#at the end of the day he's THE villain of the story
tmntxthings · 2 days
一∑Moth to a Flame・゜・。
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author’s notes: this is my entry for @dancingdonatello ‘s competition :D this has been sm fun and I can’t wait to read everyone else’s stories!!!
prompt: "You like them...more? Is that it? Am I the second choice?" "That's not true..." "Then choose me. Choose us."
warnings: angst, situation-ship, aged-up characters, college au, alcohol consumption, jealousy, yandere tendencies? cliffhanger
Donnie didn’t know how much more he could take. His mind was simultaneously all over the place and singularly focused on one thing. You.
Mutants and yokai kind alike have been out for years. So in the ‘town’ he and his brothers grew up in, they finally came to be free from the shadows. As free as heroes can be at least. They still needed to be a bit secretive on where they lived, in case of revenge-seeking villains.
But with mutants out on the surface, New York had grown accustom to them. Well, as accustom as they can be…
Donnie has met many people. He’s been able to attend college. Mostly online. But he finds the time to attend some evening classes in person. He met you. A floundering classmate in need of assistance.
Usually Donnie can find an excuse to get out of helping every poor soul that crosses his path. That’s what the professors are for. The librarians. Hell the student mentors! But with you… he just couldn’t resist.
The study sessions were long. But in the end you were able to pass, “All thanks to you Dee!!” You had cheered shoving your research paper into his face for him to appraise your passing grade. Barely passing, but it showed your improvement nonetheless.
He had been about to tease you of this. Three months of his help and you hardly grazed by?! But the thought was cut short as you pulled the papers away from his face and up you jumped.
Arms going around his neck and squealing your joy. He was frozen for a millisecond before his arms twitched into motion. His hands going around your back, holding you. That was the first time you had initiated such skin-ship.
Sure there had been the occasional touching of hands, passing laptops, books and the like back and forth. There had even been moments of playful touch, nudging his arm with your elbow for his odd choice in coffee. A tap above his glasses when he got too focused on his own work to answer your sporadic questions.
The hug didn’t last very long in terms of time. Seconds merely. But it made a lastly impression on Donnie. With the class over, you had no other reason to see him again. The prospect had Donnie fumbling to invite you out, to do anything to prolong such an ending to this blooming relationship.
“What classes are you taking next semester?” He had asked. You promised to text him the list, already having to dash off for one last exam.
He worried that would be the end.
Thankfully it wasn’t. You texted him later that evening, telling him all about the rest of your day as well as the list per his request. Unfortunately the two of you didn’t share any other classes. And it seemed unlikely for the future as well, the two of you were on diverging paths. Donnie despaired.
But you found reasons to message him. By the time the next semester rolled around the two of you were study partners, no matter the subject. Donnie would help if he could, and usually he was able. But there was a shift in the relationship. Outings to the library and other study areas changed to coffee shops. Then to your place. It only felt natural to invite you over to his.
Preparations were put in place. As were warnings “Yes, I do live in a sewer with my brothers and dad.” And “No it doesn’t reek of waste or garbage.” And “Yes there is one rat actually, my dear Papa.”
You took it all in stride. The introductions to his family went as well as they ever did. Friends. The two of you were officially friends. Donnie couldn’t be happier. With such a title he took more initiative with online contact. His messages would ramble on, sprinkled with pictures and videos.
Semesters continued to pass by and the bond between the two of you only grew. In turn, with more trips to his home, you became friends with his brothers. With April. It was just natural.
And then there was graduation. A celebration was in order. Four years, you had been in his life for four years and he couldn’t imagine it without you. The plan was to dress to the nines, and go out on the ‘town’! Drinking and dancing.
Of course, his brothers were invited as well as a few of your other friends. Donnie was no stranger to clubbing. The bar scene had become somewhat of a regular occurrence once his friendship with you was solidified.
