#author: duckyboos
profoundbondfanfic · 9 months
Interview with the Vampire's Wife
Interview with the Vampire's Wife by duckyboos (@duckyboos-blog) Rating: Teen and up Word count: 6k
A vampire’s wife walks into a private detective’s office. Sounds like a joke, right? Dean wishes it was.
As a private investigator, Dean has spent a lot of his time following men and women who are cheating on their spouses. So when a woman comes knocking at his door, Dean's sure it's just another one of his usual cases. Until Daphne Allen tells him she's married to a vampire. Now, this feels more like a prank. Except it isn't.
This short noir story is deliciously hilarious and somehow ends as a meet-cute. Or ugly, depending on who you're asking. Duckyboos' Dean is, as always, an excellent narrator, with plenty of puns and pop culture references to make your head spin. Castiel is charming and alluring, yet suitably intimidating for a vampire. It's a story you don't want to miss.
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faithdeans · 2 years
fic recs let's gooo
these some of my personal favourite long-form/multi-chap fics
***please mind the tags! the horror fics are kinda fucked up and i know that isn't for everyone so just make sure you know what you're about to read ps i might make a separate list for other horror fics?***
under the cut because there are so many sorry and i added comments because i can't shut up apparently.
so, in alphabetical order....
The Cheapest Room In The House by biggaybenny [E | 89k]
what if instead of a very sincere and earnest love confession dean just found out cas was gay? no confession, no god-jack endgame. just post-s15 stupidity. just dean being deranged. the dean downloads grindr for cas fic
you know it, you love it. thee chaotic boy besties fic with parts that will also rip you open
Fenario by ftmsteverogers (@/sodomitecastiel) [E | 47k]
“We did good, Dean,” Sam says. “We got him back.” Dean huffs a hollow laugh, because yeah, that’s always what it’s about, isn’t it? Cas or Sam or Dean getting themselves lost or dead, and then taking turns dragging each other back from the brink. He shrugs, shoving his hands into his pockets. “We got him back, yeah,” he says. Sam nods, watching him. “So now what?”
once again you know it and you love it. THEE lake house fix it fic. also love that they are jewish and you can tell how much of the author's heart clearly went into this. one of those fics where it will ususpectingly knock you to your knees with a single sentence
Linden by fleeceframe (@/tasteslikevelvet) [E | 67k]
Castiel’s heart stumbles before he can stop it, before he can think about how pathetic that is. To think that every interaction the Swans have proceeds them, that everyone is just waiting to get a glimpse of one of them to fuel their gossip circles for the next three days. Even the invisible shy flutter in his stomach at the thought of the Swans (not the Swans, just one of them, just one single man, but is that any better?) makes Castiel feel like he’s participating in the blatant objectification that he’s uncomfortable just witnessing. The Swans are only people. This is something that Castiel holds onto. Just people who happen to have a generational curse in their bloodline. And when he interacts with Sam Winchester or Eileen Leahy at his stall, it’s easy. He says hello, they say hello back. The Swans are just people. And yet, Dean Winchester remains unfathomable.
ohhhh this fic feels like springtime and sunlight through the trees and everything that is good. i devoured this fic, it is so sweet and captivating and wonderfully poetic. a comfort read fr
The Lord of The Lake by rhinestoneangels (almondrose) (@pinknatural) [T | 29k]
The lakehouse is haunted.
this fic is so special to me. there's emma. there's a cat. they're a FAMILY. there's ACE DEAN!?? it's thee ace!dean fic for me and steph did such a wonderful job exploring that
Muder Ballads (Red Right Hand) by Duckyboos [E | 85k+]
It all starts with the mysterious note left on Dean’s chair. It all ends with Dean coming to terms not only with what he’s capable of, but how much that knowledge doesn’t bother him.
hehe this is one of the ones you need to make sure you're comfortable with before you read it... it's yeah.. it's real dark. the storytelling is so compelling and i could NOT put this down. sometimes you gotta read something kinda fucked up. especially when it is so well written. also if you do like this then i recommend everything duckyboos has written hehe
Put Up Your Dukes by saltyfeathers [E | 38k]
Dean can't sleep. Cas offers to tire him out.
i mean *i* have always considered this a classic. honestly it's so fun and funny and just ugh i just love it, so read it pls
Revelation 13 by fullvoid [E | 44k]
It’s Dean’s day off, and he’d like to spend it how he always does—by kicking his feet up with a cold one and watching soap operas—not by discovering an enormous, creepy hole in his bathroom wall that definitely wasn’t there when he went to bed last night. But it’s no big deal. He can just patch it up and still devote plenty of time to Dr. Sexy afterward. There is only one problem. He can’t leave his apartment, and there’s a message on his front door written in…is that blood? And why is it signed by someone named “Cas”? Things can only get better from here, right?
hehe i know nothing about silent hill but i DO know that this is an amazing horror fic!! read it in one sitting and would do it again!
Russian to the Altar by MalMuses [E | 144k]
“I need you to marry Castiel.” They weren’t the words Dean expected to hear from his business partner’s mouth before their bakery-slash-chocolate shop opened for the day. He’d been quite happy being single—and who the fuck was Castiel, anyway? It turned out that Castiel was a Russian erotic novelist in need of a ticket to America, and Dean… well, Dean was a last resort.
i LOVE a romcom fic and this one is soooo fantastic (it's a classic, right?) it has bdsm. it has destiel being idiots in love. it's also incredibly sweet. what more could you want?
Seek to Know You Better by ahurston [E | 33k]
Dean and Cas, a long stretch of highway, and 36 questions empirically designed to make two people fall in love. As if they weren't already.
The Shawnee Trail by emmbrancsxx0 (@/valleydean) [E | 166k]
In 1887, Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak lead a peaceful life in Lawrence, Kansas. Dean and Sam are stagecoach messengers for Wells, Fargo and Castiel is the town doctor. When Castiel's patient, Kelly Kline, knocks on their door one night about to give birth, she asks for the Winchesters and Castiel's help in protecting her son against one of the west's most notorious outlaws. To fulfill that promise, the men set out on a journey full of shootouts, trouble with the law, gambling, and an important discovery: Dean and Castiel really need to define the nature of their relationship.
WESTERN AU. also to quote myself: "fics that make you pace around your room at midnight while sobbing". also once again i can't believe this isn't a piece of classic literature it's just that damn good.
So Says The Sword by komodobits [E | 85k]
The briefing was simple: ‘Stand guard over the Michael Sword until the battle is ready to commence. Await further instructions.’ Castiel doesn’t mind working security duty; he was briefed shortly after the initial salvation of the Sword from the pit, and again before taking up his position. He knows what to do. However, it’s easy to forget that the green room isn’t real. Time moves differently there, the space ever-changing to make a prison of mountains, cathedrals, salt flats, orchards, and whatever Castiel was led to believe about Heaven’s greatest weapon—Dean Winchester is something entirely unexpected.
we all agree this is canon, right? a classic. it completely shook me up the first time i read it, and honestly it change my perspective of the entire show, for the better of course.
Vagabonds by chevrolangels [E | 89k]
Dean is a sheriff in a tiny town in Colorado, restless and unsatisfied with his life. It's not like what he's read about in the dime novels since he was little, capturing dangerous outlaws and being the last word of the law. More like tossing the town drunk in a cell to sober up when they get a little too rowdy. But Dean's chance comes when a thief rolls through their town. He pursues the thief, which puts him right into the path of Emmanuel, a notorious outlaw. When he is captured by the outlaw and his gang to be held for ransom, Dean starts off on a journey he could have never envisioned, and learns that perhaps there's more to Emmanuel than meets the eye.
another western au!! this list would not be complete without this fic. one of my very faves. it's my ultimate comfort fic. i get so sad whenever i finish it because i never want it to end. i can't praise it enough i don't have the words
What Baking Can Do by cowlovely (@dollhousemary) [T | 63k]
She lets out a low whistle. “Damn,” she says, not even bothering to look up as Dean comes to sit on the counter beside her. “You guys did well yesterday, huh?” Dean shrugs. “I guess. Wednesdays get a lot of foot traffic. Dunno why.” Jo gives him a sidelong look. “It’s because on Wednesdays, we have your ‘Strawberry Heaven Pie’ or whatever the hell you call it.” “Strawberry Chocolate Oasis Pie,” he corrects. “And there’s absolutely no way to prove that. People probably just like to get some sorta treat in the middle of the week or whatever.” “I absolutely can prove that, when was the last time any of that pie was left at the end of the day—hell, at the end of the morning shift?” “Okay, that’s definitely an exaggeration,” he retorts. “It’s never sold out before lunch.” “Can you stop being a bitch and accept that people like your pie?”
i have no idea what waitress is and it literally doesn't matter because ivy makes this its whole own world... if you want something insanely sweet, with amazing character depth and that feels like a warm hug, look no further. this is one of my comfort fics and i have read it multiple times and will read it again!!!!!
