#at the very least i know a lot of blogs who just shoot their shot and don't ship ANYTHING so it's still chill
jlf23tumble · 1 year
Is there a place around here for someone who is not a larrie but enjoys larry as a thought experiment and occasionally indulges in tinhatting about stuff that happened in ye old band days but who also likes both Harry and Louis as individuals and wants to see them do well in their separate life journeys? It’s hard to make friends in these parts because it seems like everyone is pretty entrenched in their battles.
Uh, yeah, there is, at least in terms of people you can follow, I mean!
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emeritus-fuckers · 2 months
Okay, I'll calm down now. I was wondering if you'd be interested by the idea of a newly summoned ghoul reader struggling to get to grips with their instrument and panicking about not being good enough for tour yet and being comforted by one of the ghouls?
I'm currently struggling to learn bass to get good enough for a band I have a chance to be in and it's really wreaking havoc on my mental health being so confused and getting it wrong over and over and y'all's writing in comfort scenarios always makes me feel better... So I thought I'd shoot my shot!
I hope you're having an amazing day, this blog brightens up my day every time! <3
Water ghouls helping a newly summoned ghoul learn their instrument
Chain (it/ghoul)
Chain is a fucking goofball.
Don't let its big, intimidating form fool you, Chain is a goofy dumbass who can barely keep up a "mysterious" act.
So when you come to ghoul and ask to learn how to play bass, it's delighted to help, all giggly and shit.
Ghoul's not the best teacher, he gets too excited and ahead of ghoulself, teaching you the "cool" riffs becore the easy ones.
It does get bonus points for being patient and hyping you up, though.
And the reward kisses. The reward kisses are nice.
Lake (he/him)
He comes accross very serious and when you ask him and you are pretty nervous.
He nods and gestures for you to follow him. He finds a cozy practice room well out of the way.
Despite his scary front he takes teaching you very seriously and is very supportive.
He's actually a really good teacher and takes time to show you good technique and teach you the songs you need to learn.
He rarely gives out compliments but when he does you know he completely means it.
Also when you get him to smile, either by a joke or playing well or just by being yourself.
You end up getting very close.
River (they/them)
They are a slut about it. A complete whore.
Every single dirty joke they can make while teaching you is made. Everything from fingering it correctly to thrusting with their own bass.
Shockingly, they are still a very good teacher. Only making the dirty jokes as you get closer to mastering each skill.
River definitely sits behind you to guide your hands on new notes and skills, hands on teacher when it’s needed. Only with consent of course.
Will absolutely bring you out for food after practice. They’re a slut but a classy slut. They buy you dinner before trying to get in your pants.
Cowbell (they/it)
It's a bit surprised to be your choice for bass lessons. After all, their only real performance was what landed them a name. And it was just trying to prank Papa.
But, the name stuck and it just couldn't go out of its way to change it, especially when you started to use "Cowie" as a cute little nickname that they just needed to hear every single day of its life.
But, fortunately for you, they just so happen to play bass as well, just like most water ghouls. They were just beginner level, but still.
You two practice together, figuring the instrument out.
It's a lot of fun, both you and Cowbell enjoy it a lot, even if it's a bit frustrating sometimes. At least you get frustrated together, right?
You end up better than it. Somehow, you end up tutoring them, instead of the other way around.
Mist (he/she)
He's thrilled to help out with that. Mist really likes alone time together, especially if you two just chill, enjoying a common hobby.
So she's happy to teach you guitar. Might offer playing Guitar Hero first so you can train your fingers a bit.
The first song you learn how to play is Gorillaz's Feel Good Inc., which is her favorite non-Ghost song. And the bass is very pleasant in the song.
He casually rests against your back, just listening to you play and giving small comments on what you can do better whenever you mess up.
There's this weird feeling of comfort during your practice sessions.
She starts a tickle fight the moment you put the guitar down.
Never let them know your next move type of shit.
Rain (he/she/ve)
He's a bit surprised when you ask, but doesn't see a reason to refuse.
But hey, ve's a good teacher! Really good, actually.
Rain sometimes even organizes classes for ghouls and Siblings who want to play bass.
She first gets you your own bass and lets you customize it with stickers. Not many people know this, but Sodo got the "YouSuck" sticker from her.
He's very patient with you, starting with basic notes and riffs before slowly moving to more complicated stuff.
Somehow, no matter who ve's teaching, her work is always excellent when it comes to teaching.
And he's very sweet with his rewards, if you catch my drift.
Storm (they/he)
They're chill with the idea. I mean, if you wanna learn, then who is he to deny you the fun that is playing bass?
Also, he doesn't say bass like the instrument, he says it like the fish, which is sorta funny during the lessons.
No, they will not be corrected on how to say it.
He's gonna sit you in his lap and show you everything, step by step.
They also let you experiment and play around, offering tips whenever you ask.
A decent teacher, not too great but not too bad, either.
Chain, Cowbell, Mist, Rain and Storm written by Nosferatu.
Lake written by Nyx.
River written by Death.
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noproofread · 6 months
"Can we create something beautiful and destroy it?"
inspired by this pierce the veil song of the same name
mentions of drinking, drunk Zoro is pensive, drunk confessions, fluff if you squint.
word count: 1,147
masterlist here
tag list: @vangowithit @fanaticsnail @dakingsu-blog
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The night was lively, filled with singing, dancing, chatting, drinking. Luffy loved throwing parties. Every straw hat loved something about the parties. Sanji enjoyed cooking, Luffy was focused on inhaling all of Sanji’s food and being his general silly goofy self. Nami looked for drunks to gamble against, Usopp thrived in telling his dramatic stories. And Zoro was always tucked away in a corner with empty glasses of liquor. He kept to himself mostly, only interacting with whoever was closest to the alcohol and occasionally checking in with Luffy who had to make sure everyone was having a good time.
You watched Zoro from afar. Observing as he chugged a glass full of clear liquor as if it was water. You could tell he was way past tipsy. He looked around but his eyes never seemed to focus on anything. He was slumped in his seat, almost sliding off of it. You picked up the small shot glass in front of you and quickly downed its contents, flinching slightly as the bitter liquid slid down your throat. Placing the shot glass down, you walked over to Zoro. “I think it’s time you get cut off, Roronoa.” He looked at you annoyed. “It’s a party, let me have fun.” He laughed. His words were slurred and his eyes kept darting around, occasionally meeting yours.
“I think you’ve had enough fun. You can't even look at me for longer than 3 seconds. Come on, let's get you to your room so you can peacefully pass out.” You chuckled, grabbing a hold of his hand to help him up. He hesitated before pulling himself up from his seat, wobbling a little as he got on his feet. You laughed at his lack of balance which made him shoot you a threatening glare. You draped his arm around your shoulder and began guiding him to his room.
