#what is cloud computing for beginners
analyticspursuit · 2 years
The Power of Cloud Computing in Data Science: How It Enables Faster, More Efficient Analysis
In this video, we're going to explore the power of cloud computing in data science. Cloud computing is a technology that enables users to access resources online, without having to install or manage software on their own.
Clouds enable data scientists to access large data sets and sophisticated machine learning algorithms without directly accessing the data. This allows us to run our analyses faster and more efficiently, leading to better insights and decision-making. So make sure to check out this video to learn more about the power of cloud computing in data science!
To read more about cloud computing in data science, check out this blog.
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youtubevideopromotion · 10 months
Top Cloud Hosting Companies NEED TALENT! | 
We discuss a program that has empowered individuals from various backgrounds to transition into the tech industry, specifically cloud computing who are now happily making six-figure salaries without the burden or expense of a four-year college degree. For more visit here
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galaxywarp · 29 days
PLEASE give your thoughts on responsible data backing up because i don't know anything about it or computers beyond my google drive (which is full, and i hate google). or reblog your last post about it if it's back there!! I'm so poor and scared for my artwork :')
3-2-1 backup method never fails:
3 TOTAL copies of your file (at least): the original, and two duplicates
2 DIFFERENT storage methods for the file
1 OFFSITE backup
Simplest example:
You have a picture you want to back up. Let’s call it Picture.jpg. You make a copy of this picture and put it on a flash drive and store the flash drive somewhere safe. You also use a cloud service such as google drive or onedrive or icloud etc to make a copy
Now you have 3 total copies of your picture. The original, and two back ups that are in 2 different locations: one on a flash drive and one in a cloud.
The cloud exists OFFSITE. it’s not in your home. so in case there’s some sort of natural disaster or fire or robbery, your picture is safe. You can also fulfill this requirement by putting a flash drive somewhere safe, such as at a trusted friend or family’s home. But you want to make sure at least one backup is offsite. Because think about it, if your room flooded and ruined both your computer/phone and your flash drive, you would lose your picture unless a copy exists somewhere else.
There’s countless different ways to utilize this method and it all depends on what your own personal needs are. You may use CDs instead of flash drives if you’re backing up music. You may go as far as I did and make your own server for offsite file storage. But from beginner to advanced, the 3-2-1 method will keep your files safe.
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izicodes · 8 months
Hello! Do you have any advice on getting into freelance coding or remote jobs in the field? I'm having trouble with my current endeavors of applications and my current customer service job isn't doing me well enough to want to stay, so I'm hoping for progress sooner rather than later. Anything helps, thank you!!
Hiya 🖤
Thanks for reaching out with your question about getting into freelance coding or remote jobs. Making a transition can be challenging, but with dedication and strategic steps, you can definitely progress in your career.
Firstly, consider specializing in a specific field of computer science rather than trying to learn everything. This will help you become an expert in a niche, making you more attractive to potential clients or employers.
The big thing to look at is (1) what specific job do you want? Don't know yet? That's the first thing you need to find out. (2) Found the job you want? Go to this website "roadmap.sh" and click the job title you want and look at the roadmap to become it. (3) Have an idea of what you need to learn? Now study :)
Here are some extra key pieces of advice:
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Public Code Repositories
Showcase your coding skills by contributing to public repositories on platforms like GitHub, GitLab, or others. This allows potential employers to see your projects and assess your coding abilities.
Online Certifications
Earn certifications from reputable online courses like Freecodecamp, Codecademy, or SheCodes (if you're a woman). Displaying these certifications on your LinkedIn profile adds credibility for remote work or even freelance work because then clients will trust your skills more if it's back up with evidence (projects and/or certificates).
Links: "Massive List of Thousands of Free Certificates" / "The Udemy courses I use" / "FreeCodeCamp" / "Codecedemy" / "SheCodes" / "Udacity" / "Coursera" / "Google"
LinkedIn Profile
Revamp your LinkedIn profile to reflect your job title. Use a title that aligns with your dream job, and highlight your skills, certifications, and projects. You don't even need work experience OR do what a lot of my developer mates do have no work experience and set your "job" as a self-employed freelance developer... little cheat there~!
Links: "LinkedIn Career Explorer" / "Tips for speaking to/reaching out to Recruiter" / "Tips for Landing Your First Entry-Level Developer Job" / "Career Services for Web Development" / "The Talent Cloud Community: Careers Workshop"
Help someone out with a project for their business or whatever. For example, I helped a guy I met in a programming discord server build his portfolio page for free, but I care more about the experience. Search online for volunteer jobs with your dream job title e.g. Volunteer App Develope, but in your country would be better. The experience you can you can add to your LinkedIn. the project you work on you can add to your resume/experience.
Link: "SkilledUp Life"
Connect with professionals in your field on LinkedIn, even if you don't know them personally. Growing your network can open up opportunities and expose you to valuable insights. Events in person or online, servers (I found volunteer opportunities here), forums, Twitter (I found some mates on there), Instagram (another place I found developer friends). Networking can even help with building group projects~!
Link: "Tips for speaking to/reaching out to Recruiter"
Project Building
Work on both small and big projects to demonstrate your capabilities. Highlight these projects on your resume and portfolio.
