#aster is really pretty though so that's okay
eurydemyse · 11 months
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local farmer is madly in love with beach hermit and they can not be quiet about him
+ bonus ref of my favorite creature of a farmer (aster)
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doppiodrips · 1 year
that mean dom kyo was delicious thank you for the juice and oh lawd a 4some with the moon bros??? i think i will ascend. just- ugh all holes filled?? please please please i wanna read it please make it 🙏🙏🙏
Glad you enjoyed it! ALSO YEAAAA 4SOME MOONBROS Also Aster cross dresses in this, bcs sucking someone's dick with their skirt up is hot idc what anyone says. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ILUNA was hosting an event that all the students were outside attending, they often don't get the chance to go outside onto the massive field to compete against their fellow student body, but no one seemed to notice that their top students were missing. Only person who knew about what they were up to, was you. Everyone knew you four were a thing, but they also didn't know you were the infamous moon bros cocksleeve, ready to please them in whatever way they wanted, and today was one of those days, as the three men have been so stressed as of recently, and you were such a good way to relieve stress! Ren was behind you, fully inside your ass and fucking you at a merciless pace. His was different from the other two, his cock had a bunch of patterns that made every moment like this all the more addictive. "You take it so well.. you really are a slut" He said through the slaps of him fucking you. As much as you wanted to try to deny it to remain some shred of pride, you couldn't respond as you were taking down Aster's cock in your throat, every time you would take more in your throat his skirt would graze against your face.
"M-mm.. h-hahh... your so pretty like this you know? You can take so much more though!!" He gripped your hair and pulled you down further, you moaned against him which caused him to grip your hair even more. "Aww look!! Your cock is dripping!! Don't make such a big mess okay? We don't want others to know what a dirty little whore you are for us!!". All that did was push you further into lust, focusing on nothing but pleasing the three men. Ah right three men. Kyo was busy treating your hands like it was his personal fleshlight, anytime you lost rhythm or got too distracted with Aster or Ren: He slaps your cock "Fucking focus, come on you can keep going" He says while pressing onto your tip, causing you to mewl and clench around Ren tighter, making the alien groan. You kept pumping Kyo's cock, trying to focus on him just so he can keep touching you, you wanted to cum so bad but anytime you got close, Ren would just stay still inside you watching you attempt to bounce on him but with his hands on your hips to keep you still, you couldn't beat him. "Finally your being good" Kyo said through wheezing breaths. Ren continued to speed up from behind you, causing you to moan more against Aster, he pulled you fully against him, grinning at the slight bulge in your throat. "Should we let him cum? Has he been good enough for you two?" Ren said, trying to calm down his breathing. "Y-yes! They'll look so cute all dirty and ruined from us!!!" Aster said while moaning loudly, he always seemed to enjoy this no matter what you did to him. Kyo grabbed your cock and started to pump it, trying to copy them rhythm of Ren's thrusts. Ren thrusted faster, almost as if he's trying to compete with Kyo. The familiar feeling in your stomach started up, it was nearly burning you, you were so lost in the feeling of the three boys using you like a toy, you could tell all three of them were getting close, since Kyo was pumping you an a insane pace, with Ren trying to follow suit, Aster was gripping onto your hair to hold you in place. Soon enough, you moaned against the bi haired male, arching your back causing the bulge in your stomach to become more prominent, and you finally came, the floor under you stained with your juices. Not long after, the three men came all over you, Aster's cum was dripping down your chin as you struggle to swallow it all down. Kyo's cum completely covered your hands while Ren slowly pulled out of you, admiring the amount of liquid dripping out of you, all three got up and looked down at you: Covered in their and your own fluids. Aster gripped your chin, making you look him in the eyes: "Don't worry my star, we'll clean you up so well!!" ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
A/N: I believe in dick drunk Aster tbh.. maybe that'll be my next Aster fic Also XSOLEIL men foursome soon, along with a late Ike birthday special!
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annymation · 3 months
Kingdom of Wishes- A "Wish" Rewrite AUs
AUs are Alternate Universes, new ways to look at how a story could've gone if a few things were slightly different, it's a fun writing exercise to take your story and change it up a bit to see how the characters would react to these changes.
So I did that with my wish rewrite, and I came up with some pretty fun scenarios.
(Warning: that’s a lie, some scenarios here are not fun at all)
So let's begin:
Asha the Star & Aster the Human
That's exactly what it sounds like, Asha and Aster switch places!
In this scenario, Aster is an orphan whose mother was a musician, that's right, musician, not an artist
His grandfather used to say his mother could sing so beautifully and write songs so engaging that people could see whole stories form in their heads, she inspired people to imagine whole new worlds
That was Aster's dream, to write beautiful melodies, sing a song that could inspire people, see beyond reality
So same things that happened with Asha happen to him, he defies the royals (Who also change in this AU, we have Amaya as a queen regnant, so she's above in power than Magnifico, she being the one who has blue blood while he got married in, and their personalities switch. To me that's the funniest thing, like can you imagine Amaya as the drama queen that get's the whole spotlight and has anger outbursts sometimes like the Red Queen and Maleficent? While Mag is in the background just being calm, mysterious and I guess having a fatherly persona? What a twisted vision)
Anyway so they take Aster's wish, change it up yada yada yada Aster goes to make a wish upon a star and we get Star Asha babeeeyyy
Now design wise, Aster as a human would have brown hair, while Asha, as all wishing stars, would have blonde hair, with this hair style
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Loooooong blonde braids that flow in the air constantly like Princess Celestia hair from MLP, and speaking of princess, yeah, she dresses like one too.
Imagine being human Aster here, you wish upon a star and suddenly a beautiful magical princess with gorgeous flowing hair shows up to help you, I would've died
So anyway, Asha has a very energetic and optimistic personality, and much like Aster was in Kow, she's fascinated by earth
When they come up with a plan to inspire the people of Rosas, Asha's idea is to make people draw, express how they feel, make them reflect if they're really happy with this system
Aster of course thinks that's not a good idea at first but she convinces him, so the whole arc of them being found out at the plaza happens yada yada yada let's cut to the good stuff
Instead of giving Aster a magic pencil, Asha enchants his's grandfather's mandolin, so Aster can play beautiful songs that can magically bring anything he imagines to life
So then we get their "At All Cost"... But I actually think Star Asha would sing a different song, she'd sing something like this:
This song just gives me major Kow! Asha vibes, and I'd love if Asha was played by Denee Benton cause I'm a huge fan.
And then the story proceeds as usual and we get to the climax, where instead of singing This Wish Reprise he'd sing something more like this:
Once again, I'm here to say I love Jordan Fisher and I can't imagine anyone better than him to voice Aster.
So yeah he'd have a very dramatic song where instead of using his guitar (That the queen broke) he uses only his voice and the last bit of Asha's magic to defeat the royals, along with everyone's hopes on his side.
Sooo yeah Asha later turns into a human thanks to true love's kiss, her hair turns dark brown, the end!
I like exploring this one because it shows how Asha and Aster are different with her being an artist and him being a musician, human Aster would be very different than the Aster we know though, being absolutely focused on the task at hand of saving his people, so Asha would help him loosen up a bit and have hope things would be better.
Kids AU
Okay so this one is more of a joke, but like... Kingdom of Wishes... But it's Ponyo, only genderbent
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Basically I asked myself "What if Asha wished upon Aster when she was a kid?" well, when she was a kid, so was Aster.
So we'd have a story of a little 6 year old becoming friends with her wishing star. While her grandpa Sabino, still alive and very old, tries to hide this star and protect his spunky granddaughter from the king and queen that are after Aster
Of course the royals would have a harder time finding out who could've wished upon a star since they don't know who Asha is as a kid
But on the other hand, Asha and Aster would be a lot more naive and reckless, Aster would tell Asha "Hey! The king and queen are really mean! They change the wishes, wanna defeat them together" and Asha would be like "YEAH!" and off they go put themselves in danger
Don't think Magnifico would go easy on Aster just because he's a toddler, oh no, he'd drain all this child's power as soon as he caught his hands on them, which is why Sabino would be having a panic attack trying to keep them safe.
But what's really cute about this scenario is just imagining kid Aster interacting with the world, using his magic to play with Asha, and of course Sabino being a protective grandpa.
Bad Ending AUs
You guys know me, of course I have a whole section for not one but TWO bad endings lmao I'm so evil.
What If Asha's Cursed Wish Was Granted?
Yup, remember Asha's cursed wish? That would turn her into a obedient princess that would follow Magnifico and Amaya without question? Remember that wish? Yeah what if THAT happened hahah
Anyway, I thinks it's best if I just show you how that'd play out (Warning, the angst is STRONG in this one):
"That's right, now hold still my dear, this will feel just like waking up from a pleasant dream." The king said as he lifted up her "wish" to grant it.
Asha felt herself frozen in fear, she wanted to speak up, but the fear of what could happen to her if she did outweighed her her strength to fight back.
She could only watch as the bubble popped and became a swirl of green magic enveloping all around her. Asha felt herself change, and not only because her clothes began to magically morph into a beautiful dress... She felt herself change from the inside out, starting with her mind.
Her desire to run away was muffled by a new desire to stay still as the king asked her to. But Asha knew she had to fight back because- Why did she have to fight back? This is what she wanted, to fit in and make people happy, now she finally could, thanks to Magnifico- Asha heard a voice that sounded like her's fill up her mind, popping any idea of resistance like bubbles- Why resist at all? It's easier to give up- She couldn't give up, she couldn't lose herself- But she doesn't even know who she is, and everyone tells her she's like a princess anyway, don't they? Her saba used to say so, her friends, even Aster said she's beautiful like a princess-... Why isn't he here?
She felt her eyes welling up with tears, realizing how helpless and alone she was. Asha knew she couldn't hold on to her consciousness for much longer, as the king's magic promised to make all her pain go away, leaving only bliss, her own freewill was fading away. But even then, a little bit of her is still fighting, tightly clinging onto the last semblance of thought she has left... Before it suddenly slips, and everything is gone… She is gone.
... She did feel like she woke up from a dream, the king was right, as he always is.
The magic that was surrounding her disappears, fully absorbed into Asha's very being. She's now fully transformed, wearing a princess gown, her hair braided and pulled up into a bun that resembled a rose.
... A single tear ran down her left eye, but the cheering crowd couldn't see it. All they saw was her smile, a blissful, carefree smile plastered on her face.
Aster ran back to the plaza as fast as he could. But once the star arrived there... Asha was gone, and so were the royals. The people were walking around commenting about what just happened... He heard people mumbling about how kind the king and queen were for adopting an orphan girl to be their princess...
All it took was one moment, one moment of distraction, one moment that Aster turned away from her... And he lost her... But they wouldn't give up, never, as long as he's on this earth, he will grant her wish, her true wish, no matter the cost.
The star didn't even think twice, revealing his true form in front of everyone, and flying off to the castle to look for Asha.
He looked through all the windows, all the many rooms of the castle, until he stumbles upon a room on the west wing tower, and in there, sleeping peacefully on a comfortable bed, he saw-
"ASHA!" The star screamed, using his magic to unlock the window, he got in and quickly shook her to wake her up "Come on! We gotta get you outta here!"
The princess rose up from the bed, gracefully stretching her arms as she did so, blinking her now unfocused eyes, that if you look closely you could see a small and faint green light sparkling in the center of her pupils.
She smiled at the star as if they were paying her a visit "Greetings Aster, so wonderful to see you-"
Aster grabbed her by the shoulders and just shook her back and forth "SNAP OUT OF IT! This isn't you! You're stronger than his magic, I know you are! You can fight it! Come on, Asha, look at me!" Aster gently places a hand under her chin to make her look at him in the eyes, he can't see her spark anymore... But he still reaches out to her "You wished upon me because you wanted to SAVE Rosas from them, remember? That's the whole reason I'm here, to help you." they give her a bittersweet smile, even though he's filled with sadness.
The girl giggled, in any other context it would be an adorable sound... But it just filled Aster with dread, seeing how his words weren't getting through to her at all. But nothing could've prepared Aster to what she said next "... Then where were you when I needed?"
... Those words pierced through him like a dagger, the star was speechless, now just staring at her, filled with sorow
"Indeed, where were you?"
Aster froze upon hearing the king's voice coming from the other side of the room. He turned around to see both Magnifico and Amaya sitting on comfortable chair next to a table with tea, if Aster could smell he would've probably felt the sent earlier.
"You took so long we were starting to wonder if you just flew back to the sky" Amaya said before sipping on her tea cup
Aster tried to escape through the window, but before he could reach it, he was trapped by the king's magic.
Magnifico and Amaya laughed as the star struggled with all his might to free himself from the king's magic, to which the king just jeered "I suppose a princess was of use to us after all, serving as bait to catch you, little prince"
And just like that, Aster is all alone at the villains mercy.
I tricked yall with a false sense of security starting with two wholesome AUs only to then drop the most heart crushing stuff I've written in a WHILE.
Also thank you @gracebeth3604 for inspiring me to write that scene of Asha losing her conscience as the spell took hold of her, when you helped me write that nightmare sequence in chapter 8... So yall can blame Grace for this /j
Aster Turns Himself Into A Blackhole
What a title huh? Anyway, I've said plenty of times how Aster is very inspired by Rapunzel, so I wondered, what if that "Wither and decay" song from the Tangled series affected Aster the same way that it affected Rapunzel?
I didn't quite explore much Aster's frustration with the fact he couldn't hurt the king and queen the same way they hurt Asha, that's kind of a more internal frustration he doesn't show much, but it proves how human Aster is, to the point that he feels human emotions such as vengeance
But as we say here in Brazil: "Revenge is never complete, it kills the soul and poisons it."
So... Let's see if Aster choose a darker path, after he thought that he lost Asha for good in the climax.
Aster was chained to the floor, all he could do was watch in horror the king drop Asha and all their friends off the tower.
... She was gone...
Just like that, Aster couldn't keep her safe, like he promised he would.
Without her, Aster felt his world growing dark, his own light was fading away. There was no hope for him, no hope for Rosas, no hope of granting her wish... So... Aster had nothing... So he had nothing left to lose.
... The star remembered once listening to a song, a song that stars sing when they're at the very end of their long, LOOOOONG lives. After all, everything must come to an end. The lyrics of this song were actually an incantation, a spell of death that allowed a star to snuff their own light away, turning themselves into... Something else... Something a lot more destructive.
The stars always warned him to NEVER sing that melody. And fly away as fast as he could if he ever heard some other star singing it... Aster never knew fully why, all they said was that the song would make him dangerous...
Well then... That was just what Aster wanted to be right now.
Suddenly, Aster felt the touch of the queen's hand, snapping them out of their thoughts. She lifted his scowling face, to give him a snark comment before they began to drain away his power "What's with the grimace, my dear? Is there something you wish to say?"
And so... The star began to sing.
"🎶... Wither and decay...🎶" Aster's voice was haunting, not at all as warm and lively as it always was when he sang... This was different.
Magnifico was previously looking down on his people, but the sound of those lyrics made the king turn around in cold sweat... He knew that spell.
"🎶...End this destiny...🎶" Aster continued to sing, his eyes were closed, and his face began to contort with discomfort. The star felt himself... Change.
The queen just raised an eyebrow and mocked "What's this? Trying to put us to sleep with a lullaby? hahaha *cough cough* haha" She didn't seem to pay much mind to her own coughing
The king minded it a lot though. He could see the roses on Amaya's hair begin to wither rapidly.
Magnifico's voice was trembling as he ran to his wife "A- Amaya-"
"🎶...Break these earthly chains...🎶" Aster opened his eyes... They were completely dark.
The queen's blood ran cold "wh-what ON EARTH-" she feels herself being pulled away from the star by her husband.
"ENOUGH! I ORDER YOU TO STOP!" The king commands, using his magic to cover Aster's mouth with glowing vines similar to the ones holding him down... But the star... Or rather, whatever Aster is becoming, is not weak to forbidden magic.
Aster breaks free from Magnifico's magic, leaving the two royals mortified.
"🎶…And set the spirit free…🎶" Aster didn't even react to the fact he was free, in fact, they didn't seem to notice the world around him at all, lost in their despair, all they could do was sing, floating above the ground. Tears kept running down his now inky black eyes.
Their hair changes from a yellow and lively flame to a dark and slowly shifting shadow. The star dust flowing out of their cape disappears, now his cape hides only dark nothingness under it. The light coming from the brooch bellow his neck now resembles a vortex... A blackhole.
"Magnus... I thought you said this thing was harmless" The queen is clinging to her king, she begins to feel... Strangely lightheaded, like she’s about to pass out.
"I- I didn't think the star would do this- *cough!*" The king feels a pain in his chest, his legs growing weaker. He stumbles forward "We- we must leave NOW"
But Aster had other plans for them, the former star finally moved. In the blink of an eye the king and him were face to face. With one swift motion Aster took the king's staff and threw it away from the edge of the tower.
The royals were shaking in fear, the entity was towering over them, dark inky tears still flooding his expressionless face.
As a last resort, Magnus desperately tries to reason with them "He-hehe now now Aster, let's talk about this, alright? You wouldn't actually want to-"
"🎶Take what has been hurt🎶" The haunting melody continues.
The king and queen kneeled down. They felt weaker by the second, the queen was whimpering and the king was gasping for air. It was becoming hard to breathe, hard to move, hard to think. They were both holding on to each other, even though they could barely hold on to their own lives.
"🎶Grant them no mercy🎶" Aster was looming over the two mortals, staring at them as they withered away. Aster felt himself grow stronger, for he was slowly but surely absorbing their very life essence... The corners of his mouth started to lift up slightly.
The two villains collapsed on the ground, shaking and wincing in pain.
"🎶Bend and break the reigns🎶" He was previously emotionless, but now, seeing them like this, Aster is consumed by a feeling he never thought he could feel before... It was ruthlessness. He was enjoying seeing the life drain away from them, the same way they wanted to drain his life away before... In a way, Aster understands them now.
The power to take was really different from the power to give... But if felt just as good, if not better.
"🎶And set the spirit free... The spirit free~...🎶" Aster finishes the lyrics, looking at the two lifeless bodies below him with twisted glee.
... Asha arrived at the top of the tower, as she never actually died, she managed to save herself and her friends with her magic pencil, and with it, she made her way back to Aster, hopeful that she could save him in an nick of time
"Aster! I'm here! Are you o-" She felt her heart stop, her whole body frozen in place when she saw the corpses of the two royals laying down... Beneath a floating figure that looks like Aster... But she knows that's not him "What... What have you done?" Asha takes a few steps back
He doesn't seem at all surprised to see her alive and well, simply tilting his head to the side as he floats towards her "What I had to. I mean, that's what you wished for, right? To defeat them." The creature spoke calmly, but with a twisted smile spread across their features.
"No-not like THIS!" She was trembling, seeing her own reflection on the dark pools that he now has for eyes "A-Aster please, this isn't funny, turn back to normal, NOW"
"Hmmmmm I don't think I can" They shrug, while drying the tears that were previously falling from his eyes "And even if I could, why should I? When like this, I can actually keep you safe"
"... Keep me safe from what?" She felt tears welling up on the corner of her eyes, Aster couldn't really be gone, right?
He embraced her, but it wasn't the same warm and secure embrace Asha fell in love with... He was holding her tightly, not letting her run away.
"From anyone who tries to keep us apart, of course." The blackhole whispered lovingly, but that gave Asha no comfort, it only cemented her fear, sending chills down her spine "And as long as your wish doesn't come true... As long as aaaaall those people down there aren't free... I'll be able to stay here... Loving you... Forever." They sound more and more deranged with every word.
Asha felt trapped, in the arms of the one she once loved.
I bet ya'll weren't expecting evil Aster... Welp! Evil Aster is a thing now.
This is probably the darkest thing I’ve ever wrote for real, don’t let me do this again yall
@uva124 actually sneaked a little drawing of this Aster in one of her sketches here
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So yeah! These were the alternate AUs! Two wholesome ones, and two very heavy with no comfort ones, perfectly balanced as all things should be.
Hope you guys forgive me after this hahaha see you guys next time! Bye!
Thank you for reading!
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
I know you've written about aster y/n's birthday but what about Harry's birthday. I'm sure she'd surprise him with some sexy but cute lingerie.
would u ever write another smutty aster blurb with aloooot of daddy kink and harry is lowkey rough but she likes it?
how do u feel about aster getting a little rough in bed? I know they’re known for making love but I feel like you could still make it intimate
wordcount: 29.5k+
"Harry, stop! I'm trying to ask you a question!"
(Y/N)'s command was more than lacking in conviction as she wheezed it through bouts of giggles. Despite her half-hearted request, Harry didn't stop his attack on the soft curves of her sides for even a second, his fingers digging in tickling runs over the sensitive skin. As he lent over her, chest bare with his tattoos on display, his hair hung around them like a curtain as if the strands could offer an extra layer of privacy in the middle of his darkened bedroom. 
"A question that y'already know the answer to," Harry sung, teasing her over the sound of her stilted laughter. If he wasn't careful, she was going to lose a lung with the way she sucked in oxygen only to pump it out a moment later under duress. 
"Pl-Please! I can't breathe!" (Y/N) squeaked. Begging didn't quite have the same effect through a giggling smile, though, she was learning. 
"But y'look so pretty laughing like this," Harry crooned, hovering closer above her, "Why should I stop?" 
Fitting her arms around his shoulders, (Y/N) tried her final strategy. She clung to him like a koala, hoping to somehow disarm him or even squish his hands between their bodies to make him immobile. In the end, when her form was pressed to his, it worked as the perfect distraction. Harry couldn't stop himself before he was moving instinctively and wrapping his arms around her to hold her as she wrapped around him like a vine. She panted in his ear, struggling to catch her breath as he rolled them to have (Y/N) lay atop his chest with their legs tangled. 
"Thank you," she peeped between gasps, feeling flush after the tirade a single question had brought on. 
Harry, with his arms wrapped tightly around her middle and his face tucked into her neck, whispered, "I didn't hurt you or anything, right?" 
She was quick to shake her head at his words, the movement stilted in her own position with her face in his shoulder. "No, just couldn't breathe for a little. I know you were only playing, it's okay." 
Letting out a deep breath, he flexed his hold on her in a tight pulse before turning to press a kiss to her hairline. His lips lingered on her skin, the cool sliver of his lip ring a bright spot against (Y/N)'s heated skin. 
A beat of silence passed, (Y/N) melting in his old before she burst with the same question that had prompted Harry's play wrestling. 
"So... You never really answered me," she drawled, hoping her hidden position in his chest would shield her if he decided he wanted to play around again, "What do you want for your birthday?" 
Harry sighed, his breath fanning through her hair. "Lovebug," he started, amusement and exasperation mingling in his tone, "I did answer you. I don't want anything, you know that. I only want you." 
(Y/N) held back a hmph. What a lame answer. 
"But you already have me." 
"I know," his classic lopsided smile audible in his words, "I have you every night."
A heat raised to (Y/N)'s cheeks that she was sure he felt against his chest. Despite the fact it was clear he had her last night with the minimal amounts of clothing on both of them—(Y/N) in only his shirt and Harry with boxers slung low on his hips—and the mess of sheets and blankets that wasn't just from the mess of hands Harry woke her up with, he hadn't needed to say it like that.  
"But—Harry, I—"(Y/N) floundered, unable to find her tongue through her heart lodged in her throat. 
His laughter rumbled his chest underneath her, the sound ringing close to (Y/N)'s ears. "You're so cute, baby." 
Though her mouth was now dry and her heart pulsed at his mumbled compliment, (Y/N) tried again, "B-but, I'm not a real present. I want to get you something nice like you always do for me." 
Harry finally reared back from the home he made in her shoulder, forcing her to pull back and fall under his observing gaze. The lack of black kohl around his lashes did nothing to soften the intensity of his eye contact, though the moss color of his irises were undeniably tender as they took her in. The lip ring she was very familiar with glinted in the low light that filtered through the cracks in his curtains, a matching hoop to the black ring pierced through his nose. All around him, his hair fanned out in twisting curls, his own form of a messy halo though he had dubbed her to be the angel between them. 
It was moments like these, when she had an unobstructed view of him—of the love of her life—that she couldn't help but be grateful for everything that happened before they met. If her parents had raised her differently, if she hadn't grown to be the person she was now, who knows if she ever would have had this? Had him? 
No matter how many times he embarrassed her with his flirty words or tickled her until her breath was stolen and tears entered her eyes, she wouldn't trade a single second of it. 
"I really don't need anything, darling, I promise. 'M not talking shit when I say you're m'present. That's enough for me. I don't need anything else when I've got you." His voice came out in a croon between them, as if he were sharing a secret only to be heard by her. 
(Y/N) felt her features round out at his words, softening the lines and creases. Her lips curved into a gentle line on her face, tender as his eyes. 
"Are you sure?" she pressed, settling her chin on his chest as she gazed up at him.
"'M sure, love," he said, craning his neck to press a delicate kiss to her nose, "Jus' want y'to spend the day with me, that'll be enough for me."
As (Y/N) melted into his hold, feeling every bit of his warmth through her thin top, she liked that she was enough for him.  
Still, she was going to ask Mitch if there was anything Harry mentioned that he wanted.
Waiting for the waffle maker to beep, (Y/N) did her best to blink the sleep crust from her eyes. How Harry was able to do this every morning without fail was beyond her. Breakfast was nice and all, but sleep was something she savored more than any food that was served before ten a.m.. 
But, this was for Harry, she reminded herself. This whole seven a.m. wakeup and padding across the cold floor in bare feet, was for Harry. Today was his birthday—the first birthday of his that they were spending together—and she was determined to do any and everything she could to make this day special for him. Though she ultimately decided to stick to his request of no presents (mostly, it had been because when she had consulted Mitch, and he had offered her the same answers that Harry had given her; that He said he didn't want anything and hadn't dropped any hints to indicate otherwise), she did have a few tricks up her sleeve that she was going to utilize to the best of her ability. 
If he wanted her as his gift, she was going to be the best little present she could be. 
From the corner of her eye, the bouquet of flowers she had picked up and braved the world for before eight o'clock caught her attention. It wasn't exactly a traditional present, but he got her flowers all the time. She hoped he liked the arrangement, even if there was an extra smattering of pink baby's breath dotted through out upon her request. 
The waffle maker beeped a little too loud for the early morning, making (Y/N) jump in her spot. A heavy sigh was sucked in through her nose, hoping the vanilla scented oxygen would have a hand in hopefully waking her up. Plating the crispy waffle, (Y/N) reached for the few fixings she had grabbed after spooning the batter into he maker. Some special vanilla infused butter Harry had found on one of his grocery trips was smeared on top before a couple of spoonfuls of split raspberries were dotted across. Instead of syrup, (Y/N) added a drizzling of honey to settle in the punched out squares of the waffle, something she hoped he would appreciate since they were out of the regular syrup after he and Mitch had a long night filled with the munchies a couple of days ago. The finishing touch came in the form of a yellow and white striped birthday candle shoved right in the middle.
Now, she had to hope he hadn't somehow woken up through the minimum amount of noise she made all morning and surprise him with his birthday breakfast. 
Balancing the plate in her hands, one of Harry's lighters tucked away in the pocket of her (his) hoodie, (Y/N) danced around Evie as she made her way to the bedroom. The kitten seemed just as excited to wish Harry a happy birthday it seemed (and to probably get bits and pieces of the waffle that (Y/N) knew she would cave and hand out like treats). 
Evie let out a chirping meow as they approached the door, her voice a bright squeak in the middle of the quiet, to which (Y/N) shushed her for. "Not yet, Evie, we'll sing in a minute when he wakes up," she murmured, carefully twisting the doorknob and entering the bedroom she so missed when she had been out and about.
Just as she hoped, Harry was still snug in bed. His head was cushioned by the black satin cased pillow she had done her part to convince him was good for his hair and skin, all the while hugging the one she had slept on and later replaced her own form with when she crept out early that morning. His chest was bare through the black bedding was tugged high to reach the top of his shoulder and shield him from the chill of sleeping alone. His lashes curled and touched the very height of his cheekbones, a crease running along his cheek where he had laid on the pillow wrong, a small gap parting his lips as he breathed in even, deep paces. 
