#atleast he looks somewhat happy
mwah-so-kissed · 7 months
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my blog isn't very versatile, oops
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narmothewraith · 11 months
Some of the stuff I've been making
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I've been trying out different art styles and mediums. Honestly just trying stuff out and having fun :)
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plumipal · 1 month
The Tattoo (part two)
After scarabias overblot, and seeing what ace and Deuce were willikg to do for you, you were so touched that you decided ro get them tattooed on your body as a small heart and a spade. After that chaos ensues-
I'd you wanna read the while prolouge, then it's here
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Floyd feels a lot. He feels betrayed and enraged over the tattoo, feeling the urge to fight those two damn guppies you call friends. How dare you betray your mate like this, you were meant to be! Atleast he will show you that he will fight for his mate, if that's good or bad that's for you to decide...
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He hates the tattoo, yet as much as he hates it he can't really put the anger onto you. It's that damn mackerel and crabs fault! They must have forced you into it! Don't worry, like the good mate he is he will mark over their dumb marks, showing who's boss. He hates hurting you but he needs to do what has to be done to show that you're his...
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Jade is... off. As soon as he hears about the tattoo his composure just, shatters. He cant understand why you would play him like this, you're quite cruel aren't you? Playing him like this, making him lose his composure... you want him to kill to show how much he cares? Because he will- in fact, he will use any dirty tricks in the book to make sure he wins, magic or not..
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If magic won't work, he will result to desperately trying to insert himself into your life more than he already has. You'll have a personal butler at this point, one begging for your attention and affection,, to think all this started because of a harmless tattoo...
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Azul is about to throw up. The world is spinning, he feels like he is about to throw up. This can't be happening, right?? You, you really hate him don't you? Why else would you get those two troublemakers a tattoo but not him...
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The desperation gets worse, the longer he thinks about it. He cant stop crying, having to lock himself in the vip lounge so nobody sees how this issue has reduced him to a sobbing little crybaby. The desperation turns somewhat into determination, the urge to write up the best contract ever to make you happy, maybe throw in a little condition where you need to get a matching tattoo with him..
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Jamil is about to have another overblot. He, he is the reason? His overblot? He can't, he cant take it. Being the main reason for the tattoo makes him lose his mind. He avoids you for a week, nor being able to look at you without losing his composure and crying on the spot.
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Desperation grows, turing ugly. He cant control himself, searching you out after a week of not seeing you. He begs for forgiveness, for you to not hate him, please, he begs you... He needs you, he needs you in his life, he needs you to love and cherish him, to be your number one.
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Kalim feels off. This is one of the few times where he doesn't get what he wants. It's an unknown feeling, a hated feeling. He could be fine with anything else, bur a tattoo of your friends? Isn't he your friend too?? Is it because of the overblot that happened at his dorm? He will get you anything if it means that you'll forgive him! Please, he is begging you..
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The jealousy grows, turning into an ugly mess. He cant help but hate on the Adeuce duo, hating them for taking you from him. He tries to endlessly gift you anything you look at for more than a second, trying to get you to spend countless hours at scarabia with several parties a week that always end in a romantic carpet ride. He tries really hard, okay? Just let him show you he is the best choise...
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Epel is enraged, how dare you? The emotions get too intense, and he storms off. He cant believe you, picking favourites in your group? They may have been there before you but he loves you way more than they could ever love you!
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He is in constant state of dissaray the first day, his anger rising the more he thinks about it. The anger stops being directed towards you and instead those two dumbasses, Ace and Deuce. He cant stand their asses! Going straight to battle living shit out of them.
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Only, that isn't how it goes for him. He gets his ass kicked with everyone he tries to fight, getting so beat up he can barely stand up straight. Oh well, he can atleast leech off of you to nurse him back to health. You have to, please, he is begging for some alone time with you...
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Also please someone help him with getting a new blazer, his old one is currently torn to shreds. The fights he got into wasn't really that good for him, since he is trying to fight people twice his size. Only for you, he would only go so far for you...
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Rook feels... nothing. He can't bring himself to feel emotions currently, too stuck up on the tattoo. Sure, it's such a beautiful thing you care enough for someone that you would permanently etch that into your body. But why? Why couldn't it have been him? He is your friend too (he wish he was more to you, but that can wait, he will wait eons for you, only you)...
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You feel bad for the man, wondering why he was so down all of the sudden. You still care about him (you care for everyone, they're you're friends after all), deciding to let him stay the night at ramshackle. He is forever grateful for your endless kindness, swearing to get into your good graces just so he can one day also get a tattoo..
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Vil is desperate, he is emotional. The pain of not only comming second, but THIRD in your heart, it feels like you are stabbing him over and over again in the heart. He cant breathe, he cant stop the tears wellinh up in his eyes, he cant stop the emotions overflowimg his poor body. Why would you do something so heinous to this poor actor, he only wanted your love...
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He has been acting since he was a little kid, yet this time he cant control his emotions, the stakes are too high. Your love is on the line! He can't stand to look himself in the mirror, feeling way too ugly for his emotions, his outbursts, his feelings. He wants to be enough for you, and he will do anything to achieve that..
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THERES PART TWO DONE!!! The literal biggest thank you to @artdolliewishes for helping so much and expanding on the au with me!! It means so much to me that someone cares about a project I've done as much as I do :,)
Also I'm very sorry for being so delayed on posting, I went to the ER and all, I swear the students of nrc was trying to kill me lmao
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cypherscript · 2 months
Some of Young justice are teleported/isekai'd during one of their battles to an underdeveloped world barely out of the iron age.
The planet confuses them, perpeptual night but the climate is warm and the flora abundant regardless of the missing sunlight. It has a single yellowy green moon that is stuck in orbit at the same point in the sky as the stars move around it.
Some of the locals have accepted them into their small village, their language is close to spanish; esperanto Wally says. Atleast they can somewhat communicate now. The people are unsettingly human with only slight changes to their body; lighter skin, pointed ears and glowing eyes.
They spend a little over two weeks helping the locals with their building some kind of stage for a festival. A large corridor of metal, spires of green crystal that Connor says make him woozy on top of his already low solar energy from the weeks stranded here and thick braided cord wound around the bases of the spires and inlayed into an intricate pattern winding their way to the corridor of metal.
The chief, Degelinta Stellumo, is happy to say the festival can begin early. When asked about the festival they cant translate much other than it's to thank their god for keeping them safe. About how thousands of years ago the day god Rox tried to consume their world, the night god Phan covered their world in protective night to protect it from Rox's anger.
The team is perplexed as the festivities begin, rhythmic chanting fills the air as one of their young men, that Megan recognizes as Stelo, walks forward dressed in furs and a iron crown upong their head. He steps into the corridor, the crystals glow brightening as he does so, almost alive in the perpeptual moonlight and the chanting getting faster and faster. Duh-duh-duh-duh-da-duh-duh-da-duh-da~.
There is a massive flare of light coming from the corridor, the crystals shatter and fly everywhere and the people cheer. Stelo steps, no floats from the now blackened corridor changed; his body glows in a pale white light, hair once black now pure white while his eyes are toxic green from his previously white and a cloak of stars floats behind him in an invisible wind.
He looks around confused, tired, until his eyes settle on the young superheroes going from Connor's house of El crest to Miss Martians skin to Robins stylized R.
Everyone is shocked as the being speaks to them in echoy but clear english, "You lot are a long ways from home, arent you?"
"Uhm, yes... sir," Tim hesitantly asks hesitantly unsure how to address this being? God? Entity?
"Right, well not to belittle your situation but we're holding up the festivities I'm certain the Sheo'lp people have been working on for some time. Let us celebrate a bit then we can talk about your situation."
"What are you," Megan blurts out, confused, "Stelo stepped into that corridor and his mind is gone and now theres just static."
"I suppose i can answer that easily enough. My name was/is Danny and I dont know what I am anymore. Once the festival ends, Stelo will return to himself. I promise."
The now named Danny stops floating and walks over to the tribespeople, stopping to hug and greet everyone by name and accepting food and drink happily. He cries as he eats the food and drink, thanking the people in esperanto repeatedly as he does so, this goes on for several hours before the partying starts to die down and Danny takes the group over to a dying bonfire.
"Right, I suppose you have questions but I would like some verification."
"Yup, just need to know if you are who I think you are. It's been forever since I've been around earth but you look familiar.
He points at Miss Martian, "M'gann M'orzz?"
Pointing to kid flash, "Bart? No... Wally West."
Points to Robin, "Damian Wayne."
Points to Superboy, "and that would make you Jon Kent."
They partially confused, partial perturbed that this entity knows some of their names. Tim looks him square in the eyes, studying him, thinking about protocols for what to do when a godlike entity just namedrops your baby brother like its no big deal.
"Its just Robin as I am," Tim says, eyes never leaving Danny's.
"Shit right, apologies I forgot about superhero 101, no names. Its been a while since I had to worry about names, time is blurry these days to me. Now! What about those questions?"
"Can you get us home," Tim asks straight forwardedly. "We've been missing from earth for a few weeks now."
"Sure," he says nonchalantly, surprising the team, "Well yes and no. *I* can get you home but I know something who can but you need to Promise me that you'll follow my directions once you go home. Deal?" He holds out his hand to Tim, who looks at it before shaking it.
"So long as it doesnt endanger those i care about then Deal."
Danny nods before taking a deep breath and holding out a hand, a small crack running through the seam of reality as green light fills the area, from the crack a scroll flies through at high speeds as he catches it. "Hello old friend," he says tiredly, seeming to have dimmed greatly from that stunt.
"A scroll," Connor asks incredulously.
"A map," Danny corrects, "of everything. Take hold of each other before taking the Map, once you do take the map and say where you want to go." He looks at connor briefly, "it wont be a pleasant trip for Jon but it is nessesary for you to get home. Hopefully this trip should innoculate your biology against ecton radiation."
"Wait radiation," wally yelps.
"Its harmless to humans, mostly. Its the fastest way to get back to Earth, youre on the other side of the universe kids. Now, once you're back on earth tell the Map to return home and let go. So take the map, i need to go speak to the chief for a bit. Thank you for being here and letting me help." Danny groans as he slowly gets up and walks over to the chief's tent.
"Do you think he's okay," Megan asks the group as Tim looks the rolled up map over.
Connor watches as Danny leaves, "He's low on energy. Like how Kryptonians are without yellow sunlight."
"Unfortunately we cant focus that right now, grab hands its time to go." They each take the others hand as Tim holds up the map, "take us to the Justice Leagues Watchtower on Earth." The map unfurls as a blue energy grows over the group as they begin floating and the scroll begins to drag them across the sky, a similar crack as before opens before them and swallows them up and the next couple of seconds are filled with blurred visions of vast green voids, purple doors and massive beasts lurking in the distance, the eyes following the team as the fly past.
As quickly as it began its over as a final crack tosses them out at a fast speed into the Justice Leagues cafeteria, scattering on impact and flinging food everywhere as the security systems begin to screech as the team sigh in relief.
"We're home..."
"So you mean to tell us you've been trapped on another planet for all this time," Barry asks as the members of young justice sit at the conference table with the other adult members of the justice league.
"Yes sir."
Batman is pensive as hes thinking, "and this entity called you by your names?"
"Mostly, he thought Kon el and I were our younger counterparts."
