#aslo trio
moxie-girl · 6 months
seraphim ASL designs (for this fic :3)
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[transparent+individual designs under the cut]
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dailylulururidoodles · 11 months
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🏊‍♀️🏊💧POOL DAY💧🏊🏊‍♀️
I was at the pool today so I drew the XYZ trio!!! Based off things that happened today
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gwenandy · 1 month
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Mmm trio is back
aslo by the way mello looks supa tall but its because hes wearing heels
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thecluelessdoctor · 2 months
so recently
i was watching a bunch of videos on blogthegreatrouge
and remembered my once love for PJs Daycare. but now i know its disgusting like.. so bad. so is she. i just. ugh.
so, im going to remake it. i mean remake that shit i will do my best to make it better. starting with removing all the fankids characters and ships because.. sanscest is w e i r d.
anyway, for the people who some how dont know what im talking about is heres a summery. if i spelled that wrong shut up no i didnt
Tw: SA, suicidal thoughts I suppose, gr00ming basically
pjs daycare was a AU for undertale made by blogthegreatrouge. the au, was as it says, a daycare. basically all the sans aus were children, from like 3-6 i think, and the characters were... sanscest ship characters or sans fusions. one of the caretakers, and our- basic mc, is Paperjam, or PJ, the fusion between ink sans and error sans. i say fusion because i think that what they were originally intended to be before the fandom... yoinked them. aslo i refuse to ship sans aus together because thats WEIRD AS ALL SHIT. anyway. those are the basics, shipkids/fusion sanses are the caretakers and the sanses are children. interesting concept ig (i will make it better trust)
ok now that we have the basics down, lets get to the story. this was a ask blog so there wasnt much story, but from what i do remember, there were 2 major plot lines. the first plot line was uhm. borderline gr00ming. basically fresh sans, the satire sans au, has a crush on PJ. this fresh is i think about 3 yrs old. so ok, hes a kid, kids are weird. he claims he wants to marry pj. again, child, children say that stuff alot. and you think pj would be yk, normal and be like " no no, we cant do that" nicely and shit. WELL HE DOESNT. THIS BITCH SAYS "we cant get married righ now, but when your all grown up we can ^^" IM SORRY HUH. SIR. WHAT. not only that, later, there is a ask of how would pj react to adult fresh. in which its super weird with really gross sexual tension. not only that, lets follow in this aus rule, aus made by the same creator/s are gonna be related. ok. error, fresh and geno/aftertale are brothers. kinda weird but lets keep going here. pj in rouges interpretation is a ship child. A SHIP CHILD. MEANING FRESHIE HERE IS IS UNCLE?? ITS SO WEIRD?? also there is a mini plot line where ink and error like each other and its a big deal even tho, again, CHILDREN. also same person but i digress.
our next plotline is... where shit hits the fan. so, error, gets deathly sick and needs to go to the hospital. didnt know monsters had hospitals but ok. geno, error's older brother who is at most, 5, gets really depressed. and ik depression can come at any age, however, GENO here tries to commit farewell. this. doesn't. make. sense. a child isnt old enough to even comprehend death that well, let alone have the feeling to die AND ACT ON IT. not only that, right after stopping geno from leaving this mortal plane (isnt he immortal though?) they completely forget about it and have this weird romance between palette and goth (swap sans and dream sans) (geno and reaper) and its super weird, and gross (not as gross as nerd and jock but still) and palette is weirdly obsessive over goth and shit so its all just a huge pile of SHIT
oh yeah there is also this weird plot line with like this trio of mini villains, one being rouges self insert i think so. yeah.
anyway, that was pj's daycare. i will be reworking and remaking the entirety of this au. so uh.
it will be posted. anyway bye
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
perhaps they're better off not here for that conversation at the beginning, i imagine they'd get really upset about the whole aging convo or whatever it was i cant remember exactly ewoughfwuigrh
kasdfjlkasjdlf honest to god i imagine Frisk would HAVE to be not in the same room for that convo to take place. because Chara might be a dumbass but they're not dumb enough to pull that kinda crap around Frisk. Frisk is THE Pacifist and will force them to reconcile.
Chara, stubborn as a goat, did not want to deal with this and would rather just bitch about it for years because it didn't really sink in that Aslo is a Real Person and this isn't like, a temporary thing. That's kinda why they're going thru this now.
