#at the same time he will walk out in shorts and a tee on any given day and be fine
65ths · 4 months
good morning! finnick loves to dress cozy. he’ll throw on a sweater in the early mornings while the sun is still just waking everyone else up and warming up the outdoors. he likes a flannel type of shirt— something warm and with a pattern. the mornings can have a real chill period, and even for his runs and walks he’ll dress for the wind and coolness.
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sc0tters · 2 months
Little Flame | Quinn Hughes
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summary: when the flames came to visit it brought back old memories, including why you hated quinn.
pairing: quinn hughes x andrei kuzmenko’s fuck buddy
trope: division rivals
warnings: sexual themes, p in v (unprotected), oral (fem receiving), degradation, slight choking, slight spit play? swearing.
word count: 6.51k
authors note: this was a long one so strap in! it’s hot and about time for us to all get our inner sluts out and we have @sweetestdesire to thank for helping get this one started! Kinda tried something different so let’s see if that paid off!
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Quinn always seemed to dislike you.
From the moment you met him you were both constantly against each other. It all started during your time at UMich, you were both in the same class and from the moment you met you weren’t meant to get on.
Constantly arguing as you were forced into the same friend group, due to your position as the student physio on the hockey team. The two of you were at odds “you got a problem?” You scoffed furrowing your eyebrows as you felt him staring at you.
It was any standard Friday night with a party at one of the frats “just wondering where on the invite came the costume theme?” He joked gripping at the neck of his beer bottle.
You were in a sequin crop top with a denim skirt and cowgirl boots “you jealous I’m getting the only attention between the two of us?” You scoffed as he was in a basic tee and shorts.
The comment made him let out a dry laugh “I think you’re the only one who isn’t giving me attention.” It was no secret just how much most girls liked him, and that the only attention he got from you were threats of ramming your foot up his ass.
There was a gleam in his eyes “but here you still are stood in front of me so.” He trailed off letting a smirk form on his lips.
Your hands formed fists by your sides “in your dreams Hughes.” You grumbled ignoring how your cheeks went red when you pushed past him to leave “you wouldn’t as argumentative in those!” Quinn grunted watching you walk back to your friends.
The way your hands moved around made it clear that you were visibly angry “hey he’s probably leaving at the end of the season anyways.” One of your friends sighed as she placed a comforting hand in your shoulder wanting to comfort you.
That all took place over five years ago and you hadn’t seen Quinn since. Sure you heard all about his achievements and accomplishments as he made captain of the Canucks. But you were able to avoid him whenever it was possible that your paths would cross.
Working for the Flames left only a handful of occasions where you could have seen him and each time you managed to be the secondary physio leaving you inside the locker rooms “please do it for me?” Andrei whined as he pulled you into his lap after he heard that you tried getting secondary for the Canuck game again.
You pushed your lips into a fine line as placed your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself “I can make it worth your while.” He trailed off as he ran his fingers up your torso under your shirt “shouldn’t you always be doing that.” You teased holding back a smile as you grazed your lips over his pulling away from him the moment he leaned in for more like you were taunting him.
Andrei let his eyes sharpen into yours “you know I always play better when you are around the night before.” It was a new known thing between the two of you that since you started sleeping together the night before a game, Andrei started playing much better.
His efforts made you laugh “want to show you my old city.” He explained kissing your neck as he smiled looking up at you. You had been assigned as his tour guide when he was traded from the Canucks. It seemed like you both hit it off as the tour ended up in the back of his car and before you knew it, you were in his bed a lot.
It was sweet being with him but your favourite part was that you constantly had someone to fulfil your sexual needs. All it took was one message to Andrei and he was on his way to your place. There were never any labels on the relationship and that was what made it so easy.
Andrei kept his promise as he showed you parts of Vancouver that you never had the chance to see prior to the trip as you guys had a free afternoon. You had to admit that the trip was kind of fun. It was enjoyable being with him as he showed you the city he loved “and your good day isn’t over yet.” He teased you as he wrapped his hands around your shoulders.
It made a laugh leave your lips “careful on setting my expectations too high now.” You fiddled with his hat as you each had lousy disguises.
Before he had the chance to respond, something else caught his eyes “Quinn?” A gasp left Andrei’s lips as he stopped walking seeing someone in front of you two.
You froze fearing that it was the Quinn “hey Kuzy!” It was. Your body tensed as you physically cringed feeling Andrei leave your side to embrace his old teammates.
Quinn smirked as he saw your awkward effort to hide yourself. He knew it was you from the UMich cap you wore and how you hadn’t changed your hair since you saw him “Y/n?” He furrowed his eyebrows turning his attention to you.
Andrei was left confused “you never told me you knew him.” He pointed out as his eyes followed Quinn’s “not everyone from college needs to be spoken about.” You pointed out causing the American to place his hand on his chest.
The captain was quick to act offended “did our time on the team mean nothing to you for two years?” He did little to hide his smirk as your cheeks turned red “well then why don’t you join us for lunch?” Andrei looked to his watch to see that it was getting to time for lunch.
In that moment you swore you wanted to kill both boys “give you two time to catch up too.” He added as he remained oblivious to the death stare that you sent Quinn, wishing that daggers hit the boy.
Lunch felt painful as you were reminded of all of the reasons why you disliked Quinn so much “I need to go to the bathroom.” Andrei announced and you were close to following him as you didn’t want to be left alone with the Hughes boy.
You grew tired after biting your tongue so hard that it drew blood “I’ll be back soon.” The Russian laughed as he furrowed his eyebrows, he squeezed your shoulder before he left.
Quinn let his eyes watch his old teammates until he was out of his view “so how long have you two been sleeping together?” Quinn interlaced his fingers as he watched you sip at your drink.
A cough left your lips “that’s none of your business!” You gasped acting the same way your mom would if she had to hear about your sex life “c’mon he can’t be that disappointing that you now aren’t willing to share.” It reminded you of the time that he walked in a girls night that involved his girlfriend.
You girls had been talking about your worst experiences with guys and of course you had the worst luck as Quinn got to walk in and hear the entire story about the football players that couldn’t even get you to reach your high. The boy constantly reminded you of it up until he left.
It made you scoff “not surprising to see that not all of us grew up after college.” You snapped squeezing your straw between your fingers “thought someone would have fucked you into being not this uptight but here we are.” He matched your tone as he mirrored your glare.
As you saw Andrei come back into your sights all you could do was deliver a quick kick to Quinn’s shin “ahh!” He winced reached down to massage his leg as he sent you a glare “you two good?” Poor Andrei still remained oblivious to what had gone on.
For the first time that day you didn’t need to force a smile onto your lips as you nodded “so great.” You let your foot run up Quinn leg as a reminder of what you could do the other “perfect.” Quinn gritted the words out still making sure to glare at you along the way.
Hours had passed as the night air was cold over Vancouver when you stared out of your hotel window struggling to avoid the image of Quinn. It brought up all of those memories of the arguments you two had and how he knew exactly how to get under your skin in ways that made you squirm. It clogged your mind to the point where you told Andrei that you were sick.
The white lie came from the fact that you couldn’t let yourself drop to your knees for a guy when someone else was on your mind.
You were confused as you heard the sound of music echo in your ears “hi pretty girl.” His words were soft in your ears “hi-Quinn?” You pulled your attention to him as your eyes went wide.
He cupped your cheeks as he dropped his head to kiss your lips “fucking hell.” He mumbled running his fingers down your body as you were in your lacy slip that you had slept in.
His hands pushed you back onto your bed “just want to make you feel good.” The hockey player explained as he helped you spread your legs “mhm Quinn.” You moaned feeling him kiss at your thighs.
Like a cold shower in the winter, your alarm practically hit you as your torso shot out of bed. You ripped the sheets off of you as your eyes went wide “fuck!” You groaned realizing that you had just had a dream about Quinn “Y/n are you okay?” Andrei’s voice came from your door as he knocked.
You were quick to panic as you hit snooze on your alarm and ran to the door “hey.” You made the effort to hide yourself behind your door “just thought I would let you know that you’re gonna be late for breakfast.” Andrei explained as he held out a togo cup of coffee.
The gesture made you smile “thanks Drei.” You tipped the coffee as a thank you “I should get dressed then.” It quickly became apparent that you needed to get a move on after sleeping through your alarm.
He watched you shut your door before he had the chance to utter another word “someone is acting weird.” Andrei mumbled to himself as he walked back to the team.
It seemed like al of your attention was crowded by the Hughes boy as you even struggled to do your job. Constantly avoiding parts of the Rogers Arena that you were concerned about seeing him in. But that only got you so far as the time came for you to finally sit by the bench.
Quinn’s eyes were already on you as you sat down “hi.” He mouthed with a smirk as he watched you freeze. Elias watched his line of sight following it you. The Swede laughed as he knocked Quinn off of his feet leaving the blonde to send you a wink.
The game had been chaotic but the Canucks barely edged the Flames, with the captain scoring the OT winning goal. Fans cheered as the stadium roared leaving the Fames players heartbroken. You sent Andrei a frown as he walked over to you post game.
You were stood in the locker area “I am sorry.” You apologized as he hugged you letting his head fall onto your shoulder “I didn’t think it would hurt so much to lose to them.” He felt stupid letting the confession leave his lips.
But even still you wanted to comfort him “you played really well though.” You confessed pressing a kiss to his temple as your fingers ran through his hair. A cough came from behind you both causing you to drop his arms.
Quinn stood there as he scratched the back of his neck “I wanted to say bye before you left.” He explained locking his eyes with yours “I am gonna leave you two to it.” Andrei nodded leaving you alone with Quinn once more.
The boy towered over you as he watched you cringe stood there in silence “you are looking really good.” He confessed with a soft smile “what is it that you are playing at?” You snapped as you clenched your fists.
He furrowed his eyebrows as he watched your little outburst “Jesus I was just trying to be nice!” He groaned pulling you into a corner hall as he didn’t want everyone to have to hear it go down.
Your hands tugged at your hair as you were visibly agitated feeling like if you were a cartoon you’d have smoke oozing from your ears “why?” You scoffed as you pushed your lips into a fine line “you’ve been nothing but insufferable the entire time I knew you.’ Your finger pushed into his chest as you cocked your head.
Those words made him roll his eyes “you know, Kuzy is gonna wake up one day and see that you’re just as much of a pain in my ass, as you are everyone else’s.” The dig was sharp as venom rolled off of his tongue “fuck you Hughes.” You spat as you pushed past him leaving the boy alone to process what had happened.
You were still somehow so angry as you got back to the hotel. Silently fearing that there was no real cure to help you calm down “he’s such a fucking ass.” You grumbled as you shook your head, even as your feet brought you to Andrei’s door.
Before you knew what you were doing you knocked at dark wood “hey?” Andrei smiled answering the door in nothing more than his grey sweatpants “I need to ask you for a favour.” You began causing him to nod as he motioned to you to come in.
Your palms were sweaty as you looked for apartment 227. The crumpled napkin was in your hands with his address scribbled out on it after Andrei thought you were in a rush. You might as well have been on your seventh cup of coffee as nerves ran through your body.
Practically bouncing off of the walls as you found his door. You stopped to take a breath as you brought your hand up to knock at the door.
But instead you were beat to it as the door whipped open leaving you faced with his bare chest “Jesus what is it with you men and opening your doors shirtless?” You groaned as you sent him a loom of disgust “I’m sorry?” Quinn didn’t know what else to say as he grabbed his hoodie from the rack next to his door.
You shook your head seeing him stare you down as he pulled the hood off of his head “now can tell me why you are at my door?” The hockey player trailed off reminding you why you were there “you are such an asshole!” You scoffed pushing into the apartment.
It was an open planned space that screamed decorated by a man in his twenties “I think you’ve told me that more than once before.” Quinn pointed out as he crossed his arms letting the door shut behind him.
His comment only irritated you more “you just make me so angry.” You squeezed your hands together trying to remain calm “but somehow I can’t get you out of my mind.” You rambled on only stopping when he laughed.
Your head snapped to stare him down “never would have thought you would have a crush on me.” Quinn smirked as he ran his fingers through his hair as you scoffed “always knew you had a soft spot f’me.” The boy walked over to you.
He watched your face scrunch in disgust “i knew that this was a mistake.” You sighed going to leave him alone for the second time that night.
But Quinn had other ideas as he wrapped his hand around your wrist just as you walked past him “god you are insufferable.” Quinn rolled his eyes pulling you closer to him. He didn’t give you a chance to respond as he cupped your cheek.
His lips were rough against yours making you take a second before you responded. Bringing your hands to his waist “fuck.” He muttered acknowledging the taste of your cherry lipgloss as it made him go lightheaded.
If someone didn’t know any better they would say that you two had done this before as your hands moved in unison like clockwork “jump.” Quinn didn’t want to let your lips leave his for long as you listened feeling his hands cup your ass.
Helping you lift your legs up as you interlocked your ankles behind him wrapping your hands around his neck before you let your teeth sink down at his lower lip. It made him hiss out in that fine line between pain and pleasure.
You didn’t know when you two started walking but before you knew it you in a room as you heard the door creak shortly before your back hit a mattress. Quinn looked at the sight of you lying there in all of your flames gear. He took the moment to take you in before he smiled settling himself on the edge of his bed in his knees “I think it is sweet you went through all of this trouble to get my attention.” He mumbled pissing you off once more as you went to chew him out but instead he placed his finger on your lips.
Your eyes pushed into a glare “I can still leave y’know?” You knew you weren’t in any positions to be making demands but somehow that didn’t stop you from mouthing off.
A dry laugh fell from his lips “then what was the whole point of coming all this way?” He clicked his tongue practically hanging the bait in front of you “because I think you came so that someone could properly fuck you.” The boy added making you gulp.
The new found silence showed him that he was on the right track as you nodded “now you do not know how excited I am to get you out of this.” He mum urged the words to himself with some level of distaste as he locked eyes with the Flames emblem that was printed onto your leggings.
As his fingers hooked into the waistband of them he couldn’t help but plot all of the possible ways he could burn them “then hurry up.” You whined taking him by surprise as you reminded him that you wanted this just as much as he truly did “since you asked so nicely.” Quinn teased helping you kick your shoes off before he pulled your leggings off as well.
The sight of your lacey white panties was going to be imprinted in his mind forever “fucking hell Rocky.” He gave you the nickname in your freshman year after you punched him.
It was something he fully knew he deserved at the time which is why he was able to find the humor in your ability to give him a black eye “you been thinking about me a lot or something?” The comment originally came off as a tease but as he watched the colour drain from your face he realised that he was actually right.
This time a laugh in actual amusement left his lips “so what am I doing during this?” Quinn enquired as he let his hands massage soft circles into the inner parts of your thighs “you were.” You trailed off struggling to find the words to tell him.
He caught his lower lip between his teeth trying to stop himself from smiling “c’mon pretty girl I know you can get your words out f’me.” The boy began wanting to hurry you along as he felt his cock throb in his pants “if I’m gonna be left in the fucking quiet I will leave you here.” Quinn warned letting his hands softly hit your thigh.
Your eyes went wide considering that his threat was serious “I don’t know because it was a dream that I fucking woke up from!” You yelled watching him freeze causing embarrassment to run through your veins.
Your back lifted from his mattress as you went to apologise “look Quinn maybe-” you weren’t given the chance to say much more as his lips caught yours again.
Sucking the air from your lips as he let his hand claw at the fabric of your polo keeping you close to him “that’s fucking hot that you been dreaming about me.” He couldn’t hide how this made his ego float “what did you want me to do?” He asked licking his lips as he let his hand drop to your panties.
His fingers grazed over your clothed clit “fuck Quinn.” You let out a grunt as your thighs squirmed “say the words and I’ll do it.” He nodded not ready to take no as an answer.
You swallowed hard at the sensations “use your tongue.” You confessed making him smirk “lay back down then.” His voice was soft as you listened lying flat on your back.
Quinn hooked his fingers into the waistband of your panties pulling them down the length of your legs “fuck you’re soaked.” He mewled at the sight of your glistening cunt “please.” You cried out finally making the boy nod as he gave you what you wanted.
His lips pecked at the insides of your thighs making sure that he divided his attention between both parts equally “you smell so sweet.” The boy confessed letting his face settle millimetres from your core.
He saw how your eyes studied his, watching him place a kiss on her clit “so responsive too.” A smirk formed on his lips when latched his lips around the sensitive bud.
You pushed your chest into the air as your back arched “fucking hell.” You whined bringing your hand to his hair as you tugged at his brown locks.
It acted like encouragement for him as he wrapped his arms around your thighs keeping you close to him as you tried to grind your cunt against his face. Quinn dropped his tongue to your core letting his tongue lay flat as he thrusted it into you.
The feeling made you squirm as you clenched around him when his nose grazed your clit “god you’re good at this.” You moaned lifting your legs to rest your heels on his shoulder blades “who would have thought all I would need to do was fuck you to get you to behave.” Quinn was amused as his words sent shivers through your body.
If you weren’t in this sensual state, you would have snapped at him “don’t stop.” You begged feeling his tongue lap at you like a starved man. He watched your free hand run up your shirt letting your bra go free.
He grinded his hips against the duvet beneath him swearing that he was going to ruin his sheets before he even got a chance to fuck you “Quinn.” Your voice sounded like honey as your face scrunched up in pleasure “you wanna cum pretty girl?” His question made you whimper as his thumb grazed over your clit in these tight circular motions.
The room grew hot as your lips remained screwed shut “need you to tell me-” the Hughes boy couldn’t get his threat out before you cut him off “please let me cum all over your tongue.” You begged making him nod as he let his mouth replace his fingers where it only then took him a few minor thrusts of his tongue to have you chanting his name out in pleasure.
Your legs shook as you struggled to keep them open trying not to crush the captains head as he continued to lap at your release sending you into a state of mind fog. Your body began to tense again and that was when you found the strength to pull Quinn off of you “you taste so fucking sweet.” He groaned kissing you again as if he hadn’t seen his lover in years.
The taste of your release was salty on his tongue and it made you moan as it mixed with your spit “off.” He mumbled tugging at your shirt.
You pulled away as you shook your head “‘s not fair you’re still fully clothed.” You complained making him smirk “if you wanted to see me again all you had to do was ask.” Within seconds his hoodie was off and was added to the pile of clothing that by the foot of his bed.
See his bare chest again filled you with this soft sense of confidence. So as you took a deep breath watching him begin to undo his pants you finally pulled your polo off of your body, leaving you in nothing but your white bra “if I knew you had a body like this under your clothes I would have been nicer.” Quinn let the words slip from his lips.
It made you scoff as you sent him a glare “doesn’t mean you would have been able to fuck me.” You snapped trying your best to let your eyes not drop to the bulge in his boxers.
A laugh roared from his lips “there’s the brat I knew you still had in ya.” It took him little strength to pull you to your feet “so now I’m gonna fuck you like a slut.” His hand pinched at your jaw making you whimper in response.
His eyes scanned yours to see if you were scared but instead all he saw was lust “but that’s probably what you wanted.” Quinn chirped making you softly nod “well sluts get fucked against the wall.” He motioned to where his wall mirror was making you unclip your bra before you walked to it.
You watched in the reflection how he stared back at you taking in the sight of how your naked body looked, from your perky breasts to your lower lip that you chewed at in anticipation. Quinn was calculated as he kicked his boxers off “condom?” He asked as he was prepared to grab one from his drawer.
Your head shook “on the pill.” You explained making him wonder just how many times that you let Andrei fuck you raw.
But for how the captain let his thoughts fall to the back of his mind when he saw you spread your legs “look at you so desperate for a good fuck.” Quinn smirked as he taunted you “even after you already came.” His words barely reached a whisper.
His hand gripped at his aching cock as he slotted between your legs. Dragging the head of his cock over your slit as he began to tease your cunt. His precum spread over your clit bringing a moan from your lips as your hands lay flat against the wall.
The boy watched you in awe “such a good girl getting ready f’me.” He cooed brushing your hair to the side “fuck your cunt is heaven.” Quinn let out a grunt as he thrusted his cock into your core as his hips lay flat against yours.
His lips nipped at your neck as he settled into his position “please move.” You begged clenching around his cock “and you’re gonna leave a mark!” You complained making him glare at you.
He scoffed bringing his hand to slap at your ass “you think I fucking give a shit?” Quinn laughed as his hips snapped into yours as he began to fuck you at a pace that was painful “answer me you slut!” He spat making you wince.
Your head dropped as your breasts bounced with each thrust of his cock “n-no.” You shook your head feeling tears form in your eyes “then I’m gonna use you how I want okay.” His words weren’t even in the form of a question as he let his hands punch at your hips.
