#aura star online
usedpidemo · 6 months
Stargazing (Twice Mina)
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With the way things are going, Mina’s begging for trouble. And not the usual slap of the wrist kind that celebrities get away with—the kind that’s scandalous, career damning.
She’s so close to falling apart.
And as you watch her come undone—the very image that defines her gradually disappears—you can’t help but think: she deserves this.
If there’s any clear-cut takeaway, it’s this: Mina is designed to be gorgeous, and she plays the part to near perfection. 
That’s the whole point. Here’s a sea of media outlets and paparazzi, accompanied by flashing cameras and screaming fans on one side. On the other, stars and figures from different fields, all dressed to the nines and emanate a distinguishable aura. The ‘I’m better than you’ kind. No amount of modest smiles and perfectly curated PR-fluff can disguise the noxious air of celebrity on the red carpet. 
Then you look at Mina, wearing the hell out of that backless dress, designed by none other than yours truly (you). You couldn’t have asked for a better muse. She carries herself and your brand around with a confident smile—with pride—seemingly indifferent to the raucous screams telling her to look this way, that way. Wherever her profile turns, cameras illuminate the crowd in near-perfect unison. 
It’s a slow motion fashion moment. 
As if she couldn't look any prettier, she brushes her hair with a quick, delicate swipe of her hand with queenly grace. The cameras live for moments like these. It’s what goes viral online; it’s what gets social media buzzing. She’s a K-pop idol, the media will say and it’s true, but she doesn’t look out of place with the so-called elite. If anything, she blends in seamlessly, rich, quiet, and enigmatic personality and all. 
Cameras continue to follow her as she walks through the carpet. She greets a few other celebrities in the vicinity; mostly Hollywood actresses and artists before she disappears behind the steps of the building. Throughout the entire ordeal, you were never on her mind, not even during interviews, nor when she was in clear view, even though you made her what she is now. All she can think about is herself and her character. That’s how fame works.
You don’t even get a text. Your only reference is a note that reads 23:00. 
The next time you see Mina is hours later, at the promised time. One slender leg enters the backseat of the vehicle. She remains mostly untouched, leaving the gala looking the same as when she entered. She’s considerate enough to wave and give a flying kiss to the crowd, who unsurprisingly, go crazy for her. It’s a convincing act. You would, too, if you weren’t always by her side for ninety percent of the day.
She breathes out this deeply relieved sigh once the door slams shut. She’s tired—of being someone else, and just exhausted in general; she’s been in front of a mirror since five in the morning and it’s almost midnight by the time the event ends. You can tell she’d rather be in her hotel suite than anywhere else.
So you drive. No words. Just hit the road and get out of there. 
Even late into the night, Paris is still bustling and lively. You don’t make it past three streets before being met by traffic ahead. It’s an agonizing crawl. The satnav says you’ll arrive at your hotel by 2:00 in the morning. Mina probably won’t make it by midnight, at this point because she’s on the verge of falling unconscious, resting her head on the door. Her heels are set on the opposite end, with her lower half resting along the edges of the backseat into a couch position.
Even when she’s asleep, she’s still gorgeous. 
“Miss?” you gently call to her, snapping her from her tired daze. She gives you a mild stare through the rear-view mirror, unable to speak.
“We’re gonna be held up by traffic. You want something to eat?” you ask, knowing she likely won’t take anything more than a handful of fries or half a burger. 
“Sure. Whatever.” Mina sounds cold, a little annoyed somewhat. The past day has been unkind to her health; she arrived at the airport yesterday after a different schedule and barely had less than five hours of rest before dedicating the entire day for a gala she had contractual obligations to attend. She couldn’t say no even if she wanted; she’s got her whole schedule curated and planned out for months. 
You have more time to get her dresses planned out and prepared out than she has to breathe.
And time is unkind to both of you right now. Traffic trogs along at a snail’s pace. The arrival time on the satnav moves further and further away. Sunrise will meet you above a red light at this rate. How anyone gets around in this city considering the number of events that are happening all at once is beyond you. You only drive through Paris a handful of times a year, all for the same reason, and you abhor the idea—let alone the experience—every single time.
It’s difficult enough to wait, especially in this late of hours, when money and careers are on the line. Even more challenging is keeping a cool head and withholding yourself from using your instincts against the trusted systems of the algorithm. Mina will call you many things. She’ll call you insane. You don’t mind; it’ll be on the lower end of insults and comments you’ve heard from the so-called ‘elite.’ 
At the end of the day, you’re just simply following orders. 
You swerve off the main road, into narrow alleys and streets that aren’t registered on any official map. Anywhere that can give you a sense of progress and hold momentum. You drive. You make liberal use of your klaxon against anything and anyone. You go around in circles, sometimes looking at the satnav if it’s kind enough to give you a shorter, quicker path. In your haste, you completely overlook the star, the celebrity you’re meant to protect and coddle like fine art, and cracks begin to form.
“Shit!” Mina fastens the seatbelt, in distress and wide awake from your uncharacteristically aggressive driving. She lifts her head. Pierces your gaze through the rearview mirror with a mixture of panic, concern, and frustration. All that hours spent in the makeup room to look perfect, down to the smallest of details, coming undone within a few minutes. 
She seemed rather proud of her appearance, too.
Of course, her demands bounce off your ears—or ring through like white noise. You only know your task. Get her safe. 
Even though it’s your very idea, you forget about the thought of eating, too. You’ve passed by a couple of McDonalds along the way, but are blinded by tunnel vision to recognize a single one. It’s not a big loss; she’s as tired of eating fast food as much as you are. It isn’t good for her image right now, either. 
Eventually, you do make it back to her hotel. A little over midnight, but still not as early as you wanted to be. You look at the status of your passenger princess. She’s about as coddled as a five year old playing with her doll. A mess.
When you open up the door for her to step out, it’s a dramatic moment that gathers everyone’s attention and fixes every eye. It’s loud. 
It also so happens to be empty in the area.
The way she slaps you in the cheek echoes throughout the valet like the sharp crack of a whip, or the pop of a firework. Fucking hell, she hits hard. For a dainty woman like Mina, she’s surprisingly strong. “What the hell is wrong with you?” she snaps, cold and bitter. 
You find no mistake in what you did. In fact, you believe you’re doing her a service. Tomorrow, she’ll be at the airport and out of the country faster than when she came in. She doesn’t have to think about you for the foreseeable future. You only see a moody, ill-tempered celebrity frustrated that circumstances haven’t gone her way. Chalk it up to fatigue, but you can’t be arsed to explain yourself or react accordingly at this point.
She’s also pretty when she’s angry, you can’t help but think. Not the pouty, cute, wholesome kind—the ‘I’m gonna rip your throat’ out kind of ire. Sometimes you forget your job and admire just how gorgeous Mina is. You’re no different than the paparazzi or the average fan.
It makes her heated. You’re mentally smirking.
It would be a waste to fight over something as petty as reckless driving this late. No one got hurt; not a single traffic light or speed limit was violated. But her heart jumped a little bit when she expected the least. In her eyes, it’s a reasonable enough incident to show some attitude and assert her status over you.
But not tonight.
Instead, you take her by the wrist and lead her to the alley beside the hotel, away from potential cameras and prying eyes. She yelps, but you slip a hand around her mouth so she remains quiet. Mina is too tired to show some resistance. 
“Listen here, Miss Myoui,” you tell her, pointing your finger directly at her. “I did everything right to make sure you have a fine, comfortable experience in Paris. Did your dress, drove you around, everything. What I did was save you a few hours of sleeping in the car.  I never asked for anything from you, so don’t come acting like an ungrateful brat.”
“Fuck you.” Mina raises her palm, readying another thunderous, face cracking slap as a threat. “I could have done all that instead if I wanted to.”
“Need I remind you who made the dress that you’re wearing?”
She freezes, unable to find some form of retaliation or rebuttal.
“Thought so.”
“Well what am I supposed to do, then? Get on my knees and worship you as my lord and savior?” she asks. 
Suddenly, something clicks inside your head. An idea.
“That—” you pause, mentally noting the entire sequence in a flash, “Actually, that’s not a bad idea.”
“I’m not doing it.” Mina rolls her eyes, turning her gaze away and crossing her arms. Somehow, she’s managed to recognize your intent so quickly. What isn’t surprising is her natural cleverness and intelligence. “Not tonight. Not after what you did.”
“I didn’t do anything.”
“That’s what you believe, asshole.” She shakes her head. “Just—let me go.”
“Would be such a shame if a rumor spread around then that you were spotted in the bathrooms with one of the billionaires,” you say, blunt in your threat. “Wouldn’t you hate that? I hear there was a tabloid photo of you spotted with one of the presidential candidates too—”
“You lie.” Mina’s eyes glare at you. You don’t flinch.
She’s not wrong. You’re only telling a half-truth. It’s true that there were billionaires who attended. It would be a strange event if there weren’t any present, in Paris of all places. The report of a presidential candidate showing up is legitimate as well, but that’s as much as you know as the general public. What goes on inside, you have no knowledge of.
“And what happened there was nothing at all,” she adds. “So quit trying to blackmail me and just let me fucking rest.”
“Then explain this to me.” You point at the dress she’s wearing—your dress—and find different sized patches where they shouldn’t belong. They’re not by design; they’re clearly the result of some kind of external tampering or meddling. Around where her legs should be. Near her tummy. The gala is an indoor event, yet it looks as if she had been soaked in some capacity. 
Something’s quite off.
“So?” Mina defends herself, unwilling to concede. “Got spilled by drinks, and you don’t really care if it gets ruined.”
While it’s true you usually don’t mind your dresses getting ruined, it comes at a price. “I’m not mad. And yes, I don’t care if you do fuck all with that dress. Hell, that candidate is very lucky he got to clap that—”
“Shut up!” 
By instinct, Mina slaps you again.
You chuckle. The sore redness of your cheek isn’t going to silence you. 
As she tries to walk away, you grab her by the wrist again. Pull her close to your chest. She trembles, but can’t do anything to stop or shake you loose.
“So you admit? You got fucked by that candidate?”
“No!” Mina remains adamant in her tone. She twists your grip to free herself. “Just—fucking stop already!”
“Only if you blow me. Just a quickie.”
“What? Why?”
“As remittance for the ruined dress, of course. Remember? Ruined dress, ruined cunt.” You can’t help but grin as you remind her of the terms of your agreement. It’s not written in the contract, but a mutual trust shared between you and your muses. 
Mina sighs. A deal is a deal, even if it’s not signed on the dotted line. And she has the experience to show for it. Ultimately, she reluctantly agrees, sounding defeated in her response. “Fine. But after this, we’re fucking done.”
“I’m in a bit of a good mood today, so I don’t want your pussy,” you tell the disgruntled Mina, unbuckling your belt then unzipping your pants. “Not gonna lie, the thought of some future president fucking that cunt of yours makes me sick. Get on your knees.”
God, it feels wrong, but you’re enjoying every little moment of this, down to the finer details. The look of dissatisfaction on Mina’s face. The fact you can get her flustered with your teasing. The fact she’s obediently on her knees as you whip out your hard cock directly in front of her. She can tell you as many lies as she wants, but they have no firm ground to stand on. She’s not some stuck-up star unlike many others in that gala, but even she needs to be humbled once in a while.
“His dick is better than yours, anyway. I won’t miss this pathetic piece of shit,” she tells you, gripping to the hem of your dress, dodging every attempt to slip your shaft between her lips. 
All the more reason to plunge it deep in her throat.
“Is it? This piece of shit you love to ride on?” You grab your cock and pursue her evasive mouth. You have a hand planted on her scalp, holding her still, as she begrudgingly accepts your length between her lips slowly, in a losing effort to fight back. She gulps her throat, watching as her cheeks hollow, as drool begins to coat your sensitive shaft, until eventually, her seal is vacuum-tight and tension builds up in your groin. “This cock you want to use—fuck—”
Words fail you as you become reacquainted with the warmth of Mina’s mouth. She bobs her head back and forth, slipping a hand around the base of your shaft to stroke. Your cock is poking the back of her throat, your senses relaxing at the pleasure coursing through your body. You feel yourself slipping away—at the cold, at the heat of her sweltering lips, at the layer of saliva that fills every inch of your length. It’s all too much.
This is Mina’s least favorite position. She’d rather have you beneath her most of the time, relentlessly bouncing on your cock till you’re completely drained; it’s how most encounters with her go to the point you simply give up and expect yourself on the mattress as soon as you enter her room. None of that matters now, not when she needs your very shaft to fill her thirsty, dry mouth, as a palette cleanse from the boring gala and because she needs you as much as she utterly hates you.
She doesn’t like the thought of you above her. Her eyes can’t be bothered to look up. It’s a strange dynamic; she’s the celebrity, she’s supposed to have control, not you. Your hand tugs on her black hair, begging her for more, and it reinforces the idea. You love this. Mina, the quiet, cold personality that everyone wants to be like, is zealously sucking you off and you’re helpless to how incredible she is. The suction of her throat. The drag of her tongue on your head, then on the sides. The passionate hum of satisfaction. You recognize the smug grin etched on the corner her lips while she doesn’t bother to look back, knowing full well she can take you any way she wants and you’ll fucking love it. She’s so aggressive, yet perfectly paced. 
And she moves like she can read your mind—cum and saliva dripping from the corners, her tongue running laps around your balls, her mouth devouring you entirely with each entrance. Small, whiny sounds that resemble a choke—they’re nothing compared to the echoey moans you can’t help but make. You’re gasping for air as if she’s punctured a hole in your lungs—and to an extent, she has. Your body instinctively has to remind itself they’re leaning on air, because she’s making your spine contort in ways they shouldn't be twisting. 
Mina is quite used to this. The notion of having to suck a cock. Not just yours, but fans, higher-ups in suits, all kinds. She’ll tell you yours is the best one, and you’ll believe her. You can tell by personal experience. You shouldn’t let control slip, especially now, when such power is rarely vested on you, but you can’t help yourself. There’s some urgency in handling her, but it might be a little too late. Especially when—
“Mina,” you pant, and you sound so desperate. “So close, Mina. I’m so close. I’m gonna—”
She continues to create friction, and eventually fire. Her hands wring around your balls and your base, tightening the coil of pressure in your stomach and in your veins. Spiraling further and further out of control, you can feel your legs crumble in a last ditch attempt to hold on. With your remaining resolve, you cling to whatever semblance of clarity you can find. 
And she plunges her lips further into your length. Her tongue descends lower, to the underside of your balls. None of that disdain and hate from moments ago can be found, only zeal and passion. It’s not graceful in the slightest; it goes against everything her image represents, yet she’s so damn good at it, you can’t stomach the thought of her doing something this filthy, this obscene. The very idea breaks reality. Yet here she is, on her knees, a mouth filled by cock, encouraging you to cum without uttering a single word.
So you oblige her. 
You don’t give her the decency of asking. You just pour it all over her with reckless abandon. Yanking her by the scalp, swiftly pulling yourself away in the heat of climax, blasting thick warm seed all over her pristine features, using her visage as a canvas for all your repressed thoughts. Mina welcomes every drop, sticks her tongue out with an inviting stare, unfazed by all that hot load you’re shooting directly at her. Her professionalism is practically hardwired, second nature to allow herself to be used this freely. It’s more than personal satisfaction; it also pays the bills.
It’s a win-win.
“Happy?” she asks, propping herself back on her feet, using the top of the dress to clean herself. Not a waste when it’s sole purpose is to be one and done. 
The mess around your groin—residue sticking on your pants—answers her question. You can only nod in agreement as you clumsily and slowly gather your bearings. She shakes her head, amused at your predicament, but proud of her work.
Mina acts nonchalant, walks back to the hotel while you still work through your trousers, as if nothing ever happened. As if you weren’t moaning in public about how airtight her lips are around your cock. You hurriedly follow her, only to be met with a surprise waiting just past the entrance doors.
“I hope Paris has been kind to you so far, Miss Minari, because we certainly won’t be.”
Three comically mischievous men of similar stature and appearance, in nearly identical outfits (a simple shirt, coat, jeans and beret combination, how inspired) with the most cartoonishly evil looks on their faces. They could be anyone on the street. You can immediately tell they’ve been waiting for some time.
“Who are you?” you ask, stepping in front of your client. Mina looks nervous, quietly analyzing the three suspicious characters.
“Doesn’t matter who we are, even if we tell you,” replies the middle man, matter-of-factly. “We have no intention of hurting you.”
“If that’s the case, then please step aside. Miss Mina won’t be taking any requests and she’s very tired, sorry.”
“I don’t think so, buddy.”
“We heard everything. You lucky bastard,” says the man on the left. “I don’t think Mina seems to be tired at all. In fact, I believe she wants more of it!”
All eyes turn to the person of interest, who seems to be in denial. Mina, this cold, calculated star, appears to have a harsh, sudden reaction. Offended by the comment, she angrily retorts, “No? What the hell are you saying?”
“Yeah, you heard the guy.” The third man steps forward, the other two close behind slowly approaching her. “It’s all over you. Don’t try to deny it. You enjoyed getting blasted all over that pretty face of yours!”
The three men nod in unison. You don’t have a firearm or any weapon on hand, but you’re willing to fight all three guys, even if you meet a terrible end. That’s the likeliest outcome. Lady luck seems to have disappeared on your side, but it’s part of the job, after all.
“Relax, girl. Again, we don’t wish to hurt you or your bodyguard.” The first man, the guy assuming leadership reiterates. It’s as civil and diplomatic as it sounds, but the looming threat remains prevalent. And it doesn’t do them any favors when they creep up towards both of you like wolves. “We just want what he has.”
“And what is it?” Mina frowns, hiding herself behind you, peeking over the shoulder, trembling.
“Oh, you know what we want, Miss Minari. Give it to us and then we’ll leave you alone.”
Where’s the security in this hotel, you wonder? The ground floor is dead empty of guests, which is to be expected, there’s hardly anyone at the front desk, and there are zero guards at the valet that normally wait for the next car to pull up. It’s midnight, what did you expect? 
“Can’t I give you guys some money instead?” she pleads, desperate. She’s no longer hiding herself, but standing side by side with you. Shaking. Nervous. “Name your price and I’ll pay it.”
“I don’t think that will work, miss.” The three men remain adamant. They have you trapped against the corner of the entrance door. Neither of you can hardly move, let alone run. “We’re in Paris. We can easily rob anyone for our keep.” 
Judging by the rather expensive watches and sneakers they all sport, they seem to have a point. 
“But please, we just want one. One round with the finest Japanese idol in the business. That’s it,” the first man adds, his cohorts nodding in agreement.
Mina turns to you, calling your attention. “Hey.” You’re on high alert, waiting for the moment for hell to break loose. She merely stares. Nothing comes out of her mouth, just an expressive, seemingly strange gaze that doesn’t register anything in your head, nor does it open up any sort of interpretation. And for a while, you don’t understand what’s happening or what’s her intent. The three guys seemingly wait, shrugging whenever you eye any one of them. There’s no rush; time seems to stop at that particular moment. You know their demand; you have ears. You just don’t know if Mina is actually serious about caving to the pressure.
(And fucking hell, you’re so—so—screwed.)
You don’t know if Mina will recover after this. Specifically, her career.
Clothes scatter everywhere in the room, with no regard for cleanliness or the host’s decency. Mina is set in the middle of the mattress as its centerpiece. The star of the show. Her dress is bundled around her waist, baring her chest and legs, while every man is completely in the nude. She’s spread on her fours, with the two subordinates lined up parallel in front of her, the third right behind her. You plan to join after, when everyone’s seemingly tired, when you can have her all to yourself.
At least, that’s what you think will happen. You know she’s going to get used all night long. Mina’s bracing for impact, hoping she can walk out in one piece after this.