It was a short walk and you figured the open air would help Zoro sober up at least a little bit. You looked over at him, he seemed sad almost. He was always serious looking, almost like he was disinterested in life. But he looked pensive, as if he was filled with sentimental thoughts. “You okay?” You broke the silence. Zoro’s eyes were half closed as he looked at you, stopping for a moment. “You ever think about how we all end up dying alone?” He spoke softly, his words still slurred. You knew he was gone. Drunken words are sober thoughts. “Can’t say that I ever have.” You replied, motioning him to keep walking. You were a couple of feet away from the door to his room when he spoke again. “You know, you show up in my dreams a lot. It's weird. Not bad just… Unusual.” You stopped in front of his door, looking at him once again. “Maybe you have a crush on me.” You teased as you opened his door and flicked on the lights. “Maybe.”
Your eyes widened. There's no way he’s serious. Right? You thought to yourself as you maneuvered your way into his room, a drunk Zoro using you as support as he wobbled along next to you. “What if you stay the night?” He whispered. You turned around, looking at him. He was looking back at you, serious as always. He meant it. Suddenly you doubted the reliability of “drunken words are sober thoughts”. Surely he didn't know what he was saying. Surely he hadn't actually thought of this before, of you. You were friendly at best, crewmates really. You could admit he was attractive but you would never sacrifice the dynamic of the crew to pursue anything with him.
“Very funny.” You said, rolling your eyes. You walked to the side of his bed and practically pushed him onto it. He laid on his back, facing you. It was so quiet in the room you could swear Zoro could hear your quickening heart. “Stay.” He whispered. You felt yourself blush. He smiled, no doubt at your red face. “You want to stay so why don't you?” You took a deep breath. “Zoro, you're drunk. You don't know what you're saying.” You said firmly as you threw a blanket over him. He reached out to grab your wrist, pulling you to him. “I may be drunk but I know what I’m saying.” If it wasn’t for his breath reeking of alcohol and his words melting into each other you would have been putty in his hands. Instead you sighed. “I’ll stay but only to make sure you don't throw up on yourself.” You kissed his forehead lightly. You pulled your hand away and sat on the foot of the bed.
“Whatever you say.” He mumbled as he rolled to his side and closed his eyes to sleep. You were amazed at how quickly he fell asleep. Whenever you're drunk you can’t sleep because of the anxiety of throwing up and the feeling of the room spinning around you. But Zoro was a different breed. He could sleep through a natural disaster. You watched him for a bit. His gold earrings dangling towards the back of his neck, his messy green hair falling onto his face, his peaceful and relaxed face as he fell deeper into sleep. You got up and went closer to him. He was so beautiful. You kissed his cheek gently and turned to leave his room. You barely took a step when you heard him murmur something in his sleep that resembled your name. You looked back at him, he was sound asleep. He smiled as he muttered your name once again. He was dreaming of you.
You smiled to yourself, placing a hand on your chest and feeling your heart pounding with excitement and nervousness. You turned back to leave his room, stopping briefly to leave a glass of water on his bedside table just in case he needed it. You glanced at him once more before exiting his room, smiling at the thought of him actually dreaming of you. You closed the door behind you. You could hear the music from the party still blaring in the distance and you laughed. You decided to just go to your room, you wouldn't be able to think of anything besides Zoro anyway so you would be distracted at the party. Walking to your room, you replayed the entire situation with him. Maybe pursuing him wouldn't mess with the dynamic of the crew. Maybe you should just go for it. As you entered your room you kept going over maybes and hypotheticals in your mind. You laid down in your bed, thinking about what it would be like to have Zoro asleep next to you. You shook the thought away and tried to get some sleep. Maybe you should just go for it was the last thought in your brain before sleep took you.
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demidemon09 · 11 months
My opinion on MW3
Alright, so just a heads up, this is gonna have spoilers, so from this point onward if you don't want any, please stop reading! Will tag for #MW3Spoilers if you want to avoid them on my blog.
Also, this is incredibly long and I am so sorry for that, I just have a lot to get off my chest right now and may ramble. I am also on like 2-3 hours of sleep, who knows if I'll have more to say later.
@sofasoap You asked to be pinged, apologies once again if it's insanely long and kinda rambly.
That being said, I've seen a fair bit of this by now, not the full thing and cannot bring myself to play it. This game had amazing potential, with Makarov being back, to having a higher stakes game. It just felt incredibly rushed and Soaps death, made no sense to me.
I have been excited to play the reboot timeline since I heard about it back in 2019, it was the first time in years I even paid attention to CoD, mainly because Soap was back. I thought this time, since we started off so soon in his story, we'd get to see him grow into Captain MacTavish. I even waited to play the other two campaigns based off this one, hoping to not have history repeat itself. Yet, it sadly did in an even worse way.
It honestly seems at this point, we're going to get Captain Garrick instead, which is fine, I'm more than happy to see Gaz survive and become a memorable character, I'm even glad we get to see Ghost survive longer than he did in the previous timeline. However, Soap dying so suddenly, so out of the blue with no reaction or importance, it felt so empty. It felt like pure shock value, just to do it because they needed a death.
Did I think all of them were going to survive? No, I was just hoping to not repeat the OG timeline, or to wait till MW4. As much as I hate to say it, Price or even Gaz dying this time would have been a bit more shocking to me. Gaz has so much history for him, is Prices protege, and would give Price even far more reason to go down the dark path he is headed in. Soap may have been a start, but imagine someone as important to him as Gaz dying? Man would have been livid and may have hunted down Makarov immediately afterwards.
I was also kind of hoping to see Ghost step into the role of Captain or at least leading the TF141 himself. In both timelines he has just been a lieutenant, one timeline he was Soaps second in command, and in this one he is Prices and Soap was his protege. I absolutely loved the amount of work they put into Ghost, I actually care far more for this version of him than I did with the OG Ghost. They made Ghost a teacher, the bond that him and Soap formed was great to see, something we didn't really get much of in the original MW2.
Just like with Gaz, they both got a massive amount of work done towards them, they are now memorable characters for me. Ghost was in the OG games to me, but I actually forgot entirely about Gaz. Now? I'd remember both, be mourning their deaths just like with Soap. I am so happy they rebooted the timelines but they have executed MW3 so poorly, I don't see myself being as interested in further content.
I get deaths are inevitable, I get deaths are going to be a part of the CoD universe. I 100% accept and understand that they will and, sometimes need to, happen. But Soaps death? That should not have happened, not one bit. He aimed for the shoulder on Makarov instead of the neck or head, how in the hell did he get taken down so quickly? No moment for himself, no scene, just Makarov bursting into the area, shooting him in the shoulder/back/wherever (legit can never find the hole for the first shot). And all for Price, a man who has survived both timelines. I would have been more at peace with Prices death than anything else, I do not hate the character, I love all of them very much, but Prices death would have been the perfect catalyst for all of them to go after Makarov. Would have been a nice shove to seeing Gaz work hard to become the best soldier, would have pushed Soap even further after the Graves betrayal.
