#aws for beginners
youtubevideopromotion · 7 months
Top Cloud Hosting Companies NEED TALENT! | 
We discuss a program that has empowered individuals from various backgrounds to transition into the tech industry, specifically cloud computing who are now happily making six-figure salaries without the burden or expense of a four-year college degree. For more visit here
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vaathnaos · 4 months
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Hello! Here’s a completly random landscape i was making this week-end. It’s loosely inspired by some rock cropings i live close to! I learned a lot from painting the clouds and grass and i want to make more background in the future! The colors are a bit wonky still but i think this looks decent value-wise.
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fizzytoo · 4 months
i’m trying to crochet a book sleeve and baby you’d think it’d be easy
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kutyozh · 7 months
learning about the partitive and locative cases is like. you said Russian had 6 cases
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hidefdoritos · 8 months
The right cargo pocket of my favorite camo pants tore recently. (I had a waterbottle in my pocket and stepped out of a trailer, which was just too much stress I guess.) The pocket ripped away from the pants, leaving a hole, and the button also tore straight through the buttonhole.
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I fixed the buttonhole by hand. I started by tacking a few stitches across the rip to hold it together. I unpicked this horrible-awful-itchy-bad label from another pair of pants. It got folded in half lengthwise and used like hem binding to patch and support the ripped part.
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Next was the hole in the pants. That was a machine-stitching job that I did today. Today I also had a migraine. Migraine brain should not have been allowed to operate machinery, but the pants have been on my floor for a week and I couldn't take it anymore.
I put a piece of brown canvas behind the rip and used my machine's mending stitch to go back and forth over and over the rip. It holds up fine. I trimmed back the canvas. We'll see if it stays put like denim patches do or if it disintegrates.
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Then all I had to do was machine-sew the pocket back in place. Voila! Usable pants!
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kay-claire · 2 months
I feel like half the reason crochet got so popular over the last few years while knitting hasn't had as big of a new following is due to the fact that it's not too hard to find good crochet tutorials, but all the knitting tutorials on YouTube fucking SUCK.
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evilhorse936 · 25 days
Had a nice day today!
Didn't really do anything today until the afternoon which was crazy for me because usually if I don't do something by like 10am it's all over productivity but went into town to get the book I ordered in from the library. Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov (finished Lolita a couple of weeks ago + really enjoyed it (dedicated + definitely real fans drop a comment if you want to hear my strong Lolit-pinions (not my best portmanteau 😬))). Was super excited to get it but it looks like I accidentally ordered in a commentary on the book so I'll probably return it in a couple of weeks + pretend I read it + also try and order in the actual book + also also hope it won't be the same librarian. Minus library-exploits I did the full horseshoe (just realised that the word for a horse shoe is literally horseshoe) of charity shops but starting at a different shop than usual (He's so crazzzzzzzy! Love him!!!) bought some buttons + knitting needles. On the topic of knitting needles must go + knit + might watch Re-Animator 1985.
Live laugh love and goodbye everyone!
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upon-the-snow · 5 months
☆ pinned post ☆
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☆ hello, i’m rain ! -I’m a young artist from BC, canada
-I generally draw for and am a part of doctor who, loki, legend of zelda and a few other fandoms! (ace attorney, the witcher, hades, b99, horizon zero dawn and are the main ones!)
-l don’t post art as often as id like, but I will share other art and posts including world news that may contain triggering content. (Trigger warnings are up, let me know if anything needs to be changed or added! if any information in said posts is incorrect the same goes)
donate to Palestinian families here as well
my art
doctor who
AO3 (hopefully more to be added soon!)
post wild blue yonder
another wild blue yonder fic, this one’s an AU
charley pollard
yennefer x geralt (game ver)
ciri (game ver)
*this will be edited in the future
🍉 free palestine. trans rights are human rights. 🏳️‍⚧️
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mad-hare · 5 months
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i reached outside of the "beginner" zone where nothing works dsfajihkjkfsdhnjkhfdsjhknsdf
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vin-sommerfugl · 11 months
Telling you about my worst experience with a tarotist!!!! [FROM INSTAGRAM]
Guys if I'm completely real with you, I am excited to tell you about this because I like gossip and I want to let it out of my system. This was a horrible experience and I hope more tarot readers, read this one.
So I think It was in April 2022 (?) Something like that. I was participating in a reading give away with some account that for me was completely trustworthy and everything. I manifested so hard and it was so for me, that I won the first place of this giveaway.
