#atheist keith
creepywrites · 1 year
Warnings: Suicide, physical, sexual abuse, mental abuse.
Peter and Margaret
Jeff the Killer and Liu's parents
They had multiple jobs throughout Liu and Jeff's childhood, Peter being an Air Force pilot, retiring because of his unchecked Fanconi Anemia getting worse, he spent his days as a bartender where he met Margaret, who was a waitress at the time, and started dating, they had Jeff in their late twenties to early thirties.
Peter and his old girlfriend, Tian Zixuan, had Liu a few weeks before Tian died in a car accident.
Margaret was more than happy to take in Liu as her own as she wanted a family.
As Peter's condition got worse and as Jeff appeared to have his own problems, she had gotten a high paying job as a nurse practitioner.
She also wanted to stop relying on him so heavily.
They're both fluent in English and have an American accent.
When Jeff started acting different and misbehaving, they repeatedly tried talking to him about it, if he was having any problems at school or anything, when that didn't work they asked his grandmother to come over and help.
Eventually they put him in therapy and hoped that'd work.
After he went to a psych ward they eventually put him with Barbara as she was looking after other kids like him.
They brought him to Barbara's place occasionally help socialise with people like him.
When Jeff came back from the hospital, they were extremely stressed out and weren't sure what to do, they were afraid the damage was irreversible and he might be homeschooled.
Jeff was getting violent with them at one point, especially with Margaret, they didn't know what to do.
They died at 52 and 55.
Isabella and Steven
Randy and Sully's parents
They met at a party and started dating a few weeks later. They married 10 years later.
Both are fluent in English and Spanish, Isabella has a thick Spanish accent while Steven’s is less noticeable, it’s more pronounced when he says certain words.
Isabella works as a therapist, Steven works as a construction worker.
They had Randy, they planned for more, but she was having infertility problems.
They fostered Sully at age 5, adopting him at 7.
They had to go through many obstacles and arrangements.
Steven was never that close with Sully because Steven thought he was childish and attention seeking.
Isabella is in a wheelchair after a car accident while helping Randy, and her leg couldn't be saved.
She's customised the chair to her liking.
Steven had a more strict parenting style than Isabella.
She was more lax and understanding because she didn’t want to be like her parents.
They had no idea what Randy and his friends were harassing Jeff that badly.
Steven never got much sleep because of constant stress and night terrors, so he's always had eye bags and was always tired.
She wasn't too happy about Randy and Keith's relationship as she thought they were bad influences on each other but thought he was old enough to make his own decisions.
Though she had more sympathy after Kieth was kicked out.
Isabella is Christian and David is atheist.
She's a really good cook and troy would often say she should be a chef.
Isabella visited Jeff when he was in the hospital whenever she could, because Isabella felt horrible for him, but now she wishes they just didn't bother.
After Sully died, she became absolutely miserable, but tried her best to keep in a routine.
Steven tried supporting her as much he could.
They visit his grave whenever they can.
Ben's mum
She was constantly worried about Ben, and her worries only intensified when he ran away.
Sarah loved to play games, she played with Ben on the weekends. Her favourite game was Silent Hill.
She always felt a bit distant from Ben, she'd get closer but it always felt like it wasn't enough.
After she helped everyone in the digital world, she was deleted by Kelbris as she was seen as an anomaly. Because Sarah was digitalised before it, she died and is still in the hotel, rotting away.
She was the 423th person to be successfully ascended.
She died at 33.
She had Ben when she was 18, Bens dad left Sarah at the hospital and was never seen again, she never felt like he deserved a mention and still knows nothing.
They met at school.
she worked two jobs trying to support themselves, Sarah was constantly tired.
Sarah was a very kind and compassionate person, always helping people.
Maria and Caleb
Nina the killers and Chrises parents
They met at a bar when they were in their late teens, they drank and chatted together for hours, eventually exchanging numbers and then dating.
Maria worked at as a cashier in a dead end clothing store, and Caleb was a part time waiter and night shift clerk, they didn't make much money, however they made do with what they had.
They were extremely busy and had to get a babysitter to look after the kids, until Nina was old enough to look after Caleb by herself.
Maria grew severely depressed after having Chris, that toppled with the stress of work, eventually it got so bad she had to go on several different medications.
She couldn't afford therapy and wasn't able to consistently afford the pills, Maria ended up resorting to marijuana and losing track of time, nearly losing her job.
As the days went by they were getting worse and worse as chores and trash was piling up everywhere, to the point Nina started cleaning it up.
They were very negligent with their kids, because they were to focused on partying or working. They'd usually apologise, but they never kept it and kept going out.
Maria never finished Highschool, dropping out at the age of 17. Unlike Caleb who had finished university with a degree in psychology.
They died at 36 and 35.
Monday's child's mum
Elizabeth had Christabel at the age of 16, in 1687, the dad left when he found out she was pregnant. Her parents were Muslim, and kicked her and christabel out of the house to fend for themselves.
The guy was her first love, and she thought she'd marry him one day. Even after he left, she would pray every night for him to come back. He never did.
After being shunned from her family, she was also completely shunned from her whole community, because she was caught stealing essentials from the others.
She didn't like Christabel for a while, but she also felt guilty for feeling that way, Elizabeth sometimes couldn't even look at her though.
Eventually she found a new, welcoming village, where she raised her by herself.
They were all ambushed by vampires, she saw Christabel get brutally mauled by a group of vampires, frightened for her life, she ran away to a secluded location.
She felt absolutely horrible after not being able to save her daughter, because of her guilt and her not wanting to become like Christabel, she ended up killing herself a few minutes later.
Frank and Connie
Toby, Liam and Lyra's parents
They were together since university, back then Frank was a decent person that Connie loved.
Frank went to the military, and came back not long after Connie had Lyra, and it all went downhill from there. Frank started becoming more sour, and quicker to anger, eventually turning to alcohol and smokes, but Connie didn't mind as much because she assumed it was stress from a newborn and work, like what she was feeling.
