#ava & todd
jabberwockprince · 11 months
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magnolia, magnolia
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stargazingsims · 5 months
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Phew, that was the busiest freaking day of my life! It wasn't a crazy big wedding or anything, we wanted something private (we're "saving money" after building the mansion - yeah right!). All my family were there, plus all my best friends - Siobhan and Morgan, and Wren. Wren's mom Juniper was our officiant, too. It was like, so crazy classy, like I couldn't believe it was MY wedding! I guess I should get used to being a fancy lady now. I'm Erica Bailey, Thorne's wife!
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avas-wonderland · 2 months
Concept art for Charlie made for my friend @mischaqueen9 ‘s Alice In Wonderland x Scott Pilgrim AU
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solmints-messyocdiary · 10 months
Found an incorrect quotes generator and I've been having some fun ahsjsj.
Tagging @bluecoolr @rottent33th @slaasherslut @probably-a-plant-thing because I used their babies in it.
Axel: *visiting the gang* Hello, I just came to-
Axel: *sees Rylan shoving Randy into the washing machine while Simon records and Klaus watches*
Axel: *retreating* Something suddenly came up.
Klaus: Rylan, I know you snuck out to see Axel last night.
Rylan: If you tell Randy or Simon, I swear I’ll murder you, and they’ll never find the body.
Klaus: Five bucks?
Rylan: Fine.
"Alice": I'm gonna eat the chicken breasts!
Colt, snickering: Yeah, eat what you lack.
Ava, deadpanning at Colt: Then maybe I should order brains on delivery for you.
Colt, with their hands cupped over each other: I found a cool spider!
Ava: Oh? Lemme see!
Colt, opening their hands to see nothing there: …hm.
"Alice": …where’s the spider.
Colt: *looks troubled and stares at their hands*
Ava: Oh no.
Colt: sapnu puaS.
Ava: What??
"Alice": What language is that.
Colt: Turn your phone 180 degrees.
*Colt was removed from the groupchat*
"Alice": Can we go out to get icecream?
Colt: Did you ask Ava?
"Alice": She said no.
Colt: Then why did you ask me?
"Alice": They're not the boss of you.
Colt, internally: It's a trap, it's a trap, it's a trap.
Darrell: Where’s B?
"Alice": Doing stuff.
Darrell: I don’t like the sound of that. Where’s Ava?
"Alice": Trying to stop B from doing the stuff.
Darrell: And Colt?
"Alice": Trying to stop Ava from stopping B from doing the stuff.
Darrell: I see. And what are you doing here, "Alice"?
"Alice": I’m supposed to stop you from stopping Colt from stopping Ava from stopping B from doing the stuff.
B: Who the fuck broke the toaster?
"Alice": It was Colt.
Darrell: It was Colt.
Ava: Colt broke it.
Colt: ...yOU PROMISED-
Susannah: I’ve never asked someone out. How do you even do it?
Ophelia: Oh, what I do is, I look them up and down and I say: “Hey… how you doin’?”
The Patron, scoffing: Oh, please.
Ophelia, to The Patron: Hey, how you doin’?
The Patron:
The Patron: *giggles and blushes*
Susannah: I like your top, Ophelia!
The Patron: I have a name, you know.
The Patron: So, what is Susannah to you?
Ophelia: The reason I wake up every morning.
The Patron: ...That’s adorable.
Susannah earlier that morning, barging into Ophelia′s room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!
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shyshitter · 1 year
oh you listen to true crime podcasts on the toilet? well ive got the final scene from the 2023 cast recording of sweeney todd: the demon barber of fleet street on repeat at all times. get ate
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bluecoolr · 2 years
You Ain't Goin' Nowhere
Darrell arrives in Ambrose. [Part 1/5]
Links to Part 2 3 4 5
Warnings: the girls being teeth-rottingly sweet to newcomer, Lester being an excited rambling cutie, Bo being Bo, and jealous!Vincent
A/N: When I have all the parts ready, I'll be putting links on each post. I'm just really excited and wanted to post this. Also the title has no business being that threatening since I took it from a Byrds song...
Featuring the Sinclairs, Jason Vorhees, RZ Michael Myers and the ocs of @rottent33th (Ellie) @slaasherslut (Ava) @kalid-raven (Alia) @the-pinstriped-hood (Percy) @cries-in-latino (Red) and @angxlslasher (Merry). I hope y'all don't mind!
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Sunlight woke Darrell the next morning. There was a dull pain in his neck where his backpack had been the night before. Stirring, he groaned and opened his eyes.
He was greeted by the sight of a large, dark snout. A moment of panic arrested him, until he remembered where he was. In a field. By the highway. The curious quadruped before him was not a razorback, but a cow. She chewed noisily as she inspected him.
"Down, Bessie." Darrell patted her head. She flicked her floppy ears and grazed on the grass right by him.
Darrell sat up from his makeshift bed. He used a liberal amount of water from his canteen to rinse his mouth and wash his face. Reaching deeper into his pack, he pulled out a scrupulously rationed breakfast of potato chips and a chicken sandwich.
Funny. He tried so hard to shake off the Marine in him, but here he was - acting like one again.
Well, minus the potato chips, he thought.
Bessie snuffled at the little ziploc bag, eager to have a taste. Darrell reached in, crushed a handful of chips, and fed it to her. Once he was done, he bid farewell to his new friend and straddled his bike.
"On my way now," he told his non-cattle friends through text.
Do a wheelie.
Darrell smiled involuntarily and asked Red, "Got bail money? 🤨"
Wheelie you fucking coward.
He did two on the empty highway. Just for fun.
The way to Ambrose was long and winding. Too long, he remarked, eyeing the fuel gauge. He cursed inwardly and, with the same breath, begged heaven to let him have enough to get there.
"Ack! Where's God when you need 'im?" he grumbled as his dirt bike stuttered.
He set the bike on its stand and scratched his head. No soul for miles. No help in sight. Guess he was going to have to push his defeated steed along. He went on for about thirty minutes or so, with the punishing Louisiana sun and the 40-ish pounds on his back bearing down on him.
Panting now, he turned from the Interstate to the byroad Ellie had told him to take. Trees hedged him from either side. The ground was a mixture of silt and dust. It made his throat scratchy.
Darrell became aware of an approaching vehicle from the thrum of an engine and the clatter of tools behind him.
"You need a hand, man?" asked the driver as he let his truck go idle.
Darrell looked through the open driver's side window and regarded the stranger politely. He was grimy and slightly flushed, no doubt from the exertion of a day's early work.
Darrell cleared his throat. "No... I need gas, actually."
The stranger cracked a pleased smile. "Well it's your lucky day! I got some gas right here."
He giddily rummaged about in the cab and retrieved a beat up looking gallon jug. The stranger stepped out and wordlessly urged Darrell to bring his bike forward.
"Please, if it ain't too much. I just need enough to get to Ambrose."