(plus, their contact with Asriel has been kinda Limited since they started fighting. They don't hang out much but that's honestly... normal. being an adult means you just don't have the same amount of free time as before. Different priorities and such.)
anyway Frisk would of killed the plot but they are literally So Important and I don't want them to be lesser in the trio... but in fairness Az and Char have such specific baggage that relates to them together that Frisk can't really like, add much to the convo other than "can both of you just stop fighting you are giving me grey hairs. we have a BABY in the house why are we not being excited goobers over this blessing <33333"
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blkksou · 1 year
ok offical inyro
hiii i’m ein i aslo go by eden but i use ein a lot (PRONOUNCE EE-IN!!!!!) i use she/him pronouns and i’m a ⛏️⛏️⛏️ 😁
i like identity v, bungo stray dogs, and person(mostly persona 5 but i also enjoy 3 and 4, sorry 1 and 2 fans 😢)
for idv i really like edgar and mike and aesop and the women i love women i should mention i’m a women kisser i’m also a non men kisser IM GAY! IM GAY OKAY DAMN YOU CAUGHT ME!!! i’m a demi girl ehe!
anyways i like those characters i like all the girl hunters and joseph
p5 ROYAL TRIO 😭😭😢😭😭😢😢😢 i love all the phantom troupe but they r my faves (I WAS INTO P5 BEFORE ROYAL ! just incase)
for bsd i love chuuya he is my love my life he is my everybtin i also love yosano shes literalyl my wife.. grr..
erm i draw and edit (i don’t edit often tho) my other handles like insta tt and twt are the same handle as this one erm yeah
• creeps
• basic dni criteria
• mori defenders yall r weirddddd + odazai, adamchuuya, any weird ship in bsd ig GET OUTTT
• idrc for most ships that aren’t like weird, but i’m not a big hunter x surv fan so sorry.. idm intereacting with them
i think that’s all
FEEL FREE TO INTERACT I FOLLOW BACK! ILL POST TOO I SWEAR!!! no more essay anything else i need to add i will laterrrrr
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dentos-wife · 1 year
Thanks for anwsering the 2nd gen x avatar ask despite not liking it yourself ! Wish the fandom had more people like you but for the antishipping police weird = immoral/problematic/creppy/controversial. Heck I saw people thinking Chrobin was creepy because they view Chrom and Robin as brothers, or brothers and sisters, but it's just their opinion and prouves that any ship can be weird depending on the person. And I am not talking about Corrin x the Fates royals because albeit being the most popular, they are aslo harshl critized. And thats without Lucina x Owain and Corrin x Azura. Now I am someone whose culture allow 1st degree cousins to get married, but it's still very weird to me but I still respect that and when it's fiction I don't care. Same thing for the Robin x 2nd gen but to be fair it's only because I like the Awakening trio's dynamic with Robin and I also ship them with Corrin so I don't think I enter as the same catergory as the rabid Rocina shippers trying to make their ships canon and the rabid Chrobin fan hating on M!Robin for it.
No problem! I just think people should respect each other and their fictional preferences. I'm not a fan of the what you like in fiction represents what you like in real life, because it doesn't. It can sometimes and it can also not be similar at all. There's no black and white for how humanity is and some people can't get that through their heads.
I ship a Corrin royal ship and I have friends who don't like it, we're still friends that's how it should be. If you like something keep liking it but if I don't like it please don't talk about it with me, it's that easy
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browngurl99 · 2 years
People be like "Aww My favorite trio"
And it's Two boys with opposite personalities who are pining for each other + A lesbian/sapphic who knew they were in love before even they knew it
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the golden trio hanging out on a snowy day
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silverbuttercups · 3 years
@starrydownpour and me sending rocket boss au texts at the same time... galaxy brain 🤪
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newbiealliance · 2 years
its 3 am i should be asleep but i am looking and staring at my art and thinking about dumb gay tbd stuff
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teeth--eater · 3 years
Hm. I think it is time for some unfinished Ranboo lore. I was just doing a writing warmup but I dont think I'm gonna finish it so here's ranboo! Also! This is meant to take place after Ranboos Interlude, so like tiny baby spoiler warning. RANBOO BACKSTORY UNDER THE CUT
aslo big warning for disassociation
The spoiler is just ranboo and Tommy interacting but I think everyone knew that was gonna happen anyway.
There are good days and there are bad days.
