#as they're all the signs that appear around the village
nsharks · 10 months
bleeding blue | apocalypse au
part twelve —other parts
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pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem!reader words: 3k tags: *hint at sexual assault. please be cautious!* death. blood. cannibalism mention. zombies of course. AFAB reader. single dad ghost. there will be sex but it isn't here yet. slow burn!!! enemies to lovers. summary: After losing your companions, you run into a skull-masked man and his daughter. They are your last hope for survival.
Dense mud packs onto the soles of your boots. You shift the near-empty backpack on your shoulder and slip back a few sweat-laced strands of hair from your face. Never before were you a morning person. In fact, you used to purposely sign up for all the afternoon lectures in uni. But now, time and sunlight are precious. You set out to search for the camp this morning with only a sliver of sunrise as your companion. 
You hope Ghost was right.
He suspected that their camp would be situated in a location with easy access to the military base, river, and nearby village so they could draw resources from all three. So that's the direction you're headed in, squinting at nearby landmarks and interstate signs to help guide you. It's quite the hike: grueling, hilly terrain and moist air that you can't distinguish from your own sweat. You've stepped over some interesting sights along the way. An old forest station with CAMP FEES and LEAVE NO TRACE posters still outside. A small skeleton tucked in a bush with only child-sized rainboots left on it. For a moment, you saw Joseph. Toddling around in the puddles outside your sister’s house. You had to force yourself not to look at it for too long; you wiped your eyes, gritted your teeth, and prayed it had been painless for them.
You come to a narrow creek, crossing over a stone bridge that spits you out among dense evergreens. Finally, a faint column of smoke comes into view just above the forest's canopy. 
That must be it.
It's certainly a sign, so you suck in a shaky breath, ignore the rush of blood in your veins, and do what Ghost suggested: climb a tree to get a better look. 
There was a time not long ago when climbing trees was your only means of survival. This time, it feels so much easier to hoist yourself up and grip the bark as your muscles flex to steady yourself on a high branch. Luckily, there wasn't much to bring in the backpack Ghost gave you. For now, there's nothing in it other than your lighter, a roll of gauze, that romance book, and a small piece of dry wood. 
Squinting your gaze, you make out the silhouette of triangular, orange tents and uneven fencing. Definitely a camp. The fence doesn't appear barbed from here, but it's at least a meter higher than the one that surrounds Ghost's place. You're close enough to see a few blue crates in the center that look like those ones from the military medical site. Is that what they're keeping the supplies in? It seems like the only obvious place based on the layout.
What you really want to know is how many people. Soundlessly, you shift your boots to get a different angle and finally spot movement coming out of one of the tents— a sizeable male wearing a leather jacket.
Is that it?
Your eyes stay locked on the stranger for a minute, tracking his movement as he cooks something over the fire. He gives out a long whistle, the high-pitched sound audible even from where you stand nestled in the treetop. Panic seizes your breath: did he somehow see you and is alerting someone else? But no— you're much too far, and his eyes never shifted in your direction. 
Instead, there's more movement, the faint shuffling of paws on the ground, and then a large dog appears at the man's side. He tosses something in front of it, what must be a slab of meat, because the dog is quick to start chowing down with the enthusiasm of a mindless Grey.
"Fuck me," you whisper to yourself, fingertips splintering against the bark. "Couldn't prepare me for that, huh, Ghost?"
The plan he instructed you with is fairly simple and straightforward— you'll just have to stick to it and be mindful of the additional obstacle. You've survived much worse even just a few days ago, so with that in mind, you slip down the column of the tree and purposefully backtrack your steps, gaining a bit more distance between you and the camp. 
You need a ruse, something to draw the man out for enough time for you to grab the ammo. Ghost told you to bring the book to help get a fire started since the twigs and leaves here are damp after the storm, so you find a good spot and start ripping out the pages, crumpling them up. You arrange the piece of wood and paper in such a way that you have a minute or two before the smoke really gets going. You pull out your lighter from the pocket of your jeans, start it, and then head back towards the camp, this time going around so you can approach it from the side. 
You keep your footsteps as light as possible while moving quickly. Once the man notices the smoke and leaves to scout it out, your timer starts. There's another whistle followed by a gravelly bark from the dog. You sneak close to the side of the fence, pausing behind a tree, just when you catch a glance of the stranger shucking a rifle over his shoulder and exiting out the gate. He shuts it behind him with a series of padlocks.
It won't take him long to find the source of the smoke and realize it's nothing, so you muster all your strength and begin climbing the fence, rusty links digging into your palms. You try to do it without making much noise, but the moment you jump down with a thud, the dog's head snaps in your direction. It begins to growl, flashing thick canines under its bloodied muzzle. You break out into a sprint toward the blue crates, but it crosses the span of the camp in mere seconds, clamping down on your forearm before you can even begin to look for the ammo.
The pain is white hot. You silently cry out as the dog shakes its head, tearing through the fabric of your coat and the tissue of your muscle. 
You tug at your arm, but it doesn't let go. Remembering the piece of squirrel meat you brought as a snack, you dig it from your pocket and wag it in front of the dog's face.
"Come on, let go— please."
It's enough to catch his attention, the bite on your arm loosening once you toss the meat a few meters away and he follows it. You clutch your arm with a ragged breath, ignoring the blood and pain that radiates from it.
The squirrel can only distract him for so long, so you urgently flip open the lid of the first crate. Staring back at you is a mix of what appears to be severed limbs and various animal parts. The pungent smell floods up your nose. You instantly clamp the lid back down, fighting the urge to vomit, and move on to the next one. 
Plenty of it.
Without a second to waste, you sling off the backpack and begin stuffing it with the cardboard packs of cartridges, hoping it's the kind Ghost needs. When you tug the zipper closed, a decision pops into your brain: to keep looking through the other crates for medicine, or to get the fuck out of there. You take a millisecond too long to think about it because suddenly, you notice the dog from the corner of your eye, done with the meat and moving towards you with another throaty growl. 
You tug the heavy backpack on and make a beeline for the closest side of the fence. In the panic, you fail to notice the creak of the gate opening until you are stumbling into a hard chest. A strong hand wraps around your bicep.
He's back.
This is it, then.
"Rocky— sit."
The growling behind you ceases. A whole new fear washes over you as you blink up at a rugged face. The stranger uses his other hand to take hold of your jaw, hard enough that your teeth are forced to grind together. In a heart-pounding silence, he inspects you, bluntly looking you up and down. Then, he takes out a knife and presses it to your neck. Your throat bobs against the icy metal. 
"Fucking bitch," he mutters. "Start a fire to try and steal from me?"
"N-no!" Your brain reels for a lie. "No— I don't know what you're talking about. I-I came here looking for help."
"Try a better lie, sweetheart." 
"I mean it," you stammer, holding onto the fact that he hasn't slit your throat yet. Raw desperation speaks for you. "My… my friends are gone. Someone attacked us a few days ago and killed them. I've been alone ever since and then I found your camp, hoping someone would be here to help me."
This seems to grab his attention. Dark eyes narrow. It's now you realize he's quite young, maybe in his thirties.
"Someone attacked you, huh? Who?"
"Um, some guy. I don't know. I didn't get a good look at him because he was… he was wearing a mask."
"So some guy killed all your friends by himself?" When you slowly nod, cringing at your terrible story, his jaw flexes. "I've lost my friends, too. They went out on a hunting trip three days ago and haven't come back."
"Oh. I'm sorry," you lie, swallowing. "So you… so you believe me?"
"I believe your friends are dead. I don't believe you didn't start that fire to distract me."
His words make your heart race. Again, his eyes trail down, and the knife follows, lowering to the floral fabric of your blouse and popping open one of the buttons. 
"Take it off," he suddenly orders. 
"The shirt. Take it off. Let me decide if I should kill you or keep you."
You put on a brave face and do as he says, not given much room to protest despite the sick feeling that twists your gut. You drop the backpack, half-inclined to swing it at him, but then what? There is no way you can take him in a fight, especially since he's armed with a knife and gun, and there is no Grey this time to help you out. 
The coat falls to the ground at your feet before you shakily undo the buttons of your blouse, wincing from the movement of your bitten arm. Crisp air greets your bare skin. Your nipples tighten uncomfortably and his gaze darts right to them, intensifying the churn in your stomach. 
He gives a low whistle. "Lucky me."
Your nails jab crescents into the palms of your hands. "Am I… am I worth keeping, then?"
He bears a sick, toothy smile. "Pretty for a thief," he confirms. "Haven't seen someone so pretty in a few years now." His eyes flash to your arm and he reaches to grab it, making you choke. "Hell, Rocky. You gave her an ugly bite, though. Might get in the way of what I have in mind for you."
Half-naked, you are dragged by the arm to one of the blue crates. He slips the knife into his pocket in order to search through it. You notice pills, liquids, and a single glass bottle of what appears to be clear alcohol, which he pulls out along with a cloth.
"Tell me your name," he says, forcing you to sit down on a folding chair. "Before I enjoy you.”
You tell him quietly.
With an eery gentleness, he sits across from you and dabs the bite with some alcohol. The sting is immeasurable, but you roll your eyes to the sky and silence yourself. The feel of his cold, calloused fingers makes you imagine how they would feel touching other parts of your body. You need to think of something quick before he gets the chance to. He still has the gun on him, and the only knife you brought is in the jacket on the ground. Your eyes flicker to the bottle, which he set down by the leg of his chair.
"What's your name?" you ask, looking back at him.
"So, um, Leo— how did you end up here?"
"I was a new recruit in the military when shit started five years ago," he explains idly, fixated on your arm. "Stationed at the base nearby."
"I saw medical tents there," you mutter, clearing your throat. "Did you help with that?"
He chuckles. "For all of a day until some buddies and I decided to take what we could and leave. There was no point in trying to help people. We figured that out pretty quick."
"Oh. Were those the buddies who haven't come back?" 
He nods. "I'm sure they're dead by now. But, one good thing is," he reaches for the gauze, sniggering lowly, "—that means I don't have to share you."
