#backstory au
thelamb1429 · 1 month
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Soul Train
Eyeless Jack x GN! Reader
This is part of a larger series i’m working on. For now i’m just gonna post lil snippets of the fanfic just to sort of get a feel for how i want the story to go.
This is also probably poorly written/has a lot of grammatical errors because i’m currently pretty sick right now so i’m writing with a scrambled brain atm. I’ll be back to spruce things up when i feel better!
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Reader is gender neutral
This isn’t necessarily a oneshot, but i don’t know if i plan on posting chapters here on Tumblr when I should probably just post the whole story on another platform so that my art isn’t drowning under tons of stories lol
This part includes: Mentions of death, mentions of death regarding a parent, descriptions of panic, slight mentions of murder
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Every single last ounce of oxygen seemed to be sucked from your burning lungs at full force, leaving you on your knees, coughing and retching while the silent vehicle raced down the tracks. Car after car flew over the metal just a few feet from where you knelt. The moment you could breathe enough for your vision to fade back in and your ears to slowly stop ringing, all you could see as far as your eyes traced down the railroad tracks was a never ending train. You sat there for about a minute, but it seemed like the train wasn’t ever going to end.
Nina looped an arm under yours to help you back onto your feet, and you were so out of it that you couldn’t even feel the pointy accessories on her arms and hands poke into your skin. Despite the train in front of you both not emitting a deafening whistle, the rustle of metal on metal was enough to block out any words she tried to get into your head. Everything in front of you moved in slow motion as the weight of the situation set in.
Jack was probably dead now.
You could have saved him.
He probably died thinking that you would get there in time to help.
Once again you went limp in your best friend’s arms, to which she stumbled and struggled to catch your weakened body. Nina eased the both of you onto the grass as the train finally passed and the red glare of the warning lights went dark. Her eyes looked past the tracks onto the dirt road beyond, as if to try and manifest the best case scenario. She wasn’t an optimist by any means, but she knew how much Jack meant to you. You two had been friends for years now, long before you went off to college. While the decked out girl holding onto you had never even met the guy, she felt a cold chill eat away at her spine as it rushed through her nerves, making the rapidly beating heart in her chest speed up with the anxiety caused by the both of you panicking.
But she'd known death much closer than you had. You had lost many loved ones, but her little hobby brought her up close and personal with it several times a week. For once, Nina felt a determination to lead that didn't scare her off. Calling the shots wasn't something that she liked to take charge of, but this was the perfect moment for her to take the lead, to do something helpful for you. She didn't have many friends, especially none that could understand her and handle her like you did.
Maybe helping you get to Jack could help you both strengthen the bond that was weakened by the argument from the week prior to the crisis at hand.
Determined to help, Nina once again hoisted you up and looked you in the eyes.
"[Name], I know that right now you're pissed at me. And I lied to you, I deserve your anger right now. But if we have any chance of getting into that forest and saving Jack, we have to get up and do it now. That cult— or whatever the hell they are— they're dangerous and Jack has no clue.
You love him, right? Then we need to get to him and get him back into your arms, safe and sound.
So take a deep breath and get up already! I can't find him on my own. I don't even know what he looks like!"
Nina pulled at your arms, groaning with the force of exertion she put out as you seemed to stay in place, frozen from the terror of losing the only man who you'd ever considered to have a shred of humanity in him. The only man who befriended you with no ulterior motives. The only man you knew who treated you as an equal.
You weren't gonna lose him. You had to stop mourning for a death you couldn't even confirm.
Much to your best friend's relief, you started running off past the cleared tracks, leading the way towards the countryside where the forest began. Cold, bitter air nipped at both of your bodies and filled your lungs, causing your throats to ache with the icy chill that seeped into you both as you inhaled air.
Contrary to popular belief, Nina was not good at running! She was used to cornering her victims in locations that allowed for her to easily escape and march back to her hidden little cabin in the woods at a leisurely pace. When she wanted to run, she ran pretty fast, but it was obvious that she wasn't used to running for so long. Since she was trying her best to help, you attempted to slow down just a bit so that she could catch up.
After five minutes of running down the road, Nina had to stop to breathe. She gasped for air as he chest heaved, trying to get more oxygen into her burning lungs. She looked up at you, taking in the panic evident on your face when she collapsed. Her mascara ran down her face just a little when her eyes watered from the excessive running.
"Go— you..you need to find him. I'll catch up, just go", she wheezed out as a cough wracked through her body.
The encouragement was all you needed to take off running once again.
Maybe it was the adrenaline in your body that kept you going, masking the ache in your chest and your legs from the constant sprinting you were doing. Maybe it was the fear that if you didn't suck it up and run, that it would be too late. Whatever it was, it caused you to keep running so fast that it felt as if you were gliding through the forest around you.
