#at which point every car goes ah yes midnight the best time to drive by this specific house
chisatowo · 2 years
Girl help the heat of the house has finally pushed me into taking cold showers
0 notes
master-sass-blast · 4 years
*tosses escapism fic into the void* yeet.
Summary: You and Piotr go Christmas shopping and enjoy the holiday season. 
That's it. That's all that's happening. You're welcome.
Pairing(s): Piotr Rasputin x Reader and mentioned Illyana Rasputin x Kitty Pryde.
Rating: G.
Word Count: 2k precisely.
Set after “It’s Truly Magical.”
A/N: On the off-chance someone asks or is worried, yes, there are no mentions of masks or social distancing in this fic. That's because, in this fic, there is no COVID (ergo, no need for masks and such). I'm just not dealing with it in my fanfic as well. I won't. You can't make me.
Wear your fucking masks irl pls and thank u.
Taglist:  @marvel-is-perfection, @chromecutie, @girl-obsessed-with-things, @super-darkcloudstudent, @dandyqueen, @leo-writer
“What a bright time, it's the right time/ To rock the night away/ Jingle bell time is a swell time/ To go glidin' in a one-horse sleigh…”
You inhale deeply, then smile. The smells of fresh pretzels and pine –the latter is likely a fake scent that the stores use, but it’s still good—tantalize your nose. You tuck your hat and gloves in your purse, then look over at your husband. “Where all are we going?”
“Ah…” Piotr scans his list –which has notes on which stores to check and what order the stores are laid out in the mall, so as to streamline things. “Kitty said she did not want gifts because she does not celebrate Christmas, so we are just shopping for… my family and Russell. You said you already bought gifts for your dad and Wade?”
“Yup,” you say with a grin. Nate’s easy to shop for –ammo, clothes, and the odd book or two are usually all he want—and for Wade you just find the weirdest stuff listed on Amazon. “And I already sent my uncle a gift from us, so we don’t have to worry about him.”
Piotr nods, ‘hmm-ing’ as he makes a note on his list. “Okay.” He mumbles in Russian under his breath, then says, “Mama had no list this year; I think we start with her first since figuring out gift will take longer.”
“That’s fine. Where should we start?”
“I think bookstore is best bet. From there, we can stop by Hot Topic and candle shop for snezhinka, then Game Stop for Mikhail.”
“Sounds good.” You link your arm through his and smile up at him. “Lead the way, babe.”
 You glance between the piles of books on the table, then at your husband, who looks like he’s about to pull his hair out. “Do you think that, just maybe, you’re overthinking this? Just a little?”
“This is important,” Piotr insists as he skims through books from various areas of Barnes and Noble –cooking, history, fiction; he’d grabbed at least one book from nearly every section. “She has specific tastes. Cannot be just any old book.”
You purse your lips together. You don’t doubt that Alexandra has particular tastes in reading material –as a woman from her walk in life is bound to have—but you’re also certain that she wouldn’t want her son driving himself insane just to pick a present for her. You sit down next to Piotr and gently put your hand on his arm. “Sweetheart. She’s going to like whatever you get her.”
“Not necessarily. I have seen her toss many books aside with scoff and never pick them up again.”
“Okay, why?”
He shrugs. “Realism. She thinks some authors are ‘too indulgent’ or ‘too unrealistic.’”
“Alright, so maybe we leave out the crime and romance stuff,” you suggest, setting the few books he’d grabbed from those areas aside. “What does she like to do?”
Piotr goes quiet. His expression grows ashen as he contemplates the question. “I… don’t know.”
“Does she like to cook? Or draw? Or watch certain types of shows or movies?”
“I don’t know,” he repeats, more insistent. “She…” He sighs. “She never sits still. I don’t think any shows or movies interest her. When I was child, she always worked. On farm, taking care of animals, helping workers, making food, balancing accounts, translating letters and schoolwork… I never saw her rest. Do something for herself.”
You let out a soft snort. “Maybe a book on meditation.”
Piotr rolls his eyes, grinning. “Perhaps not.”
“Who does she like to be around, then?”
“Otets.” Piotr smiles when the answer comes easily. “She and my father” –he holds up two crossed fingers—“are like this. Aside from siblings and me, I think he is only person she is really close to.”
“Alright, maybe a cookbook, then. That’d give them something to do together.”
Piotr nods, then starts looking through the cookbooks he’d picked. “Question is, which one?”
“Well, we know she likes to stay busy and keep moving. Maybe something that’d challenge their skills? Something they haven’t tried?” You hold up a book boasting ‘rich and authentic Middle Eastern recipes.’ “This could be good. I think they’d have access to most of the ingredients, here in New York.”
He nods again, then sets the aforementioned book aside before checking over the other ones. “I think…” He lifts a hardcover thriller novel off the table. “She likes mysteries. This one has good reviews… maybe…”
You gently take the book from his hands and set it atop the Middle Eastern cookbook. “I think it’s a great choice.”
He smiles, then kisses your cheek. “Spasibo, myshka.”
 “Bozhe moi.”
You giggle as the two of you step over the threshold of the Yankee Candle store, only for Piotr to recoil and take a step back. “You good there, baby?”
He presses his fingers against the sides of his nose. “Is like… assault of smells.”
“I know.” You inhale deeply, them flash him an impish smile. “Isn’t it great?” 
Piotr groans, still rubbing his sinuses. “Do you mind—”
“I’ll find a candle for Illyana. Wanna meet up in Gamestop?”
“Spasibo, dorogoy.”
You blow him a kiss, then head into the candle store. You take a couple minutes to peruse the holiday display at the front of the store –and grab a couple votives for you and Piotr to enjoy—before heading towards the back of the store, where all the shelves of their regular candles are. You pause to smell your favorites –seriously, the McIntosh apple one never fails to make your mouth water—before taking a step back to survey your options. Alright, what to get for a mildly angsty, queer Russian goth?
It’s not as straightforward as it sounds (har har). Illyana’s an enigma, much like her mother. She’s quiet, keeps to herself, and doesn’t usually bother with convention.
Do I go for aesthetic? You pick up a pitch black candle labeled “Midnight Forest” and give it a cursory sniff. Ugh, smells like ass. No, thank you.
You also have to consider that whatever you get is likely going to be smelled by Kitty, too. As much as Illyana marches to the beat of her own drum, she’s surprisingly conscientious of her bubbly, energetic girlfriend.
Maybe something natural? Like the farm? You try a few options, wrinkling your nose after each sniff. God, what is it with the fresh scents and smelling heinous? You debate texting Piotr and dragging him back in here, if only so you’re certain you’ll get something Illyana would like—
And then it hits you over the head like a brick.
She’s gonna use these for meditation. You head down the rows of shelves, grab a jar labeled “Vanilla,” and give it a smell. Perfect. Not too strong, not too bland. You grab a lavender scented tumbler (for relaxation), then snag a pink one that smells like the perfume Kitty favors on a hunch it’ll be a hit.
By the time you pay for yours and Illyana’s candles, Piotr’s already waiting outside the Gamestop for you, bag in hand.
He eyes your bulging bags, eyebrow raising in trepidation. “Why…”
“Look, it’s your fault for abandoning me,” you say before he can point out your lack of self-control. “You know I’m weak for candles.”
Piotr snorts, then sighs. “Fair enough.” He nods and makes approving noises when you show him the picks you made for Illyana, then shows you what he grabbed for Mikhail.
“‘Mister Mosquito?’” You nearly double over laughing. “What even is this?”
“He wanted ‘weird video game,’” Piotr says, shrugging one shoulder. “I figure this should do.”
“He’s gonna love it,” you reassure your husband. “That’s weird as shit.” You start strolling along the main hall of the mall –and then your stomach rumbles. “Can we get pretzels?”
“Da, myshka,” Piotr chuckles, “we can get pretzels.”
 “There'll be parties for hosting/ marshmallows for toasting/ and caroling out in the snow/ there'll be scary ghost stories/ and tales of the glories of/ Christmases long, long ago…”
“It’s the most! Wonderful time! Of the year!” you sing along as you rip another chunk off your pretzel. You smile to yourself as you admire the glittering, twinkling decorations decking the food court. “How’s your pretzel?”
“Very tasty.” Piotr dips a bite of his pretzel in some mustard, pops it in his mouth, then swallows before wiping his fingers on a napkin. “I think we only have handful of stops left.”
“Couple of sweaters for your dad… weird socks and-or scarves for Mikhail…” You lean over, reading off the list in his hand (which is written in a mixture of Russian and English). You take another bite of pretzel, then tap on a portion of blended “Russi-nglish” that you can’t decipher. “What’s that?” you ask once your mouth is clear.
“Random gift options,” he translates. “For filling out presents, stockings, that sort of thing.” He touches the tip of his index finger to the page, moving down the list in order. “Chocolate, books, gift cards. Guaranteed hits, essentially.”
“Ooh, I could go for some chocolate.”
Piotr snorts. “You just had pretzel. And this is for others, myshka.”
“If it’s in the car with me, I make no promises.”
He laughs, then makes an extra note on his list. “Safety chocolate… for myshka. Got it.”
 “Here, dorogoy.”
“Oh, thank you!” You smile as Piotr takes some of the excess bags from your hands, shifting them so he can carry them (which, with his strength and the size of his hands, is no problem at all). You amble along next to him, admiring the various pop-up stands boasting games, calendars, and Christmas-themed treats. “Is there anywhere else we need to stop?”
“I believe we have everything.”
“And I’m guessing we need to head home so we can make dinner?”
“That would be best, da.” Piotr looks down at you, expression curious. “Why? There is somewhere you wish to stop?”
“Eh, not really,” you say with a shrug. “I just like coming to the mall during this time of year. The decorations, the music, the extra stands and seasonal gifts… It just makes me happy.”
“Aah, khorosho. I understand. We can come back later for date, if you like. Take time to walk around and admire stores.”
You grin up at him. “I’d like that.”
The two of you make to head out of the mall, back to the parking lot—
And then Piotr veers towards the right.
“Where are we going?” you ask, giggling as he leads you towards the bookstore. “I thought we already got everything we needed from here?”
He winks at you. “Trip is not complete yet. Not with hot chocolate, anyway.”
You grin and let him guide you over to the café in the bookstore.
Piotr gets you situated at a table near the expanse of windows at the front of the shop. He leaves your bags with you, then leads up at the counter to order your drinks.
You smile, lovestruck as you gaze over at him. How did I get so lucky? You lean back in your seat, taking a moment to admire the snow falling outside before checking out the decorations throughout the store…
Which is when you realize that there’s mistletoe hanging over your table.
You chuckle to yourself. Perfect.
“You are in good mood,” Piotr comments as he returns with two cups of hot chocolate.
“Of course, I am,” you admit with a broad grin. “I’ve got you. And tradition’s on our side.”
Piotr’s smile turns quizzical. He cocks his head to the side, staring at you for a moment, then looks up when you point towards the ceiling. “Ah,” he chuckles, “yes. That is good reason to be happy.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” You hook your finger under the collar of his shirt and gently tug him towards you. “Come here, handsome.”
He lets out a soft, happy giggle and bends down to kiss you.
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parkjess · 4 years
hello! can i request an astro individual scenario where they try confessing to the reader?
Thank you for requesting! 🥰
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After finishing with his musical schedule, Myungjun, your friend you were there to support every day of his rehearsals, took you to a relaxing day. Sunday morning, sun’s up, he made some sandwiches and drinks for the whole day, taking you around the beautiful places in town, where there is a view almost as pretty as him.
You catch up with one another’s schedule and hard times you had through the past few weeks. “You know, I thought about you a lot during practice.” He says, swinging the basket he was holding and then taking a look at you. You do the same, yet surprised. -“You did?” Asking and taking a seat on a bench, full of spring flowers that fell off the tree behind.
“Yeah. You helped me a lot in my mind, so thank you.” He chuckles, taking the seat near you, “I have been thinking about it a lot now,” he’s slightly getting nervous. You look up at him, locking eyes. -“What is it? You can tell me anything.” “I like you y/n. You are always there for me when I need you, and even when I don’t ask for it, you always know when to find me. I like you a lot.” Your heart added extra beat when he said that sentence you needed to hear so badly, since you are going through hard time now, and didn’t even tell him about it.
-“I like you too Myungjun.”
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Sanha called you last night to invite you to jinwoo’s birthday party that will take place next week in the dorms, and ofcourse you agreed and even helped making the decorations, the cake and little gift bags for everyone.
The whole week you were walking around the mall and town with the boys, every day with someone else. You decided to buy Jinwoo several birthday gifts since you’re never sure if he’s gonna like the last one you bought, and every each of them helped with their own style.
Finally March 14 arrived, you have planned to spend the whole day with Jinwoo and come back to the dorms exactly at midnight, when it’s the 15 already. At first he didn’t want to finish the bowling game you were playing around 11pm so you faked a stomachache, and as you thought, he rushed to take you back to the dorm as soon as possible. It’s 12:02am, you missed the exact midnight because he was stubborn to take you to your place. “Jinwoo...” you whisper when you arrive at the dorms’ entrance, -“Y/n are you okay?” He asks when he notices you are completely fine suddenly, so you place your hand quickly on the door handle as a sign for the boys, and open it. “Happy birthday!” Jinwoo’s five best friends and you, his secret crush that only sanha knows about, shout, scaring the birthday kid. -“oh my god you tricked me!” Jinwoo shout at you with a smile, pointing at your stomach, you can see how he cared about you being in pain. “She planned this all, hyung!” Sanha says happily as you hit his arm playfully, turning red from the credit he gave you. “NO, SANHA, we planned this all, happy birthday Park Jinwoo.” You say and stretch your arm to get your gifts for him, handing 5 different full bags to him.