You’re holding your phone, ready to record every little thing that happens. It’s not by their request, but your own personal desire. You love seeing it—the notion of Mina getting her comeuppance. The two men in front of her waste no time, stroking themselves hard and slapping their cocks right into Mina’s face, spilling flecks of precum on her. You notice the giddiness in their expressions as they incline the idol’s chin up, nothing but unbridled lust on their faces. The only thing missing is hurling her around and ragdolling her.
“Such a pretty face deserves all this cum,” says the second guy. He’s on the pudgier side, evidently not meant to be in the same atmosphere, let alone the same bed as Mina. “I’ll have you know you were my bias, and you have the most numbers on my counter.”
Utterly shameless.
Meanwhile, the first guy, his colorful body filled with numerous tattoos, slaps Mina’s cheek hard. It ripples throughout her lithe figure, rattles the bed a little. She keens. He takes a moment to look at the hand that committed the sinful act. He’s shaking, in disbelief. He did that. It’s a moment in time, a monumental occasion. Anyone else in his position would be shouting in the streets, celebrating too. 
You would.
The third guy, this aged man who’s evidently in his mid-to-late forties and probably shouldn’t be consuming K-pop, continues to stroke himself to Mina’s face. Too bad her mouth can only fit one cock at a time. Her hand grabs his shaft and he grips her hair instead as she pumps him at a delicate pace. Their collective moans fill the room as each person assumes a position around Mina’s sensitive holes, filling them hastily. No technique, no patience whatsoever. 
It’s pornographic for all the wrong reasons. How it all came to be. The setup. The characters. The very scene itself. Down to the shitty camera recording. Not befitting of an idol such as Mina. It’s got its own charm, but for the most part, it's as disgusting as you imagined. You can’t believe she’d agree to this. At the same time, you can’t look away. It’s a car crash that you know is gonna happen, yet all you can do is watch helplessly—and stroke yourself hard to.
All three men have different rhythms in which they fuck Mina. Tattoos slowly pounding at her dripping cunt, accompanying each deep thrust with a loud smack of her ass. His one hand grabbing at the hem of whatever’s left of her dress, itching to rip it off. Mina’s moan is suppressed by Pudge’s cock protruding through her throat. A fistful of hair in his grip, the other on her flushed, reddened cheek. Expecting her to take his relentless rhythm, only for her gag with each pump into her airtight lips. As if he doesn’t know how giving head works. The oldest man loosens up, lets his body hang as Mina strokes his cock with her ironclad fingers, letting flecks of cum spread over her neck and her shoulders, content with letting her handle him how she wants. 
In a way, it’s admirable seeing Mina like this. Three cocks and all, her commitment to fanservice and satisfaction is any fan’s dream for their idol. You’ve seen it firsthand before, how she attends to each fan one by one, but to handle multiple without a single complaint is quite the accomplishment. She’s gonna take it, and she’s going to love it.
And in fact, she does. You’ve never seen her this dedicated and into pleasuring anyone. How she uses her other hand to seize Pudge’s cock, spitting and licking the head, setting him ablaze. Even as the man with the tattoos begins to wreck into her sopping cunt, foregoing leisure for speed—as her whines echo throughout the room—she maintains her composure the best she can. Even begging him to go harder, which he obliges. The bed’s quaking, seemingly closer to collapse, as the man screams to the ceiling, “Fucking tight—so close—cumming—aah—”
All three men are clinging to Mina in some capacity. On her waist, using her hair, or her shoulders—as they all appear close to their climaxes. Their collective groans of pleasure make this evident noise that warrants numerous calls of disturbance or concern. Imagine the commotion when the staff called in to investigate eventually finds out. The notion spurs Mina as she leans further into it—looks right into the camera as she licks up Pudge’s underside. As if demanding you to take the best shot of her while doing it. 
It’s scandalous—the way Mina uses her expressions to make herself look good even under duress. How she winks, sticks her tongue, twists her face into lewder and lewder reactions while the three men who seemingly have power over her, now fold under her control. If only you could step in and be a part of the show, but you can’t.
And she looks even better with cum all over her.
The three guys moan in unison for dramatic effect. As if it was part of the intended shot. One after the other, each man reaches their own orgasm and blasts their hot load onto some part of Mina’s body. None of them seem to find their way into what they initially wanted, which is her holes. Mostly—tattoos man is partly into a deep thrust when he meets his abrupt end, only filling part of her cunt with his seed before deciding to pull out and throbs onto her back, her legs instead. Pudge gets most of her face, which she happily accepts. But even with her mouth wide open, he can hardly land his cum onto her sweet lips. As for the old man, he was never a factor to begin with. He had spilled his cum on the side, on the shoulder, on some hair, on her fingers. He was done before the others even finished.
What an unexpected sight. 
You stand from the couch you’ve been sitting on, close in on the aftermath of their orgasms, watching as they stand lifeless around the centerpiece that is Mina, running her fingers over all the cum spilled on her body. This is child’s play to her, yet the most surprising thing is: she wasn’t expecting any of the three guys to finish this soon, let alone all three of them. She has this unsatisfied look in her eyes observing her conduits, the supposed ‘threats,’ as if they didn’t live up to her expectation.
“Did I look good?” she asks you, tilting up, resting her head on her palm.
You show her the phone, speed past the raw footage. She watches like she’s the director—which she kind of is.
“Mm—not good enough,” she adds, grabbing the phone and grabbing a tripod from the bedside drawer. “Set it up over there and do it again. They’re not leaving this until they get it right. And you’re gonna show them the way.”
Looking at their tired, exasperated faces, they’d rather be anywhere but here. 
As for Mina, she’s the most energetic you’ve seen her in a while, eager for more—and you’re gonna have to make some phone calls explaining why she isn’t at the airport by morning. 
(A/N: woo missed another deadline/date but happy birthday Mina! By request/commission, so thank you for waiting and I hope it was to your liking. I do agree we need more subby Mina but in the end she owns all of us let's be real XD Thank you for reading!)
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botanicalsword · 8 months
Indicators for “it’s impossible to ignore you ♡ ” • Astro placements
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Harmonious aspect between Sun and Jupiter
Sun conjunct Jupiter + Jupiter in Sagittarius/ Pisces / Cancer
Chart Ruler in 10H + Harmonious aspect with personal planet
Personal planets in 2H / 4H / 10H
Venus in Libra, Asc in Libra w/o challenging aspects
Venus in Leo w/o challenging aspects
Harmonious aspect between Venus and Jupiter
Sun/ Moon / Venus / Jupiter in 11H + Harmonious aspect
11H Ruler in 1H / 4H/ 7H / 10H
11H ruled by a domiciled planet
Chart ruler in 11H / 2H
5H ruler in 11H
Harmonious aspect between Venus and Jupiter
Harmonious aspect between 2H and 5H and 11H (rulers / planets)
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Harmonious aspect between Sun and Jupiter - wisdom and compassion
They have a captivating aura that attracts people and ensures their safety. They remain calm, never losing their composure. Their wisdom and kindness secure respect and support from everyone, regardless of the location or situation.
they tend to handle difficulties actively. When faced with difficulties or troublesome situations, those with a positive outlook tend to actively work to find solutions. They don't face major issues often, but smaller problems help them improve.
Easy success can dampen motivation, while challenges fuel drive. Even conflicts can be beneficial. Handling minor frustrations early fosters resilience. A blend of support and issues prevents complacency and maintains goal pursuit.
Sun conjunct Jupiter + Jupiter in Sagittarius/ Pisces / Cancer - they are defined by their cheerful outlook on life. With a harmonious astrological aspect boosting their mood, they tend to see the positive side in any situation. People enjoy their energy and smile easily in their presence. Their can-do attitude also helps opportunities come their way. Their natural luck maximizes when paired with practical wisdom about ups and downs.
Chart Ruler in 10H + Harmonious aspect with personal planet - They are strong, can handle high pressures and challenges, and stay resilient in adversity.
Personal planets in 2H / 4H / 10H - Coming from a wealthy family background, receiving strong support from their loving family circle.
Growing up with financial security provides a solid foundation for success. Their chill, can-do attitude lets their skills and talents to thrive in the work sphere. Recognized for contributions, opportunities come readily - good stuff just seems to find them.
With a little help and faith from the family, they keep their confidence sky high. No sweat, they can handle any bumps in the road.
Venus in Libra, Asc in Libra w/o challenging aspects - elegance and nobility. their gentle temperament makes people feel very comfortable and intimate.
Venus in Leo w/o challenging aspects -When everyone is watching, they stand amidst a vibrant light show, feeling incredibly classy. It's as if they have a unique filter making them look even better. The show is extraordinary, and all eyes are on them. The audience may express approval, jealousy, or admiration, but they accept it all. Because this is their stage, and they are the star of the show.
Harmonious aspect between Venus and Jupiter - Their financial success and enjoyable experiences are like eye-catching flowers. They display their wealth and easily gather attention. It's not just about getting rich, but also about having an impact. They're charmers, kind of like how flowers pull in bees. Living like this, they stand out from the crowd, just like a blooming flower in a field of grass.
Sun/ Moon / Venus / Jupiter in 11H + Harmonious aspect
11H Ruler in 1H / 4H/ 7H / 10H
11H ruled by a domiciled planet
Chart ruler in 11H / 2H
5H ruler in 11H
The 11th house is closely about forming friendships and spending time with your community. It primarily represents popularity and online traffic, both of which are crucial factors. As a social media influencer possess strong likability, their content will attract a larger audience, and they'll attract more views, leading to more clicks. Traffic is also a significant indicator of success in the realm of social media. All of this bodes well for them seeking exposure on their journey as social media creators.
Harmonious aspect between Venus and Jupiter - Venus, as a symbol of aesthetics, grants us a unique perception and appreciation of beauty, enabling us to seek and create elements of beauty in our daily lives.
Jupiter, as a symbol of opportunities and expansion, provides us with the ability to seize opportunities and amplify our influence in the digital age. These abilities are not limited to the physical world; they extend into the digital realm, allowing us to share our creations and ideas with a wider audience through the power of the internet.
Harmonious aspect between 2H and 5H and 11H (rulers / planets) - There will be a more direct relationship between wealth, traffic, and creativity. This means that wealth not only depends on our efforts but also on our ability to create compelling content and generate a significant amount of traffic. The value of such content will be more prominently recognized, and their wealth will more accurately reflect their creative abilities.
The more traffic and creativity they generate, the more wealth they will accumulate. The key is to invest effort in creating exceptional content that attracts a lot of viewers. The value of their content will be recognized appropriately, and the income they earn will accurately reflect their talent.
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hwaightme · 5 months
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🥂pairing: jongho x gn!reader 🥂genre: fluff, acquaintances to lovers 🥂summary: normally, you are not one to enjoy clichés, but what can you do when the best man at your best friend's wedding is choi jongho? 🥂wordcount: 1.6k 🥂warnings/tags: unedited, reader is 'maid of honour', puns, jjong-rizz, dancing, much pining, it's giving 80s/90s romcom, flirting, lmk if anything else 🥂author's note: 'chella jjong. that's the post. thank you so much <3 any reblogs/comments appreciated!
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It might be cliché. Something you had seen in films and shows many times over. You had scoffed at the pairing and labelled it as a trope tied by tradition and the general public desire for happy endings to everything - despite it rarely ever being the case. But here you were, catching yourself staring a little too long at the best man, and discovering that your heart was beating just that little bit faster, fluttering whenever he whispered one thing or another to you so as to not attract attention from other people who shared the table.
It wasn’t that you did not know Jongho, hell, you knew him very well - or at least the on-stage Jongho, the ace performer Jongho, the legendary vocalist Jongho. Having seen his achievements on the news and having heard stories about him travelling across your social circle, you were well aware of his professional capabilities. You, however, could not say much beyond that. Past common courtesies and the occasional nod in recognition, you had never shared as much as a couple of sentences with the man. Even though he was the groom’s closest friend and your best friend’s, the bride’s, recent but trustworthy acquaintance, he was a mystery to you. A mystery with an infinitely precious smile and a sense of humour that was too similar to yours to be able to hold a poker face.
It all started with a pun on an item in the set course menu for dinner. And then another. And then another, completed by yourself much to his delight. Soon enough, both of you were dissolving into a fit of giggles, sharing the jokes that others either had not quite understood or heard. It did not matter. They were not addressed to them anyways. At least not when Jongho was fully turned towards you, a glimmer in his eyes and a softness so indescribable painted across his features that you struggled to regain your composure.
You were quick to connect over the many things you had in common, and spent some time simmering in each other’s passions, enjoying the stars in one another’s eyes as you delved deeper into details. He was kind, attentive. A listener. But at the same time, no matter what topic you ventured into, even if just tentatively and temporarily, he remained just as transfixed by you as you were by him. Whenever you were worried that you had over-talked your welcome, he would encourage you to continue with a gentle question. In a rapidly descending spiral, you got addicted to his melodic laughter and how his nose would scrunch up occasionally, far too adorable to resist. 
Jongho reminded you of old classics, golden autumn sunshine and the sensation of when you get to rest after a long day in your favourite cafe, with a warming cup of the finest brew; perhaps this was because you found out you shared an appreciation for coffee with him. Be it ‘Roman Holiday’ or ‘Singing in the Rain’, Jongho retained a certain something that could not be defined by simply taking in a snippet of the present day. While you referenced recent trends and popular videos spreading online at each other, nonetheless there was something timeless about him. You wondered if this was exactly why his voice was so enchanting. The aura spread from the way he carried himself, to the way he made you feel, to the way he made you wish you did not have to look at anyone else. Dark locks that were elegantly styled to highlight him as every bit a gentleman, pretty espresso-coloured eyes that you had memorised by now, a tailor-made suit and infinite charisma that made you forget you were at somebody else’s wedding.
“I do wonder why we had never spoken before,” you mused out loud as Jongho led you to the dance floor to catch the pace slowing down to gentler, more loving tracks.
“Good things take time,” he took no time in answering, almost startling you as you caught his words.
“Ah I see, needed time for interest to build,” you teased, earning a shake of the head and a shy smile.
“Or perhaps,” he snaked his arm around your waist, and waited for you to position yourself comfortably to join in a slow dance, “to muster up the courage.”
“Hm? Pray tell,” you tilt your head, floating to the music and the sound of Jongho’s voice.
“Well I hardly think that gawking across the room is a good way to get to know someone,” you felt blush rising to your cheeks as you thought back to the times when you would study him or sneak glances at different gatherings where both of you just so happened to be - rare, but astonishingly memorable, at least the times when you could capture him in your vision and imprint him in your mind. When you looked away, just for a split second to regain your composure, you heard a soft exhale and were met with a cheeky grin, “I was referring to myself, but I am glad to know that the intrigue was mutual.”
“Hm- so, what made you want to change things up?” you swore that if he were to let go of you right this second, you would probably collapse on the floor. 
“A kind piece of advice from your friend in white. Told me that I should probably take my chances,” he tilted his head in the direction of the bride and groom before turning in time to the song.
“Wise words,” for what had to be the first time in your life, you decided to be grateful that your friend had a penchant for matchmaking.
You never quite let yourself drift in daydreams too deeply, be it out of a fear that they would turn into regular escapist paradise or out of despising the sensation of disappointment that often proceeded after entertaining even the simplest idea. But now, you could not bring yourself to avoid anything. If anything, you desperately wanted to dive in, see where the duet could take you.
One song replaced another, and you were still in his embrace, allowing yourself to enjoy the moments trickling by. Butterflies were replaced by a novel serenity, as though no matter what happened, Jongho would still be around. It made you remember something you had read about one time: the premonition of love, the feeling that in the future, you could love a person with your mind, body and soul. And, funnily enough, the realisation did not make you want to bolt in the opposite direction like it usually did. Instead, you leaned closer, and spotted the glints of that same new beginning in Jongho’s gaze.
Were you confident? No, far from it. If anything, you knew that the chances of things working out were rather disconcerting, but you did not mind trying. You could not deny the spark that was between you, nor could you ignore the realisation that this was not a spontaneous meeting of two strangers. If there was something you could choose to regret, it would be not attempting to get to know Jongho earlier; but then again, was it time lost, or a necessary pause that led you to where you were now? As the song blended into another and the two of you stepped away from the dance floor, you noticed you were still resting your hand in his. Shyly, you pulled away, your actions only to be mirrored by an equally flustered Jongho. His airy, melodic giggle made you beam; you struggled to hide it by studying the floor. It was easy to conclude that your efforts were in vain when he reached out to brush his hand over your upper arm, and carefully uttered your name. In the span of the evening, how he said it became your favourite sound.
“I’m not a fact, but I’d love it if you were to face me,” he joked, making you purse your lips in an effort to not crack so quickly.
“Jongho, come on-”
“You must be floored-” you looked up, met with a smug and mischievous grin that melted into relief and an unparalleled radiance. Oh this man and his silly puns. How you were fond of it all.
“Careful, you might just steal the show,” you gestured around you, reminding both him and yourself that you were, in fact, supposed to be celebrating somebody else. Not that you minded the attention and the way in which your heart twirled.
“Mmm, fair. Then, how about… this is our first meeting. First real meeting, I mean. We can be the main event elsewhere, if you agree to join me,” he was hopeful, gaze locked with yours. Music barely reached you, drowned out by his proposition and the steady beat of your growing feelings.
“Are you asking me out, Choi Jongho?”
“Mm, I do believe so. So, will you do me the honour and agree to go on a date with me?”
“How can I resist?”
You smiled as you felt Jongho guiding you into a spin before rejoining the dancing crowd, and happily followed. As you returned a hand to his shoulder and delicately repositioned the other to be palm to palm with his, you could not help but recollect your now archaic musings. Perhaps some clichés were more than welcome, and some things did make you wholeheartedly believe in and hope for your... and his... happy ending. 
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🥂perma-taglist: @justhere4kpop @starrysvn @byuntrash101 @frankenstein852 @charreddonuts @miriamxsworld @innsomniacshinestar @foxinnie8 @preciouswoozi @wooyoungjpg @wowie-hockey @hongjoongs-patience @jaehunnyy @maddkitt @ren-junwrld @pyeonghongrie-main @marsstarxhwa @pocketjoong-reads @yeooclock @yeonjunnie @asjkdk @lucky-cat-cafe @northerngalxy @my-loves-my-life @http-gyu
thank you <3 to join taglist, send an ask! any reblogs appreciated <3 much love!
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malusokay · 2 years
Little things to feel more girly
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Buy yourself some cute loungewear, so you feel pretty even when at home. <3
Have a light, signature scent that you can wear all the time!
Make a playlist of songs that make you feel confident, and play it in the background when doing things at home.
Genuine kindness and good thoughts will shine through your face, giving you a loving and welcoming aura.
Having fancy tea parties and overdressing with your friends for fun.
Try exercises that help improve your posture! Especially if you sit for many hours a day, try some yoga or pilates.
Have weekly self-care days, do extended skincare, face mask, take a long bubble bath, and do your hair.
Trim your hair regularly so it stays soft and silky. <3
Buy a big, fluffy scarf to keep you warm in winter!
Write letters to your friends and decorate them with hearts and doodles.
Dress to impress... Yourself!!
Buy clothes that make you feel pretty even if you're just going for a walk, to the grocery store or to sleep. You deserve to feel beautiful.
Make sure to eat balanced meals, so you glow from the inside. :)
Find a make-up routine that works for you and makes you feel beautiful. I'm really liking the heavy blush!!
Surround yourself with pretty things. Buy yourself some flowers, look for adorable decor, print out pictures you like and make your space comfy.
Find a proper morning/night routine that works for you! Little self-care rituals to make you feel better <3
Going for long dreamy walks to clear your head and reconnect with nature.
Look for pretty jewellery when going on trips or vacations, keep them as a reminder of your time there and collect truly meaningful pieces. <3
Find things you love doing in your free time instead of mindlessly scrolling online. Something engaging but also relaxing!
