#baby girl maybe YOU are the losing dog we bet on
15-lizards · 5 months
Whole time I’ve been a “Kristen Applebees is just following gods who just aren’t good for her and she just hasn’t found what she’s looking for yet” but after this first episode I fear that she might just be The Problem
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toomuchracket · 4 months
queen of hearts (birthday party!matty x reader fluff)
penultimate day of valentine's week. this is a short and sweet one about you appearing at a signing with matty for the first time, a couple of months into dating. enjoy <3
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“i really don't know what to wear today.”
matty leans round the doorframe, toothbrush hanging from his mouth exactly the same way a cigarette usually does. “just wear whatever,” he shrugs, voice muffled by toothpaste; he disappears to spit, and smirks at you when he returns. “go like that, even.”
“in my underwear?” you scoff. “who are we? kimye?”
your boyfriend laughs. “i love you.”
you sigh. “if you really did, you'd help me pick out an outfit.”
“baby, it's just an album signing, it's not fashion week. but alright,” matty stands behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, scrutinising the contents of the two weekend bags you've emptied onto his bed. “i like that skirt there,” he points at a long satin black and white swirly thing. “you could wear it with one of my t-shirts, if you wanted?”
his voice sounds so tender you can't help but smile, leaning round to kiss his cheek. “would you want me to wear one of your t-shirts with it, darling?”
“yeah,” matty nuzzles his face into your neck. “maybe that my bloody valentine top you've secretly had your eye on for years.”
“i have not!”
“liar,” he pinches your bare hip, kissing your neck when you yelp before letting go of you to rifle through his wardrobe. “here,” he returns with the t-shirt. “arms up, sweetheart.”
“m’not a baby, you know,” you grumble, as matty puts the top on for you.
“yeah, you are,” he beams when your face reappears from the fabric, taking it in his hands and kissing all over it. “my baby, my baby.”
“betting on losing dogs, are we?”
“hmm? wait, don’t tell me, i know this one, i do,” your boyfriend closes his eyes, reopening them and squinting in anticipation. “... mitski?”
you cheer, kissing him. “yes!”
he grins. “i listened to that album. liked it.”
“it's a good one,” you pull your skirt on and slip into your shoes; matty automatically kneels to help you lace them. “i think - oh, thanks, babe - yeah, i think i might see if i can buy it on vinyl today, actually.”
“dunno if you'll be able to, darling,” matty kisses your thigh through your skirt. “the amount of fans who've asked me if you're coming today? i reckon you'll be bombarded the whole time.”
“yeah. people love you!” your boyfriend stands, kissing you deeply. “but not as much as i do. obv.”
“love you,” you kiss him again. “even when you're being delusional about how popular i am amongst your fanbase.”
“i'm right.”
“whatever you say, baby.”
as much as it pains you to admit it, when you begin to near the record shop in the car, it's clear that he really is. while you're in the middle of a conversation (interrogation, really) with ross about the mutual acquaintance of yours he’s started seeing - a travel photographer you know from condé nast meetings - matty elbows you in the ribs. “sorry, darling, i didn't mean to do that so hard. just got excited,” he grins, gesturing with his head to something on the street outside the window. “look at that girl's tote bag.”
grumbling, rubbing your sore chest, you squint to see what he means; when you do, your jaw drops. “fuck off. is that me?”
“yeah! as one of those saint candles!” matty laughs. “wonder where she got it. i want one. i'm gonna ask,” when the car stops, traffic gridlocked, he opens the window and leans out, while you facepalm and ross winces. “yo! love the tote bag! where'd you get it?”
“i made it!” a voice calls back, barely audible amidst the shrieks of the people around it. “i can make you one, too, matty!”
“would you? oh, thank you, darling. you're coming to the signing, yeah?”
“alright. we'll talk then. see you!”
“tell your girlfriend i love her!”
matty laughs. “she's right here, she heard!”
the shrieks get even louder. your jaw drops, and ross laughs. “maybe you should wave to them, mate.”
“this is fucking insane,” you mutter in disbelief, undoing your seatbelt and shuffling to sit on matty's lap; his hands make their way around your waist on instinct, and you lean out the window somewhat nervously. “um. hi, guys?”
the scream you get in response is almost deafening - the six girls, none of whom look older than nineteen, look totally ecstatic to see you, squealing your name and waving so excitedly you can't quite comprehend it. you grin, and laugh when the one with the tote bag brandishes it towards you with a cry. “my patron saint!”
“oh, bless you,” you wink, and matty kisses your shoulder (out of sight of the audience) as they all laugh. “how are you guys, anyway? excited?”
the chatter restarts, but the smallest girl piques your attention first. “yeah! this is my first 75 album signing. i'm hyped!”
“is it?” matty pokes his head out, at the exact same time you say “mine too”. he kisses your cheek. “aww, that's cute. i mean, i've been going to your book signings for years, but,” he exaggeratedly rolls his eyes, and ross laughs from the other side of the car. “whatever.”
you sigh, turning to the girls. “what my darling boyfriend failed to mention is that i'd send him a signed copy - with a personal message, mind you - of everything i published, as pr, and he'd still show up and buy another one and make me sign it,” you ruffle his hair. “matty healy tree murderer confirmed.”
“but that's so sweet,” one of the girls sighs.
matty points at her. “exactly! and,” he looks at you adoringly. “i just like hearing you talk. that's why i came to all the events.”
this isn't news to you, but it melts your heart nonetheless. still, you can't resist - “simp”.
“says the woman who spent three hours watching tiktok edits of me yesterday.”
the girls cackle, collapsing into each other giggling in the unique way only young women do. “real,” one of them shouts, laughing even harder when you salute to her. “oh my god, i love you!”
matty turns to you, smug. “see?” he turns back to the window. “she didn't believe me earlier, when i told her you guys were hoping she'd come with me today. underestimated how much you love her.”
“yeah, yeah,” you rest your head against his. “he’s right, though - this is surprising to me. but very lovely, you guys are sweet.”
“and you guys are perfect,” tote bag girl grins. “seriously. it's so good to see you both so happy. please don't break up, ever, it would be worse for me than my actual parents’ divorce.”
you gasp out an “oh my god”, while matty giggles. “nah, no need to worry,” he looks at you with such tenderness you could cry. “she's it for me, the love of my life; if she leaves me, i'm going with her.”
“as if i'd ever leave you. love you too much to do that,” you scoff, tugging him into you for a hug. a retching noise from the other side of the car breaks your little reverie, and you giggle. “sorry for making you sit through the sappiness, ross.”
“wait, ross is here too?!”
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merowkittie · 2 years
My mind is literally.. everywhere rn. Here’s what I was listening to while writing this >
My baby — Carl Grimes
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Warnings: Major Character death / parents death / talk about corpses / Lori. / Spoilers for season 7 or 8 I forgot / Kind of Proof read
Summary: You reminisce about the boy you once loved.
He smelled of wood and the pages of a new book, your baby. He was the prettiest boy you’ve ever met in your life. The last boy you’d ever even think of loving. He had you wrapped around his finger tips, ready to use and be for his disposal.
Carl was your light. Overused yea but he got you through the darkness of the undead. He was the reason you were still were alive and not a mindless creature in the shell of who you once were. You wouldn’t be here without him. You wouldn’t be, it’s true.
He found you in a ditch laying with parents corpses. Just laying there buried in your daddy’s arms and your mothers head supported by your shoulder. You were softly crying, praying to a god you knew would not answer.
He was walking with his own mother and father, until he looked into the ditch and saw you. You two made eye contact and he pulled his mother to show her the once small girl in the ditch with her dead parents.
“Oh my god, Rick!” The lady called out to who she could only believe was the father.. Rick.
“What’s wrong Lori? Talk to me.” Lori.. that was her name.
She pointed to your still body in the ditch, keeping your breath steady. Maybe if they thought you were dead they’d leave you alone.
Carl wanted you out of there. “Mom, what if she’s still alive?! She doesn’t look like one of those things! Look at her dad!” He tugged harder onto his fathers sleeve.
Your once soft silent cries only got louder as you finally given up on trying to stay quiet. Your emotions were everywhere. You did not know what to do. Who are these people? Why is this boy so persistent on saving you?
The ditch wasn’t too deep. Rick jumped into it finally giving In to the Pleas of his son. He slowly walked over to you, reaching out a hand. You were hesitant, with every right to be.
This man whom you did not know could easily be here to hurt you or do even worse.
“Hey.. it’s alright honey.. we ain’ here to hurt you. I wanna help you. You just gotta take my hand now, yea?” He spoke in such a gentle tone. Far different than the other men you met whilst this war of humans against undead started.
Your eyes stayed on his eyes as you placed your much smaller hands on his and he slowly pulled you up from underneath your mothers corpse. He checked you over for bite marks before boosting you up out of the ditch and jumping out himself.
The boy who’s name you did not know yet just stared at you with wonder. With curiosity. Who knew you’d eventually also be the last thing he looked at like that huh?
Years pass and you two were still as close as ever.
“My baby..” is what you whispered to each other every night as the sky grew darker and the nights got cold.
Huddled in each others arms and kissing skin that was visible for your lips and your lips only. The difference between your chapped and his soft sent shivers down your spine sometimes. His hands and his eyes.
His eyes.
They were so.. cold when you looked into them. Life less. Your baby.. buried now along side your other family.
His eyes used to shine so bright and had such a pretty blue. The way they looked at you with every emotion known to man. You knew just by making eye contact with him what he’d be feeling in that very moment.
He was your everything. Your fucking everything. You wanted nothing more than to be with him. To proclaim your love to him once again. To look into his eyes filled with so much love and life. To hold him. To hear him call you his. To call you baby.
“NO! NO! HE- HES ALIVE RICK! PLEASE!” Your voice felt like it’d give out at any moment. You were distraught.
Daryl was holding you back from trying to attack Rick. You didn’t mean to hit him, you don’t mean to scream at him. It’s just.. what’s a world without Carl Grimes? I mean what’s the point of waking up the next day without his warmth or the sheriff hat that hides his beautiful cerulean irises from you.
“He’s- He’s gone Y/n.. He’s gone.” Rick cried softly. His own eyes filled with the same sorrow as yours.
“Oh.. no no no no!” A hoarse scream left your throat as Daryl pulled you closer to his chest trying to console you.
He wasn’t any good at it but it felt nice. Your sobs only got louder as the sheriff hat was handed to you by Rick and a little Judith. You took it and pulled it to your chest. Holding it as tight has possible.
Carl didn’t get a proper funeral, there were no last words exchanged between you two besides an I love you but his letter sufficed.
