#bad was so fucking violent the first few days. Taking down anything and everyone he could
god. god. soulfire is trying to tie. they never hit an egg. if they can’t tie then theyre going to throw. green team are the ones who attacked blue’s egg. watching bad desperately try to get roier away from it again and again was one of the most harrowing things ive watched. etoiles stopped attacking when he realized how outnumbered blue was. blue killed fit and left his stuff behind because green killed tubbo and left his stuff behind. blue is going to save them both or die trying. how am i supposed to be normal about this team
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whenrainhitsmyskin · 1 year
Five Times Bakugo Katsuki Fell in Love with You
pairing: bakugo katsuki x reader
word count: 7.2k
summary: He doesn’t really know when it first happened, the longing looks in your direction, holding doors open for you, or making sure he attended your shared groups movie nights when he knew you would be there, but he does remember the first day violent butterflies swarmed his gut and attacked him from the inside.
warnings: mentions of blood and injuries, talk about anxiety, hospitalization, emotional vulnerability, so much fluff it’s sickening.
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The First Time
During the first semester of their second year at UA, Mr.Aizawa had begun instructing more hand-to-hand combat training exercises. It started with demonstrations from the pros and some lessons, and then finally the real deal, to put their learning into practice. 
Aizawa had put together partner rotations, first starting out with people around the same weight class or height, but as the lessons went on the partners became mismatched so the class could learn how to fight someone smaller and more nimble than them or taller with a longer arm reach.
Today, Bakugo was paired up with Mineta, the small fry of the class. Although he always was very serious and dedicated to hands-on hero training, he couldn’t help but take it easy for the day considering he was way out of his competition's caliber.
And he guesses this also caused him to be more distracted than usual as well, considering he usually never lost focus, but today must be an exception when he can’t keep his eyes away from you and your training partner Kirishima. He turns in your direction as soon as he hears you raise your voice at the red head.
“What the hell are you doing Kirishima?” You ask with your hands on your hips staring at Kirishima, who is sitting on the mat in front of you.
“What do you mean y/n? I’m not doing anything?” He asks.
“Why are you going so easy on me, huh?” You shout, lifting him by the collar of his gym uniform. It’s like watching a bad car crash and not being able to look away. By this time the whole class and Mr.Aizawa had stopped what they were doing to get an understanding of what was going down.
“I swear I'm not man!” Kirishima explains, he looks mildly scared even though he’s a few inches taller and his biceps are probably double the size of your own, “You just got the jump on me.”
“Bullshit Kirishima, hand-to-hand combat is basically your specialty considering your quirk is better in close range.” You let him go with a small push, Bakugo swears he can see steam coming out from your ears, “I saw you beat Midoriya multiple times the other day, and I didn’t win against him once last week, so stop going easy on me, it’s not doing either of us any good.”
He would laugh if he couldn’t see how fucking serious you were, calling out one of your closest friends on his bullshit in front of everyone, even though he’s the nicest person in the class. He’s impressed, although he would never admit that.
“She’s right, Kirishima.” Mr.Aizawa cuts in, “This training is supposed to help everyone improve, so fight her like you would a real opponent. Now everyone get back to work!”
That’s what gets Bakugo to finally snap out of his daze from you and back to sparring.
The Second Time
The class was sent away to different locations to complete the practical part of their midterm for their second year. The goal of the exercise is to retrieve the dummy “civilian” from the pro hero who is acting as the “villain”. Class 2A has been split up into several teams, which is why Bakugo just can’t seem to wrap his head around how he is stuck with the Dunce Face who never fails to irritate him, the Icy-Hot bastard that is constantly getting on his nerves with everything he does and then there's…you, the only one apart of this shitty team he can kind of tolerate.
The “villain” his shitty group was up against is a holder of an animation quirk, who can bring inanimate objects to life. It’s already been proven to be a real pain in the ass considering every bush, rock and flower has been coming at them from every angle.
It’s around 1am and everyone is cold and exhausted, so the group decided to set up camp for the night. Himself, you and Todoroki were resting while Denki was meant to stay on watch, but he abandoned his post in favor of peeing somewhere deeper into the woods, which is when the villain decided to animate nearly every tree surrounding their camp site.
Bakugo woke up to the sounds of rustling and a violent scream from your mouth. The three of you start fighting back. How did nobody notice the trees were being animated? And where the hell is Dunce Face? 
He’s probably taken down about a fourth of them himself by the time he hears Sparky running back behind him.
“What the hell happened?” Denki screams, as he joins in on the fight.
“You weren’t doing your damn job Sparky, that’s what happened!” He berated him. Just before Bakugo was going to take down the next one, he noticed your quirk getting weaker, and you were taking longer to defeat the enemy than you should.
“Take this last one!” Bakugo commanded, in order to make this way over to you. 
“On it!” Denki said from a distance.
Bakugo quickly jumped in front of you and took down the last tree, Denki and Todoroki finished off their own as well.
“That one was mine, asshole.” You say, sounding winded. 
“Yeah, well it looks like ya needed the help.” He responds, and that’s when he finally gets a better look at your injury. 
The sight is absolutely gruesome, there’s a nasty gash in the middle of your thigh that’s definitely going to need stitches and recovery girls help, the blood is dripping down the span of your whole leg and onto the grass.
“Oh my god…” He says, not able to take his eyes off of it. You end up following his line of sight and look down. Your eyes widen when you finally see it.
“Oh shit.” You say, lowering yourself to the ground. He can see tears start to prick your eyes as Todoroki and Denki make their way over to you.
“Everything okay?” Todoroki asks, squatting down next to you, “That doesn’t look good.”
“Yeah, no shit moron!” Bakugo points out.
“Oh my god I can’t look!” Denki says, putting his hands over his mouth, “I’m gonna be sick.”
“Do it somewhere else.” Todoroki says, seemingly disgusted.
“You guys are the absolute worst!” Bakugo says in an aggravated tone, “This is all on you Sparky!”
“Everyone shut up!” You yell, Bakugo can see you trying to work something out in your head, a moment later you finally voice what you’ve come up with, “Denki get me your water bottle and-fuck, Bakugo, I need you to put pressure above the wound, lots of it and Todoroki rip off both of your sleeves.”
Bakugo thinks you seem pretty calm for someone that could potentially bleed out at any moment, given that a major artery could have been hit. He determines it is probably a mix of shock and the adrenaline from the fight.
He lowers himself to the ground and puts both hands above your upper thigh, using lots of pressure like you said to do.
“Fuck, we need to call off the mission and get you to a doctor y/n.” He says, his voice wavering, as Todoroki hands over the torn off sleeves and the water Denki retrieved, who is now standing a few feet away.
“Absolutely not, we are gonna carry on with the mission and pass this final.” You say sternly, grabbing the mask right off of Bakugos head and ripping it. You push his hands off of you and tie the mask tightly around where his hands once were.
“Don’t be so stubborn, we can’t-“ He begins.
“Well fucking deal with it!” You say as you begin pouring water on one of the sleeves, “I’m not going anywhere until we pass, I’ll be fine. Now I need you to clean this thing.”
He gives you a hard look and then does what you say. He pats the wound and tries to clean it out as much as he can. You hiss out in pain and fist the grass underneath your palms, he hears Denki gagging in the back.
“Okay-okay that’s good.” You say, he pulls the cloth away and watches you tie the dry sleeve around the wound, he supposed you must have learned more in that Health and Safety class than he did. 
“Well, what now?” Todoroki asks, awaiting your response.
“We go get that dummy, get the hell out of here and pass the exam.” You state with conviction, he can’t tell if you're trying to trick yourself into believing it, or if you are fully confident. You reach your hand out to Bakugos own, “Now help me up.” 
Bakugo grabs onto the hand you are holding up and swings your arm around his shoulder, trying to relieve you of some of the weight you would normally be using on that leg. The group starts heading to the location where the dummy is supposedly located. Denki and Todoroki are a few feet in front of the two of you, but he can make out the faint sound of their whispers and catches them glancing back a few times.
“Thanks.” You sigh, you sound tired and worn out and he thinks you look slightly pale, but he knows if he even attempts to call off the mission you would probably try strangling him to death.
“You did good.” He says, thoughts slipping out, “You stayed really calm in a high stress situation. It’s…impressive.” There’s a pause filled by only your silence, he’s worried he caught you off guard with such a direct compliment, considering he’s probably never given you one before.
“Yeah, well if I wasn’t going to help myself, who would?” You ask.
“Me, it obviously wouldn’t be either of those two idiots.” He doesn't think the two of you have ever talked this much without other people being involved. He guesses you’re just trying to keep your mind off of your injury, he reasons talking with you in favor of passing this exam.
“You got some of the worst scores in our medical training class because you claimed it wouldn’t be useful to you.” You chuckle, giving him a look, unfortunately for him, he looks back.
You’ve got a small smile gracing your lips, even though you’re probably in an immense amount of pain. But what he really can’t wrap his head around is the fact that you’re smiling at him. Why does he even care?
“Yeah well maybe I’ll brush up on it.” He says, his ears are burning, and his heart is beating faster than it probably should be, considering the fight ended over twenty minutes ago.
The Third Time:
When Mina asked him before dinner if he wanted to watch a movie tonight with their shared friend group, he wasn’t all that interested. He would much rather get to bed at a decent time, wake up early tomorrow and use their one day off to study for Monday's Hero History exam.
“No, I'm not watching another shitty movie.” He says, grabbing his plate of food and sitting down at the common room table, right across from you, a recent development in the class's seating arrangements.
“Oh, come on! They aren’t that bad.” She says, taking a seat next to you, “y/n, movie night, are you down?”
“Yeah of course!” You say, seemingly excited to spend the night with your friends, “As long as Sero doesn’t choose it this time. Are you gonna join us Bakugo?”
He pauses, he can’t remember a time where you directly invited him to something before. He thinks you look sincere, and your question makes it seem like you actually want him to be there. Why does he care if you want him there or not?
“Fine, whatever.” He begrudgingly agrees and continues eating his meal.
“Okay cool.” You say, he notices the smile on your face when you speak.
Meanwhile, Mina's jaw is on the floor when she stares between the two of you, but eventually it turns into a sly smirk.
About an hour after dinner everyone meets in the common room for movie night, he notices that most of the class is there, taking up nearly all the space on the couches, besides the one to the far right where Sero, Mina and Kirishima are sitting. Bakugo sits on the edge closest to the tv, leaving space between him and Mina.
He looks around the room. On the couch across from him is Denki, Jirou, Yaoyorozu, Ojiro and Shoji and on the center couch across the tv is Todoroki, Asui, Uraraka and Deku with an empty space next to him. He notices that you aren’t anywhere in the common room like you were supposed to be.
Almost as soon as Sero starts the movie, he sees you getting out of the elevator with Shinsou, the pair of you are laughing. He sees you’re wearing pajamas, frilly little shorts and a sweatshirt, he thinks it's kind of cute.
The two of you make your way into the common area, still talking and giggling, he doesn’t like it and he is unable to pinpoint why. Shinsou splits off and sits next to Deku and you slot yourself into the seat next to your best friend and him.
“Anything happened yet?” You ask, not really to anyone in particular, but he takes it upon himself to answer.
“No, just started.” He says, watching you grab a blanket from a nearby basket, “You’re late.”
“Yeah, I wanted to get ready for bed so I don’t have to after the movie.” You say. He just grunts in response and brings his attention to the screen. 
Once you get situated in your seat, he realizes just how crammed the small couch is, your legs are brushing against each other and he swears he can feel your breath, causing bumps to arise on his skin.
About halfway through the movie, which consists of sharks coming out of a tornado-seriously, who lets Sero pick the movie every time?-, he feels your body weight shifting on the couch to get comfortable, and your knee ends up hitting the top of his thigh.
“Oops, sorry.” You apologize to him in a whisper, he feels you trying to move away, but are unable to since Mina is right up against you.
“It’s alright.” He says, turning from the tv and looking at you instead, “Don’t mind.” He can see you start to get red in the face.
“Oh…” Is all you manage to let out in response, he gives you a hard look, your face exudes embarrassment, seeing as you are looking everywhere but his direction. He finds it within himself to turn his attention back to the movie, he wishes he could have seen the adorable expression on your face just a little bit longer.
With just a few minutes left of this god-awful movie, he feels your head hit his shoulder, he goes as stiff as a board and his stomach drops at the foreign feeling. He turns his head and see’s you knocked out by tiredness and unfortunately for him, he can also see Mina and Kirishima giggling, he mouths “shut up” to them.
When the movie credits finally start to roll, everyone begins making their way up to their respective rooms. Denki gives him a thumbs up as he walks away, making Bakugo unironically slap his forehead, not knowing what to do about you sleeping on him. 
After the common room is completely cleared out and he looks at the clock and sees how late it is, he finally builds up the courage to wake you up. He pokes you in the forehead to start. All you do is stir a little in your sleep but nestle into him further and get more comfortable. 
“Oh my god.” He says under his breath, “Time to get up.” He shakes his shoulder to move your head and then he tries nudging your own, but still no luck. He realizes you sleep like a fucking rock, and he is probably just going to have to carry you to your bed. He scoops you up in his arms and gets into the elevator. He arrives on the fourth floor where the both of you reside and if he remembers correctly, you are the last room on the girl’s side of the hallway.
He opens the door to your room, and it looks a lot different than what he would have expected. A lamp emits a soft light on the nightstand next to your unmade bed, which has gray sheets and a green blanket, an abundance of live plants sitting on the windowsill, your school books are piled up on your desk and a hanging black punching bag in the corner across from your closet, clothes and other items are hazardously thrown across the span of your floor. He’s surprised at how messy it is, considering how organized your thoughts and ideas are projected.
As soon as he lays you carefully down on your bed you stir awake. Of course, that’s the one thing that will wake you up.
“Bakugo?” You ask and look at your surroundings, “What are you doing in my room?”
“You fell asleep downstairs and nothing I did seemed to wake you, so I carried you.” He says, standing awkwardly at the side of your bed as you sit up and rub your eyes.
“Oh, well thanks.” You say, he takes a look at you, and he thinks you look kind of cute when you're all sleepy, and that's when he sees the long and jagged scar on your leg that was left on you as a result of last semester's final exam. When you finally open your eyes again, you catch him staring it at.
“Yeah, I know, it’s really ugly.” You state, with a pout on your face, you rub your thumb against it, like you're trying to erase the scar.
“Shit, I’m sorry.” He says with a confused look on his face when he sees tears form a glassy sheen over your eyes, “Didn’t mean to stare.”
“It’s fine.” You say in a tone colder than he has ever heard you use. He can’t wrap his head around on why you’re so upset about the once damaged skin that is now healing on you. Had he done something else to offend you? Did his staring make you insecure about your skin? He racks his brain, trying to come up with something, anything, that could possibly help make you feel better.
“It’s just skin.” He tells you how it is, he doesn't know why he felt the need and desire to say something, “All scars are just skin.” He finally looks at your face and you look like he just rewrote the stars for you, with just a few short words. You look back down at your leg, seemingly in a different light.
“Yeah, just skin.” You repeat him.
“Right. Goodnight y/n.” He says, before going to exit your room. He closes the door behind him and lets out a deep breath. He touches his pulse, its fucking racing, his skin feels like its buzzing.
The Fourth Time:
The third year at UA for the hero course students consists more of hands-on experience through their work studies, rather than being in the classroom. Because of this it’s rare for the class to be there all together, when everyone is out doing their own things for their respective agencies.
Today, Bakugo, Midoriya and Todoroki were called into Endeavours agency for a meeting on an upcoming mission. The first person Bakugo notices when he walks into the conference room is you, to his surprise, seated next to Miriko, who you do your work study with. After him, Deku and Todoroki walk in and the door closes behind him, you take a glance over your shoulder and your eyes meet his own. You give him a smile and a short wave.
His face feels hot, and his neck is sweating, he pulls at the constricting collar of his school uniform, in an attempt to keep it from sticking to him. How is it that even the smallest of friendly gestures you make towards him has him feeling this pathetic?
He sees Deku pulling out the chair next to you to sit down, but before he can, Todoroki grabs him by the shoulders and moves him to the next seat over, causing Bakugo to sit next to you. He thinks the act is strange, but Icy-Hot is one of the strangest people he has ever met, so it adds up.
When Bakugo sits down next to you, he can see you looking at him from the corner of his eye, he fidgets with his thumbs under the table, he blames it on nerves for the upcoming mission and not the attention you have on him.
The plans for tomorrow's mission are all drawn out and prepared to be executed. The Pro’s take their leave in a hurry due to their busy schedules and Deku and Todoroki booked it out of there suspiciously fast as well. He stands up from his seat and notices that you are also.
“I was surprised when Miriko told me we were meeting at Endeavors Agency today,” You say to him, “I never thought we would be paired up for a mission together.”
“It’s weird they have such an uneven ratio of pros to students, makes me think this is going to be an easy one.” He responds. He reaches the door handle and before he can even think about it, he holds it open for you to go through first. He mentally slaps his forehead, for such an obvious gesture by his standards.
“Yeah, I really hope so.” You say with a smile on your face.
The next day rolls around, and the mission is finally a-go. Bakugo and you have been stationed on the roof of another building to stake out the old manufacturing warehouse where there have been reports of illegal drug and weapon distribution. 
They haven't been given any details on how many villains there are or what kind of quirks they have, so the mission needs to be treated with caution, hence the stake out, that has been going on for nearly two hours to see when the van's leave. That time mainly consisted of small talk between the two of you and building a strategy.
The first sign of movement is the back door opening up, three people with cargo loading up three different vans. He eyes you touching your earpiece.
“Miriko, they are loading up the vans with the contraband, what's the move? Do we stop them from taking off?” You ask for command.
“Negative, let them get far enough away where they can’t receive backup, but not too far where they will reach a heavily populated area.” She responds, her voice is a little staticky, but just clear enough to make out.
The pair of you turn towards one another and give each other a nod. Once the vans depart the two of you are off, jumping from building to building, to keep up with them, Bakugo takes a second to look back and sees the other teams heading into the building.
“I’ll get the one in front and you take the last one, ready!” He pauses, “Now!”
The both of you land on two separate vans, Bakugo kicks the front windshield open and throws the villain out the car door, he grabs onto the wheel, slams on the brakes and puts it in park, causing the vehicle to come to an abrupt halt. He gets out, pins the villain to the ground and restrains him with quirk prohibiting handcuffs. 
He turns around and sees the van you were assigned to has been flipped over onto its side, and you are fighting the villain that was in the middle van, you’re putting up a good fight, but that doesn't discourage him from running over to assist you. The two of you start tag-teaming him, but its nearly fucking impossible to get a good hit because his body keeps disappearing and reappearing right before his eyes.
He hears the sound of metal being split in half behind the two of you, so he takes a look in the direction he hears it coming from. He sees a villain holding some type of hand-held machine pointed directly at you. The villain presses a button and all of a sudden, his feet are taking him in your direction, and he ends up on the other side of an extremely powerful blast of air. 
It has him skidding down the road a few meters, throwing his body against the concrete. His ears are ringing, and his vision is blurry, he feels like he can’t breathe. He can just barely make out the sound of your voice and your blurry figure taking down and detaining the other two villains. And then you're rushing over to him. You fall on the ground, press on your earpiece and scream to whoever may be listening on the other end of it, it sounds like he’s under water. 
“I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Bakugo.” You put his head on your lap, you brush back his hair with one hand and put the other on the left side of his chest. You start crying, tears fall onto his skin, he feels your hands shaking, “You shouldn’t have done that for me, what-what were you thinking?”
He tries sitting up to get a better look at you, but his chest and ribs ache so bad he’s unable to, he hisses in pain and gives up. Instead, he says your name and covers the hand that’s on his chest with his own.
“It’s like holding a door open for ya, didn’t even have to give it a thought.” He says, and before you can even process his words or give him some words in return, exhaustion finally takes over him and everything fades out.
The next thing he knows, he’s stirring awake to an irritating beeping sound in the most uncomfortable bed he has ever had the displeasure of laying on. The air smells sterile and that’s how he concludes the beeping is probably coming from a heart monitor and he is currently laying in a hospital bed. The first thing he sees when he opens his eyes is Icy-Hot, who is standing at the foot of his bed and squinting at him.
“Guys he’s awake.” Todoroki alerts the others in the room. Bakugo tries finding his voice, but his throat is too dry and they won’t come out.
“Oh good!” Midoriya says, sitting up from the chair against the wall, “How are you feeling Kacchan?”
He points to the water bottle on the bedside table, Deku hands it to him, he takes a large sip, then two, then three and next thing he knows the whole thing is gone.
“M’fine, how did the rest of the mission play out?” He asks, more concerned for the villain's arrest than his own physical being.
“It went well, we arrested the villains inside of the warehouse and thanks to you and y/n, a good portion of the drugs and weapons never got distributed!” Midoriya chimes, and that's when he sees you over Todoroki’s left shoulder, looking out the window. Your eyes are a little red and your face is puffy, he wonders how long you had been crying for.
“Hey Midoriya, you and I should probably go find the doctor.” Todoroki says.
“Oh okay sure.” Deku responds. They make their exit out of the room and the door closes behind them. Bakugo sits up on the bed and leans against the frame. You still haven’t looked or said anything to him, which is weird because anytime one of your classmates gets injured you always rush to their aid and attempt to comfort them.
“Well, it seems like the mission went accordingly.” His pathetic attempt at making some kind of small talk with a little more substance. All you do is scoff at his words. “The mission is over, we won, what’s wrong with ya?” “Really, what’s wrong with me? The hell is your problem, Bakugo?” You ask, that’s all it takes for you to finally look his way, even though you are kind of half-yelling at him, that's all he really wanted.
“I am just fine y/n, you're the one that’s sulking right now.” He fights back because he thinks it’s what you need right now. The only way most people can get you to reveal your true feelings is by getting you fired up.
“I’m not sulking!” You move to the side of his bed and start talking with your hands like you always do when you’re passionate about something, “You’re the one that nearly got themself killed out in the field today.”
“What, so you're mad I took a hit? So, what, it happens all the time, get over it.” He says with a roll of his eyes.
“No-no, that's not, that's not what I’m talking about Bakugo.” You say, awaiting a response from him. All he does is shrug his shoulders, when you realize you aren't getting a proper response you continue, “You-you took the hit for me, why would you put yourself in danger like that?” He sees your eyes start to water, but no tears fall. They sit there at the brim of your waterline ready to release everything pent up inside. He supposes his heart sort of feels the same way. Ready to unleash every emotion that has been stored up inside for so long, yet there is still something holding it back. Maybe he’s embarrassed or thinks it’s unnecessary, which is probably how you are feeling about releasing your tears at this moment.
