#balance imperfect bixgirl1
sitp-recs · 2 months
Hi hello how are you!! I feel like I’d seen a competence kink list you did some time ago, but I can’t seem to find it on your masterlists :( I’m wondering if maybe it’s lost or I’m imagining things lol?
And if not, I would be sooo grateful if you or your followers had any recs for me :) Thank you so much, love your blog!
Hi anon! I did this list with talented Harry (beyond his job) but here are some classic competence kink recs:
Competent Draco:
The Slytherin Urn by @icmezzo (E, 4k)
Nothing turns Harry on quite like redemption.
The Study of Change by p1013 (M, 4k)
Harry's going to hell. He's going to hell immediately. Even with all of the good he's done in his life, he's never going to overcome the impure thoughts racing through his head at the sight of Draco Malfoy looking like an academic wet dream in a room full of barely legal adults.
A Song, Incomplete by RurouniHime (E, 11k)
Draco’s photograph took up the entire top half of the Prophet’s front page. Below the photo: DRACO MALFOY DEFENDS SON OF FORMER LOVER. As if that were breaking news.
Countdown by dysonrules (M, 14k)
When the Wizarding world is plagued by random outbreaks of Dark Magic, the Ministry assigns Curse-Breakers to assist Auror teams on their missions. Harry shouldn't be surprised when Draco Malfoy is assigned to his team, but is Malfoy a Curse-Breaker, or a curse-bringer?
A Year in Training by Omi_Ohmy (M, 25k)
Harry is finally living his dream and training as an Auror, but nothing seems to be going right: he’s just so angry all the time. And Draco Malfoy’s presence on the programme really isn’t helping with that, either.
measures of our days and nights by @flimsi (E, 40k)
Draco returns to London to help the Ministry decipher a spell, but things aren’t quite as simple as they seem.
Heal Thyself by astolat (T, 47k)
"Are you going for the course?" Lovegood asked. "You have the NEWTs.” “What course?” Draco said, then, “No, don’t be ridiculous,” when he realized she meant the notice pinned up on the board he’d been staring at: Applicants To The Introductory Mediwizard Course For The Coming Term Shall Present Themselves In The Chief Mediwizard’s Office By August 24th.
The Vanishing Department by @dictacontrion (E, 47k)
The things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, even if that involves a lot more form-filling, bickering, covert glancing, miscommunication, and flying furniture than we might expect.
Take the Air by dysonrules (M, 51k)
Someone or something is attacking Muggles and leaving them for dead. Auror Harry Potter is assigned to the case, but with his usual partner unavailable, he is stuck with the most annoying Auror ever to walk the halls of the Ministry.
The Darkness Before the Dawn by Ren (E, 55k)
A mysterious creature is loose in London, stalking and killing people. Auror Harry Potter requests the help of a liaison from the Beast Division and gets saddled with Draco Malfoy. Will they be able to stop the creature before it claims more lives?
Kept in Cages by @sweet-s0rr0w (E, 77k)
Deep in the heart of the Ministry lies the Beast Division: a hidden room where ancient beasts roam, and winged creatures soar, and grumpy giant ferrets eat all your biscuits unless you keep them well hidden. Draco Malfoy would know – he’s been working there for five years now, after all.
Reparations by Saras_Girl (E, 87k) - both
Harry is about to discover that the steepest learning curve comes after Healer training, and that second chances can be found in unexpected places.
Balance, Imperfect by bixgirl1 (E, 91k) - both
When Harry sustains an injury in the line of work, he no longer knows how to navigate the life he loved, and finds help and solace from the most unexpected source.
All Our Secrets Laid Bare by firethesound (E, 149k) - both
Over the six years Draco Malfoy has been an Auror, four of his partners have turned up dead. Harry Potter is assigned as his newest partner to investigate just what is going on.
Competent Harry:
Unfinished Business by cupiscent (E, 20k)
Ten years after the War ends, Harry and Draco still haven't got their act together. But maybe it's not too late.
Better To Burn Than To Fade Away by Ren (E, 23k)
Harry Potter is a legend in the world of broomstick racing. He's won almost every cup, trophy, and bowl – except for the historical London-Nome which has been on hiatus for the past several years. Now the London-Nome is starting again, and Harry will do anything to pull off one last big win.
Safe As Houses by @xanthippe74 (T, 24k)
After five years abroad, Harry’s thrilled to be home and working at the most prestigious ward-building firm in Britain. But everything gets turned upside down when he's assigned to work for Draco Malfoy—who somehow grew up to be just the sort of sexy bastard Harry goes for.
The Unplottable Time Conundrum by @writcraft (E, 45k)
When the past starts bleeding into the present at Grimmauld Place, an old academic article pulls Draco Malfoy out of his life of luxury. Haunted by the memory of a fleeting post-war kiss and thrust into the ghostly spaces inhabited by Unspeakable Harry Potter, Draco’s easy life is about to get a whole lot more complicated.
REVOLVEVLOVER by firethesound, zeitgeistic (E, 46k)
The work Harry does is justifiable. It’s justice. He works for his country, and his country is a republic—the magical side, anyway. It’s not laudable work, it’s not work he’s proud of, but it’s necessary work. Harry has always taken the necessary jobs that no one else has the stomach for.
The Boy Who Only Lived Twice by lettered (E, 54k)
Harry Potter is an Unspeakable. Draco Malfoy is the wizard who shagged him. Adventure! Intrigue! Secret identities, celebrities, spies! It's all right here, folks.
Timecode by Rasborealis (M, 73k)
Harry Potter has been dead for two years, and Draco would laugh in the face of anyone claiming differently. Well, anyone but Hermione Granger.
Among Ancient Pines by @graymatters (M, 74k)
Every day, Draco Malfoy tries. With every fiber of his being he tries. But he doesn’t much think about what he’s trying for. In his final term of Healer training, Draco is unfortunate enough to find himself on a plane, the only means of traveling to a small, magical town in rural Alaska.