-“I... I have nothing to say... y/n, you’re amazing, you all are, guys.” Jinwoo stutters, “Just say you love her already hyung.” All of the sudden Sanha says, making all of you turn to him as he realized what he just said, Jinwoo slaps his own forehead with his palm. -“OH MY GOD.” Minhyuk interrupts quietly. “Yes, oh my god, SANHA WHAT THE HELL!” You yell at the younger boy, realizing he was speaking the truth since Jinwoo didn’t deny anything.
“What? You’ll thank me later hyung.” Sanha says nonchalantly and shoves a spoon full of cake into his mouth.
After you all ate cake and Jinwoo called you to his room, you didn’t feel uncomfortable talking to him, not even now, but you felt like your heart is going to leave your rib cage soon. “First of all, I’m so thankful for you making all of... this. You made me the happiest man on earth, you always do. Second, I love you.” He takes your hand once he says he confesses. “Third, Sanha is a dumbass I’m grateful for, because he made me finally say this. I’m sick of hiding my feelings for you, I want you to know it finally. I love you y/n.” Your heart race could be heard from miles away, -“I love you too Jinwoo.” You say back and kiss him on the lips, it tastes like sweet vanilla frosting. -“He was right, you are going to thank him later.” You finally say and kiss him once again, missing the taste of cake on your own lips.
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“Y/n! Finally, I’ve been calling you the whole morning, anyways, we are going to the beach today, wanna join us?” Moonbin, one of your friends calls you when you wake up, peeking at your phone while he’s talking, 12 missed calls from him and Minhyuk. -“uhm, yeah sure? I just woke up so I’ll be there in like two hours.” You reply with still sleepy, crispy voice. “Alright! See you then.” He says and hangs up.
Arriving at the beach, it’s a sunny day in the middle of February, the cold breeze helps your hair tangle itself, and the lip gloss you applied doesn’t make the situation better.
“Hey! Lee dongmin!” You shout when you see the handsome guy sits on a beach towel, covered with his big coat. the others are missing in your eye sight. -“Y/n hii,” Dongmin looks up at you, offering you a seat near him.
“Thanks, are you cold?” You ask him while he’s deep in your eyes, smiling his charming smile that makes your heart flutter. -“Ah no it’s okay.” You say nothing but hand him a hot pack, he thanks you and brings it closer to his neck. “So... where is everyone?” Feeling kinda awkward, you decide to ask something to break the silence. Dongmin was your crush for 3 years, yet not long ago you decided to control these feelings since you don’t want to ruin your friendship, and still, your stomach fills with butterflies every time you hear his voice or look at him.
-“There they are.” He points behind you with his head since his hands are busy holding the hot packs. “You’re here!” Sanha shouts and quickly bends over to hug you. The others just greet you with excitement.
“Guys, why don’t you go buy something to eat?” Dongmin suddenly asks, you look at him surprised since they just came from somewhere. Jinwoo was the only one who got the sign and pulled the boys out of there.
“Y/n, I have something to tell you.” Dongmin softly says, stretching his arms to hold your hand. “I have tried to deny it, but I’m afraid I can’t. You already know where this is going, right?” Dongmin likes your clever brain, in fact, that’s what made him fall for you in the first place.
But you tried to convince yourself that’s not what you’re thinking, only because you’re scared to be denied.
-“I’m not sure...”
“I like you y/n, a lot, and you probably don’t want to ruin this friendship but I don’t mind ruining it with something bigger than that.”
Wow, your whole body twitched at those words of his. -“I’m pretty much shocked now, because I’ve been feeling the same. I like you too Dongmin.”
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Your graduation party wasn’t like you expected it to be. The theme everyone chose was 80’ style, which was different from other proms you have seen.
“Moonbin, hi.” You say shyly when you get close to your friend, still refusing to believe these are the last days you see each other, and then every one goes on his own way.
He turns to you, wearing those shades that make you laugh at him. “Woah, dude chill with the coolness.” You giggle, sticking your thumbnail between your teeth. -“Well, you look wonderful too.” He laughs, grabbing the drink his friend just handed to him. “So... last day huh?” You sigh. -“Yeah,” he follows, taking a sip from what looks like non-alcoholic blue drink. -“Remember when we wished to finish school? Never knew it will be somehow sad like this...” “Yeah well, let’s not spend our last hours together like this upset.” You said, grabbing his hand to the “dance floor”.
All you have done is having fun with your classmates and friends, no getting drunk, no expensive suits and dresses, but good music and atmosphere. Moonbin was one of the last students who stayed there with you until after midnight, dancing till you can’t breathe no more from laughing so much. “Wow, that was a very happy ending, don’t you think so?” He turns his head to you as you pull skewers with marshmallows on it, hand one to him and hold it above the fire. -“I do, I still can’t believe we’re together for years, we went through everything, since 1st grade till now.”
“Y/n...” he whispers, realizing all of these things you just said. -“hmm?” You look at him, feeling too close. “I’m gonna regret it if I won’t say it right now,” he smiles a bit. “I love you.” Your eyes widen from his words, almost burning the marshmallows because you forgot them. -“I... Bin, I don’t know what to say.” You felt the same, but just couldn’t say those 3 words so easily. “Don’t say anything.” He shoves a marshmallow into his mouth and stands up, offering you his hand to do so too. -“Wait.” You stop him when he’s about to go. -“I love you too.” You immediately say and pull him closer for a kiss.
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“Minhyuk, where are we going?”
Your friend grabbed your hand the moment he heard from Myungjun that you are feeling a bit down these days, not able to accomplish anything you want. -“It’ll be fun, I promise,” he stops near his new car, and says with a smile, -“Now get in the car.” He opens the car door for you and you enter, noticing the comfort pillows he has in the two front seats. “Are you kidnapping me?” You say sarcastically, pulling the seat belt while he get in the car from the other side. -“If I would, you wouldn’t know.” Minhyuk smirks his usual charming smirk and drives off the parking lot.
The ride wasn’t too long, it was full with both of your laughter, loud music and screaming because he almost bumped into a cat. -“Were here.” He takes off his seatbelt and says, walks out first to open your door again, like a real banal gentleman. “Starbucks? Oh come on, do you wanna tell me what’s going on? You never take me here, or anywhere alone.” You weren’t lying, he never hangs out with you alone but only with another mutual friend of yours, today he felt like he doesn’t want you to feel unwell so he decided to take you on a ‘friendly date’.
-“So you’re actually saying you want me to take you alone more often?” Here’s that smirk again, and he laughs it off. The place was very beautiful, spring atmosphere it is. He told you to sit near one of the tables with a pretty view while he’s ordering the drinks.
You sat there watching the view, glancing at you handsome friend from time to time, wondering why he buy you drinks all of the sudden, he’s the type to ask you to buy him a drink usually.
-“There you go, and... this.” He places your favorite pastry near the beverage, which makes him more suspicious. “Minhyuk, stop wasting your money on me. What is it with you today?” -“Just shut up and drink.” He laughs, gosh his smile made you forget everything you are going through. You take a bite from the sweet muffin (or whatever you like to eat) and thank him about it. “Okay but seriously now, why are you so good to me toda- I mean, you’re always good but today there’s something different.” Your friend rolls eyes at your stubbornness and sighs. -“Myungjun hyung told me you are having hard time.”
Not enough for you, still, he’s hiding something. He could tell you’re having a hard time several times this year, and yet, this has never happened before. When you both finished drinking and chitchatting about life, the usual conversations with Minhyuk, you went out to breathe some fresh air. There was a beautiful park (minhyuk hehehuhu) nearby so he walked you there without you to notice. -“Actually, I do have something to tell you, but this day was supposed to cheer you up, I don’t know what you are going through, but you know you can always talk to me, right?” He suddenly starts to walk slower, puts his hands into his denim jacket, he looks down on the leaves and then up at you. “Yes, ofcourse, but don’t worry about it. Ah, what was the thing you wanted to tell me?” You ask, locking eyes with him from time to time, it feels great to look him in the eyes like that, he’s shining. -“I’ll just say it like that, right away.” He lets you know first, -“I care about you, I like you, actually.” The way he said those words was like he planned this for a while now, but it came fluently from the bottom of his heart.
“I knew it!” You fist your hand, -“You did?” He asks in confusion. “Yeah, I mean no I didn’t but I hoped so.” His smile appears again, -“hoped... Does that mean you like me too?” His heart beats can be heard from where you were standing. “Well, you know me best, so I guess you know the answer.” You reply and take his hand in yours, intertwining fingers.
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“Yoon sanha! Give me back my camera!” You shout while running after the 10 feet tall guy that every step he makes equals to 3 steps of you.
He runs so fast until he can’t no more and gives up, breathing heavily while holding onto his knees. -“Take your camera, it doesn’t worth your embarrassing pictures.” You grab it right after he says, searching for the pics he was taking of you while eating and talking with the others. “Oh my god Sanha you’re gonna pay for that.” You tell him while panting and looking at your own awkward moments. You didn’t like to see yourself while talking, kinda insecure about it, but he didn’t know it.
“Both of you stop and let’s go eat.” Dongmin appears behind the two of you, scaring you both since you didn’t expect him to be there.
-“Ah! Hyung!” Sanha screams as soon as he hears Dongmin’s slightly deep voice, following him to where you were sitting all together in the first place. “Open your mouth.” You held a fork with lightly burnt, hot, potato stuck on it, making its way to Sanha’s mouth. The others just looked at you shocked, and you didn’t get why. “What?” You ask, sticking the fork in another piece of potato, that’s his favorite thing to eat, especially on camping trips. -“You would make a great couple someday.” Jinwoo says and the rest of them agree. “What? Ew, no he’s my best friend.” You know Sanha is close to you so wouldn’t be offended by your words, even though he wanted you to be more than his bestie.
Time passed and all of them went to sleep, except for you and Sanha who stayed up late singing songs while he plays the guitar. “Did you really mean what you said earlier?” He suddenly asks, looks like he does care about that. -“Which part?”
“The one with the ‘Ew’, do you really mean it?” His voice lowers. -“What? No Sanha, ofcourse not. It’s just, you know what they are going to say if I’d said otherwise. Why does that bother you?” He grabs the Polaroid camera from earlier, handing it over to you. “What-“ he cuts you off. -“look at the third picture.” You take it and roll the gallery to the picture he meant, it was you; but a finger heart at the bottom of the picture. “Sanha, I don’t get-“. -“I like you y/n, more than a best friend. And I wish Jinwoo’s words could make a reality.” Wait... what? “Yoon sanha, are you kid- you’re speaking the truth.” You realize since you recognize his serious face. “I, actually, said what I said earlier... because I was starting to feel the same feelings for you, and I guess I was too scared...”
-“So, you like me back?”
“I guess- I do.”
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greekletters · 4 years
I'm not good at the title business
one shot time!
Prompt: I Have One Word for You: Sing-a-Long!
"Get in the house, Blake. It's late!"
"You get in the house." Blake stands there, arms hanging loosely at her sides, eyes not fully open.
"I am not in the mood for your shenanigans this evening."
"But what if I am?" Blake turns and wanders further away from the car and out into the front yard.
"Blake Belladonna, don't you dare." Weiss quickly prances around the car and follows after Blake. "You know the sprinkler system goes off at midnight."
"Little water never hurt anyone. It's like raining, but from the ground." Blake stops in place and mulls that thought over in her head for a few seconds.
The alcohol induced haze a little thicker than she previously thought. But she immediately becomes distracted by the tree that rests between her home and the neighbors.'
"Where are you going?" Weiss' voice droning on somewhere behind her.
"I know that's a tree."
"I am," Blake reaches out and grabs onto a lower hanging branch, "gonna climb it."
"Absolutely not. No we are not doing that."
"I never. I never said you had to climb it." Before Weiss can pull her down, up into the tree Blake goes.
Stopping about ten feet off the ground, Blake turns and sits on one of the sturdier branches, looking down at a tiny, angry Weiss.
"Ha, you look mad." Blake says, eyes half open and a cheesy grin on her face.
"Nothing gets by you, does it? Now, get down from there."
Placing her hands on her hips and stomping her foot, Weiss looks more like a child than an adult. Which just makes Blake laugh even harder.
"You're in for a surprise, princess." Wiggling her eyebrows at Weiss, as she slowly sways in place.
"What do you mean?" Weiss getting more and more fed up with Blake's behavior every second.
Before Blake could elaborate, the sprinkler system turns on and starts to spray the entire yard, including Weiss, with a fine mist of water.
Making a split second decision, Weiss quickly joins Blake in the tree. Her only other option was to walk all the way back across the now soaking wet lawn.
"Surprise!" Blake yells as Weiss takes a seat near her.
"Quiet! You'll wake the neighbors with your drunken nonsense." Weiss swats in Blake's direction, unable to land a hit.
"Well you aren't much fun."
"I am plenty fun."
"Oh yeah you are. But just not right now in this tree." Blake does her best to wiggle her eyebrows at Weiss, who just rolls her own in response.
"This is the last time I offer to drive when you and Yang go drinking. You are far too much."
"I am cool as a cucumber. Easy as Sunday morning." Blake waves her hand at Weiss as she sways in place with her eyes completely closed.
"An hour ago I was pulling you down off of a bar top as you yelled 'I've got one word for you, sing-a-long!' Which is more than one word, by the way."
"I don't recall. I do not recall your accusation ever taking place."
"Probably because you were black out drunk, trying to sing while Yang blasted children's music from her phone. Which couldn't be heard over the ambient noises of the bar, so you just started screaming the lyrics to what you thought was the music."
"Yeah no." Blake shakes her head back and forth. "I would never do something like that."
"But you did. I have a video."
"Lies." Blake dismisses Weiss' claim quickly.
"It's on my phone, which is in the car. Which is in the driveway, where we would've gone into the house and be sleeping if you hadn't dragged us into this tree."
"No one said you had to attend this party, princess." Blake's swaying gets a little more haphazard and Weiss slides closer to grab her arm.
"The only party I can foresee is you falling out of this tree and breaking your neck."
