#back on kyoshi island at least
dukeofdelirium · 4 days
never gonna understand the argument that Katara didn’t love Aang or something.
Katara was 100% more physically affectionate toward Aang. She almost always initiated their physical contact.
She also expresses clear jealousy over him as early as ep4 at Kyoshi Island lol. Aang was literally right when he said “you know what I think? I think you don’t wanna come because you’re jealous” 😂 SHE WAS
Katara was hesitant to start a romantic relationship with Aang because of the war, not because she lacked romantic interest in him. I mean, she quite literally says this on screen.
This is another thing that confuses tf out of me. How can anyone actually watch that scene in Ember Island Players and think it translates to “Katara doesn’t like Aang and is gently rejecting him” ?????
Katara 1) denies viewing Aang platonically and 2) straight up says her reasoning for not pursuing a romantic relationship with him after they kissed during the invasion is because the war is still going on and 3) she then continues by saying she is confused about WHEN they can be together if ever.
Both of these characters expected the war to already BE over. That was why Aang kissed her at the invasion, at least partly. Also partly because, yknow, he could’ve died and never gotten the chance. Which also brings up another thing, the argument that she rejected him kissing her then?
This isn’t true. Katara very much did kiss him back. But once it was over, and once he was going to leave her and face what could’ve easily been certain death, she looks upset. Not really difficult to understand why she looks that way, considering Aang did just tell her “what if I don’t come back” right before said kiss. Katara has already witnessed him die right before her eyes. This is a difficult topic in their relationship. And that fear of losing Aang continues to keep her away from their romantic relationship until she finally feels safe to express it at the end of the show.
Aang’s actions are also not difficult to understand at all. He confronted Katara during that play after she sought him out. He never asked her to follow him. And the only reason he confronted her was bc he was feeling 1) super insecure bc of the play’s depiction of everyone in their group and 2) bc he’s about to face the world’s greatest military force and their leader on the anniversary of his entire people and culture’s genocide completely ALONE and could very easily be killed.
Aang shouldn’t have kissed her at the play. No one says he should’ve and he reprimands himself afterwards. With that being said, though, it’s totally understandable as to why he does kiss her, that being that he’s afraid he is going to die again and he wants to express that he loves her before it happens. Also, the fact that Aang wasn’t there for his own people is surely a driving factor in how he expresses love to others afterwards, that being that he feels the need to “be there” so to speak. And “being there” in this moment is showing Katara that he does love her, and the only way he rlly knows how to is to kiss her bc words did not work.
Like… idc if ppl like the writing or not. Acting like it’s some huge mystery or impossible to comprehend is you essentially saying you’re dumber than the 6 year olds that watched ATLA 😭 like how could I at 11 completely understand this whole thing yet these grown ass adult women can’t wrap their minds around it for even a second? Like it’s actually sad lol
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frost-queen · 5 months
What fire reveals (Reader x Sokka)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic  , @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve  , @queen-of-books , @glimmering-darling-dolly    @denkisclown, @wildieflower  , @meyocoko , @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23  , @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr   , @swampthing07, @melsunshine , @panhoeofmanyfandoms , @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat    , @rosecentury   ,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn   , @niktwazny303  , @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 , @sweetheartlizzie07
Summary: You are a superb fighter that doesn't need saving, yet that doesn't stop Sokka from wanting to protect you. Leading to some bickering and arguments. When Kyoshi islands get's invaded, Sokka confesses why he wants to protect you. Leading you to accept it even though his timing could be better.
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A flock of birds flew up from the trees. It made you look up, sensing something was up. Sokka noticed that your attention was elsewhere. He moved a bit closer to you, touching your elbow. – “What is it?” – he whispered, still eyeing his sister and Aang a bit. You pulled out tiny knives from your belt as it made Sokka take a step back, blinking wonderous at you. – “They are here.” – you only said, having a sense the fire nation was close.
Having followed you all to Kyoshi island. It appeared no where was save. – “The village.” – Sokka breathed out with worry, looking down. He stumbled back when he saw a blast of fire come in contact with one of the buildings. – “Stay here!” – Sokka ordered getting in motion. He paused seeing you follow him. – “I was talking about you Y/n.” – he said with a quirked up brow.
You puffed loud. – “You can’t stop me.” – you replied annoyed. Sokka groaned frustrated that you wouldn’t listen. – “Go!” – Katara called out. – “I’ll protect Aang. Sokka, take Y/n with you. You’ll need her.” – Katara finished, bossing her brother around. Sokka wanted to contradict that, but seeing that scold of his sister made him groan.
Katara ushered him away as you were already running down the hill. Sokka easily caught up with you, already with his weapon in his hand. – “Stay close.” – he said nearing the village. – “I can’t predict where I will end up!” – you responded as you had no control over it. – “At least try!” – he called out seeing the flames on the roofs. You groaned bothered a way of letting him know you would try your best.
Sokka and you arrived at the village, eyes widening at the havoc. Fire benders going after the villagers. Most of them running away and screaming in agony. Fire benders kicked over baskets and lighting up the houses. A few of them spotted you and Sokka. They slowly walked up to you, hands burning with fire. You tensed your hands around the little knives in your hands. Sokka exhaled anticipating for that first strike that he needed to block.
He swallowed nervously, glancing briefly at you. A blast of fire went your way as you moved your arms up, stopping the fire with the armour around your wrists. You then threw your knives at the soldier, hitting him in both legs. The soldier cried it out, hands trembling over the knives in his legs.
With trembling hands he pulled them out, throwing them annoyed at the ground. Sokka’s eyes widened seeing the rage in his eyes. He tackled you to the ground just as the fire blast flew over your head. Grunting, you rolled with him over the ground. – “Sokka!” – you called out as he laid on top of you. – “Leave the taunting to someone else.” – he made clear. You noticed the same soldier coming closer.
It made you push Sokka off you, jumping up to your feet. He send another fire blast at you, making you dodge it easily. Eyeing the building beside you, you ran over to it. Jumping up to set yourself off the wall, punching your fist on his cheek. The soldier stumbled to the ground as your feet found ground again. Sokka had gotten up punching his weapon in another soldier’s stomach. 
Sokka looked over his shoulder to you, seeing you easily tackle a fire bender to the ground. Sokka’s eyes widened again seeing another fire bender approach from the side. – “Y/n!” – he called out wanting to run in for help. With just a brief glance, you threw a little knife at him. It hit him in the shoulder, setting him off guard. You then kicked on a speer that laid over a basket. The speer twirled in the air as you caught it with one hand up.
Swiping the speer across, the soldier got swooped off his feet, falling down. You were about to hit him in the face when a boomerang took you by surprise. The soldier got knocked on his helmet. The helmet moved a bit up as the soldier fell back. The boomerang returned to his owner, making you glare at Sokka. – “I had him!” – you let out annoyed. – “A thank you would be welcome.” – Sokka replied with a sneer.
Puffing loud, you took a run for it, going over to assist a helpless villager. Sokka wanted to go after you but a fire bender stopped him. He punched his weapon against him. Then another one joined as he grabbed Sokka from behind, throwing an arm over his throat. It was briefly as Sokka felt his grip falter on him. Grasping for air, he looked to see the fan return to Suki.
He gave her a nod as Suki nodded back. Sokka had lost his sight on you for a moment, looking around worriedly. He would do anything to protect you. Even though you didn’t really need to. He just felt compelled to do so. His gaze fell on you running over the rooftops, setting yourself off as you jumped. – “Oh come on!” – Sokka blurted out at your boldness as you jumped on a few soldiers that had regrouped.
Exhaling loud, you moved some hair out of your face. – “Hi.” – you casually said within the group. One of them, clearly a figure of authority looked questionable at you. The soldiers around you slowly circling around you to close you in. – “Where is the Avatar?” – he asked, hands behind his back. – “Who?” – you answered dumbfound. Clearly your answer didn’t humour him. – “Seize her!” – he ordered. The soldiers jumped at you, grabbing for your arms for control. You grabbed one by the arm, pulling him around till you made him crash into another one.
There was a grip on your wrist, making you lift your head up with a snap and a soft gasp. Grabbing his wrist as well, you ripped it off, turning around, twirling under his arm as you then kicked him in the back. A soldier grabbed you from behind, locking your arms to your back. – “The Avatar!” – Commander Zhao called out wanting an answer out of you. You smirked. He thought he had the upper hand, but he was wrong. – “The Avatar, where is he girl!” – he grabbed you by the collar raising his fist at you.
You spitted at Commander Zhao as it made him stumble a bit back. Eyes closed in disgust as he wiped your spit off his cheek. Now you had him where you wanted him. Leaning a bit back, you set your feet ready. Your foot swept up ready to hit Commander Zhao in his face when someone came in your vision. Another person blocking your move as you kicked them in the face instead.
Sokka groaned in pain, dropping to the ground. – “Sokka!” – you called out. Sokka tried to get up to his feet as the man behind you, held you tighter in his lock. – “Are you insane?” – you shouted at him for putting you in an even worse position. Sokka got pulled up to his feet, held by a soldier. You saw a thin line of blood under his nose from where you had kicked him. – “I wanted to save you!” – he yelled back at you, ignoring the soldiers around him.
As if they weren’t there. – “I had it under control!” – you answered frustrated at him. – “I didn’t need your saving.” – you made clear. – “I don’t care!” – Sokka shouted back trying to wiggle himself free. – “No matter what, I want to protect you Y/n!” – he said as Commander Zhao interfered. – “Where is the Avatar?” – he wanted to know. – “Get lost!” – Sokka cursed at him for interfering.
He didn’t care at all for him, only you. – “I can fend for my own.” – you told Sokka. – “I know!” – Sokka responded sarcastically. – “I’m sorry am I interrupting your little tea session?” – Zhao said with a mocking undertone, gesturing at the both of you. – “Yes!” – Both Sokka and you yelled at him to shut him up. Zhao gritted his teeth being told off by a bung of teenagers. – “Don’t you understand Y/n, I always want to protect you because I like you!” – Sokka confessed being able to pull himself a bit closer to you.
Your expression softened, smiling back at him. – “Alright protect me.” – you answered as Sokka’s eyes widened a bit. – “You mean right now?” – he whispered to you. You hummed loud. – “You can do it Sokka, save us.” – you replied reassuring. Sokka swallowed nervously. He made an attempt that failed miserably. He got punched in the stomach, doubling over as he coughed loud. – “How much do you like me Sokka?” – you casually asked still being held by the soldier.
“A lot.” – Sokka coughed out trying to stand again. You smiled again. – “Good.” – you whispered stepping on the soldiers foot hard. You then smacked the back of your head against his nose. He stumbled back as the other fire benders got in action. One moved his arm forwards, blasting fire. You ducked down, re-appearing at his side. Grabbing his arm, you punched his armpit.
He winced from the pain as you elbowed him in the face. Zhao wanted to send fire to you as Sokka got up, throwing himself at Zhao. They both stumbled to the ground. Sokka called it out as he punched him against his chest. Zhao puffed out air. Sokka’s eyes widened when Zhao was about to attack him.