Cuddling up in a big fuzzy blanket, reading a book and listening to soft piano music.
Complement people if you notice something about them that you like, it might make their day!
Keep your lips and hands moisturized.
Don't speak badly of yourself.
Bake cute cookies and decorate them as a surprise for your friends and loved ones.
Say 'I love you' to the moon and stars before going to sleep. <3
As always, Please feel free to add more suggestions in the comments!
✩‧₊*:・love ya ・:*₊‧✩
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skz-streamer · 1 year
2023 VMA's
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Pairing: ot8 (skz) x fem!reader (9th member)
Genre: Fluff?, Crack? Idol Au
Warnings: suggestive kinda, a small mention of nudity with some outfits.
Notes: When I was watching the VMA's I KNEW I AHD TO DO SOMETHING. sooo here it is :) I realized I forgot to add their interview in here but whatever, also thing is literally all based off of Bongos because of their reactions to that performance LORDDD FUNNY AS HELL. so yea... im also insanely obsessed with them...
Summary: 2023 VMA's turned out to be a little funnier then you thought they would be.
-please read responsibly, and remember that this work is fiction and meant strictly for imaginative fun. the idols used in fics are more accurately face claims and personality outlines for imaginary characters, and should not be interpreted as factual representations of existing people
Word count ~1.8k ;)
As the van pulled up to the annual 2023 VMA's, the excitement among you and your fellow members of Stray Kids was palpable. This was a momentous occasion, the first time the group had the privilege of attending the prestigious awards show. The energy in the vehicle was infectious, a mix of nervous anticipation and uncontainable joy.
Inside the van, you couldn't help but admire the transformation of your fellow members. They were all dressed to the nines, their stylish suits and glamorous ensembles adding to the aura of excitement that filled the air. Hyunjin, in particular, had undergone a striking change for the occasion. He sported a fresh undercut, a hairstyle he had been yearning to try for a long time. The change suited him perfectly, adding to his already striking appearance.
As the only female member of Stray Kids, you knew that all eyes would be on you, so you had taken extra care with your outfit. You were dressed in a stunning Lapel blazer top button slit skirt set, which you had carefully chosen for the occasion. The top was a sleek black with slightly puffed-out shoulders, a V-neck with a stylish collar, and two buttons at the bottom. It exuded confidence and sophistication. The skirt, on the other hand, was a bit more daring. It hugged your body tightly, emphasizing your curves. It featured a daring slit that ran from the middle of your thigh down to your ankles.
Your choice of outfit had raised some eyebrows, with both the stylists and some of the boys expressing concern that it might be showing too much skin. However, you were quick to defend your choice, reminding them that VMA fashion was all about pushing boundaries and making bold statements. Growing up in the United States, you had been a dedicated fan of the VMA's for as long as you could remember. You had spent years watching the show, voting online, and dreaming of the day when you would be a part of it. Now, that dream had become a reality, and you were determined to make a memorable entrance.
As the van rolled towards the VMA venue, the nervous tension among you and the boys was prominent. Small talk filled the air, a feeble attempt to ease the apprehension that gripped each of you. It was clear that this was a significant moment, one filled with both excitement and trepidation.
You could sense the jitters in the van, a stark contrast to the exuberance that had filled it earlier. The boys were fidgeting, adjusting their suits, and stealing glances at each other. You, too, had thought that stepping onto the pink carpet would dissolve your nervousness, but as the van pulled up and the doors swung open, you were greeted by a frenzy of flashing cameras and enthusiastic shouts.
Cameras flashed from every direction, capturing your every move. The carpet was a vibrant sea of celebrities, some of whom you had admired for years. Your heart raced as you recognized familiar faces, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of fangirling yourself. The sheer star power in the vicinity was overwhelming.
As you walked through the barricades and onto the pink carpet, you were swiftly directed to your designated spot, and the command to smile was given. Your outfit, though daring, suddenly seemed rather modest compared to some of the ensembles on display. Megan's netted, see-through dress and Cardi's low-cut attire were enough to make anyone do a double-take. The boys' jaws nearly hit the ground, especially when Jeongin accidentally bumped into Doja Cat, who was rocking an absolute see-through dress.
Jeongin stammered an apology, and Doja Cat simply smiled and continued on her way. The boys' expressions were priceless, a mixture of shock, amazement, and perhaps a touch of embarrassment. You couldn't help but at their shared amused look, one that communicated, "Did you see her outfit?!"
You didn't need words to convey your thoughts; you your raised eyebrow and rolled your eyes, the boys interpreting it as an “I told you so virgins”, one of your most used lines. The boys understood, and though they didn't say it out loud, their sheepish grins and laughter betrayed their astonishment. Clearly, they were not entirely prepared for the bold fashion choices that often graced the VMA pink carpet.
As you made your way inside the building and found your seats, you realized that you weren't in the front row, but you were still pretty close to the stage. The excitement continued to build within you as you looked around at the familiar faces in the audience. Growing up watching these artists and admiring their work, you couldn't wait for the performances to begin. The nerves from earlier had started to fade, replaced by a sense of anticipation and wonder.
The atmosphere inside the VMA venue was electric as you and the boys chatted excitedly before the performances began. You took the opportunity to introduce some of the artists to them, explaining their music and significance. While most of the artists were already familiar to the boys, you could tell they were particularly excited about Demi Lovato's performance. It wasn't a surprise, given that you had caught them listening to their music in the practice room on multiple occasions, either vibing or dancing.
You, on the other hand, were eagerly anticipating the performances by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion. Their recent collaboration on the song "Bongos" had become one of your favorites, and you couldn't wait to see if they would perform it live. You had a feeling it would be a showstopper.
The show began with NLE Choppa and Nelly, delivering a bold and energetic opening performance. The boys were starting to get into the groove of the VMA's, and you couldn't help but chuckle at some of their flustered moments during the performance, especially when there was some intense "ass-shaking" involved. It was undoubtedly a cultural difference they were experiencing.
As the night continued, you watched Olivia Rodrigo's performance, knowing that Felix was a fan of hers. You couldn't help but notice the reactions of your members to her high notes, particularly Han's expression of awe.
Then came the moment you had been waiting for—Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion's performance of "Bongos." You knew that the boys were in for a surprise, especially with the explicit lyrics and slang used by the two artists. You were sitting next to Changbin, who seemed engrossed, a smirk playing on his lips. You were equally captivated by the performance, and you and Han matched each other's energy as you sang along to the lyrics. You were well-versed in the song, so you had no qualms about singing the explicit parts.
The boys' reactions were priceless. Felix and Chan, who were fluent in English, appeared somewhat surprised by the lyrics, but they couldn't look away from the mesmerizing performance. Jeongin's mouth hung open, and Hyunjin and Changbin were engrossed in a hushed conversation, probably trying to decipher some of the slang. It got so loud that toward the end, both Changbin and Hyunjin turned to face the wall, clearly flustered.
You couldn't resist teasing them, tapping their shoulders and playfully saying, "You don't gotta look away; their sexiness is part of the whole performance. It's the whole point." Your giggle and their embarrassed reactions were amusing.
Seungmin and Minho, although harder to see from your vantage point, likely had similar reactions. The whole scene was a mix of awe and embarrassment, and you couldn't help but laugh heartily at their expense.
The performance concluded with everyone turning back, their faces flushed red. You continued to chuckle and pat them on the shoulders, thoroughly entertained by their reactions. Han was right there with you, and the two of you had a blast throughout the entire performance.
When Demi Lovato took the stage, the boys went wild, fanboying over their incredible talent. It was a joy to witness their enthusiasm.
Later in the evening, awards were announced, and you and the boys engaged in random conversations. Your ears perked up when they discussed K-pop awards, and you paid close attention. You knew that TXT was also nominated and set to perform, so there was an element of nervousness in the air.
Then came the moment you least expected—they announced Stray Kids as the winners! It was your group! The shock initially left you in a daze, and you stumbled slightly on your way to the stage, but Changbin caught you, saving you from a potentially embarrassing fall.
Walking onto the stage with your fellow members, your mind felt fuzzy. Was this real? Chan and Felix took a few words, expressing gratitude and excitement. You chipped in with your thanks here and there, the elation clear in your voice.
----- Backstage
The anticipation backstage was palpable as your performance was up next. You couldn't contain your excitement, even though you had initially pitched a mashup of songs that you believed would be iconic. You had suggested blending "Hall of Fame," "S-Class," and "Super Bowl" into a medley, envisioning a performance that would leave a lasting impression. The combination of "Hall of Fame's" grandeur, the seductive whispers of "Super Bowl," and the catchy vibes of "S-Class" seemed like a recipe for an unforgettable show. However, it seemed that your idea had been outvoted, and the group settled on a remix instead.
Nonetheless, you were determined to give it your all. Backstage, you and your fellow Stray Kids members exchanged reassuring glances, a silent reminder that you were a team and that you had prepared for this moment together.
As you stepped onto the stage, the spotlight illuminated you, and the nerves threatened to shake you. Your heart pounded, but you focused on the task at hand. You were dressed in a short top with gold buttons, paired with shorts, and an undershirt with a yellow print that matched Han's outfit. The stage lights were blinding, but you pushed through the nerves.
The music started, and you gave it your all. Singing loudly and pouring all your energy into your dance moves, you felt the adrenaline rush through your veins. The crowd's cheers and screams were deafening, and that only fueled your determination. The energy in the venue was incredible, and it was a testament to the love and support of your fans.
As the performance reached its climax, you executed the choreography flawlessly, ending with a dramatic head tilt before turning your back to the audience. You were out of breath but exhilarated. It was a performance to remember, and the applause and cheers from the audience were music to your ears.
You resisted the urge to turn around and gauge the audience's reactions. Instead, you noticed Seungmin doing the same. Smiles exchanged between the two of you, a shared moment of pride and satisfaction. You both walked off the stage with the rest of the boys, following the well-rehearsed exit routine.
Despite the exhaustion, you felt a sense of accomplishment and euphoria. The performance had been tiring, but it had been worth it. The rush of being on stage, sharing your music with the world, and feeling the love from your fans was an experience like no other. You couldn't help but love every moment of it. The car ride home was gonna be fun.
Taglist: @eee5533 @mixtape-racha @cherry-edibles @ren0325 @felixvsp @hwangrimi @sanriiolino @painstakingly-juno @herarcadewasteland @dabiscrustyfeet @kai-lee08 @sungiesoonie @slvtty4channiee @revelaffee @staygirl86 @chlodavids
If you wanna be added click here :)
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poisonlove · 8 months
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Prompt: Amidst the glitz and glamour of the entertainment world, Y/N finds herself entangled in a web of emotions. Navigating the captivating landscape of her newfound celebrity life, her heart becomes a battleground between two captivating co-stars, Emma and Jenna. The boundaries between fiction and reality blur, leading Y/N into a maze of confusion. With Emma's vibrant charm and Jenna's enigmatic aura, Y/N grapples with a choice that could redefine not only her on-screen performances but also the very fabric of her personal bonds. Blinding lights cast shadows on her feelings, leaving Y/N torn between two captivating forces in a world where fiction collides with reality.
Wordcount: 1.9 k
Pairing: Jenna ortega x reader
Author: sorry for this shit
It's amazing how a simple pastime can turn into an extraordinary opportunity.
My world, where I enjoyed imitating movie characters in online videos, was shaken by the surprising news from Tim Burton. The master of dark cinema personally chose me for a role in the second season of Wednesday Addams. The transition from a simple pastime to a set with a professional cast, a renowned director, and a real dressing room is something I could never have imagined.
I was nervous as I watched the cast of the first season, observing me with enthusiasm and joy, new faces to see and integrate into the plot. I felt like a deer caught in the headlights, taken aback by all this unexpected attention.
"Welcome!" Hunter, a guy with puffy brown hair and a perpetual smile, extends his hand to greet me. With a small smile on my lips, I accept the greeting and chuckle with embarrassment. "Thanks," I reply with flushed cheeks, not sure why I should thank him.
"Finally! I was tired of always working with the same faces," Joy intervenes with a smile on her lips. The girl had a drink in hand and raises it to her mouth, drinking its contents. "You're always friendly, Joy," George, a guy with curly hair and sweet coffee-colored eyes, smiles at his friend with amusement. "Welcome," he adds, smiling broadly.
"Hi!" My eyes turn to the sound of the voice, and I see a girl with short brown hair and piercing blue eyes. I smile nervously, recognizing Emma Mayers: the actress was notably more beautiful in person. "You must be my new love interest," she adds, widening her lips in a beautiful smile, blue eyes looking at me attentively. "Yes..." I chuckle weakly, nervous.
I can't deny that the fact that I'm her new love interest embarrasses me: I'm not entirely sure I can pretend to flirt or kiss someone for pretend. I shudder at the mere thought. "Well, because George was a terrible experience," she says, smiling mischievously, trying to downplay the situation.
"I love you too, Em," the guy called George intervenes, rolling his eyes at her comment. The blonde laughs, and the sound of her laughter makes me shiver slightly, increasing my nervousness and causing the blood flow to stop on my cheeks. "I know," Emma sticks her tongue out at George, and he imitates the gesture.
My attention is captured by a couple talking to each other, conspiring who knows what. The guy laughs softly and puts his arm around the shoulders of the shorter girl who looks at him with a small smile on her lips. I recognize the couple as Jenna Ortega and Percy White. I had heard rumors of a possible romance between them, but I thought it was nothing more than a rumor: I knew the media always wanted to meddle in the lives of the famous, spreading gossip and causing a stir on the web with sensational news. But the way they look at each other and touch makes me feel a lump in my throat.
Percy directs his gaze at me and smiles broadly.
"Hi!" The brunette takes his arm off Jenna's shoulders and walks towards me. "Welcome, we're glad to have a new addition to the cast," he says, smiling with genuine happiness and kindness.
Jenna's eyes are fixed on me, and my body is suddenly invaded by shivers and excitement, my heart beating wildly. The series' protagonist approaches with an enormous smile on her lips, and my knees wobble at the beauty she radiates: Brown eyes, dazzling smile, dimples on her cheeks, and freckles surrounding her face.
"Welcome," Jenna smiles genuinely and wraps her arms around my neck, hugging me tenderly. I reciprocate the hug with surprise, sighing audibly at the moment I feel her perfume invade my nostrils. The scent of what seemed like vanilla made me smile timidly.
Jenna breaks the hug and smiles genuinely at me.
"Want to take a tour of the place?" Emma intervenes quickly, approaching us. Jenna looks at her co-star with curiosity and simply takes a step back, getting close to Percy, always glued to this guy. I sigh audibly and smile at the blue-eyed girl with enthusiasm, nodding. Emma smiles triumphantly and takes my wrist. "Can I join?" Hunter says eagerly, and George looks at us attentively.
"Me too," George says pouting, and Emma nods enthusiastically.
Three weeks have passed since my arrival, and despite having a great relationship with the entire cast, Jenna, Emma, and I were practically inseparable. My feelings are a whirlwind of chaos and insecurity, not knowing exactly which girl to choose. Emma, a beautiful and friendly girl who is always ready to help me when needed, or Jenna, the stunning brunette, kind, and affectionate, but suspected to be linked with Percy.
I tried talking to George and Hunter, and both advised me to make a decision before ruining the friendship between Jenna and Emma. I didn't even know if they felt the same, and the idea of choosing one of them scared me. The most selfish part of me suggested keeping both, but my heart didn't want to suffer and, above all, feel guilty.
"Hey," I divert my attention from my thoughts and unconsciously smile when I see Jenna standing near me. "Can I sit?" She asks curiously, chewing her lip nervously.
My eyes carefully watch her gesture.
"Sure," I say, taking off my sweatshirt and placing it behind my chair. Jenna adjusts herself and crosses her legs, her thigh pressing against mine. "Are you going over the scene?" She asks curiously, her eyes watching the script in my hands. Shivers run down my spine feeling the contact of her leg with mine, the warmth emanating from her body.
"Yes..." I clear my throat, and Jenna nods, smiling shyly. I immediately notice Jenna shivering from the cold, and I worry about her. "Do you want my sweatshirt?" I ask with genuine concern, and Jenna denies, pushing a strand of hair away from her face. "Sure? Are you cold" I raise an eyebrow in confusion, and Jenna sighs loudly, shivering once again. The brunette nods slowly, and smiling, I take off my sweatshirt and hand it to her. Jenna puts it on, looking incredibly adorable as it hangs loosely on her.
"Thanks." Jenna smiles genuinely and comes closer, resting her head on my shoulder. Emotion grows inside me, and I nervously smile. I look down, and I see Jenna's hand brushing against mine. Gathering courage, I grab it, intertwining our fingers. I feel Jenna's pulse racing under my touch, her arm relaxing.
"So..." Jenna says in a low voice, breaking the silence around us. "Do you have a boyfriend? Girlfriend?" She asks with curiosity, looking at my script resting on my legs. Jenna's thumb absentmindedly caresses the back of my hand, making me shiver slightly. In reality, I'm confused because I don't know if I feel something for Emma, but in simple terms, I'm not in a relationship. "No... what about you? Are you with Percy, right?" I ask with my heart in my throat, nervousness running through my body. Jenna raises her chin and looks at me with confusion.
I was afraid to hear her answer. Jenna breaks the contact between our hands.
"Percy? No... we're just friends." She says, smiling broadly, and I suddenly feel stupid and relieved at the same time. "Oh... I thought so," I say with flushed cheeks from embarrassment, and Jenna smiles, shaking her head. "I know... the internet spreads rumors," Jenna murmurs, puffing irritably, "but... Percy and I have nothing," her eyes sparkle as she looks at me. I couldn't help but get lost in her gaze, two coffee-colored puddles analyzing me carefully.
"Mmmh..." Jenna clears her throat and looks away at her hands, "have you set your eyes on someone?" She innocently asks, playing with her fingers. Someone? Actually, two, but obviously, I couldn't say that. "Maybe..." I say hesitantly, and Jenna looks at me from the corner of her eye, an involuntary smile spreading across her lips.
"You?" I ask with embarrassment, and Jenna nods, making a face. The blood boils in my veins at the thought of Jenna being in love with someone else. "Oh... who?" I ask almost in a whisper.
Jenna looks up, observing something in the distance. George, Emma, and Joy walking side by side, laughing, and saying some nonsense. I follow her gaze, and disappointment fills my body seeing that she was looking at George. The curly-haired guy laughs softly while playfully pushing Joy. Emma, on the other hand, looks at me with interest, smiling broadly, her beautiful smile printed on her lips. Involuntarily, I smile too, and Emma keeps looking at me, bright and lively eyes.
"Do you and Emma go out together?" Jenna asks quickly, her gaze suddenly becoming serious "No," I say with confusion, and Jenna continues to look at me attentively. Occasionally, I could sense the brunette putting up a barrier with the outside world, but I really wished she would show herself as she was. I wanted to get to know her and make an impression. A part of me wanted to do the same with Emma but the latter was already quite extroverted, and it was easy to read her emotions. Jenna, on the other hand, was unreadable.
"Oh..." Jenna looks at me with embarrassment, and I smile at how adorable she is. "I know who you like," I intervene, and Jenna's eyes widen, her body stiffening at my words.
"You have to tell him... you know?" I say with a bitter smile. Jenna softens her gaze and continues to look at me, her thoughts and feelings unreadable.
Him? She says spontaneously.
"I'm sure George will feel the same," I say, smiling broadly, hiding my pain, and Jenna snorts with frustration. "It's not George," she says with irritation, making me blink in surprise at her reaction.
