#astrology glossary
eamour · 1 year
goddard · glossary
if you are currently reading neville goddard‘s books or listening to his lectures, you might encounter terminology that can be a bit confusing or irritating at first. with this glossary, i want to help you to understand what neville is actually trying to convey!
phrases listed from a to z
as within, so without﹕nothing comes from without meaning all manifestations of you come from within aka from your subconscious
assumptions harden into fact · an assumption, though false, if persisted in, will become factual and materialise aka appear in your physical world
buying the pearl of great price﹕this pearl is your imagination and buying it means to sell beliefs that we think are powers to guide our life aka astrology, tarot, religion, and so on
consciousness is the only reality﹕things can only exist within your consciousness
consciousness is the way or door through which things appear﹕I AM or the awareness of being is the only reality
creation is finished and everything exists﹕there are infinite states and combinations of states (a state also being a reality) into which you can fall (that already exist)
everyone is you pushed out﹕the world reflects your inner beliefs and the people around you are only messengers telling you who you are
feeling is the secret﹕the feeling of knowing is the secret — the only thing you need to do — in order to manifest whatever you want
imagination creates reality﹕whatever you assume and accept to be true in your imagination determines your physical reality, the 3D
no one to change but self﹕you need to only change yourself (your thoughts and therefore your awareness) in order to see changes in the physical world
rising in consciousness to the naturalness of being the thing desired﹕you will draw your manifestation onto you once you start to feel natural about your desire and having it
self must be expressed﹕the state you occupy reflects your concept of self and has to be physically mirrored
serving two masters﹕occupying two states of consciousness that are oppositional
shutting the door﹕shutting out what i am now aware of being (and claiming myself to be that which i desire to be)
the conceiver is ever greater than his conceptions yet ever remains one with his conception﹕the power (you) conceiving and the thing conceived (the things you have manifested) are one but the power to conceive (the power to create) is greater than the conception (creation)
the signs always follow, they never precede﹕things have no reality other than in consciousness. therefore, if you become conscious of something first, the thing is compelled to appear
the world is a mirror﹕the world is forever reflecting what you are doing within your imagination
thinking from the end﹕unification or fusion with your desire as you think from having it; claiming your desire in your imagination
thinking of the end﹕separation from your desire as you only think of it; daydreaming about your desire
to assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled﹕assuming to be or have the thing desired and knowing that it‘s yours
to die in one state and to live in the other﹕leaving the old, undesired state of consciousness and embodying a new, desired state of consciousness
to put new wine in old bottles or new patches upon old garments﹕taking with you into the new consciousness any part of the old man aka old beliefs
with love, ella.
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lilacstro · 29 days
antisicia and contra antiscia in astrology
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Ah this is a little complex kind of post since I promised to make a post on things from my diploma. I had been procrastinating a lot for making this post lmao since this is a little overwhelming topic and I tried my best to lay things down as clearly as possible since this goes over the head in the first time. I would recommend re reading and coming back as needed!
I would appreciate anyone who would dedicate enough time and energy to read this post although this post would require some previous knowledge in astrology, I would highly suggest people who are willing to learn astrology seriously to give this post a read. It would be worth mentioning to have some knowledge of equinox and solstices before we start :)
⭐some glossary before we start⭐
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★Declination: A planet's distance north or south of the equator.
★Celestial Latitude: A planet's distance north or south of the ecliptic.
★Equinox: There are only two times of the year when the Earth's axis is tilted neither toward nor away from the sun, resulting in a "nearly" equal amount of daylight and darkness at all latitudes. These events are referred to as Equinoxes.
★Solstice: A solstice is the time when the Sun reaches its most northerly or southerly excursion relative to the celestial equator on the celestial sphere.
⭐Antiscia and Contra Antiscia and what do they mean: Their history, significance and why are they important⭐
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Signs that oppose one another across the solstice line are called antiscia, which means opposite shadows.
Signs are considered antiscia when they mirror one another in terms of how much sunlight and moonlight are available during their solar seasons.
Signs that oppose one another across the Solstice line are called antiscia, which means “opposite shadows” (scia means shadow in Greek), acting as a mirror to each other in amount of daylight and nighttime available within them. They share equal light (10 days before the Solstice and 10 days after are the same).
The other type of affinity is based on symmetry about the cardinal axes or cardinal signs. The cardinal signs are defined as starting with an equinox or a solstice. These are important points in the Sun-Earth relationship. The rising times of the signs and the length of day are functions of this relationship.
There are two axes, that of the solstitial points (0° Cancer and 0° Capricorn) and that of the equinoctial points (0° Aries and 0° Libra). Degrees of the zodiac equidistant relative to the solstitial axis represent days of equal length. Signs of the zodiac equidistant relative to the equinoctial axis are those which rise at the same rate (i.e. have the same ascensional time).
For example, the Summer Solstice in the North occurs on the 1st day of Cancer Season (when the Sun has just entered at 1º Cancer); the length of the day is pretty much the same as the last day of Gemini Season the day before (when the Sun was at 29ª Gemini). Thus, Gemini and Cancer are antiscia to one another.
In contrast, signs that oppose one another across the equinox line are considered to be perceiving signs and counter-antiscia. Contra-antiscia signs can be calculated the same way, by looking for points which are directly opposite to one another across the equinox line. Or, you can simply find a planet’s contra-antiscia by finding the point directly opposite its antiscion point. For example, if 1º Aries sends 29º Virgo antiscia, then it sends 29º Pisces contra-antiscia.
The origins of antiscia and contra-antiscia reveal a consideration for symmetry about axes, possibly dating back to pre-Hellenistic sources. This consideration of “power in symmetry” was drawn on heavily in the modern Uranian and Cosmobiology approaches to astrology.
The theory underlying antiscia appears to have been influenced by Pythagorean philosophy, which claimed that every force in the universe has a balancing counter-force, and which also laid great stress upon the symbolic importance of numbers. 
image source: two wander
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image source: skyscript.co.uk (wonderful resource btw)
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Manilius describes this scheme in the Astronomica, where he states that signs opposing each other across the solstice axis are able to 'see' each other - his terminology derived from the fact that both will rise and set in the same part of the horizon.
Many people confuse antiscia with declinations, and this is incorrect. In traditional astrology, conjunction by celestial latitude (which occurs when two planets are in the same hemisphere and equally placed north or south of the ecliptic) is important; but it was not part of the antiscia technique and should not be confused with the modem 'parallels of declination' which are measured instead from the equator.
antiscion are equal in power because they’re at the same level. What this means is that those signs, along the ecliptic, are at the same declination degree or have the distance to the celestial horizon where as signs in contra ansticia support each other and work in that analogy. Contra-antiscia shows two points that are hierarchical. I hope I am making sense to understand!
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Antiscion signs are said to be confronting signs. Plotemy writes that, because the day and night durations of signs sending antiscion mirror one another, that they are equal to one another in power. Firmucus writes that signs in aspect by antiscia should be considered together when looking at transits in the same way you might consider all the planets that a planets undergoing a transit has conjunctions, oppositions, squares, trines, or sextiles to. William Lily writes that signs sending antiscion should be compared to the beneficial aspects such as trine or sextile.
Manlius, along with other Greek and Roman astrologers, writes that contra-antiscia, or perceiving signs, are able to hear one another. Lily says that contra-antiscion signs can be compared with the maleficent angles, such as the square and opposition. Plotemy considers contra-antiscion signs as commanding or obeying. Commanding signs, Aries through Virgo, have days that are longer in duration than nights. Obeying signs, Libra through Pisces, have longer length nights than days. A planet in a commanding sign is thus considered capable of exerting a dominating effect upon the planet in the obedient position.
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Lilly left no evidence of using aspects to or from the antiscia. That is, he uses antiscia where they fall directly upon a planet or house cusp, but not where they fall upon the trine or square of a planet or cusp as Firmicus did.
Generally antiscia are said to offer a sympathetic relationship, but Firmicus shows that if they connect to a malefic or unfortunate planet they can be damaging.
⭐Visualize this concept⭐
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image source: Alice Sparkly Cat
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In this diagram, the white dot is the equinox. That’s the Aries Point, where the declination degree is zero. The solstices are the black points, which have the highest delineation (around 23º or 24º).
The red line connects two points along the ecliptic, or signs, sending antiscion. Let’s say that they are at 13º Cancer and 17º Gemini. If you drew a line from 13º Leo to the horizon and another from 17º Taurus to the horizon, represented by the dotted red lines, they would be equal in length.
⭐Calculating antiscia and contra antiscia⭐
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One of the ways to calculate antiscia and contra antiscia would be adding the degrees in both the signs and seeing if they are between 28-30 degrees. For example, Aries at 12 degrees and Virgo at 10 degrees are NOT in antiscia since 12+10 is 22. But say Aries is at 20 degrees and Virgo is at 10, then these are indeed in antiscia relationship with each other! and this same technique applies for contra antiscia. For example, if you have a Planet at 11º18’ Scorpio, its antiscion would be at 18º42’ Aquarius plus/minus a 2º orb (there are 30º and 60 minutes in each Zodiac Sign). Therefore if you have any Planet located between 17º42’ and 19º42’ Aquarius, it is antiscia to your Scorpio Planet!
⭐Applying this concept in reading natal charts⭐
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example from a synastry chart:
The Moon in Barack’s chart resides at 3°21’ Gemini and precisely reflects Michelle’s Sun at 26°–27° of Capricorn. This is a clear example of a contra-antiscia synastry link, a connection we would otherwise regard as averse, having no affinity or aspect. 
example from mundane astrology:
Russia invaded Ukraine as transiting Saturn in Aquarius moved from an exact square aspect with Uranus in Taurus into a contra-antiscia relationship. When Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Saturn was at 18°14’ Aquarius and Uranus was at 11°23’ Taurus. The two planets were applying and perfecting in exact contra-antiscia aspect. While the long-standing tension between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus (square aspect) would correspond with the escalation of conflict within the Ukraine, the fact that the invasion began at the same time that Saturn and Uranus formed a contra-antiscia connection reveals the highly visible impact made by planets forming antisica aspects.
 example from traditional astrology:
For proof of the effectiveness of antiscia Firmicus offers details of a chart which he says can only be fully understood by reference to their influence. Knowing that the identity of the man behind the chart is well known to his patron, he leaves him anonymous in the book - an all too tempting challenge for classical scholars who have used the facts given in his description to conclude that this was the chart of Ceionius Rufius Albinus, a renowned writer on logic, geometry, history and poetry, and city prefect of Rome from December 30, 335, until sent into exile on March 10, 337.Firmicus records that his father, after two successive consulships, became a 'scandalous exile', as did this man for the crime of adultery, although he later returned to office. He argues that the details of his father's downfall, the exile, and the constant plots against him are only revealed if we turn our attention to the theory of antiscia.
Firmicus gives no degree positions but amongst many of the points he makes regarding the debilitating effects of the antiscia connections in the chart he states that the Moon is positioned in Cancer, the ascendant in Scorpio and Mars in Aquarius. By aspect alone there would be no recognised relationship between the Moon and Mars because their signs are inconjunct. However the antiscion of the Moon in Cancer falls in Gemini which aspects Mars by trine. The antiscion of Mars in Aquarius falls in Scorpio, in the ascendant and, in turn, in trine to the Moon. Firmicus saw this relationship between Mars and the Moon as indicative of trouble and strife:
And so the waxing Moon( a waxing moon is considered troublesome though it is absolutely NOT like that, things are black and white in traditional astrology in west and vedic systems, but it is not like so whatsoever imo), attacked from all sides by the many influences of Mars, made this man, weakened in body, finally an exile. Generally antiscia are said to offer a sympathetic relationship, but Firmicus shows that if they connect to a malefic or unfortunate planet they can be damaging.