I know it's a reach at this point, a stupid hope to keep Soap around but I do hope that somehow, they pull something out of their asses to keep Soap alive. It was a stupid, poor, lazy decision to kill Soap off in MW3 like the OG one. I said this before, but I truly was excited to see him grow into the Captain I loved playing as/with in the OG timeline. Neil Ellice absolutely nailed his portrayal of Soap and they could have never found a better actor. I look forward to seeing what happens in Zombies, but that's all I'm looking forward to anymore. Not the campaign, not the multiplayer, none of it. Soap was literally the reason I picked up MW19 and began playing cuz I knew he'd probably be in the second one. Thinking back, Captain MacTavish may very well have been the second game character I got attached to, after Master Chief.
So, yeah, that's kind of my thoughts right now. I am upset, disappointed and hurt over the ending of MW3. He deserved so much better than what he got.
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meaningofaeons · 1 year
i only found your account a few days (i think? agsudhdb) ago and so i just wanted to say congrats on 500!! your work made me giggle a lot akshdjdb
as for my request, i'd like to go to the cat café with dan heng to see a black scottish fold with an order of cider :>> (hoping i did this right haha)
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ only in the limelight
⊹ character(s) - dan heng ⊹ word count - 593 ⊹ notes - gn!reader, actor au, angst/no comfort, unrequited love, "costar" at the end is up to interpretation who you want it to be
⊹ katze's 500 follower writing cat-baret
OMG hi thank you so much for the kind words!!! (=^・ェ・^=))ノ彡☆ welcome to my blog! I'm glad you've enjoyed your time so far, and I hope you like your "cat cafe date" with dan heng!!
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At best, your relationship with Dan Heng could be classified as "business".
Actors often get shoved into scandals whether they like it or not, and considering your young careers, one wrench could dismantle your entire future.
As a result of this, from the moment you two set foot on set "Honkai Star Rail" as costars, you agreed to keep an amicable distance outside of all job-related functions.
Dan Heng was okay with this.
He is okay with this.
It's okay, and it's normal, and it's honestly what's best.
For both of you. For your careers, and for yourselves.
But there are some nights where he realizes just how boldly the line is drawn—at least, from your end—and he starts to wonder if there was some other way to get around it.
It starts as a request he didn't think over.
"Should we grab a drink after this shoot? I'm exhausted."
Some part of him yearned for something... a little more casual than just business.
Not that he quite realized that himself.
However, you were firm in your refusal, citing the agreement that the aloof man himself had also agreed to.
He couldn't say much to that.
Another time, it was about coffee. Getting a cup before work together if you and him happened to meet up.
This time, the staunch denial surprised him a bit.
Your reminder of the verbal terms you'd both set for each other started to become a bitter thing for him to hear.
He was starting to regret it.
And he didn't like what that implied.
"Dan Heng, your script for the next act."
You were curt in handing it off to him, but his stomach still felt fluttery when your fingertips brushed.
Even your colder tone of voice was like a melody to him, but the thought of such a cheesy romanticization of your normal, everyday action brought him a bittersweet twist in his chest.
The raven-haired man nodded in return, his poker face a perfectly practiced trade that allowed him to deny any butterflies with ease.
Truthfully, he didn't know if it was to deny them to anyone who might ask, or to deny them to himself.
"Right. Thanks, Y/N."
"All right, everyone! Good work today!" The director's voice rang out, the words allowing everyone to relax. "Get some rest, and let's pick up fresh tomorrow!"
You were quick to walk away, giving your fellow costars friendly good-byes.
Though Dan Heng received the same wave and farewell you gave to anyone else, he still treasured that you looked his way, even if only for a moment.
Maybe one day he could convince you to come along for just one coffee stop. Maybe then, you'd talk, be more willing to open up to him outside of professionalism.
But the very next day, on the set for your character's backstory shoot, he was met only with what felt like a knife to the heart.
Dan Heng wasn't a people person by any means. Reading others wasn't his forte, and it never would be.
But when it came to you...
He could just see the way your eyes sparkled as you held your other costar, acting out a tragic romance with a fleck of truth behind your every word.
He even heard you giggle as they leaned in between a shot, asking if you'd like to get dinner after work was through for the day.
Dan Heng turned away before he could catch your response.
He was quite sure hearing it would break him.
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how in the world do you do it? i sent that ask yesterday and i'm still making my way through your masterpost kind of reeling- almost every moment i paused the show (s2 especially) and thought, that's weird, but couldn't put my finger on why, you've talked about, and expanded on, and it's all so well put. you're slowly curing the countless little ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ bouncing around in my head. it's so satisfying, too, to see all those asks with LWA disagreeing with popular fanon. i'd been thinking it was only me.
i'm curious about your interpretation of the bullet catch, specifically aziraphale's motives. i scrolled through a few of your tags and didn't find much about it, but i might have missed something.
i've seen people say it was retaliation for the holy water request (ooc?), or some deliberate test of crowley's willingness to go through with it (and so go through with their relationship, in spite of the danger, or something). then, of course, there's the generally accepted afaik "elaborate trust fall, general aziraphalean ridiculousness" version, but convincing somebody to nearly shoot you seems like a lot (understatement), even then.
it comes across to me as a bit cruel, if that makes sense. this isn't reliant on crowley not wanting to shoot him, or just doing well under pressure. if he's never even shot a gun before, this is almost entirely luck, and i don't buy that the only thing at stake is paperwork, however much they repeat it to themselves. crowley's hands wouldn't have been shaking so badly. if he messes up, he's gonna hurt aziraphale, or have to watch his human body die. it's so fucked.
maybe it could be said that, without their miracles working, they knew they were being watched, and had to continue, but i don't buy that either. aziraphale didn't act like he felt threatened afterwards until furfur showed up- was doing the complete opposite.
that's all i've got for now, but yeah. this blog is awesome and i'm so here for your sideburn theories. have a nice day pls
oh anon✨ you're so sweet!!! i really dk about all that, i just like chatting shit and trying to spot patterns/contradictory stuff/things that don't make sense beyond the script (if that makes sense), so whilst you all might not get Smart out of me you will at least get Passionate🤌
(also YES for LWA appreciation, they deserve it 💕 - still dont know why they do it but im just happy to be involved)
ooooh okay bullet catch. couple of thoughts from me:
aziraphale was happy to go on stage and try to ameliorate the situation between crowley and mrs h (my beloved), but reticent to scope out any Showy-Offy tricks from goldstones shop
crowley hyped aziraphale up enough to go into the shop and find a new trick to perform; hes the angel who fooled nefertiti and is performing on the West End Stage, after all!!!