Emma walks towards us and stops in front of me. I look up, and Jenna looks away towards the floor. "Y/n, shall we walk a bit? We need to rehearse," Emma says, smiling broadly, her eyes curiously looking at Jenna. The brunette was silent, her hand gripping the chair arm tightly noting Emma's interest. "Um... sure," I say, smiling slightly, following Emma.
Let's start walking without a specific destination, simply enjoying each other's company.
"So... I noticed there's something between you and Jenna," Emma says, smiling weakly, walking alongside me. The girl with blue eyes puts her arms behind her back, walking absentmindedly.
"What? We're just friends," I say nervously, my heart pounding wildly against my chest. "But you like her, right?" She asks with a faded smile, her blue eyes looking at me attentively. "Yes," I say, not being able to lie to her. Emma lowers her gaze and looks at the tips of her shoes. "But I also like you... I'm really confused," I continue suddenly revealing a truth I wanted to keep hidden.
"I like you too... but Jenna is my friend," she says, smiling broadly, her eyes bright at the mention of her friendship with Jenna. "Jen is really introverted and hard to understand... I don't want to lose her friendship," she confesses, continuing to walk alongside me.
"Why should you lose her friendship?" I ask in confusion, and Emma rolls her eyes at my comment. "It doesn't matter," she says, laughing and elbowing me in the side. "So..." I say, and she quickly interrupts me, "I'm sure you like Jenna more, I think the on-set kisses confused you," she says with sadness, her blue eyes losing their liveliness.
"Emma..." I say sadly, feeling a void in my chest. "I told you she and Percy are not together, right?" She asks, and I nod, "but despite that, you still weren't sure," she says bitterly, looking at the floor. I feel a pang of pain in my chest and nod quickly, unconsciously knowing that Emma was right.
"Don't worry about me, I'll manage," Emma smiles genuinely and chuckles, but her eyes are dull.
"Okay," I say uncertainly, "so let's remain friends," I say almost bitterly, and Emma nods her head, "friends," she repeats weakly. "Sorry, but I have to go," Emma adds quickly, her steps increasing considerably.
I watch Emma walk away from me with sadness.
That same night, I found myself at a small party with the cast, Emma, and Georgie, dancing animatedly together. A part of me was sad, but at the same time, Emma had given me the green light with Jenna, and I had to move forward. I was slightly jealous of Georgie, I admit.
My eyes were on Jenna, who was leaving the party, and I unconsciously followed her.
As I open the door, the cold cuts my cheeks, and darkness surrounds us, a pleasant silence accompanying us.
"Do you need some fresh air too?" Jenna asks while lighting a cigarette; she was so damn sexy. "Yes, I love Hunter, but his trailer is too small," I laugh, and Jenna just stares at me.
"So... do you like Hunter? But I'm sorry because you know that he..." I start, but Jenna quickly interrupts me, smoke escaping from her lips. "Why do you assume it's a he?" she asks almost angrily, and a shiver runs down my spine at the intensity of her gaze. "Alright... so Joy?" I say, smiling slightly, sad but ready to support her. I had already lost Emma, and the chances of losing Jenna were skyrocketing.
"No!" Jenna throws the stub on the ground, looking at me with shining eyes. Her cold and exasperated response surprised me. Jenna sighs in frustration, crossing her arms to seek warmth. I hated not being able to read what she felt and thought; it was so damn difficult.
"Why do you care?" she asks defensively, and I sigh at her comment. "I want you to be happy," I confess, and Jenna stares at me without batting an eyelash. Her eyes soften, and she takes steps toward me. "It's you," she whispers.
I blink incredulously, and Jenna smiles genuinely. "Me?" I say with a smile on my lips, curious.
"Yes, damn it!" Jenna says, frustrated. "But I was afraid you liked Emma, and I care about her friendship," she confesses later.
"I like her... but I like you more," I admit, and she looks at me seriously, something incomprehensible swimming in her eyes.
"Am I not the second choice?" she timidly asks, the barriers she had finally broken ready to rise again to defend her emotions.
I shake my head; honestly, I liked Jenna from the moment I saw her.
Sensing the tension in the air, Jenna delicately bites her lips, then sticks out her tongue to moisten them. My eyes follow her with admiration, caught by the gesture exuding sensuality.
Red, full lips, so kissable.
Without warning, Jenna leans in, her presence intensifying the atmosphere charged with desire. With confidence, her lips meet mine in a long-awaited kiss. Jenna's strength and energy transmit through the contact, while the moment becomes charged with palpable passion. Jenna's hands firmly grip my shirt, and mine find her hips almost immediately, pulling her closer. During scenes, Emma used to kiss me tenderly, slowly, without invading my space too much, which was completely the opposite of what Jenna was doing.
Oxygen soon runs out, and we break the kiss, my nose brushing against hers, my eyes able to see the freckles around her face. "Wow," Jenna says, smiling widely, her breath slightly infused with alcohol. I smile too. Jenna wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me gently. "I'm glad you didn't do anything with Emma," Jenna says, smiling against my neck. I smile bitterly and let myself be carried away by the hug and her intoxicating scent. "Yeah," I say weakly, and Jenna tightens the embrace.
I had chosen Jenna, and there was no turning back.
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esoteriamaya · 8 months
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I'm so excited to do this one. This is to help you get into that goddess frequency a bit more. So everyone who's connected to their divine feminine should definitely let go and see what's in store for them in the future. Are you ready? Lets go!
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PILE 1 - Dedicated Effort / Love Abounds
This group needs to dedicate time to building an altar for themselves. Mirror work should be done frequently, and more openly. Letting the world shape your perception has helped you forget who you truly are in the inside. So working through those emotions and ideas of yourself through the mirror is what's perfect for you in the long run. In the mean time, taking you're self out to cute solo trips & dates, making money in some online business of some sort (or may through apps) can be a way to bring more self-love to you. Capricorn energy is precise with this group, as it's felt heavily. Money-making abilities is strong with this group and could be the reason for any lack of self love. You're a Goddess and can attract money like no other, so put more focus in your finances and you'll see a new you blossom in the new few months, easy. Use your reality as inspiration on where to get the community to follow your lead. As you do lead by example, let them surprise you with whatever it is you need help with, this is also related to a business. I think ya'll should get into it ;)
PILE 2 - Joy & Stability / Share The Love
You guys have strong, beautiful auras. Full of deep love and compassion for all that you meet. Your beauty is expressed in the way you help others and be of service to them. You may have dealt with people who've played with your kindness and made it out to be a weakness but that is not the case. Be more open to embracing this true beauty as it is a wonderful gift, and it will propel you high in life if you allow it. Remember that your value is higher than most can put a price on. Your built for a reality that is out of other peoples leisure. Luxury, Beauty, and Love is a theme for this group because you're meant for bigger and better things, am I right? So don't lose your head about what others think of you to be. You're much more than that. Another thing I want to say for this group is to live a little, share the bounty of joy you carry in you and never waver it for people as this is a healing gift for a few of you. Never take your happiness lightly, its a blessing after all.
PILE 3 - Patience & Planning / Rest & Rejuvenate
You guys need to hold on and smell the roses a little. Take a needed vacation and get out of town. Revise a little. You guys need to cope with something related to the past and spend more time giving yourself that needed love and attention you've been holding off on. Be more open to seeing the bigger picture to where your life is headed. You're a star waiting to burst, you know that right? You need time to move slower than usual because now is not the time to rush things and dive head first. Doing that will only cause problems in the long run, stress may have been big for this group.. but I want ya'll to know that stress can't run the show forever, you gotta choose you at some point. Whatever and WHOever is burning you out needs to be cut short so that you can breathe. So that you can believe what's in store for you will come when it's time and not when you feel it should be. Just be open to what God/Universe/The Divine has in store for you for the next 5-6 months, ok? k :)
PILE 4 - Take the Lead / Giving & Receiving / Love
This group has tiger strength. Phoenix energy. You guys have been through a lot so to speak. And because of all you've been through, you've made it back up to your most godly self. Confidence is a theme for this group and being the star of the show. You have to let go and be the main character of your reality, no matter who's tuning in. Jealousy/Envy is another theme for this group because secret enemies (for a few it could be close friends and family) could be the reason you've felt so down about yourself. And now you're literally being called to be in the spotlight in some way or form. Try vlogging, or speaking your truth or about topics you love, showing off your beautiful looks, and even just being an open arm for people in your life and your community. Finding a way to allow your spark to show is something significant for this group. So I hope that helps in the long run, be blessed.
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oldhalloweentape · 5 months
🪨Venture (OW II) x (fem) reader ⛏️
(Gamer Girl Reader Edition!)
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(Picture’s not mine!)
(Request here! Yeah so, here’s this! Not much to add, I’ll probably start working on the Junkrat headcanons now there aren’t any more asks for Venture at the moment)
- I think the idea of Venture, a very outdoorsy and adventurous person with you, a girl who is more inclined to stay inside and play your games could be really cute :))
- Despite their keen interest in getting out of there and exploring they’d happily stay inside to spend some time playing games, especially with you!
- In their opinion, it’s like exploring whole new world’s without the hassle of exerting themselves physically (they like doing it nonetheless ofc) besides giving themselves a hand cramp or two.
- If there’s a game you especially like in particular, they take notice and either play it with you or play it later if it’s single-player only— 80% chance of them becoming obsessed with it as well.
- Lore??? Yes please, they want it so bad that they can make a billboard of everything so they can try to “crack” the game franchise.
- 100% buys merch for you AND themselves, cause I feel like they’d do it either due to them wanting to be supportive or partaking in the games fandom themselves.
- Specifically, I think they’d like certain games such as:
- Tomb Raider: I mean, look at it— It has artifacts, parkour, and a badass main character (I can see them crushing on Lara Croft as a little kid, can and will die if you ever cosplay as her). Self-explanatory.
- Minecraft: Endless possibilities, worlds, scenarios, they can make blocky replicas of real-life historical architecture— “…You wanna put our Minecraft beds together?”
- Spore: A little more niche with this one but this game is all about literally building up an organism and giving them culture and civilizations, come on they’d totally love a game like this… Dig it even.
- Assassin's Creed Unity: This game literally helped with the reconstruction of THE Notre Dame— THAT’S how accurate and intricate the amount of detail that went into the world-building of this game is. It’s like a love letter to them.
- Stardew Valley: As much as they like adventure (and Stardew provides that in the mines anyway) it’s nice to play a game that’s focused on something as simple yet intricate as this… That and I know a clueless player who still has fun regardless when I see one.
- BG3: It has adventure, mystery, a medieval aura, great character dialogue, and animal companions that are all so different and so charming… A large, HOT, silly tiefling woman (again if you cosplay as her they will not recover) who could throw them against the wall like they’re a bag of half-empty chips. 10/10.
- ANYWAYS, back on you two, if you make time to do what they like they’ll do so in return. Making an effort as they try to get a few pointers from the Queen of gaming herself— D.Va.
- Helps happily of course thinks y’all are adorable and reassures Venture that when she’s done with them they’ll know everything there is to know when it comes to dating a gamer girl. It’s so fucking stupid but the intent that Sloane had for wanting to impress you is still apparent.
- The information helps surprisingly, to woo you successfully, which D.Va actively boasts about whenever she can after asking how y’all are doing.
- For sure goes on mall dates with you to get gaming stuff, prefers it over online shopping. Buying things like shirts over your shared favored games, and sharing them. Loves to be able to smell you on them (not in a creepy way) while away at work for a prolonged period.
- Loves to distract you from playing your games, sitting behind you, arms wrapped around your waist as they lean against your back, head either on your shoulder or the top of your head.
- Sometimes feeling a bit flirty and kissing the back of one of your ears, rubbing your sides, mumbling honeyed and lustful words, things like “You look gorgeous to me right now mi corazón, how about you put that controller down and let me prove it?”
- They’re like a spoiled cat when it comes to your attention, I would know because I have three, and one is currently making my other arm fall asleep.
(There!! Sorry if this came out a little later than it should’ve, I’m a little exhausted from some real stuff, and I stayed up over midnight for this one. The Venture effect lol)
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voidandabyssal · 5 months
Hello! How would an s/o that is almost half robot with the ability to control any type of media react to the star sanses and bad sanses (the s/o is really powerful like they can literally command anything related to internet to bend for their will)
Star sans I think is Dream, Blue and Ink, right? I only do four per ask so I’ll just do nightmare for the bad sanses!
He’s very impressed
Dream is like 500yrs old so he probably doesn’t understand the internet but he understands how powerful you are
Being able to completely control and command a system that often times whole worlds will use to communicate with is not a weak power at all
Though Dream does encourage you to use it for good, (instead of trolling small children online or something)
He also tries to get you to show him how the internet works
That doesn’t end well, Dream is very sweet but he’s like someones old grandpa that doesn’t understand how the phone works
You keep having to reset his passwords for him😅
Blue thinks you look really cool, all partial metal and exposed wires and such.
If your working with the star sanses then you even better remind him of the old comic books he used to read
Honestly he just loves seeing you in action
Getting to watch you defeat Nightmare with your abilities is amazing to watch
Blue alongside Dream, encourages you to keep your powers used for good
Though Blue might try and get you to prank his brother (Sorry Stretch! Bad internet for leaving those dirty socks!)
Ink is practically vibrating with how excited he is
Honestly the first time you meet he’s practically jumping all over you just analysing your design
He really admires your creator for this! They really did a good job this time round
Ink also loves testing your powers, constantly pushing the boundaries, finding loopholes in your abilities
He has to stop and calm down a little or his vomit his paints up again😅
Ink doesn’t mind you messing with people so much as the other Star sanses do, just so ling as you aren’t derailing the storys
He also definitely finds peoples reactions funny.
Appreciates the cold, hard exterior your metal frame gives you
The power, the defence, it all makes for a very strong soldier
Being that your half robot, it’s very likely that your emotions are a little dulled. Making it a little harder for you to feel positive or negative emotions
No matter, Nightmare has no issue with that. Just makes your relationship easier in his eyes
(It also means his negative aura will have a lesser impact on you, though he wont ever mention that. He wouldn’t want to look weak)
Less time wasted when you could be busy spreading negativity around the multiverse
Nightmare is also the only one who actively encourages you to hone your more harmful skills
Imagine the negativity caused by shutting down a hospital’s electricity…
You’re certainly his most prized weapon
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kitty-meowskers · 3 months
HEY THERE NEW GUY(gender neutral)
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Quick tour↠
yeah ok apologies for the issues... the scar and aventurine brainrot has, well, rotted everything
you can call me snekkey/kaju and i guueeeeeessss kitty is fine too
he/him and gay af
Honkai: Star Rail Aventurine, Ratio, Aventio
Wuthering Waves Scar
Spiderverse (soon (enough) to be trilogy) Gwen, Pavitr, Gwiles Miguel(almost only reblogs)
funfact i like jhariah and the dpr gang gang(YOOOOOOOOOO?)
#babbles - HSR
#aventootoo the aventwink - Aventurine
#mathematic rat - Ratio
#fuck it we hee hee - uh...... evil hee hee aventurine...?
#talkies - the VERY occasional atsv/itsv posts
#riddle me this snekkey - Asks
#random - not fandom specific, just snekkey being snekkey
thinking of one for wuwa, thinking #blablabla but unsure
Scar WILL get his own tag in the future. just you wait and see.
funfact im indian(YIPEEEEEEEEEEEEE?)
i occasionally bother the hsr rp blogs(ratio) with my main, be warned
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Rp blogs:
@scar-of-fractsidus my most popular one, Scar - WuWa
@billy-kid-extremelyofficial Billy kid - ZZZ
@pav-in-hsr-help Pavitr Prabhakar except he got stuck in the HSR universe (IT WAS MEANT TO BE SILLY)
@ratios-duck Erm. A duck blog. For Ratio.
@mundanite-ratio Ratio - HSR
@aventurine-the-finalvictor Aventurine - HSR
@ipc-findie The "Your mom's an antiquity!" Robot - HSR
@aventurines-trashcat One of Aventurine's cake cats :3
@sunday-of-oak - Sunday - HSR
@stoneheart-sugilite - Sugilite - HSR
Amazing Gang:
@bamgyuu be online more biacth
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skzwhoree · 2 years
"Yearn For Me"
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Hello guys!!! My last Toji fanfic received loads of love, so I decided to write another anime fanfic.
“Yearn for Me”
Starring : y/n and Gojou Saturo
Description: Gojou is the Model student in y/n’s University. When y/n miserably fails all her classes, she seeks for help from her senior Gojou Saturo who is popularly known as the “Dream Scholar”, Gojou accepts her request but on a rather… spicy condition.
Genre- Smut
Content Summary-  Sub!reader, dom!Gojou, University!au, praising, Overstimulation
word count: 1.7k
This has been a recent fake scenario, and its eating my head, HELPP.
“Not this again! I could’ve sworn I was gonna ace this paper!” but you did not.
Failing in an English paper has got to be one of the most embarrassing moments of your life, what was that all-nighter for? (you literally chatted with your friends online all night)
You teacher on the other hand was not very helpful was he? “y/n this is sickening, are you really trying to improve, because if this is your best, I would rather not see your worst.” It was a dead end. “I will not tolerate any more E’s from you, its either you pass my class or leave it” Dead. End.
The next day…
“Mina-chan, i suppose this is the end for me, this is the part where I sacrifice myself to the gods!” the entire cafeteria is staring at you as you bang your head on the snack table. “y/n you’re so dramatic, why don’t you take extra classes or something, save me from all your rants.” “Mina-chan so rude.” “or like ask a senior to help you out with the assignments”
“Mina-chan don’t you know all our seniors are stoners, all they know is how to smoke weed like a pro.” “Not all of them…” what does she mean by ‘not all of them’, the first thing you smell the second you enter a Year 3’s classroom is cannabis. “Gojou-san is a straight A student.”   That’s a new name.
“Who’s Gojou?” you ask Mina and her face is in complete shock. She even goes as far as to call you a mummy from the Egyptian era to not know who Gojou is. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?? GOJOU IS THE EPITOME OF BEAUTY.” Who is this Gojou and why is mina going crazy about him, and if he was that beautiful and shiny and glamorous, why haven’t you seen him yet?
“Because he’s too intelligent to attend the lectures, he doesn’t come to the university often. But when he does.. it’s a sight to see” “Mina- Chan you’re so dumb, if he doesn’t come to the uni often, how will I ask him to tutor me?”
Well lucky for you. He was at the university that day, just came to submit some assignment in person because the professor insisted.
 “Y/N !!! is this your luck?? There he is!”
And wow. He was a tall man, broad shoulders, blue eyes covered with his transparent spec’s glass frame, white hair held back with a black band. His aura was magnetic, you felt pulled to him. But it wasn’t easy to just walk up to him and mention your request.
Because, wherever he went, women surrounded him. It was as if he was a celebrity, they clicked pictures with him and talked to him formally. He didn’t seem to be bothered, in fact he acted as if it was a normal occurrence for him.
But you were desperate and if to pass and get an A in your classes meant that you had to walk up to him and ask him to tutor you. You were going to do it.
“Excuse me Gojou-san!” Gojou turned as soon as he heard you call him. “Gojou-san?” he thought.
“Umm can I ask why you were running towards me with that manic look on your face? Do you, by any chance, have any intentions of stabbing me?” he was amused, and his tone was rather slick. Not what you had expected. “N-NO! I – um – I had a request that only you can fulfill.”
He looked confused. Who would not be if you say something so blunt. “Just so you know, I don’t model, so if you’re from an agency, I refuse your offer.” With that he turned the other way and started walking. “What? No! Wait! I’m not from a modeling agency, Humble yourself. I am y/n from Year 2, you’re Gojou-San right?” -who does he think he is- “I think I am?” every word from his mouth was annoying. It was as if he knew he was amazing.
