narutomaki · 1 year
would it be possible for you to apply and interview and then make a decision if they offer you the job? that way maybe during the interview you can find out a little bit more about the job and then decide once you actually know if its a possibility? i struggle with long shifts too and talking to the interviewer a little bit and getting to know the role always helped me decide if the pay was worth the physical strain
I applied 😭
I did talk it through with my career coach first too and we went through it and shockingly my frustration at her not getting it (it is, from what I have seen, mostly helping people fill out and submit forms and ensuring identity and accuracy on them) (she was asking me "Tell me what you can see" which to me means "Answer me in theory" and I was answering her in theory from my existing knowledge base and she was going back like "Well its going to be more involved than that and it wont be judt that and you're going to need to do more research about all these things" and I'm like I Know I Thought We Were Doing Scenarios. but I digress) and then I did spend another 2 hours doing research and interview prep after submitting it.
Despite. Yknow. It being guaranteed I won't hear from them IF I EVEN GOT AN INTERVIEW for another 8-10 weeks (4-8 weeks from posting closure). But again. I digress.
This is. Unfortunately. The kind of job I want and am good at (providing information, helping people find information, processing and filling information, and processing transactions).
Except the options for employment are "full time Monday to Friday with weekends as needed lol lmao teehee" and "our company is making this posting so we can hire Greg's kid shhh for after school a couple times a week" and this one which is. a union job that is DEFINED. AS A COMPETITION. MAN....
I just want a job that is this but they think I'm a silly little guy and hire me on the spot for 5 hrs a day 3 times a week. Is that so hard to ask? (Apparently yes.)
Any way I think they have chairs and high desks with the option to stand so I'm gonna go whimper and whine at their door near closing so they hire me.
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tennco · 5 months
you think patchy already had koa before moving to the sdm? was she part of the agreement? like patch just asked remi "hey do you mind if i bring that thing with me?"
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la-imp · 2 years
Paint me like one of your Blu Boys - Part I.
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Lyle Wainfleet x Reader(Human/Avatar) drabbles.
Summary: I wrote this because, literally, no one asked for it. This little drabble is a self-indulgent fic I wanted to do because I felt it would be in Wainfleet's character to actually do something like this. And of course, he finds someone (naive enough) to oblige his antics. Lately, he has grown on me - I love that himbo sdm.
Man, this turned out much longer than I anticipated... So I am gonna split it up in two parts. The next one will be a bit spicier.
Minors DNI! - 18+
Suggestive themes are included.
Lyle would be that one member in every group to concoct various shenanigans to pass time whenever he is off duty. When he was revived as a Recom soldier, this behavior only increased.
After going through a bit of an existential crisis, he came to terms with his new body and identity, despite the fact he would never be the original Lyle Wainfleet. However, that didn't mean he couldn't have his share of fun. Especially after he learned to appreciate everything a lot more, given that he was offered a second shot at life.
Safe to say, 'growing' into your body gained a whole new meaning, including the extra appendages, blue complexion, swiveling ears, and the additional Na'vi instincts. But unlike some Recoms, he quickly fell in love with his new physique, especially the pleasant upgrade downstairs.
The ladies certainly loved him. Yes, he would unquestionably indulge in some 'entertainment' or 'relief' after returning from a long mission out in the field. The RDA made sure to cover every one of their needs. Service Comfort, as they'd call it. Safe to say, being a Recom and a member of the Deja Blu unit had its perks.
He was often walked in on by either Z-Dog or Prager, when he was sprawled out on his oversized bed, the sheets barely covering his dignity with three human women snuggled up to him, hairs tousled and peppered with multiple hickeys. "Hey Wainfleet, you need to be at the medical bay for your annual checkup. Be there sharp in- HOLY SHIT!"
Lyle's expression remained unperturbed as he replied, "For Christ's sake Prager, ever heard of knocking?" He snapped before tossing a pillow at Prager’s general direction. Fortunately, the Recom had already slammed the door shut with an expression akin to as if he'd just seen the devil. Before Prager quickly departed, he sighed anxiously, sensing the itching desire to bleach his eyes in order to forget what he’d just witnessed.
Wainfleet dismissed the ladies before getting himself ready, making sure he didn't smell like he had five hours of non-stop action in the sheets. After all, he had something, or rather, someone to look forward to. You.
A cute medical assistant, aka nurse who specialized in Na'vi physiology and psychology. He remembered your presence the first time he opened his yellow irises and gained consciousness as a Recom. When you came to his side to soothe or instruct him, he thought you as an angel. Maybe it was also due to the fact that he first laid eyes on you with the bright, artificial light shining behind you like a halo.
Nonetheless, he was whipped. Smitten.
But that wasn't enough to prevent you from his teasing and typical Wainfleet-esque fashion treatment. He would often drop in unannounced and kick the door against the adjacent wall while you were at the lab, doing your research. As a result of the explosive entrance and the loud noise, you would often shriek. "Hey (y/n)! I found that weird purple star-shaped plant and I figured you could use it for medicinal purposes or do somethin- why are you screaming?" You would jump from your chair and 'courteously' ask him to stop kicking the door open. Since then your door had to be replaced three times. He had taken a keen likening towards you through means that cannot be explained.
His excitement could barely be contained, wearing that shit-eating grin whenever you graced him with your feather-soft touches, which were at its core, just simple physicals like testing his motor skills and bone density, muscle tissue development - the whole nine yards. Of course, he would squirm a bit in his seat, grunting or mumbling something like having 'an itch' that needs to be scratched, and you would politely remind him it was not your damn job to give him massages. His ears would droop a little after you denied him.
But he was quick to bounce back. After some time, his visits would grow more frequent, using every trick in the book to either feign an illness or even purposefully injure himself (which are minor compared to your usual patients) for you to patch up. Eventually, Wainfleet ate up most of your time, leaving little to no room for scheduling with the others.
Your colleagues would often poke fun at you and send Wainfleet into your care when they felt they didn't want to deal with his horseshit. Having no choice, you caved and leaned into the fact of having him as your 'regular' patient. "Fine Mr. Wainfleet, take a seat," you would sigh, but with a slight smile. Wainfleet saw it as an excuse to spend some quality time with you and have you baby him after every mission. After all, it was hard fucking work. Didn't he at least deserve a reward or some form of compensation?
"Oh, you're taking such good care of me Miss (y/n)," he said as he batted his eyes at you. Of course, he would also 'reward' ' (cough)  you for being such a great nurse. He would endow you with little trophies or trinkets. Sometimes even a piece of jewelry he 'confiscated' from one of these Na'vi savages. According to him at least. Sometimes he has his tail swish a bit more than usual, hitting your backside like a fuzzy whip. You would yelp and turn to catch the culprit, only to find the corporal was long gone. Damn his long legs.
