#ask the rpg 3
humunanunga · 2 years
@ask-the-rpg-3 @jakei95 This does raise an interesting point, and it could be worth discussing if it can be done without becoming a brawl. I’ll precede this by mentioning I myself am nonbinary and go by they/them, and this is not an invitation to a dogfight or a dogpile.
The same gender will still look and feel different from person to person between presentation and the experiences that contribute to personal relationship with it. There are enbies who use gendered names or pronouns, some exclusively so. To add to that, some people first come out as nonbinary before coming out as transmasc/transfem or vice-versa. I actually got more connected with my own local trans community because of a senior (whose name happens to be Kris) who came out on Facebook as nonbinary (they/them) and later came out as a trans man (he/him). I have a genderfluid sibling who’s been out as a trans man and currently as a genderqueer butch. Our other brother, meanwhile, has been out as a binary trans man without adjustment.
To quote myself from an art post of sonas with different genders and pronouns (see: /tagged/sonaverse), I’ve wanted to explore how my own relationship with gender could’ve gone differently. I experience very little dysphoria, so there could be timelines where I never made it this far in finding myself, or even grown attached to my assigned gender. On the other hand, there could be alternates of myself with more dysphoria. I also wonder how much greater a role my body would have played if I had a different birth assignment. Would I feel more invested in feminizing myself had I happened to be amab?
There are other enbies for whom this would be more discomforting than enriching, but I personally find that branching out with my alternate sonas’ genders is a safe way to explore my relationship with own canon gender-- not to pick it apart, but to learn more about it. Chances are there are others who feel the same way too, just as there are others who feel the same way ask-the-rpg-3 may feel. (And as it happens, the post with this set of alternate sonas included one based on a dream in which I had an Xtale self.)
Which brings me back to Frisk and Chara. I’ve been an Underverse viewer since the first animation and can confirm that, to my recollection, he/him has been used exclusively for their Xtale counterparts and never for their canon selves. I am willing to believe Jakei when she says she means nothing enbyphobic by Xtale’s kids being masc. It’s true that people can do harmful things without meaning to, and I can recall one such instance of that before, but it’s an outdated receipt and she took it down later the same day. For the sake of not letting myself fall into toxic behavior, I allow people the right to improvement whether or not I decide I want to stick around long enough to see it for myself.
It’d be fair to say that no piece of media is for everyone. It’s fair to say that what one enby or binary trans person finds affirming or relatable could aggravate another’s dysphoria. We’re not a monolith, after all. That these fanworks are both fanart and original creations certainly complicates the matter, but I can respect that Jakei has not retconned the canon Frisk or Chara’s genders or pronouns, only her own au’s counterparts. Which is fair and not unique to the Undertale fandom.
I don’t usually step into discourse, so I’ll be stepping right back out after sharing my input. This doesn’t have to change how you feel about XT/UV, and if it’s still upsetting for you, it’ll be less of a headache to walk away than to continue engaging with it. UTMV is a large collective of fanworks and aus, too many to keep track of them all, and crossovers are a major part of how the community participates, so there’s always a chance of coming across ones that aren’t for you even in the ones you like. Sometimes the best thing you can do is to pick and choose the ones you engage with and set your boundaries with anyone who brings them into your personal space.
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goobie-plomp · 2 years
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thefalloutwiki · 10 months
Do you guys have any info about what exactly Future-Tec is? I remember seeing some stuff in the 76 Atomic shop about it, but I can't really find any good info on what it is and what role it plays in the lore.
Heyo, thanks for the ask! I'm happy to answer anything I can!
So first, let's establish every game or publication Future-Tec is mentioned in (to my knowledge). Future-Tec is mentioned in the Vault Dweller's Survival Guide (Fallout's manual), Fallout 76 and lastly, Fallout: The Roleplaying Game!
In the Vault Dweller's Survival Guide, Future-Tec is stated to be a division of Vault-Tec, and presents an advertisement for the Garden of Eden Creation Kit (mind you, this is before the GECK was in a game too).
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In Fallout 76, several Future-Tec Atomic Shop C.A.M.P. items appear, all with unique descriptions. The description for the Future-Tec Week Flag states the following:
Future-Tec was once a secret branch of Vault-tec tasked with investigating top-secret and alien technologies. Fly their flag in your C.A.M.P. with the Future-Tec Week Flag.
Additionally, the terminal entries for Vault 51 show that ZAX 1.3c copied Dr. Stanislaus Braun's writing and speaking style, in order to obtain a Hellfire Prototype Power Armor unit. The entry reveals that Braun was the department head of Future-Tec!
//SEARCHING: Hellfire Prototype Power Armor //SEARCHING: Future-Tec //SEARCHING: Department head //SEARCHING: Dr. Stanislaus Braun //ANALYZING: Dr. Stanislaus Braun published research and speaking history //COPYING: Dr. Stanislaus Braun writing & speaking style ........ Success; Probability of direct match 99.6% //SENDING: Hellfire Prototype Power Armor Requisition Request ........ Success; message delivered.