“I’ve heard you’re a straight A student, I’m actually really struggling with my assignments, I was hoping you could help me?” he looked interested immediately, “Sure, I’ll help you, but I take my tution fee in cash only.” Money? Fee? For a broke student like you, does he really think you can pay? “Fee?” you say with a startled tone. “Huh? No money? And you expect me to teach you, what do you think I am, a social worker?”
He started to walk away again, he sighed loudly saying something like “Do I look like a social worker? I think I need to fix my hair.”
 But you were desperate. “Wait! I don’t have money, But I’ll do anything! Please, I really have to pass my class!” He stopped. “Anything huh?”
“What do you mean anything?” he walked closer to you, with a smirk on his face. “umm yeah! I can get you morning coffee everyday, or like cook your favorite food for you, I’m a great cook actually and I could get your clothes dry cleaned for you. You know, like run errands for y-” he stopped you by placing his finger on your lips, “I have servants who do all that for me, how about you meet me in the library for our first class after uni today. I’ll take my payment after that.”
You went back to attend your classes, but something about the way he talked was bugging you. What could he possibly want as payment?
Later that day…
“WHAT?! HE AGGREED TO TUTOR YOU?” Mina yelled at the top of her voice, “SHHHH! Yes he did, we’re gonna study at the library in 5 mins”, And with that you rushed to the library, you didn’t want to be late and ruin your impression. When you reached he was already there, doing something on his phone, others at the library whispered to each other as they looked at him.
You waved to him when he looked at you, and he smirked. As you sat next to him, something that you wouldn’t have thought of in your entire life, happened.
He kissed you.
And the girls went crazy, there was an audible collective loud gasp. He kissed you deep and for once you tried to resist, but he hugged you tight so you couldn’t move. What is he doing? And why ?
After kissing you, He pulled back and started to take out books from his bag. “What? Aren’t you here to study?” you were still too shocked to utter a word. “Are you shocked? Well, don’t be. This is how you’re gonna pay me. That kiss was an advance, I’ll take the rest of the payment for today after we finish.” This? Payment? “WHAT!” you yell in the lowest pitch you can “WHAT DO YOU MEAN, IF THIS WAS THE ADVANCE WHAT IS YOUR FULL PAYMENT?” you say, still in a whisper yell.
“don’t you get it? y/n, I want to fuck you.”
No way. “Wait! I can’t do that!” you were stunned and a little annoyed by his confidence. Who does he think he is, you can’t just let him fuck you. “well then, no lessons for you, can’t believe I wasted my time for this.” And just as he got up he said, “You know, after that kiss, no woman in this room is going to spare you. Too bad.” You look around to see girls looking at you furiously, after all you had just kissed the man of their dreams.
Fuck. Dead End.
Now you were forced to take lessons from him. “No WAIT!” he smirks yet again, “Changed ya mind?” he says as he turns towards you. fuck. This isn’t good.
He sits back down and continues to take the lesson he promised. Surprisingly he was a great teacher. You could tell he put in the effort. But the payment kept bugging you.
After the lesson, he stretched a little and waited for you to pack up your bag. He grabbed you by your wrist and pulled you towards him, just to whisper in your ear, “don’t be scared, this’ll be a deal to remember. I’ll make sure you remember.”
You pant as Gojou surrounds you in his embrace. You’re skin to skin, his length fills you up deep, the windows of his car fog up. Gojou plants little kisses on your neck as you ride him in a slow pace. “Can’t go on, m tired!” Gojou rests back his head as he says, “I like seeing you troubled, want me to help you sweetheart?” another smirk on his face. “yess, please Gojou-san!” you beg, you couldn’t have wanted anything else than gojou to help you, the slow pace was killing you, your thighs were tired. “let Gojou help her little slutty new student” he says as he quickly has you laid on the car seat.
“c’mon, don’t go quiet on me, beg.”
“Please Gojou-San, fuck me, fuck me!” he thrusts into you once, it was a hard deep thrust, “please Gojou!” Another Thrust, and as you beg him like a prayer, he fucks into your hole hard. Your wallas squeeze him tight and he grunts into your ears.
Gojou bites your ears softly, then the back of your neck, your back, your shoulders. He says “I’ve never met someone who feels so good on my dick before” “its like you were made for me to ruin you” Gojou tugs on your hair, as he cums inside of you, his fluids mix with yours as you cum with him, your hole leaks and wets his car seats. Gojou falls onto you, his heaviness acting as a sense of comfort on your body.
And just as you thought it was over.
He thrusts into you again. “Gojou-San! Can’t take anymore!”
“What? Did you think my lessons were that cheap? I’m gonna go on till I fuck with your head”
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA that was it GUYS! Lmk if you want a part 2! BYE.
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wyllzel · 5 months
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🔗 Link to Google Doc.
AKA my variant of u/Victorvnv’s guide, The Terminator Bard build (r/BG3Builds).
This is how I’ve built Minthara for a Tactician playthrough! While this isn’t thematic at all for a character who’s supposed to be a Paladin, the Bard with a Machine Gun is a high DPR (>200!), powerful build – and we all know how Minthara feels about power, haha.
The goal of the Bard With a Machine Gun (8 Bard / 4 Fighter) is to get up close to enemies and shoot them in the face. 💥 The focus for this guide is on leveling, feats, and gear. This build wants to deliver maximum Piercing Damage via a melee Heavy Crossbow: 
Your Bard should be in melee to take advantage of the Bhaalist Armor’s Aura of Murder.
Heavy Crossbows are the Piercing Damage-type weapon with the highest Damage Dice (1d10). Also, they feel cool.
The Bard With a Machine Gun comes online in Act 3, but can perform well enough to keep up with Act 1 and Act 2.
This guide assumes that the Bard is Minthara, but this build can work with any one of your party members. No illithid powers are necessary.
(Fair warning: Possible spoilers ahead!)
Please note that this guide is really just my personal preference! I recommend reading through the Wiki page on BG3’s Bard and Fighter classes so you get a good idea of how this multiclass synergizes. In this guide, I’ve added a star (⭐) next to each of the class features or spells that I especially like.
To start with, I’ll recommend these base stats:
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In the early game (Act 1), it’s a good idea to keep Minthara's Dexterity and Charisma Ability Scores up. Dexterity affects Minthara’s effectiveness with weaponry, and Charisma affects her spellcasting ability.
However, note that Minthara won’t be casting a lot of spells. Because she’ll be using her crossbow most (if not all) of the time, she should take Bardic support spells that don’t rely on high Charisma (eg. Longstrider, Enhance Ability). I recommend focusing on Minthara as a martial who may occasionally rely on spells, rather than trying to run this multiclass as primarily a caster.
Because of this, I also recommend focusing on “martial-leaning” Skills that Minthara will make good use of on the battlefield. For example, I like to bolster her Acrobatics and Stealth.
📝 If you’re okay with respeccing… When I reached the githyanki crèche at the Rosymorn Monastery, I acquired the Gloves of Dexterity for Minthara so that I could dump her Dexterity score and take the Sharpshooter Feat instead of an ASI (for her Level 4 feat). However, I swapped the Gloves of Dexterity for the Legacy of the Masters gloves in Act 3, and respec’d Minthara to set her base Dexterity back to 16. I did this to improve her Attack Roll Bonus. By the time your party reaches Level 9, Minthara's base Attack Roll Bonus (without accounting for other gear and features) would be calculated as follows: - Gloves of Dexterity (sets DEX to 18): +8 = +4 (18 DEX) +4 (Proficiency Bonus) - Legacy of the Masters and 16 DEX: +9 = +2 (LotM) +3 (16 DEX) +4 (Proficiency Bonus) However, doing a respec around the Gloves of Dexterity may feel a bit convoluted. The following leveling guide will still give you an adequate build that becomes great in Act 3.
Because Minthara won’t really be using her spells, I will abstain from making any "must-take" spell recommendations. The following is an abbreviated example of her level progression.
Level 1 (Bard 1)
3 Bardic Inspiration charges (1d6) (Recharge on Long Rest)
Recommended cantrips: Mage Hand, Minor Illusion
Recommended spells: Healing Word, Longstrider, Sleep, Bane
Level 2 (Bard 2)
Recommended spell: Thunderwave
Level 3 (Bard 3)
Recommended spell: Enhance Ability
Select Subclass: College of Swords ⭐
Defensive Flourish (Melee/Ranged), Slashing Flourish (Melee/Ranged), Mobile Flourish (Melee/Ranged)
Fighting Style: Dueling
Minthara will almost always use Slashing Flourish (Ranged) while in combat. Slashing Flourish (Ranged) allows your Bard to make two Ranged Attacks at once, and adds a Damage Dice per Attack.
Once Minthara gains Extra Attack (Level 6), by using Slashing Flourishes, she can make up to four improved Ranged Attacks per round of combat. This gives the build that “Machine Gun” flavoring.
Level 4 (Bard 4)
Recommended cantrip: Vicious Mockery
Recommended spell: Invisibility
Feat: Sharpshooter ⭐
Level 5 (Bard 5)
4 Bardic Inspiration charges (Recharge on Short Rest)
Improved Bardic Inspiration (1d8)
Recommended spell: Plant Growth
Level 6 (Bard 6)
Extra Attack (College of Swords)
Recommended spell: Calm Emotions
Level 7 (Fighter 1)
Second Wind
Fighting Style: Archery ⭐
Level 8 (Fighter 2)
Action Surge
Level 9 (Bard 7)
Recommended spell: Dimension Door
Level 10 (Bard 8)
5 Bardic Inspiration charges
Recommended spell: Knock
Feat: Crossbow Expert ⭐
This feat lets Minthara use her crossbow to full effect while in melee combat.
Level 11 (Fighter 3)
Select Subclass: Champion ⭐
Improved Critical Hit
Level 12 (Fighter 4)
Feat: ASI (+2 DEX) ⭐
Final Composition
By Level 12, Minthara will have the following notable qualities:
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Feats: Sharpshooter, Crossbow Expert
Fighting Styles: Dueling, Archery
Improved Bardic Inspiration (1d8)
Improved Critical Hit (19-20)
The goal of this gear selection is to maximize Piercing Damage.
Headwear: Helmet of Arcane Acuity
Battle Acuity: Whenever you deal damage with a weapon attack, you gain Arcane Acuity for 2 turns.
Dexterity saving throws +1
Because Minthara’s Spellcasting DC is going to be naturally low (16 CHA), this helmet allows her to build up Arcane Acuity from making weapons attacks. Therefore, if combat requires her spellcasting abilities, she’ll have a better chance of succeeding. As such, especially in Act 3, it may be a good idea for Minthara to hold onto Hold Monster scrolls.
I like keeping this helmet on my gish out of habit, but Minthara is foremost a martial. A good alternative headwear is the Marksmanship Hat.
Armor: Bhaalist Armor
Aura of Murder: Enemies within 2 m / 6.5 ft become Vulnerable to Piercing Damage, unless they are Resistant or Immune to it. ⭐
Ambusher: Gain a +2 bonus to Initiative Rolls.
AC 14 + DEX modifier
Aura of Murder doubles all of the Piercing Damage that Minthara does while in melee combat. This passive is why the build requires the Crossbow Expert Feat, which allows you to effectively use your crossbow while in melee.
Cloak: Vivacious Cloak
Arcane Vivaciousness: Gain 8 temporary HP for four turns after casting a spell while in melee.
Minthara is, technically, a caster (Bard). While she won’t be casting often, 8 HP can be a gamechanger.
Handwear: Legacy of the Masters
Arming Enhancement: Gain a +2 Bonus to Attack Rolls and Damage Rolls with weapons. ⭐
Strength saving throws +1
The +2 to Attack Rolls helps offset the Attack Roll penalty from the Sharpshooter feat.
Footwear: Boots of Brilliance
Restore Bardic Inspiration: Play your instrument to restore one of your Bardic Inspiration slots. (Recharge: Long Rest.)
Minthara may run out of Bardic Inspiration fairly quickly. These boots and the Wondrous Gloves increase Bardic Inspiration.
I also like the Disintegrating Night Walkers on Minthara - especially since these are drowish boots!
Amulet: Amulet of the Harpers
Advantage on Wisdom saving throws.
Shield: Cast as a level 1 spell. (Recharge: Long Rest.)
The Advantage on Wisdom saving throws (used against spells like Hold Person) offsets the Risky Ring, which is recommended below.
Alternatively, the Amulet of Misty Step can help Minthara with positioning.
Ring A: Crusher’s Ring
Movement Speed increased by 3m / 10ft.
Minthara needs mobility to ensure that she’s close enough to her enemies (for Aura of Murder).
Ring B: Risky Ring
Risky Attack: You gain Advantage on Attack Rolls and receive Disadvantage on Saving Throws.
The Advantage that this ring grants should help offset the -5 to Attack Rolls from the Sharpshooter Feat.
Melee Main Hand: Phalar Aluve
Performance +1
Phalar Aluve: Melody: The sword hums in anticipation, ready to Sing or Shriek. Effect ends when Phalar Aluve is unequipped.
Melee Off Hand: Sentinel Shield
Minthara won’t be using her melee weapon much, if at all. Therefore, it’s more useful for her melee weapon to be a buffer (ie., Melody: Shriek).
Phalar Aluve is also nice in that it's a longsword with the versatile tag – meaning it can be wielded based off DEX rather than STR!
Heightened Awareness: Gain a +3 bonus to Initiative rolls and Advantage on Perception checks.
Shield Bash: When a foe hits you with a melee attack, you can use your Reaction to knock them Prone unless they succeed a DEX saving throw.
AC +2
Any shield here works, I just recommend Sentinel Shield for the +3 to Initiative.
Ranged Main Hand: Hellfire Engine Crossbow
Lightning Arrow: Cast as a Level 4 spell. (Recharge: Long Rest.)
Piercing Shot: Shoot a foe in the chest and possibly inflict Gaping Wounds. Undead and Constructs can't suffer Gaping Wounds.
Brace (Ranged): Spend 6 m / 20 ft of your movement. For the rest of your turn, roll Ranged Damage twice and use the highest result.
Reposition Malefactor: Pulls the creature 9 m / 30 ft closer to you if it fails a DC 15 DEX saving throw.
This is Minthara’s primary weapon, so you definitely want to give her the most badass Heavy Crossbow you can find. >:) An alternative is Gortash’s Fabricated Arbalest!
Ranged Off Hand: N/A
Number Crunching
The following table should give you an idea of how Minthara performs on the battlefield as a result of her gear synergy. This table assumes that Minthara is Level 12.
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(The (A) means that Minthara is attacking with Advantage (Risky Ring).)
Since Minthara has Extra Attack (College of Swords, Lvl. 6), she can do up to 160-288 DPR for an average of ~224 DPR. Additionally, Minthara has a higher chance of landing a Critical Hit (19%) – which can significantly increase her DPR.
On a Critical Hit: 19% Chance
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Note that Minthara is essentially making four Attacks per round (two Slashing Flourishes, where each Flourish is two Attacks).
This concludes my version of the Terminator Bard, which I call “Bard With a Machine Gun”! A melee fighter that takes advantage of ranged weaponry/feats is a really interesting concept, and is a lot of fun to play since it feels different from your standard hack-and-slash melee martial.
As always, there are probably ways to get your Bard even more optimized – but an average of >200 DPR is more than enough for me!
Another way to make this build interesting is to run your Bard as a dual Hand Crossbow wielder (rather than Heavy Crossbow). To do so, you should take the Two-Weapon Fighting Fighting Style at Level 3 (College of Swords Bard). Recommended Hand Crossbows are the Hellfire Hand Crossbow and a Hand Crossbow +2.
Thanks for reading, and hope this gave you some ideas for your Bard-based builds! :)
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dduane · 1 year
Hello Mrs Duane, sorry to poke at you on here so late. I haven't had the pleasure yet of reading your books, but a cursory look at your Wikipedia page makes me realise you had a significant involvement in my childhood (Star Trek:TNG, Ducktales, Gargoyles, Batman the animated series, etc), despite me having no idea. I just wanted to say that, having you on my dashboard here makes me feel really ...welcome, happy? You remind me of when I was a teenager online in the early 00s and would meet people older than me who were kind and patient with me, and had this over all calming aura to them. I've been on tumblr since like, 2012 but no one has given me that same feeling of exploring LJ or talking on smaller forums with someone a lot wiser than I am. So thank you for being you, and all your hard work. I hope you and yours have a wonderful rest of the year. c:
Thanks so much! Except for annoying physical stuff, t's been pretty good so far.
And I'm glad to be here and be found a generally positive influence. May matters so continue. :)
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yanderewhispers · 1 year
Yandere! Celebrity x Fan! Reader (Part 1)
Sebastian is a charismatic and influential star adored by millions. Behind the fame lies a possessive and obsessive nature, determined to keep you close in the shadow of his stardom.
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In a lavish fan sign event, you find yourself face to face with the charming and influential celebrity, Sebastian. With his striking looks and magnetic aura, he exudes an aura of stardom that captivates everyone in the room. As you approach him, he flashes a warm smile that sends your heart racing.
Sebastian's status as a beloved celebrity has brought him fame, fortune, and a legion of devoted fans. Yet, amidst the crowd, his eyes lock onto you. He takes a moment longer to sign your merchandise, making you feel like the only person in the room. You can't help but feel a rush of excitement and curiosity about the man behind the celebrity façade.
Over the following weeks, your encounter with Sebastian lingers in your thoughts. To your surprise, he reaches out to you through social media, initiating casual conversations about shared interests and experiences. Despite his busy schedule, he makes time to talk to you, treating you as a friend rather than just a fan.
As your online friendship deepens, Sebastian slowly reveals his more vulnerable side. He confides in you about the pressures of fame and the loneliness that comes with stardom. Through his words, you catch glimpses of the real person beneath the celebrity image, and you feel a sense of understanding and empathy toward him.
Sebastian's gestures become more personal. He surprises you with gifts and tickets to his exclusive events, expressing his appreciation for your support. He admits that he feels an unexplainable connection to you, a connection that transcends the typical fan-celebrity relationship.
Unbeknownst to you, Sebastian has been carefully observing your life from afar. He uses his resources not to invade your privacy, but to learn more about the person you are beyond the fandom. He admires your passion, kindness, and authenticity, qualities he finds increasingly rare in his celebrity circles.
As you spend more time talking, Sebastian's feelings begin to evolve. What started as a fascination with a devoted fan has turned into a genuine affection for you. He finds himself daydreaming about your future together, sharing intimate moments away from the public eye.
However, Sebastian's status as a celebrity also brings forth a sense of possessiveness. He becomes fiercely protective of your budding friendship, becoming subtly jealous of your interactions with other fans or friends. He yearns to be the only one who knows you intimately, the one who holds the key to your heart.
Despite the glamour and wealth surrounding him, Sebastian is far from perfect. His insecurities and fears about rejection from someone he deeply cares about make him vulnerable. He doesn't want you to see the darkness that lies within his fame, but at the same time, he can't bear the thought of losing you.
As Sebastian's feelings for you intensify, his status as a celebrity becomes a constant obstacle in your relationship. He longs to break free from the constraints of fame and live a normal life with you, but he knows it's impossible. The ever-present paparazzi, the prying eyes of the public, and the expectations of his fans make it difficult for him to have a private and meaningful connection with you.
He becomes increasingly paranoid about rumors or potential leaks that could expose your relationship to the world. The fear of public scrutiny and judgment gnaws at him, driving him to take extreme measures to protect your bond. He meticulously plans every encounter and communication to avoid any traces of their connection being discovered.
As your friendship blossoms, Sebastian's possessiveness grows, and he becomes possessive of your time and attention. He orchestrates situations that keep you close to him, whether it's inviting you to exclusive events or offering you opportunities to be part of his inner circle. He enjoys being your confidant and secret keeper, relishing in the power of holding such intimate knowledge about you.
