#its gotten so boring 😭 let it go
rucow · 3 months
saw too many ppl having awful takes on nerevar and voryn and the tribunal etc etc on twitter, so now im drawing soft sweet nerevoryn bc i can. im going to balance out all the negative energies in this fandom, one drawing at a time 🫶😊
#every couple of months without fail theres a repeat of the same old discourse#(the whole foul murder thing. and also ''voryn was actually also guilty of killing nerevar blablabla'')#im not hearing u lol morrowind's been out for 22 years. we dont need to have the same discussion over and over again#live and let live. let people interpret characters however they want. let people enjoy fiction#you dont get to dictate how these characters should be portrayed#im going to romanticise morrowind's main storyline and nerevoryn till the end of days#and if that makes u irrationally upset then im sorry for u. hope u get better soon. but im allowed to enjoy harmless silly fiction#im allowed to turn this story into a fairytale. im allowed to portray nerevar as a genuinely heroic character. im allowed to girlify voryn.#lets stop having the same dumb fandom discourse every year#its gotten so boring 😭 let it go#voryn might as well be my oc at this point bc i literally gave her a whole personality and family and backstory and also shes a woman now#u can all just seethe idc 😭 and whats up with nerevar not being allowed to be a genuinely benevolent character???#why does every character have to be morally grey (if not straight up villainous)??? what if i dont want him to be like that? 🙂#hes literally divine to me. hes a star. hes celestial. hes not really mortal. hes all of my ideals put into one character#and voryn is p much a mirror of me#i put so much of myself into these characters! thats what fiction is for!!! u ARE supposed to project onto them!!!#arggh lets drop the senseless discourse i cant take it anymore lol 😭
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ghouljams · 9 months
I need more ghost ghost
Like their dynamic and how it evolves. Do they eventually reach an understand does ghost ever move on and let go😭 does he get jealous if she has friends over
Please I'm feral for the spooky idea even crumbs would satisfy me
Any day now, he'll get bored.
You keep telling yourself that, but it hasn't happened yet. Your ghost just seems to be settling in to his roll as household haunting. If anything you're getting too used to him. You're used to the cold watched feeling when you lay in bed at night. You're used to the handprints in fogged glass after your shower. You're used to putting things down and having them disappear. Hell you're even used to the rasping whispers that sometimes fill the air when you're not listening.
You're really not that interesting. If you were a ghost you would've moved on by now. You certainly wouldn't be haunting some barely liveable house or bothering the only person stupid enough to try restoring it.
You set a mug of tea on your ghost's little corner altar and drag a chair to sit down in front of it. He likes black tea, English breakfast or Earl Grey, splash of milk and a dash of sugar. You know the order well enough by now, all the ingredients he'd previously tipped over to make a mess of your kitchen. "I'm thinking of tackling the bathroom today, got the tile in so-" you reach down to tug a square of green tile out of the bag at your feet, "-I gotta start ripping up the old stuff." The tea on Ghost's altar bubbles in annoyance. "Don't get fussy you helped pick the new tile, remember?"
A single bubble pops on the tea's surface. A dismissive yes. Good enough for you.
"Be a lot easier if you didn't go scaring off the contractors," you grumble. The air is still for a long moment as you sip your morning tea. You feel a little silly staring at a mug of tea and waiting for it to talk to you. One bubble for yes, two for no, not a perfect system but working well enough so far.
You reach to tap the rim of the mug, see if the metaphorical mic is still on, and notice its been drained. Then all the hair on the back of your neck stands on end, the air around you dropping degrees by the breath.
"Can't trust them," his voice, so low and rumbling, fills the space beside your ear. Your stomach drops, and you have to stop yourself from reaching back to brush the sensation away. Fuck he's gotten chatty recently.
"You just don't like them," you keep your eyes on his altar, "you just gotta get to know them, I mean, you didn't like me when I first moved in!"
"Still," there's a long breath, a rasping wheeze that sounds painful, sometimes you wonder if it has to do with how your ghost died, "don't."
You gasp, standing from your chair and feeling whatever ghostly hold was talking to you dissipate. "See if I make you any more tea," you tell him. You will, obviously, but you try to make the threat sound sincere. He doesn't need to know that you don't mean it. After all what's a dead man going to do to you?
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m3hgumi · 11 months
— when you have period cramps pt 2
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a/n: check out part 1 to this here!
pairings: yuta okkotsu x f!reader, toge inumaki x f!reader, nanami kento x f!reader
genres: fluff, comfort, so much fluff bye
word count: 729
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yuta okkotsu
bro was SO STRESSED 😭
first time you were doubled down in pain clutching onto yourself on the sofa in the common room of the dorm he thought you were dying
“oh my god y/n are you okay? why are you laying down like that? is something hurting you? tell me where it hurts, i swear i’ll beat up whoever tried to hurt yo-“
“babe calm down and just get me a heating pad from maki. please.”
usually he’d stay by your side bringing you snacks whenever you asked or just talked to distract you from the pain
this later turned into hour long video calls during his downtime when he started training with miguel overseas
he’d talk for as long as he could, sharing the new food he tried, what miguel has been teaching him, and updates on the mission that led him there
because of the time difference and also how busy he was, he wasn’t able to reach you as often as he’d like to
he’d apologize for not being able to physically be there to comfort you, which you would wave off with a laugh because there isn’t really anything that could be done about it
he was trying his best though and that’s all that mattered to you 😪
inumaki toge
like itadori he was also very confused at first as to why you were wincing in pain while walking awkwardly towards him
he’d calmly ask you if you got hurt anywhere, with his hands reaching to you as he thought you were about to fall over
once the two of you got to somewhere more comfortable (like the common room or his dorm), you begin to explain where the pain was coming from
he could only sympathize with you, giving a worrisome and concerning look
but now he also realizes why maki gets snappier than usual on a particular week of the month 🤭
from then on he would be your personal errand boy, grabbing pads, chocolate, or any other good you’re craving from the store whenever you asked
he’d let you lay your head in his lap as you kept the heating pad on your lower stomach
he’d get you to watch youtube videos and tiktoks with him (anything you like)
if your cramps were getting particularly bad, he’d gently take your hand and draw circles on it in an attempt to ease the pain
if you’re comfortable with it he’d also do the same on your stomach (where the pain was really coming from)
though he can’t really endlessly talk to you to distract from the pain, his warming presence was more than enough to lull your mind from the pain
nanami kento
over the years he’s gotten very good at helping you get through shark week
like megumi he also has your period tracker synced to his phone so he can be notified of when he should stock up on supplies (ie. pads, compresses, snacks, pain meds, etc.)
he’ll also try (keyword: try) to not go into overtime at work so he could as much time with you as possible
also like megumi he isn’t fazed by your emotional outbursts or mood swings, as he knows its just the pain getting the better of you at times
if you don’t usually have an appetite while you’re on your period, he’ll cook you a small meal and slowly feed it to you, making sure you actually ate it before going back into the kitchen again
he’ll also try to limit the amount or cravings (chocolate and chips) you eat during the week and replace them with healthier options like fruit (ok health icon nanami 🙄) since he doesn’t want you having a stomachache after eating all of those sweets
also because it mildly reminds him of gojos gross sugar intake
if your feet or shoulders are aching, he’ll gladly give you massages to ease the tension in those areas
if you get bored of the shows on tv then he will read to you until you fall asleep
his reading voice, typically dull and monotone, rings music to your ears as your consciousness begins to slip away, resulting in your eyelids coming closer together to let you fall into a peaceful sleep (i should maybe shut up now)
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© m3hgumi 2023. all rights reserved. do not copy, modify, or repost my works anywhere
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betasquads · 26 days
(this is for the niko angst thing) can you pls do smt like he thinks the reader cheated on him but its just a big misunderstanding. you don't have to make it happy ending but i would prefer it.
love ur work sm btwww 🤍🤍
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summary: Niko Omilana, a guy who isn't really experienced with relationships. When he hears one accusation of you cheating, you see a face you've never thought you'd live to see.
warning: kissing, angst, MEAN / TOXIC nikolas
A/N: we know me and I hate a happy ending 😘 I just simply can't make them I feel like it's much more better when the ending is terrible + (TYSM FOR THE COMPLIMENT ANON 🤍🤍🤍) also sorry for taking so long to finish this i'll try to be consistent 😭 (ending is rushed and little bit cringe, read at your own risk!!)
