#authors anathema
theauthorsanathema · 2 years
Celebrate the beginning of Fall by listening to the Season Finale of The Author’s Anathema! Out now on all major platforms.
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acepodcastweek · 9 months
Did I miss your favourite? Let me know!
Wondering where Jon Sims is? He is too powerful and would skew the poll, but rest assured I have not forgotten.
Don't know any of these? Pick a show and go listen!
Want to know more about Ace Week Fiction Podcast Festivities? Click here.
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boombox-fuckboy · 1 year
Hey. Could you rec any podcasts with sapphic couples as their mains? Or a sapphic story. And so on. I only really know about where the stars fell and Alice isn't dead.
You're off to a strong start. Here's 20, there's more out there, but I tried to pick a variety. I'm going to put a ★ next to the ones I think will fit best, but they're all good.
Arden: (Fictional "True Crime", Investigative, Comedy). On the 25th of December, 2007, heiress and young actress Julie Capsom crashed her car into a tree and fled into a nearby forest clearing, leaving a trail that seemingly vanished into thin air, and a dismembered torso in the trunk. A decade later, Bea, the first reporter on the scene, and Brenda, a detective on the case, are hosting a true crime podcast about it, and neither is remotely impressed with what the other has to say. Arden is also a retelling of various Shakespeare plays.
The Author's Anathema: (Horror) Looking for some extra cash, and with some help from her girlfriend Eleanor, college student Natalie takes a small job to narrate an audiobook for a reclusive anonymous author. The book being a horror wouldn't be such a bother, but the stories within are... Familiar. Too familar.
The Beacon: (Urban Fantasy) Bee is a perpetually anxious university student who discovers she has the ability to create fire, and decides to start a podcast to find others like herself. She quickly discovers she's not alone, but a series of bizzare animal attacks suggest superpowered freshers are far from the only strange thing on campus.
The Department of Variance of Somewhere, Ohio: (Weird Fiction, Horror, Sci-Fi) On day one of a new job at the Department of Variance, in the middle of her workplace orientation, Jasmine's new workplace goes into lockdown. Guided via walkie-talkie by Scarlet, an experienced security officer, Jasmine must make her way down 20-odd shifting floors of strange entities and experiments. Ideally without becoming one of them. As a disclaimer, this one is the only addition to this list that isn't actively romantic yet, however there are canonically sapphic characters, and I am fairly confident it's headed that way.
★ Elixir: (Urban Fantasy, Romance) Set in a fantasy world's equivalent of the american prohibition, lawmakers daughter Elsie approaches someone unexpected in search of her missing sister: Vera, an alchemist and propriator of the local now-elicit hush bar.
The Far Meridian: (Magical Realism) An agorophobic young woman wakes up to discover her lighthouse home has moved overnight. It quickly becomes clear this isn't a once-off, and she decides to use this as an opportunity to search for her missing brother, having some strange encounters along the way.
Interference: (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Romance) Jacq is a D&D podcaster. Geneva is an orc scientist studying ancient human ruins the next world over. What happens when these women from different realities begin picking up each other's broadcasts?
Khôra Podcast: (Sci-Fi) Somewhere between adapted from and inspired by various greek myths, Khôra follows four women who deserved better (Atalanta, Echo, Medea, and Medusa) on a grand space adventure to find the golden fleece while keeping out of the reach of the olympians who own and run the galaxy.
★ Mabel: (Mystery, Supernatural, Horror, Romance). The live-in carer of a dying elderly woman attempts to contact her granddaughter, with little success. The contents of voicemails only get stranger, and what starts as a subtley creepy mystery-horror develops to poetic lesbian fae body-horror.
★ Midnight Radio: (Light Supernatural, Romance). Sybil McIntyre, host of the ever-popular 1950's nightly radio hour, begins exchanging letters with an old fan who has reluctantly returned to visit Sybil's beloved town.
