#eats up my time and my charcoal pencils
britneyshakespeare · 2 years
drawing just eats up my fucking time man
#eats up my time and my charcoal pencils#i don't even like charcoal pencils. i love charcoal i'm meh on graphite. charcoal pencils... in some ways they're the worst of both worlds#tales from diana#i spent five fucking hours doing my drawing homework and it came out w Several Fucking Foundational Flaws#at least in composition for what the assignment was supposed to be#and i was so unsatisfied w it bc in the end the figure i ended up doing was so small#bc i was focusing on adding a lot of detail to the room i was sitting in#and im soooo fucking anal-retentive about drawing rooms. long story short i should've just. zoomed in like 3.5x and not#done all that much. i nearly burnt myself out before i even started drawing ME (THE POINT OF THE ASSIGNMENT)#(IT'S A FIGURE DRAWING CLASS NOT A LINEAR PERSPECTIVE CLASS)#the figure i drew is kinda cute actually but so squished it doesn't look... much like me at all#maybe it's also my hair being tied back but the facial features are so small they dont look like anyone in particular#and as small as they are they don't really resemble me much either#so i was so unhappy w it that i drew a very VERY zoomed in one that was just. well mainly my face.#it was on a smaller piece of paper#(normally we do them on 18'' x 24'')#i drew the ceiling and walls in the background but it's like. very much not the focus.#there's a bit of shoulder and arm too but my hair is covering up a lot bc i let it down#it's not very much fitting the assignment either but i thought it made up for the whole... lack of PERSON that i didnt have in my first one#and counting the breaks i had to take to let my brain melt that all took like... six and a half hours#but i couldn't NOT do all of that. i just. ugh. i wish drawing were fucking easy for me it absolutely is not.#there are so many things i should do instead of what i naturally think to do. and im also very slow and detail-oriented#detail-oriented but my details don't even turn out really good.#what i draw in two hours other people could draw in less than half that time#what i draw in six hours other people could draw in two#and that doesn't make me want to give it up. i'm glad i work hard. i think it's worth it for the joy i get out of learning it.#but damn. i'm just a slow-fuckin-poke.
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epione-xx · 2 years
Inspired by @ssak-i and one of their prompts <3
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His pencil sketched the lines slowly, drawing every curve of her body out from memory. Only looking up when he saw her shift and smiles at him- as if trying to purposely catch his attention.
another rough line aid charcoals hit the paper and then Damian looked up at her again, watching as she stretched a bit and asked another question.
“So how is it going?” That was the third time she had asked in the past thirty minutes, but the young man couldn’t help but chuckle at her “it’s going fine beloved, just stay still for me” he says.
Her pout ensured after the same old answer and she held her pose before moving to fix the strap of her white bralette “yknow, I thought you would have preferred me naked.”
Her brows wiggle suggestively and Damian flushed a soft pink before looking back at his paper “would you have posed for me naked?”
“Maybe if you gave me some compensation~” was her coy reply.
He let out a fake scoff and rolled his eyes, knowing that she wasn’t even talking about money but instead wanting to be paid out on kissed and cuddled (and most likely sex)
She smiles in reply at Damian’s scoff and fixed her pose, trying to make herself have less rolls.
Damian caught on, eyes flickering from his paper and to her body with a serious look “why did you do that?”
“Do what?” She hummed as she pushed her hair back and then looked at him.
“Try and hide your body” he got up, placing the sketch book on the small table as he strolled over to the bed where she sat, standing tall and looking Dow at her with a raised brow.
She felt herself flush in embarrassment and awkwardly shuffled “it’s not pre-“
“Bullshit” he glared “don’t you dare give me that shit of “it’s not pretty.” Do you know how gorgeous you are beloved?” The nickname was softer then his original tone as he got on his knees in front of her, hands setting on the sides of her waist as he looks up at her.
She felt herself flush and look down at him “I- aren’t they a turn off?”
He frowned even more “knowing that my beloved is healthy and has a normal body type?” He asks “knowing that you’re in much better condition the you were before, that your eating three meals a day? Never. That’s a turn on beloved” his hands moved further down, now palming at the lace that hung in her hips.
He smirked but nods, fingers grasping the lace and pulled it down her legs before he buried himself in her pussy and began to lick up and down- eating like a man starved.
She flushed and gasp, weaving her hands through his hair and meaning loudly “shit, Damian” she whines “thank you so so much”
He smirked and kept going, sucking at her clit a bit and as soon as she was about to cum he pulled away “no beloved, thank you for my dinner” he cooed.
She flushed more and stared at him, tonight would be a great fuck.
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astranite · 2 months
What would your oc’s carry in their bags/have on them in everyday life?
This is changed a bit from the original school bags to while adventuring/going through Plot, as this fits with being general enough to work with my mediaeval-ish fantasy setting and story, while still in the spirit of it. Heres the original: https://www.tumblr.com/rainydaywhump/751678125911490560/thanks-for-the-tag-tagging-if-you-havent-already
Thanks for the tag @rainydaywhump! I've put this in its own post since it got long and this was from a while ago.
I have recently become incredibly unhinged about my ocs, or as I like to call them limited edition little guys (gender neutral) from my brain, that I’ve never mentioned anywhere before. So here! @silverstarfics behold.
A bound notebook journal for their notes on magic research, ideas and all their stray thoughts. It’s practically falling apart these days, with loose extra pages shoved in everywhere and a cover made from a scrap piece of leather the only thing holding it together and protecting it. Edvin’s writing in it is getting progressively tinier and more difficult to decipher (their handwriting started off as bad enough as is) because they are worried about running out of space. They use charcoal pencils to write with as a bottle of ink would be too likely to get smashed in their pack.
Their cloak. Though they are near constantly wearing it, so mostly its technically not in their bag: 
Edvin has this cloak that they take with them everywhere and wear near constantly. its deep blue-purple of a night sky with stars on it. it started off as very obviously a mages cloak, a sign of authority and with a bit of mystique that strengthens that impression, clean and bright as it was fairly new and only worn by Edvin inside libraries, castles and the magic university district of the city. it was just a pretty normal, everyday thing for Edvin as a mage, but over time and adventures and hardship it becomes more and more of a comfort item. 