I’m sorry I’m breaking my promise to you. I know we said we’d love and live with each other forever even though we both knew how foolish that was. There’s no marriage in the apocalypse. No proper future. Baby, the only future I want is where your safe. Where Judith is safe. Where everyone is safe. We’ve already lost so much and here I am writing this letter to you with a nasty bite on my side. I want this war over. Now. I want my dad and Negan to stop fighting. It’ll only hurt them both more. Maybe my death would stop that. Im not sure. I should’ve told you, but I knew how you’d react. I didn’t want you panicking, didn’t want you crying. I bet you are now though yea? You were always a cry baby.. but you were my cry baby. I’m gonna give you all the affection I can while I’m still here. We can cuddle and talk about crappy movies you remember when you were younger. Kiss and make a mess in the kitchen since Dad and Michonne ain’t here. I just want to see you smile. I love you so much, and I only hope you still feel the same too. All I can think about is you right now. Stay strong for me ok? You stay here for me. You’ll love me forever like we promised right? I know you will. Take care of Judith and my dad for me.
- Love Carl
Carl.. Carl Carl Carl. The only thing going on In your mind right now was him. You held the Polaroid of you two together close and never let go. You wished that you could’ve said it back. That you left hilltop and went back to Carl before all of this shit went down. You were there to help care for Maggie and her baby with Enid but fuck!
Carl was gone and you couldn’t prevent that.
You lost the only thing that mattered to you. Everything was gone now. Everything.
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barrenclan · 10 months
for your next music recs post i got a few:
1. “rabbit heart (raise it up)” by florence + the machine is a good one for rainhaze imo. it might work a little better if he was a girl just bc the singer refers to herself as such in the song but other than that it’s a pretty good fit
for the next two, i remember someone tried to recommend an ethel cain song for corm that ended up not being a good fit, BUT i feel like her music in general does match up with the vibes so here’s a couple songs off that same album (preacher’s daughter, def give it a listen if you get the chance) that i feel would fit:
2. “thoroughfare” would be a good one for hush puppy, wild rose, or even slugpelt depending on the context you take it in; lyrically it’s about a girl who falls in love with a smooth-talking guy and they plan to go on the run together. however, if you take it in the greater context of the album (bc it’s a concept album), the guy later turns out to be a serial killer/cult leader sooo you can imagine how that turns out
3. “ptolemaea,” which is a couple songs after the previous one, and sort of serves as the climax of the album; while i’m not sure if there’s a specific character it fits, it ABSOLUTELY fits the overall mood/themes of the story. i wish there was more i could say about it, but this is one of those songs where it’s best if you go in blind. trust me
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Eh, I never care too much about the gender of lyrics unless it's actually relevant to the character's meaning. I like it with Redpelt, too, though! Since Rainhaze and Redpelt did have a relationship to each other, maybe they can both be singing the song.
"Here I am, a rabbit hearted girl Frozen in the headlights It seems I've made the final sacrifice" (Redpelt)
"This is a gift, it comes with a price Who is the lamb and who is the knife? Midas is king and he holds me so tight And turns me to gold in the sunlight" (Rainhaze)
2. I did listen to a bit of the Ethel Cain album, though it's not really my taste.
The specific song sounds really great to work with Wild Rose, in the context of the rest of the album. I have described her as a character with wanderlust before, so I imagine she'd want to leave Defiance with Deepdark.
"I met you there in Texas, somewhere on the thoroughfare On the side of the road in some torn up clothes with a pistol in my pocket I didn't trust no one but you said, "Baby, don't run, I'll take you anywhere"
"And then you turned to me and stared into me deep And said, "Well, maybe not, 'cause look at what I've got You might not be my love, but baby, I doubt it"
3. Oh, what an intersting song this is. If I had to assign a character to it I'd say Deepdark, with certain other lyrics in the song as victims of his throughout the years. Specifically the phrasing of "I am the white light" and "[the] wolf, crawling to thee" are very relevant to some imagery surrounding him.
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Good old The Moss! I like this song.
"Well, we can all learn things, both many and a-few From that old hunched-up woman who lived inside a shoe Or the girl that sang by day and by night she ate tear soup Or the man who drank too much and he got the brewers' droop"
"Come listen, all ye fair maids, to how the moral goes Nobody knew and nobody knows"
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If that song's not on Rainhaze Hell, it prolly should be. He's got a couple of NIN there already I believe. Any angry, edgy, upset song is very Rainhaze. I like the motif of the days feeling like a constant endless drag in this one.
"I think I used to have a purpose Then again, that might have been a dream"
"I can feel their eyes are watching In case I lose myself again Sometimes, I think I'm happy here Sometimes, yet I still pretend"
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Never Love an Anchor is actually Slugpelt's theme song, which you can find on the official PATFW playlist! It fits her terribly well.
I could see I Bet on Losing Dogs as a representation of her and Cashew's relationship, where she's continually convincing herself that he'll stay despite knowing in her heart he won't.
"Will you let me, baby, lose On losing dogs I know they're losing and I'll pay for my place"
"My baby, my baby You're my baby, say it to me Baby, my baby Tell your baby that I'm your baby"
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Aw, yeah, good call.
"If the rashes sprang to life, would you just let me down? Would you leave those kids again and kick 'em outta town? I guess we'll never know, I'll just be here wondering What made you choose to go? The day you went down to Mexico"
"Now there's time to mend, every broken heart that you left In your gust of wind, no more little ghost I keep around"
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cxffeereid · 6 months
So I was listening to Mitski’s ‘I bet on losing dogs’ and it made me think about John/Paul’s relationship with Millie..
So we all know that John/Paul and Millie had a thing when they were younger, as told in the show and hearing how upset he was about the whole situation in the last episode when talking to Millie again.
BUT I believe it’s even more tragic as if you really think about it like this.. He was a father but.. not the way he wanted to be.
After finding out she was pregnant, she told him and obviously, he must have been over the moon but then reality kicked in and completely ruined his future family life with her and their baby.
Obviously Millie was mostly upset too but she had husband already so for her, she was able to pretend it was his and not John/Paul’s which had to be completely heartbreaking to say for her.
John/Paul seeing her belly grow bigger and bigger over the months of mass attendance. Seeing her glowing as she was becoming more heavy pregnant, wanting to help her, and just wanting to be with her instead of doing mass.
Maybe only briefly talking to her in his priest persona than the lover one, maybe asking about the baby and praying for her and the baby.
Once the baby is born, he doesn’t know until he sees her at mass with a newborn, making some fuss as she rocks her gently.
The ONLY TIME he gets to hold her is when she gets christened, he tries not to look too overjoyed as he is holding HIS BABY GIRL for the first time and last time.
Maybe watching her play with the other kids at the Easter crock pot, and seeing her injure her knee but he stops his parental instincts from kicking in as he doesn’t want Millie getting into trouble if someone found out.
Lastly, watching her grow up to be a successful young lady/woman as he grows older and more sad that he couldn’t be there for his only daughter with the woman he loved so deeply.
Then.. in their last moments together. He finally gets to say what he wanted to say to his daughter and how proud he is of her, and wanting to get to know her more if he could have.
In the last scene of the show, John/Paul gets to be with his family in the end but.. not the way he wanted but he is still grateful to spend their final moments with his family.
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faramirsonofgondor · 10 months
Song Lyrics That Remind Me of Jamie
“But if I gave up on being pretty, I wouldn’t know how to be alive. I should move to a brand new city and teach myself how to die.”
- Brand New City, Mitski
“Do you like these little sonnets? Cause I wrote them just for you. But how quickly they turn sour, so be careful who you screw.”
- Not Allowed, TV Girl
“Just looking for a protector, god never reached out in time. This love that is a savior, but that ain’t no love of mine. My love, it kills me slowly. Slowly, I could die.”
-Silk, Wolf Alice
“I am unruly in the stands. I am a rock on top of the sand. I am a fist amidst the hands and I make a wreck out of my hand. I make a fist and not a plan and I’d break it just because I can.”
- Wrecking Ball, Mother Mother
“Oh, I’m no longer a kid, and everything has changed. There’s nothing in my heart, and lightning in my brain.”
-Kids, Current Joys
“And to know me as hardly golden, is to me all wrong.”
- The Funeral, Band Of Horses
“Will you let me, baby, lose on losing dogs? I know they’re losing and I pay for my place by the ring. Where I’ll be looking in they’re eyes when they’re down. I wanna feel it.”
- I Bet on Losing Dogs, Mitski
“I’ll find a new place to be from, a haunted house with a picket fence to float around and ghost my friends. No I’m not afraid to disappear. The billboard said ‘the end is near’”
- I Know The End, Phoebe Bridgers
“Hello black dog, it’s been a while. I know that face, I know those eyes. I changed my address and blocked you online, but you’ve found me in the dark and kept me from the light.”
-Hello Black Dog, Matt Maltese
“I’m going to escape, but you won’t know how, or where to find me when I’m gone.”
-Christmas Kids, Roar
“Mercy on me, would you please spare me tonight? I’m tired of this searching, would you let me let go? I can take a little bit more. Let’s shake this poet out of the beast.”
- Bag of Bones, Mitski
“Fear puts a spell on us, always second-guessing love. My hunger burns a bullet hole, the spectre of my mortal soul. The only truth that I can see, Spectre has come for me.”
- Spectre, Radiohead
“Baby’s not made of china, baby’s just sad. Tears should fall if they have to, maybe they had.”
-Baby Ain’t Made of China, Wolf Alice
“I faked it every time but that’s alright. I can hardly feel anything, I hardly feel anything at all.”
- Motion Sickness, Phoebe Bridgers
“Real men don’t flinch or bleed in public. Oh, I think I’m a real man. Little boys cry and look around for comfort.”
- Real Men, Mitski
“I can’t help but repeat myself, ‘I know it’s not your fault.’ Still, lately I begin to shake for no reason at all.”
- I Can’t Handle Change, Roar
“Feels like we had matching wounds, but mine’s still black and bruised, and yours is perfectly fine. Feels like we buried alive something that never died. So, god, it hurt when I found out you love her, it’s over.”
- The Exit, Conan Gray
“I have a tricky love affair, you know, with the place where I grew up. But it knows I’ll never leave, ya know, I never left it much.”
-Giant Peach, Wolf Alice
“You were happy to have me, but I never gave me away.”
“I would give my heart, I think, but it’s up in a branch of a tree. It was only to tease when he climbed up the tree, put my heart where I couldn’t reach. I didn’t mind I adored him so we forgot and we left for home.”
- Circle, Mitski
“Well, I’d like to think I’m the mess you’d wear with pride.”
