#avengers fanfction
emptyultimatum · 2 months
Avenger AU Loki x fem!reader In which Loki and his girlfriend (you) clash cutely over weather-appropriate clothing.
Loki raised his arms above his head, the shoulders in his scarred back rippling with muscles. His shirt lay on the floor, stripped off and sweaty from his work out. Facing the window, admiring the view of New York, he groaned as he stretched, pulling, reaching. Crrck, pop, crack! 
“Ah, that feels better,” he sighed, rolling his shoulders to settle them. He shook his black curls out of his bun, pulling the hair tie onto his wrist absently. “Darling, where are you?” 
She slid into the room, beaming absurdly at him, arms spread wide. “Look at my sweater.” 
It was July, and a heatwave was rocking New York with a vengeance. Signs sagged in the heat; cars were dangerous to the touch; the sun bounced off glass buildings with such aggression, Loki felt as if his eyes were being burned alive. Thank Odin for sunglasses, which he wore regularly. 
And despite this all, his girlfriend decided to buy a sweater. An overlarge, shapeless, lumpy grey sweater, which had sleeves so long they flopped over her hands like bunny ears. 
“You can’t be serious,” Loki said, staring at the sweater. 
She grinned. “I’m so serious. It’s so comfy.” 
She did look comfy. Absurdly comfy, in fact. The kind of comfy that winter and hot chocolate and fireplaces heralded. And the way that the tops of her thighs stuck out from the bottom, round and plump… He felt a strong urge to pull her onto the bed and cuddle into her for the next week or so. 
But then Loki remembered the hundred-two degree high they were predicted to reach today. 
“Take it off,” he said. “You’re going to melt.” 
“Tony can pay for AC,” she waved him off, bouncing to the thermostat and cranking it low. “Ahh. I love it.” 
He gave her a disbelieving chuckle. “You’re utterly ridiculous. It’s the height of summer, darling, and you bought a sweater.” 
“That’s the best time!” she argued. “Off-season sales! I got this for thirty bucks.” 
“Thirty bucks?” 
“The original price was fifty-eight,” she said stubbornly. 
Loki prayed to his mother. “At least put it in storage until the proper climate arrives.” 
“That’s in months,” she waved him off, sweater sleeve flapping. “I wanna wear it now.” 
“Of course you do.”
“We should make hot chocolate. I’m in a hot chocolate mood.” 
“Naturally, in summer, hot chocolate is a must-have.” 
“And watch Frozen!” 
“This must be some sort of joke,” he pleaded. “What insanity drove you to this? It’s a damn ninety-eight degrees!” 
She cackled. “I like sweaters.” 
“You don’t even wear them!” Loki cried. 
“Now I do!” She climbed into their bed, snuggled under the covers. The AC was properly blasting now, sending cold gusts of air down his sweaty, post-gym skin. She patted the space beside her, smiling up at him. “Come cuddle. It’s cold.” 
“And they call me the Mad One,” he muttered, climbing into the bed. She giggled, putting her arms around him, snuggling him into her chest. 
“Perfect,” she sighed. 
Perfect indeed, Loki smiled into her sweater, feeling its soft fibers tickling his cheek. She was warm, soft, and plush. The perfect place to rest his head, to ease his worries. 
They lay silently together, hearts beating in sync, the summer sun gleaming through their window as the AC pumped cold air into the room. She sighed, pleased, snuggled in her sweater. 
“We do have a mission brief in a few moments,” Loki murmured. 
“I know,” she said. 
“And you’re going to wear the—”
“I’m going to wear the sweater.” 
Loki hid his smile in her chest. “We’d best alert Stark, then, so he might prepare the room temperature for you in advance.” 
“How considerate,” she smiled. “You’d do that for me?” 
“Darling, I’d freeze the world twice over if you wished for snow.” 
She beamed at him, pure and unabashed joy. “Well, it’s a good thing I only want you.” 
Loki’s heart fizzled, his skin tingling with the closeness of her. 
“And hot chocolate,” she added. 
He laughed, and brought her in for a kiss. 
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Dating Loki Headcanons
As a Midgardian...
Loki is cold, cruel and cunning. He pretends that he doesn't like anyone and is emotionless, and he was the same with you too.
But as he got to know you, he fell for you.
You had been in love with the God of Mischief for ages and finally worked up the courage to ask him out.
Loki agreed to go on a date with you.
In the beginning of your relationship, he was closed-off and cold but later, he would talk to you about everything.
Expect pranks and jokes at all times, but he'd do nothing that can actually harm you.
He loves shopping for clothes and shoes for you. They're always the expensive ones, something which you by yourself would never even think of buying.
But they're all green. He loves it when you're studded in his colour, and makes a face when you refuse to wear green.
Loki has a calm, soothing voice and loves to read to you before bed. You love hearing his voice before falling asleep on his chest.
He often has nightmares, and whenever he does have them, he wakes up silently but covered in cold sweat. He doesn't want to disturb you, but you wake up anyway and always comfort him, not wanting him to feel like he's alone.
Whenever you have nightmares, he'll hold you tight against himself and start humming a song for you to calm you down.
He's afraid to get physical with you or do any physical activity with you really. He thinks he'll hurt you, and though you insist that you're stronger than what he thinks, he's still very careful.
But he will find other ways to show you that he loves you.
If anyone tries to hurt you, they're done. They'll find themselves stabbed to death.
He doesn't understand why you're so worried about money. It's a fickle concept to him.
Loki loves to watch you cook. You're good at cooking -and if you weren't- he'd still watch you. Because you doing anything at all is interesting to him.
He's extremely possessive. At public events, he'd always have an arm around you or he'd be holding your hand. He'd also insist that you wear green so that people know you're his.
Loki's not one-sided. He stays away from women who are interested in him romantically - or anyone who can cause problems in your relationship - but if someone does try to flirt with him, he rejects them politely and if they still don't listen, he kisses you in front of everyone, to tell them who he belongs to.
Loki's afraid of hurting you, but more than that, he's afraid of scaring you. That's the reason why he has never shown his frost giant form to you.
Eventually, you insisted and he revealed his true form. You were a little scared but mostly stared in wonder because the patterns and texture of his blue skin were beautiful.
You love playing with Loki's hair, and he tries to show you that he hates it, but on the inside, he loves it.
Your friends and the Avengers have tried to warn you about Loki, thinking that he'd hurt you. But after seeing that he loves you, they backed off.
Loki knows what other people think of him, many still don't trust him, while some outright hate him, but he could care less. He only cares about your opinion.
Loki only seems perfect, and even when he's a god, he's like a human. You love him for his imperfections, and wouldn't want anyone else in his place.
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huffelpuff210 · 4 months
King Loki Laufeyson x Shy Reader
Loki Laufeyson x Reader
Summery: Loki is king of earth now defeating the avengers who are broken or dead, He rules the Earth with an Iron fist, the people bring him sacrifices or trade humans for merchandise their people are in despite need of, But when he meets you everything changes, 
Warning: slavery, abuse, blood, threats, dark themes, swearing, depression, insecurities, self hatred, suicidal thoughts, 
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A metal collar is around your neck, the prongs inside your skin were excruciating, but pain is something you lost a long time ago, the small pain is there but not as bad as it once was, shackles around your wrists,your arms in front of you,  a chain connected to the collar as you are led by your father, 
The guards escort your father as you obediently follow, Your clothes torn, a white sheet over your head the length stops at the back of your knees, 
You hopped and prayed that King Loki would just kill you, that your death would be quick and painless, as you stepped in the throne room, 
Your father ordered you not to speak before you both arrived here, you just simply nodded, you gave up on speaking a long time ago, it only made the torture and punishments that much worse, 
You kept your eyes to the ground, not looking up once, it was something you have always done, as far as you can remember, You father and brothers despised your eyes, called you a monster, you have two different colored eyes, Once is a icy blue, while the other is a bright green, so you never look up or make eye contact with anyone, 
They also blamed you for killing your mother, she died giving birth to you, They always told you, You are nothing, just a useless slave who deserves to suffer, 
“Your highness.” Your father speaks, 
“Rise.” You hear Loki’s voice, 
“I have brought you a trade, my daughter for some food and supplies.” Your father says 
It was the first time he’s ever called you his daughter, 
“She is very obedient and will do anything you ask.” Your father says yanking the chain hard making you step forward, you take a few lazy steps, you were barefoot and in a torn green dress, it looked like something someone dug out of the trash, you could see the open wounds in some places, but you didn’t care, you just hopped you would just die, so the pain and suffering would come to a end, 
You hear footsteps, 
they stop a mere feet from you 
“What is your name mortal?” He asked but you did not dare to speak, 
“She does not speak your highness-” Your father began 
“Was I talking to you?” Loki’s voice had a hint of menace behind it, 
To say he was intrigued was a bit of an understatement, Most sacrifices or trade offs cowered or wept when in his presence or begged for mercy, 
But not this one, You remained silent, still and Loki could clearly tell why, you were not treated kindly, wounds that were still bleeding, you looked half starved and on the verge of collapsing, Loki hooked his fingers under your chin to get a good look at you, making you look up into his eyes and what he saw stunned him, two different colored eyes,
It was said in Asgard two different colored eyes, is said to bring fortune, and luck and sign of love and tranquility, 
But he saw something else in your eyes, he knew that stare, the distant stare of someone in anguish and pain, it was as if you had given up completely on life, just waiting for death to come, He smirks down at you letting go of your chin yanking the chain out of your father’s hands, 
“I will take this, but you get nothing in return.” Loki says 
“What!?” Your father raised his voice, 
“Do you really think I’m going to offer you something for bringing me a trade in this condition, don’t insult me.” Loki says with venom in his voice, 
“Then there is no trade!” Your father yelled, 
“Watch your tone.” Loki says with menace 
Your father clams up, 
“And you speak as if you have much of a choice, I am King. I take what I want,” He says 
“B-But.” Your father tries to argue, 
“Guards imprison this bafoon, he has insulted the crown.” Loki says 
“Yes, your majesty.” The guards say 
you hear your father being dragged away as he yells and tries to fight, 
“Come my pet, we have much to discuss.” Loki says leading you away gently 
You're bare feet patted on the tiled floor as you silently followed behind Loki, You're eyes trained on the floor, the only noises that could be heard was Loki’s footsteps and the clinking of the chains, 
You had no idea what was in store for you but you hopped your death would be quick and painless. 
Loki opens a door and you follow him inside, the door shuts 
suddenly the sheet was ripped off of you revealing your hair, your eyes and sadly some injuries, 
“Now let me have a good look at you my pet.” Loki says hooking his fingers under your chin making you look at him as he tilts your head from side to side examining you, looking at the injuries to your face, 
The fresh bruises and scrapes, 
You try not to make eye contact with him, 
“Hmm, your are sunning for a mortal, we will have to clean you up,” He says 
Still you don’t speak or nod, you just stare past him, 
“But first these need to go.” He says waving his hand, and suddenly the collar and shackles were gone, revealing the punctures in your neck from the collar, 
Loki was appalled at the amount of injures you had, surely you had suffered, but the collar was the icing on the cake for the god, he wanted to torture the man who caused you such pain you were treated worse than an animal. 
With a wave of his hand most of your injures were healed, 
“There that should feel much better.” He says smirking 
You just nod, suddenly his fingers are under your chin again, 
“I want you to look at me when I speak pet is that understood?” He asked 
You nodded and he smirked pleased with your answer even if it wasn’t a verbal one.
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takenbypeter · 1 year
Green Is a Pretty Color On You
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Loki x reader
Words: 499
Number 20: “Quit flirting with my brother.”
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Loki loved you. He adored you. Did he adore his brother?…not so much. Despite how irritated his brother made him, you of course enjoyed Thor’s presence. And Loki had to give him credit, it was because of Thor that you two were introduced in the first place.
But sometimes Loki forgot how much you and Thor clicked and it wasn’t until you were together again that he remembered.
You all were enjoying a fancy dinner party at Tony’s place, (of course). Loki would be looking around the room, eyes drifting over the multiple avengers, agents, and support that intermingled while he took a sip from his red wine. It wasn’t his favorite wine, in fact it was probably one of the saddest wines he’s tasted. But having grown accustomed to the sad excuse that was midgardian alcohol, he still drank it.
And while his eyes were roaming, the expression of judgment clear on his face, his ears picked up an all too familiar laugh that already caused his facial muscles to perk up.
Turning towards the sound he spotted you, cackling with Thor at your side. You two were clearly in your own little world. Though Loki knew he had nothing to worry about, his feet still carried him over there and he slid into the conversation. You two had just finished a story when he came upon the convertation, “you two seem to be having quite the laugh, what are you talking about?” he asked, sliding an arm around your waist to pull you close.
