#at least i kinda saw a bit of a sibling relationship with phase
confusedspaceotter · 2 years
Daily avatrice analysis (day 4)
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apologies if this is bit of a mess, had a bit of trouble trying to put my thoughts into words, which is why there's so many gifs/pics today
now without further ado
Ep 6
now you might be wondering
cause there isn’t a avatrice interaction in ep 6
or is there?
may i present the last 5 mins of ep 6
when Bea show up and pick up Mary
(I would like to headcanon Bea volunteered to come all the way to pick up Mary not only because Mary is her friend but because she suspects Mary already found Ava and she wanted to see her)
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And I would like to think that I’m right(Bea your gay is showing people don’t just stared at your left mirror standing like that)
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Look the Mary’s face when Bea asks is Ava coming 
She knows.
Mary, probably:
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Anyway now back to ep 7
before i talk about the “Beatrice is a badass” scene 
Two things i wanna talk about 
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How do I know Mary knows something is up with Beatrice and Ava?
One episode later she basically compared what Shannon is to her 
To what Ava is to Bea 
“Letting Duretti get away with murder”
That’s 100% about Shannon
Now we all know who Shannon is to Mary ;)
The fact that she used their relationship and tried to convinced Bea hey you gotta do something you girl friend might die if you don’t 
Yeah she knows definitely 
And Two, this conversation between Bea and Camila
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fun fact, Camila is this first one to call Beatrice Bea 
I would like to headcanon that whenever Bea were tasked to train new recruits, in order to make them feel more comfortable, at some point Beatrice would let them call her Bea as is sign of closeness(Kinda like a “ My name is Yasmin Khan but my friends call me yaz situation)
Or is just Camila being Camila 
either way is cute asf 
and I love that Ava after being trained by Bea for two months calls her Bea most of the time too
just look them IM-
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Remember when I said that she is not good at initiating physical contact yet her love language is physical touch?
This is what I meant 
There’s still a slight hesitation but she definitely are more comfortable here
make sense cause she did know Camila longer compare to Ava
plus Bea is her mentor/mum 
Beatrice and Camila is THE softest duo istg
on to the famous “beatrice is a badass” scene 
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Got nothing to say except yes Ava I agree she IS a badass
Look at how Ava admires Beatrice awwww
Tbh same girl seeing Bea kick ass like that does things to me too
Bea calling out(? sister Crimson’s next move 
Coolest shit I seen(at least one of them there are plenty of cool scenes in the show
Also that outfit?????
They never missed with Bea’s casual outfit 
Whether is in S1 or S2
Not a single one look bad 
I swear imo every outfit deserves to be show off in a fashion show or something 
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And that side kick(? Damnnnnnn girl 
She really likes to side kick people 
(Anyone who know what this move is called I know nothing about martial arts)
And she looks cool doing it 
We can also see the kid Ava showing 
Look at her smile I’m-
girl must think that Beatrice is really cool and reminds her of those action heros she used to saw on TV
Just pure admiration from Ava
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Now some people think that the halo is sentient 
Some think that it only acts as a tool and the one whos in change is the halo bearer 
Personally I’m leaning towards the halo is just a tool the one who’s in control is the user
And how powerful it can be is up to the bearer
Because in ep 3 when she is tied to the table 
I’m guessing all she’s thinking is how to free herself
And the halo reacted to her thoughts by phasing her though the bed, freeing her
I think the same happened here 
All she is thinking is how to save Beatrice and Mary
From the trajectory of the bullets(the slow mo at the end of the gif )
Is going the opposite side from where Mary and Bea is
Here’s a chart(? I draw to demonstrate this
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(Handwriting reveal?)
Anyway my point is
Ava and Mary’s sibling dynamic is real 
And Ava might be a cocky little shit (affectionate) towards Mary sometimes but she cares about Mary
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Next we see that Ava got shot by an arrow
And Bea rushing to her side immediately 
No thoughts just 
All hail protective Beatrice 
Oh also has this been done before
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Now something that I noticed from the walk to the van I want to talk about
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Bea putting her hand on Ava’s waist to support her
How she practically jumped on the van to check on Ava
And it doesn’t end
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Baby girl checked not once but twice on Ava’s wound
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I can hear Camila going 
Bea? Did you just check her wound twice???
Now this could just be a simple error 
They accidentally included an extra shot
But being the overthinker that I am
I would like to believe Bea was so worried about Ava that she had to check twice
This scene is giving Clarke Griffin from the 100 coming to Lexa’s room and change her perfectly fine bandages to a random cloth just so she could talk to Lexa
Bea chill out she’s not gonna die she can heal herself 
Anddd that’s it for today 
Tmr is gonna be a long one
And it might get personal too but who knows 
Stay tuned to find out :)
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sorry, feeling weird because my mum had her birthday recently and after calling her to wish her happy birthday, I just feel like shit and want to let it out without my partner worrying (I vent to him most of the time, but he's got enough on his plate rn). so, kinda a sad rant
I'm no-contact with my dad, but low-contact with my mum, mostly because my sibling sometimes has problems I need to mitigate and can't without the physical presence (we're in different countries) so I'll often call her and tell her to please act like a parent for five minutes and also because my mum flips the script often and decides whether she supports the queer part of me depending on how much attention my dad gives her and I keep hoping and because it seemed like she actually cared about what is going in my life even when she had those unsupportive phases
but the last couple of months, every time I call her (because she never calls first), it just feels like she's waiting for me to finish the call and be over with it.
and I have an amazing mum and dad now (my partner's parents) and it just feels so daunting every time I call her. Like, I knew my parents never acted like parents were supposed to and weren't really good people ever since I met my partner's mum and saw up-close how effortless for her it was to care about her kids but, I don't know, I was just hoping that it'd change?? I mean, she came around to the not-straight bit, it took her 5 years, but she did, and I keep hoping the same will happen with the trans son bit. It wouldn't really change much, she was never really involved in my life even when I still lived under the same roof, but I just, I don't know, I want my mum to at least like me if she can't love me??
I'm just really tired of making all the effort to keep even threads of this relationship. I won't go no-contact because of my siblings (I don't want to leave them alone, they're sixteen and I remember how bad being sixteen and with no support was) but I just feel like maybe I should stop calling her when there isn't anything I need her to do for my sibling, maybe stop calling for happy birthdays or happy mothers day and such as well, I'm just afraid it'll explode in my face and then I won't be able to help my sib
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helloworld82604 · 2 years
Ok so @twelvebomshell-blog hi! I'm sorry it took so long to respond but here is my response to this article you sent and asked my to look at about Finn and Duke and the Peaky Blinders movie! I'm gonna put it under the cut because i started to ramble...
Ok so this is really late but I was finally able to get around to reading the article! (I'm sorry it took me a bit classes got busy and then thanksgiving was too) But I finally got to read it and It was pretty interesting! 
First off I agree with you and can't really see Finn as a villain. I really think that like the article mentioned with how he was kinda isolated from his family he really doesn't have the ability to go head to head as the others did. Plus even with his character I feel like he'd be more likely to actually just leave with his wife and not come back. Like even is he is furious and hurt about what happens I can see it being the breaking point where he just doesn't want anything to do with them at all even if it means revenge. 
I also agree with you about Duke. I didn't really like his character much and I really do think he was just thrown in last minute as a plot point after Helen McCrory died🥲 I think it was SK's way of trying to get another young person in the film since Finn (Michael) can't be in the movie anymore and Harry wants to do other stuff (which is understandable) and I don't think SK wanted to make Charlie take over the business. Plus I can't see Tommy abandoning a child even if it was from a one night stand. It would have made for sense for Duke to be one of John's sons coming back. Or even Arthur's son! Heck it would have made for sense for him to be a half brother of theirs than it did for him to be Tommy's long lost son. 
And back to the point I really don't completely blame Finn for Polly's death as he was taken advantage by Billy. The Finn and Billy relationship seems to be like why S1 Tommy and Grace's could have been (minus the romance) if Grace hadn't changed sides. I think Finn really didn't know what Billy was and saw him as a brother after John died. 
So over all I think the article was interesting and brought up some good point however I personally don't think we'll see as the big bad or if we see him at all. Or at least I don't think it would be the best plot for the movie if he was the bad guy. I feel like the whole family betrayal phase has happened more than once with the family (First Tommy putting everyone in jail and the Michael being Michael) and I feel like if they did it again it may be over played. I think it would be more interesting if it focused more of WWII and how that's affecting everything rather than just the family drama. I honestly kind hope Finn's role is done in the way that if he isn't there I can pretend he started getting a better life and survived the war and stuff😂 At least one of the Shelby siblings needs to get a happy ending. 
But if he was part of the movie I do have an idea for what part I'd like him to play. Because if he isn't in the movie I want him to live but if he is I hate to say it but I can see him dying in it. I feel like it would be some sort of poetic irony if he dies during the war and the only way his remaining siblings find out about is either when the KIA letter comes or when like Mary come back with their kid and like runs into the siblings and just goes off on them in her grief for all they did. I actually have a story planned out with an idea involving Finn and WWII that I really want to write out and post to my other account but idk if I'll get to it before December😂 
And yeah, sorry for the rambling😂 long story short I found the article interesting, I agree with you able Dukes Character, and As much as I like Harry Kirton (or what I know about him) I don't think he's going to make an app wrench as Finn in the movie. I think Finn's time with the family has passed and considering the coming events he's not likely to survive WWII especially if SK continues with his pattern of killing everyone off. 
Once again I'm sorry it took a while to get back to you about it! I had to start studying for midterms and then my thanksgiving was busy and now I have like two weeks before my finals start and I wasn't able to get on here much! Thank you for sending me the link! It was interesting to read and even though I slightly dread what will happen I'm interested to do what happens in the movie!! I hope you have a great day!! Thanks for discussing with me in enjoyed it and your more than welcome to ask more if you want!❤️❤️❤️
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akalegos · 3 years
Zero Rewrite AU
Hey so uhhh you know that rvb:zero rewrite au I sometimes post/draw/talk about? Aha,, I have a semi-finished (public copy) doc all about it now!
I'll be updating it semi-frequently whenever I get the chance! The doc so far has some stuff, criticism, info about the AU as a whole. Right now it only has chapter/episode 1 and a partially finished ep2. It's all very self-indulgent and my opinion type beat but hey maybe someone will enjoy it? Idk. It's a serotonin boost and a fun lil side project for me and I like sharing that kinda stuff aaaaa
anyway I hope those curious/ppl who want to find out what in the hell I've been talking about can enjoy it!
Episode 01: Viper Overview: Introduction to “Viper”.
The episode starts with Carolina and Tucker discussing dinner while walking out of Chorus’ General Hospital (the same one Wash was admitted to). They walk towards a corner alleyway as Tucker tries to contact Iris/Grif to get them a ride home.
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Carolina: “Well we can get our dinner quicker, once you call Grif”
Tucker: “I know! He’s just not getting my calls.”
Tucker struggles for a while more trying to get in call with Grif, or even sending him a message. He sighs.
Carolina: “No signal?”
Tucker: “Yup. Signal’s down here too.”
Carolina sighs as well.
Carolina: “I don’t suppose we have enough pocket change for a motel?”
Tucker: “Oh I’m sure we will if we share a bed. Bow ch-”
Carolina: “Don’t push it, Tucker.”
Tucker mumbles the rest to himself as he tries to contact Grif again. Carolina looks around the alley as she waits. Getting a little impatient, Carolina tries to suggest moving to a different location.
But before she can finish her sentence, she calls out to Tucker as she pulls him out of the way from an oncoming knife.
Tucker: “Hey-! What the fuck!”
Carolina lets go of Tucker, turning around to see who the attacker was, with Tucker following her lead.
In front of them was someone in black and pink armour, admiring the same knife that was thrown at Tucker. She turns her attention to them, pointing the knife at Tucker.
???: “You. The key, hand it over.”
She calmly says as she slowly walks towards the two. Carolina slowly puts herself in front of Tucker, realising the situation they’re in.
Carolina: “You’ll have to get through me first.”
???: “Agent Carolina. An honour to meet you.”
Carolina: “What? Do you want an autograph?”
???: “No need. I do have a present for you though.”
A blue small lightning flash appears right next to the attacker, another person in black and blue armour appears. With the rising danger, Carolina motions for Tucker to leave.
While Tucker slowly sneaks off, Carolina grabs hold of her pistol.
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Carolina: “I think I’ll have to decline.”
Carolina and the attacker banter for a bit. The one in black and blue notices Tucker leaving before unsheathing his own knife and tossing it in front of Tucker. He appears before him, making Tucker jump back, confusing him.
???: “Going somewhere?”
Tucker: “How- You were just- How the hell-”
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Carolina, noticing the attacker’s partner's disappearance, calls out to Tucker again. Pulling and dragging him away from the two as they flee.
[Insert fight scene here of Tucker and Carolina fighting the two, fighting to the best of their abilities despite limited weapons, making use of the garbage bin lids. In the end, they are able to escape intact -- though Carolina does sprain her arm -- after running into a public area.]
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Tucker: “Did… Did we lose them?”
Carolina: “Looks like it.”
The two find themselves in the busy night market of Chorus.
Tucker: “So…” *pant* “Wanna get some dinner?”
Carolina: “Honestly, I could go for a drink…. But we should report this to Kimball first.”
Carolina walks into the crowd, looking for the Capitol where they could find Kimball.
Tucker: “Seriously? No-” *pant* “-dinner?”
Carolina: “We can get some later.”
Tucker grunts, following Carolina who's already looking for a cab.
[Fast forward Kimball’s office]
An assistant opens the door for the two, Kimball’s still in her office, packing up, looking like she’s about to finish for the night.
Assistant: “President Kimball, you have some guests.”
Kimball: “Not right now I’m-”
Kimball looks up to see Carolina and Tucker, in an instant, she almost drops the paper in her hands, quickly trying to calm herself and be more ‘presentable’. She dismisses the assistant and invites the two in.
Kimball: “Carolina-! Tucker… Ahem, now what do I owe to this unexpected visit?”
Carolina: “Wish we could have met on more, positive terms but, we just got attacked.”
Kimball: “Oh…”
Kimball slides down into her chair. Sighing.
Kimball: “I’m sorry… Crime has been a bit rampant, to say the least.”
Tucker: “Yeah, you wouldn’t happen to have a phone here? We couldn’t get a signal anywhere.”
Kimball: “It won’t work. Communications have just been cut off.”
Carolina: “What?”
Kimball explains that most of the communication towers have been hijacked and that they’re sending a team to check it out tomorrow morning. She offers to provide a couple of rooms at the military site for the time being. Carolina shoots Tucker a look, and Tucker sighs, hanging his head down.
Tucker: “We’re-”
Carolina: “Could we join the team?”
Kimball: “A-are you sure? You’ve already done so much for Chorus, I-”
Tucker: Begrudgingly “We insist.”
Carolina: “It sounds like our attackers are linked to this case. We might as well join now.”
Kimball nods.
Kimball: “Well… Let me show you where you’ll be staying. The team will meet you at 0700 sharp.”
[ END ]
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sirisuorionblack · 3 years
Hiya! I love your writing so much 💜 May I pretty please request a sirius x reader imagine where they have passed the honeymoon phase of their relationship and now struggles with opening up to each other emotionally. Happy fluffy ending where they promise to love, protect and comfort each other?
I hope you have a lovely time wherever you are! Much love 💜
Until the very end
Sirius Black x Fem!Reader
Warning - Cursing.
Summary - Realising you are in love is tough and expressing it is quite difficult. But for Sirius Black, it happened in a short period of time and in the place where he would have never expected to confess his undying love yet he promises.
A/N Ahhhh THANK YOU SOO MUCH! I had fun writing this although I cried a bit in the end, curse my emotional personality. I had to take some time to understand how you struggle with expressing all the emotions in being in a relationship cause I have never done that so this is practically very much based on imagination and theory. Hope you like it!
Sirius Black. Your boyfriend of two months and within the short span of time he proved you what an amazing gentleman he could be all the while make you feel loved and cherished. It was beautiful being in his arms, kissing or not. Or just stand next to him, his arm wrapped around your shoulder, pulling you to his side as he casually chatted made you feel things that you couldn’t describe in words. All you knew was you wanted to be with him till the end of your life, all the worries and hurt long forgotten with just simple grins on your face.
And Sirius was in no good condition. He was over the moon after the first month of your relationship, he knew the moment you tightly held him in your arms while a tear rolled down his eyes that you were the one. The one who would make him feel loved, safe, happy, like the luckiest human alive. The one who acted as his best friend, a sibling, a parent and…a partner for the rest of his life. He craved to just simply old you in his arms after a tiring day rather than kissing feverishly. He wanted to mutter that it would all be alright and he is right there but gulped all the words of comfort in fear.
Sirius desperately hoped he could gather the courage to at least blurt those three words. How stupid of him to think he would get the courage in two months while he had waited two years to ask you out. He always heaved a huge sigh when he thought of it and today was no different.
“Look at that,” James said, staring at Sirius who had occupied the couch in front of the fire in the comfort of his common room. Sirius sat up straight from his hunched position, rubbing his hand and pried his eyes away from the dancing fires to his best friend’s warm brown eyes, “No one is attached to your hips. What a surprise!”
Sirius resorted to a small chuckle and stared at the fireplace again. James scrunched his eyebrows, the Sirius he knew, never, no matter what could remain silent for this long…unless he was asleep.
“You alright?” He asked, taking a seat next to him, “Are you guys fighting or something?”
The fright in his eyes scared James as Sirius hurriedly said, “No, no. Merlin, no,”
“Then what's wrong?” James asked, getting comfortable so that he was looking at Sirius with his full attention. The fire danced maliciously in his grey eyes. James would never not admire how striking they look but he never would admit it to Sirius.
“I…I want to tell her,” he said, and gulped, “I wanna tell her that, but, I just dunno how!”
“Tell her what?” James asked, confused.
Sirius looked at him weirdly and shook his head, “No wonder how Lily had accepted your date offers yet,”
“Hey!” James whacked him over the head. The two boys laughed later falling into a comfortable silence.
“Do you love her?” James asked, this time both of their eyes on the shimmering fire.
“I-I don’t think so,” Sirius sighed lightly, “It's not exactly love, you know. That would be an understatement,”
James whipped his head to look at him. “Not like the usual definition of love. That “I would die for you” and all that shit. It's more like I would live with you, hold you, protect you kinda…thing. It's like, I want to be with her for every second of my life and…do things, have things I never knew I needed or wanted for me,”
“Oh, Merlin,” James breathed, “Is this how I talk?”
Sirius looked at him for a second before laughing and pushing him jokingly, “Piss off,”
James chuckled, “I say you tell her. I am sure she would think the same way,”
Sirius looked at him, “You think so?”
“Nope. I know so,” he said, with that little smirk that Sirius had grown to find mild comfort in.
“How do I tell her then?” Sirius asked.
“Are you seriously asking me? And look what I did there? Sirius-ly,” He said.
“James,” Sirius looked at him warningly.
“Look, if it is anyone, I should be the last person for you to ask advice on how to tell a girl you love her,” James said, “I have been struggling on my own for years, mate!”
“Then should I ask Remus?”
“He would ask you to get a book for her and say “I fucking love you”,” James said.
“Right, then Peter?”
”Uh, Marlene?”
“She herself is hanging on thin ice,”
“Alright then who!?”
James thought of it for a second before he said, “Think of it yourself you know, come up with a nice, new amazing idea!”
Sirius rolled his eyes.
“Where is Sirius?” you asked Remus the next morning in the Gryffindor common room.
“That shit is asleep like a log upstairs,” He mumbled.
You blinked, “Mr Potter, you gotta do something about your ward’s extensive cursing,”
James laughed as Remus rolled his eyes, “Of course, Mrs Black, I will ground him until he stops cursing.”
Your eyes widened at the name he called you. Mrs Black. You knew he wasn’t talking about Walburga Black but the feel of being Sirius Black’s was something new and exciting and beautiful. Something you loved and feared at the same time.
“Shut up, Mr Evans,” You said, wiping the smirk off his face and making him blush.
“Good Godric,” Remus shook his head looking at the two of you, “Just please for Merlin’s sake get going,”
You chuckled and walked upstairs, the sound of James saying Mrs Black echoed in your head. What would happen next? In a few days would he find you boring and leave? Will you confess…the actual feelings? What would happen then? When will it happen? The questions in your head were overwhelming and now you just needed to see Sirius.
When you reached the boys’ dormitory, you gently pushed the doors open and slowly stepped in trying to not make much noise.
Sirius laid asleep on his four-poster. His hair a wild mess on the pillow, his face turned towards the door, a small smile on his face. You tip-toed to his bed and crouched to your knees to look at him. He looked so peaceful and indeed sleeping like a log.
He looked divine. Relaxed yet gorgeous. You knew how much he impacted your life when you pushed away the hair on his face gently and leaned down to press your lips to his forehead. While you moved to pull the blanket over him properly, you felt him grab your hand with his eyes closed.
Holding your breath, you stood still for a second before realising he was still deeply asleep. He mumbled something strangely similar to “love you, puppy”, before shifting to lay straight on his back, his head inclined to the opposite side but the clutch on your hand never losing its grip. He held your hand as would at any other time.
You didn’t want to disturb him and you had no reason to either. You tried to gently pry his fingers but it was of no use as he woke up with a start. Looking around wildly before spotting you. He laid back on the bed, with his eyes wide open and looking at you accusingly but with a smile nevertheless.
“Sorry,” you muttered.
“It's OK, puppy,” he said, in his hoarse morning voice that you wished to hear for every day of your life, “C’mere,”
You took your place in his arms, snuggling closer to him. Sirius gently kissed your forehead, “Something’s wrong, my darling?”
“No,” you lied, moving closer to him. The warmth radiating off him was extremely comforting, those three words sitting on the tip of your tongue ready to slip out of your mouth any minute.
“Are you sure?” Sirius asked, shifting you in his arms so that the two of you were face to face. You nodded lightly.
With the mere months, Sirius had honestly get to know you rather than hiding behind and taking discreet looks, if he learnt anything it would be to identify every action of yours - he would immediately know if you were hiding something from him and usually Sirius wouldn’t pry the information but today was a different case. The hidden distress in your eyes was somehow blatantly visible to him, and he wanted that to disappear once and for all.
“Love, you know it’s okay to tell me anything, right?” he asked, looking intently into your eyes.