"Hey babe." Your heels are heard when you walk inside the beta squad set, the frown on Niko's face immediately turns into his usual goofy smile when he recognizes your voice.
There's no time to hand him the breakfast you've gotten for him as he engulfs your entire waist with his long arms, his lips making its way onto yours. You hear him slightly chuckle in the kiss, which triggers your smile.
"I–" he pulls your lips with his teeth which triggers the bottom of your stomach with heat.
"missed you–" He presses his hot lips against yours.
"so much."
You roll your eyes despite the grin plastered on your face, "You just left your apartment not an h–"
"Our." He corrects you with a slight aggressiveness in his tone.
You sigh, "Our apartment not even an hour ago." You half-heartedly glare at him as you correct yourself.
"I can't go one minute without you." He whines to you silently, so none of his boys could hear it and make it a joke for the rest of his life. He tugs on your hips and pulls you even closer.
"Yes, you can. You aren't a child and i'm certainly not your toy." You say almost a bit coldly, but from the inside, you could feel yourself heating up at his touch that never failed to intoxicate you.
"Keep your hands to yourself. There might be children watching. You know, like Aj." You playfully say, Niko biting his lip to stifle his laugh.
"It's hard keeping my hands to myself when you're so tempting." He rolls his eyes playfully.
You feel your face getting red by the second, trying to come up with anything to say rather than stay silent.
"Enough." You glare at him.
He shrugs, looking at you innocently. "What? I'm just stating the obvious. And theres other obvious things that you still haven't heard yet from me–"
You raise your index finger right at him, "I didn't come here for you to state the obvious." Your index finger makes its way to poke the side of his shoulder.
He places his hand on the place you aggressively poked, "Ouch. It's not my fault you get flustered easily."
"Omilana." Your glare was sending him a warning.
"Right. Sorry." He mutters.
"The only reason I'm here is that I got you breakfast on the way to work–"
"-but there's breakfast here." He cuts you off.
You narrow your eyes towards the buffet that was only filled with chips, crackers, and sweets. Some were left open, the rest being either closed or empty.
You squint your eyes at your boyfriend, who stood with a smile, like he had won with his weak statement.
"You call packaged poison breakfast?" You cross your arms, a small victorious smile appearing on your face as you spoke.
"Hey, hey. Now I don't want you smiling because you aren't winning this argument. Food is food. Any food could be breakfast." He smiles when he sees that you had nothing to say.
Fine, he won. But next time, you wouldn't let it go.
You roll your eyes at his childish manners. "You need warm nutritious food in order to keep your tall genes working so you could beat a giraffes height. It would set a world record. Hey, I can even call up guinness world records to help you win a world record." You suggest.
He sends you a bored stare, "Ha-ha. Very funny. It isn't my fault you look like the troll from Frozen. Giving both looks and height." He ruffles your hair as he spoke, your hands aggressively pushing it away as you fix your hair.
"I'm not trying to be funny. Also did you just say a troll? Yeah, good one. So you're dating a child then?" You questioned, raising your brows as you did so.
"Trolls aren't children. They're a bunch of grown old rock–thingy. They're just dwarfs. You know, like you." He whispers in yours ears as he snakes his arms around your waist.
You sigh in annoyance as you push him away. "All that i'm saying is that my own boyfriend deserves having real, good food." You hand him a brown paper bag, his smile brightens when he sees the smiley face on the bag.
"You guys are disgusting." Aj remarks from the background, in which you responded with flipping him off.
"Oh baby," He whispers in your ears, kissing it with a small peck. You hum in response, your breathing getting less steadier the more he goes lower.
When he reaches your collarbone, "I love you so much." He mumbles against your skin.
"I love you too." You say softly. You tug on his curls, admiring him for a few seconds.
"y/n– Oh hey, Niko." Your manager walks inside the set.
"You ready? We have to be there in 15." Your manager, Carter says to you. Niko observes weirdly at how Carter seemed a bit too smile-y, his lips reaching from ear to ear.
"I'll be there." The way you spoke seemed a bit too much cheerful for Niko, but he pushes it off.
Niko's stare towards Carter was intimidating, waiting for him to leave. The eye contact between you and Carter seemed a bit too long for Niko before Carter turns around and leaves the set.
Niko's puppy eyes return when he looks at you, englufing his large hands with yours. "Don't leave." He says, knowing damn well you'll have to either way.
"I'd rather stay with you and we both know that." You sigh, checking the time from your phone.
"13 minutes and I have to be there for shooting. Promise I'll make it up to you when we both get back to our apartment." You smile at him, the smile that always made Niko nervous.
He grins at you, his lips kissing your forehead, "I'll see you later."
9:40 pm
Niko smiled as he saw the time. Exactly 20 minutes, and he was going to see you.
After a long day of shooting, everyone left home, and the only person on set was him. He always made sure to close off everything.
"I'm pretty sure your girl is cheating." A familiar voice erupts Niko's thoughts.
Stacey. One of Niko's producers.
He was packing up as he finished filming everything for the day, which meant every producer should've gone home before he did.
Niko scoffed, confused by why she was here and confused by the sudden confession. "y/n is her name. And no, she wouldn't. Also, you aren't supposed to be here. You should've gone home." Niko says aggressively with a cold smile, not bothering to make an eye contact with her.
Niko was never harsh with any of his producers. He was always the sweetest out of the boys, but hearing this from one of his producers? He wasn't going to let anyone talk about you this way.
"Carter. Isn't that his name? Recently there were pictures leaked from a really weird angle. It looked like they were kissing." The name drops from her mouth with ease, Niko's shoulder straightening when he hears the name that he has always hated.
He stays silent, contemplating whether he should believe this or he shouldn't.
"Here, I could show you."
You felt your eyes getting heavy as you scrolled relentlessly on your phone.
Your eyes widened when a photo of you and Carter, your producer, appears on your feed.
From this angle, it seemed like the both of you were kissing. But in reality, the both of you were taking a picture on your phone of your faces at a really low angle.
And the paparazzi had to show a picture from this angle.
"Fucking pricks. Disgusting." You mutter under your breath.
You checked the time.
11:24 pm.
Why was Niko late? He was always the first to arrive. You were starting to get concerned, that was until you heard the faint noises of keys unlocking the door.
You smile once you see that Niko was finally back from work, but it slowly goes away when you see that Niko didn't seem... very happy.
"Bad day on set?" You ask, worried for him.
He ignores you, his eyebrows still deeply furrowed and his eyes are looking at everything but you.
"You got into another fight with another one of your producers?" You ask. Niko's heart softened at the way you spoke. So delicate, so sweet. You never failed to make him feel this way. He even seemed to wonder how can an angel like you, even cheat?
He sits down on the couch, his eyes still staring and boring into the TV across the room. "Babe?" You softly say, sitting next to him on the couch.
"What do you want?" He says carelessly, unlocking his phone and scrolling with his thumb.
You were almost a taken aback at the attitude. You were used to him showering you with kisses and hugs, but now he just seemed off.
You eye him up and down for a few seconds. "Is it wrong that I want to talk to my boyfriend after not seeing him for a long time?" You say playfully with a smile to lighten the mood, but it quickly dissappears when you notice that he wasn't phased.
"You know–" He starts, but something held him back.
"Actually, nevermind. Not worth wasting my breath." He says coldly, a snicker escaping his lips.
You stay silent for a moment, looking around and making sure there wasn't a camera, because you knew this was going to take a turn if he was actually treating you like this.
When your suspicions of seeing a camera settles off, anger takes ahold of you. "Why are you acting like this?" You scoff.
"I'd hardly call myself your boyfriend." He tries to mutter to himself, but you catch it.
What did he even mean by that?