“Cause I didn’t want you to get hurt, dumbass. You wouldn’t have been able to brace for the impact, but I was because I knew it was gonna happen, it would have hurt you worse than me.” He says, but what he really means is that it was because he cares more about your comfort and safety than his own. He sees you mulling over his words, processing everyone individually and trying to interpret exactly what he means.
“Fine, I can accept that. I have a question for you though, what did you mean when you said-” You are abruptly cut off to the sound of the door opening. The doctor, Deku and Icy-Hot walk in, much to Bakugos displeasure.
“Glad to see you are up Bakugo!” The doctor says, flipping through his papers attached to the clipboard he’s holding, “Your parents are on their way, but before they get here, I want to run some additional testing. You three should probably head back to UA, Bakugo is likely to return by tomorrow morning if all is well.”
The doctor ushers the three of you to the door, he watches you cross the room and get ready to close the door behind you, but before you do, you give him a small smile, the tears at your waterline are gone.
The Fifth Time:
As a last hurrah before the school year comes to an end, class 3-A decided to go on a camping trip for a three-day getaway. The class started by loading all their supplies off the charter bus and completed their three-mile hike to the camping ground they rented out. Everyone stayed busy until the early afternoon setting up their tents, getting logs for the fire pit, finding the bathhouse and scoping out the nearby lake.
When everyone was just about to get settled in, Mr.Aizawa reminded everyone that UA was only able to grant this excursion because he promised the class would be doing some endurance training while they were there. So, the class was ordered to go on a run on one of the trails. Little did they know it was by far the longest one there and it took them until the sun was about to start setting to complete. 
“Good job everyone, now head to the showers you all reek,” Mr.Aizawa says, covering his nose slightly, “Once you're all done everyone will help with dinner preparations.” 
Once the class is dismissed and everyone takes turns cleaning up, Iida takes it upon himself to assign everyone jobs, so the preparations go smoothly.
“Shoji, Koda and Tokoyami you will be in charge of setting the tables, Sato, Tsu, Kirishima and Bakugo are on grilling duty and y/n, Hagakure, Todoroki and I will be doing food preparation!” Iida announces, Bakugo eyes Todoroki and him talking with one another, “Actually I'll have Todoroki and Bakugo switch places, in the name of efficiency! Everyone else is in charge of setting up the campfire.” Bakugo walks over to his assigned station and sees you and Hagakure unloading the groceries onto the pop-up table, he slots himself in the space to the left of you and takes an extra bag from your hands. He pulls out a few eggplants, zucchini and shishito peppers.
“Well, what do we start with?” He asks, not really to anyone in particular.
“I was thinking that Hagakure could rinse off the vegetables while I scrub them and then you can chop and then you hand them to Iida so he can season them.” You say.
“That sounds like a very efficient plan y/n.” Iida praises you; Bakugo can’t tell if you're blushing at Glasses, or if it's just the sun, he’s hoping it's the latter.
When the four of you begin, Hagakure, you and Iida begin easy conversation, he finds himself unable to partake in most of it because every time you pass him another vegetable your fingertips brush is own. It has his brain short-circuiting and he’s unable to comprehend what exactly is being talked about, which is proven to be problematic when you ask him a question that he doesn’t know the context to.
“Bakugo, are you gonna join?” You ask him, he can tell you’re looking at him, waiting for an answer, but he just keeps his focus on chopping.
“Join what?” He responds.
“We're all gonna hang out by the lake tomorrow!” Hagakure says excitedly, “Were you seriously not listening that whole time?” 
“Yeah whatever, I’ll be there.” He responds.
“Good, I'm glad.” He hears you say almost in a whisper. He pauses his movements and takes a look at you, your face is beat red, and he thinks your hands look a little shaky, but then he realizes his are too and he tightens his grip on the knife. 
Once dinner is done and the sun has fallen, everyone gathers around the campfire to roast marshmallows and hang out. By this point there’s multiple conversations happening and it’s all a little difficult to keep track of, besides the one he sees you and Shinsou having.
You’re leaning closer to him in your seat and then Shinsou says something you find particularly funny, it has your shoulders jolting, eyes watering and a big smile on your face. He hates it. Not because you are smiling, but the fact that it’s because of someone else and not him that he finds an issue with it. He needs it to stop, or he might go crazy, so he walks over to your seat.
“Come get more firewood with me.” Is all he says before he’s walking away, he hears you following behind him almost immediately, “You and Shinsou seem awfully close.”
“Uh yeah I guess so?” You sound estranged, “I mean we are friends.”
 All he does is grunt in response as he begins cutting some firewood. He can feel the jealousy radiating off himself, he hopes you can’t. When he hands you a piece of wood you speak up again.
“Why do you care?”
“I don’t care.”
“Well then why did you ask?”
“Why are you reading so far into this, huh?” He fights back, “I don’t care if you two are together, it was just a statement. Now get over it.”
He sees your entire demeanor has changed. Your shoulders have slumped, your face has fallen, and you have turned away from him. You look like he’s just killed your dog. He goes back to cutting firewood and once you have gathered all you can carry, you storm off, back to the fire pit he supposes. When he gets there a few minutes after you, he sees you aren’t there, and neither is Mina.
“Bakugo, what happened?” Todoroki asks him.
“Nothin’ happened; the hell are you talkin’ about.” He says back, with a little bite to his words. 
“She came back without you, so Mina asked where you were, and y/n just walked away. She looked pretty upset.” Todoroki responds. Bakugo’s heart drops to the pit of his stomach, did his words really affect you this much?
“Like I care.” His words betray his heart, “I’m going to bed.”
He unzips the tent and crawls into his sleeping bag. Unfortunately for him it’s a restless night, filled with tossing and turning, and feeling regretful for his heart fleeing so far.
The next afternoon, the entire class spends the day hanging out by the lake. Some of the class is playing beach volleyball, a few people are swimming, some others are tanning on the sand and then there's you, making a point of talking to every guy in the class besides him. 
He pretends not to notice the way you laugh at nearly everything Denki says to you, he ignores the fact that you asked Ojiro to help you get some more towels for the rest of the class, he tries to forget the hug you gave Sero after he scored the winning point in the volleyball match.
However, the one thing he cannot get over is that he knows you are doing all of this because of him, it’s his own fault, he thinks the torture is deserving. But what he doesn’t deserve is that you look so good hurting him. The sun brings out the color in your cheeks, the bikini top and shorts you are wearing compliments your skin and you look happy, being around everyone other than him. 
The rest of the day is spent in agony, and it follows him even when his head hits the pillow. He can't stop thinking, his thoughts are running rampant. So, he sneaks out of the tent, trying not to wake up Kirishima and walks over to the dock. He sits down and takes a deep breath. He looks at where the darkness of the sky and the lake meet. It isn’t hard to see because of the soft glow the moon is casting overhead.
He is left there, sitting with his thoughts, trying to find some sort of solace when he hears the creaking wooden floorboards behind him. He probably woke Kirishima in the process of leaving, and he knows the red head is too good of a friend to not go searching for him.
“Hey.” He hears, but it’s coming from a voice much to feminine to be Kirishimas, he sees you lowering yourself to sit next to him, your feet are dangling above the water, and you lean back on the palms of your hands, “What are you doing out here?” “Nothin’.” He sighs, he doesn’t have the heart to say why. All you do is hum in response and look out at the lake with him. Just for a second there’s a comforting silence between the two of you, but it is soon disrupted when his chest starts feeling tight and violent butterflies swarm his gut. 
His heart rate is picking up and he’s starting to sweat, but he knows the sun isn’t to blame this time. It's you. The only one capable of making him feel like this. It’s intense and anxiety inducing, and he can’t imagine there will ever be a day where this goes away. He needs to get rid of it, so he thinks a swift confession and quick rejection will be the remedy.
“y/n.” He starts with your name, easy and familiar, the sound draws your eyes to his own, “I’m gonna tell you something and-and it’s okay if you don’t say what I want to hear or if you have nothing to say at all.” 
Your eyes go wide, and he gives you a hard look, he lets out a deep breath and finally unravels is heart like he has been wanting to do for so long now
“I don’t know how or when it started, but every time I see you, I want to see you more. I like seeing you smile, but I really like it when it’s because of me. Your determined, smart and so fucking pretty that even a complete idiot could see it.” He lets out a deep breath and his eyes are covered with a glassy sheen, all you do is look at him, “And I know you don’t feel the same, but I needed to say it so you can put an end to this feeling that I have every time I'm around you.”
“Bakugo…” You say his name and the corners of your lips are turning up, “You actually feel that way about me? This isn’t a joke?”
“Why the hell would I joke about this?” He scoffs, turning away from you and back towards the lake.
“I don’t know. Maybe, maybe it's because I feel the same way and always thought it was unrequited.” You say, and that gets him to look at you again, he’s really hoping this isn’t some sick joke, “I think you're really nice. You always hold the door open for me, you took a hit for me on our mission, and you-you once told me something I really needed to hear, and it changed my perspective on so many things. You make me feel valued.”
He thinks of those examples, he remembers all of them so clearly. He never had to think about doing anything for you, it’s automatic, he likes making you happy. So, when he grabs your face with his hands and brings the pair of your lips together, he also hopes this makes you happy. 
Your lips are soft and plush, unmoving. He is testing out the waters between both of your feelings now, trying to mend them together with one simple act. He pulls away. Your face is still being held in his hands, and yours are on his wrists. He looks at your expression and you are fully smiling, all because of him, his heart swells in his chest.
The feeling he now describes as butterflies in his gut never ceases, but he learns to like it because he is with you, and he now knows you feel like that when you are with him as well. 
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visit my: masterlist
a/n: I am so sorry for the delay on getting this fic released, I expected it to be a lot shorter and I got so busy I just couldn’t find the time for it. However, I hope you enjoyed this read ! 
sidenote: I also head cannon this to be an alternate universe to my fic Only Ones Who Know.
taglist:  @mysideeffectsofyou 
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m-jelly · 3 months
Hello, the author. I want to suggest another idea for fan fiction. In it, the reader is a wolf werewolf and the leader of the pack. One day, for the sake of saving the pack, she is captured either by poachers, or hunters, or crazy scientists (let them be the Titans characters from Marley). In captivity, she tries to hide her fears. And he is fighting for freedom with all his might. There she also meets Levi, who is either an employee or also a prisoner. At first, she is wary of him, but over time she gets to know him better and realizes that not all people are bad. After experiencing adventures, she falls in love with him, and they have it both ways. As a result, either the man renounces his human form for her sake and becomes a leader together with the reader.
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Trust is hard, but you must try.
Levi x fem!reader
Future AU, hybrids, wolf reader, fox Levi, trust, falling in love, fluff, romance, talking, mates
Levi is tasked with watching a volatile prisoner who everyone else rejects watching. When he meets you, he keeps his distance but after some time he starts talking to you. The two of you connect and realise you are destined mates. Levi helps you get released and takes care of you.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a
@youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn
@bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @levistealeaf @pelicanpizza
@hideandgopeep @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird @searriously
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The neon lights buzzed in the hall and produced an atmospheric light. Everything was spotless and clean to high standards. Cells down this hall were empty except for one, mainly because the one prisoner was volatile. When people walked down it the tapping of their shoes would echo.
For a few weeks now there had been a new prisoner and the area had been cleared because of them. Most prisoners had avoided the area and refused to look after the prisoners. Levi had been approached and asked to watch the prisoner because he was the best of the team.
Levi approached the cell and saw the frosted glass walls. "Prisoner? I'm defrosting the glass. Confirm you're appropriate." He released a sigh when something was thrown at the glass. "I'll take that as a yes."
The buttons let out a little beep with each one that was pressed. As soon as the glass was clear, Levi looked inside to see a beautiful woman with wolf ears and a fluffy tail. Looking at you in a cell in a black shirt and trousers confused him because you didn't look dangerous.
"So." He stood in front of you. "You're the prisoner scaring everyone." He eyed you. "Wolf, huh? You're rare."
You snarled at him. "Fox."
He grabbed a chair, dragged it close and sat on it facing you. "I'm your new prison guard."
You growled a bit before turning your back and sitting down. "Lucky for you."
Every day for two weeks was the same, no talking and just sitting in silence. While sitting, Levi read up on your file and saw just how bad of a life you'd had. You had gathered a group of wolves who had been ostracized and treated like scum, you cared for them and made them a strong family, but people saw wolves as a concern and violent. So, you gave yourself up to the government so your little family could be safe. The public was happy the pack leader was locked up.
"That my file?"
Levi locked eyes with you. "Yeah."
You eyed it. "Anything interesting?" A small smirk spread on your lips. "Something spark your fancy?"
He closed your file. "I'm sorry."
Confusion took over. "Sorry? What for?"
"You were just trying to protect wolves and you got fucked over." He shook his head. "It's fucked up."
You hugged your legs. "This a ploy to screw me over?"
Levi shifted off his chair and sat on the floor. "No." His ears twitched. "I understand a bit what you're feeling. The Ackerman fox clan was almost wiped out. There's only me, my mother, father, uncle and cousin left."
You placed your hand on the glass. "I'm sorry."
He turned and faced you. "I know you don't trust me, but it must be lonely in there."
"You suggesting we talk every day?"
He smiled a little. "If you want to. I wouldn't mind having a friend."
You crawled over to Levi causing him to blush hard. "Mm...okay." You sat in front of him. "You know, I've never really looked at you." Your tail flicked. "You're handsome." You tilted your head. "I want to sniff you. Something is telling me to sniff you."
Levi gulped hard as he felt something tingle inside him. "Well...maybe you can when you're due for time outside."
You laughed. "Time outside? I don't get time outside."
"I'll get you time outside, it'll take me some time though."
"I look forward to it."
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You gaze up at the sky as the rain pours down on you. No words could describe how happy you were just to be outside, to feel something. Having access to outside time started about a week ago thanks to Levi.
"You'll catch a cold."
You looked over at the door to the jail and smiled at Levi leaning in the doorway. "I don't mind. If I catch something it means I can feel something."
He hurried over to you. "Well, I do mind because I care."
He pulled you close and ushered you inside. He felt electricity shoot through him because of the physical contact. It was clear the two of you had something between you, a connection. If he had his way, he would kiss you, bite you, hold you close and make love to you.
He wrapped a blanket around you as you shivered a bit. His hands rubbed up and down your arms. "You need to stay warm."
You leaned against him and inhaled deeply. "You smell good."
Levi felt his body tingle. "So do you."
You sniffed his neck and growled. "Mate." You lightly nipped his neck. "Mine."
Levi leaned closer and started sniffing, he could sense it too, you were destined mates. "Mate." He pulled back a little and looked deep into your eyes. "My mate."
You cupped his face and kissed him. "Mm."
Consumed by the link to you and the bond, he lifted you up and pressed you against the wall. Lips parted and tongues moved together as passion burned between the two of you. It was clear the two of you were strongly bonded as mates and you needed to be together.
You released Levi's lips and start crying. "Levi."
He wrapped his arms around you. "I know...I know..."
You clung tightly to him. "I don't know what to do."
He wiped your tears away. "I'll get you out of here. I'll prove to them that you're harmless and sweet. We'll be together and I'll care for you."
You smiled at him. "I can't wait."
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"Well." The warden sighed. "I guess your time with us is over." He glanced over at Levi. "You proved to us she's harmless. She will live with you, but if there are any problems you are responsible."
Levi nodded. "Yes, sir."
He sighed the papers and handed them over. "All right, you're free."
Not a word came from you because a large part of you didn't believe you were truly free. It was nice that you were leaving the jail, but you were always going to be a prisoner in some sense. No matter what you did you were going to be monitored. The dark thoughts in your head broke when your mate kissed your temple while you were walking to the car.
Levi stopped by his vehicle and caressed your cheek. "I know it's not full freedom, but I won't stop fighting for you, for us."
You leaned up and kissed your lover. "I know. I love you and trust you, Levi."
A charming smile graced his kissable lips. "Thank you." He held your hands and showered them with kisses. "Now, my darling mate, it is time to go home."
You perked up at those words. "Our country home?"
He nodded. "Away from this place and the horrors you've faced here. We'll have the family and peace we talked about."
"As long as I'm with you, I'm happy."
"I love you."
You nuzzled Levi's neck. "I love you."
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motomamita · 10 months
Based on the movie Whiplash (2014)
Pairing: Guitarist!Eddie Munson x Female!Guitarist!reader
Summary: (YN) puts Eddie's place in the music group at risk, so he decides to visit her at night and clear things up.
Warnings: Smut, +18, a looot of cursing and dirty talk, possesive Eddie, rough sex, hatefuck, unprotected sex, Fletcher is a warning himself, violents talks, idk.
Do not copy or translate, and sorry for my bad english. Muak.
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Eddie entered the rehearsal room carrying his guitar case while trying not to bump into his classmates, reading the sheet music that Fletcher had given them days before.
He had been in the select group at the conservatory for 2 weeks and still felt nervous like the first time. After Fletcher fired his previous guitarist, Eddie was chosen from among many guitarists at the conservatory to take his place. He finally had an important position on the team and he wasn't going to let anyone take him away from there.
Everyone took their places and began to warm up their instruments, practicing individually without paying attention to the rest of their classmates. They stayed like that until Fletcher came into the room. The silence became absolute and the nervousness was present.
"We are weeks away from the presentation at the exhibition." Fletcher commented looking at his musicians who kept their eyes on the floor. "My reputation and that of the Conservatory depends on your performance there." He spoke seriously. "So if any of you, fucking shits, decide to make some mistake and ruin everything...! You'll just have to pick up your stuff and leave before I kill you with my own hands, okay?!" Fletcher's voice echoed throughout the place.
Neither Eddie nor the others dared to speak. They kept their eyes on the ground and their hearts pounding, not moving to avoid attracting Fletcher's attention and automatically becoming his next victim.
"OK?!" He repeated angrily.
"Yes sir!" They all responded in unison.
"Good very good." Fletcher sat down in his chair and everyone quickly get ready to play. "We start with Caravan."
The band began to play immediately, following the scores with their eyes to avoid mistakes that could harm them. Eddie fixed his gaze on his fingers on the strings as he bobbed his head rhythmically. He had already studied this song the night before to avoid mistakes so he knew it by heart from beginning to end. He didn't want to be the victim of Fletcher's fury, not again.
It took a few seconds until Fletcher waved his hands in the air asking them to stop immediately, which they did. A grimace of disgust settled on the man's face. Someone had made a mistake and Eddie prayed it wasn't him.
"Edward. What the fuck was that!?" It had been him. "Is smoking affecting your damn retarded chimpanzee brain?"
Fletcher yelled at him from his spot, placing his hands on his hips and still looking at him. Eddie lowered his gaze embarrassed and didn't say a word, anything he could say was going to complicate the situation even more.
"I think I'm going to have to hit your damn fingers with a hammer to get them to play ONE note right! Son of a bitch.."
Fletcher was interrupted by a knock on the door of the room. He walked to open the door, welcoming whoever was behind.
"Thank God you came! This idiot is ruining everything!" He exclaimed with a certain tone of calm in his voice. "Everyone, meet (YN). She'll be our lead guitarist."
Eddie looked up from the ground when he heard the name. His eyes connected with hers, his 'former fuck' and now 'new enemy'. He hadn't seen her since the last time they fucked, before they both entered the conservatory and had a fight over who was the best player.
"Thank you for considering me and giving me the opportunity to play with you." She smiled. That damn smile.
"You deserve it, sweetie. So take Munson's seat."
Eddie smiled, anger coursing through his body. Was this all an evil plan on Fletcher's part? Did he want to humiliate him even more?
"But... I'm the lead guitarist..." Eddie tried to defend his place.
"You're not anymore. Until you improve your technique and keep your mind on the scores and not thinking about whores and drugs." Fletcher responded harshly. "Now you are going to be in charge of turning the pages of (YN's) sheet music."
The girl walked to Eddie's seat, who reluctantly gave her his place and stood next to her. (YN) set up her guitar and took out her own folder of sheet music, extending it to Eddie.
"We're back again with Caravan." Fletcher informed, returning to his place in the room.
"You heard, place my pages on Caravan." (YN) murmured with a mocking smile to Eddie, who closed his fists trying to mitigate his anger and followed the girl's orders.
"And one, two and.. Three!"
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Three loud knocks echoed on the door of (YN's) small apartment. The girl, who had just come out of the shower, put on a t-shirt that reached her thighs and ran to the door still with her hair wet.
When she opened she found Eddie Munson, who also didn't seem happy to see her again. Many times he had shown up at her door, months ago, with desire and need in his eyes and then fucked her until dawn. Now, his gaze expressed pure annoyance and it was more likely that he wanted to finish her off before making her finish.
"Why? Uh? Why the hell do you want to sabotage me?" He asked placing his hand on the door frame, preventing her from closing it.
"I didn't sabotage you, you just did." She explained calmly. "It's not my fault I'm better than you." She smiled cynically.
"No! You're not better than me and you know it. It's all a damn plan to drive me crazy and push me over the edge, right?" Eddie raised his voice upset.
(YN) sighed and grabbed him by the collar of his leather jacket, making him enter the apartment before the neighbors complained about the noise.
"You're really paranoid if you think I'm doing all this for you. I made the team on my own merit, I'm not part of any 'evil plan' to make you suffer, as much as I'd like to see that." She explained, taking a few steps forward to stay close to him.
"Did you fuck Fletcher?" Eddie asked quietly as he looked into her eyes.
"What?" She asked after a few seconds confused.
"You did it, right? All so you could steal my place on the team." He asked again, now more confident.
"No, I never did." She shook her head, still looking into his eyes. "But I might try, if that makes you even more jealous." She murmured mischievously after a few seconds.
Neither of them moved for the first few seconds. The street lights entered through the windows of the apartment, leaving little visibility and turning them into shadows for the outside gaze. The ticking of the clock resonated almost at the same tempo as the rapid heartbeats of both, creating a melody as dangerous as it was captivating.
Eddie couldn't contain himself any longer and launched himself at her, placing one of his hands behind her neck and pulling her towards him, kissing her desperately. (YN) did not refuse and received him gladly, hugging him by the shoulders and pressing her body even closer to his. The kiss became more violent, showing that there was not only desire there but also a great amount of hatred in both of them. Without separating, they moved to the couch where (YN) collided with him, becoming cornered between it and Eddie.
