#ashlynn's fic
icrypop · 2 months
yandere headcannons for sbg gang? Maybe a few for their parents(platonically for the parents tho since reader would also be like 14 or smt), reader also went Savanah with the sbg gang and is experiencing the same as the rest of the gang, (if you don't mind, could you also put how the yanderes feel about your parents, you can choose what the readers parents r like, I would prefer it if readers parents lean on the dysfunctional/abusive/neglectful side, but at the end of the day I'm fine with anything! ty!^^)
Yandere HC's School Bus Graveyard
Ashlynn, Taylor/Tyler, Ben, Aiden, Logan + parents(ish)
WARNING: Yandere Themes, violence, manipulation, harsh and controlling themes, the all around yandere per say just not intensely descriptive
I love this request, I did bullet points and everyone has separate hcs except towards the end where its an all together type thing but regardless you can read this as platonically or romantically, however you'd like! (Parent HCs are platonically, almost like over protective parents) The reader is Gender Neutral!! Hope you like it!
-Writer Icy<3
- Protective: Will go to any lengths to keep the reader safe, especially from their own parents which can sometimes get violent but refuses to let you know about it. With her stealth, she’s able to get rid of any competition outside of the group. That crush you had last week that broke your heart? Oh, they’re missing? What a shame…
 Possessive: Sees the reader as her special friend/partner and doesn't like sharing their attention with others so whenever in the halls, tends to have scary dog privileges and stands close to the reader, scaring any other friends outside the gang away.
- Controlling: Likes to dictate who the reader can talk to and what they can do, under the guise of "protecting them." She can tend to become stalker-ish and since she had good hearing, if she were over at your house she’d overhear the shitty things your parents were saying so she could eventually bring them up to you in conversation and make you turn to her for a source of comfort.
- Manipulative: Uses the reader's need for safety and stability to bind them closer, often playing the role of the "savior." Since the 7 hour nightmare is a shared experience, she likes it better when you stay at her house so she can be there through it all and also to comfort you whenever you both wake up from it. Often offers for you to stay with her and not return home so she can watch over you at night, mostly just watch you.
- Obsessive: Constantly thinks about the reader and wants to be with them all the time. Keeps his eyes on you, don't wander to far from him when you guys are outside of the protective walls, he’ll go berserk. Also uses scary dog privileges and stays very close behind you, similar to Taylor but more so with you and doesn’t let you out of his sight. Ever.
- Jealous: Gets extremely jealous if the reader shows attention to others, even their own friends but learns to deal with it, knowing the group cares just as much as he does but never more than him.
- Idealizing: Puts the reader on a pedestal, believing they can do no wrong. He’s very attentive to their needs and desires. He praises them but in an aggressive, love-bombing type way. “Maybe I'm not smart enough…” He’d scoff and cross his arms ``Oh shut up, you know your grades are better than ours. Stop whining.” But he means well.
- Aggressive: Will lash out at anyone who he perceives as a threat to the reader’s well-being or happiness, including the reader's parents. That mean group of popular kids who laughed when you dropped your books? Yeah now they steer clear of you after Tyler caught them after school and lashed out severely, scaring them shitless.
- Charismatic: Uses charm to gain the reader's trust and affection. She always offers kind words and a big smile so its hard not to believe every word she says, shes so soft and gentle with it all. Is the main source of comfort, especially with the way every night for 7 hours has been going so she puts an arm around you and lets you rest while she watches. Watches the surroundings but also the way your breathing slows down while your near her..
- Stalkerish: Keeps tabs on the reader's whereabouts and activities, often without their knowledge. Literally had taken her and Tyler’s saved allowance to buy a cheap computer and now both take turns on days off from school. Are you at home? Oh your at the store with your shitty mom?? Time to go.
- Deceptive: May present a friendly and supportive facade while subtly isolating the reader from others. Often takes up on getting interested into your hobbies and things you enjoy just to pull you away from the others to talk to you about them and then keep you away for long periods of time.
- Overprotective: Will intervene in the reader's life, especially when it comes to their parents, believing that only she knows what's best for them. Calls on Tyler for brute force if ever needed while she holds you and tells you your safer with them. With her.
- Calm and Calculating: Observes the reader's life and plans ways to integrate himself more deeply into it. Very sneaky  about it but if you were to notice, it’d probably just look like his usual creepy behavior and would brush it off with his signature smile if you brought it up.
- Emotionally Manipulative: Uses the reader's vulnerabilities, like their troubled family situation, to create dependency on him. The phantom realm puts alot of stress on your shoulders but its okay! Aiden is right there to help you. Call him crying about it or show up on his doorstep and he’ll draw you in with love-bombing and telling you that he is all you need.
- Possessive: Feels a need to be the most important person in the reader's life and will remove any obstacles to that. He is one of the more skilled yanderes aside from Ashlynn and probably Ben. He’s got the good “I can play Psycho Killer’ tendencies and works well when he’s got the energy to take out any person he deems a threat to the reader. He singles out everyone else and inserts himself into situations or conversations often so you think about him more.
- Devoted: Will go to extreme lengths to "rescue" the reader from their abusive or neglectful parents, offering a new family with the gang. Can and will buy you things that you want or need so you rely on him and slowly come to him more. Constantly sticking close and trying to protect you from any Phantoms wandering near you. You get a scratch though? Yeah they won’t be around once he finds them.
- Fixated Has an intense focus on the reader, wanting to know everything about them. Has a separate notebook full of pages about things he knows about you and everything you’ve told him. Its literally an unhealthy obsession at its finest.