- I Go To the Barn Because I Like The, Band Of Horses
“I wear women’s underwear and then I go to strike a pose in my full length mirror. I cross my legs just like a queer, but libido is high when a lady is near.”
- Verbatim, Mother Mother
“My life has been empty, my life has been untrue. And does she really know me, at last? And are you just like me? Dead eyes, dead eyes, are you just like me?”
-By Starlight, The Smashing Pumpkins
“Cause nothing heals misery’s fist. No witches’ pill, no lover’s kiss. If life is easy, then what is this? If I’m gonna sit and wait then I might as well ask for the hand of the Devil himself.”
- Soapy Water, Wolf Alice
“Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn? Remember how she said that we would meet again, some sunny day? Vera, Vera, what has become of you? Does anybody else in here feel the way I do?”
- Vera, Pink Floyd
“I’m not who I am to anyone these days, no not me at all.”
- Good Looking, Suki Waterhouse
“Feels like I’m falling, dreams slowly stalling. Extravagance disguised as elegance is boring. I don’t belong here, though it really is quite fun here. ‘Hey, is mum there? It’s just me, I felt like calling.’”
- Delicious Things, Wolf Alice
“There’s really no way of winning, if in their eyes, you’ll always be a dumb blond”
- Blue Hair, TV Girl
“I ain’t afraid though my steps appear tentative. I scope it out then I throw myself into it. I ain’t ashamed of the fact that I’m sensitive, I believe that is the perfect adjective. I wear my feelings on my sleeve, I suggested it. It serves me better than to swallow in a sedative. I am what I am and I’m good at it. And you don’t like me, well that isn’t fucking relevant.”
- Smile, Wolf Alice
“You’ve got your finger on the trigger, but your trigger finger’s mine.”
- COPYCAT, Billie Eilish
“I’d try to tell you what I think and play it off like it’s a joke.”
- Alien Blues, Vundabar
“I sentence you to be exposed before your peers.”
- The Trial, Pink Floyd
“Well, I hedge my bets on wealth, cause it’s lies after lies after lies. But do you even fool yourself? And then a light shines on you. And when your friends are talking, you hardly hear a word.”
The Last Man On Earth, Wolf Alice
“She loves me like a dog and when we mess around I’ll let her know the truth I found in my own hopeless hate. And every time I wake, I second guess the game I played. Did I make a mistake?”
- Sarah, Alex G
“Take my heart, pull it apart and take my brain, or what remains, and throw it all away cause I’ve grown tired of this body, a cumbersome and heavy body.”
- Body, Mother Mother
“There must be some mistake, I didn’t mean to let them take away my soul. Am I too old, is it too late? Where has the feeling gone? Will I remember the songs? The show must go on.”
- The Show Must Go On, Pink Floyd
“Can’t shake the feeling, that I’m just bad at healing.”
- Getting Older, Billie Eilish
Let me know if you think I should make more of these!
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15 questions for 15 friends
1. Are you named after anyone?
no, my parents had a bet and my mom got to name me and she chose horribly and then met a poodle with the same name and thank god decided to change it, so i'm named like every other kid in my year, like, i'm in the top 3 for baby names at the time i think
2. When was the last time you cried?
i honestly can't remember. wait, are we talking sad crying or angry i-wanna-rip-off-that-person's-face crying? 'cause then it was tuesday. bureaucrats, amirite.
3. Do you have kids?
god no, amen.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
i have never played sports ever. i was shy and anxious and introverted right from the start, i would have gone ballistic if my parents had tried to make me. thankfully, they did not care
5. Do you use sarcasm?
it is my first language, thanks for askin
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
whether they're ally or enemy. not in a deep level but like, you know how some people give off a mean-girl vibe and some people feel like your long lost sibling? i don't treat them different based off of it, but it does make me guard myself better when i figure the chances are good that it'll go fubar
7. What's your eye color?
8. Scary movies or comedies?
lately (for like five years lol) i'm not really movie oriented, i can't remember the last time i watched one. i'm gonna say comedies if those are my options
9. Any talents?
err, i'm good at language because my brain is good at internalising stuff and then even though it's not perfect, it's somewhat alright and that's good enough when you're speaking to someone who knows the perfect and can decipher the alright. i'm good at not caring about physical pain? sounds bad said like that but for a lot of manual labour stuff you kinda need that. i worked a woodworking project once where i absolutely shredded my hands, blood everywhere, and i just kept going and sanded off the blood when i was done. otherwise....no?
10. Where were you born?
in the next city over 'cause that's where the closest maternity ward was. i think it's closed now.
11. What are your hobbies?
reading and woodworking for sure. the others tend to take a back seat when life gets in the way : design, knitting, movies&shows, - does sports count? i don't like it particularly but i apparently love challenges and ticking all the boxes on my sports programme lol - i think that's it, i forgot the rest.
12. Do you have any pets?
family dog left us recently. i'm psyching myself up to get a goldfish, but i don't think i could take a loss right now so i'm kind of ...floundering on that.
13. How tall are you?
the stats say average but real life says i'm small. or maybe i'm just surrounded by giants
14. Favourite subject in school?
languages hands down, it's nice to be good at something. i liked maths even though i suck and i like history but i'd rather it be for fun than for marks.
15. Dream job?
if i knew, i would go for it. i guess my dream job is no job? i like challenges but not losing and i am introverted but i can't be left alone too long or i turn into a hermit. so, whatever fits that, i guess
Thanks for tagging me @birdkeeperklink i love questions games!
tagging : @vankaar @onemoore @itsmrvlxh50 @fantopias-stuff @tavsianus @donut1642 @casual-darkness @acidloe and also if you see this and want to play, tag, you're it!
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years
reading progress: chapter 279
reading highlights: This is the story of a reader. At the same time it is the story of Dokja...
268 bihyung existential crisis
269 4th wall shaking about yjh in danger
calling on the asmodeus favour, literally a deal with a devil
yjh sponser "this guy always did the same thing. he watched yjh suffering from death. he placed the soul of a hopelessly broken man back into the world line of the past"
yjh thoughts "I can't die" "I'll never die here"
are they, you know, life and death companions [there is a pictogram of a hand bent at the wrist]
"I couldn't help laughing. Now we really would live together or die together"
HMO savig his daughter aww
LHS first to stand up "I was waiting" -> do i even need to say it
the old constellations coming back... crying... even god of a small planet
(cheok Jungyeong carrying kdj) great section for men being carried by other men
one day you will get to whip ass SWK i know you will...
uriel lol
sword girls!!! hell yeah! (ljh & jwh)
272 "The transparent shape of Uriel appeared behing Jung Heewon" -> sick. that fucking jjba shit
uriel has a fucking potty mouth
kdj listening to yjh thoughts cause he cant speak (🥺)
"Can't guarantee anything, maybe they all will die" "Let's go"
Giant story of 73 realm starts talking
273 beeg train..
omg its the subway [im riding in front seat of train car.....]
LHS can open the door cause he was the one who did it the first time
kyrgios and Sword saint!!! (kdj visions blurs -> you crying bro?)
274 "I lived in that world alone, I entered the minds of countless characters and became different beings again and again... Therefore I was a regessor who had never regressed... A returnee who never returned... Maybe I was a reincarnator"
HSY -> kdj shadow.
Yjh rushing to grab falling kdj [when they are all falling from the sky]
abyssal black flame dragon... damn
↳275 horror movie shit [taking out constellations in the cover of dark one by one]
kill with a borrowed knife -> about hankim... mwah
sword master held osu in her mouth -> oh like pupby
278 "Good... It was a word used by Yoo Sangah"
LHS demanding to be let out from med ward cause hes all better now
lgy... he so baby... baby boy. [finally getting to see kdj hugging him and crying]
HSY note "Anyway, that's it... Well goodbye, idiot. See you when you come back to earth"
Krygios and sword saint rivals over their disciples
persphone dances with ysa (as ysa??)
Jhw whistles "Ysa is cool"
277 ◼◼ story of the end -> different word for everyone
hsy nightmare. heart complicated at seeing kdj. sees him stabbed. Woof...
hsy and lsk interation... i am thinking about the milfhunter hsy post
kdj ◼◼ 'the final chapter'
ysa "you looked happy after [the scenarios started]" yes girl interrogate him
278 oh shit angel time
Gabriel calls uriel ◼ (i wanna know which insult so bad)
LHS LGY & SYS all get gifts from kdj and are so normal about it (they are being goofballs)
kdj looks tired as hell
↳ gives jhw a suit -> it will be more comfortable (ill bet lol)
jhw things ysa/kdj is a thing (Ljh thinks hes gay)
hmo prosthetic leg -> wow i thought they might just hand wave that. good for him
Jhw "when the epilogue comes kdj won't be alone"
red cosmos and a lily...
kdj ◼◼ isn't final chapter? was he just saying shit?
279 uriels door says URIEL⭐
uriels usb of handcrafted artisanal AMVs
red cosmos jophiel lily gabriel?
JHW oh yeah what the fuck is she supposed to do...
'LHS sitting like a big dull dog. LGY and SYS like baby cats. All watching KDJ' literally perfect fantastic love that.
and also. i wrote down everything the giant story "said"
The story stated on a train. There was a soldier who wanted to be righteous. There was the strongest loneliest man in the world. There was also a woman who hid herself for others. The sword demon wounded after losing a relationship was met. A child born in the gap between past and future wept. There was the strongest small person in the world. The world of the strongest giant was saved. Finally there was a man who knew the ending of all these worlds. This is the story of a reader. At the same time it is the story of Dokja. Only this story... The woman who woke up from a tigers crouch and laughed while holding a sword to destroy evil. The boy who lost his mother and held the insect in his hand cried. The man who built the castle roared for the family that wouldn't come back. The woman who built up the truth by lying gladly became his shadow.
rotating: very clear on this one. fucking finally. I'm thinking about how kdj did all that to keep yjh alive. how he convinced him, and the sponsor, not to regress, how he tried to shove him healing items he couldn't swallow. He had to use ORV to hear yjh thoughts, cause he was too injured to speak. Grinding a pill into a paste so he could swallow it. I'm thinking about all that.
also. holy fucking mana from the gods. tho thats not a good phrase to use in this story. finally. finally. hsy... there she is. the loaded gun, the last resort. The one who works in parallel but behind the scene. The borrowed knife. The person having nightmares seeing KDJ, seeing him get stabbed. Like how she stabbed him. Hello Han Sooyoung, there you are, there's your motivation, there's your internal self.