"Damn whore, trying to steal my place..." Eddie murmured against her lips while one of his hands moved up her thighs until he reached her core. "And you're not wearing panties... It seems like you were waiting for me to arrive and find you like this..." He growled and one of his fingers began to make circular movements on her clitoris. Her legs trembled at the sudden stimulus, closing her thighs instinctively.
"I wasn't waiting for you, but for Fletcher.." she joked, enjoying Eddie's jealous look.
In one quick movement Eddie turned her and placed her face down, with her abdomen over the back of the couch. One of his hands grabbed hers and her t-shirt, leaving her bare from the waist down. (YN) let out a moan at that, getting even wetter from Eddie's mini aggressions. He knelt, still holding her hands, and brought his head to her center.
"You smell as exquisite as always.." He spoke and then took his mouth and began to lick her folds with need. She moaned loudly, rolling her eyes back as the tip of Eddie's tongue found her clit. "My pussy, this is my fucking pussy.." he growled, tasting all the wetness of her.
"Eddie! Shit..!" She moaned desperately at the wave of pleasure he was giving her with just his mouth. The neighbors were definitely aware of what was happening.
He abruptly separated from her center, uncomfortable by the boner that formed inside his pants. He clumsily pulled down his pants along with his boxers, revealing his hard cock whose tip was glistening from the accumulation of precum.
"Shit.." He mumbled at the sight, not at all surprised at the effect (YN) had on her. "You make me so fucking hard.."
With his free hand he brought his cock up to her wet hole. Eddie released a trickle of saliva, trying to make the stretch not so painful for her, and spread it with the tip of his cock over her folds. (YN) bit her lower lip, eager to feel him inside her after several months.
In a slow but confident movement, he entered inside her making sure not to leave any centimeters out. They both moaned at the sensation and didn't move for a few seconds, enjoying the feeling. Progressively, Eddie couldn't hold on any longer and began to move at a normal pace, grunting like an animal.
"God, I hate you so much but this pussy is so wonderful.." He spoke between moans, admiring how his cock entered and left her with ease thanks to the wetness of both of them.
"Well, I hate you, you and your big fat cock.."
Eddie stopped dead when he heard her and in an unexpected movement he released her hands and grabbed her neck, bringing her back to his chest. Without warning he fucked her again, only this time with a rougher and more hateful rhythm. For (YN) it became impossible to hide her moans, the pleasure was absolute and did not seem to end.
"Moan, moan for me. Let everyone know that you will always be my fucking whore.." Eddie laughed as he heard pure moans coming from her mouth.
His balls rhythmically slapped against her clit, bringing sparks of pleasure to both of them. Her hands went to Eddie's arm that was holding her neck, noticing that out of desperation Eddie was still wearing his pants at the height of his ankles.
"Eddie..! Please..!" From the tone of her voice, he knew that she was ready to cum and it wouldn't be long until he did too.
"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.." Eddie repeated to the rhythm of each hard thrust, feeling her walls hug him as she cums.
(YN)'s legs shook but that didn't seem to matter to Eddie at all, who continued fucking her through her orgasm until he felt she was close. He brought his mouth to her neck, biting lightly as he stifled a moan of pleasure. After a few seconds he ended up inside her, without noticing that due to the force of his bite he had left a mark on her neck.
Slowly Eddie pulled out of her, letting some of his cum fall down her thighs and stain the floor. (YN) had to hold on to the couch to avoid falling to the floor because of how weak her legs felt. Eddie noticed and held her for a few seconds to make sure she was okay. Then, he pulled up his boxers and pants and acted as if nothing had happened, although his red cheeks and messy hair showed otherwise.
Neither of them said anything, there was no need to do so either. (YN) watched as Eddie walked to the exit but turned around before leaving.
"This doesn't end here. Soon I will regain my place on the team and you will be my whore inside the conservatory too."
Then, he left the apartment.
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cairavende · 11 months
Worm Arc 11 Interludes thoughts:
Ok. Just in order I think. Sorry for the chaos.
Started off with puppies. I was happy.
Then the puppies started getting a little more violent than needed. I was less happy.
Then Victoria got clowned on a little and I was little bit more happy.
Then the unkillable naked zebra lady showed up everything kinda went downhill. For everyone.
Bitch do not join the supervillain serial killer group, please and thank you.
Seriously though, The Siberian is a bit scary. Just, completely invincible as far as anyone can tell. And super strong.
Theo is having a bad day. And unless someone takes care of Jack Slash for him he's gonna have a bad few years.
Jack Slash is such a poser oh my god. Dude. Come one. You aren't all that.
Also. Jack. Do not toss a loaded baby! That baby had a full diaper. You toss that baby and you are liable to have a containment breach. Speaking from experience, you do not want a containment breach. (Also just don't throw babies of course.)
I hope Theo gets cool powers and is able to become a super amazing hero like he dreams of. On the plus side, probably gonna be lots of opportunities for trigger events coming up. On the minus side, he didn't trigger when Jack Slash was planning on killing him so I don't know if he's gonna be able to.
They were obviously going to go for Labyrinth. She has such amazing powers for mass terror. Though I guess Burnscar never tried to actually recruit her. I assume that was the plan though.
Also Burnscar needs to stop excusing her actions. Just be evil or don't be evil. You don't get to be evil and say it's not your fault (that sure will come up again in these interludes).
I fucking LOVED the description of how Labyrinths powers work. Just the details of everything. So good!
Fucking Colin. Of course they had to go for you. Why can't you just go away and leave my robot daughter alone?
Mannequin is fucking WILD. Like, god damn. Those are sure choices you made. Helps you be creepy as shit though. And get through air vents.
Mannequin writing out "U ME" to Pocketknife Man by laying keyboard keys down on the table one at a time has cursed meet-cute energy.
In the end, Colin survives cause my robot daughter saves him. And I guess she's gonna tell him the truth about being an AI. Fiiiiiiine. I will be polite to Colin if he comes over to dinner. He still needs to apologize to my other daughter though.
Also I'm sure glad the Slaughterhouse Nine won't have any use for the magic pocketknife that can cut through anything that Mannequin took. No worries at all I'm sure. It won't do jack shit for them. Might as well just slash the idea and toss the knife out.
Cool. Some Nazis died. That's great!
Not enough though. Disappointed in Shatterbird.
But if one good thing can come of this whole Slaughterhouse Nine thing, maybe Hookwolf can die. I'm not holding my breath though.
Shatterbird has a very interesting power set. Being specifically glass focused like that. Definitely can see how she would terrorize a city.
Dinah PoV. DINAH POV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok well first off, I obviously hated Coil for Dinah already. Enough that I don't really know if the Dinah PoV can technically make me hate him more. But that said, I hate him more. WTF.
The description of her power was so NEAT though! Had a minor moment of "oh hey this paragraph of this precog talking about her power works inside her head is an almost perfect description of how my brain works" which was wild. I don't actually get to see the future though, which is a major difference.
She can actually just full blow see a possible future holy shit! Wow. Like it hurts and she hates it but it's still crazy.
Also I guessed that Crawler was going to come for Traveler in a Vault (that is Noelle's cape name until I am told different) after the Bitch interlude. I was very happy I got that right since I really knew almost nothing about either.
So Crawler just basically can't die and gets stronger every time he gets hurt. I wonder how long it will take him to reach Endbringer level power?
And Traveler in a Vault is just a large monster that is always hungry and can be driven to the point of eating people. That sucks a lot for her.
Also Leviathan came after her too huh? Well that's probably fine and won't matter in the future.
Regent's sister is worse than he is. That's impressive! Like, not good impressive. But impressive.
Getting real close to the "can't exist" physic power set. I guess it's not quite it though.
She should keep a better eye on her phone battery.
AMY DALLON! I knew it would be you.
I knew you were destined to be a tragedy from the moment I met you. You were always going to become a villain. So once I knew the Nine were recruiting it was a guarantee that you'd be recruited.
Specifically, that you'd be recruited by Bonesaw. She is an artist and obviously she is obsessed over the art you could make together.
Holy shit though that chapter.
Lets see. FUCK CAROL. Victoria gets some excuses, she's a kid, she's following her mom's example, etc. But FUCK CAROL. You are partially responsible for what Amy is about to become.
Despite being terrified, Amy seemed to have a dark fascination with everything Bonesaw was doing and saying. Really listened as Bonesaw explained things.
The more detailed view of what Amy's power does is crazy. She really can do just about anything to someone.
“Why not fix your dad?” is where Bonesaw won. It's about 3/5 of the way through the chapter. And she won at that point. That was the killing blow. The rest of the chapter, the remaining 3.5k or so words, is watching Amy bleed out to drive the point home. It is Panacea's death monologue. It is beautiful and tragic and amazing.
All that said, since she is losing anyway, is it bad for me to want more of Bonesaw's notes? SHE HAS LORE! GIVE IT TO ME!
Dad at least seems pretty good. He made the perfect response after getting healed. Unfortunately she was already gone.
AND THERE IT IS. THERE IS THE THAT FINAL STEP. Fucking rewire your adopted sisters mind to have romantic feelings for you. No you don't get to say it was an accident! You chose to do it. Holy shit Amy. You are going to be an amazing (terrifying) villain.
Callback to Burnscar and blaming her power for her actions.
If Worm was a Disney movie Amy would end up with the best song, 100%. Hellfire or similar levels.
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Foot Clan Headcanons
Being cold blooded xever can’t take the cold very well, Baxter also prefers not to go out so the two of them hang out a lot in winter
Xever developed cleithrophobia (fear of being trapped) after going to prison, it only worsened after being put in the tank after first being mutated. Anton once locked him in a storage closet as a joke and xever had a panic attack. Chris freed him and beat the living shit out of Anton.
TC is non-binary and uses they/them pronouns, has a pin of the flag on their scarf.
Anton and Xever are trans besties. They like listening to music together. They have trans pins bc I said so.
There’s no such thing as a member of the Foot who’s straight and doesn’t need therapy.
TC treats the others as their kids.
Baxter is autistic and has a rainbow infinity pin on his sweater.
Xever is lactose intolerant, Chris has a peanut allergy, Ivan can’t have gluten
Baxter’s experiments get the others into weird situations and a shit load of side effects that usually takes a few days to make a cure for. TC scolds him right after.
They watch Disney and marvel movies together and steal Chris’ Disney plus acc.
Xever uses eyeshadow and nail polish a lot.
Ivan’s pan, he didn’t realise until he was mutated.
Anton and Chris hate each other for no reason.
Ivan gets Anton flowers a lot.
Xever sometimes forgets English words.
Chris and Ivan can’t cook for shit. They both have a history of burning down the kitchen.
They have family game nights but they get violent really quickly, usually starts with someone cheating before they all go apeshit.
Xever is a cat person, Chris is a dog person. They constantly fight.
Tiger Claw is trying to book them all in for therapy.
Baxter is Australian (@dnpanimationstudioclone came up with it).
Xever is dyslexic and is currently learning how to read.
‘Who the fuck wants to sleep when you have FUCKING ADVENTURE TIME’
Shared Netflix account
Anton and Baxter have a bet about tc having a thing for shredder
Xever doesn’t eat a lot, Chris eats too much
TC made a bad decision and let their kids play Mario Kart together
Somehow even remotely friendly activities that are planned always end up in literal flames.
Chris snores. He snores really fucking loud and no one can sleep through him. Xever sleeps with him and is really fucking done with it.
They watch stranger things together and cry a lot
Ivan and Anton watch baking shows together
Baxter plays a lot of indie horror games and talks non stop about the lore.
When among us was a thing Bax convinced the others to join him. Who knew six mutated dumbasses with access to highly illegal weapons playing a game that includes killing each other, lying about it and voting to throw each other into space could go to shit so quickly.
Chris needs to get out more. He doesn’t understand anything about other cultures and it’s bad.
Ivan’s always wished he could go to space.
Xever’s the youngest in the team and everyone constantly gives him shit about it.
TC is always trying to comfort the chaotic zoo they call their children when something happens.
Chris can’t handle spicy stuff for shit and is constantly teased for it.
Whenever they have the chance they sleep in the same room. They do makeovers and ghost games and shit like that.
Xever adopted a bunch of mutant kids. In other words he adopted the entire fucking jungle.
They all throw insults at each other and threaten to beat up/kill one another but at the end of the day they’re basically a family. A very, very, murderous and dysfunctional family, but still a family.
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hungryistrying · 2 years
it would be a hundred times easier (if we were young again)
"How about," he swallows, and Jinx's eyes are drawn to the bobbing of his throat, "we call a truce?"
Her eyes snap back up to his face, and she mockingly grins. "Oh? You don't wanna kill me?"
"Haven't decided yet," he shoots back. "Let's make it out of here alive first and raincheck that." 
And Jinx's grin widens at his response. She's always loved playing with Ekko because he's so good at playing with her too.
Jinx loves picking a fight wherever she goes. Ekko just so happened to be along for the ride.
rating: mature
word count: 4796
crossposted to ao3
Most days are a blur to Jinx. Her awareness and lucidity dulled by violent snippets of a past she doesn't want to remember. They occupy her mind like a kaleidoscope of bad memories. Flashes of Vi slapping her and confirming her worst fears; of Vander’s corpse lying there and it being her fault; of Mylo and Claggor dying because of her mistakes. On the days when her head was so loud, and it was just too much to bear, Silco would help keep her from spiraling out of control. 
But today is not most days, and Silco…Silco isn't around anymore to help her either. So Jinx does what a jinx does best. From her outpost on one of the bridge's towers, she gleefully watches as the enforcers' precinct she set alight goes up in smoke and flames. 
She had waited with bated breath for those slowpoke enforcers to spot her looking down on them from her post on a rooftop nearby. She made a quick scan of their faces as they began to point at her and take their guns out. When she didn't spot a familiar mob of pink hair in the crowd, her grin fell, and her excitement momentarily dimmed.
With a frustrated sigh, she stands up from her post, reaching for the bombs holstered to her side and pulling their pins before tossing them down into the crowd. Jinx cackles as she hears more screams of panic erupt from the crowd below. Oh, they're so cute when they freak out.
Their bullets shoot right past her through the blaze of smoke and the erratic way in which she makes her grand escape. She hops from one rooftop to the other with practiced ease as her bombs explode in the distance.
"Vi wasn't there," Mylo's treacherous voice taunts. "You know she doesn't care about you anymore, right?"
Jinx grits her teeth and snaps, "Shut up. You don't know anything."
She ignores him as she continues to run, looking over her shoulder and watching the few unscathed enforcers struggle to give chase. The sight makes her cackle as she continues to run. 
Vi might not have been there, but she was still able to wreak havoc, and Jinx has no doubt this'll reach her sister and that dumb girlfriend of hers one way or another.
The moment plays over and over in her mind. Silco and Vi yelling– Mylo and Claggor terrorizing her…And worst of all Vander, with his quiet, disappointed expression– Then Jinx picks up the sound of a gun being reloaded and her body moves on auto-pilot, shooting rounds of bullets–
And then she realizes she killed her own father. 
Another family member dead because of her; because she's a jinx.
And Vi…Vi didn't get it. Vi didn't care. She just wanted Powder…but already Powder died, right along with their brothers and Vander.
So Jinx decided she didn't want Vi anymore– didn't need her anymore. And she did what she does best and blew up the council's building. One final fuck you for all the ways in which they've ruined her life; for all the ways they practically led her down this destructive path.
When she pulled the trigger it had been in rage, agony, bitterness, and spite. Yet as she watched her rocket hit the council room – watched it explode in a flurry of fire and smoke – she felt nothing at all.
Jinx had done it. Had destroyed the source of all her misery. Those disgusting, high and mighty councilmen who drowned in luxury while everyone in the undercity suffered. She'd avenged Silco; the father who’d cared for her and accepted her unlike anyone else; the father who she killed with her own gun.
And she felt nothing. Her head was quiet for once, and instead, everything else was so loud. Screams of terror. Rocks crumbling. sirens. Panic– The chaos around her allowed her to drown out the hisses, prickles, and whispers in her head for once.
And Jinx started laughing. Hysterically. She laughed until tears filled her eyes– and then she was bawling. Everything was always so, so loud, but for a moment in time, it was finally quiet—a moment's reprieve from her mind's self-inflicted torture.
But the bliss didn't last long. The voices– the hallucinations, they reared their ugly heads back around, haunting her day and night. And so, Jinx realized she needed more; more chaos; more pretty explosions; more destruction. It's what she's best at and it was the only thing keeping the ghosts of her past at bay.
And well, if the added benefit was further riling up Vi– Vi, who was a traitor; Vi who had become an enforcer, everything she said she would stand against– and her newly-appointed sheriff of a girlfriend, then how was Jinx possibly supposed to resist?
When Jinx at last makes it back to the undercity, she weaves through its nooks and crannies unnoticed. She knows these streets better than the back of her hand, silently slipping into the parts only occupied by shimmer-addled addicts who are too far gone to even register her presence.
"Stay in formation! She'll pluck us off one by one if we spread out." Jinx halts her step at the enforcer's booming voice, peaking out of the back alley and spotting two dozen or so enforcers from her position.
Oh, they managed to track her down here? Not too shabby. Jinx grinned, playing with Pow-Pow at her side. She'll have fun figuring out how she's going to take them all out.
Before she can get to the fun, however, she'll have to figure out what exactly she's up against. Grasping onto a vent pipe for leverage, she quietly lifts herself up and climbs to the roof of the shabby building, making sure to stay out of sight as she raises herself onto the vantage point.
"Let's have a look now," Jinx mutters under her breath, reaching for her spyglass and looking through it. 
She spots dozens of enforcers down below, all clad in full gear and walking in a boring, neat formation as they scan the slums for any sight of her. Twenty-seven enforcers. That's totally doable. Jinx hums as she snaps shut her spyglass, climbing down the roof. 
She quietly lands in the back alley again. Let's see, what would be the best way to sneak up on–
"Where'd that bastard go?!"
What the hell?
Jinx presses herself against the wall. That voice is too close for comfort when she's very much still in hiding. She swerves her head in the direction of the booming voice, making sure to stay low so she doesn't get spotted from her position. 
A group of mercenaries carrying chemtech makes their way through the streets, checking all nooks and crannies while kicking down everything in their way. 
The chembarons' goons? Jinx frowns in confusion. Who the hell are they looking for? She hasn't done anything to piss them off lately…As far as she remembers, at least. 
The enforcers and those thugs spot each other, but neither bothers acknowledging the other, simply going about their own way. Jinx clicks her tongue. Well shucks, this makes things a teeny bit harder. Just because she hasn't done anything to those dumb barons as of late doesn't mean they like her either.
Great, now she gets to fight them too. Whoever they're really after better write her a thank-you note after she's done here.
She cranes her head as far as she can without getting spotted. Their numbers combined make…forty-six people for Jinx to fight. She can make that work, it'll be a challenge but that just makes it all the more fun when she's killed them all.
Jinx excitedly weaves her way deeper and deeper through one of the undercity's many alleys. Oh, how she can't wait to ambush those dumb oafs and take them all down.
Abruptly, she stops dead in her tracks. A faint rustling can be heard from around the corner. Now, what the hell is that sound?
Jinx unstraps her gun, placing her finger on the trigger and turning the corner with the gun aimed at the source of the noise–
The clockhand stops mere inches in front of her face, just as Jinx's finger precariously hovers over the trigger. She's greeted by a familiar owl mask and can't help the grin that spreads on her face. "Well, what do you know? It's the boy savior again."
For a moment, he doesn't answer and they both remain frozen in place. Waiting to see what the other will do before making their next move. Then Ekko uses one hand to remove his mask, letting it rest around his neck and pushing his hood back.
A scowl is plastered onto his face as he says, his voice impassive, "So you’re still alive."
"Could say the same to you." They circle around each other, weapons still pointed at one another as they assess the situation.
"Fuck, where's that stupid little bird?!" they hear one of the men yell again.
Ekko frowns at the sound before returning his attention back to her. He presses the cold metal bar against the column of her throat, making her step backward until her back is pressed against the wall. And Jinx lets him because she's always loved playing games with him. Her finger is still on the trigger of her gun, pointed at Ekko.
And he's close now. Very close. The cold metal is at odds with the heat radiating from his body. And maybe the timing is terrible, but it excites Jinx how she can count his individual lashes from here, how he's nearly pressed up right against her.
"How about," he swallows, and Jinx's eyes are drawn to the bobbing of his throat, "we call a truce?"
Her eyes snap back up to his face, and she mockingly grins. "Oh? You don't wanna kill me?"
"Haven't decided yet," he shoots back. "Let's make it out of here alive first and raincheck that." 
And Jinx's grin widens at his response. She's always loved playing with Ekko because he's so good at playing with her too.
He steps away from her, and even though he cautiously lowers his weapon, he still grips it tight as he waits on her response.
Ignoring the disappointing coldness she feels now that he's no longer in her personal space, Jinx puts her gun back in its holster and asks, "I'm guessing you're the reason the chembarons' oafs are running around?"
"Are you the reason a bunch of enforcers are on alert right now?" Ekko shoots back.
Jinx rolls her eyes, "Okay, smartass. What are they even after you for?"
"That's my business," he shuts her down, rounding near the corner of the alley with a frown as he observes their soon-to-be enemies.
"Already counted, there's forty-six of them," she supplies, slinking up beside him and leaning against the wall. "Come on, don't be so boring. Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine?"
Ekko studies her for a moment and then just shakes his head, amusement dancing in his eyes and his tone light as he asks, "No need. You blew up one of their buildings again, didn't you?"
Jinx scowls. Sheesh, was she getting that predictable? She should do something to switch it up. Maybe she could plan a heist…The Ecliptic Vaults sounds like a good place.
"Whatever," she scoffs. "We gonna kick their asses or what?"
He nods, putting his mask and hood back on before he asks, his voice now distorted, "What's the plan?"
"The plan is," she takes her gun back out, ensuring every chamber is loaded, before taking out a smoke grenade, "we get 'em before they know what hit them."
Jinx feels like she can see his unimpressed expression through his mask, and she just grins when he shakes his head and reaches for his hoverboard. "Fine, just don't get in my way."
"Me?" She spins to him in disbelief. "Worry about yourself, boy savior."
He shakes his head in disbelief, turning his hoverboard on and stepping on it with one foot. "I'm never worried." With that, he flies off.