(Y/N) beamed at the sight, her heart thumping in her chest and lungs squeezing as the butterflies in her tummy flew high up. This was a rare sight for her, seeing him asleep. Unless she somehow beat him out and stayed up later than him or managed to wake up before the sun, he was the one that got the view of her sleep-softened form. 
She carefully stepped over the floorboards, aware of Evie skating between her feet and racing her to the bed's edge. While (Y/N) placed the waffle stacked plate on her bedside table (Harry had bought another one soon after he gave her a key to his place, never really saying anything about it other than that she could start leaving some of her stuff there overnight if she wanted), Evie jumped up on the bed and sat close to her dad's face with purrs rumbling through her chest. 
Emulating the kitten, (Y/N) climbed up the bed and sat next to where Harry laid with her legs tucked underneath her. She reached a gentle hand out and brushed Harry's curls from his forehead, fingertips lingering over his skin. "Harry," she crooned, settling a delicate hand on his shoulder, "Harry, wake up." 
A short grunt was all she received in response before he attempted to roll over and smush his face in the pillow that had taken her place in his arms. 
"Harry, no, it's your birthday and I made you breakfast. Wake up, please, H," she tried again, shaking him gently with her grip on his tattooed shoulder. 
Awareness crept into the edges of Harry's features, his breathing breaking the even pace he had curated while his eyes squeezed tightly shut. "(YN)?" he grumbled, voice deep and graveled as he breathed her name.
"Happy birthday, Harry," she whispered, shuffling closer to him with the bedsheets bunching underneath her. She chanced a small kiss to he round of his shoulder, stamping her lips atop the cursive A she now knew represented his mother's initial. 
A lopsided smile plucked at the corner of Harry's lips though he kept his eyes lidded. "Thank you, baby," he murmured, "Is that what's got y'up so early?" 
"Mhm," (Y/N) phummed, absently petting Evie as the kitten made her way to stand on the pillow by Harry's head, her purring growing in volume as she searched for his attention. "I made you breakfast and everything." 
This finally drew a slow blink of Harry's eyes, opening just a crack as he gazed up at her. "You did?" 
An eager nod of her head tossed the stray pieces of hair that fell from her bun into flutter around her face. "I made you waffles with all of your favorite things—but I forgot to grab syrup at the store so I used honey, instead." 
The lopsided curve bloomed into a full smile now as Harry listened to her. Rolling onto his back and effectively displacing Evie from her perch, he stretched his arms high above his head and let the covers fall to his middle. His eyes were sleep hooded even as he fully awoke, laid up in the soft sheets that tumbled closer to his waist the more he moved, allowing the full of his bare chest to be on display. He gazed at her from his spot, lazily dragging his eyes over her form as he noted her borrowed shirt and sleep mussed hair. She felt both exposed and safe under his gaze; he saw everything in her, she could do nothing to hide even a detail, but she also knew he would never love her any less because of anything he found. 
Before (Y/N)'s thumping heart could fly her off the bed, she reached for his breakfast plate and the almost forgotten lighter she had set next to it. Evie scurried to her side now that the food was close, reaching to the top of her tiny toes in an effort to catch a sniff of what she was perceiving as her own meal. 
"Even put a candle in it?" Harry murmured, shuffling to an upright position with his back against the headboard, "You're too sweet, lovebug." 
(Y/N) sang him a quiet happy birthday through a tender smile and flushed cheeks, aware of his gaze on her as she click, click, clicked his lighter to get it to ignite. By the time she finished the short song, her smile had tugged into a frown as she still hadn't been able to get the flame going on the tip of the lighter. A quiet chuckle could be heard from a cross her, Harry's lips in a crooked grin as he reached for her hand. 
"Let me try, baby," he said, warming her hand with his for a lingering second before taking the lighter from her fingers. It took him a single try to ignite the flame before he took it to the wick. 
"Thank you," she peeped, feeling a bit guilty that she ruined his big moment to make a wish and made him do some of the work for his own birthday surprise, "Sorry." 
Harry was quick to shake his head at her mumbled words, "Don't be sorry, nothing wrong with needing a little help. Now, c'mere and be very careful, yeah?" 
He patted his lap with a palm, eyes dropping to the open flame on the waffles as she shuffled over to sit as instructed. Placing his palms on her hips, he helped her with the transition, careful of the plate in her hands as he maneuvered her to sit comfortably atop him. 
"Do you want me to sing again?" (Y/N) murmured once she was situated, her eyes fixed to the wobbling flame. 
A half smile allowed only a single dimple to dent Harry's cheek, a quick shake of his head given in response. "No, baby, y'don't have to. 'M sure m'wish will turn out just fine anyway." 
His gaze lingered over her for a moment as he mentioned his wish, (Y/N)'s skin feeling warm as she noted the path his eyes took down the neckline and slouching shoulder of her borrowed top. Delivering a squeeze to her hips, Harry sucked in a breath before shuttering his eyes and blowing out the slowly shortening candle, the drips of wax falling into a pool of honey (Y/N) was going to need to somehow fish out before Harry took a bite. The doused flame was replaced with the phantom smoke whirling between them. The haze worked as a filter over Harry's features, speared by shards of sunlight breaching the cover of the curtains. 
When he looked like this, she could only describe him as an angel—a miracle. To think this was just the first of his birthdays they would get to enjoy together, with the rest of their lives ahead of them. Just the idea made (Y/N)'s heart hurt and tummy twist into a cocoon for another swarm of butterflies to claim. 
"What did you wish for?" (Y/N) asked, lowering the plate to sit on her lap between them. 
"You know I can't tell you that," Harry nudged her, an amused tilt to his tone, "Nosy girl." 
The corner of her lips tilted in a shy smile, her gaze dropping to the tattoos inked over his collarbones. "Will you tell me if it comes true, then?" 
Her request earned her a kiss on her cheek, the imprint of his lips warming her skin. "I promise, darling," he crooned, his hands on her hips pulsing before joining her gaze on his birthday feast, "Ready to eat with me?" 
"Oh, right," (Y/N) chirped at the reminder, plucking the candle from the waffle to lay on a paper towel she brought along to work as a napkin on the side table. She shifted to climb off of Harry's lap, giving him space, before she was stopped with the grip on her hips. 
"Where do y'think you're going?" 
Brows pinching in the middle, (Y/N) canted her head as she looked to him. "I thought you said you wanted to eat." 
"With you," Harry cemented, ducking his head to be level with her, "So you've got to stay right where y'are." 
"I only brought one fork, though." 
"Didn't know y'were so scared of m'cooties," Harry teased, plucking the utensil from the edge of the plate and cutting into the confection. A perfect bite with a pool of honey in the cube and a half of a raspberry tinting the waffle red was cut away and scooped onto the prongs. His remaining hand on her side squeezed, "Open for me." 
(Y/N) did as told with a flush in her cheeks. Wasn't she supposed to be doting on him today? Since when had her romantic plan of a surprise breakfast in bed devolved into Harry feeding her his birthday surprise? 
He raised his brows as she chewed, cutting off a piece for himself with lazy movements. "Good?" 
Her response came in the form of a hummed mhm, a little too shy to speak in that moment. 
Harry looked a little too pleased with himself as he took his own bite, praises for her simplistic cooking following soon after. He didn't mind sharing half of his breakfast with her, cutting off one bite for her before scooping his own up. He was quiet as they ate, asking her how her morning went without him and if she had any dreams she wanted to share (she'd had one last night where they were driving around aimlessly and Harry wouldn't ask for directions no matter how many times she told him she didn't know how to get to Greenland without an airplane). 
All the while, his attention was very lovingly and liberally served to her in the form of tender eyes and soft smiles. Soft lips kissed away dots of honey that had escaped her mouth and shared the sweetness of the vanilla butter with her in between bites. He was acting as if it were her birthday all over again, no matter the small mentions she made about how he wanted to spend his birthday and if Mitch had anything planned for him that night (the answer was no, as she had learned, Mitch took the wise route of giving Harry a card and a hug last night before going to the apartment for the weekend, leaving he and (Y/N) alone for the next forty-eight hours). 
It was when (Y/N) was rinsing the plate in the kitchen, readying it to be put in the dishwasher while Harry fawned over his bouquet of flowers, that she decided what the rest of the day was going to look like. No matter how hard he tried to squirm out of today, she was going to ensure he had the best birthday ever. 
Harry was officially the king of squirming out of his birthday. All he needed was a crown.
Other than a few phone calls from his family and the boys at the shop, accompanied by texts interspersed through the day, Harry hadn't acknowledged much of his birthday. A friend of his even shared the same birthday and he had called her first and shared his happy wishes for her before he even admitted that yes it was his birthday too, and yes he was having a wonderful day, thank you. 
(Y/N) even managed to take him out (fighting off an afternoon nap especially with the early morning still hanging over her), and no matter which shop or boutique they went to, Harry managed to find something he told her made him think of her and that she should have. She turned down every proposition, but still, it made her nervous she wasn't putting enough emphasis on him. Even when she took him to an art supply store that she had no business being in given the state of the stick figures she doodled in Harry's sketchbook, hard pressed to get him something he could use—even if it was for work—he still managed to find a carton of colored pencils filled with exclusively pink and rose shades that he told her she could keep at the shop and play around with when she was waiting on him on his late paperwork nights. 
"Harry," she finally whined when they were huddled in the back of a record store, Harry on a mission to find a colored pressing of one of her favorite albums they could play tonight on his record player, "Stop." 
Halting in his tracks, Harry's hand still wrapped in hers, he looked at her with raised brows over the dark sunglasses he hadn't bothered to pull from his face in favor of keeping his hand in hers. "What?" 
"Today's supposed to be about you," she said, somewhat petulantly, fighting the pout that threatened the stern set in her features, "Why are you trying to do all of this stuff for me?" 
(Y/N) could already picture the intensity of his green eyes under the shades as he pursed his lips, the very edges of his brows shaping into a pinch she could see around the frames. "I know," he started, "That's why I was doing all of this."
The first crack in her firm facade came in the form of knitted brows as she gazed up at him, feeling the urge to nervously pick at her nails, a habit Harry was working with her to break so she didn't constantly mess with her manicures. "What?"
An easy smile spread on Harry face, his attention falling back to the cartons and cartons of records stacked around them, fingers thumbing through the alphabetized categories. "When we left, y'said it was m'birthday so we were doing whatever I wanted—whatever made me happy right?" 
(Y/N) nodded her head quietly beside him, following along to whatever aisle he wandered down. 
"I like taking care of you, love, you know that," he said simply, flexing his fingers between hers, "So, doing all these little things for you make me happy. Whenever you're happy, I am, too. That's all 'm trying to do today." 
"But," (Y/N) sputtered, unsure how to get around his logic, "W-We're going to your favorite places; you're supposed to find things you like so I can buy them for you." 
Harry gave her simple nod, sliding out a record that she'd been searching for since it went out of stock online months ago. She tried her best to hide the perk in her demeanor when she saw the cover, the blue tinted silver shining in the light. She knew she failed when he tucked the vinyl under his other arm. 
"I am finding stuff I like, but 'm having more fun this way. Everywhere we go is m'favorite place when 'm with you." 
With her resolve now paper thin, (Y/N) used what was left of her conviction, "I don't know, H. Are you sure?" 
That caused a small pause in his walk. He turned to look at her, finally pushing his sunglasses to sit atop is head and push back his curls like a headband. "Trust me, baby, yeah? 'M very sure about this." 
Her eyes flicked to the record under his arm. "Promise?" 
A tender smile tugged at his lips, the curve going lopsided with only a single dimple denting into his cheek. "I promise." 
(Y/N) let out a small okay next to him, her smile facing the ground as she laid her attention at their feet. Whether or not this was another ploy to squirm out of his birthday, she had to trust him, right? 
Besides, she still had the flowers she left him at home and the dinner she had planned for tonight. And, her agenda for after dinner she hoped went on without a hitch. 
So, she'd let him walk her around a record store, picking out things he knew she liked when she knew there was still another present waiting for him at home.
"First y'make me breakfast, then I see y'brought me flowers, and now you're getting dinner delivered? Darling, I think 'm in love with you." 
Harry's words were stamped on the back of (Y/N)'s neck as she hung up the phone with Little House, their favorite Chinese takeaway spot and the choice of tradition for any special occasion between them. He'd come back from changing in his bedroom to find her on the phone, ordering their dinner when he had rounded behind her and wrapped his arms around her middle in a loose hug as she spoke. She was still fairly anxious when it came to making calls like that, always worried she'd order the wrong thing or mess up her words and hear a snicker on the other end (she knew those were silly little fears that meant next to nothing, but they still poked and prodded at her from the back of her mind), especially since Harry usually took on the responsibility of ordering for them like that, so his presence was more than comforting. His declaration of love after pressing the red button to end the call was like her reward for her troubles. 
"I love you, too, H," she murmured, voice soft as she laid her arms over his and squeezed herself against his chest, "I know today hasn't been the most exciting birthday, but I really hope you've had a good time." 
His smile could be felt in the crook of her neck as Harry shifted his hold on her to grab at the soft of her waist. (Y/N) allowed herself to be pulled wherever Harry wanted her, staying pliant as she was turned to face him with her arms and phone tucked between their chests. His smile was tender as he gazed down at her, the softness of the curve rivaled only by the cushy moss coloring of his eyes. His hands were splayed over the small of her back, pinkies dipping into the dimples at the bottom of her spine. 
"This is the best birthday I've ever had, you know that," he cooed, "I love jus' being with you. I don't need loads of presents or parties or whatever y'think I need, I jus' want to spend time with you. And, I think 's special enough that y'didn't nap today and instead watched that entire documentary with me." 
(Y/N) couldn't help herself but fall into his chest, tucking her head under his chin and face in his neck. Though this was how they'd spent most of the afternoon, tangled together on the couch with whatever show or movie Harry wanted to watch playing on the television, it hadn't gotten old. The feel of his hands warming her back and the tickle of his curls brushing her nose was more than comforting, all the while being encompassed in his scent. As much as today was about him, this was definitely something she considered a gift. 
"That was pretty hard, I can't lie," (Y/N) mumbled, a small smile forming on her lips as she spoke. It really was the truth, anyway; it had been Harry who had pointed out how sleepy she became no matter what film or program was put on the T.V. after spending the morning with him, her being the first to fall asleep between the two without fail, even when she promised she'd watch the whole thing.
A lopsided smile curved over his features, a single dimple denting into his cheek as his tender gaze traced her face. "'M sure it was, baby," he crooned, "'M proud of y'for sticking through it." 
Wiggling her arms out from between them, (Y/N) disregarded her phone on the counter beside them before placing her hands on either side of Harry's jaw, cupping the sharp line in her palms. Her fingertips inched into the very edge of his hairline, his curls loose and grazing his collarbones. 
This was the longest she had ever seen his hair, and she loved it. The silken curls were her favorite things to play with anyway, especially when it was Harry who was having a hard time getting to sleep, and the added length made it all that much more enticing to run her fingers through. 
That was why she couldn't help herself before moving one of her hands from his jaw, brushing her fingers through the strands and tucking them out of his face. She curled his hair behind his ear, allowing the low light glowing through the kitchen to dance over the side of his face and touch the dark ink etched into his neck. She could feel his eyes on her as she indulged herself and glazed her eyes over the planes of his face and the highpoints of his features. When her eyes trailed over his neck, it was the blank spots that had stood out to her the most compared to the black ink she was so familiar with.
He had told her once, late at night when he was talking her to sleep after they'd watched a scary movie, that he'd been wanting to get a tattoo dedicated to her. A pair of tiny angel wings he'd had in mind, the design small enough to fit somewhere on his chest or even his neck, he'd said. Now, whenever she thought to look, (Y/N) found herself pursuing the blank patches of skin that she might find one day filled with angel wings that she'd know were just for her. 
"What are y'thinking about, baby?" 
The sound of his voice and the bob of his Adam's apple in Harry's throat pulled (Y/N)'s attention back to his face. She shook her head, a shy smile on her lips at being caught despite the fact she had so blatantly looked him over. "Nothing." 
In true Harry fashion, he delicately pried as he dipped his head and nudged his nose against hers. "You've gotta tell me now, darling. Can't keep secrets when y'smile like that, 's not fair." 
The hand that she had brushed his hair back with, dropped to trace a cautious fingertip over the cords of his neck down to the neckline of his top, very aware of the warmth of his skin and his eyes that documented her every move. "It was just..." she trailed off, unsure of her own words, "Remember that time you said you wanted to get a tattoo for me? The angel wings and all?"
A slowly curling smile took home on Harry's lips. "Mhm." 
"I was just looking, that's all. Seeing if anything changed." 
"You're just checking, I see," Harry mused, ducking his head again to be eye level with her, the green of his gaze outlined by smudges of inky-black liner, "That would be a fun birthday present, don't you think? I could even have you be the one to give it to me. Would never forget something like that." 
(Y/N) practically blanched at the idea of being the one to hold the tattoo gun to his skin. She'd never have steady enough hands, that was for sure. "I couldn't—I don't think—" 
A teasing pout took over his features, "Y'wouldn't want to do that for me? Give me something special to have with me all the time that reminded me of you?" 
When he put it like that, (Y/N) could almost forgive the jagged lines she would no doubt make. Almost. "Harry..." 
He grabbed at her hand that had fallen to his chest, fingers wrapping around her wrist before he tugged it towards his neck again. From memory, he picked a blank inch of space along the column of his throat, the patch of skin left free between the twisting vines of the rosebush that colored his chest. "Not even if I asked y'to put it here? So everyone would see it? So everyone would know that I've got a pretty angel waiting for me at home. I'd even let y'do them in pink, if y'wanted." 
Her mouth had gone dry as Harry talked. He was so good at things like this, easing her and showing her what those kind of things would mean to him, even if she was scared at first. He was the best at talking to her, soothing the biting fears and anxieties that typically followed her. 
Maybe she wouldn't be so bad, (Y/N) pondered. If she was super careful and remembered to breathe, her hand could steady out and Harry might possibly be left with a petite pair of angel wings drawn by her hand that he would carry with him for the rest of his life.
When she didn't answer, Harry kept on, his eyes drawing over her features in tender runs, "Could do what we did for yours: wait for the shop to close so it'd be just the two of us. Could have you sit on m'lap, and I'd tell y'how to do everything, baby. I know you'd be so careful and good for me. I know you'd make it pretty for me, wouldn't you?"
(Y/N) floundered for a response, feeling her eyelids sink low over her eyes, lashes creating a flattering vignette around the vision of Harry. He knew exactly what he was doing, holding her so close she could feel the vibrations of his voice from his chest before she heard him with her ears. 
It was the picture of her sat astride his lap, Harry laying underneath her on one of the tattoo chairs in the private rooms that made her lungs squeeze the hardest. If she allowed herself to creep towards the back of her mind, in this vision, there was no tattoo gun involved. Even less so, were clothes needed in this mirage. She wouldn't need much of a steady hand with Harry gripping her hips and helping her bounce up and down atop him, the only breathing she'd need to focus on would be to suck in enough air to tell him she loved him between the sinking of her hips. 
Kissing the side of her distracted mouth, Harry mumbled against the skin through a smile. "Now, what are y'think—" 
The doorbell rang just before he had a chance to finish his thought. Dinner was here.
A breath she hadn't been aware was stuck in her throat finally worked its way out when Harry drew away. His eyes were still the bright green she was in love with, but there was something lingering in them that she knew a little to well and recognized in the dark of his bedroom. If they kept this up, the birthday present she had been gearing up for was going to be rushed to be shared on the couch. 
"I should get that," (Y/N) mumbled, the words rolling off her dry tongue though she didn't make a move to leave his arms.
"Probably," Harry mused, a lazy smile tugging at the corner of his mouth, "Or, I can get it. Y'look a little flustered, baby, might be best if I go answer the door, hm?" 
She knew he was teasing her, the slight lilt to his tone all the evidence she needed. Still, even as her cheeks heated and eyes grew a fraction wider at his words, she liked it. She liked it when Harry played these little games with her; when it was just the two of them and he used that voice on her. 
Harry's lazy smile transformed into a full grin at her response. His arms around her waist dropped as he stepped away from her. "Go wait in the living room for me, yeah? I'll be back in just a second, baby." 
He left her after patting at her bottom, a self-satisfied smile on his lips. She watched his retreating form, tattooed shoulders stretching the white tatters of his vintage Rolling Stone's t-shirt his mom had sent as a present. The fabric, worn and old, allowed for the stretch and lean of his muscles to be seen through it, each of his movements highlighted by his tattoos.
At this point, (Y/N) wasn't sure if this gift she had planned tonight was more for him or for her. 
(Y/N) watched from the corner of her eye as Harry sunk further into the couch cushion, his eyes drooping in the light of the T.V.. He held a contented smile on his features as he pulsed the arm he had slung around her shoulders. Their Chinese take away was still spread over the coffee table, having finished with the containers over an hour ago though neither of them had the motivation to put the leftovers away for the night. 
She tried to be discreet in the way she allowed her gaze to trace over the lines of his form. Soft lighting from the kitchen seeped into the living room allowing for Harry to be backlit, his profile standing out against the light. His lashes held a gentle curve, the tips fluttering against his brow bone and resting on his cheekbone every time he blinked. The straight angle of his nose allowed for the perfect slope that directed (Y/N)'s eyes to the hills and valleys of his Cupid's bow. Of course, what caught her eye the most, were the pillows of his lips that she knew like the back of her hand. Even with the lack of light draining some of the color from his features, she knew she could pinpoint the exact shade of raspberry pink that tinted his lips. 
Looking at him now, her heart squeezed when she remembered this was just the first of his birthdays they were spending together. She was going to have the rest of her life to see him grow and change and add to the person she loved.
Moving her gaze from his face, she was more than thankful for the tatters of his Rolling Stone's t-shirt as the holes and gashes in the fabric allowed for peeks at his inked torso. The way he was stretched out, legs spread wide, taking up space next to her with the length of his arm thrown over her shoulders, made the lean muscles in his torso ripple and stretch in a reminder of how strong he was—and how gently he conducted himself with her despite that. His tattoos were dark underneath the fabric, enhancing the shadows already blanketing the view of him. Even without the clear strength he displayed and the lean gracefulness that only came from someone who had grown to love the body they were in, the art inked on his skin was enough for (Y/N) to argue that photographs of him should be hung in the Lourve. Maybe even a statue of him to replace Michelangelo's David would suffice. 
Harry adjusted his position on the cushion, a sliver of his abdomen visible as he moved from one of the holes in his shirt. (Y/N) watched as the muscles contracted and shifted under the ink on his skin, ticking a fond memory (or should she say memories) of the just a couple of nights ago when he had her sat astride his lap and he bucked his hips up into her, abdomen flexing and straining as he bounced her on his hips. She swallowed at the thought, daring to allow her train of thought to drift towards what she was hoping he wasn't too tired for tonight. Just like he had done for her birthday those months back, she had something special in mind for tonight. 
(Y/N) hadn't even realized she'd been caught staring—since when had she allowed herself to shift towards him, straying away from the sly sideways glancing she had began with?—until Harry's lips curved into a smile and she heard he gentle rumbling of his voice. "What are y'looking at, baby? Have I got something on m'face?" 
He knew exactly what he was doing, that lilt returning to his voice that spurred a blaze to ignite behind (Y/N)'s cheeks. When he made a lazy roll of his neck, finally looking to her with that lopsided smile on his mouth, she felt her heart skip a beat. So what if he was teasing her and caught her staring? He knew what he looked like, so there's no way he could blame her. 
"No," she peeped, answering the latter question. Rolling her lips between her teeth, she shuffled closer to his side, feeling the heat of his gaze on her face. "I was just wondering if you were tired already," she explained, a very short and clean version of where her thoughts really had landed as she gazed at him. 
Harry's arm around her shoulders flexed, his palm spanning her upper arm with tattooed fingers denting the soft skin. "'M not tired, no," he started, something sly added to the curl of his lips, "Why?" 
(Y/N) shook her head, lips tight as she fought the urge to settle herself against his chest and slant her mouth over his. As much as Harry brought her out of her shell, this territory was still something she allowed him to take the lead on and was harder for her to express her wants and desires as freely as he did. 
But, she figured with that she had planned for tonight, that wouldn't much matter with what she was going to propose to Harry.
"Just wondering," she settled on, picking at her nails that had fallen in her lap.
A dark brow raised over his eyes, a knowing look shaping his features. "Are you tired?"  
This time the shake of her head was immediate and rushed. She was definitely, definitely not tired. 
"Look at you," Harry smiled, taking the initiative to swing his opposing arm around to land on the thick of her thigh before tugging her to him. He curled around her form, ducking his head to catch her gaze. "Two movies together and y'didn't fall asleep during either one. 'M proud of you, lovebug." 
Unable to stop the grin that plucked at the corners of her lips, (Y/N) allowed the smile to stretch over her face. She loved it when he talked to her like that, hearing that he was proud of her, even if its over something silly like staying awake during movies. 
(Y/N) glanced at him through the cover of her lashes. "I didn't want to miss any of your birthday, that's all," she peeped, voice a secret between the two of them. 
Harry hummed at her words, eyes flitting over her features in teasing draws over the planes. "We've still got a few hours left, don't we? Any ideas on how to spend them, since y'don't want to miss anything?" 
As if he didn't already have a plan. (Y/N) knew better, knew he had something cooking up with that inky gleam in his eyes. 
Still, (Y/N) rolled her lips between her teeth, dropping her gaze to his tattooed arms, the designs sinking under the sleeve of his top though the lines of his muscles were easy to follow. "I had a couple of ideas, maybe." 
The lopsided grin on his lips widened. "And what were those ideas, love?" 
She felt like a guppy now at his prompting, unsure of how exactly she wanted to phrase what she had planned for the night. Sure, he had done a stellar job of pulling her further and further out of her shell since they'd met, but this was... different. Different than anything she'd asked of him before. 
This whole idea came to her on accident, really. Months ago, she'd come by the shop to drop off Harry's lunch, him having forgotten the bag in the kitchen when he'd left that morning. It was supposed to be nothing more than a couple of minutes, in and out before she headed off to class after sharing a couple of kisses in his office. But, when she had walked in, finding the front room vacated with voices drifting through from Harry's office, she overheard something that made her pause. 
It was no secret Harry was the more experienced out of the two of them, but it definitely wasn't something they regularly discussed—if at all. But, walking into the tattoo parlor she overheard one of the boys (she was about ninety percent sure it was Niall, which didn't surprise her) teasing Harry about how he apparently only "made love" now, gone were the days of his raucous shenanigans and explicit flings. She had crept down the hallway, listening as their words floated out through the small crack left between the door and the jamb of his office. She heard as Harry brushed off their teasing, telling them to leave him alone. It seemed his protesting had only spurred them on, (Y/N) listening as she heard them start again, asking Harry if he remembered back in the day when he was the first to share whatever wild escapades had taken place the night before with details to spare. 
She'd known he'd gotten into some trouble before her, and more than likely toned down a lot of the kind of things he enjoyed before her, but it was different hearing it this way. Harry was always very adamant about how much he loved the things they did together, that he didn't want for anything when he had her kiss on his lips and her pretty body in his arms. Even then, he didn't play into their teasing, only offering half-hearted grumbles and requests for his friends to shut the fuck up, but (Y/N) felt like she was finally hearing about a side of her Harry she'd never learned about before. 
For a split second, the idea that he had these experiences with others before her inspired a lick of insecurity tinted with jealousy before the pit was quickly filled and a different set of ideas replacing that worry. She had all the time in the world to redraw those memories of his, putting herself in place of those previous girls. That was how he figured his birthday might be the best time to put some of those ideas into action. 
Harry nudged his nose against hers, the tip grazing her cheek as he awaited a response. "Y'can tell me, baby. 'S jus' me." 
"Well, um," she stuttered, taking advantage of the lack of eye contact as he buried his face in her neck, "I just... When we go to your room, I want tonight to be all about you. I want to do whatever you want—however r-rough you want to be, I'll do it." 