As he begins to unwrap the gauze, you decide he’s distracted enough. It happens in one, urgent motion. You clasp the alcohol bottle by the neck, arch it above his head, and thrust it down. The glass shatters, drenching him with alcohol and blood as a piece slices open his forehead. He immediately drops the gauze and hisses in pain.
"Bitch," he snarls. "I'm going to fucking kill you!"
He leaps to his feet and pulls the knife out again. As he does, you dig the lighter out of your pocket and ignite a flame, bringing it to his soaked shoulder. Instantly, fire flashes up his neck and face in hues of orange and blue, even catching your wet fingertips. It renders him blind as he howls and tries to swing at you, but you immediately run away, rubbing your burned hand against your jeans.
You grab your discarded clothes and backpack before flinging open the crate with medicine in it. You begin stuffing as many bottles into the side pockets of the backpack as you can, breathing frantically.
"I'm going to kill you," he seethes again, and the firing of a bullet somewhere behind you means he must have grabbed his rifle.
But he still can't see, his eyes blistered by the flames that continue to lick his face. Each shot bites the ground as you heave the backpack on your shoulders and take off toward the fence.
The dog barks, louder and louder as he runs after you. You don't look back. You wad your clothes up in a ball and toss them over the fence to free up your hands. Then, you quickly climb up, the muscles in your face tightly clenched as the full backpack weighs you down. 
You're too slow. 
Teeth grab hold of your boot.
You're pulled back down, hands spreading out to break the fall. 
In the mud, you wrestle beneath a snarling jaw, dirtying up your hair and exposed skin. This time, you don't hesitate to hurt the animal. You grab your lighter again and thrust the flame into the dog's eye, making it leap back with a pained squeal. 
Freed, you scramble back up the fence.
You leap down. Grab your clothes
You can still hear him shouting as you run away, weaving through the thicket of trees. Only when the sound fades do you stop to catch your breath, sinking down against a tree and putting your clothes back on.
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A moan of relief escapes your lips the moment you shrug off the backpack and drop it at Ghost's feet. He crouches down, swearing under his breath when he unzips it and the ammo practically spills out. He grabs a few boxes, opening and inspecting them under the violet light of sunset. The walk back took you hours longer. You were almost tempted to sleep in a tree for the night, but the threat of Greys or any more strangers kept you going. 
"Good. This is good, Twix." There's a hint of disbelief in his voice before he clears it away, zipping the backpack up. He stands and offers a lengthy look from your head to your boots. "How many were there?"
"Just one."
"Just one," he repeats, brow lifting. "And you look this roughed up. What happened?"
"There was a dog," you say dully, lifting your arm up to show him the bitemark in your sleeve. Beneath it, you already bandaged the wound, not wanting to draw attention to its scent. “Just a dog and a cannibal rapist guy."
You shake your head. "Nothing. I'm going to sleep."
Before you can take a step past him, warm fingers latch onto your wrist. So warm. You inhale a breath, a burn of moisture lining your eyes.
“Please don’t touch me," you request in a harsher whisper than you intend.
You can no longer see the details of him with how bleary your eyes are, but you feel his touch disappear.
"What happened?" he asks again, voice lowering.
"Nothing. I got your ammo and I handled it. When can we leave?"
There is a pause before he responds as if he is debating whether or not to drop the subject. For now, he does.
"Tomorrow, hopefully."
"Good." The back of your hand smooths over your eyes. "Don't— don't forget our deal, Ghost. Promise me."
A firm nod. "I don't back out on my word."
As if to prove it, he shucks off the jacket and hands it over.
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veintrry · 1 year
diluc before he realises how he feels for you.
tagz: gn!reader, fluff, hcs, drabble, they/them prns used (but they're literally like used once so 😭), nothing about the readers appearance is specified expect hair but that's only an if.
an: THIS ONES FOR MY MAN DILUC BCS HE GETS WRITTEN OFF AS A COLD MF TOO OFTEN 💯💯 but seriously he's such a sweetheart it kills me. me writing this at midnight with my eyes popping out of my sockets like a lunatic.
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Diluc who doesn't even notice how the corners of his lip quirk up whenever he hears you talk, listening to you ramble about an event as you stay seated at Angel's Share. Your voice soothing him as he works his magic behind the bar, making drinks and offering an ear to people and an eye to the bard and his growing bill. But you make it bearable and make his heart softer that he might just forgive the bard for his bill if he keeps prompting conversations with you.
Diluc who offers to help you train, duelling you with wooden swords, rid from his black wool coat, his arms bare as he dons his sleeveless white button up. He ensures to not injure you, however he does dedicate himself to training you properly, making you feel as though you were in a real duel. He makes sure you take breaks, he prepares drinks and food from Good Hunter and Dawn Winery just for the two of you as you chat over lunch. He gives you tips and advice, helps your form, ties your hair up (if it's long or gets in your way). And even though he seems so composed he feels his heart thump the closer you are and he thinks maybe it's the thrill of the fight, or the proud he feels recognising your improvement, but he can't explain why he feels so light when he takes care of himself so well and why his breath stops when you compliment his swordsmanship or his teaching skills.
Diluc who writes you letters back regarding your concerns for him on his trips away from Mondstadt, cleansing your worries and reassuring you'd he be back and bring you something as well. He who roams town's, markets, villages and buys something instantly the moment it reminds him of you. He who searches for flowers that only grow in the soil of their land to send to you so you too could appreciate their beauty and be enraptured by it just as he is by you. He who spends ages re-reading your letters, his eyes glazing your writing and it's detail that made it unique before his eyes glue to your name, signing it off.
Diluc who is at your door when he notices how he hadn't seen you all day. Who comes with medicine, groceries, including the small things you like. He who offers you a room at the Winery so that you'd have people tend to you and so he can make sure you aren't overworking yourself too hard and even though he's the one that suggested it the idea of knowing he'd be waking up in the same place as you, only a few spaces apart makes him slightly nervous on how you'd perceive him. He who whenever you need comfort is the first to be there, not even having to say any words, only pulling you into his warmth and letting you release yourself.
Diluc who's brother is first to notice his behaviour towards you, causing him to look at the redhead with a knowing look, a glint in his eyes that told the coated man that he not only knew something, but it was something that Kaeya found to be useful information. Though, they are brothers, so after he hints at the the underlying truth he'll tell Diluc outright when you're not around. "Can't I be happy for my brother?" his voice teasing as he beckons the older boy to press further. "What is there to be happy for?" A raise of his brow is in unison with his apparent confusion. Kaeya has to hold back a laugh though it creeps into his smile and when he speaks again his eye meet directly with crimson gems,
"Luc', You like them."
And everything stops for a while as he registers it. And though he wishes to say that he is upset that his brother is the one to have been the reason for his realisation, he can't help but feel a bit joyful to know he harbored such feelings for you. Things slightly made more sense now.
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newkatzkafe2023 · 8 months
What If Monkey Y/N was like the beldam she fell in love with the Monkey king and would make her world fit what his ideals would be and if he wants to stay forever she'll just put buttons in his eyes.
Oh Dangerous monkey Beldam (Y/N) Who's a little Delusional due to loneliness.
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(Lmk Wukong) Man it's been tough on Wukong lately. After the search for the samahi fire, the whole being possessed thing and fighting lady bone demon! Yeah he was If exhausted mentally and physically. It's been a few months since then and now their was a minor issue. Tang has brought up that stray men have been Disappearing all over the city. It sounded Suspicious But he didn't think too much on it into a Mysterious doll that looked creepily like him Was discovered by one of the baby monkeys. And with it a just as strange key
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(MK Reborn Wukong) Man, he is getting Sick Of It All being disrespected, being insulted, Being told what to do is just not for him. This is not what he signed up for and he hates it. He heard some rumors going around about men disappearing all over the village And he was slightly worried about his master until Fruity found a doll that looked exactly like him It came with a monkey shaped key too.
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(Nezha Reborn Wukong) This old man has seen alot but he's never seen anything like this. Li has informed him that men have been Disappearing from downtown. This Was starting to be a problem Because a lot of them were husbands Grief stricken wives appeared on television every day begging for their husbands so come home. Nobody knows what happens Therefore nobody can get closure. Wukong and Li felt bad for the Wives then one night As Wukong Hung out by himself a mysterious package was dropped off at the Garage. when Wukong opened it It was doll version of himself And with it was a key.
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(HIB Wukong) Wukong has been listening to Pigsy and Liuer panic about the village men that have been going missing. Wukong Thought the 2 were making a big deal out of nothing They're going to be just a coincidence. Some people are just moving away to other villages. It happens all the time. It's fine. Reassures them that everything will blow over and a little while. But one night as he was Was relaxing by himself he comes across a doll version of himself And a strange monkey shape key.
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(Netflix Wukong) He had been hearing rumors about what's been going on in the village. Men have been disappearing left and right both humans and demons. Lin Also had been Bringing it up to him as the disappearances have been getting out a hand. She's worried that he'll be the next go missing. Of course monkey king was confident that whatever is happening won't Happen to him.oh how right Lin was when A doll version of him and a key appeared next to his home one day.
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Feel Free to Reblog😇👍
Know that there will be a part 2
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i-got-too-many-links · 8 months
tell me about the Ganondorf/Link ship 👀
Hi anon!
So I ship Ganlink in many of the canon universes, but the one I'll talk about here will be Twilight Princess, my favorite iteration of Ganondorf as well as Link. I'm putting a lot of the Manga's backstory onto Link. In this instance, Ganondorf's invasion of the castle is successful, and Link is captured.
Ganondorf makes the first move, with Link in a cell a la Peach and Bowser and just kind of talking at him. He doesn't hurt him because where's the gratification in that? He won. He had exiled the princess to the desert and sent the ruler of the Twilight packing back to her realm. There wouldn't be any pleasure from torturing the hero any further.