⭐A little comparison table to condense all this information⭐
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image source: lilacstro on tumblr
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take care xoxo
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maghamoon · 1 year
Reading a Birth Chart 101: The Complete Guide
(Part I): Intro to Intrigue
Glossary: Astrology websites, explanation of sun in all zodiac signs, moon in all zodiac signs, rising in all zodiac signs and also takeaways section. (LONG POST)
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hey, this post is for any beginner who has gotten into astrology and reading their natal/birth chart. if you are reading this, you probably discovered astrology through tumblr, instagram, tiktok, youtube or any other platform (or maybe your friend told you about it) and have no idea where to begin. you go onto an astrology website, type in your birth info and you are met with something that looks like this:
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(Natalie Portman’s Birth Chart)
as a beginner, you don’t know how to make sense of this. there’s lines everywhere and a bunch of symbols that you don’t understand. don’t worry, you don’t have to deal with this right now. right now, we will be focusing on the basics.
Astrology websites and their descriptions:
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what we are going to do is go on every single astrology website that gives you a birth chart. i will link a few below. you will make a birth chart on every single one of these websites and throughly read the descriptions. some things will make sense, some won’t. i advice you to take everything these websites say with a grain of salt since these are auto-generated descriptions for one placement and don’t consider inter-planet relationships.
some websites i used to go to during my beginner stages:
cafeastrology (astro.cafeastrology.com)
astroseek (horoscopes.astro-seek.com)
astrodienst (astro.com)
you may wonder, why are we doing this?
one simple reason: intrigue. you won’t be able to master astrology if it doesn’t intrigue you. when you go through these descriptions, the aim is to achieve “oh my god, this is so me!” moments. by doing so you solidify your belief in the stars and acquire a hunger for knowing how to read people.
you go through these descriptions and feel very heard and understood, then we start building the foundations of a birth chart: the big 3.
The Sun, Moon and Rising:
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also known as the big 3, the sun, moon and the rising. these are the most basic placements to learn during your reader journey.
1) the sun: the sun is probably the only sign you are familiar with. it is what you say when someone asks you: “what’s your zodiac sign?”
“oh, i was born on jan 1st. i’m a capricorn.”
it signifies your ego, self, identity and is solely just, you. the reason why mainstream astrology gets this wrong is because it stereotypes the sun and disregards any aspects* to it or the house* which it’s in.
(these will be explained in later lessons*)
the sun will be in either of the 12 zodiac signs. the zodiac signs go from aries-pisces. i urge you to remember the order of them whenever you can. it will prove to be helpful later on.
aries sun: your identity can be affiliated with your physical appearance and you place your ego around how you come across to other people. putting yourself first will be a theme in your life when you decide to go through self discovery, since you are a fire sign passion, aggression and drive will be key.
tarus sun: your identity is around your possessions, wealth, etc. self esteem will be a theme when it comes to self discovery, all things beautiful like art, music, any sort of leisure activity helps you feel more connected to you. you are an earth sign, so staying grounded, consistent and stable are key.
gemini sun: your identity is accordance to your wit, communication. siblings (or lack of) can play a role in why you are the way you are. thinking on your feet and quickly strengthens your relationship w/ your individuality. you are an air sign, so intellect and duality are key.
cancer sun: your identity is centered around your home, mother (or any other maternal figure in your life), connecting deeply with your inner psyche and emotions will help you realize your true self. you are a water sign, so familiarity and deep connection are key.
leo sun: your identity is centered around you, literally! being creative, working with kids or regaining your childlike self, understanding paternal figures, etc. help you connect with yourself. you are a fire sign, so confidence and feeling acknowledged/ appreciated are key.
virgo sun: your identity is centered around routine and details. some natives may find that staying chaste/ losing it changed their self identity. performance in work and quality of it changes relationship with self as well. you are an earth sign, so friendships and formalities are key.
libra sun: your identity is centered around fairness and beauty. relationships with others serve crucial ways to discover yourself. you are an air sign, so art and equality are key.
scorpio sun: your identity may be ever-transforming through lessons. having an overly-comical or strategically closed-off persona to hide your complexity is common. you are a water sign, revealing secrets and interest in the occult are key.
sagittarius sun: your identity may feel like it’s something that is distant, natives feel like they need to “know” (philosophies, religion, etc.) to feel closer to themselves. you are a fire sign, so desire and passion are key.
capricorn sun: natives will attain self-realization at a later age. curating / having control over their public image, or their work is a consistent theme. you are an earth sign, so taking initiative and loyalty are key.
aquarius sun: going through some sort of intellectual debacle to understand oneself, friends are a common theme. wanting change and community. you are an air sign, so revolutionary ideas and technology are key.
pisces sun: feeling like your basing your self around how other people perceive you/ feeding to their ideals. going through a period of disillusionment will help you understand your ego. you are a water sign, so spirituality and empathy are key.
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2) the moon: the moon signifies your emotions and how you deal with them. it can also show how your childhood was + represents your mother/ any other maternal figure growing up.
aries moon: emotional changes can be seen at face value, they are also a source of motivation and drive. mother/home life is passionate and challenging.
taurus moon: beauty and food are used to regulate oneself from negative emotions. mother/home life is stubborn, affects your self-esteem and relationship with money.
gemini moon: emotions are seen from dual perspective, thereby being prone to intellectualizing. siblings can be a significant part of home life. short-distance travel, changing homes is common.
cancer moon: emotions are bottled up and kept deep within the crevices of the native. the emotional intensity of mother/home causes native to keep their own feelings to theirselves.
leo moon: creativity and humor is a common way to express emotions. the child was the star of the home. mother is popular amongst family.
virgo moon: emotions are better expressed written. mother was involved in her work. routine keeps emotions regulated.
libra moon: when close relationships are in turmoil, native’s mood is affected. needing fairness and balance.
scorpio moon: relationship with mother transformed which caused secrecy in the native regarding emotions. intense home life.
sagittarius moon: weird relationship with emotions, as if they are foreign or in a distant land. expressing emotions through “bigger” ideas like philosophy or theology, but failing to express them through simple writing.
capricorn moon: mother/home life made the native disciplined. emotions are strained, vulnerability comes with a later age.
aquarius moon: native feels safer expressing emotions on the internet or through any forms of technology. sudden changes in emotions, political ideas or change fuel emotions.
pisces moon: native is able to understand everyone’s emotions except it’s own. prone to running after any sort of esoteric, escapist experience.
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the rising: also known as the ascendant or the first house, it shows how we like to present ourselves, the course/ journey of your life. some astrologers like to discuss superficial self vs shadow self with the ascendant (1st house) and descendant (7th house). we will get into that in later chapters.
aries rising: people are surprised by their understanding and willingness to compromise. have a taste for aesthetics and things that look good.
taurus rising: these people have a certain knack of art and pleasantries. the neck is always highlighted. very troubled once you get to know them, relationships transform their sense of self.
gemini rising: small-looking individuals with bright eyes. interested in meeting new people to discuss new ideas. interested in travel, siblings can be discussed a lot when they first meet u.
cancer rising: moon-like faces that are on the bigger side. looks more like the mother. people are surprised by their discipline.
leo rising: these people always have distinct hair! can look more like the father, or have that same loud laughter. creative individuals.
virgo rising: intelligent energy but in a careful manner rather than a chaotic one. secret need for the spotlight/ being admired for their hard work.
libra rising: pleasant smiles, cordial faces. perfectionists when it comes to appearances.
scorpio rising: intense when it comes to first impressions, longing for balance and cooperation but being a little awkward, prone to self-rejection.
sagittarius rising: witty jokes and philosophical questions, powered by the darkness of their psyche and revolutions of their mind.
capricorn rising: they have a weird relationship with their self esteem, feeling detached. prone to getting moody and emotional once you get to know them. may look more like the father.
aquarius rising: friendly energy with eccentric ideas. need to be admired in their relationships, they have this creative and generous side to them that isn’t seen at first.
pisces rising: ever-changing personality when meeting new people, but don’t think of it like a transformation- it’s more like waves of water that fit into any vessel. passion for understanding human psyche, prone to anger or getting defensive when it comes to being fully intimate / authentic.
Takeaways + To-do’s:
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okay, we have gone over websites and chart-making, we went over the 12 zodiac signs and the big 3- the sun, moon and rising in all the signs.
while you were reading your chart, you must have seen way more things- houses, aspects, etc. these things help you have a clearer understanding of the birth chart.
when the explanation of a planet doesn’t apply, don’t worry. today we only described the energies of the sun, moon and rising. the house it is in, the degree and also aspects to the placement channel the energy of your big 3 or cancel it out.
nevertheless, you now have an understanding of some basic principles of birth charts, so congrats!
—> using intrigue to further your understanding:
reader, it’s not feasible to memorize the meanings behind all these placements. instead, try to involve them in your daily life. ask a friend their birth time, look up their chart, then tell them the explanations of their big 3. you can even look up celebrity charts to see how their big 3 plays a role in their lives. this will help you gain an understanding of the signs (and memorize them) without feeling like you’re forced to “study.”
i will meet you again soon, where you will be able to understand elements, inner and outer planets, how each zodiac sign’s energy affects a planet and you will be introduced to the 12 houses!
good luck on your astrologer journey, i hope this makes things a little less complicated. 🤍
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apollotarot · 1 year
♋️ July, 2023: New Moon in Cancer Tarot Spread 🦀
The New Moon in Cancer on July 17, 2023, has significant influence over the 3rd decans¹ of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) and all others.
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This lunar phase creates a powerful Grand Cross alignment involving Pluto retrograde in Capricorn, the lunar nodes' axis in Libra/Aries, and a trine to Neptune in Pisces.
These celestial configurations put pressure on the 3rd decans, bringing forth karmic elements that require resolution and purification. It may entail confronting authoritative figures and seeking personal emancipation.
Additionally, as Venus prepares to retrograde in Leo, emotional and relational dynamics intensify, prompting us to question our relationship patterns and embrace necessary changes.
This is a time for reshuffling the cards, letting go of harmful elements, and fostering healthier connections and personal growth.
It is crucial to examine how the actions and behaviors of others impact our present experiences; as such, self-reflection empowers us to navigate relationships with greater insight and make informed decisions that lead to personal fulfillment and growth.
New Moon In Cancer 2023 Tarot Spread:
Welcome to our New Moon in Cancer 2023 Tarot Spread, specially designed to unlock the wisdom of the Tarot and guide you through the transformative energies of this lunar phase.
Get ready to explore the realm of possibilities and unveil the profound messages the Tarot has in store for you:
What karmic elements are surfacing for resolution during this lunar phase?
How can I navigate confrontations and assert my independence?
What areas of my relationships need reshuffling and transformation?
What patterns do I need to break free from to form healthier connections?
What lessons can I learn from past encounters to create positive changes?
How can I embrace personal growth and elevate myself during this transformative period?
By harnessing the intuitive power of Tarot cards, you can gain clarity, discover hidden truths, and align yourself with the transformative energies of the New Moon in Cancer.
Allow the Tarot to serve as your trusted companion, guiding you on a journey of self-discovery and illumination as you navigate the shifting tides of life. Embrace the wisdom it offers, drawing upon its insights and guidance throughout this new lunar cycle.
Decan: In astrology, each zodiac sign is divided into three equal parts known as decans. The first decan represents the initial 10 degrees, the second decan covers the subsequent 10 degrees, and the third decan encompasses the final 10 degrees of the sign. Decans further refine the characteristics and qualities of each zodiac sign, offering more specific insights and influences based on the degrees they occupy. In the context of this article, when referring to the "3rd decans," it signifies individuals born in the last 10 degrees of the Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn), as well as the last 10 degrees of other signs in general."
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moontrinemars · 2 years
Types of House Systems Explained
Written for self-reference and posted for those trying to learn and practice astrology seriously. Refer to my blog bio for more.
The houses are one of the most important concepts in astrology. They represent major themes and areas of your life, the world you inhabit, and your character, and understanding them is crucial to accurate natal interpretations. They are determined by the native's birth time and location, but also by the house system used.
This post is to help you understand what a house system is, and the most important differences between them. A follow-up post explaining my personal takes on when and how to use them is on the way. This one is solely for technical reference.