Kid Flash leans over to Megan and whispers, "that's bat for I dont like this." Barry cuffs him over the head.
"So should I return the map to Danny?"
"Did someone say my name," a chipper young voice says as he sticks his head through the table, familiar glowing green eyes and white hair who freezes at the sight of the map, "how do you have that? B What's going on?"
"The young justice team has been stranded on a distant planet for several weeks, they just got back with the help of this artifact. Do you recognise it?"
"Course I do, don't know how you have it because its supposed to be with FB in the zone."
"Wait a second," megan exclaims, suddenly recognizing the static she was getting from him "You're Danny! What happened to Stelo?"
"Who?" That takes the wind out of her sails, "oh... i get whats going on here. Classic time travel, don't tell me anything. If you have the map then FB or I gave it to you for a reason. You should send it back."
"Do as he says Robin," Batman says nodding in understanding.
Tim takes the map in his hand, "go back home, uh... map?" He drops it as it unfurls and zooms off through another green crack. "What's all this about?"
"Dunno," Danny says as he leans back as he floats through the table, "hasn't happened yet."
Authors note:
Little more detail on what happened between the gods in the Sheo'lp's tale. Their sun was going supernova and Phantom in a last ditch effort to save the planet wrapped his being around the planet as the sun exploded around them. His ice core cooling the suns now explosive heat, his body giving them stars to look at and his core to give them light. Their planet is essentially a terrarium surrounded by a critical nuclear reactor. Due to time dialation from earth to there hes been holding back the sun for over a thousands of years by the point YJ arrive.
The festival is a recreation of the fenton portal that they offer one of their own for Phantom to overshadow to partake in their food and drink as thanks. Once he runs out of energy from the crystals his overshadow breaks and he returns to his duty leaving the host with memories to later become the chief and lead their people with their knowledge.
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ange1heavensent · 2 months
Joel “meeting” you for the first time
:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:
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Pairing: ellie williams x fem!reader
w/c: ≈ 680
:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:
It was dark outside when Ellie awoke to adamant knocks on her front door. However she refused to get up, first of all she could sense that it was way too early for someone to be bothering her, secondly the bed was warm and cozy with the extra body beside her, lying beneath the covers. But the knocks continued to echo through her garage and she felt you stir and lightly shake her mumbling  “Ellie someones at the door.” She could no longer ignore the person who was disturbing her sleep and begrudgingly walked towards the front door, rubbing her face and hand combing through her hair, trying to look somewhat presentable for the madman who was knocking at this hour. 
She turned on the porch light and moved the small curtain in front of the glass window on the door. On the other side of the glass stood Joel. She sighed and opened the door, her hand scratching her neck, a little embarrassed of the state she was in. “What’s up?” she asked, “There’ve been some report of infected up north, Maria is sending us out to scout.” “Alright..” Ellie sighed, “come in, I don’t want it to get cold inside.” Joel stepped through the door and stood awkwardly in front of it when he realized there was someone in Ellie’s bed. Ellie had made her way towards your side of the bed, stroking your hair and softly repeating and filling you in on the situation. After the brief conversation Ellie made her way to her closet and awkwardly glanced at Joel, who she kind of had forgotten was there. “Just gonna go change” she said as she hurriedly made her way to the bathroom and quickly shut the door. 
“Hi, Joel” you greeted him as you sat up in bed, covers wrapped around you. “Hi, Y/n” he replied back, at least it was someone he recognised, since you were one of Ellie’s friends. You smiled, trying to ease the awkwardness of the situation and offered to make something to eat, trying to do something, anything,  that wasn't sitting in Ellie’s bed. But he answered that he had already eaten. The uncomfortable atmosphere of the room was broken when Ellie yelled from the bathroom “Why couldn’t Tommy go with you?” “Maria wouldn’t let him, he’s got a cold” Joel yelled back. 
“I'm ready, ” Ellie said as she walked out of the bathroom. “Are you not going to eat anything?” You said as Ellie walked towards the front door. “I’m fine, baby” she replied, the term of endearment slipping out of habit. “Can you atleast grab a sandwich or something?” you retaliated. “I’ll be alright, okay” she spoke softly, Joel had already made it outside, while Ellie was tying her shoelaces and having the conversation with you. Ellie pushed the door closed, leaving Joel standing outside, while she walked towards you and playfully crawled up the bed placing kisses on your face. You giggled as you grabbed Ellie’s face placing one last kiss on her lips before whispering “be safe, you better come back in one piece, okay” Ellie lightly tucked some of stray hair behind your ear, while with a smile on her face saying “I won’t even get a scratch, I promise.” Then she climbed out of bed and quickly left, with a bye, hoping that she hadn’t left Joel standing outside for too long. 
He was standing further away than she had anticipated and lightly jogged towards him. When she was walking by his side Joel asked “Is Y/n your girlfriend?” “yeah, kind of” Ellie shrugged, “why only kind of?” Joel chuckled, “Well I haven't officially asked her.” Ellie said, while glancing at him. She could see a small smile tugging at Joel’s lips before he said “Well, I think you should.” “So you're okay with it?” Ellie asked, trying to ease her nervousness. “Does she make you happy?” Joel answered. “Yeah” Ellie said, now trying to act nonchalant about it, when Joel said “Well, then I am okay with it,” looking at Ellie. 
:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:+* ゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。.。:+*゚ ゜゚ *+:。.。:
Thank you for reading! If you liked this fic, check out my masterlist for more :)
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garoujo · 2 years
✩ ˛˚ . INTERRUPTED ; — you find your alone time with multiple tokyo revengers characters being interrupted.
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FEATURING: sano shinichiro, hanma shuji, haitani rindou, sano manjiro + sanzu haruchiyo.
warnings: f!reader, exhibitonism, bonten!timeline, shin owns his bike shop, phone calls / being walked in on, cock-warming, sort of possessive behaviour in sanzu’s, ch-oking. note: hewo :3 i am v happy w how these turned out i think so i hope u guys enjoy hehehe <3
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shinichiro could never fucking say no to you, you just had to give him one of your pretty little looks from underneath your lashes and he was like fucking putty in your hands.
it’s like you knew exactly how to get to him, made just to tease and test his own self control and fuck—turns out he hasn’t got any at all, because now your usual little afternoon visit to see him at work has ended up with his hips pressing flush and tight against your own as he sinks his cock into the warm hug of your pussy.
it wasn’t normally something that bothered shinichiro, but when it’s only 2pm on a friday afternoon and he’s just heard the bell on the front door of his bike shop ring to alert him of another customer. he’s pretty sure they might find a problem with the fact he can’t deal with them because he’s balls deep in you in the back shop.
you feel the deep press of your boyfriends cock against the sweet spots inside of you when his next thrust stutters, followed by another languid withdrawal of his hips before he’s rolling them back into you at an even slower pace. but he swears he feels you squeeze even tighter when the sudden ring of the bell at the front desk rips you both from your blissful, hormone-drunken state.
“just a sec..” shinichiro calls as his fingers squeeze almost painfully at your hips and he’s pulling back to give you a lidded look from under the messy mop of black hair framing his flushed features. you shudder when you feel the cool metal of his chain leave your too hot skin but he still doesn’t pull himself away when your hands tighten in the fabric of his shirt. “f-fuck, angel, gotta let me go.. quit squeezin’ so tight.
“but shin, ‘m so close.” you babble through your pouty lips and even the fucking sound only seems to lure him closer as he offers you another stuttered thrust and he grits his teeth. another ring of the bell accompanied by another sinful squeeze of your walls around him and shit— he wished he’d just closed up for the day. god he is fucking whipped.
“mmm—fine, angel. shit— jus’ gotta make it quick, alright? make it up to ya later.”
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your trip to hanma’s office had started somewhat innocent, it was always down to him when you ended up spread out on his desk atleast — not that you can be blamed when he’s so infuriatingly handsome, amber lidded gaze never once leaving yours as soon as you enter.
it’s the same look that he’s giving you now as you sit spread out for him across the paper work that he couldn’t give two shits about right now. he’s still dressed apart from his unbuttoned slacks — just enough to free the heavy strain of his cock but still a stark contrast to the way he’s stripped you of everything — offered you up to himself like a luxury meal he’s about to devour, and you almost shudder with how exposed you feel before you melt at his touch again.
“you miss my cock that much, babydoll?” hanma goads, smirks as one of his large palms, sin squeezes at the flesh of your thigh so he can push you wider. you can barely offer him words with the way your desire weighs heavy on your lungs, a weak little nod that only makes his grin twitch even wider as he wraps your thighs around his hips.
“such a helpless little thing, can’t cum without me doing all the work.” it was almost uncharacteristic for him to give into you so easily, he liked you begging — crying for him to finally fuck you but any suspicions soon melt when the fat head of his cock finds the entrance to your flexing pussy.
you gasp and hanma growls as he sinks carefully up inside you, punishment taking its usual place around your throat as he squeezes lightly at the sides — he always said it was your prettiest fuckin’ necklace afterall. his other hand on your hip pulls your hips closer to his as your back arches and his cock feels like it sinks into you forever. he was long and thick, curved upwards and warm and it glides so sweetly past the spots inside of you that make your whole body twitch against the wood, your pussy tightening harder around him the deeper he goes.
but just as you find yourself floating into a blissful state, almost consumed completely by him — you jolt when there’s a sudden, sharp knock on his office door and his fingers around your throat squeeze a little tighter before he chuckles.
your wide-eyed as you look at hanma but he doesn’t stop, he looks amused and there’s something dark, wild in the same familiar amber that looks over you when the next knock is accompanied by him forcing your walls to spread open wider for him. “s-shuji.” you try, a small plea for him to tell him he’s busy — to do something, anything.
but then you only feel him press into you deeper, looking at you from over the frames of his glasses before he’s urging your head to tilt back — palm pressing tight against the middle of your throat as he drags you along his cock with the other.
“came here to cum didn’t you? better tell ‘em.. or. else.”
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rindou is fucking late, he knows as he gives the watch underneath the expensive fabric of his suit a lazy, lidded look from underneath his lashes. it’s not that he was stuck in traffic or anything, hes at the venue for the executive meeting atleast — hes just far too fucking obsessed with the way you’re bouncing on his cock as he sits in the front seat of his fucking car to actually leave.
ran’s definitely going to kick his ass, he thinks before it’s replaced by the next particularly sharp connection of your hips — warm hug of your pussy reducing him to low grunts and growls as every thought in his head is consumed by only you instead.
“fuck sake, i gotta go princess. but shit, got the sweetest lil fuckin’ pussy.” rindou hisses through gritted teeth as he lets his head fall back against the headrest — his violet gaze heavy underneath his mused bangs as it focuses on the way your pretty tits jiggle everytime you sink back down onto his heavy cock. he’s gotta go, but why can’t he bring himself to fucking move.
“so close rin!” you whimper through pouty lips, your mind cloudy with how well hes fucking you and it does wonders at drowning out the way his phone is vibrating in the passenger seat — his hands preoccupied with dragging you along the length of him instead.
“yeah? lemme see how fuckin’ pretty you look when you cum ‘round my cock, gorgeous.” the ragged tone of rindou’s words feels like it drips through you as the muscles in his well trained body shake beneath you. his pace is unrelenting as he begins to meet each of your thrusts with heavier ones of his own, fingers squeezing tight into your hips so he can push his cock even deeper into you with every wet connection.