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theolddivorcedzukka · 2 years
puberty 2?
happy - and if you're going, take the moon / then, maybe i will see you; in the night, i’ll see you / and when you go, take this heart / i’ll make no more use of it when there's no more you
dan the dancer - and when she'd ask to hold hands / he would smile and let one of his hands go / his whole life in one hand / his whole life
once more to see you - but with everybody watching us / our every move / we do have reputations / we keep it secret / won’t let them have it
fireworks - i will be married to silence / the gentleman won't say a word / but you know, oh, you know in the quiet he holds / runs a river that will never find home
your best american girl - you’re the sun, you've never seen the night / but you hear its song from the morning birds / well, i’m not the moon, i’m not even a star / but awake at night i’ll be singing to the birds
(and i did almost go for the little spoon lyrics here but that verse means a lot to me)
i bet on losing dogs - will you let me, baby / lose on losing dogs?
my body’s made of crushed little stars - i work better under a deadline / i work better under a deadline / i pick an age when i’m gonna disappear / until then i can try again / until then i can try again
thursday girl - as i go to the party on my knees / saying "take it all, please" / and tell me no / tell me no, tell me no / tell me no
a loving feeling - kisses like pink cotton candy / talking to everyone but me / i'm staying up late just in case you come up and ask to leave with me
crack baby - crack baby, you don't know what you want / but you know that you're needing it / and you know that you need it bad
a burning hill - and I've been a forest fire / i am a forest fire / and i am the fire, and i am the forest / and i am a witness watching it
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1-800-iluvhockey · 2 years
hi!! can you do an ig edit with owen power where you guys are childhood friends to lovers?
oh how I love this trope!! here ya go nommie! hope you like it :)
(all pictures are not mine, and the storyline is fiction!)
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liked by @yourusername, @brendan.brisson, @kentjohnson.13 & others
owenpower_ - we are getting old :-)
tagged @/ yourusername
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yourusername - I’m sorry that you turned into a giant, owen! you’re heavy !!
↳ owenpower_ - ah, the girl of my dreams finally comments 🥰 and of course it’s with insults!
mbeniers10 - so this is the famous y/n!!
↳ yourusername - I would say hi nice to meet you, matty but owen is squishing me into my chair right now.
↳ owenpower_ - KENT JOHNSON
brendan.brisson - awe you two are adorable! she is so pretty @owenpower_ no wonder you never shut up about her
yourusername - awe, teddy bear talks to you about me? ☺️ @brendan.brisson
↳ brendan.brisson - TEDDY BEAR?! omg owen, the boys and I must meet y/n and learn all of the nicknames
↳ owenpower_ - BACK OFF & you literally have met her before when we played in chi
brendan.brisson - HOLY SHIT—— POWER NO FUCKING WAY
↳ yourusername - all I did was get 2 years older and dye my hair, briss. 👀
thombordeleau - pow if she isn’t with you, can I have a shot?
↳ yourusername - @thombordeleau, giraffe boy and I go wayyyyy back as you can see….. so even if I let you have a chance; he would never let you have one :) but hi, nice to meet you!
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liked by @owenpower_, @kentjohnson.13, @mbeniers10 & others
yourusername - just how fast the night changes…… happy draft day to my giraffe of a best friend. I’m so proud of you and what you have accomplished so far in life! you deserve the world and more! no.1 draft pick and no.1 in my heart <3
guess I have to buy a sabres jersey to go along with my collection of power jerseys! again, congrats honey, I love you 🤍
tagged @/ owenpower_
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owenpower_ - thankful to have you always by my side❤️ I love you!
kentjohnson.13 - congrats pow!!! and does this mean you two are together now?!
↳ yourusername - 👀
thombordeleau - BIG DOG AND Y/N !!!!!!! #gosabres & #favecouple
owenpower_ - * finally says I love you for the first time on socials * everyone goes crazy
↳ yourusername - going crazy over us? what 😂
↳ owenpower_ - maybe we should tell them….. :)
brendan.brisson - this caption is so cute and making me feel single 🥲 but go sabres, big dog!!!!
yourusername - get over it briss, we are besties 🤍
owenpower_ - best friend for life ❤️
↳ mbeniers10 - that’s what I say to audrey allllll the timeeeee 🥺 (I so know you two are lying but I’ll play along) congrats mr. no.1!!
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liked by @yourusername, @emmpower, @kentjohnson.13 & others
owenpower_ - post draft pictures > announcing our relationship
tagged @/ yourusername
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yourusername - happy almost one year, baby! 💖
kentjohnson.13 - ALMOST A YEAR?! I’M YOUR BEST FRIEND POW….. and roomie :(
masonmctavish - OP & Y/N/N SUPREMACY
mbeniers10 - briss now owes me $20 dollars
thombordeleau - I should have betted on this!!!! because this is so cute 💖
owenpower_ - best friends —> girlfriend
↳ yourusername - you’re never getting rid of me power!! also why is my hair so light in this picture?!
↳ owenpower_ - can’t wait till you wear my jersey and we both have the same last name 💙 (and it’s because of the lighting, I promise babe)
emmpower - or the highlights that we put in today ?! you guys are my faves everrrr
↳ yourusername - forgot about the highlights (they make me look so blonde!!!
brendan.brisson - IM LOSING MONEY LIKE IM LOSING MY TEARS😩 this is so cute
abbster’s taglist: @owenpwr @studsccsnackavoybambi @oskarlidblom @hockey-lover86 @bellaguarneri @juliasahoshughes @jamiedryzdale @pulpfixion @the-stars-shine-above-us @dylandukerr @boeswhore @hockeyboysarehot @hockey-lover-22 @yorkshirespirlo @dracoswhore007 @pierrelucduboiis
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troubatrain · 3 years
high for this - n. patrick
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a/n: self indulgent marijuana fueled nolan smut?? from me?? never!! i started this the last time it snowed but i finally got a chance to actually finish it so i hope  you guys like it! tagging @tkafuckit​ & @hookingminor​ because truly nothing gets done around here without them lbr
warnings: smut, marijuana
This had to be the worst blizzard to have hit Philadelphia in decades. At least that’s what the weatherman said while his toupee was dangerously close to falling off, an internal bet Nolan had with himself about how long it would be until it flew away in the wind and snow that was shutting down the city. Not only was he snowed in, he was snowed in with Joel and his girlfriend April who’d been pretending like Nolan wasn’t on the other side of the couch for the last hour. Nolan huffs, getting up from his spot on the couch in search of you.
Nolan didn’t like to admit it, but he had a soft spot for you he couldn’t quite explain. Maybe it was because you were just as much a weird third wheel to Joel’s relationship as he was. Or it could have been the way he started using hanging out with Joel and April as an excuse to do exactly what he’s doing right now. He walked down the hallway, two doors from the bathroom was your bedroom. He could hear the soft sounds of whatever record you were spinning on the other side, and he took a deep breath before he poked his head and smiled. You were nestled in your bed under a mountain of blankets and a movie on your laptop, “We’re stuck here I think.”
You laugh, an angelic sound bouncing off the walls of your room while Nolan hoped you wouldn’t catch his blush from across the room. You opened your blanket pile, tapping on the other side of your bed for Nolan to come join you. It wasn’t like it was out of the ordinary that Nolan would escape Joel and April to hide out with you, but he was doing it way more often than he used to, “Joel and April are making out aren’t they?”
“April’s five minutes from losing her shirt,” Nolan points his finger up, the sound of April’s giggle from the living room, “I don’t need to see that.”
You’d been in this position plenty of times, Nolan curled up in your bed while Parks and Rec played quietly in the background. Nolan would start off on one side of your bed, and before you knew it you were cuddled into his side while neither of you spoke a word. It was a comfortable silence, never asking for anything more or anything less, “You know, we’re snowed in and there’s nothing else to do…”
“Do you want me to roll a joint?” Nolan chuckles, pushing a piece of his hair from his face.
“You’re just so much better than me at it,” You admit, which wasn’t a total lie. Nolan was the best joint roller you’d ever come across, but Nolan was also the hottest joint roller you knew. It was such a weird thing to be attracted to, the way the paper would roll between his fingers and all you seemed to be able to focus on was how big his hands were, “Please?”
Nolan wasn’t going to say no, mostly because if you were both high he didn’t need an excuse to hold you because you always seemed to snuggle right up to him after. Besides, Nolan definitely wasn’t going to say no when you were pouting with the best puppy dog eyes you could muster up, “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“You’re lucky I didn’t leave you to watch Joel and April fuck,” You tease, pushing Nolan in the chest lightly. You heard him call you cute, but you couldn’t read into it. Nolan was single and in the time since you’d met it was clear he wasn’t fucking around with anyone else. Joel told you it was because Nolan was a little introverted and if he liked he wasn’t going to announce to the world. You didn’t think much of it until you met Kevin who was over the moon to meet the girl Nolan was always talking about. All of your friends seemed to think whatever you had with Nolan was on the fast track to being together, but Nolan never seemed to mention it to you. You open your end table, leaning across Nolan and grabbing your grinder and some bud, dropping it in his hands.
Nolan gets to work, long slim fingers dropping the weed onto the paper gently while you hopped off the bed and pulled out a record. Nolan looks up at you for a minute, a Temple hoodie hanging off your frame covering the shorts you had underneath it. His eyes wandered down your legs, god he wanted you, but he couldn’t even begin to figure out how to tell you. He should let you know that you were pretty much his dream girl, standing across the room flipping a Hozier album in your hands while you picked what you should listen to. It’s about the vibes Nolan, you remarked that to him the first time you ever smoked together, and now Nolan had a playlist just for songs he knew you loved most.
“You’re indecisive,” Nolan hums, watching you put the same record back on it’s shelf and licking the edge of the paper, “Just pick one, anything you pick will be cooler than I would have chosen anyways.”
You turn around sticking your tongue out at him and grabbing a Mt. Joy vinyl to put on, “Did you get that for me?”
“I got it for me,” You defend, holding in the truth that Nolan’s music taste seemed to be weaving itself with your own, “But I knew you liked them, and you never seem to leave me alone.”
“Don’t think you want me too,” Nolan mumbles, grabbing a lighter from your nightstand, sparking up the end of the joint and handing it over to you.
“Wow I get the first hit, what a gentleman,” You joke, sitting cross legged on your bed and watching the smoke fill your room. Nolan loved watching you smoke, the way it would just fall from lips and your voice would get a little raspier. He loved the way your eyes seemed to get hazier and your smile just a bit wider than it usually was, “Excellent work Patty.”
“Glad I could be of service,” Nolan chuckles, your head falling into his lap without a second thought. You both laid like that the entire time you were smoking, sharing the joint while Nolan’s fingers weaving through your hair absentmindedly, “I saw it by the way.”