Link learns that Ganondorf's motivations are entirely centered around saving his people from the harsh desert. He learns that the King of Hyrule denied him and his people asylum as well as supplies to keep them alive.
Link doesn't speak at all (I headcanon him as selectively mute due to a combination of gender dysphoria (he's trans) and a HORRENDOUS stutter that people made fun of) and he's shocked that Ganondorf appears to respect that.
Ganondorf at least attempts to get him to speak, but it's surpringly not that forceful. "You are not much of a talker, are you, Chosen?" And a shake of his head gets Ganondorf thinking.
Ganondorf starts learning Hylian Sign Language in the hopes he can get Link talking.
The first thing Link asks him once he realizes Ganondorf understands his signing is if he's the last of his people. Ganondorf seems angered by this, but the anger ebbs away quite quickly to a somber sort of look, and he sits down in a chair outside the cell. The conversation goes something like this:
"You're the last of your tribe... aren't you?"
"... Yes."
"I'm sorry."
"It is no fault of yours what happened to my people."
"If it helps... I'm the last of my tribe, too."
"Your small village in the forest would suggest otherwise."
"They aren't my tribe. They took me in several years before this all happened."
Link shares what happened in the city he destroyed by pulling that sword. Ganondorf appears to be sympathetic. He opens the cell door and releases Link's limbs from their chains. He fully expects the smaller male to strike him and run, but... the hero merely sits on the stone instead. Ganondorf sits across from him.
"Why did you not run?"
"What's the point? I've got nowhere to go."
"Your village?"
"They think I'm dead. Besides, nobody would want some washed up hero who failed the one task he was given."
Ganondorf winces at this. It is his fault, after all.
"Was it even your choice to begin with? This task?"
"If given the choice, would you have done the same?"
Link's sign is much more snappy this time. "No."
So... not only had this boy failed in his goddess-ordained task, but he hadn't even wanted to do it in the first place.
"The goddesses have a cruel way of pawning about their chosen."
"Could've figured that out on my own." A bitter glare from the hero.
"Come." Ganondorf stands up, gesturing Link to come with him.
And so, Ganondorf outfits Link in something OTHER than green, he puts him in blue. Gives him his own room in the castle. Allows him to come and go as he pleases. And when Link inevitably leaves the castle, the people swarm him and ask him how he escaped. And they're shocked when he says,
"He let me go."
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t34-mt · 1 year
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orginally in ms paint, then quickly experimented with the brushes of krita on it today, worldbuilding text about the piece under ->
southern kyhuine taking a break in the afternoon after a training session with this large calf. Surely around his village as just lying down on their stomach (a sign of relaxation) would never occur in wild areas, because kyhuines need to stay alert of their surrounding.
the headpiece is made of bones, that are sanded down, and then painted on. it is originally a thing from the kyhuines of the salt desert (a dried-out sea that contains well, salt, and many fossils), which are located up to the south so technically "northern". tho they are not called northern in world, and are referred to as salt kyhuines.
the concept of south, west, east, and north is kind of not right, as kyhuines are from the middle of the mega continent of altuyur. they used to have a restricted view of the world with a map that was quite small and not even aware that oceans existed at these times, they did not venture out to certain chains of mountains which is why it took so long for the "first contacts" to happen with maanuls. Old maanuls maps, only map out some coasts the rest being vague and the middle being completely empty of information. Both species would have that similar phrase to call non-mapped parts, "beyond the beyond"
I put first contact in "" because it is implied that it did happen maybe thousands of centuries ago, during what their equivalent of prehistory is (history for them does not start with the appearance of writing). Because there is cave art in coastal regions that show maanuls interacting with badly drawn little things that sort for assemble kyhuines, the same goes for kyhuines in their desert biomes, having cave art of them interacting with weird giants. But these happened so long ago that they're not documented in history apart from these odd pieces of art, so with time passing each species thought these were just drawings of spirits, or with time turning these into cryptids.
So funnily enough some cultures had cryptids of something that for them was a legend to then at late AOS or GA realize that these cryptids kind of reassemble the opposite species that they're in contact with now
a bit of ramble but yeah, thank you for reading! not sure how clear this can all sound without having a map to show it, i still have no idea how to draw one id love a beautiful one but hmhm i don't know how
edit: also the square shapes on the clothe means health, so with a dot in it its sort of like "good health", clothings can have symbols to give good luck. The square for kyhuines during GA became a wide symbol across cultures to signify health because in others it could mean something else, so medics of GA with uniforms would have that square symbol on their arm or somewhere else where it would easily be seen
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y-rhywbeth2 · 10 months
Lore: Tieflings
Link to Disclaimer and other lore babblings
Featuring: The two types of tiefling (Orin belongs to one of them, actually) The other races' equivalents to tieflings Various ancestors of tieflings The 2e tiefling trait chart that I miss with all my soul My inability to be 100% neutral about certain 4e changes Tiefling Homelands, such as they are
Tieflings belong to a category known as the Planetouched; mortals descended from beings native to the outer planes. TIeflings are descended from the evil-aligned Lower Planes and at this point can be split into the newer Asmodeus tieflings and the original "generic" tieflings. (Other races have produced fiendish planetouched. Tanarukk are orcs of fiendish descent; Elven-demon hybrids called the fey'ri, or daemonfey; Dwarven descendants of the offspring of devils are maeluth; and wisplings are halflings of demonic descent.)
The original, generic tieflings are humans with a fiend or an evil deity from one of the Lower Planes in their family tree.
They appear as regular humans, usually with only one or two odd traits giving away their ancestry. Black feathers growing from their shoulders, glowing red eyes, a tail, making plants decay in their presence... wings...
The bloodline begins with the half-mortal child of a fiend or deity (a cambion, or a bhaalspawn, for example). They go on to have offspring with mortals and the child is a tiefling. The tiefling grandchild's line may continue to dilute with human blood until it seemingly disappears...
...until suddenly, possibly hundreds of years later, a family's new baby is born with six fingers or a tail or something and the village is talking about drowning the "devil" in the village stream. With a lack of understanding of what's happening, and a lot of fear, the family themselves usually reject their own child. There are only a few places in the Realms where a planetouched birth isn't considered an aberration (I'll talk about them towards the end).
The outlook for tieflings is... not good.
"Occasionally a tiefling is born to someone indifferent to its appearance, determined to redeem it, willing to exploit it, or evil enough not to care about its nature, and these tieflings are most likely to survive to adulthood." - Races of Faerûn
Even if their physical traits are not obvious, tieflings become aware from an early age that they are different, as the essence of the Lower Planes in their blood tries to compel them and they often have "strange needs, desires or urges." They can ignore these urges to be any alignment they so chose. Unfortunately, as the world around them hates them, they tend to grow up to be bitter and mistrustful; they're not terribly inclined to help people they expect to run them off in an angry mob. Some of them embrace their impulses, seeing as they're just going to be seen as monsters anyway.
Their ancestry can be from various categories:
Deities: Beshaba, goddess of misfortune is one of the more known ancestors of tieflings. Her descendants are marked by white hair and deer antlers growing from their heads. Mask, god of thieves is another ancestor; Maskarian tieflings cast no reflections. Bhaal's tieflings show no outward signs, but have inclinations towards violence and an obsession with death.
Baatezu; Devils, the Lawful Evil fiends of the Nine Hells. Erinyes (fallen angels with black wings), gelugons (ice insects) and pit fiends (giant scaly red monsters with horns) are the most common ancestors. They enjoy strict hierarchies, complicated plots, rules and contracts with lots of smallprint.
Tanar'ri: Demons, the Chaotic Evil fiends of the Infinite Layers of the Abyss ("If there's anything you don't like, you'll find it here."). The most common demonic ancestors are Mariliths (giant sexy snake warrior ladies with six arms and swords) and Succubi (who were strictly demons, until 5e decided the devils needed a soul-stealing sex monster even though they already had those and they were the exact same thing as a succubus (Brachina)). Where devils enjoy playing with contracts and mind games and the slow descent into corruption, demons are pure hunger/lust and chaos and usually go for the fast track to corruption. Orgies and mindless over-the-top violence, both at the same time, if possible. ["Devils and demons hate each other" is the biggest understatement the universe knows, and the two have been at war since basically the dawn of time. It's called the Blood War and it will never end. They are instinctually driven to destroy each other, and this is also built into their tiefling descendants.]
Other: Fiends who fall into no other category. There is actually a third category - Yugoloths, the Neutral Evil fiends, but they don't seem to make tieflings that I've seen. Night Hags are a common enough ancestor, and tieflings descended from them often have blue/violet skin, likened to the colour of bruises. Rakshasa are another one; cat eyes and occasionally fur turning up on them.
3.5e gave them a set of traits they all shared: higher reflexes; a boost to their intelligence stat (for some reason?); the ability to see in total darkness; to create areas of pitch black supernatural darkness; they were less affected by the cold and electric shocks, and their flesh and skin was slightly fire retardant. Sometimes they had an affinity for certain animals, or had wings.
Back in 2e, Tieflings were all unique and could manifest some of any number of random traits. Behold! The chart!
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And then, amongst the various shit that went down as the setting was burned down around us all in 4e, Asmodeus - Archdevil of the Ninth Hell, Ruler of the Nine Hells - killed the god Azuth and elevated himself to godhood. He "defeated" the Tanar'ri in the (eternal!) Blood War and celebrated by having a circle of warlocks known as "the Toril Thirteen" to create a new strain of tieflings descended from him to remind the world to fear him. This would be fine, except he did this by ruining overwriting all the pre-existing tieflings so that they would now all be descended from him and ALL have their varied, often subtle, appearances be changed to be red skinned people with goat horns and tails regardless of if that made any FUCKIGN sense. How do you overwrite a Night Hag or Mask or.the goddamn Mulhorandi pantheon The hells and Asmodeus have zero - ZERO, connection! He has no claim-.
Asmodeus exerts no control over "his" tieflings, however, they are simply marked by his power. People do not like them any better than the originals, but less of them are getting killed at birth now due to being born into families of other tieflings.