aziraphale is taken in by the bullet catch trick upon seeing it, but was previously happy to consider another trick. he also, presumably, wasnt aware of the element of trusting a stooge until it was told to him
aziraphale persuades crowley to perform it, even when crowley is obviously uncomfortable, and crowley isn't truthful with him re: firearms experience
crowley agreed, providing that they make use of their miracles if it goes tits up
aziraphale doesnt inform crowley on any of the plan; crowley is notably caught unawares when called out in the audience
miracles don't work, neither of them stop the performance. crowley once again still very uncomfortable, literally shaking on stage, and yet seems to calm at aziraphale ploughing on ahead.
so okay, yeah, ive basically just recited the scene - but a few conclusions:
aziraphale doesn't want to let crowley down or embarrass him by backing out of the act, or indeed by messing it up
i think there's probably some element of aziraphale doing it for himself (self-esteem), but in a way that, post-Realisation, he is showing off a bit... it strikes me that crowley wasn't fully cognizant of this little hobby of his, and aziraphale is taking a moment to do something that (bless him, he thinks) he's good at, and wow crowley as a result
i don't think the holy water request came into his motivations at all, for the same reasons you said. however, it is an appropriate mirror to the holy water request narratively; i think it will come back up in s3, and i think the bullet catch will at least emotionally inform aziraphale on whether to give crowley the water or not
as for crowley's motivations in going along with it; i think to some extent he's paying back the favour, but mainly that it's truly just to make aziraphale happy. a step beyond that; to him, aziraphale is in need of something, and that is something aziraphale is only trusting crowley to deliver. crowley of course assumes miracles will be their safety net, so agrees to be aziraphale's knight in shining armour (*cough* playing hero)
when the miracles fail, aziraphale still has trust in crowley to do it properly. crowley however is left to trust in aziraphale's trust in kind. he still wants to do this for him, but the stakes are a bit higher in that he could shoot his best friend (?) in the face and not see him again on earth for any number of years (imo, it's never, ever been about the paperwork). but aziraphale isn't backing down; is crowley about to disappoint him? of course not.
tl;dr: they're both arseholes for their respective lacks of transparency with each other, deliberately put themselves in harm's way, and it was by sheer luck that they pulled it off. but it is a huge seismic shift in how they see each other, and i don't think we've been shown/suggested the full implications of the whole thing just yet.
thank you so much for your kind words, they honestly make my day!!! hope you have a lovely day too!!!✨💕
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
my rules!
disclaimer! my blog is best read on the tumblr dark mode, so if you're in any other theme, sorry if some text looks like shit or if dividers look kinda wonky
^also dont use my banners without permission, if you aren't gonna ask at least give me credit idk it makes me a little eh yk?
dream team stans + wilbur soot/lovejoy stans dni. same w anyone who idolizes/defends abusers/creeps in general.
if you're a bigot (racist, homo/transphobe, abelist, antisemite, zionist, etc) please leave
same with proshippers/proship defenders/anyone who sexualizes actors/characters/ppl especially when they state that's not okay/they're minors. ( lots of actors probably don't even know what fanfiction or fandomculture is, just respect them as actual ppl and don't be weird about them)
^ I don't condone parasocial people/activity. if you are parasocial, creepy or invasive, please block me. do NOT interact with my content nor read it. you're not welcome here
if you use ai to write/draw/anything BLOCK ME. youre not an artist or a writer, go touch grass, you must have a 1st grade reading/drawing level if you're seriously that desperate. ; that goes for template editors too... I'm an editor myself, it's not hard to learn. get out bruh that's cringe 💀
any adults who say minors dni and then interact with minors dni yall annoying
if you request a person/character who isn't on my list then there's a big chance I'll ignore it lol I'm sorry, those are just ppl ik the most and I can make not very ooc and I'm comfy writing ab them!
don't request any smut. it makes me and most of the ppl I write about uncomfortable lmao
I only write they/them / gn readers, sorry. I will write transmasc/transfem readers but only if requested, and bare with me on that cause I'm just a little nonbinary guy, idk much about being trans masc/fem
respect me as a person, I'm not a robot, I'm a real human lmao
please please tell me if using cc's real names or writing about them is against their boundaries so I can fix my mistakes!!
I don't write anything w pregnancy tropes, kids (other than qsmp eggs) and character versions of cc's (mostly bc I can't remember a lot of c! lore and whatnot), aus (other than soulmate & apocalypse aus and maybe some others, shoot your shot) incest, rape, stepcest, age regression (personal discomfort) age play, etc
if a person/character has (platonic) next to them, that's me warning you I might only do platonic stuff with them because I don't feel romantic attraction to 12yos (I'm not weird, you don't have to worry about me lol)
^with that just note that anything I write about those can be viewed as mostly platonic and I in no way find the child I'm writing about romantically attractive, thank you
I'm okay writing poly relationships! just don't be weird w it
don't sexualize anyone I write about!
it doesn't matter if they're adults or just fictional characters, I find it wrong to sexualize people who prob don't even know what fandom culture is / sexualize their every move. find another blog if you're that mad about it. (I mean as in its your whole personality, just keep it away from me lol)
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ronanziriano · 10 months
So. Um. Now that I've already got a few hundred posts on this blog, I should probably go ahead and make an introduction post. That's usually the order for this sort of thing, right?
You can call me Ronan. My pronouns are he/they. I'm a Scorpio and am an adult, and this blog is definitely very much for adults only.
My interest in and feelings toward whump is definitely very, uh, unconventional? Based on what I've seen around the whump community and others' intro posts, at least. Sort of a combination of a kink and a coping mechanism and a way to confront fears and a thrill-seeking thing. I dunno.
I'm aroace and sex- and romance-repulsed, which probably isn't exactly obvious based on, you know, everything. Especially the fact that a lot of the content here is very NSFW. I guess the thing is, at least for me, I see nsfwhump and non-con as such a completely different thing than sex? It's approached in fiction in such a vastly different way, and a way that's more relatable. Seeing non-con portrayed as something traumatic and horrific, I can understand. Seeing consensual sex portrayed as something beautiful and desirable, I can't wrap my head around.
I like the aesthetic of BDSM, and have done some self-bondage on my own time. In fiction and art, I have absolutely no interest in things that are safe, sane, and consensual. I engage in it in a way that's more about fantasizing. Playing pretend. Imagining that I am the whumpee, being captured and tied up and gagged. In real life, that's obviously going to be the means of enjoyment. But in fiction, that layer of pretend isn't necessary and just gets in the way.
Anyway. I do also enjoy plenty of whump stuff that is perfectly SFW and non-kinky, and I enjoy the occasional kinky thing that wouldn't be considered whump. But there's a lot of overlap between the two. Makes more sense to keep it all on one blog.
I've been a longtime lurker and only recently decided to jump in and make a tumblr of my own. I have tried my hand at art and writing, although I don't know whether I'll actually ever share the results. I don't know that people would be particularly interested in things I create.