The sound of skin slapping against each other was ringing in your ears “sorry.” Your words were soft as he nipped at your skin “wanna say that a little louder f’me?” Quinn teased seeing your legs begin to shake.
He made sure to keep you upright before you fell “if you aren’t gonna be a brat then I need you to answer me.” His hand gripped at your hair tugging your head upright “I’m sorry!” You moaned feeling your head rest against his shoulder.
It made him smirk as felt you clench around his cock “f’what?” He asked bringing his hand over to your clit letting his fingers rub at your sensitive nub “for being a brat.” You sputtered out the words making him internally cheer for you finally listening to him.
He watched your eyes flutter “just a brat?” He taunted making you squirm “and a slut f’you.” You added letting the tears stream down your face as you felt yourself growing closer to your orgasm.
Quinn let his chin rest on your shoulder “be a good girl for me and watch my dick fuck your pussy.” You nodded at his order watching how your cunt swallowed his cock with each thrust before he would pull away letting the cream of your first orgasm look like a ring around his cock “I’m gonna-” your eyes began to roll back into your sockets.
It made him nod as your cunt clenched around him “think you need to beg for this one.” His voice was soft in your ear as he sucked at your lobe.
The feeling of his cock inside of you as it throbbed made you desperate “wanna make a mess on your cock so bad!” You begged trying to use your hands to keep you up “go make a mess pretty girl.” With that your head rested on his shoulder as your cunt clamped around his cock.
Chants of his name spewed from your lips helping to push him over the edge “milk my cock doll.” Quinn cooed softly shuddering at how your cunt sucked him dry “there we go.” His voice was soft as he let his limp cock slide out of you “holy fuck.” You gasped turning around to kiss him “you’re so gorgeous.” Quinn mumbled as he let his thumbs graze over your nipples.
The room was hot as his hands were all over you like he was scared he’d lose you if he let you go. You pushed him back to the bed letting him sit on the mattress “is my little slut still not satisfied?” Quinn smirked running his hand over your stomach “still not full of my cum?” He added making you whimper as you went to cover your face.
He stopped you as he clicked his tongue “all you gotta do is ask me nicely.” The captain brought his hands to your cheeks pulling your face up to stare at his “make me cum again Quinny?” You begged as he pecked at your lips.
It was softer as he spun you two around laying you down on the bed “I get to see you this time doll.” His words were innocent as he pumped his cock a few times to get you hard all over again “you’re such a pretty girl.” His body hovered over yours as his chain rested on your chin.
This time it was easier for him to thrust into her as their releases acted like the perfect lube for you both “still just as perfect.” He laughed feeling your legs wrap around him “you are such a gorgeous girl.” Quinn mumbled as he kissed you.
The two of you practically moulded into each other “mhm Quinn.” You moaned feeling his pelvis against your clit “like the sound of my name on your tongue.” The Hughes boy smiled as your hands went to claw at his back.
He couldn’t help but notice the little Daisy necklace you had resting on your collarbone and it made him wonder just how many times must Kuzy have seen it before when you were under him “did he fuck you like this?” Quinn let the question come out with little thought before his eyes went wide.
Your silence made him scoff “so he fucks you better than me?” He clicked his tongue as he shook his head “just when I thought you were done being a brat.” Quinn spat as he picked up his pace again.
Cries echoed from your lips “you fuck me better!” You announced making him smirk “couldn’t hear ya princess.” He did it to tease you expecting some kind of push back from you.
But instead you just glared “could get off alone.” You grumbled making him stop his cock was half way inside of you as he stared down at you “you really think you could made yourself feel better than I do?” Quinn let his hand wrap around your throat.
You brought your hand up to wrap around his as you softly nodded “so you aren’t a cumslut feeling me in here.” His free hand pressed against your stomach as he could feel his cock hit your g-spot with each thrust “s-so full.” You whimpered feeling your breasts bounce with each creek of his bed.
The boy let his mouth drop to your breasts “fuck Quinn!” You kicked your legs as you felt your head go light with the new amount of pleasure you felt.
It had you whimpering as he divided his attention as well as he thought he could with his fingers rolling the nipple into a peak “not such a mouthy girl anymore now are ya?” His words were barely audible as he didn’t lift his lips from your nipple.
You cried as you shook your head “please let me cum.” You pleaded feeling your eyes begin to flutter “open your mouth f’me.” He pulled his attention away from your nipples as he looked at you.
Your mouth was centimetres away from his as you followed his instructions letting your tongue roll out of your mouth “now keep it like this until I cum okay?” He asked letting his saliva push out of his mouth in this line of spit only breaking once it landed on your tongue.
He watched your lips shut as smirked “you’re such a pretty fucking girl.” Quinn confessed letting your one leg go over his shoulder so that he could fuck you an entirely different angle “you keep clenching like that and I’m gonna cum.” He warned making you nod.
His fingers around your throat made you drive your hips towards his “I’m gonna cum.” You announced kissing his lips as your legs shook from his sides “let the floor know how good I make you feel.” He placed a closed mouth kiss to your lips as you finally watched your face scrunch up.
Your mouth fell open “don’t stop fucking me Quinn!” You begged feeling your body writhe against him. He watched pleasure wash over you as you came.
Quinn was close to you as he fucked you through your orgasm “there we go.” He gritted out coating your cunt for the second time of the night with his release “holy fuck.” The boy looked down to see that your release had soaked his bed.
You looked down to see what he was talking about “I’m so fucking sorry.” You went to apologise but he shook his head “that’s was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” He confessed with a smile.
He watched your redden cheeks calm down “did you know you could do that?” The boy asked as you sat up to look at him “n-no.” You shook your head pushing your hair out of your face.
Quinn watched you stare down at where your mess was “hey.” He frowned hooking his fingers under your jaw “why don’t we get you into the bath?” Quinn’s offer was innocent and even as you knew you needed to go back to the hotel, you couldn’t say no.
And that’s how you landed up with your hair in a bun sat in his bath. Ellen had left bath salts and bubbles under his sink and that’s how you landed up smelling like roses “you okay?” Quinn asked watching you stare at him.
You smiled as you held your hand over the bubbles “come in here.” You mumbled motioning to him to join.
He got off of the edge of the tub going to sit across from you “want you here.” You explained pointing behind you “can’t say no when you look at me like that.” Quinn sighed as he motioned to you to shift over.
The water sloshed around your body as you leaned forward “you feeling better?” He cocked his head as he wrapped his hands around your waist.
His lips kissed at your shoulder feeling the softness of your skin against his lips “so much better.” You nodded laying your head on his shoulder “wait Quinny.” You spoke up as you looked up at him.
You were quick to decide that it was easier to turn around to look at him “I don’t think you’re a total pain in the ass.” You confessed making him smile “I don’t think you are one either.” This was the first time you two had a normal conversation where you guys were making actual grounds worth of progress.
Quinn didn’t want to ruin the moment but he dropped his head to kiss your lips. You straddled him in response as you melted into the kiss. Your hips grinded against his making his cock grow hard all over again “you happy to see me or?” You teased smiling as your forehead rested against his.
The boy shook his head “I’m sorry, we don’t have to.” He watched as your hand dropped below the water “I want to.” You confessed with a smile.
Your hand gripped at his cock pumping it a few times “you like that don’t ya?” You teased letting your grin remain evident “you fucking tease me and I’ll make sure you never squirt again.” Quinn warned showing you that he was being serious.
A giggle left your lips as you sunk down on his cock “never the fun one are ya?” You settled into a slow rhythm letting your hips brush against his “you and I know that I am plenty fun.” Quinn rolled eyes as he used his energy to pick you up and push you to the other side of the bath letting water slosh around you both.
So maybe things were always going to be a competitions between you two. But one thing that you both knew for sure was that nights in Vancouver or Calgary weren’t going to be spent in hotel rooms. They would be spent in each others arms desperate to not let this dream end.
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murdrdocs · 2 months
Currently having some thoughts abt apocalypse!Luke. Cause let me set the scene: You, Luke, Annabeth and Percy are all hunkering down at some abandoned apartment for the night. Due to some unforseen circumstance (read: awful match making) Luke and you are sharing a room. And, sure, you’ve been keeping a distance from each other thus far. It mostly has to do with the fact that you’ve seen Luke cut down through zombies with a sword in his hand without breaking a sweat. It also has to do with the fact that Luke knows you sleep with a bat under your bed— the same bat he’s seen you mercilessly beat down the undead without a flinch.
So, yeah. Distance. But that doesn’t take away from the fact that you both have eyes. Luke can see that you’re hot— he’d have to be blind not to. So imagine when night time has fallen, you’ve both locked down all doors of the apartment and made sure to clear an escape route in case anything happens. You’re going to go change to the bathroom of your shared bedroom— only for the door to be left ajar. And Luke doesn’t mean to peek— that’s creepy. He knows that’s creepy. But he’s frozen on the corner of the bed as he watches you pulling off your shirt through the reflection of the mirror. He watches you pulling down your pants, giving him a perfect glimpse of your ass and panties. It’s only once you start undoing the latch of your bra that he finally looks away, face red and hot.
When you step out of the bathroom in a long tee that reaches your knees, there’s no quip from Luke about taking so long. No remark about you sleeping on the floor because “it’s only fair”. In fact, Luke is awfully quiet— uncharacteristically so.
“What’s up your ass today?”
You could swear Luke flinches.
“N-Nothing. Nothing. Whatever.” He gets inside the bed and lies down, looking away from you.
And if Luke has any wet dreams during the night, then it’s his business. It doesn’t mean anything.
right!; perv luke; masturbation mention; fem!reader; MDNI 18+
to luke, the wet dream he had about you definitely didn't mean anything.
he keeps telling himself that while he sits at the wobbly table for breakfast, which is just shares of a small watermelon annabeth found before the group had to flee the last place.
you’re standing at the side of the table cutting the fruit with a knife you have reserved just for things like this. it's still early morning, and you all will probably be inside the entire day, so your attire is casual, a low cut shirt and a pair of jean shorts that look like something from the older movies annabeth used to force luke to watch before all of this.
your shirt is a henley with the buttons undone and from the way luke is noticing two pebble-like shapes poking through the fabric, he assumes you’re not wearing a bra.
it's rude to stare, he knows this. but you're magnetic, pulling luke's focus even whenever he manages to break away and find something else to look at for one second. watching you in this casual element is taking luke back to this morning when he watched you redress. and back to last night, when he watched you undress. and back to the last dream he had before waking up this morning, when he watched you come undone on his fingers.
he hasn't been meaning to watch you this closely. or, he hadn't meant to the first time. the second time was a little more intentional, as he purposefully gave you the bathroom first, promising he wouldn't look through the gap created by the broken door. he'd never been more thankful for a zombie apocalypse then. watching you pull your big shirt over your head, the way your tits jiggled from the impact. if it weren't for the undead walking the streets, this door would likely have been functioning. if it weren't for the undead, this house would have been occupied by something other than this small group. if it weren't for the undead, luke wouldn't have ever met you.
"luke!" your raised voice brings luke back to the current moment. he blinks hard, his shoulders jumping towards his ears as he focuses on you again.
were you talking to him? the others were looking his way so you must've been talking to him.
"oh ... uh." he licks his lips. "what?"
you scoff and cock your hip to the side. just that one movement makes your tits bounce and luke literally has to take a deep breath to keep himself calm.
"i asked if you thought we should just eat the rest or if we should save it?"
he blinks. and blinks some more. and then just blurts out the first answer that comes to his mind.
"let's just eat it all."
you squint but shrug and turn back to begin cutting up the half of the watermelon that hasn't been butchered yet. then luke, realizing what he has said, stops you.
"wait, no. let's save it. yeah ... yeah."
he can feel annabeth squinting at him from his left and percy judging him from his right, like his own little devil and angel but both of them are out to get him. luke doesn't know if he's thankful or not whenever annabeth speaks.
"is something wrong, luke?"
he shakes his head. "no. not really. 'm just tired. didn't get much sleep last night."
annabeth buys his excuse, percy must buy it because he has nothing to say in return, and then luke looks at you.
you're pouting a bit, but there seems to be something in your eyes. luke can't tell if you're just teasing him or if you know something. either way you say, "go take a nap, then. we aren't going anywhere today."
luke stands, nods, and leaves the table having completely forgotten about his fruit. he doesn't go to bed, though. instead he goes to the bathroom where he fists his cock thinking about you.
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vampiretendencies · 1 year
request; jj blurb idea! wearing his clothes for the first time/him seeing you in his clothes for the first time. maybe showering at the chateau but you didn’t bring anything so he gives you a tshirt! hehe literally kicking my feet under the table rn
pairing; jj x fem!reader
warnings; fluff, maybe suggestive
authors note; i was doing the same when you sent this anon in love with this idea ! (req a blurb from below w what’s left on the prompt list, or send in blurb, imagines, & fic ideas) a few more hours until season 3!
other ways to say i love you prompt list
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The opportunity to wear JJ’s clothes tainted your thoughts undoubtedly.
Not only because it belonged to him but because everything about JJ’s wardrobe, is so JJ.
No problem with repping any and everything that belonged to your infamous boyfriend. Wether it be wearing his pair of boxers as shorts, a wife beater to slumber in, or a random tee shirt to go out in broad day light.
You just longed for his material to be around your figure.
Congenial and adequate, soft yet comfortable— all elements of his clothes that are alike with JJ.
They are his clothes, after all.
“JJ let go of me!”
Stood smack in the the middle of JJ’s room at the chateau. His window partially open, wind bristling from the night air, making its way through. Whilst the hard wood floors beneath the two of you tracked the imprints of your feet. Bed rolled around in, from you forcing JJ off of you then— merely to let you get up and off of the bed to shower, that you did. Since you came out though, wearing little clothing, (given that there wasn't much of your own items lying around at the Chateau) he hasn't let you be.
He encapsulates you with his sinewy arms, body swallowing you whole. Whilst you forcefully push your hands against his broad, shirtless chest— the skin mellow and thick. Indentations of your miniature hands marking his skin, like your were a rag doll; screaming for dear life.
All JJ could muster was a low, raspy chuckle.
“Say you won’t leave.”
JJ wanted to make love to you all day long.
Not sex.
But emotionally.
To emotionally make love, to have and hold. A day full of luster, every millisecond spent around or with you. To confide in and maybe even shrink you and put you in his pocket.
A keepsake.
“You know I can’t, I don’t have another change of clothes.”
Behind every ‘can’t’ JJ miraculously finds a way, opportunity at hand to see you clad in something of his.
“Lets find you something of mine?”
JJ flicks his tongue, peering down at you due to the fact that he knows he’s won and you aren’t moving a muscle. His hands maneuver themselves to the lower part of your ass, hands habitually grasp the masses with a squeeze of his hands.
“Are you gonna’ give me something to wear then or what?”
You hid your secret giddiness inside, not wanting to be the one to initiate this sentiment— things seemingly working themselves out anyway.
“Actually, baby … just fuckin’ walk around naked … s’even better.”
He acknowledges the glint in your eye, possibly even a twitch that says, ‘get me some damn clothes before I wring your neck.’
“Okay okay, whatcha’ thinkin’ a little Heywards t-shirt action … Bait Shop shirt … ?”
He let go of you distastefully, instantly salivating for the contact again. Walking over to the wooden drawers of his dresser, pulling out multiple options— signaling you to come over and pick.
“Surprise me.”
And you turn around, facing the emptiness of his room, that wasn’t his room, but nonetheless. Rummaging was heard as he hummed and mumbled minuscule things to himself.
“Turn around, pretty girl.”
An off-black brownish t-shirt is thrown into your hands. A decor in the upper left side that read ‘Sex Wax Est 2005’, font circular and embellished with stars on either end.
“Your turn-“
He was already turning around, the gentlemen that he prided on being. You grinned at the cotton beneath your digits, bringing it up to your nose— though it had been washed, his powerful musk still retained it. The silky sensation of yeasty beer and a freshly rolled blunt encompassed your senses.
“Need more time?”
“Just a second, J.”
If only he knew your fixation was obsessive beforehand.
“I’ll just be here … y’know ... missin' my girl."
Feet away, physical touch being his love language fully had a choke hold on him per usual.
After you were done with your inspection you pulled the thin material of your cropped cami past your shoulders, bra clasped tight to your back. Leaving you to remove those lacey pocketed shorts that adorned your body; his shirt lazily pulled past your head, drowning you in its bigger size, falling just to your mid thigh.
The sole way to sleep with JJ disclosed.
You felt more his than you ever had in the past; claiming his array of bib and tucker with exuberance.
His baby suffocating in him.
You cleared your throat gesturing for him to turn around, his mouth gaping open as he's awe struck; open long enough that you were impressed something didn't fly in it.
"Shit you look better than me!"
Ogle eyes whilst his mouth formed a tight-lipped smile, stomach churning and insides wavering at the woman he chose to take part in his life with him.
It may be a shirt to most, but with his person inside of it made it all the more nostalgic, heart growing tender.
"C'mere gotta get a better look at you."
Following suit you step forward to him, lips instantly connecting with your jaw with pure infatuation.
"S'perfect baby."
"Yeah? Think I can pass as the new JJ Maybank?" In the same position the two of you were in minutes ago, except grins are wider and souls aching all the more for eachother; and you mocked him.
"Pass me a beer and a J."
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laniluvsuu · 11 months
Someone else.
Eren J. x Blackfemreader!
As always y’all I apologize for any mistakes! gimme some requests I have like no ideas
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“I’ve been missin’ you mama. Imma be over there in a lil.” You heard Eren’s deep voice say from the ongoing call between the two of you.
“Yea Ren, I’ve missed you too.” You said back to him cringing behind the phone knowing the words that came out of your mouth weren’t the truth. Silently wishing the words had came from your ex Ony instead.
If you were being honest with yourself the only reason you started “talking” to Eren was to make time go by faster just until you and Ony made amends. You knew this wasn’t fair to Eren, how it wasn’t right to heal through him and at the same time still wait for Ony to come back to you.
You got taken out of your thoughts the second you heard knocking at your door. You opened your door to reveal Eren smiling down at you. You moved your body to the side to let him walk in.
“Hey pretty mama.” He rasped from behind you as you closed the door before turning around to make eye contact with him.
“Hey Ren.” You half smiled at him, enough of a smile to make him smile in return. You walked over to your couch to sit down as he took his shoes, and jacket off at your door. He had on grey sweats, a plain black tee shirt, which was decorated by the silver chain he wore.
“So, whatchu wanna do Rennie?” You asked him while watching him walk over to where you were sat on your couch. As he sat down you watched him manspread, moving his arms up to lay on the head of your couch, his left leg now touching your right leg as he got comfortable.
“Whatever you wanna do ma, we could roll up or sum. I ain’t have nun planned jus wanted t’see you.” He said turning his head to lay on his left arm to make eye contact with you. His green eyes looking into your brown eyes so passionately made you feel bad again.
“Or..you could tell me what’s on your mind.” Is what you heard before you could respond to what he had said before. “C’mere mama talk to me.” Eren mumbled loud enough for you to hear as he grabbed you gently to have you straddle his lap.
Looking down at you he watched how your two toned glossy lips turned into a pout before you got your words out. Eren knew exactly what was on your mind he just wanted to hear you say it.
“Idk Eren It’s just Ive been feeling guilty because I feel like I’m using you when I should really be focusing on myself.” You said looking up into his eyes confessing your feelings to him. All he did was smirk down at you before saying.
“I knew what I was getting into the first time we texted mama I’m not dumb. You’re not using me baby all you need right now is a little distraction right?” He said looking down at you, his inked hands moving to grip onto your ass in your tiny shorts. You nodded in response already feeling yourself get wet just by feeling him touch on you and the way he was he looking down at you with half lidded eyes. Long pieces of his dark brown hair falling out on his forehead as his body temperature got higher by the second.
“Mhm, then lemme be there for you baby.” He said slightly pushing his pelvis up into your now dripping cunt, so you can feel his tense and hard bulge grow just by looking at you.
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lynxrq · 6 months
❥𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐓𝐨𝐣𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐫𝐨.
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➵| 𝘍𝘦𝘮!𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘹 𝘛𝘰𝘫𝘪 |
T/w: inappropriate language/words, (smut)
❥part 3
About what happened the previous day, still hunts you and you knew you couldn't forget about what happened so easily, how his hands ran through your body, making you crave for his touch. A moaning mess to his kiss. Will that change or?
Toji left early in the morning, you were offended that he didn't tell you earlier even though you are supposed to not care for whatever he does. But he still found a way to interfere in your mind.
You were thinking about all the possibilities about where he would be, and that's when the doorbell rang, you thought it will be Toji, but..
