#at least in composition for what the assignment was supposed to be
britneyshakespeare · 2 years
drawing just eats up my fucking time man
#eats up my time and my charcoal pencils#i don't even like charcoal pencils. i love charcoal i'm meh on graphite. charcoal pencils... in some ways they're the worst of both worlds#tales from diana#i spent five fucking hours doing my drawing homework and it came out w Several Fucking Foundational Flaws#at least in composition for what the assignment was supposed to be#and i was so unsatisfied w it bc in the end the figure i ended up doing was so small#bc i was focusing on adding a lot of detail to the room i was sitting in#and im soooo fucking anal-retentive about drawing rooms. long story short i should've just. zoomed in like 3.5x and not#done all that much. i nearly burnt myself out before i even started drawing ME (THE POINT OF THE ASSIGNMENT)#(IT'S A FIGURE DRAWING CLASS NOT A LINEAR PERSPECTIVE CLASS)#the figure i drew is kinda cute actually but so squished it doesn't look... much like me at all#maybe it's also my hair being tied back but the facial features are so small they dont look like anyone in particular#and as small as they are they don't really resemble me much either#so i was so unhappy w it that i drew a very VERY zoomed in one that was just. well mainly my face.#it was on a smaller piece of paper#(normally we do them on 18'' x 24'')#i drew the ceiling and walls in the background but it's like. very much not the focus.#there's a bit of shoulder and arm too but my hair is covering up a lot bc i let it down#it's not very much fitting the assignment either but i thought it made up for the whole... lack of PERSON that i didnt have in my first one#and counting the breaks i had to take to let my brain melt that all took like... six and a half hours#but i couldn't NOT do all of that. i just. ugh. i wish drawing were fucking easy for me it absolutely is not.#there are so many things i should do instead of what i naturally think to do. and im also very slow and detail-oriented#detail-oriented but my details don't even turn out really good.#what i draw in two hours other people could draw in less than half that time#what i draw in six hours other people could draw in two#and that doesn't make me want to give it up. i'm glad i work hard. i think it's worth it for the joy i get out of learning it.#but damn. i'm just a slow-fuckin-poke.
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One very admirable trait of Yuuri is his determination to go through with an idea no matter how terrified he is if that brings him closer to his goal. We see this trait come into play over and over throughout the show. Often, this drives him to do something he has never done before but knows how to do in theory.
And then there's this:
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Viktor has assigned Yuuri a short programme, but Yuuri has absolutely no clue how to perform it because he doesn't get Eros.
Yuuri has yet to learn what (unconditional) love is, too, but he is able grasp it on a subconscious level since he doesn't struggle to explain his interpretation of On Love: Agape
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based on the level of understanding he is currently at.
However, Eros is a concept so foreign to him that his reaction to the music is just this:
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He can't even put his associations in words (note his clueless tone). These two very different reactions to both arrangements reflect perfectly his own experience and his (current) understanding of "unconditional love" and "sexual love".
Yuuri is the kind of person who despite his anxiety boldly changes the composition of his programmes over and over because he's that desparate to win and this results in some badass moves like:
putting all the jumps of his SP into the second half just because he has stamina
turning the solo jump (3S) in his SP into a quad although he never landed a 4S in competition
going back to jump 3 quads in his FS instead of one
exchange the 4T in his FS against Viktor's signature move
and most prominently: jumps 4 quads so that his FS has the same difficulty as Viktor's
While all of these are daunting for Yuuri, they're doable because he knows how to execute these jumps and he knows he has the stamina to go through with it. The ultimate result boils down to timing, technique, and stamina. But skating to Eros is a major disaster for Yuuri because he delivers his best skating when he skates true to his feelings, and to make things even worse, the stakes are astronomical (they aren't, but that's what he thinks). How should he portray something he can't even feel? How is he supposed to win the Onsen on Ice with that, especially since he believes that losing Viktor as a coach is at stake? No wonder the poor boy outright freaks out at the thought.
Yuuri would have been happy skating to Agape because he has an innate basic understanding of unconditional love. However, he's completely blind to Eros and will need to rely on workarounds to deliver a somewhat decent performance--at least until he and Viktor know each other well enough for Yuuri to figure out how to seduce him with his skating.
And yet in that moment, Yuuri doesn't flinch because he wants Viktor to coach him. He wants to win the Grand Prix Final. He wants Viktor for himself and to eat katsudon with him. All these things embody a dream he has been pursuing for half his life, a dream that involves skating and Viktor, and for the first time in his life, this dream is within reach. He's not going to let a 15-year-old punk take that away from him, he's going to fight for it with all he has. Because even though Yuuri doesn't get Eros, he has eros and this eros is very possessive (and Viktor happens to like that a lot, but Yuuri doesn't know that yet).
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Even when he's terrified does Yuuri keep pursuing his goals because he has this strong determination inside him that pushes him to great lengths to make his dreams reality. Nothing is too difficult not to try. Not even when he's supposed to portray with his skating something he neither feels nor has a concept of. He's terrified, he isn't ready for that, but he does it anyway. To me, that's an exceptional showcase of his bravery.
A little rant below:
I often see fans treat Yuuri like his anxiety and his determination combined turn him into an enigma of contradictions. Like he's two different personas. But these two traits don't contradict each other at all. That's called bravery and this bravery eventually starts bleeding into Yuuri's off-ice decisions like when he sends Viktor home to Makkachin although he needs Viktor by his side, or when he decides to quit his dream so that Viktor can continue pursuing his (that was a bullshit decision, but that's not the point).
Yuuri claims that he needs Viktor to believe in him and that because of Viktor's love he is stronger, and while it's true that Viktor is a positive influence, his presence in Yuuri's life only reinforces Yuuri's own innate strength.
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catiecat1320 · 3 months
Chapter 4 of 11! [MasterPost]
Kind of fell off the editing cliff here. If the quality drops, I'm sorry
Read Below 🔽
“No. No, no. That’s not right.” Shadow grumbled, frantically spamming Middle C in an attempt to quell the ever-growing urge to slam his head into the piano. It wouldn’t be good for him or the several-hundred-pound instrument, he reasoned. 
That didn’t stop him from considering it, though.
Three days prior, the world famous Sonic, dancer extraordinaire, had given him an assignment. Learn about piano improvisation. Simple. 
Shadow was failing miserably. Unless the so-called “special feeling” the dancer had failed to describe was raging frustration, at least. If it were, then he probably knew it better than Sonic himself.
Sighing, he flexed his hand, joints popping. He’d spent the past few days trying to teach himself to no avail. Well, technically he could do it to an extent, but it sounded so off to his ears that he could only loop around and revise it again to satisfy himself, to the point where it was probably no longer improvisation but regular composition. 
His eyes wandered around the room dejectedly, noting that he had neglected to open the curtains this morning. Damn, his succulents would suffer for that, he winced, hurrying around to let the sun in. He was getting more and more unorganized the more he obsessed over his task, reminding him unfortunately of his school days.
Deciding that trying to force his way through was getting him nowhere, Shadow closed the fallboard and grabbed the bag of chocolate-covered coffee beans sitting on the table. He flopped on the couch, careful not to spill his snack, and opened his phone, though unsure what he meant to do. 
The news seemed pretty bland, aside from something about a shooting (people these days…). He had no interest in that— he’d rather not concern himself with more, especially with things that didn’t affect him. 
Eventually he found himself staring blankly at his YouTube recommended page. Typical of him, it was full of videos of music, be it piano or otherwise. Although, they were now forever intruded by the improv techniques that failed to work for him. 
The metallic tinge of blood brought Shadow’s attention to the fang now puncturing his lip— oops. He sucked at the wound idly, taking deep breaths through his nose. Calm. There was nothing to get upset about. He was learning a new skill, and he’d say that he was doing pretty well, all things considered.
So why didn’t it seem good enough?
The hedgehog’s grip on his phone tightened, and he flicked a finger on the screen, the colored thumbnails blurring as he scrolled, and scrolled, and scrolled. The mindless movement and the visual response calmed his stuttering nerves a bit. Eventually it stopped, landing on a video of the idol he was supposed to see today.
Shadow clicked on it. 
The quality of the recording was pretty poor, but he could make out the striking blue hedgehog gliding across the stage. It seemed impossible for someone to possess such a level of grace, yet Sonic did, and he wielded it beautifully. 
Before he knew it, Shadow was stuck.
Such is the set up of these kinds of platforms, he supposed. Designed to grab your attention and keep it. He just couldn’t stop. The way the dancer moved… it was mesmerizing, appealing to parts of your soul that you didn't know existed before you watched Sonic perform on stage.
Two hours and dozens of videos later, the rumbling of a hungry stomach finally brought Shadow’s mind out of YouTube limbo… well, almost. His coffee beans had long since been emptied, so he rolled off the couch and stretched pitifully, then took his phone with him to the half-separated kitchen. As he set the device down on the counter, a commercial jingle filled the air, causing him to roll his eyes. Ads.
He let autoplay take control of what was coming next, unbothered as he shifted through his pantry, a vague idea of what he wanted to make constructing itself in his mind. But, unlike the music he was expecting, the jarring sound of talking came through instead. 
Although distorted as a typical effect of technology, Shadow knew that peppy voice as soon as he heard it. Hunger be damned, he closed the cupboard and leaned against the counter to watch.
This wasn’t an amateur recording of one of Sonic’s many performances. It was an interview, conducted about two and a half years ago. 
“...And where did you learn dance from, if you’re willing to tell? You are famed for your style, so where did you get it?” The reporter asked, the words finally filtering into Shadow’s brain.
When the camera panned over to Sonic, the difference of demeanor was jarring. The interviewer was dressed primly, sitting straight and proper, but the dancer was so casual it hurt. It looked like he hadn’t even brushed his quills, not helped by how he unceremoniously flopped on the armchair, legs crossed, completely oblivious— or maybe just uncaring— of how he was presenting himself.
At the same time, it was everything Shadow expected from the easygoing hedgehog.
“Well… no one, but also everyone and everything at the same time.” Sonic answered, cryptically. Shadow could only wonder how he managed to say everything yet not enough, all at once. “I suppose I got the basics from those ballet classes I took a long while ago. But ballet… no offense to anyone, but I didn’t like it, so I dropped out. I did learn stuff though. Everything else was kinda absorbed over the years.”
“Interesting… so you just… made everything up?”
Sonic laughed at that. “Yep! That defines me. I make everything up.”
“That takes some real talent. Have you always liked dance? Or music?”
“No. I wasn’t really exposed to that much when I was younger, actually. Would you believe me if I said I was a quiet kid?”
“No... Really?” The reporter remarked incredulously, echoing Shadow’s question. Sonic seemed so loud in everything he did.
“Yeah! I was mute, so I literally couldn’t talk. I got frustrated a lot because no one understood me. I had to learn to communicate in other ways, which is probably why dance just fascinated me when I first saw it. It’s like… a way to tell stories without words.”
“And you do it beautifully. What was your first exposure to dance, then?”
“Just a bunch of teenagers having a dance battle in the streets— they were really nice.” Sonic turned to look in the camera, a dopey smile on his face. “If y’all are seeing this, hi!”
“And if they are watching, know that the audience gives thanks for influencing a star.” The interviewer added. “Another question, this time regarding recent events. We heard news that you’re planning another charity performance.”
“Yep! And it won’t be the last one.”
“May I ask why you do such? A very noble cause, for sure, but you seem to go out of your way to them very often.”
“I’m well aware of the issues out there. Especially since I’ve experienced some first hand.  And now that I’m famous, it’s so easy to help. To raise money and awareness. So why wouldn’t I?”
“If everyone thought like you, we would live in a perfect world.” The reporter remarked. Sonic responded with a toothy grin, emerald eyes sparkling with mischief. 
“Aw, you flatter me. I’ve come to think that I’m a very difficult person, actually.”
“Hmph. Just ask my brother, he’ll go on for days. And I’m sure if you asked any of the amazing musicians I’ve worked with, they’ll say the same.” Sonic laughed. He sat up from his slumped position, only to lean on the other arm. “There’s a reason I’ve worked with so many in my career. I haven’t found one who would tolerate working with me for longer than what’s written on the contract.”
“Really? You seem like a pretty easygoing person.”
“Ha! No comment. Maybe I am, but they sure aren’t.”
“I see… I wasn’t aware you had a brother.”
“Well, not by blood, but he might as well be, so I call him that. He has to put up with me and my ‘antics,’ as he calls ‘em. You probably know him as my manager, Miles Prower.”
Shadow’s video is interrupted by an incoming call, breaking his attention. Speak of the devil… it was Sonic himself, in the present. “Heya!”
“Hi. What is it?” He responded flatly, instantly cringing at his own tone. Oops. Any luck that the idol wouldn’t notice?
“Wow, so much enthusiasm,” Sonic commented sarcastically. Dammit. “Aren’t you glad to see me?”
“I…” he scrambled to find a suitable response…They say fight fire with fire, right? “Technically I’m not seeing you.”
“Well you will be! In like twenty minutes or so,” the perky voice at the other end of the line blasted through his phone. Gosh, did Sonic put it too close to his mouth? “At the same place as last time. Be there!”
“Wait—” Shadow started, but the dancer had already hung up. He grumbled nothings to himself in half-hearted annoyance. Won’t this be fun?
He grabbed a snack, double checked that everything he needed was in his bag, and booked it.
Sonic was having a heated argument beside a RV when Shadow pulled into the parking lot. He only managed to catch a few words of the exchange, but it was quite enough.
“...I’ll be fine, buddy! It’s not that big of a deal—”
“Not that big of a deal?! Gods help me, your life could be— is in danger!”
“You don’t know that! Besides, there is literally no reason for anyone to—” Emerald eyes suddenly catch ruby, and the blue hedgehog quickly plasters a smile on his face. “Oh hey. You’re fast.”
