#asking for <$20k... very often <$10k
kirbyddd · 1 year
while im ranting about rpg stuff
there are some dudes with a really cool rpg monster-design book who have absolutely botched their kickstarter and are scrambling to crawl over the finish line before the campaign time runs out
today it was like "Friday! That means blog post day!" like guys you have been making blog posts every single day desperately trying to scrabble together a few more supporters
i get those emails cause i supported it, it's a really cool project I'd like to see succeed, but man theyve really dropped the ball. one of the guys is an 80k youtuber and they thought that would just be enough i guess?
also theyre asking for 75,000 BIG ONES like guys i have seen fully illustrated book kickstarters before. yours is UNDER 100 PAGES. there are entire original rulebooks and box sets funding for a fraction of that right now. i kindaaaa think theyre trying to squeeze out a bit of pocket money on that baseline funding goal.
honestly yeah theyre reaaally gettin a bit overconfident askin $75k for a glorified 80pg tables book in the indie rpg scene, especially for a book that's already complete?? i fully support trying to earn back your sacrifices and turn a profir on a project you had to make for free before you could sell it, but....
$75k..? 84 pages..? already written and illustrated? in the tabletop homebrew market, the most frugal "build it yourself" audience in all of gaming? ...really?
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getawayfox · 1 year
What are your favorite Drarry getting together scenarios or tropes?
Hi Anon! I’m sorry it’s taken me forever to answer this but as soon as I started thinking about your question, lots of my favourite fics started popping into my head, and well. Here we are with a full-on reclist. To give you an answer: my favourite get-together fics tend to be low on angst and high on banter, full of longing and mutual pining, UST, and more often than not, laugh-out-loud funny. If Drarry are a bit older in the fic, I will love the author forever and ever. So here, have a list of exactly that:
Etched, Curled, Stationed by @tepre [T, 1,8k]
The day Draco Malfoy turned 21 was the day that 12 Grimmauld Place had decided, with all the grand and pointed fanfare that a house could manage, that it was him that was its rightful owner.
Per my last letter (I hope you choke on it) by @fluxweeed, lastontheboat [T, 10k]
Dear Mr Potter, The answer is, and will remain, a no. Sincerely, Draco Malfoy Accounts Manager, Phoenix Press Or: the one where Harry has writer’s block and Malfoy isn’t helping.
the long ways by @oknowkiss [M, 10k]
Five times Harry thought he was seeing Draco for the last time, and one time he didn’t. OR: what it’s like to fall in love, slowly and without realizing it, over the course of 20 years.
Poppiholla by @moonflower-rose [M, 13k]
Harry had accepted that he would pine silently for Malfoy forever, but one, humid summer might change that.
Stupid Love by @the-sinking-ship [E, 17k]
Harry Potter, how does Draco Malfoy hate thee? Let me count the ways.
The Frisky Furnishings of Malfoy Manor by @writcraft [M, 20k]
The course of true love never did run smooth. Or: Hermione has a crafty plan, Harry and Draco are fake boyfriends and wizarding traditions have a lot to answer for. Featuring awkward dates, mince pies, a saucy sofa and a line of sequined house-elf haute couture nobody asked for but got anyway.
if you’ve changed your mind by warmfoothills [E, 20k]
The first Draco knows of the whole thing is Harry Potter standing in his broom shed.
Romp and Circumstance by @wolfpants [E, 35k]
Since the war, Harry Potter has gone from Saviour to Scoundrel—not that he’s complaining. With a schedule full of gorgeous men, alcohol, and late nights, why would he want to change? Enter Draco Malfoy: beautiful, sharp, and completely untouchable. When Draco comes to Harry with a proposition to help him attract an engagement, Harry’s up for it—after all, how hard can it be not falling for his former nemesis? Very hard, apparently.
The Four Ds of Apparition (or: Destination, Determination, Deliberation, and Dicks) by eidheann, firethesound [E, 37k]
After transferring to the Apparition Department, Harry's life becomes one big dick joke. And all his friends are arseholes. So is Malfoy, but what else is new? AKA Harry Potter and the eighteen twenty dicks.
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ladysomething · 7 months
Well, I lasted three update emails. I was holding out on starting your new fic so I could binge a lot of chapters at once, but after getting the update email today I just couldn’t wait and to no one’s surprise, I loved every minute of it! Such an interesting world you’ve created and it’s only going to get better (for us, for Charles who knows).
I do have to ask since I’m not a fic writer - when you say you’re expecting this to be around 150-180k is that daunting for you as a writer or exciting? Right now you’re averaging around 8,000 words a chapter so with that average that’s around 20 chapters and with possible (please don’t view this as pressure) weekly updates that’s 20ish weeks of fic! I’m always so curious if this seems overwhelming to writers? I know as a reader it’s so damn exciting.
lol can you tell I’m a numbers girl and not a writer?
ah thank you! I'm so glad you're enjoying it, and I totally understand the urge to want to wait. I'm excited you're coming along on the journey anyway!
moving on to your question, I'll try to be succinct but to nobody's surprise I am an absolute yapper so it probably will be a long and winding answer.
I think firstly, you kind of almost explained it yourself, but in the opposite way. I'm a writer, not a numbers girl haha. I personally (though other writers may have different experiences) don't really think about how many chapters it will be, or how many weeks of uploads, so there is really no opportunity for it to be daunting because it doesn't really enter my mind.
The outline I have for this fic IS broken into chapters, but I already am not sticking to it. When I'm writing, I often explore a scene in much more detail (and therefore many more words) that I expected when writing the note for scene. e.g. today's chapter was like "1. Charles goes into pre-heat 2. max claims Charles 3. Pierre shows up" and then it ended up being 10k. I just finished writing chapter 6, which is also at 10k, and I've ended up having to shift half of what I outlined for chapter 6 into chapter 7 because I found a natural end point and I didn't want to end up with a 20k chapter.
so, for me at least, when I write I make a lot of decisions based on my instincts. does this scene need more, or is it dragging? is this chapter complete, or does more need to be added? is there too much in this chapter, and should I split it?
all of which is to say - my estimate of 150-180k is based on how much I have written so far (55k) and at what point in the story am I up to (I honestly don't think act 1 is done yet). I suspect my estimate of 150-180k is very low, and it's not getting to that word count that's daunting, because it's not what I'm actually working towards.
what IS daunting is trying to tell the story itself. are the characters right? are their intentions coming through? am I hiding what I want to hide? do I have a note of plot I've started at the beginning so I make sure I follow it through to the end? working towards answering those questions is what I'm thinking about, and that is always daunting, no matter whether its 10k or 200k (though.... PWP is always fairly mindless hahaha).
but it IS exciting. especially when people love something. I've written a lot of fic in my time, long and short, complete and not complete, and I can absolutely guarantee that the difference between exciting and daunting is how people react. when people love something ... the nerves are there, but they're eclipsed by the sheer joy of knowing you brought a smile to somebody's face with your writing.
not to get sappy, but I whole-heartedly believe that my purpose on this earth is to make people happy through my writing. if I know that I'm doing that, I could write 200k fic after 200k fic and die a happy woman.
I hope that kind of answered your question anon! long and winding, but fairly thorough? haha
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charmspoint · 3 months
Full Foreword
(Context: I wrote a long foreword for dance with the devil but AO3 nerfed me so I'm posting it here :3)
On 30th of June 2021 I published Rabid Dreams, Neon Lights and Your Teeth on My Tongue. It was supposed to be a one shot for an exchange, one that I at first struggled to write, before suddenly managing to find my stride. And what I wrote ended up capturing my imagination so intensely and viciously that on the night I posted it, I started planning the first prequel.
It’s now 14th of June 2024.
Three years later and we are finally here.
In many ways, this fic is my child. I truly think it’s some of the best writing I’ve ever done and certainly the best, most in depth character study I’ve ever done. This fic technically has two iterations, because when I first started writing it, it was supposed to be a 10k oneshot...then a 20k oneshot...then a 70k oneshot. Faced with such a big number, I couldn’t in my right mind post it all together and expect people to read 70k incessant words of a deep au (without a ship dynamic!) so I set to separating it into chapters. To separate it into chapters each previous section of the oneshot had to be rounded into a story that could stand as a chapter, and then of course there were some things I ended up not liking about certain arcs so I changed them, expanded them, shifted the character roles around, gave certain characters more screen time and more impact and well...you can expect to read about 101k words once this fic is fully finished. Just of this. Just of the prequel from Satoru’s POV. It’s hands down the biggest thing I’ve ever written and the big word count is one of the reasons this took so long. The other reason is that I wanted to have a weekly posting schedule. Currently, all chapters save from last two have been fully written, beta read and edited. I’m confident I can give you a regular posting schedule every Friday around this time.
Now for some dedications.
Firstly, this fic is dedicated to Sesshom0ru, who originated the initial prompt that fired off the oneshot and then this fic right after it. Thank you for patiently waiting for the prequel that was promised to you three years ago lmao!
Secondly, this fic is dedicated to Frappe. I met Frappe when she did art for CotA and we became very good friends, so much so that she was quickly wrapped up into the production of this fic. Frappe was going to draw the cover for this fic as well as spot art for each chapter. We were both very excited about it and talked about it constantly and some of that art, especially the cover which is completely stunning, does exist. But unfortunately, Frappe fell out of contact almost two years ago. I don’t know what happened to her but I hope it’s nothing bad. I hope life was just life and she got carried away with it, I still hope I see her discord avatar pop up in my dms again. Out of respect for Frappe I won’t be posting any of the art she had made for the fic, but this fic is still dedicated to her and I hope that one day she still gets to read it. This is for you Frappe, thank you for loving my boys as much as I did <3.