“Nothing you haven’t heard before,” you respond. You open your mouth to say more but another party goer interrupts stealing Thor in conversation while leaving you and Loki to yourselves in the process.
Loki wastes no time to give you a little nudge, “quit flirting with my brother,” he says, no harshness in his voice, just pure tease.
“Oh, darn it,” you said with a snap of your finger dramatically. With his arm still on your waist you shifted to plant yourself in front of him and looped your arms around his very waist, practically hugging him, “you saw straight through my plan,” you quipped.
He shot you a smile which you shot right back before leaning up and planting a kiss against his lips, “don’t be irrational,” you whisper against his lips before distancing yourself from him. Your hands leave each other's waists as you reach to hold the tip of his fingers. You let go of one hand then the other as you go to intermingle again, but not before turning back to him one last time, “although…green is a pretty color on you,” you wink before turning your back to him once more walking towards the crowd.
All Loki could do in response was scoff with a smirk beginning to pull on his lips. With one movement he downed his drink and left his spot that was attached to the bar wall, following you into the sea of people.
Dialogue Prompts
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michelleleewise · 1 year
In My Shoes...
Pairing: Avenger Loki x female Avenger reader
Warnings: swearing, tiny bit of angst, we getting smutty up in here hehe.....oral (m receiving), nothing too graphic, abduction, mentions of alcohol
Summary: things take a turn when Tony decides to take the team out for the night.....
A/n- based on this amazing ASK by @psychospore . I really hope I'm doing it justice!!!! This turned into a suuuper long chapter Iol I couldn't help myself hahaha *whispers* sorry......
Part Two--Part Three-
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Your mind was hazy, your consciousness floating just below the surface when you felt a hand slide up your thigh, slowly moving towards your waist making you moan. "Loki.." you groaned, the hand slid under the hem of your pants making you shift your hips. "I'm here y/n." A voice whispered in your ear, but it wasn't Loki's. "What..." you were cut off by a pair of soft lips pressing gently to yours, reaching up your fingers tangled into soft thick hair gasping feeling the hand slide further down, fingers lightly grazing between your thighs when a tongue slid across your bottom lip, slipping past tangling with yours. You lifted your head, deepening the kiss you bit down their lip hearing them moan.
The feeling was familiar...yet different as the hand rocked back and forth "l..loki..." you moaned, arching your back you rocked your hips. "Does that feel good love?" The voice whispered in your ear again making you shudder "y..yes." you panted, gripping the sheet, the familiar tightness rising in your stomach as the hand sped up "I need to feel you." You heard again. You couldn't stop the moan that passed your lips, your stomach muscles twitching "yes...that's it y/n." The voice purred. You felt a weight settle next to you, a leg wrapping around yours you slowly opened your eyes, the white ceiling staring back at you "norns...y/n." You heard, your mind running a mile a minute was it all a bad dream you asked yourself as you tilted your head down, your eyes meeting....yours.
"What the...!" You yelled, flinging yourself away you fell off the bed landing on your elbow with a thud "y/n! Are you ok?" Your heard, looking up seeing Loki looking down at you "oh yeah, just perfect." You snarked, standing up adjusting your pants "I didn't mean to scare you, i.." you cut him off with a glare "what in your mind told you that was a good idea?" You asked running a hand through your...his hair. "Well, I came to apologize...to talk and when I saw you asleep I came in and saw the items on the bed and..." he trailed off winking when you looked behind him seeing the pile of toys you conjured "those are yours your perv." You snarked sitting on the couch. "I tried to pull your clothes from your stupid pocket dimension and got...that." You huffed rubbing your eyes.
"Oh darling, don't be so hard on yourself, my powers go beyond what you can do." He said standing from the bed "right, coming from the one who can't stop reading my mind." You snarked looking up at him. "As I said, any new power takes time, I will have it mastered in no time." He said walking to to the couch. "Now, where were we?" He asked, lifting his leg he climbed up straddling your lap "loki...I don't know." You said grabbing his shoulders "darling please, I miss you." He purred grabbing your hands "but...im you..." you said furrowing your eyebrows "yes, on the outside but in here." He said placing his hand over your heart "that is you, that is my y/n...and I love and miss you so very much." He said looking up at you "i miss you too Loki but...its too weird." You said looking down "Well, can we...would you mind if..." he trailed off fidgeting with his fingers "come here." You said opening your arms as he laid on your chest, snuggling into your neck
"I am sorry I did not tell you about that trollop y/n." He said wrapping his arms around your middle "in truth, while your jealousy does...things to me...I did not want to make you feel insecure, or threatened so I kept it to myself." He said squeezing you. "Loki, I appreciate that but I prefer the truth, no matter what it is." You said laying your head on his "I promise you, it will not happen again." He said as you rubbed his back. "Thank you Loki." You whispered into his hair. "You know, never in my long life did I think I would be cuddling myself." He said making you laugh "me either, but here we are." You laughed again as he lifted his head looking at you. "I was thinking, if you wish it...once we are back as we should be I could help...with your powers." He said smiling "I would be more then happy to teach you what I know." He said making you smile.
"I would like that Loki, but I can't deal with your...attitude." you said as he sat up straight. "What is that supposed to mean?" He asked crossing his arms "Loki, you are a master of your sorcery, and you do not shy away from telling everyone." You huffed a laugh "and it makes me feel...inadequate." you said looking down "Darling, I never meant to make you feel that way." He said tilting his head "well you have regardless." You said looking back up at him seeing his eyes soften "I am so sorry y/n, i..." you heard him sigh dropping his arms "as a child, when my mother began tutoring me I was mocked...relentlessly." He said grabbing the end of your tie "things that were said to me...even by my own brother...hurt." he said running his fingers up and down the silk "so I hardened myself, used sarcasm to mask my feelings because i refused to let anyone see how their words affected me." He said, his eyes meeting yours "I've been doing it for so long it's just...natural now." He said shrugging.
"Loki, you don't have to do that with me" You said grabbing his hands "I love every part of you, more then you know. And I would never make you feel that way." You said seeing a tear steam down his cheek, lifting your hand you wiped it away with your thumb "t..thank you y/n, I love you too." He smiled leaning forward burying himself back into your neck. "I was going to go to the training room today, start working on figuring out your powers." He whispered against your neck making you shiver "will you come with me?" He asked, freezing feeling his lips on your neck "y...yes, i...mmm I'll come with you." You sighed closing your eyes feeling his tongue slowly slide across your skin, his hand gliding across your chest as his teeth nipped your pulse point.
"Loki..." you sighed tilting your head back, his tongue traveling up to your earlobe "God I need you..." you sighed, your fingers digging into his hips "think of it as...incentive." He purred into your ear before biting down making you gasp. "Aahh l...loki..." you moaned as he pulled back smiling "do you trust me?" He asked "Well yes, but..." you were cut off by his finger pressing gently to your lips "there is something I wish to show you, and this may be my only opportunity." He said sliding his hand up your chest his fingers wrapped around the knot of your tie pulling it down "this is lovely material y/n." He said running it through his fingers "you have exquisite taste...regardless of color." He said glaring at you making you laugh "what can I say, I like purple." You said seeing him smile "indeed...now hold still." He said leaning forward he pressed the tie to your eyes tieing it behind your head "ok?" He asked as the darkness surrounded you "y..yes." you breathed feeling his fingers traveling down your chest.
"Perfect." He said, moaning feeling his lips on your neck again. "If you wish me to stop tell me." He breathed into your skin sending a shiver down your spine "o..ok Loki." You sighed tilting your head back. You felt him shift in your lap, sliding down your thighs you reached out feeling his fingers lace with yours "relax y/n, im right here." He said. Feeling his weight leave your lap he released your hand when you felt him settle between your knees. Moaning feeling his hands slide up your thighs, nails digging in as they traveled "Loki..." you sighed feeling his fingers land at your belt. "I want to show you..." he trailed off, the metal clinking as he released it before sliding it from the loops of your pants "how you make me feel" He whispered, making quick work of the button and zipper of your pants.
You felt his weight on your pelvis, his hand slid under your thigh hooking his arm around your leg digging his fingers in, his other hand slowly slid into your slacks "mmm look at you...all hard and ready for me I see." He purred, gasping feeling him pull you out, his fingers sliding over the sensative skin. "L..loki..." you breathed digging your fingers into the cushions next to you. "Allow me to ease your...tension." he purred. Your back arched feeling his tongue press to your skin, feeling yourself twitch in his hand "I love when you do this." He breathed, his tongue traveling to the base of your new appendage, slowly moving up towards the tip you couldn't stop the moan that passed your lips feeling his tongue swirl around it. "Aaah...god...loki..." you panted, his hand squeezing the base of your cock as his lips sealed around the tip, slowly taking you in your hips involuntarily bucked up into his mouth when his hand released you moving to wrap around your other thigh.
The air left your lungs as he took you all in, his nose brushing your skin before slowly pulling back. "Holy...fuuuu Loki..." you moaned, clenching your jaw you hand instinctively went to his head your fingers tangling in his hair, the lewd sounds his mouth made making your face heat up when he sank back down, a deep hum resonating through his throat making you arch into him. He sucked hard pulling back pressing his tongue flat against your length as he gripped your thighs tightly. "Gaahh...fuck..." you panted as he picked up the pace, your hand gripping his hair hard as his head bobbed up and down. "L..loki...im..." you gritted, feeling that same familiar tightening in your abdomen, twitching in his mouth when you felt his thumb tap on your thigh, a move he had done many times when he was buried between your thighs...a silent approval to let go.
Your back arched off the couch when he sank down, holding you in his throat as you came hard. Your cock throbbing as he drank you in, his nails digging into your thighs slowly moving his head up and down riding you through your high before he pulled back with a soft pop. You dropped your hand to the cushion, your body hummed with ecstacy as you felt him tuck you back into your slacks fastening them back up "how did that feel darling?" He asked pushing on your thighs before sliding back into your lap, gently tugging the tie from around your eyes you looked up seeing him smile "g...good..." you whispered "you...you've done that before..." you said hearing him laugh "I was quite promiscuous in my youth." He said pushing the hair back from your forehead. "Now, where were we?" He purred lacing his fingers through your hair you closed your eyes feeling his lips on yours, his hips slowly rocking back and forth over your lap feeling yourself begin to harden again.
"Mr Laufeyson, your presence is requested in the common room." Jarvis's voice sounded through the room hearing Loki sigh "we are a bit busy at the moment!" Loki yelled to the ceiling making you laugh "apologies agent y/n, you are requested as well." Jarvis said sounded again. "Mr starks orders." It said as Loki flopped his head on your chest "well, we better head down and see what he wants." You said rubbing Loki's back "if there is not an eminent apocalypse I swear I will stab him." Loki growled standing up. "I'm sure it's urgent." You laughed standing up "He better hope it is." Loki said grabbing your hand leading you from the room.
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You walked In with Loki, looking around seeing everyone seated around the room "nice of you two to finally join us." You heard Tony's voice by the bar "what did you need stark?" Loki snapped crossing his arms "woah y/n, you aren't usually so snappy...horns must be rubbing off on you." He laughed making you sigh. "Alright everyone, I've decided to take all of you out tonight...we're painting the town red....well green in your case." He said pointing to you. "We will not be attending." Loki said grabbing your hand "it's mandatory im afraid, team building and all that. You can thank the captain." He said nodding towards Steve "hey!" He said crossing his arms "we leave in an hour, go get pretty everyone." Tony said taking his drink walking out.
"Fantastic, a night filled with these insufferable mortals." Loki sneered turning to you "well, I'm one of those "insufferable mortals" Loki." You air quoted hearing him sigh "I was not talking about you darling." He said as you looked down nodding "sure you didn't." You whispered stepping back "I'm going to go get ready." You said turning back to the hall "y/n wait..." he called out, waving your hand you kept walking hoping he wouldn't follow. Making it back to his room your picked the tie up from where Ioki dropped it, running it through your fingers thinking about what had transpired not twenty minutes ago as you looped it around your neck, sliding it under the collar of your shirt "insufferable mortal..." you whispered shaking your head walking to the mirror knotting it, smoothing it down "will I ever be good enough for you Loki." You asked his reflection feeling your eyes burn.