Frank completely took a turn for the worse when Toby was born, he was supposed to save their marriage, but he was expected to die very early.
Toby survived and Frank hated it, he was prepared for a funeral and console his family, instead he's constantly hearing Toby and using up all his money for non stop hospital visits and pills, Frank eventually didn't let him take certain pills or visits when he was supposed to because he thought they were pointless.
He eventually lost his job, after all that drinking he couldn't be bothered to leave for work and after months of not showing up, he eventually got fired.
Connie kept asking him when he's going to get another, and that's when he first laid hands on her.
Even after all the abuse they all endured throughout the years, Connie still cared about him, she had a very complicated relationship with him.
She does a lot of the chores around the house, Frank barely does any however, he's usually just sits on his chair watching tv while drinking.
Connie hates but appreciates it whenever the kids try and help, she feels they should be doing fun things while they're young.
They had Liam a year before Toby, Connie hid it as well as she could, wearing baggy clothes and pretending to just be sick.
Frank assumed she was just putting on weight and ridiculed her for it.
After the birth she put Liam in foster care, trying to give him a chance at a better life.
At this point they aren't even sleeping in the same bed, Connie sleeps on the couch or in with Lyra.
They barely leave the house, Connie only leaves when she has work at her part time job, but even then her shifts had slowed down. She stopped visiting her sister, and stopped answering her calls.
Frank usually leaves on the weekends to go to a bar with his mates, otherwise he's in the house a lot too.
After Lyra fell very ill, she was always telling her to take it easy and just rest, Connie tried looking after her, despite Lyra's complaints.
After Lyra's death, she was less lively, more slow and drained, barely even talking. Frank didn't even turn up for the funeral. Like all of his actions however, she made excuses for him.
When Frank died, Connie was heartbroken, but relieved.
she couldn't believe Toby of all people could do such a thing.
Connie babied Toby a lot, because of all his conditions she didn't let him do much by himself, he'd have to have Lyra with him. She didn't let him do any chores or anything out of risk he'd hurt himself.
After surviving the fire, she has a lot of burn scars and needed a lot of surgeries, her sister and Connie couldn't afford a lot of them and so she was left more disfigured than she could of been.
She visits Lyra and Toby's graves a lot, dropping off flowers and talking about her day.
She dies in her sleep in her sister's house at the age of 70.
Frank died at 55.
Loretta and Zalgo
Lazari's parents
Loretta was constantly trying to have a child, with her husband Ivan, but it never survived. Desperate, they unknowingly joined a cult that promised they would make their life better in their future utopia, and give them as many children as they wanted.
Years later, as she moved up the ranks, Zalgo came, appearing as a guy named Evan, promising that he is the divine being that is going to give her a child, after 4 months, she gave birth to a healthy baby and couldn't be happier.
They couldn't be more happier, but Ivan was worried about Loretta's health.
She overlooked the woman's section, helping them with their children.
The cult and Loretta noticed Lazari wasn't normal, and that she was an extension of Zalgo.
She nearly died giving birth because Lazari was taking more nutrients than regular babies.
She'd always bring Lazari everywhere she went, She cherished and spoilt Lazari all the time, and made sure she knew Lazari was her pride and joy.
Everyone had big expectations for Loretta and Lazari and worshipped the ground they stood on.
Loretta would always get gifts for her and Lazari, one of them was Gums.
She didn't know how to look after a Zalgoid and was stressing out, she couldn't understand why Lazari looked so ill and in such pain.
Loretta was pleading for Lazari to tell her how to help her.
She'd often bring her to the church to the leader for help.
Loretta had a lot of eyes on her to help Lazari, the pressure was getting to her and Lazari wasn't the only thing she was failing at; Loretta desperately wanted their approval again and back into her former high ranking.
Once Lazari started getting violent at the age of 3, and as a last resort Loretta brought her to the leader where she wasn't allowed to leave.
She resorted to the harsh treatment trying to remove or tame the zalgoid from Lazari, and pray that it appeases the others.
They still tried giving her all the love and care from a distance, they tried giving her plenty of hugs to reassure her that she's still loved no matter what happens.
After Lazari got loose, Loretta and Ivan was eaten after protecting her.
Marie and Frank
Sally's parents
They were very loving and spoiled Sally, and didn't know how to cope with the loss of their child.
They met at high school and have been dating since, eventually getting married and having Sally in their early 20s.
Frank worked at a firm and Marie was a stay at home mum.
She did all of the housework and looked after Sally, she was going to look for a job after Sally grew up.
Frank helped when she was ill and Sally helped when she was of age.
Because of the long hours Marie took medication she called her uppers to help get through and be more efficient.
After the death of Sally they were both devastated
and either of them were able to grieve properly, hounded by people and continuous work.
Marie had support from her friends, but Frank was ostracised by his friends, leaning heavily on Marie for support.
John was always there to try and comfort them, helping Marie with chores and making food for them, though the two appreciated it; they felt guilty.
They let John set up in their spare room after his ex wife took the house because of accusations of abuse.
He'd help Marie around the house.
They took in Sam when John lost custody, they asked Sam about it and after he said John was innocent, the two happily let John look after him in secret, assuming he was taken for something small and insignificant.
After he died Frank and Marie became terrified for their safety and Frank became even more depressed.
They only found out John was a potential suspect in the death of Sally after John was already dead.
They moved away, trying to get away from all the Sally reminders.
They became paranoid when he died and refused to leave the house, the relationship strained at this point.
While Frank was asleep, Marie overdosed on her upper pills.
Marie died at 35 and Frank died at 60.
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madebycoffee · 1 year
thenk u for the tag @pralinesims :3
The Rules are simple! Tag people and name a character you want to know more about! If you want to let the person you tagged decide who to showcase, then don’t name a character and they can pick somebody. Easy! The person who is tagged will then bold the remarks below which apply to their character &, if they want to, include a picture with their reply!
