#as usual gonna queue the rest of these but HERE
thepepsislvt · 7 months
Hello! May I request for more HCs of Kid and Killer being in a polycule with gn!reader? I love how you write them!!! It's fun reading your work, you got me liking the idea of being in a polycule with Kid and Killer lol. Thank you and have a nice day/night!
I did it finally! im sorry it took so long i was sick for the past week and a half
but here it is!
Warnings: Cursing, Kid
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okay so heres how the bed sharing works
Kid sleeps all sprawled out on his back (snoring so loud)
he takes like 76% of the bed
Killer takes like 18% of the bed cause he sleeps on his side
that other 6% is yours and you gotta figure out how to sleep comfortably on top of Kid
its rlly hard since hes either fighting god in his sleep or snoring so damn loud in your ear
Killer doesnt snore he just breathes really loudly
Kid literally hates when you leave the bed for literally anything
queue to you having to literally body slam Kid back into the bed just to get him to shut up and stop yelling at you
anyway so to avoid that happening again you have to walk to his snoring pattern
imagine trying to go to the bathroom and his snoring stops for like half a second
mini heart attack
When Kid gets sick
oh my fucking god
this man is insufferable
will complain about EVERYTHING
“i cant BREATHE”
“my neck hurts”
this man will not shut up unless hes alseep
he doesnt do anything in the period hes sick
he gets better in 2-3 days easily but god those 2-3 days are the worst
When Killer is sick Kid acts like hes gonna die
Killer will still do his duties but with lots of breaks to rest
Kid constantly tells him to rest more and the rest of the crew will do his duties
Killer once listened and when he came back the Victoria Punk was in shambles
he’s not doing that again he just takes more breaks
he blows his nose so much and Kid always goes “eewww”
mf acts like he don’t cough up mucus all the time when he’s sick
Killer is usually better in 3-5 days
When you get sick Killer constantly checks up on you and makes sure you don’t push yourself
Kid will just down right avoid you
“you ain’t getting me sick with your damn virus”
Kid makes you sleep in a different room
it’s okay Killer sleeps with you anyway
if you’re sick longer than 3 days he eventually sucks it up cause he hates sleeping alone
when you play board games with them Kid makes up rules as he goes along just to win
but Killer kicks ass in Uno and even if Kid cheats Killer will win
I have so much stupid shit to say about Kid hes so funny
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helloalycia · 7 months
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two / three / four / masterlist / wattpad
summary: the usual story of a girl falling for a girl who eventually becomes her brother's girlfriend. What could go wrong?
warning/s: none.
author's note: here’s another jackie one i wrote a while ago as i’m trying to post some stuff i’ve already written whilst working on a bunch of other stuff lol, this one was super fun to write so i hope you enjoy it!
also i googled what grades and ages are in america but it well confused me so sorry if it's wrong lol
y/b/n = your band’s name and y/bf/n = your best friend's name
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5 years old.
"You're gonna love it, Y/N, I just know it," my brother, Jeff, was encouraging me as he walked by my side, holding my hand.
I smiled nervously, looking up at him and immediately being put at ease. It was my first day of kindergarten and I'd been super nervous the last few weeks, wondering what it would be like. Jeff was a year older than me, so it was his first day of first grade but he never seemed scared about these things. I wanted to be just like that.
"Okay, my darlings, this is where I leave you," our mum said, stopping by the front gates. She kneeled down to hug us both, adding, "I love you so much. Have the best first day. Okay? And Y/N, if you're worried, your brother is here for you, alright?"
I nodded, squeezing her tightly, before letting go. Jeff gave me a smile before leading me through the gates.
"You're gonna go that way, over there," he told me, pointing to the line forming by the front of the school. "Just look out for me over here, okay?"
"Thanks, Jeff," I said, hugging his side briefly before making my way to the queue that was forming. Other kids like me, nervously awaiting their first day.
After the teacher greeted me and led me to the queue, I waited patiently for the rest of the class to settle down and glanced over to the other queue across the playground, where Jeff was. He was surrounded by his friends, all grinning as they reunited, and I recognised a few of them from play dates at home. My eyes scanned the line he was in, glancing between the other students. And that's when I saw her.
At the time, I didn't know her name. I soon discovered it was Jackie Taylor. But I didn't care at that moment because all I was focused on was how pretty she looked, laughing with some other girls. Her blonde hair was pulled back into two ponytails, her bright eyes shimmering with excitement, even all the way across the playground. I didn't know what liking somebody was that young, I just knew that the butterflies in my stomach and my inability to look anywhere but at her wasn't normal.
I suppose that was where my crush on Jackie Taylor began.
14 years old.
"Y/N, I need your advice."
I looked up from the book I was reading to see Jeff hanging by the doorway of my room. He was unusually sheepish, making me lower my book and raise an eyebrow.
"What's up?" I asked, making space for him on my bed.
He let himself in my room, jumping on top of the bed and crossing his legs. "So... you're a girl, right?"
I tried not to laugh. "Last time I checked."
He was nervous. "Sorry, I know, I just meant– you know how girls think. And I... I think I like a girl. At school. And I wanted your opinion."
Intrigued, I said, "Which girl? What's she like?"
"I think you might know her," he said. "Or at least have seen her around. Y'know Jackie Taylor in my grade? Blonde hair, about your height, really hot?"
At the mention of Jackie, a girl I'd been crushing on since I first set eyes on her, my smile faded slightly. I'd seen her around a lot at school, since she was only in the grade above, and though I'd never spoken to her, it was easy for me to get stuck in admiration from afar. Of course I knew I had zero chances with her, but now knowing Jeff liked her too was like the world's way of confirming that my fantasy of being with Jackie Taylor was just that, a fantasy.
"Oh, yeah, Jackie Taylor," I said after a moment, hiding my surprise. "She's pretty."
"She is," he agreed with a smile that was reminiscent of my own whenever I saw her. "I think she might be interested in me too. Randy said her friend Shauna was asking about me."
"Well, that's gotta be a good sign," I said with a slight smile, trying to ignore the pit of despair and focus on being happy for my brother. "What's the problem then?"
He sighed. "Well, I wasn't sure whether I should ask her out or play the long game a little. What d'you think?"
I scratched my head to buy some time as I thought. "Erm... well, from a girl's perspective, I wouldn't want someone to mess around for too long if they liked me. And Jackie seems like quite the catch. If you don't make your move, somebody else might."
He nodded, actually paying attention to me surprisingly. "You're right, you're right... I should ask her out before someone else does."
"Exactly," I agreed.
He thought about it for a moment before beginning to smile. "You're so right, Y/N. Thank you!"
Before I could react, he hugged me quickly, and that was when I knew that no matter what feelings I thought I had for Jackie Taylor, it didn't matter anymore. She was off limits.
Of course, when I wished it would just end there, it didn't. Turns out Jeff was terrible at making the first move, or at least finding the opportunity to. So much that when he begged me to try out for the soccer team a few days later, claiming he needed a reason to talk to her, I had no choice but to oblige. I loved my brother and I knew he'd do the same for me, so I pushed my own feelings aside and did what I could to help. No matter how humiliating it would be.
Soccer was not my forte. Music was my thing. I played the guitar and piano, putting my time into that as an extracurricular, not sports. So, when I showed up for soccer tryouts after school, Jeff by my side for 'support', I was a nervous wreck.
"Jeff Sadecki," Jackie said when we approached her, a flirty smile on her lips. And then her eyes fell to me. "And you must be Y/N, his sister. Nice to meet you."
I smiled awkwardly, realising just how badly I was crushing when I heard her speak. She knew who I was?
"Take it easy on my sister, yeah?" Jeff said playfully, wrapping an arm around me, to which I shoved him off instantly.
"Oh, I'm sure she can handle whatever I throw her way," she retorted, before glancing at me kindly. "Right, Y/N?"
"I wouldn't be too sure about that," I mumbled, already dreading tryouts.
She must have thought I was kidding as she laughed. "You head over there to stretch. I'll be right over."
I obeyed, relieved to be away from the flirty glances her and my brother were exchanging that were making me nauseous.
After stretching and hoping I wouldn't do something extremely embarrassing, I glanced over at Jackie and Jeff, seeing her twirling her hair as she spoke to him. He was ecstatic, and I wanted to die. Finally, he went to sit in the bleachers to watch, and Jackie joined us soon enough.
"Okay, ladies, soccer tryouts start now!" she exclaimed with a bright smile, clapping her hands together. "Hope you're all ready to show the Yellowjackets your worth!"
I groaned inwardly at her enthusiasm.
Tryouts was the worst thing I'd ever endured. Between drills, shooting and scrimmage, I was breathless after an hour. How the hell did people play soccer for fun? It was exhausting! The only thing that made this a little worth the hassle was having a front row view of Jackie, who was admittedly drool-worthy in her soccer uniform. Even when she was yelling orders, I still found myself distracted and unable to focus on an already boring sport.
It was especially embarrassing when I was attempting to practice taking goals and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't seem to land a shot. Some of the other girls who were trying out were laughing at me, I could hear them, and even some of the Yellowjackets team were mumbling between each other, no doubt about how terrible I was. Everything we'd done until now, I'd failed. But this was just the cherry on top.
Whether it was because I was Jeff's little sister, or because she genuinely pitied me – possibly both – Jackie tried to help out.
"Kick with the side of your foot," she said, as I lined up another shot. "Don't overthink it. Just aim and kick!"
Wanting this to just be over already, I tried to do as she said and took the shot. Naturally, the ball went completely past the net, and the goalkeeper, Van, didn't have to move a muscle as she watched it roll away. Face flaming with embarrassment, I shook my head.
"It's okay, maybe shooting isn't your strength!" Jackie tried to reassure.
We both knew none of this was my strength, but I said nothing as I rejoined the line and let the next girl go.
If that wasn't awful enough, the last part of tryouts approached and I soon found myself playing in a scrimmage as a midfielder, trying my best to keep up with the game and not make a further fool of myself. Luck didn't seem to be with me, as when someone shouted my name and I prepared myself to catch the ball at my feet, I didn't step back quickly enough and it hit me right in the face, sending a burst of pain up my nose and me on my arse.
Horrified as people began to rush up to me to check if I was okay, I tried to assure them I was fine, but it was looking more and more unbelievable as blood ran from my nose. 
"Guys, give her some space!" Jackie said, before making her way through the crowd to check on me. Worriedly, she grabbed my face and inspected my nose. "Fuck... C'mon. I should get you to the nurse's office."
"Oh my god, Y/N...," Jeff appeared, slowing down when he saw the state of me. He clearly found it amusing as he stifled a smile. "Are you okay?"
I glared at him as Jackie helped me stand up.
Both her and Jeff led me to the nurse's office, though their attention was more on each other than it was on me. I tried not to sulk about it as I went to get seen to and watched them flirt outside the door, clearly getting what they wanted. I'd made a fool of myself in front of Jackie for sure, but it didn't matter because Jeff seemed happy enough, and I guess that was all that mattered.
After that awful day, it was safe to say I didn't make the team, not that that was the aim. But Jeff did finally ask Jackie out, and after a few more dates, they became official. Their relationship was sweet, and Jackie was exceptionally polite to me, but that was because she saw me as her boyfriend's little sister and nothing more.
I knew it was for the best and hoped it would help me get over my crush on her, but it really didn't.
Shortly after they started dating, it was clear that I had my responsibilities as the boyfriend's little sister. Jackie approached me one day at school, where I was chatting with some of my friends by my locker. Because of how smart and pretty and kind Jackie was, she was pretty well known in my grade also, and it was always seen as cool to know someone in the grade above. So, when she found me, my friends immediately fell silent, amazed at the fact I was talking to a tenth grader.
"Hey Jackie, what's up?" I asked, wondering what she needed.
She flashed a picture perfect smile to my friends, who were either drooling over her or stunned into silence, then looked back to me. "I wanted to ask if you were coming to the game later?"
"Game?" I asked with confusion.
"My soccer match," she clarified.
"Oh, er...," I started, but wasn't really sure what to say because I didn't know I needed to, or that she'd want me there. "I think Jeff is?"
"I know that, silly," she laughed, making my heart skip a beat annoyingly enough, "but I wanted you to come too! Thought it could be fun and I could use the support."
Feeling like I had no choice, I nodded. "Yeah, sure, I'll come."
She grinned. "Awesome!" Then she glanced at my friends saying, "You guys should come too. The more, the merrier."
They nodded awkwardly, and she smiled at me once more before leaving. And that was how I got roped into attending the Yellowjackets' soccer games, as someone who had zero interest in soccer.
Maybe it was because she was dating my brother that she felt she needed to spend time with me, I wasn't sure. But for whatever reason, Jackie tried her best to chat with me whenever she was around, or hang out with me a little.
The first time she tried was after school, when she was hanging out with Jeff at our house. I was in my room doing some homework when there was a knock at my door, and after letting whoever it was in, Jackie appeared.
"Oh," I said, surprised. "Hey, Jackie."
"Hey," she said with a smile, before letting herself in and looking around. "Cool room."
I glanced around, as if to see what she was seeing. It was nothing special, just some posters blu-tacked on the walls, mismatched bedsheets on my bed and a pile of dirty laundry in the corner. Still, I smiled a little, acknowledging her comment.
"So, what're you doing?" she asked, sitting at the edge of my bed, before her eyes fell to the keyboard and guitar on the side. "Oh, that's cool! You play?"
I watched as she got up to take a closer look, though clearly not familiar with the instruments as she was reluctant to touch anything. "Yeah, I took lessons as a kid and it kinda became my favourite thing."
"Leave it to Jeff to not tell me how cool his little sister is," she mumbled with amusement, and it stung just a little, the reminder of how she saw me. Glancing at me hopefully, she asked, "Can you play something for me?"
"I actually have homework to do," I said apologetically, but also glad for the out, because she didn't need to know that most of the stuff I'd composed was inspired by her.
"Oh, right, yeah, duh," she said with a laugh, before approaching my desk and hovering above me, making me forgot how to breathe. "What you working on? English?"
All I could do was nod.
"Need a hand?" she asked helpfully. "I already did this and I'm pretty good if I do say so myself."
"Oh, I think I've got it–" I tried to stop her, but she was already grabbing the seat to my keyboard and pulling it next to me.
"I don't mind, honest," she said sweetly, before grabbing my book and taking a look.
With no choice but to accept her help, I let her. And that was when I realised she was just trying to be nice to me, and I kind of had to accept.
She'd do that occasionally, or greet me in school when she didn't need to, and I thought that getting to know her like this might help eradicate my crush on her, since it was based on a fantasy of what I thought I knew about her. Unfortunately, it only made me like her more because I got to know her as more than the fantasy in my head, and it turned out that the real Jackie Taylor was still worth crushing on.
It was about a month into hers and Jeff's relationship when they broke up. I wasn't sure how or why, just that one day Jeff came back from a date looking annoyed and told me in a firm statement that he and Jackie were over. I wasn't sure what to think, nor how it really affected me other than I'd lost out on a somewhat decent relationship with Jackie. It was even more awkward when I realised Jackie had promised to tutor me for an upcoming English test and I wasn't sure if she'd even talk to me, or if I was supposed to talk to her.
The following Monday after their break up, I saw Jackie around at school but didn't know whether I could speak to her or not. But then she came to me at my locker, as if nothing was wrong.
"Hey, you still free after school for that tutoring?" she asked with her usual friendly smile.
"I... yes?" I answered, though it was more of a question because of how confused I was.
"Okay," she laughed, "why do you seem so puzzled?" When I didn't answer, she continued, "Oh, did you think I was gonna bail because Jeff and I broke up?"
I pursed my lips uncomfortably. "Yes?"
She rolled her eyes playfully. "I'm not. What happened between Jeff and I is separate to us, Y/N. I mean, he's definitely a jerk, but that doesn't make you one."
I smiled awkwardly, unsure what exactly he'd done to be deemed a 'jerk' but also not caring enough to ask.
"Meet you in the library after school?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.
Surprised but also appreciative that she was still willing to tutor me, I nodded in agreement. "Sounds good, Jackie. Thanks."