“you been thinkin’ ‘bout my cock, princess? already made me fuckin’ late, gotta make it up to me.” rindou groans and your walls reward the thick spread of his cock with another needy twitch. your pussy squelches, wet and messy as the sounds echo around the walls of the car and fuck— he wants to ruin you. but his next harsh thrust stutters when there’s a sudden knock against the drivers seat window that makes his head twist quickly, because despite the dark tint and the condensation from you both — he knows who it fucking is.
“oh little brother? hm, don’t make me drag you in here.”
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you think it’s warm, comfortable when you’re curled up in mikey’s lap — a place that had become one of your favourite despite how many people feared him. but he was different with you, softer as his slender fingers trace up the length of your spine — making you shudder as his cock rests inside the intoxicating hug of your walls.
it was a nice sort of routine, like a little ritual than always seemed to keep him grounded and it was some of his favourite moments with you — sacred moments with you. you pull back to give him a pretty, drowsy sort of look and you almost melt completely when it earns you a relaxed sort of expression in return followed by a small smile. “manjiro.” you begin and he swears the use of his full name from between your lips makes him shudder as something warm licks at the base of his spine.
“hm?” it’s low the hum that mikey offers you but you only sigh contently before you’re urging yourself closer, letting yourself bask in his hold as his arm around you proceeds to tighten as his lips rest against your temple. “it feels good, you’re warm.” he drawls and the whispered affirmation makes your insides ache before the next squeeze of your walls is pulling a shuddered breath from the man beneath you.
but just as you get comfortable in the blissful atmosphere in the room, it’s interrupted suddenly by the harsh wrap of knuckles against his office door before a particularly scared looking gang member scurries in after. he opens his mouth to speak but the cold look your boyfriend gives him seems to make the words die in his throat before he cuts him off completely.
“i’m busy.” mikey’s tone is blunt, ragged and a stark contrast to the softer one that he seems to reserve only for you as his fingers continue their ministrations along your skin. but you find yourself tensing when his words aren’t followed by the sudden unwanted company leaving, something that your boyfriend picks up on when instead they proceed to try again as they stutter out something unintelligible.
“didn’t you hear me?” there’s authority in the sharpness of his tone this time and it leaves no room for argument — only an apology as the gang member bows before leaving, probably mentally preparing himself for the visit he’ll be receiving from sanzu later no doubt. but you find yourself relaxing into manjiro’s embrace again as soon as you’re both alone again, hearing him sigh before it’s followed by a sudden, deep kiss of his cock as he shifts beneath you.
“so annoying. i’m comfy.”
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“haru..” you gasp from where sanzu has you hips pressed tight against his desk — swiping his fingers softly through your folds as he drags the pad beneath the hood of your clit, rolling the sensitive bud until he can see the way your thighs twitch. it was insane, the way he’s toying with you — playing with your pretty cunt like you’ve got him fucking hypnotised.
“i know, angel. just real pretty.” he hums before he’s deliberately pressing down onto your puffy clit harder, eagerly, until you’re wet enough for him to push two fingers inside. he rewards you with a sweet little kiss against the puffy bud when he’s not met with much resistance, grinning at the even sweeter little whine it pulls from your pouty lips.
“such pretty sounds, perfect fucking pussy.” sanzu’s fingers are long, long and thick enough for you to hiss at the stretch but you feel something blissful flutter in your tummy with the soft affirmation from his scarred lips. it was intoxicating to see a man so dangerous turn to fucking putty when he was between your legs and gazing up at you from under long lashes.
his warm breath rolls over your slick folds as he pants, his crystalline eyes transfixed and shining on where his digits sink into you, until his head lowers and his tongue is curling against your clit before he’s dragging it back up — complimenting every twist of his wrist with kitten licks like you’re the sweetest thing hes ever fucking tasted. it was rare for you both to get some alone time, he was a busy man afterall being bonten’s number two and you forget just how fucking good he makes you feel — making your toes curl from where they rest over his shoulders so easily.
but just as you let yourself melt back onto the heavy wood behind you, fingers smoothing through the bubblegum roots of sanzu’s hair before you pull — you’re jolted from your blissful state by the sharp ring of his phone in his pants. you hear him click his tongue before he’s spitting out a curse, but he continues to sink his fingers into you as he struggles with the device, swiping at the screen as he swirls tantalising circles into your clit with his thumb.
“what the fuck is it?” he spits and fuck— you swear the sudden boom of his voice makes you even wetter as your walls squeeze tight around his fingers, making his scarred lips twitch into a wild grin as he hums. you can tell he’s barely listening to the caller, not important enough for his attention so you know it’s not mikey, but his attention remains on you despite the way he addresses them. “fuckin’ do something about it then, im busy.”
you’re so fucking wound up, moans muffled behind your lips despite the way sanzu’s so desperately trying to drag them out of you before he’s resting the phone face up on the desk beside you. you’d assume he was done, but you can still hear the faint voice on the other end and the hooded look he gives you is dark before he’s suddenly burying his face into you, drinking up everything you offer to him despite the way his sharp gaze cuts up into you as he grumbles out a warning.
“keep that pretty mouth quiet, angel. those sounds are for my ears only, wouldnt want to have to kill that sorry bastard for hearing what’s mine.”
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© 2023 GAROUJO. do not copy any of my layouts / writing + translate / repost onto any other sites.
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beartitled · 15 days
ur au inspired me alot so have this writings I made based off of ur evil cipher parents au...
Bill cipher was SUPPOSED to be a normal Euclidean. A normal triangle. Despite his color not being right and he was practically blind in his 2d world.
All he knew about his parents was that his mom was a lovely deep blue, and his father was a wonderous shade of red.
And he was okay with that.
Atleast he could stare at the stars as his mother's voice lulled him to sleep.
.. he swore he saw a group of stars moving… It looked weird, it was a line with a dip down at the back end, and what looked like a trapezoid(he believes that's what trapezoids look like, it was hard to see anyone else in the first place) on the front end.. it was unlike anything he'd ever seen before.
"Ma.. Some stars are moving…" Billy said, his voice a soft mumble.
"Billy, there's nothing there moving… I promise.." Billy's mom said, her voice silky smooth.
Billy hummed in reply, just watching the bundle of stars move in such an odd way.. then there was one that looked like one of the star shaped people he's somewhat seen, but it had a trail coming from the back. The two bundles paused, as if they were staring at him.
It was.. unnerving.
"Ma..?" Billy called quietly. There wasn't any reply. Mom must've left already.
Billy didn't want to bother her. So he just watched the two bundle of stars.. Until they got closer. They weren't stars.
They looks so weird.
He was scared- it was so scary- he suddenly wanted to be normal- to have an eye where it's supposed to be-
One of the giant things reached down and carefully scooped him up-- Billy gasped loudly as he was lifted up-- he could see so much MORE. He could see the two giant things he originally thought were stars.
They were.. 3D. He had thought no such things could exist!.
But if they were here, why did they pick him-- Was it because he could see them?
Billy whined softly, Glancing around nervously for some sort of escape. But there was none.
"Billy?" He heard his mom say, "Billyy? Where are you?"
Billy Desperately wanted to tell his mom he was still here- he just couldn't describe it.
"Mabel what do we do now-?" The first giant said, the one with the line and trapezoid thingy on the front on their forehead. The other had no markings, but he could tell that they were the star shaped bundle of stars.
"Just kill him- like.. like Grunkle Ford said.. to.." The star said.
The trapezoid with a line frowned, Shaking its head.
"I'm not gonna kill him, he's.. so small.."
"Then what?"
".. surely Grunkle Ford wouldn't mind if we take him home?"
Billy didn't understand what they were saying.
"BILLY??" Mom called out, much louder.
"I'm here, Ma." Billy replied. But mom didn't seem to hear him. So he tried saying it louder. "Here, Ma."
Still, nothing. Next thing he knew, he felt so odd, he didn't feel right.
He could move more. Everything wasn't hard to see, he could TURN.
"That was just a dream, Bill."
pls enjoy :3
Awwww thank you ❤️ Glad my comic inspired you to create this is so sweet 🥹
I love the atmosphere ✨ You can feel the unease 👀
Also MABEL?????? HOW ARE YOU SO BRUTAL? Don’t kill da baby D:
I know it’s a nightmare and it would be really fitting tbh (I think Bill would be paranoid/have anxiety about Pines now liking him) (if Pines have the memories present, there would be discomfort vibes between them)
But still
Mabel would never 😭 would she? 😭
Oh and 💥 this was Bill’s POV probably huh
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Also forgot to mention it in part 3 💥
A person wrote a great short fanfic about how “normal” Bill would meet his parents (with a happy ending :D)
They didn’t want to share it publicly, I respect the decision so not tagging them
But just wanted to say that I really appreciate your fan works fellas 💕
It’s a delight to read your fanfics, makes me happy to know that people like my silly comic so much that they were inspired to create 🥹
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updownlately · 11 months
but i bet you if they only knew (they’d just be jealous of us)
| leah williamson x reader | fluff | 2k | a/n: another req! in all honesty this took me ages to even get a basic idea of what i wanted to write and countless drafts and i still don't how to feel about it. hopefully y'all atleast find this somewhat wholesome bc that's what i was going for but if not then welp... to whoever requested, my bad for the time this took but i hope you don't mind that i changed the req a bit! anyway, as usual, happy reading!
In the midst of the locker room chaos, everyone seemingly more energetic after the afternoon training, sat Leah-  nearly ready to go, regular trainers on, bag packed, focus strayed drastically from her original intent of going home as quickly as possible.
Attention instead directed towards Beth and Katie’s, their off key singing easily entertaining the whole Arsenal women’s team, the blonde missed the way her phone vibrated, the noise of the notification lost in the sea of laughter, yelling, and the (not) grammy winning performance.
Arms crossed as she leant back in her seat, an amused smile on her face as she took in the interaction in front of her, the near silent buzzes went ignored, the second and third messages, each pinging one after the other, unnoticed by the English skipper.
It was only when the noise died down ever so slightly, ironic timing with your final planned text coming in, did she realize what was occurring. 
Small smile already crossing her face, a pretty good idea of who it might be already on her mind, Leah reached for the device beside her, quickly lifting it and smiling wider as the multiple notifications of text messages from you showed on the lock screen. 
Heading to your message thread, her grin grew as she saw the onslaught of texts.
‘Someone was excited to wake up today’
‘The smile’s been there since morning’
‘I think he misses you’
The words were split with a video coming between the first two messages, and a short clip followed the final message.
As Leah hit play on the first clip, unaware of the three sets of eyes on her, a soft look crossed her face- one that very much didn’t go unnoticed by Viv, Steph, and most importantly, McCabe. 
Letting Leah finish watching whatever it was, devious smile ever-present, the Irishwoman made her way over to the blonde, teasing words already slipping past her lips.
“Well, did the missus text ya something? The way your smile’s nearly turned you into the Cheshire Cat, I think you oughta share with us, no?”
And before Leah could even shoot off the barest of replies to you, her phone was promptly taken from her grasp, the blonde left with a shock on her face, mind not yet caught up to what was happening, hand still outstretched from where it had been holding her phone.