"I will be doing no such thing, Miss Schnee."
"Mrs. Schnee." She corrects.
"Ah yes, Mrs. Schnee, How could I forget?" Poking herself in the side of the head to emphasize her point.
"Still mad that I wouldn't take your last name?" Now it was Weiss' turn to try to agitate Blake.
"Belladonna is just so lovely." Blake sings the last bit of her sentence, eyes drifting back shut.
"I agree. Which is why we hyphenated, you dolt. Now let's get out of the tree before you pass out."
"You jump down first, then you can catch me if I fall."
"Always the romantic." Weiss says as she carefully steps down to the next branch before hopping the final few feet to the ground.
"If I fell, you would catch me, right?" The look on Blake's face is pathetic. Sad puppy dog eyes.
"Of course I would!" Weiss says poignantly. "Why would you ever think I wouldn't try to catch you?"
"Because," Blake makes her final hop down and Weiss helps support her by grabbing her sides, "you are small and I could squash you. And then I would feel really bad."
"Oh hush, not like you are some giant." Weiss wraps her arm around Blake's waist and begins to guide them carefully back across the front lawn, dodging the sprinkler system as they go.
"I would catch you too." Blake mumbles as Weiss lets her fall the short distance to the bed.
"I have no doubt."
"Wanna know, know why?" There is a small hiccup in her voice as she snuggles her way down in the sheets.
"Hm?" Weiss asks as she places a glass of water and aspirin on the table next to Blake's side of the bed.
"Gravity." Blake sighs. "But mostly because I love you more than gravity loves the ground."
"What a nerd." Weiss mumbles. "I love you too, Blake."
But when she looks over, Blake has already fallen asleep. Breathing steadily as she clutches the hem of the sheets between her hands.
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Survey #204
“welcome to the gospel of dismay.”
Have you ever started reading a book and wondered if you’d read it before? I don't believe so. What has been bothering you a lot lately? Just job stuff... My VR coach and I are having difficulty finding something suitable for me (or something I'm even qualified for) to the point it's looking like I have no choice but to reach out of my comfort zone quite a bit. Thankfully, whatever I do, she goes to work with me and my case isn't closed until I feel totally comfortable at the job, but I just don't want to hop around five times until I find something that fits. I'm just ready to be settled into a job that's not torture for me. What (or who) have you been missing lately? I've been missing Sara really, really badly. My friend Alex, too. It's seemed lately that I only matter when she wants to talk, solely about her boyfriend. As for what, motivation... It's been running low low low lately. Miss having the drive to write like I used to. Miss hobbies. I miss doing things. Are you trustworthy? Yes. Did your parents teach that white lies were ok? In few situations, such as not to hurt other's feelings. Have you ever hallucinated? When coming off of a medication, yes. I saw moving shadows. Do you sleep with your door open or closed? Open. Roman would neeeever let me sleep with it closed, but even then, I prefer not to have it closed. My mom sleeps right outside my room on the couch, and even though we're sleeping, it gives me a natural sense of security to be able to see her. I'm such an infant. By God, do I need to loosen up on my attachment to her. What flags do you have in your room, if any? None. What (or who) is the best thing that ever happened to you? Recovery is the best thing, as for who, Sara. Although in some ways you could say Jason just because of how he changed me to an incredible degree and brought about the development of a lot of strength and less naivety, plus a LOT of self-discovery. I guess it depends on how you look at the question. What is the worst decision you ever made? Essentially turning Jason into a god. Letting my life depend on him loving me. Do you miss college? Jfc, I miss school PERIOD. I don't need to give the sob story about how I'm like a prisoner to my house again and how I don't really have friends. I miss having a purpose, and I neeeeed to be exposed to strangers again for social exercise, as well as hopefully to make friends. I just want something to do and work towards my career. I stg my fucking old college better get their shit together so I can go next semester. I will actually lose my shit otherwise. Have you ever called a teacher “mom”? I think I have by accident before. I still call an old teacher that's now a family friend "2nd Mom" sometimes. What is your favorite arcade game? Idk what are "normal" ones. Oh, well, do crane machines count? So rigged, but they're fun. Do you feel neglected? No, for the most part. Those most important in my life are doing everything to make sure I can handle the "real" world one day. What school subject(s) are/were your best? English, art, and science. Are you allergic to grass? No. Do you remember to water plants? I don't have any. What season is your birthday in? Winter. Name 3 creative people you know. Sara, Connie, and Emma to name just a few. Name 3 YouTubers you aspire to be like. Markiplier for work ethic, creativity, compassion, wisdom, determination, etc. etc. etfuckingc., Shane Dawson for kindness, aaaaand uhhhh Arin Hanson for how down-to-earth and chill he is behind his goofy exterior. What color was your first car? Haven't had my first one yet. What year did you graduate? 2014. When was the last time you saw the person you currently have feelings for? Not since early February. Have you ever been scammed? Ummmm idk, maybe? Are you allergic to pollen? Yes. What style of wedding dress do you like best? Ballgown. Are you over your first love? Yes. Do you talk on the phone a lot? No. Would you rather call or text? Text, big time. Do you always answer your phone? Most times. When was the last time you went to a party? Nicole didn't really have a "party," nor did Sara, so technically my nephew's birthday in August. What was the last thing you ate? A bagel. What’s the last book you checked out from the library? I couldn't tell you. Do you have a twitter? Yeah, but I post nothing. It only exists to like Mark's shit lmao. If so, what was the last thing you tweeted? ^ Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mom. What’s the last thing you cooked on the stove? Scrambled eggs eons ago. What color is the cover of the last notebook you used? Hot pink. Who was the last person you know to have a birthday? Alex. Who sent the last e-mail you got? Mad Ethel's tattoo parlor. I was talking with them about enhancing my tat I got in tribute to Mark; I don't think it looks spacey enough at all, so I'm going to a more professional artist. I mean I like what it is now, but I want to love it. I got a price estimate, aaand it's probably gonna be a while. What song is currently stuck in your head? "Legs Up" by Jeffree Star bye I'mma go jump off a bridge. Do you have a favorite shape? Of basic shapes, circles. What color are the sheets on your bed? White, which I hate; between Roman and Teddy, you can tell it needs to be changed desperately. What time do you usually go to bed? It can range from very rarely as early as 7:00 (I have to be having a baaaaad day) to as late as midnight. Yeah. Do you ever use coloring books? Not anymore. Are you planning on watching the Olympics? I never do. Do you pronounce the word "often" with or without a "t" in the middle? With. Have you ever been on a trapeze? No. Do you enjoy popping bubble wrap? Omfg GIMME. Are there any waterfalls near where you live? No. Do you like seafood? No, solely shrimp prepared in certain ways. Have you ever had to wear a uniform for anything? In middle school. Then at my two jobs. If so, what did it look like? Middle school was khaki pants with plain tops of only certain colors, like white or light blue (those may have been the only options, even). I don't remember the work ones, I was there so briefly. Do you personally know anyone who is an author? No. Do you own a Polaroid camera? No. Do you enjoy baking? I don't enjoy cooking period. What’s your favorite type of flower? Orchids. Last time (if ever) you were on an airplane, where were you going? Back home from Illinois. Do you know anyone who is left-handed? Sara. What is something you think is underrated? Hm. Probably certain shows or movies that aren't coming to mind. Ah, "The Cat in the Hat" with Mike Myers is certainly one for me. It's such a meme that it's awful, but I love that movie. Around what temperature do you consider it to be too hot outside? Like 65*F. In what ways do you expect your life to be different one year from now? I BETTER have a stable job. How often do you travel outside of the state/province you live in? Not often at all. What’s a hobby you used to have, but don’t anymore? Sigh, reading. That hobby died at the hospital, when all I had to do was read and color all day every day because the mental institutions here are godawful. I really do miss reading. What has been your favorite job you’ve had so far? Ha. What’s your favorite kind of salsa/dip to go with tortilla chips? Just the normal spicy kind. Do you wash your car by hand or drive through a car wash? I don’t have a car. Where is the farthest north you’ve traveled to? Michigan. Farthest south? Florida. East? Well, here in NC. West? Illinois. How often do you run the dishwasher? We don't have one. Do you wash your face at the sink or in the shower? Sink. Name a stereotype about your gender that you don’t fit. I have no desire for kids, I hate shopping, I have no interest in fashion... Name a stereotype about your age that you don’t fit. I still don't want kids/don't have any kids. Do you have any unusual decorations in your home? Not really, but I suppose you could say my late grampa's old "cowboy" hat with feather tassels hanging on the wall is? It's aaaalways been on the walls in all our houses. Do you have any uncommon kitchen appliances, such as espresso machines, waffle irons, etc? I dunno. I don't use any. What did your parents major/minor in in college, if they went? Mom majors in social work; Dad never went. Has either of their careers influenced what career you chose or want to pursue? No. What is the highest level math class you’ve completed? I don't remember. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike? Idr. How old were you when you learned how to swim? Again, idr. How do you react when someone is rude to you? I get really embarrassed for whatever reason and also verbally impulsive; you don't know what's gonna come out of my mouth. Have you ever had a friend who was too clingy? No, but then again, I don't know if "too clingy" exists for me. What kind of natural disaster is most common where you live? Hurricanes. Why is your least favorite season your least favorite? It's too goddamn hot and humid as FUCK and all the insects are out. Do you have a Netflix account? Yes. Have you ever had an animal get into your attic? No. Where is your favorite place to go on vacation? Honestly, I can't even tell you. I've been on so, so few vacations, and those I have are almost exclusively to the beach, which I don't like. How long does it take to get there? The beach is ~2+ hours depending on which one we're going to. When was the last time you started a “new chapter” of your life? When I fully let Jason go, I guess. I don't think I've had a massive change since then. What room in your home do you spend the least amount of time in? I never go into my sister's old room. What is the last random act of kindness you did? Don't drag me for playing WoW please okay. But anyway me and another player were heading to an old raid, and I flew to the spawn point of an incredibly rare mob that drops a mount to see if it was up; he was, and the guy was super thankful I checked for him (I already had it, so it wasn't for my own benefit). Do you do anything to reduce the amount of electricity you use? I do the opposite, really... as much as I hate that. I learned to finally keep the lights on in the room I'm in to combat depression, and after finding that it truly works well (if you have depression, seriously, LIGHT THAT ROOM UP), if it's even SLIGHTLY darker without it, that ceiling light's going on. Then at night, Mom likes me to keep the living room light on so it looks like more people are home (it's for safety). Are you usually open to trying a new food that you aren’t familiar with? Nooooooo. Do you listen to Panic! At The Disco? I LAAAAAAAAAHV them! Have you ever had a kinky dream about a celebrity? "I’ve had sex dreams but they weren’t kinky." <<<<<<<<<< Is there a song you can’t stop listening to atm? I have been craaaazy about Caleb Hyles covers lately. Has anyone ever told you that they loved you, and you couldn’t say it back? Yes. That's when I finally ended the "thing" with Joel, I think. If your Facebook status doesn’t get any likes/comments, does it bother you? If it's something I actually wrote instead of something I shared (which is almost exclusively what I do), I get really self-conscious and automatically embarrassed because my head screams "NOBODY CARES." Which friend do you confide in most? Easily Sara. Do you wear a cross? No. What is your opinion on Arby's? Ew. When you have your own kitchen, how will it be done? I don't know. Haven't really thought about it, and besides, I think it'd depend on the layout. What is your favorite doughnut? Glazed. Closely followed by classic/cake. Do you have a hot tub? If so, where is it located? HA bitch we're poor. Did you read the Twilight series, or jump on the bandwagon after the movie? Didn't read the books or watch the movies. What is your favorite party game? Mario Kart. Do you or your parents rake your yard? No. Were you pro-Obama? I was indifferent considering I didn't know enough about him. What is your favorite scent from Bath & Body Works? *shrugs* What was the last illegal thing you did? Downloaded music. Who did you last go to the movies with? Ummm... Mom, I think? What color was the last vehicle you were in? White. Do you have any family members in the military right now? No. Is there a ceiling fan in the room you’re in? No. When was the last time you wished time would move faster? Like... every day for a long, long time now. I just want to have a job or be in school. I want to make progress towards a successful future. I know that's an extremely unhealthy desire to want to zoom through each day, but it's hard to cherish every, identical day lately. Are there any owls in your room (as decor, of course)? No. Have you ever heard voices? Audibly? I don't think so. Do you believe in angels and demons? I don't really know. I know there's life after death, but like, I don't know if your soul is "categorized." Who is the worst neighbor you have ever had? I can't really get into that as I don't know the full story... Dad was good friends with them, but Mom got along with them too, and came divorce time, they turned evil to Mom. I don't know things that were said. Did your Barbies go on dates? I don't remember. If you’re not straight, who was the first person you came out to? Sara. She's the one who talked me through the revelation. Where did you meet your first crush? We went to the same school. Do you remember the first time your first crush ever said hi to you? No. Do you ever go places with wet hair? Yeah. Who is your favorite little girl? My niece. What do you want the most in life? Happiness. What is a decision you’ve made that changed your entire life? Letting Jason become everything. Do you ever wonder what kind of person you’d have turned out to be if a certain event never happened to you? I wonder quite a bit who I'd be if the breakup never happened. When you’re home alone, do you still shower with the bathroom door closed? No. Even when someone is home, I keep it cracked so it doesn't get so humid. If you could have anyone’s singing voice, whose would you choose? Uhhhhh would any female not choose Amy Lee. What are your top 3 favorite genres of music? Metal, rock, indie. Where did you buy your dishes from? I have NO idea. We've had the same fancy-ish dishes my entire life. Do you think Mars will be colonized in your lifetime? In my lifetime, no. What’s the most expensive thing you’ve bought that turned out to be a waste of money? I have no clue. What’s something you’ve bought that turned out to be way more useful than you anticipated? I also don't know. Have you ever been on a ship? No, just boats. Do you ever take intentional breaks from checking/posting on social media? No. Who was Van Halen’s better singer - David Lee Roth, or Sammy Hagar? David. Which fictional character has the most memorable quotes? I'd have to think