I’ll behave.”
Use Melee: “So you want to see an old lady get her ass beat. Haha, so would I.”
Use Ranged: “Don’t worry if I disappear, you don’t have to see me to know I’m still around.” /  “Good idea, the further I am the better I work.”
Open Inventory: “Ayayay! Use your own pockets and don’t bum off me!” / “Ah, the Lord has blessed me with a companion that will carry my shit for me— no? Well, worth a try.”
Stay Close: “Trust me, you do not want me up your ass”
Keep Distance: “Listen, whatever you’re smelling, it wasn’t me”
Stealth: “Aah, my specialty.”
Back Up: “Oh? You want to stand here? Fine.” / “My knee only works in so many directions, mijo/a”
Be Passive: “Your call, but when things get hairy I’m doing best for me.” / “If I hear shots, I will start shooting. Never doubt this.”
Be Aggressive: “Shoot them before they shoot us? That’s the most sound thing I’ve heard from you.” / “Good, they’ll be dead before they even know we’re there.”
Use Stimpack: “You ever need anything stronger, hahaha, you let me know...” // “Aaah...I could use another of those.”
Wait Here: “If that’s what you want. No promises I’ll still be here when you come back.” // “If I bore you, just say so.”
Follow Me: “Oh so now you want me back.”
Send her to the Lucky 38: “Perfecto. I’ve been wanting a shower.”
Send her Home: “Alright, you know where to find me.” (can be found in the atomic wrangler)
Injured: “Aagh, my other knee—!” / “I’m not getting paid enough for this...”
Death: (before personal quest) “I can’t...not yet...” / “Aaah, sorry Camila.” -- (after personal quest) “Always knew I’d die on the job—“ / “Mi renacuajita— mama will see you soon.”
Aggression: aggressive
Confidence: brave/foolhardy
Assistance: helps friends and allies
Like the other companions, Emilia has a starting perk that is replaced by another depending on how the player completes her personal quest.
Desierto salvajísimo: Weird things happen in the desert and with Emilia by your side they just got weirder! Something was definitely in that peyote...(Compounds on Wild Wasteland perk.)
Should the courier convince Emilia to apologize to her sister, she will gain Thy Brother’s Keeper perk.
Thy Brother’s Keeper: When the player falls below half health, Emilia will prioritize enemies around the player and gain a 25% damage increase.
If the courier convinces Emilia to let go of her sister, she will gain the Gone Rogue perk.
Gone Rogue: Stealth kills now do 25% more damage and enemies lose interest faster while sneaking. 
El Silbón - Emilia’s sniper rifle. Unscoped shots have a 25% increase to critical chance.
Tattered Journal - A small journal that contains memoirs and recipes. Who is it for?
Froggy Grenades - Smoke bombs painted to look like frogs. Activating them will halve the chance of limbs being crippled and lower time it takes for enemies to lose sight of the user.
Quests and Recruitment
Strangers in the Fight
“You’ve been tipped off about an assassination that is suppose to happen tonight at The Aces. You aren’t sure who the mark is, but you’d gain some reputation and caps if you prevented their death.”
The courier can approach this quest in two ways. Either they hunt down the assassin or figure out who the mark is and warn them. Should the courier try and hunt down the assassin, they will be knocked unconscious backstage and fail the quest. Should they chose to investigate and warn the mark, the mark will thank them and leave The Aces that night. Later, the courier can find the mark dead in an alley the morning after they complete the quest. In either case, the quest will complete and the next time the courier enters the Atomic Wrangler they will find Emilia. Walking close enough to her will trigger an audio clip where she drunkenly berates the courier for causing trouble ‘the other night’. 
Talking to her will give the courier a few options of dealing with her. Without perks, the courier can initiate dialogue that will lead to either recruitment or casual conversation. Recruiting can be done in two ways, either the courier can hire her for 300 caps or pass a speech check of 55. Passing the speech check makes her a permanent companion and allows the courier to access her personal quest, while hiring must be repeated if the courier dismisses her. If her health drops too low while on the road, she will dismiss herself and return to the Wrangler. If the courier has the terrifying presence perk, they can start a bar fight with Emilia in which killing her will not net a large loss in karma.