Thirdly, and most importantly, this fic is dedicated to Ker, my beta reader. If there are readers here who had read multiple of my fics, they are probably familiar with Ker’s name. Ker beta reads most of my big projects and most of the little ones that I think are really good. The reason you might have been seeing less of their name pop up in current projects is because I had them sat and beta reading 18 chapters for this crazy fic. And they did such a wonderful job with it too. I honestly couldn’t ask for a better beta reader if I tried, couldn’t find one if I searched the whole internet for them. Ker brings such incredible love and attention to detail to beta reading and editing my fics. I’ve had a fair number of people edit my fics, but only Ker does it with such care and attentiveness. I often say, me and Ker, we are coparents of this fic. It’s theirs as much as it’s mine. They not only beta read it, but also listened to my endless rants about it, encouraged me when I had doubts and cheered me on when I did something well. They don’t just point out grammar mistakes, they carefully go through the chapter and point out where things don’t flow well, when scenes should be expanded, when things should be better explained. They also react with a lot of baby emojis to Satoru’s antics. I have taken to referring to Satoru as Ker’s son whenever he’s doing something stupid. I cannot overstate how much Ker does and has done for this fic. They truly, honestly make me a better writer, not content with just correcting my grammar and then patting my back, but constantly challenging me to do better, to develop more, to surprise them again. I cannot overstate how important Ker is to my writing process and to me personally. This is why this might sound like someone endlessly gushing about their spouse, lmao. But they do deserve it. They stuck with my crazy, violent little story from beginning to the end and are already at the next starting line, eager for more. Ker is the best beta reader I could ask for, my loudest cheerleader and my most beloved. Thank you darling, for being you, you’re irreplaceable to me <3
It might seem silly to have such a long starting note on a silly little gang au fic of a manga that has almost run its course. But this fic took three years to make. A lot of love was put into it, a lot of energy and effort. I hope you all enjoy it and love it as much I do.
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ghostfilecabinet · 2 years
Tumblr media
Tis the season! This month we’re doing HOLIDAY fic, set during the December-January season. (A few repeats on here, and I’m also breaking my no-over 1k kudos fic for this one just because ‘classics’ are definitely part of the holiday charm.)
The Devil You Know by ma_malice | T, 19k | “There will be no sacrifice,” Shane said for the third time since they’d landed in Illinois. “Not so much as a chicken. Stop being weird.” Shane takes Ryan home for the holidays. It goes about as well as you’d expect.
what are you doing new year's eve? ✨ by PhyllisDietrichson | E, 20k | And Ryan knows. He knows that it’s probably been obvious for a while, how he and Shane have been circling around each other, pulled into a tighter orbit as the years have passed. 
fate is against me by bodhirookes | T, 27k | Ryan's bosses hold a series of Christmas-themed competitions in the office, and along the way he learns about the true meaning of Christmas, experiences how satisfying it is to prove TJ wrong, and possibly wins himself a boyfriend.
Deck the Halls by colazitron | T, 2k | Ryan wants to spruce up the office with some festive decorations and some holiday fun. It doesn't go exactly as planned.
The Christmas Curse by MiraclesofPaul | E, 10k | After kissing under the mistletoe, everyone in the office assumes they've slept together. They didn't, but now Shane can't stop thinking about Ryan.
Oh, Ryan by VictoriaAGrey | T, 10k | Ryan thinks the holiday season is going to be a predictable affair until Ned calls in a two year old debt Ryan owes him. Honoring that two year old debt sets into motion an avalanche of bad decisions and miscommunications that land Ryan at his parent's house on Christmas Day with a baby and a best friend pretending to be his boyfriend. Did he also mention Shane's living with him?
Like Wildfire by makemadej (santamonicayachtclub) | E, 20k | Or: the one where Shane accidentally tells Ryan's mom they're a couple and they commit to the bit.
Where Every Wish Comes True (and you would be there too) by velarisstars | T, 31k | It was completely normal to fly across the country with your best friend to celebrate Christmas with their family, right? At least, that's what Ryan kept telling himself everyday leading up to said trip with Shane. Everything would be fine. Normal. A simple vacation with Shane and his family in Chicago.
Mistletoe by quackers | T, 4k | There's only room for one very specific cat in Ryan's life.
sweatshirt by uneventfulhouses | T, 1k | “All I’m saying,” Ryan huffs, into his phone as he serves himself another tamale, “is that I wish you were here. And now you’re making it weird.” “I’m not making it weird,” Shane protests, laughing on the other end of the line.
"fear not, then," said the angel by orphan_account | T, 5k | Five times they took part in holiday traditions for a video, and one time it was just for them.
Last Christmas I Gave You My Heart by LovelyLittleNothing | G, 6k | Shane leans in conspiratorially, “My older brother said Santa isn’t real.” “And you believe him?” Ryan asks horrified. “Course not! He’s a dummy. I know he’s just sayin’ that so I won’t act good enough to get onto the nice list.”
Tinsel and Lights by orphan_account | T, 13k | Ryan beamed. “I thought the season was…how did you put it? Oh right, ‘nothing more than a drop in temperature and a surge in capitalist nonsense?’”
You can call me babe for the weekend by iBubbles | T, 5k | "I didn’t have “fake date Shane to cone his family” on my 2020 bingo card, but I think it’s the perfect ridiculous thing to end this year with,” Ryan smiles. Shane's aunt Ada mistakes Ryan for being Shane's partner as opposed to his work partner.
Snowed In (Minus the Snow) by FireflyAndTheStoryJar | T, 2k | Ryan’s mother would often ask why Shane would leave early on Christmas Eve, but with some half-truths, she was usually polite enough not to push for more. This Christmas, though, she was determined to keep Shane there until Christmas Day. Ryan realized that as soon as Shane couldn’t find his coat and shoes by the door hook and shoe shelf.
Modern Rustic by beethechange | E, 21k | Ryan’s thinking about Beauty and the Beast. He’s thinking about the wi-fi network, “Be Our Guest,” and about talking teapots and grumpy clocks and matchmaking candelabras. That’s how this cabin feels: not haunted, enchanted. 
made of glass the way you see through me by uneventfulhouses | E, 19k | Now he’s hearing things. We should probably start thinking about how to save this trip, maybe Ryan— “Are you talking to me?” Ryan asks again. “No,” Shane says, more adamantly. “What’s wrong with you?”
raspberry-tender and mint-leaf sweet by abovetheruins | T, 5k | Jen looks like Christmas has come early. "I know you so well, Madej. Picked out the perfect gift and everything." "You know, I don't think Ryan would appreciate you talking about him like he's an object," Shane says, a flippancy in his tone that's more for show than anything else.
you shine like silver in the sunlight by Anonymous | G, 2k |  Ryan laughs, even though that wasn’t funny at all. Shane can tell that he’s a little tipsy already, because he’s more giggly than usual, and he’s just—he’s absolutely endearing when he’s like this. He hates Ryan for making him feel this way—soft and completely infatuated.
may your days be merry and bright by bodhirookes | G, 19k | Ryan gets Shane for Secret Santa and has a subsequent breakdown about what to get him.
stand there like a ghost (shaking from the rain) by loudwheezes (orphan_account) | T, 3k | It's snowing in Southern California, Shane Madej is in love, and Ryan Bergara's parents don't mind.
we don't need no mistletoe by uneventfulhouses | T, 2k | It’s their second Christmas as a couple, and Shane’s just ridiculously happy that it’s working out so well with Ryan. It can be a tricky thing, integrating a partner into family, but Ryan fit so seamlessly, like he’d been there the whole time.
(Not Quite) Home for the Holidays by sequence_fairy | T, 2k | Shane’s not going home this year. He’d decided in early September that he wouldn’t be, that he didn’t want to deal with the hassle of travel and rushing through a parade of family gatherings. And he’s fine with it, he is.
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hello! it's the fic WIP fairy🧚✨please tell us about what you're working on in as much or as little detail as you want! pass this along to anyone who you admire, anyone who you know needs motivation, or anyone who may not get to talk about their work often🌻spread the love💜and good luck on your wips!💓
hey sweetpea, this is very sweet of you! here's are some that i've been plucking away at recently:
leon/matthew, leon/matthew/oilers, matthew/mitch, matthew/leafs, leon/others: tentative title: our will ignite
magical realism au where mascots are patron gods and players complete tasks for favor in a sorta winner's room with other players and also on their own. E rating. easy 20k probably, depends on how into the world building i go. v obvs inspired by a couple of other fics 😜
“Answer me first,” Matthew cajoles, before Leon can work up to a proper tantrum. “Multi-charm for an assigned Task? In a Rite’s Room?” he pauses, “or out of it. For fun, yunno.” He grins.
“You first,” Leon says, hip nudging Matthew’s leg.
“Yeah,” Matthew says, easily. “Couple of times.”
Twice, but. Once was with 12 of the Leafs players, so he gives himself another couple on the count, for being on the bottom of that pyramid.
leon/matthew: tentative title: hello my old heart
future fic, post another league expansion AU where leon and matthew finally play on the same team together. feat: career ending injuries, falling in love in your thirties, mentoring kids in their 20s, gender happenings and queer contemplative shite, guys being dudes, hockey players being family, etc. E rating. i might be underestimating when i say could be 50k. i'm closing in on 5 already and its just the vaguest outlines.
“What are you doing here?” Leon finally asks, outright.