Who Ya Gonna Call? by saintedcastiel (@saintedcastiel) [M | 49k]
Finally free from Chuck's machinations, Dean flees the bunker to make a home for himself away from the hunting world. He settles into his new life but can't quite shake the feeling that he's not alone. There's a ghost haunting him, tied to the last thing on Earth that Castiel touched. As the spirit gets angrier and more dangerous to the people around him, will Dean be able to bring himself to let him go?
if you're reading this the day i post this you might have seen me losing my mind on the dash. read it one sitting because it pulled me in instantly and would not let me go. so beautifully written and it's... it's the ending we deserved. i think this needs to be the next fandom classic i am Not joking. one of the few fics that made me sob my eyes out i don't even know what to say anymore just read it please trust me it's WONDERFUL.
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pingnova · 2 years
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A server bit. Fic keys under the cut:
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ATYLK: And This, Your Living Kiss by opal_bullets https://archiveofourown.org/works/18083927/chapters/42744872
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DTA: Down to Agincourt (series) by seperis https://archiveofourown.org/series/110651 
SSTS: So Says the Sword by komodobits https://archiveofourown.org/works/12597892/chapters/28695592 
S&S: Satin and Sawdust by Ltlflrt https://archiveofourown.org/works/5622646/chapters/12950968 
SWMS: Stay With Me, Sweetheart by MandalaRose https://archiveofourown.org/works/20554178/chapters/48790868 
DWBS: Dean Winchester Beat Sheet by saltyfeathers https://archiveofourown.org/works/19258594/chapters/45800209 
T&S: Twist and Shout by gabriel, standbyme https://archiveofourown.org/works/537876/chapters/955188 
POMH: Prince of My Heart by allmystars https://archiveofourown.org/works/20984627/chapters/49900583 
ATOTE: a turn of the earth by microcomets https://archiveofourown.org/works/5138552/chapters/11825306 
OOTD: Out of the Deep by riseofthefallenone https://archiveofourown.org/works/548878/chapters/977676 
TBAH: To Build a Home by intothesilentland https://archiveofourown.org/works/8411608/chapters/19274926 
91W: Ninety One Whiskey by komodobits https://archiveofourown.org/works/2362190/chapters/5214500 
OSE: Oddly Shaped Empty by jemariel https://archiveofourown.org/works/14711096/chapters/33997874 
TGYS: The Graveyard Shift by PurgatoryJar, riseofthefallenone https://archiveofourown.org/works/7973470/chapters/18239059 
NPOTP: Not Part of the Plan (series) by Annie D (scaramouche) https://archiveofourown.org/series/56211 
YCKHO: You Can Keep Holding On by NorthenSparrow https://archiveofourown.org/works/7233709/chapters/16421134 
TGFE: The Girlfriend Experience by rageprufrock https://archiveofourown.org/works/91894 
BBHMM: Bitch Better Have My Money (series) by Duckyboos https://archiveofourown.org/series/1690696 
R&RQB: Rock ‘n’ Roll Queer Bar (series) by ChasingRabbits https://archiveofourown.org/series/68354 
4LWFI: Four Letter Word for Intercourse by bendingsignpost https://archiveofourown.org/works/16086839/chapters/37568591 
RR: Redemption Road (series) by spnredemption (multiple authors) https://archiveofourown.org/series/21665 
AROOO: A Room Of One’s Own by NorthernSparrow https://archiveofourown.org/works/1417834/chapters/2978790 
KTB: Kiss the Baker by Ltlflrt https://archiveofourown.org/series/244045 
OBPL: Our Bodies, Possessed By Light by obstinatrix https://archiveofourown.org/works/260289 
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 3 months
Summary: How Dean Winchester - mechanic, shitty cook, single father - became the power behind the throne in one of the biggest crime syndicates in the Midwest.
Author: @duckyboos-blog
Note from submitter: Want a sexy Mafia fic? Want one where Dean is the hapless one dragged into the world? Want some weirdly heartfelt moments? Want pie? Check, check, check, and check.  It's an incredible series and I can't recommend it enough.
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songliili · 9 months
:O firstprince murder husbands??? PLEASE elaborate
murder husbands is my favorite genre of fanfic (shout out to duckyboos for making me fall in love and being my favourite fic author of all time) and i've been thinking for months "would firstprince work in that genre?"
i couldn't find a way, because alex's most defining trait is that he's good and wants to help people and change the world for the better, so killing??? doesn't compute.
tbh, i saw pez and nora working better with that dynamic, but i wanted firstprince dammit!
so i kept thinking and thinking and then one day there was a prompt in the brownstone server for the weekly drabble and idk, something clicked. i decided that i want to work on this using the prompts from the server, cause i'm loving this freedom of simply working on one word and writing starting from that.
there is a very vague and general idea of a plot, which is: alex is a lawyer, henry is his boyfriend (then fiancé, then husband), after alex loses the nth big name case because of the corruption in the system he snaps and takes matters into his own hands. henry doesn't know at first, but he figures it out and then helps alex.
as of now i only have three scenes written, but the last one i like very much, so....
“I thought I had them, I really thought we’d win this case. Every puzzle piece was in the right place, I was sure the jury was on my side!”
Henry plays with Alex’s curls, calmly twirling them on his fingers. “That can mean only one thing, love.”
Alex burrows in Henry’s chest even more, his fury placated for now. “They paid someone to win.”
Henry stays silent for a couple of seconds, then, “I was thinking: a car accident, this time.”
“What about the CEO?”
Henry smiles, a dangerous glint in his eyes. “He gets the usual treatment, dear: you.”
i have no idea when this will be posted cause it's gonna be based on ✨ vibes ✨ aka: whenever i feel like i have enough drabbles to knit together in a way that makes sense lol
i know not many people in this fandom like darker fics, but i hope someone will enjoy it as much as i am while writing for it.
WIP tag game
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orpheustiel · 2 years
Hi) happy new year! I have a weird question, i saw your tags on a post about au fanfics and you mentioned one where Cas is a serial killer and kills Dean's friends. Do you happen to remember title/author? It sounds really interesting, but i can't find it by just using filters.
yessss! it's called number 1 crush, by duckyboos! it's such a good written story, immersive and fun (well, as fun as It can get with this linda of story)
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casheavennow · 3 years
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this mans got come on his face.
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unforth · 4 years
The 2021 Destiel Favs Survey!
The December, 2020 edition of the Destiel Fan Favorites Survey is now completed! I got 340 submissions, the most I’ve received since the first time I did the survey in 2017 (this is the fifth time). Since the inception of the survey, I’ve received 1372 surveys, reflecting the tastes of those in the fandom at the time they did the survey and completed especially with an eye toward highlighting excellent lesser-known works.
On the latest survey, 336 different authors were listed as favorites! 165 of these authors were added to the list for the first time. Across all five times I’ve given this survey, 700 authors (on the nose!) have been listed as favorites. You can view a list of all those authors, and links to their accounts, here!
On this survey, an astonishing 1,448 stories received a vote!! The majority - 891 works - were added to the collection for the first time, which is absolutely thrilling to me. 253 of the authors of these works had never been listed before, and now know - they’re someone’s favorite. How awesome is that?
Since the inception of this survey, 3,544 stories by 1,365 different authors have been named as someone’s favorite. All of these works are assembled in a collection that you can view on AO3 here! (works that aren’t on AO3 are bookmarked, as are the works of author’s who chose not to accept the invite to the collection; 210 invites are still pending from the 2021 survey; if authors don’t add their works by next weekend, I’ll bookmark them). Alternatively, you can view a list of every work in the collection, and a link to access the work if it’s still available online, here!
By far, the best way to navigate the collection is to go to the AO3 Collection and use the tags searches and filters to find works that appeal to you. That said, I know some people are curious about results. It’s outside my ability to make lists that include every work, and so I do in general compile some of the data and share those who got the “top” results (not in a ranking, only in alphabetical order). If you’re interested, keep reading...
(read more)
if you are having trouble seeing the links on this post, please access it on pillowfort here: https://www.pillowfort.social/posts/1967244
In the past, I've done an annotated "Top 20 Authors" list, where I list (in alphabetical, not ranked) order the authors who received the most votes and every work they have in the collection. I will not be doing that this year. I'll give the top 20 list, but not list all their fics - it's too much, and too many of these authors are the same as previous years. The goal of the Collection is and always has been to highlight the works of authors who don't get as much love and aren't as well known, and I've come to feel the Top 20 list doesn't serve that goal effectively. As such, I will instead be doing a "Rookies of the Year" list, listing 10 authors who have not been on the top 20 list previously, and a "Top New Stories" list, with the 10 most popular stories added to the collection this year.