I'm doing this for my main guy, the most important lad I've ever made: Gian~ (also I'm going to bold thing and also make them purple lul)
Tumblr media
$ Financial: wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty ✚ Medical: fit / moderate / sickly / disabled / disadvantaged / non applicable ✪ Class or Caste: upper / middle / working / unsure / other ✔ Education: qualified / unqualified / studying / other (learning on the job currently, but no college degree) ✖ Criminal Record: yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but not caught yet / yes, but charges were dismissed (courtesy of keith, a few trespassing/ breaking and entering charges lol)
◒ Children: had a child or children / has no children / wants children (not yet tho) ◑ Relationship with Family: close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased ◔ Affiliation: orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent / not applicable 
♦ extroverted / introverted / in between ♦ disorganized / organized / in between ♦ close minded / open-minded / in between ♦ calm / anxious / in between ♦ disagreeable / agreeable / in between ♦ cautious / reckless / in between ♦ patient / impatient / in between ♦ outspoken / reserved / in between ♦ leader / follower / in between ♦ empathetic / vicious bastard / in between ♦ optimistic / pessimistic / in between ♦ traditional / modern / in between ♦ hard-working / lazy / in between ♦ cultured / uncultured / in between / unknown ♦ loyal / disloyal / unknown (gian is the most ride or die guy alive) ♦ faithful / unfaithful / unknown
★ Faith: monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic ☆ Belief in Ghosts or Spirits: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✮ Belief in an Afterlife: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ✯ Belief in Reincarnation: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care ❃ Belief in Aliens: yes / no / don’t know / don’t care (LMAO LITERALLY DATING ONE) ✧ Religious: orthodox / liberal / in between /not religious ❀ Philosophical: yes / no
❤ Sexuality: heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual ❥ Sex: sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable / naive and clueless (we've seen, gian fuxx) ♥ Romance: romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable / naive and clueless / romance suspicious (and v much ~in luv~ rn) ❣ Sexually: adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious ⚧ Potential Sexual Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all ⚧ Potential Romantic Partners: male / female / agender / other / none / all
☠ Combat Skills: excellent / good / moderate / poor / none ≡ Literacy Skills: excellent/ good / moderate / poor / none ✍ Artistic Skills:excellent/ good / moderate / poor / none ✂ Technical Skills:excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
☕ Drinking Alcohol: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / Alcoholic ☁ Smoking: tried it / trying to quit / quit / never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / Chain-smoker ✿ Recreational Drugs: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / addict ✌ Medicinal Drugs: never / no longer needs medication / some medication needed / frequently / to excess ☻ Unhealthy Food: never / special occasions / sometimes / frequently / binge eater $ Splurge Spending: never / sometimes / frequently / shopaholic (now that he has some money, he likes to spend on dreama and his sister :D) ♣ Gambling: never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / compulsive gambler
i think i'm the last person to do this, but if you haven't considered urself tagged :3
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kattestrophe · 2 years
Pop Culture Kattes Part 3 - A Collection of even MORE Kattes!
Finally! Part three!
Gustav Heinrich Gans zu Putlitz - Brandenburgische Geschichten: Kronprinz Friedrich und Hans Hermann von Katt (1862)
This Katte is a mess. He holds the record for least interaction with Fritz ever: They don't have any scenes together at all. Even the death scene is not a scene that actually happens, it is just recounted to Wilhelmine. Speaking of Wilhelmine, Katte is in love with her again. I am surprisingly okay with that, because Wilhelmine does not love him back and this leads to Katte telling Fräulein von Sonsfeld that "Her Royal Highness will be glad to know that I will be gone soon and she never has to see me ever again D':". My personal favourite is the first scene he's in: He enters it as the mysterious stranger in a Potsdam bar who has the most beautiful hands and the most sensual lips, goes through it as that weirdo who talks about how great and pretty and wonderful the Crown Prince is and how he's gonna flee the country soon, and leaves it by, I kid you not, yelling "TO THE CROWN PRINCE!?!?" and fleeing the scene after some guy comes in to talk to him. "Oh, Lieutenant von Spaen, who was that weird guy you sat with, the one who wouldn't shut up?" "That was the Lieutenant Katte from Berlin." "Watch out kid, that one's gonna die."
This Katte is a very emotional, impulsive one who lies to Wilhelmine's face about not telling anyone about the escape plans and I personally enjoyed him quite a bit.
Overall rating: 6/10 gorgeous gorgeous paintings of the Crown Prince
Sheenagh Pugh - Five Voices (1993)
Five Voices is a cycle of five poems showing five different people giving their perspective of the happenings of 1730: Quantz, who talks about the "Hiding from the King in a closet" anecdote, Keith, talking about the planning stage after escaping, the painter Lisiewsky, who was in the middle of painting Katte's portrait when he was arrested, Colonel Reichmann, who reports of the execution, and Theodor Fontane, who visits the crypt 150 years later.
I loved this one, I really did. Katte is described by his contemporaries as not taking things seriously, laughing while hiding in the closet and debating like an atheist because it's fashionable on one hand and on the other his face falls when he sees Frederick hurt, he is very much serious about helping him despite knowing that he will die and spends his last day in freedom checking up on the portrait in progress to reassure himself that he will at least be remembered. The Fontane bit at the end is a great way to tie the whole thing off, showing the ongoing fascination Katte's person manages to evoke and connecting to the Lisiewsky poem's theme of remembrance.
There are inaccuracies, there is some implied womanizing/romance with Wilhelmine, and he is blond, but I can forgive that because the emotion just works. Katte is, as the Fontane poem says: witty; a little arrogant perhaps, but very bright.