- Unpredictable: His mood can swing between loving and harsh, depending on how close the reader is to him. Since he’s usually quiet, he likes to stay closer to you, especially in the phantom realm. If anything, humans and phantoms alike, were to become a threat to you? Its like his past hits like whiplash and he’s killing whatever threatens you in the first place. Now, with people he's more discrete but he tends to seek comfort after he manages to kill a Phantom and you happen to see it.
- Guilt-Inducing: Often makes the reader feel guilty for trusting their parents.’’ Why believe all the lies they tell. Is what I’m doing for you not good enough?? I thought you trusted me..’ would be the message you receive after venting about your parents but claiming they still loved you and you loved them. 
- Self-Sacrificing: Will do anything, even put himself in harm's way, to protect the reader from their parents and others. Countless times has he gotten caught in the cross-fire of trying to keep Phantoms from grabbing you. Gets fired up easily over anything getting too close to you but tries to keep his cool. He doesn’t want to scare you..
- Gentle but Firm: Appears kind and understanding but can be strict about keeping the reader close. He keeps a soft tone but makes sure to be strict when the reader starts to sway back to their parents. “No it’s not safer there, I promise we can keep you safer..”
- Loyal: Deeply loyal to the reader and expects the same in return. Can become upset if the reader tries to distance themselves. Proves to be loyal by helping you with anything whether it be schoolwork, chores or even tasks before going into the Phantom realm.
- Protective: Has a strong desire to shield the reader from their dysfunctional family, often offering a "better home" with him and the gang. Constantly tries to persuade you by talking about how peaceful the garden is and all the plants and everything he helps take care of that you could see.
- Secretive: May hide his more intense feelings and actions, presenting himself as the "voice of reason" among the group but alerts the brutes if he notices things are off with you. He sees someone bothering you in the hall? Reports to Ash and that person is gone. Someone tripped you and laughed? He barely nudged Ben before it was taken care of. He’s like the messenger and is like your guardian to keep you safe, so safe from everything.
~The Group's Parents as Yanderes (Platonically)
Ashlynn's Parents:
- Overbearing: Makes jokes about wanting to "adopt" the reader into their family, offering them a better life than their own parents provide and stating it was a worriful joke.
- Invasive: Often pry into the reader's personal life and family situation, justifying it as concern so your not suspicious about the questions.
- Possessive: Believes the reader would be better off with them and might try to convince them to stay over more frequently, roping Ashlynn into trying to convince you to stay so your safe.
The Twin’s Mom
- Supportive: Offer emotional and sometimes financial support, wanting to become the reader's new support system.
- Manipulative: Subtly encourages the reader to distance themselves from their own parents, painting them as unworthy.
- Controlling: May attempt to take over the role of the reader's guardian, believing they know what's best for the reader so small acts of service like packing lunch or getting small articles of clothing since yours has blood stains or tears in them.
- Charismatic: Are friendly and welcoming, making the reader feel at home with them, constantly wanting you to feel comfortable and at home.
- Judgmental: Often criticize the reader's parents, emphasizing their own family's superiority just to change your mindset and how you see them.
- Encouraging: Pushes the reader to confide in them about their family issues, offering to "step in" whenever necessary.
Aiden's Parents/ Ben’s guardians
- Calm and Nurturing: Provide a stable and peaceful environment, contrasting with the reader's chaotic home life, explaining whats theirs is yours.
- Possessive: Feel a need to "rescue" the reader and integrate them into their family permanently.
- Protective: Actively works to shield the reader from their own parents' influence, sometimes through legal means.
- Loving: Shows an overwhelming amount of affection towards the reader, wanting to make up for the love they lack at home wether its through acts of service or gift giving.
- Overly Involved: Want to be involved in every aspect of the reader's life, including their relationship with their parents.
- Persistent: Keep offering the reader a place in their family, even if the reader hesitates and tries to rope Ben and Aiden to help do the same, pressuring you in a loving way.
Logan's Grandparents:
- Gentle and Understanding: Present themselves as a safe haven for the reader, understanding their struggles, offering gentle nature and helping hands to the reader's chaos.
- Supportive: Offer help and guidance, often encouraging the reader to stay with them so they can help and be there for them more.
- Protective: Will go to great lengths to keep the reader safe, including intervening in their family situation and acting as messengers to the group, including their guardians as well.
~Yandere Group's Feelings Toward Reader's Dysfunctional Parents and How They'd Help
~ General Feelings: The gang collectively despises the reader's parents for being neglectful, abusive, or dysfunctional. They see the reader's parents as unworthy and harmful, and they feel a strong desire to protect the reader from them.
~Helping the Reader:
  - Ashlynn: Would try to physically remove the reader from their home, offering her own house as a sanctuary.
  - Tyler: Would aggressively speak harshly about the readers parents, Taylor helping alongside him to alter your way of thinking so highly of them.
  - Taylor: Would manipulate situations to make the reader's parents look worse, encouraging the reader to rely more on her.
  - Aiden: Would provide a calm, safe space and work on legal ways to help the reader distance themselves from their parents.
  - Ben: Would emotionally support the reader, offering a listening ear and trying to become their main source of comfort.
  - Logan: Would offer practical solutions, like helping the reader find a new place to live or getting them into counseling, all while subtly keeping them close.
Each member of the gang would take a different approach to help the reader, but all would be united in their determination to remove the reader from their harmful home environment and keep them close within the gang's protective circle as their parents/guardians act as the protective outer circle.
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athena-xox · 6 months
I’m going on a cruise so I’m downloading a whole bunch of eah fics
These are the ones I’ve downloaded already. I’ve alr read them but they might have updates so I figured why not download every single one I’ve subscribed to.