It wasn't like you didn't enjoy his company. Quite the contrary. At times you were even looking forward to his visits and enjoyed your little exchanges... even when he often made lewd or suggestive comments at you. "Are you going to take my temperature? Oh, I already know what you're gonna say. Too hot to handle!" - "I am so glad I got you as my nurse. So tell me, are you usually naughty or nice towards your patients?" - "Hey, I managed to smuggle this in from the botanic garden," you would look at what he had brought you, only to gasp when you saw it being the Pandorian equivalent to cannabis. You quickly shooed him out. "Aww, you're no fun!"
Lyle would tug on your lab coat to get your attention... or that one time when he suddenly 'spotted' a cut on your leg on the day you wore a skirt for the first time. Save to say, this was a mistake on your part. You would dismiss his claims but he remained persistent, so much so, that he boldly leaned forward and have his sizable palm completely wrap around the crook of your lower thigh, startling you with the sudden hot skin-to-skin contact.
"Doc, I think you got a cut there - lemme help you for a change," his cheeks lifted, forcing his eyes to narrow into crescent moons. He thought he was being slick with his ever-more audacious flirting. To the point where he deliberately had his hands latch onto you. "Oh, that doesn't look too good, you got a boo-boo right 'ere, Dr. (y/n)." he cooed with a pouting lip.
"Wha- what are you doing, Wainfleet?" He then teasingly lifted your skirt, inch by inch, saying that he saw the injury somewhere, the rough pads of his fingers skimming up your warm flesh. He seemed so certain of it as well - that was until you smacked your clipboard against his bald head, snapping his attention. "Yeouch!"
Startled he jolted and quickly retracted as you scolded him, your cheeks puffed red with fury. "Get out now, before I have your blue ass escorted out of the medical bay!" After the inappropriate encounter, you dismissed him and you watch him leave your office with slumped shoulders and a low-hanging tail. You didn't see him for two weeks after the 'incident'.
That was until he had returned - this time, however, battered and bruised. Like he'd just survived a sinking Titanic. He was a bit more cordial, less intrusive or cheeky this time around. You would measure his blood pressure, and vitals, clean his wounds, and blood, and stitch a few lacerations before giving him his prescribed pills. Meanwhile, his eyes began to wander a bit. Eventually, they connected with various drawings and sketches hanging on the wall.  
"Well I'll be damned, those are pretty good. Did you draw this?" he would genuinely ask, drawing your attention to him, his gaze fixated on the various art studies. You reared your head before giving him a nod, surprised at his sudden interest in your work. "Yes, we often have to learn the inner workings of bodily functions and anatomy. I mostly do it to memorize it better... but also to pass the time," he nodded and stood up, walking over with a certain swagger in his gait. Luckily the ceilings were adjusted to accommodate the sizes of the Avatars, allowing him to stand up straight. "Really impressive," he noted, zooming in on them. You couldn't help but smile brightly at him and strike up a conversation, finding he was not a complete airhead after all.
After a while, you would agree to have him pose as your next anatomy model for your studies. You didn't know how he actually managed to get you to agree. But you couldn't deny him. Maybe you were just being polite... or maybe you cracked when he gave you that look. Those large, yellow puppy dog eyes. In his case, rather, feline eyes.
When you got off work, you both had scheduled a meeting at his dorms. Maybe this was a mistake, you thought to yourself. But then again, you would blush at the thought of having such a tall, athletic man pose for your 'scientific' studies.
Ah, it couldn't be that bad, could it?
When you entered, you spotted a bed placated in the center of the room, duvets and sheets elegantly folded with a few rose petals strewn across the mattress and floor.
Oh hell no. This was a whole misunder- "Well hello there, doc. Didn't think you'd come. Like to show up late for the party, huh?" his deep voice resonated from behind you, eliciting you to nearly jump out of your skin. You spun on your heel as you caught him standing before you, weight resting on one of his legs, hand relaxed on one of his slender hips as merely a towel covered his dignity. He looked cleansed and exuded a certain musk, an aromatic mixture of pine trees, spices, and a subtle hint of expensive cologne. He looked like he had just gotten out of the shower. One brow quirked at your flustered response, prompting that signature smirk to grow on his face. "Wainfleet,.... uh... what is-"
"Oh doll, don't worry 'bout it. I got everything prepared for your study," and with that he would strut over to the bed, hips swaying suggestively before he removed the garment, taking his position as he now sprawled out, elbow propped against the side with his cheeks resting on it, his other arm just scarcely covering his manhood. Not that it mattered since you caught a glimpse of this 'endowment' (which was almost as long as your damn forearm) anyways.
"What? You said you did this before and wanted to do anatomical studies.... so... here I am. Gotta show all of it if you want to do it properly," he insisted as you sucked in a breath, brows scrunched together. You couldn't imagine how you must've looked, with how much blood had rushed to your head, or the twisting cramp inside your stomach, or the clamminess of your palms as you clutched the drawing pad tighter against you. "Jesus, Marine..." you eventually would say, exhaling through your nostrils.
Taking a seat on one of the way too large, recom sized office chairs, you adjusted a few times before getting your pencils ready. "Alright... ready when you are, Lyle," you bit out, accentuating his name with a bit more edge. To your surprise, the corporal approved of your tone as you addressed him by his first name for the first time, his tail flicking excitedly, ears folding forward. He shot you a boyish wink before giving his dry lips a subtle lick, "I'm ready, doc. Have at it."
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kimhortons · 3 days
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it was a calm morning, listened to soft music while doing my task— i always listen to metal songs kasi recently since galit ako, so they know they can't talk to me. until we were called to our sdm's office aka principal's office haha.
ni-raise pala ni zha sa manager namin yung issue naming tatlo ng ka-department ko, without her coming to me first, and asking if okay na ba kami nung dalawa—as acting TL diba sana tinry niya muna ayusin kung hindi pa man naaayos, hindi yung dederetcho agad sa higher ops. nalaman pa tuloy ng managers namin. kaloka.
kalma parin naman ako after, medyo inooverthink ko lang that time kung anong part sa mga sinabi ko yung nalaman nila. hindi ko naman idedeny and i'm not sorry i said some things, kasi hindi ko naman na mababawi. it is what it is. and actually, wala na kong pake kung ako lagi yung masama at mali sa paningin nila, kung anong gusto nilang isipin bahala sila. feeling ko nasa bahay ako ni kuya at kailangan ko lagi magpaka totoo haha.
sabi ko nga today kay a, i think yung friendship namin ni zha hindi na maaayos, ayaw ko na ng ganung friendship, hindi ganun yung kailangan ko. she's merely a co-worker to me from now on.
i was calm all day, pero pag uwi ko feeling ko pagod na pagod parin ako. maybe bc of stress? and sobrang traffic din kahapon. kaya pag uwi ko hindi ko na nalagay sa box yung sapatos ko at iniwan ko nalang ng ganyan. kagabi pa nga sana ako magkukwento dito pero nakatulugan ko nalang din. haha.
i was calm, or atleast i'm trying to kasi ang bigat bigat parin talaga ng pakiramdam ko, nabawasan lang pero andun parin yung bigat. feeling ko na naman mag isa ako—well di naman big deal, kasi as much as possible i don't wanna be a burdern to anyone maski kay J. kaya i'm trying to help myself, kaso ang hirap pala. hehe.