Ranboo knows his power comes at a lofty price, but he dosent always feel it. He sees it in others, or at least he had when he had been around other enderians. The way their eyes would glaze over and theyd stop talking in the middle of their sentences, the way the ones who spent more time around the Void would go catatonic for days at a time.
With knowledge comes power. With power comes risk. And End, what a risk it was.
If Ranboo had a choice at all, he wouldnt have Seen. Ever. He was perfectly content with his magic locked away inside his chest, smiling and friendly and whole. He had seen his neighbors go through the Seeing when they reached twelve cycles, and they came back different. Hollowed. Speaking in hushed tones to others who had Seen, giving him blank stares when he asked how the ceremony went.
He didnt want to be like them. He didnt want to lose himself.
He woke up on the dawn of his twelfth year to his mother standing over his bed, somthing glinting in her eye. Ranboo had wondered, briefly, what she was like before she had Seen. When her short black fur had been snow-white like Ranboo's.
She took him to the door where a trio of guards walked him to the Well Of the Void, circled with the Elders. They gave him empty smiles when he approached. Ranboo could hear the Void whispering as he walked closer, and dread curled in him. He lunged away from the endlessness, shrieking and clawing.
He wonders if things would have been different if he had just let it happen.
As much as he didn't want to See, he couldn't refuse. Literally. He was compliant only because they held him down.
Once they actually shoved him into the Well of the Void, that was when he began thrashing in earnest. He couldnt move with the hand holding his head down, but luckily, or perhaps unluckily depending on how you look at things, his magic was unleashed, and he disappeared in a zap of purple.
Ranboo reappeared lying on his back several feet away, twitching and gasping. The Elders thought him dead until he managed a weak keen.
He hadn't completed the ritual, and yet his powers were unleashed. Hence his...markings.
From that moment on, he was singled out. He had somehow managed to fail in something that should be End Given for his kind. Only half-marked. An abomination. A degenerate.
He was lucky to escape with even half his mind. It could have been so much worse.
He keeps telling himself that.
But today is one of the bad days.
He wakes up and isnt... there. He can recognize that he's floating, but cant bring himself to the surface no matter how hard he tries.
Time passes, Ranboo dosen't know how long hes been sitting in his bed, staring at the wall. His eyes can't focus long enough to read the clock.
Eventually, there is a pounding on his door, and Tommy is shouting through it.
"Get up bitchboy it's time for breakfast!" The human bellows. Ranboo dosent so much as twitch. He tries to get up, but his body won't respond to his commands. Tommy shouts something else, and Ranboo cannot respond. His mind starts to slip further and soon he cant even understand what Tommy is saying.
He keeps trying to tug himself back up into his own body, but he can't. Hes lost somewhere in his own head and he cant get out. His door opens and a human peeks their head in, looking confused. By all accounts, Ranboo should be panicking. One of the universe's most deadly predators is in his room, but he cant bring himself to be afraid. The human's face triggers a feeling of safety, for some odd reason. Perhaps it's one of their lesser-known hunting techniques, but Ranboo can't shove away the feeling that the human wont hurt him.
So he lets the human come closer, walking to his bedside slowly, head tilted in the human way of expressing confusion.
"-boo? Ranboo?"
Oh that's him. How does the human know his name? Oh well, whatever the reason, Ranboo should at least try to answer.
He tries to open his mouth, but cant manage more than a weak hum. The human perks up slightly, and starts speaking at a rapid fire pace that Ranboo cant follow in his current state.
The human seems to realize this, because they grab his hand and squeeze. Not enough to hurt, though Ranboo doubts he can feel pain so deeply in his own mind.
"-go get Phil." The human says, sounding concerned. Ranboo dosen't recognize the name, but it brings up flashes of feelings, not quite memories. Safety, catharsis, freedom. He doesn't stop the human from leaving, maybe they will bring the safe feeling back with them.
Time passes, and Ranboo drifts weightlessly. Feeling for all the world like his soul is not in his body.
There are footsteps, two of them, one pounding and the other clicking. The door was left open, so the two people these footsteps belong to enter with no issue. The human is back, and behind him another creature, an elytrian, clicking worriedly at him. Ranboo wants to greet them, but he cant do anything but stare blankly.
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s4turns-r1ngs · 3 years
Hello Hello!!
I just wanted to say o love your Bench trio fics! They’re amazing!
I was also wondering if you could do The bench trio X Gn! Hybrid Reader! Where the reader is a Fox hybrid!