You let out a sigh, you could never hide anything from this boy, he knew every move of yours for your own good. You buried your head into his shoulder, his grey eyes too bright for you to look into.
“What is gonna happen next?” you mumbled. Sirius’ face took a look of confusion as he thought of it. What is gonna happen next?
“I dunno, get ready for breakfast?” He resorted to the more silly answer just to hear your laugh.
You pulled away to look at him, a beautiful smile on your face, “Not that, idiot. I meant like what do we next?”
Sirius leaned up to kiss your forehead, “Whatever my princess wants,”
“I love you,” You blurted without giving it a second thought. With wide eyes, you watched as Sirius' jaw dropped, a look of utter disbelief painting his handsome features.
In a state of panic, you scrambled to get out of the bed. Shaking your head, you muttered, “Forget it, forget I said that,”
“Wait, wait, darling!” Sirius threw the blanket away from him and stumbled to his feet. He rushed to you before you could leave the dorm and took hold of your wrist, pulling you flush against his chest. That’s when you saw it, the inexplicable amount of happiness mixed with disbelief in his eyes that would rival the stars themselves.
“Can you-what-can you say that again?” Sirius said, his eyes watering as he leaned down to place his forehead against yours, gently.
You wiped your own tears, taking his face in your hands as you whispered just for him to hear, “I love you,”
A dry sob escaped Sirius lips as he smashed his lips to yours, his arms around your waist tightening as he kissed you passionately with all the love poured into. He pulled away to look at you in the eyes, his chest blooming with pride and love, engulfing his entire being.
Sirius peppered your face with kisses and pulled away to look into your tear-filled eyes, “I love you too, puppy. I always have and always will, until the very end,”
“Until the very end?” you asked, smiling widely.
Sirius tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, “Until the very end, darling. I still don’t know what we are going to do next but I know whatever it is, it’s going to be with you,”
You leaned up to press your lips to his, letting the two of you drown into the pure mixture of love, bliss and happiness.
And Sirius Black finally understood the feeling of being loved and loving someone.
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leia-imogen · 3 years
MORE aaron minyard headcanons ( relationship-focused )
okay so skater boy aaron!! i absolutely adore this concept and i can just imagine how freaked kevin would be bcs how tf did you just do that omg. he tries teaching kevin but as talented as our queen is on the court, he is absolute shit at skateboarding
he was class valedictorian! i have no idea how you find that out but you KNOW that aaron screams and nicky screams and tackles him to the ground in what was probably supposed to be a hug and neil just grins and fist bumps him bcs they're now totally ( grudging ) friends. andrew meets his eyes after he's escaped nicky's iron grip and he looks,, proud
aaron's still really good friends with katelyn even if it was a little bit awkward in the weeks following their breakup. he'd fought for her for a reason, after all. she's a lively, wonderful presence and he has no idea what he'd do without her. katelyn goes on to date and marry one of her fellow vixens ( we stan bi katelyn ) and they're super cute together
aaron and dan, weirdly enough, become like best friends. literally none of the foxes saw this coming, least of all them, even tho kevin and dan are basically siblings anyways
they always kinda had mutual respect for each other, like aaron admired dan for just being an all-around kick-ass captain and dan admired aaron for being able to juggle exy and pre-med classes so well. oh, and ofc the extremely grudging mutual respect that all the foxes have for each other for being survivors
so basically they're both animal lovers plus science nerds, which is a good combo. matt's an animal lover but not a science nerd, ya know? he adores them but doesn't really wanna read a billion articles about them
they can spend,, SO long at zoo exhibits. just trading facts about the animals and observing with huge eyes ( kevin and matt are looking so smitten behind them it's adorable )
aaron and renee are pretty good friends too. not renee and andrew close obvi, but aaron has always thought that renee was insanely cool
yeah her constant optimism is a little annoying at times, but it's also very refreshing, and tbh how could you not think renee is insanely cool
aaron and allison bond over their same taste in music. i saw this one post that mentioned both of them having an avril lavigne phase??
and idk why but i can totally see them watching glee together, with nicky too
ooh imagine aaron teaching allison how skateboard! she's the only one who wants to learn and he's like why not. she gets pretty good at it! like she can't do all the fancy tricks but she can go really fast and she totally fits the skater girl aesthetic too!!
aaron and matt also become surprisingly close. like they share a room and everything, and matt's super easy to get along with. aaron tries to learn to box once, but it doesn't go very well. he can't be good at everything after all, and matt's nice about it
also they play video games together and aaron beats him most of the time. ( sometimes matt gets lucky. ) i think we all seem to forget that aaron is a video game nerd
aaron and neil still hate each other's guts with the passion of a thousand suns, but like in a loving way. like i said, neil is constantly getting injured, and aaron michael minyard, future doctor, helps abby patch his dumb ass up way too often. oh and ofc the bonding over shitty moms who they shouldn't care about but still do
not gonna do the rest of the monsters, bcs i wanna make a separate post with cousins' relationship, and another about kevaaron!
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satangrins · 4 years
ʚ 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞! ɞ
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𝙿𝙰𝚁𝙸𝙽𝙶𝚂⌇ : kenma kozuma x gn! reader
𝙶𝙴𝙽𝚁𝙴⌇ : headcanon, fluff, pre & post timeskip
𝚆𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙸𝙽𝙶⌇ : very SHITTY WRITING! lots of minecraft and gaming related.
𝚆𝙾𝚁𝙳 𝙲𝙾𝚄𝙽𝚃 ⌇ : 1694
꒰ 💡 ꒱ 𝚂𝚈𝙽𝙾𝙿𝚂𝙸𝚂 ⌇ : in which kenma is in a long distance relationship with a gamer from america
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you and kenma meet through a mutual gaming friend, it was in a minecraft server that your friends use to play together.
he was ENCHANTED with your minecraft skills that he felt drawn to you right away. not to mention that the two of you were a lot alike when it comes to video games.
the language barrier between the two of you was quite big, but you somehow made it work.
kenma already knew some of the basics, and for a while he was ok with that. he was ok with just playing video games online with you and not having to talk.
until he saw you in a full on conversation with someone, which was a rare sight for him to see. it unleashed an unfamiliar feeling inside of him. jealousy.
when he got hit with jealousy, he asked kuroo why it was happening. he had a crush on you.
he went through two stages. first denial and then acceptece.
he just wanted you as a friend, or at least someone to play video games with every now and then.
but then he started seeing his feelings for you in a positive light. being ‘around’ you felt different. it felt good, perfect almost. he felt at peace when he just say your gamer tag or when he sees you join the server.
so he started to learn a little bit more english, just enough to have small talk with you at least.
you were learning japanese, so you can talk to him.
you caught feelings for him a week after he realized he had feelings for you, and how you realized your feelings, is a bit childish.
you were playing minecraft and he ‘jokingly’ gave you flowers, which you know use for you bee farm, and asked you to be his minecraft gf.
although, might not sound much, he had set a romantic atmosphere and for the first time, called you by your real name. it made you feel a tiny bit special.
but not knowing he was lowkey deadly serious, you said no and said that if he wanted you to be his minecraft gf, he had to built you a MASSIVE base.
which lead up to now.
he’s only been online when he KNEW that you were asleep or was at school, and whenever he was online, he would build the base little by little. and during all that, he also was learning more english, he was glad that he’s a fast learner.
he wanted to confess to you and ask you out in your language, all while he was showing you the minecraft base, which was now finish and he stared counting down the days.
when he did ask you out, although you were a big surprise you of cause said yes.
a few days after the two of you guys started dating, you both noticed some major changes.
kenma started to get a lot more confidence, you started to speak up more.
the first ‘date’ you both had was a discord call while you guys were playing animal crossing and visit each other islands <3
since the relationship is still new and in the honeymoon phase, you guys haven’t fought yet. but even if you weren’t in the honeymoon phase, you still wouldn’t fight. since kenma hates arguing and he was too baby to even argue with.
in the minecraft server that you both play in with other friends, you two share a minecraft house together, which you both spend a lot of time on.
he taught you japanese and you taught him english, aka how to pronounce the words and what they mean.
he already knew your friends but you never met his friends, so on one of your anniversary, he let you meet them.
on a discord call, he let a few friends (aka hinata and the nekoma team) join the call you two already had and you all played minecraft together with your friends, obliviously.
you became best friends with hinata, you even taught him some english too since he was failing too.
kenma was glad that you got along with his friends and that they didn’t mind the language barrier.
they also loved you and can clearly see that both of you guys care for each other.
you guys slowly got out of the honeymoon phase but the feelings just grew.
you guys even met each other parents, his parents love you for making him more motivated and your parents love him for making you happy.
your parents even met his parents, and without you knowing, planned a vacation together so you and kenma can finally meet in person.
when you both were out of school for vacation, you both were clueless and didn’t connect the dots that you both were going on vacation on the same day.
after all, where you were going is unknown. so ofc you didn’t connect the dots.
you guys were kinda upset that you won’t be able to talk to each other since both of your parents said not to bring any phones on the trip.
but when you guys got to your destination, you both were in shock for a few seconds before you made the first move and rushed towards him, pulling him in a huge hug.
kenma wasn’t very fond on physical touch, but after dating you for so many months without being able to touch you occasionally or being touch by you, he was very fond of it right now.
he hugged you back right away while your parents coo over you guys and took pictures <3
you both were very emotional at the moment.
you thought that he obviously had a low quality camera when you guys facetime because he was a lot cuter in person.
after that trip, he made a promise to himself that he would spend the rest of his life with you.
a few months after the trip occurred, he you a promise ‘ring’.
you didn’t know that it was a promise ring and the ring was actually his hoodie and a few of his favorite things.
you sent him things back, like an oversized shirt that you tend to wear a lot and your favorite snacks and a fake succulent. along with a stack of hand written letters so that he can open whenever his feelings sad and you werent around.
he also water the fake plant for so long until kuroo point out that it was fake
the first time you guys said i love you to each other was a day that kenma would remember forever.
you both were in a video call, you were asleep and he couldn’t help but admire how peaceful you looked as you slept soundly. that’s when he just blurt it out.
he was hiding his face in his sleeve, face bright red when he heard you said it back.
although the moment got ruined by him panicking and ending the call, it was a time to remember.
a few years later, you guys were still dating.
to be honest, none of your friends expected you guys to last so long since we all know what they say about long distance relationship.
but nonetheless, they were glad that you guys were still talking.
you were there whe he made his youtube channel, made his first video, got his first youtube play button, and first paycheck.
and he was there for you as well, since you too made a gaming channel.
since most of the fans are his, he is extremely protective over you when you get hate every now and then.
for example; you were MIA for a while and he was getting new fans. when you came back those new fans were furious over the fact that he was dating someone and started to send you hate.
luckily, the situation was handled in a mature like manor. not. the fans went off on the people who were sending you hate and kenma made a whole 2 hours stream and many tweets.
shortly after that, you had moved to japan.
this was the first time you met hinata, kuroo, lev in person. plus many more people.
if you used to play volleyball in college, you and hinata would play for hours when you both had time.
if you were a science nerd like kuroo, the two of you would create a sibling bond, all while throwing insults at each other that would only make sense to people who know a lot of about science.
since you’re absolutely ATTRACTIVE; you, lev, and alisa would throw mini photo shoots. which you felt kinda imitated since they were both models and you weren’t.
moving back to you and kenma tho
you guys started a shared channel and started to vlog your everyday life.
this is when fans started to wonder, why aren’t you guys married yet. yes you guys might still be young, but you’ve been dating for ages now.
which led to kenma thinking.
this smol bby loves you to the point where he puts you before gaming and he already knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
so he proposed.
he wanted to make it special so he recreated you’re first date. this time in real life, luckily he recorded it since he wanted to look back on it in the future.
and since you started living with him, you were mostly speaking japanese. the only time he heard you speak english was when you’re recording for your gaming channel or when you’re talking to your parents over the phone.
but you rarely spoke english around him or towards him. so he wanted to propose in english.
when the day came and it was time for him to pop the question, he started to get nervous to the point where his hands were sweating.
but he push through it and asked the question.
first you were shocked that he was asking it in english but when the question registered in your mind, you were hit with a lot of emotions.
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꒰ 🥟 ꒱ 𝙵𝚄𝙽 𝙵𝙰𝙲𝚃 ⌇ : the first date was a cute little “picnic date” and he recreate the picnic and he cooked your favorite foods
꒰ 👼🏻 ꒱ 𝚂𝙿𝙴𝙰𝙺𝚂 ⌇ : i know that this ended with a cliffhanger but i didnt wanna drag this on longer than it already was. but u can make up ur own ending! 
꒰ 🏷 ꒱ 𝚃𝙰𝙶𝙻𝙸𝚂𝚃 ⌇ : @emoashveil​ 
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fallen029 · 4 years
Familial Partings
They were both asleep.
The kinda sleep you get when you're tangled up in the blankets (and another person), after having been so tired, so exhausted the night before that you just passed out, eventually, and were dead to the world. The kind of sleep you got when you were completely free of all responsibility the next day and had no intention of awakening at the dawn. Perhaps even noon.
The kind of sleep that typically eluded the cantankerous dragon slayer and pretty eyed bartender.
Mirajane usually had to be down at the bar just as the dark sky began to lighten, in order to properly open up the place for daily business. Laxus, on the other hand, typically either found himself out on a technical S-Class that required him to be up early and, when this wasn't the case, adhered to a strict regimen of training that involved early morning attention. Both were rare to escape these constraints.
But when his woman, his demon, told Laxus the afternoon prior that she was going to be off the entire next day, well, fuck, all his plans went right out the window and all he wanted to do was be with her. In ways they typically couldn't. She giggled at the idea of sleeping in and then going out to brunch together while Laxus imagined their evening together, later that night, with a fancy dinner and, hopefully, a happy ending.
It was perfect. It was great. It was...flawed, because they forgot one essential thing.
"Well, it's over, boss. I'm packin' it in."
They had the least accommodating family/friend group in the world.
"Bickslow, what?" Laxus grumbled as he stood there, still rubbing sleep from his eyes, as he held open the front door to reveal one of his bodyguards. "What's going on? And what's with that box of stuff in your hands?"
"It's for you," he said simply. "And Mrs. Boss. To remember me by. Nice skivvies, by the way."
Laxus refused to be shamed for his special heart adorned boxers from his love in his own house. Still, he did step behind the door a bit more, a snarl in his tone as he questioned, "What's going on? You offin' yourself or somethin'?"
"Right, couldn't be that lucky."
"I," Bicslow informed him as, when the man wouldn't take the box he outstretched to him, the seith instead moved to drop it on his doorstep, "am hitting the road."
"I'm going to hit you if you don't fuck off."
"Ah, boss, you sly dog, you," he snickered as, the five wooden babies to circled the man's head, gave off their own unsettling chuckles. "I loved ya, you know that? The entire time."
"Bickslow," Laxus complained as the seith pushed up his sallet. "Seriously, are you fucking dying or something? Because if this is some kind of ruse-"
"No ruse. Just some man to man loving."
"Yeah, that's great, but I was having some dragon to demon loving and snuggling going on before you started knocking at my door. So if you're all set-"
"After you take this box of my belongings, I will be."
"If that's all it takes-"
"Dragon, what's going on?"
Mirajane was there then, peeking around the door as well. Bickslow whistled lowly, at the sight of her in her robe and Laxus, immediately, took to dragging the woman closer to him with a glare.
"Bickslow here," Laxus grumbled, "was just leaving."
"Mrs. Boss," the seith greeted instead. "Ah, this is so hard. I'm tearin' up, out here. I hoped to just speak to the boss here- No. You know what? I can't anymore. Do this. Call the two of you that. Mirajane. Laxus. Two of the dearest friends I know. We've had some ups, we've had some downs, but I just want you both to know, throughout it all, I saw you both for what you really were; my girlfriend's sister and her sister's boyfriend."
Again, his sallet was pushed up, to wipe an eye, and while Mira was staring in awe of this, Laxus only narrowed his own eyes.
"What exactly is going on here?" he questioned the other man. "Bickslow? What's up with you? Are you high? Or on some sort of illicit drug? Because Freed's the guy you go to with that shit. Not us."
"Illicit- Ah, Laxus. You always were a bit outta touch, eh? Me and my controlled substances. You and your alcoholism."
"I'm not an alcoholic!"
"Well," Mira began and ugh.
"We were quite the pair at one time, weren't we?" Bickslow questioned. "Why, it feels like just a few days ago, we were slinging back shots up at the guild and getting shitfaced while mackin' all all the hot girls."
"We've never done that. Together. And you've definitely never done that at all, with anyone." Then Laxus glanced to his side at the frowning Mirajane and insisted, "Neither have I."
"And Mirajane. Blessed Mirajane." Bickslow sighed softly, his dolls somehow harmonizing with this. "Feels like only yesterday I was sitting up at the bar, while you were there, working the bar."
"I mean," the woman remarked, "that's such a generic memory it probably did happen yesterday."
"Long were the days, huh, guys?" Bickslow whistled low. "I remember, Laxus, the first time we met. There I was, knee deep in your grandfather's pants-"
"What?" Mira asked as Laxus growled.
"Pockets," the slayer complained. "You were trying to pickpocket him and I caught you."
"I'm glad you look back on that fondly as well," the seith snickered. Then, looking to the woman, he said, "Then us, Mira, we were always clandestine, huh? Never could get that timing down."
"What are you talking about?" the woman questioned as Laxus was trying to decide if it would be worth it now just to strike the other man down with some lightning.
"Don't play shy," Bickslow insisted. "Coy. Obtuse. Dense."
"I'm not playing anything," Mira assured him and Laxus, though not wishing to, had to nod at that.
She wasn't.
"I was the one you were originally after," Bickslow went on. "Remember? In the beginning? You were this close to bein' mine and then the bo- Laxus. Laxus swooped in and stole you away."
"I...don't remember that at all."
"'cause it ain't what happened," Laxus assured her.
But, of course, Bickslow only shrugged as he insisted with varying inflection, "Tomato, tomato. What's important is that, after all this, all the ups and downs, all the secrets and stories, revelations and rendezvous. The trips! The adventures! That time I passed around your sex tape like it was a hot commodity."
"Alright, time to leave." Laxus didn't even sound pissed. Couldn't force it. Just took a step towards the other man, menacingly, while Mirajane made a face. "Now."
"I'm goin', I'm goin'," the other man insisted, taking a step back of his own while his babies, always fearful of being struck down by the slayer, flew further back as well. "I just, uh, wanted to give you guys this." And Bickslow kicked at the box then. "It's some stuff, you know? For you guys to keep? Give it to your kid. When you have one. 'cause oh, man, I just know you'll have one. Or two. Or three. But give 'im this. In remembrance of me and all. I probably wouldda been his favorite uncle."
"Bickslow...are you sick or something?" Mirajane asked as Laxus, still tense, eyed the other guy with uncertainty.
"Nah," he told her with a shake of his head. "Nothin' that sad. Just the sadness of partin' from your friends. Your family."
"Parting for where?" Laxus questioned, suspect of the seith's motives.
"Dunno yet, honestly, bo- Laxus." The man frowned then, looking at his feet with a shrug. "Where does a dark knight like me go, eh? When he's done here? A place like here? Fairy Tail. Can't rightly force myself to walk into the hall, get this old thing removed." And his stuck out his tongue, flashing his guild marking. As it was slurped back up, between his teeth, he said, "Think I'll probably keep it for now. A member in name. In spirit. But-"
"Where," the slayer questioned again, sounding more serious now, "are you going, Bickslow?"
"Wherever the big open road takes me." He laughed then, humorlessly, as he shook his head. "My parents were wanderers, you know. Travelers. With a circus! I'm not much one for that sorta thing these days, but I think their restless spirits, their travelers hearts, their wonderlust, its all built up inside of me, leading me on, yeah? I came here, to Magnolia, to Fairy Tail, because I needed a home. And friends. And family. But I've gotten that. I've tasted that. And while I'm thankful for it, for every single person who showed me any portion of that, throughout my years here, it's just time. For me to move on to the next phase in my life. The road's callin' and me and my babies are answering. I'll miss you. Both of you. Especially you, Laxus. But if you came to me, with the same request, I'd grant you with the warmest send off I could think to give. So I hope you return the favor."
They all stood there for a moment, the three of them, while the dolls floated about aimless, but captivated by their father's words. Mirajane and Laxus felt that, honestly. Captivation. He'd never spoken so eloquently, so from the heart, his true heart, not that character he chose to portray when they all got together. This was the real Bickslow, speaking to the real Mirajane and Laxus, and though their relationships all intersected and entwined so heavily, the idea of him unweaving his abruptly didn't bring them hesitance, but rather understanding.
After all, who knew better about the metamorphosis of one's life and standing more than Mirajane Strauss and Laxus Dreyar?
"Oh, Bickslow," Mira gushed as she jumped forwards then, from her place in the doorway, to go hug him. Tripping over the box at their feet in her gusto, she fell into the arms of the man, who hugged her tightly in return, and they weren't the most strained relationship of their Thunder Legion/Strauss sibling power group, but certainly one of the more underrated. But as they embraced that day, tightly, there felt like there was nothing stronger than the bond between them. Into his shoulder, she whispered, "I hope you find whatever you're looking for. Out there. And come back, of course, to visit. And definitely sooner before Laxus' and I have a kid. We haven't even had our wedding yet-"
Laxus cleared his throat then, feeling it necessary, because atop all the other chaos their morning had provided so far, he was not looking forward to either of those discussions again. But as Mira and the seith broke apart, but made something of a face and, stepping over the box, came to at least pat the man on the shoulder.
"You'll do well," he insisted to the man. "Wherever you go. I expect you to. Here or there, you'll always be a part of the Thunder Legion."
He sniffled then, Bickslow did, but didn't raise his visor to wipe his eye. Instead, he nodded at both the duo who were just realizing they were rather undressed to be on Laxus' front porch step, and were slinking back into the house.
"Oh, the Thunder Legion," Mirajane recalled to the man then. "Have you broken the news to them yet? Have they taken it well? I can't believe you're leaving them behind."
"Freed and Ever are both very understanding people," he told the woman simply. "Or, at least, I think they will be. When I tell them."
"Bickslow," Laxus warned, but the man only waved a finger at him.
"Na-ah, man," he chided. "You have no control of me anymore. Remember? I'm going to be a man of the streets again. So keep check of your pants, eh?"