Shadow probably shouldn’t have overheard that. But what happened, happened, and now he’s curious. Worried. What about lives in danger? He’d rather not deal with death another time.
What’s going on?
“Nothing!” Sonic replies, and Shadow realizes that he voiced that last thought out loud. “Tails is just being paranoid.”
“Am not!” The fox protested, only to get a flippant wave in response. It seemed that he shared the same sentiment about Sonic as Shadow— very, very frustrating.
“We can discuss this later, bud. Somewhere to be, remember?”
Tails shot him a withering look and sighed, seeing no point in arguing further. “Good luck with this idiot, Shadow.”
“Wha— hey!” Sonic cried indignantly, but his brother had already gotten into the RV. The fox defiantly blew a raspberry as he pulled out of the parking lot with skill and haste, leaving the two hedgehogs to scamper out of the way of the massive vehicle. “Oh, I wanna cuss at him so bad.”
But it was all in good faith, as far as Shadow could tell. Whatever the issue was, he’d leave it to the siblings to sort out. In the meantime, the remark reminded him of the last time they’d met. “I thought you said not to worry about self censoring.”
Sonic blinked at his comment, confused for a fraction of a second before smirking. “Hm. True. But I probably shouldn’t shout naughty words in Amy’s parking lot. She’d have my head.”
Before Shadow could say another word, the door to the dance academy swung open, letting out a very familiar class.
“Mr. Shadow!” Cream bounced over and gave him a bear hug. “Hi! And hi, Mr. Sonic!”
Shadow couldn’t help the smile that formed on his face as he scooped her up and swung her around, eliciting excited giggles from the bunny. 
“Hey, how have you been?” He asked as he set her back down, giving her a few gentle pats on the head.
“Great! I had a dance test today, and Miss Amy said I did really well! And I’m still practicing piano, just like you asked. How are you, Mr. Shadow? How is working with Mr. Sonic? What’s he like? Is he fun? Tell me, tell me!”
“He… he’s confusing. But nice.” Shadow answered hesitantly. Truthfully, he wasn’t sure what to say about the idol. The times that they’d spent with each other only swirled mixed impressions further, leaving him unsure of how to feel. He looked up, expecting to see Sonic where he stood a moment prior, but the dancer had disappeared. 
A hand tugged at his sleeve. “He’s over there,” Cream pointed, directing the hedgehog’s attention to the academy entrance. Amy and Sonic were by the door, chatting up a storm. Seeing them so close felt… off-putting, in a way that Shadow couldn’t put a finger on. 
As a car pulled up that he recognized as Vanilla’s, Cream left his side to greet her mother, sparing him only a curious look and a wave. Shadow absentmindedly waved back as he watched Sonic throw an arm around Amy’s shoulder, grinning widely as he pulled her into a side hug, squishing his cheek to hers. The pink hedgehog’s half-hearted protest, audible from across the parking lot, devolved into laughter as Sonic only squeezed her tighter, dramatically announcing something that Shadow couldn’t hear.
Why did his gut seize at the sight? 
He toed a crack in the asphalt. It was an uncomfortable feeling, and completely unfounded, at that. It was natural for friends to be that intimate. 
…Was it jealousy? That thought made him uneasy. He supposed it might be because he hadn’t been so close to someone his age since—
A perky voice snapped him out of his thoughts. “Shadow! Earth to Shadow! Reentry prompted! Come on!” 
He shook off whatever came over him and obliged, plodding over to where Sonic stood. The dancer had his head tilted, a quirk of his that Shadow noticed surfaced whenever he was confused or deep in thought. Whatever he was concerned about, he didn’t say, wrapping gloved fingers around Shadow’s arm and pulling him along to his borrowed studio. 
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alostlovergirl · 2 years
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She is all mines (Tony stark x reader)
Summary: Tony stark has always been spoiled. So spoiled, that when he is rejected by a journalist, he takes it as a chase. A chase to make that beauty belong to him and only him. I mean in his mind she was already his, so why not in real life too?
Warnings: possessive behavior, stalking, kidnapping, non-con, abusive behavior, forced pregnancy, breeding, and violence.
Tony stark has always gotten what he wanted in life. He never took no for an answer and no one cared to say no to the big man himself, no matter now insufferable he was to them. So, when his manager declared to throw a party for other mechanical inventors to show off their inventions and be funded by the big man himself, he agrees because he knows he can get a hookup for the night.
He got dressed up real nice and hosted this event. The party was going real nice. New inventors getting the recognition that they deserved and inventors that had been long forgotten, were now getting back into the game. Everything was going very well when he caught the eye of a young and beautiful journalist that seemed to be walking around like a lost puppy dog. The young women was looking around at all of the hightech inventions that were being presented to the public eye with curious eyes. Tony chuckles to himself before downing the whiskey he had in hand and walking over to the young women.
"Darling, you seem to be lost. Are you sure you are supposed to be here?” he teased as he comes up behind the young women. She immediately turns around with fear dancing around in her tummy. She looks at him and Tony watched her eyes widen with glee.
"oh! I had been looking for you!" she seemed excited and nervous. She holds up a tape recorder, a beaten up composition book, and an old #2 pencil. ” could I please interview you for a newspaper?”
That question did not surprise him. He had beeninterviewed countless times and plus being alone with this beauty meant that he could charm his way into her pants. He doesn't say anything to the poor nervous women to a private conference room upstairs and away from the loud crowd.
They walk into the conference room and Tony closed the door, cutting out the loud downstairs party. He turns on the bright, white light in the conference room. He turned around and saw that the young women had already made herself comfortable.
"sorry for the nervousness. I have social anxiety and it’s hard to find my assignments in such a big crowd.” she says as folded her hands in between her thighs with such an innocent gaze that Tony felt his cock twitch in his pants. Goal, he couldn't wait to fuck her dumb when he finished this interview.
He thinks that he was getting into her pants, but little does he know that his night would take a drastic turn for the worst.
She started her interview and Tony listened intensely to her questions, providing answers to everything she wanted to know about him. " enough about me, sweetness...” he holds up his hand to her before standing up. He walks over to her, filling her nostrils with vanilla, coffee, and whiskey. He sits on the table, next to her laptop, and grabs her face.
"tell me some things about you", he expected to see her face full with a red tint, but all he got was an annoyed look that was fully directed at him. She pulls her face from his firm grip before standing up.
“ I think this interview is over, sir. I must go home and write my report." she packed up her things and slung her bag over her shoulder. Tony watched as this women pushes past him and to the door. He got up, quickly and grabbed her waist.
" oh come on, don't be like that, darling. I can show you a good time. " he tried his best to convince her to sleep with him, but she was one feisty women. “ can I at least get you name?”
“ don't be desperate, Mr. Stark. I am engaged. I am not for you, but my future husband." she pushed his hands off her waist and left the room as quickly as possible. She left Tony to think about what just happened.
He got rejected by a beautiful, young women. He chuckles to himself and rubs a hand over his face.
" this is a new experience and I love it"he takes a deep breath and turns off the light before leaving the conference room. He is going to chase her and steal her away from her fiancé.
Third Person POV
"what a fucking creep." you grumble as you maneuvered your way through the crowd and out of stark tower. You rubbed your hands against your waist, feeling absolutely disgusted with what just happened. God, you knew he was a playboy, but did he not know how to take no for an answer? You climb in your car and looked at your phone that you left on your passenger seat. You see a text message from the love of your life, Alex.
Alex was perfect in every way. He had soft brown hair, freckles, plump lips with a beauty mark smacked dab at the bottom of his deliciously plump lips.it wasn't only his looks, but he was so kind and cared so much about your needs and wants. He spoils you rotten and tries not to bother you when you are working. He listened to your experienceswith mean or creepy celebrities. He even offered to be a bodyguard for you when you go on these interview runs.
He was amazing touris and you love him dearly.
The message read," Chinese or Mexican?"
You smile and type a quick response to him before leaving the parking lot, hoping to forget about this crummy experience. You really thought he would be a nice guy.
It had been a few weeks since the party and you have been feeling weird. It felt like someone was following you, wherever you went there was a different person sitting there with a newspaper and some sunglasses. It just felt like she was being watching all the time. At the cafe, at work, at the library, especially at home. Whatever you are doing, there is somebody watching you and it was leaving you unnerved. You swear that you saw a pair of eyes in your window when you went to be with your fiancé.
Once you started to get threatening texts messages, you decided to tell your fiancé. He seemed pissed off and forced you to make a police report, but they couldn't do anything since it was a cyber attack and not a physical attack. All they said is that they would try to monitor the activity, but they didn't keep their promise.
Your lover put cameras all over your shared apartment and promised to keep you both safe. You finally felt safe. You and not know how unsafe you actually were..
On Friday of a cold October the 13th, you and your lover was watching a Friday the 13th movie. Alex held you close and was pressing loving kisses to your temple here and there. He knew you hated horror movies, but he had begged and begged you to have a movie night with because it was such a special day. Friday 13, the national unlucky day. So, you reluctantly agreed to watch it
You had completely forgotten about your ever worrying problem. You wanted to enjoy your time with your lover and leave the situation in the past.
You thought you had left it in the past until you and your lover hear a loud, banging knock on the door.
Alex paused the movie and gets up without a cautious thought in his head. "wait! Alexander! What are you going!? It could be dangerous!" you whisper-yelled at your idiot lover. He just looked back at you and lifted up his shirt, showing off the gun tucked in his pants. Your eyes widen and her continued walking towards the door. He finally opened it and not even seconds later, you hear a metal bullet hit something else metal. You jump and immediately hear your lover yell at you to hide.
You jumped up off the couch and run down the hall. You could hear the punches being thrown and groans. You hide in the hall closet and you finally can feel the hot tears running down your face. Your heart was pounding out your chest. Who the hell was in the house?
* crash*
You hear a loud crash, like someone went through a wall and finally the intruder speaks. You almost cried again when you realized who it was.
" come on out, sweetness" the calming, sweet sounding voice sounded like it was laced with poison. His footsteps get closer and closer to where she was. "well, if you don't come out it doesn't matter cause I got you heat signature. I am giving you a chance to come out to make your situation better, but I could do this the hard way.".
Your body started to shake horribly bad. Maybe you could make a run for it. Try to get help from your upstairs neighbor. You don't get a chance to think because the door swung open to reveal a crazed looking Tony stark.
You scream and are taken under the cover of night.
When you finally come to, you wake up to being naked and tied to a comfortable bed. You start squirming immediately, terrified of what you were doing here. You couldn't remember what happened to you. Finally, he comes out. Tony came out with just a robe on him and he smiles a wicked smile.
"oh,you are finally awake, my darling. Thought you would never wake up.", his voice sounded like he was taunting you. It's like he was saying, 'i caught you and you thought you could get away from me.'
You felt like crying again and all he did was smile at you. He walks over and hover over you, already touching your thighs. He rubs them, gently and leans down towards you ear as you turn away from him with a disgusted look on your face. He spoke into your ear, “ I only have you because I get whatever I want, sweetness. You don't say no to Tony stark. Should be grateful that went through all this trouble to get you all to myself. Oh, and don't worry about your boy toy. He'll be fine, just will be in the hospital for a zero day, my love." he says as slips off your engagement ring and throws it across the room.
You could feel yourself shaking and you closed your legs. He put his hands between your legs, pressing himself against your sensitive parts. He places his hand on your pussy and spreads your folds apart, running his thick finger against your dry clit. You hated every inch of it. It felt wrong with this disgusting man touching you like this, but your body was betraying you.
You could feel yourself getting wet as he brought warm pleasure in between your legs. He pushes his digit in and you cried out in pain. You were still quite dry, but Tony didn't give one fuck about you and your pleasure. He only wanted the thing that he was denied. He wanted your body and he wanted to finally fuck you dumb, like he had promised himself.
He moves his head down in between your legs and decided that tongue will do the trick of wetting you up. He kisses, licking up and down your pussy. That did the trick. It made you nice and wet, making smacking sounds. He pushes his tongue inside of your pussy and you couldn't help, but let out a sultry moan. He sits up and smiled at the fact that he dragged that moan out of you.
He brings his hand up to his mouth and licks his hand. He places his hand on your pussy and rubs your warm pussy to make you nice and wet for him. He places sloppy kisses against your next as you treat to fight him off, whimpering and begging him not to do this. At one point, you spit in his face as he wets up his cock. This only caused him to smack you in the face. “don't fucking spit my face, whore.”
You started trying to kick him, trying to get the arc reactor in his chest, but he just dodged you and while your legs were opened, he slammed right in. You scream out and he just covered your mouth' starting an unruly pace. He assaulted your pussy and watched your reactions with twisted look on his face.
You felt absolute pain. Felt like a fire was brewing in your pussy. You screamed and cried as your vision turns blurry. You did everything you could to try to get him off of you. He was so big and you felt so weak as you couldn't get him to budge. He wrapped his hand around your throat and your mind comes up with a coping mechanism by imagining that Tony was Alexander. You tried to imagine that it was Alex's big hands touching your throat and thighs. That Alex was pounding into your sensitive pussy. That it was his dick that was filling you out so amazingly.
It worked because you let out a loud moan. Your fearful screams turned into loud moans of pleasure and you hear Alex's chocolately voice speaking to you, telling you that he wanted to keep you. That he was gonna marry you and breed you to have his kids. You dian't realize that it was Tony's voice talking and not your baby.
You became dizzy with pleasure as you mind kept you in your sex filled fantasy. Tony pushes his cock deeper as he announces that he was gonna cum. He buried his cock inside which caused you to moan out and say, “cum! Fill me up with your babies please!"
Your thoughts had completely clouded your right judgement. He smiles, thinking that you finally wanted this, that you wanted him and not that fuckboy you called a boyfriend. He needed to hear you say it.