Overall rating: 9/10, I can't think of a funny quip
Paul Ernst - Preußengeist (1915)
After the bundle of pure energy that was Brandenburgische Geschichten Katte and slightly unhinged Five Voices Katte, Preußengeist gives us yet another serious man of duty - who is NOT in love with Wilhelmine! Because Wilhelmine is not in this play. He does, however, get a different random girlfriend, Fräulein von Winterstein. They are tragically in love, but it cannot be, because she is poor and he is... too? Hans Heinrich is fudging his income reports to commit tax fraud, I guess... So Katte has a girlfriend! And boy does she make him happy! She... Rats him and Fritz out to the King before they so much as set foot outside of Berlin! This one really has less of an escape than any other adaptation! The whole thing feels like it happens over the course of five hours tops. So anyway, they are "caught" and surprisingly chill FW is really rooting for Katte and Frl. von Winterstein. However, Katte is a serious and maybe somewhat depressed man of duty. Actual conversation from the play:
FW: "Katte, should I pardon you?"
Katte: "No."
Because you see, this play was written in the very early stage of WWI and Katte is here to tell us all that, as some unimportant nobody, dying for the monarchy, in battle or otherwise, is the best you can do. Wow. Anyway, Katte asks FW to think of his poor old father who served in the army once upon a time and who wants nothing more than to be proud of his only son (Hans Heinrich is also fudging birth certificates...), so would FW please let him die a soldier's death an let him be shot with his sword on his hip? FW is very moved by that and gifts Katte his very own sword to die with. He's a bit of a sentimental one, that FW. So Katte and Fritz are thrown into their... shared prison cell... interesting choice... and Katte accepts his fate, gifts Frl. von Winterstein a ring and Fritz a silver pocket watch to remember him by and gets shot, dying the honorable soldier's death and prompting Fritz to change his ways, start hating the English, embrace the Prussian spirit and become a good King. Blergh. Best line: "But Katte, I'm dying with you!"
Overall rating: 4/10 stupid stupid fake girlfriends
Carl Furkert - Friedrich und Katte: Roman Epos (1860)
This one rhymes! Once you get past quite a bit of romantic waxing about nature, some villany from Grumbkow and Seckendorf and a lot of "oh Frederick, greatest person to ever walk this earth", we finally meet Frederick's Pylades (the author's words, not mine) on page 43: He... has small hands and small feet? Thanks, Furkert, that's definitely relevant. Finally, we learn our hero's name: Friedrich Katte. I am not kidding. I have seen Holtzendorff and both Keiths get wrong first names, I kinda get that, but Katte, really? Not sure if he has a noble title in this btw, it's never mentioned. Probably to drive home the fact that he is, once again, dirt poor despite his father being a General. Anyway, moving on... And ah, we're back to the status quo: Katte is in love with Wilhelmine. And how! He'd fight George II of England for her and sacrifice himself in battle and never marry anyone else and bla bla blaaa... And the worst part: She likes him back and they rhyme about it for a g e s. Katte would also fight people for Fritz though! They are constantly hugging, referring to each other as "mine, mine forever" and swear their undying love and loyalty to each other. And in Küstrin Fritz says to himself that once he becomes King, Katte shall sleep in his bed? Oh, and Mine sneaks into Katte's cell and tells him to borrow her veils and make a run for it while she stays behind. Fritz and Mine should have a talk about their feelings for Katte, I think.
Overall, the whole thing has its moments, but the Katte/Mine thing is hard to ignore because it's long and it rhymes and also they get his first name wrong, this is embarrassing!
Overall rating: 4/10 overly long monologues about longing to be a shepherd
Heiner Müller - Leben Gundlings Friedrich von Preußen Lessings Schlaf Traum Schrei (1982)
This... It's... It's a drama from the 80s. The rambling title kind of gives you a glimpse at what's to come. This is the kind of play you only enjoy as a proper theatre or literature student, I believe; I am a mere history student who was good in german class once upon a time.
Katte is in two scenes, he's explicitly gay for Fritz, they are constantly cockblocked by Wilhelmine, who has her tits out at some point, for... reasons, and then he gets shot. Yeah. Him and Fritz are honestly kind of cute, they read tragedies together (which I definitely didn't only enjoy because I wrote a fic about it myself before I knew this play) and play blind man's buff (with Wilhelmine who smacks their hands when they try to touch). This whole play is a fever dream. Anyway, it did have some killer lines:
After the execution
FW: "That was Katte."
Fritz: "Sire, that was me."
Overall rating: 4/10 really good lines amidst absolute pandemonium
Gertrud von Brockdorff - Katte: Die Geschichte einer Freundschaft (1934)
... y'all. This Katte is so incredibly queercoded, I thought I was actually going insane. At least half of his scenes with Fritz could be copied to AO3 verbatim and nobody would notice anything off. Katte is won over by Fritz just existing in less than a second, keeps going on about how it was destiny that brought them together, draws his portrait from memory, and says that should he ever love a woman she would have to have the eyes of the Crown Prince.
Now, this of course leads to a Wilhelmine romance later on, however, it's honestly not that compelling and I think it might be on purpose. A beard romance to publish some gay shit in NS-Germany. For comparison: Upon first meeting Fritz, Katte is stunned almost speechless for a moment and can barely concentrate in the conversation that follows, feeling anxious that the prince might be disappointed in him now (despite Fritz never acting like it, on the contrary, he feels a connection immediately). After their conversation, he tells Keyserlingk that he's been bewitched. Upon meeting Wilhelmine, he just thinks "Hm. She looks like the white lady and her hands are cold."
Now if that ain't romance.
Also: While it is said that Wilhelmine's eyes are similar to Fritz's, they are never described in the same way. Fritz's eyes, the eyes Katte would need "to ever love a woman" are constantly described as "wide, bright and impenetrable" while Wilhelmine's aren't. And in his scenes with Fritz Katte is often taken by intense, sweeping emotions - With Wilhelmine, he's a little giddy at most. The classic old het romance of "Ah, I sigh, what an honor to be in your presence". Also all they ever talk about is Fritz.