It felt storybook. A fitting end. And though both Mirajane and Laxus, still rather sleepy and dazed by what happened, could stick that moment in their mind and treasure it always. A snapshot of their frequently aloof, but (not) always well-meaning friend. They'd all grown so close, in a new way, the past few years, as the Strausses incorporated themselves with the Thunder Legion, and become much closer to a blended family than groups of friends.
And if anyone in the family were the mother and father figure, it was the demon and the dragon.
When she moved to pick up the box, however, something crossed Mirajane's mind and, as the man wasn't completely off the property yet, she called out to the seith, "Hey, Bickslow, what about my sister? Are you guys going to try and stay together through this?" Then, frowning, she asked, "You're not trying to leave town wtihout telling her, are you?"
"Ah, no, you know it's not that," the man insisted as he glanced over his shoulder. "Me and the kid are destined to be."
"She's coming with me."
And Laxus didn't know why, after so many examples of this never being the case, that he ever thought he could just have a peaceful day at home, with his woman, and no interference from the rest of them. The morons they called their friends. Their family.
How naive. How idiotic.
There was a mad rush then, as Bickslow left, for Mirajane to change into her dress before tugging the still attempting to get dressed Laxus out of their home and all the way over to Bickslow and Lisanna's apartment where she didn't even knock.
Just threw the door open to come and stand just inside, her darkest gaze in her bright blue eyes, keyed in on where her sister was, at the moment, packing up a box in the front room.
Bickslow was standing before Lisanna, clearly having rushed right over to inform the woman of the impending doom that would soon be upon them. And oh, as Mirajane looked ready to wag a finger or two, Lisanna knew it was, without a doubt, upon them.
"Mira," Lisanna started, a frivolous hope to get out in front of something she, clearly, was going about to be steamrolled by. "I was going to tell you, but-"
"Well… I was going to leave a note, I mean."
"I have to be my own person now." She shot up, Lisanna did, from where she was putting away trinkets and things. Making a face over at her sister, she insisted, "I need to branch out on my own. Away from you. And Elf. And even Laxus. Natsu. Master. Happy. You've all become such a safety net for me, since I've come back, and it's stifling my growth. You all wanna bottle me up and protect me, but you can't. I'm a grown woman and I can do what I want. I have to do what I want. This has all been weighing on me, on us, me and Bickslow, for so long and we just feel like we've become stagnant here and we need to go, we have to go, to find ourselves, our real selves, and if you take that from me, if you stop me from doing that, then what was the point, Mirajane? Of me coming back? From Edolas? What was the point in any of this?"
While her plea was impassioned, it was not nearly as throughout or planned as Bickslow's from before which is probably why, without even a second of thought, Marianne retorted, "You're not leaving. End of discussion. Dragon-"
"Yeah?" He was standing behind her, hoping to fade away from what was about to be a huge sister blow up, he just knew it was. "Mira?"
"Lisanna is moving in with us. She's not ready to be on her own. Clearly."
"O-Okay, demon."
"No!" Lisanna had seemed nervous, ill-prepared, before, but now she was animated and stalking over to her sister while Bickslow and his babies quickly busied themselves with pretending to pack up as well. "You can't do that. You don't own me, Mirajane."
"I didn't say that I did," her older sister huffed. "But if you're making irrational decisions like this-"
"It's not irrational! I just told you that we've been thinking about this for a long time and-"
"Oh, have you?"
"Or has he? Huh? Are you thinking for yourself," Mirajane challenged. "Or are you letting your stupid boyfriend do the thinking for you?"
Bickslow, during this sisterly duel interlude, eventually found himself walking up to the woman, but still out of her perfrials, just to call out, "Hey, Laxus. I was meaning to ask you before-"
"Not the time," the man complained from behind his girlfriend as she stood, berating her younger sister, before him.
"-do you think you and the future missus would mind keepin', oh, all the shit in my apartment while I go on my lifetime sabbatical?"
"Bickslow, what?"
"Also, I'm behind on rent this month and if the landlord sees me leavin', he'll have my hide, so maybe either pay the man or take the stuff outta here under the cover of darkness?"
And suddenly, Lisanna wasn't the only one behind scolded for her dreams of a brighter future.
This was how, as neither the slayer nor demon had thought to close the front door, the others found them. Freed, Evergreen, and Elfman. Though an unusual trio, they weren't so unusual that day as Ever and Elfman had met Freed at the guildhall where, upon finding neither of his sister were working that day, the muscular man suggested they go around and see if each of them would like to do some sort of big, group outing that day. It had been a bit, since they'd had either a party or a nice group dinner. Just long enough that Ever and Freed, while hesitant, weren't completely oppose to that idea.
Which, like Laxus, was their mistake. For assuming they could ever just all exist, all of them, in their Thunder Strauss hybrid, as anything more than jumbled masses of moronic tendencies.
They'd heard the arguments brewing, both between the sisters and the two men, before they approached the still opened front door and, at the sound, all three hesitated for a moment. But then Elfman was rushing forwards because Lisanna and Mira fighting never spelled anything good while Freed rushed to defend Laxus (or save Bickslow; he wasn't too sure yet) and Evergreen had to sigh, the deep kind of sigh she reserved for just such moments where she realized, with certainty, that the choices in her life which led her to this very moment were surely punishment for some past life transgression.
It was the only answer.
It took a bit to settle things out. Laxus was agitated, now twice over, and Mirajane was near hysterical over the thought of losing her sister, which only, in turn, revved Bickslow up and, for Lisanna, put her in the same state as her sister. Freed and Elfman, though they wished to help, did little as Freed, immediately, set in on Bickslow about irresponsibility and his proneness to it while Elfman, being a Strauss, quickly became just as hysterical and oh, Evergreen hated being the only level headed person in the group.
"Enough," she finally barked at all of them. It was less her voice though and more her slamming the front door of the apartment behind her that caused them all to pause, just long enough for the woman to give them all a harsh glare from behind her glasses, as if tempting them to remove the barrier. "Look at you. All of you. Why do we always have to be like this? It's almost as if we shouldn't all be around one another if-"
"Yes!" Bickslow, who at the moment had his shirt balled up in Laxus' fist, who was lifting him slightly off the ground. Turning in the slayer's grasp, he grinned over at where Evergreen stood by the door. "That's what me and Lissy are sayin'. It's time to move on."
"I'm confused," Freed admitted, taking a step back then. "I thought Laxus was berating you about rent?"
"I," the slayer grumbled as, anger fleeing, he tossed the seith back down to the ground, "am."
"Who cares about their rent, Laxus?" Mirajane cut Freed off. Turning her dark eyes on her boyfriend then, she said, "They can't leave. Do you hear me, Lisanna? You can't."
"Where do you even wanna go, sis?" Elfman asked, eyes wide and pricking with tears already. "Huh? And runnin' out with him-"
"I'm," Bickslow complained from where his babies floated about his head, fretting, as he laid crumbled on the ground, "a catch."
"She risked catching something from being with you, anyways," Ever muttered with a frown.
"We're just going away," Lisanna insisted then. "For awhile. That's all."
"That is not all, Lisanna," her older sister retorted. "Bickslow came over and told us this big, long monologue about how he's going to go off, for years even, to go find himself or something. And if you're going with him, then what? You're planning on being away for years too? He gave us a box of things to give to our child to remember him by."
"Your what?" Elfman, suddenly, wasn't so focused in on his younger sister. Eyes darkening as well, he stomped over the small apartment towards Laxus. "You! Knockin' my sister up before even marryin' her-"
"You better stay away with from, Elfboy," Laxus retorted simply, turning to face the larger man with a glare. "I'm ready to fucking end all of you."
"A child?" Freed, who'd had his hand on his hilt before, when speaking to Bickslow, had drawn his sword at the oaf's approach of his idol, but lowered it some then as he looked to the oldest Strauss sibling. "Mirajane, are you with child?"
"I got a potion that can fix that," Ever offered her dryly as she inspected her nails.
"What?" She was wholly confused now. "No, I'm- Well, I guess you can never really know-"
"You better fucking know," Laxus retorted while Lisanna looked to her boyfriend.
"You did what?" she questioned as Bickslow only scratched at his head.
"I told you that I couldn't leave without seein' the boss one last time," Bickslow said.
"See," Lisanna insisted. "Not rile up. Or tell our plan."
"Your plan? So you were going to do it?" Mirajane shook her head. "Just leave in the middle of the night. Just like that. Just a note. And be gone."
"You don't understand," her younger sister replied simply. "The note would have explained everything. Probably way better than Bickslow would have."
"Yes," Freed mused absently. "As it is, I still cannot discern whether this imagined pregnancy has sprouted from."
"Don't care," Laxus retorted. "Better not leave this fucking room."
"Unless," Mira sang, thoughts drifting from her sister and to something far more precious.
"I'm telling you," Evergreen insisted to the slayer. "A few drops from this potion and-"
"So should I pummel Laxus or not?" Elfman griped.
"Not," Freed answered, "unless you want to be skewered."
"Don't worry," the slayer grumbled. "Wouldn't happen in the first place, Elfboy."
"I'm not pregnant," Mirajane finally decided to declare for all of the interested parties. "And even if I was, that's not what this is about. Lisanna, if the two of you are going on some stupid vacation for awhile, fine, but Bickslow said it would be years before we saw you again. Is that true or not?"
This, finally, seemed to be the tense moment all the previous actions were building towards and Lisanna took a breath, a short one, before nodding her head at her sister and remarking, "It is."
"Lisanna." Elfman, finally, came to rush back over to his younger sister. Tossing his arms around her, his anger for Laxus was immediately washed out by his fears for his younger sister's future. "You can't do that. Just run off like that. For years? How am I supposed to go on, huh?"
"Well," Evergreen remarked simply, "you did get a trial run."
When this resulted in a look from Freed, she merely huffed and rolled her eyes.
"You're not thinking," Mirajane declared for her younger sister. "At all."
"You have no idea," Lisanna retorted, "if I am or not. You just don't like the idea because the tow of you want me to stay here forever."
"Yeah," Elfman agreed. "We do."
"Why," Mirajane questioned, "is that a bad thing?"
"We want it for ourselves," their brother kept up. "Don't we, big sis?"
"We do," she finished.
"But I," Lisanna insisted to them both, struggling her way out of Elfman's vice grip, "don't. I don't, okay? I like Fairy Tail. And I like Magnolia. But it's all I've known since getting back from Edolas. And that's not what I wanted for myself, when I returned. I wanted to see the world. To live. To really live. Again. And I have the chance to do that, with my boyfriend, who I love. We can travel around, experience new things, all together. The way I always imagined. And...I know I should have talked to the two of you about it before, that this is all so sudden and unreal to you, but the only reason I didn't is because I knew what you'd do. How you'd act. And look! You're doing it right now. I'm not...leaving to hurt you. I'm leaving because I need to. Fairy Tail's fine. My life here is fine. But I want something more. You both already found your more and that's great, but… It's my turn. And I need to do it without you. Both of you. I love you. And I'm sorry. But I'm going to go no matter what you say."
This felt like a rather touching moment for the Strauss siblings and, as Lisanna looked deeply into her older sister' similar blue eyes, she saw the flare die out in them before, eventually, Mirajane moved closer, dragging her sister towards her, and as the two embraced, Elfman only stood by, crying softly into his hands.
It was observed by Laxus and the others, silently for a moment, before suddenly, something seemed to occur to both Evergreen and Freed.
"You're," Freed questioned with a frown at the other man, who was finally shoving up and dusting himself off, "leaving?"
"For years?" Evergreen couldn't help it. She was hurt. And it was so hard to get her to that state, that painful reaction to the actions of another, but oh, man, she was reeling then. Coming closer, she was practically spitting as she accused, "And you were going to not even say anything? Just leave us a note? How dare, Bickslow? How fucking dare you?"
And suddenly, the humerous aspect of the Strauss siblings getting so worked up over something wasn't as funny or observational as it was previously. Experiencing it now for themselves, Freed and Ever both went through their quickly cycling stages of grief while Laxus, put out by both groups, watched with a frown.
"I'm not," he insisted when, in the end, Mirajane and Elfman released their sister and Freed and Evergreen both tapped their friend in the arm, "paying their back rent. Or keeping this shit in our house."
"Oh, dragon, yes you are," Mira decided for him with a frown and, though he didn't wish for it, he was weak to the woman's commands.
The demon still had some hold over her sister as well, as it turned out, and marched her down to the guildhall to give a proper farewell to her friends as well as explain her plans to her master. Laxus, however, got stuck on Bickslow duty, which meant helping him figure out his rent situation as well as, with the help of Freed and Elfman, carrying boxes back to he and Mirajane's place.
Evergreen was thankful for the attention never rightly being placed upon her and slunk away to escape either such fates.
Still, they all met when the time came, down at the train station that evening. Elfman was sobbing and Mira looked about ready to do the same, but both Bickslow and Lisanna felt far better with this arrangement than either had about sneaking away under cloak of darkness. Wouldda been fitting, Bickslow felt, for a dark knight such as himself, but sometimes, even the darkest of knights gotta tap into their emotional side.
And boy, Laxus seemed to have ruptured his own.
"Awe, dragon," Mira mused staring up at the man as he rubbed at the tears in his eyes, watching as Bickslow and Lisanna gave one last wave before boarding their train. "You're gonna miss them too, huh? You big softy."
But it wans't that. At all. Rather, after paying way more than just one missed months payment on rent, Laxus had a feeling it wasn't so much the oppressive nature of stagnancy the pair were escaping, but rather some other unpaid loans. Which, no doubt, Mirajane would stick on Laxus. And the second he paid them? The pair would return, but need money to do so, given they fled so far, and he was trying to start a life with his demon, have that little baby demon she was so craving, but fuck, how could he, when she was bleeding him dry?
Laxus wasn't crying for Lisanna and Bickslow's departure.
He was teary-eyed over their eventual return.
Still, it was rather lachrymose that evening, when they all went out to dinner together. Just the seven- Five. Five of them.
It felt incomplete.
"Well," Mira said after taking in a deep breath, seated at the table and looking around at all who were left. "This is for the better, right? Nothing happens without change. Progress. And they probably won't even be gone that long. I bet. So...we shouldn't be too sad. And Lisanna's right. She needs a chance to grow all on her own. Away from us. And it makes perfect sense to send her away with a man who plays with wooden dolls and seems to have some untreated, underlying mental deficiencies and… Dragon...tell me we did the right thing."
Dropping his menu, he moved to lay a hand on the woman's arm as he said, "Honestly, Mira, I have no idea."
"I don't," he insisted as the others frowned at him as well. "But I didn't know about gettin' with you. But I'm glad I did. I didn't know about hanging around with your family so much, once we were together, but that's turned out for the better. Wasn't sure how to feel about it, when your sister and Bickslow started getting so close. That's worked out fine. Wasn't sure about how I'd feel, when I came back to the guild, all those years ago, after my time away. I'm thankful I did. And fuck, I didn't know what to do when that stupid kid pickpocketed my grandfather all those years ago, but bringing him to the guild, introducing him to Freed and Evergreen? That was the best thing that ever happened to any of us."
"What Laxus is trying to say," Freed interceded, "is that you don't know, when someone's happening, if it will turn out for better or worse, but you must allow these things to take place. Or you turn out as Lisanna and Bickslow both feared; stagnant. It will be an adjustment for us all, but… I am content in Bickslow's reasoning and need for a departure. Should I return, I hope to welcome him with open arms. Should he not, I wish for the moments where I miss him to be filled with the same understanding I currently hold. Were our lives a reverse, I'd hope him, and all of you, to send me on my way just the same."
"We're mages," Evergreen offered simply though she did sound rather down and would spend the next few days staring into full wineglasses rather than empty. "We roam. It happens."
"Lisanna's such a man," Elfman insisted though, honestly, he seemed to still be attempting to assure himself of this fact, no doubt attempting to fight off the fading shock over the whole thing. "I bet she'll do great out there in the great unknown."
"It's part of life, demon." Laxus moved to pick his menu back up. "Leaving. Coming back. Going again. This might be home, but...sometimes you just need something else. Something you can't find here."
Mirajane nodded, a sad yet understanding one before, softly questioning, "But what happens if of the rest of us go? Or if we all go? Then what?"
"We pay less," her dragon tried to raise her spirits, "when we go out to eat."
But it didn't seem to work.
Still, Mirajane had dealt with and lived through far worse sudden changes in her life. In the grand scheme of things, this one hardly felt that momentous at all. So the days went on and then it was weeks and, slowly, things fell back into a new normal.
A month was approaching when Mirajane was given another day off and, the night before, she and her dragon were sure to spend it well. Which led to them being rather lazy the next morning, in rising, and when they both did wake, even, it wasn't out of a desire to.
Rather, they both felt it.
A presence. Multiple. In their house.
"Oh, gosh, Laxus, put some pants on."
"Oi, boss, don't flash my woman, alright? Lissy's innocent."
The slayer, in his haste, stumbled into his kitchen that early morning in the nude only to find the intruders that sat around his kitchen table, eating bowls of cereal weren't exactly strangers. In certain ways, as he uncharacteristically blushed and rushed back out of the room, he kind of wished they were.
"What," Laxus growled, "are you doing here?"
"We have," Lisanna retorted as she shoved her bowl away, no longer hungry, "a key."
"For fucking emergencies!"
"Lisanna?" Mirajane had strode into the room by then, thankfully in a robe unlike her counterpart. "Oh, it is you!"
"Yeah, sis," Lisanna giggled as the older woman rushed right over to toss her arms around the younger. "It's me."
"What are you doing here though?" Mira questioned before, as she hugged her sister tighter, deciding, "Never mind. I don't care. Oh, I'm so glad to see you. I just don't… Are you both okay? Or-"
"We're great," Bickslow assured her, his babies lying dormant on the kitchen table. "It's a strange thing though; after camping out in the forest for a few weeks, we suddenly realized we kinda, well, you know."
"I know?"
Lisanna titled her head back up in her sister's grasp. "We like living in an apartment."
"Or a house," Bickslow said. "The worst part of going out on a job, after all, is the campin'. Why'd we think that we'd like it as the entire entree? Who knows. But now we're kinda homeless and-"
"Mira, no!" Laxus suddenly began to yell from the other room, running in to stop what he could hear, could literally feel, beginning to start. "Don't do it! Don't-"
"You can stay here," she giggled as he was too late, always too late. "With me and dragon."
"You mean it?" Lisanna questioned.
"Until you get back on your feet, sure," she agreed and he'd been wrong.
To cry.
To allow his hubris to get in the way.
Because, yes, he wouldn't have liked to pay to get the pair of them out of a jam, but oh, this wasn't going to be a jam, was it? The two of them living with him? This was going to quickly turn into never-ending torture.
"Still can't call you boss, I guess," Bickslow snickered with his tongue out, babies floating about as they mimicked this noise in a haunting fashion. "Not Laxus' either. Nope. Landlord it is!"
He should have stayed asleep, the slayer should have. Always. Any time. Whenever they were near, whenever they were close, he should just shut his eyes and pretend they were there. Like a little kid thinking he'd seen a ghost. Or an adult knowing, yet forcing himself not to believe he'd seen a ghost.
It didn't quite matter. Whether your eyes opened back up or not. Reality was reality. And Laxus, after all these years, had finally been duped into becoming the thing Bickslow got over on the most.
A landlord.
"Everyone's back together," Mirajane cheered, that evening, when they had all the rest of them over to celebrate.
While Elfman embraced his sister and Freed and Evergreen grilled Bickslow on his misadenvuter the past, oh, less than thirty days, Laxus only sat sullenly on the couch, watching with his head in his hands as the demon patted him on the head.
"Yeah, demon," he grumbled softly to himself. "They are."
It had been a bit. And everyone knows the first rule of every sitcom; at the end of the episode, everything goes back to how it was before. This was inevitable.
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if you want to write it, a meet the parents fic but it’s kateva and angst to hurt comfort because i like my heart broken -cotmlc
Also, seeing as this is angst, I’m switching the prompt up just a little. My headcanon is that Eva’s mom is the Best Mom and Kate’s parents are Trying (And Failing A Little But Overall Doing Their Best), so we’re getting Kate’s more-homophobic-grandparents instead for the Angst Factor.
Okay, yes, Kate was nervous.
Like, super nervous.
Eva had sworn up and down that she loved Kate no matter what, and while that did help her fear of losing her, she was still scared this afternoon was going to make Eva run away. Even if she didn’t, though, Kate was still expecting hell.
Her maternal grandparents were thoroughly convinced that Kate’s sarcastic, cynical, girls-and-flannel-loving personality was Just A Phase and she’d grow out of it and start wearing pink and giggling and liking guys any moment now. Obviously, that wasn’t happening. When she’d joined the cheer squad, they’d been so excited, Kate almost felt bad about disappointing them.
Almost. She didn’t actually feel bad about it.
Actually, her grandparents were one of the only things that told Kate her mom really and truly supported her sexuality. Sure, she was insecure about it, and had once asked her if she thought it was “just a phase,” but she always defended Kate whenever her grandparents asked if she was interested in anyone and she answered with “Bridget” or “Emily” or “Jennifer.”
Her mom’s mediocre support aside, Kate had been postponing this meeting for as long as she could. She and Eva had officially been together since February, and now it was July. She’d met Eva’s mother, uncle, and siblings, and Eva had met her parents and brothers. She knew for a fact that Eva had Chess’s letter tucked safely in a dresser drawer and that she reread it often. They even regularly said “I love you” now. And yet, her grandparents had only recently even learned Eva existed.
Just like always, Kate and her parents were hosting the Dalton family’s annual 4th of July party. Typically, Kate would be forced to greet everyone and then would run up to her room to read or play on her phone, or - before Derrick and Jack had left for college and gotten so distant - she and her brothers would be in the basement, playing video games Kate probably shouldn’t have been playing when she was ten. Today, though, was going to be a bit different.
Kate’s grandmother had recently joined Facebook without her knowledge, which proved to be problematic at the end of the year. Kate’s mom had made her usual post, congratulating Derrick on finishing his first year of grad school, Jack on his sophomore year of college, and Kate on her junior year of high school. The picture of Kate she had chosen to post was one Eva had posted to Instagram (and one she’d asked permission to use, which Kate and Eva both appreciated) (the caption was very sweet, irrelevant to this story, and was “GCHS cheer fucking sucks but at least I’ve got you, I love you so much”), which was a photo of the two of them after their last cheer competition. In the photo, Eva had her arm around Kate and was kissing her cheek, and it was very obvious that they were a couple.