You pulled  him back by the back of his shirt, letting him fall on his back. You then set your foot on Zhao’s chest before he could rise again. Sokka had gotten up as he looked briefly confused when a fan flew past him. Suki and some Kyoshi warriors came to your aid. Sokka grabbed your hand, pulling you back. You stumbled against his chest, feeling a bit flustered.
The Kyoshi warriors fought the fire benders. One of the warriors bumped against Sokka making him self aware of his surroundings again. Sokka and you turned back to back, fighting off the fire benders. His weapon hit them repeatedly. You were with your back beside Sokka, trying to keep a bender at bay. Sokka’s eyes widened seeing Zhao had risen. His expression angered.
He moved his fist back to release a punch of flames towards you. Sokka gasped taking the fan of Suki who fought on his other side. She furrowed her brows confused at her sudden empty hand. You turned your head. Eyes widening as you saw the fire blast come your way. Then your vision was partly blocked by Sokka. He had come in front of you, swaying the fan aside as it deflected the fire.
He then flicked his wrist, throwing the fan at Zhao. It hit him in the head. The fan bounced off his head as it flung back. Suki catching it. Sokka was panting, turning around to you. You shook your head worriedly approaching him. Grabbing him by his shirt, you pressed your lips against his. Kissing him strong-willed. Once the shock wore off, he positioned him more casual, placing his hands on your hip as he joined your kiss.
“Kiss later, fight more!” – Suki called out interrupting the moment. Sokka and you stopped. He was smiling goofily at you, making you teasingly push his cheek aside. Sokka chuckled flustered. – “Anytime now.” – Suki groaned out trying to break the fire benders grip off her. Sokka and you nodded, joining the fight to defend Kyoshi island from the fire benders.  
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abcjxyzyeo · 7 months
haiii!! i have a request for you! could you maybe do a Sokka x Kiyoshi Warrior reader who watches over Sokkas trainings with Suki and he becomes embarrassed or wtvr because of how much hes failing? it can go any way you want, idm really. thanks sweets!<33
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Heart of a Warrior
AN; Request by 🦢 !!! Omg I absolutely love this idea sm, I had a little field day w this one 😘😘 But tbh I didn't know how to end this too the ending is kinda rushed and bad !!! Also for this js imagine Sokka and Suki r 20 and reader is 18 !!(It doesn't matter but Katara and Aang r still 12/14 !!) AND ONE MORE THING OMFG anyways just imagine that the gaang stayed at kyoshi for a little bit longer like 2 weeks before the fire nation came. (why does it feel so weird writing a fic for Sukis' sister x Sokka like dam she rlly stole her sisters man 😭😭)
Pairing; Sokka x afab!reader(romantic), Suki x afab!reader(family)
summary; When the gaang visits Kyoshi Island to ride some Koi fish, Sokka seems too distracted too even try to figure out whatever is going on with Katara and Aang. And distracted by a certain younger Kyoshi Warrior
warnings; not proof read!!, angst(?), sumwhat sfw ? semi one sided enemies to lovers
You sighed, wiping off the lengthy make up you wear to be a warrior. You loved being a Kyoshi Warrior more than anything, but it was tiring. You were two+ years younger than everyone else so Suki, your older sister and the leader, let you take breaks every so often. Luckily she said you can take the day off. You started to lay down to take a nap when you heard running and yelled outside, in your pjs you ran to grab your fan and went quickly outside. Staring at the trio that was tied to the podium you were star struck. Their clothes were so different than anything you have ever seen. You had honestly(but luckily) been sheltered to only have to know clothing from the earth kingdom and Kyoshi island. After debating between the three and your sister, the young bald monk was revealed to be the avatar. Something about it irked you and you rolled your eyes. When you looked back you had caught the attention of a water tribe boy who seemed to be your sisters age. he started to walk over and talk to you, but nothing peaked your interest. Mostly just him giving back handed sexist compliments.
"Your sister is pretty strong for a girl!" He chuckled, obviously annoyed he was ambushed by girls.
"Uh huh" not giving him common curtesy to look him in the eyes.
After a few more comments you simply zoned him out. Well until he asked something that you were actually interested in.
"Sooo.. are you one of the painted fighters too?"
"Um. A Kyoshi warrior? Yea I am" and he gave an interesting look so with that you walked off sighing to yourself. The first outsiders to visit during this 100 year war had to be the most uninteresting people ever. (Cuz honestly you weren't completely convinced the Avatar was here on good terms, he'd probably just lead the fire nation here.)
For the next few days you saw Sokka try and learn how to fight like a Kyoshi Warrior. It kind of disgusted you, you know he just wanted to be better than Suki, but luckily she was the best of the best so you had nothing to fear.
Suddenly you found your feet moving towards the duo practicing, against your will. You knew you disliked Sokka, you avoided him as much as possible. It was baffling to you how different he is from his sister, at least you could stand her. Once you reached the two you sat on a near-by tree stump. Sokka looked over mid attack and absolutely fumbled falling straight on his face. You rolled your eyes and his face went bright red. For the hour that you watched them, Sokka missed every hit and took every hit thrown at him. By this time you were annoyed, instead of finding it humorous. It was like he was trying to be funny and mess with a sacred art form. Frustrated, you loudly groaned and walked away. Sokka knew he had messed up, he wanted to be good, he wasn't sure if it was for him or for you. He thanked Suki and ran off to find you.
Practicing all your moves you had learned over the course of your young teenage life, you left someone creep behind you. Stopping what you're doing you turn around, expecting Suki, but finding Sokka. You simply crossed your arms expecting him to speak.
"You saw me practice today" he uttered embarrassed
"Indeed I did," rolling your eyes
"I didn't mean to mess up, I was just nervous with you watching!"
"Whatever you say water boy, just stay out of my way and stop making a fool out of yourself." you turned back around and tried expanding your fan, but suddenly a hand was on your wrist and your hip, spinning you around instantaneously. Sokka's face was mere inches from yours, he looked down at your lips and back up to your eyes making the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
"Why won't you give me a chance?" he whispered low
Your mind whirred, 'chance for what? Why does he want a chance? Why is he so close?'
"Um what do you mean?" you gulped loudly
He let go of you lightly, "Why don't you give me a chance to show you I'm not who you think I am, I'm strong and a warrior."
You immediately scoffed "Yea right, what I saw today really showed that." this obviously pissed Sokka off, and he lowered his head down to stare at you in the eyes. Suddenly you could smell him, taking a moment to appreciate how clean he kept himself, you gathered and studied every inch of his face. Pausing to look at how nice his lips looked in the light. A moment of silence was suddenly broke.
"Like what you see?" He said smirking, leaning in to close the distance between yours and his lips.
You yelped loudly before throwing him over your shoulder and running away.
After what happened it was easy to ignore him and his practices. But your heart didn't want to, some how that stupid pony tail boy made you yearn for him. But your brain knew it wasn't a good idea to fall for a strange boy, let alone let him know that. But fate was against the organ in your head and as you turned the corner you saw, once again, your sister practicing with the water tribe boy. You walked up to them to watch but this time when Sokka noticed you, he gave it his all. Easily overpowering Suki, her face turning bright red that you could see through the makeup. Sokka crossing his eyes and giving a smug look. Your jaw dropped and you felt something inside your stomach, a tight knot that wouldn't untie. Sokka walked over to you after thanking Suki and bowing to her.
"How was that?"
you just stared at him, shellshocked. Causing him to laugh he rolled his eyes at you, he wrapped one hand around your waist and one around the back of your neck pulling you in for a kiss.
You eased yourself into it, kissing back. Your brain knew it was wrong but what was so bad with letting your heart win?
"Well Sokka, you do have the heart of a warrior." you laughed before leaning in for another kiss.
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So many Zutarians claim that Bryke created Kataang as a fantasy fulfillment for their interest in the babysitter trope, but for the life of me, I cannot find this interview or article anywhere. Does this video/article even exist? Or is this just another case where these rabid fans either misremembered or took it wildly out of context again???
At least back it up with a link or screeshot, loser. C'mon, we should all be better than that. We should all also be enjoying our ships in peace but yet these crazies can't help but maintain their ship was "robbed."
I saw the video (after searching in the notes of some post about it), and while I do very much disagree with Bryke's sentiment on it, that is not exactly what they said.
They said they're suckers for romance and to see the guy that likes a girl that sees herself more as his older sister/babysitter, aka has a responsibility to him, slowly realize that she actually DOES like him back and doesn't have to see him as just someone she's reponsible for. Not quite the same as "Katara IS his babysitter who eventually decides she wants to fuck the kid she's looking after" and surely not the same as "This is personal sexual fantasy of ours" - but still inaccurate to canon Kataang if you ask me.
Even when Katara isn't really looking at Aang as a potential future boyfriend, she's already quite fascinated by him and is bothered by all the attention he is getting from girls on Kyoshi Island. I don't exacly get babysitter/older sister vibes from literal jealousy when someone demonstrates interest.
Katara dressing up as Sokka's, aka her actual brother's, heavily pregnant wife doesn't give me weird vibes because it's clearly just kids being silly. But if she had acted towards him whenever he was flirting with a girl the same way she reacted towards Aang as early as episode four? I'd Have Questions & Need Some Answers.
And don't get me wrong, you guys know I'm a freak that enjoys actual incest ships. If Kataang had any "sibling" vibes, I would not hesitate to point it out because it doesn't gross me out - but they just don't. They were not raised together, they act like two unrelated people that have a mutual crush on each other, and Aang even full on asks her if she thinks of him as just her little brother to which Katara says no. It doesn't get any clearer than that.
Bryke might have wanted it to START OFF like that, but they fucking failed. At most you could say "Early on, Katara did have a crush on Aang, but it was not as intense as his crush on her", but it NEVER came across as "She views him more as a responsibility instead of a friend/potential boyfriend."
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ghanjrho · 1 year
A:TLA; how it should have ended.
Recently, I've been on a deep dive into the A:tLA fandom, specifically the Zutara sphere. And that means I've found a lot of long-form meta on the show, it's ending, LoK, script final drafts, you name it. That's all gone in the brain blender, and here's what came out the other side.
Sozin's Comet honestly doesn't change that much; only two real differences.
The magic rock is gone. Instead, we get a flashback to Guru Pathik, and Aang realizes that he has to let go of his attachment to Katara.
The Maiko/Kataang victory laps in the last 5 minutes are gone. Mai and Zuko get a scene where they wish each other well, but acknowledge that they're over. Katara and Aang have a nice moment where they choose friendship. There's love there, but it's Philia, not Eros.
@burst-of-iridescent has a delightful essay series on Zutara, and the part that sticks in my head is that in the run-up to the finale, Aang and Katara are at their least unified. To wit:
In "The Southern Raiders" Aang is preachy, condescending, and more than a little hypocritical about Katara's plan to take vengeance for her mother. The episode ends with Katara explicitly rejecting Aang's belief that Yon Rha was forgiven.
In "The Ember Island Players" Aang is distraught at the idea that EIP!Katara's statements, namely that Aang is like her brother and she's attracted to Zuko, are true. When he questions Real!Katara about this, he responds to her statement that she's confused about her feelings by kissing her. The kiss is not returned. Again, no resolution is had.