Jinx rolls her eyes but readies her own position, pulling the pin on the smoke grenade and tossing it down in the middle. She grins at the collective panic it awakens, her enemies startling and aiming to bat the grenade away with their weapons. It's just a smokescreen, but that’s exactly what she needs.
Taking advantage of their panic and now-reduced vision, she quietly sneaks behind the two enforcers furthest in the back and unpins two flame chompers, hooking each to their back.
"Surprise!" she gleefully yells, giving away her position, before pushing both enforcers deeper into the crowd and backing away herself as her bombs explode.
Jinx cackles at the smell of smoke and panic, at the sound of fear and chaos. This is what she lives for. Noise so loud and sights so violently vivid that they drown out any terrorizing vision her mind might conjure.
They try to shoot at her, but by the time those slowpokes finally come to their wits she's already on the move, gunning down as many as she can before evading. Three, four, five, six, seven, eight– she counts before she's on the move again. 
Another smoke grenade hits the ground, further obscuring everyone's vision before they realize where exactly Jinx is – who has already taken momentary shelter to reload her gun. She realizes it must've been Ekko, who effortlessly glides in and out of the cloud of smoke, as she hears the familiar whirl of that hoverboard and screams of panic and curses erupt from the crowd of mercenaries.
She grins as rolls her gun's cylinder back into place and jumps back into the chaos. They both focus on their own sides as they fight, not meddling with the other but further perpetuating the air of chaos and panic that makes it hard for their enemies to catch them.
Suddenly Ekko shouts "On your left!" Jinx startles but doesn't hesitate to immediately spin to her left, knocking out the enforcer who nearly caught her off-guard.
The shimmer in her veins makes the hit lethal, and she catches Ekko staring at her in the aftermath. She simply smiles at him as the glow fades from her eyes, “Surprise!” He shakes his head but brings his focus back to the fight, dodging a hit from one of the mercenaries in front of him.
Jinx hates working with people. She's used to being told that she's a liability because they don't see the method behind her madness, to people getting in her way. But Ekko doesn't, seamlessly adjusting to her fighting style while staying focused on the fight in front of him.
As she shoots wildly and throws bombs left and right, he keeps on the move on his hoverboard, making sure to never get hit by any of them (the mercenaries he's fighting are not as fortunate). Every once in a while, when she's too caught up reveling in the violence, he shoots another warning, making sure no one catches her off-guard.
Jinx remains aware of Ekko in her periphery, who keeps on the move as he takes down their opponents one by one. She notices a mercenary with a chemtech arm waiting on Ekko, waiting for him to be unable to change his trajectory so she can knock him off the hoverboard. 
Jinx attempts to yell out a warning, but before she can so much as blink, a light flashes from the device on Ekko’s back–
In a flash, he’s gone. The mercenary nearly loses her balance as she punches nothing but thin air. And Ekko – who has somehow, inexplicably teleported back to where he was only a few seconds ago – takes advantage of the mercenary’s stupor and hits her in the head with his clock hand as he flies by again.
Startled, Jinx can only dumbly blink. As if sensing her eyes on him, Ekko turns back to her, and with that distorted voice, he says, “You’re not the only one with surprises.” 
Jinx can’t hold back the bewildered laughter that bubbles in her throat, even as she just barely dodges a hit from an enforcer in front of her, who she shoots in the head as retaliation.
When the remaining enforcers and mercenaries finally decide to use their little brains, they group together to take both of them down. Jinx and Ekko are faster and more agile than them all, but they’re also getting tired, worn down by the duration of the fight and the scrapes and bruises they’ve collected. And so their enemies– a dozen or two left if she had to eyeball it– are becoming hard to manage.
They need to reduce their numbers and Jinx has a brilliant idea. Reaching for her minigun, she yells, “Hey, boy savior, give me a ride!” as she turns the gun on. Ekko doesn’t hesitate, catching onto her plan and flying in her direction. He grabs onto her waist and uses the momentum to lift her up on his hoverboard. 
Both the enforcers and mercenaries look like blurry flashes this way. Jinx cackles as the wind blows past her face, recklessly shooting at them all as Ekko soars through the air too quickly for their opponents to accurately shoot either of them.
“I can’t hold on much longer,” Ekko yells over the wind, his hoverboard momentarily sputtering at their weight. “Tell me when to drop you.”
Jinx turns off her minigun, unhooking one of her flaming chompers and tossing it in the middle of the crowd. They disperse with panicked screams as it explodes, a grin spreading across her face at the sight. “Now!”
At her signal, he doesn’t waste time dropping her into the crowd. Jinx doesn't hesitate as soon as she hits the ground, invigorated by the smell of smoke and blood that hangs in the air. 
They're onto her like coyotes, but she's faster and more vicious. For every bruise they give her, she punches one of them in the throat; for every scratch they get on her, she shoots one in the chest.
They call for someone to get reinforcements, and she thinks good, more. Even as she runs out of bullets, even as her arsenal of explosives starts feeling lighter. 
Jinx thinks she may hear someone yelling her name, but she's not sure if it's real or just in her head. She doesn't really care either, taking advantage of the shimmer in her veins to become faster and lighter and stronger until she feels like she might explode with it.
Someone manages to hit her back with a baton – she grunts at the impact, her skin and bones screaming with pain – before turning around to hit the enforcer in the head with the back of her gun. She's long run out of ammunition.
Ekko? Why is he–
Her head explodes with pain.
And then her vision goes black.
Everything is dark. Dark, cold, and quiet. All Jinx hears is a steady drip of water as she slowly regains her awareness. 
What the hell? Wasn't she in the middle of a fight? Jinx groans as she feels a dull ache all throughout her sore body. Yep, she was definitely in a fight.
"Jinx?" her eyes flutter open at the quiet sound of Ekko's voice.
She realizes her head is resting on his thigh when she looks up at him. Jinx attempts to sit upright and hisses when she feels a sharp pain in the back of her head.
"Easy now," Ekko says, gently lowering her head on his thigh, "you got hit pretty bad." He holds a hand in front of her face and asks, "Can you tell me how many fingers I'm holding up?"
"Four, I'm not that out of it." Jinx groans, glaring at him.
He lets out an amused hum and lowers his hand again. "Well, at least you don't have a concussion."
Jinx attempts to sit up again, much more slowly this time. Something slides off her shoulder and into her lap, and she realizes Ekko covered her with his jacket. Ignoring the pull she feels in her chest at that, she asks, "So where are we?"
She hears him take a deep, sharp breath beside her before he answers, "Benzo's old shop…"
At his response, her body tenses. Her eyes flicker around the room, recognizing the layout of the now desecrated backroom. Dust and cobwebs cloud the old place, and rust decorates whatever machinery still remains there.
When they weren’t in the old hideout, Ekko and Jinx spent a lot of time tinkering here as kids. This brings back memories. And there’s nothing Jinx hates more than her old memories.
She mercifully gets snapped out of her thoughts when she hears shouts from the streets down below. “Where did they go?! Don’t let those little rats escape!”
“Damn reinforcements,” Ekko curses under his breath, peaking out of the dust-covered window to no doubt observe the mercenaries now searching for the both of them.
"What the fuck happened?" she grunts, eyebrows furrowing as the full extent of her headache hits her. The shimmer in her veins took care of the brunt of it, but shit, that still hurt.
"Someone knocked you out, genius," he says. "I kept trying to warn you, but you wouldn't listen and then one of them hit you in the head. So I grabbed you and got us both out of there to hide."
Jinx clicks her tongue, disappointed, “We totally could've won."
“Yeah,” he agrees, his lips quirking up, “we were handing them their asses.”
Despite the unfortunate ending, she can’t help but grin as she thinks back on the fight. “Guess we make a pretty good team.”
At her words, Ekko’s smile falters. He looks at her thoughtfully, brushing some dirt off her forehead. His voice is quiet as says, “I guess we do…”
The air between them feels too vulnerable, too tentative. Jinx can’t stand being looked at like that by him. So she turns away from him, leaning out of his touch and clearing her throat. Ekko doesn’t say anything, but it still unsettles her.
So she scowls at him, and abruptly complains, "But why did you run? We almost had them all.”
"Me?" Ekko scoffs, taking the bait. "If you'd just listened to me and backed off when I told you to, you wouldn't have gotten your head bashed in."
"You're the one that dropped me into that crowd," she hisses, tossing his jacket in his lap, "remember?"
"I dropped you into that crowd," he twists his body to face her, his face contorting in irritation, "after you told me to. Or did you conveniently forget about that?"
And perhaps none of this really matters in the aftermath, but Jinx has always loved getting a rise out of Ekko. He’s still trying to keep his temper in check. But Jinx knows how to read his little tells. The furrow between his brow, the way he clenches his jaw, and his shoulders tense. It’s all so easy to read now that he’s this close to her.
“And what a good listener you are,” she sardonically laughs. “Since I was caught up in the middle isn’t obvious that you were supposed to back me up, little man?” She wields the old nickname against him like a weapon.
He bristles for a moment, and she thinks he might finally snap at her so she can have a little fun. 
Instead, he takes a deep breath and with a collected sort of rage says, “I was too busy fighting off their backup to play support, Pow.” Her entire body tenses at the sound of her old nickname. “Maybe you would’ve noticed that if you’d listened to me.”
She grabs him by his scarf, pulling him closer and crumpling the material in her fist. Her voice is tight as she practically spits out, “Don’t fucking call me that.”
For a moment he remains quiet, his gaze piercing as he glares at her. She only realizes how close they are when their noses brush as he taunts, “Or what?”
“Or,” she moves her hand to the back of his head, the corners of her lips rising when she feels him shiver after she teases his skin with her nails, “I’ll make you.”
“Bet you won’t.” His smirk is a challenge and Jinx has never liked to lose, so she doesn’t hesitate to tilt her head and close the space between them.
Ekko doesn't miss a beat, angling his head to deepen the kiss as he moves his lips against hers. And Jinx feels like she’s on fire as she kisses him, capturing his lower lip between her teeth and pulling back before leaning in to connect their mouths again. And again. And again.
She just wants more; more as Ekko groans when her nails dig into the skin below his collar; more as his own hand finds its way to her waist and digs into the flesh; more when he breaks the kiss to catch his breath before he’s on her again, his tongue teasing hers.
Jinx can’t take it anymore. It’s just not enough. She feels dizzy with every brush of his lips against hers. Dizzier as he grows bold and slides his hand down to her thigh, squeezing the flesh.
She breaks the kiss for a moment, catching her breath. Ekko looks disheveled in front of her, his lips swollen and his scarf fallen to the floor beside them. Fuck, she still needs more, needs him closer before she grows insane. 
“Are you okay?” he asks, his voice hoarse and his throat bobbing as he swallows.
“Shut up,” she whines, leaning in to kiss him again and maneuvering her body to straddle his lap. Ekko groans when she settles down on his thighs, firmly wrapping his arm around her waist to pull their bodies flush together.
He then wraps his other hand around her hair and tugs. Jinx can’t help but gasp at the mix of pleasure-pain, heat simmering in her stomach as he separates their mouths to press kisses against her jaw, working his way down to the column of her neck.
Her head is spinning as he sucks on her skin, his teeth scraping against the sensitive flesh. But she wants his mouth on hers again, so she cups his face between her hands and presses their lips together again.
Jinx sighs into the kiss, letting one of her hands wander down his chest and working her way down and down–
“Wait.” He abruptly grabs her hand, halting its trajectory.
Jinx stills above him. Everything feels frozen as she apprehensively waits to see what Ekko will do now. What he will say.
Then he opens his mouth, and pulls his hands back as he says, “I…I think the coast is clear.”
It feels as if he threw a bucket of ice water all over her. Her voice is more fragile than she’d like it to be when she asks, “You don’t want me?”
He doesn’t say anything, simply remains tense below her, conflict contorting his face as he looks up at her. He frowns up at her, sadness in his eyes as he shakes his and says, “Not like this.”
Jinx recoils from him as if burned, stiffly nodding and looking anywhere but him as she wraps her arms around herself. “See you around then, boy savior.”
Silence settles over them, and Jinx holds her breath, thinking maybe he’ll change his mind. Instead, she realizes, he’s just gathering his things before he replies, “Yeah…see you around.”
And it’s a blow to her chest when Jinx realizes she had fun with Ekko. Fighting with him, kissing him, arguing with him. Everything. And now he’s leaving and taking that all with him. 
Then again, maybe she was the one who took it all from him first. All those years ago, when they were just two naive kids whose entire lives had just fallen apart. When he’d come for her, asked her to put him first and she couldn’t. Maybe, in some odd, twisted way, this is just him settling an old score. 
As she hears him retreat, she wants to get up and fight him, yell at him, goad him– Whatever it takes to make him stay just a little longer. 
But she doesn’t.
And so, instead, he just leaves.
Ekko's departure is followed by quiet. Both in her head and out of it. Rather than the relief she usually feels, however, she just feels hollow.
Jinx realizes she may not enjoy the silence as much as she thought she did.
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goddesswitchmother · 11 months
More thoughts for the ikevamp fanfiction! Enjoy or not, I don't care. I'm doing this for me, and if others happen to enjoy as well, then that's a bonus. Yeah, I'm saying this more for myself than anything as I'm a recovering people pleaser. Sometimes, I just need to remind myself to have fun be myself and not worry about what others think of me .
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Desperation pt 3
I hate him. I fucking hate him. But perhaps I shouldn't have slapped his stupid face. My hand 😭. "Theodorus Van Gogh, I fucking hate you. I've known you all of four days and I already hate you. I've never, and I mean NEVER, hated someone before. You haven't once even tried to get to know me. You've done nothing but judge me, insult me, bully me, and have make all sorts of assumptions about my character and yet you don't know the first thing about me. I don't know how you call yourself an Art Dealer because you have proven countless times already you don't have what it takes. You're a piece of shit and I hope you prove me wrong because I really don't like hatred and I don't think it's merely because it's a foreign feeling." I rant angrily as he just gawks at me with that stupid look on his face.
"Also, you'd have to be simultaneously deaf, blind, and stupid to confuse you for Vincent. You are absolutely nothing alike whatsoever, and if I didn't already know better, I would never guess you were related. Vincent, I'm sorry you had to see me like this. I really valued your friendship, and I have no intention of dating you. However, I understand if you no longer want to be friends." I added this time in tears. Fuck I'm so embarrassed. So I did what I do best, and I ran. A part of me was aware that I had an audience. I vaguely noticed just about everyone had ended up in the gardens, probably drawn in by my outburst. The only ones not there were Isaac, Napoleon, Mozart, Leonardo, and Sebastian. I made it to my room uninterrupted and threw myself into bed to bawl my eyes out. I feel so pathetic.
Once I had managed to stop crying, I mindlessly sought out one of the few comforts I managed to bring with me. I set up my watercolor book on the desk with my watercolor paints, several brushes, and the untouched glass of water from the nightstand. As an afterthought, I grabbed my mixed media book, my colored pencils, and markers just in case.
I don't know how long I spent tearing pages out and throwing them on the floor. All of them bearing finished paintings or drawings that I just didn't like. Any works left on the desk were unfinished concepts that I couldn't put together. However, I was interrupted by a knock on the door. And then the door was opened. I didn't bother checking to see who it was. "You haven't even touched your dinner. I hope you aren't planning on skipping breakfast, too. We can't have that." I was shocked back into reality then. "What?! But I only just ate breakfast a few hours ago." I really started looking around then. Sebastian quickly approached me and tilted my head up to look at him. "Uh...." I was unsure what I wanted to say. Whatever it was could wait, though. The way Sebastian was intensely studying me with concern overwhelmingly obvious in his gaze. I never had anyone worry so much about me before that it rendered me speechless. I suddenly felt the urge to cry that I violently squashed it down, hoping he didn't notice. He cleared his throat and glanced around at the mess I created. "You just might be as bad as Leonardo at losing track of time. Just yesterday, I brought you lunch, but you were crying. I don't know if you remember, but you refused lunch. You promised you'd eat dinner if I brought it to you. However." He explained, gesturing to the platter of dinner sitting neglected on the tray near the bed. I blushed as I vaguely remembered something like that. "I'm sorry. Let me clean up this mess, and I'll eat breakfast out there so you can be certain I eat." I offer hastily getting up. "Oh, I'll pick these up, if you don't mind. Just go wash up and perhaps change your attire, and I'll have your place at the dining table set." He offered, already carefully stacking the papers from the floor neatly into his arms. Damn he works quickly and efficiently. I make a noise of agreement and grab a random outfit before rushing to my bathroom.
(images sourced from pinterest)
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I had quickly washed my face and brushed my hair and teeth and applied deodorant. You know the usual. But the whole time I was disturbed by how pale I was as well as the shadows around my red rimmed eyes. When I finished dressing I went to grab my makeup to see Sebastian had the same idea. "Hope you don't mind, I just thought that you were looking a little pale and sleep deprived." I just smiled gratefully. "You're a life saver." I say as I rush off to do my makeup.
(Images sourced from pinterest)
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(My eyes are actually amber, though, so imagine that.)
I managed to improve my mood and started feeling my self-confidence boost by the time I made it to the dining room. Sure enough, Sebastian was just setting down my plate stacked high with the French toast and sausage I requested. A glass of hopefully cranberry apple juice joining them. "Ooh, looks delicious, thank you, Sebby." I say happily. I see his back straighten up. "Sebby, huh? Do I get a nickname, luv? Also, you look absolutely ravishing. Are you -" "Yeah, yeah, Arty-boy, I'm not wearing sweats today, so I'm definitely trying to seduce you." I interrupt, voice heavily dripping with sarcasm. "So hard to believe a woman can dress up for her own happiness." I mutter, stabbing a sausage onto my fork. Out of my peripheral, I see theo opening his mouth like he's about to say something. "Now shut up. I'm hungry." I add not to anyone in specific.
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astranva · 2 years
more tiktok challenges or trends with harry ?
here’s a blurb because I feel like TikTok!reader would so post a TikTok about what happened at the Oscars.
What happened at the Oscars was no secret; people were talking about the Will Smith and Chris Rock drama everywhere online. Despite it being violent and many people were vocal about condoning violence, the internet liked to add humor to everything and it was why, only a few hours after it happened, TikTok had a sound to it with hundreds of people making videos over it.
“Keep my wife’s name out your fucking mouth!” was said in Will Smith’s voice, people on TikTok adding their own take to it.
A guy was shown in one TikTok, a text written over his head that said “Zendaya is too overrated” as he lipsynced to Will’s voice. Another one was of a girl in a car, a text above her head that said “When someone is talking sh!t about my bsf” as she lipsynced.
It was a trend in a day.
You and Harry had watched the Oscars at your home, eyes going wide when Will smacked Chris.
“That looked real,” you had chuckled.
“What’s the point of that skit?” Harry had asked, eyebrows furrowing.
“Keep my wife’s name out your fucking mouth!” Will had said on your TV, and as everybody around Will went silent, so did you and Harry.
“Wow, dude. It was a GI Jane joke,” Chris Rock had said.
“Keep my wife’s name out your fucking mouth!” Will had repeated.
“Oh shit,” Harry had released a chuckle in disbelief, “It’s not a skit.”
You and Harry had talked about it, both in disbelief as you showed him the online reactions to that moment as you both cuddled on your couch.
It then wasn’t long before you started showing him TikToks about that moment, too.
Everyone around the world was aware of that televised moment, but Harry’s fans lost it when you posted a TikTok two days after it happened.
Your TikTok showed you standing in you and Harry’s kitchen, a pink jumper on with a white text over your head:
“He wears dresses and women's clothes. He’s not manly for you” it read.
With a frown on your face, you lipsynced to Will Smith’s voice as you pointed at your phone, “Keep my wife’s name out your fucking mouth!”
Like every other TikTok you posted, you were never expecting anything to blow up but when 40 minutes had passed, you were surprised.
You were working on your laptop inside while Harry was outside working out before you heard him come in, laughing loudly.
“You–” He had tried to get out before he began to laugh some more, holding his phone as he approached you.
A bemused smile was instantly on your face, looking at him as he leaned forward, trying to catch his breath in the midst of laughter, “What is it?”
Harry shook his head, taking a deep breath in before showing you his phone.
An article on People was open, a candid picture of you and Harry walking while holding hands and smiling at one another being big in the middle with the article’s headline written in bold:
“Harry Styles’ Girlfriend, Y/N Y/L/N, Shows Love Through Oscars Drama on TikTok”
“No,” you clasped a hand to your mouth, scrolling to skim through the article that was about your most recent TikTok. You skimmed, eyes going over the numbers written, “It has 4 million likes?” You asked, eyes wide as you looked at Harry who was giggling to himself as he looked at you.
“You’re insane,” he said, shaking his head.
You gave him his phone, quickly unlocking yours and opening TikTok, and sure enough, your most recent video had 18.2 million views and 4.3 million likes.
“Holy shit, H!” You laughed, showing him your phone.
Harry laughed, approaching you before wrapping his arms around you, bringing your head to his stomach, “Jeff’s about to have our heads.”
“First of all, you’re all sweaty,” you laughed, looking up at him, “Stop, is he mad? Does that make you look bad? Should I delete it?”
Harry caressed your face, leaning down to peck your lips, “It’s funny. Let them talk,” he said, and despite being someone who had grown to not seek what people thought, Harry was curious to know how his fans reacted, “What are they saying in your comments?”
You opened the Tiktok, pausing just so it didn’t keep playing before opening the comments.
YOU DIDN’T!!!!!!
forget harry, y/n is an icon for this
i’ve seen so many do this for harry but seeing u do it hits different
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tyunni · 3 years
( ⎙ ) HOW YOU MET ENHYPEN (HYUNG LINE) !! - high school edition.
enhypen masterlist | library
wc: 2.3k+. warnings: mentions of groping, violent acts/fights: punching, kicking, choking, etc; did not proof read at all. genre: fluff, angst if you squint??, comedy.
a/n: i REALLY REALLY REALLY really hate this. like i truly do. esp the jake one,,,, yeah i hate these. anyways maknae line coming soon so stay tuned for that 🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️
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he's the so-called ace of your highschool. has amazing grades, does sports, talented as fuck, can do basically anything and outshines everyone just by existing.
so when you enter the classroom on the first day of your shool year and are met with the lee heeseung sitting in front of the teachers desk, you aren't really surprised. because that's how most of the smart kids act: they sit somewhere close so they can suck up to the professor as if their life depends on it.
you know all their tricks because every single semester you're usually the one being sat right next to them, at the very front, having eye-to-eye staring contests with your biology teacher who apparently still holds a gruge and isn't able to let go of that one time you threw a paper plane at her in sixth grade.
so now she has to look directly at you, every single day of every. single. year. just to feel content and "safe" from your antics.
now your seatmate, the - astonishingly handsome - ace of HYBE high school, is a bit... different from what you had expected.
you've sat next to a fair share of goody two shoes and teachers pets, heads hung low when the professor is explaining something and hands up high whenever there is a question asked, such dedication still amazes you to this day.
yet heeseung is on the quieter side, opting to silently murmur his answers instead of throwing his hand up in the air the second a question leaves the teachers lips.