It’s confidence, when Edvin wears it to look more imposing and properly mage like and because the familiarity of it helps them stand up tall as they pretend they still know what they are doing. its comfort when they are ever so far from home and from the life they used to have and the person they were that they cant ever return to. As all gets further and further away the cloak is still with them.
Over the years, it becomes more and more worn, the fabric fading, holes and tears patched and sewn together and stains that wont come out such as from when Edvin bled all over it. they've put it together again, needle and thread in hand and clinging to it, because its the only thing holding Edvin together too.
At one point they took all the still conspicuous silver white stars off of the outside and resewed them on the inside, back into constellations, because it was too obvious and dangerous and a plain drab blueish cloak is easier to hide, but they couldn't bring themself to give them up.
It’s safety and it keeps off the cold when they are sickest from magic overuse, ever so lonely and feeling awful, lying curled up until they are hidden by it. with the hood pulled up, no one can see whether edvin is shivering or trembling from tears.
They do their best to keep high calorie and easy to eat food on them because using magic burns through energy like nothing else and it’s hard to eat when they are exhausted and have no appetite. It’s often something sweet if they can get it, carefully wrapped up like its precious, plus salty stuff because they need that and it keeps well.
Edvin keeps fairly light on with armour and weaponry as their magic is their most used defence but they have some. 
When they were a mage and a scholar before everything happened, they were definitely the person to carry around half of the giant library’s books in a bag that was straining at the seams. They had piles of research notes and ready access to paper and ink and never had to worry about it. Edvin had their cloak, but it was a largely unremarkable every day object to them. They loved the stars but they didn't really think about it much. It was near new with only a few tiny ink stains.
Sewing and repairs kit, versatile enough to be applied to the tack for the horses, armour and weapons, clothing or what ever else is falling apart on the road this time. He made the extra leather cover for Edvin’s notebook for them.
Heavier duty armour and weapons as they still have it from when they were in training to become a knight and were allowed to keep it even when due to injuries that didn’t pan out. Val fights best from horseback so that is kept in mind. Despite being generally brash, loud and angry at the world, he takes patient, careful care of his gear because he knows how important it is to fighting well and surviving.
The rest of what he carries is mostly soldiers kit as that’s where he ended up for years as that was really the only place he could put his skills to use, fighting for whatever cause he was ordered to no matter that what he cares about most is defending and helping those who cannot fight themselves. He also has most of the gear needed to take care of the horses.
She would definitely be the type to go out with whatever is in her pockets and nothing else if she could get away with it. She totally would wear her keys on a carabiner in a modern au.
Her weapons and armour are important to her as they are what allow her to fight, to walk into battle and be a powerful force in her own right. But she regularly gets frustrated by the upkeep needed to keep things in good condition and to prevent problems becoming serious before its unavoidable. While Edvin mentors her in magic, Val is most often the one who sits down at the end of the day with her to get across that you can’t run and fight without stopping all the time because the slower parts have just as much bearing on the battle as being right in the thick of it.
She doesn’t want to be weighed down by objects of her past, so doesn’t tend to hang onto things. She tells herself she doesn't need that comfort and only who she is now matters. When she left to join the fight, she left anything she didn’t strictly need in the moment behind to try to cut anything that tied her to that ordinary life and forge a path ahead as her own person.
Otherwise, all of them have packs, camping gear and general stuff needed out on campaign.
*Addendum because of course I have more to say. They all have some medical/first aid supplies, though Val has the most kit prepared, for people and the horses both. Matilda's healing magic skills are rough and ready but she might pull you back together through sheer stubbornness. Edvin's are far better technique-wise but that doesn't help if they are needing it because they've burnt out their energy reserves from magic.
All of them tend to pick up and carry around things to fidget with, from beaded bracelets made for it, a smooth stone found on the road or a small item to toss from hand to hand. Yes there is definite neurodivergency!
Tagging @idontknowreallywhy and @squiddokiddo as I know you have ocs plus anyone else who wants to talk about their limited edition little guys, I'd love to hear about them!
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lauronk · 9 months
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hi @freetobeyouandmichi-me love, thanks for the ask!
in my happy little streetlights world, by the time ellie miller is 18 and they’re celebrating christmas, they’ve got four years of figuring out traditions and they’ve got it pretty settled by now:
they do Christmas Eve dinner with tommy and maria and open their gifts to each other
maria (lovingly) coerces everyone into pajama sets for a picture. She got ellie’s size wrong the first year - she got the correct size but ellie likes them a size bigger for extra coziness - but has made sure to get it right every year since
(this is the year maria is pregnant with TJ, which they’d shared before Thanksgiving)
Christmas morning is just ellie and joel. He drinks coffee and she drinks cocoa (with an absurd amount of marshmallows), even when it’s 75 degrees out, because texas y’all
they do stockings first, just little knickknacks and funny gifts (one time they gave each other pet rocks, which they each still have). joel gives ellie scratch offs and then tries to claim a “purchasing fee” when she wins more than $5
The first Christmas joel went a little nuts on gifts (it’s a big deal, their first Christmas, sue him) but it made ellie a little uncomfortable because a) she only had like two things for him, both of which were homemade and b) she’s never really been on the receiving end of so much positive attention at the holidays. So joel makes sure to tone it down in subsequent years even when his brain is screaming at him to spoil the fuck out of her
they do just a couple gifts for each other now. this year it’s just little useful, thoughtful things: guitar strings and good quality art pencils and silly socks.