Finally, in "Sozin's Comet Part 1" Katara is part of the chorus condemning Aang for refusing to even consider killing Ozai, no matter how many people are at stake. He runs off from the group, and from there disappears into the Spirit World to get Lion-Turtled. Yet again, no resolution, and the two don't reunite until the tea shop.
Now speaking of the Lion Turtles, I'm actually not opposed to them. Yes, they come out of nowhere to deliver an 11th Hour Superpower that handily spares Aang from having to actually make a choice he disagrees with, but at the end of the day it is a kid's show. Nickelodeon was never going to approve a script where Aang killed Ozai. Throw in a little bit of foreshadowing, and I'm good. It's worth noting here that the story of Avatar Wan was supposed to be covered in A:tLA, which would handily cover that requirement.
Now, for the post-canon. We'll start with Fire.
Zuko is NOT left alone in the Fire Nation. Similarly, Iroh does NOT fuck off back to Ba Sing Se.
Toph and Suki stick around. Suki in her canon role as commander of Zuko's Kyoshi Warrior bodyguard, while Toph and Mai use Toph's lie-detection and Mai's insider knowledge to purge threats to the new peace.
Toph eventually goes back to the Earth Kingdom to start a metalbending academy, but first she needs to make sure that her Sparky lives to be the grumpy old man he was born to be.
While Iroh is correct that for political and diplomatic reasons Zuko needs to be Fire Lord, he also bows to the reality that Zuko is plain and simply not ready to be the Fire Lord.
Zuko went from 4th in line to 1st in line basically overnight, and the 5-ish years he spent as Crown Prince were clearly not spent preparing him to succeed Ozai.
So a teenager with a fairly surface-level understanding of "how to monarch" has to self-Reconstruction the Fire Nation, while paying reparations, without having been militarily conquered.
This is how idealists get assassinated. New Plan!
Zuko is crowned Fire Lord. Iroh is his Prince Regent. It's very clear to all involved that Zuko is the one charting the course forward for the Fire Nation, while Iroh is there to convert intent to action, while teaching Zuko how it's done.
It doesn't hurt that Iroh is one of the Fire Nation's most successful military commanders, so the civil war route is a lot riskier for anyone to attempt.
Next, Sokka
Sokka honestly has a pretty good arc in the post-canon. Nothing I really feel the need to correct.
Eventually, Suki is able to hand off her duties in the Fire Nation to someone else and goes home to Kyoshi Island
It’s still home, but it isn’t the same. Or rather, she isn’t the same.
She never leaves the island behind, but it’s usually a stop on the journey from Wolf Cove to Republic City.
Then, Aang
Aang divides his time between Avatar duties and Last Airbender duties.
Avatar duties involve a lot of sitting in on meetings and reminding people that the ultimate goal is peace.
Last Airbender duties involve a lot of teaching Air Acolytes everything he remembers from his childhood. He gets lucky here, though.
The Airbender Genocide wasn't complete. More than a few Air Nomads escaped the Genocide, and hid themselves away. Some in small villages built in remote mountain valleys, others blended into Earth Kingdom settlements.
Plenty of quarter- or eighth-Air Nomad kids running around with airbending potential they never had the knowledge to develop. Think very early Book 1 Katara here.
The result is that a resurgent Air Nation is being formed, with a culture woven from the threads that survived through relics, the refugees, and Aang himself.
Airbenders are still rare, and it's over a decade before another airbender earns their mastery, but it's not his son and his grandkids when Korra comes around.
Finally, Katara
Katara spends a lot of time traveling. She spends time in the South Pole, helping to rebuild and learning Southern Style Waterbending from the released waterbenders. She also travels the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom, doing what she can to solve problems.
There are a lot of problems to solve.
Her travels in the Fire Nation are particularly fruitful; word of the Last Agni Kai has spread, so she is known to be the one that the Fire Lord sacrificed himself for, and who healed his wound.
She and Zuko stay in contact, allowing themselves to have a slow-burn courtship.
After a couple of years she moves to Caldera City and starts getting down to seriously courting Zuko, preparing herself for Fire Ladydom.
The year before Iroh is set to retire as Regent, she and Zuko start thinking about the wedding.
There are a lot of potential traditions to uphold, even just between the Southern Water Tribe and the Fire Nation
This goes double for the daughter of the head chieftain of the Southern Water Tribe, and the Fire Lord himself.
They decide to have fun with it and do everything.
Aang presides over a private ceremony, family/close friends only, that is really just a mutual declaration of love and friendship.
Then come the Southern Water traditions. It's the full gamut, with ice-dodging, sacred hunts and more. In the end, Zuko is an honorary member of the Southern Water Tribe, and he and Katara are wed (again).
There's a diplomatic tour through the Earth Kingdom, stopping at Kyoshi, Gaoling, Omashu, Ba Sing Se, the Foggy Swamp the former Fire Colonies, and ending at the Northern Water Tribe. The language used artfully slides over whether the couple is newly married or about to be married, but overall it works well for the Fire Nation's reputation abroad.
The final act is in the Fire Nation. A full Royal Wedding, a grand affair of state, held at high noon on the day of the summer solstice. When all is said and done, Zuko and Katara now rule alone as Fire Lord and Fire Lady.
Alright, I have more, but I'm tired. Tune in next time for the Fire Nation (extended) Royal Family! featuring Steambabies (Found here)
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shanastoryteller · 1 year
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA!!!!!!!!!! Lu Ten and Zuko or SIAT Drarry post Hogwarts please
a continuation of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
"Who's Suki?" Sokka asks once they set sail. It's the middle of the night, which seems the stupidest time to set off on some sort of dangerous rescue mission, but Lee had insisted and none of the other water benders had seemed to have a problem with it.
He supposes having a fire bender around minimizes many of the concerns with sailing at night.
Lee doesn't look at him, his head tipped back as he looks into the night sky. "A friend."
"Uh huh," he rolls his eyes and then huffs when he realizes the effect is wasted because Lee isn't looking at him. "Can I at least know where we're going?"
For a moment he really thinks that Lee's going to refuse to answer, but then he sighs and says, "Kyoshi Island." Lee looks at him then, up and down in a way that makes heat rush to his cheeks. He hopes Zuko can't tell in the dark. "Have you ever fought in a dress before?"
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quillthrillswriting · 5 months
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actually crying over this interaction katara has in my fic on kyoshi island where she realizes how nice it is to have girlfriends
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“Guess what your brother’s up to…” Ayiti was beaming, barely holding back her laughter now.
“Spirits, I’m not sure I even want to know.” Katara rolled her eyes, carefully curling up the centuries old paper in front of her and tucking it alongside the others in her cloth satchell. “What, did he accidentally get a sword stuck in some important monument after bragging to some poor unassuming villager about his swordsmanship?”
“Better.” Ayiti’s eyes flashed with amusement as she settled into the plush stool opposite Katara. She reached forward, hands resting on the varnished wooden table as her elegantly almond shaped nails drummed rhythmically in anticipation. “I missed his grand entrance, but apparently, he’s been set on helping us poor, untrained Kyoshi warriors! He pranced his way in, going on and on about how he’s the best warrior in his tribe. I got there just in time to see Suki wipe the floor with him.”
Katara groaned in embarrassment, burying her head in her hands as she slumped against the table. 
“No, no, you don’t need to be too embarrassed for him.” Ayiti rested a comforting hand on Katara’s arm as the Water tribe girl looked up, her scepticism apparent in her expression. “He was actually pretty sweet after Suki humbled him. He said he was ready to learn, that he had been overly cocky when he came in.”
Katara wrinkled her nose. “That doesn’t sound like the Sokka I know.”
“We were surprised too! He let us paint his face in the traditional style of Kyoshi warriors, even put on the armoured gown too!” Ayiti giggled again, remembering. “Although he was a little embarrassed when Aang saw him in it. I think Sokka interpreted Aang’s attempt to compliment him as Aang poking a little fun at him.”
“What’s Aang been up to, anyways?” Katara tried to make the question seem thoughtless, throwing in a shrug to accompany her words, but Ayiti’s shrewd expression saw right through her. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know!” She crooned, a teasing grin on her face. “C’mon, you’ve gotta get your mind off of the Avatar, and you’ve had your nose buried in scrolls the whole day. Let me show the future Waterbending master around my little old village.”
Ayiti helped Katara gather the rest of the scrolls and drop them off in the guesthouse, then dragged her between the different stalls, chattering animatedly. Katara had never really gotten to have a girlfriend her age, and she couldn’t believe all that she’d missed out on. For once, she felt her age. Back home, she took care of so many of the village kids whose parents had been lost to fire nation raids. She felt like it was her responsibility, that it was the least she could do, and she did enjoy it.
But perhaps she hadn’t quite grasped what it had taken out of her.
For every hour Sokka spent hunting for food and training to be a warrior, Katara spent parenting children, washing laundry, cooking, cleaning, repairing homes and weapons. She wished for maybe the millionth time that she and her brother had been able to have proper childhoods, present parents to lift that burden from them. She remembered Aang reminding her that she still was a kid. 
Here, walking around the market with Ayiti, she slipped into conversation excitedly, the two’s conversation oscillating between mentions of what the war had taken from them and more lighthearted teasing, and she was beyond grateful for the simplicity of a friend who saw her. 
⁎⁺˳ ✧༚ ˎˊ˗ ♡ ˗ˏˋയ ✩
♥ this will be coming out along with the rest of ch4 on wednesday! check out the first three chapters of this (ongoing) fic & my ao3 here! ->
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bigball-thefrog · 3 months
hi!! do you think you could write something where the reader has similar powers to Kyoshi from Avatar and like Zoro or any other character sees them use their power for the first time since they don’t really like to fight. Thank you!!
Hello!!!! Sorry it's been so long, I've just finished exams and am now on holiday for the next three weeks so I could only finish your request now. I hope it's close to what you wanted that you enjoy it
None just fluff
Narrator POV
Shit shit SHIT!! Was all Zoro thought as he ran in every single direction as he tried to find you. It was like any other fight they had whenever they went to these islands but this time you got separated and were alone with particularly strong enemy. Usually Zoro would trust his Nakama to be able to fight and defend themselves but you? Zoro saw you as this pacifist that wouldn't and couldn't fight and just waved a bunch of fans around for a distraction, so you going against an enemy twice your size worried himself.
He eventually found you near a cliff which worried him even more. He heard you had some kind of power so that must've meant you had a devilfruit, and if you have a devilfruit and you're near the ocean then that's not good. He ran towards you even faster, drawing his swords so he can protect you. But then he stopped, the guy trying to attack you was.. Stuck? He had his feet embedded in the ground and couldn't get them out, how the hell did he do that? And all you were doing was just standing there with your fans in your hands, what on earth were you doing?? But then, you took a step back, breathed in, embedded your own feet into the ground like it was sand then raised your hands and opened the fans. You then threw your hands down and aimed your fans at the ground in front of you. There was a small gust of wind but nothing else what on earth was that supposed to do??? But then the ground started to shake and Zoro fell down.