You shook away the thought, running your hands through your hair you grabbed the discarded suit jacket laying on the chair, sliding it on you took one more look in the mirror buttoning the jacket "well, that's as good as its gonna get." You shrugged making your way to the door and back to the common room. Walking in seeing Thor behind the bar you walked over taking a seat on the stool in front of him "Brother...are you well?" Thor asked, looking up seeing his eyebrows furrowed "yes, fine." You said tapping your fingers on the bar "here, maybe this will help." He said pouring an amber liquid into a tall glass sliding it to you "what is this thor?" You asked eyeing it suspiciously "you will see." He said winking downing his own drink. You shrugged grabbing it you downed it in one swallow, hissing as the alcohol burned your throat "I wouldn't have..." Thor was cut off by everyone entering at once, the room loud with laughing and heels clicking on the tile floor
"eveyone ready?" You heard Tony ask when Thor grabbed your shoulder "come brother, the evening awaits." He said walking towards the group. You stood up, your head swimming feeling a hand on your arm "y/n, are you alright?" You heard next to you "yes! Mm' fine!" You said pulling your arm back stumbling a bit "what..." he trailed off seeing the glass on the bar "alcohol does not affect my body as it does yours, what was that?" He asked pointing to the glass "I dunno.." you shrugged straightening your jacket "ttthhhhor give it to me." You slurred laughing "ttthhhooorrr...what a funny name." You laughed walking towards the group when he grabbed your arm "y/n, your drunk!" He said loudly making you jump "ooooh...is daddy mad at me?" You snarked seeing the anger in his eyes "th's inssss...insuffalable...whatever mortal is gonna have sum fun." You said pulling your arm away again walking towards Thor. "Tttthhhhooooorrrr! Lessss gooooo!" You yelled walking towards the exit hearing him laugh.
Loki walked over grabbing thors arm "what did you give him!?" He yelled seeing Thor's eyes widen "Lady y/n, i only gave him some asgardian mead, it will help loosen him up a bit don't worry." He smiled "that's loosening him up?" Loki pointed to you seeing your arms raised in the air, rocking your hips into Wanda's as everyone made it to the waiting cars "everything will be fine y/n, I assure you." He said patting Loki's hand before walking towards everyone else "norns help me." Loki said following behind him. When the cars pulled up to the club Loki watched you fling the door open and practically run inside as he climbed out adjusting the dress he had chosen. It was one if his favorites of yours, the short black dress clung to every delicious curve that he so loved to explore with his fingers and tongue, bringing you to the brink over and over until you were about to explode "come y/n, everyone is waiting." Thor's voice cut through the memory making him groan.
He walked in seeing your tall frame on the dancefloor, jumping up and down he rolled his eyes trying to make it through the throngs of people towards you when he felt a hand on his backside, whipping around seeing a stanger man smiling at him "Hey gorgeous, wanna dance?" He asked stepping closer. "Touch me again and I'll cut your hand off." He said pulling a dagger from the garter belt under the dress holding up to him as he backed up "s..sorry." he said quickly running in the opposite direction "pathetic mortal." He sneered tucking the dagger back he turned back to look for you not seeing you "y/n!" He yelled standing on his toes trying to see you. "Norns y/n!" He growled pushing his way through coming to a line of tables against the wall, seeing you slumped down on the cushioned seat, a bright green drink next to you he slowly walked over
"y/n?" He asked cautiously seeing you look up "loki." You sneered looking back out to the dancefloor "what is the matter?" He asked sitting next to you "im not good enough for you am i?" You slurred making him look at you "that's preposterous! We've had this conversation darling your are more then enough for me." He said trying to grab your hand when you pulled it back "I need to use the restroom." You said standing up quickly "do you want me to come with you?" He asked standing with you "as much of a surprise as it is I don't need you to hold my hand." You snarked walking towards the hallway in the back "y/n please, talk to me i..." He stopped as you turned back to him "i...I don't know if this is going to work anymore Loki." You said running a hand through your hair "w..what are you saying?" He asked stepping closer
"i...i think we should switch back and be done with this charade." You said quickly wiping your cheek "Darling you are drunk and upset, you don't mean..." you cut him off stepping back shaking your head "I'll never..." you trailed off looking to the crowd of people loki saw a tear stream down your cheek "I just...I need a minute." You said quickly turning back towards the hall walking as fast as you could towards the restroom. You pushed one door open running into a small woman "what are you doing?" She yelled stepping back "oh I um...sorry wrong door." You smiled quickly turning around walking to the next door sighing "please let it be empty." You said pushing through you thankfully saw you were alone "oh thank god" you said stepping up to the sink you leaned against it looking in the mirror, Loki's eyes greeting you as you pushed your hair back "what am I going to do Loki." You breathed turning the water on you splashed some cold water on your face as the door opened behind you.
You quickly stood, pulling a paper towel from the dispenser seeing four men walk in at once. You nodded and smiled as you balled the towel in your hand throwing it in the bin when you heard rushed footsteps come up behind you, grabbing the back of your head your forehead slammed into the mirror "now!" You heard one yell over the ringing in your ears. You shook your head stumbling when two of them grabbed your arms, something cold and heavy latching around your neck as you slowly opened your eyes, your vision fuzzy feeling something drip down your forehead "our boss has requested a meeting with you." The man in front of you sneered when you felt two metal cuffs latch around your wrists "and don't try anything, these make sure you can't access that voodoo shit you do." The man said stepping closer "you can thank stark for that." He laughed as the two men holding your arms drug you to the door. "Get him to the van...now." The man said as you were pulled into the hall.
"Loki...." you whispered, closing your eyes as the backdoor opened and you were drug outside.....
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@lokistoriesblog @hyperlokilover @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @simplyholl @lokidokieokie @mjsthrillernp @violethaze @dryyoursaltyoceantears @loz-3 @commanding-officer @stupidthoughtsinwriting @high-functioning-lokipath @jaidenhawke @lokiandbuckysdoll @littlespaceyelf @lastlovesong17 @ladyofthestayingpower @homesickloki @glitterylokislut @avoliax @yelkmelk @mayjaysthots @buttercupcookies-blog @differenttyphoonwerewolf @her-glorious-purpose @nate-ate-hate @chantsdemarins @ladymischief11 @usagishira @princess-asgard @honeyg19 @goblingirlsarah @cabingrlandrandomcrap @mochie85 @silverfire475 @smolvenger @loki-laufeyson-1054 @marygoddessofmischief @animnerd @texmexdarling @fictive-sl0th @jin0x0 @vbecker10 @eleniblue @lady-rose-moon @pics-and-fanfics @kittiowolf210 @kats72 @asgardianprincess1050
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olet-lucernam · 1 year
A Hollow Promise : Masterlist
main tags : loki x original character, post-avengers 2012, canon divergence - post-thor: the dark world, canon-typical violence, mentions of torture
{_[on AO3]_}
summary: In the aftermath of the Battle of New York, the Avengers need a few days to build a transport device for the Tesseract. With the Helicarrier damaged and surveillance offline, SHIELD sends an asset to guard Loki in the interim: a young woman who sees the truth in all things, and cannot lie.
Even long presumed dead, her memories lost to her, Loki would know her anywhere.
And this changes things.
Some things last beyond infinity. And the universe is in love with chaos.
(Loki was never looking for redemption. It came as an unexpected side-effect.)
Chapter I (auguries of innocence) {_ [one] [two] [three] [four] [five] _}
Chapter II (pomegranate seeds) {_ [one] [two] [three] [four] [five] [six] [seven] _}
Chapter III (fidelity) {_ [one] [two] [three] [four] _}
Chapter IV (divide, and conquer) {_ [one] [two] [three] _}
Chapter V (severance) {_ [one] [two] [three] [four] _}
Chapter VI (making friends...) {_ [one] [two] [three] [four] [five]
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thomase1 · 2 years
Two broken make a whole
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What would happen if you were an assasin with the Avengers? What would happen if Loki became one of earths mightiest heros too? Can you two become friends? Or even more? Will you be able to move on from your past? Will he be able to move on from his?
Marvel AU; all Avangers are alive, Ragnarok happened.
Slow burn, talks of past abuse and trauma, angst, loss, randomness, a lot of humour, missions so fight scnes, later smut; a LOT of smut.
Every chapter will have individual warnings. 18+ chapters will be marked as such.
-The character Medusa from the Marvel Comics is not this one, I forgot about that character.-
Also, this is going to have a lot of things not matching up with the actual movies, just an example: I still use Jarvis as the AI even though Vision exists in my story. (Friday just isnt as iconic, sorryyyy :D)
I can tag you if you want, just tell me in the comments and I will tag you! ♡
First chapter below.
Chapter two.
Chapter three.
Chapter four.
Chapter five.
Chapter six.
Warnings; a bit of cursing, yelling, comedy, bit of Loki thirst, wacky attempt to capture the Avangers characters.
Wordcount: ~3000
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It was a normal day when they arrived. Well, normal for you at least.
You were standing in the common room, half living room, half kitchen. It was early in the day, not long after 1pm, so like any normal adult, you went to make yourself some cereal. This is breakfast for you.
You dont have a mission today, so you obviously slept in.Saying that, you were hopeing for a nice, relaxed day, however your wish was not granted. Your peace is beeing disturbed. Not only with their arrival, but also with a lot of Avangers here to welcome the now additions. Most were at least quiet, but Tony and Steve bickering and bitching like little kids is something else. You also know that with Sam beeing here, you will have to hide your snacks. That guy is always hungry. And Scott can be just as bad, him beeing able to shrink to ant size really makes it difficult to hide stuff from him.
As you reach the cupbord, after climbing onto the counter to reach it, they arrive.
Not quietly of course, no, it was with a loud boom of thunder, almost makeing you fall.
You guessed it, the beloved god of thunger and his infamous brother, the god of mischief, here to join earths mightiest heros. You knew Thor ever since you got here yourself, you are good friends. He could be a bit dull sometimes and very oblivious to, well, about pretty much eveything, but he really is just a giant teddy bear.
You never had the pleasure to meet his brother Loki however. Now, you say pleasure, you havent exactly heard good things. Given that the Avangers are your family and he mind controlled Clint, threw Tony out the highest point of the tower and attacked with an army of freak aliens,... To say you arent that fond of him would be the nicest way of putting it.
There was a whole briefing going on to be prepared for their arrival. Lokis arrival. A few members, such as you, have not been part of the team when he attacked earth, that was the reason for the briefing. So everybody got a list of his abilities and such, something that looks like a wanted poster.
-Lokis powers-
Teleportation, Shapeshifting, forming Energy blasts, casting illusions.
Able to read minds and project his thoughts to others, no physical touch needed.
Skilled in magic (seiðr), skilled in hand-to-hand combat. Genius level intellect.
Heritage: Jotunn.
You have memorized the list of his powers, it worried you. Not only that, no, his whole person worries you, god of mischief and lies, a frost giant. You would be toothless against him. Your weapons would have no effect on him, normal daggers wont pierce his skin. Bullets only leaving bruises. So even your trusted Kunai would fail you. Yes, it worries you.
What also worries you is that his is so damn good looking.
While Thor did assure that "Loki is a changed spirit. He no longer wishes to bring suffering to midgard.", nobody was fully convinced. But you promised Thor to give him a chance; for him. You know he loves his brother, even though they dont really express it too much in the crazy relationship they have.
So now you stand here, in your PJ's, pink fluffy socks and hair up in a very messy bun. So much for first impressions.
The others swarmed around Thor, who was booming with delight to see his friends again, hugging his old pals way too tightly. They look like those anti stress balls with eyes that pop out in his giant arms.
Loki on the other hand stood two steps behind his brother, seeming pretty annoyed by the whole ordeal. It appears he isnt one for big gatherings either.
You get away from the cabinet and lean onto the kitchen island, listening to the things Thor has to say. He ends up talking about new Asgard, which is where they came from right now.
After they successfully stopped Thanos, they went to new Asgard, help build the new kingdom further. Everybody thought Thor would, naturally, become king of new Asgard, with both Odin and Frigga dead. But he renounced his claim to the throne, leaving Valkyrie and Heimdall to be voted as the rulers of new Asgard since Loki was voted out by the people.
"Why dont you take that throne already? Oh blondie...", Tony claps him on the shoulder, shakeing his head. "I do not wish to rule, I only wish to build a peaceful future. Possibly with a family of my own." "Let me guess...", Tonys lips thin in a upside down smile. Several people, in unison, answer for him, "With Jane.". Thor nods solemnly and proceeds to tell the others about going to meet Jane later, seeing if they could be able to reconcile.
Poor guy still loves her.
It is the same old story; any time you two really have a chat, you end up at the talk of how much he misses her. You do feel bad, but youve heard it so many times by now. At some point you lost interest and went back to retreiving your cereal, only to realize somebody put the empty box back into the cupbord.
This really took the cake; your day officially ruined. You snatched the empty box and stormed to your roommates and teammates, doubting it was your roommates Nat and Bruce.