" Excuse me? Niko, where is this coming from?" Your voice cracks. A huge lump suddenly formed in your throat.
His lips twitch into a mockery smile, something he usually does whenever he was deeply hurt. It makes you almost cry. What the hell has gotten into him?
"You're sleeping with someone else." He laughs, like he was amused by the entire thing.
"What are you talking about? "
"You're cheating on me." He states as if it was a factual statement.
Your heart is beating as the seconds pass by, the fear dropping to your gut almost made you sick to your stomach.
"Wh–" You pause, trying to take him on what the fuck had he just said.
Sleeping?! Cheating?!
Was those words actually coming out from Niko's mouth? Your sweet Niko?
"What did you just say?" The way you had spoke proved how much you were hurt by the statement. It wavered in fear and cracked in anger.
How can he accuse you of something you'd never do?
"I don't have to repeat it, y/n. I made it pretty clear." He clearly sounded irritated as he spoke like you were the problem, his voice getting louder by each word he spoke.
Did he just say your name?
The last time you could ever recall him say your name was one day before you both committed in a fully relationship.
You could feel your heartstrings being ripped, it even made a melody in your ears. It was ringing, you almost weren't aware from your surroundings.
Your nails digging through your skin, the pain made you come back to reality as though it had lost you there for a second.
"Me? Cheating? Sleeping? Are you aware on what the hell you're saying right now?" Your voice is now louder with anger, fury and rage that he could say such thing. Your palms are now sweating, not that because he was right, it was because maybe he was fully convinced that you had cheated on him.
"I don't see me talking to multiple people. Who else would I be talking to?"
He was too calm for a situation like this.
It made you scared.
"Niko, what the fuck– let's just talk it out. Please don't be like this." You gently speak, your hand slowly reaching out for him. But thats when he dodges your touch. Something that he never does.
"Niko." You say sternly.
fear was all you felt.
You shake your head, almost trying to deny his actions. You didn't wanna believe it. "I didn't sleep with anyone. whoever told you that was–"
"I honestly don't care whether you slept with someone or not. I can finally have an excuse to leave you." He says coldly, the words spilling from his lips didn't feel real at all. Where was that sweet man who was begging for you to stay? You were confused, none of it made sense to you it made your eyes blurry.
He had said it like he meant it, but you didn't want to believe it.
You feel tears approaching and the ache in your heart made you feel like it almost swallowed you whole.
"Niko," You say it as a warning, "You don't mean that." You shake your head.
Netherless, the pain in your chest was never going to be recovered, his words easily made its way through your heart.
"Believe it or not, I do. I'm sick of you. Always have been." He nods at his words. He wanted to believe in his words although he doesn't mean it. You could point the slight hesitation in his tone, but was that you just making up things because you wanted to have an excuse?
"Take that back, or I swear to God I will–"
"You swear to God you will do what?" He says it in a sense of mockery, his eyes finally latching onto yours.
You felt vulnerable and weak at the moment, like you were lower than him. That's how he wanted to make you feel.
"You're hurting me. Please tell me you don't mean it." You beg with your teary eyes.
His eyebrows furrow and his eyes glistened for a second, but it goes back to being cold.
"I don't care." He says plainly.
He sighs, "Get out of my apartment. I don't have the time for you." He points towards the door.
"Niko– you're not serious. I have no place to stay–" Words were now spilling from your lips, you had no idea if there was now a future. As now it had felt like the end.
"I don't have to repeat it, do I? I. don't. care. Get out."
You were in complete disbelief when you realize what made him act out.
"Niko? Is it the picture? Niko I swear that was–"
"Do you not understand the words coming out of my mouth? I don't love you anymore–" He pauses when he realizes what he said, his eyes meeting yours. He sees the tears rolling down your cheeks, his fingers curling into fists to try and tempt himself not to get up and start wiping your tears.
His eyebrows are furrowed in a sympathetic way, like some sense has knocked into him. He froze. He couldn't even move.
But before he could say another word, "Fine. I'll pack and I'll leave. We're over." You nod weakly. You were too tired to prove yourself as he was being stubborn. You couldn't even cry.
But what came next, hurt you even more.
He just nods with a small smile, "Yeah, sure. We're over. Just leave."
He had just confirmed it and there was no going back. You didn't even wanna pack. You just wanted to leave at this moment. And thats what you did.
You get up from the couch without any hesitation, holding the tears you wanted to let out as you didn't want Niko to see that you cared.
Niko almost felt dumbfounded when he saw you take your last steps in this apartment that he had called your very own. He knew he wasn't built for a relationship and was sure he'd only make you cry in the end.
In your eyes, it looked like he didn't even regret it. But a few feet from you as you're leaving the complex, Niko's eyes brimmed with tears.
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yumjunniie · 2 years
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forbidden fruit | lee jeno
⋆𖦹⋆。˚ bulge kink, gagging, breast worship, tears! student!reader, hockey player!jeno / foreplay / handjob / no sex /reader is virgin and daughter of a pastor so there’s mentions of that.
⋆𖦹⋆。˚ a/n: its 10 pm and classes start tmr but im bored so please enjoy this short. sorry if its ass 😭
- it’s 10:30 pm, you’re at the boys locker room where jeno told you to meet him. confused as to why he chose to meet you at the boys locker room instead of a cafe. you’ve been helping jeno with his history assignment he’s been missing so you guys have gotten close. you’re crush on jeno developed within days as you helped him, but you closed out those thoughts away considering he’d never like you back. he’s a varsity hockey player and you’re the priests daughter, him dating you.. is forbidden. your father would never allow it. which is why you snuck out.
“omg, what’s taking him so long!” you sigh. “BOO!” you jumped as Jeno laughed and clapped his hands. “that’s not funny, lee Jeno” you whisper-yelled. “I’m sorry, I'm sorry but that was funny.” you rolled your eyes. “what did you call me here for? I snuck out for you, so hurry up!” his eyes stared into yours as he took both hands and clasped them onto each side of your waist, towering over you. He’s never been so close to you like this. His warm breath ghosted over your neck as he finally dipped his head to softly kiss later into a harsh suck, leaving you breathless. He stops to talk. “I wanted to be with you, y/n. I like you, I crave you.” you want to say I like you too, but you know your father would go against it, but when you look into his eyes, his captivating eyes. You say, “I like you too.” tippy-toeing up to his lips, giving him a peck, and coming back down. He grabs your jaw and brings you into another kiss, but this time, it’s much more profound.
breathless,he asks, “do you want this?” you nod over and over, pleading without words. “baby, I need you to use your words.” “yes, please, I want this,” you pray. He sits on this bench and brings your body towards him, straddling you onto his lap. His kisses continue but faster. he pushes your waist down as you unconsciously move your hips down on his crotch. he groans at the friction, “I wonder how your father would feel about how you snuck out of the house to get your pussy pounded by me” he whispered into your ear causing you to moan. “this is worth all the trouble” you breathed out. The sudden confidence blew into you as you removed your shirt and guided his hands to the straps of your bra. “take it off, please, jeno,” you breathed out. “fuck” he grunted as he took off your bra. His jaws dropped as he looked at your tits. You blushed as you covered them. “fuck no—“ as he removed your hands from your tits, “— we don’t cover beautiful tits.” he takes his hands and needs one tit and lowers his head to teethe on your other nipple, you moan, throwing your head back, biting your lip. Sweat on your forehead, baby hairs sticking onto it, hair messy and out of place. He spent 30 minutes just playing with your tits. His fascination with them was quite the turn-on. You kiss him more to distract him from your tits. “Jeno, I want more,” you whine; he hears you loud and clear. He takes his shirt off and gah dayum. You already knew he was packed, but lord.