Mina's Story: (Sci-Fi, Romance Elements) Still dealing with a major loss in her family, a young woman volunteers for a long-term cryonics project. The episodes are her audio logs after waking up each time, always the same place but centuries after she went to sleep. A story about grief, change, and the intersection of past and future.
Mirrors: (Sci-fi, Mystery, Supernatural). The audio journal of three women from different periods (past, present, and future) who seem to share little in common bar the strange inhuman, ghostly figures they have started seeing.
Night Life: (Supernatural, Noir) Utterly wacky one-episode story (more of a short audio movie) about an ex-vampire hunter turned private eye who finds herself dealing with the shenanigans of mafia and vampires in the wake of an upcoming mayoral election. Find it on the feed for The Lightning Bottler.
The Night Post: (Supernatural, Mystery). The conscripted couriers of Gilt City are both respected and shunned, integral to the city's function, but inexplicably tied to the supernatural. It's not something they like to talk about. When his husband goes missing on the job, Milo is called to take over. Clementine took over from her father a long time ago, yet recently someone else with her face has been delivering her own unsent letters. Val's not going to discuss how she ended up there, but she will absolutely open people's mail (filled with their own supernatural tales) to read aloud.
Palimpsest, Season 2: (Horror, Romance, Fantasy Elements). Set in the 1800s, a young woman becomes the maid to a supposed fairy noblewoman, who is being kept as one of many "denizens", living curiousities, in a large house. Each season is a different story, this is Season 2.
★ The Pasithea Powder: (Sci-Fi, Thriller?) The last major interplanetary war was full of atrocities, but none more infamous then the creation of Pasithea Powder, a memory altering drug which was used to horrible effect and landed it's entire team of creators in prison. So when decorated war hero Captain Sophie Green sees one of them wandering free, worlds away from his prison, she gets in touch with a very old, estranged friend: one Dr. Jane Gonzalez, who's behind bars for the very same reason.
Starship Q Star: (Sci-Fi, Comedy) The small crew of a tone-deaf space agency's attempt at a PR mission wake up at Mars to discover that they - and the one botanist abandoned on Mars base - are now the last surviving members of humanity. Co-captains and ex-girlfriends Aurelia and Sim must now dedicate themselves to protecting their crew and finding a new home, but they're rarely on the same page about how best to do it.
★ The Strange Case of Starship Iris: (Sci-Fi) When the shuttle carrying the crew of scientific research ship Iris explodes, Violet Liu finds herself stranded in space, the last survivor with no way out. Until her emergency broadcast is picked up by a passing ship. But the crew aren't who they seem to be, there's more going on here than anyone knows yet, and Violet must decide who she can really trust.
Unwell: (Supernatural). Lily Harper revisits her supposedly haunted childhood home to help take care of her aging mother. The house is weird, sure, but there's something far stranger haunting the town of Mount Absolm than simply ghosts.
Weaver: (Supernatural, Romance Elements). The musings of the entity within the old house about the girl she fell in love with (the only thing she can remember), and her two new coinhabitants, who do not yet know she exists.
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theaberrantreport · 2 years
A lot of horror podcast titles follow patterns:
--Hello From The Hallowoods vs Welcome to Nightvale
--The Sheridan Tapes vs The Cellar Letters vs The Magnus Archives vs The Night Post vs The Author's Anathema vs The Aberrant Report
--Archive 81 vs Wolf 359
But I've also noticed our covers are all surprisingly different...
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solradguy · 1 year
Ok I need to sign out and turbo focus today and try to get this painting done so I can do nothing the rest of this week. I'll get to all the asks I've got later, for now I gotta-
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takekawa · 28 days
adore honkai & the many delightful tramps comprising its cast however it is popular enough i have to block so, so many tags to see anything that doesn't pop a blood vessel
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rireviews · 2 years
The Author's Anathema Podcast Review
I am obsessed with this one
Summary: Natalie is hired to make an audio recording of a book, only to find the book filled with the worst memories of people she knows. Curiosity already killed the cat, is our protagonist its next victim? Genre/Tag: Horror, Mystery Guys, I think I found the spiritual successor to The Magnus Archives in this podcast. There’s an ace lesbian who’s just trying to do her job and survive…
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thedeitychildren · 1 year
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It took me wayyyyyyy too long to color this in, but go listen to the author’s anathema! It’s a short podcast with it’s first season done, and was a really fun listen. I wanna try drawing Natalie too at some point.