"Ok, which assh-" "LANGUAGE!", Steve heckles. You shoot him a fuming, warning, look and continue, "WHO ate all the cereal and put the empty box back?!", you look through the small crowd of people.
Nobody speaks.
Peter looks terrified, but you know he wouldnt, hes just a little timid. Then you spot it, the slight panic in Tonys eyes. You point at him, "You! I see the panic in your eyes, you did it!", you stride towards him. As you do, your bun loosens and plaps down the side, Tony smirks and reaches for your hair. You snap your head towards him, "Do you want to lose a hand today?" He hurriedly pulls back, "Ok ok I did it. I was hungry ok? I'll buy you some later.". You pout, "So am I! This is my day off and all I wanted was a relaxing day and now I cant even have my breakfast!".
"Its after 1 Y/n.", Nat says matter of factly. "What didnt you understand when I said 'day off' and 'relaxing day'?"
Clint looks at you dead serious, "No thats actually the perfect day off. I'm with you on that one." "You also love hanging out in your jammies and pink fluffy socks with your hair in a bun, stuffing your face with snacks all day?", you ask him in play seriousness. He nods, "Yes of course, normally I do paint my nails and put on a nice face mask too.", he plays along. "I always make myself a nice salad and go shopping.", Scott joins in with a nasal tone.
You three break character at that point and fall into laughter. Nat just shakes her head with a grin. Its a real talent of them, they always lighten the mood.
Your stomach growls, "I'm so hungryyy.", you whine. "Cant you just eat something other than cereal?", Sam asks. You think, "I mean, I do have some leftover food in the fridge and some cooki- Why are you looking at me like that?". Sam's jaw flexed when you mentioned the cookies and Bruce looked away when you said leftovers. "Oh come on! When did you even eat my cookies? I saw you come in, thinking 'oh, Sam is here I need to hide my snacks'.", you pout again, but now you are actually a little sad, feeling betrayed. "When you put your hair up. I'm sorry ok? I didnt know it was your day off and you wanted to relax.", he says a little guilty.
"And I didnt know it was your left over food. I'm really sorry.", Bruce says. Oh man, you cant be mad at Bruce, he probably worked late again and forgot to eat until he almost passed out. It has happened before, Tony found him. Ever since that day Jarvis is able to tell the heart rate and general well beeing of people inside the tower.
You sigh, "Its ok guys, just... ask in the future ok? I just remembered, I should have some waffles- oh god please no...", you see Scotts smile drop and know exactly what that means. "I thought they were Tonys, I'm sorry.", he exclaims. "Hey! I'd be very careful Tumbelina. If I held a grudge, I could, litrally, smash you like a bug.", Tony looks at him through hooded eyes.
You sigh and awkwardly sway on the balls of your feet, "I'M HUNGRYYYYY!". That got everybodys attention, all eyes are now on you and you blush a little.
You arent just hungry, no, you are hangry. A dangerous state for an assasin to be in.
"Ok. Lets just settle this. Pizza on Tony?", Steve looks at Tony. He rolls his eyes but nods. Just as you happily turn away you realize how rude you actually are.
"Oh and-", you walked to Thor, giving him a big hug which he happily returns, "Welcome back thunder.". "Y/n, havent lost your wit I see.", he says with a chuckle as you pull apart. "No, I havent. You got to with these scatterbains.", you chuckle too. You hear several offended noises in the room which only seals your words.
You turn around to Loki who still looks pretty detached, but also so unfairly handsome. "Havent had the fortune of meeting you up to now. Y/n, alias Medusa.", you put out a hand to shake, looking into his eyes.
His eyes remind you of dense treetops; a dense green through which the bright blue sky shimmers. He looks at you for a second before stepping closer, giving your hand a firm squeeze, "Loki, god of mischief. I am certain you have heard only the very best of me.", he smirks.
He smells of leather, mint and winter. Like fresh snow. Devine. You bite your tongue to distract yourself.
"Yes, precisely. Like throwing Tony off the rooftop.", you smirk back. "Alright, thats it! Go order that Pizza before I change my mind!", Tony interrupts with an offended hand at his hip. "Lets order together then.", you suggest, squeezing onto the couch next to Peter. You like the kid, you are only 4 years older than him, so you get along quite well.
After 20 minutes you finally ordered all 11 Pizzas. Took Thor a bit to convice Loki to give it a try, saying 'it tastes like Valhalla in a box'. And you agree with that analogy wholeheartedly.
You took Peter with you to collect them from the lobby and going straight back to the common room. You didnt even have time to announce the feast before Sam and Thor snatched the boxes out of Peters and your arms. Its a mistery how they didnt scatch up your exposed skin. "You guys act like you havent been fed in weeks!" "I have not eaten in five hours! I am practially starving. It takes substance to maintain this physique!", Thor tries to reason. Loki rolls his eyes, one of the first emotions you saw on his face up to now. "So you have a reason for nearly takeing my arm, but that one just stole and ate my cookies!", you point to Sam who is already opening every box to find his Pizza. Hearing you he just shrugs and continues looking.
You sit down again, next to Peter who sat back in the same spot he just left. After a few moments everybody is seated and has their Pizza.
To Thors joy, Loki enjoys the food he was praising to him. Not openly of course, but he couldnt keep the corner of his mouth from twitching up. Everybody knows, no complaint is praise enough.
"So, where will you guys live?", Steve asks to break the silence. Loki just looks at Thor, who swallows audibly at the question, "Well, we would need to look for a place to stay except- You know, if we could take residency in your noble castle Stark.". You stop eating, giving this your undevided attention. "I mean sure, theres enough space. Just dont call the Hammer through the walls; better yet, dont break stuff at all. And behave!", he looks directly to Loki at the last part. He raises his hands in mock surrender, "I wouldnt dare.". "Dont worry Stark, I wont let the goat mistreat your benevolence. Thank you for your kindness to not leave us without shelter.", the blonde god bows with a teethy smile.
Your eyes wander to Loki who is seated on a hassock, jaw clenched at the nickname Thor just called him. Mighty lord above, that jaw- You swear something inside you just ignited. And those thighs, wait. Why the hell are you staring at his thighs? Why must that armour of his be so tight in those places? I bet he purposefully got them made like that. God get a grip woman! You pinch yourself and peel your eyes away from that sinful eye candy which now even lives here. Ugh, thats gonna be a challenge.
"I know, I'm such a self less guy, right?", Tony says, shoving a piece of pizza in his mouth. You scoff at him, and even Bruce raises an eyebrow at him.
Which reminds you of bounderies that have yet to be set. "No takeing my stuff and no going in my room without permission!", you raise a pointer finger, pointing between both of them. "Of course lady Y/n.", Thor assures you, to which you narrow your gaze. As long as there is enough pop tarts your food should be safe from Thor, but Loki?
You will have to see what happens.
That dude can teleport, shapeshift, he could go into your room without you even knowing. The thought makes you tingly, NO! Get your mind out of your panties Y/n! Hell, he could probably even shift to look like Nat! You nearly spirall down the lane of paranoia but you shrug it off. You panicking would only encurage him.
"If there are two more residents now, we really have to start writing down groceries. This cant keep on happeing, or somebody's gonna get shanked." Tony looks at you annoyed, "Just tell Jar what to get. It will show up in the app. As I've told all of you at least ten times.". "Hey! Dont get pissy with me! At least I try to make a homemade meal every now and then, everybody else just orders food! No wonder Fury orders annual fitness exams!", you lay an offende hand on your chest. "Just tell him in the future!", Tony rolls his eyes.
"Fitness exams? Well, that is new.", Thor laughs. "Oh yea, these [you point at Tony, Sam, Scott and Clint] have got cought one night, throwing something which can only be described as a grease feast.", you tell the god who hadnt been here for a few months. The culprets avert their gaze, clint starts whistling and Scott clears his throat. "That sounds revolting and yet I want to be part of a feast like that.", Thor mutters, makeing you face palm yourself and Sam clap his shoulder with a nod. "Well, you will have to do it secretly, Fury is onto all of us. Which reminds me, we have to burn the evidence of this right here or he'll make us do burpees again.", the memory makes you shudder.
"Oh come on, a bit of exercise would be really good for all of us.", Steve says sternly, earning several annoyed grunts. "A bit of exercise?! Have you forgotten what Fury did last time?", Tony says in a higher than usual voice. "It wasnt that bad-", Steve tries to continue but several people cut him off. "NOT THAT BAD?!"
"Thats easy coming from the super soldier!", Nat speaks up. Yes, even she struggled during the Burpee incident. "I had to wear my suit to even go to the bathroom! Do you know how much Pepper mocked me?!", Tony bores his fingers into Caps chest, furious from the reminder of those days.
"Three days I couldnt move! And the following week was hell on earth, every movement hurt! Even the hulk was out of it!", Bruce whines. You swear you heard Loki snicker and whisper "Server you right.". Brucy was in so much pain, the hulk broke out, but even he couldnt move. It was a pathetic sight, the unbeatable hulk starfishing in the hallway, whiped out by some burpees. If Loki knew, he probably wouldnt stop laughing, given his and the hulks history.
"I couldnt lift my arm to press the elevator buttons! I CRAWLED to my room, THATS how bad it was!", you damn near cry at the memory.
"You are all just out of shape!", Steve shakes his head. "Shut up!", Nat throws a magazine at him but he, of course, catches it.
"I'm so glad to not be an official member yet. I think I would have died that day, I'm not even kidding.", Peter says small. "Lucky.", you mumble.
There is a few moments of solemn silence, until Thor says, "So when are we doing the next grease feast?", earning himself a room full of offended glares.
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thebearmage · 4 months
I have too many fanfiction ideas, and I need to decide which one to use. I want to write a Loki x GOD!OC fic, but I have two different ideas for two different timezones, and I dunno which one to use!!! I'll write the plot ideas/summaries. There will be no pole this time, but tell me what you guys think. Both are planned to be a series, with some one-shots and some multi-chapter fiction.
One (Thor): Once choice can branch out into infinite realities. One simple choice. In this timeline, Loki is betrothed to a powerful Olympian god in order to bring an end to the feud between the two realms. With his betrothed now watching his back, Loki is able to turn the tides of his brother's banishment and his fate in his favor.
OC covers for Loki in Thor 1. So, Loki never falls into exile and falls in favor with Odin, while Thor schemes in the shadows because he knows the truth. The fic follows Loki and his betrothed (OC) as they work to get Loki the throne, and while they both start off evil at the beginning of the series, meeting certain people (the Avengers) and surviving the coming battles, their hearts begin to melt. When Thor finds a way to reveal their lies, their long con scam turned genuine is threatened. (Avengers!Loki)
Two (The Dark World): Loki is saved from his cell in Asgard by a mysterious god named Nyx, whose empathy allows them to see Loki's pain where no one else can. They mask their concern with plans of revenge and promise Loki the chance to defeat Odin and Thor. Loki can't accept quick enough.
OC saves Loki from his cell in Asgard and offers him a chance to get revenge against Odin and Thor. In reality, Nyx understands Loki's pain and wants to give him peace while pushing him further down the dark path he's on and away from his toxic family. Through different adventures under the guise of gathering and/or corrupting warriors for their new army, Nyx shows Loki that he doesn't need to prove himself worthy of anyone; he can be who he wants to be and be his own king.
(Dark!Loki, who's soft for his love and his friends - might add Dark!Tony Stark and Frostiron to this one. Loki convinces a bunch of canon characters to switch sides and/or join him. Loki becomes a dark but just king).
Welp, those are my ideas. Tell me what you think!
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siconetribal · 1 year
Cinnamon Rolls
Tag: @vbecker10, @harlequin-hangout @iamlokisgloriouspurpose
Pairing: Loki x Y/N
Warning: Oooey-gooey fluff, just lots of fluff, budding love jitters, smothering you in so much sweet fluff your teeth might rot
Author Note: Belated Happy birthday @vbecker10! The gift is a couple of hours late, but I hope you still enjoy it! Seihara is an OC I made purely for the purpose of this story. If anyone wants to be added to my tag list, please let me know!
It was precisely six o'clock when Loki and Seihara stepped through the doors. The bakery was packed. Loki blinked a few times at the “line” that stood before him. People at the counter and those who were nowhere near the counter were shouting. Any customer who was not shouting looked very cross and as if debating to join the surrounding racket. He looked over at his odd little friend, the corner of his mouth turned a little down. “Why exactly are we here?”