As his obsession deepens, he slowly starts crossing boundaries, using his status and wealth to manipulate situations in your favor. He arranges for private getaways and romantic dinners, where he can have you all to himself, away from prying eyes. He hires people to ensure your safety and comfort, making you feel like a princess in his secluded world.
However, beneath the glamour, there is a darker side to Sebastian's actions. His fear of losing you drives him to increasingly extreme lengths to maintain control over your relationship. He might manipulate circumstances to distance you from other people in your life, ensuring that you become more reliant on him emotionally.
The facade of his charming personality starts to crack under the pressure of his obsession. He becomes more possessive, irrational, and paranoid. He desperately clings to the idea that you belong to him and that no one else can truly understand or love you the way he does.
As the line between love and possession blurs, Sebastian becomes blinded by his desires. He may start engaging in unethical practices to protect your bond, even if it means harming others or crossing moral boundaries. The fame that once brought him joy now feels like a prison, and he yearns for an escape with you by his side.
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kedsandtubesocks · 1 year
Go Play Your Video Games
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Summary: As a small time gaming streamer, you like your little cozy corner online. But when a subscriber donates a couple of thousand during a charity stream, he swears it’s because he’s an actor. You know the rule about never truly trusting anything on the internet. So there’s no way an actual actor can be watching you stream, right?
Pairing: Dieter Bravo x YouTuber!Reader
Word Count: 11.4K
Rating: M (18+ only)
Warnings: slight phone sex and allusions to sex, drug mentions, if there is anything I’ve missed please let me know (also sorry no beta reader we embrace the chaos the way dieter would)
A/N: Ok so, reader has a YouTube channel name and nickname but I promise it connects to the story so I just wanted to give that heads up! Second there are game references but nothing extreme or that you need to know for reading this. Third yes the title is based off the song ‘video games’ but i highly recommend Trixie Mattel’s cover of it! Fourth and final this is for @skeletoncowboys and @lowlights - my two lovely angels I truly can’t thank you both enough… this would not be here without y’all, you two are my guiding stars
and to you reading this, thank you 💜
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Dieter is worried as balls he’s going to be late.
His manager has been talking for so long now that the dude sounds like a parent from a Charlie Brown special, just mumbling muffled crap that Dieter hasn’t even been listening to since fifteen minutes ago.
“Dieter. Dieter, man are you even paying attention?” His manager snaps and Dieter waves half heartedly at him.
“No.” He answers truthfully while his eyes stay focus on the other side of his laptop screen where the YouTube page is opened. Fuck he’s thankful the screen hasn’t changed. His eyes even stopped trying to flicker between the zoom meeting and the YouTube window. Now he just flat out patiently stares at the load screen buffering. 
“You know what, fine. We’ll just figure this out tomorrow.” His poor manager sighs giving up.
“Yeah I know. I said earlier we should have discussed this tomorrow but whatever, okay bye!” Dieter cries happily and immediately clicks out of the zoom meeting to maximize the other window. The screen however suddenly freezes in the process. 
“God damnit shitty hotel wifi!” Dieter screams horrified, scary movie worthy. 
It’s just a snag of a moment but it is costing him time. He now scrambles to try and do something, anything, to bring the screen to life.
Because he’s been waiting for this moment. 
A face reveal. Your face reveal. 
You normally did all your ‘let’s play’ game streams faceless. You mentioned how you wanted everyone to focus on the game while also admitting that you felt a bit self conscious about showing your face. 
But then the charity stream collab came. 
“If you guys donate and we make it past one thousand dollars I’ll do it. I’ll do a face reveal stream. And who knows, maybe I’ll do a few more if we reach anything past our goal.”
You announced that during the stream a few weeks ago while your character ran around the Sim’s. 
Dieter did not hesitate. He donated the entire thousand himself and added two extra thousand dollars just in case. He even recorded the moment it happened because it was so damn cute. You were so damn cute. 
On stream when you suddenly saw the amount you cough out whatever you were taking a sip from. It made him laugh.
“Okay DB Blaster what the HELL?” Your reaction? Saying his user name? One of his top ten favorite moments of all time for sure.
Now the face reveal stream is here.
He already knows you’re probably beautiful, just knows because he can tell. The energy and aura you give off? Yeah he knows you’re gorgeous. Plus his actors’s intuition is no joke.
But now he gets to know what color your eyes are, how your face looks when it lights up when you laugh. 
And the damn stupid hotel wifi is fucking up his entire LIFE. 
As if nothing, the laptop screen unfreezes and there, the stream pops up. Dieter thinks he actually hears angels singing as the stream loads. 
“Come ON!” He screams at the laptop so tempted to shake it. 
And then, there you are. 
You sit on a cozy gaming chair. The light of your bedroom bathes you in a golden glow as you grin warm. It damn near twinkles in your eyes. 
Dieter inhales so fast his head goes dizzy. His heart suddenly jumps wild as hell in his chest and he’s worried it might fly out of his ass.
Because yeah he knew you were going to be pretty, but he didn’t think you’d be down right gorgeous.
He sits stunned in the nice hotel chair.
A piece of him thinks about that one podcast he listened to on how YouTube culture is meant to distract the masses so the alien overlords could take over easier. But right now he thinks the alien overlords could show up, burn his hotel room down and he wouldn’t give a rats ass. He wouldn’t even move from his chair. 
Because there you are, separated by millions of pixels and glass screens always. And fuck, you are beautiful and his heart now soars far out of his chest.
Dieter happily grabs from the snack pile he curated to perfection for this event. He mindlessly shoves cheezits into his mouth. The salty cheese snack is enough to finally snap him out of the trance you put him under and immediately type something in your chat. 
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Streaming started off as a half joke to you. 
During the peak of the pandemic the boredom, as well as the ache to just connect with your friends, is what brought you to live video game streaming.
You had played a few rounds of Mario Kart before with online play. But to fully play multiplayer games over a livestream with your friends? 
That was how Twitch was introduced to you. 
“Let’s just use it to play stupid games together!” Your best friend argued over a voice memo.
Twitch became a simple fun time to play with your friends. You laughed on private streams and enjoyed chasing your friends around trying to figure out who was the killer in Dead by Daylight. 
Then your best friend had the crazy idea of uploading one of the livestreams into the main tag. 
“Dude we’re funny, you are funny! Why not?” 
“If you do that I’m hiding my face.” You vehemently told them.
Now here you are.
A full YouTube channel with 10K followers and doing a full on face reveal. 
If you had told the past you that your friend posting the nightly video game group hang out would have transformed into this, you would have probably passed out. 
But learning how to edit videos, gaining the confidence to post videos, straight up livestream with strangers, many who have now become dear friends since your Twitch days, and even finding friends among other streamers - all of this has led to where you sit now in your cozy gamer chair. 
Because here you are - halcyon ghost. 
And you are trying to keep yourself composed at witnessing chat go up into a whirlwind at finally seeing your face.
butterflybabe: GHOST?? U ARE GORGEOUS
ytgnfjkl: must avert my eyes from someone so pretty
doodlenoodles: we gotta cancel ghost now for being too beautiful can we do that? 
khaki345: just proved to all of us those earth angel allegations are true pal
A childish urge to cover your face itches all over your body and you can’t stop smiling.
DB_Blaster: HEY! I knew ghostie would be lovely before everyone else did thank you! 
Then that comment has you smirking as you shake your head seeing the familiar chat name and Roger Rabbit icon. 
Outlandish, a bit eccentric, DB_Blaster appeared around a year ago. 
AJplays, your closest YouTube friend, advised that yes you can make great friends with a lot of subscribers and members. But you still always had to be careful.
“You don’t know who’s on the other side of the screen or chat ya know?” He had told you and you kept that in the back of your head, a silent awareness to always be just a bit careful.
And then DB Blaster weeks ago dropped a few thousand dollars during your livestream and you almost choked on your drink.
A year ago you made a discord server for channel members. There in a private discord chat you messaged the user who casually had donated enough money to make your head spin. 
Halcyonghost: did you seriously just drop 3K
DB_Blaster: excuse you I donated 5k  
Just as fast as he replied, he then donated another two thousand dollars.
DB_Blaster: do you need more? 🥺
You sent back a mess of screaming messages.
Most of them were confused and completely freaking out because who has the money to just drop thousands during a charity YouTube stream? 
Then this dumbass had the audacity to send you back a gif of Garfield shrugging.
After that you couldn’t help but want to find out more about this elusive DB.
Halcyonghost: so are you some sort of mob member? Is there a mobster actually wanting to watch some youtuber play animal crossing?
DB_Blaster: holy fuck if only
DB_Blaster: but nah ghostie, I’m an actor 😇
That was the first time he said he was an actor and you rolled your eyes. 
Halcyonghost: okay sure, believe the mobster theory even more now 
“He might just be some rich sugar daddy type dude.” AJ told you over a voice memo.
That theory felt closer to being true than the possibility of a real actor messaging you. After that DB slowly began to message at weird times of the day. Once at two in the morning he wished you a good day and sent a link to a weird but super funny tiktok. You also always could count on him to send you some of the most outlandish memes. 
It was cute and endearing in its own way. 
Now as you sort through chat and let the screen load for Stardew Valley an alert pops up on your phone.
Discord Alert: new message 
You covertly go to check it on the desktop. 
DB_Blaster: oh sweet ghostie you have me on my KNEES
DB_Blaster: you are gorgeous 
DB_Blaster: not even Billy Shakes could do your beauty justice 
Your lips fight back a smile as you type your reply back.
Halcyonghost: Billy Shakes?
DB Blaster quickly sends you a glittering photo of William Shakespeare wearing sunglasses. 
You hold back a stupid little giggle and simply decide to jump into playing.  
On stream you run around like crazy trying to fish and end up facilitating a discussion about what maybe do next stream to change things up.
AJPlays: play another horror game you coward
“Don’t be rude!” You wheeze playfully at your friend’s comment. “But I’m open to playing more horror games.”
friedpickle: let’s watch a movie!!
“A movie live watch would be fun.” You offer. “Would be a bit hard since YouTube is ridiculous on copyright movie shit.”
The private discord message notification goes off again.
DB_Blaster: you watch anyone of my movies you wouldn't have to worry about copy right issues I’ld take care of it 
You decide to be a bit playful. 
Halcyonghost: you sure are serious about the whole actor deal huh? 
DB_Blaster: as serious as the Oscar I got 🫡
Now you can’t help but egg him on.
Playfully you reply with the ‘sure Jan’ gif and return to streaming.
The joy of carving out this little space on the Internet for yourself is being reminded how fun it can really be. Sure chat can be a little chaotic to keep up with sometimes, but the conversations are wonderful. It does stun you from time to time to get hit with the realization that real folks watch you, interact with your content and want to talk with you. A fond warmth blooms through your chest even as you frustratedly lose another fish.
That’s when you finally glance at the time on your computer screen. 
“Woah team, why didn’t you guys tell me it was this late?” You announce through a yawn seeing it’s about to be past nine.
“Well,” you begin a bit heartfelt and slowly bare your heart. You explain how you never thought you’d get this brave to become a streamer, much less show your face. You sincerely thank everyone who watches, interacts and makes this little nook of the internet so special for you. 
Chat blows up and giddiness overwhelms you at the response.
So many cute hearts and massive sweet messages.
sam maybe: nothing but love for you!
It’s all a beautiful reminder that yeah being online sometimes is good.
As you log off chat you reach for your phone. A few emails from work, texts from your parents, and a couple of alerts from discord wait for you. You check the main server chat first.
doodlenooodles: we should make this day a national holiday -national halcyon ghost face day reveal 
JustAshley: agreed 
An amused snort escapes you and you move to check the few private discord messages you have.
One is AJ screaming his demand for you to play another horror game along with sending a photo of his partner's sweet dog.
Then two messages wait for you from DB Blaster.
The first is a photo.
A very prestigious Oscar award gleams on a mantle. An opened bag of chips casually is crunched beside it. From how shiny it glistens in the light, the award looks official. Not believing it for a second though, you click on the photo to investigate. You zoom in on the award where the name can be made out even in the gleam of the light.
Academy Award Winner
“Hunger Strike”
Dieter Bravo  
“Wait.” You admit outloud.
Why did that name sound familiar?
You google the name and up pops the very handsome veteran actor. You suddenly remember the ads he was in for that Beast Cliff movie your best friend raved were pure delicious golden trash.
There is no way it’s that guy. 
Halcyonghost: That��s a good replica lol are you a big fan of his?
DB_Blaster: definitely not a replica and I guess you could say that lol 👀 
His profile name now made sense. This guy had to be a huge fan of Dieter Bravo. You could respect that. 
DB_Blaster: on another note! I’m glad you did a face reveal, you really are so attractive like wowza
A bit forward, you thought. But he’s quick to apologize.
DB_Blaster: shit sorry I don’t wanna be creepy
DB_Blaster: I just remember how nervous and hesitant you were about ever showing your face and now you getting to this point? rad as fuck 
A sweet appreciation unfolds over you fast, sweetening your teeth as if you had just taken a bite out of your favorite cake. 
This person has been with you for around a year now. So for him, along with all the other members that have stuck around, to recognize this moment is just as big of a deal for you as it was for them is incredible. The true depth of your emotions feel too big to be captured by words. 
Halcyonghost: aw shucks thank you
You explain how as nervous you were, by the time stream hit the hour mark everyone made it feel like you were back to streaming with your friends. You happily embrace that feeling
DB_Blaster: awww you like us! 🥹♥️
Halcyonghost: Of course! Everyone who comes to stream and interacts is what pushes creators like us & I never want to forget or take for granted anyone who views my work 
You were lucky and grateful for the sweet community that’s grown with you.
DB_Blaster: wow, pretty poetic and sentimental ghostie I like it
DB_Blaster: 🥰
You smirk cause it’s not even that poetic but you don’t have the energy to correct him. It’s getting late and you want to start heading to bed.
DB_Blaster: can I ask you something? Since you’re being sentimental and what not.
DB_Blaster: and you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to but I’ve always want to know
DB_Blaster: why did u get into streaming?
Why did you get into streaming and YouTube?
DB_Blaster: fuck shit I’m sorry if that was too invasive
He even sends a worried cat face picture. 
What a question to ask though. You thought you had discussed this on stream or even on a previous video before. Now you wonder if maybe you hadn’t mentioned it. All your friends knew about how you got to this point. They were the aid and the only reason why you got the push anyway. 
Halcyonghost: No worries its all good
Halcyonghost: guess like everyone else the pandemic kinda just pushed me to try new things, decided to play on twitch with friends on a private stream and then a few streams later my best friend decides to post it on a main tag and it blows up
Halcyonghost: then one brave fuck it decision later a YouTube channel is born and here we are lol
Halcyonghost: sorry if that’s not too exciting 
DB_Blaster: no that’s everything
DB_Blaster: it’s special knowing this turned into something meaningful for you it’s great  
It catches you off guard at how endearing the message is.
Halcyonghost: wow that’s real sweet thank you ♥
You mean that reply.
After you brush your teeth, you pass out in your bed forgetting to see if he replied back. Strangely enough, the image of a golden Oscar lingers in the back of your mind.
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The beautiful moments of enjoying streaming, of getting to bask in how special this little outlet, are what you treasure. But those moments when work, life, clash with your little carved out corner it reminds you that sometimes you need to step away from everything for a bit.
Halcyon Ghost: hey guys, tough day at work today… going have to reschedule stream :( real sorry about this!!
The replies are sweet, reassuring along with some humorous ones. One comes from your mystery man on a private discord message. 
DB_Blaster: do you need me to take someone out? 
It’s enough to make you laugh and a relaxed ease melts away some of your stress. 
Halcyonghost: Tempting! But stand down Don Corleone
DB_Blaster, catching your godfather reference, sends you a gif of the classic ‘‘leave the gun take the cannoli’ scene. 
DB_Blaster: sorry work was so tough, anything I can do to help?
You thank him and explain how it’s just work stuff getting you down. Of course you make the joke about one day becoming a full time streamer because every little YouTuber at one point wonders about the life of having that as their job.
DB_Blaster: you should, I’d support you. No lie. 
You’re about to dig into the takeout you order and you’re thankful you didn’t take a bite because you would have coughed out a little laugh at seeing that message. 
Halcyonghost: Ahh yes forgot… talking to a scary rich mobster here lol   
He sends a gif of Marlon Brando’s Don Corleone and it does make you giggle. 
DB_Blaster: but seriously, you ever need anything
DB_Blaster: I know it sounds weird but pls let me know okay??
It’s oddly sweet. But of course you sharply remember how this guy donated thousands easily and it only intensely rattles your mind thinking about what kind of man this guy is. 
Halcyonghost: thank you ♡
Halcyonghost: so…what do you seriously do? Besides being a mobster obsessed with one random actor lol 
DB_Blaster: Rude!!
DB_Blaster: and I told you
DB_Blaster: I am a thespian ghostie babe 😎
He really is sticking to that. 
You want to poke fun but you also understood not wanting to discuss personal aspects. So you apologize for asking. He doesn’t reply for a full ten minutes and you now wonder if maybe you could be upsetting him. 
Discord alert: DB_Blaster sent you a voice message!
That new alert now makes you eve more worried.
You scramble to grab your headphones and you don’t know why your heart is hammering so much. You don’t hesitate to listen to the voice chat. 
“Ghostie.” The voice that greets you is pure smooth goodness. Thick, manly and older, and something feels as if it is being yanked out of your chest fast. 
“I swear I’m an actor.” He urges with a laugh. “Do you want me to send you my IMDB page? Or you know what, maybe this might help.”
The voice chat ends and you see the bubbles pop up suggesting he is typing a message in the discord chat.
A photo pops up.
The man in it is scruffy, a bit sleepy looking with bed head type hair. He holds up a peace sign and grins at you. This man is also gorgeous. Deep dark brown eyes and a sharp striking nose, for some reason his voice perfectly fits his features. 
His face again seems so familiar.
DB_Blaster: SEE! It me :) 
You can’t even reply to that yet.
You go back to googling the name that had first appeared when you saw that academy award.
Dieter Bravo.
The mess of paparazzi photos, screenshots from movies, to various interview clips, the man is the same as the one in the photo sent to you. 
This has to be a catfish. Someone really trying to keep their identity hidden and deciding to do some old fashion celebrity role play type deal.
You decide to do a deep dive. 
You check Twitter and find he’s not there any more. His Instagram is bare minimum and hasn’t seen a recent post since 2019. He has been included on a few TikToks. But to say that photo sent could be an older Instagram or Twitter photo Dieter Bravo took is too much.
You try turning your brain off from thinking about streaming or a possible catfish living in your messages. But curiosity scratches at you like an anxious kitten. There’s no way it could be the actual actor Dieter Bravo. 
Barely one episode into your favorite comfort series rewatch, you decide to check discord.
More messages wait for you. 
DB_Blaster: I know you think I’m lying
DB_Blaster: but I am not I swear! I vow on my life! 
DB_Blaster: if you feel comfortable enough you are more than welcome to video call me and see me with your own pretty eyes 😇
You want to scream.
There’s no way. But, what could you lose if you video chat with this person? Worst case? You drop the video call, block him on every account and pretend this never happened. Best case? You don’t even want to think about that because a best case feels so outlandish. 
Electricity hums through your veins and you sit up straight on your couch. 
You hit video call.
Loudly your heart hammers a vicious beat in your ears. The video chat rings twice. Someone answers.
There he is. 
Dieter Bravo, in the flesh, talking so bright and amused. His smile crinkles his deep eyes and the crisp light of his kitchen highlights his stunning features.
“Well well well, might have to call a paranormal investigator because I just made contact with a ghost!”
He talks first, so excited and haughty, and you can’t help it.
You hang up the video call.
Wild electrified clusters of emotions course through you so strong it feels as if your brain might shut down. 
Dieter Bravo. 