“Saw what?” You ask, furrowing your eyebrows in confusion at whatever he was on about.
“Your little helper,” Nolan muses, a tight lipped smile on his face because he could literally see your hazy mind trying to figure out what he was talking about. Nolan didn’t know why he needed to say anything about the very teeny vibrator in your bedside table next to your grinder, “Use it often?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” You brush him off, it was Nolan and Nolan teased you all the time.
“You know I do,” Nolan hums, his gaze on you while you were practically squirming in his lap, “The same way that you know I like you but you never do anything about it.”
“Shouldn’t you be making the first move?” You poke open one eye to look up at Nolan. His hands moved quickly, grabbing your thighs and pulling you up to straddle his waist.
“Thought we were more progressive than that babe,” Nolan huffs, his voice deeper than it usually was. His hands were running up your legs, rough calloused fingers against your skin.
“I want to hear you say it,” You challenge, boldly running a hand through Nolan’s hair. Nolan’s heart was stammering in his chest, but when a silly smile danced across your lips he couldn’t help but laugh, “Let’s hear it Patty.”
“I want you, here, now, and every time after this,” Nolan says, his voice sure, steady and clear. His lips ghosed over yours for a moment, “C’mere.”
Nolan wasn’t a man of many words, but he was going to show just how he felt. His hands cascaded down your body, stopping on your ass and giving it a tap while his lips pressed against yours. It was electric, and you wondered why you bothered to kiss anyone besides Nolan, “Nols-”
“Yeah?” Nolan pulls away, cheeks rosy and his breath ripped out his body from just one kiss. You bit your lip, looking at him in the eyes before you spoke again.
“Fuck me,” You whimper, grinding your hips against Nolan’s, pulling a groan from his lips. Nolan’s hand gripped your chin, crashing his lips against yours. His other hand snuck under your shirt, the rough calloused fingers that only lived in your fantasies rubbing against your soft skin. He flipped you over, holding himself up by his elbows while he pressed kisses down your neck.
“I’ve thought about this so many fucking times,” Nolan mumbles, his lips pressed against your skin. You could feel his teeth graze behind your ear, pulling a moan out of you.
“Maybe you should’ve done something about it sooner,” You smirk, grabbing his cheeks and pulling him back in for a kiss, “Could’ve saved me a few lonely nights.”
“Consider those over,” Nolan promises, giving you a sweet kiss before his hands grabbed the bottom of your hoodie to pull it off. Nolan’s lips move down your body, love bites and kisses pressed against your skin while he makes his way down to where you need him most. His fingers slipped under your sweats, looking up at you for the go ahead he needed, you nod eating up the feeling of Nolan’s hands on your bare skin, “So pretty baby.”
Nolan’s finger traced lightly over your thighs, his breath hot against your pussy while you ached for more, “Don’t tease me or I’ll get my little friend out to do the job for me.”
Nolan chuckles at your whine, a finger sliding up your folds, “That’s for another time babe.”
Nolan’s words had your eyes rolling to the back of your head, oh it’s definitely big. His tongue swirled your clit gently, trying to figure out exactly what was going to get you off. You let out a moan, one that definitely carried through the hallway loud enough for Joel and April to hear from the living room. Nolan smirks to himself, wrapping his lips around your clit and sliding one of his ridiculously long fingers inside you. Your hand gripped his hair, tugging on it gently while you bit your lip to stop yourself from being too loud, “Fuck Nolan, faster.”
Nolan nods, a second finger sliding inside of you and curling against your g spot. You grinded down on Nolan’s face, his free hand gripping your thigh to keep you in place. You were a moaning mess above him, not caring one bit about anyone hearing you because Nolan’s mouth was magic. It really is always the quiet ones. You were close, Nolan’s fingers sliding out of just when he started to feel your pussy clench around him. You whine, grabbing the back of Nolan’s head to keep his mouth against your pussy but it was no use when Nolan was that big, “Sorry did you want to cum?”
Nolan’s finger was teasing your entrance, watching the way your pussy was clenching in anticipation, you let out a breathy laugh, “Please make cum Nols, I need it.”
All it took after that was Nolan’s tongue around your clit and his fingers curled back inside you for you to cum. Nolan’s name fell from your lips, a sound that Nolan had dreamed of but never thought he’d actually get to hear. Nolan’s eyes looked over at your night stand, grabbing the extra joint he rolled and placing it between his lips. He tossed off his shirt, grabbing a lighter and sparking the end before he blew smoke in your mouth and pressed his lips against yours. You moan at sensation, gripping Nolan’s shoulder to pull him closer. You had him now, and you’d be damned if you were going to let him go. 
Nolan kicks off his sweats, taking a few puffs from the joint and groaning when you palmed him through his boxers. He grabs your hand, dropping the joint into yours and pulling off his boxers to let his cock spring free. Your suspicions were correct- it was big, you let out a giggle, Nolan’s eyebrows furrowing at you, “What?”
“I had this bet with myself about how big your dick was,” You admit, taking your own pull from the joint and watching the smoke fill the room, “Not disappointed.”
Nolan laughs, pressing a kiss to your lips and lining his cock up to you. He looks at you, “You’re my fucking dream girl.”
Nolan didn’t spare you a second to react to his words before he slid inside you. He groaned at the feeling, his head pressed against your neck. Nolan’s hips snapped against you, your nails scratching down his back while he railed you into oblivion. You were seeing stars, moans and whimpers falling from your lips and not a single thought in your mind except the fact that Nolan was making you feel so damn good, “Cum for me again, c’mon.”
Nolan’s deep voice was rumbling against your neck, his dick twitched inside of you in need of a release. You clenched around him, your legs shaking from pleasure. Nolan pulled out of you, spilling onto your stomach with a loud fuck. Nolan collapsed on top of you, the both of you trying to catch your breath. He rolls over, pulling you close his chest, “I meant what I said, I wasn’t just trying to get laid.”
“I know,” You hum, snuggling closer to his chest, “Think April and Joel heard us?”
The last thing you heard before you finally let the exhaustion take over your body was a we did in unison from April and Joel down the hall. 
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balillee · 3 years
this took like 30 minutes holy-
anyway sorry if already now most of them or something like that ^^`
Infamously Famous
March with me and the borogoves
Making family and coffee (Maybe not in that order)
There’s Blood in your Web, Theseus (wipe it out)
whatever the dawn brings (we fight it together)
nebslem, violet_sunflowers
Tommy's guide to making a demon into a brother
Corvid Lost
Mellow Highschool Anonymous Penpal Club
tommyinnit's clinic for supervillains
bonesandthebees (bonesandcacti)
Just Another Crash At Midnight
Ella(ellabellachicketychella), TwilightStormCat
Hand in Unlovable Hand
To Decay Gracefully
Coming Down Blue
Evening Sun (That Paints a Cruel Omen)
Who the Ever-Loving F*** Made Me A Prince?
three months of letters
IDONTWRITELEMONS (wedontwritelemons)
music didn't have a meaning to me before I met you
I dream in picture books
Hey Girl, I Accidentally Summoned A God and He Won’t Fucking Leave Aha
My Sweet Baby Brother (From Fucking Hell)
How to Sex Vol. 4-58
How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse For Dummies
Hidden Chains
Empty Nest (or, the theatre kid-ification of TommyInnit)
Is It Illegal if He's Homeless?
Unbury Me, My Ghost Is Gone
i bet on losing dogs
Quiet as the Flowers around me
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astroninaaa · 3 years
dsmp characters as mitski songs
this is a sequel of sorts to my dsmp characters as sleeping at last songs post ig. i can elaborate on my choices but i won’t on this post! enjoy
C!TUBBO — a pearl
“you're growing tired of me / you love me so hard and I still can't sleep / you're growing tired of me and all the things I don't talk about / sorry I don't want your touch / it's not that I don't want you / sorry I can't take your touch / it's just that I fell in love with a war / nobody told me it ended / and it left a pearl in my hand / and I roll it around every night, just to watch it glow / every night, baby, that's where I go”
C!TOMMY — first love / late spring
“one word from you and I would jump off of this ledge I'm on, baby / tell me ‘don't’ / so I can crawl back in / and I was so young when I behaved twenty five / yet now I find I've grown into a tall child / and I don't wanna go home yet / let me walk to the top of the big night sky / please, hurry, leave me, I can't breathe / please don't say you love me”
C!WILBUR — fireworks
“one morning this sadness will fossilize and I will forget how to cry / I'll keep going to work and you won't see a change / save perhaps a slight gray in my eyeI will go jogging routinely / calmly and rhythmically run / and when I find that a knife's sticking out of my side / I'll pull it out without questioning why / and then one warm summer night / I'll hear fireworks outside / and I'll listen to the memories as they cry, cry, cry”
C!FUNDY — class of 2013
“mom, I'm tired / can I sleep in your house tonight? / mom, is it alright / if I stay for a year or two? / mom, I'll be quiet / it would be just to sleep at night / and I'll leave once I figure out how to pay for my own life too / mom, would you wash my back? / this once, and then we can forget / and I'll leave what I'm chasing for the other girls to pursue / mom, am I still young? / can I dream for a few months more?”
C!QUACKITY — washing machine heart
“toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart / baby, bang it up inside / I'm not wearing my usual lipstick / I thought maybe we would kiss tonight / baby, will you kiss me already and toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart / baby, bang it up inside / baby, though I've closed my eyes / I know who you pretend I am / I know who you pretend I am / do mi ti / why not me? why not me?”