joel gives ellie the full charcoal art set she mentioned offhand one time over the phone, and ellie gives joel a new toolbox to replace the one that finally bit the dust (and she puts some silly mushroom stickers she found on Etsy on it)
after presents, it’s movie time
ellie gave up two years ago on arguing that Die Hard isn’t a Christmas movie and now she watches it without complaint (and loves it, not that she can tell him that)
joel is more tired than he can say of the first two Home Alone movies but those are ellie’s picks, so they watch and he always finds himself laughing when the Wet Bandits step on ornaments and get hit with paint cans
(he says “why the hell’d you take your shoes off?” to ellie a lot and she automatically responds with “why the hell are you dressed like a chicken?”)
they stay in their pajamas all day, the ones maria got them this year, and eat leftovers from yesterdays dinner plus whatever candy they’ve accumulated
ellie always falls asleep by the end of Muppet Christmas Carol, like clockwork, head on a pillow on joel’s lap
ellie’s on break from school till the new year, and joel takes Christmas through New Year’s Day off so he and his employees can have a break. So it’s a week of lazy pajama days, visiting other friends, just enjoying occupying the same space before life starts up in earnest again and it goes back to quick hellos and goodbyes in the morning
anyway I just had a couple thoughts about it 😅
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ethereal-bumble-bee · 9 months
come with me- Crutchie
(Note: I know, I’ve already written like three oneshots that are just letters from Crutchie, but I absolutely adore his character and letters are one of the best forms of expression in my opinion- it’s just something about someone’s heart poured out onto a page that inspires me. This is in a world where Jack moved to Santa Fe after the strike, leaving Crutchie and the others behind. Enjoy!)
    Dear Jack,
    It’s been a while hasn’t it? Almost ten years now, if I remember right… damn, it’s almost surreal to think of all the time that’s passed since I last saw your face. We miss you, all of us do, Racer and Dave and hell, even Spot Conlon. Santa Fe’s a long way away.
    I guess you really had to go away, though. It was a long time coming, I’m sure- you’ve been dreaming of the plains and desert of New Mexico since we were ten. Right now, I’d guess that you’re settled somewhere outside, sketching the landscape with a broken charcoal pencil and a scrap of stolen paper as the world flies by you, your heart full of happiness and relief. 
    No more talking about that, though. I need to ask you something, something that’s been eating at me since the moment we said our goodbyes. I’m sitting in Miss Medda’s theater, where you used to paint sets for her, because I can’t keep wondering any longer. 
    Do you miss us?
    Do you miss the days when you were free, when all the responsibility you had was to survive until your next meal? Do you miss the fights, the jokes, the laughter and the tears, all experienced under the roof that nurtured the man you are today? Do you miss us newsies and everything we went through together? 
    What about Katherine?  Do you think of her often, that girl with the fiery red hair and a way with words that would make Shakespeare tear up with awe? Do you miss the days you spent reminiscing about that first kiss up on the rooftop, the fit of passion and anger that made you fall in love for the very first time?
    Davey- that beautiful boy, shaking like a leaf when you first met him, growing into the bravest and most dedicated leader Manhattan had ever seen- do you still love him? He never moved on after you, Jack. He’s got a job with the Journal, editing articles and making enough to support his family now. He’s got enough money to have a nice house in the suburbs, a wife, and a litter of youngins, but I think he’s holding onto the hope that you’ll come back.
    We all are, if I’m honest. It’s been different around here without you.
    You’d be proud, if only you were here to see how well we’ve done. Race made it big betting at the races and now he and Spot have got this little business opened together, living off of the winnings plus the profits. Specs has got himself a job working on a steamboat and now he’s seeing the world, and JoJo’s a pastor now, preaching every Sunday. You wouldn’t hardly recognize us, I don��t think- we’ve all grown so much, so far past the scared little kids we used to be.
    Sometimes I wonder if you ever changed that much.
    I have to go now. If you ever get this letter, please respond. I’d love to know that you’re okay, that Santa Fe was just as beautiful as you thought it would be, that you’ve got a lass and a good sum of cash in your pocket. If you haven’t already forgotten us, please write back. I miss you.
    Your brother,
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tailsdollr · 4 months
your art is really coool! im inspired! do you have any art tips?
Thank you so much and yes I have a bit of knowledge since all the work I have done over the years. However, I understand everyone does things differently. So perhaps not all I will share will benefit you much. Especially if you already knew it BUT I will try give as many I can!
I saw that you mostly do traditional drawing, so I will keep it mainly for that. However I will mention some digital tips but will have them related to traditional in some way.
Pencil types. There are many types of pencils and most depend on darkness or light. I usually have a 0.6 and 0.9 on me. A step further is charcoal however I'm not as experienced in that. Something I often do in case of smearing is lightly dabbing my finger on the art. This can work for many tools but I think a pencil smearing can just be annoying lol. How far you press can be very important too as going to hard can leave lines into the paper that will permanently be there and affect your art in case you wanna erase. I usually go light first then dark then work around. It's okay if it's messy at first if its light as that can be a lot easier to clean.
Paper. Paper is very important to me at least due to how much it can vary. For certain tools, I'd prefer certain types of paper. Always check texture and thickness before buying. Don't just buy random sketchbooks. I've regretted many times of getting paper far too thin or way too much texture.
Texture and thickness all depend on what you'll use on it. Thicker paper can handle wet bases like water, paint, or markers. While thinner paper is much better for pencil. As the more texture the more difficult it becomes to not make a mess of extra that might smear if you're not careful.
If you have thin paper and are using markers, make sure you know when is too much for the paper. It could tear or eat a hole in it if not careful. I don't think it depends on art supplies either. I just think it depends on skill and paper. Like, I would not use Crayola markers on printer paper. But I would on card stock since it's more likely to handle it. Speaking of card stock, it can be really good for just sketching. However I don't think it takes pencil very well depending on it's texture. Since most are usually kind of glossy on top.
Thin paper can also be great if you want to transfer a drawing over. Imagine a digital sketch that you draw over. Thin paper can be used in the same way so I'd never fear messing up when you can easily get it onto something else and start over. This applies to tracing it in digital.
Speaking of tracing, I would not be afraid of using it as a learning tool. I've used references but sometimes I cannot see exactly how to draw that. So I trace and see what it looks like on its own. I don't think using something traced in your final piece is practical or good. But I think learning and guiding yourself with it is an excellent thing and I want more young artists not to be afraid of it.