HE DOESN'T EVEN TAKE NOTES!?!?! you asked him if you could copy his since you had been a bit late that day, the lesson being extremely important for your upcoming biology exam, and you were surprised to hear him say:
"sorry, can't do! i don't really take notes..."
he saw you struggling to keep up and felt extremely bad for not being able to help, EVEN THO IT WASNT EVEN HIS FAULT STOP I LOVE HIM-
at the end of the lesson, he tapped you on your shoulder before you could get up from your seat and asked you for your phone number - VERY AWKWARDLY MIGHT I ADD!!!!
you were a bit confused at first, blush spreading across your cheeks from his sudden interest in you, since you hadn't really interacted before this, just sitting in silence doing your own thing.
the second he caught on and realized that you might have gotten the wrong idea he started flaling his arms around, face beet red, a string of no's leaving his lips.
"i meant i could help you with bio! if you wanted to, of course, haha..."
"oh... yeah, sure! would be great getting help from the infamous ace of HYBE!!"
let's just say... you aced the exam and now have a crush on your seatmate 😲😲 (haha get it?? aced??? lol. laugh. 🔫)
JAY • 제이
"y/n, your best friend just got into a fight with someone, they're at the school playground-"
your eyes widening at the words, your hand clutching onto your backpack you dash out of your classroom, ignoring your heavy bag that's definitely weighing you down.
as everyone knows, y/n l/n is much like a dog: loyal and extremely protective of ones dear to them; especially their best friend, who they believed was a saint, an angel sent from above, the boy they adored and treated like their older brother. he was so sweet and loving, how could he ever get into a fight?! he wouldn't even hurt a fly!
running through the hallways, pushing a few freshmen that probably hadn't heard of the massive fight that was going on right outside of the building out of your way - whatever, you could apologize to them once it was all over - you move forward, receiving weird looks from not only the oblivious students but also the adults and the teachers.
slamming the school entrance door open, you move around frantically, chest heaving up and down from the sudden loss of oxygen, panicked orbs observing everything around you, head spinning from the excessive amount of adrenaline rushing through your veins.
and suddenly, you hear a cry for help followed by a few screams from the crowd and a "break it off you two!" - your head shoots towards the direction of the groans and the yelps you assumed were your best friends', legs moving as if on their own to reach the destination as soon as possible.
and when you see your friend sprawled out on the ground, face bleeding, eyes bruised, lips swollen, you can't help but cry out to him, pushing everyone out of your way to get a better view of who is currently on top of him, knuckles red from the blood that's gushing out of his nose.
and there he is. someone who you later find out to be jay park, his sharp eyes turning even darker at the sight of your best friend under him, taking his punches because he just can't fight back, his hands wrapped around the others throat, holding him in place just to slam his head against the concrete once more. it's the helpless look in your best friends eyes, the silent cry he lets out when he catches a glimplse of you that makes you oh-so-desperate to save him from the 'beast', to be his knight in shining armor.
you can't help but charge towards them, pushing the male off your best friend, blood boiling at the sight of the one you loved like your own sibling looking so pathetic.
"what the hell do you think you're doing?!" your gaze turns from your helpless friend to the one who made him look so helpless, "what is wrong with you!"
"what is wrong with me?! no, no what is wrong with him!" the boy stands up, his finger that was once curled up into a fist now straightening out and pointing to the bleeding male - "i don't know who you are, his s/o-"
he steps forward towards you, his finger now darting your way - "his best friend or his nanny," he pokes your chest, eyes boring into yours, staring right through you. you can't help but step back, the determination and certainty that had once clouded your mind now cleared up completely - "i want you to make sure that he doesn't go near my friend's sister ever again."
"what..?" - you murmur, feeling sheepish under his mocking gaze. his eyebrows furrow at your question as he lets out the nastiest of scoffs.
"oh you don't know, do you? your friend here had been bothering her for quite some time now, calling her non-stop, cornering her in the hallways, taking advantage of her young age, even tried kissing her when she quite clearly gave no consent! hell, you weren't here to witness him groping her right in front of everyone!!!" he scoffs, turning away from you and walking towards the female in question, who's cheeks were stained with tears, her glossy eyes meeting your widened ones for a split second before you look away out of pure guilt.
"let's go, yeji." the male said, taking her hand in his and leading her away from the place, the crowd dying down as he did so, everyone leaving you and the one you saw as your role model alone together with not-so-quiet whispers of filthy words directed towards him and sorry looks thrown your way - the same look you gave him a few seconds ago.
yet now you can't help but feel reluctant, an unpleasant feeling of disgust washing over you when he calls out your name with a groggy, desperate voice.
JAKE • 제이크
everyones eyes were set on you, rightfully so. i mean you would be staring too if you saw someone walking around the hallways with - more like being walked around by - a huge dog on a leash without a care in the world.
well... with one care in the world. if the teachers or basically anyone who worked at this school caught you, you would be in so much trouble.
but there was simply no use in trying to be sneaky with an animal that's probably twice your size if it were to walk around on two feet instead of four. so, instead of embarrassing yourself by trying to tip-toe your way towards your destination you just embraced the fact that you probably looked badass to a bunch of baby freshmen right now.
what were you even doing? you didn't know yourself. far too caught up with trying to basically drag this dog to your schools "lost & found" - yes you heard me correctly, lost. and. found. - to even care about your science class that you were most likely going to be late to.
you found the poor baby running around the school gates, whimpering and barking. at first you assumed it was a stray dog that had wandered inside, taking out your lunch from your backpack to share it with her, later to find out that she had a collar around her neck that read "Layla". and her cries were not for food, but for her owner.
you felt bad just leaving her there, i mean you definitely weren't a monster! she probably missed her owner a lot, and she was on the school grounds. so, you took her to the lost and found... great plan...
"oh, hey y/n how can i help y- IS THAT A DOG?!"
"HUSHHH!!!! don't be so loud dude! if the principal catches me i'm done for. and yes, it is indeed a dog. i found her running around the school playground so i brought her in, assuming she belonged to one of the students, y'know?"
"... that was a terrible idea. this place is for lost items not living breathing walking animals? besides, what kind of idiot would bring their pet to school-"
yeonjun was cut off by the dog's owners screech of happiness, rushing towards the animal and engulfing it in a hug before turning towards you with the most stunning smile you have ever seen in your entire life, his eyes curled up into crescented moons, grin lighting up the entire room and you could quite literally feel heat radiating off him.
and you can't help but smile back, before giving yeonjun an "i told you so" look, content that your stupid idea somehow managed to save the lovely boy and his adorable dog some trouble.
"thank you so much!! i'm glad you found her, i was getting really worried. and bringing her to the lost and found was quite clever of you, haha"
your smirk grows wider at his compliment, shrugging slightly as you lean against the nearest wall, an 'i know' rolling off your tongue so naturally that if it weren't for yeonjun laughing his ass off at your confidence, the male would have believed that you were known for being the brainy one.
"but i am curious, how did this all... happen?" - you ask, and when he realizes that that question of yours was genuine and not meant to mock or poke fun at him, his grin grows even larger as he offers to discuss his dumbassary over lunch after school. after all he does have to pay you back for finding his dog and returning her safely.
rumors spread quickly around your school, starting from something as simple as jake sim supposedly getting a dog (which turned out to be true) to something as serious as one of your teachers getting fired.
but news about park sunghoon - the hot, sexy, handsome, pretty, beautiful "ice prince" of your high school - spread even quicker.
apparently you and him had been caught making out in the janitors closet? what do they mean making out when you're not even friends with him- hell, you haven't even spoken once! but to your dismay, small things reach many people - especially the manic fangirls/boys of mr.park over here - and get morfed into absurd stuff such as the janitor incident mentioned above.
the 'ice prince' was known for his cold demeanour after all, so hearing him have the hots for someone was definitely shocking to a bunch of high schoolers who have nothing better to do than not mind their own business.
"jake this is insane! i don't even know them, what the hell happened?!"
"listen, man idk okay?! heeseung told me that someone spread rumors about seeing you two all over each other in the closet, i got nothing to do with this!!"
"ugh, this is real trouble, my reputation-"
and just like that, sunghoon was cut off by you pushing him against the locker, your hand right next to his head balled up into a fist, arms firm in their position as your sharp eyes stare right into his widened ones. and just by that, he can tell that you're not the one to mess with.
"listen here, sunghoon, did you go around telling people we made out just to fuck me over? were you bored or something?!"
the boy was too stunned to speak (HELP), lips forming into a thin line as his breath hitches. fortunately, jake is there to save the day! he explains everything to you and sunghoon can see your gaze visibly soften the second you find out that it wasn't his doing, he was a victim too!!
you move away from him, fixing up your clothes from all the frantic running and searching you had been doing just to find the boy you assumed was the culprit.
"sorry about that... but we really need to get this cleared up, if the principal hears about this, we're dead! what if we get expelled?!"
"i don't know, but whoever spread this rumor is about to get their ass be-"
"oh, hey love birds~ tell me y/n, how did our ice prince's face taste?? didn't know you were a bitch for him too."
one of the passer-by's coos at you, the others try to muffle their giggles and laughs - with their palms pressed against their lips - that were soon replaced by loud gasps and even screams when the park sunghoon had the other gasping for air, holding a handful of their collar in his fist.
©tyunni please do not copy, translate or repost my work.
taglist: @gyuury @jaysstarz @junityy @uygmoeb @sunghun @krewified @eternallyhyucks @pshjae @marknaeroni @feyregels @gyuuss @koishua @kac-chowsballs @echo-of-a-writer @w3bqrl @liz-riz @duolingofanaccount @goldenhypen (bold means i can't mention you :( if you want to be a part of my taglist fill this out!!)
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
can i suggest yandere jack (from identity v) hc?
Ooooo the Ripper I see 🎩🔪
Yandere Jack general HCs
Content warnings: Yandere, kidnapping, reader gets marked via Ripper blades, neglect, manipulation, threats, death games, and violent thoughts
To be fair and realistic, Jack would've probably bled you out or injured you pretty bad in matches before he was even obsessed,
So watch out for some hardcore vi-o-len-ce lol
Jack is based off of the real serial killer, Jack The Ripper (If that wasn't obvious lol) He's killed several female prostitutes throughout his spree.
If you're afab or present feminine, he's gonna be all over you one way or another.
Obviously, unlike the women he has targeted, you're not completely vurnerable and open to just about anything. He thinks he's infatuated with you because you perserveer through more than just matches. Also, the chases you give him are actually quite fulfilling.
Jack doesn't really think about women too much and only really thinks about himself. Of course on the outside, he's a 'gentleman' with a side of sarcastic asshole. But now that you're in the picture, he's a bit perplexed, and ultimately amused.
What makes you so different from any other woman here? What's a random newbie got him all worked up for?
It's honestly refreshing to get some sort of new thrill around here. Usually it's drab and sluggish when there isn't any event happening.
If you're amab or present masc, he'll be more interested in your skills and mindset more rather than your appearance.
Decoding type darling with be chased more than the actual kiters.
Kiting type darling gets tunneled and sometimes bled out
Dw most of the time, he takes pity on you and gives you dungeon after everyone else has either escaped, bled out, or sent back
Other times, he takes advantage of your wounded state and just spends time with you until the baron gets annoyed with how long yall are taking
Resucing type darling gets terrorshocked and terribly gets camped so there isn't any time or chance left of saving before they're sent off back to the manor.
Stun him and he's def tunneling no matter what type you are lol
Regarding to looks, maybe you actually just had a prettier face/more attractive body?
He can admit, there are a hell lot of attractive male survivors, but he never sought to fall for one.
The sight of you bleeding out on the Asylum floor, leading him with crimson hastily spread on the tiles.
Spouting nasty words at him, knowing you had used up all of whatever ability and strategy you may have had.
How dare you tease him. You're such a naughty thing.
You honestly did this yourself.
Okay here's how y'all met lmao
You connected with another hunter during a friendly match and were invited for tea/hangout date a few days later.
That's where they introduced you to a couple of the other hunters.
That's about one of the only times where he wasn't out for your blood lol
Jack made his way to the hunter who invited you and acted as if he was in a friendly mood.
He then jokingly made fun of you, saying, "My my, this new survivor is quite brave. To come onto the hunter's side of the manor; Now that is dedication."
The hunter that invited you slapped him up a lil bit lmao (They know he was genuinely being the asshole he always is 🤧)
From then on, in matches he always teased you
"Don't run Y/n! I really thought we had a connection!"
"You're honestly breaking my heart dear."
*Pallets him* "Argh... Now now Y/n, I don't think you want to do that again."
*Downs you* "You're far too naive to think you'd be able to escape dear." *traces a singular blade under the shape your jaw, letting only a bit of blood drip down your neck*
*Chairs you* "Sorry, not sorry love." *chuckles and maliciously grins under his mask*
*You save another surv* "Prehaps I should catch you instead Y/n!"
*Terrorshocks you* "Too bad you don't have eyes in the back of your feeble little head Y/n. Too weak for your own good."
*You are the last surv* "Dungeon won't do you any good Y/n, but I'll let you at least try."
*You somehow escape through gate* *Silent turned on anger*
As you can see, he LOVES the chase you give him.
He can never shit tf up, and he always makes sure you respond.
If you complain or confront him about it, he'll apologize and slightly brush it off as just jokes.
"Aw, I do apologize Y/n. You understand I am just joking."
Jack doesn't hide the fact he's into you, but he doesn't flaunt it.
On his own time when his Ripper side isn't effecting him as much, he likes to paint you.
Sometimes he'll paint you in a meadow of flowers in white attire. He sees this false sense of purity in you outside of matches.
Other times, he'll envision you in a desolate place. A location different from the manor, but not so far off of the misery that entails this place.
He knows you're not just an innocent kind person. You have a bad side like rest of them
You're human after all.
When you step through those manor doors, you are declared a participant. Not a saint.
Jack doesn't see you as one type of person. He sees you as this complex, mixed soul that has unfortunately seen too much for their own good.
He wants to salvage whatever purity you have left, and crush it to his hearts content
But what fun would be left if you were only this one dimensional miserable thing?
He likes a good chase you know.
Can't just walk up and slice you to ribbons right then and there, and call it a good kill.
That'd be a waste of time and effort.
So he plans to break you apart, and build you back up bit by bit.
Sadist ✔
I feel like he'd be on the board of kidnapping you, but I think it'd really depend on the circumstances.
If you made good friends with the previously mentioned hunter, then they're gonna have some problems.
It was probably Michiko or Mary. They're more lenient with survivors at times. The rest either often keep to themselves, don't like to socialize, or are more interested in other matters.
I know official art isn't canon, but I like to think he treats other people with respect and is gentlemanly when they aren't in a match setting.
It's really cute to see him hanging with the other hunters and messing with the survs okay?
Mary is nice, but she has a thing against survivors. It's not that she depises them; Some of them are simply better than others, and to be fair, they are technically rivals on opposing sides. So perhaps it's a natural thing.
Of course, she'll show concern if you complain to her.
"Oh- agh, is that what has you all worked up Y/n? Jack may be joking, but he really takes it too far sometimes. Since you are a survivor, I cannot promise you guaranteed safety, but do not fret. For I may be able to assist if I can."
Michiko doesn't enjoy being a hunter. She is very apologetic and tries not to brutally kill survs during matches.
Most survivors are on okay terms with her. Not many hold grudges against her for the harm she gives their way.
Michiko isn't a woman of many words, but she can speak her mind through only a few sentences.
She will be very worried if you complain to her.
The Ripper seems to be harassing you more often? That can't be good.
Jack got too close for comfort during your last match? She feels incredibly sorry for you. Did you need someone to stay close with for the afternoon? She can do that for you.
"I'm sorry Y/n. I cannot aid you during matches, but if you ever need any assist while I'm near, please do not be nervous to seek me out. No matter the circumstance."
If not, then great! Give him some more time to think about how to execute it and you'll be in his room on the Hunter's side in no time!
However, once he claims you, saying you three are good friends,
Mary and Michiko would cause an outrage.
"What do you mean Jack can have Y/n?! The Baron may be cruel with these games, but this is beyond inhumane!"
Michiko wouldnt verbally confront him, but she would physically assault him. Striking him harshly across his face with a mask on hers. Her action says it all.
Both agree you should only be escaping from danger if you're in a match or in a activity. Not from some lovesick unapologetic serial killer.
Michiko is the angrier one out of the two. If he 'loves' you so much, why is he hurting you? Love doesn't require your freedom in order to be with the other!
Jack isn't bothered. Though they both are a nuisance, the Baron has made the final decision with no question.
"Are you afraid of me dear? Please, do not be. I will protect you."
"But i've hurt you before? You understand I only follow the rules right? Don't be angry my love."
He doesn't even properly confess. No sit down, no run throughs, nothing. He just makes it clear that you're his lover, and his only.
"I love you Y/n. I'm obsessed with everything you do. Stay and and behave."
"You are not to look or think about anyone else other than me. Okay Y/n?"
His blades threaten you with each move,
and he knows that.
But Jack doessn't pay any mind to it as he's too occupied with playing with you to care.
You usually quiver in fear and anger during your stay
Your activites include pacing around his room, examining the space, crying and breaking down while he's not there, and just taking the affection he gives you while he is present.
He expects you to reciprocate most of the time. He understands this is new to you, but he knows eventually you'll get used to it, and let the Stockholm Syndrome set in.
If you don't love him back within the first 2 weeks, he's gonna start to get impatient and begin slowly threatening you.
Verbally and physically
"I wonder what would happen if I started to aim for their faces more often... What do you think Y/n?"
*Lightly traces a blade down your back, outlining your spinal cord* "Hm, I'm getting quite bored..."
He'd only let you out for matches, events and dates.
The first time you came back, survivors who did care and were companions came clambering with questions once you reached the waiting table
Are you alright?
Has Jack hurt you at all?
Is there any way to convince the Baron to let you go?
Do you all need a strategy so you can stay safe?
Do they need a strategy so they can stay safe?
After a while, they know now that Jack prefers not to injure you. Though that fact has been set in stone, it doesn't mean he won't hesitate to not hit you if he really needed to.
Since Jack usually bleeds your team out or sends them back to the manor,
Kiters try to lead him to you so he can change targets
They're sorry, they really are
But it's either your or them-
And they know their latter of the plate
Jack doesn't gravely injure you while you're kiting. He just chases you around.
He knows you need all that stored energy released
But he also misses playing with you like this
It's not like you two always get matched
Though the Baron does like to do it half of the time, the other half, you two are forcibly separated
It's only when your morality points are below 50 is when he'll let you go from keeping you out of matches that aren't with him
Maybe he'll swing with claws; Just barely grazing you
It's only when you foolishly bodyblock is where he'll seriously hit you
He'll have someone heal you first before offing them so then you'll be left with little to no injury.
This counts as a date, as you two can wander romantically around the map.
It's a nice change of scenery
Even if you've been there a thousand times in matches before, it's bigger and gives you more of a sense of freedom than when you're in that dreaded bedroom.
Decoders stay close to others
That often leads to unfinished ciphers all around the map
Jack doesn't dare waste time, so he knocks out any survivor that isn't you
When he sees a little decoder, he just can't help but tunnel them until stars start to circle around their head.
Rescuers either miraculously save or die via terrorshock
Other teammates who don't have stunning abilities, or don't have godtier kiting abilities, are usually too afriad to go and assist.
You always feel like a burden and liability to your team for not saving or assisting, but you know it's better to keep decoding. To keep out ot sight.
If Jack sees you, you're fucking toast.
So you stay behind the sidelines
There are times where you secure a tie, though it's no use to rejoice as you'll just be sent back to Jack's room.
Don't even try to think of escaping.
The survivors can't help you
The survs are already tired of fighting the hunters, why do you have to lead your big bad wolf over to their side???
The only time where they can somewhat relax is outside of matches and events where everyone can interact without bloodshed.
If you come over frantically asking for help, they'll try their best, but in the end, they'll only be severely injured and unsuccessful.
As much as they don't like seeing you in Jack's captivity, they don't need you dragging in any more problems than they already have.
Though his Ripper side is what he exhibits most of the time, his original self only comes out in the most tender moments (Which is pretty rare seeing how far gone he is by now)
Like when he paints you, or when you two are cuddling
There isn't that much hostility or bloodlust in his eyes during those times.
In fact, when he's back to his original personality, his unmasked face isn't Intimidating at all
He's honestly dreadfully beautiful
But with his Ripper personality, everything he does just throws you off
Okay actual yandere affection hcs hehe
Jack loooooveeeesss teasing you with playful and romantic words
"Are you going to keep me running after you little dove? You know I love a good chase, but we all have our limits..."
"It seems you are still shy, even after all this time. Perhaps, you are planning something a little more exciting than our kisses?"
"Life isn't worth living without you. Stay, and obey, and I'll show you a whole new world of things."
If you fluster easily, it's fucking game over for you lololol
"Don't turn you angelic face away darling, I don't like it when you hide yourself."
"I'll take everything you have. It's no use covering up if I just, break through."
He gets violently jealous when other people talk to you. Especially survivors.
He doesn't get as envious with hunters. Most of them don't really care and mind their business.
Some gossip and chuckle behind closed doors more than others, but he doesn't mind
Mary and Michiko always try to swipe you away every second they get, so he makes sure to steer clear of them
Everytime they successfully do, you just cry and breakdown, and try to let them know your status of health at the moment.
Knowing they can't really do anything, all they can do is console, listen, and cuss Jack out if they have the chance.
Sometimes they even have enough time before they either caught, or almost caught, to devise a small sabotage plan.
You dont want Jack to hold you against him so hard whole you two are out?
Geisha is coming in with an 'accidental' dash. Sorry Jack, she was in a hurry and placed the butterfly there mindlessly!
You want to be by yourself while you're outside his room?
