#the pure and simple truth lettered
Just read a fanfic it's 7am in the morning. Did I stay up all night reading? Nope just woke early. I'm growing 😌 Decided to drop a post about it though. Forward and onward or whatever.
The Pure and Simple Truth by lettered
Main Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Type: Post Hogwarts but not epilogue compliant.
Spice Level: 0
Word count: 65,482
My summary: Harry and Draco start a series of pub nights with various friends. It's kind of a slice of life of how a selection of characters are doing after hogwarts. Topics or friendship vs obligation, forgiveness, action vs inaction and the moral implications. It covers these things from a high level.
My Thoughts: I really enjoy they way lettered portrays Harry and Draco for the most part. I enjoyed this fic. I've been flying through fics so I kept thinking this was a bit slow. There is a moment where Harry feels like Ron and Hermiones adopted child and Harry is worried they are going to break up and i loved the image of that dynamic haha. I wish I could have heard some of the thoughts of the other characters (not in a complaint way in a wow this writer is so good way).
It was a nice change of pace I feel like the last three fic I read were super smutty (do not get me wrong I like myself some spice but reads don't need spice to be good) anyway. I had fun reading it.
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garagepaperback · 4 months
What are your favorite drarry fics?
oh. ooooooooooooh oh oh.
here are my staples:
draco, the magic dragon - libbydrew a fic i first read on livejournal (showing off the varnish of my casket here) that i thought about regularly for the almost two decades i fell out of fandom. canon to me tbh. libby invented my draco rubric: proud lil showboat even when everything around him has gone to rancid shit, sarcastic and aloof personality as a poor facade to distract from the big ol' gaping well of hurt.
Potter took a great breath, then let it out slowly – a low whistle between his teeth. "Malfoy, I had no idea. I thought—" "Why are you here?" Draco cut him off before the idiot embarrassed them both. Their shared past was water under the bridge – even if Draco had drowned in it.
nightingale - michi_the_killer
another back-in-my-day fav, even though i can only stand to read half of it. actually even thinking about it is making me stare off in a distance for upwards of three minutes. this one i would hand off wrapped in about a million miles of caution tape. + also a huge fan of michi's gory veela fic.
It was better than fighting, Harry thought, although sometimes he still wanted to rip into Malfoy, to hurt him. Other days, he thought, it was better than anything.
rookie moves - peu_a_peu
what can i say that hasn't already been said - peu is a MASTER. if you somehow know who i am but haven't read this, reassess your life choices through professional means but not until after you dive in.
“Feels kinda big,” Malfoy said, smirking. “For a guy your height.” “My height is average,” Harry said, although he was undeniably glaring upward at Malfoy’s face when they stood so close together. “And it is kinda big.”
stately homes of wiltshire - waspabi another one that crept into my heart and made a home. hard to choose between this and waspabi's other drarry fic, but there's something about the decrepit manor that just does it for me. a perfect harry and draco, perfect soft reaching towards each other.
Draco smiled and dragged Potter from the shop before he could charm any more elderly ladies with his unkept, take-care-of-me-I’m-confused-and-have-nice-shoulders aesthetic. Once outside in the drizzle, he realised he still had his hand around Potter’s forearm. He yanked his hand back immediately.
i wake up falling - warmfoothills
warmfoothills :,) just reading this moniker makes me vision go soft around the edges. their writing has made me out loud, quietly say "oh," multiple times. the prose is darling, this story is such a brief, aching glance. it was also really hard to pick just one (flashback, warm nights i also go in for).
“I love you,” he says, unable to stop himself. Draco blinks, a barely-there flinch, like Harry’s taken a swing at him. “I know,” he says, still oblivious to the reference, oblivious to the way his words scoop right into the meat of Harry’s stupid, hopeful heart. “It’s not enough, is it?” Draco shakes his head. Above, the stars watch unfeelingly on.
the pure and simple truth - lettered no one does dialogue with the mastery lettered does. my GOD. my god. i feel like this fic is drarry perfectly distilled.
“What’s he going to be?” Blaise raised a brow. “Pardon?” “You said he says Hermione should be Minister, and all those other things. What does Malfoy think he should be?” There was something much like pity in Blaise’s eyes. “He thinks he should never, ever be forgiven for the things he’s done.” Harry felt ill. “That’s not fair.” “When has Draco ever been fair?” “I meant―” Harry swallowed hard. “That’s not right.” Blaise looked more pitying still. “When has Draco ever been right?”
far from the tree - aideomai
the writer i avoid talking about the most bc once i start i cannot physically restrain myself from going on about their beauty forever. i sat for forty-five solid minutes frowning, trying to choose between this one and in the hand. and dwelling. okay anyway. i keep a doc of quotes from fics that resonate and it's 50% aideomai.
Draco wondered what Potter thought of this day, in the future the twins came from. If he had told Ginny about it. If he had forgotten it. He couldn’t forget it, could he? It felt burned into Draco’s body already, a final point that he had been moving toward for years without knowing.
i could go on but i think seven is a nice solid number tyvm for this ask!
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giorno-plays-piano · 9 months
Favors and Debts
Part I
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Pairing: fae!Yuji/Sukuna x reader
Warnings: noncon, yandere, murder, captivity, stalking, violence (not towards reader), Sukuna having a purity kink.
Words: 1.6k
Summary: Of all creatures fickle and cruel, the fair folk are the ones inspiring fear and awe alike. You were unlucky enough to save one of them from captivity, and now you must pay for it.
"Please, leave me be," your whisper is so quiet you barely hear yourself speak, but it's enough for the monster to bare his teeth at you in a smile.
"No," he says simply and then charges at you like a wild animal, forcing a scream out of your throat as you run and run and run until you are facing a dead wall blocking your path.
His sharp smile grows wider the closer he steps to you.
Then you wake up with a gasp, face wet with tears and cold sweat as you clench the sheets in your fingers, choking from horror. It's him again. The fae boy you saved years ago, the one who pays you back with fear and pain and nightmares. He doesn't visit you every night, not when you keep taking your sleeping pills religiously, but they are a serious thing, and your stomach keeps hurting more and more over the years, forcing you to take lesser doses. That's when the fae boy strikes, slipping into your dreams like water seeps through a crack of an old, chipped cup.
It's the same dream over and over again: he chases you down the city as you run for your life like a prey followed by predator, blinded by fear while he taunts you, his six long, muscular arms nearly catching you every time. It feels like every night he allows you to escape, but you don't think it's entirely true. Your iron and your mirrors must be keeping you safe: after all this time, he hadn't come for you yet.
You were young back then, so naive, so pure. You finally received a long-awaited recommendation letter from the head pharmacist to be allowed to work in a tiny village down south, nearly at the Drowned Forest border. You were, by far, not a superstitious girl, and the rumors didn't scare you. You were, though, quite worried about being among the simple, rural folk who weren't keen on trusting a young city girl with making their medication: truth be told, women in those places had only ever had one purpose in life, and it had nothing to do with a medical career or any career at all.
And yet, you were welcomed to the place. The villagers were desperate since it took at least several days to drive to the closes town to procure the medication of any serious kind, and they were in great need of someone who'd serve as a doctor and a pharmacist, even if it was just a young girl who had only gotten her recommendation letter.
But it was an unfriendly, cold, half-abandonded sort of place. Likewise, you didn't like its people who were always too crude, too vulgar to your taste, their gazes always lingering too long on you when they thought you didn't see, and you could barely stand the almost-casual touches of men who seemed to think you couldn't see beneath their polite facade. "They're simple folk," the head pharmacist would say, shaking his head after you pleaded with him to give you a letter of recommendation. "You won't appreciate their way of life, and you don't have to. Why do you want to go there so badly if you can continue working as my junior pharmacist? You can make a name for yourself here."
You were stupid back then. You wanted to prove yourself so desperately you thought nothing of his gentle warning, rushing headlong in what you thought your first grown-up adventure that turned out to be a nightmare haunting you to this day.
At first, despite your unease towards the village folk, it all was new and exciting. You were the head pharmacist! The only one for miles and miles. People spoke about you with respect, or so you thought. You were crafting medication day and night, and nearly everyone was coming to your door religiously every couple of days. You enjoyed the welcomed weight of responsibility on your shoulders.
It wasn't until a month passed that the villagers finally let you meet a scrawny pink-haired kid by the name of Yuji, who was some sort of an apprentice. Whose apprentice was he? The men all laughed when you asked them, looking smug as they claimed he was apprenticing for every master in the village.
What an odd thing to say, you thought, furrowing your brows. How could one boy be an apprentice to all of them?
Of course, he wasn't. He was a fae boy they have somehow captured and kept prisoner, making him do all sorts of manual labor because they knew his true name.
At first, you thought it was nothing but a shameful lie to keep a fatherless young man chained to his captors to make their bidding. Yuji was just a boy. He was young and smiley and helpful despite the abuse he had to endure every day, the villagers giving him the thoughest jobs under the pretense of his immense fairy powers. Where was he from? Why had no one tried to stop people from treating him so unfairly? He wasn't a caged animal. Yuji was a human being.
But then the blacksmith once handed him an iron girdle, a wicked smirk on his lips, and you saw the horror and pain reflected on Yuji's face when his fingers touched the metal, his palm immediately growing red as if the iron was still hot. He wailed, dropping the girdle on the ground while the blacksmith laughed at him like it was a joke of some kind, and you, caught off guard by such casual display of cruelty, ran to the boy to have a look at his injured hand.
He was, indeed, a fae. The iron to him was alike acid to humans, burning his flesh at the slightest touch.
The discovery shook you to the core, at one point making you question your sanity, but in that moment you were so preoccupied with the boy's injury you were more focused on helping him alleviate the pain and bandage his poor hand than worry about his fairy nature. Regardless of what villagers said, Yuji was gentle and proper. He didn't deserve such horrible treatment.
With every day, you grew more and more anxious, watching him casually bullied and hurt by the village folk for their own amusement. They made him touch iron, look into the mirrors that somehow brought him immense pain, forced him to work till sunset and even at night, and refused him food from to time. It was unbearable to watch a young boy being treated that way. It was no wonder you developed so much compassion and pity for him, soon sneaking in the hovel where he was allowed to sleep to feed him or bring him medication for his injuries. He was such a lovely boy, so bright and kind and sensitive, that it took you just a couple more weeks to agree to his plea to help him get out of this wicked place.
How could you have known of his true nature? You were but a naive, pure young girl. It was a given you were easy to manipulate, to be taken advantage of. A disaster waiting to happen.
You didn't even believe in the fair folk when you had first arrived in that god-forsaked village, but in a couple of months you took up on a quest to find another fae in the Drowned Forest and bring him to Yuji to set him free. When you think of it now, it's such a miracle you stayed alive. Walking straight into the Drowned Forest... what were you thinking back then? How could you be so stupid? That journey could have cost you your life, but you grew too desperate to protect Yuji against villagers' abuse.
Back then, you weren't sure how you stumbled upon another fae so fast, barely minutes into the charmed forest, but now you know he had been waiting for you. Yuji was biding his time because he knew one day a girl like you would appear and do what she could to free him. He was well-prepared, and you were eager to be deceived.
You didn't know what to expect from that exciting but inherently dangerous affair, and yet you didn't think the fae to just slaughter them all, all the human folk of the village. You heard them scream. Luckily, Yuji locked you in the barn where he used to sleep, and you avoided looking at the bloodshed, but their desperate, horryfying cries have been your constant companions for many years to come. You still hear them sometimes when you sleep.
When the menacing black-haired fae from the Drowned Forest grew in size, the marks on his forehead shining in the dark, claws elongating meyond measure, Yuji forced you into his barn, his usually gentle expression morphing into something sinister. He looked at you with mad glee, his fangs elongating, two arms splitting into six like he was mutating right in front of your very eyes, and as you crawled back, suddenly realizing the villagers were right about him, he cornered you, caging you with his large, muscular body, strange symbols engraved into his skin.