Links: "Building projects after learning a new concept advice" / "Tips from learning using multiple resources" / "Tips on learning programming with ChatGPT" / "Harvard University Free IT Courses" / "The Udemy courses I use" / "Free Programming Books" / "Coding Advice for beginners" / "800 free Computer Science classes"
Online Presence
Share your learning progress and projects on various platforms like Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, or YouTube. Employers often appreciate candidates who actively showcase their work and commitment to learning. I made a post for Tumblr coding blogs:
Link: "Codeblr Blog Advice: 8 Blog Coding Post Ideas"
Good luck!!
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arcadekitten · 9 months
Any words for aspiring game devs or smaller game devs?
I've given a few motivational pieces of advice in the past (like working on what you love, etc you could find more in my gamedev tag) but here's a bit more practical advice too!
Back up your shit oh my god!
If you're new to making games then always start small, but even small games are worth saving. And if you're working on a bigger project you definitely don't wanna lose it!
You can use google drive or a cloud service, but I also recommend doing what I did and buying an external hard-drive to back things up onto as well. (having multiple places you back up your stuff is always a good idea)
In the middle of working on Blackout Hospital my old computer completely bluescreened on me. Luckily I had backed up my progress onto my external hard-drive. I did end up losing a lot of progress on the third chapter of the game but I was able to recover some assets and redo it fairly quickly. If I hadn't backed up my game anywhere I would have lost all of my progress! Every bit of work I did would have been gone!
I know this isn't exactly beginner advice but I do think it's important advice! Always back up your games and assets after you've made significant progress on them, it will save you from future heartbreak for sure!
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ogxfuturetech · 1 month
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The Comprehensive Guide to Web Development, Data Management, and More 
Everything today is technology driven in this digital world. There's a lot happening behind the scenes when you use your favorite apps, go to websites, and do other things with all of those zeroes and ones — or binary data. In this blog, I will be explaining what all these terminologies really means and other basics of web development, data management etc. We will be discussing them in the simplest way so that this becomes easy to understand for beginners or people who are even remotely interested about technology.  JOIN US
What is Web Development? 
Web development refers to the work and process of developing a website or web application that can run in a web browser. From laying out individual web page designs before we ever start coding, to how the layout will be implemented through HTML/CSS. There are two major fields of web development — front-end and back-end. 
Front-End Development 
Front-end development, also known as client-side development, is the part of web development that deals with what users see and interact with on their screens. It involves using languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create the visual elements of a website, such as buttons, forms, and images. JOIN US
HTML (HyperText Markup Language): 
HTML is the foundation of all website, it helps one to organize their content on web platform. It provides the default style to basic elements such as headings, paragraphs and links. 
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets):  
styles and formats HTML elements. It makes an attractive and user-friendly look of webpage as it controls the colors, fonts, layout. 
JavaScript :  
A language for adding interactivity to a website Users interact with items, like clicking a button to send in a form or viewing images within the slideshow. JOIN US
Back-End Development 
The difference while front-end development is all about what the user sees, back end involves everything that happens behind. The back-end consists of a server, database and application logic that runs on the web. 
A server is a computer that holds website files and provides them to the user browser when they request it. Server-Side: These are populated by back-end developers who build and maintain servers using languages like Python, PHP or Ruby. 
The place where a website keeps its data, from user details to content and settings The database is maintained with services like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB. JOIN US
Application Logic —  
the code that links front-end and back-end It takes user input, gets data from the database and returns right informations to front-end area. 
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Why Proper Data Management is Absolutely Critical 
Data management — Besides web development this is the most important a part of our Digital World. What Is Data Management? It includes practices, policies and procedures that are used to collect store secure data in controlled way. 
Data Storage –  
data after being collected needs to be stored securely such data can be stored in relational databases or cloud storage solutions. The most important aspect here is that the data should never be accessed by an unauthorized source or breached. JOIN US
Data processing:  
Right from storing the data, with Big Data you further move on to process it in order to make sense out of hordes of raw information. This includes cleansing the data (removing errors or redundancies), finding patterns among it, and producing ideas that could be useful for decision-making. 
Data Security:  
Another important part of data management is the security of it. It refers to defending data against unauthorized access, breaches or other potential vulnerabilities. You can do this with some basic security methods, mostly encryption and access controls as well as regular auditing of your systems. 
Other Critical Tech Landmarks 
There are a lot of disciplines in the tech world that go beyond web development and data management. Here are a few of them: 
Cloud Computing 
Leading by example, AWS had established cloud computing as the on-demand delivery of IT resources and applications via web services/Internet over a decade considering all layers to make it easy from servers up to top most layer. This will enable organizations to consume technology resources in the form of pay-as-you-go model without having to purchase, own and feed that infrastructure. JOIN US
Cloud Computing Advantages:  
Main advantages are cost savings, scalability, flexibility and disaster recovery. Resources can be scaled based on usage, which means companies only pay for what they are using and have the data backed up in case of an emergency. 
Examples of Cloud Services: 
Few popular cloud services are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. These provide a plethora of services that helps to Develop and Manage App, Store Data etc. 