You liked to go out. You liked music. He obliged on a few occasions to be your dancing partner and thus every time after it was his official label. Donnie was adverse to the huge crowds. It didn’t offer much room for dancing, but he’d endure it for you. With you in his arms it all seemed bearable. The music that was so loud it thumped in his plastron. The heat in the room percolating from the sheer number of bodies. Even the taste of alcohol, on the very, very rare occasion you got him to drink.
It always tasted horrible. No matter the different shots or mixed cocktails. God forbid a beer. You had pushed all sorts of these beverages on him, eyes crinkling up at him with amusement as his beak wrinkled from disgust.
Those nights with alcohol involved always ended strangely. Your touch would light him up from the inside. He’d want to hold you closer, lean in as far as you’d let him. Pull at your waist, dig his fingers into your hips during the last dance before the two of you had to part for the night. Those nights ended with kisses.
And by the next day you would never talk about them. So he didn’t either. Even as his murky memory of all other events seemed to part with clarity for how you had panted heat into his mouth. He’d flush dark green at just the thought and have to swallow the spit that pooled in his mouth.
This had happened a handful of times. The kissing. And with no communication whatsoever afterwards it put Donnie on edge. He wondered why it happened at all if you didn’t want to acknowledge the deed once it was done. He wondered about what it said on account of his own self worth for him to continue to let it happen.
To look forward to nights out. To nights you pushed a shot glass his way. To want your lips on his by the end of it all.
So with this big celebration, Donnie was expecting the same routine if only highlighted by the fact that both of you were now graduates. He’d be your dance partner. The two of you would spin for an hour or two, or however long you wanted. And he’d order himself a drink this time. One that he found slightly bearable than the rest.
Only, that wasn’t what was happening. Drink in hand? Sure. Your hand in his other? No. He was grumbling over at the bar shooting hateful daggers where you resided on the dance floor. You were dancing with Leo.
Donnie grimaced as he took a long hard sip. It was like acid in his mouth. Donnie didn’t know how much more he could take. His mind was simultaneously all over the place and singularly focused on one thing. You.
You laughing as Leo twirled you around. How wrong it felt to watch your arms go up and around his brother’s neck. Donnie was a better dancer. He knew in his soul that he could beat Leo in any category. Waltz, disco, salsa, you name it, Donnie could dance it. But his prowess didn’t seem to matter. Which only further incensed him. Why were you doing this? How could you possibly allow Nardo to take his place? His rightful role. Donnie was supposed to be your dance partner. And the only time you were allowed to dance with another was whenever he deigned to skip such an outing.
He was here. Dressed in an aubergine suit. Jacket button undone. And his black dress shirt was unbuttoned as well. Three buttons plucked, showing off too much skin in his opinion for such a crowd. But he had been feeling flirty. Flirty for someone who wasn’t even glancing his way.
Donnie fumed once more. Cursing in his mind as he lifted his drink and threw his head back. Maybe the taste would kill him. His eyes squeezed shut as the liquid poured down his throat and he tried not to gag. Bad decision.
When his eyes reopened it couldn’t have been at a worse moment. Leo was dipping you, his face leaning dangerously close to yours, his hand snug on your waist. Leo said something in your ear.
Maybe it was the lighting. Maybe it was the heat. But when Donnie saw your darkened cheeks, he couldn’t hold himself back any longer. He stormed to the dance floor. Yanking Leo’s hand away from your body once you were upright.
“What’s up hermano?” Leo’s smile was grating. Donnie had to force himself not to snarl. He took your hand and pulled you after him. Leaving Leo. Leaving this place. He had to get out of here now.
“Donnie?!” You called out over the music. But you didn’t pull away. You let him lead you out of the club. Out on the sidewalk, then off to the alleyway.
“Is everything okay?” You asked once he finally stopped. When he turned to look down at you, your eyebrows were creased with worry. Lips pulled into a line. Donnie was cracking. He couldn’t do this any longer. Did you like Leo? Did you want a ‘face man’? Was he not enough anymore? Was he being replaced? The thoughts were suffocating him and he pulled you to his plastron, backing you into the building wall simultaneously.