Barely able to formulate any sense of a protest Leah watched helplessly as the whole locker room went silent when Katie’s surprised cry rang out, a look of disbelief clear on her face as her head turned dramatically to face the midfielder then the phone in her hands and then the midfielder again, jaw nearly on the floor.
The bewildered question was unusually loud, capturing the attention of everyone else.
The blonde couldn’t help but nod meekly in response, shrinking in on herself as the unwanted attention directed towards her, an innumerable set of eyes peering at the interaction. 
A red hue spread on her face as Katie continued to stand in front of her, jaw agape, phone now locked automatically as her head turned back to face the black screen. 
As the silence stretched on, neither the blonde nor brunette uttering a single word, the silent Mexican standoff piqued the curiosity of their fellow teammates, Beth and Steph quietly making their way over to peer over Katie’s shoulder only to be met with a black screen. 
“What are you on about?”
And at Beth’s questioning words, Leah sprang into action, quickly rising from where she was resting and reaching to try and grab her phone off the other woman.
Her attempt was futile though, as Katie pulled the locked device behind her back, the other arms snapping out to block Leah from advancing any closer.
“Nope. No. No way. You’re not getting this back until you explain yourself.” 
“Katie- no-“
The protest was cleanly cut off, the Irishwoman reverently shaking her head at the futile attempt.
“That doesn’t sound like an explanation…”
“McCabe…How about I tell you later? Just between us?”
Apparently though, that wasn’t good enough for the rest of the team, a large outcry of protests rising at the words.
It was only Lia who sat back amusedly, watching as she watched the other girls try and get Leah to unlock her phone or get Katie to spill the secret, the Swiss captain already having an idea of what this could be about, a secret she had known since its origin. 
“At least show them the video under the condition that they can’t ask questions today?”
If the sharp glare that her work wife received was any indication, Leah was not at all a fan of the idea, herself concerned if she could even share the videos. 
Turning her gaze back to the rest of the squad huddled around the left winger who still had her phone, she sighed in defeat, clearly realizing she wasn’t going to get out of this one, especially not after that last proposition. 
Sighing, the blonde pinched the bridge of her nose in disbelief, disappointed in herself for giving in.
“Alright. I’ll show you guys what Katie saw, on the condition that I’m not answering any questions today after I show you and I get my phone back first.”
“What if you just sprint out of here with it?”
Rolling her eyes at the remark made by none other than the devil herself, Leah groaned audibly, head thrown back as she rubbed her temples. 
“I’ve got the yellow-card queen in front of me and Jen’s standing by the door…thank you but no thank you- I value my ability to walk…”
The smart-ass reply had Katie hesitantly handing Leah her phone, the blonde promptly texting you for permission to show the team before she actually did.
It wasn’t like you controlled who saw the pictures, but very early on in the whole procedure- the whole relationship really- you both had agreed upon keeping this area of your life private, especially as the game grew to the extent that it did.  
As much as the team knew you existed, you having met them countless times by now, even to the point where Lia would tease that you would’ve been her work wife had you played for Arsenal instead, the existence of the tiny human you and Leah had was very much not common knowledge to the team.
If anything, only the Swiss captain was really the only one who knew in the football world. 
People had their hunches of course, your own teammates at Bayern having an inkling themselves, but it had never been confirmed, and you and the blonde had never been more grateful.
It’s why Leah patiently waited for your go-ahead text to come, shaking her head at the grumbling of her fellow teammates as she waited for a response.
Quieting the team’s grumbling with threats of just waiting them out, Leah smiled in victory as none of them called her bluff, sighing in relief as your text chimed in, nervousness fluttering at the words she read. 
‘I think it’s about time, yeah?’
Nodding to herself and taking a deep breath in, the blonde let out a quick exhale before texting back a quick saluting emoji and a heart in response, waiting for your reply before showing the team the root of the intervention. 
“Okay, so like I said, no questions once I show you, and I get to leave ASAP and you’ll understand why…”
When no one protested at the words, Leah nodded, taking confirmation in the silence and scrolling up in the conversation to find the videos you had sent. 
Proud grin on her face as she turned her phone to face the team, she couldn’t help the way her chest slightly puffed up, chin subconsciously rising in joy.
And as the rest of the team huddled around to get the barest of looks, one by one their jaws dropped, the video on the screen garnering the same reaction as earlier, except this time across the whole room and not just the walking loudspeaker.
Said video that featured your and Leah’s six-month old, eyes half closed as the little guy did a gummy little yawn, arms stretching adorably across the bed before he pulled them back in and shot a cheeky little grin straight towards the camera- the same grin you swear he somehow stole from Leah. 
Hearing the audio cut out and the frozen stares across the room, the team no doubt in a state of shock and confusion, Leah quickly pulled back the phone and swiped to the next video, a mix of pride and nervousness thrumming through her as the second video played. 
It consisted of you holding your son in your arms as you danced around your shared kitchen, music softly being played in the background. And whilst it was cute with the way the toddler was gripping tightly onto your forearms, a toothy grin ever-present on his face, it wasn’t the key part of the video. 
It was what followed the end of the video, the way the drunk-seeming little tiny human babbled the little words with you, repeating the little vowels as you said them. How you looked at the camera before reciting the words, being repeated by the baby and coming out barely legible yet clear as day to the blonde- ‘luv ma ma’.
The utterance of the broken phrase was highlighted by your shocked face as you did a little cheer of your own, looking at your phone before sending the lens a tender smile just before the video cut.
It wasn’t the first time your son had said it, but each day it seemed to get a little clearer, and with each utterance it had Leah’s heart doing a flutter she never knew anyone but you could cause. 
Trying not to get too teared up at the thought of how quickly the days were passing, the skipper snapped herself out of the thoughts, shyly bringing her arm back as she registered the silence in the room. 
Swallowing audibly at the number of shocked faces expectantly looking at her, she turned towards Lia, a pleading look of help on her face as the other woman merely shrugged with a smirk on her face.
Damn the Swiss and their need to be neutral…
Turning back to the sea of Arsenal warm gear, Leah prepared herself mentally, reaching for her bag and quickly shouldering it before tucking her cleats under her arms.
Wincing as the team barely moved, she planned her escape whilst shrugging as if to say ‘well…’
“Surprise? I guess?”
Within milliseconds of the words leaving her, the blonde heard a flurry of questions immediately being sent her way, her previous request tossed out the window without a second glance. 
And as the onslaught of ‘how old is he?’, ‘he or she?’, coupled with the ‘why didn’t you tell us?’, ‘wait since when?’ and of course, the ‘what the fuck Leah???’ (courtesy of Beth of course) barrelled through, the Englishwoman quickly sprinted her way out of the change rooms, those that were just barely dressed and ready to leave immediately following her like a row of ducklings, as the blonde sprinted to her car.
Mentally berating herself on why she didn’t just leave halfway through Beth and Katie’s rendition of ‘I want it that way’, Leah quickly got into her car, reversing before the team had any shot of catching up, phone being (gently) tossed into the backseat as texts started ringing through.
With nearly a half hour passing since the blonde was supposed to be home, and the thought of the little munchkin waiting at home for her (and of course, you), Leah relaxed as she made the drive back home, grimacing at the thought of the chaotic uproar she most definitely left behind, and glad for the chaotic peace that awaited her a handful of minutes away.
Smiling at the contrast, a small grin overtook her face, gratefully for the overgrown kids she had with football, and the small tot she had at home.
Yeah, maybe life didn’t get any better than this, the perfect mix of chaos and love never-ending…she’d happily take this. 
inspo for this post was literally this insta reel - can't tell me that isn't absolutely adorableeeeee
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tomurawr44 · 2 months
Tomura d1ck headcanons, honest edition plz (I love him in illness and in health but I do think he would smell a little bit musty down there)
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A/N: i have a smell I can't describe because it's actually like wild and showing how much of a whore i am both online and irl..
WARNINGS: dick descriptions..and an image of..the colors i think it would be..
I DONT THINK HE SMELLS..BAD BAD.. but i do think he does have a little stink to him, like have you SEEN his wretched room? anyway, he smells like..y'know clothes that you've worn but didn't sweat in? like old fabric kind of smell. with a little bit of a sour stink. this man does not smell good. I'm just being real with you guys.
I'm so 50/50 on his cock, it's either that's where the meat and muscle went or there was never any to begin with. so..i say i just write both parts.
he's 3.6 inches soft, and 5.3 inches hard if you want to think realistically for someone like him, it's a chubbier cock and mostly the length went to girth and it still feels good. it's a little crooked but it hits all the right spots.
he's 4.3 inches soft and 6.8 inches hard if you want to get..creative. it's skinnier and tilts to the right.
his pubes grow with a black tip to them, he doesn't know why (yet) but he excuses it as genetics from his last family or something.
he is NOT well shaved down there, you will be coughing up hairballs like a cat throughout the day if you give him head.
he has a nice faint happy trail.
his cock has one prominent vein that runs to his tip accompanied by some really faint ones also. if you look closely while his dick twitches, you can see his veins pulse.
his cum is thin and somewhat watery, but if he decided he's ditching any sort of hydration for the day, it's thick and creamy, speaking of, he tastes really bad, you have to plan ahead and feed him something sweet so you can atleast enjoy swallowing for him.
when he cums his dick jumps a little and you can feel it sometimes if it's inside.
he's a grower not a shower!
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this is so incriminating sos my digital footprint is ruined..
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—Ake (shame) 2024
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sosa2imagines · 7 months
Promises broken, promises kept.
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Warnings- Angst, comfort and fluff, pregnancy. -----------------------------------------------------
"I'll never break your heart." You keep thinking about it, why did you believe that line? Isn't it obvious when someone says that, they will break your heart?!
When you had joined the Avengers, your sole purpose was to help save the world. But as days went by, you became friends with everyone. Especially closer to Steve. Looking after Bucky brought you both closer. But you guys never crossed the line beyond friendship. Things were good.
When the infinity war happened and Tony took retirement, while the rest turn to dust. The remaining you were devastated. While Natasha was trying her best to get to Clint, along with running the world, you and Steve found solace in each other. The first time it happened was, when Steve ended up having a nightmare about Bucky and he slept with you. After you had calmed him, you both ended up kissing each other and one thing led to another.
You had strictly made the pact to be only friends with benefits. And that's how it was. Most nights were spent in bed together having amazing sex. Steve was obsessed with every single curve on your body. But as time went by Steve started to fall for you or atleast that is what you think.
"I promise you Y/n I will never break your heart." How naïve of you to believe him. Despite your past experiences and he knowing about them, you gave in. You both were officially a couple.
When Scott showed up and the possibility of getting everyone back came true. Everyone got to work along with Tony. When everyone came back from the past with the stones, you all were mourning Natasha, but your heart hurt a little bit more when Steve just couldn't stop talking about how close he was to Peggy. Like a good listener you listened to him with a smile on your face and the night ending in sex. Getting everyone back came with another cost. You lost Tony. You couldn't even tell him he was going to be an uncle. Yes, you got pregnant, apparently little bit of carelessness cost you. But you were not complaining.