She flashed me a smile before leaving.
Tutoring happened as planned and I aced my test the day after. But then the day after that, Jackie and Jeff were suddenly back together like nothing had happened, and once she told me it was a mistake upon seeing my confusion, I soon realised they had one of those relationships. They'd break up over stupid stuff but ultimately get back together, and as exhausting as it was to witness, I knew it wasn't my business.
15 years old.
I sat and ate my dinner as my parents chatted Jackie's ear off about soccer and her studies. She was over for the evening as Jeff's date, courtesy of my parents, a somewhat regular occurrence lately. And I didn't mind, but it was getting a little tiring listening to the same thing all the time. Though, I regretted thinking that as soon as the conversation turned to me.
"...yes, she's started a band with her friends," my mum was telling Jackie. "They're playing the school dance next week."
Jackie immediately looked to me with amazement. "Wait, you're Y/B/N? You and your friends?"
I grew embarrassed as everyone looked at me. It was true that some of my friends and I had started a band, mainly because we were bored and needed an outlet from school, but also because it was something fun to do on the side. It wasn't a secret, but it was the last thing I wanted to discuss at dinner.
"Yeah, it's just something new," I said dismissively.
"Don't sell yourself short, Y/N, you guys are great," Jeff said encouragingly, and I smiled gratefully at him. As far as older brothers went, he was pretty good.
"I cannot wait to see you perform," Jackie said with an excited smile. "It's gonna be so cool."
"Let's hope so," I said lightheartedly.
"She's a little nervous, since it's their first live performance," my mum decided to embarrass me further, making me avoid everyone's eyes. "It'll be lovely to have support already in the crowd."
"Oh, of course!" Jackie continued brightly. "The team and I are gonna be there for you, Y/N. And if you want, I can help you get ready for the dance beforehand, I don't mind."
"Oh, no, you don't need to–"
"That's very generous of you, Jackie!" my mum exclaimed, cutting me off. "Thank you!"
Jackie grinned, eyes flickering to mine as I wished to be swallowed up by the ground there and then. Jackie Taylor helping me get ready for a school dance? No, thanks.
But due to my mum's insistence, that was how I found myself sat on my bed a week later, with Jackie doing my makeup.
"Your shirt is what colour again?" she asked as she scanned the eyeshadow palette in her hand.
"Black, but the skirt is blue," I said as nonchalantly as I could, hoping she couldn't hear my heart racing in my chest.
I wasn't handling the whole having my crush inches away from my face thing very well, and I was certainly having a hard time hiding it.
"Okay, great, I have the perfect idea," she said with a grin, before coating her brush in a colour and leaning forward again. "Close your eyes for me?"
Relieved I wouldn't have to look at her, I closed my eyes and let her apply my eye makeup, trying not to focus on the warmth emanating from her or the way the pad of her finger would gently rub at my skin or the caress of her breath as she exhaled. Nope, not focusing on any of it.
"So, any boys caught your eye that you're gonna dance with tonight?" she asked as she worked.
"Erm, not really, no," I mumbled.
She paused, and I almost opened my eyes to see why, but then she said, "Any girls? Because that's okay, too."
My cheeks were hot and I was relieved my eyes were closed otherwise she would've seen, truly, how flustered I was.
"No," I finally answered, clearing my throat. "I mean, it's okay, but no."
Did I just come out? Probably. But it wasn't a secret, and Jackie didn't seem to care.
"That's okay, just wait until they all see you perform," she said supportively. "Girls are suckers for musicians."
Yeah, but not the girl I wanted.
"Speaking of performing, is it gonna be originals or covers?"
"Covers for now," I answered, glad we were discussing something I was comfortable with. "The originals aren't ready for performing just yet."
"Ooh, so there are originals," she said in a playful tone. "Did you write any?"
"Some, yeah."
"Okay, eye makeup is done," she said quickly, and I opened my eyes to see her searching for a lipstick, but she continued talking, "And do I get to hear any of these originals?"
"Not yet," I quipped with a nervous smile, and I secretly hoped she'd never ask again because they were all about her.
She pouted playfully and I was forced to look away, a tornado twisting in my stomach because of how cute she looked.
After a moment, she lifted a dark red colour in the air with enthusiasm. "This is the one."
I assumed she'd give it me to put on, but she instantly uncapped the lipstick before leaning close again, grabbing my chin softly and painting my lips red. I was paralysed at the contact, my eyes flickering between hers. They looked greener than usual because of her green shirt, and then I started focusing on the space behind her head, realising I was staring.
"I think this is my best work yet," she said with pride, letting go and looking at me way more than I preferred. "You're really nervous, aren't you? Don't worry, you're gonna be great, Y/N."
Yeah, not nervous for what she thought... but I'd take it.
"Okay, get ready so I can see the final look," she feigned impatience, smacking me with her hands.
"Okay, okay, geez, Jackie." I got up as she laughed, and grabbed my clothes from the hangar.
I changed behind my wardrobe door, physically incapable of changing in front of her. When I stepped out, hair and makeup fully done, I glanced in the mirror and was pleased with what I saw, not really doubting Jackie's abilities. I turned to show Jackie, who stood up from the bed and looked me up and down, leaving me nervous all over again.
"You. Look. Beautiful," she said with a kind smile, approaching me and fixing my hair from the front.
"Thanks, Jackie," I said, both flustered and with appreciation.
Her eyes continued to take in my whole appearance, making me avoid meeting her gaze as I distracted myself with pulling on my shoes.
"So, are you not getting ready?" I asked, changing the subject.
"Yes, Jeff said he'd drop me back off to mine so I can get ready with Shauna," she said. "Just wanted to make sure you were good to go first."
"Well, thanks, I appreciate it."
Once my shoes were on, I grabbed my jacket and opened my bedroom door, holding it open for her. Walking her downstairs, we stopped by the front door and Jeff and her left for her place whilst my mum dropped me off to the school early so the band and I could get ready.
The school gym was already decorated for the dance, the stage set up with our instruments. I found my friends backstage and smiled at how coordinated we all looked with our outfits.
The band was made up of myself on the guitar and keyboard, Y/BF/N on the drums, Tommy on vocals and guitar and Aaron on bass. We'd all been friends since kindergarten and grew closer in Music class, and they were a tight knit group that I couldn't imagine being without.
We'd practiced a lot since officially forming about a month ago, so I wasn't doubting our ability to sound good, but the dance was our first proper live performance and it was still a little nerve wracking.
"Okay, guys, this is it," Tommy said as we all got ready for the curtains to open. "Not a big deal, but also could be the difference between high school suicide and surviving the next three years."
"No pressure, in other words," Y/BF/N said sarcastically, making Aaron and I laugh.
"We've got this," I assured them all. "Good luck, gang."
They all returned it before we got into our positions and waited for the principal to announce us. I clutched my guitar pick and took a deep breath once I heard our name, then the curtains opened revealing the sports hall full of students, including Jeff, Jackie and all of her teammates.
They all smiled supportively, and I admittedly let my gaze linger on Jackie for a second longer than I should have. I couldn't help it – she looked so pretty in her purple satin dress, enough that I almost missed my cue to play because of how distracted I was.
We performed a few covers smoothly, making no mistakes and eventually falling into our usual rhythm, and everybody seemed to be enjoying themselves. After a set, the DJ took over and we all left our instruments onstage before leaving to have a break.
"I can't believe we just did that," Y/BF/N said with amazement.
"Neither can I," Tommy agreed with a laugh before pulling us all into a group hug.
After having the ultimate debrief of our performance, still in disbelief and on a high from it all, we went our separate ways to catch up with others, and Jeff and Jackie found me immediately.
"Y/N, that was awesome!" Jeff exclaimed when he saw me, before pulling me in for a hug. "You were amazing up there!"'
I chuckled, blushing. "Thanks, Jeff. You think everyone liked it? Like actually?"
"Of course they did!" he said like I was stupid. "Y'know how cool you are now?"
"Hey, she was always cool," Jackie said, smacking him playfully before shooting me a smile that made me weak in the knees; she was even prettier up close. "Y/N, you were amazing up there. Real badass. The team thought so too."
"Thanks, Jackie," I said with a nod, heart racing just a little more than usual.
"You're not on a for a while now, right?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, and all it took was for me to shake my head before she grabbed my hand and led me to the dancefloor with Jeff. "Good, you can dance with us!"
"Oh, I don't know–"
"Let loose, Y/N," she insisted with a grin, before dragging me to where her teammates were.
And as soon as they saw me, they showered me in compliments and I was flustered the whole time, not used to the attention. It was kind of Jackie to have them cheer me on, but it was also just another reminder that they all saw me as Jeff's little sister. Still, I tried to focus on how great the night had been and let myself enjoy it.
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sarahs-secrets2 · 1 year
Hi! Hello! Can you do this little request?? Gn! Reader x Leon.
Ok so, here's the thing. Reader loves to cook, and by any chance they discover Leon's favorite food??
And after Leon returns from a mission, Reader surprises him with this favorite dish?
I hope you can see this and do it.
That's all! Have great day!
Love Languageˋ♡ˊ
okay i usually don't bump requests out of order but I've been thinking about this one everyday since i got it
gn!reader x leon kennedy
loosely based on love langauge by ariana grande
₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗
The pan sizzled as you stirred the contents, the kitchen filled with a sea of aromas as you busied yourself waiting for Leon’s return. The timer beeped loudly as you quickly made your way to the oven pulling the tray out and setting it down on the counter to cool down. Quickly glancing at the clock, you realized Leon would be home any minute.
“I’m home,” his voice echoed through the house, right on queue.
“Kitchen!” You could hear Leon’s faint laugh as he made his way through the house to you. Still busy at the stove, making sure the food didn't burn you turned your head slightly as you greeted him. “Hey, I missed you,” 
“Missed you too,” he smiled walking closer. His hands wrapped your waist, resting his chin on your shoulder as he watched you cook. “Smells amazing” he mumbled into your ear sending a chill down your spine.
“I hope it tastes as good,”
“I'm sure it’ll be amazing,” Leon squeezed you lightly, before turning you around to now face him. His hand snuck below your chin lifting your face up just so. Leaning down he placed a gentle kiss upon your lips. “I missed that,” he chuckled. 
“Me too,” you smiled up at him before turning back around to face the stove.
“Hey,” Leon protested, obviously wanting more.
“You’re distracting me go,” giggling as Leon’s hands wrapped around your waist again trying to pull you away from the pan. “It’s gonna burn stop,” laughter filled the kitchen as Leon continued to tease you.
“What are you even making?” 
“You can’t tell?” finally free from his grasp, you titled the pan slightly in his direction.
“Wait, is that?”
“Your favorite,” you beamed watching Leon’s reaction. 
“You are amazing, you know that?” he spoke between placing an array of kisses all over your face. His hands guided yours to set the pan back down, drawing you back into him for a deeper kiss. Leon pulled away briefly, whispering against your lips, “Thank you,”
₊°✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ ♡ ˎˊ ˗
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snoopyana · 7 months
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“and i know it’s all wrong and i should stop…but i can’t.”
in which haechan meets you in a gamstop, letting his impatience get the back of him after dropping you off at home. who knew how awkward it would be when you find him?
lee donghyuck. smut
today was slow, like every other day. the occasional nerd coming in to ask you a few questions about some obscure game. watching people shop in the mall, chin resting in your hands, the silence started to consume your mind. reaching for your phone, the bell on the door chimed — your hand returned to the counter. “welcome to gamestop!” your own customer service voice finally getting on your nerves. “hi..i’d like to make an exchange.”
looking at him, it was a slight surprise. most of the men that stepped foot in here were..well.. — gross. but he looked clean. thick rimmed glasses taking up his face, covering the tanned skin around his eyes. jet black hair that was a little messy, lips parted just enough to see his two top teeth peeking out. tilting your head up to make eye contact, you smiled.
“of course, what do you have with you today?” leaning on the counter, the male laid down the three game cases that he held. “just these.” he barely spoke above a whisper, which you barely caught. grabbing the games, you did the usual inspection. “and these work just fine?” you questioned him, placing the game cds back into their respective cases. he mumbled under his breath, eyes darting across the store. looking back at him, your eyebrows knitting and a sincere expression plastered on your face. “can you repeat that? i didn’t quite understand!” he turned back to you, nodding. “yeah, they work just fine. i only ever played them twice.”
after a few questions and a little bargaining, he stuffed the money into his hoodie pocket. “if you don’t mind, i’m gonna look around a little.” he walked deeper into the shop as you placed the cases onto the counter behind you. watching as he browsed, you couldn’t help but notice how tense he was. even being tense the whole interaction. it was kinda cute, a nice change of pace from the usual cocky nerds that walked in and out those doors.
while he minded his own, your eyes gazed at the clock, realizing your coworker was running late. it was almost time for you to clock out and he usually appeared 5 minutes early. mark barged into the store, looking a little tired. “sorry, traffic.” he huffed out before coming around the counter. “it’s all good lee, not like i was dying to get outta here.” you patted his back making room for the man to slip past to the back. “and i think imma stay a little longer, there’s a costumer i wanna ring up.” your eyes lingering on hyuck as he grabbed something from off the shelves. mark followed your eyes, landing on the male. “oo, don’t go asking for his number though.” shooting the blonde a nasty side eye, hyuck shuffled back to the counter. “i’d like these please.”
for the next few days, the same tan man came in. asking for your opinions on games, what you recommended, etc etc. with his frequent appearance, it dawned on you that his name was never once mentioned. realizing this as you leaned up on the checkout counter while waiting for him today. you didn’t know his name but you spoke to him like he was your long lost friend. just on queue, he walked through the double doors. welcoming him like every other day, he greeted you back. “hi yn” of course he knew your name, it was pinned on your shirt. but you wished his own was also pinned onto his. shuffling behind the counter, you slid out to actually start working. restocking and dusting off shelves.
during the usual game talk, you finally asked. “so, what’s your name?” you questioned while cleaning off a particularly dusty shelf, he usually just followed you around the store to talk and watch you. “oh its haechan. or hyuck.. or donghyuck. whatever you choose.” wiping off the boxed items, you nodded. “hyuck, i like how that sounds.” feeling his cheeks get a little warm, he started fiddling with his fingers to try and distract from it — your sentence repeated itself in his mind. “thank you.” he whispered, continuing to follow you as you ventured into the store. the way he trailed behind you, someone would have mistaken him as a trainee.
his visits soon ventured out of the store — but never too far. hyuck would wait for you to get off, and he’d take you to lunch at the nearest restaurant. paying out of pocket each time. the lunches would consist of him listening to you talk and then drop you off at your apartment — you offering for him to come inside since it was late and him politely(and quietly) declining before running off to his vehicle.
tonight he sat parked in the far end of your parking lot, his hands making quick work at his belt. pulling out his painfully erect dick. he couldn’t help but get hard after every meeting or hangout session with you. spitting into his palm, hyuck was quick to start stroking himself.
couldn’t even wait until he got home.
whines filling the car as his head hit the back of the driver seat, while his hand made rounds on his dick. inevitably leading to his failure in realizing you getting closer to his car. running through the lot to see if he had left in hopes on retrieving your phone — the phone seated on his passenger seat. he had learned to finish quick, but tonight, he wasn’t quite quick enough. your palm rubbing the fog off the driver side window to see if he was in the vehicle. as your nail tapped the glass, the sight in front of you caused your finger to pause midtap — leading to his hand stopping mid stroke. hyuck didn’t look up, but he knew who was there.
note -uhhhh, so the day i’m posting this(february 14th) is my birthday!! i planned on posting this yesterday but i decided why not wait? now look at me, posting this late at night because i wanted to be turnt for my 20th birthday. but i hope yall enjoyed and had a great valentines. hugs and kisses!!
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beelsbignaturals · 1 year
HoL and their preferred cuddling styles?
AN: omg posting twice a day look at me go! I WAS gonna queue this but I have no patience sometimes. Also lmk if anyone is interested in a part two with the undateables!