You can see the past top lists at these links:
January, 2020
June, 2018
March, 2017
I also have done a number of rec lists based on the data, but not since the last two surveys (the collection has grown too big, and I don’t have time any longer). These are also all available on pillowfort.
All lists are in alphabetical order! These are not rankings!
Rookies of the Year! A list ten authors who’ve scored highly for the first time on the survey, and every work they’ve written that received at least one vote in the survey!
After the Darkness (Series) (26,438 words, 6 works). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Canon divergent AU where Dean goes missing.
Angel Bridge (55,944 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Paranormal writer Dean meets Wiccan Castiel.
Autumn in His Eyes (50,452 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Artist Castiel, retreating to seclusion to avoid the paparazzi, meets small-town Dean.
The Bond-Breaker Murders (75,696 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Detective Dean and his partner Castiel hunt a serial killer. 
The Deal (29,094 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Business owners Dean and Castiel meet soon after Castiel’s divorce.
Finding Home (42,828 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Bakery owner Dean and writer Emmanuel aren’t sure what’s drawing them together, but they’re sure something is.
Ghosts (Series) (71,676 words, 2 works). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Paranormal investigator Dean Winchester doesn’t believe in ghosts and definitely doesn’t believe scam artist Castiel.
I'm the Only (25,121 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Professor Dean and tattoo artist Castiel look back on how they meet.
Lojacked (28,393 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Guidance Counselor Dean is kidnapped days before the anniversary of his marriage to Detective Castiel.
Loved You Forever (Series) (98,896 words, 21 works). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Mechanic Dean has been in love with his best friend Professor Castiel since they were children, but has never told.
Parking Lot Confessions (3,820 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Castiel gets hit with a truth spell, and Sam learns far more than he expected.
Remember Me After the Storm (47,425 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. After a car accident, Castiel doesn’t remember the past 13 years of his life with Dean.
Bitch Better Have My Money (Series) (247,834 words, 4 works). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Dean’s suburban life goes to hell in a hand basket after he meets a devil with the face of an angel.
The Card Cheat (3,101 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Dean and Castiel are hitmen who hate working together.
Chronicles of a Serial Killer (Series) (52,760 words, 2 works, second is a work in progress). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Detective Dean Winchester is intrigued by the newest serial killer operating in his jurisdiction.
Dial "M" for Monster (23,809 words). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Baker/Vigilante Dean investigates the haunted rooms at Castiel’s motel.
I Only Come When You Scream (Series) (23,117 words, 7 works). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used, Graphic Depictions of Violence. Three serial killers meet over coffee.
Interview with the Vampire's Wife (6,040 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. A vampire’s wife walks into PI Dean’s office.
Lock Stock and Two Smokin' Winchesters (29,392 words). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Boxers Dean and Sam are fucked when they run afoul of Crowley and his prize fighter Castiel.
Murder Ballads (Series) (97,416 words, 3 works). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Serial Killer Castiel sets his sites on Dean.
My Whole Existence is Flawed (6,388 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean accidentally flirts with Castiel, with whom he had a relationship in high school.
Number 1 Crush (103,891 words). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. College friends Dean and Castiel meet up with some college buddies just as Dean’s college stalker comes after him.
Stone by Stone (37,269 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Teacher Castiel and student Dean find trouble together.
Baby Whispering 101 (2,835 words). Gen. No Warnings Apply. Castiel has to bring his daughter to class, but Professor Winchester doesn’t mind.
Bunker Files (30,519 words, work in progress). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Canon Divergent AU, where the British Men of Letters hear more than they bargained for.
Dark Blue, Dark Blue (36,112 words). Mature. No Warnings Apply. Online friends Dean and Castiel come to meet in person after Castiel’s meatspace life puts him in danger.
A Demon Like Him (24,595 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Warlock Dean isn’t sure if he should work with incubus Castiel.
Drunk Texts and Midnight Snacks (4,589 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. College AU. Dean keeps sending Castiel drunk texts...until he stops.
Felix in Aeternum (23,837 words, work in progress). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Castiel meets Dean at a Halloween festival and learns maybe there’s some supernatural in the world after all.
For a Dream's Sake (28,511 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU during season 13. Castiel falls into a djinn dream.
Lonely Eden (Co-written with Threshie) (44,091 words). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Dean and Sam deal with the aftermath of the Croatoan outbreak until they meet a lone uninfected man, Castiel.
Profound Magic (Series, Co-written with Trenchcoatbaby) (227,233 words, 2 works). Occult student Dean runs into trouble with his strict thesis advisor, Castiel.
Season Z (by multiple authors). (220,673 words). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Canon Divergent AU, post season 14, with zombies.
Undercover Angel (Series) (44,716 words, 3 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU where Dean discovers that Castiel has a panty kink.
Departure Strategy (Co-written with choranaptyxic) (39,778 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean and Castiel meet when Mary decides to contact Castiel’s employers for their help assisting her suicide.
Castiel Novak's Office, This is Dean (121,472 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean and Castiel have a one night stand...and then Dean finds out Castiel is his new boss.
Evangelist (334,398 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Wealthy business heir Castiel meets poor Dean.
Five Ways to Wake Dean Winchester (without Getting Shot) (1,598 words). Mature. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. “Sometimes, Dean’s dreams are violent.”
Halloween Horror (Series) (117,399 words, 4 works). Canon divergent AU. Castiel and Dean discover a haunted house while cataloguing a Men of Letters library.
Ipamis Ol Olpri (56,418 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Castiel and Jack need John Winchester’s blood to kill Michael.
On Falling (996 words). Unrated. No Warnings Apply. “He had fallen, further and faster than any angel before him.”
Saint's Hollow (Co-written with sleepinnude) (43,718 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Five years after Castiel and Dean are estranged, they’re forced to meet each other, and their shared past, again.
The Shawnee Trail (166,094 words). Unrated. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Stagecoach messenger Dean and Doctor Castiel have to deal with outlaws in 1887 Lawrence.
All Things in Succession (313,468 words). Mature. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O Dynamics. Omega Prince Castiel is bound to Alpha Knight Dean in an arranged marraige.
At Midnight (8,516 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Dean’s been pining for his best friend Castiel for a decade, and tonight he’s determined to kiss him.
By Any Other Name (6,785 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Dean doesn’t want anyone to see his soul mark...but Sam sees, and tracks down Castiel.
Casicorn (56,649 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Detective Dean gets a new, mysterious roommate.
Expectations (418,319 words). Explicit. No Warnings apply. A/B/O Dyanmics. Omega Castiel is infuriated that his sister is to be wed to the Alpha crown prince Dean, whom they’ve never met.
I'll Be Home for Christmas (3,872 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Castiel’s family has vastly misunderstood his relationship with his college roommate.
Issues (Series) (252,401 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Childhood best friends Castiel and Dean have a falling out that leads to them pretending to date.
Quarantension (129,289 words, work in progress). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. College roommates Dean and Cas quarantine together - strictly platonic, of course (yes, that includes the orgasms).
With Interest (161,935 words, work in progress). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. High School AU. Bad-boy Castiel bets he can make nerdy Dean fall in love with him.
All Been Blown Out (1,908 words). Explicit. No Warnings apply. Stripper Dean and mafioso Castiel have sex sometimes.
Anything You Can Do (21,087 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean, who is definitely straight (right?), is determined to prove by any means necessary that he’s better at sex than Castiel.
Becoming (4,924 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Dean develops a relationship with the android, Castiel, who owns the coffeeshop down the street from him.
Don't You Cry No More (5,094 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. A rewrite of 15x20.
I Leave in My Heart (3,343 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Office workers Dean and Castiel are just friends with benefits...aren’t they?
Make It That Much Better (2,469 words). Gen. No Warnings Apply. Four times people mistook Dean and Castiel for a couple.
The Novak Hickey Mystery (1,540 words). Gen. No Warnings Apply. Professor Castiel’s class isn’t sure how he got a hickey.
Picture Perfect (13,356 words, work in progress). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Castiel is attracted to a man he sees in an old photograph...and then they meet in real life.
You Start to Grow Wings (10,911 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Dean and Castiel have a relationship when they’re young, part ways, and meet against twenty years later.
Beautiful Mess (12,849 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean grows wings, and has to deal with all the issues that arise thereafter.
Dean Winchester: Monster Fucker (30,358 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Cursed Dean finds himself disturbingly attractive to monsters...and Castiel.