You walked to the door and peeked through the window to know who it was. Your face beamed when you found out who it was, Gojo. His white hair that sticks out too much was messy. And he wore the shades that you always made fun of. Black tee with jeans, dressed casually. Your colleague, that also happened to be your go to best friend. You quickly opened the door to find Geto also standing beside him, his dark hair slicked back with a gentle smile on his face as he said,
“Hey, miss us?” he said still with that pleasant smile on his face, while gojo grinned
“Never” you spoke up fast, sarcastically that earned a laughter from both of them
“Come on, in” you invited them in.
“woah? Is this your man’s house?” Geto exclaimed,
You nodded at your friends while they were still looking around the house.
“So what is it? An unexpected visit? Hmm?” You questioned both of them as they both looked at you at the same time before they smiled and gojo said,
“I knew you would be sad without us” He stuck out his bottom lip teasing you, geto chuckled at that.
“Oh please—we both know how both of you couldn't sit still without me” you argued back
Geto laughed at that before saying “well, well, we came to call you for a meet up, Shoko and Utahime will be there as well. So what do you think? you coming? If you want, you could tag your husband along as well”
“Please tell me you are coming, it will be fun” said gojo, being more persistent about the meet up than anyone else.
“I'll think about it.” You said, you knew you were going but just wanted to rail them up. Expecially Gojo
“Oh come on!” Gojo groaned, rolling his eyes, obviously done with your attitude.
“So when is it?” When you asked about the time, gojo's eyes lit up, afterall, it will be boring without your best friend.
“I'll message you” Geto said, before crossing over his arms while looking at gojo
“Where is he? Your husband?” Gojo asked, curiously. Obviously forgetting that you are a married women now
“who knows? He left without a message.” that made their face cringe as you admitted this.
“Damn, that's harsh” said Geto, with an awkward laugh while averting his gaze away from you,
It was awkward for a while then Gojo cracked a joke to ease the awkwardness and we were back to normal. After they stayed for a while, if my so-called husband would come home but realising that he wasn't coming home any minute, they decided to leave some time later.
You were about to get into the shower, that's when the doorbell rang for the second time today. And this time you knew it was actually him. You were already undressed, too lazy to get dressed again, you saw one of the tank tops on your still half-unpacked luggage that arrived yesterday. You quickly put it on and one of the shorts and walked to the door
You didn't care looking through the window to make sure it was him, you opened it anyway.
There he stood, with a buttoned down black shirt, the sleeves rolled up, that suited him a little too well. His hair falling over his eyes that he is staring right at you, he was scanning your body. Your nipples poked through the fabric of your top. And now you're suddenly aware of the way you looked in front of him
You stepped back to let him inside. He had his phone on one of his hands and his coat that hangs down his forearm. He put down the coat on the couch, oh how his muscles flexed.
“it's a shame that i didn't stay home if that is how you were dressed the whole day” He turned around before saying, while a devilish smirk spread across his face.
“I was about to take a shower” you informed him, while walking back to your room
He hummed like he heard you, but you didn't look back and entered the room before taking a shower
By the time you were done with your bath, Toji was already slacking off on the couch watching TV. He noticed you when you came out of your room, but went back to what he was doing
You were about to go to the kitchen for a quick snack, when your phone rang, you went inside your room to get your phone. You quickly picked up the phone when you learned that it was Geto calling.
He said that he had sent you the location and time and that he was also looking forward to the meeting, and asked if toji will also be there, which you were unsure of. After a while you hung up the call.
You needed to tell Toji about the gathering, but for now you were really hungry so you focused on going back to the kitchen for your snack.
When you set foot into the kitchen, you saw Toji was there, leaning on the kitchen counter.
You didn't pay much attention and opened the fridge for something cold. When you laid your eyes on the cold pastry, you were about to pick it before he said,
“Who was it?” He asked casually, when you looked up through the door of the fridge he was already looking at you
“Friend” you replied, before getting the pastry you wanted and a spoon and then walked to the couch and sat down, of course he was following you and sat beside you.
You avoided his presence and started to taste some of the pastry until he asked,
“Can I have some?”
When you turned your face to his, he tilted his head to you, even though he asked for the pastry, his eyes were completely hooked to you, totally ignoring whatever you were consuming
You nodded before standing up to get another spoon for him, but to your surprise, he grabbed your hand and pulled, forcing you to sit down. And you did.
“I thought you wanted some?” You asked, obviously confused.
“Yeah..?” He hummed and took the spoon you used and took a perfect scoop and tasted the pastry.
“sweet” he said, savouring it down until a grin flashed on his face and came close to you for more of your pastry.
“Can I have some more?” He pleaded still with that stupid grin that you wanted to wipe off of him.
You felt that you were responding to his words by how flushed you were by his action
You yanked your spoon back from him, getting up to leave.
“Come on, you're no fun” he said, crossing his arms over his chest while he relaxed on the couch.
You looked back at him one more time before heading to your room
He grabbed your hand once again, you didn't think he would because but by the look he had, he was done with playing, but it seems he isn't done with you yet.
“How could you leave like that, after I begged you for more?” he asked after he stood up, now wrapping his hands around your waist, pulling you in, staring at you fixedly.
“Can i?” tightening his grip around you, he asked again
You nodded before he took your spoon that you willingly gave him, with a smirk on his face like he won in a game
“Thank you” he said in a cocky manner, not taking his eyes off of you as he ate the pastry with so much fondness to it.
“Want some?” He is the one asking now, stretching out the spoonful of sweet. You wanted it, you'll admit that, but you were having second thoughts about whether you should accept his proposal or not.
Before you could respond he had already put it inside his mouth, he was messing with you at this point.
You nodded your head the next minute, he caught that and held back a chuckle before he stretched another spoonful of pastry
You opened your mouth to taste it again, and when you did, you felt like you accomplished something but what you didn't expect was to taste him as well.
His lips crashed down onto yours unexpectedly, he planned this whole thing and you fell right into his scheme. You could feel him smiling between the kiss
With so much embarrassment wrapping you right now, You wished you could've just fade away right there.
He licked your lower lip to enter your mouth, was it accidentally? Or was it intentionally?, you let him in by some means.
The sweetness never left, the icing on the pastry still lingering on both of your tongues made the kiss more magical.
A single string of saliva connecting the two of you, when he pulled away
“delicious, right?” he asked, before licking his lips. Completely enjoying the situation.
“Do not— Do not talk” you said, with a reddened face while wiping the spit away
He raised his eyebrow, and chuckled and said “Why? Want more?”
Before you could answer, he turned around and walked away, laughing with your pastry.
You hated him for always leaving you like this, before you could even say anything. But this time you weren't going to let him go like that.
You rushed towards him and grabbed his collar and pulled him closer to your lips, stopping mere inches from his lips from touching yours.
“Try me” you said, glaring into his eyes. That has now, turned even darker. Maybe he was already holding himself back, but after you came up to him yourself, made him think he could engage with you for some time more.
Now that he got your permission, he didn't waste any time to pull you into a kiss, every time you kissed, both of you fell for each other a little bit.
“Getting hasty now, aren't we?” He said while the pair were a panting mess. His lips brushed your cheek down your neck till he reached a certain point that made a wave of pleasure erupt throughout your body. After realising your sensitive spot, he kept kissing and sucking you there, making you whine more for him.
He removed his cloth in a quick motion, and one of his hands went up inside your short top, undoing your bra with ease that fell down beside you.
He grabbed your other hand and made you feel his length getting harder each second
“Will you?” he asked with desperation, loving the way your hand is rubbing him through the fabric.
You kissed his neck as a response that he very much understood, he left a gentle breathy chuckle
The kiss dropped downwards, from the neck till reaching the dampened area of the fabric, Oh, how wet he was. For you.
That specific thought caused the heat building up in yourself to burn twice as much as it used to be.
When you undid the zipper, you didn't know what you were expecting but when your hand wrapped around the base of his cock, you knew it was too big.
He let out a groan when your hand made contact with the base, throwing his head back once you started stroking it, precum leaking down, made it easier for you to pleasure him
“Just like that— haa..” he whispered, sweat rolling down his temple, enjoying each and every second of this
When you took him down your throat he couldn't wait any longer, before he started moving on his own, controlling you as he pleases.
About to burst any moment, he pulled out just before he came all over your face, and then there was it, again, that cocky smile, seeing your messed up face with his cum and your spit smeared all over your face made him even more excited for what was about to happen next.
Getting what he wanted, now, he had focused all on you, he had already removed your sweats. Throwing you on the couch, he grabbed your thighs and spread your legs, to know how drenched you were for him.
He had stretched the panties to a side to get a taste of you. Tasting you has never been more heavenly for him, it was perfect, just like how he wanted. The drenched panties now at your ankle, one of your legs over his broad shoulder.
He hasn't yet stopped savouring you.
“This is too much— Fuck, Toji—” you moaned, doing your best to hold back your moans, he noticed it rather quickly. That he had started making eye contact with you as he was eating you out. The way his hair fell over his eyes, His tongue gliding through your slick, This only turned you on even more.
You could feel the orgasm that was almost there getting ahead of you. You knew you couldn't prevent it and didn't want to. You wanted him to keep pleasuring you like this.
Until you were quivering under him. And that's when, how easily you took his fingers in your cunt. He knew you were about to cum, rubbing and teasing your cunt to fasten your orgasm, which he did.
"Such a greedy little pussy" he whispered, enough for you to listen
Your eyes rolled back when the wave of pleasure hit you, you came all over his mouth, he took out his finger as you collapsed onto the couch, trembling all over as the orgasm took over your body.
Grinning while he licked his lips as he said
“you tasted so good, hon — Even better than the pastry"
❥previous part
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atinystraynstay · 6 months
Steal The Show - Jung Hoseok
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Synopsis: He was amazed by her. He knew how hard she'd worked for this moment, so being able to see her do her thing made him feel complete. She outshined the sun.
There was just one thing left he had to do.
Pairing: idol! Jung Hoseok x idol! fem reader
Genre: fluff, tiny bit of angst, friends to lovers
Word Count: 2.8k
"J-hope! J-hope! J-hope!" The sound of cheers made Hoseok's heart shake with excitement. If there's any place he loved the most, it was being on stage.
Hoseok was wearing a pair of baggy jeans, an olive green tee-shirt, a black hoodie, and a black and white bomber jacket. Tonight, he was performing on the street (with J. Cole) for the first time. He was excited to showcase this stage for not just for Army, but for everyone. Especially for you.
You initially met Hoseok when you both were at an all-intensive dance class in New York City. He was shooting a music video, and you were attending university for dance. He was impressed with your dancing abilities, stepping back to watch just you when it wasn't his turn to dance. You moved as if you were made out of water, very fluid yet so in control of your body. He was amazed.
At the end of the lesson, Hoseok asked if you wanted to grab lunch. To be honest, you didn't really hear of BTS before meeting Hoseok. You figured he was your average guy from Queens who loved to dance. However, watching the dance practice videos he showed you at the cafe next door, you were amazed.
You didn't think the K-pop industry was for you though. You originally were trying to make it on Broadway, that's why you decided to attend school in the city. You wanted to network and make connections, wanted to go to auditions when you had free time. The politics involved in the Western music industry turned you off completely.
When JYP announced they were doing auditions across America, you decided to take the jump. It also helped that Hoseok pushed you to just try out.
"I'm not saying I want you to become an idol. I'm not saying I want you to move here to Korea. Even though I'd love living in the same part of the world as you," he said over FaceTime, laughing. "But it doesn't hurt to audition! Worse case, the audition is good experience for the next one you do."
He was right there. You just needed to put yourself out there. You've only done a few casting calls for ensembles, but you wanted a challenge. You wanted to attempt to go for a lead. And to an extent, auditioning for a music company was a challenge. It was out of your wheelhouse, but Hoseok reassured you that the k-pop industry drew people from all over the world from all sorts of backgrounds.
And somehow, you made it past the first audition. You sang "Fast Car" to showcase your singing abilities, even though you come from a dancing background. You were then asked to freestyle a dance, which honestly was the easiest part of the audition. It probably was easy considering you and Hoseok often freestyled with each other over FaceTime when you were in your own respective dance studios.
He looked over his shoulder, a smile immediately on his face. He knew that voice anywhere.
"Y/n." You were wearing a light blue dress. There was a cutout in the shape of a heart surrounded by silver rhinestones. hugged around your thighs, showing off the white fishnet stocks. You wore a matching pair of white block-heeled boots that stopped short of reaching your knee. Your hair was down in curls, framing your face. You looked divine.
Before he knew it, you walked right up to him and hugged him tightly. He immediately wrapped his arms around you, holding you close to him. He got a smell of your perfume, something that he's grown very fondly over. It smelled like cherries and vanilla. A scent he favored resonated with you.
"I've been looking for you all over," you giggled. His heart swelled at the thought of you searching for him.
"Well know you've found me," he winked. "You ready to go kill it out there?" "And know that you're watching me? Of course."
Hoseok wasn't sure what the line-up was. He only knew that he was geared towards the end of the showcase. He always loved watching what other artists and groups came up with, sometimes making their usual performances extra special. Hoseok also liked being the one to watch smaller acts, giving them a source of encouragement as they were just at the start of their careers.
He also strategically placed himself here, right at the side of the stage, so he could watch you. Not only did he want to watch you perform, but he wanted to be the first and last person you saw before and after being on stage. He wanted to cement himself as your biggest supporter, in more ways than one. "Y/n, five minutes. Let's get you into position," one of the backstage crew announced.
That's how it always goes when it comes to performances like this. It was hectic all over. People were running around, making sure the appropriate stages were in place and artists were ready to go. It was one after the other, no real break until the last performance.
You looked up at him, a slight frown tugging onto your lips. You were hoping to have more time to catch up with Hoseok before taking to the stage.
"Promise to be here when I get back?" "Angel, I'm not going anywhere."
This time, he kissed you on your cheek before moving his lips to your ear. He could feel the eyes on him, not wanting to tell him to hurry up but also getting a bit antsy. Hoseok was a gentleman, so he could be quick.
"I'm always going to be here. Go rock that stage so you can return back to me."
I feel so much lighter like a feather with you out my life With you out my life
The crowd screamed as you were twirled around the stage. If anyone was born to be on stage, it was you. You were smiling wide during the instrumental part of your song, your backup singers the harmonies.
You were done by the stage extender, interacting with your fans. Truth be told, you were surprised people were that responsive to you. You felt like you were at the start of your career, still trying to build a name for yourself. Of course, you took nothing for granted.
Hoseok wasn't surprised. He has seen your rise to fame happen both in person and online. People were captivated by you, but he wanted to make sure you knew he was front of the line.
Right now, you were performing a song you had written to your ex-boyfriend. Hoseok remembered that night so vividly. He had never seen anyone write a song that quickly besides Yoongi. You used all your anger to channel into this particular song. Your ex doubted that you could make it, he didn't see your potential.
But Hoseok did. He knew you were a shining star. You just needed the right support system to boost your confidence and help you pursue you dreams.
And you were blessed to have someone like Hoseok in your life. Not even someone, a man like Hoseok. He made it easy for you to forget your ex boyfriend. He was the one who reassured you, uplifted you, and showed you love. You weren't sure if there was a chance of you two getting together, but you were a wishful thinker.
it feels so good not carin' where you are tonight And it feels so good not pretending to like the wine you like
Your hips were swaying as you strutted back up to the main part of the stage. The crowd went wild for you as you ran your hands through your hair, letting it fall back down to your back.
Once you were center stage, you glanced over your shoulder. You grinned to see Hoseok still to the side of the stage, watching you. You winked at him before looking towards the crowd again.
I slam the door
You kicked up your foot as you were closing the door. You wore a smirk. Here goes nothing. I hit ignore
With your back towards Hoseok, you bent over slightly. The amount of times you ignored texts and calls from your ex were too high too count. You knew one thing for sure though. You would always pickup for Hoseok.
Hoseok's eyes widened as he watched you. That's new. Was that intended for him? Were you responding to what he said to you before you were whisked away to get on stage? He bit his lip gently, a smirk on his lips. He was proud of how far you've come, both in your personal life and professional career. But he couldn't help but feel his ego swore as he thought you were showing off for him.
Well played, y/n.
I'm saying, no, no, no, no more I got you blocked Excited to never talk
You were standing up straight again. You popped your hip slightly. The hand not holding your bedazzled microphone also resting on your hip. You wore a smirk.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
The stage lights went dark as you bowed to the crowd. There was a loud roar of cheers, fans begging you to stay. You blew a kiss though before you were escorted off stage. Your mind was in the clouds, overjoyed by the outcome of your performance. That couldn't have gone any better!
There was just one thing left to do to truly make this a night to remember. Someone handed you a water bottle as your chest rose and fell rapidly, your heart racing from the performance and adrenaline rush you were experiencing. You grabbed the water, but kept your eyes locked forward.
From the moment you left the stage, your eyes were locked on Hoseok. You didn't have to go searching for him. He stayed as he promised. He wore a wide smirk as he waited for you, members backstage of the production and your manager checking in with you. "Y/n, we can either stay to watch the rest of the show or head back to the hotel." "I'm staying."
Once you finally were away from the staircase leading to the stage, the crowd around you began to disperse slightly. You passed the water bottle in your hand to your manage before you took off running towards Hoseok.
You weren't thinking straight. All you knew was that you needed to get to him. It was as if something had possessed you because before you knew it, you were jumping into his arms. He caught you easily, the two of you in a fit of laughter. "That was amazing, y/n! You are amazing," he said, grinning. You grinned back at him. Your hands rested on his shoulder as he twirled you around a bit. Everyone around you figured you had a close friendship. A very close one, indeed. But after the exchanges between the two of you, that was going to take a step up. You were sure of it, but just not in the eyes of public.
"Come on, I think we got some talking to do, sweetheart. I got a little bit before going on stage."
Hoseok gently set you back down to your two feet, but had a hand securely on your lower back. People eyed the two of you as you passed by. Artists that you admired, friends, and others congratulated you on a successful stage. All you could do was smile and bow politely, both out of breath but also trying not to stop too long for a conversation. You weren't trying to be rude. You just had other priorities.
His thumb caressed your lower back. You didn't have to question where you were going. You always put all your trust into Hoseok. He has prove time and time again his loyalty and his sincerity towards you. He was a rare find in a world that tended to be more cruel than kind.
After a few moments, mainly with you focusing on the feeling of his touch, you found yourself out of his dressing room. He pushed it open, motioning for you walk through the threshold first.
"Always the gentleman, aren't you, Hobi?"
He chuckled and shrugged, watching as you walked in first. Once he made sure you were safely in the room, he closed the door behind him. He locked in, not wanting to get interrupted again like before.
This time, he let his heart take over rather than his mind. He came up behind you, wrapping his arms around you from behind. You giggled in surprised, letting out a soft gasp as he lifted you up with ease. Wow, he's gotten stronger since the last time you saw him.
Carefully, he had you sit on the counter of the makeup vanity set up. His makeup team from the company already had done the makeup they needed to do earlier. They opt for a more natural look, seeing as this song was personal for Hoseok. And much to your happiness, you got his bare face all to yourself.
Your legs were slightly parted, allowing Hoseok to slip in between them. Biting your lip gently, you gazed up into his eyes. You were trying to cipher what could be going on in his mind. You were getting all the right signals from him to confirm your assumptions, but you wanted to make sure you weren't jumping to conclusions. One of your hands gripped the edge of the counter, the other hand resting on his forearm.
"Y/n, I think I'm done playing games," he murmured. One of his hands rested by yours. Not exactly touching, but your want to feel his skin on yours burned within you. His other hand lifted up to brush the hair out of your face. He tucked a few strands of your hair behind your ear. His hand then gently rested on your cheek.
The confidence you had on stage melted away. You could feel your body warm up, seeing how close you were and how alone you truly now. The chaos outside was white noise. All your attention was on Hoseok without any interruptions. He smirked seeing the shy side of yourself starting to appear once again.
He loved witnessing all the sides of you. While yes, you two were prominent in each other's lives, he wanted to learn more about you.
"I'm not sure I know what you're talking about," you said softly.
He scoffed. "Really? You don't remember that little stunt you pulled on stage? Come on, darling, you trying to tell me something?" "But what about you, Hoseok? What was that you told me earlier?"
He hummed, nodding his head. "That's the games I'm talking about. Why don't we cut to the chase, huh? Stop torturing ourselves?"
This time, you nodded in agreement. You were onboard to full send, to take this friendship into uncharted territory for the two of you. Yes, it was scary to take this friendship into a level that most friends don't go. However, if Hoseok was willing, so were you.
Wanting to take back a bit of control of the situation, you slightly tilted your head. Your lips hovered right underneath his. His breathing seemed to hitch, which caused you to smirk.
Look who is now turning soft.
