#at this point i almost immediately also crash from the stress so
geneticcatalyst · 6 months
i miss my ocs i need to do something with them !
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xayasmrxsoftlyx · 18 days
Imagine a Butterfly Alien
you're a human whose been farming and growing plants for as long as you could walk. You like the birds, the bees, the butterflies, even all the bugs that others thought were gross and useless...worthless, yet you've found appreciation of them.
you're also not ignorant to the fact that aliens have made their presence and cultures known to your world for a little while now. You've yet to meet any in your tiny farming village, but you're sure they can't be too different from any other humanoids you've met before. To say you're a black sheep to your village in those statements would be a massive understatement.
That's not to say you're surrounded by bigoted, closeminded individuals- on the contrary, your little village is eager anticipating meeting these new friends no matter what variety they are. So excited and willing to accommodate.
So, you're more than a little surprised when one day you hear a loud crash on your farm and go running over to investigate only to see a massive Butterfly Alien having torn his wing and crash landed your on your front lawn. Right near your butterfly bush, you reflect later. In the moment, you're sheepish to admit, you're spending the time panicking and crying.
At first, the Butterfly Alien is dazed and equally confused, interesting distended eyes seemingly peering around. You're sat next to him, face flushed and teary eyes, voice high pitched and fast paced; he's in pain and immediately notices tear within the upper quarter of his right wing. You can only assume he starts to suffer shock as he begins to violently tremble. At this point, you're more than upset at yourself for not going to at least one Culture seminar your village held to ease the welcome and culture shock of/for your future visitors.
You're frantic and nearly as trembly as the Butterfly Man you attempt to touch Him, but you flutter your hands around (adorably) unsure if you'd stress or hurt Him further. Tears finally begin to fall as the anxiety of it crests- the Alien flutters His wings quickly, almost desperately, as if gauging them, testing their abilities. You gasp loudly as the tear rips the top quarter of His wing off right in front of your eyes. You begin to hyperventilate as the Man begins to tremor again, whole body shaking like a leaf caught in the wind.
You can't quite see what happens next, eyes blurring your vision with thick tears causing you to wipe at them with the back of your hand. It's as you're doing that when the Butterfly Man moves. It's quicker than you imagine He could move before He's up; and one second later He's flying again.
He doesn't even appear to turn back as he glides up into the sky, as if He'd never crashed at all. You're left there blubbering, blurring vision flicking between the sky and the dinner plate sized wing remnant left in your yard.
You can't understand why, but when the breeze starts to pick up, you snatch the piece of his wing with your shaky hands and hurry inside feeling as if you'd seen a ghost. Unsure where to go with it or what to do with it, you find the biggest frame that you had that could fit it and frame it. It's the only way you can think of no harm coming to it further. It's beautiful, too, soft but vibrant colors popping against the whites of your wall as you hold it up in the sun.
You look into attending some of your village's culture seminars a few hours later after your heart stopped racing and mind spinning with everything that had happened.
Imagine as you're walking into town to see when the next Culture seminar is and you're hearing from whispered shadows as you're walking into town "did you see?" "did you hear?!" "They finally came!" "We need to throw a Welcome Festival!" "I wanna make them food to welcome them!" "I-I heard they're all...single..."
You fluster again when you reach the center of your village square, there's several insectoid aliens that have migrated to your village- drawn by its rich agriculture and farming lifestyles. There's only one Butterfly Alien, though, it's here, and only here, finally here that you get a good look at the person who literally crashed into you life.
He's not just beautiful, all colorful wings and lean muscles and graceful movements, He's handsome, too. He's got these masculine humanoid traits that add a rugged edge to His beauty- He's got a distinct jawline and defined cheekbones and whilst nothing about Him is particularly sharp or overtly (humanly) masculine, there's a defined demeanor to Him that pulls in favor of His handsomeness. The tear in His wing helps strongly to add that ruggedness.
It's hard to tell with eyes like his if you've met his gaze but with his posture shift and almost sheepish expression coming over him you feel as if you may have. You flush, flustered by his attention even so indirectly. The head of your village, MeeMaw, eagerly invites the couple of them into her space and once they're out of sight the whispers turn to full on chatter.
You huff, trying to push past how out of whack everything's become in one day and now you suppose you have a dual purpose for lingering by MeeMaw's quarters. You'll definitely need those Culture Seminars after today, and you suppose while you're at it....You could try and give the Butterfly Man His wing back to Him....You don't know if He needs it, but at the very least you'd have an excuse to talk to Him. You just hope you don't get shy on Him...you certainly didn't make the "best" first impression
(Little do you know, He thought it was so cute. So panicked over Him without knowing Him. So worried over Him without knowing He'd been there to peep on you after seeing just how cute you were tending to your farm
(Imagine He's just so grateful and thinks you're the cutest, sweetest little thing to save His wing for Him. Were you going to go looking for Him like some sweet and brave Knight in shining armor? How adorable!
(So sweet, little human, so cute! Gosh, you must be His! You must be made for Him! Why else would you have been so scared for him? You wouldn't save just anyone's amputated limb, would you? You must...love Him!
(You have no idea, either, until much later anyway, just how rare He is. Insectoid Aliens aren't the most intergalactically social so they're pretty rare off their own planets- Butterfly Aliens especially so, even more so. Mostly due to the fragility of their wings and inability to regrow. If someone wanted, it would be so easy to destroy or even rip His wings from Him, yet you wept over Him. Many would steal Him away, cage Him forever; yet you let Him free. Let Him keep His freedom. You're truly one of a kind. Just as He is.
(That must mean He's right- you are made for each other. He's glad you think He's handsome, He'd fight you for your love even if you were to think He isn't.
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mxltifxnd0m · 1 month
sick days ◎ s. winchester
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summary: after multiple back-to-back hunts, the stress and fatigue gets to sam
pairings: established sam winchester x reader, sam winchester x gn! reader
word count: 3K
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warnings: none really, no use of 'y/n', fluff, taking care of sick! sam, barely edited lol
a/n: my last sam fic before i go back to college and get swamped with my course load. writing will slow down and be posted sparingly but i still plan to post if i have time!
as always, like, reblog, and comment on the fic! i always like hearing constructive criticism and love feedback <33 (also my last fic kinda flopped so give it some love please!)
𝘴𝘢𝘮 𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
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It was rare for the boys to get sick. Surprisingly, they had very strong immune systems, and considering how well Sam ate, he would be the last person in the bunker to get sick. 
But you guys have been running yourselves ragged with hunting, having gone on them back to back for the past month and a half. It was exhausting, and when you guys made it back to the bunker, you all but collapsed in your shared bed with Sam, not even bothering to get under the covers. 
When you got up the next day, you felt significantly better, but exhaustion still riddled your body. You glanced at the clock on your nightstand. It was nearing noon. It didn’t surprise you that you slept that long; the three of you got back to the bunker well into the late morning. You began to get up from next to the sleeping giant next to you, but you were immediately pulled back by a strong arm wrapping around your lower stomach. You let yourself be dragged back into Sam’s body and let his warmth cocoon you. 
You feel his jean-covered leg intertwine with yours as your chest hits his back, and Sam leaves a sleepy kiss to your pulse point as he nuzzled you, the scruff on his face from not being able to shave for the past two days scratched softly against your neck, making fond smile stretch on your lips. 
“What time is it?” You heard the rasp of Sam’s tired voice whisper in your ear. 
“Almost noon.” You told him as you traced shapes on his bare arm before interlacing his fingers through yours, your interlocked hands resting on your abdomen. 
Sam let out a soft groan before nuzzling your neck further, making a soft laugh escape you. You reached your free hand to thread through his silky locks and ruffled his hair a bit. 
“We should probably get up now.” 
Sam mumbled something into your neck, but you couldn’t understand a single word he said. 
You huffed an amused laugh through your nose. “Mind speaking up for the rest of the class? 
His head raised slightly from your neck. “Don’t want to.” Sam grumbled out before his head fell back to his previous spot. 
You smiled at Sam’s childlike nature. He could get grumpy when he crashes from a long hunt and doesn’t go on his morning runs. 
“We should. We’re still in our clothes from last night.” Your nose wrinkled at the thought. 
You weren’t a stranger to sleeping in your jeans or your hunting clothes. 
Before even meeting the Winchesters and moving into the bunker when you started to date Sam, you had collapsed into a motel bed (or a hundred) with your jeans on. But considering you were used to having somewhere you considered home now, you more often than not slept in your pajamas, even if you were dead tired from a hunt. 
Sam grunted and tightened his hold on you, shaking his head in your neck. You could only imagine what you and Sam looked like right now—having a 6’4 man completely wrapped around you. You mentally shook your head and managed to pry yourself out of his arms. 
Sam let out a whine of protest as you left the bed but decided that he wasn’t going to get out of bed anytime soon, so he rolled over to his stomach and went back to sleep. 
You saw his breathing even out, and you shook your head. There was a soft smile on your face as you rounded the bed to his side to kiss Sam on the forehead. He unconsciously smiled at the contact. You left his side to grab a change of pajamas from the dresser. You decided a shower was in order before you decided to cook up some lunch for everyone. 
You doubted that Dean was even awake at the moment, but to check, you peeked your head into his room to find your suspicions to be correct. Dean was sprawled out on his bed, but it seemed that he was able to strip down to his boxers and a t-shirt. You closed his door quietly and shuffled off to the shower room. 
Once you were freshly clean and refreshed, the shower having given you some energy, you padded into the empty kitchen and decided to whip up some food for you and the boys. You started the coffee maker and looked in the fridge to see it somewhat stocked, but you knew that you or Dean would have to make a supply run in the coming days. 
You settled on making sandwiches for you and the boys, and when the coffee was done, Dean stalked into the kitchen. It looked like he was moving on autopilot, moving towards the mugs and coffee pot, pouring himself a cup before plopping himself down at the table. Dean hadn’t bothered changing; all he did was shrug on his ‘dead guy’ robe and his hair sticking up in different directions, having been mussed up from sleeping. You placed his just-made sandwich in front of him, and he let out a grunt of thanks before diving into his lunch (breakfast). 
Soon enough, Sam stumbled into the kitchen. He also looked like he rolled out of bed, his flannel wrinkled, but he was able to tame his hair. Sam gave you a grateful smile as he sat at the table, and you placed a cup of coffee and his lunch in front of him. You grabbed your lunch and a water bottle from the fridge. You kissed Sam’s temple before settling next to him at the table, where the three of you ate in comfortable silence. 
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A couple of days had passed since you came back from the last hunt, and you made the boys take at least a week off from hunting since you had been going on hunts consistently and deserved a break.  
You and Sam were relaxing in the library, Sam reading some lore book that he had yet to catalog, and you were reading a mystery/thriller book that you had been meaning to read for a while on your Kindle. The two of you were content in each other’s presence, but you noticed that Sam was clearing his throat more often today. 
Sam eventually let out a cough that made you look up at him. 
“Need some water hun?” You ask him with furrowed brows. 
Sam shook his head. “No, I’m fine.” 
You raised an eyebrow at him. “You sure?”
Sam just nodded at you in response. Your eyes lingered on him for a moment before they flicked downward back to your Kindle. 
The day passed as it usually did, but the next morning was what you didn’t expect. For one, Sam was still in bed when you had woken up. You were confused because Sam was a stickler for his routine in the mornings. You glanced at the clock, the green letters reading 9:14 AM, which was a little later than you would usually get up, but you were still catching up on sleep. 
You decide to leave Sam in bed, figuring that he needs to do the same thing and go to the bathroom to do your morning routine. When you came back into the room to change, Sam was awake, resting on the headboard, but he was sniffling and looked pale. You quickly rushed over to him. 
“You doing alright there babe?” You asked as you made it to his side of the bed and sat next to him. You reached out to feel his forehead, but he leaned away from your touch. 
“Don’t, I’m going to get you sick.” Sam’s voice was raspy and tired. 
“I’ll be fine, I just wanna see if you’re running a fever.” 
Sam didn’t seem to like that idea but relented, leaning towards your hand. The back of your hand hit his forehead for a moment, pursing your lips as you felt his temperature before cupping his cheek, your thumb caressing the beauty mark near his eye. 
“You’re running a little warmer than usual, let me go see if we have a thermometer somewhere. Stay here.” You ordered him. 
Sam huffed but nodded as he sunk back into the bed. You smiled, pinching his cheek before releasing it. 
“Good boy.” You teased as you stood up. 
Sam rolled his eyes at you, a tired smile playing on his lips. 
You quickly made your way to the infirmary, hoping that the Men of Letters had a thermometer that wasn’t made of mercury, but you had an inkling that they didn’t. You passed Dean as you made your way to the infirmary, and he called out to you, seeing your hasty speed. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked when he noticed you were going in the direction of the infirmary. 
“Sam is sick and might be running a fever.” 
Dean’s eyebrows knit in confusion and slight concern, now walking with you, abandoning the direction he was already walking in. “You’re telling Mr. Health nut got sick? How?” 
“Not sure. But I have a feeling it’s because we had been running around on hunts and since we hadn’t been on one for a couple of days, the exhaustion and stress finally hit and this is how his body is reacting.” You explained to Dean your theory as to why Sam got sick, knowing how uncommon it was for them to get sick. 
“I’ll go out and grab some stuff for him. I have to do a supply run anyway.” Dean said as you two left the infirmary, nearly turning the place upside down, trying to find a thermometer that wasn’t made with mercury. You highly doubted that Sam wanted mercury poisoning, and that was the thing that took him out instead of a monster (again). 
You nodded. “I’ll text you a list.” 
Dean patted your shoulder before the two of you parted ways, you in the direction of your shared room with Sam and Dean in the direction of the garage. 
You made it back to your shared room to find Sam dozing off, sniffling, and clearing his throat. Sam’s tired eyes snapped to yours as you moved across the room to sit by his feet at the edge of the bed.  
“How are you feeling?” You asked him gently, letting your hand rest on his ankle. 
“Cold, and I can’t breathe out of my nose.” Sam’s voice was hoarse and sounded congested. 
You sent Sam a sympathetic smile. “Dean’s out getting you some stuff right now, he should be back in a bit.” You gave Sam’s ankle a reassuring squeeze. 
“Did you find a thermometer?” 
You huffed. “Yes, but they were made of mercury and broken. I don’t think you would have appreciated getting mercury poisoning on top of being sick.” 
Sam chuckled before it turned into a coughing fit. You cringed at the sound of his cough and stood up from your place on the bed. 
“I’ll get you some water and tissues.” 
You entertained Sam for about an hour before Dean came back. It looked like he bought the entire drugstore with the two bags full of medicine and other supplies that he thought you might’ve needed in the future. Well, at least the infirmary would be stocked with cough and flu medicine. 
You whipped a quick lunch for Sam that he could stomach before taking the meds. After Sam ate the small lunch you gave him, you made him take some Dayquil and placed a cold washcloth on his forehead. You were expecting for him to make a fuss about taking medicine, having heard the stories that Dean told you of Sam when he was sick when they were younger. 
You let Sam take a nap, knowing the only way that he would get better faster is if he just rested. You were planning on prepping Sam’s dinner while he slept, but as you walked into the kitchen, you found Dean at the stove cooking some veggies in a pot. 
“I was going to do that, you know?” You said as you walked over to Dean and looked at the ingredients for tomato soup scattered on the metal countertop. 
“Well, taking care of Sasquatch over there is a handful and figured you needed all the help you could get.” Dean looked at you with a shrug of his shoulder, but you could hear the undercurrent of fondness over the nonchalant tone that he had. 
“Mmhm. Okay, well do you need any help?” 
“You can start making the grilled cheeses’.” 
A couple of hours later, there was a plate filled with grilled cheese sandwiches (most of which were for Dean) and piping hot tomato soup that was enough for a small army. You tiptoed into the low-lit room of Sam’s bedroom, who was still asleep, with a tray filled with food, water, medicine, and a thermometer (a digital one). You placed the tray on the nightstand on the side Sam was lying on and sat down next to him. 
You looked down at the sleeping man in front and noticed how much younger he looked as he did. The crease in between his eyebrows was smoothed out, and stress wasn’t etched in his features as he breathed as evenly as he could with a congested nose. You shook your head in slight disbelief at how beautiful this man was even when he was sick. 
You took off the now warm towel on Sam’s forehead and gently brushed back the strands of hair that were dampened by the towel. Sam stirred at your ministrations as he groggily blinked the sleep from his eyes. 
“Hey sleepy head.” You said with a gentle smile. You were able to gauge his temperature as your hand brushed against his forehead for a moment before petting the long strands of his brunette locks. 
Sam cracked a smile and your hand fell from his hair as he pulled himself up and rested against the headboard.  He was still dressed in the white t-shirt and flannel pajama pants he went to sleep in. 
“How long was I out for?” Sam asked as he cleared his throat slightly.
You gave him the water bottle from earlier. “Give or take a few hours.” 
Sam took a sip of water, glancing at the alarm clock before capping his water bottle and nodding. He stretched his neck out with a slight groan before his head hit his headboard with a small thump.
“Still tired?” You watched him carefully. 
“Yeah, and I feel like I was tossed around by a demon,” Sam said as he absent-mindedly cracked his knuckles. 
You let out a small chuckle.” I mean, you did about a month ago.” You joked. 
Sam shot you a glare, but it had no heat behind it as he was still looking at you through tired eyes. “Haha, very funny.” He said dryly. 
You sent him a smirk. “Thank you, I’ll be here all night.” 
You pointed a stern finger at him. “Hey, you should be nicer to the person who’s taking care of your sick ass or I’ll make sure you get mercury poisoning.”
Sam rolled his eyes at your empty threat. “I could take care of myself.” 
You raised an unconvinced eyebrow at him, your mind immediately flicking back to all of the times you had to pry him away from researching in the library to sleep. 
You hummed unconvincingly. “Sure you could big boy.” You quipped before reaching for the tray on the nightstand and placed it above his lap. The tray had legs, so it didn’t have to rest precariously on his lap. 
“Enjoy dinner, Dean and I made it.” You smiled at him before petting his head. 