Azoth by @lol-zeitgeistic (E, 88k)
Now that Harry is back at Hogwarts with Hermione for eighth year, he realises that something’s missing from his life, and it either has to do with Ron, his boggart, Snape, or Malfoy. Furthermore, what, exactly, does it mean when one’s life is defined by the desire to simultaneously impress and annoy a portrait? Harry has no idea; he’s too busy trying not to be in love with Malfoy to care.
Who we are in the shadows by @quicksilvermaid (E, 100k) - both
What happens when you’re forced to become the very thing you despise? Ex-Auror Harry Potter, tossed out of the Ministry for something he had no control over, has been looking for a way back to his former life. When he comes across Draco Malfoy in the criminal underbelly of Wizarding London and in need of protection, Harry figures bringing him in to face the Ministry's justice is his ticket back to everything he's lost.
By the Grace by lettered (T, 140k)
Harry is an Auror instructor. Malfoy wants to be an Auror.
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bridenore · 6 months
HD longer fics recs : 90k to 100k words
Here are a few recs for fics ranging between 90k and 100k words.
You can see my recs for fics that have more than 200k here, between 150k and 200k here, between 125k and 150k here and between 100k and 125k here.
Allegiance and Sedition by SilentAuror [98k]
The war is in its fifth year, and Harry finds himself caught up in the confusion of friend versus enemy, spy versus traitor.
At Your Service by @faith2wood [95k]
Hogwarts students are in danger; Harry is determined to save them all. There’s only one thing he knows for certain: Draco Malfoy is somehow involved.
Balance, Imperfect by @bixgirl1 [91k]
When Harry sustains an injury in the line of work, he no longer knows how to navigate the life he loved, and finds help and solace from the most unexpected source.
A Case of You by @epitomereally [97k]
Draco was doing just fine working as an Unspeakable in Paris, hanging out with his living and ghostly pals, inventing new spells, and definitely not thinking about Potter. Then, Lucius just had to break out of prison and turn his world upside down. Now, Draco has to return to England, where he is forced to confront how family ties bind us—and one infuriatingly fit Harry Potter.
Chasing Dragons by @the-sinking-ship [98k]
Draco can think of only one way to outclass his pleat-front-khaki-wearing politician ex, and that’s by making headlines with an obvious upgrade. And who better to upstage the cheating bastard than the Saviour of the World, Harry Potter himself? Sure, Potter is a little rough around the edges in ripped jeans, a rumpled tartan shirt, and a permanent scowl. Draco reckons a haircut and a shave wouldn’t hurt, either. But Potter is also in need of a Healer willing to keep his secrets, and Draco is just the man for the job. It’s a perfectly reasonable exchange. They need only attend a couple parties arm-in-arm, smile nicely for the paparazzi, and tolerate each other long enough to convince everyone they’re smitten. In return, Draco will keep Potter alive and in one piece. But it isn’t long before Draco realises he might be in over his head, because Potter is ten tonnes of trouble packed into a leather jacket, and seems keen on hurtling himself towards death on the back of a flying motorbike. And that says nothing of Potter’s penchant for fire-breathing beasts and things that bite. Ah well, at least they’ll have some fun while it lasts. After all, Draco always did like a bit of danger.
Firebond by Oakstone730 / @i-didnt-wanna-do-it​ [94k]
Draco is forced to tutor Harry in potions. A slight problem occurs.
Helix by Saras_Girl [92k]
Seven months after the end of the war, Harry is feeling lost. Fortunately, he is about to be offered an unexpected and sparkling chance to find himself again. [2014 advent fic]
Hermione Granger’s Hogwarts Crammer for Delinquents on the Run by @waspabi [93k]
‘You’re a wizard, Harry’ is easier to hear from a half-giant when you’re eleven, rather than from some kids on a tube platform when you’re seventeen and late for work.
How I Met Your Father by @dracogotgame [95k]
Harry sits his kids down and tells them a story. A very long story. 
How To Train Your Malfoy by @fencer-x [93k]
Good manners dictate that, when one’s best friend Apparates onto one’s doorstep holding the unconscious, haggard body of the schoolyard bully and begging for sanctuary, one ought to invite the two of them in for a cup of tea. Harry Potter sometimes wishes he weren’t so polite.
I Am Not Who I Became by mab_di [93k]
Draco left England after the trials and has travelled the world meeting wizards and Muggles from different cultures and with vastly different relationships to magic, each other, and the natural world. Now he’s a fisherman in Finland on commercial vessels. Harry has been struggling since the war and has become a recluse while trying to write his autobiography. An invitation to the Hogwarts class of 1998’s 15th reunion isn’t welcomed by either of them, but neither could predict how the night, and their reunion, will upend their lives.
Light up the Night by Saras_Girl [98k]
This year, despite his better judgement, Harry’s love life is going off with a bang. Advent fic 2019.
Season of the Spirit by Saras_Girl [95k]
It starts with a swan. What happens after that is a bit of a mystery. 2018 advent story.
The Silent World Within You by @femmequixotic and @noeeon [95k]
Harry only wanted Malfoy for one night, one birthday. It wasn’t meant to be anything more.
Tempus Fugit by Poison Pen [90k+]
A monumental cock-up in Potions means that Harry and Draco have more to contend with than mutual enmity. A journey of discovery, self-reflection and love.
Who we are in the shadows by @quicksilvermaid [99k]
What happens when you’re forced to become the very thing you despise? Ex-Auror Harry Potter, tossed out of the Ministry for something he had no control over, has been looking for a way back to his former life. When he comes across Draco Malfoy in the criminal underbelly of Wizarding London and in need of protection, Harry figures bringing him in to face the Ministry’s justice is his ticket back to everything he’s lost. But nothing is exactly as it seems. Not even Harry himself. And as he gets drawn further and further into Malfoy’s world of honour and deception he finds himself questioning everything he thought he knew—about his childhood nemesis, the Ministry job he misses so much, and most of all, about himself. What happens when you’re forced to see that you were wrong?