I made it before, pero ngayon para akong nasa ibang level. parang i need to call a friend, pero hesitant ako. baka naman kayanin ko naman ng ako lang this time. hehe.
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therese-lokidottir · 10 months
Hi! In a previous post, you mentioned Sophia Martino's comments about a reunion, and I wanted to ask what reunion was she talking about? Was it between her and Loki, or a potential reunion between Thor and Loki in the future?
The reason I ask is because I've been having some dreadful thoughts about what it would be like if Sylvie continues into the MCU as the new Loki. I imagine it would go something like this - everyone treating her with reverence and dignity and respect, and her getting all the nice things that our Loki should've had, like a mutual understanding and meaningful relationship with Thor. And you know, you just know, there would be little verbal cuts and jabs, like someone saying to her "I like you so much better than the other Loki!", and "you're so much better, so much cooler than him!", or Thor saying something like, "I like you so much more than my brother, he was always trying to kill me!" And there is no way I could or would ever sit through and watch that. I couldn't stomach it. I couldn't support it. No way. Hard pass. Thank you but no thank you.
So anyway, I just wanted to know what reunion she was talking about. The thought of her going on to be considered "the new Loki" is honestly nightmare fuel to me.
What I was referring to was from this article here
Speaking of the Citadel and He Who Remains, Sylvie does still have his TemPad. Is there a world in which she uses it to visit Loki at the end of time? I think that would be cool. Yeah, I mean from Sylvie’s point of view, he sort of gets his throne in the end and I think that would sort of piss her off. So it wouldn’t surprise me if she wanted to go and see that he was all right, but also to just tell him about himself. I think she’s the kind of person who likes to pick a scab. She’s not just going to let things be. So I’m sure if any TemPad could get her there, it would be that one. Yeah, and I think you’re right. She still does have it by the end of Series 2.
This really annoyed me because Loki condemned himself to eternal loneliness to save the multiverse and SDM is saying that Sylvie would be mad because Loki got a "throne". I don't understand why Sylvie would care. If Loki actually took over a kingdom, I don't see why Sylvie would care. But the fact that SDM thinks Sylvie would get mad at Loki for his heroic sacrifice for the dumbest reason is infuriating. Loki gave up everything to fix a disaster that Sylvie was in part responsible for and he gets nothing out of then a literal chair. That would make Sylvie seem truly reprehensible to be so petty for no reason.
When it comes to their relationship, do you think there’s unfinished business there? I think there are a million stories that can be told about Sylvie and Loki, and I do feel like it’s unfinished business because he’s sacrificed so much to go and be on his own and to give everyone a chance. But, like I said, I don’t think Sylvie would leave it at that. I feel like maybe Loki’s going to do something to start manipulating his job. He’s going to start messing around with the timelines, but he’s going to do something where his ego gets the better of him, and then Sylvie will probably be watching out for when he starts to mess up or something. I don’t know [for sure], these are my theories. This is what I can imagine her doing. She’s not going to just let him disappear into nowhere and control all of time forever without keeping a really close eye on him.
This was so obnoxious to read because it sounds like SDM idea is basically take away Loki heroic action and give it to Sylvie. I hate the series ending because A) I hate the fate Loki ending always has to be sacrificing himself and he can never just be happy and B) I hate the sacrifice had to be for these awful characters that treated him like garbage. But Loki did give up everything these characters, Sylvie is truly free now because of Loki, because he was an active character who tried to do the right thing while Sylvie sat around until she was forced to get involved. SDM doesn't want Sylvie to be in anyway thankful or happy just for Loki to get the MoM treatment and be evil. That's her idea for the reunion.
after reading all that I truly never want to see the character again not with that attitude.
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I Intentionally Start Shit in the Loki Tag
If you complain about Sylvie being "harmful queer rep" BUT want "Lady Loki" in the MCU, which was Loki possessing Sif's body just to torment Sif, I need you to sit down and shut up. a. Genderfluid people don't go by "Lady " when they're femme or women. b. If you don't see the transphobic dogwhistles in the comics possession subplot, I don't know what to tell you... But let's say that hag that wrote those crappy books would love it. c. If you weren't aware about this, maybe you should read the wiki at least before giving uninformed opinions.
I definitely agree that they should not have led people on with the promise of genderfluid rep during the promotion of the series. But get mad at Disney/Marvel for that. Not at the writers or Sophia Di Martino that had to cave in to Feige's demands. That's literally what they have to do.
I really don't give a damn about the "autogynephilia" allegations, which again, is ALSO PRESENT IN CIS WOMEN. Like why the fuck should I care about someone finding themselves hot? There's fascists out there. AGP even if it was a trans-specific thing harms no one. The only harm said to come from it is DUE TO FASCISM because it plays into RESPECTABILITY POLITICS.
If you use AI to create a "proper" Lady Loki or love interest for Loki, you can't complain about the blatant product placement in S2. I am not a fan of product placement either and won't defend it, but those are the rules. Show some integrity. And before you ask, I have not given a cent to Disney since they pissed me off with attempts to trademark Dia de los Muertos for Coco.
If you complain about how being a "Loki" is not a role (unlike Spiderman) and how it should have been all 100% Tom Hiddleston, you don't get to call it selfcest as a gotcha, because you're already differentiating between the variants with different DNA. Like do y'all hate selfcest or not? Make up your mind. The series treats a Loki as an archetype of sorts, so it can be a role. Also, having the same name does not make you related because we don't know what Sylvie's parents are? And we don't even know if Sylvie is also a Jotun, a prop claims she isn't.
If you say you want Sylvie dead but claim to not be misogynistic, because you'd love if a specific love interest from the comics or mythology replaced her, STFU. You only like those because you can project whatever the fuck you want onto them.
If you claim Sylvie is a misogynistic depiction of women but salivate over characters written by cishet white men in the 1960s-1980s that made wanting to fuck Thor or being in a monogamous marriage with Loki their entire personality (there's so MANY OF THESE), STFU. Do you hear yourself? And no, it's not misogynistic of me, a woman, to criticize offensive depictions of women by cishet white men. They're not real.