“ mmm...say it. I want you to say you want me” he growls as he starts slamming into you at a harder pace. His cock felt like it was gonna burst.
“I want you! I want you, so fucking bad”, you yell out, loudly. You felt a rush come over you. You squirted and immediately felt a warmth enter your body. That’s when you snap out your trance to the disgusting truth. Tony came inside of you.
He looks at you and smiles, wickedly. “ we aren't done. You are all mines, sweetness.”
Note: this may be bad because I haven't written smut in awhile. Hopefully, y'all enjoy it!
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The Façade will always fall (Tendou x shy!reader)
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Y/N=your name
L/N-last name
T/N=teacher’s name
F/C=favorite color
Background: you are a first year at Shiratorizawa who struggles (quite) a bit with certain aspects of school (essay writing, presentations, being taken advantage of for projects, etc.) and Tendou is a 3rd year and was assigned to be your tutor by the school after the first one had transferred schools for a better basketball program. And you’re in a dance club.
With all of that out of the way let’s get started:
YOUR POV(1st person):
Today felt harder than usual. And by that I mean everything in my day from the small mundane things like getting out of bed and eating breakfast (which spoiler alert I did not do like usual honestly) all the way to the big test I had been grinding study hours for which made me worry I was going to have to get more help from my new tutor that I still haven’t met yet.
We weren’t even halfway through the day when I knew what the outcome of my worst classes would be. Even though I know I’m meeting my new tutor after this class I’m heading to. At least I’m supposed to meet them during lunch which gives me a decent chunk of time to work.
The class where I constantly had issues being the one who was too shy to make groups myself and was the one who always ended up doing all the work. Even at some points having to stutter through 90% of the presentation because my groupmates didn’t feel like contributing. 
I thought about what sadistic plans my teacher had for our class while I was walking to English whether it was an essay, popcorn reading, or worst of all: group project. 
I arrived at my class 2 minutes early as usual and slid unceremoniously into my seat in the middle of the room and took out my book as my peers steadily entered the classroom and also took their seats.
The first 5 minutes of class were normal with us having to write a 2 paragraph composition based on a thought provoking question and us sharing with the class what our answers were. I never wanted to share my opinions out of fear that my opinions and answers would differ from my classmates’ answers. 
But right as the teacher was about to call on another student to share when the class phone rang. The teacher sighed as she walked over and answered the phone only conversing for a measly 15 seconds with her only answer being “ok I’ll send her over there now”. The murmurs spread through the class with assumptions of who it could possibly be.
When the teacher finally quenched our need to know who this lucky soul was to be able to leave:
“Ms.L/N you are needed in the office”
“Mrs.T/N may I please return here to retrieve the work later?”
“I’ll see about that, the assignment may be waived entirely” I walked hurriedly and anxiously towards the office mulling over what the reason could be for me needing to be there.
As I sat and waited in the office I finally heard my name be called by the counselor
I walked in and there was the counselor and sitting across from her is a boy with venetian red hair and a pleasant aura surrounding him.
“Ms.L/N I know you were supposed to meet your tutor during lunch but I thought it would be most beneficial for you to meet him now. Y/N L/N meet your tutor 3rd year Satori Tendou. He will be assisting you for the rest of the year.”
“N-nice t-to meet y-you T-Tendou-san.” I say as I shakily bring my hand out for a shake knowing what’s what I was trained to do. “Well it’s nice to meet you too Y/N-chan! I look forward to helping you out!”
I liked this guy already. Which was rare because 90% of the time people’s first impressions for me were not positive as people thought timid=needs to be infantilized. And he didn’t do that. All he did was show genuine interest in a genuine fashion. 
“Great! Feel free to use any empty study rooms in the library. Oh and you will both be excused from your classes for the rest of the day to get acquainted with each other!”
And as they say the rest was history…
“Alrighty Y/N-chan you can do this! I believe in you!”
“I-I don’t know a-about that what if I fail?!?!”
“With research that good it won’t matter how you choose to present it! But if the actual presentation aspect is what’s scaring you, then we can work on that! Besides, I know how excited you’ve been about this topic! You can’t give up now!”
He wasn’t wrong. I had been looking forward to researching and debating the efficacy of certain media types in regards to Ethos, Pathos, Logos in the form of persuasion.
“Why don’t we practice the wording and style of your presentation? I think practicing will help calm your nerves.”
“O-okay. Why music can enhance the efficacy of product advertisement…”
I was just winging it honestly as he looked interestingly at me while I was talking. Not speaking. Just all eyes on me flitting between my face and the computer with my slides.
“...so in conclusion contemporary music is most effective at enhancing the efficacy of product advertisement.”
“Ok that was great! You should probably tweak your introductory title to… aha! ‘Why contemporary music is the most effective advertisement enhancement.’ easy!” He said all of this as he swiftly edited the thesis of the title slide.
“Th-thank y-you T-T-Tendou-san”
“It’s no problem really. It is my job after all.” That was true. He was assigned to be with me and probably had no choice in the matter. 
“So just to check again before the end of our session. Are you feeling confident about your presentation?”
“I mean I’m sure it could be better in some way or another but I think I’m ready?”
Now Tendou was NOT an oblivious guy by any stretch of the meaning and was terrifyingly observant. 
“Hmm…ok if you say so” he said while squinting at me as if I was sitting across from him while playing among us and was the imposter. Everything about his facial expression screamed ‘this seems sus’
And with that we parted ways and went back to our dorm rooms respectively. What I had forgotten was we had dorms in the same directions and she had probably not realized that. So I just opted to tail her at a medium distance.  
I noticed as soon as she thought I was gone she shifted from walking what people would consider normal and just started…trudging?
That could only mean one thing. I know that trudge as I did that too throughout my school years. That’s the gait of a person who is trying to look tired but is really just super unhappy. 
But that doesn’t make any sense. I never see people harassing or bullying her around the halls or anything. But then again I know nothing about her peers in her classes. At least there’s still daylight and I know her English teacher is still here. 
I quickly sprinted back to the classrooms trying to remember which room was T/N’s room. 
Turns out I caught her just in time as she was just packing up her equipment.  
“Ah good evening Tendou. Can I help you with something?”
“Actually yes! You see the girl I tutor is in your class right before lunch and I know she has a presentation tomorrow. So what I was wondering is if I could come in and watch her present because I know how hard it is for her.”
“Um sure? Which student are you tutoring?”
“Oh. Y/N L/N.”
“Ok fine. I have her presenting 7th overall”
“Sounds great! Thank you so much!”
“You’re very welcome” 
As she was saying that I took off towards my dorm and plotted my before-school-interception mission
I was going down the stairs of my dorm when I kind of just…stopped and had a wave of fear overcome me knowing my presentation was in just a few hours. 
All I could think about at that point was how everyone was going to laugh at me just like last time and how I’ll fail because it got too overwhelming and I had to go not be bullied and ridiculed again. 
But I kept telling myself that I practiced for this and I wasn’t going to let Tendou-san’s help go to waste because of my cowardice. 
And looking at the time I realized I would have to run to get there with enough time to serve as a buffer in case something happened. 
I got to the hallway where my first class was and sat down to finish up/correct any problems on my math homework since that would be easy. 
So just as I finished checking over the first problem I see a pair of feet stop in front of me 
“Ohayo Y/N-chan! How are you?” Tendou said as he was bending down so his eyes could meet mine 
“O-Ohayo T-Tendou-san. I’m fine just reviewing some math work.”
“Sounds pretty responsible of you. I don’t know many people who just check it over more like doing it for the first time”. 
“I just like to make sure I keep my grades up where I can.”
“That’s still very smart” he said as he poked my side
“Oh my~is my Y/N-chan ticklish?”
Uh oh. Keep cool. Make it seem like you’re NOT flustered. 
“U-uh no”
“Really? Cause that sounded like a laugh to me~”
Fuck. Busted big time 
“N-no it wasn’t” I was sure this would convince him
But it didn’t 
“Well then I’m sure this should be fine then!” As he proceeded to run his fingers up and down my sides 
But of course a façade can only stay up for so long 
“It’s fine j-just sensitive” 
“While we’re at it why don’t you tell me why you seem so mopey recently”
“I-ihihihim nohohohot mohohohopehehey” fuck. Well I knew it was a matter of time
“Really cause last night you seemed kinda down” he said as he switched from just running his fingers up and down my sides to full on tickling me 
“Nohohohohohohohohohohohohohoho stahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahap” 
“Well well lookie at what we have here~ are you sure you’re not ticklish my little kouhai?”
“Ihihihihihihihihihi hahahahahahahahahave tohohoho keheheheheheheheeheheep workihihihihihing”  I kept trying to squirm free from his grasp and try to stop laughing and regain composure 
He decided this wasn’t enough to get me to crack and let something slip so he decided to slide his fingers down a few inches to my hips and went WILD with the scribbling and squeezing 
“Oh dear it looks like my precious little kouhai can’t handle her tickles to her wittwe hips huh? Are you finally going to tell me why you’re mopey? Or shall I continue?”
“Youhuhuuhuhu cahahahahnt I hahahahahahahahahahave clahahahahahahass”
With that statement he looked up at the wall clock in front of us “oh we have plenty of time~ feel free to keep giggling though it’s like music to my ears. Or you can tell me why you’re sad and gloomy”
“Well a deal is a deal” and with that he stopped his incursion of tickles but still held on to my midsection for support in case something happened
“S-so l-last night I-I-I started to doubt my work and I had to think about my group mates and their portions of the presentation and if I-I d-don’t th-the b-b-b-bullying wi-will st-start a-again I” and I couldn’t finish as I choked up and started crying 
“It’s ok it makes sense to be nervous and second guess yourself but what’s important to remember is bedtime anxiety decides nothing is good enough and makes everything seem like garbage. As for the other point you brought up about your group; fuck em. They did nothing and therefore deserve the F that is inevitably coming for them. I’m excited to see your hard work payoff and I don’t think they should get any credit.”
“B-b-but what will they think of me!?”
“Who cares because you’re my friend and I’ll be here for you. Just like you’ve been there for me when I was sad. Now the only edit you have to make is take their names off the powerpoint and you’ll be done!” As he said that he slipped my laptop out of my bag and proceeded to do just that. He even was kind enough to put a footnote saying: ‘L/N Y/N’s tutor Tendou Satori has removed the names of the people who contributed nothing to this project (・ω<)’
“Now let’s get your little face cleaned up and get you to math.”
“Alrighty can L/N’s group please come up?”
And she was interrupted by Tendou slamming the door open and looking at me with something I could only explain as an excited gleam in his eyes and ran to the back of the room. 
He sat at the back of the room attentively looking at me and giving a double thumbs up as well as a smile
My group mates came up with me and just as they were exiting their seats the teacher said rather suddenly “oh you three do not need to go up as L/N-san has been separated due to lack of effort on your part. Whenever you’re ready, L/N.”
And with that I started. And I winged my speech just like the day before. 
Something about Tendou being there helped. Like it was just the 2 of us in that study room again and no cares in the world. 
“…and with that I am happy to leave all of you with the conclusion that contemporary music is the best at enhancing the efficacy in persuading people in advertising.”
There was a dead silence for a second before the room went CRAZY. I heard loud and clear above the crowd Tendou screaming “ENCORE ENCORE! THAT WAS AMAZING”
I wanted to burst into tears from the joy 🥹 
“Well well well look at my perfect little kouhai who aced her presentation~” Tendou had said this as he came up to me when I was sitting alone at lunch  
“H-how do you already know?!?”
“I have my ways” honestly I wasn’t even gonna question it knowing he was like a wizard basically
“Now why don't I introduce you to my friends from volleyball. I think they would really like you!”
And just like that my love story with him begun. 
And that’s how this chapter of my life ended.
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scrawlingmouse · 27 days
writing interview tag game!! 🐁
WAUGH tagged by @abysskeeper!!
This was fun c: tagging @unironicallycringe | @unironicallytes, @redmugsforeveryone, and @carana0, and anyone else who wants to do it c:
Under read more bc hoo hoo hee hee
When did you start writing?
When I was a kid! Not seriously or anything but I remember writing stories with my brother about us being space bounty hunters when we were small enough to have difficulty spelling. I started considering it as "I'm going to make this a core part of my identity" somewhere during 5th grade I think, where I turned in a 3 chapter introduction to a larger story for a class assignment lmao After that the rest is history
Are there different themes or genres you enjoy reading than what you write?
Oh definitely. I have a shockingly deep love for post apocalyptic stuff despite how rarely I read it, same with horror. I LOVE writing horror (and tbh roleplaying it too!) but I am. Alas. A weenie when it comes to actually engaging with horror as a genre, no matter how much I respect it. For the most part though I write sci Fi and fantasy bc that's what I read c:
Is there a writer you want to emulate or get compared to often?
Not consciously, I don't think. Like, obviously my writing is a subconscious blend of every writer I've ever read and thought "holy shit" about (I started accidentally mimicking Tamora Pierce when I started reading her works, and @punishandenslavesuckers had a very strong influence on my descriptions for sure). This isn't quite the same, but I remember being told by my Dad I think that my writing style doesn't sound like me at all and y'know, I'm taking that as a compliment 😂
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
DEPENDS. Largely on what part of the writing process I'm in. Concepting, outlining, first drafts? Probably outside with a pen and a 50¢ composition book, I find it gets the words going. Editing? At my desk, possibly with the printed out draft on my art desk, angled up slightly for sake of ease. Other than that it's me and my laptop wherever it's comfortable (but not too comfortable that I fall asleep) . Desk, cafe, library, whatever works best.
What's your most effective way to muster up a muse?