As the world continues to rely more heavily on digital technologies, cybersecurity has never been a bigger issue. Protecting computer systems, networks and data from cyber attacks is called Cyber security. 
Phishing attacks, Malware, Ransomware and Data breaches: 
This is common cybersecurity threats. These threats can bear substantial ramifications, from financial damages to reputation harm for any corporation. 
Cybersecurity Best Practices:  
In order to safeguard against cybersecurity threats, it is necessary to follow best-practices including using strong passwords and two-factor authorization, updating software as required, training employees on security risks. 
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) represent the fastest-growing fields of creating systems that learn from data, identifying patterns in them. These are applied to several use-cases like self driving cars, personalization in Netflix. 
AI vs ML —  
AI is the broader concept of machines being able to carry out tasks in a way we would consider “smart”. Machine learning is a type of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that provides computers with the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. JOIN US
Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: some common applications include Image recognition, Speech to text, Natural language processing, Predictive analytics Robotics. 
Web Development meets Data Management etc. 
We need so many things like web development, data management and cloud computing plus cybersecurity etc.. but some of them are most important aspects i.e. AI/ML yet more fascinating is where these fields converge or play off each other. 
Web Development and Data Management 
Web Development and Data Management goes hand in hand. The large number of websites and web-based applications in the world generate enormous amounts of data — from user interactions, to transaction records. Being able to manage this data is key in providing a fantastic user experience and enabling you to make decisions based on the right kind of information. 
E.g. E-commerce Website, products data need to be saved on server also customers data should save in a database loosely coupled with orders and payments. This data is necessary for customization of the shopping experience as well as inventory management and fraud prevention. 
Cloud Computing and Web Development 
The development of the web has been revolutionized by cloud computing which gives developers a way to allocate, deploy and scale applications more or less without service friction. Developers now can host applications and data in cloud services instead of investing for physical servers. 
E.g. A start-up company can use cloud services to roll out the web application globally in order for all users worldwide could browse it without waiting due unavailability of geolocation prohibited access. 
The Future of Cybersecurity and Data Management 
Which makes Cybersecurity a very important part of the Data management. The more data collected and stored by an organization, the greater a target it becomes for cyber threats. It is important to secure this data using robust cybersecurity measures, so that sensitive information remains intact and customer trust does not weaken. JOIN US
Ex: A healthcare provider would have to protect patient data in order to be compliant with regulations such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) that is also responsible for ensuring a degree of confidentiality between a provider and their patients. 
Well, in a nutshell web-developer or Data manager etc are some of the integral parts for digital world.
As a Business Owner, Tech Enthusiast or even if you are just planning to make your Career in tech — it is important that you understand these. With the progress of technology never slowing down, these intersections are perhaps only going to come together more strongly and develop into cornerstones that define how we live in a digital world tomorrow. 
With the fundamental knowledge of web development, data management, automation and ML you will manage to catch up with digital movements. Whether you have a site to build, ideas data to manage or simply interested in what’s hot these days, skills and knowledge around the above will stand good for changing tech world. JOIN US
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cea-tide · 1 year
Tech, Internet and Privacy Archive
A collection of advice on technology and online privacy.
The entries are in no particular order. The post is edited with new entries when I come across them.
How to block tumblr live with ublock origin
How to back up your tumblr blog
Why to use Firefox and basic addons
User-Agent Switcher for Firefox
Firefox startup guide (and why other browsers suck)
Small list of FF extensions by @/kawaiimunism
List of FF extensions and privacy tips by @/cea-tide (me)
Another list of FF extensions
Block .webp format (FF extension)
Firefox now has in-built pdf editing functionality
Large tech enshittification and resources/tips against it
Some firefox forks
Return youtube dislike (FF addon)
Turning off javascript (also FF addon)
Behind The Overlay (FF addon)
Youtube Search Fixer (FF addon) remove the clutter from results
List of useful websites
List of fun websites from the old internet
Large collection of links by @/cryptidize
Collection of links and guide to the old internet
Links and guides to the old internet
Gopher websites, an old alternative to www sites
How to disappear online
Beginner's guide to the indie web
Making websites is easy
Skip Google for research (other search engines) by @/s-n-arly
Stop using google, alternative search engines (by me) and what cloud services you need to look for
Same post as above but with additional search engines instead
alternative search engines
Computer literacy (and basic tips)
How to view removed reddit comments
How to see what that deleted video in your yt playlist was
Breezewiki: remove clutter from fandom wikis / direct link (also a browser extension)
Indie wikies (fuck fandom)
Large tech enshittification and resources/tips against it
Science websites you should /definitely/ avoid
Setting up a PI Hole (network ad blocker)
A guide to using an RSS feed
Explore a random website (StumbleUpon/Cloudhiker)
Epilepsy Alert browser extension (with FF alternative)
Cheap/free websites for learning
Turning off javascript (also FF addon)
Turning off some tracking on mobile
What keyswitches to use (flow chart)
Putting files on dvd
Why NOT to use registry cleaners
What will make your computer go faster (and what not)?