When she is recruited as a permanent companion her personal quest becomes accessible. To trigger it, the courier must complete quests for the ghoul Camila found in The Aces. The quests can be completed prior to recruiting her, but they must be completed to Camila’s approval. Once Emilia is recruited, a new quest from Camila will be available. Completing it requires Emilia to be in your party and when turning it in Camila will comment how her sister “Can’t seem to stop looming” and needs to let her “find her own way”. She will request that the courier doesn’t bring her around the Tops again, but thank them for their time. Officially, this is the start to Emilia’s personal quest.
 A Tale of Two Sisters
“It seems as though Emilia is experiencing some family troubles. She’s not the type to open up about things, but if you travel with her she may let details slip. Keep her in your party and don’t push things.”
To do Emilia’s quest, the courier must keep her in their party when completing certain quests around the Mojave. Quests do not have a specific order to be completed in, however turning them in before acquiring Emilia as a companion will lock out completing her personal quest.
In Memoriam
“Elaine and her family are survivors from a Legion raid. Lately her eldest son has been closed off and she’s worried it’s because they left his father’s possessions behind while evacuating. Head down south to their old farm and see if you can find anything to bring back.”
Within the Bitter Springs camp a refugee named Elaine can be found. Talking to her reveals that she is worried about her son, who has been closed off since they evacuated their ranch. She says although their family was lucky enough to get away in one piece, she had lost her husband a few years prior. Their son was particularly close to him and he would often ‘talk’ to him after his passing. Since coming to Bitter Springs, those talks have lessened and he’s grown more distant. She suspects that their abrupt move caused some disconnect. Go down to what remains of their ranch and find something of her husband’s to bring back.
Heading southeast of Novac, the courier will eventually find a pillaged farmhouse. Going inside, the courier can pick up either a journal, a pocket knife, or a charred Dinky Dinosaur. Taking any will complete the objective, but each gives a slightly different dialogue when returning to Elaine. She will explain the value behind each item and thank the courier for their help. The quest will complete but to trigger the dialogue with Emilia, the courier must talk to Elaine’s son. He will recognize the courier and thank them, opening more dialogue options to talk about his father. Completing all dialogue paths and then talking to Emilia will allow her to comment on the boy’s outlook of grief. She will chastise how freely he talks about his father to the strangers, saying that loss can’t be fixed by just remembering someone and how it isn’t worth upsetting oneself again. The courier can respond to her in two major ways. They can either agree with her, saying that repressing grief is the only way to reign it in or they can try to convince her that closure sometimes requires vulnerability. 
Take Us Back
“Change is nature. Some accept what life hands them, while others push back.”
Take Us Back can be a quest obtained by talking to a server named Charlie in the Ultra Lux. When talked to, the Courier can chose a dialogue path where she will tell them that she heard the news about Primm and that she is glad the town is now safe. Talking with her more, she will confess that she is worried about a friend who lives in Primm and that she has yet to hear from her since the attack. The Courier can then offer the check up on them, to which Charlie will express surprise that they would be willing to be so charitable with their help. The Courier can say they are either happy to help, or that they weren’t intending on doing this for free. Charlie accepts either option, and the Courier receives the quest Take Us Back.
The quest will take the Courier to Primm where they will meet Atta and her wife. The Courier can tell Atta about Charlie and her concern, to which Atta will say that she intended on sending a letter but that she had missed the last courier that came into town. She will be grateful for Charlie’s concern and that the Courier came to check up on them. Atta will then ask that the Courier take her letter back to Charlie, and will give them a small amount of caps for their trouble. The Courier can then pass a barter check to get more caps from Atta. If the Courier talks to Emi after this exchange, she will sarcastically mention how sweet it is that the Courier is passing notes around in class.
Upon returning to Charlie, she will read Atta’s letter and grow annoyed while reading. The Courier can then inquire as to what is upsetting Charlie. and Charlie will then bitterly remark that Atta always mentions her spouse, how those two are inseparable, and that it is the spouse’s fault that Atta moved to Primm. The Courier can then tell Charlie she needs to reevaluate herself and to pay up which will end the quest, or they can pry further. If asked, Charlie will admit how much things changed since Atta met her spouse, and that she has always been bitter at being second place since. She will then make a comment about how if she could get rid of the spouse, things might go back to how they were. The Courier can ask how serious she is about that comment, and she will mention that if she could find an assassin, she’d be very serious. The Courier then has the option to accept her offer, or lie and pretend to accept her offer. 