Dieter Bravo is a viewer of your channel and is who you have been chatting with.
You call him back. You have to make sure this is real and maybe not just a wild delusion.
Dieter Bravo again answers with the most Cheshire Cat pleased smile.
“Trouble with your wifi? I get it.” He asks so casually.
You really can’t believe it.
“You’re…you’re HOLY FUCK?” You scream.
Dieter barks a laugh.
“And here I was thinking I’d be the one freaking out.” He’s amused and it is so clear in the twinkle of those warm charcoal eyes.
“I told you I wasn’t lying ghostie!” Dieter urges excited. 
You could admit and testify that yes, known actor and academy award winner Dieter Bravo is not a liar. And also apparently, he is a fan of part time game streamers.
“I can’t believe it.” You mutter still stunned as hell.
“Believe it ghostie.” He replies swiftly.
“So how was your day before it got turned upside down?” He smirks proud. Even with that you find he is so casual and actually friendly? He mentions how his day went and how he’s excited to feast on the Taco Bell he door dashed. 
“How did…How did you even find my channel?” You breathlessly ask.
“Oh, we’re getting into the personal stuff already? I was hoping we’d get to that maybe by our second date but this is fantastic.” He replies back taking a bite out of the Taco Bell he told you he ordered.
“Oh my god.” You sputter out not even processing fully what he’s saying because this entire moment feels outrageous. 
He’s a celebrity. A full on icon who has been in the same room as Meryl Streep and here he is grinning at you like he’s won the lotto. 
“You know you’re even cuter than you are on stream. Really diggin’ the extra cozy vibes from my favorite cozy gamer.”
You wonder if maybe you should hang up on him again. 
“Let’s be serious here.” You huff. You just want to find out and piece together how this man found his way to you.
“Honestly?” He begins after taking a swig of a baja blast. 
“I had a bad break up a while back.” Dieter starts with a brisk and slightly detached voice. 
“Thought it’d be a long haul thing but…it’s whatever.” His voice drifts off as he moves to sit down. Dieter places his phone across from him so now it feels as if he is sitting across from you. The view gives you a full sight of his wild and vast Taco Bell haul. You also don’t miss the weed pipe resting beside his Baja blast. 
“Anyway, I was up late one night, couldn’t sleep. Went to look up a video about how humanity could possibly survive a kraken emerging from the depths of the sea, as one wonders about at three in the morning.”
A wild laugh almost escapes you, but you stay composed as best as you can.
“And then, the freaky as fuck YouTube algorithm decides to recommend me your video.” Dieter says.
“Wait.” Your voice sounds small, as if you’re afraid to shatter this moment. “Which one?”
You watch this handsome man’s face grow soft as his eyes look distant. He dives in to take a scoop out of his nacho pile and munch happily.
You already hate how attractive he is just eating. 
“It was the ‘I make a gay love cafe for my animal crossing villagers’ one.” His voice drips with evident fondness. For some reason though, just hearing the title of your video along with his soft voice does it for you. You start giggling. 
Maybe it’s the disbelief finally settling in or the exhaustion from the hard day you had, but you laugh and it aches your stomach. Dieter joins in thankfully laughing just as much as you are. 
It’s unreal, a twinkling moment you know you’ll never be able to capture again but it’s oddly wonderful.
“I guess you liked it?” You ask through a wheeze.
“Ghostie, I snorted a shit ton of coke just so I could stay awake till five am to binge all your videos.” He admits through a giggle.
“Holy shit!” You cough out a bit stunned at his reply.
“Well,” You manage to recompose yourself and even smile grateful because you are. “Sorry about the break up, those are always shit. But…I am glad you found my little video. Weird as that sounds.”
“It’s not weird.” Dieter reassures you and it knocks you breathless how directly he stares at you. You almost feel exposed. 
“It’s kismet, dear ghost.” Dieter tells you with so much eased simplicity it sounds a bit comedic. You can’t help but snort.
It might not be kismet but it was something.
Dieter and you end up messaging each other, constant and steady after that. He begins sending you pictures of the sky outside his LA apartment during his runs. One of them is a glorious tangerine lemonade sky.
DB_Blaster: sky kinda looks like a musty day old orange outside today, it’s kinda nice 
There’s a neighborhood cat he always gets excited to see and gladly sends you photos of the unamused white feline whenever he spots her.
You tell him about your day and you are surprised he balances asking about your videos and streaming to asking genuine questions about how you are doing. Interestingly enough you ask more questions about what video games.
“I’m a fucking killer at Mario kart. Love The Sims, the grim reaper is my roommate there.” Figures.
“One day I wanna play Mario Party.” He gladly tells over a voice chat. 
“Oh my god you’d be ridiculous at Mario party.” You snicker back. “And the sims…it fits you.”
“Thank you.” He proudly replies and it makes you grin so ridiculously.
Dieter Bravo is charming, but you know he is. You would never admit it to him but that night, that first night after you discovered Dieter was in fact DB_Blaster, you went on an entire Dieter Bravo interview deep dive. 
You watched how personable he could be with someone interviewing him. But you also witnessed the side of him that could be a real ass. There was an old Rolling Stone article you read briefly that described him as “an enigma of a man you’d run into at a bathroom and believe you fever dreamed the entire interaction” and that entirely described Dieter perfectly.
By the time your weekly night stream arrives, you can’t help but think of him. He promised you he would be present. 
“Ghostie I’ve only missed ONE of your streams and it was only because I was on shrooms and got explosive diarrhea. Not a good night for me.”
It horrified you hearing that but also had you holding back the giggles because the earnestness in his voice was so pure. 
Dieter Bravo is a pure enigma of a man for sure.
You decide to stream again with your face camera on to embrace the weight and joy of being known. And also because a secret, but very aware part of you, knows Dieter Bravo watches you. 
Your mind wanders to the photos of him at the academy awards. You honestly stared at those for a good few minutes because you could get over how much of a god he looked in his striking tux. 
You also think of the one day he video chatted with you. Obvious coke residue was dusted on his nose and he wore a Golden Girl’s shirt that had Cheeto dust on it. Even witnessing that side of him, a deep fondness and even deeper attraction for this chaotic cluster of a man infects you rapidly. 
Drop kicking those thoughts away, you jump into playing Tears of the Kingdom. A small discussion buzzes in the chat about which of Zelda’s outfits are the best. You go to check on chat and your heart jumps straight into your throat seeing the familiar user name now among the bunch. 
DB_Blaster: Ghostieeeee, my dear you are looking extra ethereal today 🥰 
A sharp heat spreads over your cheeks and a giddiness surges through you.
“Moron.” You snicker mainly to yourself even though you know chat probably caught it.
An alert pops up from discord. You click onto it quickly and find a private message. 
DB_Blaster: you’re adorable when you get flustered 
You are falling down a dangerously slippery slope for this dumb actor. Mentally you want to sink your fingers onto a ledge to stop yourself from going into a free fall.
You simply reply back with a silly nonsense gif because it’s all you can muster. 
Stream goes smoothly and you call it in early for the night. Another discord message awaits you and this time you already know who it’s from.
DB_Blaster: what’s the one thing you need the most for streaming?
That stuns you.
When you took the jump into streaming you promised yourself you’d only get the basics and nothing too expensive. Because sure, as much as you would love to spend a couple extra bucks on a better microphone, better software, or even a full time editor you had bills to pay, snacks to buy.
You simply reply back that better audio would be nice.
DB_Blaster: wait how do you buy better audio? 🗣️
You laugh and find it so easy to video call him now. 
When he answers, Dieter is not in his lavish LA apartment but a similarly lavish and sleek hotel.
“Hi ghostie.” He grins. 
“Wait where are you?” 
“Rude! Did you forget I had an audition for a new Broadway production?!” Dieter gasps hurt. 
“No, I remembered! I was just surprised you didn’t fly back home already.” 
He scoffs. “No way, and miss getting some New York pizza? Plus I’m lazy and just would rather deal with LAX tomorrow.”
As you snicker you decide to settle in for the night. Propping him up against your mirror in the bathroom Dieter suddenly gasps again.
“Am I in your bathroom?! We haven’t even gone on a proper date yet!” 
“I’m gonna hang up on you.” You smirk, shaking your head. 
A thought suddenly trickles in. You think of AJplays and a few other streamers who are now all your dear friends. There is a small but dear step it takes to see more of the person behind the youtube name.
So you take that step. You give Dieter your real name.
“You can call me that now.” You try to be eased with it as you go to wash your face for the night until you catch how direct Dieter stares at you.
He repeats your name, breathing it out on an exhale that sounds reverent. It galvanizes your heart into a dangerous spring. 
“Yup, that’s me.” You weakly reply.
“Your name suits you.” Dieter sincerely says. 
“Thanks. Halcyon Ghost is my middle name.” 
That makes Dieter laugh and you hate the excitement rushing in you from making him laugh.
Dieter Bravo is truly such a wild but interesting man. He has told you about the time he almost jumped into the water fountain at the Bellagio in Las Vegas. Then over a video call he softly revealed how he wants to create art, performances, that connect with people even long after his soul has passed into the next dimension. 
“S’why I got into acting.” He had said so simply. 
You can’t believe this strange endearing man now sits in your phone urging you to do a cliché beauty influencer talkthrough of your night time routine. 
You raise up your boring moisturizer with the peeling label in the way you had seen in TikToks and videos. However your lack of enthusiasm immediately has Dieter and you busting out wild giggles like school children trying to keep quiet in a library. 
Eventually you and him settle into a comfortable eased conversation.
“So you talked about audio earlier…what do you need for better audio?” Dieter of course brings that up again. 
“Eh, a better microphone, or some sound mixing equipment. But like I said, I'm good with what I have.” You are. 
“I could get you something nicer.” His voice echoes off the walls of your small bathroom and your eyes go wide.
“Uh no!” You chide him. “Please don’t buy me things!”
“Why?” He debates simply.
“Because…because I said so!” You sputter back. Because the thought of this gorgeous man spending money on you is making your knees want to buckle.
“Aren’t we friends? Friends buy each other things.” Dieter replies stubbornly. 
“Not new hundred dollar mics!” You fire back just as stubbornly.
“Oh they’re only a hundred dollars? Baby that’s nothing.” He scoffs. But the new nickname he so casually calls you rips a new heat through your body. It crawls up your spine and makes your throat going dry. 
You stay quiet not knowing what to say or not trusting what you might say.
“Did I upset you ghostie?” Dieter asks playful but the concern is there.
“No, I'm just tired.” You lie.
“Uh huh.” He doesn’t believe you for a second and you know it.
“Come on,” you grab him from his perch against your mirror and give him a sleepy grin. “Bed time.”
“Are you taking me to bed now, little ghost!? If I knew we were taking this step I would’ve ordered us dinner before!” Dieter exclaims again dramatically and over the top. 
You laugh in disbelief and settle against your bed frame.
“You moron.” You can’t help but sigh fondly.
“Yeah your moron.” He offers back gently. 
Was he slowly becoming yours, or were you just becoming his? All you can do is grin soft at him and shrug. 
“So, you wearing any cute underwear?” He flat out asks. You place your phone down and away from you on the blanket as if to put him in timeout.
Dieter barks a hilarious and loud laugh that fills your room with warm energy you can almost hold in your hands.
You pick up the phone and glare at him.
“You better behave.” You chide him with no malice because your mind is still trying to settle down from the question he asked. 
“I will, I will. I swear on my Oscar.” Dieter reassures. It only makes you roll your eyes. 
“Tell me why you picked your YouTube name, halcyon ghost.” He says your channel name with proper grand bravado.
It was October when you made the channel. Your thoughts immediately went to something spooky. You also explained how you always thought the word ‘halcyon’ was nice.
“So why not.” You finish explaining a bit anticlimactic.
“Did you know the word comes from some like Greek myth too?” Dieter offers then happily jumps in to retell it.
“Halcyon was the name of some bird. It had the ability to calm rough seas whenever it went to nest or some shit. It’s why the word ‘halcyon’ means tranquility and peace.”
Everytime you are reminded of how worldly and sometimes sagely this ridiculous man can be it knocks something solid through your chest. 
“That’s beautiful.” You admit. 
Dieter hums thoughtful. “Yeah.” 
His eyes suddenly flicker to unflinching look to you. It is just you and him staring so directly at each other. But you can’t hold his gaze for long. You blink away, not even truly focusing on anything. 
“So no true poetic meaning picking ‘ghost’?” Dieter asks now interested and curious. 
You laugh. “I mean, not really?”
You could probably do some deep analysis and talk about how as a creator, it’s easy to feel like a ghost when there is no interaction with the content created. 
You wanted to keep your face, your identity, a bit hidden so the ghost image fit.
“But you know how that went.” You joke.
He snickers.
“Ghosts also haunt things.” Dieter offers with a light tone.
“They do.” You nod.
“Would you believe me if I said you have been haunting me?” Dieter admits into the quiet space of your bedroom.  
Your heart trips, skips a beat and you try to control your face but it’s so hard when your eyes snap to his fast.
A moment passes with his wonderfully magnetic eyes again staring at you but now he seems to be waiting for you to say something, anything. Even over a simple video chat the atmosphere in your room thickens, becomes hazy, and it begins to sink beneath your skin. 
All you can do is nervously laugh. “I’d say that’s a good one and you should save it for chat.”
Humor, it’s all that you have sometimes. Plus, you don’t know if he is being serious or playful. It’s hard to find the hard line between the two when he’s an actor, a man known for putting up fronts. Because even though you now see him as a friend, there is still a strange space between you and him that you want to cautiously navigate. It feels like a deep river that if you take one more step into you might fall into a rushing tide. 
Dieter hums and you don’t miss how his eyes immediately lower a bit downcast.
“I’ll let you go for the night ghostie.” Dieter mutters. 
The tension does not leave your room even when the video calls leaves and it makes your skin crawl.
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You are at a company dinner Friday night when the email comes.
“Hi Halcyon Ghost
Exciting news! Here is your invitation to this year’s VidCon held in Los Angeles California!”
It is a clash of two worlds and you can’t focus your excitement into anything without making one of your coworkers confused.
AJ already has messaged you screaming with his excitement over you and him receiving the same invite.
You and him already start screaming a plan to meet up and room together.
For some reason your mind jumps to Dieter. 
You want to tell him, want to freak out the same way you did when he proudly called you to announce he got the broadway part he auditioned for. He’s become such a strange but solid facet in your life it almost aches how badly you want him more than anything. 
Because you’re still at dinner you decide to message him quick and fast in discord. So fast you don’t even remember what you sent. By the time you return to your apartment you find a mess of messages waiting for you.
DB_Blaster: 🎉C O N G R A T S 🎉 BABY!!!
You do so eagerly.
“Uh hello?” He answers in a bad accent that you vaguely remember from that bad Cliff beast whatever movie. “Is this pro gamer halcyon ghost? Now famous VidCon invitee?”
You laugh is bright and loud and you don’t care.
“I can’t believe it!” You cry. “Me, AJ, and a few of our other friends got the invite! I mean it’s just an invite and it’s not much but-“
“No,” he cuts you off sharply and even frowns. “Don’t do that, give yourself credit. Your content is awesome as fuck and you deserve this!” 
Your face drops because he sounds so sincere.
He notices it too. Over the phone’s screen you watch as Dieters eyes flicker and scan over your face so intently.
“God I’m so fucking proud of you.” He breathes out and it makes your spine snap straight.
“Dieter…” you exhale and now catch that familiar shift coming in the air. Even over the video chat you again sense it, something brewing and becoming uncontainable, stretching thin as if it's a wire maybe about to snap. 
Then your phone rings.
You cuss sharp under your breath.
Your best friend’s hilarious photo pops up on your phone. You know the call is to congratulate you on the invite. But you know there’s something even more pressing here sitting in the air between you and Dieter. You don’t want to avoid it anymore. The elated energy, the buzz of the high, makes you want to face whatever this is head on, to dive right into whatever is brewing beneath the tides. 
Your eyes shoot an apologetic look to Dieter. An understanding but little crooked grin paints his features and makes him look so boyish. 
“Text me back or call me when you can.” 
Dieter hangs up and you already ache for the actor you’ve grown so deeply fond of.
The phone call with your best friend is wonderful, joyous, and you appreciate the support like this in your life. But it’s getting late and you can’t help but think about the actor still possibly waiting for you. 
So you grasp onto the exuberant energy still humming through your system. You harness it with all your might and immediately call him. You chide yourself for getting caught up in the excitement and not video calling him. 
Then Dieter answers.
“Ghostie?” He sounds wrecked, out of breath.
“Hi yeah, it’s me. Sorry, am I interrupting something?” You offer small and so worried now. 
Until he sighs and it sounds soaked in sex, so delicious and dangerous.
“Baby…” he sighs your name out and it has never sounded more sacred. 
“You gotta know,” Dieter whines. “You gotta know how much I want you.”
You are sent out of orbit. Your mind, your body, all melt as everything inside you ignites in a fierce flame. 
A few weeks ago you learned one of Dieter’s movies involved a heated sex scene.
After searching and finally finding the clip, it shot the strongest dosage of arousal through your body at a dizzying speed. You rewatched it an embarrassing amount of times, more than you even want to admit to yourself. You thought about how fierce and consuming he kissed his costar. And now those scenes vividly flash in your head, begging you to fall into the beautiful abyss creeping up below you.
“Dieter.” You reply a bit choked. 
The faint wet noise of his hand stroking his cock comes and it makes you swallow back a whine.
“Wanted you for so long, think about you all the time.” Dieter mutters in a trance. 
“I…” there’s so much you want to say, so much you want to discuss. But heat licks a blazing path through your veins. It makes your underwear sticky and so wet already. All those hesitations and all thoughts you had flutter away. 
“Don’t think,” Dieter coos like a soft siren begging you to join him. “Just feel, come on baby. Feel with me.”
So you do. Your hand slips greedily beneath your underwear and you feel everything right there with him in the warm glow of your bedroom.
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Sunday night you are on a discord voice call with Dieter as he waits out his canceled flight.
After not talking to him all Saturday he was the one to finally break and call you first. You’re surprised you even answered. 
“I can hear you thinking ghostie.” Dieter hums amused.
It’s been on your mind this entire time since Friday, since the phone sex - the thought of whatever you and him are becoming, have now become.
“Talk to me.” He offers soft, soft like the way he wishes you good night over voice memos every night now.
“Do you think about how we have like…different layers? Like I know your job is literally about being someone else. And I understand you present yourself a certain way even in interviews and you aren’t even your true self there-”
“If you watch that one buzzfeed interview I did high I think you’d recant your words baby.” He jokingly interjects and you snort. 
“You know what I mean.” You gently return back to the thought you’ve been wanting to discuss with him. 
“And with me, I know I have layers of how I’m perceived online and I just…” your voice trails off now thinking you might be getting caught up in your words. 
“You think we’re both just caught up in the projected perceptions of the other huh?” Dieter muses. 
It again startles you how perceptive he is.
If there is anything that you would have not pictured Dieter Braver to be, it's perceptive. But he is. This is of course the same man who told you how he once drank a Baja blast out of a black licorice because he wondered if the flavor would change. But he’s also deeply intuitive, even a bit wise, and those traits shine so warmly now.
“Ghostie,” he begins and then says your real name. “Remember when I told you how I found your videos? How I said it was…wait fuck what did I say it was like?”
“Kismet,” you smirk saying the word.
“Yeah that’s it thank you baby!” Dieter cheers. “Okay anyway, I said that ‘cause it’s true. Your video was like…some damn lifeline I didn’t know I fucking needed. Finding you felt like I was returning from a haze.”
Confliction bubbles in you with an acidic wave. Pride, gratitude, and even deep admiration rise up all for him but it also strongly clashes with the fierce realist in you. 