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Lucifer wants to be the little spoon so damn bad but would rather die than admit it. Please just hold him. If you can ignore his grumbles of "Honestly, MC, I am not a child!" One of two things will happen. Either you let go, to which Luci will respond with an indignant. "I didn't say you could stop." Or if you are a little more persistent, after a small huff, Lucifer will relax in your arms. Regardless, you will have an all-powerful demon melting into your embrace by the end of it. He also enjoys when you plop yourself down on his lap while he deals with another never-ending mountain of paperwork. Don't worry, he's happy to work around you if you just promise to stay. It makes the long hours much more tolerable. 
Mammon loves resting his head on you, using your body as a pillow. Doesn't matter if it's your chest, thighs, stomach, or shoulder. You are the great Mammon's personal headrest. That is your sole purpose in life. Why does he like it so much? Well, aside from the fact it usually leads to your hands gently massaging his scalp, it also means he only has to tilt his head just a little to press a quick kiss to your skin. If you do the same, laying your head against him while watching a movie or just in general, Mammon will probably freeze for a moment before his hands find themselves in your hair. 
Leviathan is way too embarrassed and also just overwhelmed by physical contact at first. If you want any hope of something that resembles cuddling before you have managed to convince Levi you're not pretending to be into him as a joke, you will need to initiate. Try linking your arm through his while he is playing on his NintenDevil Switch. He'll short-circuit but recover when you say you just want to watch him play. He can only handle so much tactile stimulation before he taps out and needs to lay in the dark for 1-3 business days to recharge so please just… when he shakes you off without blushing and stuttering that's your cue to listen. Once Levi is comfortable enough with you to sleep in either your room or his bedtub, you become his replacement body pillow. Sometimes, he will subconsciously wrap his tail around you in his sleep.
Satan tends to sit in strange positions while reading so honestly, just… wherever you can fit. Find a way to squeeze into his arms without blocking the book, and you're golden. He's upside-down with his legs over the back of the couch? Lay your head on his stomach. Sitting like some sort of contortionist? Wrap your arms around him from behind. Sitting like a normal person for once? That is an invitation, my friend! It's his way of saying, "Get over here and cuddle me now or else." He tends to stay up late reading so… if you are the type to cuddle at night, I will pray for your poor spine.
Asmodeus loves you, but he needs space. Beauty sleep is important! If you share a bed, he wants to hold your hand to feel close to you, but he has to lay on his back so his overnight mask can do its thing without making a mess. You will just need to get by with entwining your fingers with his as you both drift off. He's happy to cuddle up with you any other time, though! If you are lounging anywhere, your lap is fair game for the Avatar of Lust. He can and will sit on your lap regardless of the situation. It's his favorite spot, after all. 
For practical reasons, Beelzebub prefers to cuddle you in a way that, when he inevitably gets up for a midnight snack, it won't disturb you too much. But if it won't bother you too much, he loves it when you lay on his chest. He will even go the extra mile and carry you along for his late night kitchen raids. He's strong enough that he can hold you in one arm and his food in the other. Also! Cuddling so that his arms are wrapped around you and you are curled up against him, facing the demon. For the love of all that is good in this world! Just let the man hold you! Beel is just a giant teddy bear. Like the one from ikea. Feel free to initiate cuddles any time, any place. Just watch out for an annoyed Belphie who is not impressed you took his spot as Beel's favorite cuddle buddy.
Belphegor moves around so much in his sleep. The ONLY way to stop this is to fully lay your entire weight on top of him. Like a living, breathing weighted blanket. Careful though, he might get so used to your presence that he will demand you join him because he's just oh so tired but he can't sleep without you sprawled out, completely crushing the demon underneath you. Alas, sometimes your efforts are for naught, and in the middle of the night, sloth incarnate has completely flipped the two of you. And… somehow, he's also upside-down? It's rather hard to sleep with a kneecap digging into your ribs. The picture you managed to get of Belphie hugging your legs like a teddy bear is totally worth it.
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
👔 We Really Shouldn’t…But 👔
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once again, THANK YOU @indigoballad for the suggestion 😩😩 and @offthalot heres the food i promised bae 🫶🏾💖
content: afab reader, blowjob, public oral sex, exhibitionism, swallowing, fingering, squirting
“we-we’re gonna get in trouble for this, you know that?”
onyankopon’s words are huffed, low and cautious. not cautious enough for someone who was currently getting their dick sucked at the back of a lecture hall, but he had his wits about him.
with a pop, you briefly take onyankopon’s length out of your mouth to give him an upwards glance from between his legs.
“why does it matter? it was your idea.” you muse, your tongue swiping over your lips before you lower your mouth onto him again, keeping the eye contact.
onyankopon closes his eyes with a slight groan because he can feel himself getting close and your bewitching stare wasn’t helping. it was his idea in the first place, but he didn’t realise how full the class was going to be and how loud you’d sound. god, and with the way you were practically sucking the soul out of him, draining him? onyankopon knew he was in trouble already
“g-g-geh…get off.”
he mumbles, because he can’t keep this up any longer. he’s pretty sure he’s getting suspicious glances from the other students, and suddenly the thought of exploding himself at the back of class wasn’t as appealing as it originally was and he’s the head of the student union for fucks sake! how could he fight for the rights of students whilst being a bad example of one?!
but you’re still sucking, determined in fact, and onyankopon doesn’t know how else to tell you that he’s about to cum.
“babe…” he whisper-tries.
you ignore him for the most part, moan onto his dick to send even more stimulation his way, and onyankopon can only whine at you, his hands grappling at your cheeks.
“bubba, im gonna…”
you knew what he was trying to indicate but you were more determined to finish your job. you instead take his words as a disobedient queue to fondle his balls, and suddenly, onyankopon is letting out the most guttural orgasm that he’s ever had. he groans so loud that most of the class turn round to look. onyankopon tries to mask it by quickly flopping face down onto his mac book.
even the lecturer pauses, and looks over in his direction to intervene.
“mr. mensah.” he droned. “everything okay?”
with his forehead still resting ontop of his laptop, onyankopon raises his thumb to signify his supposed undetrimental state.
but it looks like its not enough and onyankopon can feel that eyes are still on him and so he tries clearing it up with: “justa cramp.”
once people seem to no longer be interested and the class is resumed, you clamber your way out from underneath the table, fingers prettily dabbing at the corners of your lips for any spillages.
“stop being dramatic.” you coo, seeing as onyankopon’s head was still down on the table. the man scoffs as he moves slightly away from you.
“it’s not dramatic if its real.” he mumbles as he finally sits up to tug himself back into his trousers.
you only roll your eyes, not considering to pay him much attention for the rest of the class, but there was definitely something telling you that you should have taken him more seriously.
by the time there’s only ten minutes to the class left, onyankopon’s hands start to fiddle their way over your thighs.
at first, you don’t see it as a big deal because he usually got handsy when he was anticipating to do something. you assumed this with him anticipating to get packed up for the end of the lecture, but it’s when his fingers started to dance dangerously close to the seam of your panties, that you had to sideeye him.
“hey…” you sharply breathe at him.
onyankopon pretends not to hear you, continues to act as if hes listening to the lecturer. his other arm nonchalantly leans on the rest of his chair as he covers his mouth with his hand. anyone else would have thought he was being studious but with how his daring hand was pushing the material of your underwear to the side, you knew elsewise.
you attempt to squeeze your legs together, get him to rethink his actions, but even with one hand alone, the strength he ensues to part your legs is unmatched — even for your thighs.
“ony, don’t. the class is almost over. wait till we get back to yours.” you try, but he’s not listening.
swatting him away, you grit your words over at him but its soon replaced by a soft hiss that leaves your mouth as onyankopon decides to relish two fingers over the opening of your cunt.
its subtle, but it’s impactful, because your concentration is now utterly divided.
“ony, you-“
“i’m getting my lick back.” he plainly states, and from that alone you know theres nothing else you can do about it.
oh, how the tables have turned.
now you’re left huffing and squirming in your seat because onyankopon decides that its here and now he wants to pay you back for something he initially wanted.
once he actually delves two fingers in, you fling your head backwards in a groan. onyankopon shushes you for good measure but the smile on his lips is devious; he’s getting what he wants. a few people look over and you try your best to cover onyankopon’s hand with your skirt but everytime, he flicks it back up — flashing everything on display.
suddenly he’s so determined for everyone to know. no longer cautious that he, the head of the student union, was committing indecent acts with his girlfriend towards the back of the lecture hall.
every time the lecturer’s drowsy eyes wash over your side of the room, you try to seem unaffected and unmoved, but it’s hard when onyankopon insists on making a mess out of you.
“come on. where’s those pretty moans i like?” he teases and you almost feel like crying.
“ony, not nowww.”
you whine in conjuncture, but it’s absolutely no use as onyankopon keeps his fingers pulsing and his thumb now swiping at the helm of your clit.
a squeak is the only thing that leaves your throat next as you proceed to slouch in your chair.
bringing your hand up to your mouth, you bite down on your fist to quieten yourself but it’s not use! your body just couldn’t disobey the man as it couldn’t help but to make the soft sounds of pleasure.
you can feel the usual bubbling of your stomach tickle the inner end of your womb. you knew what that meant and usually you’d welcome the feeling, but now, with other people present and being outside the comfort of either one of your rooms, you dreaded the coming flood.
“im gonn cum, ony.” you fitfully press out.
onyankopon acknowledges your statement but only with a nod and lick of his bottom lip. you know this was fun for him but you doubt he understood the true extent of your impending orgasm.
“onyyy…” you moan again.
you accidentally catch the attention of someone a few seats ahead and you can easily tell the moment they realise whats going on. with the way they gasp and turn their head back round, you know that you were no longer being discreet enough to go unnoticed by others.
however, there was something thrilling about having been caught but not shying away from the response.
“im gonna cum.” you try again, but onyankopon continues the same motions.
“i know.” he lowly hums.
at this point you feel like your breath is going to wind out of your chest and your orgasm is getting too close but onyankopon just doesn’t let up.
another moan leaves your mouth but this one is so final.
“li-like…a lot.” you mewl.
“i know.” he growls and its that which sets you over the edge.
inexplicably your thighs clamp together as you lurch forwards in climax, a lewd groan leaving your mouth as your cunt cooly wets onyankopon’s fingers. you hear the man lowly cuss beneath his breath at the audacity of the situation but you know more than anyone that that is a sound of onyankopon being turned on.
your orgasm hits you so heavily that even after the embarrassment of more people looking back in inquisition, you still can’t help the shudders that wash over you and pull hapless whimpers out of you.
it’s exposing but so thrilling at the same time. in a sense you’re pleased he put you through the experience.
“well, shit…” you mumble at your slightly damp skirt and chair. your chest is still heaving up and down as you slouch in your seat.
on the other hand, onyankopon doesn’t find it a problem as he’s sucking the rest of you off his fingers. he does however glance over to you with a new fire in his eyes.
you already know you’re in trouble once this class finishes — and that’s not by any lecturer’s means.
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strangerquinns · 1 year
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Deadly Reunion|Chapter 9
Eddie Munson x female!reader // a stranger things apocalypse au
summary: You and Eddie have been best friends since childhood. But when the outbreak happened five years ago, you were torn from one another in the chaos. but now you’re left alone, after your group was killed by another radical crew, leaving you to seek out what was once home. // zombie apocalypse Hawkins set in 1993
warnings: angst + adult themes w/ descriptions of violence, blood, torture + other zombie apocalypse related issues
word count: 
⪻ previous chapter | next chapter ⪼ | stranger things masterlist
A week.
It had been a week since Eddie watched you walk away from him.
And you still weren’t talking to him.
Not like he hadn’t been trying. It seemed that any time he went looking for you, he’d just missed you.
The first couple of days the fear gripped Eddie’s heart like a vice and grew tighter when he couldn’t find you anywhere in the Camp. When he stopped by the room you shared with Robin, conveniently, you were gone. But the third day when he walked in with Gareth to the cafeteria for breakfast – he instantly found you.
You were sitting at a table with Robin but looked to be within your own mind as you pushed around the food on your tray. Your head was downcast as everyone else at the table around you talked lively. Eddie stood there frozen for a moment. But another part thought he was hallucinating since no one else seemed to interact with you.
Like his fear of losing you had manifested you in front of him.
Your head turned up slightly before your eyes stayed on him. They widened for a quick second before that deep seated rage returned to your eyes. The spark within them made him flinch back slightly. No matter how much Eddie wanted to go to you. He didn’t.
“Damn,” Gareth spoke from beside him, “She’s really fuckin’ pissed at you.”
Eddie sighed deeply at his friend's words, before turning and heading toward the queue to grab some breakfast. The line moved quickly and soon he was sitting at his usual table with Gareth and a few others.
But here is now, days after that, and still hating that you weren’t talking to him.
A part of him was pissed at Gareth for telling you the truth. For beating him in informing you about him and Sarah. It was a topic he wasn’t ready to talk about with you – yet. Her death was still too fresh in his mind. The guilt over it still gnawing away at his heart so much that he felt like he couldn’t breathe. He might not’ve be in love with Sarah, but he still cared deeply. She was also his friend. Someone he’d known nearly his entire life. And like everyone else in his life. She was taken away from him.
Just like you had been all those years ago. The only difference was that he was the one to push you out of his life.
But he got a second chance and it seemed that it was already ruined.
Eddie still thought of that night on your birthday. As you lay with your head in his lap mumbling sweet nothings of love. Finally saying the words, he ached to hear.
But Eddie knew there was no one else to blame but himself for hurting you.
“Chief says we need to head out for another run,” Steve spoke, pulling Eddie out of his thoughts and back to the present.
Eddie sighed deeply and rubbed at the scuff along his jaw that had been growing over the last few days. “We just did a run, what do we need now?”
“Medical supplies,” Steve spoke, resting his hands on his hips. The black you’d given him was starting to fade, only soft yellows and greens around his eye and nose left behind. “Also, we gotta start prepping for the colder months when we’re not gonna go out as much.”
Eddie nodded his head, “Alright, I’ll meet you upfront. Let me grab my gear.”
Eddie’s body already felt tired at the thought of leaving the camp again. Hopper had them going out more and more for supplies that he could’ve sworn they had enough of. Trips were becoming longer, and they were venturing out farther. Hawkins was nearly tapped clean of any valuable supplies for them, so the surrounding towns were their only source. But that was depleting.
But how much longer do we have to keep living like this? Eddie asked himself.
Eddie didn’t take long to grab his pack and a few supplies. He wasn’t sure how long they would be gone, so he over-packed slightly. He grabbed his leather jacket knowing the nights would be cold, along with his bandana. The last thing he grabbed was a pack of cigarettes and a lighter that he slipped into his back pocket.
One of the things Eddie wasn’t expecting as he walked into the front lobby…was you.
You stood toward the outer side of the group when he walked through the doors. You were back in the clothes that he’d found you in. Your eyes met the moment he walked upon the group and that flare of anger was still there. But Eddie couldn’t stop the words that came out of his mouth.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Eddie spoke, his dark brows pulling tightly together as his eyes glared down toward you.
Your back straightened as you turned to him more, “Excuse me?”
Your tone was tight with a slight hiss to it. Eddie recognized that tone. But even knowing he was pushing himself down a deeper hole with you – he didn’t stop.
“What are you doing here?” He asked again, looking around to see everyone was looking toward the two of you in confusion. “You’re not coming with us.”
“I’m sorry, didn’t realize that I need your permission.”
“Hopper assigned her to her tasks, Munson,” Robin spoke, stepping up to stand beside you. Her arms crossed at her chest as she glared at him. "She's part of the supply run crew now."
It took three seconds and observing your body language with Robin to quickly see you two have become closer. It was really a shock since  Robin was your roommate. But that only pissed Eddie off more.
“I don’t fuckin’ care what Hopper assigned her, go, and tell him to change it.” Eddie stepped toward you, his frame looming over you. “You’re not coming with us.”
Eddie’s voice dropped as he spoke that last part, a slight pleading coming into his eyes. You had to remind yourself not to give in, that you were still mad at him. That those large, dark eyes weren’t going to crack the hardened shell you placed around yourself.