Music probably. Music and letting the reins off the Daydream Machine and going "hey wouldn't it be fucked up if-" and then following it to its core. I feel like I don't really have that much problems with mustering up a muse, it's kind of my default setting to daydream about stories, like that's the easy part for me. Sometimes it's hard to write, but usually when that happens it means I need to take a break from writing and do something else for a bit, bc forcing it. Is bad. It's bad for the work and it's bad for the you.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
Yes and yes bc I keep writing about Grief and I keep getting shocked by it every single time lmao I have a tendency to write heroes and villains who, at the core of their being, cannot handle some event that has happened to them, and often that winds up taking the shape of grief in some manner that they either cannot comprehend, or have yet to begin comprehending. Madness as grief as madness pops up a lot. Similarly, I like playing with the concept of chosen ones and living weapons and dehumanization and how those tend to play into one another. I find power dynamics very fascinating (as you can see from my horny works lmao), and I love digging into the systems in place of those and how it fucks a person up. Love to let an object feel like a person for the first time in their life, and then see what they'd do to continue to feel like a person. See what happens when that gets taken away again.
What is your reason for writing?
It's my reason for existence. I am not exaggerating. It might sound overdramatic or possibly egotistical, but. I've known this is what I'm supposed to be doing since 5th grade at least. When I finally got on my writing as career journey last year it was like this switch was turned on in my brain, this "oh yeah. This is what we're supposed to be doing. c:" it's one of those things where I can never relate to stories where the protagonist doesn't know what they want to do with their life, or when people talk about struggling with writing or not enjoying it. Yes parts are difficult (I'm in a difficult part right now myself!) but. This is it. This is what I was made for. If I am not telling stories in some manner then what's the point?
Is there any specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating?
A bit of feedback I got back from my beta readers for Deepest Canyon was "I couldn't put it down!" Which felt real good, bc the cardinal sin of storytelling is boredom. That they wanted to know what happened next meant I had their interest, attention, and investment ✨
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
I'm just a little guy, it doesn't really matter how they think of me. Obviously I hope they don't think I'm rude or mean, but at the end of the day as long as they like my work, I'm okay with them not thinking about me at all. I'm just a lil mouse and it's story time and that's all there is to it.
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Pacing, I think. I'm a planner as opposed to a pantser and I think I've gotten pretty good at spacing out and ramping up tension and giving breaks and getting to the climax and payoffs and whatnot. It's a fun lil rollercoaster to try and plan everything out and see where all the puzzle pieces fit c:
How do you feel about your own writing?
I'm the best to ever do it.
Thanks for reading!
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kurokoisbae · 2 years
Stop Introducing Science to the Wizarding World
Science is detrimental to magic.
I've read a lot of fanfictions criticizing Hogwarts for not offering muggle subjects, but in my opinion, offering muggle subjects wouldn't really help much. The main subjects taught to kids are science, math, and language.
Witches and wizards could probably benefit from having a class that teaches them new vocabulary and sentence structures, but the amount of essays assigned to the students probably does a well enough job ensuring that the students at least know how to present information by the time they graduate, through sheer trial and error when the teacher returns the essays marked full of red due to grammatical errors, at least. They could offer Latin classes or something similar to help students understand the language they use in spellwork, but that's not really a class regularly offered to children and teenagers in the normal world so it can't really be called a 'muggle' class.
Mathematics is already offered, for those who wants to learn, in arithmancy. It's most likely a required OWL or NEWT for jobs that require a lot of calculations and the little math that is required in normal day to day life are already already taught to muggleborns in their primary classes, and to kids growing up in the magical world by their parents as part of their home schooling.
Science, I believe, is not only unnecessary but detrimental to the magical education process. Magic is something that has a lot to do with belief. Science imposes a lot of rules, laws, and principles that outlines what is possible, impossible, what's supposed to happen in a specific situation, etc. It is rigid. Magic defies the laws of reality. Teaching the students those laws would make them subconsciously believe in them, making them think that even with Magic, it is impossible. More over, they may even try to apply the laws of reality to Magic. I've read a few fanfictions where they applied chemistry to transfiguration. Where they must understand the chemical composition of both the object they are turning and the object they are turning it to. Eleven year olds were able to transfiguration a wooden match to a needle. Wood is an organic substance with carbon and hydrogen atoms while a needle is usually made of steel, which is an alloy of multiple metal atoms. Do you really think children know enough chemistry to be able to manipulate the protons, electrons, and neutrons withing an atom to turn carbon and hydrogen atoms to different metal atoms like iron and nickel? Of course not. But they were all able to do it as a first year, why? Because their teacher said they could and it's the first day of class, so many probably assumed that it's the simplest and easiest thing to do with magic. It's belief that makes it happen. Knowing the actual process that's happening would just overcomplicate things in their mind and make it difficult for them to visualize the bigger picture of what they want to happen. Instead of focusing on the match turning into a needle, they would instead think about the atoms turning into another atom and arranging those atoms so they form the desired shape. That may be somewhat doable with the match to needle transformation, but what about the later classes where they would be asked to change something made with different materials to another object also filled with different materials? Don't even get started with animate to inanimate transfiguration. How would you even explain cells turning into atoms? They don't have the same constituents of protons, electrons, and neutrons like changing between atoms do.
I really don't like that these fanfictions try to make the Wizarding world more like the muggle world. It's a different world with their own abilities. You can't expect them to do things like the muggles would. You can show them what the muggles do, and they can find inspiration to make a Wizarding version of it. Someone has probably already invented a spell that does the same thing a calculator would, a graphing calculator even, with the graph showing in 3D as a hologram. Some of the magical spells we see in the books are more advanced than even the present stage of technological advancement where AIs and robots are becoming more advanced. Especially household spells. They have a spells that makes the dishes wash themselves! A spell that makes a broom clean by itself! Those are imbueing objects with artificial intelligence all with one spell! The objects don't even have to be specially made to do these things, magicals can just buy a regular old broom from a store and wave a wand over it and boom! No more cleaning chores. Magical sensors are also way more advanced than technological sensors. They can detect intent, spells, forgotten thoughts (the remembrall), and likely more.
In conclusion, adding muggle subjects is not only redundant, but would hamper the progress of magical advancement. Similarly, converting muggle technology and following its progression instead of finding a way to make something like it with Magic would make innovating within the Wizarding world hard. Not to mention, while phones and computers are something that doesn't exist in that Wizarding world, the later technological advancements like AI and robots can already be done using spells, which everyone can do, so following the muggle technology progression can't really be sustainable for long anyway.
Besides, magicals have different needs than muggles. While the muggles' current primary focus is electricity and food, magicals power everything with magic, and while food can't be made out of thin air, it can be doubled from existing food. There's probably even magic that causes plants to grow quicker, and if there isn't, magicals don't have the same problem muggles do with space for their food crops. They can expand a space, plant a lot of crops, cast some spells that would provide all the nutrients and water needed for healthy plants, and they can have food right at their backyard. I've always thought magicals are very independent creatures. With the magic and classes taught at Hogwarts, they can conjure or transfigure everything they need, use charms to make their life easier, defend themselves with magic, brew their own medical potions, and grow their own crops with herbology.
What do we learn in school? How to do math we'll likely never use and science laws most don't even care about.
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mioacenas · 1 year
Blog #5  3/26/23
It’s almost the end of March, and the project is going smoothly, kind of. I have moved on to the next phase in rough animation. About three of my teammates are already working on their assigned animation shots. So far, they’re doing a pretty good job. Just had to lead them on what motion I’m going for. The video above is animated by Celena Carlsberg, one of the rough animators, background artist, and voice actor for this particular pilot. We’ve already finished like nine shots, only ninety more to go.
There had been some minor situations during the progress. One of my teammates still have their laptop on maintenance, and won’t be fixed till next month. Which was a bit of a letdown for me because they are my background artist and rough animator. One major bummer is that I am still currently waiting on this other teammate was suppose to work on some of the background art and prop design I’ve assigned them for a month now. I’ve been trying to contact via Discord and they barely. I don’t want to be mad at them, but I feel like my patience with them is growing thin.
I really wanted to get this pilot done before the end of April. But, I have believed that this would be impossible. There is still some cleanup animation, music composing, editing, and compositing to be done. Animation takes a lot of time, and I do not want to ruin this project nor let it go to waste. So for now, I’ll be making working on a trailer. At least that will give the audience the idea on what my pilot will be about. Once I have the rough shots I need for the trailer, I’ll be working on the cleanup.
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shiroichiban · 3 years
I need comfort gay male reader x Tae Young fic.
a little angst in the beginning, but Tae Young comes in and comfort me.
I'm kinda desperate for this content at this point. BECAUSE THERE AREN'T ANY
tae young fic requested by @emanueltheodorus :DD, i am high on my love for tae young and from listening to pretty girl from produce x 101, anyways the angst is nothing too serious just burnt out reader so i hope you like it :33
Tae young x Reader~
you were grumbling as you stared at your computer screen for what seemed to be hours, stuck on the composition you were supposed to be making for an assignment that was due in a couple of days. things definitely weren't going as smoothly as you liked and there really wasn't enough time for you to be experiencing delays in this project... "fuck." you mumbled, rubbing your hands against your face trying to pull yourself together.
you had done everything you could to try and get yourself motivated, eating sweets, listening to your boyfriend's new song, hanging out with the doves in the backyard... at this point you just felt like giving up. "i'll just take a break today and hustle tomorrow." you grumbled before flopping onto the bed you shared with tae young.
were you gonna take a nap? that would be pointless cause you always wake up feeling just as tired as before. then why were you wasting time lying in bed if you weren't even gonna sleep? you groaned again as you sat up indecisively, should you try to get back to work then?? too many ideas in your already overcrowded brain made you feel like you were gonna explode any minute.
“baby i’m home!!” tae young smiled as he entered your room before immediately looking concerned when he gazed at you, "what happened?" he asked as he went up to you and crawled into your lap, "who did this to you bunny?"
you just shook your head as you felt your boyfriend wrap his arms around your neck, "'s nothing just work." nuzzling your face into tae young's hair you sighed as you held him closer. "writers block 'n all that y'know."
"well that's no good!" tae young exclaimed as he cuddled even closer to you, "do you need me to do anything for you? wanna cuddle and watch a movie or something?"
that actually sounded pretty good. "sure." you said simply as you stood up with tae young still wrapped around your body, you put your arms below his legs, effectively carrying him as you walked towards the living room.
"bunny aren't you tired?! i should be the one carrying you!" tae young pouted as he looked at you, trying to be serious but you just gave him a deep kiss on the lips to wipe his pout away. "mmm, don't try to shut me up mister!" he whined but his face was completely flushed, so you knew you did a good job.
"it's fine tae, you wouldn't be able to carry me anyway i'm too tall." you laughed as you tried to console your boyfriend, gently kissing his forehead before setting him down on the couch and sitting next to him.
did the two of you end up making out on the couch instead of watching the movie? yeah, but hey at least you de-stressed.
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sunshineseung · 4 years
Journal Part 1 // Jeongin
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🍄 | genre: smut ☁️ | pairing: Yang Jeongin x female!reader 🌿 | wc: 2.8k 🌸 | includes: milf!reader x babysitter!college student!virgin!jeongin, invasion of privacy (not the cardi b album), smut within the smut??? [handjob, begging, “mommy”], mentions of voyeurism, light dom/sub themes, “mommy” kink, teasing, stripping, blowjob/oral (m!receiving), no swallowing
☀️ | synopsis: Yang Jeongin babysits your two children, and he’s always been the most polite boy you’ve ever met. Unfortunately for him, he leaves his secret journal at your house one evening, and your curiosity got the better of you.
🌊 | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Finale |
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Being a single mother was never in your plans. After your husband left you with two kids, your world nearly fell apart. You went from being a stay-at-home mother to working two jobs. The daycare took care of your dayshift, but your night shifts were harder to arrange a babysitter for. That is until you offered the position to your next-door neighbor’s son. They complained about how he was in desperate need of a job, being in his first year of college with no work history. Your offer was perfect for them, and Jeongin was happy to fill the position. He was always the nicest kid, and you could see his eyes light up at the idea of working for you, or more likely, at the concept of getting paid. 
He’d come over to your house at 5:00pm, book bag on his back, ready to do homework while he watched your kids play. Your two daughters were quick to warm up to him, and the rest is history. He was the best babysitter you could ask for, and even if you had to stay late at work, he was always understanding. Jeongin was a perfect kid with good grades and a good heart, and you’d always see him writing in a journal. When you asked him about it, he’d say he’s “writing a story for class.” It was always the same excuse, day after day. You paid no mind, more worried about the status of your kids after you’ve left them with a teenager for hours. 
Jeongin was very protective of his special journal. It was just a regular composition book, but whatever he wrote in it was sacred to him. He’d hide it from you when you walked by and hold it close to his face as he wrote. Whatever he wrote was his little secret, but if it’s for a class like he said, it can’t be that terrible, right?
Returning home from a late shift, you see Jeongin settled on the couch, sleeping with his phone in his hand. His head was back and his mouth was wide open, snoring loudly. You nudge him to wake him up, but he doesn’t budge. All you can do is scoff at him and check on your daughters in their room just as sound asleep as their babysitter. Going back to the living room, Jeongin’s turned to his side, snoring quieter than before. You sit right at his feet and get comfortable, kicking your feet up on the coffee table and turning on the TV. When your heel lands on the table, you kick over Jeongin’s journal, the book falling to the ground and opening to a blank page. 
Your eyes dart to Jeongin and back at the book, and you’re mentally debating whether or not to look through it. You’ve hardly talked to the boy aside from a few conversations about school in a “back in my day” type dialogue. This would be a major invasion of privacy, but there’s no way it’s a diary. He writes in it constantly, how would it be a diary? 