If the Courier chooses to lie, they are given the option to tell Atta about the plan. Although she will not believe it at first, the Courier can pass a small speech check that allows them to convince her. She will be shocked, but thank the Courier for warning her. If the Courier takes the job they can kill Atta’s spouse anyway they chose so long as they do not get caught and do not kill Atta. Either choice requires the Courier to return to Charlie and tell her what they have done. Both choices lead to Atta sending Charlie a letter, though what is said will differ.
If the Courier decided to tell Atta, her letter will tell Charlie to never contact her again, and Charlie will become angry at the Courier for lying. Whatever the Courier says, Charlie will remain angry, and tell them to leave. After, if the Courier talks to Emi, she will joke that Charlie had it coming for being so trusting of strangers and that she should have been smarter about interfering with others’ lives. The Courier can either agree, which will end the conversation with Emilia laughing, or they can explain that people have lives outside of others and that should be respected. 
Should the Courier follow through with the assassination, Atta’s letter will tell Charlie about her loss, and that she is considering coming to stay with her a while after funeral preparations are made. Charlie will thank the Courier, saying how glad she is that things will go back to normal after this. The Courier can talk to Emi afterwards, and she will make a comment about how she’s seen similar scenarios in the past, and that they never work. If the Courier asks what she means, she will say that murder can be a tool to fix things, but often its just a wrench being thrown at a broken water pipe. She will then say that she can’t blame Charlie for feeling the way she did, that she too understands what it feels like to have someone slip away, but she will be critical of how Charlie handled the situation saying that its better to prevent change before it happens as once it does things hardly return to how they were.
Friends Like These
“Problems don’t have to be dealt with alone. In times like these, it is nice to have friends.”
This quest requires that the Courier has taken Raul through his personal quest. It doesn’t matter which path Raul took so long as Old School Ghoul is completed. Travelling with Emi for a while after completing either Take Us Back or In Memorium will trigger her to talk to the Courier. She will say that she’s enjoyed their company despite not being fond of companions and will mention how travelling has been her entire life. She will then go to say how things seem to be coming to a slow in her life but that she isn’t quite ready to retire yet, and the thought of such an abrupt change leaves her anxious. Emilia will then joke, asking if the Courier could ever see her living a mellowed life, and the conversation will end. 
Later, with Emilia as a companion, if the Courier talks with Raul a dialogue option mentioning a friend will appear. Choosing this the Courier will tell Raul about Emilia and he will joke about the introduction, asking what brought it up. The Courier can say that they thought those two would get along, and Raul will make a few more jokes. Ending the dialogue here will progress the quest, though a few more options will be present. After, Emi will comment on the introduction, joking that she can find her own hookups. The Courier can then say that if she is worried over retirement, to talk to Raul. She will consider this, and thank the Courier for remembering their conversation. After a time, Emilia will talk to them, again thanking the Courier for introducing her to Raul. 
Completing a Tale of Two Sisters
Once the courier has completed the three quests, Emilia will ask to talk with them. If the courier accepts, she will inquire about them, asking if they’ve ever been responsible for someone before. The courier can say yes, no, or that they don’t remember, and Emilia’s response will depend on what is chosen. Ultimately she will come back to asking the courier what they thought of if they weren’t needed or wanted. The courier can ask if this is about her sister, and Emilia will get defensive, but confirm that is who she’s referring to. The courier can ask for details, and Emilia will tell them how she has been responsible for Camila’s well being for most of her life but recently she has been asserting her independence more and more. Emilia confesses that while she knows her sister will have to survive without her and is glad that she is finding her own way, she herself feels lost. The courier can then pry more, and Emilia will admit to expressing her frustrations through anger at her sister and that this is causing the strain on their relationship. If the courier tells her to apologize, Emilia will get defensive and end the conversation, but if they say that perhaps their relationship is coming to an end, Emilia will sadly acknowledge it and ask to be left alone. Later, regardless of what was picked, Emilia will ask the courier if they meant what they said. The courier can either say yes or change their answer. If the courier confirms that they think she should apologize Emilia will thank them, saying that she will need to think more on what to say to her sister. If the courier reassures her that all relationships eventually see a close and that this might mark the end for theirs, she will reluctantly agree with them and say that she needs some time to come to accept this. 
Depending on what the courier chose, Emilia will gain a new perk. If the courier tells her to apologize, Emilia will gain Thy Brother’s Keeper perk. Later, the courier can talk to Camila in The Aces and she will thank them for their help, saying that she’s ready for both of them to start healing. If the courier tells Emilia to let her sister go, she will gain the Gone Rogue perk. Camila will not be in her usual spot in The Aces after this and if the courier asks Tommy Torini about her, he will mention that she has asked for time off. 