"A woman like you captured me," he whispered softly as you shook violently beneath him. "She was a clever little fox, and I lusted after her like a fool, letting her trick me into submission. All those years I spent like a dog on a chain... But I knew a woman like her would set me free."
His hand brushed a lock of your hair away from your face, and with the other one he took you by the chin, forcing you to look up at him, "Seven years I've waited in my cage, little bird. Seven years I'll give you to live your mundane life before I come for you."
Part II
Tags: @minshookie29
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great-and-small · 1 year
One of the best things about being a veterinarian is the pure excitement from people when you compliment their animals. Even simple comments like “he has great manners” or “she’s such a personality!” make people’s eyes just light up with joy. I told one owner her dog was cute enough to be a children’s book character and she included that snippet in the family christmas letter. Another owner broke down into tears when I told her it was clear her dog was very well cared for and she was doing a great job with him. I try to always find something truthful and complementary to say about each animal and it’s usually the easiest part of my job.
A lot of things about being a veterinarian really aren’t fun but I always look forward to mentioning these sweet little unique things about each patient to their owner and having a chat about them. I love the way people love their pets.
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ellalalala · 1 month
Slipping Through My Fingers
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Dainsleif x Female Reader, established relationship. Dainsleif and Reader have a daughter. Also on AO3. Aino - a female given name used in Finland, Estonia, Japan; meaning "the only one" in Finnish. Terms of endearment in Old Norse: Ljúfr - dear, beloved Ástin mín - my love, my dear
Dainsleif stood silently by the crib, gazing down at the child - his child - that slept soundly within. A fascinating thing; children of this age were usually loud, constantly demanding the attention of their parents - but Dainsleif's daughter was soft, easy.
"Gods, were it not for her snoring, I would fear that she may not be alive," you said once, to which Dainsleif smiled.
"It's alright; my brother used to tell me that I slept the same way."
He tried to commit every detail to memory: round, rosy cheeks, long lashes, a blonde tuft of hair that he so adored, tiny hands clenched into fists. A sweet little thing. Dainsleif wished she would wake up so he could hear her adorable laughter once more.
"Aino," he murmured, knuckles grazing her soft cheek. "Sweet Aino. My joy."
Dainsleif's memory continued to fade, but he would never forget the day of her birth. She was tiny; tinier still when he took her into his arms, heart leaping into his throat as he peered at her. She was delicate, pure, good. Dainsleif remembered the way his mouth fell open when she finally looked at him - bright blue eyes and a pair of star-shaped pupils he hadn't seen in so long. Proof of humanity's immeasurable resilience, but above all, his precious daughter.
"You may not recognize me the next time we meet." Dainsleif's heart lurched at the thought. He inhaled and said, softly, "please, save your first word for when I return. Stay as you are now."
He wished, now more than ever, that he could abandon his duties and stay with his family. What a sweet, simple life that would be; Dainsleif would find a proper job and use the mora earned to build you a cottage somewhere by the sea. There Aino would spend her youth before applying to the Akademiya - because Dainsleif wanted her to be a brilliant young woman - and then she would return to her awaiting parents. Perhaps she would marry. Would she have children of her own? Would Dainsleif be there to see it all?
He smiled softly. The future seemed distant and uncertain, but Dainsleif would pull Celestia down to the earth if it guaranteed a tranquil life for his daughter.
His heart ached with regret as he leaned down to press one last kiss on her forehead. Come noon, Dainsleif would be far from home, away from the little bundle of joy that brought light into his life. He tried not to dwell on that thought and leaned away.
"I will miss you every second that I am away from you," he said solemnly, "farewell for now, ljúfr."
How difficult it was to say those words; how he wished he could stay by her side.
Dainsleif turned around to find you standing in the doorway.
"Now?" you asked. Your efforts to appear calm were betrayed by your wobbly lips.
Dainsleif approached you slowly, reaching out a hand to hold your own. "Now. I don't..."
I don't want to leave, he thought. Dainsleif could only hope that his eyes conveyed what he felt; saying the truth aloud would only serve to hurt you.
"I know," you said, "I'll miss you, is all."
Dainsleif placed his palm on the back of your head, pulled you closer so that you were pressed flush against him. He felt your arms snaking around his torso and exhaled deeply. If only, he thought again, if only things were different.
"Everything will be alright. I'll write to you - to Aino, too. If it's not too much, please read my letters to her."
A muffled whine, "alright."
"I will bring you anything you want. What do you wish for, ástin mín?"
"For you to come back as soon as you can," you mumbled, "if it's not too much."
Dainsleif kissed your temple. "I promise."
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sitp-recs · 5 months
Any "ensemble cast" fics you love? Different POVs, storylines, or even just really well fleshed out dynamics among different characters!
Yes! I don’t know many but these were great fun, I hope you enjoy them too:
Bite Me, Hate Memes by pir8fancier (E, 44k)
Draco Malfoy is incensed to realize that someone is trying to usurp his position as the premier Harry Potter hater.
Cauldron Full of Hot, Strong Love by @aibidil (E, 80k)
In which a group of wizards' rights activists goes on the offensive after a prohibition against love potions, forcing the magical world to confront the horror of magic's role in sexual assault and the murky legal nature of consent. Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Draco are swept together to solve the case, and in the process they're made to confront their own love and lust—with and without potions.
The Pure and Simple Truth by lettered (G, 65k)
Harry, Draco, and Hermione go to a pub. Harry, Draco, and Pansy go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Pansy, and Hermione go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Hermione and Ron go to a pub. Harry, Draco, Hermione, Ron, and Pansy―you guessed it―go to a pub. I could go on. In fact, I did. Harry, Draco, Hermione, Pansy, Ron, Blaise, Luna, Goyle, Neville, and Theodore Nott go to a pub. In various combinations.
Super Rich Kids by trishjames (E, 81k)
Draco Malfoy has become disillusioned by the glitz and glamour of the scandalous lives of the Post-Second Wizarding War Pureblood Elite. Enter: one existential crisis, one group of thieving cynical friends, and several terrible, terrible decisions.
A Thousand Beautiful Things by geoviki (M, 104k)
Draco Malfoy struggles with changed fortunes, shifted alliances, an ugly war, and an unusual spell, with the help of a concerned professor, an insightful house-elf, and an unexpected Gryffindor friend.
Written on the Heart by who_la_hoop (E, 114k)
Harry doesn’t mind that so many Slytherins from his year have returned to finish their NEWTs, really he doesn’t. It’s just – do they have to be so friendly? He’s not prejudiced, really he’s not. It’s just – they’ve got to be up to something, right? Unnerved by the attention he’s attracting from everyone – the Slytherins are the least of it, to be fair – and struggling with a raft of changes to Hogwarts itself, Harry wishes he could be happy that one constant remains: Draco Malfoy really fucking hates him.
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creepy-friday · 1 year
Can we get some cute and sweet father Slenderman and daughter reader headcanons? Like slendy finally steps up and starts acting like a father, I want them to have a sweet father/daughter bond 😫🫶 (can you tell that this screams daddy issues in 40 languages LMAO)
Of course!I'm sorry if I made this too angsty,I couldn't help myself
Slenderman x Daughter!Reader
The static stopped.For one month since you were bought to this hellhole,you had to fight the constant screaming of white sound-all until today,when it suddenly..stopped.
You had seen "it" before,the tall creature in all of their eerie presence,their non existential features being engraved inside your memory since the first day.
You couldn't help but feel a sacred bond between the two of you,a warm blood-like one,the familiar feeling only adding to your doubts.
This day one of the masked men came to your room and mentioned your visit to the last floor of the mansion.
He made the effort to look almost presentable in a not frightening way.It was like how a new father would act with his newborn daughter-like a florist holds the most delicate and fragile flower.
"Are you feeling allright?" you finally heard his voice and a cold shiver ran down your spine.The faceless creature spoke to you inside your own head.
You simply nodded and you could hear his whisper-wind-like voice once more inside your head."Good."
You wanted to scream at him,to lash out and ask the tall creature why you were snatched from your own little world there,but you didn't dare to.Instead you just furrowed your eyebrows at him.
"Something wrong?" he tapped his long fingers on the table of his office,his own gesture seeming to irritate himself.
"No." you simply responded.A few moments of pure silence passed before he let you go back to that damned room.The truth is-after your leave he stayed with his palm on his forehead for a minute.
The creature's non existential heart seemed to shallow him whole.
He tried to make himself known to you more and more,by giving you small gifts on your bedside every morning with a neat folded letter attached to them.
The gifts could be plushies,empty agendas,fruits you enjoyed and simple photos of the beautiful world
One day you could hear the faint static again and simply demanded "stop watching me." and he responded with a simple "allright." and the sounds stopped once more.
You were allowed to see certain parts of the forest,and he often watched from a distance,very rarely engaging into a closer look as to not scare you off.
If you allow him to get closer I can see the tall eldritch teasing you with innocent pranks ranging from putting your belongings far too high from your liking to letting you wander around his office while he's admiring you or simply reading
"He's no good for you" he broke the silence while you stared out of his office window,admiring the three proxies who were heading to a mission.
"How do you know who I'm looking at?Are you fucking in my head again??"
"I guessed."
"Stop looking in my head,please!"
"I'm not invading your privacy.I never had."
he's lying so hard bro
One day,he had to go solve private business outside the mansion,and like always-he left a letter on your bedside.
There was no doubt that the calligraphic letter belonged to the one you could call a part of your family.
"I always have treasured you." it wrote,the deepest black on the purest white paper-it was all he could write-and slowly but surely he will tell you too.For now,he just wants to know that he loves you from a safe distance equivalent to his monstrous looks
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st4r-wh0r3 · 1 year
Punkflower ⭐
Inspired by @roughscribs on here 🫶🏾
High school AU
ignore any grammar mistakes pls i dont understand commas 😭
“I’m absolutely not doing that!”
“But why not!? He’s so obviously obsessed with you!”
Miles looked at Gwen with the coldest side eye he could muster at the moment. Walking towards his desk chair he slumped down and sighed frustrated. How could she be so sure of something that wasn’t even remotely simple!? I wasn’t like this was a crush on some random girl in his class. This was a crush on Hobie. Fucking. Brown. The coolest guy he knows!
Miles spins his chair away from her,“No! Nope! Absolutely not!”
“You don’t see the way he looks at you dude!” Gwen spins him back around to face her. “Hobie looks at you like you're the sun, moon, and all the stars. Hobie looks at you like he prays to you every night.” Miles just shakes his head and forces himself back around.
“If what you're saying was even close to the truth-”
“It is.”
“IF it was what makes you think writing him a fucking love letter would be a good idea?” Gwen dramatically flops on the bed, hand landing on her forehead, eyes closing. “Imagine, you put the most heartfelt, tooth rotting, stomach turning letter on his desk and after school he runs up to you and kisses you like you are the oxygen he so desperately needs.” She turns to face him and is met with the most disgusted and disappointed face she's ever seen.
She can’t help but start barking out a laugh, gripping her stomach as she rolls around his bed. Miles rolls his eyes and kicks her. “See! Even you think it’s dumb!”
“No I swear I really do think it's good!” She proclaims sitting up quickly.
“Even if it’s a little corny and cliche I’m sure Hobie will love it dude!” Gwen looks at him with true sincerity. Miles looks back at her looking for any indication that she’s messing with him. Once he finds none he sighs, glancing at his notebook.
“Do you really think he would like it? I mean what if he doesn’t like me like that?”
“I promise you he will.”
Miles pauses and thinks about his options here. He could 1.) write Hobie some romantic ass letter to confess his feelings, or 2.) don’t say anything and live with the knowledge that Hobie would never truly know how he felt. Either way he would be beyond stressed.