When you told Steve the good news, you were hoping for any reaction instead of a "That's great, I'm happy". You tried and tried to ignore the burning sensation. Maybe you are over-reacting or just thinking too much. Just a week before the actual day of going back in time to return the stones, Steve took part in the trial of the time machine. You were scared to death. But Steve promised you “Nothing will happen to me baby doll, I’ll come back to you. I promise” And nothing truly happened to him. He kept his promise. He came back safe and sound. Just not alone though. He came back with Peggy, holding her close to his side. Steve’s eyes never left Peggy who was looking around in awe. But you still had faith in him. Maybe he is just happy and nothing else.
Bruce was the first to break the silence, while Sam and Bucky stood next to you protectively. “What have you done? You can’t play with past, present and future!” Finally, Steve’s gaze falls on you all, before opening his mouth, “Look I know you all are upset.” Taking a step forward from the platform with Peggy. “Peggy wanted to see the future, I’m going to take her back when I go to return the stones.” Before anyone can say something else, Steve started introducing Peggy to everyone. “Sergeant Barnes, so good to see you.” Peggy smiles, “Yeah, Hi Peggy.” He replies somewhat uncomfortable about the situation, glaring at Steve. When it came to introduce you to Peggy, Steve was bit nervous. But he had no choice, since everyone around, except for Peggy, knew about your relationship with Steve. Having waited enough, you introduced yourself, “Hi Peggy, I’m Y/n, Steve’s girlfriend.” Peggy’s smile faded, the anger on her face, if looks could kill, Peggy just murdered you in more than ten ways.
Later that day when everyone was back in the compound, Steve refused to leave Peggy alone. He brought her back to your shared apartment, to live with you and him. “Peggy, please listen to me, it is not what you think like, I was alone here, you have no idea how much I have lost, that’s when Y/n came into my life and I found solace in her.” Steve explains with puppy dog like expression, Peggy was furious, how dare you steal her Steve? Peggy was not going to let that happen. She would make Steve realize, he belongs to her and not you. “Oh Steve, I’m back now, you are not alone anymore. We can live our life, just the way we wanted.” Steve was over the moon, when he heard Peggy say this. But at the same time, he knew this was not possible for them at the current moment and then there was you, carrying his child. “Y/n…she is pregnant.” Steve tells her hesitantly, Peggy was not in the mood to hear any of this, as much as she wanted to rip Steve apart, she knew she had to be careful, with her words. “Is it yours?” “I..think so” Steve lies, while Peggy smirks. “Then there’s nothing to worry about. Show me around darling, we have got little time for ourselves.” And that’s what he did, Steve spent his time with her. Even the nights were spent with her. Steve would often come to bed late, after you did go to sleep.
He took Peggy to all the places he has been with you. From museum, to the diner, to the secret lake just behind the park. Whatever Peggy wants, Steve does that. Thankfully, you did get some alone time with Steve, only when Peggy use to go for bath. Apart from that time, she would be stuck by his hip. “It’s feels like ages, I have spent some time with you Steve.” Steve looks at you when you mention that, giving you a half smile. “Oh, baby doll, are you jealous?” He teases, but that didn’t hurt you, the fact he can’t see the pain in your eyes, hurt you the most. One night on your way to the kitchen, you saw Steve and Peggy dancing, to close to comfort, her eyes were closed, head resting on his chest. While Steve looked at her in adoration. When he saw you, he gave you a curt nod and a smile which you returned.
Maybe, just maybe Steve is using this time to be with her, till she goes back again. Maybe just maybe you have nothing to worry about. The night before the big day, Steve at last came to bed early. You both ended up having the best sex! Something the way he was nuzzling into you made you feel something is not right. “Steve?” “Umm?” “I’m, scared.” “Don’t be scared Y/n, everything is fine.” The way he said your name instead of baby doll, made you flinch. He did never call you by your actual name. “You’ll come back to me, right?” “I promise you.”
The next day, Steve was standing on the platform with Peggy, looking very happy. His hand firm on her back. He looks at everyone, before finally glancing at you with a small smile. He nods to Bruce to start, and on a count of five Steve is back in the past with Peggy.
Bruce, Sam, Bucky and you waited and waited. Five hours went by, Bucky was the first to break the dreading silence. "He is not coming back, punk." Sam gave him a look to warn him about you, but you just raised your hand and instinctively held your stomach with your free hand and ran away from there. When you reached the apartment, shared apartment, you fell on the floor and cried your heart out. Everything hurt, the pain was unbearable. The loneliness and emptiness started to haunt you. The pictures of you and Steve were looking like they are laughing at your misery. You took each and every single frame and threw it on the floor with mighty force, removing your anger. Your appetite was lost, you barely took care of yourself, forgetting you are pregnant.
When no one heard from you for a week, Bucky and Sam came to meet you. When you didn't open the door, Sam thought you might be out, but Bucky felt something wrong so before Sam can stop him, Bucky broke the door. They met with the site of dirty house, picture frames broken, Bucky kept on calling your name, when he reached the bedroom his heart sank. You were lying unconscious on the ground. "SAM!". They both took you to the hospital. That's when the doctor told them that you are pregnant and suffering from stress and dehydration. Sam was furious and angry with Steve, while Bucky was in his own dilemma. 'Did Steve know? What if he does not know? When did you found out? Do you regret it? What are you going to do now? How will you do it alone?'
After some hours you regain consciousness. "Bucky?", the mention of his name brought him out of his thoughts. "Y'/n, how are you feeling?" "Bucky, what happened?" you ask voice barely above whisper. "Doll, you were unconscious, because of stress and dehydration." You panicked when Bucky told you that, hand immediately going on the stomach, Bucky sensed it and was quick to inform you "The baby is fine. But you need to rest and take good care." Relief washed over you, tears forming in your eyes. Bucky took hold of your hand, sitting next to you, "Y/n?" "Umm?" "Did...did Steve...did Steve know?" You cried at that question just nodding your head unable to talk, what you didn't realize was Bucky crying with you. Bucky couldn't believe Steve left you in this state. What was he thinking? This was not his best friend and brother. "I'm sorry Y/n, I'm so sorry", you and Bucky cried together, Sam left to give you both some privacy and to hide his own tears. "Are you going to...what have you decided...have you decided on anything?" "I'm going to keep it" you sniffle, Bucky nodded his head in response. "Let me help you please" you were about to interrupt before he raised his hand to let him speak first. "For friendship shake, you have done a lot for me, please let me be there for you."
Bucky was quick to convince you. You refused to go back to your and Steve's apartment. So Bucky took you to his. Now his minimal furniture home was full of furniture, in door plants and other necessities. You made his home, cozy and homely. You both took care of each other. And to be honest you were glad he was there for you. The cravings and mood swings were getting better of you.
Bucky did not complain once. Even when you made him to eat peanut butter and cheese sandwich. "Doll you sure, you are craving this?" he gulps nervously looking at you, while you are busy devouring the sandwich, in a muffled voice you replied "Oh just try it and even if you don't like it, I can eat it." Bucky tried and surprisingly he liked the combination and before he could actually finish the sandwich happily, you were looking at him with teary pouty look, okay not at him but his sandwich, which he hesitantly gave it to you.
One night you had a nightmare about Steve coming back to take your baby away, you cried hyperventilating, breathing becoming difficult, Bucky stayed all night with you, helping you. "Please don't go Bucky, stay with me please" you begged and Bucky was quick to cup your cheeks wiping your tears "Doll I'm always with you and no one is going to take away our child, I promise you." When Bucky said 'our child' you felt secure. Since that night Bucky was the father of your baby.
He didn't even get angry when on random times, you use to miss Steve. "What if he is stuck in time?" "Then, he will do anything to come back to you." "What if Peggy has forced him to stay?" "Then I promise you I'll go back in time and kill her." “Ste…Steve he promised, maybe I did something wrong….” Bucky cups your cheeks to stop you from rambling and getting nervous again “Hey, hey look at me Y/n, I believe you doll. You didn’t do anything wrong. Steve is a fucking idiot, he has no idea what he has lost. I promise you doll I will protect our child and I will never leave you.”
The last month of the pregnancy was difficult, with the constant fear of going into labor. Ten days were left for the baby to born. But on the fifth day you were restless. The fact that you were dealing with this pregnancy for so many months with all these struggles, pains and discomforts made Bucky feel so empathetic towards you. You were really strong minded still fighting it all and that's what he loved about you. 
He saw that you were getting really restless and he knew what it meant. It was a clear signal that the baby might actually be coming today. He was nervous, but he needed to keep his calm and make sure everything was taken care of. He didn't want you to worry about a thing.
"There should be a machine, where the mother can transfer the womb into the father...ow!" You tried to joke to ease the pain. "Wow! That's a really nice idea. If only we could get that machine and I could do the whole process in my body instead of you going through all these pains and discomforts." Bucky replied keeping the humor. "No! I don't want you to be in pain" you cried, damn mood swings! He laughed at this statement of yours. The way you were being so protective of him even in this phase was very sweet. "Oh doll! It's the other way around. I wouldn't want you to be going through all these discomforts either. I'd take all the pain myself if I could."
"I really appreciate that Bucky....oh my god" you whined in pain. Bucky was watching you as you were pacing back and forth. As soon as you said "oh my god" he got up, his instinct was already kicking in and he ran to hold you. He was watching you closely because he knew you had started getting contractions now.
"Please tell me the wetness on the floor is something else", as he looked at the floor, it was wet and his face changed. He knew what that meant. He took your hands to comfort you. "Your water broke. We need to go to the hospital now and as fast as possible."
"Nah, I must have peed, I need to sleep!" He could feel that you were getting more and more nervous, going into a panic right now. So he needed to support you more than ever now. He was trying to keep you calm but it was hard. "It's okay doll. I know you're not ready for it but it's only natural that it should happen. You can do it my love. I'm going to be right here besides you, so don't worry at all."
He was holding you tightly and making sure that you didn't fall down. He was being so protective of you right now, trying to support and keep you calm. He didn't want you to panic right now as that the last thing he wanted during this stage.
"Don't forget the bag and call Sam to help you." Again, you were thinking about him, when you supposed to think about yourself and the baby. He quickly rushed into the other room to bring the bag which had all the items you would need. He returned soon with the bag in his hands. Bucky carried you in his arms towards the car, making you sit comfortably. He immediately calls Sam to inform him.
Your contractions were getting a little bit more painful now as you started struggling with the pain. Bucky was very calm even at this very moment. He had a sense of responsibility that he needed to take care of you. Your condition was clearly deteriorating and he needed to stay composed and strong for you. As he started driving, he was just trying to keep you calm and make you breathe slow and deep. You tried to distract yourself by focusing on the people on the road, to thinking about food, even the new Sylvester Stallone movie. Bucky was proud to see you being brave despite being in pain.
As soon as you reached the hospital you were taken to the maternity ward. The delivery was complicated, you nearly fainted twice, Bucky kept on encouraging you, telling you how proud he is. Labor was hard. But with lots of struggle your daughter was born. Healthy half super solider. When you held her, you cried but this time because of happiness. In the end the pain was worth it. Bucky was scared to hold her, but you encouraged him. When your baby girl got comfortable in his arms, Bucky couldn't believe it. He felt so many emotions. He secretly vowed to protect you both and keep you happy.