“I’m here, but Dee you’ve gotta say something, I’m getting worried..” You mumbled into his clothes. Your arms going around Donnie’s shell, petting over his jacket. Offering him comfort. It wasn’t enough. He huffed his frustration.
“Should I go get your brother?”
It was the wrong thing to say. And this time he did snarl.
Your hands froze. Falling back down to your sides. You’d never heard him so angry before. He couldn’t find it within himself to care at the moment. His displeasure written all over his face as you looked up at him.
“What’s going on?”
And Donnie remembered himself thinking that so many times with you. As you had took his breath away. And then again when you pretended like you couldn’t recall ever doing so.
He leaned down. Capturing your lips. Kissing you like you did to him. Only where you had made him breathless, this seemed to have the opposite effect. You puffed up. Bristling in his arms as you tried shoving him away.
It hurt.
He was much stronger than you. He could overpower you easily. But your push was like a blow to the plastron. He staggered back, all anger leaving him. A husk as he squeezed his fists shut, head hanging down as you berated him.
“What the hell was that?! Are you drunk?? Donnie what is going on? If you don’t fucking say something right now, I swear to god,”
“I don’t know!” He shouted back and it was enough to quiet you.
From there it was as if his mouth couldn’t be stopped. “I don’t know! I thought this was what we did. I didn’t hallucinate those three times you kissed me. Don’t deny it any longer!” He was heaving, face coming up to stare accusingly at you.
Your lips pressed together in a thin line.
“You kissed me! Drunkenly, but it was still there. And I can’t forget. I can’t pretend they never happened. I don’t know how you can.” His hands were in motion as he ranted. Throwing them out with the building of emotion.
“So I thought tonight would be no different. We’d get drunk. We’d dance. And we’d kiss! I want all of that. Even though I’d do it without the alcohol.” His voice cracked towards the end. But he continued to push on.
“But you danced with him. So I went and got drunk enough for the both of us.” He felt pathetic admitting this out loud. He staggered forward, unable to remain so far apart. Despite you having pushed him away. He was just a moth to your flame. He’d let himself be burnt.
“You like him more?” He asked in a voice so low it practically went unheard. His hand came up, a finger tracing down the side of your cheek.
“Is that it? Am I the second choice?” His lids lowered in time as he ran out of skin to skim. His hand fell away from your face but he had crowded you close to the wall once more. Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide.
“That’s not true.” You exasperated. But that hardly cleared up anything for him. If that was the case then what were you doing dancing with his brother and not him? Why couldn’t he kiss you? Why were the both of you still pretending to be friends?
“Then pick me. Choose me.” Donnie pleaded. He didn’t care how needy it sounded. He’d do whatever it took. Get down on his knees if he had to. Because you had become a part of his life four years ago. Four years of a presence he didn’t know he needed. Up until it was far too late. And now there was no turning back. He’d be damned if he let you get away.
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here's a threefer if that's okay, all from Codename: Kids Next Door (early 2000s cartoon network show about kids with wacky technology who fight against adult tyranny)—since their stories are pretty well intertwined, and i can't really talk about just one without including the others here's Numbuh 5/Abigail Lincoln, one of the 5 main characters (Sector V of the titular Kids Next Door organization). she's the voice of reason and the "cool" one of the group.
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she's the one who holds the group together most of the time, and has great leadership skills—though she refused to be the official leader of Sector V due to an Incident when she was younger. at the end of the show, though, when the actual leader Numbuh 1 leaves for space, he requests that she become the leader of the sector again. she accepts, and eventually then goes on to become the Supreme Leader of the entire KND. love to see a girlboss winning!!
she also has an adventurous side—there's an arc where she goes on various treasure hunts for rare, mystical candies, and i think that's hella cool.
then there's her older sister, Cree. (yes, named after Cree Summer! she voices both her and Abigail.)