way too long on this. ACTUALLY. Maybe the Cheshire cat, off the top of my head. What’s a class you did not take in school, but now wish you had? None. Have you ever been to either of your parents’ workplaces? Yeah. What do you think of the ‘Healthy At Every Size’ movement/philosophy? ACTUALLY fuck off. Coming from someone who is overweight, get out of here with that shit. Don't normalize an unhealthy body. Have you ever been bitten so hard that their teeth marks were there after? Uh, other than in a sexual context, I don't think so, no. WAIT NO I bit my sister's back so hard as a kid that she bled, so probably. Ever been given a hickey? (Love bite) Well read above. Ever gave one? Yeah. Are you more of an outgoing type or shy type? I'm shy as fuck. Do you think it's weird if guys wear make-up like eyeliner? If you do think it is, I want nothing to do with your ass. It's 2019. Are you self conscious? If so what are you self conscious about? More than words can explain. My awkwardness, stuttering, lack of comfort with eye contact, and my body. Are you flirty at all? In certain instances with an s/o. Are you racist at all? No. Would you ever date a disabled person? (Be honest) It depends on the disability. With my own issues, I need to be able to handle theirs. If you found a baby randomly by itself what would you do? Call the police. Would you rather adopt or have your own child? If I was to have kids, I'd rather them be my own or wife's if I'm with a woman. But again, I don't want kids period. What would you class as cheating on someone? As soon as you're hiding shit regarding another person from your partner. Do you try to be politically correct? Only to a certain degree. What’s your favorite kind of sea critter? That's hard. I love seahorses, sea turtles, jellyfish, dolphins, whales... Have you ever tasted locally-made honey before? I don't think so. As far as earrings go, would you rather wear hoops or studs? Studs. Do you find P.E. humiliating, or think schools shouldn’t teach it? It wasn't humiliating, at least back then when I had a healthy body. I have mixed emotions about its mandatory status... Like, exercise should absolutely be encouraged, but P.E. classes tend to be entirely inflexible in regards to accommodating different people's limits and conditions. Do you recycle? Sadly no. We have to drive to the dump in order to, and Mom got tired of it. Are you interested in current world issues? Not even nearly as much as I should. Do you think you are mature, or immature? It depends on the situation. What kind of career are you interested in? It'd be great if I could survive just off of photography, but odds are I won't be able to. So I'm trying to go back to college and major in zoology to be an out-on-the-field zoologist. Do you own a pair of sunglasses? No. Do you use bobby pins, hair clips, or elastic hair ties? Which? None; my hair is really short. When it was long, I used hair ties. How badly do you get acne? (If at all) I don't anymore, just the occasional pimple usually around that time of the month. What’s the best way to cope with a breakup? YOU ARE ASKING THE WRONG PERSON. If someone dislikes you, what is most likely to be the reason? For those who don't know me thoroughly, I wouldn't be even remotely surprised if someone thought I was a lazy freeloader going nowhere. I feel like most people think that anyway because I'm going through hell to get a job, don't have friends, and am not back in school yet. How many text messages do you have in your inbox atm? No unread ones. When was the last time you had a difficult decision to make? Last week or so when I deeply debated on whether or not to get rid of Kaiju (my juvenile don't-touch-me iguana). In school, what subjects do/did you find the most difficult? Math and economics. Do you still speak to the person you had your first kiss with? No. Where did you meet the last person you swapped numbers with? I believe that was my VR coach? Who was the last person to add you as a friend on Facebook? My old high school friend Robert. This dude's working at NASA while I'm at home every day at my laptop. I'm an adult. Who was the last person that asked if you were okay? My mom. What does your handwriting look like? It's a mix of (mostly) cursive and print, and I'm usually told it's "too" fancy and hard to read. Do you use any products on your hair, other than shampoo and conditioner? No. Who were your best friends in primary school? Brianna, Kim, and Quiata. Do you still speak to any of them? No. What was the last thing you bought from a vending machine? Probably a drink. I don't remember the last time I used one. What color hair did your first crush have? Brown. What type of shoes do you find the most comfortable? Maybe Vans? Are you more masculine or feminine? Idk. If you could design your own mug, what would you put on it? Idk. Rainbow meerkat pawprints going up in a spiral around the cup? First thing that came to mind. What is the best beach you’ve been to? I've only been to two (I think), and I don't care enough about beaches or remember well enough to answer this. What is one thing you physically can’t do? There is no way in Heaven or Hell I could clean up vomit without hurling myself. Have you ever been to a funeral? Yes. Have you ever visited your state’s capitol building? No. Have you ever visited your nation’s capitol building? No. Do/did you have a favorite seat in church? No. What is your favorite park? Disney World, of course. Have you ever felt an earthquake? No. Do you chew gum regularly? No. Where did you go on your first train ride? N/A Do you know anyone with a dual citizenship? Most likely. What sports teams do you root for, if any? (Extra points for Boston fans.) None, really. I grew up automatically biased to the Carolina Hurricanes in hockey thanks to Dad, but I don't actually care. Do you dunk your cookies in milk? Oreos, preferably. Others, sometimes. What is something you are confident about? My knowledge of meerkats. Have you ever been physically addicted to a substance? What? I don't really know if this "counts" as it was the product of severe anxiety over vomiting, but in middle school, I would constantly think I was going to be sick and took one Peptobismol literally everyday at school, usually in I think second period when my anxiety was bad enough. It finally ended when we ran out and I had to go without it and I saw I was okay. I was so happy when that shit ended. How do you feel about needles? Eh. The feeling is obviously unpleasant, but they don't bother me much; not at all for tattoos. Getting shots or blood drawn is a bit more "ew" because of the needle's length. But anyway, in general, needles are okay. What is your favorite accent to listen to? Maybe French for women, British for men. Or British for both, idk. What was the reason you last got dressed up? Went job hunting with my VR coach. Have you ever been the subject of cruel rumors? Not really cruel, no. ^ What were they? N/A Do you prefer loose or form-fitting clothing? A bit loose. ^ What about on your preferred gender? I like both men and women, so. I tend to like more form-fitting on women and looser on men. Maybe. Idk actually. But pants. Give me skinny jeans on everyone. What do you do when you are really, really mad? Be WAY too impulsive about what comes out of my mouth. And I cry. Would you rather go naked than wear fur? Omfg don't do this. I guess wear fur. I hate my body too much. But I'd feel absolutely godawful. Do you put a line through your 7's? Yes. ^ What about your Z's? Yes. What is one thing that someone could do to you that is unforgivable? More than anything else, rape. Are you able to forgive and forget? It's rare I'm unable to forgive, but forget? Nope. Do you like cold pizza? Yeah. What is your favorite fruit? Strawberries. Kiwi, too. What about your favorite fruit juice, if it differs from solid fruit? Peach/mango mix. Do you like broccoli and cheese? Oh my god in Heaven, yes. What about potatoes and cheese? Yeah. Have you written a letter by hand, lately? To whom? Not lately. Toaster or toaster oven? I've only ever had a toaster oven. I like how you can see if something is starting to burn, anyway. What are you most known for? Likes meerkats more than she likes 99% of the human population. I keep my worship of Mark Fischfuckface on the down low irl so meerkats win overall. Do you have any reputations? What are they? I don't think so. Do you wear band shirts? Yeah. ^ What band was on the last one you wore? Uh... shit. I think Metallica? It's rare I have to put on "real" clothes now (yes, I stay in pjs all day bc I never leave the house), so idrk. Do you own any hats? Describe them. No. What about masks, you got any? Describe those. No. What was the last thing to leave you speechless? Watching the spire of the Cathedral collapse yesterday. That whole thing broke my heart. I know the serious valuables were saved, but still, there was so much damage to 800 years of incredible art and history. Do your parents like your friends? If they don’t, why not? I have like... one irl, serious friend. They both love him. Have you been called a bad influence? Yes. As if she wasn't an awful one. Describe your favorite pair of socks. They're covered in meerkats. :'D Thanks, big sister. Have you experienced any life-changing news, events, etc, lately? No. Have any self-done piercings? No, not doing that shit. I'm too serious about piercings being done well and in the most hygienic manner. Ever pierced someone else? No, for the same reasons as above. Do you get distracted easily? Holy shit, yes. Is talking to strangers enjoyable for you, or stressful? It's anxiety-inducing as hell. How do you feel about getting new neighbors? Idc. How many ceiling fans are in your home? None. Do you tweet your life away? I don't use it. How do you feel about shameless self promoting? Ever since actually trying to get out in the freelance photography world, I get it, as uncomfortable as it is. HOWEVER, there are absolutely places where doing it is inappropriate. When reading words. like. this. do. you always pause after the periods? Yeah. What about screaming when reading something IN ALL CAPS? Yeah.
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kinkykooksstuff · 6 years
forbidden desire | 01
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pairing: taehyung x reader ft. jungkook
summary: love isn't about joy and happiness. sometimes it can be gritty, possessive and dirty. that's what this was, a story of forbidden love between two young and troubled people. a story of how they fell in love and had to keep it a secret. a story about how the world was too small for love like theirs.
genre: romance, thriller (angst, smut, fluff)
warnings: mentions of sex, death, angst
series masterlist x
playlist x aesthetic
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It was raining that night. Your clothes were soaked as you walked towards Rocky's diner. An old drive-in restaurant that was placed exactly on the exit of the city. The rain heavily fell on your shoulders, dripping down your arms and on the soaked asphalt. His hands traveled down your back as he opened the door for you. The rain immediately stopped and everything was much quieter now. It was past midnight, the diner was empty, except the waitress that greeted you with a smile on her face. Returning a one, weak smile, you made your way towards the booth in the back. The booth where it all started. The waitress slowly following you behind.
"Hello. What would you like to order?"
"Nothing really. We just-"
"One milkshake and one cup of tea please." He cut you off. Taehyung. Your boyfriend.
The waitress had a confusing look on her face, but nodding, she left and disappeared behind the other booths, leaving you in silence. You put your head in your hands and you heard him sigh, leaning back on the booth.
"This...This is so wrong. This is my fault." You whisper-yelled, lifting your head up and lowering it towards him.
He put his hand over yours on the table. "Baby, it's not your fault. Trust me."
"No, it is! We talked about it in the car, remember? Those polaroids shouldn't have been there. I shouldn't have put them in my book knowing that she always cleans my desk." Tears started falling slowly down your cheek. You couldn't shake off the heavy feeling in your chest.
"Did she open the book?"
"No! They fell." You said through gritted teeth. Mad at yourself for letting the polaroids be seen by other eyes than you two. Letting other people be aware of the relationship you had with Taehyung. Your grandfather's business enemy's grandson.
"I see," he said moving closer to you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you towards him. You felt safe instantly. You always did. He was your escape. He was the person you loved with all your heart. The person you feared to lose. "The most important thing is to stop beating yourself over it. It was not your fault. Accidents happen." His hand wiping your tears away.
"I know. Taehyung everyone knows now. Do you know what will happen when my parents tell yours?"
"They don't even talk. They hate each other." He said quietly, seeing the waitress from the corner of his eyes bringing the drinks over your table. You looked up, trying to crack a smile. "Thank you."
"You're welcome. Enjoy your drinks." The middle-aged woman said and left with a smile on her face. Not knowing what kind of mess was going on in that booth.
"That's the point..." you said when she was out of sight.
"No, it's not, baby. Your parents won't tell mine knowing that if this gets public, it'll create a scandal. Think about it, y/n. If your parents tell anyone that we're dating, he will lose his business partners. Same goes with mine." Taehyung's words calmed you down, like always. He always knew the right thing to say, he was always right.
Afraid of your parents, your head fell on Taehyung's shoulder. Your mind was all over the place. He wasn't his grandfather nor his father. He was Taehyung, the sweet and caring guy you fell in love with. You tried telling your parents but they never listened. Although they somehow knew, the Polaroid was the breaking point. It was clear now. They know about your disappearances in the middle of the night, they weren't for nothing. Your mom never believed the lie you always told her. "I needed some fresh air" or "I'll be staying over at Jimin's". Everything was a lie. You could say that you lived a pretty normal life if it wasn't for Taehyung.
"And what do we do now?" You asked, hands reaching for the cup of tea. You were freezing, so it warmed you up a little bit.
"Nothing. We're gonna continue being together."
"Taehyung, it's impossible!" You said placing the cup on the table
He sighed. "It is. We just have to distance for a week. Let your parents calm down a little bit. After this, when you go home, you'll tell them that you ended things with me. You're gonna change my name in the contacts and get rid of my shirts. Give them to Jimin or whatever. Basically, they have to be convinced that we lost contact." He said. He must've noticed your shaking form and tears in your eyes. "Hey, hey. It's gonna be alright. They trust you baby. You're their little girl, their y/n. You're gonna continue going to school and dance practice. Everything's gonna be fine. One day they'll understand that I'm not my grandfather."
You nodded. It was going to be alright. You two could do this, together. Plus knowing that your best friend Jimin, and Namjoon - Taehyung's older brother, were by your side, it was easier. They knew from the very beginning. Jimin covered up for you so many times. It was easier for Taehyung since he was old enough to take care of himself. He was 23 and he had a part in the business. He was the CEO's son. He had no curfews, no bodyguards following him around, he was simply free. It was your life that was messed up. You were 5 years younger than Taehyung. Because of you, you two rarely went out in public places. This diner was the only place that you could eat together and have a proper date. Sitting in his Jeep was a routine. He owned an apartment with his brother, so when he was out you two would go there and spend the day cuddling or having sex. The sex was always great. When you first started dating, you were 17, so you both wanted to wait until you turn 18. When you did, you spent your birthday with him. That was the night you lost your virginity to Kim Taehyung. Your family's business enemy. He liked being in charge and you did too. The sexy lingerie he always bought you was buried somewhere in the back of your closet, along with his other gifts that now are going over to Jimin's. Jimin was simply an angel, which is why you decided to call him and let him know about what happened an hour ago.