For a moment, the stranger, almost miserly, held back the jug. "Why're ya goin' to Ambrose?" he asked, face cloudy with suspicion.
"Visitin' some friends. M'overdue, s'matter o' fact. Was supposed to get there last night."
Realization twinkled dimly in the stranger's brown eyes. "Say… ya name ain't Darrell by any chance, is it?"
"Yessir, it is."
The stranger eased and flashed him a toothy grin. "Now, ain't it a small world," he cried. "I've heard loads about you from the girls."
Darrell rubbed the nape of his neck. He smiled. "Did ya?"
"Yeah! Boy, you've got everybody standing watch. Tell ya what," said the stranger, "Help me haul your bike into the back. I'll give you a lift."
"Aw, shucks… I-"
The stranger waved him quiet. The gas sloshed in the jug. "No ifs. No buts. No coconuts." He gestured to his truck. "Get."
Darrell stammered thanks and apologies for the trouble. The stranger moved the litter of animal carcasses.They loaded the bike onto the truck, shut the tailgate, and carried on.
"Sorry. What cha say your name was?"
The stranger chuckled. "Lester."
They shook hands as the truck went on its jittery way. Lester was kind to offer Darrell a rag to mop his sweat with. Darrell dragged the cloth over himself and wiped each of his fingers clean.
A strong feeling of liking for the traveler stirred in Lester. That rag was filthy. He had hesitated to hand it over, but Darrell had grabbed it without question.
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"You can get gas at the station in Ambrose. Bo, m'brother, runs it."
Darrell shamefully looked at his boots. "Sorry 'bout the dust."
Lester gave another chuckle, his glance straying to Darrell's feet. "S'alright," he assured him, "Truck's had worse than that, f'ya know what I mean." He jerked his head toward the window behind them.
"Good I picked ya up or else you'd be trudging in that for 15 miles more."
"Preciate it, really." Darrell smiled. He was brushing dust off his pants. "Been walkin' for about half o' that 'fore ya found me."
Darrell was quite remarkable to look at, Lester decided.
His hair was the first thing you'd notice: Teal blue and long. The way it tumbled down his shoulders in wisps reminded him of paint, pulled out by water in bright, rippling clouds when you dip your brush into the glass.
There was a silver ring that pierced his plump, pale pink lower lip, and he seemed to have a habit of nibbling on it. He was also very tall. Taller than Bo or Vincent. Almost as tall as Michael. (Really, he didn't think there was anyone taller than that fella.)
His broad chest stretched the fabric of his shirt. His thighs were doing the same to his jeans.
He was handsome, Lester would give him that.
He was also sporting a knife on his right shoe.
Two kinds of bells rang in Lester's mind; An alarm to beware of this stranger, as he wasn't sure of his intentions, and another that told him to hurry and show him his own knife. After all, he had been polite. Hadn't been mean or fussy.
Lester was itching to pull out the bowie when Darrell cheerfully turned the conversation toward matters that concerned him - How had his day been? His work, the weather, the town, the girls? - things he was glad to talk about.
Before he knew it, he saw the wash-out up ahead.
"Think you'll make it?" inquired Darrell, his hand on the dash.
"Just have to flip the hubs into four-wheel."
He didn't have to ask. Darrell hopped out and got to work on the wheels on his side. The beat up truck rattled over the stones, the men inside shared a laugh. "Felt m'brain rattle in m'skull like a bean in a can!" Lester cried as he tried to shake himself right.
Gravel gave way to asphalt and they entered the town. Lester pointed out the gas station just at the end of Main Street. When Darrell asked for the grocer's, he did some quick thinking and said, "There's Flannery's back where we came, but don't cha go in there. F'Joe Flannery sees ya and gabs, you'd be in there all day. If ya need anythin', I'm sure Ellie would be happy to get it for ya. She's an amazing cook. There's Bo!"
His older brother gave the truck a cursory glance, and, with practiced charm, greeted their guest.
"You shoulda called in," said Bo, obligingly filling the dirt bike's tank with gas from the pump."Would've picked you up myself."
Lester had wandered off and was now coming back with the hose. He was aiming it at the bike. He turned the nozzle and a sudden jet of water blasted out of the end, splashing Bo and Darrell's shoes.
Noticing the scathing glare Bo gave him, Lester lowered the hose and apologized. "I got blood and gunk all over your wheels," he told Darrell.
"No! It's fine. It'll wash off." Turning to Bo, he declared, "Wouldn't have made it without him. He's a lifesaver." He extended one large hand and patted Lester's shoulder.
It prompted Lester to step in and swing his arm over Darrell's shoulders. He was awful pleased with himself. It didn't matter that he had to stand on his tippy-toes.
"Sure." Bo said dismissively. "You came down here all the way from where? Devil's Prick?"
"How's it there? Heard it's haunted."
Darrell laughed. "By hicks like me."
While they spoke, they were blithely unaware of Ava and Percy scuttling from the Sinclair house, down Main Street, to Ellie's house. They had heard Lester's truck and spotted the tall man at the station.
They came running back, now with Ellie in tow, one hand hiking up her dress skirt and the other clutching a lime green frog.
When she screamed "DARRELL!", the three men leapt clean off the ground. Lester's fingers instinctively tightened on Darrell's jacket, and he had to clutch his chest to make sure his heart wasn't going to give.
Ellie shoved the frog into Lester's hands and braced her arms around Darrell's torso. "You made it! I was so worried when you didn't arrive last night!"
"I-I know, Ellie… I'm sorry."
She gave him a light squeeze. "Shh! No! Don't apologize. Now, I want you to meet my sisters."
She passed Darrell around for the girls to fawn over, which they did despite his shyness. "I'm covered in God knows what. I probably smell like a dog in the sun."
"That's two of us, then. I've been out in the garden."
"Alia and Michael are back there too," Percy said. "They'll be delighted to meet you!"
Ava looped her arm with Darrell's and started to lead him to the house Ellie shared with Vincent. "Come on! Jason and Merry are set up not far from there."
All three women began to chatter, making Darrell throw his head from side to side.
"That boy's gonna end up like a bruised fruit by sundown!" Bo chided. His warning fell on deaf ears.
He saw his twin in the distance - shoulders tense and visibly uneasy. Bo knew that look. He was sizing Darrell up, suddenly unhappy about the attention he was getting from Ellie.
Vincent snapped out of it and met Bo's gaze. With a frown, Bo wordlessly told him to be nice. Try to get along for godsake.
Vincent, hunching as if to get away from a whip, buried his hands in his pockets and trailed after the girls.
"Here. Hold this."
Lester was holding out the frog.
"No," Bo said flatly - body poised to bolt.
Lester set the frog down on the ground and trotted after the girls. It stayed put, locked in a standoff with Bo.
He picked up the hose. Aimed and blasted the frog away. Then, he wheeled Darrell's bike into the garage.