“Eating breakfast?” Matthew asks, waving a fork around. A piece of egg flies off.
“Why did you waive your NMC?” It was a good fucking deal. A flat-out NMC for five years.
connor/leon/matthew. tentative title: inceptus
inception au. leon and connor are a fixed extraction team in dreamwork. and yet, here matthew is, getting a job offer from just drat. what's a guy to do but ask a few questions. somewhere T-E rating. either 2k or 5-10k depending on if i decide it needs continuing.
It sounds fine. There’s no particular reason for Matthew to think about the last time they worked together; how Drat put his big, bloody hand on Davo’s strained, scruffy neck and chin to tilt Davo’s head up and slide a gun under his chin to shoot Davo out before the kick.
winner's room au following the last oilers/panthers game of 2022, in which matthew is the forfeit for connor and leon sharing their 1st/2nd star win (in which matthew is always the forfeit for them). E. 10k-ish.
Sometimes he’ll huff and puff like the rest of the guys, get rowdy and raunchy and turn it into a joke, ‘ohhh, someone wants a piece of The Cheese,’ with the team, but.
But this is Edmonton.
This is where he’s forfeited the most.
as you can see i've gone uh, all in now that i've committed the hrpf once ✌😅
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linaket · 2 years
February wins, March Writing Goals
So yeah, I missed my weekly update, but I knew I wanted to do something for my goals for March.
The end of February has been a bit rough for me. I started some construction in my house, and it's made me realize that I cannot sit and write much if there's someone nearby. I simply can't concentrate. So that's thrown a bit of a wrench in the plans I had.
Still, I'm excited to say that I made some progress on Tinder Saint in February, even if it wasn't as much as I wanted. I hit the 20k mark which is a kind of magic number to me because it feels like the thing I am writing is... an actual solid thing at that point.
I also made this writeblr in the last month, and I'm very happy that I did. I've already made a few new writer friends, and what more could I ask for? However, I do wish I had thought through the blog names a bit more. I'm likely going to rename this writeblr and my main so that they make more sense together. I wish I could just flip which of my accounts is my main, but that's apparently not a thing that one can do on tumblr. I've got about 12 years worth of "inspiration" things on @oh-sisyphus and I like to keep it highly curated, because often I like to scroll through it with my brain on low, and there's absolutely no way a tagging system would be something that I could suddenly integrate on over eight thousand posts and I can't even begin to figure out what it would look like so. Here we are.
I do want to try and make some goals for March, mainly because I actually do really well when I have solid, manageable goals to tackle.
March 2023:
reach 30k on Tinder Saint. It's a low number, I know, but I've got quite a bit of life stuff swirling around including a huge editing job I need to start, as well as things happening in my "day job" and my house. I don't want to feel too much pressure on reaching something that would be harder to attain because I will likely shut down and not do anything. So. Another 10k in a month. That's doable.
organize tumblr things. I did take time before "officially" launching my writeblr to get a theme that I (mostly) liked and thought would work, but y'know how it is when you don't really know what you need until you start using a thing? I still need to put together a WIP intro/page for Shadow's Prey, which is my primary project and the series that Tinder Saint is actually a part of, as well as maybe think about what tags I want to use and possibly make a list at least for myself so I can be consistent with them.
read / comment more on others' work, and also participate more in the writeblr community. I want to get to know more writers and their works, and send more asks! I love when I get them, so I'd like to make someone else's day, too, if I can.
Honestly? That might be all I can manage this month. I think they are good goals, though, and I hope I can say at the end of the month that I've got them all checked off.
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sunriseverse · 4 months
For the writers' asks!
8. Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read? 9. Are you more of a drabble or a longfic kind of writer? Pantser or plotter? Do you wish you were the other? 10. How would you describe your writing process?
8. Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
hmmm.......................i think so? i usually don't read things i wouldn't be willing to write. i would say i read a lot of things i haven't written anything like yet, but that doesn't mean i wouldn't be willing to, just that i'm busy as all hell and have to prioritise, and so only the most interesting-to-me concepts actually get completed and posted.
9. Are you more of a drabble or a longfic kind of writer? Pantser or plotter? Do you wish you were the other?
i mean, a drabble is exactly 100 words, but i assume here it means "ficlet". i'm in this sort of weird space of being almost habitually unable to write anything under 3k, often writing 10k-20k fics, but they're almost without exception oneshots. i'm slowly pushing myself outside my zone of comfort with my current multichapter wips, and i have technically written at least one longfic (76k in total), plus a 40k+ novel draft, but i wouldn't say that it comes naturally to me. and i'd say, now, i'm probably a blend between plotter and pantser. in the past i used to just sit down with almost no plan and write, but in the recent years i've found that having at least a one or two word outline (plus copied text/screenshots from discord/dm convos, if relevant) helps a lot now that i tend to write longer works and keeping continuity/tone is very important to me. i do sometimes wish i could consistently write breathtaking longfic with complicated plot, though, but i know that the only way to get to that point is to practice.
10. How would you describe your writing process?
i technically answered this already, but i realised this could be interpreted a number of different ways, so i'll answer it in the vein of "what does your literal writing process look like", which would be, in a word, "chaotic". while, as i mentioned, i do plot things out somewhat, the actual act of writing more or less involves me curled up into an inhuman position on whatever surface i've chosen, staring intently as i type away with no thoughts in my head except the drive to finish the fucking fic. i've likened it to being possessed before, because by the time i'm through with a project, i'm lucky if i remember more than the barebones plot, and i tend to be exhausted. if you can believe it, though, this is a far healthier writing style than what i used to do—at least nowadays if i need to or want to stop, i can.
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sitp-recs · 2 years
Hi Liv!❤️
Could you please recommend a low rated fluff with a soft and gentle Draco in need of care and Harry coming to his rescue🥰
This might not really fit your preference, but if you know of any such fics I'd be very-very happy.
Have a great day!
Hi anon, of course I can share some recs! As you know I’m a bit particular about down & out Draco so this is my personal interpretation of your ask combining soft Draco and a protective Harry caring for him. These are mostly hurt/comfort, I hope they work for you!
Slow Hands by eleventy7 (T, 10k)
Blood, shadows, and paper hearts. The Shadow hunts students, but Draco Malfoy most of all.
Solve Us Like a Mystery by tryslora (T, 11k)
When Harry stops in at the bookstore where Draco works, they find a surprising shared interest in mysteries. Draco doesn't expect to see Harry again, and he definitely doesn't expect to become the subject of unexpected investigation that may endanger the life of his unborn child, and at the same time, may bring him the kind of happiness he never thought he'd have after the war.
Nobody by @dorthyanndrarry (T, 12k)
Junior Auror Potter runs errands, takes witness interviews, does paperwork, and gets the coffee. Rarely, very rarely, he's sent out on the most routine calls, such as when Draco Malfoy misses a meeting with his parole officer.
Said and Unsaid (or, The Value of Knowing When to Stop Talking) by bryoneybrynn (T, 15k)
When the Interrogator asked if he had anything to say on his own behalf, Draco shook his head, his lips pressed tight in a thin line. There was nothing to say that wouldn’t sound like an excuse.
Benevolence and Redemption by silvered_glass (M, 18k)
Draco's the most unlikely Auror recruited to the department in at least three centuries. Ostracised and unwanted, he's been on paperwork duties for the three years since he finished training.
you've got the antidote for me by Kandakicksass (M, 20k)
When Harry Potter unintentionally severs their soulbond before it can fully form, Draco Malfoy resigns himself to a slow death and decides not to burden Harry with a soulmate he's made it very clear he doesn't want.
Vortex by @xanthippe74 (T, 20k)
The idea of perfectly-matched soulmates feels more like a curse than a blessing to Draco. Who would want a soulmate who was a schoolyard bully, a Death Eater, and a convicted felon? Certainly not Harry Potter. And Draco is determined to take this secret to the grave.
To Hurt and Heal by cassisluna (T, 21k)
They say that everybody who gets out of Azkaban comes out a little mad. After the war, Draco Malfoy spends three months in Azkaban. He just wants to go insane in peace, but Harry Potter finds that he, inexplicably, still can't leave Draco alone.
With Great Yawns and Stretchings by sugar_screw (T, 22k)
The coffee is very good. Really. And the cats are so cute. That's why Harry goes so often.
UnKnown by @dorthyanndrarry (M, 22k)
Draco just wanted a second chance, he was willing to work hard, he was willing to do whatever it took, but no one would let him live down his past. But when he recklessly casts a spell promising a new life, he's not prepared for the consequences...
(You’re A) Revolution @stargazing-enby (M, 23k)
Eight years after the end of the war, Draco Malfoy stumbles into Harry’s shop in the middle of a storm—no wand, no backstory; no signs of having lived in the country since the Battle of Hogwarts. During their first encounter, Harry promises—and the words sound like an old mantra—that he'll figure out Draco's secrets eventually.
Safe As Houses by @xanthippe74 (T, 24k)
After five years abroad, Harry’s thrilled to be home and working at the most prestigious ward-building firm in Britain. But everything gets turned upside down when he's assigned to work for Draco Malfoy—who somehow grew up to be just the sort of sexy bastard Harry goes for. As if that isn’t enough, Malfoy seems strangely on edge, his wards are a mess, and Harry keeps feeling like he’s being watched in the garden. It’s going to take all of Harry’s ward-crafting skills—and self-restraint—to help Malfoy feel safe in his own home again.