Our MCU!Loki is not the young adult Ikol reincarnation currently. Of course 20-something Verity is not going to be there! The Loki show should be praise for having multiple female cast members around the same age as the protagonist and pragmatic clothing choices that allowed SdM to nurse her baby.
Selfcest isn't real and I cry tears of boredom whenever someone clutches their pearls over it.
The comics aren't perfect. As much as I loved the recent Dan Watters run (and German Peralta's art), the comics art has some very questionable tendencies, especially regarding Loki's nose when she's femme. It's associated with how some kinds of facial features are considered masculine or feminine (and racialized). Noses have no gender, ffs! Women with nose bumps exist! For some reason Loki always has a tiny button nose when she's a woman or femme. There's also the BLATANT physiognomy that has ALWAYS PLAGUED Thor comics since their inception, and Loki's facial features as they've become more "grey" and less evil is an interesting study. Peralta's far from being the only artist with this problem, and is far from being the most problematic. For comparison from Loki (2023) run:
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Loki from ye olden days:
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hikibeeplus · 1 year
Is Shin Gensokyo at all inspired by Osana Reimu?
Not really, I get a lot of comments how the current story really sounds like osana reimu but the root really started with this silly sketches
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The story in which the sketches took place in is a much more modern Gensokyo. There’s the scarlet devil mansion being a huge corporate entity, the kappa having a tech company with a monopoly on it and former hell having a nuclear energy that powers the whole of Gensokyo. The Protagonists are these 3 little fellas but eventually I decided to scrap the story all together because I really don’t know where to go with it. However the theme of modern Gensokyo persists throughout the iteration.
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The next iteration is more of a next generation of Gensokyo Incident Solver, kinda like how Boruto is to Naruto (I know, I don’t have any other comparison). This is also where I first came up with ShinGensokyo as a name (Not on my own, my friend gave it as a suggestion and I took it). The story is centered around 3 characters too, which is Reiyu Hakurei the daughter of Reimu, Hatsuma Morichika the daughter of Marisa and Rin Satsuki, a half youkai kirin. The modern setting of Gensokyo was toned down in this iteration, no big bad evil corporation SDM, the kappa tech company is not really a tech company anymore, and the Moriya become the huge factor of technology trickling into Gensokyo.
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The main theme of the story here was about Reiyu looking up to take up the mantle of Hakurei Shrine Maiden like her mother but she is timid about it and Reimu don’t really want to push that responsibility to Reiyu as she doesn’t really know how to teach Reiyu to become a shrine maiden herself. Really had difficulty with this iteration because it changes a lot of the major characters in Touhou and I really have a hard time to do them justices, I’d also have to worry about the theme of modern Gensokyo and how everyone copes with the changes made while at the same time I have to focus on Reiyu’s and the other characters’ arc. Overall it’s a story heavy project for a first timer attempting to make a comic series. But then….
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I made these little sketches of “wouldn’t it be funny if Rumia gets adopted by Yukari as a shikigami.” it got some attention and I keep drawing it because I adore drawing a simple character design and also I love Yukari. I tried making it a separate series than ShinGensokyo and titled it Sunshine but my ambitious dumb self thought that I should add some substances other than “haha silly Rumia.” and so I got the idea of combining ShinGensokyo and Sunshine and it’s a formula that I came to accept.
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Rumia is kind of a blank template for me to start working out her character which is good. Initially, I came up with a gag slice-of-life comic about a modern Gensokyo as seen through the eye of a clueless Rumia but then I decided to add some character development to Rumia too which is now the current state of the comic.
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In conclusion, No, ShinGensokyo is not at all inspired by Osana Reimu. The main theme of ShinGensokyo is about dealing with changes and growing up while Osana Reimu and it's subsequence sequel Reireimu from what I can tell is dealing with tragedy and past traumas (I never really watched it, only heard about it, my apologies if I get the theme wrong). the only similarities I could tell is Rumia's questionable origin both in Osana and Shingensokyo. If you read this far, thank you and sorry for going on about it with a long post when the answer is just simply No. Thank you for asking.
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letsspringintoaction · 4 months
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"Congratulations. With that answer you have passed the SDM Maid basic awareness and comprehension test. You are now ranked above twenty percent of the staff. Good for you." Don't mind her, she is just like this. "As for jobs related to Ms Flandre, I can explain as we walk an talk." *She gestured for the new hire to follow her, wasting no time as she rounds the corner, walking down before turning again, heading down a flight of stairs.* " That kind of question is only really asked by one kind of fairy maid, one that I'm sure you'll fit right into. At any rate the answer to that simple really. Do what ever she says so long as it doesn't conflict with orders from people higher up on the food chain than her."
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melissak2802 · 8 months
Why do I love The Seven Dials Mystery more than the similar in many aspects and slightly more well-known Why Didn't They Ask Evans?
(CAREFUL, hints of the villains' identities ahead)
These novels do indeed have many similarities: they both belong to Dame Agatha's early adventure mysteries, they are full of humour, they have a cute hero couple consisting of a dashing girl and calmer humble boy and a villain couple consisting of a charming rascal and a pseudo-gentle damsel. They were even adapted to film by same filmmakers one immediately after the other and had some same actors involved.
I do enjoy Why Didn't They Ask Evans? too, it's good fun, but there are several reasons why I have warmer feelings for The Seven Dials Mystery:
First. Besides being fun, The Seven Dials Mystery also gave some good serious potential you don't realize immediately. The story of the victims and why they died turns out to be surprisingly realistic, a story of romanticized adventure dreams of inexperienced youth meeting harsher reality and betrayal. The main investigation by the central heroes also takes an unexpectedly realistic tone to the end, and has dramatic potential. The novel does a very good job at deconstructing spy novel cliches. Why Didn't They Ask Evans? doesn't have such a layer.
Second. The mystery itself. In SDM the solution turns everything on its head while making perfect sense, Dame Agatha even does one of her special tricks of letting us see glimpses of the main villain's (and occasionally their ally's) thoughts and perspectives and sincere conversations between them while making the wording so ambiguous that a naive reader sees nothing when it's just under their nose. In WDTAE, the identity of at least one of the villains is pretty clear almost from the start even to the characters until they get briefly distracted with a false lead, and there's no such play with POV snippets and ambiguous dialogue.
Third. The heroes' motivation. In SDM, they actually have stakes to be involved - Bill was close friends with the victims, Bundle gets pulled into it by fate strongly when the first death happens in her house, the second literally in her arms, and she gets hold on really important information about both (and the victims are connected to her friend/household circle). In WDTAE, Bobby witnesses a death of a stranger but becomes actually involved into anything when an attempt at his life is made (for no good reason, he wouldn't be able to prove anything actually incriminating to the villains at this point, meaning they just dug their own graves) and Frankie is in it mostly out of curiosity.