Sam looked down at the tomato soup and grilled cheese before him. He couldn’t really smell it, but it looked delicious, and he felt his stomach rumble with hunger. 
“Thank you.” Sam’s tone filled with sincerity. 
“S’no problem love.” You winked at him before getting up from the bed. 
You pointed down at the medicine and the thermometer. “I’ll take your temp after you eat, then you’ll shower, and then take your meds.” You instructed Sam as he began to slurp at the soup. 
Sam nodded obediently. “Have you eaten yet?”   
“Not yet.” 
“Can you eat here with me?” 
You smiled at Sam. “Yeah, let me grab my food.” 
After you and Sam ate, you took his temperature, which was only at 100 degrees. You managed to get Sam out of bed and into the shower room, where you helped him wash off. He was practically putty in your hands as you washed his hair with the lukewarm water of the shower (he complained of wanting a hot shower, but you knew better than having him shower in hot or cold water when he had a fever). 
Once he was clean, he all but stumbled back into the room and collapsed in the bed. Sam was about to fall asleep, but you made him take some medicine before he got under the covers and got swept under by the drug-induced sleep. 
You were about to leave Sam’s side to sleep in your old room before you moved into Sam’s room when you felt a tug at your shirt, seeing Sam’s sleepy pout on his face. 
“Yes, Sam?” 
“Thought you didn’t want me to get sick.” You teased softly, grabbing his hand from your shirt. 
That was a bad idea because he grabbed you with strength that you didn’t expect from a drowsy Sam and pulled you into him on the bed, a yelp escaping your mouth. His arms immediately wrapped around your waist and nuzzled into your neck. 
“Don’t care, need you.” He mumbled into your neck, his breath hitting your collarbone as you were chest to chest. 
You huffed a small laugh through your nose, threading your hands through his long hair, uncaring of the consequences. “You won’t be saying that when I get sick and blame you for it.” 
Sam didn’t respond to you, his breathing evening out before you even said your last word. You shook your head, a knowing smile on your face before you eventually fell asleep yourself. 
A week later, Sam took on the caretaker role, and you guys weren’t able to go on a hunt for another two weeks until you felt better. 
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honeylations · 6 months
Prompt: Doah studies as hard as she can all the time and luckily as her girlfriend, you’re there to help her take all that stress away
Warnings/Notes: eating 🐱, fingering, sub Doah, g!p reader, pretend the pyramid game itself does not exist so we can be peaceful
A/N: for our cutie patootie Doah and also for that anon that requested :3
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It was around 7:45am when you walked into the classroom with your arms stretched out wide, seeing that the whole class was almost present.
But your eyes immediately moved to the front where your cute girlfriend was sitting, already going through one text book as her hand scribbled note after note.
Who would’ve thought you’d date such a cute quiet nerd? She was a big comparison to you. Obnoxiously loud, social, yet laid back with school work.
“Morning baby” you whispered in her ear and kissed her temple.
“Mhm. Good morning” she muttered in return.
Her eyes didn’t even leave the page.
“Wow. At this point, you love that text book more than me” you pouted, breaking Doah’s concentration.
She finally looked at you with her boba eyes, obviously trying to seem angry but anything she does just ended up being cute. “I’m studying”
“Oh really? I couldn’t tell” you joked while she scowled, pulling at your cheek.
“Sometimes I wonder how we ended up being together in the first place”
You winced from the pinch. “Ouch. I was literally asking myself that a few seconds ago. I guess it doesn’t matter, it makes our love story a bit cuter don’t you think?”
“You have a way with words, Choi Y/n” Doah smiled and looked down at her text book again.
You finally took the seat beside her and made a quick move to kiss her cheek before she could dodge it. “Mwuah”
“Stop it, I need to focus”
“Baby, you stress yourself too much! It’s time for a break... Are you even listening to me?”
Your girlfriend hummed.
“Doah baby, I’m serious. You need to remove all that stress before it eats you up” You scolded and the shorter girl removed her gaze from whatever paragraph she was on.
“And how can I magically remove all this stress, Y/n? Hm? Intrigue me”
Taking her words as a challenge, you slid an arm around her waist and pulled her closer that her chair scraped the floor. Doah gasped and her hands immediately went onto your shoulders.
“W-What are you doing?”
“You really wanna know how I can remove that stress? It’s an easy math equation. My mouth plus your body equals no more stress! Tada!
“C-Choi Y/n! We’re in public!” She whisper yelled, looking around to check if any of her classmates had heard.
You gave her your famous charming eyes, the one that made her fall for you from the start. “Please, my love?”
Oh and your charming words too.
You only smirked and leaned your lips close to her ear. “Don’t you miss my tongue, baby? I promise I’ll let you study in peace after”
Doah let out a shaky sigh. “You really promise?”
And just like that, you two were hiding in the teacher’s lounge thanks to Doah’s privileges. All doors were locked and the curtains had all been shut for privacy.
Although you weren’t entirely against the idea of an audience, your girlfriend would definitely burn you alive if any exhibitionism happened.
Doah was in your lap, her glasses had been discarded somewhere and her uniform was unbuttoned. She was releasing adorable moans while you lapped at her neck, being yanked away by the hair just when you were about to bite.
“No marks, Choi”
You couldn’t utter a quick response when she crashed your lips together, her small tongue pushing its way inside. It was an invitation for you to suck at it, letting it explore more of her mouth that the mix of your salivas were dripping down your chins.
It was so hot.
You were already painfully rock hard, the bulge poking at your girlfriend’s clothed entrance.
The shorter girl pulled away, admiring the string of saliva that connected your tongues. She moved off your lap to lie down on the long couch, bringing you with her.
She took her underwear off but every other clothing stayed. “I’m not taking anything else off. You’ve got 10 minutes to make me cum and then we’re out of here”
“Baby. I only need 5 minutes” you let out an arrogant scoff, quickly kissing her lips before shuffling down to rest in between her spread legs.
You pushed her skirt up and felt your mouth water at the sight of her soaked pussy. Not planning on wasting any more time, you leaned your lips towards her clit and sucked on it gently.
Doah’s back automatically arched, her hands going into your hair. “A-Ah!”
You broke away from her clit to move even further down, sliding your long tongue inside her cunt, groaning from her taste.
Your girlfriend’s hips started to gyrate, relishing in the feeling of you eating her out so good.
“O-Oh yes Y/n. So good baby s-so good!”
“Fuck I missed this” you pulled your tongue out to mutter before diving straight back in, wrapping your arms around your girlfriend’s soft thighs to hold her down.
Doah was a moaning mess, one hand was still in your hair while the other had pushed her bra up to toy with her nipples.
“Don’t stop please, baby”
You decided to return your attention to her clit, sucking harsher than before while plunging two fingers inside her wet hole.
You looked up as your ministrations continued and wow it was a sight to see.
Your girlfriend’s head was thrown back and the light that peaked out from the curtains shined a small spotlight on her body. Like she was an angel.
It encouraged you to double your efforts, thrusting your fingers faster, kissing her clit hungrily, intending to leave her in a sobbing mess.
You were almost there anyways.
“Ah, ah, ah….Y/n I’m going to cum!” She squealed cutely.
Your fingers reached deeper, feeling her walls clench around you. Doah released a final cry as she fisted your hair, legs shaking when you continued to clean her up and your fingers moving to a slower pace.
Pulling away from her, you looked up from between her legs and smiled proudly. Doah’s cheeks went redder at the sight of your mouth completely soaked with her cum.
“That felt so good” she sighed and flopped her head back on the couch.
You crawled up and captured her lips in another sloppy kiss, moving to the side to hide in her neck while you started panting. Doah felt movement between you both and she looked down, seeing you jerking your big cock.
“Mmm Doah baby” you whined.
“Keep stroking your cock like that” she whispered, letting you grunt and lick at her skin while you chased your orgasm.
“Hah…hah fuck gonna cum, Doah…”
“Sit up, let me see you”
You did as told and admired your fucked out girlfriend below you. Her tits were exposed and her cunt was still leaking more cum. You scooped up some of that liquid with your fingers and used it as lube, the hand on your cock moving faster.
“H-Holy shit Doah!”
“Here baby. Cum all over me” Your girlfriend husked and pushed her breasts out.
You aimed your cock towards her plump tits and exploded, closing your eyes from the intensity before laying on top of your girlfriend.
She caressed your back gently.
“Thank you, baby” you heard her say.
It was rare for her to call you by nicknames.
“For?” You panted.
“Taking away all the stress. I love you”
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How to be a child
pairing: reader x the grid (platonically), Pierre Gasly x reader
warnings: swearing, description of injuries/bruises, throwing up, passing out, unconsciousness, mentioning of hospital, mentioning of crash, angst
summary: You were the mum of the grid, you always had been. Until it one day it all just gets too much, and you are in desperate need of support. Suddenly 19 boys collectively become your mum, and you need to once again learn how to be a child.
notes: i am so, sorry for the wait. life has been terrible for the me the past months, but here it finally is: part two! as a small compensation, it is very long, and i hope you will like it! feel free to leave comments and/or feedback. likes and reblogs are always appreciated! also, feel free to send in requests! you can find the first part here. a third part will follow at some point, so let me know if you want to be tagged 😊 also, a question for everyone on the taglist: Would you like to be tagged in all of my F1 work, or just in this one?
disclaimer: english is not my first language, so please excuse any mistakes 😊
word count: 8.1k
taglist: @cilliansgirl @tyna-19 @hc-dutch @honethatty12 @sheslikeacurse @rb-danny @hc-dutch @hiphopdancer101universe @teddyluvs @dan3avocado @stillbreathin @mellowturtleangellamp @mcmuppet @shqwqrma @alice07ea @ricsaigaslec @witchychicken @rockyhayzkid @sheluvsf1 @hiddleslovs @laurevdd @caosfanblr @dessxoxsworld @fryskje @stickygladitorbear @goldenharrysworld @mehrmonga @anon-1112 @abcdefghijklmopqrstuvwxyzz @yunoguns @jaydenhateslife @itsandreaca @tsukishimawhore @formula-hamilton @cfjkdyihjkdd @whodis-26 @basicallyherondale @wtrmlnsgr94
“Shut up, you dumbass!”, whisper-yells a voice that sounds like Charles to you. “Or do you want the nurse to realize that we are way more people in here than allowed?” Several people shush at the same time, and you are utterly confused. You slowly open your eyes and catch sight of almost the whole grid cramped into the room. They are bickering with each other, and you cannot help but smile. “Hey guys!”, you croak out and your voice sounds hoarse. Immediately, they all stop talking and look at you. Pierre is the first to move and rushes over to your bed to take a hold of your hand.
“Finally, mon ange!”, he breathes out and you could’ve sworn that you can see tears welling up in his eyes. “What happened?”, you ask, still very much confused. You try to sit up, and immediately Max and Daniel rush to your side to assist you in your undertaking. When you are propped up, you look at your friends, who are standing around the bed – a hospital bed as you have realized by now. Pierre gently strokes your hand, and Lewis raises his voice to tell you what had happened.
After your collapsed in Pierre´s arms, and your friends and colleagues form a wall to shield you, Pierre gently picks you up and carries you out of the public eye and into Lando´s room. Everyone is close to panic, no one really knowing what had prompted you to pass out. The doctors, alerted by someone, rush in, and examine you. They cannot really find any reason, apart from the injuries in your face. They suspect that it might be something severe, so the whole grid is close to losing their mind. You are than a friend to most, rather part of their family. The called ambulance takes you with them, Pierre riding in the back with you.
When you arrive at the hospital, the doctors take you away from Pierre to examine you thoroughly, determined to find out what is wrong with you. It takes an hour, one more, and another. By now, the hallway of the floor you are on is filled with the other drivers. Everyone wanted to be there for you when you wake up. With every minute, the boys get more nervous, grow more worried. After four hours, the doctor comes out.
“We stabilized her. We assume that she suffered an acute exhaustion attack, caused by a lack of sleep and too much stress paired with a concussion. We expect her to sleep for a few days, but she was lucky. It could have been way worse. She will need to rest as much as possible once she wakes up to ensure that neither her brain nor her heart will suffer from long term consequences.”
The drivers are all shocked. You are still so young, and now this. They realise, all for themselves, that maybe they had demanded too much of you for too long. Guilt threatened to eat up them, more with every day you didn’t wake up for. Until three later, on a Wednesday, you finally wake up again.
You are quiet for a few minutes. Just when you are about to say something, the door opens and a nurse steps in. When she sees all the drivers, she rushes them out - all except one. Pierre doesn’t leave your side. He sits with you when the doctor comes in and tells you that you were lucky. He makes it very clear that you must take time for yourself to make sure that you would not suffer lasting effects. You nod, trying to understand everything he says.
“Would you mind leaving me alone for a minute, please?”, you ask. The doctor nods, while Pierre stays by your side. “You too, Pierre.” He looks at you, shocked for a minute, offended even. “Don’t send me away, y/n. You seem like you need someone with you right now.” “Just give me a fucking minute alone, Pierre!”, you snap at him, and he gets up and leaves without another word. You know that wasn’t fair, but your whole world just turned upside down. You will apologize later.
You clench your hands to fists; you feel like you are going to lose your shit. The feelings threaten to drown you, you are barely able to keep yourself over the water. You need to get out of here – you want to be everywhere but here. You lift yourself out of bed, determination flooding your system. When you stand up, you grind your teeth. Your whole body is almost shaking because just the act of getting up was so exhausting. You feel so very small, weak, and fragile. You take two, three slow steps, holding onto the hospital bed with every step. When you reach the end of the bed, you back another step forward, but without holding onto something, your body gives in. You crash to the ground; your body hits the floor with a loud thud.
Immediately, the door opens and Pierre storms in. He sees on you sitting on the floor, knees pulled to your chest, head buried in your hands. He rushes over to you and takes you in his arms. “I am so afraid, Pierre!”, you sob into his shoulder as he holds you. His heart breaks right there and then. You cry for what feels like hours, and when you are done, Pierre helps you onto the bed again. The doctors had allowed for you to leave the hospital in Brazil to be taken care of by your personal doctor in Monaco. However, much comes with that – your transport must be organized, you have to talk to the team, and all of that.
You are starting to panic, you feel so exhausted still, you have no idea how you would be able to manage all of that. “You don’t need to worry, ange. We are scheduled to fly out tonight in the private jet, everything around the transport is organized. Only Max, Daniel, Lando and I will join so that you can rest as much as possible. We will have to leave for the weekend, but I will promise you that we will be back as soon as possible.” You nod, overwhelmed that they cared so much for you. After one last check up, the doctor wishes you all the best and discharges you.
They provide you with a wheelchair because you are still weakened and every bone in your body hurts – even the ones you didn’t know you had. Pierre pushes you out of the hospital and towards the parking lot, where you can spot Daniel standing between an unfamiliar car. Usually, all of you drove fast and sporty cars, but this was a car you expected to see in a suburban neighbourhood where everyone had at least three kids.
“Nice ride!”, you say, and your voice is still hoarse. You are pretty sure that you look like shit, but the boys do not let on. They don’t look at you with pity and you are beyond grateful for that. “Thanks, we had to improvise a bit!” Daniel walks over to you and pulls you out of the wheelchair with ease, lifting you into his arms bridal style. He carries you over to the car, careful to not hurt you. However, his limb coordination when it comes to carrying people apparently isn’t the best. You close your eyes when you see the car door frame coming closer, but instead of bumping into the hard metal, your head is met with a soft surface. You open your eyes and see Lando smiling at you. The boy had put his hand over the door frame, softening the impact. Your eyes almost start to water at the sweet gesture.
Once you are seated, Pierre climbs into the back with you and helps you to put your seatbelt on before he settles himself in. Lando sits in the back as well. Max is the passenger princess. Daniel is starting the car, and you watch Max still without his seatbelt on. Before, you can say something, Pierre turns to Max. “Put your fucking seatbelt on!”, he says and a small smile appears on your face. You don’t really catch more of the chatting, as just the way to the car exhausted you completely and you opt for some sleep. Pierre´s shoulder functions as your cushion, and it is quite comfortable, at least for this purpose. Already almost in slumber you only subconsciously realize that someone puts a blanket over you. You snuggle closer into Pierre and fall into a deep and dreamless slumber.
You wake when someone unbuckles your seatbelt. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you!”, Pierre apologizes, but you wave it off. “I think I have slept enough the past days”, you joke half-heartedly, and he gives you a tiny smile. Only now in this close proximity, you can see the dark bags under his eyes, the worry on his face. He looks five years older, beard unshaved, little stubbles growing in a disorganized way. “I am sorry for causing you so much worry”, you whisper barely audible, but he hears you, like he always does. He shakes his head. “Mon ange, no. None of this is your fault, if anything, it is ours.” You are just about to ask what he means when Daniel interrupts the two of you.
“We should get going!”, he says, and Pierre helps you out of the car. He carries you the last few meters to the jet, and places you down on one of the seats. Before you can engage in a conversation with him, Lando joins you on the seat next to you and slams a big bag on the table. “Y/n, I hope you are hungry!” You focus your attention on him and just now realize how hungry you are. “Starving, actually!” Lando smacks his lips and starts unpacking the bag. “Well, in that case, good for you, because I come prepared!” There is everything you could ask for – snacks, fruits, sandwiches. You decide to start with an apple, which Lando insists on cutting into small pieces for you. “Lando!”, you laugh, “I am not a child!” He grins. “Well, y/n, you need care and nursing and love now, so we all have decided to you are no longer our mum, you are now our child!” You flip him off playfully and continue to eat your apple pieces quietly while Lando talks your ear off, which you honestly do not mind. It distracts you from all the negative thoughts.
After a few hours, Daniel, Lando and Max are asleep. You are quite awake on the other hand and the soft shine of a display coming from Pierre´s seat indicates that he as well is awake. You carefully walk over to him, holding onto the seats. It takes all of your strength to make the few meters, but you manage and fall into the seat next to the Frenchman. He looks up from his phone and gifts you a smile. “Hey”, you say softly, “You okay?” Pierre shakes his head but continues to smile. “You are unbelievable, y/n! You are the one that was in the hospital the last days, not me.” “I can still worry about you guys though, no?”, you grin crookedly, but Pierre is still very serious. “Of course, but the important thing now is that you need to get better, and to do that, you need to learn to say no, and you need to learn to listen to yourself.” You want to interrupt him, but he doesn’t let you. “But most importantly, we – me and the others – need to learn to get our own shit together, and not always bother you!”