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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mxlfoydraco · 2 years
Hello! I came upon one of your rec list on the drarry tag earlier and I was wondering if you still do them? If so, do you know any drarry fic that is draco + career centered? Like draco being excellent at his job and it being more in the foreground. Something like Heal Thyself by astolat or Little Red Courgette by blamebrampton. Competent draco is the norm but I was wondering if you know of more fics that explores his/their careers more :) Love your blog 💕
Hello friend! I'm very tentatively doing recs always with the caveat that I'm not super up to date. I think majority of the fics in the Draco-centric list fit this description so I'll add onto that without repeating myself.
All Our Secrets Laid Bare by @firethesound (2014, E, 150k)
Over the six years Draco Malfoy has been an Auror, four of his partners have turned up dead. Harry Potter is assigned as his newest partner to investigate just what is going on.
What Dreams May Come by @firethesound (36k)
If Harry had to get called into work on his day off, at least he was able to get Malfoy called in too.
Any Instrument by @dictacontrion (131k)
Draco Malfoy wouldn't go back to England for anything less than an exceptional case. Being asked to figure out why Harry Potter can't control his magic might be exceptional enough to qualify.
The Vanishing Department by @dictacontrion (47k)
The things we lose have a way of coming back to us in the end, even if that involves a lot more form-filling, bickering, covert glancing, miscommunication, and flying furniture than we might expect.
The Ordeal of Being Known by @lou-isfake (146k)
When Auror Potter is anonymously cursed with silence by being forced to hide his own voice inside his mind, there's unfortunately only one person in the country with the qualifications to fix it: Certified and Licensed Healer Legilimens, Draco Malfoy, specialist in Mind Curses and Afflictions. It's obviously a terrible idea, a disaster waiting to happen, but Draco's never been able to back down from a challenge… especially from Potter.
Balance, Imperfect by @bixgirl1 (91k)
When Harry sustains an injury in the line of work, he no longer knows how to navigate the life he loved, and finds help and solace from the most unexpected source.
The Four Doors by @fluxweeed (48k)
It’s been four months since Harry lost his memory. Four months of dead ends and no answers. With time running out until his memories are gone for good, Harry agrees to a course of Legilimency therapy with a renowned specialist: Mind Healer Draco Malfoy.
Open for Repairs by @drarrytrash (34k)
After the war, Draco works at a tv repair shop and Harry breaks things. feat. sad boys in jumpers and more ABBA than is probably necessary
What We Pretend We Can't See by gyzym (131k)
Seven years out from the war, Harry learns the hard truth of old history: it’s never quite as far behind you as you thought.
Foundations!verse by Saras_Girl (364k)
Harry is about to discover that the steepest learning curve comes after Healer training, and that second chances can be found in unexpected places.
All Life is Yours to Miss by Saras_Girl (114k) Professor Malfoy’s world is contained, controlled, and as solitary as he can make it, but when an act of petty revenge goes horribly awry, he and his trusty six-legged friend are thrown into Hogwarts life at the deep end and must learn to live, love and let go.
Taking Chances by @gracerene (135k)
After the war, Draco disappeared and started over in America, vowing never to return to Great Britain and the fraught past he left behind. Unfortunately, when his mates convince him to sign up for an exchange programme for the last year of their Auror Training, Draco learns that he doesn't have much of a choice in the matter.
Conquering the Dark by @noeeon (23k)
Harry's a Healer specialising in the care of children, Draco Malfoy's an expert in neuromagic at St Mungo's. A difficult case forces them to work together and, in the process, unearths some of the trauma of the past, as well as the chance for healing in the present.
The Printed Press by Soupy_George (119k)
Draco has worked hard to gain a reputation as an unbiased reporter for the Prophet. He never imagined this would lead to Harry Potter offering him a job, or how much accepting said job would change his life.
Home Truths by @skeptiquewrites (67k)
In the off-season Harry decided to fix up Grimmauld Place and found that Draco Malfoy was the only person who could help him. A demanding career and unrelenting press scrutiny were enough to deal with before Harry added a house with a mind of its own, family history, and a tense, flirty, complicated relationship with his childhood nemesis to the mix.
All the Earnest Young Men by @tepre (29k)
All over London portraits are disappearing from their canvases. Auror Harry! Expert-in-Magical-Art-Theory Draco! There's running, dancing, falling through ice, what’s this paper giraffe doing here? A great time was had by all.
Under Giant Mountains by @wolfpants (33k)
Harry doesn't know where he's going. Everyone else has their life paths figured out; he doesn't even know where his map is. Who'd have thought Draco Malfoy bathing in a Norwegian forest would be the guidepost Harry needed? In which Harry's trip to Norway to visit dragon-wrangler Ron introduces him to hikes from hell, mysterious natural magic, foraging, magical bathing, a new and bizarre friendship, and the frustrating, heady allure of his former nemesis turned sexy globetrotting field researcher.
Paper Rings by @lettersbyelise (50k)
When Harry’s in need of a divorce lawyer, he has no choice but to turn to the best in the trade. Draco Malfoy’s reputation for discretion is flawless, and his track record for winning cases is close to perfect. But he’s also ruthless, passionate, and as infuriating as ever, and the brief relationship he and Harry had in Eighth Year still feels painfully fresh despite two decades spent apart. What Harry and Draco used to be is all in the past. And surely they can work together in these new, emotionally charged circumstances without falling in love all over again… can’t they?
The Kisses Don’t Count, If No One Else Knows by oldenuf2nb (41k)
Minister for Magic Harry Potter does not love his job. The one bright point in his life is his secret relationship with Quidditch Super Star Draco Malfoy. When they're 'outed' by a peeping tom with a camera, Harry has to decide what's really important.
The Truth About Love by @amywaterwings (52k)
In which Draco is a high-powered magical divorce lawyer and Harry is the Unspeakable assigned to seduce him. It goes as well as one might expect.
Picking Up Pieces series by TessaCrowley (22k + 21k) The Unbearable Burden of Caring: Fifteen years after the War, Draco is a social recluse and award winning author. Harry is an auror who works too hard, ensuring his old war wounds never heal. They meet at a masque ball, unaware of each other’s identities. In another situation, it would have been love at first sight. But for them, it would never be so simple. Sins and Scars and Shattered Things:  Fifteen years have passed since the War, but the wizarding world isn’t quite ready to forgive Draco Malfoy for his past sins, or for being in love with Harry Potter. For a former Death Eater who escaped conviction, it is a trial by fire.