The reader likes to play tricks/pranks on people! Especially the Dream Team! And while setting up a prank, the bench trio sees them and asks why they’re doing! The reader tells them and Tommy and Tubbo ask if they can join! Dragging Ranboo into it!
After that they hang out a lot and pull pranks in people! The reader also stealing from The Dream Team and Techno sometimes!
A little thing you can add if you want is that the reader gifts a lot of gifts to their friends! Tommy keeps all the little gifts in a secret chest! Tubbo keeps them in a separate room on his house! And Ranboo writes the things you give him on his memory book and puts them in his ender chest so he never looses them!
ALSO!! The reader would sometimes kidnap Micheal to spend the entire day with him! Spoiling him to no end with Toys, clothes, food, etc! You dont have to add this tho!!
Take care! <33
DSMP - Sneaky
Summary: As a fox hybrid, it was only a matter of time before you pulled Tommy, Tubbo, and Ranboo into your plans. (Also bonus Michael content because Michael Is Beloved. <3)
Pronouns: they/them
Warnings: Swearing, General Chaos (its the bench trio, are you surprised), consensual kidnapping
-> [a/n] - oh my god??? thank you???? you're so nice?????? sldfjlskdjfsldjfslkfjl,, i hope this is good! also first part is in third person pov, because i need to get better at writing that lol. readers dialougue is blue :]
-> p!c!benchtrio (and michael too <3) + reader, the beginning has a little p!bbh + reader too :]
> divider that i can't add bc im not on mobile. sadge <
[y/n] smiled mischievously as they rounded the corner, making sure that the unsuspecting victim (which at the moment, is badboyhalo) couldn't see them. they wanted to make sure that their trick worked, so that they could possibly use it on someone else later. of course, they would apologize to bad, because they still value him as a friend, but even friends play pranks on each other every now and again.
their ears perked up as they heard talking from around the corner they just turned. peaking their head around, [y/n] was greeted with some of their closest friends: tommy, tubbo, and ranboo.
"oh, hey guys!" they greeted, with a small wave as they repositioned themself so that they could talk to their friends, and watch bad at the same time.
ranboo smiled. "hey [y/n]!"
tommy and tubbo ran up to them, a wide smile on the latter's face, while tommy just looks like he doesn't want to be here. (obviously he does, but he's tommy. it's not really surprising at this point.) either way, he mutters out a "hello" with a smile he seems to be repressing.
tubbo looks around the corner. "so what are you doing?"
"oh!" [y/n] exclaims, tail swishing ever so slightly faster. "oh! i'm just testing out a new...'trick'!"
ranboo raises an eyebrow in suspicion. "a...'trick'? what are you-"
the fox hybrid holds up a finger, moving their body so that they were hidden around the corner. "shhh. it's about to happen!"
the trio watches [y/n]'s eyes light up as the demon, once dry, is covered in water. they all hear him shout and see him look around, as if to try and catch the culprit. bad glances over at the corner just in time to see [y/n] duck behind it.
"shit." they turn towards the three, and with another smile they stand properly. "sorry guys, gotta blast! nice seeing you, though!"
they hear tommy let out his signature laugh as they run, a nine and a half foot tall demon chasing after you.
giving gifts! (hcs bc yes)
-> ngl you probably woke him up in the middle of the night bc you found something cool. or made something cool. either or.
-> he will take it regaurdless of whether or not he's tired as shit or wide awake. free stuff from fox friend? cool. give.
-> he probably has a shelf in his house with all your little gifts on it.
-> he may not say it immediately most of the time (bc you DID wake him up at like two in the morning) but he is greatfull for all of your gifts :]
-> bro i hc that this fucker LOVES shiny shit
-> (i mean, so do i but that's besides the point)
-> n e ways
-> you give him a shiny rock? here. have a cool stick in return.
-> raccoons are crazy man. he (like you) has a collection of tiny little things too. sometimes you trade. bc that's friendship <3
-> it doesn't matter when, bc he will always be awake when you want to give him something. he will 9 times out of 10 give you soethibg in return
-> if you wear jewelry, then he probably gave it to you :]
-> for some reason, he's also always awake whenever you give him gifts.
-> and he, like tubbo, aslo has a set place to put all of your gifts
-> he even writes about it down in his memory book so he doesn't forget about it <3
-> ranboo thinks all the little rocks you find and decide to give him are vv cool.
-> you: hey ranboo!! look at this cool rock i found!!