“You'll see why we're here exactly in just a few moments.” She grinned. Loki grumbled under his breath at the answer. He did not expect it to be such a madhouse this early in the morning. He never guessed this was what six o'clock in the morning looked like, and squinted at how chipper his friend was. She definitely lacked any sign of what time of day it was. He knew he probably looked like a bear woken from hibernation a few months too early with all the pointless commotion around them.
“Why is it so damn crowded and noisy?” He growled a little as he pinched the bridge of his nose. 
“I told you, this new bakery is super popular because it's owned by some amazing new baker who is making headlines.” She reminded him as she peered over the crowd to get a better look at something. The workers at the front were clearly frazzled. When they were not handing out drinks or pastries, they were hastily scribbling down orders. Their efforts were hardly enough for the crowd, which was a ready to tip over into a full on mob if they were tick slower. What truly astounded him was that no one seemed to care that he, Loki, the once villain now Avenger, was standing amongst them. It was liberating, and yet it was still a hefty blow to his pride. How dare they not notice him? Was this place so worthy?
The door to the back kitchen suddenly burst open and out walked a young woman in a crisp white apron with her hair in a net with a huge tray in hand. Though there was a streak of flour across her nose and some icing on her neck, the two knew instantly who it was, and Seihara peeked over at her surrogate brother. Loki barely noticed her looking, his blue eyes glued to the baker with sparkling eyes.
“Who wants cinnamon rolls?” Y/N called over the crowd with a huge smile on her face. “Show of hands please!” Instantly, hands shot in to the air from all over the bakery. “Alright, one line ladies and gents, in front of me. Cinnamon rolls only!” The other employees looked skeptically between her and one another, as Y/N just grinned, full of challenge.
She owns this bakery? He thought to himself as he rested his chin in one of his hands. Seihara snickered to herself before she nudged her brother forward.
“C'mon, we gotta move or we'll lose our place in line!” The words snapped Loki back to reality as some semblance of order was brought to the chaos. When they finally reached the counter, Loki remained silent as Y/N hugged Seihara from across the counter with glee.
“Sei-bear, why didn't you tell me you were coming?!” Y/N excitedly greeted her.
“I wanted to surprise you, that's why.” She laughed. “Plus, this one has yet to believe the hype of this place.” She jabbed her thumb in Loki’s direction. He scowled at his companion and looked at Y/N.
“She has professed an innumerable amount of times that the cinnamon rolls here are worth the wait.” He casually responded, wanting to distance himself from the frenzied midgardians that swarmed the establishment. “I promised her that I would escort her, but what are you doing here and behind the counter?” He raised a brow at this point. Loki and Y/N had become well acquainted through their mutual companion, Seihara, who was a contracted employee at shield. What she actually did, no one quite knew the answer, but she was there, and she was always in the know. It was through one of the briefings where the Asgardian prince was introduced to Seihara and in working together he came to adopt her as a younger sibling. To this day, he himself was unsure how or when it happened, but it was now, and he was comfortable with that. She was not as annoying as he thought she would be and grew on him.
And, it was through her that I was able to meet Y/N. Befriending Seihara has been quite a fruitful decision, never a dull moment. He tempered his grin into a polite smile as he waited for Y/N to respond.
“I work here,” She smiled back at him, noting the slight twitch in his brow when the noise would peak and the subtle drops in his shoulders when there was a moment of lower volume. Y/N was surprised to see that Loki as not a morning person, but to see this new side of him was a delightful treat. “I managed to land the part of being a baking assistant.” She said proudly, handing them two cinnamon rolls. “Now shoo, drinks are the other line.” She waved them away. After some slight pushing and squeezing, the two found a table with breakfast in hand. Seihara waited patiently, her eyes trained on the prince, who took a rather large drink of his tea before he tasted the roll. He paused, swallowed, and took another bite. Then repeated this cycle for a bit in silence. 
The pastry is perfectly flaky on the outside and yet so soft and moist inside, the cinnamon swirl has just enough to cut through the sweetness of the drizzle. I have had one of these before, but none of them ever tasted quite like this. There is something different about them. He eyed his piece, wondering if he could figure it out. 
“I told you it was a darn good cinnamon roll! Y/N made it better with some family secret thingy! The baker has been trying to get a hold of it, but she hasn't budged.” She grinned proudly before munching away at her own gooey delight.
“I see, so there is something special about this.” He mumbled to himself when his phone began to vibrate in his pocket. “It seems duty calls, and no, you cannot stay here and eat. The last time you made us late, I was certain Fury was going to throw us out the window.”
“Oh, it wasn’t that bad, and what’s a little height? You’re pretty tall,” she pointed out.
“I am most certainly not 19 stories tall,” The God of Mischief rolled his eyes at her argument and forced himself to look at her sternly to mask the snicker that tried to come out. “Now come along, Seihara.” He stood from his seat, and Seihara hopped off her stool with a heavy sigh. She waved her arms in the air as they left, signaling to Y/N they were leaving. He chuckled at the enthusiasm, grateful that his surrogate sister had a sincere female friend.
From that day onwards, Loki made sure to stop by the little shop. It was a fabulous cinnamon roll, and he thought it was a good idea to try the other delightful options as well. Much to his surprise, everything was as equally good in its own right, and he enjoyed the selection of teas that were available. In a city that was downing in coffee, this was a little haven for him. And when he had tasted it all, he still came. He enjoyed it so much so that it became a daily routine of his. It was purely for the delightful treats and refreshments, of course. He just happened to learn that if he were in early enough, there was no stampede of ill-behaved heathens to deal with and there were even times when Y/N was able to come join him for a cup.
The days when he was able to time it just right were the most glorious mornings. The two of them could freely talk about nearly anything, and it would never be boring. He learned a great deal about the art of cooking and baking, something he had never attempted no had any interest in before now. However, seeing the way Y/N lit up at the topic, her body leaning closer as she sat a little taller in her seat was captivating. The smile never leaving her face, the spark of life in her eyes, and the happy excitement in her voice drew him in and even made him want to try to create something himself. If she ever lost interest in baking, she would certainly be a great sales person. She could get a blacksmith to buy weapons.
On the days he was away on a mission, the second prince missed the small building that was dwarfed by the surrounding skyscrapers. He missed his corner table where he could look out at the city on days she was busy, but he yearned for her companionship even more. Y/N was a female unlike any other he had ever met. She was vivacious and kind, strong and dedicated, but a bit sassy and able to come up with such amusing quips when he least expected it. Very much like Seihara, she did not fear him, but the pull from her was different. She was different. A different that he embarrassingly had to admit that completely bypassed him until Seihara had bluntly pointed it out to his face one day. Which was the reason for the Asgardian prince’s less frequent visits, and his current conundrum on trying to find a way to approach Y/N.
But how do I approach her? How do I let Y/N know that I want something more than just our sporadic talks? I could easily take her to any of the best restaurants in the city, but how would that make me any different from the plenty of men who have been trying to get her attention? His eyebrows knit together as she slouched in his favorite chair in the library. “There has to be something I can do.” He mumbled under his breath. There was an underlying fear that perhaps he was overthinking this and Y/N had zero interest in him whatsoever, but through the continuous assurance of Seihara he was able to put those worries to rest.
“Why not do something special?” Seihara finally chimed in. He had spoken aloud every now and again, so she had managed to piece some of the girl trouble that he was dealing with. “Do something special for her that she would really appreciate.” She repeated when Loki looked at her in surprise.
“Something special for her,” he repeated slowly to himself. “What would you suggest?”
“Well, think about her likes and dislikes, which I'm sure you know very well.” She hummed. “Piece together the things she would appreciate that would help convey to her how you feel. She would definitely never look down on a date at a nice restaurant, but if you could make that something more you and personal, I think she’d love it even more.”
Make a nice dinner date more me and personal? He mulled over the suggestion and pieced through the various conversations he has had with Y/N. She was not particularly picky, but she was not the type to out right say her dissatisfaction if she knew how much time or effort was put into something especially for her. Suddenly he jumped out of his seat and Seihara fell out of hers in shock. Grabbing hold of her face, Loki kissed her forehead and left a very confused Seihara in the library.
The next few days passed by in a blur, and Y/N was officially one year older. Coworkers, friends, customers, and family all wished her a happy birthday. Her phone was flooded with notifications from social media and texts, each wish filled with love and sincerity that made her smile. Everyone had something, everyone except a certain Asgardian that she hoped would say something, but it seemed he was avoiding her more than ever since the day at the bakery before his last mission. It angered her at first, but now she feared she may have said or did something to give him the wrong impression. 
It's not like a cursed him off, right? We just had a difference of opinion on a book, and it got a little heated, but like we’ve had discussions like that before. Was that book something more important than he let on? Did I say something that he might have misunderstood as an attack on him personally? No, he would've said something, right? These endless questions plagued her throughout the day, but she pushed them to the back of her mind and focused on the day. She would simply have to confront him when she next saw him. She just needed to figure out if she needed to facilitate that meeting or not.
As day became evening, Y/N felt more and more defeated at his lack of reaching out. Maybe she misunderstood them and the mornings were a simple time-pass? Perhaps he found something better or grew bored with her? As doubt creeped up inside her once more, Y/N let out a heavy sigh.
“Hey, what's wrong? Did something happen?” A familiar voice called out to her. She looked up to see Seihara who had insisted on having dinner with her this evening. 
“No, no, nothing happened. At least, I think it's nothing?” Y/N said quickly. “I just, I was hoping Loki would have wished me happy birthday or something at least. I mean, we are friends, at least, right?” She sighed again and Seihara frowned
“Do you think he forgot? Oh, that just will not do at all! You’re coming with me, and we’re going to go kick his alien butt into shape! Don’t you go stopping this, he’s a royal! As a royal he should know proper etiquette and this, all this right here, is the complete opposite of that, ok? We’ll see how he likes getting lectured now!” Seihara grabbed Y/N’s hand as she hesitated. She wanted to see him, but she was also afraid to see him. Unless she knew someone who could read minds, there was no way for her to know what he was thinking and if she had taken his attention as something more than what it truly was.
The train and car ride over was had gone by so quickly, but that was mostly because Y/N had taken the chance to catch up on sleep lost in all her fretting over the raven haired royal. Before she knew it, they were at Seihara’s apartment. The sound of the key opening the lock was deafening in the quiet of the night. New York City was never this quiet, but Seihara lived in New Jersey. Why, she was not sure, but then again Seihara was just a big mystery herself. “Ah, pooper scoopers, I gotta go take out my trash! Ugh, I knew I forgot something this morning,” Seihara loudly groaned. “Ok, Ok, you go inside and get comfy. I’ll be right back.” She turned the knob and pushed the door open a little as she grabbed the bags by the door. Y/N watched her friend leave and awkwardly stood at the door for a few seconds.
“Well, she said I could go in.” She mumbled, pushing the door open wider before carefully stepping inside when she noticed something odd. There were lights on, and she could see rose petals on the floor. Rose petals, what the hell? Y/N looked up and gasped. There stood Loki nicely dressed in the vest she had gotten him as a gift with a slight tint of pink on his cheeks from embarrassment.
“Happy birthday, Y/N,” he finally said after clearing his throat and bowed to her. “Tonight I shall be your humble servant, my dear princess.” He confidently spoke, a warm smile on his lips as he offered her his arm. It was at the moment her phone buzzed.
<I hope you enjoy your birthday dinner 😜> Y/N read the text aloud and looked up at Loki confused as he led her to the table.
“Loki, what is going on?”
“I made your favorite dish as best I could.” He said, lifting the lid off the plate to reveal a dish her mother used to make for her all the time. When he saw a lack of response from her, Loki panicked a little and grabbed the champagne. “Please, enjoy.” He insisted as he poured her a glass before magically producing a violin which he started to play her favorite classical piece.
His gut churned inside him as he tried to not stare at her, but he needed to know if he was doing this right. This was the first time he had ever taken to such lengths for anyone. For him, a prince of Asgard, to serve anyone was insanity. But after he had thought about it, Seihara’s suggestion, it was clear. To make dinner personal and more him, he needed to show her how he saw her and if that meant doing something unheard of, then so be it. 
He abruptly stopped at the sound of her hiccuping. He glanced in her direction, and his heart plummeted as he watched tears slid down Y/N;s cheeks. Shit, did I do something wrong? Perhaps she did not want to see me at all? Was I too late? He dropped the instrument, which vanished in a flash of green before it could hit the floor, as he quickly knelt down in front of her. “Darling, please, tell me what’s wrong? Did I get the dish wrong? Perhaps the music was not to your taste? Or perhaps, none of this was what you wanted?” He asked as his worries took over. The silence that was mere seconds felt like an eternity, that was only broken by the feel  of her arms wrapping around his neck as she pulled him into a hug.
