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Descender - Ascender
The story of Tim 21 and Andy Tavers. It took 20 years but the brothers finally got a proper end.
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celestial-ascension · 6 months
(This is just a little something I wrote regarding a college assignment that I was required to do. I figured I would post it here since it deals with my series and my instructor permitted me to use it. This is my current writing style and I hope you enjoy it! Please let me know if you would like to see more of these short writing pieces!)
 The Ascenders Writing Endeavors.
Knowledge whether it be intentional or unwarranted, is valuable for they are the stepping stone to a more prosperous and fulfilling future. Writing is one fundamental aspect of obtaining knowledge, it can be traced back to the beginning of civilization or farther back if you count cave drawings and smoke signals. One of the most valuable ways to obtain knowledge to better one's life is by writing, it is a way to leave your mark on history for generations after you acquire and apply the proper rules and regulations. Like anything else, it can be an addiction, craving the sweet information as it is like chocolate, the more you have, the more you need. Unfortunately, this dilemma has befallen Fallon, the Ascender who currently was resting his mind after a tiring day of studying.
Thoughts tumbled around his head like a tumbleweed in the wind, Fallon tried to calm his frayed nerves which were currently on the fritz, in the end, it was in vain as it increased in intensity. Regaining consciousness and eyes gradually opening, Fallon sat up in bed, his emerald green eyes blurry with sleep. Stretching his back and limbs, Fallon vigorously rubbed his eyes. Throwing the blanket off him and swinging his legs off the bed, he sat for a moment to get his bearings. 
Casting his gaze on the analog clock resting on the oak nightstand, he recognizes the familiar neon-green letters displaying the current time; half an hour past midnight, the reality of the situation dawned on him. Averting his gaze to the window, Fallon glimpsed the tell-tale signs of storm clouds rolling in from the west, the moon's glow shining faintly through the blinds.
Standing on his feet and sliding them into a fuzzy pair of draconian slippers, Fallon lengthed his body in a stretch, the crack of unused joints echoing through the room. A soft smile of contentment was displayed on his lips as he took a few steps over to the wooden chair propped up against the closet door. Grasping the woolen cerulean bathrobe, Fallon slipped one arm into a sleeve, and then the other, Fallon grasped the belt before tying it into a tight knot.
Taking a few steps forward cautiously, Fallon stopped in the doorway, listening for the sounds of someone waking from sleep to check on the source of the noise. Letting out a sigh of relief as the atmosphere remained silent, Fallon made his way out of the door and into the hallway, illuminated by torches lining the wall.
As he strode down the hallway, the wooden floorboards creaked eerily under his footfalls, Fallon began to gnaw his lower lip in thought, his gaze becoming distant. Should he pursue valuable insight into writing? Or should he let it die like an ember in the wind? Shaking his head vigorously to rid himself of the troublesome thoughts, Fallon lengthened his stride until his lean legs were eating up the distance.
Rounding the corner and halting in front of a pair of double doors, Fallon couldn't help but marvel at the craftsmanship that had been applied to crafting the wooden frame. Most of the architects in the castle had been hand-picked by his Father King Alaric, their talents are shown in the insignia of the Draconian kingdom which was currently carved into the door frame.
Reaching forward and grasping the brass handles, Fallon pushed the door open before stepping into the grand library. It was the true definition of a library that could be straight from a fairy tale. The grand ceiling extends far above his head, adorned with a mosaic of a night sky, every little detail expertly hand-painted by a professional. Lining the walls towering over him, several wooden bookshelves were arranged in lines, comprising most of the library. Littered across the library were study nooks, a singular lamp sitting atop a long oak desk.
Taking a few steps over to the nearest bookcase and glancing up and down the shelves, Fallon began to browse through the countless books. Coming up empty-handed, Fallon strode over to the next bookcase, tapping his foot in thought as he browsed through them. His eyes lit up with excitement once he had located the book he desired; 'The Ascender Qualifications', the lettering sticking out like a sore thumb.