I will warn, I'm, well, very picky when it comes to whump enjoyment. Less so when it comes to art than writing; just, writing has a lot more opportunity to include details that end up hurting my ability to enjoy it, while art just has the space of a single image to shoot its shot. That being said, here are a few of my favorite things:
Creative torture devices
Defiant whumpees
Slave whumpees
Whumpees who are humanoid but not quite human
Aroace whumpees
Restraints and gags of any variety
Kidnapping and captivity
Blackmail, extortion, whumpee having to go along with the whump under extreme duress
Sensory deprivation
Public or broadcast whump
Body modification
Tight spaces/claustrophobia
Asphyxiation (including drowning, strangling, suffocation, etc.)
Mind/body control
Fantasy/sci-fi scenarios
Blood and the removal thereof
Cruel and unusual punishments
Whump where medical accuracy is more of a polite suggestion than a rule
Some things that I'm really not interested in:
Villain whumpees or whumper-turned-whumpee
Lady whump
Non-humanoid whumpees, including robot whumpees
Um... let's call it "bathroom activities"
BBU, and any whump where the whumpee doesn't resist or try their best to do so
Amnesia, memory loss, brainwashing
Comedic/crack whump
1st- or 2nd-person POV
Live-action media, particularly photography
I have a page here that lists the topics I always tag for, as well as topics you will never see on this blog under any circumstances. If you decide to give me a follow and there's a trigger or squick that you want me to tag, just let me know.
And, you know. Also let me know if you've got content that you think I will enjoy. I want to consume.
In conclusion:
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keeperoftinyarmy · 1 year
Could it be easier for people to start talking about their dislike towards Tae since he hasn't been connecting as much to army and at least on screen to the other members (apart from the runbts episodes we got). We know there's a lot we don't see, even Hobi told us that Tae was very supportive of his solo stuff when it was happening, but we just didn't see it. And now what we see is Tae hanging out with his other friends and doing non-bts related content. He is free to do what he wants as are the other members, but it has felt like he's been making a boundary so to speak, either consciously or by accident. I personally miss seeing more of Tae in bts related things or with the other members so the live was a fun surprise. But I don't blame him from pulling back, if that's what he's done, there's a part of the fandom that hasn't really treated him well, especially last year. I don't always understand him and I don't have to, I'm just a fan, but I can't really think he would have any malicious intents behind his actions. Maybe he's a little bit of a tease sometimes, but they all are.
(by the way I've loved seeing you more on my dash lately, your blog was one of the first ones I followed when I came into the fandom and I've been missing the old times, it's nice to see you're still here)
I actually rarely see hate toward V. The spaces I frequent in fandom are very much filled with love for him. He’s the bias of so many people. I’ve really only seen any “mass” (I put it in quotes because I actually don’t feel it’s widespread at all) negativity toward Tae in jikook spaces..especially of late.
To me…we haven’t seen V less than the other members. (To me the least visible was Jimin - until Face began and of course Jin) V has been posting his photo shoot pictures, random shots and stories, and he’s commented on weverse. He also has his on solo projects - like all the rest - so yes he’s promoting them. Mentioning the Wooga Squad and showing pics with them etc is expected since he’s had Friendcation and Jinnys Kitchen.
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Also he’s on a group break, his time is more his own, so he gets to spend time with friends in ways he probably couldn’t for years. I’ve always loved that he had the Wooga squad. It’s healthy and normal to have friendships outside of work. And no matter how much BTS love each other, it is still work for them. So as they’ve mentioned it has been good for them being more apart and it actually has made them closer. 💜
I think the main issue here is lack of consistent BTS content…OT7 content. We don’t have that to pull our focus together so some people are bored and stirring things up. (Not to say that people don’t legitimately dislike Taehyung - his personality is not for everyone) Jikookers especially have no reason (imo) to be saying stuff about Tae. Even if he didn’t say much publicly during Face promotions, JK more than made up for it.
I feel like we took JK’s efforts too lightly. IMO this might have been the biggest public statement he’s ever made. This is a man that consistently pulls in huge numbers of viewers on his lives and he used that to first remind people that SMFpt2 was coming and basically led them to it right at teaser release. Then he spent an entire live watching Jimin content. This is using his platform in a huge way. We should be on our couches still squealing about that and not getting into it with other shippers who are disappointed in their own content and taking out their misery on certain members. I personally have ignored all that (for years) because to me nothing compares to what we get from jikook and I have nothing to debate about with other pairings.
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Thank you for following me and noticing I’m back. So kind of you to mention that ☺️
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roachbot · 10 months
Intro time baybee
first official intro post hells yeah
I dont do a lot of intros but heres a shot at this
✮this bitch is stupid long, so be warned! full intro under cut!✮
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I will respond to any of these, but some I like more than others :-3
- - - - - ➼NAMES
Goblin, Lua, Soleil, Bo, Roach, Richy, Brutus, Nikola, Gabriel, Aeris, (etc).
- - - - - ➼PRONOUNS
Hx/Hxm (he/him)
Ranked in order of what I like best! i appreciate being called any of these though ^v^
(do NOT use they/them on me though! it makes me uncomfortable)
I am ASPEC, more specifically Apothisexual, Aegoromantic, and questioning Autoromantic. although I generally use Aroace as a nice umbrella for it all.
I fall under the Agender umbrella, being gendervoid. oftentimes i fluctuate between presentations, generally feeling more feminine most of the time (although it is safe to ask what I feel like at a given time).
Apothisexual - an asexual who is repulsed by sex / sexual activities
Aegoromantic - an aromantic who enjoys romance and enjoys the idea of relationships, but have no desire to engage in romance in real life
Autoromantic - someone who is (usually) only romantically attracted to themselves or only enjoys romantic activities with themselves, by themselves.
Agender - lacking a gender
Gendervoid - feeling like there is a void or emptiness where your gender should be
- - - - - ➼OTHER
I am diagnosed with Autism, OCD, and I believe ADHD as well.
I have EDS, POTS, and mild Asthma
I am either 5'5" or 5'7" (you gotta guess)
my classpect is Maid of Space, making me a Taurgo
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- - - - - ➼ACTIVE
Interests that are either relatively new, or I'm actively into
Bigtop Burger, Vast Error, Hi-Fi Rush, Psychology, parasites, uncanny valley stuff, human behavior, art and writing, robots, (and more)
- - - - - ➼PASSIVE
Interests that are either relatively old, or I'm passively into
A Hat In Time, HLVRAI, Sally Face, Invader Zim, Sonic, TMA, Inscryption, horror content, (and more)
- - - - - ➼SPECIAL
My special interest !૮ ・ﻌ・ა
my own characters lmao. i am constantly thinking about my original characters tbh. the group i think about switches out every once n awhile, but I've always got at least one of them in the back of my mind, rotating like a baked potato in the microwave. I have too many to list here, but if anyone wants to know about them, shoot me an ask and i would be HAPPY to answer!