He eventually huffs for the thousandth time and slowly nods his head.
“You’re gonna do it!?” Gwen jumps off of the bed filled with pure joy. He looks back to her slightly laughing at her excitement. She grabs Miles' shoulders and shakes him harshly. “This is so amazing! I thought you were never gonna tell him!”
“Well if I’m gonna be stressed I might as well be stressed and have my feelings be out there.”
She snickers and releases the others shoulders, staring him down, “I’m really really glad you decided to tell him how you feel.” Miles slightly shoves her in response.
“You're only saying that because you’re tired of hearing about him.”
Gwen chuckles and shoves him back. “No! I’m genuinely happy that you can get this off your chest. I think this will be really good for you.”
He smiles up at Gwen and pulls her down into a hug. “Thank you Gwen.”, he whispers to her. All she does is hold him tighter. They stayed like that until Gwen glanced at her watch and saw the time.
“Oh shoot, I have to go! I have a study session with Margo in like ten minutes!” Gwen quickly goes to retrieve her bag, rushing to get out the door.
“Bye Miles! Tell me how the letter goes!”, and with that she was gone.
He shakes his head at his friend. That girl could never be on time.
Slowly he looks back at his notebook. He can already feel the anxiety creeping its way up into his stomach. So much could go wrong with this and the worst one would be getting rejected.
Miles and Hobie had been friends since freshman year when Gwen introduced them. It was almost an immediate connection between the two, even though they were so different. They would be clinging to each other everyday, hanging out in Mile’s dorm when Ganke wasn’t around, tagging abandoned buildings, going out to dinner, ect. So Gwen wasn’t surprised when Miles told her he liked Hobie.
Coincidentally around that same time Hobie started to be more excessive with touching Miles (not that he minded). A constant arm around his shoulders became a normal thing very quickly. Soon followed by random shoulder messages, hand holding, and other passing touches. It drove Miles insane knowing that Hobie was just doing this as his friend. He wanted it to mean more so bad.
Hopefully he would achieve that with writing this letter (even though he wasn’t very hopeful).
Dragging a hand down his face he picks up the pen and notebook, moving them to the middle of the desk. He cannot believe he’s actually doing this, Uncle Aaron would be so disappointed. Miles was gonna have to text him about this later.
Shaking his thoughts away he finally picks up the pen and starts writing.
—--------------Next Day—-----------
To say he was nervous is an understatement.
Miles was shaking so much he could barely hold his extra notebooks. Including a graffitied envelope with Hobie’s name on it on top of the stack.
Walking to his first period class Miles tried to take deep breaths to slow down his mind. It wasn’t like he was putting his relationship with one of his closest friends on the line or anything.
Oh he was gonna pass out at least once today.
How could he possibly have agreed to this!? There was no way that this was gonna end well. Knowing Hobie even if he didn’t like him back nothing would change but, Miles would have to live with the fact that his feelings weren’t mutual.
That thought alone made the pit in his stomach grow even wider.
Being too wrapped up in his thoughts Miles forgot that today was Thursday, meaning his first period was with Hobie. He also failed to acknowledge that Hobie was walking towards him, a mischievous smirk resting on his face.
“Oi! Miles!”
He quickly glanced up at his name. His eyes immediately met the others.
“Heyyyy Hobie….”, Miles winced at the shake in his voice.
Once Hobie had reached him he wrapped his arm around Mile’s shoulder looking down at the other’s anxious face. He couldn’t help but notice how shaky the boy was.
“You doin’ okay there? You looked really zoned out jus’ now”, he commented raising his eyebrow.
“Yeahhhhh I’m just nervous for…”, Miles’ mind couldn’t even think of a good excuse as it was too focused on the arm wrapped around him. “..For…..yeah.”, He decided that his silence was better than making up some obvious lie.
Hobie’s eyebrow raised even more at the silence. He looked over the boy again looking for a real answer. In his search he noticed the graffitied letter. This just made him even more confused that he already was.
“Watchu got there Miles?”, Hobie asked with genuine curiosity.
Miles froze in his spot, eyes going wide. Hobie looked back at the boy, noticing his sudden stillness. He glanced back down at the letter, his head reeling in what it could possibly be.
Then it clicked.
His face suddenly broke out into a grin. He removed his hand from his pocket and reached to grab the letter.
Miles finally breaking out of his trance, noticed the movement and snatched it hiding it behind his back. He nervously smiled up at Hobie, deciding that he probably couldn’t get a coherent sentence out even if he tried.
Undeterred, Hobie smiled back and moved his face closer to Miles. His arm that was previously wrapped around his shoulder sliding down to meet Miles' chin pulling his head up even more. “Is that a love letter?”, He teased. Smiling like a mad man.
Miles thought he was actually going to pass out. His face felt like an oven and he could already feel the shaking intensifying ten fold.
“No!”, He said with a shakier voice than he would’ve liked. “This is just- umm- a homework assignment that I need to turn in today!”
He mentally rolled his eyes at his own excuse. Homework? Really?
Hobie just chuckled at the blatant lie, releasing the other from his grasp. Turning to continue to their class before they were late. Still in shock Miles took a moment to follow the other.
The two continued to walk in silence together, taking glances at each other when they could. When they finally arrived at their class Hobie stepped in front of the door blocking Miles from getting in.
“What are you doing man?” Confusion seeping its way onto Miles face.
Hobie ignored his question, instead opting to lean into the others' space just as he did earlier. Looking him dead in the eye as he began to speak.
“When you want to give me that letter….” He paused to admire the panic wash over the shorter’s features.
“You can just leave it in my locker.”
With that Hobie walked into the classroom, leaving Miles at the door to process what the fuck just happened.
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chairofchaos · 3 months
Letters of Love: Part II
Pairing: Azriel x Eris
Summary: Azriel and Eris contend with nosy family members and not having enough time together. (If you have not read Part I of Letters, you will not understand what's happening! You can read Part I HERE.)
Rating: Explicit (18+ only. Minors, do not interact)
Word Count: 8.5k
Warnings: 18+ for: Violence typical of ACOTAR canon, graphic depiction of violence, graphic sexual content, language, and if I forgot anything please let me know!
A/N: Well, this one earned that Explicit rating. Due to that: Minors, do not interact. Everyone else: If you want to follow along with this story you can follow the tag "#letters of love by chaos" or request a spot on the taglist.
Part II
Transcript from Interview:
Arbora: What thoughts were running through your head when Azriel flew away from you in the orchard?
Eris: I was certain he was rejecting the bond. Rejecting me. It was agonizing.
Arbora: Were there any specific thoughts you remember?
[A lengthy pause of silence] 
Arbora: Father. Answer the question, please.
Eris: Yes, my most beloved daughter. There are a good many thoughts I remember. [Pauses] You want the full truth?
Arbora: Yes. And nothing short of that, please.
Eris: Very well. I was High Lord, in a court with very few to no real friends, falling in love with the spymaster of my reluctant ally. I did not handle it well. I had hoped – foolishly, perhaps – that I would be able to tell him before he realized on his own. I cannot say that was a good plan, because he likely would have punched me and called me a liar, or run away, just as he did when he realized on his own. 
I stood there for a number of minutes, watching where he had disappeared. I was a mess, in part because I thought nothing could come of a mating bond I had hated to hope for in the bad times, but had begun to look forward to. The other part was that I had realized that I actually was in love with Azriel. I hated myself, pure and simple, for all of the vitriol I had ever thrown at him. I didn’t ignore that we had said similar things, traded similar insults. 
I went into a brief state of mourning. I froze. I watched, and waited, and hoped briefly that this wouldn’t be what happened, that it wouldn’t be the end of the mating bond I had only recently begun to allow myself to hope for. And then I mourned the twenty-four hours where I had begun to hope specifically for the mating bond that Azriel and I had. 
Arbora: How well did you know Azriel?
Eris: We worked very closely together during the war against Koschei. It was close quarters. I think your uncle Rhysand was operating under the “keep your friends close and your enemies closer” philosophy, with the addition of “keep the ally you aren’t sure if you trust or not under the watchful eye of your spymaster at all times lest he kill his father at an inconvenient time.” There wasn’t a lot I did without Az when I was on the continent during the short period I was there. Why my father allowed that, I have no idea. I came to know Azriel fairly well. After Beron died, though, I was High Lord of Autumn. Any and all interactions we had were official, and the relationship grew to be distant again.
Arbora: So how did you know you loved him?
Eris: That’s a very good question. If love was easy to explain, I don’t think it would be nearly as powerful. There are admirable traits in a person you love, but they aren’t why you love them. You just do. You can find someone attractive without loving them. You can find aspects of a person you love unattractive, and still love them. Love is its own entity. It’s enigmatic. If I knew how to explain love, my dearest Arbora, I would explain away. But unless - until you experience it… nothing can compare.
Arbora: You wrote him a letter to ask him to come back. What was that like?
Eris: Oh, that was my least favorite part of the entire night. I was dejected. I felt rejected. I hated myself for groveling. I hated myself for letting him know I wanted that chance without knowing exactly how he felt first. It was a vulnerability. It terrified me. Yet I knew it was an important piece. Elain and Lucien were rather insistent. I asked her later if she knew something, but she never said. She did insist I return Lucien’s letter to her, though I’ve never understood it. It was an odd request, though one I obliged happily, given her role in convincing me to try to speak with Azriel.
Arbora: How did you come to accept the mating bond?
Eris: I had had dinner set out in the orchard. It was how I planned to tell Azriel about the bond in the first place, and it was still there, just waiting. With me, I suppose. I figured it would help us to eat. We had to talk about so many things. I had just asked him if he wanted to try. He had said he did. I didn’t think for a minute that it would snap, solidify like that. I hadn’t touched it at all. The staff made the meal; the staff took it out to the orchard. Azriel even served his own plate. I don’t remember if I served my plate or he did. I was too wrapped up in my thoughts and observing him, I think.
Arbora: So you didn’t know it would solidify when you offered him dinner. 
Eris: [snorts] Despite what your papa might say, no. I had no idea. Why he thinks I had any control of that, I will never understand.
Arbora: How did you feel when the bond solidified?
Eris: Relieved. I don’t believe you can accidentally accept a mating bond. Still, part of me has wondered in the centuries since if neither of us had really accepted anything at that point. Maybe the Cauldron knew we were both too stubborn to make that last jump without the confirmation that the other was in just as deep as we were. 
Your aunts could tell you a bit about human arranged marriages if you asked, and while they can and certainly do go wrong, occasionally great loves have been born from them. It’s not entirely the same thing, but I think without that push for us to talk and get along, we may never have spoken of all the hard things we needed to in order to be together. I’m stubborn. So is Azriel. It’s a fault, at times, and certainly one we share. In this case, we had everything to lose, or everything to gain. We had to choose which way it would go.
Arbora: Once it solidified, you went for a week to the Acorn House. What was that first week like?
Eris: It was beautiful. It was very challenging. We hadn’t gotten the chance to talk about anything. It took us nearly the entire first month talking of the past to be able to start to think about the future. It would have taken much longer if we hadn’t spent that week together, alone. It was wonderful, as well. I’ll spare you the more sensual details, but the intimacy, the getting to know each other truly, as we were at peace and not at war, was the most beautiful thing of all.
[End Interview]
Dear Azriel,
Congratulations on the mating bond! I will admit I am surprised, but Feyre said you seemed as grateful as you were perplexed. I’m not entirely sure what to make of that. But she’s happy for you, and since you’ve answered more of her notes than mine recently, I’m going to assume that’s a good sign. And I have to ask- did you two mess around when I had you bunked together? I wonder how I would have missed it, though I suppose there was enough going on that it’s possible.