El Silbón
“Legend tells of a lost spirit who wanders the world searching for revenge. His presence is only announced by a whistle.”
Upon killing Camila, the courier receives this quest with no map marker. If the courier had Emilia in party while attacking her sister, she permanently leaves the courier and can no longer be found at The Wrangle. For the rest of the game, the courier is being hunted. Emilia becomes a hostile random encounter that does not make herself known aside from a quiet whistle before she attacks. She will not stop attacking until the courier is either dead or they drop her health below 2/3, in which she will drop a smoke bomb and disappear. Emilia will continue to hunt the courier down until she is dead. Hiring a companion will lower her encounter rate, however if she is aggroed by more than one NPC she will try to escape. Upon killing Emilia, she will have three special items on her possession and two randomized chems. Her special items are her sniper rifle (El Silbón), a Tattered Journal, and Froggy Grenades.
Ending Slides
If Emilia dies (and El Silbón is not activated)
The life that had claimed so many had finally met its end, but for all Emilia’s infamy there was still one who mourned her. Camila grieved for her sister and all the things that were left unsaid between them but, refusing to let loss consume her, continued singing at The Aces. 
If Camila is killed (and Emilia is not killed in El Silbón)
The Wasteland doesn’t discriminate in which lives it takes, and neither did the Courier. Camila, killed within the safety of New Vegas walls, left behind a distraught sister. Unable to handle the loss of her only remaining family, Emilia was overtaken by grief. She squandered what caps she had at the Wrangler and when her debts became too much to repay she was found overdosed in a Freeside alley.
If Emilia is killed in El Silbón
With nothing else to live for, Emilia hunted the Courier down. The murder of her sister was a trespass to be repaid in kind, but the assassin was not invincible. Unable to best the Courier, Emilia fell in battle. For all her anger and pain, she could finally find peace in death.
If Emilia’s personal quest is never completed
Despite all that the sisters had been through, New Vegas had strained their relationship like none before. Camila, though wishing to assert her independence, could not shake the control her sister had on her life. Once their business in the Mojave had been completed, Emilia left the Courier’s company, uprooting her sister once again to wander the Wastes. Although she had once held hope for a future, Camila no longer felt that ambition and remained silently by her sister’s side.
If the Courier sides with Legion and...
Completes Emilia’s quest, telling her to make up with her sister
Seeing that the Mojave was no longer safe, Emilia uprooted her sister one last time. Fleeing north, then east, Emilia’s age caught up to her when the pair reached Indiana. Still determined to keep her sister safe, she pushed on further until they reached the Ohio-West Virginia border where the two were then ambushed by raiders. Overwhelmed by their numbers and worn from her travels, Emilia fell in battle with her sister following suit.
Completes Emilia’s quest, telling her that she and her sister should part ways
Despite the courier’s words that their paths were diverging, Emilia would not let her sister remain in New Vegas when the Legion took the Dam. Uprooting her once more, Emilia led her sister north, then east. Determined to not be controlled by her sibling any longer, Camila fled when the pair reached Minnesota. With her age catching up to her, Emilia was unable to track her sister down. Camila had finally found her freedom.
If the Courier sides with NCR and...
Completes Emilia’s quest, telling her to make up with her sister
Although NCR occupation of Vegas did not sit well with Emilia, it assured that her sister would remain safe. While Camila would go on to be a beloved addition to The Aces, Emilia’s infamy grew with the NCR forcing her off The Strip. Undeterred by her bounty, the assassin would often sneak back into Vegas to enjoy the night life, frequenting The Tops to hear her sister sing. 
Completes Emilia’s quest, telling her that she and her sister should part ways
Although NCR occupation of Vegas did not sit well with Emilia, it assured that her sister would remain safe. Employed at The Aces, Camila was able to support herself and was a welcomed addition to The Tops. Taking the Courier’s words to heart, Emilia slipped out of her sister’s life, allowing her the independence she so desired.
If the Courier sides with House and...
Completes Emilia’s quest, telling her to make up with her sister
With Vegas safe from either NCR or Legion influence, the sisters could focus on resolving things between them. Emi, realizing how much independence meant to her sister, finally eased the grip she had on her life. The two were able to come to an understanding and for the time being the pair could call Vegas home.
