#autistic kusuo saiki
genderfluideadpool · 2 years
𝘴𝘭𝘢𝘱𝘴 𝘴𝘢𝘪𝘬𝘪
this guy can fit so much dissociation in him
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nori-draws-things · 1 year
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ehehe i love drawing these memes
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parisiterileymoon · 2 months
Why would all of my fictional crushes absolutely hate me if they met me. Like I would be so psyched and they would just be like “get this weird autistic child away from me please”
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hero-nerd · 1 year
Autistic Saiki headcanon from an autistic
Although it’s not really a headcanon because it does happen in canon
Saikis telepathy is a form of AAC
AAC is augmentative and alternative communication which is communication other than talking
This can include communication cards, devices like tablets with text to speech programs, or body language and gestures
And, if you ask me, telepathically beaming your thoughts directly into others heads fits under that category
We also see him use other forms of AAC in the show, mainly gesturing or facial expressions, instead of talking. It can be seemingly simple things, like when he points at a menu item rather than asking for it aloud
I think it would be cool to see him use other forms of AAC especially in times when he is unable to use his telepathy
Like imagine Kusuke doing his whole big reveal of the device he made that makes him immune to Kusuo’s telepathy and has his whole what are you going to do now attitude
And Kusuo just holds up a hand in the gesture of “one moment please” before going into his pocket or bag and pulling out a small tablet
Kusuke having to stand there semi awkwardly as he waits for Kusuo to get it turned on, opens the program, and types in his message
Then looks directly as Kusuke as he hits the enter button and the text to speech feature reads out: Bitch
And then sibling bickering continues as usual
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just-a-shark333 · 5 months
I think that when it's clear that saiki's feeling overwhelmed by everyone's thoughts toritsuka will start thinking sounds really loudly so it drowns everything else out a bit
Just, like
Saiki: * looks slightly more uncomfortable than usual *
Tori, internally: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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oceanwithouthermoon · 9 months
"me and the bad bitch i pulled by being autistic" but its saiki in literally any pairing
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kusuokisser · 1 year
saiki sometimes forgets hes autistic AND a psychic. its so easy for him to attribute his symptoms to just being from his powers but then he'll go through a phase where all food is sensory hell except for coffee jelly (safe food) and he is reminded of his ailment
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 7 months
Autistic Anime Boys Round 5 Match 3
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Haru -
"Haruka, ever since seeing a waterfall as a child, has had an extremely autistic fondness towards water. Enough so, that early on in the days of the fandom, we joked he was watersexual. He does indeed almost see all water as a person, and personification of things is common in autism. He constantly talks about how the water feels and what it feels like to swim in water, something that could be sensory for him. He also doesn’t like being constricted in how he expresses his love for water and even has something of a breakdown during the second season (eternal summer) at having to finally choose to become a professional swimmer or to keep swimming freely in the water he loves so much. Haruka is also very expressionless and somewhat monotone and has been that way since he was a child. His close friends are shocked to see him loudly laugh at one point due to being tickled. He very much masks his emotions, which during season 2 becomes a point of contention from his close friends as he won’t tell them what’s wrong. As I somewhat mentioned before, he doesn’t like change and does not adapt to it very well at all and the main problems for his character for much of the series is that he has trouble confronting change and accepting it and learning to live with it. Anywho, he’s a great character, in my opinion, and deserves to make it far in this tournament. Thank you for reading."
Saiki -
"He's essentially nonverbal (either doesn't talk at all or uses telepathy to beam words into people's head), practices making certain facial expressions in the mirror, hates crowded places (all the people's thoughts overwhelm and overstimulate him), exclusively enjoys eating coffee jelly (other sweets are good too) ((safe food)), feels alienated from society, and pure, primal instinct. got that autism swag."