The ancestry of these tieflings does not dilute over time. The child of an Asmodeus tiefling is another tiefling.
By 15th century DR (5e) the Blood War is back on and the original tieflings have begun to re-emerge in Toril, but the majority are still the Asmodeus type.
The generic tieflings are rare enough that the majority can go their entire lives without meeting another of their kind. Asmodeus' tieflings are uncommon, but prone to being found in small groups.
Tieflings are "persecuted and feared in most of Faerûn." (Though the gods don't give a damn, and are happy enough to manifest to them in dreams in tiefling form to the delight of the religiously inclined)
There are, however, places where they are more common.
Back before it blew up (4e!) Thay had an unusually high tiefling population. "Thayan tieflings [were] usually the grandchildren of powerful wizards, birthed as part of some power scheme, and usually [spent] their lives as slaves or pawns to both sides of the family." Obviously, these tieflings became Asmodeus tieflings due to the ritual. Afterwards the lich Szass Tam decided to turn everybody undead. Some living people returned to Thay, once it was habitable again post-Spellplague (despite still being full of liches and vampires), so there may be some Thayan tieflings remaining. TIefling descendants of the refugees of Thay can also be found in the surrounding countries. Aglarond, mostly, since Rashamen has a decidedly negative history with Thay. Mulhorand is another land with a tiefling population. Mulhorand is Ancient Egypt. Not like fantasy-equivalent to Ancient Egypt, like they're actually the descendants of Ancient Egyptians who ended up in Toril (side effect of ancient wizards kidnapping people from other worlds to enslave). Mulhorandi planetouched are the descendants of the local gods, who once ruled the country themselves when it was first founded, and the mixture of aasmiar, genasi and tieflings is significant enough to make up 2% of the total population. In the case of tieflings, that usually means their grandfather/ancestor is Set, Anhur or Sobek. Historically the priesthoods of Mulhorand enjoyed bickering, which would've been annoying as the descendant of their god/their god's enemy, but the pantheon has told them to knock it off nowadays.
Mulhorandi tieflings have their own naming conventions, taking surnames based on their ancestor; Zia or Sia preceding the god's name. Ziasobek or Sianhur, for example. In the North, Neverwinter was once host to a cult dedicated to Asmodeus (the Ashmadai) that lead to a rise in tieflings, and since that offers an opportunity to blend in with their own kind the city attracted more tiefling immigrants, and as such has a fair sized population now.
I'm also taking a third option: immigrants from the outer planes would be unusual, but tieflings are out there and some of them may decide to move to Faerûn for some reason.
Sigil is a city at the centre of the universe built into the inside of a giant ring at the top of an infinite spire that has no beginning or end. It's also the nexus point of the universe, is covered in portals and its markets have goods from everywhere in known existence. It's population also comes from everywhere in existence, so tieflings are not such an oddity. Culturally it's rather like a fantasy parody of corrupt cockney Victorianesque(?) London, if the entirety of D&D moved there.
Tieflings can also be found living in the Lower Planes themselves, usually as canon fodder in the Blood Wars.
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akuma-tenshi · 4 months
i think you should do the template with seastar you should infodump i think its good for the soul
they make me literally SO ill oh my goddddd
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seastar was actually created before the voyage of oceanus event, meaning frederick's characterisation and story doesn't entirely line up with that of the benefactor. while i do adore his character in that event, the story @sunset-of-the-void and i created is very special to me too <3
long story short, they're both ghosts. emil died long before they met, while frederick died a little while after they fell in love. you know how ghosts are essentially bound to something that's important to them?? they're bound to one another, the "pact" sealed with rings (they're married. they're... they're married. that's basically it).
shortly before his death, frederick had a vision of mary (her night tides skin specifically), and drowned trying to reach her. while the event was tragic, he took the occurrence as a sign that she was still out there, and currently searches the seas with emil, looking for her. no luck yet, but uh... good luck to them. during their search, they visit places all over the world, night markets and carnivals and beaches and villages, seeing things they never would have seen when they were alive, and frederick has been studying the ocean and marine life while emil charts and watches the stars.
both have a sort of glow to them in certain situations. emil seems to shine in the moonlight, seemingly thousands of stars scattered on his face like freckles, through his clothes like gems, looking like the night sky given human form. meanwhile frederick appears almost bioluminescent underwater, with a ghostly blue glow to him that can be seen even from above the surface.
void and i have a lot of emilerick pairings. dragon hunter and fugitive, coa7, all sorts of other au's, but honestly?? i think seastar might be my favourite. that's probably not surprising, considering... everything, but they're so fucking special to me. their story, the scenarios we've dreamt up (i'll get around to writing the story behind their rings someday.........), their fucking designs, i love them dearly. tysm for the opportunity to infodump about them please expect me to be infinitely worse about them once adhd stops kicking my ass and i can start actually writing something
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sharpedgedfool · 2 years
Hello I was just wondering if we could get some more stuff and ideas about the sonadow future museum au (im just going to call it that cuz thats shorter)
heres a quick sketch cuz I really liked the designs👍
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AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YES YOU CAN AND IL OVE UR STYLE WITH IT???? I love how uncle-chuck-esc Sonic looks it's the exact vibe I wanted him to have 10/10
I'm in the process of writing this au as an actual story but I'm barely a chapter in yet, but I'll give some more snippets about Shadow and a page of sketches! (its a long read im so sorry but thank you for the ask!!)
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Shadow goes by 'Oliver' as his fake name, he took it from a book he read once and liked the cover. They use He/They pronouns and identifies as something non-binary, he's not in a rush to label himself (they joke they've enough to label around the museum)
He lived as a vagabond until settling in Rainmeadow Town, and being taken in by the museum's solo-curator Beatrice, who's a field mouse with a physical disability and was unable to fully access the museum after she took it over from the previous owners.
Shadow adored museums as it was one of the only places he could visit freely so he has a soft spot, and Beatrice was so nice to him so he stayed to help restore it and got too attached he ended up settling down there. He was anxious at first, but its been five years and he's comfortable living there now
He lived with Beatrice for two years, before managing to earn enough from odd-jobs to buy out the small apartment above the local B&B
He has a stray cat he's taken in who wanders around town when he's at work. The cat is known to be vicious but is a sweetheart around Shadow, somewhat mimicking Shadows own demeaner
He dresses himself as unassuming as possible, and that sometimes makes himself a target for any outsiders of the village He gets tired out easily, due to them restricting their energy so much, but they can still fight viciously (almost feral after so many years outside of civilisation) for a short amount of time though would prefer to run. Shadow also needs rest throughout the day
Due to his tight inhibitor rings, Shadows red stripes and eyes have all dimed to a dull grey, his blood however remains a harsh green so he has to be diligent to ensure he doesn't injure himself in front of anyone. If he loosened his rings they would rapidly shift back to a red and he would regain energy to use his abilities, but he hides them and is extremely paranoid about his true identity
He likes to read and cook, and has a habit of reading while walking around even in the dark. He cooks meals for his cat and refuses to give them cat food from a can
He's a huge coffee fan, and loves brewing it himself with the manual machines at home (but also will still absolutely eat the beans straight if it's been a long day)
They haven't 'aged' but they've 'grown bigger' through mutation, their spines and fur are longer so they appear more mature even if internally he hasn't changed much.
He's always wanted a motorbike, but couldn't travel with one and can't afford the upkeep
Their glasses are generic reading glasses that he doesn't really need, but he finds it grounding to have them in his vision (he feels hidden behind them)
Rainmeadow is a known queer-safe town, despite it's remoteness, and the museum has a hall they regularly hold events in (Shadow is fond of the rollerskate hang-outs they schedule)
He has frequent panic attacks and extreme anxiety, they're selectively mute and uses sign (I use BSL when I'm drawing it out) and can't be around large groups of people for too long. He lets Beatrice work at the front of the museum and he lurks around in the back, people jokingly call him a 'shadow' often (and he's gotten used to the fear that shoots down his spine at the mention of his name)
No one knows of his origins, though Beatrice knows some of his vagabond experiences and topics that makes him uneasy
Shadow has met Rouge a handful of times. When he was saving money, he was contacted by her due to his experience in the museum. Due to his lack of background information, she assumed he had been involved in criminal activity and needed his knowledge on artefacts and assistance in restoring something. Shadow agreed reluctantly, but despite his uncertainty he enjoyed working on the things she brought and Rouge found his genuine interest in history and lack of concern for her intentions to be good company. Shadow became her main contact for these things (though she rarely needs his help) and the two are on good terms despite not being close
Rouge has worked with Team Sonic on occasion, and never worked with GUN. She's infamous but her identity is unknown to the public, except her name on her calling card. A few of Sonic's gang know what she looks like as eventually after knowing them for so long she doesn't wear the spy gear around them all the time, but felt strangely comfortable around Shadow rather quickly so he's seen her face
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uh-oh-its-bird · 4 months
I saw the Genshin/Naruto crossover and I'm losing it over the shenanigans because okay, picture the adepti are there too. I could picture Xianyun and Ping just freakin' stealing kids left and right. They're both acting like the other one is having a problem with their hoard of feral ninja children and then Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper are having like a gay old time having a vacation but their peaceful times keep being interrupted by Ping and Cloud Retainer (and they only act grumpy but it is heartening seeing their old friends so happy even if it does mean their mountains will likely be bustling with children once they get home.) Zhongli is like vaguely aware but he's got his hands full with his own business so he's just like "it's fine :)"
Crying actually I think this is my first fic related ask ever I'm putting it up on my wall to frame
NO BUT I LOVE THAT?? They're both creating their own little found family armies of deadly children. They mean well 100% but to outsiders looking in (aka village officials) it kind of looks like they're starting some sort of army.