Zoro looked back at you confused and saw that where you aimed your fans was now cracking and breaking apart. The enemy you were fighting was also on the ground, but you? You were standing still like it was nothing. You once again raised your fans then swung them and pointed them right at the enemies face another gust of wind blew and hit the enemies face and suddenly the cracked piece of land started to fall and the enemy was sent into the ocean with an entire piece of land as well. The ground stopped shaking and you lowered your hands and sighed. You took your feet out of the ground and turned to walk away, when you saw Zoro you perked up a little. "Oh, Zoro! When did you get here?" you asked and tilted your head curiously. Zoro had an expression of shock and was still on the ground looking at the piece of island you just broke off like it was nothing. "What. The fuck. Was that?!!" Zoro asked as he looked back at you. You just chuckled and smiled, "That's my power. Haven't you seen it before?" "No I have not! I thought you hated fighting!" "Oh I do hate fighting but I know sometimes it's necessary for mine and my friends protection." "Wait so does everyone know about this?" "Yes" "Then how the hell did I not know?!" "Now that I think about it, you're always either lost or asleep whenever I actually use my power..." Zoro went beet red when you pointed that out, of he misses out on that stuff thanks to his sence of direction and when he's asleep.
"At least I know you're safe when we get into fights... You've been making me worry about you..." Zoro mumbled as he scratched his neck. Your face went smug and he looked at you confused, "What's with that face?" "I never knew you felt that way Zoro. I've never heard you say something so soft and sweet~" You teased. Zoro went beet red and frowned, "I was only saying I was worried because I didn't want you to be an liability to the crew! It's not sweet and I'm just happy you're not just a little pussy like I thought you were!" Zoro retorted to your teasing. "Yeah yeah... Don't worry, I won't tell the rest of the crew about how much you secretly care about me~" You teased again. Zoro went redder and looked like he was about to shout again so you bent down and held out your hand, "Come on, let's get back to everyone else to see if they need any help" Zoro calmed down and took your hand to get up. Once up he sighed and nodded, "Right, let's go see if anyone needs help." Zoro went of in the wrong direction so you just laughed to yourself and grabbed the back of his shirt, "This way big boy." Zoro went beet red again and just let you drag him back to the others.
Something short again this time but I will post again soon and I've got an idea for an Usopp oneshot next that I hope you will all enjoy.
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synergysilhouette · 4 months
Making Netflix's ATLA an AU instead of a strict remake: some changes I'd make to Book 1
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It's my personal opinion that since ATLA was great as-is, it didn't need a remake (even if it is underrated). But if Netflix was gonna make one anyway, I'd prefer they made it an AU and make significant changes without marketing this as "this is exactly like the show you enjoyed as kids/teens." (Note: Possibly controversial changes below)
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Sexism against male waterbenders because of Kuruk--Due to what is viewed as a "failure" on Kuruk's part to properly manage his duties as avatar and his spiritual corruption, male waterbenders are believed to lack the necessarily gentleness and spirituality in order to bend properly, with combat or healing. Given how Harun was removed (at least from season 1), he could've been rewritten as a waterbender here, with Pakku as his uncle, who still holds onto tradition, even if it holds him back. Due to being male AND the Avatar, Aang isn't taught waterbending at the North Pole while Katarra is, and she teaches Aang in secret with Pakku's help, which inspires Harun to learn as well. Eventually when he's found out, he and Harun are banished from the tribe (because beliefs can't be changed in a day or two). The sexism also fuels Sokka's inferiority complex; while male waterbenders are seen as lacking control, Sokka's lack of bending at all is seen as a loss of water tribe culture in the south and since the north has much more waterbenders, his role as a non-bending warrior is kind of reduced.
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More focus on the Water Tribe--The idea is supposed to be that waterbenders were wiped out, but I do like the idea that we still explore aspects of Water Tribe culture, as well as making the territory larger. Given the fact that most of book 1 takes place in different regions and the Netflix remake kinda condensed things, I do want more episodes to take place in WT territory. Kyoshi Island for example is an EK territory, but is also close to the Southern Air Temple and the Southern Water Tribe, so their culture could be shown as more mixed, maybe even with some hidden waterbenders there. Another (albeit controversial) idea could be introducing Bumi in book 2 before introducing Toph, given that Omashu and Gaoling aren't super far from Each other. We could also introduce Hama here to share more of the SWT culture and introduce the concept of bloodbending much earlier so it's a conflict for Katara throughout the whole series. Perhaps maybe even adapt "The Swamp" episode in this season, since I'm not entirely sure it'll be made in the next season.
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Ozai's psychology is explored more--In both the OG show and the remake, he's presented as the pinnacle of evil at a first glance, but that's not completely true. Just like everyone else, he's complex, with his evil being brought about by his upbringing. He isn't trying to rule just because; he truly sees it as his divine right, which makes his persuasiveness that much more powerful. He isn't quite as aggressive as other fire nation antagonists and relies more on his manipulation and charisma. As such, he's good and making people fear him, love him, and second-guess themselves. The remake had Zhao and Azula take him for a joke, tbh, so that would need to be fixed. I'd also make him more acrobatic and agile like Azula rather than just a hard-hitter, and he essentially tells Zuko the half-truth of Ursa's banishment, making it seemed like she killed Azulon and was planning on killing Ozai and Iroh next so that she could have the throne. In reality, Azulon died of natural causes, but Ozai made it appear as though he was murdered in order to frame Ursa. When she confronted him, he banished her and told her to stay gone in order to stop influencing their children. In fact, keeping with her storyline in the comics, Ursa does change her appearance, and Zuko meets with her several times throughout the series (removing the amnesia stuff here).
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Lu Ten is alive (for a while)--Something I'd enjoy seeing for a minute would be evil Iroh. Let's say Ozai managed to best him in an agni kai for the throne (inspiring Zuko to do this with Azula later on), and Iroh volunteers to go with Zuko on his journey with the hopes of turning him against his father. With time, he develops affection for his nephew and becomes a better father than Ozai was. He believes Lu Ten won't be a threat to Ozai since he now has the throne, but Ozai sends him to help with the Siege of Ba Sing Se, where he ultimately loses his life. This puts Iroh at the crossroads of destiny like Zuko, but he chooses to defend Team Avatar instead. During his imprisonment in the Fire Nation, Iroh tries to calm the turmoil in Zuko's heart, which confuses Zuko due to Iroh's previous speeches and proverbs about power and triumph over his enemies. And I'd also make a rather odd change: both Lu Ten and Iroh are skilled in chi blocking. I definitely feel like Iroh would be well-versed in the art and teach it to his son.
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More emphasis on Avatar Roku and Sozin's friendship. Seeing how Roku is Aang's past life and his friendship with Sozin was part of what led to the Hundred Year War, it should definitely take more precedence outside of book 3.
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Iroh is Aang's first firebending teacher--This is super weird, I know, but if we're not gonna have Jeong Jeong, I like the idea that while evil (at first), Iroh is still super wise, and does give Aang a few tips on firebending, which he tries on his own, but lacking guidance he burns Katara (or Sokka; it'd feed into his insecurities as a non-bender if he gets hurt and Katara heals him).
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Sokka/Zuko and Katara/Azula rivalry--I remember a video once explaining how Sokka and Katara are parallels of Zuko and Azula, given that their mom was gone at an early age and their father influenced them greatly. The big brother wants his father's love and is insecure, while the little sister seems more powerful and has issues regarding her mom. The big difference is that Ozai was a manipulative father while Hakoda was compassionate. In my revision, Zuko wouldn't take Sokka seriously at first since he's a non-bender, highlighting Sokka's concern of being useless, and his growth would make Zuko feel more insecure in turn. Eventually when Zuko joins the team, they often work together. Azula is rational and a prodigy while Katara is emotional and still learning, but Katara gains confidence while Azula loses it. Just like Zuko, Katara sees it as her mission to stop Azula and sees the pain she goes through. I would also gives Azula a bit more frustrated moments to highlight her youth; a lot of people say she's beyond redemption despite only being 14 and the victim of growing up in an emotionally abusive environment.
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sokkastyles · 8 months
I'm already seeing people saying they are gonna "soften" zuko in the first season heh it made me think of your prediction
Listen, the marketing team of this show knows their audience. Zuko is already being marketed as one of the main protagonists. His character and his redemption arc is hugely popular and known as one of the main draws of the series. Does anyone honestly think that the writers of the show are gonna be like "now, listen, we can't make him too likeable." He's their cash cow, and they know it, and of course they're going to play that up.
That doesn't necessarily mean they're going to soften the character, but we'll probably get more of him being portrayed as a protagonist and not just a villain early on.
A lot of this is par for the course with an adaptation. You have to remember that when ATLA was airing, people didn't know how Zuko's arc was going to play out. Oh, there are lots of hints early on that the writers intended for him to be redeemed from the first episode, bit they themselves have said they didn't know how it would happen. That developed along the way.
Netflix has the advantage of knowing all the beats in advance, in an arc that in the original, was more ambitious than any of the other character arcs. But this poses a new problem, because an ambitious arc that we haven't seen before is less ambitious the second time around. So what to do? The obvious answer is to change things up a bit, to play up the things we know are going to happen later. So I suspect we will get some of that.
Am I worried that Dallas Liu won't be able to quite pull off what Zuko did in the original? Yeah, but that's a testament to how good OG Zuko was. It's challenging to pull off that kind of characterization. That and hindsight are both going to affect how people view Liu's performance.
Even so, there are already people who say that OG Zuko is too soft, or that fans soften him, or try to make him seem worse even after his redemption. That's a testament to how complex of a character Zuko is. I find myself analyzing the few seconds we've gotten of Liu's performance, looking for that complexity. That's a lot to put on the young actor's shoulders.
Especially since everything is going to be more subdued going from live action to cartoon. So my guess is that we'll get a less shouty Zuko. The other thing is that a lot of Zuko's early vulnerability is revealed to us by seeing him getting comedically smashed into a wall over and over again, so there will also be less of that. Which means the show will have to show Zuko's mix of simmering rage, petulance, vulnerability and insecurity in other ways. That plus hindsight plus the netflix episode format of less and longer episodes means we'll probably also get Zuko's backstory much more early on, or at least parts of it, probably as early as the first episode.
As for specifically the fear that Zhao being present on Kyoshi Island means Zuko will play less of a role there, I think it's more likely that the show is expanding Zhao's role both as an antagonist for Zuko and as an antagonist for the rest of the gaang, in anticipation of the season one finale. That also goes back to the fact that things will probably need to be toned down in the move to live action anyway. I've said before that it makes little sense to hold Zuko burning Kyoshi against him since it's the result of reckless cartoon bending and Aang puts the fire out very easily via Unagi in an equally cartoonish way. My guess is that in the adaptation Zhao will follow Zuko there and we'll get a three-way fight, and even if Zhao does most of the burning, Zuko will still be responsible for bringing Zhao there, so it's not like they're exonerating Zuko for something the original show didn't even treat seriously to begin with.
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atla-confessions · 16 days
Sukaang is underrated
Sukaang isn’t just underrated. It’s THE underrated rare pair. Out of all the Gaang ships it has to be the least common and while I get that because Aang and Suki don’t interact much, they still have so much going for them.