You can feel that he is a bit angry, so you gently place your hand on his biceps. “Pierre, you never bothered me. It was just a bit too much the past weeks! Everything will be fine, in fact, everything is fine.” Pierre shakes his head at you, you can feel that he is still upset. “No, nothing is fine. The last days were absolutely horrible, y/n. I was so afraid; I don’t think I have ever been this afraid. I couldn’t sleep because I was afraid that I would wake up and someone was going to tell me that you died. It was a nightmare, I don’t ever want to feel that again – so I am begging you, please take all the time you need to rest and heal. I cannot lose you.” You are a taken aback by his words. “I will, I promise!”, you say, and Pierre pulls you onto his lap and into a tight hug. He doesn’t let go for a while, and you don’t mind. It keeps you from falling apart.
You land a few hours later, you before you can protest, Lando lifts you out of your seat. “My turn!”, he laughs, and you decide to not pick a fight. “Yeah, it’s cool”, you say and playfully roll your eyes, “Just pick me up whenever.” Lando makes a sad face, and you can sense that he feels bad. “I am sorry”, he utters, “I should have at least asked if it was okay for me to pick you up!” You shake your head. “Don’t worry about it, its not like a have a choice. I can´t exactly walk away”, you joke. You know it is a bad joke, and maybe it was too early to joke about it. For a moment, it is quiet, but then Daniel lets out a little snort. He tries his best to keep in a laugh, but when Max looks at him, he cannot help himself and bursts out laughing. The Dutchman joins him, so do you, and in a matter of seconds, Pierre and Lando are laughing as well. It takes you a while to calm down, because all of you just really needed to laugh off the shock of the past days.
Lando carries you down and into the car. Charles had offered to pick you up and drive you to your apartment, joined by Pierre. “Hey Charles!”, you greet the man and move over to give him an uncomfortable hug over the middle console. He doesn’t seem to mind, however. “You don’t know how good it is to see you, y/n!” You smile at him after you pull away, and he starts the car as soon as Pierre has settled in as well. A bit later, you arrive by your apartment building. Pierre gets out the wheelchair, and helps you to climb in. It is still new for you, and you hope that you will get rid of it soon. It makes you feel utterly helpless, but just the few steps in the plane earlier were hard and exhausting. For a moment, the thought that you might never be able to race again crosses your mind, but you push it away violently. So far, you had achieved everything in your life that you had set your mind to, and you sure as hell will not let anything stop you now.
It feels good to be back in your own space. You exhale deeply and you immediately start to feel a bit better. The familiar surrounding eases your negative thoughts, and you find yourself calming down. “Alright”, says Charles, “I will get going and get the crutches from the doctor, and get groceries, then I will be back!” Before you can say something, he is out of the door. “The doctors in Brazil contacted your doctor here to consult and discuss next steps.” You nod, feeling slightly overwhelmed. Pierre tells you bit more about the topic, but you can’t really focus your attention. At some point, you let out a big yawn. Pierre chuckles. “Seems like someone is tired!” “Exhausted”, you tell him, and he gives you an understanding nod. “How about you take a nap?”, he offers. “Sounds super!”
He helps you into your room, where you quickly change into some shorts and a shirt. After you are done, Pierre enters the room with a glass of water in his hand. “I know that you like to keep a glass of water next to your bed, so I figured I would bring you one!” “How do you know?”, you question. He shrugs his shoulders. “You mentioned it one day…” “Thank you!” He smiles at you, puts the glass down and grabs the blanket. He throws it over you and gently tugs you in. “Sleep well, mon ange!”, he says but you are already sound asleep.
The next week is exhausting, more mentally than physically. You are able to leave the wheelchair rather quickly, but you still the need the crutches for support. Despite the fact that you weren’t really injured, at least not in the traditional sense, your body was still weak. You just cannot really rely on it right now, so the crutches are there to support and help you. You are just happy that you are out of the wheelchair and that you have a tiny bit of your independency back. What helps even more however, is the constant support of your friends. They cannot be with you right now, as there are still two more races for them to finish. Your doctor appointments keep you occupied, your family visits and helps you with whatever you need. Your friends call you, sometimes just to tell you minor things but it helps. You don’t feel isolated, and you cheer on them from your living room. Right now, it feels okay to not be on track – you feel like you are going to be okay.
The season ends in the end of November. Winter has Monaco in its grip, the first snow falls. Everything looks so pretty that you cannot really feel down. On top of that you love Christmas, and you keep yourself busy with present shopping, at least until you have to get ready to leave for England. It is a Tuesday, and you had just been at the doctor’s office. While your doctor is sure that you will fully recover, he also gives you a real perspective on things. The possibility is there that you can race next season, but the cost could potentially be high. He tells you to consider your options. Lando picks you up from this appointment and together you drive to the airport. The two of you were scheduled to fly to the McLaren headquarters for a week to discuss the next possible steps. The flight goes over quick, you are unusually quiet – and Lando just lets you be. He can sense that you need the time, so he gives it to you.
When you step out of the airport, Zak waits for there for you personally. The older man pulls you in a tight hug, it had been a while since he had seen you in person. “Good to see you, kid!”, he tells you with a fatherly tone in his voice. You grin at him, happy to see him. You climb into the car and Zak drives you to his home, to have dinner with his family. You quite enjoy it, but you feel yourself get tired after a while. Lando notices and decides to call a taxi for the both of you to drive to the hotel.
You share a suite, in case something was to happen during the night, but you sleep well. After a nice breakfast, you are getting picked up for the headquarters and inside you are feeling very nervous. You are good at hiding it, but you fiddle with your fingers. Lando takes one of your hands and gently squeezes it. Only now that you are not good on foot you realize how big the McLaren compound really is.
The core team meets in a room close to the entrance for your sake. They are all beyond happy to see you, everyone is relieved that you are on your feet again, at least partly. It is not many people, as you agreed with Zak to discuss the next steps in a small team before you met with everyone. After exchanging some courtesies, it is time for you to tell them of your decision. You take a deep breath and Lando once again squeezes your hand. No one knows what you are going to tell them, and you don’t really know how to tell them. You decide it is best to rip the band aid of fast.
“After consulting with my doctor yesterday, I think it is best if I resign for indeterminate time, until I am fully recovered.” The room is eerily quiet, everyone is a bit shocked. “While I could possibly sit myself into the car next season, I would not be able to give you guys the results you deserve. Trust me, this is not what I wanted, but if I race next season, the possibility of lasting health issues is very likely, and I do not believe that some half-assed results are worth that. I want to apologize –“ “Don’t!”, Zak interrupts you, “We have all developed a soft spot for you in our hearts, and we were all shocked when we heard what the doctors in Brazil said. Your health comes first. While we are deeply saddened about you resigning for indeterminate time, I believe I speak for all of us when I say that we would like to keep you around one way or the other.” You nod, tears welling up in your eyes. On the one side because they were so supportive, on the other side because you stating your resignation makes it a lot more real.
Now it is official – at least within your team – that you will not start next season. It feels a bit like your world is ending, your goals are out of your reach. You feel hopeless, and like you are – quite frankly – an absolute loser. Self-doubts threaten to eat you up, you want to curl up in a ball and just stop existing for a while. You spent the rest of the meeting lost in your thoughts, and the next days go by in a blur. You visit the headquarter many more times that week, talking to the team, discussing the best way to communicate your indeterminate resignation. You call Pierre a lot, telling him about everything. He deserves to know from you, so do all of your other friends. You cry a lot those days, Lando never quite leaving your side. He is there for you, so is everyone else. Yet you find yourself withdrawing yourself from almost everyone except Pierre. You call him daily, sometimes more than once. Many times, he has to listen to you softly sobbing into the phone, and it breaks his heart. But he never blames you, he always listens, he always comforts you.
After an exhausting week, there is only one more thing to do – film your resignation video. You cry during the video too, but you don’t mind – you love your fans, and they deserve to know the truth and witness your real feelings about your resignation. In the end, the video is 10 minutes long – you explain your reasons, you promise that you will be back. And you mean that. Somehow, you have found your fighting spirit once again. The video ends with a collage of your best moments in F1. A tribute to your achievements so far, but you are now certain there will be more eventually. You will put all the work in necessary so that you would heal properly, and that you would be able to sit in the car next year.
You fly back to Monaco alone – Lando would have come with you, but you told him to stay home with his family for a bit. He drove you to the airport and saw that you get to the plane just fine. When you land, Lewis and Valtteri are already there to welcome you back. They are kind and gentle and brotherly, and your soul heals a bit when they take you to lunch that day. They don’t make you feel like a loser anymore, they tell you that they are proud of you for making this hard decision. The three of you share things that you have never spoken about before, and it helps. The sun is shining on a white Monaco and your heart becomes full and hopeful. You are still weak and exhausted, and when they take you home you are more than ready to sleep, but it is different.
The next week is a busy week once again. You visit your doctor and your personal trainer a lot, discussing measures to help you healing, and setting up a slow training program that would help keep you in shape, while not overburdening your body. You still call Pierre every day to talk to him. He is with his family in France for Christmas, and he has invited you to join him. You tell him you will once you feel better. He understands, like he always does. He makes you laugh with his joke, and he tells you he misses you. You miss him, and when he drops one of his compliments, it is somehow different now. Your cheeks heat up sometimes, and your heart skips a beat.
Christmas is nice, and special. You are home, and for once you have nothing to do – no real training, only little exercises. No media duties, and you enjoy the time with your family. After New Year’s, you travel back to home to Monaco to rest and heal. The boys are all there for you – for whatever you need. They ask you how you are all the time, and they help you where they can. It is the little things, really, and one day you feel particularly bad about it. You cannot really give them anything back at the moment, and you feel like you are using them. You wake up with those feelings that they, and to distract yourself from them, you go on Instagram. Scrolling through your feed, you occasionally send them funny videos. It was the least you could do. After an hour or so, you lift yourself out of the bed, finally. You are very hungry, and you think about ordering something, when suddenly your doorbell rings. You need some time to reach it, walking slowly with your crutches, and when you open it, Daniel stands there in front of you. “You send me the first Reel on Instagram like one hour ago, so I figured you are hungry by now. I brought groceries and I am here to cook for you!” “I… You shouldn’t have!”, you try to argue, but Daniel already moves past you and into your kitchen. You follow him slowly.
When you see that he is already collecting dishes to prepare breakfast, you just sigh. He picks up the defeated sound and perks up, smiling at you. His face falls when he sees the way you look at him, like you are almost crying. “Hey hon, what´s up?”, he asks you. “I just… I feel so bad about all of this. I feel like I am using all of you, and like I am not giving anything back!” Daniel shakes is head violently, and he comes over to pull you in a hug. You almost disappear in it, and he draws soothing circles on your back. “Y/n, don’t ever say or think something like that again. You have almost given your life for us, and this is what friends are here for. We help each other when we can – sometimes one or the other does give a bit more. It equals out in the end. Besides, you still listen to all of us rambling, and you still give the best advice!” He pulls away and a tiny smile is on your face now. He ruffles your hair and before you can protest, he is back in the kitchen. “Now, go rest your ass on the couch, mate!”, he says, and you cannot help but laugh when you limp over to the living room.
Breakfast is nice, and Daniel makes you laugh with his stupid jokes. It is good to feel like this. You know that right now was the easy part – your friends are here, and they all have time for you. But you are afraid of what is coming after the winter break – when they are all gone, and you won’t be able to be with them doing the things you love the most. It will most likely break your heart, but you try not to think about it, at least not now.
It is a few weeks later, the next season will start soon. You have picked up training again, very slowly. It mainly consisted off walking on the treadmill, holding onto the sides. A few easy exercises that keep your body mobile and flexible and your muscles occupied. Spring is blooming in Monaco; the first sun is shining. Everything is going well. Well, almost everything. Right now, you are beyond embarrassed.
You had felt better today, so you had taken the taxi down to your favourite park to enjoy some time there. It had been late afternoon already, you had walked around a bit and sat down in a small restaurant to eat dinner. Now, it is later than expected, it was dark, getting colder by the minute, and you are beyond exhausted. Furthermore, the crippling feeling in your legs leaves you to panic, which is why you – against all rationality – do not call a taxi. Instead, you call Max, who picks up almost immediately. “Can you pick me up, Maxie?”, you choke out, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. “Send me your location!”, he says, and you can hear that he already picks up his keys. You nod, even though he cannot see that, and send him your location with shaky fingers. Max is there just ten minutes later to collect you. As soon as you see him, the tears really start to flow. He wraps his arms around you, his sweatshirt is collecting your tears, and he whispers encouragements while he gently strokes your hair. After a few minutes, you calm down and he helps you to his car.
He holds open the passenger door for you, and you climb in, almost falling because your legs are giving out under you. But Max is there, he catches you, and helps you. He closes the door behind you and gets in on his side. “You okay?”, he asks. You nod, using the sleeves of your sweatshirt to wipe away the leftovers of your tears. Max starts the car and drives through the dark streets of Monaco. You don’t know where he is going until he stops at the drive through of a Fast-Food restaurant. “I figured the occasion called for ice cream or a milkshake”, he tells you when you he sees your questioning expression. A tiny smile creeps onto your face. Max orders you a milkshake and gives it to you. You hold it in two hands like a child and Max cannot help but laugh. You pout a little, but ultimately smile when he takes a picture of you holding the cup in your hand.
He drives you to your place and helps you up to your apartment. Reaching the door, he stops for a moment and thinks. “Would you like some company tonight?” For a moment you think about telling him to go home, because you don’t want to trouble him any further. But being alone tonight sounds terrible, so you push down the unnecessary feeling of guilt and nod. He steps into the apartment with you and helps you take of your jacket. Together, the two of you settle in on the couch and put on a movie. You feel your eyes get heavy, but before you can tell Max that he might as well go home as you are about to fall asleep, you slip into slumber.
The next morning, you wake up in your bed. You stretch and roll over to your phone. A text from Max. “Don’t get scared when you wake up, I am sleeping on the couch.” You smile to yourself and get up. Max is still asleep, so you climb into the shower. Once you are done and dressed, you make your way into the kitchen to make breakfast. Already in the hallway, you hear voices. You are confused – you know that Max is here, but who else? Stepping into the kitchen, your eyes fall on Pierre. Immediately, a big smile appears on your face. “Pierre!”, you exclaim happily and his face lights up once his eyes fall on you. He rushed over and wraps you in a tight hug. What you don’t see is the wiggling eyebrows Max aims at Pierre. Pierre just rolls his eyes and then closes them to take in your scent for a moment. Soon after, you break the hug, but Pierre stays close, his arm loosely wrapped around your hips.
Max excuses himself shortly after, as he has an appointment. You bit him goodbye, and when the door falls close, you turn around to Pierre. “Why are you here already?”, you ask him, and he flashes you a cheeky grin. “Not happy to see me?” You shake your head but laugh. “I am more than happy to see you, Pierre! I was just thought you would arrive in two days.” “Well,”, he says and wraps you in another hug, “I really wanted to see you!” You are happy that your face is buried in his chest because a blush creeps on your cheeks.
Pierre pulls back a little and looks at you. “Are you feeling better today?”, he asks with genuine concern. You nod, “Yeah, thanks to Max. He picked me up last night and stayed over to make sure I was okay.” “Max told me what happened. Please, ange, you need to be careful. I know it is hard to be confined in this space and not being as independent as you used to be, but you need to watch out for your health.” You sigh, but nod. “I know. I am just really tired off this, and I want to experience things again. I am afraid that I won’t ever be able to get into the car again…” Pierre nods understandingly. “I get that. But the more you rest and listen to your body, the sooner you will be fully healed.” “Yeah, you are right. I –“, you want to say something more, but suddenly, your stomach growls.
Pierre laughs and you grin, a bit embarrassed. “I think you need some food!”, Pierre says. “Yeah, I am starving!” The two of you make your way into the kitchen and just now you see the huge bouquet of flowers on your kitchen counter. “Wow, these are beautiful”, you exclaim, “Thank you Pierre!” He smiles and waves it off. “It´s nothing”, he says, but for you, it is everything. Pierre pulls out one of your pans, and as you are about to help him, he shoots you a glare. You lift your hands up in mock defence and make your way into the living room. You get your laptop from the couch and sit down on the dining table, as you have some things to finish up. Just because you were not a driver anymore, that didn’t mean that you had nothing to do. Especially now that the winter break slowly came to an end – you had agreed with McLaren that you would be involved in their Social Media activity. It had been Lando´s idea, and you are really grateful for it.
While you couldn’t start on the grid next season, you also didn’t want to entirely leave the F1 world. You are not yet sure if that is a good decision, to be involved but not driving, but you would have to wait and see. Pierre joins you a bit later with some breakfast, and you are beyond happy to finally have him with you again. The two of you will spend some time in Monaco together, before the new season started.
You make the most out of that time. Some days you just sleep in, you in your bed and Pierre in the guest bedroom, and then you would have a long breakfast, you would take a little walk, talked with the fans. He helps you with your exercises, he is a gentle trainer, yet he inspires you to go a tiny, tiny step forward every day. He massages your muscles when they are tired, he applies the lotion your doctor prescribed you. He takes you out for lunch or dinner, he goes shopping with you if that is what you desire. He finds the best clothes for you, you feel pretty in them, you feel worth it in them. He makes you feel safe and protected and if you knew better you would say that he makes you feel loved, but you don’t talk about that. Right now, it is not the time for it, and you both just enjoy what you have for now. The lingering touches, the way the two of you gravitated towards each other. He takes good care of you, and he never gives you the feeling of being a burden, even if you need help with silly little things. Like when your arms and hands are so tired that you cannot take off your own socks. He never makes you feel like you have to be embarrassed about any of those things and it helps.