“And then I got to know you.” He adds firm. “I learned what your favorite take out meal is. I still remember the story you told me about your most embarrassing moment. I learned about the movies you love and the ones you hate.”
Hours were spent discussing movies. You should have known any movie talk with an actor would result in hour long debate over which Lord of the Rings movie is best since Dieter swears it’s the first. 
“I know you.” He urges.
“I mean, I don’t know who your favorite teacher was and shit but I…I think I know you. You’re now not just the cute as fuck streamer who brought me out of my dumps. You’re someone who’s been brigtening the FUCK out of my life just from hearing you talk about what you plan to get at the grocery store.”
You don’t realize you’re on the verge of tearing up until you blink and find tears blurring your vision.
“Still can’t believe you donated that much.” You sniffle.
“Yeah but doing that let us all see your lovely face so ha.” Dieter replies haughtily.
“Look baby, let’s just keep getting to know and grow with each other, yeah?” He offers in a hopeful and warm tone that reminds you of a tangerine sunrise. 
“Yeah.” You agree and gently walk into that tangerine sunrise.
“Now will you let me buy you some new audio shit?” He asks in an annoying childish high pitch voice and the soft moment gets squashed. But it is pure Dieter. 
“You moron.” You choke out through an affectionate laugh.
“Yeah your moron ghostie!” He exclaims with all his might.
“Please tell me you did not just yell that in the middle of an airport.”
“Oh you know I’ve acted worse in an airport. That was nothing.” He scoffs.
You do know. Dieter explained, even sent articles, about how he ran around the Denver Airport once trying to see if there were actual lizard people in the tunnels. It’s why he is forever banned there.
Remembering that solidifies his words.
To know someone is a blessing, a privilege, even if the stories surrounding them are so wild and ridiculous. Maybe even more so with this man.
Because to know Dieter Bravo is to know he is ridiculous, wild, a bit eccentric, but entirely warm and heartfelt. 
You realize you never want to know a day without him. 
That thought blooms into firm wonderful roots that immediately grow in your heart’s chambers.
By the time VidCon approaches only a month away you, Dieter is now simply calling you over your phone. Discord voice and video chats no more. 
“So what are your LA plans?” Dieter asks while chewing through some jerky.
“Well AJ and I already got a room booked by the convention center so that’s my biggest relief.” You and AJ already had excitedly joked about maybe running into a celebrity. A part of you even now has to suppress giggling at just thinking about how you have daily phone calls with a known celebrity buzzfeed articles have deem ‘Sexy AF.’ 
Except right now said celebrity burps disgustingly loud in your ear.
“Dieter, gross.” You frown. 
“Sorry babe…Anyway,” Dieter bounces back quickly. “Want me to pick you up from the airport?”
You almost drop your phone.
“Honey what?” You wheeze out.
“I love it when you call me honey!” He gushes so obnoxiously. You’ve been calling him honey for months now and it never fails he says this every time.
“Focus Bravo.”
“Yeah okay,” he sighs. “As I was saying, let me just pick you up from the airport.”
The thought of finally seeing him in person freezes you. After months of doing the long distance thing, having incredible phone and video sex, everything now settles in you fast. From your excitement, to the fear of him actually seeing you in person-
“Ghostie.” Dieter breaks into your thoughts with a sing song like tone.
You sigh now “Sorry honey.”
Dieter giggles dreamily. “Honey.”
You sigh again. 
“Let me pick you up baby.” He suddenly purrs low as if he wasn’t just giggling like a lovesick fangirl a split second before. 
It would solve your issue about dealing with a ride share or even the horrifying thought of getting a rental. 
“Sure, why not.”
Dieter screams loud as if his favorite sports team just scored but Dieter doesn’t care for sports and you hang up your phone.
He simply now texts you: [See you at stream tonight babeyyy]
You playfully reply back: [not if i block you 😊]
He simply sends back a gif of a dumb minion blowing a kiss and you now really contemplate blocking him.
Later that night on stream, as you play the most recent Pokémon game, you see Dieter’s name pop up.
DB_Blaster: hello beautiful my ghost 
You hid your smirk behind the hand your face is leaning on.  
Chat of course ignores him while they excitedly continue to send encouraging words about the upcoming VidCon trip. A few members even eagerly hope they can run into you at the convention. It is exciting and reminds you of the exciting energy that awaits before a big vacation.
Then a chime comes from chat.
This one alerts you that someone sent a super chat, which includes a donation with it.
Your eyes readily flicker over to check and thank whoever sent it. Then your eyes almost pop out of your socket.
DB_Blaster - $900 super chat! 
“What the fuck!?” You can’t help but flat out shriek. 
Thankfully chat reacts just as wild.
butterflybabe: dude db_blaster can you like adopt me??
justAshley: I am manifesting this type of energy to find me oh my god
You scramble quickly to your phone to text him in all caps about what the fuck does he think he’s doing.
[Dieter: for ur mic and audio shit baby!]
[Dieter: Don’t think I forgot 🥰]
[Dieter: or for maybe a new vibrator hmm 👀????]
You swallow back the scream you want to let out and instead slam your phone back down.
Recovering fast you grin at the chat. 
“Don’t worry everyone, DB Blaster is actually my estranged rich grandmother, so let’s all say thank you to her! Thank you grandma!” You smile bright and wide on camera. 
Dieter straight up calls you in the middle of the stream and you can’t help it. You laugh and almost knock over your microphone. 
After scrambling for the days off, shoving everything into a suitcase, suddenly the month is over and you are landing in Los Angeles ready for VidCon. 
LAX is an experience, like a whole world encapsulated in one place.
There is a MAC makeup store, a Michael Kors and then a Jersey Mikes. You don’t want to wander around too much before getting lost in its depths. You can almost hear Dieter’s voice rattling off in your head, warning you not to get lost or else the alien creatures living in the airports will grab you and make you play monopoly with them like a scene out of a bad 80’s Sci Fi movie. 
Thankfully you don’t have to wait too long to actually hear his voice. Your phone rings and you rapidly scramble to answer it.
“Hello?” You breathlessly answer.
“Baby,” His voice is drenched in disappointment and so much heartbreak. “My ghostie…Fuck I’m so sorry I can’t make it.”
You knew he would be cutting it close with his photoshoot.
“Honey it’s okay I promise.” You reassure him but you still are a bit heartbroken. Your excitement escapes you like a deflated balloon getting caught up in the ceiling of the Los Angeles airport.
“I’ll make it up to you I swear!” Dieter urges with devout conviction.  
You know he will, in his own Dieter way and that’s enough to comfort you. 
The walk to the rideshare pickup area is solemn but you carry yourself and your luggage with gathered dignity. Thankfully your Uber driver is sweet and you enjoy the chat during the drive. She happily suggests restaurants and different bars to check out making the trip to the hotel not too bad.
Finding AJ already in the lobby waiting for you makes the journey even better. After the hilarious freak out for finally meeting, you now eagerly discuss dinner plans with him.
“Maybe we can go food truck hunting?!” AJ offers excitedly.
You agree with just as much excitement and move to open the door.
There in the room a full array of colors explode before your eyes. So many flowers cover almost every surface of the hotel room. Their arrangements are large and fan out with flair. From gorgeous deep crimson roses to colorful lilies vibrantly begging to be smelled, it overwhelms you but in the best way.
“Okay, what the fuck?!” AJ cries. “Is this because we’re here for VidCon?!”
You want to think it is. But the teddy bear almost the size of the hotel wall nestled happily in the corner says otherwise. Especially because the sweet bear rocks some cool bright neon sunglasses, wears an ‘I ♥️ LA’ t-shirt and has a rolled up white paper taped to his mouth as a mock joint. 
Your eyes however now go straight to the sweet little bundle of flowers, your favorite actually, that sit patiently on the coffee table.
A white folded note rests among the flowers.
‘Ghostie’ the handwriting is sleek but messy, scribbled fast but with intent. The sight of it already clogs your throat because it’s exactly how you’d picture Dieter’s handwriting.
“Sorry I couldn’t make it, hope this makes up for it! Don’t worry we’ll be together soon”
He even doodled a Sun wearing sunglasses with a heart beside it. Your own heart transforms into something light and buoyant. You worry about floating away at any moment. 
AJ of course freaks out over dinner when you tell him everything  As if summoned out from under a couch cushion himself, your non official-official boyfriend calls.
“Hello?” You answer with a warm grin and AJ eyes go wide.
“Is that him?” AJ mouths. You can only playfully shrug. 
“When I walked out of my shoot just now I knew LA looked and smelled brighter and it’s because you’re here.” Dieter says with so much awe that it overpowers his classic Dieter type comment. 
“Dork.” You smile so fond that AJ playfully makes a gagging face.
“When can I see you baby?” Dieter mutters in a sweet alluring tone that has something delicious crawling up your spine. 
You explain how you are at dinner right now.
“Dinner?! In your first night in LA and it’s without me?!” Dieter exclaims dramatically.
“It’s with Markiplier isn’t it? I knew it! Well tell him he’s only half attractive and that when I get there it’s over for his gamer ass!” He screeches.
“Goodbye!” You laugh wild and unbelievable. You cut him off quickly because goodness, what a beautiful hilarious force Dieter Bravo is.
“So I’m thinking I might get to enjoy a hotel room all to myself this trip huh?” AJ comments playful and with a teasing smirk.
“Maybe!” You reply weak but you know the truth grows in your bones. It only solidifies when you text him to meet you at the hotel.
You want to spend as much time as Dieter will allow. You want to see his apartment, want to find that sweet cat he always takes pictures of during his runs. You want to enjoy and let yourself soak in the bliss of just being with the one man who has been lighting up your life.
[Dieter: heading over, see you soon ghostie 💘]
The text electrifies you faster and brighter than any strike of lightning could. Then, as you sit on the couch waiting for his call, your phone rings and you almost jump out of your skin.
“Yeah honey?” You answer breathlessly. 
Quickly you open the door to rush to the elevator only to find Dieter Bravo standing there on the other side.
This moment has filled your daydreams more than you would ever admit. You wondered if this first meet would be some cinematic moment. You originally hoped this would have happened at the airport. You even pictured it a very sweet indie movie type way where the love interests finally meet at a place where so many paths cross and are brought together.
Yet here he is. 
The man who’s filled your heart with so much humor and affection that right now it swells to the point you wonder if you might burst. 
Dieter’s face falls in complete awe.
He hangs up the phone and before either of you can say anything he moves in quick steps. He swiftly sweeps you into his arms.
Dieter kisses as if you might disappear. His mouth is warm, tasting faintly of ice coffee and a shot of desperation. It makes you melt into him. You clutch his Los Angeles Lakers sweatshirt as you kiss him back with everything you have.
The months, the build up, it all led to this.
As fast as he kissed you, as fierce as he licked into your mouth, suddenly Dieter gently cradles your face. He pauses for a split second and then he is kissing you so softly, so light.
Dieter kisses your lips gently, once twice, before moving to kiss the corner of your lips, the top of your cheek. He finally kisses your forehead and the tenderness overwhelms your senses.
“You’re here.” Dieter breathes out.
“You’re here.” You choke back.
Dieter pulls away and grins a molten sleepy thing that touches his eyes. 
He is everything you have dreamed of and then more.
When he pulls you into his arms, simply to just hold you, you squeeze him back with all your might.
“No more screens separating us, ghostie.” Dieter coos affectionately into the top of your head.
No more screens indeed.
As if Dieter himself is a real ghost, he spirits you away from the hotel room. You think your laugh and his still hang in the hallways of the hotel.
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“Okay, are you sure you want to do this?” You ask hesitant.
“Yes ghostie, this is the fifth time you’ve asked me. Should I remind you again that I’m the one who suggested this and got excited when you said yes?” Dieter scoffs as he settles into the seat beside yours.
Your heart hammers loud in your ears. You’ve never done this. Hell knowing you’re doing this with him feels even more terrifying. 
“Hey,” Suddenly his warm larger hand moves to squeeze yours.
Your eyes flicker to Dieter. He is the picture perfect example of ease and you know it’s not the edible he took because it already wore off after he picked you up from VidCon. 
“If you don’t feel comfortable then no worries.” He reassures you effortlessly. You can’t help it. You lean over and kiss him soft, appreciative. 
It’s been so easy to fall into place with him. 
He kisses you back more and more. You’re about to pull away until he breathes against your lips. 
“Move here, move in with me.” 
Your eyes snap open wide and you scramble away from him.
“Dieter WHAT?!”
“What!?” He cries back just as loud. “I thought that might take away the nerves and give you something else to think about and then the words just kinda flew out!”
Your damn chaotic but so sweet boyfriend…
You exhale feeling the old nerves now transfer into this new topic and you suppose Dieter’s plan did work in a way.
“Ghostie,” Dieter urges. “Talk to me please.”
A silence settles between you and him. 
“You want me to move in with you?” Your voice is small, barely able to process the words yourself. Your eyes flicker to Dieter. He stares at you with the cutest worried face. 
“Baby if I had it my way you’d quit your job, live here with me and live off my money until you get sick of me. You’d be here and do whatever the fuck you want for as long as you want.” His tone is soaked with sincerity as he answers without hesitation, without doubt. 
“I just wanna come home to you. Wanna see your moisturizer in my bathroom. I want to get into fights over which Pringle’s flavor is best,” Dieter continues so earnest. “It’s the shrimp cocktail flavor by the way.”
“It’s not.” You reply with a sniffle and Dieter smirks affectionately as his thumb strokes your hand.
“Just…think about it, okay?”
It’s a lot to process but hope swirls and swells in your chest. It speaks more than you can at this moment. All you can do is lean forward to kiss him fiercely and true.
Dieter kisses you back softer.
“Come on ghostie,” He mutters against your lips. “Don’t you have a stream to get to?”
“Guess this is why celebrities don’t date fans huh.” You mutter. 
Dieter busts out laughing at your comment and you join him feeling bright and limitless. He yanks you into his arms and kisses you multiple times now, all loud and relentless. For the finale he blows a raspberry on your cheek making you laugh even louder. 
If you are his ghost, you think he might be your halcyon. A strange beautifully colored bird that seems mythical but one that brings you so much sweet peace among the waves. 
“Alright come on let’s do this.”
You jump onto stream and warmly smile as Dieter sits besides you.
Warmly and as casually as you can you greet everyone while also explaining the elephant, or this case academy award winning actor, in the room.
Chat rapidly explodes. 
socallie: Dieter bravo?? DIETER BRAVO IS THAT YOU?
butterflybabe: holy shit is that actor dieter bravo?
floatify: Gio from Cliff Beasts I’m ur biggest fan  
svdbeau: Uh? HOW? EXPLAIN PLS??
gammagamma: This is the crossover I didn’t know I needed, this is my endgame
dreamfairy95: wait who is this guy
AJPlays: heeheeheee 
A j’s comment has you snickering. It’s enough to release the nerves and let you settle in. Unseen by chat or the camera Dieter rubs your knee fondly and a bigger smile tugs at your lips.
You explain that, since it’s VidCon, you thought to try something new and have a friend join. You don’t even have to see Dieter to know he’s smirking like the damn cat that caught the canary.
His agent and manager both loved the idea of him doing a surprise stream. 
“Apparently it would be a great way for me to ‘connect with the youth.’” He told you even using air quotes. “Like fuck, I get it. I’m old but hey I’m hip! I can hang!”
That was enough to have you agreeing in a fit of giggles. And after you accepted, then after he fucked your brains out, Dieter warmly told you this was a new fantasy he didn’t even know he needed. 
“Finally getting to have fun with my baby while playing games? That’s a dream come true ghostie.” 
You find now that maybe it’s a secret dream for you too. Finding someone who wants to sit beside you and cheer you on, who wants to enjoy this silly endeavor that’s become so important to you is a tender dream you want to cherish. 
Just thinking of it makes you reach down secretly to quickly squeeze his hand. 
“I came here to immortalize myself on the internet as one of the best Mario Kart players ever.” Dieter suddenly speaks and instead of it startling you, a surge of reassurance washes in.
You’re here with him. Who would have thought? Because instead of feeling overwhelmed at the thought of celebrity Dieter Bravo here, it’s simply your boyfriend, Dieter.
“Okay, let’s do this.” Dieter announces with competition and confidence beaming in his voice. “And yes my Mario Kart main is Birdo because I stan a queen in this household.”
He is a natural, effortlessly interacting with chat and laughing so easily with you. 
By the time you realize he’s beaten you twice on Bowser’s Castle, you find you never want to leave this moment. 
Because this moment? It is a bit ridiculous but wonderful. It reminds you of tasting a sour candy that makes your face pucker so tight but the taste is incredible and makes you only want more.
And you do, you want more moments with Dieter.
As Dieter screams excitedly, throwing his hands in the air and even doing the weirdest wiggle victory dance, you think you might be the real winner in this game.
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Selene: "I'm an 80s kid!" Claire: "Alright, but are we talking 1980s, or...?" Selene: :)
An official introduction to Selene Acies (she/her), a divination witch born 1887 and forever nineteen since 1906. She can tell people's future's by studying their auras, and on very rare occasions, can also tell prophecies (though they tend to be indecipherable gibberish). Selene also has an interest in astrology and astronomy :)
She also knows these guys:
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(Zoe and Douxie's outfits are based off this Tenyai post.)
More plot under the cut:
Selene grew up in England for a good chunk of her childhood before being sent to southern France with her mother for...reasons. Reasons that involved her mother, her mother’s merchant husband, and a wizard. Selene met Zoe when she was twelve, in 1889. Which was good considering Selene's powers were really emerging. Zoe was the one who helped Selene figure out how to tame her magic using a book she "borrowed" from Douxie.
Unfortunately, Zoe had to leave on business with Douxie, and shenanigans occur that leave Selene alone. But huzzah gaining immortality through these plot-relevant events!
But Selene and Zoe run into each other again in 1918 on a boat headed toward New York City. Selene gets to properly meet Douxie and Archie, and the gang spends the 20s, 30s, and 40s together. Once WWII ended, the gang split up for a long time, but met back in Arcadia Oaks. In present-day Arcadia, Selene works at the planetarium, and has her own online astrology business.
Selene is very open and honest, so much so she may come off as blunt. She can be straightforward and take things a bit literally. But she always has a 'positive' attitude about it. She comes off as laid-back and carefree, but it masks a general indifference to the state of the world.
Living for over a hundred years and having the power of prophecy, Selene has the idea that everything happens for a reason, because it's destiny. She hasn't seen someone 'break destiny' before, and to Selene, the future is set in stone and immutable. Douxie challenges her on this idea, but Selene is indifferent. At this point, she'd rather spend time with people she cares about and have fun because the one Proper Prophecy she's ever had tells her that the world as they know it will be lost to time, and Selene doesn’t think anything can change that.
Random tidbits:
Zoe has always been a sort of mentor to Selene, like how Douxie had Claire. They get on when it comes to music, and Selene goes to Zoe for tech help because stars know this girl still doesn’t understand some modern technology.
Douxie and Selene got on for a while, but over time, they grew apart. Douxie believes that though they might not be remembered in history, they can still make a difference and help people. Selene doesn’t see the point in trying.
On new moons, Selene loses her ability to read people's futures.
On full moons, Selene has a higher chance of having a Proper Prophecy (they usually end up just being gibberish).
Selene has had chronic migraines from her divination powers. Her rose-colored glasses are charmed to limit her sight (ha) and help control them.
Douxie has his vambrace and Zoe has her wand…Selene conducts magic through her earrings. The current pair she has are actually just the original earrings her mother gave her with the dangly stars added.
Selene's love life is...complicated. This is plot-relevant.
Selene’s family is…also complicated. This is also plot-relevant.
Selene is big into swing dance, but hates waltz.
And last but not least, here's a character playlist. You might understand her character a bit more through this.
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