Fourth. The heroes' narrative. In SDM, we see most of things from Bundle's POV, and Bill stays in background because he's narratively supposed to, he has much more important information than we are allowed to know at the start, which plays a crucial role in the culmination, and in the final he finally is able to tell his part of the story. In WDTAE, we have focus on both heroes' adventures, but if I recall right we aren't allowed in Frankie's thoughts, only Bobby's. (I once encountered a fan work/alternative analysis where Frankie is the villain's accomplice instead of the canon one, and I couldn't help but noticing I can't really prove otherwise... For reasons described in the next paragraph too)
Fifth. The main romance. Bundle and Bill, just like Bobby and Frankie, are childhood friends who develop romantic feelings for each other during the story. But Bundle and Bill kind of... feel more natural? There's Bundle's slight prickling of jealousy when Bill seems to be infatuated with other women (he actually isn't) but she still finds him adorable even if mildly annoyed at his "silliness", Bill being indignant and protective when Bundle is courted by an elderly arrogant official (whom she absolutely doesn't like), Bill adoring Bundle and being afraid to confess for low self-esteem reasons and confessing when emotional during the final. In WDTAE, the ship is externally complicated with the heroes crushing on other people, who just so turn out to be the villains, as well as stereotypes for "attractiveness to the other gender" (a Charming Bad Boy and a Damsel In Distress). The chemistry the heroes have to the alternative love interests looks in fact so genuine that - if those two weren't secretly evil, would the heroes come to romantically like each other? Especially considering that the alternative LIs seem to develop/expand out of the stereotypes, the guy "showing a caring side for his family", the girl "showing a brave side" (yes after all it was all an act, but if it wasn't? They would have no issues becoming healthy couples with the heroes)
Sixth. The villains' romance. The villain couple from SDM genuinely are devoted to each other, while those from WDTAE betray each other without an issue in the end. Also, in SDM they actively interact on screen and have their dynamics shown, while in WDTAE they don't. And like I already said the SDM villains are more defined as individuals due to their POVs being shown at times, which WDTAE doesn't do.
Seventh. The suspension of disbelief. The SDM story while having its minor holes is not that implausible. Plot-relevant coincidences happen mostly to start a plotline, not to resolve it. But WDTAE relies on coincidences a bit too much. Especially when there's a tense scene where the heroes are captured by one of the villains and escape due to... right, incredible coincidence. During my first read I was hoping that Bobby's friend happened to be there not accidentally, that like Bill from SDM he's smarter than he looks and was having their backs secretly the entire time - but nope. It was literally a non-foreshadowed accident with no dramatic/character potential. And this isn't the first incredible coincidence that could be easily avoided (the attempt to poison Bobby failing because he turned out to have incredible natural immunity to the poison? Even in the modern film adaptation they did better by simply having him vomit the poison).
Eighth. The humour. In addition to humouristic scenes and dialogues with the central characters (Bundle, Jimmy and Bill and occasionally Superintendent Battle's irony), SDM has a lot of colourful and fun supporting characters written in best traditions of English humour (Lord Caterham, the Cootes, Rupert Bateman, George Lomax, Socks Daventry, the gardener at the Chimneys, Jimmy's manservant, Bundle's aunt). WDTAE has humour mostly in the protagonist dialogue (plus Roger), two small scenes of protagonists talking to their fathers in the early chapters, and some situational comedy when Bobby inquires Sylvia's acquaintance when impersonating a lawyer, and I think that's it. Not going to say WDTAE did it bad, it did pretty good, but the SDM humour feels to me more... nuanced? And more diverse?
Overall, in my opinion, SDM does everything that WDTAE does but does it better, and does more than the latter.
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sdmsims · 10 months
also! a few people asked and i love to answer!
'why did you make the shrimp / what is bentobox?'
bentobox is the 'codename' for my personal mod project, full title is 'scarlet's/sdm's species bentobox'
i have a very elaborate headworld/paracosm with a bunch of weird species in it, and i wanted to add them to the game as pseudo occults! one of these species is best summarized as 'a marine animal piloting a human-shaped mech but is still a marine animal in water', hence... the shrimp ASDFGHJ
its entirely a self-indulgent personal fulfillment project for the save im working on, for my immersion/not having to enter CAS for each random townie.
because of this, it will never see a release, but i've been sharing the cas parts/other misc assets ive made for it because most of them can be fit in outside the context of the mod! however all together with the tuning and gameplay, it's really something that'd only make sense to me.
but because it's something for myself and myself only, it's allowing me to focus on making things for other people as well -- because it's a point of self-indulgence to come back to
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ashenmind · 1 year
If we want to combine Marisatori and Satoripatchi there is a good chance at any given time Marisa may be in the SDM for "research" and can crash the date whenever she feels like it. I feel like she'd also point out her singular book she personally placed on the library shelves to try and brag. Actually now that I think about all three have written books canonically, huh?
Non-question ask review
Tone: 5 (neutral)
Accuracy: +3 (yeah that tracks)
Profundity: +2 (freaking nerd drama)
Total score: 10/10
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alchemistdetective · 4 months
@fairiesofgensokyo replied to your post “This is Eri. Observing the way of the fairy in the...”:
Enjoy cleaning that motor oil.
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If there's anything he's quite fortunate about the SDM, is that there's REALLY no end to the high-quality laundry items in the closet, so he could experiment with things and see what cleans it.
Or he can just ask one of the fairies
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Our Hero Academy
Chapter 6 - Eraser Head
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Prev. Chapter
Pairing: Shota Aizawa x female OC
Genre: Shota Aizawa X female OC fluff, angst, high school romance, friends to lovers
Words: 4.3k
Summary: 15 years ago, Eraser Head was starting his hero studies with his best friends Hizashi and Oboro. Contrary to what people think, his teenage years in the U.A. were bright and lovely, filled with the laughter of his best friends and his girlfriend's unconditional love. What happened over the years? What changed him into a gloomy sensei?
Extra note: You can totally picture Y/N in the OC female name, it's just that it'd be cute to read Aizawa calling her pet names. 🤍
Once again, thanks to @merrymonkey for illustrating this story. I love you, girl! 🥰
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Chapter 6 - Getting Closer
Fortunately, Kaori's recuperation didn't take long, after being on complete rest for a few days, Recovery Girl was able to use her quirk on her. More than any scar, what left a deep impression on her was how Aizawa took care of her and accompanied her during those days. That didn't mean that Hizashi and Oboro didn't worry about her, but Shota's tenderness and care were totally different. It wasn't common to see that much affection and softness while taking care of a friend in such a young boy.
Even when Kaori was back to school Aizawa continued looking after her. 