Doubting Thomas (40,184 words). Mature. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Two months after disappearing, Dean and Sam appear in Castiel’s garden, and they’ve been made into angels.
Forget the Sky (26,392 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Dean wins big on a scratch off ticket, and he and Castiel go to Japan.
Heart Like a Wheel (24,921 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. College student Dean decides to model for Professor Castiel.
If Love Was a River (17,364 words). Mature. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Orion is missing a star, and Castiel has fallen from the sky.
A Kite (720 words). Gen. No Warnings Apply. “Two gold bands burn a hole in his pocket - he doesn’t think he can wait any longer.”
Lights (2,671 words). Mature. No Warnings Apply. Pre-canon Dean meets season 5 Castiel.
Lonesome Roads (Series) (12,934 words, 2 works). Mature. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Terminally ill Castiel merges with the earth to heal, and returns many years later.
Me in Honey (6,520 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O dynamics. Castiel goes into heat, and Dean gets more than he expects.
Rooms to Let (Series) (32,962 words, 2 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Hunter Dean finds an angel crucified to a cross.
The Rosary (9,082 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Castiel escapes from a home for stray angels and is found in the forest by a stranger.
The Safest Place (5,312 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O dynamics. Dean feels the urge to nest.
Through the Mists of Time (Series) (24,689 words, 2 works). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Dean is sent back in time 700 years and lands in the bedroom of the handsome Scottish Lord Castiel.
We Fly By Night (15,672 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O dynamics. Business owner DEan can’t get rid of a strange mark on his arm.
We Gave Love a Chance (5,210 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Team Free Will gets a chance to rest on a Florida beach.
Cupcakes and Kittens (73,937 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean finds himself with an abandoned kitten, and Castiel finds himself in a baking class, and fortunately, they also find each other.
Hot Gym Guys (Series) (18,805 words, 2 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean can’t keep his eyes of the sexy owner of Healing Hands Spa and Gym.
Interrupted (5,818 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean loves his kids but is ready to do just about anything for some alone time with his husband Castiel.
It's in His Kiss (7,877 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Hockey player Dean gets put on the kiss cam while standing next to his best friend (and secret crush) Castiel.
Netflix and Chills (15,503 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Team Free Will tries to figure out if the coronavirus is Chuck’s next move.
New Holiday (6,258 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. A finale fix-it.
Paparazzi (7,004 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Hockey player Dean Winchester gets caught sleeping with billionaire Castiel.
The Shots We Don't Take (56,534 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. College senior Castiel hooks up with hockey player and playboy Dean.
Stay With Me (Series) (162,055 words, 4 works). Explicit. Graphic Depictions of Violence. Firefighter Dean rescues injured Castiel from his mangled vehicle after a car crash.
What I Need Most (32,397 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Who does Dean really need most? 
Y Tu Dean Tambien (6,909 words). Teen+. Archive Warnings Not Used. Dean has managed to keep his crush secret from absolutely everyone...except his crush, Castiel.
Baby, Baby (728 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Musician Castiel and Engineer Dean meet ugly.
Boneless Wings (4,333 words). Mature. No Warnings Apply. Castiel’s wings aren’t always as sexy as Dean might wish them to be.
Fifty Ways to Lose Your Lover (1,106 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Fix it for 15x18.
Funny Bone (4,933 words). Mature. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Dean would give a lot to know why the posed skeleton is admiring his ass.
Occursus (4,341 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Post-canon/15x20 fix it.
Piledriver (1,815 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. 15x18 coda.
Twenty Questions (1,246 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Castiel and Sam have a chat about Dean.
(Atypical) Love Story (13,360 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O dynamics. Castiel is shocked when Dean is attracted to his scent.
Biological Imperatives (or Not) (29,103 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O dynamics. Charlie convinces Dean to go on a date with her awkward professor friend.
Deference (9,981 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Criminal Castiel makes torturer Dean kneel.
Epistolary (9,408 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Castiel leaves an unexpected note for Dean.
Intangible (13,927 words). Explicit. Major Character Death. Mechanic Dean loses his soulmate, and gets him back as a ghost.
Koinophilia (Series) (31,139 words, 2 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O dynamics. Dean refuses to talk about why his heats come so infrequently.
The Neighborhood Watch (Series) (31,628 words, 6 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Castiel and Dean are husbands living a happy suburban life.
Nightshade (3,111 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Rowena accidentally feeds Dean a cursed aphrodisiac.
Pigment (1,573 words). Gen. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Dean takes up painting.
South Side Swing (Series) (75,859 words, 6 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean, boss of the Chicago outfit, runs into trouble with Castiel, head of the Bratva.
Stripes (Series) (32,368 words, 3 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Castiel insists that he and Dean are not soulmates.
Tentacle Husbands (Series) (23,658 words, 3 works). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Octo Castiel and Prince Dean are happily married.
Top 20 authors over all: aeli_kindara, almaasi, bendingsignpost, castielslostwings, Desirae, Duckyboos, EllenofOz, followyourenergy, komodobits, ltleflrt, MalMuses, MandalaRose, NorthernSparrow, riseofthefallenone, saltyfeathers, sharkfish, tiamatv, tricia_16, whelvenwings, xylodemon
All authors who’ve ever been in the top 20: 60r3d0m, aeli_kindara, almaasi, Annie D (scaramouche), anyrei, bendingsignpost, castielslostwings, CloudyJenn, deathbanjo, Desirae, dothraki_shieldmaiden, Duckyboos, EllenofOz, emwebb17, followyourenergy, imogenbynight, jemariel, jhoom, jupiter_james, K_K_TiBal, komodobits, ltleflrt, MalMuses, MandalaRose, microcomets (formerly mishcollin), MittenWraith, museaway, NorthernSparrow, orange_crushed, ozonecologne, pantheon_of_discord, PersephoneShadow, quiettewandering, riseofthefallenone, saltnhalo, saltyfeathers, SaltyWords (agent4hire22), seperis, sharkfish, thepinupchemist, tiamatv, Trenchcoatbaby, tricia_16, unforth, VioletHaze, violue, whelvenwings, WinJennster, xylodemon, youaresunlight
The Top Ten Newly-Inducted Fics in 2021:
The Care and Feeding of Castiel by MalMuses (24,190 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Canon divergent AU. Castiel starts acting strange.
The Courtship of Combat by bendingsignpost (18,250 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. A/B/O dynamics. Castiel lies about his feelings for omega Dean to avoid an arranged marriage by his king.
Cupcakes and Kittens by MandalaRose (linked above)
Bitch Better Have My Money by Duckyboos (linked above)
Fire and Ice by Castielslostwings (189,629 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Firefighter Dean falls into bed with his best friend, EMT Castiel.
A Fish Out of Water by MalMuses (42,966 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean goes undercover at Brock Pleasure Ranch and discovers that merman Castiel is less a monster than he’d imagined.
Ghosts that We Know by dothraki_shieldmaiden (89,411 words). Explicit. Archive Warnings Not Used. Hunter Dean could wish that the best partner he’s ever had, Castiel, wasn’t a ghost.
Option C by followyourenergy (63,310 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. Dean and Castiel fake a relationship during their senior year of college to get rid of their asshole third roommate Vaughn.
Starstruck by peanutbutterjelly-pie (146,461 words). Teen+. No Warnings Apply. Castiel used to live next door to movie star Dean, but doesn’t think much of it...until he does.
Welcome to Pine Shores! by andimeantittosting (20,901 words). Explicit. No Warnings Apply. After retiring from hunting, Dean and Castiel buy a motel together, and they run it for years, and Dean pines the entire time.
The Top 20 fics of 2021:
And This, Your Living Kiss by opal_bullets
Angel’s Wild by LimonadeGaby and riseofthefallenone
Bitch Better Have My Money (series) by Duckyboos (linked above)
The Breath of All Things by KismetJeska
Cinderwings by bendingsignpost
The Courtship of Combat by bendingsignpost (linked above)
Cupcakes and Kittens by MandalaRose (linked above)
Fire and Ice by Castielslostwings (linked above)
A Fish Out of Water by MalMuses (linked above)
Four Letter Word for Intercourse by bendingsignpost
Not Part of the Plan (series) by Annie D (scaramouche)
Down to Agincourt by seperis
Ninety One Whiskey (series) by komodobits
Riptides by sharkfish
Russian to the Altar by MalMuses
So Says the Sword by komodobits
Stay With Me (series) by MandalaRose (linked above)
A Turn of the Earth by microcomets (formerly mishcollin)
Wild (series) by Castielslostwings
With Understanding by apokteino (not available online)
And may I just say, this is the first year that Twist and Shout didn’t make the top 20 list, and I am thrilled.