“I didn’t ask, nor want, your permission of what I can and can do, Eddie.” You stepped closer to him, looking directly into his eyes and speaking next so only he could hear. “You lose that when you decided to lie to me.”
A part of you could've sworn that a deep flash of pain moved through Eddie’s eyes. But you didn’t give yourself too much time to see, as you pushed around him and moved to stand on the other side. Eddie stood standing in his spot, unmoving, as tension moved through the lobby. It was Steve who cut the tension, clearing his throat to pull everyone back to him.
“We’re going on a supply run for the medical wing. We’re heading out farther towards Redding, a spot we have hit before, and didn’t clear. It’s gonna take a few days so we need to move quickly, we need to move fast.” Steve spoke with clear authority and leadership in his tone. “Now let’s head out, we don’t want to lose light before get to the first camp point.”
One by one the group started to file out of the building and toward the front gate. Steve walked to the front of the group leading the way with someone else close behind him. You learned his name was Mike and he was Nancy’s older brother. He was far from the little kid that you knew from running around the neighborhood. You walked more toward the middle with Robin, Nancy, and Nancy’s boyfriend Jonathan. Another person you met in the week you’d been at the camp.
But behind you, you felt him. His eyes are at the back of your head causing your spine to straighten. You fought with yourself to not look back toward him. To not acknowledge him any more than you already have.
Instead, you kept your eyes forward as you prepared yourself to head out into the world you just found safety from.
“So, what is going on with you and Munson?” Robin asked, the two of you walking side by side as the group moved through the overgrown woods surrounding Hawkins.
“We’re supposed to be sweeping the area,” You spoke, your gun raised slightly, ready if needed, as your eyes moved through the area looking for a sign of anything.
Have it be a Flayed.
Have it been human.
Either was dangerous.
“I can multitask,” Robin spoke with a soft laugh, “Come on…it’s like suffocatingly tense between you two,”
You sighed deeply, “I found out he lied...kept something from me, and that’s all I’m really going to say about it.”
“Does it have anything to do with your reaction to knowing you’re in Sarah’s old bed?”
You stopped for a moment and shot her a look, before shaking your head and moving further through the area Steve wanted you to sweep.
But Robin took your silence as a sign to continue.
“I know you said the two of you were friends and stuff, but your reaction to finding her stuff tells a little more. Which, ya know, I get if you don’t want to share. You barely know me, and we are only starting to become friends…but I am here…if you wanna talk.”
You stopped for a moment, lowering your gun slightly, “Thank you, I appreciate that, Robin.”
Robin smirked, “What are roomies for?”
There was no denying that over the last few days, Robin had greatly grown on you.
“I don’t see anything, do you?” a voice spoke as they walked upon the two of you, Nancy coming into view as she walked closer.
“Nothing.” You answered quickly, moving to holster your gun into the back of your jeans. “Anyone else?”
“No.” Nancy sighed sweeping her curls from her face, “The others found an abandoned home, thinking of camping out there? Catch some shelter since night is dropping.”
You nodded your head and quickly followed behind Nancy and Robin to head toward the shelter for the night. You couldn’t help but keep your eyes aware looking out for any danger. Your body didn’t relax till you came upon the small home that was tucked within the woods.
When you approached the small home, you quickly noticed how the forest around it was quickly reclaiming it. Moss grew along the sides giving the white siding more of a dirtied look. Mud caked along siding and windows. The front door was surprisingly still attacked but a few of the windows were blown out. It would do for the night. Steve and Eddie were securing the perimeter with Jonathan when you and the others approached.
You didn’t miss the quick glance Eddie sent your way as you walked past him. It was a mix of a few emotions, the one you caught quickly in the depth of his brown eyes was fear and sorrow. But with your emotionless mask still, in place, you walked by and said not a word.
“Night’s falling quickly, let’s get settled inside, get something to eat, and rest. Munson and Buckley, you have the first watch.” Steve spoke, strapping his rifle back across his back. “Not sigh of flayed, think we’re deep enough for cover.”
Eddie nodded his head slightly and moved his glace quickly back over to you. You were standing with Nancy and Robin right outside the home. Your face brightened slightly as you laughed at something Robin said. Again, that flare of anger and jealousy came back up, simply causing your attention as on someone else and not him. Steve caught the tension between the two of you, it was hard to miss especially with how you two were before the group left. And he couldn’t help but feel sorry for Eddie.
“She’ll come around, man,” Steve spoke, so that only Eddie would hear, digging through his bag in search of some jerky he’d packed earlier. “Whatever fight you’ve got going on will be resolved and you’ll be best friends again.”
“I don’t know. I…I fucked up, and…I don’t know how to make it better. It’s like I know her, but I don’t at the same time.” Eddie spoke, shaking his head slightly and rubbing his tired eyes.
“You’ll figure it out,” Steve spoke with more confidence than Eddie was feeling at the moment.
Everyone quickly began to fall into the roles and routine of a campout. You unrolled your sleeping bag and settled in the living room along with Nancy and the others. But even as you tried to lay down and catch some sleep, your mind wasn’t allowing you.
Instead, it was too focused on the fact Eddie was outside on the lookout with Robin at the moment. You stared up at the peeling paint on the ceiling hoping for sleep to take over. It wasn’t long till you cursed under your breath and stepped out into the front of the home again.
“Aren’t you supposed to be sleeping?” Robin’s voice came from above. You turned quickly to see her on the roof, gun in hand.
“Why are you on the roof? And second, is that even safe?”
“Most likely not, but I get a better vantage point. Plus I’m lighter weight than Munson.” She spoke with a smirk, “Now why are you up?”
“Can’t sleep. Thought I could be useful.”
“Munson in circling the perimeter, sure he could use the company and a second eye.” Robin’s lips turned up slightly with a mischievous grin before turning and continuing her pace on the roof.
“Fuck,” You whispered, before grabbing your gun from your back, checking your ammo, and then sliding it into the back of your pants. Tucked between your back and the waist of your pants. You also made sure to check your cargo pockets for your knife, before moving to find Eddie.
Didn’t take long to find his tall, lean frame moving between the shadows of the trees. The moon bleeds through the tops of the trees and creating a silver glow. Your footsteps were light, Eddie not noticing you till you were nearly on top of him.
“Jesus…” He cursed the moment he turned to head back in the opposite direction, only to see you. “…what the fuck,”
“Isn’t the whole purpose of patrolling being, to be aware of your surroundings?” You spoke, deep sarcasm in your tone.
Eddie sighed deeply, “I didn’t hear you.”
Your brows shot up, “No shit. Good thing I wasn’t a bad guy.”
“My mind been a little all over the place, wasn’t…paying attention.”
You rolled your eyes and moved to head back in the other direction, grabbing your gun in case anything was to happen. In a few passing seconds, Eddie was soon in pace beside you. The silence was thick and uncomfortable as the two of you walked side by side.
Eddie was the first to talk.
“Can we talk about the other night, please?” He asked, his voice soft and timid. The complete opposite of earlier in the day.
“There is nothing to talk about.”
Eddie flinched slightly, internally, from the harsh finality of your tone.
“There is a lot to talk about, a lot that you don’t know.”
“I know enough.” You looked at him slightly, before turning quickly back to scan the forest. “You kept it from me, Eddie. Purposefully. And don’t lie to me and say you didn’t.”
“I wasn’t,” Eddie spoke quickly.
You stopped for a moment and looked at him. Even with just the moon for light, you could see his face. He was being sincere. That remorsefulness was back in his eyes and causing his brow to pinch together slightly.
“I really don’t want to talk about this. You and Sarah were allowed to do whatever you wanted,”  You spoke, unable to keep the bitterness from your tone. “It’s not like you were mine and you cheated on me. I just…just…”
Your mouth opened a few times but no words could form. Eddie moved toward you, till something behind you caught his attention. His back straightened as goosebumps rolled over his flesh. Eddie quickly recognized the staggered, gaunt walk as it moved through the trees severely feet from the two of you. You caught on quickly to the change in Eddie’s body language and knew something was wrong.
“Shh,” He interrupted you, keeping his eyes just over your shoulder. “When I tell you to, I want you to head back toward the house, as quietly as you can.” He whispered, his words barely heard.
Your words stopped and choked you as you looked up at him, your grip tightening around your gun. The deep, guttural groan of a flayed soon cut through the tension and instantly made bile rise in your throat. Eddie moved slowly to grab his rifle, cursing any time a noise was made.
It would only take one sound, and the Flayed would know of your location.
It was far away enough to where you had a small chance to get away.
“I’m not leaving you.” You whispered.
“I’m gonna be right behind you, sweetheart.” Eddie spoke, his eyes moving toward you, “Now run.”
You hesitated for only a moment before your instincts kicked in and you were off, running back in the direction of the home. It wasn’t till you were running that you noticed how far you and Eddie had walked from the shelter.
But it hadn’t even been five seconds before the scream erupted from the monster. It had heard you and it was now on the hunt. You couldn’t help the whimper that came from you as the echoing of more screams moved through the forest.
“Run! Fuckin’ run!” Eddie shouted from behind you, the house coming into view. Robin is still perched on the roof.
“It’s a pack! Fuckin’ Flayed” You screamed, pure terror in your tone.
It wasn’t long till gunshots joined in with the screams.
Sooo...that was chapter Nine. please leave a review on your thoughts, predictions of the next, and anything else! I love seeing everyone's comments about how the story is going. Thank you for all your support it means the world to me.
@mopeymopeymouse / @aris-house / @brxkenartt /@akiratoro420 /@stylesxmunson / @aactuaaltraash / @fandomgirl17 / @ches-86/ @chaoticcancer / @munsonology / @bellamy-barnes / @theonlyh3artbreaker / @idkidknemore / @familyvideowithsteve / @eddiesdingus / @thefemininemystiquee / @the-world-is-a-mess-and-so-am-i / @xdarkcreaturex / @lunr-flwr / @cherry-omi/ @im-emma22@munson-enthusiast / @munsonmecrazy / @jupitar-jul / @katiemrty/ @maddie-luvs-eddie /@eddiemusworld/ @ih3artdanielle / @eddiesguitarskills / @hargrovesswifee /@chaoticcancer / @rh1nestonecowg1rl / @atombombbibunny /@munson-enthusiast / @hellf-1-re / @fangirling-4-ever / @corrcdedcoffin /@sidthedollface2 / @emma77645 /
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
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we're starting to get into the spooky months now, so what better way to close out the summer vibes than with a fic rec list!!
unfortunately, the original of this post got messed up through my queue and it left me discouraged and not really with the energy to go all out like i usually do so i apologize if the reviews are a little lackluster this time around, but i did love and adore every single one of these fics 💜
if you wanna see more more of my fic recs and favs, i have em all on my recs blog, here!! please note the navi page is still under construction!!
and of course, if you have any fic recs of your own, feel free to send em my way here or on my sideblog - i love finding new fics and writers!! 💜
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Javier Peña
birthday bash || a pile of cards - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ what else can i say? cute. adorable. perfect. made me feel like it was my birthday, because this was fic was such a gift. i don't know how jo is able to write the cutest and most fun relationship dynamics, but it makes my heart soar every time.
late night texts || iv. before the gold and glimmer | bonus scene: phone sex | v. you make me feel wild | vi. the place where i want to be | bonus scene: wicked games you play | vii. oh the sweetest thing - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ i will never not be in love with the way jo writes javi, and the absolute beauty of her writing. the way this relationship builds and feels so real with equals parts teasing and the shyness of the first time meeting someone you kinda sorta know always leaves me stunned.
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John "Soap" MacTavish
run away to me || i. - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ i'm warning y'all now, hal has spoiled me this month and a lot of the fics on this list are gonna be hers. but to start we're talking about this fantastic fic. blacksmith!soap was not something i knew i needed and i am foaming at the mouth to see where this goes.
soap comforting reader - @nrdmssgs
✧ coming from someone who's had very similar anxieties around meeting a significant other's family, this hit very close to home and was so. damn. sweet. i love this so much and soap being an absolute sweetheart here was just icing on the cake.
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John Price
glitter and gold || snippet - @writeforfandoms
✧ i could talk about this fic for hours. not only have i read it about a hundred times, but this fic helped inspire me to start drawing again. one of my top favorite comfort fics, everything about it is perfect. dragon!price being so in love with his wife, princess!reader finding joy and love and freedom with her new husband, the little appearances from the rest of the 141. it's all just perfect.
cardigan || part 1. it starts in a bar - @as-is-above-so-below
✧ price x teacher!reader was a lovely idea that i have been waiting for with baited breath and it did not disappoint. esp this part:
“Believe me. I get it. My career makes it difficult to find time for much of anything.”
“Yeah, well, I have sixteen kids.”
i love sassy teacher!reader.
songs that sound like sea-foam || (ii) | (iii) - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ this fic destroyed me. i had to call my mom and talk to her about it because i loved it so much. idk how to describe it, this filled me with a beautiful sense of longing and nostalgia of the classic fairytales my parents used to read me before bed
all, most, some, none - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ mmkay just one second while i-
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lions and ibexes - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ i love husband!price, don't get me wrong, but i think farah was the real star of this fic. her characterization is wonderful, and the talk she and reader have is so sad (for lack of a better word) but also hopeful and real. i want to have a love the way hal writes it in her fics.
late night cookies - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ perfect dad!price fic right here. really hit me right in the unresolved daddy issues. good job.
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where did you sleep last night - @captainfern
✧ i might just be a sucker for pet names like my love and darling, but this was so unbelievably sweet. reader missing price so much that they light one of his cigars just for the familiar smell of him?? i'm aldkasjl i love this so much.
glory to the reaper - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ the ability of hal to just present us with pure poetry like it's no big deal is just ugh chef's kiss. like all of this here:
How can life go on when such things are uttered to light? When they’re buried deep into your marrow like the dirt on top of a grave? 
How can the Reaper knock at your doorways when love exists in such quantity…in the fractures of his eyes? Only when his lips brush yours do you understand.
absolutely stunning.
ducky socks - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ dad!price strikes again by breaking my heart in the best possible way and gluing it back together with pure sweetness and a wholesome father-daughter relationship.
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Keegan P. Russ
for the weak and weary - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ i am of a simple mind. i see hal has written a keegan fic, i drop everything and read the keegan fic, i sob uncontrollably and struggle to read through my tears, i scroll back up to the top and read again.
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
some nights are like that - @deadbranch
✧ insert ohmygod they were roommates meme here. i love gaz, i love friends to lovers, i love roommates to lovers, i love everything about this fic. it's cute, it's sweet, it made me giggle. 10/10 will read again.
cult of vagabonds || chapter six: storm-flying petrels - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ i crave this series like something else let me tell you, and each chapter completely delivers. reader is somehow so frustrating and so relatable at the same time, no regard for her own life but also...same.
to be in love - @lethalchiralium
✧ am i biased because i requested this? yes. but also because this is cute and wholesome and perfect and the idea of gaz buying flowers for his crush makes me smile like an idiot and keri did a perfect job with this.
paper rings - @lethalchiralium
✧ this is me staring at keri after she's written one of the most perfect gaz prompts i've ever read and giving me the cutest, sweetest, most wholesome treat.