Truthfully, you made him weak and he thrived off being your weakness. It was as if subconsciously you two always knew you had feelings for each other. Yet, for the sake of the friendship, you oppressed any feelings you had. You were at the point now that you were boiling over and it was all seeping out. Everyone else saw how you two stared at each other with hearts in your eyes. You both were just catching up to speed.
"How do you propose we stop torturing ourselves, huh? Tell me, Hobi. What's been on your mind?" "You're the only thing ever on my mind, y/n," he murmured.
The way his voice dropped an octave made you want to whimper. You felt small with him towering over you. He knew the little things to do to make you weak in the knees.
"I'd just like it if you no longer live in my fantasies and were actually mine. That way I can make every thought I have into a legitimate plan with you." "Then make it happen."
Hoseok's eyebrow raised yet he was intrigued. His hands moved to your hips, pulling you slightly closer to him until you sat right at the edge of the counter. Your legs wrapped around his waist, keeping him close to your as well.
He began lean in, his lips grazing yours. You both sighed in contact. So close yet not quite there.
Before his lips could fully press against yours, there was a knock at the door. "J-hope, 5 minutes!" Dammit! He smirked as he pulled away while your frowned, disappointed to not get to kiss him quite yet. You raised an eyebrow, surprised to see him not more disappointed. "All good things come with time. Just had to get one more game in before winning you over. I'll see you after my set."
Note: I originally got inspired from listening to Steal the Show by Lauv. since seeing Elemental a few months ago. I also have been obsessed with Sophia Carpenter's performances of Feather while she's been the opening act for Taylor Swift's Eras Tour in South America so my mind got a little creative haha
Hope you enjoyed it!!
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scented-morker · 2 years
Txt when you wear their clothes
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Fluff, Gn Reader, most can be read as bff or dating, about 100-150 words each, not proofread 😁
No bc man is literally a giant— everyone knows it
So even if you are a tall icon it’s probably going to be too big on you
In the case that you are like 6’1 like him I think he’d love to see you in his sweats
Like even if you have to roll them at the waist a little he just loves the domestic-ness of sharing clothes with you
He’s definitely tried to snatch one of your button ups or something and then felt very embarrassed when you walked in one him modeling it in the mirror 😳
And if you’re not a giant he still loves it— seeing the legs drag behind your little sock clad feet while you walk up to him and ask for a hug
😔😔 he explodes on the spot, please marry him
He’s literally obsessed with you, and seeing you in his clothes makes it so much worse
Will hold you in his arms, looking you up and down repeatedly and talking about how good you look
Definitely the type to say how much better his clothes look on you than himself
He’s so charming 😔
Anytime you want affection just slide on any article of his clothing and it’s just immediate 🥺 “Baby you look so cute” 🥺
literally GIGGLES
Tackles you with no warning, playing with the clothes like he’s never seen them before when he literally wore them last week
“Do you just want to keep it?”
Has been waiting for you to put his clothes on since the two of you started dating but you’ve always been worried he’d think it’s weird
Thank goodness kai spilled milkshake on your shirt, otherwise beomgyu might have bursted
But then he saw you in his clothes and his heart palpitated
He was sitting on the couch with the rest of the boys, waiting for you to come out of his room
When you join them he just smiles, trying to hide his heart eyes
But as soon as you sit down next to him he’s dragging you into his lap, babbling non stop about how good you look
Don’t even try to speak because he’s going to shush you, and his members
“Shut up, can’t you see I’m telling yn how cute they look😒”
No bc he wasn’t supposed to know 😠
You were perfectly fine with just wearing his clothes when he wasn’t there, but then one day you fell asleep in his shirt and he came home and saw you in it
Acts nonchalant about it when you wake up, but definitely thought it was adorable
He offers to buy you the same one so you always have it, but you obviously say no.
(No new shirt from the store is gonna have his smell on it)
So instead he just sends it home with you that day with no comment
Might slip it in your bag or shove it in your pocket when you hug him goodbye, but he refuses to comment on it, even if you notice
When you show up wearing it to your next date, his kiss hello is just a little longer than usual 😳
Huening Kai
Thinks it’s the cutest thing EVER
Literally saw you in his hoodie one time and now wants you to live exclusively in his clothes
Like don’t ever go to him for outfit advice because he’ll go to his closet instead of yours and be like “hmm what about this?”
“I was planning on wearing my own clothes.”
Will give you full on outfits to try on before he wears them out
Will snap a billion pictures of you in his clothes
His lock screen is a picture of you channeling Adam Sandler as you swim in your boyfriend’s shorts and tee shirt 🫶
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unreliablesnake · 7 months
Lover (John MacTavish x reader)
Summary: After everything that happened, Ghost tries to help you through the worst of it, and you can’t help but remember what things used to be like before.
Warnings: mw3 spoilers, afab!reader
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Johnny was sitting on the middle of the bed cross-legged, watching as you packed your clothes from the suitcase into the closet where he made you as much room as he could. You knew he didn’t have as many clothes as you did, but it still seemed to be a little too much space. “But seriously, where are your clothes?” you asked him after you hung up a white dress.
“I have like three pairs of jeans, one pair of shorts, a few tees and shirts, one suit, and maybe one or two formal jackets. My gym clothes are usually the duffel bag. I don’t need that much stuff,” he replied with a shrug.
Laughing, you nodded and continued to empty the suitcase. It was strange that now you were about to call Johnny’s apartment your home, and not just his place as you had done since you two started dating. Moving in was a big step, but it was one that was due to happen after all the happy memories you collected along the way.
He was the one who had brought it up when neither of you could sleep on a mission. “Maybe you shouldn’t go home the next time you come over. You should stay for good,” he said casually, as if it wasn’t a big deal.
But when you looked over at him, you saw that confident smile he usually had on his face when you knew he would win something. This time apparently this something was having you bound to him. It felt nice. Good to know he wanted more from this relationship than just having fun every so often. You said yes almost immediately, and the way he kissed you instantly became a new core memory for you.
“I’ll make something for dinner while you pack out. Any wishes? I can make excellent frozen pizza. I’m the master of tossing it into the oven,” he said with a laugh as he climbed off the bed and walked over to you. “No, but seriously, I’m a great cook. What would you like to eat?”
He kissed the tip of your nose, causing you to chuckle a little. “I don’t know. Surprise me.”
With a satisfied hum, he bowed theatrically and left the bedroom. You couldn’t help but laugh silently, a stupidly wide smile creeping on your face. This man would be your downfall one day. This loyal, loving, caring, and brave guy was everything you could ask for. None of your previous boyfriends had been this good to you, and you highly doubted there would be anyone else after him.
He would be the last love of your life, even if it didn’t work out. If it came down to this by some unfortunate event, you would move into the woods in the middle of nowhere and spend the rest of your life alone. But it would work, you had this gut feeling that told you things would be alright.
Gaz offered to stay with you for a few days, but you said no. You knew he meant well, but you just knew he didn't fully understand how you felt at the moment. Ghost knew; he knew perfectly well how badly losing him affected you, but he was battling his own grief. Price had a lot of paperwork to do, but he told you to call him if you ever needed someone to talk to, no matter how late it was.
Before you left the base, Ghost pulled you aside to have a chat with you away from the others. His amber eyes were glossy from the tears he tried to fight back, and the sight broke your heart. “He was the one who rented the apartment you live in from that grumpy guy, right?” You nodded, already having your idea where he was going with it. “Want me to talk to the landlord about you staying there?”
“No, I already called him, it's okay. We'll sign a new contract. But thank you,” you said before you wrapped your arms around his giant frame and buried your face into his chest. “You know you can call or visit whenever you need it, right?”
Ghost hugged you back with a sigh, resting his chin on top of your head. “Yeah, I know. Same goes to you.”
“If you want to stick around after the funeral, the couch is available,” you told him.
“Careful, I might take that offer.”
“We could talk over a drink. Just remembering him might help with the grieving process.”
“Maybe,” Ghost said with a sigh. “I’ll give you a call.”
“Okay. Take care, Simon,” you whispered to him after a gulp.
You wanted to cry, you wanted to let your emotions out, but this wasn't the time and place for that. You could tell the lieutenant was battling his feelings the same way you were, but he didn't let himself lose his composure either. Knowing he would give you a visit sent a wave of relief through your body, because the idea of having someone like him around sounded nice. You could certainly use his company after the funeral.
Going home was hell. The whole place was full of his things, constant reminders of what you had lost–the love of your life. Because you could tell he was the one after three years together, and despite all his faults, you simply couldn't not love him. This man had been blessed with a heart of gold, a great sense of humor, and the kind of loyalty to you and his friends that you couldn't find in everyone.
His parents didn't call, but you couldn't blame them. Price was the one to break the news to them, knowing you weren't ready to do it yourself. They were devastated, even sadder that despite them embracing you as part of the family, you weren't there with the captain. His sister was the only one who called you every now and then.
“What will you do with his things?” she asked the day before the official funeral as she sat on the couch with a mug of tea in her hand.
“I don't know. I'll see what your parents want,” you replied with a sigh. “Can you ask them?”
She nodded. She thought her parents being a little mad at you was stupid and pointless in this situation, but she knew losing Johnny was too much for them to handle. The two of you chatted a little more, she then asked if she could take one of his precious vinyl albums with her, hoping she could have something that reminded her of her late brother.
After she left, the apartment became too quiet again. Ghost was expected to arrive a few hours later, so until then you lay down on your bed and went through some old photos of you and Johnny. The tears began to fall again, you didn't even keep track of how many times you'd cried that day alone. And when you looked over at the wall and saw the colorful lights that you had hung up the year before, a sad smile crept on your lips.
“Don't listen to her, we can have the decorations up as long as you want,” Johnny said before he pulled you against his chest and kissed your forehead. “I like the lights, they can stay up the whole year,” he added with a smile while he took your hand and twirled you around.
You laughed when he theatrically bowed with a wide grin on his face, a movement he often did to make you laugh. Your parents had jumped in earlier that day, and your mother made a few comments about the Christmas decorations still being on the walls three days after the holidays. It made you wonder if you were childish for being so happy to have them around the apartment, but Johnny was there to comfort you and tell you it was okay.
Every day he proved to you it was a good idea to agree to move in with him. He made you feel safe, and loved, and generally happier than you had ever been. You flashed a smile at him before leaning in to give him a soft kiss on the lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too, bonnie,” he replied before raising your hand to place a soft kiss on it.
Ghost gave you a bear hug the moment he dropped his duffel bag on the floor and you closed the door after him. It only took two seconds for you to start crying, your tears leaving wet spots on his black sweatshirt. He rubbed circles into your back to soothe you, telling you that it was okay, that he was there and you didn’t have to handle it alone.
“I’m sorry, I haven’t figured out how to not cry from everything,” you apologized as you went to the living room and you wiped the tears away with the sleeve of your sweater.
“It’s okay,” he repeated himself. “Thanks again for inviting me to the official funeral.”
He sat down on the couch and patted the empty side. You took a seat and pulled up your leg to turn towards him. “You were his friend, of course I invited you. Luckily his sister helped me by convincing her parents to let you come.”
“Why didn’t you ask them yourself?”
“I think they’re blaming me partially. You know, because we worked together. And they might be pissed that I wasn’t there with Price when he told them what happened.”
With a sigh, Simon reached out to squeeze your hand supportively. The two of them had been close, and you weren’t sure Johnny hadn’t asked him to look out for you if anything happened to him. But you were grateful that he was here, at least you could support each other.
Because this massive guy needed support too. You wouldn’t be surprised if he told you Johnny had been his best friend, so he was probably just as devastated as you were. “He wanted to invite you to celebrate the New Year with us, you know,” you told him quietly, earning a grunt in response. “Just the three of us. Well, four, because he wanted to invite a mutual friend of ours. Cute girl. Clever. You would probably like her. She’s gonna attend the funeral.”
“I’m not in the mood for that at a fucking funeral,” he replied, but upon seeing the look on your face, he let out a sigh. “Well, if this didn’t happen, if we didn’t lose Johnny, then… probably I would have given her a chance,” he admitted.
You flashed a smile at Ghost. “I know you wouldn’t pick up women at funerals,” you said casually. “But it would have been nice to celebrate together. Johnny was really looking forward to it. But that’s not gonna happen.”
Ghost took a deep breath. “If you ever feel lonely, you can always call me. I’ll come over and keep you company. Even if it happens to be on New Year’s Eve.
You stood up and went to the kitchen to make some tea, all while thinking about the last New Year’s Eve you spent with Johnny. A sad smile crept on your lips at the thought of your friends coming over for a few hours to celebrate. They left shortly after midnight, but your boyfriend didn’t feel like switching from the warm apartment to the cold streets, so you ended up staying behind.
You waved your hand after Johnny put the two bottles of wine in front of your friends then pointed at the empty chair next to you. He came over to where you were sitting, and occupied the chair with a big grin on his face. He motioned you to lean closer, and when your faces were mere inches apart, he started talking instead of kissing you.
“What’s the difference between kinky and perverted?” he asked, but didn’t wait for you to answer. “Kinky is when you tickle your girlfriend with a feather, perverted is when you use the whole bird.”
You couldn’t hold back the laugh that wanted to erupt upon hearing one of his stupid dirty jokes. It was a new one, he probably just heard it from someone, and you knew how excited he got every time he could tell you a joke like this. This was his way of entertaining you; telling jokes, especially these ones.
“There’s another one. If you were born in September, it’s pretty safe to assume that your parents started their new year with a bang.” This time your only response was a roll of your eyes. “Hey, we’re gonna start our new year with a bang too, right?” he asked quietly with a smile, his blue eyes shining brightly with hope.
“And the next thing we know, we’re the parents from your little joke,” you pointed out playfully with a laugh.
Johnny put his hands on your cheeks and leaned closer to give you a soft kiss. “I wouldn’t mind having a mini me running around. Or a mini you. I’m not picky.” You tilted your head to the side, surprised to hear him talk about having a child of your own. “What? Don’t tell me you haven’t thought about this.”
With a smile, you pressed your nose to his. “I didn’t think you were ready for one.”
“Or two,” he corrected you with a grin. “Maybe three. But I don’t wanna push my luck, so I’ll settle with two for now.
After the funeral, you and Ghost were standing in front of Johnny’s parents, ready to take his ashes so you could say goodbye the way he wanted. They were skeptical, not really feeling like letting go of their son’s remains, and you honestly couldn’t blame them. But Johnny’s sister convinced them to at least talk to you about it.
“How would you know what he wanted?” his father asked you.
“In our line of work dying is in the cards for us. I once told him what I want in case I end up being kept alive by machines, or what I want to happen to my remains. I even wrote it in my will,” you explained calmly. “He told me too, and I know he went into details in his will. If he died when he wasn’t on deployment, he would have wanted you to do this. But if he died on the field, he would want us to go there.”
His mother wiped away the tears that returned, and nodded to your surprise. “I talked to his lawyer, I know that’s what he wanted,” she said, even surprising her husband.
“When did you do that? And why didn’t you tell me?”
You glanced over at Ghost who was watching the couple with an impatient look in his eyes. You could tell he didn’t feel like being here, that he hated the goddamn cemetery as much as you did. It was Johnny’s sister who broke the moderate fight between her parents.
“Mom, Dad, if that’s what he wanted, we should respect his decision. Let them take the ashes,” she said.
In the end they agreed, and you and Ghost returned to your place where you started a conference call with Price and Gaz. You talked about when and where to meet the next day, you even told them about how the funeral went.
Ghost ordered something for dinner, not really feeling like going out after that day, while you ordered something entirely different. When your package arrived sooner, Ghost gave you an equally questioning and disappointed look.
“Where’s the food?” You shrugged. “All right, what do you have there?” he asked, pointing at the smaller paper bag in your hand.
“Pregnancy tests,” you replied bluntly.
“What do you think?” Ghost massaged the bridge of his nose upon hearing your reply. “It’s a week late. Probably the stress caused by Makarov and Johnny’s death, but I want to be sure. We’ve been working on the baby project for about a year now, but we had no luck. Okay, we stopped trying hard around July, hoping I can get pregnant if we don’t pressure ourselves. Maybe now… I don’t know.”
To your surprise, Ghost pulled you into a hug and kissed the top of your head. “Want me to help?”
“With peeing on these things? I think I can manage on my own,” you told him with a roll of your eyes as you stepped back.
“Okay, smartass. I was talking about providing emotional support.”
With a smile, you went into the bathroom and used all five tests, then put them in a line by the sink. Just a few minutes and you would find out if you had succeeded before your time together ran out.
You knew that Johnny sometimes wondered if he was the problem. But he probably knew that you felt the same way every so often. It was a difficult conversation to have, and despite your relationship being stronger than it had ever been, you never knew how to bring it up. You were afraid he would give up, that he would say it was a stupid idea, but then you always reminded himself that he wasn’t a quitter.
“What’s wrong?” you heard Johnny’s soft voice as he put a hand on your stomach over the blanket.
At first you didn’t know what to say. How do you bring this up? But when you saw the worried look on his face, you couldn’t hold back anymore. “I’m just wondering if we’ll ever have a child. At this rate–”
“Hey,” he interrupted you, moving a little closer to you in bed. “We’ll have a child, it just might take a little more time than expected. Also… I have an appointment to see if I’m the reason why you’re not pregnant yet.”
Letting out a long sigh, you wrapped an arm around his body and rested your head on his arm that was stretched across the pillows. “I should do the same. We should get to the bottom of this,” you told him.
Johnny gave you a kiss. “You’re right. But… I don’t know, maybe we should just slow down and not try this hard. Let’s just put this baby project aside for a few months,” he suggested kindly.
“You think that could help?”
“Mm-hm. I did some research and found a lot of stories where they had a child when they weren’t actively trying. Even doctors say stress might make it hard to conceive, and we are clearly stressed about it.”
He kissed you again, this time having no intention to keep up the conversation. Instead he became laser-focused on you, on pinning your body under his in an attempt to devour you like a delicious meal. You giggled quietly between his sloppy kisses, eventually apologizing for not being serious enough.
“So much for putting the baby project aside,” you told him while you placed kisses along his jawline.
Johnny’s blue eyes watched you curiously, as if what you just said was the stupidest thing he had ever heard. “I’m doing this for fun, doll,” he informed you with a mischievous smile.
You put your hand on his cheek before raising your head to give him a quick kiss. “Let’s leave the military. Or at least the field. Let’s live a normal life,” you told him, having absolutely no idea where this thought was coming from.
“Way to ruin the mood,” he noted sourly. “I don’t wanna do that. I love you more than anything, but you can’t ask me that. Yes, it’s dangerous, yes, I know our work schedule is hectic, but that’s the only thing I know. I’ve been working my ass off to be where I am,” he explained as he lied next to you.
Shaking your head, you reached for his hand. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I said that,” you apologized.
“I think I do. It would be less stressful to know people aren’t actively trying to kill us all the time, and maybe this way we could finally have the family we’ve been dreaming of.”
“Let’s forget I ever suggested it, okay?” When he gave you a surprised look, you flashed a small smile at him then turned on your side to look him in the eye. “If we finally end up expecting a baby, what would you prefer them to be? A boy or a girl?”
“I don’t care as long as they’re ours,” he replied before reaching out to take your hand. “Name ideas?” You shook your head, but before you could say anything, he went on. “Allison would be a good one for a girl.”
You thought about it for a moment, getting familiar with the sound of Allison MacTavish in your mind. It didn’t sound bad at all. “And for a boy?”
A smirk appeared on his lips, one that you usually saw if he did something you wouldn’t necessarily agree with. “Simon. I know it probably sounds stupid, but the Lt. might be my best friend. And he saved my life before, he’s a good man in general, and I just feel like it would be a great way to show my respect for him,” he explained.
“If you say he’s also gonna be asked to be the godfather–”
“Of course I will ask him,” he interrupts you immediately, giving you a why-are-you-even-asking look. “But if you have someone better in mind, I’m listening.”
You shook your head and gave him a soft kiss. “I love that you have already thought these things through. Very sexy of you, just saying,” you told him as you climbed on top of him, continuing what you had begun before your stupid comment.
Following the private little funeral, the team decided to have a drink on the way home. Ghost remained by your side like a guard dog, even in the bar taking the seat next to you without a question. He was staring, which became quite annoying after a while.
“What?” you asked him after you’ve had enough.
Ghost took a deep breath that he exhaled slowly. “I’m just not sure I want to leave you alone after what happened yesterday. You’re sure you’re gonna be okay?” he asked you as he toyed with his drink.
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m gonna be fine, don’t worry.”
“Guys, a toast?” Price asked when he showed up behind the two of you with Gaz. You both nodded, and watched as the other two raised their glasses before you did the same. “To Soap. He will be truly missed by all of us,” he said.