You pick up the notebook, looking at the cover that read “Yang Jeongin Journal 1” on the title lines. Skipping to the one of the first few pages, you read a couple lines, which turns into reading a paragraph, and later an entire page. The more you read, the more you begin to understand why he hid it from you while boldly writing in front of you. Your jaw hangs slack as your eyes glaze over the lewd words written on the page. Your mind is blown imaging the sweet boy Jeongin imagining these scenarios, especially when you realize that you’re the other character. 
Her hand feels like heaven wrapped around my cock, stroking me up and down as I quickly become breathless from the sensation. She looks into my eyes, staring me down like a predator watching her prey. Her touch quickly becomes overwhelming as my dick starts to twitch in her hand, begging to cum despite her only beginning to play with me. I thrust into her hand, hips quaking as I seat myself again. “Please let me cum, mommy.” Y/n laughs and nods her head, lowering her lips to my cock, ready to catch my release on her gorgeous face.
Seeing your name on the paper makes your heart jump. All of these dirty thoughts that Jeongin pens in his journal are about you. As you shuffle through the pages, your name is practically highlighted to your eyes. Every few pages, there’s a description of your body or what you wear, occasionally an imagine of you undressing in your bedroom window that happens to face Jeongin’s bedroom. Although you always keep your curtains shut, Jeongin’s writing describes him hoping that you leave your curtains open to put on a show for him, undressing slowly until you notice Jeongin jerking off in the house across the fence. 
You slam his journal shut. You’ve seen enough. Laying it down on the table as it was before, you attempt to calm yourself and watch the TV you’ve been craving to watch since you got off work. Despite your best efforts, your mind begins to wonder to Jeongin, sleeping quietly beside you, and how ecstatic he’d be if you’d reenact some of the scenes he wrote in his special journal. 
Jeongin groans and stretches, finally waking up from his nap. You tap his leg to signal that you’re home, and he nearly jumps out of his skin feeling you near him. He coughs as he sits up, pressing down his shirt to get out any wrinkles and fixing his hair that looks like a bird’s nest. 
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” You laugh, smiling brightly at him as if you weren’t just reading his book of sexual fantasies. “Did you have a nice nap?” 
“Yes, yes!” Jeongin fumbles over his words, worried that you’re about to fire him for sleeping on the job. “I’m so sorry! I promise I didn’t fall asleep until after the girls went to sleep.” He bows his head, sincerely apologizing for something any college student would reasonably do once work was over.
“No worries. I’m sure my girls were in good hands.” You reach for his journal and hand it to him, and he begins to turn a bright shade of red. He knows what’s in that book, but he assumes you’re still naive. “I almost used your little book as a footrest, so put this somewhere safe, okay?”
“Oh, sorry about that. I didn’t mean to leave it out. I was just writing in it until I fell asleep.” He grabs his bookbag and shoves it in gently. 
“Wow, you write in that thing a lot.” You cross your legs and you face him, totally ignoring the television show at this point. “How long have you had that assignment for class?” 
You clearly caught him off guard. He seems confused before he remembers his lie, widening his eyes once he realizes that he’s about to dig himself into a hole. “Oh, it isn’t just one assignment. It’s for my creative writing class.” 
“Ah, I had a creative writing class too.” If he was going to lie to your face, it was only fair that you rebuttal with another lie. “Can I read some of what you wrote? Maybe give you some critique?”
Jeongin’s mind went blank. He broke out in a cold sweat. If he lets you read it, his life will be over, but on the other hand, if he doesn’t let you read it, it will look sketchy since it’s just supposed to be innocent writing for a freshman level college class. 
“Uh, it’s a little personal.” He’s adamantly avoiding eye contact with you, looking anywhere but your face. “I don’t think that would be appropriate since you’re my next door neighbor.” 
“Not appropriate, huh?” You can’t help but smirk, and out of the corner of his eye, he sees the sideways smile grow on your face. His heart begins to dip as he finally starts to connect the dots, thinking that his job, no, his existence as your neighbor could end within a matter of minutes. “What’s so inappropriate about wanting your neighbor, who is over ten years older than you might I add, to sit on your face and call you her baby boy? Hm?” 
Jeongin is frozen in place. He’s been outed. All of his wildest sexual fantasies have been revealed to the woman he wants to do them with. Knowing you’ve read his journal at least a little bit, he can’t help but get hard under his joggers, mentally cursing himself for wearing them once he notices your eyes drift to the tent in his pants. 
“Sorry, but curiosity killed the cat on this one.” You scoot closer to him, taking his hands in yours and rubbing your thumb over the back of his hand to warm him up. “I can’t believe my neighbor’s cute little son grew up to be such a dirty minded boy that can’t keep his thoughts in his head, but has to put them on paper so he can read them and imagine his neighbor fuck him again and again.”
“How much did you read?” Still with his head down, he squeaks out the question that’s been running through his mind since you started teasing him with your words. 
“I read enough.” You remove one of your hands from the hold and perk his chin up so he has no choice but to look at you. His eyes are sparkling with lust as you’re just centimeters from his face. “Tell me, Jeongin, what do you want me to do to you?”
“Right now?”
“Right now.”
He pauses to ponder and collect his thoughts. Everything he’s ever imagined is running through his read: the pet names, the toys, the punishments, the pleasure. It’s all too much, and he can hardly speak another word before you pet his face, holding his head in your palm as he shyly presses his cheek into your hand. 
“M-mommy,” he had never said that word out loud to you before, “can I strip for you?”
“All for me?” You smile, gladly accepting this offer. “Go ahead, baby boy. Show mommy what she’s been missing.”
He removes himself from you and stands up, timidly facing you as you lounge back on your couch. His shirt goes first, being neatly tossing onto the couch where he once sat. His fingers fiddle with the hem of his sweatpants before he pulls them down, showing you his bulge that’s painfully pressed against his tight boxer briefs. He’s bigger than you expected him to be, but that’s welcomed in your eyes.
You hold your hand out, stopping him before he can pull down his underwear. Standing up with a groan, you walk around his body, eyeing him up like he’s a buffet. One of your hands gently grabs at his ass, squeezing the skin between your fingertips and making him whine. You bite your lip when you hear him, sounding cute as a button despite the situation. From behind, you pull him back to you and run your hands around his body to feel his toned abs, finally moving upwards to tease his erect nipples. You feel him take a deep breath to calm himself, but when one hand pinches his nipple, he whines again, louder this time.
“Quiet, baby. You don’t want to wake the girls, do you?” When you whisper in his ear, all of the thoughts leave his head. You’ve hardly touched him and he’s dumb, and as embarassing at it is, he loves feeling helpless in your arms. “I haven’t seen another man like this in ages. You’re exactly what I need right now, Jeongin.” 
“Y-you need me?” He can hardly believe that you’re just as horny over him as he is for you, although his longer dates back far longer than just an hour or so. You hum in his ear as your hands slide down his torso to his cock, palming him over his underwear. He hisses and moans from the lightest stimulation. His reaction to all of your touches is perfect, and you can’t wait to see how he reacts when you’re riding him or sucking him off, although you could do anything to him and he’d be thankful. 
You remove your hand from his cock and pull down his underwear, finally seeing his length in all its glory. He gasps from how fast you undress him, but at the same time, he loves being on display for you. As much as he wants to hide his erection out of reflex, he holds his arms to the side tightly, allowing you to come in front of him and take in the view. 
“Jeongin, are you a virgin?” As embarrassing at it is, he nods and holds his breath, waiting for you to answer. “Aw, my pretty little boy’s never been fucked? That must be why you’re so infatuated with me.” 
You get down on your knees so you’re eye-level with his cock, now red and angry, begging to be sucked. Although your skills might be a little rusty, if your ex-husband’s reviews were any indication, you were about to blow this kid’s mind. With a little lick, he’s whining and staring down at you as you wrap your lips around the tip of his cock before moving back again and wrapping your hand around him like he’s always imagined. 
“Do you want to sit down?” Your voice sounded so calm and gentle, it was honestly shocking to Jeongin since he could hardly speak at all. He nods, and you take him to sit back on the couch. He spreads his legs for you to sit in between, once again jerking him off with one hand while the other plays with his balls. You kiss the tip before taking his member into your mouth, bobbing your head only around the tip. 
Jeongin’s convinced himself that he’s dreaming when he looks down to see your face moving up and down the very top of his cock. It feels so good, better than he could have ever imagined, and surely better than his hand. As you slowly start to take him more into your mouth, he’s clutching onto the couch cushion for dear life. He gets close very fast, tapping his thigh with one hand to try to convey that he’s about to cum. Quickly catching on, you take him fully into your mouth, his tip hitting the back of your throat, almost making you gag. 
After a few twitches of his cock, you feel him cumming down your throat as he moans out expletives from the overwhelming sensation. When he’s finally done, you pull your mouth off of him and let his cum drip out of your mouth and onto your chest, which was still covered by your button-down work shirt. When Jeongin finally opens his eyes, he’s greeted by you lazily resting your head on his thigh, looking up at him, waiting for him to come back down to Earth. 
“Ah, thank you, mommy.” In his post-nut state, the name he’d given you leaves his lips more hesitantly, but he knows that’s what you want to hear. Looking up at the clock, he notices that it’s past his self-determined bed time, but he’s still dazed enough to not care, at least for a moment. “That felt so good.” 
“And maybe tomorrow night we can do more, hm?” You slide onto his lap, his soft cock resting between your thighs. “I’d love to ride my baby boy and finally take his virginity… only if you want of course.” 
“I- … Yes, I’d love that.” Before he can say another word, you kiss him on the lips, and despite them just being around his cock, your kiss is sweet, and he needs more of it. Trying to avoid a make-out session, you pull away and get off of the boy’s lap, telling him to get dressed and go home so you can both sleep.
Your goodbye to him is the same as always, waving as he walks back home, but knowing what’s going to transpire tomorrow night, you can’t help but finish yourself off after being all worked up from Yang Jeongin. You decide to save your panties from today before you get into the shower, because they’re absolutely drenched and you’re sure Jeongin would love to have them for when he’s home alone. 
After pleasing yourself in the shower, you peek out your bedroom window. Just as you had hoped, Jeongin’s curtains were wide open, and he was beating his cock with one hand and sucking on his fingers with the other. He was clearly thinking about you by how he’d had his journal sitting next to him opened to a random page. 
You sleep good that night, pleased and excited for tomorrow. Although you were always the submissive one, you came to realize that maybe being the one in control was just what you needed. 
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inthehausofholbein · 2 years
23 for the prompts :) - iris
23. I'm trans.
I think this “kind of” derailed from the prompt, but didn’t know what else to write. Also, I don’t really have any specific gender hcs for the characters, but I do sort of like the trans! Maxi hc, so I used it.
“We’re almost done!”, Violetta exclaimed as her group was nearly finished on a project Pablo assigned to all of them as they were approaching graduation. Unlike their group composition assignments the previous years, this one was to be uploaded to the internet. The students in Vilu’s class were supposed to both make a music video and release it as an audio single.
“This is almost done for you?”, Diego asked, chuckling. They still had a whole music video to film and edit, after all. And with eleven people involved, of course, they’d still have a lot of work to do.
Vilu giggled, but answered. “We’ve done music videos before, haven’t we? And Pablo set the deadline, like, a week away from now.”
“Well... true.”
“So, we’ve finished all the recording.” León said after. “Thanks to Maxi, who’s saving all our asses by editing the whole thing—may God bless your soul.”
“Trust me, I don’t mind.” Maxi chuckled.
“So”, Francesca asked, “What are we gonna do for the music video and album cover?”
“Uh... let’s start with the album cover since that takes less work.” Natalia replied.
“What do we do with the theme?”, Diego asked everyone. Their assigned theme was “How far we’ve gone”, which only makes sense. It is, after all, their last year in the studio.
“We could just…”, Camila suggested, “Put in a picture of all of us and put the title like most pop and indie artists?”
“Oh, but that’s kind of boring.” Federico admitted, sighing. “This is our last year. We need to make it unique!”
“Oh, you are speaking my language.” Ludmila added. “I agree. If we can’t make it grand, we can at least make it memorable.”
“TBH, anything we do is memorable.” Cami replied sassily, closing her eyes and adding a small giggle.
“Did you just say t-b-h out loud—?”
“Hey, wait!”, Vilu exclaimed as she got an idea. “What if I make the album cover? I’ll draw all of us. We’re all still 19 and 20, but the art style’ll be like that of a child’s.”
“Are you calling your art style that of a child’s?”, Ludmi teasingly asked, furrowing her eyebrows and laughing.
“Well…” Violetta then giggled. “No. But, I’ll adjust it a bit. Maybe I’ll add some hearts and music notes.”
“Hmm… I think it’s a great idea.” Diego said. “How ‘bout everyone else?”
“I think it’s a great idea too.” Andrés responded.
“Uh huh, same here.” Broduey added.
“The rest?” The others also nodded their heads in agreement, giving the responsibility of the album cover to their ombre-haired classmate.
“I just wanna make sure you’re okay with doing it yourself, Vilu.”
“Ay Diego, it’s fine. I like drawing.”
“And ranting in your diary.” Ludmi muttered after a quick cough.
Violetta then giggled and rolled her eyes. “I’m sure my dear sister would love to help me out too.” She teased.
“Ugh, fine.” Ludmila replied with an eye roll and a reluctant smile.
“Okay girls, now Violetta’s handling the album cover. What about the music video?”
“Hm… that’s gonna be a little harder.”
“Well, maybe us nine do most of the work since Vilu and Maxi already have stuff to do besides the recording.” Cami suggested.
“Yeah, but… what do we do?”
“Well, the theme is “How far we’ve gone”, no?”, Naty said after a while of everyone thinking. “What if we make, like, a slideshow of moments throughout our lives?”
“Ooh! I like that!”, Diego replied, smiling.