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get behind me - @writeforfandoms
✧ i love fall fair stuff. corn mazes, haunted houses, bobbing for apples, all of it. and it's even better with the addition of gaz. soap being a little shit had me laughing, but gaz being such a sweetheart (and a little bit of a tease) just had my smiling and giggling to myself.
there’s no need to panic, i’m right here now, aren’t i? you’re safe - @writeforfandoms
✧ gaz is the best boi and even more so when jen writes him. i love the way she portrays him being so soft and comforting, but also not afraid to take care of problems for his significant other. and, as someone who's had loud neighbors, i wish i had gaz there to take care of them for me too 😭
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Miguel O'Hara
glass houses - @lethal-chiralium
✧ actual picture of me pretending to be okay after reading this and having my heart shATTERED INTO A MILLION PIECES HOW DARE YOU KERI
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welcome to new york || 3 | 4 - @writeforfandoms
✧ i consume these chapters as if they're a decadent slice of cake made just for me and they're so fucking delicious every time. i love lyla and jess in this fic (i love everyone in this fic tbh, but i gotta support the girlies) and this part right here:
(Note to self: bring a sweater.)
literally me. i love this so much and can't wait see where it goes.
hammock by the sea - @wyvernest
✧ the way this fic made me want to enjoy a sunny july afternoon on my honeymoon with miguel in a hammock soooo bad. idk if feel-good can be used to describe a fic, but that's how i feel about this one. it's a feel-good fic, makes me soft and happy and wistful.
spider-girl!reader|| you haven't kissed me all day | jealous miguel | saying i love you for the first time - @luveline
✧ luveline never misses with the miguel fics. every single one is A+ 10/10 chef's kiss. the domesticity while also keeping miguel his grumpy self is just lakdjaksl i'm so weak for luveline's fics and her portrayal of miguel.
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dead disco || chapter 6 - @peachesofteal
✧ i really gotta read this series in small doses, because the way it makes my heart ache cannot be healthy. i just want everything to work out, for them to be happy but goddamn does peach want me to suffer (and i happily thank her for it)
how do they cuddle - @homicidal-slvt
✧ this has any and everyone in it, but more importantly it has my boys, gaz and roach and that's all that matters to me. gaz being the type to do a little kiss attack is so cute and something i can see him doing and roach tracing little shapes and letters i'm screaming. also graves being an absolute menace, you're so right for that.
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ravishing allure || prologue | cake for a dead man (i) -@halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ do i know who nikto is? not in the slightest. did that stop me from dropping everything to read this series? not in the slightest. will i ever be normal about one of hal's amazing fics? not in the slightest :)
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Phillip Graves
close your eyes for me, love - @writeforfandoms
✧ protective graves just does something for me. like, of course, he's a little shit and all that, but, as we've seen in canon, that man is loyal to a fault so it makes sense that loyalty would extend to his significant other. and also the way jen writes him just makes me blush and giggle so that's a plus 🤭
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Rodolfo Parra
pressing their foreheads together - @writeforfandoms
✧ i read Warnings: soft domestic fluff and kissing. and knew this fic was gonna be made for me. and i was right. this fic made me sigh longingly. i am so astronomically weak for the way jen writes this man and the way she writes soft domesticity.
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Simon "Ghost" Riley
the safe house has seen better days - @ghostaholics
✧ how does it feel to have such a perfect understanding of a character and then create such a gorgeous fic on top of that??
Always staying awake, always assigning himself to the graveyard shift for watch while everyone else squeezes in a few hours of rest before the sun comes up.
i am in awe of ms. ghostaholics and her beautiful ability to turn characterization into pure poetry.
hired as a live-in house cleaner - @ceilidho
✧ i👏🏼love👏🏼this👏🏼fic👏🏼 this turned me into a big ol' soft pile of hearts and mush ugghh just the perfect amount of fluff. very cute but subtle too and y'know i think that fits ghost pretty well.
the team is invited to a wedding - @rileyslibrary
✧ one thing about me: i love a wedding. and this fic right here? absolutely delivered. it's got everything: ghost, gaz cameo, a wedding, macarons. not to mention the A+ banter between ghost and reader, i love them and this fic so much.
happiness || white carnations - @lethal-chiralium
✧ happiness hurts in a way that leaves me somehow longing for more and i can't describe it any other way. i think keri is determined to figure out how many different ways she can break my heart with angst and fluff and i couldn't be more thankful.
circles and squares - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ i know i gushed about this fic already, but i'm gonna do it again. the best way to describe my feelings about this is that i would dedicate an entire section of my bookshelf just for jo's writing. the way she perfectly balances the differences between ghost and simon. the way he's stern and struggles, but doesn't lose his snark. the way he and reader support each other while still respecting each other and they're need for space. i'm so weak for this fic.
on the edge of the universe - @kil-g
✧ it's the world-building for me. it's the captivating atmosphere for me. there's just something so beautifully haunting here, and i am desperately clinging to every little piece of it. like i'm already feral for everything isa writes, and this is another excellent addition to the collection.
civ!reader kills someone out of self defense for the first time - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ had me hooked from the opening line and man was i on edge the rest of the time. i was panicking right there alongside reader, and the portrayal of her confusion and fear and anxiety was so well done. and ghost coming in to comfort her?? i was crying. so unbelievably good.
badly wrapped secrets - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ i just-
"Thank you, for all of this.
He nods—short, and full of understanding, as well as signalling: you’re welcome."
i love them so much 😭
blood was its avatar - @halcyone-of-the-sea
✧ i was fighting for my life trying to read this without blushing like a sinner in church and ended up looking something like this-
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and i damn near cackled like a witch at that ending LMAO
the roommate series || lover boy - @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world
✧ i knew nothing about this series going on and when i tell you i read through it with a swiftness. my skin is clear, my knees are weak, my livestock is fed. this fic (this whole series tbh) has reached in and wrapped around my heart in the best possible way.
illicit indulgences || the ghost of you - @floralpascal
✧ i am screaming. this is so...i don't know the right word. beautiful? stunning? gorgeous? all of the above? the captivating description of loneliness, the way ella manages to capture the stubbornness of ghost missing someone but refusing to admit to himself that he does. they're so perfect and in love and i'm just alskdaj
can you imagine someone threatening you - @mvtthewmurdvck
✧ you ever hear that phrase, so nice you reblog it twice? well i have, cause that's exactly what i did with this fic. it's the least i could do for the pure artistry of this fic. i love reader here, being so confident and capable and ghost being completely infatuated by her ability and so ready to kill anyone who disrespects her.
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Valeria Garza
10 years too late on that, love - @writeforfandoms
✧ hello???? this was incredible???? i am??? slightly intimidated???? and in love??? with both valeria because she's mommy and with jen because she's such a wonderful writer and i am in awe of her talent.
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I'm not even sure how long this will be yet, but I'm saying short, multi-part so far! Where my Luca gals at? File up and form an orderly queue, because Nobody's Girl is arriving soon! A little mood board and teaser below for you!
Meet Emily Jane, my new OC. She's a little different to my usual bold, strong OC's, a sweet little flower of a girl, and the direct opposite of Luca in just about every way she could be.
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“Am I safe here, Luca?” 
He sniffed, running his long, tapered fingers through his hair, his magnetic green eyes moving from the street below over to her. “From them, yes. But maybe not from me.”  
She gulped, and he saw it, the fear flashing through the storm grey of her eyes, moving to crouch before her, resting his hands upon her thighs. “Not like that, honey. I ain’t gonna hurt you, but the more time I spend with you, the more I fuckin’ want you more than any other woman I’ve ever met.” 
And he did. He wanted her so badly, it drove him to maddened distraction. She was unlike the women of his past, the fiery Italian broads who matched his ire and deafened his senses with their brashness. This dainty, quiet little creature was all sweetness and softness, a light he knew the dark in him was drawn to, a perpetual moth to her flame.  
He wanted to sink his teeth into her, eat her like a ripe summer peach, but he held himself back, resisted the urge. She was too delicate for it, for the lust that prowled through his veins like a fire breathing dragon. His heat, he knew, would burn her to ashes, yet Luca never assumed for one minute that Emily actually wanted to feel his fire against her skin. 
After all, she’d handled much worse than a horny Changretta. 
Reaching for his face, her dainty fingers toured the scars, shuffling nearer to the edge of the bed, the potent smell of his skin and cologne heady upon her senses. Her touch rained like rose petals over everything in him that was hard and foreboding, her fingernail idly tracing the black cross marked upon the side of his neck.
“Maybe I want you just as much.”  
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hello! for the disabled systems ask game: 8, 13, 14!
8. How can people best accommodate you online?
- Using tone tags for certain things (jokes, sarcasm if it’s not clear etc). Not a necessity but they do help! Especially in anon suggestions/feedback/criticism where it’s hard to tell if someone’s being genuine or not.
- Using trigger warnings and using post tags properly (ie. tagging syscourse, vents, tagging triggers in posts etc - this is good for your reach as well as making it easier for others!!)
We use filters on our tumblr so certain words are blacked out or completely blacklisted - we come here to relax most of the time, we don’t want politics, bullying and unpleasant content playing without us expecting it. We engage with the news etc at our leisure, but don’t enjoy having to see it during our break times.
- Having alt text or image descriptions with images, and GIFs. We have GIF autoplay disabled, and often will read alt text instead of watching them (as we struggle with flashing lights)
- Understanding we aren’t always going to be 100%, and our 100% is incredibly rare (and best spent.. not online). It may look like we’re doing well, but usually we are not lol. I can’t remember the last time we felt okay. Also it may look like we’re online all the time/the fronter talking to you isn’t the one posting - we use queue post a lot :3 and understanding we aren’t always gonna reply to DMs immediately!
I’ve totally missed something lol but that’s what i can think of rn
13. Hobbies: how does your system affect your hobbies?
In every single way possible honestly. I believe our hobbies vary between alter even if we do have some shared things - almost all of us love art and craft in some way. Sometimes someone will start something when they’re fronting and then switch for some reason…and then the thing will be forgotten. We have so many unfinished hobbies and projects.
14. Funny story related to being a disabled system
Omg omg I have a good one for this - one of our syskids was doing wheelies in our wheelchair the other week and then covered all the metal parts in stickers 🥹😭 It was so cute
We keep leaving our cane, crutches and wheelchair places because not all of our system is aware that we use mobility aids
Our cat always seems to know when we’re feeling unwell (even before we’ve realised) and will supervise and observe our behaviour and make sure we are okay. He’ll sit on our chest, stomach and legs while we rest, or he’ll curl up around my arm and put his paws in my hand. He knows when we’ve fainted and he’ll poke our face, sit next to us until we come around or go get our mum… but he also knows when we have switched out. He’s started using our amnesia against us to get more snacks - we’ll switch and he’ll come ask for more food 😭 Smart bugger. It took us ages of forgetting to feed him/overfeeding him before someone realised what he was doing. I don’t know how he knows, but he really does know. We’ve had to start leaving notes on the fridge to tell the household and any other fronters that he’s eaten.
And another one; we wear a subtle kitty plural venn diagram pin on our sunflower lanyard (along with a bunch of other pins) and our statistics teacher asked if it was because we like her subject lmao
Thanks to @disabled-systems for the ask game :)
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slowlyhardgoatee · 1 year
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Oh, this is too funny. 
That guy you came here with? He’s long gone. I’ve seen him do this before: he’ll take a boy to his favourite trucker rest stop - this one - and he’ll set him up kneeling in front of the glory hole in the last toilet stall. Then, while other truckers take turns fucking the faggot’s mouth, he just drives away - usually with another boy in tow. 
Now, I know you’ve been in that stall for about 2 hours. I know that because I went in to actually use the toilet about 90 minutes ago and there was a queue of fat trucker daddies waiting their turn in your mouth. So I just sat in my truck and waited. Meanwhile your guy had already scored another hot piece and was off. 
The last guy came out of the restroom building, winked at me and said ‘All yours, buddy. I hope you like ‘em good and used.’ And guess what, boy? I sure do. 
So, looks like you’re stuck here. Where are you headed anyway? L.A.? Figures. It’s good few days drive from here, though. But I’ll tell you what, faggot. You get up in my cab, and I’ll give you a ride. I’ll give you the ride of your fucking life. 
Now, boy, my cab, my rules, ok? And the first rule is, anything I say goes. If you want a ride out of here, you’re gonna strip butt naked right here and leave your clothes on the ground. Pass me your wallet and ID as well. 
Good fag. Not a bad body, either. Go ahead and get up in the cab, boy. Just give me a second, I gotta take a leak. 
Fuck, that feels better. Spraying my trucker piss all over your clothes while you watch. You got a spare set of clothes, faggot? Too bad. I’m gonna save your undies, though. They’re covered in my piss. Gonna stuff ‘em in your fucking mouth while I’m raping you, boy. 
Speaking of which, get up there. It’s time to go over your other rules. 
You now answer to Boy, Faggot, Cunt or Slave. Forget your actual name. I don’t know it, I don’t want to know it, and I’m gonna make sure no one ever calls you by it again. 
You don’t speak unless you are directly asked a question. The only phrases you are permitted to say in response are ‘Yes, Sir’, ‘Thank you Sir’, and ‘Harder please, Sir’. I will allow you the privilege of jacking off once a day. However, as soon as you shoot your load, you will instantly beg me to boot you in the fucking balls. And I never wear anything other than steel-toed boots, boy. 
And finally, your cunt belongs to me. It is my property, to be used and abused as often as I want, for as long as I want. We will be stopping at other rest stops on the way, obviously, and I will be making money off your faggot twat by renting it out at every rest stop we come to. 
Now, I’m gonna break you in, boy. Mark my fucking territory. On all fours, bitch boy, and arch your fucking back like the slut you are. Good cunt. Now beg me to rape you. Oh yeah. Fucking mean it, cunt. Louder. Louder, faggot. Beg for my fat fucking trucker daddy cock. Beg me to breed that cunt. You ready, boy? Here it comes, slave. 
Fuck yeah. Right to the bristles on the first thrust. Feeling all that fucking trucker slime up your cunt. God I love sloppy seconds. I love a used hole. And yours is gonna get used several times a day from now on, boy. 
Oh, fuck, I’m close. Clench those cunt muscles, faggot. Atta fucking boy. Here it comes… FUUUUUUUCK YEAH, FAGGOT BOY. Fuck. Yeah, take it all, cunt. Now lick my dick clean and let’s get going. Next rest stop’s in about an hour, so you’d better be ready for a good hard fuck. 
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late-to-the-party-81 · 11 months
He who Lovescraft loves loudest
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AN: Here is my contribution to Stucky Halloween. I don’t really do true scary things, so I went a bit of a different route.
Big thanks go to @greekgeek24 for organising the event and making not only the cover for this fic, and for all the fics that are being entered, but also for the custom bonus image she made for me to share with you guys - you'll find it at the end.
Another big thanks goes to @zenaidamacrouras1 for beta-ing and giggling along to this silly story.
This story also fills Square O2 of my @stuckybingo card - Eldritch Horror as well as the October challenge prompt - Haunted House, and Square B3 on my @steverogersbingo card - Himbo Steve.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Summary: There’s some scary goings-on around campus. Several students have ended up in hospital, traumatised by something they’ve seen. Bucky, Steve, Sam, Nat and Alpine decide to investigate. Will they discover what’s going on and more importantly, will Bucky get lucky with Steve?
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Relationships: Cap Quartet friendship, Steve x Bucky, FWB Nat x Sam.
Word Count: 6k
CW: College AU (all are late teens/early 20’s), kissing, groping, suggestive language, Bucky is constantly horny, Steve is a bit of a himbo, Nat has Sam right where she wants him, Scooby-doo inspired, crack treated seriously, cartoon style slapstick, Alpine is obviously the heroine, recreational drug usage (it goes without saying that in real life you should not have your cat inside your hotbox....)
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It was quiet and peaceful in the library until Sam and Nat burst in. Steve had said he wanted to study, but Bucky had managed to convince him, as easily as usual, that making out would also be a good use of their time. 
Bucky was straddling his boyfriend's sinfully muscular thighs, arms wrapped around his neck, enjoying the feel of Steve’s lips against his own. Enjoying the way Steve’s tongue was snaking its way into his mouth. Enjoying the way both of their partially chubbed up cocks were pressed against each other through their layers of clothes.
It was in the back of his mind that it would probably be relatively easy to convince Steve to abandon the library altogether for the soft bench seats in the back of his van and a lot less clothing. However, that’s when the other two appeared.
Nat, making a statement with her skin tight purple jeans and matching top, threw her bag down onto the table and slumped into the nearest uncomfortable wooden chair, all the while making gagging sounds. Bucky pulled away from Steve with a sigh, sliding back onto his own chair. Steve chased his lips for a few seconds before realising why Bucky was no longer kissing the shit outta him. He blushed and immediately turned back to his books, pointlessly trying to make it look as though that was what he’d been doing all along.