C!RANBOO — i bet on losing dogs
“I bet on losing dogs / I know they're losing and I'll pay for my place / by the ring / where I'll be looking in their eyes when they're down / I'll be there on their side / I'm losing by their side / will you let me, baby, lose on losing dogs / I know they're losing and I'll pay for my place / by the ring / where I'll be looking in their eyes when they're down”
“venus, planet of love, was destroyed by global warming / did its people want too much, too? / did its people want too much? / and I don't want your pity / I just want somebody near me / guess I'm a coward / I just want to feel alright / and I know no one will save me / I just need someone to kiss / give me one good honest kiss / and I'll be alright” | “I've been big and small / and big and small / and big and small again / and still nobody wants me / still nobody wants me”
C!NIKI — francis forever
“I don't know what to do without you / I don't know where to put my hands / I've been trying to lay my head down / but I'm writing this at three AM / I don't need the world to see / that I've been the best I can be, but / I don't think I could stand to be where you don't see me / on sunny days I go out walking / I end up on a tree-lined street / I look up at the gaps of sunlight / I miss you more than anything”
C!SAPNAP — a burning hill
“today I will wear my white button-down / I'm tired of wanting more / I think I'm finally worn / for you have a way of promising things / and I've been a forest fire / I am a forest fire / and I am the fire and I am the forest / and I am a witness watching it / I stand in a valley watching it / and you are not there at all”
C!AWESAMPONK — pink in the night
“I hear my heart breaking tonight / do you hear it too? / tt's like a summer shower / with every drop of rain singing / ‘I love you, I love you, I love you / I love you, I love you, I love you / I love you, I love you, I love you!’ / I could stare at your back all day / I could stare at your back all day / and I know I've kissed you before, but / I didn't do it right / can I try again, try again, try again / try again, and again, and again / and again, and again, and again”
C!KARLNAPITY — two slow dancers
“does it smell like a school gymnasium in here? / it's funny how they're all the same / it's funny how you always remember / and we've both done it all a hundred times before / it's funny how I still forgot / it would be a hundred times easier / if we were young again / but as it is, and it is / we're just two three slow dancers, last ones out / and the ground has been slowly pulling us back down / you see it on both our skin / we get a few years and then it wants us back / it would be a hundred times easier / if we were young again”
C!BEE DUO — strawberry blond
“I love everybody because I love you / I don't need the city, and I don't need proof / all I need, darling, is a life in your shape / I picture it, soft, and I ache” | “look at you, strawberry blond / fields rolling on / I love it when you call my name / can you hear the bumblebees swarm? / watching your arm / I love it when you look my way”
thank you i hope you liked it mwah
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adelindschade · 4 years
Moroha doesn’t recognize her dad when he’s human.
Edit: I got hit the angst train. And some fluff. (lots of it) 
“No, you’re not!”
“Yes, I am.”
“No, you’re not!!”
“Yes, I am.”
Kagome fought a smile as she watched their daughter expressed her frustration. The toddler was adamant; pointing a tiny, accusatory finger towards her father. Her (temporarily) human father.
Inuyasha merely grinned in the face of the girl’s intense interrogation.
“Nuh-huh! You are not!” She shrilled. Had he been armed with his usual acute hearing, maybe he’d wince, but he was not moved in slightest.
He leaned against the wood of their hut comfortably, as he usually did when the day receded and a calm night resumed. His wrist rested on his bent knee, just within reach of their daughter to tugged on his sleeve with as much ferocity a child she as she could muster.
“Moroha,” Kagome intervened. Her tone was soft but reprimanding. A sigh followed – knowing all too well the girl was as stubborn as they could get. Kagome was no more to blame for that trait than Inuyasha either.
Their daughter hadn’t yet grown accustomed to his change. They happened so few in between cycles that she often missed his transformation altogether. She’d sleep soundly while Inuyasha would anxiously guard their home, knowing all too well of the heightened risk, but assured slightly by a confident Kagome that she, too, was capable of defending their abode.
Moroha would not sleep that night. She was met with a stranger in her father’s favorite place. He wore her father’s robe. He even had the audacity to lay a casual hand on her mother – a certain move that would condemn him to the underworld should her father catch him.
“Yes, I am,” Inuyasha repeated, humored by her display.
“You’re not my father!”
“Of course, I am,” he chuckled.
“No, you’re not! You’re different!”
Inuyasha snorted. “Hey kid, look at a mirror. So are you,” he redirected with a straight finger. He was aiming at the mirror besides Kagome.
Moroha was so focused on the imposter that she heeded little attention to the fact her hair had changed, too. She bore the same shade of gold as he did; the striking white strands of hair highlighting the small sliver of demon than run through her veins; and her baby fangs that Kagome cooed over were on full display.
“You smell different!”
“I can barely smell you at all,” he made a motion to sniff. She scrunched her nose and crossed her arms.
“You don’t have ears!” She pointed to his head.
He scoffed. “Yes, I do. See?” He lifted his hair ever so slightly.
“Those are mommy’s ears!”
“You got some of your own,” Inuyasha encouraged. He reached out to gently pinch her own ears – the ones he usually bore – and grinned when awe overwhelmed her face. Her small hands replaced his – feeling the fur of her newfound ears and gasping upon the discovery.
“Mommy! I have ears!”
“Yes, you do,” Kagome coddled. She swaddled up her daughter and nuzzled into her cheek. “You look just like your dad.”
It always endeared her. She swore Moroha was her father’s daughter despite the lack of apparent coloring. Yet, as she glanced at her husband, she knew immediately that Moroha was a mere reflection of her father. As a human, the similarities were uncanny. How she didn’t pin it sooner was beyond her.
“For now,” Inuyasha corrected. He nodded curtly. “Wait until daybreak. You’ll look normal again.”
Normal. He used the word so often to describe her. He was projecting his wish for her to be accepted into society. Sure, she was, within the village limits – but beyond that? He wasn’t naïve to think her oddities wouldn’t be noticed by keener senses. Humans would take heed of her aura, her pointed teeth, and wild streak. Demons could smell her a mile away.
One look was all it would take to confirm she was his and, despite the anxieties that came with raising her, he was elated to know no harm could come to Moroha. Not with him and Kagome around to ensure she’d grow up safe and strong and, most importantly, loved.
“I don’t want normal. I want big ears.”
Inuyasha sighed. She would say that now and cry her heart out when her beloved ears disappeared at daybreak, but as she’d grow older, she’d appreciate the subtlety of her demon heritage. Inuyasha couldn’t deny his. He couldn’t forget the torment that came with being alienated for his unusual eyes, his dog-like ears, and claws.
Kagome could coo over her baby fangs – and Inuyasha would be content to know his daughter was adored for just the way she is, beloved by a woman who had more heart to give than anyone he’d ever known – but Inuyasha also knew beyond the barrier of the village was a cruel world ready to admonish her for those very same features.
“What about the ones your mom makes you?” Inuyasha teased.
This was not the first nor the last time she’d be upset over her lack of ears. Kagome resolved her plight by fashioning a large bow to tie back her hair – a bow that purposely resembled the same pointed arches that mimicked her father’s natural assets.
“These are real!”
“And I bet you can hear a lot with them, too,” Inuyasha grinned.
“Yet you can’t tell your old man’s voice apart from an imposter? Hmm,” he played along. He reclined his head back, closing his eyes in contentment. “You’re breaking my heart, Moroha.”
“Sometimes, just like you, your dad changes, too. He can’t be a demon all the time,” Kagome assured. “Let him be human for one night. It’s very exhausting chasing demons all day and then having to chase you, too,” she laughed along.
Moroha scampered onto his lap, unafraid of his embrace – all too accustomed to his protectiveness when he carried her around in similar fashion. She peeked up, still bewildered by his new look. She tugged on his hair, palmed his cheek, and giggled brightly when he bent his face to nuzzle into the crown of her head.
“Are you still sure I’m not your dad?”
“Yeah,” she squealed. He found her weak spot – tickling her sides mercilessly.
“If you rile her up, you’re putting her to sleep yourself,” Kagome warned quietly. Yet, she couldn’t help but glow; she was always put at ease whenever she saw how affectionate he was with her – how gentle he was, too.
“Understood,” Inuyasha beamed.
“I think tonight is the only night you may actually be stronger than me,” he humored. His hands combed through her hair, puzzled by how odd it seemed in contrast to the darker strands he so often saw.
“Wait until she’s older,” Kagome relished. “Try to keep up with her then!”
“Let’s not think about her growing up so fast,” Inuyasha frowned, “let alone running out on your old man,” he added with warmth when the girl looked up with big eyes. “Promise me that, will you? You won’t grow up? That you won’t disappear on me in a blink of the eye?”
“I’ll hold you to it,” Inuyasha smiled. Moroha raised her small palm and compared it to his. “And promise me you’ll keep these sharp things to yourself, okay? I don’t want anyone losing an eye anytime soon.” He tapped her claws one-by-one.
“No!” She giggled.
“A real killer, aren’t you? A feral child, huh? Who’s raising you??”
“Me? Nah. But I think your dad will be here tomorrow and he’ll set you straight! I don’t have claws or teeth or anything like you but your dad? He can be really scary.”
“No? He’s not scary? Well, aren’t you fearless?”
“Let’s not forget she has a mother, too,” Kagome harrumphed. “I’m not raising a feral child. I’m raising a girl with rules! Like bedtime!”
Inuyasha laughed. “We have a rebel!”
“Rebels have rules, too, and you, sweetheart, have a really big one to follow.”
“How about you sleep and when you wake up, you can your dad all about the stranger who slept over? How about that?”
“Mm.” She mocked deliberation and then flashed a smile. “Okay!”
“Alright, then,” Kagome decided. She plucked Moroha from her post on Inuyasha’s lap. She had a mat already prepared. “Would you like another story or are you all tuckered out from pestering your dad with questions?”
“Alright then,” Inuyasha began. His hand hovered over her head, only to pat her crown, and tap her nose. “It’s your mom’s turn to tell a story.”
“What about the one with the butterfly?”
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pipipinyyy · 3 years
Explaining why I have added every song in my entire and very long Niragi playlist because I can and because over analyzing him is my passion (I usually update it from time to time but I'll do it with the current songs)
Completely self indulgent post, but I decided to share to feed my fellow Niragi stans (*˙︶˙*)☆*°
This is entirely based on my view of the songs and how I interpret them while thinking about Niragi. I'm aware that most of them have entirely different meanings, this is just for fun :) (Also sorry if my explanations don't make much sense, English is not my first language and I might make mistakes when trying to put my feelings and thoughts into words)
This may contain manga/s2 spoilers
Hayloft-Mother Mother: Vibes
Criminal-Britney Spears: The whole song describes him ("he is a sucker with a gun") and the fandom's obsession ("mama I'm in love with a criminal")
Daddy Issues-The Neighborhood: I feel like he would act like this, using the most vulnerable spots to pick on someone ("cry little girl, nobody does it like you do")
Psycho-Jin Dogg, OVER KILL: Vibes
Riot-Hollywood Undead: He'd definitely start a riot like he did in the 10 of hearts, burning and destroying anything that crosses his path
Bitches-Mindless Self Indulgence: He most likely thinks he's a total fuckboy and popular with girls since he can get almost anything he wants out of scarying people
Baby's on Fire-Die Antwoord: Vibes
Insane in the Brain-Cypress Hill: This man is being consumed by his own way of protecting himself
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing-Set It Off: Based on how he feels towards the people who hurt him in the past ("Listen, mark my words, one day, you will pay" "You've always been a huge piece of shit, if I could kill you, I would" "Karma is gonna come collect your debt")
Death no more-IC3PEAK: Vibes
Gasoline-I Prevail: Sort of similar to Riot, ("So burn it all down, burn it all down, I don't give a fuck")
Toxic-Britney Spears: The whole fandom knows how much of a piece of shit this dude can be, but we still find ourselves liking/enjoying his character (to an extent), a toxic addiction
Nice Guy-GRLwood: As much as I love this man, he'd use the "I'm a nice guy c'mon" card just to fuck. If he wants to, he'll get it, if he doesn't, he'll most likely get mad
Dernière danse-Indila: Vibes
TRRST-IC3PEAK: Mostly vibes, I kinda see this song as how he felt the first time he killed someone on purpose inside the borderlands ("mama they say I'm a terrorist, I did nothing wrong but I got on the blacklist")
Saint Bernard-Lincoln: Vibes
Nowhere To Run-Stegosaurus Rex: Being with him at the Beach would either be ignoring each other completely or a game of tag, no inbetween. If this man wants to kill you, he'll get his fun time out of it as well ("You're gonna die, I'm gonna kill you")
The House of Wolves-Bring Me The Horizon: Based on how he sees life after being consumed by his current mental state ("Show me a sign, show me a reason to give a solitary fuck about your god damn beliefs" "What you call faith, I call a sorry excuse")
Smells Blood-Kensuke Ushio: Vibes
SIU-Maretu: Similar to Daddy Issues, don't expect this man to be a therapist. If he sees anyone crying or panicking in or outside a game, he'd most likely tell them to suck it up, just like this song.