Poses and certain features can be quite difficult for some. I think the best way to build up on these is to break them down. Like making the person who is doing the pose into very simple shapes.
This like all off the top of my head. If you want to ask something specific like, painting for example, feel free and go ahead! Or need further elaboration I can certainly try!
My biggest art tip of all tho, is to have fun. Draw whatever you want. Make yourself feel happy and don't let others dictate what you do.
I think cringe culture really hurt a lot of learning and growing artists. People who just inserted themselves into stories, made strange aus. They all were just having fun. I let myself not show that I loved things just for others comfort and you know what fuck them!! So what if evil teletubbies is weird?? Why are you upset that I'm having fun!
Love what you love. Draw weird and strange things and never give up on yourself when you feel disappointed.
You will get there with your art. You will if you feel love and passion for the craft.
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rewordthis · 8 months
The struggles of art, are not for everyone.
It’s really not, indeed.
You have to like the process first and foremost.
If when putting the tip of the pencil down onto paper your main thoughts are how you’re bad, how you won’t have any progress, or hope you’ll be as good as those famous artists you follow on here or Twitter, then you’re really doing it wrong.
I’ve been drawing for forever and I still don’t seem to make anything better than before but having an old drawing around always puts things into perspective. I draw because it gives me peace of mind. If it just gives you anxiety then sure, it’s not for you.
And in the end, what I love the most about it is the sensation of my pencil-tip scratching that blank void that a sheet of paper is. Not the prospect of earning likes, a following, or money from it. I have tons of art that’ll never see the light of day for many reasons, that I’m so hang up on the fact that I made it. I was in my best condition when I made those pieces, in the right headspace, I was whole. The muses guided my hands these times, God smiled down on me.
What can I say? I’m a girl of simple things.
But the whole debate about whether AI is a medium for creation or easy theft, has soured my mood.
I do NOT consider AI art when its main ‘reference’ is straight up stealing and plagiarising someone’s sweat and tears. Before feeding it your favourite artist’s (or writer’s) work to mince and chew it up like it’s nothing in order to vomit a halfassed attempt at creation on your part remember this, the artists and writers the works of you used, are real people. They breathe, they eat, they cry. They pour TIME into their works. Time that you do NOT respect. They put feelings into their works. Feelings that you do NOT respect. For some of them, it’s also their main income. Income that you DEVALUE by stealing what is considered a unique trait of their trade!
You will NEVER learn anything nor get better at anything other than stealing that way. Because you haven’t known the value of hard work. The value of putting a chip of your soul into what you make. The value of living inside every work you’ve ever CREATED. You never lost sleep, food, or a piece of your sanity trying to make something from scratch. Trying to make it work. Trying to give birth to something unique.
What pitiful existences really, are those who can’t value someone else’s soul enough to respect it…
Anyway… this is getting heavy for me so I’m not going to rant over this anymore. I just want to say that I’m going to release some basic everyday steps for those who really want to learn drawing to follow on their own. Art takes time. Great writing takes time. It also takes for someone to be happy each time for what they were capable of creating.
That said, let me be clear that these mini exercises aren’t gonna clinch you a job at mappa, nor are they going to teach you proportions or whatever else those tutorials promise you, they’re specific to making you understand how 3D and observation works in order for you to be able to pick the elements you need every time you make a new piece. That’s all!
Progress isn’t jumping from 3yo art to fucking Rembrandt. It’ll suck ass before it even looks remotely decent!
Make sure to have that☝️printed and posted on your wall. That’s an order! *flexes whip*
Ok, I’m kidding, but seriously that’s your only motto from now on if you want to get better.
And now let’s prepare the ground for your exercises.
What you’ll need first is either a normal pencil or a 2mm one. No 0,5’s or whatever… in general NO mechanical pencils. Personally I’d recommend starting with a wooden pencil, though.
A good eraser that doesn’t smudge. It doesn’t matter what colour or brand as long as it erases the graphite well and without too much mess. Remember, NO SMUGES! *Forgot to say, a charcoal eraser will be a good friend, if it’s affordable. (Sorry for forgetting that.)
Now, hardness:
Find your typical hand writing pressure in the table below.
Generally the harder you press, the more difficult to erase. So bigger pressure (aka black marks, scratches etc) is 5.
5 4 3 2 1
2H H HB B 2B
How it works:
If you’re 3 you’ll need:
H: tracing
HB: outline
2B: shading
If you’re a 5 you’ll need:
2H: tracing
H or HB: outline
B: shading
If you’re 1 you’ll need:
HB: tracing
HB or B: outline
2B: shading
If you are 2 or 4 you’ll have to go through trial and error. Sorry. Just keep in mind that depending on where you lean; extremes or average (3), you follow the guidelines above.
For example, I am a hard 5 (if not 5,5 lol) so at some point I resorted working with just 2H and HB. I only ever use B when I need something to be black— which admittedly happens rarely. It’s only a few times you’ll need to depict actual black.
> You generally need a tracing pencil that won’t leave too dark visible marks behind when erased. People 5 and 4 will have to be a little careful though and not scratch the paper but that will come with practice.
> Your outline has to be enough to ‘stain’ the paper so you won’t lose your main sketch. It’s also correction time. Yey!
> Your shading shouldn’t smudge because you’re going to use layers. Yes. Even in traditional art you darken in layers, typically in as light moves as possible and in varying angles until you get the shade you want but that’s for later.
I personally don’t have any specific papers to propose to you (bitch you’re using basic photo-printing A4 papers wth lol). You’ll just need a hard surface, especially my 5 and 4 palls.
Ok, that’s it for today, folks.
Let me also slap a disclaimer here: I am NOT a professional art tutor. I just love art. 🤗
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rainbowdelicsunshine · 2 months
Graphite for polymercs Pyro and charcoal for polymercs Soldier :)
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Now this'll be a blast!