Once that stuttered word left her mouth, her request for him to be rough, she felt Harry tense. The teasing shapes he was drawing on the curve of her neck with the tip of his nose and the brushes of his lips against the delicate skin halted in less than a second. 
Maybe this wasn't the right thing to ask. 
Pulling back from the home he made in her neck, Harry's eyes were clear and unrelenting as they matched hers. "Y'want me to be rough with you?" 
Swallowing, (Y/N) found her mouth dry now that she had an unobstructed view of his reaction. "I-I want to do whatever you like, in-including being rough if that's what you want." 
Long, slow moments passed where (Y/N) felt more than a little vulnerable under his gaze. The mossy coloring of his irises decreased until it was nothing more than a thin ring around his pupils. The longer he looked at her, she noticed the way something smug lingered on the edge of his lips though he tried to bite it back with the blunt of his teeth. 
Touching his forehead to hers, Harry closed the space between them tight enough to leave just the tip of his nose nudging hers though not near enough to close the gap between their lips. "That's not what I asked you, baby, you know that. I wanted to know if you wanted me to be rough. Don't care if it's something y'think I want, I want to know what you want." 
His eyes were clear and piercing as they met hers, cutting out any chance for her to shy away or find anything other than his attention to concentrate on. His hands were still softly cradling her form, an arm around her shoulder to anchor her while the other hand cupped the soft of her thigh, fingers edging towards her bottom—gentle, like he always was with her. 
With Harry's words floating around in her head, (Y/N) pictured what it would be like for those gentle hands on her body to shift. For his hands to change the way they guided her. The gentle pressing of his fingertips on her thigh could become bruising dents into the soft of her form. The weight of his body pinning her to the mattress under him, keeping her just where he wanted. His hips driving between hers, knocking the breath out of her before she could even gasp his name. All the while, he could still picture Harry kissing her gently, telling her how beautiful she was even as she was ruined. 
Focusing her attention back on the man that was currently starring in her fantasies, (Y/N) realized she hadn't been very discreet in her imaginings. The corner of his lips were upturned in the slightest, his hooded eyes seeming entirely too smug around the ink of his blown pupil. 
"I think it could be... nice," (Y/N) settled on, her words nothing more than a peep between them. 
Harry's lips bloomed into a smile at her word choice. "Nice? Y'think me being rough with you, showing y'exactly how I want you and letting me do anything I want, would be nice?" 
He was teasing her. As expected, a fluttering of butterflies and bumblebees made way through her tummy, knocking against her ribs and punching at the soft tissue of her middle. But, what wasn't normal, was the extra clench of her muscles at the tone he used, the cloying, gently mocking tone that swathed his words and made her thighs clench and insides pulse. 
Maybe it was the butterflies in her tummy or the way he was looking at her so intensely with a teasing shimmer in his eyes, but (Y/N) felt breathless as she spoke. "I-I think so, yeah." 
(Y/N) watched as Harry sucked in a deep breath, his eyes clear and attentive as he gazed as her. Before she could react, his hand that had been settled on her thigh reached up and grabbed at her chin, pinching the curve between his thumb and forefinger as he tipped his head and pressed his lips against hers. 
Gentle as he always was, Harry guided her through the contact, tucking her bottom lip between his two. He sucked on the full of her lip sweetly, the tip of his tongue tasting the swipe of raspberry lip treatment she had applied to her mouth after dinner. It wasn't the kiss she had expected given the circumstances of their conversation, but it wasn't one she was going to complain about. 
That is until Harry's hand on her chin shifted, working over the line of her jaw before finding its way through her hair. His fingers sifted through the strands before he made a sharp fist on the back of her head, hair included. Her head snapped back, baring her neck as her pulse picked up under the delicate skin. A gasp fell from her mouth, the change in his hold more startling than anything painful. 
"Was that nice like y'were thinking?" 
Despite the lightly mocking edge to his words, (Y/N) couldn't help but flutter her eyes closed and nod her head as best she could with a fist in her hair. The brush of Harry's lips against hers that she earned was nothing more than a tease before he pulled away after a breath. Only their breathing could be heard as (Y/N) tried to find her mind, Harry's hand lingering heavily in her hair. He made slow work of unfurling his fingers and allowing the strands to slip back into place. 
"I think," he breathed, dotting a kiss on her chin before the point was plucked between his thumb and forefinger, "we need to talk about a couple of things before we keep going. That alright, angel?" 
Blinking her eyes open, she allowed her chin to level and get a look at her Harry. There was something different in his gaze as he swept it over her features. The green of his eyes was almost completely eradicated around the inky black of his blown pupil, a spark lingering behind them that she'd never seen before. 
Was this the guy the boys had talked about? Was this who existed before she walked into his life?
"Hm, baby?" he prompted her, thumb tapping against her chin through the hold he had on her.
"Y-Yeah," she stuttered, "We can talk." 
A sweet smile bloomed on his features the longer he looked at her, his grip on her chin loosening to a caress before he planted a soft kiss on her lips. "You're s'good, angel." 
She smiled into the contact, comforted by the reappearance of her safe place. "Thank you." 
A breathy laugh was exhaled through Harry's nose as his eyes practically turned into hearts while looking at her. He ran his thumb over the full of her bottom lip, pressing into the pad before whispering for her to c'mon, then, lovebug.
With their fingers laced together, the towed her behind him to his bedroom. As much as it broke her heart, (Y/N) closed the door behind them, effectively cutting off Evie from racing over the threshold and joining in on the cuddling she was expecting. Silence covered the bedroom as Harry tugged her to the bed, sitting himself down first before placing her on his lap. 
(Y/N) settled herself with thighs on either side of his hips, arms wrapping around his neck while Harry's steadied her around her waist. While he was still very clearly wrapped up in what they started out in the living room (the bulge sitting right underneath her was enough evidence), she still couldn't help herself from fawning over him. No matter how blown his pupils were and what the night's agenda held, he was still the most gentle, handsome man she'd ever met and that made her heart beat harder than anything. 
"Hi," she smiled, playing with the ringlets of curls falling over his shoulders. 
His smile was sweet as he gazed up at her. "Hi, baby." 
She couldn't help but hug herself to him at the sound of his affection, tucking herself into his neck with her chest pressed into his. Harry reciprocated her hold just as tightly, fingers braiding behind her back with his chin on her shoulder. 
"Still feeling good about your idea for tonight?" Harry cooed in her ear. 
Sitting in his arms, she got to feel the strength she had been admiring before. Corded muscles cuddled her close to the planes of his chest, blocks of abs pushing against the soft of her own body. She didn't know what he was going to do with his body, with the span of his hands that held her waist or the cradle of his thighs under her body, but she knew that he wouldn't do anything he didn't think she would enjoy or make her feel unsafe. 
"I am, yeah," she affirmed, nodding her head with a smushed cheek against his shoulder. 
"M'brave girl," he praised her, pressing a soft kiss to her temple before drawing away and urging her to pull back. "I've got something new I want to do with you tonight, then, too." 
"Okay," she nodded, trapping her bottom lip between her teeth as she fought to maintain the eye contact she knew he was looking for. 
He shifted his hold on her, his forearm still barred around her back while his other hand pet at her waist in gentle runs. "Have y'ever heard of a safe word before?" 
Her response was a simple shake of her head. If Harry hadn't taught it to her, chances are, she'd never heard of it or understood what it meant if she had. 
Nodding his head, (Y/N) watched as the curls huddled over his shoulders. "Since y'want to do some rougher things with me tonight, I think we should have a safe word or try out a color system," he continued, voice soft between the two of them, "'S jus' something for both of us, to make sure we both feel comfortable and safe. If either of us say our safeword, then everything stops. We go back to cuddling and loving on one another, no matter what we were doing before. Y'can tell me to stop still, no matter what and I'll listen, but this can jus' be something else we have that we can use. " 
(Y/N) listened intently to his explanation, nodding her head as he finished though she wasn't completely clear on all the details. "What's a color system?" 
Harry rolled the question around in his head, tilting his head as if wracking his brain for the right answer. "'S like a stoplight, kind of. There's green, letting each other know we both feel good and that we can keep going. There's yellow, which means we need to slow down, that we still want to keep going but need a breather. And there's red, which is the same as saying stop. No questions or anything, jus' a complete stop and we start treating each other gently again." 
"Oh, okay." The idea sounded simple enough, (Y/N) figured. She liked the idea that if H didn't like something they ended up doing tonight, that he could ask her to stop or slow down. And, she could ask for a breather if need be, though she couldn't imagine Harry doing anything that would push her too far to step out of green territory.
The edges of Harry's lips fought to curve into a smile as she gazed at her. "Yeah? Do you like that idea?" 
"Mhm," she hummed, a nod of her head accompanying the sound, "I like the colors." 
His hand on her waist slid up the curve of her side before landing on the ladder of her ribs. "What's your color right now, then, love?" 
She didn't even have to think before he bounced in his lap (a move that had Harry's thighs tense and grip pulse), "Green—I'm green."
"Me too, baby," he mused before craning his neck and pressing his lips to her, falling back on the mattress and taking her with him, "I'm going to be checking in on you a few times tonight, okay? Whenever we do something new, I want to know your color and make sure you're okay." 
"Okay," she whispered against his kiss, her arms around his neck tightening with the curls tickling the insides, "And you'll tell me if you're not green anymore?" 
(Y/N) felt his smile more than she saw it as he nudged his nose against hers, "I will, angel. I promise." 
Catching her lips in a kiss, Harry took his time working her into the dreamy state she had been in out in the living room, helping her find her pliant state with his tongue in her mouth and hands on her waist. (Y/N) followed after him, lips parted and allowing sweeps of his tongue to run through her mouth with sucks of her bottom lip into his mouth, her chest pressed to his as she breathed in deep runs when she had the chance. 
Her knees were braced on either side of his hips when Harry adjusted his hold and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Hang on," he murmured against her kiss before tightening his grip and rolling them over to end with him on top. 
Careful to keep the full brunt of his weight from sinking into her, Harry allowed himself to lean into her form, pining her to the mattress. His mouth on hers slowed to gentle kisses, only the tip of his tongue running along the seam of her lips as he seemingly waited for any change in her response to the heavy handed contact. The only one garnered came in the form of her arms around his neck shifting to allow her fingers to sift through the curls of his hair. 
This what what she had been imagining, she thought as she sighed into the contact; he was being as gentle as ever, kissing her sweetly and reminding her how loved she was by him, with the breath-stealing weight of his body pinning her down to ensure he got to keep doing as he pleased for as long as he felt. She hadn't been thinking when she bucked her hips upwards when she felt his arms looped around her waist tighten and draw an arch into her back. 
A hum rumbled through his chest, her core having pressed right against the ridge of his cock. His kissing turned a touch harsher, something punishing lingering on the outskirts of the contact as he smeared his mouth over her own before pulling away. The heat of his breathing was felt against her skin as he stayed close enough to touch the tip of his nose to hers. "Be good, baby," he told her, his arms around her waist shifting to cup the bones of her hips in his palms, "Stay still and let me take care of y'like y'promised you'd let me." 
Her breathing hitched at his words, the measured pacing she had started with now coming out in a huffed pant through squeezed lungs. "Okay, sorry," she squeaked.
"Don't be sorry," he hummed, nudging her face to the side with the help of his nose, "Jus' be good like I know y'are, yeah?" 
While Harry kissed down the planes of her face, following the line of her jaw before planting a garden of kisses along the curve of her throat, (Y/N) tried to find her head. She'd lost it the second Harry wrapped her hair in his fist on the couch and it seemed to only run farther and farther away every time the stern tone of his voice rang through her head. Velvet covered steel, she thought, affection carrying the words out of his mouth though he made sure to let her know she was going to be sticking to her word of letting him call every single shot for the night. 
It was Harry this time that ground their hips together, his cock pushing against her legging covered core. (Y/N) did her best to keep from reciprocating the strokes of his hips, her thighs tensing on either side of him with her hands in his hair tightening as if to work out that energy that called for her to ask for more from him. 
"Feel me, love?" he murmured, his teeth scraping at the ledge of her collarbone as he dug his hips harder into her softness. 
"Uh-huh," she keened, her mouth falling into a gape with her cheek smushed against the soft of his pillow under her head. 
"So hard for y'already, angel. That's what happens when you're good for me." He praised her as he drew away from the column of her throat. One of his hands abandoned station on her hip, his palm cradling her cheek as he nudged her to face him. His hand still on her cheek, he pet his thumb over the height of her cheekbone, "Ready to give me more?"
He gazed down at her with eyes that reminded her of the tone of his voice: stern steel and velveteen affection. His lips were slicked with spit and shone in the limited light offered by the lamp on the night stand before he trapped the bottom one between his teeth, gaze shifting to where she could feel the imprint of his kiss on her neck. 
Her response came out as an absent hum of confirmation, the noise vibrating through her throat where she could still feel the ghost of his warmth working over the skin. A short smile made its way over his mouth, molding his features into something soft before dotting a kiss on her cheek. He shifted over her, drawing away and leaving her to face the chill without his body covering hers. 
"C'mere, lovebug," he crooned, tugging her along with him until he was sat at the edge of the mattress with (Y/N) following. He pinned his gaze on her as she kneed over the fluff of the duvet, stopping her before she could get too comfortable. Reaching for a pillow that bordered the headboard, he said, "Why don't y'get on your knees for me, baby." 
(Y/N) watched as he placed the pillow on the floor, filling the space between his legs that was left as he spread them open to allow her to kneel between. She swallowed, following his tender-toned instructions as she climbed off the bed and sat back on her heels, knees cushioned by the pillow. With her bottom lip trapped between the blunt of her teeth, (Y/N) gazed up at Harry from where she sat, her skin heating when she found his eyes already pinned to her. 
He towered over her from where he sat on the edge of the bed, his hands spanning the thick of his thighs, black nails gleaming like the matching hoops pierced through his lip and nose. 
"Comfortable, love?" he crooned to her, reaching out and passing his fingers through the baby-fine hairs that fell over her forehead. 
"Mhm," she smiled, leaning into his hand, "Thank you for the pillow."
The edges of his lips curled into a softened smile, his hand settling into a cradle on her cheek. "Of course, baby. 'M going to be a little rough tonight, not mean." 
(Y/N) turned her head in his hand, lips level with the warmth of his palm where she pressed a kiss to the center. The ink of Harry's pupils, though still harboring a heat that was going to take some effort on (Y/N)'s part to extinguish, practically turned to rounded hearts as he gazed down at her. She watched through the frame of her lashes as he curled over, his other hand abandoning his thigh and settling along the line of her jaw.
"Give me a kiss, angel," he cooed to her, bending down far enough that his hair haloed around then with her face cupped between his palms. 
It didn't take much of a thought before (Y/N) complied with his request, bouncing on her heels. She earned a breathy laugh from Harry was fanned over her skin before he sealed his mouth over hers in a soft kiss. He parted her lips gently with his own, allowing her only a taste of his tongue before he was drawing away once again, thumbs petting at her cheekbones. 
"M'angel girl," he murmured before kissing at the corner of her mouth. He unfurled himself from around her, sitting with his hips at the edge of the mattress and his gaze pinned on his love. He only dropped her eyes when he began messing with the fastenings on his pants, fingers working right at (Y/N)'s eye level. 
Watching intently, (Y/N) felt her breathing shift. The air in her lungs suddenly felt heavy as she followed the track his fingers were tracing until the glimpse of white boxers she'd seen before turned into a full-fledged show as he parted his fly and left it gaping. The outline of his cock was clear as day through the straining fabric, precum just beginning to seep out and thin the opacity of his underwear. 
"Understand, angel?"
(Y/N) watched as Harry's hands stopped working, the black on his nails glimmering in the glowing light from the lamp. His tone was deep and graveled as it caught her attention, (Y/N) realizing her hadn't heard a single word of what she was supposed to be understanding. 
"W-What?" she stuttered, looking up at Harry with her eyes rounding out from the hard edges that shaped his features. 
He canted his head as he looked at her, the edges of his lips fighting off a tilt. "Y'weren't listening to me, baby?" 
She worried her bottom lip between her teeth for a beat, eyes falling from his matching gaze back down to his lap in a fleeting sweep. "I was distracted," she peeped, "Sorry." 
Shaking his head, Harry took her face between his hands, barring her from looking anywhere but himself as he curled forward once more. "Remember what I said? Don't have to be sorry, love, jus' be good. Okay?" 
"Okay," she repeated through puffed lips, nodding her head as best she could in his hold.
Harry indulged himself in a short kiss to her lips before he resumed his position and worked his pants down his hips, budging up until the material sat at the mid of his thighs. "Was telling y'that I want y'to remember that 'm being rough tonight, but not mean to you. We're gonna try something a little different this time, and I want y'to tell me if y'want to stop. Since y'won't have much room to speak, our colors aren't going to work. But, what y'can do for me, is tap my leg three times, and that's how I'll know y'want to stop. Do y'understand this time, angel?" 
Taking in a deep breath, (Y/N) willed herself to look away from the tented fabric of his boxers. "Y-Yeah, I do, Harry," she said, nodding her head. It took effort for her to look away from the way his cock jumped as her voice wrapped around his name. 
Breathing stilted but the smug curve of his lips remained as Harry looked down at her with affectionate approval floating in his eyes. "Good girl," he praised. 
Shuffling on her knees, (Y/N) couldn't help herself but draw closer when she saw his hand settle on the waistband of his underwear. Harry's breathy laugh of so eager, falling on deaf ears as she watched the way his fingers curled into the stitched band and tugged and tugged until his boxers joined his pants at the midpoint of his thighs. 
Watching his cock bob against his tattooed stomach, (Y/N) felt just as she did the first time she got on her knees for him. Though his tattoos continued down under his bellybutton, clusters of flora that matched the rosegarden of his chest piece, she always thought the laurels etched into his hips—a pair he had gotten long before he decided to cover his skin—acted as the perfect frame for him in moments like these. The ruddy head stood out starkly against the black ink, the veined underside on display as he further widened his legs for (Y/N) to take her place between before she reached for his pants and tugged them off the rest of the way, leaving him in only the tatters of his Rolling Stones top.
Just as he always did since the first time he had her like this, Harry wrapped his hand around the base of his cock, giving her a show as he stroked over his length in slow runs. (Y/N) knew that if she had it in her to tear her eyes away from the sight of his tattooed hand jerking over his cock, she would find Harry with a smug smile his lips, moments away from teasing her over her rapt attention. 
"C'mere, angel," Harry murmured to her, his hand still stroking with his thumb running over the tip. 
(Y/N) worked on autopilot, shuffling closer to him, tattooed thighs on either side of her head with the slick sounds of his hand running over his cock filling her ears. Her breathing came out in shaky exhales, a blurt of precum bubbling at Harry's tip once she was close enough for the air to fan over the heated skin. 
"Open for me," he directed, voice low and strong. 
Tongue out, (Y/N) opened her mouth, finally sparing a glance to Harry's face from where he sat above her. His cheeks were now flushed, the tip of his tongue pressed into the hoop of his lip ring, the metal bobbing. He looked down at her, attention pinned to the way she heeded his commands as soon as they fell from his lips. Once he caught her eyes on him, the very corners of his lips turned upward in a small smile, her eyes rounded out and mooning up at him with her mouth open just for him. 
"'Member what I told you?" he asked, pressing the tip of his prick into the flat of her tongue, a pearl of precum dragging across the buds in a tease, "'Bout telling me if y'need to stop?" 
(Y/N) nodded her head as best she could without disrupting Harry as he stroked himself over her tongue. She watched as he shook his head, the curtain of his hair swaying at the motion. 
"No," he settled, "Need to hear y'say it." 
He backed off just enough to not allow her the excuse of pleasuring him to stop her from answering him how he wanted. Swallowing around her dry throat, (Y/N) eagerly nodded her head once more, "I do—I remember, daddy." 
His hand stuttered over his length at the sound of the title. "Good girl, angel," he praised, voice strained. 
Harry reached his freehand around to thread his fingers through her hair, bringing her close to his cock, her mouth falling open on instinct. He guided her with a firm hand, though careful to be gentle with the strands of hair in his fist, pushing the head of his prick into the warmth of her mouth. Upon contact, pearls of precum glazing over her tongue, (Y/N)'s eyes fell closed. 
A heavy sigh fell from Harry's lips. As much as (Y/N) wanted to peek up at him, see the gape of his raspberry lips and the pinkened flush to his skin, she couldn't bring herself to leave the land of HarryHarryHarry that puddled in her system as the weight of his cock settled over her tongue. 
If she was being honest, this act—taking him in her mouth—was one of her favorites. Ever since the first time she got on her knees for him, she understood why Harry wanted to spend so much time between her thighs. In an odd sense, she felt comforted by it all; his hands laced through her hair or holding her own, the weight of his fingers or cock in her mouth, and the cradle of his body enveloping her no matter the position. Not to mention the butterflies that ran rampant in her tummy as she listened to his moans and sighs of her name, knowing that she was making him feel as good as she possibly could with nothing else but her mouth and her will to please him. So, she definitely did not mind that this was how he wanted to start his birthday night off with her. 
(Y/N) fell into her rhythm, bobbing her head along his length with her tongue following after in drags over his cock. Harry's hand served as little more than a reassuring weight on the back of her head, his fingers momentarily tightening and shifting in the strands the farther she took him in. Her breathing came in pants through her nose, growing heavier and heavier the longer she sucked him off. Once she felt comfortable enough, her movements easing and becoming more and more languid as she became used to the feel of him sliding in her mouth, she took him further, the very tip of his prick edging towards the tight funnel of her throat with the pillow of her tongue contracting underneath. 
It was then that Harry's thighs tensed on either side of her head, the crown of his prick jumping against her tongue with a strangled call of his favorite pet name for her—angel, of course—fell from his lips. As much of a struggle as it was, (Y/N) pried her eyes open, though still hooded, and peeked up at Harry through her lashes.
She found him with his gaze already fixed to her, eyes inky black and skin flushed with a gleam of sweat collecting on his temples. The tattered fabric of his top allowed for insight into the way his inked chest contracted as his lungs filled and compressed, tattoos dancing over his skin. Gosh, the view from here—sitting under him, saliva and precum coating her lips—as she watched him fall in love with her mouth was something she wouldn't forget. 
As soon as Harry caught sight of her gaze searching him over, something shifted. His hand in her hair tightened. The roots of the strands were tugged in a gentle pull as his fingers flexed, the line of Harry's jaw strengthening as he gazed down at her. 
"Gonna let me be in charge now, love? Ready for me?" he asked her, voice dripping in honey-thick lust and drenched in rocky gravel. Just as (Y/N) was going to settle for a nod of her head to tell him yes, she was tugged off his cock, a slick noise filling the air as the head of his prick popped out of her mouth. 
From the corner of her eye, she saw a string of her spit linking the full of her bottom lip to the tip of his cock, the salvia bowing before dropping against her chin as he drew her back. Her breathing came in broken heaves, lips glossed and eyes wide. Desperate to have him back in her mouth, feel the base of his cock under hands and his tip at the back of her throat, (Y/N) nodded her head in jerky motions. "Ye-Yes, I'm ready, daddy." 
A pleased smile tugged at the corner of his lips, the ring pierced at the edge of his mouth bobbing at the motion. "And what will y'do if y'need me to stop?" 
Through her hazed mind, (Y/N) wracked her brain in search of the vital piece of information he shared not even ten minutes earlier. "I-I'll tap your leg, right? Three times, and that means red—that I want to stop." 
Bringing his free hand that had been wrapped in the fabric of his comforter down to cradle her jaw, Harry wiped the pad of his thumb over her swollen bottom lip, disregarding the spit and precum that pearled over the skin. The curve of his lips turned proud as he gazed down at her. "Exactly, angel. M'brave girl, aren't you?" 
As silly as it was, she felt a bit bashful under these praises as she lent her cheek into his hand. "I'm trying to be." 
Harry only shook his head, the loose curls around his face swaying in agreement. "You are, darling." Before she could utter any kind of protest, Harry folded over himself and pressed a kiss to her swollen lips, the peck innocent despite the fact his naked bottom half was inches from (Y/N)'s face and shining in her spit. 
When he unfurled himself from the cove his body made around her, he gave a gentle graze of his thumb over her cheek before he lent back into that same hand that was now planted on the mattress behind him. That left him sitting over (Y/N) with his hand in her hair and a lazy smile on his mouth. It didn't take much coaxing her for her to follow along with his guiding hand as he tugged her forward, bringing her back to his cock. 
As much as she wanted to surge ahead, take him back into the warmth of her mouth and feel the weight of the head on her tongue and the vine of his vein brushing over her lips, she allowed him to be in charge just like he said. Just as in everything else he did, Harry started gently. He worked her over his length in familiar motions, the same pace she had been curating just moments before. 
It wasn't until she fell into that comforting rhythm with her eyes closed, almost taking over the motions though Harry still had a steady grip on her hair that things shifted. When her lips reached the point where she would instinctively draw back towards his tip, Harry's hand urged her to go a hair further. Her brows knitted together over her shuttered eyes though she allowed him to guide her, making a point to breath as steady as she could manage through her nose. 
With his cock just barely pushing into her throat with the head brushing past the root of her tongue, (Y/N) felt herself tighten up—tummy, insides, and throat alike—before he pulled her back, the makings of the gag that constricted her muscles ebbing away before doing any damage. He took her back to her his tip, her tongue laving over him as she took advantage of the break, breath coming in deeply through her nose as her brows relaxed again.
"Alright, baby?" Harry asked, voice low and strained. She could feel his eyes on her. 
Mouth full, (Y/N) nodded her head, humming an mhm around his length. Cracking her eyes open just a slice, she was granted a view of Harry looking at her with his gaze fixed on where her mouth was wrapped around his prick, his own bottom lip tucked tightly between his teeth. His hand behind him fisted the comforter, muscles straining and dancing under the layer of tattoos on his skin. Every bit of his unrestrained strength seemed to be going into that grip, leaving the hand in her hair stern but worlds more gentle than what he was putting that fistful of bedding through. 
Nostrils flaring as he sucked in a deep breath, Harry gauged her reaction as he urged her forward. "Gonna do it again, alright? Gonna help you take me a little deeper." 
Another hum came from her throat, Harry's thighs jumping on either side of her head. Just as before, he allowed her to get comfortable with a few passes over his prick before urging her to take him deeper, the head of his cock pushing further down her throat. A distracting moan sounded from above her, Harry's voice dredged in gravel and just as breathless as she felt. The nudge of the head at her throat was enough to make her tense up, muscles constricting around the intrusion before she could school herself into calming her reaction. Just as her breath was stolen, Harry steered her back. This time, he pulled her off his length completely, the tip popping out of her mouth, glistening in her spit with swirls of precum shining in the light. 
(Y/N) shifted on her knees, the cushion underneath them dragging over the floor. Mouth dropped into a gap, she caught her breath with Harry's hand in her hair abandoning the strands in favor of sliding over her jaw and cradling her face. As gentle as he was, the second (Y/N) blinked her bleary eyes up at him, she could tell the effort to be so, was taxing. 
"W-Why'd we stop?" she asked, words coming out around her uneven breaths. 
She watched Harry's throat bob as he swallowed, gaze struggling to keep from dropping her to spit-slicked pout. "Wanted to give you a minute. Felt y'start to gag." 
Shaking her head before he even finished, (Y/N)'s brows pinched as she looked up at him. "I don't need a minute," she said, though her ragged breathing begged to differ, "I want to keep going, daddy. I can handle it, I promise." 
It was like a movie, his reaction. Harry's muscles liquified as he took in her response; the tense in his jaw disappeared, shoulders sunk, and bunched arm muscles slackened. Even his eyelids threatened to close on him. His cock had an opposing reaction, jumping against his stomach, taking (Y/N)'s eye for a moment before she urged herself to match Harry's gaze again to let him know she was being serious. 
"Y'think y'can handle me, angel?" 
That earned him a nod in response. 
A whispered curse floated in the air between them as Harry's body came to life again, muscles tight and unforgiving. "I really hope y'can, love." 