Tweaking your Windows experience (mostly shutting it up)
Stop Windows from asking you to "Finish setting up"
Computer literacy (and basic tips)
Free sound library / direct link
Science websites you should /definitely/ avoid
Buying a computer, a guide
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coachifie · 10 days
Welcome to Coachifie IT Training Institute
Empowering Your Future with Cutting-Edge IT Education
At Coachifie IT Training Institute, we are dedicated to shaping the next generation of IT professionals. Our mission is to provide high-quality, industry-relevant training that empowers individuals to excel in the ever-evolving world of technology.
Why Choose Coachifie?
1. Comprehensive Curriculum
Our programs are designed to cover a broad range of IT disciplines, from programming and cybersecurity to data science and cloud computing. Whether you're a beginner or looking to enhance your skills, our curriculum ensures that you gain in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience.
2. Industry-Experienced Instructors
Learn from the best in the field. Our instructors are seasoned IT professionals with extensive experience and up-to-date knowledge of industry trends. They bring real-world insights and practical skills to the classroom, helping you stay ahead in your career.
3. Practical Learning Approach
At Coachifie, we believe in learning by doing. Our training includes practical exercises, real-world projects, and case studies that prepare you for actual work scenarios. This hands-on approach ensures you can apply what you’ve learned in a real-world context.
4. State-of-the-Art Facilities
Our institute is equipped with the latest technology and tools to provide an optimal learning environment. From modern computer labs to advanced software, we ensure that you have access to the resources you need to succeed.
5. Flexible Learning Options
We understand that everyone's schedule is different. That’s why we offer a variety of learning formats, including full-time, part-time, and online courses. You can choose the option that best fits your lifestyle and career goals.
6. Career Support and Guidance
Our commitment to your success goes beyond the classroom. We offer career counseling, resume building, interview preparation, and job placement assistance to help you transition smoothly into the workforce.
Our Training Programs
Software Development: Learn programming languages, software engineering principles, and application development.
Cybersecurity: Gain skills to protect systems from cyber threats and understand the latest security protocols.
Data Science: Master data analysis, machine learning, and statistical techniques to interpret and leverage data.
Cloud Computing: Get hands-on experience with cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.
Networking: Understand network design, administration, and security to manage and troubleshoot network systems.
Success Stories
Don’t just take our word for it. Hear from our alumni who have transformed their careers with our training. Our graduates have gone on to work with top tech companies and have achieved remarkable success in their fields.
Get Started Today!
Ready to take the next step in your IT career? Contact us to learn more about our programs, schedule a tour of our facilities, or enroll in a course. Let Coachifie IT Training Institute be your partner in achieving your professional goals.
Contact Us:
Phone: [0330-1815820]
Address: [midway centrum, 6th road, Rawalpindi]
Website: [https://coachifie.com/]
Transform your future with Coachifie IT Training Institute—where education meets innovation.
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psycheterminal · 11 months
So, we're going to go through this step by step.
Before we begin, let's keep a few things clear:
Linux is not Windows, it is its own system, with its own culture, history and way of doing things.
There are many "distributions", "distros" or "flavors" of Linux. What works for you may be different from what people recommend.
You'll want to read up on how to use the terminal; the basics an absolute beginner needs is short, but important. It's not hard to learn, just takes a bit of time and effort.
WINE is not a Windows Emulator, it should not be treated as such.
Proton is a compatibility tool built on WINE by Valve, which has its own compatibility database, called ProtonDB. It still isn't an emulator and can have quirks.
Not everything will work on Linux. Dead by Daylight actively blocks Linux players from joining a game, as an example. The Windows Edition of Minecraft is another. (But the Java Edition does!)
There are many FOSS alternatives to popular programs, but they may lack maturity and features compared to their commercial counterparts.
You might want to invest in an external drive. It'll keep your files safe and you'll be able to move all your files to a
Step 1: why do you want to switch? Are you concerned about privacy? Are you wanting to boycott Windows? Is 11 not an option for your hardware? Want to try something new? Be honest with yourself on what you want to do. Write down your hardware specs. You'll want to know what kind of processor, RAM, video card and memory you're working on.
Step 2: Make three lists: Programs you need for work, programs you use at home (that aren't games) and games you like to play. Check each of these for if they already have a Linux port. For games, you can check if it's Steamdeck compatible! For those where you can't find one or it's not clear, you can check for the program on WINE HQ and ProtonDB (for games.) Not all of them might be compatible!
There might be Linux-based alternatives for several things, but keep in mind that Adobe does NOT support Linux and does NOT work on WINE! Sea of Thieves and LibreOffice works, Dead by Daylight and Scrivener do not.
Step 3: Get a GOOD QUALITY USB drive stick! I recommend one that's at least 30 GB. That sounds like a lot, but operating systems these days are huge-but there's some fun stuff you can get. It's really important that you get a good quality one, not just a random stick off a reseller like Wish.
Step 4: Remember when I asked you why you were switching? Time to pick a Linux version. There is no "one, true Linux" version-the operating system is open, groups make their own versions and put it out into the world. If you're confused, check out Distrowatch. Read a list here. Download an option-if you have a few sticks around, try multiple ones.