Xiao pops in with Gaara and Shukaku like "look what I found" and both Ping and Cloud Retainer are making grabby hands at them like "ohoho hand them to me I will make sure they are well taken care of :)" But Xiao goes "fuck off this one is mine" and teleports away, deciding to ask someone else for parenting advice
In his travels for whatever reason he had run into Kakashi, one of possibly the worst possibly people he could ask for parenting advice for several reasons. But for whatever idea he's under the impression he makes for a ""good father"" for team 7 (much to Kakashi's distress) so he's just appearing in Kakashi's appartment out of nowhere to demand parenting advice.
And Kakashi is like: ok, the strange rogue ninja I ran into months ago on a mission broke into my home. But he's not . . . Hostile?
And so he plays along
The conversation finally ends with Xiao nodding and thanking him for his advice, maybe saying something vague about coming back later if he needs more to which Kakashi just goes "Please don't."
Then he drops Gaara's name (Gaara, who's kidnapping and status of jinchuriki and very messy kidnapping a week ago now has already leaked to the public) and Kakashi record scratches but Xiao is already gone and FUCK did he just help the guy who kidnapped suna'a tailed beast oh god
Xiao, Madam Ping and Cloud Retainer end up in a little race to see who can collect the most jinchuriki and their bijuu the fastest. They are all child shaped to them, even the adults. No one is safe (tho ofc they only take those willing to go with them, this is still an adoption game even if it's. Very enthusiastic.)
Xiao doesn't want any other jinchuriki kids tho, Gaara and Shukaku are his favorite the others can fight over whoever else there is. He'll still find them and bring them over to the others but he's not really a family man and 2 are more than enough
Zhongli is watching all of this just "I'm glad they're all having fun :)" before turning back around and tricking more people into signing magically soul binding contracts they intend to betray but will never be able to
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greentrapped · 6 months
Imagine if you will: A land of ruins - a fallen civilization rests upon these plains and hills. The ruins themselves are of stone and metal, char and rubble, grass and dirt. Hints of gold among the cracked arches, animals wandering through the cities long fallen, trees and flowers flourishing inside and around the collapsed walls...
But this land is not forgotten. Wander long enough and you'll likely meet someone - robed, masked, short and stout folk exploring, dismantling and salvaging whatever they consider useful - always in a group, save for the rare outlier that seems to do something entirely different - hunting.
When I say masked, I don't mean a white, porcelain mask you'd see on actors in a tragic opera, I mean something that looks like a mix between a gas mask and an astronaut helmet. A rounded visor and an air filter, with attached tubes connecting to a machine on the wearer's back - wires, lights, indicators and an air tank. Yet just when you think it might be some kind of life support - you see one of them grab the other's mask and rip it off, cackling with delight whilst the prank victim complains and puts it back on. Turns out they're not vital, but are merely making the people more comfortable up here - a sign of long days of work.
Who are these people? Well... They're Dwarves.
Explore a bit more and you'll find several checkpoints guarding heavily armored doors - entrances to their civilization. Go through and an expansive network of underground tunnels will appear before you - sturdy and industrial. Some trucks move along the roads, hauling salvage down below, others, completely empty, are followed by vans with crews wearing the same uniforms as the folk above - more people heading out to begin their shift. They put on their masks after the inspectors make sure everything is in order (a process that takes around 20 seconds on average, if we don't take into account some casual banter between them).
Meanwhile, some checkpoints serve a different purpose - they're not for the working crews, but instead the outsiders - depending on where in the region you are, you'll see either a transport or two, or heavy traffic through wide, arch-like gates leading to the surface - All of them inspected right before the tunnel roofs conceal the skies above (or the other way around, if they're leaving). These range from simple civilian transports to large, industrial lorries hauling all sorts of goods across the border.
Let's go deeper, then! As the roads go deeper, some of them split, whilst others merge. The smaller off-shoots lead to all manner of areas, though they aren't anything novel or impressive typically. Fuel stations, Garages, guard stations - the like. The bigger roads naturally lead to bigger locations - and more important by association. Moving up on the hierarchy from 'Jim's Wheels' workshops and 'Roadside Upside' stores we find villages and farms where hardy crops and adapted livestock is grown for produce, towns and mines where precious metals and fuels are extracted and later shipped to cities and industrial areas where the raw product is turned and refined into products with quality sought after across and outside the entire continent - for it is of Dwarven origin.
When you want absolute assurance in the quality of materials - you turn to Dwarves. When you want the most reliable equipment - you turn to Dwarves. When you want manpower for construction of critical projects - you turn to Dwarves.
When you want hard work done right, you turn to Dwarves.
You turn to Talamrab.
Talamrab, With it's expansive underground megalopolises and workregions, is a nation of hard-working, skilled folk who make up for their height and with expertise tenfold. You come here to find people who were driven underground long ago by their masters, elves. Their class was deemed unworthy of the surface, for the sun was for the beautiful, elegant nobles and their foreign guests. Over time they adapted to full lives in the depths - tolerance to cold, physiques forged by cave threats and hard work.
At one point they had enough.
Their numbers were bigger, as was their strength and discontent. In a manner of weeks the uprising proved successful as noble, now disgraced Elves were exiled from their former kingdom while the poor, now empowered Dwarves claimed the kingdom they once built for their oppressors. They didn't wish to move back up onto the surface though, spare for a few. Instead, they grew accustomed to the underground - finding it much more comfortable and promising.
Centuries later, those promises held up.
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
Tears of the Kingdom: The Final Analysis
Part 2
Picking up where we left off in Part 1, our next shot takes us to Hateno Village.
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First and foremost, the mushrooms. ALL the mushrooms.
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The mushroom umbrella is patterned with mushrooms, and the man in front of it looks to be wearing a mushroom hat.
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Similarly, so is this girl with the broom. A mushroom emporium? Maybe a collector's thing, like golden bugs or gratitude crystals?
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It looks as if they took over the Ventest Clothing Boutique; the shirt is patterned with mushrooms, and the flags now have mushroom hats of their own. For some context, here's the original:
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Purely speculatively, I think this might have some kind of gimmick outfit that you earn by hunting down rare mushrooms.
Moving on.
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We've got a somewhat better look at the strange new towers, this one on top of one of the smaller peaks surrounding Mt. Lanayru.
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The next shot shows a camp in the ruins of Castle Town. All the malice and leftover guardian bits look like they've been removed.
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This bit here looks like a plot of land. Maybe a Tarrey Town situation, where you expand camps by bringing them supplies?
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We can see a tower and the rock portal in the distance.
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And Link is here in his green garb, meaning that whatever this camp is, the return of Ganon hasn't done anything to dissuade them.
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Link climbs up near the rock portal, and we get a better look at it, as well as the generator thing.
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That is VERY deliberately made. Possibly a fallen ruin, but still, very portal-like.
The generator thing looks to have replaced Ta'loh Naeg Shrine
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Because that down there is Kakariko Village.
EDIT: This is an error; I misinterpreted the angle of the town. Ta'loh Naeg is on the opposite cliff to this. Thanks @dracrownian!
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Also, this scaffolding looks to have been built AFTER the sky isles appear, because this one is built on a piece of ruin.
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Hyrule Castle floats in the distance, but now we can see beneath it. It's hard to tell from this far away, but it LOOKS like it's hovering over a pool of malice.
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There's a quick shot through some trees
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With some Zonai swirls off to the side
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As well as some geometric shapes along the bridge. Between those and the ferns, I think this is near Faron Woods, but not in it, seeing as there are no tropical trees.
Edit: According to @fluffmugger, @priconstella, and @almostandrogynousdonut, this spot is actually up at Thyphlo Ruins!
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And then this scene. Oh, this scene.
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It took me awhile to find this geometry on the map. Especially with that spiral off to the right; most of them have correlated to where Shrines are, but this one doesn't. What clued me in was this bit here.
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A bigger triangle-shaped rock with a small, short triangle beside it, slightly offset.
There's exactly one spot in Gerudo Desert that has these like this.
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Southwest of Gerudo Town, right here. And there are two things of interest that stand in this area. The first, to the southwest, is the Gerudo Great Skeleton, which can just be made out here:
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The second?
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Arbiter's Grounds in Breath of the Wild was barely anything, just some vague pillars hinting at something-
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-just beneath the surface.
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The BotW pillars don't quite match exactly. They're definitely not the torii-style gates above in the sky isles. But they ARE arches, over on the left, and the top squares of the pillars match the square bricks peeking out of the sand as the temple rises. It could be that the arches in BotW are what the beta version of Zonai arches looked like.
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We then switch to the castle. Recall-able rocks plummet down around it, which indicates sky isles above.
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Due to the sheer volume falling at once, I'm willing to believe that the rise of the castle is what directly causes the isles to show up.
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These are Sheikah at the forefront
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And this looks to be some kind of logging camp or new settlement. There's a sign here that I imagine is meant to be interacted with at a later date.
And I've hit the picture limit, so when I finish Part 3, that link will be updated here.
Edit: Part 3!
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saltyfryz · 9 months
First we'll start with a little scenario before we get into the meat of things
"Today's the day." You think to yourself as you examine the towering building before you. The elegant and intricate horse and sun carvings stare down at you, silent, yet judging. The soft yellows and vibrant oranges should be inviting just as the familiar appearance of the design should ease you, yet even thinking about entering such a grand place remains daunting.
You glance off to the side, at the intricate engraving of the sign you've been standing next to for the past half hour. You study it once more in order to ease your nerves, yet as you stare at the same refined gold markings for what feels like the hundredth time, your anxiety only grows.
"Solaris' university in magic for the gifted"
The most prestigious magic academy in all of Equestria, built and run by Prince Solaris himself. And you're his newest apprentice.
As you can see, the premise is a bit different from the show, but fear not! The mane 5 will come in later, after the first arc. In witch the first arc will mainly focus on building up Y/n and Sun's relationship, sun will help Y/N open up to friendship more while Y/n will help sun learn to get over his guilt..
Oh! And I've renamed Sun Moon and starlet, Solaris, Lucille, Aster respectfully.
If you noticed in the refs, I put "Angel marks" those are the cutie marks of this universe, I didn't want to just get rid of them as they're very important in the main story and without them some arcs have no point in existing. They basically have the same purpose as the OG show, when people discover their special talent the angel marks appear somewhere on their body.