Gingerly removing the book and feeling the heft of it, Fallon hoisted it under an arm and trudged over to the main table resting in the center of the room, the oaken surface polished to a shine. Plopping the book down on the surface with a loud thud, Fallon pulled a chair over and plopped down onto the cushion. Drawing the book close to him, he blew on the leather cover, sending dust scattering. Opening the first page, Fallon knew he was in for a long night.
Alaric had always been a light sleeper, preferring to grab cat naps whenever he wasn't swamped with his duties. Despite craving the luxuries of everyday sleep and consuming nourishment in the form of sweets and fine wine, Alaric knew he needed to keep a clear head so as not to become too laid back. 
Flinching slightly and almost dropping the ceramic coffee mug, Alaric placed it on the marble counter and glanced out the large window. The inky blackness of night was illuminated by a flash of lightning, swiftly followed by a crack of thunder. Letting out a sigh and running a hand through ebony-hued hair, Alaric knew it was only a matter of time until the power went out.
A feeling of unease slowly began to flow from his chest, signifying someone close to him was troubled. Pivoting on his heels and walking out of the door, Alaric heard the distinctive sound of rain beginning to patter against the aluminum of the roof. Following the sensation of a beacon in the night, Alaric began to pick up the pace until he was swiftly jogging through the halls, the rain coming down in sheets that were lashing against the window pane.
Arriving at the library and glimpsing a shadowy figure hunched over a large book, Alaric cautiously approached, not wanting to startle them. Once Fallon came into view, Alaric took in his son's physical appearance. His eyes were troubled, almost like he was conflicted about something. His posture signified defeat, the slumped shoulders were those of an individual who believed they had reached a dead end. Clearing his throat loudly, Alaric approached his son's side.
"Fallon, while I admire your determination to become a well-renowned Ascender, you do realize you don't have to endure this alone, right?" Alaric's question carried genuine understanding and kindness for his son." Ah, I see you have found the ancient tome of our ancestors. How goes the research?"
Letting out a sigh of exasperation, Fallon skimmed the last few paragraphs before slamming the book shut." Alaric, how fortunate for me that you were in the vicinity. I am not making any headway when it comes to gleaning any information from these tidbits of information. If you recall Father, my next assignment is to learn the rules and regulations regarding writing the Ascender documentation." Flipping the book open to a random page, Fallon could feel his annoyance rising at his current predicament.
"Well, that's the beauty of writing is it not? Yes, our ancestors may have recorded what has already transpired, but that doesn't mean the rules can't be bent and twisted to what we see fit. It is the starting point, from which we can build and refine the written word." Pulling up a nearby chair, Alaric slid down onto the soft cushion and turned his attention to Fallon. His eyes shone with the barest hint of a smile as he nodded his head." The world is evolving Fallon, we can't always be stuck in our old ways you know. For instance, did you know that we can use antonyms and synonyms in regards to our written text?"
"It doesn't surprise me. My instructor once uttered the words ' Writing whether it be academic or a hobby can transcend boundaries put forth by those who are blind to the wonders of expressing one's thoughts and emotions.'" His eyes shone with pride as he was able to recall their words so vividly. Glancing down at the book, Fallon was able to glimpse information that struck him as something he had never observed before." Huh, did you know we also believe in applying the rhetorical aspect of things regarding our written word?"
Chuckling deeply from within himself, Alaric nodded his head in confirmation. Reaching over and sliding the book in front of him, Alaric had a gleam of amusement in his eye." Careful Fallon, the definition of a rhetorical question is as follows 'A question asked to make a statement that does not expect an answer.' Ask too many of those and your brain will be as barren as a desert!" Letting out a genuine bout of laughter, Alaric sighed as he calmed himself." Anyway, regarding your assignment, you will need to apply Logos, Pathos, and Ethos for it to be effective and resonate with the proper audience. Seeing as how you are a bonafide worry wart, you have the Pathos part covered!" Alaric let out a laugh that echoed with joy that he was in the vicinity of his son.