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tora-the-cat · 9 months
personally I think the reason Kusuo uses telepathy to communicate is because he has trouble regulating the volume of his voice. Like his head is always so loud and crowded, especially when he was younger and could barely control it, that he can't hear his own voice when he uses it unless he's yelling. Obviously he gets better over time, but it's always something he has to be aware of when he's talking- kind of like how Toritska always has to be aware of who's alive and who's not? Kusuo has to be aware of who's actually speaking and who's not, and THEN at what volume they're all speaking at, so he can match it. It's just a lot of work when he could just project his perfectly mildly measured thoughts at the exact volume he hears them. He's still selectively mute, obviously, but it's not because he's afraid of talking per se, it's just that the he's autistic, you see, and his crippling exectutive dysfunction has hyped up the (honestly minor) stress of having to manage Speaking Normally With His Voice that there's a mental block there because he just doesn't wanna. Like he REALLY doesn't wanna.
(Obviously a bit of RSD mixed in there as well, because if he fails to regulate his voice he's just absolutely MORTIFIED at the attention it draws. Annoying as hell)
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yumayui · 1 month
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ayayya saiki doing reigens dumb hand movements bc he doesn’t like speaking
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bealzebubs-blog · 3 months
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I'm rewatching the disastrous life of saiki k
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genderfluideadpool · 2 years
i need to dump my saiki k mha au headcanons before i go insane
-kusuos relationship with his brother is much worse. kusuke is way worst than he is in canon, actively being a dangerous horrible menace of a brother kusuos just thinks it’s fine bc he has powers. hes aware their relationship is problematic but he’s also got this mentality of oh it’s not like he can actually hurt me so it’s fine right
-i am such a sucker for poly pk psychics so they are all dating<3 auira and toritsuka have been dating for a bit but they’re both having trouble in the relationship cause they both also have feelings for kusuo. they confess right after ending of season 2 and then somehow akechi gets pulled into it. it’s a whole thing. they’ve all been kinda therapapizing him and letting him know it’s okay to show his emotions more and also realize how toxic his brother is being all the time.
-kusuos canonically loses control of his powers when he’s emotional so i think he would have a lot of issues with dissociating. just because it’s so dangerous if he gets to emotional. the polypkpschics have been to help him with it
-immediately gets adopted by present mic. mic sees him for three seconds and is like😱another to add to my collection. he’s very gay and very married to aizawa and very has already adopted shinsou and eri. mic is also hoh due to his quirk because he has the vibes(quirky adhd they/them who talks too much love you clint)
-kusuo is so autism he’s the most autism ever to exist. he’s the king of masking and the polypkpschics especially akechi try to make him feel comfortable and like he doesn’t have to mask. he hates looking people in the eyes and literally refuses to talk to people without using telepathy. he also physically has a hard time talking because he literally never uses his vocal cords and they’re very weak. his biggest stim is sitting on the floor, sitting perfectly still and listening to music very loudly with headphones. loves that deep pressure but nothing is ever deep enough cause his powers mess with it so sometimes he goes to the bottom of the ocean bc of the water pressure and just vibes for a while until he feels better
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viridianvulpine · 5 months
A little while ago I made a post bout kusuo being autistic and how him and his family doesn’t realise that he’s autistic cuz they just chalk all of his behaviours up to him being psychic but what if it was the opposite for his friends, they know that he’s autistic but chalks all of his psychic powers up to him being autistic, like oh he just randomly disappeared? That’s just cuz of his autism, him and Reita are staring at each other seemingly communicating without words? That’s just cuz they’re autistic, he broke a wall with his strength? Autism
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autistic-hc-bracket · 7 months
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Round 4: Kusuo Saiki vs Scott Summers
Propaganda is encouraged!
Submit characters for the second bracket here.
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scrunkle · 2 years
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i made this in reference to a post i saw but i cant find it now so heres the autismers
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oceanwithouthermoon · 11 months
post power reveal sleepovers everyone dogpiles on top of saiki because the pressure makes him feel nice and they know it wont hurt him
pile from bottom to top goes saiki then nendo then kuboyasu then hairo and everyone else is tiny enough to go wherever they want and pile in on all sides
imagine someones parents walking in on this situation☠️ one of the smallest people in the room is getting absolutely CRUSHED underneath everyone
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