You couldn’t help it, you started crying again, and this time it was Gaz who pulled you into a hug. He rubbed your back to calm you, but this wasn’t enough. You lost Johnny, and there was nothing that could bring him back. You were alone, and right now you couldn’t even imagine how you could ever find joy in your life again. Not without him.
“What will I do without him?” you mumbled against the sergeant’s shoulder.
“You’ll learn to live without him eventually, believe me. It’s gonna be hell, but we’re here for you, okay?” he asked with a weak smile.
Price put a hand on your shoulder after Gaz let you go. “He’s right. We’re like a family, we stick together, no matter what. You’re not alone in this, all right? We’re here when you need us.”
Nodding, you gulped loudly and thought about what to say. But there was nothing, your mind was blank, and instead you just took a sip of your drink after you sat back on your chair. The others took their seats again, and Ghost turned to you with a worried look in his eyes. You knew what he wanted to say, but you weren’t in the mood to have the same conversations again and again.
“I know,” was all you said, these two words serving as a mixture of I know you’re gonna be there for me, thank you, and you can count on me too.
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sleepyboywrites · 1 year
Creepypasta Fluff Headcanons for Trans!Male Reader Pt. 1 (Being a boy on his Period)
Because it's nearing that time again and being a boy on his period sucks ass. I'm making this to provide some comfort! For myself as a trans man and hopefully you too. This takes place with established and healthy relationships. Or as healthy as relationships with these characters come.
Tw: Possessive behavior, not necessarily wanted affection, rough contact, references to slight verbal abuse.
Eyeless Jack
• Run. Run right in the opposite direction if he hasn't eaten in a bit/is agitated. You will make him hungry due to his blood lusting demonic nature and he's not very friendly when he's hungry.
• You already aren't feeling great so if you go to him in that state anyways expect to be more uncomfortable albeit supported as a half-apology.
• If he has been satiated and is calm you may proceed to tell your demonic boyfriend that your cycle has begun and you are distressed and dysphoric about it.
• Cuddle bug. Like sits you directly into his lap and burries his face in your neck. Telling you words of encouragement. Think "I'm so sorry Baby boy." and "You're so strong y/n. One of the strongest men I know, I mean other men can't live through bleeding for 4-7 days on average."
• He's a med student so he knows the best ways to help with cramps and the physical pains that come with a menstrual cycle.
• He also gives you high testosterone foods and encourages you to wear one of his shirts and your boxers over your underwear to help with the dysphoria aspect. But he won't let you bind if your chest area gets sensitive.
• Tries to distract you and keep you as comfortable as possible
• Extremely protective during this time. He has a lot of self control but his instincts are still spiking under the surface screaming at him to lock you up/protect you. His emotional attachment to you paired with his constant hunger leave him clinging to your side and glaring at anyone else who approaches/gives you a weird look. Attacking anyone who hurts you emotionally or otherwise.
• Honestly a bit feral in a way akin to nesting.
• Insists on taking walks together once a day.
Laughing Jack
• A bit confused at first in his eyes he has erased any of your perceived biological imperfections.
• Hits you with the "But you are a boy" when you tell him you're feeling dysphoric and crying. "One who's very very important to me as well so please don't cry."
• Gives you your favorite candies and sweets
• Rubs your back when you're curled over in pain and sings you songs to help you calm down.
• Takes you to his amusement park and takes you on all your favorite rides and shows you all your favorite shows
•Always introducing the act as "Dedicated to the best boy in the world/my Favorite boy."
• Essentially his mentality is "I'm going to make sure this boy has so much fun he forgets the torment of having his brain stuck in the wrong body."
• And it fucking works. He has you laughing so hard that you can't tell where the stomach ache ends and the cramps begin.
• He likes to play "dress-up" in the sense where he has an array of gender affirming costumes and each day he insists you choose from the extensive array because even if you don't feel well at the moment doesn't mean you have to be reduced to a puddle of stained oversized clothes. He was always one for theatrics.
• If you say you really aren't up to dressing up he'll bring out an array of hoodies, baggy tees, shorts, sweats, or jeans instead.
• Genuinely just trying to distract and cheer you up
Ben Drowned
• Pretends to not know what you're talking about or why you're so upset. "Bro I assure you no one cares?" Followed by a long silence as he stares at you followed with "We all still view you the same, man."
• Then promptly refuses to leave your side
• Think anything from lurking in nearby electronics to straight up following you around everywhere.
• If a mission comes up he'll take you with him and make up some sort of excuse like he needs your help and your avatar is better abled than you physically. Alternatively if you have a mission he'll grab you and say he's coming with, before dragging you with him.
• Makes sure everyone is careful around you. No roughhousing or insults. Not at this time even if you protest.
• You had to break up a fight with the intent to maim once because Jeff had called you a "Pussy" in an attempt to agrivate you to change your mind about not being up for training today. Ben who had been lurking nearby lunged at him and you had to break the two apart.
• So much Gatorade. This boy makes you drink so much Gatorade.
• He also has a collection of snacks you normally crave and hoodies specifically for you in his closet.
• Let's you bind during your period until you don't take it off on time or act like you're in pain then he will take and hide it until it's passed.
• if you complain about dysphoria he'll roll his eyes as he drags you to his realm where your avatar already matches your gender and have you hang out there.
• Naptimes are mandatory once a day during this week because he knows it takes a lot out of you.
• Reminds you to take showers despite how much you hate having that reminder because you'll feel better afterwards and it helps with the cramps.
Jeff the Killer
• I promise he's trying. He's trying to keep things as normal as possible by being a jokey asshole dick like usual.
• Mans has your cycle engraved in his memory so on the first and worst day when you're at your grumpiest without fail he'll go "Can't you just give me a bloody smile god damn it?"
• You know he's joking and he knows he's joking but without fail you'll mock laugh at him, sock him in the nose, and walk away.
• One time you ran out of products and Jeff went to get them for you he called from the store and went, "Hey man, what size cunt do you have?" You shook your head, called him an asshole, and hung up.
• He tried to apologize by calling and texting and when you wouldn't answer he made you a care basket with hot wheels and various manly items such as boxers and button-ups/baggy tees. He also covered the pads wrapping in dinosaurs. And replacing "girl" with "boss" on the labels
• He's made a habit of getting you one of these everytime your supplies run out.
• Insists on more training and fighting because what better way to blow off steam and frustrations than a good ol fashioned fight.
• One time it went too far and the two of you ended up being patched up by EJ who scolded the two of you and said "If I catch you boys doing this again I will make sure Slender needs two new proxies."
• Always carrying ibuprofen and water. Always.
• Rubs your back if it hurts too much and treats you more gently.
•Will attack and maim anyone who misgenders you.
Homicidal Liu
• Liu is already constantly holding your hand as if he's scared you'll disappear, like the rest of good in his life, so you two are fairly well synced and sometimes you swear he can read your mind.
• You keep him calm, in a way that reminds him of before the incident because of this he knows all of you, obsessed over it and memorized it, including when your cycle is, it's linked in his internal clock.
• You'll often wake up to a warm bath and clean comfortable clothes if your cycle started during the night. While you bathe he'd change and wash the sheets then bring you breakfast to eat together after you finish.
• Tells you he's sorry that your body doesn't match your mind as he nuzzles into your neck. Snaking his arms around your waist and engulfing you in his weight. Sometimes uncomfortable but you know by now if you try to pry him off he'll only tighten his grip and agressively albeit incoherently mumble
•calm and supportive/protective and possessive are how his alters have always treated you. Both affectionate sometimes overly so. Heightened during your cycle due to you being in a more easily hurt and in a distressed mood.
• Think overlap of Liu and Sully's voices, "What did you just say to my boyfriend?" Followed by "You'll pay for that." should anyone so much as look at you funny in a way that'll make you feel worse about your current state of being.
• Said anyone would be carried away in a body bag. <333
• Gets you trinkets as well as anything you may be craving.
• Owns heating pads as well as cold pads at his disposal to help with cramps.
• Water/Gatorade and a variety of pain meds on hand. Always.
• Doesn't want to leave your side out of fear of you running into a less than kind individual without him there to support you and maim your instigator.
Ticci Toby
• You'd have to go to him about it because his ass doesn't know. His brain is on fifteen different topics at any given time. You occupy at least five but he doesn't have much memorized.
• He'll know that something is bothering you but won't know what unless you blatantly tell him.
• Once you do he'll probably try his best to limit his roughness/aggression and increase softer touches/tones.
• Much more pet names a lot less insults. IE: Instead of calling you a dumbass he'll call you pretty boy.
• If he gets frustrated expect said pet name to be said with aggression.
• He owns several weighted blankets he'd offer you to use on top of his own body weight when he flops onto you, should you want that affection. Though he still will with a piss-poor excuse of an apology if you don't and he does. Which he does frequently because you're one of the only people whose touch is gentle with him.
• Bad about carrying liquid. Good about carrying meds. So if you need an ibuprofen he will give you one but you'll need to either dry swallow or find liquid elsewhere.
• Also not the best at comforting you through your pain seeing as he doesn't experience that kind of thing himself. At least not in the same way, so he doesn't know what to do nor what you expect from him.
• He'll pick you up something he thinks you'll like when he goes out during this time but that ranges from "really sweet" to "the thought is what counts." Because sometimes his thoughts cross paths one too many times and he accidentally got you cleaning supplies instead of menstrual or edible treats.
• Think: "This rock made me think of you. Do you like [insert candy], because I grabbed some on my last mission. I meant to grab you strawberry mentos, because of a song I heard that made me think of you but accidentally grabbed menthol instead, I don't know how you'd use it but here."
• Essentially when you tell him he'll say "Okay, don't push yourself too hard." And then continue fairly normally while attempting to be nice.
• Initial reaction depends entirely on where/how you tell him. If you tell him in public in front of others he will simply look at you and say, "...okay".
• If you tell him in private he'll stare at you for a moment and then he'll give you a few well-thought-out sentences on how he'll be there to help and how you aren't any less of a man.
• If you give him a note or written thing however he will build you a cathedral out of paragraphs telling you that he'll do what he can to make you feel as good as you can, how this aspect doesn't change who you are not how you're received, and everything masculine and in general he adores about you.
• Always has water, meds, and a spare hoodie for you in close proximity.
• Doesn't treat you any differently in public or private.
• Very sweet most of the time, including this, minus his aggressive outbursts.
• It's very much the same old same old. He'll still melt into you and expect the same he'll still yell and throw things when he's having a n outburst.
• He'll still treat you as softly and as roughly as he does the rest of the time.
• Will get you your cravings if you ask but he won't really if he's unprompted.
• He may ask for your hand more often if he notices your distress/squeeze your hand more often.
• Though most of the time he won't he's too busy in his head or in what he's doing.
• Or alternatively trying to figure out what is in your head and what you're doing but not necessarily how you're feeling.
• He cares about you he's just not the possessive type in the way that leads to outwardly or intense displays of affection. Though if you even hinted to not wanting to be around people on your cycle you wouldn't be. He would hole up.with you until its over and be reluctant to let you go.
• Throws his reeking bomber jacket at you with a raised eyebrow. "Things like this provide some comfort right?"
• Cocky Bastard knows it's in his god-damn calendar and he likes to inadvertently let you know he knows.
• IE: throwing one of your favorite snacks at your head while you train or work.
• Bringing you water, Gatorade, and medicine to you when all you did is hold your head in your hands for five seconds.
• It's become almost a game of whether or not you can get away without him knowing.
• Mocking you lightly if you ask for help with anything. If you need supplies, or would like one of your cravings, or would like a heating pad anything. And you say, "Hey could you get me [blank] if you don't mind?" Or anything along those lines you will be met with an, "Ah ah ah pretty boy, say pretty please." When he returns with what you asked for dangling it out of reach.
• Also always asks for a kiss as payment for being your knight in shiny armor. When he gets you anything. One time he bought you a bag of chocolate kisses you were craving and when he asked you threw a chocolate at him and he chased and tackled you until you gave him an actual one.
• Deliberately and as a rule of thumb, Masky shows you a playful and cocky side he's created because you respond to it best.
• He rarely gets angry at you but when he does that anger translates to avoiding you and not speaking to you should he be in this state he will give you nothing, not even a hug during this.
• If you tend to be touch-starved during he'll be less likely to fall into that angry rut but if you're touch-adverse he's more likely to get into angry ruts because he'll take it as the front he crafted for you not being enough or attractive to you.
• Despite the fact it has nothing to do him and has everything to do with you being in physical and psychological pain.
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ellemfaoh · 2 years
Pinball, Hair, and Detention Pt. 1 | Vance Hopper x Reader
Part 1 (here) | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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Word Count: 2.9k
Categories: Enemies to Lovers (eventually lol), Rivalry, Angst, Fluff, mentions of past Bruce X Reader
Content Warnings: Swearing, Bullying, Mentions of Blood, Fighting, Female Reader implied
Summary: Reader and Vance have some sort of ongoing rivalry. You accidentally spilled your drink on his hair and he in turn gave you a “fresh cut.” You both end up getting detention together due to fighting. On the walk home one day— where you both live merely a block away, he barely misses your abduction and watches as you helplessly get carried away in a black van.
A/N: let’s pretend the grabber decided to start grabbing like a year or two later or smth cuz high schooler Vance and Bruce seems more plausible to me personally
A/N 2.0: Please excuse weird formatting like spaces behind paragraphs n shit. I wrote this on docs because my personal laptop is broken and my school laptops block tumblr—so all this uploading is done from my phone lol
You never figured that walking into the Grab ‘N Go on a hot Denver summer day would have catalyzed as big a domino effect on your life as it did—and yet it did.
It was the middle of a Denver summer in 1977, the year before high school; and everyone was dealing with a week hotter than satan’s armpit. Most kids were either in their houses with the AC on full blast, in stores and the local theater, or away to go to the beach with their family. It explains why the town was just a little more empty this week. Both of your parents worked full-time jobs down in the city around an hour away, so you were confined to either your house or local entertainment attractions—the same ones you had been using since you could open your eyes. It was kind of old by the time you were twelve and stuck in your small town for yet another summer.
You were currently situated on your bed, reading last week’s edition of the Teen Beat magazine, flipping through the pages of celebrity interviews, dating tips, and latest fashion trends—which eventually got old, especially considering this was last week’s magazine. You checked the time. 12:53 PM. Probably the hottest part of the day. You only lived three blocks from the Grab N’ Go though, so if you biked or just walked quickly you probably wouldn’t get heatstroke just from being outside.
“Ugh.” You groaned, peeling yourself from the comforts of your bed. You had to change. “All of this for a magazine and some cola.” You muttered to yourself, sliding on the nearest (and hopefully clean) pair of jean shorts and exchanging your spaghetti strap pajama top for a plain white tee.
Getting out of your room and down the hall, you picked up the shoes you kicked off in the hallway yesterday and slipped them on, grabbing the $5 bill your parents left on the counter for you to order lunch with—which you were deciding to use for snacks. Maybe you’d pick up a small lunch thing on the way home. The money’s use was ‘to be determined,’ you decided.
Leaving your house and out into the Denver summer air, any amount of chill you felt on yourself before was wiped away completely. You needed to make this trip quick. What was a little jog compared to the instant relief of the too-cold Grab N’ Go?
Walking into the small convenience store was instant relief. Not too many people were around—and those that were wouldn’t bother you, the lady at the counter looked less bothered too, which was surprising since Vance Hopper was stationed at the pinball machine as per usual. Maybe it was because no one who would piss him off was there. Then again, anyone who bothers Vance must have a death wish.
Grabbing a soda and the new edition of Teen Beat, you walked over to the counter and slid the money over, opening the drink and quenching your thirst for a cold drink. Taking the return cash the lady gave you, you walked over to the exit, flipping through some pages absentmindedly. It was this exact moment where life seemed to have changed forever. An excited kid—probably an elementary schooler if you had to guess, ran into your arm, causing your soda to splash out of the bottle. You definitely had a death wish now, because your soda got all over Vance Hopper; the sugary drink now in his hair and on his back.
When the losing chime of the pinball sounded around the store and the blonde went still, the air in the mart tensed. Everyone was waiting. Watching. You didn’t bother to wait either, quickly speeding out of the store. Maybe he wouldn’t remember your face. You had never really talked with him before, the most you had done was look at him a few times in classes you had previously shared.
You had drank a little more soda and tossed it in the nearest trash. Sure you were running away from what was probably certain death, but you already bought the soda. Might as well finish what’s left before running away. You rolled up your magazine and tucked it into a pocket before moving into a slight jog to go back home. Or maybe you should go get something from a restaurant. Usually when you commit an unsaid crime hiding in unexpected places could benefit. You barely made it a block away before you heard Vance shout at you, his footsteps getting increasingly louder.
“Hey dumb shit! You just got your soda shit all over me!”
You sped up, breaking into a run and not responding to him. If you made it home in time then maybe he’d leave you alone. But what about school? You’d have to change your name and face and move across the country.
“I’m going to kill you!” Now he was running after you. He wasn’t unused to running after kids who fucked with him, so he was pretty used to this kinda thing. And he was fast at it too. “Gotcha!”
You yelped when you were grabbed and thrown down onto the grass next to the sidewalk. At least you were next to a park. Maybe God would be a little more merciful today, considering you could’ve been thrown onto the pavement. You really hoped that the next thing that would happen would be you getting saved right before he starts beating your head into the ground. You really didn’t feel like going to the ER today, and your mom would be pissed about how you knew you shouldn’t start shit with ‘Vance fucking Hopper.’ Your dad would probably beat you for a second time over the medical bills.
“I swear it wasn’t on purpose!” You pleaded, choosing to explain yourself as he straddled your waist, keeping you in place between his legs as he grabbed at your shirt collar. Maybe he’d punch you softer? “Some kid ran into my arm! I promise I’d never bother you ever, Hopper!”
Vance just started down at you, fist by his side, assessing your words. “Huh.” He said, letting your shirt go as your upper body fell to the ground. Now you were winded. Better than the alternative. “Guess I’ll just get a similar payback then.”
You watched in horror as he pulled out a pocket knife. What was he gonna do? Carve his name into you? Cut up your face? Oh god, he was gonna murder you. With a not-so-gentle hand, the blonde boy pulled your hair, hands threaded firmly in your locks. “What…?”
Vance cut off a good length of your hair, and you watched in horror (as best you could) at the hack job. What previously used to be your clean-cut hair was now resting on the floor or cut in the most uneven way possible. Maybe a bright side would be the fact you had the layers all of your hairstylists could never give you. After he was finished, he stood up and looked at the hair in his fist while you sat there crying. “Now we’re even.” He said, tossing the rest of your hair into the grass next to you.
That was the start of your burning hatred for Vance Hopper.
High School had finally started a few weeks after your and Vance’s incident. At least your hair could grow into its new form for a little bit. To say your mom was angry when she came home that night to find your hair hacked up was an understatement. She was livid—ranting about, ‘how could you let this happen?!’ And, ‘We need to schedule you an appointment with Shelly immediately.’ You had to hand it to your mom and Shelly though; cuz they got your hair not looking as horrible as it did. Hell, they even kept the layers, which was actually really nice. As you walked through the halls, you could tell there were a few people talking about your hair. It made sense though, considering you ended school with longer hair.
You walked up to your friend, Bruce Yamada, leaning against his neighboring locker as you let out a quiet groan of exhaustion and annoyance. He just chuckled and closed his locker, slinging his bag over his shoulder and gave you a light punch in the shoulder. “Spur of the moment decision, or did you get caught in something?”
“Does Vance Hopper count?”
You quickly socked him in the shoulder, lips turned into a frown as you looked at him. Bruce just gave a light chuckle and apologized for the remark while rubbing his shoulder. You weren’t by any means a crazily strong badass, but you can pack quite a mean punch. Just not against Vance Hopper, or Robin Arellano. Though, after your run-in with Vance this summer, you did practice your swings and basic attacks—just in case, you thought,
“Whatever, let’s just go to class.” You sighed, grabbing Bruce by his backpack strap and pulling on him. You two were lucky to have three out of your six of your classes together, and they were in every other class period, so it wouldn’t be horrible.
Rolling into your first period, which was Biology, you were relieved to not see a certain blonde-headed dickhead anywhere around. Bruce chuckled at you when you let out a sigh of relief and dragged you to the last available seats that were next to each other. You both would be damned if you didn’t sit next to each other. Bruce wanted someone to help keep his ‘crazy fans,’ as you dubbed it, away from him. You? You just didn’t really wanna sit next to someone you didn’t know well. You really hated the awkward silence when the teacher asked you guys to do the ‘get to know your classmate’ activities.