Kate’s grandmother saw the photo.
Kate’s first reaction when her mom told her was to freeze and think fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck SHIT fuck fuck fuck - which she thought was a very logical first reaction. Her second reaction was freak the fuck out.
One thing had led to another, and now Eva had been invited to join the Dalton family Independence Day celebrations.
She showed up a little bit before everyone else, just because that’s how Eva was, and Kate dragged her down into the basement so she could rant about how scared she was.
“My cousins are just like Lily and they’ll love you and my aunts and uncles are great and Dad’s parents are pretty cool but Mom’s parents are going to hate you,” she ranted, pacing back and forth while Eva watched from the couch. “This might have been a really bad idea.”
“It’ll be fine, Katie,” Eva tried to sooth. “You’ve literally survived a stab wound, they can’t be much worse.”
“My grandparents meeting my girlfriend? Yeah, I think I’d rather get stabbed again.”
“I think you’re overreacting.”
“You won’t think that when they show up.” Kate stopped pacing and hugged herself, trying to calm her anxiety. “Promise you’ll stay?”
“I promise.” Eva stood up and hugged her, and Kate finally managed to breathe. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Kate wanted Eva to hold her like that for the rest of the day, but the doorbell rang and Jack shouted for them to come upstairs and it was time to face the music.
Her paternal grandparents showed up first and, like Kate predicted, immediately adored Eva. They��d asked her at least four dozen questions before Kate’s aunt showed up a few minutes later, and as her relatives trickled in, Kate began to suspect that this was turning into less of a “family Independence Day!” party and more of a “Kate’s actually gay and has a girlfriend now, wow, time to overwhelm her” party. She’d made a deal with Jack and Derrick beforehand, having predicted what would happen, and invoked it now, leaving them to entertain their relatives while Kate pulled Eva into the backyard and onto the porch swing, where it would take several minutes for questions to reach them and they had an excuse to be as close as possible.
Kate was hoping her mom’s parents might not show up when her grandfather appeared in the doorway and her stomach sank into her beat-up shoes. He zeroed in on Kate and Eva right away and walked toward them, taking up way more space than he needed to like always.
“Kate, it’s been a while,” he boomed, and Kate winced.
“Hey, Grandpa,” she said, trying not to sound too sarcastic. “This is Eva.” Eva awkwardly waved, then put her hand down.
“It’s nice to meet you,” she said, and Kate felt really bad about dragging her into this.
“You must be Kate’s friend,” he nearly yelled (why the fuck did he have to be so loud?) and Kate nearly straight-up attacked him.
I’m basically in her lap right now! What the fuck do you mean, my “friend”?
Jack caught her eye from across the porch and gave her a sympathetic look before looking back at their elderly great-grandmother.
“Girlfriend, actually,” Kate corrected. “We’re dating. We’re a couple. Definitely not friends.”
“Right, of course.” Her grandfather winked at her, and she nearly screamed.
The day did not get much better.
When her grandmother came out, she was about as subtle as her husband had been about how she didn’t actually believe Kate and Eva were in love (maybe? In love felt a little bit strong, but it also seemed to be the best term for it and Kate didn’t have time to think of a better way to put it) and thought they were just good friends. Then, when she stood up to go and get her phone so she could show her aunt a picture of their cheer squad and Eva’s hand wasn’t covering her scar anymore, her aunt screamed and brought three people running, pinning all the attention on Kate in a really bad way.
After a few hours, Kate whispered something in Eva’s ear and stepped away, into the garage, trying to catch her breath and calm down. The door opened, and rather than being Eva or one of her brothers like she’d hoped, she opened her eyes to see her grandmother.
“I saw you leave and wanted to make sure you were okay, honey.”
“I’m fine, Grandma. Just needed a moment.” She clenched her teeth and prayed her grandmother would leave. She didn’t.
“Eva seems nice,” she continued.
“She is.” Kate almost started to hope that maybe, maybe, her grandmother would start to take her relationship seriously. “I’m lucky to have her.”
“You seem like really good friends.” Fuck, there it was.
“Okay, you know what? Knock it off!” Kate didn’t mean to blow up, but she couldn’t help it now. “It doesn’t matter how much you deny it, it’s not going to change the fact that I’m not the granddaughter you have in your head! I love Eva, okay? I love someone who’s name is Eva and not Evan. I love her and I’m a lesbian and I’m so tired of you not taking me and my relationships seriously like you do Jack and Derrick!” Then she stormed past her and up to her room, her eyes stinging with tears.
After about twenty minutes, there was a gentle knock on the door.
“Go away,” she mumbled.
“Oh. You can come in.”
Eva opened the door and then closed it behind herself. “Are you okay? Your grandmother says you totally lost your shit at her.”
“I kinda did.”
“I’m not surprised.” Eva sat next to her, and Kate sat up and crawled into her arms. “They’ve been assholes to us all day.”
“I just really love you, Eva, and I want them to understand that.” Kate’s voice was muffled by Eva’s shirt. “I want them to take you seriously as my girlfriend and stop trying to deny it. I-I want them to accept that I’m not the perfect granddaughter they wanted. I’m not perfect.”
“And thank God. If you were perfect, how would I make fun of you for how atrocious you are at skateboarding? How would I keep you from fighting some people and watch you fight others?” Eva pulled her a little bit tighter and laid down, Kate still curled up in her arms. “I hate your grandparents, but I love you more.”
“Promise you’ll stay?”
Everyone has that one relative who denies your sexuality, right? I’m not out to my family as lesbian, just as ace, and I still think they don’t quite get it. But hey, everyone’s got someone who has their back, right? I hope this was angsty enough!!!!!!
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epouvantes · 4 years
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❛ jeon jungkook, demiboyflux, he/they ❜ was that kim moonsik? the twenty-two year old freelance photographer has been in town since birth. the witch has a reputation for being disorganized & affectionate. you know they’re around when you get flashes of ( mismatched socks, taking buzzfeed quizzes into the dead of night, dancing when no one is watching & believing in signs ). rumor has it, they are a member of the high coven. { samu, est, 25, she/they }
( OOC: TW: ANXIETY MENTION AT THE END OF THIS PARAGRAPH. hi! i’m samu, i’m 25 and i use she/they pronouns! i’m so so so so so excited for this rp and for you all to meet my babies!!!!! i wanted to make this lil ooc section just to let y’all know that i’ll be posting longer and more detailed intro-like posts for my charas eventually, but i wanted to be able to give lil summaries and connection ideas before then so!!!!! there it is!!!!! thank u sm for reading!!!!! also if i ever message you to plot, which i’d like to do with everyone if my social anxiety allows it, pls don’t feel obligated to plot with me at all!!!!! i love connecting with other writers and stuff but i’ll completely understand if you’re not up to plot with me and my charas <33 ) ← this is the same ooc paragraph in all of my first three intros, so pls feel free to skip it! <3
brief introduction.
moonsik’s parents moved from ulsan, south korea, to blackthorne about eight years before the boy was born. he grew up in blackthorne along with his two older siblings (they’re fraternal twins a couple of years older than moonsik), and had a pretty comfortable childhood! however, his mother left the family when he was only five years old, and he’s never seen or talked to her since. the reasoning behind her departure is still a mystery to moonsik, and he’s definitely still confused/sad about it, but!! i won’t delve too much into that yet!! i’ll def write about it in my longer bio/intro thingy later on, though!! 
his dad remarried, when moonsik was nine years old, to a woman who had lived in blackthorne all her life!! i’m not gonna develop the step-mother too much bc i’ll definitely send in some wanted connections soon (for her + moonsik’s dad, siblings and step-siblings! and maybe more?), but she actually has a really good relationship with moonsik!! he doesn’t see her as a mother tbh, but he really loves and respects her and!! even during his more rebellious phases in high school she was like the one (1) person in the family he always felt he could talk to!!
relationships with siblings and step-siblings are to be developed tm!! i’ll be sending in wanted connections for them soon as i said before so i might add a bit to it in there but tbh i’ll try to keep things vague so that they’re easier to fill!!
moonsik did NOT like school. like, at all. i think probably at least one of his siblings was like...... super strong academically, and it mayhaps played on moonsik’s confidence a bit to constantly see his sibling(s) get praised for their accomplishments?? and like..... his dad, siblings, step-mom and step-siblings have never put pressure on him?? he did so himself after seeing others succeed so much and wishing he could do so as well?? and don’t get me wrong; he’s skilled at plenty of things (especially visual arts)!! but having difficulties academically really did affect his self confidence :(
i said this was going to be short rip sdlfijsdlkfjsdlkfjsdklf i’M SO SORRY!!!!!
ok so!! outside of all the family stuff!! moonsik’s been exploring his gender identity for about three years now, and he finally feels like he has the right word/definition for it all!! demiboyflux is honestly a word he didn’t even know of until a couple of months ago, but as soon as he saw the definition for it (here’s a link to a simple definition!) he was so happy because it was him and it felt perfectly right??
he’s not exactly out to that many people concerning his gender identity bc as much as he loves who he is he just isn’t ever sure how to bring it up?? also, most of the time he’s fine with masculine nouns (boy, man, brother, son, boyfriend, husband, prince, etc.) AND he’s perfectly fine with both he and they as far as pronouns go, so...... he just doesn’t feel like it’s absolutely necessary for him to discuss it with EVERYONE, you know? but at the same time sometimes he kind of feels like just ranting and rambling and gushing about all of it, which is why he actually started an anonymous blog (eyes emoji tm) last month, and it’s been super helpful for him!!
he’s a freelance photographer rn, and he honestly really likes it!! however, since he’s not super well established yet (and doesn’t have an official diploma or anything like that - he quit university after two semesters), he isn’t making tons of money, and is therefore currently living with his dad and step-mother. it’s becoming a bit suffocating to him tbh?? and he’s highkey considering getting a part-time job too so that he can maybe make enough money to afford renting a lil apartment or room or something!!
super disorganized!! it’s probably one of the things he fights about the most with his family bc they kinda see his lack of organization as him being quite irresponsible (and they’re not completely wrong maybe, but still), and he’s never really done anything to change this part of him?? like, he’s always losing stuff, forgetting things behind, not remembering appointments, forgetting to send in important documents on time, never checking his voice mail and/or inbox, etc.
affectionate af!!!!! a sweetheart, tbh?? like, he’s kind of reserved so people tend to assume that he’s not the most friendly, but he’s actually rlly sweet!! he’s very openly affectionate with the people he’s close to, never hesitating to wrap himself around someone or plop down in someone’s lap or anything like that (though he is careful about who is and isn’t comfortable with that ofc! tbh in the past he didn’t take that into consideration all that much and he honestly feels really bad about it now, so he’s SUPER careful about other people’s boundaries now)!! also....... he will 110% deny it, but he LOVES attention. like he’ll wither away without attention i sdlfjslkdjfksldf
he’s bi and has known for a long time, and he’s actually been out as such since he was seventeen years old! 
( WARNING: MENTIONS OF SEXUAL ACTIVITY ) he’s had two serious-ish relationships in his life so far, but outside of those he’s actually quite enjoyed doing more casual sexual things with people he finds attractive/interesting/etc!! he actually prefers fwbs to one night stands and i can DEF see that leading to some tension in the future with some of his friends.........
HE’S SO PROUD OF BEING A WITCH!!!!!! his entire family are witches (maybe not his step-mother and step-siblings, though? it’ll depend on whether or not they get taken up as wanted connections and, in the case they do, what the people playing them prefer!), and he’s so!!!!!! passionate about it!!!!! he hates learning in school and stuff but when it comes to learning about magic, especially healing magic, he’s so eager and passionate and !!!!!! he loves it :( idk if his father and siblings are in the high coven tbh but!!!!! he is definitely quite proud to be part of it!!!! also he’s probs definitely one of the most eye-roll-y judgemental ones when it comes to what he thinks of the bloodstone coven !! he deadass doesn’t get why they would practice the kind of magic they practice and he’s???? like he wouldn’t be straight up /rude/ to them without reason but he’s def not as friendly as usual around them i think (though ofc there might be exceptions!!)
connection ideas.
CHILDHOOD BEST FRIENDS: probably around 2 to 4 of those?? i’m picturing this lil group to have been thick as thieves since they were little kids (although maybe one or more of them joined their lil friend group later on in their childhood and/or teenage years?), and i just really want a group of super close friends who know each other better than the backs of their own hands and who may tease each other mercilessly but who still love and adore each other (no matter whether or not they actually say those words aloud dlffkjsdkjfsdlkjfsdlkf)!! age-wise i was thinking they could all be between 21 and 25 years old?? ( 00 / 02-04 )
EXES: as mentioned earlier, moonsik has been in two romantic relationships in the past that were somewhat serious? one of them was probably a high school relationship that last for like 14 months and ended just because they did not click well together AT ALL but had gotten into a relationship bc high school and stuff, you know?? (i think that ex would have probs identified as a cis woman back then - whether they still do or not is up to you - since they probs started dating before moonsik came out as bi?) and i feel like mayhaps recently they’ve gotten in touch again and actually click quite well as friends nowadays, although there are zero (0) romantic feelings between them anymore (just saying, but..... mlm/wlw solidarity is rad tm!! it’s not a necessity ofc but!! yes!!) NOW THE OTHER EX!!!!!!! i feel like this one would have been a bit more recent?? and probably with a man or masc presenting person?? since it’d be more recent, and the relationship would have been quite important to moonsik, i’d like not to add too much to it here and instead work it out with whoever may end up being interested in that connection? ( 00 / 02 )
EMPLOYER(S): people who’ve hired moonsik for his photography skills!!!! maybe also a future/eventual employer for when he ends up finally looking for a part-time job?? mayhaps they could be friends of some of moonsik’s family members?? oooooh what about someone who knew his mother?? (although ig that’ll be easier to work out when i 100% decide why she left dslfjksdkjfsdkljf) ( 00 / ?? )
FRIEND AND/OR ENEMY WITH BENEFITS: ( WARNING: MENTIONS OF SEXUAL ACTS ) i’m thinking that moonsik probably doesn’t hook up with too many people at the same time unless he knows for sure that the other person doesn’t mind it? so the number for this connection will change depending on that!! also i reaaaaaaally love BOTH the idea of friends with benefits AND enemies with benefits since they can both bring in v interesting storylines!! also i’m not totally opposed to having moonsik hook up with his most recent ex (bc i love angst), but it’s definitely not a necessity! ( 00 / 01 )
DEALER: ( WARNING: DRUGS TW ) he did quite a few hard drugs in hs, which was 100% part of one of his rebellious phases, and although he doesn’t do anything too strong anymore, he does rlly like weed (prefers edibles to smoking tho bc no matter how often he does it he always coughs and it’s embarrassing!!!!!), and i’d love a connection with his dealer?? preferably one that’s kind of humorous?? ( 00 / 01 )
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darks-ink · 4 years
Absurdism Chapter 9
It’s the Danny show today, featuring MVP of this chapter: Danny’s phone.
Rating: Teen/K+ (a lil swearing, because teenagers, man) Warnings: - Genre: Family, Hurt/Comfort Additional Tags: Sibling Bonding, Family Bonding, Alternate Universe - Halfa Jazz AU, Jazz makes friends
[AO3] [FFN] [more Absurdism on Tumblr] First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
Chapter 9: Doppelganger
Danny let loose a barrage of (low powered) ecto-blasts, watched as Jazz’ shield wavered but held. His core rumbled in his chest, proud.
Because, sure. His presence here wasn’t ideal, and he supposed it wasn’t strictly necessary either. Based on what he had seen, Jazz would’ve managed alright on her own, too. But he was here, wasn’t he? So he might as well help.
Plus, there were only so many situations in which he got to help, and he got rewarded by people actually liking him. As Phantom, he saved Amity’s people over and over and over, and what did he get? Hatred and vitriol. Even the few that liked him changed their minds on a whim, like when Walker—
Like when Walker attacked with Wulf.
Danny had completely forgotten about Wulf in this universe. Jazz never went into the Zone, so she never got in Walker’s bad graces. Which meant that the prison ghost never sicced Wulf on her.
Uh. Well. That was… That was something he needed to deal with. This Wulf might not know him, but still. He couldn’t leave the ghost in Walker’s hands.
“What are you thinking about?” Jazz asked, her voice snapping him out of his thoughts.
“Huh?” he said, eloquently.
She rolled her eyes. “You zoned out on me. What were you thinking of?”
He debated not telling her, but… he would have to go in the Zone to free Wulf. She needed to know if he wasn’t around to fight ghosts for her.
Instead he shrugged, a sheepish smile on his face. “I just remembered something I did in my timeline that hasn’t happened in this one. So I, uh. Figured I should go do that.”
“Why would you do that, instead of me?” she asked, raising a skeptical eyebrow. “It’s my universe, isn’t it?”
Danny made a face. “I mean, yeah, but it’s… complicated. Look, Jazz, it was a really rough confrontation, and one you avoided in this universe.”
“Okay, so?” she challenged, crossing her arms and looking every bit the stubborn teenager she was.
“So,” he said, “it makes more sense for me to handle it than for you to handle it. Besides, in my timeline I wasn’t strong enough to win, and I’m not gonna make you go through the same.”
“If you weren’t strong enough then, what makes you so certain you are now?” Her eyes were narrowed, bright and set.
He rolled his eyes. “Because I’ve got two years of additional experience. It’ll be fine, Jazz. And even if it won’t be, I need you to stay here. In my original timeline I got Sam and Tucker to bail me out when I took too long. I need you to be that backup in this universe, alright?”
She glared at him for a moment, before inclining her head in a nod. “I guess. But I’ll need to know where you’re going, then.”
“Right. In the Ghost Zone, kinda close to the Fenton Portal, there’s this huge purple building. That’s Walker’s prison, and that’s where I’m going to free Wulf. If I’m not back for our next training session, I need you to come look for me there.”
Her eyes grew wide. “A prison?! You’re expecting me to break you out of a prison?”
“Well, yeah. It’s a Ghost Zone prison. Regular world stuff, including us in our human forms, can go right through it. Which is why I’m not expecting it to be much trouble, but, well.” He shrugged. “You never know with Walker.”
Jazz squinted at him, but nodded, slowly. “I guess,” she grumbled, low. “Go flail at Walker. And Phantom… Danny?”
“Yeah?” he asked, meeting her eyes. She barely called him Danny anymore, wanted to keep him and her own brother separate. It was saved, now, for the special moments.
“Stay safe,” she told him.
He grinned back. “I promise, Jazz. I’ll be back before you know it.”
“Bye Mom, Dad!” Jazz yelled, and the front door closed. Danny peeked over the edge of the building he’d spent the night on, meeting her eye when she glanced up.
Jazz waved, a friendly gesture. Her eyes were narrowed, however, a warning. A non-verbal “stay safe”.
He waited for another moment or two before turning himself invisible. Go time.
Invisible, he left the roof. Phased through the walls and floors of FentonWorks until he reached the lab. It looked like his parents’ lab usually did; shiny chrome, with all kinds of half-assembled inventions scattered everywhere, and everything lit with the sharp white light of the ceilings lights, combined with the eerie green of the Portal.
Well, no time to get nostalgic and homesick. He had a job to do!
Determined, he pushed onward and through the Portal. The Ghost Zone was…
It was just like always, really. Maybe it was just because he didn’t go there all that often, but the place always looked the same to him. That’s kind of why he insisted on making maps, but he would just have to do without those for once. That would be fine, right? It was only one time.
It only took one time without supervision for him to get trapped in a different universe, his traitorous mind whispered to him. He ignored it.
Walker’s prison was pretty close to the Portal, but… but Danny didn’t want to go directly there. It was selfish, yes, but he wanted to see a little more of the Zone first.
Amity Park was always his home, but this Amity wasn’t his. He never felt quite right, quite at home. Always had to hide, stay out of sight. In the Ghost Zone, he could just be. No ghost would be able to tell that he didn’t belong, and even if they could, somehow? They wouldn’t care.
It was just… freeing. To go where he wanted to, and have no one care, not really. Because in here, the ghosts could tell how strong his core was. Most wouldn’t be eager to pick a fight with someone like him.
He flew, directionless and course-less. No destination in mind. Just flying for the sake of doing it.
Which, of course, was the moment he stumbled upon a familiar face.
The brakes of Johnny’s bike screeched as he tried to stop before hitting Danny, twisting the handlebars to dodge. Danny jerked himself the other way, but it wasn’t quite enough; his foot hooked on Johnny’s leg, forcing them both to a sudden stop.
Danny coughed, pushing himself back onto his feet. Johnny hadn’t fallen all the way down, but he was clinging onto his bike rather perilously.
“Shoot, sorry,” Danny apologized, one hand coming up to rub his neck. “Should’ve been paying a little more attention to where I was flying.”
Johnny squinted at him, a suspicious air about him. “Yeah, man. You lookin’ for more fights, or something?”
“No, just too caught up in my thoughts. Sorry.” He grinned sheepishly at Johnny, then realized… “Hey, where’s Kitty? Aren’t you two usually glued to each other’s sides?”
“How would you know?” Johnny asked, eyes narrowing even further. Then he scoffed, shook his head, and looked away. “If it matters, we’re fighting. Kitty’s jealous because I keep looking at other ladies even if we’re out together.”
“Ah.” Danny made a face and dropped his hand back to his side. “That’s… unfortunate. Not to get all up in your business or anything, but… have you tried talking it out? Communication is important, y’know.”
The biker ghost grumbled. “I don’t want relationship advice from a little punk like you. What’s it even matter to you? It’s not like we’re causing trouble in that city you and the girl are protecting.”
“You aren’t, no.” Danny finally placed this moment. If this matched with his universe, and chances were that it did, this was when Kitty overshadowed Paulina to make Johnny jealous. And he really didn’t want Jazz to deal with any of that—if she would even fall for it, knowing that it had happened to Danny. “Look, Johnny. I know Specter and I didn’t make a great impression when we met, but we’re not just fighting ghosts to protect humans. We want to make Amity a good place for everyone, and that includes you and Kitty whenever you come by. I don’t want you two to drag innocent humans into your fight, alright? Just talk it out like grownups, yeah?”
Johnny rolled his eyes. “Like grownups? You sound like a kid. How old do you think we are?”