he takes his two long slender fingers and slides the tips of his fingers down to the base of his knuckles across his tongue, “suck,” he breathes roughly into your ear. Obeying him immediately, you suck his long fingers, and he thrusts his fingers, causing you to gag. he loves the sound you make when you gag, he imagines it’s his fat dick you’re gagging on, but that’s for next time. Tears forming at the corner of your eyes, you never expected to like things rough, but then again you never expected to be in the boy's locker room past your curfew and about to get fucked by team captain lee jeno. You take your hands and put them on his belt, trying to take them off, letting him know you want his dick inside you. he takes his fingers out and rubs those two went fingers under your skirt. “oh baby, I think you knew this was going to happen, I bet you wanted this to happen huh? No under shorts; you think your mommy would be happy about how un lady like your being?” he moved your panties to the side, giving your pussy a light slap before sliding two fingers into your wet cunt. fucking you so good. You thought about how he’s been giving you such a good pleaser, why not return the favor? You hooked your hands onto his belt unraveling it, putting your hand into his pants, feeling his throbbing hard-on. He grunted as you jerked him off. "fuck baby, so good," he moaned. he went faster, so you went faster. His head rested on your shoulder as your head rested on his, sighing at each other's skin. "I'm so close," you moan into his ear. "let go, baby" you felt that unfamiliar feeling in your stomach and let go. Catching your breath, he took out his fingers and sucked on them. “mph taste like a forbidden fruit,” he smiles. You take your hand and taste his cum, “can’t say the same for you,” you joke. “HEY!” he yells as you laugh. “that’s what you get for scaring me.”
after you guys put your clothes on and head to your house into your bedroom window, you give jeno a goodbye kiss. “before you go to bed, I’m gonna ask—“ “what is it?” he smiles “can I be your bf?” you kiss him again, “yes you can, goodnight. “goodnight, my love.”
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⋆。˚𖦹 a/n: thank you 4 reading this is kinda bad 😔✋🏽 luv you guys! ty 4 516 followers!!!! MWAH
©yumjunniie | do not copy or plagiarize my work
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nockfellblues · 1 year
Integra with a partner who is an artist (painter/ singer/ all around performer) :D
Yes! I’ve always envisioned Integra as a lover of the arts- especially traditional art? She seems like she’d enjoy a peaceful trip to an art gallery or museum. Sorry for the delay on this one, between work, the Summer games showcases and being sick I didnt do much besides veg out whenever i was free this week lmao Anyways! Have some Integra being soft because, dammit, she deserves it 😤
Warnings: None
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Integra definitely reworks her entire study so there’s room for her SO to work in the same space as her
Artist!SO will get a whole art corner with a beautiful custom easel and comfy desk space right next to the windows for optimal lighting and an inspiring view- whatever they need to spark and stoke their creative process
Would immediately say no if her SO asked her to model but secretly is super flattered. If they draw or paint her anyways, she’ll pretend to be annoyed but will cherish the hell out of it- They’ll find the work later tucked away in a safe place, framed safely so it wont smudge or crack.
Keeps a portfolio hidden in her desk of sketches her SO deemed not good enough and meant to toss. Alucard and Seras have caught onto this and actively keep an eye out for other loose drawings- they sneak them into her study between paperwork and folders like a fun little surprise. Seras finds her reactions soo sweet- its so hard to not say anything when she sees Integras eyes soften at the half-hearted sketch! So cute!
Integra finds the sounds of sketching comforting- that little scratchy noise as her SO absently hums to themself is like catharsis, especially when she’s dealing with a lot of stress
If her SO is sighing or muttering, having a tough time with conceptualizing something or is going through art block of some kind? She does get a little annoyed with it, but she understands.
Sets her work aside and comes up behind her SO to wrap her arms around their shoulders from behind. “If you sigh at it anymore im going to toss that canvas out the window. What’s the matter, love?” She means this entirely lovingly, but will absolutely do it.
Musician!SO would absolutely have a space in her study too- She’d move offices to a whole different room if the acoustics are good enough, she doesn’t care.
Maybe not the biggest fan of hearing her SO practicing a new peice of complex work- the repetition of practicing the same sections over and over to perfect them would get on her nerves after so long.
“Love, I adore you, but if you play that part one more time i’m going to lose it. Please, play literally anything else.” She means this with the utmost love and care, but hearing the same section over and over is killing her.
Adores when they play free form compositions. Just starting with a generally familiar melody and letting the music develop a life of its own? She could listen to them for hours. She will listen to them for hours.
Definitely will lose track of time listening to them play- Sometimes gets a little too distracted and zones out to the melody when she’s working on a particularly boring bit of paperwork. Before she knows it, its nearly dusk and she’s gotten little to nothing done. Honestly? worth it.
She cherishes her SOs hands so, so much. She knows how much of their passion is dependent on them and how devastating their loss or degradation could be.
In quiet moments Integra will softly trace the callouses on their hands, massaging their palms and wrists, setting a gentle kiss to the back of their knuckles- absolute reverence for the beautiful hands that can create so much that she loves.
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Integra being soft with an SO makes my brain go fuzzy- I just want her to be happy dammit 😭
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guacala · 1 year
Bella ramsey x reader and them doing cute tiktoks and couple trends pls pls pls!!!
tiktok headcannons, bella ramsey
masterlist pairing: bella ramsey x fem!reader summary: you and bella on tiktok word count: 769 warnings: language, fluff overload a/n: girl, i don’t have tiktok so i just based it off what i’ve seen, and i'm so sorry if its bad 😭 also, this is compensation for my met gala brainrot on monday, i'm so sorry...
you would 100% be the one to get tiktok, and Bella would just not care for it
like we’ve all seen how horrible people can be towards Bella on social media, and if we’re being completely honest, tiktok is extremely toxic too
so yeah, I think that they would be fine with you having it, they just didn’t want it on their mind
you, like the rest of the fucking world, would’ve gotten tiktok during the pandemic
it was a last resort, okay? everyone was bored and desperate and your mental health was already shit
you didn’t even post anything till the pandemic was relatively over (spring 2022 ish), and you rarely ever posted anyway
whenever you did post though, it was stupid shit you decided to do with your friends, usually some strange trend that seemed to cure your boredom for a bit
that was around the same time that you met Bella, but you made sure that you never posted them
obviously, since you were attached at the hip from the moment you met, there were some slip-ups
it was known that Bella was dating someone, but nobody knew who you even were as Bella would only refer to you as “my partner” in interviews
you wouldn’t even know how people found your account, but stalkers will stalk and trolls will troll 
yeah, that definitely made you stop posting completely and it wasn’t till after the last of us finished airing that you finally felt comfortable enough to post again.
you wouldn’t normally post Bella on any of your social media, but there were instances where you just had an urge to, and, well, Bella had a hard time saying no to you
you definitely made that one tiktok where you have the phone and you pass it up to Bella and you turn around to hug them (x)
“can you hold my phone for me, please? i need to tie my shoe” you would ask one day when you’re out late, walking around after going to dinner.  “yeah,” they said as you handed her the phone above your head. they looked at the camera a bit confused. they were used to you taking photos and videos, but it was facing them, which was highly unusual. while they were in their confusion, you took advantage of the fact that their arms were still up and straight, and turned around to bury your face in their chest.  their face immediately melted, and they stopped grabbing the phone with both hands and wrapped their arms around you. “you’re so cute, i love you,” Bella said quietly, but it could still be heard in the video with the black screen. “i love you more,” you could be heard responding. “not possible,” they said as you giggled and responded by saying “possible” as they kissed all over your face.
they would also 100% be the okok to your lala
“Bells?” you had said as you laid your head on their stomach and you both scrolled mindlessly on your phones. “yeah, my love?” “you’re the okok to my lala.” “what?” they giggled as they sat up a bit, looking down at your face. you shrug as you say “you heard me”. “nooo, what does that mean?” they whine as they pinch your side, and you let out a small sound in protest. “nobody really knows, it just is.” “that makes no sense!” “yeah it does!” you say loudly with a smile on your face.  “no!” “okay, okay, look at this and sing what you hear,” you say as you pull up the sound and turn the camera to you. “baby, you’re not making any sense,” they say as you start the video. “just do what i said,” you demand as the music starts and they playfully roll their eyes. they start singing “okokok” in their beautiful voice, as you start to mouth “lala la lala” and they look at you in shock. “how does that even work!” Bella yells as you throw your head back and laugh as you end the video. 