Coffee, Cakes and Doorknob Snakes by Omi_Ohmy (40k)
Harry's house is trying to kill him, and only one person can help him: pity it's Draco Malfoy
I Do Not Love You by Writ_and_romance (228k)
In 2013, a carefully-designed Obliviation leaves Harry reconfiguring his life and identity without any memories of true love; an act that's essentially erased Draco Malfoy from his mind despite a wedding band and shared home. In 2000, Draco had expected Pansy's relationship with Luna to bring the Gryffindors a bit closer to his orbit of quiet, carefully pacifistic existence, but he never expected to navigate such a transparent embrace into a unit of family, friendship, and love. A mystery, two love stories, and a reminder that learning to love never has an end date.
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Did I read a 91,000 word fic within 24 hours of the last fic i finished? Yep. Am I a little shocked at the speed in which I read fanfics? Yea a bit. Will that stop me? Nothing can!
Balance, Imperfect by bixgirl1
Main Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Pairing Type: Healer Draco/Patient Harry
Type: Post Hogwarts - Non Epilogue Compliant
Spice: 8/10 (but I'd say a lower 8 maybe than the last fic maybe?)
Word Count: 91,000
POV Alternating (but with like counterpoint! We got both POVs for one scene and I am LIVING for it)
My Summary: When Harry gets into a life changing accident, he is faced with the fact that his whole life has to change. Draco, who has spent his life since hogwarts away from England, finds a patient that makes him willing to stay. Harry and Draco must learn that sometimes it's okay to have imperfect balance.
My thoughts: Questionable Healer/Patient relationship enters the chat. Haha well for the most part they talk about it at multiple points. They point out that the relationship is wholly inappropriate. Which is good! There are a lot of reasons that I'm not knowledgeable enough to talk about why Healer Patient relationships are inappropriate! With that out of the way I loves it haha I truly enjoy Healer Malfoy even when it's not Patient Harry. I think the characterization of Healer Draco is always lovely.
I am personally not a huge slowburn fan, haha. I get so frustrated! So that to say this one worked for me. I can deal with angst and a bit of misunderstanding, so this was my jam. I love the satisfaction of falling in love and then reconciliation.
Anyway healer Draco ftw. (How old does that sentence make me sound?)
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Chapters: 10/10 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Kingsley Shacklebolt, George Weasley, OMC, OFC Additional Tags: Physical Disability, Angst, Healing, Hurt/Comfort, Healer Draco Malfoy, Depression, Longing, Domesticity, dubious medical ethics, Romance, Post-War, HP: EWE, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rimming, Complete, Dating, Falling In Love, Disability Summary:
When Harry sustains an injury in the line of work, he no longer knows how to navigate the life he loved, and finds help and solace from the most unexpected source.
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mightbewriting · 2 years
Hi there! Do you have any good Drarry recs? I've read some of the super popular ones, but I'm still pretty new to it. Everything you've ever recc'd has been absolutely wonderful and I'd like to read more of this pairing! Thank you in advance!
hi anon! i'm so glad to hear you've enjoyed my recs in the past! i'll admit, it's been a little while since i've really dug into a drarry, but here are a couple that stick out in my memory as particularly enjoyable:
Must Love Quidditch by dracosoftie: anonymous correspondence that leads to more. and pez dispensers.
Grounds for Divorce by @tepre: accidentally bonded but also oh my god the yearning. and the payoff. and the build. and the YEARNING. my heart.
Balance, Imperfect by @bixgirl1: lil bit of a questionable power imbalance in the premise but shhhh just enjoy it.
happy reading anon!
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blackmagic-cat · 2 months
New Chapter!!
Chapter 11
Suggestions To Read While You Wait
Interview with the Hero by scoradh
Merlin Works in Mysterious Ways by lordhellebore
Balance, Imperfect by bixgirl1
Comment below to suggest fic recs for next week
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wetassdrarry · 3 years
Top 25 Drarry
my own favorites, rich and dripping
Wild by orphan_account (92k)
Who we are in the shadows by Quicksilvermaid (100k)
When Times are Dire by aibidil (130k)
What We Pretend We Can’t See by gyzym (131k)
Turn by Saras_Girl (306k)
Timeshare by astolat (14k)
The Way Down by lettered (65k)
The Nightmare Club by Elle Gray (85k)
The Compact by astolat (64k)
Soup-pocalypse and The Great Curry Cataclysm by SquadOfCats (104k)
Orbit by HenryMercury (52k)
Now The Shining Sun Is Up by lettered (22k)
Little Red Courgette by blamebrampton (31k)
I Am Not Who I Became by mab_di (93k)
How to Handle a Matzo Ball Soup Emergency by Blowfish_Diaries (22k)
Howlr by partialtopotter (47k)
Faint Indirections by ignatiustrout (29k)
Dwelling by aideomai (83k)
Currency by blythely and circetigana (31k)
By the Grace by lettered (140k)
But That’s History by ebbet (54k)
Balance, Imperfect by bixgirl1 (91k)
Away Childish Things by lettered (153k)
All Bets Are Off by dualwieldteacup (31k)
A Hag, a Hex, a Tale of Redemption by aibidil (43k)
Find your flavor
Honorable Mentions!
Wormwood & Reaglar by opalesqueopioid (24k)
Why doesn’t this have more hits??? Breathtaking magic theory and politics unfolded through DRAGONS, I mean...