Meanwhile, despite the three friends couldn't attend the sports festival, they helped with Shota's training. The truth was that training with Aizawa had become quite challenging even for Kaori. He was getting pretty good at hand-to-hand combat. So much so that he was the first to corner Kaori. None of the other two had succeeded because she always found a way to counterattack, but that day, Oboro and Hizashi gaped at the sight of Kaori lying on the ground with Aizawa on top of her holding her wrists and erasing her quirk. Shota didn't have to tie her with his scarf, it was enough to use his hands to immobilize the girl.
"Way to go, Shota!" Hizashi loudly praised. 
"And by the way, find a room." Oboro joked in a low voice, only for the blonde.
"I think she liked being that close to Shota since the incident in the village when she fell directly into his lap." Hizashi whispered, chuckling.
"What's with that face? You asked for it." Aizawa muttered showing such a smirk that Kaori even swallowed hard.
“Why didn't you use your weapon?” She asked as Aizawa rose to his feet and offered his hand. "Hey! It's not fair! You never use it on me, only on them!"
“Do you want him to use it?” Hizashi asked. “It hurts, Shota clutches stronger than you think." 
"I got it! Kari's into SDM!" Oboro claimed causing the girl's face to turn too red as she tried to get up but without taking Aizawa's hand.
To make matters worse, the three boys heard how the fabric of Kaori's uniform tore due to the impact of the fall. Her beautiful green eyes evidenced the panic she felt, which led her to try to cover herself with the first thing she had close to her. However, as she bent down, her fabric finished opening. Curiously, the girl didn't even think about her breasts, what urged her to cover was her back. But to tell the truth, she didn't have to worry much, because when it was already possible to see the lace of her underwear, Aizawa wrapped her torso with his scarf; although it did not touch her skin, it did manage to cover it completely.
"Why are you so nosy?!" Oboro asked shoving his friend while Hizashi regretted not having enough time to see the girl's underwear.
"Because you're a nasty pair of perverts." The black-haired boy responded by giving them such a blow to the head that they both even became dizzy. 
“Do you know how close we came to seeing a pair of…”
The speed with which Aizawa's eyes turned a blood-red hue was the same with which Kaori silenced both guys by altering their body's temperatures to one so cold that their lips got blue.
"While you die of hypothermia, I'm going to my bedroom, no more training for today."
"Take my sweater." Aizawa offered taking it off and immediately forcing Hizashi and Oboro to turn around so Kaori could dress. 
"Thank you, Shota." She said, her cheeks pink as she felt the boy's clothes on her body.
“You two are incredible…” Aizawa grumbled as his two friends tried to warm themselves.
"You're not fooling us, you also wanted to see!"
"Hizashi's right. Deep down you're also a pervert, but since you only want to see her yourself, you won't let us."
"She was awkward, assholes." Aizawa left the gym before the conversation with his friends continued.
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During the U.A. Sports Festival Aizawa was quite a surprise. The quiet, shy, and insecure boy was placed in the top ten best students, something that no one expected, not even him. However, since the incident where he had to fight seriously, his vision changed. And as the year continued, Aizawa continued to improve.
The second semester coincided with the start of their internships at hero agencies. The four of them had received interesting invitations, and at the end of the day, Aizawa and Kaori ended up on the same one. If they had spent time together before, that opportunity allowed them to share from dawn to dusk. 
To tell the truth, all the experience was exhausting, they had to find a balance between ordinary classes, the internship at the agency, and training. But luckily they had each other to make things easier. Something that became very common was their late-night chats, since the agency they worked for patrolled more at night than during the day. That was how the young couple discovered several rooftops from where the view of the city was outstanding. Soon, they had a favorite building and would sit there eating something during their breaks.
"This is delicious, thank you for bringing something for me." The boy thanked with a shy smile. Kaori had brought dinner for both of them and they were eating together while enjoying the coolness of the night, especially at that time, which was already mid-December.
"No problem, I figured you'd had a jelly drink for dinner."
Shota laughed because he almost brought one, but he changed his mind. “I'm eating better, the training sessions are becoming more and more demanding.”
Kaori nodded as she discreetly admired her friend's shoulders. The one who had started as the thinnest was now beginning to get buffed even faster than Oboro and Hizashi. Also, now that he had to wear his sports uniform and hero costume more often, it was possible to see how his body was changing into an athletic one.  
Something similar happened with Kaori, Aizawa had also noticed that her legs were even shapelier than before. Also, to his bad luck and even annoyance to him, his stupid classmates wouldn't stop talking about the number one student's curvy body, something that despite how respectful he was, he was also aware of. Due to all their training and work together, it was natural and common for them to be very close. Also, they caught each other several times and Shota had even lifted her on numerous occasions, so if there was one person who was actually aware of Kaori's curvy body, was him.
Naturally, the love confessions and date invitations also started for Kaori. Aizawa was present on countless occasions when she rejected even older boys; of course, he couldn't imagine the reason why she kept rejecting all of them.
“Do you think we can finish earlier today?”
"We must watch the other part of the city, and I think there aren't any professionals around."
Kaori rarely complained about her responsibilities, but that night she sighed and the fatigue was noticeable in her face. Besides that she had been scratching her eyes all night, the slightest brushing of her back with something else made her shudder with pain.
“Why don't you rest? You've worked hard, I can take care.” He kindly offered.
"We've worked the same, you must be very tired too." She replied by scratching her eyes again, but this time she did it so hard that the boy took her hands to make her stop.
“You're gonna hurt yourself. You've been doing the same thing all day."
“They itch a lot, they also burn.”
“If you had listened to me, you'd have closed them when I told you. The area where we had to chase those criminals was covered in dust.”
"If I had closed them, I wouldn't have been able to continue working." 
"You could've only taken my hand one of the many times I offered it to you." The tired-looking young man replied. "Yet, you were as headstrong as always." Aizawa looked at his friend and shyly messed up her beautiful pink hair. "I think I can help you." After taking Kaori's food and putting it away, he tapped his lap, just as she did every time she helped him with the eye drops. 
Of course, Shota's ears were burning red because it was the first time that he did something like that, he even needed to clear his throat several to speak. 
“It won't hurt, I promise. You've been helping me with the same thing for a long time, you know it doesn't hurt.” 
As in automatic, Kaori nodded. It didn't make sense that she was so embarrassed, it wasn't something new for them. Yet, if she thought about it, there was not a single time that the young hero's ears were not red while she helped him. However, at least he was used to it, she wasn't, and what a surprise she got to feel how muscular Shota's thighs were!
Aizawa managed to keep calm as best he could, but having that gorgeous girl whom he adored so much lying on his lap made his heart pound uncontrollably. 