“Class one cleared.” He whispered to you, getting a giggle out of you. That was the nice part of being friends with Bruce, is that he always knew how to keep the mood light. Previously, a few summers ago, you both dated. It wasn’t anything big, and it just felt like being friends. You both decided to just keep up with the friends thing, considering there was no romantic chemistry there. Now you were both the other’s special person. Bruce’s break-ups, your family issues, no secret was kept between you two.
After Biology ended and you started heading toward English, your stomach lurched up your throat. Vance Hopper was right in front of you. Luckily he was walking forward so he didn’t see you, but you almost bumped into him for a second time. You didn’t need to be re-acquainted with his pocket knife again. You saw a small space in the hallway clear out and give you a direct ‘in’ into your English classroom, so you quickly ducked your head and hurried into the classroom, finding a seat in the back of the class next to the windows. Thank god this spot was still open.
You set your bag down on your desk and laid your head on top of it, listening to the buzz of kids talking with their friends as they entered the classroom. What was a short 5-minute power nap gonna do? Just before you could relax fully though, the buzz turned into a quiet hum suddenly. It was weird. Did the teacher walk in? Was it Mr. Manning? He was the worst teacher to have. You lifted your head up to see what the quietness was about, expecting to see a balding middle aged man at the front of the class, but you were met with Vance Hopper.
“Fuck.” You mumbled, watching him walk up to you.
“Hey dipshit, you’re in my seat.”
The kids in the classroom visibly tensed as he spoke to you, watching as you gave him a tired look. You knew the easy path would be to relinquish your seat and move, but you were particularly pissed at him. You didn’t want to give him the right to walk all over you. It was the middle of a school day—what was he gonna do?
“No I’m not. I’m in my seat.”
Vance gave you an angry look, standing right next to you. “Do I need to cut off your tongue next? I’m telling you to–”
“Everyone sit down and be quiet. I’m taking attendance.” Your teacher walked in, and what did you know? Mr. Manning. “Also, these are your seats for the rest of the school year, so enjoy.” Everyone looked up at him, waiting for him to finish with whatever paper he had in his hands. Please look up. Please notice Vance. “Hopper! I know about you. Sit your ass down.” He said, pointing at the seat next to you. Fuck. That wasn’t occupied?
Vance gave you one more angry glare before dropping his stuff and sitting down begrudgingly in the uncomfortable plastic chair. Well, at least Vance wouldn’t be able to torment you too much here. When you looked up though, he slid his finger across his throat. A warning.
You’re dead.
“I’m telling you Bruce, he kept kicking my legs during class! It hurt like a bitch too. Have you seen his boots? I’m gonna die.” You finish telling Bruce, sitting at your table and chewing angrily on your sandwich. It was Friday, the last day of the first week of school, and you were just hours from 48 hours of freedom from Vance Hopper. “And I have to deal with him in history next.” Yes, you had Vance Hopper in two of your classes
“Wow. Good luck.” He says, trading you his apple for your peach. “I mean, good luck with getting through high school. With Vance in your classes and all.”
“Your support speaks volumes.” You say flatly, laughing along with Bruce. You couldn’t ask for a better friend—he just always made things feel so much better.
That was until you felt a cold substance coat your head entirely, slowly dripping in your hair to your clothes. Vance fucking Hopper just poured his milk all over you. Bruce just stared at you for a second, standing up instantly as you took a moment to process what happened and wipe the milk off of your face.
“What’s your problem with (Y/N), man?!” Bruce shouted at Vance, the blonde walking away with a cocky smirk.
“I mistook her for a trash can, my bad.” He chuckled, kids turning to look at the commotion building. “Maybe you shouldn’t hang around her so much, you wouldn’t want me to have to—“
Vance was met with a right hook to the face, not expecting you to fight back ever. The first time you had cried over a simple accident, but now you were swinging at him? Oh were you getting bold. He blinked in shock for a moment, pressing a hand to his face and looking at you. Maybe now would be a good time to back down and accept what you had coming, but you were feeling really stupid today.
He seized you by your collar, holding you close as he growled out, “You’ll regret that when you’re six feet under, you bitch.”
You spat in his face, kicking at his knee to get him to let go—which he did, and you fell back to the ground with all your body weight, watching him wipe the spit from his face as he wound back and gave you a good kick to your legs, a yelp caught in your throat. Now the entire cafeteria had eyes on you both, kids watching in horror, shock, and excitement. You’d love to see these kids go toe-to-toe with Vance Hopper the way you were now.
After a short while of fighting, you and Vance were on the floor. Scratches, bites, punches, hair pulling. Blood, and bruises, and welts. Vance’s arms were for sure fucked to hell and back, but he did a large number to your torso. You would totally believe it if you were told you broke a rib. It wasn’t long before Bruce had run back in with security and staff, watching the two of you get pulled apart.
Vance had a bruise already taking place on his cheek and his arms were visibly harmed—hell, you even got a hold of some of his hair. The previously fluffy but somewhat tamed mop on his head was now a mess of tangles and abuse. You meanwhile had a bloody nose, and you were holding an arm around your stomach, knees wobbly. While you managed to get back at Vance in your own way, you definitely took the brunt of the beating, and not to mention the milk in your hair was still there.
Vance fought against the grip on his arms like an angry restrained dog, while you stared at the floor, walking to the office with the teacher who was next to you. Looking over at Bruce, he mouthed a ‘sorry’ and you just gave him a small smile, shaking your head. You could always count on Bruce to somehow end up a hero in a sense. With a last look back at Vance, he also walked in defeat to the office, refusing to look at you. What a fucking asshole.
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haee-elia · 8 months
spence-tober: day 28 - baseball player
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pairing: baseball player!spencer reid x fem!singer!reader
summary: in which your pro baseball boyfriend and you, an international sensation, navigate your newly public relationship
word count: 1207
warnings: yes this is travis kelce and taylor swift coded
spence-tober masterlist
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You find Spencer on his phone when you join him for a quick break. He’s been sitting in this back room, your dressing room, since you left him there. You told him he could go out and explore, but he seemed eager to instead wait for you in your own space. You can’t blame him either. 
Even in the inner walls of the stadium arena, you can still hear faint cheers and girlish giggles from your fans outside waiting in the parking lots for a singular glimpse of you. Or better yet, you and Spencer together.
Since the news had broke that you two are dating, fans and paparazzi alike have been staking out where you’ve been last seen for some juicy photos of the two of you holding hands or getting into a car together. Anything to confirm the news of your new relationship.
“Hi, babe!” You say, greeting Spencer and getting his attention as you walk into the room. Your hand holds a towel and you wipe the sweat off your brow.
Instead of any of your elaborate gowns or costumes for the show, you simply wear a basic graphic tee and some comfortable biker shorts. 
Spencer smiles at your entrance into the room, “Hi, sweety.” He greets you as well.
As you walk towards him, he takes you into his long and muscular arms, wrapping them around your waist and pulling you into his lap. His phone long forgotten.
“Tech issued a break to get everything organized. Do you wanna go for lunch?” You ask as you bury your head into his embrace. He does the same.
There’s a bit of hesitation and you know the cause of it. “What if we ordered in?” Spencer inquires instead.
You nod, “That could work too.”
It’s the constant presence of all your fans outside that deter the two of you from going out for lunch somewhere in the city. Not only are a bunch of your fans in the city because of your six nights straight of shows, but it would take a lot to coordinate a simple lunch.
There would be transportation, clearing out of a restaurant, being able to have security be around you all, and that still didn’t guarantee a peaceful dinner. You both knew by the time you made it back there would already be pictures being posted by Twitter and it would be making it’s way onto every gossip site.
“Do you still have practice tonight?” You ask Spencer. 
He nods, “Yeah, late night practice. Sorry I can’t make it to the show.” He apologizes.
His arms rub your back soothingly. The muscles along his arm are pronounced and chiseled from the years of baseball practice and playing. 
Moments like these are scarce. Spencer playing during the long baseball season in the MLB and you touring around the country and eventually the world, singing to millions of adoring fans. 
Six months of game playing and then more of conditioning and practices make it hard for Spencer to be able to fly out and visit you wherever you currently are. It’s just beginning his season, which means it will be a while until he can fly out and join you for the rest of your tour. 
You shake your head, “It’s okay. Hopefully you can make it to one of them while I’m here.” You say.
Spencer nods, but he can’t make any promises. Baseball does have a schedule, but it can take one injured player or a bad loss game for the coach and team to devise more practices.
Contrary to the publics belief, you and Spencer had been dating for much longer than they thought. They only now just caught on when the two of you decided before his upcoming season to softlaunch your relationship by you watching his game, sitting up in the VIP box with Diana and a few of Spencer’s friends.
In reality, during the off season Spencer had connected with you and the two of you started to tentatively date. You had been in the midst of planning your tour and Spencer’s spare time wasn’t spent conditioning or honing his skills. It was the perfect amount of time for the two of you to start building your relationship, getting to know each other, and start dating.
Now, with your tour about to set off and his long season about to start, you and Spencer felt like the two of you were about to enter trials testing your relationship. The time change, the distance, it would all culminate and strain the bond you’ve formed. 
“How long do you have for your break?” Spencer asks as he rests his forehead against yours, intimately. 
“An hour, maybe two.” You answer him, whispering with how close you are. “Why?” 
You pull away from him to get your phone out of your pocket in your shorts and issue a short text order for lunch for you and Spencer.
“I just wanna hold you.” Spencer says simply.
You understand what he means. When both of you weren’t performing or playing and in your off seasons, you had all the time in the world together. It’s already been hard on the two of you, being touch starved and on a time crunch.
“Well, I ordered some lunch and then after, you can hold me as long as you can. Until they come to pull me out of your arms. Promise.” You assure Spencer, while still sitting in his lap.
“That sounds good.” Spencer mumbles, wrapping his arms around you even tighter. 
“Are we doomed?” You think outloud. There’s no doubt about what you might be speaking about. 
Spencer sighs. The thought had been clearly on his mind as well. 
“Well, the season’s gonna be long. But after, I can come join you. We can call every day and if we’re in the same city we can see each other.” Spencer plans outloud.
You nod, “We can. I just-”
He knows. “I’m scared too.” He finishes your thought. His hands grip around your waist and his fingers rub your hips in comfort. “But what would we be if we didn’t try, right?”
“Right,” You confirm, a wisp of a smile on your lips. 
Spencer always knew exactly what to say. You hadn’t followed baseball before you met Spencer, but when you were getting to know each other you were searching up every interview, every game, everything that had him in it. Later he would admit to doing the same. 
But he was the one who convinced you to give dating a try. Even though you’re a popstar who performs for a living, you are incredibly shy and wasn’t sure if getting into a relationship with someone who was as busy as you are was a good thing or not.
“You know, there’s supposed to be some rain tomorrow.” You comment offhandedly. Spencer gives you a look, unsure of where you are going with this. 
“My team told me we might have to delay the show tomorrow night. You think you might get rained out?” You ask tentatively. “We might get some more time together.”
Spencer smiles and lays his head back on the couch.  “I’ve never wished for rain so much in my life.”
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a/n: this one if you couldn't guess is heavily inspired by travis kelce and taylor swift. the news broke about their relationship when i was originally planning out all of these drabbles for october.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
milkman reader milking rootbeer cause is that time of the month
(Reader is a "farmer" rather than milkman because that's a different can of worms. Minors shoo. No outright smut, but you do milk the guy's tits and it almost gets there. Obvs warning for male lactation)
A nickname lovingly bestowed upon you by new neighbors and friends. You didn't have any crops, nor animals in a literal since, but you were the proud owner of the old farm house on the outskirts of their town. The place was a little run down, but livable until you had the chance to fix things up. With the price it would be good as new in no time. It was quite the shock to discover the town was full of hybrids, but the locals were all friendly and welcomed you with open arms. Especially Rootbeer.
Riley was a walking stereotype with his thick, southern accent and smooth tongue, but he had also taken a liking to you since the day you moved in. A steady flirt who was always there when you least expected it and at your door when you needed a shoulder to lean on, sometimes even when you hadn't told a soul about your problems. Brought you gifts often too such as embroideries he worked on in his shop and the occasional bottle of fresh milk. He really was nothing short of a gentleman when it came to you, and tonight was the night he'd reap the chances of his efforts.
Riley has... been avoiding you. He'd greet you just the same, but stop the conversation there. He would constantly stare at you so it's not like he was completely avoiding you, but whenever you tried to reach out he'd make an excuse of chest aches or simply leave. Even now, sitting alone on your couch, you have your messages open - unsure if you should try just one more time.
A heavy fist on your front door snaps you from that pipedream.
"Coming!" You toss you phone onto the couch as you hop to your feet and over to the door. Your visitor knocks again as you unlock the door, opening it for you. It's Riley. Out of his normal get up and in a hoodie and some old beat up jeans. There's stains on the front of his shirt, still bleeding through the fabric as he pushes you inside.
"Look, there isn't a whole lot of time for me to explain, but I really need your help. I'm real sorry for the way I've been treating you, but I didn't want to hurt you or scare you away."
You watch the growing stains on his chest, the tee constricting his muscles and lungs fighting to breath. "You're gonna have to give some explanation."
"I know- shit." He runs his fingers through his hair, tearing off the hood ill fitted to his horned scalp. "As you can clearly see, we ain't normal cows. Every couple weeks we lactate depending on diet and whatnot. That can get more frequent if we find a suitable mate and.." He stops himself. "I know this is a lot to take in, but I'm not able to do it myself. Please.."
It looks like he's struggling to breath, about ready to drop to his knees from the look in his eyes. You can't just leave him like this. "Okay... I'll help you out"
You lead him over to the couch before he melts into the floorboards. You help peel off his shirt and roll it over his engorged pecs. You cup your hand around his left, beads of milk leaking from his inverted nipple from the cautious touch alone. The area was red and swollen, yet his chest as a whole was soft and plump - part of the former likely being due to his vain attempts at releasing himself. You gently kneed upwards, looking up at Riley for guidance.
"You're doing fine. Feelin' a little better already. You don't have'ta do more than your comfort with." He completes with an attempt at a laugh, shoving his rolled up shirt into his mouth to make his groans as you grip his chest with firm hands. At this position, and when you're standing up, you're about chest height with him. You lean forward and circle your tongue around his untouched bub which makes his eyes pop out of his skull as his spine curves against the arm of the couch.
The milk was creamy, with that faint root taste akin to the drink he got his nickname. It tasted almost like a richer rootbeer float. Come to think of it, that's exactly what the milk he gave you tasted like. Probably should've realized that sooner. You'd get on his case about it later, but your hands and mouth were quite literally to full to bring it up.
For now, you firmly wraps your lips around his tit and suck the tender bud. Riley shifts in your hold and tries to keep a bold face. It's the first time someone's helped him with a milking.. ever, really. He tried to imagine a scene similar to this while doing it himself, but obviously no fantasy could compare to the real thing. You move into his lap for better range, erect rutting against his jeans and the curve of your ass as you work the fluid from his chest. He grips your thigh to pull you further up before you could notice, but instead you roll your hips against his as you settle directly on that spot. His teeth pierce a hole clean through his shirt as he groans.
To lessen the later cleanup, you switch sides and lap up the milk running down his torso as you work back up to his nipple. Riley collects some of your saliva as his hand travels down to the heat between his legs, slipping into his boxers just to simulate what having your mouth around his girth could feel like. It's shameful, but he doesn't care. You couldn't return to normalcy after doing something like this and he wanted all in. To hold you like he's dreamed since the day you moved in. He taps on your back at you drain the last few drops from his chest.
"Heya, Y/n? I don't want to push my luck and all, but it'd be a real big help if you could help me with another kind of milking."
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wonysugar · 8 months
it’s so over for me…. ch. 12
wdym y/n’s drunk??
word count: 2.9k
warnings: alcohol, weed and sex!! :]
tags: puppy kink, spitting kink(?), sub!aeri, dom!yn, bathroom sex, it’s a college house party idk what to tell you,,
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there you were, in the middle of this horrible-decision-making-young-adults infested place, clothed in what you swore you wouldn’t even consider wearing. look, there was nothing else you could’ve done, it was around 11pm at the time, every store was closed, and even if they weren’t, you had like, no money. you had to work with what you had which was apparently a bunch of fuckass warm hoodies and sweatpants.
stopping yourself from just standing somewhere just observing everyone having fun, you decided to walk around after a bit. squeezing yourself through the unending piles of people drinking and smoking just by the front door. it reeked of marijuana as soon as you entered the house, but honestly, it was a college house party, what were you expecting?
at the corner of your eye, you spotted your two surprisingly decently dressed best friends, heejin and kazuha, standing next to the very cliche, very heavily liquor-filled red cups. heejin was wearing a black crop-top that very much showed cleavage with a black short skirt, the outfit completed by thin fishnets and thick black boots. kazuha, went for a more cozy look and wore a baggy white long-sleeved shirt under a brown graphic tee. her baggy pants were black and matching with her black and white converse.
you quickly rushed to get to them, waving at them as you still squeezed through. soon enough, they noticed you as you got out of the huddle of students.
“..what are you wearing.” heejin raised an eyebrow, her eyes slightly widened at the sight of the god-awful clothing before her. you shrugged, also eyeing her up and down.
“look. you know that i had nothing to wear! actually, let’s not mind my clothing, you wanna talk about the fact that you dressed up like a gothic slut?” you teased back, earning a small, amused oohh from kazuha.
“this is a college party, y/n, not bible study. everyone here is supposed to dress up like whores.”
you both subtly looked at kazuha’s attire, her innocent face looking back at the both of you just making the whole ‘loser girl who got lost on her way to the gaming café’ vibe look even more ridiculous. it’s okay though, she looked gay and confused enough to attract girls.
ning and aeri were watching this very random guy who’s been doing a very random handstand for about 20 minutes whilst everybody was hyping him up.
“holy shit he’s so fucking red.. he might actually faint from this oh my god??” said aeri, wiping away her tears of laughter with her finger while still cackling hardly at the scene. she was being careful not to damage her nails in any way. i mean, she got them done three days ago, they were precious.
ning glanced away to contemplate if throwing this party was even a good idea in the first place, that’s when she saw you watching your friends down whole cups of vodka and laughing with them.
well that answers her question!
she nudged a still laughing aeri with her elbow, annoying smirk plastered on her face as she still watched you from afar. “aeri, look at this.” she said, eventually, said girl looked in the same direction, still barely getting over the dude that was circled by people while he was practically doing acrobatics, “huh, what’s up?”
“isn’t that your girlfriend? you should go talk to her.” ning suggested playfully, earning a scoff from aeri. “also what the fuck is she wearing.” she quietly added, not realizing that she said that sort of outloud.
“i’m not going over there, she’s gonna like, judge me.” said the japanese girl, now gently rubbing on her arm as her expression morphs into one of worry. aeri uchinaga displaying nervous tics? that’s new.
“aeri, you’re the most popular girl on campus, everybody wants to either be you or be with you. if y/n l/n judges you, then you can jus-“
“where the fuck is jimin? we’re already all out of booze, god damn it.” minjeong interrupted, crashing into the conversation with absolutely no care about what they were talking about beforehand, which was typical minjeong behavior, so they weren’t offended.
“i don’t fucking know? probably making out with some girl?” aeri responded, wearing a cocky smirk while ning chuckled. it was very, and i mean very probable that jimin was doing someone right now. sure, she pretended to be homophobic when it came to aeri for shits and giggles, but that girl basically fucked everything she found remotely attractive. and that, included lots of girls and boys on campus, who were also coincidentally all rich?
“oh how lovely. well, we all wonder when that’s gonna be you with y/n! you fucking bitch..” she shoves her cup onto aeri as she mumbles that last bit then glares at both of the girls before walking away. in minjeong’s language, that basically meant “okay, thanks for letting me know! love you!” so they just sent her her way with a wave that she didn’t even get to see. ning immediately then turns back to aeri.