Up here (everything is different) by Etalice (14k)
Something broke or mended in my chest
(Un)wanted by aibidil (36k)
Two Zinnias and the Scent of Lemon by thestarryknight (16k)
fuck the police
The Pure and Simple Truth by lettered (65k)
Ni idea de por qué me encanta tanto esta "sitcom,” pero es un agudo estudio de personajes de nuestros tríos de oro y bronce
it is a strange thing to nourish what could kill you (in the hopes it does not kill you) by dicta_contrion (18k)
I think it's brilliant but be wary ye who enter here
Heal Thyself by astolat (47k)
draco malfoy’s substitute murder service by oknowkiss (10k)
A Gift for Draco by SquadOfCats (33k)
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lostdrarryfics · 3 years
Hii, I was hoping you could help me find a fic I've been looking for like crazy. harry has a physical disability (i think he injured his leg during a raid or something similar I'm really not sure about this one) and he's very grumpy, doesn't leave his room at grim. place, is shutting R and H out etc no healer stays bcs he's refusing to get treated. they hire Draco as healer (maybe a physiotherapist?) and he's MAD mad about it, but draco is a menace so he gets on harry nerves enough to make him get up and shower. their relationship is really sweet, very slow burn (due to ethical healer/patient reasons I think) I had no idea why I didn't bookmark but I've been beating myself up for weekssssss. Take your time answering, there's really no rush. Probably my last ask this year so happy new year to you guys!!! :D
We believe you are looking for Balance, Imperfect (91k, E) by @bixgirl1!
Don’t forget to bookmark, leave kudos and comments!
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sitp-recs · 7 months
Can I please have some recommendations along this plot, "where britain mistreats Draco forcing him to leave it. Few years later he becomes successful and now Britain requires his help?? Please recommend Drarry ones
We all love a badass Draco giving ‘em the middle finger 👌🏼 I’m sure I’ve read more but I couldn’t think of many titles off the top of my head. Not all of these will fit all your boxes but they’re great reads with successful Draco living abroad:
Un Noël très parisien by Femme and noeon (E, 14k)
When Draco crossed paths with Auror Potter at a political function in Paris, he was not expecting their former animosity to change into something rather more intriguing. But he could be certain their casual flirtation would not last more than the night, couldn't he?
And Back Again (Where You Belong) by eidheann (E, 16k)
He thought back on their previous handshakes, and smiled faintly at the fact they always seemed to mean so much more to him than they did to Potter.
measures of our days and nights by flimsy (E, 40k)
Draco returns to London to help the Ministry decipher a spell, but things aren’t quite as simple as they seem.
The Light More Beautiful by firethesound (E, 81k)
Thirteen years after Draco accepts Potter's help escaping the horror of his sixth year, he returns to England where he makes the unfortunate discovery that Potter is still as obnoxious as ever. And worse, more than a decade overseas hasn't been enough to dim Draco's obsession with him.
Balance, Imperfect by @bixgirl1 (E, 91k)
When Harry sustains an injury in the line of work, he no longer knows how to navigate the life he loved, and finds help and solace from the most unexpected source.
A Case of You by @epitomereally (E, 97k)
Draco was doing just fine working as an Unspeakable in Paris, hanging out with his living and ghostly pals, inventing new spells, and definitely not thinking about Potter. Then, Lucius just had to break out of prison and turn his world upside down.
Any Instrument by dicta_contrion (E, 131k)
Draco Malfoy wouldn't go back to England for anything less than an exceptional case. Being asked to figure out why Harry Potter can't control his magic might be exceptional enough to qualify.
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bridenore · 8 months
HD fic recs - disability (physical) / illness
Here are a few drarry fic recs where either Harry or Draco is suffering from a physical disability or an illness, whether it is permanent or temporary. Listed in alphabetical order, as always.
All Life is Yours to Miss by Saras_Girl [114k]
Professor Malfoy’s world is contained, controlled, and as solitary as he can make it, but when an act of petty revenge goes horribly awry, he and his trusty six-legged friend are thrown into Hogwarts life at the deep end and must learn to live, love and let go.
All the Ashes Like Leaves by @firethesound [21k]
Nothing about being the Chosen One had prepared Harry for this. With most of the population blinded and man-eating plants running amok, he can only stay close to his friends as they make their way to safety. Not that he’d call Malfoy a friend, but the end of the world does rather make their ongoing feud seem trivial. And it just figures that it took nothing short of an apocalypse to make Malfoy seem like less of a git.
Balance, Imperfect by @bixgirl1 [91k]
When Harry sustains an injury in the line of work, he no longer knows how to navigate the life he loved, and finds help and solace from the most unexpected source.
Beds, Knobs, and Broomsticks by @fencer-x​ [46k]
A long-term mission to the Baltics that will take him far away from London sounds like the perfect time to cash in the embarrassing ‘Butler in the Buff’ coupon Harry received as a birthday gag gift—until Harry winds up injured in the field and sent home to recover three days into the mission, obliging him to endure one full month of inappropriate attentions from horny housekeeper Draco Malfoy.
Double Edged Sword by @romaine2424  [554k]
Harry thinks his life has been planned out, but the night he comes of age changes everything.  Now there are decisions to be made and a path to be chosen, and the choices before him will change the lives of everyone he knows.  But when destiny calls, Harry finds himself ready to listen. This is an epic story of the love between Harry and Draco.  Join them as they journey through their life together, through the good times and the bad, facing obstacles both external and internal, and see how they come to be who they were meant to be.
fly like paper, high like planes by @harryromper [47k]
Harry Potter, Head Coach of the Appleby Arrows, is very content leading a quiet life. He has a doddery old house-elf who makes his breakfast, a team of players who love Quidditch almost as much as he does, and a Kneazle that curls against his damaged leg at the foot of his bed at night. The absolute last thing he needs is a fit, tattooed, and wildly talented Draco Malfoy back from living his life on the margins. Soon he’s dealing with goblins for the first time since the war, traveling to Prague, eating dodgy squid, and maybe, just maybe, accepting that Quidditch, Malfoy, and even Harry himself are still capable of change.
A Fruit Tree in Winter by bryoneybrynn [29k]
After failing in his task of killing Dumbledore, life doesn’t go as Draco expected. Sometimes just surviving takes everything you’ve got. And sometimes healing is something you can’t do alone. Story goes AU/AR from the end of Half-Blood Prince.
Hades Paradox by @romaine2424 [32k]
For reasons unknown to most, Draco Malfoy came to Hogwarts soon after the battle and for five years had never left its premises. Auror Harry Potter comes to Hogwarts to deal with his psychological daemons, but soon realises Professor Draco Malfoy has his own magical and physical daemons to deal with. However, much to Harry’s surprise, Draco is coping well with help from the person Harry aspires to be.