you also did that one that goes “tell me how you know your boyfriend won’t cheat on you without telling me that your boyfriend won’t cheat on you”
and it honestly just became a combination of photos and videos of Bella being clingy and text messages that went along the lines of:
bella: i miss you :( you: i saw you an hour ago bella: your point? you: omg, okay, i miss you too :/
yeah, everyone was obsessed with the two of you
as they should be, of course
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softggh0ul · 6 months
new years appreciation post!!!
sorry if there are any grammar errors wrote this last night but forgot to post it
i only came on tumblr to read ppl's work, cuz one day i was bored and wattpad doesnt have that many good fics lol, so i came here. saw many amazing fics of ppl, that i really enjoyed. tbh the only reason i started to write was cuz i was bored 😭😭💀 like dawg im not lying, just woke up one day and was like "hmm let me write smth fr"😭😭 and thats what i did, i was like i'll delete it if it doesnt get many notes or smth
@gildedkrone mr vine boom!!! you were one my first moots i think, bro i remember i was on tiktok, suddenly i get the notifaction that you followed me back, first thought that came to my head was "he's deff drunk cuz why did he just follow me back??" 😭 until you came in my inbox and told me to post the price drabble, you were the first person to encourage my silly writing. ive prob gotten this far cuz of you yk. ive always liked the stuff you wrote they are just so yummy! not to mention you are a very sweet and funny person, must say i really enjoy talking to you!! wish you all the luck this year and hope we grow closer mwah mwah
@dilfverz yoruuuuu!!! really really like your writing, its just sooo gooood. i was shocked to see you had followed me back, like i didnt get why someone as cool as you followed ME back 😭😭, tho i am glad we became moots, youre a fun person to talk to, i like your humor, always got me laughing, even tho i do get hella awkward sometimes lol 😭💀wish you all the luck this year and hope we grow closer mwah mwah!!
@seveett vincent!! my dear pooper trooper! you are a funny nd kind person, still will call you weird for picking up your cats with them damn grippers 😭💀. i didnt believe it at first when you followed me back, i again thought it was some silly glitch nd tumblr is playing with me lol, but it wasn't lol, and im glad!! and since im being nice i will be giving your dogs back, cant seem to find the emoji on this damn pc but anyways. wish you all the luck this year and hope we grow closer mwah mwah!!
@bonesnmore mr green alien!!! first of all i find your green alien cute nd silly, i love it smm!! ive always enjoyed your work, and to see you follow me back was just like WOAHHH!!!!, since i didnt expect it at all 😭 ( i never do), we dont interact that that much but youre always so sweet when we do, wish you all the luck this year and hope we grow closer mwah mwah!!
@ccreekside creek!! my partner in crime!! if chaos was a person it would be you 😭😭, you are a very funny person, love the fake fights that you start! you are a very sweet person too, i love going in your inbox to say random stuff or what not, not to mention your writing is sooo good!!! remember when you need to bully someone just call me i'll be there in matter of seconds!! wish you all the luck this year and hope we grow closer mwah mwah!!
@gazmialmagemela embry!!!!! you are a very funny and kind person, i always love interacting with you, the down bad shit you say about characters is sooo funny😭💀😭😭, makes me laugh so hard, also your writing is sooo yummyyy!!! like dayummmm!! always has me acting up frrrr, im your 1 supporter frrrrrrr you are also someone that can bring a sense of comfort to someone! wish you all the luck this year and hope we grow closer mwah mwah!!
@agoofyannoyancetolaw hiiiii!! you seem like a really kind and funny person, but yk im always so scared to interact with my moots 😭😭 i do hope we interact more this year, i truly love your writing especially your graves fics they are so good broo like dayummm. YOU NEED MORE RECOGNITION FRRR!! wish you all the luck this year and hope we grow closer mwah mwah!!
@colt-redfield colt!!! i was happy to see you had followed me, you seem like such a funny person, still confused as to who yer married to but i'll figure it out soon enough 😭😭 must say i really love your writing its always so good bro!! wish you all the luck this year and hope we grow closer mwah mwah!!
@miguel-owhora(i thought i had smth abt you but didnt 😭😭)anyways mr tree (calling you tht rn cuz yer 6 Ft FUCKIN 5) you give off such older brother vibes tbh 😭😭 out here giving advice and everything yet being mean to creek and me😒 . also not to mention that like when smth annoys you, you just say it yk, you like to make shit clear when its needed and i find that admirable lol , also like the way you write miguel like alot ! wish you all the luck this year and hope we grow closer mwah mwah!!
this is to my moots who i barley or don't interact with lol; you guys seem like nice and cool ppl, i can never bring myself to interact first most of the time since i'm awkward bro 😭😭so my apologies for that lol, hope we do get to interact this year, wish all of you the best of luck this year, may all your wishes come true!!! mwah mwah!!
@astroknottt @kyoscrayons @cosmicalwalrus @transi1vanianhunger @mlm-cowboys @milky--away @batfleshh @prettyboyformasks @luci4theminorannoyance @theyluvvmeesblog @demovamp @yourftmfriend @y-yearning @amansabastris @malewh0re @planetrhythm @arthurmorgansballsack @kylesgarrick 
(hope i didn't miss anyone bro)
sorry if i kept saying the same things over nd over again lol 😭🙏
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tojivu · 1 year
a/n part 1 out of idk.. anyways this was so heavily inspired by phoebe bridger’s songs.. i’m so obsessed with her (=´∀`) oh and also by a book i finished a long time ago but haven’t gotten over lol. i tried writing this in 3rd person pov but tbh it’s hard for me to display emotion in my writing if it’s 3rd person cus it’s like giving u instructions on how to feel 😭. I KNOW ITS 2023 OKAY I KNOW WE DONT LIKE 1ST PERSON ANYMORE BUT PLS LET ME HAVE MY MOMENT
warnings/tags barely proofread (i tried), if yall don’t like tis i’ll probably discontinue it LOL, childe x implied f!reader, sfw.
listen to chinese satellite by phoebe bridgers.
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“Good morning.” Ajax is speaking to you, voice low. “It's a hot day.”
You were shivering, actually. Mornings were always cold no matter what the temperature was. Nevertheless, you nod and agree with him anyway. “Yup, isn’t it?”
You two were standing outside your house, waiting for the other to initiate the walking, to which you end up doing it. He follows behind, the path too narrow to fit the two of you—this was a familiar sound. Heavy footsteps you could only recognise to be Ajax’s only two metres behind you. You don’t need to turn around to know he’s staring at the back of your head.
Such a nostalgic feeling, you think. You and him have been passing by the same trees and the same brown-cream coloured houses for 5 years now.
“Can you believe that we’re graduating in two months?”
He doesn’t answer.
You repeat the question again and he finally responds. You turn around, curious as to what had gotten him so distracted; his phone is in his hand, he’s looking into it and it’s pointing at you—his bright yellow phone case pales in comparison to the smile he has on his face.
“Not even going to let me pose?”
“You don’t need to do that. Your morning face is enough.”
“What does that even mean?”
“You’re pretty when you wake up.”
It’s 6 in the morning. Ajax was never one to think before he speaks, especially when the sun had just risen 5 minutes prior. You ignore what he says, assuming he just couldn’t tell that isn’t something you say to friends.
It’s 8:27 am. You’ve been sitting through an hour of English, and you swear you thought the subject couldn’t get any more boring than when it was in middle school. You’re spinning your blue MUJI 0.5 tip pen between your middle and index finger, ultimately failing after 5 seconds and letting it drop to the floor. It rolls away, farther than you could bend and reach for—a soft metal clinking sound is heard when you realise it’s hit someone’s chair.
The red and black coloured backpack on the floor next to the chair made it obvious where your pen had gone and who’s chair it hit.
You whisper-yell, “Hey, can you pick that up?”
Ajax turns around and looks at you and then the floor. You’re thankful as he picks up the pen, but then quickly confused as to why he just turns forward again—keeping your pen at his desk.