Anyways, does anyone have any recommendations for eah fics on the longer side that aren’t on this list? Because I’m betting I’ll only get 2 hours max of reading out of all of these and I’m gone ten days
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froggywentaprincin · 5 months
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There are currently around 1386 fics on fanfiction.net for Ever After High. Of these, 1004 are tagged with at least one EAH character (the others not being tagged at all or only being tagged OC).
Above are the Top 15 tagged EAH characters!
Below are all the Ever After High characters that have been tagged on fanfiction.net in order of how much they are tagged:
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This data taken on May 1st, 2024.
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direwolfrules · 6 months
Oh my fairy godmother I am so happy you are post about Ever After High!!! Do you have any fanfic or au ideas involving them? Like, what if one character had another destiny or what if they were in the Star Wars universe?! It’s just interesting to think about!
Hey! Glad to see we share another fandom interest!
So, I have this barebones post for what I would have done as a crossover between g1 Monster High and Ever After High.
As for general fanfic ideas I have a few. I shall now list them in varying levels of detail:
1. A Very Charming Groundhog Day Year:
Basically, the Charming siblings time loop back from a bit after Dragon Games but before Epic Winter to the day before the school year started (the day of the Family Ball in the books). While it would be kinda angsty, the best time loop fics are usually crack fics, and this would be no exception (if I ever wrote any of these things).
So Daring, Dexter, and Darling are all initially in states of panic and anxiety. Daring, he was in the middle of a quarter-life crisis and now has to deal with everyone and their fairy godmother thinking he's Apple's Prince Charming.
"Daring Charming, more like Distressed Charming, am I right?"-- Dexter, who should get to exhibit asshole little brother energy more often, as a treat.
Speaking of Dexter, he's panicking cause of all the awful stuff that's going to happen during the school year and also because now he has to go through the nerve-racking ordeal of asking out the girl he likes all over again.
Darling's in hell because everyone and their fairy godmother expect her to be this perfect little damsel, again, which is just- ugh. There are days she wishes she could carry her sword around with her, and they're most days. Also, she never got to talk to Apple about their True Love's CPR, which is just tragic.
The loops go on for a while, some constants in them include: Darling freeing herself and helping little Good-Enough Charming get one of their grandfather's trophies for the scavenger hunt, Dexter and Darling teaming up to kill the changeling and free cousin Charity (sometimes Daring helps but he's content to let his siblings have fun for once), Darling accidentally on purpose flirting with Apple and Apple experiencing several degrees of gay panic, Dexter fumbling asking out Raven for the first time (he's really such a dork, just a funky dude), and the Charming Siblings teaming up to make Milton Grimm's life a living hell.
In one loop they secretly film him playing with his toy unicorns and his action figure of himself and they hijack Blondie's mirrorcast to play it to the entire school.
After several loops a Monster High crossover happens, and so in every loop after that the Charming sibs, who have grown incredibly gremlin-like after experiencing the insanity of the school several dozen times, make sure to drop monster slang when it's just them and Cupid. Like:
Darling: "Wow, Cupid, that top looks clawsome."
Daring: "Totally, it's freaky fierce."
Cupid: "What?!"
Darling: "That top looks nice on you. Anyway, we gotta run."
Dexter: "Yeah, see you later ghoulfriend!"
I have some other half-baked ideas for this one but it'd probably be it's own post.
2. Murdoch Mysteries-ish AU:
This one makes no sense if you've never watched the hit Canadian Detective Show, Murdoch Mysteries. Or maybe it makes some sense, idk. Instead of a modern AU, we have a 1895 detective AU. It's barely an idea, I have no idea if I'd even keep this in the fantasy setting of (an 1895) Ever After or not.
Dexter is the Detective William Murdoch of this AU, the man with no game and beautiful blue eyes who women keep inexplicably falling in love with. He's observant and a little strange but he's also a brilliant detective. One of the major differences though is Dexter is the disowned son of old money parents.
Raven's the Dr. Julia Ogden, the outspoken, independent, and compassionate coroner helping solve cases and being amazing. Her rich, controlling mother doesn't much approve of her life choices but old Mrs. Queen can suck it. Raven and Detective Charming have a clearly mutual attraction but they're both hesitant to act on it cause what's a romance without a good slow-burn.
Hopper's the Constable George Crabtree of this AU. Listen, the everyday George matches Hopper's human side, and writer George matches Hopper's frog side. I will not elaborate, because I really cannot. Just feel the vibes, cause the words aren't coming.
I'm not 100% sure who'd be the Inspector Brackenreid. Part of me kinda wants to make it Professor Badwolf, and then I could make Milton Grimm the asshole commissioner. Coach Gingerbreadman is the Inspector of Station 5, the rivals of Station 4.
Daring is heir to the Charming family fortune. Golden boy, everyone loves him, wants more than anything to be able to talk to his little brother in public, but their parents would disown him as well if he stepped out of line.
Apple is one of Raven's housemates at Sisters boarding house, run by Bella and Brutta Sister. She was once courted by Daring, it was at the point where people were expecting an engagement announcement any day. That's when they suddenly broke it off, with no explanation (the explanation is Daring's in love with another girl and Apple's in love with his sister). Snow White and her husband barely agreed to let her move into the boarding house, I honestly have no clue how Apple managed to pull that off but good for her.
Idk, Darling's a vigilante. She's got the same deductive genius as Dexter, she just doesn't have the same ability to join the police force. Inspector Badwolf is tired of his cops being outdone by the mysterious White Knight (yeah, yeah, I made Darling into Victorian-era Batman). Couldn't the White Knight patrol Station 5's territory? (The answer is no, because Darling really wants to catch a glimpse of her twin and also because Sisters Boarding house is in Station 4's territory and sometimes she likes to secretly crash with her girlfriend).