You had no idea where exactly he was. In fact, you were going in blind. But there was something deep within the core of your very being that seemed to yank you in one direction before leading you towards another.
All you could do was repeat a silent prayer that you hadn't said in years. Not since your mom died.
All you could do was pray to whatever higher being that could exist to let Jack still be alive when you find him.
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Credits for the dividers i used go to poicelain and kgymz!! <3
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misfauxpas · 1 year
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quick concepts for the Woman through the ages
I have a lot of ideas about what her childhood might've been like but haven't gotten to drawing much of it out. regarding these drawings, I imagine she was always a little out of place in the human world - having such a strong connection to Centaurworld that it eventually changed her appearance. when she was a child it was assumed by the royal court that she would grow out of this; at least until her hair turned purple, after which her access to Centaurworld was restricted and the pressure to behave like a princess greatly increased
she'd of course grow into agency eventually, but not before learning what expectations the worlds had of her and how to meet them
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mryaksalot · 6 months
Here is my Christmas present to you all!
That's right! After a 3 month hiatus, a brand new chapter of The Road To Success has been released in time for Christmas!
I apologize for the wait. Writer's block hit me hard in September and October, and I had to release two other projects in between this one. But despite of the hurtles, Chapter 14 has been complete and is released for your enjoyment.
Merry Christmas to you all! Happy reading!
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coughingsounds · 2 years
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heres a messier screenshot redraw i wanted to to. (green is the sketch i forgot to make a second layer)
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heres ANOTHER screenshot redraw i did thats a lot lazier
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Family Reunion
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One couldn’t go far in New York without seeing a familiar face. It might be surprising, given the number of people crammed into the city, but rather like Asgard, where day after day and year after year and century after century, the people stayed the same, eventually the faces of the strangers passed became known, almost comforting. There was a sense of belonging, yet also one of anonymity, and Loki relished in that duality. For the first time in his life, he’d felt entirely free. 
But there was a face in the crowd which wasn’t that of a stranger. Loki stopped into his tracks and stared, gaze following her path through the crowd. Impossible. He’d long ago come to the acceptance that she was dead, that she was gone. Completely impossible. He was running now, dodging past people or pushing them aside, until he came to the door of an abandoned building she’d just entered. He pushed the door open, eyes adjusting after a moment to the dim light. Yes. It was her. Hela. “Of all the places for a family reunion.“
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bluegiragi · 25 days
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limitations (part 3)
early access + nsfw on patreon
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hinamie · 21 days
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yeah sorry theyre tragic in this au too
jjk atla!au with @philosophiums
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artpepkin · 3 months
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Job interviews amirite?
Nym belongs to me
Nightmare belongs to Jokublog
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ask-the-pioneer · 19 days
it is pride month, little one. You know what that means
"huh.... what"
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hajihiko · 10 months
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A surprise visit
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thelamb1429 · 1 month
Chat how would we feel about an angsty Eyeless Jack x reader series with a few plot twists of sorts?
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misfauxpas · 1 year
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the young Princess Sevda, first in line to the throne, before she experienced the misfortune of meeting a certain centaur
this is the first of four portraits I've made to introduce my "backstory AU," following MW's childhood and early adulthood prior to the Elktaur entering the picture. the rest are soon to come!
and I don't think I've mentioned it before - but my headcanon name for MW is Sevda. I usually leave her nameless in my fan content, but for this AU I'll be using that name.
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mryaksalot · 4 months
Important changes to my Backstory AU
TW: This post is going to be sorta long, so buckle up.
As you may know, there have been a lack of many new chapters to my story The Road To Success on AO3 these past several months. I've been trying my damn hardest to keep up with updates, but I don't always have the free time in order to write. I have to attend school, work a job, deal with family matters; those things take priority too. I don't have as much free time as I used to back in 2021.
That being said, I still hold a lot of passion for this story. I first got the idea for this story all the way back at the beginning of 2021. It started as just an insightful thought, a drabble I created inside my head. Overtime, I kept expanding on the idea, fleshing out the world, making this story the best it could possibly be. Now we're at the point where the story is over 120,000 words, and it's not even half of the way done yet! I never anticipated for this story to be this long, but here we are.
Now if you are thinking that this post is about me throwing The Road To Success in the can, I just want to clarify that this story IS NOT being cancelled. But the way the story is written and formatted is going to change from what you have seen up to this point.
Just so I am transperent with you guys, here is a list of all of the changes to The Road To Success, as well as the Backstory AU as a whole.
1. The main story, The Road To Success, will be significantly shorter than the original version. The OG version, the version that I have stuck to while initially writing this story, was planned to have 40-50 chapters. That is just not possible anymore, with how busy my life has become. This new version of the story will now have roughly 30-35 chapters. As of writing this, the exact number of chapters has not been decided yet; that will be determined by the end of the year (at the latest).