You'll notice below that the introduction includes a list of essential vocabulary. This is for reference. It is not necessary for seasoned astrologers to read. Feel free to skip ahead to the guide itself.
Newcomer's Glossary of Terms
The houses are a section of the natal chart in which objects and signs may fall. They are madly dividing the chart into twelve, and are named for their numerical order. So, the first house precedes the second house, the second house precedes the third house, etc.
A placement is a position in the chart. These positions are marked by degrees. There are 360º comprising the entire chart, obviously, but a placement is more often referred to by the degree out of 30º they occupy in the relevant zodiac sign. Placement may also refer more generally to the house or sign a specific position lands in.
Objects are any planets, non-planets such as asteroids and stars, or hypothetical planets which have placements. One may also use astronomical or other mathematical equations to determine significant positions of the chart. Such non-object placements are referred to as points.
Cusps are a type of point that marks the border between two houses. One house's territory begins with that house's cusp, and ends with that of the next house. So, the 1st house cusp marks the 1st house's beginning, but it also marks the 12th house's end. The 12th house cusp marks the 12th house's beginning but also the 11th house's end, and the 11th house cusp marks the 11th house's beginning and the 10th house's end, and so on, and so on.
The angles are the four most important cusps or points of a chart. They are generally found by referencing natal time and place. The four angles include the Ascendant (also referred to as the Rising), the Descendant, the Medium Coeli (also referred to as the Midheaven), and the Imum Coeli.
The Ascendant generally cusps or determines the sign of the first house. The Descendant is the angle opposite the Ascendant. It cusps or determines the sign of the seventh house. The Medium Coeli is the highest point of the chart. It either cusps the tenth house or, to my knowledge, exists somewhere between the 9th, 10th, and 11th house. The Imum Coeli is the angle standing opposite the Medium Coeli. It either cusps the fourth house or exists somewhere between the 3rd, 4th, and 5th house.
The Types of House Systems
There are three major types of house systems: temporal, spacial and ecliptic. The difference between them is in how they are calculated as well as the type of system it produces.
To call a system temporal means that it refers to the movement of celestial objects to determine house cusps.
To call it spacial means that the system refers to location in physical space to determine house cusps.
To call a system ecliptic means the houses are assigned equal divisions of 30º, with the Ascendant or Midheaven sometimes determining cusps, otherwise determining the houses' signs.
Temporal Systems
Placidus is the most popular temporal system. It is also the most commonly used system in Western astrology. It is a temporal and quadrant system. Quadrant systems prioritize calculating the angles, and calculate other cusps in relation to them.
Placidus is based on the arcs of heavenly objects. Basically: all objects have a set arc they travel through space. We divide that arc into twelve parts, making two halves of six parts each. The half exposed in the day is called the diurnal arc, and the half exposed at night is called the nocturnal arc.
The point between the two halves is represented by the Ascendant. (Hence the other name, the Rising, as this is the point from which objects rise out of the nocturnal arc and into the diurnal arc.) From this, the other four points can be calculated, such as the Descendant, which marks where objects transition from day to night, and the Midheaven, the highest point of the day's arc.
The Koch system is probably the second most popular temporal system, and is a relatively popular system for Western astrologers overall. It is also both a temporal and quadrant system.
The difference between Koch and Placidus is that while Placidus prioritizes calculating the Ascendant axis, Koch prioritizes calculating the Midheaven.
Spacial Systems
Campanus is the most popular spacial house system, and the only one I've personally seen used with any regularity. It is a spacial and quadrant system that references the birth location.
Campanus is similar to the previous systems in that it does rely on creating day and night halves of six parts each. However, rather than referencing the projected arc of objects, this system is created by dividing the celestial space itself.
The horizons divide the two halves, represented by the Ascendant, the western horizon where the sun rises, and the Descendant, the eastern horizon where it sets. The zenith, or the midpoint point of the sky during the day, Is marked by the Medium Coeli, and the nadir, or midpoint of the night sky, by the Imum Coeli.
Regiomantus is an alternative spacial and quadrant system that references the equator rather than the birth location.
Meridian System
At the start, I specified three major types of systems. This is true, but not the whole truth.
The Meridian system is calculated using both space and time, so technically, it counts as a spacial and temporal system. It is also a quadrant system, like those mentioned prior.
The Meridian system divides the celestial space into the halves of six, just like the spacial Campanus system, but the axis of this division is aligned to the celestial poles rather than on the horizon.
Ecliptic Systems
The Equal Sign system and the Whole Sign system are the two most popular ecliptic systems.
The Whole Sign system is the one I've see most used in Vedic. It assigns each house a 30º space which aligns with the occupied sign. Hence, a Taurus-ruled 1st house would have its cusp at 0º Taurus, regardless of the specific degree of the Ascendant.
The Equal Sign system begins by assigning a 30º space to the 1st house, starting with the Ascendant as its cusp, then assigns each preceding house a space of equal degrees. So, if the Ascendant is in 19º Taurus, the 2nd house cusp will be at 19º Gemini, the 3rd house cusp at 19º Cancer, and so on.
An alternative variation on the Equal Sign system is used by some, which prioritizes the Midheaven as the inciting cusp. This can result in Ascendants that do not land in the 1st house. So, say the native with a 19º Taurus Ascendant has their Midheaven at 7º Pisces. Using the Equal Sign MC system, the 10th house starts at 7º Pisces, the 11th starts at 7º Aries, the 12th at 7º Taurus, and the 1st at 7º Gemini, resulting in a 12th house placement for the Ascendant.
Of course, using the normal Equal Sign system on a chart with these placements would result in an 11th house Midheaven. This is the trade off of using an ecliptic system. It may seem strange or counterintuitive to quadrant system users, but it also opens up new avenues for placement interpretation.
Hoping this serves as a helpful reference. I will add a link to a second part containing an explanation of my own interpretations and suggestions for using each house system later. Thanks for reading, feel free to message, reply, and ask ♡♡♡♡
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grimmstar-grimmoire · 2 years
Glossary of Witchy Terms [**Updated**]
One who attends or assists in a ritual, service, or procession.
A person who is skilled in magic, witchcraft, or mysticism.
The assertion that something is true, it exists, and you believe in it. Affirmations are a powerful tool in witchcraft.
In many ways a precursor to modern chemistry, alchemy was generally considered to be the science of turning one thing into another thing through physical and chemical processes (in its literal interpretation) or refining something (like the soul) into a better or more perfect version (in its metaphorical usage).
A tradition of Wicca descended from the teachings of Alex Sanders, the "King of Witches."
The ritual workspace; a table, shelf, or other dedicated area where witches practice their craft. For some witches, altars can be a place of regular spells, rituals, and magical workings, for others, it is simply a sacred space where they place symbolic objects
An object which has been ascribed magical powers, or with which intentions have been set. A kind of ‘good luck charm’, carried with them. Often added to charm bags, spell bottles, or carried in the pocket or purse.
To smear or rub with oil
The two halves of a tarot deck; divided into Major and Minor; Major consists of 22 trumps while the minor consists of 56 suit cards.
Ancient or secret wisdom
Universal images and symbols commonly used to represent deities in forms that we can understand
A bundle of fresh herbs or a perforated object use to sprinkle water before, during, or after a ritual for purification purposes
Astral Body
The astral body is the psychic or spirit form that we take on when astral traveling. Some describe it as the soul.
Astral Plane
A state of existence which you go to when astral projecting or doing astral magic. It is reached through altered states of consciousness where the* **astral body* is free from the material body.
Astral Travel
Also known as astral projection. It is where the soul leaves the body and enters the astral plane, where they can observe, encounter, and interact with spiritual beings and entities. Unlike an ‘out of body experience’, it involves an intentional effort to direct your soul from your body.
The study of the stars, constellations, zodiacs, and planets.
A ceremonial knife or blade which is used to channel and direct energy and cast protective circles. As the blade itself is not traditionally used for cutting, it is often beautiful, rather than functional. If the ritual, ceremony, or spell requires cutting, a different knife (or boline) is used.
An aura is a subtle energetic field that surrounds objects, places, and living things. It’s undetectable to the human eye, however some people train to be able to detect and ‘read’ auras.
Baby Witch
(Often considered derogatory) A new, inexperienced witch. It is advised to only use this label if it is self-applied, and a label you wish to use.
The traditional bonfire of the Sabbats, still used in many pagan celebrations
Magically send away or repel, especially negative energies or entities, from a person, home, or ritual area.
Ritual tool used to invoke directional energies, ring in the sunrise on a sabbat, stir up energies, or frighten away faeries and harmful spirits.
Also known as ‘May Eve’, ‘Beltaine’, ‘Bealtaine’, or ‘May Day’. Held on the 1st of May, and one of the eight sabbats, Beltane is an ancient fertility festival which marks the beginning of the planting cycle and ensures a bountiful harvest.
A traditional broomstick constructed of twigs tied to a sturdy pole. used to sweep clean a ritual space before practicing, though as this is more of a metaphorical cleaning, the besom usually does not touch the ground, but is used a few inches above ground. Small besoms are often used to clean the altar in much the same way.
To magically restrain
Birth Chart
Shows the positions and houses all the planets were in at the time you were born.
Black Magick
Refers to any magic which involves the use of negative energy or has the intent of malice or harm
The use of magic to benefit an object or being.
Also spelled bolline *or *bolleen. A boline is a white-handled knife which, unlike the athame, is used for practical work before, or during spells and rituals, such as cutting herbs, cords, wands, etc. or inscribing candles. The boline sometimes has a small, straight blade, but a crescent-shaped blade is not uncommon.
Book of Shadows
A book of instructions for rituals and spells, often also containing religious text, and personal thoughts, the Book of Shadows was at first associated with the Wiccan *religion. They are now widely used by witches of all religious paths. Unlike the *Grimoire, the Book of Shadows has more of a ‘journal’ quality, since it is often used for recording experiences and emotions, rather than just ingredients and instructions.
Burning Times
A reference to a period during the Middle Ages when many witches and non-witches were executed by the church or by public officials for supposedly practicing witchcraft
Cardinal Points
North, South, East, and West, often marked by candles of green, red, yellow, and blue.
Divination through the use of cards
A pot which was traditionally made of metal and used for cooking and boiling.
A heat-proof container used to burn incense; associated with element Air.
Ceremonial Magic
School or method of magical that places emphasis on long, complex rituals; often referred to as ritualism.
A drinking vessel intended for ceremonial drinking.
Chakras are the energy centers in the body, which are believed to be spinning disks that should be kept open and aligned for our spiritual and physical wellbeing. There are seven major chakras in the human body, as follows:
Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra
A New Age word for mediumship, channeling involves allowing a spirit entity to speak through the channeler. The process is virtually impossible to prove and therefore does not enjoy a particularly good reputation.
To infuse an object with personal power.
Charm Bag (Conjure Bag/Mojo Bag)
A bag filled with things which represent your intention. Typically, the pouch is filled with herbs, crystals, affirmations, amulets, etc. and then (depending on its intended use) kept in the home, on the altar, or carried with you.
In some Pagan traditions, a “circle” refers to the people who gather for a ritual. When standing in a circle, all the participants are able to see each other, with no one member elevated over any other. This practice is often felt to encourage egalitarianism and community. At a ritual, a circle will be “cast” to provide a container for the energy to be raised and to denote a differentiation between the ritual space and everyday reality
Casting a circle is done to banish negative energy and create a sacred space in preparation for a spell or ritual, though it can also be cast unceremoniously to create a calm space for meditation or work
Cleansing an item or person is done to remove any excess lingering energies from previous rituals or that have been picked up unintentionally from going about one’s day.
Cone of Power
Psychic energy raised and focused by an individual or group mind to perform a specific task or to achieve a purpose
The act of consecrating is to purify and dedicate an object to a specific use. Usually witches consecrate new wands or tools to make them sacred
Sets of ideas, concepts, and beliefs about objects, sabbats, plants, animals, or colors.