“Not that old.” Danny shrugged. “Look, you get what I’m trying to say, don’t you? I might not look like it, but I know a thing or two about relationships. Talk with each other, and even if it doesn’t work out, at least you’ll know what’s up. Now you’re both agitated and frustrated and neither of you knows what’s up.”
“Ugh.” Johnny grunted. “Yeah, I guess that that makes sense.”
He settled back onto the bike properly, then leaned over the handlebars to point at Danny. “But I ain’t doing this for you, you hear me? I’m doing this for me, and for Kitty.”
“Of course,” Danny agreed peaceably. “Wouldn’t expect anything else.”
“You’d better believe it, punk.” Johnny squinted at him for a moment longer, but whatever he saw seemed to satisfy. His bike roared to life as Johnny drove off, following the narrow rocky pathways towards the Portal.
Danny watched him go for a moment, then heaved a steadying sigh. Well, that was one problem less for Jazz to deal with. But enough stalling; he should get going, before he runs into another (un)friendly face.
He made his way to the prison quickly, and then promptly realized that he hadn’t actually planned ahead this far. Well, unless you count “break in and free Wulf” as a plan, which… well. Danny might consider it a suitable plan, but Sam, and Tucker, and Jazz all keep telling him it’s not, so. Maybe he should plan ahead a little better.
The whine of a siren snapped Danny out of his thoughts and, oops. He probably should’ve moved a little further away from the prison he was trying to break into.
Some of Walker’s guards approached him, clubs raised threateningly. Danny’s muscles tensed, fingers balling into fists, energy pouring from his core.
But, no. He forcibly relaxed himself, let the guards drag him into the prison. Who needed to break into a prison, when you could just get brought into it? Sure, it was a little unconventional, but he managed to break free just fine in his own universe. The timing was a little off, but he was sure he could still count on the same ghosts.
Actually, that would explain why he hasn’t seen some of his regulars in a while. He had completely forgotten that Walker had arrested them in his timeline, and that they hadn’t gotten free until their mutual jailbreak.
Rather than face off against Walker, Danny is brought directly to the regular cells. Huh. Guess that he’s considered a regular rule-breaker now. More proof that Danny had so far been successful with hiding his half-ghost nature from the others, which was… good, probably? He wasn’t keen on Vlad figuring out that there were two half-ghosts around for him to convince.
It didn’t take long for the guards to return to bring Danny to the canteen and, ah. Yep. There were all those ghosts he’d been halfheartedly missing. He felt kind of bad—he should’ve remember sooner. None of these guys deserve to deal with Walker. Oh well. Live and learn, right? He could deal with the guilt later.
Danny quickly moved over, sitting down at the table with Skulker, Technus, Desiree, and the Lunch Lady. All four look rather confused to see him. Lunch Lady, especially, was squinting at him rather suspiciously.
“Whelp,” Skulker said, cautiously. “What are you doing here?”
“Organizing a jailbreak.” He shrugged, faux casual. “I could try to break in first, but, well. This was easier.”
Skulker nodded thoughtfully, but it was Desiree who spoke up, an odd tone to her voice. “You really are something else, aren’t you?”
“I try.” Danny grinned at her, then inclined his head towards Lunch Lady, remembering that they hadn’t met in this universe. “Hi, sorry, I don’t think we’ve met yet. I’m Phantom, and you’re the Lunch Lady, yeah? I heard about you from my sister, Specter.”
The suspicious expression faded from her face now that they had finally been introduced. She nodded back, hesitantly. “Yes. The girl, she was most helpful with fixing the menu.”
“Yeah, she’s good at that.” Danny turned back to the group as a whole, where Desiree nodded in agreement. “Anyway, like I was saying. Jailbreak. Any of you guys want to help?”
Skulker’s metallic face split in a ferocious grin, and Technus followed suit, baring his oddly angular teeth. Lunch Lady nodded forcefully, and Desiree gave an affirming smile as well.
All things considered, the actual jailbreak was almost laughably easy. Hell, Danny had managed it once while he was fourteen, and on much worse terms with these guys. Doing it now, with much better standings? Piece of cake.
They overwhelmed the guards quickly, storming through the prison’s hallways. Danny flew along for most of the way, until he reached the junction where everyone else would head to the exit.
“Skulker,” he called out, moving over to the empty pathway. “I’m gonna split. You guys stay safe, and remember Amity’s rules, yeah?”
Skulker, still grinning viciously, saluted him. “You have my respect, whelp. Don’t disappoint me.”
And with that, he turned around and re-joined the stream of escaping ghosts.
“Well, no point in stalling,” Danny muttered to himself, twisting towards the special holding cells again. “Let’s go, Fenton.”
He found Wulf’s cell easily enough, the hallways empty and abandoned. All guards must’ve gone to stop the massive outbreak. A lucky break.
Once Danny had located Wulf, he shifted back to human form. He could break Wulf’s cell door, but he was fairly sure that Wulf could escape himself once he was free of the collar and chains. No need to draw unneeded attention.
Danny phased through the door, shivering a little at the weird feeling. It was intangibility, sure, but it wasn’t quite right. It felt differently from regular intangibility. The lack of control, maybe?
It was dark in the cell; Danny could barely make out Wulf’s cowering shape. The ghost was curled up in the corner, his black fur lit jaggedly by the glowing chains around his wrists. Two bright green eyes peered out at him, but they were narrowed to slits. Wulf didn’t trust him.
That was okay, though. He could work with that.
Slowly he crept closer, knowing that Wulf couldn’t get away if he wanted to. Danny crouched in front of the ghost, reached out one hand, then paused. He doesn’t think he has enough power to break the collar in human form. He’ll have to shift, making Wulf the first full ghost in this universe to know that Danny is half ghost.
He swallowed away his hesitation, and backed up a few steps.
Light flashed, the cell lit up bright by his transformation. He tried to make it quick, as if he could coax his shift to do such things, but it wasn’t enough. Wulf had balled up even further, his ears flattened to his neck. Scared. Scared of what Danny might do to him.
Danny crept closer again, hands raised placatingly. He wished he knew more Esperanto, wished that he could assure Wulf of his intentions. Instead he had to settle for trying to emit reassurance, his core rumbling soothingly in his chest.
He didn’t know if it worked, or if Wulf was just too scared to fight back, but Danny got his hands on Wulf’s collar. He swallowed away the hesitation, the worry, and wriggled his fingers in the tight space between the metal and Wulf’s soft fur.
And he pulled.
Energy poured from his core, through his arms and his fingers. Sparked bright green, straight into the metal of the collar.
And he pulled.
With a hiss—or a sizzle—the collar released. It clattered onto the stone floor, emitting a shrill beep as it deactivated.
Wulf opened one hesitant eye, flicking it to the collar and then back to Danny. He tried to shoot the ghost a reassuring grin, taking his hands off of Wulf’s neck again.
Rather than try to puzzle out the Esperanto, he reached for the chains on Wulf’s wrists, pausing before he actually touched them. The wide green eyes followed his movement, and stilled for a moment.
Then Wulf nodded.
With this permission granted, Danny quickly stuck his fingers underneath the metal cuffs. These weren’t electronic, but pure ecto-steel. All he would need for these was a bit of pure ghost-powered strength.
The cuff tore open with the groan and creak of metal. Danny quickly moved over to do the same to the other cuff, freeing Wulf entirely.
When the second chain fell away, clanging against the back of the cell, Danny stood up. Backed away from Wulf again.
Wulf hesitantly raised up as well, shoulders drawn high and head held low. His ears were still flattened, and his tail twitched uncertainly.
The ghost licked his lips, then asked, haltingly, in Esperanto, “Why did you help me?”
“It’s a long story,” Danny answered with a shrug. Even if he wanted to explain, he couldn’t. He wasn’t that fluent in Esperanto. “But you are free now.”
“Free?” Wulf repeated, ears slowly rising up. His eyes seemed extra bright, now, and didn’t move away from Danny. His tail twitched more vigorously, like a restrained wag. “I… am free?”
“Well…” Danny shrugged vaguely, unsure of how to make it any more clear. “Uh, yeah.”
Realizing that he’d said the last in English, he instead settled for making vague shooing motions at Wulf.
This, at least, had some effect on the ghost. Wulf’s muscles coiled, and with a sudden twitch, he unsheathed his claws.
Except the ghost bounded forward, suddenly, lunging towards Danny. He had just a single moment of doubt, had he somehow misjudged this situation?, before Wulf’s furry arm wrapped around him, dragging him along. He could hear a tearing noise, and then suddenly the cell was gone.
Oh. Of course. Wulf had grabbed him and taken them outside Walker’s prison. That made perfect sense.
Wulf had perked up now that they were outside the prison—and the Ghost Zone as a whole—because he stood tall again, his ears perked up and his tail wagging.
“Tell the story?” Wulf asked, cocking his head at Danny. “Why did you free me?”
Danny hesitated, taking a moment to look around them. They seemed to be in the woods somewhere in the human world, but he didn’t know where, exactly. He turned back to Wulf with an apologetic face. “I don’t speak very good Esperanto,” he explained. “Sorry.”
He wished he could explain, though. Wulf already knew about him being half-ghost, and Danny was sure he could trust Wulf. And—
And Wulf could make portals between worlds. Maybe he could even make one home.
Danny’s core churned with an unnameable emotion. Pain, regret, guilt. Could he somehow…
With a flash, he shifted back to human form. He patted down his trousers, quickly, ignoring Wulf’s confused look.
There! Danny pulled his phone out of his pocket, holding down the power button. He had realized, very quickly after coming here, that his phone was almost completely useless. He could use it for entertainment, sure, but no one could call or text him, and he couldn’t charge it regularly enough for it to really be useful. So he had turned it off, intending to save the charge so he could call his friends when he got home.
He opened the internet browser, quickly navigating to Google Translate. His fingers darted over the keyboard, and when he was happy with his message, he clicked the translate button. It wouldn’t be perfect, sure, but hopefully it would get the message across.
“It is a weird complicated story,” his phone started reciting, and Wulf perked up even further. He crept in a little closer, focus entirely on the phone in Danny’s hand as it continued to speak. “I am actually from a different universe. I am half ghost, and I accidentally traveled through a portal to this world. In my own universe, we are friends. Walker tried to have you attack me, but my friends and I took off your collar, and you helped me protect my town. I know that you are not the same Wulf, but I wanted to help you anyway, to repay you for everything you have done for me.”
They waited in silence for a moment, then Wulf nodded, a grin appearing on his face. “I am glad,” he said, tail wagging energetically, “that in another universe, I have made a friend so good that it carried over to another world entirely.”
Danny didn’t quite understand that whole thing, but he thought he got the gist anyway. He grinned back. “Well, you’re my friend.”
“Still, I wish I could help.” Wulf flexed his paws, almost experimentally, but his grin faltered. “I wish I could open a portal home for you, but I can’t. Only between here and the Ghost Zone.”
His core stuttered, churned painfully. That figured. He hadn’t thought that Wulf could, not really, but still. It hurt.
“It’s not your fault,” he assured Wulf anyway, patting his massive furry forearm. “I’ll figure something out.”
“I still want to do something in return,” Wulf insisted, shoving his head against Danny’s shoulder. “Anything to help my friend.”
Well, now his core heaved for an entirely different reason. Danny moved his hand to Wulf’s forehead, thinking it over. With one hand, he tapped out a new message on his phone.
“There is one option,” it started, and Wulf’s ears twisted towards the phone again. “In this universe, someone else is half ghost in my place. My sister. She is just as young as I was, and has less support. I think she will be okay, but it would be nice to be sure.”
Wulf pulled his head away from Danny’s shoulder, nodding vigorously. “It would be my pleasure to watch over your sister in your stead.”
“Good.” Danny rubbed his hand through Wulf’s fur, rugged but surprisingly soft, considering the circumstances. “Thank you, Wulf.”
It would be good to know that Jazz was safe when he left.
If he ever got to leave.
Harried footsteps echoed through the street as Danny turned down an alley. The heavy footfalls behind him continued; both Sam and Tucker wore boots instead of sneakers.
Light flashed in front of them, pale blue light bouncing off of the alley’s walls. Danny stopped, Sam and Tucker right behind him.
He cleared his throat, and the ghost mere feet away startled visibly. Its—his—bright green eyes shot upwards, towards Danny. The expression was so human, far more human than his parents’ research suggested. And it was undeniably guilty.
The ghost knew exactly who Danny was.
Slowly, the ghost clipped the Fenton Thermos in his hands back onto his white belt. From this close, Danny could tell that the entire outfit closely resembled the jumpsuit his parents had made for him, with the colors inverted. He wondered, darkly, how often the ghost had spied on them to mimic it so closely.
“Um,” the ghost said, then halted, like he hadn’t quite thought out what he actually wanted to say. He fidgeted with the cuff of one of his white gloves. His eyes, wide and unnaturally bright green, darted between the three humans opposing him.
“We need to talk,” Danny told him, trying to make it sound like a threat. They hadn’t brought anything to trap the ghost, and even if he appeared cornered, Danny knew he wasn’t. Intangibility was a bitch.
The ghost shifted, like he was strongly contemplating leaving. He grimaced. “Well, um. What about? It’s not like we’ve… met, ha ha.”
Really, he could not look any more awkward. It was almost impressive. If only the situation had been, well. Not this.
Danny glared at the ghost, and Phantom made a face. He didn’t leave.
“Don’t be an idiot,” Danny snapped. His nails dug into his palms as he clenched his fists. “I don’t know who you are, and quite frankly, I don’t give a fuck. You can haunt Amity Park all you want, and I wouldn’t give a single damn! But you’re messing with my sister, and I can’t let that fucking slide.”
Phantom shifted guiltily. He opened his mouth, but Danny cut him off before he could speak.
“I don’t want to hear it! Whatever dumb excuse you’re gonna give, I don’t want it. I know Specter is my sister, that she’s Jazz. I saw her go from human to ghost, when you two were fighting that shadow-y ghost. She was knocked out, you know that? And when she got up, she just went back out again, and I had to let her! Because I couldn’t tell her I know! Because you somehow convinced her that— that you’re her brother, or whatever!”
Phantom’s mouth tightened into a thin line. His eyes, still luminous and green, narrowed. He waited for several seconds after Danny stopped talking, before asking, caustic, “Are you finished?”
“No!” Danny snapped back. “You’re a fucked-up mess of a ghost, and you don’t even seem to realize how fucked up any of this is! You fucking modeled yourself after me, like an image of me as a fucking ghost! And somehow you convinced Jazz that you really are me, that you’re her actual brother, yet she barely talks to me. She probably spends more time with you than with me, because she doesn’t realize there’s a difference! And it’s your goddamn fault!”
The ghost lunged forward, and Danny’s heart stuttered, missed a beat. For a moment, he’d forgotten than he’d been yelling at a being strong enough to eviscerate him with barely any effort.
But Phantom didn’t cross the entire distance between them. He landed on the ground with such force that dust blew away, but without a single noise.
Light flashed through the alley again, bright white like lightning. It danced around Phantom, so blinding that Danny was forced to close his eyes. When it faded, when he could see again…
It was like looking in a mirror.
Phantom looked… human. His flesh was visibly warmer, the tone just slightly pinker, and his eyes were as sky blue as Danny’s own. His hair, previously white as snow, was now jet black. And his characteristic jumpsuit, the feature he seemed to have stolen right from the adult Fentons, had been replaced by clothes that could’ve been Danny’s own. A little more ragged than he would normally prefer them, sure, but still…
“Wow,” Sam breathed behind Danny, barely audible.
And the ghost—human?—smirked, wide and cocky. He threw out his hands demonstratively. “And that’s where you’re wrong! Because I am her brother, pal.”
Danny stepped forward before he really knew it, his hands wrapped up in Phantom’s shirt. It was like he was moving on auto-pilot, taking a backseat in the whole process.
His brain supplied, remarkably unhelpfully, that Phantom’s shirt felt oddly real. Not cold or slick like ectoplasmic clothing.
“You ain’t shit,” Danny growled in Phantom’s face, in that mirror image of his own. “You think you’re a big fucking deal, some kinda big savior, protecting our weak pathetic fleshy people from the ghost invasion, but you’re nothing. It’s all a fucking cover so no one can see the damage you’re really doing.”
Phantom’s eyes narrowed, the irises briefly flooding with bright green before they faded back to blue. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said, coldly. His hands wrapped around Danny’s wrists. They were chilly, too cold. There was no force behind them.
“Don’t I? You’re out here, pretending to be Jazz’ brother, and you don’t expect me to be pissed about that? Shouldn’t you know better?” He let go of Phantom’s shirt. The last thing he needed was for the ghost to break his wrists when it got tired of being held.
“I’m not pretending,” Phantom hissed, eyes narrowed. “And I don’t give a damn about what you think of me. I’ve lived through the whole town hating me, through my own parents hating me. You’re nothing compared to all that.”
Sam scoffed, somewhere behind Danny, and he jerked. He’d almost forgotten that his friends were here, too.
“If you care so little about our opinions, why are you still here?”
Phantom’s mouth tightened again, his eyes darting over to Sam. His eyebrows were drawn together. He almost looked pained. “That’s… complicated.”
“More complicated than pretending to be Danny Fenton, son of avid ghost hunters?” Tucker asked, scathingly. “More complicated than pretending to be, what, half ghost?”
“None of that is pretend,” Phantom snarled. His eyes flickered green again as he clenched his fists. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Yeah, because you’re not telling us, dude.” Tucker huffed, crossing his arms. His eyes were hard.
“I…” Phantom halted, then shook his head. “I can’t. I shouldn’t.” He refused to meet Tucker’s eyes. Or Sam’s.
He looked uncomfortably human.
“You gotta tell us something,” Danny snapped at the ghost. Because that’s what Phantom was. Just a ghost. “You’re messing with my sister. And even if you’re not actively pretending to be me, well. I find it hard to believe that you’re missing the implications here.”
Phantom snorted. “I’m not an idiot, yeah. Why do you think no one but Jazz has seen me like this yet?”
Some cold burrowed in Danny’s chest. No one but Jazz. So that meant that Jazz had seen it. Had seen Phantom pull off a shift so similar to her own, which had made him look just like Danny.
“No one but Jazz, and now us,” Sam pointed out. “Why break the pattern for us?”
Phantom shrugged. His eyes had moved over to Sam, but he dragged them back to Danny almost immediately. “I fucked up.”
“So now what?” she asked, crossing her arms as well. “Are you finally going to tell us why this is all so complicated? Or are you going to continue pretending Tucker and I don’t exist?”
The ghost flushed, suddenly, his shoulders coming up. Somehow, against all logic, it was red.
Ghosts were supposed to flush green, weren’t they?
“Complicated?” Tucker finished for him, dryly. “Try something new, man.”
“I’m…” Phantom paused again, then sighed. His shoulders sunk down like the weight of the world was on him. He looked so forlorn that Danny almost felt guilty.
Phantom reached into one of his pockets, producing a mobile phone. It looked remarkably modern, if a little scuffed up. Was that stolen?
It was quiet for a few moments as Phantom messed around with the phone. Finally, however, he seemed satisfied. He held it out towards the three of them.
Sam and Tucker leaned in closer, and Danny took the phone from Phantom. On the screen was a photo of… the three of them. But not one they had taken, he was sure. They were in his parents lab, he thought, and they were all smiling.
“Keep scrolling,” Phantom said. Danny did.
The next photo was of just Sam and Tucker. They were still in the lab, and both holding ecto-weaponry. In front of them was some sort of shooting range, with shots clustered on two of the targets. They looked like they were arguing, but it was good-natured.
They definitely hadn’t taken this photo. How had Phantom gotten it? Were there more shapeshifting ghosts like him?
Danny’s stomach squirmed. Sam reached over his hands to click over to the next photo. Sam stood impassively, arms crossed, watching Tucker. Tucker, who seemed to be holding an energetic conversation with an enormous bipedal wolf. A ghost wolf.
“Keep going,” Phantom instructed, quietly.
It was the three of them again, except… except Phantom was there, instead of Danny. His green eyes were scrunched up, his smile wide. Sam and Tucker, on either side of him, were grinning equally widely. A smear of green ectoplasm sat on Sam’s cheek, but she didn’t seem to care.
“You’ll know,” Phantom told them, and his voice was almost impossible to make out over the rushing sound in Danny’s ears. The phone shook with such force that he could barely hit the button to move over to the next picture.
It was a picture of the living room of their house. Jazz sat on the couch, a book held loosely in her hand. She wasn’t looking at it, though. No, she was looking at Danny, who seemed to have fallen asleep next to her. He leaned against her, his head on her shoulder. Danny looked about sixteen, the right age, but Jazz…
Jazz looked like she was eighteen.
Phantom took the phone back from Danny’s stiff fingers. “Like I said. Complicated.”
“What the hell, dude.” Tucker blinked at the two of them, at Danny and at Phantom. “What the fuck was that?”
The ghost shrugged loosely. “I’m sure you can figure that out yourself.” He pressed the power button on his phone, then stuffed it back in his pocket.
“So you’re, what. From another universe?” Sam asked. Her voice was a mixture of disbelief and awe, Danny thought, but it was hard to say for sure.
“Basically.” Phantom shrugged. He seemed awkward, now, but no closer to fleeing than he was at the start. “I kind of… accidentally came here. Portals in the Ghost Zone can lead to any point in time, but apparently to different worlds as well. I… didn’t realize. Didn’t realize I wasn’t home until I met… Jazz.”
“So you lied to her.” Danny frowned at him. It sounded… well, like bullshit, but he supposed it was possible. He couldn’t think of a more likely explanation, at least. “You made her believe that you were me.”
“No,” Phantom denied immediately, shaking his head. “No, never. I told her the truth from the start. She knows I’m not you. I’m just training her, just her mentor.”
“Then why does she barely spend time with me anymore? Why does she spend more time with you than with me?”
“You think she enjoys that?” Phantom made a face, lip curled in… disgust? “Fuck, dude. She’s been trying to spend time with you for ages. She hates that she’s spending more time with me than with you. She doesn’t even call me Danny, only Phantom. It’s not me, it’s you.”
Danny’s heart felt like it stopped, like it had turned into a clump of ice lodged in his chest.
“So if Jazz isn’t trying to use you as a replacement for her brother, why is she spending so much time with you?” Sam asked while Danny was still trying to process this revelation.