There was less than a second for (Y/N) to process his words before he shifted on the mattress, bringing himself to the very edge of the bed and closer to her face. The hand on her jawline snaked a path back into her strands, fingers threading through the hair fluffed on the back of her head. It only took a single nudge from that grip that had (Y/N) smearing her lips in a kiss over the underside of his shaft, nose skimming his length as she worked. 
A shuddering breath wracked Harry's body, his head falling backwards with the curls of his hair falling down his shoulderblades as (Y/N) watched from under him. He recovered slowly as she kissed over the thick vein vining around his cock before meeting the ridge leading to the head, the tip on her tongue swiping over the sensitive skin. 
Though he didn't seem to have the firmest grasp on his control, Harry told her with his best stern tone, "Wh-When we start again, 'm not gonna stop, 'kay? Said y'don't need a break, so if y'decide you do need one, you've got to stick to our rule." 
Her insides warmed at his concern, no matter what, he was always going to be a worrier, even if what they were doing was her idea in the first place. She placed a single kiss to the glazed head of his prick before she drew away. "Okay, H. I understand." 
She knew that was the response he was looking for when his hand flexed in her hair and a breathless smile curled his lips. A mumbled praise fell from his lips, the words being lost on their way to her ears before she was distracted with that same tight hand in her hair. 
It was a routine by now, the way he eased her over his length. (Y/N) welcomed him with a slacked jaw and gaze peering up at him through the frame of her lashes before it became too much—she became too lost, and had to close her eyes. She waited for him, preparing herself with as even of breaths she could take through her nose as he took her further and further down his shaft. The first glance of his head on the back of her throat had her bracing herself with one of her hands landing on his leg, palm on his shin with her fingers digging into his calf. The hand in her lap became restless, clenching and unclenching with nudges of the heel of her palm brushing at the apex of her thighs. 
Harry hesitated in the rhythm he made for her, the pushing and pulling of his hand on the back of her head stilling for just a moment as a shuddering breath sounded in the quiet of their bedroom. (Y/N) peeked her eyes open at that stall, finding him gazing down at her with his bottom lip being worried between his teeth. When his eyes caught hers, lips around his prick and gaze hooded with a shine of her spit beginning to layer over her chin, (Y/N) hummed around him, her own urging him to continue without words. 
That seemed to be enough for the links of his fingers in her hair to shift, his other hand coming to join in the messy strands of her hair. He pulled her off just enough to leave the tip in her mouth as he moved over the edge of the mattress, his legs braced on either side of her with feet planted on the floor. 
(Y/N) didn't realize what he was preparing for until the first thrust of his hips upwards, his cock filling her mouth though her head stayed just where he wanted her. Her spine stiffened at the feeling, the tip of his cock pushing into the tunnel of her throat. Her instincts urged her to pull back, save herself from the jolt of the intrusion, but the soothing weight of his hand made her stay just where he wanted, savoring the pump of the vein lining the underside of his cock. Instead, she shuttered her eyes and focused on breathing through her nose, however shaky the inhales were.
"Oh, fuck," Harry breathed when he felt the snug fit of her throat grow even tighter as he held her there for a beat, hips lifted from the bed. His tattooed thighs were bunched tightly, muscles stiff and unmoving as he fought to keep from bucking his hips any more. "I-I can feel you, angel—so tight. Go-Good girl, jus' keep breathing." 
Hearing him so breathless, struggling over his words just as she was used to doing, made (Y/N)'s confidence soar as he reared back, backside settling back on the mattress and freeing her airways for a moment. Now maybe wasn't the time to pat herself on the back, but it felt nice hearing him praise her for allowing him to guide her into new territory and to please him like she wanted. With that praise floating in her head, she welcomed the next gentle strokes of his hips into her mouth, saturated cock sliding over her tongue before reaching the familiar home it was carving out in her throat. 
His voice echoed in her ears, calling her a good girl, as she took the initiative and swallowed around him each time he tucked himself far in her mouth. She kept the gagging at bay each time she swallowed, Harry's pleasure being the most rewarding side effect of the tactic.
"L-Look at you, darling," he praised her, voice filtering through gritted teeth, "Weren't lying when y'said y'could handle me, were you? Doing so good swallowing around my cock." 
If she could have, (Y/N) would have smiled at him. If she was being honest, she hadn't been completely sure of herself when she blurted out that promise—the promise that she could handle him, no breaks needed, with his prick being shoved down her throat in whichever way he saw fit. It was nice to know she hadn't been lying to him. 
Instead, she only hummed a keening noise around his length, her tummy tightening when his bucking hips stuttered in their pacing. The moment he recovered he seemed to only be spurred on by that momentary lapse, the rocking of his hips growing faster though the depth of his thrusts didn't change. (Y/N)'s grip on his leg pulsed, the coarse hair under her palm grounding her to that moment. Her blood pumped past her ears in roaring waves, almost blocking out the muttering she heard Harry doing under his breath, his fingertips tugging at the roots of her hair. 
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he murmured, the cursing seeming involuntary, "Letting me fuck your face—su-such a angel. Go-Gonna make me cum on your face." 
Something in her shifted at the idea of feeling his warmth spilling over her features, painting the highpoints of her face and dripping towards her open mouth. While it didn't inspire the prettiest of pictures of herself, (Y/N) could only imagine the loving praise that would fall from Harry's mouth. 
Slick sounds erupted from around her mouth as (Y/N) laved her tongue over his cock with each thrust he pushed into her mouth. She wanted that now—she wanted the picture of her decorated in his release as he praised her with hearts in his eyes and his kiss on her neck. It was with that thought that she met his hips halfway, disregarding the hands on either side of her face. 
She fixed her concentration onto the pacing of her breathing and the air filtering through her nose as she pushed herself further than Harry had done himself. Harry's own surprise was documented in the way his hips stuttered, stilling as he let her swallow as much of him as she pleased. With her focus on keeping her head from the clouds, (Y/N) didn't even realize just how far she has taken him, how much of his prick has pushed through her mouth, until the tip of her nose grazed the thatch of hair bordering his base. 
With her head moments from floating up into clouds she couldn't even fathom reaching, she realized just how surrounded she was by him; heavy hands in her hair, his length down her throat, thighs on either side of her head with her own hand wrapped around his ankle. The sound of his harsh breathing took over the room, choked and muffled with curse words thrown into the mix as her throat constricted around him and took the little bit of clarity he had left in his brain. 
(Y/N) held herself there for as long as she could stand. Her breathing was stilted, only the smallest amounts of air clearing to her lungs with her eyes watering and head growing cloudier and cloudier the longer she stayed there. His cock pulsed over her tongue, the vein along the bottom throbbing, balls tucked tight against his base with her chin nudging against them. 
He was going to cum, now, right? She probably needed to pull off and let him finish on her face, just like she wanted, but that sounded like too much work in the momen—
It wasn't until she felt Harry's hands in her hair change, his grip stiffening with fingers tight. He pulled her off as gently as he could manage in the moment, the sting at her roots bringing a ping of welcomed clarity when she was pushed back on her heels at his feet. 
Before she could peel her eyes open, Harry's hands in her hair disappeared, the sound of the mattress depressing filled the space between them as she fought for her breath. Finally finding the energy to blink her eyes open, she found Harry laid back on the bad, chest heaving as he sucked in lungfuls of air and his arms splayed out at his sides. 
A breathless, hoarse laugh fell from her lips as she climbed onto the bed beside him. His eyes were closed with his dark curls haloed around his head, lips pink and puffy just like his cheeks. 
"Harry?" she asked, her voice coming out as a croak. She really did take him deep, didn't she?
"Give me a minute," he whispered, sounding exhausted despite his cock still hard between his legs. 
A beat passed as she fought with herself to not throw her leg over his hips and straddle him, wanting him to take full advantage of the moment he was asking for. Was this his red?
"Are you okay?" she asked after a moment, itching to pull his shirt off and place her hands over his chest, dent her fingers into the garden of tattoos on his skin.
It took a minute before Harry seemed to urge his eyes open, the jade green of his irises drained to a forest shade that rivaled the black of his expanded pupils. He took her in, his gaze tracing over her features in slow runs as he took his time. 
"Angel," he started, voice thick, "Y'deepthroated me, and you're wondering if 'm okay?" 
(Y/N) canted her head at his words. She didn't know there was a special word for what just happened.
A breathy laugh fell from his lips as he smiled up at her. "'M perfect, baby," he said, "Had to make y'stop or I was gonna cum, and I haven't even fucked you yet." 
His eyes fell closed again as he sunk his head into the mattress, almost in disbelief at the beginning of the night's events. His tongue peeked out, the tip lining the full of his bottom lip before nudging the ring pierced through the side, his breathing still less than even. (Y/N) couldn't help herself as she watched him, reaching out and dragging a careful finger at the bottom of his shirt, pulling the hem upwards. More and more of his middle was revealed as she dragged her hands over his body: glistening tattoos pasted over tensed muscles, the pink tint to his skin that colored the designs between the black lines, and what she could have sworn was his heart thumping out his chest as she trailed her hand over him. 
Suddenly, just as she was getting close enough to possibly pull the shirt from his body completely, a tattooed hand complete with black painted nails reached out and grabbed for her wrist. Laying her gaze over his form, she traced the column of his neck and the hard line of his jaw until she found his darkened gaze pinned right to her and a smug smile on his lips. 
"No, not yet, love," he stopped her, edging her hand back down his body and pulling his shirt along with them in the process, "I don't think 's fair for me to be the only one naked on m'birthday." 
No wonder she felt so hot, (Y/N) realized. She was fully clothed, a pair of leggings that felt more like an hindrance than anything comfortable still wrapped around her legs and the slouchy sweater she couldn't believe made it through the night. 
Another breathy laugh came from Harry as he watched her reaction, his own hand landing on the thick of her legging covered thigh. He slid up the length of her leg before finding the rounded curve of her bottom from where she sat on her heels. He patted the soft curve, urging her towards the edge of the bed. 
"Go on, love," he crooned, "Get undressed for me, yeah? Wanna look at you." 
That was all it took for him to earn an eager nod of her head and a scramble of her limbs towards the edge. Another deep chuckle sounded from behind her as she landed on the flat of her feet, socks padding over the rug. She could feel his eyes on her back as she raced to join him, to shed layers of clothing that did nothing but keep her from feeling her Harry.
Her shirt was the first to go, leaving only a sheer, white triangle bralette to cover her chest before her leggings and socks were second to join the pile on the floor. The matching pair of panties tucked between her thighs did little to conceal the effect sucking his cock had on her, a wet patch darkening the delicate material. (Y/N) adjusted the cheeky cut of her underwear with her back to Harry, dipping her fingers beneath the waistline of it just as she heard him let out a low whistling exhale behind her.
Looking over her shoulder, (Y/N) furrowed her brows until she found Harry sitting up with his gaze pinned on her, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth and a teasing look in his eyes that matched the tugs at the corner of his lips. "What?" she asked with a smile to her tone. 
Harry shook his head with a lopsided smile and single dimple denting his cheek. "Nothing, jus' like looking at you." 
She couldn't help herself before she was climbing onto his lap, core brushing his uncovered cock. Though a shiver ran up her spine, she didn't lose her smile as she straddled his hips and held his jaw in her hands. 
"You're not supposed to be saying stuff like that tonight, H. Its your birthday, so I'm supposed to be telling you how cute you are." Her argument was punctuated with a brief kiss to his lips, the contact soft and innocent despite the feral way her lips got so swollen in the first place. 
His head tilted in her hands, a teasingly pouted look on his face. "'M only cute? Y'take me all the way down your throat, and all I am is cute to you?"
A blurt of laughter fell from her lips at his reasoning, her hands on his face falling so she could wrap around his shoulders in a hug with her face tucked into his neck. "You can't say it like that," she giggled into his neck, lips brushing the tattoos she hoped would one day include a pair of angel's wings. 
"Why not?" he countered, wrapping an arm around her waist to keep her steady as he jostled at her sudden hug, "That's what happened, right?" 
"Shhh," she teased, shaking her head as best she could in his neck. She melted in his hold, his arm around her waist and his chest against hers being the main things keeping her upright in that moment. Her next words came out in a whisper though her smile was still audible, "You're handsome, too, you know." 
She felt his laugh more than she heard it as it rumbled his chest. "I am?" 
"Mhm, not just cute," she explained, fingers splayed across the warm expanse of his back. She hesitated around her next words, drawing herself closer to him as if she could hide in his arms, "I—um—And, I think you're sexy." 
This earned her a full laugh that rumbled his chest and spilled over her bare shoulder as he held her. "You know," he said, falling back onto the mattress with her lying atop him, "I don't think I've ever heard y'say that about me—call me sexy, I mean." 
Her cheeks were hot as she tried to press closer to him. "Harry, I'm trying. Be nice," she whined, though her pout held little impact through her impending smile. 
"I am, I am," he argued, turning his face in an effort to press his lips against her temple, "Jus' think 's cute, that's all. I like that y'think 'm sexy." 
Hearing the word fall from his lips sounded much less juvenile than it did in her own voice. "Well, I do—I do think that," she whispered into his neck, dotting the skin with a kiss.
"I know, cutie," he murmured to her, words as gentle as his tone. He shifted over the bed with her, the comforter ruffling around them as he turned to her with the tip of his nose skimming her skin, "C'mere and give me a kiss." 
(Y/N) didn't take much coaxing before she listened to his instruction, drawing away from the warm home she made in his neck. Her mouth was smoothed over his in a moment, her bottom lip tucked between his two. She melted into the contact with a sigh that was swallowed by her Harry, her contentment coating over his tongue as he swiped it across her own after parting her mouth. Her arms she had fit around his shoulders kept her stable once she realized Harry was shifting under her, having become too lost in their kiss—the first real taste of him she'd had since retreating from her spot on her knees—to notice him rolling them over until her back was flat on the mattress. 
His arms were a cage around her before they retreated, the ruffled black duvet coming up in tufts around her body as she sunk into her skin, warm and pliant as he moved her. Her head came to rest on the pillows bordering the headboard, black silk cradling her head and splaying delicate strands of hair across the fabric. Harry drew away from her kiss, leaving (Y/N) with uneven breathing and heated cheeks. With delicate hands that had landed on either side of her head once he moved her, he plucked those rogue hairs off her face, disentangling them from her lashes and pulling pieces that stuck to the slick of her lips. His fingers moved like his eyes, delicately over her features in praising grazes of contact. A slow smile made its home on his lips, dimples deep and sweet in his cheeks. 
"You're so pretty, you know that?" he murmured, his voice dreamy and quiet like a secret, as if his prick wasn't pressing into the soft of her tummy, precum decorating the skin. "M'dream girl." 
He knew exactly the effect that specific compliment would grant him: a bashful smile, a flutter of her lashes, and a turn of her head towards her shoulder as if she couldn't handle being under his loving gaze any longer though she lived for the affection in his eyes. That's why he loved saying it—other than the fact that it was the truth, of course. 
"Stop, you're going to make me cry," she teasingly complained, threading her fingers through his hair. 
The smile on his lips only grew at her faux complaint. "You're right," he hummed, shaking his head, "Can't have y'crying jus' yet—that's for after I've had m'way with you, right?" 
She seemed to go speechless at his words, throat dry as she tried to imagine the kind of pleasure carting through her body that would elicit tears. Maybe he noticed the way her breathing hitched or the ratcheting of her pulse under the delicate skin of her neck, but Harry looked all too smug as he took her in. 
"Yeah? Like that idea?" he mused, dropping his head to kiss just where her blood was pumping at a hammering pace in her throat. He shifted over her as he did so, his cock pressing into her tummy, balls hitting her clit with a pressure that made his own prick jump and (Y/N)'s stomach tighten with a too-tight ribbon around her middle. 
In a shy nod, (Y/N) admitted her interest in the idea of being driven to tears by his touch alone. Taking advantage of the hiding place he offered with his bared neck and broad, tattooed shoulder, she whispered into his skin, "H-How would you make me cry?" 
The air in his lungs seemed to be heavy as he exhaled slowly, the air fanning over her skin. "Want me to tell you, or show you?" 
It only took a split second for her to make up her mind.
"Show me." 
A grumbled sigh of approval shook Harry's chest. His smile could be felt against the line of her jaw just before he drew back from her form. Escaping the hold of her thighs, Harry maneuvered to sit back on his heels between her legs. Running a heavy hand through his hair, he looked entirely too satisfied his gaze racked over her form. 
"Turn over for me, lovebug," he commanded, voice gentle and forgiving despite the steely suggestion. 
(Y/N) hesitated for only a moment, her eyes rounding out as she looked up at him with confusion swimming through her irises, before listening to his instruction. Backing up, he gave her space to sprawl over the bedding before she settled with her tummy against the mattress and her cheek smushed into the black satin pillowcase. Her body felt restless with Harry's presence hovering just behind her, the bed giving way under him as he made careful work of spreading her legs and settling himself on his heels between them once again. He'd never asked her to do something like this before, to lay in a position like this. 
With that thought, a stoplight pinged in (Y/N)'s head. 
Lifting her head from the pillow, and looking at Harry over her shoulder, she asked, "W-What's your color?" 
She just barely caught the way a smile bloomed over his features in a slow tug from the corner of her eye. Planting his fists on either side of her waist, Harry lent forward with that same tender grin and dropped a kiss to the full of her heated cheek once he was close enough. 
"'M so green, angel," he crooned into her skin, the full of his lips grazing her cheek, "What's your color, hm?" 
Nodding her head as best she could, she reveled in the familiar contact of his mouth pressing into her skin. "Green—I'm a little nervous because I don't think we've done something like this before, but I have good butterflies over it." 
His smile only grew at her explanation, the curve felt against her skin one more time before he dropped another kiss and lent back. "Good," he murmured, "Tell me if your butterflies change then, alright? We only want the good ones." 
Another nod of her head came as she sunk back into the black cased pillow, her cheek smushing into the down. "I will, daddy." 
Harry's eyes could be felt dragging over her skin as (Y/N) allowed herself to melt into the bedding with eyes closed. Despite the butterflies over the new position, she was comforted by the reminder that this was her Harry. He was going to take good care of her, no doubt. 
"Y'look so pretty spread out like this, you know that?" he mused, "You're right, I think. I've never had you on your tummy like this before, have I?" Though she was sure it was a rhetorical question, one of his musings he put out into the world for no other reason than to fluster her, she still hummed an agreement and shook her head as best she could. Harry hummed in response, his hands coming to lay on the backs of her thighs, palms warm and heavy over the soft skin. They made a teasing pass over the skin, his fingertips brushing against the crease where her thighs met her ass and lingered for only a second before repeating the trek downwards to safer territory over her skin. "Thinking I should do it more often, though, don't you think?" 
At this point, with his hands tracing a trail over her skin and his voice reverberating in her ears and echoing through her system, (Y/N) was sure he could suggest anything and she'd agree whole-heartedly, no questions asked. That was how easy it was for him to earn a nod of her head and a keening confirmation that she loved where his mind was going as he gazed at her body.
His appraisal of her body lingered for moments longer, Harry muttering praises beneath his breath that had her skin heating and tummy turning just before he stopped with his hands on her sides. His fingers wedged themselves between her hips and the bed before giving a gentle tug. "Budge up for me, angel." 
Lifting her hips, she did as told while Harry reached for a pillow laid askew on his side the bed. The plush square was folded beneath her hips, helping to prop her up as she let her weight sink into the down and the bent knees she planted on the bed. Her body was presented to him with her ass up and pussy on display with the help of her spread legs, the damp patch she felt clinging to her form no longer hidden. 
"This alright?" he asked her, refitting himself behind her, the slope of her body allowing only an obstructed view of him now. 
His question earned a quiet nod of her head, her breathing hitching when she felt the press of his hard cock on the inside of her thigh. 
"Still green?" 
"Still green, daddy." 
He hummed as he allowed his hands to settle on her raised hips, fingers splayed across the soft of her skin. It only took a moment for those same fingers to wiggle their way underneath the waistband of her panties, the cheeky cut of the fabric digging into the cheeks of her bottom. 
"Wish y'could see how pretty y'look for me like this," Harry murmured, his gaze burning almost as hot as his hands on her skin, "Got your ass up in my face like 's m'birthday present. Best birthday I've ever had, that's for sure." 
Absently, (Y/N) felt her back arch at his words, presenting herself to him in a way she hoped would garner more praise from her position. If he liked her butt, she wanted to make sure she gave him every bit of the present she was being described as. 
A breathy laugh was heard from behind her before the exhale fanned over her heated skin, the amused sound being punctuated with a whispered cutie, falling under Harry's breath. He stayed quiet then as he took her in, his hands under the line of her panties shifting until his heavy palms groped at her bottom. The inside of (Y/N)'s thigh grew wet as a blurt of precum leaked over the skin. 
"Y'like showing off for me like this?" Harry asked, a mocking edge to his tone that made the butterflies in her tummy sing and flutter, "Showing me your cute little ass and wet pussy though your panties?" 
Her lungs twisted, unable to hold much air in them as she listened to Harry. She hadn't quite thought of it as showing off when she arched her back for him, but maybe there was something to be said about the way she lent back into his touch and only wanted to do more—show more for him and see if he liked it just as much as this view. 
Harry exhaled another laugh when she pushed back against his hands. The motion caused his hands to graze over her backside, fingertips denting the delicate flesh and thumbs hooking into the fabric of her panties. Her underwear collected on the webbing between his thumb as forefinger, the clinging material following after him and pulling up tight against her bottom. (Y/N)'s breathing hitched when she stopped, Harry having taken over and tugged at her underwear until the fabric was bunched tight between her cheeks, showing off the full of her ass. 
(Y/N) fell still under his hands as one of them disappeared, the mattress depressing by her feet where she assumed he had planted his fist in the bed. That left one of his hands on her body. His palm lazily dragged over the waistband of her panties, a low breath being let out behind her as Harry's fist wrapped around her underwear, just above where majority of the fabric was bunched between the split in her backside. Even the front of her panties was tugged back, the outline of her slit clear as day through the sodden fabric as it was retched back. 
His grip tightened until all that was seen was a white sliver in the cleft of her bottom, a satisfied hum sounding from Harry at the view. 
"Knew y'liked showing off for me," he drawled, voice thick and heavy as he gripped her panties tighter and pulled just a hair on the waistband, the fabric beginning to wedge itself between the folds of her pussy. A sharp jolt was delivered through her system as her underwear pressed unforgivingly against her clit before Harry let up on the tug, her thighs relaxing now. "I don't blame you," Harry continued, knocking (Y/N) out of her stupor that even stopped her from breathing, "not at all, angel. Y'have such a pretty body, no reason to hide it—especially from me." 
The free hand she figured was planted by her feet returned as his thumb appeared at the apex between her thighs. The pad of his finger pushed against the clear split outlined through her underwear, trailing up and down in the same teasing runs he delivered when he was grazing her bare skin. He prodded gently at where he knew her weeping hole was, (Y/N) jumping when she felt the brush of her panties being pushed against her tight opening. Harry soothed her in quiet coos as he moved onto the top of her slit, where her clit was bundled against her fabric. 
"Gonna whine for me again if I touch y'here?" he murmured, the tip of his thumb just barely pushing against her clit as he spoke. 
The only response he got was a wet gasp as her mouth popped open, unable to suck in enough air in anticipation. 
He didn't hesitate then to smear the pad of his thumb over her covered pearl, the sticky fabric wetting his finger. Just as he suspected, (Y/N) felt her body sag at the relief of feeling something pressing into her—anything giving her the kind of pleasure she'd been aching for since she found herself at Harry's feet. 
Harry played with her, grazing over her in light circles that barely allowed anything to register other than the lingering brushes of his thumb. (Y/N) was only halfway aware of the arch to her back and the way she pressed back against him in hopes of earning more of his touch. She could have cried the second she felt his hand retreat, all the pleasure and the warmth leaving along with him. 
"H-Harr—" (Y/N) was cut off by her own moan, the second half of his name dying on her tongue when she felt a soft smack of his hand laying across her center. 
"Angel," Harry hummed, both hands now soothing the back of her thighs as if to make up for the momentary sting delivered to her most delicate parts. "Wanna tell me your color?" 
Her answer struggled its way through her throat, the priority of breathing taking precedent in that moment. The lag seemed to worry Harry as his presence behind her shifted, his hand landing on the outside of her thighs before he hovered over her back, necklace dragging cross the knobs of her spine. He was closer now as she could tell by the heat seeping into her skin from his chest and the rumble of his voice into her ear.
"'S okay if 's not green, okay? Tell me how y'feel and we'll work together to make y'feel good, remember?" 
Something akin to panic tugged at her tummy. He thought she didn't like it, didn't want that hot rush that followed after his hand departed from her pussy. He thought she wanted to stop—or slow down, or anything that wasn't continuing exactly what he started. 
"No, no," she rushed, shaking her head, eyes cinched shut with her cheek pressed into the down of his silken pillow, "I'm green, I'm green! I liked that—d-don't stop, please, daddy." 
Harry's breathing changed, the even paced exhales and silent inhales disappearing in a hitch. "Y'liked that, angel? Promise?" 
"I-I promise," she agreed as quick as she could get out the words, "I liked it, daddy." 
A kiss was draped to the cuff of her shoulder before Harry dragged himself away, taking his seat back between her legs. His hands on her thighs rounded to the backside again, one trailing dangerously close to where (Y/N) swore she could feel a flutter of a faux-heartbeat. His honey-thick gaze was almost as tangible as the hands she felt on her as she waited. 
"Then, I guess I'll jus' have to do it again, won't I, angel? Can't say no to you when you've been so good, telling me all your colors and being so sweet letting me be rough with you. 'S the least I can do to spank your pussy like y'like, isn't it?" 
Gosh, when he says it like that... She definitely had a second heartbeat. 
Before she could even form any kind of plea, she felt the loss of his hand on the back of her thigh before a swift smack was delivered to the softness between her legs. A gasp escaped her lips, body jolting at the extra bit of strength he added to this particular swat. A moment of reprieve was granted in the way Harry bent over and pressed a kiss to the curve of her bottom, his once offending hand now running laps along the back of her thigh in soothing runs. She knew she must have calmed down enough on the outside when Harry retreated, leaving only one hand on her thigh and the other waiting to deliver what (Y/N) was beginning to crave. 
A third swift spank came with a soft thump of his palm against her pussy, this one the hardest of the trio though still extremely gentle, Harry using the barest amount of his strength. (Y/N) arched her back at the contact, her clit throbbing in the aftermath. Her body vibrated like a cymbal for a moment as she didn't even attempt to collect herself.
"Oh look at that," Harry awed, his palms slipping down the backs of her thighs and settled on her calves, "Got your toes curling and everything. Y'really do like this, angel. Gonna have to remember that one." 
(Y/N) didn't even realize she was nodding her head until she heard Harry's adoring laugh filter through the room along with a declaration that she was so cute following right after. His touch shifted over her body then, traveling up the backs of her thighs to the soft of her ass before working under the waist of her panties. (Y/N) prepared herself for another of those teasing tugs to be given to the fabric, pulling it tight against her form, just before the opposite happened and Harry took them down. The underwear lingered over her center, the wet material clinging to her for a moment before it gave and he could work it down the soft of her thighs. She helped him as he pulled them down the length of her legs, lifting her knees and feet when he needed until her panties joined the pile on the floor. 
Now bare except for the flimsy make of her bralette, (Y/N) felt especially vulnerable in her position with Harry behind her. There was no way she could hide now, each of her reactions and most intimate places left on display for her lover. Harry's breathing was heavy behind her in the way she could picture his chest heaving with a pink flush coloring through his chest tattoos before working up his neck in search of his cheeks. She would even bet that the tip of his cock was now the same flushed red shade that matched his lips after he bit them or allowed her to kiss them to her heart's content.
"Look at you, lovebug," he crooned as he shuffled behind her, his knees knocking into her own before widening their berth, "You're so wet for me. Must have been really torturing you if you're this sticky, hm? Letting y'suck m'cock only to pull y'up here like 'm going to fuck you, but I jus' keep playing with you instead. Gonna have to take good care of you to make up for it all." 
(Y/N) didn't even think before she pushed up against him, his cock nudging at her inner thigh while her pussy kissed at the bottom of his tummy. The only thing that rung through her mind was his promise to take care of her now, that it was her turn to feel satisfaction. 