I recommend asking who I'm thinking about at the time !໒(^ᴥ^)७
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- - - - - ➼ Roachbot Roachthoughts
text posts I made, usually of something I was thinking about and needed to write down
(thats all i can think of rn, i usually just use plain artwork tags for most things)
- - - - - ➼ Roachbot Inkspaghetti
doodle posts, usually loose sketches or a spaghetti plate of ink
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- - - - - ➼ASKBOX
Open! I'm okay with asks, but I'm a little slow an answering them. unless I'm not comfortable with it, I'll usually get around to answering any asks I get.
- - - - - ➼DMS
(Mostly) closed. I usually only accept DMs from people I know.
note that my content varies a little wildly between sites.
- - - - - ➼SOCIALS
Don't mind the usernames, I'm not consistent
Instagram: Spaghettio_Master_3000
Youtube: Goboblin the chip cruncher
Tumblr: You're already here, silly. it's Roachbot.
Itch.io: Gobobling
Artfight: SomeGoblinThing
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- - - - - ➼KEEP IN MIND
I am a minor (Mid teens), and I am not very up-to-date on a lot of stuff. I use this blog as a diary at times, so some of my personal thoughts on things will be posted (thought not super frequently). I am a multifandom poster, so I'll have a wide range of content on my blog
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- - - - - ➼DNI
generally just, if you're an asshole or a bigot, I wont wanna interact with you. that's about it, really
alright, well, that's all I got
might go back and edit this later, but for now
a very long winded intro to say: Hi, I'm Lua. welcome to my blog.
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symphcnii · 1 year
What made you pick up this character? For each canon character you portray.
*cracks knuckles* Starting with the more story-relevant muses...
I decided to try writing Lucia because I adore her devotion to Aymeric and how, like Cid, she was able to cut ties with Garlemald and overcome any bias against her for being Garlean. She's also just really cool. My muse for her has admittedly been lacking lately because I feel like I don't really do her character justice, but I still think she's really neat.
With Hilda, her personality is very similar to a character I write in another fandom with how snarky she is and I loved her from the moment she first appeared, so I had to give her a shot. The Brume accent is also very similar to the accent people have where I live so I found it amusing lmao. Again though, muse has been lacking lately because I feel like others have way better portrayals of her.
Yugiri was one of the more recent canon additions to the blog. I always adored her, but I wasn't sure if I'd be able to write her and I had to play through Stormblood again to get a feel for her. In the end I decided 'why not?' and here I am.
Lyna. My sweet bby Lyna. Again, loved her from the moment she was first introduced so writing her was a given. I think I was actually one of if not the first to make a blog for her (she was previously found at viisguard before I moved her here). Like Lucia, I adore her devotion to the Exarch and the father/daughter grandfather/granddaughter dynamic between them. She's a stoic bunny guard with a soft side and I love that for her.
Zero is the most recent addition. I found her really intriguing and I thought it would be interesting to take her up as a muse and see how her worldview changes depending on who she interacts with. She's admittedly a little difficult for me to write though, trying to take into account the voidsent factor and not knowing a whole lot about who she was before what happened. I'm trying to boost my muse for her as I play through the EW patches again.
Renda-Rae was the main muse here for a while. I used to ship her with a friend's Ardbert and it was just.. *grips heart*. I love the snarky cat bard, even if she did shoot Alisae and threatened to shoot Alphinaud too. Seeing more about her past and who she really was in Shadowbringers made me love her enough to try writing her, and the rest is history.
I didn't even know Heustienne existed for a long time. It's not until I started levelling DRG past 50 that I realised this totally random NPC that showed up in a previous quest actually has a bigger role in the DRG storyline. I thought it was interesting to see Estinien's second in command, and seeing how she practically sacrificed her own happiness to go into a self-imposed exile after being forced to drink dragon blood was heartbreaking. I'm so sad they haven't done more with her now that the Dragonsong War is over and let her go home, or at least given her a character model somewhere out in the wilderness for us to go and talk to.
And finally V'kebbe. I have a soft spot for rogue-like characters - my love of Thancred can attest to that lmao. So rogue cat with a funny way of speaking who'll string people up for eating her food? Free real estate. I adored the ROG questline and I honestly really wish ROG didn't turn into NIN. Don't get me wrong, I like NIN too, but I would have loved to see more stuff about the Rogue's Guild and see more rogue-like gear in the game.
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clarabowmp3 · 19 days
Mildly stalked your blog and I’m curious if you have thoughts on the whole Taylor never really being single thing. As a 25 year old exiting a 5 year relationshio myself I feel like I need 6 business months on my own at the very least
Interesting! That’s so real tho, I’ve never been in a relationship anywhere that long so I can’t say for sure but I imagine it makes a lot of sense to take a breather and focus on yourself.
After the breakup news dropped, I felt like it would have been really easy for her to play into the whole #girlboss thing, loving being single etc, esp with the man as one of her eras tour songs. Maybe she wanted people to stop talking about joe/start gushing over her and her new boyfriend/stop talking about how sad she looks every night, like it could be anything. It could also be that she just went along with Travis shooting his shot, so as of today I’m not sure just how attached she is to having a partner yk. Part of it could also be that she wants to get married soon, since she talks abt marriage on you’re losing me and loml, which is why she’s jumping from relationship to relationship, but obviously this isn’t healthy.
So basically my point is that as a huge celebrity today, there’s so many factors that could motivate her actions and ofc we only know what we can observe, we don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes, so in terms of actual irl events I don’t really know what to say.
Based on her songs tho, yea I think her never being single thing has taken a toll on her personality/sense of self. Almost her entire discography revolves around her relationships, and the issue with that is certain lyrics reveal how she doesn’t seem to have sufficient self esteem (at least in my opinion) to let herself get so badly fucked up by the most mediocre guys. I mean the whole of ttpd?? Over MATTY HEALY???? Even if I was that down bad you could not waterboard all that out of me 😭😭
I think we see this in but daddy I love him especially, like she seems to romanticise this whole narrative of loving someone so hard against all odds. I don’t think it’s healthy to ‘burn your whole life down’ rather than listen to what others have to say. Of course, it makes sense that she couldn’t logically evaluate what others were saying at a time when she was so emotionally vulnerable, but I think that’s all the more reason she needs to have some time to herself, and learn to have a partner that is a part of her life rather than someone who becomes her whole life.
Also, even though this isn’t the actual meaning of the lyric, I think ‘old habits die screaming’ kind of point to how it’s a pretty deeply ingrained habit for her to get so unhealthy invested in her relationships/the idea of being in a relationship that it clouds her judgement. I understand her skepticism to listen to others/“snarkers” after being so badly cancelled in 2016, but I rlly think she needs to have some voice of reason to ground her. Right now, given the kind of questionable decisions she’s made over the past year or so, it feels like she’s surrounded by a lot of yes men which isn’t good for anyone.