"...and then he started throwing my stuff around. My mom had to calm him down. I couldn't take it so I left and Taehyung picked me up. Now we're at Rocky's." You said to Jimin who was silently listening from the other line.
"Are you okay? Both of you?"
"Yes, yes. Don't worry, but you have to pick me up. Taehyung can't drive me home." You said, looking at Taehyung who comfortingly placed his hand on your thigh.
"Yes, okay. I will. I'll be there in 30 minutes." He said. You nodded, not complaining, knowing how far was the neighborhood you lived in from the exit.
"Thank you, Jimin. I owe you big!" You laughed in what feels like an eternity. Hearing your laugh, Taehyung's face lit up. As you put down your phone he cupped your cheeks, turning your head towards him. He pulled you closer to him and he kissed you. His warm lips resting on yours was the most comforting thing ever. As his hand traveled down your back you swore you couldn't hear the rain anymore. Everything stopped. It always did with him. He was your sunshine, he was the contrast in your life.
"Do you remember how excited and scared you were when I asked you out exactly on this booth?"
"Yeah.." you laughed, remembering the first real date you two had. That was the time when you were still innocent, high school girl.You looked at him, silently remembering the warm September night.
12th September 2017
You watched as his blonde locks fell over his chocolate brown eyes. It was such a relief to be with him after the long day you had. You were a cheerleader. The football team won. You were happy and excited. As for him, this was his first time on a date with a high school girl. This was your last year.
"Your school jacket looks good with your skirt," he said, taking a sip from his milkshake.
"Thank you." you shyly said.
You've known Taehyung for a couple of months, but you never had a proper conversation until a month ago. One conversation leads to exchanging numbers and talking on the phone every night. One thing you knew for sure was that your parents could not find out about this. First, it was something about business, second, he was older. He told you himself to keep this a secret.
"I've never done this before. All I do is meet women at a bar and then bring them over my apartment. That's it. I've never understood this dating shit." He said
"Dating?" you asked. Sure, you made out a couple of times during the last month but he never mentioned anything about dating. You thought you were just a distraction from his work.
"Ah...You got me there. Look, y/n...I know this is wrong but I really like you. I can't just not have you, I want you to be mine." he admitted. Your heart started beating faster and faster, your hands were shaking and you couldn't keep a straight face. "I'll completely understand if you don't want any kind of relationship with me because I'm older and of course why would a senior date a 22-year-old guy who's never been in a serious relationship and works 8 hours a day and-"
You cut him off with a kiss. You were lucky the restaurant was almost empty so there were no eyes on you.
"I've wanted this since the day I laid eyes on you Taehyung."
"But you know we-"
"We have to keep this a secret. I know."
"God, you're such a rebel. You don't know what I'd do to you if you weren't a virgin," he said. You weren't weirded out because the past month you formed a really intimate relationship. You could talk about anything with him and he'd understand.
"You will." You winked and sat back on the booth, crossing your legs. He bit his lips and put his arm around you.
"My girlfriend. I'm so happy to call you that now."
"I'm so happy to hear you say that, baby."
A lot of kisses and touches were exchanged in his car that warm September night. The city outside that car was alive, more than ever. The night was full of noise and people, distant music from the stupid clubs. In that car, it was just the two of you, away from everyone and everything. You both wished to stay that way. That night was the most innocent and problems-free night you two ever had. And you sure know that you will never forget it
Present day
"Oh god...How I wish we could escape somewhere...somewhere far, just the two of us." You said, slowly tapping your nails on the table while Taehyung rubbed your back.
"Hey...It's okay. We'll make it work. I know we will and I promise you we will escape together. Finish high school first and I'm getting us both out of here." You buried your head in his chest, hoping for that day to come true. You believed him. He was the person that has been always honest with you. That's why you loved him dearly, and you would do anything to make this work.
As you both sat in silence, his hands wrapped around your small frame, your almost dead phone started ringing.
It was Jimin.
"I'm here." You heard him say from the other line as a car parked in front of the restaurant. You got up and Taehyung helped you put his coat around your shoulders since you were just in your hoodie.
"Okay, I see you. We'll be there in a second." You said and hung up, placing your phone in your back pocket. You both started walking towards the front.
"I need to pay. Go I'll be fast."
You nodded and opened the glass door from the old diner. Jimin got out of his car and you immediately hugged him. Tears started rolling down your cheek once again.
"It's raining, let's get you inside." He said, grabbing your arm and leading you towards his car. He opened the door from the passenger seat for you and as soon as he closed the door, you saw Taehyung jogging towards you. You were so cold to get out. The car heater was on and it felt really nice. They both greeted each other and Jimin got inside the car, leaving Taehyung lean by your window. You opened it a little bit so you can see him better.
"Don't just stand here, it's raining and you'll get a cold." You said, reaching to cup his cheek.
He put his hand over yours, smiling. "I'll be okay, baby. Don't think about me. Just don't worry about anything, okay? Everything is gonna be alright." He said comfortingly. You nodded.
"Okay Tae. I love you."
"I love you too y/n." He leaned in and placed a wet kiss on your mouth.
"Jimin, please be safe, okay?" He looked at Jimin who nodded.
"Don't worry buddy. I'll take care of her." He smiled.
You rolled on the window and Taehyung backed away from the car with a smile on his face. You leaned back in the seat as Jimin drove away, leaving Taehyung standing behind in the rain. He watched you drive away. The sound from the rain was louder than ever.
You watched his tall figure get surrounded by the heavy rain, but the view faded away when Jimin turned on the other street.
"How are you?" He asked, looking over at you with a concerned look.
You shook your head. "How could I be, Jimin? My parents found out about Taehyung." You said, massaging your palm with your hand.
"Now what?"
"Nothing. You'll get everything that belongs to Taehyung from my room and you'll keep it. I'll be going to school and then home with a bodyguard. Once my parents are convinced  that I'm not seeing him anymore, I'll think of something." I said, looking around the city.
"Whatever you do, I'll be here to help. I know how much you love him and...I love you." he said placing his hand on your knee. You were grateful for Jimin. He was your childhood friend, your best friend.
"I love you too, Chim."
"So, um...What is exactly going on?" He asked, tapping his fingers on the wheel.
"What do you mean? I told you." You said, raising your brows.
"No, no, I mean you never told me the whole story. I know about the business thing but I don't know the whole, whole story. I'd like to know." He said.
You nodded. "Well...Basically mine and Taehyung's grandfathers were business partners in the past, out companies worked together. Then his grandfather got access to some parts in our holding and he sold them for a lot of money. Since then our company struggled a lot. My father was the one who helped to make it successful again. Now, my parents and his don't talk and they consider each other as enemies even though nothing happened between the two, at least I know that. Taehyung has a big part in their company, so when we met and he told me he works at Kim's holding, I immediately remembered all those stories my parents told me about that family." I said, taking a big breath. "Jimin, Taehyung is not like them. He's not his parents or his grandfather. He's just...Tae. I don't want to lose him."
"You won't lose him, y/n. One day your parents will understand." He comforted you.
"You know..." You giggled, crossing your legs on the seat. "He said we'd go somewhere far away once I finish high school."
"Hey! You're not gonna leave me here in this ugly city, are you?" He joked.
"Of course not. We'll go somewhere far away and I'll find you a hot girl."
"Speaking of a hot girl...I made out with a girl yesterday at the party. I didn't even get her number." He said.
The party, right. Since you got with Taehyung, you rarely went to parties. You lost contacts with a lot of friends. That popular cheerleader was no longer there. She was just a girl that was getting picked up with a black Jeep after the classes. Everyone was curious but no one dared say anything.
"Oh my God, I miss going out with you guys. How's Hobi?" You asked, thinking of the hype man.
"He's great! Our dance classes keep getting harder and harder. Yoongi visits us now more often since they're dating."
"I'm so happy for them. They're gay and happier than me." You laughed. Yoongi and Hoseok were Jimin's friends. You adored them both from the day you met them. They recently started dating. Their families were supportive of them both, and here you were, soaked from head to toe, cold, in your best friend's car instead of your boyfriend's, going home scared from your parents. The truth was you were scared from your dad. Your mom wasn't so angry at the fact. She wasn't angry that you were dating Taehyung, she was angry you broke your dad's promise that you'll never have any kind of relationship with the Kim's. She was your mother, after all, she knew almost all your secrets. She was a decent person, unlike your dad who only cared about the money. He wasn't a bad man, no, he just cared a lot for the money. "Ugh, I don't want to go home at all."
"What are you planning to do?"
"Nothing. Can you come over and stay the night please?" You asked, hoping he would say yes.
"Yes. I will." He said after a couple of seconds.
"Thank you so much Jimin. You're the best. I'm sorry for pulling you in this mess though." You apologized. You really felt bad for the guy. Jimin's heart was made of gold. He was beautiful inside and out. His blonde locks were wet from the rain. He looked ethereal as you watched from the passenger seat. Gratefully.
"Why are you staring at me like that?" He asked, punching my knee playfully.
I laughed at his gesture, "Nothing, you're just cute and I'm so grateful for you."
"Same, y/n. I may be the one always getting you out of trouble but you are the biggest strength in my life. Trust me." His kind words making you more emotional than you already were.
"Same, Chim."
"What are you thinking about?" he asked you. Eyes still on the road. "You're not completely here."
"I'm thinking about Taehyung. I can't get him out of my mind. I'm afraid that something bad will happen to him, you know my father." You said, playing with the bracelet that Taehyung gave you on your 18th birthday.
"Yes but I also know your mother who wouldn't let your father hurt any of you. Besides, your father isn't that bad, I love that man."
"Jimin you know how bad this situation is. He was really mad."
"Hey, all you gotta do is be careful. I told you, everything's gonna be alright. Taehyung told you too."
"I know." Was the last thing you said before drifting off to sleep. You were tired and your body was weak. Your heart was broken but you couldn't let the little piece of hope go away, not when you had Taehyung by your side. You dreamed about the summer, the summer you met him. You dreamed about the sea hitting the horizon, you dreamed about freedom. He was freedom. The only source of happiness in your life was about to be taken away from you and you couldn't do anything. You were crushed. Words weren't enough, you needed him.
Jimin looked at your small figure, head against the window, hands between your legs. Taehyung's jacket was around. He smiled to himself. He knew that you didn't deserve any of this. You were a young girl full of life and adventures. Your heart was wild yet so fragile. You loved once in your life, and life took advantage of it. He was aware of the fact that your love was bigger than this world. He trusted Taehyung with his heart. One day he would have to let you go because that was where you belonged. You belonged with Taehyung. He was home.
"Wake up, y/n. We're here." Jimin carefully touched your shoulder. You immediately opened your tired eyes.
You nodded. "Is it still raining?"
"No. C'mon."
You opened the door and stepped outside. The cold air hit you and you wrapped Taehyung's jacked around you tightly. Your red converse were still soaked from the rain. I fastened my pace with Jimin following behind. Your front yard was very big, so it took some time to get to the front door. Before you could reach the handle, your mom opened the door. You stood there with wet hair and clothes, tears rolling down your cheeks once again. Jimin giving her a soft smile from behind you.
"Oh, honey. I was so worried about you." Your mom gave you a warm and long hug. Her scent calming your nerves.
"Jimin, thank you for bringing her home."
"It's nothing, really," Jimin said, still standing outside.
"Actually mom, Jimin will stay the night."
"Okay, honey." She said, turning around for a second, staring at the living room then back at you. "By the way, you might wanna give that jacket to Jimin because I don't know how your father will react if-"
"Mom. It's okay." You said taking off Taehyung's jacket and handing it to Jimin.
"Look who decided to come home." A voice appeared from behind your mom.
It was your dad
You flinched and closed your eyes. Your mom took a step aside, revealing your shaking body to him.
"Dad...Not now."
"What not now? y/n are you aware of what you did?" He asked, taking a step forward.
"We're over." You said quietly. He just stood there with his arms crossed. Now you were the one who took a step forward. "Dad, Taehyung and me, it was nothing serious. I told him to back off and everything's over now. You can trust me."
"How can I trust you when you broke the promise?"
"I'll prove it. Hire a bodyguard again for me." The words were leaving your mouth so fast, you couldn't process what were you saying. All you knew is that you had to convince him.
He sighed. "y/n, I don't want a bodyguard following you around. I want when you leave this house, to know that you're safe and that I can trust you." He was now standing in front of you, his hands brushing your sides.
"Okay. I want that too. I'm sorry again." you gave him a weak smile and turned towards Jimin, who was standing next to the stairs.
"Just to let you know, if I see that boy near you again," He pointed his finger at you. "Things will be more difficult than now. Now goodnight to both of you." He said and walked past the three of you, climbing up the stairs.
You let out a long sigh, looking down.
"Let's go to your room." Your mom said.
The first thing you did when you entered the room was flopping down on your bed.
"I need to take a shower. Jimin you can go after me-"
"No. Let's sit here for a couple of minutes. I haven't talked to you guys for a long time." Your mom laughed, sitting down next to you. Jimin sat at the end of the bed. You turned around and rested your head on your soft pillow, facing them both.
"How serious was it, y/n?" Your mom asked you.
"We were pretty serious, mom. I don't know how I'll handle this..."
She sighed. The frown on her face was a sign of disappointment. "You're strong, baby. I'm sorry you had to go through this." She took a deep breath. "How long has this been going on?"
You looked at Jimin who sat still, his expression full of sadness. "Seven months."
She nodded, slowly.
"They were pretty cute, though." Jimin cracked a joke. It lightened up the mood. You expected a frown from your mom but instead, she giggled.