3. The Destiny Cycle AU (AKA: Ever After High but the Rebel Movement is an actual Rebellion AU):
What it says on the tin. Raven discovers the book is fake before Legacy Day. Her and Dexter, who in this AU is believed to be Ashlynn's future Prince Charming because someone made a good post about the potential dynamics that could cause and I love it, set out to uncover what other secrets those in charge are hiding.
Basically, in this AU Ever After is a dystopia where the Royal Families tied the survival of their dynasties' rule to their stories. Like, magically tied them. The Fates themselves have been bound by the magic of the Destiny Cycle. Ever After's Destiny-bound citizens are forced to repeat the same stories as their ancestors, all because Happily Ever After doesn't include a revolt or the institution of democracy. All stories are repeated as a precaution against anyone figuring out what the ancestors of the Royal Families did.
Taking some inspiration from the SDCC Raven Queen doll's letter from her mother, the Evil Queen discovered the truth about the Destiny Cycle, said "not my kid you bastards", and proceeded to try to break the Cycle's bonds. Her taking over other stories and cursing Wonderland was an attempt to stretch the probability bonds of the Destiny Cycle's magic to the breaking point.
Stuff's gonna go down and basically these kids know time is running out until there's a war, cause the only way to avoid being offered up as a lamb to the slaughter is to overthrow the whole system.
God, I really gotta make this into it's own post as well now. But here's a basic rundown of some stuff I'd include:
Dexter and Raven being young and in love and just all the secret romance feels
Snow White knows about the Destiny Cycle, but Apple absolutely does not know.
Apple being born blonde is a sign that the Evil Queen's schemes loosened the grip of the Destiny Cycle, at least for a moment.
Ashlynn, Hunter, Dexter, and Raven as secret rebel leaders.
The backgrounders will have actual roles dammit! (Looking at you Lawrence Bonecrusher III, aka Orc Boy).
An exploration of artificial Destiny Cycle "True Love" vs. real True Love, featuring Apple, Daring, and Darling.
C.A. Cupid, sent by her godly family to infiltrate Ever After and cure it of the Destiny Cycle, because it's interfering in the domains of the gods.
A unique Monster High crossover idea that I will elaborate on in another post.
These children absolutely end up having to kill someone and it scars them forever.
As for different destinies AUs or Star Wars AUs, I haven't really given them much thought.
I think, in a Star Wars setting (possibly Old Republic?), Raven would be a Jedi padawan descended from a long line of Sith. Instead of Mirror Prison, her mom is dead and her Force Ghost is bound to a giant, mirrorlike piece of kyber crystal. Uh, not 100% sure who her master would be.
Darling would also be a Jedi padawan, and Maid Marian would be her Master. Maid Marian gets into custody battles over this kid with this old Jedi Watchman known only as The White Knight. She'd still have her time-slowing hair flip, in this AU it's just a unique way of activating the Force Slow ability.
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rexterforeverafter · 19 days
I saw an edit in yt and it kinda get me a idea which i think would be good for a speacial and i just honestly wanna share it
So what if they make an speacial where Cupid will gonna do an opposite on what she usually do (she was curse maybe?) And she will do whatever it takes to break couples up or like make them hate each other and the only way to break is for her to be shot by a love arrow with the one she love? Which will be Dexter And the one that will shoot her is Raven because she's the one who need to put a spell on the arrow (yes I know Raven will be heartbroken but just maybe) and ig they had their ending with Cupid fixing everything thag she made when she was curse BUT because Raven is the one that shot the arrow thru Cupid and Dexter heart It won't be fix so We will have another special for where like a prophecy of maybe a two lovers that will save the whole ever after land so the 3 most very popular couple did try (idk Daring Rossabella,Ashlyn,Hunter,Cupid and Dexter) but then almost all of them isn't that connected so a few tries until almost all finally have done it but the ever after has become Black and white while the magic has been fading more and more every minute Everyone was losing hope already then Cupid suddenly saw Raven How her eyes was full of sorrow just like The Evil Queen Eyes when she saw snow white her eyes is full of anger Cupid telm this to blondie,ashlyn,darling and apple which then one of them said "But the only reason the Evil Queen hates snow is because Snow is the Fairest from now on" then that's where Cupid will Realize Raven is just like her mother They don't say their problems aloud they mostly kept it inside them and show them the other way but Raven show it by avoiding her and Dexter,then Cupid Realize that the prophecy is written about a dark heart that was misunderstood that people can't see the gold that was hidden in this heart and the one that love that heart yet it become confuse Cupid knows that it was Dexter and Raven who need to do it for they trust one another not like how they trust others she felt lonely yet she know what she had to do and then maybe we will get a kissing scene of dexven idk im bored ig but ye this is just an idea
I might make this as a fanfic idk im still not quite sure im having a big writer block and it's a very long story if u ask me soo probably when i have free time i guess welp if you want you can make it an fanfic message me ig and i will probably help or give u more idea btw no hate to any characters here I'm sorry if it seems I'm insulting a character
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rakeofashovel · 2 months
first chapter of my aidlyn fic is out 🎀🎀
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sparrowmoth · 8 months
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➵ Fic edit for Musée des Beaux Arts by @oneofthewednesdays
“About suffering they were never wrong, the old Masters: how well they understood its human position.” —W.H. Auden Six portraits of life and death in Ketterdam featuring the interwoven stories of Wylan Van Eck and Kaz Brekker.
My edit. Please do not repost without permission. Credit: "Trouble" by Ron Hicks, “Léonore 4” by Marta Bevacqua (edited), "Anguish" by August Friedrich Schenk (edited), Unsplash, Pixabay, several paintings named in chapter titles above.