"Please, please," she pleaded, "I want you, Harry." 
His voice was strained as he spoke again, "Don't worry, love, you'll have me." His soothing came along with the feel of his palm landing heavily over the small of her back, fingers splaying out. 
One cursory rock of his hips slid his cock up against her pussy, slipping between her folds and brushing the underside along her pearled clit. (Y/N)'s cry was cut off with only half of her oh my— making its way out of her mouth before the rest fizzled in her throat. Harry's own praising groan was loud between the walls of his bedroom, loud enough (Y/N) heard it over the rushing of her heartbeat in her ears. 
She needed that—needed him—in her right now. That was going to be the only way her body was going to settle enough to be present in the moment with him, she knew that. 
Harry seemed to be on the same page when he asked through his ticked jaw: "Are we using a rubber tonight, love?" 
"No, no, I just want you, please," she bubbled, the response coming like second-nature. She wanted to feel all of him tonight, nothing to separate them. 
A whispered celebration of fuck, yes, slipped out of Harry's mouth, the words bringing a small smile to (Y/N)'s lips. Nice to know she wasn't the only one that liked that they had the option to go without now. 
"Tr-Try to stay up on your knees with your back arched for me like this, yeah?" Harry started, one of his hands fitting between the both of them, assumedly to grab for the base of his cock, "But if y'get tired, I gave y'that pillow for a reason. It'll hold y'up if y'need it, okay?" 
"Okay," she peeped out, already steeling herself in hopes of staying in position for him. She was still on her mission to be the best little birthday present he'd ever had, anyway. 
"And you'll tell me if your color changes from green." 
His words were less of a request and more of a direct order (Y/N) still nodded her confirmation to. 
"And, you'll tell me if yours changes?" she asked a moment later, voice breathless. 
The hand splayed over the small of her back moved in a soothing run over the line of her spine. "I will, love, don't worry," he assured her through a smile she could hear. 
(Y/N) felt the knock of his knees hit the inside of her own as he adjusted his stance behind her just before her heart was pushed off rhythm when the tip of his cock brushed the bump of her clit. A sigh escaped her lips at the contact, Harry's hand at the small of her back working to soothe her with his thumb circling in the dimple at the base of her spine. He continued to coo to her as he ran the head of his prick through her folds, collecting all of her wetness to join the glaze of his precum and the wet of her saliva over his shaft. 
"Ready?" he murmured to her, always the one wanting to double check with her. 
"Please," she answered, voice floating between them on a broken breath. 
Harry didn't waste anther second before he nudged the crown of his cock at the opening of her wetness, her walls fluttering at the minimal contact and making it that much harder for Harry to slip inside. 
"Relax, baby," he crooned, voice as soft as his fingertips on her back, "Want me in, right?" 
"I do, I do," she confirmed, her words running together in her haste to get them out, "I'm just ex-excited, I'm sorry." 
A huffed laugh sounded from behind her. "'S okay, love. 'M excited, too, trust me. Jus' relax a little so I can give y'what y'want." 
She let out a murmured string of okay, okay, as she nodded her head into the pillow beneath her cheek. Taking deep breaths, she felt Harry working another circuit of his cock through her slit, willing herself to calm down and settle when she felt him nudge at her entrance one more time. Keening into the bed, the arch of her back deepening, she felt him push in, the head pushing through her clinched walls. 
"There we go, baby," he praised her, slipping further and further inside once the ridge of his crown popped inside, "Doing so good for me." 
(Y/N) felt a smile curve her lips at his words, willing herself to keep the clenching of muscles to her thighs as he pushed forward before bottoming out. His thighs were pushed against the back of her own, balls flush against her, with his hands shifting over her heated skin and grabbing at her hips. Harry stilled inside her, allowing for an adjustment period she still needed no matter how many times he had her. 
With his thumbs following the flared line of her hips, (Y/N) felt his warmth spread over her as he folded himself over her back. The hard muscles that lined his chest and stomach were pressed against her back just as she felt the pillows of his lips press a kiss to her shoulder. 
"Harry," she whined without meaning to, the call quiet between the two of them. 
"'M here, 'm here," he cooed, dropping another kiss to the corner of her lips, "I've got you, love, don't worry." 
He earned an absent nod of her head with his reassurances before her next sentiment left her mouth: "I love you." 
His smile could be felt against the full of her cheek before he proceeded to try and kiss her through the curve. "I love you, too." 
Harry lingered over her for a few more moments, cradling her with his own body before smearing a kiss on her shoulder and straightening out his spine. He gave a cursory rock of his hips behind her, nothing more than a short grind of his pelvis into her center that knocked a breathless moan loose from (Y/N)'s chest. 
"More," she requested, the word more delicate than she intended with the breathlessness of her voice. 
Without hearing anything other than a short, rumbling hum from Harry, she felt the loss of his body as he reared back, her mourning was short-lived before he was pushing into her again. Harry bottomed out with a sigh, this new position allowing him to press as deep as he could into her without the cradle of her legs stopping him. 
"Y'feel so good, baby, so fucking good," he said, voice strained. 
(Y/N) wanted to say something back, tell him that he felt even better, that she felt so full with him inside her and he'd never been deeper, but every sentiment died in her throat when he gave her another deep thrust. Without a condom, she was able to feel every vein and ridge lining his cock, the head nudging as far as she'd ever felt him. Her walls fluttered around him as he curated a rhythm that had the breath knocked out of her with each stroke inside. The only other sounds that could be heard over her breathless moans was the slap of his skin against hers and the growing wetness that slicked his cock with each thrust. 
She couldn't help herself but bury her face in the pillow under her cheek, each of her breathless calls of his name and the heavy slices of air that came tumbling from her lungs now muffled by the down. Her body jolted with every heady thrust he delivered to her center, cock sliding through her walls, hips smacking into her bottom, and balls tapping her clit in way that felt similar to the way his hand had been brought down on her earlier. Her toes curled over themselves as she steeled her legs to keep from giving out and to ruin the position she was in for her Harry. Even her hands were bundled into the deep black of the duvet, wishing they were instead threaded between the fingers pinching at the full of her hips. 
Harry gave a particularly hard roll of his hips, the stroke quick and cutting though he lingered as he worked the crown of his prick against her farthest walls. (Y/N) couldn't stop the cry that left her mouth in a wet gasp, the Oh my gosh!, muffled by the pillow just before one of his hands on her hips disappeared. His unrelenting rhythm never ceased even when she felt that hand reappear in her hair, familiar fingers threading through her strands and tugging at the root. Though he was still much more gentle than she was sure other people would have been committing the same act, (Y/N) was still pulled away from the sanctuary she found in his pillow at the force of his grip, neck bared against the satin. 
"No, not allowed to hide from me like that, angel," Harry grumbled, breathless and panting though his command still maintained a steel edge, "Gotta let me hear you, or 'm stopping, alright? Be good for me." 
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, daddy," she bubbled, voice throaty given her position, "I won't do it again, I'm sorry." 
"'S okay, baby," he told her, another roll of his hips delivered when he bottomed out, balls pressing into her swollen clit, "I know y'don't mean to be bad, 's okay. Daddy's still got you." 
His fingers left her hair in soothing runs over her scalp before he pet his palm over her mussed strands. As she adjusted herself to lay with her cheek smushed into the pillow once more, she felt his hand settle on the back of her neck, a welcome weight that reassured her that he really did have her. 
"Feel good, angel?" he asked her, hips stuttering when she felt her insides tighten at the use of her favorite petname, "L-Like having me like this?" 
"Uh-huh," she breathed, "Y-You're so deep. It's like you're in my tummy."  
When she heard the groan that worked its way out from behind his sternum fill the room, (Y/N) cracked open her eyes just enough to see him over the curve of her shoulder. He was a dirty dream as he thrust into her, raspberry lips parted and swollen while his attention was fixed on where he was disappearing inside her. The curls of his hair acted as a dark curtain falling around his shoulders, though the smallest of baby curls were pasted to the sides of his face and gleamed with sweat. His skin was covered in that same sheen of perspiration, animating his tattoos as he flexed his muscles and worked himself in and out of her at a rewarding pace. The length of his arm was on show with the way he had it stretched over her back with his palm pressed into the back of her neck, bicep tight while his grip was gentle. 
"Y-Yeah?" he gritted out, "Y'like that?" 
"Mhm," she hummed, sucking in a deep breath before it was knocked from her lungs by the driving of his hips, "I w-want more—want you everywhere." 
Harry's response came in the form of mumbled praises that (Y/N) was too gone to hear, only knowing that he said anything by the way his lips moved. His hand on the back of her neck shifted as she watched the muscles in his arm flex, his palm sliding down the line of her spine before rejoining the one that remained on her hips. She watched him work over her for a moment longer before she realized the strain on her hips he was putting on her, as if he were pushing down on them. 
"Harry, I-I can't—You're p-pushing—" 
"I know, angel," he murmured to her, "Jus' relax and lay into your pillow a little, okay? Gonna make sure 'm everywhere for you, like y'want." 
She didn't have much room to ask any questions, especially when she got the okay to lose the position that was beginning to make her thighs and back ache. Slowly sinking down into the fluff of the pillow propping her hips up, the slope of her body decreased until she was raised up only at her hips with her knees sliding out from under her until only a small bend remained. 
Harry slowed behind her, his grip on her switching to cradle the curve of her waist. (Y/N) used that moment to recover as she felt him shift behind her, her breathing coming in even paces now that he was warming himself inside of her instead of knocking her breath from her lungs with each stroke. Her eyes fell closed during this moment, leaving her only to feel Harry's body hover over hers. 
Unlike earlier in the night, Harry didn't settle with hovering over her. He allowed the weight of his body to press into her back, sinking her into the bed below her. The familiar cradle of his chest and stomach returned with the blocky muscles now heavy on her body as he pressed into her back. He tucked his face into her shoulder, his breathing coming out in humid puffs that clung to the bare of her skin. 
(Y/N) felt her insides pulse when she realized what he was doing: she felt him everywhere. 
His mouth was pasted to her skin in smearing kisses while he gave rocks of his hips into her, not even pulling his cock out before he was trying to press deeper into her. His body was heavy over her own, not allowing her to feel anything but the sheets beneath her and the hot press of his body from above. 
"This alright, baby? Can feel y'clenching around me." His tone was deep and lazy as it sunk into her pores, not even bothering to lift his mouth from her skin before talking. Just another bit of him she now felt inside her. 
"Y-You're everywhere," she keened, a wet gasp falling from her lips at the feel of his grinding hips.
"This is what y'wanted, right?" he breathed. 
"Yes, yes, daddy," she cried, "Thank you, thank you." 
Harry's smile was imprinted on her shoulder. His thumbs on her waist worked soothing circuits over the curve, a gentle reward for her politeness she couldn't seem to shake. "Good girl, so polite." 
As much as she was reveling in the full contact he was granting her with his body pressing her into the mattress, she was missing the heady strokes of his hips into hers. (Y/N) couldn't help herself before she hooked her ankles around Harry's own legs, the vining curve of her legs urging him into her while she pressed her bottom back into his hips. 
A breathy laugh was delivered to the back of her shoulder while his hands on her waist solidified their hold. "Yeah? Ready for more?" 
That was all it took for Harry to rear his hips back, crevices created between their bodies that left her cold for the moment before he was pushing into her again. With how close she wanted him, he didn't dare pull out of her as far as he had been before, instead staying near her and sinking into her with shallow thrusts though his pace quickened. 
His panting could be heard loud in her ear, his own breathing mimicking the knocked tempo of hers. With every bit of their bodies pressed together and the matching pace of their breathing, (Y/N) swore she wouldn't have been able to discern who was who in that moment; where one of them began and the other ended. She liked that. 
Just as her fingers began to curl into the tuft of bedding she was sure she was going to rip a hole into by the end of the night, one of Harry's hands abandoned her waist only to wiggle between her palm and the distressed patch of duvet she was imprinting her nails into. The second (Y/N) realized he was trying to hold her hand, she was quick to replace the comforter in her grip with his fingers threaded between her own. Her heart squeezed at the fact he still wanted to hold her hand in a moment like this. 
The familiar contact was enough to ground (Y/N) as Harry relentlessly thrust into her, her clit swollen and aching with each smack of his balls against the sensitive pearl. Even her eyes began to burn as she took in every inch of space that was being set ablaze by Harry's touch. If this was how he planned on making her cry tonight, he was definitely achieving as much. With his hand in hers, (Y/N) acted on instinct as she brought the bundle of limbs up to the pillow beside her head. 
At first, she only pressed innocent kisses to the line of his thumb. She could hear Harry's amusement at her affection in the breathless laugh that sounded between grinds of his hips, though he never dared to pull his hand away. Once she reached the tip of his finger, swollen lips kissing at the black of his fingernail, she gingerly pulled him into her mouth. 
The hard muscles of Harry's stomach twitched against the small of her back, pelvis stuttering as he drove into her, when the wet of her mouth enveloped the tip of his thumb. A whispered curse was smeared into her skin as he allowed her to pry his digit away from the bundle of their hands,  (Y/N) taking him in her mouth until his finger was completely wrapped in the warmth of her mouth. She sucked over his thumb much like she had with his cock at the beginning of the night, her tongue contentedly moving over him in lazy strokes. 
For (Y/N), this was, more than anything, another way to have him with her—another avenue to be close to him in the middle of all the lengths they were going to to be as near as possible to one another. It was comforting to have him in her mouth, anyway, and she knew Harry liked it when she sucked on his fingers, too. 
As much could be seen in the way he began to breathe like the wind had been knocked out of him and his cock twitched and throbbed inside of her. "Fuck, you're gonna make me cum if y'keep doing that," he panted, voice seemingly dipped in honey and rolled in gravel with the way it rumbled through his chest and poured over her skin. 
(Y/N) only nodded her head in jerky motions, his thumb still cozied in her mouth, wanting to feel exactly what was churning behind his stomach muscles that were still pressed into her back. 
"Y'want that? Want me to cum for you?" 
"Please," she lisped around his thumb, the word sounding a lot more like pleathe. 
His sweats slicked forehead dropped against her shoulder, the curated pace he had made with the rolls of his hips coming undone as he seemed at war with himself. After a moment, (Y/N) all too content to lay right there with Harry all around and in her, she felt him shake his head. 
"I can't, baby, not yet," he told her, words coming out through gritted teeth, "Wanna see your pretty face when I cum, 's that alright?" 
The thought of being face to face with him again tugged at the bottom of her heart, urging her to smile though she was much more occupied with Harry's finger pressing into the pad of her tongue. Reluctantly, she drew it from her mouth, now spit slicked and shining in the low light of his bedroom. 
"I wanna see you too," she told him, voice hoarse, "I miss you." 
Harry's voice was unsteady as if he were on the verge of tears as he spoke, "You're so cute, baby." 
Just after pressing a heavy kiss to her cheek, Harry peeled himself off her back. His hand retreated from hers though he still offered her a small squeeze before he situated himself between her thighs once again. Pulling his cock from her warmth, she was left without any connection to him aside from his thighs pressed into hers. She felt cold laying there without him, hips still raised by the help of his pillow under them. 
(Y/N) didn't have a chance to finish her question before Harry barred his arm under her waist and flipped her over under him. He untangled the mess of her legs and pushed the pillow off the bed, as he positioned her just where he wanted her before she could even collect her head and reorient herself. 
"There y'are," he crooned as he placed himself between her thighs, her bent knees on either side of him, "Missed your face, too, angel." 
Her hands were quick to cradle his face between her palms, her smile bright though she was leaning towards exhausted after all that had happened since they stepped into his bedroom. She used that grip on him to tug him down for a kiss, missing his lips and detesting the fact they'd barely kissed all night. Harry was a more than willing participant to make up for the lost time, slotting his lips between hers and chasing the taste of the mouth he'd missed all night. 
Distracted by the taste of his tongue slipping over her own and the comfort of the familiar act, (Y/N) hadn't even realized he slipped one of his hands between them until he lined up his cock with her weeping hole and he slipped right inside with a slick noise sounding in the room. He swallowed the aching sigh that escaped her mouth, the breath laying over his tongue before he shared it with her. 
The tempo of his thrusts was much less curated this time around, evidence of the fact that she really was about to make him cum just a minute earlier. He kept kissing her, their mouths slick and wet against each other, even as he dragged his hands over her sides, tracing her form down her legs until he reached and found the line of her shins. His palms were heavy and sweat-slicked on her soft skin. 
Harry pushed against her, pressing her calves flush against the backs of her thighs. Even then he kept pushing, using the strength she had fantasied about on her pliant body until he had her folded over with her thighs pinned to either side of her body and Harry had unfettered access to her center below him. 
(Y/N) threw her head back at the first thrust Harry delivered at this new angle, mouth dropped in a gape though no sound came out. It rivaled that of the depth he achieved behind her, though this time she was able to see him. He shifted above her as he rolled his hips, his knees depressing into the mattress on either side of her to angle himself that much deeper inside of her. Her feet dangled just over his arms, his fists pressing into the bedding to help hold him up as he fucked into her. 
"H-Harry," she whined, her hands on his cheeks shifting until her fingers curled around his shoulders, nails digging into the soft flesh. 
"I know, I know," he panted, lips smeared over the column of her throat, "Feels so fucking good, so fucking good." He punctuated every sentiment with a stroke of his hips, nudging deeper and deeper inside of her every rock of his hips. "I love you, baby," he told her, voice broken and gritted out through a ticked jaw. 
She abandoned the hold on his shoulders in favor wrapping her arms around his neck. Tugging him to her, she fought to press her lips to his in a frantic kiss. "I love you too, H, so much," she cooed, "H-Happy birthday." 
His smile was felt against her mouth. "Thank you, baby," he smiled, "Best little present I've ever had, you are." 
Her own mouth curved into a smile just as Harry delivered a particularly hard thrust to her center, the base of his cock grinding against her clit relentlessly as he lingered. A broken moan made its way out of her mouth as she turned her head to the side, leaving Harry to work his mouth down her neck while her cheek was smushed against the pillow. Instinctively, she shifted to wrap her legs around his waist, toes curling against his back while her walls mimicked her hold all around him and wrapped around Harry's cock in snug ripples. 
"Oh, fuck, 'm gonna cum, angel," he groaned, words coming out over broken breaths and poured over the curve of her throat.
She almost felt panicked at his admission, her legs unraveling from around his waist. The vision of her face painted in his release he'd given her earlier in the night reappeared at the forefront of her mind. He wasn't supposed to finish like this.
"Wait, wait," she rushed out, Harry immediately slowing at her request, "I-I want it on my face." 
Her cheeks flooded with heat at the sound of her own words, the invitation sounding especially depraved with the breathlessness of her voice. But, gosh, the second that picture entered her mind, of her with his cum spilling over her face while Harry moaned above her and praised her for being so pretty with him all over her, she knew that was all she wanted to end the night on. 
Once Harry processed her words, there was something like awe filling his gaze before his features crumbled and he had no choice but to drop his forehead to her chest. His breathing was nothing more than shoddy pants spilling over her skin, humid and weak. 
"D-Daddy can do that for you, baby," he promised, though she knew what was coming next. "Are y'sure y'want that?" 
"I-I am, I am," she keened, "Please, please, H. Let me be good for you."
His cock twitched inside her, nudging the spongey spot Harry made his own, as he breathed into her skin. He lagged behind in response for a moment, no movement other than the heaving of his chest against hers. 
"I-I will, angel, I will," he told her once he found his voice, "Gotta make y'cum first though—gotta be good and cum first, then I'll give y'what y'want." 
(Y/N) nodded her head on instinct, to reassure him and herself that she was going to be good for him. "I'm close, Harry, I'm close, please." 
No response was given as he instead dropped his head to smear a line of wet kisses along her throat and down her chest until he hit the line of the bralette still covering her breasts. He made quick work of that, slipping one of his hands between their bodies and ripping the cups down to sit underneath the curve of her chest. The peaks of her nipples were hard as he took one between his lips, licking his tongue over her before sucking as much as he could into his mouth. (Y/N) keened into his touch, back arching and pressing him harder against her breast. The tip of his nose could be felt grazing her heated skin from where he lay over her, enough of a touch to make goosebumps erupt over her. The hand he bundled between their bodies moved down until his fingertips traced over the bud of her clit, making it that much harder for (Y/N) to keep a clear head. All the while, Harry drove his hips against hers in deep thrusts, a relentless pace being curated in hopes of bringing her over that edge she told him she was already close to. 
"C'mon, darling, cum for me," he murmured to her after he released her breast from his mouth only to move to the other and repeat the motions. 
The circles he was making around her clit grew tighter and tighter until the pad of his thumb smeared heavily over the pearled bud, her legs shaking on either side of him. It was all too much, she needed something to ground her, something to remind her of the moment she was in and not get lost in the pleasure the would take her somewhere she'd never been before. 
With her arms around his neck, (Y/N) urged Harry off her breasts and back to her mouth. She drew him in for a messy kiss, mouths not quite lining up right, but she didn't care. This was enough for her, to leash her back in and make it that much easier to cum knowing that this was still the love of her life hovering over her. 
That was all it took for the spiral that ribboned in her tummy to tie into an unbelievable knot, coiling around her muscles and stealing her breath, then unraveling. 
"Oh my—Har-Harry!" she whined against his mouth, eyes shuttered tight while her hands were fisted behind his neck.
Her toes curled and her back arched, breasts pressed against his sweaty chest. Nothing made sense while her body shook and ran to keep up with her head that was threatening to float up to the clouds and stay there. Harry was the only point of clarity in her mind as she repeated his name in breathless calls, his fingers on her clit and heavy hips working her through the haze to the otherside. He followed her in those moments that her orgasm wracked through her body, gently kissing the corner of her mouth and whispering sentiments she wished she could hear over the rushing sound filling her ears. In the smallest part of the back of her mind, she realized that the tiniest of tears had begun to leak from the corner of her eyes and into her hairline. 
Aftershocks settled in the second his touch became too much, feeling too good to actually revel in the pleasure. "T-Too much, Harry," she breathed, absently shaking her head.
It was then that Harry's own body seemed to bow under the pressure that had been lurking under his muscles. His hand left her clit and his forehead dropped to her shoulder. Every inch of him seemed to liquify except for the hard cock tucked snugly inside her shuddering pussy. He seemed content in just laying over her, basking in her own orgasm with mutterings of how she was such a good girl for him, cumming so hard for him like he wanted, but that wasn't what (Y/N) needed right then. 
"You're turn, H," she told him, voice as steady as she could manage as her arms slipped from around his neck and stopped with her hands on his sides, "You still need to cum, too." 
As if he just barely remembered the request she'd had minutes earlier, Harry's body tensed and his cock throbbed. "Still want me on your face?" 
The way Harry groaned as he slipped out of her told her just how on edge he already was before he started kneeing this way over the mattress. His cock was wet with her own orgasm, the ruddy head glimmering while his precum threatened to leak from the slit. (Y/N) watched from under him as he stopped and hovered over her chest, knees on either side of her body while his own chest heaved with heavy breaths. His eyelids fell over his eyes in a lazy hood, lashes dark like his smudged liner and curling in the low light while his cheeks matched the flush coloring his chest. His lips even matched the red color of the tip of his cock, spit slicked and swollen. 
"Ready?" he breathed, a hiss escaping his lips once he wrapped his hand around the base of his prick. 
"Uh-huh," (Y/N) answered, her hands reaching to land on his thighs, fingertips denting the tattooed skin. "I want it, H, please." 
His eyes squeezed shut as he listened to her, his hand stroking over his shaft in frantic runs. The slick noises filling the room almost made her want to shy away, knowing that it was her own slick that caused that sound. But, there was never going to be a time where she passed on watching Harry make himself feel good with his fist around his cock and face twisted in pleasure. With her much clearer head, she wanted to remember every detail of this vision of him above her, stroking his cock and breathing out obscenities. 
When his hand stuttered over his length and a bead of precum fell from the tip and landed on her chest, she knew he was close—seconds away, if she was lucky. She tightened his grip on his thighs in anticipation, eager to feel everything he had to offer. 
"Fuck, fuck, 'm cumming, baby," he gritted out, his features crumbling as he jerked his cock. 
The first rope of cum landed over her lips, her open mouth catching most of it with the pad of her tongue. (Y/N) jerked back at first, startled, but soon fell into contentment as soon as she saw how much Harry liked it with the way he couldn't draw his eyes away despite the fact the rest of him was succumbing to the pleasure. He worked over his cock, drawing out more and more of his cum that landed on (Y/N)'s face in streaks that splayed over her cheeks, chin, and mouth—stray beads even landing on the bridge of her nose. If not for the fact she didn't want to get anything in her eyes, she would have watched every second and committed this to memory for any lonely night she couldn't sleep in Harry's bed. 
Once the last stroke splashed across her cheek, glancing over the height of her cheekbone, with nothing following right after and Harry's groans quieting to huffed breaths, she peeked her eyes open. He kept going, fist over his shaft, though he seemed to be spent, finally. It wasn't until she saw him visibly shudder from oversensitivity that he relented, hand falling from around his sensitive cock. He moved on shaky legs to leave his position above her until it was safe for him to slump into the ruffled bedding beside her with the full of his weight.
Harry didn't waste time before he was hovering over her again, propped up by his elbow with dark eyes taking in the state of her face. That look of awe crashed over his irises again as he gazed down at her. The look only heightened when he watched (Y/N) flick her tongue out and lap up the streaks that landed across her lips as best she could. 
He still didn't say anything as he dragged his finger through a rope that landed over her cheek, a little too close to her eye, before returning that finger to her mouth. (Y/N) knew what he wanted as she licked over the digit, cleaning the cum he scooped up for her. A breathless groan left his mouth as he watched her, her tongue slipping back into her mouth now coated in white. 
"Jesus Christ," he cursed before slumping back against the pillows, even the sight of her apparently too stimulating in the moment. 
(Y/N) only had time to let out a breathless laugh, moments away from cleaning up her face by her own hand before Harry reached over the side of the bed and returned with his discarded shirt in his hand. 
"Oh, angel," he cooed to her when he wiped his shirt over her face in careful runs, collecting the streaks of his cum, "Y'have no idea how pretty y'look right now, do you? Y'almost made me cum again right then when y'looked at me like that." 
A shy smile curled her lips as she leaned into his hand, letting him clean her up. "I don't feel very pretty right now, but I'll take your word for it." 
Once she was cleaned up and his shirt was thrown somewhere in the direction of his hamper, Harry didn't bother to respond before he caught her lips in a kiss. The taste of him lingered over her tongue, but he didn't pay it any mind as he laid his affection heavily over her mouth, as if he hadn't seen her all night. 
"M'sweet girl," he murmured, quiet and lazy enough that (Y/N) wondered if he knew he was saying this all out loud. "So, so good for me. So brave, and gorgeous. Thank you, baby, thank you." 
With his hands cradling her cheeks, she smiled into his kiss. "Happy birthday, Harry." 
He crumbled at her well wish, his own mouth now pressing into a smile that mimicked hers. He drew away just enough to press his forehead to her own with the tip of his nose grazing the side of hers. Their lashes tangled at the proximity once he dared to open his eyes, (Y/N) already waiting with her own exhausted gaze. 
"I love you," he murmured, voice like a secret between them. 
"I love you, too," she reciprocated without hesitation.
That earned her one more kiss before Harry reluctantly drew away. He jerked his head in the direction of the bathroom, eyes tired and adoring. "Go wait for me in the bathroom, and I'll get some pajamas for us before we clean y'up, 'kay?" 
Though she didn't much like the idea of being separated from him right then, (Y/N) still nodded her head. She needed to use the bathroom anyway. 
Harry sent her off with a pat to her bare bottom as they crossed paths on the way to their separate destinations. Behind the bathroom door, (Y/N) took care of her business and cleaned herself up before washing her hands. The cool water on her palms was a welcome shock from the heated state her body had been in since setting foot in Harry's bedroom. With her chilled hands, she readjusted her bralette to cover her chest, feeling a little too exposed now that Harry wasn't with her. 