Mary is forcing Jack to help redecorate the hunter side of the manor. She uses her mirror for symmetry, but just cant make up her mind!
Jack is tall, but he's sick of being used as a ladder of sorts and a conveyer belt for transferring weird decor items.
He leaves when about half an hour passes
"Don't you dare leave a lady waiting Ripper!"
*Runs away* "My apologies Lady Mary! I must get back to Y/n! Perhaps we can continue another time when my love isn't out and about!"
Jack isn't that worried about you running around
There's nowhere to hide
And even if you did try and go hide on the survivors side, you know he WILL slash and destroy everything and anything apart just to find you.
No one wants that, so don't burden the other irrelevant survivors with a mess you created.
Cuddling can soft, or very touchy
Soft cuddling is small talk with the covers up to your necks
Jack is always big spoon
Never ask to be in his place
Unless you want to be put back in yours
Touchy sessions are normal
He's careful with his blades of course, but he always has them lightly around your waist
It threatens you
Jack wouldn't dare to spill your guts right then and there right?
Even if you come back from death, he wouldn't prefer looking at you physically broken, right?
Pray bitch
Nahhhh jkjk it's only a scare tatic
Don't try him though
Pushiment is necessary
You can't escape it even if you've been good
He's strict in and out of the bedroom (not like that lmfao)
Jack had set out rules for you the moment he wrapped claws around you
The big three are,
Look at him, think about him, and love him, and him only
Don't escape
And don't you dare try getting by without even struggling
He may want to break you, but he doesn't want a toy that malfunctions after only a little while
He doesn't want you to be unrepairable
Break any of these at any time, day, moment, or circumstance,
And you're getting punished without mercy
A lesson can't be learned with not done properly no?
There isn't just a couple of set in stone punishments
Whatever he feels like doing to you, he'll do it
Why did you have to talk to Gatelea? You know, if he hadn't made it obvious enough, he'll just have to mark you as his
Maybe he'll tear his initials in you this time. Even if you die and come back, the baron keeps the scars caused by Jack. It pleases the Ripper greatly.
You want to play in more matches? but don't you know that isn't allowed?
Oh well, it can't be helped. Jack will let you go after a little while of complaining.
But if you come back gravely injured? Oh, that's too bad. Emily isn't a hunter, and after all, you have to face the consequences of your own actions.
The only way to convince Jack to let you get treated is to beg. Beg on you hands and knees like your life depends on it (Which it does)
He'll take pity on you and waltz over to the survivors side with the Barons permission to heal his pet
Emily with no doubt, will try to get him out of the room just to talk to you while treating your injuries
"Why can't I stay with Y/n?"
"The patient has some injuries that may get worse with anxiety. Please let them breathe by themselves for a bit."
She'll then treat them while you quietly vent. After that, she'll embrace you.
Emily doesn't say much, but she knows that you need someone to understand your situation outside of matches.
She may have to leave you for dead during those games, but outside of them, she'll fight for you endlessly in more ways than one.
You don't reciprocate his affections?
He likes some fight, but resist for too long, and he won't hesitate to hold you down and threaten you.
"Don't think you're safe just because you're my beloved."
Sometimes he'll starve you of food if you've been ungrateful.
"Are you hungry my little dove? But if I supply you with food, you'll only end up more spoiled no?"
I like to think they have bathrooms in their personal rooms, so when you need to shower or change, he'll give you whatever you need and give you privacy
It's pretty much the only privacy he ever gives you
He has all of your clothes, but he controls what you wear wheater you like it or not
You only really get to wear your pants and shorts and such
Everything else you wear is his.
Hunters are like fucking 7ft and lanky asf so you're gonna fucking fit no matter what
Lots of material to work with laurv
Goes fucking crazy over your collar bones, shoulders, and thighs
Since he's from a more conservative time, off the shoulder tops and shorts have his brain cells fizzing out
*Insert that one SVTFOE clip where Star realizes she bi and is blushing hard asf*
"Are you trying to rile me up angel?"
Dates consist of three locations.
His room, match locations, and events
You two do the usual stuff in his room
Kissing, cuddling, talking, literally just living, etc.
In match locations, as explained above, he kills everyone else and strolls along the area with you
Events are actually pretty often
Parties for new essences, celebrations for the new year, birthdays, etc.
Jack will let you run around with your survivor friends because God knows you need it
But after that, you're gonna be on lockdown
"Did you have fun my dear Y/n? You didn't have more fun with them than with me hm?"
"That's good to hear. Now, let's get you cleaned up. You're covered in their filthy presence ."
He knows he shouldn't ruin such celebrations. They bring excitement and entertainment in a positive light.
Jack doesn't only love spilling the insides of the survivors, he also loves the lighter things in life.
Although all he wants to do is slaughter all of the survivors clambering around you, he surprisingly only turns away and finds a flock of his own
The other hunters tease him and sometimes prod at his relationship with you
I'm sorry but this ask has made me fucking obsessed with Jack. I've never been into him before BUT THIS FUCKED ME UP. Thank you doing that.
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Xiao: Fainting HCS
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Hey anon! So sorry it took me forever to finish writing this but good luck if you’re planning on pulling Xiao. I really wanted to finish writing this fic as an offering to the gacha gods that c1 xiao wants to bless me (even tho that’s not gonna happen). But good luck to everyone rolling today^^.
Disclaimer: I have not watch anything about Xiao because my hype can only take so much. This was written before 1.3. So if I get anything wrong or I’m missing something. That’s why.
Can I just say how far Xiao has come in my writing since the first part of the semi series? Sniff, feel like we’re making character development for a character that’s not even out yet. I can’t wait for mihoyo to take my HCS and rip them apart.
Xiao Semi Series
[ Friendship ] [ Falling in Love ] [ Cuddles ] [ Protective ] [ Affection ] [ Jealously ] [ Opposites Attract ] [ String Of Fate (Soulmate) ]
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
​  @hanniejji​@mikeysbike​​ @unionwitch​ @musekala​ @sunnshiii​ @stanzastic​ @akaasea​ @xoneaboveallx​ @adoring-ghost​ @asheseiler​ @childelover​ @dilucsz​ @dai-tsukki-desu​ @thicmitten​ @nonniechan​​ @snowy224 @mayumintsu​ @tigerpriestess @yuu-yuukurotsuki​ @legionqueensav​ @eva-0403 @youaskedfurret​ 
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Xiao: Fainting HCS
Instant panic mode engaged. If you’ve ever doubted his adepti power of swiftness you’re about to be mistaken. He’s noticed that you seem a bit out of it but brushed it off as you being tired from your recent journey. If there was anything bothering you, you would tell him. But as he turned around to greet you back, it seems like time is slowing down for him. He sees how your eyes glazed over and become unfocused. The muscles in your body snap and you drop to the ground. He can feel his blood run cold as past memories that have been waiting to jump at him suddenly claw at him but he doesn’t even register them. He’s already running towards you.
He’s already caught you in his arms before you can even meet the wooden floor. His brain is racing as he quickly checks your pulse to make sure you didn’t suffer from a heart attack or a curse. He makes a quick search over your body to check for any injuries, he can already feel the red hot iron of anger fill his system at the thought of someone trying to take advantage of you or threaten you. He’s usually logical in these types of situations, even the death of Rex Lapis didn’t shock him this much, but he’s been battling his conflicting feelings ever since he met you. But now that he’s finally accepted you and himself, he wouldn’t know what to do if anything happened to you. His mind flashes to Guizhong before he shakes away the thought.
It doesn’t occur to him that you might be sick as he tries to shake you awake. Whatever teachings Guizhong and Morax have taught him fly out the window as he holds you so close to his chest, he’s pretty sure his grip on you is bruising. He knew mortal souls weren’t as strong as adepti and staying around one might cause sickness or even worse- death. Was this his fault? He can feel the drop in his stomach as he tries to reign in his emotions and powers, not here.
Verr almost screams when Xiao breaks the wooden ceilings and lands in front of her. She’s scared that there was a monster outbreak or something was wrong with Xiao before she notices your passed out form in his arms. As much as she likes to joke around and thinks your relationship with Xiao is cute, she knows that if anything came to seriously harm you she wouldn’t able to calm Xiao before he goes on a rampage. You mean so much to him and he hasn’t opened his heart to anyone except you.
She can tell he’s nearly past his breaking point as he looks at her with dilated eyes as he asks, no commands, her to help you. It’s such whiplash to her. Xiao’s always been polite and reserved that she almost forgets he used to be a demon slaying Yaksha, but this isn’t the time for her to worry about that. She quickly leads him to the backroom since there’s no way Xiao wouldn’t bite any hand that comes near you. Bless Verr’s heart since this isn’t the first time she’s had to handle Xiao’s outbreaks that she manages to save face and contact a doctor that was staying at the inn to look at you. She does feel a bit bad for the doctor who looks like he’s about to piss himself in fear as Xiao growls and watches the doctors every move with piercing yellow eyes.
Xiao is still wary when the doctor and Verr try to calm him down and examine you more closely, always flinching back whenever their hands get too close to you, letting out a dangerous hiss whenever there’s the slightest twitch of discomfort in your face when the doctor feels your heated forehead. As soon as the doctor concludes that you’ve been sick for the past few days and your body just needs to heal itself and recharge, the tension on Xiao’s shoulder loosens and the suffocating aura that’s been filling the room slowly filters out. Verr can’t help but sigh in relief but can’t bring herself to scold Xiao for breaking the inns roof as she watches him look over your form with worried eyes as he softly nudges your cheek. He’s still holding you but his grip has loosen slightly as he rests his forehead against yours. He breathes a sigh of relief as he rubs small circles in your hand. Xiao’s never been the most affectionate or shown to be the most caring but you’ve seriously scared him. She quietly leaves him be and closes the door as she begins to prepare to fix the damages.
Xiao never leaves your side as he waits for you to wake up. He can’t help but berate himself for not confronting you. The doctor said you would be fine but he can’t but imagine your body falling in a more violent scene. He quickly shakes those thoughts away as he paces around the room, sits besides you, then goes back to pacing. Usually he would go on a walk or beat his aggression out but he doesn’t want to leave you alone should you awake early.
Xiao doesn’t ramble about his day while you’re asleep, instead he just observes your features and the small movements you make to remind him that you’re okay. How your chest moves up and down as you breath or how your eyes sometimes scrunch in sleep. You’ve made him almost trip when you did it the first time since he thought you were waking up. He can’t help but think back to his fellow Yaksha’s and what they would say if they saw the way he was acting now.
Since his panic attack has mostly subsided he’s found himself growing more curious. He’s still worried about you but he’s managed to reason with himself that you’re okay, just sick which he’s going to scold you a bit for when you awake, so he softly brushes his fingers across your face. Before snatching his hand away in embarrassment. What the hell is he doing? Guizhong would slap him sideways if she saw him now. He huffs at himself as he deflates a little and rests his head on the bed beside your head. He’s patient. He will wait when your ready to wake up.
When you suddenly gain consciousness, it feels as if the entire world is weighing you down. You slowly blink open your eyes to see a worried Xiao hovering over you, his hands awkwardly in the air since he’s not sure if it’s okay to touch you.
“How are you feeling?” Xiao asks as his eyes dart all over the place before resting on your face. You’re still a bit out of it but you can tell he must have been really worried. You try to give him a small smile but with how scuffy you feel you can bet it’s not a pretty picture.
“Like I got slammed with one of Zhongli’s meteors,” you tried to laughed before coughing as Xiao quickly pressed a cup of water to your lips. Slowly letting you drink and calm down. 
“If you have time to make jokes then you’re alright” Xiao sighs before his features change slightly. His eyes glaze over in concern as a small frown appears. He really does look like a kicked kitten as he slumps over as the stress finally lifts as he feels your hand softly run through his hair.
“Sorry,” you say, he must have been so stressed out while you were passed out for him to look so exhausted. He simply nudges into your hand before turning his face to kiss your palm,
“There’s no need for apologies. I’m...just glad you’re okay,” Xiao mumbles before he’s back to pressing his head into your stomach. You can’t help but smile delicately as you reach over and bring Xiao up with you until he’s lying over you as you hug him gently. There’s a bit of shuffling before you’re able to spoon him as he let’s himself relax after the two day panic attack he just went through.
When you’ve fully recovered Xiao seems to hover around you a bit more. Well not a bit, a lot more, but no one has the heart to tell him that. It’s actually kind of adorable seeing the aloof and reserved adepti seem to follow you around like a loss duckling. Making sure you’re okay and you’re not overworking yourself. He still keeps his tough demeanor but you seriously gave him a big scare.
When Zhongli and Childe come over for their weekly visits of tea, they were aware that Xiao had locked himself in a room to watch over you and anyone that even stepped near the door would be skewered with a spear - and Verr would make them pay for the damages (Zhongli) and whatever consequences Xiao saw fit (Childe) - but they are happy to see you’re okay. You all fall back into your usual rhythm of conversation or Childe trying to get a rise out of Xiao while you and Zhongli talk about how lovely the weather’s been.
Zhongli let’s you in on some details that Xiao or Verr never mentioned while Childe and Xiao are fighting about who knows what. How Xiao wouldn’t leave your side or that he resembled a kicked kitten as he nudged your hand when he thought no one was looking. He offers you some medicine herbs to help with exhaustion and to take care of yourself. Likewise, to give Xiao some pain medication on his behalf. You’re one of the few good things in Xiao’s life and he doesn’t want anything bad happening to you.
Hmm. I didn’t mean to but I totally believe in the dad zhongli train and I think Zhongli basically just gave you his blessing? Maybe I’m thinking too hard on this haha.
Maybe this is better? Trying to figure out writing styles are hard. Either way, I’m never gonna end up kicking my paragraph HCS habit haha. If you couldn’t tell, I really like feral protective but lowkey vulnerable types (coughrazorcough). Xiao is so OOC at this point I don’t even know how to fix it. Please come home Xiao. 
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Not Enough
has anyone else just wanted Danny to go completely fucking feral at Dash? anyone?
yeah me too
this is some truly self-indulgent shit y'all
"Hey Fenton!"
Danny slammed his locker shut, sighing as Dash clapped him roughly on the shoulder.
"I'm throwin' a huge ass Halloween party this weekend, ghosts are all about Halloween right? You should totally come!"
It wasn't the first party Danny had been invited to since being outed as Phantom, but somehow Dash didn't seem to get the hint that he wasn't even remotely interested.
"No." Danny snapped, he threw his bag over his shoulder and turned his back on Dash, walking away without another word.
"What's your problem?"
Danny stopped, turning back around with a face of utter disdain.
"Excuse me?"
"I've been trying to be nice, but all you do is just brush me off! Like you can't even pretend to be busy or something?"
Danny stared, mouth halfway open as he tried to find the words to respond.
"Are you actually serious?" he finally choked out, almost too bewildered to be angry.
"You're not still mad about all that stuff from before right?" Dash asked. "Like, I don't even do that shit anymore, it's over."
"Is it?" Danny's eyes flashed brightly and Dash took a half step back as the air went cold. "Because I'm pretty sure it was just yesterday that I pulled Mikey out of his locker."
"Well, yeah but that was Mikey." Dash laughed. "C'mon man, I wouldn't do that to you. We're totally cool now, so why you gotta keep blowing me off? You talk to Kwan like it's not big deal, and he used to wail on you all the time!"
Danny took a deep, slow breath, then another.
"Have you considered that maybe it's because I don't like you?" Danny said through gritted teeth.
Dash huffed, shoving his hands into his pockets and staring at the ground.
"Look, I get it, I was a jerk, but it's over! I'm actually trying to be nice, now you're the one being an asshole."
Danny looked as though he'd been slapped.
"You're such a fucking idiot Dash." Said Danny, his voice trembling with barely restrained rage. "You can't just treat someone like shit every single day for two years and then expect them to get over it because you invited them to a few parties."
"Then how come Kwan gets to hang out with you?" Dash could feel his face heating up. "You're just gonna let him off the hook? That's not fair!"
In one thunderous moment, every locker in the hallway slammed open, sending papers and books flying across the floor. The few students still packing up their things got the fuck out of dodge, whether this was a ghost thing or a Fenton thing (was there even a difference at this point?) they wanted no part of it.
Dash couldn't move, his feet felt heavy, he wasn't entirely sure if Danny had done something to him with his ghost powers, or if he was just afraid.
Because he was certainly afraid.
Even after everyone found out, Danny still didn't use his powers at school unless it was a ghost emergency. He didn't use them for pranks, didn't use them to get even, didn't even use them to show off.
But he was sure as hell using them now, and Dash suddenly realised why he was always holding himself back.
He was terrifying.
Danny took a few steps forward, stopping barely an arm's length away from where Dash was rooted to the spot, trembling.
"Kwan apologised to me." He said, quietly this time. "He apologised to my friends, he even apologised to some other kids, and when I told him that I wasn't ready to forgive him, he accepted that and left me alone until I was ready to talk to him again."
Dash wanted to speak, but he couldn't seem to make his brain form the words he needed, it was too busy buzzing with danger run danger get out run run RUN.
"You made every single day of my life miserable for two whole fucking years, and that isn't even counting the bullshit you pulled in middle school. How do you feel right now Dash? Does it scare you to be around me? Does it scare you to be at the mercy of someone that you know damn well can hurt you?" Danny leant in, grabbing a fistful of letterman jacket. "I hope it does, because now maybe you'll have an idea what it was like for me going to school every fucking day knowing that you would be there, ready and waiting to hurt me. Every single FUCKING day."
Dash found himself being thrown backwards, his feet finally able to move again as he caught himself.
"I'm s-sor-sorry." he mumbled, his lips felt numb and tingly and his head swam with panic as he struggled to get the words out. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."
"Are you?" Danny's voice cracked, his face wasn't twisted in rage anymore, his eyes were blue once again, and shining with tears. "Are you really sorry for hurting me? Or are you just sorry that the guy you were beating the shit out of turned out to be Phantom?"
"I didn't... I didn't know." Dash gasped out, he could barely hear his own words, all he could hear was his own heart beating loudly in his ears as he struggled to draw in breath. "I didn't know it was like that, I just thought-"
Thought what? What had he thought? That he wasn't really hurting anyone? That it wasn't that big a deal?
No, he hadn't thought that, because he hadn't thought at all.
"And you're gonna stand here and tell me I'm an asshole." Danny was almost sobbing as he raggedly spat out each word. "Because I won't forgive you for something you never even apologised for. This is the first time you even acknowledged that you were an absolute jerk to me, and you followed it up by demanding that I just get over it."
Dash stared down at the floor, it sounded terrible when Danny put it like that.
"I wasn't... demanding anything." he said, he was embarrassed by how whiny he sounded. "I was just trying to make it up to you, I was trying, I just thought... it's not fair that I can't have second chance. I was trying so hard and all I wanted was a second chance-"
"I DON'T CARE." Danny's eyes were screwed up tight, but it didn't stop the tears of fury from pouring down his cheeks, his voice so shredded with pain it was barely recognisable. "I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU. I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT. I DON'T OWE YOU A SECOND CHANCE. I DON'T OWE YOU ANYTHING. YOU FUCKED ME UP AND YOU. CAN'T. FIX IT."
Dash didn't know what to do. Danny was openly sobbing, his breaths came out in grunts as he couldn't hold the rage and misery back.
He was still standing within arm's reach, Dash cautiously put out a hand, to comfort him? He wasn't sure, but he barely brushed Danny's shoulder before Dash found himself spinning violently and his cheekbone exploded with sudden pain as he hit the floor. Cold hands drew away from him roughly.
Dash watched as Danny grabbed his backpack and his footsteps disappeared down the hall.
It was over, just like that it was over.
Dash sat up and touched his face, he wasn't bleeding but he knew it would bruise pretty bad. It hurt, he would be squinting through one eye for a few days.
Danny could have done this to him at any time, he could have done it to him every day if he wanted, and maybe he would, now that he'd done it once.
The thought made Dash feel cold as dread pooled in his stomach.
The next day Dash told people he'd gotten his black eye from playing football, his team knew it wasn't true, but they didn't ask. He kept his eye out for Danny, wondering if he would pop up invisibly and knock him off his feet, or drag him through the floor, or hit him when nobody was looking.
He clung to Kwan's side all day, afraid to be alone.
Phantom could be anywhere, he could get him anywhere, if he wanted to hurt Dash nobody would be able to stop him.
Nobody had been able to stop Dash, and he didn't even have superpowers.
But in the end, nothing happened.
Dash went through the day untouched. Danny didn't even look his way. Not once. He just acted like yesterday never happened.
But it did happen, Dash still had the bruise on his cheek, and the terror set deep in his bones.
In the following days, weeks, months, Danny still never touched him, never looked at him, never talked to him. Dash realised that Danny probably wasn't going to do anything else after all, that maybe he hadn't even meant to hurt him in the first place.
He was a hero after all, he protected people, even people he didn't like. The only time he had ever come into contact with Dash again was to haul him out of the way of a ghost, and he did so with the same care as he would with anyone else.
Danny wasn't like him, he didn't gloat about hurting him, he didn't revel in the fact that Dash was scared of him. He just went about his day, acting for all the world like Dash didn't even exist.
Dash never gave him a true apology, it was clear Danny didn't want one, it was far too late for that.
It left Dash with a sick feeling of unfulfillment. He understood now what Danny had been going through, the pain, the terror, he wanted Danny to know that he was truly sorry, that he really had changed this time.
But he couldn't, because forcing an unwanted apology on him would just make Dash the asshole all over again, he was trying to steal a forgiveness that he could never have.
So he had to find his closure somewhere else.
He stopped picking on Mikey, and Nathan, and all of the other nerds he frequently hassled. He even tried apologising to them, some forgave him, others didn't, and he had to be okay with that. He struggled not to lash out, it still felt unfair, the world had always told him that you were supposed to forgive people when they apologised. It always happened that way on tv, in the cartoons he grew up watching. The mean kid would apologise, the other kids would forgive him, and they would all become friends.
He was realising that the real world was a whole lot more complicated than that, he didn't earn forgiveness just because apologising was hard, he was learning fast that he didn't earn any brownie points for taking responsibility for his actions. He was just doing what any decent person should.
It took him a while to come to terms with that, to stop being angry at people for not letting him make it up to them. For not letting him prove that he had changed.
All it took was to occasionally pass by Danny in the hallways for him to cool his jets and think more clearly. To remind him that he was the bad guy, he was the one who hurt people, that his victims did not owe him anything.