Phantom rolled his eyes, then raised a hand. Blue light flashed, and then suddenly he had… something. Was twirling something smooth and shiny between his fingers. Ice? Ice was something Phantom could do, right? “If you suddenly became half-ghost, and ran into a half-ghost version of someone you knew, a half-ghost with two-and-a-half years of experience, wouldn’t you spend time with them?”
He clenched his fist, and suddenly the ice was gone. Phantom’s hand wasn’t even wet. “I offered to teach her while I was around, and I help fight ghosts so she’s not as overwhelmed as I was. And the timelines seem pretty similar so far, so I know roughly what’s coming up, and I can help her figure out the tougher ghosts.”
“You’re a source of information,” Tucker said, understanding in his voice. Realization dawned on Danny, too. Phantom wasn’t a replacement; he was the half-ghost equivalent of a library. Jazz didn’t get comfort from him because he was family, but because he knew.
“Yeah, basically.” Phantom shrugged, but he didn’t seem as tense anymore. “And backup. I had… well, you two. If I ever got in over my head, I was backed up by my Sam and Tucker, and later on, by my older sister Jazz as well. But your Jazz, this Jazz, she doesn’t have that.”
“But what about your own world?” Sam narrowed her eyes at Phantom, considering. “If you were the only half-ghost there, shouldn’t you go back? Don’t they miss you?”
Phantom clicked his tongue. “I can’t. Portals in the Ghost Zone are unreliable, so I have no way of making sure I get there. It’s better if I stick around here, where I have some system in place, and where I can help. Plus, if I stay in one place I’ll be easier to find.”
“I’m not saying that Sam and Tucker aren’t great,” Danny said, past the emotions still lodged in his throat, “But are you really expecting those two to find you in a different universe?”
Sam scowled at him, and the itch in his neck made him suspect that Tucker was doing the same from behind him. What? He was just being realistic!
“Them, or Jazz.” Phantom shrugged at his incredulous look. “There’s this invention that can track me to bizarre extents. Jazz once used it to send me a message while I was ten years in the future. And if that doesn’t work, I have a ghost ally who owns an enchanted map, which can find portals to anywhere and anywhen you want, as long as it’s in the Ghost Zone.”
A heavy silence fell. Apparently Danny wasn’t the only one who saw the problem with that.
“So then why aren’t they here yet?” Tucker finally asked, conceding defeat. “You’ve been here for weeks, man.”
Phantom’s shoulders sunk down even further, his face falling. “Yeah,” he agreed. “I know.”
“So… now what?” Sam frowned at Phantom. “You’re just gonna stay here indefinitely?”
“Might as well.” Phantom sighed, heavy and exhausted. “Like I said, there’s no point in going looking for a portal back. Wulf can’t make a portal like that, and Frostbite only let me use the map because I fought the Ghost King. I haven’t done that in this universe, so there’s no way he’ll trust me with that priceless artifact.”
“Sounds rough.” Tucker threw a look at Danny, then Sam, then Phantom again. “Can we help? You, or Jazz?”
Phantom shrugged once more. “I mean, I don’t know. My Jazz figured out my secret at the same time as you guys figured out Jazz, but she held off with telling me because she figured I could manage with Sam and Tucker. It wasn’t until that time traveling thing during the CAT test that she dropped enough of a hint for me.”
“Alright, well…” Danny took a deep fortifying breath. “How about this. You keep up your training with Jazz, but stay in touch with us. I want to know what’s going on, and I want to keep an eye on you. If she looks like she needs us… needs me, we’ll tell her we know. Until then…”
“You want to get closer again.” Phantom nodded, and Danny was startled at how understanding he seemed. “Hey, don’t give me that look. I grew apart from my older sibling too, when I became half-ghost. Then we suddenly got closer again, after she figured me out.”
“Oh.” Danny licked his lips. He wasn’t sure if it was meant to be comforting, but… it made him feel better anyway. Knowing that even Jazz, perfectly brilliant human being, had made this mistake.
There was still room for things to get better.
“Well, let us know if you need anything,” Sam insisted. “As you probably know, I’m rich. I could easily hide you in our mansion if you need to sleep somewhere that isn’t a rooftop, or whatever you’ve been doing so far.”
That startled a laugh out of Phantom. “Jazz has been letting me use her bed while she’s at school,” he admitted, grinning weakly. “But thanks, I might take you up on that. I’ve gotten seriously nocturnal though, fair warning.”
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gins-potter · 4 years
ummm so i did a thing and wrote some hp next gen hc’s fuck you j.k the order they’re written is the age order (idk if there is a canonical age order for all the weasley cousins but this is my take anyway) under the cut because this is long
Teddy Remus Lupin.
soft boy who can and will make friends with absolutely everyone
his family use he/him pronouns out of habit but he’s open to any pronouns
has 5 parents in his mind, remus, tonks, andromeda, harry, and ginny
calls ginny and harry, mum and dad, and lives with them for a while after he graduates hogwarts
making head boy is one of his proudest moments and he never saw it coming because he’s a bit of a troublemaker
but his troublemaking is usually limited to sneaking out of bed to get food from the kitchen, and changing into teachers to scare students
is one of those people that is genuinely liked by everyone, teachers and students
even filch can’t bring himself to yell at that cheerful smile
doesn’t play quidditch, but watches because so many of his family members play
but watching also makes him nervous because he’s scared someone will get hurt
his feelings for victoire kind of come out of nowhere the year after he graduates hogwarts and she’s no longer there teasing him
they don’t get together until victoire is of age though because although he’ll never admit it, bill scares the hell out of him
wants to be a healer after hogwarts
Victoire Weasley.
the sorting hat almost put her in slytherin
considered going to beauxbatons, but didn’t want to move away
hates the dumb blonde trope and works her ass off to get at least an E in all her subjects
despite hating being mistaken for just a pretty face, she does have an impeccable fashion sense, and her makeup is always on point
wishes she and her sister were closer, and it takes until they’re in their seventh and fifth years respectively to realise how similar they are
lives to intimidate people
and loves seeing the looks on boys faces when they realise how smart she is
and she really is scary smart
has this witty, banter going with teddy but is in denial about what it means until she’s in her sixth year and realises oh crap she’s in love with him
has a ridiculously complicated coffee order, which teddy knows off by heart
incidentally the first time he orders for her, getting it perfect, of course, is also the moment she realises she’s in love with him
is the eldest official weasley/potter child and finds it s t r e s s f u l
thinks her siblings/cousins are crazy
ends up teaming up with James and Molly to keep them all in line
James Sirius Potter.
joins the gryffindor team in his second year, plays chaser, and is good enough to give both his mother and his grandfather a run for their money
shameless flirt and acts so much like his two name-sakes that it sometimes makes mcgonagall catch her breath when he winks brazenly at her in the middle of transfiguration
becomes the first half of a brother duo to play for the english national team
feels a lot of pressure to keep up good grades, keep the gryffindor team winning (especially after he’s made captain in his sixth year), look after all his siblings and cousins, and maintain the happy-go-lucky attitude that he’s come to be known for
is diagnosed with anxiety during his seventh year
harry cries when james tells him how dark he’d been feeling
lily researches plants that are proven to lift spirits and brings them to him until he feels like smiling again
has his father’s crazy hair (though his are auburn curls) and his grandfather’s hazel eyes
unlike his brother he likes hearing how much he looks like his family
Dominique Weasley.
feels like the night to victoire’s day
takes her coffee black
likes to wear ripped jeans and old band shirts
dyes her hair
would never admit it but lily luna is her favourite cousin
gets a tattoo of a snake down her spine when she’s fifteen and her parents hit the roof and ground her for the entire summer
she expected her dad at least to be cool about it
likes boys and girls, but thinks most of them are idiots
has the best eyeliner game in the school
is fiercely protective of her little brother
never even considered going to beauxbatons
even though they annoy her most of the time she could never be away from her family that long
also loves to intimidate people
wishes her sister wasn’t so perfect all the time because she thinks it puts more pressure on her to be better
Molly Weasley II.
is dyslexic but it took everyone a long time to realise it
thought for a long time that she was just too dumb to get above an acceptable in any of her classes
rose eventually works it out, and it gets better after that
or at least her teachers are a bit more considerate
is a whiz at classes where she doesn’t have to write a lot of essays
loves care of magical creatures and helps Hagrid teach Grawp English
her uncle charlie is her favourite uncle and considers running away to live with him in her fourth year
has a very strained relationship with her father because he tends to be very impatient with her and used to say she wasn’t trying hard enough in school
really good at sewing and cooking (much like her namesake) and can usually be found in the kitchen of the weasley house experimenting on a new recipe
gives the best presents
is the best at wrangling the weasley/potter brood
is that person who remembers every single birthday, anniversary, favourite colour, pet’s names and so on
shameless romantic
Rose Granger-Weasley.
everyone is surprised af when she gets sorted into gryffindor, including rose, but she grows to love the crazy, loud house
is in love with scorpius for about 3 months in third year but gets over it pretty quickly when she sees the way scorpius looks at her cousin
so she just settles back and waits for them to figure it out
pretends like she hates quidditch but has a secret love for it that only her dad knows about
and she of course supports the chudley cannons
is one of those annoying ‘gets perfect marks without studying’ type of people
likes to rock the space buns look with her cousin roxanne
thinks she might be ace/aro but really isn’t sure
her mum is her hero
goes through a rebellious phase in the summer between her fifth and sixth years, and lives with her aunt ginny and uncle harry for a few weeks
is the first person to realise her cousin molly is dyslexic
Scorpius Malfoy.
is the first malfoy in history to not be in slytherin
thinks albus potter in glasses is the hottest thing
thought his father would hate him for being sorted into ravenclaw
he doesn’t
thought his father would hate him for being gay
he doesn’t
his father tells him once that raising him is the best thing he’s ever done and it’s one of the most important things anyone has ever said to him
professional piner
is in love with al since almost the first time he ever saw him
plays chaser in his 4th and 5th years but is really glad when they find a replacement for him
he prefers watching his boyfriend play
loves his mother
kinda hates his grandparents and hates himself for that
when he’s in The Zone™ good luck getting his attention
has a tendency to hyperfixate
hates parties but goes because al and rose like them
has a touch of social anxiety
Albus Severus Potter.
tries out for the slytherin team in his first year, but isn’t selected
is called in to play for the grand final against gryffindor that year when the other seeker is injured, they lose but it’s still one of the best moments of his life and makes him the second youngest person to play for a hogwarts team after his father
goes on to play on the english national team with his brother
is best friends with rose and scorpius
is constantly being told by teachers how much the three of them remind them of his father, uncle ron, and aunt hermione
likes boys
knows he likes boys pretty much from birth (his parents are also unsurprised when he tells them)
doesn’t work out that he’s in love with scorpius until they’re in their fifth year, and it still takes them most of the year to get their shit together
needs glasses but hates wearing them, so he usually wears contacts
is always down for a nap
Louis Weasley.
came the closest to studying abroad, but just before he was set to start he had a minor panic attack and realised he couldn’t do it
he was worried for a long time that his mum was secretly disappointed that he went to hogwarts just like his siblings, but she told him she could never be disappointed in him
he knew from a young age that he had been born into the wrong body but wasn’t able to tell his family until he was around 10, 
he didn’t want to go to hogwarts with no one knowing who he really was
his parents didn’t pretend like they had always known, but they accepted him nonetheless
always harboured a hero-worship-lowkey-crush on teddy which eventually developed into a mutual friendship, despite the almost 10 year age gap
plays seeker on the hufflepuff team only because they desperately need a seeker and lucy begs him
loves his older sisters but wishes they weren’t so protective
sometimes wishes he was closer to fred, lucy, and roxanne who are all in his year and are very close but then remembers that they’re all crazy and if he hung with them more he’d probably be in detention every week
loves muggle studies and wants to work with muggles after hogwarts
collects muggle coins 
Roxanne Weasley.
practically invented the space buns look
holographic aesthetic
friends with everyone
is friendly with absolutely everyone but also plays beater so people are very ???
likes being a twin and usually gets pulled into fred and lucy’s crazy schemes
has the highest detention record of any head girl ever, but most of those are fred and lucy’s fault
the one detention that actually is her fault is when she throws her beaters bat at her brother because he let slip who she had a crush on in the middle of commentating a quidditch match
it worked out pretty well in the end because the girl found her after the quidditch match to ask her out
one third of the unholy trinity (lucy came up with the name)
she’s the third who tries to keep them out of trouble
has the chillest nature and can’t stand to see any of her family hurt
wishes uncle percy wasn’t so hard on molly
is one soft lesbian
physically incapable of holding a grudge
Fred Weasley II.
doesn’t play quidditch but takes after his godfather and commentates
likes to try and throw his sister off her game when she’s playing quidditch
second third of the unholy trinity
honestly does not know how he gets in so much trouble all the time
seriously wonders if he was born without impulse control
like it’s not his fault that he’s curious about absolutely everything and has the patience of an excited puppy
is really good at charms
always knows the most obscure spells
has no idea what he wants to do after he leaves school but isn’t worried about that
Lucy Weasley.
plays chaser
troublemaker ™
last third of the unholy trinity (the name was her idea)
her and lily are either the best of friends or the worst of enemies (there is no inbetween)
god help you when they’re at each other's throat because their arguments could wipe out city blocks
you can imagine how much worse they are when they’re teaming up
thinks she maybe wants to be an auror after leaving school
her dad hates the idea
which of course makes her want to do it even more
loves mystery novels and can always guess the ending by about halfway
thinks her uncle harry is the coolest
invites herself along on lorcan’s world travels after he finishes hogwarts
loves to smack him over the back of the head when he gets too obnoxious
but secretly loves it when he starts ranting about the topics he’s studying
Lorcan Scamander.
smart boy
thinks his mum is kinda nuts but loves her anyway
thinks his brother is kinda nuts but loves him anyway
doesn’t know how he got basically adopted into the weasley/potter family but can’t bring himself to be mad about it
loves arithmancy and nerding out with hermione about it
wants to do too many things after he leaves hogwarts
ends up taking some time off to travel for a bit and learn more about the different wizarding cultures
lucy surprises everyone and invites herself along as a break after she finishes her auror training
no one can work out if they hate each other or are secretly dating
lysander can’t work out if he hates her or wants to kiss her
Lysander Scamander.
eptimosises the dumb blonde stereotype
too pretty for his own good
gets shoved into keeper position on the hufflepuff team because no one else can/wants to play, and is The Worst
gets distracted by cool clouds and pretty butterflies during quidditch games
finds that he actually really likes quidditch because it turns out he loves flying
he still sucks at keeping of course
but at least he’s having fun now
thinks his mum is a genius
knows that hugo is the one for him as soon as they start dating
favourite thing is the way hugo’s ears go red when he’s flustered
thinks ron is hilarious
Lily Luna Potter.
smol, smol, smol child
is five feet of pure rage, sass, and protectiveness
will fuck up anyone who messes with her family
parents started her in quidditch to help vent her frustrations but quickly grows to love the game, or at least being able to hit the fuck out bludgers
plant nerd
starts a herbology club with her uncle neville (who she refuses to call professor longbottom no matter how many times he reminds her)
she is one smol lesbian
hates it when james is going through his anxiety because for the first time kicking someone’s ass won’t fix it
less than zero impulse control
she finds an old photograph of her mum rocking an undercut and immediately goes for the electric razor
the end result is horrible, and she ends up calling victoire and dominique to fix it for her
did i mention she’s super smol?  
thinks that her dad doesn’t understand her very much but cries a little when uncle neville let’s slip that he’s been borrowing herbology books to learn more about her favourite subject
works with troubled teens after she leaves hogwarts
works out at age eight that is she arranges her cousins a certain way in family photos they can spell out bad words with the letters on their sweaters
her parents don’t know if they should be angry or impressed.
Hugo Granger-Weasley
is the quieter kind of smart compared to his sister, who is always correcting people
surprises the fuck out of people when he’s put in ravenclaw and gets near perfect grades at hogwarts
studies a lot
is the only person who can beat his dad at chess
has a bad habit of falling asleep while reading
is jealous of how good all his cousins are at quidditch, and thinks for a long time that his dad is disappointed because he’s too scared of heights to play
is a self-confessed morosexual and is shamelessly in love with lysander scamander
almost gets stuck on the hogwarts express one time because he was too busy reading to realise they’d arrived
always has ink stains on his hands
usually gets said ink in lysander’s hair when they kiss
has a thing for lysander’s blonde curls
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admutual · 4 years
any hayley or steve childhood headcanons hell add stan if thats ok!!
oo !!
hayley ones:
hayley was always bringing weird animals inside and trying to convince stan and francine to let her keep them. multiple instances of her running inside, covered in dirt, and holding a garter snake begging ‘please please can we keep her??’ while steve screams in terror.
that hc i mentioned of francine always standing up for the other kids ,, hayley inherited that trait. my god she was The Most protective kid during her school years, she absolutely refused to let anyone get walked over when she knew they didn’t deserve it.
hayley was a wolf girl growing up,, change my mind. and black wolves were always her fave.
hayley definitely read animorphs growing up. those books shaped her and her fave character was cassie,,, also once she got more comfortable with living with roger she bullied him for not looking as cool as an andalite or a hork-bajir.
hayley went through an emo phase during her middle and high school years. she tried really hard to get an emo fringe, she was always blasting mcr and the used and three days grace, and her first job was at a hot topic.
hayley and stan were obviously tight-knit buds back in the day. like ,, she’d set up tea parties for them in the backyard, going out to movies was almost a weekly activity for the two of them, they were always planning picnics together,, they were really close. also every time they went to familyland together, hayley was always trying to drag him along with her to the more Extreme rides. francine kept telling her she’d go since she knew stan wasn’t the biggest fan of those rides like she was, but hayley kept insisting and it’d always end with stan near traumatized. big cia man goes on scary missions daily but he can’t handle a little roller coaster.
hayley’s hair was . pretty often a Mess when she was young. it was staticky, always sticking up at some angle, she often got too excited that she never took the time to comb out her hair in the mornings. plus it’s always been a habit of hers to play with her hair whenever she gets too excited or nervous, so even if she got it all straightened out it’d still turn into a mess by the end of the day.
hayley was always covered in scrapes and bruises. there was never a day where she didn’t have a bandaid somewhere.
she was a really tall kid during elementary school. she was almost always the tallest kid in her class. around high school everyone outgrew her though and now she’s . really short compared to most people her age, but yeah when she was little . Tall Girl (2019).
hayley skateboarded in middle school, and she was really damn good at it. she got in loads of trouble for skateboarding on school property and she thought she was the coolest kid for doing it.
stan and francine tried really hard not to curse around hayley when she was little (once steve came around they gave up trying), but occasionally something would slip out and hayley would always parrot it. stan looking at a bill and muttering ‘shit’ and then in the living room hearing what is obviously a toddler screaming ‘SHIT’
hayley, like steve, was always kinda lonely during her school years. steve eventually found friends in snot, barry, toshi, and roger too once he moved in, but hayley never really learned proper social skills as she was often pushed away for being the loud rowdy ‘annoying’ kid, and they always viewed her attempts to try to get close to others as too ‘desperate’. she has found friends in her adulthood, but yeah during her childhood she mostly just stuck around her family.
hayley was That Kid who would always use those fake clip-on earrings you’d get from claires, as well as cutting up the spiral from her notebook to use as a fake lip piercing, and she’d spend all day trying to convince her classmates ‘yeah no it’s real’
hayley liked stealing her dad’s camera and using it to film fake vlogs. they have multiple reels that go from cute family videos, to hayley making lps vids and fake cooking tutorials.
hayley drew a lot growing up and francine still has dozens of her drawings magneted to the fridge. hayley’s always cringing and asking her to take them down, but tbh francine’s never going to.
hayley’s always loved being outside at night. occasionally she’d sneak steve out with her to play in the backyard and it’d always lead to them in the treehouse, and stan catching them because they kept shining their flashlight against their bedroom window.
steve ones:
steve’s definitely adhd, autistic, and dyslexic. (the latter’s literally canon, and the two former ones are hcs that to me feel so obvious that i’m always a little hesitant calling it a hc). i really like imagining his parents being really patient with him in this area, even stan learned to be more composed and gentle with him when it came to this, and the two of them helping him find ways to cope. francine especially enjoyed nights helping him read.
steve’s interest in birds has been with him for pretty much his entire life, i like to imagine it’s always been his biggest special interest. also i’ve noticed there’s random scenes where stan’s displayed a bit of an interest or at least an appreciation of birds, so i kinda like to imagine stan used to take steve to the park for birdwatching trips when he was young before steve started going with roger. sometimes francine and hayley would tag along, but mostly it was just stan taking steve out and listening to him ramble about all the birds he’s spotting,, every time steve had a bad day stan’s immediate solution was to take him to the park.
when roger first moved in, he and steve were inseparable. steve was obsessed with learning everything about him and his species and his home planet, while roger saw steve as the one safe person to be around (francine, hayley, and klaus were still anxious towards him while stan was too strict and controlling for him). for a good few months until he started bonding with the rest of the fam roger would get really mopey whenever steve would go to school or leave to hang with his other friends, and the second steve walked through that door roger would excitedly hug him and try to lead him off to go do something together.