A gathering of at least three witches who come together to practice witchcraft. Often (but not always) led by a High Priestess, a High Priest, or both. Covens will gather, usually in nature, to celebrate the sabbats, for rituals, initiations, etc..
Non-Wicca or non-Pagan (derogatory)
An abbreviation of ‘Witchcraft’, and is how many witches refer to their practice.
Crystal Elixir
Water that is infused with the energies from whatever type of water-safe crystal you choose to soak in it. The elixir can be used for drinking or for use in rituals.
Rocks and minerals which have different properties for uses in spells, rituals, and meditation.
Crystal Grid
A special geometric arrangement of crystals with a set intention. The grid is created to amplify the power of the crystals, and to combine the powers of multiple crystals towards one end goal.
Crystal Heading
An alternative or complementary therapy, crystal healing uses crystals to bring harmony and healing to the human body and mind. This is an energy-based therapy which draws on the unique vibration of each crystal to help us balance, and unblock, our own energy centers (chakras) in the body. Each crystal has its own unique vibration and energy; each cell in the human body also has its own energy, and when a crystal is brought close to the body, sensitive people can feel the energies from the crystal, and this can help to bring their own energy into balance.
Crystal Magic
All crystals have their own natural properties which you can draw on, which means they are excellent additions to charm bags, spell jars, etc.
A pronouncement of ill-fortune. Spoken words with the power to inflict harm. Unlike a spell intended to cause harm, a curse requires nothing other than intent and the spoken word. A witch’s energy and harmful intent combined with words, are all it takes to cast a curse.
A spirit or being below the Gods in power.
Ritual knife used to sever psychic bonds, cursing, initiating, and exorcising
Lowering the power level of psychic energy fields
A ritual in which a witch dedicates his- or herself to the craft and vows to study and learn all that is necessary to reach adeptship.
Levels of achievement in a particular tradition. Many traditions have three degrees.
A god or goddess
A personification of evil; an entity of an evil and destructive nature
Medieval science of studying demons.
Other accepted spellings: deasil / deiseal / deisal / deisul. This means clockwise/sunwise, and in witchcraft is used to attract, or bring things to you. For example, when stirring a love potion, you would stir it clockwise to attract love. If making an abundance charm bag, blend the contents clockwise to attract money, etc.
Dianic Pagans, taking their name from the Greek goddess Diana, honor only goddesses or the Goddess, never any gods. Most Dianic groups are women-only and grew out of the feminist movement.
The practice of seeking knowledge of the future, or the unknown, by using your own intuition and insight in order to translate the images, visions, or messages that come through your chosen divination tool. There is an art to divination, and it is true that many people seem to have a natural gift, but this is also something that can be mastered over time as you learn to tune into your intuition.
A technique of using a rod or pendulum to find underground water, minerals, or anything invisible; can be used to magically find a person, place, thing of element.
Dream Journal
A book to write down all the dreams you have. It’s done so you can decipher messages from your subconscious as a form of divination, or so that you familiarize yourself with your dreams in order to lucid dream or* astral project* easily
Before Europe was conquered by the Romans in the early centuries CE, members of the priestly elite of Ireland, Britain, and modern-day France were known as Druids. In their religious culture, groves of trees, bodies of water, and elevated landscapes were closely associated with various gods, goddesses, and spirits and became important sites for worship
Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Spirit. Everything here in our physical world is made up of Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. And the fifth element, Spirit, is the binding force between all other elements, and between everything in existence. Witches work with the powers of these elements, and invoke their energy when practicing their magic.
A person with the ability to feel the mental and emotional state of another individual.
The state of being under a spell or another word for spell.
The equinoxes, which happen twice a year, are days when night and day are of equal duration. For many Pagans, these holidays signify balance. Although practices vary according to region and climate, many Pagans celebrate the birth of spring on March 21 (the spring equinox), while September 21 is a fall harvest festival (the autumn equinox).
A meeting of a coven of witches at a time other than one of the eight sabbats. Often these meetings are held once every moon cycle, often during the full moon, and incorporate healing work, psychic and magical training, moon rituals, etc. Solitary witches who take advantage of the moon phases will often refer to their moon magic or rituals as ‘esbats’.
Esoteric topics are usually, but not always, religious or spiritual in nature. If a topic is only studied or understood by a few people it is generally considered esoteric. Many occult topics are esoteric but not all and some esoteric traditions are occult in nature but certainly not all of them. “Esoteric” is generally discussed along with “mysticism”.
To call something out from within.
Familiars are a witch’s helpful, guardian spirit. Familiars may take the form of a pet, a spirit animal, or even an obliging non-physical entity. Not every witch has a familiar, and not all witches who have a familiar are aware of it.
The traditional sayings, stories, faerie tales, or cures with a particular locale.
A form of religious witchcraft, follows the writings and teachings of Gerald Gardner (1884–1964), which were published in England in the 1950s.
A book of spells, rituals, and instructions. Traditionally a Grimoire (unlike a* Book of Shadows*, which contains script about experiences, and emotions, and religious text) is a book containing only tried and trusted magical directions, spells, incantations, and invocations.
The act of connecting spiritually and physically to the earth’s energy
Hag Stone
They are stones containing a naturally occurring hole; believed to provide protection against diseases and evil
Spanning many cultures and thousands of years, handfasting is an ancient ritual in which the hands of the couple wishing to pledge their union, are tied together with cords, ribbon, or lace, to symbolize the binding of two lives. A symbolic marriage ceremony which is popular among pagans and wiccans.
A fire place and the surrounding area; symbol of one's home.
Any of the beliefs, philosophies, practices, or tenets related or attributed to the fictional figure of Hermes Trismegistus. Core texts include the “Hermetic Corpus”, the “Emerald Tablet”, and “The Kybalion”. The first two are either lost, reconstructed, or fabricated and the latter was published under a pseudonym in the early 20th century.
A magic spell or charm which is intended to bring harm. To hex someone is to put them under a spell which will attract misfortune, ill health, or hardship.
High Priestess
Though this can vary depending on tradition, and coven, the leader of a coven is often referred to as the High Priestess. The High Priestess embodies intuition, creativity, and the divine feminine. Having dedicated their life to the Craft, studied, trained, and incorporated it into their everyday life, they will have earned this title and status. The High Priestess is a teacher, a leader, and a healer.
An altered state of consciousness where one's bodily and sensory control, suggestibility, and the ability to concentrate are increased
Also known as Imbolg, or Saint Brigid’s Day. One of the eight sabbats, Imbolc is a traditional festival, held on the 1st of February each year (in the Northern Hemisphere), which is about midway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. It is celebrated on the 1st August in the Southern Hemisphere. This is a time for purification, cleansing, and planning.
Most Pagans believe that divinity is immanent, or present, in the physical world. Some Pagans believe that a single divine force is present in all things; others believe that all living and natural things have a soul or spirit. The Pagan belief that the human body is holy is connected to their belief in immanent divinity.
A spoken spell or charm intended to have an effect on a person or object. Incantations can be spoken words, in your own language charged with intent – or they can be a chanting of noises, or made-up words which have meaning and power known only to the witch casting the spell.
The ritual burning of herbs or oil during magical workings or rituals to better help the witch(es) attune with the goal of the working
The process of being introduced and admitted into a coven; usually done as a ritual.
To call in a higher power for help. This is usually calling on a spirit, deity, or the power of the elements for some kind of assistance, inspiration, or protection.
An unlucky or malevolent thing, person, or force. If someone or something is ‘jinxed’ it attracts misfortune. Unlike a hex, a jinx is more of an unintentional curse…it is thought that you jinx someone, or something accidentally.
The notion that any positive or negative energy which is put out into the world will return to the sender. Karma is known by some witches as the ‘rule of three’ or ‘threefold law’, stating that the karma which comes back is always three times as strong as the one that is initially released.
A kindred is a group of Heathens. This term emphasizes contemporary Heathen kinship with ancestral practitioners of Germanic and Northern European religious traditions. Although some Heathen groups believe it is important for Heathens to have Northern European ethnic heritage, many see kinship in spiritual terms and welcome practitioners of all ethnic backgrounds.
Also known as Lughnasadh. One of the eight sabbats, on the 1st of August, midway between the Summer Solstice and the Autumn Equinox, Lammas is the celebration of the first harvest; it is a time for giving thanks for abundance.
Also known as* Summer Solstice* or Midsummer. One of the eight sabbats, Litha celebrates the longest day and the shortest night of the year. This is a time of joy and celebration, as the sun is at the height of its power.
Lucid Dreaming
The state of active and conscious dreaming where you are able to control what is going on in your dreams.
Also known as the Autumn Equinox. Celebrated in September at the time when night and day, dark and light, are equal. Mabon celebrates the period of rest after the labor of harvest, and is a time to reap what you’ve sown and celebrate the fruits of your labor.
Magick with this spelling was first used in the 1600’s and is an early English spelling for ‘magic’ – it has more recently been adopted to differentiate stage magic and illusion, with the very real magic associated with witchcraft.
Magic Circle
An energy field that you surround yourself with before your magical workings begin. Some people also like to cast a magic circle before meditating. The circle provides protection since you cast it with the intent of positive energies only being allowed to enter. This means that when you open yourself up to energies, you are protected from negative ones. Not only this, but it contains and amplifies your own personal energies making your magic more powerful; the circle is almost like a cauldron for brewing up powerful energies!
Refers to the act of materializing your wants and goals by truly believing in their possibility.
The sounds used for as an associational device or to induce trance
The act of concentrated mindfulness, where you can still the mind and empty it of thought while doing nothing. It is done to relax and reach an altered state of consciousness.
The practice of being invested fully in whatever activity you are doing and not distracted by irrelevant thoughts.
Moon Magic
Magic associated with the moon. Working with the different moon phases is an important part of many witches’ practice.
Moon Water
Water which has been charged with the moon’s lunar energy.
A religious practice where the goal is a direct experience with God, a god, or gods.
The practice of working with the dead. Witches who practise necromancy magic do a lot of ancestral and spirit work and use divination tools like ouija boards. The practice is surrounded with the fascination of death. It is not considered black magic as it is not necessary to kill or inflict pain on living things to practise necromancy.
The study of the ‘hidden secrets’ of the universe. Typically refers to the paranormal, however, it also can be used as an umbrella term similar to ‘paganism’ for witchcraft, astrology, shamanism, divination and botany, to name a few.
An event or sign that is believed to foretell or foreshadow a good or bad future circumstance.
Also known as Eostre *or the Spring Equinox*. One of the eight sabbats, Ostara is a March celebration (typically celebrated on the Equinox, or the full moon thereafter) which celebrates balance, rebirth, and new beginnings. Ostara is a great time for purification spells, and spells for fresh starts, or new projects etc.
A person who holds religious beliefs outside of the mainstream religions. Pagans believe that nature is sacred; and they connect spiritually with the earth, observing the changing of the seasons and the natural cycles of birth, growth, and death. Many Pagans worship multiple Gods and Goddesses, and some worship only Mother Earth. Pagans do not necessarily all share the same beliefs and values as each other; they follow their own spiritual path, without feeling the need to conform.
A weight of some kind attached to a chain or string which swings to give answers to questions. Using a pendulum is a form of dowsing, meaning you use your intuition and subconscious thoughts to understand what is happening in your life
The pentacle has long been used by witches as a symbol of protection; the points of the pentacle represent the five elements of earth, air, fire, water, and spirit…the five things essential to sustain life. The circle surrounding them contains and protects, and also connects the five points indicating that earth, air, fire, and spirit, are all connected.
A five-pointed star without the circle, a symbol of the elements.
A doll made to represent someone in order that you can cast spells on them, or aid them, through magic. Traditionally, these were often carved from natural materials such as roots, or branches, but in modern witchcraft they are more likely to be mindfully sewn from cloth and stuffed with herbs that relate to the intention of the witch creating them.
The four corners and/or watchtowers in a magical circle.