YOU: It feels as though the evening has been stretched, like time is in slow motion and not in a good way; because I’m looking at Ajax sitting across from me and we have not spoken. I have a cup of coffee in my right hand, much too sweet for my own taste; a cat drawn from the latte art I don’t remember requesting. I’m very sure I asked for a bunny. I’m very sure. I think I left my Math textbook in class. The trees look really lively or something like that, I don’t really know, I am making sure to look away from Ajax because I know he’s staring.
“What what?” He acts like he wasn’t just staring at me for the past 5 minutes. “Is there a problem?”
“My problem is that you’re being weird today.”
His mouth is agape, too dramatic to be genuine. “That’s rude.”
I don’t know what to reply to him now, knowing that he’ll just continue acting stupid. My shoes squeak against the wooden flooring as I lean back in my chair, it’s evening now and I’m so exhausted. People from the high school three streets away from ours are filling the tiny place up, passing by our table and some stare at Ajax as they do. The oak tables that were empty just a half hour ago are now full of teenagers, this whole place is infested with us; behind, left and right.
It’s not weird for people to stare at Ajax when we’re out together. It’s not like he’s a celebrity or anything, but somehow every girl I know has heard of him or has heard of him from someone who has heard of him. It’s a big chain of people I find impossible to keep track of. If you mentioned his name anywhere, someone would definitely go “you know him too?”.
I’m drinking my tea slowly and quietly. A group of girls are laughing so loud my eardrums could burst. Another group of girls walk in and the familiar bell sound of the café entrance rings, and it’s no surprise they know Ajax too; he smiles at them, I can’t tell if out of politeness, when they walk by. They’re giggling to themselves and I can’t help but feel a bit lost.
“What’s wrong with you today?” He’s asking me as if multiple things aren’t wrong with him. Suddenly, I’m the one with the problems.
I don’t bother anymore, I think about that moment minutes ago over and over again and I have no idea what to make of it. That giggle wasn’t a “what a coincidence” giggle, more like a teasing sort, the kind your friends do when your crush talks to you.
“Nothing is wrong with me.” I’m lying. “I’m gonna go home.”
He is so clueless, so oblivious to everything it is paining me. Oblivious to the amount of girls that are looking his way in this very establishment, at this very moment in time. It makes me almost angry, somewhat, that he doesn’t know.
AJAX: It is 7 P.M. and dark out. I think she’s angry but she’s just slouching over, but I get some sort of sensing that she will explode if I try to talk to her.
“Helllooo.” I’m next to her now, and she doesn’t want to reply to me; her eyes are on mine, eyebrows furrowed and clearly sending a message: Don’t even say anything.
I feel myself smiling because she looks very adorable. She is much shorter than I am. When she’s angry, I’m never able to take her seriously. I don’t think I ever have. Oftentimes in her fits of anger I am caught admiring her, smiling because I think she is so dramatic. When we were 15 she once yelled at me for using her charger, and apparently ‘making her phone charge slower’. She is one of the angriest and most short tempered people I know, yet I think she pulls off the frustrated pout and narrowed eyes very well. It doesn’t matter much to me.
“I’m not gonna ask what’s up with you because you got mad when I did.”
She looks forward again and we are still walking. Her house is still a few blocks down. I think she’s getting tired, too. I shouldn’t have dragged her to get milk tea with me. This path is too narrow to fit the two of us.
I walk in front of her and I can hear her tongue clicking out of annoyance. I bend down and stretch my arms, “Get on my back”.
I feel weight shifting onto my upper back, her long hair is tickling my neck but I don’t mind. Her arms are tired, slow in their movements as they wrap around me too, her head on my right shoulder and she does not say a word in all of it.
“Thank you.” she is whispering to me a few minutes later, and I think I am getting tired too. My legs want to give out. They don’t because I don’t let them.
It’s another 10 minutes and I’m at her front door, unlocking it using the key in her wallet; her parents are on the couch and watching TV and I start to wonder what this would look like to them.
“Ajax?” Her mother turns her head around and is surprised to see me, considering I wasn’t calling to say I was coming over. I haven’t done that in months.
“Is she okay?”
“She’s just tired, that’s all.” I tell her and I try my best not to speak too loud in case the girl on my back wakes up. I can feel her breaths on my back, slow and controlled. I bring her upstairs to her room and I lay her on her bed. Her room has changed quite a bit since I had last been in it, her desk is much more organised than it was a few months ago.
I found myself rejecting her invitations to hang out in her room over the summer break.
I think if I were to be alone in a room with her for too long I would end up blurting it out. I would tell her I’ve loved her since we started being friends, and she’d kick me out of her house and never talk to me again. But now she’s sleeping and I think I’m okay, so I pull her blankets over her and whisper; “Goodnight, I love you”.
YOU: I have no idea what day it is. I feel sticky. I look around and after a few seconds I sigh out of relief, realising this is my house, and these are my bedsheets. I don’t remember how I got here, though, my uniform is still on and the last thing I can recall is me on Ajax’s back.
I reach for my phone but realise it’s dead. A post-it note is next to my nightstand, ‘You’re welcome for the ride back. Call me when you wake up You owe me’, and on the bottom right corner there is an ugly and disproportionate cat drawn.
He didn’t even have the courtesy to remove my socks for me, but I guess that’s fair because I don’t think I’d go anywhere near his feet either.
I plug my phone into my charger and wait. I don’t know if he wants me to call him, but I think I should, I want to.
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28 days later and i’m back with this shitty fic — 130423
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i-smoke-chapstick · 4 months
guys i had a dream where I was like on a mission w victor zsasz??
like, reader is younger (like 18) and still in highschool. (lik age gap romance) She was involved in a case awhile back where Jim Gordan asked for her help since she knew details about the case, and ever since then she and jim gordan have had like a favor for favor relationship? Where she helps him with other case details whenever gotham high is involved.
Well, Falcone gets alerted and thinks she could be of use to him, and she decides why the hell not, since her life is kinda boring and shitty! And, shes pretty innocent so she’s easily manipulated into it. So she gets sent on a mission with Victor to investigate something, and its like there first meeting, and they just kind of bond on the job. Reader goes through her own little villain arc <3
Jim Gordan comes after the two of them, doing his little “You’re a villain now, I have to protect the city” schtick to reader, and tries to go after her and stop her and Victor.
BUT Victors gotten super protective over her and when Jim finds them Victor is just threatening Jim and stuff and saves reader from getting caught (hes become super attached and obsessive really quickly)
would any1 be interested in reading this? I reallllyyy wanna write it but at the same time my inbox is overflowing and I don’t wanna ignore requests to write this, so if anyones interested pleasepleasePLEASE let me know so i have a reason to sksksksk😭💖
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sereves · 6 months
Tsubaki and Lawless Sibling Headcanons
After reading that meme about what woulda happened if Lawless and Tsubaki were on good terms I had to make these headcanons
This. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought about this-  Allow me to do a small rant/analysis-
Lawless is canonically referred to as having a family root according to Gear in this panel
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Yall no one can change my mind Lawless got fat daddy issues that run deeper than a black hole
As shown in these panels he has a deep respect and gratitude to Saint germaine for reviving him, and even goes as far as to lecture Kuro for being "rude"
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I also find it interesting how of all the siblings Lawless is pretty much the only one that was happy to be revived, aside from Ildio who was more or so neutral on his new life. Lawless pretty much took his new life and appreciated his second chance-
Personally in my opinion, I believed because he was a lower-ranking prince who was killed in a conspiracy he may have never gotten a chance to live life? He looks like he died pretty young and since he was a lower ranking prince, he may have lived with a silver spoon in his mouth, but likely was never able to go out to much and was probably very lonely. He probably only had Guil by his side which is why I love and adore their father/brother dynamic 😭
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dAWG- WHYD KURO DO HIM SO DIRTY 😭Bro straight up just lost Ophelia, is about to lose his "second father", then gets dumped by his own god damn brother- Like Kuro pretty much told him "we shouldn't have been born". Like bruh lawless got done so dirty in a span of like a week, like even after this he goes back home  Ophelia's kingdom was destroyed 💀
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Also he had to walk to the meeting stop for about 10 days+ and then walked back on his hedgehog stubby legs like is this man okay, IMAGINE WALKING ALL THE WAY ON FOOT AND JUST BEING DUMPED LIKE THAT- no wonder bro held such a fatass grudge against Kuro. Centuries later they meet again and  Kuro really had the audacity to be like, "why u mad at me" as if he didnt kill Saint and told Lawless they shouldn't really exist 😭
Anyways, moving onto the actual Tsubaki and Lawless siblings headcanons-
Lawless desperately wanted a family and tried seeking that through his new found Servamp siblings, but sadly none of them really wanted it aside from Ildio and Freya. Love the headcanon that Freya canonically thinks of Lawless as her "dear brother"🥺
Tsubaki later down the road looks like he craved that too? In fact it looks like he went to every sibling and tried asking them who he was and none of them knew. But what Im curious is about is this
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Lawless already knew about Tsubaki? When we got Lily's POV, he stated that he was visited by Tsubaki, and Tsubaki started laughing because none of his siblings knew about him. Now Im curious, because if Lawless had met Tsubaki in the past, what was it like? Did he just know of Tsubaki from C3? Given the fact that Lawless has spied on them sometimes when he was bored, is that how he found it? But I have a weak heart, so lets make some headcanons on had they met earlier and actually became close.