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@bluecoolr has helped me fuel my brainrot for the Percy Jackson AU!!!!
Okay so what we have so far is
Ellie - @rottent33th - Daughter of Demeter
Ava - @slaasherslut - Daughter of Apollo
Percy - @the-pinstriped-hood - Daughter of Hades
Darrell - @bluecoolr - Son of Ares
Skulk - @probably-a-plant-thing - Son of Hermes
Red - @damien-mlm - Son of Dionysus
The Sinclair's from HoW 2005 - Sons of Aphrodite
Maggie Sinclair- @soupbabe - Daughter of Aphrodite
(if you would like me to add or subtract you from the idea please dm me and say so!)
@rottent33th @slaasherslut @devil-doll13 @bluecoolr-main @ajarofpickledtears @shonkgobonk @soupbabe @slasherscrybaby @solmints-messyocdiary @ahmnom @probably-a-plant-thing @damien-mlm @kalid-raven @angxlslasher @allthingsblood
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slaasherslut · 2 years
Pig to the Slaughter part 1/?
Angels of Ambrose/Black Christmas crossover
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Summary: All of the cast of characters we love so much are put into a new scene. How will they fare with a killer hiding within their little sorority house? Who will live and who will die?
Warnings: Alcohol, excessive cursing, mentions of death
3k words
oc's included in this fic are:
Alia Fowl @kalid-raven, Percy Jones @the-pinstriped-hood, Ellie Mason & Bell Langland @rottent33th, Red @damien-mlm, Darrell Todd @bluecoolr, Skulk @probably-a-plant-thing, Maggie Sinclair @soupbabe
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It was a quiet night in the sorority house. Most of the other girls had already left for their Christmas holidays back home. Girls had been filtering out of the house all week once they were all packed up and finished everything for school. The last being Alia, a very sweet freshman girl who had left only half an hour prior. The only ones that were left were Ava, Percy, Ellie and Bell. The four girls planned on staying around campus for the Christmas break, not that any of them had much they wanted to go home to anyways. They didn't mind staying behind though, they had each other for good company. They would all spend Christmas together and possibly have Bell's new boyfriend come visit and meet the rest of the girls. Plus they liked the idea of having the big old house all to themselves, which was something of a rarity if it happened at all. The girls had decided to have a relaxing night in together, except for Bell who was fast asleep upstairs in her bedroom. The other three girls sat in the living room chatting with mugs of hot cocoa and rum in their hands. The flames from the fireplace gave the surrounding walls a warm blush, heating up the entire house around them in contrast to the cold Canadian winter that lay just beyond the walls. Ava excused herself to the kitchen to check on the snack foods that were cooking for the girls to share.
Percy's rant about her beau was cut short by the phone ringing. Ellie and Percy gave each other startled looks. The sound of the phone ringing became something of a bad omen in this particular house. Not a whole lot of people called the house at all, if it was a partner of one of the girls they usually just came by. Most of the recent calls were coming from a disgusting perv who seemed to like getting his rocks off from calling and scaring them. They dubbed him as “the moaner” since his calls were always a bunch of  grunts and moans.
Both girls had their eyes stuck on the old landline at the bottom of the stairs. They felt as though the phone had eyes trained back on them and they were in a staring match with the hunk of plastic. Ava walked back into the room after the first few rings. She fiddled with her freshly dyed red and green hair uncomfortably in the doorway, staring where the other two girls were.
"Just let it ring." She hushed. 
She wasn't sure why she was so quiet, it was as though the person on the other end of the line would be able to hear her if she spoke too loud. Ava took a few steps closer to the girls. She rested her hands on the back of the couch behind Ellie's head as she waited alongside them. The phone rang for a minute straight before it stopped. The three let out a shaky breath in unison. After a few seconds of silence the girls went back to their previous activities. Ava was only a few steps into the kitchen when the phone started ringing once again.
“Really!?” Ellie said in a high pitched voice, she let out a huge groan. They waited a few seconds before Ava sighed and walked over to the phone. “Ava no!” Ellie spoke again. “What if it's him?” Her voice was laced in worry. 
“Well whoever it is they called twice, it might be important.” Ava said as she took the few remaining steps towards the landline and picked it up.
“Hello?” She answered. 
A deep groan on the other end of the line answered her. She mentally cursed herself. It was him again. She looked towards the other girls and rolled her eyes. They sprung up from their spots on the couch and ran across the room to plant their feet next to her. As much as they hated the calls, a morbid curiosity took over them and as much as they hated to admit it they could be kind of humorous sometimes. The girls all looked at each other as a chorus of wailing screamed loudly through the receiver. They seemed to drift between wails of pain and pleasure. 
“Pretty little piggy slut.” The voice was low and gravely. 
Ava raised an eyebrow as she looked between Percy and Ellie. She covered the receiver. 
“Wow!” she giggled. “Looks like Mr. Moans-a-lot is expanding his act!” Her comment made the other two giggle as it seemed to lighten the mood. In previous calls he wasn't much of a talker, usually just vulgar sounds. Another high pitched moan came through, she could tell it was the same guy but it was so high it almost sounded like a woman.
“Pretty… pink… cunt…let me lick it… lick it, lick it, lick it!” The girls all visibly cringed, this wasn’t funny anymore it was getting pretty gross. 
“Let me lick your pretty little piggy cunt!” What followed was a cacophony of vile oinking sounds and a loud dark laugh. 
Ava gasped. “You fucking creep!” She looked towards the other girls. Ellie had covered her mouth in shock, only moving her hands to whisper a harsh “hang up!” The voice continued to laugh before growling. 
“I'm gonna shove my cock so deep inside your pretty pussy you’ll be screaming for me!” He started moaning again. Percy had to turn away from the phone call as Ava scoffed in disgust.
“Okay gross! Never call back here again or were calling the cops! We're done here!”
“Hang up on me you stupid slut and I'll slaughter you like the little piggy you are!”
The voice on the other end began to cackle, fluctuating between several octaves as if multiple people were in the room, but they could tell it was from one person. Ava panicked as she slammed the phone back down without a second thought. Her heart felt like it was going to stop from how fast it was beating, her chest hurt, she could barely breathe.
"That's new." Ellie whispered, she was shaking, they all were. The three girls looked at each other in a pregnant silence. Percy stepped closer to Ava and wrapped herself around the younger girls arm. 
"Honey, come on, let's go sit back down. Don't let that creep ruin our night huh?" Percy pulled her in the direction of the living room as they wanted to resume the nice evening they were having. Ava nodded, her heartbeat finally started to slow and breath filled her lungs easier than before. They were barely a few steps away from the phone when it started ringing again. The sound startled them, making them all almost jump out of their skin. Ellie let out a small shriek and Percy being the protector she was instantly reached out to grab her hand. Ava was so startled she actually became angry. She felt it bubble up in her stomach and shoot up her spine. She stomped back over to the phone and picked up the receiver. 