She only had a moment to yearn for him before he was knocking on the door before cracking it open. 
"Is it alright if I come in, baby?" he asked her, waiting for her hum of approval before he stepped over the threshold. He found her lent up against the bathroom counter, thighs crossed to protect her modesty with arms barred across her middle. A bright smile molded his features as soon as he took her in, a black t-shirt bundled under his arm as he shut the door behind him. A pair of dark green sweats covered his legs, but it was abundantly clear that was the only article of clothing he bothered to put on with his bare chest and lack of boxers peeking over the waist. "I only grabbed one of m'shirts for you," he told her as he held out the black shirt to her once he was close enough, "but I can pick some sweats out if y'wanted to wear some tonight." 
(Y/N) was quick to shake her head. He should know her better than that. "No pants," she murmured, taking the soft fabric in her hands before pulling it over her head while Harry let out a soft laugh. The top landed at the mid of her thigh and slouched off one shoulder, the article old and worn and even too big on Harry, but it smelled just like him and held signs of distress from years of love. It was her favorite thing already. "Thank you," she said as she flicked her hair out of the neckline. 
"Of course, love," he beamed at her, reaching for her hips before lifting her to sit on the countertop. Her back was to the mirror, where her line of skincare products was set up for the weekend sleepover they were planning. Harry trailed his gaze over the line before absently brushing his hands over the thighs that cradled his hips where he stood between them. "What first?" 
"Hm?" she hummed, twisting her neck to look behind her where his own gaze led, "What do you mean? 
"Told y'we were going to get y'cleaned up, right? You've still gotta wash your face after all that." A sly grinned worked its way over this mouth as he acknowledged what had gone on in his bedroom under the light of the bathroom. 
"Oh," she sounded, cheeks heating at the reminder, "Um—I need to wash my face first. That's this one." She picked the correct bottle out of the line, moving to slip off the counter and wash her features before Harry stopped her with his hands on her thighs. 
"Let me do it," he said, conviction laced throughout his words. Before she could utter the question she was sure was on her face, Harry pecked a kiss to her nose. "Yes, 'm sure. Jus' tell me what to do and we'll get y'cleaned up." 
"O-Okay," she stuttered, speaking through her smile, "We need to get my face wet first, then we just wash my face with my cleanser until its all foamy." 
She knew exactly what had clicked in his brain the second that a teasing glint flickered through his gaze though he tried to remain nonchalant as he ran the faucet with water flowing into his cupped hands. 
"Could've jus' done this part out there then," he started off innocently though his grin was anything but as he used his cupped hands to wet her features, "Since your face was already wet, anyway." 
"Harry, stop," she whined, though it held no conviction as she spoke through a grin rivaling his own, "Don't say it like that." 
"Sorry, sorry," he relented as he pumped some of her cleanser onto his fingers. 
A look of concentration settled over his features as he pressed his saturated fingers to either cheek. He moved in gentle circles over the planes of her face, his gaze following each run of his hands as he waited for the suds to appear. 
(Y/N) sat in pampered contentment under his attention, eyes fluttering closed after a moment, his ministrations far too relaxing to ignore. 
"Thank you," she peeped, careful to not move her mouth too much as he worked. 
"Of course, baby," he told her, voice sounding absent as his attention was fixed elsewhere, "Gotta clean up my mess, don't I?" 
With her eyes closed, it was much easier to utter her next words though she was sure Harry would be able to feel the resulting heat that filled her cheeks. "I liked being your mess." 
His fingers stuttered for just a moment over her features, his reaction lagging until she opened her eyes again. She found him with his bottom lip tucked between his teeth, pupils dilated as he dropped his gaze to her own mouth. 
The sound of his name seemed to shake him from whatever moment he was having. Clearing his throat he returned to the faucet, swiping a handtowel from the rack before running it under the water. "Think we're good to wash off." 
She only nodded her head, fingers fumbling with the hem of her borrowed shirt in her lap. Was that the wrong thing to say? 
Harry stayed quiet as he wiped the foam of her cleanser from her face, taking care to keep from brushing too harshly or grazing her eyes. 
"What next?" he asked, voice graveled as he kept his gaze trained to the line behind her. 
"I—um—I have it all set up in order, so the toner's next," she instructed, feeling shy now that Harry took her comment the wrong way. 
Even with her direction, he took his time reading the next bottle in line before picking it up, shaking it well before tilting her head up with a tap under her chin. She did as instructed, closing her eyes as she felt the mist of her toner land over her face as Harry sprayed it out. He fanned her face for a moment just as the bottle instructed before he tucked it away, this time not asking for any guidance as he ran his eyes down the line. 
With the next product warmed on his hands before Harry began working the serum into her skin, his eyes dropped to her mouth once more. 
"Y'like being my mess, y'said?" 
"Harry, I—" 
"'S okay, angel," he soothed her, a quiet smile on his mouth, "Jus' had to wait a second before I dragged y'back to the bedroom with me." 
"Oh," she sounded, feeling a little silly now as Harry ran his fingers over the line of her nose, "I thought... I didn't know if that was the right thing to say when you didn't say anything." 
Harry seemingly rolled her words around as he canted his head, reaching for the next product behind her once this one had sunk in. "'S the right thing to say if you're ready for round two, but I think we're both a little too tired for that tonight, aren't we?" 
(Y/N) agreed in a shy nod, dropping her gaze to her lap before Harry tipped her chin up again with dots of her eye cream on his fingers. Instinctively, she looked up under her lashes before Harry mimicked the motion he'd probably seen from her thousands of times as he dragged his fingertips gently over her undereyes. 
"Was there anything you didn't like tonight?" Harry questioned.
Refraining from shaking her head, (Y/N) felt the heat under her skin inch higher over her features. "No, I-I liked everything." 
"Everything?" he pressed, a teasing edge to his tone. 
She was forced to match his eye contact once he was finished with applying her eye cream and reached for the final step of her moisturizer. Just as she thought, there was a layer of amusement soaking in his irises with the beginnings of a lopsided smile tugging at the corner of his lips. 
Swallowing, she found her voice around her fluttering heartbeat. "You made me feel really good tonight, H. I liked everything." 
With a scoop of her face cream doled out on his fingers, he didn't stop the smile from spreading over his features. "Everything," he mused under his breath, rubbing her moisturizer into her skin, "Gonna have to remember that." 
"Harry," she whined, wishing she could hide her face. 
"What?" he countered, shaking his head though his smile never waned, "Don't have to be shy, you know. If I didn't like it too, then I wouldn't be almost hard again jus' talking about it, would I?" 
(Y/N) chanced a short peek down his body. He was telling the truth. 
Harry only shook his head again, catching every second of her perusal of his body. With a final swipe on her nose, he pressed a gentle kiss to the soft of her lips before backing up from the cradle of her thighs. "All done, angel." 
Hopping off the counter, she gave him a gracious smile that stretched her cheeks and warmed her skin. "Thank you, Harry. I know I'm supposed to be taking care of you since its your birthday, but I really liked that. It felt nice having you do it." 
"Anytime, love. 'M happy to help," he murmured, dropping a quick kiss to her forehead before reaching behind her. He came back with both of their toothbrushes and a tube of toothpaste in his hand. His free hand nudged her to the sink. "C'mon, last part then we'll lay down." 
Taking her pink toothbrush from his hold, she waited as he positioned them in front of one of the sinks, Harry beside her. After wetting the brush, Harry put a a squeeze of the minty blue toothpaste he preferred onto the bristles, his hip bumping hers as he stowed the tube away. 
(Y/N) met his eyes in the mirror as she began to brush her teeth, aware of the way he was making a point to be careful not to nudge her with his elbow. He winked at her as soon as she caught his gaze, white foam beginning to collect at the corners of their mouths as they worked beside each other. Another slight bump to her side was delivered by Harry's hip, as much of a smile as he could manage around his toothbrush forming on his features. The curve only grew when (Y/N) reciprocated his teasing, a delicate bump being administered to the mid of his thigh from her own hip. 
Once it was time, Harry tugged her before the sink, letting her spit and clean up first before he followed. He gave her a soft smile in the mirror before murmuring to her to c'mon, that it was time for birthday cuddles before bed. (Y/N) would have skipped to the bed if not for how exhausted she was, climbing under the ruffled bedding after kicking the discarded pillow on the floor towards the hamper. They were going to have to do some odd laundry tomorrow. 
Harry joined her with open arms, his chest an inviting pillow as he cradled her into his side. Resting her head on his chest, she curled in on herself with her gaze pointed down towards their feet and one of her hands flat on his tummy. Sinking into the mattress, (Y/N) felt Harry's body relax under her with his chest expanding in a deep breath. 
"You had a good birthday, H?" she asked once her eyes fluttered closed, hooking her ankle over his under the duvet. 
His heartbeat under her ear fluttered but was quickly overshadowed by the rumbling of his voice. "Had the best birthday, angel. Don't know how we're gonna top this one." 
"I'm sure we'll figure something out," she smiled, her huffed laugh fanning over his stomach. 
"I already have a few ideas," he teased, his voice dropping an octave. A beat passed before he spoke again, his voice soft, "But really, I had a wonderful day, thanks to you, love. I had so much fun with you." 
(Y/N) couldn't help herself before she planted a delicate kiss to one of the roses tattooed on his skin. "Love you," she mumbled, growing sleepier the more she felt his voice rumble under her ear, "Happy birthday."
Harry's arm around her clutched at her hip, bringing her flush against his side. This time, she was allowed to hear the full symphony of his heart stuttering and fluttering. She liked to think that was because she told him she loved him. But, maybe that was just the call of her dreams talking. 
The last thing she heard before she was tucked away in her dreamland was Harry murmuring into her hair: "I love you, too, angel. Can't wait to spend all m'birthdays with you."
combined a couple of requests to put this one together but hope everyone enjoys it!! thank u all sm for reading and sorry for any mistakes!! if you have any ideas or requests of ur own please please send them in!
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driftwood-fireflies · 3 months
any billy hcs?
OKAY I'm finly tackling this. lightning round.
I know that the general fandom perception of billy (in a few different circles anyway) is that he's trans, and I DO understand this. however it's not my personal headcanon. if you want to know why it's simply because the idea of him being a chaser is like insanely funny to me so. stu is trans and billy is weird about it. this is my dynamic.
as for sexuality, I've described this to people before, but to me he's bisexual on a technicality. what's that technicality? he REALLY thinks he likes women. like he's convinced himself he does. (he does not.) so like, if anything, he'd consider himself bisexual and so I call him bisexual. but. he's gay. dykwim.
anyway yes billy is a bi chaser and he is down horrible for stu though he can't really show it. I don't know if I even brought this up in my stu headcanons post but I do think they are BOTH autistic and bpd so they're really failmaxxing as a romantic duo
billyboy loomis is the undisputed mommy issues king, I think him and his mom were very close when he was a kid, like almost to the point where she was smothering him, but he loved her and became codependent with her. I think that's a theme for billy - codependency. he grew to be that way with his mom, and since I personally believe that him and stu have been friends since childhood, he also grew a little fascination with him at around the same time. he's always been Weird about stu in a myriad of ways, but the moment his mom abandoned him it was almost guaranteed that his closeness with him would turn into its own codependency. and it did.
I think his family has moved around a lot, only settling in woodsboro when he was maybe eleven or so. that's when he met stu.
I think they were both independently weird freaks of their own nature, as in, billy has always had his horror movie and psychology fascinations, but stu really amped up the crazy for him. like many people, I hc that stu is a big hunter and likely showed billy how to hunt and gut animals, and I even think he introduced him to the more gorey, less plot-centric horror movies that he loves. I also think the buck that they share was stu's initially, who then gave it to billy sometime after his mom left.
as for current day (read: 1996) stuff. a lot of people tend to stereotype stu as The horny one in their dynamic, but idk. they're both teenage boys and if anything, billy was the one trying the hardest to get laid in the movie lmfao. (I know there was an actual reason behind it but I do also think he just wanted to fuck lol) I think they're both raging horndogs and they rile each other up all the time.
we never see anyone but randy with an actual job, but I think billy's done some under the table type work around town. he strikes me as a guy who'd do good at a mechanic shop, or something. nothing too serious, just whenever he needed some pocket change he couldn't swipe from his dad.
as for horror movies... oh man.
billy is a real pretentious guy. he likes horror, he likes thrillers, but he's not as much of a gorehound as stu. that's not to say he doesn't like it - but it usually only interests him when it's the real deal. in terms of movies, he's actually your pretty generic film bro type, in that I think his top three are psycho, silence of the lambs, and the original house of wax. were he alive today, he'd be BIG into the 'elevated horror' genre, I think. think jordan peele and ari aster. overall he's a real snob about it, he can only get into a horror movie if the killer is someone he can idolize and get into the mind of. he's not a fan of monster movies, thinks it's scarier when the monster is just a regular guy. psychological horror is right up his alley, and I think he'd also love candyman for the way it combines artful and intriguing psychology into a more typically 'slasher' narrative.
I could talk about how billy watches horror movies forever but I'll move onto music so this post doesn't become a novel. I think he's big into rock, pretty similar to stu's taste in that regard. I think he'd really love green day, for sure. I also think he'd like the cure and REM, maybe soundgarden, too. he's really into anything moody or brooding in some way. besides rock though, I also think he enjoys older, more classical stuff. I could see him buying a film score cd and listening to it to sleep, or something.
SO. YEAH those are some of my billy hcs.. like I said w stu I have like a million thoughts about both of them that I couldn't possibly include in a single post so if you have any specific questions about stuff I didn't cover .. lmk ^_^
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glazemeda · 2 years
aster first of all congrats on 200 dear! you deserve those and many many more <3 your writing always puts me at ease and makes me super happy /gen 🥺💕 for your event, how about i, k, l, o, x for kazuha please? thank you so much and please dont overwork yourself! remember to take breaks, sleep enough and stay hydrated mwa!! 💗
note; tysm hori! i'll do something better, here you go, the full alphabet for the pretty samurai<3 tags; slight angst here and there, mostly cheesy and fluffy, not edited.
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A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Kazuha is someone who enjoys being outside, even more with you by his side. He’d like to take trips with you, whenever you want to go, and he keeps those memories close to his heart. The memory of the sun caressing your skin so beautifully will be one he’ll think of when he needs inspiration.
But, your lover likes to be close to you no matter what you’re doing. If you prefer to stay inside, he’s okay with that, he should take a break from traveling sometimes, so he’ll stay with you, reading together or writing a sweet haiku for you. Quiet evenings where he can rest his head on your lap are his favorites.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Your lover can’t answer a question like that. Is there something not to admire about you? Is there something about you that isn’t beautiful? The answer to both of those questions is a no. He admires everything that makes you, you, be it bad or good.
Kazuha thinks you’re the very meaning of beautiful, you’re the most gorgeous sight in his eyes, your smile shines more than the sun, the red on your cheeks reminds him of the prettiest roses… Don’t ask him what he likes about you, unless you can listen to him for hours and don’t mind ending up with a completely red face.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He’ll stay by your side, leaving enough space as to not make it worse, and tell you that he’s there for you. If you’re alright with touch, the ronin will gently place his hand on your back or your arm, and encourage you to take slow, deep breaths.
One his fingers will softly repeat shapes on your skin, or gently tap with a certain rhythm to help you focus. Take your time, he’ll remind you, he won’t go anywhere. He’ll also encourage you to match his breathing, if doing it alone it’s difficult at that moment.
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Kazuha focuses more on the present, rather than past or future. His dream is simple: to stay by your side and give you a reason to smile. He just wants to hold your hand, to have you in his arms, and kiss your lips.
He prefers to not think too much about the future, as many things could happen. He wants to enjoy your time together, right now, without caring about anything else. But of course, he hopes you’re still there, waiting for him to return from his travels, as years pass.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Right in the middle. Your lover is good at adapting, so if you want him to be more dominant or passive, he’s alright with both. You’re pretty equal most of the time, though, but it’s more of your personal preference.
Kazuha doesn’t mind that kind of thing, as long as your relationship goes well and the two of you enjoy being together. It may depend on the day, your mood, or any other factors.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Fights with Kazuha are extremely uncommon, as he makes a big effort to communicate with you and keep calm whenever there’s a disagreement. Unless it’s something really serious, he’ll most likely forgive you rather easily if you’re honest when you apologize.
If it’s something more… personal, something that deeply hurt him, it’ll take time. If you’re sincere about regretting what you said and what happened, he’ll end up forgiving you, but it mostly depends on you.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
Your lover is so grateful for you, and he makes sure to show it. He appreciates how you wait for him to come back to you, how you trust him to do so, and how you help him during his weakest moments.
Kazuha is well aware of what you do for him, and he tries to do the same for you. After a long journey, you’re always there for him, you help him relax and listen to him as he talks about his trip. You look at him like he’s your whole world, and you’re his.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
In the beginning, there are things Kazuha prefers to keep for himself. Not because he doesn’t trust you, he loves you dearly and trusts you with his life, but he needs time to organize his thoughts and feelings before he opens up.
Slowly but surely, he’ll tell you everything about himself, hoping that you’ll do the same. He’ll talk about his childhood, his family, his friend, his most difficult experiences… He wants you to know him, especially if he thinks about proposing to you.
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Kazuha didn’t change much on the outside, but inside, you were able to make his worst memories go away. Thanks to you, he finds it easier to remember his friend with a bittersweet smile, wondering if he would be happy to know that Kazuha found someone as wonderful as you.
You help him during his worst moments, making him feel safe and warm. He has someone’s shoulder to cry on when he can’t continue bottling his feelings. You helped him realize that he doesn’t have to hold in the tears all the time, and he’s forever grateful to you.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Jealousy and Kazuha in the same sentence is a strange occurrence. Your lover trusts you a lot, and knows that you wouldn’t betray him in any way. Besides, he knows how to control his temper and doesn’t let any intrusive thoughts blind him.
But, if someone is going too far and touching you without your consent, even though you’re clearly uncomfortable and trying to get away, he won’t hesitate to step in. He won’t resort to violence, unless it’s self-defense, he’d rather walk away with you. You’ll notice your lover is a bit more touchy than usual, and if you ask him, he’ll admit that he felt a little jealous. The pink on his cheeks is adorable.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He’s definitely a good kisser, he takes his time and makes sure that you enjoy it as much as he does! Kazuha usually gives you a small sign when he wants to kiss you, especially in public, be it a simple glance or playing with your fingers until you realize what he wants to do.
The first kiss you shared was nothing short from one from a fairy tale or a poem. His lips gently touched yours, moving slowly as his hand caressed your cheek. It wasn’t a long kiss, even if he yearned to claim your lips again and again… he feared that, if he did, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from stealing kiss after kiss.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
It would depend on where you are and your own preferences. Still, he would take you out on a date, visiting places he knows you enjoy, then asking you to stop for a minute before you go back home.
Kazuha would gently hold your hand in his, slowly intertwining your fingers. His touch is loose enough for you to step back if you wanted to, but of course you didn’t. He’ll tell you about his feelings, about how his heart beats faster when you’re around, and about how you’re in his mind whenever he sees something beautiful… He can wait for your answer, just as you wait for him to come back every time.
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He wants to spend the rest of his life with you, married or not. Kazuha will bring up the topic with you first to know your preferences before he does anything. If you want to get married, he won’t doubt.
He’ll propose to you with the sweetest poem you’ve ever heard, every word full of love and wonder. He’d like a nice wedding, inviting your family and close friends. It may get a little rowdy with Beidou and her crew, but it’ll be a really fun and wonderful event!
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Oh, Kazuha uses the loveliest nicknames for you. Dove, my love, beloved, dear, darling, maple leave, my heart, flower, my breeze… There are so many, and even more, but he can’t help him when every nickname comes from his heart.
He’ll watch your reaction to every single one. The ones that make you react the most will be kept for private, or moments when he wants to tease you a little bit, while the other can be used in public as long as you’re alright with it.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Anyone who has known him for at least a day can see how smitten this man is with you. He’s surprisingly obvious, as some had expected him to not change much after falling in love. The samurai is pretty good at keeping a kind smile on his face and look calm all the time… but he’s not exactly subtle when he stares at you from afar.
Kazuha writes about you. There are so many poems, haikus and even letters about his feelings for you in his room. Each of them are full of love, making clear just how wonderful you are and how much he wishes to be by your side. Some of them express how he dreams of holding your hand as you watch the sunset together. Maybe, he’ll be able to show them to you one day.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Bold of you to think Kazuha wouldn’t tell anyone who’s willing to listen about how wonderful you are. There are times when Beidou even tries to avoid the ronin because she’s too tired to listen to him talk for hours about you.
He isn’t shy at all, he’s happy to be your boyfriend and won’t ever reject a kiss from you, no matter who’s in front of him. His cheeks will turn a pretty pink, his smile even softer as he watches you go after leaving a peck on his lips. Then, he’ll continue talking like nothing happened, ignoring any looks from others.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship.
He’s a really good cook. Kazuha can make delicious dishes without many ingredients, and even the simplest recipes taste like a delicacy. If you’re traveling with him, you’ll stare as he prepares everything for your meal. For some reason, it’s hypnotizing.
And he loves to cook for you! If you’re tired or simply don’t want to cook, leave it to him. There’s nothing better than arriving home to see your boyfriend in the kitchen with a cute apron on, a gentle smile on his lips as he tells you to sit at the table while he finishes with the food. It’s your favorite dish, and it tastes better than usual, all thanks to your lover.
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
There’s no doubt that Kazuha is a romantic man, he enjoys the soft touches, kissing your hand, whispering promises of love in your ear… He’d do many things to make you happy, just say the word, and the ronin will give his all.
He likes to be creative with the haikus he writes for you, searching for the most beautiful metaphors to try and describe your beauty, although he knows that no words can do so. He does enjoy romantic clichés though, if it makes you smile or blush, it’s good.
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Your lover supports you a lot! He believes in you, don’t even doubt it. Kazuha knows you’ll achieve your goals, and even if you don’t, he’s there for you. Sometimes, it’s not the right time, but don’t let failure blind you.
He’ll be there to help you when you need it, and he’ll tell you how brave and wonderful you are. Try your best, and even if it’s not enough, it will some day if you keep trying. He’ll stay with you in every step of the way, and he’ll offer you a hand if you ever fall.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
While he enjoys to try different things, he’s also okay with a routine. Kazuha would like to take a few trips with you from time to time, maybe take you to a place he found in one of his travels and thought you’d like it too.
Still, a routine is comforting. After wandering, having to keep his guard up to avoid any nasty surprises, a routine is a nice break, especially if it’s with you. It’s domestic, sweet and makes his chest feel warm.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Sometimes you wonder if Kazuha knows you better than yourself. He learned about your quirks and how to read your mood without you saying a word, he knows what to do when you’re upset, how to push your buttons and how to make you melt against him with a simple kiss.
If you’re upset, he can’t help but worry. If you’re crying, his chest hurts, and he wants nothing more than hold you in his arms and comfort you. If you smile, no matter how bad his day was, it’ll feel like the rainy clouds disappeared to let the sun shine. So, yes, he’s pretty empathetic when it comes to you.
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Your relationship is one of the most important things in his life, along with his freedom to wander and the close friends he found. It’s difficult to explain how important it is for him, but you have a permanent place in his heart.
Every morning, he wakes up wishing to see your sleeping face beside him, or find you close with a smile. When he travels, you rarely leave his thoughts, and he’s excited to go back home, to go back to you, and tell you about everything.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
Kazuha lets you do whatever you want with his hair. Feel free to try any hairstyles on him, he won’t complain if he ends up with a pair of pigtails. He loves when you run your hands through his hair, and he might fall asleep after a while.
When he’s feeling down, he’ll plop down on your lap. His hair is down, snowy locks falling on his face, waiting for your warm, loving hand. It’s quiet, and with every caress from you he can feel his worries disappear.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
As long as you’re okay with it, Kazuha is pretty affectionate! He isn’t exactly handsy, but he just loves to hold your hand when you’re walking side by side. Feel free to put your hands on his arm even, he finds it cute.
But yes, he loves to kiss and cuddle with you. Every touch from you makes his heart jump and he has the sweetest smile on his face. He’s addicted to your lips, and doesn’t even try to hide it when he chases after them whenever you kiss him. He can write so many poems about how your touch feels like home, how your body fits so perfectly against his… He loves you so much, and he wants to show you in all the ways he can.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He writes. Haikus, poems, letters, anything. If he finds something beautiful, be it a flower or even a place, he’ll try to compare it to your beauty. A pretty red flower for the color of your cheeks, a warm drink for the warmth in his chest when he’s with you.
He’ll send you those letters, even if they’re a bit messy. Those are his thoughts, that way you’ll be aware that he’s still thinking about you, even if you’re far away from the other. Some nights, Kazuha looks up at the night sky, wondering if you’re also looking at the moon and thinking of him.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lenghts for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He’s willing to fight for you, to defend you, and give his all for you to stay by his side. If there’s something threatening your relationship, Kazuha will try to find a way to deal with it. He doesn’t have many limits when it comes to this.
If you want to stay by his side, he won’t hesitate to fight for you. He won’t lose you, not unless you wish to leave him. He won’t let anyone or anything take someone dear to him, not again, he promises to protect you with his life.
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glazemeda 2022
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whatinthehale17 · 9 months
Okay so, this is a bit of long shot but I'm planning on starting a fanmade project for TE. It's my favorite choices story and there's still so much you can do with it.
I'm currently figuring out how to use Ren'py right now and watching videos and what not to figure out how to do this. I'm pretty new to all this but I think it'd be a fun project.
I'm probably gonna do some of the writing like the plot and Shreya's route (best girl) and also as I said I'm figuring out the coding as well.
But I'm definitely gonna need some help on this. I know others have expressed interest in a 3rd book and now is your chance if you're willing to help. Again it's fanmade and we're not making money off of this, this is just for fun and you can bail at any time.
I'll be making a discord once I start to get some interest in this so the link will be up at some point but if you're interested, just comment saying you'd like to help and what you'll be able to provide for this project.
Co-runner- I'm gonna need someone to help me run this project, help me keep the thing running and I'm a bit of an idiot so I'll be coming to you if I need help with anything. You'll be the Atlas to my MC lmao.
Artist- If you're a good drawer or you just love to draw and wanna help out on this project, we'd love to have you. I'm thinking we'll need some new characters for the plot and if you want, maybe some new backgrounds too (or we could just pick ones from the multiple backgrounds choices already has)
Writer- I'm a lesbian and obsessed with Shreya so I don't really have any idea about the other routes. But I know a lot of people are obsessed with like Beckett and the other love interests so anyone willing to help work on the different routes would be great. Not to mention the plot of the book, the adventures the pend pals could be getting into and side stuff like your relationship with your mom and the villains and such.
Coders- Like any great game, we'd need people who can code or wanna try it out like I'm currently doing. I've always heard Ren'py is good for that stuff and that's what the ILW crew used and that's what I'm currently learning right now so if you wanna try it out or already know how, we'd appreciate the help.
And of course, if you just wanna help out, you can join and I'll figure something out for you to do. My work schedule is kind of whack right now so this week we probably won't be getting anything done unfortunately (maybe Thursday or Friday if I have people and what not) but hopefully the week after, i'll have things figured out.
Last but not least, my idea for how I think the plot should go-
The gang is back for their next year of school
MC, Shreya, Zeph, Beckett- Juniors
Griffin- Senior
Aster, Atlas- Sophomores
But just like always, the school year is never simple for them.
The High Attuned has been watching over the school and visiting more frequently, keeping an eye on you and Atlas.
Zeph is having trouble with Thief captain as much as he hates to admit it.
Griffin is having parent troubles after they found out about his interest in Natural disaster field work instead of being a professional Thief player.
Shreya has hired an assistant to help with Serene and Sublime, though the assistant keeps messing things up and causing Shreya to lose customers, important ones at that.
With Beckett's urge to please his professors, he works himself too much to the point he begins to experience burnout and freaks out over the smallest things resulting in him pushing his friends away.
Aster is having trouble running the shop and keeping up with her studies and she's worried she might have to close it down.