-> ranboo: that is so very cool and/or poggers can i please have it
-> another shiny stuff lover <3
-> bc i hc that mr. boo's chaarcter wears earrings and stuff, he decides to take one of the cool rocks you gave him and turn it into one!
-> you point it out and he just smiles and says: ye i know :) i did it bc your cool :)
-> and then you just die from embaressment bc who wouldn't if that happened
bonus michael thing bc i actually really like that idea:
you lift yourself a little further on the roof and knock on the window, opening it not long after.
"michael!" you whisper-shout. "michael! are you there?"
a small little zombie piglin pops his face into your view.
"hey, buddy! come here!"
he waddles closer to the window, chicken plushie in hand. a little snort makes it out of his mouth when he stops.
placing your arms on the window sill, you begin speaking. "alright, so i have a plan. do you wanna go out for a bit?"
the piglin nods his head eagerly.
you smile. "alright cool. i just need you to climb out this window and then we'll go."
michael looks at you wearily, clutching his plush a little tighter.
"don't worry, mike. it'll be fine. i'll catch you if you fall." you tell him reassuringly.
your ears twitch, picking up some noise from downstairs.
he walks over slowly, still holding onto his plush. carefully, he climbs out the window. picking him up, you slide a note into the room, shut the window, and slide down the roof, landing on the ground without a problem.
you hear a door open from inside and begin walking away, michael squealing excitedly in your arms. it's not long before you hear someone open the window. with a smile, you turn around and wave.
"[y/n]! what the-"
tubbo cuts him off. "-fuck!"
"don't worry guys i'll make sure to bring him back!"
"oh thank god-"
you mock a salute. "see you later guys!"
and then you run off.
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recurring-polynya · 2 years
Happy New Year! Apologies if you’ve talked about this already but what are your thoughts about the anime trailer? And what is your wishlist for the anime?
I probably gushed about it on Twitter and reblogged a bunch of gifsets, but I am not sure I have talked about it coherently on here.
I thought the trailer was awesome and a very good first trailer! With the cool remix of Number One, and the way it opens with Ichigo calmly strolling up to a bunch of hollering Hollows, his big-ass sword slung over one shoulder, I felt like it just perfectly hit that chord of "Hey, remember the way the first time you watched Bleach? Yeah, it's kind of dated now, but remember the way it blew you away? Well, hold on to your butts." If I hadn't already come back to the fandom, it would have grabbed me by the shirt and headbutted me. The animation is gorgeous and it showed my two faves in their most badass moments, back-to-back in the same dramatic color palette. I expect there to be a second trailer, maybe in the spring, that might show a little more of what the story is gonna be about, but as far as getting people who may have forgotten how much they love Bleach to sit up and pay attention, I think it was great.
I am honestly a simple woman, I just really love Bleach, and I am very forgiving of its flaws. I do not think that the TYBW arc was a masterpiece by any means, but I do hope that they stick as close to the manga as possible, with some fleshing out of the fights and maybe some addition character moments. (Give us more of Senjumaru, you cowards!!) The original anime had a bad habit of changing random things for no reason, often ruining the pacing of an arc, or just being weird, and I hope they just don't. Anyway, here are some things I am hoping for:
Bleach has always set the bar for OPs and I am looking forward to an absolute bop. Stretch wish: Let the OP feature one of those classic flash-thrus of every captain posing with their lieutenants, we never got a single scene of Rukia and Ukitake doing Captain Shit together, the least they can do is throw us a dramatic power pose.
The OST in the classic anime kept the old bangers while adding in a new motif as new settings and villains were introduced, and I hope that gets retained. Please, please, please let me hear Precipice of Defeat in the year 2022. If they play Reminiscence while Byakuya tells As Nodt “It is not I who will defeat you”, I will probably burst into tears. 
Shinigami's Cup, please please please. I would also like roughly 4 filler episodes. Not, like, Bount filler, but the High Quality filler like the Lamp Society episode or the Maid Cop movie. What I really, really want is a third New Year's episode in the same A-side lieutenant wacky hijinks/B-side sweet Renruki story format to round out the trio.
To be honest, the one part I am extremely worried about them messing up is the part where Rukia confronts her fears while fighting As Nodt. I actually rather like the way the manga never shows what her greatest fear is, but subtlety hints that it's Renji-related (he isn't shown among her lesser fears, the fact that the title of issue 566. What is your fear? is placed on the same page as Rukia warning Renji to play it safe and hide between battles). It would aslo be fine if the anime wants to make this more explicit, but I will flip a table if they ruin this for me.