The break ends soon after these great moments and you hold up quite well. Saying goodbye to Pierre is hard, and you cry. He holds you and presses a kiss on your forehead and tell you that you can always call him. But it will be different, there will be the time difference and he will be busy, and you will be not. He still makes sure to call you whenever, and it works good somehow. Maybe it is because summer comes to Monaco and your friends visit you whenever you can. You train, you take it easy, you rest, and you heal. Soon enough, you are able to go for jogs again, your training becomes longer and harder and you seem to be on the right way. By the summer break, you feel stronger already, and life is rather normal again. You still feel exhausted some days and you are not where you used to be. But you were okay with that.
The sun lifts your mood up, even on the days you don’t manage to run very far. You still go out these days, just go get the kilometres down, to keep your body moving. Summer break comes, and with that the boys are back in town. They spend most of their free time with you, and you are beyond grateful for that. It means the world to you, that they come and visit. Pierre spends a lot of time in Monaco with you as well. You take it easy, enjoying the time together. Just like over winter break, he takes you out a lot. You go and see museums, concerts, whatever there is to do. Some days are exciting, others are slow and relaxing. You take naps on the day bed on your balcony, enjoying the warm summer sun. Your head often rests on Pierre´s lap, or you are cuddled up in his arms during those naps. Still, you don’t talk about it, it is all very natural, your relationship growing stronger every minute you spend together. However, labelling it is not your priority right now, it is still your healing journey.
The two of you also spend lot of time together with the other drivers. Like today for example. Currently, you are laying in the warm sun on the deck of Charles yacht. The boys are bickering about something, while you are reading. You had just left the harbour a few minutes ago, and the boys already distracted you from your book. You cannot help but smile though, you had missed this. It was almost like you were still part of the driver line-up, and you feel relieved that nothing has really changed. They are all still the same adorable dorks they used to be. Some time later, Charles stops the yacht in the middle of the sea. By now you are sweating and very warm, so you are the first person to take the leap of the deck into the ocean.
It is not really a problem; you feel good today. The guys follow soon after, and you start to joke around, splash each other with water, dunking each other under. You have so much fun that you don’t really listen to your body. You splash and dunk and swim around. Pierre watches you closely, like he always does. When you climb up the ladder, he is relieved that you choose to take a break, so he follows. You, however, have other plans. You are about to get ready to jump off the boat another time, when Pierre stops you. “You sure about that, do you not rather want to take a break?” You grin at him with the objective to calm him down. “I feel fine, Pierre!” He nods. “Just be careful, okay?” “Of course!”
You feel your mistake when you start to run to jump off the deck. Your legs are suddenly very, very heavy. You cannot stop anymore however, and before you realize, you are in the air. The force of impact on the surface of the water knocks the breath out of your lungs, your entire body suddenly feels heavy – almost too heavy for you to swim towards the surface. It takes you long to emerge from the water, too long. The others realize when you don’t come up immediately. Charles starts to swim towards you. A splash rips you from your apathy and you swim towards the surface with heavy arms. You emerge coughing and one second later Pierre is right next to you. He helps you to hold yourself over water, and soon, Charles is by your side as well. You are embarrassed, but they don’t let on how scared they really were. Pierre helps you up the stairs and you sit down in one of the seating areas. Pierre brings you a towel and wraps you in it. When the towel is around you, he doesn’t let go. “I am sorry!”, you whisper, “I should have listened to you.” Pierre shakes his head. “Don’t worry, just don’t scare me like that again.” “I won´t!”, you promise and snuggle closer into Pierre. He holds you and you fall asleep soon after.
The rest of the summer break is spent similar. You hang out with Pierre and the guys, you go to France with Pierre, you visit your family, life is good. But then, the races start again, and fall comes to Monaco and with that the rain and the grey days. You are not able to go out of your apartment that much anymore, you are lacking energy and you feel like you are making steps back. Your training doesn’t go as smooch anymore, you feel like your comeback might be in jeopardy.
You are in a bad mood, there is no reason to sugar coat that. You are beyond miserable. The feeling that you will not return next season haunts you, and you are terrified of it. What if you will not manage to ever race again? You have never known something else; you have never learned something else. You feel like you are drowning, and your saving comes in form of a particular Frenchman. He knows that you had been able to go on runs again and that you did harder workouts again, he knows that you were on a way to get better. When your best friend calls him and tells him that you spent most of your days inside now not doing much, he doesn’t believe it at first.
He does, however, when you open the door and look like you haven’t changed out of your sweatpants in a week. You look messy, eyes puffy and tired features. He is scared to see you like this, so hopeless and so… He doesn’t know how to describe it, but you look so little, so tiny. You weren’t the tallest, but usually you carried yourself like you were the tallest in any room. Now, you are hunched over. For a moment he thinks you are going to close the door in his face, but you don’t. “Put your clothes on, we are going for a run!”, he tells you. You don’t protest verbally, but your attitude shows him enough. He doesn’t flinch though. He drags you out of the apartment – you still haven’t said a word. He takes your hand when you arrive downstairs, and he pulls you with him. A little “Pierre, I can´t!” leaves your mouth, but he pretends that he doesn’t hear it. And, after the first meters, you seem to shake off the paralysis that had a tight grip on you the past week.
Your breath is steady, and you are keeping up well with him. It starts to rain, the trail becomes wet, and you slip at some point. You fall, and this little happening seems to make you fall apart. You stay on the ground, and you don’t grab Pierre´s hand when he reaches out. At first, he doesn’t realize but then he sees that you are crying, and he doesn’t care about his outfit – he drops to his knees next to you and hugs you. You want to turn away from him, you feel so fucking weak and pathetic, and he sees you in that state. It embarrasses you; it makes you angry. You want to push him away, you struggle a bit against his grip, but Pierre doesn't let go of you.
“Why am I so weak?”, you cry softly in his shirt, but Pierre hears you. “You are not weak, mon ange”, he whispers. He pulls you a bit closer, like he is afraid that the rain will wash and carry you away. “You are the strongest person I know. I know that life is hard at the moment, and I cannot imagine how you are feeling. But you will get there, I know that!” “I feel like I am the absolute worst version of myself right now, and I just don’t see myself driving next year, but… But that´s all I have ever known, it´s all I have ever wanted!” Pierre still holds you close. The rain is coming down harder now, and you are getting soaked to the skin. You don’t care, it doesn’t matter to you. “If I know anything, I know that you will come back stronger next than ever next year!” “Why do you keep on believing in me, Pierre?”
“You might see yourself as the worst version of yourself right now, but I think you are the strongest, the fiercest version of yourself right now.” For a moment, Pierre falls silent. He takes a deep breathe before he whispers the words into your ear, as if he is afraid that they will be washed away by the rain when he speaks up or speaks them further away from you. “And I believe in you because it is the only thing that keeps me sane. I cannot even begin to think about the fact that you might not ever race again, because it would affect my life in so many ways. It might be selfish, but I would not get to see you as much anymore, and the thought of that is terrible to me. I want to be able to come out of the garage and walk over to hug you. I want to hear your laugh sound all over the paddock because someone cracked a joke. And, most importantly, I believe in you because I am completely and helplessly in love with you.”
You need a moment to take that information in, understanding what he just told you. “You don’t need to say anything, I –“, you stop him by pulling out of his hug and taking your face in both of your hands. The position is not really comfortable, but you don´t care. You press your cold lips against his and kiss him. He kisses you back, and you can feel his warmth seeping into your bones. The rain is still coming down hard, but all you can feel is Pierre's arms around you, and it feels like you have found a lifeline, like you have a new purpose to fight and return stronger than before.
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meiiie · 9 months
Hi hope your doing great today :) maybe a dave lizewski x reader period comfort fic? got mine this week and it sucks and i need one with my best nerd <33
omg so sorry i just saw this now anon, but yes of course!
cramps&cuddles — dave lizewski
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pairing: boyfriend!dave lizewski x fem!reader
words: 0.6K (I wish I could make this longer, but I've run out of other ideas…)
fluff, comfort :) not proofread
You and Dave decided to have a sleepover after school since your parents goes to a vacation for a day, but your period just had to start at the worst timing. When Dave arrives at your house and sees you what seems to be (physically dying) on your bed, he immediately knows something is wrong
During the past week he’s been too busy being ‘Kickass’, this has been one of the first time in a while since you’ve seen each other, so seeing this sight brings a sudden rush of guilt inside of him. “hey, hey, baby, are you okay?” Dave asks, dropping his school bag with panic, approaching the bed to check your forehead with the back of his hand. “ughhrdhrdhhrfh, no I think I’m dying- oh gosh” you groan while hugging your lower abdomen. “ohmygodohmygodohmygod don’t worry I’m here- what do you need? I- what’s happening. Your forehead isn’t so hot??? What could be the reaso-” while Dave was squirming around your room in hopes of finding something to help with your suffering, you cut him off saying “Dave, don’t stress out omg it’s just that time of the month”
Despite Dave being the huge nerd he is—/that time of the month/ is the only thing he hasn’t researched about. His mom passed away while he was young, so with the amount of knowledge he knows about women… you can tell he was internally panicking. You turn to look away, then when you glance back- POOF, he magically disappears. He’s SPEEDING to the nearest store while on his phone, waht do wpmen need for thst time odf monsht typed while bursting into the store. When safari finally loads, he buys the listed items:
A compress
Your favorite snacks
“wait… pads with wings or without? you know what, I’ll just buy everything” is his mindset while also not thinking of his safety right now because how did bro almost get RAN OVER 4 times in a row. Despite his survival of multiple possible car crashes, he also goes to the nearest market to buy oranges because, according to a website, they help with cramps… or something? At this point, he doesn’t know if any of the items he has bought will help with anything, but he’s just praying you aren’t dead yet by the time he gets back to your house
It’s been roughly about 5-6 minutes, and he SWINGS YOUR DOOR OPEN with an almost burnt meal he made inside your kitchen with any ingredients he could find, hot chocolate, and a bowl of already peeled oranges. (a/n: I know that food combination sounds disgusting, but I’ve had all of that at once in one seating during my period, and it tasted amazing so what can I say) “here hun, I don’t know if any of these helps but how are you feeling so far?” he gently places the set of food on your bedside table, while also settling the hot compress on top of your stomach. He goes to cuddle beside you, caressing your back while handing you paper bags full of all the snacks you love.
“I think I’m feeling a lot better now, thank you so much for this” you say getting comfortable in his embrace, kissing around your forehead from time to time. He looks straight into your eyes, so deep, whispering apologetically “I’m so sorry I wasn’t able to spend this past week with you, I promise to make it up to you.” nuzzling his face into your neck, which makes you feel, warm, like your cramps have suddenly disappeared. “It's okay, please don’t worry too much about it, okay? Plus you’ve already made it up to me, thank you for being here, I mean it.” you both laughing at the sight of how any plastic bags he brought full of at least 15 different versions of pads and tampons. You both hold each other peacefully, while you both feel the breeze from your open window. 
“Can you hand me those oranges?”
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sapphicscholar · 4 months
Hacks Episode 3x09 Thoughts
Okay, so back during S2, I wrote up my thoughts about each pair of Hacks episodes as they dropped – partially for sharing but largely as an archive for myself of my own thoughts/feelings to revisit when I watched the episodes later to see how they held up, how it compared to watch them serially vs. as a whole season, etc. Anyway, I was incredibly stressed out and busy for much of this season (after over a year of that being the key set of words to describe my life), but I wanted to throw out my thoughts about the finale before they grow too stale! And maybe I’ll come back and revisit the prior episodes in posts later when I have the time (hopefully in just a couple short weeks!) to enjoy them properly
As always, disjointed bulleted lists are the name of the game, going from the big picture to the detailed:
Overall, this felt like a very solid episode in the vein of season 1 in many ways! It brought us back to the interpersonal as the primary ground of conflict after many episodes (here and in S2) of the new hour, the special, and the Late Night host gig quest being our main plot drivers (which, at many times, made for weaker storytelling for reasons that exceed the scope of this post!). In particular, I felt like this episode hit its stride around the halfway point, and never really faltered after that in impressive ways!
That being said, I had two somewhat significant critiques of the finale (both of which reflect larger trends about strands of the show that continue to leave me a little disappointed)
We should have seen Marcus' conversation with Deborah about the new job. Period. I'll get into what could have been cut in my second critique, but even if there weren't weak spots in the episode, I still would have been deeply disappointed in the show for this oversight, especially since they apparently filmed it. Although Hacks is clearly a show with a leading duo, it once had a core ensemble, but S2 saw them moved more and more to B-plots and bit roles, and now S3 has seen many of the characters we know and love eliminated almost entirely--a point that's particularly galling given that it's almost entirely characters of color (many of them canonically queer) who have been cut in favor of new white characters. Moreover, this scene would have been SO IMPORTANT - I could have seen it going 2 ways: a) Marcus quits after the convo where Deborah tells Ava she's willing to lose her, and Deborah has a reaction that is so utterly outsized because it's the terror of losing the person she's had with her the longest now compounded with the reality setting in that she's also driven away the woman who gave her new life when she most needed it; or b) Marcus shows up to quit, and Deborah immediately launches into a rant about Ava's leaving, which puts Marcus in the awkward spot of adding to that at a pivotal moment in the career of the woman he's spent much of his adult life with or giving up something he needs to do for himself; it could have been a lovely callback to S1 when he shows up with his whole speech prepared but then accepts the promotion without ever telling Deborah how he feels - only this time Marcus would have changed so much, and he'd have the opportunity to showcase that growth by insisting that he needs to do this for him. So many lost opportunities...
re what could have been cut because imo it did NOT work: Kathy Vance's return. Now, I love Hacks in large part because it insists on the complexity of its characters. No one is purely the victim or the hero of the story, and Deborah's "click" moment showcased that better than anything. AND YET the writing here did not work. Back in the Christmas ep, I messaged a friend saying I was glad that they brought Kathy back but seemed not to ask us to side with her - after all, she comes crashing back into Deborah's life, doesn't take ownership over her actions and in fact insists she was in the right because it only happened a few times, because Deborah wasn't sleeping with him (very "you weren't playing with it, so it's mine now" little sister energy that is deeply unappealing in a grown ass adult), and because they were the "better couple" which is, I'm sorry, NEVER the fucking thing to tell someone whose marriage and life you destroyed. I joked then that I'd take back my compliments if her role in the finale suggested that actually we should be on Kathy's side here. And lo and behold... What's a real bummer is that there were ways to do this better! Because you can have sympathy for an imperfect character--this show is a testament to that fact!--but not like this. We as an audience have no reason to side with Kathy when she insists that Deborah will be worse than ever and berates her for cutting their weekend short. Instead, we see a woman with a large sense of entitlement she's done nothing to earn and directorial choices that don't make it a smooth transition. But what could have been lovely is, for instance, treating the Christmas and finale reunions as these deflationary moments of anticipation and disappointment because they are, after this many decades, essentially strangers to one another. Had we seen two women who longed for the deep affective ties of their childhood relationship only to be confronted with the cold hard fact of their estrangement from one anther, it would have been so much more powerful. And here you could ACTUALLY garner sympathy (some) for Kathy by having it be this moment of "I lost my sister" partially through her own actions "to Late Night once, and now, right when I have a chance to try to build something with her again, I feel like I'm going to lose her again before I can even really try to do right by her this go around." THAT could have worked. This was just too much time on something that did almost nothing in the grand scheme of the plot (because we didn't have the emotional connection to feel it as another compounding loss for Deborah in an episode where Ava's "and you're going to die alone" could have landed with even more force)
Okay so it turns out this is getting hella fucking long, so some shorter praise and giddy feelings things:
I LOVE how often Ava got to say the things we've all been squeeing about for years during this episode - especially that the material is good because of their relationship, not the other way around; their dynamic is not incidental to the work, and that's so important to me personally.
I had guessed that Ava would be offered head writer and quit her current job, only to have it taken away because Deborah was too scared to rock the boat, but I did NOT see the end coming! In fact, I kind of thought Ava might end up suing Deborah for intellectual property theft (using material Ava wrote outside of her contractual appointment for the new show because, surprise surprise, the writers who sucked when she was a guest still suck now compared to Ava!) In fact, I sort of thought that end scene might end up being a return to the car scene, and was relishing the thought of Ava's mimicking Deb's "It'll be fun, honey." But the blackmail as a form of love/devotion was soooo much better. Truly chef's kiss.
Also the way this rewrote the S2 finale even as the underlying message remained the same is so special to me - I'll stay with you even when it's bad for me (sacrificing my career -> sacrificing my morals) because it's good for you and more importantly it's good for us and the work. JPL know how to write a finale, and I'd give up a kidney to have that same energy be there throughout a whole season again (not that the eps are bad, but they lack some of the sharpness in writing and emotional depth that JPL do so well with finales and also often with the first couple eps of a season too)
Lastly JPL going on the record that Deborah was turned on by that final scene + Ava's "I would, wouldn't you?" and "Let's begin" - truly some of the hottest TV. We're so back babyyy. No more half naked superheroes with all the eroticism of a desk chair. Give me messy women determined to fling themselves into the air because they know the thrill is worth everything good and safe they're leaving behind, even if they hit the ground with no parachute!
I have many, many thoughts about S3 and what's to come, but I'll save them for another post because phewww this got long as fuck
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gatitties · 1 year
A day off with Kunimi
Manager Miniseries
─Aoba Josai x fem!reader
─Summary: You're not in the mood for training and Kunimi seems to be on the same line of thought as you
─Warnings: none
12 < 13 > 14
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You were walking calmly to school, very sleepy, you almost fell or crashed on the street several times, it had not been a good choice to stay up late watching movies. You had no choice but to endure the morning, or that was what you had planned to do if it weren't for a certain first year boy, who was kicking a can with an ass face outside the gym.
"Where has Kunimi gone? Also why is (Nn) so late?"
Oikawa's voice echoed throughout the place, you and Kunimi could hear the team's confusion due to the silence at the entrance, both looked at each other without wanting to enter. Kunimi was the first to step forward, grabbing your hand to get out of there, trying not to let them hear the footsteps. A light laugh escaped your lips, thinking that you would no longer have to suffer being among a bunch of sweaty boys today, you mentally thanked your junior, tightening the grip on your clasped hands.