When you can, come home for a little. I don’t want to push - we’ve divided your responsibilities, and things are still fine, but we should talk about what this means, and also what happened in Windhaven. And I think you should talk to Mor before she finds out from someone else. This may be a blow for her.
Dear Azriel,
My darling mate has informed me she thinks it’s odd that I would want to use my powers to contact you while you’re likely fucking Vanserra. I haven’t the slightest idea why. I’m going to indulge her for now and stick to the letters.
Anyhow, she also told me to tell you to ignore the last letter I sent, except for the congratulations. In case you haven’t opened it yet, congratulations! Feyre says don’t read it. I hope your joy is as great as she seems to think it is. 
Let us know when you think you might get home. You are missed here. If I don’t hear from you soon, I may just have to ignore my mate.
P.S. Az, I watched him write this one. I’ll do my best to keep him from bothering you, though you know how tricky that may prove. Don’t worry about us. We love you, even if my petulant mate has a funny way of showing it. - Feyre
Dear Eris,
I’m going into labor. Don’t worry about me, or the baby. We’ll both be fine. Lucien may be a bit of a wreck though. I don’t know yet.
I wanted to take one more chance to tell you how happy I am for you. I am so proud of you for writing that letter to Azriel. It’s changed your life. And I hope you’re as happy as I’ve seen you in my visions. Don’t be afraid to cry.
Love, your sister,
Elain is in labor. I am finding myself suddenly terrified. She’s assured me it will be fine, and she hasn’t been wrong before. Regardless, I wanted to let you know. If you see this, don’t worry about us. I’m just too tired to pretend to be any more put together than I feel right now.
Entry from the Journal of Eris Vanserra:
I’m mortified. I mentioned to Azriel this morning that I enjoyed how much he liked being undressed. He laughed, then blushed a little. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him sheepish. His shadows even ruffled the hair at the back of his neck as if they were trying to cool the skin there.
He admitted after a moment that he isn’t usually this undressed all the time, but that he only had the clothes he wore the night he came to the orchard. I hadn’t even thought of it. I didn’t even notice. But his boxers had been changing (I knew that much anyway) and he noticed my noticing because my gaze had dropped to his boxers he was wearing. He’s been wearing my boxers. Mine. For days. He smirked, and said he was surprised it took me this long to notice. He said he felt fortunate I preferred my boxers on the looser side because they were snug on him, and he’s right. The reason I didn’t recognize them is that, on me, they’re comfortably loose. 
On him? They stretch across his ass and thighs like they were made to compress his lower body. We may be the same height, but Az is pure muscle. And the thighs and ass? There’s a reason I didn’t notice the lack of available clothing. I’m too distracted. And I love every minute of it.
But I was mortified, and he noticed, because he didn’t hesitate when I dragged him to my closet and started rifling around for anything that might fit him. Literally, anything. I’ve never damned my love of tailored clothing before, but I did when I realized there was nothing in my entire closet that would fit him. I tried insisting that he go get clothes from home, but he was adamant he wasn’t going anywhere. And then, just for a kicker, he added, (so slyly. Cauldron, I love this asshole mate of mine) “I thought you said you liked my body?” So I dragged him to bed. Again. To show him, once more, just how much I like that body of his.
I need to go buy him some clothes.
Dear Eris,
I am writing to let you know that Elain has given birth to our daughter, Flora Andras. They’re both doing very well. As godfather, I wanted you to be the first to know. Elain is writing to Feyre for the same reason. Feel free to tell Azriel. We’d love it if you both came to visit and meet her soon, though we understand if that isn’t possible at the moment. Let us know.
Dear Lucien,
Congratulations to Elain and to you! Azriel says congratulations, as well. We are both excited to meet Flora. And your tribute to Andras is rather moving. Well done.
We discussed coming. I don’t think either of us are ready to leave just yet. I’m sure you understand, since you took a good two to three weeks away with your mate a few years ago.
You’re my brother. She’s his sister-in-law. Actually now we’re all related in some way, which is a thought I’d rather not dwell on too long. Still, we don’t think we can show up publicly, at least not yet. If only specific people were coming, or if no one else would be there, we would. If there is a time in a few days, maybe, where we could come and have it be just us, you, Elain, and Flora, that may be ideal. I am looking forward to meeting my goddaughter.
Do me a favor and don’t mention to your sister and her family that we’re intentionally ignoring their letters. 
All my love to you, your mate, and your daughter,
Dearest Azriel,
Elain wrote and asked me if we’re sure we can’t come separately. She was hoping I might meet Flora with Feyre, but Feyre is coming with the entire Night Court reticule (minus yourself, of course) and according to her, you wouldn’t be able to escape the excuses made on your behalf to show up for this.
Are you writing me notes while you’re in your meeting? This probably could have waited until after.
Of course I am. I miss you. 
It’s your court. Far be it from me to tell you what to do in your meetings.
I understand if you want to go. She’s your goddaughter. He’s your brother. Though I must admit, I am loath to be separated from you, especially considering we haven’t had more than a day uninterrupted this entire week.
When you write them again, please tell them again how excited I am.
I’m glad you agree ordering me around when we aren’t in the bedroom isn’t the smartest idea in Autumn.
I do want to go, but frankly I’m not sure I would be able to tolerate your absence. Not to mention the fact that you would just be sitting in my home, waiting for me to return. And yes, I’m rather looking forward to being home this weekend. 
Did I tell you what your request for me to write congratulations from the both of us did to me? Never mind the “love” at the end of your last note.
I’ll leave it up to you. And you didn’t tell me, no. Though I find myself increasingly intrigued.
All my love,
Let’s just say the gentle domesticity of writing congratulations from the both of us left me in a state very unbefitting for a High Lord sitting in the meeting he is currently in. I’ll be sure to show you exactly what I mean when I get home.
I’ll be waiting.
Until the end of time,
Eris’ Journal:
Azriel went to fly, to stretch his wings in circles around the Acorn House, and I’m sitting on the stairs watching him swoop overhead. I can’t say I wasn’t disappointed to see him putting on the clothes I bought him yesterday, but him asking me to come watch him with that mischievous joy in his eyes was too beautiful a chance to say ‘no’ to. 
This morning, he woke me with all the drowsy, insistent desire I’ve grown accustomed to being woken with. I think these have been some of my favorite moments of the last few days- his hands pulling me closer until our legs are tangled together and I can’t tell whether the vibrating at my throat when he kisses down my body is from his moans or mine. Being with him is like no other sex I’ve had. And I think that’s the difference- sex versus being. 
Have I ever been this way before, with anyone? I don’t think I have. Being with him, being loved by him (and also being fucked by him - that’s an experience all it’s own) makes me fall apart just for the chance he will put me back together. He always does. He looks at me, and it’s like he can hear the thoughts in my head (though I know he can’t- he assured me that power is only Rhys’ and Feyre’s when I asked him yesterday) or see the reasons for every choice I make.
When I look at him, I can see him. Really. It’s as though I’m looking at him in a whole new way, in completely different lighting. Which is fair- I’ve never spent this much consecutive time with a male ever, and I’ve seen him morning, noon, night, and midnight for the last three days. I can’t keep my hands off of him, either. I knew his wings were sensitive- but when he showed me exactly where to stroke them this morning, I wasn’t expecting him to come immediately, his perfect control shattered to pieces all over my stomach. He didn’t hesitate to collapse on top of me. He didn’t seem to care that his release was all over my skin, just that he wanted to hold me.
Oh yeah- he’s a cuddler. He’ll kill me if I ever tell anyone, I’m sure. But since the other night when he followed me to the kitchen, I’ve hardly been without his hands on me, or his arms wrapped around my waist. He stepped around me in the hall earlier, tracing his hand along my waist as he did, and I pulled him into the bedroom just for the fire it set in my stomach, my soul. The way he looked when I shoved him backward onto the bed and knelt before him was enough to make me groan. He answered me with a groan of his own as I took him into my mouth. He’s gentle, when he wants to be, but when I squeezed his thigh, and guided his hand to my head, he let go entirely. I’ve never had a male thread his fingers through my hair like Azriel does. Maybe it’s because I never let them. But Azriel…
He tangles his hands in my hair often, mostly when we’re curled together, slumped in a post-sex haze. I don’t know why yet- he just smiled when I asked him what his obsession with it was, and no amount of prompting, or teasing, or begging him to tell me while I stroked him (I’ve tried EVERYTHING) will get him to tell me. Watch it be something mundane, like “It just reminded me of this candy,” and he’s just being stubborn. Regardless, he seems to be enjoying himself.
I was worried about that. We’ve had less hard conversations today, just one as we ate lunch. 
I wanted to know what made him accept the bond. He told me he had needed Rhysand to force him back here to even speak to me. I hadn’t told him yet how much that had hurt. 
So I did. Then I asked him outright why he accepted, and if he would have come back on his own.
He didn’t take it poorly. He furrowed his brows- when he does that, I die a little bit. Honestly, it shouldn’t be fair for him to be attractive while he broods. Or pouts. Oh, cauldron. That pout is wicked, and he knows it. He woke me yesterday by dragging his teeth from the lobe of my ear to my collarbone and then pressing kisses along my collarbone to my arm. When I grumbled a little bit (no matter how much I love him, I can’t help but be a little grumpy when I wake up) he pulled back, propping himself on an elbow to stare at me with a pout. It made me laugh. He smirked then, as if he already knew that it would get me to give in. And it did. I did. Four times in the span of an hour. I don’t think I knew that was possible.
But he explained. He said the second he flew away, he regretted it. He didn’t think I would be able to forgive him for what he did. He also admitted it was more Feyre’s notes to him (which he promised he would bring from Night to show me one day) telling him if she and Rhysand could get over their many issues that he and I probably could, too. He also said something about having to see me, having to see if there was any inkling that I wanted him in return. He added, softer than I had ever heard his voice, that he would have come back. That he would have come back even if it had been three minutes to midnight and he had had to dive from a mile above me to make it in time to ask me if I could ever forgive him.
I cried when he said that. I couldn’t help it. I just started bawling. I hated it, as I’ve hated every tear I’ve cried these last few days. I hated it until he stood up from his chair and knelt in front of me before burying his face in my stomach. I didn’t realize he was crying too until I felt my shirt getting damp. I told him how sorry I was that I hadn’t been fast enough to tell him before he flew away. He told me he was sorry he had gone in the first place.
It seems we’re going to spend the first week of mated life apologizing for all the things we’ve done wrong. We’ve done a lot of things to each other, and to our families. Every minute is worth the apologies. Az is swooping down to me now. I can see him showing off a little bit, little loops and his shadows flirting with the air around him. I love him. More than I think either of us even know.
Dear Azriel,
Congratulations. Cassian shared. Your news is safe for now, though Gwyn and Emerie are wondering why you haven’t checked in on the newest Valkyries-in-training. They all miss you very much, apparently.
I’m not sure if you heard, but Elain had her baby. A little girl. Her name is Flora. 
Enjoy your time together. We’ll all see you when you get back.
Dear Azriel,
We need to talk about this. I want to say congratulations but I want to be sure you’re really happy about this first. You already accepted? I don’t distrust you, Az, but that was a big decision to make in such a short time. Don’t try to lie to me and say you’ve known for a long time, but if you’re happy, I suppose I’ll learn to tolerate him. I am always your brother, no matter what. Just let us know you’re okay. 
Dear Azriel,
I’ve already said congratulations in two other letters. I’ll risk not saying it a third. I was going to stop writing, but you’ve said nothing for six days, so as your High Lord, I am now requesting PROOF OF LIFE. PLEASE. Hopefully you’ll see that, if nothing else. Good grief, brother. Enjoy the frenzy. At least congratulate Elain - she had the baby.
Dear Elain,
I told you we were all getting concerned? 