At one point, I was convinced they would never include the dick-rope scene + sensual sweating, but... maybe??? After this summer’s one-shot was catered so specifically to my interests, I feel like there’s actually a possibiity!
The Kenpachi - Unohana fight better fuck.
I am also really looking forward to the part with Yachiru's shikai and I hope it is more than 3 seconds long 
There are so many fights in the TYBW and so many of them are boring, I hope they deal with this somehow, I really do not want this to be another Fake Karakura Town arc. At least in this case, they aren't stalling for the manga to catch up, so I don't anticipate them repeating so much between consecutive episodes, at least.
We deserve to see Byakuya's caboose in the Royal Realm. I am not even into this man, I just think this shot should be full length, to, you know, emphasize how Serious this arc is.
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despiteherself · 3 years
King Julien?
King Julien my beloved…….
Also sorry this took me so long omgggg
* favorite thing about them
everything <3
okay, so this comes as no surprise to literally anyone who’s heard me talk about kj but his big heart. i absolutely adore that so much of his story is about how his big heart fumbling around saves the day, even when the story is about his own hubris. Whether it was intentional or not ahkj ended up being a powerful story about a kind-hearted party animal with an inherited legacy of violence and mistreatment heal from his own trauma with the love for his people. yes! it was messy and it is a kids show so it had a lot of continuity issues and like…. toilet humour, but underneath it was so tender. kj’s story of wanting to be king for perks, to feeling like he didn’t deserve to be the one true king but managing to unite the entirety of the kingdoms Madagascar under his love as a symbol was so…….. kj’s big heart saves the day <3
even in the movies, where he is classist and bigheaded he still manages to do it? melman is brave because of kj’s empathy for a talking head, and the circus goes back to the Central Park zoo to help the zoosters bc of kj’s love. his line about “it doesn’t matter what you smell like, or what i smell like, it matters what we smell like together.” is what prompts everyone to forgive the lies.
* least favorite thing about them
nothing he’s perfect <3
I don’t know how to feel about season 5 after exiled. I know it must have been hard trying to tie everything up, going back to the joke based continuity and toilet humour after the emotional sucker punch of exiled. it just. feels like it rehashes old plots but makes them more complex and I think if it hadn’t been after exiled I wouldn’t feel so…. Unsure. kj in this, starts off desperately trying to prove himself as king (again) for good reason, but then seems to lose himself in petty ways he out grow and serious things reveled through jokes get left behind to make more jokes and it just feels…… kj grew into being a good leader and i wish it wasn’t forgotten again. This isn’t rlly about him, more the writing, and the plot problem - episodic vs long form story telling is a hard one, but it’s what I dislike. Let kj have growth bc he was given some and it’s hard to see it’s gone when we know it’s possible.
* favorite line
Oh this is hard :/
I like whenever he does his little pep talks. Or when he says he loves his kingdom. Those are fun & nonsensical and yet, an encapsulation of why he’s such a good ruler. he does understand his people, in a way the juliens before him didn’t, because he was never supposed to be one of them, and left to his own devices with his big sensitive heart made a connection that would outlast even the cruelest of julien kings. julien wants to be loved so badly, and he makes a mess of it, but he holds together the cracks of the lemurs before him, hurt by others the way he was and together they build something worthwhile.
“think of it as me sandwich, stuffed with me.
Pretty good right?” Bc that’s one of the funniest scenes
* brOTP
royal quartet <3
kj and literally everyone. i love him being friends and loving towards just about everyone
kj x his kingdom as a wholistic statement <3 i think married to his kingdom is what’s most satisfying for me. Kj who makes the specific choice to focus on his kingdom instead of personal goals - and despite loving children so much, making the specific choice to end the julien line (it’s reign of terror) with him. Ahhhhhhhh that would be so satisfying narratively.
also, not to bring this up again but i do think it would be beneficial to both their characters of like kj and ted had a idk passionate summer fling and are now each other’s wingmen post divorce. i say again but i barely think I’ve hinted at it so you know, whatever. i just think their dynamic is SO interesting, and the one scene in exiled where Ted saves everyone is just……. ah, perfect. I wish we got a deeper exploration of Ted & Dorothy, and Ted & his rejection by julien at lemur school & losing prom king & his obsessed with being needed/wanted.