"I'm sorry for dragging you, I just figured you didn't feel like putting up with training today either."
"No, It's ok, I think I'll run away with you today."
He just nodded and you walked to a cafe near the high school, at your request, you were going to die of sleep if you didn't drink some caffeine immediately. When you left there you two decided to walk near the school, although finally ended up leaving, skipping a day wouldn't hurt.
"Where do you want to go?"
"Honestly, my house, but it's far away and I'm lazy."
You laughed at how sincere he was, then he thought that walking through a small market that wasn't that far away would be good, since you could entertain with the things they sold there. When you arrived, you tried on some oddly shaped glasses from a small stall, you forced Kunimi to put on the typical glasses with a fake mustache to take a photo.
He just sighed every time you stopped to look at any absurdity, like children's toys or flashy things. He only stopped when he was in front of a sweets stand, they sold a lot of different types, but he only noticed some in particular, salted caramels, they were his favorite. You noticed ir and smiled, buying several of those candies, sharing them with him, which at first he refused but then agreed to take some.
He had to hold your hand so you wouldn't get lost among so many people, he was getting tired of being there, especially because there was more and more crowd and it was becoming difficult to walk down the narrow street without crashing into someone. In fact, at the end of the street someone pushed you so hard that you even knocked Kunimi to the ground.
"Oh fu-, look where you're going, you idiot!" The lack of sleep mixed with the stress of all those people made you explode, but your focus was on Kunimi who was cleaning his pants "I'm sorry, someone pushed me, are you okay?"
"Don't worry, it hasn't been much different from when we have to do dives in training"
He feigned disinterest, even finding a funny point to the accident, you sighed at his attitude. You finished seeing things, deciding to stay in a park sitting next to a pond, watching the ducks fight to get a piece of bread that an old woman threw them.
"What a beautiful couple."
You two looked at the old lady, you had not realized that you were still holding hands and you separated immediately, causing the lady to laugh, after the embarrassing scene you left there, tyou had had enough.
"Okay, now I really want to go home, want to come?"
He wasn't going to stand walking from one place to another aimlessly anymore so you simply went to the boy's house, who just wanted to rest lying in his bed with some good blankets and a movie, even if you accompanied him it didn't bother him, at this point he just want to rest and do nothing.
He let out a contented sigh as he closed the door to his house, telling you where to leave your slippers while you got used to the hospitality of Kunimi's house. As you spent the morning walking around the market, you arrived just around lunchtime, although no one was home, and you had to improvise something, that is, you ordered something for delivery. While the food arrived, you started arguing about what movie to watch, because you are both iPad kids and you need to watch something while you eat.
"For the last time I'm not going to watch Barbie of Swan Lake or Meet the Robinsons."
You sighed exhaustedly, thinking about other movies, a light bulb went off in your head, and you decided to play an old reliable, Home Alone. Kunimi brought a couple of blankets, at some point in the movie you were practically hugging. Halfway through the movie his mother burst in, mocking her son for bringing a girl home, commenting on what an adorable couple you made. Kunimi had to kick her out because his mother and you started talking about him when he was a baby, because she show you an old photo. The movies ─because you decided to see a couple more─ went by so fast that you didn't even realize that it was already quite late.
"Honey, why don't you offer my future daughter-in-law a stay over?"
Everyone there knew that this was not a question but a statement, rather, an order. You almost choked upon hearing her, even though she was just teasing you, you went on to join forces at dinner to embarrass Kunimi instead, that family album can be a real danger in your hands.
"Leave the door open Akira!"
He rolled his eyes as guided you to the bathroom, lending you a change of clothes so could sleep comfortably. You could only laugh, deciding that you had had enough for today, you threw onto the bed next to Kunimi to rest, staring at the ceiling in silence listening to the little sound that came from Kunimi's phone, the first yawn was the signal for you to decide to go to sleep once and for all, you raised your leg, hitting the boy's foot.
"Good night Kunimi."
You smiled as you closed your eyes, taking seconds to fall into your deepest dreams, hoping that today is not the day you start talking in your sleep. He looked at you for a few seconds before putting down the phone and turning off the light without wanting to stay up late, tomorrow it wouldn't be so easy to escape from training taking into account the number of ignored messages in the team's group chat.
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hushedlover · 2 years
Hi I actually have never done a request before so this will be my first ever. I was thinking maybe Xavier and reader have been best friends forever and reader has always had a problem opening up to people but one day reader is really stressed about school, family, etc. and comes to Xavier and just hugs him and cry’s into his chest. And Xavier is really shocked at first but is really happy/excited that reader is comfortable with him and opening up and he comforts reader and says how proud he is that reader opened up. okay I’m sorry that was so long and I really hope that made sense. Thank you bye!! 💛💛
also I really love your page!!
Oh my goodness I love you sm thank you so much!!! The longer the better honey, don't you worry. I love this idea!
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You had reached your breaking point.
You hadn't slept well for days, anxiety plaguing your mind and keeping you up. And due to your studying habits, you also hadn't eaten more than a couple of granola bars a day. You had this huge test coming up and you wanted so badly to pass that nothing else mattered. Xavier had been bugging you to take care of yourself of course, but you just brushed him off and told him you'd be done soon. He relented, hoping you'd just go back to normal after the test had passed.
Xavier knew your habits pretty well. You guys had grown up together and been best friends forever, so he understood you as a person. He knew you were stressed, even if you hid it well, and refused to mumble even a word about it. You hated trusting people with your feeling. You didn't want people to have that power over you. But Xavier could read you easily after years of practice and the warning signs were there. He always helped you before you burst with emotions, making sure the breakdown never actually came. But this time, he missed it.
You were so sure you had done well. You had studied and studied, night after night. You were sure your test would reflect those efforts, but the bright red 70% staring back at you said otherwise. Now, to a normal person, a C wasn't a bad grade. It was still passing and it was middle ground. But when you took one look at it all you could hear was "FAILURE FAILURE FAILURE" like a fire alarm in your mind. It was the final drop of water in the bucket hanging over your head. Suddenly the water cascaded over your head, drowning you in the emotions you had suppressed in favor of focusing on your school work.
You felt the tears streaming down your cheeks, your lungs seizing up and stuttering instead of the fluent breaths you were attempting to take. Your hands tensed on instinct, the paper in your hands crumbling and your shoulders almost touching your ears. You hadn't even realized you had left your dorm and were walking towards the boy's hall until you were standing in front of his dorm.
Him, Xavier, your safe place. Your body had instinctively carried you there, even if you had not once let him see you cry. You wanted to be strong around him. You didn't want him to think you were weak, or an attention seeker. But before these thoughts could control your actions, your hand was knocking on the door. Without your permission. You were ready to bolt, thinking this was a mistake, but before you could even take a step backwards the door was swinging open.
When Xavier's eyes met yours, he froze. He was leaning out of his room, looking down at you. He had never seen you look so tiny. You had always carried yourself confidently, giving the illusion that you were the most powerful person in the world. But here you were, shaking, tense, arms hugging yourself with tears clouding your pretty eyes. He snapped himself out of his thoughts when a sob escaped your previously clenched jaw. Immediately Xavier was pulling you into him, engulfing your body with his as if to protect you from the tidal wave of emotions crashing over you.
You didn't fight him when he tugged you into his chest, only followed him into the room after he softly closed his door. Xavier guided you both onto the bed and gently maneuvered you so you were sitting sideways in his lap, face buried in his neck. He didn't say anything, just rocked the two of you back and forth, murmuring comfort into your hair. Occasionally he would kiss your forehead and bring his hands up to wipe some of your tears, but he never stopped his comfort. It wasn't until your sobs had died down to sniffles and the grip you had on his shirt relaxed that he pulled away slightly. One glance at your swollen eyes and running nose had his heart seizing up.
"You wanna tell me what's wrong honey?"
Xavier didn't want to pry, but he had to know if someone had hurt his girl in any way.
"i-im a failure Xav," you sniffed. "Got a C on my test."
The boy relaxed slightly, glad no one had hurt you. But he knew about your need for academic validation and he knew that if you were here, crying in his arms, this wasn't just about the test. He had never once seen you as much as sniffle let alone fully sob in his arms. Something bigger was going on.
"You are not a failure, I promise. I know it sucks right now, but that one grade doesn't define you. Now," Xavier turned you so you were straddling him and looking him straight in the face. "I want you to know I am so proud of you. You came to me when you were feeling down- hey don't be ashamed. eyes on me- and you let me comfort you. That's a big step and I am so happy you felt comfortable doing that with me. But I also know this isn't just a test-grade reaction. What's really going on?"
You avoided looking in his eyes, afraid that you would break down again. You just shrugged.
"I'm tired Xavier. Can we talk more later?"
Xavier sighed, but he knew he wouldn't get anything more out of you right now.
"Yeah, we'll talk later. Cmon."
As he started to shift you off of his lap, you gripped him tighter. You didn't want him to leave. Not yet. Xavier chuckled and rubbed your back.
"I'm not leaving, just gonna lay us down okay? We're gonna take a nap."
You nodded and buried yourself in his chest. Once you were both situated comfortably, you promptly fell asleep. The breakdown had really tired you out. Xavier just smiled at you, glad you had finally opened up to him.
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amberjazmyn · 2 months
slipping through my fingers 🫶
pairing : charles leclerc x fem!leclerc reader
summary : it's the day of charles leclerc's younger sister madaline's wedding to her long-time fiancé. charles and the f1 grid are way more emotional about it than they all thought they would be. they realised that their little sister was growing up and almost as though she was slipping through their fingers. especially when twelve hours before, marianna was utterly frightful of getting married to her fiancé. 
warnings :  other than some tears, older brother x charles leclerc, mentions of the losses of jules bianchi & herve leclerc, wedding fluff but not much
a/n : this is the third time i'm rewriting this and i love it so much so i decided to rewrite it for the one and only charles leclerc because this is my fave abba song. also, this is not to disrespect the losses of herve leclerc and jules bianchi, it is so saddening that charles has lost those two important men in his life as well as others like anthoine hubert and this is not to be rude or any of the sort. 
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madaline was absolutely mortified and she couldn't understand why she was so scared. was it because she was twenty-three years old and was getting married to the love of her life in literally less than twelve hours? or that she was getting married without two of the most important people there with her? for as long as she could remember, her biggest fear was the prospect of something bad happening to her parents and her family. yet, within two years of one another, madaline lost her brother charles' godfather, jules, to an f1 crash and then their dad two years later to a terminal illness, their mum the last parent left. and now, at this point, she had absolutely no idea about who she was going to get ready with for her wedding, who was going to walk her down the aisle or anything of that sort. come to think of it actually, madaline felt and knew exactly the fear, stress and anxiety that sophie sheridan from mamma mia was going through during the movie. and honestly, this isn't something that the poor girl ever thought she'd be feeling twelve hours out from her wedding. she genuinely thought she'd be jumping up and with the utmost excitement, more than she had ever been before. however, she couldn't even think about jumping up and down or be a tad bit excited and it was all because of the fact her mum, pascale, was focusing on helping the groom. not because she hated her daughter but because she knew that it was best to have her girls with her. that and she didn't have her dad, herve or jules, to walk her down the aisle and give her away to her husband-to-be. 
madaline felt like her head was travelling and spinning at a million miles per millisecond and she couldn't do anything to stop it, even if she tried. even if some of her bridesmaids told her to relax and that she was going to be okay, she physically couldn't and it genuinely caused some arguements. and that was something everyone had been hoping and trying their hardest to avoid the entire time. so, as tears began to cloud the young girl's eyes, chaos freely flying around her mind, she ran to the only other two people she knew would be able to help her clear her mind, making her judgement clearer.
holding back sobs, madaline helplessly beat down on the bedroom door of charles and his girlfriend alexandra and when no noise of acknowledgement came back, the distressed bride-to-be nearly slid down the door in complete hysterics. before madaline suddenly squealed, the door opened however charles nor alexandra opened the door. kika and lily did, the girlfriends of pierre gasly and oscar piastri.
"...madaline? are you okay sweetheart?" kika questioned, lily reaching her hand out for madaline to hold as the girl's teary eyes grew wide as she tried to hide her tears
both kika and lily knew their "sister" and could immediately tell that the young bride-to-be wasn't okay. however, both lily and kika didn't need to wait that long before madaline shook her head.
her eyes closing as her body shook from her sobs before being immediately scooped up in a hug by the two girls, "oh, madaline, baby girl, what's wrong?" kika whispered, softly rocking the distressed girl side to side, lily moving side to side as well
allowing the girl to calm down properly, the girls waited patiently for an answer, taking in a breath, madaline responded, "the wedding...it...i'm scared, kika, lily...ah..sorry for the tears--"
"--don't apologise, sweetpea, not to us especially...why are you so scared, madaline? i think instead of this just being between the three of us, we should tell charles, arthur and lorenzo or pascale even?" lily stepped in this time, offering the girl options as to who else she could talk to about her wedding fears as madaline managed a small smirk in gratitude for kika and lily
  "thanks girls and could i tell you and charles, please?" madaline almost whispered, sounding almost ashamed for being so fearful of the event that she was once so excited about and was now so terrified of 
 "oh, of course, you can darling! sit tight here for a bit, alright and we'll grab charles..." as lily and kika went to both leave the room to get charles, one of madaline's brother, they were stopped by that very girl who refused to get go of the girls' hands scoffing softly, kika spoke up this time as she turned around,
 "...darling, we can't get charles if you don't let go of me and lily," kika spoke softly as madaline shook her head
the girls quickly recognising the fear in madaline's as the same one they first saw when the news broke out about the deaths of her dad herve. breaking the hearts of both kika and lily - since it was a look they hadn't seen since that day.
 "can...ah...shoot...could you both stay here?" madaline stammered out shyly as both kika and lily immediately nodded their heads, kika grabbing her phone to shoot charles a text instead
"of course, i can mads," kika smiled softly, the text quickly sent as she pulled her distressed bff in for another hug whilst they all, kika, lily and madaline waited for charles
the three girls found their way to charles' bed and sat there quietly when they suddenly heard the quick footsteps of charles. it sounded like he was panicking and running so, they knew right away they needed everyone to be calm and collected. so, with the help of kika and lily, madaline took in some deep breaths and tried to reduce and get rid of as many tears from her face as possible. however, the moment charles entered the room, it seemed like he could already tell what was stressing his little sister out and it truly devastated him and he didn't even need to think that hard to figure it out either.
catching his breath back, charles gently went down to his knees and held his sister's hands, "je sais pourquoi tu as peur madaline mais je veux que tu me le dises. qu'est-ce qui te tracasse, chérie ? qu'est-ce qui vous empêche d'être si enthousiasmé par ce qui sera le plus beau jour de votre vie et de celle de votre fiancé ? tu étais tellement excité ces dernières semaines, qu'est-ce qui a changé?" charles whispered in french as kika and lily slowly backed away, allowing the brother and sister to have this talk in private, madaline's chin wobbled as she shrugged her shoulders i know why you're scared madaline but i want you to tell me. what's bothering you, honey? what's stopping you from being so excited about what's going to be the happiest day of your and your fiancé's life? you were so excited the past few weeks, what's changed?
truthfully, she didn't want to tell her brother the reason, even though she knew he knew since he just explained that he knew but wanted to hear it from her. she just felt like if she said it out loud, it would be true and she didn't want it to be true. madaline, in some ways, still refused to believe that their dad and charles' godfather were dead, as childish (and possibly delusional) as it was, she still hated the thought that she, at twenty-three, only had her mum left apart from her three brother's, lorenzo, charles and arthur. she despised that she was the only leclerc sibling out of all four of them that wouldn't get the chance to have their dad walk her down the aisle and have jules there like she always dreamt they would. whilst lorenzo was the only other sibling married, it still was upsetting that madaline that her dad would never get the opportunity to walk her down the aisle and she'd never get the opportunity to tease jules for being so emotional over it during the reception. wait, depised isn't the right word at all. it absolutely killed her that her dad and jules weren't alive to see her get married to the man who truly saved their youngest daughter's life more times than countable on two hands. however, charles wanted to be told so then he could help his sister because he knew how hard it was to plan a wedding with your parents involved so, he knew that it would be even harder without.so, he wanted to do every single thing, big or small, he could to help his little sister with the most important day of her life.
 charles sighed softly, picking himself up off the ground and sitting beside his sister on his bed, "est-ce que ça a à voir avec le fait que papa et jules ne soient pas là ?" charles whispered softly, emotion wavering in his voice for it was also emotional for him to talk about the fact that their dad and godfather weren't alive for the wedding as madaline's staggered breath and nod of the head confirmed charles's question has it got to do with dad and jules not being here?
madaline closed her eyes, leaning into her brother as the tears she had tried so desperately hard to hold back just exploded down her face as she covered it with her hand. charles held his sister as tightly as he could as his heart broke even more. this was basically the first time since losing their dad and jules that madaline had actually cried over their deaths. which is why it was hitting the girl all at once with her wedding being less than a day away and knowing that dad and jules wouldn't be there to be witness to it.
even though it was more than charles just being an emotional person, he could also feel tears stream down his own cheeks as he hugged his sister tightly as she just fell apart in his grip, "je t'aime, madaline. tout ira bien, je le promets," charles whispered as he started to soothe madaline's cries as she started to take in some deep breaths to control herself i love you, madaline. we'll be okay, i promise
"je t'aime aussi, charles... et tu le penses vraiment ?" madaline whispered back as charles nodded his head, his grip not once weakening i love you too, charles...and you really think so?
"je le sais, madaline! quoi qu'il arrive, ils seront toujours avec nous, dans nos cœurs et cela ne pourra jamais nous être enlevé!" charles responded as madaline hummed, a small smile gracing her lips as she nodded her head in agreement i know so, madaline! no matter what, they'll always be with us, in our hearts and that can never be taken away from us!