In Fallout 3, we also learn that Braun is the creator of the GECK!
Lastly, in Fallout: The Roleplaying Game, we get this short blurb about the GECK:
Devised by Vault-Tec’s Future-Tec division, this terraforming device uses matter recombination technology to transform irradiated or otherwise polluted earth into fertile soil. It also included force-field schematics and 3D printing arrays to make everything from buildings to clothing from the raw materials of the earth.
Now that we have our sources put together, let's piece together all that we know about Future-Tec, as a division of Vault-Tec.
Future-Tec was a division of Vault-Tec, headed by Dr. Stanislaus Braun. Described as a secret branch of the company, the division was responsible for investigating "top-secret and alien technologies." The Garden of Eden Creation Kit was devised by the department, with Dr. Braun being responsible for developing the device itself.
Hope this helps! Of course, sometimes I do miss a source or two, but I'm confident that that is all the info we have on Future-Tec. This was a nice little writing exercise, so I'd love to answer any more asks people have! :D
With this post, all info I've stated has been added to our Future-Tec page, which you can check out here:
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pillowspace · 2 months
The only thing I know about Of Stars And Time is what I learned from glancing at your posts while reading Spider-Man in Gotham City fanfiction, and all I have gleaned from that is Loop is a scrumbly little fellow and Eating Sea Slugs Is Probably Not Okay But It’s Fine and now I am invested in wtf is going on over here
Loop canonically 1. IS a scrumbly little fellow and 2. ATE that sea slug
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eightyuh · 1 year
Why does Freya seem to want to murder Glen (although deep down we all want to maul him one way or another)
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Freya gets cute aggression!
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aw-colorcat · 6 months
Do mack's wings work like meta knights, where they're a cape when he isnt using them?
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I had an idea at the beginning but I’m not sure where I ended up with this 😅… short answer I think they would be more involved. But I love meta knight and I learned how to draw wings by drawing him!
[ask is referring to this post]
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tempestmothstorm · 12 days
In my ddlc fantasy rpg isekai au I like the idea of them being humans in a mostly fantasy race world to push the idea that they’re 1. Out of place as if inserted from another world (lore) 2. Closer to reality than the rest of the world and 3. They’re real in depth human beings even when they’re inserted into a fantasy rpg. Cool thematic symbolism is cool and I would want them to be at least somewhat identifiable as from ddlc
But at the same time tiefling Yuri is awesome
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tristarnova · 16 days
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For today, you can ask my oc: the snow fairy and recurring miniboss of yokei Godneu to be a hero: crinsei, whatever you want as long, it is not nsfw, since I did get inspired by Cirno for her, and plus, it’s her birthday today too, so she would really appreciate it, See her bio for some basic info about her.
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I know I study psychology and all that stuff about vicious cycles but I still don't get it how can someone put themselves in a toxic relationship, with evidence of how toxic it is, with people saying how bad it seems, and it's all for a shitty boyfriend? That treats you bad?
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Hi there, everybody, allow me to introduce myself, my name is tamishiko Tamirumare, but you can call me tami, and I am here to answer questions you need or want to ask about me.
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But how did this happen, well it’s a long story, you see I found this strange laptop in a ruined area on welcome island, so I repaired it, and now, I am connected to this website, not sure, how it got here.
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But, yet, despite the fact that I am 18, I am still way too young for anything, well you know, so no nsfw, and I won’t give any spoilers for yokei godneu, you’ll have to figure them out on your own.
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But with that out of the way, it’s time for us to begin, ask away, you want, and, i will make sure to get anyone I can, that you want to ask questions.
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Also if this blog gets enough asks, I can show you something very special that tristarnova has been waiting to show off that will appear in yokei godneu; to be a hero, but you’ll have to get to the ask number 1st, before I will reveal it.
See character profiles for how you can ask
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datastate · 3 months
i need you to know that when i just tried to type your url i accidentally started it as @/kai
you are the Kai person
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estrel · 3 months
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youtherthyf · 1 month
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hey everyone. am doing a solaire rp playthrough of dark souls 3 and i am at a conflict
i could skip straight to lautric's castle to get solaire sword... but doing so would require me to kill the old lady at the church... would solaire do that? would solaire kill an old lady in chase of the sun?
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dailykeiji · 1 year
have you ever heard of the game "weird and unfortunate things are happening"? its a free turn-based rpg on steam, and the moment i saw its banner w the protag i was just. "WHO GAVE SARA A BAT" (tbf!! shes rescuing her neice from demons!! she deserves it!!)
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oh that certainly is a Sara if i've ever seen one
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eightyuh · 1 year
Does SP usually replenish or do you have a finite amount that you start with?
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"Should your soul survive, it becomes Retired-- like mine. In this state, your max capacity for SP is greatly reduced. I can hardly do anything with it anymore."
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rando-daily · 9 months
The request with the beans on toast being his favorite food? That was me, dawg... Damm 😭😭
If you still have the drawing you can post it with this ask btw!!!
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day 39
he appreciates your determination to give him beans on toast 👍
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