I have no issues with any of the pairings that happened lmao, but obv most of them are exes and i think they’re fun that way. Karen, rob, crimson, karl probably, idk, i guess skipper? i don’t think they date bc skipper is homophobic <3
* nOTP
There’s just way too much family symbolism & literally having clover and Maurice ACTUALLY taking his parents place for me to be anything but squicked by kj/either of them/both of them. no shade to anyone who does, but it just makes me feel :////// I also just love their dynamic as friends, and whilst exploring toxicity in relationships can be interesting, i rlly think that if the three of them became more dependent on each other it would just stunt them all. they do better as a unit in relation to everyone in the kingdom.
I didn’t include mort in the family part even tho he pretends to be kj’s son once but he’s included in that. people who say royal trio over royal quartet break my heart, mort is equally important in this dynamic and also. notp thanks
aslo don’t care for pancho :/ sorry pancho lovers <3 it’s just i don’t think he’s half as important as anyone makes him out to be and i don’t think he and kj rlly have that much chemistry, especially not compared to like his interactions with pretty much every single adult lemur. it’s whatever! ppl have fun with it, i just personally don’t see why you’d pick it over literally any of the other side but main-ish characters. i actually think, if anything, kj is more dismissive towards pancho than a lot of characters, especially considering he’s so flirty. and no amount of the Manchurian candidate can make up for that, especially when it was about family again.
ok now that I’ve alienated like 98% of the ahkj fandom it’s okay it’s not like super notp it’s just i don’t care for it <3
* random headcanon
kj starts watching todd’s unboxing videos one day when he’s relaxing, after he’s calmed down about the captain booty butt toy being stolen, like 3am channel surfing and like gets rlly into the concept bc like surprise toys out of box is peak adhd excitement. he wants to start his own channel and in his excitement gets everyone to watch his stuff which doesn’t have the care or knowledge (bc the excitement for kj is the surprise - can relate) that Todd’s has and Todd’s show gets canceled. he’s obv pretty sad bc that was Todd’s only hobby outside of doing what his mum makes him do & he gets rlly upset. eventually, somehow, kj stumbles upon Todd being sad and they have a convo and kj realises that he stole Todd’s hobby & that actually, the hovering, full attention of Tammy is suffocating and not something kj should long for. I rlly want Todd & kj to have an end to their “rivalry”. They make up, kj retires his unboxing channel and promos Todd’s, Todd gets to hang out in the plane as a friend to get away from his family for a while, kj learns the value of space.
* unpopular opinion
again… are there unpopular kj opinions???
i just think he should have had the proper number of rings on his tail. when i look at it I’m like, sir please give him the correct number it hurts me to see like 7 of each colour and i think it ends in a white tip which >:/ which is a silly thing to find annoying
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josiecarioca · 3 years
On Severus’ robes, wizard and muggle clothes and the importance of fashion in “Post War”
In my post about Evelyn's teenage crush and Severus wizarding robes (makes sense in context), @hayalee8 asked me wether Evelyn will, at some point, wear wizarding robes.
Imma just take this opportunity to ramble a bit about fashion in “Post War” (because I was supposed to be doing something else, so this is what I´ll do now).
Some of you may have noticed that fashion is kind of a big deal in this story. 
Evelyn- I have talked in another post about how Evelyn performs her “traditional” femininity as a way to assert herself. Basically she dresses to feel powerful, and in some ways to control how other people react to her,  She dresses up for business meetings, parties and events in the same way a warrior would put on a suit of armor to go to battle. When she has lunch with Pavel/Dmitri to discuss the book deal she wears a hyper tailored purple dress (purple being the color of royalty, and the meticulous tailoring as a display of power). In her two first “official” dates with Severus she choses contrasting outfits: a white lace dress with a pink princess style coat (she´s meeting him in a church on Christmas, and goes for something that looks angelic, and makes her look more approachable) and for Severus birthday she wears a form-fitting emerald green dress with a plunging neckline (green is his favorite color other than black, the cleavage shows off the silver-green crucifix on her neck, slytherin colors, and by then their relationship has taken on some sexual elements, so the dress is more provocative.  Through the story she wears bright colors, particularly shades of red, high heels and bold jewelry in stark contrast to Severus who wears the same simple shapeless black outfits. She’s like a force of life bursting in when Severus is trying to figuratively “remain dead” . In the chapters that take place in Spain (when she and Severus are in a established relationship) her fashion choices also change slightly, she still wears loads of red, but there´s less structure and more sensuality: bare shoulders, long sundresses, sandals, loads of stark white, splashes of orange and blue and loads of rich, flowy fabric and flamenco inspired cuts.