"I can imagine. I've never seen the boy. Do you have a picture?" she asked. You felt as your wounds were being completely opened. You nodded, reaching for your phone from under the sheets. You scrolled through your gallery and found a picture of him driving, looking at the camera. You smiled and turned your phone so she can see the photo. She took a look closer and smiled. "He's so handsome, y/n. Do you have a picture of the two of you?"
Your smile disappeared from your face but you tried to find one. You found a picture of you sitting in his lap in your booth. Namjoon took that picture.
"Oh...Who took this picture?"
"Namjoon. His older brother." You said, locking your phone.
"Who knew about you two?"
"Only me and his brother," Jimin said.
Your mom just nodded.
"Okay...I guess it's time to give you his stuff, Jimin." You stood up.
"You have his stuff here?" Your mom stood up after you.
"Yeah." You didn't want to turn back to see her expression. You've had enough.
You opened your wardrobe and got the bag you kept all his shirts and little gifts, including the lace underwear. Deciding to keep it, you got it out and threw it inside, closing it afterward.
You put the bag on your bed and reached over Jimin's backpack. They watched as you shoved clothes into it, wiping your tears away now and then.
Then it was time to give him the bracelet. You didn't want to. It meant the world to you. That bracelet was your innocence. You brushed your finger through it and smiled.
"Keep that." Your mom said. "I really don't want to take that part from your life away from you."
You smiled, dropping your hands to your sides. "I'd like to shower now."
"Sure. I'll leave you guys alone. It's 3 in the morning, I'm going to bed." She kissed your head. "Goodnight kids." She said and closed the door quietly.
You instantly broke down.  
"Hey, hey. Are you okay?"
"How can I be okay, Jimin? I want to see my boyfriend. I want my boyfriend." You cried in his chest.
"You'll have him."
"No! I want him now. I want him every minute of my life. I need him, Jimin." His hands were holding you close to him.
"Go shower, please."
You nodded.
The water falling down your body felt amazing. It felt like you were born again. You stepped out, the cold floor meeting your toes made you flinch. Before you wrapped your towel around you, you stared at your body in the mirror. He knew every single inch of your body. He has touched every inch of your body.
Wrapping the towel around you, you opened the door only to see Jimin playing Overwatch on your laptop.
"Seriously?" This boy never failed to make you laugh.
"What? I'm better than you in this." He looked at you then at the screen.
"Yeah, yeah whateverrr." You said. "Go and take a shower."
"Nah, I'm good."
"Jimin, I'm not letting you sleep in my bed if you don't take a shower." You looked at him through the mirror reflection.
"Okay, okay."
"I'll let you sleep in Taehyung's clothes."
"I really, really don't want that dude breaking my jaw."
"Jimin, go!"
You watched as he closed the door behind him. You took that time to put on some sweatpants and a t-shirt. Grabbing your phone from the table you walked to your bed, getting under the sheets. Just when you unlocked your phone, a message from Taehyung popped up. His name in your contacts was Chim2 now.
Chim2: Are you home safe?
You: Yes. You?
Chim2: Yes baby,
You smiled. Him calling you baby was your favorite thing ever. You felt pain in your chest that he wasn't here at the moment.
You: I miss you so fucking much
Chim2: I miss you too
Chim2: Is everything okay with your parents?
You were doing better but the thought about your dad ruined your mood.
You: Yeah. My mom was actually curious about our relationship. She said you were handsome 😂
You: But I can't let her know that we're not broken up.
Chim2: Yeah. We don't want any problems.
"y/n, where is- Why the fuck are you smiling at your phone?" Jimin asked, his head peeking through the door.
"I'm texting Taehyung." You mouthed his name, carefully.
"Oh, sorry. I'll find my backpack myself." He said, revealing his half-naked body, you bit your lip.
"Oh my God, Jimin, I sometimes want to fuck you so bad." You joked.
"Shut the fuck up before your boyfriend kills us both." He faked a laugh, unzipping the zipper of his backpack.
You: Yeah. Okay, I and Jimin are heading to bed.
Chim2: Aha alright. Be careful. I love you. Tell Jimin I said hi ;) ❤
You: Goodnight Tae ❤
"Taehyung says hi."
"Oh, I'm dead."
"No, you're not. Come over here. I wanna cuddle with my best friend." You opened your arms for him. He turned off the lights and dropped the bag on the floor. He jumped on the bed next to you, covering himself with the sheets. You turned to your side and placed your hand under your cheek. Him doing the same.
"I'm so not used to being in the same bed with you anymore." You said.
"Why?" Jimin laughed, putting his phone on the table next to the bed.
"Because I always sleep with Taehyung."
"Oh, right." he stopped for a moment, looking at the ceiling. "Hey, how many times have you two had sex?"
"In one night or?" You asked.
"You are not fucking serious." He started playfully hitting you.
"A lot."
"That dude must've ravished you."
"He did. The sex is so fucking amazing, Jimin ugh."
"Where do you usually fuck?"
"At his apartment. Oh god, I love his apartment. I feel like home there. He used to make me breakfast." you smiled at the thought of him in the kitchen. "Knowing that it won't be the same, makes my heart ache."
"Hey. Let's just sleep okay? We have school tomorrow and it's like...almost 4 am."
"Yeah, okay."
"Can we spoon?"
"Yeah, roll over."
And you did.
That night it didn't stop raining. You fell asleep in your best friend's arms while in a big apartment on the other side of the city was laying Taehyung, alone and broken in the bed you used to sleep in. In the sheets where your bodies rolled around. The sheets that smelled like you, comforted Taehyung.
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abunchofbadchoices · 6 years
Michael's Song
HSS Michael x MC (Jordan) in Midnight Sun AU
*Disclaimer: Most of the lines and scenes I got from the movie the Midnight Sun and all the rights belongs to the creators and writers, as well as the characters from PB. This is merely a converted fan fiction*
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six
Part Seven
They let their feet guide them to wherever they go. The town is silent, but not in a creepy silence kind of way. Just the kind of quiet when you can able to clear your mind and feel at least a bit of peace.
Somehow, the two of them ended up by the shipyard which is, of course, empty at midnight. His uncle's boat was located to the private area, where most luxury boats and yachts are place. Michael got them in without problem as he had access to the gates and together, they walk down the path and passed by different kinds of boats.
The wind is cool, but not too freezing. Jordan's wavy blonde hair gets blown by the breeze from time to time but not enough to mess it. She looks at the dark sky, eyes closed in bliss as she inhale the fresh salty breeze coming from the sea.
Michael had been recording their little trip with his digital camera. Then smiles at the sight of happiness on her face, glad to have brought her to the place he goes to when he needs some peace, so he made sure it was all caught in the cam.
"I-I don't get it." Jordan suddenly turns to face him and the camera, blushing. "How could they just take your scholarship away?"
Ah, yes. Their latest topic of conversation : College. Michael brought her up to speed about what he has been doing, about football and about wanting to go into filming, when she noticed him recording the party earlier.
It was rare for him to tell a story, much less something that has left a bitter taste in his mouth, but there was something about Jordan that makes it easy to open up a little.
He paused the camera and looks down as they walk, his left shoulder suddenly feels like tingling at the memory. "Well, I had to have a surgery, and they didn't think I could ever play again. No more scholarship meant no more Berkeley. It was probably my only choice of place to go to, away from here."
Jordan nods slowly, understanding etched on her beautiful face. "I'm really sorry."
He feels sorry for himself too, if he wasn't too busy thinking how he brought it all to himself, or how he was fooled by his so-called friend.
"So, how did you do it?" She asks deliberately, in a careful yet soft voice. "How did you hurt yourself?"
"It was just a freak accident. You know, I fell down some stairs and... that's not true." Michael paused, then stops to look her in the eye. He wants to see it in those innocent green orbs as soon as he tells her the truth. He wants to see the same judgemental gleam everyone gives him when they hear about it. "That's kind of what I tell everybody."
Jordan knits her eyebrows, an indication that she was being thoughtful and sympathetic. But she stays quiet and let him continue.
"I got really drunk one night at my friend Brian's house. It was his birthday and we're all having a drinking game, just the school team. We all agreed he can give all the dares and well... He dared me to jump off the roof into the pool. I clipped the edge with my shoulder." He let out a humorless chuckle, remembering his father's raging disappointment. His coach's regretful voice when he told him he can no longer play. "I'm such an idiot. I don't wanna be that guy, you know?"
A few steps passed. From the corner of his eyes, he noticed Jordan look up at him with a gentle smile. She shakes her head. "Then don't be."
That was all he needed to hear. He hates long talks about having faith and listening to fake promises that everything is going to work itself out.
There, Jordan doesn't seem to feel the need to promise or reassure him, she knows it was all out of their hands. It was her calming presence that gives all the reassurance he needed.
"You know," she starts. "My mom used to take me here when I was little."
"Really?" He smiles.
It was the first bit of personal story she ever shared that night. Jordan is a big mystery, giving very little information about herself or what she does every day. All she ever told him was that she isn't available during the daytime and as much curious as he is, he never asks 'cause he trusts her to tell him at some point.
Jordan points to a spot by the harbor, a huge cleared space overlooking the sea. "She sat me right... there. And, um, she tried to teach me how to play the guitar. Actually, this watch was hers." The girl held up her wrist, where a gold watch was wrapped and complementing her pale flawless skin. "I spent so much time looking at this thing on her hand, and..." Her smile turns wistful. "Uh, she died when I was little. She was in a car accident."
"I'm... I'm so sorry," Michael frowns, worried he had totally blew their night off. "You know, we can go someplace--"
"No. No, no." Jordan shakes her head quickly. "No, I'm...I'm good. "
"You sure?"
"Yeah, yeah. I promise."
Michael offers his hand. "You wanna see something cool?"
His uncle's boat was only a few meters down the pathway so Michael lead the girl to the private sailing boat where he practically spends all his time since summer starts.
"Ta-da!" He spreads his arms, jumping on board which sways gently on its spot.
Jordan's eyes widen. "This is yours?"
"No. But it's something I'm taking care of for the summer. It's a Jespersen 53."
Michael reached out and she let him help her up to the deck as well. He watched her balancing awkwardly on her feet and smirks. "One of these days we could take her for a sail around the harbor. We can watch the sun set."
Jordan holds onto a metal support beam and smiles up at Michael. But the last sentence he uttered just registered in her mind and suddenly, she felt a huge lump on her throat.
Michael wants to go on sailing with her to watch the sunset. Out on the sea. It was probably the most romantic idea she ever heard if only she can be able to make it come true.
Which is impossible, unless she wants to achieve a grade-A cancer that will probably wipe off any chance of ever going to sailing ever again. Jordan pretends to watch the sea. She doesn't want Michael to see that she can never go with him on those trips. Not as long as there is sunlight involved. Hell, he doesn't even know what the main problem is.
Just tell him, dammit! Her mind and conscience keeps on scolding her.
No, no. She can't... She doesn't want to. What if Michael starts seeing her more like a fragile sick creature than the funny awkward Jordan he had always known?
"That sounds... perfect." She says instead.
Michael leans down from the elevated deck he is standing on and press his lips softly on her. Jordan reaches up and put his hands on his shoulder, pulling him closer as she responded to the gentle kiss in a deliberate manner.
You see, Jordan had never kissed anyone before, not this way. Surely, those kisses all over Maria's face that she used to give her when she feels like annoying her wouldn't have counted.
It feels like forever, their lips melting to each other like they were meant to be that way. A smile tugs the corner of her lips and when they pulled away, Michael has the same smile on his face.
Luckily, the pickup truck decided to die just a house away from the Lee's house.
The engine rumbled and groaned before completely stalling in the middle of the road. Michael fumbled on the steering wheel. "Um, just, let me get out of..."
He tries once more, there was a brief groan then the engine died all over again. Jordan grinned, studying the guy's face which looks a bit redder than usual. Oh, he's embarrassed. It only makes her smile for more.
"Sorry." He says, sounding sheepish but not at all surprised.
They sit in silence for a few awkward moments. Jordan bites her lip. "So, what are you gonna do this year, now that you're not going to Berkeley?"
"Well, first I'm gonna get a new truck." Michael quipped. They chuckle. "Or not, I have my motorcycle anyway. And then I'm gonna drive across the country. You know, I've been in the football field my entire life and I haven't get to see much else, so..." He looks at her, noting the downcast look on her face. The beautiful smile gone. "Um, what are you gonna do--"
"I'm not doing anything." Jordan says immediately, shaking her head. "I'm just gonna take some online courses, I think. But... I'll just be here." I cannot leave anyway, she wanted to add. I cannot go across the country or have vacation under the sun...like a normal girl.
"I, uh... I meant what are you doing tomorrow?" Michael clarified. The shock on the girl's face made him laugh.
"Oh, God..." She slapped her forehead, but she is also laughing. A hint of hesitation passed through her face for a second. "Um... I... I'm busy during the day, but I can be free tomorrow night."
"That's perfect. I'll see you tomorrow night?"
"Okay." Jordan flashed him with her signature beam before jumping out the door. She made it a few feet away before she stopped as if she forgot something and run back to the window. "I have something to tell you." Concern filled his chest at the look of panic in her eyes. She sighed heavily then let out a guilty smile. "I don't actually have a hamster."
Michael grinned, not at all surprised. In fact he didn't even try hide it. "No shit."
As if satisfied, the girl waved her hand then run to her house.
From the inside, Scott watched his daughter get off a blue pick-up truck. He glances at his watch and sees it was almost three in the morning. A couple more hours and Jordan might have reach the morning sunlight.
This was exactly what Dr. Maddox had warned him about. The age when his daughter will no longer be contained inside the house and meet people that will trigger some issue on her condition.
The truck isn't Maria's. Jordan didn't went home with her best friend just like what they always talked about.
He couldn't help but feel threatened.
That morning, Maria lies on Jordan's bed, with the latter has been using her stomach as a pillow while she strummed lazily on her guitar.