Now in Chapter 7, they actually do have a romantic scene and hug and almost kiss and "Ah, my destiny has been separated from the Crown Prince, I will stay here because I love Wilhelmine and she loves me!" - However, Chapter 7 is an anomaly and should not be counted. By chapter 8 Katte is back to longing for his dear Frédéric, whom he suddenly addresses as such while also using informal pronouns, can only be comforted by the thought of him longing for Katte too, and answers Fritz's desperate thrown kiss from his cell window by pressing his fingers to his lips before telling him that he is dying for a prince he loves. It is gay, gentlefolk, it is gay and I stand for that with my name, pour one out for Gertrud, she gave us more romance than Zeithain. Deducting a point for Chapter 7 though, that hurt me. I know it had to be done, but ouch.
Overall rating: 8/10 intense hand clasps
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yzeltia · 1 year
(@driftward) Also for Keith:👶- does my muse want children? If so, how many? Does it matter if the kids are biological or adopted? 🦐- does my muse eat seafood? 🛐- does my muse believe in a higher power? Why or why not? 🙏- what are my muse’s theological beliefs? How complex are they? Are they religious, spiritual, or an outright atheist? 🐶- does my muse have pets?
👶 Keith already has G'k through some shenanigans involving the gods and the crystal tower. He's looking to adopt at least one or two more eventually!
🦐 Yes! He enjoys it, though he prefers land meats.
🛐 He readily can't deny it given he's uh...punched a view higher powers.
🙏 Raised in reverence to the Destroyer. Pretty straight forward and is unable to deny that which he's seen face to face.
🐶 No pets!
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
A Los Angeles journalist befriends a homeless Juilliard-trained musician, while looking for a new article for the paper. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Steve Lopez: Robert Downey Jr. Nathaniel Ayers: Jamie Foxx Mary Weston: Catherine Keener Graham Claydon: Tom Hollander David Carter: Nelsan Ellis Adam Crane: Michael Bunin Jennifer Ayers: LisaGay Hamilton Leslie Bloom: Rachael Harris Curt Reynolds: Stephen Root Flo Ayers: Lorraine Toussaint Cheery Lab Tech: Jena Malone Troubled Woman: Octavia Spencer Young Nathaniel: Justin Martin Bernie Carpenter: Kokayi Ampah Paul Jr.: Patrick Tatten Marisa: Susane Lee Mayor Villaigosa: Marcos De Silvas Harry Barnoff: Ilia Volok Julliard Conductor: Mike Nowak Angry Homeless Man: David Jean Thomas Uncle Tommy: Lemon Andersen Homeless Transvestite: Kevin Michael Key Barely Dressed Woman: Moya Brady LAMP Homeless Guy: Orlando Ashley Leon: Artel Great Shouting Woman: J.J. Boone LAMP Advocate: Annie McKnight Homeless Lady: Bernadette Speakes Leeann: Anna Levin Steve: Steve Foster Teresa: Vivian George KK: Kevin Cohen Courtney: Courtney Andre Detroit: Teri Hughes Linda: Linda Harris Bam Bam: Albert Olson Melissa: Melissa Black Mama Grouch: Valarie Hudspeth Darryl: Darryl Black St. Kiana: Kiana Parker Hazard: Hazard Banner Russell: Russell Brown Jackie: Jacqueline Sue West Ashley: Joyre Manuel Singing Woman: Lorinda Hawkins Annette: Annette Valley Patrick: Patrick Kelly Quiana: Quiana Farrow Globe Lobby Guard: Tony Genaro Atheist: Charlie Weirauch Cop with Tents: Wayne Lopez EMT #1: Joe Hernandez-Kolski Winston Street Cop: Noel Gugliemi EMT #2: Paul Cruz Homeless Man: Wil Garret EMT #3: Halbert Hernandez Construction Worker: Alejandro Patiño Homeless Woman #1: Karole Selmon Neil: Rob Nagle Cello Donor: Patricia Place Enraged Homeless Man: Ralph Cole Jr. Reception Nurse: Gladys Khan ER Nurse: Palma Lawrence Reed Laid-off Employee: Isabel Hubmann Homeless Woman #2: Bonita Jefferson Winston Street Prostitute: Eshana O’Neal Young Jennifer Ayers: Myia Hubbard Miss Little John: Iyanna Newborn Beauty Shop Girl: Bronwyn Hardy News Editor: Troy Blendell Jennifer’s Son: Nick Nervies Editor: Paul Norwood Sign Spinner (uncredited): Wally Lozano Film Crew: Screenplay: Susannah Grant Unit Production Manager: Patricia Whitcher Casting: Francine Maisler Art Direction: Greg Berry Producer: Gary Foster Author: Steve Lopez Director: Joe Wright Editor: Paul Tothill Costume Design: Jacqueline Durran Production Design: Sarah Greenwood Makeup Department Head: Ve Neill Producer: Russ Krasnoff Still Photographer: François Duhamel Production Coordinator: Robert Mazaraki Hair Department Head: Gloria Pasqua Casny Music Editor: Dominick Certo Director of Photography: Seamus McGarvey Set Decoration: Julie Smith Script Supervisor: Kerry Lyn McKissick Original Music Composer: Dario Marianelli Post Production Coordinator: Adam Cole Stunts: Shirley Smrz Stunts: C.C. Taylor Stunts: Hannah Kozak Hairstylist: Lisa Marie Rosenberg Stunts: Allan Graf Stunts: Jim Wilkey Stunts: Aaron Toney Stunts: Gregg Smrz Stunts: Todd Schneider Stunts: George Marshall Ruge Stunts: Chad Randall Stunts: Robert Nagle Stunt Coordinator: Scotty Richards Stunt Driver: Ed McDermott II Stunts: Marilyn Miller Stunts: Sean Graham Stunts: Jalil Jay Lynch Stunts: Kevin L. Jackson Stunts: Kofi Elam Stunts: John T. Cypert Stunts: Greg Wayne Elam Stunts: Chino Binamo Stunt Driver: Michael Caradonna Stunt Driver: Norman Epperson Stunts: Daniel W. Barringer Stunts: Greg Fitzpatrick Stunt Coordinator: Mickey Giacomazzi Stunts: Peter Weireter Stunts: Hollis Hill Stunts: Keith Woulard Stunts: Angela Meryl Stunts: Danny Wynands Stunts: Kortney Manns Stunts: Michael Maddigan Stunts: Kofi Yiadom Stunt Driver: Allan Padelford Stunts: Thomas DuPont Stunts: Jason Cekanski Stunt Driver: Scott Alan Berk Movie Reviews:
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tolbachik · 8 months
Hi! This is Cube/🎲! This is my main blog, but I mostly post on @junecast-moonfast nowadays :D
Don’t worry about the delay, this is a very busy time of year! I hope you had a good Christmas ^^
The main universities I’m applying to are Rutgers, Syracuse, and Drexel! I’m also just thinking of just applying all over (as long as the application fees aren’t too high) to see if any schools give me scholarship money lol
Conlangs have always been super interesting to me! I’ve considered trying my hand at making one, but I think I’d need to get a better grasp on linguistics before I do that. Are there any conlangs in particular you’d be interested in taking up? ^^
Pieeogis are great! My mom and I were supposed to homemake them for Christmas, but unfortunately we didn’t get around to it. We still have the filling, so we might make them some time this week :]
Swedish seems like such an interesting language! Also, your reason for learning it is so sweet. It must be a lot of fun to be able to learn a language with a friend who’s a native speaker :D
Arabic is also a fascinating language! The place where I grew up has a pretty large arabic population, so a lot of my friends growing up spoke it. Unfortunately though, I never picked up on any of it.