"Listen you little-!"
"I'm going to kill you." The voice was deep and monotone before the dial tone hung heavy in the air. Her muscles seemed to freeze in fear. The phone still clenched in her fist. The voice was low enough to where the other girls just barely heard it. They all stood in silence together, shaking and on the verge of tears. This had never happened before. Speaking was a completely new thing for this psychopath, but death threats? They never expected that. Any thoughts of the phone calls being a prank by another sorority or one of the frat houses went out the window. Percy was the first to break the silence.
“Well then...” Her voice was shaky, she was nervous but her protective instincts kicked in and she tried desperately not to show how she was truly feeling. She took the phone out of Ava’s hand and set it onto the table, she didn't even bother hanging it up. No more phone calls. She lightly guided Ava and Ellie into the living room and back onto the couch. The two girls sat directly next to each other, their knees pressed together as a way to help calm each other down. Percy draped herself over the back of the couch, wrapping her arms around Ava’s neck from behind. 
"Should I call one of the guys over? Will that make you feel better?" Percy asked, trying to make them more comfortable. Ava shook her head.
"I don't wanna bug them, I'm pretty sure they're all busy." 
"You wouldn't be bugging them!" Percy gave Ava a little squeeze. "In fact, I think they would be offended if we didn't call them at a time like this." Percy cracked a small smile in an attempt to lighten the mood. Ava hesitated for a moment before nodding.
"Okay, okay, but don't guilt trip them. It's late and I don't want to fuck up their night cause this prick is scaring the shit out of us." Percy kissed her on the head before nodding. 
“Should we wake Bell up?” Ellie squeaked. Percy shook her head.
“No, let her sleep, she was up pretty early this morning.”
She got up and left Ava and Ellie sitting on the couch while she left to call around to see who was available for the night. A sniffle next to Ava made her eyes tilt up to see Ellie with tears in her eyes. She looked like she was trying not to cry as she shook, scared out of her mind. Ava felt bad for worrying the poor girl. She shouldn't have picked up the fucking phone, she felt like an idiot.
"Oh Ellie, it's okay, don't cry!" Ava scooted impossibly closer and rested her hands reassuringly on her thigh. Just saying the words were enough for the dam to break and tears flooded out with a choked sob. Ellie threw her arms around Ava's shoulders and curled up into her. She put her arms around the younger girl and lightly rocked her, telling her through hushed whispers that things were gonna be okay, even if she didn't believe it herself. 
As Ellie's tears started to subside, Percy strode back in the room and sat on the armrest of the couch.
"Okay I just got off the phone with the frat house down the road." She clasped her hands together with a small smile. "Red said he'll be by in a little while and he'll sleep in your room with you tonight. Is that okay?" Ava breathed a sigh of relief as she closed her eyes and leaned back against the couch. Red was a sweetheart and he was one of the few men in that fraternity she trusted. She felt better knowing he would be with her throughout the night and she would feel even better once he got there.
Roughly twenty minutes later a loud knock came at the front door. Ava’s heart began to race until Percy opened the door and the voices of Red and Darrell echoed throughout the foyer. She peaked over the back of the couch trying to hopefully hear them better but she couldn't hear exactly what was being said. They spoke in hushed words for a moment until Red noticed a pair of green eyes on him. They had all been busy lately so it was nice to see them again. Ava smiled once they made eye contact. He beamed back with arms wide open, strutting into the living room.
“I heard that a certain little lady needed some Red tonight!” He laughed as Ava jumped over the back of the couch and into his arms. 
“I missed you!” Ava squealed as his arms wrapped around her and squeezed tight. 
“I missed ya too, Av!” He gripped her by the shoulders and held her at arm's length. Her hair was different since the last time he saw her. She went from bleach blonde to green and red, for Christmas of course. He ran his hand through her hair and lightly gripped a section of red hair before turning around to face Percy and Darrell who were chatting, pressing his temple to Ava’s.
“Look Blue! We match!” Darrell stopped his conversation with the raven haired girl and turned his attention to Red, who was pressed up against Ava with his tongue sticking out. Darrell smiled as a faint blush dusted his cheeks. “You two look real cute.” 
The boys said their ‘hellos’ to all three girls before everyone except for Darrell and Percy converged in the living room. Red went through the girls collection of DVD’s before before getting comfy on the couch.
"You girls gonna be okay?" Darrell asked, turning to look at Percy questioningly. 
The two looked over to where Ellie was curled up in the large armchair with a warm blanket and Ava was cuddled up with Red. His arms wrapped tightly around her as she was nestled in between his legs with her back against his chest as they watched whatever movie he had picked out.
"I think we'll be okay. We're just a bit shaken up is all, especially those two." Percy motioned to the other two girls. "I don't think anything bad is actually gonna happen, probably just a dumb prank." Darrell nodded at her words. They were both worried but they did their best not to show it.
"Wan’ me to stay too?" He asked, using his teeth to fidget with the ring in his lip.
"No!" Percy exclaimed. "I can't ask you to do that! Besides, Skulk is probably waiting for you back home." She gave him a sly smile as he looked down at his feet, a crimson blush crept up his neck. A small smile began to mimic hers. Darrel gave a hushed “well okay then” before stepping towards the door before he paused. 
“Actually, can I grab some coffee or somethin’ for the walk back? It's freezin’ out there.” He chuckled.
“Of course!.” Percy answered as she started walking towards the kitchen, Darrell followed closely behind. “Or we made some spiked hot chocolate if you're interested?” He nodded with a smile.
“Sounds perfect, thank you.”
Darrell leaned against the counter top while Percy rummaged around one of the cabinets for one of her travel mugs, she settled on her matte black one. She raised the bag of mini marshmallows on the counter and gave them a shake as a silent question of want. Darrell nodded.  
“Bo was askin’ aboutcha yknow.” A smirk danced along Darrell's lips. Percy rolled her eyes, she was still waiting for that southern dumb ass to apologize for the fight he started.
“Oh god, what did he say this time?”
“Jus’ that he feels like an idiot.”
“Yeah well he should, he was being a total prick… and if he truly feels that way why hasn't he apologized to me yet?” Darrell shrugged. “Well you know how Bo can be.” Percy shrugged with an eye roll while she poured some rum into the travel mug followed by a hefty ladle of hot chocolate from a pot on the stove. The conversation caught the attention of the three in the living room as they peered over to listen in. Percy caught Bo being a bit flirty with one of the freshmen girls and they were having a huge fight. The guy was real sweet on his lady but still couldn't seem to ditch that typical frat boy attitude.
“An’ don't be alarmed if he shows up here sometime soon.” Darrell said as she put a handful of mini marshmallows in the mug.
“What makes you think he's gonna come here? The tool can't even pick up the phone and call me.”
“I heard him on the phone with Maggie this afternoon.”