The nurse asked if you had decided on a name for the baby, which you immediately told her with confidence and no hesitation "Natalia Sarah Barnes." Bucky was shocked, he asked the nurse to give you some time to think, but you refused to change the name. The nurse left and Bucky looked at you for confirmation. "Doll, you gave Natalia my last name" "I know after all she is your daughter, Bucky" "I'm not...are you sure?....you can" before he can finish you spoke again, "Bucky remember when I had the nightmare about Steve taking her away?" Bucky nodded "You said you will protect our child, since then she was yours." Bucky was speechless, his eyes teary Natalia in his arms, he couldn't believe you gave her his last name.
Unlike Steve, Bucky never broke the promises he made to you and your daughter. He was a man of his words. He would do anything for you both.
As years went by things were starting to look good. Natalia was three now. Bucky was her dad and she was proud of him. Of course, you had told her about Steve, but it was her decision on what she wants to do.
As for you and Bucky, you both know, your relationship is more than just friendship, but at the moment you both are focusing more on Natalia rather than yourselves. But the possibilities of you both being together is endless.
----------------------------------------------------- @ashhsage I hope you like this, and sorry it took so much of time to get it done. -----------------------------------------------------
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sturnzyolo · 3 months
"𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚑𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞."- Chris Sturniolo
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Chris Sturniolo x Reader
Warnings: Exes to Lovers, breakup explanation, etc.
Summary: When y/n gets a text from her ex asking to talk, she is more than willing to do so, falling right back into his arms.
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟
Chris and you have been broken up for 2 months, after dating for about a year and 3 months you had decided to end things. You believed it was for the better, that you both deserved more than what you had been giving the other.
Dating Chris started as everything you could've dreamed of, he was unreal, and everything he did for you was more than enough. He was your first real love, you couldn't dream of anything better than how he made you feel. Until things were different, and you had a gut feeling maybe this wasn't right. You barely even left him with an explanation.
He had been hurting for months trying to figure out what he could've done wrong, til one night, he finally grew the courage to ask.
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(mistype I meant our* spot)
You walked from your house down to the beach, you were wearing a light pink hoodie and some loose gray shorts with regular sandals on. Your phone laid in your hoodie pocket as you made your way down to see Chris.
He had gotten down before you, seeing him sitting on a beach towel at your guy's usual spot on the beach, it was more secluded there, even with the soft cushioned beach chair beside it, Chris always liked the feel of the sand when on the towel instead.
"Hey y/n I'm sorry this was so random, I just needed to ask you some things.." Chris said hesitantly as you made your way towards him to sit on the towel beside him
"No worries, I wasn't doing much anyway" You smiled as your eyebrows furrowed to seeing his facial expression falter "Uh I should probably just get to asking you I guess." He spoke nervously as he looked at you before looking back at the sand under his shoes
"Yeah, no problem, what did you want to talk about?" you asked, although you knew perfectly well what this was about. he huffed as he finally had the heart and contentment to speak and ask you the question he's been dying to ask for ages
"Why did you end things, I mean we were together for awhile, like a good amount of time, and you ended it like it was nothing. I know you said it was for the best and we had different things we wanted in life but that can't just be it, right? Just tell me why you did it, I deserve that atleast" he asked almost desperately pleading you for the truth
"Um, well I guess I broke up with you because something was off, like we were perfect at the start. You were my bestfriend and I couldn't have been more happy with you, but then it felt like we were getting distant at points, like you weren't communicating. I guess half of that is my fault, because I don't communicate well either, but I just had this perfect image of us.. and then when it wasn't, I guess I got scared of getting hurt, so I ended it." you paused seeing his eyes roam around the sand as the waves crashed into it lightly. The moon dimly lighting the area. you inhaled and exhaled smoothly, your eyes going from the towel you both sat on, back to his face.
"You know I wish things could've been different with us, maybe if we communicated better or would've really fought for us, we could've made things work." He said as he looked down slightly to his lap, his fingers picking at his jeans material.
You spoke under your breath with somewhat of a nervous tone, looking at his mannerisms to try and figure out how he was feeling, "You don't hate me?"
Chris sighed subtly, frowning slightly as he shook his head slowly, his response was low toned but sounded so genuine "Could never hate you." after his words came out of his mouth, his eyes rose, softly looking up into your eyes with his light pink lips parted ever so slightly.
A slight pause came before you spoke "You know, I really am sorry Chris, I wish I was better for you, you never did anything wrong, it's just hard when we're so young to feel like this.." You said tiredly as if you were exhausted even with yourself
"But y/n there is no better than you. Trust me, I've tried to even look at other girls, but it never feels right. I can't not want you y/n.. please, can we just try again? I'll communicate, I'll give you everything you need, attention, reassurance, the only thing i want in my future is you, and I can't lose that, not now. Y/n just tell me you want me and I'll give you my everything, because I don't know how to let you go." Chris sat up while straightening his posture, his eyes laid onto yours. He was almost pleading for you to accept it because that was all he wanted.
"Chris you know I love you, but I'm scared, I don't want to lose you at all, and what if this ends horribly?" Your voice broke slightly as you confessed your fears.
"No, no, y/n please just understand I will never hurt you. I know it's hard to trust someone's words but let me show you that I am never going to leave you, you're never going to lose me because I'm so in love with you, y/n. I never stopped and I never will." Chris' eyes scanned yours, both of you had tears filling your eyes.
Your gaze drifted down before Chris laid his hand gently onto your cheek to lift it up. "Just tell me you want this and I'm yours." Chris said in an exhale
"I want this Chris, I want you, more than anything." you admitted before his heart skipped a beat as he gently pulled in to kiss you, the same spark you felt during your first kiss all those months ago, returned. The feeling of his lips on yours was all you needed as he pulled your legs ontop of him, having you straddled his waist.
His hands snaked down your body slowly, tracing your curves before massaging your thighs up and down. Causing a moan to break from you as your hands traveled into his hair, your freshly done nails executing a groan from Chris back into your lips.
Chris could never hate you, there wasn't any chance of it happening, he was always yours, but you were too scared to get hurt again. This time you were ready to give him your all, and make the most out of this new chance with him.
(ts would've ended in beach smut if I was comfortable to write that 🤭)
hope u guys enjoyed sorry the end was a bit shit bc I cut off the steamy part, but you horndogs can make up your own little smutty ending.
@lovetriplets @watercolorskyy
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droaxa · 2 months
half of the ring
✧ tags: first love x reader, the reader takes too long to admit she’s in love with him and it has consequences
✧ warnings: angst angst angst be ready, betrayal but not really, you cry, friends to lovers to strangers
✧ a/n: really wanted to show you guys my angst skills, started on a plane but then got rlly into it 💗 but fr idk what i was on while making this.
✧ 2.1k words
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He was your first love. You had a boyfriend before him but that relationship wasn’t born out of love, hell you didn’t even know if you liked your first boyfriend. The middle school curse of saying yes to dating boys you didn’t really know had gotten to you too, just like many other young girls at school. At an age when you were unsure of what boyfriends and girlfriends even did, you got into your first relationship.
Then you met him. Tall, charming, and somewhat nerdy. He wasn’t anything close to your first boyfriend but you felt strangely attracted to him nonetheless, much to the dismay of your friends who stated that he was ‘a weird loner that no one really liked’. You didn’t care about his obnoxious sports glasses, his long frizzy hair, or his ‘nerdy interests’, to you he was perfect and unapologetically himself.
You broke up with your boyfriend days after meeting him, he made you realize that if you should date anyone, it should be someone that makes you happy. Not someone you feel obligated to.
He was exciting and cool in ways your friends didn’t understand, a diamond in the rough. Before you knew it, months had passed and he moved to your neighborhood.
“The school was better here than in his district” he explained.
You were thrilled of course, who knew what this could bring? Your parents were friends so you met often, but they didn’t allow you both to date so you hid it. Soon, secretive texts and calls turned to meetups and walks in your neighborhood under the guise of being with a ‘friend’. You were with him all the time, if not at school, on the bus, and if not on the bus, around the neighborhood.
Truly the ying to your yang, you were opposites but still had so much in common. While you loved horror movies and he would bury his face in your neck during a jumpscare, squeezing your hand so hard it would turn blue. You would laugh at it his cowardly manner, patting his messy hair as he complained.
You were hopelessly unathletic and he was on the volleyball team. He taught you how to play, laughing as you tried to receive the ball only to have it hit the ground next to you. He never brought up your shortcomings or belittled you, instead helping you become a better version of yourself.
Inseparable. The only way to describe it, atleast until you heard about his reputation first hand. Being ignored by kids at school, shunned for the way he acted and spoke. That’s when you started to become embarrassed of him. Sweet thoughtful him. You heard the whispers about him and didn’t want to be dragged down along with his reputation.
You had been alone long enough, you could still remember those days when you had no one. You didn’t want to be alone again. You were young and dumb, placing social acceptance at a higher priority than him. But it was the pulling away from him that was the hard hardest. You were each others halves but there was something else. Something that young dumb you wouldn’t yet understand.
If his disappointed expression every time you would cancel on him didn’t hurt your heart, the hurt on his face when you would pretend like you didn’t see his wave in the school hallway punched you in the gut. But you managed to make more friends. It would be worth it. Wouldn’t it? You missed him, but you still wanted to have this social power, this freedom.
On the bus home one day a ring you wore broke in half, a silver ring with the emblem of wings. Looking at the two halves you decided to give one half to him on your walk home, his face lighting up as you give him the metal fragment. You would never truly understand the meaning of ring to him. It was a bittersweet moment when you both bid each other goodbye, no hugs or touches. Just a smile.
You saw him was again on the bus, this time your phone chimed with a text. It’s from him.
‘i’m going to kiss you today’
It was a little strange but so hopelessly innocent, he was asking his permission. You felt guilty when he had told you that you were his first anything, first girl he had talked to romantically and now he was hoping first kiss. But you didn’t know if you wanted it. You’d already wasted your first kiss on your first boyfriend, a regret.
You didn’t want to be a regret for him, you didn’t want to face your feelings firsthand either. You knew that this kiss would prove your feelings for him, no more tiptoeing around the bush that you both were doing. You were scared, what if he realized that you weren’t what he wanted. What if you get shunned from being with him?
So you ran. From your feelings, confusion, and most importantly from him. You didn’t kiss him that day, much less look at him.
You didn’t see him around much after that, you heard that he moved out of your neighborhood and into another one. His father had decided they needed a bigger house. You visited him with your family and he led you up to his room, showing you around. On his bookshelf glimmered the half of the ring you gave him, put on display as if it was a piece of art. You smiled as you saw it, you didn't know how much it meant to him.
In a few months, you would move to the same neighborhood. A plan your family had before you had even met him, maybe it was fate or maybe it was just some coincidence.
Your meetups were few and far between then, the next time you saw him was on a school trip to another state. A week where students would be unsupervised, to do whatever they pleased, a recipe for disaster. On the day of the departure, one of your friends had asked you about him before you both had got on the bus to leave. What sport he did, what he was like. You were confused, they’d never asked about him before. Much less without making fun of him.
You shrugged off the strange feeling creeping up on you and told her the basics, she was elated. Then she revealed her true intentions, she was interested. In him. You buffered. What? But you had ever told her what went on between you and him, so it’s not like girl code applied. And for some reason you didn’t want to tell her, he was a loser in the eyes of everyone. If you revealed what really happened, you would be deserted. You had enough of being alone for a lifetime.