Graphite: What's something decently common that your character does in a unique or different way? (like how graphite is present in all pencils, but not everyone uses pure graphite)
Pyro LOVES to eat Roasted Fruit (esp Roasted Apple), they basically refuse to eat fruit otherwise
Their favorite method is to spit roast the fruit over any open fire they can find or create
Because of this, a 4 year old LuluBelle at the time attempted to roast and eat a sweet onion in the same way (think of the sweet onions from Holes)
It did not go well!
Charcoal: Share any unique physical features about this character that are not scars or tattoos.
Soldier has a Square/Rectangular Face Shape, A Wide Barrel Chest, a Strong Buff Dad Bod, Has a Good Amount of Body Hair, Deep Brows, and He has a Big, Wide, Toothy Grin that gets Crooked at the Corners of It
Leon has inherited this same smile from Solly and he takes EVERY SINGLE OPPORTUNITY to brag about it (usually with Leon right there to hear all about it)!
Ahh, this was a ton of fun to write up my sweet dear friend, thank you so much for sending this ask in to me!
I really hope I get more asks for the PolyMercs AU of this nature and I hope that you have a wonderful and amazing day!!
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saeriibon · 2 years
hassel headcanons yippee!!
- Naturally a brunette/dirty blonde. Dyed his hair so often now that it's permanently damaged and thus appears as a lighter blonde. He uses a liberal amount of conditioner to keep it silky smooth and manageable. He tried dyeing his eyebrows as well, but because of his tendency to cry and wipe his face often, the dye wore out more quickly compared to his hair, so he gave up. If you ask him, the juxtaposition makes him look a lot more interesting.
- He grows facial hair surprisingly quickly (alongside other areas of his body). He doesn't like the feeling of having a beard or mustache so he's very on top of self-grooming. Sometimes he'll shave the more unseen parts of his body, but not often.
- His body has a lot of old scars from when he was younger and he doesn't care to show them off whatsoever. If you're lucky enough to see them, and bold enough to ask, he'll skirt around explaining their origins, though a keen eye could tell there's a mixture of Pokemon and man-made wounds.
- His large hands makes finding suitable art tools difficult, since many feel too small for him to wield. Sometimes he will make his own brushes, pencils, etc. from scratch.
- He can and will trim his fingernails with scissors in case he is not in reach of a nail-clipper. He was scolded by Ms. Tyme for this once for doing it in class, so you won't see him do this unless in private.
- He likes salty, savory, chewy foods. He had recently acquired a taste for Tentacool meat thanks to Larry, though his all-time favorite meat comes from Bouffalant.
- Is the kind of person to drench and assail his salad with dressings, croutons, cheeses, egg, meat, etc. He isn't entirely against the idea of a "plain" salad, he just prefers it to be absolutely loaded, if possible.
- He claims to not have a favorite color.
- Has terrible seasonal allergies and sneezes so loud it's as if he could topple a building.
- His nightwear consists of a gown and very sturdy, fluffy slippers (absolutely despises the feeling of cold floors). He sleeps with a lot of blankets and pillows on a king sized mattress. Will randomly punch and kick in his sleep, so beware if you try to sleep with him.
- Loves scented candles. Favors smells like vanilla and amber.
- Takes really long showers/baths where the water is almost scalding. Only 20%-30% of his time is spent actually bathing, the rest is for soaking and relaxing (helps with his joint pain).
- Enjoys viewing opera, figure skating, and fencing.
- His physiology differs from a typical human in that the tips of his ears are slightly pointier, his canines are larger and sharper, and his eyes can sometimes glow in the dark. None of that is particularly noticeable or scary unless you happen to bump into him during his nightly patrols. He was also born with an elongated coccyx, though that shortened to standard length as he grew up. Because of his pseudo-tail and slightly upturned nasolabial angle, he was often likened to an Oinkologne by his peers in his youth.
- The previous headcanon was inspired by a conversation with my friend in regards to his family. It'd be fucked up and cool if there was both a human and dragon-type Pokemon patriarch, and when that Pokemon grew old and died then the current human head of the family would eat it, transferring some of its spiritual energy into their heir during conception. His family considers that transfer and manifestation of power a blessing, though Hassel believes otherwise.
- He's very physical; headpats, hugs, shoulder pats, back pats, firm handshakes, arm around shoulders/waists, etc... etc... etc... Half the time he isn't even aware of how handsy he can be.
- His ultimate act of trust is letting someone touch/brush/braid his hair.
- His favorite medium to draw with is charcoal.
- Surprisingly good at keeping his paint water and drinks separate.
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corner-stories · 5 months
🍐 🍈 🍇
fruit emoji ask game for fic writers
🍐 Is there anything in canon that you absolutely hate and love to fix in fics? A wrong choice made, a fuck-up in characterization, a misunderstanding never cleared up, a conversation never shown onscreen, etc…
I wouldn't say I hate this but I would argue that it's criminally unexplored. I think a lot of things post-Rumbling were not explored as much as they deserved to be, like the state of Paradis Island, what Mikasa has been up to in the 3 years after the Battle of Heaven and Earth, as well as what exactly the Ambassadors have been up to during that time.
There's like... so much story to be told in here and it just gets glossed over. And hey, if we're not gonna get a sidestory/OVA about characters who aren't Levi, then I guess I gotta make it myself.
🍈 Who’s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
I'm a Jean Kirschtein girlie, have been from day one. A lot of my headcanons are about him pursuing art in his spare time. As a kid he began sketching with whatever he could find, usually pencils or charcoal, then as he gets older he comes across new supplies like coloured pencils and watercolour paint. I just think it's very human of him to pursue something small that makes him happy, despite all the chaos going around him.
Like damn, he seems to be the only Scout who has a hobby and that's how he barely kept it together over the years.
My end game for him really is him living at some seaside cottage where he spends the rest of his days painting. He deserves it.
There's also my Commander Kirschtein AU, which is exactly what it sounds like. Jean is the Commander of the Scouts because that's what us SNK fandom geezers believed would happen in the future. I just... I just really like the idea of Jean being in Command despite how it actually went down in canon.