“So, like, how far are we reaching? Like, just our years in the studio… or when we were children?”
“Ludmila, is this just an excuse to show off all your pageant photos?”, Diego teased, letting out a few chuckles, making the girl playfully roll her eyes.
“Wait wait, what are you suggesting, Ludmi?”, Maxi asked, sweat about to roll down his face.
“Just that we’ll add on to Nat’s idea and make a slideshow with pictures throughout our lives to really hammer home the theme.”
“Oh, I think she meant like: baby photos, childhood photos, studio photos, and a final group photo.” Broduey added. “Right, Ludmila?”
“Yeah, something like that.”
“Uh… baby photos?”, Maxi asked for confirmation, really displaying his nervousness to his group mates.
“Yeah!” Broduey replied.
Maxi then swallowed his saliva and paused, giving no reply.
Ludmi waited until he said something and added, “We’re not gonna judge if you were ugly—“ Natalia then hit her blonde companion on her arm, making almost everyone in the room laugh.
Maxi, though, didn’t chuckle much and Camila seemed to notice. After having a laugh herself, she went to check on him. “Hey, are you fine with this?”
Before Maxi could reply, Ludmila took notice of him and frantically said, “I-I didn’t mean what I said—”
“No, I know.” Maxi replied, assuring the girl. He then muttered to Camila, “It’s about time they knew, anyway.”
“Yeah. Hey, everyone’ll be supportive.”
“I know… It’s just that you were the only person who knew besides my family.”
A little while later, the students had already come up with the full concept of their music video. “Okay, so:”, Violetta reminded everyone after the planning was done. “Everyone bring a bunch of childhood photos so we can start doing the music video tomorrow. Maxi will edit the audio recording and I’ll do the album cover.”
“Just make sure not to draw me the same way you did in your diary.” León told her, chuckling and making Vilu do the same.
“Wait wait wait, you showed him your diary?”, Ludmila asked in disbelief.
“Well, yeah.” León responded. “We dated, for God’s sake.”
“Wow, and you were very much like “Ugh, no one can read my diary! It’s top secret—!”, Ludmi said mockingly before her step-sister started to rapidly rub her head.
“Yeah, and you were also my biggest rival! Why would I show it to you?”
“What is happening here?”, Pablo chuckled as he leaned against the doorway of the classroom his students were in. “It’s getting late, the studio’s about to close.”
“Oh, yeah. Don’t worry, Pablo, we’re gonna leave soon.” Fran replied.
“Well, good.” Pablo then left the room and everyone prepared to leave.
“Okay, well, we’ll start the music video tomorrow. Just remember to bring the photos.” Vilu told everyone before they all nodded.
“You better show me all your bitchy diary entries later.” Ludmi teasingly said to Violetta.
“You’re showing me too!”, Fede also exclaimed to Violetta.
“Okay, but you’re both helping me with the album cover in return!”, Vilu said before putting an arm around both of them and walking out of the room.
While the three housemates were talking to each other, everyone had already left while Cami and Maxi were left in the classroom. 
“So...”, The redhead asked her friend, “How’re you feeling about telling everyone tomorrow?”
“Well... relieved. Relieved that I don’t have to be worried about being outed.”
“But...?”, Cami asked him as she noticed a look of slight worry.
“But... I don’t know, there’s still this worry at the back of my mind...”
“Maxi, don’t worry. Now that Ludmila has become a better person, I know that everyone will accept you.”
“Yeah, I know...” Seeing the expression on the boy’s face, Cami then gave Maxi a quick hug. That made him feel better and definitely more looking-forward to telling everyone something he hadn’t yet.
The next day, everyone met up in the same classroom to start off the music video. 
“Alright, Ludmila, can you collect all the photos?”, Diego asked the blonde girl who was next to him.
“Sure.” She replied before putting her hand forward and smirking, non-verbally asking Diego for his. “Wow, what an... interesting-looking baby.” She sarcastically said as she stared at Diego’s, honestly, normal-looking picture.
“Oh, shut it!” He exclaimed back, playfully rolling his eyes. “Now, which of the thousand pageant photos did you use?”
“I was gonna bring all of them, but Vilu and Fede told me to just use a few.”
“Honestly not surprised they still had to remind you.” Diego said after letting out a small chuckle.
Ludmi scoffed, but then moved on to collect everyone else’s photos. Some received interesting comments from her, some didn’t. Then, she finally reached Maxi who gave her a small smile before handing his.
“Wow...”, The blonde muttered while continuously staring at the picture in her hand: Maxi as a toddler with longer hair and very feminine clothes, smiling to the camera taking a picture of him. “Your parents are surprisingly liberal.”
“My mother would never have let me even touch anything remotely boy-ish.”
“Well...”, Maxi said while looking towards Camila who gave him a thumbs up. “I’m trans.”
“Wait... what?”, Ludmi asked, sort of lost.
“Transgender. I was born in a girl’s body, but I... felt like a boy.”
The others had overheard what Maxi said, so they approached him, saying all sorts of nice things, making him smile.
“Hey, look”, Ludmila quietly said to him, “I may be a little new to this, but I just want you to know that I support it and you.”
Maxi smiled more. “I know you are.”
“I just have one question, though.”
“What kind of a dork chooses the name Maximiliano?”, Ludmila teasingly asked, crossing her arms.
“Ludmi!”, Cami exclaimed, chuckling a little.
That made Maxi giggle. “Look, I was quite young and I thought that name was cool. And honestly, I still do.”
“Huh, suit yourself.” Ludmi chuckled.
As she walked away, Camila approached her friend and hugged him with one arm. 
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zirkkun · 4 years
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henlo, it is I, zircon, who cannot focus on one project at a time to save my life /hj
But I was struck with a Need to make a character for @alch3mic‘s yandere!fairy tale AU. I didn’t even have any ideas going into this. I just went. “I need to make a character.” For some reason. Hell, I actually know next to nothing about either Dancetale or Twelve Dancing Princesses -- I literally did research for this upon waking up this morning, and then when I scrapped through enough ideas, I finally settled on this!
Also, I know Dancetale!Sans technically has a blue color scheme, or indigo in some depictions; but there already being a two chars in the AU with blue (huntsy and prince) and captain with purple, I figured I should pick something that stuck out a little more. So I went with a blue-green lol. (and injected some mint colors bc... favorite color lol)
More info with my rambling about this skele if you’re interested, but fair warning, there will be some yandere themes given the AU ^^/ -->
Soldier!Sans - goes by “Soldier” in many cases. Was given this nickname for his loyalty to doing every job he’s assigned without question as an information broker.
+ he took up being an information broker after his music composition career began to tank. figured he might as well get money somehow
+ still does music composition when he can. he can play violin and keyboard. usually doesn’t bother with lyrics
+ does not have loyalty to any specific person (... that is, for his job) and will do (nearly) any job without fail.
+ soldier works differently from huntsman and cheshire, who are in similar positions in a way. he doesn’t lack emotions (unlike huntsman), but he has an emotional disconnect with the informational work he does (unlike cheshire) ... y’know, most of the time.
+ his brother has a dance studio called “Enchanted Dancing.” his brother often tries to offer him a job at the studio, since soldier used to be a dancer, but he refuses
+ also refuses to drink alcohol. it makes him sick. frankly, he doesn’t eat much at all because he can get sick really easily... though, whether or not that comes from a lack of eating, he isn’t sure
+ usually does work for the richest parts of the city -- that’s where the most money is
+ isn’t unfamiliar with doing some thievery here and there and selling his findings to his clients. usually they are small but expensive items, like jewelry
+ doesn’t sleep much between working both day and night, but struggles with sleeping regardless. he mostly just takes short breaks from time to time
+ overall is probably the least yandere of the yanderes, since he’s not as likely to kill as he is protect and run away... but he’s very protective
+ physically, he’s fairly tall compared to the rest of the “tiny” skeletons (huntsy, captain, prince, cheshire) and stands a few inches taller than mc. he’s also a lot thinner and a lot more fit, since he did use to be a dancer, although he isn’t anymore
+ he’s quick on his feet and very quiet. his stealth is well-known amongst his former clients, as he’s yet to be spotted by anyone, almost as if he’s completely invisible at night
Basic story concept - loosely based off of Twelve Dancing Princesses, set in the city of the yan!fairytale AU with the rest of the characters.
+ soldier plays the role of well... the solider. he is eventually hired for a long-term job of keeping an eye on one of the Kings’ (a large, extremely wealthy family in the city) adopted children whose siblings say disappears during the night
+ according to the Kings, their child is nearly about to graduate college, but is borderline failing their final semester for reasons the family can’t comprehend. they wake up late in the morning and go to bed oddly early, and the Kings never see them doing their school work and are upset. this is why they hired soldier
+ when soldier does tracks them down inevitably, he’s met with the discovery that they’ve been leaving every night to go to varying different parties. surprisingly, they’re not typically the drunk college parties one would expect. rather, they’re more involved and populated dance parties
+ the first couple of times he finds them, they’re at typical raves, but later on, he finds they’re doing other things as well, such as late-night dance classes. but it always involves dancing. sometimes soldier catches himself critiquing their moves... or sometimes imagining walking up to them and teaching them himself... but then he immediately shuts down the thought and returns to his work
+ soldier eventually reports back to the Kings, who are furious at the news. they, without telling him until much later, end up locking the dancer away. soldier waits a few nights, expecting to follow them again, only for no one to come from the mansion. when he discovers out they’ve been locked away by their own family... something clicks. he isn’t sure what. but something does.
+ solider crosses his usual “loyal to his job” code and breaks into the mansion, not only allowing the dancer to meet him, but bringing them out for the night. bringing them outside so they can dance as they please
+ he isn’t sure the motivation for his actions. it’s as if a spell has been cast on him
+ If you brought me out to dance, why don’t you join me? they ask. soldier refuses. for now. maybe.
+ he is sure of one thing;
+ if they’re going to be locked away anywhere, it’ll be under his protection, not anyone else’s... but he doesn’t want it to come to that. for now, he supposes he’ll assign himself a new job of sorts -- a soldier to protect the aspiring midnight dancer
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
i need sugawara gaslighting the shit out of the reader and supplementing it with some sort of drug. missing homework? forgetting assignments? feels like shit man
I mean… He’s a kindergarten teacher, after the time-skip. I feel like coddling his Darling, or, making it so his Darling /needed/ to be coddled would sort be in his nature. Correct me if I’m wrong, though.
Title: Missing Assignments.
TW: Implied Non-Consensual Drug Use, Slight Non-Consensual Touching, Slight Infantalization, and Demeaning Behavior. 
Your hand-writing was getting worse.
It shouldn’t have been such a big deal. Everyone got a little messy from time to time, and it probably didn’t help that lately, you’ve been more prone drifting off than paying attention, zoning out or just stopping in the middle of a thought, interrupting your train of thought and turning smooth, graceful curves into jagged edges and smudged ink, the words just barely legible enough to let you see the sentence was gibberish, in its entirety. All your notes were like that, these days. Ever since the beginning of the school year, it’d been so hard to concentrate, so difficult to do anything but lay your head on your desk and go to sleep, even if your teachers were quickly growing fed-up with your impulsive naps. Normally, you might be able to make it up at home, go over your textbook and borrowed notes until you’d memorized everything you missed in class, but doing that now felt impossible when your bed was only an arm’s length away. It felt impossible when your bed wasn’t. Everything felt impossible all the time, and you were beginning to think it was.
Maybe you were the impossible one, the factor that made everything else useless.
Maybe you were the broken link.
“Everything alright, (Y/n)?”
You jerked up at the sound of someone else’s voice, forcing you out of your stupor as you tore your attention away from the paper laid out in front of you, an essay you were supposed to turn-in last week, but only managed to finish the night before. Your instructor was lenient, thankfully, silently assuming there was some quiet, shameful reason one of her best students was suddenly falling behind, but you’d just been too exhausted to think about doing it any sooner. Too drained. Too incompetent.
Biting down on the edge of your tongue, you forced yourself to face Sugawara, kind, patient Sugawara. He’d never moved, but you’d managed to forget he was there, his calm tranquility allowing him to fade into the background as the two of you sat in Karasuno’s courtyard, perched on the edge of a garden wall. You hadn’t asked, but he’d promised to help you during lunch, even if he seemed more than content to peer over your shoulder as you glared at your composition, judging but never commenting. Never critiquing, not you out loud, at least. “You know I’m not,” You mumbled, your voice so low, you could only hope he wouldn’t hear you. “It’s awful and it’s late. I’d probably be better off asking for another extension, or breaking my hands and praying someone feels bad enough to give me a passing grade.”
“Don’t be so pessimistic,” Sugawara replied, his tone light, unaffected. Sympathetic, but not nearly as involved as someone so committed to their self-imposed role should be. “It can’t be that bad. I’ve seen the way you write, you could take that assignment out in your sleep.”
The praise was nice, and yet, the sentiment rang hollow by the time it reached your ears. Another standard to live up to, another person you knew you’d let down, another friend you’d lose because suddenly, you only had the energy to breathe and sleep and eat, occasionally. Less than you should, despite Sugawara’s efforts to keep you well-fed. “I did write it in my sleep,” You sighed, crossing your arms over your chest. “I’ve barely been able to keep my eyes open. I think I’m getting sick, or dying, or something. I’ve been getting these headaches, for the past few weeks, and I’m just so tired--” You forced yourself to stop, to cut off your rant before it could begin. You didn’t want to complain, not when Sugawara was just trying to be nice. When you continued, you did so sheepishly, attempting to shrug off your frustration with a small smile and an airy laugh. “I guess… I don’t know. At this rate, it might be less embarrassing to drop-out early.”