@a-d-lesbian got me into the hc that steve’s a theater kid and like ,, i’m always thinking about steve getting a tiny little background role in a 6th grade christmas show that they were required to do as a class, and he just loses his mind. he convinces stan and francine to let him invite the grandparents, he has francine film every scene he’s in where he just . Stands There. and then after the show when they get home he makes them all rewatch them all because he’s really damn proud of himself.
steve’s fave books growing up were always xenofiction. stuff like warrior cats and guardians of ga’hoole and redwall. he loved that shit. like i’m just imagining him trying to get his friends to larp warrior cats but none of them read it so they don’t know what he wants them to do, and he keeps assigning them warrior cat sonas and calling them by warrior cat names at school,, and he keeps calling god ‘starclan’ (which makes stan. Mad). am i projecting? that’s a secret, i’ll never tell.
steve was absolutely the Anime Kid in middle school. the amount of times he got yelled at for naruto running in the hallways was far too much. and his faves were fruits basket, nichijou, and k-on.
i’m so obviously projecting with my steve hcs here but i’m not gonna stop and i’m gonna say steve’s a trans guy. i know it makes no sense in canon, but canon’s dead it’s mine now. anyways he’s known since around the time he started middle school, and stan and francine love him and support him and i don’t have much else to say without getting Too Projecting, but yeah steve’s trans.
steve was pretty socially anxious growing up. he did get better as he grew older obv, but when he was little he was A Mess in school.
steve loved making flower crowns when he was little. he learned how to in his 2nd grade art class and just obsessed over it for a good few years and he was always making them for the fam. francine, stan, and hayley didn’t mind, they thought it was cute. i can see hayley learning to make them too and the two of them exchanging crowns,, and francine probably learned how to make some too during her college years and steve would always get really excited whenever she tried making some with him. poor roger though, once he moved in, steve took him as his new model and roger was forced to suffer through sitting in the hot sun while steve covered him in flowers.
steve never stopped singing. oh my god, stan loves him but he eventually reached a point where he started hiding their disney movies because steve would always loudly sing along and he just wanted some peace and quiet to work.
i like to imagine klaus has a sibling-esque relationship with pretty much the entire fam, but especially with steve. he was always pretty protective of him despite not really being able to do anything if he got hurt, and klaus was always there to talk to whenever steve needed it.
steve’s always liked to help francine bake. originally it was just so he could claim the mixer of batter before hayley could, but he quickly got really invested and he still loves helping out.
and in general for the both of them:
steve was the type of kid who bonked his head against the table a little and would spend the rest of the night crying while francine comforted him,, while hayley was the type of kid who could fly down the stairs and leave an actual dent in the wall and she’d still jump up assuring everyone ‘i’m okay!!’
hayley and steve used to play pokemon together growing up. hayley was more casually into it while steve was more obsessed (i like to imagine it was a special interest of his growing up). nowadays hayley doesn’t play it too often, but every now and then some big news will happen like new starters getting revealed, and steve will show her and hayley still can’t help but get at least a bit excited each time.
francine tried to do cute little family halloween costumes a few years. the idea of them doing an addams family group costume is precious.
francine always took them out for christmas photos every year. just dozens of photos of the four of them in the tackiest sweaters. they don’t do it as often anymore (or at least they don’t take as many photos outside of a few while they’re setting up the tree) but they still have framed photos of them that they set on the fireplace mantle every year.
listen …….. there were definitely multiple instances when they were really little of stan coming home from work ,, and steve and hayley excitedly tackling him,,,, and stan dramatically acting like he’s being attacked and losing ,,,
despite roger being a Dick, he was super protective of the two of them back in the day. either of them come home from school with a bruise, and roger’s already planning out an elaborate revenge scheme.
as for stan ,,
i’m adopting @stancine’s hc to say he was definitely a country boy. i kinda like to imagine his uncle on his mother’s side lived on a farm, and stan was really close to him growing up and it just sorta became monthly to take weekend trips to see him.
stan loved horses. he was definitely a Horse Kid, and his fave breeds are clydesdales and friesians.
sheep too!! one of his favorite yearly activities is during the springtime when his uncle helps him out with shearing the sheep.
also stan loved camping. he loved going out on walks through the woods and he especially loved fishing, but the second the sun went down he cowered in the back of the tent next to his mom because he was terrified of the noises coming from outside.
stan was a really quiet kid growing up. he sucked at properly standing up for himself, that’s kinda the reason he’s so harsh on steve for accepting mistreatment because he knows how hard it is and he doesn’t want his son to go through the same shit he did.
mother’s day was always one of his favorite holidays. he’d be obsessed with planning the whole day around trying to make it perfect for betty. making her breakfast in bed and saving up his allowance to buy her a gift, and he’d always make elaborate art projects for her every year.
stan . tried to learn how to ride a motorcycle in high school. it was this random obsession he got for no reason where he just really wanted one, but he always panicked whenever he got the chance to try one out. never even got his permit because he was so scared.
stan had a lot of pent-up anger as a kid that he never even recognized as anger until he got older. because of that he often broke his toys on accident because something wasn’t working correctly, and sometimes he’d snap at teachers on accident. obv he still had a problem with it but at least now he knows what’s going on and can at least try to work on dealing with it.
betty used to read to stan at night when he was really young. they didn’t have many books around so it was just stan listening to her read the same four dr. seuss books over and over. he didn’t mind though.
stan’s always loved writing and a good chunk of his free time was writing little short stories. he took a creative writing class in high school and he almost immediately became the teacher’s pet.
stan was a pretty lonely socially inept kid and i like to think growing up he tried getting a lot of his ‘advice’ on how to interact with others through television. one time he tried to get a girl’s attention by doing the ‘throwing pebbles at their window’ trope, but he fucked up and got too big a stone and threw it too hard, and just shattered this poor girl’s window. and stan spent the rest of the night crying in his room before caving and turning himself in.
i can see him being really into superheroes when he was younger. just him bounding around the house with a blanket for a cape, acting out random scenes he read out of the latest issue he bought.
stan was obv a dog kid. he’d often find himself going to the adoption shelter near his house just to see the dogs there whenever he was feeling down. and his fave breeds were golden retrievers, pit bulls, and shelties.
god i have tons more for all of them but i’m gonna stop because this is already long enough as it is.
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stoncs · 4 years
ay  buddies  what  is  up  !  i’m  tay  ,  n  i’m  here  to  reintroduce  you  to  my  emotional  support  bag  of  trash  ,  stone  .  we  were  here  a  minute  ago  ,  but  now  that  i  have  a  job  w  pretty  good  hours  i  thought  ...  huh  ,  isnt  it  time  for  stone  to  be  a  scumbag  again  ?  anyhow  ,  i’m  from  the  gmt-3  tmz  i  think  ,  maybe  .  i  go  by  feminine  pronouns  ,  n  it’s  hot  as  balls  in  this  wonderful  brazilian  weather  so  yall  can  catch  me  ugly  sweating  over  here  anytime  !  so  down  below  u  can  find  a  whole  ass  intro  abt  this  douchenozzle  ,   n  if  u  smash  the  gd  like  button  i  will  hit  u  up  for  some  plots !
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𝐈.  𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋  :  
𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄  :  stone  louis  liberman
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄  :  stoney 
𝐀𝐆𝐄  :  twenty  five  
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑  /  𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒  :  cismale  /  he & him
𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘  :  bisexual  ,  biromantic
𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍  :  part  time  professional  photographer
𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘  :  charles  liberman  &  elena  hardwell
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑  𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐎  :  scott  disick  ,  jean  ralphio  saperstein  ,  chuck  bass  (  ish  )  .
stone  was  born  into  what  is  considered  hollywood  royalty  .  kind  of  like  brangelina  (  pre  breakup  )  ,  or  richard  burton  &  liz  taylor  ,  or  kim  &  k*nye  (  just  kidding  )  .  but  yes  ,  they  were  both  really  famous  actors  who  were  both  in  commited  relationships  when  they  first  met  on  a  movie  set  and  fell  in  mad  love  with  each  other  .  by  the  time  the  movie  had  premiered  they  were  already  secretly  married  and  just  the  most  talked  about  topic  in  the  movie  industry  .
AND  they  lived  happily  ever  after  .  just  kidding  ,  mr.  liberman  died  in  a  car  crash  when  stone  was  ten  years  old  ,  and  his  loss  really  broke  his  mother  .  she  grieved  the  best  way  she  knew  how  :  by  drinking  a  lot  and  getting  remarried  less  than  a  year  after  losing  her  husband  .  and  then  getting  remarried  5  more  times  after  that  . stone  actually  gets  along  really  well  with  most  of  his  mom’s  ex-husbands  ,  and  is  still  friends  with  some  of  them  even  after  elena  eventually  ditches  them  .  stone  also  claims  not  to  remember  his  dad  ,  but  actually  does  and  really  misses  him  and  the  family  they  were  specially  .
in  regards  of  family  ,  his  dad  had  2  kids  before  marrying  his  mom  ,  and  his  mom  had  one  after  losing  his  dad  so  he  has  plenty  of  siblings  .  he  isn’t  particularly  close  to  them  since  they  never  saw  much  of  each  other  growing  up  ,  but  he  is  very  close  to  his  little  sister  ,  who’s  13  and  just  as  chaotic  as  he  is  but  definitely  a  lot  smarter  .  he  loves  her  to  pieces  even  though  sometimes  he  thinks  she’s  satan  hiding  inside  a  teenage  girl’s  body  .
okay  ,  so  ,  as  previously  mentioned  ,  stone  views  life  in  a  ‘before  dad  &  after  dad’  kinda  way  ,  in  regards  that  childhood  before  his  father  died  was  amazing  ,  they  were  always  travelling  and  going  to  cool  spots  and  having  fun  .  his  mom  was  awesome  &  he  loved  his  dad  to  pieces  and  he  never  had  to  go  to  school  .  life  was  like  ,  perfect  .  and  then  his  dad  died  and  his  mother  was  such  a  mess  .  she  was  having  such  a  hard  time  dealing  with  losing  him  that  she  honestly  couldn’t  give  stone  the  affection  and  structure  he  needed  ,  so  he  was  mostly  left  behind  in  the  chicago  house  with  babysitters  and  homeschool  teachers  while  his  mom  was  off  working  and  getting  married  .  he  doesn’t  really  hold  a  grudge  or  anything  ,  but  he’s  definitely  not  as  close  to  his  mom  because  of  it  ,  it’s  like  he  can’t  really  connect  with  her  anymore  .
stone  never  went  to  college  ,  his  mom  had  to  actually  pay  for  his  high  school  diploma  because  she  didn’t  want  him  to  be  a  dropout  ,  and  stone  spent  most  of  his  life  with  zero  life  prospects  ,  all  he  did  for  a  while  was  spend  his  parent’s  money  and  get  super  fucked  up  .  that  being  said  ,  he’s  really  shaped  up  the  last  couple  of  years  &  ran  with  the  passion  he  had  for  photography  .  he’s  quite  a  bit  more  serious  about  it  than  most  people  know  ,  and  has  shot  big  pieces  for  mags  like  time  and  rolling  stone  ,  but  he  doesn’t  really  want  anyone  creating  expectations  about  him  so  he  usually  keeps  quiet  .  ALSO  because  he’s  having  sex  with  a  bunch  of  models  who  he  definitely  shouldn’t  be  associating  with  ,  so  he  likes  to  keep  a  low  profile  .
growing  up  and  to  this  day  ,  stone  never  minded  the  attention  he  got  from  being  a  hollywood  baby  .  he  just  was  never  bothered  by  it  ,  and  even  like  makes  it  a  game  to  see  how  many  paps  he  can  gather  by  going  out  to  get  groceries  or  to  some  fancy  sushi  place  all  the  celebs  are  going  to  .  he’s  basically  an  attention  wh*re  ,  we  hate  him  .
ALSO  he  is  a  daddy  !  literally  has  a  five  year  old  son  who’s  called  bodhi  .  there’s  a  lot  of  drama  with  his  mother  so  he  doesn’t  get  to  see  him  very  often  ,  but  he  loves  bodhi  very  much  and  is  a  pretty  good  dad  ?  not  the  best  ,  but  he  tries  really  hard  to  be  good  actually  .
stone  is  generally  a  great  person  to  be  around  if  you’re  looking  for  a  good  time  ,  he’s  always  up  to  something  fun  and  anything  you  wanna  do  that  most  people  would  consider  crazy  ,  stone  is  the  guy  that  will  say  hell  yea  and  not  think  twice  to  do  it  with  you  .  he  loves  to  be  surrounded  by  people  and  is  just  a  party  animal  .
he’s  also  super  chill  .  crazy  chill  .  too  chill  .  nothing  gets  him  mad  ,  like  ,  nothing  .  usually  that  annoying  dude  who  will  tell  you  to  calm  down  when  you’re  arguing  and  make  you  wanna  choke  him  .  the  least  threatening  dude  you  will  ever  meet  .
just  a  cool  dude  to  have  around  overall  ,  like  people  are  always  having  fun  when  they’re  around  him  .
but  ...  has  NO  moral  compass  ,  not  even  a  single  ounce  of  it  .  he  is  the  most  opportunistic  person  .  will  100%  do  whatever  it  takes  to  get  things  to  go  his  way  ,  and  has  no  concern  about  how  his  actions  affect  others  .  he  usually  thinks  since  nothing  bothers  him  ,  he  can  do  whatever  he  wants  to  everyone  else  and  no  one  will  mind  .
kinda  a  nice  douchebag  ?  he’s  really  charming  and  nice  and  cool  but  will  probably  screw  you  over  at  least  once  in  your  life  ,  maybe  more  if  you  let  him  ngl  .
is  a vegetarian  !  tried  to  go  vegan  once  but  he  really  likes  chocolate  milk  and  gave  up  .
speaks  very  slowly  ,  says  ‘i mean’  ,  and  ‘uh’  ,  a  lot  .  you’ve  probably  asked  him  to  talk  a  little  faster  once  or  twice  .
is  named  stone  because  he  was  conceived  at  a  rolling  stones  concert  .  shout  out  to  mick  jagger  .  his  mom  always  tells  him  that  and  he  is  traumatized  by  it  .
does  a  LOT  of  drugs  ,  if  he  ever  zones  out  feel  free  to  assume  he’s  tripping  about  purple  crocodiles  or  something  freaky  .
is  6  foot  tall  and  very  clumsy  about  it  !  
was  actually  born  in  greece .
best  friend  :  someone  who’s  been  there  for  stone  through  pretty  much  everything  and  vice  versa  ,  knows  all  his  fuckups  and  either  tries  to  get  him  to  become  a  better  human  being  or  just  fucks  up  right  along  with  him  .    
half  sibling  :  they’re  kinda  awkward  in  that  …  cousins  at  family  get  together  type  of  way  ?  stone  doesn’t  particularly  see  this  person  as  his  actual  sibling  and  they  neither  love  nor  hate  each  other  ,  it’s  just  rly  awkward  .
skinny  love  :  they’re  like  …  the  relationship  that  never  was  ?  they  both  cared  about  one  another  ,  but  for  some  reason  didn’t  end  up  together  so  now  ….  weirdness  happens  ?  they  dont  really  know  where  they  stand  with  one  another  n  might  still  care  but  it  doesn’t  seem  like  it’s  gonna  happen  .
exes  on  good  or  bad  terms  :  like  previously  mentioned  ...  stone  is  kinda  an  asshole  ,  so  his  relationships  mostly  end  up  not  in  the  best  way  possible  ?  that  being  said  ,  he  can  sometimes  be  decent  ,  so  maybe  there  could  be  relationships  that  end  up  in  a  generally  positive  note  ?  possibly  .
CHEATING  PLOTS  :  honestly  stone  might  be  the  king  of  cheating  ?  he  just  doesn’t  care  ?  he’s  such  an  asshole  .  this  doesn’t  even  have  to  be  romantic  either  ?  he  could  have  hooked  up  with  someone  his  friend  liked  or  someone’s  MOM  ,  like  .  he  just  cheats  everyone  on  everything  all the  time  . 
first  love  :  the  person  who  he  thought  was  going  to  give  him  the  romance  that  his  mom and  dad  had  ,  could  have  ended  on  good  or  bad  terms  but  he  always  holds  a  special  place  in  his  heart  for  them  . 
flings  or  fwbs  :  he  probably  has  plenty  of  those  because  stone  is  at  a  phase  in  life  where  he  doesnt  really  believe  in  monogamy ?  i’m  serious  i  hate  him  .  he  probably  has  a  bunch  of  flings  and  not  gonna  lie  ,  he  could  be  stringing  some  of  them  along  just  because  i  love  me  some  drama  .
platonic  siblingish  friendship  :  someone  he  doesn’t  even  think  about  being   with  .  probably  someone  he  kind  of  sees  like  a  sibling  and  is  just  really  protective  about  . 
party  pals  :  they  don’t  really  have  much  in  common  ,  but  they  have  a  great  time  whenever  there  are  parties  and  fun  adventures  around  .
bad  blood  :  stone  doesn’t  really  hate  anyone  ,  but  there  are  definitely  people  he’s  uncomfortable  around  or  who’s  presence  he’s  really  not  fond  of  ?  possibly  a  lot  of  cold  shouldering  and  some  snarky  remarks  ,  nothing  to  extreme  though  .
okay  so  i  feel  like  this  ran  a  little  long  .  it  probably  did  .  a  lot  of  it  was  recycled  from  my  old  intro  but  yall  still  wouldnt  believe  how  long  that  took  me  .  so  like  this  if  u  hate  stone  &  lets  plot  !  
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Survey #152
“if mary was only 14 when she had jesus, what does that make god?”
What’s something you initially disliked, but ended up liking? Uhhh... I'm drawing a blank right now. If you’re interested in having a long term relationship with someone, do you think that waiting a certain amount of time before you first have sex is a good idea? Or does it not matter?  I think it's a smart idea.  To me personally, sex should be an intimate experience with someone you love, not with someone you don't know deeply. Have you ever discovered something big by looking through someone’s phone, Facebook, email, etc.? No, never snooped on someone. Do you have any financial regrets? Either way, what’s an example of a GOOD financial decision you’ve made?  No, I've never really had to make big money decisions. Do you think it’s a good idea for kids’ sports teams to not keep score, or do you think that’s going overboard in trying to show sensitivity? I think you shouldn't keep score.  Teach children how to have fun for the sake of fun, not winning. Name a movie that you dislike but everyone else seems to love. Why do you dislike it? Drawing a blank again. *shrugs* Are you good at compromising or are you more of a “my way or the highway” kind of person?  I'm pretty nice at compromising, but of course it's going to depend on the case sometimes. Do you know any couples who sleep in separate beds? Do you think that if a couple makes that decision, they will eventually break up/divorce?  Yes, because one of them snores loudly.  But that doesn't mean they're gonna break up... Have you ever had a horrible boss or teacher? Did you ever confront them about it?  No, thankfully. Does it usually take awhile for you to completely come to terms with your emotions after something big happens or do you let it all out right away?  It's kinda both.  But mostly the former; I deeper understand what I'm feeling then. Is Thanksgiving an important holiday to you? Who did you spend last Thanksgiving with?  Honestly no, not really.  I should appreciate it more than I do for the sake of its concept. How far into your current (or last) relationship did you start thinking about your future with that person? Probably too early to be considered normal lmao. Are you a believer in “signs” from the universe about things in your life? If you are, can you think of a particular example? No. Name some things that one or both of your parents are really good at or really interested in.  Mom is suuuper into surgeries/seeing how the body works, and Dad's good at building shit I guess lmao. If someone told you that you would never achieve something and you ended up doing it, would you have any interest in finding that person and showing them?  Tbh yeah lol.  I do NOT take people underestimating my abilities kindly.  That's one reason the breakup was so bad. What is the most jealousy-induced thing you’ve ever done? Ehhhmmm.  I don't think I've done something in hopes of making someone jealous. Ever been kissed under fireworks?  No, but #goals. Which of your friends lives closest to you?  Colleen.  AKA, the only friend whose location I know. Do you like calling or texting better?  Don't call me, like ever lol. When was the last time you were extremely disappointed?  When I learned Mom and I couldn't go to the P!atD concert.  It's been a week or two and I'm still bummed. Do you think its right for straight guys to get their tongue pierced?  ....... Does any human being on Earth believe it's wrong?????? Do you talk dirty to people?  HUNNY I couldn't even talk dirty in the middle of my ex and I doing shit lmao. Honestly, who was the last person to tell you that they love you?  Dad; we talked on the phone a bit. The last thing you heard?  I'm listening to "Demons Are A Girl's Best Friend" by Powerwolf on repeat asjfdakjwi I'm addicted. Have you ever been to an animal shelter?  Yeah. Does it rain a lot where you live?  I wouldn't necessarily say a lot?  Afternoon thunderstorms are just about daily in the peak of summer, though. Do you live in the suburbs?  No. If you have a dog, does it bark a lot?  Ugh, both of them.  Slightest noise outside our house or in our driveway, it's over. What are your 3 top favorite movies?  The Lion King, Finding Nemo, and then probably The Lion King II. Can you juggle?  No. Who was your favorite Disney princess as a child?  Ariel. Who are your style icons?  Like every serious goth in the world give me money to afford this style. Do you believe in an afterlife?  I really do.  Will it be wonderful, bad, lonely, peaceful, reunited with our loved ones, who knows, but I believe in something good. What do you fear most about death?  The possibility there is no afterlife.  I obviously wouldn't exist anymore so wouldn't experience anything, but.  I never want my essence to vanish. What is your favorite country?  Dunno. Glitter or feathers?  I'm a glitter bitch. Have you ever self harmed?  Yeah. What is your favorite type of cake?  Red velvet. Who was your favorite author as a child?  Erin Hunter. Do you ever have days where you just don’t do anything?  Um, everyday???? Have you ever been extremely tired but refused to go to sleep?  Yes, if it's too late to nap but too early to sleep.  And this one time I had a paranormal experience and I was terrified to. What’s the longest amount of time you’ve been stuck in traffic?  Maybe around an hour during a roadtrip? Best field trip experience?  5th grade zoo trip with Dad, my then-best friend, and her mother. What is the most amount of money you’ve spent on a meal before?  Nothing impressive. What is the worst thunderstorm you’ve experienced?  We've had plenty, who knows. Have you ever had problems falling asleep in class?  I've never gone to sleep in class. Have you ever been on the barrier or front row at a concert?  No. Are your parents supportive of you?  Yes, Mom especially. Has your mom ever directly told you that she favored your other sibling(s) over you?  No. Do your folks still have sex? Does it disgust you?  They're divorced so y'know. Do you like dried fruit (e.g. bananas, mangos, plums, etc.)?  NO. Can you stand eating the crusts of a slice of sandwich bread?  Yes, but it's my least favorite, so I eat it first to get it out of the way. Do you sleep with your window open at night?  Hell naw I don't want no Welcome to the Game shit. Do you do your homework at home or in class? Or how about in class the day it’s due?  I liked to start it in class if I could, but did the rest at home. When did you last see your parents?  I saw Dad a few days back at Ryder's b-day party, and I saw Mom this morning. Does it bother you when people get too obsessed about stupid stuff?  I feel like you're coming for me. What is the one fast food restaurant you have NEVER been to?  Denny's. Have you ever gotten to see the movie Twilight? Not the whole thing.  Nicole got it for Christmas and played it that day, and I stayed out in the living room with the family 'cuz yeah, Christmas. What was your favorite cartoon character as a kid?  Courage, probably. Do you live in a house or an apartment?  House. Do you live in the city or country?  Country. Do you take any prescription drugs?  Yeah. What is the one TV show you could watch over and over again?  That '70s Show. What is your favorite animal?  Meerkats, specifically the Kalahari sub-species. Who were the last 3 males you talked to?  Dad, Ryder, and Nick. What was the last alcoholic drink you tried for the first time? Did you like it?  White wine and I wanted to die. Have you ever had to claim insurance? What for?  No. Can you write in cursive?  Yeah, but I've forgotten one or two letters.  Not sure I recall the capital "g." Have you ever viewed the moon through a telescope?  No. Where do you like to sit in the movie theater?  Middle. Do you normally finish one book before starting another?  When I read, I did. What is your favorite hot drink?  Hot chocolate. Do you wish you had a pool table? Omg so I would love to have like an arcade sorta room with stuff like that, but I doubt it'll happen. Is chest hair a turn-on? I wouldn't call it that for me personally.  I prefer none or little, but I'm not gonna find a guy unattractive just for that. Which has been the best year of your life so far?  2017.  Full of growth and good memories. Do you have a picture with your middle finger up? No, but admittedly I wanna have one of Sara and me kissing with one for the camera because gay pride to piss off homophobes lol. If your boyfriend or girlfriend smoked pot, would you care?  I'd care if it was for non-medicinal use and illegal in the state. When is the last time you attended a church service?  Oh jeez.  Sometime last year when Colleen was in her super-religious phase. Does it bother you when people respond with one word texts? If I'm making an effort to make conversation, yes.  If there's not really anything to respond to, no. If you could have a twin, would you?  No. If you had to give up your arms or your legs -which would it be?  Legs.  I cherish the use of my arms more. If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about yourself, your life, the future or anything else, what would you want to know?  If I'll be happy and content. If you had to be sick for the rest of your life would you choose something that kills you quickly & painfully, or bearably but slowly?  Yikes, not sure.  I guess the latter?  I don't want to just abruptly leave my loved ones. Have you ever made out with a member of the same sex?  Not yet. :P What is the coolest band name you have ever heard?  Definitely some kind of heavy or death metal band.  Off the top of my head, I think Cradle of Filth sounds wicked. Who was the last smoker you were around? Did they smoke around you?  Dad, and yes. Who do you know that can make you feel better if you’re not feeling happy?  Sara and certain YouTubers. Are you more talkative over the Internet?  YEAH DEFINITELY. Have you ever done something sexual that you regret?  Nah.  Loved him then, whatever. Have you ever said anything to the last person you kissed that you regret?  Yeah. Where do you wanna go for vacation?