You shot her a smile as genuine as you could muster and told her that you’d tell him to think about her. She grinned and thanked you, heading into the bus.
And you did. You did tell him that she would be good for him, that they had so much in common. You could see the disbelief in his eyes, that something like this was coming from someone as special to him as you. You didn’t meet his eyes once, face turned down and words quickly mumbled.
You didn’t know what you were expecting, maybe a romantic display like in the movies where the male lead would refuse and tell the female lead he only wanted her. Maybe you wanted him to grab you and shake some sense into you, remind you of what mattered and what he was to you.
You hated yourself for it, you didn’t want him to go, to leave you. But you were conflicted and stupid, unable to see the true value of what you were giving up. After he nodded at your suggestion, he walked off without a word. Maybe you didn’t deserve him anyway. You warded the tears off as you walked in the other direction.
You didn’t know that he would take the suggestion seriously, to get back at you or to get over you, you didn’t know. You'd deluded yourself into thinking that he would come back, you mattered enough to him, right? You didn't see or talk to him for two whole days, and honestly, you were ripping out your hair in frustration.
Finally, you'd see him when your group was visiting a landmark in the city you were in. It was supposed to be a normal day of the usual activities, sightseeing and such. But then you saw them both. Together. Maybe they’d started talking after you suggested it or maybe she’d come up to him, you didn’t even want to think he went up to her on his own accord.
It hurt in ways you thought unimaginable, why was it so easy for her? People did snicker at them and laugh sometimes but she was with him all day, not a hint of embarrassment on her face. They both laughed and whispered to each other, about what? You didn't know, you weren't sure you wanted to. But this wasn't fair, that should’ve been you. You tear your eyes away from the scene, you should've been stronger, been more resilient. Had you lost him already?
On the last day of the trip, you finally faced the truth that this wasn’t anything close to what you wanted. You knew that he deserved better, but with him by your side you could be better, for him. All you needed was him. You could deal with the gossip and public shunning if he was by your side.
You decide to talk to him on the last day of your trip, striding towards him as he faces the opposite direction, observing the artwork on the urban brick wall. Before you can even get close to him, she appears. Hair flowing behind her as confident strides bring her every bit closer to him. There's a bright smile on her face as she pulls him to face her, and he smiles back. Why does he smile back? Months of late-night talking, laughing, and understanding can’t be undone in a week right? Your heart stutters as you see him smile, a real smile. Not the melancholic one he’d give you when you said you couldn’t meet or talk to him, a real smile from his heart.
Then he leans in, he leans in first, and presses his lips against hers. A strong hand on her back to steady her as they share an innocent kiss, nothing more than lips pressed against each other. You stare at them, shock rendering your body immobile as they pull apart. Faint smiles are still present as they look at each other, and a glimmer in his eyes that you had stopped seeing a while ago returns.
You can’t stop the tears that fall down your face, apology you were planning to give him dampened and forgotten. You step back, you were too late. Far too late.
Turning around, you try to wipe the tears as they fall. You were really stupid huh? Took too long to decide and he finally realized that he deserved better, and she was his better apparently. But that kiss was supposed to be yours, it was your kiss. He was supposed to be yours, you were the one with him before anyone else. It was selfish, but if only. If only.
‘But you chased him away didn’t you?’ a voice whispered. You stopped. You were the one that forced him into the arms of another, why did you deserve to cry? You couldn’t help but wonder, did he think about you? Did he think about those late nights when you both would text like you were each other's lifelines? Maybe he would still be with you now, if you tried harder, if you ignored the others, if you saw all that mattered. He was what mattered.
But sometimes, doubt, a moment of hesitation was all it took to ruin everything that is and can be. All you had now were questions. The what ifs and maybes. The half of the ring, without knowing if he kept his.
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a/n: well thats all guys :)) i'm gonna write a part two for this who knows how it'll go
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crymzin-gutz · 2 months
Paranormal Investigators Club members interactions with Tobi. -Headcanons-
Tobi belongs to @heartfullofleeches . Go check out their blog, I can't not recommend their stuff. Their characters are amazing and I absolutely love them!
'Ello. This is my first time using Tumblr to post anything, so apologies if the formatting or anything is off. I don't really know what I'm doing. ^^; Anyways- heartfullofleeches' OC, Tobi, has been infecting my brain for the longest of time. Especially the thought of them interacting with my own group of ghost hunter OCs; Alice, Maxwell, Charlie, and Albert. So, with their permission, Imma be posting some headcanons I've come up for them. I might also post a short fanfic or two about this concept as well, but first I'd have to come up with what it'd be about. So that might be a thing, might not. Anyways- headcanons are below. ^^
-The Paranormal Investigator Club (P.I.C) members probably first meet Tobi one of two ways- either Charlie 'forces' Tobi to join their club when seeing this man, who looked as if they were lost, wandering the halls. Or, Tobi kinda just...materializes within the P.I club room one day. And Maxwell and Charlie just assume he's meant to be there. Congregates Tobs, you're apart of P.I.C now.
-Unlike Charlie, and -somewhat- Maxwell, Alice and Albert are both a bit more wary of the unexpected new member. Especially since Alice and Albert can tell that Tobi isn't human. :|
-Alice and Albert are both Unrested Souls. -(Technically, Alice -and possibly Albert?- is classified as a Sleepwalking Soul and not as an Unrested Soul. But for convince, and not having to drop a bunch of lore and world stuff that you guys didn't ask for onto you guys, we'll just be classifying them both as Unrested Souls for this.) Because of this, the two are able to sense that Tobi isn't human. Tobi is probably able to tell that Alice and Albert aren't 'human' either. Or atleast, that they aren't living humans.
-Alice and Albert both have the same unnerved, fight-or-flight response to Tobi, at first. The type of being that Tobi is, is defiantly a predator to both of them. With them -Tobi- eating ghosts for lunch and all.
-Tobi's secret about not being human doesn't stay a secret for long. Maybe, at most, a month or two. As stated prior, Alice and Albert immediately know that something is off, and it doesn't take them long to figure out that they aren't human. And, while it may take Max and Charlie a bit longer -if Tobi insists that Alice doesn't tell them-, once the two accidentally come across him eating a ghost....yeah...it's fine though. They got pretty accustomed to paranormal beings being real pretty quickly after meeting Alice.
-Charlie constantly asks Tobi to describe what ghost's, or whatever type of Unrested Soul he ate, tastes like. They -Tobi- gets a full on questionnaire after he eats. Sobs.
-There has been a few times that Charlie has started asking Tobi questions about how they taste, while he was in the middle of eating. Like full on, he'd be mid-bite and Charlie will just plop down next to him and be like, "How would you describe your meal tonight?"
-Max is hard of hearing. And wears a hearing-aid to help him hear. However- there are times that he either can't wear them -they died or he lost them-, or he simply wants a break from them. Because of this, his friends have come up with a list of other ways for them to communicate with Max without having to verbally speak. I'm bringing this up because, I imagine that as soon as it is noticed that Tobi can't, or just doesn't want to (because of the whole human's cant hear them speak without passing out), Charlie just shows him the list. And asks them what will work the best for him.
-If Tobi wants to learn sign langue, Maxwell would more than happy to teach them and help him learn.
-I don't know if Tobi has a place of his own. But if he doesn't, and at-least in this context, I can see him moving in with Albert and Max in their shared apartment. The three have such strong roommate vibes in my head. I don't know. They just do. (They defiantly also have strong bromance chemistry. Jk jk....unless...)
-Frenemies dynamic between Tobi and Albert. One-sided or not, these two freaks -(/pos)- have the gayest frenemies dynamic known to man. The type to want to kill each other, but also wanting the other one to be alive so that they can see them achieve their dreams and what not.
-They, Tobi and Albert, have gotten drunk -(can Tobi get drunk???)- and ended up waking up the next morning sharing the couch. They make a deal as to not speak about it. Whatever happened -it was nothing, they just were both too drunk to make it to their individual beds- will be token to their graves.
-Albert and Tobi fight over the title of 'cameraman'. They either end up sharing the role, or they have split custody like a couple of divorced parents.
Albert: It's my turn with our child.
Tobi: *'Stares' at Albert before turning their back to him. Still holding the camera in his hands.*
Albert: ??? What do you mean no, dude?! Gimme the fucking camera!
Tobi: *Holding his hand out of Albert's reach. Using his other hand to push Albert back, his hand pushing against Albert's forehead.* >:|
Albert: Don't make me get Max!
Tobi: *Reluctantly, and clearly not wanting to, gives Albert the camera.* >:(
-They probably don't mean to, but Tobi causes disturbances to Max's hearing-aid. Low buzzing, or painful high pitched beeping if Tobi is loosing control of himself.
-Max gets the worse of Tobi's effects on humans; headaches, nosebleeds, getting dizzy and almost blacking out, ect.
-Alice occasionally lets Tobi tag along with them on their jobs. If she is especially drained from non-stop work, or just can't be bothered to properly exercise an Unrested Soul she just lets Tobi eat it. It's like a lil' treat for him. :3 And it's less work that Alice has to do. So it's a win-win.
-Charlie is very big on physical contact. It's a major love langue of theirs. So, Tobi is gonna have to adapt to it. Charlie will respect his boundaries...to an extent. But she is also the type to try and push his friends boundaries if she thinks it won't necessarily bring any harm to them. So they may be slightly less affectionate with Tobi, she will try to get him to be more comfortable with her.
-Once, and if, Tobi gets more comfortable with Charlie, they are climbing them like a tree. That or pulling them down to her height with a side-arm hug around their shoulders. Charlie gives out bear hugs. And sadly, she doesn't know how not to rough house a bit while giving affection.
-Charlie tried taking Tobi’s hat once. They woke up a bit later from a nap they don’t remember taking. Alice informs them of how uncomfortable he had made Tobi, and immediately Charlie felt bad about it. They apologize as soon as they see him the next day.
-They all have movie nights once a month. Tobi is put in charge of choosing the film...that was until he had them watch a cursed movie -forgetting that Max and Charlie are still affected by curses-. Tobi was put in time-out while Alice took care of the ghost. Tobi is now in charge of making sure the couch is comfy enough. -He's not trusted with preparing the snacks either.-
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moonspirit · 1 month
Angst time!
• Annie is pregnant, somewhat far along maybe 16-81 weeks
•Pollitical event
•Assassination attempts and Armin is badly hurt. Doesn’t wake up for days after
•the stress causes her to loose the baby
•has to go through this without armin and ends up spending ages by his bed size with out moving eating or taking care of herself, on top of this she is still in pain from the miscarriage
•Armin wakes up and immediately checks on her and the baby like he will do
•Annie doesn’t know how to react
I love this idea but I have no idea how it will play out especially with the others like how they will react to the situation.
Holy fuck anon 🥲 You're trying to destroy these two without the possibility of repair?!
tw: pregnancy, miscarriage, extreme angst.
Tbh a stillbirth at around 20 weeks along is an incredibly traumatic event. To humour this, we will say Annie begins to suffer from hypertension and develops placental complications that... eventually lead to a stillbirth.
She's by Armin's bedside after having cried her eyes red once again because he's so still, so cold, so... eerily quiet in his sleep. He just ran a high fever the night before and it took everything in her to not imagine him dying. Still, it's been a month and he hasn't woken up. The doctors say they can't tell if he ever will. It's like the world is broken in two, unable to breathe or function.