The Last of What the World Left You by @xanthippe74 (T, 25k)
If the wizarding world won’t give Draco a second chance, he has a plan to survive: live in his Animagus form, a carrion crow, in the Forbidden Forest. Not only does Harry Potter come along and ruin it, he’s radiating a strange aura of power. With nowhere to go and a Life-Debt to his mother that Potter insists on repaying, Draco puts himself into the hands of the reclusive Boy Who Lived. Will the bleak corner of Yorkshire where Potter makes his home be another dead end or an unexpected refuge?
"Dad says" by GallaPlacidia (NR, 39k)
Eleven-year-old Scorpius starts writing to Harry. Harry starts to fall in love with Draco through his portrayal in his son's letters.
The Liars Department by @dorthyanndrarry (T, 103k)
This is a story about Harry meeting up with Draco Malfoy four years after the war. And a story about Harry, well, not hating his job per say, but it's not like he has much to compare it to and it seemed fine. His whole life seemed fine. Then Malfoy came along with and his flashy suits and fast car making everything seem dull in comparison, and Harry... Harry couldn't just leave well enough alone.
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a-lil-perspective · 4 years
70 Encouragements/Tips For The Writer:
A/N: Rules don’t exist. These are real and personal and stem from a deteriorating, exhausted Writer who is here to tell you (and herself) that you are amazing and keep going. I hope you find some encouragement within.
Your mental health comes first and foremost.
Indulge and embrace your creative writing pieces when they come (and when they don’t). Especially when they don’t.
Suffering from Writer’s Block or fluctuating hyperfixation? Me too. So is your favorite author. Welcome to the Writer’s Block Party (all my uwus if you see the pun).
Did you spend five hours on this one segment, forget the last time you ate, develop chapped lips, dry eyes, and a stiff back (time to get up and move), bang your head on the wall, laugh, cry, fidget, take your ADHD meds, deviate to watch YouTube, have an epiphany, curse in frustration and wonder why the hell you do this to yourself? Congratulations, you’re a Writer.
Embrace all the not-so-glamorous sides of writing, and accept the fact they’re going to happen time over again.
When you say “just one more line” and it’s 2:00 AM, I’ll be here to remind you to “go to sleep” (because I’m also depriving myself lol).
Actually, sleeping helps your mind feel refreshed, and it’s good for your health. If you’re struggling with a particular segment, one of the best things you can do is just put a cap on it for the time being, put in a placeholder, and get some shut eye. I know you don’t want to. But you will feel so much better and have more clarity and energy to continue when you wake. Trust me.
More often than not, those words you “just didn’t write down fast enough and now forgot” end up revealing themselves to you later in a much more profound way. Give the words time to get ready. They’re just spiffing up before coming to visit. :)
Be proud of yourself and your prose. Writing is an amazing part of who you are.
That trope has been written 1000 times before? Make it 1001.
You’ve already written this scenario? Write it again.
You’ve just written a single sentence. Now sit back for moment and think: you just wrote something brand new, never before seen. Nobody out there will ever write that sentence or formulate those thoughts the exact same way. You are a unique, mind-blowing, awe-inspiring human being.
Bask in the excitement that comes with a completed piece. Reflect on what you learned throughout and celebrate the little victories.
Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback, but also understand that you might not always get it, and that is OK.
Please re-read your work. Be gentle with yourself. You had to write that very first piece to get to where you are now. Love the process.
Your personal writing success is not based off of kudos or likes or reblogs.
There is no right or wrong way to write.
There is no such thing as “good” writing.
Improvement is becoming of everyone so get comfy, strap in. The journey of a Writer is a lifelong one. Here’s to many more works ahead.
Don’t mourn the words you did or didn’t write. Celebrate the ones you will.
One day, you’ll read a piece that will blow you away—and it will be yours.
There is nothing “shameful” about reblogging your own writing works.
I promise you’ll find your “wow” piece—either in something you’ve already written, or something yet to come.
Baby. Please don’t write out of spite. You’re better than that.
You are just as valid/deserving as the next Writer. And you do belong.
If you feel sad/unworthy when sharing your works or interacting with others’, get to the root of why. Writing should be fun, rewarding, and relaxing. Not shameful, embarrassing, or a chore.
Writing (fanfiction, specifically) is labeled as “transformative works”. Self-explanatory, right? However, if you notice the transformative part begin to have a personal effect on you—a negative one—it’s time to take a step back.
Right now, I can name a single quality you possess: diligence. How do I know? Because you’re a Writer, and the two go hand-in-hand.
Got that single scene in your head but you haven’t completed or even began all the chapters preceding? Bruh. Jot that down right now. You don’t need 20k words beforehand.
Embrace your writing mood swings. The stray, sweet and condensed blurbie. The ideal, bridging drabble. The solid, substantial oneshot. The hefty, elaborate 10k word chapter. Appreciate everything in-between, and that you are capable of all of it.
Nobody remembers that extra word or typo or stray speech mark back all the way back in chapter 3. Tell the little monster in your head to go to hell.
You’re not a weirdo for making facial expressions and mulling through your dialogue aloud. You. Are. A. Writer.
It’s OK if the Readers can’t always see exactly what you envisioned in your head, or the full extent of the picture you painted. We all see colors differently.
Don’t be afraid to experiment with your writing.
In fact, challenge yourself to dabble into a new plot/trope/concept every day, even if only for a few minutes. You may discover you love writing it.
There’s no rush to finish/begin any written work. If you take your time, you will make your mark. You’re not falling behind or running late. Slow down and wait for it. :)
Three cheers for hiatus.
Listen to your body and mind, know your limits and when it’s time to take a break.
Actually take a break. :)
If you feel like you’re falling stagnant in creativity, looking to/revisiting other forms of creative media can help encourage the flow.
Ask for encouragement, and be at peace with asking.
Take shelter in fellow writers. Uplift each other always.
You are/will be someone’s favorite author. :)
You don’t have anything to prove. You have something to share.
Someone is thinking about your work right now.
Someone started a series because they drew inspiration from you.
Personal writing style can reflect a lot on the state of one’s mental health. Try to always be attentive to that of your own.
Self-validation must be cultivated early on or nothing will ever work.
Freestyle every once in a while. Write a snippet, timed, and go—without editing. Write the first thing that comes to mind and go from there. Do it all the way through the set time. When it stops, you’ll find yourself unable to. 3,800 words here we come. :)
Not everything needs an outline. :)
It is completely normal to write your story out of order.
Create guidelines for yourself. If they aren’t working, toss ‘em.
Word vomiting can help you feel better (it’s just how it sounds). By clearing all those jumbled thoughts and scattered concepts, you achieve a clearer objective. Try it sometime.
A rough draft is supposed to be rough.
Sometimes the words come to you quicker than others. Be patient. That is merely the construct of a Writer’s mind. You’re a beautiful enigma.
A sentence written is a story progressing.
Writing is an endurance sport. You must pace yourself and exercise it daily.
You are still a Writer even when the words aren’t on the actual page.
You’re not obligated to a writing/posting schedule.
As you progress in your journey and gain more awareness, don’t sacrifice your style. Those beginning works are what define you. Hold onto them and don’t ever let them go.
You’re the only one cringing—
Remember that sometimes words are elusive and you don’t always have control over them, and that is OK. Sometimes they write themselves. Sometimes your characters come to life and break out into dance across your page. Dance with them. You can wrangle them back when the music stops. :)
There is nothing condemning or embarrassing about asking for a beta. Allow someone to help carry the load.
Allow people to cheer you on—even if they don’t read your work.
It’s OK if your writing style isn’t someone else’s preference.
Be your biggest cheerleader. Sometimes you are all you have.
You don’t need anyone’s approval except your own.
You love that trope/concept/story you just wrote? That’s all that matters. The end.
You will never write good. You will write you. And that is good.
Above all else: remember to write for you.🤍
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oh I see !
just got merely curious, you do write good stuff imo and taking it slow should be a valid direction in the writing process (considering writers block)
but I guess I meant to ask how you have the motivation and energy to continue writing and producing said stories
to have the means on picking it back up throughout the months
and what your thought process goes through as well on planning your course of action - curios anon (also hope you don't mind me asking you so many things)
thanks for your kind words and ask! super long answer below.
motivation wise, i think its because 1) I want to see how the story ends, 2) the feedback that I get, 3) writing is fun.
1) A. im an organic writer which means sometimes i go in without a plan not knowing the ending and often not even knowing where im going with a story. sometimes i would sooort of know the general ending of the story but i have no idea how im going to get there. i write with very, very rough outline, if any at all. with one shots there are usually no outlines at all. im well aware this makes me sound like an irresponsible writer, which is not incorrect, but this method of writing is exciting to me.
every time i finish a fic im surprised at myself because i genuinely did not know how it was going to end. my favorite thing is when i write and i suddenly figure out why the character is doing what theyre doing, or what the story is trying to say. the eureka! moment. this happens to all of my stories bc i play by ear most of the time. its really thrilling to me to watch things play out as it happens, if that makes sense!
i think its why i love writing mysteries so much because the story is a mystery to me too. its like putting a puzzle together but you make the pieces yourself, and its so difficult but also so much fun. the moment everything is revealed, the moment i understand whats going on in the story, what the character wants, how everything falls together ... whoa. it makes everything worth it.
so yeah. i want to see how the story ends as much as (i hope!) the readers do.