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cree is a recurring villain—a teenager, one of the natural enemies of the KND. what's unique about her compared to the other villains is that she used to be a member of the KND herself, before betraying the organization on her 13th birthday and escaping "decommissioning" (the process through which all KND operatives have their memories of the organization removed when they turn 13, i.e. are no longer kids).
aside from being just as cool and skilled in combat as her sister, she and her sister have an incredibly compelling dynamic. back when she was a kid, she and numbuh 5 used to be good friends and partners in adult-tyranny-fighting. in fact, 5's signature hat used to be cree's, which she gave to her out of pride for 5 having completed her second mission. in the present, though, their relationship has done a complete 180˚. they're at each other's throats constantly, now that cree had grown into the very type of person she used to be fighting against, WITHOUT memory alteration to boot.
...or so it seemed. in the episode OPERATION: VIRUS when cree was infected with the KND's "unpoppable zit" virus on the night of her prom, 5 actually went to lengths to get the antidote for her because even she thought it was "too far". in 5's words, "you may be my archenemy, but you're still my sister."
so yeah! they actually still care about each other deep down. aughhhhhh. this is just a headcanon but i imagine that to numbuh 5, her hat is a reminder of the good days when she worked together with cree. perhaps she holds on to it as hope that they can reconcile someday? idk
and finally, here's numbuh 9/Maurice. he was also on abby and cree's team back in the days.
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his episode literally made me cry, man. it's focused around his 13th birthday and his decommissioning, which everyone in the KND is tearful about since he was one of the greatest and most beloved operatives in the organization's history. seeing him going from a cool kid operative, dedicated to his organization's mission, to an average, kinda dickish teenager was a bit heartbreaking when i watched it at first
one thing i love about this show is how it's a satire of the childhood experience and the pains of growing up that imo is best understood by ppl who've actually gone through it. the trope of decommissioning, as well as the whole conflict between teens and kids, really hammers in the pain of the end of childhood and how fast things change for you as you grow up. how so many decomm'd operatives had unfinished business that they never get to finish. in real life it's like, there was a moment when you put down your favorite toys or hung out with that one childhood friend for the last time, but never knew it was the last at the time. it's so tragic and juicy aughhhh. a line numbuh 5 says to cree during this episode illustrates it best: "you're a teen...maurice's a teen...soon i'm gonna be a teen...why keep fighting it"
however, it turns out he wasn't actually decommissioned! but rather he kept all his memories and was brought on as a secret undercover teen operative, thanks to all he accomplished while he was in the KND. no one is supposed to know about this except the highest of the higher-ups in the KND, but he trusts numbuh 5 with this info thanks to the bond they had. so he continues his legacy as a heroic figure. i really, really love his character, his dynamics with both numbuh 5 and cree (the latter of whom he pretends to ally with and date), and all the show's themes he represents.
also fun fact he's voiced by Khary Payton, who also did Cyborg from Teen Titans!
Hot Chocolate loves this show, so imma pass it off to him. Though first imma say that I do remember how as a kid I was shocked that it was allowed for your character to have your real name lol, I always thought that was so groundbreaking and taboo. Like aww! Her name is Cree, and so is her character! Now to him:
Hot Chocolate: SOMEONE GETS IT. These three black kids had me ready to join KND, kick butt, and steal ice cream. Numbuh 5 was my favorite! Always cool, and a fantastic leader. I forgot about her becoming supreme leader though, so you know what that meeeeeaans- time for a rewatch. Anyway, her relationship with Cree was so interesting and sad like come on, we were homies! It doesn't have to be this way! 😭😭 Especially because even though Cree was "evil" my young self has a crush on her 🤣.
