#avpm snape
spinachbobsquarepants · 4 months
I think Snape and Lucius should kiss actually
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saym0-0 · 1 year
i have this cloak and whenever i wear it i absent mindedly walk around like snape from avpm
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grandkhan221b · 2 years
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Ok it's really out of nowhere but youtube recommended me a remastered version of A Very Potter Musical and nostalgia brain told me had to watch it. I was so obsessed with this thing in 2015. And it holds up honestly it is still very funny even if I don't really care about hp anymore
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avocados-campworld · 1 year
Cedric: “Huffpuffs are particularly good finders”
Dumbledore: “What the HELL is a hufflepuff?”
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A Very Potter Musical Sketches
who else found AVPM and fell in love with it? especially the slytherins?
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The part in AVPS where Snape randomly pretends to mistake Lupin for Hagrid gets way funnier when you remember that Brian Holden would go on to play Hagrid as well.
Snape wasn’t making a joke he was just seeing into the future.
(Not to mention the other part where Lupin mentions his best friend and someone guesses “Hagrid?” Two Lupin and Hagrid jokes in one musical—coincidence or foreshadowing??)
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princeisolde · 1 year
Things that had no right to be as deep as they were in AVPM/AVPS:
Snape seeing Lily in the mirror of Erised.
Draco writing to Lucius informing him he doesn’t have to hurry writing back, because he never will, but Draco still hopes.
Umbridge’s insecurity and how it made her toxic trying to fight toxic patriarchal standards.
Quirrel and Voldy that’s it for now bye add any I forgot
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Paranormals of Ilvermorny: Book 1
Also on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57810451/chapters/149243221
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
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agent-tempest · 1 year
You cannot tell me you didn't think about avpm!Snape when Reynolds said 'What the devil is going on here?' in 4th episode in Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton story
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spinachbobsquarepants · 5 months
Just noticed Snape's voice changed when he screamed "I'm sorry" to Lily in Guys Like Potter OH MY GOD
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kathrahender · 23 days
My opinion about Harry Potter Ships (2/2)
Wolfstar (Sirius Black/Remus Lupin): Beautiful. Just beautiful. They're THE Marauders Era couple. 😆
Remadora (Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks): I have to see the development in a canon couple to like it- and in the movie they were suddenly like "We're a couple now :D". So no, not my ship. 😕
Jilly (James Potter/Lily Evans): Why not. After all, they both did bad things. "But Severus also did bad things" Yeah, he did. But James bullying him was also bad. So was Lily laughing when his "best friend" was being sexually assaulted.
Snilly (Severus Snape/Lily Evans): Before their bond broke they were good friends so I'm okay with it. Although sometimes I think they both deserve someone else.
Sirily (Sirius Black/Lily Evans): I didn't know the existence of this ship until now- but you know- it's nice. I like it.
Regulily (Regulus Black/Lily Evans): Wouldn't they also be called something like Starflower? Even the name of the ship is nice.
Remily (Remus Lupin/Lily Evans): I will only say the ship name ✨Moonflower✨ is beautiful as well as the ship.
Rosekiller (Barty Crouch Jr./Evan Rosier): Fics made me ship them 😅
Bartylus (Barty Crouch Jr./Regulus Black): The fics also made me ship them ngl
Moonwater (Remus Lupin/Regulus Black): I prefer Sirius with Remus/Severus/James and Regulus with Barty but they're okay 🌸
Jegulus (James Potter/Regulus Black): I know it's popular, but I'm neutral about it. I don't hate it, neither I love it. I like some fics of them tho.
Jeverus (James Potter/Severus Snape): I LOVE IT! But just because I read fics where James changes before bullying gets too far and Severus turns into a Death Eater. And fics with them having a healthy relationship. If they were toxic in the fics I wouldn't like it.
Snirius (Sirius Black/Severus Snape): They're kinda like Jeverus and they are Slytherin/Gryffindor. I will only say that.
Reverus (Regulus Black/Severus Snape): Ooooh they're cute 💖
Snucius (Lucius Malfoy/Severus Snape): Two Slytherins? One of them is a brunette and the other is blond? I LOVE IT.
Arthucius (Lucius Malfoy/Arthur Weasley): Dron 2.0 but in the previous generation. 👌
Wolfdragon (Lucius Malfoy/Remus Lupin): I don't know what made me ship them, but I love this ship ❤️
Stardragon (Lucius Malfoy/Sirius Black): They're- kinda interesting 🧐
Lucissa (Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Malfoy): They're literally the best "partners in crime" relationship of Harry Potter.
Jamcissa (James Potter/Narcissa Malfoy): If the ship is between a Malfoy/Black and a Potter, I'm in 😉
Jucius (Lucius Malfoy/James Potter): I think the same thing as I said in the previous ship 🎶🎶
Prongsfoot (Sirius Black/James Potter): Two Gryffindors? Friends to lovers? Gay wizards? Yesyesyesyes-
Moonbucks (James Potter/Remus Lupin): It's similar to Prongsfoot so yes 👌
Narlily (Narcissa Malfoy/Lily Evans): The fanarts made me ship them ⭐⭐
Bellamort (Tom Riddle | Voldemort/Bellatrix Lestrange): I have the feeling they would be toxic so no. The only way I could accept it is if they were both sane enough to have a healthy relationship.