In divination, the person who ask questions of the reader
Rising Sign
Also known as the ascendant, refers to the zodiac sign that was ascending over the eastern horizon at the time and place you were born. It is described as the ‘mask’ of how we first come across when meeting new people or being in new situations
While a *spell *is a set of actions to bring about a desired result, a ritual, similarly, is a set of actions to bring about a desired result, but is more involved and tends to bring religious or spiritual beliefs into the magic; this can be done in many ways, such as calling on deities, chanting, dancing, etc.
Any spell can become a ritual, by incorporating your own personal spiritual practices.
Runes originated in 4th century Scandinavia as a divinatory alphabet. In Paganism, small stones printed with runes are employed for both divination and magic. Each character is said to have a special spiritual significance, particularly when drawn in response to a question or issue
A sabbat is one of the eight celebrations/festivals recognised and celebrated by wiccans and many (but not all) pagans and witches. Beliefs can vary regarding the precise timing of each celebration, depending on their own religious or spiritual beliefs, and based on distinctions such as lunar phase and geographic hemisphere.
Also known as* Hallowe’en*. One of the eight sabbats, Samhain (celebrated on the 31st of October) celebrates the thinning of the veil between our world and the spirit world. This is a time to celebrate and honor our ancestors and passed loved ones, and to communicate with them, leave offerings for them, and remember them.
An ancient form of divination, which involves gazing into a surface such as a crystal ball, a mirror, water, or flickering flames. There are no limits to how and where and with what tools, a person may scry; perhaps they stare into the darkness, or up at the clouds, for it to form any signs and symbols they can translate…The images seen by the diviner can be fleeting, hazy, or vague, but the intuition of the diviner helps them to discern and understand the scattered, fragmented images, and translate them into something tangible.
Shadow Work
The ‘shadow’ refers to the dark side of our personalities which we repress and overlook. It is the side of us that is wounded with past traumas and impulsive emotions such as envy, greed, rage and desire. Shadow work is the practice of facing those emotions and traumas head on to be able to heal properly and balance your life.
A person who has access to and influence over all kinds of spirits and they typically can enter into a state of trance during rituals, divination and healing so that they can interact with the spiritual realms. Shamanism originates from tribes and indigenous traditions.
A symbol used to represent a desired outcome. Commonly created by using lettering, and condensing the lettering down to a single symbol. Sigils are charged, during their creation, with the intent of the practitioner, or witch. This can then be used in magic; etched into candles, written in salt, or herbs, sewn into poppets or charm bags, the uses of sigils are only limited by our imagination.
To be naked, particularly during ritual magic. Some believe that clothing interferes with our ability to connect with nature, and therefore, magic is more powerful when performed naked, and fully able to connect with the elements.
Smoke Cleansing
Smoke cleansing involves burning, herbs, woods, incense, or resins in order to rid your space of negative or stagnant energies. There are several incenses, herbs, or resins you can use depending on your desired results
The use of incense or dried herb smoke to cleanse items or an area.
A solstice is the point in Earth's orbit when the sun is farthest from the equator, the opposite of equinox which is when the sun is the closest to the equator. The days are longer in summer solstice and shorter during the winter solstice and both take place on a different day for the southern and northern hemispheres
So mote it be
A common way of ending a spell or ritual. Meaning ‘so must it be’, or ‘so shall it be’. Often used at the end of a spell or ritual, for example, in candle magic, as the candle burns out; while making a charm bag, as the bag is tied shut; as the final words in a spoken spell, etc.
Sour Jar
Often used as a form of revenge or retribution, a sour jar is a jar created to literally sour someone’s life. It is a jar in which you place something to represent your target, a base of vinegar, and to this you can add other items to annoy and irritate such as chilli, thorns, etc.
Spiral Dance
A Pagan ritual dance that follows a snake-like coiling pattern. A line of dancers spirals into the center, back out, and back in again. Each dancer passes face to face with all the other participants; each member of the community is seen by all. The spiral dance is often danced as the culmination of the energy-raising part of a ritual.
A talisman is an object that brings luck or protection from harm and negative energies to the person who owns it.
Tarot cards are used for meditation and divination by some Pagans. Tarot cards are usually elaborately illustrated using symbols and images from Western mysticism. There are many possible ways to use Tarot decks, but Pagans often lay out elaborate spreads of cards to intuitively explore personal or spiritual questions, or they may draw a single card in the morning to gain insight about the day ahead.
Theban Alphabet
Or The Witches’ Alphabet, is a writing system which has been utilized by some to disguise their words so they cannot be read and understood by anyone unfamiliar with the script. The script can be used in the same way sigils would be used, or it can be used to write an entire* Book of Shadows*; though this would only be recommended if fluent in the script, or reading your own text could become problematic.
The philosophical study of religion, typically by believers.
Working with spirits and/or gods in a ritual fashion to elicit spiritual or material effects.
Triple Moon
Also known as the Triple Goddess. Representing the Maiden, Mother, and Crone, and honoring each stage of the female life cycle, the triple moon symbolizes the three, united.
A religion deriving from African polytheism. The word can also be used for dolls or puppets that are implied by popular media as used for harm or ill intent, however, that isn’t always the case.
Traditionally made of wood (but can also be made of metal, or rock, and is often set with gemstones and crystals), a wand is a rod used to channel and direct energy, and cast protective circles. Unlike an athame, a wand has a gentler energy, which is used to invite and encourage rather than to command.
Wicca is a religion which stems from pagan witchcraft. Not all witches are Wiccans and not all Wiccans practise witchcraft.
Wiccan Rede
The Wiccan Rede refers to the basic ethical code ‘an it harm none, do what ye will’. There are several interpretations of it which are followed by many practitioners, not just Wiccans. It is considered advice rather than a rule or commandment
Anti-clockwise / counter-clockwise. Used in magic to banish. For example, if making a healing broth, you would stir it counter-clockwise to banish illness. If you were making a charm bag for ‘letting go’, you would blend the herbs counter-clockwise, etc.
Witches’ Bells
The ringing of bells has long been used to clear away stagnant and unwanted energy from the home. Witches bells are a cluster of bells, designed to hang on your door as a protective charm, and ring whenever anyone enters, ensuring whoever is paying you a visit doesn’t bring negative energy with them.
Witching Hour
A time of night when witches are at their most powerful and spirits are most active. This is considered to be the time when the veil between worlds is at its thinnest. There are different beliefs as to when exactly the witching hour is; some say midnight, and others believe it is around 3am.
A Chinese philosophical symbol representing the duality of life, and how seemingly opposite or juxtaposing forces are interconnected and can complement and balance each other out.
Also known as the* Winter Solstice*. One of the eight sabbats, celebrated in December. A time when the darkness gives way to the sun, and days start to get progressively longer, Yule is a celebration of rebirth, renewal, and the continuation of life. A perfect time for candle magic, rest, and self-care.
The Zodiac refers to the 12-star constellations that can be found along the paths of the sun, moon and planets. You have a zodiac sign for each planet which is determined by the position of the planet in accordance with the 12 constellations
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archiveikemen · 2 years
Abe no Yasuchika Main Story: Chapter 4
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection; expect mistakes, grammatical errors, and some creative liberties. All original content and media used belongs to Cybird. Please support the game by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Read this before interacting┊aikm’s Genjiden Glossary
Sanemitsu: You are nothing more than a mere town girl. Don’t think you can get away with this. 
(... Sounds scary. But I can’t let this slide.)
My wrist was throbbing in pain from how tightly Sanemitsu-sama was grabbing it, but I shot him a death glare burning with fury.
Just then—
Yasuchika: What are you doing to my lovely assistant? I’d appreciate it if you'd keep your hands off her. 
Sanemitsu: Yasuchika-dono…!
Yasuchika-san came into the room and took Sanemitsu-sama's hand off me. 
(He came to save me…) 
I felt relieved and my body instantly relaxed. 
Sanemitsu: … You’ve misunderstood.
Sanemitsu: I was just about to discipline this girl for being rude to me. 
Yasuchika: I wonder which of you is the one who needs to be disciplined? 
Yasuchika: Even though Yuno-san is an apothecary I don’t think she knows of any medicine to prescribe to a creep who took advantage of her kind offer to examine his injury! 
(Up till now, he had been polite to Sanemitsu-sama.) 
Sanemitsu: … Yasuchika-dono. You’ve said too much. 
Yasuchika: Are you surprised by my sudden change in attitude?
Yasuchika: What if I say that I found your weakness… and thus I don’t have to be at your mercy anymore? 
Sanemitsu: What?
Yasuchika: Not only did you have relationships with multiple maids prior to getting married, you even made your wife’s relative your mistress. All of which are sinful deeds. 
Sanemitsu: H-How did you find out? 
Yasuchika: From my source.
(Could it be that ayakashi in the grass at the teahouse…?) 
Sanemitsu: … Even so, you have no concrete evidence. 
Yasuchika-san reached into his pocket and pulled out several letters. 
Yasuchika: These letters were found in your office, all addressed to your mistresses. 
Yasuchika: I knew I’d need physical evidence to support my claims, so I borrowed them. 
Sanemitsu: Ridiculous…! I’m sure I never told anyone where I hid those. 
Yasuchika: You should be more careful. Evil spirits from the rivers and mountains are attracted to evil things. 
Yasuchika: Witnesses of evil deeds aren’t always human beings.
Sanemitsu: …! Argh… 
Sanemitsu-sama looked at Yasuchika-san with eyes fearful of what else he might know.
(... It’s understandable he feels this way. There are no limits to Yasuchika-san’s capabilities.) 
Yasuchika: No matter how good you are at covering up, you won’t be able to do that anymore once your wife knows about these letters. 
Yasuchika: You married your wife because you wanted her father’s support in the Imperial Court. So this must be something you wish to avoid. 
Yasuchika: Especially when you're about to get promoted. It’s not ideal to cause problems, don’t you think? 
Sanemitsu: … Isn’t an Onmyōji only supposed to focus on astrology and divination? 
Sanemitsu-sama’s voice was shaking. 
Sanemitsu: Why do you know so much about politics? 
Yasuchika: An Onmyōji’s magic is so useful that quite a number of people want to use it for political purposes, you know? 
Yasuchika: If you’ve been dealing with those people since you were a child, you’d naturally grow familiar with politics. 
Sanemitsu: W-What do you want from me? 
Yasuchika: That’s right. First of all, I want an apology. 
Sanemitsu-sama’s jaw dropped and he bowed his head in resignation. 
Sanemitsu: … I’m sorry for being rude to you. Is that enough? 
Yasuchika: That wasn't sincere enough. 
Sanemitsu: … My sincerest apologies for my actions! 
Yasuchika: Yep. That sounds better. Now, why don’t you apologise to the right person? 
Sanemitsu: Huh? Erm… 
Yasuchika: I’m not the one who needs an apology from you. 
Yasuchika: It is Yuno-san you need to apologise to. 
Sanemitsu: You expect me to apologise to a commoner…? 
Yasuchika: Fine by me if you don’t want to! It won’t be my fault when my client’s life gets ruined by something other than supernatural things. 
Yasuchika-san waved the letters in his hand. 
Sanemitsu: I… I have made a grave mistake. Please forgive me, Yuno. 
Sanemitsu: My sincerest apologies…! 
Yuno: I… 
(What should I do?) 
When I turned to Yasuchika-san, he gave me a wicked smile, as if telling me that I could do as I pleased. 
Yuno: … Yasuchika-san saved me, so I wasn’t hurt. 
Yuno: But I can’t forgive you for all that you’ve done to other women. 
Yuno: Please genuinely reflect on your actions, and not just because you were exposed…
Sanemitsu: … O-Of course.
Yasuchika: Impossible. 
Yasuchika: People like him never change. 
Yasuchika-san was smiling, but he looked down at Sanemitsu-sama with cold eyes. 
Yuno: Yasuchika-san… 
Yasuchika: But that’s none of my concern.
Yasuchika: I want you to write an apology letter to the woman who sent that living spirit. 
Yasuchika: Hand it to me once you’re done, and you can have these letters back. 
Sanemitsu-sama no longer had the will to protest, he slowly picked up a brush from his writing desk and started writing. 