Anyway the commentary on growing up and becoming old and boring caught me for a while, so I made sure I had as much fun as I could. But then they showed Maurice's episode and I was ready to take on the world. Anything to remain a cool agent of the KND. That being said everyone should give that show a try, it's old but still funny. Think I'll start it again for the Eleventynth time
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headroom-moods · 8 months
When you realize it, Tim was never the other woman— it always has been Lucy.
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Seeing the leaks for the end of BNHA and honestly what the fuck is that ending
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jjoelswatch · 1 year
Always amuses me (read: exhausts me) when people are surprised and angry when Star Wars creators refer to Thrawn as a villain and act like it’s the end of the world because the creators don’t “get” the character.
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wandixx · 11 months
What I mean is, if she sidekicked under whatever hero she does (during her self-discovery travel or something) she probably wouldn't go with Dani Phantom as a moniker.
But would she rather do a similar thing as Miss Martian or Kid Flash but more extreme (Flash-> Flashy I am not sorry for this idea)? If you think that, please choose the option "name stealer"
if you think she would go more Robin/ Artemis/Speedy route then click an original
I think Dani [whatever hero she works with] is self-explanatory. Basically same thing as show, just with other hero
I'm working on a one-shot and can't come up with a name Dani would use. Still in her ghost form, maybe with an added mask later on. Idk, brain empty but maybe when I have a convention of the name I'll come up with something.
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Sandman: It’s just so hard not getting to see my little girl
Otto, who stole some of Spidey’s DNA to combine with his to make a kid to use against him, lex luthor style, but Spidey just kidnapped the kid immediately when he found out and got Matt to cover him legally: I know exactly how you feel, Spiderman won’t even let me have visitations with my kid :(
Sandman: That is not the same thing, our situations are not comparable at all, it’s important to me that you know that
#I like thinking of Otto for situations like that for several reasons#cause I usually think of him with red hair so with him and spidey combining dna you could get a kid with red hair#making may-day even in universes where he doesn’t get with MJ#and it’s a funny situation for me to think of him telling other spideys#‘oh me and MJ? that didn’t end up happening’#‘why do I have this red haired daughter? well funny story actually-‘#also I like to think that as the kid gets older they have to deal with Otto trying to persuade them to become evil#gifting them mechanical spider legs#which is a cool look#also Otto is my favorite villain to imagine as being the only one who knows Peter’s identity#especially in universes where they used to work together#so rather than sounding like an evil villain like he’s trying to be#he’s trying so hard to sound and be Spidey’s worst nightmare#he just ends up sounding like a bitter ex who misses his lab partner and whenever he explains his ‘evil plan’#instead of sounding like an actual supervillain using the hero’s fears of forever being alone after their last relative dies#by dangling blood relative in front of them and threatening it#he just accidentally makes it sound like the kid’s his last shot at getting the ex back#kind of a ‘you can’t leave me for another villain I’m pregnant and it’s yours’ type of thing#idk I just prefer Otto for this#otto octavius#flint marko#doc ock#sandman#Spiderman#spider man#spider-man#peter parker#made up dialogue by yours truly
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ask-artsy-oncie · 4 months
Okay but honestly Francis MapleStory is one of those cases where canon gives us so little that I could honestly just grab him and inject him with any character traits and development I personally like. Because like, we honestly only know the very basics of his personality. We don't really have much of a backstory or even a deeper more intimate look at his story within the timeline of the game. We know that he's emotional and considered childish (mostly due to him being emotional and having a special interest in toys, which is wild because certain quests imply that he also makes toys so at that point it should be considered a profession, right???), that he's strong enough to be allowed to join the Black Wings but weak enough to be the first boss of basically every storyline, and that he loves Orchid enough to pledge loyalty to her even at the cost of his own dreams and ambitions.