The math class I got to miss because of choir was applied math, so it was all word problems. In hindsight, it might’ve been an interesting class, but also I know that middle school me would’ve hated it haha
I looked up the erhu, and the sound is so pretty! I imagine that it sounded especially beautiful live, I feel like sometimes music just cannot be entirely captured through video. You can’t really go wrong with string instruments, they all sound so nice :]
I’ll be honest, I never realized how weird our focus on Mars is until you pointed it out! You’re totally right though, focusing on Mars seems entirely arbitrary considering that other planets were also candidates for being habitable in the past. It seems like sometimes in science, we get stuck focusing so hard on one discovery that we lose sight of the bigger picture!
Yeah! I tend to be a bit of a pessimist, but you’re right that a better future is possible if we work together for it! It’s sad to think about what could’ve been, but we also have the chance to make change now!
If I could see any dead musicians live, I think I’d have to go with ELP (Carl Palmer is still alive, but unfortunately the other two members have passed), David Bowie, or David Berman. Keith Emerson was a wonderful showman, and a wonderful musician! Same for David Bowie. David Berman’s music is just so beautiful and hard hitting that I imagine it would’ve been an amazing experience to see him perform live. As for living musicians, I would’ve loved to see Eno on the recent tour he went on, but unfortunately the timing just wasn’t right.
One thing that I found particularly funny about Caligula is that when he invaded Britain he had his soldiers collect sea shells. There was some logic behind why he did this, but I’ve since forgotten it. It’s just a little silly to imagine Roman soldiers just frolicking on the shore and grabbing sea shells haha
Another nautical Caligula fun fact is that he was rumored to have declared war on Poseidon. Assuming the Greco-Roman gods are real, this would’ve been a particularly bad move considering that when Odysseus pissed off Poseidon, it didn’t turn out particularly well for him lol
I’m in a similar boat to you in regards to religion. I haven’t moved out yet, but I’d still consider myself agnostic or an atheist. However, I still celebrate Christmas.
Happy holidays! It was great to be your Santa this year, I’m so glad that we got paired up! I wish you well for the coming year ahead. Take care! :D
- 🎲
Hi!! So, so sorry for how late this. I appreciate your patience! I hope you had a lovely holiday season, and a great start to the new year as well. I hope that this year goes exactly how you want it to! Wow, that's quite the list!! Which one are you hoping to get into the most? Sounds like a real exciting time, I really hope you can get a nice scholarship!! I get that! What sort of conlang do you think you'd try to make, if you had the time and resources to do so? Hmmm... I'm not sure, there are a lot of options out there! I'll have to do a little shopping around, I think. I do kind of have one main for my story, but it's very... Nebulous. I just kind of make it up as I go along, really! Aww, I'm sorry that you guys didn't get to it! Did you end up getting to them, or nah? I hope you did, it sounds like a lot of fun! I think I tried myself once years ago, but I don't think it ended up going very well lol Aww, thank you! I haven't really talked to her much in Swedish, as my grasp is still very tenuous, but it's a fun little goal to work towards! I think I already said it, but I really love how similar it is to English. Language history is always so neat! I agree, Arabic is really neat! Ahh, I get that though. It can be hard keeping track of that sort of stuff sometimes! I had a friend who's mother was Russian growing up, but I couldn't ever remember what any of the words she said meant 😭 Ahh, that's fair! I guess singing really was the best bet then, huh? I hope you were able to enjoy it then, at least! I'm glad you enjoyed it! If you want, I think I might've actually recorded her performance. It was a bit ago, so I'll have to dig through my files to find it, but I can try to share it with you then if you'd like! It was very small; it was just her, a few people from her class, and some of their friends and family. Maybe like, 20 people total! It's a shame; there's so much more out there we could explore! But, such is life. At least we're doing anything at all up there, I gotta count my blessings for that! Thankfully, other space agencies seem to be picking up the slack, and there's been a bit of a shift in our own space agency as well it seems. Here's to hoping for more widespread exploration!
I get that, it's hard looking on the bright side sometimes. There's a lot of pain and suffering in our world, it's not something one can really ignore. But, there are tons of like-minded people out there! We'll get there someday!