Well apparently Rhys was more worried than he let on. He snuck off and wrote Azriel this morning asking simply for proof of life. I don’t know if Azriel and Eris have been reading the letters and then ignoring them, or if somehow they just knew this one mattered.
Either way, I was in Rhys’ office with him when a shadow dropped a sloppily folded piece of paper on Rhys’ desk. The shadow disappeared immediately, seeming as though it was angry it had been sent in the first place. I’ve never seen them move this fast. The paper had “I’m alive. Leave us alone” scrawled across it diagonally in what look to be very hurried letters. It was definitely Azriel’s handwriting. I can’t wait to tease him about this. You know he’ll be mortified when the frenzy is over. It is going to be so ridiculously fun.
Dearest Az,
This meeting is going very poorly. I’m afraid I may have to stay here. It’s an internal issue, so I’m afraid I can’t say much. If I do, will you return to Night? I know you’ve been away for a week, and I’m sure with whatever crisis was going on up in Windhaven you may be needed, though I hate to admit it.
I wish I could come home to you, my love.
I understand. For now, this time spent together was more than I could have hoped for. You are more than I ever hoped for, and I love you with every part of my being. 
I wish I could say I would be able to stay on the off chance you could come back to the Acorn House, but you’re right. If you are staying there, I should head back to Night, at least for a day or two. Rhys isn’t being subtle with his hints he wants me home, and no matter what Feyre thinks I believe it’s because I’m needed. Very astute observation. 
I wish you could come home to me tonight.
All my love,
I’ll miss you. If there’s any chance I can come home tonight, I’ll write.
If you do, I’ll find a way to come. In the meantime, I’m going to head back to Night.
I’ll miss you, my love, 
I’ll be back within the hour. Let me know when you want me to take a look at things.
So soon? I’ll admit I’m surprised after your last note. Trouble in Autumn paradise?
Meet me at 3. 
Don’t be a dick, and mind your business. We knew we wouldn’t get much time. I’ll see you then.
Elain wrote me again. I may have to go alone this first time, just to indulge them. Would you be hurt? I know it’s a disappointment for me, but the last thing I want to do is to have Lucien breathing down my neck for disappointing Elain.
Go ahead. I just got a look at what Rhys had waiting for me and frankly I’m not sure I could leave now anyways. It’s a disappointment, but not a surprising one. There will be other chances.
I love you,
Dear Feyre,
Can you describe my job to me? Like a list of what you think I do?
Dear Cassian,
Can you describe my job to me? What is it you think I do?
Dear Azriel,
Please explain further. I am rather confused by this question.
You spy. You capture who we need, and interrogate them, sometimes violently. You look menacing and complain about writing reports when Rhys actually makes you do them. Beyond that, I’m not entirely sure. I guess I assumed much of what you did was hidden for a reason. 
Never mind. Don’t worry about it.
How is your court’s "internal issue"?
I miss you,
It’s boring. And frankly, the most boring thing I’ve had to mediate in a good while.
How is your mess?
It’s bad. I don’t think anyone but Rhys truly knows what I do. I didn’t realize how frustrating that was until I returned to find the approximation of what everyone thought their delegated section of my duties were. I think it’s good I came back when I did or we would have a bigger crisis on our hands.
We need to talk about finding someone to take on some of what I do. The mess made by having you all trying to do my work was much worse than I anticipated.
Devlon’s replacement needs to be discussed. I know by blood it goes to his nephew, but I’m not sure that’s a replacement we can afford.
Anything I should know? Is there any way I can help?
No. Nothing I can share. Your letters are the best help you can give.
Thinking only of you,
Then I’ll write to you as much as possible.
One of the lords just spat at the other and I had to separate them like children. Honestly, I’m not sure I’ve had to do that since Lucien and our other brothers were actual children. If it makes you feel any better, you could be dealing with that. I’ll write again when I can. I think I should attempt to prevent murders from occurring in my office. 
I have to admit I think I’d prefer that to what I have to fix here. I’ll be absent the rest of the afternoon. I won’t be able to have letters coming to me, but send the shadow I sent to you with anything you want me to see when I get back.
Remind me to kiss you for each note you’ve sent me next time I see you.
You are dearest to me,
You’ve just set me to a truly exciting task. Maybe I’ll make each note one or two sentences, just for fun, now that I’m out of my meeting. They managed to not kill each other. Though I’m afraid they may have killed my patience for today.
Did I tell you about the dream I had last night? I don’t think I got the opportunity.
I miss you. It was the most delicious dream. We were in Hewn City, and this time I was dancing with you.
Dearest Azriel,
You slipped us out of the room as Rhys grabbed everyone’s attention. We found a little alcove. We were very preoccupied.
My dear,
You made the most delicious noises. It was rather tempting to pull off… well, I’ll tell you the rest when you get home.
Are you back safe? I love you.
If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t be writing. Though I will admit, I was surprised I only had five notes waiting.
Do I get to hear the rest of the story now? It sounds a lot like the plots of the books the Valkyries enjoy.
I’m sorry, you must have misunderstood. Unless you’d like your home to stay in Night…
I have one last thing to do. It’s important or I’d be there already. I’ll come as soon as I can. I do owe you five kisses. But I’ll have to come straight back in the morning. It really is a mess.
I love you.
Declassified Excerpts from Windhaven Report:
Incident Report Report written by: [redacted] Lord Devlon was found dead at eight fifty three this morning two miles north of Windhaven. Body run through with a sharpened training sword, apparently one stolen sometime in the last week. The thief is still at large with no suspects. See report made last Thursday (file number [redacted]) for further details of armory robbery. The discovery was made by [redacted], a daughter of [redacted]. She discovered the body while walking to retrieve herbs for a poultice. Her arm is broken. It is highly unlikely she would have been able to murder Devlon herself due to her injury, which was confirmed by her father to be one from roughly two weeks ago. Interviews with [redacted] and [redacted] completed the evening after the event. The discovery of the body began a revolt, seemingly over who had killed Devlon and who would inherit the title. Devlon had not named an heir. The heir apparent would seem to be his nephew, Burim. Burim is a known dissident, participating in uprisings at at least two other camps. His whereabouts are unknown. He should be considered a suspect. The revolt led to the death of fifteen Illyrian males and seven Illyrian females. No children were harmed. Injuries range from mild to severe, with over one hundred injured.  [Redacted] Windhaven is now considered a top priority due to volatility. News reached Velaris two hours after the discovery. [Redacted] responded to the situation. Eight were detained for questioning for participation in the revolt. Those among the injured to be questioned as able in the coming days.  Situation is ongoing. Further reports to be filed under file number [redacted]. Find further details [redacted].
Transcript from Interview:
Arbora: You only spent a week together after you were mated. Why was that?
Azriel: We were both needed by our courts. Eris was dealing with an internal issue between traders who didn’t like their contracts. Rhys needed me to look into an uprising that had happened in Windhaven which resulted in the death of a Lord. It was a blow for all of us, and I didn’t even know it had happened. I was needed to help organize the response.
Arbora: So what did you do after the week was up?
Azriel: We wrote letters. A lot of them.
Eris: Some were more useful than others.
Azriel: They all served a purpose. I don’t think we wasted paper.
Eris: You might not have. I seem to remember writing you five notes in a row to trade for kisses once.
Azriel: Well. That is a purpose.
Eris: It was the best purpose, my dearest.
[brief pause. Arbora chuckles]
Arbora: When did you next see each other?
Azriel: We met briefly a few times.
Eris: The next time we had more than a few moments was when Feyre and Rhys had us for dinner. Nesta, Cassian, Lucien, Elain, and Flora came.
Azriel: We all kept it quiet. We didn’t want to involve anyone prematurely. None of us knew what to expect.
Eris: It caused some problems with the others later, but it was worth it.
[End Interview]
Can we have lunch today? I need to talk to you about something.
Of course. The quiet restaurant in Salt and Bone?
Let’s meet at the House. Nesta and Cassian are occupied elsewhere. I’ll see you at two.
Expecting a fight?
Two o’clock. It’s just a big thing to talk about. Please.
I’ll be there.
I just finished lunch with Mor. It went about how I expected.
I’m sorry. Is there anything I can do?
Unless you can heal a black eye on the spot, I don’t think there’s anything. She seemed to feel better after she punched me. I think it was a bit of a shock but she recovered quickly.
That seems understandable. I won’t pretend to be anything but hurt by the fact that she punched you simply for being with me.
Do you want to talk about it? I know she matters to you.
Your offense is noted, but I think it is unnecessary. The shock got to her. There was no easy way to tell her. I even had her come to the House of Wind so that she could react however she wanted. She didn’t yell. I told her, and she got quiet, which is, as you know, much, much worse. Then she punched me. 
Before I actually told her, I had told her she could ask me whatever she wanted. She proceeded to ask me a lot of things- how long it had been going on, whether I was sure about you and being with you, if I had given any thought to what this would do to our family.
I answered them all as best I could- it had been a week, I hadn’t wanted to keep her in the dark. I was sure, completely and entirely. I had given it a good deal of thought.
I don’t know if my answers helped or hurt. She stayed quiet. The last thing she asked was if I loved you.
I couldn’t help but tell her how much I loved you. I didn’t think she would believe me if I just said “yes,” and I didn’t want to upset her any more. So I told her why I loved you, and a few of the little things from the past week that had been swimming around in my head since they happened. She mostly nodded and said “okay” after that, then left.
I know we talked about this last night, but I’m not sure she’ll want to see you anytime soon. Despite the fact that it was all your father’s doing, she remembers your face hovering over her. She knows you sent for help as soon as you could. She knows that- and so do I. But yours is the face she remembers and associates with the pain of that day.
Regardless, I think it was the right thing to do. She may not talk to me for a month. But following the same logic as what you tried to do in the orchard (I am still sorry about leaving. You were doing the right thing. Every time I think about it, my heart sinks) she needed to be told, and quickly. 
I hope she can understand. I think she will. She and Emerie’s bond was strong, so she would understand that part, at least. I don’t feel entirely hopeless.
I do miss you. Very much. I know when she left, she went to Emerie’s side. I wished I could do the same. You are missing from me. Even my shadows seem to be angry at me for having left your side. I don’t think they’ve ever been so forlorn. 
I miss you. (I would say it a third time if I thought it would do anything to alleviate the feeling.) I know you have too many things this week to get away, and having me around too much increases the chances that we get found out before we are ready. I can’t help but long for you. My heart squeezes every time I think of you, lying in bed alone, trying to sleep. I wish you could be curled next to me, your hand on my waist, legs entwined with mine. 
My love, my heart. Need for you to be with me coils around my very bones. I think it may rend me in two to be away. Just hearing your peaceful, easy breaths last night, feeling your exhales against my collarbone: after all we’ve talked about, never being able to sleep without seeing the horrors of our lives, you were a dream come to life.
You have all of me,
My dearest,
I hope she appreciates you and what you did for her. It was no small thing. I’m sure in time, she will come to see it. 
I miss you as well. I wish I had more than your words to keep me company. If it wasn’t for tonight’s dinner with the eastern lords, I would find a way to be with you. But for now, I’ll hang on to what I can.
I will write when I’m home. I think I’ll go back to the Acorn House, if only to have your scent on my pillow. 
Do you secretly write poetry?
I have never written a poem in my life. 
Forever yours,
My dearest,
Then you should. You have a very descriptive style. It’s rather compelling.
I don’t believe I would do well as a famous writer.
I love you,
Who said you’d be famous?
I would be. I’m infamous already. Poetry would only add to the mystique.
Of course, if you wish me to write you poems, all you have to do is ask. I would be more than happy to spell them across your body with kisses.
All my love,
My dearest mate,
I’m tempted to winnow to Night Court to make you do just that. If it wouldn’t cause a stir with my own courtiers who I’d be leaving at the dinner table. Or a war with Rhys. Do me a favor, dearest, and hold that thought until I’m with you?