“Okay, we don't want any accidents, so just let me…” After looking in his pockets, he found the eye drops but not the hair tie he needed. "Oh... Kari, can I have a...?"
"Shota, no way! Again? But how come? I gave you that one today."
"I'm sorry, but they're so small that I keep losing them."
"It'd be great for you to have a creation quirk." She joked as she gave him the tie she had on her wrist.
"I promise I won't lose this one."
"How handsome..." She thought without missing a trace of how Shota tied his wavy black hair into a man bun; that way, he moved from his typical appearance, in which his long hair covered part of his face, to one in which only a few black locks danced with the wind in his face. “No wonder why other girls had started to talk to him.”
Kaori's eyes fixed on the attractive face of her friend in such a way that she got to make him blush and drop the bottle of drops on her face.
"Sorry, Sorry!" He exclaimed wanting to die from embarrassment; contrary to Aizawa, Kaori laughed sweetly, she found it extremely cute how awkward her friend could be. Despite all the time they spent together, there were moments when the young hero continued collapsing, just like when they first got to know each other.
"Shota, it's nothing, I didn't even feel it."
"You have a red dot on your forehead where it hit you, I'm really sorry."
If it hadn't been for Shota noticing again how red Kaori's eyes were, he might have continued apologizing, yet, it was more important to help her, so once again, he tried to apply the drops.
“If you do that again, I'm gonna screw it again…” he muttered seriously, just as he spoke to Hizahi and Oboro when they weren't listening to him.
"Do what?" she asked.
"Look at me like that." 
"Fine, I won't see you anymore."
The girl tried not to look into his eyes, but it was worse because she fixed her gaze on Aizawa's lips. She had paid attention to them before, she couldn't deny it, but she had never been so close to them as that day. Despite Shota's serious and cold face, Kaori had been able to appreciate his warm smiles, as well as his mischievous smiles when he played a joke on his friends. She found very amusing the creepy smile Aizawa dedicated to his friends when they began to stress him out to the point that he thought of how to get even. She could also tell when he was preoccupied by the way his jaw tightened. No matter which gesture, they all made her heart race, she just liked him a lot.
But if Kaori had paid attention to him, Shota could perfectly visualize her face without even needing to be near her. Although it was true he was very sharp and attentive to details, it was not just about that. Aizawa had paid attention to her ever since he met her. Therefore, it was remarkably easy for him to perceive that something had disturbed her even before Kaori straightened up to sit down again.
"Forget it, it's not necessary, they don't burn so much." She said, avoiding at all costs to look at him again.
"You feel bad?" He asked not being able to imagine that HE would make a girl as precious as her nervous. “Let me apply them, trust me, it'll be worse later. You don't want your eyes as red as mine."
"There's nothing wrong with your eyes, Shota." 
Kaori also had moments of shyness, especially when it came to Aizawa. However, she would not let him think ill of his eyes. Despite looking tired, they had always made her feel calm; to tell the truth, it was what she liked the most about her friend.
Suddenly, a cold breeze irritated the girl's eyes so much that she closed them tightly. In front of that, he didn't even ask her, he laid her down again on his legs, and trying to ignore her gaze, he put the drops.
"Better, right?"
Shota's question was accompanied by a sweet smile as he watched her with a much more relaxed face resting on his legs. Yet, Kaori's comfort was interrupted when her back brushed against Aizawa's knee. The girl couldn't prevent a soft moan from escaping her lips and hunching over at the pang of pain. Shota had already noticed from her that her back hurt, but it was so strange to see her complain like that, that the boy immediately became alert, looking for some trace of blood.
"Kari, what's wrong?" 
"I think I scraped my back earlier."
"Can I take a look?"
"It's nothing."
“You won't go with Recovery Girl, you always do the same. If it hurts, we should at least know if it's something serious."
"I'll take care once I get home."
“Does that scar bother you so much that you won't let me help you?”
“How do you know I have a scar? I've never let…”
“When you saved us from the explosion, your clothes burned. When I covered you I noticed it, also when you helped me train for the sports festival I could see it.”
Kaori moved away from Aizawa and immediately got up. She tried to ignore the situation by picking up her food, but Shota also got up, and taking her hand, made her stop.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to be inappropriate." 
"I hate it." She replied still without meeting his eyes. "I can't stand looking at it, I'd have preferred that you hadn't seen it either."
"Kari, it's just a scar, I have a lot too." 
It was extremely strange for Aizawa to see her act like that, she was avoiding him to the point that she seemed to want to get out of there by running away. He knew she was an introvert, but she had never avoided him the way she was now. Having no idea what else to do, the boy proposed to go back on patrol, but to his surprise, she asked him to stay a little longer.
Next chapter
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that-which-isnt · 6 months
Sakuya is just Amelia Bedilia if she were a JJBA villain.
There used to be other vampires in the SDM but someone told her to "dust the coffins." She discovered her abilities for the first time when someone told her to she should try to "save time in the kitchen." One of the fairy maids asked her if she could "finish off the sweeping" and she murdered everyone holding a broom.
After rereading the broken cup chapter of CoLA I am choosing to believe this.
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Im here because ive had Reimu thoughts and been wanting to make a post about since a few days ago. By some psychic chance, that ship tierlist happened and gave me further excuse to brain on it.
(Speaking of, on twitter i had fun doing that ship tierlist purely for reimu ships and tweeted that. And then i did it for every pairing on the list but im hesitant to reveal what ships im eh on so if anyone cares to know they can just ask me personally...!)
Anyway, heres me writing out a lot (But Not All) possible reimu character dynamics, be it romantic, platonic, or something else, going roughly by game order or by 'factions' because this is just the kind of thing i think about on the regular
So first among sdm, i like reimu/sakuya, thats a ship ! There's a Lot of reimu pairings where its the grumpy/begruding reimu with another who is unflappable and shady (yukari The biggest example but i'll get to her) so sakuya is just one of many that fill that role. So while its a 'common' dynamic among reimu pairs, what makes this unique is what it offers for sakuya. She's an odd person, the most youkai-like among a group of youkai despite being the only human, and even now can throw them off guard with her quirks. And i think while the likes of patchouli and remilia have long since come to find that charming about sakuya, and the likes of marisa and youmu would be put off even if they otherwise like her, reimu would be the only one who like, doesnt care or think sakuya 'strange' at all. The shrine maiden treats humans and youkai equally after all, and she's hardly a 'normal' human herself, so she doesnt see anything sakuya does or the way she acts as 'strange' for humans. Just a pair of normal women n_n
Speaking of remilia, i dont ship but i do think she and reimu have a funny longstanding relationship as frenemies. Remilia was one of, if not The very first to start regularly visiting the shrine after causing a headache-inducing incident after all. And reimu best represents the wonderful parts that gensokyo has to offer remilia and her whole crew (Marisa too but the witch regularly visits the mansion anyway)
Also while its on my mind, i know there are a few out there who like reimu being a sort of surrogate sister to flandre. The only reason i dont really think much of that myself is because i already completely assign that role to marisa (and uh, i guess okina now too?!)