“No, you idiot, I love it. I thought you forgot all about me and my birthday.” She sniffled.
“What, never! I could never forget about you, darling. I know it must have looked terrible, but I was busy preparing all this for you. Not only that, but I wanted it to be perfect, it needed to be perfect.” He quickly clarified, pulling away from her just enough so that he could hold her face in his hands. “Y/N, I love you. I know we have not known each other very long, but the time we have spent together has been nothing short of amazing. I find myself looking forward to waking up early just so that I could get a chance to spend time with you, but I don’t want just that anymore. I don’t want to just wait for mornings. I to see you whenever I can. I want to meet up for lunch or have dinners, go for strolls in the park, and see the city and so much more. I want us to be more, Y/N. I do hope I am not too late in asking, but will you do me the honors of becoming my girlfriend?” He asked while wiping her tears. Y/N smiles at his words and hugs him tight once again.
“Of course, I’d love to!” She sniffled and Loki smiled, pulling her in to a soft and sweet kiss. Her lips tasted a little like the cinnamon confection that flavored their mornings together, and he liked that. He liked it very much. “Come, princess, you have to finish your dinner.” He said, as she is seated. “If you do, I'll reward you.” He whispered in her ear, making her cheeks turn red.
What does he think he's doing?! Butlers don't do that! She thought to herself, though her curiosity did incline her to finish her food. She loved the sweet side of Loki, but she was curious to know more about him. “Oh,” she mumbled softly and reached for her fork, but he beat her to it and began to feed her. 
“Happy birthday, love.” He whispered, kissing her on the cheek. This was going to be the best birthday she has had in a long time.
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lulubelle814 · 9 months
All I Want
Annie didn’t mind going to birthday parties for the couple of friends she had or the ones her office threw monthly for those people whose birthday was during that month.  Yes, they were typically loud and crowded, but she enjoyed being there for her friends.  Her birthday?  She’d rather forget it.  With it being 3 days before Christmas, it was typically forgotten by everyone, except her parents who always made sure to send a birthday card with a little money and called to sing her happy birthday.
This year was different.  Only a few months ago, her mother passed away, and her dad, Charlie, was never the same.  He became inundated with hospital bills; however, friends and neighbors raised money to help pay for medical bills.  Charlie was well loved in their little community.  He was always the first to volunteer when someone needed help doing repairs, fixing a car, or even helping the elderly widow take her groceries inside.  So when his wife passed, they all gathered to make sure he was taken care of.  Annie did what she could, but she had her own bills and rent to pay, unable to spare much with money or time to help, and her dad understood.  In fact, he refused any financial help she tried to give.
So here she was, wandering around her favorite bookstore.  Seeing a book she’d been wanting to read, she purchased it as a birthday gift to herself and left.  Rather than head home, a course was set for the Rockefeller tree and sat on a bench that had a great view of the tree and those ice skating nearby.  Sitting there, she looked up at the stars and made a silent birthday wish.  'All I want is to not be alone, not on my birthday.'
“Are you alright, miss?” Looking forward, there was a familiar, handsome gentleman with a buttery British accent.  It took her a second, but she realized it was Loki, the newly minted Avenger.  He was taking a leisurely walk, going to see this enormous tree the Avengers told him about when he spotted her, crying a bit.
“I’m, uh, I’m alright.”
He smiled.  “You do know I am the God of lies, correct?”
She couldn’t help but laugh.  He gestured towards the empty spot next to her, wordlessly asking if he could join her to which she agreed.
“What makes you so despondent, my fair lady?”
She shook her head.  “Nothing important.”
“Please let me be the judge of that.”  He didn’t know her, but a part of him wanted to help her.  “No one should be downhearted so near Christmas.”
“I’ll be okay.  I’m sure you have things you need to be doing rather than console a stranger.”
He turned to look at the tree.  “My, uh,co-workers told me of this tree.  They told me it was large and fantastical.  ‘A sight to behold’ they said.  So I had to see it for myself.”
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“It’s my favorite thing about Christmas in New York.  I love looking at the lights, watching people ice skating, and everyone forgetting about their troubles, even if for a little while.”
“Everyone, it seems, but you.”
Annie nodded.  “I was hoping it would help.”
“Please,” he said.  “Please tell me what has made you so downtrodden.”
She finally broke, tears falling down her face.  “My mom passed a few months ago.  Heart failure they said.  She hadn’t been feeling well and was getting tired easily.  My dad took her to a cardiologist who ran some tests and said it was from an arrhythmia.  They tried to fix it, but it didn’t hold.  He took her to a different doctor recommended by a friend who found that her heart was weak, only working at about 15%, and she died a month later.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry.  It’s never easy losing a parent, especially a mother.”
“It was awful.  I wanted to stay longer to help dad, but he practically chased me away, telling me to live and enjoy my life.”
Loki turned towards her.  “Something tells me that’s not the end of your troubles.”
She cursed under her breath that he wouldn’t leave well enough alone.  “It’s the first year I’m not getting a call from her singing me happy birthday.”
Quickly putting 2 and 2 together, he realized today must be her birthday.  Being by herself told him that either she had no friends or that they had forgotten.  Since living on Midgard, he understood the troubles of a birthday near this holiday, but his brother always made sure to celebrate it with him.
“If it’s alright with you, I would love to help you celebrate your birthday.  After all, no one should have to spend their birthday alone.”  He raised his hand to her face slowly, watching for signs that she didn’t want to be touched.  When she gave no signs, he wiped away her tears.  “And no one should be crying on their birthday, either.  I believe it’s a rule, is it not?” 
When she gave a small smile, it gladdened his heart.  Standing up, he held his hand out to her.  “Let's rectify that, shall we?”
Annie was hesitant, but something told her she could trust him.  So she stood up, accepting his hand.  Allowing him to guide her, they talked and walked to the skating rink.  “It would behoove me to ask your name?”  
“I’m Annie, Annie Creston.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Annie Creston.”
They approached the rink booth where he paid for tickets and ice skate rentals.  Next thing she knew, they were skating around the rink.  It was something she’d always wanted to do but had been too scared, and it was usually that either no one wanted to go or no one was available.  Generally, it was the second one with Christmas only 3 days away.
So here she was, skating around the rink with the God of Mischief himself.  Never in a hundred years did she think she’d end up in this situation; however, she was slowly feeling better.  He tried to turn around and skate backwards to try to impress her.  Instead, he tripped on his own feet and fell on his ass.  Annie roared with laughter, and he followed suit.  Rather than have all the fun himself, he pulled her down onto the ice with him, creating even more laughter between the two of them.
“I must say, this is the most fun I’ve had in a long time.”  She agreed.  When he finally stood back up, he gave her a hand, and they continued skating around the rink for a while, laughing and chatting.  Before she knew it, well over an hour passed since he joined her on that bench.
Slowing down, she came to a stop, holding on to the side wall and smiled at him.  They exited the rink and switched out the ice skates for the shoes they came in.  “Thank you so much for this.  It means a lot.”  
“Oh, my dear, the night is not over, not yet.  Do you trust me?”  Once again, he held out his hand to her.  She nodded, accepting his hand.  He then tucked her hand into his arm and went off on a walk.
It was near impossible to tell where they were going.  They were going into a part of the city she wasn’t very familiar with until she saw the iconic Avengers building.  Looking up at it, it was much taller than she had realized when seeing it on TV.
What really surprised her was when he not only guided her inside, but he also took her into the elevator, pressing the button for one of the high floors.  When the doors opened, there were balloons and streamers everywhere.  Up on the wall was a sign reading Happy Birthday.  What really stunned her was how many of the Avengers were there with party hats on, including Tony Stark himself and Loki’s brother, Thor.  Bruce was the only one not in  attendance.  He was at his cousin’s place spending time with family.
Thor was the first one to reach her, giving her a big hug, even picking her up off her feet.  “Put her down, you oaf.”
Realizing he was hugging her harder than a midgardian could take, he put her down.  “Happy Birthday, Lady Annie!  We are glad you allow us to celebrate in your revels.”
She was too stunned to speak.  “How……”  He leaned down and spoke softly.  “They don’t call me the God of Mischief for nothing, dear.”
Tony strolled up.  “He texted us saying he found a friend at the Rockefeller tree, alone on her birthday.”  He gestured for her to actually come into the room.  The further she got into their common room, the more she saw.  There were all kinds of snacks and drinks.  But the best part?  They had a large birthday cake with her name on it.  Over the course of the next few hours, the Avengers sang her Happy Birthday, ate cake with her, danced, and talked.
At one point, Tony pulled her aside.  “I gotta tell you.  When Loki told us about you, I looked you up, pulling files on you to see if you were a security risk.  Instead, I saw the skill set you have with office work and the dismal pay you’re currently getting.  So, if you’re interested, I’m looking for a secretary to help with paperwork and the like.”
“Holy Shit!  Are you kidding?”
Nat interrupted.  “He kids a lot, but not on things like this.  I got a glimpse of those files.  You are seriously undervalued at your current job, and I know he pays very well.”  Tony nodded.
All Annie could do was nod furiously.  This night went in directions she couldn’t even hope for.
“Oh, and just so you know,” Tony continued. “The job includes an apartment here in the tower.” 
Tears started falling. “Whoa, whoa, whoa!  I thought that was a good thing?”  He turned to Nat.  “Why is she crying?”
“You can be such an idiot sometimes.  Those are happy tears, you moron.”
“OH! Okay.”  He turned back to Annie.  “So, what do you say, kid.  New job, new apartment?”  She couldn’t respond.  Instead, she hugged him.  This time, it was him who was stunned, unused to being hugged, but he opted to return her hug, just this once.  It was her birthday after all.
When she let go, she turned to Loki.  “This has been the best birthday I’ve ever had.”
Nat leaned over.  “Just wait until you see how he celebrates Christmas.  If you don’t have plans, we would love for you to join us.”
In fact, she did not have plans, at least nothing other than eating some ham and watching It’s a Wonderful Life.
“I’d love to, if it’s not an imposition?”
“Kid, hanging out with us, you’ll have to get used to this kind of thing.  You can move in tomorrow if you want.”
“Really?”  She didn’t know that within her file, he saw she was on the landlord’s eviction list for January.  It wasn’t anything she’d done wrong.  The landlord decided to go co-op, and there was no way she could afford to keep her apartment.
Nat, Loki, and Thor offered to help her with packing and moving while Tony provided the moving truck.  Annie didn’t have much, but she lived about 45 minutes away.  While they were at her place packing up, Tony and Pepper set up her room.  Tony had a brand new bed delivered, and Pepper styled her room.  So by the time everyone was back with her things, all she needed to do was put away the few things she brought with her.
Pepper showed her the way to her room.  The apartment they gave her was directly across the hall from Loki’s.  Entering, her jaw dropped seeing everything.  It was everything she’d wanted her crappy little apartment to be.  The kitchen was well stocked, and the bed was one of those fancy cloud mattresses.
“If there’s anything you don’t like, we can change it.  I didn’t know how much you liked to read.  So we can get any books you might want.”  She gestured to the empty bookshelf.  “We can definitely get another bookshelf if you need one.  That one,” pointing to Loki” has so many, his room might as well be a library.”  Everyone laughed.
“Just so you know,” Tony spoke as he rolled into the room, “I have a policy with my employees.  No working between Christmas Eve and the day after New Years.  Paid holiday.  No arguments.”
Pepper leaned over.  “He’s not kidding.  While he likes to work 24/7, he doesn’t force any of his employees to do that.  And we wanted you to have some time to settle in.”
It was at this moment that Annie realized she never was alone.  Her mother was looking over her, guarding and protecting her, helping give her a new start at life.
On Christmas Eve, she knew she didn’t have the money to buy everyone gifts.  Instead, she spent hours baking bread and making cookies for everyone which was not done alone.  Loki tried to help, but he knew nothing about cooking or making food.  So rather than have him sitting there (which he was happy to do, but he wanted to help somehow), she taught him what she was doing as she was doing it, giving him instructions on what to do to help her.  When each item was finished (except the bread), she had him sample each treat to make sure they were alright.
“If you don’t take these away from me right now, none of these sweets will make it to the other Avengers.”
“I assume that means the goodies are acceptable?”  Annie smiled.
“‘Acceptable’ is a vast understatement.  I’ve never had sweets this good in my life, and especially since I arrived on Midgard.”  Before he could get to more of the treats, she put them on plates and brought them out to the common room.  When Loki spotted Thor, he scolded him in advance.  “If I’m not allowed to eat all these myself, then neither are you.”
Nothing she made lasted to the end of the day, and it made her very happy.  The following morning, Christmas Day, she woke up early and went to the team kitchen by the common room.  Gathering what she needed, she turned on the stove to warm up while mixing the batter.  She’d only made a few pancakes when people started drifting in.