And that's it. Hell, even the reason he's in love with Orchid (and all the problematic elements that accompany it) are pretty solely from the FriendStory High School AU, in which case... He's a teenager in that story. It makes sense that he doesn't have a very developed or nuanced view of girls. In the main story of the game, we don't actually know why he became so infatuated with her, it could easily be for problematic reasons or it could be a litany of other reasons. Maybe he relates to her obsessive nature? Maybe him being so emotional makes him empathetic to her plight (especially given that she's such a... punished character)? And like, Orchid keeps him around for some reason, given that she's literally killed people in the past, so she either finds him useful or maybe even just enjoys his company at this point.
I dunno! It's interesting to me, they're the only two characters that defected from the Black Wings in the game and they're canonically accompanying each other. We know so much about Orchid but so little about Francis. And his autistic swag intrigues me.
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rmorde · 8 months
Was willing to give the new A:TLA live action a chance... But then they decided to ruin Sokka's character by removing the starting point of his character arc.
Yeah. Not gonna watch.
Reading some articles about it. Yeah. I don't fucking trust it one bit when it seems like they are going to make Ozai sympathetic - sanding down everything that makes him so evil.
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eldragon-x · 1 year
thinking about that wretched triangle again
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obsessedobsesser · 4 months
Okay but here's another crack fic prompt
Good Omens Sky High AU
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genshin-projection · 4 months
i don't think i can be normal about Sunday guys
#hsr#hsr spoilers#i haven't even FINISHED it yet but his ideology is so warped. i cheered when i thought Gallagher had killed him for real#im not upset he's alive though i do think it's a bit of a cop-out . but. ouhghhhh something is so wrong with his mind (/positive.)#it's successfully looped back around to loving his character though. when there's a fucked up guy in a story i either#1) get very hostile towards them because i feel like they aren't being portrayed enough like the villain i see them as#or 2) become Obsessed with them forever because they are just so fucking . Wrong. like .#ayato genshin impact falls into both of these categories simultaneously like a fucking electron.#but sunday. he has wholeheartedly landed himself in the second category. i need to dissect him and maybe like. idk. give him a cake (?)??#Come Experience The Joys. Idiot. and also maybe listen to your sister.#honestly i REALLY like robin i think she's super super great and has good ideas#i really really love the like. the.#the contrast between his like. his horrible pessimistic nihilistic ideology. and robins optimistic harmonious one.#like robin seems to kind of... not be able to understand that sometimes nihilism is the only way to survive and that it's a balance#survival is good but hard to break out of... you need to survive enough to be ABLE to live. she seems to idealize living in opposition to it#whereas sunday is like. there are people who can ONLY survive. sometimes living isn't an option because the world is cruel and we don't all#get that choice. sometimes surviving is all you can do. why not embrace that? why not build a place where people can postpone death?#if fulfillment isn't possible... then why not accept placation even if it is a poison to the soul? surely joyful prison is better than death#if all that awaits in the world is suffering then why not let the bird live the rest of its days in its cage... even if it is unfulfilling?#HE'S SO . RHGHHGHGHFHGHHVGJF#he feels like he's on the brink of a misanthropic suicidal breakdown to me. someone fucking help him (but not really)#(i don't think anyone should be subjected to his brain. but i would like to see him get better. actually i think robin is trying for sure)#anyway. very curious how this quest is going to end. i want to rip him limb from limb and then stitch him back together again after#my posts
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leviiackrman · 3 months
I just found out what happens to dabi at the end of mha. Don’t talk to me.