She protected Appa and nursed him back to health and everyone knows that Appa’s opinion of someone carries a lot of weight with Aang lol. Of course they would also connect over Suki serving one of Aang’s past lives. He’d share what he knows about Kyoshi and they’d train together with fans.
I could see them getting together 6-10 years after the show ends when Aang visits Kyoshi Island. It’s the first time Suki has seen him in forever so she has a “oh no he’s hot” revelation. Aang canonically has no trouble shooting his shot with an older girl but he’d be more tactful and smooth at 20 than when he was 12.
Also Suki would totally pull off yellow and orange air nomad colors. Thank you for coming to my Sukaang TED talk.
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thatonebirdwrites · 1 year
Spirit World Vacation Canon Version
Wanted more from Turf Wars, so wrote this. Note, the song that Korra sings is a slightly altered version of the song Kyoshi sings to Rangi. If you all like it, I can continue it. (Though honestly, I'm convinced they kissed before the "official kiss" in Turf Wars. I think Asami just wanted to kiss her again. And again. And all the time probably.) EDIT: Per your request, I'll update on Sundays here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50312500 (Four more chapters are planned.) ___
Vacationing in the Spirit World
Asami Sato planned things meticulously. She designed to the last bolt. Attempted to anticipate all possible scenarios and account for them. This had proven to her advantage while fighting at Korra's side. It did not prove her advantage for a vacation. Especially one spur of the moment decided at a wedding.
A certain thrill filled Asami at the fact Korra and her were sneaking away. Made her feel years younger, although they did tell two people. Bolin, simply because they knew he'd never keep it a secret which was what they hoped for, and Jinora, mostly because she'd caught Asami in the women's dormitory with a backpack and wearing her engineering outfit.
"Where are you going?" Jinora asked, confused.
Awkward. Asami had never lied to the teenager, and she wasn't about to start now. "Korra and I are sneaking out for a vacation. We badly need it. Give us a day or so and then tell the others?"
Jinora grinned and launched herself into Asami. "Of course! I'm so glad you two are finally admitting it!" She hugged Asami's waist tightly. "Thought you never would."
Asami patted Jinora's back. "Thanks… wait. Wait, are you saying Korra…?"
Surely that was wishful thinking on her part. Asami was the one in love. Not Korra, right?
Jinora released her and blushed. "Well… you should just ask her! Okay bye!" Spinning on her heel, she raced out of the dorm, leaving Asami to stare after her.
She'd confided in Jinora by accident during the three year sojourn. It had been after she'd brought over her newly completed airbending suits. Having them fitted on the testing subjects and marking out the results of tests had been exhausting. Not physically more emotionally. All of Air Temple Island reminded Asami of Korra to the point of pain. It had been not quite two years then, and she'd yet to receive Korra's letter.
Jinora had found her sitting in the pavilion in tears.
Asami Sato prided herself on having a handle on her emotions. To her chargin, she'd blurted it all out to Jinora after she asked why Asami was crying. At least Jinora honored her promise and never told anyone. Though her teasing about the park and the statue Asami had built had been relentless.
The price one paid for confessions Asami supposed.
Korra waited for her on the far side of the island, near the cliffs, though why she'd picked this spot was beyond Asami.
Again, the lack of plan grated. Was she really doing this? Really going alone with Korra into the Spirit World?
Seeing Korra standing by the cliff with her own backpack, the wind blowing her short hair around her face, Asami gulped and slid to a stop, stunned yet again by her beauty. Why did Korra have to look so perfect? The bulge of her muscles in her tunic and sleeves, the soft waves of her golden brown hair, the deep brown of her skin tone that seemed to shine in the setting sun.
Having Korra back meant the world to Asami, but she had not anticipated nor planned for the devastatingly intense emotions seeing Korra's physique could do to her.
Asami prided herself on her fitness routines. She was an accomplished martial artist, and yet she was being utterly undone by Korra standing and looking at a sunset. Her dojo master would be shaking his head at her lack of self-control.
Get a grip, Sato, she told herself sternly. It's not like she had definitive proof that Korra liked her back, let alone loved her the way Asami loved everything about her.
Korra turned right at that instant and grinned. "Asami!" Oh. Oh. That smile, the brilliance of it.
Asami Sato had cataloged many of Korra's expressions, especially her smiles. Korra had thirteen different flavors of smiles for a variety of occasions. Asami might have drawn all of them in her Idea Journal, but she wasn't about to admit that. Not yet.
This smile, however, did not fit the other thirteen. No, no, this was new.
She needed to document this. Draw it. Record the evidence. Or rather, speak. Yes. Words were a thing people did, correct?
Oh spirits, did she really just say hi to Korra? She really was a lovesick fool.
Korra skipped down to her. "Hi back. You ready to go?" She grasped Asami's hand and squeezed it.
Oh, oh, this was a thing they did now? Asami knew she was grinning like an idiot. So much for her composure. She nodded and did her best to swallow the urge to cry and wrap Korra in a hug so tight. Or worse kiss her. She still hadn't confirmed what this was. No, no, she had to wait. Gather more evidence. Maybe actually talk. Yes. Asami could indeed talk. Words were necessary for communication.
"Yes, yes, let's go…"
Asami looked around and realized they had no transportation off the island. This was nowhere near the docks, but then to use those meant dealing with the wedding, and they'd never escape then. "Uh, transportation?"
Korra laughed. "I thought I'd get us there. But you'll have to hold on tight, okay?"
"Okay." Asami would do anything Korra asked at this point, especially when that brilliant smile was leveled at her. As heightened as her senses were to Korra's every move, she saw Korra's arm move toward her, and she stepped immediately into Korra's side and wrapped her arms tightly around Korra's chest.
Korra held her tightly against her, just like she had when they'd jumped off the train bridge with Mako and Wu.
Asami knew the jump was next, but despite anticipating it, the leap still caught her by surprise, as did the fact Korra was surfing the waves with her. They flew at a far faster speed than expected, and Asami found herself whooping at the thrill of it. Why had they never done this before? This was fantastic!
Korra laughed and guided them to the docks of Republic City, right where Asami had parked her Satomobile earlier that evening.
Asami's legs felt like water when Korra swept them up onto the dock. She held on for a moment longer, no longer caring who stared, because Korra was holding her waist still, and looking at her, and Asami could kiss her.
No, she shouldn't kiss her. Not yet.
"Uh, I… I'll drive us there…" Or as close as she could get them considering the devastation to the city. And the giant mech that lay sprawled in pieces across the Spirit Wilds. Oh and the Spirit Wilds themselves, which seemed to be half a giant vine crater with a portal in the center.
Asami needed an off road version of her precious blue satomobile. The one she'd made in honor of Korra, like most things in those three years honestly. She found she wasn't the slightest embarrassed. Korra deserved it. She'd always deserve it.
"Right." Korra released Asami and laughed, nervously. "Right. Uh. I'm glad you're driving."
Asami raised an eyebrow. "I recall our one lesson. Don't think you're getting out of a second one." She wagged her finger at Korra. "I'll get you to drive one of these days, Avatar Korra."
That got a solid laugh from the most beautiful and lovable woman in the world. Oh, Asami really could kiss her, but instead, she linked her pinky with Korra's and led her across the quay to where a line of vehicles were parked, her precious satomobile being quite a ways from the others. Purposely placed to avoid anyone daring to bump it. Not to her surprise, Korra hopped over the side of the vehicle to land in the passenger seat. Only to remember she still wore her backpack. She dumped it at her feet with a sheepish grin.
Asami stowed hers in the backseat and settled into the driver’s side. The silence between them felt comforting almost, not at all tense as she’d feared while packing. She headed down the street, and considered the route, careful to avoid the worst of the damage. Thinking about it would depress her about how she’d have to rebuild the damn city again, but well, maybe someone else could worry about starting that. She’d certainly left a long enough letter with the courier for her project management team and assistant.
“So… why’s your satomobile blue? Don’t you normally drive black ones?” Korra tapped her knuckles against the side of the satomobile.
The question startled Asami out of her thoughts. She glanced at Korra and smirked. “You really don’t know?”
Korra looked at her, blankly.
Asami laughed. Oh, this was precious. “What color are you wearing, Korra?”
Korra looked down at her clothes. “Uh… blue?”
Asami nodded and drummed her fingers against her steering wheel. Another glance out the corner of her eye witnessed Korra’s confusion that slowly changed to understanding.
“OH. You painted it blue because I wear blue? In honor of my people?”
Asami stopped the vehicle to turn and stare at Korra in disbelief. “What? I asked what you wore… not…” She reran the conversation in her head and couldn’t follow Korra’s logic train. Did she have to bluntly say it? Asami could feel the blush burning her ears and spreading to her neck.
“Me. Oh. In honor of me.” Korra studied her for a long moment. “Huh. That’s actually really sweet.”
Asami started up the drive again, convinced her face was now beet red. Well, Korra had seen her at her worst. A blush wasn’t the end of the world, right?
The route grew more convoluted the closer they came to the epicenter of the destruction, and finally, Asami gave up. She found a relatively safe location to park her vehicle, and flipped the switch to bring up the hood. Korra jumped, her eyes wide, as the hood elongated and clanked into place above her windshield.
“Wait, could all your satomobiles do that?”
Asami smirked, amused. “Yes. What did you think we’d do if it rained?”
“Uh, huh, you know, I never even thought about that.” Korra tapped her bottom lip. “Now it makes perfect sense.”
“Oh you are adorable.” Asami hadn’t meant to say it out loud, but she had, and Korra looked at her with a blush. Now they were both blushing. This was a sign, right? Korra wouldn’t blush unless she felt similarly? Asami could hear Jinora’s words in her head, where she’d assumed the two of them had finally admitted… whatever Jinora knew.
"And you aren't?" Korra teased.
Oh, oh, how frustrating. Asami could no longer tell if that was a friendly banter like old times or something more. She desperately wanted it to be something more.
She hurriedly exited the vehicle, and then had to backtrack to grab her backpack. Korra watched her, looking amused by how flustered Asami had become. How utterly rude. To lean against her vehicle looking so incredibly hot and amused by how much Asami was blushing? She’d have to get Korra back somehow.
That, of course, required a plan.
Which lead her back to the original problem. “What is our plan exactly?”
“We go on vacation!” Korra slid on her backpack and walked around the vehicle to fall into pace next to Asami. “By walking into the Spirit Portal. Perhaps the most crucial part of the plan.” She walked sideways to bestow Asami with that absolutely mind-melting smile.
Oh, how cruel. So, so cruel. To look that kissable and yet all this space was between them. Asami sighed but she couldn’t resist smiling back. “Fine. What is the plan after entering the portal?”
Korra blinked. “Oh. Well, we walk! And explore.”
Asami raised an eyebrow. “You have no plan.”
“You don’t either!” Korra slung her arm through Asami’s. “Besides, it’s way more fun to go with the flow, right? Be in the moment and relax.” She poked Asami’s side. “Are you capable of relaxing?”
Asami huffed. “I relax!”
Except, did she? Now that she actually thought about it, she hadn’t really had much time to herself to relax. Unless it involved bringing Korra tea. Now that Asami would drop everything to do. Even if the reasons she came up with were... a trifle ridiculous in hindsight.