All Fics that Have Ever Made the Top 20/Top 10 List:
All Things Shining by Askance (doomcountry) and standbyme
And This, Your Living Kiss by opal_bullets
Angel’s Wild by LimonadeGaby and riseofthefallenone
A Beginner’s Guide to Communing with the Dead by suspiciousflashlight
Bitch Better Have My Money (series) by Duckyboos (linked above)
The Breath of All Things by KismetJeska
Broken Reflections (series) by anyrei and mugglerock
Carnival Oasis (series) by violue
Carry On by TamrynEradani (deleted)
Cinderwings by bendingsignpost
The Courtship of Combat by bendingsignpost (linked above)
Cupcakes and Chlamydia (series) by violue
Cupcakes and Kittens by MandalaRose (linked above)
Dean (and Cas’) Top 13 Zepp Traxx by pantheon_of_discord
The Dean Winchester Beat Sheet by saltyfeathers
The Dick Pic Verse (series) by Dangerousnotbroken
Down to Agincourt (series) by seperis
Fire and Ice by Castielslostwings (linked above)
A Fish Out of Water by MalMuses (linked above)
Flight by NorthernSparrow
Four Letter Word for Intercourse by bendingsignpost
Get a Whiff of This by bendingsignpost
The Graveyard Shift by riseofthefallenone
Hideaway (series) by thepinupchemist
Hooked on Your Love (series) by Ltleflrt
I Wanna Get Outside (of Me) by emwebb17
I’d Do it Over and Over Again (series) by tricia_16
I’d Rather Have You (series) by Ltleflrt
Kiss the Baker (series) by Ltleflrt
The Meaning on My Skin by saltnhalo
Not Part of the Plan (series) by Annie D (scaramouche)
Ninety One Whiskey (series) by komodobits
Oddly Shaped Empty by jemariel
Out of the Deep (series) by riseofthefallenone
Painted Angels (series) by WinJennster
The Path of Fireflies (series) by museaway
Protect and Serve by jupiter_james
PWP: Pie Without Plot by MajorEnglishEsquire and orange_crushed
Redemption Road (series) by multiple authors
Riptides by sharkfish
A Room of One’s Own by NorthernSparrow
Russian to the Altar by MalMuses
Satin and Sawdust by Ltleflrt
So Says the Sword by komodobits
Stay With Me (series) by MandalaRose (linked above)
Traveling Light by sharkfish
A Turn of the Earth by microcomets (formerly mishcollin)
Twist and Shout by gabriel and standbyme
Vagabonds by chevrolangels (formerly amarillogrande)
The Walk (series) by Persephoneshadow
What has Eight Tentacles and Isn’t Allowed to Eat Pie? by Annie D (scaramouche)
Where the Weeds Take Root by deathbanjo
Wild (series) by Castielslostwings
With Understanding by apokteino (not available online)
You Can Keep Holding On by NorthernSparrow
551 notes · View notes
ao3feed-destiel · 7 years
Shotgun Divorce
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2y8c6zk
by Duckyboos
Dean's hitchhiking in the middle of Arizona when a beautiful stranger offers to give him a ride.
Words: 2401, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Bobby Singer
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Serial Killers, Serial Killers, Serial Killer Dean Winchester, Murder, Attempted Murder, Theft, Grand theft auto, Cactus Stealing, I don't wanna give the ending away in the tags, even though most of you will probably see it coming a mile away, Assault
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2y8c6zk
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bowlegsandbiceps · 4 years
deTagged by @allicekitty13
Nickname: Lux, H-Town
Zodiac: Virgo
Height: 5′10
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Last thing I googled: “find and replace, indesign, all numerics”
Song stuck in my head: Tis the Damn Season
Number of followers: 440
Amount of sleep: 10 hours
Lucky numbers: 20
Dream job: Writer. Or a graphic designer for a TV show.
Wearing: Levis, Rothy’s The Point in Ecru, Old Navy V-neck tee in Kelly Green over an Old Navy ribbed tank in red. Black & White Lokai bracelets, AKF leather wrap bracelet, glasses
Favorite Author: Chuck Palahniuk, Stephen King, Libba Bray
Favorite instrument: guitar, piano, cello
Aesthetic: Thunder storms in truck beds, leather jackets, midwest gothic, luxury mountain cabin, driving with the windows down, road trips, coffee shops with cozy chairs and lots of outlets, a small desk by a window with a view and strong wifi
Favorite song: Toss up between Teenage Dream and The Scientist
Favorite animal noise: The purr-y meow my cats use to reply to my questions
Random: I once got my arms stuck in a golf bag at wal-mart.
Tagging: @blowthatpieceofjunk @castielific @shadowywerewolfqueen @duckyboos-blog @missjenniferb @twihardwithavengeance @sundancekidkidd @serenite @casfelldown @only4myfandoms @rauko-is-a-free-elf @dean-you-assbutt-cas-loves-you @navajolovesdestiel @chevrolangels @hifromhell @dilfosaur @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @valleydean
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sinnabonka · 3 years
25 and 27 for the ask game (hi bestie!!)
Hiiiii kitten :)
25. A fic you read this year you would recommend everyone
Okay, I have my recs on AO3, but if I had to choose:
I won’t send roses (I reread it like once a month)
built to roam (this breaks my heart every time)
27. Favorite fanfic author of the year
I’d have to say @duckyboos-blog 🖤 my discovery of the year.
And if you’re up for some murder husbands fics, I’d recommend to start with Red Right Hand, but please beware the tags!
Thank youuuu ❤️ it was fun!
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somuchcolour · 4 years
WIP fic rec list
So I have a shit ton of important things to do so I was like, so what better time to make a WIP rec list of fics that are currently (hopefully) updating.
I know wips get a bad rap but I personally enjoy feeling like I’m in 1830s paris waiting for the next chapter of illusions perdues to drop. Also these authors are giving us sweet sweet entertainment and they deserve the hype. All stories deserve love no matter their completion status.
In no particular order:
A Brief History of Sex by Letzi
Never let it be said that Castiel Novak is not a passionate man. He doesn’t seem like he is at first glance, he’s willing to admit that. But what he does in life, everything that he does, in fact, in life, has been in the pursuit of passion.
He’s not sure how it landed him night after night sitting inside a cramped closet in a brothel’s bedroom, watching a prostitute get fucked from behind by one of her clients through a peephole, but that’s where he finds himself these days.
He has to make do with what he has.
ABO AU based on the TV Show Masters of Sex and the life and work of Virginia Johnson and William Masters, the pioneers of sex therapy.
A Priori by K_K_TiBal, whelvenwings   
Dean Winchester and Castiel Novak are headed to Hogwarts.
Castiel, as a member of the old Novak wizarding family, is fully expected to be sorted into Ravenclaw, like all of his ancestors before him. Dean, as a Muggle-born, has no idea what the Houses even are. With a surprise sorting and classes starting soon afterwards, they're both pitched headfirst into the unknown - and they find themselves in competition with each other almost at once, both of them needing to prove themselves to the people they left at home, and the people with them at Hogwarts.
Over the course of their seven years at Hogwarts, Dean and Cas learn what it means to prove yourself, what it takes to discover who you are, what it feels like to fall in love, and what it is they'll fight for - what matters most of all.
And Death Shall Have No Dominion by ForeverShippingJohnlock    
Castiel Novak is a zombie. Or rather, a "partially deceased syndrome sufferer." Treated and on medication, Castiel is deemed fit to return to living society. Whether society is ready to accept him or not is another matter entirely.
Dean Winchester is an active member of the Human Volunteer Force, a group determined to eliminate the undead. With his father as the leader of the HVF, Dean has spent years learning that PDS sufferers are scum, treated or not, and Dean wants nothing more than to make his dad proud.
Against all odds, the two boys form an unlikely friendship that makes Dean question everything he knows and believes, while Castiel thinks that maybe his second life isn't such a curse after all.
A story of love and loss, life and death, and everything in between.
Beyond Our Waking Eyes by abbythebollix    
Dean Winchester is troubled, Sam Winchester is growing up and Castiel Milton is too fucking hot for his own good.
Cupid's Fiery Shaft by ChasingRabbits               
When Gabriel Milton is forced into working on the school's annual Shakespeare play, he finds himself drawn to one person in particular--a techie named Sam Winchester.
While waiting on numerous universities to dictate the next major step in his life, Sam has been blowing off steam with his friend, lab partner, and (unknowingly) Gabriel's stepbrother, Castiel Novak.
Castiel Novak: a swimmer and one of the school's resident oddballs, who finds himself in a quandary upon meeting Sam's older brother, Dean.
Dean Winchester: gruff-voiced automechanic by day and culinary genius/MegaNerd by night, who might not be as heterosexual as he lets everybody believe.