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poquito-burrito · 1 year
I have this one friend who I treasure like a ray of sunshine in a cloudy sky because he doesn't read books and doesn't mind me talking about the books I read for however long I need to vent, so whenever I feel crushed after finishing a book I'll go to him and spoil the whole story and he'll actually listen to every detail and gasp at the right moments and feel bad with me etc. It's the best thing. He vents about manga afterwards and I do the listening. it's symbiotic, if you will
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dizzybevvie · 1 year
Listen I fully follow wkm lore but like how the FUCK did he come up with any of that
#Markiplier woke up one day and said What if i was a man tortured by himself and his sentient house.#What if you cant die in the house#What if the house lets you fast travel#What if the detective is only a cliche and nothing more; so when he is pressed on the details of the case hes been following for YEARS#hes devastated by the fact that he cant remember a thing?#What if the Damien looked like Darkiplier so that there was a sense of mistrust around him for the whole show#even as he is consistently the only one to help you? What if Damien was nice all along? What if Damien turned out to be Dark anyway?#What if The Actor deliberately made it so that Damien came across as the villain just as he wanted in “DAMIEN”? What if we fell for it?#What if Celine cared so much about her brother that she fucked you over in an attwmpt to help him?#What if she kept him in a winter pocket dimension while you reach out for the cane?#What if he didnt remember everything that happened in the house and is always tired?#What if hes constantly being told “get some sleep damien” and “its time to wake up damien” to show the duality of sharing a body?#What if at the end its all pointless because the ice breaks anyway? What if Damien “life is ours to choose” Mayor makes his first choice#to let his sister sleep while he pilots the body?#What if by the time you arrive back in the present the body Damien and Celine stole from you is looking in the mirror#and just like the ice broke in the pocket dimension; the mirror cracks and you are forever stuck behind the mirror/your device's screen?#What if the detective believes you were killed as he says in WWM? What if The colonel (now Wilford Motherloving Warfstache)#can fast travel; time travel; teleport; and fuck knows what else because he realised he was part of a story?#What if that was the reason the detective was a conglomerate of different noir detective cliches?#What if theres masks on everyone but the detective at the end and I said “what masks?” when asked abt it and you still dk what it means?#What if the gardener didnt have lightning strike after saying “murder” because he hasnt been in the house for years?#what if the house seeded things in the actors head after Celine left him saying about how nothing was his fault and it was all someone else?#What if the house did this for years untik the actor was well and truly manipulated by a force he didnt even know was there?#what if he wanted Damien to be the villain in his “story” which implies that when he figured out how to cheat death in the house-#he also figured out he was a part of a story just like Wilford and eventually Abe did?#What if no one had a happy ending what if everyone was tragic what if people were only what you wrote for them as characters?#And what if the house was my head? What if the house was a metaphor for my brain all along?#and also what if they were all gay?#wkm#who killed markiplier
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rucow · 7 months
saw too many ppl having awful takes on nerevar and voryn and the tribunal etc etc on twitter, so now im drawing soft sweet nerevoryn bc i can. im going to balance out all the negative energies in this fandom, one drawing at a time 🫶😊
#every couple of months without fail theres a repeat of the same old discourse#(the whole foul murder thing. and also ''voryn was actually also guilty of killing nerevar blablabla'')#im not hearing u lol morrowind's been out for 22 years. we dont need to have the same discussion over and over again#live and let live. let people interpret characters however they want. let people enjoy fiction#you dont get to dictate how these characters should be portrayed#im going to romanticise morrowind's main storyline and nerevoryn till the end of days#and if that makes u irrationally upset then im sorry for u. hope u get better soon. but im allowed to enjoy harmless silly fiction#im allowed to turn this story into a fairytale. im allowed to portray nerevar as a genuinely heroic character. im allowed to girlify voryn.#lets stop having the same dumb fandom discourse every year#its gotten so boring 😭 let it go#voryn might as well be my oc at this point bc i literally gave her a whole personality and family and backstory and also shes a woman now#u can all just seethe idc 😭 and whats up with nerevar not being allowed to be a genuinely benevolent character???#why does every character have to be morally grey (if not straight up villainous)??? what if i dont want him to be like that? 🙂#hes literally divine to me. hes a star. hes celestial. hes not really mortal. hes all of my ideals put into one character#and voryn is p much a mirror of me#i put so much of myself into these characters! thats what fiction is for!!! u ARE supposed to project onto them!!!#arggh lets drop the senseless discourse i cant take it anymore lol 😭
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