The Homecoming of Harry Potter by @vaysh11 [5k]
Harry Potter returns to Britain after four years of exile. He is accompanied by his lover and friend, the young man who brought down Voldemort.
I dream of you, to wake by @harryromper [13k]
“Typically coma patients are made comfortable and left to regain consciousness in their own time,“ Draco points out carefully.  “Typically, yes. But when has anything about Harry been typical.” Hermione sighs, rubbing at her eye with the heel of her hand. “The Healer-in-Charge has consulted with experts at all the major wizarding hospitals. They all agree. Whatever’s happening inside of Harry’s head right now is killing him.” Draco Malfoy is a world-renowned dream-walker, and he may be Harry Potter’s only hope.
Kaleidoscope by Saras_Girl [104k]
If Harry’s honest, the last thing he needs is a house full of Draco Malfoy, but partners are partners, and perhaps, the thing he wants the least will turn out to be absolutely everything.
Match Fit by  @ravenclawsquill  [25k]
After picking up a groin injury just two weeks before the Quidditch World Cup Final, star Seeker Harry Potter reluctantly agrees to seek help from world-renowned Magi-Physiotherapist, Draco Malfoy. Cue sexual tension, naked sports massages, inappropriate erections and a healthy dose of acid-green lycra.
Merlin Works in Mysterious Ways by @lordhellebore [82k]
When Harry is forced to form a Blood Bond with Draco Malfoy under threat of death, he thinks his future will consist of a cold home and sexual frustration. But when a group of left-over Death Eaters decides to stir trouble, their lives change completely – and it takes them both some years to figure out whether it’s for better or for worse.
Oh, Sinnerman by @lou-isfake and @babooshkart [40k]
“I’m serious, Potter,” Malfoy said quietly. “That was some real bad luck you had, being there last night. They will come after you, and they will kill you—after torturing you for information on my whereabouts.” He pocketed Harry’s wand, but held on to his knife, twirling it between his fingers. Harry was distracted by its movement, the reflections of the bright, dawning sun on polished silver. “I’m not happy about it, either, but you’re stuck with me for the foreseeable future.”   He watched Malfoy’s face for a long time, in a staring contest he wasn’t sure he’d signed up for. Stuck with Malfoy, for the foreseeable future, on the run from a massive crime syndicate that had infiltrated the Ministry and was out for their blood.  It was all very familiar, except for the Malfoy part.
On One's Knees by pir8fancier [33k]
The war is over and to the victors go the spoils. If you are triggered by infidelity, this is not the fic for you.
Per Solum Lacuna: By Words Alone by Azhure [560k]
A set of enchanted journals bring solace to two very unlikely lost   souls. Whoever said the art of penmanship was lost? This is a wizarding twist on the old fashioned art of correspondence (or the modern art of Internet chatting). What will happen when the mystery writers finally   discover the identity of their counterpart? Join this star crossed pair as they obliviously chat to each other; along the way learning about   life and love. Find out what will happen when their own voyages of self discovery lead them to the most unlikely of places. This is eventual   HP/DM, but other pairings for the protagonists along their journey.
Renaissance by @dysonrules [33k]
Harry awakens after a long sleep to find things terribly changed. He’s not in an alternate universe… it just seems like it.
Turn by Saras_Girl [306k]
One good turn always deserves another. Apparently.
Unkissed Kisses and Songs Never Sung by @femmequixotic [12k]
I sit silently in the shadows, staring at the tiny, pulsing ball of light that tells me my Harry’s still alive.
Vale Sanare by RurouniHime [23k]
Draco’s world gains a new component, just when he thought he’d sorted everything out.
I hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!
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dewitty1 · 4 years
Balance, Imperfect
bixgirl1 @bixgirl1
Chapters: 10/10 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy, Molly Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Kingsley Shacklebolt, George Weasley, OMC, OFC Additional Tags: Physical Disability, Angst, Healing, Hurt/Comfort, Healer Draco Malfoy, Depression, Longing, Domesticity, dubious medical ethics, Romance, Post-War, HP: EWE, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rimming, Complete, Dating, Falling In Love, Disability
When Harry sustains an injury in the line of work, he no longer knows how to navigate the life he loved, and finds help and solace from the most unexpected source.
He could probably do this on his own, now that he knows what’s needed. Which is why he’s so staggered by the distress he feels when he hears Malfoy talking to Hermione.
It’s even worse when Malfoy returns to the kitchen, eyes tired, face blank. He makes a quip about feeling like a house-elf and Harry cringes internally because, frankly, Malfoy does a lot for him without any thanks or acknowledgement, and Harry is forced into the realisation that he’s allowed his injuries to make him into someone people don’t want to be around. He’s forced to face the fact that the dark places in his mind have finally—after all this time—taken hold.
He thinks about this as Malfoy naps, then over dinner. He thinks about it as Malfoy trudges to his room in the middle of the night, helping him to roll over so that Harry doesn’t have to wake up fully to get into a comfortable position. He thinks about this as Malfoy protects Hermione from seeing him so weak and different than he used to be.
And then.
And then Harry allows himself to bend toward Malfoy in a way he hasn’t since he last saw him in those dark days after the war, at his trial. He allows himself to soften, to wonder. He allows himself forgive Malfoy for seeing him wet himself.
And in return, Malfoy gives him back his leg.
It’s only for a few moments, but it’s the most beautiful thing Harry has ever felt. The sensation is strange but undeniably there; Malfoy’s hands drifting over the vibrantly misty form of his missing limb, rubbing deep into muscles that do not exist, meticulously stroking skin that isn’t there.
And for the first time since waking, Harry doesn’t have to compartmentalise his pain, because his leg doesn’t hurt. His non-existent foot uncurls, his imaginary calf unknots.
Malfoy may owe him a life-debt, but as far as Harry is concerned, it’s repaid in full in that moment.
He wants to touch Malfoy as he had when Malfoy had knelt in front of him. Wants to see those long fingers enclose his own. He is so desperate for touch he feels confused that he hadn’t realised it before.