That's a great list! I'm sorry you didn't get to see Eno though 😭 Maybe if he tours again you could catch him that time? Either way, I hope you can get to see him & all your other favorites, if possible!
Oh wow, that really is quite the mental image lol I wonder what the reason was? Was it for trading, or perhaps for a source of minerals? Either way, I'd love to see a painting of it; sounds like such a silly thing to do lol
Man, they really did just do anything when it came to it back then, huh? I guess, comparing then to now, we do stuff they might have considered silly or weird as well. Something something constant in human history lol Ahh, I gotcha. Religion can be such a personal thing, so thank you for sharing! If you don't mind me asking, what lead you to where you are today with that? Thank you for being my secret santa, I had such a great time talking with you! So sorry again for the delay with this reply, here. I really appreciate your patience! I hope you've been enjoying your 2024 so far! :)
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in-sightpublishing · 2 years
“The Lock In” with Keith Lowell Jensen
“The Lock In” with Keith Lowell Jensen
Author(s): Scott Douglas Jacobsen Publication (Outlet/Website): Medium (Humanist Voices) Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2018/08/23 According to Laughing in Disbelief, one atheist is bringing his own brand of atheism to the world of stand-up comedy. Keith Lowell Jensen is an atheist and a stand-up comedian. In this video The Lock In, he discusses the odd intersection between God, atheism, and…
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pinkipie100 · 7 years
Lance and the 25 Days Chapter VIII: Request
Ah, yes, Evil Voice In My Head. It is I, Pinki, author of Lance and the 25 Days and founder of Ficcember! Now, shut up. To you however, dear reader, I apologize immensely, a thousand times for my absence! Unfortunately, I worked the rest of the weekend after Friday as well, and when I got home, I was just so exhausted that I fell right asleep and had no motivation to write. It’s my fault entirely, and I should have been more committed. That aside! This chapter is short as well, unfortunately, but I always meant it to be. Sorry if you’re disappointed, but do enjoy it while you can, as we probably won’t see Keith again for a while. Sorry. Hopefully I can post another chapter later tonight if I finish it. Thank you for keeping an eye out for updates on my late behind! Enjoy!
When Keith answers Lance’s call, the two have a less-than-amicable exchange.
Words: 758
Category: Gen
Contains: bickering, Kolivan witnessing a domestic, and being confused by it, Scrooge!Keith, atheist Keith, Christian Lance, brOTP Laith/Klance
Takes place immediately following Keith picking up Lance’s call from Chapter VII.
“Lance, what do you want?” Keith answered the transmission shortly.
“Keith! I’ve been trying to call you all morning!” Lance yelled into the screen. Keith dryly remarked that he’d noticed, and the red paladin continued, “Hey, so listen, I need you to come over.”
Keith scoffed. “What do you mean, ‘come over’? For what, a playdate?”
Lance was half concentrating on the conversation, half focusing on sewing something, apparently. Slight bags appeared to be forming under his eyes. Though this worried Keith, he trusted Lance was just training a bit more. The Cuban boy continued, “What? No! For Christmas!” When Keith gave Lance a dismissive look, the latter explained, “Look, long story short, I can sense when December comes because I wake up one midnight hits on December first. The point is, we’re getting ready for the holidays! Hanukkah for Pidge, Christmas for the rest of us! Shiro wanted you to join us, and I promised him you would. And Keith, when I make a Christmas promise, I am ready to spill blood for that promise.”
Keith shook his head first at Lance, then at the thought of Shiro’s request. “Of course Shiro asked you to do that…” he bemoaned. When Lance expressed confusion, the Blade reiterated, “Shiro’s always trying to do that. Get me excited about holidays. It’s so stupid, I don’t even celebrate Christmas…” Lance, surprised, inquired whether Keith was Jewish as well, which the other boy shot down, and when Lance then hesitantly wondered if Keith celebrated Kwanzaa for some reason, Keith strongly rejected that, as well. Finally, Keith delineated, “Lance, I don’t celebrate any holidays in December. I’m an atheist.”
Lance sat for moment, evidently flabbergasted on the screen, his face some subtle form of horrified. Keith rolled his eyes while he prompted Lance for a response, but his friend had nothing.
Lance wasn’t so much horrified at the fact that his friend wasn’t Christian, considering Shiro and Pidge weren’t either, nor were the Alteans, obviously. He was just shocked that Keith didn’t celebrate Christmas. Shiro did, despite his own agnostic standing, if only for festivities’ sake. It just seemed so central to the culture that all of the humans had grown up in; Lance couldn’t comprehend what Keith ever had to look forward to at the end of the year when he didn’t have any December holidays to get excited about. Lance hoped he at least did something special for New Year’s, but knowing him, the red paladin figured that Keith probably didn’t even keep track of when the new year arrived.
“Lance, say something,” Keith firmly urged, countenance bored.
Lance shook his head, jaw still to the floor while he cracked out, “WHY?!” Keith only sighed and whined that he didn’t see the point in celebrating the made-up birthday of an embellished fairy-tale. “Keith! You shouldn’t say that! Jesus was a real person, and he was born, so you can’t say he’s made up!” Keith reiterated that the twenty-fifth of December was simply an arbitrary guess at what day Jesus could have been born, and that the real Jesus didn’t even look like what Christians depicted him like. Lance huffed, now very angry at Keith’s Scroogelike attitude. “Well, Keith, that’s insensitive, even for you. You know, it’s one thing to bail on your best friend, but to insult an entire religion like that is just being a jerk. Think before you speak, especially during this time of year. Santa’s watching,” Lance hissed.
Keith, once more, rolled his eyes, explaining that he did not see why he should waste time and money on some stupid Christian holiday that was just manufactured by American society to boost its economy at the end of each year to look better on the world economic rankings charts. Lance shook his head at the notion, vehemently protesting every last bit of Keith’s incorrect logic. Keith just flippantly put up his hand to halt Lance’s speech. “Was this the only reason you were calling?” With a furious expression and a pouty lip, Lance nodded once. Keith sighed through his nose and finished, “Goodbye, Lance.”