“I don’t even know why you two even bother coming to the library to study,” Sam teased, smoothing out his orange turtleneck. “One of these days Mrs. Parker is gonna catch you and throw you out. That’s if she doesn’t throw you out for smuggling your cat in.” 
Bucky spun his chair around, planted his feet in Nat’s lap and tilted his head back to seeSam pointing at Bucky’s backpack. As if on queue, a small, white, furry head popped out of the open zipper.
“Mrow.” Bucky reached out his hand to scritch the top of her head and she started to purr.
“Nah. Mrs P loves Alpine. Who do you think gave my princess a taste for fresh cooked chicken? And she loves me too, especially after I helped her nephew study for his mechanics exam. Doc Octavious gave Peter an A. ”
“I don’t know how you do it, man,” Sam grumbled. “You never seem to study, but still manage to ace all your classes. Meanwhile the rest of us gotta work double time. Especially Goldilocks over there.” Sam jerked his thumb and Bucky twisted in his seat. Steve had gone back to his books, but he still had a cute flush covering his neck and cheeks and his hair was adorably mussed. Bucky smiled indulgently, taking in the sight of his boyfriend in his tight navy slacks and white cotton shirt, before turning back to Sam.
“It’s not my fault I’ve got more natural talent than any of you goobers.” Nat glared at him and shoved his booted feet from her knees. “What are you two here for anyway? I thought you were going to have your own ‘study session’.” He raised his hands in air quotes and Nat’s glare got more intense. Alpine ducked her head back into the bag. 
“We’re here,” she ground out, “because there’s been another attack.” Bucky looked at Nat askance and her announcement even got Steve’s attention as his head snapped up too.
“Yikes! Who was it, and when?” Steve’s shyness at being caught making out melted away, replaced with his no-nonsense ‘mother-hen’ tone. Bucky decided he loved Steve all the more for it.
Sam moved around the table and sat down on Steve’s other side. “It was Clint and Laura. They were found late last night, wandering around near the campus coffee shop.” He pulled a fold out map from his jeans pocket and spread it across the table. Steve picked up one of his pencils and, tongue poking out between his lips, drew an X on it. It was the fourth such mark on the paper.
Bucky scooched his chair closer, pushed his shaggy, shoulder-length hair out of his face, and peered over Steve’s shoulder. Nat got up from her seat and stood behind all of them, resting her hand on Bucky’s back.
“They were crying and talking nonsense when Campus security found them. They’re up at the hospital. I was gonna go up there in a bit and see if I could get anything out of them.” Her tone was laced with anger and Bucky turned his head to look at the clenched fingers of her free hand. Outside of him, Sam and Steve, Clint was one of Nat’s closest friends and she also adored his long term girlfriend Laura, having announced early on that the pair were definitely ‘endgame’.
“I can’t believe that Dean Fury isn’t doing anything about this. This is the fifth attack in just over two weeks and he’s acting like it’s nothing but Spooky Season pranks that have gotten out of hand.”
Bucky wouldn’t put it past Nat to storm into Fury’s office and refuse to leave until he took it seriously. She might not be the tallest, but she was definitely scary when she wanted to be.
“I think I see a pattern,” Sam said, cautiously. His finger tapped down on the map. “Here are the first two attacks, then the third, fourth and finally, the one last night. They’re all within half a block of the old Borson house.”
Steve’s brows drew together. “But no-one has lived there for years. As I understand it, the realtors only just got hold of his daughter to get her to agree to sell.”
“It gives me the heeby-jeebies,” said Bucky. “But maybe we should check it out this evening?”
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“Got any twos?” asked Sam.
“Go fish,” Nat responded before she held out her hand for the joint Bucky was passing her. Sam grumbled and drew a card from the deck.
It was smokey and dark in the back of Bucky’s van, but that wasn’t unusual. Nor was the fact that, once again, Bucky was sitting on Steve’s lap. Now he’d passed the joint on, he could return to kissing Steve. 
Steve’s lips opened under his, so Bucky let go of his mouth full of smoke, shotgunning it to his boyfriend. Steve moaned back, his hands tightening on Bucky’s waist and rocking them together. 
“You’re so fucking sexy, Buck. Must be the luckiest guy in school.”
“If we were alone you could be even luckier,” Bucky mumbled into the soft skin of Steve’s neck.
“But you’re not,” drawled Nat, “so clothes stay on and flies stay zipped. That means you, Barnes. We all know who the bad influence is around here.”
“Anyway,” added Sam, “aren’t you two supposed to be keeping a lookout? Can’t do that while your lips are attached together.”
Bucky turned his head and stuck his tongue out at Sam. “You’re such a square.”
Sam raised an eyebrow and took a long pull on the joint. “I think you need to reframe your definition, man. I’m sitting in the back of a beat up van, smoking a joint, keeping an eye out for an unknown monster terrorising our campus and getting beaten at ‘Go Fish!’ of all things. Also, I’m me. As far from square as they come.” 
“Don’t get cocky, Wilson.” As she spoke, Nat stretched out her foot, placing it right into Sam’s crotch. Sam squeaked. Nat smiled.
“I still don’t quite understand what we’re even looking out for,” said Steve. “What did Laura say again?”
“Not a lot,” Nat replied as she stared down at her hand of cards, still rocking her foot back and forth. “She’s obviously traumatised from whatever it was that happened. Her parents said she wasn’t really talking at all, but when I got there she just grabbed hold of my shirt and pulled me really close. Then she just started muttering under her breath. The words ‘tentacles’ and ‘monster’. Then she let me go and went back to staring into space.” The others looked at her in horror, but Nat didn’t seem to notice. “Got any eights?”
Sam threw his cards down across the small table and the moment was broken. The slips of card slid across the melamine surface and Alpine, who had been lightly dozing upon it, opened her eyes and batted a few to the floor.
“Damn it, Romanoff. How the fuck do you do that?” Sam bent down with a huff to retrieve his cards, the joint wedged in the corner of his mouth.
“Observation, my dear Wilson. I can read you like a book.” As Sam sat back up, Nat plucked the joint from his lips and passed it back towards Steve and Bucky. She slipped around the table and slid onto the bench seat Sam was occupying, squishing him against the wall of the van. He grinned at her.
“And is that book the Karma Sutra?” He’d dropped his voice as low as it could go, pulling out all the stops.
“Depends how flexible you are, Sammy-boy.” Nat flicked the end of his nose and they both dissolved into giggles
Bucky, started to chuckle at their antics, when suddenly an ear-piercing scream from outside split the air. 
“Jinkies!” Steve exclaimed and leapt to his feet, banging his head on the roof of the van and tumbling Bucky to the floor in the process. Both exclaimed in pain.
“Damn it, Stevie!” 
“Sorry, Buck.” Steve rubbed at his head with one hand and with the other reached out to haul Bucky up from the floor. One strong jerk and Bucky was back on his feet. Bucky placed the joint in the ashtray and then rubbed at the ache in his ass. Sam and Nat were also on their feet and opening the sliding side door. Cool autumn air swirled into the space, flushing out the pungent fog they had all been cultivating.
Nat jumped down onto the asphalt, head tilted to the side as she waited to see whether any more noises would be forthcoming. She didn’t have to wait for long. A second scream met their ears and before any of the others could say anything she was off, sprinting towards whatever was happening. Sam and Steve looked at each other for a moment and then Sam sped away, hot on Nat’s heels.
“Nat! Wait!”
Bucky jumped down after him, but before he could follow suit he felt Steve’s large hands clamp down on his upper arms.
“Stay here, Bucky.”
“But Steve!” Bucky twisted in Steve’s hold to face him, confusion on his face.
“No, Bucky. I need to know you’re safe. Please. Stay here. You and Alpine. And we might need you to drive the van.” He dropped a kiss to Bucky’s forehead and then he was also running off into the streetlamp lit night.
Bucky watched him, mouth agape in stunned silence, before he stepped back and sat down on the edge of the open doorway.
“What the hell was that? Doesn’t he trust us, Al?” Bucky turned his head to look back into the van. Alpine was no longer sitting on the small table. “Al?” He stood up and then climbed into the van. “Alpine? Where are you, princess?” Bucky opened his backpack zipper wider, wondering whether his stalwart feline had decided to curl up in there for a snooze. No such luck.
Bucky planted his hands on his hips and let out a sigh. His girl was always trying to roam somewhere. He re-exited the van and strode over to bushes on the opposite side of the road.
“Alpine… Princess… Where are you sweetheart?” He ducked down but couldn’t see her. “Here, Alpine! Pss-pss-pss… I’ve got some chicken for you…” Bucky walked a little further down the sidewalk. She had to be around here somewhere. Just then, he caught movement in his peripheral vision; a dart of white disappearing between two fence planks.
“Ah-ha!” Bucky jogged off in pursuit. “You won’t get away from me.” He clambered over the short fence and followed the small blur of white into the shrubs. Branches snagged at his hair and his olive green t-shirt and he wished he’d worn a jacket now - it was a lot colder out here than he’d first thought and it would have protected his arms from getting scraped. The greenery thickened, forcing Bucky down onto his hands and knees. He shuffled forward and  stuck his head and shoulders into a gap under one of the bushes. Alpine was sitting under it, swishing her tail angrily.
“There you are, Princess. Come on. Out you come. We need to get back to the van.” Carefully he reached out, but Alpine let out an uncharacteristic growl as he did. “Hey! What’s gotten into you?” She growled again, the hair on her back standing up on end. As Bucky looked at her in the gloom, he realised something. She wasn’t looking at him. She was looking at something behind him.
Bucky felt a chill go through him, and realised that the ground around him was taking on a green glow. He looked at Alpine, her fur also taking on the eerie hue.
“I don’t suppose that’s Sam, trying to scare the jeepers out of me?”
Alpine continued to growl.
“Didn’t think so…”
Bucky took a deep breath and then backed up quickly, intending to surprise whoever it was behind him with his speed. However, the weed from earlier had made him a little light-headed and as he stood up and spun around, the world spun with him. Something strange - green and non-human looking - started to coalesce in front of his eyes. It opened its mouth and let out an inhuman noise as something else wrapped around his arms. Bucky stepped back in alarm and caught his heel on a tree root. As he lost his balance the creature lost its grip on his arms, but that meant there was nothing to stop Bucky as he pitched backwards. Pain flared from the back of his skull as it connected with the ground. The green, monstrous figure loomed over him, getting closer, but the world continued to spin, before it all went black.
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Bucky was shaking.
No. He was being shaken.
“Bucky. Baby. Please. Wake up. I need you to wake up.”
Bucky groaned. His head hurt so much and Steve’s voice was so loud.
“For god’s sake, Steve. Let him breathe.” That was Nat. Bucky groaned again and tried to open his eyes.
“M’okay, Steve,” he croaked out. “What happened? Where am I?”
He sat up, clinging onto Steve and finally managed to open his eyes. He was in the back of his van. Hazy memories flooded back in.
“Alpine! Where is she?” Bucky whipped his head around looking for his beloved pet, but he just went dizzy again and had to cling to Steve harder.
“She’s here, man.” Sam knelt down beside him, a struggling bundle of white fluff in his arms. He opened them and Alpine jumped down onto Bucky’s lap, rubbing her head against his middle and purring. “We came back to the van after finding out that the screaming was Hope Van Dyne - Scott had jumped out on her to give her a scare. It apparently worked too well, although Scott is now sporting a black eye. But when we got back you weren’t here and the door was open. Steve was starting to have a nervous breakdown when Al came running out from the trees, meowing her head off.”
Bucky felt Steve slide to sit down behind him and pull Bucky’s slimmer frame against his broad chest. Bucky allowed himself to be pulled into the hug and Sam continued.
“As soon as Steve got close to her she turned tail and ran off again, but stopped every few yards and looked behind her. She was seeing if we were following. What on earth were you doing in the yard of the Borson house?”
Bucky inhaled deeply, letting the smell of Steve’s cheap, but familiar, cologne sooth him. “It was Alpine. She ran in there first and I followed. I didn’t realise it was the Borson yard. I was concentrating too much on getting my princess back.”
Nat sat down cross-legged next to him, eyes roving over his face as if she were a nurse checking for signs of concussion. Knowing Nat, that’s probably what she was actually doing. “We found you unconscious and Steve carried you back here. What happened?”
Bucky’s brow furrowed as he tried to recall the details. “There was some kind weird person - creature - and it grabbed me, and made this horrible squealing sound. It was green. But I slipped and fell. Banged my head. I didn’t even see it that clearly.”
Sam let out a whistle. “Jeepers! I know you were baked, but what in the HP Lovecraft did you see?”
“I really don’t know, but I want to go home.”
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Bucky was still nursing a headache the next day, which sucked for two reasons. Firstly, it was Halloween, and he, Steve, Nat and Sam were supposed to be going to a party tonight and currently he wasn’t feeling it. Secondly, it was making it harder than normal to pay attention in Professor Zemo’s History of Conflict in Europe class. He just wanted to go to sleep, preferably with his head resting on Steve’s stomach as his blonde boyfriend combed his fingers through his hair.
“Are you with us, Mr Barnes?” Sam jabbed him in the ribs and Bucky lifted his head to find that the Professor's accented voice was aimed solely at him. He realised he must have been staring off into space. 
“Sorry, Professor. I didn’t sleep very well last night.” Bucky mumbled his apology into his chest. Professor Zemo sighed and briefly pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“Mr Barnes, please don’t make your nocturnal habits anyone else’s problem except your own. You can waste your own time if you want, but you will not waste mine. If you can’t give my class the proper attention then please avail yourself of the door.”
Bucky squirmed in his seat from embarrassment, aware of the heat in his cheeks that was probably turning his face bright pink. “I… umm…”
“Don’t be so hard on him, Prof. It wasn’t his fault. He got attacked by the monster last night.” Sam’s voice cut across the awkward tension in the air and Bucky didn’t know whether to hug him or hit him. However, his announcement had the effect of distracting everyone in the lecture hall. Or rather now focusing them on Bucky for something other than being chewed out by Professor Zemo.
“You saw it?” Maria turned around in her seat in front of Bucky, eyes wide with intrigue. “What was it like?”
“And why aren’t you in the hospital like the others?” Carol, in the row behind leant forward.
“Well… I…” Bucky rubbed at the back of his neck, trying to formulate an answer that wouldn’t make him look like an idiot. Fortunately he was saved from answering by the Professor trying to get his classroom back in order.
“Settle down, everyone. There is no monster. It’s all just pranks by your immature peers, I’m sure. The only real damage is going to be to the property prices. Who’s going to want to live near such a rambunctious group? I sincerely hope that whoever is behind it stops soon. It’s bringing down the reputation of our centre of learning. But anyway, enough of this distraction. Are you staying or going, Mr Barnes?”
Still awash with embarrassment, Bucky mumbled “Staying, Sir,” under his breath, but it seemed to placate the Professor. 
“Alright then. Where were we? Ah, yes… the Peninsular War…”
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“Are you sure I look alright, Buck?” Steve’s voice was laced with trepidation, but Bucky was having difficulty concentrating. He knew that Steve’s costume was going to be a vampire one - he was a werewolf to go with him - but Bucky hadn’t quite realised how revealing Steve’s outfit was going to be…
The main part of it was a red singlet which made Steve look as though he was about to start wrestling. Bucky thought that he might enjoy wrestling with Steve. Under the singlet was a shirt. Sort of. It was sheer. It had a built in cravat at the net and had multiple folds of fabric around the wrists. However, it stopped just above Steve’s glorious tits. To finish it off, there was a short black cape with a red ‘pop-up’ collar. On his feet Steve wore his shiny black dress shoes, his black socks pulled part way up his calves. It was definitely ‘a look’.
Not that Bucky’s outfit was much more dignified - a furry hooded cape with ears that just about covered his nipples, some kind of cross between grey sweatpants and yoga pants with a fuzzy tail, and a pair of furry gloves with claws. He’d just put his battered combat boots on to walk around. And right now he was walking closer to Steve.