Completes Emilia’s quest, telling her that she and her sister should part ways
With NCR and Legion no longer a threat on Vegas, Emilia could finally take the Courier’s words to heart and slip from Camila’s life. Although no longer side by side, the sisters both remained in Vegas. Camila continued singing at the Tops while Emilia continued her work and havoc in Freeside. While Camila grew to be a beloved addition to The Aces, Emi went on to grow infamous, leading her to being incarcerated several times.
If the Courier makes New Vegas independent and...
Completes Emilia’s quest, telling her to make up with her sister
Along side New Vegas, Camila celebrated her own independence. Now free to follow her own path she became a beloved addition to The Aces. Emilia, though still afraid of what the future would hold for them, proudly watched as her sister blossomed. For the two siblings, Vegas could be called a home.
Completes Emilia’s quest, telling her that she and her sister should part ways
With Vegas free to rule itself, Camila continued her career at The Tops.  While happy for her sister, Emilia took the Courier’s words to heart and removed her presence. But, no matter how far she traveled Emilia would find herself back on The Strip, sitting in the crowd at The Aces listening to her sister sing.
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drawlfoy · 5 years
Mirror, Mirror P.1
masterlist request guidelines requests are open <3
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pairing: draco x ravenclaw!reader
request: no literally no one asked for this haha
summary: reader and draco are doing rounds together as they’re both prefects. reader has a mad crush on draco but doesn’t say anything since he’s kinda aloof and she’s not as popular as he is. they run across an infamous mirror oooh
warnings: swearing because you know me
a/n: so basically i’m gonna be travelling for the next week, and i’m hoping that i’ll have time to write, but no promises. i’ll be back soon, hopefully with all of my weird tag issues worked out! also i just decided to pop this out while my nails were drying so apologies if there’s any mistakes...like before, if you’d like to become a beta reader, hmu and we can discuss my many grammatical mistakes haha
music recs:mansard roof from vampire weekend
word count: 1,657
taglist: @accio-rogers
Y/N Y/L/N and Draco Malfoy
The words on the new prefect pairing sheet knocked the wind out of her better than any Bludger to the stomach ever could. Was she lucky, or very, very unlucky?
Y/N couldn’t quite decide, and standing in the hallway, staring at the parchment on the wall alone like a lunatic certainly wasn’t going to help her. She could count on one hand how many times she had spoken to the blonde prefect--that one time in Potions where their hands had brushed reaching for the same ingredient in the cupboard, that other time in Charms when she complimented his quill and he said a quick “thank you”, and that final time, three weeks ago, when he had accidentally bumped her on the way out of a prefect’’s meeting and said “excuse me”.
If she really thought back, she could pinpoint the exact moment when she fell for him. She’d only ever thought of him as a nuisance until that one day that she saw him sitting alone in the courtyard, engrossed in a book and bouncing his foot. The setting sun had illuminated his head, giving his pale hair an ethereal look, like it was a halo around his admittedly very well sculptured face.
It was at that moment when she realized that she was profoundly and absolutely fucked.
However, as a Ravenclaw, she was given ample opportunities to avoid him and pretend like neither he nor her feelings for him existed. She’d put up a great front...at least to her standards.
Scanning the parchment closer, she found their times listed below. They were scheduled on two night shifts, something that irked Y/N to no end. Staying up until 1 on a school night was the last thing that she needed, but she wasn’t about to argue with the administration. Not when he was her partner.
“That’s terribly unfortunate, Y/N,” Rena sympathized from the bed across their dorm room. “Start stocking up on random hexes now. You never know what he’ll do to get a laugh.”
“C’mon now, he can’t be that bad,” countered Y/N, tossing a pillow in her roommate’s direction. “He’s been nothing but cordial to me. And you have to admit, his hair looks ridiculously soft.”
Silence filled the room as Rena pondered.
“So what you’re saying is that you’re into Draco Malfoy,” she stage whispered.
“‘Into’ is a strong term,” said Y/N, attempting to rein the situation back in. “I’m just saying that I find him perfectly pleasing to look at. That’s all.”
“You’re a dirty liar, you know that, right?” Rena laughed, muffling the sound with her hand as to not wake up the rest of the girls in the Ravenclaw dorms. “I see the way you look at him in Potions. Don’t even try to deny it.”