In his last year of school, he had found himself watching the juniors below him falling into the same behaviours, the same struggle for power and control. Pushing other kids around without so much as sparing a thought to how it made them feel.
After a lengthy chat with Mr Lancer, Dash was given permission to pull out younger students from detention one day a week. He would talk to them, ask about their lives, ask about their feelings. He would ask why they lashed out, why they thought it was okay to treat people that way. Most of them didn't have an answer, or simply refused to give one, but he would push, he wouldn't let them hide in ignorance like he did.
Some of them did feel guilt for the way they treated people, and they only needed someone they could talk to who could understand what they were going through, so they wouldn't take it out on whoever was around at the time.
Others would take more effort, they need a far stronger push in the right direction, they were defensive and combative, selfish and unapologetic.
Dash had been one of those kids, he knew they would be hard work, but he did his best. He couldn't help all of them, some were simply unwilling to change.
So he contacted the school-board, he pushed for better protection for students, more programs to help troubled kids, he volunteered to keep running his own counselling groups even after he graduated.
It still never felt like enough.
After graduation he turned down his favoured college to attend one closer to home so he could continue his volunteer work. He joined petitions and rallies for change across entire school districts, he spoke at other schools' anti-bullying campaigns. He'd attended enough of them in his own childhood that he knew they did next to nothing, but it gave him the opportunity to reach out to kids for one on one support.
He found more volunteers for his counselling groups, he helped people start them up in other local schools. It was a lot of work, especially when he was also juggling his college studies. He was taking a major in psychology, it was brutal, Dash had never been good at studying, but he'd decided that this was what he needed to do, this was important to him.
It still wasn't enough.
It would come at him in the night, as soon as he laid his head down on his pillow. He would see the faces of all the kids he hurt, it felt so much worse the older he got, they just looked younger and younger every time the memories came back to plague him.
He had beat the shit out of children. Kids who were the same age as the students he now counselled. He beat them until they were bloody or bruised, he shoved them into lockers, pulled pranks that humiliated them in front of the whole school, and he had laughed.
He'd laughed at their pain.
When the guilt weighed him down, he would begin searching for new programs to volunteer for, new petitions or rallies to get behind, always finding another way to help protect kids like Danny from kids like him.
And to protect kids like him from doing things that would one day haunt them.
He had spread himself thin across every school in the district, barely keeping afloat at college, but it wasn't enough.
It was never enough.
Kids still slipped through the cracks, schools were still too lenient, there were too many kids, not enough volunteers.
Casper High was holding another anti-bullying assembly. It had been a few years since Dash had attended one at his old school. This year they had excitedly announced that they'd even secured an appearance from Phantom himself.
Dash's blood ran cold, his hands shook as he went over his notes, he was slated to do his speech alongside Phantom's, they would be sharing the stage for a solid 75 minutes, barely a few feet from one another.
When Danny showed up he was already in Phantom form, Dash spotted him discussing emergency exit plans with one of the organisers in the event of a ghost attack.
He was so different from when they were in school.
He was tall, and broad, he stood with confidence and had a good natured charm to him. He was a hero, he was strong, he was brave. He could fight monsters ten times his size with a smirk and a witty one liner. He could take on anything, he wasn't afraid of anything.
He was a kid, running down a hallway, screaming words that still pierced through Dash's mind every time he saw the hero's face.
Dash's hands clenched around his notes, shaking so violently that they barely even looked like words.
A deep voice cut through the chaos in Dash's mind as cold hands closed over his tremblings ones.
"It's good to see you again."
Phantom was smiling at him, his hands still closed around Dash's.
"Good... good to see you too." Dash mumbled, not able to meet the man's eyes.
Phantom paused before releasing Dash's hands.
"I've heard all about your work." Phantom grinned as Dash finally looked up and met his eyes.
"Yeah." he said, and then before his mind could catch up with his mouth, he blurted out, "I'm sorry, for everything."
Phantom's eyebrows rose for a moment, before he gave a gentle smile and clapped a hand on Dash's shoulder.
"I know." he said warmly. "Thank you."
They gave their speeches, Dash had told his story many times before, the victim that he'd pushed to breaking point, the boy whose words drove the change that made him the man he had become.
For the first time ever, that boy was listening.
After the assembly had packed up and the volunteers were heading home, it was Danny Fenton who approached Dash and asked if he wanted to go grab a beer together.
Dash thought it would be rather awkward, but Danny had plenty of experience socialising with the public, awkwardness slid right off him, and soon enough Dash found himself laughing alongside Danny as he told a story about the new misadventures of the Box Ghost.
He returned to his dorm that night, head still swimming from one too many beers, and he had the best sleep of his life.
He pulled back on some of his volunteer work, hunting for new people to take his place as he focused on college. He was falling far behind, but he would work hard to make his way back. As a volunteer he could only do so much, but with the right education and training, he could do so much more.
The guilt still haunted him, every so often when the pressure and the stress weighed heavy, it would creep back into his mind. It would probably never go away, not entirely, but at least now he had his closure.
Finally, it was enough.
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bbwithaknife · 3 years
Lessons in Calligraphy Part One: Dot Your I's ... (Adrian Chase/Vigilante x Reader)
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First off, hello. I come back from my years-long hiatus of writing due to this quirked-up white boy busting it down sexual style. I wrote this to indulge myself but I hope y’all like it too <3 feedback is definitely welcome but also be nice I am sensitive.
Warnings: Minors DNI. I don’t know if I can even write anymore but other than that a few mildly sexual moments, mentions of alcohol, blood etc. Please note reader goes by she/her, has a v*gina and b*reasts. If I am missing anything please let me know!
Word Count: 3K+
You were just the type of person to write things down and store hard copies. The guessing game of names to faces was something you had no knack for, like your Father before you who every semester had a whole set of new students, everyone for the next month would hereby be known as Bob. So files were a given, containing mugshots, notes, personal information, previous “work history” and whatever else you could deem important.
It wasn’t like you had just left the files out in the open either. Confidentiality is key and you had a whole system; lock the cabinet, lock the door. Granted it was a very simple system and you should have known better. Of course, something would happen since you worked with two of the most violent knuckleheads you’d ever met with bad social skills and impulse control, but maybe you were choosing to be blissfully ignorant. Maybe you wanted the man of your affections to stumble upon it, look you in the eyes and then kiss you like a man starved, returning from war.
So when the door to your office was ajar, you peered inside heart racing. What would you do? What would you say? You combed your fingers through your hair, hoping to get rid of any tangles and look calm and collected. Unfortunately, your heart sank when your eyes revealed to you that it was actually Chris Smith, Evergreen’s very own Peacemaker who broke into your office. The red, white, and blue was splayed across the office couch, file held like a newspaper within his hands. You could see the name written largely in your flowing calligraphy, the black sharpie swirling elegantly. For each I there was, the hovering dot was replaced with a simple heart.
It read “Adrian Chase, Vigilante.” You were fucked.
It started almost immediately, that giddiness you got from crushes. It was that silly feeling like you were a girl in high school savouring every “moment” the two of you shared. A simple smile or a laugh from something you said made your heart swell. You’d replay them in your mind just as you would when you were younger, except this time no one would be asking anyone to prom. You thought you could play it off and get over it but one fateful day he placed a hand on your shoulder and you felt those butterflies in your stomach. It was then that you came to terms with your doom. He was charming in his own way. A boyish next-door neighbour type of guy with perfect curls and a delightful smile at first glance. He looked like the guy you wanted to bring home to your parents until he opened his mouth, the words that would follow typically containing comments of murders of the first degree or something that could only be summarized as classic Adrian. Considering the line of work you’ve done and the past you overcame, you were overlooking his “for the greater good” homicidal tendencies.
Before you could even think of the best way to handle the situation with Chris, the words were already slipping from your mouth, speech rushed.
“I dot all my I’s with hearts.”
You could see Chris’ eyebrows furrow. He was just a few seconds faster than you but before you could even reach out to stop him, he had thrown the file to the floor and reached for his own. It was labelled with chunky printing, no hearts over any I’s and no graceful writing to be found anywhere. It didn’t take a genius to put two and two together. Adrian’s file was made with tender loving care while all the others were just that; files. As Chris flipped through the pages his shit-eating grin got bigger and bigger.
“I thought you would have read yours already.” You were kicking yourself for speaking too soon.
Chris continued to read his file, scoffing to himself. “Where did you even get this information, that’s not true at all.”
You couldn’t give a damn about what he was referring to, snatching the file from his hands and giving him a taste of his own medicine. “I got it from Google.”
“It’s touché, you meathead.” Insulting the “hero” who currently held what could be considered your most embarrassing secret probably wasn’t the best idea. You grabbed Adrian’s file from the floor and placed it back in the cabinet along with Chris’s.“Look, this needs to stay between us” you began, locking the cabinet. “Please don’t tell Adrian about this-”
“Tell me about what?”
Double shit.
He stood in the doorway with a genuine curiosity on his face. Sans mask, Adrian was still in his Vigilante garb. Now that time and missions have passed it started looking a bit worse for wear. The chest piece had chips and scratches along the front, something you would offer to take a look at and fix if you weren’t overworking the gears in your head to think of something, anything to say.
“Are you having a party or something?”
Sure. That should work. “Yup! A party!”
His demeanour quickly changed and he began to look like a kicked puppy.
“It’s a surprise party for you.” You quickly improvised. “You weren’t supposed to find out about it.”
It was like watching a rubber band snapping back into place. His dorky grin returned and you felt your shoulders relax. You could work with this. A surprise party for Adrian, as a thank you from the 11th Street Kids for voluntarily joining the team to save the country from an alien invasion of overrated moths. In typical Adrian fashion, he began to walk backwards and imitate a VHS rewinding. He reset the scene.
“Hey guys, what’s up? Just chillin’ after killin’? Not talking about any surprise parties for a certain hero that rhymes with-”
“Panty.” Chris added. You elbowed him in the stomach. Hard.
You finally met Adrian’s eyes. His gorgeous, green eyes. “Nope, no parties.” You gave him an awkward wink and he offered finger guns in return as he slowly walked backwards out the door, slightly hitting the frame but trying oh so hard to play it cool on the way out.
The hard smack of Chris’s hand on the top of your back snapped you out of your fog. “Saturday works best for me. I’ll bring my own booze.” before he walks out, he turns. “Actually you should
supply the booze I’m pretty broke right now unless you want to spot me a twenty-”
“Get out Chris!”
There was no going back now, seeing how happy this party made him. You shifted into full party planner mode. Nothing compared to your Mother’s, nothing could shine a candle to that but you tried and that’s what counts. You made sure to avoid buying anything that someone else was allergic to, you brought the booze down from the top shelf, and you dusted the fan in the bathroom.
It was never a dull moment with Adrian leading up to the party. Every time he was in the building he stopped by your little dinky office and knocked on your door. Most of these times it was him stopping by testing to see if you would slip up.
“Hey, do you know if anyone is having any cool parties this weekend?”
“Sorry Vij, none that I’ve been invited to.”
But the night before the party was different. You had thought everyone had gone home by this point considering the beating they all took, so you were taking advantage of the quiet air to write out tonight’s report. What intel was found, what they got wrong, what they got right, etc. so it could be sent out and played back to Waller as soon as possible. You attempted to focus but were worried about the team, of course, you cared for them. But you were really worried about Vigilante. You had briefly caught sight of him when they arrived and saw the small flicks of red that stood out on the white stripe of his suit, no doubt the whole thing soaked in the substance.
From what Murn reported back to you, Adrian had taken home a few face lacerations, a fury of punches to the chest, and a nasty but treatable gash to the side of his abdomen. As Harcourt saw your expression change when you heard this news, she assured you despite the condescending tone that he was fine. You knew logically that he would survive, but that scratchy voice of irrational fear had a way of creeping up.
You looked back to the moment of Adrian grunting and climbing up the stairs with Chris and Economos not far behind him for medical attention. You wondered what would have happened if you had gone up there instead. Peeling off his armour as carefully as you could, facing him head-on as he stripped. His bare chest touching feather-light on your ghosting hands, he would look down to you, whisper a “thank you” right above your lips before tenderly placing the back of his hand on the base of your neck, pulling you forward to meet him. Lips plush, moving at an agonizingly slow pace. Realistically, you knew a moment like that wouldn’t occur, let alone a moment like that with Adrian but a girl could dream.
His trademark knock brought you out of your trance, startling you causing a small jump.
“Christ, you scared the shit out of me!” You held your hand to your chest. Be still, beating heart! He was still in uniform and your eyes met his visor.
“Sorry, I saw the light on. What’re you still doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing.”
The pregnant pause in the room sounded like a blaring train in your ears. He made his way to your desk. You stood up to meet him, legs still clenched due to your trip to la-la land.
“I’m gonna pack up for the night-”
“Can I drive you home?-”
You short-circuited. You’re a grown woman, stop acting like this!
“Um, yeah of course.” Rushing to grab your briefcase and forgetting it was still open, all your notes flew out spewing across the room. “Shit.”
You bent down, frantically trying to grab them and shove them back into the case. You couldn’t care less what order they needed to be in, you could sort that out later. Your mission right now was to make sure Adrian’s gaze didn’t notice those stupid hearts over that stupid vowel. This mission almost failed instantly when his gloved hand touched yours. He handed the page to you so gently and to pay him back for his kindness you ripped it out of his hands.
“Sorry.” You coughed. “It’s confidential.”
The two of you stood up in unison, his frame looming over you. Adrian cleared his throat, taking a step towards you. With nowhere else to go, you backed up into the desk. Ass hitting the edge, your arms lifted in reflex and landed on his shoulders. He grimaced. You opened your mouth to speak, ask him if he was alright but he beat you to it leaving your mouth agape for a short second, a blink in time.
“Can I ask you something?” His voice was hushed but raspy. Almost a certain hunger to it. The space between you was close to caving in.
“Of course, anything.”
“Why are you throwing this party? What are you hiding?” His adam's apple bobbed. “Y’know if you’re actively participating in criminal activity-”
“This whole task force is technically criminal-”
“Criminal activity outside of this task force” He enunciated. “I’d have to kill you.”
You couldn’t fight the smile forming. “I promise I am the most law-abiding citizen outside of this team. Cross my heart.” Actions spoke louder than words and the braver part of you had control of your motor functions. You took his forefinger and brushed it against your chest in an “X” where your beating heart lay, pumping at overtime. You held his hand there for a moment, revelling in the contact before releasing him.
“Well, that’s a relief. You’re one of the last people I would ever want to kill.”
Any sane person hearing this statement would think it was the biggest and boldest red flag of the century and run packing. But this easy you hearing it from Adrian Chase. Coming from him this was the highest of praises. With his slipped confession being some sort of confirmation that he did think about you, you took the leap off the edge. Reaching one hand out to caress his masked cheek, thumb brushing just underneath while the other slid up on the opposite side pulling the fabric up. Eventually, you stopped just above his cupid's bow.
“I’d like to kiss you.” It was a whisper in the wind, your voice. And a gamble. “If you’d let me-”
“Could I kiss you back?”
“Yes, of cou-.”
As foolish as it was, you had thought of this moment many times before. You had thought about sharing the types of kisses with Adrian that the main heroine would with her lover. The kiss that expressed relief knowing each other was safe, or the “in wine there is truth” kiss. A smooch so full of intoxication and lust, once and for all ending the will-they-won’t-they. Maybe even the kiss that was so desperate it pained them not to have their lips meet. But every time you had these thoughts, these wishes, you told yourself that’s just not who he was. But you were grateful to be proven wrong.
This kiss you hadn’t expected was the one you received. It was mid-response when his lips captured yours in what could only be described as the first bite of a warm apple pie made from scratch. The kind of pie with such a buttery crust that melted in your mouth and the glaze of apple comp, brown sugar and cinnamon sticking to your lips.
He was sweet to taste and his lips melded perfectly with yours. His hands found your waist and fingertips gripped your sides to leave grape-like bruises along your skin. He lifted you to sit on your desk so that he stood between your legs. Paperclips and pens dug into your backend but at this point, you were too love drunk to care. You wrapped your arms around him and snaked a hand underneath the back of his mask, fingertips running along with the wisps of hair at the nape of his neck. This action caught him off guard. In an instant, your wrists were in a tight lock.
“I’m sorry I . . . I just wanted to see you.” His lips were cherry red from your back and forth. He paused, your wrists still in his vice. You could barely make out his eyes from behind the mask but you could sense he was thinking. It was the next word you spoke breathlessly that solidified his decision. The hopeless “please” that left your lips sounded so orgasmic to Adrian that he yanked his own mask off and placed it neatly in the desk drawer. Slamming it closed, Adrian’s emerald eyes met yours in almost a coy look of endearment and you melted.
“There he is.” You smiled up to him, your thoughts heavy with affection. He pulled you in to meet his lips and held you flush against him. Either he was happy to see you or was still carrying. Hell, there was a good possibility it was both.
Each break for air felt like a chore. You thought about kissing him forever and wondered if he would let you but the rough touch of a weathered glove brought you somewhat back to earth. Adrian’s hands were slowly making their way up to cop a feel. He was just above his target when he hesitated and pulled away, stretching your shirt in the process.
“Is the party a prank? Like a Punk’d kind of thing?” His expression so genuine you could see he really couldn’t understand the gesture of a party unless it was something that would impact him negatively.
“No, not a prank. It is actually happening,” Your breath hitched on your last word as Adrian peppered a chain of kisses from your jaw to your collarbone. “The plan w-was to pick you up tomorrow night and bring you to my place where everyone would surprise you. So far only Chris has RSVP’d but I just . . . wanted to do something nice for you I guess.”
At this point, Adrian was on his knees. Somewhere down the line, he had placed his glasses atop the crook of his nose. They gave off a small shine when he adjusted them and looked up at you. “Yeah, but why be nice to me?”
You were mentally flipping through various flashcards of different responses trying to find the one that would dig out of this hole that you made yourself. Maybe you’ve finally dug yourself too deep. But had you really? He was here on his knees seemingly for you. Your mouth had gone dry and parting your lips to speak was a struggle for multiple reasons.
“I like you. A lot.” You averted his gaze revealing what you tried so hard to hide. Hiding this is what got you into this mess but it also got you the moment in time that you yearned for. The sound of realization from Adrian is what brought you back to look at him. “That’s why you write my name with hearts!”
A paramedic would deem you unresponsive and dead for at least a minute like one of those miracle cases you would see on Grey’s Anatomy. He knew?
“What?” you chuckled nervously. If life was a cartoon you would be pulling at your collar to let the steam out of your shirt. Adrian stood up from his position and reached into his back pocket. Unlocking his phone, he shoved the bright screen in your face. It was a text chat with Chris. A blurry but readable photo was sent to Adrian just a few days ago. In the photo, blue gloved hands shaped a heart over the file reading Adrian’s name. How did Chris even get that shot?
He was grabbing his mask from the drawer now. You stood there unresponsive. Adrian waved his hands in front of your face searching for a reaction. He called out your name as he handed you your briefcase. You were too stunned to speak. The delay lead to his favour when he asked politely “Could I eat you out?”
“Here?!” Your brain wanted to tap out. Just turn off. You grabbed the briefcase and covered your centre with it.
“No, that’s public indecency! That’s a misdemeanour. You should know me better than that!” He knew his stuff. “I mean after I drive you home. At your place? Or we could go to mine, it’s closer but I kind of have to go boxes everywhere.”
He began to leave your office and make his way to the parking lot. You followed along like a lamb to slaughter.
Locking up the office and turning to face him under the night sky, the lights of the “Vigilante Mobile” flickered twice along with a high-pitched horn. You couldn’t help but wonder what brought this on if he truly had no idea how you felt until minutes ago. In gentlemanly fashion, he opened the side door for you. As you slipped in, you inquired. With a gloved hand he cupped your cheek.
“I’ve been wanting to do this since I met you.”
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silver-tongued-bby · 3 years
Drive By
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Pairing: Negan x fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+!!! This fic contains mature themes including smoking, fingering, oral (f receiving), and sex (f/m).
Words: 3,088
Summary: After a very bad day your car breaks down. Luckily help isn't too far away. Set in an AU of TWD.
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He passed you each day.
You’d be closing up shop each time you’d hear the rumble of his engine, the Ford Highboy in the deep blue. The deep blue that matched the waves of the ocean he drove by, particularly so on the dark, rainy days.
He came for coffee, once or twice. He stopped off on his way in the morning one time, a few minutes after you’d opened the old door by angling the key just right.
Black coffee- the first brew of the day you told him, nice and hot.
“Coming from you darlin’, it better be.” He smiled and winked at you, his dark eyes playing in the early light of the morning. He’d taken off before you could let out a flustered response, his chuckle following him to his truck.
No one knew too much about him aside from the fact that he worked with the Forestry office. Rick had told you he studied the flow of the groundwater, making sure none of the logging or development efforts touched it.
He kept to himself in town. You did see him around, though never at the popular spots. His truck would be parked at Rick’s bar every now and then, though the few times you were there he wasn’t.
There was something about him- something in his eyes when he’d looked at you that time in the early morning. Something that made you nervous, excited, and afraid all at once. Something that told you he was capable of anything, and ashamed of very little.
When you thought of him your heart raced. Those dark eyes taunted you, almost dared you to come closer. You’d think of him those nights you couldn’t sleep, touching yourself in ways you’d imagine he would, whispering his name as you came.
You’d had a bad fucking day. The espresso machine broke, so no lattes were to be had on the overcast day, the ocean outside choppy and violent. That led to a long line of Karens whining about how Starbucks would never treat them like this as you did your damned best not to roll your eyes. Eugene couldn’t come to fix it until the next day due to “calamitous desultory circumstances,” meaning his mom needed the truck.
To top it all off, just as you’d closed up shop the rain started, the downpour unforgiving and icy, soaking through your clothes. Running to your car, you quickly found out the battery of your almost ancient red Toyota had died, and you needed a boost.
“Shit.” You sighed, almost inaudible with the loud pounding of the rain on your hood. You looked around, the lot was totally empty, everyone heading home before the worst of the storm. And it was late fall, meaning the tourists were gone, leaving the coastal highway deserted.
You opened your phone to discover that battery also dead. Grumbling, you figured you could go use the landline in the shop. Slamming the car door behind you, you ran to the door and felt your pockets for your keys. Pulling them out, you jiggled the key in the lock, the old, rusted metal fighting you as always.
“Come on baby,” you said to the door, “open up for Mama,” you tried sweet-talking as you shook the key around a little harder. You suddenly felt a snap, and your hand fell away, the key broken in two, the body of it still lodged within the lock.