If it sounds complicated, that's only because it is.
Now That's Comedy by CaptainMercy42     
Comedy. It's what Winchester's did. Winchester's, and about a million other dumb fucks with an iPhone and 140 character witticisms about their first world problems. It was not supposed to bug him when no-talent "wordsmiths" got highlighted in a bit on Ellen or Bob and Tom. But it did.
His dad, well he was great at it. It was dark comedy. It came from a dark place; the loss of a wife and the life of a morally bankrupt single dad, almost innocent in how thoroughly unprepared he was for fatherhood.  Substance abuse in itself provided jokes for days. The material actually outlasted his dear old dad. This surprised no one. What was surprising was Sam's decision to ditch college and do his own act, despite his lingering bitterness.
The first night Dean saw Sam perform was also the first night Dean saw Castiel perform.
Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by linoresearch   
The year is 1722 and across the oceans merchant ships are hounded by pirates. Killing and stealing their way to infamy, the Winchesters plague the trade-routes to the New World, leaving a trail of death and devastation across the Spanish Main. They are villains, and every ship that sails under the colours of the Royal Navy has been tasked with bringing them to justice; sentenced to hang by the neck until dead.
When the lookout of the navy frigate, the Lady Mary, calls ship-ahoy from the crow’s nest, first-mate Lieutenant Castiel Novak has no idea how his life is about to change. In a swash-buckling adventure across the high-seas, Castiel faces sea-monsters, ghost-ships, and much more, in the race to secure a valuable and dangerous prize. Thrown in among the pirates aboard the Black Impala, he also learns that Captain Dean Winchester can be hard to resist.
Number 1 Crush by Duckyboos                
Dean, Benny, Charlie, Garth, and Cas are old college buddies. In their thirties now, they meet up once a year to shed their adult responsibilities for a week. This year it's Garth's turn to choose where they go and he's still as obsessed with horror and weird shit as he was back in college. He ends up picking a supposedly deserted hotel in the friggin' mountains. The place is creepy as hell and as night falls, two things become increasingly apparent. One: the place isn’t as deserted as they first thought, and two: Dean’s college stalker is back from the dead.
Dial 'M' For Monster by Duckyboos    
By day, Dean Winchester bakes cupcakes. He owns his own bakery (Stairway to Leaven) and people come from all over state to try his delicious vegan red velvet. By night, he’s a fighter of supernatural evil.
Castiel Novak owns the small town's only motel (The Resting Place). He has a problem; he thinks rooms 6 & 11 are haunted.  It’s not like he can just look up a local ghost hunter in the phone book though, now is it?
Oh, he can? Sweet.
All The Other Places by Englandwouldfall                
As is usually the way with this crap, nothing is that simple. Part 4 of Beach House       
Shades of Mediocrity by Englandwouldfall               
Dean needs to rearrange his life all over again, regroup, restart and work out what the hell to do next.Castiel needs to learn where to channel his heart break, among other things.   Part 4 of Home            
The Taming of the Dudes by Englandwouldfall  
They've been doing this long enough and successfully enough that Dean kind of feels they shouldn't be arguing over something as serious as the mortgage. Part 5 of As you like it       
Two and a Half Sheets to the Wind by Englandwouldfall        
The whole point of working on a cruise ship was to escape everything, so the last thing he needs is to run into a guy who makes him a little too honest on the first day of a month long stint around Europe.
With Interest by everandanon     
In which sought-after bad boy Castiel Novak agrees to make awkward, nerdy sophomore Dean Winchester fall in love with him for a bet, and quickly finds himself in over his head — but by the time he realizes his mistake, it’s too little, too late . . .
Fast-forward 11 years, and as guilty as Cas still feels, he has bigger problems to deal with. Grieving his twin brother and struggling to provide the care his niece deserves, Cas finally sucks it up and moves back home in an effort to hold things together.
Of course, it's only a matter of time before he runs into Dean - Dean, who's all grown up and even more beautiful than Cas always suspected he'd be. Dean, who says he wants to be friends, and is clearly much better at a game Cas hasn't played since he broke Dean's heart.
Dean, who might not be the forgive-and-forget type, after all . . .
Quarantension by everandanon  
In which Dean and Cas weather quarantine together like any Good Friends would — by developing outstanding skills in self-deception and providing all the casual affection and strictly platonic* orgasms the other could possibly need to make it through.** *Really not platonic **Spoiler: They need a lot.
Fortress by imogenbynight         
Five years ago, a malignant mass removed from John Winchester's temporal lobe left behind a quietly ticking bomb that nobody noticed until it decimated everything. Five years ago, John dragged Dean away from everything he'd ever known, hellbent on rescuing him from an imagined threat that felt more real to him than the blood on his hands. Five years ago, Castiel let Dean's hand slip through his fingers as he rescued Sam from what he'd thought was a more immediate threat.
For five years, Castiel has wondered if there was some way he could have saved Dean, too.
Now, with a phone call that he'd all but given up hoping for, Castiel has a chance to try again.
It's Kind of a Funny Story by deathsteel    
After an aborted suicide attempt lands Castiel Shurley in the hospital, he meets Dean Winchester, a charming damaged young man who is much more than first meets the eye.  Not being able to deal with the stress of growing up may have gotten him here and being hopelessly in love with his best friend's girlfriend probably didn't help, but Castiel soon learns that sometimes it takes  going a little crazy to find the path you were always meant to be on.
Loosely based on the movie/book by Ned Vizzini 'It's Kind of a Funny Story'.
Just A Schoolboy Crush by Zombiecat    
Castiel has a cliche crush on the highschool football all-star, Michael Ashton. Even though he's fully aware he's doomed to longing looks and pining in silence, it wouldn't be so bad if his best friend, Charlie, hadn't told Dean. Dean Winchester never seemed to miss a chance to get under his skin but for some reason he starts acting odd when he hears about Castiel's big secret.
God, Make Small by komodobits               
The last plane into McMurdo before the six-month winter brings a new face, an astronomer on transfer from one of the inland observatories. Truthfully, Dean doesn't know shit about neutrino particles; he's just the guy who gets paid to move the equipment from A to B and tries to keep it from getting broken and/or frozen solid. Castiel Novak's awkward, endearing smile is an additional bonus. However, the relentless blue night is brewing coldly for a storm, and it's starting to look like Dean and Castiel might be the only ones left out on the ice.\
Legacies by vanishingact    
Castiel Milton's uneventful life as a Massachusetts lawyer gets a little strange in the fall of 1887 when he is assigned to handle the late Henry Winchester's estate and his client's distractingly handsome grandson arrives to take up residence in the old manor house. As an unlikely friendship (with a side of pining) develops, the house slowly coughs up its secrets and reveals a whole world of trouble that Dean never knew his grandfather kept hidden.
The Game of God by seperis           
You can't win a war for humanity by sacrificing all of your own. Part 4 of Down to Agincourt        
Sequins and Spirals by euphemology  
Dean Winchester is a world-renowned figure skater who hails from the “good old U.S. of A.” He is well on his way to the 2014 Winter Olympics, but there’s one small problem: so is his arch-rival, Polish skater Castiel Novak. Competition is definitely not going to be easy, but it gets even harder when the two men get assigned to the same room in the Olympic Village.
Show Me How To Love by universalromance    
A new family of kids at Lawrence High School brings a new perspective to Dean's life, especially when he becomes inexplicably drawn to the youngest of the siblings, a severely autistic boy who has never spoken or touched anybody in his entire life. Rating will possibly go up later. Possibly upsetting psychological subject matter.
The Process by Soupernabturel           
“Dean, hands to yourself please.”
The man in question straightens up in his chair, turns his flirty smile from the man two seats from him and onto officer Novak. “Sorry, Cas.”
“Cas?” Hannah asks.
“We get some regulars. They come to know a few of the officers, the patrol officers, especially.” Novak explains, the look on his face, almost slightly bored, slips a little. “As you know, I’m usually the one monitoring the Strip.”
 Police!Officer Cas is being filmed at work (A-la: Jail Las Vegas) for a reality TV show. Meanwhile Dean is a sex worker, not only familiar with the Strip’s booking process, but with a certain blue-eyed officer.
Start With a Name by cumberbellins, frickenapplepie (cumberbellins)    
Waking up in a stranger's living room with a blue eyed man staring down at you isn't the most pleasant experience ever. Dean Winchester can tell you that. Another thing Dean Winchester can tell you is that whenever you have to break into your brother's apartment, you should make sure that you got the right window.
starving in your gravity by alullabytoleaveby   
Dean has enough on his plate. Really.