Step 5: Plug in your USB and use either UNetbootin or Rufus to create your boot device. Rufus might be easier if you're not super computer savvy. When looking over the options, make sure there's some storage, set it to most of what's left. Take out your boot stick for now.
Step 6: Find out how to boot to your BIOS. Every computer has a BIOS. Check out your model of laptop/motherboard to figure out what it is. Arrange boot order so that your USB gets checked first.
Step 7: If you have an external drive, move all your personal stuff, game saves, etc to it or purchase cloud drive storage for it. Always back up your files, and with multiple methods.
Step 8: You aren't going to be installing Linux quite yet; instead, boot it up from USB. Note, it'll be a bit slow on USB 2.0, though a USB-3 device and slot should make matters easier. Test each version you're considering for a week. It is super important that you test! Sometimes problems crop up or you turn out to not like it!
Step 9: Once you find a distro you like and have tested, consider if you want to dual boot or completely wipe Windows. Some programs for work might require Windows or you might have a few games that ONLY work on Windows and that's perfectly fine! Just keep in mind, as of Windows 11, this option is not recommended. If you want to use dualboot, you want to keep Windows 10 and NOT update. There's great tutorials on how to make it happen, search engines should be able to point you to one.
Step 10: Fully install Linux and immediately update. Even the latest installers will not have the current security patches. Just let it update and install whatever programs you want to use.
Step 11: Enable compatibility tools in Steam if you're a gamer. File, options, compatibility. Also, check the Software Store in your OS for open source re-implementations for your favorite older games!
You're now a Penguin!
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maristane · 1 year
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Some of my illustrations for Modiphius' Fallout - The Roleplaying Game: Winter of Atom Book. As some of you can imagine, this meant a lot to me so here is a gigantic text wall about it:
I only have two tattoos so far. A skull, inked at a time my old life was dying in a vortex of meaninglessness, and a new one was yet to be born: the life I have now as an artist, but I didn't know that at the time. A classic choice for a memento mori, a reminder of the impermanence of all things. Also, it was at a discount and I like skulls.
My other tattoo is a Vault Boy, from the Fallout games. It's one of my favorite franchises, in part because Fallout 2 and 4 accompanied me through some hard times, and it has heavily influenced my work and tastes as an illustrator. It's one of the top 3 IPs I wanted to work with the most and for the longest, dating back to when I was a literal child; the other two being Conan and Diablo.
So you'll have to imagine how I feel having worked with MODIPHIUS creating many illustrations for Winter of Atom , a supplement to the officially licensed Fallout TTRPG, because I can't bring myself to describe it.
All this crazy thing of abandoning a career in computer science to chase a random dream because nothing else felt real... Leading to this kind of moment. From tears of complete despair and uncertainty, to tears of the most surreal joy. Flowing from the grim skull of my life's apocalypse to a reassuring, although sarcastic, Vault Boy guiding me through the aftermath.
I wish that what I'm writing here brings hope to some, especially artists in earlier phases of their journey.
Because this first illustration shown here, in fact, was not made in a time of joy. There are dark clouds in the sky for artists and creators of all kinds as companies steal our legally protected works to build their plagiarism toys while trying to weaponize the general public against us. I'm talking about plagiography, cleptography, pseudography, or as some call it, "AI" "Art", while it's neither AI nor art. As the fires of this debate raged wildly by the end of last year, I was using my very little remaining mental energy to work on this piece.
This image wasn't meant to be happy anyway, so I was in the right mood for it. Tired travelers resting shortly in a post-nuclear setting, now with a stern winter on top of it. I was tired too, still am, witnessing a world where catastrophes also seem to only pile up. "War, war never changes", says the narrator at the beginning of most Fallout games.
But guess what, peace never changes either.
It can still be found in the coldest of places, in the darkest of hours. And it begins by believing another world is possible. Other ways of doing things. And like the survival of this weary group, peace is easier to build and keep... together.
I know an artistic career seems impossible to many people. I know this deep in my heart because it seemed impossible to me until not many years ago, alone. Countless people have helped me in making it possible. With the winter of generative machines upon us, things only look harder, especially for beginners.
But, if this inspires someone, I eat impossible for breakfast these days.
I'm not infallible or anything, I even got rejected for an important conference just a few hours ago, and my unapproved or cancelled works that'll never see the light of day could fill an entire artbook by now. I just mean that I keep going, and that we should keep going, even in the face of a shining neon sign that says such a silly word as "impossible".
And, well, no winter lasts forever. You can count on that.
P.S: If you want to see more images that I worked on, and in higher resolution, you'll have to acquire the book.
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bohemian-nights · 4 months
Hey, can I ask you how do you make your gifs?
It took a lot of trial and error, but here is what I have learned(so far cause I'm very much still going through it):
1. Photoshop vs Photopea
To make your gifs you can either use Photoshop or Photopea. I started off with Photpea because it’s cloud-based and doesn’t take up any space on your computer, but I've since moved onto Photoshop. Most of the tutorials you’ll find will use photoshop. So if you need help or want to learn a new skill it will be much easier to find that help if you are using Photoshop.