It was moments like this that she feels closer to the blonde. No parties, no other friends... No Michael. Just the two of them having a lazy morning with no plans to think about.
Last night had been the first time Maria really enjoyed a wild party. She threw caution to the wind and let herself lose, probably had drunk more alcohol than she ever had her entire high school years. It was also a bonus fun that Jordan adjusted rather quickly to the party and managed to gain some more friends.
And today, well, they have nothing to do.
A beep sounded from her phone and Maria put down her book. She opened the message and smirk at joke that was sent to her.
Jordan glances up, eyes narrowing suspiciously. She had noticed Maria had been texting a lot that morning. "Who are you texting?"
"No one." The dark-haired girl casually turns of the screen and dump her phone.
"Maria..." She put her guitar on the side of the bed and shifts on the bed to face her friend. "Who are you texting?"
Maria closes her eyes and winced at her soft voice then whispers almost inaudibly. "Caleb."
"Um? I can't hear you when you're whispering..."
"Caleb!" She repeated. Somehow she feels guilty for the other things that happened in the party. It is true that alcohol makes people lose control sometimes. "I made out with Caleb!"
Maria groans, face completely red as she buries her face on the pillows in shame. At some point during the night, in the middle of the dance floor, she and Caleb ended up dancing on a particularly sexy song. Then stuffs happen. After that Maria felt like getting sick because Caleb isn't exactly the one she was thinking off during their...uh, moment.
She tried looking for Jordan, but neither her best friend nor Michael were nowhere in the party. So she rushed to get home by herself.
Now, Caleb had been texting her all morning. However rude it might be, Maria admitted she wasn't attracted to him as she is already liking someone. Which led to the guy teasing her and coercing her to tell him who the lucky person is.
"No!" Jordan cooed, but her chuckles betrayed her voice. "He's really really really cute. And he totally likes you."
Maria stayed buried on the pillows and after a few minutes, she felt arms wrapping around her and cuddling her. The blonde nuzzles on the back of her neck, which tickles but she tried to ignore it.
"By the way," Jordan speaks close to her ear, her breathe sending shivers down her neck. "Can I tell my dad that I'm going over to your house tonight, so I can go hangout with Michael?"
In a micro-second, Maria is sitting on her butt and looking at her best friend pointedly. "You're asking me to help you lie to your father so you can hang out with a guy?"
Jordan pouts.
"Ugh. I'm telling him you'll be having a sleepover to my house." She conceded anyway. She is totally powerless when it comes to pouts.
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Great Minds Think Alike (Riverdale - Jughead x OC) Part 7
Pairing : Jughead x OC
Synopsis : A new girl arrives in town around the time of Jason Blossom’s accident. That alone makes her suspicious and unlikeable to most people. Jughead has every reason to investigate on her, the timing is too perfect, right? And it has nothing to do with the young girl’s odd yet charming way of always seeming to find her way back to him, no matter the situation.  
Word Count : 2.7k
Part 6 <<< >>> Part 8
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“Okay-“ Iris trailed off, stretching the last syllable while squinting her eyes at Jughead. This wasn’t exactly what she expected when she came here. It was the opposite of what she expected honestly. “Now would be a good time to tell me how you know that information about me that I told absolutely no one,” she ended up saying.
“I hacked into your computer and stole all confidential data it contained,” Jughead said. His tone was sarcastic enough to leave no doubt about the fact that he didn’t, in fact, hack into her laptop. “No dummy, I saw it one your ID when you forgot it at Pop’s, remember?” He chuckled, enjoying Iris’ frown of confusion.
This incident had completely slipped her mind and she was stunned that he remember the date of her birthday even though at the time he found her ID they were barely acquaintances and nowhere near being friends yet.
“You don’t call people dummies on their birthday,” she simply said, crossing her arms on her chest. A stern yet playful spark illuminated her eyes as she gave Jughead a pointed look. “But thank you. For remembering, and for the ice cream. Care to share?”
“I wasn’t going to let you eat that all alone anyway,” he scoffed, faking to be offended that she even considered this possibility. “Make your damn wish so we can dig in.”
Iris’ gaze softened and a coy smile stretched her lips. Jughead identified the look on her face as a mix of sadness and fondness, and he couldn’t quite comprehend why these two emotions surfaced now. What did he say?
“I don’t believe in candle wishes, Jug,” she told him in a hushed tone. She sounded like someone who had been hugely disappointed in the past regarding wishes. “If I really want something, I go get it, I don’t wish on a star or a candle or because it’s 11:11,” she explained before blowing out the candle.
“On this joyful note, I suggest we eat,” Jughead said to change the subject.
“Yeah, sorry about my mood it’s been a long night,” Iris said with emphasis on the ‘long’. They both grabbed their spoons and started eating the mountain of ice cream in front of them. “I’ll fill you in later.”
“Later?” Jughead asked. “What do you wanna do later, I thought this was ‘later’?”
“No way I’m finishing the night sober,” Iris declared. “We take my car, go somewhere else and I’m not letting you leave before we finish my entire emergency pack of beer,” she said without leaving him a choice.
“Should I be worried that you have an emergency pack of beer in your car?”
“It does come in handy,” she nodded her head thoughtfully.
“Hey,” Jughead said to get her attention, his spoon still in his mouth. He played with it before sticking it out and taking a bit more of the chocolate chip ice cream. “I have to say- your outfit is on point tonight.” He chuckled when he saw the outrage on Iris’ face.
“Oh my god, shut up!”
As promised, Iris and Jughead went on their night drive the second they finished Iris’ monstrous birthday ice cream. She drove them but Jughead decided of the destination. Since she intended to get hammered and won’t be able to drive them back, they shouldn’t get out of town. In the end they settled for the Twilight since it was closed and Jughead had the keys – they could have their very own private projection and sit in the back of the pick-up.
They decided to watch Pulp Fiction but in the end they didn’t pay much attention to the movie and simply sat in the car, happily buzzed after a couple beers each. At some point Iris must have decided she was drunk and high enough to tell him tonight’s events.
“Betty spent the whole dance trying to subtly drop hints to Archie - who was too busy drooling over Veronica to realize his best friend is in love with him. Meanwhile Veronica clearly has a crush on sweet Betty and is trying really hard not to stomp on Archie's foot for being the lucky oblivious guy he is and I somehow ended up stuck in the middle of this infernal love triangle,” Iris explained as best she could without taking a breath and with grand hand gestures.
Jughead merely sat there, jaw hanging slightly open, eyes wide, listening intently to every word.
“I probably shouldn't be telling you this, but this thing switches off my brain to mouth filter-” she once again brought the joint to her lips. “-and I haven't known your friends long enough to feel guilty about spilling out some juicy info.”
“Everything you just said is wrong,” Jughead scoffed. “I don't know Veronica, I don't speak to Archie anymore and Betty I just know because she's lived here her whole life. And my classmates' romantic interests hardly classify as juicy info.”
“You're too hard on everyone, you know? That includes yourself. I'm sure if I asked Betty she'd say you're her friend, no second thought.”
“Yeah coz she's nice to everyone!” Jug's voice showed signs of annoyance now. “If I'm too cynical for you why don't you go back to the party and hang out with Mrs & Mrs Perfect?”
“I'm not interested in befriending people who are friends with just anyone. And in case I'm still being too subtle about it: I mean that I'd rather spend my time bickering back and forth with you than to hear one more conversation about Archie and his abs.”
“Is that really what girls talk about during their no boys allowed conversations? It's quite disappointing, I was hoping for something more thrilling, less predictable.”
“If it was up to me we wouldn't talk about any of Archie's body parts,” Iris said in a laugh which made her snort faintly, consequently stopping the laughter.
“Good to now,” Jughead simply commented. Clearly he was done talking about this. “Am I high or is there no sound to this movie?” He asked Iris, pointing at the giant screen.
“Yes to both, the sound's been off for ten minutes now,” she told him and started giggling for no apparent reason. “And I'm high too!”
“High enough to spill out all the shit you think of the people you've met so far,” Jughead pointed out. It made her feel bad all of a sudden, like he just flipped a switch inside her and her mood drastically changed. “Never thought you were one of those people.”
“I'm not! I'm trying not to be... anymore,” Iris protested, handing the joint over to Jughead. He distractedly took it but didn't bring it to his lips. “I didn't sign up for this shit,” Iris breathed out almost inaudibly but Jughead caught it.
She was referring to the beginning of drama that sparked tonight. Jughead let out a humorous chuckle before taking the joint from her hand.
“That's not how it works. If you want friends you've got to take it all, the good, the bad, the worse. You don't get to pick.”
“Please don't tell me you get all philosophical and deep when you're high,” she groaned.
“I wouldn't know, I've never smoked before tonight, not even a cigarette,” he chuckled.
Iris sat up straight and quickly retrieved the joint from between Jughead's lips right before he could take another drag, only to throw it away.
“What?” She squeaked out. “You should have told me! How many drags did you take?”
“I don't know? Two?”
“Ah,” she let out a relieved sigh. “How long in between?”
“How am I supposed to know that?” He grumbled – he played grumpy now that he took away his source of amusement. “Five, maybe ten minutes?”
“Good, when it's your first time you should wait a good ten minutes between each drag or you'll end up throwing up your guts.”
“Hey!” She said in excitement, already clutching his arm.
“I have no idea what you're about to say but I know I won't like it,” Jughead mumbled, letting himself drop against the car again.
“You Jughead Jones are the biggest buzz-kill I have ever met in my life!” She laughed. He scoffed but his lips were twisted in an amused half smile. “Okay, no drinking anymore for me tonight or I'll never be able to walk through the woods.”
“The woods? You want to go take a midnight walk in the forest while there's an abductor – and potential killer – on the loose?” Jughead asked her, dumbfounded. “No weed for you anymore either.”
“I already threw it away anyway,” Iris said. “And yes, I want to go to the river. It's my birthday you can't refuse me anything!”
“It's half past midnight, your birthday's been over for thirty minutes now,” he deadpanned but Iris didn't laugh. “Yeah, yeah whatever you want. We'll go to the river, but don't tell me I'm a buzz-kill anymore!”
She smiled and gently bumped hr shoulder against his.
“It's a terrible idea by the way. We're probably going to die painfully and slowly,” he declared dramatically.
“At least we'll end with a bang, not a whimper,” Iris giggled as she slid off the car and onto the floor. She tested her balance and seemed to be doing fine.
“T.S.Eliot probably does a back flip in his grave every time someone uses this quote incorrectly.”
“I know it's not the right quote, but in this situation I needed it to be this way around.”
She gestured him to follow her and once Jughead stood next to her, she looped her hand around his elbow and together they began to walk towards the edge of the forest. Neither of them knew how to get to Sweetwater river from the drive-in. They walked in a comfortable silence and followed the sound of the water hitting the rocks.
Iris' impractical dress sometimes got caught in bushes and stray branches – she tried to handle it with care since it was Veronica's, but it might already be too late. Same goes for her shoes which were slightly more brown than white at this point. She was a bit cold too but that wasn't a problem, Iris' excitement kept her warm.
“What's with your obsession with this river?” Jughead asked.
“I had never been to a river before. I'm a city girl remember? When I opened the window I heard car honks, not birds chirping.”
“You know most people living in small towns would sell their souls to leave this place and go to a big city, right?” Jughead said.
Iris stopped walking to answer him while looking him in the eyes.
“I'd gladly trade places with them. Moving here was difficult of course, I had friends, I had habits, a favorite coffee shop and a spot in the park  where I liked to sit and do homework during sunny days – but everything was artificial. I was artificial. I like myself better since I've moved here. And I love watching the river and listening to the water running.”
“In the middle of the night?”
“Yes. I've never been at this time of day. Come now.” She grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the path. “I think we're almost there.”
“There where?”
“Shh,” she hushed him. “For once in your life, stop talking. Even when you were all broody at our booth when we first met you couldn't keep your mouth shut.”
“Touché,” he said and clasped his free hand over his heart.
He realized they were now walking along the bank of the river and although he wasn't going to admit it, it was a very nice spot at night. There was something slightly off though, Jughead couldn't quite place his finger on it. The feeling didn't go away during the follow ten minutes of silence it took them to reach a place he finally recognized.
“Are you crazy?” Jughead asked in a whisper. He didn't know why he whispered but it felt wrong to talk out loud. He had pulled on Iris' hand to make her stop walking and she practically fell backwards but he caught her. “We shouldn't be here!”
She had brought them to the bullet tree. They had already been questioned once for hanging out there and Sheriff Keller grilled them and gave them his scolding paternal stare for being on a crime scene late at night. And that was the first time.
“It's a good spot and I've been here again since I found the bullet. They took it, now there's only a hole in the tree,” she told him along with a sad wince. “I promise there's no risk of being caught here.”
“You're a little bit intense you know? And that's coming from me,” Jughead told her, still not letting her go.
Iris placed her other hand over Jughead's and smiled softly, in a way that made it hard to believe she wasn't sober. For a brief second, Jughead thought she might have acted drunk before and actually wasn't.
“Never change anything,” he added with a grin. Iris smiled bigger and when his grip on her loosened she led them to their bullet tree. “I don't know who you were before coming to Riverdale but I like this version of you, so- I'm sure you changed for the better.”
“You like it?” She asked.
Iris said 'it' but they both heard 'me'. He didn't answer but his expression seemed to be eloquent enough. They didn't know why but they suddenly became hyper aware of the fact that they were still holding hands. Iris was the first to let go when the tension became unbearable. She turned around and made her way through the bushes and to the flat rocks next to the tree where she wanted to sit. The torrent was stronger here and louder.
Jughead was taken aback – he usually wasn't the one who craved contact, which made it all the more surprising that Iris pulled away. He sat down close enough to her that they arms and legs were touching. Iris didn't seem to mind and even leaned a bit against him, but this coziness was of limited duration. The warmth they found in each other was swept away by the scream that pierced the silence and made them jerk away from each other and jump to their feet.
