calicorobin · 26 days
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beanbag chair psychology
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bli-o · 10 months
hey autistic people who get overwhelmed by large groups or noise or conversation or etc etc etc you’re not evil for wanting to leave a family gathering. just so you know.
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bwbawa · 1 year
truly what is r the main differences like ACTUAL differences not things in common with adhd and autism
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free-gaza2 · 1 month
🙏🛑 stop ‼️
Hello wonderful people, how are you? First, I want to thank my wonderful friend Alison for standing by my side and supporting me with a sincere heart Secondly, I want to thank everyone who donated or participated to help me reach my goal of obtaining a sewing machine and tools to start working again. As soon as possible, I will document the purchase of the machine and tools with pictures for you and start working soon. And I am here again because I trust your humanity and I know that you will not stop supporting me. There is a new goal that we want to achieve with your help and donation in order to get my husband out of Gaza, and this will cost him approximately $5,000 since I left Gaza. I have been asking him to be by my side and Omar, but he refused, wanting to stay. In Gaza next to his family, he cannot imagine that one day he will be able to leave his homeland and go to live somewhere else I thought that I would be able to take care of my autistic child in Egypt after everything he went through on my own, but the war affected him horribly and his condition is getting worse. He is very attached to his father and his presence among us. It will make a difference in his psychology and improve his condition. I trust in your humanity and your standing by every Palestinian. I hope for your support so that I can reach my goal before the Rafah crossing is opened so that I can register his name on the passenger list so that he can be by our side as soon as possible. My child has the right to be with his parents and feel safe and to be treated for his illness. All the traumas he went through and the sounds of rockets and artillery that are still in his head do not leave him, even in his sleep. He wakes up screaming like crazy. I'm sorry to all of you that I'm asking for your help again Thank you very much, my friends.
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crayonurchin · 9 months
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First art of the new year is all about re-structuring your internal monologue.
In my early 20s I was working full time in London with many social commitments and a variety of hustles and side projects.
In my later mid 20s I cater to many sensory and social drain needs I have and indulge in special interests while respecting my lower energy reserves and celebrating my different way of processing the world.
Did I get more autistic? Nah. I got less fake.
[Art description: Three panels showing figures on a black background. Long descriptions follow.
1. A drawing of OP as a person with hip-length hair and a dress standing sadly with her hands clapsed together in front of her. She is coloured a muted rainbow gradient. Behind her, two pairs of nondescript figures chat while smiling. White text says, ‘I’m getting more and more autistic the older I get.’ 2. OP’s colours are brighter, and her expression looks happier. Crayon-like scribbles have crossed out the text from the previous panel. 3. OP’s colours are vibrant, and she balances on one leg and throws her arms out as she dances. The text above has changed to say, ‘I’m becoming more and more myself the older I get.’ \End descriptions]
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squirrelbee · 1 year
A while ago I read about autistic people and nesting somewhere & I think we don't talk about that enough. Apparently, a lot of autistic people like nesting. I love nesting. I carefully choose a space to build my nest and I bring all my little trinkets there. I surround myself with everything I love and everything I could possibly need in the next few hours- my water bottle, a snack, my weighted blanket, my soft blanket, hand creme, my headphones, my charger, my favorite stuffed animals- so I don't have to leave the nest to get anything. It makes me feel save and calm and like everything is gonna be ok. This is a nesting appreciation post. Any other autistics who love a good nest?
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cryptcatz · 2 years
question: do ppl ACTUALLY say things they don’t mean when they’re angry? or is that just an excuse after letting something true slip? i wouldn’t ever say something i don’t mean in anger, so the concept confuses me.
but something was said to me that is bothering me, though apparently was said in an argument and wasn’t meant. but i don’t rlly believe it wasn’t like, deep down true thoughts/feelings??? anyone have any insight? anyone say things they don’t mean in anger?
EDIT: this was a hastily worded post that i didn’t expect to get notes. this is a genuine question asked in good faith that i got a lot of amazing answers to!
also re: the many ppl saying “OP is lying about not saying things they don’t mean in anger because everyone does it”— i genuinely have never done that. if i say something mean while angry, i meant it. that’s literally why i asked this question and why the concept confuses me, because i wouldn’t do something like that so i wanted perspective from people who do it. idk why y’all can’t believe that lmao not everyone is as prone to anger and outbursts
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rocketbirdie · 2 months
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growing up didn't fix me, so...
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dingledraw · 2 months
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habken · 4 months
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okiedokie dekuyama kiddies
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casinocircus · 9 months
I've been thinking about that post that's like hey don't think autism is destigmatized irl just because there's memes on this website about "my autism beam" or whatever and Ykw?? Guys, it's not even hard to see how much people still love dogging on autistic people for being "weird" all over the entire internet! Even on here!! A lot of people still see us as the people they're allowed to bully for no reason, and while I'm glad there's been some positive change over the years, we still need to work towards getting people to unpack why they think some people are ok targets, and how most of the time it's ableism.
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aphel1on · 5 months
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AURGH auwarghh the autistic parental trauma... the epi was wacky hijinks then dropped this on us out of nowhere... (sobs) laios... laiiiiooooos
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pixierainbows · 1 month
Pixie lost a question tumblr post and not sure exactly what was ask . took Pixie so so long time to answer . Weeks of work … So here is answer with no question . so sorry !
A few things about being actually nonverbal ( Never able use mouth words at all , ever … “going nonverbal” is NOT A THING ) .
1- AAC Very slow compare to mouth words . Can take Pixie 10 or more minutes just to give answer to “ hello how are you ?“ Longer word things , like simple blog post , can take weeks to months . people are never that patient , even otherwise good people can just not wait , not without practice .
2- being nonverbal , needing AAC to Communicate all the time , make many things much harder or not possible at all , even with help .
example -
Most medical professionals Pixie have known will not accept communication with AAC device As genuine communication . And ! also will not accept communication from someone else , what is not biological parent , unless AAC user verbally ( not with AAC device ) give permission . Or . personally fills out in writing many forms giving permission . Even then . Is not work every time .
is Same for many many other things . banks and government agencies and schools and businesses and organizations of all sorts .
3- Geting emergency services like ambulance or Police or Firefighter services require speaking . so , need someone else help by calling .
4- many programs for disabled people will not allow access to programs if person cannot *speak* independently . ( Pixie lucky have found some good programs , in big city really help have more programs to choose from )
Pixie also have cognitive disability and moderate to severe language difficulties . but ! even people what just not can speak And not have anything else disabling ( unlike Pixie ) Still need so much more help just because of not able speak ever .
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 3 months
6 Things I Am No Longer Apologizing For As An Autistic Person
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 4 months
this is a weird post but the idea has been stuck in my head for a while
of course this is not detailed - think of this more as an infographic of sorts ? highly recommend reading from the resources i'll link at the end of the post if you want to learn more about this topic
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reality-detective · 3 months
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