His hands twitch to reach out as Malfoy’s grey eyes darken to smoke. Harry feels frozen with want and uncertainty. Malfoy’s face soaks up the orange of the firelight; shadows make strange shapes over his sharp cheekbones and the bridge of his nose, and Harry wants to kiss him.
He breaks their gaze.
It takes stores of strength he wasn’t aware he still had, and Malfoy moves away with what looks like relief. But when Harry calls him Draco for the first time, his pupils dilate with something lovely and subtle and tenuous, and Harry wants to see it again and again.
And an ache fills his bones at the idea that this man, so himself and so changed into what he ought to have been twenty years ago, could possibly have felt the same thing.  Because how would that be possible?
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sweet-s0rr0w · 2 years
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Part two of the reclist otherwise known as 'sweet can't possibly choose just five, are you insane?' For Part One, please click here.
Read bixgirl1's work here on AO3!
⭐The Claiming of Grimmauld Place (E, 74k, sentient Grimmauld, a giant tortoise, a voyeuristic gnome, loyal friends, frustrating kisses)
Summary: When Grimmauld Place begins fighting against Harry’s ownership of it, he decides he needs help to train the historic home — but little does he expect that it’ll be Malfoy who’s most suitable for the challenge. However, as Malfoy and Harry get closer, Harry comes to understand that expectations aren’t always the best path by which to guide his heart — and in the process learns just what is needed to make a house a home.
⭐freely, as men strive for right (E, 17k, Healer Draco, Auror Harry, anniversaries, learning to communicate, different ways to say I love you)
Summary: How can Harry love a man like Draco Malfoy? If only Draco would let him count the ways.
(Sometimes, a happily-ever-after takes a bit longer than you expect.)
⭐Balance, Imperfect (E, 91k, Healer Draco, falling in love, getting together, depression, chronic pain, rehabilitation, learning to live and love again)
Summary: When Harry sustains an injury in the line of work, he no longer knows how to navigate the life he loved, and finds help and solace from the most unexpected source.
⭐White as Snow (E, 20k, Auror partners, a magical snowglobe, dirty talk, white lies, long-awaited truths)
Summary: After a quick escape from danger, Harry and Draco find themselves trapped in a blizzard, a small cabin their only refuge from the storm. It's the perfect place to recover and regroup — and to have a long-overdue conversation or two.
⭐Touch (E, 45k, touch starved romance writer Harry, cuddler Draco, insomnia, bed-sharing, getting together)
Summary: When Harry is referred to a professional cuddler for the soothing power of touch, he’s dubious — even more so when the Cuddler who shows up turns out to be Malfoy. But in the years since the war, Malfoy’s changed, and over the next several days Harry is confronted by how much he still doesn’t know about this new version of his old enemy — and by how much he wants to learn.
Previous Five Favourite Fics posts - thestarryknight | vukovich | fwooshy | lq_traintracks (and 10 more) | tackytiger (and microfics) | m0stlyvoid | peachpety | magpie_fngrl | shiftylinguini | onbeinganangel | veelawings | shealwaysreads | loveglowsinthedark | birdsofshore | maesterchill | frayach | graymatters | bixgirl1 (part one)
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forgetmenot987 · 3 years
Drarry Fic Recs:with injury/ illness/disability/disease
Includes both physical and mental illnesses.Involving Aphasia, Blindness, Memory loss, Insomnia, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Hallucinations, Psychosis, Anorexia, Depression, Domestic Violence PTSD,Voice Loss, Infantilism, Diabetes.
Mostly bottom draco/top harry
1.《Unkissed Kisses and Songs Never Sung》femmequixotic
Aphasia Harry
Harry is badly injured on a mission and survives but suffers from aphasia. Draco makes a huge sacrifice to the cause, teaching Harry to understand the language again every day. He taught many, many words that Harry could not understand or express accurately. He regretted that he had never said I love you to Harry until his accident, so he said to him, love, over and over again. finally, one day, Harry stumbled and said to him, love, love ......
2.《Let's Pretend the War Is Over》pir8fancier
Mental Illness Draco
After the war Draco lost everything: both parents, his wealth, his friends. Gradually he realises that he may be insane, why else would the hallucinating Potter keep knocking on his door? The author's writing talent is superb, bringing to life the mad world in the eyes of the mentally disturbed Draco and the usual humorous meanness of his nature. Draco thinks the world outside the curtains is a great demon that lifts and is engulfed in monstrous rage, and it's really so gentle when little Ha hugs him and reassures him that it's just sunshine.
3.《Vale Sanare》RurouniHime
Epileptic  Draco
Very touching hurt/comfort text. After the war Draco endured the aftermath of the curse. He had a sudden seizure while on an errand at the Ancient Spirit Court, and a man, immobile, propped up his body as it was about to collapse and asked in a low voice, "Are you alright?" He found it was Harry, who had just returned from a few years of travel to the Muggle world. Harry had suggested that Draco try muggle physiotherapy and had even asked a friend to help him. Draco thought Ha was taking pity on him, which Ha said was out of empathy. Drawn feels that Ha has belittled his pain, which is when it is revealed that Harry also has a disability from the war, and that one of his hands shakes uncontrollably and violently, which he usually relies on a spell to hide.
4.《A Big Black Sky》alexmeg
Domestic Violence PTSD  Draco
After the war Death Eaters were heavily discriminated against and Draco lost both parents and his wealth. He falls blindly in love with a domestic violence man and has a baby for him. After yet another domestic abuse and sexual assault, Draco escapes with the child, but a few days of homelessness leaves Scorpy with a disease that St. Mungo's refuses to allow him to seek medical attention for, and in desperation Draco runs into Harry. Harry helps them and lets the father and son stay in Grimmauld Place for a while.
The whole story is about the recovery of the father and son, but it is four people who are cured. Harry in this one longs for family, he would choose Teddy between his career and Teddy, and the arrival of Tug and young Scorpius makes the little family of Grimmauld Place complete. The h/c between Harry and Scorpy is also super touching, with Harry seeing the child who lived in the cupboard through Scorpy, the difference being that he now has the power to protect and change, healing Scorpy and reconciling with his tragic childhood at the same time.