Korra poked her again. “Riiiight. Ms. Workaholic. I read all your letters. I don’t think you took a single day off those three years, did you?”
“I…” Her protest died at the fact Korra had said all. “Wait, you read all my letters? All of them?” She could feel the blush creeping up again. “I… wrote you twice a week.”
Korra laughed. “Long ones too! And yes, I kept them at my bedside in a separate pile from the others. So I can get to them easier.”
“You… did?” Asami had no idea how to parse this information.
“Yeah, of course. I mean, why wouldn’t I?”
Korra tugged Asami to a stop and turned her to face her directly. “Asami, I know… it took me a long time to write back, but I thought of you a lot. I mean. A lot, okay?”
“You did?” She was repeating herself now. Surely she could say something more intelligent, but her heart was beating so much faster, and tears stung her eyes. She took a deep breath to try to calm her racing heart. “I… thought of you every day,” she said quietly, and looked down at her boots.
Korra reached up and tucked a stray lock of Asami’s hair behind her ear. The gesture felt so intimate that Asami’s breath caught in her throat. She looked up to see Korra had tears in her eyes too. “How about we do our vacation then? Together?”
Together. Yes. Asami liked the sound of that. She nodded, unable to quite voice her thoughts, her heart too full of hope.
Eh, who needed a plan? Not when she had Korra at her side saying the sweetest things and slinging her arm through hers again. Maybe this time, Asami could let her anxieties go and just go with the flow. It couldn’t be that hard, right?
When they reached the edges of the portal, Asami reached out without thinking, only for Korra to do the same. Their hands bumped each other and then curled into a tight hold.
This was it then. The moment of truth. Time to walk into a portal. Asami stood staring at how it split the sky, it’s swirling golden-white light with its helix of pale green at its center. She’d been close to a portal before during the Water Tribe Civil War, but Korra had entrusted her with the getting her father to safety, so Asami hadn’t had a chance to truly look.
This beam of light somehow pierced both worlds to intertwine them together like that semi-transparent helix, but how did it work? Would it hurt? Was it instantaneous?
Korra chuckled. Gently, she pulled Asami toward her. “Now we walk in, you know.”
Asami laughed, nervously. “Right.”
Their nonexistent plan. She could do this. Especially with Korra holding her hands and giving her that affectionate look. Asami met her gaze with a smile, but then Korra grasped her other hand. Asami’s heart skipped a beat. Oh, oh, the expression Korra gave her, the one that made her knees weak, the urge to kiss her nearly overwhelming.
Slowly, Korra lead her into the portal while walking backward. Asami couldn’t look away as the light highlighted the hues of brown in Korra’s skin, the crinkles around her eyes from her smile, the soft look in her cerulean eyes.
Then the light cascaded around them, and for a moment in time, Asami felt this intense connection with everything. A breathtaking pulse of energy, that left her gasping when Korra gently tugged her through. She counted out her breaths until her breathing slowly calmed, her eyes focused on Korra, and only Korra.
How was Korra looking so calm and adorable? That tender smile was too much.
Asami almost leaned down to kiss her. Almost.
But the way the portal light reflected across Korra's gorgeous brown skin, the way it highlighted her magnificent muscles and curves -- Asami lost the ability to think or act. Only look and look and spirits, look.
If Korra hadn't gently tugged her hands, she might have continued to stand there, grinning like a lovesick fool for the rest of her life.
Or at least until she gathered up the nerve to just kiss her. That was where this was heading, right? Oh spirits, Asami hoped so.
That’s when the full reality hit her.
The Spirit World laid before her in a patchwork of landscapes. She released Korra's hands and stepped forward in amazement.
Mountains lined the valley, the peaks shrouded bit swirls of spirits or what Asami thought were clouds. A river meandered down its left side. Her eyes widened at the sight of a huge serpentine spirit swimming through the lazy waves of the river, blobs of possibly more spirits floating in its wake. Clusters of forest marked the edges of a wide plain of flowers, and to the far right a path curved through stone pillars. Near the stone pillars, massive birds walked the plains toward massive mushrooms. All of it so surreal, as if the world had been painted and sculpted.
This was not at all what she had expected. Asami had based her assumptions on Korra's and Jinora's descriptions, which had painted a world that shifted and molded to emotions, yet this landscape seemed oddly fixed. Maybe the alterations to the landscape happened more slowly than they claimed? Or was there stronger emotions needed to unlock such oddities? Her mind raced with possibilities, and she pondered what sort of experiments she could devise to test the limits of this odd emotion force.
Was it only fear or anger or more negative emotions that caused such changes? Or could any emotion alter the landscape? Could it alter the way the spirits responded?
“Welcome to the Spirit world," Korra said, startling Asami from her thoughts. Asami looked at her, and realized Korra still stood in the same spot, her eyes not at all on the world, but on her. A blush spread across her cheeks.
“I can’t believe I’m actually here!” Asami said, to try to distract herself from doing something stupid. Like grabbing Korra and kissing her.
Would Korra be okay with that?
It was a thought that had haunted her since she'd crashed into her at the restaurant for their reunion. She hadn't thought that through, but seeing Korra standing there? After three years? Asami's brain had ceased to function, and she couldn't even remember what she said. Only that she'd practically tackled Korra, their bodies pressed so tightly together that Asami could feel her heartbeat. Korra hadn't pulled away, but held on as if she needed it as much as Asami.
And in their interactions since that reunion, all of them had felt charged with an intensity that had left Asami wanting. Was that evidence that this was more than just friendship now?
Asami needed this connection with Korra to flourish, but as much as she had dreamed of this moment, she realized she had no idea what to do.
Asami's eyes raked over Korra's body for probably the millionth time since Korra's return, and once again, she settled on her lips. What would Korra's lips taste like?
No, no, thinking about kissing her wouldn't do. Not yet. Asami had to gather more evidence that this was mutual attraction, and not just Asami's wishful thinking.
Best to focus on anything else. Asami turned and strode through the flowers. She breathed in their sweet and tangy scent, and listened to the murmur of spirits and the whisper of wind through the vegetation.
Here she was, in the spirit world, with Korra. Korra was with her. Them alone in the Spirit World.
Okay, there simply was no objective way for her not to be a giddy, lovesick fool, was there?
Asami breathed out a sigh and looked back at Korra. This trying to distract herself was failing.
Korra lifted a finger and a spirit bird landed on it with a soft chirp.
How incredibly adorable. How was Asami going to survive this? The urge to tackle Korra and pepper her with kisses was maddening.
“The Spirit World is a pretty unpredictable place," Korra said. The bird chirped again and flew off. "You never know when the ground might drop right out from under you. So stay close, I don’t want us to get separated.”
“Me either…” Asami barely registered her words.
Ugh, she so desperately wanted to lean forward and kiss Korra, to taste her, to feel Korra’s strong arms wrap her in a tight hug, their hips pressed together. She needed to get a hold of herself.
It took some willpower, but she managed to look away toward the great valley ahead of them. “So… where do we start our vacation?” She had tried to settle on a nonchalant tone but failed when her desire crept into it anyway.
Korra laughed. "Walking forward might be a good start."
Asami rolled her eyes. "Beyond that. We need a plan. And you're the expert, right?"
Korra shrugged.
"Sure, like I said. Stick by me. And besides, it’s a vacation, Asami. Release the need to plan." She turned and grasped Asami’s shoulders with that heart-warming smile. “Your Avatar commands you.”
Your? Her brain halted on that word. Your, she said your. A nervous laugh escaped her.
If Korra wanted her to go with the flow, to live in the moment, then dammit Asami would do it. She'd do anything for Korra.
Shyly, Asami reached out and gently pushed a lock of Korra’s golden-brown hair from her eyes. Her fingers traced over Korra’s temple and ear. The Avatar didn’t pull away, only seemed to lean into the touch. This was really happening then. Korra might actually feel the same, that was the logical conclusion, surely? She couldn’t be misinterpreting this right?
Her hand trembled, and she dropped it, suddenly uncertain.
A dragon-bird swooped across the valley and screed a greeting.
Asami jumped, startled.
Korra turned with a laugh. She held up her hand in greeting, and the dragon-bird landed with a gust to gently nuzzle Korra’s side.
“Look like our ride’s here!” Korra tugged on Asami’s hand. “Come on, I’ll help you up!”
Asami placed a hand on Korra’s shoulder and then her foot in her Avatar’s hands. Effortlessly, Korra lifted her up.
Oh, oh. Korra's strength. Hot. Beyond hot. Boiling.
Right. She needed to pull herself up. Get ahold of yourself, Sato, she told herself sternly.
Asami grabbed hold of some of the feathers of the spirit and pulled herself up onto its back. Korra airbended herself into place in front of Asami.
“Hold on tight!” Korra instructed.
“Always,” Asami murmured. She slid her arms around Korra’s waist and pressed herself to her Avatar’s warm back. Maybe she didn't need to hold on this tightly, but Asami couldn't resist.
It took off in a whoosh, the wind blowing Korra’s hair back into Asami’s face, but she didn’t mind. Korra’s hair smelled like spice and jasmine, absolutely lovely. Korra laughed in delight, and Asami found herself grinning from ear to ear too.
Korra leaned forward and whispered something to the dragon-bird, and it curved in its flight. With a short dive, it landed near a forest of giant leaves that grew like trees. Dirt and grass blew briefly into the air to settle in a soft cloud.
Korra slid off first and held out her hands to Asami.
Asami laughed in delight as she slid off into Korra’s strong embrace. For a moment, Korra held her slightly off the ground, her arms around Asami’s waist.
Korra smiled, but this was unlike all the other smiles Asami had carefully cataloged. It crinkled the skin around her eyes, and her gaze held what looked almost like adoration.
Asami's hands gently parted Korra’s hair on both sides of her face. She trailed her fingers down her Avatar’s brown cheeks that were tinged with the flush of a blush, past her lips, down her strong jaw until she landed her fingers on Korra’s muscular shoulders.
Spirits, she'd always wanted to do that.
Korra swung her gently away from the dragon-bird and lightly put Asami down. As her boots sunk a bit in the soft dirt, Asami kept her hold on Korra’s shoulders, just as Korra held her waist.
“What did you think?” Korra asked, her smile now held a hint of that cocky grin she’d always wear in their sparring sessions.
“Beautiful,” Asami whispered. Them together, holding one another, as a dragon-bird spirit lay next to them, its tail half curled around them. What could be more perfect than this moment?
Kissing. Kissing Korra.
Except, what if this was just a dream? If she blinked, would it be gone? Her waking up alone as the dream faded into the ether?
For a moment, her anxiety clenched her stomach, and she blinked back tears. No, no, this was real, right?
Korra released her, and Asami dropped her hands from Korra’s shoulder a bit breathless still. Already she felt cold without Korra’s strong arms around her.
Korra reached out and wiped away her tears, her thumb lingering on Asami's cheek. Her breath caught in her throat.
There was no mistaking that gesture. Far too intimate.
Korra took her hand again.
“See you soon!” She called to the dragon-bird with a wave. “And thank you, great spirit!” The dragon-bird hummed a sweet reply and took off in a whoosh of air.