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magimerlyn · 11 months
Until the End
An Ever After High prequel fanfiction
Chapter 1
The Wrong Roommate
It was the beginning of the school year at Ever After High, and students were beginning to move onto campus and into the dorms. A girl with pale, milky skin and long, cream colored hair went to the bulletin board to double check the dorm assignments. She wore a pink knee-length skirt, and a white blouse with lace sleeves. Her pink kitten heels had a small pearl dangling from each buckle. She wore a white pearl headband and carried a small, square white handbag with a light pink rose in the center.
Pearl White, the descendant of Snow White, sighed, seeing that the headmasters had not honored her request for a fellow princess as her roommate. Well, that wasn’t quite accurate. They had decided to room her with Victoria Hearts, the daughter of the Queen of Hearts, an exchange student from Wonderland who was there to take advantage of the princess class track at Ever After High.
Pearl had hoped to room with one of her friends, like Helena or Cynthia. The three has met in middle school, when Pearl had all but begged her mother to let her go to public school. The girls had quickly become friends. They bonded over and daydreamed about their destinies, and their bond had lasted for years now. And it would for ages to come.
The heavy doors of the school slammed open with violent purple magic. In strode Adrian Queen, the son of the Evil Queen, with Ragnar Huntsman following a step behind him. Pearl quickly averted her gaze, hoping to avoid his notice. This was why she had wanted to room with one of her friends, so she wouldn’t be alone when he inevitably decided to hurt her arbitrarily.
She could feel the moment when his alexandrite eyes landed on her, could see in her mind’s eye the cold, cruel smirk that spread across his face. She heard the click click click of his heeled dragon-scale boots as he walked across the polished wooden floors, coming to a stop right behind her.
“Hello, dear sister,” a black velvet voice purred from behind her. Slowly, she turned, looking up at the boy standing a few feet away. His black hair was swept to one side of his face, an iron crown sitting upon his head. He wore his royal wealth with pride, a deep purple stone hanging from one ear, and a black cape trimmed in gold and lined with indigo off one shoulder. His high-necked black shirt tucked into high-waisted tailored trousers. An iron corset encircled his waist and he wore a matching bracer on each arm.
“Hello, Adrian,” she said, barely keeping her voice steady. “Is there something you needed?”
The smirk widened into a cold grin, showing far too many teeth to be anything resembling friendly. “I just wanted to know who your new roommate was. It would be best if I took care of any misunderstandings early on, don’t you agree?”
Pearl sighed, glancing back up at the board. “I’m roommates with Victoria Hearts of Wonderland. She’s an exchange student.”
Adrian looked pensive for a moment, before saying “Ah, the future Queen of Wonderland. Good, I had worried it’d be someone I’d need to talk to.”
“Talk to” would have meant threatening Pearl’s roommate to not get involved in their affairs, but since everyone knows that villains all have an unspoken agreement to not get involved anyway, it would be unnecessary.
“Where’s your luggage, Ragnar and I will help you bring it up to your room.” That predator grin was back. Sometimes Pearl could swear that Adrian was part dragon, the way he played with his food. She nodded demurely and the three of them walked out to where her carriage had dropped her and her friends off. Her luggage was piled next to her friends’, where Adrian’s magic wrapped around it to lift into the air.
Ragnar nodded at the two girls in greeting. He didn’t often say much, in fact all most people ever heard leave his lips was a reverent “yes, your highness,” always directed at Adrian. His chestnut hair was pulled back into a low ponytail, choppy bangs framing his face. His almond-shaped eyes were like pools of emerald, and just as hard. Pearl noted that his bow and sword were missing from his back and side, though the rest of his outfit was the same as always: a studded leather pauldron over a deep blue shirt, a few belts that would ordinarily hold his sheath and quiver, and dark brown pants tucked into leather boots. The only thing on his belt right now was Adrian’s Token: an iron dragon curled around a piece of cut alexandrite.
Helena Rose, a dark-skinned girl with onyx eyes, looked up from the book in her hands. Her black braids were pulled into a half ponytail and she wore a yellow sundress paired with a flower crown. Her wedge sandals matched the woven straw purse slung across her body. She was sitting next to Cynthia Ella, a girl with dark brown hair and tinted skin. Her sapphire blue eyes sharpened when she saw Pearl’s luggage starting to float. She stood up, brushing down her deep blue skirt and glared at Adrian from behind her wire-rimmed glasses.
“What are you doing?” she demanded, one hand resting on her hip.
Adrian briefly glanced over to the girls before turning his attention back to the suitcases. “It’s nothing to concern yourself with, Cindy. Don’t you have some laundry to do?”
Cynthia fumed as Pearl spoke up. “He’s helping me get settled in. Everything is okay, I promise.” She gave a reassuring smile. “You know how it is.”
Her friend looked like she wanted to say something, but she sighed, relenting. “So I’m guessing we’re not roommates?” Pearl shook her head regretfully. Cynthia cursed under her breath before her eyes flickered to Pearl’s brother. “They didn’t put you with-“
“Of course not!” Pearl tried to soothe her friend. “After what happened in middle school, there’s no way they’d try putting him in the girl’s dorms.”
Adrian laughed from where he was standing. “Who could have guessed that preserved Dragon’s Breath could be so volatile?” Ragnar cracked a grin at that, his gaze softening as he looked at the smirking warlock.
Pearl offered Cynthia a reassuring smile. “They have me rooming with Victoria Hearts. Adrian is just helping me with my luggage. He insisted.” She shrugged, trying to convey a “what can you do?” It didn’t seem to work, judging by Cynthia’s expression.
“Pearl.” Adrian called sharply. She jolted, before shooting a last smile at her friends and hurrying over to her brother. He strode forward, his knight at his right hand and his sister at his left. The crowds parted on their approach, previously spoken conversations hushed down to a whisper. The three of them climbed the stairs of the girl’s dormitory. When they finally reached the door with Pearl’s name on it, Adrian knocked imperiously before having Ragnar open it.