There's no sign. Nothing seems wrong with her other than the tremors in her hands when the fear of Armin never coming back overwhelms her.
Nothing's wrong... Except her baby's been really quiet for a few days now.
Until she begins to bleed in her sheets one day.
Just like that, it's gone. Her baby, gone. Dead in her belly. Cold and heavy and so so far away.
Annie breaks down.
For the past weeks ever since finding out she was carrying life within her, she's bonded. Bonded with he or she, an imaginary wisp of blonde hair, the picture of blue eyes and a small hand curling around her finger. Bonded with the expectation of a voice gurgling and babbling, eagerly looking forward to the time when she'll finally win her bet with Armin that their baby will say "mama" first.
And Armin... She remembers how he looked when she told him. She remembers how he cried. She remembers the tremble of his hands when they caressed her stomach, still flat then. She remembers how he began to call them Mama and Papa. How he kissed her everywhere. How he brought home cake and other sweets and watched her eat away with gusto. How he laughed into her neck and fell into a comfortable silence with her as the night progressed and they lay in each other's arms, thinking about their baby. How he'd kiss her stomach and talk to their child every single day.
But he's not a Papa anymore, and she, no longer a Mama.
Their baby's gone.
The others try to help. They comfort her and wipe her tears. They hold her as she shrieks in pain at the loss in her stomach and heart. They make her eat. They make her drink. They make her sleep, but only so much works; sleep doesn't come even to help forget the emptiness in her body for a few hours.
They don't tell Annie how much they were looking forward to welcoming a tiny baby into their big happy family.
Not Pieck, not Reiner, not Jean or Connie... They mean well, but they don't help rid her of the ache, not really.
When Armin finally wakes, it's like atleast one half of the world has been righted. But he wakes, and looks at her with those blue eyes, watery and moist, relieved to see her again. Relieved to see them again.
But there is no them. Only her.
Everything that cannot be said, he understands the moment he reaches for her stomach and finds it flat and devoid of life. Empty, where a cradle used to once be. Quiet, where a voice should've been.
All is still.
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d34dlysinner · 10 months
Minhyeok x reader (fluff)
crumb idea, I was lazy when writing this but still wanted to write something for Minhyeok. Also something I used to target someone. Enjoy!
Not proofread
GN!MC x Minhyeok
Minhyeok waiting for MC and even counting the days until MC returns.
He never gave up on believing that the one he loved for so long will return one day.
He slept yet another night hoping for you to return. Hoping to hold you.
He cries thinking about your abscence and how much more those demons could give you.
He felt somewhat defeated despite his optimistic nature.
He teared up as many thoughts rushed through his mind before he yet again fell asleep.
Little did he know that you where permitted to see him. Even if it was for a day. At least this time you both will remember.
He woke up very early in the morning as another annoying dream made his mood go down. He wanted to go back to sleep, but that's when he felt something soft yet warm. It was a person.
He opened his eyes and looked at whoever was in the house. Expecting to kick them out that very second. His hardened expression softened the moment he laid his eyes on the person near him.
"… MC?", he asked as if he couldn't believe that you were actually there. His hands touched your face softly as he watched how a smile crept up your face.
"I'm back for a day, Minhyeok. Sorry, that meeting like this for a short time took so long. I just wished I could stay a little-", started, but were cut off the moment Minhyeok had you in a tight embrace.
"That doesn't matter MC… I'm happy to see that you're well…", he said, his kind nature yet again making light of how much he missed you. Obviously, he wished he could've kept you here, but he's atleast comforted by the thought that you were here. Even if it's for a few hours.
"Could we just stay like this for a while?", he asked as he pulled away slightly. He still was holding onto you as if you were about to vanish in a few seconds.
You nodded to his question as he pulled you down on his bed.
You were pulled into Min's chest. You inhaled his scent, a scent you've missed ever since you last saw him.
"I… Are you alright MC? Are you eating enough? Do you sleep enough?", he rambled on. Ignoring the tears that streamed down his face.
"I'm alright Min… I just wanted to see you again. I missed you too much I asked to be allowed to come here despite it being dangerous…", you said as you relaxed in his arms.
That's all Minyeok needed to know.
All his thoughts about how the demons were in every way superior than him vanished in mere seconds at what you told him.
He has a chance to have your heart. He won't let go of that chance.
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On thin ice (Hockey player! Miguel O’Hara x Figure skater! Fem! Reader)
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A/N: this is pre-shits about to go down chapter guys 🤭. The usu, Miguel ooc, not proofread, blah blah blah. Also half of this was made when I was drunk cuz Mexico Independence Day 🇲🇽. 😊 enjoy
(Y/N) - Your name.
Cursing, mentions of sex/ sexual stuff (no smut but very VERY light nsfw [like if you squint])
Word count: 1.4K
Series Masterlist
Chapter 7: How many secrets can you keep?
“This is like the 6th iced coffee I’ve seen you drink today. You’re gonna die of caffeine overdose, Logan.”
“If I die of too much caffeine, I’ll die happy Kate.”
“You’ll also make all your studying pointless Logan.”
“Shut up (Y/N).”
You and Kate giggled at Logan’s words, shifting in your seat a bit before putting your pen down and stretching your arms over your head. You’ve been in the library with your skating partner and your dorm mate for the past 2 hours now, studying for midterms, and to say you were stressed was an understatement. Not only were midterms next month, but regionals were the week after. So you were lucky if you got time after class and practice to do anything but sleep, eat and breathe. (Although you barely got time for that too.) You made yourself a promise to atleast give yourself time to relax when September started, that the weekends were strictly to chill and to party. No studying, no homework, no skating, but unfortunately, with that promise, you didn’t realize how much more packed the rest of your week would be.
“I’ll be right back, ima go grab a book.” You said to your study buddies, before getting up and making your way to the other side of the library, finding yourself in a small and quiet row of bookshelves, full of different science textbooks. Your hand trailed the spines of the books as you tried to look for the specific one that your professor used in class. “No… no…ugh… oh!” You mumbled to yourself as you looked over the books, before eventually finding the one you needed, turning to go back to your table only to be stopped when you clashed with what felt like a wall.
“Oh shit- Sorry!” Peter quickly helped you get off the floor after realizing you had run into him.
“No it’s okay, I didn’t see you… god you hockey players are so fucking big… do you guys not have any ounce of fat on you?” The question was rhetorical of course, but it still brought it a chuckle out of Peter’s lips as you grabbed his hand and he pulled you up like you weighed nothing.
“Mid-terms?” He asked as he bent down to grab the textbook that was now face down on the dingy carpet of the library floor.
“Mid-terms.” You confirm with a sigh, grabbing the book from his hand and mumbling a small “thank you” before you turn and start to walk away. You heard Peter call out your name to stop you, his hand finding a place on your shoulder.
“Um, (Y/N), can i talk to you about something…” he asked in a low whisper, after you turned to face him again, you raised a brow as you crossed your arms and held the book to your chest. He seemed somewhat serious, very different from the usual bubbly and loud personality that you’ve grown accustomed to.
“About what?” You questioned after a second of silence, leaning against the bookcase you were just searching through. He hesitated for a moment, his eyes flickered to the side as he brought his hand to run through his hair.
“It’s about Miguel.”
“…what about him?” You asked as you looked up at him, your heart pace picked up slightly as anxiety slowly starts to creep through your body. Peter sighs before he spoke again.
“If you haven’t noticed, he has been acting… different…” (you have) Peter started in a low whisper, glancing other his shoulder then yours before continuing, “And well, I think it’s might be because-“
“Peter!- oh there you are.” Miguel sighed in irritation to his friend when we rounded the corner when seeing Peter's back, Peter stood up straight and turned to face Miguel, who couldn’t see you behind Peter’s back since he was taller and bigger then you, blocking you from Miguel’s sight. You used this to your advantage and snuck away from the two males while Miguel started to scold Peter for “taking too long” and “wasting his time that he could be using to do anything else but he decided to be nice and help him study.”
Once you’ve rounded the corner of the bookshelf behind you, letting out a quiet sigh once you were fully on the other side, how having the bookshelf divide yourself from the two hockey players. Making your way back over to your table before Peter could realize you were gone.
“I’m not in love with her, I was just drunk.”
“I’m not in love with her, I was just drunk.”
“I’m not in love with her, I was just drunk.”
“I'm not in love with her, I was-“
“That’s 20.” Peter said to Miguel, before Miguel dropped the barbell down onto the gym floor mat, it landing with a loud slam. Miguel moved over so that another one of the guys on the team could have their turn, grabbing his water bottle and taking a chug from it. Miguel tried to stay focused the whole time he and The Spiders were conditioning, he really was, but his mind kept drifting back to you. The way you look while on the ice, the way you’d scoff and roll your eyes at his remarks, the way you looked in that tight sexy dress at the party, your eyes, your smile, your laugh, you.
Miguel quickly shook the thoughts of you that plagued his mind and repeated the mantra that has been playing in his head all day, “I’m not in love with her, I was just drunk.” But a part of him knew he was lying to himself, hell, all of him knew he was, but he refused to accept it. Miguel felt like he was going through the 5 stages of grief, and he was currently in between stages 1 and 2, denial and anger.
How DARE you.
How dare you be so beautiful? how dare you be so perfect?
He hated the way you’d mumble about “hating hockey players” under your breath when you’d walk past him and his team.
He hated how’d you toss your head back and how’d your hand would find a place on your chest or fly up to cover your smile as you laugh at one of Logan’s jokes.
He hated how you’d always give him sassy remarks and playful glares when he’d call you ice princess.
He hated how you’d make his heart flutter and his knees weak.
He hated how his name sounded coming from your mouth.
He hated how hard you make him.
He hates you.
He hated how you made him fall for you.
He decided next time he saw you, he’d give you a piece of his mind.
You sighed as you pushed your laptop away and off your lap, declaring it useless to focus on your assignments as you shut your laptop close and laid down fully on your bed with an exasperated sigh.
“Why can’t he get out of my head…” you groaned as you turned and buried your face into your pillow. Ever since that party, ever since you were locked in the bathroom with him, ever since he had his body pressed against yours and his large hands gently placed on your face, you hadn’t stop thinking about him. It was embarrassing, it was annoying and most of all, it was insufferable. You’ve known and hated Miguel ever since you started attending this school and had the displeasure of meeting him. So why is it that all of a sudden, you were in forced proximity with him one time for-what? An hour-you’ve all of a sudden developed these odd feelings for him, one’s that you’ve never imagined yourself feeling in a thousand years.
You’ve despised him with your whole being.
You despised how his team would always go over there ice time on Thursdays.
You despised that permit smirk whenever he talked to you.
You despised how he always teased you in front of his teammates and they’d laugh in response.
You despised how whenever he calls you an ice princess your heart would skip a beat.
You despised how his chuckle would make your stomach flip.
You despised how when he’d stare into your eyes for a second too long it made you want to crumble to your knees in front of him.
You despise him.
You despised how he made you fall for him.
You decided that next time you saw him, you’d give him a piece of your mind.
Taglist: @tayleighuh @cowboylikeevie @coralineyouareinterribledanger @jukioku @loser-alert @migueloharaspookiebear @serpentstarr @littlexscarletxwitch @darksidescorner
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