👆🏽They have ones out there for mac if you search for them on here, but I happen to have a Windows PC so this is the one I use🤷🏽‍♀️
2. Downloading videos
I get most of my videos from either YouTube or torrent sites which have a wide selection of shows and movies for you to download.
Watch So Much
👆🏽Is my favorite torrent site. You can also stream shows and movies on their site well.
👆🏽Is another torrent site I use, but they only have movies on there.
👆🏽Lets you download torrents. I should note that If you torrent you'll need a VPN. Literally do not try and download any content from HBO or Disney without a VPN, because at least here in America, they will email you threatening to disconnect your internet😅
For VPN’s do not use the free ones. They don’t work. I’ve personally used NordVPN, but there are other ones out there like Surfshark, or ProtonVPN.
4k downloader
👆🏽Lets you download most things off of YouTube(as well as a couple other sites like TikTok). I say most things because they will not let you download those free movies(ex. Twilight) YouTube itself uploads onto its platform.
Occasionally someone will upload an old movie onto a private channel which you can download with no problems, but anything new or recent you won’t find on there.
You do not have to use a VPN to download videos from YouTube.
3. Resources:
Whatever you're trying to gif will probably be on the long side. So you're either going to need to trim it down to make a 2-3 second clip that you can then use to make your gif, or you can screencap your video.
Screencaping allows you to take a shot of each individual frame* which you can then use to make your gifs out of.
*I like to use anywhere between 40-90 frames per gif.
👆🏽This is a video player that lets you play your videos and create screencaps from them.
👆🏽This is a great post on how to screencap using VLC.
👆🏽Is another video player/screencapping software, but I found their interface to be overly complicated
👆🏽This lets you trim down your videos to create those 2-3-second clips. There are better video editing tools out there(like DaVinci Resolve), but if you have Windows for what it's worth, it’s simple and gets the job done 🤷🏽‍♀️
👆🏽Has links for torrents and things of that nature.
👆🏽This is a great post on how to make a basic gif using Photoshop.
👆🏽This is a great post on how to make a basic gif using Photopea.
👆🏽This user has a lot of tutorials so when you're ready to move onto more complicated gif making, use them as a resource.
4. Lastly, have patience with yourself.
GIF making is time-consuming and as I stated it takes practice. So don't sweat it too much and have fun🎉
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cyberstudious · 1 year
liz do you have any security podcast recs?👀 and also, in general, some recs for someone who is now very interested in cybersecurity but knows basically nothing heh?
Hi there!
The main security podcast that I listen to is the SANS Internet Stormcenter podcast. The episodes are about 5 minutes long and are published every weekday morning. They're a good way to stay up to date on general things happening in the security world: big vulnerabilities, observed attack trends, patch Tuesday, that kind of stuff. That's the only security podcast that I listen to consistently, but people have told me that the Google Cloud Security Podcast is good, too. I mostly stay up to date with the industry via blogs, so if anyone is interested in that let me know & I can share a list!
As for the second part of your question, my main recommendation is to start exploring and see what kinds of things you're interested in! I'm on the tech side of security, so my recommendations will be centered around that. If you don't enjoy the tech side but are still interested in security, you can look into the governance/privacy/risk management/threat intelligence side of things. Some basic tech skills will always be helpful, though.
Off the top of my head, these are some main areas to start looking into:
Linux (how to use the GUI/CLI, understanding of how operating systems generally work)
Networking (OSI model, how the internet works)
programming/scripting - not required, but incredibly helpful. even just having a general understanding of the basics (variables, arrays, basic syntax) will be beneficial.
Generally, you'll need a solid understanding of IT stuff before you can get into the specifics of security. There are a lot of different areas of security, though, so start exploring and finding out which topics interest you!
YouTube is a good place to start learning these sorts of things. I highly recommend Professor Messer's channel. Start with the A+ playlists if you know nothing about tech, or start with the Network+ course if you feel like you could already be decent at tech support (you know the OSI model, you could probably build a computer, you know how to troubleshoot Windows). Check your school/local library to see if you get free access to LinkedIn Learning courses, there are some good ones there, too.
A good way to get started is to try a beginner-oriented CTF. I listed some resources in this post. Cyber FastTrack starts in October, usually, so if you're a college student in the U.S. you should keep an eye on that.
I hope that was helpful! let me know if you have any more questions :D
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methaqshahbein-blog · 6 months
The best cloud mining and cryptocurrency companies in 2024. How to earn $1,000 a month from mining
History of cryptocurrencies:
The history of cryptocurrencies and mining goes back to 2009 when Bitcoin was launched by a person or group of people using the customary name “Satoshi Nakamoto”. Bitcoin was the first decentralized digital currency based on Blockchain technology, which is an encrypted and tamper-proof recording technology.
The mining process is considered an essential part of the process of creating cryptocurrencies, as powerful computers are used to solve complex equations to find new blocks in the blockchain and secure the network. Miners are rewarded with units of the cryptocurrency in question as a reward for their efforts.
Since the launch of Bitcoin, many other cryptocurrencies have emerged with similar technology, and cryptocurrencies have become an important part of the global financial system. Mining techniques have evolved and become more complex and energy-intensive with the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies.