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1. something or someone that one vehemently dislikes.
2. a formal curse by a pope or a council of the Church, excommunicating a person or denouncing a doctrine.
3. a strong curse.
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thewordsinthevoid · 1 year
Honestly i love the reframing of "liar, liar" when you hear natalies side of the story. Not a huge thing, but when I think back on the episode i can then hear some of her fears over being asexual. Like, her insistence on needing her girlfriend to know she does love her, that what she feels is love, that it is genuine even if she is ace, knowing those were natalies fears colors her dialogue all the more.
Also i just like how worries of natalie being asexual were all... a bit in her own head? Like, not that that shit cant happen to ace people, but i did like how it showed how we can internalize so many reasons for stuff because of what society teaches us, that we also become our own worst enemies. That is a feature of oppression, that we are also made to notice and feel afraid and bad about our own identities.
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emmtm · 8 months
Canon GO things that are important & should be talked abt more
- crowley miracles his clothes on so he never actually wears clothes
- aziraphale just causally has a gun in his bookshop what the hell is up w that
- Crowleys favorite TV show is the golden girls
- Literally everyone who meets azi immediately assumes that he is gay and british.
- Anathema just legit assumed that crowley and aziraphale were a couple.
- Aziraphale is a doctor who fan??? This guy is a nerd lmfao
- Crowleys favorite animal is kids. What does that even mean Mr. Gaiman
- Azi calls crowley “my dear” and this is very important to me
- Shadwell thought that azi was a russian spy ???
- Crowley slept for an ENTIRE CENTURY.
- Azis tax reports are so incredibly accurate that the authorities got suspicious.
- the apology dance exists and idfk what to do with that information
- When crowley told az that he changed his name, az asked if he changed it to asmodeus. The demon of lust. Dude.
- Crowley doesnt blink a lot, and he has a tendency to hiss. And can do weird things with his tounge.
- The. The discreet gentlemans club that aziraphale joined was an actual club. And it was a gay club. He learned to gavotte at a gay club.
- early versions of the gavotte involved kissing- bro???
- Crowleh invented game shows
- Az likes abba and death cab for cutie (ofc he does)
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theauthorsanathema · 2 years
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Comment, tag, or DM with any questions you have for The Author’s Anathema!
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roach-works · 2 months
ok im waffling on about fallout instead of having breakfast but i saw a criticism of how the prisoners were treated that's stuck with me.
so i think the criticism wasn't incorrect, per se: it condemned the way the show portrayed the vault dweller's naive intention to rehabilitate their murderous captives. it found fault with a common, and horrible, message that tv shows like to say, which is that carcerial violence and even the death penalty is the only effective way to deal with criminals, who are a fundamentally Bad category of human. im sick of that message too! but i think that wasn't what was going on here, actually.
so like, the vault dwellers had only ever experienced violent loss the once, and didn't really know how to cope other than denial and repression of the ordeal. but they were all hopeful and enthusiastic that their prisoners, the invaders that came to kill them all and take their stuff, could be eventually welcomed into the community as their comrades. the champions of this cause were nebbishy dorks and painfully out of touch academics. this is pretty normal for how prison reformers are portrayed, if extremely fucking annoying for those of us who ARE in favor of prison reform.
but so of course when the son of the former overseer, Norm, speaks up and suggests killing the prisoners, because why should they share resources with invaders who explicitly wanted to keep hurting them? why should they show mercy to their attackers? everyone is appalled by this suggestion. because they had to reinvent the whole concept of vengeance right then and there, because grudges and cycles of violence are anathema to a bottle society like theirs. they have been raised all their lives to forgive and forget and now, put to the test, they're recommitting to this ethos: get along, let the past go, look towards the future, believe the best of everyone.