Percy rolled her eyes once again with a huff as the two made their way into the living room. She tightly screwed the lid on the travel mug and handed it to him.
“Bo hasn't apologized yet?” Ava piped up. Percy and Darrell hadn't known their conversation was being listened to until now, they both turned their attention towards her. The older woman adjusted her glasses as she stepped towards the couch, leaning down against it.
“Don't you worry about it honey, you've got enough on your plate as it is.” She ruffled Ava’s hair as she walked Darrell to the door. The girls and Red shouted out loving goodbyes before he made his way back home in the thick snow.
While Ellie, Ava and Red were getting settled in, and Percy was making Darrell his hot chocolate to prepare him for his trek home, a stranger silently made his way into the house. Climbing up the lattice Ellie had so lovingly placed for her plants, and crawled through the unlocked attic window. Crawling out of the attic he heard the familiar voice of the little piggy bitch who hung up on him earlier. He crept towards the stairs and looked down, seeing two unfamiliar men with his girls made him seethe with rage. A snore from down the hall quickly diverted his attention. The man slowly tiptoed to the room the snoring was coming from and cracked the door open, peering in. A girl with bright pink hair lay fast asleep in her bed. He couldn't help but giggle at the colour. 
“Pretty piggy.” He thought to himself.
He made his way inside and shut the door behind him. Once his eyes adjusted to the dark he made his way to stand at the end of Bell's bed. Looming over her sleeping figure like a predator sizing up his prey. His hand slowly reached out to grasp a belt that was hanging around the post at the end of her bed frame… The nightmare had begun, and it began with a silent scream.
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light dividers by rainbowkisses31
☾ notes: I thought it would be fun to do something a little bit different with a bunch of oc's that belong to my friends and i. I love all these oc's and their creators so much <333
☾ tag list: @rottent33th @damien-mlm @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @the-pinstriped-hood @allthingsblood @25bohemianmoons @essenceproxima
message me if you want to be added to my tag list!
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cursedbycrossovers · 5 months
Under the influence of the tiger, Ava's eyes glow green, her behavior more aggressive and, at times, animalistic.
Jason just wants to know where this obviously pit-mad teenager came from.
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astagsart · 6 months
just got back from first dress rehearsal what the fuck was that
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stargazingsims · 6 months
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Dear journal,
Got a camcorder for Christmas! I'm never putting it down again. Erica nearly smacked it out of my hand for getting in her face with it. If she breaks it, I'm going to spit in every one of her new makeup palettes.
Oscar B-K
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The sky was clear for the first time in days. The light was finally eating through the thick grey clouds. The air was still fairly cold, but at least it had stopped raining.
Phosphors were hanging around the ruins, quiet as they always are. One of them was standing closer to the bodies than usual. It may have thought they were dead, and dared poke the cheek of the closest human, but quickly jumped back when the body moved, awoken by the contact.
It looked tired. The human. They always looked tired, and grumpy. Every time one of them would stop by, they would lay down to rest for a day or two, then they would pack up and leave, a frown on their face and a hand on their weapon.
Phosphors didn't like that. The fear, the wariness. It made them nervous, it made them feel unsafe, and in return they would be weary and scared as well. And before anyone knows it, the bodies would be lying on the ground, quiet and still, as they always are.
But not these two. They were not afraid of the Phosphors. They were just...tired.
The second body moved, standing tall and straight. It looked like a walking shadow, as if birthed by the darkest corners of the ruins. It barely spoke, and when it did, its voice sounded hoarse like a grumble.
It seemed that they were about to leave. They were packing up.
Every Phosphor hanging around slowly stopped moving and focused their attention on the two humans. Already they could feel the wariness in their blood, expecting to see the hands reaching for the weapons. Every Phosphor was preparing for a sudden movement, a sneak attack, a sign that they were in danger.
None of it happened.
The only moment the humans touched their weapons was to hang them on their belts, covered by their coats. Both humans stood there for a moment, silent.
It felt oddly appeasing.
They looked around, and the first human nodded at the the Phosphors, one by one, and walked out of the ruins with the same slow pace it had when it arrived, days ago.
The walking shadow did not follow. It crouched, dusted off an old brick on the floor, and left something there. Then it got up, stared down for a second, and walked away.
It did no turn back.
The humans grew smaller with each step taken, until there was nothing left of them but a blurry shadow, swallowed by the forest.
On the brick, the wooden figure stood still and silent.
As any Phosphor does.
@m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @chaoticvampirejedi
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beansprouts · 9 months
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me explaining to my partner that Sweet But Psycho sucks not only because it's misogynistic, not only because it's ableist, but worst of all because it has the most boring and least sexy axe-murderess-in-lingerie music video of the whole genre
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Anderperry and Avatrice are the same. Not in characteristics or roles or anything but in how they work as ships. They operate at the same frequency in my brain of that makes sense. Same level of intensity of both the ships themselves but also in how much adoration I have for them. They're just so strong and powerful that they hold the same place to me and become comparable as a result. Actually scratch that after thinking they ARE quite alike in characteristics. They're both sun and moon couples. Ava and Neil being the ones bursting with activity and sunshine and Beatrice and Todd being the reserved subtly glowy ones. And they're both due to their ways of dealing with trauma. Ava and Neil have so much abuse and pain that they can't help but strive for unrestrained joy outwardly keeping their pain as far away from reach as possible to protect it from ever being vulnerable again, while Bea and Todd have so much neglectful rigidity beaten into them that they hide their joy deep behind protective walls of their outwardly collected sadness. God they're so much more similar than i could possibly explain or have imagined before
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bluecoolr · 2 years
You Ain't Goin' Nowhere
Darrell arrives in Ambrose. [Part 4/5]
Links to part 1 2 3 5
Warnings: self-proclaimed executioner with god complex comes to terms with being pseudo-adopted into a murders-for-funsies-but-sometimes-for-love family but there’s drama because his older brother/uncle-figure doesn’t like him all that much, so slasher-typical violence and gore, allusions to murder, jealous! and insecure!Vincent
A/N: OK I THOUGHT THIS WAS GONNA BE THE LAST PART BUT IT GOT TOO LONG. New (and old 👀) characters are introduced. As always, bold is ASL. HOPE YOU ENJOY!
Featuring the Sinclairs, RZ Michael Myers, and the ocs of @the-pinstriped-hood (Percy), @probably-a-plant-thing (Skulk), @slaasherslut (Ava). Ellie and Alia are also mentioned <3
Tagging some moots who might wanna see this! @rottent33th @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @cries-in-latino @kalid-raven @angxlslasher @allthingsblood
“You don’t believe me?”
Anger made Vincent's fingers stutter as he signed.
"You won't take my word for it? Why? Why, Bo? Do you trust him more than me? I'm your brother."
Bo took Vincent's hands in his, shushing him. "You are my brother. Nothing or no one would change that, but - tsk - listen to yourself. I know havin' people over is a new concept to you, but don't you think you're getting a li'l too carried away?"