Judgement-Kensuke Ushio: Vibes
MONSTER ENERGY GUN!-KevinKempt: Vibes + He for sure has an energy drink addiction, specially pre-borderlands
HURT-1 800 PAIN: Vibes
Fear Is The Mind Killer-Zheani: Vibes
I Bet on Losing Dogs: Based on how I know Niragi is toxic, and most likely unsaveable of his deteriorating mental state, but I still have him as my biggest comfort character ("I bet on losing dogs, I know they're losing and I'll pay for my place")
Emo Boy-Ayesha Erotica: He's been in an emo phase (and maybe still is), the lyrics are pretty self explanatory, they describe us Niragi simps perfecrly ("come on fuck me emo boy")
Crybaby-Destroy Boys: Vibes
The Fox's Wedding-MASA Works DESIGEN: Vibes
You're a useless child-Kikuo: We don't know much about his past, but judging by the unstoppable bullying he's suffered, his parents didn't care about him, or were straight up absent. He's been insulted by pretty much everyone in his past to the point of believing it and telling those things to himself ("You're a useless child, the most useless child in this world" "Drool in snot, dandruff, shit and piss" "I'm a useless child" "Nobody will save me" "I'm a lonely kid")
Take A Slice-Glass Animals: Vibes
Fighting With The Melody-Jimmy Urine: Vibes
Comics-Caravan Palace: Vibes
Rhinestone Eyes-Gorillaz: Vibes
Butch 4 Butch-Rio Romero: Mostly vibes, sort of how I think the most "peacefull" moments in a relationship with him would feel like, kind of bittersweet feeling
Suki Suki Daisuki-Jun Togawa: Yandere Niragi. If he's interested in someone, he'd go through an obsessive phase, most likely forcing the other person to "love" him. This man is so confused about the feeling of love that he's unable to tell when he loves someone or when he's obsessed with them due to his lack of attention ("Like you, like you, I love you. Say you love me or I'll kill you")
:(-The Garden: Vibes
Kitty City-Cyriak Harris: Vibes
Blood-My Chemical Romance: If Niragi went to a therapist, he'd act like this song, with his signature cocky and sarcastic personality (at least before he gets better) ("I can't control myself because I don't know how" "They can fix me proper with a bit of luck" "I'm the kind of human wreckage that you love")
A Mask of My Own Face-Lemon Demon: He feels like he needs to protect himself or else he will get hurt inside the borderlands by others again. He uses another personality, a completely ruthless one, even if he doesn't like it and hates himself for it, he doesn't see another way to deal with his fear, allowing his "new self" to consume himself. ("I'd wear that mask of my own face" "I look into my eyeholes and what do I see? A handsome motherfucker motherfucking looking back at me")
I'm a Murderer-Freddie Dredd: Mostly vibes ("I'm a motherfucking murderer")
'Cause I'm a Liar-Mcki Robyns-P: He would lie just for fun even in serious situations. If he needs to manipulate someone to survive, he'll do it his way, after all, he doesn't care anymore, he just seeks for excitement. ("Without emotion, without devotion. It's much easier to fake something happy")
I Disagree-Poppy: I don't know exactly how to describe it, but I feel like this is how he sees and feels the world and those around him, feeling misunderstood and going his own way ("If only all of you could see the world I see, then maybe everyone could live in harmony")
Personal Jesus-Mindless Self Indulgence: He has a superiority complex, that's for sure. I don't think he sees himself as a god, but I see him joking about it
Rainbow Factory-GLAZE, WoodenToaster: Vibes
Frontier Psychiatrist-The Avalanches: I kinda see this as Aguni taking the role of Niragi's "father figure" inside the borderlands, realizing he's turning insane and is unable to control him ("That boy needs therapy")
Hate it. Hate it. "JIGAHIDAI!"-WADATAKEAKI Kurage P: Jealousy. I can see it either in a pre-borderland situation where he hates the popular students in school, or inside the borderlands hating both Chishiya and Arisu. Jealousy takes over him constructing a big ego, causing himself to develop his superiority complex ("You see, I hate that popular girl!" "Does she think I don't notice? How she looks at me as if I'm trash" "I want to be praised" "I'm different from you all, I have my own ego! I'm not a side character" "I have zero common sense. I'm special")
Villain-Stella Jang: He knows damn well he's a villain, that's his goal after all, but what if someone took his point of view? wouldn't the villains be all of those who hurted him in the first place? ("We all pretend to be the heroes on the good side, but what if we are the villains on the other")
Violent-carolesdaughter: This is how I view an argument inside a relationship with Niragi. He's used to violence, to cause fear, and getting what he wants, so being in a healthy relationship would require a lot of patience and strenght. While he's getting better and suppressing those violent actions, there will be times where he accidentally uses violence or threatens the other person unintentionally, mostly hurting himself and his partner psychologically. The lyrics change between both points of view ("Don't make me get violent, I want my ring back baby that's a diamond" "She knows I'm a wreck" "I gave you all my trust and I told you just don't break it")
Hey Bunny-Baby Bugs: Based on how I think it would feel to partner up with him inside the borderlands and catching feelings for him while knowing the huge mess he is ("Hey bunny, what's with those evil eyes?" "Hey bunny, what the hell is wrong with us?" "Hey bunny, what if I loose you too? If I become the monster, together we can always be blue")
Kokoronashi-majiko: I'm pretty sure Niragi isn't able to see himself as someone able to love, even if he doesn't want to be alone (just like when he confesses this feeling while fighting with Chishiya and Arisu). If someone truly loved him and was willing to not letting him go, it would hurt. He can't see himself as someone who can love or be loved, so he can't accept the love he's seeking for in case that turns him "weaker" making his true self confront with the protective mean personality he's created. He could learn how to accept it, so he might want the other person to stay in the end, but it wouldn't be easy for him to accept it ("It's awful, I'd rather you destroy my body, tear it to sheds, do as you please" "No matter how much I'm loved by you, my heart is just one" "I don't know this, don't leave me alone")
Nightmare Parade-FAKE TYPE.: Vibes
Slipping Through My Fingers-Meryl Streep, Amanda Seyfried: Niragi seeing himself loosing his young, gentle and caring personality due to his fear, being unable to control what's happening inside, nostalgia and sadness kicking in ("The feeling that I'm loosing her forever" "That funny little girl" "Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture and save it from the funny tricks of time")
Kuroneko No Tango-Pink Martini, The Von Trapps: Vibes
YKWIM?-Yot Club: Him confroting his feelings of loneliness when he's left alone with his thoughts ("It feels like I care too much when I'm alone, oh no")
Romantic Lover-Eyedress: Just appreciating his physical appearance ("She's a killer, I love her features")
Wrecking Ball-Mother Mother: Based on how he sees himself as someone who needs to destroy everything in a way or another in order to be powerful + the fun he has with it ("Call me a reckless wrecking ball" "Let's break it just because we can")
Edge-Rezz: Vibes
Freaks-Surf Curse: Again, confronting feelings when loving someone, but not in such a painful as Kokoronashi ("I need a place to stay where I can cover up my face" "Don't cry, I'm just a freak")
Little Bit-Lykke Li: Vibes
6up 5oh Cop-Out (Pro/Con)-Will Wood and the Tapeworms: Vibes
PHONKY TOWN-PlayaPhonk: Vibes
I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE-Måneskin: Freaky time. He would absolutely love this song, definitely his type of thing ("You could be the beauty and I could be the monster" "I wanna touch your body so fucking electric" "I wanna make you hungry, then I wanna feed you")
#BrooklynBloodPop!-SyKo: Vibes
A Cold Freezin' Night-The Books: Vibes
A Pearl-Mitski: My most favorite song to associate with Niragi. Represents his evolution as a character. Creating an scenario where he is loved by someone,he rejects it at first, acting tough ("I don't want your touch") and then proceeds to explain why ("It's just that I fell in love with a war, nobody told me it ended" "it left a pearl in my hand and I roll it around every night just to watch it glow") the war being the borderlands and his new personality, he loved it, but nobody drew a line and it's getting out of hand. The pearl is the feeling of power, the one he has to remember when feeling weak just to feel something. At the end of the song it changes to ("Sorry I can't take your touch"), realizing that he wants love, but he's not able to take it or else he'll become the Niragi from the past
Problematic-Bo Burnham: Him acknowledging his problematic actions but not wanting to apologize because he doesn't feel the need to. He knows he's done bad things but he is going to laugh at it and be a sarcastic mf about it
First Love/Late Spring-Mitski: Similar to Kokoronashi, he wouldn't be able to accept love and how it makes him feel. He would think that he prefers for everyone to hate him and be lonely instead of sacrificing his tougher side. Also talks about how he's grown way too quickly for him to understand feelings properly ("So please hurry leave me, I can't breathe, please don't say you love me" "One word from you and I would jump out of this ledge I'm on baby" "I was so young when I behaved 25, yet now I find I've grown into a tough child"
The Other Side Of Paradise-Glass Animals: Vibes
Bodybag-Chloe Moriondo: How I feel about liking his character, confronting feelings basically ("Don't know if I hate you or if I wanna date you" "I don't wanna like you, I just wanna tie you up, then keep you in a cage and watch you sleep for ages"
Get Into It (Yuh)-Doja Cat: Vibes
Psycho Killer-2005 Remaster- Talking Heads: Vibes
INFERNO-Sub Urban, Bella Poarch: Again, another song that describes him pretty well ("Baby I'm the reason why hell's so hot" "Terribly like terrible, she's a villain" "Think I'm getting butterflies but it's really something telling me to run away")
Bad Morning-Omori: Vibes
Trouble Brewing: Vibes
Dueles Tan Bien-Bruses: Another song about my confronting feelings with this man ("You know what? You taste better than alcohol to me. You know that and you've got control" "Because you hurt, and you hurt so good that I don't know what to do")
And that's it!! This took me the whole day to write but it makes me very happy to be able to share it :)
I've you've read the entire thing, hope you enjoyed the character analysis! ლ(◞‿◟ლ)
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
Fuck Me Like You Hate Me
A/N: So here’s the first of 12 filthy imagines to be written for my 500 Followers Kinkfest Celebration!! Based on the below request for Mr. Jax Fucking Teller dishing out some super intense degradation/humiliation... 🔥
Pairing: Jax Teller x F!Reader Warnings: smut, swearing, dirty talk, rough sex, dom!Jax, inferiority kink (super intense degradation, extreme verbal abuse/humiliation) (for what it’s worth, Jax isn’t serious about any of it, but reader is a kinky bitch and fucking begs him for it...) Request: Kinkfest request from @rebelwrites
Word Count: ~1.7k
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**Please note warnings above**
Triggering content after ‘Keep reading’ cut...