Even in the archer, the whole bit about ‘you could stay’ and pointing to the fans thing makes me a little uncomfortable. It’s a song that’s very dear to me cuz of how visceral the anxiety and insecurity is in the song, and it came out at a time when I was soooo very insecure, and I can get the romantic element of having someone who helps you through those kinds of thoughts and feelings, but I don’t like how she rewrote it from being about joe to it being about the fans. It makes me feel like she’s floundering and just needs someone cheering her on, regardless of how close she is to that someone, which again isn’t healthy. This also contributes to parasocial relationships but that’s a whole separate topic.
Also, I don’t want this to come across as me criticising/blaming taylor, especially given the culture of the era she grew up in. I’m so grateful every day that I grew up in a time and place where feminism was picking up, I had those values/ideals instilled in me in a girls’ school during my most formative years as a teen, and because of that I’m so confident/self-assured (except on my bad days) that I’d never let anyone let alone some guy shake my sense of self. Taylor clearly had different life experiences which moulded her into the person she is today, just like how everyone is in some way or form a product of their environment
0 notes
Kai-yaking through life
Episode One
I'm going to Quebec in less than two weeks to participate to my first ever theatre festival. That sentence still feels unreal to me, yet I've known about this for the last 6 months.
I've been doing theatre since I was 13. I'm 20. And in less than two weeks I'm taking a flight to another continent to perform alongside professionals comedians.
When I come back home, I' going to participate in =my region's biggest ever choir: around 1000 people coming together to sing.
Then I'll get back into singing lessons, start ukulele lessons and an aromatherapy course.
When I got out of school nearly three years ago, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my time here. Now I think I know. I might have to work odd jobs alongside this, but no matter how much capitalism tries to convince me that if you're not in Hollywood you have no chance as an artist, my ambitions are set. Over the last 2 years I've met some amazing people, many of which are t least part-time artists, and a good chunk of those were along my age, at most 6 years older. That showed me it's possible.
Now, those last 2 years (not counting the first of the 3 years, as I was recovering from severe depression) have been... volatile maybe could be a word to describe them? I've found a reason to get up[ in the morning (multiple even), but I wasn't too sure what to do with them. So I settled into a nice little in-between area of life and made it my comfort zone. I'm still not too sure of how, but I've decided to do something with these reasons to live. To enjoy them and build my life around them. I kind of started doing that: I started going to shows a lot more, going to events, creating again, seeing friends and doing fun stuff with them... But I was missing something. I was treating all of that as a side thing. It was more of how I saw my life outside school when I was still in it than my life period.
Except I'm not at school anymore. So outside of that, I felt trapped. By boredom, but also by the impending doom of not knowing what to do with my life.
Sometimes we fail to see the door right in front of us until it hits us in the face. The concerts I participated to for Music Day in my town was the start of me hitting the door. Including that one pro musician who played with us taking me aside to tell me I had potential and should really shoot my shot in music - and not just as a hobby.
The festival being in 2 weeks makes it very real. And that's the rest of the hit.
So, I'm an artist! What now? Well I still have a lot of stuff to figure out, both pertaining to that and just, the rest of my messy life in general.
First I'll focus on the festival. Then, I'll rest and focus on the choir. Once that's done and I'm settled in my courses, I'll start other things. In the meantime though, I am working on an action plan that'll probably have its own post.
Amongst the individual things I'd like to tackle are: making my space feel fully mine again, make my own clothing patterns, make my own clothing, make costumes/cosplays, start an online esoteric shop, publish a book, celebrates the Sabbats more, code my own portfolio, and run a blog. At least it's what comes to mind right now.
Posting this, my adventure has officially started... And I welcome you to come along if you so wish!
Read you soon, Kai 🧭🌟
0 notes
aprayerforclarity · 2 years
A Prayer for Clarity
Well, here I am. I'm back to Tumblr. I had forgotten about this site for many years, actually. I started sporadically looking back on my previous blog, the one in which I stopped populating almost ten years ago, a few months ago. Like looking back on my previous social media presence or writings, I expected to deeply cringe at my former posts.
But honestly, I'm kinda proud of how well a lot of it has held up.
It mainly consists of concept art and fan art from some of my favorite IPs. Final Fantasy, Fromsoft games, fantasy books or just movie shots I found appealing. Occasionally I reposted an edgy quote from a coming-of-age movie or from another irksome tumblr user, who had a romanticized version of what depression or self sabotage was. I even used tumblr as a blog to share my high school thoughts about things going on in my life. I wished I had shared more.
This brings me to this post and the creation of this new blog.
I'm now 28 years old. I'm living in Harrisonburg, VA and typing this post on a computer in my bedroom above James McHone's jewelry shop, located in the heart of downtown. This morning I ate two homegrown B+ mushrooms and washed them down with four shots of espresso. When I began feeling the mushroom's effects I went to my room to listen to ambient music and stretch for a solid ten minutes. After stretching I went to my gym and used the sauna for 27 minutes. While in the sauna, I read Stephen King's On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft.
While reading his book I was struck with something. For the majority of my life, my thoughts are just nebulous sputtering in the form of a cloud. I live and process my life, day to day, in a foggy cloud, exacerbated by the unending stimulus of my phone.
An image came to mind of an overpopulated beehive. My thoughts were like the bees flying feverishly around a lumpy and cragged mass. The hundreds of bees are loud, their forms only made out for a few seconds before flying back into the slimy matter. Some of the bees feverishly circle the hive, only half landing before being pheromonically obliged to take off again. Some bees only peek their bulbus, fractal eyes out from insdie the hive before quickly darting back in. The emergence of their full form is abated by fear, as they would not dare to entirely present themselves except for in the most extreme of circumstances. Some bees emerge from the hive and land on it, idling for a while. With these bees one can fully admire the ingenious articulation of their chitin-cladded legs, the intricate detail of each strand of patterned fur, or the iridescence of their crinkly, translucent wings. Some bees just shoot straight from mass out into the ether beyond. Like a bullet they're barely visible as they launch to the great beyond.
It's hard to be conscious of this when I'm living in it- but the truth is that my brain is very cloudy, almost all of the time. It takes me reading Stephen King to realize that. The reason he is so good is because he can transmit his thoughts and images so clearly.
It could have been the alcohol, marijuana or research chemicals I experimented with back when my brain was developing in high school. It could be depression or anxiety; something I only fully recognized I deal within the past 5 years of my life. It also could just be "how God made me," in other words, my genetics, that make me predisposed to a jumbled brain. (I know at least 2 aunts and 5 cousin with undiagnosed mental illnesses. I'm even convinced the undiagnosed mood disorder, learning disorder and drug addictions of one cousin led to his unexpected death at age 25)
Even as I write this, I feel myself beginning to ramble as it becomes increasingly harder for me to finish my thoughts.