🍇 Is there a particular scene/episode/book/etc that you want to just write a million fics about, over and over? Which one?
I'm not sure if this counts as a "scene" but as a Jeankasa truther, I've noticed that a lot of fics (as of recently) either take place post-Rumbling or during the timeskip between 850-854. It's essentially a genre of its own and I find myself eating that shit up. So I guess it's more of a in-universe time period that I wanna write a million fics about.
Also I just need to mention that a lot of the fics where Mikasa and Jean hook up during the first time skips are sad. Like... I'll be reading the most delectable citrus I've seen in a while but it will also feel sad. We love angst in the Jeankasa community, I guess.
I've written some post-Rumbling Jeankasa where they're just living a quiet cottagecore life, but I should write more. Something I'd actually love to write more about is specifically how they got together. And along the way, Mikasa slowly processes her trauma, maybe picks up a hobby that makes her happy, and learns to love again.
One of my ideas for them is Jean living that quiet seaside cottagecore life I mentioned and Mikasa finding that he's been on Paradis for years and didn't tell her. The reason why is that he wants her to be safe and him being considered a traitor to the island would jeopardize that, so in that he feels like he has to distance himself for her so she can live a peaceful life. And as one can imagine, Mikasa has a lot of conflicting thoughts on that mindset.
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heavensenthale · 2 years
no professional model needed
Written for Multiamory March Day #19: Art
Fandom: Teen Wolf Relationship: Lydia/Malia/Kira Rating: Mature (nudity) Word count: ~500
Read on AO3 or
“Please stop fidgeting,” Lydia said without taking her eyes from the easel.
“I’m not fidgeting,” Kira replied, suspiciously fast.
Lydia took a look at the girls and saw that the light was reflected differently on Kira’s hair. She definitely moved.
“Girls, you volunteered to do this, I could’ve hired a professional model.”
“No, no, no professional model needed,” Malia added, moving a stray hair out of her face. “I’m not even tired yet.”
Earlier that day, they had agreed to help her in her nude project for her drawing class, even after Lydia told them she wanted to do something bold and daring that would make it to her portfolio. What she meant was you’ll have to hold a somewhat uncomfortable position for a long time. Right now, Kira was lounging on their sofa, occasionally eating from the fruit bowl she placed for them before they started. Malia, with her back to her was leaning on her left arm, lounging in the opposite direction Kira was. It was a beautiful view and Lydia would’ve loved to join them and do all sorts of naughty things with them.
Instead, she sat in front of the easel sketching on charcoal the final piece. She loved her girlfriends but they made for lousy models for a project such as this one.
Kira moved to get her hair out the way and Lydia had to put the charcoal pencil down.
“Kira,” she began, “you don’t have to do this if you’re uncomfortable.”
“I love you, and you’re one of my favorite people to photograph, but this might not be your niche.”
Malia sat up, completely ruining the vibe Lydia was going for. “I think we’d be better at this if there was some prize waiting for us on the other side.”
“I don’t work well under pressure,” Lydia arched an eyebrow in Malias’s direction. “Nor do I work well when the model ruins the perfect pose she was in.”
“I can do it again,” she replied.
Malia stretched her arms and her neck, and went back to the lounging position she was in before, turning her face just so, leaning on her left arm just a little bit too much, but otherwise perfect.
“If you stay still, I will finish this faster and we can all be naked then,” said Lydia.
“Do you promise?” Malia asked.
“I swear.”
An hour later, the light filtering through the window was her signal to put the charcoal pencil down. Lydia looked at her drawing, then at her girlfriends: there was no way to do justice to their beauty, but she’d keep trying for as long as they'd let her.
When she stood up, both girls turned to look at her. “I’m done for the day. You can follow me to the bed if you’d like.”
To drive her point home, she took off her skirt and dropped it on the floor, quickly followed by her blouse; then she turned around, confident in the knowledge that her girlfriends would follow her.
They did.
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sovtwords · 2 years
“can i love you?”
confessions when one character thinks the other is sleeping
with Albedo, Xiao, Cyno or Thorns (Arknights). (Okay I realize this might be a hard list for you so I'm throwing Suna into the pile. Not Osamu because I wanna shake things up for you)
I'm a big sucker for the whole 'I don't know if I deserve to love someone like them' kinda vibe and the silent confessions, which also kinda relates to that vibe because they WANNA LET THE OTHER PERSON KNOW THEY LOVE THEM, SHOUT IT FROM THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS but they can't, they think they do not deserve their love or them, or that they are good enough for them and I'm--
Please. Break my lil heart and heal it all over again with your prose.
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for: genshin impact pairing: albedo x reader warnings: none, except for maybe a minor amount of angst and a terribly out of character drabble w/c: 692 a/n: THANK YOU FOR BEING MY FIRST ASK MY LOVE! I don't actually play Genshin, but for the love I have for this beautiful lady, I would write every Genshin fic if it made her happy. So please accept what may be an ooc Albedo lol I hope you like it!
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Albedo sighs tiredly, and lets the charcoal pencil fall into the bend of his notebook - another drawing sitting unfinished, to be forgotten and discarded like many drawings he’s recently tried to create.
It is strange for him, to be so distracted from his life’s work, from the very thing that makes him, him. Alchemy is his livelihood, his end goal, the reason he sets out every day into a world where dangers lurk and wait to attack. He shouldn’t be this affected by anything. It wasn’t in his nature to be.
And yet…
Piercing blue eyes drift away from the markings in his book, and over to the bed that lies in the corner of the room he’s rented at the local inn. He wouldn’t say that Mondstadt offers the highest quality beds that the world had to offer, but the innkeep was nice, the room was cheap, and it gave him a place to rest the odd time when he had to leave to continue his research.
But Albedo finds the nicest thing about this little inn is the innkeeper's daughter.