“Fucking shit!” You cried, stomping your feet in the mud, throwing the bit of metal on the keyring in a puddle.
You took a moment, taking a few deep breaths. The closest thing to you was the bookstore, but Maggie and Glenn would be long gone. The gas station is always open though it was about 10 kilometres down the highway.
Just as you were about to resign yourself to the wet walk, the water pooling in your shoes, you heard the low rumble of an engine over the pouring rain. Squinting your eyes towards the bend in the road, you could make out a dark blue truck, speeding down the highway.
You huffed then stepped to the turn off to the gravel parking lot of the cafe, waving your arm at the truck as it pulled closer.
It slowed to a stop, the window cranking downwards to reveal Negan, perfectly dry and perfectly grinning at you.
“Bad day at the office?” He asked, the amusement heavy in his voice. He looked you up and down, his thumb pressed against his lip.
You rolled your eyes, “another perfect fucking day in paradise, thanks for asking.”
He chuckled. “Get in, I’ll give you a ride.” He moved leaned back to the drivers side, pushing open the passenger door.
“Thanks,” you said as you slid into the seat, closing the door behind you.
He fiddled with a knob on the dash, then a blast of heat came over you and you sighed. He pulled out onto the highway, heading towards town.
“You live at the point, right? By the water?” He asked.
“Yeah. Should I be worried that you know where I live?” “I don’t know, do you have more lacy little things like that one?”
You looked down to see your shirt completely soaked through, the white fabric of your blouse clinging to your chest. Every detail of the black lace bralette you’d pulled on this morning was visible, as was the curve of your breast and the sharp point of your nipples.
“Of course,” you closed your eyes, feeling too defeated to be ashamed.
“Open the compartment,” he said, and you pulled on the little hinge to reveal a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.
You turned, raising an eyebrow at him.
“I’ve passed by when you sneak a dart closing up now and then. You’ve had a bad day, and I’ve done a good thing. So I’m thinking we both deserve one.” He gave you a wide grin.
You shrugged and opened the pack, sliding two into your mouth and lighting them. You pinched one between your finger tips and leant over to him, bringing it up to his lips. Your fingers lightly grazed his lips as you pulled away. You swallowed at the heat you felt bloom within you.
You leant back in your seat, blowing smoke out of the inch of the window you’d opened as you let your eyes drift over him. You admired the grey of his beard, the darker strands of his hair slicked back against his head. His cheeks hollowed as he took a drag on the cigarette, one hand coming to grasp it as he exhaled, the muscles in his neck flexing. His fingers gripped the steering wheel, the tattoos littering his arms visible from his rolled up sleeves.
He kept his eyes on the road, the highway twisting back and forth with the coast.
“Damn darlin’, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you were checking me out.” He was grinning again, turning towards you once the road straightened out.
You felt your face grow hot briefly, “and what if I was?”
“Then we’d have to do something about that, wouldn’t we?”
“And what would that be?” You took another long drag and slowly licked your lips, enjoying the way his gaze dropped to your mouth.
“Hmmm, how ‘bout you screaming my name as that tight little cunt of yours cums on my cock.”
“Oh?” You cocked an eyebrow towards him, trying to ignore that your thighs clenched at his words. “And what makes you think you’d have me screaming your name? Or cumming on your cock?”
He smiled. “That a bet?”
You laughed, your heart racing. “Sure. Loser buys a round at Rick’s.”
At that moment he’d pulled up to your house, the small, lone bungalow alit by your porch light.
“Shake on it?” He asked, putting the car in park.
“Jesus, what are you, five?”
He simply grinned in response, holding his hand out.
“Fine,” you stuck your hand out, slipping it in his. You were shocked at how warm his hand was, and how it managed to basically cover yours whole.
You turned and opened the door to the car, throwing the butt of the cigarette on the wet ground. You pulled the wet shirt off of you, revealing your drenched bra.
“Well? Are you coming or not?” You asked, eyeing him up and down.
“Shit darlin’. You better get your ass inside. Now.” He said that last word with such force it almost made you gasp.
Raising an eyebrow at him you hopped down, slammed the door shut and ran to your porch. Unlocking the front door you opened it and stepped inside, then yelped when you felt his hands around you as you walked the rest of the way in. Turning around to face him, you licked your lips as you looked him in the eyes, your gaze flickering to his lips.
“Get ready to lose sweetheart.” His breath was light on your face- smelling of wintergreen and a hint of tobacco.
“If you say so, mister.” You breathed, your heart beating fast in your chest.
“Kinky. I fuckin’ like the sound of that.” He pulled forward to press his lips against yours, quickly deepening the kiss as his hands ran across the bare skin of your back.
You tugged at his bottom lip with your teeth, your breath mingling with his. He walked you backwards, your back meeting the wall while his tongue stroked against yours.
He gently brushed the tips of his fingers from your shoulders down your arms, eliciting a shiver from you. Gripping your wrists he brought them up above your head, pinning them against the wall with one hand. He moved away from your lips to your neck, kissing the skin just below your ear, forcing a gasp from you.
He bit the spot then smoothed his tongue over it, and you whimpered, unsure how he had you near trembling already. Fuck- was he actually not all talk?
Your thoughts were interrupted as his hand deftly undid your jeans, his fingers slipping inside to rub against your dampening panties. You inhaled sharply, arching your back against him as he delicately ran a finger up and down your slit through the thin cotton.
He chuckled, the deep rumble of his laugh moving through your chest. “Baby girl, you are in a lot of fuckin’ trouble. I’ve barely touched you,” he pressed down on your clit and you cried out, your hips instinctively moving forward. “And you’re already soaking. How much longer do you really think you can last?”
You took a shaky breath, his finger back to tracing you through your panties. You lifted the leg settled between his, rubbing your thigh against him. His eyebrows drew together briefly as he looked at you and took a deep breath. You could feel his cock through his jeans, thick and hard. “We’ll just have to see,” you whispered.
He let your hands go, moving to roughly tug down your jeans, your underwear going along with them. You toed off your shoes and kicked your clothes down the rest of the way, leaving you mostly bare before him.
You brought your hands to the buttons of his black button down, swiftly undoing them and pushing the shirt off his shoulders, letting your nails lightly scratch over his skin as you ran them down to his belt buckle. You quickly undid it and the fly of his jeans, as he watched you, amusement in his dark gaze.
Taking him out, his cock felt heavy and hard in your hand. You swallowed as you eyed it, his size impressive.
“Don’t worry,” his voice brought your eyes back to his. He licked his lips, smiling, “we’ll make it fit.”
You were about to respond when he bent down, keeping his gaze locked with yours as he lowered himself to his knees. He brought one of your legs over his shoulder and you watched him as he leisurely bent his head towards your cunt.
He blew a stream of air up your slit and you fell forwards, gripping his shoulders for support. Looking up at you he pressed a gentle kiss to your clit.
“Fuck!” You cried out, your breathing already ragged.
“Jesus Christ darlin’ you’re fucking beautiful when you squirm.” He swirled a finger in your slick and dipped it inside you, curling it just so to hit your g spot.
“Negan- fuck!” You moaned as he ran his tongue against your clit, swirling it around the bud as he continued his movements.
He looked up at you, his eyes mocking you as he kept running his tongue against you, your body writhing in response. You were so close- so fucking close to cumming when he pulled his fingers from you and stood.
Your brow furrowed as you looked at him, half of you wanting to slap him for stopping, the other half wanting him to fuck you immediately.
“I said you’d cum on my cock, baby girl. Not my mouth. Not my fingers.” He said the words darkly, as if he were punishing you. Hell, maybe he was.
He curled his fingers behind your knee, lifting your leg to hook behind him. He gripped himself, running the thick head across your dripping slit and you moaned at the sensation, his warm, silky skin feeling like heaven against you.
He slowly inched the himself in and you held his bicep, your brows drawing together at the sensation of being stretched in the most delicious way.
“Fuck-“ your finger tips dug into his arm as he angled your hips slightly towards him, meeting you with a thrust that had him fully seated within you. He was still, his eyes searching yours as he let you adjust to his size, the sound of the two of you panting ringing out in the silent room.
You licked your lips and nodded at him, urging him to move as you held yourself upright on your one wobbly leg. He smirked, his eyes dropping to where his cock impaled you. “Like I said,” he gave a sharp thrust that knocked the air out of your lungs, “fucking beautiful.”
With that he started a steady rhythm, unrelenting as he pounded into you. Each time he snapped his hips towards yours you felt him deep within you, angling yourself just so to hit that delicious spot that made your toes curl.
You were panting, sweating as you tried to hold back your orgasm, hold back the pleasure from bubbling through your lips. Then he slowed and bent to cup your ass with both hands, lifting you up so you had to wrap your legs around him. He kicked off his jeans then walked to your couch, sitting down so you were straddling his lap.
“You ready to cum, darlin’?” He asked, his hands coming behind you to unclasp your bra, freeing your breasts.
“Big words for such a-“ you were cut off when he dipped to pull your nipple in his mouth, his hips thrusting under you. Your clit was grinding against the muscles at the base of his cock as he fucked you, his strong grip on your ass holding you in place.
“Jesus Christ Negan,” you moaned as his tongue ran against the delicate skin of your nipple. You were so fucking close- your back arching to press your clit further against him. “I’m going to- fuck!” You cried out as he bit your nipple, the bit of pain bringing on your orgasm. You were moving on top of him, your muscles twitching around him as you rode out your high, all coherent thought wiped from your mind as you spewed a chorus of “holyfuckingshit” and “ohfucknegan”.
Opening your eyes as your breath slowed, there he was, smugly smiling up at you as if he’d just cured cancer.
“That was fucking hot, baby girl.” You felt your cunt spasm around him at his words. ”Now get up and bend over. We aren’t done yet.”
You scrambled up off his lap and he quickly led you to the back of the couch, his hand pressing between your shoulders guiding you to bend over. You rested your forearms on the back of the couch, arching your back to push out your ass.
“Now that’s a fuckin’ sight,” he smoothed a hand over your skin before striking your ass. You moaned, angling yourself to push it out further, looking back at him with a grin.
“Good girl,” he said as he rubbed the tip of himself between your folds, wet and ready. Gripping your hip he thrust himself within you and you cried out, the new angle hitting you deeper than before.
He gripped your ass firmly as he set a pace, fucking you hard and deep, your hands gripping the couch cushions as you moaned.
His fingertips came to lightly touch your clit and you sharply inhaled, still sensitive from your last orgasm. He very gently rubbed it and you let out a breathy moan, the pleasure within you quickly building.
“I’m going to get to know every fucking inch of you, darlin’. I’m going to figure out all the ways to make you scream,” he angled his hips just so, hitting a deep, sensitive spot within you that had you doing just that as your orgasm took you over.
“Fuck-“ his hips stuttered as he came within you, his cock twitching deep within your walls. You both stood still for a moment, your breaths coming back to you before he pulled out, and you felt a gush of warmth drip down your leg, causing your cunt to clench.
“Fuck.” You said, turning over to rest your ass against the back of the couch, hazily smiling at him. “That was fucking amazing.”
He bit his lip, a wide smile crossing his lips. “It fucking was. And I fucking win.”
“Two Langavulin, 16 year.” Negan held up two fingers at Rick, before tapping twice on the bar.
You slid into a stool beside him, and he squeezed your waist before heading to the ancient record player to pick a tune.
“You lost a bet, didn’t you?” Rick asked, an eyebrow raised. “He’s asking for the pricey stuff.”
“I did.” You smiled at Rick you turned to admire the curve of Negan’s ass in his jeans as he bent to read the song titles behind the glass. “And I’d be happy to lose again.”
A/N: This is my first Negan fic (that nobody asked for)! My first time writing for another character other than Loki. I hope you enjoyed it- please let me know what you think! Much love to all of you, thank you for reading.
Want to read more fics of mine? My masterlist is here.
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bestiesenpai · 4 years
and there was only one bed! - Sukuna
Wow who would have guessed my first curse!Sukuna fic would be this? Not me lol so sorry if it sucks! Femme reader, everyone is aged up 18+
TW: dubcon, somnophilia, overstimulation, one (1) use of the word daddy, squirting
You and Yuji were great friends. Ever since he came to the school you were joined at the hip. Bugging Fushiguro, getting into crazy schemes with Inumaki and Panda - there was always something the two of you could get into together. Being so close throughout the years, it was only natural that the two of you would go on missions together as well as you got older. Spending a few days away from the school was all fun and games, and the added luxury of having your own private hotel rooms didn’t hurt either.
And the fun didn’t stop after you graduated, with Gojo still being in charge of booking your accommodations even though you’d been out of school for a while.
“Oh, so there’s only one bed this time…” Yuji mumbled as the two of you walked into the Airbnb that Gojo had booked for you. The house was nice enough, a quaint one bedroom on the edge of the city you were to be working in in the morning.
Through the open bedroom door you could see that there was indeed only one bed.
“I’ll sleep on the couch.” Yuji announced with a slight sigh under his breath.
“We’re here for three days, no way will that be comfortable.”
“Well I won’t let you sleep on the couch.”
“We can just share the bed then.” Taking his suitcase from him, you dragged it and your own towards the bedroom.
“No, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.” Getting a hand on his luggage before you got too far, Yuji stared at you with narrowed eyes.
“Yuji, we’re best friends, it’ll be fine.” Swatting his hand away, you shuffled a little bit closer to the door. “We can put the couch pillows between us, plus look!” Getting into the room, you gestured towards the massive mattress. “This thing is huge anyway, we’ll have plenty of space to spread out!”
“Well…” Worrying his lip, Yuji looked between you and the bed. “Alright, but you have to tell me if you get uncomfortable.”
“Please, it’ll be fine.” You waved off his concern. There really was no reason to be nervous about anything; Yuji was a respectable guy and you knew he slept deeply anyway. The only real concern you had was if he would violently toss and turn like Fushiguro said he did.
Hours later and the sun was down, you and Yuji had both showered and were now climbing into bed. There was a good wall of pillows from the couch between you two, and Yuji had insisted over and over that you tell him if you weren’t comfortable.
“Goodnight bestie.” You giggled childishly, turning your back to him and closing your eyes.
“Night.” Yuji giggled as well and the two of you got quiet, taking slow and even breaths until you fell into a rhythm and went to sleep.
A few hours later, the feeling of hot breath on the back of your neck and something molding to your body from behind had just slightly roused you from sleep. Something was poking the spot right below your ear, forcibly quiet breathing just barely audible at the edge of your mind.
The sweat collecting on your skin from the heat of what you presumed to be Yuji’s body attempting to smother you in his sleep was beginning to drown you, and you threw the blanket off your chest to gain some reprieve.
Settling down again, you didn’t feel the hand creeping up your sleeping shirt and grabbing a handful of your breast. Deft fingers rolled your nipple as another hand slid across your hips and pulled you flush against another body.
Pushing past the band of your bottoms, the hand pushed your thighs apart slightly and dipped between your folds, slowly rubbing your clit. The pleasure was beginning to reach you and your unconscious body reacted in kind, rolling your hips against the friction and eager to get more.
What woke you up, however, wasn’t the slick gathering between your legs, it was the body beginning to crush you from behind.
“Yuji...roll over…” You slurred sleepily, attempting to push away the heavy arm that lay across your body. A deep, shuddering breath sounds in your ear, but the arm didn’t move. “Yuji, you’re crushin’ me.”
“Sorry baby.” A voice much deeper than Yuji’s replied, and a kiss was placed on the back of your neck as the pressure was released.
“S’okay.” Yawning softly, you were about to let sleep overtake you once again, and then the squeezing fingers on your breast got a little tighter, and laughter resonated behind you.
“Such an easy little thing, aren’t you?”
“Huh?” Rolled onto your back, you opened your eyes in time to be face to face with Sukuna. Your mouth opened to scream, but instead of a piercing cry, you began to choke; Sukuna had shoved two fingers into your mouth.
“Quiet now, don’t want to wake the neighbors.” Even in the low light of the bedroom, you could tell it was him. The voice, sharp nails attached to the fingers in your mouth and the overwhelming amount of cursed energy were enough.
Your clothes were ripped off in an instant, leaving you completely bare before him. Withdrawing his now wet fingers, Sukuna brought them down to your cunt, using the added lubrication from your saliva to push into you.
The stretch made you hiss between your teeth, the slight burning sensation that came with nearly completely edging out the pleasure you’d just been feeling a few moments ago. Sukuna sunk his fingers in halfway before withdrawing and beginning a languid stroke.
“I was beginning to think you wouldn’t wake up.” He chuckled, using his other hand to go back to your breast.
“Stop!” Grabbing his wrist, you tried to pull it off but it was no use.
“Aw c’mon baby, don’t act that way! You were enjoying it a minute ago!” To punctuate his statement, Sukuna brought his thumb up to your clit and smirked when you jumped, your walls clenching around his fingers. “See, this pretty pussy seems to be enjoying it.”
“Sukuna let me go!” Your feeble cry was music to his ears and Sukuna nearly moaned at the sound. He could see the frantic desperation on your face mixing with the arousal that had seeped into your mind.
“But if I do then you won’t get to cum! And that wouldn’t be very nice, would it?” Letting go of your chest, he smacked his hand onto the pillow beneath your head and leaned over you. He kissed you before you could answer, his hand coming to wrap around the back of your head.
Shoving his tongue into your mouth, Sukuna overrode any thought you had in your brain. He was domineering, forcing your lips to stay locked with his as his tongue explored every inch of your mouth.
His other hand refused to lay idly and all it took was a few flicks of his wrist and a firm thumb pressed on your clit to get you to start whimpering into his mouth. Your knees knocked together at Sukuna’s sides, hands gripping his shoulders as he finger fucked you.
Sucking your tongue into his mouth, Sukuna pulled away slowly, thin strings of saliva connecting you two together before breaking off and dropping onto your chest. Sukuna kept his face close to yours, close enough that the breaths from your exasperated moans warmed his face.
“S-Sukuna stop-” You whined as you came, moaning pitifully as your cunt spasmed around his fingers.
“After that, I don’t think I can stop now.” Pulling his fingers out, Sukuna used two to rub your clit in tight circles, hurtling you into overstimulation and making tears prick at your lashes. Your knees pressed even harder into him as your thighs tried to squeeze together to get him to stop.
“It- it hurts- Sukuna!” Tossing your head back, another orgasm was forcibly brought forward. This one was edged with pain, and embarrassment slowly trickled in as your cunt clenched around nothing and you found yourself wishing his fingers were inside you again.
Smoothing his hands on your inner thighs, Sukuna smirked down at your spent form. Just watching your chest heave as you calmed down had his ego boosted. Reaching a hand down to fist his cock, he let out a shaky breath as a bead of precum dripped out and onto your skin.
“I’ve been waitin’ for this.” He mumbled, pushing your legs further apart so he could get closer.
“Wait, it won’t fit!” You didn’t know the size of Yuji’s cock, but you could tell it had been made much bigger by Sukuna’s appearance. Pushing your hands onto his chest, you couldn’t keep Sukuna at bay for very long.
“Don’t worry baby, daddy will make it fit.” The tip of Sukunas cock pushed into you as he spoke, the bulbous head already much thicker than his fingers. Your nails dug into his chest the further he went, nearly drawing blood as he slowly bottomed out.
“There, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Sukuna smirked, holding himself still to not only allow you to get used to the stretch but to bask in the moment as well. Forcing air through your lungs, it was a struggle to try and get used to the feeling of almost being split in half.
Sukuna clamped his hands on your hips as he slowly dragged his cock halfway out. Snapping forward, the light slap of skin against skin began to build in the room, muffled only by the light gasps leaving your mouth.
“S’too much!” You whined, screwing your eyes closed and shaking your head a little. “Too big, Sukuna- please-” Laughing under his breath, Sukuna pressed his fingers on your clit again, circling in time with his thrusts.
“You’re so whiny, baby, I bet you’ve never taken a cock this big before.” With every swipe of his thumb, he could feel you tighten up around him and the drag of his cock against your walls got easier.
Letting go of your hip, Sukuna slid his hand down your leg, hooking it under your knee and pushing it up toward your chest. The added angle allowed him to get deeper, practically hitting your cervix every time he pushed in.
You let out a loud, girlish squeal at the change and your hands scrambled to push against his lower stomach. The new position felt too good, immediately assaulting your senses with a toe curling pleasure.
“Sukuna, no!” The tips of your fingers pushed at him, stopping him a little short of completing a full thrust. Scoffing and rolling his eyes, Sukuna grabbed both your wrists in his hand, forcing your arms straight and keeping your hands away from him.
“Quit your whining, you can take it.” Pushing your knee down even further, Sukuna dug his knees into the mattress and slapped his hips against yours, ignoring any further squeals or whimpers.
Giving your wrists a bruising squeeze, he let go to grab your other leg and hike it up as well. He wouldn’t be stopped by the hands pushing against him, begging him to slow down or to change positions again.
“I’m gonna- Sukuna-” Your orgasm was building quickly, getting rid of any rational thought as pleasure shot up your spine and had nearly all the muscles in your body tightening up. You were so close to cumming, but there was another feeling behind it as well. “Sukuna stop, I’m gonna- pee!”
“Ha, you nasty girl. Go right ahead then.” Putting all his focus into his hips, Sukuna pounded into you, making sure you felt every inch of his cock. He nearly had you bent in half, his upper body leaning dangerously close to yours.
Whatever cries you had left were reduced to mindless babbles, overwhelmed tears threatening to fall as you came again. There was the rush of an orgasm coursing through you, making your cunt spasm and milk Sukuna for all he was worth.
But there was another feeling, one much more wet than you anticipated. With every forward thrust of Sukuna’s hips, a gush of liquid was forced out, coating everything within reach.
“Dirty girl, squirtin’ all over me like this.” Letting your knees fall back down to your sides, Sukuna pulled his cock out and stared down at his body, dripping with your release. “Even made a mess of the bed.” Sitting up on your elbow, you could see the dark stain forming on the bedsheets and feel the moisture begin to seep into your skin.
“M’not...not dirty.” Your tongue feels heavy in your mouth, about as heavy as your head and you fall back down onto the bed, vaguely aware of some stray tears that have fallen onto your face.
“Yes you are.” Sukuna immediately counters, a sick smile on his face as he pushes his cock back inside you, a low whine emanating from the back of your throat at the stretch to your sensitive walls. “You’re my dirty girl, and we’re gonna have a fun three days together.”
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