SO, I'm going to start populating this blog as a way to begin tying down to my thoughts. I want to begin pulling the thoughts out of my mind in whole, contiguous pieces and get good at it. I have a lot of problems focusing, and I want this blog to be an exercise in focus.
I love my brain, I love who I am, but god damn it, it is so frustrating when I can't get it to do the things I want it to.
So that will be this blog. It is my prayer for mental clarity. On here I'm going to be processing myself, whatever my mind decided to dwell on, and bringing refinement to that skill. It's gonna be messy and wordy. But my goal is to become better at formulating and concisely sharing my mind.
To whoever will be reading this, thanks for being interested enough to read this.
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whysojiminimnida · 3 years
why do u think jungkook doesn't like, or at least have a problem with taemin? i want to know your opinion... btw, i love your blog, u are so funny and smart <3
Hi anon,
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Jungkook is unthrilled, June 2018 I don't know how Jungkook feels about Lee Taemin NOW. But he did not seem happy to see Taemin as early as 2016 and at least as late as 2018. Now, Jimin and Taemin are friends. They hang out with the same "squad", or friend group, which also includes Ha Sungwoon (who Jungkook seems to like just fine). But Taemin is a '93 liner to Jungkook's '97. SHINee is also an older group, Jimin likely looked up to Taemin as a dancer quite a lot. I mean, Jimin's amazing - but Taemin is no slouch in the dance department. I MEAN LOOK:
And given that Jimin and Jungkook were a thing by then, but still a pretty new thing (less than a year, probably), Jungkook might have felt pretty weird about it all. Jealous? Probably, given that Taemin is pretty clearly not straight and was older, arguably as famous if not more so at that time, as good a dancer, certainly seemed to find Jimin very attractive.... I think 2016 Jungkook was jealous, end of story. @kanmom51 actually covered this topic in detail over here, and it is definitely worth the read. Everything she says about Jungkook's reaction to Taemin and 2Min is on point, in my view. I could go into all kinds of theories and stuff and none of it would be this good, so give her post on this topic a read and see what you think:
I'm with her on this one. By 2018 Jimin and Jungkook were solid, but Jungkook also holds a grudge pretty well. If he decides he doesn't like you, that's unlikely to change until you give him a reason to change his mind. And I don't think Taemin is the kind of guy to go hold hands and make up with his friends' boyfriend just to smooth things over. So Jungkook was a little bit jealous - not toxic jealous, just "I don't like the way he looks at my man" jealous. And maybe "I don't like the way my man looks at him either". Jungkook himself has said he is very possessive. I think this just shows, a little bit, that he's not wrong about that. :)
BUT. Here's another angle that I think might be why Jungkook doesn't seem to like Taemin very much:
(Yeah yeah we hate Koreaboo but it's actually the clearest shot of this moment I could find so I had to suck it. Sorry.)
Dramatics? Playing around? Probably yes. Exhaustion and not eating? Also probably yes.
As the hyung, the elder, Taemin *should have* been taking good care of Jimin during the time they were working together. That did not, apparently, happen. Jimin overworked himself, lost a fair amount of weight (more than he was already losing at that time) and was generally not at his best by the time that collab was done. And I think Jungkook may have held Taemin and his very thin frame and possible unhealthy eating patterns partly responsible for that. Jimin did finish the KBS show and performed with BTS later on, but coming offstage, there was some question as to whether Jimin was just being a goofball/drama queen or whether he actually collapsed. I kinda think it may be a bit of both and it was played off as "oh I'm fine" when he actually was anything but.
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Jungkook looks unthrilled in 2016, too And it seems petty especially since Taehyung also vapes but Taemin's been a smoker for, like, ever. And Jungkook is conscious of his vocal cords - and Jimin's. Pics like this from a Padding Squad pool-shooting night in 2017 probably did not help Jungkook like Taemin better:
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No shade to Taemin, I love him, and Jimin is responsible for taking care of his own body. But you know how boyfriends can get if you're hanging out with someone they don't think is great for you. That's it, that's the vibe, and that's all I'm sayin'.
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the-empress-7 · 2 years
Continuing from post Re- working actress blog.
Comparing the writing style, yes it does seem like Meghan. However the biggest difference is that WA blog (as compared to Tig or get IG) seemed more self aware. The author was all to aware of her flaws, admitted mistakes, showed genuine vulnerability. As we have seen of Meghan, since Canada esp, she has been in the habit of self aggrandizement. Everything is show, over the top. But apart from that there seem to be afew details that are curious -
(I am just pointing out details pre-2013, before suits became famous)
1. Working actress claimed to live in LA. And travelled often for work. MM lived in LA but did not travel much for work. She did not have a steady work assignment and spent much of her time auditioning.
2. WA claimed that we have seen her often enough to know her by face, remember her from shows and family character she had played. We did not know MM back then, nor was she a regular on any show. (But maybe she is talking about deal or no deal?)
3. WA claimed to be single, spent her alone time in a small, not so great appartment by herself, often depressed. Mm was living with Trever, and was in a long term relationship with him since she was in her early 20s. Their flat was quite nice.
4. WA claimed to have had (2?) a boob jobs. That's apparently where the "magical boobs" phrase originated. Mms boobjob isn't documented, but looking at her it doesn't look like she had one. The tell tale signs are not there.
5. WA claimed to have supplemented her income with yatching. She really exploded the underbelly of that side hustle that most actresses resort to. It was all quite sordid. And she hated it. Was often depressed and self loathing because of what she had to resort to before landiy the lead role. For all we know, Mm has not been known to have done this, at least not on actual yatchs in Greece, S. Frace, Cannes. Infact she lived with Trever, so was comfortable in a way. And her dad also helped her with money.
6. WA often described her looks as model like, very tall etc. She used to say that her looks were what helped her in her career. Mm isn't at all supermodel like.
7. She once write a blog about yatching and mentioned that one of the girls who was on the yatch with her was a very famous actress who got into a very bad situation while on the yatch. And hinted that the public knows this actress very well, and she was also one of her costars previously. Best of my knowledge, none of MM costars ever showed up for a premier looking beatup. (Or died mysteriously).
8. Mm never did much modeling work pre-suits. Certainly not fashion shows or big brand shows. Which WA claimed to have done.
9. WA claimed to travel a lot to promote her show. Mm did not do much press till season 3/4 or suits. And suits was shot in Toronto and she stayed in To after shooting. WA claimed to return to LA.
The similarities however, are the writing style (words and phrases). And that WA became a total bitch after landing her lead role.
You have put a lot of thought into this and have certainly given me something to chew on. Regardless of whether it was her or not, the defunct blog is no longer of any remote benefit to her.
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