Dirt cascaded around them from the takeoff and broke the spell Korra had cast on Asami from her touch.
With a cough and a snort, Asami dusted off her pants and jacket. “Is that your usual ride around here?”
“I guess so,” Korra said, thoughtfully. One finger tapped her bottom lip. “Does tend to come when I’m here.” She turned toward the forest of trees, no, giant leaves. “So, let’s stroll through this… uhh…” she tilted her head at the giant leaves.
“One-leaf trees?” Asami ventured, also at a loss for what to call them.
“Yes. One leaf trees.” Korra agreed. They walked, hand in hand, and to Asami’s surprise, Korra hummed softly with that tender smile on her lips again. She listened but she didn’t recognize the tune.
“What are you humming?” Curiosity had gotten the better of her.
“Oh.” Korra rose dusted her brown cheeks. “It’s an old sea shanty song, though the words changes depending on the singer."
Asami squeezed her hand and raised an eyebrow to encourage her to keep talking.
Korra smiled with a rush of air. "Well, I wasn’t always at the compound, you know? Sometimes I visited my parents for a few days every few weeks or so. We’d talk for hours, me telling them all about my training and who knows what else,” Korra laughed, embarrassed, “until I’d get so tired that I’d fall asleep. I’d always wake up to Dad singing a variation of that song to Mom, and they’d be dancing together by the fire.”
“That sounds positively romantic, Korra,” Asami teased.
If Korra’s blush could get any deeper her face would be the color of burnt embers. “Well, this is romantic. Here with you, holding hands, walking under giant one-leaf trees.”
Asami’s stopped walking to face Korra. “Then… this is what I think it is?”
Korra tipped her head to one side, that new tender smile back. Asami needed to draw it, capture it's perfection. “What do you think this is?”
Words. Spirits, why did words evaporate the moment Korra turned that beautiful smile on her? In her time away, it was like Korra had gotten ten times more beautiful, which Asami hadn’t thought was possible considering how breathtakingly gorgeous Korra had always been. She reached out and cupped Korra’s chin.
“The start of something wonderful,” Asami finally said, her voice soft with wonder.
“Yeah. That.” Korra turned her head to lightly kiss Asami’s hand. That sent a jolt of electric desire through her arm and body. That cocky smile had returned. “I could sing you the song if you’d like. It’d be my take though. I don’t remember Dad’s version well. And we could dance here under these…” Korra looked up and then back at Asami. “… one leaf trees.”
“Yes, please.” Asami didn’t care if Korra could sing or not. Nor what variation of the song she sang. The thought of listening to Korra say or sing anything and then dance with her sounded absolutely lovely. “Are you leading am I?” That would probably be important. Her hand dropped from Korra’s chin to her shoulder.
Korra smiled that gentle smile that Asami could hardly bear, it was mindbogglingly adorable. “You? You saw me at the wedding, I was terrible.”
“Oh, I know.” Asami remembered quite well how Korra had grabbed her hand at one point and offered to dance, only to admit she had no idea what she was doing. It had been highly amusing and so incredibly cute. "My toes still feel it," she teased, and to her delight Korra blushed yet again.
Asami adjusted her stance to face Korra, gently lifted her arm that still held Korra’s hand, and moved her other to Korra’s waist. “Now put your other hand on my shoulder. Yes, like that.”
Korra laughed, nervously. “And now I gotta actually sing it, don’t I?”
“Humming works too,” Asami suggested. “Or us quietly dancing to music only we can hear.”
Mmmm.” Korra looked nervous. “Okay. Maybe start dancing first.”
Asami raised an eyebrow but couldn’t hide her smile. “Okay. We’ll keep it simple. I move back, you toward, then I move left, you move left, and I move toward, you back. Now keep it up.”
As Asami moved, Korra followed, her face scrunched adorably in concentration. At first, Korra stumbled, barely avoiding stepping on Asami's boots, but soon caught on to the rhythm.
Asami was highly tempted to swirl them a bit, but that would definitely cause Korra to trip. Maybe after a few practice sessions. The thought of spinning Korra made her breathless, and Korra spinning her, Asami's heart might not be able to take it.
After several successful three-steps, Korra began to relax again. She started humming again, but kept the tempo close to the dance.
“I’ve got my sails turned to the breeze,” she sang, her voice husky and a bit deeper than usual. She kept her gaze over Asami’s left shoulder.
“The wind pierces all the way to the soul, I sail to you with the promise of love Like the moth to the flames to the coal…”
Asami flowed their dance to the words, gently turning them at the end of what sounded like a stanza. Korra’s singing was slightly out-of-tune, but Asami didn’t care. The words warmed her heart and soul.
“You’ve got hair like the starless night,” Korra had shifted keys, likely on accident, but had finally shifted her gaze to look directly into Asami’s eyes.
“It sticks to our lips when we smile, You’ll wind it with mine, and we’ll drift off course, In my ship, our hearts touching all the while… For the way I walk is torch lit, It leads us into the night, I’ll hold you close and…” her voice cracked a bit, her face reddening again. “… you the most, Until our end is in sight…”
As her Avatar’s voice trailed away, Asami slowed their dance to a stop. She hadn’t missed the word Korra’s voice cracked over as the blush had given it away.
The song though, Korra’s words were strangely familiar. Asami released Korra’s hand and dropped her other arm to Korra’s waist; in response, Korra wrapped her arms tight around Asami's shoulders, her head tilted up. Asami recognized faintly that she ought to say something.
“Have you sang that before?” Asami whispered.
Korra’s eyes shone with a hint of tears. “Maybe…” But both of them knew Korra had never sang once the entire time they’d known each other.
Asami leaned closer, and Korra’s face upraised, her feet tipping her upward.
Only for a loud caw to startled them both. Asami spun to see several large bird-like spirits swoop low right over their heads. Korra had released her and shooed them away when they dived again.
“Okay, okay, overstaying our welcome here,” Korra grumbled. The irritation in her voice matched up with Asami’s frustration at the moment being interrupted.
“So onwards?” Asami grasped Korra’s hand again and tugged to get her walking with her.
“Guess so.” Korra looked at her and that tender smile twitched at her lips. “What a moment to break though.”
Asami sighed, torn at how close she’d come to kissing her Avatar. With the moment shattered, she’d have to wait for the next. She wanted their first kiss to be special. “You’ll have to sing that again sometime.”
“If I can remember the words!” Korra laughed. “I sort of made it up…”
Asami raised her eyebrows. “Odd. The words sounded very familiar to me…” she trailed off in wonder. That moment had felt so clear to her, the connection between them almost visible.
“Hmmm. Maybe?” Korra shrugged. “Well, I’ll sing variations of it as much as you want!”
The cheerfulness in her voice convinced Asami to not say anything about how out of tune she’d been. In the end, it was the intent that mattered, and the moment itself had been precious. That’s what Asami wanted to remember, the feeling itself.
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rubykgrant · 16 days
I can't remember if I posted about it already, or if I just can't find it (because searching for something on here is impossible), but I'm thinking about my Avatar story idea from when I was a teenager (literally right after the original series ended, and way before we had Korra or the comics as a continuation), so here it is again-
-Zuko realizes his dad will never tell him where Ursa is, and just keeps using it as a bargaining chip, so decides to ignore Ozai and focus on helping put the Earth Kingdom/Water Tribes back together, and get the Fire Nation out of "war-mode"
-He also tries to figure out how to help his sister; Azula isn't being violent now that she's fully accepted defeat, but she is SUPREMELY depressed (and seems to expect him to "execute" her, which he very much has no interest in doing). Iroh and some others from the White Lotus find a group of Healers, some Waterbenders, who also understand emotional/mental pain, who agree to help her (she does improve eventually, but it is painful for her to even go home to the Fire Nation... finally realizing how badly her father messed her up was a big deal). Eventually, Ty Lee and Mai visit her, sort of trying to have a "new" friendship
-A couple years go by. Things have mostly settled down, but every once in a while there is a problem (a group in the Fire Nation who think Zuko shouldn't be Fire Lord call themselves "Azula's Army". they aren't very powerful, but are definitely annoying, and sow discontent with other people). After an adventure helping a young Fire Sage who is training, Aang and Zuko find some old scrolls about strange "distant islands"
-Sokka recognizes some of the scrolls are from Wan Shi Tong's library (stolen however long ago). The satchel they were in belonged to Zhao; these were other things he found when looking into information about the Moon and Ocean Spirits. One scroll with a map has the island closest to the Fire Nation circled, with notes in the corner about this being a "Secret the Fire Lords keep". Zuko researches a little more, and finally has the answer...
-This island was where a once "disgraced" Fire Lord was sent, and since then, other Fire Lords have used it as a place for banishment. While it is more common to just banish people from the Fire Nation itself, when a Fire Lord wants to entirely erase somebody without actually "killing" them, they are sent to that island. More secrets imply that a few soldiers who were part of Sozin's army secretly saved infants from the Air Temples during attacks. They weren't strong enough to outright oppose the Fire Lord, and there wasn't enough of them to fight the other soldiers, but they wanted to at least save the children. The babies were smuggled away to the island. This is also where Ozai sent Ursa
-The group decides to make a big trip to the island; after all, they have the possibility of not only finding Zuko's mother, but Aang might NOT be the last Airbender! Aang, Zuko, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Mai, Ty Lee, Suki, and Hakoda are all going out on a ship with a few crew members (it would be too far for Appa to fly over the sea, but he and Momo are still along for the ride). Zuko is leaving behind Iroh as temporary Fire Lord, and Suki asked some of her Kyoshi Warriors to help
-At one point as they travel, they find a small, much newer island, formed by a volcano that has started to grow plant life. They all stay for the night to camp and gather some fresh fruit/do some fishing. Katara has figured out a way to "pull apart" salt water so it can be drinkable. Toph just REALLY needs a good dose of LAND before sailing again. In a small tide pool, Zuko teaches Toph how to swim (suddenly remembering how his older cousin Lu Ten taught him way back on Ember Island, before Azula was even born. she finally gets her own Zuka field-trip!)