Steve was the first to arrive.  “I smelled something delicious from my room and had to come see what it was.”  Seeing the pancakes, he was incredibly happy.  “Fair warning.  Loki LOVES pancakes.”
She flipped another pancake.  “Good thing I’m making enough to feed an army.  I have a tendency to make more than necessary.”
He laughed.  “You’re going to fit in perfectly here.”  Grabbing plates and utensils, he set the table and then retrieved the orange juice.
It wasn’t long before everyone else entered, following the scent of the pancakes.  Everyone sat down and dug in.
Nat managed to stop long enough to compliment her.  “I think you just de-throned Clint’s pancakes.”  
“Hey!”  Clint feigned offense.
“Oh give it up, bird boy.  Yes, your pancakes are great, but hers,” Tony pointed his fork at Annie, “are better.”
“Thes is uh moss delifus cak.”  Thor kept eating one pancake after another.
Nat scolded him.  “Thor, don’t speak with your mouth full.  And they’re called pancakes.  Cake is what we had on her birthday.”  He nodded, knowing Nat would reprimand him if he spoke with his mouth full again.
Tony got up first, putting his plate in the sink.  Walking over to Thor, he whispered in his ear, and the two gentlemen left the room.  Once everyone was finished, they told Annie to relax while they cleaned the dishes.
20 minutes later, everyone was called into the common room where they found Thor dressed as Santa.  Annie tried to take off for her room, but no one would let her.  “I didn’t get anything for you guys…..”
Tony hushed her.  “You made all those treats yesterday and then made us the best pancakes we’ve ever had….”
“Hey!”  Barton feigned offense again.
“So you sit your ass down and enjoy Christmas with the rest of us.  You’ve already given us your present.”  Annie gave up and found a comfortable loveseat with a good view of the festivities, and Loki took the seat next to her.
Acting as Santa, Thor handed out gifts to everyone, including Annie.  Everyone got presents for her.  Tony gave her a brand new, top of the line Stark laptop and phone.  Clint gave her a bow and quiver of arrows, telling her he’d teach her.  Pepper gave her a beautiful leather purse.  Nat gave her a defense wand.  When it was collapsed, it looked like an ordinary tube of lipstick.  “I’ll teach you how to use it.”  Steve was next.  When she opened the gift bag, she found an Avengers shirt.  "If it doesn't fit, let me know, but that one is only given to official Avengers.  Tony sues anyone who tries to make one similar to it.."  Everyone laughed.
"Capsicle isn't kidding," Tony retorted.
Thor gave her a large, stuffed unicorn.  Everyone was both surprised but also not.  “I could not find a real one.  I hope this will suffice.”
But Loki?  He handed his gift to her directly.  When she opened it, it was a beautiful gold chain with an emerald pendant.
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She wouldn’t tell anyone, but that was her favorite present, but it quickly became apparent.  As she settled into her job, she could be found wearing it everyday.  Through the months, she became good friends with everyone.
Well, everyone except Loki.  One day it dawned on him that he had feelings for Annie, and they were slowly growing.  Finally gathering the courage, he asked her on a date.
In the end, she got everything she ever wanted and much, much more.
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loopsisloops · 1 year
Ursus_minor deleted their Ao3 account…
The Devil Inside and The Devil’s Grace you will be missed severely
No fic has hurt me more in the span of 72 hours like that one
It is the reason ‘The Night Shift’ by Lucy Dacus was my top song of 2022 on my Spotify wrapped…I had it on repeat for 2 hours whilst I got through the angstiest parts
This is my burning of the library of Alexandria
The worst part is…
It was never finished 🧎🏻‍♀️
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notinthislife50 · 1 year
Chapter 10
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As you joined Wade's side, the two of you fought against the alien invaders. "Just like old times," Wade laughed, and before you knew it, you found yourselves fighting alongside Captain America and Natasha.
Suddenly, you realise that an alien above you is about to crash down on all four of you. In a split second, you spread your wings wide and wrapped them around Wade, Captain America, and Natasha, absorbing the force of the explosion. Once the blast subsided, you heard Clint's voice through your earpiece.
"I've got one arrow left. I'm going to try to take out Loki," Clint declared. He fired his arrow, but Loki effortlessly caught it. In an instant, you appeared in front of Barton.
"Lift?" you asked, smirking.
"Lift," he smirked back. With a nod, you both teleported back to the street and ran in opposite directions.
You then spotted the Hulk on a ledge, surrounded by alien aircrafts.
"Shit," you thought to yourself, shimmering up to the roof. Amidst the chaos, you managed to shift the Hulk to a different balcony. When the smoke cleared, you turned to Bruce and suggested, "Hey Bruce, shall we take care of those?" You pointed to the alien aircraft.
But you were met with a stern "No, Bruce, only Hulk."
Raising your hands in surrender, you said, "Sorry, pal, my mistake. Hulk, shall we get to work?" With that, you and the Hulk joined forces to eliminate the alien aircrafts.
Then, through your earpiece, you heard that Loki was at the tower, and the other Avengers were telling Tony not to go alone. To your surprise, you heard Captain America's voice say, "Y/N, can you go with Tony, He needs you."
Stuttering for a second, you asked, "Me? Are you sure about that?"
"Are you questioning my orders?" came the stern response.
"No, Captain, heading there now," you replied.
You shifted to the rooftop and walked alongside Tony. "So, Tin Man, what ferocious beast would you like me to be when meeting the evil wizard? Lion, tiger, or bear?"
"Oh my," Tony grinned at your joke. "I've seen your lion already, so what tiger impression do you have?"
With that, you transformed yourself into a beautiful white tiger, it was your favorite form.
"A bit flashy, but it will do," Tony grinned.
Your response to his jest was to playfully lick his face.
As you and Tony entered the room, you stayed hidden behind the bar.
"Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity," Loki smirked.
"Actually, I'm planning on threatening you," Tony retorted sarcastically.
"You should have left your armor on for that," Loki remarked.
"Yeah, it's seen a bit of mileage. You've got the blue stick of destiny. Would you like a drink?" Tony joked.
"Stalling me won't change anything," Loki warned.
As Tony poured his drink, he replied, "No, maybe not, but this will." And you emerged from behind the bar.
"Ah, the pet," Loki said, trying not to show his fear.
In response to his statement, you bared your teeth and let out a menacing growl.
"The Chitauri are coming. Nothing will change that. What have I to fear?" Loki bemused. And with that, you launched at him, claws outstretched and teeth bared.
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mochie85 · 1 year
Last day of March!
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Goodbye, Colonel! Get the April calendar with Shang-Chi and read the wonderful collab between @muddyorbsblr and I.
Man of The Month
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charisaglaea82 · 2 years
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that-writer-101 · 2 years
You Idiot
Loki x Reader
Author notes: Re-uploaded from my old acc marvel-writer-101
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Thor and Loki were sent on a simple mission together. Why those two are ever sent on a mission together you will never understand, but you dont make the calls.
They were out for about 5 hours. Loki came back bloody and still bleeding, and fighting with his brother.
"They're dead, aren't they? I think it worked out wonderfully, brother!"
You interrupt them. "Usually I would ask what happened, but seeing what's already going on, I dont think I want to. Thor didn't we specifically say to patch your brother up if he got hurt?"
"He didn't want my help."
"You idiot." You roll your eyes and drag him off to the mini med bay near your room used for situations like this.
Loki sits down on the edge of the doctor table thing and you grab what you need. He had open wounds on his arms, his lower left leg, a slightly cut lip, and a cut right above his right eye.
"You really wouldn't let your brother help you?" You sigh.
"Would you believe me if I said I just wanted to see you?" Loki said, a slight smirk on his face.
You gave a small smile and laugh, the two of you had been jokingly flirting for the past few weeks, but it was just platonic... Right?
You started with the slice on his leg, it was pretty shallow, but was still bleeding quite a bit. You started to wipe the dried blood off with a wet cotton ball.
"I literally finished sewing the holes in your outfit yesterday, you already had to mess it up again?"
"Blame my brother, he was the one who insisted on using the plan 'gEt hElP'."
You simply roll your eyes at him as you finish wiping up the blood. You grab a roll of bandages and wrap the wound up.
You then move to his left arm, this one was much deeper. You grab the stitching kit.
"What in midgard is that?"
"You need stitches, this cut is pretty deep. What, afraid of needles or somethin'?" You joke, waving the needle around in front of his face.
Loki just glared at you, then just shook his head and laughed.
You hid a smile, you loved his laugh. You go back to caring for the injured idiot. Your injured idiot.
Wait what?! You didn't think of him like that!
You wipe the blood off his arm and apply some numbing cream. After the effects kick in you start stitching up his arm.
"This doesn't hurt at all, right?"
"Not a bit, darling."
Your cheeks turned a light pink. You loved the nickname.
You finish stitching his arm and move to the other one. His other arm didn't have any deep cuts, just a lot of smaller ones.
You bandaged up pretty much his entire arm.
Then onto his face.
You start cleaning the cut above his eye. You start to wipe it off with a wet q-tip. Loki flinches a bit.
"Oooooow!" He whined dramatically, it was adorable.
So maybe you did think about him like that.
"Suck it up, you're a god aren't you? I'm sure a little q-tip wont do much damage to anything else but your ego."
You wet the q-tip again and start to wipe it off more.
"How do you manage to make a wet q-tip hurt?!"
"I dont know, how do you manage to get a cut right above your eye?"
"Okay pick somewhere to look and dont move your eyes, you moving them is making this overly difficult."
You continue to clean the wound, which took quite a long time considering the placement.
Though, you quickly realized that Loki was staring at your lips, so that made you blush a bit more.
You put a bandaid on the wound then go to the final injury on this idiot, his cut lip.
You grab another cotton ball and put a dab of water on it.
"I would ask you how this happened, but you probably wouldn't give me a good answer."
"Hey you got something right for once."
"Yeah yeah, now shush it so i can wipe this off."
You know from the last injury that his face is overly sensitive, so you were very gentle while wiping off his lip.
It was at this moment that you realized you were literally staring at his lips.
You thought about how soft they would be if you kissed them..
What were you thinking?! He doesn't like you like that!!
You continued to gently wipe the blood off, occasionally using your thumb to move his lip a bit to get all the blood off.
You were looking at his lip to make sure you were done getting the blood off. You use your thumb to move his lip a bit just to be sure.
"You done?"
The next thing you know, he kisses you?!
Your eyes go wide and your face red.
Loki notices this and pulls back.
"Pardon me.. I-i probably shouldn't have done tha-.."
You cut him off by giving him a kiss.
You feel his face burn up against yours. The two of you were blushing like there was no tomorrow.
You only broke the kiss when you needed to take a breath.
His eyes met yours. Loki just muttered, "Fuck I love you..." In the most handsome voice you have ever heard, then kissed you again.
He pulled back and looked at you with a smirk.
You raise an eyebrow, "What's with the loo-"
You get cut off by kisses and nibbles on your neck.
Loki hits a soft spot and you moan lightly. He does it a few more times until you, right in his ear, quietly moan, "Loki~"
His face goes beet red.
You quietly laughed at his face, he was flustered and quite shocked.
You successfully flustered a god, that's something you never thought you'd be able to say.
You give him another kiss, then clean up your work space.
"So.. Are we like.. A thing now..?" Loki asked, watching you clean.
"Only if you want us to be, darling." You used his own nickname on him.
"Then we are, but find your own little petname! Darling is for me to use on you, not vice versa!"
You giggle at that, "Alright, then you're my idiot."
You finish cleaning up and help him off the doctor table, as you walk out of the room you turn back to him.
"Oh by the way,"
"I love you, too. :)"
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olet-lucernam · 1 year
A Hollow Promise [1] chapter i, part i
{_[on AO3]_}
main tags : loki x original character, post-avengers 2012, canon divergence - post-thor: the dark world, canon-typical violence, mentions of torture
summary: In the aftermath of the Battle of New York, the Avengers need a few days to build a transport device for the Tesseract. With the Helicarrier damaged and surveillance offline, SHIELD sends an asset to guard Loki in the interim: a young woman who sees the truth in all things, and cannot lie.
Even long presumed dead, her memories lost to her, Loki would know her anywhere.
And this changes things.
Some things last beyond infinity. And the universe is in love with chaos.
(Loki was never looking for redemption. It came as an unexpected side-effect.)
chapter summary : awaiting his return to asgard after the battle of new york, loki unexpectedly encounters a familiar face.
recommended listening : death and the maiden, franz schubert
There was nothing worse, Loki decided, than a prison walled with glass.