So, yes, the day of the reading arrives. I was feeling so excited, because my questions were very interesting and I was needing very much to know about these topics. I was at the lowest point of my life, I need you to know this. In that time, I was so in touch with witchcraft and spirituality, and I was not a beginner anymore (or that was what I was thinking), I knew some stuff about this, so my first question was: "I am seeing a lot of signs that a God is reaching out, who is it?" Guys I was so depressed that I needed a divine support/supporter.
The tarot reader does what they do and they say: "there are two gods that are reaching out to you. They are Gods of death, one of them is a Goddess and a God". They never told me who was it, neither the God or the Goddess.
They go right to the next question and I ask: I am manifesting a guy, I would love to be with him, he is the one, he is my type, completely. Will this guy come to me at the end of the day, like some day when I'm ready? They said: Okay so this question have something to do with the previous question... I'm like: What the heck? They said this time: "let's talk about the offerings of these Gods, the God is offering you this guy, like just as you want it, with all the qualities, the virtues, the traits you want him, out of the mold, just made as you desire". At this point, I'm completely flabbergasted, this exceeds my expectations. "The Goddess, on the other hand, offers you knowledge, a lot of knowledge, nothing about this guy", It didn't surprise me, of course.
They say this time: "if you choose the God, he's going to give him to you, if you become her practitioner and you make offerings to him, he will give you this boy as I told you, but there is a situation here. A relative which you consider close to you, is gonna die soon in a tragic car crash, this is not because of you, this is her destiny, her time is over". They proceed to describe her and I already knew who was it, my anything who was too young TO FREAKING DIE was the person described. Can you imagine the weight this put on my shoulders, all the anxiety, the sadness? I was already low low but this? Destroyed me. I wanted to puke so hard. The tarotist continued and said: "You will meet him (my manifestation guy) in the trip to this situation with your relative" and adds details and blah blah. "If you choose the Goddess, the Goddess will give your relative a paceful death, she will die while sleeping, and the guy will appear eventually in this trip but maybe not as you wanted that much detailed, he's going to reach you anyways" I was SHOCKED, SHOOOOOCKED, PARALIZED, SCREAMING, AND PUKING INTERNALLY.
So, about half an hour later, we are done and I cannot even breath well, I didn't sleep not even a minute that night, I made my mom cry because I was too sad that it was so evident, I wanted to k word myself, literally.
Okay, so let's talk about the aftertime shall we? I chose one of them, I made them an altar, everything, my relative never died (she will, but maybe not soon) the guy never showed up and the one of the Gods never did neither. Not even in my dreams, in my room, in other part of my house, NEVER. All the anxiety I lived through was for nothing, the pressure, everything. This experience made me stay away for a year and a few months completely from spirituality and witchcraft, I couldn't hear any of that or hear anything related to deities, for sure it was a trauma. Did I do something wrong? And that's why he/she was never shown to me? Maybe but my relative's situationship? I do not concede that, nor do I forgive what was told to me.
I was afraid to judge the tarot reader because they told me that they worked with Hecate, I was scared to even think about them in a bad way, but I reflected and I think that the deities know very well that I have a lot of respect for them and I am only a human, I don't know what happened that day, but it was horrible and maybe it was part of what I harvested or something I had to learn.
Tarotists, be careful with how you say something to someone, I know that we are responsible for what we ask you and what we want to know, but still. Thank you for reading.
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witchy-batsquatch · 1 year
When I was a kid I would go to garage sales with my mom and grandma and I saw this toy I wanted at one so I asked the price since it was unmarked and the lady said 25 cents, as I was getting my coins a lady came up beside me put one dollar down grabbed it from me and said keep the change. I am still salty about this, I was about nine at the time.
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bioaccumulation · 5 months
I went to the dispo while it was busy yesterday so i bought stuff without really bothering to ask what it was and i am just now realizing i bought a preroll with over 500mg of thc in it
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karmaforvengeance · 11 months
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I was too lazy to draw his full costume
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rosaacicularis · 1 year
BWAHSHSAHA IM CANADIAN TOO?!? crazy....anyways...may i perhaps add on....figure skater scar and hockey player grian...seeing each other across the ice practicing.....
……i also dont know anything about ice sports 👉👈
canadian gang rise!! also, ok! i was thinking that at first… but like hockey player scar just holds a special place in my heart <3<3
perhaps scar is simply both <3 and grian sees him practicing his figure skating and goes over to talk with him, converse about ice sports and such and then they bicker because they are them and grian challenges scar to do hockey moves and stuff
little does he know….. scar knows how to play hockey and grian’s heart does a little pitter patter in his chest <3
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rougarou06 · 10 months
less hate on beginner artists pls and thabk u
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silly-centipede · 2 years
CSS can eat my entire asshole
HTML you're good
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