but the prisoners die, anyway. the prisoners are killed with rat poison. and the thing is that Norm who suggested it didn't do it himself. and the prison guard who's blamed for it, even though she privately agreed with Norm that the prisoners are dangerous and unforgiveable, she didn't do it either. it's not a moment of triumphant, cathartic vengeance and it doesn't prove that there's no way to negotiate with terrorists and invaders but kill them like vermin because that's not what the message is meant to be.
the message is that norm stands there in the middle of these inconvenient prisoners, these corpses dressed in his own people's uniforms, and he looks at the new overseer. and he knows that she killed them, and she knows that he knows. she wanted him to know. this is her message and he's reading her loud and clear. and he doesn't look like a guy who's just been backed up by authority, who's just been validated in his desire for the ultimate control over those who have wronged him.
he's scared and pale and the music is ominous as fuck. and he's inside the cell, he's directly in the middle of it.
because what just happened is that he realized his entire society is being held prisoner, and the overseer is the one with the rat poison. and that he doesn't know, anymore, what freedom and safety and justice actually mean, just that he doesn't have them and he doesn't know where to find them.
that's what that scene meant. not that rehabilitative justice is a pathetic delusion of people who have no idea how to make hard choices.
but that before you advocate for killing prisoners, you might want to see how big that prison is, first.
and which side of the bars you're standing on.
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mrghostrat · 5 months
Not sure if someone asked this but what are your favorite fics? You’re probably my favorite fanfic author at the moment and I need some recommendations!
fuck yes rec time!! it's been a while since i recced my favourites. i'll try to avoid reccing the same classic fandom fics that everyone else does, so hopefully you'll find something new!
but as always, we start with First Class (Hons) by heloluv because i can't believe this fic doesn't have 100k+
The Rose Thief and the Priest by ImprobableDreams900 human au, horticulturalist!crowley wooing priest!aziraphale to try and get a rose cutting from the church garden
because thinking makes it so by NaroMoreau, summerofspock human au, "straight" and divorced aziraphale is a new employee in crowley's office where crowley is an IT guy. they start as friends with benefits
Soho by Lurlur human au, aziraphale runs a bookshop and crowley is a rockstar that wanders on in
Never Have I Ever (Been Myself) by FeralTuxedo human au, aziraphale is a famous actor who stars in a music video for crowley and anathema's rock band
The Bizarre Demons of AZ Fell & Co Antique Booksellers by WorseOmens good omens x buzzfeed unsolved crossover that makes me laugh every time
Raspberry Ripple by FeralTuxedo human au, crowley watches aziraphale eat ice cream on a bench every day at lunch, and devises a plan to go sit with him one day. another laugh out loud
First Thing In The Morning by FeralTuxedo human au, aziraphale is a famous author who bumps into childhood friend/crush crowley at a book signing.
(sobs omg im sorry for so much feraltuxedo i can't get enough of their fics)
Celestial Bodies by Justkeeptrekkin canon compliant, getting together, beautiful beautiful prose of nonhuman intimacy
To reveal my heart in ink by chaoticlivi canon compliant, aziraphale starts handwriting crowley letters just because he misses the format. it becomes easier to spill certain feelings on the page and their letters get very saucy n intimate.
Talk about the weather by nightbloomingcereus human au, aziraphale is a weather man meteorologist and crowley is a storm chaser.
If A Man... by Tartan_Temptation human au, crowley has some Alone Time on his balcony in the middle of the night, but someone sees him. so what if i read this every night for a week straight????? don't look at me.
it's probably not worth reccing since it's been removed from ao3 and only accessible after a five round brawl with the waybackmachine in an arby's parking lot, but i have to mention litany in which certain things are crossed out by Ayes/sayesayes changed my brain chemistry and GOD i wish it was still up...........