"Hey now! Just because my sentiments are more refined than others doesn't mean I can't tell the difference between sarcasm and genuine seriousness!" Unable to suppress it a single moment longer, Fallon snickered before he burst out laughing, tears forming in his eyes. Wiping them away with a sleeve of his robe, Fallon tried to regain his composure." What would that make you then? The Supreme ruler of Ethos? You are so high and mighty that your visual image should be next to the world in the dictionary!" Striking a dramatic pose, Fallon's voice deepened significantly until it carried a hint of humor." I King Alaric command you to patrol the parameters to scout for the adversary! My logic stems from my inflated ego and I am such a know-it-all!"
Snorting with laughter and doubling over in his chair, Alaric was laughing so much his breath abandoned him at that particular moment. Trying to compose himself and catch his breath, Alaric mischievously wiggled his eyebrows." Tread cautiously Fallon, my Ethos and Logos are refined let me tell you! For example, if you keep rambling about my knowledgeable experiences, I have no choice but to let you in on a little secret." Leaning forward to whisper in Fallon's ear, Alaric couldn't suppress the laughter from entering his voice." I do know one thing, how well-refined and experienced my ethos and logos are, who's to say I won't follow through with expanding my genius outlook on life and become further obnoxious and annoying?"
Despite the torrential downpour currently transpiring outside and the wind howling through the cracks and crevices, it didn't phase Alaric or Fallon who were occupied with the joys of writing and how it could bring anyone closer together, regardless of opinions and experiences. From this night forward, they would pave the way for others to find euphoria in the written word. For you see dear reader, writing is the cornerstone of knowledge and shall be forevermore valued and revered.
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usafphantom2 · 1 year
Curtiss CP-55 Ascender
Curtiss CP-55 Ascender by Wonder Years Of Aviation Via Flickr: s/n 42-78845
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almaperdida · 2 years
A cada trauma, eu sinto menos. É como se eu bloqueasse meus sentimentos na intenção de nunca mais provar o pior das pessoas.
Eu sou um pouco mais frio do que ontem, um pouco menos ingênuo, porém muito mais destrutivo. Não que eu faça intencionalmente, muito pelo contrário. Eu já amei tanto, que cada molécula do meu corpo queimava quando recebia ingratidão, desamor e indiferença.
A dor tem me ensinado a nunca confiar. Jamais oferecer imensidão para pessoas limitadas.
O sofrimento me fez ascender, explodir, queimar e consumir qualquer sentimento que me fizesse fraco novamente. Sou como uma supernova que se origina em condições nada favoráveis. O colapso me torna forte e resiliente. Eu sou caos e destruição.
- Almaperdida
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blueraimo · 1 year
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re-readingcomics · 1 year
Comics Read 04/16-05/10/2023
Over this period of time I read the Ascender Deluxe Edition by Jeff Lemire and Dustin Nguyen. It is a sequel to the creator’s earlier, Descender. I read that about three and a half years ago, also in Omnibus format, and wrote at little about back then. I do wish I wrote more. My desire to avoid accidentally spoiling someone and upsetting them is at odds with my desire to have notes that actually jog my memory. 
Very little of Ascender jogs my memory of Descender. The appearance of the “dog” Bandit does a little, but I don’t remember if his backward bark (“fra” instead of “arf”) is a new thing or consistent with what came before.The main character of this one is Mila, the daughter of Andy and Effie and I don’t remember their stories at all. Andy was Tim-21’s human companion, and Effie’s character design has her mostly machine in a human machine hybrid. It’s tragic looking, and which hat suits her arc here but I don’t remember any explanation of her look.  In general I remember Descender as an episodic picaresque, where I could enjoy moment to moment, but not really explain what it was about in a large sense. 
