#author: fruitily
raibrary · 5 years
title: take me out (the date way or the assassination way) author: fruitily rating: teen wordcount: 6954 pairing: jeon jungkook/min yoongi summary: 
yoongi [7:58] IM READY TO DROP DEAD
jimin [7:59] relatable
jin [7:59] you say that at least three times a week
namjoon [7:59] is this about the guy you keep running into
tae [8:00] what guy?????? are u keeping tea from me????????
jin [8:01] there’s a mysterious hot guy on campus that yoongi keeps running into like a damn romantic drama but every time they meet he ends up nearly killing yoongi
tae [8:01] kinky
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namjinreads · 2 years
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sugakookiefics · 6 years
with a bang (stunted plants can bloom
Author: fruitily Genre: college!au, fluff, one night stand to lovers, smut,  Rating: mature Side Pairings: namjin Length: 24k Warnings: none Summary: namjoon [1:12] so you met jimin and taes roommate last nightyoongi [1:15] …...yeah
namjoon [1:15] met him real good
yoongi [1:16] oh my god
/what not to do when you find yourself falling for the guy you almost slept with but then didn’t because he turned out to be your friends’ roommate: a guide by min yoongi AO3
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bts--fics · 7 years
〇十三。home is
home is ( this house and the people in it) by fruitily
site: AO3 pairing: yoongi x jungkook; OT7 friendship status: on-going rating: e chapter & word count: 9 chapters ( 67.0k) warning/s: lOTS of tension (winkwonk); smut
summary: “okay,” namjoon says slowly, “you can’t just drag strangers home with you because they tell you their name.”
“we didn’t kidnap him. he is here very much of his own volition,” taehyung pipes in. he slaps at jeon jungkook’s shoulder. the boy looks sort of pained, and yoongi can’t blame him. “we met him at a street corner, near jimin’s work. it was raining, and he didn’t have an umbrella, and he was looking kind of lost, so we asked him to come with us.”
“and you just went with them? two strangers? them?” namjoon stresses, and jimin and taehyung look kind of uncertain, like they’re not sure whether they were just insulted.
jungkook merely shrugs.
“you end up doing all kinds of shit,” he says, and yoongi perks up at the sound of his voice, “when you live out of your car.”
or: jungkook stays for a night, and then ends up staying a lot longer.
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inbtswethrrust · 3 years
So notyoongs has recently quit the fandom, and I feel like I'm going through withdrawal of yoonkook fics.
Do you know any authors like them?
you just broke my heart ♥ notyoongs quit???? fml, i love all their fics
i have one of my all-time favorite writers who writes a lot of yoonkook right here:
they're very popular in the fandom, and you might already have read anything (plus they haven't published anything since 2019) but but but if you haven't read their work they have some amazing yoonkook fics that i absolutely adore!!
my favorites include (but are not limited to... because i've read all their work and i can vouch for the fact that you won't find a single on you don't like):
magic show or: jungkook works at a pet shop. yoongi is just here to get a damn fish.
the weather in busan on sundays, jungkook listens to a strange little radio show while painting and may or may not be slightly in love with a voice. on sundays, yoongi and taehyung host a strange little radio show out of the back of their van while fighting about things like maps and portable coffee makers and yoongi has no idea whether his voice is reaching anyone until they get lost in busan.
with a bang (stunted plants can bloom) what not to do when you find yourself falling for the guy you almost slept with but then didn’t because he turned out to be your friends’ roommate: a guide by min yoongi
describe your ideal type here or: taehyung makes a business out of matchmaking. yoongi smiles at jungkook at a coffee shop and it's really a downwards spiral from there on. both jungkook and yoongi probably need new roommates.
and my absolute favorite (among my favorite fics to reread too) is
twenty-four “so you just. handcuffed us together while we were sleeping?"
if you've read all of these, just reread :)
I also absolutely adore
who has a lot (A LOT, most) of yoonkook fics, and so many that i love... some of my favorites are these (but god it was so difficult to pick just these)
Kissing a Fool Apparently Jeongguk has a habit of kissing the members just for fun. But the only reason he kisses Yoongi is because he's dared to. Yoongi doesn't know what to do with this information, so he decides to kiss him again.
As You Wish OG Prompt: "I need a fic where yoongi's whipped for jungkook and does everything he asks him to do, no matter how ridiculous the request is. Jungkook...keeps asking for small things. Like cute pictures of holly or extra large portions of lamb skewers. It goes like that until the requests become less and less innocent and yoongi doesn't hesitate to drop to his knees when jungkook asks him to."