He was looking at him like a raving lunatic, with that oh-poor-you frown wrinkling his brow. Vincent's breath hitched. He balled his fists and shook his twin off.
Bo regarded him sternly, like a silly misbehaving child. "Vincent," he warned.
Vincent grabbed the back of his chair and threw it back. It clattered against the tool chest.
"See for yourself, then." His one blue eye bulged in its socket. "Watch for the signs."
Bo watched him storm out of the garage and melt into the shadows beyond the pumps.
Darrell, a murderer? Where on earth did he get that?
Bo shook his head, raised his beer bottle to his lips, stopped. He glanced in the direction Vincent had gone.
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Lesley Reinhart was settling into his sixties. Without much difficulty, one must note. If anything, he was in better shape than he ever was.
He was tall, broad-shouldered, with a muscular body that could put any recent police academy graduate to shame. Before he got out of his car - a sleek Porsche picked out of the city impound - he brushed back his hair and adjusted his tie.
His jaw clenched when he heard a wet squelch after he put one foot out. Mud. On his newly polished dress shoes.
It wasn't like he didn't know there was a growing hurricane, thought Hernandez as he trudged through the mud-strewn forest floor. He never understood how people grew vainer the closer they got to kicking the bucket.
The two men followed the well-trodden path to the shack the local townsfolk said was home to the last person who saw the missing teens.
They came upon the place. A sad brick and wood structure with an askew porch, which was lit by an amber light bulb. A loud humming told Hernandez the place ran on generator power.
Reinhart raised his voice. "Daniel Ray Williams?"
The scraggly boy who was chopping firewood stopped and lowered his ax. He took a cautious step back as the two men approached.
"Tread lightly, Moses, for the ground you walk on is holy ground… or some shit." A man, hidden by the shadow and fog, made his presence known. He sat on a rusty white-painted metal chair on the porch, smoking a hastily rolled cigarette. "Let's back you up, gentlemen," he said, "Off my property."
"Mr. Williams," began Reinhart, "my name is Lesley Rein-"
An impatient smirk tugged at the corner of Reinhart's thin lips. "My name is Lesley Reinhart. I'm a detective with the NOPD. This is my partner Detective Hernandez." He flashed his badge.
"Figured," said Earl, unimpressed.
"We're just here to ask Daniel Williams a couple of questions," Hernandez explained, adopting a more reasonable tone.
"That's my kid brother." Dan had made his calm, collected way up the steps and was now standing next to Earl. "Got a stutter. He don't talk much on account of it. You wanna know anythin', you ask me."
"This is about Brody Morgan and Carter Green," said Reinhart.
"Yeah, I heard about 'em. Got a dozen or so bluecoats sweeping the woods yesterday with dogs and whatnot."
Reinhart persisted. "We were hoping to get a statement out of Daniel, about what happened at the gas station."
Earl folded his arms over his chest. "Well, if you already know he was at the gas station, I'm sure you know what them boys did."
"We were also hoping he'd tell us about the attendant who was working there the day Brody and Carter disappeared."
Earl tipped his head and raised one wild eyebrow. "Why, he a suspect?"
Reinhart grew more impatient. "I'm afraid I can't divulge that."
"Level with me here, hoss."
"We'll be asking the questions here, Mr. Williams."
"Dan a suspect? Am I? Mighty convenient for you to have a bunch o' dirt-poor hillbillies to pin it down on."
"Respectfully, sir," piped up Hernandez, "Everyone who was within the area during the crime's occurrence is, and nothing was stolen-"
Reinhart shut him up with an authoritative wave of the hand. "Mr. Williams, I can charge you with criminal misdemeanor for refusing to cooperate," he barked.
Earl smiled. "I can also legally shoot you for trespassin', and so long as I claim fear of bodily harm the law is on my side."
It was at this point the two realized that the object leaning against Earl's chair was a shotgun and not a cane.
"We ain't got nothin' for ya, gentlemen," he said definitively. "Be a little more willin' if you'd done the same for every person that's disappeared from this mountain these past few decades, not just for city slickers whose daddies got dough."
Reinhart, seething from the insolence, turned away and marched back the way they came.
Hernandez braved Earl's hostile stare and placed his card on the damp porch. "Should you change your mind," he said. "Give me a call."
Earl leaned forward and read the name printed on the expensive cardstock.
Angel Hernandez
When the men had gone, he brought out his cellphone and sent a warning message to Skulk.
They're comin' up to the trailer, boy. Make yourself scarce.
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Skulk had a habit of stealing Darrell's hoodies. They smelled like him and were warm, which was great for the weather they currently had going.
He got the message just as the detectives broke through the bushes. They narrowly passed him, sitting in a thicket as he was. Jebediah the little piglet, was sleeping soundly in his lap, remnants of a treat still hanging from his snout.
Skulk watched the detectives inspect Darrell's empty trailer. The older one kicked some of the sweet potatoes the naughty boars had dug from the vegetable patch. Skulk opened his and Darrell's conversation, filled with lewd little nothings they had sent back and forth. He typed:
On a more serious note, darling - there's pigs snooping about the trailer and not the usual kind.
The younger detective brought out a flashlight and peered through the tinted windows.
Had he locked the door?
Carefully shifting to his feet, though still remaining crouched, Skulk unsheathed his knife. Vibrating from the thrill of a possible kill, he waited. The second those cops opened the door, he would break cover. He could take them. One after the other.
The bigger man made him hesitate, but he was going to try. He'd left clothes there - unwashed clothes and tools of the trade. They all tried to be careful, but who's to say for certain the detectives won't find anything?
"Try the door," said one of them.
Jebediah stirred. The underbrush gave as Cristabella, grunting, arrived to take her brother home. Skulk bit his lip and held her mouth shut.
Incensed, Cristabella shook Skulk off. Her attention shifted to the strangers, and began to growl.
"What was that?"
Bellowing, Cristabella charged right at them. She bowled through them, knocking them clean off their feet. She was at them again, ramming her cutter tusks at their torsos. Clothes were shredded, yells rang, but the men were quick to get on their feet and they eventually got away.
Skulk watched, the squealing piglet under his arm, as Cristabella snorted in satisfaction as if to say Come back with a warrant.
Ava, Bo, and Darrell liked to hang out at the garage. Winds were picking up, blowing from the coast. Establishments were closed. Folk were told to remain indoors.
Ava and Darrell sat together while Bo tinkered with the engine of a sedan. He'd been trying to make it work for the past week. He couldn't fathom what he was doing wrong. The out of key strumming Darrell was doing on Ava's beat up acoustic wasn't helping.
Fed up, Bo unstuck his head from under the hood and winced at the two.
"Darrell, Darrell," he groaned. "You're never gonna learn to play with those clumsy fingers. Give that dang thing back to Ava."
Ava giggled and took her guitar back. "Don't listen to him," she told Darrell. "You'll get it, but won't you sing with me a while?"