He watches her form on his bed, fully clothed in her work dress, her back to him as she sleeps away a sudden dizzy spell that came over her. The innkeep wasn’t too happy to hear her daughter was slacking off and sleeping when there were tables to clean and sheets to wash, but with a bit of mora thrown her way from Albedo’s pockets, she ultimately shuts her mouth and returns to her work.
He knows he shouldn’t indulge in this…’friendship’, that had been budding between you both for the past few weeks, where you would join him by the fireplace late at night as he’s deep in his research, asking question after question as he feeds your curiosity while you feed him in return, making sure he eats and drinks well as he tends to lose himself in his research. Where you would see him off every day at the door, wishing him well on his travels, hoping he’ll return in one piece, and you’ll promise to make some Sunshine Sprat for him when he gets back. Where you’ll gaze at him in such open adoration it makes the hairs on his body stand up, indecisive whether it’s telling him to be excited, or to run away.
He knows it was foolish to indulge in these comforts for so long, when he has more ‘important’ matters on his hands.
But there is something so captivating about being seen, being heard, that is more enthralling than the work he pours all of his passion into.
He inhales deeply through his nose as he gazes at the rise and fall of your back during your sleep.
“How do you do it?” he whispers, so as not to disturb your well needed rest. You could have slept in your own room, but Albedo had insisted on using his own. Foolish. “How do you care so freely? …Love, so ambitiously?”
He stares out at the rolling green hills from his seat near the window.
“I must be broken,” he muses to no one but himself. “If only I could experience the world as you do. To be able to give my entire heart to someone.” Said heart skips a beat as he returns his gaze to your form once more, wanting nothing more than to run his fingers through your hair and hold you close. 
“Can I love you?” he says with a twinge of sorrow lacing his words. All of this is so foreign to him, and for once in his life, no amount of research could explain the way his heart feels right now. “Can you…love me, in return?”
After a beat of silence, he shakes his head, and the mask he wears takes the forefront once more. He packs his things, and tells himself to get a move on.
He drops a sketch of you, with your radiant smile and your beautiful eyes, onto the table by his bedside, and silently exits the room. The Traveler awaits his presence.
The hand that reaches out to the drawing goes unseen.
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belovedblabber · 2 years
Thank youuuu for the tag @aeoncoded I had so much fun with this! Naturally I had to do Seril, she's always on my mind
(art is by miraculan-draws, colinarcartperson, and anonbeadraws)
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Seasoning: Smoked paprika
Weather: Sunny bright and warm (she misses the sun terribly over here in never sunny gothic horror land)
Color: Silvery pale blue
Sky: A sunny and clear blue sky
Magic power: Gun (okay in all seriousness she recently got inexplicable magical powers and the one she’s used most is healing. She's very confused about all of that)
House plant: Any sort of flower. In-universe she is named after one of the few flowers that grows in Barovia, the seril flower, which is similar in appearance to forget-me-nots but a paler white-blue and with a silver center rather than yellow
Subject: Fiber arts (is that a subject?)
Social media: Youtube but like, a channel where she does crafting and fiber art tutorials but also crazy survivalist tutorial stuff, all with the worst camera and audio quality you’ve ever seen in your life. It’s inexplicably popular
Make-up product: She is under the impression that lipbalm is a makeup product and it's her fave
Candy: Marzipan of any kind
Fear: Failure, inability to help, not being useful, being unable to save people
Ice cube shape: Crushed and she eats it like candy
Method of long distance travel: In Barovia it's been walking. Out of Barovia she was a pirate for a long time so, ships. But when she was a solo adventurer et al. she traveled by foot or by cart and sundry
Art style: Embroidery, and also pencil/charcoal
Mythological creature: Unicorn, in that very classic delicate sort of deer-like unicorn way
Piece of stationary: sketchbook
3 emojis: 🧵☀️💖
Celestial body: the sun
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I am sorry for continuing to fuel your obsession but I was left alone with my thoughts so I thought about cottagecore stucky💖💖💖
with the flowers that they have around their garden, would they have marigolds and calendula since those are good for repelling insects (calendula petals are also edible and used for making cosmetics), would they also have some sage since burning it repels mosquitoes?
Also for their tea garden I feel like they'd have chamomile, lavender, and maybe some mints. I also feel like they'd have a lemon tree bc you can use lemons for a lot of things. Maybe they'd grow pumpkins too, like the type for eating/making pie. I feel like Bucky would probably have some vintage recipes for various pies including pumpkin.
Also with Steve's art, how do you feel about the idea of him making his own paints and making taking some of the flower petals from the garden and drying them and grinding them to make pigments to make more organic paint colors. Also I feel like they'd have a fireplace and/or outdoor fire pit, if Steve uses charcoal for drawing maybe he could make charcoal sticks/pencils from the burnt wood in the fireplace instead of buying more expensive/fancy charcoal for his art.
Also how many indoor/house plants do they have and which one of them would be the plant dad. Do they have any bird feeders in front of the windows for Alpine to look at?
Never be fucking sorry I think I'm in love with you a lil bit<33
YES. YES. yes to all of it. Alpine watching birds at the cottage is possibly the most peaceful thought I could ever have. you are a genius 🤌😭
Steve making his own art supplies is so fucking cute and just SO Steve like OF COURSE Steve would do something like that.
Steve is Obsessed™ with charcoal sketching cus he use to do that all the time before the war and he fucking loves leaving charcoal marks all over Bucky *cough*activities*cough*
Steve using flowers to make different colors and experiencing all the different things he can do with it and the never ending possibilities is just afshaajsvs. Imagine curious lil Steve finding out he can make his own paints and doing all the research he possibly can and after SEVERAL failed attempts ending in adorable pouts that Bucky was more than happy to kiss away, he finally finally got it right and now has a whole pallette of organic paints which he made himself????? And he is so fucking proud of himself?????
And the pumpkin and lemon tree!!! Growing up my grandparents had 2 lemon trees in their front yard and i have so many good memories with lemon trees and like ohhhhh all the goddamn lemonade that Steve would make, he is BIG on using everything from his garden and making minimal trips to the grocery store. Bucky is just happy he doesn't have to leave the house much often and gets to spend more time in his garden. All the pies they made with the pumpkins they grew and and all the gallons of lemonade they made.