He pressed his chest up against his boyfriend’s, wrapping his arms around Steve’s slim waist. He smiled to himself as he saw Steve’s eyes flutter shut as the fur of Bucky’s cape rubbed over his exposed nipples.
“You look so good, Steve, it makes me want to howl. Ow-ow-woo!” Bucky threw his head back and leaned into the bit.
“Buck….” Steve hissed between his teeth, his neck turning a very un-vampire like shade of pink.
“What? The only other person here is your mom and she knows how I feel about you. She’s rolled her eyes at me enough. But I promise to behave myself while we’re out. Or at least I promise to try. And you can’t blame me, baby. You’re so god-damn sexy.”
Steve seemed to have got over Bucky’s over the top reaction and looped his own arms around Bucky’s neck. “Right back at you, Buck. I can’t promise not to bite your neck.” Bucky snorted at Steve’s silly vampire accent but leaned in for a kiss. It started innocently enough, but as was normal for the two of them, hormones raging, it wasn’t long until Bucky was lying on his back on Steve’s bed, being pinned down in a way he couldn’t complain about. However, before things could move from PG-13 to Rated R, they became aware that there was a knocking on the front door downstairs. 
As they listened to the dulcet tones of Sarah Rogers letting the visitors in, the two reluctantly drew apart and willed their erections to go down. There was one thing when your boyfriend’s mom knew what you were getting up to, but for her to see the evidence of it was another thing altogether. 
Costumes sufficiently smoothed out, the two descended the stairs to find Sarah chatting to Sam and Nat in the hallway. The three looked up. Sarah Rogers let a small smile play over her lips as she took in the costumes of her son and his best-friend-turned-boyfriend. Nat and Sam grinned.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here? Slutty monsters of the night?” Sam drawled.
“Can it, Mr ‘Nat and I aren’t wearing a couples costume’. You’re Batman and Catwoman for fuck’s sake.”
Nat rolled her eyes behind her mask. “Yeah, and Batman and Catwoman aren’t a couple.”
“They are friends with benefits though,” smirked Steve. “So I suppose it tracks. I don’t know why you two don’t make it official.”
“Why spoil a good thing, Rogers? Natty and I both know where we stand, don’t we, kitten?” Sam turned his head and flashed Nat his signature gap-toothed smile. Nat extended a gloved hand toward him, fingers curled like claws.
“Me-ow! Now, let’s get going, boys! Halloween parties wait for no creatures.”
The four of them all hugged Sarah Rogers goodbye, and Bucky carefully picked up his backpack from her sofa, a sleeping Alpine still inside. Sarah had said that he could leave the cat with her, but Bucky had decided to bring his faithful feline with him and let her chill out in the van while the party was in full swing at Scott’s house.
He pulled himself up into the driver's seat, placing his backpack down next to him and tucking his tail to the side. Steve slid in on the other side and reached across to squeeze his thigh. Sam opened the side door and helped Nat hop up, even though she was capable of getting in on her own. When the door slammed shut again, Bucky turned the ignition and they were off.
Steve fiddled with the radio, turning on a local station playing a medley of Halloween hits. Thriller was currently playing. Bucky hummed along while he drove, drumming on the steering wheel while Sam sang along, slightly off pitch, in the back.
It was one of those ‘blink and you’d miss it’ moments. One moment they were driving along a fairly empty street, towards campus, the next the headlamps lit up a strange green form in front of them. Bucky slammed on the brakes. Steve reacted quickly, grabbing Bucky’s backpack and stopping it, and Alpine, sliding off onto the floor. In the back, Sam and Nat let out cries of displeasure as they were shaken about.
“What the hell, Barnes!”
Bucky twisted in his seat to meet Sam’s outraged gaze.
“Did you see that? Did you see it?” He didn’t wait for an answer. He put the car back in drive and pulled over to the side of the road and leapt out. He was looking around frantically as the others climbed out of the van. Steve reached into the backpack and placed Alpine on the ground and she wound around Bucky’s legs, sensing his discomfort. Steve placed his hand on Bucky’s shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“I saw something green, Buck. But I wasn’t really paying attention.”
Bucky spun to face him. “It was him, Steve. The monster.”
Sam and Nat came to stand next to them.
“Are you sure, Bucky?” There was a gentle questioning note in Nat’s voice.
“Absolutely, Nat. I’m certain.”
“Well,” said Sam, rolling his shoulders and puffing out his bat symbol covered chest, “He can’t have gone far.”
Down on the ground Alpine started to paw at Bucky’s leg. “Mwerp.”
They all looked down at her. She cocked her head, turned around and trotted off.
“She’s doing it again,” said Nat. “She wants us to follow her.” 
The four of them scrambled, Bucky only just remembering to lock the van, and they all jogged off after Alpine. She ducked down and squeezed under a gap in a fence and her faithful humans skidded to a stop.
“It’s the old Borson house again,” stated Steve. “Something very fishy is going on. Let’s go.” He started to climb over the fence, but stopped part way when he realised the others were looking at him. “What?”
“Seriously, man?” Sam raised an eyebrow. There was a heartbeat of silence, and then Sam shook his head in resignation. “Okay. Let’s go.” He followed Steve over the fence and held his hand out to Nat. She gave him a look and practically vaulted over, landing crouched, one hand on the floor between her bent knees. Bucky rolled his eyes.
“Such a poser.”
“You’re just jealous that you can’t do it,” Nat retorted.
Bucky snorted, but clambered over the wooden panel in a more sedate manner. He didn’t trust himself not to fall flat on his face. Nat smirked at him. 
With them now all standing in the yard, the very place that Bucky had been the night before, Alpine trotted back over, chirped at them and swished her tail.
“Okay,” said Steve, back in full-blown ‘large and in charge’ mode, which made Bucky’s heart pound loudly in his chest. “Let’s split up. Sam, Nat. You check the yard. Me, Buck and Alpine will go inside. Whoever finishes first joins up with the others. Let’s put an end to whatever this is.” They all nodded their agreement and Sam and Nat snuck off into the trees, black costumes helping them blend right into the shadows. 
Bucky turned to Steve and took his hand with a smile. “Do you think you’ll need an invitation to step over the threshold?”
“Ha ha, Buck. Come on.”
The front steps creaked ominously as they walked up them. Bucky clung to Steve’s back, now starting to feel a little creeped out.The only thing stopping him from going into full blown panic was wondering how Steve could be so calm and collected while his nipples were exposed and currently pointy enough to cut glass. “What do you think we’ll find in there, Steve?” Bucky asked. “A monster?”
“Pphht. It can’t be that scary.” Steve pushed open the front door, and they walked into the gloomy interior.
Something brushed up against Bucky’s leg and he let out a shriek that he quickly muffled with his hands. Looking down he saw Alpine’s reflective eyes looking back at him. Letting out a sigh of relief, Bucky bent down and picked her up. She wiggled out of his arms and settled on his fur-cape covered shoulder. 
“You wanna be close too, princess? I don’t blame you.”
He pulled out his phone and turned on the flashlight, sweeping it back and forth across the floor and walls. The house was still furnished, with thick layers of dust covering every flat surface. When old man Borson had died neither his daughter or two sons had really wanted anything to do with him or his things. It was sad, really.
Suddenly a noise ripped through the air, something akin to a hiss crossed with a scream. The two young men came to a halt.
“What on earth?” Bucky felt Steve’s voice rumble in his chest as he buried his head into Steve’s back.
“I don’t like this, Steve.” He remembered the fear and disorientation that he’d felt last night and tried to repress a full body shudder. 
The noise sounded again and they turned their heads towards the stairwell. The sound was coming from above them. As their eyes adjusted to the gloom, a green glow could clearly be seen. Bucky gulped.
“We’re gonna go up there, aren’t we?”
“We gotta, Buck. We gotta do this for Clint and Laura, and the others who were hurt before them.”
Bucky nodded against Steve’s back. He could do this. 
Slowly they walked towards the stairs, making their way up, one step at a time. The unnatural glowing got more intense and while there were no more screams, the ominous hissing got louder and louder. They crept, one foot after the other, closer and closer towards the partially open door at the end of the corridor, Bucky’s fingers curled around Steve’s red, spandex singlet. Steve stopped, one hand raised a hair’s-breadth from the old, scarred wood and looked at Bucky. His eyes looked strange under the eerie glow, but he looked so sure, so brave that Bucky knew he’d follow Steve anywhere, even if he did currently look like a cross between Bela Lugosi and Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart. Bucky gave him a small nod, and Steve pushed the door.
The creature stood there, illuminated by its sickly green glow. Its face had two dark eyes, but where its mouth was, it seemed as though it had half-swallowed some kind of squid. Tentacles curled down around its chin, glistening with slime. It had two long arms, ending with three fingers and claws, which it raised menacingly at the two young men. 
Bucky and Steve lept in the air as it screamed, that ear-piercing sound combined with a hiss. They screamed in return, filled with terror and Alpine leapt down from Bucky’s shoulder, hair on end, hissing and spitting. They all turned tail and ran. Alpine was in front, her four legs carrying her faster and far more elegantly than either Steve or Bucky. Next was Steve, barrelling forward, clasping Bucky’s smaller hand in his, practically dragging him along behind. Bucky stumbled, bringing up the rear. He kept turning his head, shrieking incoherently as he realised the monster was right behind them. 
They thundered down the stairs, across the entrance hallway and out of the front door, Steve almost ripping it from the hinges as he pulled it open.
“Nat! Sam!” Steve shouted out for their friends as he dragged Bucky across the lawn.
“Here!” They heard Nat shout and turned to see her standing by the trees at the bottom of the yard - the place where they’d found Bucky yesterday. She waved them towards her. “This way!”
They turned toward her and carried on running. “He’s still coming,” Bucky wailed. What he wouldn’t give to be an actual werewolf right now. He could rip out its throat or something. They stumbled into the shrubbery, Nat having melted back into the darkness. Why did she want them to go this way? Surely it would have just been better to escape by running out the front gate and heading back to the van?
They ran between two trees, and as they did so, they heard Sam shout out.
Instinctually, Bucky and Steve came to a halt and turned around. The monster was bearing down on them, getting closer, when suddenly it tripped on something and crashed to the ground. Immediately, Nat launched herself from the shadows and landed on the creature’s back. She jerked his arms up and cuffed them together. At the same time Alpine leapt down from a tree, landing on the creature's head. She dug her claws into its skull and it let out an all too human type of noise.
“What the heck?” Bucky was dumbfounded. What just happened? Where had Nat found handcuffs? Why wasn’t she scared? She stood up, brushing loose dirt from her pleather outfit and sauntered over to Bucky. 
“We used a tripwire from Sam’s utility belt. The handcuffs are also part of Sam’s costume and I wasn’t scared because of what he and I found in the shed before you two wusses came shooting out of the house.” She patted Bucky’s cheek and he wondered if she’d read his mind or whether he’d actually spoken out loud.
Steve, choosing to ignore Nat’s teasing comment, looked down at the struggling creature in the dirt. “What did you find?”
Sam placed a booted foot in the small of the creature’s back, pinning it to the floor and trained his phone flashlight on it. “We found costume making supplies. And glow sticks. Lots and lots of green glow sticks.”
“Plus instructions on how to make a small speaker. Cos-play stuff really,” Nat chimed in, adding her flashlight to the mix.
“But that means…” Bucky’s jaw dropped and he strode over to their struggling captive, dropping into a crouch. “This isn’t a monster at all. It’s someone dressed up and trying to scare everyone. Just like the Dean and Professor Zemo said. But who?” 
Sam helped him to manhandle the creature into a sitting position, and now he was up close, seeing it lit up and having his hands on it, Bucky could clearly see the rubber and foam, the stitch marks and the little channels that had been made in the outside to house the multitude of glowsticks. Alpine came and sat down next to him, licking at a paw nonchalantly.
“Right - let’s see who you are.” Bucky grabbed hold of the monster’s head, soft and squishy rubber under his hand, and pulled to reveal…
“Professor Zemo!” The four of them exclaimed in shock.
The professor’s dark hair was plastered over his forehead, and in the torchlight his brown eyes gleamed with frustration.
“Yes, it’s me.” His lip turned up in a snarl and if he weren’t handcuffed, Bucky would have been reluctant to be this close to him.
“But why? What on earth do you get from scaring college students?”
“While I did enjoy a little of the karma from scaring some of your peers witless, it was more that I needed the house prices to come down. I wanted to buy the Borson house, but do you know how little a college professor makes? It was starting to work, too. The price had already been slashed once. I’d have gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for you pesky kids.”
They all looked at him, dumbfounded, until Steve spoke up.
“Respectfully, Sir, that is really fucked up. Buck, sweetheart, can you call the police?”
“You kiss your momma with that mouth, Stevie?” Bucky sniggered, taken aback by Steve’s uncharacteristic swearing.
“No, but I’ll kiss my boyfriend with it.”
And he did. Just a vampire kissing his werewolf boyfriend in a dark, haunted stand of trees.
Sam made gagging sounds.
Nat called the cops.
Alpine purred.
The end.
Bonus: - They finally get to the party and have a fabulous time.
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Tag list: @christywrites, @alexakeyloveloki, @doasyoudesireandlive, @galactusdevourerofworlds, @km-ffluv
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devildomditzy · 2 years
Here’s a little Christmas drabble. It’s not proof read as I didn’t plan on writing it, but my brain was whirring too much at the idea.
Happy Holidays!
You stare ahead at the large, ornate window in front of you, one that is usually closed, large velvet drawn shut, but do to your constant nagging Lucifer deemed today to be an exception.
You’re cozy, warmth provided by waves of heat flowing from the fireplace and the large woolen purple blanket wrapped around your shoulders courtesy of the seventh born.
Your tranced gaze focuses on the twinkling lights outside, the ones that Beel had so lovingly assisted you in hanging up one late afternoon after classes. It took some convincing, but it was nothing a quick trip to Madame Scream’s wouldn’t fix. Three dozen sweets later and the sixth born was on a ladder, string of lights in hand and a pastry in his mouth.
A tap on your shoulder brings you back to the present. “Oi, here ya go. Take it before my finger prints burn off.” The second born hands you a mug filled with steaming liquid. You smile softly, fighting back a chuckle. “Oh, do you haven’t already burned them off yourself? You know, to leave no evidence?”. His face twists up in mock hurt. “Hey! ‘M not a criminal!”.
“Some would beg to differ”, Satan chides from where he sits in an armchair across from you, reading from on old book that seems worse for wear. While they begin to bicker, you turn your attention back to the mug within your grasp. “Thank you, Mammon. I appreciate it.”
At your gratitude, he shuts up, turning back towards you. He sheepishly rubs the back of his neck and he darts his eyes away from you. “Y-yeah. ‘Course, anytime.”
He sits down next to you on the couch, his own mug in hand. “So, when we gonna kick this shindig off?”, he questions, tilting his head towards the tree in the corner of the room. It was dazzling, truly, adorned with multicolored lights and ornaments you lead the student council in creation just for the occasion. Some where… better than others, but hey, at least an attempt was made.
“Any minute now. We just need the others-” Before you can finish your sentence, Asmo bursts through the front door with Levi in tow, the poor third born carrying so many boxes he couldn’t see in front of him. “Helllloooo~ Everyone’s favorite brother is back home. And Levi’s here too <3”.
“Whatcha got there?”, you question Levi, setting your cup down and standing to help relive him of the tower of merchandise. “Isn’t it obvious silly? I can’t pass up a little last minute shopping!”, Asmo beams, whipping a pair of sunglasses off his face. “‘Little’ is putting it lightly”, Levi grunts through his teeth, giving you a small thank you as you grabbed half the stack out of his hold.
“I hope all those purchases were necessities.” The commanding voice of the first born draws everyone’s attention as he walked into the room, crossing his arms to questioningly glare at the fifth.
Asmo laughs at his doubtful expression. “Of course! It’s Christmas! Plus, most of its for me!”