“I don’t fancy him!” Y/N hissed. “And even if I did, what would it matter?”
“It wouldn’t, I’d understand,” Rena reminded her, sitting up to prop her face on her palm. “You know me, Y/N. No judgment from me. Anyways, you have your first rounds with him tomorrow, right?”
Y/N nodded, forgetting that they were in the dark. “Er, yes. We do, 10 to midnight.”
“Hm.” Even though Y/N couldn’t see Rena’s face, she knew that she was wiggling her eyebrows. “Have fun. Let me know how it goes.”
Y/N would’ve sold her soul to the devil to learn how to wait in a corridor, alone with nothing to do, for someone she’d had a crush on for almost a year. She tried leaning up against the wall, a reasonable distance from the perfect schedules on the wall, nonchalantly levitating a feather that had been on the ground near her when she arrived.
Of course he was late. Of course she was the overly eager one that showed up at 9:55, on the dot.
Swallowing her embarrassment, she shifted her weight away from the wall and began to walk down the corridor with the plan to circle once and return at a more fashionable time. Maybe he would be the one waiting for once. The thought brought a smirk to her face.
Y/N had hardly taken more than three steps before a distinctly male voice broke the silence.
“You’re really gonna start our rounds without me, huh? Didn’t take you for a rule breaker.”
She spun around, swishing her robes around in a desperate attempt to seem intimidating.
Draco Malfoy stood at the end of the corridor, his trademark smirk plastered across his face. She decided that it’d be best to not answer, instead focusing on soothing her burning cheeks.
He raised his eyebrows, clearly expecting a biting comeback. She just rolled her eyes, turning around and continuing her gait.
“About time you showed up,” she shot over her shoulder. She noticed him scowl as he caught up with her, his long legs easily covering the distance.
“I’d suggest being a little more respectful to your partner for the next month,” he sneered, roughly bumping her shoulder. “I’m not one to put up with mouthy Ravenclaws.”
“Shut up, Malfoy,” said Y/N, bumping him harder.
“I’m shocked that, with your lack of manners, they chose you to be a prefect,” Malfoy continued. “But I guess I shouldn’t be. It is Ravenclaw after all; I’m sure you were the best that they could do.”
Y/N sucked a breath in and out, holding her temper back. She couldn’t allow herself to be unraveled at--she checked her watch--10:01. That’d be pathetic. She figured that ignoring it and continuing to walk was the best option.
Why was she even into this git in the first place?
Oh, right...she wasn’t. She was into the fake Draco Malfoy, the one that looked just as great as he did with the same sharp tongue, but also the one that only used his wit in appropriate situations. It was rapidly becoming clear that the fantasy and real versions were growing further and further apart.
They walked in silence for the next 20 minutes, only occasionally interacting. Y/N still harbored the horrible habit of staring at him like a creep, and he caught her in the act multiple times, sending her a sour expression  in return.
The quiet was welcome, however, and it allowed Y/N to run through her review for her Ancient Runes exam the next day.
It was 10:56 when he finally broke the spell.
“What are you plotting?”
“Plotting?” she answered incredulously. “I’m studying. Not plotting.”
“I don’t believe you. You have this look in your eyes.”
“Looking into my eyes now, huh?”
Malfoy rolled his eyes so hard that it almost hurt to watch. “You wish.”
Y/N sighed. “I’m reviewing for the Runes exam tomorrow. Would you like me to include you? Or will you be good and stay quiet?”
Irritation crept back into his face. “You don’t speak to me like that, understand?”
“Or what, Malfoy?” Y/N stopped walking and turned to face him as he halted as well.
Malfoy licked his lips, stepping in uncomfortably close enough for her to feel heat radiating off of his chest.
“You’ll see.” With that, he began walking again. He was no longer making the effort to match the pace of her shorter legs, instead speeding ahead of her quicker than she could manage.
“Hey, wait!”
Y/N jogged to him as he only walked faster, putting more distance in between them.
“Can you please slow down?”
If Malfoy had heard her, he made no indication of it, just turning down another corridor. She picked up her pace, breaking into a run from her uncommitted jog.
“Draco Malfoy! You git!” How she managed to get the words out while she was still running was beyond her, but she was somehow still capable. Rounding the corner, she saw a flash of platinum blonde hair disappear behind another passageway. Determined to not let him desert his prefect duties, she ran even faster, finally coming close enough to snatch his hand and yank it back.