In addition, cryptocurrencies have played a role in transforming the traditional financial system and opening doors to innovation and decentralized finance. The history of cryptocurrencies and mining is still evolving, witnessing continuous technological development and changes in policies and regulations related to them.
What is cloud mining:
Cloud mining is the process of renting computing power from companies that provide cloud computing services, such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Google, to run mining operations for digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. The computing power and resources needed to run mining operations are provided remotely, without the need to own special mining equipment.
How to profit from cloud mining:
You can profit from cloud mining by paying a monthly or annual subscription fee to rent computing capacity, and after that you can obtain profits from the mining operations carried out by the company by distributing the mined digital currencies. It should be taken into account that there are factors such as the cost of subscription, difficulty in mining, and the price of digital currencies that may affect profitability.
Therefore, before investing in cloud mining, you should conduct the necessary research and comprehensive analysis to evaluate the opportunities and risks associated with this type of investment.
The best and most secure cloud mining companies in 2024:
It is a cloud mining platform that allows users to mine various digital currencies without the need for specialized hardware or deep technical knowledge. Users can rent mining power from IQMining and start earning cryptocurrencies by participating in mining activities You must have appropriate capital to invest in the platform. The company does not give free mining at all
To register with the company, click here
2- BeMine
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BeMine is a cloud mining platform founded in 2018 in Estonia. The company focuses on providing cloud mining services to individual users and small businesses.
BeMine Features:
Ease of use: The platform features a simple and easy-to-use user interface, making it suitable for beginners. Flexible Contracts: BeMine offers short- and long-term contracts with resale capabilities, allowing users to adjust their investments as needed. Competitive Returns: BeMine offers competitive returns on cloud mining investments. Advanced Equipment: BeMine uses the latest equipment to provide the best possible performance. Customer Support: BeMine offers 24/7 customer support. The minimum investment is 50 USD To register on the company's website, click here
3- MineThrive
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MineThrive is a relatively new cloud mining platform that was launched in 2023 in Australia. The platform offers cloud mining services to individual users and small businesses.
MineThrive features:
Ease of use: The platform features a simple and easy-to-use user interface. It has a free plan for a limited time, after which you can either upgrade, or one of the referrals performs an upgrade that gets 7% of the purchased mining power, and there are other levels. Flexible Contracts: Offers short- and long-term contracts with the possibility of resale. Minimum Investment: The minimum investment is $1, making it suitable for beginners. Customer Support: Offers 24/7 customer support. Supported currencies: Supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin mining. Service Fee: They charge fees for cloud mining contracts. To register here
There are many companies working in the field of cloud mining. I will work to complete the remaining companies and platforms that are trustworthy and have easy terms and relatively large returns. I will see you well.
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harinikhb30 · 9 months
Navigating AWS: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners
In the ever-evolving landscape of cloud computing, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has emerged as a powerhouse, providing a wide array of services to businesses and individuals globally. Whether you're a seasoned IT professional or just starting your journey into the cloud, understanding the key aspects of AWS is crucial. With AWS Training in Hyderabad, professionals can gain the skills and knowledge needed to harness the capabilities of AWS for diverse applications and industries. This blog will serve as your comprehensive guide, covering the essential concepts and knowledge needed to navigate AWS effectively.
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1. The Foundation: Cloud Computing Basics
Before delving into AWS specifics, it's essential to grasp the fundamentals of cloud computing. Cloud computing is a paradigm that offers on-demand access to a variety of computing resources, including servers, storage, databases, networking, analytics, and more. AWS, as a leading cloud service provider, allows users to leverage these resources seamlessly.
2. Setting Up Your AWS Account
The first step on your AWS journey is to create an AWS account. Navigate to the AWS website, provide the necessary information, and set up your payment method. This account will serve as your gateway to the vast array of AWS services.
3. Navigating the AWS Management Console
Once your account is set up, familiarize yourself with the AWS Management Console. This web-based interface is where you'll configure, manage, and monitor your AWS resources. It's the control center for your cloud environment.
4. AWS Global Infrastructure: Regions and Availability Zones
AWS operates globally, and its infrastructure is distributed across regions and availability zones. Understand the concept of regions (geographic locations) and availability zones (isolated data centers within a region). This distribution ensures redundancy and high availability.
5. Identity and Access Management (IAM)
Security is paramount in the cloud. AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) enable you to manage user access securely. Learn how to control who can access your AWS resources and what actions they can perform.
6. Key AWS Services Overview
Explore fundamental AWS services:
Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud): Virtual servers in the cloud.
Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service): Scalable object storage.
Amazon RDS (Relational Database Service): Managed relational databases.
7. Compute Services in AWS
Understand the various compute services:
EC2 Instances: Virtual servers for computing capacity.
AWS Lambda: Serverless computing for executing code without managing servers.
Elastic Beanstalk: Platform as a Service (PaaS) for deploying and managing applications.
8. Storage Options in AWS
Explore storage services:
Amazon S3: Object storage for scalable and durable data.
EBS (Elastic Block Store): Block storage for EC2 instances.
Amazon Glacier: Low-cost storage for data archiving.
To master the intricacies of AWS and unlock its full potential, individuals can benefit from enrolling in the Top AWS Training Institute.