Cluttered Yoongi needs his space. His alone time. But then why does he feel so empty when Jeongguk finally gets his own studio, instead of taking up space in his?
Tangled Up In You Jungkook came back from break with hair practically down to his chin, and an entire sleeve full of tattoos. Yoongi can't stop staring.
Vanilla Latte In which Jungkook is a cop, called out to check on a noise complaint. Upon arriving, Jungkook’s mistaken as a stripper and isn’t sure what to do when a very cute drunk man starts advancing on him.
Sunflower Yoongi's roommate is a little strange. There's just a few things that don't quite add up.Like the fact that Jungkook says he's on the hockey team, but he doesn't own any hockey gear. And once Yoongi met a guy on the team and asked about his roommate, but they didn't know who he was. When he confronted Jungkook about it, the boy had simply given him doe-eyes and said: "I don't, Yoongi. Maybe because I'm a freshman? A lot of people don't know who I am."
i've read tangled up in you an unhealthy amount of times so i guess what i'm saying is that's my favorite.
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ao3-taegi-fics · 3 years
in all dishonesty
Author: fruitily  
Warnings: None
Chapters: 1/1
Pairing: Kim Taehyung / Min Yoongi
Words: 3,279
Genre: Humor, Fluff, College/University, Cheating at Monopoly
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
while taehyung is trying to figure out whether or not min yoongi wants to stab him with a fountain pen, they find out they make an excellent team when it comes to board games.
Read the fic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15515916
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activelyweird · 3 years
Hi! I'm curious about number 13 or number 5, but no pressure :D
never thought anyone would actually send me an ask, oh my gosh (sorry i replied to this so late, classic tumblr issues)
5. what inspires you to write?
honestly there isn't one singular thing that I gain inspiration from. often times, it's a "what if?" scenario that leads to me a fic idea, but other times it's scenes from shows/movies/books. i often joke that the entire reason i post anything is because i write for my friends: the majority of my works are gift fics or written because someone else wanted to see something particular in a fic. basically, inspiration can come from anywhere. a particularly memorable moment was when i was inspired to write a found family fic after reading about 20th century family life for a class.
13. who are your favorite writers?
this is something incredibly tough to answer. the only one i know for a fact is on tumblr is @juniperwillows, everyone needs to check out west side, east side (it doesn't matter anymore). one of the few authors who can write a fic with several groups in it and make it flow naturally, with some amazing writing. another favorite has to be cafecliche (on ao3), who's written some amazing wei wuxian centric mdzs/untamed fic; their writing style just enough wit to be funny and engaging, while also laying on the perfect amount of angst (no tumblr, but twitter). a name that should be recognized by any bts fan, fruitily literally has some of the funniest bts fics ever, their college aus are out of this world and honestly they're the writer that converted me to enjoying them (@theforbiddenfruitily on tumblr, though i don't believe they're active anymore). there might be a couple of more out there who i adore, but i'd say these are the main few and everyone who follows me needs to check them out.
feel free to send me more asks!
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fave-bts-fics · 3 years
One of my favourite authors!
when breaking rules (go hard or go home)
BY: fruitily
when you’re a freshman, you learn a few things during the first couple of weeks, things that aren’t written down anywhere:
1. you don’t pick more than one eight a.m. class per semester because you won’t be able to get up 2. you don’t leave your laundry in the dryer overnight because it will get stolen 3. you don’t get involved with min yoongi.
or: jungkook gets involved with min yoongi. jimin would make a terrible secret agent, and taehyung is a lizard dealer (?)