  I'd love to go to the pink beaches in the Bahamas ahhhh Do you only wish the best for your ex?  Yeah.  I kinda even do with Jason, but at the same time, I want that fucker to see he will never find a perfect relationship, as he obviously wants judging from me and the girl he dated after me.  So I take that back, I don't think I wish the best for him until he learns his lesson. Do you change your phone background a lot?  No. Does a male or female sing the last song you listened to?  Male. Can you count in Roman numerals?  To a certain height.  I don't know what comes after "X"s.  Maybe "L?" What’s in your front yard?  Grass, a small tree, some small flowers... Have you ever lucid dreamed? Would you like to, or does the thought of being able to control your dreams scare you?  No, but it'd be cool to. Would you like the ability to read minds?  No. Do you know how to fish?  Yes. Did you/are you planning on going to college?  I'm going back in January. Have you ever built a snowman?  Yeah.  We rarely get the kind of snow that packs enough to make one, though. When was the last time you moved to a new house?  Over a year ago. Do you know any high school sweethearts? How’s life treating them? My best friend and her husband.  They still love each other and have a son now. Which is the scariest ride you have ever been on in a theme park? This ride that took you way too high up into the air then abruptly dropped & it was horrifying ahhhhhh
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survivormetaverse · 3 years
Rites of Passage
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Elle: I never met you, here's a joke!Never trust a pirate duck.They have the power to unleash the quackin'.🦆🏴‍☠️
Amy: I wish I got to meet you! You seem so wonderful.
Jodi: Hey Bri, we never got to play together but you destroyed my guy Jared’s perfect game in the first tribal council and I thought that was pretty funny. Cheers!
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Elle: I was SO sad when you were voted out 🥲 because I figured we'd swap into the same tribe or make merge and we could work together and talk about Stardew Valley, I also started listening to the Penumbra podcast (which I know you listen to The Magnus Archives, but there's a lot of overlap between the fandoms so I thought maybeeee you had listened to it too) Anyway! It doesn't really matter I just was really sad when you were voted out ❤️Here's a joke ^_^: I asked a French speaking man if he played video games.He answered, "wii".
Amy: I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet you. I loved your intro video and I had heard of you from past games. You seem so cool.
Jodi: Also never got to play with you, but Brayden told me you’re cool so hopefully I’ll meet you some time in a game!
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Elle: I just know you from Kyoshi where you voted me out and we didn't really talk that much… so 😅 I hope you had fun in Metaverse?Here's a dad joke: My grandma started walking 5 miles a day when she was 65She’s 91 now! But we have NO idea where she is 🤷🏽‍♀️
Amy: I was so hoping to chat with you again because we barely got the chance in HB. You are wonderful and I hope to one day actually play on the same tribe as you!
Jodi: I heard you were my guy’s ride or die until you weren’t, you won the very first comp of the season so good job, hope to see you around in the community!
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Elle: A truly unanimous vote, I never met you, but you dropped this, king 👑✨A joke: There once was a king who was exactly 12 inches tall!Terrible king, but he made a great ruler!📏🤴✨
Amy: The legend! All I know about you is you have some chaotic energy and I love that! 
Jodi: The truly unanimous vote of the season....we really wanted to give you your first W but you literally just did not show up even for your vote out. I still wonder to this day if you’ve found out you got voted out yet. Nevertheless, nice saying hi to you a couple times!
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Elle: You were super nice and I'm sad that you were voted out as soon as you were 💔 we should've talked more when we were on the same tribe.You know every time I see a Jennifer Aniston movie, it seems like she's playing the same person.I guess she's a victim of Rachel profiling.
Amy: Girl I wish I got to know you better because once you came back online after the tribe swap you were so sweet. I really enjoyed your presence and I think the game could have been very different had we worked together. Wishing you all the best.
Jodi: I’m glad I got your vengeance :) Sorry you didn’t last longer in the game! Bye mittens
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Elle: I don't know you, but here's a dad joke:Yesterday I spotted an albino dalmatian.It was the least I could do for him🖌
Amy: Oh Danny how I wish it would have worked out with us two! You were so fun and I loved working with you but I’ll never forget sitting on call for an hour when you ghosted our challenge. I’m sorry it ended like that, but I hope we get to play again together because I adore your vibe!
Jodi: All my Fools paragraphs are going to involve Jared since that’s the only relation I have with you all, but Danny I heard you’re my guy’s other ride or die and he told you about his idol. I grilled him when he told me about it at the merge because damn you were connected. You would’ve told everyone (but everybody knew already lol) hope to see you around!
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Elle: Ginnyyyyy 💔 I'm sorry I didn't really want to vote you out but I wasn't trying to ruffle any feathers that early into merge, I truly did believe you when you said you were done being chaotic. Your lipsync TikToks are very fun🎶A joke for you: What do you call a singing computer?A Dell! 🎤🎶
Amy: I’m so sorry girl. I didn’t want to see you go, but it was decided. I enjoyed playing this game together through all of premerge and making it through the cursed Fools tribe with you and sitting in that hour challenge call just vibing. I hope we can chat more in the future. I am wishing you all the best because you deserve great things.
Jodi: Girl, you were my first comp partner and I wish we got closer and could play together more. I really thought you were super connected with other Stings players and that’s why I had to boot you before the Jury phase, because I wasn’t sure I could get close enough with you to work together. Regardless, you were fun to have on Phantom and I hope we can cross paths again!
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Elle: My Libra rising sibling ♎️✨ I wish we got to work together more in this game, without that ‘no items’ twist round you definitely would've made it far. Thank you for talking astrology with me, giving Colin your items which ended up helping my game too, and just the existence of Neptune 🥰 big Brookyln 99 "I've only known [Neptune] for a day but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself" vibes.Le joke: My partner just broke up with me. They're sick and tired of my constant zodiac puns.It Taurus apart, I'm in Pisces writing this.(a second one): Why did the nurse carry a red pen?In case she needed to draw blood!💉
Amy: Dennis 😭😭😭!!! I am so so sorry you were voted out that way. There were whispers the previous round too and I was able to squash that, but for your round it was decided before I could act and I saw Colin being villainized for sticking up for you. I am so, so sorry for how things went. I so wish we would have stayed closer in this game because we could have done great things together! I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for our conversations before you went because without them I would not have flipped to protect Colin. You were our guardian angel. Thank you for giving Colin your gifts and still trusting me to confide in me. I hope we can play in another game together because I wanted to work with you from Day 1! You are incredible and I wish you all the good vibes in the world!
Jodi: Dennis, you truly were the one to watch this season, because your reads and intuition were amazing. That’s why I aligned with you, because I like working with other thinkers. I’m really sorry that I voted you out that round, because I knew that if I were to strike, I could not miss with you. I rightfully knew that you had something really good, in not just 1, but 2 idols. After going for 15.5 hours on that Hunt, I knew that the only person that could’ve beaten me was you. You pushed me to be a better player and you definitely made it a very tough hill for me to climb to get to this point. I’m not sure if you gave me your vote this time, and I understand if you didn’t, but I adore your love for the game and I hope that next time we can align and blaze through some games. I give you props for figuring out my game so early on and you were the one that kept me on my toes and pushed me to play harder. I have lots of respect for you as a person and a player of this game, I hope we can be friends after this. 
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Elle: From our first real interaction I knew you should be someone I'd work with. Unfortunately, I didn't end up reaching out really until it was a bit too late 😅 And we kinda ended up on opposing ends… whoops!I still think we could get along really well! ☺️ We're both creative and funny (though my humor is more an… acquired taste 😂 dad jokes aren't for everyone, I suppose) and have a lot of the same pop culture references from that one challenge lol.I hope your first ORG experience was still a good one, though 💖. Maybe I'll get to ally with you in the future?Un joke: Whenever my artistic partner is sad, I let them draw on my body,It's always good to have a shoulder to crayon.🖍✨
Amy: Babs! I don’t know how many times I wrote to other contestants and my host chat “I just want to be friends with Babs!” I wish we could have chatted more because I absolutely adore your energy. I had the best times on call listening to you. And like you said, great minds think alike. Our double tie was so fun! Hope to chat more soon!
Jodi: Babs, I truly adore you and you were the light of the tribe. I understand that your vote out seemed like a big betrayal, but I truly did not want you to go there. Colin and Elle both played things and everyone else was immune. I had to pick between you and Jared and I just could not vote out Jared due to our relationship. I hope you can forgive me on a personal level after this and we can talk because a lot of my joy in this game came from you. 
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Elle: Well, this turned out better than Kyoshi did between us 😅 so at least there's that. It was fun being allies for a sec, and here's hoping neither of us gets swap screwed in the future 😂.Your joke: I have a friend who writes songs about sewing machines.He's a Singer songwriter, or sew it seams.
Amy: Brayden! Omg Brayden first I am so sorry I gave you that fake idol. I didn’t know it was going to you; I only knew it was going to second place. When Raffy told me it was you I was like omfg I accidentally gave a fake idol to one of my closest allies 🤦‍♀️. I want to see your creative challenge submission bc I think you probably deserved the win over me. Brayden, you were incredible in this game and I kept trying to see if you wanted to flip with me with some hints haha but you were closer with Jodi. Congratulations on graduating and on being Anastasia’s best friend! I loved getting to know you and working with you. I’m so sorry it ended the way it did. Hopefully I’ll see you in another game or mini! You’ll do great things!
Jodi: Brayden, I severely underestimated you in this game, even though I knew that you were going to be incredible since you’ve played before. When we met up at the merge, I was so grateful to have you be somebody I could bounce ideas off of. Anastasia and I said this later in the game, but you two and me and Jared should’ve come and done a 4-person alliance and rip through the late game. You were such a loyal ally and I really hope we get to play again some time. 
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Elle: You have a very rational and sort of quietly analyzing mind that I noticed almost immediately and knew that I'd want you on my side, not only because I'd love to be allies with someone like that, but because I knew as an enemy you could easily be a death sentence.I appreciated your love for Survivor and lived in fear of a super idol since the first moment you mentioned their existence 😂. I really wish corn tribe could've made it to FTC 🌽💔, Ohioans for life! (I'm kidding I'm getting out of this state as soon as possible, but it was fun to bond over Ohio with you!)An edited! joke (see that was a slight joke right there… okay I'll see myself out): Did you hear about the guy trying out for editor for the sums series of Math Magazine?It was an addition edition audition.
Amy: JAY! My Disney buddy!!! So I didn’t know Raffy and Jay Bee were going to expose me in that all or nothing tribal for being at Disney lol I was trying to keep it on the DL. Otherwise I would have freaked out more with you over WDW and your trip and my upcoming trip the next week haha!!! We have to catch up after this! I adore you and our chats. I hope you don’t have to sleep on any more chairs and you are having a great summer at work! Love your positive energy. You are on your way to big things!
Jodi: Jay, I have so much to say to you both about the game and about you as a person. As an ally, you were so loyal to me even when people were not nice to you about it, and you stood up for me and always had my back. You played your role in the game to perfection and people are mad about it just because you were never actually on the bottom. I’m sorry I had to vote you out because they made me force my hand. I love you to death and I am so glad we got to play this game together. Having this opportunity showed us that we can absolutely do this again and I will be your goat next time we play together. I promise. 
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Elle: Colin 🥺🥺🥺💗 When I say I literally almost gave up on this game when you left (Amy can testify). We were a little devious team and it was so much funnn, Amy was the double agent super spy, you were the person on comms with all the connections and gadgets, and I was the nerd in the van planning out the heist routes and typing really fast until I look up really dramatically and say, "I'm in".Also here's the list of book reccs you asked for✨:
The Truly Devious series by Maureen Johnson, it’s a mysteryyyy and it's a lot of fun! A fun little cast of characters to get attached to ^_^
The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, I mentioned this one before, it's a classic but you can read it in one sitting And it's funny. We love to see it💕 Plus it's pride month and we love Victorian era gay poet/playwright/authors.
Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston, Look. This book is amazing, it is queer🏳️‍🌈 (mlm protag relationship but also way more queer characters), it is well written, it's romantic as hell, it's spicy, I don't know how to describe how good it is I'm getting emo thinking about it read ittttttt 💖 (Casey McQuiston also has a new book out with a wlw relationship and we also love to see thattt✨)
I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson. Okay soooo this isn't a mystery, but I feel like people into mystery novels would enjoy the way the plot unravels. Also I love this book. That is all ^_^ Also it is queer as well🏳️‍🌈, mlm relationship.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. Haven't read it, but from what I know about it and what books you said you were into and it's acclaim/reputation, I think you'd be into it.
Generally speaking, I am more in the YA/romance/fantasy side of things but I tried to tailor the list to things I genuinely think you'd enjoy ❤️A joke ^_^: Everyone tried so hard to figure out why Mr. Edwards changed his name to Mr. EvansBut after all these years, it's still a Mr. E
Amy: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭!!!! I won’t even lie here before writing this I spent 20 minutes crying thinking about seeing you at FTC because I am just so sorry. I wanted to sit next to you as you won and I feel like I let you down. I am so sorry for how that round went. I was MAD mad after. When you said you, me, Elle F3 I was all in and when I lost you I made it my mission to get both Elle and myself to the end in your honor. I also regret not grabbing drinks with you in KC because that would have been absolutely hilarious even if our planned tribe fight didn’t pan out hahaha. I loved every second of working with you in this wild game. Your social game is incredible and I am so thankful to you for doing everything you did. I’ll never forget sitting on a 20 minute call with Brayden and Jodi about voting you out, hanging up, and immediately calling you to plan how to keep you safe. Sorry I didn’t tell you about the tricks up my sleeve, too. Thank you for making this game so fun to play that I ignored my family in Disney World. All my love ❤️
Jodi: Colin, I wasn’t quite sure what direction to go with this, but I’ll just be open and honest. I really did want to play this game with you, but after realizing the true threat of you having all of Dennis’ stuff (which was correct), I had to get rid of you not because I didn’t want to play, but just because I wanted my game in my own hands, and with 3 immune advantages, you were able to cruise from F7 to F4 with no risk. Sort of like James in China, you have to blindside them before they cruise to F4. That’s one less guaranteed spot for everybody, and I didn’t want to rely on whether you liked me enough to keep me around. For the same reasons that you were upset with Jared and Jay, I too, did not want to play somebody else’s game. I wanted to put my game in my own hands and that’s what I did. You were not supposed to go at F7, we were just trying to get rid of your idol. I was hoping you’d appreciate the gameplay that I was not willing to rely on riding coattails and be in someone else’s good graces to keep me around. Hopefully I’ve explained this well enough during FTC as well. I had no ill will, just wanted to play my own game, not somebody else’s. For the record, if I didn’t make it back into the game or got voted out again with you at the end, I was going to vote for you to win. You pushed me to play harder and be a better player because I knew you would not be easy to outwit and outplay. I’ve told many people this and I can respect and appreciate being outplayed. 
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Elle: Joshhhh, my buddy 💔 I'm really sorry you got rocked out, Amy and I were willing to take the risk of being rocked out but we didn't tell you because you had voted for Colin the round previous. To be clear we were still willing to work with you, but the wound was kind of fresh and it seemed silly to give you sensitive information at the time. You did get past F8 this time! But I am sorry about going to rocks, didn't mean to lose you, king.A bit of humor: What does a panda use to make pancakes?A pan...duhI had multiple cooking themed onessss:A student baked a loaf of bread for home economics class.At the end of the class, his teacher returned the loaf and told him that he had gotten an A.The student said: “Thanks, that’s just what I kneaded.”
Amy: Josh I am so sorry you went out on rocks. I know that is the last way you wanted to go. You probably won’t forgive me but I really didn’t want you to go there. I was aiming for Jodi or Jared, but had already mentally prepared for rocks before the twist was announced. I truly hope you get to play again and not be victim to a twist or rocks. You are an absolutely incredible player which made me cautious and frustrated at times haha! Love your energy and I am manifesting that you get a new job that you absolutely love because you deserve it!
Jodi: We had such an incredible story arc to our games. We weren’t close on Phantom, got in touch on SEES, then grew apart again before my vote out, pulled off a beautiful move at F7, and continued to work together until you got rocked out at 6. You were the surprise blessing to my game. When you approached me at F7, I found light in my game again. You had the same agenda as I did, with the same intentions and same concerns. You gave me a real chance to reintegrate into this game and I’m so happy and grateful that you decided to trust me. On top of that, your energy and personality was super fun and I’m glad we got to have fun writing each other’s names down a couple times. I treasured your trust in me a lot and I really wanted to play to the end with you. I think you’d win the game if you were in my spot today. I hope we continue to be friends and good luck with your new game.
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Elle: Thank you for remembering my birthday before Raffy reminded everyone 💛 that was very sweet and in my introduction I literally said if anyone remembered it I'd love them forever and then I proceeded to be on opposing sides with you… oops!
Granted, it wasn't really on purpose, I just happened to not be in that alliance of six people and that happened to kind of decide how lines were drawn for the rest of the game in a way.
Impressed with your sudoku skills, being on a tribal call during graduation (congrats again!), and with your coolheadness, if I had an idol while that chaos one was played you bet I'd be playing it 😂 you had a really good game and I hope you think so too ^_^
A fitting joke: If you keep trying the same sudoku puzzle, you willl eventually solve it.
It's just a numbers game, really.
Amy: Jared! You unintentionally became one of my biggest rivals because you are so good at this game! I envy your way to lie in such a believable way that I had to spend so much time convincing Colin you were lying even though I was copy/pasting your exact plan haha! You are great at challenges and frustrated me to no end when you would ONLY tell me lies. You are so smart and I can’t wait to see what you do next. For the cards that were dealt to you, you had an incredible game. Congratulations on graduating! I hope to see you in another game and actually get to work with you.
Jodi: Dear my beloved idol holder, thank you for being my in-game simp. Thank you for having your idol on deck at all times to use on me at my request :) Jared, by now I would’ve shared with everyone at FTC about our 10 year love affair, but I want you to know just how much playing this game has meant to me. After drifting apart for a good 7 years, I’m glad that Survivor brought us close again last year and that you signed up to do this. I couldn’t have played the game that I ended up playing without you despite you WANTING ME OUT AT F4. I’m glad we did this game before signing up for the show together. I cannot wait to do Blood Vs. Water 3 with you. Basing off of our track record this time, we’re going to kill it :)
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Elle: Anastasiaaaaaaaaaa💔 I'm not sure how much left I have to say to you 😅 (I am writing this kinda right after tribal so I was talking to you like an hour ago). Congrats on graduating again!! And congrats on this game kinda jealous of your streak so far 😂 you've literally never done worse than F4 do you know how many people can say that? Not many!! Definitely not me lol.
Here's a dad joke!: How do you handle a redhead's temper?
Amy: Anastasia you are absolutely incredible and I am so thankful Ginny put us in an alliance together on new Fools because I loved playing this game with you. We went back and forth on working together but every time I was glad we were both still together making it farther in the game. I truly meant when I said I would force fire for you, but I respect your decision. I am so sorry I had to keep things from you so much since you were closer with Brayden and Jodi. I hope to play another game with you because you make it so fun and you are such a great player and your social game is so good! I was so excited when you wanted to flip but I am sorry I couldn’t say yet that I already had. Congratulations on graduating and being absolutely incredible!
Jodi: Anastasia, you are the reason I got to the end, and I owe so much to you. In this game, I’ve had to play so dangerously, and my game heavily relied on having ride or dies have my back. When I came back in, we talked immediately about me throwing out your name and you writing my name down, but we got together instantly and made magic happen. You had my back and I had yours. We pulled the most iconic move in this game at the final 7 together (by now you’ll all have heard me talk about it, my plan to create immunity for 3 people) and I truly had you as my ride or die to the end. Thank you so much for playing with me, believing in me and recognizing the game that I played. I love you and can’t wait to be best friends with you and Brayden 
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