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9. Database Services in AWS
Learn about managed database services:
Amazon RDS: Managed relational databases.
DynamoDB: NoSQL database for fast and predictable performance.
Amazon Redshift: Data warehousing for analytics.
10. Networking Concepts in AWS
Grasp networking concepts:
Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): Isolated cloud networks.
Route 53: Domain registration and DNS web service.
CloudFront: Content delivery network for faster and secure content delivery.
11. Security Best Practices in AWS
Implement security best practices:
Encryption: Ensure data security in transit and at rest.
IAM Policies: Control access to AWS resources.
Security Groups and Network ACLs: Manage traffic to and from instances.
12. Monitoring and Logging with AWS CloudWatch and CloudTrail
Set up monitoring and logging:
CloudWatch: Monitor AWS resources and applications.
CloudTrail: Log AWS API calls for audit and compliance.
13. Cost Management and Optimization
Understand AWS pricing models and manage costs effectively:
AWS Cost Explorer: Analyze and control spending.
14. Documentation and Continuous Learning
Refer to the extensive AWS documentation, tutorials, and online courses. Stay updated on new features and best practices through forums and communities.
15. Hands-On Practice
The best way to solidify your understanding is through hands-on practice. Create test environments, deploy sample applications, and experiment with different AWS services.
In conclusion, AWS is a dynamic and powerful ecosystem that continues to shape the future of cloud computing. By mastering the foundational concepts and key services outlined in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to navigate AWS confidently and leverage its capabilities for your projects and initiatives. As you embark on your AWS journey, remember that continuous learning and practical application are key to becoming proficient in this ever-evolving cloud environment.
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tavvoc · 10 months
Hey there! Fellow scientist/hobby artist, totally know the struggle & delight of balancing both passions. I looked at your Instagram and your progress is amazing! What program do you use? What's your art journey been like? :)
Oh, this is exciting. I didn't think anyone would use the ask button but okay! Congratulations for being my first. 🎉
To answer the first question: I've always used Photoshop. When I was 8-ish, I got my computer second-hand from a cousin and it had Photoshop installed. At the time, I didn't know you had to pay for Creative Cloud, so, er, I never questioned it. Now I use my uni's educational license. Otherwise, I have Clip Studio Paint on my (Samsung) tablet when I'm out and about.
Come to think of it, my art journey began with that copy of Photoshop. Back then, I would read original fics on Wattpad and thought that it would be a good place to put my own stories. Several writers I followed made cool-looking covers using Photoshop and stock images, which I had incidentally. I bought a graphic tablet and made covers. They suck. Wrote stories. They also suck. It turns out, however, I enjoyed digital art a whole lot more than photomanipulation.
Anyways, Angel Garnev was one of the first art Youtubers I followed. Because of him, I spent a lot of time doing studies of the Asaro head and photo references. One thing he advised to beginners was not to draw babies and people with soft features because it's harder to notice the planes of the face. Was this a good advice? I don't know, but that's the reason why the early posts in my Instagram consists mainly of portraits of Henry Cavill-esque men. (I remember thinking no one liked them because cute anime girls was the trend; in reality, it was because they sucked.)
But my style and process was more directly influenced by the artist WLOP. If you asked me when I was 12 what my art goal was, I would've probably told you "I want to be WLOP." Six years later, I'm definitely not WLOP but I'm happy to report I've improved greatly. Quite excited to see where I'll be in a few more years (and I rather hope you'll stick around too).
I have discovered many artists since then: Sinix Design, Valentina Remenar, Betty Jiang, Jamie Jones - I could go on and on. I'm so glad they exist because I could not be here without them. If you ask me now what my art goal is, I would say I hope to inspire someone as all these great artists have inspired me.
Finally, the most recent turn in my journey was when I watched a Bloodborne lore video and was promptly sucked into the Soulsborne wormhole. The day I stop doing fanart for them is the day Bloodborne 2 is announced.
And here we are. Thanks for the questions!
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bright-eyed-sunshine · 11 months
Hi! Sorry to bother you, but I saw your add-on to the Discord post, and I appreciate it, but I wanted to send an ask to well ask do you know of any alternatives? Like I have a dicord channel solely dedicated to images and prompts and my own story ideas but now I'm worried and want to know if there is, that you know of, any alternatives websites/apps/etc that I can move all of my stuff over to and not loose stuff like the quality of my photos or I can edit the text. I've tried USB stick, but I just want to know what there is out there. I can use to preserve stuff and have easy access to and change when I like that doesn't lose quality. It's a lot to ask for, I know, but, there has to be something.
Hello! Not bothering, thank you for asking! There are plenty of places you can store data. Dropbox, Google Drive, etc are all online places you can store things "in the cloud", but of course, that's still relying on someone else to store your stuff.
Personally, I'm a computer person, so I built a home server to store terabytes of stuff on :)
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This is Heliograph! She stores my movies and shows, as well as my discord backups. I wouldn't expect most people to go this hard.
USB sticks or external hard drives are the way to go for local storage for beginners -- simple to use, add a bunch of storage space to your computer, and no one can take it away from you.
Hope this is helpful!
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