There's his job as a paramedic for the local hospital and, while he loves it, loves getting to help people, the hours are long and the pay leaves much to be desired. There's his definitely-not-a-relationship with Castiel, the hot ER doctor, where's he's completely out of his depth emotionally. And then there's his brother, who's just dropped out of law school and has no idea what he's going to do now.
So what he definitely does not need is his alcoholic deadbeat dad stumbling back into his life.
Make Damn Sure by SurlyCat      
Dean Winchester is not thrilled about taking an office job at one the most powerful media corporations in the country. His work has always been hands on, but when Charlie tells him about the job opening and its comfortable salary, the temptation is just too great to turn down. And really, it wouldn't be too bad if it weren't for the blue-eyed man that also works there.
Castiel Novak and Dean Winchester have crossed paths far too often over the last 12 years, with an unsavory outcome nearly every time. This time though, walking away is just not an option as they're forced to collaborate on a project and learn to navigate each other like civilized human beings. For Dean and Cas though, nothing ever goes quite according to plan.
...In Bed by SurlyCat                
Dean Winchester and Castiel Milton met on a rainy summer day over a broken down car. Even though Castiel is nosy and seems to have no filter, Dean still finds himself drawn to the man. Over time they become friends, and over time, Dean falls for Cas, certain that Cas is uninterested. What Dean doesn't know is that his friend hasn't always been quite so tame, and Cas is careful to keep it that way. Who would've thought that a fortune cookie and a childish game would be responsible for bringing out the truth?
Tag, You're It! by Kitmistry   
Five months after the case that almost claimed their lives, what started as blowing off some steam during a high-pressure situation and continued as a mutually-beneficial arrangement is getting out of Special Agent Castiel Novak’s control. Falling in love with his partner is doomed to end in disaster, especially when said partner is Special Agent Dean Winchester—cocky, infuriating, and the biggest playboy Castiel has ever met.
Still on medical leave, Dean is bored out of his mind, and worst of all - once Castiel gets sucked into the investigation of a new case - without enough distractions from his inner demons. When he stumbles upon a small, seemingly risk-free case, Dean jumps at the chance to get involved, but the lies he has to tell could be catastrophic for the already shaky foundations of his relationship with Castiel.
With a new threat trying to take over the underworld of DC, Castiel and Dean have to find a way to work past their problems or risk losing each other forever.
Part 2 of The H Files       
The Supernatural Edification of Dean Winchester by OverlordoftheBees   
Based on TV Series “Afterlife”. Professor Castiel Novak (MA Berkeley, PhD Harvard) is an academic who has staked his credibility upon his ability to decompress and deconstruct the mythology surrounding mediums, clairvoyants and all things "new age spiritualist". That is, until a routine trip with a graduate class brings him into contact with medium Dean Winchester: uniquely gifted, supremely abrasive and desperate for a way out. When Dean touches on the tragedy marring Castiel’s past, his neatly constructed worldview is decimated. There is only a veil between life and death, as both well know. And as Castiel finds himself increasingly drawn to Dean, the fragility of that barrier is strained to its limit.
These Are the Nights by vintagenoise         
After a sudden tragedy, Castiel Milton and Dean Winchester reflect back on their youth in the beachside town of Sileas, Oregon, and all the lessons they learned on the path that led them to each other.In the Winter of 2008, Castiel visits his boyfriend, Dean, for Christmas. Despite all the big issues he and Dean have dealt with in the past, they've never had the chance to sort through the little things. Castiel is sure that their plans, from embarking on a road trip together, to spending time with the Winchesters, can only be good for their relationship. There's just one little problem that needs to finally be confronted: sex, and Castiel's difficulty with it.In the Summer of 2009, Dean and Sam visit their estranged father and his new family, who reluctantly allow Castiel to visit through Independence Day. All Dean wants is for his family and his boyfriend to get along, but between John's struggle to accept his son's sexuality, and his wife Kate's strange attitude towards Castiel, he's not sure he'll be able to make it work. Part 7 of Young Volcanoes                
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fanfic-corner · 4 years
Writer Castiel
4/12/20 - I have wanted to be a writer since I was ten years old, so maybe I’m biased here, but I absolutely adore the idea of Cas being an author if he lived a different life!
Tabula Rasa by Dangerousnotbroken on AO3. (78,240 words).
Tags: Writer Castiel, Bartender Dean, Past Relationship, Pervasive Themes of Memory, Magic, Canon Typical Violence, Mentions of alcoholism, Mentions of Past Child Neglect, Mental Illness, Witches, Ghosts, Bi!Dean, Bi!Castiel, Referenced Past Minor Character Death, Angst, Slow Burn, Memory Loss.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: Once upon a time, Castiel Novak had everything. He had a happy home life, a full scholarship, and, if he played his cards right, a promising journalism career. And on top of all of that, he had Dean. Then tragedy struck, as it tends to do, and Castiel lost everything. At thirty six, he’s got none of those things. He’s got no family to speak of. He’s got a job investigating purportedly true tales of the supernatural for a magazine no one reads. And worst of all he hasn’t seen Dean in nearly twenty years. So when research for an article turns him on to a witch who apparently grants wishes in exchange for stories, Castiel figures it’s worth the risk. If making a deal with a witch can get him Dean back, what has he got to lose?
Notes: This was absolutely amazing; both written beautifully and with a fantastic plot.
the inexhaustible silence of houses by Askance on AO3. (31,820 words).
Tags: Horror, Psychological Trauma, Domestic Violence.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: Almost two years after the world doesn't end, Castiel falls from grace—and loses his voice in the process. It is the impetus for confession and change; before long, he is settling into a loving relationship with Dean, the Winchesters are tired, and hunting for a place to land has taken precedence to hunting anything else. Dean and Castiel fall in love with the strange little house on the end of Swallowtail Drive, and for a little while life is as it should be—sweet, affectionate, and beginning afresh. But more and more Castiel sees and hears things in the house that beg the question of whether or not a place itself can be alive. The walls and rooms seem to shift and grow and breathe, and one night, Dean comes home from a hunt changed in a way that Castiel cannot explain. In the months that follow, their domestic bliss takes turns for the dark and sour, and the confusion of their circumstances will ultimately test everything Castiel knows about the man he loves, and everything he believes to be true.
Notes: Excellently written, made me cry, and the ending was brilliant. Technically it isn’t tagged as Cas being a writer, but he does write some poetry throughout, and I couldn’t help myself.
Lost and Found by whelvenwings on AO3. (7,762 words).
Tags: Writer Castiel, Mechanic Dean, Demisexual Castiel.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: “Chuck Shurley? Sure, I’ve read his books. Kinda Vonnegut, but like, Kilgore-Trout Vonnegut, you know?” Dean took another gulp of his whisky, and smacked his lips like an adult. The guy sitting beside him at the bar, however, did not look suitably impressed. In fact, he was staring down into the bubbles of his cider, not even noticing the way that Dean was smiling at him, giving him the eyes. “I thought his stuff was pretty good, in a kinda metamodern way,” Dean added airily, and a little more loudly. The guy only nodded gloomily. Dean almost clicked his tongue against the roof of his mouth in frustration. C’mon, dude, I’m trying to impress you. Twenty minutes of talking and all Dean had to show for it was a weird first name, a series of dour stares and the strangest need to know more about this – Castiel.
Notes: This was written so well that I wanted to cry at Cas’ story of the stars, even though it wasn’t particularly sad. Now I want to go and stargaze with someone.
The House on the Ocean Road by coffeeandcas on AO3. (111,351 words).
Tags: Single Parent Castiel, Alternate Universe, Angst with a Happy Ending, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Baggage, Hurt Dean Winchester, Writer Castiel, Car Accidents, Past Character Death, Adopted Children, Mentions of Suicide, Slow Burn, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Near Death Experiences, Hospitals, Explicit Sexual Content, POV Dean.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: Dean Winchester is on the run from his life. He's done something unforgivable, and can't face his family or friends ever again. So he does what any rational person would do: fakes his own death and vanishes into the ether. Wandering aimlessly along country roads, he succumbs to the elements during a violent storm and wakes up hours later in the home of a stranger: a single dad living alone in an isolated beach house, with a haunting past of his own. Cas is sweet and shy, but welcomes Dean into his home and tells him he can stay as long as he needs, never prying into his life or asking him to spill his secrets. As they rapidly forge a close friendship, Dean finds that the quiet life by the ocean with Cas is exactly what he's been dreaming of. He only hopes his past never catches up with him.
Notes: This was so gorgeous and the plot was fabulous! Also, I loved Jimmy, and Dean and Cas as parents were adorable. Weirdest use of Cole’s character that I’ve ever seen though.
What Can’t Be Seen by destieldrabblesdaily on AO3. (2,639 words).