“okay, so, like i was saying! you should just be cool, unbothered, nonchalant. you know what i mean? who cares if she rejects you, there’s plenty of fish in the sea.” she said, trying to reassure her best friend and pretending like she didn’t completely rat aeri out to y/n not even a week ago at starbucks.
aeri, in return, only gave her an even more worried look, the one that she usually had whenever she sighed deeply and went “ughhh i don’t knowww..”, but this time she just stayed quiet. she was gonna have to watch from afar, yet again.
ning eventually gave up on convincing aeri to talk to you and went to go have well-deserved fun which meant finding minjeong and grinding on her just to piss her off. aeri, on her side of the room, was leaning on the wall and just kept staring at you, dramatically drowning in her own despair as she took small sips of her drink, sighing and biting her lip.
that’s when you two made unintentional eye contact, the both of you feeling awkward and quickly looking away, the ‘wanting to sneak a glance at someone but not knowing they were already looking at you in the first place’ cliche, if you will. that’s when aeri decided she needed to grow some balls! she exhaled sharply, taking one big gulp of her vodka, then gripped the cup in her hand for security.
she was gonna talk to you tonight, whether you liked it or not.
the next time you looked at her from across the room, she was already staring you down, which caused you to look back at her, trying your hardest to look intimidating, and also somewhat hot? you ran your hand through your hair, grabbed your drink from the table next to you and took a sip, holding very intense eye contact with her. the alcohol went down your throat, spiky, and you did your best in not grimacing. you were also hoping this wouldn’t start anything violent, considering that heejin went to go dance and kazuha was probably somewhere in the house, standing in a corner playing candy crush on her phone, so you were kinda powerless in this situation.
seeing you stare at her like this, all while swallowing some strong ass alcohol as if it was a regular tuesday for you turned her on way more than she’d like to admit. it infuriated her how pretty she found you in your ridiculous, bland, stupid, cute outfit. oh she was livid. she took one or two step towards you as she was practically guzzling down her drink, as if to challenge you.
oh it was on.
“heyy kazu, have you seen y/n? i can’t find her, she’s not upstairs nor is she in the basement.” heejin asked, leaning on the table. she wasn’t exactly worried about where you could’ve been, just weirded out. you’d usually stay in one place for a whole event then go home after a few hours.
kazuha, looked around, slightly tipsy, but still being able to articulate proper words, “uhhhhh no? last time i saw her she was downstairs chugging down booze. knowing her, she’s probably drunk as fuck right now.”
heejin furrowed her eyebrows hearing that whole sentence, “drunk?? what do you mean y/n’s drunk, she never gets drunk???”
you snatched the random vodka bottle that was conveniently next to you, ignoring the wasted frat boy whining and telling you to put it back, then you take a step of your own towards her. you very aggressively take off the lid of the bottle and chug it down, which you very quickly realized was a really bad decision. since you barely drank in your day to day life, you were already sorta drunk, so making out with the bottle and drinking all of its fluid was not helping. you felt your vision go blurry.
several, and i mean several minutes of taunting each other, getting voluntarily tipsy out of your minds and getting progressively closer to each other, you ended up face to face. her hooded eyes piercing through yours. her face slightly flushed from alcohol. her bottom lip swollen from the amount of times she bit into it while looking at you and oh my god her eyeliner looks really really really well done? you wished you could do it as good as he-
focus, y/n. this is war. confront her, ask her why she’s this much of an asshole all the time, why she’s been on your ass ever since you quote retweeted that definitely-not-pretty-at-all picture, why she totally has a big humongous lesbian crush on yo-
suddenly, you felt her lips on yours, hungrily kissing you, seemingly not giving a fuck about who sees. her hands roaming your body, gently tugging at your hoodie as she made out with you.
what the fuck?
what the fuck??
wow her lips felt nice?? you confusingly kissed her back, with just as much desperation. you couldn’t lie that the kiss was making you feel some sort of way, especially with the manner that her hands sneakily cupped your ass as you allowed her tongue to roam your mouth, quietly whimpering at the feeling. she wouldn’t hear it anyways, not only was she completely out of it, but the music was also too loud to even hear anything of the sorts.
she pulled away for a quick while, hazily smirked at you and gently grabbed your wrist, leading you into what seemed like… the bathroom? you really couldn’t tell, your vision was a blur. you quickly put the bottle somewhere on a counter close by before entering the restroom.
the only thing on your barely functioning mind at that moment was kissing aeri again.
“there you are. i’ve been looking for you for what felt like hours.” said minjeong, staring down at a red-eyed jimin, sitting on the couch holding a lit and rolled up joint whilst giggling.
“sorryyyy, i was exploring this one girl’s body right then some really hot guy joined in? shit was wild minjeongie you should’ve been the-“
“i don’t give a flying fuck about all of that yu jimin, we’re out of booze, fix it. quickly.” coldly ordered the shorter girl as she crossed her arms, making the taller one groan annoyingly.
“oh my goddd girl, i put a bottle on the table downstairs, just drink from that.” whined jimin, taking yet another puff of her almost finished joint.
“yeah, i was going to until y/n took the bottle. i have no fucking clue where she put it, so get up and go get more.”
there you were, leaning on one of jimin’s bathroom doors, hand on the knob to block anyone from entering. aeri was pinning you to it, her head in the crook of your neck, kissing and licking on it while her hands rest on your waist, fingers occasionally digging in.
your top was off, because according to her, “it needed to go”, which could mean multiple things ranging from sexy to just mean, but you were too drunk to even comprehend simple words, so you shrugged it off and just took off your hoodie for her, leaving you with only your bra.
with time, she went further down with her mouth, getting to your collarbone and placing hungry kisses there, then to your barely clothed boobs, where she did the same thing. you could feel her smiling stupidly against you as she kissed them, then she wrapped her arms around you, unhooking your bra.
she put her mouth on one of your nipples as soon as they were exposed, making you gasp at the sensation that was amplified by 10, thanks to the alcohol you consumed earlier. one of her hands now groping your other tit and playing with the bud. you felt her other hand tease your lower stomach, slowly sliding it down your sweatpants.
“fuck aeri..” you quietly moaned out, feeling her smirk against you yet again, gently rubbing her long fingers on your clothed and embarrassingly wet cunt. it angered you, how horny she got you.
she pulled away from your chest, looking at you cockily as she slightly tilted her head, “you’re so wet for me y/n, i thought you hated me?” she scoffed.
does she ever shut up?
you rolled your eyes, now annoyed, “god, you’re so fucking infuriating.. use your mouth for something good for once and just eat me out already. you’re the one who dragged me in here, so shut the fuck up and do something.” you saw how aeri’s smirk dropped a tad bit, oh how it amused you. she definitely wasn’t expecting you to be this.. demanding. it, very surprisingly, turned her on. a lot.
she was always the one doing the talking, she was always doing the ordering, now why were you always the one to make her discover things about herself, damn it?
you groaned at her. she was looking at you like some baffled dumbass. you grabbed her straightened long brown hair in a swift motion, earning an unexpected but very welcomed whine from her.
“did you not hear me? take my pants off and get on your fucking knees, i don’t have all night.” you sternly said, watching how her eyebrows furrowed, she really didn’t like the idea of you being in control of things and it showed. yet, she obeyed, like the good little bitch she was, she obeyed.
as soon as she pulled your pants and panties down, aeri got on her knees and looked up at you with glossy eyes, probably tearing up from the pain she felt on her scalp when you pulled on it. that poor girl, her expression a mix of anger, lust and fear of what you might do to her.
in response, you could only chuckle, seeing her this vulnerable looking, completely at your mercy, it did something to you. you never thought you’d enjoy this, especially due to the fact that you’re usually the submissive one in these types of situations, but it seems like the alcohol was doing the speaking for you.
“come on, get to work puppy.”
she kept eye contact, exhaled heavily as she closed her eyes a moment, giggled nervously as she mumbled a small ‘what the fuck am i doing.’ then, ended up going in.
her tongue gave small puppy licks to the entire surface of your slit, messily tasting the slick that was coated all over it, eventually teasing also your folds and entrance. you threw your head against the door you were leaning on, running your hand through her now not-so-straight hair, so intoxicated that you couldn’t control the noises that came out of you, you just kept calling out her name, you just kept muttering how much of a good bitch she was being for you, and she loved every second of it.
aeri, apparently was too, heavily intoxicated, because whenever she gave a suckle to your clit, or even when she inserted her tongue inside of you, she just couldn’t help but let out every noise that wanted to come out of her mouth. humming and moaning your name against your core, even digging her new nails into your hips and thighs.
“open your mouth baby.” you ordered, running your thumb across her wet bottom lip.
“m-mhm.” she moaned, looking up at you with teary eyes, her mascara running down her cheeks, her eyebrows upturned as she stuck out her numb tongue. you spat in her mouth, still rubbing her lip with your thumb. she didn’t even bother to question it, she just swallowed it like the stupid, desperate whore she is for you.
despite how exhausted you might’ve been, despite how blurry everything was to you at that moment, despite how confused you still were about everything, one thing you did know was that she was making you feel soooo good, you couldn’t stop using her pretty mouth, so much so that you planned on using it all night long.
“no seriously where the fuck is y/n?? i’m not leaving without her jimin.” yelled a very worried, very tipsy heejin, screaming at jimin while kazuha, the only one remotely sober at that moment, held her back from jumping the other girl.
“damn girl, relax.. your friend is probably somewhere upstairsss.. i’ll send her off tomorrow whenever she wakes up, okay? now please, leave.”
and just like that, the door was slammed shut on both of your best friends’ faces. they processed all of it, then had to call a cab to get them home safely.
while in the car, they were both praying you were okay, and that you were sleeping soundly somewhere in that house.
they thought of every possible scenario that could’ve happened to you,
but aeri tonguefucking you all night in the bathroom definitely was not one of them.
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kunajou · 2 months
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❝synopsis❞ ‣ nanami kento, a man of little words. a man who keeps to himself. a man who doesn't have crushes. well, he didn't until he saw you waltz through the door without a care in the world. he wants to learn more about you, finds himself wishing there was a way he could connect with you.
・❥・PAIRING(S) › nanami kento x female!reader ・❥・GENRE(S) › fluff/(little)angst ・❥・WORD(S) › 1.7k+ ・❥・WARNING(S) › infidelity (disguised as a open relationship), reader has a girlfriend, pan!reader, sunshine!reader, and just nanami being down bad. ・❥・POST DATE › 04.13.24 ・❥・SONG PLAYING › never be the same by camila cabello ・❥・A/N › nothing really, I'm so down bad for Nanami though and I stand on the hill that he deserved better, gege! So I'm going to give him better lol. anyway, enjoy!
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୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who sees you for the first time when he’s leaving to pick up his lunch. He notes you’re delivering food but in ‘civilian’ clothes. (Some short shorts, an off-the-shoulder tee, and gladiator sandals) so he knows you don’t belong to a company. So maybe Doordash? UberEats? He doesn’t know but the moment you smile at him, he knows he’s a goner.
Have you ever seen a grown man blush? No? Well, you waltz right by him without a care in the world as his cheeks heat up like he’s cooking in a sauna.
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who can’t stop thinking about you. He wonders who you are, where you’ve been his whole life, and how he can find you. He wants to get to know you (if you’ll let him of course). 
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who eventually stops leaving to get food and instead orders through DoorDash, UberEats, and any other app he knows of in hopes of being able to see you again. Yes, it costs more but he honestly doesn’t care. Is it dumb?
Probably, but what else does he have to lose? 
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who promises he’s not stalking you, he only wants to talk to you! (Is what he tells himself to make himself feel better) because who goes through all this trouble to converse with someone? Honestly... Nanami Kento apparently (ha).
And well, it takes about two weeks for you to walk through the doors again and Nanami couldn’t be happier. Until he realizes you’re not carrying the food he ordered. You’re carrying someone else's. That doesn’t stop him from talking to you though.
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who finally gets you as his delivery woman a couple of days later. Excitement buzzes as he bows and thanks you. You mention you've never delivered to him before but he tells you he's growing too busy to head out for lunch. 
Simple explanation, right? 
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTOwho continues using UberEats when you tell him it lets you keep most of the money you earned for the day. He ends up finding himself ordering lunch every day, just in the off chance he gets to see you again.
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who loves making small talk with you whenever he does get to see you. Asking how your day is going, and what you have planned for the day. As you talk about taking your niece to the park, the spark in your eyes makes him smile from ear to ear. 
He knows he's down bad. 
You're simply being nice but damn, you don't understand how much he's yearning for you.
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who decides on week four to try his luck and ask you on a date after so long of chatting. He’s even bought you a single red rose as he sees you walk through the rotating door. He can't help the smile that takes over as you skip his way, nerves on a hundred at the thought of even asking you out.
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who takes you to the side and away from everyone because what if you do reject him? He won’t be able to handle his colleagues making fun of him (not about this).
That would be embarrassing.
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who’s day has a rain cloud washed over it when you tell him you’re flattered but are in a relationship (a girlfriend to be specific). Of course, he apologizes for overstepping as you try your best to cheer him up but it's no use.  
“If you weren't with your girlfriend would you have gone?” Nanami asks, still handing you the red rose. You try to hand it back to him but it's no use, shaking his head as if to tell you he doesn't want it. His eyes are downcast. You feel bad and don’t want to pour more salt into the wound. “I think you're amazing. You're nice to me unlike some of the people-” “Just… Yes or no?” Nanami sighs, not wanting to hear excuses. It's a simple answer. “Yes. I would have.” Your smile breaks his heart even more.
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who stops ordering through the app, decides to get food from his workplace cafeteria instead or if he wants to eat out, he goes back to going to the restaurants. He's not mad at the revelation, just the outcome. 
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who still sees you from time to time when you deliver for his colleagues. He sees you scan the given badge for people who deliver and moving through the building without a care in the world. It’s not your fault he developed a crush on you, he just hates that you’re not emotionally available, at the moment.
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who knows he doesn’t have the right to feel the way he does but he can’t help it. He allowed himself to get his hopes up only for them to be crushed in the end. Of course, you have a significant other. Someone as beautiful and kind-hearted as you. He can’t think of a reason for someone not to take a liking to you.
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who tries to come to terms with the outcome of the situation but fails miserably. 
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who doesn’t see you again for a while. Maybe you stopped delivering? He hopes nothing bad has happened! Although, he’s also glad you’ve (unknowingly) given him a reprieve from his feelings for you.
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who sees you one random morning (almost a month later) while going on a coffee run for some of his colleagues. You don’t look as cheery as you usually would and it makes him wonder why. Although, he knows it’s not in his place to ask. It’s not like you consider him a friend. You’ve only made small talk in passing and had one failed attempt at asking you out.
That’s hardly a friend.
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who planned to leave you alone until he heard you faintly call his name. He doesn’t have the heart to ignore you so he smiles and tries to school his expressions. You ask him how he has been since the last time you saw each other and he’s trying so hard not to make it noticeable but he feels as if his heart has stopped the moment you acknowledged him. 
All he can do is gaze at you (lovingly) while you’re talking his ear off. He doesn’t mind though, you’re too cute for your own good. 
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who steers the topic toward your girlfriend and finds out you’re (unfortunately) still with her. His heart plummeted. He hoped he had a chance but when you reveal she asked you to open your relationship, it left Nanami confused but intrigued. 
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who realizes sees some people waving you down as they try to get your attention.  He doesn’t want to leave the conversation like this but he also has somewhere he needs to be too. 
It isn’t until you ask him for his number that he knocks the shock from his body.
Of course, you can have his number, sweetheart!
And of course, he calls himself so he doesn’t have to wait for you to text or call him first for him to have it.
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who leaves the coffee shop in a hurry because ‘oh shit the meeting started twenty minutes ago!’ but immediately texts you an apology once he gets to the office for having to rush out! He wanted to stay and continue chatting but it was an important meeting for an important client.
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who is in his meeting now but doesn't truly listen to what's happening because you're texting him! His stomach is doing knots as the conversation goes on and eventually, the topic of your girlfriend comes up again and Nanami wants to say something but he doesn’t know how you’ll take it. So he decided against it. 
[02:36pm] Princess🌸: I don’t know why she wanted to open the relationship😔
Is all you say but Nanami has a feeling that it wasn’t what you wanted it and it doesn’t stop him from asking.
[02:45pm] Ken🎔: Is that not what you want?
You don’t answer back and it leaves Nanami to realize that maybe he overstepped his boundaries. Shit! Maybe he shouldn’t have asked…
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who is home now and washing dishes when he hears his phone chime from his living room. He’s hoping it’s you (and knowing it is because who else is texting him?). He wants to apologize for yesterday. He realizes it’s not in his place to ask about your love life like that. You’re still getting to know each other. He doesn’t have the right. 
Also, his mind was reeling at the possibility of you blocking him or not talking to him anymore. 
Especially when he hasn’t even had a chance to take you out.
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who answers your call a second too fast when his phone rings but he doesn’t care. You sound distraught. He can hear the sniffling and the hiccuping as he inquires what’s bothering you. Consoling you when you tell him how your girlfriend has been blowing you off for someone else. You had an inkling she was cheating before you were guilted into agreeing to open the relationship.
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who feels so bad that he’s happy it’s not working out with her. 
He knows it will probably take time but he’s willing to wait until you’re ready to start anew. Or hell, he’s ready to be whatever you need him to be right now.
A friend. A lover. A confidant.
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who gets you to calm down enough to fall asleep. 
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who stays on the phone until it’s close to midnight. He notes he has to work in the morning, reluctantly hanging up when he can hear your soft snores.
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who tries to fall asleep too but generally can’t. He finds himself lying down and staring at the ceiling and thinking.
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who doesn’t register his phone going off until it lights up causing him to look at it. 
[01:16pm] Princess🌸: I know this forward [01:20pm] Princess🌸: Can I call you again?
Nanami wastes no time in calling you instead. Unsure of what's wrong, he hopes nothing bad has happened in the short time after he hung up. The phone rings about two more times as you pick it up on the third.
"I-I'm sorry to bother you again so late at night..." He hates that you sound so tired and unsure.
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who listens to you stumbling over your words as you sound so much different from when he first met you. He wonders what has you so jittery?
"Are you okay, sweeth-" "N-No." He hears you whimper, hiccupping as you try to find your voice again. "Is that why you're up again? I thought you fell asleep?" "I-I did... I just-" You pause the moment you hear a faint moan from the other room. "S-She’s here with someone and I don’t want to be here. Could I possibly crash at yours? It’s just for the night! Just until I figure out something-"
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who heart skips a beat at the thought of you spending the night at his place. He shouldn't be this happy. You're miserable, he knows this- he can hear it in your voice but damn, why was everything happening in his favor?
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who loves the way his name falls from your lips with the whine that accompanies it. He shouldn't be feeling this way when you're stuck in a endless loop of misery right now.
"I'm here." Nanami smiles, he's sure you can hear it in his voice. "You can crash at my place for as long as you need, Honey."
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who knows you barely know each other but that won't stop him. You can get to know each other while you're with him.
"A-Are you sure? I don't want to intrude in your space... I’ll figure something else out if it's a-" "It's not a problem. Do I need to come get you?" "Please..." "Okay. Is there somewhere you can go until I get there? Text me your address."
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who hears shuffling on your end, knowing you're throwing things into bag as he's throwing on some sweats and t-shirt on, grabbing his keys and wallet off the table. He gets your text minutes later and starts off on his way to get to you.
୨୧───CORPORATE MAN!KENTO who realizes he's definitely not going to get any sleep tonight but he's okay with that.
Work will be fine without him for a day.
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© GOJOLATTE 2024 ➳ ALL RIGHTS RESERVED  PLEASE DO NOT Copy, Translate, Re-Upload, or Steal ANY of my work. ・thank you for reading! & remember: you nice, keep going.❤️ ・comment/reblogs(s) and like(s) are totally welcomed! › read more work here: masterlist ‹
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vivalas-vega · 3 months
match // new perspectives universe // jake 'hangman' seresin x reader
heyooo - i'm back from the dead - it's been a while since we've seen these two and for this one we're going back in time !! this is kind of a rewrite of something that’s already happened in the main chapters 🤭 i haven't written jake and jupiter in what feels like forever so this feels rusty to me lol but hopefully you enjoy!
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match // new perspectives universe // jake 'hangman' seresin x reader
add yourself to my taglist
part of my new perspectives series !! it will make a lot more sense if you're caught up on these two:
prologue - one - two - three - four - five - six - seven - eight - nine
word count: 4.8k
warnings: language, mention of alcohol, college/med school/residency inaccuracies (I didn't go to college and it shows lol any and all knowledge on any of this comes from tiktok or greys anatomy)
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Sitting at your vanity (if you could even call a plastic set of drawers with a handheld mirror duct taped to the back a vanity) you briefly thought to yourself that you should be excited… and you were, for the most part. Today was one of those days that marked the start of a new chapter. You’d been lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you looked at it) to have had a few of these already… first opening your acceptance letter into college, then med school, and now you were getting ready to find out where you had been matched for residency.
The excitement and nerves you were feeling were subdued because really the only thing you could focus on was the fact that the only person you wanted here wasn’t… and you didn’t know where he was. He could have been on a ship halfway across the world or at a base a handful of hours away but in the end it didn’t really matter much… he wasn’t here, and that was just part of the deal. You knew what this was long before it got to this point, and that point was only accentuated by the floppy haired boy walking into your dorm just as you stood from your spot in front of the window to change.
“Well, don’t you just look darling,” he teased and on another day you might have laughed… struck a pose and had a witty comeback, something about ratty college tees and soffe shorts being on all the runways these days, but it wasn’t another day. It was today and your future was hinging on something written in an envelope waiting for you across campus and this boy wasn’t the one you wanted teasing you today. 