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Severus- Severus’s fashions are much simpler but they also tell a story. He starts the narrative wearing mostly slacks or jeans and turtlenecks, all in black (or very dark denim for the jeans). After the war,he´s left Hogwarts, and has lost much of his identity: he´s no longer a spy, no longer a teacher, and he´s hidding from wizard society, so in a way he´s no longer a wizard. But he doesn’t know how to be anything else, he´s built his entire persona on being a spy, a teacher and a wizard. Living among muggles he can no longer wear his robes, so he wears a “muggle version” of them, a sort of mockup. The black turtlenecks not only hides his neck scars, but they aslo serve as a simplified version of his teaching robes and figuratively keeps him “buttoned up”. The long sleeves and jackets hide the dark mark, but also cover him up in a way a cloak would have done before. When he leaves the house all he does is add layers, as if trying to protect himself from the outside world: scarves, jackets, boots. All black or grey, all clunky, shapeless and heavy. Is like he´s trying to turn himself into a shadow, to disappear. The first subtle change is the jumper Evelyn’s mother gives him as Christmas gift. It´s a moss green woolen Aran sweater with Evelyn´s family pattern on it (each family has its own knit pattern and this is an early indication that Severus will be part of this family soon). Originally it was meant for Evelyn´s father, but he died before it was finished, so in a way this foreshadows that Severus also symbolically steps into his shoes as  a male presence in a family that currently has none (as all men in the family passed away). From there on Severus receives small, subtle additions to his wardrobe. As his relationship with Evelyn grows closer the turtlenecks are replaced by button-up shirts or boatneck long sleeved shirts. Navy blue, lighter greys and different shades of green start to appear. Sometimes he rolls up the sleeves, leaving his forearms bare. Then, much like it happens to Evelyn, we get to the Spain chapters and his style changes significantly. He switches his color palette from dark blues, dark greens and dark greys to lighter blues, lighter greys and blueish greys. The Black is still there (pants, shoes, belts), but now there´s the final addition of white. It starts with white shirts and t-shirts, but then there’s *THE* white linen suit. This is Snape in all white. This is Snape ready to transition into a new life and come clean about his past. It´s a rebirth of sorts.
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Soooooooooo...when he goes back to wearing wizarding robes, It IS going to be a big deal. Because this will be Snape reclaiming his old identity, but under new terms. He´s not a spy or a teacher, he’s a war “veteran”, a hero, and now he’s inequivocally one of “the good guys”. Also, with Dumbledore gone, he and Minerva are as close to a moral leadership as the trio and te former Hogwarts alumni have. More importantly, he´s the man Dumbledore trusted literally with his life. In a way, Dumbledore’s near “sanctity” has rubbed off on him a little. He won’t be wearing teacher robes, instead he´ll be wearing regular robes which have more color and richness to them. He doesn´t need to hide in all black now. He´s not Dumbledore´s shadow anymore. He is himself, finally with his own independent identity.
Which brings me back to @hayalee8 ´s question: Will Evelyn ever wear robes? 
Evelyn’ s persona, her sense of self is expressed through her clothes. It´s an important part of how she build her identity, and how she feels safe and confident to move in life. And those clothes are and have always been muggle clothes. That´s what she wore her whole life, it´s the “suit of armor” she´s comfortable with, and she knows exactly how to use and manipulate it to her own advantage. She *KNOWS* clothes and their impact, be it color, cut, lenght, pattern...So getting her into wizarding robes would be complicated, at least at first. It´s too foreign to her, too unlike what she´s used to, and the fact that her body is a huge part of her self-expression would mean that hiding it under yards of fabric would throw her off at first. HOWEVER, the magic world is also part of her ancestry, something she´d been chasing after her whole life even without knowing and her relationship with Severus reiforces the fact that this is her world too. She descends from wizards and witches, and she´s in love with a wizard. She can´t *just* be a muggle anymore. And as I said, Evelyn KNOWS what looks good on her and what impact she wants it to have.
So to answer the question: Yes, she will wear robes, but they will not be what an average witch would be wearing. They´ll be tailored to her, to the cuts, colors and patterns she knows work best from her experience with muggle fashion, and they´ll have a lot of muggle elements to them. 
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