B. its rare, but sometimes i do know what im trying to say with a story. this is usually for vent fics. and venting i believe is a really good thing to do in order to stay alive and stuff, yknow. its like taking a dump. you gotta get those shit out of yourself and put it out to the world so someone else would read the shit and would be like, "oh, i connect with this shit! i understand what this shit is trying to say!" and then you feel better. its free therapy and also free human connection
2) it cheers me up whenever a reader says the story makes them feel something, or if they manage to connect with it, which is the best thing ever. it feels great. and i do feel an obligation to continue a story because of this. whenever my multichap fics get a comment it does nudge something in me to actually open my google doc. if anyone who has ever commented on my stuff is reading this thank you SO much btw you dont even know.
3) writing is fun. thats it.
that being said, i run out of energy a lot. i do best when its a 20-25k story. longer than that and its hell to me personally. i think this will get better in time because back then i remember 10k was insane to me (i used to write 2k max) and so 20k was inconceivable--but here i am. 200k is inconceivable to me right now, but maybe it wont be in another five years.
i do encounter issues because of my (inadvisable) process. my issue is mostly continuity (because i dont write consistently). sometimes id realize something ive missed like details, or plot points that i shouldve brought up on earlier chapters, foreshadowings that ended up going nowhere ... things like that. i usually reread my own stuff before i update so i remember where im at. writing style change is also an issue.
all in all, this is bad practice and i dont recommend this. i think having a good outline and write consistently is the goal. i hope my process gets better but im ngl, i have a lot of fun with going blind. it keeps things from getting boring. and also i do think as time goes on im more daring to write things i wouldnt have before.
i.e at the beginning of writing retry i didnt want to write inko because i thought it was too difficult and i didnt think i could give that kind of character (a mother of a suicidal person) justice. but now inko has become a very important character. this wouldnt have happened if i had finished retry like, two years ago or something. me back then couldnt do it, but the me right now can. i do think despite all of its flaws, and also despite the fact that its incomplete, the fic has become much better for it because im ... older? more experienced? etc.
i dont think any of my fics will be "good" and "polished" compared to actual published books (or even other fics lol). i dont think thats my goal either. im just trying to go as far as i can go with them and maybe entertain a few people while im at it, and especially, entertain myself. thats where im at now in my writing. if you read this far... well, hope this makes sense.
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melatovnik · 3 years
hi, can u rec other sbwy fics?
yes i most certainly can!
below under the cut is a selection of very good sbwy (and sgwy) fics, i.e., wangxian fics where wwx experiences compulsory heterosexuality. by no means is it a comprehensive list of all the excellent fics of this genre, because i'm a super slow reader and simply haven't gotten to them all yet, but these are just the ones i've read and enjoyed so far. of course, mind all tags/content warnings etc you know what's up
~ the Straight Boy Wei Ying universe series by raitala | rated E | 36K words total | i know this ask was prompted by my earlier rec of this series but i'll include it here anyway. a very charming wonderful story, with extremely massively hot sex scenes
Sit down next to me | 7K words
Lan Zhan has been in love with his tragically straight best friend Wei Ying forever. So what if some girl says Wei Ying is a bad kisser? Lan Zhan has to prove to Wei Ying that this is incorrect. Because Lan Zhan is a good friend. He out does himself.
If I hadn't seen such riches | 29K words
Sequel to "Sit down next to me" - if you haven't read this all you need to know is that Wei Ying thinks he is straight. He just really likes his best friend Lan Zhan. Who is incidentally a really great kisser. Who also made him come in his pants one time. Who also has a *really* big dick, which Wei Ying sucked one time, but, like, in an experimental way, not in a gay way. They are just really good friends, right? Lan Zhan is the best. Lan Zhan is crying inside.
~ Keep Up by mimilamp | rated E | 27K words | i actually just read this one today and wwhfoohgkhdghihHHHHHHhghhhhhhgh 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 INSTANT FAVE. MUST READ.
“She was going to kiss me,” Wei Ying says, muffled, into his hands.
Lan Zhan makes sure he keeps his breaths even. “Hm,” he says. Wei Ying looks up at him, wild: a little tipsy, perhaps. Confused, in a panic. His mouth is red like he’s been kissed—he hasn’t. He’s a lip biter, has a habit of picking at his dry lips, the winter sores at the corner of his mouth. It drives Lan Zhan to madness. He dreams of Wei Ying’s puffy mouth, often, sometimes with the real Wei Ying in a sleeping bag on the floor next to his bed. On mornings like those he wakes up in a cloud of embarrassment—hobbling to the bathroom at dawn, running a loud shower to hide the sounds. Wei Ying sleeps on.
“How do I—” Wei Ying starts, stops. He then lets out a single laugh, another. He says: “Oh my god. How do I kiss? Lan Zhan, how do I kiss?”
Or: Wei Ying has a girlfriend now. Wei Ying doesn't want his best friend to lag behind.
~ A Brilliant Idea by FrameofMind | rated E | 25K words | good for you wei ying
The one where Wei Ying (straight) and Lan Zhan (gay) make a shared tinder account to save money, because Wei Ying has brilliant ideas.
(Wei Ying has terrible ideas.)
~ worth it for the feeling by occultings | rated E | 8K words | they're both girls in this one! "straight" girl wei ying 🥰
“I’ve never gotten off with another person,” Wei Ying says that night, apropos of nothing.
~ ready to run by detectorist | rated E | 21K words | really really enjoyed the plot and atmosphere and everything in this story
“You should make a Tinder account for campaigning,” Nie Huaisang says.
Wei Ying chokes out, “What?”
“Sounds like an absolutely terrible idea,” Jiang Cheng says flatly.
“No, it’s a great idea!” Nie Huaisang insists. “You just swipe right on everyone and then send them a message about how they should vote for you. You’re hot, Wei Ying! People will definitely match with you and then you can swoop in and hit them with the politics!”
“I don’t even have Tinder,” Wei Ying protests. He’d downloaded the app in first year but had quickly deleted it after a girl responded to his message of wanna get a drink with yeah sure, what time?
“That can be easily fixed,” Nie Huaisang says.
Wei Ying downloads Tinder to help him campaign for his student union election. He gets a little more than he bargained for.
~ drop the game by martyrsdaughter | rated E | 28K words | cheerleader wwx + jock lwj + fake dating + practice kissing + insane sexual tension = me, flattened like a cartoon character after getting run over by a truck
Wei Ying grabs a pen from Lan Zhan’s desk, curling his legs into a lotus pose under the arms of the chair so he can easily spread the journal out across his lap. Even upside down, Lan Zhan can read his large, messy characters scrawled across the top: Lan Zhan + Wei Ying’s Rules for Dating.
Perhaps this was a bad idea.
~ big hands (i know you're the one) by martyrsdaughter | rated E | 8K words | WHOOF 🥵
“Not a big talker, hm?” Wei Ying tilts his head to one side. “That’s okay, I’ve been told I’m a good enough conversationalist for three. My tongue is multi-talented and—”
He has just enough time to feel her palm on the back of his neck and think, oh, her hands are so big, before his words are being stolen into her mouth.
~ Boy Trouble, We've Got Double by saltyfeathers | rated E | 60K words | LAN ZHAN???? BETHROTHED???? NOT TO WEI YING??????? it's less likely than you think! canonverse casefic, featuring tons of pining and wwx taking outrageous liberties with lwj's person, as is his right
Lan Zhan stands there in his immaculate, cloud-patterned Lan robes, watching him calmly, one fist tucked up against his back. “I am betrothed.”
Wei Wuxian blinks. “Are you…” He tries to laugh. Again, it sounds inhuman. “Is this about last night? Are you mad at me? I only remember some of it, Lan Zhan. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. I’m sure whatever I did I was just—” He gestures uselessly. He remembers being warm in Lan Zhan’s lap. He remembers fitting snugly in Lan Zhan’s lap. Wrapping his arms around Lan Zhan’s neck. Nosing at his jaw. “…playing around.”
“This has nothing to do with you, Wei Wuxian.”
~ cherry ass wei ying (Chapter 3 of threadfic) by saltyfeathers | rated E
wei ying is so straight he sucks lan zhan's fingers about it.
~ all(e)y (Chapter 11 of threadfic) by saltyfeathers | rated E
prompt fill on twitter for straight boy wei ying + fake dating that ended up being too long for twitter so now it lives here in stupid silly shame. sorry the fake dating is a complete flyover state in this. to make up for it, i wrote out an entire blowjob for some reason.
~ lan zhan has fallen in fuck-love with the straight toad boy (Chapter 14 of threadfic) by saltyfeathers | rated M | there is no chapter summary provided by the author. the title says it all, really
~ wei wuxian loves mysteries! (Chapter 15 of threadfic) by saltyfeathers | rated G | a canonverse character exploration of wwx, set pre-CR (before wangxian first meet). soooo good
~ the mall that has it all by saltyfeathers | rated E | 8K words | 😳 wrow
She introduced herself in the food court, breathless after sprinting across it in Lan Zhan’s direction and vaulting over a table only to crash into the seat across from her, ask, “Can I have a sip?”, spring forward with both elbows on the table to wrap her burgundy lips around Lan Zhan’s smoothie straw, wrinkle her nose, and say, “What is that, kale? Not really my thing, as like, a mall goth. Oh!” A pleased, chaotic exhale. “My name’s Wei Ying.”
Lan Zhan said, after taking a moment to fully process the last forty-five seconds, “What?”
mall goth au
~ I Wish You Would by brooklinegirl | rated E | 52K words | lan zhan fucks guys, wei ying pines, and lan zhan also pines
Lan Zhan takes a breath. His hands are in fists on his thighs. He stares down at them hopelessly, then carefully unclenches them, one finger at a time, before taking another breath and reaching for his lukewarm tea. He'll go out, tomorrow. Maybe in the late afternoon. Something quick. Something easy. He'll text his brother first, the short note of when he should be home, so he'll know to track him. He'll be fine, just like he said.