You undressed and stood with your back to him, a silent request for him to help zip your dress and he obliged just as quietly. There was an expiration date on you and Matt, this much you knew… but the way his fingers trailed down your arm and the lingering question he’d been asking all month told you he wasn’t on the same page. He had a vision for his life, one that very much included you and perhaps you felt a little guilty for continuing to keep him in your orbit but the more logical part of you reminded you that the vision you had for your life had been set in stone long before he showed up. He saw residency right here in California, with you by his side. He saw you switching your area of focus to general medicine, something less demanding to create room for starting a family, something you’d do within the next few years. You hadn’t had the heart yet to tell him that sounded like your own personal hell.
Your vision was Boston, in a cutthroat surgical residency program before moving on to whatever hospital offered the best fellowship for your chosen specialty… that was the one area of your life you’d yet to nail down. Most of your peers pursuing the surgical route knew what they wanted to focus on, some vying for cardio or neuro, others trauma or general but not you. That was the one thing you were leaving up to fate, deciding to instead let yourself make that decision a few years into residency… and if that fellowship happened to come along where the boy you missed more than anything was stationed? Well, you wouldn’t be one to complain. The vision didn’t include Matt, it never did. 
And so, as you turned to face him with a tight smile you wanted more than anything to tell him this was over, that it would be best to head into residency as individuals but then you saw that look on his face and you couldn’t do it right now… not right before finding out whether or not you were getting everything you’d spent the last eight years working towards (seven for you, but you wouldn’t point that out to him anymore than you already had). You’d wait until after, even if that meant walking into the ceremony with someone you had already decided you wouldn’t be seeing after today. 
“Hey, did you guys get settled okay?” you asked your parents as you set your bag down on the table and exchanged quick hugs. You’d already seen them this morning when they’d arrived and they’d decided to give you a little space to get ready. 
“Your mother has taken photos of about a dozen things at the hotel, taking notes for our upcoming remodel which… I was just informed of this morning,” your dad said and you laughed. Matt said his hellos before going off to find his own parents and you rolled your eyes at the look your dad fixed you with. “He’s still around?”
“Oh hush,” you replied. Your purse started ringing and you fished around lip gloss and old flashcards to find your phone, immediately feeling more settled at the voice on the other end.
“Hey you,” Jake said and you actually let out a sigh of relief. “How are you feeling?”
“Oh me? You know, cool as a cucumber. Not freaking out at all,” you answered with a small laugh and he just chuckled.
“Of course not, not like there’s anything big going on today.”
“Definitely not, just a normal day around here,” you said.
“I just wanted to call and tell you to breathe, because you forget to do that sometimes-”
“I do not-”
“Yes you do, and to remind you that no matter where you end up you’re going to be just fine.” 
“Thank you,” you said softly. “I know you can’t say where you are but I hope you’re flying safe today,” you added.
“Always do, sweetheart. I’ll call you tonight, yeah?” 
“You better.” you said with a smile as you hung up and put your phone on silent just as the announcer gave the two minute warning. You could practically feel the rising tension in the room, a mix of nervous excitement and pure dread. So many fates contained within tiny envelopes and as you picked yours up you found the whole notion of this rather silly. You felt bad for anyone who got news they didn’t want today, having to find out in a room full of people celebrating and you prayed to a god you weren’t sure you even believed in you wouldn’t be one of them. 
“I think I’m going to, uh…” you started, looking at your parents and then back at the envelope in your hand. “I’m going to just take a minute and open it myself, if that’s okay?” you asked hesitantly and they nodded.
“Whatever you want, honey,” your mom replied and you turned around as the announcer told everyone to open them. You took a deep breath, because you did forget to breathe in times of stress, and with shaking hands practically ripped the envelope apart to pull out a folded piece of paper… a piece of paper that you hoped contained two specific words. 
Massachusetts General. 
Your shaking hands persisted as you read and reread what was right in front of you. Massachusetts General. You blinked and read again, did it really say that? Massachusetts General. 
“Oh my god-” you started as you turned around to show your parents with the paper facing outwards but they were gone. Really they’d only stepped a few feet to the side but they, and everyone else in the room, may as well have disappeared because all you could focus on was him, standing right there in front of you in his dress whites looking so proud as he read the words in your hands that quickly fell to the floor in shock. “Jake?” you asked so quietly, your mind still not catching up but it didn’t matter, in an instant you were launching yourself at him and he caught you with ease as you wrapped around him.
“Hey you,” he repeated his words from just a few minutes ago on the phone and you let out a sound that was mixed with a laugh and a sob as you clung to him. “You did it, I knew you would.”
“What the hell are you doing here?” you asked as you pulled away slightly to look down at him and he just beamed up at you.
“You didn’t really think I’d miss this, did you?” he replied and you just smiled, but it was quickly wiped away as you heard someone clear their throat behind you and you didn’t need to look to know who it was as you slid down Jake’s body to the floor and turned to see Matt, who was looking at the pair of you skeptically.
“Jake’s here,” he said, trying to muster some kind of enthusiasm but it fell flat, “yay.” You stifled a chuckle as you looked at him expectantly, “I matched here, what about you?” You knew what was coming as you took the paper your dad held out for you and Matt nodded softly when he read it. “I thought we talked about staying here for residency?” You didn’t miss the way Jake scoffed behind you, clearly disgusted that that was the first thing out of his mouth.
“You talked about it, Matt… I was always clear about my goals.” you said firmly. “But this is what we’ve both been working for. Congratulations, really,” you said, wrapping him in a tight but quick hug. “Go, celebrate with your family. I’ll see you at the party later.” you finished, nudging him off and  when you turned around Jake was giving you the most unimpressed look.
“Don’t even, I will not be seeing him at the party later, if you must know.” 
“Is that so?” he asked with a smirk and you rolled your eyes as he chuckled.
“Congratulations, sweetheart,” your mom said, pulling you in for a hug.
“We’re so proud of you,” your dad added, pressing a kiss to the top of your head and you went to respond, to thank them for everything they’ve done for you but they didn’t give you the chance. “Go celebrate and spend time together, and have fun at the party tonight.” 
“What? No, you guys flew all this way… I thought we could go out for dinner-”
“Hush, you two have some catching up to do,” your mom replied. “Besides, I think whatever celebrations you get up to tonight are best kept from us,” she added with a knowing smile and you tried to fight your own. 
“We’ll do breakfast, just the four of us like old times… but we won’t wake you too early,” your dad said and you watched as Jake gave them hugs before they slipped away. 
When they left he turned to look at you, all pride and adoration, and you flushed under his gaze as you gave him a look that said what? “You fucking did it, Jupiter.”
“I fucking did it,” you replied, your laughter bright and uncontrollable as he lifted you from the ground and spun you around.
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“How’d he take it?” Jake asked as you entered your dorm, and you chuckled as you took him in, sprawled out across your bed, one leg hanging off the side because he simply didn’t fit. 
“About as well as could be expected,” you said and he laughed as he sat up.
“So… not well at all?” He laughed again when you nodded. “Tell me about this party we’re going to.”
“It’s pretty standard, I expect things will go as they always do with a campus party… just a little more celebratory with a slight drinking to numb the pain vibe from some.”
He nodded, “all your friends got what they were hoping for?” 
“For the most part… a few didn’t get exactly what they wanted but that’s kind of how it goes… matching is about a little bit of hard work and a shit ton of luck.”
“So, I’m guessing dress whites aren’t the vibe for tonight?” he asked, watching as you discarded your jewelry onto your desk and you chuckled as you turned and walked towards him, stopping in between his legs.
“Not at all,” you said with a shake of your head and you laughed again as he pouted and rested his hands on the backs of your thighs. “But they were a nice touch, you look very official and handsome,” you added on, hoping to turn his frown upside down.
And you did, he looked up at you with that same look he’d given you in the event hall. “I know you know this, but I really am so fucking proud of you, J,” he said and you softly smiled, feeling crimson creep onto your cheeks and you quickly diverted, trying to break some of the intimacy of the moment by pulling the hat from his head and plopping it on your own.
“Well, you should be, cowboy,” you said, stepping back and grabbing two beers from the mini fridge that doubled as a nightstand, handing one to him and he looked at you expectantly as you both cracked them open. “Because your best friend got into the fucking brig,” you said as you clinked the cans together and he let out a few cheers before taking a generous gulp. 
He stayed by your side as you got ready together, only engaging in a few quarrels due to the lack of space that only got smaller when your roommate Katie showed up, and you couldn’t help your amusement as the two of them got on each other's last nerves. Their relationship was very akin to that of siblings, they’d scream at each other through the phone on facetimes when the other was pulling too much of your attention and on the rare visits Jake managed she’d spend the whole trip pouting about how no one else existed when he was here.
“Are we not going to this party together, Katie?” you said, interrupting her latest spiel about Jake’s evilness, as she put it, and she held her hands up in surrender as you laughed. She put on a good show but you knew she liked having Jake around, it meant she got to see more of her favorite version of you… party Jupiter. And party Jupiter was in full effect as you strolled down the street lined with fraternity houses. The parties you attended these days were typically on the other side of campus and not quite as rowdy, you couldn’t even remember the last time you’d been down here but it had been negotiated that the frats held parties for the med students this year, to give you all one more truly college party before everyone went their separate ways into a new journey of adulthood. 
“You’ve been here before, right?” you asked Jake as you watched him mix you a drink and he nodded.
“Mmhm, your third year of undergrad,” he answered and you snorted.
“Oh god, yeah,” you briefly reminisced on that party, one with no cause, and the shocked look on Jake’s face most of the night. As it turned out, you had actually been understating just how much Stanford kids like to party that day on the phone all those years ago. You mingled with Jake in tow, socializing with friends you hadn’t seen since the beginning of the year to due rotations and interviews across the country, and really emphasizing the fact that you wouldn’t see each other for a number of years after tonight in your drunken states much to Jake’s amusement.
You weren’t much of an emotional drunk but that didn’t seem to be the case tonight… Probably something about the finality of it all, going from college to med school didn’t seem like a huge transition for you because you stayed in the same place, but this was different. After graduation next week you’d be packing up and moving across the country, to somewhere that couldn’t be more different than where you were, and you would officially be a doctor. 
Jake watched as you let loose, cackling with friends about professors or that one time you stole a dozen mice because you couldn’t bear the thought of them being used for research (and you maintained that you’d been in the right each time it was brought up). The last time he’d come to visit you’d been so entrenched in your coursework he actually became worried, watching you study for hours on end from your bed as he realized this is what your life was. You’d always done a good job at completing everything before he arrived so you could focus on the fun but that visit just wasn’t the case… There were exams to prep for and applications to be sent out and interviews to be scheduled, and all he could do was half-heartedly read a book he’d plucked from your shelf about internal medicine and force you to come up for air every now and again.
But this time was completely different, there was nothing to worry about because you were done. You’d gotten to the end of your journey here at Stanford and were in that blissful reprieve period where there truly was nothing to fret over, and it simultaneously warmed Jake’s heart and broke it to see. On one hand, you were finally getting a true break after years of achingly hard work… but on the other that break would only last a few days before you went into a tizzy packing to move cross country and start your residency. He knew you were happy, and that you would be happy in Boston but he also knew things were only about to get harder, and that a few days of true relief weren’t enough.
Granted, this wasn’t how you felt, despite the fact that as you downed your drink and chatted with Katie about her upcoming move to Nashville you had no idea this was going through his head… you felt nothing but joy knowing that you got to spend the next few days with Jake before diving into your future. Residency is what you feel you’d waited your whole life for. You did the hard stuff, you laid the foundation and stuffed your nose in a book for years and now you were finally going to be able to do. 
“I think I might actually miss these parties,” you said as you sat down by the edge of the pool with a sigh, unclasping your heels and actually moaning in relief as you dipped your feet into the cool water and Jake chuckled beside you. 
“I find that shocking considering that after that one your third year you said you never wanted to set foot on this block again.”
“I’ve grown, things have changed,” you protested which coaxed another laugh from him. “God, I can’t believe I’m leaving this place soon. It almost feels like just yesterday I showed up here with nothing but a suitcase and a dream. And you! Mr. Top Gun graduate,” you added, nudging him playfully.
“Don’t let Coyote hear you, he’ll bust my chops even more than he already has.”
“I miss Coyote,” you said, leaning your head on his shoulder. “Are you going home for Christmas this year?” you asked and this took him slightly by surprise, considering it was spring and he didn’t expect you to be looking forward to anything other than residency.
“I don’t think so… the way it lines up I’d have to fly in on Christmas Eve and leave the day after… I think the short trips make my mom sadder than me not going home at all.”
“They do,” you said. “For my parents too. I don’t know why but they do. What do you think about me coming to you this year? If you’re on base.”
“I think that sounds perfect,” he replied, turning to press a kiss on the top of your head. “I’m sorry I can’t stay for graduation,” he said and you lifted your head to shake it, waving your hand dismissively.
“Truthfully I don’t care about graduation, it’s more for my parents and yours. This was the important one,” you replied, giving him a warm smile. “I still can’t believe you pulled off surprising me. How long have you known you’d be able to make it?”
“Since you first told me the day,” he answered and your eyes widened as you hit his chest.
“You asshole! You made me think you couldn’t come and this was your plan all along? I was really sad, you know.”
He let out a loud laugh, “yeah, I know. But it was worth it! The look on your face was priceless.”
“You’re unbelievable,” you muttered.
“Had to get you back for my tap out ceremony somehow,” he pointed out and you sighed, because he did have a point.
“That’s fair. Though, I could argue that it was a surprise for me as well, mine was not premeditated.” 
“To-mato to-mato,” he replied. “So, when do you make the big move?” 
“Well, tomorrow you’ll be helping me scout apartments, tough part is I’ll have to pick a place sight unseen so we’re going to have to be very thorough in our search and then hopefully I’ll be out there within three weeks… My program starts in four.”
“Unless a last minute deployment pops up, I think I can meet you out there… help you get settled and all that.”
“Really?” you asked, eyes wide and full of hope as you beamed up at him and he chuckled, knowing you were definitely drunk right now. “Seeing you twice in one month? I don’t think we’ve gotten that lucky since we were teenagers.” 
“Well, I don’t know about that,” he said with a suggestive raise of his eyebrows and you were startled by your own laugh, not expecting the turn in conversation. 
“That’s right, forgot I was talking to Hangman, eternal stud.” you joked. Briefly you thought joking about it should sting, and deep down maybe it did a little, but this was the first time it’s come up and the sting wasn’t the first thing you noticed.
“You haven’t done so bad for yourself either,” he said and you just gave him a deadpan glare.
“Really? You think Matt was making me feel lucky every time?” you asked and he went through the same range of emotions. He thought it should hurt, and it did somewhere deep down, but it wasn’t the first thing he noticed.
“He wasn’t? Then what was the point?” he exclaimed and you hid your face in embarrassment. 
“Oh, I don’t know! Truthfully it spiraled and I didn’t have time for anything else so…” you trailed off before letting out a groan. “Oh god, I’m a terrible person.”
“Now, how did we end up there?” he asked, brows furrowing in confusion at your statement.
“I knew all along I’d dump him right about now, how awful to not do it so much sooner.”
He shrugged, “maybe… but knowing you he did get lucky every time so don’t feel too bad. Broken heart or not he reached the mountaintop, good for him.”
“That’s a better, if not slightly twisted, way of looking at things.” you mused, resting your head on his shoulder again.
“Tired?” he asked and you nodded. “Don’t quite have the stamina of an undergrad anymore?”
“Shut up,” you said. “It’s been an emotional day.” 
“Wanna go home?” he asked and you nodded, allowing yourself to be pulled up and you awkwardly shook your leg over the pool to rid yourself of excess water, to which he just shook his head in amusement. 
You spent the walk back towards your dorm lost in conversation, giggling about nothing in particular and squealing when he picked you up and tossed you over his shoulder, “Jake! I’m too drunk, don’t make me hurl,” you laughed but he didn’t seem to care, carrying you like it was nothing until suddenly you were on the move again, sliding down to the ground with Jake’s firm hands on your waist to guide you. Your brows furrowed in confusion when you noticed you weren’t at your dorm but instead in front of a shiny car.
“I love Katie,” he started, but was cut off by the questioning look you gave him, “really, I do, but you didn’t really think I was crashing in your dorm, did you?” he asked and he did have a point… the last time he visited she was on rotation so he crammed himself onto her tiny bed and complained all the next day… there simply wasn’t anywhere for him to be this time around. “I have a hotel room a few blocks away, do you want to come stay with me? Or I can walk you back to your room,” he added the last part a little hurriedly and you chuckled, you thought you just caught a glimpse of a younger Jake… nervous and not wanting to overstep. 
“Are you kidding me?” you asked, gesturing towards the door and he was quick to open it for you, “a night away from that thing they call a bed sounds like heaven.”
“And here I thought you just wanted to spend more time with me,” he said after walking around and getting in the driver’s side.
“Well, that’s certainly part of it… just not the main part,” you teased and he shook his head as he navigated towards his hotel and you looked over at him in amusement when you entered the parking lot. “Very fancy, Mr. Seresin,” you said as he opened the door for you and he extended his hand which you gladly took.
“Shut up and come on,” he replied and you did as you were told. Following him through the hotel and to the elevator, where they opened to reveal a cozy and beautifully decorated rooftop bar and you just looked over at him, eyes wide and questioning. “Tonight was a goodbye to your college life, and I thought what better way to end it than here, welcoming in this next chapter?”
“Jake…” you started, the lingering alcohol in your system still present enough to have you feeling a little more emotional than usual. You sat at a cozy loveseat positioned in front of a firepit and thanked the waiter when he brought over your cocktails, gin and tonic for you and something whiskey based for Jake. 
“To you, Jupiter. You’ve worked so hard the past seven years, and you never once wavered when things got hard. You are nothing short of incredible, and being here with you right now, marking this occasion… it means a lot to me, and I’ll never stop being proud of you.” he said, and you felt your eyes well with tears that mirrored his own.
“Stop, you can’t cause then I’ll really lose it,” you warned, laughing softly as you wiped your cheeks. “Thank you… not just for saying that but for being you, and for being here. I was a wreck all morning and then I turned around and saw you and everything felt… settled. You being here means more than you know.” you said and you clinked your glasses together before taking a sip. “I’m really proud of us.” you said added a few moments of silence. “Do you remember the day we decided to break up?”
“Vividly,” he chuckled and you couldn’t help but laugh too.
“God, we were so young, with such big dreams… and going into it all so devastated… I wish we could go back and tell them it wouldn’t be for nothing, that we made it.” 
“We did make it didn’t we?” he asked and you nodded, a smile creeping onto your face. He reached out to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and you didn’t know if it was the weighty realization that seven years ago you broke each other’s hearts to pursue the dreams you’d just achieved or the alcohol or just the fact that you simply wanted to but you leaned forward and let your lips brush against his. Soft and questioning but he pressed forward and captured you in a searing kiss. Years of pent up emotion and love spilling out, and you smiled when he chased your lips as you pulled away. 
You didn’t need to say anything, didn’t need to acknowledge any of it. You both knew it didn’t change anything, you both might have made it but only to the next stepping stone… it still wasn’t the time. You kissed him once more before scooting closer and resting your head on his shoulder, his arm wrapping around your waist as you just enjoyed the moment for what it was. A celebration of what was to come.
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taglist: @mamaskillerqueen @clancycucumber230 @the-romanian-is-bae @alldaysdreamers @zzsloth @emma8895eb @novagreen04 @classyunknownlover @olliepig @purplevortexx @mayhemmanaged @ohgodnotagainn @smoothdogsgirl @swiftsgirlfriend @memoriesat30 @the-fandom-ness @midnightmagpiemama @shanimallina87 @tiredqueen73 @charles11700 @thegodessc @angelbabyange @failuretothrivestuff @wildxwidow @sp1rit-realm @grxcieluvr @alluringshawn @amatswimming @camilaricci @pinkpantheris @taytaylala12 @starcatcher48 @buck-nasty @misshoneypaper @waklman @4evinlovewithfictionalmen @devil-angel-winchester @callsignspirit @cruelmissdior @underaveragefangirl @camilaricci @nolita-fairytale @dempy @aviatorobsessed @pono-pura-vida @binnieslove @nik2blog @abaker74 @halstead-severide-fan @percysaidnever @memeorydotcom @eli2447 @dumb-fawkin-bitch @toobouquet @a-v-a123 @rae-you-gotta-be-kidding-me @86laura11 @justenoughmadnesss @yoonbutterfly (if your name is struck through it means I couldn't tag you - so sorry!)
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