Are you writing to me from a court dinner?
Of course I am. When you’re writing to me promising poetry from your lips, do you blame me?
I miss you. It will never be enough. Never.
All my love, no matter how distracted it may make you at this dinner, is yours. I’m yours. Forever. Don’t ever let me let you forget it.
Your dearest,
I’ve gathered a list of contenders for your delegates. Will you be able to interview them, or would you like me to pick for you?
I’ll do it myself. Can you set up the times? Make it next week so I can look into them and their references.
Done. I’ll send you the lists and schedule.
I’m going to see Flora in the morning. I’ll pass along your well wishes.
I’m sorry I’m only seeing this this morning. You had a late night- I didn’t get to bed until nearly 2. Is everything alright? How was your visit to meet Flora? How are Lucien and Elain?
Please take care of yourself,
Flora is adorable. I’ll hold details until you get to meet her. Lucien is proud, but he looks worn. I think his stress is getting to him.
Yes, everything is fine. It was a late night. Some of my lords have a few thoughts on everything I could be doing better. Some made good points and I got distracted outlining them.
It doesn’t help that you’re gone. Not much incentive to get to bed at a decent time.
You have to come for a visit. At the very least, to meet Flora. But Eris was just here, and he told me nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not one salacious detail.
He bores me. Do me a favor and send me something? I did just give birth, you know. The least you can do is entertain me with stories of your time together. Please? I’m even asking nicely. 
You can’t have expected him to spill everything. And neither will I, for that matter.
I’m very happy for you and Lucien. I may be able to come in a few days. I will keep you updated.
Any detail. Any at all. Do me that favor?
Your desperately curious friend,
P.S. Don’t forget I’m mated to his brother. If Eris is half as good in bed as Lucien, I’m certain you have plenty you could share.
You would scandalize your sisters if they knew how demanding you were for details of my sex with Eris. That is what you care about, isn’t it?
If you make me ask again I will deliver the next letter myself, court politics and my recovery be damned.
So much for asking nicely. Is there something specific you would like to know? I would hate to disappoint you.
Tell me everything.
Let this paragraph serve as your warning: you have asked for everything. I’ll indulge you but keep in mind that if you wish to read further, I take no responsibility for what you read. You understand. I do feel as though I’m returning a favor and perhaps a curse. Your letters from your trip after your own mating ceremony would have been scandalous enough to put a blush on Rhys’ face. I swear I didn’t show him. Just a hypothetical. Last chance to put this away.
Eris is delicious. Watching him while he sleeps feels like it's stitching me back together. He quivers when I run my fingers over his skin. He whimpered the first time I took him in my hand. I nearly spilled into my trousers at the sound. We take turns, usually. He is demanding. In the mornings, he lets me take him gently. The afternoons devolved into fucking. Hard. The nights are sweeter, but no less rough.
One afternoon after he realized I was only half naked because I only had the pair of clothes I wore to the orchard, he tried to get me to fit into anything of his. He looked so distressed by the fact that I hadn’t had a choice about my state of undress that I felt like I had to do something. I teased him about making me feel like he didn’t want me this undressed, and maybe he didn’t like my body. 
He dragged me back toward the bedroom so fast I thought he may have turned into one of my shadows. We barely made it to the doorway before he was pinning me to the wall. He's lithe but strong. I don't think I've ever enjoyed being pinned. I've never experienced it this way, letting him restrain and command me as so few have been able to before, and never in this way. You can never tell him I told you this. Never. I would never forgive you, not because I care if it’s shared, but because I don’t think Eris would ever survive the mortification. So this, all of this, stays between us. One day maybe he’ll stop caring, but I don’t believe today is that day.
The second he had me where he wanted me he pinned my hands above my head with one of his and growled. Truly growled. I will admit I was struggling to keep up with the speed and intensity of his kisses. When he is truly insatiable, he’s like flame - there and gone again, flickering wherever he can be before finding a new piece of me to consume. He palmed me through my boxers and I couldn’t help but beg. I begged, Elain. This male reduces me to incoherence.
He growled an order to keep my hands where they were before he dropped to his knees before me. I’ve never been fond of fire. But the consuming fire in his eyes as he takes me in his mouth would be enough to drive anyone insane with desire. I swear, I tried to keep my hands where they were. He always seems most pleased when I listen. But he dragged his teeth lightly over the underside of my cock and I moved without even thinking. I pulled the tie holding his hair back out as quickly as I could and buried my hands in his hair. We never did find that tie afterwards. I gripped his hair in my fist so hard he yelped. 
I asked him if he could take me. I would hardly remember it except the whine he let out shot through me like an arrow. He panted his ‘yes’ as his eyes changed from that devious, claiming fire to molten magma laced with pure need. 
Eris at his most dominant is awe inspiring. Eris when he submits? I would worship him until he screamed if he let me. It does something to me, watching him pant and moan and writhe under my hands, my mouth. So when he looked at me with those pleading, molten eyes, gasping through parted lips, I snapped.
I fucked his mouth. Frankly, if it had been anyone else I might have worried I was being too rough. He was shaking - I could feel his hands on my thighs quivering with every thrust.
One of the earlier days I had all but ordered him to keep his hands off himself until I told him he could touch, and it seems he remembered, because the second I thought of it I told him to touch himself and his hands flew to his trousers. Once they were out of the way, he brought his hands up to me and pushed his head back against my hands to pull off of me. He ran his hands over me twice before lowering them to stroke himself, palms glistening with everything he had gathered from my cock as he let me guide him back to my cock.
We came together. I’ve never seen anyone look as beautiful when they fall apart. His rosy lips wrapped around me; his eyes not leaving mine except when they rolled back in his head with pleasure. His body jerked and his eyes finally fluttered shut. His moans killed me. 
I’ve been entirely ruined by this male. Every minute is worth it. Every tear. I’ve cried more this week than I care to truly admit. I’ve never cried this much in my life. He said the same to me yesterday. I doubt either of us will cry like this again. I can tell he hates it as much as I do, but it seems to be helping us somehow. 
I think that’s enough detail. Just recalling it is making me need him. Some friend you are. He isn’t even here.
I may be “some friend” but don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy sharing every salacious detail of that. I can’t tell you how delighted I was to receive such a thick letter with my name written in your hand. Let’s just say that the second I’m able? Lucien is in for it.
Thank you!!
Love, and best of luck with your little problem,
I need you.
What’s wrong? The lack of your typically sweet signature is alarming.
I need you. As soon as possible. Let me know when you can get away.
Acorn House. I’m out of this meeting in 15 minutes. I have an hour.
I’ll be there in ten.
Dear Eris,
I am writing to extend an invitation to dinner for Thursday. Rhys and I want to make up for our absence during your last visit. It would also be good to have you here as Azriel’s mate. It would be a small group. Nesta, Cassian, Lucien, Elain, and Flora are also invited. We want to welcome you to the family. 
Please let me know as soon as possible. I do hope you will come.
Most sincerely,
Taglist: @c-starstuff-man0 @talibunny30 @jir67 @ninthcircleofprythian
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antlered-prince · 2 months
Was looking for this ask button for so long. Now, you have wrought this on yourself, but i have had an idea for these fae, just not sure which one would appreciate the gift most, so you get to decide! I have gotten a bit gothic about it, so fair warning. Blood, Bone and Concepts crystalized ahead! Two things are given to the Gifted: A ring, a simple enough looking thing, all white with red crawling vines that curl and border a set of lapis lazuli stones, which are pressed into the ring, three on each side, while a soft but firm red leaf flower sits atop the middle, with the center being inlaid with a gem of Blue. or so it seems at first, but for those to whom the gift is intended it rings (heh) with deeper Truth. The letter included also explains it as well, written in elegant but simple script. "This ring is made of Bone, freely given and carefully crafted, molded through time and patience into a band, a circle of eternity, joined forever in a single unbreaking piece. The inside is slightly concave, with one part slightly more flexible with the right amount of pressure. Once pressed the band can slide on and off with ease, but if not, then it holds fast, a natural prevention for theft and unknowing loss of the gift. With it, you shall always know how truly I treasure your company, like the very bones in my own body, I can scarce be without it. The crawling red veins like vines creeping throughout are Blood made, warm and softly pulsing vermillion, scarlet and carmine, curling in soft twirls. They give the ring warmth, a living sensation, soft but noticeable, a constant pulsing comfort, beating to a heartbeat that may not always be near you. The veins coalesce into the firm red leaves, gently curled and firmly placed. At times, they seem to sway in an unseen breeze. They are the depth of my affection, as steady as a heartbeat and as vital as blood to life. The gem, of unknown nature and origin..is Blue. Not just a sapphire, not a blue emerald, nor is it Azurite. It is Blue, the very nature and concept of Blue as I perceive it, as colour, as a mood, as a thought and a feeling. My very idea of Blue, taken and crystallized into a single solid form, lovingly placed within the leaves. You see it shifts and flows through so many shades, every one a Blue I have experienced, and will experience, a constantly evolving and fluid Blue, from the rich shades of a flower, the light dancing off a butterflies wings, to the haunting blue of clouds in a thunderstorm at sunset, to the near endless blue of the midnight sky. This, purely so that you may see some of the world as I see it, and will continue to see it. That there may be shared understanding between us, always. This gift, freely given of myself, has only one requirement to its possession. That it is worn and cared for, that's it. Whether upon a chain, on a finger, enlarged to be a choker or minimized to be a earring, only that it is worn, and that is cared for, and enjoyed, and cherished for what it is. A gift of oneself to another, an offer for companionship, the nature of which we may decide on together. You are also free to reject this offer and this gift, with no repercussions. Freely given, with no expectation of a return gift or gesture. A simple showing of kindness and affection. I do hope you enjoy it. From, An Admirer" Welp that was a lot, I don't know where my brain went but it had a damn good time making this. I hope its not too weird of a presentation. I envision the ring is kept in a soft wooden box, smoothed and warm coloured, and rests on a bed of crushed dark grey velvet. Hope whoever receives it enjoys it! and we come to the ask Who would enjoy this gift?
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I accidentally drew it, so small so it's a lil pixellated sbdbdnnd
But honestly, I don't know who wouldn't enjoy such a thoughtful gift (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠)
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persage · 2 years
The Sweetest Thing-S. HARRINGTON
Summary : Getting back to your normal life is difficult, everyone faces it in their own way. Lately you've been baking non-stop and no matter how bad you are at it, Steve Harrington will eat every single cake you make just to see you happy. However, he will be forced - literally - to tell you the truth after the umpteenth food poisoning.
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Tags: None, just pure Fluff and Steve Harrington being head over hells for you
I just wanna thank @i-always-come-back-xoxo for the amazing idea!
"No! No it won't happen again. Ever. I object" Dustin shakes his head forcefully to underline his words and reaches out to push away Steve Harrington's hands while he is squeezing a dangerously ugly looking cupcake and bringing it to the mouth of the kid, in an ambush from which Dustin feels - to be completely honest - rather threatened. And no, the little purple butterfly made of sugar that you have put as a decoration doesn't improve the situation at all, which is simple and also frightening: in recent weeks, you have had a craving for making cakes and pastries that no one understands but that everyone indulges in. Like a particularly sadistic Santa Claus who enjoys giving terrible and almost poisonous gifts, you give them to your friends and any excuse is good for doing so: Jonathan's first job as a newspaper photographer, Nancy's college acceptance letter, Will's award for his painting, the compliments Lucas has received from the basketball coach and Max learning a new skate stunt or Mike's B in chemistry. Even Suzie's birthday is an occasion for you to bake a cake and you don't care if she lives far away and you don't  know her at all, it's is still an excuse to give Dustin something sweet to eat since he won't be able to be with her.