After he finished writing, Yasuchika-san did as he promised. 
Sanemitsu: UeUe… 
(Sanemitsu-sama, you look like a completely different person now.) 
The young court noble’s confident face was now utterly broken. 
Yasuchika: Sorry you're in this state, but allow me to remind you that you still have to pay for my services. 
Yasuchika: Here’s the bill. 
Sanemitsu-sama’s eyes were wide as saucers when he saw what was written on the paper presented to him. 
Sanemitsu: But that’s not the amount I was told at first!? 
Yasuchika: You can afford it, right? 
Yasuchika: You can pay me using your private funds. I charged you just enough money to keep your wife in the dark.
Yasuchika: Looks like you won't be able to have mistresses for quite a while. 
Sanemitsu: You’re still trying to ruin me… 
Yasuchika: No, no, you’re mistaken. All I ask for is that you lend me a hand when I need help one day. 
Yasuchika: With your father-in-law backing you, you’ll become even more powerful. 
Yasuchika: To be able to become closer with such a powerful person makes my work as an Onmyōji worthwhile. 
Yasuchika-san smiled to feign innocence. 
(Even though Yasuchika-san thinks that Sanemitsu-sama will never change his ways, he intends to take advantage of him.) 
I felt a shiver run down my spine. 
(... I just witnessed another side of Yasuchika-san.) 
After leaving Sanemitsu-sama’s mansion… 
Yasuchika: Alright, I’m going to look for the woman who sent the living spirit. What about you? 
Yuno: I don't know…
Yasuchika: Yuno-san. You were shocked at the methods I used earlier, right? 
Yuno: I…
(As expected, there’s nothing I can hide from him.) 
Yasuchika: You don’t have to push yourself too hard, okay? If you want to know more about your powers and other strange things, I can always find you another opportunity. 
(He’s right that I found his way of doing things frightening…) 
Yuno: I don’t find it taxing to help you out, because I know you’re here for me. 
Yuno: I want to learn more about supernatural powers and strange creatures… so, please take me with you. 
Yasuchika: …
Yasuchika-san’s expression became gloomy as he furrowed his eyebrows. 
Yasuchika: You’re strange. 
Yuno: T-That's not what I expected you to say. 
Yasuchika: Really? I’ve never met anyone like you. 
Yasuchika: But yeah, if you want to… come on. 
Yasuchika-san smiled slightly in the sunset. 
I hesitated for a moment before nodding in response. 
We followed the traces of Yasuchika-san’s magic and came to…
Father: Um, what business does an Onmyōji have with my daughter…? 
Yasuchika: There’s something I need to confirm. 
Sitting before a sunken hearth in front of a simple-looking house, Yasuchika-san spoke to a man who claimed to be the woman’s father.
Yuno: We apologise for the sudden visit.
Father: It’s okay… but my daughter has been laying in bed for a while now, and she’s not in the condition to speak. 
The sight of the father’s haggard face made my heart ache.
Yuno: Is she ill…? 
Father: I think it might be neurosis… 
Father: About a month back, my daughter was abandoned by a noble family she was serving. 
Father: She thought that she would eventually get married… she believed those verbal promises. 
(But Sanemitsu-sama ended up getting into a political marriage…) 
Father: She was falsely accused of something she didn't do… so she got sacked… and tried to take her own life. 
Yasuchika: …
Yuno: Oh my…
Father: She survived because I managed to stop her just in time, but afterwards she fell into an unusually deep sleep…
Father: She told me that she felt exhausted although she did nothing all day.
Father: Even if she wakes up, she doesn't have the energy to speak. 
Yasuchika: … I see.
(This means that she became a living spirit while she was asleep.) 
(But I’m worried about how heartbroken her father will feel if he knows that…) 
Yasuchika: I understand the situation now. You see, your daughter is—
The thought of him revealing the cruel truth made me gulp.
Yasuchika: She’s just being possessed by an ayakashi. If we perform an exorcism, she’ll get a lot better. 
Yasuchika: However, the ayakashi is already very deep into your daughter's soul. So I will have to be extra careful during the ritual. 
Father: … My daughter is in this state because of an ayakashi!? 
The father exclaimed in shock. 
Father: B-But it costs a lot to hire an Onmyōji… 
Yasuchika: Ah, don’t worry about that. I’ve got you covered! 
Father: What? 
Yasuchika: Actually, the court noble who hurt your daughter deeply regrets his heartless actions. 
Yasuchika: So he want to pay for the emotional damage.
Yasuchika-san handed the father a heavy bag. 
(That's the money Yasuchika-san threatened Sanemitsu-sama for…!) 
Father: Is this really from him…? 
The father muttered in amazement. 
Yasuchika: It should be enough money for you and your daughter to move to somewhere where you can live happily and comfortably. 
Yasuchika: Here’s proof of his sincerity.
Yasuchika: This is an apology letter, since you probably don’t wish to ever see his face again. 
(— Yasuchika-san’s words are mixed with lies.) 
Sanemitsu-sama didn't give him this money to pay for emotional damage, and he wrote that apology letter because he was being threatened by Yasuchika-san. 
(Still, for a father and daughter who are this devastated…) 
(A “sincere apology” from Sanemitsu-sama would be a little comforting.) 
Yasuchika: After your daughter recovers, you can pass it to her when the time is right! 
Yasuchika: … And if necessary, it can be used as physical evidence against the other party.
(That sounds dark!) 
(... But I understand now. Yasuchika-san demanded this much payment for that woman’s sake.) 
I was relieved that it wasn't because he wanted to pocket all that money. 
Father: Oh my goodness…
Father: T-Thank you so much. Please save my daughter…!
Crying tears of joy, the father held Yasuchika-san’s hands and thanked him profusely.  
A few moments later…
Yasuchika: Glad the daughter woke up. 
Yasuchika: Looks like we’re done for now. I placed a seal on the living spirit while I exorcised the ayakashi, so there shouldn't be any problems. 
We were on our way home after leaving the woman’s house. 
Yasuchika: I’ll monitor the situation for a few more days before closing the case. 
(That’s a relief…!) 
Yasuchika: You’ve worked hard, Yuno-san.
Yuno: All I did was watch from the sides. 
Yasuchika: You examined the woman and prescribed her medicine to replenish all the nutrients she lost. 
Yasuchika: Her father and I are very grateful for your help. 
Yuno: … It wasn’t much but I’m glad I could be of help. 
(But tonight’s hero is definitely Yasuchika-san.) 
Yuno: Yasuchika-san, you’re a kind person. 
Yasuchika: …
Those eyes as dark as the night sky staring straight at me made me flinch a little. 
Yasuchika: Why do you think so? 
Yuno: … Am I wrong? 
Yasuchika: Everything I’ve done is part of my job. 
(Work? But…) 
Yasuchika: Only the most sorrowful of people become living spirits. 
Yasuchika: No matter how hard I try to seal a living spirit, as long as the resentment and sorrow remain, it will only grow stronger. 
Yuno: Yasuchika-san… 
Yasuchika: I got to the root of the problem because I wanted to prevent the same situation from happening again. 
Yuno: That’s why you lied to them? 
Yasuchika: Because sometimes, the truth hurts more than lies. 
Yasuchika: Knowing that the person you hate regrets their actions can potentially soothe the anger that’s eating you from inside out. 
Yasuchika: And if you get the money to lead a comfortable life, you might forget the pain of your past. 
His voice gently melted into the night breeze. 
Yuno: To me, it still seems like you did all that out of kindness. 
Yasuchika: … It’s too bad you think that way. 
Yasuchika-san suddenly stopped walking. 
There was a faint bitter smile on his face.
Yasuchika: I was only pretending to be kind. 
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carriesrevenge · 11 months
Hello dear readers (walker and sai) ! welcome to carriesrevenge 2.0 carriesrevenge 1.0 was accidentally deleted during a freak accident... my environmental science course. For the time being this blog will act as a temporary fix in hopes that I regain my old account back. I will update on any new findings that come up. for now, carries revenge 2.0 will serve as a virtual diary and an archive for my art work. thanks for reading!
update: my account is irretrievable.
is for all my pics
#txt posts
are for text posts
#divination station
is for sharing info on any metaphysical stuff that peaks my interest (mainly tarot n astrology)
other socials:
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tmraeb · 2 years
angular → the 1H, 4H, 7H, 10H; being, beginning–these houses reflect themselves in terms of action; they are considered powerful, expressing 100% of themselves—“self” is a keyword
aversion → an aspect formed between two celestial bodies (or a celestial body and a theoretical point) when they are not configured
axial tilt → the angle between an object’s rotational and orbital axes
cadent → the 3H, 6H, 9H, 12H; falling, resolution, dispersal–these houses express themselves in terms of reflection, on the past, present, and future, to determine the next action; planets in cadent houses are said to express 25% of their energy
conjunction → an aspect formed between two celestial bodies (or a celestial body and a theoretical point) when they come within 0 degrees of one another
copresence → an aspect formed between two celestial bodies (or a celestial body and a theoretical point) when they enter the same sign
eastern hemisphere → the left half of the horoscope
ecliptic → the perceived plane of the Sun’s orbit around Earth from the perspective of someone on Earth
equator → a mathematically calculated circle that divides the poles of the Earth into Northern and Southern hemispheres
horizon → a mathematically calculated circle that connects the East, South, West, and North points; it separates the visible (1H-6H) and invisible (7H-12H) hemispheres—thus indicating the line where celestial bodies leave the human line of vision—and defines the horizontal axis (Ascendant and Descendant) of the horoscope
horoscope → definitively refers to the Ascendant; connotatively refers to the figure drawn based on a specific location, date, and hour (down to the minute) for a given date and hour, which can be used to analyze nativity (a birth chart), for predictions in Mundane and Horary Astrology 
meridian → a mathematically calculated circle that connects the South point (and goes through the Zenith) to the North point; it coincides with the geographical longitude; also defines the meridian axis (Imum Coeli and Medium Coeli) of the horoscope
nadir → a mathematically calculated point representing the southern pole of the horizon; the term is often used interchangeably with the Imum Coeli or the cusp of the fourth house, but they are not the same
northern hemisphere → the top half of the horoscope
opposition → an aspect formed between two celestial bodies (or a celestial body and a theoretical point) when they come within 180 degrees of one another
prime vertical → a mathematically calculated circle that connects the East and West points, and the Zenith and Nadir of any specific location;  and defines the Vertex/Anti-Vertex axis
retrograde → an optical illusion in which a planet appears to be moving backwards in orbit from the perspective on earth
sextile → an aspect formed between two celestial bodies (or a celestial body and a theoretical point) when they come within 60 degrees of one another
southern hemisphere → the bottom half of the horoscope
square → an aspect formed between two celestial bodies (or a celestial body and a theoretical point) when they come within 90 degrees of one another
succedent → the 2H, 5H, 8H, 11H; succeeding, following, grouping, collecting–these houses express themselves in terms of organization, or maintaining momentum; planets in succedent houses are said to express 50% of their energy
trine → an aspect formed between two celestial bodies (or a celestial body and a theoretical point) when they come within 120 degrees of one another
western hemisphere → the right half of a horoscope
zenith → a mathematically calculated point representing the northern pole of the horizon; the term is often used interchangeably with the Midheaven, Medium Coeli, or cusp of the tenth house, but they are not the same
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mudaship39 · 1 year
Character Questionnaire for BIPOC and QTIPOC Character Creation
What is their name? Full name? Nickname?
Do they have a separate Indigenous name and nickname?
What is their racial identity?
What is their cultural identity? What clan are they from? What bands or tribes are they? What nation are they from?
Are they connected or are they displaced disconnected diaspora?
Do they wear any regalia?
Do they wear Indigenous jewelry?
Do they have any Indigenous traditional tattoos?
What is their role in their community? What is their duty in their clan, tribe, & nation?
Are they white Natives, Asian Natives, West Asian (Middle Eastern) Natives, Black Natives, or Latine Natives?
What is their sex gender gender identity and sexuality?