Okay! Onto some world building!
The land is named Equestria, and horses are an important part of the culture.
Equestria was once a desolate and unkind place, malice and fear ruled and monsters ran amok. Love and friendship was scarce, as it always managed to be taken by the monsters as soon as it had arrived. Infighting was commonplace during these times, leading some of the people to separate themselves by race. Humans hidden their agricultural knowledge and food, Mages kept their magics to themselves, and Angels ruled the sky, all in the name of self preservation. However, one bleak day, hope had arrived in the form of three heroes. They were called Starswirl the bearded, Conin the thunderous, and Celestia the Great.
Together, these three had slain and banished all who threatened the safety of the townsfolk, bringing peace throughout the land. They spent years there, taking down one threat after another, but soon they had to move on, they had others to help after all. However, one of them couldn't bear to leave. As she spent her years in the village, she had grown attached to all its wonderful inhabitants and had even found herself a lover. Celestia had stayed behind while the remaining duo went on, and as the years passed Celestia built a thriving country for her people and became the first Queen of Equestria.
As stated above, in this world there are three(technically four but I'll get to that) races In Equestria.
Humans, non magical people who have an affinity for and can minutely control the land around them Mages, humans born with strong magical energy who can cast spells using that energy and Angels, beings with wings that can control the weather.
They all have magic in one way or another, but only mages have enough to where they can channel it outside their bodies for spells. Some are born with more mana than others, but someone who has low mana could train themselves and build that up. Each race has a few distinct features of identification,
Mages always have pointed ears. Particularly strong mages have either dark sclera or have their angel mark spread further from just one spot of their body. The more powerful the mage, the more markings there are.
Angels always have wings, usually growing from their back but sometimes they can appear in the place of their ears and can even have excess feathers grow somewhere on their body. Feathers can grow in the hair, in place of it, on their chest, forearms, and calves.
Humans have Instinctual knowledge of the land(knowing if the soil is good or not, animal migration patterns ect), but no outward appearance changes
The royalty of this world are both mages and angels, I have haven't figured out a name for them yet but they have great magical energy and are seen as godlike.
The other land marks/towns and races like changelings stuff do exist in this but they're more humanoid, except gryphons.
Ponyville is now called Cayuse(kai-use) village
Onto characters!!
Y/n is a young yet talented mage. They're intelligent, serious, and driven (a little too driven at times) and has an intense need and thirst for knowledge, primarily when it comes to magic and learning their limits.
Mini DJMM was built by y/n and is their companion, he's been with y/n since they were a tot and is always by their side. He's excitable and a bit mischievous from time to time and can be quick to anger if he doesn't like you. He has little attachable symbols, his eyes are screens and can change shapes. He has a built in voice box, but he can't speak and mainly uses quick music quips and notes.
Freddy is an honest down-to-earth and responsible man. He runs his family farm along with his older brother, grandfather and adopted son Gregory. He and his entire family are human
Bonnie is a kind human living off the land in his cottage just outside of Cayuse village, often bringing things he forages to the local farmers market to sell or pet sitting for people.
Chica is a very outgoing, cheerful and energetic angel who works as a baker and party planner. She's well known in Cayuse and very popular, as long as she's around you know you're in for a good time.
Monty is business-savvy, creative, extremely hardworking yet dramatic mage who owns a small boutique in Cayuse he's fairly nice to his friends but he can be a bit peevish and often cold towards strangers. He dreams of expanding his business to all the corners of the world and opening a boutique in Canderlot.
Roxy is a cocky and brash angel, a known speedster and beauty enthusiast. However, despite how she may come off, she is actually extremely loyal to her friends and quite self conscious. She works at a salon and she loves working there, but her dream is to join the wonderbolts someday.
Solaris is the Jovial yet regal king and first born Prince of Equestria, he is slow to anger yet protective of his kingdom and subjects. He has a bit of a prankster inside him as sometimes he gets bored of all the seriousness of royal life he lives. He's also very excitable and bubbly around close friends.
Lucille is the second born prince of Equestria, he's a suave introvert with a mischievous side. At night he traverses the dream world, helping people deal with their unresolved issues and work through their trauma. He's very kind but he often has doubts about the importance of his role in the kingdom, sometimes even getting jealous of the attention his brother receives... Oh what he wouldn't do to be loved.. to have people be proud of him and him alone.
Aster is the heir to the crystal empire, he's kind, caring, helpful, and a natural leader. Although he often has worries about the responsibilities placed on his shoulders.
Foxy takes the place of shining armor! He's y/n's brother and Captain of the royal guard, however during the Canterlot Coronation arc he is assigned to be a personal body guard to Prince Aster. He's a bit of a nerd when it comes to comics and an adventurer at heart. During Y/n's childhood he'd often make up fun little games for them to play, his favorite being "pirates".
And last but not least!
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We have Abby, a shy mage who just moved to Cayuse with her brother for his job. She often stays by herself drawing and or observing her surroundings.
Gregory, a scrappy and sassy homeless(at least at first) human who roams the streets ready for his next adventure, and by 'adventure' I mean getting into trouble while terrorizing some of the locals with silly pranks and sometimes dangerous hijinks. Hijinks in which he unfortunately somehow always manages to also drag Cassie in for.
Speaking of, last up is Cassie! A levelheaded yet sassy Angel with a dream of being like her idol, Roxanne.
Well that took forEVER but here it is!! if you have any questions feel free to shoot me an ask! :p
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neptunes-sol-angel · 2 years
Messages From your Dreams ☁️🌌
This is a pick a card reading meant to give you insight about what your dreams are trying to tell you.
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Pile One
Possible things that you're seeing in your dreams: your mother or a maternal figure, disney characters, anger, rocks, forrests and other outdoor scenery, synchronicities involving the number five, trapped, grief, loss, being watched or you witnessing something, technology, leaves, falling, stork, music, weird symbols, premonitions, an account balance, an eclipse.
Your dreams are manifestations of guilt that you feel over something or someone that was lost. There's a need to stop trapping yourself with resentment over situations that were out of your control. "I could've done something"—"I could've done this"—"I could've done that". There's a specific case that I'm picking up where childhood wounds are resurfacing, maybe you had a parent that showed disdain for you instead of love and support, maybe you're thinking of all of the ways that you could've defended yourself from them, but your subconscious is urging you to release the anger that you feel. It's ok to be angry with what happened to you, but your anger is being misdirected. You're mirroring the same harshness that was inflicted onto you by becoming your own oppressor. It's time to take initiative for a new beginning for your healing by taking note of what was missing that you really needed growing up, and taking that Intel to reparent and nurture yourself. Use this self awareness and knowledge for breaking free from your pain, instead of using it for revenge. Justice will correct this situation faster when you release.
Pile Two
Possible things that you're seeing in your dreams: Luna moths, bodies of water, water running down the sink, random rays of light, deities (strongly picking up Aphrodite), cigarettes, fairies, slow motion, an ambush, space closing in on you, grandfather clock, delicate hands, someone gesturing you to come forward, someone offering you something, really long vines, or giant plants.
Your dreams are trying to convey to you that you need to pause before going forward with something. Maybe you're in a tight situation or running out of time with something so you're clinging to the first approaching opportunity that seems like a solution for you. Your dreams are trying to reassure to relax, that you're safe, and you have time. You could be overworking yourself or spending too much time looking at a screen and it's messing with your anxiety. Rest both your mind and your eyes by taking a much needed break, you've done enough, now let your higher power do their part by showing you that what's for you is not going to leave you hanging. They're also urging you to have more trust in your spiritual team. Free fall in your life with faith that your guides will catch you.
Pile Three
Possible things that you're seeing in your dreams: mermaids, sugar gliders, content creating (streaming), other fuzzy animals, yin/yang sign, black and white, skunk, Jupiter, Saturn, auras, village, fish, medieval environment (maybe a past life memory), new york, secret agent, armadillo, feathers.
Your dreams are trying to confirm your suspicions about someone or at least warning you about someone who is who they appear to be. You could be gaslighting yourself in fear of people gaslighting you if you spoke up to them about this person and what's been happening. But I'm feeling some frustration here that could be from your guides. They want you to stop going to other people for their discernment when yours is basically screaming at you but you're choosing not to listen because you don't want to be looked at as someone that's crazy or projecting. Trust your first impressions of people, because I'm feeling that you had it right the first time about a certain individual who's problematic and untrustworthy. There's deception around you, but it's coming mainly from yourself by choosing to avoid your intuition. You don't need confirmations or validations from a crowd. Allow this lesson to reveal to you on how much you haven't been putting yourself first, choose yourself without worrying about who stays or leaves.
Pile Four
Possible things that you're seeing in your dreams: rain, nebulae, masks, joker/trickster/fox/white rabbit/something that you're following around, orange juice, citrus fruits, bubbles, peaches, grapes, crystals, fossils, Mario coins, bees.
Your dreams are telling you that your efforts are not in vain and that it will pay off in the near future. Your hard work is going to bring in something abundant whether that be a breakthrough in your financial situation or recognition for something that you've been passionately investing in. You could be experiencing fatigue or burn-out but your dreams are symbolically representing something that will motivate you and reward you for your patience. It'll be a significant change that will make you have more gratitude in your life because what was troubling you before will not be troubling you now. Your dreams are also trying to evoke more confidence in your abilities to make stuff happen in your life which could look like, cultivating your ideas into something real, or getting back up on your feet again after something that knocked you down for the longest.
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
Genuinely curious abt this; Gon with a Darling concerned but also afraid of him. Basically they have conflicted feelings for him; they always viewed him as this sweet innocent ray of sunshine capable of no wrong, he always has this sense of justice that Reader admired. They followed him on his journey to find his Father in the Hunter Exams, all the way to Chimera Arc.