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How important is it remembering Descender to enjoying Ascender? I’d say really important as many of the original cast of characters return one by one over the course of the story. When the robot Driller showed up I remembered that there was a robot named Driller who was enthusiastic about drilling and spoke in a mechanical looking font, but nothing about his character arc. When Dr. Quon showed up I remembered that he made everyone uncomfortable he was sort of a mad scientist, though mostly not harmful. These were mostly explained in Ascender too, so what I’m really saying is, their appearances here felt right. But I can’t say that seeing them again gave me any emotional excitement.
There is a quote on the back of the edition attributed to Comics Bookcase that says, “As Descender was to hard sci-fi, Ascender is to high fantasy…”. It actually has a magic versus science plot, where vampire invaders have banned the existence of machines. The vampires here are magical colonizers led by one known as Mother. The colonization metaphor is extended by having characters state that those converted to vampirism are “saved”, the same language as converts to Christianity. This sounds heavy handed when I describe it, but there is also a plot about Mother battling for power within her original family that resists this kind of allegorical interpretation. 
I generally really enjoy Nguyen’s art, especially when colored by watercolor. It is very clean and easy to read while always having interesting things going on.  The only time I didn’t like the art was with the Mother’s family, which uses a red wash to suggest magic, and it seems to come at the expense of clarity. I also generally like Nguyen’s panel work more that one or two page spreads. They were beautiful but required more engagement in the plot than I had. One of my goals with this  blog is to better focus on the art while discussing comics criticism. I wish I had more to say  here. 
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beginningspod · 1 year
It's time for Beginnings, the podcast where writer and performer Andy Beckerman talks to the comedians, writers, filmmakers and musicians he admires about their earliest creative experiences and the numerous ways in which a creative life can unfold.
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On today's episode, I talk to Eisner Award-winning comics creator Jeff Lemire. Originally from Woodslee, Ontario, Jeff wrote and drew comics for years while working day jobs, until he eventually self-published his book Lost Dogs in 2005. This led to making Essex County for Top Shelf, and since then he's written and drawn a veritable slew of fantastic comics, both creator-owned works for publishers like Image and Dark Horse and for-hire books for companies like Marvel, DC and Vertigo. This includes comics like The Underwater Welder, Sweet Tooth, Animal Man, Extraordinary X-Men, Descender and Ascender, Black Hammer, and Royal City. It should be noted that this is just a small sampling of his work, and currently, he is writing Little Monsters and Phantom Road for Image.
I'm on Twitter here and you can get the show with:
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classicartverso · 1 year
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Dustin Nguyen - Ascender 
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cantoghalpon · 2 years
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mlarty · 3 days
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The Devil's Garden 🌹 🩸 will he paint them red?
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cyber-corp · 15 days
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tsrmarina · 2 months
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While finishing up the piece with the dragon spawn I made studies to catch ascended Astarion character essence ✍️ Here’s one of them:
Astarion the Ascended 🖤
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#astarion #baldursgate3 #bg3 #larianstudios
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celestial-ascension · 6 months
Quick Info 
Current Location: Anywhere from my series. (Just ask and I will be more than happy to tell you!)
Available for interaction, asks, and role play!
Hello and welcome to my interaction blog! This is primarily featuring my book series that I will be making that I plan on getting published and turning into an animation series in the future!
Yes, there will be angst, drama, horror, romance, adventure, action, comfort, heartbreak, and fantasy. Just a warning but there will be blood and some medical procedures, however, I will not go into extreme detail as they did in the movie Saw, so don't be afraid to interact!
Any anon is allowed! Just, please nothing nasty or disgusting! Of course, Angst and fight scenes, as well as horror is allowed!
Absolutely no NSFW in asks, an interaction, or in role-play, the farthest I will go is critical injuries, wounds but no extreme gore, a character bringing a child into the world but will not be too descriptive, and mental health issues and trauma.
You may send or tag me in role-play starters.
Please try to refrain from sending spam.
Once I start making pixel art, reblogs are greatly appreciated.
Please refrain from tagging me in any art or stories of a highly suggestive nature, save for what is listed above. It makes me very uncomfortable.