-They finally arrive at the island; there are a LOT of people here. Some who's ancestors were banished by a Fire Lord generations ago, some who were sailors that got stranded out here after bad storms. A few people who had been Fire Nation soldiers back then decided to stay, not wanting to be part of the war anymore. They all have their own communities... and so many of them are Airbenders! Aang is very excited, and shows off some of his own abilities. The people are amazed, especially because they have never been taught any actual "techniques". Their history and heritage has been lost to them. As everybody walks around, Zuko eagerly looks for a familiar face... when he hears somebody suddenly call his name. He and his mother finally meet again, crying and embracing each other (she sees his scar, and when she touches it and sees his eyes glance down sadly, she knows Ozai did it)
-Lots of catching up, both happy and sad. Some of the people banished here were Waterbenders that had been captured by the Fire Army, in the attempt to have them control whirlpools/tidal waves (searching for some long-lost treasure). The Waterbenders would pretend to be swept away, and escape, eventually finding this island. Now that the restrictions that "banished" them are gone, everybody on the island is welcome to return to the outside world. The ship isn't big enough for everybody, but Ursa and several of the Airbenders make the return trip (more boats will be sent later, both so people on the island can see the other Nations, and so the island can be visited; they won't be alone out here anymore)
-Ursa and Hakoda talk a lot together while sailing back (wishing they could have protected their children better), and Aang shares stories of the Air Nomads with the Airbenders, also teaching some of them how to make an Air Scooter. When they arrive, Iroh is happy to see Ursa again. Zuko takes her to go visit Azula, who at first doesn't believe her mother could return, or EVER love her... but Ursa reassures her daughter; she is real, and so is her love
-Zuko makes one final visit to Ozai; his father has gotten a little "impatient", expecting that Zuko wouldn't be able to resist coming back to ask about his mother for so long... Iroh also walks in, and Ozai tries to mock his brother. Azula walks in as well, finally confronting her father. This throws him, because she looks different (short hair, no make-up), and also because she doesn't care about his approval anymore. He tries to bargain with her, but she refuses his offers. Then, Ursa walks in. Her son and his friends found her, WITHOUT him. Now, she is back with both of her children. Ozai is struck silent. Finally, Aang walks in, telling Ozai that his ancestor failed, the other Airbenders were NOT wiped-out. They will all walk out of here, and have happy lives. He will stay. Nobody wants anything from him anymore. Too late, after they leave, Ozai starts shouting, trying to beg or threaten, but nobody listens (nobody cares)
-In the years that follow, the other islands are eventually located and explored, with more people found there (new people who are Fire/Water/Earth/Air Benders, but with different cultures than the Four Nations. Sokka is sort of the official diplomat for making new friends, and eventually, all the new places are able to travel and communicate with each other). Hakoda and Ursa grow closer, but take a while to act on any romantic feelings (they're worried their children might find it awkward, and Hakoda especially didn't want Katara and Sokka to think he doesn't care about their mother's memory... but the kids are all very happy about it! this makes them all family). Aang helps the Airbenders who want to move back to the Air Temples adjust and recover. People from other nations who have made homes near the Temples are welcome to stay as well, and also help repair the buildings. Hakoda and Ursa live part of the year on Ember Island, and part in the Southern Water Tribe village that was his home (which has also been rebuilt). Azula eventually feels content enough to move on, and she lives on Kyoshi Island with Ty Lee (Azula avoids bending, finally realizing she has PTSD, but she can still help train people with hand-to-hand fighting techniques). Toph makes a home for herself outside of the swamp, where she also begins teaching Metalbending (haha, yes, ironic~). Now that Zuko is very at home being Fire Lord, Iroh stays in Ba Sing Se full time for his tea shop, but returns for special occasions (like when Zuka and Mai get married). Katara surprises Aang with a gift one day; a necklace~
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roseeycreates-blog · 2 months
more of farmer au, please! Who's Suyin's dad? tell us more about the gaang and their children? more of farmer Lin? what did Toph find out that ruined their relationship? how come Toph never found Kanto?
Aaaaahhhh! Thank you for taking an interest in the AU! I've said this before and I'll say it again, this makes me so happy~ ANYWAY, I'll answer your questions~
Suyin's dad is Sokka. Let me tell you about the complicated relationship they had. As I mentioned in a previous ask, Sokka was in a relationship with Suki while Toph was with Kanto. After Toph announced her pregnancy to the gaang, Sokka started feeling a little jealous because everyone else, even the one he least expected, had one. He proposed to Suki and asked her to move to Republic City to start a family, but Suki graciously declined. She loved Sokka but couldn't leave Kyoshi Island and her people. They needed her there. Sokka understood because he couldn't leave Republic City and his duties. They both chose their careers over love. Months went by, and then Toph lost her child and her lover. Sokka knew how painful it was to lose someone, so he offered Toph a shoulder to cry on. Toph acted annoyed and insisted she didn't need anyone, but Sokka's persistence won her over. He took extra care of Toph during that time, helping with the investigation and search for Kanto and the midwife. When Toph lost all hope, Sokka was there for her. Old feelings for her friend reignited, and Sokka began seeing Toph as more than a friend. That's how they had Suyin. However, their marriage didn't last. They argued most of the time, especially about Toph's way of raising Su. When Suyin was just 10 years old, her parents split for good. It wasn't a messy breakup because both of them knew they were better as friends than as a couple. Toph also knew that Sokka loved her, but not as much as he loved Suki. About the GAANG and the next-gen:
Zuko ended up with Mai and led the Fire Nation. They were the first to have a child, making Izumi the first baby the Gaang took care of. Toph and Aang spoiled her rotten with gifts and sweets whenever they visited. Katara and Mai often scolded them for going overboard. Aang and Katara had Bumi, Kya, and Tenzin. Unlike in canon, Aang never neglected Bumi and Kya. They always went on family trips, spending quality time together and passing down their Air Nomad and Water Tribe cultures. Izumi’s nickname is Zumi, but Zuko prefers calling her "my princess." Bumi is often called Bubu or Umi by baby Tenzin and later on by baby Suyin. Kya goes by her name, but Aang calls her "my baby girl." She loved it as a kid, but as she grew older, she wasn't as fond of it. When Su was born, Kya was relieved that her dad retired the nickname and passed it to baby Su. Because the adults were often busy, Suyin spent more time with her cousins. Additionally, she spent a lot of time with her father, Sokka, since Toph was frequently occupied with work.
More on Farmer Lin:
Lin had a wonderful childhood despite growing up without a mother. Her father often affectionately called her "Meilin." She found a second mother figure in Lei, her babysitter (also the midwife who delivered her). Lin cherished Lei deeply and once even asked her to be with her father, but Lei always declined, insisting that Kanto was just a friend.
Lin was a quiet child and not very social. She had a few friends from the neighborhood and school. She was known as the quiet kid you never mess with because one time, she snapped and fought off a bully who was picking on her friend.
As a teen, Lin became popular with the boys because of her looks, but she wasn't interested and found them really annoying. Her father would tease her about being tomboyish and say she was too intimidating. She would tease him back, saying, "Maybe I'll marry a feminine boy, and we'll run away and elope, Dad." This always got Kanto, and he would swear that no man would ever lay a finger on his precious girl and take her away from him.
In her young adult years, Lin inherited her grandpa's farm, including the existing workers whom she chose to keep on. Despite their assurances that they can handle things, Lin insists on personally tending to the plants. She also has a soft spot for the farm animals and owns a shepherd dog named Zhenzhen. He's incredibly loyal and friendly to Lin but also fierce and protective of her.
Toph and Kanto's relationship hit the rocks when:
Toph discovered his ties to a gang, later known as the Triple Threat Triad. They argued fiercely because Toph insisted on getting him and others involved arrested. Kanto begged Toph, promising to reform and leave the gang, but Toph remained firm. She insisted he stay free until after she gave birth, after which he would face justice.
Despite Toph's efforts, Kanto managed to evade her thanks to his connections in Ba Sing Se. With "Kanto" being a common name, especially in the Fire Nation, Toph focused her search on finding a firebender named Kanto within the Fire Nation. Meanwhile, Kanto played the part of a non-bender widowed father, complicating Toph's quest to locate him.
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"If Katara had not heard about the prophecy, then her feelings for Aang would have never changed" ah, zutarians and their lovely need to pretend their interpretation is the only correct one.
Literally anything could have made Katara realize she could have feelings for Aang - him getting all that attention from girls on Kyoshi Island, him shutting her out after Appa was kidnapped, his death at the end of book 2, all the girls having heart-eyes for him during "The Headband", etc.
I personally interpret Aunt Wu's visions as "True, but not set in stone" (hence the village only not being destroyed because the heroes took action instead of believing the prophecy could not possibly be wrong). Aang COULD be the strong bender Katara would marry. Or maybe they'd both marry other people, and Katara's husband would be a non-bender. Or maybe she'd marry a powerful bender, but Aang would be single - and because at that point Katara had not considered Aang as a possibility and he didn't have eyes for anyone else, that was the vision Aunt Wu had.
Hearing "There is a POSSIBILITY that MAYBE this guy you're friends with MIGHT be your husband someday" wouldn't have meant anything to Katara if she didn't already have genuine feelings for Aang (or at least the potential to develop said feelings). She'd just roll her eyes and say "Nope, we're just friends, the prophecy must be about someone else."
That's why it never comes back: the prophecy didn't make her have feelings for Aang, it was just the first of MANY times in which she truly stopped to think about what he meant to her and realized it could mean they'd eventually be more than friends.
"That's why it makes more sense for Zuko to be the strong bender of the prophecy" Ah, yes, because he's the only other strong bender in the whole story, and he totally didn't have his own separate romantic arc with someone else, riiiiight?
Only zutarians could think "This (mostly) unrequited crush being foreshadowed to eventually blossom into a proper romance is forced and can only be a red-herring, unlike claiming that these two characters that never had feelings for each other, THAT is the true love story here"
"Katara looked disappointed when Sokka pointed out Aang could be the bender she'd marry" Girl is literally looking at him in awe as the music swells, the fuck you talking about?
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Some framing problems in atla and on Jet as a murdered potential
That's right. I said that. Jet is the definition of murdered potential.
Maybe it's because atla is after all a kid's show so it doesn't dive that deep into how terrifying it feels to survive during war, especially as a child. The absolute horrors of it are tamed compared to reality and I think I get the reason why.
So they just pull ,,hey kids remember revenge is bad" lesson here. HOWEVER, by that logic, they should just say attacking innocents and contributing to war is bad too and give Zuko the same treatment.
But prince Zuko does get multiple opportunities to change and sympathetic narrative framing. He fails many times, but we're shown how hard it is for him to change because of how he was raised. That we need to be patient.
On the other hand Jet is always portrayed as simply wrong and almost always irredeemable. Even though he is a genocide survivor and wasn't raised AT ALL, taking the burden of caring for other orphaned kids instead. To be fair he learns from his mistakes fast and with little encouragement he's willing to change. But because unlike with Zuko we're shown the ones he would hurt in Gaipan very much in the face and we can't ignore that, it's hard for the audience to sympathize with him and it is unwilling to do so. On the other hand the kids that could burn in the kyoshi village because of Zuko's actions are more of the afterthought, and personal one at that, never shown in the series.
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So he gets treated worse, even though one could possibly argue that he's intentions were more selfless. My point wasn't to bash Zuko here tho. I just think that Jet could be potentially a very interesting character: he would expand on the gaang's perspective, of how it is not to just be badly hurt by the fire nation, but leave in the constant fear of it for all the formative years, of actively doing your best to fight and protect others, but slowly loosing hope, for it all seems to amount to nothing, of how hard it is not to radicalize in radical conditions, of having all adults blatantly turn their backs on you. Sadly very real and common experiences while growing up during war times.
It understandable how he got his ,,kill or be killed" mentality so it could be a powerful message about breaking the cycle of hate if instead of being shunned he would heal and got closer to overcoming his trauma. Or he could be a reminder that some grieve always stays with you and although it's never to late to change (Iroh) the damage and trauma the war inflicts on people won't just disappear overnight.
I think season 2, despite killing him, of done Jet more justice than the third one, but it still has many elements that could be done better, at least in my opinion. Anyways some of yall treat him like you only seen the ember island propaganda play.
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thoughts on jet part 1
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