Are they two spirit of Turtle Island or mahu/fakaleiti/fa’afafine/maohi of Oceania?
What are their pronouns? He/him, she/her, they/them, and, or xer/xers?
Are they monogamous or polyamorous?
Are they disabled? Are they autistic? Are they nuerodivergent? Are they chronically ill? Do they have any personality disorders? Do they have mental illnesses?
Are they abled bodied? Are they allistic? Are they neurotypical?
Do they have add, adhd, hyperlexia, ocd, and or dyslexia?
Do they have DID Or dissociative identity disorder, schizophrenia, bd or bipolar disorder, & or bpd or borderline personality disorder?
What is their religion and spirituality?
What languages do they speak?
How tall are they?
How much do they weigh?
What is their hairstyle?
What is their eye color, hair color, & skin tone?
How old are they? By our standards since this is afro futurism, native, & poc futurism about poc coded and native coded metahuman and superhuman characters living from the ancient past to the far future
When is their birthdate? Month day and year?
Whats their Chinese zodiac and western astrology sign
Do they have tattoos or piercings?
What kind of piercings?
What kind of ear piercings do they have?
This can be a tragus ear piercing, a conch ear piercing, a helix ear piercing, a daith ear piercing, a snug ear piercing, a lobe ear piercing, an anti tragus ear piercing, a rook ear piercing, an anti helix ear piercing, a forward helix piercing, a lobe transversal ear piercing.
It can be high lobe, barbell, helix stud lobe, or upper lobe piercings on their ear
What kind of body piercings do they have?
It can be vertical or horizontal eyebrow piercing spiked barbells on their eyebrow. It can be Medusa diamond stud piercing above their lip, it can be dimple studs in their cheeks, it can be a spiked labret on their chin, it can be a septum ring piercing that goes through their nose, it can be a barbell bridge piercing between their eyes on top of their nose, it can be a rhino barbell nose ring piercing on the top of their nose, it can be nasallang piercings on the left and right side of their nose, it can be a third eye stud piercing on their forehead, it can be a barbell piercing in their navel, or even a barbell piercing on their chest.
What do they have tattoos of? What kind of tattoos? Retro by their standards and modern by ours or futuristic by ours and contemporary by theirs in the form of holographic tattoos. Do they have magical tattoos?
Where are they from Where do they live now? List of possible locations are in the location glossary of the google doc.
Which city, county, state, & or country do they live in?
Do they live on Earth? Or off world since humanity and aliens left Earth and colonized the rest of space?
Which colonized and terraformed planet, moon, comet, asteroid, or planetoid do they live on? Where in the planet, star system, & galaxy do they reside?
What is their personality?
What are their virtues? What are their vices? What are their strengths? What are their flaws?
What kind of clothes do they wear?
What are their favorite foods?
What is their favorite drink?
What are their hobbies and interests?
What is their economic class?
What is their political party affiliation?
Are they conservative, liberal, progressive leftist, green party, third party voter, no party affiliation, non voter?
Story is post land back. So this can include voting in Indigenous tribes/clans and nations
Are they communist, anarchist, radical, & or militant.
What is their backstory?
What is their occupation?
Are they a high school dropout, a high school graduate, a college dropout, or a college graduate?
Are they a graduate of a two year community college, a four year university, an Ivy League university or military academy?
Did they graduate from a vocational or trade school?
What degrees do they have? Associates bachelors masters or doctorates? In what field or fields? Do they have a minor, major, or dual major?
Tell me about their parents, aunts and uncles?
How many siblings do they have? Are they the oldest, youngest, or middle child? Or are they an only child? Do they have any cousins?
Are they an BIPOC ex of the queer and trans Asian Pasifika and Latine Native superhero/superheroine main character Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu?
Are they single, dating, widowed, divorced, or married? Tell me about their spouse(s) or partner(s)?
Are they in a monogamous or polyamorous relationship or marriage?
How many children do they have? Are these children adopted or biological? Tell me about their children.
What kind of pets do they have? Do they have regular pets, magical pets, or alien pets?
What is their mode of transportation? List of transportation are in the modes of transportation glossary of the google doc.
Do they use a hoverboard, hover bus, hover bike, hover motorbike, hover quad, hover motorcycle, hover sport bike, or hover vehicle (car, truck, SUV, etc)
What kind of weapons do they use? List of weapons are in the weapon glossary of the google doc.
Do they use a power armor suit or a mech suit?
Questions for native coded characters and poc coded characters of Warring Kingdoms:
What species are they?
What humanoid race are they?
Are they a hybrid with a humanoid race?
What is their variant or subrace?
Are they human?
Are they magical human (poc coded human)?
Are they Indigenous magical human (Indigenous coded human)
Are they non magical human?
Are they Homo magi (non native and white coded human)?
What is their class? Are they a fighter, warrior, barbarian, ranger, druid, bard, wizard, witch, warlock, sorcerer, or paladin?
Are they a hybrid class?
Are they a special class?
What is their subclass
What is their rank?
Are they F class, E class, D Class, C class, B class, A class, or S rank?
What is their background
What class are they?
What is their alignment?
What magical tools do they use
List of magical tools in the google doc
Do they use a wand, a mage staff, a magical baton, or a broomstick?
Which village, town, city, kingdom, empire do they live in?
Do they have magical powers?
Are they part of a guild?
What faction are they a part of?
List of factions in the google doc
What guild are they a part of
Are they part of a knight and or paladin order?
What kind of mount do they use?
What kind of familiar do they use?
Do they have an animal companion?
Are they an adventurer? Are they a guild member?
If so why do they dungeon dive as an adventurer?
Why do they go on quests or guild missions as a guild member?
If they are a warlock who is their patron?
Are they demigods? Are the the child, grandchild, or descendant of a god or goddess? If so from which pantheon?
Are they Atlantean, Amazonian, Vanir, or Asgardian hybrids?
Are they half elves, half orcs, half trolls, half goblins, or half dwarves, etc?
Are they missing any body parts as someone disfigured? Did they have these part or parts replaced with prosthetic limbs?
Do they have an electrical, steam, & gas powered automotive armored prosthetic arm or leg?
Are they an ex of the queer and trans poc coded and native coded Indigenous magical human, magical huma, & homo magi hybrid S rank adventurer and guild member Afro Asian native coded main character Lysander/Luciana Norwood or Kittsak/Kaeo Pramoj
Questions for native characters and characters of color of Alpha Centurion War:
Are they a superhero, antihero, or supervillain?
What is their superhero antihero or supervillain name?
What is their superhero antihero or supervillain costume?
What superpowers do they have?
How exactly did they get their powers?
Are they a metahuman or superhuman?
What is their lair? Where is their home base? Is it stationary or mobile.  
What superhero, antihero, or supervillain team are they a part of?
What is their role in these teams?
Are they part of the superhero conglomerates the Elites, the Paragons, or the Sentinels?
Are they alien hybrids?
Are they demigods? Are the the child, grandchild, or descendant of a god or goddess? If so from which pantheon? The Egyptian, Mayan, Norse, Greco-Roman, Celtic, Hindu, Japanese, Chinese, African, or Oceanic/Pasifika pantheon?
Are they cyborgs or bionics?
Are they Atlantean, Amazonian, Vanir, or Asgardian hybrids?
Are they half elves, half orcs, half trolls, half goblins, or half dwarves, etc?
Are they missing any body parts as someone disfigured? Did they have these part or parts replaced with bionic or cybernetic limbs.
Do they have cybernetic implants or bionic enhancements?
Are they an BIPOC ex of the queer and trans Asian Pasifika and Latine Native superhero/superheroine main character Kana’i Makoa Latu/Ataahua Kamalani Latu?
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astr0-st0ner · 2 years
im not usually interested in astrology but some uni classmates i hang out with got me CURIOUS about my birth chart. so here are my big 3: aquarius sun (12th house), aries moon, aries rising. pls tell me what does it mean 🙏🙏🙏
Thanks for sending me the ask!
I won't make this super detailed and I'm keeping in mind you said you aren't super into astrology.
Glossary of Terms
Signs are the 12 signs of the zodiac.
Houses are not planets or planetary bodies, they are more a concept. They are also broken down into 12 sections, each house symbolizes part of your life.
Your RISING SIGN tells us the SIGN your FIRST house is in. That sets up a layout - for you, your first house (rising) is in Aries. Depending on the house system used, that will often mean your 2nd house falls in Taurus, 3rd house falls in Gemini, etc.
What does your Rising Sign even represent?
The rising sign (aka ascendant) describes how you come across to the world, the first impressions you make, your "mask" (not in a negative sense).
Some a lot of people actually identify more with their Rising Sign. Perhaps you've read about Aquarius and you don't really feel like it describes you, or only describes a part of you... Look to Aries!
Aries Risings are the children of the zodiac in my eyes. Aries is the 1st sign and it aligns with your first house. Aries is known for its youthfulness, boldness and spirited, fast-paced nature. An Aries rising will be like a spark - the lighting of a match.
Your Sun sign = your basic identity, your sense of self, your "highest" self. You may grow into this sign as you grow older. Aquarius is the quirky humanitarian. Eccentric, perhaps an oddball, but rarely do they care.
Your Moon sign = your emotional self. Sometimes people say they felt more like their Moon sign as a child. You also have an Aries moon (the sign of Aries is powerful in your chart!) which means you are passionate AF and won't let things that are important to you go easily. You'll fight REALLY hard. Sometimes you'll fight too much. But your emotional states don't last too long.
I also have the Aqua Sun/Aries Moon combo and I think it's one of the more extreme sun/moon combinations. Aquarius Suns are known to be kind of "detached" and "unemotional", so pair it with a very emotional and hyperactive moon makes it a little weird, haha.
If you're still curious and you don't want to pay someone for a reading, Google exists. ;) Look at what others have to say about the Aqua Sun/Aries Moon/Aries Rising combination. Also, entering your info at astro.com will draw up your chart. There's a section on that site... go to Personality--->Astro-Click Portrait and it offers you much more detailed interpretations of all of your placements.
I hope that wasn't too confusing. It sounds like you have a pretty cool birthchart! 🙃
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corelliaxdreaming · 11 months
This author wrote a whole-ass astrology book and then misdefined “horoscope” in the glossary. 👀
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maghamoon · 1 year
Reading a Birth Chart 101: The Complete Guide,
Part 2: Every House Has its Own Smell
glossary: the planets, planet rulership over the signs, elements (water, fire, earth, air signs), modes (cardinal, fixed, mutable signs), the houses and interpretation basics
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last time, we spoke about the sun, moon and rising in all the different signs. through this, we slowly started to build an understanding of the 12 zodiac signs and planets.
today, we will learn about all the planets you can encounter in a chart.
they are:
sun- father, ego, self
moon- mother, internal reactions to external events, emotions, processing
mercury- intellect, communication, verbal expression, outward expression
venus- love, beauty, art, pleasantries, attraction
mars- passion, drive, movement, anger
jupiter- expansion, growth, generosity, the good natured father
saturn- difficulties, perseverance, hard work, the disciplining father
uranus- sudden changes, reform, activism
neptune- collective consciousness, dreams, spirituality
pluto- transformation, rebirth, power
the 12 astrological signs are ruled by these planets:
aries, ruled by mars
tarus, ruled by venus
gemini, ruled by mercury
cancer, ruled by moon
leo, ruled by sun
virgo, ruled by mercury
libra, ruled by venus
scorpio, ruled by pluto/mars
sagittarius, ruled by jupiter
capricorn, ruled by saturn
aquarius, ruled by uranus
pisces, ruled by neptune
aside from being ruled by planets, the signs can be divided into elements and modes
elements of signs:
think of what you imagine when you hear fire, water, earth or air.
fire is warm, it can be a spark or a flame, it can burn houses down or light them up.
water is fluid, it flows or bends to fit in any container, it cleanses you but also rains on you.
earth is solid, you sow seeds into it and with time it gives you results, it gives you ground to walk on.
air is everywhere, sometimes it’s the wind that blows heavily or the slight breeze that cools you down, it comes and goes.
fire signs: aries, leo, sagittarius
earth signs: taurus, virgo, capricorn
air signs: gemini, libra, aquarius
water signs: cancer, scorpio, pisces
modes of signs:
cardinal- leadership, initiative, charge
fixed- routines, stable, stubborn
mutable- adaptive, curious, dual
cardinal signs: aries, cancer, libra, capricorn
fixed signs: taurus, leo, scorpio, aquarius
mutable signs: gemini, virgo, sagittarius, pisces
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The Houses: Part 1- Angular Houses:
(a/n- there are different house systems in astrology (whole sign, placidus, etc. we will get into those later). currently we will be talking about the significance of houses and the energies the planets dispose to them)
for these next examples i will be using whole sign:
remember when we talked about the rising sign or the ascendant? in astrology that will be your first house- AC, the sign opposite to it will be your 7th house or your descendant- DC, the 4th house is your imum coeli and the 10th house is your medium coeli/midheaven
imagine that the house system is a story unfolding within yourself, coming into full circle, this is how it starts:
1st house- your disposition, how you are seen, the start of your being, appearance
2nd house- your face, self esteem, your possessions, your hidden talents
3rd house- your siblings, communication, learning styles, short term travel or short distance travel
4th house- the deepest part of your chart, your home life, sensitivities, what is familiar to you, nurture and mother
5th house- your childhood, creativity, inner child, playfulness, ego, self, romance
6th house- your routines, work environment, work ethic, surroundings, cleanliness, health
7th house- shadow self, how you are when you get comfortable with people, what you seek and how you behave with partners/ people.