That was a big turning point there. Reader noticed the signs througout their journey but they were confused. And then they saw how Gon reacted to Kite's death, they tried their best to console him. But with how Gon mercilessly plummeted Pitou to nothing, Reader's image of Gon is put to question and now they have no idea how to act or feel around him. Their responses were shorter, unsure, a bit distant and avoidant but they're also not sure whether to pull away or stay.
How would Gon reassure them?
That arc changed my view on Gon too. I guess it changed many opinions about Gon.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, clinginess, delusions, obsession, violence
Should I leave or stay?
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🎣​You two basically grew up together and have been inseparable as long as you can remember. You two are are childhood sweethearts. Gon just has something that you've always admired. He's optimistic, always cheers you up when you're done and has a strong sense of justice. He's already told you about his dream to go to the Hunter Exam and find his father and you've been nothing but supportive, have already sworn to go together with him. That led to a pinky promise you two made on that day, promising to go through everything together. Gon's crush on you is fairly obvious but the whole village watches with smiles since the both of you are too adorable together. Who knows, your admiration and all the years you spent with him might have led to a crush from your side too.
🎣​You make great friends on the way, feel really happy in the beginning since it feels like nothing could ever get in your and Gon's way now. You have great people like Leorio, Kurapika and Killua with you after all. Hisoka marks the first real confrontation with the more evil aspects of the world as he has an interest in Gon and you, sees you as something that has potential. He freaks you out and Gon notices, reacts very protective as he always tries to shield you as soon as Hisoka notices your group.
🎣​Many things happen and the grim reality which was kept away from you on the isolated island starts dawning on you more and more. There are times where you feel down but Gon and your new friends encourage you and are there for you which is why you're always able to stay up. You help to save Killua from his family, fight your way through the arena and learn together with Gon and Killua Nen. You even manage to survive the Phanom Troupe somehow thanks to Gon and your own abilities which you unlocked thanks to your Nen. Bisky only helps you more to unlock your true Nen-potential as you work on your own special move fitting for you and your type.
🎣​You admire Kite and you know Gon does the same. He's finally a close lead to his father and a great teacher to top it all. Both of you look up to him and in your own naivety you genuinely think that after surviving the Phantom Troupe there is nothing you can't handle. That is until the Chimera Ants appear and Neferpitou attacks. The aura they project has your whole body trembling as you feel something that can only be described as the certain knowledge that you'll die here. Only thanks to Kite fighting and screaming you to run away and Killua grabbing both you and Gon, who wants to help Kite, are you able to survive.
🎣​It's the first time you've seen Gon being shattered as he turns into a shell of what he used to be for a while after. Your heart aches and you try to console him and cheer him up as good as you can. He's done so much for you already so you can at least do something for him too. Initially you're too blinded to notice what starts to brood inside of him. Or maybe you just try to ignore the signs he sometimes gives you such as the flare of negative aura or the empty look in those normally warm eyes. He's still your childhood friend after all, the optimistic and cheerful Gon. How can you ever think about him changing into something more dark when he sometimes clings to you as silent tears slip out of his eyes? You're in denial for a long time.
🎣​Those empty eyes when the three of you confront Neferpitou are horrific just as much as the hateful and murderous aura around him. Suddenly, as you see Neferpitou pleading to save a human life and Gon mercilessly shooting their offer down, you can't tell who is truly evil anymore. There is a human girl about to die if the Chimera Ant doesn't help them so why won't Gon give them the time they need to properly heal them? Gon surely wouldn't sacrifice a human life, an innocent one? Kite wouldn't have wanted this! The Gon you know wouldn't do this! You try to talk sense into him, ask him to give Pitou the time they asked for yet you stumble back out of fear when he turns around. His face is contorted into a ugly mask you can't bear to look at as he suddenly resembles a monster more than the boy you know. Surely you don't suddenly take the side of the killer of Kite, right?
🎣​You feel like you can't breathe anymore as you stare at the stranger in front of you, your heart beating out of fear. Why do you suddenly fear Gon? Is...Is that even Gon? You are silent for the rest of the time and as soon as Pitou is finished with their work and Gon wants to force them to heal Kite, he tells you in a voice devoid of all emotions that he wants you to stay away and go somewhere safe. Any protest you have dies out when he stares into your soul with those blank eyes that feel like they might suffocate you. You fear a direct confrontation and lie to him, something you've never done intentially before, tell him that you'll wait for him. In reality you just wait until you're sure that neither him nor Pitou with their insane En reach will notice you. You're sweating as images of Gon go through your head, the one you've tried to ignore despite all the signs.
🎣​When the insane wave of Nen hits you, you have a vivid flashback of the first time you met Pitou. Someone is going to die! You rush to the place you sense the trememdous wave of sinister Nen coming from. You stumble and scratch yourself as your body gives up multiple times on you out of a sheer overload of fear yet you force yourself to go on. You have a bad feeling deep down in the pit of your stomach, nearly throw out the contains of your stomach multiple times and are only able to take shallow breaths the closer you get. Once you reach your destination, you finally throw up everything you've eaten as you see something that completely shatters your own heart.
🎣​A huge man, plumming the headless corpse of Pitou into a bloody mush. Tears drop down you feel nauseous, coughing up the bitter and sour liquid of not fully digested food. Your throat stings from the gag reflex as you continue to cry, eyes tightly pressed together as you refuse to look. You know those clothes, you know the color of this hair, you know this Nen aura even if it is nothing like the friendly and passionate one you used to always sense. It feels like all your memories of Gon are tainted until you can only see the image of empty eyes and a dead person who is beating into the ground until only a puddle of blood and bones remains.
🎣​When you hear your own name being called, you choke on the air. Your body is violently shaking and everything inside of you screams to run away yet you don't have the strength. Your head is only able to move milimeters as you slowly dare to lift your head, pupils quivering. The only thing you can hear by now is your own heartbeat threatening to break through your ribs. Yet everything completely stops, even time, as you meet those eyes. He's crying, despite the horrendous act he just committed he is crying, blue blood decorating his face as he looks at you. It feels like you forget how to breathe, even your heart feels like it stops beating in that moment. Your vision is invaded by black dots dancing in front of your eyes as your chest starts to hurt.
🎣​You don't remember much after that, you only know that you wake up inside of a hospital. Apparently you've fainted, Killua found both you and Gon and carried you both back. When you hear Gon's name, your hands clutch the sheets of the bed tightly as your throat feels tight. You barely manage to press out the question of what happened to Gon and the hesitant look on their face has your heart freezing. You prepare yourself for the worst yet nothing could have prepared you for Gon's condition, you nearly throw up again. You get to hear that Killua apparently knows a way to heal Gon and has gone without you yet Leorio is here. When the man asks you worriedly what happened, the full burden hits you and you end up crying in front of him.
🎣​You spend hours just staring through the glass pane, waiting for Killua to come back. During this time you have a lot to think about. Gon has changed. You can't deny this any longer. You've just ignored all the signs you noticed throughout the way since you didn't want to accept that your Gon would ever change. You've been a fool to think that way. This world filled with Nen and hunters is vastly different from the small island you two grew up, obviously you two would change somewhere along the way. You've probably changed too, everyone changes eventually. This realization that Gon has changed and has lost something important has you shedding silent tears. His whole perception of the world must have warped when Kite died and you wonder how much of the old Gon is left. What you do know though is that the sight of this darker Gon has traumatized you and your body still reacts that way even now. There are slight shivers of terror going through your body.
🎣​You force yourself to stay around, at least until Gon finally meets his dad. You even try to stay optimistic when you notice that Gon is back to his old self as soon as Nanika has healed him. Yet you can't. When you stare at his grinning face, your mind automatically recalls empty and cold eyes and a face covered in blue blood. You always have to avoid your eyes as you try to suppress the shivers. You can't converse with him anymore, your responses are short and you always end up excusing yourself, walking quickly away as your hands turn to fists. You can't even look at him anymore, the images of him obliterating a corse haunting you.
🎣​Your distant behavior confuses Gon, it hurts him even. You two have always been so close after all so he isn't able to fathom why you suddenly want to pull away from him. He's a honest and straightforward person so he tries multiple times to ask you about your strange behavior but you constantly dodge him and leave him, not even spare him a glance. He senses your fear. You're scared of him and that knowledge bruises his heart. Why would you be scared of him? He'd never hurt you. His memories are foggy, he can't recall everything that happened after his encounter with Neferpitou and it isn't until Killua tells him that he found you lying unconscious near him that he realizes that you were there too.
🎣​Gon isn't very good with mind games, he confronts you openly about this at one point. Tries to reassure your dwelling fear of what you saw on that day. There are tears brimming in his eyes when he notices how you shake and take a step back as soon as he leans closer, a terrified look on your face. He pleads you to look at him at least just once but when you do and he sees the terror written all over your face, he can't bear it. He starts crying too but instead of trying to comfort him like you used to do, you just stand silently there with your lips pressed into a thin line.
🎣​Gon tries to make you forget, acts extra sweet around you to show you that he's still the same person. He's clingier though and more protective. He tries to tell himself that you'd never leave him, you two made a pinky promise after all to go through everything together. You've forgotten about that promise by now though and can only give him a bewildered look when he reminds you that you two made a promise. That means nothing to you anymore and hearing you say those words plunges a dagger of pain and desperation inside Gon's heart. He grows paranoid even more though he mumbles to himself that you wouldn't leave him since you two have always been together. That everything will be fine between you two. He becomes quite overbearing though, follows you everywhere and is excessively sweet towards you. If you try to run away, dangers are that he'll snap though. He already lost Kite and can't handle losing you too. He needs to protect you.
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dynoguard · 1 year
History's Lance - A Side Story
My name is Ronax Tallplume. I am an archivist, class 4, Civilian Logistics, Agriculture and Welfare.
I don't know where I am.
That's not entirely true. I am in my house, or what's left of it, but my house is not all here. Nor is what's here where it should be.
I remember emergency sirens, and an alert broadcast. Someone from one of the Science Towers talking about an emergency procedure. I just remember looking up and seeing a ball of fire in the sky.