She positioned her willowy fingers on the fretboard. Darrell returned her pick and she began to play.
Once the intro passed, Darrell followed through. The way the two friends' voices melded together was ethereal. Bo stopped in his tracks.
You go down just like Holy Mary
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
Mary on a, Mary on a cross
"Your beauty never ever scared me" Surprised, Ava looked up. She'd never heard Bo sing before. His voice was clear and cool, but higher in pitch than his speaking voice.
All three of them sang the last lines together, voices blending into a lovely harmony.
"Didn't know you had that in you," Ava teased.
Bo smirked and turned away. "Stick to singing, Darr. Leave the music to Ava."
To thwart the attention from himself, Bo turned up the radio. They listened attentively to another weather update, which was followed by a local news report.
Meanwhile, at Devil's Peak, the search for missing college students, Brody Morgan and Carter Green, continues. Police authorities race against the oncoming hurricane to uncover as much information about the boys' current whereabouts.
Brody Morgan is the son of media mogul, Arthur Morgan. Detective Lesley Reinhart assures the public that the New Orleans Police Department is doing everything in its power to find the boys.
Bo's ears burned. Three paces away, Darrell continued to sing softly to Ava's guitar, but he could see it: a tremble of the lip, a glassy faraway look in the eye. Guilt. Worry.
Darrell appeared to have not heard, but Bo knew he was listening closely.
That night, Bo roused Vincent out of bed, like a spectre at his bedside. They came to a shaky agreement behind the house.
"If we do it now, it'll be the end of it."
"Wait. I'm not too sure. Let me talk to him."
Vincent scoffed - a harsh nasal puff. "You think he'll admit to it? Idiot."
Bo grabbed him by the shirt. "You don't move til I say you can."
All was quiet and gray the next day. Percy sat at the dining table, her fingers clacked busily on the keyboard as she wove a new chapter. She peered over her glasses at the amassing clouds from the window. "This must be what they mean by 'the calm before the storm'," she remarked. 
Darrell was sitting in the chair next to her, poring over one of the books she had written. "You made Halloran look like Bo," he noted with an amused smile. 
"I did." She watched him fondly. She reached over and pushed a stray strand of hair from his face. "You know what, maybe I should give Halloran a sidekick." 
Darrell looked up, brown eyes gleaming. 
"I think I have an idea on what he might look like."
Darrell put down the book and rested his chin on her shoulder. He squinted at the walls of text on her document. "That's a whole lotta words, Momma," he sighed. 
Percy smiled, feeling rather proud of herself. "No big feat, to me. What do you think so far?"
Darrell gave it a good, careful read. He sighed softy, blown away. "Shucks, I dunno how you do it." 
There was an urgent hammering at the window. Michael stood outside. He held a grubby baseball in his hand. 
"Be right back, Momma," said Darrell. 
"Hey, Mikey," he said at the door. "Don't think it's good weather to play catch in. Alia won't approve." 
Michael stared up at him, lips sealed. He tilted his head and raised the ball again. His posture hinting that he wasn't asking. 
Darrell took the ball and the glove he had brought. In their game, Darrell was the only one who did the throwing and catching. Michael would hit the ball as hard as he could with a bat, and watch as Darrell struggled to catch it. Peak entertainment. 
"Further?" Darrell called from down the street, the House of Wax behind him. 
Michael kept pointing at him to go further. He was going to knock the ball right out of town. Darrell reeled back and pitched. The bat hit the ball with a deafening thwack!
It rode the air like a comet. Arching high, Darrell knew chasing after it was futile. Then, it dipped, whistling, and crashed through one of the lower windows of the House of Wax. 
The glove slipped off of Darrell's hand. Michael turned on his heels and let the bat clatter on the street. In case they incurred Vincent's wrath, he was detaching himself from the incident. 
Darrell picked his way through the wasteland of discarded car parts, cut through a crack in a wooden fence, and entered the House of Wax. 
The door swung right open and he crossed the slightly dusty threshold. He was greeted by a main room glowing with yellow lamps, filled with intricate carvings that he knew for a fact were all wax. In an odd trick of the eye, the bulbs seemed to fill the room with shadow more than light. The result was dismal and bleak. 
Darrell's thoughts strayed unhappily as he eyed the sculptures. It was as though the misery stored in that room was seeping into his bones. Distracted, he went from one display to another, admiring the detail of each handiwork.
Vincent was so talented. He and Ellie went together perfectly. If only he could understand what he had done that made him so angry. 
There was a rapid clicking on the floor. He recognized it at once as the padding of an animal. Jonesy, tail wagging and mouth bearing the rogue ball, watched him from a safe distance. 
Darrell dropped to a crouch. "Hey, girl! Good job! Give it here." 
Jonesy tucked tail and ran. 
"Hey, no! Come back!" Darrell gave chase and stumbled from one room to another.  Jonesy girl, no! I'm not supposed to be in here."
He came upon the back of the building, past an elaborately decorated dining room, and into a doorway that led to the basement. 
There were sconces in the walls, housing steadily burning candles. Embedded among these were different faces, each with a unique expression. Darrell followed the faces upwards and looked overhead. Spanning the ceiling, her eight spindly legs astride the stairway, was Arachne - Horrid, freakish, and beautiful all at once. Face smooth with youth. Bosom full and immodestly bare. Eyes hungry. Head held high with pride. 
"What is this place?" muttered Darrell. 
Bark! Jonesy had dropped the ball at the bottom of the stairs. 
Darrell crept down the steps. As he was reaching for the ball, Jonesy's jaws snapped at his wrist and she made off with the ball again. He walked into the room. It felt like a furnace. Great, big cauldrons of wax hung on chains over large fires. Knives, saws, and sculpting tools hung on the walls. A bloodstained steel table stood in the middle of the room. 
But worst of all, there was a figure - human-shaped - suspended in a macabre iron contraption.  
Darrell was pulled to it by some sick fascination. He thought he could see the glimmer of an eye under the rough wax, blue and bright. He stood inspecting the thing, heart hammering. 
Its fingers twitched, and Darrell screamed. 
He spun around and found himself face to face with Vincent. There was a knife in his hand. 
Darrell interposed the table between them and made a run for the stairs after circling it twice. Vincent tried to grab him by the hair but missed. 
Darell ran right into Michael in the dining room. The taller man stepped in and locked Vincent's wrist in a crushing grip. 
Vincent had landed a punch on Michael's jaw. Michael recovered almost immediately and was able to grab the blade of the knife just as it was about to pierce his side. Blood dribbled onto the floor. 
He changed his hold on the blade, used his free hand to hold Vincent's arm, and knocked the weapon out of his grasp. 
When he looked back, Darrell was gone. He was sprinting down Main Street, sweating, panting, heart hammering. He understood it now - why the town had felt so empty, why the girls had tried to keep him entertained indoors at all times, why the sculptures looked so real. 