“What the hell?” Iris cursed.
“We have to get away from here!” Jughead said, grabbing Iris' arm and pulling it.
“What?! No! What if someone's being attacked!”
“We'll call the cops, but we can't stay here! We don't know what's going on,” he insisted. If he were alone he would have gone but Iris and her tendency to dive head first in dangerous situations made him feel like it was his responsibility to keep her safe. Which was insane.
“No, Jughead!” Iris ripped her arm out of his grasp. “I'm going.”
“Okay, okay, I'll come with you. But we don't do anything stupid,” he warned her. “I'm going to regret this.”
Iris and Jughead silently ran through the woods, trying to find the source of the scream that made their hairs stand on end. Suddenly, she felt herself being pulled back again and Iris' back knocked against Jughead's chest. Just when she was about to ask what was going on he put his hand over her mouth.
“Don't say anything,” he whispered. “Look, down there.”
He carefully withdrew his hand from her mouth when he was sure she would stay quiet and she leaned over to see what he was talking about. She had to bite on her hand to muffle a scream and Jughead pulled her once again to his chest to keep her out of sight.
Down by the river, a few meters away from them, there was Kevin and Moose, shirtless on the ground and right in front of them, the visibly dead body of a young ginger man – whom Iris identified as Jason Blossom.
A/N: Do you realize that it's already chapter 7 and we only just reached the end of episode 1 in GMTA's timeline??? Rest assured that I won't follow everything of the Riverdale plot, there will be no Polly, this will strictly revolve around Jughead and Iris. But I needed to place them in context, and as you can see “placing in context” in my language means “writing a little less then 20k worth of 'introduction'.”
Taglist: @bathshebaa  @deanackles67 @myteenwolf-world @mumblr-of-tumbir @devilishcloe @bettysreid @angelicawastaken @rebellioncass @adorableninja @scattered-glances @ri-verdale @ice-wolfie @bubblegumcat229 @murderyoursoul @morixeddu @emptyporsche @lucifer-the-cuddler @challenge-accep-ted @scattered-glances @fantiomaticsupertolkienlover
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kwonhozhi · 8 years
A Penny For Your Thoughts, £400 For Your Meal
its now been a clean 2 weeks since i posted the last thing so here we go i guess,,, next thing i post should be the angus thongs au so i hope this tides you all over xxx
my love to @alrightevans @alrightpotter and @prongsyouignoramus for helping me get it from the mess it was when i wrote it 18 months ago to this
8:50. Avery glances at the bill and goes down to his car to retrieve his conveniently forgotten wallet.
 8:59. Malfoy goes down to see what’s keeping him.
 9:29. Nott slips out to answer an important call.
 9:44. Mulciber dons his coat to take a piss.
 9:51. Severus excuses himself for a quick fag, and Lily is left sitting alone at their table with a growing sense of suspicion.
 9:53. Lily finally convinces herself to look at the bill, and her stomach drops to her knees.
 11:41. “Ma’am?” the waitress asks, and Lily was sure she’d seen the worst of the girl’s frown, but she was wrong.
 “A-another glass, please,” she mumbles, and the waitress’ eye roll and impatient huff says it all. There are eight or nine completely full glasses in a little grove in front of her already, and she doesn’t exactly have a plan of action, but at least this is buying her more time.
 She’s buying herself more time, with money she doesn’t have.
 “Of course,” the waitress spits, and sweeps away.
 This close to midnight, Lily’s fairly confident they’d like to shut up shop shortly. She tears her eyes away from the frankly excessive amount of wine sitting full in front her, and glances around the previously bustling dining hall. She almost, almost pegs herself as the last diner, but there’s a man about her age on the other side of the room. He has a dozen or so desserts scattered around him, each as untouched as every one of her wine glasses. He gives her a tight smile as they make eye contact, and turns back to his food, pensive. Lily does the same.
She could call Petunia, but the thought of being a further £250 in debt to her sister’s beastly husband is even less appealing than the prospect of management throwing her into a cellar and skinning her alive.
 The waitress returns with a glass of chardonnay or something else Lily has never quite liked, and places it down on the table with a little too much force. They both watch the spillage seep into the tablecloth for a moment, then the waitress strides off in a huff.
 A part of Lily still hopes for the return of one of her party, though she knows it’s a lost cause. She should have expected it – Severus’ new friends aren’t exactly the honourable type. This is, she realises with a horrific dawning, the only reason she was invited at all. Exams-are-over celebration my arse.
 She deserves this, doesn’t she? Mary and her used to do the exact same thing on double dates that went wrong. God, they didn’t even have to speak to know when to excuse themselves, they’d just share a look that said ‘oi, this is a bit shit, isn’t it?’ and they’d bolt.
 She’s been doing the maths over and over in her head for the last hour and twenty minutes, and even with the hundred pounds in her account, the seventy five in her wallet isn’t going to cut it. How the fuck did Severus’ mates manage to rack up the cost to four hundred pounds? Did they order their food laced with cocaine?
 “Miss, you need to pay. Now,” the waitress hisses, and she’s flanked by the entire serving staff.
 “Yes,” Lily agrees faintly. “Yes, of course, you’re absolutely right,” and the noose tightens around her neck, “I just – my friends all left, you see, they thought it was funny, I suppose, and I don’t have quite enough to cover the bill, so if you’ll let me call my sister so she can…” Whatever the opposite of convincing is, Lily is apparently it, because her waitress looks thoroughly unimpressed with the story. It’s true, Lily wants to yell, I’m not making this up!
 “If you won’t pay,” and Lily notes the use of the word won’t rather than can’t, “I’m going to have to call the police.”
 “Is there a problem?” and Lily just about jumps out of her skin as she whips around to see who it is. It’s the man with the desserts, apparently having made his decision, finally on his way out. “Are you short on your bill?”
 Lily gives a small nod, cheeks burning, trying not to let the gravity of the whole situation crush her. Her humiliation is up to her neck, her chin, her ears, she’s drowning, oh god is she drowning. They’re going to call the police, and she’s going to go to prison, and she’s never going to get hired, because what school’s going to hire a twenty-three year old with a criminal record?
 “I clearly can’t let you call the police on her,” the man says, and shoots Lily an honest to god winning smile. “Look, she’s distraught. Add her bill to mine.”
 “I can’t let you do that,” Lily says, automatically, and god, Lily, why can’t you let your morals go for twenty fucking seconds?
 She couldn’t see him properly from the other side of the hall, but up close he’s quite a looker, with rectangular glasses perched carelessly on his long, thin nose, and thick black hair that’s just begging to be played with, and stop it, Lily.
 “I’m not paying for your meal, I’m spotting you the money, and you’ll pay me back when you can. Add it to my bill,” he says to the waitress, and her expression softens at his insistence.
 “Of course, sir,” she says, and he could be made of sunshine by the way she looks at him.
 “I mean, it’s not your fault your friends dined and dashed on you,” he’s saying, and Lily snaps back to attention, “and I have the money.” His hazel eyes twinkle and maybe he is made of sunshine.
 “Are you absolutely sure?” She grabs his elbow as he begins to reach into his coat pocket, “One thousand percent sure?”
 “One thousand and ten percent sure,” he assures her, and she smiles despite herself.
 “Alright,” she laughs. “Alright.”
 “James,” he says, and she takes his long fingered hand, wondering vaguely if he’s any good at piano.
 “Excellent. Beatrice, add Lily’s bill to mine.”
 The server nods as she takes his credit card, and James turns back to Lily. “I say we down this wine as soon as, then we can get out of here before Bea sells us to some shoddy black-market op. What were you planning on doing with it all, anyway?” he says, taking a sip of whatever was closest to him, and grimacing.
 “Well,” and her face burns red, “I was sort of hoping if I stalled for long enough, one of them would come back.”
 “Not very good friends, are they?”
 “They’re not actually my friends,” Lily admits.
 “Ah yes, a phenomenon I know well. I get invited to dinner then everyone drifts out without me noticing because oh, James’ll pick up the bill. James is frankly quite sick of it,” and something in his tone pushes his accent from upper class to posh.
 “If you knew they weren’t coming back, why’d you order so many deserts?”
 “Ah,” he starts, his brown cheeks darkening considerably. “Yes, that. A friend of mine adores the desserts they do here, and I couldn’t decide which he’d like best. I’d just made up my mind to take them all, because I have another pair of friends who’ll eat the left overs anyway, doesn’t matter, I’m rambling. Anyway, I was on the way out, and I saw you were sitting alone, and, and I assure you I mean this in the least creepy possible way, I had to make sure you weren’t about to get arrested.”
 “Which I was.”
 “Which you were, so lucky thing I was here.”
 “Lucky thing,” Lily agrees drily.
 “I like to help out where I can. Beatrice,” he calls, and she reappears, holding his card. “Would it be possible to wrap up the desserts for Remus? Only he couldn’t make it tonight, unfortunately.”
 “Of course, sir.”
 “Excellent. Now, Lily,” and he hands her a glass of wine, “if you drink it fast it barely tastes awful. Assuming, of course, that you have no objections to a bit of mild intoxication.” Lily takes the glass, clumsily, and she might have jumped out of her skin when their fingers brushed against each other just now. “Quickly, quickly, before Olivia gets too cross.”
 They’re giggling when Beatrice reappears again, with an ornate box, which she refuses to hand to James, no matter how much he tries to grab it. “I’m sorry, sir. Olivia says I’ve got to personally deliver it to your car. She doesn’t want tiramisu all over the foyer. Again.”
 James snorts loudly, and Lily can’t help but laugh along. She follows James, who follows Beatrice, who leads them out of the dining hall, and they’re halfway to the garage before Lily stops dead in her tracks. James spins around with a frown. “What’s wrong?”
 “Severus drove me here.”
 “Oh. Do you want me to drive you home?”
 “You’ve just had five glasses of wine,” Lily points out, and James gives her this really blank stare and oh god, did she just hallucinate the entire thing? But dawning makes its way onto his face in an instant, and he laughs, bright and clear.
 “I have a driver!” he laughs, and she smiles too, but it’s sort of like, what the fuck.
 “You have a driver.”
 “I don’t even know how to drive,” he says, frowning. This seems to be more for his own benefit than hers. “I’m twenty-three and I can’t drive. What if I’m being chased by the police and I need to get away? I can’t!”
 “You have a driver,” Lily says again, and he looks at her like he’s just remembered they were having a conversation.
 “You’re like, a prince, or something. Aren’t you?”
 “Or something,” he says, eyes twinkling even when faced with her scrutiny.
 “I don’t live that far away, honestly, I’ll just walk.”
 “You’re going to walk, alone, through London at half past midnight? No.”
 “No?” Lily asks, raising an eyebrow dangerously.
 “I’ll walk you. No, it’s fine! I’ll call an uber or something from your house. Settled, let’s go.”
 “You don’t have to,” Lily says, but she’s already reaching for his hand.
 “I want to,” and he’s leading the way onto the street. She turns to their left and he follows, dreadfully, tripping a wide arc to come back by her side. It’s almost a dance, would be a dance (if they were a little more sober).
 “How many times did that waitress call you sir? Like, fuck.”
 “Happens a lot when people know you primarily for the size of your bank account.”
 “How come you’re so rich, anyway? Everyone knows your mid-twenties are for being dirt poor!”
 “Blame my parents. They were rich, ipso facto…”
 “Were? What happened to their riches?”
 “Nothing. The riches are fine, they’re just dead.”
 “Right. Sorry.”
 “No, they were old,” he says quietly, and she squeezes his hand, “I mean, I wish they weren’t dead, obviously, but…”
 “My dad died too,” Lily offers.
 “Sucks, huh?”
 “Yeah,” she sighs. He doesn’t say anything for a while, just pulls her closer when a group of teenagers leers at them, and she smiles softly at him. “I never knew this walk could be so nice,” she whispers, and he smiles back down at her. “I’d never have spoken to anyone like you, never in a million years.”
 “Because I’m so intimidatingly handsome?”
 “Yeah, that’s it. That’s definitely it. “
 “I get it a lot. The only people who want to talk to me are other rich people and… well, I guess that is how I met my best friend, actually, so it mustn’t be a completely bad thing.”
 “You ramble, you know that?”
 “I’ve been told.”
 She laughs, and it strikes her that she’s done that a lot since she met him.
 1:21. “I’m on the left here.” She drops his hand, but it’s only because her front gate requires both of hers to be opened. She stands in her tiny front garden, and she can’t think of anything funny or cool or witty say. “You’re good company.”
 “Good you think so, because you’re going to be seeing a lot of me from now on.” Lily frowns, confused. James cottons on, and grins. “I know where you live, and you owe me about 400 quid. And, of course, you’re really quite pretty.” She kisses him without really thinking, but it’s right, him bracing himself on her gate as he leans forward to meet her, and her backlit by her porch light.
 They break apart when the most expensive car the neighbourhood’s ever seen pulls up to the kerb. “You had your car follow us?” she asks.
 He just smiles, a broad and honest thing, and steps backwards, reaching into his pocket. “This is going to be the worst thing I’ve ever done, but here’s my number.” He hands her a card.
 A business card.
 “Oh my god,” she says, turning it over in her hand. He kisses her again, and disappears into the car. She waves as he speeds off, and looks back down at the card.
 James Potter, Potter Industries
 She laughs – of course he’s James Potter. The laugh echoes down the now-empty street, and Mary’s light flicks on upstairs.
 “That you, Lil?” she shouts out the window.
 “You alright?” Her head pokes through the lace curtain, concern apparent on her face. “You sound like a loon.” Lily just laughs, laughs as she pulls out her key. “Lil?” Mary calls down the stairs as the door clicks shut.
 “Yeah. Yeah, I’m great Mare. I’m on cloud fucking nine.”
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