Atlas is happy to catch up on lost time with their mom but when their mom becomes a professor for the school, Atlas isn't exactly sure how to feel about it and starts to lash out on Theia, resulting in the MC to have to try and fix the relationship.
MC does their best to help everyone with their problems but begins to have problems of their own when the school recruits another sun-att who does everything in their power to one up MC in every way.
Of course, it's just a rough draft of how I think the year should go, but we could always change stuff around if people have better ideas. Also, of course, there will be new spells to learn like in the other books and I was also thinking like...was I the only one that shipped Dean Swan and Theia together? Like Dean Swan already acts like a mother figure to the twins. And some of the sources will be back like Gemma and I really wanted to incorporate the High Attuned because we got like two minutes of information about them and then nothing ever again.
So yeah, this is super long and we can talk more on the discord but if you're interested just tell me what you wanna do.
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kanekoii · 7 months
Can we get a iluna (seperate) x girl! Reader who got sick waiting for them outside in the cold for a date? I honestly want it to be fluff comfort and maybe a teeny tiny bit of angst?
lyra’s notes -> this is one of my ones that was changed to be gn, also written right after i threw up so sorry i’m advance this might suck
pairings -> iluna x gn! reader
genre -> scenario, a miKYOscopic amount of angst, fluffy ending tho
song -> i wouldn’t mind - he is we
warnings -> food mentions, tsundere kyo, strong language
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she knew she was running late, but she wasn’t expecting you to be sitting on the park bench she promised she’d meet you at with no jacket, snuffling gently. she’d quickly take you back to her apartment and plop you into a steaming bath. by the time you were done warming up again in the hot water, she’d have had warm pajamas waiting for you and a cup of hot chocolate/tea. even after apologizing profusely for running so late and letting you get sick, she still felt really bad. aia would try to make up for it by nursing you back to help and trying her best to make you happy. please reassure her that it’s okay and that you’re not mad at her.
okay listen, he really wasn't expecting you to stay waiting for him when it was this cold outside! it was completely unexpected and he was SO worried when he saw how sick you had gotten within the next few days. he blamed himself for it, since he was the one running late in the first place. aster can't stand seeing you sick either, so he felt so guilty that he let you get this sick in the first place. please let him nurse you back to health, poor boy needs it to feel like he's at least a decent boyfriend.
she's a very energetic person and she can sometimes be pretty oblivious, but she noticed right away that you were getting sick because she had been running behind for that date a few days ago. of course it had to be on such a cold day and she wasn't there to keep you warm. she felt so bad she wouldn't leave your side until you were fully better. maria is a very sensitive person emotionally, so she really doesn't like seeing her beloved partner hurt or sick because she just wants you happy. let the girl snuggle you please. she's a living doll anyway, she can't get sick.
due to his alien constitution that differs a bit from a human's, it's nearly impossible for him to get sick. but as soon as he notices the slightest scratch in your voice, he is scrambling to get blankets, a warm drink, and anything else you might want or need. he would probably end up crying a little bit as he apologized to you, since he feels it's his fault for not being there to lend his jacket to you. though with his special alien magic (otherwise known as author-san being too lazy to explain), he'd stop the sickness in its tracks before you got too sick.
don't let her cook for you, even if she is trying to take care of you. god please anything but the candy corn pizza. she'll try her best though to keep you happy and hopefully not feeling absolutely horrible. she'll gladly let you lay your head on her chest while she gently scratches your head and apologizes for not realizing you were getting sick sooner. she'll do everything except cook for you while you're sick, and the only reason she can't cook is because she's banned from the kitchen after the candy corn pizza incident.
it's not like he doesn't try, but seeing you sitting there, still shivering, makes him both hurt and angry. you need to be taking care of yourself! he won't raise his voice or anything like that, but he really needs to let you know he cares in a way that he can. he'd be caring for you while calling you stupid and other insults, starkly contrasting the way he was physically so gentle.
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hush-writes-preg · 2 months
i’ve been wanting to say this for a while, and im still not sure i’m gonna say it right, but i really appreciate your blog. i’ve been having issues with my ovaries for a while and it’s still not clear if i’m fertile or even gonna get to Keep my ovaries much longer. it’s been really stressful, because i really want to be able to get pregnant, and i might never be able to. but one of the worst parts is that i’m transmasc, and a lot of people- including my own family- can’t wrap their heads around being a man and wanting to be pregnant. even other transmascs seem to think i can’t actually be trans and genuinely want this. people pity me cus they think Society is what made me feel this way, and they have to “help” by convincing me this is something i don’t actually want.
you and all your followers have been the opposite of that. seeing so many other transmascs who openly (and sometimes desperately) want to experience pregnancy has made me feel like so much less of an other. seeing people who aren’t transmasc but have transmasc friends/partners being so encouraging and supportive when this is something they want has felt so validating. it’s such a positive and welcoming environment here, and it’s so comforting.
so i guess the main takeaway is everyone should keep being horny, because there’s at least one person who really appreciates it.
Hey there, Aster! Thanks for hopping into my inbox with your kind words! 💖
I've said it before, and I'll continue saying it long into the future for old and new followers alike-- this blog exists because I believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to feel appreciated, validated, and seen in regard to this kink. I don't care what parts anyone was born with, what parts anyone has now, or what anyone's age(18+)/gender/sexuality is. Anyone can feel the desire to be pregnant or to impregnate someone else, and that feeling should be celebrated.
I'm sorry to hear that you've had so much trouble with your original plumbing, Aster, and that you aren't sure if you'll be able to conceive. That's a really shitty situation to be in when you actually want to get pregnant. I've known a few people on Tumblr who are in similar health-related situations, and I just wish I could give all of you a big hug (if it's wanted). It's really not fair. The universe is pretty shit for allowing that to happen in the first place. But you're not alone, okay? I don't know how much comfort that offers you, but there are folks out there who commiserate, understand what you're struggling with, and hope that you'll be able to eventually find happiness regardless of what happens.
And yeah... family and society can suck big time sometimes. OFC you can't be male and want to carry a child, right? /s In my opinion, those people are nothing more than gatekeepers who have no business being involved in your body and business. The knowledge that these kinds of opinions are so commonplace really pisses me off. The desire to procreate is a ridiculously ordinary (though not universal) part of being human, so why shouldn't anyone be allowed to use the parts they have to make a baby if they want to? Or be allowed to find other reasonable ways to make it happen? :throws-table.gif:
Ugh. I'll get off of my soapbox now.
All that said, if the space I'm nurturing and the community we're all building is one of support, encouragement, and affirmation, then that's a dream fulfilled for me. We may be stuck feeling like an Other elsewhere thanks to societal stupidity, but not here. Here we're all as incredible and sexy and fertile as we wish to be, and I refuse to hear otherwise.
You're awesome, Aster. Try to stay positive, do what you can to take care of your troublesome bits, and love yourself the way you are. And if you ever need to vent about this stuff, my DMs are open, okay?
I adore all of you horny, breedable fuckers. 💖 Don't any of you forget it.
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sw33theartnick · 2 months
You're Okay {Jurassicshipping} | Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Oneshot
“Stop being a wuss! It’s just a horror film!”
“I don’t wanna watch it!”
“Relax, Sy, it’s probably just a really crappily made horror film.”
“No it’s not! Slasher Movie 10 is a classic!”
Movie night in the Slifer Red Dorms had never been so chaotic. It was Chazz’s turn to pick a movie to watch, and naturally, he chose one of his favorites that he wanted everyone to watch – Slasher Movie 10, the best and most horrific one in the entire franchise. Everyone had agreed to it… well… except one person. 
“Guys! Can’t I just go into a different room or something…?” mumbled Syrus, tense in all shapes of the word as he shifted uncomfortably on Chazz’s couch. His cheeks flared from embarrassment as all eyes laid on him. 
“No wussing out! Last week, we all had to sit and watch your Pretty Little Pegasus and Dark Magician Girl movie!” Chazz huffed out with his arms crossed, “and that was garbage!”
“N-No it wasn’t! Your taste in movies is bad!” Syrus fired back. He crossed his arms and huffed out, turning his head to the side. Jaden was sitting on his right, looking down at Syrus with a big grin on his face. 
“C’mon, Sy! It’s true, and it’s just a movie, after all, it can’t hurt you,” Jaden tried to convince Syrus to stay – it wouldn’t be the same if he left. Syrus felt all eyes on him, and he frowned a bit, feeling tense. 
“Sy don’t gotta watch the movie if he don’t wanna,” Hassleberry chipped in. He was sitting on Syrus’ right, glancing down at the Syrus’ trembling figure. The trembling was barely noticeable but… couldn’t exactly escape the perspective eyesight of someone with dinosaur DNA coursing through his veins. 
“We made an agreement that we all have to sit together and watch a movie every Saturday, together!” Jaden whined, “it wouldn’t be the same without Sy!” Alexis, Bastion, Jim, Jesse, Aster, Atticus, and even Axel nodded in agreement. It was true – the friend group had come to an agreement that each Saturday, someone would pick a movie to watch, and everyone would have to watch it. It was a stupid rule, but at the time, it didn’t seem like a bad idea. The movie nights were meant for everyone to have fun and hang out together, but that included everyone or else it wouldn’t be the same. Shoulders slumping, Syrus admitted to defeat. He was just gonna have to sit there and endure the horrific movie. 
“Fine…” the light haired boy replied. Could he get anymore down on his luck than he already was? The group started to disperse only briefly, grabbing out snacks that were saved up for the movie night, along with blankets, pillows, and other necessities for the perfect movie night. For a few minutes, it was just Hassleberry and Syrus lingering on the couch within the room. The short boy sat with his hands clutching tightly to his pajama pants, trying to not to tremble. How bad could a movie titled ‘Slasher Movie 10’ be? It was probably just going to be a cheesy horror flick, knowing Chazz. It shouldn’t be something to worry about. Syrus could handle it, for sure!
“Private, you sure about this?” Hassleberry’s voice broke the silence, “there ain’t any shame in backing out.” 
“I’m sure… everyone’ll be bummed out if I don’t stay,” Syrus pursued his lips, “it can’t be that scary, right? I mean, it’s Chazz we’re talking about here. I doubt he’d pick something genuinely scary. It’ll probably just be one of those cheesy horror flicks! I’m not worried.” Syrus lied through his teeth though, his hands shaking. Even cheesy horror flicks could be scary… well, at least for Syrus. Hassleberry’s eyes softened a bit, and worry clutched at his chest. Movies were meant to be fun, and Hassleberry didn’t fancy that Syrus wouldn’t be having any fun here. His cheeks flared a little bit and he cleared his throat
“If ya get scared, you can hold onto me,” Hassleberry murmured out quietly, but just loud enough for Syrus to hear. The short boy’s eyes widened and his face flushed redder than the Slifer Red uniforms. 
“W-What? D-Don’t be ridiculous! I-I don’t need that–!” Syrus shook his head. Hassleberry flinched a bit, but he didn’t take it to heart. Syrus probably didn’t mean it in an odd way, but maybe he shouldn’t have offered. After all, it was considered a “girl” thing to be all cuddly with one another, especially watching scary movies together. It shouldn’t have been, but maybe Syrus’ family taught him it was. Before Hassleberry got a chance to reply, the others arrived back into the living room. Chazz turned off the lights, and now the only light came from the large television screen. 
“I’ve got blankets and pillows,” Jim pointed out, “only a few, though.” Jim began passing out the blankets and pillows to everyone until there was one large pillow and blanket left. He handed that off to Hassleberry and Syrus. “Sorry fellas, you’ll probably have to share this one or fight over it.” 
“No problem. Thank you, soldier,” the black haired boy nodded, before adjusting the pillow behind him and Syrus’ heads, making sure it fit them both. He then tossed the blanket over both of them, and got a bit closer to Syrus. He was pleased that Syrus didn’t move away – it was easy to read Truesdale’s expressions and body language. He wasn’t shaking as much as he was before, and he looked a bit flustered, but not uncomfortable. Hassleberry knew the jokes his friends would make about him, about how he would sometimes ‘not be so bright’, but he was a lot more observant than they thought. “Sy, you mind? The blanket’s big, but y’know.”
“D-Don’t mind,” Syrus shook his head and cleared his throat a bit. 
“Alright, dorks, I’m gonna start the movie,” Chazz went over and put the movie on, sitting down as Alexis handed out snacks to everyone. Soon though, everyone was in their respective seats that they wanted to be in. Hassbelerry, Syrus, Jaden, and Jesse took up the long couch, while Jim and Alexis were cuddled up on one of the smaller couches. Jesse and Jaden the same while the others were spread out. The movie started, and Syrus shifted a little. How scary could this movie really be? He inhaled and exhaled, adjusting his glasses. This movie couldn’t be that bad! Syrus convinced himself it was nothing to worry about, that he had no valid reason to be worried. It was just a movie, he told himself. That’s what Jaden said originally. It was just a movie and it couldn’t hurt Syrus. Most movies were fictional… but some were based on true events… was this movie one of those? It couldn’t be! Not with a name like ‘Slasher Movie 10’... no way. The more he over-thought it, the more he could feel his chest bubbling. Something didn’t feel right. Biting his bottom lip, Syrus watched as the movie played on. It started  as just another creepy story – a doll made of pure porcelain was found in the attic of a family that just moved in. It couldn’t get any more scarier than that, even if the plotline was used quite often. 
“How you doin’, private?” Hassleberry whispered – luckily for him, Chazz had made the movie’s sound so loud that any quiet conversations would be unheard by everyone else.
“Fine…” Syrus murmured quietly. He didn’t feel fine. The doll was creepy looking, and the story behind the doll was horrific. 
“Can’t lie to me, Sy,” Hassleberry spoke quietly, glancing down at the short boy, who’s figure started to tremble again. It wasn’t unlikely that the others would tease and make fun of Hassleberry and Syrus if the pair got cuddly – sure, Jaden and Jesse were a thing and stuff… but Hassleberry hadn’t come to terms with the fact he’d have to tell Syrus how he felt about him. That wasn’t fun. Hassleberry never had a thing for guys until he met Syrus. He always liked girls, even before he’d come to terms with the fact he wasn’t a boy at birth. Syrus had changed a lot for him, and sure, the two had it rough at first, fighting over who was Jaden’s best friend. That was ridiculous now, though, and his eyes softened a bit. He shouldn’t have been afraid, though, because Syrus looked like he could use some comfort. The others meant no harm, but Hassleberry could see that this was a bad idea to force Syrus to watch a horror film. Should he do something? He wasn’t sure what to do exactly. Hassleberry didn’t want to touch Syrus affectionately without his permission. 
… And there came a jumpscare. The silly protagonist’s husband had tried to get rid of the cursed doll for a decent portion of the movie, not enough to be boring, but enough to build a haunting atmosphere that increased in each minute of the film. The husband had gone to sleep for the night… only to toss and turn, and open his eyes. Everything seemed fine, until he sat up, and the doll jumped from the ceiling, ultimately killing the man with a slashing blade. Syrus jumped a bit, and before Hassleberry had a chance to react, Syrus was clinging onto him. Meek arms wrapped around Hassleberry’s muscular and bigger figure, and he was left speechless, seeing Syrus sink under the blanket with his head against the dino duelist’s chest. Hassleberry’s face flushed and he felt his chest tighten, trying not to freak out from the amount of emotion he was feeling right now. The guy he had a thing for, the guy who changed his whole world… and Syrus was cuddling him. It made him feel happy, but he tried not to get too excited – Syrus probably was just seeking comfort, so he jumped to someone who could give him that. 
If that was the case, why didn’t Syrus jump to Jaden – someone he’d known for much longer than Hassleberry?
It was that thought that changed his mind’s process. If Syrus just jumped to someone for comfort, he would’ve jumped to Jaden. They had known each other since first entering Duel Academy, so it made sense that Jaden would’ve been the one Syrus clung to, but he didn’t. 
“H-Hassleberry… I-I’m scared…” it was quiet, but the dino duelist heard it loud and clear, even over the loud volume of the movie. Hassleberry’s chest tightened in his ribcage and he tensed up. Underneath the blanket, he hooked an arm around Syrus’ small figure, holding him close. He could feel just how scared Syrus was in his hold, biting his bottom lip a little bit. Damn. He wished the others hadn’t sort of forced Syrus to do something he didn’t want to do. The poor thing would probably be traumatized for life now because of this movie – he’d ever be able to look at a doll the same. 
“Oh, you guys are watching Slasher Movie 10? Dude, that movie is like, garbage,” Chazz paused the movie when he heard Aster’s voice, and the gray haired boy entered into the dorm room, hands on his hips. “Got any room for me? Pro dueling has been stressing me out, I need a good thing to laugh at.” 
“Garbage?! Shut your mouth, Phoenix! This is a classic!” Chazz exclaimed. Even the bickering wasn’t enough to ease Syrus’ nerves. The short man still clung desperately to Hassleberry, his head only briefly peeking out from underneath the blanket. Aster walked to one of the couches before getting comfortable himself. 
“What part are we up to?” Aster asked. 
“The part where the doll kills the husband and starts using him as a possessed toy to spook the other members of his family,” Jaden stated, “this movie’s got no shame being scary.”
“I’ve seen scarier. Haunted in Hell is a personal favorite of mine,” Aster smirked, “it’s about someone who gets the death penalty for all the crimes he’s committed and he’s sent down and forever tortured in Hell. Some deep stuff.” Syrus shuddered at that. A movie about eternal torture? He could only imagine just how terrifying that was. He shuddered, displeased even. 
“Of course you’d watch something where a criminal gets punished like that,” murmured Chazz, “now, can we go back to watching the movie? I’m getting bored here.” The others sweatdropped a bit, the kind of cold sweat that was a bit awkward – it had hardly been any time at all wasted! Syrus sighed quietly as he could hear the movie being unpaused, and silence overtaking the group of people. Sure, he couldn’t see the movie anymore, being under the blanket and all, but he was still pretty frightened by the grotesque sounds. He clenched tighter onto Hassleberry, and in return, Syrus could feel Hassleberry’s arm around him tighten its hold, as though trying to comfort and shield the short boy from the fearful things on the screen. It didn’t help that Chazz’s dorm room had surround sound so… the gross sounds were everywhere. Syrus shuddered, and pressed his head into the side of Hassleberry’s chest. The entire time, the strong boy was sitting with his face flush, keeping Syrus as close to him as possible. It was odd… Syrus never expected Hassleberry to smell nice. He expected him to smell like sweat, something what people would consider more manly. Hassleberry smelled nice, though. Syrus couldn’t put his finger on it. He rested a bit more snugly against his friend, his cheeks flaring a bit. Despite the fluster, he still felt… oddly happy like this in Hassleberry’s arms – it wasn’t something he ever considered. His chest tightened a little bit, and for a few moments, Syrus felt like he could fall asleep right in Hassleberry’s arms.
… Until the sound of a gut-wrenching jumpscare could be heard, and despite not seeing it, Syrus jumped. Hassleberry tugged him closer, and conversations from the others could be heard.
“Damn, he just… killed himself to save his kids? That’s tragic,” Jim replied.
“I knew that was going to happen,” Aster rolled his eyes, “a cliche.” 
“It's not cliche! You’re just boring!” hissed Chazz. The others laughed at the banter, but Syrus didn’t. He clutched onto Hassleberry’s pajama shirt, his hands trembling. He tried to think happy thoughts, tried to stay calm. Hassleberry’s comforting embrace helped though, and Syrus never saw the day he’d be this comfortable with him. He calmed down a little bit, still trembling in Hassleberry’s hold. The movie went on, and continued. The movie was frightening, and overall, wasn’t even remotely enjoyable for Syrus – or for Hassleberry. A horror movie about a possessed doll? Yeah, no. Now, Hassleberry wasn’t scared of porcelain dolls in any means, but he wasn’t a fan of something so grotesque. He wished he could sneak Syrus out of here so he didn’t have to sit through the rest of the movie, but saying he fell asleep wasn’t a viable option. Everyone here knew Syrus – he would never fall asleep if he was this scared. Maybe Hassleberry could use an excuse that Syrus was so scared he’d passed out from fear but… eh… that wasn’t a viable option, either. Damn it! He wasn’t sure what to do to get Syrus out of this awful situation; he’d already experienced too much of this unpleasant movie. 
“H-Hassleberry…” Syrus murmured softly, tugging on Hassleberry’s pajama top. The boy looked down at him, though Syrus remained hidden underneath the blanket. 
“What’s up, Sy?” whispered the dino duelist in return.
“I-I’m sorry…” Syrus whispered once again, and Hassleberry was left confused. 
“You got nothing to apologize for, private. The others should be doin’ that; they’re making you watch this awful movie. Everybody’s afraid of somethin’, they should’ve been respectful of what you were afraid of,” the black haired boy nodded, clutching Syrus closer than before. This time, the short boy didn’t reply, but Hassleberry could tell that Syrus softened up a bit to his words, and it made his heart warm. Innocent intentions often could cause harm to others, and Hassleberry knew that. Everyone wanted Syrus there because it wouldn’t be the same without him, and they wanted to spend time with him – but that left Syrus in an awful position where he felt guilty for chickening out, and decided that he should force himself to stay and watch a movie that’d definitely give him nightmares. Another jumpscare came with screams and gut-wrenching noises… and when Syrus let out a quiet whimper, enough was enough. “C’mon, we’re getting out of here.” Hassleberry scooped Syrus up on his arms, keeping the short man covered by the blanket, before turning on his heel after getting off the couch. He hoped no one would notice – thankfully, no one did, and if they had noticed, no one made a comment. Hassleberry snuck out of Chazz’s dorm room while carrying Syrus, before heading back to their shared dorm room. Once inside, Hassleberry carefully placed Syrus down on his bed after managing up the bunk bed ladder, and he sighed softly. “How’re you doin’, soldier?” Syrus poked his head out from the blanket. 
“Y-You tell me–!” he exclaimed, shifting to remove his slippers, tossing them off the edge of the bunk bed, “how am I supposed to get any sleep tonight…?” It was a rhetorical question, not one to be answered, but Hassleberry decided he wanted to give him an answer anyway. 
“Cause you won't be alone, Syrus,” Hassleberry removed his shoes, “scoot over, will ya?” Syrus’ face flushed, but he didn’t retort anything, scooting over on the bed. Hassleberry tossed his slippers down before climbing into his bunk, sliding underneath the blankets with Syrus. “You’re still tremblin’ like a leaf, private.”
“Y-You would too if you just watched a scary movie and you were scared of it! They’re all gonna have our heads for leaving, you know!” Syrus bickered, but Hassleberry didn’t reply to that. He wrapped his arms around Syrus loosely, tugging him only slightly close. He could tell Syrus was trembling from the way the blankets shook lightly, and it was painful to witness. To think, all this could’ve been avoided if everyone considered Syrus’ feelings, but like usual, Hassleberry seemed the most in tune with Syrus’ emotions. 
“Yeah, you’re right. It didn’t scare me, I don’t got a clue what you’re dealing with,” Hassleberry admitted, “but you’re scared right now, and that’s what matters right now.” Syrus tensed a bit further, but he tried to calm himself down, tensing a little bit as he swallowed tightly. Hassleberry really did seem to understand this, didn’t he? Syrus would always make comments about how Hassleberry wasn’t the most observant, but maybe he was indeed wrong. 
“You’re putting t-to much of an effort into a crybaby,” murmured the machine deck duelist, who swallowed tightly. Why did he feel scared? Was it perhaps he was worried Hassleberry would realize Syrus wasn’t worth the time, and he’d leave him all by his lonesome? He wanted the words back as soon as they left his lips but… that was difficult, considering it was impossible to take words back. 
“Yeah,” the tall boy spoke, “but I don’t regret it. Sy…” Hassleberry heaved a sigh as he tensed up, “Sy, I like ya. I like ya a lot.”
“L-Like… l-like bros, right?” Syrus asked, blush creeping on his cheeks.
“No,” Hassleberry replied. He was brave. He could do this. He wouldn’t be afraid of doing this, it needed to be said. “I like you how Chazz used to like Alexis… except less annoying and less pushy.” Hassleberry thought on his words, however, and pursued his lips. “... It’s alright if you don’t feel the same. I get it. I’m real sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” There was silence that overcame the two of them, but Syrus didn’t jerk away from Hassleberry after that confession. It was just quiet, and for a good while, the dino duelist had assumed that the machine duelist had fallen asleep. If that was the case, then Hassleberry wasn’t even worried about whether or not Syrus heard his confession… but he wasn’t sure if he’d ever be able to say those words again. They were hard to say once, but twice without knowing where Syrus’ feelings lied? That was the real scary part. 
“I-I think I like you too…” Syrus had broken the silence after what felt like ages, “l-like… t-the same way you like me. I never… I never really liked a guy up until you…”
“... Yeah, me neither,” murmured the black haired boy, “something to adjust to, I guess.” Syrus nodded his head, and the two fell silent again, but only for a few moments. “... So are we like… a thing now…?”
“I-If you want…” mumbled Syrus.
“Sy, I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want it,” the muscular boy chuckled a bit as he clutched Syrus closer, “get some shut eye, private. You earned it from battling all the fear you endured tonight.” Syrus nodded. He felt comfortable, like he would be able to sleep. He felt the comforting warmth take over him, and he soon fell asleep. Hassleberry smiled a bit, watching the way Syrus snuggled up into him. He was relieved, happy that the horrors of that damn movie had washed away somewhat. Hassleberry himself ended up falling asleep, more comfortable than anything in Syrus’ embrace. 
* * *
The dino duelist crawled out of the bunk bed when he heard the sounds of movement outside. He didn’t wish to wake his beloved up, so he carefully made his way down the bunk ladder and slid into his slippers, popping out to see his group of friends hanging out on the balcony railing, talking about the movie. He grew a bit annoyed, and when Jaden saw him, things changed.
“Hey Hassleberry! Where’s Sy? You guys left earlier,” Jaden pointed out with a frown on his lips, “why?”
“Cause Syrus was scared,” Hassleberry frowned, and his eyebrows narrowed, “sergeant, usually I’m on board with all your decisions, but this one I just can’t get behind. You guys all forced Syrus to sit through a movie he didn’t like.”
“But he made us sit through–” Chazz didn’t get to finish his sentence. 
“Did that movie make you uncomfortable? Did it give ya nightmares?” Hassleberry retorted, crossing his arms. No one answered. “Didn’t think so. I think you guys should apologize to the little fella tomorrow, cause he wouldn’t make you guys watch something that’d downright traumatize you, and I don’t wanna hear any ‘ifs’, ‘ands’, or ‘buts’ about it!” The others were silent, before each of them nodding their head in agreement, even the more difficult ones agreed to such. Hassleberry turned on his heel and entered the dorm he shared with Syrus and Jaden, with Jaden following behind after bidding goodnight to everyone else. 
“Where is Sy?” Jaden asked, being greeted with a stern glare from his taller friend.
“He’s asleep in my bed, and hush up, you’ll wake him up,” Hassleberry scolded before slipping off his slippers and climbing up the bunk. He got underneath the blankets with Syrus, snuggling back up to the shorter man. Jaden stared as he watched this unfold – he did not get the memo why the two were sharing a bed, but eh, if it made them happy, Jaden wouldn’t judge. It wasn’t like he hadn’t fallen asleep in Jesse’s arms on the couch or something. He climbed into bed as well, and the lights turned off, everyone resting for the night.
In truth, however, Syrus hadn’t been asleep entirely. When Hassleberry left to go scold everyone, Syrus had woken up without a word, or giving his boyfriend knowledge that he was awake. To think, Hassleberry had scolded everyone on his behalf, made them realize maybe they’d been too pushy… it was heartwarming, and Syrus found himself smiling into his boyfriend’s embrace, falling asleep once again, and this time, not waking up until sunrise. He was okay, he was okay because of Hassleberry, because Hassleberry cared for him and loved him… Syrus considered himself a very lucky kid that he had him. 