~ all that and more by Euphorion | rated E | 20K words | hot hot hot! and a classic
Wei Wuxian locks his phone and puts it down, blinks at his ceiling, and picks it up again. The pictures are still there.
His first thought is that Lan Zhan meant them for someone else. That he just woke up at—he checks the timestamp—6:30 am on a Sunday and decided to go absolute full nuclear seduction option on some poor boy he met on Grindr, who would now be missing out on the best thing to ever happen to him because Wei Wuxian had a bad habit of distracting—of—oh.
Pieces of last night start to resurface and paste themselves together in his head. He winces.
~ dreaming and getting a glimmer by verseau | rated E | 27K words | THE comphet gloryhole fic
Wei Ying discovers himself.
~ wanna feel a different kinda tension by verseau | rated E | 10K words | THE comphet watching-porn-together-and-also-wwx-jerks-lwj-off-with-his-own-freshly-used-fleshlight fic
Four times Lan Zhan walks in on his roommate masturbating.
that's all for now! happy october!
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bridenore · 2 years
HD Bonding fic recs
Bonding is a favorite trope of mine. Here are a few recs listed in alphabetical order.
Beneath You by Lissadiane [112k]
Draco had no idea that the repercussions of stealing Potter's journal and shoving it down the back of his trousers would be so extreme. Featuring nefarious plots, the mating rituals of Slytherins, double-crossing spells, Ron/Pansy, and Draco/Harry.
Black, in the Smothering Dark by @lol-zeitgeistic [101k]
Harry Potter is rescued from the Dursleys and spends the summer with his god…father? This is the prequel to The Hush of War. .
The Hush of War by @lol-zeitgeistic [351k]
Voldemort has made a bargain with Harry to stop killing muggles and muggle-borns (when at all possible, of course) in exchange for Harry’s cooperation. While Harry thinks he’s using the time to find a way to defeat the Dark Lord, he will realize that Voldemort is always one step ahead, and so long as he isn’t killing anyone…what’s the big deal? He has bigger things to worry about now, anyway. Includes dementors, pureblood culture, the prophecy, what exactly happened with Lily’s sacrifice, magical breakthroughs, children Death Eaters, and portraits of family. Final pairing: H/D. Sequel to Black, in the Smothering Dark.
Bond by AnnaFugazzi [173k]
Yet another one of those Harry And Draco Are Forced To Be Together By Something Beyond Their Control And Then Stuff Happens Leading To Twoo Wuv stories. Because every HD writer has to write at least one
Chain Me Up or Set Me Free by @alpha-exodus [12k]
This horrid bonding thing is all Potter’s fault, obviously. As for what comes after that? Draco’s not quite sure.
The Comfort of Tea by Omi_Ohmy [20k]
A lawn mower, a pertly pink todger, endless cups of tea and a few sly grins. Oh yes, and Harry is cursed to temporarily bond to anyone he gets close to; for some reason that person ends up being Draco, more often than not…
Constellations on your skin by shushu_yaoi_lj / @orange-peony​ [56k]
“I’m going to get my scars removed,” Draco announces on a rainy Wednesday afternoon.
“Who are you seeing?” Blaise asks.
“The best Healer out there,” Draco replies with a little shrug. “Harry Potter.”
The Destiny You Sold by @tryslora [58k]
In which Draco knits, Harry makes wands, and things get very tangled up between them.
Firebond by Oakstone730 / @i-didnt-wanna-do-it​   [94k]
Draco is forced to tutor Harry in potions. A slight problem occurs.
Grounds for Divorce by Tepre [122k]
Malfoy finds a coin. Harry finds a letter.
A story about histories, a story about families. A story about a lemon tree somewhere in Upper Egypt.
Heartlines by @shiftylinguini [72k]
Harry never expected he’d end up chipping away at his virginity while wandless and bonded to Malfoy in Northern Europe.
He never expected that would turn out to be the least surprising thing to happen while out on their training expedition in the middle of nowhere, either.
Hungry by birdsofshore [24k]
The first thing Harry knew about it was when he woke up lying on a bed in the hospital wing, with his arm firmly stuck to the scrawny, milk-white arm of Draco bloody Malfoy.
If It Takes All Night by @tackytigerfic [10k]
It’s not the first time Harry’s been the victim of a botched curse (that’s one of the reasons he doesn’t like crowds), but he feels bad that Malfoy had to get caught up in it too.
So they’re bonded. That’s ok, they just have to make sure to be touching at all time. No problem. Because Malfoy smells so nice, and has such lovely shiny hair, and his skin is so very warm.
But this isn’t going to be a problem for their friendship at all.
Is it, Harry?
In Evidence of Magical Theory by @bixgirl1 [43k]
When a hex meant for Draco accidentally catches Harry as well, they’re forced to learn to understand each other in ways they previously might have thought impossible.
In which Harry and Draco can’t fight, so they fall in love instead.
In The Red by @bixgirl1 [45k]
When Harry goes looking for a vampire at a Creature club, the second-to-last thing Harry expects is to find Malfoy working there.
The last thing he expects is to fall in love with him.
Lift Your Open Hand by @firethesound [18k]
With Draco Malfoy as his assigned partner for the next six weeks of Auror training, Harry had been prepared for things to go poorly. But getting themselves accidentally bonded to each other in the first twenty minutes of their very first assignment seemed going above and beyond, even for them.
The Light More Beautiful by @firethesound [81k]
Thirteen years after Draco accepts Potter’s help escaping the horror of his sixth year, he returns to England where he makes the unfortunate discovery that Potter is still as obnoxious as ever. And worse, more than a decade overseas hasn’t been enough to dim Draco’s obsession with him.
Mental by sara_holmes [156k]
Harry has had quite enough of sharing his mind with someone else, thankyouverymuch. A miscast Legilimecy spell says otherwise.
Merlin Works in Mysterious Ways by @lordhellebore [82k]
When Harry is forced to form a Blood Bond with Draco Malfoy under threat of death, he thinks his future will consist of a cold home and sexual frustration. But when a group of left-over Death Eaters decides to stir trouble, their lives change completely – and it takes them both some years to figure out whether it’s for better or for worse.
Morning Mr Devil, Come Say Farewell to Your Dreams by @thisbloodycat [32k]
Nothing stays the same after a war. Except for lack of luck, that much Draco has noticed.
My Little Berserker by @aelys-althea [105k]
Eighth year was supposed to be calm. Moderated. Peaceful, even. Draco returned to escape the chaos wrought upon his shambles of a life and Harry to flee the responsibility of a world that sees him as something greater than was truly possible. Hogwarts was a safe haven, right?
At least it was until Hagrid comes up with the wonderful idea to introduce some additional members to the student body of the fluffier variety. Hagrid doesn’t do moderated - where’s the fun in that?
On the Last Day of Our World by Sansa [84k]
During a detention, Harry and Draco get locked in a strange room together overnight. When they escape the next morning, they discover they are alone. Love, angst and adventure abound as they struggle to survive in an empty world.
Or. by @lol-zeitgeistic [21k]
He should’ve told him. Or he should’ve quit. Or he should’ve said something. Or he should’ve stopped it. Or he should’ve done something. Or he should’ve said anything.
Or. Or. Or.
Palace of Eternity by @gracerene09 [27k]
It had been twelve years, five months, and six days since the last time Harry had laid eyes upon Draco.
Renaissance by @dysonrules [33k]
Harry awakens after a long sleep to find things terribly changed. He’s not in an alternate universe… it just seems like it.
Salt on the Western Wind by Saras_Girl [60k]
When the war isn’t quite as over as it first appears, a guilt-ridden Harry is sent to a mysterious safe-house. Among sandwiches, insomnia, and Mills & Boon, he discovers something quite unexpected.
The Sleeping Beauty Curse by who_la_hoop [152k]
When Draco Malfoy falls into a cursed sleep and can only be woken – at least, according to the Daily Prophet, that impeccable source of truth – by ‘true love’s kiss’, Harry Potter knows there’s no way on earth he’s the answer to this particular riddle. Is he …?
Sparks by @annanother-thing [20k]
“I’m sorry,” Draco turned to him, “are we boring you?” Greg looked up. “No, I’m just hungry, and you’re taking far too long to just tell them that you and Potter are soulmates. Do you have to be this dramatic?” There was a moment of silence, before all hell broke loose. Harry didn’t know soulmates existed until he was fourteen. He wasn’t sure what he imagined it would be like, but he knew it wasn’t this. But that’s not to say he didn’t like it.
Take the Moon by @tackytigerfic [15k]
Harry Potter has always wanted a family of his own, and when a deadly blood curse forces him into a marriage bond with his best friend Draco Malfoy, it looks like he might just have found one.
Living with Draco (biscuit-lover, no work/life balance, good hair) and his son Scorpius (also biscuit-lover, colour-codes his bricks, proud bearer of plastic swan-shaped garden ornament) gives Harry the routine and companionship he’s always craved. There’s also the matter of the really great sex (because what’s a marriage of convenience without a little fun, after all?)
It’s just a shame they’d always planned to break up after a year…
This isn’t the story of the marriage. This is the story of two hurt and damaged men who learned how hard they could work for the sake of love.
tell me where it ends by SquibNation10 [62k]
After Harry wakes from his short-lived death, he begins to see red strings tied around the fingers of everyone he sees. No one else seems to be able to see them. He is surprised to see who is (or isn’t) tied to each other.