The world beyond the holding cell was a control room, plated in dark steel, secured in the sunless depths of the lower decks. The silence was underscored by the low, electronic hum of technology corded throughout the Helicarrier, monitoring his every breath and motion, tracking his heat signature and heartrate with detached efficiency. The glass cage was flooded with sterile white light from the ceiling and floor, a brightness so antiseptic that he tasted it in the back of his throat like ethanol, in a sickeningly, frustratingly clever design.
The cell was an observation tank. There were no corners, no edges, no chinks, nowhere to begin or end in order to break it, yet the walls left him exposed at every turn, pressing into the corners of his vision, as though he were a specimen trapped under the plate of a display case.
It was, quite possibly, the worst kind of trapped- of seeing, and being excruciatingly seen, cracked open and vivisected with clinical cruelty.
Loki paced, twisting in place like a corkscrew, the muted echo of his footfalls shadowing each step, gnawing at his heels. The writhing slurry of horrors that had found him after his fall from the Bifrost were absent- but the aftershocks lingered, like a phantom pain.
He was still readjusting to the luxury of being able to think without his mind folding into itself, bending and creasing along lines that he couldn't follow, sloping into compulsions he couldn't entirely trace. Extricating himself from it- finding where his mind had been frayed and spliced into something other, peeling away the false veneer over his memories like splitting open a nerve, scouring the residue of foreign fingerprints from his thoughts until they ruptured into lucidity- was arduous and thankless and painful. He could barely differentiate between which parts belonged to him, which parts were real but magnified until they distorted, and which were grafted into him like a transplant- even with the scarce few that he had managed to keep uncorrupted.
Loki held fast to every inch of ground reclaimed. The beast had knocked something loose in his assault, snapping the psychic connection tethering him to the distant asteroid field, shocking Loki's system and jolting him back into himself.
It was a crude antidote, but not one he was inclined to disdain. Lying in a crater of skate tile, as clarity seeped back in, the bruises taking root and beginning to bloom, he had seized the opportunity, mustered his freshly unconstrained magic, and began swiftly stitching over the breach in the back of his skull.
He was both bitterly amused and vaguely grateful that the hastily-assembled Avengers had not deigned to interrogate him following his defeat.
It was hardly surprising. Their failings had played to his favour since the beginning- far too well, at times, Loki thought resentfully- and continued to be of use, as he had little energy to spare for maintaining the act.
Loki was alone, and the solitude was an unbearable relief.
It didn't last.
Tension pulled between his shoulder blades like a thread as the security door slid open.
Loki threw a practiced, indifferent glance in its direction- enough to judge that it was not one of the Avengers, nor the curt-tongued Midgardian whose hubris had given him a route into Midgard. Instead, he spied the durable navy of a standard SHIELD uniform, concluded that the intruder was precisely no one of importance, and continued to pace, measured as a metronome.
There was a pause, a moment of quiet, like a held breath.
Their footsteps were measured, cautious but even, resounding against the black plate steel, haloing around him. They ascended to the platform that bridged across the chasm to his cell, vibrations shivering through the mesh walkways, and coasted to a halt at the glass.
Loki halted, back turned to them, curious despite himself.
A beat passed.
Then another.
It wasn't quite what the spy had done, when she slipped into the chamber, waiting until he reacted to her presence, twisting and leveraging the underestimation of her abilities to gain the upper hand before she even spoke a word; that Romanoff thought he hadn't seen through her was laughable, especially given that he had used the exact strategy himself, but he supposed that Thor was both lacked the knowledge and forethought to have warned his new comrades.
By contrast, this newcomer had made no pretence at stealth. They let him hear their approach, a naturally light tread compromised by heavy boots, the scuff of fabric unmuffled.
He knew that they were there.
And they knew that he knew.
It was either a power play, or courtesy.
Perhaps both.
Sufficiently intrigued, Loki looked a second time.
And the universe stopped.
It was a fever breaking, a dagger slamming through breastbone, a gasp after almost drowning.
SHIELD had sent a young woman.
She was a similar height to Romanoff- average, for most women of Midgard, but diminutive for an Asgardian- standing a full head shorter than him, her crown skimming level with the hollow of his throat. Her oak-blonde hair was braided and coiled up at the back of her head, an unusual contrast against the summer-gold of her skin, jarred within the synthetic fabric of her streamlined jumpsuit, the front zip dipping her neckline. There was a restrained strength in her lines, like a stroke of a pen rendered with just slightly too much pressure; it sang like struck metal in the slope of her shoulders, in the sharpness of eyes cut by strikingly dark lashes and eyebrows, in the subtle slant of her hip.
She was a ghost, a memory- a mediocre forgery. Her colours were rinsed out, tresses dulled into flaxen, irises diluted into hazel- but the way she looked at him, lucent as mirror-glass, was so familiar that it almost wrenched a startled, broken noise from his chest.
For a brief eternity, they simply stood there, facing each other.
Loki swept his gaze over her, forcing his expression into a mask of calculated appraisal and cool accismus.
"Well," he purred out, thickening his voice with dark, seductive menace, "hello, darling."
A frisson ran through her, almost imperceptible- before dissolving into a slight, cloudless smile.
"Hello- Prince Loki."
Her voice was a balm, crisp as mountain air.
Loki's breath hitched, caught in his chest, like silk snagging on shrapnel.
This is not real. It's a lingering symptom- a delusion. A hallucination, a falsehood, a trick, an obscene lie-
"SHIELD sends me a lone agent," he mused softly, ignoring the way his breathing constricted under the matrix of leather and tarnished metal of his armour. "Are they not afraid of losing you?"
The corner of her mouth sharpened, like the curve of a boning knife.
"I can't say that they are particularly concerned," she answered slowly, her enunciation delicate and precise, each word laid down like pieces on a chessboard, "no."
Whether it was confidence or carelessness, Loki could not quite tell.
She eased away from the glass separating them, a deliberateness in her gait that killed any impression of a retreat.
Stepping backwards, she turned and slid into place to access the translucent screen mounted above the terminal, keys lighting up under her touch as she deftly pulled various data feeds onto the screen.
Loki canted his head, observing her.
"May I ask why you are here?" He said, consciously and disarmingly civil.
"You may."
With a flick of her fingers, she filtered through the graphic data displays onscreen, lingering over a thermal image from the cell.
"The Tesseract requires a housing device, to stabilise your transport back to Asgard. Dr Banner and Dr Stark are working on it now. In the meantime- the Helicarrier sustained extensive damage in the assault, and the surveillance feed from this deck is intermittent. So I am-" she paused, "ostensibly- here to manually check the security system and sensors."
Loki's eyebrows clenched. "Ostensibly," he echoed tonelessly.
She kept her eyes on the screen. "In a few minutes, I'll receive a call from the bridge. They will tell me that there is no change to the feed, and I should remain down here as a precaution."
A wicked smile suffused across Loki's features. He might have been affronted by how she was refusing to look at him, had he not been distracted by the way she spoke about her superiors- with a frigid distance at odds with her apparent position of trust, if they had sent her to watch him with no one else to question or countermand her.
Even while preoccupied with dissecting the implications, Loki felt himself react to the prospect of more time.
A stray functioning braincell snarled that he knew better than to reach for an obvious illusion and expect it not to dissolve.
Defiant, his pulse was still tripping over itself in the tender hollow beneath the curve of his jaw.
Loki crushed it mercilessly.
"Ah. Then, am I to understand that we will be spending some time together, agent?"
"I'm not an agent."
"No?" Loki flicked a sceptical glance at the stylised eagle emblem on the upper arms of her jumpsuit, embroidered into stiff badges as broad as the palm of her hand. What self-respecting secret intelligence organisation would set their seal on every available surface and item of gear was beyond him, but that was beside the point- while her statement should have rung false, given the blatant evidence to the contrary, finely honed instinct told him that it wasn't a lie. "My apologies. But in that case, I require another name by which to call you."
She glanced at him, lips lightly parted as she hesitated upon her answer, otherwise inscrutable.
"You can call me Alethia."
He refused to feel disappointed.
"Alethia," Loki murmured through the syllables, rolling them across his tongue like hard candy- then exhaled a short, low laugh. "That is not your true name."
It was a half-bluff, and Loki knew that she could tell as soon as he had spoken.
"I didn't say that it was my true name." She replied lightly, "I said that you could call me Alethia."
Amusement bubbled on the blade of his tongue, like champagne spiked with cyanide. It was enough to ignore that she had sidestepped the point- it was a neat, brazen esquive- inclining his head slightly in acknowledgement.
"Very well. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Alethia."
The young woman looked up, overhead light spilling into the satin of her hair and across the curve of her cheekbone.
The corner of her mouth pulling into a wry, phantom smile, she answered with a surprising sincerity.
She turned away, one hand braced against the terminal, scrolling through the windows and typing something into the command bar. Her deft precision blended strangely with what Loki identified as idle indifference, directionless as a compass needle drifting on its pivot.
Loki surveyed her shamelessly, scanning for chinks in her armour. She was pretty, he acknowledged, clear and light as morning, her fair hair pulling loose of its confines to soften her face.
"You're staring," she observed without raising her eyes from the screen.
Suppressing a jolt at being caught, Loki weighed his response.
"I was simply wondering something. May I ask you another question?"
Her fingers strummed on the terminal.
"I might not answer."
"Then I lose nothing."
The corner of her mouth quirked.
"Why exactly were you selected as my warden?"
Her eyes flicked up to meet his. The internal debate rippled across her face, like threads of sunlight splintered through shallow water.
Finally, the tension between her eyebrows cleared slightly.
"I see the truth in all things, and I cannot lie."
The answer punched the breath out of him.
The wording was exact- her cadence falling into the rote and rhythm of a phrase worn comfortable with use, to the point of losing conscious meaning.
"Is that so," he uttered numbly.
Loki's head spun, light and swirling as a tempest of white clouds, as though he had just become aware that he was dreaming and found himself pulling away from slumber, tilting on the cusp of waking.
Coincidence, he thought wildly, a quirk of fate, happenstance, cruel irony-
"Mm. No one can lie to me, no one can deceive me, no one can conceal the truth from me. I know when something is true, and when something is false."
Loki hummed low in the back of his throat, affecting an air of serene disinterest. "An intriguing gift."
"SHIELD seems to value it." Her inflection was oddly blank.
"Hardly high praise," Loki retorted with a muted scoff. "Anyone who does not is a fool." He turned away, tossing a brief look over his shoulder, as glancing as the skim of a throwing knife across a cheekbone. "Particularly as the truth is often snarled about its own intricacies and contradictions. Anyone who can accurately perceive the truth is all the more impressive for their ability to track the refractions that a seemingly simple truth casts."
Her fingers twitched involuntarily, above the touchscreen.
Loki smirked.
Aha. I have you, darling.
Not many would have caught the caveat in her ability- that the truth was rarely straightforward, and a shallow glance could only offer shallow insight.
Her gift was effectively worthless, without an agile, tireless, insatiable mind to wield it. She would have had to train herself to doubt and question and think with nigh obnoxious tenacity- looking deeper without letting herself drown in the deluge of raw data, pulling apart the nuances without losing herself in minutiae, sifting through everything offered to find the answer that was counterpart to the question.
Knowing was a fine blade. Thinking was swordsmanship.
Which, Loki guessed, she already knew judging by the piercing look she was directing at his back.
She also probably knew what Loki could infer from it, and how he could use it against her: that she was an adversary who he could engage on his preferred field of battle, that they were both armed with a common weapon and had both honed it to a subtle, hidden edge, and that in that regard they stood as perfect equals, in equal power.
In a single stroke, Loki had pulled her into the game.
She could ignore him and refuse to play, of course. But then, there was the aforementioned insatiable mind, and perhaps some of the vanity-verging confidence he had detected in her earlier.
And besides, if he knew her-
Which you don't. Loki cut the throat of the traitorous thought before it could begin to speak. This mortal is a stranger. Less than nothing.
Loki spun on his heel to face her, the drape of his surcoat swirling in his wake in a flare of leather panels and emerald lining.
"Am I wrong?" He pressed, eyebrows raised placidly.
She stared into him, a muscle in her jaw flexing.
Then she straightened, never breaking his gaze, resolute.
"Do you have any other questions for me, Prince Loki?"
En garde.
Loki flashed his most charming smile, pearly and cold as a crescent moon.
"As a matter of fact, yes."
He wasn't truly asking for permission, but Loki still waited for the slight, consenting dip of her head- a courtesy easily afforded by both parties, even in the midst of bladed words and the snick of quick ripostes.
He hesitated into the question.
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