Belladolphus (Rodolphus Lestrange/Bellatrix Lestrange): Yes. they have to be together. Although I only like them if they're not toxic.
Quirrelmort (Tom Riddle | Voldemort/Quirinus Quirrell): I mean they could be a good couple if both of them (again) were sane enough to have a healthy relationship. Unless we're talking about AVPM- which would be a big YES.
Snarry (Severus Snape/Harry Potter): Nope. I see Severus as his father figure and nothing else.
Tomarry (Tom Riddle | Voldemort/Harry Potter): I headcanon them as platonic soulmates. Besides I ship Tom with Abraxas and Harry with Draco 🤣
Bellamione (Bellatrix Lestrange/Hermione Granger): For me they're like the previous two ships. They would just have a platonic relationship.
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tame-a-messenger · 9 months
Ok so as someone who started watching smosh bc of Angela and starkid I gotta know… what are your top three favorite starkid shows?? 👀
Lord! That’s like having to choose between my babies!
Obviously I have a few favorite kids, So here’s the run down,
I remember I had just watched the Snape Snape Severus Snape muppet vid and got AVPM recommended to me and decided, “heck it, sure” (I was just starting my redescent into the Harry Potter fandom) and clicked. Ended up loving it and watching AVPSY and so forth. When I finished I got curious to see what else they had (I had read some comments suggesting they had other musicals) so I checked out the channel and saw they were planning on releasing a new musical soon, “The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals” (i believe I watched the teaser for it about when it came out). Since that wasn’t out yet I watched “The Trail To Oregon!” And that was pretty much history, loved them ever since. It also means I have a special place in my heart for trail to Oregon (me and Jeff Blim fell in love at first sight)
Anyway to the list!
Black Friday
Trail to Oregon
A Very Potter Musical
I feel like Black Friday is a bit underrated, it’s my personal favorite of the Hatchetfield saga, I think it deserves more. (I could be biased for Angela, my angel) Something about that one is just very me. could be the fact that the sibling relationship between Lex and Hannah really resonated with me, or the fact that Hannah is a neurodivergent girl that’s also a main character, how often does that happen? A+ from me. The music is really good (you could say that about any Starkid production) but “freast & famine” “Black Friday” (Lex’s solo made me remember she’s my favorite) and “What If Tomorrow Comes” have me in a chokehold.
I really could go on forever, I really do love the Hatchetfield series, I even stared watching some of Nightmare time! Haven’t gotten too far in (I’ve also been skipping around a bit) but my favorite of those is Yellow Jacket! Seeing Joey play Ethan did something to my brain chemistry, which is pretty usual with my brain and anything to do with Joey Richter (stupidly enough I remember him on Jessie when he guest starred as Petey, I remember having a crush on him then when I didn’t even know him in Starkid. Small world)(this was also 11 yrs ago so I guess I’ve always had good taste)
So yeah I think I gave all my reasonings for why those are my top 3, I obviously love a lot of the other stuff they’ve done, but haven’t finished certain musicals (I’m working my way through ‘Starship’ I’m like halfway and I’m liking it so far) so I still have a lot I’ve just never seen.
How about YOU let ME know what you’re top 5 Starkid musicals are?
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zephahhhh · 9 months
having snape-y dinner (microwave meals and soup from Tesco) and watching the true canon aka avpm
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exysexualmoron · 1 year
I have the "Snape. Snape. Severus Snape" song of whatever stuck in my head but cant remember if it's from AVPM or what
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johnsspacesuittight · 11 months
I'm rewatching avpm and man I just gotta say, Joe Moses as Snape might be my absolute favourite thing in the whole show, he's so good, I'm so ready to rewatch sequel and senior year as well, haven't watched senior year since I did it a couple times originally like probably 8-9ish years ago? I never liked it as much as the first two for obvious reasons, but it is incredibly iconic for a lot of reasons too so it's time
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eastons-creations · 11 months
Can we pause for a sec to acknowledge this.
Harry and Sirius would have been so observant. STOP finish the post before you start typing angrily about how Harry was so fucking unobservant he didn’t notice his own teachers hand writing (Dumbledore and Snape) or that fact his teacher was a werewolf or that he totally had a thing for Draco. Or about how Sirius was so unobservant he didn’t notice Peter’s weirdness or that Remus wasn’t the spy or that Remus was in love with him for years. THATS NOT WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT.
Both of these boys come from very…traumatic homes.
But of course Sirius is so fucking aware of everything around him. That’s a large side effect of trauma. He’s very in tune to his friends and their emotions and movements. but- another side effect of trauma is not fully understanding those feelings. One could be sad and Pads would take is as anger or resentment. Or one could be hopelessly in love with him and he take it as best friend feelings (that could also be the 70s of it all lol).
But when James starts sneaking around and taking the map and disappearing without word he would DEFINITELY notice. at first he would freak out thinking James had finally come to his senses and started to hate him but he would realize PRETTY QUICK what was actually happening. James and Reggie lol.
with Harry- he’s the same. sucksss with emotions and specially when it involves him. But when he hears hermione is crying I’m the bathroom he remembers and saves her life. when he’s confronted with Tom riddles diary he remembers Malloy (that was a typo but I’m leaving it (#avpm)) giving Ginny the diary. Harry remembers details from the words people say or the actions around him in detail that is not normal. This is trauma.
the only difference is that while Sirius would have noticed jeggulus Harry definitely did NOT notice Demus lol.
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