Tags: Soulmate AU, author!Cas, Strangers to Lovers, First Kiss.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: Written for this prompt: Soulmate AU where you first see color after eye contact: Cas is a famous best selling author and he’s promoting his book, so he’s talking to a crowd of people and suddenly his world is in color, and a lot of his fans pretend to be his soulmate. A Cinderella type situation ensues.
Notes: This was really cute and such a sweet and funny idea.
(un)conventional by imogenbynight on AO3. (6,100 words).
Tags: Alternate Universe, mechanic!Dean, Writer!Castiel, Conventions, Fluff.
My Rating: 5 stars.
Description: Spec Lit Con--Speckly Con, to it’s regular attendees--is an annual weekend-long event held in Chicago, dedicated to science fiction, fantasy and otherwise speculative literature. This year Dean's favorite author, C.J. Novak, is appearing as a panelist. Naturally, he shells out the cash for an all access pass.
Notes: This was so adorable that I nearly screamed in the corridor outside my computer science lesson. Plus, the writing was absolutely gorgeous! I miss conventions :(
I Think That’s Mine by palominopup on AO3. (6,804 words).
Tags: Fluff, AU, Reporter!Dean, Writer!Cas.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: A mix up at the Atlanta Airport places Dean Winchester's laptop in someone else's possession. A series of calls and texts bring two men together.
Notes: This was so cute, Cas was so sweet, and Dean was an icon.
‘Star Wars is Overrated’ by leftdragonpainter on AO3. (38,186 words).
Tags: Soulmates, Pining, Drinking, Writer Castiel, Mechanic Dean, Neighbours, Swearing, Winchester Logic, Clueless Dean, College Student Sam, Awkward Dates, Dean Cooks, Castiel in Glasses, Slow Burn, Injured Sam, Fixing Cars, Smut, Costumes, Drunk Texting, Temporary Amnesia, Angst and Humor, Angst with a Happy Ending.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: When Dean Winchester turned sixteen he was disappointed by the words that appeared on his chest. He never expected that it would take so much to find his soulmate. He never expected to not remember meeting them...
Tags: Every time I thought I knew what was going to happen in this fic, something completely different happened, which I loved. 
Event Horizon by Winglesss on AO3. (6,442 words).
Tags: Suicidal Thoughts, Suicidal Dean, Depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Past Character Death, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Texting, Sharing a Bed, Happy Ending, Veteran Dean, Doctor Dean, Writer Castiel, Strangers.
My Rating: 4 stars.
Description: Castiel couldn't have helped his sister. That's why being offered a chance to help somebody else dealing with suicidal thoughts he took it without hesitation. When he gets the first text from someone who needs his help, nothing goes as he expected.
Notes: I don’t know if that kind of suicide prevention scheme exists, but this fic is very sweet. 
Darkly Dreaming Dean by Duckyboos on AO3. (29,008 words).
Tags: Alternate Universe - Serial Killers, Alternate Universe - Police, Detective Dean Winchester, Writer Castiel, Serial Killer Dean, Alternate Universe - Dexter, Established Relationship, Murder, Top Dean, Bottom Castiel, Anal Sex, Innocent Castiel.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description: Dean Winchester has the perfect apple pie life with his shy-but-sweet boyfriend in the suburbs. He has a steady, well-paid job with the LAPD and he’s charming and attractive. Really, he’s living the American Dream. It’s his extra-curricular activities that some may disagree with, as he’s also an accomplished serial killer. To date, his kills amount to around 36 and he’s never been caught. He’s employed by the law, remember? He knows how these things work.
A new serial killer arrives on the scene and despite the sloppiness of their work, Dean is intrigued by them and what they're trying to achieve, because their MO is the same as his; killing bad people. He makes it his mission to track the other killer down before the police do, and he’s left reeling when the 'Basin Vigilante' turns out to be someone a lot closer to home than he could have ever imagined.
Notes: I sort of watched Dexter a few years ago, and I absolutely love the idea of Dean as a vigilante serial killer. I only wish that the synopsis was a bit different, so the end was more of a surprise.
Finding Home by Desirae on AO3. (42,828 words).
Tags: Baker Dean Winchester, Writer Castiel, PTSD, Past Childhood Trauma, Childhood Kidnapping, Mistaken Identity, Dean Whump, Castiel Whump, Best Friends to Lovers, Emotional Sex, Fluff, Humor, Angst with a Happy Ending.
My Rating: 3 stars.
Description: Dean Winchester lived a quiet life running his bakery. Aside from family, Dean had no desire to let anyone inside. The more people you cared about, the more you had to lose; A hard lesson he'd learned at the tender age of eight when Dean’s best friend was kidnapped right before his eyes. Dean was forever haunted by the event, although he hadn’t realized quite how much until Emmanuel James Milton breezed into his life; waking his sleeping heart with a complete lack filter and achingly familiar eyes. An author, with no family and traumatic past of his own, Emmanuel never felt like he belonged anywhere until he walked into The Honeybee Bakery and met Dean. It’s not long before they find out that there is a reason for their profound bond.
Notes: It was obvious what was going on here from the start, but that just made it even cuter as they fell in love again.
I think it is a shame we didn’t get more human Cas content, but I guess it is too late now. I hope you enjoy these fics, and if you ever have a specific list you want me to make, feel free to ask!
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occult-castiel · 4 years
The Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 8 (ish) works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, metas, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome work!
Me?? Getting tagged by my all time favorite author @duckyboos-blog ??? This is the best thank youuu 💙💕💕
1. I think the number one thing I'm most proud of is my Destiel Hallelujah AMV. I spent about 60-70 hours over a few days learning how to work video editing software for the first time. I think it turned out great!
2. I loved writing Leave A Message (After the beep!) Its a suuuuper happy, joy-filled one shot written before 15x18
3. I'm doing a s13 baby jack long fic!!! A thread with no end. I'm still writing it three ish weeks in. The newest chapter is currently late, but I've forgiven myself since it's the holidays.
4. Pressing the issue. It's a one shot, last night on earth s15 canon divergent I wrote before the hiatus ended. Dean and Cas use their words, because s15 was all about doing that until the finale that didng happen
5. Honestly??? Havent done anything for gomens in a while, but this collabrative crack fic Year of The Rat: Cheesus Christ was so much fun to make! It's full of fun jokes and I enjoyed my part in it. I'm still grateful for @joyfulomens for organizing that, it was great
6. Speaking of gomens, this Globe theatre romeo and juliet one shot Just As Sweet was the first time I felt proud of something I'd written. And I love that I can see how much better I've gotten since then
7. Tangerine, tangerine. This is the start of a destiel memory loss fic, post series. I just really like the start! I hope to do more with it, but its had to go on the back burner for now unfortunately.
I'd do eight, but the few I'm thinking of I cant find on my blog, so seven it is!
I'm tagging @goindowninablazeofglory @one-more-offbeat-anthem @tearsofgrace @starrynightdeancas and @idonthaveacleverquip
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Ask game: D. E. S. T. I. L.
D- fandoms I write- only Supernatural
E- OTP?- Duh 😉
S- favorite author? Duckyboos on AO3
T- When did I start reading fanfic? Only TWO years ago!! I was late to the Tumblr/AO3 gig
I- Porn with or without plot? Wiiiiitttthhhh. Gimmie all the nasty
L- Favorite fic of mine? Probably the one I'm working on now, Still Waters. I pushed away from the normal Destiel tropes and am writing a creature fic!!
Thank you so much for asking!
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ao3feed-destiel · 7 years
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2u9d7mv
by Duckyboos
Castiel Novak and his brother Gabriel are high-end professional assassins with their own company - Futures Ltd. (Gabriel’s very proud of that one) - catering to those who would rather throw money at a problem than handle it themselves.
As far as Castiel is concerned, Dean Winchester and his brother Sam are cut-rate, piss-poor, bargain-bin imitations of professional assassins. They’re out for what they can get while the market’s good and they give honest, hardworking hitmen a bad name.
However, Castiel is forced to rethink his outlook on the Winchesters, when it turns out that through a series of (not-so-coincidental) coincidences, he and the elder Winchester are bound together by something much stronger than either of them could have predicted.
Words: 4467, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Snappin' Necks & Cashin' Checks
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Castiel, Dean Winchester
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Assassins & Hitmen, Assassins & Hitmen, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Dean, Omega Castiel, BAMF Dean Winchester, BAMF Castiel (Supernatural), Hate Sex, Hate to Sex, Swearing, Aftermath of Violence, Violence, Bottom Castiel/Top Dean Winchester, Top Dean Winchester, Bottom Castiel, Power Bottom Castiel, Snarky Castiel, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Knotting, Mates, Murder, Shameless Smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2u9d7mv
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