8th house- deeper levels of intimacy, your secrets and desires, the transformations you go through in life, shared wealth
9th house- seeking higher knowledge, higher education, spirituality, philosophy, government, law, travel
10th house- career, public image, professional environment, fame, the highest point of ur chart
11th house- working together, collective revolution, social organizations, friendships
12th house- subconscious pain, esoteric experiences, spirituality, sleep, dreams, escapism
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Putting it All Together:
what happens when you first enter someone’s home? it’s different. not what you are used to. sometimes it can seem familiar.
that’s how the planets work in the different houses.
reader, you have an understand of the 12 zodiac signs, the planets and the 12 houses. now it’s time to put it all together.
here is an exercise for you.
take any planet- for example, mars. think of what it stands for.
now think of all the twelve zodiac signs, imagine how they would act according to the action of the planet. how would the dreamy pisces behave in mars? or the balanced libra? it must be easy for the fiery aries, right?
now, imagine those planets in the houses. the fiery aries mars but it’s in the homely 4th house, the compromising libra mars but she is careful with her public image, since she resides in the 10th house
what about the emotional cancer? how does she love? and if her love is in the 9th house is it emotional bonding through spiritual healing?
congrats, you have learnt the first few steps of intuitively reading a chart. you will get the hang of it!
i suggest reading blogs and posts like “venus in the houses” “pluto in the signs” or even the astro notes/observations here in the community. now that you have a basic understanding, you can further extend your knowledge!
good luck on ur reader journey, see u soon! 🤍
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saptrishisastro · 1 year
Laghu Parashari & Madhya Parashari, Commentary by Chandrasekhar Sharma [SA]
Laghu Parashari & Madhya Parashari is one of the most important texts on Vedic astrology. It is a concise and comprehensive guide to the principles of astrology, and it has been used by astrologers for centuries.
This new edition of the book includes a commentary by Chandrasekhar Sharma, a leading authority on Vedic astrology. The commentary provides clear and concise explanations of the text, making it accessible to both beginners and experienced astrologers.
The book also includes a glossary of astrological terms, a list of sources, and an index.
If you are interested in learning more about Vedic astrology, this book is an essential resource.
Order your copy today!
Limited time offer: 25% off Price: 244.00 Offer expires July 31st, 2023. Contact: +91-9819957779
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airheadedleo · 5 years
lu’s v basic astrology glossary
if you’re anything like me, when you’re first getting into astrology, a lot of the terminology is very confusing and it can be overwhelming! i’ve seen tons of posts dedicated to explaining vvv basic stuff like sun/moon/rising, the planets and what they represent, the houses, etc; but ive never seen a big breakdown of common terms! // if there is one and i havent seen it, feel free to direct me in the replies!! nothing wrong with learning.
keep in mind, im still learning, myself! i never claimed to be an astrologer, im just a person like you! if you have any advice, commentary, or corrections, send me an ask or gimme a reply! i won’t be mad if you aren’t mean.
so, starting with A and moving down to Z...
aspect - when two or more planets line up at an angle, and their energies mingle! some aspects are compatible, while some aren’t at all. breaking alphabetical order here to highlight some important aspects...
conjuct - an aspect with two or more planets in the same sign. this is basically when the energies of the two planets “blend”... which can either be magical, or super dysfunctional depending on the planets. 
sextile - an aspect with two or more planets two signs apart. this is generally a very easy, compatible aspect where all planets involved are playing nice! as a rule of thumb, both planets must be in either earth/water or air/fire, so the energy will never be in conflict. 
trine - an aspect with two or more planets four signs apart. this is often called the “sweet spot” and is where energy is harmonious and everything seems to be falling into place. planets are in their highest vibration state of  synchronicity! all planets involved should be of the same element, and are working for the same agenda. 
^^^ these aspects (conjuct, sextile, trine) are called “soft angle” aspects, and are generally very easy to work through! 
square - an aspect with two or more planets three signs apart. this is basically an energetic tug of war where none of the planets involved want to put down their pitchforks and find a compromise! we generally teeter-totter between extremes during squares, and it’s important to emphasize finding a middle ground during these times.
quincunx - an aspect with two or more planets five signs apart. basically, none of the aspecting planets have anything in common, and it can feel like an awkward, out of place time in general! it can feel like your head is one place while your heart is somewhere else entirely-- in times like these, its important to understand the agenda of each planet involved and how they work off of each other rather than trying to get them to play nice-- it just won’t happen!
opposition - an aspect with two or more planets six signs apart. these planets are as far away from each other as possible, which creates major tension as the two polar extremes aspect! what’s important here is finding a balance with these energies, and seizing the opportunity to learn from both planets involved! 
^^^ these aspects (square, quincunx, and opposite) are called “hard angle” aspects, which are definitely more challenging blending of energies! 
for more information on aspects and examples of each, i highly recommend this source! shifting back to alphabetical order...
cusp - the dividing line between two signs or houses. so, if anyone says that they’re a sun in aries/taurus cusp, it means that the sun was hovering right over the line between aries and taurus at the time of their birth, which can “muddle” the energies of both signs in the planet, depending on the positioning!
eclipse - when the earth, sun, and moon all line up in the sky! these happen a few times in a year, and generally mark big changes and shifts in energy! for more on eclipses, i’ll be making posts dedicated to both soon! 
element - the signs are grouped into the four elements: air, fire, earth, and water. if your chart has a lot of planets in a certain element, you’ll generally have a lot of the qualities of that element; if your chart is lacking in a certain element, you’ll have to work harder to cultivate the aspects of that element into your life to promote growth.
ephemeris - basically a big ass calendar of all the planets and what sign they’re in on any given day! they’re super useful if you want to keep an eye on the astrological weather, so to speak, and plan accordingly. for this years ephemeris, click this link!
equinox (and solstice) - equinoxes and solstices indicate a change in season, and are considered important in astrological practices. spring (March 21) and autumn (September 21) equinoxes indicate equal amounts of sunlight, as the sun is striking the equator. the winter (December 21) and summer (June 21) solstices are either the longest or the shortest days of the year, depending on which hemisphere you’re in. these dates may be a good time to use the energy for re-evaluating and making changes!
house - houses represent a specific area of life, and each adds another layer of interpretation. so, basically... when a planet enters a house, its energy has to work with the tools the house provides, while behaving the way its sign dictates. if that doesn’t make sense, think of it like this: the planet is a person in a job interview, the sign is the agenda the planet has, and the house is the job the planet is interviewing for. 
moon phases - every 28 days, the moon cycles through four phases (new moon, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon). each phase of the moon has its own distinct energy and can impact the way we feel. its especially important to consider what sign the moon is in at the time, as well!
natal chart - (or birth chart) is basically a map of the sky the moment you were born. you can determine your natal chart if you know the exact date, time, and location of your birth (use this if you haven’t determined yours already!). the “big three” signs are your sun, moon, and rising/ascendant signs, as those are most indicative of your personality! (depending on the rest of your chart and aspects)
retrograde - when the earth is orbiting past the planet at a faster pace than that planet is moving, so the other planet appears to be moving backward. you may have heard of the mercury retrograde before, as people generally like to blame all their shortcomings on it! while its true, everything seems to be knocked into a real tizzy during a retrograde, it’s also a good time to reevaluate and work out the bugs in your life, especially in the area of the planet affected! 
stellium - when, in your natal chart, three or more planets are in the same sign. if you have a stellium in your chart, the qualities of the sign may play a bigger role in your life than your “big three” signs. not everyone has a stellium, so don’t get freaked if you don’t have one!
transit - this is basically when a planet moves at all! new transits happen all the time, so astrology is never boring. to keep an eye on transits and big events, check out an ephemeris!
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 years
An Astrological (Mini-)Glossary: Thingies
Luminaries: the Sun and the Moon. Sometimes also called “the lights.” We can get an excellent “bare bones” idea of a person based on their Sun and Moon, and the interrelationship between them. And, looking at the luminaries’ cycle in the progressed chart is kind of a “TL;DR” or “Cliff’s Notes” version of your whole life.
The one astrological transit-type thing I always try to be aware of, on a daily basis, is what the Sun and Moon are doing at any given moment - in a way, it is a kind of “what time of the month is it.”
Inner Planets: Mercury, Venus, and Mars. These placements show how we’re unique individuals. For example: two of my sisters, my daughter, and I are all Geminis - with our birthdays on June 4, 6, 9, and 11 - but none of us share completely identical inner planet placements.
Asteroids: thingies orbiting (for the most part) between Mars and Jupiter. The four main ones (which I call “Lady Asteroids”) are Ceres, Pallas Athene, Juno, and Vesta. To me they’re all very community-oriented, providing us with clues/ways to navigate the immediate tribal and familial circumstances. I feel sometimes that we need to work hard on these, to become better at doing the next bunch of thingies….
Outer Planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Can be further subdivided into:
Social Planets: Jupiter and Saturn. All the people in your high school class (and perhaps a year before or after) share these sign placements with you.
Transcendental Planets: Uranus and Neptune. These show up more as generational influences: Uranus spends seven years in one sign, and Neptune spends 14 years in one sign.
Centaurs: various thingies orbiting between various outer planets. They act as bridges or ambassadors between those two planets. Sort of helping us navigate between our own culture (Jupiter and Saturn) and other cultures (Uranus and Neptune). The most famous Centaur is Chiron.
Trans-Neptunian Objects: thingies orbiting beyond Neptune’s orbit. Pluto is in this category, as is Eris. There are scads of these, too.
We don’t have to know every last placement for every last asteroid, Centaur, or TNO. It’s useful but not required. As an example, to have one of them closely conjunct an important point can help refine a delineation.
Similarly, a strategically-placed thingie can take part in an aspect pattern, like the way my Centaur Pholus turns a mere t-square into a grand cross. It isn’t conjunct anything, but it’s closely square my Venus and Ascendant, and opposite my Ceres.
Your Pluto or Eris, also, may not be very well-integrated or active in your birth chart, but one of the other TNOs (Haumea? Makemake?) may be pushing all the buttons.
A cool thing about the asteroids is that there are so damned many of them, they ran out of mythological names and started to have to use names of actual people, places, and even bands (#8749 Beatles). One fun rabbit hole is to look up your name, and the names of people close to you, to see where they fall in your chart. My son’s name is conjunct my MC, my daughter’s name is conjunct my Ascendant, and my own name is conjunct my Part of Fortune.
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