Half of the room was already decorated in red, black, white, and gold. A black vanity with gold on the edges stood a few feet down from the tufted red and white bed frame. The bed was pushed against the wall, and a shining black nightstand stood beside it. There was a large red armchair positioned next to a small bookshelf by the window, already set up with bright red drapes.
Sitting at the vanity was a girl with long black hair. When the door opened, she turned her pale, heart-shaped face to the intruders, her garnet eyes looking them up and down. Her makeup was simple, but harsh, her lips painted into a small, blood-red heart. She had blunt bangs cut just above her eyebrows, and half of her hair was tied up in a heart-shaped bun. She wore a golden tiara with heart-shaped rubies and oval-shaped pieces of jet. She wore a high-necked, tight-fitting black shirt, with a red corseted skirt reaching just below her knee. A red, heart-shaped purse with a golden chain was slung over the back of her chair.
“White knight, moonshine, a place, a face, I have mine?*” she asked. Pearl and Ragnar shared a look of confusion, while Adrian laughed.
“Well then, that certainly clears up any question of this being the right room,” he smirked, leading the trio inside. “I am Adrian Queen, son of the Evil Queen. I’m helping my sister move in. And you must be Princess Victoria Hearts of Wonderland.”
Victoria nodded. “And I presume you are my roommate,” she said, turning her gaze over to Pearl, who nodded.
“My name is Pearl White, daughter of Ivory White. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She looked around the room. “I… like your room. It’s very… fitting.”
“Clubs, spades, hearts and diamonds all ten,”* Victoria said, turning back to her vanity and the cards she had set out.
Adrian set down the luggage. “Well then, Ragnar and I will be off. Pearl, I’m sure you’ll behave yourself.” With that, he swept out of the room, leaving Pearl to unpack on her own, with a villain on the other side of the room.
*Riddlish translations:
“Hello, what is your name?”
“That is very kind of you.”
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gumjester · 1 year
Two moments of quiet.
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superspookyjanelle · 1 year
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OC AESTHETIC: Ashlynn Dragneel-Heartfilia
❝ Okay, but literally every room you're in is a panic room… ❞
TAGGING: @witchofinterest @fiercefray @sweetenemyfire @eddysocs @arrthurpendragon @waterloou @villanele @bookstorebunny @roseygirl203 @valdrinors
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fr4nkie0stein · 10 months
Ashlynn Ella masterlist
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None yet <3
None yet <3
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icrypop · 2 months
U did sooo good with your yandere sbg, im in luv with u now♡♡♡☆
Feel free to ignore this, but same yandere au for sbg that u wrote, but reader ends up dying in the phantom world, their death ends up to be painful, slow, and they black out thinking no one is coming to save them. I rlly like angst. can u tell? (I need a happy ending tho😣🥹🥺)
If the Yandere! SBG gang lost you in the Phantom world
Ashlynn, Tyler, Taylor, Ben, Aiden, Logan
WARNING: Yandere themes, violent, gore, descriptive
Awww <3 Im so happy you liked them, and I'd be so happy to write this for you! I wasn't sure if you wanted hcs or full stories so its kinda..both?? Either way! Can be seen as romantic or platonic with a gender neutral reader!!!!
-Writer Icy<3
In the eerie, twisted landscape of the Phantom World, your cornered by the terrifying creature, its shadowy form obscured in the dim, otherworldly light under the blood red sky. The attack came brutally, the phantom striking with relentless fury, leaving deep wounds that bled profusely as it slashed its long hands across your abdomen and stomach. As you lay on the cold ground, pain wracked your body, and each breath became a struggle. Time seemed to stretch, and your vision blurred with tears as you slowly slipped in and out of consciousness. Despite the overwhelming agony, you clung to the hope that your friends would find you in time before death’s icy grip took you away. But as minutes turned to hours, and the chill of the Phantom World seeped into your skin and bones, despair settled in. Your final thoughts are filled with the aching belief that no one was coming to save you. The darkness closed in, and you blacked out, feeling utterly alone. Were you ever truly relevant to them though?
Devastated and furious with herself for not being there to protect you. You were pale, cold. How did this happen?? You guys were running from the swarm of Phantoms and you got separated…shit, she should’ve helped you. You were chased, killed and now your lifeless body lay in her arms. 
Ashlynn's heart shattered when she saw your pale form on the hospital bed, the beeping machines the only sign of life. She refused to leave your side, berating herself for failing to protect you. Each hour felt like an eternity as she traced your hand, her voice a soft murmur of apologies.
Once back in the real world she stays by your side constantly, tracing your hand softly, careful to not touch the IVs in your hands and arms… She blamed herself for you dying. She should’ve followed you, protected you, you wouldn’t be here if she had followed. She spent most of her time here after school until going home to deal with making plans and the 7 hour nightmare they were still stuck in.
Once Ashlynn gets the call that your awake though? She’s there in a heartbeat. She becomes fiercely protective, constantly checking on you and ensuring you are never alone, guilt and relief warring within her. She cant stand the thought of it, the image of your mangled body along the ground sticks in her mind. When you finally opened your eyes, Ashlynn froze in shock as waves of emotions coursed through her. It overwhelmed her to the point of not knowing what to do or say in that moment. After calming down and waiting until everyone else stepped out, she got closer, vowing to never let anything harm you again. The ordeal only deepened her obsession, and she became a constant, protective presence in your life.
His face paled as you lay lifeless on the ground, he was in disbelief that you were gone until he held your limp, bloody body in his arms, your blood staining his hands. Overwhelmed with guilt and anger, blames himself for not being there for you. He watched you as you were targeted and yet he kept running with the other group. He needed to turn around, why didn't he turn around!? 