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lucid-jjin · 3 years
No you're not late thank you thank you 😘😘 I know and love (cv is the jinkook bible and jvante is a jinkook legend! goldenhearts is fantastic, such an iconic works from this one too) all of them except for b & c, I will read them asap and check their writers other works as well, Thanks! I would love some more if you're willing 🙏🙏
YES NONHEATHER IS SUCH A GOD I MISS THEM SO MUCH OH MY GOODNESS 😩 also yay!!! i hope you enjoyed those two new ones then— and you’re so welcome!! yes ofc here are a few more jinkook fic recs from different authors againnn (all are on ao3 + check ratings/tags to see if you’re comfortable with it before proceeding)
a) lemonade kisses by bizzanus (currently an orphan account sadly) a jinkook summer camp au that really got me caught up in my feels ohmygod. seokjin definitely puts jungkook to the test to prove just how much he wants him— overall just simply amazing. bizzanus is an amazing author and if you want to read more of their works, just search ‘bizzanus’ at the tags section
b) light at the end by fruitily good things come to those who wait is so true when it comes to reading this entire fic. just when you thing everything is heading for the worst, it all gets better!!! seokjin is a “grim reaper”, jungkook falls for him, you can probably imagine how sad it is gonna turn out. but no fear! (or maybe do fear lmao) the authors humour is top notch you wouldn’t know if it was more appropriate to shed a tear or let out a chuckle
c) cheeto dust by literallies this is so cute i read this not too long ago and it made me smile like crazy. just jungkook reminiscing previous memories w seokjin…..… on their engagement night!!!!! so cute and fluffy and precious!!!!
d) bloom by raviolijouster another fic full of misunderstandings and Boys who Refuse to Talk!!! but still amazing aha seokjin just broke up with his boyfriend and jungkook jumps at the opportunity to distract seokjin (maybe more than seokjin expected ) but ahhh it’s so good!! one of the first few jinkook fics I’ve read
hmm i noticed i havent read a lot of long-ish jinkook fics (other than those by nonheather) that i enjoyed enough to rec. so these are all relatively short but they’re still incredible so give them a chance if you haven’t read them already!!! hope you have fun reading what I’ve recommended!
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kommakina · 3 years
my take on what makes literature good (this is just a rant i am so sorry)
before anything i would like to state that i have no degree, no expertise, no nothing. i am literally just a high school student so like take what i say lightly dudes, it’s all just a relative opinion anyways. this is just 1k of my opinions and thoughts ig.
i am going to start this off by saying that the best story i have ever read in my life is a 100,000 word bts fanfic. you can dislike their music, them as people, i don’t care, thats your right and your opinion that you’re entitled to. i’m not trying to change that. but the reason i say that is because, lets be honest here, fanfiction? a lot of the time it’s written by 13 year olds who haven’t learned the difference between you’re and your. no shade to those 13 year olds, though. i’ve been there, and i’m no grammatical saint either, but typically, fanfiction as a whole is a bit looked down upon because of this idealism that it’s all just shitty 1k first-person bullshit. contrary to the societal idea of what fanfiction is (because it is shitty a lot of the time), there’s still that golden story every once and awhile. for me, that golden staple was up we go. 
I feel like they, the author, encompassed a lot of feelings that i, myself, was feeling at the time at which i had read it. it described that feeling of being sad but having nothing to be sad about, that feeling of loneliness in a room full of people, hopelessness in a world full of answers. this 100k bts fanfiction put into words emotions that i didn’t even realize other people could have. it helped me to sit and reflect on my own life a little, think of what could make me happy, what could make me grow and flourish. the writing style in of itself was absolutely spectacular in capturing the essence of the story and these feelings, and even with the disregard of the craftsmanship of  the storyline, its foreshadowing, ect. ect., it’s still a beautiful story. yet even still, i find myself hesitant to tell people about my love and appreciation of this story because i’m scared of what they would think when they found out that i think so highly of a story that societally shouldn’t be good in any means. 
that thought process isn’t at all fair to the creators of these stories (btw here’s the link to up we go, fan of bts or not, i still highly recommend it - https://archiveofourown.org/works/12297168/chapters/27954360 ). they poured their hearts out into the creation of these works, and will never get the recognition they so deserve in the world of literature beyond tumblr posts and twitter threads. 
this is just going to move me on into literally the best page turner i’ve ever read didn’t even fucking have pages. it was a 200k fanfic, once again. the songbird and the sea. best fucking plot line and universe creation since tolkienism. i literally read it at every moment i could, even when i reread it for the tenth time, i still can never put it down. it brings the beauty of life and hardships to life in an exciting way- the kind of exciting thats hard to find in a book. it really was a story that held your hand through it’s pages, despite its coding. (odd place to put it but once again here’s the story, bts fan or not, high recommendation - https://archiveofourown.org/works/10795731/chapters/23946774 )
i haven’t been able to find a single printed book that brings me as much joy and emotion as these books, and i’ve read plenty of classics in my time. and then there were none, the odyssey, pride and prejudice, shakespeare sonnets, edgar allan poe, ect. ect.. i’ve read some of the most popular novels in modern history like twilight, harry potter, the fault in our stars, scythe, all of these books- but none of them have ever brought me as much emotion and happiness as two fanfictions i found on ao3. that kind of thinking kinda leads on into - who decided these books were good? what decided they were the grounding for movie franchieses that make more money in a year than yemen and panama’s national incomes combined? 