5.《Nobody’s Ever Died of A Broken Heart》frayach
Depression Harry
Harry goes through the five stages of grief after Draco's unexpected death. frayach is not even going to come down from the altar of my heart. 
 Through the very lifelike descriptions, the image of a desperate undead leaps off the page.Memories can always appear in the next line of reality, making it possible to experience harry's struggle and stumbling between memories and reality. Paired with a tender and tear-filled hopeful ending.
6.《Balance, Imperfect》bixgirl1
Paralyzed Harry
A hurt/comfort fic between Harry, who is paralysed by his mission, and his therapist Draco. At first Harry is in a state of self-loathing, unwilling to open up and cooperate with therapy, and Draco uses various provocative methods to get him to snap out of it. After a month, Draco thinks it's because of their past problems that Harry doesn't treat him well, and feels that this is delaying his condition, and discusses with Hermione a change of treatment. Harry overhears their conversation and realises that he doesn't want Draco to leave at all, and that Draco has brought colour back into his desperate life.
7. 《 Arithmancy 》 naturegirlrocks
Anorexia Draco
Summary: In sixth year,Draco felt like his life was spinning out of control. The only thing he could trust was the logic of numbers. He calmed down when he found something new to count, which muggles call "calories".
Insomnia  Draco
In his eighth year after the war, Draco suffered from severe insomnia and severely impaired physical functions due to PTSD and self-abuse. By accident he and Harry became Potions class partners, and he actually managed to fall asleep around Harry.
Pansy, who is a super nice friend, finds out and privately begs Harry to help him sleep, and Harry reluctantly sleeps with him every day, growing fond of Draco.
9.《A Fruit Tree in Winter》 Anonymous
Abuse PTSD Draco/Temporary Blindness Harry/Paralyzed Harry
After weeks of abuse by the Death Eaters, Draco opens his eyes again to find himself in an unoccupied farmhouse. Learning that it was his mother and Snape who had arranged it, he began a long refuge. 
Until one day a man covered in blood lies in the doorway. He was shocked to find it was Harry, and even more shocked that Harry had lost his eyesight and was unable to walk. He kept his voice down so that Harry didn't recognise him and helped him through the most difficult and helpless stage of his life. By the time Harry regained his sight ......
Memory Loss Draco/Voice Loss Draco
When Harry decides to quit Auror Training in order to care for young Teddy over the summer, he has quite enough to worry about without Pansy Parkinson dumping a mute Draco Malfoy on his doorstep.
11. 《Love, Like Hate, Knows Many Guises》Frayach
Infantilism  Harry
Aurore Harry is sent to deal with a domestic violence complaint one day and he is shocked to discover that the victim is Draco. He decides to help Draco, but he carries a secret of his own. Harry has a lifestyle of Infantilism. childhood abuse and lack of love turns into a daily diet of nappy, dummy and baby bottles to feel safe and 'normal'.
12. 《Lessons in Grace and Decorum》GallaPlacidia
Mental Illness Draco
At Draco's trial, Harry asks for the sentence of five years' imprisonment to be quashed, and the judge agrees on the condition that Tug is bound to Ha and becomes his prisoner for a year, that Tug must obey any orders Harry gives him and cannot leave him more than 15 metres away or use magic without Ha's consent, and so they begin to live together.
13. 《Use Somebody》No1MournsTheWicked
Diabetic Harry/Domestic Violence PTSD Draco/Muggle AU/Boss-Employee
Law firm boss Harry x personal secretary Draco. At the beginning Draco applies for a job as Harry's personal assistant. Gradually he finds Draco stooping to a position well below his level, he assumes Draco is a rich kid out to experience life, but the occasional signs of ptsd Draco shows make him sad and curious.
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somegymnast · 3 years
Healer Draco
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I just love all the tension that comes with this trope. Hope you enjoy:)
also thank you to everyone who liked, reblogged, followed... my first posts the response has been completely overwhelming and amazing and I already love all of you so much 💕💕
Balance, Imperfect (bixgirl1 / @bixgirl1) (E, 91k)
When Harry sustains an injury in the line of work, he no longer knows how to navigate the life he loved, and finds help and solace from the most unexpected source.
Bad Medicine (playout) (E, 25k)
As an Auror, Harry is no stranger to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries but he has reached his limit with his confidential information appearing in the Prophet after every visit. He's angry enough to give even his childhood nemesis's private practice a go. At least if Harry's secrets show up in the paper now, he'll know who to hex.
Match Fit (ravenclawsquill / @ravenclawsquill) (E, 25k)
After picking up a groin injury just two weeks before the Quidditch World Cup Final, star Seeker Harry Potter reluctantly agrees to seek help from world-renowned Magi-Physiotherapist, Draco Malfoy. 
Cue sexual tension, naked sports massages, inappropriate erections and a healthy dose of acid-green lycra.
A Better Kind of Love (MalenkayaCherepakha / @malenkayacherepakha) (E, 25k)
Harry, along with the rest of the Puddlemere United team, is determined that this year will be the year they finally win the Quidditch League Cup. But when a Bludger-induced fall leads to a missed Snitch, broken bones, and an extended stay in St Mungo's, that conviction is put to the test. If Harry wants to have any chance of returning to the pitch this season he has to put all of his faith in his assigned Healer. Which is no easy task when that Healer is Draco Malfoy.
Any Instrument (dicta_contrion / @dictacontrion) (E, 131k)
Draco Malfoy wouldn't go back to England for anything less than an exceptional case. Being asked to figure out why Harry Potter can't control his magic might be exceptional enough to qualify
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lostdrarryfics · 3 years
Hello! I’m looking for a fic where Draco is a physiotherapist, and Harry hurt himself, either on his leg or his back. At one point (maybe multiple times?), Draco gives Harry a massage to loosen his joints, but it doesn’t feel relaxing at all, and Harry points that out. Draco replies something like, “that means I’m doing my job right” or “that’s how it’s supposed to be”
We believe you are looking for Balance, Imperfect (91k, E) by @bixgirl1!
Don’t forget to bookmark, leave kudos and comments!
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