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
hi guys! i wrote my first(?) fanfic on here -- i think, don't quote me on that! i will be posting this to my ao3 as well as *maybe* wattpad, haven't posted anything there in AGES
i hope you guys enjoyed reading my jurassicshipping fanfic! these two blorbos have been in my brain and rotting it away (i love them),,, and i threw in some jim x alexis and some jaden x jesse just for little old me
also if you keep up with my shitposts, yes, i based this fanfic off a shitpost i made for hassleberry and syrus ANYWAY TYSM FOR READING WAHH JURASSICSHIPPING FANS RISE UP
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xseplayhuntressx · 1 year
Just watched KAM's new Song where Shandee did the art for again, and oh my god i'm in love with the song and art for it.
I also kinda noticed something, and idk if it's even correct or i smoked something, but uhhh... i guess i can share it-?
First of all, Art, song, etc. Banger as always.
Second, i noticed these 2 frames which include the Kids [and probably Vanessa in the first one]
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nothing out of the Ordinary. Just Sun playing with the Kids and Moon bringing a Kid to Vanny for her to kill it like normally.
But, what about 2 specific Kids?
these mentioned specific Kids made me pay more attention to they're designs/styles.
and yes, its these two.
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''What did you notice about them though? those two dont look special to me...'' [pardon my english here-]
Well...Do any of you know about Shandee's Human AU?
to be more specific, their Human AU Bois. Samuel and Gabriel Aster.
If you have seen Shandzii's Art about the Kid versions of them, you may slowly get what i am talking about.
these two kids in said frames looked really familiar to me, cuz of they're designs. And, well, those two sorta reminded me of Shandzii's Human Bois.
I'm pretty invested in the Human AUs's Lore, Story, etc. so i guess it's normal to notice something like this?
[plus i was bored ngl, so i randomly payed attention to every frames's detail in the song-]
anyways, if you need more info to see it more like i do, have these two frames aswell as the Cinnamon Rolls next to eachother . [of course, every art i put onto this post is owned/created rightfully by shandzii.] (also dont mind the bottom box colors, thx! ^^'')
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I mean, okay, the Short sleeved hoodie may seem like it's not fitting, but put both Hoodie and Shirt together, and it looks like a Vest that the kid wears over the T-shirt
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This Kids's Hoodie/Pullover may not fit with Young Gabriels's Pullover [or whatever the word for it is-], but everything else fits. I mean, sure, the glasses may not have Red outlines, and the Beanie may not have Stars on it, but what if that was intentionally made that way in the video, so it doesnt look obvious? [again, i could be absolutely on something or not. I dont know either]
Again, if i am wrong with my suspicion/theory, then please correct me.
I may actually need Coffee, or i am full on correct with it, either way, i really wanted to point this out, since it really got me ''invested'' [or whatever the word is] for it.
anyways, go check out the Song! Everyone worked so hard/awesome on this as always!
Anyways, i guess this is all i have to say ._.''
do what you will with this Theory, i dont know anymore.
If Shandzii comes across this post smh, Hiya ig-!
If my Suspicion/Theory was correct, then holy cow how the fuck did i notice that small detail in those 2 scenes-
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vyrion · 1 year
okay so BASICALLY my theory is that there was originally a trio of goddesses - the sun, the moon, and the stars. as aster and lunadeyis are to the land and sea, the third had taken the sky.
(this is, in part, why the sun city is suspended in the sky - it used to be a community dedicated to the star goddess, and a nearby island was aster's, but the community was decimated and the island was flooded. this is a thought for another time though.)
there's also the fact that the prophecy is a hero born of moonlight, storm, and sea - two elements pretty clearly attributed to lunadeyis, and the third sort of... toeing the line of aster's. however, in the sun temple's interpretation of the prophecy, this champion is first chosen by aster, then basically approved by lunadeyis.
storm feels very out of place here. aster and her followers are known for being very rigid about rules and specific rituals, following certain practices. closer to black and white. contrasting that, luna and her followers are Much more relaxed, and are far more forgiving. neither really align with the storm element of the prophecy .. blinks slowly
it's also minorly important to remember this is first and foremost a conflict between lunadeyis and aster, one between sea and land. so. clearly this third goddess won't need too much sway in its outcome.
now. why would a third goddess exist in the first place? she has no stake in the happenings of mana - none of the people living there have anything to Do with the sky.
but. the black.. ooze. the egg.
what would anyone else have to gain from a corruption sweeping over land and sea?
i don't think lunadeyis would have anything to do with some other force taking over part of her precious ocean. i doubt that after the establishment of the prophecy aster would be so bold as to make a direct attack, either - and very much not one that doesn't do anything to convert it from sea to land.
you wish on shooting stars for luck. that place they ended up during the final voyage asked what their desires were. it's darkness, the kind that corrupts.
and a third goddess may be vying for power.
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moonchildstyles · 1 year
thinking about aster giving angel a piercing 😔 maybe she already has her ears done but she saw a really pretty picture on Pinterest of someone who had a little nose ring or stud and she just wants one 😔 she shows him and is all "look how pretty! isn't it so cute :(" and he agrees, looking over her shoulder at her phone and saying how he likes the stone 😔 then he glances over at her nose and says "i could do that for you, if you wanted" and she's looking up like "what? really? you do that?" and he nods, he says "it's not my main specialty, but I'm good at it" and he's a little smirky as always 😔 and she's a little surprised but definitely thinking about it, but he takes her silence as not liking the idea so he's quickly saying "or if you don't want me to, of course one of the other boys could do it so i could hold your hand" just being so sweet 😔and she says "no, if I got one I would only want you to do it, no one else" and he knows that's the same thing she said about her tattoo but he's still so 🥹 hearing her say that 😔 then she's really thinking about it, she's looking at different jewelery colors and gems really thinking about what she wants 😔 then one day after work she goes to the shop like usual and Harry's just finishing cleaning and getting locked up, he stops to give her a quick kiss then says "I'll be right with you, I just have to grab one thing from the back okay?" and he goes off to get whatever he needed, she's sooo nervous because she knows what she's about to ask for so she's trying to occupy herself by looking at the pictures on the walls 😔 he comes back with a few papers and gets them filed at the main desk then he's heading towards her saying "ready to go?" and she nods absently, not really listening, and ofc he notices she's a little off right away so he says "what's the matter sweet girl?" coming up to stand behind her and look at the pictures she's staring at 😔 (1)
she takes a deep breath and says all in a rush "will you pierce my nose for me?" and she's so nervous she's basically holding her breath waiting for his answer 😔 he puts his hands on her shoulders and turns her around slowly to look at her, he ducks down to meet her eyes and says "of course I will, told you I'd give you whatever you want didn't i?" and she nods, finally feeling brave she looks up at him and says "i want it tonight, please?" and he can tell she's so nervous but he's so proud of her for telling him what she wants even though it's scary 😔 he says "of course, let's go back to a room, hm?" and leads her down the hall 😔he helps her get settled on the chair and says "do you know which one you want? I know you were looking through some ideas, did you pick one out or not yet?" and she nods, pulling up a picture of what she wants😔 he's smiling saying "you're so prepared, you've been ready for this for a while haven't you?" and she nods, blushing a little, but he just says "I like that, it makes my job easier" trying to joke with her because he can tell she's a little bit scared 😔 but he goes to get the stud that matches the most closely to the picture she has, and ofc it's a little one with gold metal and a baby pink stone 😔 he's smiling because that's just soooo her and he comes back in the room saying "like this?" showing it to her and her eyes light up 😔 she says "yes, exactly like that!" and she's so excited 😔 (2)
he's smiling too and he says "okay, why don't you get comfortable for me and I'll get ready on my end?" so she does, and as he's washing his hands he calls over "if you want you can play some music, a lot of people like to do that" so she's going through her phone for a playlist that will be calming 😔 when she picks one and is all settled in, he comes back over and sits on the stool by her 😔 he's talking her through the whole process letting her know everything that's gonna happen so she feels less anxious 😔 he's putting the gloves on and he can tell she looks nervous so he says "we don't have to do this if you're not ready baby, we can do it a different day?" and she shakes her head saying "I'm ready, I want it I'm just scared" and he smiles gently saying "I know, and I think you're very brave" and that finally gets a little smile out of her 😔 then she says "okay I'm ready, can you just do it before I get too scared?" and he laughs again saying of course 😔 he has her lean her head against the chair, then makes the little dot with the marker and holds up a mirror for her to look 😔 she says it looks good, so he gets everything ready and ofc he hides the needle until the last second so she doesn't see it 😔he tells her to look at his face and not his hands, just telling her to focus on his eyes 😔he asks "want me to count?" and she thinks for a second before shaking her head saying "just do it, i don't want to know just do it" so he nods and says "keep looking at my eyes, I promise it'll be so so quick, just a little pinch okay?" and before she can do it she says "wait wait, let me-" and she puts her hand on his knee😔 she says "i know I can't hold your hand but is this okay?" and he says of course it is 😔 (3)
then he says "okay, i want you to keep looking at my eyes and wiggle your toes" and he'll never ever tell her but that's what he tells younger kids when he occasionally does ear piercings 😔 and she does what he says and then he goes for it 😔 she lets out a little whimpered gasp and he feels so bad, he's saying "i know, I know, I'm almost done, just keep wiggling your toes for me" and before she can even take another breath it's done and the needle is out 😔 her eyes are watering so much and she's kind of embarrassed saying "I'm not crying, it doesn't hurt too much my eyes are just-" and he cuts her off saying "that's totally normal, happens almost every time I do one of these" and that makes her feel better 😔 he gets the needle disposed of then says "ready to look?" and she's so excited, he holds up the mirror and he can see how much she loves it right away 😔she's tilting her head all different ways just so in awe of how pretty it looks 😔 she reaches up to touch it but he catches her wrist gently, pulling it away from her face and kissing the back of her hand saying "can't touch yet, we have to clean it off first" and she's a little embarrassed but he says "that's okay, I'd do the same if it were me, it looks so pretty" and she nods, still looking in the mirror 😔 (4)
when he's cleaning it off he sees her wince and he says "I know, promise this is the worst part" but it's over before she knows it and then they're all done 😔 he's so proud of her he can't help but give her a kiss and tell her how much he loves her 😔 the whole way home he keeps glancing over and smiling, when she says "what?" he just grins and says "you were already pretty, but this just- i don't know, it really... it's gorgeous on you" and she's blushing 😔 they home and he helps her clean it before bed, giving her so many kisses and telling her over and over how proud he is 😔 she can't stop looking in the mirror and she gets a little blushy when he notices but he just hugs her from behind and looks over her shoulder, giving her a little kiss on the ear and saying "it's perfect... you're perfect" 😔😔😔🤕 (last part istg this better go thru 😤😤)
wait:((((( while I don't think shed ever get her nose pierced or anything like that this really is so sweet:( like hes just so gentle w her and like asking her to wiggle her toes for him and he'd never ever tell her thats what he has younger kids do when they come in for ears or something:( and stopping her from touching it but its okay bc he thinks it looks sooooo pretty too:(((((((( AND HIM:((( JUST LOOKING AT HER WHILE HES DRIVING HOME;(((( AND SHES ALL SHY AND WHAT:( AND SHE WAS ALREADY SO PRETTY BUT.....SHE JUST....ITS SO GORGEOUS SO PERFECT FOR HER:((((((( im sooooo :( over how sweet he is him literally so sick 🤕 bestie you are....in the hall of fame:(
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infinitethree · 28 days
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Both Day and Lucid seem doubtful of that. “That’s just normal, everyone does that. I don’t think that’s an admin thing. And, besides– the jewelry started with Atlas,” Day states.
He hears a familiar patter of footsteps as Lucid agrees, “I mean, we would have noticed if it was that weird, right? And I’m still not really convinced that admins really have instincts like you’re claiming–”
Lee pauses at the top of the stairs, an odd expression on his face.
“Something wrong?” Lucid opens his mouth at Day's question, and then turns to look at the youngest Was-Taken family member.
Brow furrowing, Lee asks slowly, “Admin instincts?”
Day nods. “We got a new observer insisting we have them, but Lucid and I are pretty sure–”
“No, that sounds right.”
Lee hops up on the edge of the counter instead of a stool, and lightly swings his feet. “I mean…I didn’t really think about it, or anything? It seemed normal to me. But, uh, the vibes are in agreement with that Observer.”
He stares at his son, and is vaguely aware Lucid is staring, too. “That…I mean, they’ve been right about weirder things, but…”
Humming softly, Lee asks, “Okay, so…what did they say, exactly? Like, they must’ve given examples, right?”
“Something about claims, that we give people things as a form of affection,” Lucid replies.
Lee’s legs still, and he seems like he’s focusing intently. “...Is that not normal?” “That’s what we said,” Day sighs, running a hand over his braids.
“I mean…it seems like the normal thing to do, but the vibes agree…and we kinda are the worst ones to figure that out,” Lee points out. “Probably the only worse lineup would be if Daz was added into the mix.”
Day winces at the mention of the guy. He’s not sure he wants to bring up that Daz is going to be trained alongside him, to be honest. “Yeah, probably.”
A mint green com with an elaborately embroidered case– a gift from Aver, naturally– is withdrawn. Lee scrolls through it, and pulls up a contact. “We’re not gonna figure it out on our own, so…”
After only a few rings, a familiar, slightly monotone voice comes through. “Lee? Is something wrong?”
A smile creeps up as Lee tells Aster, “Nah, nothing’s really wrong. But, uh, Dad and Lucid got a weird Observer that says admins have instincts and stuff. The vibes agree, though, so we’re trying to understand it better.” “...Okay? I’m not sure how I can help, but…”
Lee grimaces, seeming to brace himself as he asks, “I, uh– I need to know what would happen…like, what you’d feel, if…if someone you were really close to gave back their duo item. Like Raine.”
The very idea spikes Day’s pulse to the point where he swears he hears ringing in his ears. Fuck, he hasn’t thought about something like that in so long.
One of the last things he saw before he was taken from his original timeline and into the SMPza was Sapnap, illuminated by the lightning.
Sword raised, expression afraid but determined…
…and the small tattoo on his wrist, one that he’d gotten done with Day, inked over by something new.
He spent a lifetime mourning even that small trace of himself being scrubbed away.
Distantly, he hears a puzzled, “I mean…it would be upsetting, but I’d talk to him to find out what happened.”
“So it– it wouldn’t feel like the world was ending?” “I’d be hurt, but I wouldn’t go that far, no.” “But– but it’d be like saying you’re not friends any more!”
Day stares at his son’s com as it’s quiet for a long moment. “...Lee, it’s just a piece of jewelry. I know it represents that bond, yeah, but it’s not…the only part. Raine would still be my friend even if that got ruined,” Aster states. “So– I’m guessing this is on speaker, right? And Day and Lucid are there?”
Somehow, Day manages to make an affirmative noise around the confusion and fear he’s feeling.
“Okay. So, if something happened and…let’s say that Iatros was careless and his bracelet got ruined. Like, a stone broke, or the chain snapped, or he lost it because one of Lucid’s cats stole it. Would that mean your friendship is entirely gone now?”
He considers it, trying to push past the initial fear of the idea. “If…it was an accident, no.” “So your friendship doesn’t hinge on that bracelet, then.” “...No?”
Aster sounds like he leans in a little closer, and presses, “But all three of you are panicking about a hypothetical involving someone else’s items. Items that, ultimately, aren’t the real thing that matters.”
There’s a long pause, and then Aster sighs. “Well I’m pretty sure that Observer is right. I can ask every single Swords and Shields member and they’ll probably have similar answers to me. Hell, I bet Perce would react the same.”
Lee points out, “I bet there’s one person who’d react the same.” “One…? Ah. Right.”
Another sigh comes from the com. “Well…for what it’s worth, you might want to make sure he knows about it?”
Scowling, Lee mutters, “I bet he got– all the fucking bullshit he went through were because of all of that.”
Probably no better time than the present to tell Lee about the new plans, then. He leans over and tells Aster, “Thanks for your help. We’ll let you go now.” “Happy to help, but also I’m taking my payment in the form of something in your fridge.”
He laughs at that. “Yeah, sure. You know you’re welcome here any time.” Day can practically hear the faint smile in his voice as Aster says, “I do, yeah. Take care, all of you.”
When he hangs up the call, he has to take a minute to let this new reality settle in his mind for a moment.
Before he can find the words, his son puts a hand on his arm. “Hey, Dad?” “Hmm?”
Lee smiles at him. “I think Daz should get to learn admin stuff too. I bet he’d be really good at it.”
He huffs in amusement. “Intuition or vibes?” “A bit of both. I’ve seen a bit of what they do at the Welcome Wagon, you can’t really plan all that if you’re dumb. And…I mean, out of everyone you could give mod access to…”
As his son gestures vaguely, Day has to admit he has a point.
Lucid throws his hands up. “Thank you, see! I had to argue for it, but even you think it’s a good idea!”
He shoots his past self a warning look, but Lee blinks at Lucid. “You wanted to teach Daz?” “I mean– it wasn’t really my idea. I didn’t even consider it, honestly? But Daz showed up a few nights ago, and asked for it. After I thought about it…he really does deserve to be taught by someone who wants him to do well, you know?”
Feeling a little petty, Day rolls his eyes and points out, “I didn’t want Lee to be pushed out.” “My point stands that it’s better for everyone if they both get the training,” Lucid repeats.
In a deeply unwelcome move, Lucid looks at his youngest and asks, “If you were the only one being trained, and you were unhappy with how it was going…would you back out? Or would you keep doing it, because you felt like there wasn’t another choice?”
Lee’s chin lifts up and he replies, voice firm, “Sanctuary is better off with multiple admins. It’s better for everyone if we have more people, so that if something goes wrong or someone is sick, there’s others who can help shoulder the load. The more people who can really help fix code bullshit, or copy elytras, or even just deal with putting out literal fires–”
“I don’t know how your brother made a flamethrower with greek fire, at this point I’m too afraid to ask,” Lucid mutters under his breath.
Scoffing, Lee points at him. “Yeah, exactly. And Daz already does a lot of that kind of work! He’s the perfect fit to be a mod. I wouldn’t even trust Theo with it, honestly.”
Day grimaces a little. “He’d abuse it all the time.” “Daz is a good person at heart, and I trust him to be responsible,” Lucid agrees.
Lee beams. “Awesome!” He pauses, and then adds, “But we have to make him take less hours at the Welcome Wagon, right? I’m pretty sure Raine, Aleph, and Khons would protest if we tacked admin-training on top of what he already does. Raine mentioned once that he’s not sure that Daz even sleeps, so…”
“That was my main stipulation,” Day sighs. He reaches over and ruffles his youngest son’s hair, smiling at the way he laughs merrily at it. “I’m proud you’re not upset over sharing and are thinking that far ahead.”
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He blinks at the question, head tilting to the side. “Uh…I don’t like flying in disasters, honestly? I’ve broken my wings like that a few times. I’m pretty sure it was a hurricane that led me to take shelter with Theo, Dee, Orph, and Attie, though, so…I like them for that fact alone.”
After a moment, he adds, “Just not everything else about them. Strong winds are one thing, but storms are dangerous. I don’t really like being out in them on even the best of days.”
Straightening back up and grabbing his knife again, he sighs. “I have no clue why piglins have bastions. Same reason villagers have villages, I guess? I never thought too hard about it when I realized they’re not actually smart.”
“...But they are?”
He puts his knife back down and stares at Lee. “What?”
His son furrows his brow, head tilting to the side. “Piglins are smart. I dunno how smart, but…Attie is able to get them to trade him what he needs consistently, and they offer extra if he tips them. They recognize him and they make a certain sound if they see him.”
Lucid looks just as confused as Day feels. “I mean– dogs recognize people who feed them, so…”
Lee rolls his eyes. “Are you seriously telling me San has nothing to say about piglins?”
“San has trouble seeing in the nether because of all the lava. Bastions in particular are a struggle for them, for obvious reasons.”
His son groans. “Uhg, right, of course. But, I’m telling you– it’s not just vibes, but I know in my gut that they’re smart. I’ll even bet on it.”
Lucid raises his eyebrows. “Your family bets on damn near everything.”
Lee considers him, and then turns to look at Day. He looks utterly serious as he says, “Dad, you trust me, right? You believe me?”
Something in his expression makes Day nod. “Of course.”
A smile spreads on Lee’s face as he turns back to Lucid. “If you’re right, and you can prove they’re not smart, I’ll give you a get-out-of-Dad-being-mad card.” Lucid opens his mouth, but Lee continues, “But if I’m right, you have to stop making me prove it. Especially about admin stuff, since you seem barely more informed than I am. If I say the vibes are telling me something, you have to listen.”
Lucid stares at the hand extended towards him, brow furrowed.
By all rights, it’s a win-win for the admin. Either he gets confirmation that Lee’s vibes are, indeed, aware of more than what he is…or he gets a way to stop Day from fucking with him.
“Only one card,” Day notes.
Evidently unwilling to wait for the deal to get any worse, Lucid shakes his son’s hand. “Yeah, alright. I don’t see a downside to this. Can’t wait to see how you prove it, though.”
A slow, ominous grin grows. “I have some ideas.”
Full question:
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konnfusion · 2 months
hello! I'm back!
I spent most of the last week in NOLA for the Overlook Film Festival, and it was the best time I've had in literal ages. I met so many great people, including three directors, an art director, and an actress, and I got to be ten feet away from Mike Flanagan and Kate Siegel! it was truly the greatest long weekend ever; still can't believe it's over.
gonna briefly talk about the movies I got to see, though! most of these have upcoming wide release dates, and you should definitely check them out, if you're able!
CUCKOO (2024) dir. Tilman Singer: Hunter Schafer and Dan Stevens lead this really fun, batshit scream-fest that was sooooo queer (thematically and textually) to me. Dan Stevens should always play weird little guys with musical instruments. whatever you think this movie is about: no, it probably isn't. not every beat lands, but the ones that do are pretty damn good. it's going to wide release in August!
ALL YOU NEED IS DEATH (2024) dir. Paul Duane: an Irish folk horror propelled forward by a metal soundtrack interwoven with haunting ballads, and an awakening of something ancient and devastating. described by Duane as a "vibe movie" in the vein of Kurosawa's PULSE and CURE with hints of Żuławski's POSSESSION, it touches on themes of obsession and love and consumption, and mysticism of forgotten pasts. I've still got the music and imagery stuck in my head. the movie will be available to rent digitally soon, and will be going to a currently unnamed streaming service later this year. (thanks for the Q&A, Paul and actress Catherine Siggins! your passion for the project was utterly infectious, and can't wait to see that next film that Paul said is going to "piss a lot of people off"!)
OCULUS (2014) dir. Mike Flanagan: 10th Anniversary Screening & Presentation of the 2024 Master of Horror Award: this plays so well in a packed house that I upped by LBX rating by half a star. the Q&A afterwards made me appreciate the movie (bleakness and all) even more, because I got to listen to Mike Flanagan talk about how he feels he's improved as a storyteller, and how just making anything is invigorating, even if you sort of cringe to look back on some things. his shout-outs about LAKE MUNGO and DOCTOR WHO were for me specifically. oh, also, hashtag ONEMOREDOG for Kate! (thanks for the Q&A, Mike! hope you got the big axe award home okay! get Kate a second dog!)
LOOKING OVER THE GARDEN WALL: a 10th Anniversary Celebration of OVER THE GARDEN WALL (2014) created by Patrick McHale: show creator Patrick McHale and art director Nick Cross came by to tell us all about their work prior to collaborating, and how the show came to be through a process that, they hoped, would create an immensely re-watchable holiday classic. we even got to see McHale's first student film, and Cross' work for a local film festival back in the 00s, and a screening of TOME OF THE UNKNOWN, the original pilot for OTGW. (thanks for the Q&A, Mike and Nick, and for the autographs and doodles afterwards! your work continues to entertain my household every fall.)
ME (2024) dir. Don Hertzfeldt: director Hertzfeldt requested that everyone go into this with as little information as possible, so I'm going to be vague here. this is wildly different from his previous work (IT'S SUCH A BEAUTIFUL DAY, WORLD OF TOMORROW, etc.) in presentation, that I couldn't help but just sort of sit and marvel at it. it's so experimental and unique, and I can't stop thinking about it. (heard from the man's own mouth:) the short film will be paired with a remastered theatrical re-release of IT'S SUCH A BEAUTIFUL DAY (2012) sometime in the next month! (thanks for the Q&A, Don, and for the chat we shared afterwards. your work is immensely important to me, and I feel very lucky to have been able to tell you so. sorry I got a little weepy, and for making you weepy, too. very proud to have been dubbed "the gateway drug" for your work. also stoked for your project with Ari Aster! I'll be front-row when it releases!)
I SAW THE TV GLOW (2024) dir. Jane Schoenbrun: similar to the above description, this is a different and more traditional presentation compared to Shoenbrun's debut feature, creepypasta-inspired WE'RE ALL GOING TO THE WORLD'S FAIR (2021). TV GLOW is a slow-burn queer (specifically trans) odyssey filled to the brim with painstakingly recreated 90s TV aesthetics, haunting abstract imagery, and an aura that carried echoes of Lynch's Black Lodge (TWIN PEAKS). the ending is a sucker-punch to the gut paired with some incredible but heartbreaking Cronenberg-style body horror. I spent more time bone-deep sad than I did scared, but that's what I love so much about horror: it can make you feel anything and everything in such extremes, that it can leave you breathless. the movie will be releasing in theaters next month, and I highly recommend seeing it in a theater if you can!
the festival was seriously one of the greatest experiences of my life--like a sleepaway camp that I never wanted to end. I WILL be going again, when I'm able! thanks to everyone (volunteer staff, programmers, vendors, fans, artists) who made my first film festival so fucking amazing. I'll love you all forever~ 👻🪓🍿✨
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natasha-in-space · 2 months
oh, do you like horror movies too? if so please recommend 🤲
Oh anon... You have no idea what you just started. Haha, but, in all honesty, I'm a huge horror nerd! I just mention it very occasionally and reblog some stuff here and there, but nothing extreme, as this is a mainly SFW blog. That said, I am more than giddy to babble about anything and everything! Horror movies especially! I'm gonna try and recommend some not so mainstream films that come to my mind right now.
If we're talking the more recent films, I'd say last year's 'When Evil Lurks' is a wonderful chilling movie to check out if you haven't yet. I'd say it's one of my favorite ones of 2023, actually! Now, it is pretty brutal and grisly when it comes to violence shown on screen. Nothing too extreme for your standart horror film that is not just a sensitized Hollywood flick, but I do feel the need to mention it. If you like possession, grim endings and questionable characters, this one's for you. I'd say it's a story of two brothers desperately fighting a losing battle.
If you like horror mockumentaries (fake documentary) type of flicks, I really enjoyed 'Butterfly Kisses'! If you loved the infamous Blair Witch films, you'll definitely appreciate this one. Not so much a gruesome horror film, but more of a psychological thriller for you to dissect, but I love it for that. If themes of obsession and artistic desperation are something that you can relate to, you might wanna considering checking it out. Nothing totally unique or mind blowing, but I still very enjoyed it.
If you can stomach grotesque and very gross imagery, I'd recommend you to check out 'Mad God'. Animated horror movies are rare, but, God, do I appreciate them when they do happen. It's clear that a lot of passion went into this one, and I can't help but admire all the creativity and hard work that went into it. It has very little dialogue, and most of its storytelling is an environmental one, but that's another thing I appreciate about it. I should note that it's an experimental piece of art, so it is not rich on some grand morale or story. It is, first and foremost, an intense and confusing journey to sit through.
And I am a huge sucker for Ari Aster's movies, so Hereditary, Midsommar and Beau is Afraid are definitely something I'd recommend to see if you haven't yet. The balance of visual, sound design and story is one I am always blown away with. I know some folks don't really enjoy his work, and that's okay. But I love movies you can revisit after your first watch and see them in a completely different light. That's not mentioning all the care he and his team put into the tiniest of details to his works. I have Hereditary and Midsommar soundtrack saved up for a reason, hehe.
Oh! I also have a major soft spot for 'Perfect Blue'. I feel like it's a pretty well-known film, but, if you haven't seen it yet, please do! It's another animated one, and it is mostly a psychological horror for you to experience. Perfect for you if you don't want to deal with the more gross and violent sides of horror genre that are, undeniably, pretty prominent. It does deal with themes of sexual violence, though. Please stay safe and consume your media wisely!
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