This was usually the part where Sugawara comforted you. He’d slapped your back, tell you to keep your chin up, and you’d nod and grin and try to do better going forward, or, you’d promise to, and he’d act like he believed you. But, rather than lift your spirits, Sugawara only draped an arm over your shoulders and pulled you into his side, encouraging you to rest your head against him. It felt too intimate, too close, but as soon as you let yourself relax, felt his warmth and allowed your mind drift away from your plummeting academics, your body grew heavy, your eyes beginning to sting as they urged you to rest. You resisted, concentrating on a flower that's fallen onto the pavement instead, only looking away when the blossom got caught under another student’s heel. He hummed, gently, as if the sound alone would be enough to soothe you. For a moment, you wished it was. “That might not be so bad.”
Instantly, you were as awake as you’d ever been, more out of shock than determination. “It might not be… what?”
“It might not be so bad.” His small smile never wavered. If anything, it only grew wider as he glanced towards you, his expression softening into something reassuring. It was the look he gave to his struggling underclassmen, the look he gave to his teammates after a particularly bad play. As his friend, you’d never gotten it. As his equal, you hadn’t, but you guess you couldn’t count yourself as one of those, anymore. “Quitting wouldn’t be the end of the world. There’s always other options, and if you really think you’re going to fail, you shouldn’t waste everyone’s time. Going through that much just to pull out at the last minute would be… depressing. Annoying, even, if you already know you’re not going to graduate.”
You hated the way he said it. So casually, as if it was a fact, something bound to happen rather than an episode of burn-out you could get over, with enough time. As if giving up, dropping out, quitting wouldn’t be that big of a deal. Not if your life was the only one you’d ruin. “I'm not sure,” You managed, just as he was getting impatient. “College was the plan, it’s still the plan. I’m not sure how I’d--”
Sugawara made an awkward, breathless sound, his free hand rising to cover his mouth, and it took you a second too long to realize he was laughing. “You really think you’re going to college? You can barely stay awake on your own, do you think you’ll be able to pass an entrance exam?”
At that, you flinched, shied into yourself just a touch more than you had to. You hated it, you were beginning to hate him for it, but… you couldn’t say you disagreed. “What else can I do?” You asked, using what little strength you had left to grit your teeth. “There aren’t a lot of options for failures, Koshi.”
Now, you knew for a fact that he was grinning, the cruel tilt of his lips biting into your temple as he pushed a hasty, fleeting kiss into your hair. You didn’t try to stop it, didn’t try to get away, and for once, you thought you might’ve been able to. You just didn’t want to try and fail when it was so clear Sugawara already thought so little of you. “I’d take care of you, naturally,” He answered, as if it was the obvious solution. “After I graduate, we’d find an apartment together, and I’d take care of everything. Money, housework, all of it. You’d never have to lift a finger.” He paused, briefly, taking just long enough to half-heartedly pluck your essay off of your lap, scanning over the text as the paper creased between his fingers. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to. Not when his gaze shifted back to you, slowly, arrogantly. As if you weren’t worth the time it took to talk to you. “I mean, it’s clear you can’t handle things on your own.”
You opened your mouth, but whatever you were going to say was drowned out by the bell, startling and deafening, even so far from the main building. Your argument was bitten back as you forced yourself to focus on your bag, instead, pulling it between you and Sugawara, desperate for a drink, a snack you’d missed, something to wash the bitter taste his words had left on your tongue, but Sugawara didn’t hesitate to take you by the wrist, thrusting a bottle of water into your hand, never giving you an option to refuse. “Don’t worry, I know how forgetful you can be,” He said, barely even bothering to avoid meeting your eyes.
“You’re just lucky you’ve got someone so thoughtful looking out for you.”
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tentimesvictorious · 3 years
Rating each of the AP classes that I have taken or am taking
For context, AP stands for Advanced Placement, and AP classes are basically supposed to be college-level courses for high school students. They are taught in high schools by high school teachers, but some colleges accept AP credits. Near the end of year in May, you have to take a special AP exam, on which you will be scored on a scale of 0 to 5. I have taken 4 AP classes so far and I am taking 4 more this year, and I will now judge them on the same 0 to 5 scale that the College Board uses to judge me.
AP World History:
- AP World has a special place in my heart as the first AP class I ever took. I was among the last people at my school to be able to take AP World in freshman year.
- this class helped fill in the gaps of my previous history eduction, which was mostly limited to the United States and Europe, as well as the ancient Mesoamerican civilizations and Mesopotamia. For instance, I knew little to nothing about the history of China or the Chinese dynasties until I took AP World.
- My teacher was an interesting person and seemed to genuinely enjoy teaching history, so I ended up having fun in this class despite the heavy workload.
Final score: 4 or 5
AP European History:
- AP Euro could have been very boring, but I had a great teacher who was also very funny and made European history interesting to me.
- It was kind of confusing, since everyone was either named Louis, Charles, or Frederick. Parents, give your kids more interesting names in case they become historical figures. Have some mercy on the history students of the future!
- I usually spent almost an entire day every weekend reading the entire textbook chapter that was assigned for that week. Looking back, I could probably have managed my time better. If you are currently taking AP Euro, I recommend reading a bit of the chapter every night, so that you don't end up reading it all in one go like I did.
- James, Charles, Charles, James. That's the rhyme my teacher told us to remember the Stuart kings in England. Now it is carved into the inside of my skull forever.
- There was a guy in my class who would always rate the male historical figures based on their attractiveness whenever we learned about a new one. It became a kind of tradition to ask him what his rating was, so we would even text him a picture of the historical figure if he wasn't in class. One day, he said via text that a historical figure (maybe one of the Charleses, I don't remember) had "small dick energy." Everyone misheard the person who read the text out loud, so we all heard "Schmalkaldic energy" instead. "Schmalkaldic energy" became an inside joke in our class from then on.
- I generally have pleasant memories of this class, except for document-based questions. yuck.
Final score: 4 or 5
AP United States History:
- Unlike in Euro or World, most of the history we covered in APUSH was things that I had already learned, or at least heard of. However, I did learn about all the presidents that nobody cares about anymore and all of the political debates and controversies that other classes hadn't taught me. Some of them were interesting, others less so.
- I already knew that the US did a lot of shitty things in the past, but wow. Now I know about all of those atrocities in a lot more detail.
- The teacher was okay. He did a good job, I think. The only thing that made this class a more negative experience was the pandemic and distance learning.
Final score: 4
AP English Language and Composition:
- This class was pretty intense. We wrote a lot of rhetorical and argumentative essays, and it felt like my soul was leaving my body every time.
- Although I may complain about all the essays I had to write, I got a lot better at writing essays and it was good practice for the SAT.
- I still think about ethos, logos, and pathos just about every time I read something.
- Our last unit of the year (I took AP Lang junior year) was about narrative essays. This was the first time that I learned how to write a narrative essay, so it was helpful practice for my college essay.
- The teacher was very cool. She structured a lot of the units around social justice issues as well as writing, but without trying to indoctrinate us or force us to agree with her. The focus was always on how the author was making their point, not whether we agreed with that point. We had a lot of discussions and debates, which made AP Lang more interesting than classes where you just sit there and listen to a lecture.
Final score: 4 or 5
AP Art (divided into AP 2-D Design, AP 3-D Design, and AP Drawing, I believe.)
- Technically AP 2-D Design, AP 3-D Design, and AP Drawing are three different classes, but my school lumped them together into one class. I am taking AP 2-D Design.
- Rather than an exam at the end of the year, AP Art has a portfolio that you send to the College Board. The portfolio consists of a handful of "selected works," as well as a larger Sustained Investigation (SI) centered around a specific inquiry or theme. Most of the class is spent creating this portfolio, especially the SI. You do not need to already have an idea for your SI to take AP Art.
- DO NOT TAKE AP ART IF YOU WANT TO LEARN HOW TO MAKE ART. TAKE A REGULAR ART CLASS FOR THAT. It's better to take AP Art in your senior year, after taking a different art class before that and/or making art in your spare time. Little to no time is spent learning how to make art, and the class focuses more on creating art around a central inquiry and exploring and evolving that inquiry over time. A more accurate name for this class would be AP Portfolio, but that doesn't have the same ring to it.
- AP Art is probably my favorite class that I am taking this year. There's just something so enjoyable about spending time every day with a bunch of other artists who are all working towards the same goal as I am. We end up discussing our artwork as we make it and bounce ideas off of each other, and I have learned a lot since everybody's approach is so different.
- there is minimal instruction and lots of time to experiment with different media and work on your SI.
Final score: 5
AP Human Geography:
- I am still not quite sure how to describe what human geography is, but it has to do with more than just maps. It has a lot to do with analyzing human interaction with the environment/their surroundings, population statistics and changes, migration, etc.
- If you have ever read a history textbook and been fascinated by those maps that show migration as arrows, or a country's territory at different times as different colors, this is the class for you.
- My teacher gives us very little homework, and Human Geo could be considered an easy AP class. However, I would not recommend taking Human Geo unless the subject matter sounds interesting. Otherwise you will be very bored.
- The teacher is really into kiteboarding and he shows us kiteboarding videos at the end of class sometimes.
- If I had to describe Human Geo in a few words, I would describe it as history through a math perspective, sort of.
Final score: 4
AP Statistics:
- dsfdhgfjgkyhlukij;luhkjy
- this class is kicking my ass
- I am currently procrastinating on a Stats assignment by making this list.
- I find statistics to be quite interesting, but this class is intense and the workload is large. Maybe I'm just not used to taking AP math classes like I am with AP history classes. We have homework and a textbook reading for homework every night, but neither is checked for credit the next day.
- my teacher says the homework is technically optional, but IT IS NOT.
- the teacher is very passionate about math and statistics, but he is not charismatic in the way that a lot of history teachers are (or have been, for me). Maybe all math teachers are like that, or maybe he's just very introverted. Either way, it's not his job to be friendly or make jokes and small talk, so I won't hold that against him. He is a good teacher and I am definitely improving bit by bit.
Final score: 3
AP German Language and Culture
- basically an extension of my German classes up until this point, like German 5 but with an exam at the end.
- There are only six people in my entire class, and all but one of them are girls. All of my classmates are people who I have known for all six years of learning German, so we have grown pretty close and the class just feels like a big family now.
- Fun times. We spend a lot of the class joking around or going down weird tangents, but the teacher always manages to connect it back to German.
- The one thing that makes AP German different from my previous German classes is that we are expected to speak German all of the time, or at least as much as possible.
- This is one of my favorite classes, but that might have to do with the people as much as it does with the course itself.
- Everyone in my class is also working towards completing the state Seal of Biliteracy, which is a special sticker on our diplomas that will show that we are fluent in multiple languages.
Final score: 5
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lupinblacktheone · 3 years
"So, I was thinking": a modern college!AU:
Johnny is bored. He has already finished all of his crosswords; all of his friends are busy minding their own business and won't pick up their phones.
Classes won't begin until next Monday. Johnny arrived at his dorm last night and he doesn't know when his roommate will be there. All he knows about this person is his name: LaRusso, Daniel.
Wondering about this mysterious boy could set Johnny free from his boredom. Is he a nerd? Or a drama kid? Johnny hopes he won't sing all the time. Of course he likes music (who doesn't?), but musicals... he isn't ready for them yet.
It would be nice to have some common likings with him. Maybe horror movies or breakfast for dinner (well, Johnny is so broke that he eats it for all meals, basically).
Remembering the old times, which weren't good, not at all, tugs at Johnny's heartstrings. He doesn't miss arguing with his parents all the time, but he certainly liked not having to iron his clothes himself. And he misses messing around with Tommy, Jimmy, Bobby and Dutch after school.
Oh, and Karate! Johnny misses it so much that it hurts. He couldn't find a Karate club to join (is this a thing? In Johnny's opinion, it should be. There are clubs for everything in this campus. If he can't find one, he'll form one). Maybe he can practice with Daniel and he could be the second member of the Karate club.
"Hello! I'm Daniel!"
Johnny stares at the boy. He's short, dark-haired and has round brown eyes.
"Johnny", the blond boy gets up, approaches Daniel and shakes his hand. "Can I help you unpacking?"
"Please", Daniel sighs and rubs his neck. "My mother just dropped me off and turned the car around. I barely had time to say goodbye. Can you believe it? I think she wants to rent my room while I'm gone, but I don't think I'll be going home anytime soon. How about you?"
Obviously, the first thing Johnny learns about Daniel is: he's a chatterbox. Second thing: he's from Jersey. He lives with his mother and would love to learn martial arts, but her mother wouldn’t let him because she’s afraid he will get hurt.
"I know Karate", Johnny confesses with a little smile.
Sometimes, Johnny regrets having told Daniel about his passion for Karate, because the kid didn't stop begging Johnny for some classes until he finally gave up.
Their dorm is too small and they would destroy it sparring there, so Johnny decides to have the class outside, behind the gym. Daniel said he would meet Johnny there after dinner (and yes, Daniel also has breakfast for all meals, since he is just as broke as Johnny).
December is on the way, so Johnny is wearing as much sweaters as he can (including his Cobra Kai jacket). He leans his back against the red brick wall and puts a cigarette between his lips.
Daniel shows up some minutes later, carrying a heavy messenger bag on his shoulder and wrapped in hoodies and coats (he has lots of cool hoodies; Johnny loves to borrow them and he is using the baseball one right now).
"Ugh", Daniel puts the bag down, massaging his shoulder.
"Are you ok?", Johnny asks with a worried look on his face.
"Perfect. Let's do this."
They get on fighting positions and spar for a while. When they get tired, they walk back to their room, peacefully talking about the day.
"Let me carry this for you", Johnny picks the messenger bag, even though Daniel has already bent to pull it.
He places it over his shoulder and Daniel walks beside him, ranting about his lame Calculus professor.
"I couldn't convince Mrs. Warter to postpone the paper's due date", Johnny complains when Daniel asks about his day. "I'll be lucky if I get a C on it."