 "personne ne peut l'enlever..." she trailed off as she and charles stayed in one another's embrace no one can take that away
𝐰𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐝𝐚𝐲
 her head was swirling with regret, madaline had just blurted out to her brother's girlfriend, alexandra if she could help her get ready for her wedding alongside kika, lily and kelly. it originally looked as though alex didn't want to do it, that is, until tears welled in her eyes and she smiled.
tearing up, alexandra spoke up, "...you want me to help you get ready, mads?" she nearly whispered as her voice caught with emotion, madaline nodding her head with the sweetest smile after she relaxed
"is that okay, alex?" madaline questions with the biggest smile as lily, kika and kelly stand behind the girl with smiles on their face 
alexandra nodded her head, her smile big, "of course! i'd be honoured, madaline! thank you for even asking me let alone lily, kika and kelly! do the other girls in the bridal party know we're helping you?" alexandra questions as madaline smiles, nodding her head 
"yeah, that's why maman's with them. she's getting ready with them right now. we'll be seeing them after though during the first look alongside charles and the groomsmen," madaline smiled as alexandra sighed, pulling her sister-in-law in for a hug and smiled 
lily, kika and kelly also smiling and immediately decided to get the young bride ready in an instant, the rest of the bridal party getting ready next door. 
and because it was all of a sudden too quiet, the girls decided to play her wedding playlist they had specifically created and hit shuffle. and, like it was fate, the very first song that played was none other than abba's slipping through my fingers. smiling softly as kika started her makeup, madaline started to sing and hearing her sing made the other girls smile at her. especially since the girl's favourite movie was mamma mia, the movie from which this song is from. 
  schoolbag in hand, she leaves home in the early morning, waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile, i watch her go with a surge of that well-known sadness 
 madaline smiled as she sat on the makeup chair whilst kika did her makeup whilst lily, kelly and alexandra watched on in pure joy at the girl's happiness when just not even a day earlier, she was terrified and sobbing in her older brother's arms about it.
it hadn't taken kika that long to do madaline's makeup when she smacked the bride-to-be's bum and told her to move over to lily's. sitting in lily's lap, lily started to paint madaline's toenails since her nails had already been done days beforehand alongside kelly.
and, it was at this moment that madaline realised why weddings were so emotional and so stressful because there was a sort of innocence that she'd be losing because she'd be growing up. but, at the same time, madaline was the happiest she had ever been and she was just so excited to be married that she kind of tried her best to soak in and savour all the emotion so that she'd never forget it. 
  and i have to sit down for a while, the feeling that i'm losing her forever, and without really entering her world, i'm glad whenever i can share her laughter, that funny little girl 
 whilst doing madaline's toes, lily started to sing along with her to slipping through my fingers as it truly did feel like the f1 grid was losing their little leclerc baby after a short twenty-three years. and six of those twenty-three years, she had been dating her husband-to-be. so, for the rest of the f1 grid seeing their little baby finally marry her husband made it real for them. it made it real that she was growing up and entering into the new life that they all had been in for more than two decades at this point.
even though he knew he wasn't allowed to be actively looking for his sister, charles just couldn't help himself to stay when he heard madaline and lily, along with kika, kelly and alexandra, all sing together. it almost made him teary-eyed when he realised the song... who was he kidding, it totally made him cry when he heard the song as he rested his head against the door as he too also started to quietly sing along to the song. this song is really meaningful to charles now that he really started to feel like his younger sister was slipping through his fingers and finally growing up and getting married.
slipping through my fingers all the time, i try to capture every minute, the feeling in it
charles sang softly as he closed his eyes, tears streaming down his cheeks as he rested his head against the door of the room where his sister was getting ready with the help of his girlfriend alexandra and the other f1 wags. the wedding photographer was also in there but seemed as though she was also joining in with the singing and having fun.
charles smiled tearfully as he continued to sing, grateful that even though madaline was missing their dad and jules. who were sadly no longer with them on earth, she was still positive and allowing herself to fully be present and have all the fun in the world. no longer upset or scared about her wedding.
  slipping through my fingers all the time, do i really see what's in her mind? each time i think i'm close to knowing, she keeps on growing 
 as charles sang softly on the other side of the door, lily had finished painting madaline's toenails so kelly was now taking care of madaline's hairstyle before finishing it off by having alexandra help assist madaline into her wedding dress.
the girls continued to sing whilst the photographer continued to snap some candid photos of kelly curling madaline's hair before braiding two sections and forming it into a bun at the base of her head. "...wow kelly, this looks perfect and it's only just started..." 
  slipping through my fingers all the time
madaline smiled at the mirror as kelly finished doing her hair. her long blonde locks were curled and put back with a braided bun that was decorated with baby's breath. now that her hair, makeup and toenails were done, all that was left was to get her into her ceremony dress since madaline realised she couldn't choose between two. so, instead of having to choose which one to say no to, she decided which one to wear for the actual ceremony and then which one to wear for the reception afterwards.
"...thank you girls! i cannot thank you enough for helping me get ready!"
charles' pov
i could tell from the window next to madaline's room that she was getting changed into her ceremony dress with the help of my girlfriend, charlotte. turning away from the window, i sat down and rested against the door as i softly started to sing the next verse of slipping through my fingers. i hadn't realised until this very moment that the girls had been playing it and singing to it that i really related to it. in the same way, dad and jules surely would have related to it, because it was finally madaline's wedding day, i truly realised and felt like she was all of a sudden just slipping through my fingers and growing up way too quickly for my liking.
going back through our childhood together, before my motorsport really took off and took me away from my family, i remember always telling madaline to just slow down. because, before she knew it, she'd be getting married and having to do the adult stuff like pay for bills and work tirelessly so she should be thankful that she was still young. and for her to stay young for as long as she could and now, she was an adult. i mean, she has for the last few years, only a year younger than me and she was getting married. and there was no way i could just press a button that stopped time and stopped my sister from getting any older. 
and i'm not saying this because i never want madaline to grow up or get married or create her own family. nah, that just sounds a tiny bit creepy. it brings me so much joy to see madaline grow up and get married to her beautiful husband-to-be and have a family with him. it just makes me sad that she's no longer that spunky, bubbly, innocent little girl like she used to be. i just sometimes wish she could stay this little forever as selfish as it sounds, i just know it's something that dad and jules would be begging madaline about because i know they'd also want their little girl to stay as little forever as i'd want her to. 
but, that's the thing, she can't stay that little forever and, she has to grow up and get married and have her own family. otherwise i don't think madaline would be as happy as she is now if she wasn't moments away from getting married to her husband-to-be.
sleep in our eyes, her and me at the breakfast table barely awake, i let precious time go by. then when she's gone, there's that odd melancholy feeling and a sense of guilt i can't deny
i smiled as i sang, even though i knew i'd start crying and just let myself reflect. i was remembering those days when madaline and i were younger than we are now, obviously, sleep in our eyes and the both of us eating our breakfast together before going our separate ways to school and whatever it was i was doing with karting and motorsport. and now, i've realised the precious time that i just let slip away now that she's gone and just as donna sings to sophie, i feel that same odd melancholy feeling and guilt that i wasn't able to deny.
as the girls continued to sing, i knew i had to leave since i also had to get ready due to the wedding being less than an hour away at this point. walking away, i could faintly hear madaline and the girls sing the next verse making me smile at two of my best girls.
what happened to the wonderful adventures, the places i had planned for us to go? well, some of that we did, but most we didn't and why, i just don't know
knowing that i had been crying before walking back into the room where the groomsmen and best men were getting ready, i wiped away my tears as best as i could and took in a deep breath. mainly because i knew if madaline's husband-to-be saw me crying, he himself might start freaking out and that wasn't something that was needed at this point. especially now with so little time before the actual ceremony taking place. however, as soon as the lads were all ready and just chilling at this point, resting in our hotel room after so many photos had been taken, a small knock was heard on the door.
due to being the closest to the door, pierre opened it to see his girlfriend, kika's gorgeous smile straight away, "hey kika, what are you doing here?" pierre spoke up as kika smiled before giving an apologetic look to noah, madaline's husband-to-be
"i am so sorry noah but, is it okay if i just steal your guys for a moment? madaline has requested to have a small little moment with them before the ceremony..." kika trailed off as all of the groomsmen (me, pierre, lando, max, daniel, oscar, taylor and damien, two of noah's brothers) all lit up in excitement as noah smiled
"...of course you can, kika, it's not a problem at all," noah smiles as kika sends him a wink and grabs my hand whilst the rest of the groomsmen filter out behind us in a mix of confusion and excitement as to why we were suddenly being summoned
by the time the groomsmen and kika had made their way to a gorgeous floral archway, they stopped and in confusion, charles spoke up asking kika why they had been dragged all the way over there.
"...kika, what are we doing here?" charles questions with a soft giggle as francisca smiles lovingly at her best friend
knowing that madaline wouldn't have the chance of a first look with her dad and to be walked down the aisle by him, she thought this was the perfect time to let madaline have a first look with her husband-to-be's groomsmen. which included her brother and also have him walk her down the aisle.
smiling, kika spoke up, "do you trust me, charles?" charles smiled and nodded his head at his best friend almost immediately - of course he trusted her, how could he not?
"of course, i trust you, kika!" charles answers in a matter-of-fact tone which makes the group giggle as francisca smiles back before responding
"good because i'll need you guys to close your eyes and keep them closed until i tell you to open them again, okay?" kika announces which slightly worries them but they listen and close their eyes
francisca noticed that all the guys had closed their eyes and weren't trying to peak or try to see what was going on so she gestured for madaline to come out of her hiding spot and walk over to the groomsmen for the first look.
slipping through my fingers all the time, i try to capture every minute the feeling in it
taking in a deep breath, madaline stood in front of her husband-to-be's groomsmen which literally included her older brother, charles and the other f1 grid racers that her husband was friends with. this was originally a moment she had been waiting for and dreaming of doing with her dad and jules. however, due to their untimely deaths, she wasn't able to do that. so, noah, madaline and francisca decided that as a compromise, madaline would instead do a first look with the groomsmen and then ask charles if he could walk her down the aisle since their dad wasn't able to do it.
francisca gave the girl some comfort knowing this whole situation was emotional and bittersweet for the girl before giving her a slight head nod, signalling that she could tell the guys to open their eyes.
"...you can open your eyes now..."
slipping through my fingers all the time, do i really see what's in her mind? each time i think i'm close to knowing, she keeps on growing. slipping through my fingers all the time
...as soon as madaline spoke up, letting the guys open their eyes, they did just that and then all fell silent as soon as they realised who was in front of them. standing in front of noah's groomsmen stood madaline all dressed up in her wedding dress and looking exactly how charles had imagined his baby sister would look like on her wedding day.
silence filled the floral outdoor archway for a few more moments before a tearful charles spoke up in french, "...tu es si jolie, madaline," he sniffled quietly as he smiled wide as madaline sighed out of relief as she giggled softly you look so pretty, madaline
"thanks, charles, you guys look so good as well!" madaline giggled in english as she swayed side to side shyly before charles walked forward
grabbing his sister's hands, he lifted one up as she smiled in slight confusion before understanding what he was doing when he started to twirl her to see the rest of the dress and the back of her hair. holding back a sob with his free hand, charles spoke up again as everyone else watched on with smiles.
"dad and jules are for sure kicking themselves that they're not here to see this," charles' voice broke as tears welled in his eyes and madaline nodded her head, her facial expressions softening
"i know, charles. i bet they are roaring mad that they're missing out but, i know they're here, i can feel them. they may not be alive but they're here!" madaline smiled as she pulled her brother in for a hug, giving him a quick kiss on the head
she then moved to pierre, lando, max, daniel, oscar, taylor and damien for hugs before moving back over to her brother to ask him a very important question.
"...charles, i have a question i wanted to ask you..." madaline trailed off in english so the others could understand since not all of them spoke or understood french as she held her brother's hand as he smiled, nodding his head
"...what is it bug?" charles replied with a smile on his face as everyone else watched on in suspense, everyone but kika, obviously
"well, since dad isn't here, and mum focusing on all of her other jobs making sure lorenzo and arthur are behaving, i was wondering if you wanted to walk me down the aisle and give me away..." madaline trailed off as charles' eyes once again filled with tears as a shaky breath left his mouth
"...are you sure?" charles whispered as his voice broke and madaline nodded her head, a big smile on her face
"i'm serious, i'm not marrying noah if you don't give me away, please charles. and before you ask, i have already asked mum, lorenzo and arthur but they have all kindly refused, wanting it to be you. so, please, will you walk me down the aisle, cause, truthfully, i'm too scared to do it alone..." madaline trailed off softly, her voice in a tone that wasn't at all pleading as charles gulped
he had no idea that their mum and two other brothers had refused to walk their daughter and sister down the aisle because they wanted him to do it instead. he wasn't hesitating because he didn't want to walk his sister down the aisle, he was hesitating because he knew that this job was supposed to be their dad's, not his. however, charles quickly came to his decision and wiped away his tears, smiling and nodding his head.
"even though i wish dad was here to do this, i'll be honoured to walk you down the aisle, mads," charles breathed out with a smile, madaline smiled brightly as she was brought into a hug by charles
sometimes i wish that i could freeze the picture, and save it from the funny tricks of time, slipping through my fingers...
madaline smiled as she and charles walked down the aisle, her husband-to-be, noah patiently waiting for them. staring at her in complete awe, noah felt tears well in his eyes but he kept his cool even when he saw the tears well in his soon-to-be brother-in-law's eyes as he held his younger sister's hand as tightly as he possibly could.
the song that charles and madaline were walking down the aisle to was amazed by lonestar since it was the song that had been pre-picked by jules and herve years ago, before noah and madaline were even old enough to consider being married. it only made sense that that song stayed unchanged as it now paid tribute to them both.
the brother and sister had now made it halfway down the aisle and that was when they finally decided to share a sweet, comforting look with one another. both of them acknowledged that whilst today was a happy occasion, it was still upsetting and bittersweet that their dad and jules weren't alive to see it take place.
leaning to her ear, charles spoke up in french, "ça va, bug?" he whispered as madaline smiled and lightly nodded her head, so as not to alert the guests that they were talking you alright, bug?
"mhm, je vais bien charles," she mumbled back as charles smiled and took in another deep breath, comforted by the fact that his sister was okay mhm, i'm okay charles
"slipping through my fingers all the time. schoolbag in hand, she leaves home in the early morning, waving goodbye with an absent-minded smile,"
tears filled charles' eyes as he gave his sister away to marry noah, ignoring the way the bridal party, groomsmen and guests watched in complete awe. standing with his girlfriend with the rest of the bridal party, he couldn't help the tears that fell down his cheeks watching his sister get married to her husband without their dad and jules there at the wedding since their deaths.
halfway through the ceremony, madaline turned her head and made eye contact with her teary-eyed brother. understanding her brother's emotions, she smiled comfortingly and gave him a little wave before returning her attention back to the ceremony and her husband who gave her a sweet smile.
charles never realised until now that madaline had well and truly slipped through his fingers and it no longer bothered him because it wasn't like she'd never return ever again. 
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this was so much fun to write for a third time! anyway, i love this one-shot so much that i'm going to do like a part two that follows the reception part of madaline and noah's wedding and have it include the best man speech and all that jazz. it may also follow an abba song or something but i don't know yet but do keep your eyes peeled as it will be a good one.
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dronebiscuitbat · 3 months
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 37)
Hi, This is the Author, Bri, or Batty if you'd rather that. This Chapter is rough, and involves N and his “relationship” with J. Reader Discretion is Advised.
With that said, enjoy!
N had just landed at the top of the spire reluctant to even make himself known to the rest of it's inhabitants, he'd failed a hunt again, it was getting harder lately, with very few worker drones wandering out of the steel doors they'd sealed themselves inside.
Good for them, not so good for him.
His hunting effectiveness was always less then his squadmates, wanting to kill as quickly and painlessly as possible to not drag out their deaths, it had the added bonus of leaving them intact and full of oil he could ration for several days at a time.
It also resulted in the less then stellar wrath of his perfectionist boss, J.
What she expected was brutality, efficiency and a high body count above anything else, even oil harvesting took a backseat. Their own needs came second, the “company” first.
He was… none of those things.
But he couldn't stay up here forever, J would come find him regardless, there was no point in trying to hide from her, or delay what would be coming his way. Not for long at least.
He watched as V flew off, and he winced, dread filling each processor slowly, like a cold ocean. It was always worse if she wasn't here.
He landed with a thud outside the spire, already making himself look small, as he made his way through it, he didn't hear J, maybe she was already heading up to her nest? That happened sometimes, if she had already worn herself out hunting.
He was getting his hopes up, maybe this would be a peaceful night and he could get some rest.
That was a mistake.
Almost immediately after that thought finished something metal and heavy slammed into his back, knocking all the air out of him instantly, he yelped, his hat being knocked off his head and being tossed somewhere nearby.
“N. You were lagging behind… you weren't hiding from me, were you?”
“N-No! Of course not J, just uh-checking the perimeter before we called it a night! Yeah!”
“Oh Really? Are my lessons working then? Are you taking the job more seriously?”
She was still standing on his back, pressing him into the ice and snow, he could barely suck in any air through his vents.
“Y-yes. J.” He stammered out, breath already ragged, he didn't mean it, not really, but if he could give J what she wanted now, for him to submit, maybe this wouldn't need to go any further.
“Hmmm… you know, I don't quite believe you.”
Oh no, no nonononono-
He felt one of her fingers wrap around the cord of his tail near the vial, all his sensors lit up at once, sending a shaky, unwilling groan out of his mouth, he squeezed his eyes shut, bracing himself.
It would be over soon enough, so long as he listened to every word, followed every command, he could save himself the worst of it, she wasn't getting immediately violent, so she wasn't in the worst mood.
She straddled his back, putting more weight on him and refusing to allow him to move to accommodate it, his chassis groaned, but he did his best to stay quiet, obedient.
“I think you were hiding from me. Don't you know that always makes this worse?” She pulled his tail taught with her fingers, one of her favorite activities, he whined, crackles of oversensitivity crashing through his systems. It was ironic really, he'd been the first one to notice their tails were sensitive, he'd been the one to point it out.