He couldn’t shake the guilt of not being able to save you, and it gnawed at him as he paced the hospital halls, demanding answers and updates from your nurses and doctors that checked on you. He was distressed, taking out all of his emotions on his friends in short bursts of anger. They understood though, they knew how he cared.
 No amount of comfort or kind words could make him relax until he got the call from one of your doctors. When you regained consciousness, Tyler felt a surge of relief, but it was tinged with a new intensity. He vowed never to leave your side again, becoming a constant, watchful presence, struggling to keep his protective instincts from suffocating you.
 He sits at the side of your bed for a while, scared that you were gonna blame him as he blamed himself. After you slightly recover, Tyler becomes more possessive, struggling to balance his feelings of guilt and the need to keep the reader safe
She screamed when she saw you, not in fear but in agony of seeing you basically ripped to shreds by one of those things. Why did it happen?? You were grouped together and trying to clear a house near the base. You guys wanted to see if there were any other materials you needed…You were left outside to watch. No one heard you get grabbed, no one saw where it took you until you were gone. You were tore open like a deer from a bear, the gashes and deep and revealing wounds covering your body almost made her sick. 
She struggles with the horror of what happened to you and blames herself for letting you out of her sight. Taylor felt a deep, gnawing fear as she watched the reader lying unconscious in the hospital bed. She blamed herself for not keeping the group together and safe. 
While she comforted the others with reassuring words, she privately crumbled, the weight of her failure heavy on her shoulders. Taylor felt a deep, gnawing fear as she watched you lying unconscious in the hospital bed. She blamed herself for not keeping you safe and with the rest of the group. 
While she comforted the others with reassuring words, she privately crumbled, the weight of her failure heavy on her shoulders. When you finally woke up, she bawled uncontrollably at your side, apologizing profusely. Taylor's heart swelled with relief though, knowing you were alive and semi-okay. Determined to keep you safe, she became more attentive and persuasive, her charm a constant comfort as she worked to ensure you never felt alone or afraid again.
Aiden's calm demeanor cracked just slightly as he stared at you lying on the group. Bloody, beaten, dead. The usual calm smile he has plastered on his face falls into a crazed one as his eyes glaze over. He hides his anger and sadness well. He felt a cold numbness settle over him, a detached shock as he lifted you in his arms. He didn't hear you scream, you were alone, you needed him…You were going to hate him.
In the hospital bed, your life hanging by a thread, he quietly takes charge and organizes care towards you, ensuring you were given the best treatment. Even in his grief, he was practical and efficient, managing details and coordinating with doctors. He couldn’t let you die, he failed you once and he wasn’t gonna do it a second time.
When you finally woke up, Aiden felt an intense relief, the dead, psychopathic smile finally disappearing as he stared in shock before smiling for real. Seeing you alive, well and okay(ish) brought him peace but that peace came with a deeper, darker determination. He became even more involved in your life, guiding your every decision with a careful, controlling hand, ensuring you would never be left alone and vulnerable again.
The anger inside him swirled with so much emotion he almost snapped. Aiden couldn’t get him to calm down enough or move away. Aiden just kept everyone away from him as Ben held your cold, limp body to his chest. Your heart wasn’t beating…How could you have left his sight..?
You thought you had seen something and decided to run and check it out. The Phantoms were distracted, none were near so you deemed it safe. You had found a small pocket knife but it was broken…then you were jumped and now you were broken too.
Ben felt a profound sadness settle over him as he saw you lying unconscious in the hospital. He struggled to process the sight, his usual calm demeanor shaken. While he tried to be a pillar of strength for the group, internally, he feared the worst. He got slightly defensive and even shoved Aiden away when being comforted.
 When you finally awoke, Ben felt an immense relief wash over him as he gave a slight nod and anxious wave and sat next to your bed. Determined to prevent such a close call from happening again, he became more protective and attentive, always looking out for your needs and ensuring you felt safe and cherished in his presence.
He broke down, falling to his knees in body-wracking sobs, overwhelmed by the horror and pain in his heart from seeing you dead. You were lagging behind the group and got grabbed and he couldnt catch you in time. By the time he and the group made it to you, you were pale, bloody and tore open severely with no heartbeat.
 Logan couldn’t hold back the tears as he sat beside your hospital bed, his heart breaking at the sight of your frail, unconscious form. The thought of losing you was unbearable, and he was wracked with guilt and sorrow, whispering apologies consistently, hoping you could hear him. 
When you finally opened your eyes, Logan was overwhelmed with relief as he apologized and cried beside you. However, the experience left him emotionally fragile; he became increasingly dependent on you, needing constant reassurance of your well-being and that you didn't hate him.
 Terrified of ever facing such a close call again, he never let you go off on your own and kept a closer eye on you, always telling you he needed to protect you so you wouldn’t get hurt.
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athena-xox · 6 months
So basically I procrastinated writing the actual next chapter of my fic on my flight and decided to instead start a new fic that would basically just be Farrah’s character arc in my fic except canon complaint and a similar style to 99 cent dreams
But I cannot write it
I projected a little too close to home and I’m currently crying bc it brought up past trauma (? I never recognized it as trauma til now but ig it is) uh so…
It would have totally spoiled major things in my rewrite anyways…
But moral is, don’t project too much guys
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lesbianjackies · 2 years
🌷ashlynn ella masterlist🌷
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key: ❤︎︎ - fluff, ☁︎︎ - angst
coming soon!
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c-rose2081 · 8 months
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Thinking about my fic again.