Today's excuse is the Eleven's  C in the  grammar test, not an achievement that deserves a disproportionate amount of cupcakes, as she herself admits, so when you show up at the cabin in the woods with a frighteningly large basket of sweets, the expressions of your friends is not enthusiastic at all and even if you prefer to ignore it you really notice it and silently walk away to smoke.
"Now you eat this damn cupcake" Steve scolds him, trying to force the food into Dustin's mouth, who disgusted rejects it again. He cares about this stupid cupcake like his own life depends on it, maybe Steve will never admit it outloud and he thinks he's also pretty good at hiding it, but he hates to see you sad and cares very, very much about you. To be fair Robin says he doesn't hide it at all, that he's completely incapable of doing it, physically. Hiding his crush on you would be like asking him to go against gravity.
"I don't have a crush!" That's all he can answer.
"I don't want to die! This is torture Steve" Dustin almost screams and Steve slaps him on the back of the head to make him stop. He doesn't want you to hear. "He's not entirely wrong." Robin backs him up, smelling another cupcake and quickly pulling it away from her nose. "I think it's charred" she comments, watching it crumble in her hands. "Yes this is disgusting and y/n will never have to know it, so you" Steve points at Robin. "and you" He then points to Dustin. "And you all will eat what she has made for us with so much love" There is something authoritative in Steve's tone and if it wasn't for Nancy, who certainly isn't scared by her ex boyfriend freaking out about a dessert, maybe to be honest Jonathan would be folded from Harrington's words .
"You know I love y/n but we've been eating everything she makes for weeks. Someone should really tell her baking it's not for her"  The Wheeler girl says crossing her arms over her chest and glancing towards the window where she can see you fidgeting with your cigarette between lips.
"Do you want to break her heart Nance? No because this would certainly be the perfect way to do it" Steve comments as Mike rolls his eyes. "Yes, but in this way y/n destroys my stomach" It is his ironic intervention  but he is also more annoyed than the others. Insensitive, insensitive Wheeler, Steve thinks, shaking his head. Is it possible that no one understands you except him? Steve looks for a while at the cupcake he holds in his hands like a bullet that could kill him, then he turns towards you, beyond the glass of the window the sunlight reflects on your hair and you are so beautiful, so damn beautiful and sweet and special that the idea that others don't know how to appreciate you drives him crazy. He doesn't want to admit it but your new cooking fixation almost scares him, he's afraid there's something worrying you that you can't talk to them about.
The truth is that your friends are facing big changes, some of them are really becoming adults and some others are growing up before your eyes and you have the feeling of standing still, of doing nothing for them, of not being good enough to show them that you love them and that they are your family: that's why you bake, because you feel it's the only way you can give them something of your own, a piece of you, of your time and effort. Yet their expressions make you fear that you have exaggerated, that you are always too much, that you are wrong. You've always had this problem, you don't know half terms and half measures, if you love you love deeply, hard to the point of perhaps making people hate you. That's why you never had the courage to let yourself go with feelings, that's why after years you still haven't told Steve that you love him or Nance that she's your best friend or Max that she's the sister you never had. You try not to think about it and with the last draw of your cigarette you find the courage to go back inside.
"Don't do it Steve" Robin whispers, seriously worried. " It could be carcinogenic"
"Dude" Dustin says placing a hand on the boy's shoulder. "I have loved you"
Steve looks at the cupcake uncertainly, his attention is captured by the door that opens revealing your figure. He smiles at you, hoping that in these weeks of terrible ordeals, you've finally learned something and with an almost trembling hands he brings the dessert to his mouth. It only takes one bite to realize you haven't learned anything and to realize that Steve Harrington has only two options: spit it out now and let you down forever (erasing any chance of success in his 5-step plan to get married and have kids with you in the future within the next four years) or end up in hospital with a second food poisoning within a month. Needless to say, he chooses the latter, without a doubt and without thinking too much about it. Honestly he would do it again a thousand times anyway.
"Mhhhh it's the best thing I've ever eaten" He says, pretending so badly that your gaze goes from the still full basket to Steve's now white face - which has lost color all of a sudden - and then to the doubtful expressions of the others . Max is the first to approach the basket, silently grabbing a cupcake and eating it with a smile on her face closely followed by Lucas and Will, who approaches you to give you a kiss on the cheek and thank you. "Next time I want Eggos though" El comments, giggling as she bites her muffin. You smile and nod. "For you Eggos El, got it"
"You don't eat it?" Jonathan asks you, taking a second bite with difficulty. “Oh no, I'm not a big fan of desserts… They're all for you” you reply, giving him the biggest smile in the world. A smile so wide and happy that Steve has never seen a more beautiful one, for this reason he nudges Jonathan without restraint when he ironically replies. "Oh you're lucky, good choice"
"You should try them you don't know what you're missing" Robin hastens to comment, glancing at her best friend. "Next time, I promise" And now all eyes are on Steve, because it's clear that there doesn't have to be a next time and it's clear that he'll have to tell you. After all, the brilliant idea of ​​lying to you about your baking skills was his, from the beginning.
Love makes people do stupid things, like let themselves be poisoned like this.
Two days later they all have stomach problems, someone more, others less, and Steve receives a call from Nancy, lying in bed with a vomit pan next to her. The conversation sounds more like a threat than a chat between friends . "Tell her" she simply orders without admitting replies, then she hangs up. The only survivor of this sweet massacre is Eddie, who was unable to eat anything due to his allergies. "I'll find a recipe for you too" You swear to him. "Oh you don't have to bother y/n, really." He pauses the "I'm serious, don't do it" He chuckles.
His presence during these days prevents you from missing others too much and Steve has to admit - as well as being a little jealous - that he hates Munson because it also prevents you from noticing the amazing coincidence that all the people who has eaten your cupcakes are now sick. And if you don't notice it by yourself it means that Steve will have to tell you and he really,  really doesn't want to. He's not ready.
But it happens, when he decides to visit you on a Monday morning and catches you in the act. You open the front door for him with a quantity of flour on your face, clothes and face that looks like you blew up a whole package, and he can't to hold back a  laugh while he wipes your nose. "Has a hurricane passed?" He asks.
"I'm still having trouble organizing myself when I bake, but I'll improve on this too" You reply, walking towards the kitchen as he follows you.
"What are you baking?" He question uncertainly, analyzing the bowls on the table. "I'm trying to make a cake for Eddie, you know with his allergies he never got to taste anything" You reply. Eddie, Steve tries to ignore his stupid jealousy. "That's nice of you" He crosses his arms over his chest while he watches you go back to kneading with far too much violence, so much so that it seems you're tormenting the flour. "You should be more delicate in your movements" He advises you. You roll your eyes. "Isn't it enough for you to be an altet , prom king and the hero of the city, now also a baker! Then what, a chef? A rockstar?" You try to hide irritation in your voice, the truth is that for once you want to be good at something and you want Steve to notice. He sighs and goes to wash his hands before walking up to you, he gets behind you and grabs your  own hands, showing you the right movement.
"You know when I turned twelve my mother stopped organizing my birthdays, she was never there and neither was my father. Sometimes they even forgot to call me, let alone buy a cake. So I decided to do it by myself, no, not buying the cake but making it myself. Cooking helps me, it's not only the fact that I had to learn to survive on my own relatively early, but it helps me de-stress." You turn to him, blinking without words. You've never thought his situation was so terrible, Steve has always masked the absence of his parents and his own traumas behind a smile and even now, although there is a sort of melancholy in his eyes, he continues to smile. Suddenly your problems, your anxieties seem small and useless and you feel ashamed of them.
"I'm sorry" You whisper, voice coming out broken.
"And for what?"
"I've never noticed" He comes closer, caresses your hand so small under his. "Hey. That's okay, I'm just saying that I can help you. I have a thousand talents by the way" He plays down and you smile.
"I feel I'm getting pretty good."
This time Steve can't mask the change of expression and this time you can't ignore it.
"What's up?" You ask uncertain.
"I've come to tell you something" He begins, continuing to squeeze your hands gently. "We appreciate what you do, really.."
"But?" You interrupt him, trying to stop the intrusive thoughts: but you're exaggerating, but we think you're crazy, but we're not your friends, but you should give us our space.
"But y/n, I don't know how to tell you... you're a bad baker. Like terrible to be honest. " You stay silent as a weight lift from your heart. "Oh God I really don't want to offend you, we've tried to wait to tell you but yesterday Nance called me, she threw up again, she was feeling terrible and so were the others and they couldn't take it anymore" You burst out laughing. "Are you telling me that in recent weeks you have been ill and still have continued to eat my desserts?" He nods, relieved to see you calm and happy. He doesn't know why he expected to see you cry, I mean it's  y/n we're talking about, the same girl who bravely fought so many monsters, he knows you're strong, he really does but maybe this is what love is: wanting to avoid any disappointment, even the smallest. And Robin is right, there's no reason to keep denying it, Steve Harrington loves you with every part of his being.
"I forced them to eat lately, they were starting to rebel against the idea, that's why they've sent me to tell you"
You shake your head. "You are crazy, you shouldn't have eaten this crap." You say, pulling free from Steve's grip only to point at the misshapen dough. "But you all are also adorable. You are" You continue.
"We love you and we know you do it for us. And also we had hope you would have improved at some point to be honest" He explains, without moving away from you, so close that you're almost crushed between his body and the table. He smells like home and safety and all the good things in life.
"I think this cooking thing is more a way to erase the fear you know, not only to show that I care about you all. It helps me, keeps the nightmares away. Sometimes when I can't sleep I cook and I feel better" You explain, with a little shame bowing your head. With his hands still covered in flour, Steve grips your chin between two fingers, gently he raises your head so that you can look at him and his dark eyes are filled with an emotion that you don't remember ever having seen or felt, so intense that a shiver runs down your spine. He would like to take all of your nightmares, your bad memories, your pain and make them his and if he could go back in time he would do everything to keep you out of this cursed story of the upside down even if this means erasing years of your relationship and returning to the starting point: when Steve Harrington was a douchebag you deeply hated. He would, to make your life better, but he can't and all he is able to do is give you comfort and everything he owns.
"It's honestly way better than our ways of copying, I mean Nancy literally has an arsenal in her room, Jonathan needs to smoke at least a joint to sleep, Robin calls me every damn night and makes me talk to her until she falls asleep, sometimes she runs away from home to come to me cause she knows damn well she will find me awake. And you know what's my brilliant method is? To guard the house, walking around like a zombie  with the bat in my hands. I keep it under my bed and sometimes I hit the air for no reason so trust me you are handling this  way better than us." Without thinking about it you throw yourself into his arms, clinging to his torso and hiding your face in the hollow of his neck, moved by an inexplicable overwhelming affection.
"You know you might come over here sometimes, if you can't sleep." You confess, realizing too late how out of place and misunderstandable your words are. But he hugs you back and places a kiss on your head and you are glad Steve can't to see your face turning red.
"Does anyone need cooking lessons here then?" He asks laughing, while he lets his hands dirty with flour run through your hair, caressing it and at this point you don't even care anymore who's dirtying who, there's just you and him and the burning smell of something you left in the oven, the minty scent of Steve and his words.
"Someone told me there's a great teacher around"
He puffs out his chest in satisfaction and pulls away from you just far enough to look you in the eye.
Sooner or later he will tell you that he loves you, it will happen because he feels his heart overflow, it will happen because he feels that it is his destiny. You are. And you will bake a cake together for your birthday then maybe, if he is lucky enough, for your children's ones. One day, not today. Today he is just your friend Steve who teaches you how to cook, who erases your fears, who creates new happy memories with you and promises to always be there. There is nothing more precious in the world.