In a perfect world, Id had pictured Lawless helped Tsubaki escape from C3 and they both became close since both craved familial love. Its been revealed that Tsubaki is trying to protect his little sister so for sure, bros in the same boat as Lawless trying to make found family
There was also an old book called, "The Hedgehog and the Fox" where a quote is stated, "The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing." Reference: https://www.jimcarrollsblog.com/blog/2018/5/23/are-you-a-hedgehog-or-a-fox#:~:text='The%20fox%20knows%20many%20things,various%20wiles%20of%20the%20fox.
I like to think this very similar to Lawless and Tsubaki. Tsubaki, is likely one of the strongest siblings and can clap cheeks instantly. He has many skills and is canonically the only one that can "kill" his siblings, but Lawless is older, so I believe the "the hedgehog knows one big thing" is really cute, but it feeds into the dynamic that, yes although Tsubaki is superior to Lawless in terms of power, he has a lot more to learn.
Considering Tsubaki was locked up in C3 for a while I would like to think Lawless took him out and immediately tried getting him situated in the modern era. Thats my perspective on "hedgehog knows one big thing" like imagine being locked up and experimented for ages, and finally being introduced the modern day, like when was the last time Tsubaki saw the sun 💀
I also headcanon Lawless is probably pretty well off considering hes greed and judging from the fact hes constantly wearing rings and bracelets like I doubt those are fake, and he literally shops at Shibuya. Lawless is canonically a bougie bitch 💀
Please give me cute shopping montage of Lawless dripping out Tsubaki in modern Japanese styled clothing LIKE I WANNA SEE HIM WEARING THIS
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Anyways thats all I have for now, but TLDR: I love servamp sibling interactions, strike please stop depriving us
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sothischickshe · 6 months
Up for a discussion question? If we’d gotten a full season three as intended, what would you have expected/liked to see from Beth and Rio?
Hey sweetie, I'm always up for a discussion question danke 🙇🏼‍♀️🥰❤️
I stand by what I said once re what i'd've liked to see from s3, particularly: the full s3 😭😭, whatever their vision for that was, so I could judge it on its own merits!! It remains a very romantic concept to me, bc while I certainly have my issues with other plots in s3 (terrible therapist, donor family, here's a hitman let's give him all our money woo, dean's salesman shenanigans & boring affair with gale etc) the angsty messy sexy brio scenes were soooo delicious 🥺🖤 and then while I understand s4 had a lot to reset from/deal with, s4 (b)rio frequently doesn't make all that much sense to me 🤷🏼‍♀️
but also! i finally started posting a fic which is kinda about that? (rio pov, post s3, eventually very long etc). so im gonna say a lil more (thus warning: minor fic spoilers) behind the cut...
....but this thing keeps moving where i put the readmore?!
how do u make a website this bad. um anyhow
pay-off to the boring dean/gale stuff!! helllooooo beth and dean both sleeping with their bosses?! hilarity goldmine no?!
MORE RHEA. like you can't just introduce a character beth's having a quasi-romance with & rio's presumably had an actual one with, who's seen them both at their softest and uncovered worstnesses, and is surely best placed to comment on say their similarities and then do nothing with it???
beth and rio yelling at each other. surely this was coming??
not ending on that next time empty the clip line (which i don't like) / wrapping up the hitman plot
given the (sudden!) arrival of nick in s4 and depressing rio backstory, i'd've loved some suggestion that rio was like consciously paralleling nick & beth's betrayals of him & considering them as similar and/or that his mentoring of beth had something to do with even the vaguest of plans to extricate himself from nick (plus Revenge) etc
like. acknowledgment and processing of trauma???
weird angsty sex
more brio bar scenes, more brio drinking, more brio laughing (at each other)
if not the furniture return, then at least it being more a topic of conversation...like how wasnt it? beth pitching ideas for earning the return (at least of her kids' stuff??) or rio holding it over her head or at least him going on abt how much he's enjoying her lamps or something!
death divorce. the show held this over our head for far too long. i also like this being decoupled from the brio stuff as much as plausible. beth needs to divorce dean not bc she's interested in rio but bc dean is the worst.
plenty of boland bubbles, that spot lasted abt 0.4 seconds after we sat through all that dean nonsense... we should have at least got rio testing out an empty hot tub cos he doesnt know theyre supposed to have water in or something.
inordinate amounts of brio bickering
ending of hitman/plot consciously paralleling s1 and 2 finales, even if it wasn't literally beth + rio + some man + a gun (ideally with some rationale as to how rio finds said hitman, whether or not that was a reveal of his magical powers)
Incentive Convo Callbacks (also rio vs sushi like a million more times, pls)
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bombshelllblonde · 3 months
hiiihihii!! im backkkk to tell u abt my rdr playthough bc im bored asf haha
¡love this game omg!! the graphics, the story, the details UGH!!!!
hunting is actually so fun for no reason- i bought so many fancy ass guns too 😭
also my play type whenever i play ANY story game thats open world is to do every possible thing every except the actual story so i get a bunch of stuff and then its so muvh easier
in short i have 6000+ dollars 😋
bonus of exploring everything is i got thw white arabian and i love her sm ‼️‼️ i named her pearl and she is my baby
dress up is my seconf favorite hobby
my fav outfit rn is the red vest w the floral pattern on the front (i forget what its called) n the black french dress shirt underneath + the bison necklace talisman
(also arthur w medium-long length hair n short facial hair>>>)
this game is so detail oriented, its kind of insane- im doing a high honor run atm, and i came across the blind beggar for the third (?) time and the blind guy said and i quote
"that is which killing you will finally help you, friend- to hear and see."
is this foreshadowing this feels like foreshadowing
also ik arthurs dies (bc of tiktok edits and fics, they artists in this fandom is amazing!!!) and im not prepared at all 😭 im going to procrastinate so bad 
yk the hole lil speech he has at the campfire yk "most human beings seem to know why they were born but, for me- its seems i was just mean ton hurt and suffer myself" that one
im bawling istg if he doesnt get a good ending im going to be writing a formal complaint to rockstar games
tw opinions (ik bro its crazy to have opinions in 2024 whattt no wayy)
ive gotten to the point in playing where im in ch 3, and the only way i can progress the actual story is to help micah rob a stagecoach or whatever
micah is a bastard and i dont like him
him as a character is rlly well written and awesome but,,,,,hes,,,slimy,,and i hate him,,,,so he can wait for a little longer ☺️
my favorite characters rn in no particular order is
arthur (obviously) , charles , sean , javier , tilly , marybeth , and kieran
my pookies ‼️‼️
moving on im so sorry this is so so long 😭 idk anyone who likes rdr irl lmao
anyway hope u have a nice day and no wolves attack you and spoke ur horse who bucks you off a cliff
(in rdr btw)
((true story also))
yo, having 6k in chapter 3 is amazing. good for you!