really my question here is this, and i highly recommend you sit and recollect on this yourself, please add your own thoughts, id love to hear them, but- 
what makes literature good aside from a societal view?
honorable mentions of fanfiction authors that make me happy-
fruitily on ao3 - https://archiveofourown.org/users/fruitily/pseuds/fruitily
their twitter - https://twitter.com/fruitilys
notyoongs on ao3 - https://archiveofourown.org/users/notyoongs/pseuds/notyoongs
their twitter - https://twitter.com/tododucks
arobeebee on ao3 (has a lot of nsfw stuffies on there but also has more wholesome stuff so yeah take that as you will) - https://archiveofourown.org/users/Arobeebee/pseuds/Arobeebee\
her twitter (is a nsfw twitter im sorry i dont know if she has another one this was all i could find) - https://twitter.com/arobeebee
Oh_Hey_Tae on ao3 (up we go) - https://archiveofourown.org/users/Oh_Hey_Tae/pseuds/Oh_Hey_Tae
their twitter - https://twitter.com/oh_hey_tae
maia_archives on ao3 (the songbird and the sea) - https://archiveofourown.org/users/maia_archives/pseuds/maia_archives
i cant find any of their socials im so sorry lol
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cryinginmacity · 4 years
a little bit about my fic-consuming habits 😊
my first bts fic was ‘a gilded world’ by smiles but i’ve been reading fics from other fandoms for YEARS
i pretty much read any pairing - concept is more important for me - but i have phases where i read a lot of a certain pairing for a little while
ships i tend to read less of are taekook, yoonmin and jikook (but i still read them sometimes!!)
i want this blog to focus on more soft fics but that’s definitely not all that i read haha
recent tags i’ve been searching:
relationship: NAMKOOK, yoonjin, namseok, vmin, namgi, ot7
additional tags: hurt/comfort, touch starved, canon compliant, magical realism, mutual pining, coming out
some authors i’m subscribed to that i adore:
777335, GinForInk, Miralana, fringecity (indiachick), infraredphaeton, kaythebest, firebranded, minverse, monbon, nitilia, nonheather, Oh_Hey_Tae, freelancejouster, themarmalade, ratherunecessary, sharpa, polyjoon, tendershipping, pardon, AttilaTheHun, blimpish, vxmins, fruitily, loindexter
hopefully that can help you decide if my recommendations will be the sort of things you might enjoy 💜💜
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raibrary · 5 years
title: when breaking rules (go hard or go home) author: fruitily rating: teen wordcount: 13521 pairing: jeon jungkook/min yoongi summary: 
when you’re a freshman, you learn a few things during the first couple of weeks, things that aren’t written down anywhere: 
1. you don’t pick more than one eight a.m. class per semester because you won’t be able to get up 2. you don’t leave your laundry in the dryer overnight because it will get stolen 3. you don’t get involved with min yoongi.
or: jungkook gets involved with min yoongi. jimin would make a terrible secret agent, and taehyung is a lizard dealer (?)
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yoonkooklibrary · 5 years
uhm i-i have a question for 24sevenheaven 👉🏻👈🏻 im kinda new to sugakookie but your writing is really good dhskdhdsj do you have any fav fics from the ship???? IM SORRY THIS IS SO AWKWARD AADKDDJ also w-what’s ur favorite fic uve written 🥺
the yoonkook library is honestly one of the things that really got me into yoonkook (which is why it’s so amazing to be a part of it!) and i honestly have a TON of favorite yoonkook fics, but off the top of my head, i’d say my favorite authors are notyoongs, fruitily, xiajin, bellamees, ameliabedelias, darling, marienadine, endearings, monoxxide, etc… which is just off the top of my head! 
i’d say the first yoonkook fic i read was a notyoongs one (unsurprising LOL), and i think it’s still my favorite:
STRAWBERRIES & CIGARETTES by notyoongs (3/3 | E | 129,328)
“i’m yoongi,” he says. “hoseok’s roommate? he asked if i would be willing to drive you to work so here i am.” jeongguk stares at yoongi’s outstretched hand—nails covered in chipped black polish, which are attached to a very long and veiny hand, which is coming out of a fucking leather jacket, which is thrown over a black shirt, which is tucked into a pair of very tight and ripped black jeans, which come to rest above a pair of black combat boots, and that’s just—not fair. at all.
somehow, jeongguk manages to make the part of his brain not connected to his dick work enough to raise his hand, grasping onto yoongi’s a little too tightly. he swallows thickly, praying to god that his face isn’t as red as it feels when he looks yoongi in the eye again and lets out a quiet, “hi.”