Please be patient! I am only one person who is in college and with real life problems. I am mostly doing this for fun and to spread the word of my series.
Yes, I mostly intend for this blog to be fun and interactive, I do want to explore some topics that are darker than usual so, please keep these in mind!
Body horror, scars, descriptions of panic attacks/meltdowns, use of caps, blood, violence, mild to moderate to severe body horror, war (via my character's flashbacks and experiences and possible plot points), possible self-harm, suicidal thoughts, implied gore, implied death, implied cannibalism, these next few will have a warning just in case, on-screen gore, on-screen death, on-screen cannibalism.
I will probably make a lot of out-of-character posts as I have a lot of ideas and thoughts! I will label them accordingly in case no one wants to see them.
Greetings! You guys may call me Celestine, Draconian, or Celestial Queen! I prefer not to disclose my real name for safety reasons so please call me by one of the other names. I use she/her, and I'm 29. I have been working on this series since May of this year and it has evolved and grown so I made this blog to enable users to find joy in my series like I did and to offer a safe space for people who would like to talk and interact without fear of bullying and judgment.
Main user blog: 
(This is my main blog and also the user who created this series blog is from.)
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mstrchu · 2 months
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girl help my friends keep trying to do things that will definitely make them insane
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ducancela-a · 3 months
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bringing this meme back, just for ascended astarion
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“Siempre he sentido que algo no funcionaba del todo en mi interior. Mi vida hasta más allá de los 40 años estaba siguiendo el guion del diseño de la segunda mitad de siglo. Estudios, trabajo, casa, matrimonio (sin hijos). Siempre en el mundo industrial y la mayoría de tiempo en el ramo de las Operaciones, desde lo más elemental a llegar a ser Supply Chain Manager y dirigir equipos en multinacionales. Pero el resquemor continuaba, varios acontecimientos encadenados me llevaron a vivir un tiempo en Australia. Una vez de vuelta emprendí un camino de aventura que me encaminó en el autoconocimiento, llevo más de 12 años en este mundo, siendo experto en Programación Neurolingüística y en Hipnósis Ericksoniana, mentor de profesionales que desean mejorar sus habilidades comunicativas. Conocedor del pensamiento crítico y de la persuasión, dedico parte de mi tiempo a formar profesionales en estas artes y en todas aquellas de las llamadas soft skills. Profesor de escuelas de negocio y entidades colaborativas. Escritor ocasional y speaker. Todo aquel caos que viví durante tanto tiempo no era cuestión de arreglarlo, era cuestión de entenderlo y de darle un nuevo significado. Me encanta navegar por las tortuosas y hermosas olas de mi caos, ahora todo tiene sentido.” Enric Ejío
Enric Ejío en CreativeMornings
“Soy de la generación que nos inculcaron que los hombres no lloran y que la única manera de salir adelante es con determinación y poniendo testosterona y que la felicidad está en tener cosas. Y así me crié y así viví hasta pasados los 40 años. Mi cabeza estaba adormecida y sin escuchar los pequeños gritos de ayuda que mi cuerpo realizaba. Llegado a un punto y debido a una serie de acontecimientos el caos reinaba dentro de mi y la vida me puso un tiempo en Australia. Debía de ser un viaje de conocimiento y fue de dolor y locura. Me desprendí de todo aquello que pesaba y que no tenía valor y volví vacío y desnudo. He convertido una vida programada en una serie de improvisaciones diarias, de una vida plana en un alud de emociones, de un caos sin resolver a un caos entendido. Me pasé muchos años buscando respuestas cuando el problema es que no sabía hacer preguntas. Dice un antiguo proverbio africano: “Si quieres ir rápido ves solo, si quieres ir lejos ves acompañado”, en mi vuelta fui encontrando gente que fueron pilares en mi resurgir, en mi volverme a crear, en guías para encontrar las preguntas correctas. No soy ejemplo para nadie, sólo otra persona más que decidió levantarse después de caer.”
Escuchar el podcast de regalo de Enric Ejío
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