Now it was the thing used against him the most often.
“I-I wasn't hiding! I k-know better J, Please- I'll be good!” She was the boss, always and forever, everything she wanted she got, even if what she wanted was him, in whatever way she preferred.
“I should hope so~”
Oh that artificial sweetness, that corporate approved, unsettlingly fake customer service voice that meant nothing but bad things for him, it meant she wasn't mad, it meant she was pent up, stressed out, and ready to unleash it all on him one way or another.
The tip of her tail slowly drug across his back, sending shockwaves of burning pain through each sensor it touched, alighting them with so much sensation he gasped, no matter how many times this happened, he never quite got used to it.
He whimpered and jerked underneath her, self preservation protocols already sending signals to his joints and servos to get away, to escape, causing him to squirm, even so, he made no attempt to truly fight back, he'd tried that once… the first time.
“Awww… look at you, I've got you wrapped around my finger don't I” She grabbed his canister, making him groan in a sick and confusing mix of pain and pleasure, but It wasn't pleasant, it was never pleasant.
“J… please… I'm sorry… I'll do better.” His last ditch effort to put a stop to it, pleading with her to give him a break tonight, he was tired, so tired…
“Oh hush, we both know thats a lie.” He heard claws unsheath, he gulped, that rarely worked anyway, but it was worth a try…
One of her claws dug into his side, making tears prick in his visor as he gritted his teeth. Oil pooled at the tips of her extended blades, as they traveled upwards, leaving deep scratches that were almost immediately healing over, only to be torn open again and again. It was like she was petting him, only way, way worse.
All the while, her other hand was grinding roughly into his canister, making his entire body shudder and twist uncomfortably, his tail always tried to flick away on it's own, but each attempt was met with a harsh grip that he was surprised didn't shatter the thing.
N wasn't one to curse, he didn't like it, always using family friendly alternatives, but like this? Sometimes they slipped out, sometimes it helped.
“Shhhhiiiittt” He groaned breathlessly as her claws made their path again, she laughed in response, yanking on his hair with her tail to get closer to his audio receptors.
“Ooooh, Naughty word N, that's not professional at allll~”
She flipped him, the sudden change in position making him dizzy, the wounds on his sides seeping now with oil as the nanites worked overtime to keep him in tip-top shape, he almost wished they didn't, if the wounds remained open, she couldn't cause more pain by reopening them.
He would have preferred to stay on his back, there was only one reason she'd want to hover over him like this, and that was to touch the most sensitive part of any drones body.
His Core.
“Look at me N. It's rude not to make eye contact with your superior.”
He did what he was told, gold meeting gold, her smile was wide, the same as the one she wore while tearing through workers just without the ‘X’, At this point he was wrecked, panting, hair disheveled and his tail already so oversenstive it felt like a thousand tiny needles sticking him.
“You know what I want right?”
“Y-yes.” There wasn't even a second of hesitation, why would there be? This song and dance was common, not every day but often enough he could reliably tell what mood she was in, today was no different.
All she wanted today, was to feel powerful.
Her claw tapped on the glass covering of his core, sending jolts of imput directly to it, this was the most pleasure he would get during this, the rest would be a blur of pain, he sucked in a breath.
And her hand plunged into the glass while he screamed at the sensation of his heart being ripped out-
He jerked awake with a silent scream, pain resonating from his core as he sucked in as much air both his vents and his artificial lungs would allow, his hand gripped over his core tightly as it throbbed in phantom pain. His eyes were hollow, tears ran down the inside of his visor as he took in his surroundings.
He was home, in bed, in the bunker.
The spire was outside. And J was dead.
He buried his face in his hands as he tried to calm himself down, his core was stuttering as if it wasn't sure if it was supposed to be online or not, and he gulped down a sob.
“Mmh? N?” Uzi's voice entered his head and he grew even more panicked, she didn't need to see him like this! No one needed to see him like this!
He tried to calm himself down before she looked over but it was no use, her purple eyelights were boring into him as she lifted the sheets off herself and closed the miniscule distance between them, her hand was on his in a flash, and her arm around his back.
“N what's wrong?” Her voice was laced with concern, but he couldn't bear anyone touching him right now, he gently shook off her touch, but found it impossible for him to speak a word to her, instead he curled in on himself, tail curled around his body as if it would protect him.
He shook his head as his only response, needing a miniute to collect himself, she kept her hands off him, giving him space but not going too far away to suggested she wasn't there.
He was here, he was home, and he was safe, J wasn't here, she was dead.
“N, are you okay?” Uzi's voice was gentle, like a warm blanket over him after he'd been out in the cold, he let out a deep breath, glancing over at her and feeling the unbearable tightness around his core loosen.
“Y-yeah, I am now…” He responded shakily, still feeling that little bit of phantom pain from his dream- memory.
“What happened? You looked like you thought you were going to die.” She asked, scooting a little closer but still not making any move to touch him directly, he really appreciated that… but now he wanted nothing but her touch.
“I uh… it's- I” How was he supposed to explain this? To her? To anyone? That he'd been used like this, had V even known? J has always managed to get him very alone.
“You don't have to tell me if you're not ready. I know the look of deep-seated trauma when I see it.”
“No, it's… I wanna tell you, I just don't know how.”
“I'm not gonna bite you no matter what you say… at least not in this instance.”
He smiled at her attempt in levity and leaned into her shoulder, giving her permission to wrap one arm around him, tracing shapes in his back while the other interlocked their fingers.
“J didn't like me.”
“But… she liked… what I could offer for her own, uh, stress relief?”
Uzi thought for a moment on what that could possibly mean, it didn't help that she'd been jerked awake by his movement and was possibly still waking up, but as the gears got to turning her face fell.
“Stress relief?”
N let out a shaky breath, he should have known that would be too vague…
“She would take out her frustration on me… sometimes it was because I would make a mistake… and sometimes it was- well just because. Her- Her favorite thing was to uh-” He gulped, words catching in his throat as he forced them out. “-pull my tail n’ rub the vial until it hurt.”
“Oh N…”
“B-but the- the worst thing was-” He looked at her, she already looked so worried for him, he was a little wary that she might never look happy again after he finished. “-my core.”
Uzi dragged him into the the most protective hug she could muster, which was a little difficult considering their height difference. A drones core was… them, it was their power core and main processing unit, it was the most sensitive, most intimate part of someone.
And his had been abused.
“Is… is that why you pulled back yesterday?”
“Y-yeah- I'm sorry about that…”
“Don't. I definitely should have asked before I… attempted that. We hadn't talked about it.” She looked a little ashamed about it, but swiftly turned to topic elsewhere, focusing on him and him alone.
“I'm sorry.”
“You didn't do anything!”
“I know, but… I'm still sorry, that shouldn't have happened to you.”
“C-can you… kiss me?”
She blushed at his forward question before leaning in and giving him the world's sweetest kiss imaginable before pulling him in to cradle his head into her chest, he could hear her core-beat, thruming gently, warmly, safely.
“Do you want to go back to sleep, puppycat?” She was even more flustered now, but she'd wanted to make him happy and that was one of the only things she could think of at the moment.
He liked that, he really liked that pet name, it sent warmth and cotton into his head and core and he purred as the rest of his pain melted away from the sound of her core, she meant safety for him, just as much as he did for her.
“Yes… please.”
Next ->
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l-norris · 4 months
Canadian GP 2024 Recap
This is becoming a series now I fear.
This race was utter madness and I was in SHAMBLES by the end of it.
Enjoy me going crazy for the next few paragraphs.
As last time, numbers in brackets are laps. (That I definitely didn't forget to add the first few laps)
- Ruth Buscombe calling Esteban "Estie bestie"😶‍🌫️
- Beautiful anthem!
- Apparently Yuki was late for the anthem? Bro's getting detention💀
- Zak and Toto chatting away
- Landoscar spotted‼️
- Danny Ric getting his shoes cleaned like the king he is
- The intro is playing and I'm anxiously chewing on my fingernails already
- Accidentally had German commentary on - disgusting
- It's pissing down by the way.
- This one will need actual strategies... rip to Ferrari.
- Logan outqualified Checo just as a reminder
- Saubers starting from pitlane
- Carnage? Yes? No? We'll see.
- The pre-race anxiety keeps building up
- Formation lap starting!
- We get it Crofty, they resurfaced the track.
- Formation lap complete.
- No crashes into the first two turns?
- Nevermind, someone went flying (Pierre pushed Checo into the grass)
- George is still in the lead! YIPPEE!
- Charles fumbled😞
- Carlos fumbled too😭
- Horrible day for Tifosi 2.0
- Kmag gaining like 100 positions in 2 laps
-Funky Danish man just FLEW to P4
- 1st yellow flag. Oh Logan...
- At least he's back to pace
- Lewis binning it
- Fernando almost kissing the fucking wall lmao
- Kmag 8 second pitstop rip
- Daniel apparently did a false start🫣
- It's not raining anymore apparently but no slicks in sight just yet (understandably so)
- Hulk is holding onto these full wets like a lifeline
- Hulk train!
- Daniel 5 second penalty😮‍💨
- Max is closing in on George
- Lando closing in on Max and George
- Yeah, uh... Haas fumbled btw
- Lando keeps setting fastest laps
- Max went wide omg
- Lando is catching Max (17)
- DRS enabled (18)
- Oscar fastes lap (19)
- Oh my God this is stressful
- Lando is driving like his life is depending on it
- I mean... it kinda is.
- both Ferraris out of the points by the way... sigh
- quick toilet break, hope I don't miss anything
- Jinxed it. I missed a crash. Hm.
- SAFETY CAR. (26)
- ... Of course it was Logan... poor man
- Lando missed the chance to pit😭
- There's still hope for Lando.
- He pits (27)
- ... He came back in third...
- "FUCK!" As Lando once said
- Let's hope Lando can pick up the pace again after this
- Charles retiring?? Restarting the car?? Idk man.
- HUH??? Also on slicks? (28)
- Safety Car in (29)
- 40 laps to go
- Pain and suffering
- Ferrari fucked it
- Lewis is probably rethinking if he wants to join Ferrari after all rn
- And Charles is back in the pits😮‍💨
- Charles is getting lapped now. Fun. (37)
- Lando is my last hope
- I'm so tired (no literally I should be getting ready to go to bed lmao)
- DRS would be nice right about now
- We have 30 laps to go and I'm seriously debating on whether I should just go to bed
- Pierre is on slicks (41)
- And immediately bins it (but saves it)
- Lando is lawnmowing
- Charles is retiring (43)
- I can't do this no more
- Slicks are coming out
- Lando stays out??
- Overcut? (44)
- ... nevermind...
- And George got Lando too🫣
- Nevermind ahaha he's back up in 2nd
- Max complaining and setting fastest laps continuously.
- Checo fucked his rearwing
- Carlos binned it
- Which made Alex bin it
- Safety Car 2.0
- Both Ferrari out😮‍💨
- Both Williams out🫣
- I'm seeing a pattern here.
- oh no hopefully I'm not jinxing it
- Max is pulling away... yawn...
- 7 laps left
- George binning it while trying to overtake Oscar
- Let Oscar cook Goddammit!
- Oscar has to deal with Lewis now
- Aaaand he's gone.
- Oscar is struggling man
- Merc boys battling it out over P3
- Yuki destroying that one damn bollard everyone ignores consistently (thank you king)
- Lando wanting a Safety Car (same)
- But alas... Max Verstappen wins once more.
- I honestly turned off the broadcast as soon as the top 3 crossed the finish line
- I stayed up late for THIS???
- Conflicted whether it was worth it or not tbh
- Like yes it was an exciting race BUT😭
- I want my McLaren double podium RIGHT NOW
All in all, it was a pretty chaotic race. Yeah. That sums it up pretty well.
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whispersbelongingbird · 5 months
Would you be interested in writing something inspired by the song ‘Hold On’ by Chord Overstreet with Fuegoleon and Leopold please? I am so starved for angst it’s not even funny. Thank you.
Silent Pleas
“Well I hope you feel better now!" Mimosa smiled as she took a stop and turned to her cousin.
Leopold directed his head to see the door to his room which Mimosa had paused in front of then moving his gaze back to her. "Yeah, I do. Thanks for everything!" Leopold Smiled.
He walked up to Mimosa and pulled her into a hug. Mimosa was a bit startled at first but she melted in and hugged back. 
Leopold had been feeling like a mush of shit recently, nothing was right. Everything was messed up, his family, the people around him, his feelings, his physical state and himself in general.
Everything hurt all over, his head was pounding, his eyes were burning, his stomach was twisting and turning and he could collapse at any second.
Why had he been feeling likes this? Simple, parents and people around him.
Leo is always dreading any events and ceremony’s. He doesn’t have a choice but to go because of all that royalty business. He mostly doesn’t want to go because of the people there, sure.. Mimosa and Noelle are there but that doesn’t stop him for hearing others bicker about him in such a nasty way. His parents let alone don’t even want to be seen with him. Mereoleona and fuegoleon get to slip out of stuff like this most of the time so Leo is just left to deal with it and listen.
When everything ends and they make it home his parents immediately start complaining and yelling, sometimes even hitting. 
This whole week Leo has spent crying himself to sleep from either pain or too much stress and emotions. He was reaching his breaking point.
After saying his farewells to Mimosa. The boy walked into his room and closed the door behind him then dragged his feet towards his bed and collapsed right onto it and melted into the soft material.
It felt nice to finally just rip off the mask and rest in the pool of all that pain and stress. He didn’t want to ignore everything he’s been going through. He wanted to soak it all in and accept it. He didn’t want to talk about it and let it all out. He wanted to praised on how well he handled everything.
Leopold rested his eyes and let a few tears slip out.
The next day Leopold had been sent on a Mission. 
“Conqueror the Dungeon and find the treasure hall, Simple as that. Now get going brat.”
Turns out it wasn’t so simple because Leopold was on his way back to the crimson lion kings base, limping and also trying to hide his injury from his two squad mates. 
It was laughable really. A diamond mage had managed to catch him off guard and stabbed Leo at the side of his waist. It wasn’t too fatal but it definitely wasn’t something to brush aside.
In the end, he had taken care of the mage before resuming to his search for the treasure hall, trying to ignore the sharp sting of pain coming from his side. It took all of his willpower to keep the tears locked in.
Leopold sat onto the back his squad mates broom as they made their way back to the Crimson Lion Kings headquarters.
He felt the cold air crash against the back to his neck and he trembled a bit.
“You look exhausted, everything alright?” Elliot auestioned, slightly turning his head to look at Leo who had his head hung low and hands clutching onto Elliot’s waist from behind.
“Hm? Y-yeah.. Just tired”. Leopold flinched at how hoarse his voice was. It felt as if something was clogging up his throat, it hurt to speak. “My opponent was stronger than I anticipated”
“I could tell. You have blood all over, I almost thought it was yours for a second. Make sure to get checked out though just in case” The black haired mage smiled before turning away from Leo and looking forward again.
Leo hummed in response and hovered one of his hands over his injury. He hasn’t told them about it. He didn’t want to bother them with such an inconvenience, besides it’s not so bad. Sure it hurts and stings like crazy but he can handle it.
No he can not.
Leopold was sat in his bathroom which was connected to his bedroom and he was leaning against the wall letting out broken sobs every now and then.
It hurt. It hurt so bad. He tried to pull the blade out but it just made it worse so he just kept it in. 
Elliot had said he would report back to Fuegoleon so Leopold had ran to his room and collapsed onto his bathroom floor.
It hurt. It really did. He had just punched his mirror so the added sting from his hand was not helping. It was taking so much for him to not just stab a piece pf glass through himself just to stop all of this.
He could hardly move. He wanted to scream. He wanted to silently cry. He wanted to tear apart whatever reached his hands. He wanted to be handled with care, like a delicate glass object that will shatter at the slightest pressure.
He just wanted everything to stop.
Leo lifted up his shirt as he looked down at the mess of blood at the left side of waist. It was disgusting. Blade still stuck in there. Its a miracle he hasn’t passed out yet. 
The Blood tripled down his torso and onto the marble floor. It was bright crimson red and there was no end to the overflowing mess. It was overwhelming to look at.
He grabbed onto the handle but paused. Someone had entered his room. He could hear the faint footsteps growing closer to the bathroom door.
“Leo? Are you here? You alright?” Fuegoleon called out knocking on the bathroom door. When he didn’t get a responses he figured Leopold wasn’t here so he was about to leave. However, the shuffling on the other side caught his attention and was that a cry.?
Fuegoleon scrabbled for the handle and pulled on it but the door was locked.
“Leo?!” He yelled, panic evident in his voice. Leopold sat still on the floor trying to form a responses.
“Fue-..” he trailed off and chocked on another sob. It was more pathetic than anything really. Truly an embarrassment.
“Are you in there? Open the door right now!” Fuegoleon tried to maintain his tone to not scare Leo, but that was hard given Leopold had just came back from a mission and the description Elliot had given him about Leo’s current state didn’t sound so good.
“Help…” was the only thing coming out of the youngers mouth. No other words were able to be formed. You could barely even hear it from the other side of the door. It’s fine though, because that was all Fuegoleon need to knock down the door and rush to his brothers side.
And the rest was all a blur.
Leopold had awakened to the feeling of s soft material cushioning his head and body. A blanket was wrapped tightly around him and he hasn’t felt this comfortable in awhile. He missed this feeling..
He opened his eyes as they adjust to the bright light. It took a flew glances around the room to realise this isn’t his bedroom. He doesn’t know where he is. 
Panic settled within him as Leo shot up from his bed but immediately regretted it as he was hit was a dizzy spell and a sharp pain emitted from the side of his waist. The pain felt familiar.. 
He tried to recall the previous events of the night that had occurred for him to end up here. No one was in the room right now. It was just him alone. 
Leo leaned against the wall and covered his lower body with the blanket. Why was he in the infirmary? He doesn’t recall getting injured. Unless he was drugged by something that had fogged his memory up. Leopold is sure he is fine. Well that was if it wasn’t for the splitting headache and pain that was fixed onto his side.