They would have those big transperant dispensers which are constantly in use and full of different stuff either one of them made that day
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Dispensers like these 👆
And their house smelling like sage is such a soft feeling oh my 🥹🥹 obvs they had to be careful with certain plants to not trigger any bad memories for Bucky and stuff but yesss they grow lavender which I think is Steve's favourite (because it's my favourite i think I'm projecting lmao) cus like you look at Steve and you just KNOW he smell something flowery and it's most prolly lavender and they have all the flowers growing right in front of their main entrance like thiis
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Their kitchen have a back door that leads to their herbs and tea garden cus that's the sensible thing lmao and the kitchen is always smelling nice even when they r not cooking/baking something.
Over all the big picture is Bucky and Steve sitting in their kitchen, Steve still has some paint splatters on his hands, they are drinking thier tea with mint and lemon, the house smells like sage while alpine is sitting on the picturesque window sill watching the birds near the bird feeder that steve put up himself, there is pie in the oven which Bucky made and Steve would like to say that he helped a bit but he was just snuggling and distracting his husband, thus the reason Bucky ALSO have paint on his neck and hands and everything is peaceful and birds chirping and all that Disney bullshit im going to go cry happy tears for my boys now thank you ✌️
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void-botanist · 1 year
OC/Writing Art Asks for one of those android characters you have! They sound neat :)
pencil, Copics, charcoal, eraser, and palette
Thank you so much for this! I never don't want to talk about my androids. I haven't talked about Imjen much though, so I'll answer for zir.
Pencil: does this character have any "sketchy" habits? Have they ever broken the law? Do they regret it? Imjen has broken the law multiple times in zir attempts to figure out what happened to Syndy before she reappears in TFA. As practice, zi hacked into all of the math department netsites at the University of the Second Akkanswl where Mizzat works, then tried to get into Syndy's builder's website. Zi did not succeed, but when the lockout period is 24 hours and you have all night, every night, just try again.
Copics: what is this character's most expensive habit or hobby? Do they ever feel guilty about the money they spend on it? Zi actually lives in zir own little house in the city, which zi has been indecisively redecorating for a while. It wasn't meant to be a hobby or a habit, but it kind of turned into one. At the start of TFA, zi actually gets a brand new sofa. And zi would feel guilty if there was anything else zi had to spend that money on, but so far there's not (not needing to eat, drink, or sleep helps a lot), and it's so easy to justify it anyway by saying it's preparation for a future first android party.
Charcoal: share any unique physical features about this character that are not scars or tattoos. For the most part, Imjen looks exactly like a swl, the bipedal dragonlike species that built zir. But the brown stripe pattern on zir sides actually hides a number of single-battery racks (in this case batteries are discs about the size of a CD but half an inch thick, which zir internal mycelium wiring feeds off of).
Eraser: what's one way this character has changed over time? Either over the course of their story, or over the course of designing them as an author. Imjen came to be in the earliest drafts of TFA, so zi hasn't been massively revamped from an old concept like Syndy and Dez have. But over the course of TFA & sequels zi has to come to terms with officially cutting ties with the university that built zir and the hospital zi has worked at since activation, for the last 8+ years. Zi's not trying to burn bridges but zi also hasn't been willing to take that final step into the unknown. (I think it overlaps with Dez taking a step into the unknown as an astronaut?)
Palette: list four of your character's primary skills, then share at least two ways these skills might blend or overlap
Hacking. Failure to find Syndy notwithstanding, zi is actually pretty good at getting into things.
Hypothesizing. Imjen is the leading source of theories about android life.
Blending in with nswl. It takes more than just looks - zi is an expert on how to get people to not notice the things zi can/'t do as an android.
Knowing where all the weird dives in town are. Not because zi has fantasy google maps in zir head, but because zi's actually been there.
3 and 4 are inherently linked because it's easier to hang out in weird dives if you blend in with everyone else. But 1 and 2 are linked in a sort of philosophical way? Like, hacking someone's website isn't some kind of portal to the self for an android, but it does open up a lot of questions about how zi is different from other computers and why. 2 and 4 are also very much an "I'm bored and I never sleep" kind of a thing lol.
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captainaikus · 2 years
hellooooo. just a daily check in. how are you? good i hope? how’re the WIPS coming around? i bestow upon you all the creative juice vibes *wriggles fingers* how was your day? did you see the new Blue Lock episode today? i will probably give my analysis sometime next week cause i had a long day and i am so tired and have a bunch of stuff to do. but i got ice cream today so that was fun. oh and i went to the park too and the weather was amazing. nothing like eating cold ice cream during fall on a windy, warm day 😌. how’s uni? i cannot wait for winter break. this is the last stretch tho so we got this 😤. as always *sends many virtual hugs*
- ✨ anon
✨ anon!! Hii !! ૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა
I'm doing alright, just a lil tired and I drew the eyes of lucifer (yk the one where he cried, painting by cabanel? that one- thinking if I should post the drawing I made or not…) cause its been a while since I last picked up a charcoal pencil; had a leg day at the gym and my roommate cut my hair at 2 am (they used the clippers... and i gotta say did a p good job cue me wondering if Oliver likes short hair)
And I can't get over how Carlos Oliveira and Oliver look the same 😭😭 Like it cracks me up everytime I think about it
The wips.... the creative juices are actually working cause even if i have wips, the ideas coming in my head aren't stopping and i have like 6 or more ideas for hcs now so i'm working on that... slowly 😶
The new eps out ?? 👀
I haven't caught up with the episodes so I have something to relax to tonight; I'll watch it soon
Honestly? same. On days that I'm too tired to write anything, I just rest and note down more ideas that I can work on later
Uni is... a pit. but we're working hard and maintaining that gpa, reading and all that and in my free time I relax or write. I hope you’re doing okay and resting well <3
*sending sleepy virtual hugs back*
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