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tylered-up-in-blue · 6 months
calling all freaks and friends I have mentioned before that I'm writing a (very loose, more generally Wildean) Importance of Being Earnest AU (yes, it is called The Importance of Being Frank -courtesy of @aziracrowbrain) and it WILL be ridiculous! I am loving it though and am aiming to get the first chapters out by the end of the week
in the meantime I'm gonna post the chapter titles because I think they are funny.
1: letters and hats and other such modern troubles.
2: those who are not husband hunting are avoiding their husbands
4: i am sure there is a proverb about drink and revelations
5: sewing seeds is a morbid ordeal when one is no successful farmer
6: It seems everyone is happily in love but me
7: only for a Little while
8: is it quite polite to make merry at the wake?
 9: do I dare to wish for repair without repetition?
10: the truth -rarely pure and never simple
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cerastes · 2 years
Top five wombs in Arknights??
5. Surtr
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Surtr's womb is the perfect tutorial mode to get your feet (and various other limbs and apendages) wet. You'd normally think that one as feisty as Surtr would pose you great duress, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Her womb is in fact much like Jungle Hijinx, the first level of Donkey Kong Country: Smooth, simple, and holds your hand throughout, hoping you learn the tools of the trade so you can challenge bigger, meaner wombs. Surtr's lack of lore makes the whole trip, honestly, very simple and appealing to the novice, since you don't have to think about it too much and can experiment plenty, as long as you don't mind not receiving much of a challenge of your abilities in return. I rate Surtr's Training Mode out of ten. The only problem with Surtr is that sometimes her memories get scrambled, and she calls you names that aren't yours, and then she starts wondering why she's called out that name in particular, but then it goes nowhere because Hypergryph hasn't given her lore. It's just kinda awkward.
4. Ch'en
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Now here's where the real Ark Knights: The Knights of Tomorrow really begins. Steel yourself to face some truly unsightly catacombs, as Ch'en's womb is much like a Floridan suburban garage sale: Dirty, cheap and colossal. However, hidden beneath those suitably hoggish beef curtains lies an obstacle course of ecstasy, sizzling with lore and development to truly give any cylinder out there a cavern that is as challenging to please as it is to fill. It is a relatively safe environment, but one that will demand you know your rotation, since the DPS check is rather steep, so be sure to meld properly.
3. Ptilopsis
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Now here's where real Clitoris Centurions and Ballsack Berserkers congregate to test their vim and vigor to the utmost limits, journeymen need not apply! Access to this sacrosanct marriage of flesh and technology is restricted only to top Doctors with many an expedition into the moist depths of carnal communion, with various victories in the damp, soggy sauna of star-struck sensation, with a black belt in hand-to-gland combat. If you wish to mash pissers with Ptilopsis, you must prepare accordingly, as a myriad of challenges lies between your weasel and her nest.
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(Pictured above: A valiant Doctor perishes trying to reach Ptilopsis' Sector G)
If you have confidence in your muscles, the desire to test your brawn and brain to the ultimate limit, and won't get turned off from doing the horizontal mambo with a woman named Joyce, then Ptilopsis' womb is a place you cannot skip.
2. Skadi
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You completed your training in the Sarkaz Stretch.
You navigated your way through the Pig Park.
You even managed to avoid an Owl Obituary. Respect!
But nothing, not even these accolades, can prepare you for the Abyssal Armageddon.
Be fooled not, valiant swashbuckler, for behind those gentle eyes and that gentle disposition lies the musculature that decimated a living god. What makes you think you can challenge it?
But, at the same time... Did not Mankind look upon the Everest and proclaim climbing it naught but a hobby? The heart of Mankind is with you. Love guides your meat, and justice gives it strength. For all of humankind's sake, you must reach the depths of this crevasse, and inscribe upon it your kin's redemption with letters of fire.
A test of pure, raw resilience where the very fiber of your being will be tested to the utmost limit: In but one quiver of pleasure, you might simply be crushed. A test of pure fundamentals, a battlefield that is a creepy as it is wet, a hunting ground for the unsuited, and the grave of the unsung.
Dare you milk the tightfisted brass with one who bested a God?
(HINT: The Tiger Drop, which negates all damage, may well be your only recourse. I hope your timing is impeccable, as a frame lost is a life lost. Yours.)
1. ?????????
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fallingyams · 1 year
sherliam soulmate AU
(originally posted to my twitter as an idea ramble, now expanded into an actual snippet, I guess)
A universe wherein the initials of your soulmate are written across your wrist. Not everyone has a soulmate - some are born with empty wrists. Others simply choose to ignore them, especially in genteel circles where marriages were often determined by wealth and connections, rather than love.
For the longest time, William had paid no heed to the initials that branded his wrist. He refused to accept the power imbalances of society. He refused to accept Louis’ illness. He refused to accept this broken world as it was.
Rejecting the soulmate that fate had decided for him was simply another item on the list. 
A small part of him had once adored the idea of having a soulmate, someone out there being a perfect match for him. Growing up on the streets and hopping from orphanage to orphanage, however, had left him disillusioned early on. What if his soulmate turned out to be a corrupt noble? Someone as strong willed as he was could never be asked to give up his morals for something as flimsy as love.
Besides, getting attached would only lead to future hurt when he engulfed this society in the flames of justice and retribution.
Surely nobody would want the devil for their soulmate.
Of course, everything changes when he meets Sherlock Holmes aboard the Noahtic. For the first time, William finds himself stunned and thrilled to face an adversary who teeters just a bit too close to discovering the truth behind Enders.
A rather rough-mannered man who was able to spot his love for Mathematics a mile away. A competent detective who sees straight to the heart of matters and suspects that more is at play than a mere murder borne from a moment’s passion.
William’s wrist itches and he finds himself subconsciously tracing fingers over the S.H. hidden under the fabric of his sleeve more than once.
He takes a gamble and reveals his name to the other, at the end of the whole ordeal on the Noahtic, but there is no recognition in Sherlock’s eyes.
It is one of two possibilities, then.
The first being that William is simply mistaken, and Sherlock Holmes sharing the same initials as his soulmate is pure happenstance.
The second possibility, which William strongly suspects, is that Sherlock has his birth initials, instead of this identity that he’s assumed. Without any way of confirming this, however, William decides the matter not worth looking into.
It’s for the better that Sherlock doesn’t find out, anyway.
William deliberates long and hard over this, but decides to be selfish this one last time and encloses the two birth certificates in the envelope along with his letter to the detective. 
His inner turmoil may be all for naught if Sherlock decides to burn the envelope in its entirety, but a small voice that he’s never been able to quash desires for him to be seen this once.
He doesn’t want to be a god, nor does he want to be the devil. He’s been William James Moriarty for as long as the plan has needed him to be.
But just this once... 
He’d like for his soulmate to see him for who he is.
A simple man with strong convictions. A mathematician who loves his field and molding young minds who will be the future of this country. Someone who runs late for lectures and makes bawdy jokes with students and would love for nothing more than a peaceful afternoon with a cup of tea.
He’s already at death’s door.
He’s ready to hand the invitation to his executioner.
It doesn’t take more than a brief glimpse at the birth certificate for Sherlock to make the connection with the initials on his wrist.
He takes off cursing and swearing at the sheer stupidity of his soulmate who is throwing himself headlong at death and prays that he’s not too late to save him.
Not very much later, he gets his confirmation when he reaches out to grab Liam as he falls, his sleeve riding up to reveal the S.H. printed across his wrist in his own unintelligible scrawl.
Sherlock yells and pleads and screams himself hoarse, begging Liam to reconsider the path he’s chosen.
He’s finally found his other half - someone who matches him on an intellectual level, who challenges him and creates interesting puzzles. Someone who beats him at his own game and teases him right back with that flippant smile - like hell he’s about to give the other man up.
William smiles as Sherlock traces the initials on his wrist even as he sinks his grip further into William’s arm.
The pressure hurts, of course, but it’s pushed to the back of his mind as his thoughts cloud over and his heart is briefly so, so full at the other’s acceptance of him.
It’s nice, imagining a future with Sherlock. A soulmate who understands the deepest parts of him, has seen his sins and transgressions and decided to love him regardless.
Just this is enough for him.
William knows he can’t indulge his selfishness for much longer. The splintering bridge cannot possibly support the both of them.
He will not doom his beloved to death with him.
(He hopes that Sherlock can forgive him for condemning him to loneliness - perhaps knowing and losing a soulmate was the most cruel thing he could have done to the other)
“It’s my loss, Sherly.”
He lets himself fall.
He never expected that he’d find someone who would want him for a soulmate. Leave it to this man to defy all expectations.
He certainly never expected Sherlock to jump after him either.
Of course, his detective would never cease to surprise him, even in this.
“Let’s live on.”
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sitp-recs · 16 days
Top 5 (or 10!) fics that actually made you squeal/ laugh/ cry ! :) x
Thank you, anon!
Top 5 fics that made me laugh:
- little red courgette by blamebrampton
- sex ed for aurors by curiouslyfic
- matched set by astolat
- title of their sex tape by cibee
- the pure and simple truth by lettered
Top 5 fics that made me cry:
- far from the tree by aideomai
- nightingale by michi_thekiller
- the long fall by tackytiger
- the eighth tale by lettered
- merlin works in mysterious ways by lordhellebore
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mondaymelon · 1 year
Random question:
How much do you love Xiao?
you do not know
how long i have been waiting for this question.
anon. you have barely seen the surface of my love for him. it cant be called love, at this point. no, its something more dire. something more consuming, a something that swallows one whole.
perhaps you think that you've seen enough, and perhaps, for you, that is the truth. but for i, it is merely a speculation. my "love", as you call it, is something that cannot be described with mere words. no, the very idea of such a feat is simply unthinkable. it's to the point where i am spending my time writing a bible, for xiao. come to the point where i write countless fanfictions, where i close my eyes at 4 am hoping that i may dream of his warm embrace. it is with such delusion that i am able to survive the hell we call existence, and through his presence that i am able to feel fulfilled. i dream of him, dream of his every action, waiting for the day where i may feel his hand in mine and his warm touch. awaiting the day, the day, the day...
some may say ive gone mad.
are they correct? nonono, they are not. i am sound of mind, sound of soul. if you search enough, there shall be no doubt about this fact. there is merely a difference between those who love xiao, and those who "love" xiao. it is apparent that i belong to the latter. as stated previously, a simple 4 letter word cannot express the endless wells of the affection, the obsession that i hold for such a man - nay, the perfect and godly being, he who goes by the name of "xiao."
do i believe? yes. i believe. and i shall stand here, sit, whatever it may be... i shall breathe my inhale and exhale until he appears before me, until i may be satisfied for what i have done in this lifetime... and then i will take his hand. i will take his warm hands and he will clasp his fingers amongst mine, and he will smile at me, the slightest smile, as his pristine lips begin to move as he speaks. as he forms words with that seamlessly smooth voice, one that sways the resolve of the deities themself. "you have done well. i have waited for you."
it is then that i shall cry in his arms.
but none shall witness such a sight excluding the golden eyes of his very own.
delusion? insanity? id like to think that i havent descended into such voids. it is reasonable, to hold such attention for a being as flawless as him. his name is one that holds power, prestige... one that causes the shortness of breath and the racing of hearts. he is powerful, in that way, and many others.
his beautiful eyes that resemble the warm colors of the sun, or perhaps the gilded glow of gold... something as valuable as him deserves something more. something more precious, more priceless. his gliding soft hair that ruffles in the soft breeze, the way his highlights are so striking yet appealing... how his every calculated movement stirs the hearts and souls of the masses. how his stature is fair and his demeanor is graceful. should i go on? surely you have not all the time in the world for such rambling, but thus is the truth. an undeniable truth that none should dare to refute.
and should they... to put it simply, they may just find a knife at their throat... spilling the blood of the one who dared speak ill of such a holy entity.
the pure and faultless him, xiao.
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