It felt familiar for some reason.. not in a good way. Not in a way as if you’ve seen the familiar face of someone you love. It was different. Like a constant reminder of something that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.
His train of thoughts were put to a halt as someone entered the room. Owen. 
“Ah! You’re awake? How are you feelings.” He smiled and grabbed a chair along with a glass of water and sat next to Leopold’s bed. He put his hand out with the water for Leopold to take but the boy remained stiff.
Owen frowned and placed the cup onto the nightstand and let out a long sigh.  
“Do you remember what happened?” He asked with a slight tilt to his head. His voice was airy and gentle. It was very soothing and it didn’t ring in his ears like how everyone else’s had been doing for the past few weeks.
Leopold gave a subtle shake to his head. Owen opened his mouth to say something but the words were caught in his throat as someone else entered the room. 
Leopold perked up as the man emerged from behind the door. What was Nozel doing here? Leopold would have assumed he had came to talk Owen if he hadn’t came up to him and handed Leo a letter.
“It’s from your sister. I was surprised at first because she usually never bothers with letters and stuff but it seems she was worried for you.. just has a very… different way of expressing so..”
Leopold took ahold of the letter but he didn’t open it. He held it in his hands and focused on the contact between his skins and the paper. It felt grounding for some weird reason. 
When Leopold had eventually looked up again. Nozel muttered a ‘get well soon’ before swiftly exiting the room. 
The door didn’t have time to fully close before opening again. This time someone different had entered 
Owen had gotten up and grabbed something from a shelf before leaving. It was obvious he wanted to give the two brothers some space.
Fuegoleon ignored Owen and walked over to Leopold. He had an unreadable expression plastered onto his face. Leopold couldn’t make out what emotions he was feeling or what he was going to do.
Leopold just sat stiff, not knowing what to do. The closer Fuegoleon got, the more he felt his heartbeat begin to speed up. His older brothers footsteps were ringing in his ears. He was staring to feel faint.
Nonsense! This is his older brother. So why is he so scared. Why can’t he face him?
Fuegoleon pushed Owen’s chair to the side and sat at the edge of Leopold’s bed. They both just stayed still.
The older of the two put his arms around Leopold and kissed the top of his head. Leopold heard a sniffle which shook him. Was his brother crying..?
“Big brother… what’s wrong?” Leo rasped out. His throat was slightly bruised and it hurt to talk, but that didn’t matter now.
“Leo I’m sorry.. I’m sorry, I was so scared oh my..” Fuegoleon let out a broken sob. Leopold didn’t know what to do but awkwardly return the hug. He has never seen his brother cry before, this was a first. He felt even more worse knowing the reason for his older brothers tears was himself.. 
“I don’t know what I would’ve done if I lost you.. Leo why, why didn’t you tell me. Why didn’t you ask for help. What was stopping you?!” Fuegoleon raised his voice as he went on. He tried to conceal his emotions, he didn’t want to get mad at his younger brother, especially since his anger wasn’t directed towards him. He was angry at himself.
“I-I.. I’m sorry, I thought…” Leo trailed off and lowered his head as Fuegoleon tightened the hold he had on him. It was like as if he let go, Leopold would disappear.  
“Don’t say anything. Don’t” 
So he didn’t. Leopold didn’t say anything and neither did Fuegoleon. They both sat there in each others arms. No words were needed to convey their feelings. Actions were enough. More than enough.
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sasuhinasno1fan · 1 year
Braided love - SasuHina Month Day 8
I almost did elves but went with fey in the end though it doesn’t dive into their lore much. It was also inspired by a tattoo artist sing dad au with Sasuke and Sarada.
Day 8 | Día 8
“Playing with hair” | “Jugando con el     cabello”
“Talk to me.” | “Háblame”
 Sarada ran through the halls of the castle, looking for Hinata. The human was usually exploring the large castle when she wasn’t in the library. She had done well in her spell classes and she wanted to show her favourite person what she learned. But she wasn’t in any of the usual spots she’d usually find her. She spotted orange hair and darted towards it.
“Jugo!” Orange eyes turned to her, softening slightly at the sight of her. He easily scooped her up, handing the papers in his hand to the councilman and guards he’d been speaking with.
“What can I do for you Princess?”
“Where’s Hinata?”
“Shouldn’t you be in lessons?” he asked instead.
Pouting, Sarada whined. “Where is she? Are they hiding her from me again?”
She didn’t get why some people didn’t trust Hinata. The human woman saved her, became exiled from her village to do so. Sarada had left with her father to go exploring the woods of their kingdom but while he was distracted, she’d gotten off the path and ended up in a human village. Once they noticed her long hair, pointed ears and unusual beauty, they had figured out she was faey. And since she was a child, the men of the village got the idea to capture her. 
Her magic wasn’t skilled but she was known to have an effect when she was stressed. Snakes were her favourite after the animals of her father. While the snakes attacked, she ran and crashed into Hinata. The woman squashed her, taking her apron off and using it to hide her as she picked her up and ran. She was at the edge of the forest when members of the village found her, ready to kill her when her father showed up. Most of the mob didn’t survive and they threw Hinata out in retaliation, to which their home was opened to her.
Which Sarada liked just fine. Hinata was nice, but when she arrived at her father’s invitation, all the servants and staff tried to keep them apart, like they forgot she gave up her life to save her. Thankfully her father stopped that when she complained.
“Sarada,” Jugo started, but she didn’t want to hear it.
“Where is she?” she snapped.
“Sarada.” a stern voice spoke, her father appearing just suddenly as he always did, pulling off his purple cloak and handing it to a servant. Jugo placed her on her feet and she stared up at her father. “Jugo doesn’t deserve to be yelled at like that. What’s wrong?”
“I can’t find Hinata and Jugo won’t tell me where she is.”
Her father sighed. “She wasn’t feeling well this morning, she’s resting in her room. If you apologize to Jugo, I’ll take you to see her.”
Immediately turning to her father’s warrior. “I’m sorry Jugo. I shouldn't have been rude.”
“It’s fine Princess. I didn’t want to worry you. Tell Lady Hinata I say hello.”
Done with her words, she grabbed her father’s hand and let him lead her to Hinata’s rooms, in the same wing as her and her father’s room. The door was covered in sunflower stalks, the yellow heads moving with the sun that fell through the skylights. Sarada pulled from her father and pushed the door open, rushing in. the room was sparsely decorated much like her father’s, the bed in the middle of the room. The front half of the curtains were untied, blocking most of the light from Hinata, who was curled up under the light covers. Her face was slightly red and her hair was stuck to her face.
“Is she ok?”
“She has a fever. She was caught in the downpour last night.”
Sarada had vague memories of her father coming to wish her goodnight, the braids in his hair untangling from the water he was weighed down in.
“Can I wake her?”
“Sarada.” he scolded but was interrupted by a soft voice.
“It’s ok.”
Hinata pushed herself up, smiling down at her. It was all the words she needed, darting over and climbing onto the bed, letting Hinata tug her away from the edge, but her father sat behind her.
“Are you ok?”
“I’m just a little sick. You’ve never been sick, have you?”
“Well, I once ate a whole bowl of sugar berries.” she admitted. “My stomach hurt for a while.”
“Maybe because you shouldn’t be eating that much like I said.” her father scolded.
She pouted when Hinata gestured for her to get closer. “I once got sick eating a whole pan of cinnamon rolls. My father was furious but my mother thought it was pretty impressive.”
“Don’t encourage her.” her father said, turning his scolding to Hinata, who only giggled.
“Hinata, I learned how to make flowers! Look!” with attention back on her, she focused her magic like her teacher told her to. From the palm of her hand, a daisy grew, smaller ones following until she had a small bouquet. “See?”
“That’s amazing! They’re very pretty.”
“Here you go!” she handed them to Hinata, who gently took them before patting her on the head.
“You’re so sweet. Thank Sarada. They make me feel better already.”
Giddy, she tugged on one of the braids in her hair. “You should put them in your hair to keep them close, like you do with me.”
“Can you braid my hair then?”
Sarada pouted. She could do small ones, like the ones she’d put in her father’s hair but she wasn’t good enough to do big ones and Hinata had a lot more hair than her and her dad.
“Can you do it?” turning to her father, pouting. She watched him sigh, moving her to sit in front of Hinata so he could sit behind her without any worry of her falling off the bed. Watching her father tug the piece of leather out of Hinata’s hair, she chattered to the human about her lessons, what she couldn’t wait to do, what the two could do once Hinata was feeling better. She noticed her dad would brush Hinata’s cheek as he gathered strands to twist, first into two smaller separate braids then all together into a bigger one. He took the daisies from her and placed them near the top of the braid, dragging the finished product over her shoulder so she could see.
“It looks beautiful. thank you, your majesty.”
She watched her father smile at Hinata before she tugged on Hinata’s hand for attention again. They stayed there until Hinata started to bob her head. Sarada was so busy telling a story, she didn’t notice until she saw Hinata resting her head on her father’s shoulder. He was twirling the free hair under the leather strap with his finger. When he noticed she was looking at them, he put a finger to his lips to keep her quite as he slid Hinata off his shoulder and onto the pillow.
Amongst fey, braiding hair was sacred and important. To let another touch your hair meant you were vulnerable to them. Braids braided by another meant love. To continue touching hair after a braid meant something deeper. She’d seen couples during balls tugging at their lover’s braids. She’d braid her own father’s hair, him doing the same for her but she’d only ever seen him play with hair like that on Hinata.
She wondered when he’d tell her just how much Hinata meant to him. If it meant she’d stay forever, she didn’t care. She wanted them happy.
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yukidragon · 1 year
Oh my goodness! I completely understand if you don’t immediately want to write more about Alice having Ian’s baby au, but the next time you would like to I would love to hear more about it! Your au’s and ideas are always so well crafted! I can’t get enough of your writing or Sunny Day Jack ideas!!! :)
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Thank you so much for your sweet praise. It really means a lot for me to hear. I'm glad you enjoy my writing and headcanons!
I'm really glad this pretty dark AU has been entertaining for you and others despite some of the heavy topics in it. I appreciate that you want to hear more, but I think I'll want to take a bit of a break before I dig deep into it again given how heavy it is, especially since I just did a follow up of sorts discussing Ian's more problematic traits when it comes to his relationship with MC. It might be a good idea to focus on something a little lighter next as a palette cleanser, hahaha.
Though maybe I could think of a couple bright spots for that particular AU. Hmm...
Alice's family, at least those still living at the King house, do all chip in to help her take care of Lily. This is good since her health took a hard hit from the pregnancy and she would struggle otherwise. This allows her to have more time to rest and recover.
This also allows Jack more time to talk to Alice one on one despite the presence of a newborn demanding mommy's attention. Granted, a lot of time is spent just resting in the guestroom or outside in the garden when she's not taking care of the baby, but Jack does his best to keep Alice entertained while she's recovering, and he's the absolute best at being a cuddly teddy bear for her when she has to lie down.
The King house still has plenty of baby stuff in storage, so they're well prepared to help Alice out with the baby. It's more reason why mama Lycoris wants Alice to just move back home for good. Their house is big and she won't mind, nor will papa Zephyr.
Yup, papa King has a name now too. Guess this AU is oddly helping me with picking out names, huh?
Jack is really good with children, and whenever Lily starts crying, he just has a knack for getting her to calm down. It's almost like magic how he can just radiate calm emotions and help her understand that there's nothing to fear. Alice can't help but feel the same way about Jack really. He's just such a wonderful presence in her life after things have gotten so hard on her. He's been invaluable to help Alice take care of Lily and minimizing her stress.
Jack's empathy cheat and connection to both Alice and Lily really comes in handy at this point doesn't it?
While Alice is going to need more time than in Sunshine in Hell to even think about being in another romantic relationship, she does grow really close to Jack very quickly. Although... he's not the only guy crushing on her who wants to help out.
When Shaun comes back in town, he would have crashed with Alice for a while, but since she's a guest at her family's place, that's not doable. He does, however, get a nice bed and breakfast nearby until he finds a new place to settle down in, and he stops by as often as possible, much to Jack's annoyance. Alice is grateful for his visits and he never fails to make her laugh, which is also to Jack's annoyance.
Shaun even brings Moonpie over to visit Alice, and he mock fights with her over whose baby is cuter. Alice and Shaun eventually concede on a draw of a vote of one vs one... until Jack acts as tiebreaker and throws in his vote for Lily. That will probably be how Alice decides to try introducing Jack's existence to Shaun, though it's possible Alice will tell one or more of her family members about Jack before that. Coraline would just be thrilled to meet a ghost after all.
Needless to say, Shaun is both excited to meet Jack and a bit wary given Alice is in a vulnerable state. Still, she does insist Jack helped her, especially when Ian kept trying to see her, so that does give Jack some brownie points in Shaun's book.
Not that the feeling will necessarily be mutual from Jack. Shaun is yet another obstacle between Jack and his sunshine after all. Who knows though, maybe they'll bond over their mutual disdain for Ian and desire to protect Alice here too.
Huh. This got longer than I expected it to. I guess there are some more bright spots even in this dark AU than I thought. Then again I'm always a sucker for thoughts about my OTP being cuddly and sweet. I'll leave this post on that note with the image of Jack spooning Alice from behind while she nurses Lily, being this big protective teddy bear to his beloved sunshine and little sunspot.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
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unsleepingtales · 11 months
The one gift daylight savings has given me is that for one week, burrow’s end comes out at 11 pm instead of midnight. Onwards!
Ooh what’s the group name gonna be
(tense yet whimsical music)
Ooh yay puppet show again
God they’re so creepy
OOOOOOH it’s so good it’s so good
Her charisma is SO low 😭
BABE why would you say that
Brennan and Siobhan my HEART that was beautiful
Beautifully done
Oh they’re all so insane <3
Brennan is so good at cutting right to the core of Daughter Experiences
The worldbuilding here is incredible Aabria I am in awe
Girl I saw you almost say weapons 👀
This is so fucking funny
Human remains??
Oh the rehearsed propaganda is so much
(Erika lets loose a savage battle cry)
The new yorker analogy <3
They’re all so In It
W h a t
Babe that’s radiation poisoning
You JUST met clothes
Aabria & twins that are impossible to tell apart 2 for 2
Them <3
He’s so good at this actually
Rogues ftwwwww
I’m so excited to see how Izzy handles Arcane Trickster things bc I will be taking notes
Oh these children are going to have to go to school
I’ve never seen anything 💀
Such a ten year old asshole moment <3
That little smug flipping off
She just has an aneurysm or something
So it is some version of human language
But also how have none of them noticed the thing on the back of their clipboards
Biting the walls rn.
Couples that game together destroy erasers together <3
Saving throw??
Oh ok she’s Actually having a thing
“This is a safe space-” “Deception Check!!” The immediate cutoff 💀
What’s the point of me anymore 😭😭
Why I oughttaaa
Tonic immobility! Neat!
I too hold my collarbone when I get nervous
Oh Tula’s gonna love that…
He was so sure he wanted to keep the kids with him for the day and so quickly regretted that
They’re so good!!
Bryan Cranston
Thank you Brennan for highlighting that joke
Love the split screen moment
OK IM GLAD ITS NOT JUST ME WHO THINKS THE BRITISH GRADING SYSTEM IS BIZARRE I’m currently studying here and the idea that I could get a 50 on the essay I turned in yesterday and that would be a pretty good mark is batshit to me
Also how are we up to #42? Will there be a complete list somewhere at the end of the season?
Oh god Tula’s so real for that
The immediate emotional and physical crash after prolonged stress once there’s safety
They’ve immediately started calling it population control instead of population support lmao
You’ve been here less than a day you can chill a Bit
In neverafter we were on the road to shoeberg, now we’re on the road to hats :)
Erika has SO many werthers
The tonal shift from Tula talking to her family to Tula talking in a diplomatic sense is fascinating
Ohohohohoh girl
That’s a teenager
What is Brennan planning why am I nervous
That is so not how that works
Honey oh god
Memory check <3
Oh Erika handled that so well
Why is D20 dealing so much with grief rn. I didn’t need this.
(I did need this I didn’t want it I know that’s the point but god)
I love character choices
What is happening
YES rocky horror ref and YES Brennan’s Tim Curry impression
Oh god the new student anxiety is so real
Oh ok it straight up is real world radiation I thought maybe it would be like. Fictional parallel or allegory situation but nope straight up this is nuclear radiation
My name is Normal Size Jaysohn and my sister can read
The most sidekick-y kid 😭 PLEASE
Siobhan <3
Bi jaysohn
They’re teenagers now and it SHOWS
When’re the bnei mitzvot?
I love our little fourth wall stunts
Siobhan looks so cool like legitimately I know she’s doing a bit as a student trying to look cool but she looks great
Aabria and her consequences <3
What the fuck is happening
Why have they started a GANG
Ok well at least he not congested anymore
Never mind
He grows up and becomes one of those guys always chewing tobacco but it’s mint
Troubling. This is incredibly troubling.
Siobhan has had her leg up this whole time <3
Thorn 😭
Jesus Christ
Aaaand the party’s back together :)
Help her out here man
She’s so seventeen years old
Keep it together-
Oh god
She’s so eldest daughter
We gotta get through the series.
Oh yeah because leaving the kids with Thorn went so incredibly well an hour ago
The emotional manipulation involved in every aspect of this
Real tears at the table 💜
What a rollercoaster
Brennan and Siobhan sitting next to each other is so fun
Chill this is all chill
He’s unfairly good looking
This is so cool Aabria oh my god
What the fuck man
Horrifying. Truly? Legitimately? Horrifying.
Well maybe they know something about the blue
I don’t think anyone ever hid that from you? Maybe I’m having trouble distinguishing in game vs above game conversation but I thought that had already been brought up
Ok so they did already know this. Glad I’m not losing it
Oh shit
Clover. Like the crushed clover from the story. God.
Good for her getting the breakdown and rant she deserves
The tears at the table today
Oh that one hurt coming out huh
Terrifying! Good god!
A lie oh god oh fuck
Oh the theater kid energy is palpable
next week looks insane oh god.
ANYWAY this was fun see you next week I guess <3
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