A Legacy of Brambles and Thorns (Ao3)
I really needed to draw Briar again because I have a hard time visualizing her in the context of the story. I know what show-Briar looks like (sassy, people-oriented, generally pretty friendly), but Briar in my fic is incredibly unapproachable and prickly (kinda scary at times), and I wanted to get that across. She always looks angry due to how dark the rings around her eyes are, and she has a lot of scarring which she doesn’t bother to hide.
About her:
Briar is not someone you want to be screwing around with. Mess with her, fine, she doesn’t care. But mess with her friends? Be ready to get your happily ever after ass beat.
Because of where she grew up, Briar is very overprotective of things that she cares about. This mostly pertains to people, as she pseudo-adopts them (aware of it or not) and becomes their main protector. Seeing as she basically raised eight little brothers from the time she was seven to when she was sixteen, it’s just natural instinct by now to keep people close. Despite having a decently large group of friends, Briar isn’t venerable very often. When she is, she goes to Ashlynn and only Ashlynn, who takes this honor very seriously.
Messing with Briar is either a very brave or a very supid life choice, as she’s not just willing to beat you up (she doesn’t really discriminate if she or someone else is being threatened), but she also holds grudges like you wouldn’t believe. She’ll remember you, always.
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starry-night-rose · 4 months
Glimmering Soirée
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Here ye! Here ye! It’s now time for ball season here on Sage’s Island! Students have been gossiping all year about the Glimmering Soirée, a night of revelry between the two schools that both inhabit Sage Island. Each year, one school hosts the other! Treating the guests as royalty. There’s dancing, music, delicious food and...a competition. This competition is to find the Belle of the Ball and to award them with honors such as a crown, scepter, and more! The faculty of both schools vote on the winner of the title. This year, it’s NRC’s turn at hosting, let’s see how well they do
Four Students are chosen as the Princes who are to act as the hosts of the event. They are to be princely, amicable, and welcoming to the guests of the ball. It’s chosen by chance by the Headmaster. The Princes are trained in the art of dance, conversation, and hosting. The Princes chosen this year are Malleus Draconia, Deuce Spade, Azul Ashengrotto, and Kalim Al-Asim. The Princes also partipate in the voting of the Belle of the Ball as well
But where do yuu fit into this? Our lovely Ramshackle prefect and their trusty feline-looking sidekick have a special position, given to them by our kind Headmaster! Yuu are here to help the princes out! And who knows, maybe your hard work won’t go unnoticed.
Everyone is free to participate! From Ocs to Yuusonas to even canon characters, anyone can participate!
Content Rules: Keep it PG-13!
How to participate in the event: You’re free to write fics, make art, make character sprites, and just about anything else you can put your mind to!
Tag the posts with a #glimmering soirée and make sure to credit/@ me in the post!
This event has no deadline at the moment which means you have all the time you need to get to work! However, this might change later on!
At the Glimmering Soirée, a dress code is in order! It’s an elegant event so fine clothing is a must! Below are some ideas of what you’d find guests wear at the ball!
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You can wear anything you wish but must be in the colors
Ellis | Gwen | Stella
Malleus | Deuce | Azul | Kalim (coming soon...)
Rodrigue and Cybele ( @valse-a-mille-temps )
Character Cards
Mariah ( @slumberingprincessblog )
Yuhua | Groovy ( @distant-velleity )
Case and K. Oswald Junior 101 ( @k-looking-glass-house )
Juno | Groovy ( @br3adtoasty )
Albert ( @the-trinket-witch )
Joker | Nana ( @twstinginthewind )
Helena | Gia & Grim | Beau ( @ramshacklerumble )
Saga ( @revivemyreverie )
René | Rémi | Emil ( @tixdixl )
Licht ( @tsurenity )
Jocia | Yuu Shi ( @boopshoops )
Emmanuel ( @sleepyheadincoulds )
Yuno & Yume ( @emillydepiatti )
Emmiline ( @shinysparklesapphires )
Yume ( @comingyourlugubriousness )
Jewel ( @jewelulu )
Kiyuu | Groovy ( @skriblee-ksk )
Stolas ( @luxstring )
Jess ( @jovieinramshackle )
Luxolite ( @ice-cweam-sod4 )
Yuu ( @st4rz666 )
Marvolo ( @zetsubobu )
Yuusha | Groovy ( @crystallizsch )
Cecil ( @lostonesart )
Charlotte ( @akemiozawa )
Pleaide ( @valse-a-mille-temps )
Moira ( @obsoleteozymandias )
Eira | Groovy ( @kwaiibbart )
Aiyuu ( @twistedsongstressofstarz )
Chris ( @selfinserttothestars )
Daisy ( @midnightmah07 )
Ashlynn ( @wonderlandhour )
Yukchi ( @imdonelikerlly )
Yuya | Groovy ( @cheerleaderman )
Vesper | Cyrus ( @twst-stupid-ocs )
Elyssabeth ( @cookie-arts )
Hopper | Groovy ( @amatsuchan-eiliniel )
Via | Yuki ( @galacticstationsblog )
Sophie ( @gl00myb3arz )
Jasir ( @acidsugar21 / @gl00myb3arz )
Teddy and Yuu/Robynne ( @yuus-sentient-teddy )
Citlali ( @tired-robo-mask )
Yuuval ( @/twisted-drawritings)
Mim (@/13thfairytale)
Canon Characters
Rook ( @apieceoffoliage )
Epel ( @robo-milky )
Jamil ( @crystallizsch )
Ace ( @spade-12 )
Grim ( @yuus-sentient-teddy )
Chandeliers and Fireflies ( @stephiethewephie )
Edits (coming soon...)
Below is the background that you’re free to use to make your character cards! Note: The Background belongs to Disney while I just did the edits
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And now
Enjoy the Ball!
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