What Y/N hadn’t noticed was how her partner had already ground to a stop moments before. By yanking the boy backwards, he jumped and nearly fell back on her.
“You’re unbelievable,” he spat, righting himself and brushing off his robes. Y/N still clung to his sleeve, just in case he got any ideas.
Her angry thought stream, however, was interrupted when she realized why Malfoy had stopped. A tall mirror was standing in front of them, ornate silver detailing curling around the edges.
“You stopped for a regular old mirror?” Y/N poked at Malfoy. He frowned, gesturing up to the very top of the mirror where the words “ERISED” were woven into the silver engravings.
“Not just any regular mirror.” Malfoy didn’t seem to feel the need to elaborate, seeming to believe that the name itself was adequate explanation.
Y/N studied their reflection. Malfoy stood next to her with her fingers intertwined with his...more or less what she was expecting.
“A regular old mirror with a fancy name, then?” she offered.
Malfoy pulled his gaze away from the mirror, sending her a skeptical gaze. “You mean to say that you don’t see anything different?”
Y/N pulled her gaze away from the reflection herself and looked down at them, noticing that her hand wasn’t actually in his.
She let go of his sleeve and turned to look at the mirror again. Her hand was still clutching his, and the reflection of Draco had moved his body to press into hers as he leaned down to kiss her forehead.
She jerked away from him, staring at him with wide eyes.
“I don’t see anything different,” she told him, hoping he couldn’t decipher the blatant lie.
“So you saw us,” he questioned, stepping one foot closer to her, “Next to each other? With you holding onto me?”
“Yes,” she lied.
“Interesting.” He cocked an eyebrow, his smirk reappearing. “Well, we ought to get back to patrolling.”
final a/n: i don’t think that this is going to be it. i think i’m gonna continue this but i don’t really have time to write the entire fic in one part LOL so we’re gonna have to do with this alright. also here’s to hoping that my tags will work this time???
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vaguely-concerned · 4 years
okay so I’ve been idly thinking about where graves and tf might eventually settle down if they ever had enough of running around dodging the law and bounty hunters at every turn (it’s important to have a pension plan *hollow millennial laughter*) and I’ve come up with something like this: 
- bilgewater, demacia and the freljord are all right out. I’m thinking they’re just too well known in bilgewater -- the whole town did come out to watch them get sunk to the bottom of the ocean and while it is by far my favourite region on runeterra it ain’t no place for old men lol. demacia is no good to anyone connected to magic and also is just... so boring lord almighty, and the freljord is a miserable icy wasteland even for people who grew up there (I say this as a scandinavian) 
- noxus, piltover and zaun are ‘maybe but probably not’s. noxus might be the most likely, just because it’s so darn big that it must be possible to find somewhere out of the way to lie low, but in all these places they’re uh super wanted dead or alive style. piltover’s a stuffy capitalist nightmare so I can’t see them lasting long there, and zaun gives you (magic?) lung cancer with every breath for free, no good
targon is also here because like I guess? but I can’t for the life of me give a shit about that place and I can’t imagine what the hell they’d be doing up there with the demigods and the goatherds     
- which leaves my two most likely candidates: shurima and ionia! they don’t seem to have operated in ionia much if at all and it’s usually pretty chill there, so that should be a safe-ish bet for them, but I guess it all depends on how the new noxian invasion is going to work out eventually. shurima is a similar story -- maybe somewhere along the coast? (which would technically be noxian territory in quite a few places but like very in the outskirts. man noxus is like a mintplant it gets fuckng everywhere) azir is apparently doing some stuff to bring life back to the desert there as well; I have no idea what kind of time frames that works on but it might be a factor down the line. 
(alternatively considering their sort of nomadic backgrounds and how they might not vibe with thinking of ‘home’ as one specific place exactly: they keep travelling from place to place except mostly where no one actively wants to kill them, maybe with the runeterran equivalent of a camper van because that would be hilarious)  
I suppose a more apt question would be whether they’d ever mellow out enough with age and successful heists to manage to actually settle down and find other interests to occupy their time, without the urge to do something huge and flashy and illegal getting the better of them haha. I sort of want them to pull off a job that’s so wildly, cosmically big that anything else they could try really does seem like peanuts in comparison and then they idk use some of their ill-gotten gains to have a little farm or a nice place by the sea or something and be the weird but cool gay uncles to the kids in the nearby village    
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