(or: yoongi is a bad boy, jeongguk is a baby boy, and opposites always attract.)
as for my favorite fic I’VE written (which is hard because none of them are very great LMAO), i’d say it has to be either 
DON’T WANNA BE FOOL, WANNA BE COOL (BABY I WANT IT) by 24sevenheaven (3/3 | NR | 32,302)
great, he’s going to be introduced to a cute boy, tell his current (extremely embarrassing) dilemma to a cute boy, embarrass himself in front of a cute boy, get rejected by a cute boy, and then go home and cry. and then have to hide his face from said cute boy for the rest of his life.
all in twenty fucking minutes.
(in which jungkook’s boyfriend of one month breaks up with him right before his older brother’s wedding. too embarrassed to tell his mother he’s been dumped, jungkook employs prodigal music genius and popular heartthrob min yoongi to be his date.
the thing is, jungkook should’ve known that min yoongi is bad, bad news.
everything goes wrong—until it starts going right.)
WE CAN DO IT HOW WE LIKE (THAT’S JUST OUR STYLE) by 24sevenheaven (3/3 | T | 16,891)
“alright. deal,” yoongi says easily as he sticks out his hand, and it’s a second or two before jungkook realizes he’s supposed to take it. he reaches out and grabs yoongi’s hand as tightly as he can, giving it one firm shake before pulling away. yoongi has a dangerous smile on his face—not the crazy kind, just the knowing, secret kind. the kind that comes right before chaos.
jungkook has a good feeling about this.
(in which jungkook accidentally sends a love letter to kim namjoon, his older brother’s boyfriend. in a desperate attempt to save himself, he strikes a deal with resident bad boy heartthrob min yoongi—in exchange for jungkook helping yoongi convince the school he’s taken, yoongi will fake-date jungkook to get namjoon off his trail.
jungkook’s never believed in romance—until he does.)
thank u love u!!
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sugakookiefics · 7 years
with you, anywhere
Author: fruitliy  Genre: hyyh!au, angst, angst with happy ending, smut Rating: mature Side Pairings: none Length: 9k Warnings: none Summary:  “i loved you, too,” he says, but it’s not true. he did a lot of things, but he never lied to jungkook. so he corrects: “i love you, still.” AO3
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bts--fics · 7 years
〇〇七。take me out
take me out (the date way or the assassination way) by fruitily  (@montnarpasse)
site: AO3 pairing: yoongi x jungkook status: completed rating: t warning: sugakookie are being too extra lmao.
summary:  yoongi [7:58] IM READY TO DROP DEAD
jimin [7:59] relatable
jin [7:59] you say that at least three times a week
namjoon [7:59] is this about the guy you keep running into
tae [8:00] what guy?????? are u keeping tea from me????????
jin [8:01] theres a mysterious hot guy on campus that yoongi keeps running into like a damn romantic drama but every time they meet he ends up nearly killing yoongi
tae [8:01] kinky
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inbtswethrrust · 4 years
magic show
Pairing: Yoongi/Jungkook Rated: T Author: fruitily Length: 5.6k
���what happened? why are we running away? oh, my god, did you try to flirt and it went badly so you killed him?”
“sit down,” yoongi begs as he steers out of the parking lot, “no, i didn’t fucking kill him.” he tightens his grip around the wheel and takes a deep breath. “i have to find out if i can afford a cat. then i have to find out everything about taking care of a cat.”
“holy shit,” seokjin says, amazed, “this jungkook is powerful. i think he could’ve sold you like fifteen tarantulas, or an entire alpaca farm.”
or: jungkook works at a pet shop. yoongi is just here to get a damn fish.
Admin’s Note: Okay, so sorry in advance for all of the yoonkook im gonna be reccing its just that thats the ship i read the most ;; this one is super cute, and such a meet cute. yoongi is entirely whipped and super adorable.. also its fruitily so u just know its good
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