"Do you want me to help you?"
Yes, please, he almost answers. Johnny enjoys having Daniel around. They don't have many common likings besides Karate and breakfast food, but he really enjoys staying up late with him, sharing their only desk (Johnny begun to work as a cashier in a store near the campus and Daniel writes other people's assignments for money and they are saving money to improve the place) and laptops on study sessions. Or to spend rare and lazy Sundays in their room, doing crosswords (Daniel bought some magazines and gave to Johnny). Or to share breakfast meals in the middle of the night because they can't sleep.
"Are you free tonight?", he asks, his voice sounds desperate, just as his eyes.
"Is this a study session or a date?", Daniel replies jokingly and raises an eyebrow. "Sure. I can help you."
Johnny opens his laptop and shows Daniel what he's working on.
"I mean, it's not bad, but could use some adjustments here and there. Let's get to work."
Daniel presses the keyboard keys hard with strong movements that emulate a pianist, but with perfectly tied hair. His brain is formulating what should be in the text and getting rid of what shouldn't be read by Johnny's professor.
"I think we're done here", Daniel declares.
"Thanks. I'm gonna buy you a coffee tomorrow, with extra cream."
"Much appreciated", the boy winks and Johnny's heart skips a beat. "So, I was thinking..."
"What a miracle", Johnny teases, smiling to distract Daniel from his blushing ears.
"Anyway, are you going home for Christmas?"
"I don't think so. You?"
"Also no. I don't have enough money for a ticket to Parsipanny."
Daniel looks at Johnny for a moment. His blue eyes are usually shiny, but now... he's more than just sad. Johnny looks depressed and scared.
"Are you alright?", Daniel reaches for Johnny's hand. "You can talk to me. I'm here for you."
Johnny doesn't talk. Instead, he goes for a hug. A big and warm hug. He clings onto Daniel as if he was the only thing keeping him from being blown away.
He doesn't want to cry. However, he can't fight the tears anymore. Daniel holds Johnny, trying to keep him together only with his bare hands. He doesn't try to whisper comfort words in Johnny's ear, he just stays there, providing his roommate all the support he can.
That night, Johnny falls asleep in Daniel's arms. He has never felt this safe before.
The next morning, Johnny rushes to the closest cafe shop to get the nicest cup they have. He drops by the dorm to put the coffee on the desk with a note: To the best roommate ever. Thank you for everything. Love, J.
He sends the paper to Mrs. Warter as soon as he takes a seat in the computer lab for his first class, hoping Daniel's help can save his poor ass from failing Warter's class.
A few hours later, Johnny is waiting for the last class to begin so he can get to work. Not that he likes standing up by a counter telling old people where they can find raisins, plum juice and other things old people buy. But at least, he gets to listen to his music and does little pieces of homework between a client and another.
There is something Johnny can't do at the store: see Daniel. Too bad they don't take many classes together, because every time Johnny sees Daniel entering the classroom, the world changes. It becomes brighter and more beautiful. He knows it's cliché, but Johnny is tired of pretending to be the perfect son, athlete... he just wants to be Johnny.
And Johnny is brave.
"So, I was thinking...", Johnny says when Daniel sits by his side.
"That's unusual", Daniel lets out that amusement air through his nose. "What is it?"
"Do you wanna go out? With... with me?"
That is really unusual. Johnny never was this reticent before. Not even when he noticed he had a crush on Ali Mills.
“Yeah, sure. When?”
“How about Friday? My shift ends at 5:30.”
“Sounds great.”
Johnny spends Christmas in his dorm, with Daniel. They curl up on Johnny’s bed, wrapped in Daniel’s hoodies, solving crosswords puzzles and drinking tea while listening to Johnny’s music. Neither of them wants to talk about their families.
Growing up as an only child, Johnny never had to share his things. He wouldn’t even allow Ali to read his poetry (he wrote some about her, tho), or let his friends go through his Spotify playlist. Not because he's embarrassed to like these songs, but because the lyrics describe him so perfectly that he's not comfortable with someone listening to it in front of him.
When he met Daniel and found out they could be good friends (maybe more than that? Johnny certainly hopes so), he felt an urge to take the boy on a journey through his world. First, they shared Karate, then crossword puzzles and went on and on, discovering little things about one another.
“Huh… I couldn’t get you anything for Christmas, so I wrote you a poem. Wanna hear it?”
Daniel doesn’t say anything, just gets closer to him as Johnny clears his throat and searches his notebook for his newest composition. Once he finds it, he puts the paper in front of his eyes (he was brave enough to ask the boy out, but not to have that lovely brown eyes gazing at him while he reads his feelings out.)
“I loved it, Johnny. Now get ready for your present.”
Johnny doesn’t close his eyes when his lips are pressed by Daniel’s mouth. It feels so good that they do it again and again until they fall asleep, holding each other.
Graduation is almost here. Most students have moved from the dorms or plan to do it soon. Daniel and Johnny, on the other hand, haven’t mentioned the matter yet. As you can imagine, they don’t want to live with their families again. The only thing Johnny wants is to stay with Daniel and he wonders if Daniel wants the same thing.
“Hey, Danny”, it was supposed to be a nice and quiet study session before the finals, but Johnny can’t hold this down any longer. “I was thinking… do you wanna live with me?”
“Are you kidding me? You’re never getting rid of me, blondie.”
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a-cupof-jo · 3 years
Set Up My Heart Pt. 6
Pt. 5 -- Pt. 6 -- Pt. 7
College volleyball player!Johnny Suh x reader
Fluff and angst
Synopsis: Ever since that fateful day Sophomore year of high school, Johnny Suh had been an insufferable thorn in your side. Once you made it to college you thought the two of you would never have to see each other again. That is, until a sudden school transfer has the entire university buzzing
When Jungwoo told you that the team ran more on the scrappy side than technical side, you thought that you were gonna have your work cut out for you. Instead, you were surprised to see a well gelled team with obvious athletic capabilities. A tall boy stood on the opposite side of the net and was the first to see you enter. “Hey,” he raised his hand in a wave. “You Y/n?”
You nod sitting down on the nearby bleacher, “Yeah, Jungwoo here yet?” You looked around for the energetic boy.
“Yeah, he said he would be back soon. He had to go grab a drink at the drink bar. I’m Lucas by the way,” he grinned as he reached out to shake your hand. “Jungwoo told us that you are going to be our secret weapon this year.”
You chuckle slightly, “I’m not sure about that. It’s been a while since I’ve played. I'm a bit rusty.”
“That’s okay,” he shrugged. “Most of us don’t play regularly. We are just doing it for fun.” He watched as you pulled the laces tight on your shoes. “Do you want me to introduce you to the rest of the team?”
“That would be great,” you smiled up at him. Lucas was an easy and outgoing person. You watch as he shouted and laughed as the other members of your new team started gathering around the net. With his carefree attitude and electric personality, you could see how it would be easy to really just view this as a fun sport activity. For so long you had viewed it as a competition, a way to keep your place in the society of high school, or even for scholarship opportunities. Maybe now you should take this opportunity to let that go. To relearn the sport as a way to have fun and grow communities.
“And this is Doyoung. Since Jaehyun decided to play for the baseball team we had to find a replacement, but don’t fret Jaehyun will forever be in our hearts. Rest in pieces,” Lucas cackled as Doyoung let out a disgruntled huff before smiling with the boy.
“You’re just lucky my schedule allowed me to do this,” Doyoung rolled his eyes at the three girls whose names you missed. “Speaking of which, where are Jungwoo and Taeil. I haven’t seen either one and we are supposed to get starting soon.”
“Doyoung please, you should lighten up. So what if we start a few minutes late,” you see Jungwoo walk into the circle. “You don’t have to follow your ‘schedule’ to T. Live a little.”
“That’s rich coming from you. You o-”
“Sorry I’m late!” a new voice yelled behind you. “My music composition class ran late and then Taeyong need help with the music for his upcoming dance competition and-”
“Taeil,” Jungwoo threw his arms around the newcomer obscuring him from view. “I’m so happy you made it!”
The shorter male gave Jungwoo a quick pat on the back before pulling away, “You guys can go ahead and get started. I’ll just take a moment to get my shoes on.”  He glanced up with a smile and suddenly you knew him.
"Hey, you're in my Chemistry lecture aren't you?" stopped in front of him. "I think I sit next to you."
He studied your face for a second nodding, "Yeah, you dropped your pencil last week."
You blushed at that, "Yeah, so ho-"
"Y/n come on you can meet Taeil later," you gave an apologetic smile to Taeil before turning to Jungwoo. Jungwoo clapped his hands, “Great! Let’s get started.”
"That was fun," Lucas bounced in place as everyone stopped to stretch their tired limbs. "When's our first game again?"
"Two weeks, but I'm planning a scrimmage for next week instead of a practice," Jungwoo pulled his knee pads down. "Same time work for everyone."
You nodded along with the others, "Do you know what team?"
"I've got a couple of people I'm checking with," Jungwoo hummed before turning to one of the other girls, changing the topic.
You startled slightly as a bag was placed down beside you, "Hey," Taeil grinned. "Great job out there."
You smile back at the libero, "You too. I didn't realize that you were gonna be a libero."
"Setter, right?" he grinned as he finished putting on his slides. He shrugged as he stood, "I'll really play anywhere, but Jungwoo said that he thought you and I would play well off each other."
"Oh," you raise an eyebrow to where Jungwoo sat laughing with Lucas.
Taeil reached a hand out to pull you up off the ground, "Yeah, something about your past experience playing and mine. I don't know, Jungwoo's a character." You noticed that he smiled a lot and his eyes were inviting.
"He is," you agree. "but we love him anyway."
Doyoung hummed as he stepped up next to you guys, "Debatable."
"Doyoung, don't be mean," Jungwoo pouted. You all chuckled as he threw his arms around Taeil claiming he needed comfort. "Well I'm glad to see you all getting along well. I knew you'd be a great addition, Y/n."
"Hey," Doyoung gave a slight whine. "What about me."
Jungwoo grinned, "Debatable."
Doyoung good naturedly rolled his eyes, "Well, I've got to get going. Assignments wait for no one."
Taeil glanced down at his watch, "Shoot, I do too. Thanks guys keep me updated on next week." Jungwoo nodded as Taeil grabbed his bag and rushed to the gym doors, "Oh, I'll see in Chem, Y/n!"
Your response got swallowed up by the group yelling out goodbyes. You shake your head as you get ready to leave.
"I'll walk out with you," Lucas stood next to you, his bag hanging over his shoulder.
"Okay," you grin as you guys walk through the door. You laughed as Lucas tripped on a ledge. "Are you okay," you move out of the way as you feel others trying to walk through the door behind you. An arm bumped you and you glared at the back of a tall man's head.
"I'm fine," Lucas stumbled into the parking lot. "I'm just tired," he rubbed the back of his neck. "Well I better get going. It was nice to meet you, Y/n! I'll see you next week!"
"Bye, Lucas!" you unlock your car before sliding in. Maybe Jungwoo was right. Playing on this team might be good for you. You turn on the music and wait for the cool air in your car to start blowing. Glancing at your phone you see a text from Jungwoo confirming time for your scrimmage next week. You let out a yell as a finger tapped on your window. A man stood outside your window trying to look in. You check to make sure your doors are locked before honking your horn.
“Hey,” a gruff voice accompanied the tapping. “Roll down the window.”
You shift your car into drive, “Please leave, I'm just trying to go home.”
“Can you give me a ride to the bus stop,” he tried peering through the window again.
You swallow the lump in your throat before looking down the street, “Sir, there is a bus stop at the end of this parking lot. Please step away from my car.” Your voice came through firm, demanding the man step away.
“I just need a ride to the bus stop,” he jerked on the door handle. ”Come on, why won't a pretty girl like you just give an old man a drive.”
“Sir, please step-”
“Hey,” another man steps up to the car. “Is there a problem here?” You peer through the window before scoffing and rolling your eyes.
“She was just going to give me a ride,” the man with dirty clothes glared through the window.
Johnny stood arms crossed next to him, “I don’t think she was. In fact,” he glanced down at you. “That looks like the phone number for the police right now.”
“Hey,” the man looked down, panicked. “No, I was just leaving. You’re right. There’s a bus stop right there.” He quickly turned away and ran down past the bus stop and down the street.
Johnny continued to stand outside your door. You pull forward slightly before being stopped by another tap on your window. Rolling it down a crack you glare into hazelnut eyes. “You okay?”
“Just fine,” you turned and looked ahead. You didn’t need Johnny to step in. You were dealing fine on your own. Why was he even here? “I didn’t need you to come to my aid. I was taking care of it on my own.”
Johnny shrugged, “Maybe, but it doesn’t hurt to have some help. He was creepy and I don’t think he was going to back off anytime soon.”
You stare ahead, lips pursed. “I don’t know why you decided now would be a good time to step in. I thought that you ‘don’t like to get involved in other people's problems’. At least, wasn’t that your excuse in high school, hm?” Your eyes burned as you finally turned to look at him.
“Y/n, I was young. I didn’t-”
You hold up your hand, “Don’t. I don’t want to hear your excuses. What happened, happened and neither of us can change that now.” You sigh glancing up at him. His eyes held tension and pain. The past was written across his face. “I’ve got to go.” You roll up the window. Johnny’s hand fell from the roof of your car as you slowly pulled way. Before you exited the parking lot you glanced into the rearview mirror. Johnny’s head was ducked as he walked towards the gym. Maybe you were being unfair, but he deserves it. He always showed up when it didn’t matter.
*Repost from previous blog*
tag list: @beyond-gethsemane @lanadreamie @michplusb @jaxminskale @nanascupid @qianinterprises @stayctday @infnteen @sadgirlroo
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