my first playthrough i got the white arabian and i named her Lemoyne Tree as a tribute to the state of Lemoyne and my favorite post malone song Lemon Tree. But she always got super dirty so i then went to the lake next to Strawberry and tamed the red chestnut arabian. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that one, she's gorgeous and arthur always gets that one when i play it. my beautiful baby girl Diablo <3
also yes. heckin FUCK MICAH BELL. even from the beginning he's been a slime ball. hate that man <3
i won't go too far, but just keep yourself high honor towards the end of the game. you need that to be your first ending. :')
Charles deserves the absolute world. just listening to him speak and hanging out with him at camp, and the missions you continue on to do with him throughout the game are so much fun. charles is someone i wish i could have in my real life because he seems like he would be the best person to speak to and hang out with. he is so lovely and down to earth. even arthur says it a couple times throughout the game. charles gets a good ending i promise.
my top blorbos are Arthur, Dutch, Charles, Hosea, and Josiah Trelawny my absolute beloved <33333 just wait until you go on the mission with Charles to find trelawny. one of my favorite missions ever ever ever ever!!
a lot of people dislike dutch, but i love him so much. he is my actual father. i love him.
i also hate john. let me know how you feel about that little greasy weasel of a man. :)))
i'm so so so glad you're having fun and i am very invested, so please continue to keep me updated on what ur doing because i need to live vicariously through you. if i could erase my entire mind and replay the game over and over again for the first time, i totally would
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deadlittledogs · 4 months
Don’t let this cat thing become the same situation as the dog u had to give up… I can already sense it …
I’m keeping one of them but not all three lol. Three cats is just……..insanity…. and it was a fostering situation from the start!
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this is the one I’m keeping ^^ though now I’m stuck on the name. I was going to do Ginger but now I worry it’s a bit too convenient. A calico named Ginger, call the presses….. It was cute when you said all three of their names together but on its own, it’s a bit boring, isn’t it…. I don’t know…….
I just get overstimulated by change sometimes…… (all the time) and it genuinely makes me have nervous breakdowns lololololol. I was more flexible back in the day but it seems to have gotten worse over the years. I’m trying to power through _(:3 」∠)_ but ONE kitten should be able to help me do that just fine… not.. THREE LITTLE BLOOD SUCKING VAMPIRES ATTACKING ME FOR FIVE HOURS STRAIGHT WHILE IM TRYING TO CONCENTRATE ON MUH CRINGE TV TIME
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stargirlfeyre · 8 months
you bitches are dumb as hell😭the spinoffs dont follow a new plotline. the overarching plot of vassa, koschei was introduced in the first 3 books and its still ongoing so the main series isnt done lmao. you're forgetting that sarah planned to have nesta and elain stay as the stereotypical mean sisters but then changed her mind and wanted to explore their characters. not just bc of their connection to feyre pookie boo. it really makes me giggle how even in feyre's books sarah made rhys the mc cause lets be honest, feyre's just a boring mary sue. she could have gotten 7 books to herself like aelin if sarah really cared about her lmao
My page seem to have been the freaks meet up spot today because why did I wake up to people flocking? Anyways this is the last time I’m responding to you so soak up my attention while it lasts.
The spin-offs do not follow the same plot as the original series. The plot of the original series had a whole different villain and it was focused on uniting the courts and saving humans from slavery. The plot of the spin-offs was introduced in the main series but the main series and the spin-offs do not share a plot? Koschei was talked about in the second book I believe as one of the death gods. He was not an important character until Acosf came out. The plot of the spin-offs is koschei and breaking his curse. The plot of the main series is saving humans from slavery and defeating a tyrant king. You can’t say bitches are dumb and then in the next sentence prove that you yourself should be grouped in with said dumb bitches.
Sjm chose to explore Nesta and Elain’s characters yes but do you think they would be getting whole books if not for their relation to Feyre? There are a lot of characters in Acotar who have their characters “explored” and given depth but you know why they don’t get books? Because they are not blood related to the main character. I mean how do you truly believe that Nesta and Elain being Feyre’s sisters has nothing to do with them getting books when their books are literally being advertised as “read about Feyre’s sisters”😭. When it’s time to prove that Elain’s book is next y’all love saying “she’s an Archeron sister and she’s the HighLady’s sister” but now y’all are backtracking?
And I’ve said this before but the only people who actually think Rhys was made the main character of Acotar are people who hyper-fixate on him and don’t want to admit it. Was Rhys made the mc or did you just obsess over him? And it really makes me giggle how you say Feyre isn’t relevant when she is not only the sole reason for Nesta and Elain getting books but she’s also the sole reason why Nesta got off her ass and healed. Without Feyre Nesta would still be rotting in that apartment and without her pregnancy she would have never been able to redeem herself. You can say she isn’t the main character all you want but Nesta only acts because of Feyre and you better prepare now because Elain’s book is most likely not gonna be any different.
And going by your logic Nesta and Elain would have gotten more than one book if sjm had cared about them then right? So you admit she doesn’t and she only writes about them because of their connection to Feyre? If Sjm doesn’t care about Feyre because she only got three books then what does that say about her feelings about Nesta and Elain since they only got one?
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atztranspm · 11 months
Seonghwa PM 6 : 07/27/23
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(I was able to catch the lives before it went away last night! I accidentally fell asleep last night while translating jonghos PM so I didn't post but I have a lot to catch up on rn. I'll be posting throughout the day!)
So seonghwa did a live with out any texts so let me summarize rq.
He said hi to everyone and then started to read some comments. He saw someone ask about the glasses he was wearing and said that he since he had seen Wooyoung wear his in a live.
He said that he liked being able to do quick lives like this whenever he could and they don't have to be planned so they're convenient.
He asked if we had seen the recent wanteez ep and if we had fimun watching it (if you haven't seen it, u should cuz its so funny)
He read a couple more comments and answered some questions, someone asked about his hair in his recent toktoq post (I'll post it later, he shaped his hair into little cat ears, he so baby boy and I love that for him.) He said that he had gotten bored while waiting for something and started playing with his hair and then he ended up with cat ears.
He said that he had abura soba the other day and it was really good (they've all mention abura soba lately. If you don't know what it is, it's like ramen noodles but with out the soup or sauce? It looks really good tho) he said he was really hungry cuz he hadn't eaten and he got a really big bowl of it, and finished it, he said it was really good (send one over Hwa 🥺🤲)
Someone asked for a waterbomb spoiler, he said that he is going to do the stage well and for the outfit, he was going to be covered from head to toe. He saw tinys mixed reaction in the chat. Some where saying he doesn't have to show skin and the other side was saying that he should revel something (why u so obsessed with them being naked huh 🤨) he kinda laughed at us. Someone brought up the long padded jackets bit he said it would be annoying to preform in those and then laughed again. (His laugh is what keeps me going fr)
He said he got a really cute new phones case with kuromi on it (a hello kitty character, he just like me, kuromi is literally my fav) he said he saw a melody one too but he said the vibes were completely opposite and since the kuromi case was more subtle (melody is very pink and bright) he settles for it. He said he visited a few convenient stores with the other members as well and that Japan was really nice.
He cleared the stores of pudding and gave some to the other members (sharing is caring <3)
Someone asked about TMI and he said that today he was wearing his fav slippers. He got up and showed his fit (style king) and said that stylist had dressed him in comfortable clothes. He said it was really so we should take of ourselves (wear something cool and comfy)
Someone asked about animal crossing and he said that his favorite character might still be Sasha, but he is going to think about it, then he said that he might do a live playing animal crossing so that way we can also play with him (if I wasn't so broke I would have bought a switch and the game just for him)
He said he had to go since he was scheduled to do some fan calls, he said his cute little goodbyes and then ended the live.
(I want to roam Japan with seonghwa, like it just sounds to fun 😭😭 )
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