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tropinano · 1 year
List of As Many Fiction Podcasts As I Could Think Of
NOT ORGANIZED! This is a big list of fiction podcasts with no descriptions, meant for the sole purpose of picking one based on the title and just trying it out. Just a big ol' list of titles. Kindof like a blind date! Explore a couple of the ones that intrigue you and come back later for more.
The Hotel
The Night Post
I am in Eskew
Residents of Proserpina Park
The Daedalus Compound
The Magnus Archives
Francis Forever
Janus Descending
The Godfrey Audio Guide
Old Gods of Appalachia
Camp Here & There
The Way We Haunt Now
Jack of All Trades
Illuminati Interns
Death by Dying
Life with Leo(h)
Hello from the Hallowoods
The 12:37
Spirit Box Radio
Lost Terminal
The Switchboard
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity and Mortality
Aurora Everlasting
The Swashbuckling Ladies Debate Society
The Amelia Project
Jar of Rebuke
Monstrous Agonies
Where the Stars Fell
Kisses In The Dark
The Town Whispers
Uncommon Commons
The Author's Anathema
Elevator Pitch
Brimstone Valley Mall
Kane & Feels
The McIlwraith Statements
Caledonian Gothic
I have seen Niagara
In Darkness Vast
The Outside Tapes
Gather the Suspects
This Foul Earth
John from Home
Glasgow Ghost Stories
The Tower
The Antique Shop
Tales from Aletheian Society
The Secret of St Kilda
The Green Horizon
Road X
Seven of Hearts
The Department of Variance of Somewhere, Ohio
SubverCity Transmit
The Nuclear Solution
Jim Robbie and the Wanderers
With Caulk and Candles
This Planet Needs a Name
The Glass Appeal
Mar's Best Brisket
Nym's Nebulous Notions
Midnight Radio
The Bright Sessions
When Angels Visit Armadillo
The Mysterious Secrets of Uncle Bertie's Botanarium
Nowhere, On Air
Dark Ages
Welcome to Night Vale
The Silt Verses
Care & Feeding of Werewolves
The Bridge
The Far Meridian
Among the Stars and Bones
Primordial Deep
Someone dies in this Elevator
Seen and Not Heard
Abyss FM
Bodies in Space
Among the Stacks
Station Arcadia
Station Blue
Wolf 359
Mx Bad Luck
What will be here?
Wake of Corrosion
The Pasithea Powder
Tell No Tales
The Vesta Clinic
Georgie Romero is Done For
The Domestic Life of Anthony Todd
Alice isn't Dead
Stellar Firma
The Strange Case of Starship Iris
The Heart of Ether
The Orbiting Human Circus
Wooden Overcoats
Greater Boston
Moonbase Theta Out
The Penumbra Podcast
Desert Skies
Leaving Corvat
Red Valley
Back Again Back Again
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stabbydragon · 5 months
Everyone's head canons are valid, but personally I don't think that Aziraphale and Crowley will stay friends with Anathema, Newt, the Them, Nina, Maggie, etc. They're immortal and human lifetimes are a tiny fraction of what they've already lived through.
I think that after they both got too attached to some mortals millennia ago (authors for Aziraphale and scientists and philosophers for Crowley) they both individually decided to never get too close to specific humans. If it was another angel or demon (like Muriel) they would have no qualms with it, but most of the other immortals they know besides each other are shit so they have limited options.
This is why Crowley puts so much distance between himself and, say, his plants, and why Azi gets attached to places (the bookshop, Maggie's record shop) and communities (queer people) instead of individuals.
I can, however imagine Adam tracking them down some decades later to ask about why he isn't aging. They help him figure out that he's immortal and work through the psychological effects of that realization.
Once everyone he knew dies and he has nobody left to turn to, Aziraphale and Crowley basically adopt him and he moves in with them and becomes Muriel's younger brother. The four of them become a weird little family, and maybe they adopt an immortal duck or something.
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