His is tied to Draco Malfoy.
Tug-O-Want by @dysonrules [16k]
Harry is back at Hogwarts minding his own business when he finds himself magically drawn to Draco Malfoy. Over and over again.
Twice as Much as an Earthquake by @firethesound [18k]
Accidental bonding. Breaking and entering. Conspiring, however unwillingly, in the strange one-man war Malfoy’s waging against detention. This isn’t the normal school year Harry anticipated having, but at least it’s not boring.
Unexpected Consequences by lauren3210 [39k]
Harry was going back to school. He was going to play Quidditch, sleep in  lessons, hang out with his friends, and generally just enjoy being a  kid for a change. And he was also going to do it while being bonded with  Malfoy, because apparently life was just going to continue  throwing curveballs at him. Harry didn't know why he expected anything  different.
Until Dawn’s First Light by valinorean [50k]
Harry and Draco find a mysterious portrait in Hogwarts that tells them about different stories of people in the past. But suddenly, strange things begin to happen as each story unfolds.
What Dreams May Come by @firethesound [36k]
If Harry had to get called into work on his day off, at least he was able to get Malfoy called in too.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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faillen · 2 years
7, 16, and 38 for the fanfic author ask game 🧡🧡🧡
[ask me about writing fic]
7. What story/headcanons do you feel the proudest of?
It's funny, because in trying to answer this question, I realized that all the BBS stories I would be probably wind up being proudest of are currently WIPs. Therefore I'm going to name a few too many things to cover my bases lol—there are stuff in other fandoms that I'm really proud of, but I want to limit myself a bit.
I really like how Always Been and Pressing the Advantage turned out overall; the endings in particular were ones I was actually satisfied with, which is rare. When I wrote This Mistake is Mine (Not Yours), I cursed myself a bit, because I'm pretty sure I'm never going to be able to achieve that level of atmosphere-setting ever again lol. In terms of headcanons/ideas, I love the 10 Things I Hate About You AU—I so rarely feel like the setups I find humorous are humorous to other people, but this one is so ridiculous and I love it.
16. What fanfic tropes do you avoid writing for?
I don't know if there are any that I actively avoid writing for, really. I guess I don't often write non-established relationship fics, but that's not really a trope unless you deduce that that therefore means I don't write slowburn. I think more than anything else, the tropes I avoid are the tropes I know require larger stories than I currently have the capacity to write: time travel/time loops, sprawling AUs, etc. Hopefully that will change, though. And by larger I really mean somewhere between 10k-20k, I don't think I could go longer than that.
38. What story of yours are you surprised that people liked as much as they did?
Okay, this one is easy because I was replying to comments last night. I've got two for it: A Little More Than a Little Bit and This Love.
The first fic holds 2nd Place for Most Comments I've Gotten on a BBS Fic, which is insane. I was expecting very, very little response on a Bollywood AU fic that's so sibling-centric, but I think I dragged every Pat & Paa lover and/or Desi BBS fan out of the woodwork.
The second one was a one-off prompt fill, and I knew it was cute, but I didn't realize that the way I worded the confession would have such an impact on people (and now I'm like darn, never gonna achieve that again). I got tagged on Twitter a few times, and way more engagement than I ever expect on things of that length (it's only 773 words!)
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ghoste-catte · 4 years
multiples of 3 ✌🏼-sgmdrcklee
@sagemoderocklee you’re really trying to kill me lol
This got long as heck so I’m throwing it behind a cut. Read on for answers and fic recs! (Mostly the fic recs)
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
This is a tough one to answer for me generally because I tend to spit words onto the page and once I have written them I no longer remember writing them. And 2020 has stretched on so long that as I’m looking at some of the stuff I wrote in the beginning of this year, I hardly remember what’s even in it. I think at one point someone (@goblin-draws maybe?) mentioned a line in Sleeptalk with Me where the innkeeper calls Kankuro “chubby boy”, and I was like “Oh ... did I write that? Yeah, sounds like something I’d have someone say to Kankuro ...” 
It might be easier to talk about this in other terms. One of the scenes I worked the hardest on this year was the fight scene in Chapter 3 of Skeleton Key. The original draft of the scene was a lot shorter, and a lot of the backstory for Misaki’s revenge quest was elided. The scene as originally written was clunky, confusing, and as my lovely wife/beta put it sounded “like a Naruto villain” was doing the dialogue, when previously she’d found Misaki sinister and intriguing. Which wasn’t what I wanted. I basically entirely overhauled the scene and re-wrote it several times. I wouldn’t call it a ‘favorite’ scene (I hate writing fight scenes generally; having chosen to immerse myself in a fandom about ninja where much of the drama comes from battle is my eternal regret), but it is a scene that I put a lot of effort into, and I’m moderately satisfied with the improved product that resulted.  
6. least popular fic this year
By far my least popular fic by kudos ever is Pitch Perfect. Which makes complete sense to me. It’s a fic where I’ve written 2 characters who are men in canon as cis women, which pushes a lot of uncomfortable buttons for a lot of people. It contains F/F smut, which is something that a lot of people who choose to read GaaLee probably aren’t out there looking for. And people comment and kudos less on smutfics, I assume because they don’t want their username attached to porn or because they’re embarrassed (which I totally get, no shame there). It’s a modern AU with a sports twist, and AUs are often less popular than canonverse in my experience. I will say though that it has a surprisingly high number of private bookmarks compared to other fics with comparable hit and kudos counts. So I assume people are just a bit more shy because the premise is so ‘out there’. I will say as far as my fics go, it’s one of my personal favorites and probably one of the most intimate and true-to-life things I’ve written? So it actually is a little comforting to know that something so vulnerable has relatively little attention. 
9. longest wip of the year
If we’re going based on stuff that’s partially published but not complete, my Gaara-adopts-Shinki fic On My Way Home is my longest in-progress fic at just over 20k words, although technically I started it in 2019. It will probably end up being right around 40-50k when it’s complete, which might end up situating it as my longest fic ever? 
12. favorite character to write about this year
Okay, this is an easy one. I love writing Kankuro. I think he is hilarious. He is the devil on my shoulder and a creature of pure id, and every time I write a line of dialogue for him it’s the summation of my rudest thoughts about a situation put in the crudest possible terms. If there were a megaphone directly from my unfiltered brain giving running commentary, that would be Kankuro.
15. something you learned this year
I have learned SO much this year! This is only my 2nd year properly ‘focusing’ on writing fic and investing any substantial time into it. I think the biggest thing I have learned, though, is how to overcome a lot of my self-consciousness about writing stories with NSFW elements in them. Starting out, I was so extremely shy and mortified about writing fic at all, much less things like hugging or (god forbid!) kissing. So taking on the smut prompts I took this year and really buckling down on learning to write the mechanics and emotions of sex has been a massive learning experience. (And sorry, by the way, if I haven’t gotten to a prompt you sent me in January yet. I do intend to write all of them eventually!) 
18. current number of WIPs
Ah. The call-out question. My general fic process is idea -> outline -> wip -> edit -> ready to post (where the final draft sits in my docs until I gin up the courage to actually post it). So skipping fics that are just “ideas” on the big mega-list, I have 3 fics in the “outline” stage, 13 fics in the partially written “wip” stage, 1 fic in the “editing” stage, and 2 that are complete but yet-to-be-posted. So, like, 19 total in the offing. (The “ideas” list is even worse lol.)
21. most memorable comment/review
This is such a difficult question because every single comment I get makes me do a little dance for joy. That’s not an exaggeration btw I really sit there and like bounce around in my seat for a moment before I open the Ao3 email. I am not an especially emotive person irl, but there have been times I’ve been brought near tears by comments. I’ll also occasionally show them to my wife like !! look at this nice thing this person said !! and she’s indulgent enough to actually read them. There have been a couple comments that have really stuck with me, that I starred in my inbox and return to frequently, but I don’t want to bring attention to someone else without their permission. I will say there was one person recently who mentioned (not in the comments on one of my fics) that they had found someone who does physical binding of fanfiction and they were about to ask my permission to do that, but then the person who does the binding only does certain ships that she likes ... so that, just, absolutely floored me. The idea that someone might actual want a physical copy of my stupid little ninja fanfictions is, like, so truly immense and completely overwhelming?
24. favorite fic you read this year
You can’t make me pick just one!! (For reference, I have bookmarked right around 180 fics in the past year, and that’s not including fics that I just read, really enjoyed, but didn’t think I could ‘handle’ a second time around.) So, skipping over the ones that AREN’T Naruto ... here is a brief sampling of some faves:
Silica by deepestbluest (rated E, GaaLee, ShikaTema, and Kankiba) - An absolute emotional powerhouse of a fic that manages to skillfully interweave three complex relationship dynamics, satisfactorily resolve them, and give you ALL the sandsibs feels in just over 10k words. 
Childhood Not-Friends (series) by MegaWallflower (rated G, KakaGai) - @megawallflower is a KakaGai god for good reason. Absolutely adorable relationship development fics (five of them!) with the premise that Kakashi thinks he and Gai have been dating since they were kids ... Gai just hasn’t been clued into it yet. These stories will give you heart-eyes.
The Bright Side by gidget_goes (rated T, GaaLee) - This is the Buffy AU I never knew I needed, because I’ve never seen Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But truly you don’t need any Buffy knowledge to enjoy this fic. @gidget-goes command of imagery is masterful, and the way they manage to snap from snark to tugging at your heartstrings is awe-inspiring. Gaara breaks my heart in this. And did I mention Kankuro wears a 10-gallon hat? Because Kankuro wears a 10-gallon hat. 