Then screaming and then-
The fireball looked at me. No, that's not right.
Then it was very cold, and very quiet.
Then I was here.
The rear half of my home is still entirely intact, as is a section of the yard outside and some of the sidewalk. My kitchen is where the home ends abruptly, cut cleanly through as though by a laser. There's no sign of burns or scorches, but along this line on the ground is a thin ring of irregular cyan-colored crystal growths.
This line forms a circle about 20 meters across centered on the house's capacitor box. Everything within the circle is just as it was before the siren went off.
Everything outside the circle is utterly wrong.
I do not recognize the plant life. There are trees and shrubs, but their leaves are strangely shaped. In place of the carpet ferns are simple leaves that poke up through dry, patchy soil. The air is also dry, and chilly, and it smells wrong.
It's night. I must have been knocked out for half a day at least. And there's no lights anywhere, much less the entire city of Tailspire.
Where the spike am I?
I spent most of the night taking stock of my situation. The recorder is charged for the foreseeable. I have some food from the half of the kitchen that's here, but water will be a problem.
I took the hangar pole from my bedroom closet. I don't have any weapons, so a tail's length hollow steel rod will have to do.
I've set out to find water. I've started hiking downhill. West by the sun's position.
I found a stream after six hexands or so. I've marked the trail with some rocks, and am following the stream. I've spotted more signs of life. Some of the insects seem familiar, but they are a fraction of the size. I've spotted a variety of unfamiliar birds, none of whom seem to have teeth.
No flappers though.
I also saw something else. Some kind of giant vole, I think. It had four legs, was covered in short, flat fuzz, and had curling horns coming from the sides of its head. Instead of scuttling on the ground it stood with its legs directly under it, legs that each ended in a pair of black claws. It barely had a tail to speak of. It'd say it was five, six claws long, muzzle to haunches.
It gave a low, staccato honk and ran into the foliage when I tried to get close.
Is this Primore at all? Did I get thrown to some other planet, or skipped into another universe like on Worldshifters? Something about the crystal ring seems familiar.
There we go... the stream led right to a small lake and...
A village! Little stone and wood houses in the distance. Dromeons by the size of the houses! Thank Zarr!
They weren't dromeons.
They were tailless, flat-faced things that smelled like cittervoles, about half my size. They wore clothing, they had tools, but they're completely alien. I tried to approach slowly to not spook them, but they ran as soon as I spoke.
I'd hoped that my F.I.S.H. would be able to pick up on their language, but the charge is drained and it doesn't use the same cells as the recorder.
I waited a bit to see if any would come out to try and communicate, but after three came out holding what appeared to be large knives or small swords, I decided to attempt again later.
I returned to the pond to try and speak with the creatures again. When I arrived, one of their number came forward with two animals like the four-legged vole-thing I saw on the path. It led them with plant-fiber ropes looped around their necks.
Livestock, I assume.
The creature left the two livestock animals tied to a post next to the pond, a new addition since the last time I arrived, and ran back to one of the houses when I tried to approach.
I'm twice their size, and I can see now that they don't have claws or fangs, or any natural armaments at all that I could see. I must be terrifying to them. The animals are a gift to appease me, it seems. Maybe the pole scared them. I'll leave it behind next time.
I have food enough for now. But that won't last long. If I'm not rescued, I may have to take them up on that.
It has been a thirdmoon. I have taken the creatures' livestock offerings twice, on days were I was not able to trap wild game. The four-limbed voles are gamey but filling when you cook them right. They come in a variety of sizes and shapes. I've been leery to try the plant life since I have no idea what is poisonous.
I've been thinking about Meg a lot. Partially because I miss her, but mostly because she was always talking about StarNest. She loved everything about space travel, especially the science. She'd go on and on about all of it. Especially the stasis thing. Time slip.
"Did you know they use time slip fields to make more chronite?"
I remember her saying those exact words.
"When the field collapses, everything in the space gets shoved out. Anything that doesn't undergoes the Bronzehorne process and forms chronite crystals."
I remember it so clearly. Maybe because she said it. Maybe because of the ring. The dirt just beyond the ring bulges. It's harder than the surrounding earth. Like it was packed together.
I've been in the time slip. I have no idea how long. If Meg was here she'd know. She was good with science and stars and things.
I didn't notice before, but the stars are different. Even I know that takes a long time. Long enough for voles to learn to make swords. How long is that?
They told us in school we weren't the first people on Primore. They told us we probably wouldn't be the last. That was a comforting thought then.
I watched a vidplay once about a big-brain flapper that got frozen in ice and woke up in the modern world. Awful effects, dumb script, lot of plop-jokes.
He must have been so lonely.
The spiking voles attacked me.
They had one of their own tied to the pole when I went down to get water. It was wrapped up in white clothing and was screaming and wailing. I cut the ropes with my claws and tried to tell it calmly I wouldn't hurt it.
I heard weird, hard running steps behind me and before I turned around one of the little monsters had a spear in me. It was on one of their labor animals, both of them armored up like for war. I knocked them both down with my tail and ran.
I'm back at the house. I'm trying to bind the wound but it won't stop. I want to go home. I want the warm air. I want Meg.
Meg. Meg, where are you?
It's getting dark.
I don't want to hurt you! Listen, please!
I'm just lost. I'm like you, I talk, I can feel. Please!
Stop! I'm not a monster!
My arm, you broke my arm! Why are you doing this? You horrible naked little voles! Overgrown garden pests! ANIMALS!
I never did anything to you and you stabbed me and burned my home!
Get back! I have teeth! I'll bite! That's what you understand isn't it? Hurting and biting and killing!?
Come at me then! You're so brave with your rocks and knives when I'm bleeding and tied up! You wanted to feed me one of you, so c'mon!
Do it. Do it you cowards!
Meg. Meg. I'll see you soon Me-
The last testimony of Ronax Tallplume, previously known as the Singing Stone of Silene, recently translated by and repatriated to representatives of the Granite Mountain Dinosovian enclave.
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rosebrolol · 8 months
Uniting Hearts
this is before tbt
Viva, a spirited and determined troll princess, leaded a group of trolls through an underground tunnel, trying to escape the relentless pursuit of the Bergens. The trolls are exhausted, struggling to keep up.
Viva's eyes well up with tears as she glanced back at her fellow trolls, who are struggling to keep pace. Feeling overwhelmed, she taked a moment to catch her breath.
Clay, a kind-hearted troll, noticed Viva's distress. He approached her with a gentle smile.
"You seem troubled. Is there anything I can do to help?" Clay said softly.
Viva looked at Clay, surprised by his kindness. "I don't even know if I can keep leading them. They're all struggling, and I feel responsible for their safety." Viva cried teary eyed. "Leadership is not about shouldering all the burdens alone. It's about finding strength in unity and supporting one another. Let me help you." Clay said, offering a hand.
Viva hesitates for a moment, touched by Clay's offer. She nods, accepting his help.
The trolls finally reached a peaceful riverbank. They collapsed, panting and exhausted. Viva took a deep breath and addressed the struggling trolls. "Everyone, please gather around." Viva called out.
The trolls gathered, looking weary but curious. Among them, Clay stood beside Viva. "I know we're all tired, but we can't leave anyone behind. We're a family, and we support each other. So, if you're struggling to keep up, let us know. We'll find a way to help you." 
The trolls exchange hesitant glances, unsure about admitting their struggles. But one by one, they stepped forward, sharing their difficulties.
Viva's eyes met Clay's, grateful for his presence and support. "Thank you for speaking up. Now, let's find solutions together."
Clay stepped forward, his voice filled with determination. "Let's form smaller groups. Those who need a little extra support can pair up with those who can lend a hand. We'll take turns leading, making sure nobody falls behind."
The trolls seem relieved, understanding that they don't have to face the journey alone. With renewed determination, the trolls set off once again, forming smaller groups. Each group supported and encouraged one another, ensuring no troll was left behind.
Viva led from the front, alongside Clay, their hearts connected by their shared purpose. The trolls emerge from the underground tunnel, entering a lush forest. The sound of the Bergens faded away, replaced by the soothing melodies of nature.
Viva looks back at her fellow trolls, now filled with resilience and hope. "We'll make it. We'll find a safe place to call home." Viva whispered.
The weary but determined trolls continued their arduous journey through the lush forest. Suddenly, a glimmer of hope appears in the distance – a sign reading "Putt Putt Golf - Welcome Home." Excitement and relief fill the air as the trolls quicken their pace, eager to reach their destination.
"We've made it! This will be our new home." Viva exclaimed.
The trolls cheered, their exhaustion momentarily forgotten. Viva stepped forward, feeling a mix of emotions, and turned to Clay, who stood beside her.
"Clay, you have been my guiding light throughout this journey. Your unwavering support and compassion have made all the difference. From this day forward, I name you my right-hand troll and advisor. Together, we will lead our troll family and build a thriving community here at Putt Putt Golf." 
Clay's eyes filled with pride and gratitude as he bowed before Viva.
"Thank you, Princess Viva. I am honoured to stand by your side and serve our troll community with all my heart."
The trolls cheered once again, their voices echoing through the valley. Viva and Clay, now Queen and her trusted right-hand man, shared a knowing smile, ready to embark on this new chapter together.
Months passed, and Putt Putt Golf was transformed into a bustling troll village. Colourful houses were built, laughter filled the air, and the trolls thrived in their new home. Viva, now Queen Viva, and Clay worked tirelessly, leading with compassion and wisdom, ensuring that no troll wasleft behind.
Queen Viva sat on her throne, adorned with a crown of flowers, listening attentively to her subjects' concerns. Clay stood beside her, offering guidance and support. The trolls gathered around, expressing their gratitude and admiration for their queen and her right-hand troll.
"We have come so far, my fellow trolls. Together, we have built a place of love, acceptance, and unity. Putt Putt Golf will forever be our home, a testament to the strength we found within ourselves and the power of standing together."
The trolls cheer, their voices echoing through the chambers, filling Queen Viva's heart with joy.
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