Lester found him sitting on the curb sometime after dinner. "Y'alright there, buddy?" he inquired cheerfully. 
Darrell did not respond. 
Lester sat down beside him. "I, uh, heard what happened." 
"S'Mikey ok?" 
"Yep. Didn't feel a thing, Alia said. He's been patched up." Lester took a crumpled pack from his pocket and lit a cigarette. 
"Ya in on it, Les?" 
Lester did not respond.
"Y'know," Lester began, "What we do out here, we been doin' it a long time. An' ya know, you can get used ta anythin' if you're 'round it long enough. It ain't easy to put it down."
He blew the smoke out and brought Darrell's attention to the cigarette. The red glowing tip flickered as he waved it around.
"It's like quitttin', ya know?" he explained, "Ya can't just do it." 
Darrell was nodding. He knew how that felt. 
"Besides, this is my family," Lester added, "I love them. More than anythin'."
Darrell had begun to think of them as his family, too. It had felt too good to be true. 
"Here's one for ya. Those missing kids, d'you do that?"
Darrell glanced sideways at Lester. There was no judgment in his eyes, no hate like in Vinny's. His expression was open, sincere. 
"D'you kill 'em?" 
Darrell resigned himself and said, "Killed more than just them." 
"Are you gonna stay with us?" 
"Can I?" 
There was thunder overhead. They raised their eyes to the sky. Lester grinned. "Anyway, with that comin', you ain't goin' nowhere." 
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"Hail Persephone Jones, Daughter of Hades, Lord of the Underworld, The Silent One."
Part 2: Swimming Shades
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That had been three days ago and the camp had finally died down again from all the excitement. Percy had been moved into Cabin 13, meeting her cabin mates, Milo and Ciarán. She admired the green fire glowing in the brassiere outside the cabin. Inside, heavy metal played from a Bluetooth speaker at a reasonable volume. The bunk beds had been made out of a polished dark wood and silver rivets held them together. The room was overall dark, which is how the boys liked it. The windows and curtains were closed 24/7.
The young girl set down what little she had, her toiletry bag from the camp store, her collection of gems she found around camp in a small box.
Milo nudged his Irish half brother. "We never guessed we'd get a little sister…" Milo tried making small talk. This part wasn't his favorite. Ciarán could already feel the icy distance growing between himself, Milo and Percy.
"Why couldn't he tell me that himself?" She asked, Steel blue eyes flashing with hurt.
"In a way, lass, he did. Ya have to understand that our parents, the gods can't have direct contact with us. It's against ancient laws."
Percy hopped off her bed and went back outside, slamming the door behind her.
"We tried man…"
The youngest demigod was in no mood to be bothered. She was so upset. Being tossed around in the foster system like a ragdoll, used and abused. At least the ones that were greedy, had gotten their dose of Karma. If Percy didn't give you one of her gems willingly, it would be cursed with bad luck to keep it with you. Most times resulting in death.
Then, she thought of the opal skull around her neck. It had randomly appeared while she was in the orphanage one night, she also thought of Bubba. The large hellhound that had managed to find her wherever she was, no matter what state she had been sent to for a foster home.
A pit in her stomach made her feel bad. Hades had tried in what little ways he could to make sure Percy was being cared for.
"You know, I'd never seen a girl as pretty as you around here~" a southern tinged voice purred. To her left, Percy found the Aphrodite cabin, all pink and pristine like a Barbie doll mansion come to life. A young boy with slicked back chocolate colored hair and eyes as blue as the sky was leaning against one of the columns. Percy rolled her eyes.
Only now would she get attention like this. Because she was considered somebody important.
"You know that only now are you interested in saying hi it makes you look shallow."
The boy snorted, standing up and getting close to Percy. Bubba growled at Bo, steaming drool dripping from his jowls. Bo paid the dog no mind.
"Baby doll, you'll have to forgive me. I've been busy."
Percy prayed to the gods for a distraction. She wanted out of this interaction. Luckily, someone answered her prayer.
A shadow hovered over both her and Bo, It was Max. The counselor from the Hermes cabin made himself known as Bo stepped back.
"Hey, Percy. Archie wants you to get fitted for armor for training."
Percy nodded, mouthing a small, thank you, to the blonde and jogging away from the situation towards the Hephaestus forges, Bubba on her heels.
"But Archie don't do fittings." Bo looked up at the blonde. "You're right. He doesn't. But I won't stand for bullying, Bo. I know you."
The southern boy skulked right back into his cabin with his brothers and sisters and closed the door.
At lunchtime, Ciarán, Milo and Percy ate at their designated tables at the pavilion while Bubba gnawed on a large bone on the floor. The pavilion was buzz with talking and laughter. Ellie, the councilor for the Demeter cabin was talking about growing Venus flytraps in the garden on the roof. Darrell was laughing along with his brothers and sisters about almost getting scorched in the lava pit on the rock wall. He had holes in his shirt to show for it. The Apollo kids were harmonizing at their table, with Ava leading. The chatter from the Hermes table was loud as usual being the biggest Cabin, the Dionysus kids were the opposite, talking quietly and some of them even waved to Mr D. Over at the Aphrodite table, Vincent and Lester were looking at Ellie and Ava longingly while Bo was fixing his hair in his sister Maggie's hand mirror because the wind had messed it up again Eden was admiring herself in her own mirror making kissy faces.
Percy finished her food and sat silently. The air was awkward around the Hades kids. There wasn't really anything they had in common besides their parentage but the half brothers figured they should make a genuine effort this time.
"So…..that collection of gems. Where'd you find them?" Milo asked, mindlessly sipping his goblet of Red Bull.
Percy's hand crept to her necklace. "I just have an eye for finding them, I guess. It's always been this way. I find geodes too. They're really pretty. But…"
"But?" Ciaran asked silently.
"My foster parents kept taking them away from me. And while I was at school, I'd be shuffled off to the next set of parents because they had died somehow."
Stunned silence from her brothers.
"I later found out that the gems are cursed. If I don't share them with you, the curse remains."
"So its sharing or theft." Milo nodded.
The little black haired girl returned the nod. Pulling something out of her pocket, she produced two necklaces. One made from glassy obsidian in the shape of a sword, one made from a fire opal in the shape of a blood droplet.
"I asked Archie from the Hephaestus cabin to help me make these for you. They aren't cursed."
The boys exchanged glances and took the respective necklace putting it on.
"Thanks sis, that's really thoughtful of you." Milo reached over the table, ruffling her hair.
Ciarán stared at her as if to say "welcome to the family, sis."
@rottent33th @slaasherslut @devil-doll13 @bluecoolr @ajarofpickledtears @shonkgobonk @soupbabe @slasherscrybaby @solmints-messyocdiary @ahmnom @probably-a-plant-thing @damien-mlm @kalid-raven @angxlslasher @allthingsblood
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