“How thoughtful,” yawns Belphie from where he was curled up on the floor near the fire. “And here I thought you were a narcissist.” While being half asleep, his sarcasm never faltered. Impressive.
“That’s almost everyone!”, you cheered, standing up with a clap of your hands. “Where’s Beel?”
As if on queue, Beel strides out of the kitchen, ripping into a large leg of what appeared to be some kind of poultry. “Foods done!”.
“Ya could have at least waited for us!”, Mammon shouts with a start, standing up to make his way to the dining room. The rest of them follow suit.
You hang back for a second, taking your surroundings. There’s many words you could use to describe holidays in the Devildom. It’s warm, cozy, comfortable, even a little… unique. But above all, there’s one word that’s come to describe it perfectly.
Mammon calls out to you from the next room. “Oi, ya comin’?”
You smile wide.
“Yes, just a second!”
Holidays in the Devildom felt like home.
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ashes-onthewind · 3 months
I like green, shush
Hiya! My name is Ash! Please use exclusively he/him
my ask games are: here, here
go reblog this if you would :3 or this
"famous" posts i have: baikal seals
context for my blog title
my pfp is a commission from @honeybyte !!
I hate longass pinned posts so! The rest is under the cut, motherfuckers
I write and draw sometimes over at @dawns-captain! I reblog emotes I want to use on @ashess-inthewind, my as of yet inactive BBC Merlin sideblog is @resident-merthur-enthusiast , and my contribution to the gimmickverse is @irate-art, which is currently inactive while I get my shit together :( I've got stuff to queue on it when I have time but yeah feel free to tag me on any of these!
My tags are as follows: (never consistent)
# ash asks <- for when I send other people asks
# ash answers <- for when I answer other asks
# ash draws <- for finished art pieces
# ash scribbles <- for every art, including sketchy little doodles!
# ash rambles <- for my original posts and long comments
# ash comments <- for when I shpeak on a reblog
# tumblr heritage <- for classic posts I've gotten on my blog!
# not my art <- might tag it sometimes when I remember, usually I fast-reblog though
# might just write this <- things I want to write
# might just draw this <- you'll never guess. things I want to draw. waow
# into the archives <- something I want to come back to later, usually a reference
My friend tags are, in no order and not a full list:
# my silly <3 <- @/retsameki, my girlfriend <3
# potato stick <- @/irishfry
# sir morphy <- @/mrmorphea
# bee juice <- @/honeybyte
# cactiddies <- @/cactus-with-boobs
# the rats <- @/fivemillionrats
# bardbucks <- @/v3ntissecrets now @/banhamm3r-r3al
the rest of yall just get username tags im too lazy for that shit anymore
#lunarsys <- @/thelunarsystemshares / @/thelunarsystemwrites
@/vampiricram my bestie
If you want a friend tag u gotta ask im not gonna do them much anymore
Enjoy the chaos!
I'll make this pretty eventually I promise lol
Miscellaneous Links
Secret Dashboards
Radar (my dog!) pictures here
Adobe analog
Art references here, here, and here
What to cook when you have no food at home
dunkin lesbians
Heritage posts I managed to get on my blog
The guy who forgot to turn on anon to send himself hate mail
ice pack or pee, the endless question
list of tumblr folklore
while you studied the blade
Important information
Esk*mo is a slur
How to adult
Be careful before donating
colour calibrate your monitor!
Prompts and stuffses
Writing prompts here, here, here, here, here
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lucy-dulap · 4 months
I have a long way to go until Abaddon, so let me just write smth for it.
Asmodeus was very aware that the child of his ex was wondering around hell. Not only that, but they were being followed by that elusive dragon that Lucifer seemed to gatekeep between the borders of his kingdom.
To say he was intrigued would be the understatemant of the century. He needed the two of them. Here, now, with him. Not even necesserly in a sexual way. He needed to see them, hear them, feel them. A need like this rarely showed itself in Asmodeus, especially after his wife's passing. His eyes were wide and he was practicly shivering with excitment.
"DANTALIAN!" he roared and the younger devil ran upstairs, subconciously knowing that something important must have happened for his father to raise his voice over his usual whisper. Before he could even speak, Asmodeus ripped his shirt and wrote down the name of the two on his skin.
"Lucy and Gamigin... wait Gamigin, I think I know that guy."
"I don't care. Seduce them and bring them here to me." The king stormed into his chambers, chains ratling as he walked.
Dantalian had spoken with Gamigin in the past and he knew that him and Lucy were dating and have been for a few months now. While Gamigin rarely posted on social media, that wasn't the case for the rest of hell. A celebrity like MC was bound to get stalked by many. It didn't take long before the young prince pin pointed Lucy's location to be a famous club Abyssos. The perfect place to strike, and it was close too!
Neither Lucy nor Gamigin liked the club. The music was too loud, everyone was wasted on the floor, people were humping eachother in the middle of the dance floor. Lucy was hidden behind a stack of clothing besides Gamigin, but once they sneezed, the whole club went silent.
"THE CHILD OF SOLOMON IS HERE!" Gamigin tried to protect Lucy from the crowd but it was too big for one person to fight off. Lucy was grabbed from all limbs and pulled in different directions. They started to hyperventilate and the devils pushed something into their mouth to calm them down. Gamigin was loud, but the crowd was louder and Lucy felt their thoughts becoming fuzzy. Everything seemed so far away and they could swear they could feel the skin stratching across their body.
In their intoxicated state, they saw Gamigin somewhere in the crowd and instictively walked towards him. "Gami... Gami, I'm gonna... feed the duckies..."
Gamigin dragged them to his chest and started caressing their hair. "There there, you'll be fine, it was just a bit of alcohol. You won't die from a glass of wine."
As on queue, Lucy puked on Gamigin's shirt, dranching it in vomit. Dantalian's disguise faltered for a second. Did the human just do what he thinks they did. He was disgusted by the display and puzzled regarding the tolerance of the poor being.
"I'll go... to the bathroom to grab something to wash this off." Dantalian whispered before running to a corner. An idea struck him and instead of cleaning himself, he just shapeshifted into Lucy and ran up to Gamigin.
"Love, I have suffered great misfortune. Can we please go outside so you may take care of me, great doctor Gamigin~?" He tried to say it in the most seductive way possible as he grabbed Gamigin's flat chest.
"What?! Are you ok? Seems like there's still alcohol in your system. Do you have to go outside? I have a water bottle ready just in case. Did anyone try to mate with you?" Gamigin was speaking loudly and swiftly, as he dragged the disguised Dantalian outside the club and into the strange alley way.
"Oh, doctor~ why don't you take off my dirty shirt? We can both strip eachother and have a full physical exam."
Gamigin.exe has stopped working. He pressed his free hand on Dantalian's forhead. "I think you have a fever."
"Of course, doctor! I'm in heat because of you~" Dantalian tried very hard to seduce Gamigin but only seemed to concern him more. The dragon looked left and right paniced. "I heard Furfur opened a clinic here in Abyssos, perhaps he could help us. Why are the streets of this country so complicated!" Gamigin took out his phone to try and find the clinic, but before he could press search the real Lucy got out of the bar.
If Gamigin was confused before, now he was uterly lost. Dantalian took of his disguise and growned. "For fuck's sake, just have sex!" The two lovers blushed but they kept staring puzzled at the other demon.
"His majesty Asmodeus sent me to take you to Abaddon." Dantalian gave up on being sneaky and just confested. "Oh, we are going there tonight! We already have the train tickets bought and ready." Now it was Dantalian's turn to be confused, but a smile creeped on his face.
"23 o'clock train, Abyssos-Abaddon 3 hour ride?"
Gamigin and Lucy nodded and Dantalian beamed.
"Me too! Let's go, friends, we wouldn't want to miss the train. I'll keep you in my bedroom during the ride. It's quite late so you might want to sleep."
With that, the three youngsters took the train to the horny jail of Hell, Abaddon.
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94blazed · 2 years
Pairing: KTH x reader
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WC: 1.7k
Genre: smut, crack
Rating: M (minors dni)
Warnings: dom tae, blood, rough sex, cøck warming, overstimulation, non consensual, alcohol consumption, murders, praise kink. •pls lmk if i missed any :)
Summary: with killings going around in your town. taehyung invited you to a halloween party jk was hosting at a abandoned asylum but only to find out your bf was nowhere to be seen..
A/N: ghostface inspired. based on singularity taehyung
Ringing and dialing again leaves you with no answer. Giving up you head upstairs to your room, undoing your covers and plopping into the sheets.
Opening your photos you come across a couple of flyers you took of halloween parties to attend. While reading the information you jump at the sound of knocks on your window. Looking over to see taehyung being the one responsible. Walking over you lift up the latch to let him in.
“I’ve been calling you all night. why didn’t you pick up?” “my phone died, see” furrowing your eyebrows you dropped the topic. “Hey there’s a halloween party kook is hosting- its at that one abandoned asylum by 67th street, it’s tomorrow if you’re down to hit the place” “you read my mind. i was actually looking at some rn” smiling at your response he leans in latching onto your lips taking a bite of your lower lip. Gasping you bite back returning the favor only for it to come back as a pin to the bed. You look up to see taehyung staring into you with hungry eyes… “what” “i can’t look at my gf now?” “i never said that” rolling your eyes. Tae lifts himself off of you and onto his feet, walking over to the window and throwing his leg over the ledge. “I’ll see you tomorrow then.” he smirks. and with that he’s gone.
⭑ ⭑ ⭑
NEXT DAY - 10:34 PM
Scrolling on twitter you come across a few trending posts about the killings in your town. giving it a few thoughts now you’ve been having mixed feelings about going out tonight.. having the worst case scenarios play in your head… With a horn snapping you out your thoughts, that was your queue to pick up your backpack and run outside to meet jimin. “Sorry i was a little late but the later the better” you let out a laugh plopping into the passenger seat.
⭑ ⭑ ⭑
Hearing the bass boosted music lets you know you’re here. stepping out you see people packing the front entrance, to the side you see the party host himself. “Hey y/n i’m so glad you made it, jimin wth are you supposed to be a carebear?” you let out a laugh. “You think you’re so fucken funny- no! i’m a power ranger stupid. where in the hell did you get carebear from” “I was just fucking with you, but the rest of the guys are inside. help yourselves out with the drinks” he says throwing a wink.
“He gets me so irritated sometimes” jimin lets out “he was only joking chim, but then again carebears are cute so” “exactly.” Making your way into the entrance you set your goal to find taehyung.
Instead of tae you come across the rest of the boys, coming up to them you make your usual greetings and ask if any of them have heard from taehyung. “He was gonna ride with me but he said he was going solo” joon shrugs. “He said he had to help his dad out with something, i’m pretty sure that’s why he stayed back” yoongi announces. Nodding you walk over to one of the medicine cabinets that was in the room to slip in your backpack. Turning around you see hobi taking a few shots of patron with some girls. Walking up beside him you take one in your hand and down it. Feeling the burning sensation rundown your throat helped you get the motivation for a few more.
With now all the boys coming around doing jell-o shots, jager bombs, melon balls, etc.. had you living. With the amount of alcohol in your system you were burning up wanting a bit of fresh air you start wandering around the abandoned building. Losing the flashing lights you walk upstairs to a room that looks like it could’ve been where they used to strap down the patients. A stretcher in the corner, scattered papers on the ground, blood stained tiles and a few broken windows.
Bringing your head out the window you feel the cool breeze hit your face, loving the way it brings down your body’s temperature. Looking down you see that the party reaches even outside. “Jungkook really knows how to throw down a party”
Turning around to head back. your back had met with the wall behind you. “Wtf” looking up you see someone hovering over you with a ghost like mask. Trying to scream the stranger slaps his hand over your mouth turning you front first against the window ledge. “Dont be so loud, you see all those people? you’ll get us caught.”
Obeying you stayed quiet “good girl” pressing his lower half against yours had you feeling his erection. “Has anyone told you how good you look in that outfit you chose tonight” “yeah, but it would’ve been better if it was my bf instead” “and where is this so called bf” “didn’t end up coming..” silence from the both of you surfaced.
“What an asshole. you deserve better babe” dragging his finger along your jawline. “yeah? then show me” “take off the shirt then” surprised at the command you did as what you were told. dropping the material on the ground.
Dragging his hands over your skin to cup your clothed breasts “now your bottoms princess” you follow up tugging on the fabric of your shorts, you start pulling them downwards while slowly backing up against his erection. Hearing a low groan you knew exactly what he wanted. Dropping his hands he goes to cup your bare ass in his own hands giving them a squeeze. “Did your bf know how to handle this” feeling petty you answered “yeah. he sure did” “mmm” he finished. Feeling your right cheek lose warmth you feel his hand traveling to your lower region and slipping past the band of your panties..
Slipping out a moan- made you want to slap yourself mentally who knew you’d be this turned on from a man in a mask..“you’re fucken leaking holy shit”. With that he continued to place his thumb on your clit and plunge the rest into your hole with no given warning. “Ahh” you let out “shhh- you’re going to get us caught. i mean do you want to be the center of attention. the hot topic of this fucking week” public humiliation is one thing but wanting to get caught is another and if you’re being quite honest you have quite a turn on for the second option.
“Then hurry up and fuck me” earning yourself a low moan from the man behind you. “I was just getting there babe” with that he’s ripping off your panties, the cold breeze hitting your arousal had you aching. Hand on your back pushing down along the ledge, feeling the pieces of glass scraping along your belly. Hearing the sounds of spitting you turn around to see him pumping himself- you were more focused on the fact he had the same birth mark as taehyung… you just might’ve found him.
Turning back around you prepared yourself with a thrust, gasping your whole lungs out at the feeling. Bottoming out he lets out a soft moan. Staying there for the adjustment he soon starts to pull back- hips slamming right back against the plush of your ass. The alcohol was not helping with how hot it was starting to get, “shit- you’re fucken squeezing me.” You’re practically arching over the window from the way hes dragging his dick out. “fuck go faster tae” even with him still being stuck in euphoria he didn’t miss the last part. so he asked you to repeat yourself one more time. “say. it. again” whining you continued “i said go faster taehyung”
With that he took off his mask not taking the heat anymore- hair sticking to his forehead he proceeded “how’d you know it was me?” smirking you say “cus no one fucks me better like you” that was one way to pick up the pace. Moaning audibly at the way taehyung plunged right at your gspot. "Holy shit" your body instinctively leaned forward scrapping the remaining paint from the windows border, giving taehyung the opportunity to go deeper.
Clenching down on tae gives you a hiss of satisfaction. “Drunk on this pussy omg. i just cant get enough” taehyung knows how crazy you go for praises and that just sped up the process within your orgasm. “Taehyung- fuck im gonna come” in a swift move he places his hand around your throat pulling you up against him. receiving a kitty lick on your earlobe before he speaks. “Don’t cum until i say so” whimpering at his response you obey. He felt the way your walls tightened around him, letting him know you were about to come down. So he picked up his pace practically ramming you against the wall- losing feeling in your legs you were ready to give out until “shit- now y/n” your band snapping- both receiving a flash of ecstasy. warm fluids dripping down along your thighs. He yet hadn’t removed himself from inside you only to rest his head along your back. Inhaling deeply, until you both caught back up with your regular breathing pace. Feeling the emptiness of him slipping out of you. he then helped you out on putting your clothes back on. he even ripped those favorite pair of panties you owned.
Making your way downstairs with the help of taehyung, meeting up with the rest of the group leaning into your ear he asked “so how’d you really know it was me?” looking up you smile- “i saw your birthmark.” He mentally cursed at himself but made an 'O’ shape to the given answer. putting on a fake smile he excuses himself to find the bathroom.
Damping a towel into the toilet water, he brings it to glide across the bloody knife in his hand. giving it a good clean for any evidence left behind. Getting up from his crouching position he gives a light kick to the victim on the floor for any signs of life. “What an idiot” he smirks. turning to make his way through the dark hallway. leaving the poor man to be swallowed up by the darkness.
A/N: thank you sm for reading! I'm hoping I fit to your expectations :,) feedback is much appreciated, either way you guys reading my story is all I need <3 thank you again!
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