I'm kinda only mentioning Youmu now because i will be mentioning every other playable character and itd feel weird to exclude her, but its a pretty straightforward friendship in my mind. Both youmu and reimu are (usually, at least on surface) dutiful and semi-serious about thier jobs, and get along decently. I think youmu's always looking to improve herself and sees reimu in particular as a standard to surpass, despite being very aware of all the shine maiden's many faults. 🤔
Also i think it'd just be fun if reimu gets along fine with yuyuko and doesnt ever get irritated with her antics the same way she would with yukari.
Wait back up, i totally forgot to mention Marisa at the start of all this. Uuuuummm!!! Maybe controversial but reimari isnt a romantic ship that excites me much, if at all? 😅 i mean its fine! They've known each other forever! They see each other almost every other day! They're the best of friends who consult one another for almost anything! They're rivals and compete every incident! But its like... they're so close and solid and understanding that i feel it really limits the kind of interactions or stories you can do with them. No hate but 99% of reimari fanwork is like super basic stuff where they enjoy each others cozy company. Not saying its impossible to introduce spice or conflict into it, but it can be hard to not make it ooc, at least in my perspective. 😅😅 so i acknowledge it as a ship but im not looking to get on board or anything.
Fellow magician Alice is a fun pairing too for Reimu. Now mariali takes 'priority' to me, but i do also like reiali. Theres a lot of similar beats, like theyve known each other forever (even though Reimu forgot because shes bad with names and faces of those who dont regularly visit 😅), and alice also sees reimu (alongside her fellow magicians) as someone to challenge. the difference i think is that reimu's apathy towards any sort of 'rivalry' genuinely irritates Alice who already has insecurities about her abilities as a youkai magician. So kinda similar to reimari and even mariali, except alice is a little more... neurotic when it comes to reimu, maybe? Might need to cook this one in the brain a bit more but i do like it! (And then reimariali has plenty of potential just as ship in of itself but also for messy complicated and unrequited different feelings across all three of them... 🤔)so...
okay really quick regarding the yakumo crew as a whole. Reimu thinks Chen is cute enough, like a niece. And Ran... There's a lot i could imagine under the layers where Ran is on the surface a lot more straight-to-business about the barrier duties compared to Yukari, and Reimu can appreciate that straightforward approach and respects it. I dont think i have it in me right this moment to come up with more on the spot, but there's Something there if i ever dig deeper.... ⛏️❓️
and oh my god finally yukari. 👁 Classic ship for me... Now let me just get one thing out of the way, one common idea among fans is that yukari played an active part in reimu's upbrining and training as a shrine maiden, basically playing a mentor/guardian role since she was young. I'm not against this idea in a vacuum, but for reasons which I hope are obvious, i dont subscribe to that headcanon. Now instead of trying to summarise yukarei, how about i just spin a tale...
You're the great youkai sage, Yakumo Yukari, trying to maintain gensokyo for the sake of all youkai. You've got lots of youkai allies ( some of whom you are in love with and some of whom you are divorced with but lets not get into that right now...). You also 'work' with humans on occasion but being a youkai means you gotta make sure to be exceptionally mysterious around em and keep em guessing 😎
Other than the child of miare, the most important human is the hakurei shrine maiden, who maintains the barrier among other duties. You're always aware of generally how the shrine maiden is doing through hearing about it from others, but otherwise theres no reason to actually get involved or meet them personally. Would be weird if youkai were seen interacting with the shrine maiden after all!
One day you hear about the latest shrine maiden, named reimu, helping to put together some kind of 'spell card' system? You go along with the idea, signing it off with the other sages, though it sounds like a fanciful idea and you have doubts if it'll truly change anything in the longrun. The nature of humans and youkai is pretty set in stone after all, so you have to wonder about the shrine maiden's mindset behind such a thing? And later, apparently she solved an incident with these rules too? Maybe you'll wait like another decade or so before you'll find out more about this reimu yourself.
You dont need to wait though because soon after yuyuko's big incident calms down and you think theres nothing more to worry about. That shrine maiden (and two other humans) have crashed into your home, harassed your shikigami, and picking a fight with you just as you woke up from a nap. And then after a chaotic fight, she yells at you to do your job.
So all around, a really striking first impression is left on yukari, who comes to realise, maybe not right away all at once, but gradually, that reimu is not only special, but she can be trusted for any kind of trouble that befalls gensokyo.
Tangent but i wish i could have been there with others during uLiL's release when reimu's urban legend is the gap woman and i could have been like 👀. And that was nothing compared to later acof where the classic barrier team end up being the ones to resolve the incident. The strongest pair?!?! Reimu actually said that!!?!
Anyway this post is too long i'll have to get into Reimu and Literally The Entire Rest Of Gensokyo in other posts later... if i feel like it 🫠
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Anniversary at the SDM | Artist: U-suke
Story 1 Gensokyo is abuzz because of the preparations for the annual ceremonies. The Scarlet Devil Mansion is also very busy. Sakuya has taken charge of decorating, cooking, and preparing the invitations, and things are progressing smoothly. Remilia watches over her progress with a cup of tea in hand and a look of satisfaction on her face.
Story 2 At first, they were certain that they would be the first to begin celebrations, but then they realized that they didn't have enough sweets! No matter how many ingredients Meiling bought or how many sweets Sakuya made, they continued to disappear. The Detective of the Scarlet Moon, Remilia, is on the case, just when they need her most (but in reality, this is a way for her to kill time until the ceremony starts).
Story 3 Could it be the fairy maids pinching food, or an intruder from outside, or…? Remilia heads to the Great Library underground while thinking over any and every possibility. There, Patchouli is chasing Marisa around again. "Shall I apprehend the thieving rat first?" Remilia says with a smile as she brandishes her Spear the Gungnir.
Story 4 Remilia successfully apprehends her, but Marisa says that she doesn't know anything about any sweets. "What could this mean?" she thinks, then she spots Flandre running in the hallway carrying sweets. Remilia and Patchouli give chase and… end up at Remilia's room. They peek inside and find a tea party lovingly prepared just for them by Flandre and Koakuma.
Story 5 Remilia and Patchouli explain the situation to Sakuya and Meiling and enjoy the tea party without any further problems. In fact, they ask Sakuya and Meiling to prepare even more sweets for the occasion. In stark opposition to the busy kitchen, the tea party is calm and distinguished. The girls' laughter echoes throughout the mansion on the eve of the memorial ceremony.
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