2. The new version of TRTS (Acronym for The Road To Success) will be more Yakko-centric. I originally wanted to insert a bunch of extra sideplots into the main story, specifically after the Warners become actors. Wakko and Dot were supposed to have their own friend groups, and we would get the chance to see their perspectives as well as Yakko's. However, these sideplots take away from the main story, which is overall more important in the longterm. That dosen't mean Wakko and Dot won't be given any time in the spotlight (they are gonna play some significant roles later on), but I don't want their misadventures to take too much time away from the main storyline.
3. Some of the lore (the details on how the world works in this universe, how certain characters act, family trees etc.) have been and are subject to being changed and altered. I'm very much a perfectionist when it comes to the little details; they're very important imo. Sometimes, I will change my mind about a certain detail and decide to change it on a whim. I will try to restrain these changes to the lore based on what I have already written/talked about publicly, in order to not create too much confusion going foward.
4. The Backstory AU will be expanded beyond The Road To Success. That's right, folks! TRTS is getting a companion story, in order to fill in those lore gaps to answer questions that have yet to be answered. This story will focus on the parents of the Warners, covering their childhood, as well as their inevitable downfall as members of society. More details regarding this companion Peice will be elaborated on in a later post. I'm also cooking up a Christmas story, which will serve as somewhat of a flashback to previous events in TRTS. This story will come out on (you guessed it) Christmas of this year.
5. So you may be wondering to yourself: What's gonna happen to the scrapped segments of TRTS? Well that's where my drabble collection comes in. A month ago, I created a drabble collection titled Splats Of Ink, a collection of oneshots featuring headcanons, future story ideas, and now scrapped segments of already established stories. I'm thinking about fleshing out these Alternate scenes of TRTS, to show you what could have been. Expect the first of these scrapped-segment-reimagined drabbles to come out this April.
So, that's a decent laundry list of all the updates that I have made to the Backstory AU as of late. Chapter 15 is in the works as we speak, and will most likely come out sometime in March. Then it will be smooth sailing into Chapter 16 and so on! There's lots of exciting things in the works, and I can't wait to share it all with you.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to read through the whole thing. Feel free to ask questions if you need me to elaborate further on these changes. Your patience and support is most appreciated.
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coughingsounds · 2 years
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NOT coloring this i think i like the way it looks already.
anyways start of my AU for King orange’s backstory
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demaparbat-hp · 5 months
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Fire Half-Child
#atla#zuko#avatar the last airbender#atla zuko#zutara#halfblood au#zutara au#atla art#atla fanart#zuko fanart#prince zuko#zuko art#zuko alone#Halfblood AU art#katara#Here comes the Blue Eye Samurai art style influence rearing its pretty head#Gotta love that show's use of lighting#I know this looks like another good ol' Zuko Alone fanart... And it kinda is... But I swear it's also from the HalfBlood AU#I'm still figuring out Zuko's backstory in this AU but I know he was raised in the EK after escaping the Fire Nation as a child#It was probably Ursa who took her freshly burned son and left with help from the White Lotus#I'm... not entirely sure if Zuko remembers everything from his previous life. Flashes of memories and faces but that's it#He believes himself to be a War Child. Ursa loved him but she was also distant in illness and grief.#She taught him to hide his real name and his firebending at all costs. Agni only knew what would happen to him if he was found out.#The last thing Ursa said to him before pushing him out of the burning cottage was to search for his Uncle in Ba Sing Se#He would help him. Keep him safe. And he had answers.#He could tell Zuko of his past and his memories and shed some light over his strange dreams and his mother's sorrow#He just had to reach Ba Sing Se and find him. Uncle would tell him everything about the monster who had burned her mother's back and spirit#Then Zuko would find him#And no demon other than himself would ever roam the earth again#Change of subject. Am I going to keep dropping the full backstory and plot in the tags? Yes. Yes I will. Sorry guys
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bluegiragi · 4 months
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early access + nsfw on patreon
more backstory that i wrote up for patreon heh:
Simon and Tommy had a complicated relationship as brothers. 
At a young age, Simon basically wrote himself off as a lost cause, and did the best he could to make sure at least Tommy had a chance to be a functioning human being. After all, Tommy was the gentler brother, the dreamer, the one who looked like their mother (who'd walked out on them years ago to escape their father). But Tommy got bitter, got sick of the one always being protected, being babied. He lost respect for Simon, for the way he wouldn't fight back, and in a twisted way, grew closer to his father as a way to learn how to be powerful, strong. It backfired, and Tommy got wrapped up in some bad business.
Simon's kid brother died while he was deployed. He got the news in the letter, and it broke him in a big way. In the story timeline, it was years and years ago but it still hurts like hell whenever Simon thinks about him. 
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