“Keith, you better request time off or whatever, if not for Shiro’s sake, then Pidge’s, she wants to play dreidel with all of us-” Lance was cut off when Keith ended the transmission. Keith looked to the ground, trying to rationalize that his guilt was unwarranted. There was a bigger mission at hand- They didn’t have time for frivolous festivities! He looked up to Kolivan for affirmation.
The stoic Galra just voiced, “What’s a holiday?”
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shslpunkartist · 3 years
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vldkeith · 4 years
LOVE a lance with a cross necklace. like yes king you use christian/catholic aesthetics whilst being bisexual and garnering the hate of the church we love to see it
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nerdykeith · 6 years
I have now officially changed my channel name to Keiths Universe. Please watch to find out why. Also I how I will be discussing veganism and humanism side by side ...
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vee-is-a-clown · 2 years
Keith occasionally says things like, "I was an atheist until I met Lance.", which leads to confusion. Keith then has to explain with, "There has to be a higher power keeping him alive."
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austerulous · 2 years
Tumblr media
Financial : wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty / verse dependent
Medical : fit / moderate / sickly / disabled  / disadvantaged / non applicable
Class or Caste : upper / middle / working / lower / destitute / unsure / verse dependent
Education : qualified / unqualified / studying / other
Criminal Record : yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but has not been caught yet
Children : has a child or children / has no children / wants children / verse dependent
Relationship with Family : close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no siblings / sibling(s) is deceased / it’s complicated
Affiliation : orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent / other
extroverted / introverted / in between
disorganized / organized / in between
close-minded / open-minded / in between
calm / anxious / in between
disagreeable / agreeable / in between
cautious / reckless / in between
patient / impatient / in between
outspoken / reserved / in between
leader / follower / in between
empathetic / unempathetic / in between
optimistic / pessimistic / in between
traditional / modern / in between
hard-working / lazy / in between
cultured / uncultured / in between
loyal / disloyal / in between
faithful / unfaithful / in between
Faith : monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / it’s complicated
Belief in Ghosts or Spirits : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in an Afterlife : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Belief in Reincarnation : yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
Religious : orthodox / liberal / in between / not religious
Philosophical : yes / no
Sexuality : heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / demisexual
Sex : sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favourable / naïve and clueless
Romance : romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favourable / naïve and clueless
Potential Sexual Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all
Potential Romantic Partners : male / female / agender / other / none / all
Combat Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none  
Literacy Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Artistic Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Technical Skills : excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
Drinking Alcohol : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Smoking : trying to quit / never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Other Narcotics : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Medicinal Drugs : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Indulgent Food : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Splurge Spending : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Gambling : never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
TAGGED:  @veinblooded​ – thank you! ♡ TAGGING:  @atkwar​​, @lupichors​, @keith-shadis​, @leastregrets​, @lustmord​, @fatesheld​​, @souls-gone​​, @arrowablaze​​, @thecommanderzoe​​.
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shadoobee · 2 years
My favourite parts of yesterday's show in Lyon, not in order (long post but idk how to make the cut thing I'm sorry) :
When Mick forgot to introduce Darryl :(
Darryl's solo oh god that was fucking divine
Did Mick randomly start singing that song he sings in Performance in the middle of Midnight Rambler or was I dreaming ?
The intro of Street Fighting Man. I cried
When they. The. They. Thehehe.tthey
Everything. Absolutely everything. Everything single second of the show
When Mick started talking about Charlie. I cried there too
"Okay I don't know if you know this one *Out of Time stars playing*"
Mick telling us that the AC at his hotel was broken so he went outside to get a fresh beer and he ended up eating a veal head and praline buns (I don't even know if it's the right word but he said it in french. it was simpler)
Mick molesting Ronnie AGAIN
Keith <3<3<3<3<3
Also. Nothing But Thieves. They said they were happy if they gained at least 5 news fans. I'm one of them
When Mick put his shirt over his head during Ghost Town. I love it when he
When he. Twerked ? (Also I shouted "SLAYYY" but I don't think anyone heard me. I was shouting in ultrasounds)
When Keith talked before You Got The Silver. My heart melted.
Sympathy. The woo woos. I cried again
When Mick looked in my direction. Hopefully he saw my banner. Maybe he liked it. Also maybe he did not-
I screamed. A lot. My voice is dead. Dead.
Ronnie's clothes and facial expressions <3<3<3<3<3<3
When they left the stage for the last time. And everyone started to leave. I cried. A black dude from the staff who was taking care of the people who fainted during the concert offered me water. I may be an atheist but I'll pray for him
Where's Gimme Shelter ? :( joking tho I loved the show I LOVED IT
But also. They stopped two times in You Can't Always Get so the audience could finish Mick's sentence. I think I was the only one in my area screaming the actual words and not just AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Kinda disappointed in the french population ngl
But he made it look like it was part of the plan I love him
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ashkazora · 2 years
Eventually alchemist!Lance is like "God ripped out my legs for my sins against nature" and Hunk who is so used to Lance's outlandish stories is like "Sure Lance 🙄:/" And Lance is like "Well I tried ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"
After all his excuses run out Lance just starts to tell the truth. HIs favourites include:
I committed the ultimate taboo and my flesh paid the price
God punished me for disrupting the cycle of death
I met god and said I was an atheist
My meddling with the very fabric of life demanded an equivalent exchange for the mortal sins I committed
After a while, Hunk starts collecting all of his excuses and makes a red string conspiracy theory board (with Keith) trying to find out what exactly Lance did because there's no way he's telling the truth, right?
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tail-feathers · 3 years
“Progress is Providence without God. That is, it is a theory that everything has always perpetually gone right by accident. It is a sort of atheistic optimism, based on an everlasting coincidence far more miraculous than a miracle.”
-Gilbert Keith Chesterton
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