Nature vs. Nurture by Bidiza (rated T, GaaLee) - So introspective and so poetic. This looks like a WIP but it’s actually multiple oneshots, although by the end of the second one you’ll be dying for the rest of the promised series. 
I’m a Fool to Want You by BeelieveRosemarie (rated M, GaaLee) - Turns out @tuttiefruttiegaalee isn’t just an amazing artist, they’re a writer, too! Slow-dancing that will break your heart. Listen to the Frank Sinatra song while you read this for extra tear-jerking effect.
Let Love be Known (series) by TenTomatoes (rated G, GaaLee) - This is the twist on the arranged marriage trope and Beauty and the Beast that I didn’t realize this fandom was missing. I’m absolutely obsessed with their concept of Gaara as the Beast
I Could Be by LilacNoctua (rated T, GaaLee) - I know I big up @lilac-writes Worthwhile series a lot (deservedly so, because it’s so good it makes you look at the series and go “Why the fuck didn’t Kishimoto make this canon exactly like this?”), but this story made me absolutely die between the butterflies in my stomach and how hard I was laughing. There’s one line--you’ll know it when you read it--that absolutely bowls me over every time I re-read this. 
And Then Continue by EgregiousDerp (rated E, GaaLee) - Obviously I’m biased because this was a gift, but @egregiousderp writes some of the the best characterized porn I’ve ever read. You will read this and go “Wow! This is exactly how it would happen!” It’s such a tender, beautiful exploration of Gaara’s insecurities and a very real feeling first time, for all its soft edges. 
Cake by citronelle (rated E, KanKiba) - I don’t even know what to say about this one other than ... phew, this is extremely well written, extremely hot, and extremely in character. Just read it. I promise it’s worth it. 
Saudade by YumKiwiDelicious (rated M, GaaLee) - I’ve run around reccing this to just about every person on the face of the earth at this point. If you’re in the GaaLee Discord you probably saw everyone salivating over every new update of this fic and with good reason. The twists and turns of this fic will have you on the edge of your seat, second guessing every single moment. And it will break your heart in the meantime. What more could you want?
the love potion commotion by floating_cats (rated T, NejiSasu with background GaaLee) - One of those fics where you wish the author’s sense of humor was your own. So many hilarious moments in this story, and it brought me a new appreciation for a ship I never would have even considered. 
Finger Lickin’ Good by whazzername (rated E, GaaLee) - Whazz is another one of those authors where I literally want to rec every single thing she’s ever written, she’s just that good. (Speaking of which, if you haven’t read Fools Rush In and its sequel Degrees of Separation, you’re missing out on the best possible Metal origin story of all time. Don’t deprive yourself of this.) But this story is just ... so incredibly in character for a situation that reads like crack. It’s handled with the utmost straight-facedness and it’s so. freakin’. good. 
heart lines by winterberry_holly (rated M, NejiTen and GaaLee) - I don’t even have the words to describe how perfect this fic is. It’s a truly beautiful exploration of Tenten’s relationship with her palmistry hobby and with the people in her life. My heart ached with every single line. 
Standing on Ceremony by kuroashi (rated E, GaaLee) - This is just ... such a beautiful wedding story. So lovely, like getting the best possible warm hug from someone you love. If that love one was slightly strange and socially inept, because, well. It’s still Gaara doing Gaara-things. @baphometsss is another one of those authors whose handling of smut scenes is so stupendous it makes me wildly jealous. 
Thrall by RokiRiot (rated T, GaaLee) - Idiots-to-lovers with a magic AU twist! This is such a wonderful story, and Gaara’s internal monologue is absolutely amazing. And Lee is Deaf in this fic, which I never ever get to see and which absolutely made my entire day/week/month/life. 
Make-Out Consequences by LuxaLucifer (rated M, KakaGai with background canon Boruto ships) - I laughed so hard reading this that I had to take a breather to stop crying. That’s not an exaggeration. The characterization in this fic is impeccable and the humor is to die for. Naruto’s buffoonery truly shines here, and the author’s wit is just beyond anything I could even properly summarize. Hysterical. A++. 
Thirteen Strokes by Luna_Lee (rated T, GaaLee) - Again, like, if you aren’t reading literally everything @sagemoderocklee writes, are you even really a GaaLee fan? But this fic is beyond even for one of Eeri’s incredibly excellent writings. The worldbuilding in this, the cultural notes, the imagery ... it’s all so lush and so fulfilling and so beautiful. It’s a story about love and it’s a story that you can tell has love poured into every single line. I can’t recommend it enough. 
Checkmate by shadowstrangle (rated G, GaaLee) - The pettiness vibes ... this is so funny. Such a cute story and I love Gaara’s sense of humor here. Not a lot of writers give him a sense of humor, but I love how @shadowstrangle gives him a slightly odd, slightly left-of-center take on humor that still manages to be so funny. 
To Court a Village by FanFictionEngineer (rated G, GaaLee) - Another one where my bias is perhaps slightly obvious, but the premise of this fic is amazing. I love cultural misunderstandings, and the idea of Lee trying his hardest to court Gaara ineptly is just so perfect. 
affliction of feeling by theformerone (rated E, SakuHina) - One of those ships that it would never have occurred to me to seek out but that absolutely works with how the author’s set it up. The dynamics here are delicious. It’s so rare to find good F/F porn but this is one of them for sure. 
Tried and Tested by twentysomething (Rated M, KakaIru with background canon Boruto ships and GaaLee) - Iruka’s narration in this story is just incredible. I haven’t laughed this hard reading a fic in ages. And the concept alone (that Naruto can’t be promoted to Hokage until he passes his chuunin exams ... as an adult ... and Sasuke gets dragged along for the ride) is just brilliant. Amazing concept, amazingly executed. 
a fireside waltz by winterberry_holly (rated M, GaaLee) - I really tried not to rec a single author more than once here but for this one I had to. I got about halfway through this fic and immediately started running around ringing the town crier bell like READ THIS FIC! READ THIS FIC! An absolutely smoldering Regency AU with such beautiful, intimate dance scenes. My heart was racing every single time their fingers brushed. If you don’t read anything else on this list, at the very least read this. 
27. favorite fanfic author of the year
I really can’t pick just one. I am lucky enough that @egregiousderp passes me her drafts under the table before (or without) publishing, and getting to read those is a private treat of unparalleled proportions. Some of my favorite things I’ve read this year I can’t even rec because they’re her unpublished stuff. 
30. favorite fandom to read fic from this year
This is gonna come off strange because I just wrote such a long Naruto reclist, but I recently watched What We Do in the Shadows, and found an incredibly talented group of authors in that fandom with really amazingly good dialogue and narrative voice. I also read a lot of fic for the new It movies (even though I couldn’t watch the 2nd one for ~reasons~), and damn if there isn’t a talented crop of authors in that fandom, too. And finally with ATLA making its way onto Netflix, I had the chance to start watching that for the first time and found a ton of really good fic there as well! 
fanfic end of the year asks!
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disengaged · 3 years
tagged by @62kh !! 💘💘💘 (thank u !!)
1. why did you choose your url? oh u know... jason :-)
2. any side blogs? if you have them name them and why you have them. yeah i got uhhhhh @hellmoths for assorted halfway-edgy shit that doesn't belong on main, @violent-j for ICP/Juggalo shit, & a few more i'd rather not disclose
3. how long have you been on tumblr? late 2013 or early 2014 i think ?
4. do you have a queue tag? nah, but it's safe to assume that 97% of the shit on here is queued or scheduled at all times
5. why did you start your blog in the first place? honestly just to geek out about fandom shit ..... à la "emo trinity", superwh*lock etc
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp? i just think he's neat :-)
7. why did you choose your header? got bored of my last mobile theme so i was scrolling thru my camera roll for the first transparent photo i could find (it's me & my friend, very stoned, many good memories)
8. what’s your post with the most notes? oh god, i don't even want to know ??? i've had a bunch that have gotten ~10k+, i think one shitty lyric edit that got 20k+. they pop back up every once and awhile & i'm forced to recall how obsessed i was with pierce the veil when i was 13
9. how many mutuals do you have? is there .... is there a way to count ??????? idk ???? lots i guess
10. how many followers do you have? uhhh yknow .... some. a couple thousand
11. how many people do you follow? 209, but probably a quarter of them are inactive now 😔 my dash has been dead lately tbh :-///
12. have you ever made a shitpost? nah, i barely even post any original content anymore. also i'm not funny ! 🥴
13. how often do you use tumblr each day? wayyyy too often :-/ i don't have ig/tiktok/twitter/reddit/etc, so it's kinda become my sole social media (oooof)
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won? nah, i've never had much of an issue with anon hate/drama/bickering with other blogs & i'd like to keep it that way ... it's all just incredibly asinine imo :'-)
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts? not to sound like a dick but uhh ..... quickest way to make me not reblog a post ! same with "why aren't people talking about this" or "i don't care if this post doesn't fit your blog theme" like ..... man. chill
16. do you like tag games? love them !!
17. do you like ask games? yes !! >:-)
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? my mutuals are all celebrities
19. do you have a crush on a mutual? yes, all of them. if we follow each other u have an open invitation to come over & kiss me on the lips
20. tags? @maggotbrainz @metallicasbian @mondsterne-kuesst @metalshockd @msgwendolenfairfax @the-mighty-het-speaks , no obligation ofc ! :-)
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