Jax Fucking Teller is in love with you.
Most days you can’t believe it’s true, though he spends every waking moment of his life reminding you that you’re his girl, his whole damn world. Surrounds and fucking drowns you in his love. Deep down—at least when you’re around—this badass biker is a hundred shades of soft. His touch is somehow gentle even when the sex is rough.
It’s the best sex you’ve ever had, and you can never get enough. Jax Teller is undoubtedly the world’s most perfect boyfriend, and the world’s most perfect man, full stop. And that is fucking that. Which is why you feel so ridiculously bad, about the fact that sometimes you crave something just a little... different, from the tender loving fluff.
Jax knows already that you’re into some intensely kinky stuff. He knows you love it when he fucks you like a dirty little slut, and calls you one, while he destroys your tight wet cunt.
And yet he doesn’t know the full fucking extent of what you want. Or if he does, he doesn’t dare to guess, and hides it all too well. ‘Cause it’s kinky as hell. There are no limits to the force of your desire to submit to Jax—you love and worship his perfection more than words could ever tell, and once the two of you go down that path, he’s probably terrified there won’t be any turning back.
There’s a beast inside him that he’s scared to release, to unleash to the max. But that’s the side of him that turns you on. The side you want. The darkest and most dangerous side of Jax. The savage sadist that would get off on treating a whore like a damn piece of trash.
Tonight, you decide, while he’s all set to blow your mind with yet another round of soft passionate sex... maybe you’ll ask. Maybe you’ll finally fucking beg.
“God, you’re so fucking perfect...” you gush as you kneel before him in a state of submission and service, so eager to worship the thick cock that towers so tall and so proud between his sculpted legs. “So gorgeous...”
“Mmm, look who’s talkin’...” he coos, as you slowly start stroking. His bright blue eyes shining so beautifully down on you, brimming with love as he takes in the view. “Babe, you’re so fucking—”
... beautiful, no doubt. The word is halfway out his mouth, when you cut off the sentence. “Jax, can we try something... different?” you butt in, not quite in the mood for a shower of compliments. Desperately want tonight’s session to be all about worshipping your gorgeous golden god of a boyfriend. “Can you, uh—talk to me like a...”
He can tell that you’re shy. Sweeps a stray tress of hair from your lowered eyes, smiling down at you tender and soft, as your voice tapers off. “Like a what? Like a damn dirty slut?”
Just those words already get you so soaking wet it hurts. “Yeah, but...”
“You want something more than that?” he dares to ask, as he starts stripping out of his kutte, then his shirt.
“Yes, Jax,” you gasp as you shudder in thirst. Before you can even attempt to hold back, the words fly out of your shameless mouth in a sudden loud burst. “I want you to treat me like shit and degrade me like crazy. Fuck me like you hate me.”
He clenches his jaw. Takes a soul-crushing pause. All your senses go hazy and weak when he finally speaks. “Do you know what you’re asking for, baby?”
“God, yes, sir,” you desperately answer, prepared for a whole new dimension of pleasure. All set to submit to the god that is Jax Fucking Teller.
He’s naked now, flannel and leather thrown down in a heap on the ground. Though you still have his thick throbbing cock in your hands, he’s the one in command. This huge cock is his powerful scepter; he wears every lock of his beautiful, lustrous blonde hair like a crown. He’s a literal king among men. Every moment you’re with him you fall in love over and over again.
“Now I need you to know that I won’t mean a word that I say,” he states, reaching to tenderly cradle your face. “Promise me you won’t ever forget that, okay? I love you more than anything, babe. Now and always.”
“Yes—yes, Jax, I know,” you moan, shifting your head just to kiss his palm, briefly sucking his thumb, swirling your tongue all over the knucklebone. “Promise I know. I could never forget all the times you said so. This is all just a game, I’ve been trying to say... I’ve been dying to play... just a show. Just—please, Jax... want the monster inside you to fucking let go.”
From the fire that blazes in his fierce blue eyes, you just know that the beast in Jax wants this as badly as you do. He’s a kinky bitch, too, and you both know it’s true. In his view, there’s just something delicious about the contrast with how much he sincerely loves you... something so fucking twisted and sick about treating you like the exact opposite.
So he gets down to business. Not wasting a minute. Stares down at you now like a piece of meat, not even worthy of kneeling here at his feet, setting fire to every last inch of your skin with his heat. It’s everything you need. He’s just getting started and already you feel fucking finished. “Ugh, look at you. Who fucking knew? Who knew you’d want me to abuse your ass like this, you kinky little bitch? You are such a pathetic, worthless, filthy piece of shit.”
Oh fuck—the way that hits—it feels like an atomic bomb just went off on your clit. There’s nothing even touching it. You’re just sitting here gawking up at him with his big cock clutched in your fists. In one split second, Jax already has you pushing up against your fucking limits—not that you have any, with him. Never did. Never will. He’s so perfect it kills.
And now you lose your goddamn grip, spit likely dripping from your lips, losing control over your limbs, as you succumb to him, feeling him handle you like nothing, throw you down onto the bed like a rag doll or something.
“Deep down you know you never deserved me,” he wickedly taunts, setting off yet another bomb, deep in your cunt. Every word from his mouth so degrading and dirty. Drowning you in a sea of submission and inferiority. “Just a piece of shit whore. Nothing more. You mean nothing to me. You’re so fucking unworthy.”
Oh my Goddd... how is he so mind-blowingly hot...? You are no longer able to talk, which works out well as Jax settles into place, straddling your face, and then finally stuffs your mouth full of his big perfect cock.
“That’s it, slut. Suck,” he orders, embracing his role as your master, hammering his dick into your face harder, faster. “You know you would sell your whole soul for this dick. Just for one fucking lick. Because you’re just that fucking pathetic.”
He is honestly perfect... you’re so fucking wrecked...
“Remember you asked for this, bitch. Fucking begged,” he reminds you with a savage laugh that cuts your slutty soul in half. Practically strangling you between his big strong legs. “Think you deserve to breathe? Think you deserve that privilege? This big fat dick’s the only thing you’ll ever need.”
Yes, sir... please, just fucking destroy me, you silently plead.
“You know you don’t even deserve it though, you good-for-nothing slut,” he grunts, pulling his cock out of your mouth, denying you the luscious piece of meat that you will always want. “Not worthy of this perfect dick deep in your dirty throat. Or in your filthy fucking cunt. You don’t even deserve to exist, you worthless piece of shit. But you’re lucky I keep you around just for fun. Just to fuck you whenever I want, and then throw you away when I’m done.”
You have lost all control of your tongue. It’s just lolling around, hanging out of your mouth, and you don’t even care that you must look completely insane right about now. All you want is to praise him and thank him for being such a flawless god of a man, such an actual god... but you can’t. You cannot. Your mouth tries to form words but forgot fucking how.
Especially now as Jax spins you around, pins you down. Getting into position to fuck you even deeper into submission. Teasing your wet cunt for one fleeting second with his raging hard cock, and then plunging in, wrecking and fucking you like a damn dog.
He pushes your head down into the bed and soaks you in his sweat and fucks you so ferociously you’re probably dead.
Apparently dying is where it’s at, because you’ve never been so wet.
At one point Jax reaches to wrap both hands around your throat. All the while keeps reminding you, with words and actions both, of what is so painfully true: that you are nothing but a worthless slut, a good-for-nothing filthy piece of shit. That getting fucked by him is the sole reason you exist.
You never doubted it, not for a goddamn minute. But it feels so good for Jax to tell you this. To show you this. The beast inside him always wanted it; you know he did. You’re both just so twisted and sick that you can take pleasure together from this super kinky shit. And you have never felt so blessed. It’s just the motherfucking best...
By the time Jax has filled you with his white hot cum, you’ve lost count of your own orgasms. Probably close to a thousand...? At least fucking hundreds. You’re bound to need years to recover from this intense fucking, you bet...
But you really can’t wait that long, honestly. Thankfully... neither can he. Smirks sadistically down at you now as he lifts his godlike body up from the bed, letting you behold him so beautifully bare naked and beaded with sweat.
Then the words he says next... well, thank God you’re already so totally dead.
“Don’t you dare fucking move, slut. You know I ain’t done with you yet.”
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Okayy so I know this was FILTHY AS SHIT but I hope there are some kinky bitches out there who enjoyed it! 🤪
I am SO EXCITED for the rest of this kinkfest – see below Masterlist for all 12 requests!! As always, much love to all of my Charlie sluts! ❤️
Note: I’m running a separate tag list for this kinkfest, so let me know if you’d like to be added! (To my general tag list, kinkfest-specific tag list, or both!) ✨
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*If you’re unable to use that link to join the tag list, just let me know and I’ll manually add you to it!
@itsme-autumn @rebelwrites @malethirsty @coffeequeenxx @turner-cris @innerpaperexpertcloud @est11 @magic-room @littlebennettwitchsblog @snow-white-74 @sunflower12335 @trishmarieofficial
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